#i stopped petting my cat to type this out to you
loveanton · 19 hours
all the stars | park wonbin
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: “today i decided to let you go. not because you acknowledged the pain that you caused me or that you apologized, but because my soul deserves peace.”
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: ex!idol wonbin x f!reader
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: lovers to strangers!au
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 3k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: heartbreak, wonbin is really mean,,,that’s it really.
⏤ 𝑎/n: some angst to spice things up hehe
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“to be infatuated with someone is not the same as being in love with them,” there’s a pregnant pause that slowly fills the lecture room as you and your fellow students dwell on your professor's words. “when you’re infatuated with a person, you are simply in love with the idea of them and what they can offer you at that moment. you lust for them but being in love is completely different. being in love means desiring the happiness of your partner, admiring them for the individual they are, and feeling motivated to be a better person. when you are in love, your relationship goes beyond the superficial things and the physical attraction.”
you pull your eyes away from your professor and glare down at your notes as your mind wanders off to a person you can’t seem to forget these days. park wonbin.
it’s been months since you last heard from the male who can’t seem to leave your thoughts, each memory your heart recalls to your brain breaks you even more.
was what you had with him love or was it infatuation? it couldn’t have been the latter, could it?
no, it wasn’t. you loved him fully and wholly, you loved him for who he was. you didn’t love him for the money, or the expensive gifts. no, you loved the real him. you loved wonbin, the person he always tried so hard to hide, not the well known singer. you loved his obsession with fashion, his cute little giggles, and his overwhelming generosity.
wonbin would do anything for anyone, he was a walking ray of literal sunshine and you miss the warmth he brought into your life.
what you had with him wasn’t infatuation because you could see forever with him-you can still see forever with him. you can still vividly picture the seven bedroom home that he would describe when you two were cuddled up in the backseat of his car. he promised he would build you your dream home and fill it with nothing but kids and pure love, maybe even a few pets if you ever overcame your fear of cats and dogs.
it was love. it is love, because you’re still in love with him even after he broke your heart. even after he left you because of his growing career and walked out on three years worth of effort and love.
“love is a tricky emotion and can be hard to decipher. it creeps in slowly until it fills your whole being and becomes a part of the oxygen you need to breathe. while you might not feel its presence at times, any form of removal and you feel as if you’re beginning to choke.”
you hear the last end of your professor's speech and you can’t help but agree. you’re suffocating without wonbin. regardless of the hurt he’s caused you, you still need him to breathe and you hate both yourself and him for that.
“we’ll pick this up another time, there’s reading for tonight so make sure to take notes because there will be a quiz next class.” professor xu announces before getting to work on wiping down the whiteboard.
you make work of quickly packing your bag before scooting back and exiting the lecture. on your way out you hear the frantic call of your name and that stops you in your steps. you turn around just in time to see your best friend yemi dashing towards you.
“what type of friend forgets about their bestie's existence?” she scoffs once she reaches your side.
you sigh at her dramatic claim before turning back around, “you seemed to be enjoying eye-fucking professor xu, i simply didn’t want to disturb you.”
a scandalized gasp leaves her lips and she reaches out to smack the back of your head. “i was not!”
you hiss at the stinging sensation but decide not to retaliate, “sure you weren’t.”
she falls into step beside you and contemplates her previous actions before asking, “...do you think he caught on?”
you hum, “seeing as you do it every class, probably.”
yemi groans and leans her head on your shoulder. “it’s not my fault God decided to make xu minghao so freaking attractive!”
you reach up and pat her head. “you’ll be fine.”
the two of you continue your walk back to your shared apartment in silence, your mind wanders back to wonbin and you wonder how he’s doing, if he’s eaten today, maybe if he’s even moved on.
“____?” you snap out of your daze when you hear yemi softly calling out to you. you turn your head to look at her and find her staring at you worriedly. “are you okay?”
you nod. “why wouldn’t i be.”
“because you’ve been silent for a whole ten minutes, this is a new record for you, ____…” she trails off and thinks for a few seconds before tentatively adding, “and you’re crying.”
you frown and reach a hand up to touch your cheeks. your eyes widen in surprise when you feel the moisture on them. “oh.”
hesitantly, yemi asks, “...are you thinking about wonbin again?”
and just like that, you brake. your heart cracks a bit more at the sound of his name and the tears instinctively begin to fall. yemi sighs and brings you in closer to wrap her arms around your frail body. you tremble in her arms as you sob like a baby and yemi swears under her breath as her vision gets foggy as tears clog her sight as well. she’s never hated your ex more than she does in this moment.
she doesn’t think she’ll ever be able to forgive him for breaking your heart. all you ever did was love wonbin with your whole being, but the second it came down to it he picked his career and fame over you. the person he promised to love and protect forever.
he left you crying hysterically by the swing set where he first asked you to be his and took your first kiss. now you can’t even walk past the park without crying so you avoid it all together.
“i-i hate him so much yemi.” you cry into her shoulder and she nods.
“i know, me too.”
“it hurts even more because i’m still in love with him! i hate how he still has a piece of me, i hate how i can’t ever stop thinking about him or how i can’t even walk past a stupid park without crying! i just want to be free of him! i want to hate him as much as i love him,” you wail. you can feel yemi tighten her grip on you.
“i hate what he did to you, ____. i know how much you loved him and so it’s going to take you a while to stop loving him, i understand that but that doesn’t mean i understand you wasting away, i’m not saying you need to get over him now. but you can’t let the love you still have for him deter you from bettering yourself and eventually moving on.”
she pulls away and looks at your tear ridden face, “love yourself as much as you love him and find the strength to leave him in your past. stop letting him win.”
you sniff and wipe away the tears in frustration, “i’m trying yemi! you think i like the hold he still has over me? it’s hard to forget three years worth of memories and love!”
she lifts her hand to your cheek to wipe away a stray tear you didn’t even know fell from your eye. “i’m not asking you to forget the memories you made with wonbin my love. i’m telling you to accept the fact that it’s over.”
your body turns rigid as you fully process yemi’s words. she’s right, you need to accept that what you had with wonbin has run its course, he’s not coming back and desperately wishing he would won’t return him to you. you need to let him go so you can find peace and stop wasting your energy on someone who has made it clear you were never worth any of theirs to begin with.
you nod slowly and whisper a meek, “okay.”
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11:58 pm
“____! i did the last ramen run, if i do it again the cashier is going to think i’m a pig!” yemi cries as she rolls around on your bed.
“yemi please, if i stop typing i won’t be able to pick up later!”
she shrugs, “okay and? i will literally give you my card please, ____.”
you sigh, “fine! but you have to cook it too!”
“whatever, just go get the ramen!” she whines.
you sigh and gently shut your laptop. you glare at yemi and snatch her bank card from her hand before promptly exiting your bedroom and apartment all together.
the walk to the seven eleven across the street doesn’t take you more than a minute. you greet the on duty cashier before picking up a basket and head straight for the ramen shelf at the back of the store, you make sure to pick out the spicy carbonara yemi had been crying about all night and one pack of tonkatsu for you. you make your way up to the front of the store to pay but make a quick detour at the candy aisle and pick out a few goodies for yourself, seeing as you’re not the one paying.
as you’re exiting the candy aisle, you hear an all too familiar infectious giggle. your heart begins to race and your grip weakens on the basket when you catch sight of a black haired male with a fresh cut entering the aisle holding hands with another female.
your heart seizes in your chest as your eyes greedily drink him in. the last time you saw him he had bleached his hair blond hell bent on growing out his hair because you would always cry when we he got a new cut. he would always cry about how his fringe would poke his eyes and beg you to tie his hair up for him. You even started carrying around extra hair ties just in case he needed his hair tied back.
he looks away from the girl by his side and makes eye contact with you, his smile faltering and his stare growing cold and distant. just like that you’re brought back to the night he broke your heart and took a piece of you with him.
“we need to break up, ____.”
you feel the world freeze around you as you stare at the back of wonbin’s head, “w-what?”
he straightens his back and turns to face you, pinning an icy glare on your face. “let’s break up. what we have was never meant to last, i can’t be with you anymore.”
you adamantly shake your head, “why? we’re happy together, i love you and you love me. isn’t that enough?”
he scoffs, “did you really think we would last? we’re from two different worlds, ____. it was fun while it lasted but let’s end it here.”
tears begin to prick your eyes as you stare at him in shock that slowly morphs into anger. “where is this coming from wonbin? just last night you told me you loved me and that you couldn’t see yourself with anyone else so why are you hurting me like this!?”
he clicks his tongue and steps closer to you causing you to take a step back. “it was all a lie, i used you to feel better about myself, i can’t see myself with you, imagine how that would look.” he chuckles darkly and glares at you, “world renowned singer dating a nobody.”
you feel your heart shatter at his harsh words, “w-what?”
he sighs, “i know you’re smarter than this, ____, use that big brain of yours for once. you and i were never meant to be, i’m making a name for myself and i need someone who’ll fit in, someone who comes from my world. not a middle class girl playing dress up in higher society.”
you want to slap him, you want to hurt him just as much as his words are hurting you but you can’t bring yourself to do it so you stand there and take the berating.
“delete my number, act as if we’ve never met. i want nothing more to do with you from now on.”
and with that, he leaves. leaves you crying by the swing set where the two of you shared so many memories. where he kissed you like his life depended on it, like you were the oxygen he needed to live.
you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you’re pulled back to reality. you thought your heart would crack some more seeing him again for the first time in three months but it doesn’t, instead you can feel it slowly mending itself back together.
yemi was right, it was time to accept and move on. seeing wonbin with his new girl is doing you more good than you thought it would, it’s clear he’s doing just fine without you so why should you continue to wallow in despair while he’s living his best life.
you deserve happiness too. you spare the couple a smile, probably the most genuine smile you’ve smiled in weeks before sidestepping them and walking to the cashier to pay for your snacks.
you don’t bother sneaking a glance at them, you don’t need to know if he’s looking at her the way he used to look at you, eyes filled with love and a beaming smile on his face. you also don’t need to know if he’s staring at you, hoping you’ll turn around and confront him for what he did to you all those months ago.
no, you don’t need it anymore because you’re choosing to let him go.
you thank the cashier and pick up your bags before exiting the store and jogging back to your apartment.
“yemi!” you call, once unlocking the door.
“what?” she screams back. you quickly drop the bag and sprint towards your room. you find her spread like an eagle across your sheets playing with her nintendo switch not really paying you any attention.
“i ran into wonbin.”
she snaps her head in your direction and quickly drops the game console. “what happened? are you okay?”
you smile and nod, “i think i’m ready to finally let him go.” you take a seat beside her and place your head on her shoulder. “he was with someone else, they seemed happy together and i wasn’t bitter like i thought i would be.”
you play with the strings of your sweatpants, “i want him to be happy. i don’t mind that he doesn’t derive his happiness from me anymore. being able to see him smile so freely and be at ease with someone else helped me realize that what we had truly is over and that’s okay. there’s no need for me to keep punishing myself for something that was never my fault to begin with.”
yemi smiles and wraps her arms around you. “i’m happy for you.”
you cuddle into her side and nuzzle her neck. “thank you. not just for this but for being there through it all, i really appreciate you yemi.”
she hums, “you can show me how much you appreciate me by making the ramen.”
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after bickering with yemi about who would be making the ramen and playing five rounds of rock-paper-scissors, you ultimately lost and cocked for the two of you with the promise of her cleaning up.
after your meals you watched one episode of how to get away with murder together before retreating to your designated rooms.
now, all alone and wide awake with your thoughts, you debate on whether or not you should text wonbin. you stare at his contact and contemplate.
you didn’t have the heart to block him like he told you to, instead you settled for changing his name from wonbin with an obscene amount of heart emoticons to just, jb.
after debating it for a few more moments you decide to do it, what could you possibly lose from this?
02:08 AM 06 / 20 / 23
[you]: hey
[you]: you don't have to respond, i just have a few things i need to get off my chest and i'm not expecting anything from you. you don't even have to read this honestly but i need to say it.
[you]: i loved you. what we had was true unconditional love. being with you made me a better person and taught me to love fearlessly. i wasn't in love with the money or the expensive gifts or dates. i liked being in your presence, i liked the lowkey dates where we ate fast food in the back of your car, the dates where we were just wonbin and y/n. not the ones where you forced yourself to be park wonbin, that's not who i loved because he wasn't you. i loved the real you. i still love you.
[you]: but with that said, i'm choosing to let you go. i can't keep holding on to the idea that you're going to come back to me. it's time for me to leave you in my past and move on, i can't keep crying myself to sleep and wondering what i did wrong because the truth is, i didn't do anything wrong. the only thing you could possibly ever accuse me of is loving you too much.
[you]: i'm not asking for an apology or for you to even acknowledge the pain you've caused me. i'm not doing this for you, i'm doing it for me. i deserve just as much happiness as you do so i'm giving myself the closure you never did.
[you]: thank you for the memories we made together over the three years i got to call you mine. thank you for the late night drives when my insomnia was preventing me from sleeping, thank you for making the birthdays we shared together the most memorable. thank you for allowing me to know the real you, wonbin.
[you]: i hope you can continue to find happiness and that you never lose touch with the real you. a part of me will always love you.
you’re not even bothered by the fact that he left you on read. in fact a smile finds its way on your face. you place your phone down on your bedside table and fall asleep soundly for the first time in forever.
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flippinpancakes64 · 3 days
The Cullens with a cat
Inspired by my cat who is currently running around my room at full speed
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I feel like you would have to sneak the cat in
Not that it would be easy since he can read minds and whatever
But I don't think he would agree to a cat
He thinks he is a monster who doesn't deserve love
That translates to animals as well
But he's totally the type to not want the cat and then become best friends with it
He won't go full cat dad and get it clothes and cute hats or anything, but he'll buy a shit ton of toys
His room is FILLED with so much stuff for this tiny little cat
He would have moved out his couch to make more room for it if the little kitten didn't like laying on it so much
He's very careful though
Hardly ever pets it unless it comes over to him and starts rubbing up on his leg
Overall 9/10 cat dad minus 1 point because he's basically cowering in fear over this little baby
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I get the feeling she'd love cats
The type to stop and pet one when she sees it on the street
Wouldn't be opposed to you bringing one home, but I can also see her bringing one home too tbh
Maybe she found it outside, maybe she saw it in a shelter, who knows
All you know now is that Alice has brought a tiny, furry cat into your room and she adores it
Can and will play dress-up with the cat
Cute bows, sparkly dresses, those little boots, you name it, the cat has worn it
I also feel like she'd prefer a longhair cat so she can style its fur
Also the type to put it on a leash and take it places
Or put it in her purse like it's one of those teacup dogs
8/10 cat mom, the cat took away 2 points because it probably wouldn't be fond of dress-up
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Tbh he'd love the cat
He's always been on the quieter side, preferring to be by himself or with Alice
He would say no if you asked him for a cat, but also wouldn't push further if you insisted you really wanted one
In his mind, he told himself he would just ignore it, take care of it if you asked him to, but he immediately fell for it
He's drawn to positive emotions
So it's no secret why he wants to be around the fluffy ball of love and you when you're cooing over it
I also feel like he'd really enjoy the (mostly) chill nature of a cat
I feel like dogs probably overstimulate him tbh
More than once you've found him laying on his back with the cat on his chest just snoozing away
10/10 cat dad he loves that thing with all of his dead heart
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I think she's kind of indifferent
She doesn't really care either way
The only thing she would care about would be the smell
(Which she would easily fix by buying one of those expensive litter robots lol)
But after that she could care less
She gets a little hurt when you spend more time with the cat than with her, but if you're willing to just pick it up and have a group cuddle session, she doesn't mind
She'll take care of it if you ask her too as well
She'll clean up after it, feed it, give it water
But she won't really hang out with it
If the kitty comes over to her and snuggles up next to her or brushes up against her leg, she'll pet it but she won't drop everything she's doing
Overall 7/10 she does the bare minimum and she's not rude just indifferent
A cat roommate instead of a cat mom I suppose
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Definitely popular opinion here but he's more of a dog guy
He would love to be able to run around with a big dog and play fetch
Not to say he'd hate a cat though
If you asked him if you could get one he'd say yes
On the condition that you let him get a dog of course
The only times he'll ever really interact with the cat is if you come up to him with it
Or if you're cuddling with it when he's in the room
He'll give it a couple pats on the head but he won´t know what to do past that
He would love a playful cat though
I can imagine big, burly Emmett holding one of those little feathers on a string as a cat jumps after it
He'd love it
8/10 cat dad confused but he's got the spirit
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Ultimate cat mom
Very likely that you didn't even have to ask, she already had one
She will buy her cats only the best everything
That wet cat food from the cans that are expensive
Only the highest priced litter robot
Maybe even diamond plated food bowls idk
The first time it coughs up a hairball she freaks out and wants to take it to the vet
Carlisle better learn veterinary science quick
In all seriousness that cat becomes her baby
She is cradling it, whispering and singing to it, dressing it up in little clothes, taking it everywhere
She didn't let it jump on to any surfaces for a while, always insisting on picking it up and setting it there
Like Edward, this cat basically has a room all to itself
Cat trees, scratching posts, cat beds, hammocks, automatic feeders, one of those little water fountains, like three robots
Literally spoiled
11/10 that is her child. Might as well be her flesh and blood
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He's got a lot on his plate
A whole family of vampires that he needs to make sure is well hidden
A very stressful career as a doctor
The treaty with the wolves
Literally everything in the whole plotline sort of falls onto his shoulders
If you ask him for a cat I feel like he would say yes, but he wouldn't be too happy about it
All he can think is that this is going to be another one of those things that he has to take care of
If you prove that you can take care of it all by yourself though, he'll come around
You'll find him in his office late nights working on some records from the hospital with the cat snuggled safely in his lap
If there are any visitors to the Cullen house his favorite prop to appear more human is to hold the cat
If you ask him he'll say he always loved the cat, but that's not true
9/10 cat dad. Very peaceful, he just loves to chill
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Vampire! Bella:
She's a cat lady
Before she moved to Forks and even during her early time there, she was a loner
All she did was hang out at home and read
That's stereotypical cat mom right there
I feel like maybe she didn't have a cat because she thought she couldn't handle the responsibility
She's changed so much since becoming a vampire, she's definitely ready for one now
She would have forgotten her old human wish for a kitty until you brought one home though
You wouldn't even really need to ask
I feel like she would find a lot of comfort in the cat
It would ground her to her old human life
Make it easier to remember
She wouldn't go all crazy with buying stuff for it though
However she would take care of it
A lot of the time you'll find her zooming to get up and feed it as soon as it starts meowing for food
And you'll find the two of them cuddling whenever she's reading
Overall 10/10 very comfortable very human
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nyukyusnz · 5 months
i love you.
i love you like how the stars love the moon at night and they compliment it all night long. how the stars and moon are made for each other,, and the stars surround the moon with all its love and all it has. how in the day time when the moon is out and the stars aren't visible,, you know theyre still there. how the stars will never leave the moon. and im your star,, like you've said<3
i love you more than the water and depth in the ocean. when you think of my love i want you to envision the waves of an ocean, carrying out water—except it's not water,, but my love for you. every time a wave is pushed against shore,, thats me giving my love to you.
i love you like music. how it carries out so many feelings and emotions,, how it makes so many people feel and controls one's mood. how my happy songs are being around you in laughs and giggles with smiles plastered across our faces as we stare lovingly into each others eyes. how the saddest songs are us crying together,, holding each other as we either vent or sit in silence. how all the love songs are about you. how you gave those songs meaning and youre the reason i listen to them.
i love you like a hug. i love how you warm me and make me so comfortable. how you make me feel safe and special,, that i mean something. that someone's there. you listen. youre the one giving me those hugs ive always wanted and needed. i love you like i love the feeling of arms—your arms—around me.
i love you like writing. oh, darling,, how i could write an eternity about you and how much i love you. i love you like the variety of a single word. i love you like how i love the word "love",, and youre my love. youre my exact definition of it. someone i love,, just as hate is a strong word,, so is love. and i love you. i love you like i love writing paragraphs and stories,, writing songs that remind me of you or notes i know would make you smile.
i love you like art. like my favorite piece of art. like a pretty framed picture, set in such a prettily decorated frame. i love you like the mix of multiple colors into one and thrown so perfectly upon a canvas it creates such a mesmerizing image you want to stare at for the rest of your life. how you feel in the moment,, or a specific way just by the sight of something so stunning. how you wish to be there or be like it,, but its one of a kind and nothing compares to it. like everyone else in my eyes when it comes to you. no one could be like you. absolutely no one. youre one of a kind and special to me in every possible way.
i love you<3.
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captainfern · 6 months
thinking about captain john price being built like this
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oh… (18+, gn!reader)
in my humblest of opinions, the ‘strong dad bod’ is one of the sexiest fucking builds a man can have and i can’t stop thinking about them
especially if price had one *screams into my pillow like an idiot*
can you imagine how obsessed he’d be with draping his body over yours ?? like if you’re at the kitchen counter, or standing on your toes to reach something on a high shelf, price would be smushing himself right up against your back
big arms wrapping around your torso, large hands splayed over the softness of your belly, the warm mounds of his pectorals and stomach pressed firmly against your back
he’d tuck his head against your shoulder and kiss your neck and the side of your face, pushing more of his weight onto you
such a good hugger, so warm and cozy and safe <3 would also be used as a human weighted blanket and i’d hope to god he’d trap me beneath him oh my god
imagine running your hands up and down the smooth, fatty ridges of muscle that took up most of his abdomen and arms. the hair too !! ugh i’d just pet him for hours like a little cat lol
*sarah paulson voice* THE HORNY IS ESCAPING !!!
thinking about the feel of this kind of body draped over your back as he fucked you hard into the mattress, both of his hands on your hips and keeping you pinned so that he could rut into you like a man starved
mmm or his large hands wrapped around your legs and keeping them bent up towards your head while he drills into you, his own soft tummy rubbing against yours
price with a muscly dad bod like this would make you put your legs over his wide shoulders while he’s eating you out, one hand on the pudge of your lower stomach and the other squeezing the flesh of your arse
god his cock would be so fucking thick like don’t even get me started 😭
he’d stretch you open so well too, make you come almost one too many times before he’s easing himself into you and stretching you open with a moan of your name
or or you’d ride him and constantly running your hands and/or nails up and down the soft dips of his body, moaning as his cock hit so deep and almost made you come within mere seconds of sinking down onto his cock lmao
i’m so horny for price and this type of body oh my god i just can’t
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yuukiiqwq · 3 months
Satoru is the type to get jealous over little things because he just wants you all to himself. Right now, he's sulking on the couch. Why, you may ask? Let's rewind a bit.
When you finally moved into Gojo's house, you got a cat. No, you didn't adopt one. It was Gojo. He came back one day with a cat.
"Toru. Why are you holding a cat?"
"Excuse you! His name is Fluffball!" He huffed. "And starting today, he's living with us!"
You blinked at him. Did he just name the cat Fluffball? What kind of name is Fluffball??
"Satoru Gojo."
He flinched at you, calling him by his full name. His brain instantly went into danger mode and activated his secret weapon.
"He'll keep you company whenever I go on missions!" He said as he gave you the puppy eyes. "And isn't he adorable?"
You bit the bottom of your lip. This was cheating. He knew that you couldn't resist. You don't mind adopting a cat... but out of nowhere? Do you trust yourself with taking care of a pet?
You sigh as you gave in. You couldn't say no. The cat was adorable after all...
"Fine. We can keep him."
His eyes instantly lighted up as he smiled down at the cat in his arms.
"You hear that Fluffball? She said yes!" He spins around with the cat, causing the cat to let out a series of meows.
You shaked your head from his antics. "Stop spinning the poor cat. And we will not be calling him Fluffball."
Thus causing Satoru to whined immediately. After all, in his opinion, Fluffball was a great name!
That was a few weeks ago. Now, back to the present. You ended up adoring the cat. Which is fine and all, but you've been paying attention to the cat more than Gojo lately. Like he's right here next to you, and instead of cuddling him, you're cuddling that cat.
And the name you came up with for the cat? Even worse. You took his nickname and gave it to the cat.
How did he find out? Well, it started with you asking for the cat to come over to you.
"Toru, come here," you called.
Satoru immediately came to your side, but you had a look of confusion, thus causing him to become puzzled himself.
"Satoru, why did you come over?
"You called for me! Obviously, I came to your side as fast as possible!"
You narrowed your eyes at him. "I was not calling for you. I was calling for Toru." You motioned your hand towards the cat that came over. You immediately picked him up and covered him with kisses.
He was absolutely confused, and it wouldn't be the last.
Out of nowhere, all the nicknames you would call him would go straight towards the cat. No, he was no longer Toru. Or Babe. Or Darling. Or Baby. Or love of my life. Or beautiful dashing amazing boyfriend. He was just Satoru.
He regrets ever bringing that cat home. So what did he do? Well... he called Suguru for a favor.
The next day, when you came home calling for the cat, no noise was heard. You searched all throughout the house but didn't find the cat anywhere. Then you heard the front door unlocking and Satoru walking in with the biggest smile.
"Satoru, do you know where Toru is?"
He walked up to you and immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close.
"Well... I invited Suguru over while you were out, and Suguru just fell in love with the cat."
"He wanted to bring him to his house for a few days! He said something about how he adores that little thing and wanted to spend a lot, and I mean a lot of time with him!"
You immediately knew something wasn't right. There was no way Suguru would do something like that.
You sternly repeated his name– "Satoru."
You stared him in the eyes, waiting for him to tell you the truth.
"Fineeeeee. I called Suguru for a favor," he whined as he nuzzled against your neck. "You're spending too much time with Fluffball! You're forgetting your amazing boyfriend!
"I am not forgetting you, Satoru. We literally live together. You're insufferable, and like you said, you're my boyfriend. I can't forget you that easily. And his name is not Fluffball."
"Oh, so now you remember your poor lonely boyfriend! Don't lie to me!" He huffed at you. "You're calling that cat by my nicknames! What happened to calling me Toru! Or baby! Or my beautiful dashing amazing boyfriend!"
"I have never called you by that last one in my life," you said as you rolled your eyes at him. "Are you really jealous of a cat, Satoru?"
He leaned into you, putting all his weight on you. He was basically crushing you as he continued his whining.
"So what if I'm jealous! You're not paying any attention to me! I thrive off of attention! Especially yours!"
You chuckled at his response.
"There's nothing to be jealous of Satoru. How can I make up for your horrible suffering?"
You felt the instant regret the second those words left your lips. You see the way his eyes get clouded with lust as you feel one of his hands trail up your thigh.
"Oh, you'll make it up to me, alright," he whispered in your ear. "At the end of this, the only thing you'll be able to think of is me and my cock."
He then pulled you into a hungry and greedy kiss. He kissed you like he had been deprived of you for years. And in his opinion, he has.
You only noticed you're in the bedroom once you felt the soft mattress behind you. You don't recall how he brought you into the bedroom. All you know is that you're in for a very long night because he's not letting you go anytime soon.
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zooophagous · 3 months
I'm gonna be contrarian here for a minute and rant about "cats aren't even good pest control."
Which, one study that found cats don't do well against rats is not the be all end all of reality. A cat may not go after Norway rats, which are large and aggressive, no. An adult male wild Norway rat is large enough to give almost any cat a run for its money.
But Norway rats aren't the only thing that exist and get into houses and barns. It is very cold where I live, and while I see mice and packrats and voles, I have never once seen a wild RAT. Wild RATS don't get into my garage. Deer mice do. Bushy tailed pack rats do.
And you know what fixed it?
My cat. He's not even an outdoor cat. He's 100% indoors, or in the garage but only with the door closed so he can't leave.
He single handedly removed my packrat problem. I didn't need to resort to poisons and while I did set traps, none of them had even half of his success rate. Cats were domesticated primarily because of how good they are at catching small rodents. Their success knocked other animals such as trained ferrets off the popular spot for the task. Claiming a cat is useless as pest control is just plain not true.
Cats are decent pest control WITHIN CERTAIN PARAMETERS. They're good for certain types of small pest, and cats need ro be CONTAINED. Much like poisons, you can't just throw cats around willy nilly because they'll kill a shitload of non target animals.
A barn or shop cat is a good option for long term mouse control *if* it is actually confined to that barn or shop and not free to just leave. A semi feral cat that lives in a large warehouse and is vaccinated and desexed and vetted and kills whatever tiny pests get in to chew on stuff is the best case scenario for an adopted feral.
What I do NOT get however, is the insistence that terriers are better and you should just get one of those.
A dog is not an easy animal to keep and nor is it one you should go purchase because you want long term pest control in your barn. If you want a pest control solution call an externinator. If you want a dog that's intelligent and driven and needs dedicated training and care and you're happy to put in the energy to actually focus its chaotic energy into something useful then go get a ratting terrier.
These little dogs do not fill the same niche as a barn cat and their care is quite a bit more intense in general especially if the dog is going to be a house pet as well as a worker. They're intense and destructive and can and will pick fights, often fatal fights, with other animals. Stop telling people to go get one when all they need is to get some squirrels out of a shed. Buying a dog and buying pest control are not the same thing.
You could *hire* a ratter to do a sweep, but unless you're also removing the conditions that made your property popular with rats to begin with you're going to have to keep bringing them back.
The kind of people who leave feral cats outside to roam and breed freely are the last fucking people who have any business keeping a working line terrier.
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catiuskaa · 5 months
need you to [Lee] Know.
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SUMMARY: minho loves you: to him, it’s as clear as water. Its only after he finds out that you’re starting to doubt it—he needs you to know just how much.
REQUESTED! here by an anonnie. I hope you like it, pookie, ‘cause I had fun doing this! <3
CW: slight hurt/comfort if you squint, but it’s just fluffy fluffy lino being really down bad and not knowing how to grasp it tbh which just gives me my serotonin dosis for the rest of the month lol
WC: 1.2k
A/N: also omfg kats posting two requests on the same day? that’s right baby, look at me go! 🤩🤩🤩
Minho was not the type to show his affection.
He comes off more like a shy kitten that slowly gets used to you, your sweet smell and how soft your touch feels, and then slowly opens up.
“But, uh… can I be real with you for a sec?”
It’s a feminine voice with a strong accent. He can hear it comming from your room, and the slight glitchiness of it makes it obvious that it’s a phone call set on speaker.
“Sure.” He can almost see you shrug, but he just closes the main door as soft as he can, pleading for the cats to stay silent for a little bit longer.
Minho can’t exactly place together why he’s overhearing your phone call. He knows who you’re calling, he can recognize Chan’s sister by her tone. But still, he keeps quiet, gently placing his bag down and silently taking his shoes off.
“I just— and don’t get me wrong, but, your boyfriend kinda seems… bored of you.”
What? Minho has to hold back a scoff, remaining as still as a statue next to the front door. He’s waiting for you to deny it.
“You think so?”
And then, he frowns, because you didn’t. Instead, your tone sounded hesitant. Dubious.
As if you weren’t sure if Minho loved you.
“You say he keeps cancelling your plans together. He has stopped making time for you. Like, girl, you can’t remember when was the last time he told you he loved you.”
Hannah pauses, and that only makes it worse, because it lets every word sink in.
“I uh, well. I ain’t gonna say that he should throw flowers at you every single second, but, uh, you know.”
He can only hear you groan loudly, almost picturing that cute motion you usually did when he meaningly teased you, taking your hair and covering your face with it.
“Can’t say anything for sure with him,” Hannah adds. “But, just by what you’re saying…”
Minho’s heart clenches tightly in his chest. He doesn’t want to keep hearing this... this nonsense. God, he loves you. And you… can’t see it? Frowning, he starts walking to your room, but his movements end in a halt, his hand just above the doorknob, threatening to grasp it and fully open the door.
“Girl, it’s gotta be late down there. Sorry this whole call was about me.” Your chuckle comes off slightly dry. “I’ll talk to you later, ‘kay? Go get some good sleep.” Your tone just screams how bad you’re feeling, and it just makes his chest swell with guilt that slowly creeps up his body.
Maybe he had been taking you for granted?
He opens the door as soon as you press the red button, sighing loudly after ending the call. When you see him, you jump in your place, startled by his presence, and you stand up awkwardly.
“Minho!” You say in a squirm. He can’t help but cringe slightly.
“No.” His tone sounds childish, like a petty toddler who didn’t want to eat the carrots in their lunch.
You frown slowly, the slightly wary grimace melting on your face, allowing a soft confusion to step in.
“No what?” You mutter.
He walks to you slowly, and grabs your hand, taking it to his chest, pressing it flat against his clothed skin, over his heart. You can feel his heartbeat, a not-too-slow rhythm: thump, thump, thump.
“Call me by a pet name. Any pet name.” He says, his tone equally firm and soft. “Call me by a pet name and say you love me.”
He’s serious, but god, so fucking nervous. His brain is slowly melting away because he’s so bad with words and he isn’t sure any action could be enough. He’s already blushing.
“I, huh… I love you, jagi.” You mumble, still confused.
And even if you don’t say it as fondly as always, or if your smile isn’t beaming like how it usually did, you can feel his heartbeat quickening.
“You can feel it, right?” His eyes are soft and worried.
Oh, God. You just know you’ve gotta be pouting. It’s hard to react with words, and the only thing you can fathom doing is linking your arms behind his nape and sinking your face on the crook of his neck.
“Min, I’m so sorry.”
“N-no, kitten.” He mumbles, hugging you tightly too. “I am the one who’s sorry.”
He breathes in, drowning in your soft fragrance. Home. It’s you, it’s warm, and he loves it.
He loves you.
So, he says it. He has to say it. He can’t not say it.
“I love you.”
And it feels so good to let it out that he chuckles. He has to say it again. “I love you.” And again. “God, I love you.” Just once more. “I love you so much.” He’s giggling like a fool, but he’s a fool in love, and that makes him blush even more. “I can’t not love you. Not loving you would turn everyday into Mondays. Like, I can get it tattoed if you want me to. I just. I love you so much that ‘I love you’ can’t even—.”
You move from his shoulder, now facing him, and you cradle his face, pulling him in a kiss that’s so sweet that threatens to give both of you type 1 diabetes.
“Y-you’re crying.” Minho mumbles, softly brushing the stray tears away with his thumb.
“It’s your fault, silly.” You sniff, giggling too. “How can you say stuff like that?”
Your heart is beating like crazy, the butterflies in your stomach are multiplying by seconds and in your cheeks glistens a bright and deep shade of pink.
You want to say it too. But in his own way.
So, you take his hand and settle it on your chest. Right above your heart.
It’s a rapid thump thump thump that Minho feels right away. He can’t help but smile widely.
“I super-mega-love you.” He teases, picking you up in between his arms.
You’re laughing, squirming in his hold.
“Lee Minho! Put me down!”
But he just grips your body tighter to his, and walking as if you weighted nothing, heading towards your bed, plopping you down there.
“Good girl.” He snickers, and you blush even further. Minho takes your chin tenderly and pecks your lips. For a moment, certain kind of idea flashes through his head, but he just kissed you again, following his previous thought.
He opens your closet with a toothy grin, and halfly eyes the window before picking up a random shirt, a grey hoodie that used to be his, a dark skirt and your thigh-high socks, going as far as to the suspenders for you.
He then turns to face you, his eyes glowing. He can’t wait to see you all dolled up. Minho feels like a teenager, and he loves it.
“You have twenty minutes.”
You blink at him, and you can’t help but smile, confused.
“I’m taking your cute ass to a date.”
It may not be an instant fix to the struggles to your relationship, but as you two walk down the beach, looking for colourful rocks that match each other’s eye colour, you know that he’s worth fighting for.
Regarding Minho, he happily hums to himself, eyes glued to your figure as you cackle and run in the beach, as you look behind you and giggle at the prints your boots leave in the humid sand.
He smiles, running towards you, tackling you and holding you in his arms.
He’s not letting go anytime soon.
~Kats, who always struggles to choose a picture for the fics because istg lino looks good in every single moment!!
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animeshotsh · 5 months
Devils Touch | Dad!Lucifer x Kid!Reader |
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Summary: Being forced to take pills alongside your mother just seems enough to end in hell...
Warnings: Suicide mentions | Death | Canon Violence| Cursing | Lucifer its a softie | SFW | Reader its between 5-7 | Reader takes the form of a sheep/cat mix | Reader's mom sucks tbh | Maybe platonic!yandere Luci? |
When you opened your eyes everytning was red. Screams and insults filled the air, the smell of blood and other things you could not understand filled your nose making you gag.
"Mom?" You asked to no one, no one took note of you. All you could see were strange creatures, some more human and some more animal.
Tears went down your face, you could remember being forced to take some pills. Your mother crying while she did the same.
Something was wrong, really wrong.
"And what do we have here?" A stranger voice said taking you by the collar, you ended up meeting with sharp red eyes, and that look....it did not mean well.
"L-let me go" you screamed trying to get free from this thing. Reacting out you saw your hands were now black with claws, making your mind quick you attacked that thing.
It let you go with a small "fuck". You took of running, not knowing where to go, but you could hear that thing behind you chasing you.
Taking a quick look behind you ended against something. Looking up someone wearing a white suit with a cane and a hat that had a snake looked to you.
"P-please help me" you tried again "I dont know whats happening I want my mom"
The stranger took you by your arms to inspect you.
Lucifer stood there with no emotion seeing the "x" on your neck. Suicide? He thought seeing the mark. But you were just a kid, with fluffy cat hears and a tail, however your hair was not the one from a cat but the one from a sheep...or a lamb. Two little horns did also appear on top of your head.
He cursed inside his mind. Maybe you were killed, or forced to something. You were too small, your soul did not let out any type of malice besides the "sin" of taking your own life.
He soon saw a Demon coming towards him, most likely looking for you, and with no debout their intentions were not good.
Just one flick of his hand the Demon was gone. You were shaking looking at him and then around you.
Fuck, he wished Charlie was here, he knew she would be able to calm you down.
Taking care of sinners was not his job. His job was to rule hell, but he could not just leave you in here. He was sure you would be dead again in seconds.
Or worse.
"Calm down Kid, im going to take care of you" his voice was as soft as he could. Turning around opening a gold portal to his home "whats your name?"
He nodded once he hear your name, carefully petting your head. He passed by many old photos of his family. A maid appear besides him looking at the sinner in his arms.
"Please, prepare a bath and get some clothes " Lucifer requested passing you to her.
Or well, trying to.
"N-no, I dont want to go with her!" Your hands took an iron grip on his suit.
Lucifer almost panicked at your state but tried to remember what he used to do when Charlie was this young.
"Listen, she is someone good. You will be taken care off. We can have lunch later, and some sweets"
"...chocolate?" You asked with pleading eyes
After your bath and food you were in a better mood. Lucifer used this time to show you around the house while asking you different questions to try and know why you had ended in here.
He showed you his ducks collection and almost passed out by how much you loved them. You ignored him as you played with the duck, almost burning the wall with one of them.
Lucifer decided to tired you up and then look up for your mothers soul. If you two died together...then the chances of her being down here were high.
It was harder than he expected. The sugar from the chocolate gave you so much energy you ended checking every room of the house. Lucifer behind you trying to stop you from getting hurt or from breaking something.
"Catch me if you can!" You joked while he tried to balance two statues.
With a swing of his wings he was able to catch you, rolling down the stairs and laughtning with you. You seemed....happy almost forgetting your situation. To you this could be nothing but a bizarre dream.
Once you were tired enough, Lucifer took you to one room. His heart made a flip when you took his arm pulling him close.
But he needed to go and see where your mother's soul was. So he made the maid stay outside your room just in case you woke up.
"That fucking bastard, son of a bitch, cursed slut" Lucifer screamed almost burning his office. Turns out, your mother was not in hell or heaven, she was alive, whatever she was triying to do failed for her.
He wanted to go there and kill her himself. Not only her but heaven as well, you were just a kid. Sure, you had cursed, and lied sometimes, he had read your record of sins. But that was not enough to make you end down here.
He knew your faith was sealed. Heaven would never admit they made a mistake or listen to him for starters. He had to calm down and think.
And after some minutes he decided the safest option would be for you to stay with him. He was not sure how he would explain to you who he was or what had happened. But he knew a few things, besides him no one would try to hurt you, and also you made him feel happy again. He could raise you, be a better father, be someone you could relay on.
"Its decided" he said to himself, picking up a pen and a paper, he wrote down your name and his last name. This way the other sins and overlords would know not to mess with you.
"Dont worry (y/n) im going to protect you.
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leaf-motif · 1 year
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Feline Fiesta - Infants might be taking up most of the attention right now, but I found myself wishing for more pet options! These might be a little bit silly but honestly, I'm sick of the same old basic litter box and I bet you are too. This one cleans itself, but you can let everybody know that you're a tidy person by staging this very fancy litter scoop right next to it. The litter mat also makes a great kitchen or bath rug, and I couldn't stop myself from recreating one of my favorite plants from ACNH. Seven items total, and the non-functional items are base game compatible! Pet items require Cats & Dogs pack. 
✨You can search for these in the catalogue by typing "leafmotif" or "fiesta"
This set is in early access. It will release to the public on April 22! Check me out on patreon!
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toji-bunny-girl · 6 months
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CHARACTERS— Santa!Gojo Satoru x pretty sexy gorgeous fem!reader SUMMARY— Supposedly another Christmas night being lonely and horny, you’re suddenly woken up by Santa coming to claim you your Christmas gift. WORD COUNT— 3k+ CONTENT WARNING— slight angst, swearing, smut, porn with plot, virginity lost, fingering, clit sucking, oral sex, no protection A/N— Merry Christmas, my fellow bitchless angels 😔 Ya’ll better not let this shit flop or else I’m going insane. btw guys God literally told me face-to-face that my dog is cuter than your pet 😨 it’s true tho
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“So,” your co-worker, Mina started as she haled the roll-up gate down, flipping her long extensions behind her shoulder before grabbing the lock from your extended hand, “got any plans this Christmas?”
“I don’t know…I’ll probably go out with my friends to the new cat cafe. You?” you watched as her fingers worked deftly to lock the gate before trying to pull it open in an attempt to make sure she got it locked.
“Kai wants to visit Ginzan Onsen, said it’ll be the best place to ‘make love’ or something. I mean, long story short he thinks it’s a cute place to fuck,” Mina apprised, always a little bit too forward with her wordings—her bold personality and style amolous from yours.
Albeit she’s amiable and kind, you still couldn’t quite get used to her blatant forwardness despite working with her for the past 5 months. And Mina loved teasing you about how sensitive you are; already blushing from the mere word ‘fuck’.
“Look at how cute you are, (Y/N). Your face is starting to get red!” she giggled, pointing as you hit her arm, feeling your cheeks warming against the cold winter air. “You know, they say the shy-est are usually the kinkiest…”
“Just leave me alone, Mina!” you embarrassingly whined, slapping a palm over her glossed lips before pushing her away. She lets out a few satisfied laughs before raising her hands up in capitulation, already knowing when to stop before you get irritated at her.
“Alright, I’m sorry, ‘kay baby?” she cooed, plump lower lips jutting out into a pout as she wrapped her arms around your waist.
“You keep teasing me,” you frowned and pushed her stubborn hands off of you before you began walking towards the train station.
“Cuz’ you’re so cute. You’re always acting like such a virgin,” her arm hung over your shoulders and your body sunk forward at the sudden weight.
“Now, is there a problem with that…” you spoke lowly, flickering your sight towards her, wary of her reaction.
“You cannot be shitting me?!” Mina widened her eyes, two elder couples turning their attention on her egregious tone, “I mean like, look at you! You’re so pretty and such a good girl. Who wouldn’t want you?! I want you!”
“I don’t know…I just haven’t met the one.”
“There’s tons of guys who want you, (Y/N)! You gotta be a little bold, get out of your shell if you wanna meet ‘your one’.”
“Man…I just wish someone perfect for me who isn’t a creep would come to me,” you sighed, your hand holding onto Mina’s dangling one over your neck. Nearing the station, you could see Kai, her boyfriend already waiting by the entrance for her—probably heading to dinner together later on.
“You’ll find one for sure,” she glanced at you, a bright reassuring smile on her face, and you returned her one before feeling the weight on your shoulders lifted when she pulled her arm away, then waved at Kai.
“So, how was work today?” the male strode over, his two hands reaching out to hold Mina’s from the pockets of his coat before turning to greet you.
“It’s fine, lots of couples today,” she replied, following as you passed the ticket gate and rode the escalator up to the platform. “And as usual, we got a few single lads asking for our pretty girl’s Line today.”
“Yeah, and you forgot to add that they’re either delinquents or high school boys,” the two couples chortled as you sighed, tired of how you’re always attracting guys who are definitely not your type.
“We’re gonna have to get security for our candy shop because of our (Y/N), huh?” Mina joked, nudging Kai’s side with her shoulder as you rolled your eyes.
Within seconds, the bells signaling the coming arrival of the train started, the train announcer apprising the next destination as Shinjuku-sanchōme—20 minutes until you reach your home station.
“Sorry, (Y/N). Kai and I are gonna ride another train to Shinbashi so we can’t go in with you,” the train had arrived and the doors slid open as workmen and women surged in like sea waves.
“No, no! It’s fine. Happy holidays, guys,” you smiled as you began to follow the crowd into the half-packed train.
“Merry Christmas, (Y/N)!” the two bid, Mina waving all the while.
“Enjoy your trip to Ginzan, you two!” you giggled, slightly waving back before jumping onto the train just as its doors began to slide close. The smell of heater and sweat filled your nose and as you swiftly scanned your sight around, you saw most smiling at their phones, probably texting their loved ones, and a few couples giggling in their seats.
Another lonely Christmas, you thought.
Your stomach was growling as you prowled the streets for the nearest convenience store. The sky was already blanketed with darkness and you thought visiting any restaurant would only mount your forlornness, so you figured a quick meal from the store would do for your hunger.
The luminously salient sign of your local convenience store caught your eyes from a distance away, and you hurriedly scorched towards the store. Entering, the cashier greeted you when the automated door slid open with a ding to announce your presence, and you nodded your head with a smile before trodding your way to the back where packed bentos were.
Your eyes raked over the bentos, looking for your favourite Katsudon to find it absent from the display. A surge of annoyance rose in you as your brow knitted into a frown, ‘Can’t even have my Katsudon, huh?’. Grabbing the nearest bento instead, you made your way to the cashier while rummaging through your bag for your wallet.
“Do you want your bento heated up, miss?” the male mooted, a serviceable smile on his face. He caught your affirmative hum before setting the food in the microwave, and silence then transpired between the two of you.
The smell of the heating fried rice pervaded through the air in the wake of the anticipated ‘ding’. The cashier took out the bento and wrapped it in a plastic bag before handing you both the plastic and a card, “Thank you for your purchase, and Merry Christmas!”
You thanked the male and claimed your things before heading out of the store with another ‘ding’, throwing the card into the plastic bag and burying your hands deep in the warmth of your pockets.
What seemed to be your wontedly peaceful route back home suddenly became a path of silent lonesomeness. At that moment, you must be colder than anyone else in Japan. While they have the love and heat of a lover to warm them up—you had no one but yourself.
The walk home was longer than usual and you immediately turned on the heater when you entered your apartment, feeling your limbs beginning to numb. Taking out a few beer cans from the fridge, you set them on the small chabudai along with your cooling packed dinner—ready to scarf down your meal.
It took you an empty bento box and two beer cans to notice the Christmas card the cashier gave you on the wooden floor, probably dropped when you took the packaged meal out of the plastic bag. You could feel yourself getting tipsy as the alcohol set in your veins, rushing to your brain and making it all light and woozy.
“Christmas…Wish?” you read the bold, cursive title aloud, eyes absorbing the contents on the card.
Write a wish on this card and Santa shall grant what you seek!
Aren’t these for kids or something? Why would the cashier give you something like this? It’s obviously fake, but for you to think of a wish…you would love to be a millionaire. Or a billionaire. Or have a pet cat. Or…
Heading to your bedroom to get your pen, you trodded back to the chabudai where the card was, taking your time to ruminate on what to write just for the fun of it. Perhaps it was the alcohol thumping in your pulse, absorbing whatever sense you have in your head as it passed your bloodstream—you found yourself injudiciously scribbling something you normally wouldn’t.
Lose my virginity. 
Fire popped beneath the skin of your cheeks as you stared at the piece of card with your writing on it. “I must have gotten insane…” you sighed, rubbing your eyebrows.
Maybe a wash would clear your head, you thought. The beer was making you drowsy and you’d better have an early night. You don’t take long with your shower and you were quick to set your things aside and take out the trash.
It was only 10 but you’ve already settled yourself in your bed, sleepiness blanketing over your head. Your eyelids began to shut, sending you to an abyss of peace and dream.
Then, there was shuffling. And mumbles.
Your consciousness drew back to reality and through your dazed state—you tried to make sense of the noises. Until you began to sober up, there was no one but you in your apartment. No pets nor roommates to be making up all these sounds.
“Who’s there?” you panicked, straining your eyes through the dark, to find a tall silhouette in your room. A sense of aghast rumbled through your being and a shriek ripped itself out of your throat.
You fumbled for something from your bedside table to act as a weapon, and the most threatening object there was was your lamp. At least you could smash it against the intruder and bolt out of your apartment for help.
And as you tried to rip the lamp’s cord out of the socket, its light turned on—revealing the stranger to be…Santa?
“(Y/N), is it?” the male chuckled, rubbing his nape.
“Who are you?!” you screamed, pointing the lamp at him. “Get out of my house, please!”
“Just relax, man. I’m Santa, here to grant you your Christmas wish!”
“Look, I’m just a broke college student! I-I don’t have anything with me. Just leave and I won’t call the cops,” you tried to reason, already starting to break down into hiccups and tears
“Well, I'm sorry. It’s my policy to not leave a house unless I’ve successfully fulfilled one’s desires. So, I won’t be leaving anytime soon!”
“W-What…?” you were beyond dumbfounded, trying to make sense of the random lunatic standing in your room.
“This,” he pointed at the card from the convenience store. “Here, your wish says…to lose your virginity,” the male cladded in his Santa suit bemusedly read aloud.
“No…! I wrote that as a joke!”
“Well, I don’t take Christmas wishes as a joke,” he lifted an eyebrow, resting his hands on his hips.
“Just cut it out, Santa isn’t real,” you retorted, tightening your grip on the handle of the lamp.
“But I am real,” his voice suddenly became closer, and more lucid, his frame had disappeared from your sight—as if he was suddenly gone and had dissipated into space. Whipping your head behind, you found him just there and a scream cracked out of your lungs as you tumbled out of your bed.
“I can teleport, y’know?” he smiled, reaching out a hand to pull you up from the floor. “And I can make anything out of thin air,” his other hand rose to have a random Dior bag in his grasp as you stared, shocked and finding it hard to register the scene in front of you.
“So, you’re really…Santa Claus?”
“Yes, and my real name’s Gojo Satoru—at your service,” he slurred, and you found his voice smooth like freshly woven silk. You were silent and still, eyes widening at the white-haired male in front of you. “Speaking of your Christmas wish…”
Your face burst into florid red as you awkwardly laughed, “Could you please just forget about that?”
“Now, if you’ve read carefully; no changing or refusing of wishes once you’ve written ‘em down,” he pointed at the small text at the bottom of the card, “You must’ve missed it just now.”
Thinking over the situation, something in you cracked as you realised—you were going to lose your virginity to Santa Claus. Your eyelids twitched as you nervously chuckled. This gotta be a heck of a joke. 
“Hey, don’t underestimate me!” Gojo had caught your expression, and as if he was reading your thoughts, his eyebrows knitted into a frown.
“T-Then what are we supposed to do now?” you asked, switching your gaze away and feeling hot embarrassment tickling your skin.
“No need to worry,” Gojo gave a reassuring smirk, “just trust me.”
Alright, trust.
You felt the bed shift with his weight, and he was hovering over you—face mere inches away. His eyes seemed to sparkle like those of a diamond; blue stars orbiting in his orbs, and you note the plump shape of his lips, so visually kissable.
For the second time, as if he had caught your thoughts, he let his lips mould into yours. He felt soft and plump like peach, and he smelled like a merge of snow and warmth.
Your lips danced in the dark, and your body leaned forward towards him as he fell back, something about the kiss was unbreakable. It felt so soft, it felt so good.
You let his hands wander around your curves from underneath your pyjamas, meet the shape of your hips and dips of your waist, then the roundness of your breasts. You let him study your body with the cold tips of his fingers and slip your clothes off when he wanted to.
A soft moan slipped out of your tongue when the cold December air hit your nipples, and Gojo took no time to let his tongue play with your buds. His hands continued to roam around your body, pressing a finger against the wet spot through your pants.
“You fine with this?” he pointed at the way his fingers slid over your clothed core. You wordlessly nodded, drifting your sight away before you felt yourself benignly pushed onto your back, your pants slowly slipping off of your legs along with your panties.
You were bare, in front of a man you’ve met tonight. But at the same time, you felt oddly safe with him. This was only a wish come true and nothing more, you affirmed.
His long fingers began to reach deep inside, and your nerves tingled at where they caressed your walls. His pace switched after a few pumps and his fingers were dextrously pistoning in and out of your cunt. You could hear your erotic slick coating his digits as it follows his rhythm, and your cheeks burn hot in shyness.
His face lowered to your pussy, and his tongue began playing with your clit. A sharp mewl escaped from your lips as his cheeks hallowed from sucking on your nub and his fingers paced up over the gummy spot deep inside.
Pleasure began amassing in your nerves and you could feel yourself brimming over the edge of lucidity. Gojo didn’t stop and instead, fastened his digits in and out of you, the sound of sex was loud through your state of delirium and he was coaxing all the pleasure there was in you.
Then, you spilled. Your thighs tightened around his head, fingers gripping onto his white locks as you’re sent to a world of blank bliss. Gojo peeks up at you as you pause with your lips parted, edges of eyebrows sewn to the stars, and half a wail stayed choked in your throat.
“You alright?” he chuckled, raising his upper body to your blushed face. You didn't say a word and drove your tongue into his mouth, arms locking him closer to you. The shared heat between your two bodies warmed the air around you, and you thought maybe that’s what it feels like to have a lover.
“Yeah,” you breathed, still ever so shy yet for once, a daring timbre crawled through your tone. “I think I’m ready…”
“If princess wants it,” his lips crack into a smile against yours, pants pulled down and hand pumping his length, fat tip lined against your entrance. Peeking down, regret almost settled into your being when you saw his size. Would it fit?
Then, he saw you and reassured you that he would go slow. No need to worry and to trust. So, you did. Bashfully spreading your thighs open for him.
Your muscles squeezed when he first entered, and he let out a long groan with a pause to his hips. It took a few seconds until he began to move, this time with a thumb rolling your clit to loosen your grip. Every inch of his cock stretched into your cunt made you go almost insane—the pain that first came was soon replaced with a delicate buzz of pleasure.
His hips were slow to thrust at first, gentle and soft until your walls had adjusted to his girth. Your little moans began to fill the chilly air when he slowly started to quicken up, and the bed began to squeak along with his rhythm.
“You look so pretty, y’know?” like silk, slinking through the hot air and into your ears. Every time his curved tip kisses your G-spot, you feel blank—blank of pleasure and stimulation. He could see it in your face, always able to read your features so well.
“Mmhp—” you let out a moan when he pulled your hips closer to him, fucking deep into your squelching cunt. Your back arched from the way his cock rubbed against your walls, hands over your mouth to muffle your whines.
“I wanna hear your pretty moans, (Y/N),” Gojo teased, softly leading your hands into his before fucking himself harder, deeper inside of you.
“Nngh! Feels s-so good—haa!” your hips began to move with his, legs hugging him closer to you and the world seemed to be on vertigo. Pleasure pervaded through every single cell in your body and your blood was pumping loud in your ears. “Please, I wanna cum!”
“Whatever princess says,” you could hear the smirk in his quivering tone, and with a few deep thrusts, the coil inside of your womb snapped—and your essence wet his thighs; your shaky moans high-pitched and sharp. “Yeah, pretty girl. Just like that.”
Static shot through your nerves, and your clit throbs against the hot air. Gojo let a thumb circle your nub, rubbing it through your climax as your nails sink into the skin of his arm. You could feel the warm mix of cum slipping out of your lips, running down your skin and into the bedsheet.
Once again, you felt the bed shift, and the warmth that held you lifted away. Through your hazy sight, you saw his figure rising, “Merry Christmas, pretty.”
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bitbugbites-re · 9 months
𝙻𝚊𝚙 𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 | 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰
Headcanons on how different RE men would give you their lap as a pillow (and vice versa!)
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characters: Albert Wesker, Carlos Oliveira, Chris Redfield, Ethan Winters, Leon S. Kennedy
gender: gn! reader
cw: FLUFF, (slight) NSFW // lap pillow // ktober
a/n: there are THREE vers. of leon in this post because they give that boy WAY too many damn personalities (re3r, re4r, re6)
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𝕬𝖑𝖇𝖊𝖗𝖙 𝖂𝖊𝖘𝖐𝖊𝖗 (any rendition)
Giving you his lap:
Doesn't typically invite you to lay on his lap, you usually are the one to just wiggle your way onto him
Once he picks up on you liking it though, he'd probably offer when you were sad or upset about something
The dude has got rock-hard thighs because of his genetic mutations
It starts to get uncomfy pretty quick, so you gotta grab a pillow for yourself to place under your head (never back down, never WHAT?!)
Sometimes he grabs the pillow for you absent-mindedly because he knows you're gonna ask/get up for it
Usually never leads to anything nsfw, especially so if he's working while you're on his lap
I really only ever see it leading to nsfw stuff in the event that you approach him with the intention of seducing him (in which case it'll be you servicing him -- only sometimes it'll lead to full-on sex, as long as you're forward about wanting it)
Using your lap:
He doesn't automatically lay on your lap -- you're the one who offers it to him and he usually turns it down
It's not that he doesn't like it, he just isn't someone who is too big on physical touch
he also feels embarrassed laying in such a position
When he does lay on your lap, it's usually because you put him there against his will (typically when he's sad)
he secretly likes it
You like to stare into his eyes since they're such a unique color. he claims to hate it (he doesn't, he's just prideful and won't admit he likes cheesy lovey-dovey things)
Gets mad at you if you mess up his hair (doesn't physically stop you though, just grumbles and complains about it half-heartedly)
Can't fall asleep no matter how comfortable your legs are. he's just very particular in the way he falls asleep (and everything else, too)
If he doesn't have anything else to do, he'll usually just lay there and wait for you to fall asleep. If you do, he'll get up and carry you to the bedroom, covering you up before going back to work
Doesn't usually lead to anything nsfw in this scenario either
You gotta lay it on thick if you want him. he's a smart man and he can pick up on social cues -- he just isn't the type to have a high enough sex drive that causes him to jump at every opportunity available
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𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖔𝖘 𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖎𝖗𝖆 (re3r)
Giving you his lap:
Will both offer and/or just randomly place you on his lap 24/7
If you get on his lap first without him saying anything, he gets really excited. The "my-cat-fell-asleep-on-me" kind of excited
He's got substantially thick legs. Can be pretty comfortable to lay on when his legs are relaxed -- although sometimes he tenses his legs unconsciously and you have to ask him to unflex them
Has a little bit of trouble staying still for a prolonged period of time. He'll start out pretty still, but if you're having a conversation or he gets too into it, he'll make a lot of movements with his arms and/or upper body
Constantly in awe of you. Trying to look at your face, trying to pet your hair or rub your legs, etc. Just can't get enough of you.
He likes talking to you as you lay on him, too. Not very silent unless you fall asleep on him, in which case, he often glances down to look at your face. Will take pictures of you if you're okay with it, too.
Leads to nsfw things pretty often. In this scenario, you're the one to initiate it most of the time since you're the one by his package
Gets an almost immediate boner every time. Dude's got a high sex-drive and it doesn't take much from you to work him up
If you do end up playing with him in some way, he'll either want to pay you back or have full-on sex
Using your lap:
Literally just throws himself down on you. Most of the time you don't even have to ask if he wants to use your lap. He just does
Makes you pet his hair. Rub his facial scruff. Touch his arms. Dude is needy af
If you're eating something while he's on your lap, he'll just let you feed him. Seriously, you just stick stuff in his mouth and he eats it without saying anything
If your legs start to fall asleep and you ask him to get off, he'll just swap positions with you and put you on his lap instead
Will make you take selfies together while he's on your lap. Then proceeds to send them to his friends (usually Tyrell) as a way to brag about how he has a cool partner
Falls asleep on you really easily and snores loud as FUCK
Will start to get extra touchy if he wants to initiate sex. He'll reach up and cup your face, wrap his arms around your midriff and snuggle his head into you, etc.
Starts by giving you oral and it's usually the gentle, slow, loving kind.
If it leads to normal sex, it's probably going to take place on the same surface where he was lying on your lap (i.e. -- couch, bed, floor, etc.)
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𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘 𝕽𝖊𝖉𝖋𝖎𝖊𝖑𝖉 (re: death island)
Giving you his lap:
Occasionally offers his lap to you. Doesn't do it too much because he's not always thinking about it
Most of the time his offers are either because you're sad or because you're watching something together
His thighs are a mix between hard and soft. He's pretty muscular, so at first you'd be expecting more of a solid feeling, but it's not as bad as you'd have guessed. It's a just-right type of deal. (could be due to the fact that he's getting older...)
Isn't super touchy. He'll rest his arm along your body, maybe, but other than that he doesn't do anything too extra. The two of you kinda just enjoy the idle comfort from one another
Very chill kind of lover. Wouldn't get mad if you started getting a bit squirmy or tried readjusting your head's position every 3 seconds
If you have a bowl of popcorn, he's reaching in a grabbing handfuls for himself -- doesn't notice he's eating most of your snack either. (he'll apologize and get up to make another bowl for the both of you, though. And then he'll eat most of that, too)
I don't see him initiating anything out of the blue, or even if he's turned on in this scenario. I do think though that if he got a boner, he'd kinda just awkwardly wait for it to go down. In that case, you'd be the initiator, offering to help him out
Would be fine stopping after reaching his orgasm. Might offer to play with you using his hands. He'd be open to sex if you suggested it.
Using your lap:
Never lays in your lap on his own. Often turns you down when you offer him to lay in your lap
I feel like he likes being in more dominant positions, if that makes sense? He likes being the big-spoon, while you're the little spoon
In the rare occurrence that you do get him on your lap, it's just kinda awkward. He just lies there with his arms crossed
Tries to get comfortable, but can't. He's a big guy, so it's a little tricky for him
Tries his best to stay on your lap if that's what you want, but eventually gives up. Offers for you to either lay on his lap or lay against his chest instead
Not much, if any nsfw things result from this scenario
Maybe if you started running your hands along his arms or touching on his chest, something would happen. He'd probably make a flirty joke about you feeling him up, and then things would go on from there
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𝕰𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 𝖂𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 (re7, re8)
Giving you his lap:
Offers his lap whenever he's trying to be romantic or considerate of you. Really only offers because he thinks you like it
Not to say that he doesn't like it -- he'll take any kind of touch from you -- he just doesn't have any kind of preference. Touch is touch
He's got soft thighs. He's not built, but he's not in bad shape either -- he's got a very average build, so his legs are pretty comfortable to lay on.
A lot of the time, he plans to ask you if you want to lay on his lap beforehand. He'll make snacks and lay them out on the coffee table, or he'll light some candles in the bedroom -- it all feels very loving and soft
He likes to place his arm under yours and hold your hand while you watch something. He does the circular thumb movement, too
If you have a baby together, and it starts to cry, he'll grab a pillow and put it down under your head before going to check on the child
Honestly, you're the one jumping him most of the time, and it's not because he doesn't take initiative -- it's because the way he cares for you turns you on
Usually starts once you lean up to kiss him...and keep kissing him
If you're in the living room, he takes you to the bedroom to have sex. It's the kind that's very gentle, slow, and passionate
He gives great aftercare, too. Cleans you both up, and carries you to the shower if you want to take one
Using your lap:
He'll lay in your lap if you suggest it to him, although he doesn't do it on his own very much.
Thinks it's cute when you ask him, and he cracks jokes as he goes to lie down
Makes sure to be very still. Tries not to readjust his head too much, thinking he might annoy you with it
Usually keeps his arms crossed when his head's on your lap. Again, tries not to move too frequently
If you have a kid, they'll try to take your other leg, and Ethan thinks it's funny that you've got two people on your lap
Your kid will request that you pet their head, and Ethan will follow along teasingly. You end up running your hands through both of their hair
If he starts rubbing your knee or the area above it, you know he's trying to start something up
You often say something along the lines of, "I know what you're trying to do," and he laughs and admits it
He'll lean up and kiss you, and then the two of you will take things to the bedroom. Again, you have very gentle, slow sex -- plus good aftercare
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𝕷𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝕾. 𝕶𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖉𝖞 (re2r)
Giving you his lap:
Will offer you his lap sometimes -- he can be a little absent-minded, so it's pretty much an occasional thing unless he notices you frequently putting yourself in his lap
He's a little shy about you laying on his legs, but he likes it a lot
He's got really comfortable thighs to lay on. They've got a slight bit of muscle to them, but not too much
He's a little awkward when it comes to knowing what to do with his hands. He'll pet your head, but he does so with a strange rhythm -- or accidentally yank a little bit of your hair. He then apologizes profusely and pulls his hand away. If you want him to keep touching you in some way, you have to guide his arm/hand down and place it where you want it
The first few times you lay on his lap, he's pretty stiff. As your relationship continues, however, he gets used to it
Will quietly fall asleep after a while and you won't even know it until you try saying something, noticing that he isn't responding
Occasionally mumbles stupid stuff in his sleep. Sometimes you can hold a conversation with him and he won't even remember it
You're the one who initiates it most of the time. He'll get a boner and you'll tease him -- he'll flirtatiously tease back, and you'll end up servicing him where you're sitting
If you're in the living room he worries about staining the couch, but will let you continue if you tell him to not worry about it
Passionate, fairly vanilla sex. He doesn't really like being too rough with you because he worries he might be hurting you
Decent aftercare -- he cleans you up first, and once you're both cleaned up, he asks if you want to go back to lying on his lap
Using your lap:
Only occasionally he will put himself on your lap of his own volition. Usually, you're the one to ask him if he wants to use your legs as a pillow, and agree
Very rarely turns you down, if at all. It makes him really happy when you offer your lap up to him
Tells you almost every time how comfortable your thighs feel.
He likes it a lot when you touch him. Leon likes you petting his hair, rubbing his arm, but his favorite out of every option is when you take his hand and hold it. It feels like a very tender moment to him
Likes to talk to you while he's on you. Whether it be about the show you're watching, his day, your day -- he's talking
Sometimes he will spell things out on your leg using his finger and make you guess what it says. It's usually something random like "cactus," or "pizza"
The two of you will tease and flirt with one another, and that's what leads to things heating up. He'll sit up and start to kiss you, and that's typically the cue that the two of you will be having sex
Sometimes he starts with oral in this kind of scenario, sometimes it just leads straight to a little bit of foreplay then sex
Again, very vanilla, but loving and caring sex. He gives good aftercare here, too
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𝕷𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝕾. 𝕶𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖉𝖞 (re4r)
Giving you his lap:
Knows when you could use his lap, and offers it accordingly. He has a good sense of what you need, and when -- even when you're not upset
Feels very comforted when you accept, and likes the feeling of your weight on him
He has really nice legs, and they're fairly soft. They aren't as cushiony as when he was younger (re2r), but still comfortable to lie on
No longer awkward with his hands, knows exactly what to do with them. He's got very smooth, rhythmic movements as well
Doesn't fall asleep with you in his lap as much as he used to, but it'll happen occasionally. He tries his best to stay awake, wanting to spend time with you -- even though it's hard for him because he doesn't get as much sleep anymore and he gets really relaxed with you around him
If you feel him up, he'll laugh and tease you about it. He thinks it's funny when you poke into the fatty-muscled part of his arms and legs
Using him as a lap pillow leads to nsfw things quite a lot. Sometimes it's started by you touching him up, sometimes it's started by back-and-forth teasing, sometimes it's started by him asking for a kiss
The sex has gotten a little less vanilla over time -- nothing too crazy, but the two of you have definitely explored many more positions, kinks, etc. as time went on
He's got a routine down for aftercare as well -- the two of you know what the other likes, meaning that you're both left feeling pretty satisfied after the deed is done
Using your lap:
Doesn't really put himself on your lap randomly anymore. Over time, he's realized he prefers having you on his legs instead -- but he's not against laying on your thighs
If he does put himself on you, it's usually for good-times sake
He still compliments you on how soft your legs are
Leon falls asleep much more on your lap than when you're on his. Sometimes it knocks him out right away -- he just can't help it
Loves when you move his bangs out of his eyes, especially if the two of you are watching something
He now automatically takes your hand in his, holding it. He doesn't let it go, either, even if he falls asleep in your lap. There's no getting it back until the two of you separate
Doesn't make conversation as much as he used too -- as he got more comfortable over time, he didn't always feel the need to fill in the silent gaps. He does make quite a few quippy one-liners if you're watching something, though
Leon still plays the word-drawing game with his finger on your body, except now he chooses harder words like "potassium," or "armadillo" (though, sometimes, he misspells them and the two of you laugh about it)
His new cue for initiating sex is by squeezing and playing with your leg -- although flirting and teasing still leads to sex between the two of you a lot, also.
The sex ranges from slow and gentle, to fast and passionate. It just depends on what kind of mood the two of you are in
Again, the two of you have a pretty good aftercare routine going, and you're usually very cuddly with one another once you've both finished
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𝕷𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝕾. 𝕶𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖉𝖞 (re6)
Giving you his lap:
Even years later, he's still really good at predicting when you want to use his lap. He offers it at all the right times
Thinks it's cute that the two of you have this years-long tradition going on. He jokes that someday, you'll be in the retirement home together trying to get onto his lap haphazardly
His legs got a lot more hard as time went on. You joke around, telling him that he's hard as a brick now -- but you secretly still enjoy resting on his lap as much as you used to when his thighs were softer
Falls asleep a lot like he did in the beginning -- he's getting old and more tired as time goes on. However, he is good at staying awake if the two of you are watching something
If you like to watch reality TV, he shits all over it/the people in it (He secretly likes it though; his favorite is The Bachelor)
You've started joking around with him, telling him to take his shirt off when you're in his lap -- you tell him that you don't know how many years left you'll have to look at his abs, and that you need to enjoy them thoroughly before they're gone (he only laughs and tells you he'll have them forever, 'till the day he dies)
Still leads to nsfw things, although not as much as when the two of you were younger
You're not as wild, doing crazy positions -- but you do try different, smaller things to spice it up in the bedroom occasionally
Aftercare is still the same, although sometimes you're the one cleaning him up now -- for some reason, despite his job, sex seems to take the life out of him
Using your lap:
Started putting his head back onto your lap more. He does it in a joking manner, but it became special to him overtime due to your guys' history of doing it
If you have a kid, and they like putting their head on your lap, he uses them as an excuse. He'll make some silly joke, telling you that he needs attention, too
Instead of complimenting your legs, he now presses kisses to them randomly. He knows that over time you became a little more conscious of your body, so he started doing this to ensure you he still thinks you're beautiful
Both him and your kid will fall asleep on your lap. Sometimes one of them will snore really loud and wake the other up --you try to stifle a laugh every time it happens
Lets you or your kid tie his bangs up so that he can see the TV without them getting in his eyes. He thinks it's funny
Still makes you put your arm around him, holding onto his hand. Over time, he's started kissing it every once in a while, as well. He's very affectionate with you
The finger word-drawing game has reached a new height. He has started googling impossibly long and difficult words. You can't even beat him anymore -- and you can never tell if he's actually spelling the words right
Leon still squeezes your leg to signal that he wants you -- although he's a little less playful with it, as he's conscious that you're a little more sensitive about your body nowadays
Again, pretty normal sex-life for your ages -- if not a little more frequent than others like your peers
Your aftercare is still the same as well. You and Leon have no complaints, and the two of you will likely continue your routine until you can't anymore
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For the official and original Kinktober 23 prompts, check here. Credits to @kinktober2023 for the ideas!
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verstarppen · 9 months
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summary; mercedes is a just a tiny bit worried about your dates with their archenemesis
pairing; max verstappen x fem! mercedes admin! reader [ no faceclaim ]
a/n; EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU ROOMMATE/BEST FRIEND FOR HOTSPOTTING ME MOBILE DATA SO I CAN POST THIS GOD BLESS and thank you to christian barbeque anon i hope you like this [ series masterlist ]
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liked by totowolff, lewishamilton, maxverstappen1 and 350,900 others
ynusername out with the boys
view all 55,010 comments
totowolff What did I say.
ynusername he's been fed, learned two dutch words and pet stray kittens what more do you want
julyestie mad max? more like dad max
yukinator holy shit i fully forgot they've only been dating for a couple of months and midway though the 5th slide it occured to me that is in fact a stolen toddler
orangleclerc imagine getting told by a lil kid to "box, box" when you stop for gas
lewishamilton Do I need to get used to these types of posts or will y'all be responsible
maxverstappen1 No promises ynusername THE FUCK YOU MEAN NO PROMISES
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liked by christianhorner, maxverstappen1, totowolff and 178,563 others
view all 24,012 comments
ynusername george burner account just leaked
maxverstappen1 Fun times!!
ynusername all u did was pet the cats danielricciardo And ogle you christianhorner When will the torment end. ynusername BUT WE BONDED. CHRIS C'MON. WE HAD A MOMENT. christianhorner I dropped the sauce bottle and you picked it up. ynusername THAT'S ENOUGH FOR ME
checo_slayrez I wish my dad loved me as much as Christian loves Max
lovely_simply33 NO MAX PHOTO?? UNFOLLOWED
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liked by ynusername, christianhorner, charles_leclerc and 2,495,201 others
maxverstappen1 Constructors Champions of the world!!! 🏆
What an unbelievable season we’re having 🙌 I couldn’t be more proud to be part of this @ redbullracing 🙌 Everyone working on the track and back in the factory, thank you so much. What a rocket ship 🚀
It’s amazing to achieve this milestone here in Japan 🇯🇵 Thank you everyone for your amazing support 👏
view all 915,111 comments
ynusername god i wish i was that trophy
maxverstappen1 You are my greatest trophy landonorris hey maxverstappen1 Leave.
vanillatauri LET'S GOOO 🧡🧡🧡
dannyavocado EAT THEM GIRL
redbullracing @ mercedesamgf1 thoughts?
mercedesamgf1 ate mercedesamgf1 This message has not been approved by our social media team. mercedesamgf1 girl I AM the social media team wdym WHO IS THIS
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pic credits: instagram and pinterest
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tyunphoria · 8 months
🌪️not in my movie ! — b.chan
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ghostface!bang chan x reader
SYNPNOSIS: just a fun game of cat and mouse till you fall in the lion’s den.
INCLUDES: AFAB reader, college!au, pet names, praise, ANGST and SMUTTT. Finding out he’s ghostface gee what a shocker, not proof read, rushed:p chan’s hella manipulative if you squint.
WARNINGS: threatening, mentions of death and murders, blood, slight degradation, fear play, slight dacryphilia, DOM!chan, p in v, oral (giving), fingering, hair pulling, uh tw just to make sure: non con that turns consensual, semi public not rlly?, UNPROTECTED SEX, mentions of vomiting.
[click here to read ghostface!hanjisung x reader.]
w.c: 4.5k
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The leaves were ablaze with autumn hue as y/n walked across the quad of her college campus. She breathed in the crisp autumn air, savouring the hint of bonfire smoke that indicated the fair was being set up. Y/n loved this time of the year. Students milled about between classes, backpacks slung over shoulders, coffee cups warming hands. Some douchebags would even take the liberty to scare their peers and professors while clad in a black robe and a ghostface mask.
Speaking of, your senior Chan just fell victim to one of the pranks and it was hilarious how you got to witness it first hand.
“I hate Halloween…” Chan grumbled as he fell into step beside you.
Your body buzzed with laughter as you handed him the book that slipped from his grasp. “Are you going to that fair tonight?” You ask. Chan makes an expression you couldn’t read, akin to contemplation tinged with mild distaste at the idea. You knew him well enough to read the thoughts flitting across his face — he was tempted by the promise of candy apples and haunted houses but also felt the pull of responsibility to study for his upcoming exam.
“Oh come on, Christopher.” You roll your eyes, “a few hours of fun won’t kill you.”
“Hard pass.” He said. He wasn’t one to back down to these types of things but he claimed that there was something about Halloween which gave him the ‘ick’. “And it’s not just that… Changbin lost a bet so now he’s gonna have to wear a playboy bunny costume to the fair. Think I wanna see that?” You laugh and shake your head, bidding him goodbye as you turn to enter your apartment until Chan stopped you once more by grabbing ahold of your arm.
“Y/n,” he says, his voice stern. “I’m being serious this time. Just… how about you just don’t go? It’s dangerous, especially how late it is at night. Who knows… maybe ghostface himself would show up uninvited.”
His warning sent goosebumps to rise on your skin, making the hair on your nape stand. You mask it with a light scoff. “Really, Chris? When are you gonna drop this ghostface shit. Dude’s been M.I.A for years, I think I’ll be fine.”
You try to pull away but his grip around your wrist tightens before you find yourself being pulled against his chest, hands holding your waist in place as he buries his face against your neck. “Be careful out there, yeah?”
Your hard gaze softens. “I will.”
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“Y/n!” Felix beams as he captures you in a tight embrace.
“Jesus Christ, lix.” You gently pull away from the hug to examine his costume. “Elsa?”
“It’s cute, no?” He pouts. “Aya’s over there by the dart booth.” You nod at him gratefully, giving him one last hug before making your way to Aya.
“Hey bitch!” You grin. Aya bounces over to you, planting a kiss on your cheek, staining your skin with the bright red lipstick she wore.
“You wore the costume I bought you, let me see,” she twirls you around. “Hot, hot, okay, but babes that jacket has gotta go.”
“It’s cold!” You protest. “And my tits are practically out.”
Aya sighed in exasperation. “Halloween is the one year where a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it.” She quotes.
The fair was packed with hordes of costumed attendees, mostly college students from nearby universities. Your eyes widened as she took in the revealing outfits on display - girls in lingerie masquerading as "sexy cat" costumes, shirtless guys with lampshades on their heads.
"Is that chick only wearing a bra and a fucking g-string?" You murmured to Aya, who stood beside you nibbling on candy corn from a paper bag.
Aya followed her gaze to a scantily clad brunette in the distance. "Looks like it," she snorted.
"Thank god there are no kids around here tonight."
You said, finding the lack of children odd. Usually by 8pm, the fair would be swarming with kids getting high off of cotton candy and running around wildly.
"Yeah, the government placed a curfew," Aya explained after popping a few gummy worms into her mouth. "Didn't you hear?"
"A curfew? No, why?" You felt unease curl in your stomach. The last curfew had been years ago, when a killer in a mask murdered a group of teens.
Aya lowered her voice. "It's all over the news. Two days ago someone broke into this girl's house downtown. And then a bunch of people were found dead behind the HYBE office building."
Your brows furrowed. There's no way it could be Ghostface again, right? That killer had been caught years ago.
Chris’s words from this morning suddenly plagued your mind and it bothered you.
A theory was circulating online that there was more than one Ghostface. That a group of obsessed fans had taken up the killer mantle. Those amateur reddit detectives were digging far deeper than the useless ass police.
What if Chan had been right? Unease bloomed in your chest as you glanced around the fair.
Aya takes notes of her expression, attempting to lighten the mood by shoving some cotton candy in your mouth.
“Stop worrying. Let’s go ride the roller coaster and eat candy till we fucking barf!”
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“Oh, fuck me, I’m gonna—“ Aya bends over the railing and hurled.
Your cheeks tint in embarrassment, an awkward smile on your lips as you pat her back, trying to ignore the disgusted looks both of you were receiving.
“Bitch you gotta go on without me,” she slumps against a nearby bench, chugging down a can of beer to wash off the vile taste.
“What!” You frown, “but the haunted house, you promised!” You tugged on her arm but she doesn’t budge. “Tsk, fine, I’ll go without you then.”
They built a new attraction that the place has been working on for years but it just now opened up today. It was a big haunted mansion. You wondered why it took so long for them to open it up, but you found out not too long ago that they didn’t hire any scare actors for this attraction, they were all animatronics.
You see your friend by the entrance, collecting tickets and admitting people in.
"Hyunjin!" you exclaimed, a wide smile lighting up your face as you spotted your friend stationed at the entrance, diligently collecting tickets and admitting people in. "I didn’t know your ass worked here."
The blond returned your smile and motioned for three more people to enter before making his way over to you. "Yeah, I actually wanted to take today off, but they were in desperate need of extra staff. I was looking forward to spending the night with my girlfriend too." he replied with a small sigh. "Surprisingly, it's even more crowded than last year. You'd think people would stay home, given the murder incident that happened at HYBE."
You crossed your arms. You really didn’t wanna think about that right now. casting a quick glance down at your heels, momentarily distracted by the discomfort throbbing in your feet. "I shouldn't have worn these," you gesture to your heels.
Something crossed Hyunjin’s face as his expression went blank. “It’s gonna bitch to run in those if that fucker catches you.”
You gape at him. Who the fuck says something like that so casually?
“Sorry,” Hyunjin chuckled. “It’s part of my script.” Oh right… yeah, of course, it being halloween and him working at a horror attraction explains it.
“Oh, it’s your turn, y/n. You going in alone?” He asks. You glance behind you past the long line of teenagers to spot your friend Aya flirting with some guy. You grunt. “Yeah. Just me.”
Hyunjin smiles, taking your ticket and opening up the doors for you. “Enjoy.” He puts it simply, closing the doors behind you.
Hyunjin glances at the rest of the people in the line, the smile falling from his face as he makes his announcement which results in a chorus of groans.
“Okay everyone! Haunted mansion’s closed for tonight.”
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As you ventured further into the haunted mansion, the path guided you through a dimly lit corridor. The flickering candles along the walls cast eerie shadows, whispering secrets in the air.
"for something that took years to make, this is pretty boring," you muttered, your disappointment evident in your voice. The first half of the experience was extremely underwhelming. The animatronics were, at least. But as you stepped into the next room, your boredom quickly turned to awe.
Inside, the place was straight out of a Gothic horror story. The Victorian aesthetic engulfed you, transporting as if you were entering dracula’s house or some shit.
As you continued, animatronic figures lurched and screeched, attempting to startle you with their mechanical movements and eerie sounds. But let's be real, they were more comical than terrifying. Their jerky motions and predictable jump scares only elicited laughter instead of fear..
You couldn't help but chuckle, finding amusement in their exaggerated gestures and obvious gimmicks. It became a game to anticipate their predictable moves, mocking their feeble attempts at fright.
The vibe itself was pretty spooky.
The thing that genuinely terrified you was the sudden ear-piercing scream cutting through the air.
Was that from outside? You couldn’t tell. There weren’t any windows. Maybe it just came from one of the speakers.
How long has it been, seven minutes maybe? Well, for one the place was huge and you took up most of the time taking pictures of the place and messing with the bots.
Startled by the crashing sound of the picture frame hitting the floor, you couldn't help but leap in surprise. As your racing heart gradually settled, you cautiously rounded the corner, only to find yourself confronted with a seemingly endless maze of hallways. The disorienting sight added to your growing sense of unease.
Just as you began to collect your thoughts, your hand-held phone abruptly buzzed, causing you to jump once more. The unexpected vibration sent a jolt through your system, making you exclaim, "Jesus—fuck!" A nervous chuckle escaped your lips as you pressed a trembling hand against your chest, trying to calm your pounding heart.
Assuming it was Aya, you braced yourself for a string of impatient requests to hurry up and drive her home. However, to your surprise, the incoming text displayed an unknown number. Curiosity mingled with a tinge of annoyance as you read the message that flashed on your screen: "
“Let’s play a game:)”
Your heart rate quickened in response, you weren't in the mood for pranks, you grumbled and decided to power off your phone, hoping to put an end to the unsettling message.
Your phone buzzed again.
With a mix of frustration and apprehension, you reluctantly picked up your phone and saw another message from the same unknown number: "Don't fucking ignore me, l/n." The words sent a shiver down your spine.
Reluctantly, you type back, your fingers trembling on the keyboard.
"Who are you?" you ask, your anxiety building with each passing moment.
The chat bubbles appear on the screen, filled with an unsettling anticipation. The silence hangs heavy, broken only by the rapid beating of your heart.
"Let's play," the mysterious person replies.
Frustration bubbles up inside you, and you can't help but snap in response. "Look asshole, I don't have time for this," you retort, your patience wearing thin.
A pause follows, and then their next message appears, sending a chill down your spine. "I'm sure you do if your life depends on it," they jeer, their words laced with a sinister edge.
Confusion and fear intertwine within you, clouding your thoughts. Their cryptic statements leave you bewildered, struggling to grasp their true intentions.
Suddenly, a notification pops up, revealing an incoming image. With trembling hands, you open it, only to be met with a horrifying sight—Hyunjin covered in blood, and Aya who looked lifeless leaned up against a pole.
A scream escapes your lips as you drop your phone, shock coursing through your veins. Trembling, you gather the courage to pick up the device again, your mind racing with terror and desperation.
With a renewed sense of horror, you read the next message: "Don't worry, darling. They’re not dead yet. If you can be a good girl for me, I may just spare them."
Each word intensifies your panic, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.
“Don’t hurt them. I’ll do whatever you want.”
The tears streaming down your face are uncontrollable, having to hold the wall for support so your legs didn’t give up on you.
“Let’s play a game of hide and seek.” It writes. “I’m giving you two minutes to hide. If I find you by the time it strikes 12,” then they stopped typing. Seconds felt like hours as you waited. “Let’s just say they don’t get to see another day. As for you, things won’t get pretty so make sure to hide well:)”
It’s a little after 11:40, so you only have twenty minutes till the game is over. You assume that the timer for the duration you had to hide already started so you wasted no time to break into a sprint.
The game seemed simple enough. All you needed to do was hide for fifteen more minutes and you were golden! Besides, it’s a pretty big mansion. You’re confident that it’ll take them hours to find you.
- - - - -
Two more minutes.
There were only two minutes left.
You sink down against the wall, pulling your legs close to your chest. Thoughts of Chris flood your mind. You imagine how he might be doing, picturing the moment when all of this would be over and you could finally return home. The image of him standing before you, his dimpled smile breaking through, teasingly claiming that going to the fair wasn't such a great idea after all, tugs at the corners of your lips and brings a glimmer of warmth to your heart.
"I told you so!" he would tease, his voice filled with both amusement and genuine concern. But deep down, you know that Chan would be consumed with worry for your well-being and safety. You already imagine him scolding you, all while showering you with hugs and gifts to make you feel better. As his junior, his guidance and advice always carried weight, and you never missed an opportunity to listen to his words.
You find yourself sinking deeper into the memories, recalling how Chan had always been so understanding. Whenever the principal's wrath came crashing down, he was there, standing by your side, ready to defend you with unwavering loyalty. And when the storms of heartbreak or failed hook-ups battered your heart, Chris, was there to console you in ways that went beyond words. It was as if you were a treasured princess in his eyes, deserving of nothing but the utmost care and tenderness.
But right now wasn’t exactly the best time to dwell on your fat crush on him.
Like, yes, sure you guys fucked one or twice before but they meant nothing. It was just a way to relieve frustrations with zero strings attached.
His warmth, his voice… his hands that touch you in all the right places.
You’re definitely gonna miss it if you die in this hell hole.
“What's on your pretty little mind that’s got you thinking so deeply, princess?”
You gasp and quickly shoot up to a sprint until your front is pushed up against a wall, feeling someone’s weight pressed against you along with a cold blade poking against your throat.
“I found youuuu,” he taunts.
The man wearing a ghostface mask chuckled as he pressed the knife more into your neck, enough to make a small cut. You wince and groan in pain. The situation is almost laughable, finding it somewhat cliché with the way you’re about to die.
“Fucking… let me go,”
“But princess, I won didn’t I? We had a deal.”
“Fine! You win! Just kill me already then, why drag longer?”
You squirm around to possibly irk him more to speed up the process but as you do, the further your backside gets pushed into his hard on making him groan into your left ear. “But what’s the fun in killing you right away. I’m here to claim my prize.”
Your eyes widen, realizing what his intentions were now.
An idea popped in your head. If you just played along for a few more, you can distract him and make a beeline for the exit.
A laugh slips past your lips. “What’s this? I didn’t expect mister ghostface to be such a perv.” You rub your ass against the tent of his sweats eliciting a strained grunt from the man behind you.
He drops the knife, closing your throat with his fist, bringing your head back. “Don’t fucking tempt me.”
You squeeze your eyes shut at the sensation of his gloved hand cupping your sensitive pussy. Slick begins to stain your lacy red panties as he hummed and dragged his middle finger along your slit. You gasp out in surprise, “don’t do that…”
“Oh? But you were rubbing against me not too long ago like a little slut, what happened to that confidence?” He reaches down further and gently parts the lips of your vulva before gently circling your entrance.
“Tell me to stop and I will.” Your eyes flutter open at his words. You both have already gone this far, why stop now? If you told him to stop, would it just prompt him to kill you? You wanted to atleast see Chris before you died… Well, he asked for permission at least so that was good… fuck it, what about this situation was considered good in the first place? Played with your feelings using fear and dread and now he has you pressed up against the wall with his hand down your underwear.
It was a bit of a turn on.
“Why don’t you kiss my ass and fuck me already.”
You couldn’t see his face but you knew from the tone of his voice that he was grinning, “Good choice.” You were wet and waiting, so he slips a finger inside, thumb circling your clit. You moan, back arching. He adds another finger and pumps his fingers, adjusting the pace while you fall apart in his arms. Your sighs and moans, the way your body responds to him. He hooks his fingers as he circles your clit, rewarded with a moan that sounds suspiciously like calling on the gods.
You tighten around his fingers as you cum, your cheeks flushed in mild embarrassment, with your lipstick smudged from his fingers stuffing your throat full. He strokes you through your orgasm, a beautiful sight to see you undone like this, having to fight the urge to rio off his mask and kiss you.
“Did that feel good, princess?”
“Don’t… call me that.”
“What’s wrong? Do you like being called derogatory names instead?”
Your cheeks flushed. “No! I just… only he can call me princess…”
Ghostface went quiet as he stilled momentarily. He takes his fingers out. “Is that so..” his laughter fills your ears and you can’t help but shy away by hiding your face. Your body was jerked around, forcing you to face him as he squished your cheeks together roughly.
“Open your eyes.”
You shake your head. He moved his hand from your cheeks to your hair making you moan out in surprise.
“Your mask scares me!” You cried out. Staring back at the two blank eyes of the costume while getting fucked isn’t exactly ideal.
“Then I’ll take it off.”
He’s bluffing. Cause there’s no way in hell — this dude’s gotta be bluffing. “You’d do that?”
“For you I would.”
‘Yeah. If you could just take off your mask so I could report you to the police when I’m outta here that’d be great.’
But you’d wish you told him to keep his mask on instead. You would’ve rather preferred that.
He cradled your face in his hand. “Why do you look so sad, princess? Not what you were expecting?” All you could do was cry. You were confused. You felt betrayed. You wanted nothing more than to shove him away but also melt against the warmth of his touch, the gentle caress of his hands that once brought you comfort. “Shh… shh, don’t cry.” Chan leans in and kisses away your tears.
“Why?” You hiccuped.
“I didn’t want you finding out. I never meant for this to happen.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Hell, y/n, I didn’t want you getting roped into this mess but you drive me fucking insane.
I won’t kill you, I just wanted to be honest with you. I’m sorry if you had to find out this way—“
You swallow his next words with a kiss. You didn’t want to listen to his words anymore. You didn’t care if it’s an excuse, you didn’t care if it was a lie, you didn’t care about anything as long as it was him.
“Save it. Whatever lame ass excuse you’re about to come up with, I forgive you.” This catches him off guard. He opens his mouth to say something but you cut him off again, “I’m tired and my pussy’s throbbing so let’s hurry and wrap this up.”
He grinned, urging to your knees. He gave your cheek a rough couple pats as he brought his index and middle finger to your lips, “open.” You part your lips and with little to no warning, he shoves his fingers down your throat. With his other hand, he pulled his sweats and briefs halfway down his toned thighs. He rubbed your spit around the length of his dick, giving it a few strokes before tracing the tip against your lips.
You poke your tongue out just to get a little taste of him making Chris visibly shudder. He groans before pushing the tip past your lips. You wrapped your lips around his cock and his hand immediately found its way on the back of your head. “Yeah… fuck, just like that…” you wrapped both of your hands around his length and worked quick pumps around the head while the other worked its way along the base.
He felt his knees buckle a little when you started sucking his balls. “You look so pretty like this,” he urged himself back into your mouth. “And who do you belong to?”
“You.” You moan. “I’m all yours, Channie.”
That was all the confirmation he needed before he began to brutally fuck your little throat. Your dress had ridden up gave it the liberty to press the tip of his shoe against your cunt making your hips jerk forward. As he ruthlessly fucked your throat and the laces of his converse rubbed deliciously against uour clit the stimulation was beyond amazing. After holding your head firmly against his pelvic area for what seemed like eternity, he finally let you get some air, removing yourself from his dick with a sloppy pop.
“Come here, pretty princess. Wanna cum inside of you…” he was quick to pull you to your feet and pushed you back up against the wall. Your answering smile is a smug thing, as if you’re proud of the effect you had on him. He kisses you then, groaning as he tastes himself on your tongue. Chan gripped your plush thighs and lifted you up with ease. He was gentle and slow, despite the circumstances you were thrown into. He rips your panties in half trying to get them off, drowning out your protests with a slight chuckle. “I’ll buy you new one’s.” He shoves your panties in his pocket before swiping his tip against your wet folds. “Oh,” you breathe out, eyes fluttering shut as he begins to move. The rhythm is slow at first, your fingers pulling him closer, as if you could eliminate all space between the both of you. Your hips meet his every thrust as they move together at a languid pace, as if they have all the time in the world.
He can feel the way your heart races, the rush of blood in your veins. He tries to be as gentle as possible as he sinks his teeth into your neck, drawing a delicious gasp from your lips as he thrusts into you, hoping to balance out the sensation of pain and pleasure. His face hovers over yours, breaths mingling. “Can you hear how wet you are?” He grunts, adding his thumb to the mix by rubbing your almost painfully sensitive clit. You moan loudly, back arching against the wall when you felt chan begin to suck at your tits over the thin material of your dress.
“Been wanting to fuck you for so long… seeing you walk around all night looking dolled up, I felt so jealous.”
He pounds mercilessly into your poor pussy, salty tears beginning to run down your cheeks from the overwhelming pleasure. “You're so gorgeous… wanna make you all mine — fuck,” he moans. “You’re so naughty… I told you not to go, didn’t I?”
“Channniiieee…. I’m gonna,” you whimper, whining against his lips. “I’m cumming… oh fuck, I’m cumming…”
“so cute…” he cooed. “You disobeyed me, and look at where we’re at now.”
You tangle your fingers in his hair as you orgasm followed by a shudder.
What sounded like footsteps that were approaching closer and closer catches you off guard and it seemed to have a similar effect on him as well.
Sticking to your plan from earlier, you shove him off of you while he’s distracted trying to figure out who could be approaching and make a beeline for the exit. His back hits a table, eyes widening.
“Love you Channie!” You grinned and before he could grab you, you shut the two heavy metal doors in front of him.
He grumbled, pulling his pants back on and opening the door only to be met with a ghostface mask staring right back at him.
“Hey,” Jisung says as he rips the mask off him.
“The van’s parked outside, the other’s have been waiting for twenty fucking minutes.” He says but he only received a glare from his leader. “You look pissed. What the hell happened this time?”
“Change of plans,” Chan says as he picks up his knife and mask from the floor. “You guys go on ahead without me.”
“What?” Jisung scoffed. “You can’t just do that at the last minute. Look, we’ve been planning this shit for years, you can’t just back down ‘cause you can’t control your dick. The police are already on their way, and—!” Chan throws his knife, missing Han by a hair as it pierces through the portrait behind him. Han felt his breathing stop for a quick second.
“You had your fair share of fucking with your slut, so pipe down.”
Jisung glowered, hand tightening around the handle of his gun. “Don’t fucking call her that.” He says, but he knew better than to get into an argument with his boss.
“I’ll meet you guys tomorrow.” Chan slips his mask back on.
“I’m gonna go claim back what’s mine.”
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a.n: ruh roh, alpha wolf chan is mad cs he didnt get to orgasm😕😕
and yall i get it, you want more skz ghostface content, im getting there okay😭
also pls lmk if you want me to make anime fics too, all ive been posting about are skz dhisbsje i can write genshin too. P.s all ghostface aus r connected, hyunjin is next methinks
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heizlut · 4 months
Hallo! I am very new to tumblr, so please excuse any mistakes i may make qwq
I really enjoyed your Venti and Kaeya story(ies)! Could you do something similar for Lyney with the addition of a breeking kink? He doesnt have cat ears or a tail like his sister- instead, the feline side of him shows through his obsessive need to breed :x
jshdhdhd i’ve been thinking about this like crazy and i’m so glad we got to clarify a few details over messages before i wrote this! again, welcome to tumblr! i’m so glad you stumbled across my page🫶🏼 (was also totally inspired by the yaoi when writing this lmfao)
cw: breeding kink, textured feline tongue, hypnosis, rope-play, mentions of pregnancy
tags: sub fem!reader, dom!lyney with recessive feline traits, mostly proofread
a/n: here's a lil translation for the pet names- "mon chaton"= my kitten; "mon cherie"= my beloved; "bonne fille"= good girl; “ma bonne fille”= my good girl
nsfw under the cut
m!list here
Ever since becoming his girlfriend, Lyney found he had a particular jinx; all because one evening he fucked you so hard backstage before his performance, filling you so full of his sticky cum, and his show ended up being the greatest one yet. The next performance, he wanted to test out his little theory; fucking his cock into your tight cunt til his cum was leaking out and dripping down your thighs. Lyney had yet another show stopping performance.
When he told you his theory, you had simply laughed, “Seems like you just want to relieve some pre-show nerves. I doubt it’s some type of jinx, my love.” The cute little pout on Lyney’s face made it hard to take him seriously. You give him a kiss on the cheek, “I don’t mind this little routine though. If it means getting fucked so full of you before a show, I’ll do it.”
Tonight was a performance that Lyney knew he couldn’t fuck up. It was meant to be another show stopper with prominent Fontaine guests in the audience. You made your way to his dressing room as you usually did. Lyney was seated at his vanity touching up his hair when he saw your reflection behind him in the mirror. The corners of his lips curl upwards, “There she is~”
You smirk in response, “I have something special for you tonight…Master Lyney~” Lyney turned his body in his chair to face you as you begin to undo the buttons of your dress. The soft material slips off your body, revealing a red lacy lingerie set with a black garter belt that matched his. Lyney’s lips part, taking in every inch of you with his violet eyes. Lyney almost wanted to curse his innate feline genes for almost pouncing on you right then and there. The way you looked right now and using that title he'd teased you with before was almost too much for him to bear. He wanted to be able to take his time with you, or at least as much time as he could before he had to make his way to the stage.
Lyney gets up from his seat, sauntering over to you with a sultry look in his eyes. His fingers reach out, tracing the lacy edges of your lingerie, "Look at my sweet girl dressed so provocatively... Wearing my extra garter belt no less." He runs his finger under one of the straps and pulls it back and releases, letting it lightly slap back against your skin. Your breath catches in your throat as he does so. Arousal pooling against the thin fabric of your panties when he leans in, his lips grazing yours as he speaks in a low tone, "I have something special for you too, mon chaton~" Lyney backs away from you, the lingering touch from his lips sets you ablaze with desire.
Lyney digs through his pocket and pulls out a carnelian pendulum with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Be a sweetheart for me and keep your eyes on crystal, yes?" You draw your bottom lip between your teeth and nod, fixing your gaze on the pendulum. Your eyes follow the swinging pendulum as Lyney begins to speak, "Relax your mind and your body... Focus on the sound of my voice..." He continues on as you feel your mind go blank. He smirks at your dazed expression, now having you fully under.
He softly caressed your cheek, running the pad of his thumb across your soft lips, "Be a good girl and get the purple rope, yes?" All you can do is nod and follow his instructions. Lyney's cock twitches as he watches you bring back the rope he requested. He takes it from you hands and moves behind you, his lips against your ear, "Arms behind your back, mon cherie~" Of course, you comply. His voice filling your mind like a sweet melody that was only meant for you alone. A tingling sensation pricks at your skin as the ropes loop through your arms just tight enough for you to be forced to stay in that position, unable to touch him.
Lyney's fingers trace your skin as he moves to the front of you, admiring how gorgeous you looked. He takes hold of the straps of your pretty bra between his digits, using his pyro vision to carefully singe them just enough to let a piece of them burn away. The straps fall loose to your back and he singes the front connecting the cups. Your perky breasts are left exposed to his lustful gaze as the bra makes a soft noise when it lands on the dressing room floor. You squirm a little in your spot as the need between your legs begins to consume you. Your eyes stuck on his violet ones that burn with deep desire, "Be still, mon chaton."
Your lips part as you let a soft moan slip when Lyney cups your breasts in his nimble hands. He squeezes and massages them, mesmerized by the way the plushness squishes between his fingers. He lowers himself and leans forward taking one pebbled nipple into his mouth; his rough feline tongue flicking and swirling around it. Your body tries to fight against the hypnosis, desperate to tangle your fingers in his hair as his rough tongue does its work on your body.
Leaving your breasts sore and swollen, Lyney kisses down your body softly til he's eye level with your clothed cunt. His eyes flit up to your face, pleased to see you looking so needy. He taps your thigh twice, "Spread out so I can enjoy my pre-performance meal." You comply, taking a small step to the side to give him more room. Lyney smirks, "Bonne fille..." He places his hands on your thighs and licks a stripe through your thin panties. He lets out a broken groan at the scent and taste of you as your arousal soaked the material. Lyney tugs at the panties until they rip and glide down, now hanging loosely around one ankle.
Your moans fill the small dressing room as he dives in between your folds, lapping up your juices with his rough tongue. His grip tightens on your thighs as you shake with pleasure; his tongue relentless against your sensitive clit. White hot pleasure courses through you as you cum on his tongue, making him snarl as he overstimulates you, unable to get enough of your taste. "Please, Master Lyney~!" you cry out, feeling as though your legs are about to give out from underneath you. The title you give him and the way you taste and smell kicks his feline instincts into full gear. Lyney needed to breed you.
Lyney straightens up and tugs you by your garter belt to his vanity. He bends you slightly and tangles his fingers in your hair, pulling your head up to look at the reflection of you both in his mirror. "Oh, mon chaton... See the way you look right now? I simply can't resist~", he chuckles as you whimper when you're forced to look at how dazed and desperate you are for him. He undoes his pants, tugging them down just enough for his twitching cock to bob free against your ass.
Lyney's hands travel down your curves and to your round ass, giving your cheeks a light squeeze. He spreads them apart, giving himself a better view of your leaky pussy. He moves his hips, letting his fat pink tip rub against your cunt and gather your arousal. Lyney stills himself, his tip pushed against your wet entrance as he leans over, locking eyes with you in the reflection, "Keep your eyes on us." Unable to do anything other than what he says, your eyes widen as a pretty cry leaves your lips as he pushes himself inside of you.
His fingers dig into the fat of your hips as he fucks into you deep and hard. Lyney completely loses it when he sees your eyes flutter and drool slips from the corner of your mouth as you keep your eyes on the lewd display. His pace becomes harsh as the tip of his thick cock bullies your insides over and over, "Need to breed you nice and full... Need to see your cute stomach swell with my children- Fuck, mon amour...-" His hips stutter when he sees the white ring of cum that had formed at the base of his cock. Lyney lets out a breathy chuckle, running his fingers though his hair, “Creaming around my cock? You must really want me to breed you, huh”
You’re so fucked out the only way you can respond is by moaning over and over. You looked angelic and so fucking slutty that when your eyes crossed in pleasure and your tits bounced in time with his thrusts, Lyney releases a whiny moan. With a final thrust, his hot cum floods your fluttering pussy. His cock throbs as he regains his senses, groaning as he pulls out and his cum begins to leak from your cunt.
As much as the sight of his cum leaking from you filled his ego, Lyney needed it to take. Quickly grabbing a silicone prop, he pushes it inside your pussy with a curved smile, "You shouldn't let my seed go to waste. We need to keep you stuffed full 'til my cum takes..." Your eyes meet his devious ones in the vanity mirror, still looking for more. A sudden knock on the door causes Lyney to snap from his thoughts as Lynette's voice sounds from the other side, "Lyney, it's time."
"I'll be there in a moment!", he calls back and then lets out a sigh. His gaze returning to your dazed one. Your were still under his hypnosis... Lyney's voice is saccharine when he speaks his next words, "Sit still at my vanity and don't even think about covering up or fucking yourself on the prop that's keeping my cum in you." A sly smile forms on his lips when you let out a small whimper when you sit, making the silicone prop push deeper inside of you. Lyney presses a slow kiss to your lips and smiles, "Ma bonne fille..." He readjusts his clothes and fixes his hair one last time before heading out for his grand performance,
And what a performance it was. A standing ovation, thrown flowers covering the stage, and raving reviews from the prominent figures of Fontaine; all thanks to you. Lyney walks back to his dressing room and his lips curl up when his gaze lands on your shaking, restrained body still sat as his vanity as your own arousal had pooled in the chair. You were his lucky charm, his special jinx; and oh how he would reward you for being so perfect.... Breeding you time and time again.
a/n: i turned myself on just writing this lol also plz if you’ve read the yaoi i referenced, let’s be friends lmao
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Hardersson x Child Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Rocky the Rock
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"Morsa," You say one random day off," Why does Sam have Helen?"
Magda looks up from where she's working on her laptop. You're sitting by the coffee table on the floor, cross-legged as you make your farmyard animals enact something that really reminds Magda of the book Animal Farm which is a little disconcerting but she's trying really hard not to focus on.
"Huh? Helen the cat?"
You nod.
"Well, Sam's got Helen for companionship. Helen's her pet cat."
That makes you frown a little bit. "Why?"
Magda shrugs. "Some people want a pet to keep them company. Some people have cats like Sam, some people have dogs or hamsters or other little things."
You go silent for a moment, you head bobbing up and down in a nod. "Okay," You say," Can I go play outside now, Morsa?"
Magda leans back in her chair to look out the window. It was meant to rain later on today and she didn't want you to get a cold but, thankfully, the sky is clear.
"Do you want someone to kick a ball at you?" Magda asks as she helps you slip on your coat.
"No thank you, Morsa," You say, practically vibrating to be let out," Just going to play."
"Okay. If you get hurt, yell and I'll come out, alright?"
Magda types away at her laptop for a while as you play in the garden. Every so often, she drags her eyes up to check on you but you're just poking around in the gravel.
When Pernille comes home, you're still there and Magda is still typing.
"Where's Princesse?" Pernille asks before she drops down to steal a kiss.
"She's outside," Magda replies," Hey, Pernille, what does it mean when a kid starts asking about pets?"
"Well, she was asking about why Sam has her cat. I said it was for companionship."
"Magda," Pernille says fondly," I love you so much sometimes."
"Sometimes? Not always?"
"You know what I mean. You're so oblivious sometimes."
Magda frowns. "Huh?"
"She's planting the seed in your mind," Pernille explains," So when she asks about getting her own pet then it's not out of nowhere."
"But we can't get a pet!" Magda says," We're moving soon!"
Pernille laughs. "She's probably angling for one when we go back to Germany. She's very smart."
"It's sneaky! Oh my god, are we going to have to start buying pet food?! And vet bills! I don't think there's a good vet near our new place and-"
Magda's mouth snaps closed as Pernille rests her hands on her shoulders. She's giving Magda a pointed look tinged with amusement.
"Magda," She says," Calm down. We're not getting her a pet."
"Oh." Magda blows out all her air. "We're not?"
"No. We'll be much too busy and Princesse's still very little. A pet would just add stress onto everything."
"But she wants one."
"And I want a three course meal and for Sam's whole existence to stop being a threat to Princesse's wellbeing but I'm not getting any of that anytime soon."
Magda laughs. Her hand reaches for Pernille's hip, dragging her closer until she's comfortably sitting on Magda's lap. "I can make you the meal. I'm not too sure I can help with Sam though. I can wrap Princesse up in bubble wrap though."
Pernille smiles. "You're so sweet, Magda." She cards her fingers through Magda's hair, leaning forward to steal a kiss like she did earlier. "You're such a good mother."
Magda rarely gets embarrassed about these things but with Pernille's weight in her lap and you playing in the garden, there are no interruptions. Her face flushes red at the compliments.
"The perfect mother for our little girl," Pernille continues, littering kisses all over Magda's face," You and her are so alike."
"I think she's more like you," Magda can scarcely gets the words out as Pernille bites at her earlobe.
"That's only because you're so oblivious. You and Princesse are more similar than you think."
"Momma! You're home!"
Pernille looks over Magda's shoulder to see you. Your hands are covered in dirt like you've been digging around in the flowerbeds again and you're pulling off your shoes, throwing them onto the floor.
"You look like you've been having fun," Pernille laughs," You're all dirty."
"Only a little," You say, wiping a hand on the front of your shirt," Where's my googly eyes?"
Magda frowns. She'd been preparing herself for you to ask about a pet, not about your arts and crafts supplies. "Er...Should be in the toy box."
"Thank you!"
You run off without even giving Pernille a hug, though she's secretly grateful for that because your hands look to be caked in dirt.
Magda sighs. "Is she going to start sticking those eyes on her shoes again?"
"I hope not. She nearly had a breakdown when they fell off last time."
Neither of them get an explanation about what you're doing with your googly eyes until way after dinner when you stand in front of them sitting on the sofa.
Magda takes a deep breath.
This is it.
It's time to completely break your heart.
"Sam has Helen as her pet," You begin," Morsa says Helen's for companionship."
"Pets are a lot of work," Magda says quickly, wanting the soften the blow," They take a lot of care."
You frown, your crinkle appearing between your brows. "Even the little things?"
"Even them," Pernille says solemnly," The little ones a very complicated. You have to feed them and clean out their cages."
You nod along before," That's okay. I've got one that doesn't need feeding."
That alarms Magda and she remembers how you were poking around in the garden all day. She wonders if you've managed to dig up a mouse or something from the dirt.
Pernille also looks suitably alarmed and her eyes immediately dart to where your hands are hiding behind your back.
"Princesse," She says slowly," Have you brought something into the house that you shouldn't have?"
You shake your head. "He is my pet," You say.
"Princesse-" Magda begins before her mouth hangs open in shock.
"His name is Rocky," You say proudly as you hold up a little granite rock from behind your back. You've stuck a set of three googly eyes on it. "And he is my pet."
"That's a rock," Magda says.
"Yes. Rocky the rock. My pet."
"Pernille, that's a rock."
"I can see that, Magda."
"I found him all by myself," You boast, puffing out your chest," I saved him from the cold and gave him eyes so he can see. He's my pet and he's going to sleep in my bed with me."
Magda can do nothing but stare with an open mouth as you show off your new rock.
"Pernille," Magda manages to whisper as you fawn and coo over your new rock," She dug up a rock."
"Yes, she did."
"She wants to sleep in bed with it."
"Yes, she does."
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mariclerc · 4 months
Soft fur | cl16
Summary: When your date with Charles takes an unexpected turn. Or when you have a new fluffy member in the family.
Warning: None, a lot of fluff from Charles and reader.
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You and Charles have been dating for a long time, and occasionally you go on casual dates since you are both busy and hardly have time for a date as such, and today is one of those. You are both sitting in front of each other, the sun was coming through the window of the place, plates with half-eaten and delicious pastries occupy the space between you. You take a bite of a macaron, your eyes sparkle with delight.
“You're enjoying that, mon amour?” Charles asks while keeping a little smile on his face.
You nod with your mouth full. “Mmm! It's so light and airy, just like... Well, you.”
He chuckles. “Me? It's that because I'm sweet and fluffy? Flattery will take you so far, love.” He winks and reaches for your hand, intertwining your fingers. You blush lightly, a shy smile playing on your lips.
Moments later, you walk hand in hand down a cobblestone street. The afternoon sun warms up your skin, and the gentle murmur of conversation hangs in the air while you talk about everything and nothing at the same time.
“...and then the girl screamed very loudly in the office, and I was scared, she screamed because there was a bug in her coffee cup, she started shaking the cup, spilling coffee all over the floor. I swear it was something out of a movie.”
“Oh god, I can imagine it, baby.” he said while laughing.
Suddenly you feel something soft against your ankle, you stop and look down at the floor to see fluffy siamese kitten nuzzling you leg. Its emerald eyes looked at you with great curiosity and innocence.
“Oh god Charles, look! It's a kitty! It's so small, oh my!” You say while gasping.
He kneels while extending a hand. “Hello there, little one. Where did you come from?”
The kitten rubs against his palm, purring contentedly. You watch, your heart melting at the beautiful sight.
“It's so cute. Can we pet it?”
He smiles. “Of course, mon ange.”
He gently picks up the kitten, cradling it in his arms. You reach out with a shy smile, tentatively stroking its soft fur. Memories of your childhood flood back: begging your parents for a pet, daydreaming about cuddling with a furry friend, or simply being your companion while you study.
“You know? I always wanted a kitten when I was younger. But my parents never let me had one.” You said with your voice a little brittle.
He notice your wistful expression. “Is that something you still want princess?”
“I don't know... It seems a bit silly now, being an adult and all.” You say a little hesitantly.
Looks at you intently. “Silly? I don't think it's silly love. If it makes you happy, it's not necessarily silly.”
He holds the kitten out to you. You hesitate for a moment, then cautiously take it in your arms. The warmth of its tiny body fills you with a sense of comfort and joy.
“Thank you Charles.” You say in a whisper.
He smiles warmly, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Consider it an early Valentine's day present.”
You let out a little giggle and continue walking together, now with your new furry friend, which is quite comfortable in your arms, the sun light becomes brighter and more resplendent. After walking for a while, you and Charles stand in a bustling pet store, the kitten nestled comfortably in your arms. Shelves overflow with cat toys, treats, and colorful accessories.
“There are many options! What can we choose?” Your eyes are wide with wonder.
He chuckles. “Well, let's ask the experts, don't we?” He approaches a friendly-looking employee wearing a name tag that reads "Sarah." “Hi there! We found a little lost soul and are looking for the perfect essentials to welcome it home.”
“Oh, how adorable! What a lucky kitty. Let's see what we can do.”
Sarah guides you through the maze of cat supplies, explaining the differences between food brands, litter types, and scratching posts. You bombard her with questions, your excitement growing with each answer.
Later, you stand in your cozy apartment, transforming a small corner of the living room into a cat sanctuary. Charles helps you assemble a cat condo, set up a litter box, and fill bowls with food and water. The kitten, now sporting a cute red collar and named "Sparks" by you, explores its new territory with playful curiosity.
“All ready! What do you think Sparks? Happy with your new digs?” You say while wiping some sweat from your forehead caused by the work of arranging things.
Sparks rubs against your leg, purring loudly. You kneel down and scoop it up, burying your face in its soft fur. A contented sigh escapes your lips.
“You look radiant, mon bébé! Even happier than with the pastries.” He said while wrapping his arms around you.
“Maybe it's the pastries, maybe it's the kitten, but mainly it's you. Thank you for making this dream come true, Charles!” You say with a little smile on your face as you lean into him.
He kisses your forehead, his eyes filled with love. Sparks, sensing the affection, snuggles closer to you, completing the picture of perfect domestic bliss.
“Now we have a little family!” He says while having a smile on his face.
“Maybe later, a little human addition to the family?” You say in a whisper.
Charles's eyes widen in surprise, followed by a slow, teasing grin. “Mon ange, are you proposing?”
“Maybe...” You say while blushing. “But I think for now we are fine the way we are.”
You don't rule out the idea of ​​having a family in the future, whether near or distant, with Charles, but at the moment you guys are pretty good with Sparks and their fun and curious things that they do every day and that make them smile at the least expected moment, no matter how stressed or tired you both are, Sparks is always there to make you smile.
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