#i swear i've been there on a sunday before so thought they closed later but guess i was wrong 😞
vegancas · 2 years
for not getting to sleep until 4am this morning i was more energetic today at work than i have been in months
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harley-sunday · 1 year
Hi miss Sunday. I've been following you for a while but never really ineracted with you so I hope this is ok? I know you once wrote something about how Daniel would be after a race (and maybe Max? I remember it being super hot...) and I' curious what you think Carlos would be like after a race like today?
"Miss Sunday" aw 🥰🥰 And of course this is ok, sweet anon! Don't ever hesitate to message me!
Also. Putting this under a read more, because I have thoughts and they're sort of NSFW but also kind of cute? Idk..
Ok. So. I think Carlos wants to be taken care of. The race finished hours ago, but then there was press, and the debrief, and so the fight has gone out of him a little and by the time he makes it back to your hotel room he's just so tired, and so disappointed in the team and the FIA and himself, and so you make him sit down on the couch and climb onto his lap and hold him close, whispering "I love you" into the otherwise empty room over and over again. After a while you pull back a little, cup his face and kiss him and you can feel him grow hard but when you try to slide off his lap so you can sink to your knees and help him out, he holds onto you tighter, keeping you close, and whispers a pained, "Don't," against your lips.
Before you have a chance to protest he kisses you again, a little more passionate this time, but when you grind down he grabs your hips and makes you stop. "I want-" he starts but then shakes his head and swallows hard as if he's embarrassed, "Nevermind."
"Carlos," you counter, quietly, to let him know it's ok. "Tell me. Let me make you feel better." Putting your mouth close to his ear you whisper, "Use your words to use me, baby."
He says something in Spanish, cursing quietly in his native tongue, and his voice is even rougher when he switches back to English, "I want to be inside of you but I don't want-" He sounds almost ashamed but just when you want to tell him it's ok, that you'd do anything for him, he clears his throat and tries again, "I don't want you to move."
"Ok," you tell him, placing openmouthed kisses along his jawline until you find his mouth and lick into it because of course his lips were already parted and ready for you. He sucks your tongue deeper into his mouth then and you feel yourself grow wetter and wetter and so you rise up ever so slightly and bunch up the fabric of your flimsy summer dress, pushing it up past your hips. Your hands make quick work of his belt and the button and zipper of his jeans and when you reach into his boxers and take him out he's already half hard. You need him all the way there though and so you pull back and spit in your hand, getting him hard with a few flicks of your wrist not much later.
Your hand pushes your panties aside as you guide him inside with the other, letting out a gasp when he fills you so perfectly. It takes everything you have not to move but then you see Carlos close his eyes and lean his head back, his hands resting on your hips losely as if he wants to anchor himself to you, and you swear you can see the worry and stress that was etched onto his face disappear more and more with every passing second and you vow right then and there to stay here, like this, with him inside of you, for as long as he needs.
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deathfavor · 10 months
@kisumshi said: "what made you this way?" dorahan
send 🍻 + a question for my muse's drunken (honest) answer
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Hanma doesn't normally drink to the point of actually being drunk. There are times though, like tonight, where it happens be it intentional or accidental. ( It's the former in this case.) But he's only ever once drank to the point of blacking out and never since. He's seriously contemplating it in the face of that question and he promptly settles on another shot that's definitely going to fuck him up later. But who gives a shit? Not Hanma. Not any other fucking soul on this planet will either. ( Liar. He can see Draken's expression and it makes his stomach curl unpleasantly because Draken probably does even when he shouldn't. Because Draken's just too fucking nice. He shouldn't care about Hanma at all. Hanma thinks Draken's niceness will be Draken's own downfall and he dreads the thought of that. ) His throat burns and he can't tell if its the alcohol or something else.
" What way? So fucked up? " Hanma asks with a bark of laughter that rings hollow in his ears. " Same pathetic sob story as pretty much everyone else. " He responds, staring at the glass in his hand with something close to disdain. " Pathetic excuse of a mother who'd rather be drunk and sleeping around and whatever other shit she does. If she's still around anyways. Don't know who my father is, probably dead or locked up or some shit like that. " He takes another large drink from the bottle, winces at the burn but doesn't complain - he grins, bitter and angry in a way he doesn't normally show. Maybe he doesn't even realize that anger himself. " Pops tried to care for me whenever my mom dropped me off at his place before she started to forget and left me on my own. I think he pitied me and that pissed me off so I became a little hellion. Ran away before I was even ten and been living on the streets most of the time since. Disappointment runs in the family I guess. " He laughs, and laughs but it's not an amused laugh.
He finishes the bottle and sets it aside, staring ahead. " Got into shit I shouldn't have way too young, saw things I shouldn't, probably broke a few things up here. " He taps his head as he stretches out his legs and grins, teeth hiding an empty void that fills his skin. He swears if he breathes he'll hear it echo between his spine and his ribs. " Then I just...stopped feeling anything at some point when i was young. I fought and broke shit just to feel something. Wanted to be entertained somehow. Wanted to have people's attention but even that faded. Especially when I was winning fights all the time. Thrill of it all wore off and i was so bored all the time again. " Hanma spreads his arms with a laugh. " Yet here I still fucking am. Fucked up six ways from Sunday and then some. " He snickers, turning towards Draken.
His expression falls, turns flat and lifeless as he stares at the blonde. " That shit what you want to fucking hear, Draken? " He knows damn well Draken's seen the ugly bruises the decorate his skin tonight and reckless shit he's done recently. And Hanma doesn't care. Doesn't care when he's choking on blood or fucking with shit he probably shouldn't. " Wanna know all the sort of fucked up shit survived? That I've done? " He asks, a manic tone creeping back into his voice with masochistic delight.
He leans closer towards Draken, words forced out from his clenched jaw. " I don't need any of your damn pity, got it? You can take it and shove it somewhere else. " He hates the thought of it all, but he can't take back what he's spilled in his drunken state. He can just drink enough to forget he's said anything. His head falls, his whole body slouching as he leans on Draken' shoulder despite the way he'd snapped like a wounded animal. His voice softens. " Doesn't matter. None of this crap does. I don't give a shit for these gangs. I just...." He heaves a tired sigh, eyes closing for a minute and leaving whatever he started to say unfinished.
He's fucked up - he never should've said any of that shit because he doubts Draken's the kind of person who can just forget. " I hate nice guys like you. " Hanma comments quietly; it lacks any venom or bite or malice. It just sounds like a bone-deep exhaustion. It isn't true and he doubts either of them believe it, because if Hanma truly hated him, he wouldn't be here drinking with him. He wouldn't cook for him, wouldn't text him, wouldn't stay over, wouldn't let his mask drop or curl up to Draken at night, he wouldn't do any of this shit. That, Hanma thinks, is the worst part. He doesn't hate it.
Hanma lifts his head after several minutes of being so still that one could be forgiven for thinking he fell asleep. " Can you hand me another bottle? I'm already this fucked up, might as well keep going till I forget. Just drop me off at the hospital if it seems like I got alcohol poisoning. " He laughs, pathetic and exhausted but too lazy to fight to get another drink. Maybe he's had enough to forget by the morning anyways. His head falls back against Draken's shoulder, hair flat from its usual spiked state as his eyes seem distant and devoid of life despite how his chest raises and falls to prove otherwise.
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arlecchno · 2 years
mission accomplished [ scaramouche x reader ]
seven | cat and mouse
prev masterlist next
possibly breaking into someone's frat house isn't exactly the kind of thing you expected you'd be doing on a sunday afternoon. secrets get unfolded as you further investigate the house, and you're once again stuck with scaramouche for the umpteenth time.
warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, close proximity (is this even a proper word), y/n and scara playing cat and mouse with viktor lmao (as the title says)
a/n: this chapter is a bit short unfortunately... i'm still suffering from writer's block but i think this is a bit better than the last chap, so i hope it's at least a lot more enjoyable to read 💔 updates been going slow lately and i'm sorry for that,, i hope this close proximity thing makes up for the debt i owe you guys hehe, happy reading!
grammatical errors may occur so please let me know if i've made any mistakes!
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the drive to viktor's frat house was awfully quiet. none of you and scaramouche decided to say anything for the whole ride, opting to just stay in silence instead.
sundays are usually the days you dread the most, mainly because it's the last day of the week before a new one starts. but today was 10 times worse, you didn't think you'd have to do stuff like this undercover.
you wouldn't say you were exactly breaking into viktor's frat house, since he gave you the key to the house. but if you were to tell people that you went back there without viktor knowing, you'd definitely get charged with a misdemeanor, or worse, a felony.
you really don't want that to end up in your records and get suspended from your police work.
you two arrived at viktor's frat house after a short while. getting out of the car, you looked over at scaramouche.
“did you take the stuff?” you asked.
scaramouche pointed out to the sample equipment on his hand, showing you that he's taken them out from the car. “sure did.”
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“so...” you mumbled, crouching down at the small patch of dried blood on the carpeted floor. “how should we do this?” you questioned, glancing at scaramouche who's taking out the needed stuff for sampling.
scaramouche shrugged, going past you to start his work. “just scrape it off, i guess. we're never really trained to get samples, usually that's the job for the csi team. we'll just do whatever we can and hope that it works.”
scaramouche put on surgical gloves before trimming a small part of the blooded carpet while you took photos as evidence.
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“i think this should do.” scaramouche said, holding and observing the crime evidence sealed in a ziplock.
this could be a breakthrough to your case and might lead you to more details that pinpoints viktor as the crime suspect. you seriously hoped that this case would end sooner, you really don't want to go back as a student for the next few months.
you sighed. “we shouldn't even do something like this, we're undercover. if people caught us doing shady stuff, things could backfire and we'd lose this case immediately.” you commented, taking a look at the photos you took on your phone.
i'll need to send these to childe later.
“should we head back?” you asked. scaramouche stood up from his crouching position, finishing up his work and putting everything back in the sample equipment.
“let's send this to the car first, then we could go back here and check out the house once again, in case we missed anything. there's no one here so it's a great opportunity since we have the keys.” said the short male, already on his way to leave the room.
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surprisingly, the house was squeky clean, not a single beer cup nor rubbish in sight. after the frat party, you thought that it'd take at least a few days for viktor to become motivated again and clean up the house, but it's barely been a few hours since you left and it's already spotless.
looks like viktor came to clean the house up after i texted him back.
“ah, well... i'm not sure if we're supposed to be searching for anything, we didn't find a single thing other than that carpet last night.” you complained, standing in the living room with scaramouche.
you were about to leave the room and check out the kitchen when scaramouche stopped you, yanking your hand back.
“what?” you said coldly. scaramouche was looking at something, but you couldn't tell what he was so focused on.
“do you see a bump there?” scaramouche inquired, bringing up his index finger to point it out on the rug at the corner of the living room.
you observed for a second, squinting your eyes for good measure. “huh, that's strange.”
the both of you walked over to the rug and fixate your eyes on it again. it does looks likes there's an odd lump under the rug.
you crouched down, lifting off the rug a bit with your fingers and took a peek of the mystery beneath it.
“well, this is extremely note-worthy.” you blankly said, lifting off the rug completely so that scaramouche could witness it too.
it seemed like there's a secret basement under the frat house, with the lock being the lump you saw earlier. you wonder if people ever noticed it or they were just too stupid and drunk out of their minds to do that.
scaramouche let out a scoff, amused with viktor's so-not-low-key secret base. “we should try to unlock it with the keys viktor gave you. who knows, he might be one of those stupid people who leaves everything in one place.” scaramouche said, pulling out his phone to take pictures.
you nodded, taking out the keys from your pocket. trying out one by one, you started to test out the keys to see which one fits perfectly that'll unfold the secret viktor's hiding from the world.
unfortunately, none of them fit, leaving you guys dumbfounded. you sighed, tilting your head to glance up at scaramouche. “it's not working. he probably hides the key somewhere.”
“...and what are you waiting for? get up and let's start finding that damn key.” the ravenette scolded, crossing his arms at you.
you rolled your eyes, placing the rug back to it's original place. “no need to get feisty, little dude. we have all the time in the world. it's not like viktor's gonna come back here, he's already cleaned up the place.”
well, let's just say you're the queen of jinxing your own words.
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the sound of a car engine can be heard from the outside of viktor's frat house, making scaramouche shot his eyes to the window in the living room.
slack-jawed, scaramouche crouched down slightly and shook your shoulder violently. “someone's pulling up here!”
upon hearing his words, you too moved your gaze to the window after standing up from your crouching position, making scaramouche yank you back to the floor.
“are you stupid?! they're gonna see your idiotic ass!” the short male said furiously. you settled on raising your head slightly to the window, just enough to look at the car that's pulling up on the driveway.
“that's viktor, dude! i know that car! what in the world are we supposed to do now?!” you asked anxiously, looking around to find a place to hide.
the male beside you seemed to have an idea. scaramouche grabbed your arm, making you fixate your eyes on his face instead. “i know somewhere. i saw it when we were looking out the place last night. follow me.”
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and that's how you ended up cramped with scaramouche inside a wardrobe with plantation shutters under the staircase.
great, you're stuck in a tight space with this guy once again.
“why do you think this would be a great idea? what if he opens this wardrobe?!” you whispered in the dark. you could be spotted in a second if viktor opens the shutter door due to how tiny the wardrobe is, you wouldn't have anywhere to hide in here.
“just– i don't freaking know! pray or something!” the man beside you whispered back, before hearing the main door open. the subtle creaking sound of the door made you two shut up and focus on the man that just walked into the house instead.
looking through the shutters, you and scaramouche both kept an eye on viktor's every move in the house.
suddenly, viktor walked right over to the wardrobe, much to your and scaramouche's surprise.
both of your breaths hitched and you two stood frozen, not knowing what the tall man was gonna do next.
viktor instead placed his keys on the dresser right outside and next to the wardrobe you were currently in. he then headed to the living room, not even having a single clue that two detectives practically invaded his frat house and are now hiding in his exceptionally small wardrobe.
the both of you exhaled at the same time, relief washed over you. goodness, you almost got caught by the prime suspect of a serial killer to your case. you don't even want to imagine what would happen if he were to find you two in here.
“what's he doing over there?” you questioned, looking at viktor just standing idly in the living room.
viktor took out something in his pocket and went straight to the spot you and scaramouche just investigated a minute ago.
mouth wide opened, you observed viktor who is now crouching down to unlock the plank that seals the basement.
what in the world is he doing down there? and what could possibly be there? you ponder, thinking of a thousand possibilities that could be the answer to your question.
the case won't be able to move smoothly if you don't find out what's in viktor's secret basement.
out of the blue, you felt something step on your foot. a few curses were thrown out by you and a thud can be heard from the wardrobe from your reflex.
“shit– ow! what the hell?! you just stepped on my foot, you asshole!” you screamed internally, cursing at scaramouche. the male beside you tried to shush you by making hand gestures but you were only focused on your foot.
viktor perked his head up upon hearing the faint sound, peering around the living room to see if anyone's there. not seeing anything, he stood up from the position he was in and headed to the hallway where the sound came from.
scaramouche was freaking out while you were too busy soothing out your bruised foot, letting out a whine from the pain.
viktor walked near the wardrobe and on instinct, scaramouche decided to do the only thing he had in mind.
and that is to make you shut the hell up.
the ravenette slapped a hand over your mouth and brought you the corner of the wardrobe behind all of the hanged clothes. he had his other hand beside your head, making you shut up instantly.
viktor stopped beside the wardrobe and looked around the house, trying to find the source of the sound.
the close proximity between you and scaramouche made the short male averted his eyes to the shutter instead, slightly flustered by his own bold movement.
eyes widened, your quick breaths fanned over scaramouche's, face mere centimetres from each other. you're flustered, nervous at the thought of possibly getting caught in a situation where you're stuck in a position like this with the male in front of you.
goodness, he needs to start giving me warnings before he pulls up something like this.
scaramouche kept an eye on viktor from the wardrobe instead, silently praying that the tall man doesn't open the shutter door.
as if the archons have answered his prayers, viktor just sighed and went back to the living room. he must have thought he was imagining things. looking over the place once again, viktor made sure that there's no one else in the house before going in the basement, closing the plank back on him.
scaramouche let out a sigh, relieved that you two didn't get caught. you wanted to say something but your words were muffled by scaramouche's hand that was still covering your mouth. he put up an indescribable look upon hearing the vibrations of your voice from his hand, before bringing it to his side.
“what?” scaramouche asked, quite confused with the glare you're giving him right now.
you frowned even more at him. “you could've just told me to shut up, didn't need to do all that.” you pouted, shoving his form away from you to give you two a bit of space.
“i think the word you're looking for is thank you. if it wasn't for my instincts you'd be caught by now.” he retorted, turning his head away from you in spite.
you groaned. it's only been a week since you started this case and it already feels like hell.
you have a feeling the archons are punishing you to the deep depths of teyvat for whatever reason you couldn't tell, given how you always end up in the most undesirable situations during this mission, with your sworn enemy no less.
now you're really praying that this ends real soon.
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after a bit of planning and a bit of arguing, you two finally decided it was time to leave and get out from the house. slowly opening and closing the shutters, you and scaramouche tip-toed to the main door and dashed through once you opened it, in fear of viktor finding out you were camping in his fraternity house for the past hour.
in an instant, the both of you rushed to scaramouche's car on the side of a road a few feet away from the frat house, both thankful and regretful that scaramouche parked quite far.
it's good that he parked a bit far from the frat house to avoid suspicions, but archons how you wished it wasn't that far. the running is killing you.
you opened the door to the passenger side of the car after scaramouche unlocked it and immediately got inside. you panted, running out of breath. “archons– i hope that's the last time we'll ever do that.”
scaramouche was out of breath too. “y– yeah. let's– let's not do that.” he stammered, leaning his head back and bringing up an arm to wipe off the sweat on his forehead.
the both of you swore to never do something like that ever again.
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after your little escape from viktor, you and scaramouche decided it was best to head over to the post office and drop off the sample addressed to the precint immediately, in hopes that nothing happens and childe receives it safely.
**photo sent**
╏ just dropped off the sample ╏
at the post office
╏ no worries we made sure to ╏
pack it nicely and secure!
╏ lmk when you receive it ╏
╏ btw we almost got caught ╏
╏ lmao ╏
4:42 p.m
childe replied to 'lmk when...'
sure! thanks for the work y/n!!
childe replied to 'btw we al...'
you WHAT?!
HELLO??? Y/N??
you sighed. you'll reply to childe later, you're just really exhausted right now from all of the running and escaping.
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what if the archons are playing cupid instead of punishing y/n *wink wink
and what if i tell you that some bolded words are actually foreshadowing *double wink wink
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
a/n: omg! it's been so long since i last wrote something for harry so it feels a bit weird but in a good way to be back. i've been spending more time offline so writing hasn't been going that fast like before, but im working on a few other stuff too! just please be patient with me, im trying my besti swear! so now enjoy this oneshot of two oblivious and stupid roommates who start sharing a bed...
pairing: Roommate!Harry x reader
word count: 8.1k
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Living with three boys has its perks but also a lot of downsides too. It’s not how you planned, you were set to move in with one of your friends from second year, but she bailed on you last minute, leaving you with no place to live when most of the houses were already taken for the next at least one year. You were bracing yourself to sleep under a bridge or something already when your heroes came along.
You went to high school with Harry Niall and Louis, but you weren’t exactly in the same friend group, just knew about each other. Then you ended up in the same Lit class freshman year with Harry and he was basically your pass into their little group. You hit it off pretty easily and you always wondered why you didn’t become friends before college. Later you had two more classes with him in the second semester and it was just all a coincidence that he found out about your living situation.
“Why don’t you move in with us?” he prompted one afternoon when you were studying together in the library.
“I’m not sharing a room with any of you, Harry,” you sighed, shaking your head.
“You wouldn’t have to. We had a fourth mate living with us but he dropped out about a month ago. You could take his bedroom.”
“Are for real? You should talk about it with the boys first, don’t you think?”
“I’m sure they wouldn’t mind it. They like you too and if I’m being honest, the place could use the touch of a woman,” he smirked and you just rolled your eyes, but you were incredibly thankful for the offer.
So after talking with Niall and Louis about it and once they gave their amens on the situation, you officially moved in with the three of them.
You’d be lying if you said there hasn’t been times when you thought about choosing the bridge, living with boys is not exactly a dream. They are messy, sometimes loud and oblivious about certain things women do and need. You’ll never forget Niall’s face when you packed the shelf above the toilet with your tampons and pads. The horror in his eyes as he examined all the different sizes and types.
“But why so many? I don’t get it why you need the large ones and the mini ones too,” he huffed.
“Because I vary them according to the strength of my flow.”
“Bless you,” he scoffed and just walked away.
They tend to leave their clothes around the house and they don’t always realize when it’s time to let some fresh air into the place either. Harry has a sixth sense wanting to use the bathroom when you’re in and Louis always forgets to get rid of his spoiled food from the fridge. Tini things that surely got you thinking if it was a good idea to move in with them. But then there are times when you can’t even imagine sharing a home with anyone else than these three idiots.
The way Harry always leaves you a cup of coffee on the counter when he has an early class on mondays and wednesdays, how Niall always waits for you to get home after your night shifts at the restaurant you’ve been working at, but he always just says he was watching Supernatural on TV. You love that Louis goes out of his way to get you your favorite pastry for breakfast on sundays when he goes for his morning runs. But the absolute best is that you never feel alone or bored with these three around. Something is always happening and they make sure to involve you in everything, making you feel like part of their little pack.
Tonight is Thursday and Thursdays are movie nights in your home. It’s been a tradition since the first week and you haven’t missed any of them. Sitting on the couch at your usual spot, you laugh as Niall growls in annoyance when you suggest to watch another rom-com.
“Not again!” he protests, sitting on the floor by the coffee table you and Harry thrifted a few months ago after the previous one was broken at a smaller party held in the house.
“Why? I bet Harry would love it!” you grin, glancing at the guy in talk who is now entering the room with a big bowl of popcorn.
“Of course he would, because he is a pussy! And the two of you always team up, dragging Louis with you so I can never watch something I enjoy!” Niall whines as Harry sits next to you, not too bothered by his friend’s cries.
“Come on, I bet you enjoyed Crazy, Stupid Love last week!” you laugh, remembering how he whined for the first part, then fell asleep at the end.
“Love, if you think that was enjoyment, I wouldn’t want to be your boyfriend,” Niall scoffs and you gasp at his reply.
“Hey!” you snap at him, but can’t help laughing. This is how it always goes with you and Niall, the non-stop bickering can sometimes drive Harry and Lou insane.
“Okay, so what do you want to watch?” Harry asks, throwing some popcorn into his mouth as he gets comfortable, an arm resting on the back of the couch behind you, the other one busy with the snack in his lap.
“There is this new horror I’ve been dying to see!” Niall’s blue eyes light up right away, but you’re fast to break that shine.
“Nah, no way. I’m not watching a horror movie.”
“Why not?”
“Because I fucking hate them and they scare the shit out of me.”
“That’s like the whole point!” he protests, but you shake your head no again.
“What are you fighting about again?” Louis asks, walking into the room after his quick shower, the smell of his body wash filling the room for a few moments.
“I want to watch a horror movie, but Y/N is a little baby and she doesn’t want to.”
“I’m not a baby! I just don’t enjoy watching people get killed or demons sucking the life out of someone!” Niall just rolls his eyes at your response.
“But it’s always what you or Harry wants to watch, why can’t I choose just this once?”
“That’s not true, we watch movies you like too!” you retort, but Niall gives you an unimpressed look. “We watched that crime thing, that was your choice!”
“That was three months ago, Y/N,” he sighs and as you do some quick math you realize that he is right.
“Hey, he has a point. Let’s just watch what he wants this one time, yeah?” Harry curls his arm that’s been on the back of the couch around your shoulder and he pulls you to his side, squeezing you gently.
“But I hate horrors,” you pout, knowing well that it’s already kind of settled, you lost this battle.
“It’s just a movie. And if you get scared in the night, you can sleep at mine,” he offers with a wink that surely makes your heartbeat fasten a bit.
If you’re being honest, you’ve always had a tiny crush on Harry, even back in high school, when you didn’t really know him. He was the cool guy, but not the douchebag type, more like the one that was nice to everyone and earned their respect and liking. Getting to know him just proved that he really is a great guy, but you figured he would never feel the same way about you. These three guys only saw you as their sister and that was in a way kinda worse than being friend zoned, but there’s nothing you can do about it, so you just decided to come to peace with your situation. But that doesn’t mean you don’t get flustered when you see him wander around the house in just his boxers or when he gets a little touchy with you, which happens a lot, because that’s just how he is. Hands on your shoulders, a little squeeze on your hips, the gentle touch of his fingers on your back, they happen all the time and they get your pulse up every time. You can only hope it’s not that noticeable.
Niall finally gets what he wants and you agree to watch that stupid horror movie. It doesn’t start off too bad, but it quickly escalates and makes you shudder every time the screen gets a little darker or the music is foreshadowing that something is about to happen.
“Jesus fuck!” you jump a little when the killer appears out of nowhere in the scene.
“You alright?” Harry asks, peeking down at you.
“I fucking hate this dude,” you mumble, rubbing your face with your hands, to get your shit together. Harry chuckles lightly next to you, his arm pulling you to his side close and you gladly sink against him, the warmth of his body giving you some comfort and a sense of safety.
Your eyes are on the screen, but your mind is dancing around how his fingers are delicately running up and down your arm, drawing circles and little shapes on your skin. It could put you to sleep easily, even with the woman screaming on the screen after seeing her husband get killed.
“Just imagine the guy with a funny mustache,” Harry murmurs, leaning closer to you so he doesn’t bother the other two guys with his comment. “Or maybe in a ridiculous outfit.”
“Like… in a onsie?” you ask, squinting your eyes at the screen.
“Could be, yeah,” he chuckles quietly. “Just imagine him running through the woods in a onsie with bunnies all over it.”
You can’t push your laughter down, covering your mouth with your hand so you don’t bother the others. Harry just smirks, giving you a squeeze as you’re still melted against his side on the couch, legs pulled up to your chest, while his are spread out in front of him.
“Definitely not that scary,” you giggle and Harry hums in agreement.
“Would you mind getting a fucking room, you guys? You have two, in fact!” Niall snaps at you playfully, when you start laughing again.
“Sorry, sorry!” you clear your throat, your cheeks heating up at the comment, but luckily it’s dark enough to hide your embarrassment. Niall is always quick to make dirty jokes and tease you in a way that makes you nervous, especially when it involves Harry as well. He has made plenty of comments about you and Harry since you’ve moved in, implying that the two of you sometimes act like a couple or that you should hook up. Harry is always quick to shake them off, that’s how you know he couldn’t even take the thought seriously.
At the end of the movie you feel like it wasn’t bad, not with Harry holding you close at least.
“Will you be screaming tonight, Y/N?” Niall teases you, making you roll your eyes at him.
“Either way it’s gonna be your fault.”
“I can live with that!” he laughs, bidding his goodbye before he shuts the door of his bedroom behind him.
You do your usual evening routine, get ready to bed and by the time you’re done in the bathroom all the boys have retired into their rooms. The hallway stands dark in front of you, only a tiny bit of light coming from your bedroom since you left your bedside lamp on in there, but you still can’t help the eerie feeling that washes over you. That movie didn’t sit right with you and now you have to face the aftermath of it.
Switching the lights in the bathroom off you sprint into your bedroom, pictures from the movie flashing in your mind of the killer just jumping out of nowhere. You shut the door and lean your back against it for a moment, taking a deep breath. Tonight is going to be long.
No matter how hard you try, you just can’t fall asleep. You’re way too alerted, opening your eyes at the tiniest of sounds around you, which is unfortunate, because your window is looking over the main street, unlike two other rooms in the house, that are facing the small backyard. Harry and Louis have the luck to have those rooms.
Every time you’re about to fall asleep something from the movie sneaks into your thoughts and you get scared to death. Soon, you realize you won’t be able to sleep on your own tonight.
Sitting on the edge of your bed, you wonder if Harry really meant that offer that you can sleep with him or not. Part of you is convinced it was just a joke, but when you hear someone shouting down the street you push your doubts aside and you quickly find yourself making your way to Harry’s room.
You knock on the room lightly, not wanting to wake anyone else up. The last thing you need is Niall seeing you go into Harry’s room in the middle of the night.
No answer comes from inside, but you won’t just leave it at that. Opening the door you’re facing another dark room, barely making out the furniture, but you already know the route by heart. Making it to the bed your eyes finally adjust to the darkness and you can see Harry lying on his side, sleeping peacefully. Squatting down you place a hand to his shoulder and give him a tiny shake.
“Harry?” you call out quietly, but his answer is just a huff. “Harry, it’s me,” you try again, squeezing his arm. He furrows his eyebrows before slowly blinking his eyes open, finding you in his sight.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” he asks in that groggy, low voice you love hearing in the morning so much.
“I can’t… Did you mean that I can sleep here if I’m scared?” you ask, afraid that he might just have a good laugh and send you back to your room. For a long moment, he just blinks at you before nodding his head and you feel relief washing over you.
“Sure,” he hums.
“O-okay then I’ll bring a blanket and take the floor and--”
“Shut up, you are not sleeping on the floor,” he growls, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into bed with him as he scoots over, making you space on the mattress.
It’s a bit weird at first, lying in bed with Harry, especially because it’s just queen sized, so there’s not much space between the two of you, but it seems like Harry doesn’t mind it so why should you?
Your nerves are a lot calmer with Harry next to you, but maybe it’s still because of the movie or because you’re a bit anxious about the whole situation, you just still can’t relax enough to fall asleep.
“Y/N, no one is gonna kill you here,” Harry speaks up surprising you because you thought he has already fallen back asleep.
“I know, I know,” you whisper, trying to sound convincing, but you can’t fool anyone, especially not him.
He huffs deeply and before you could realize what’s happening, Harry’s arm is curled around your waist, pulling you against him, spooning you from behind, the warmth of his body wrapping your figure almost entirely.
“If a murderer comes, they will have to fight me first, alright? Now sleep,” he mumbles against your hair, squeezing you gently. All at once, you couldn’t care about killers and dark shadows around you, because Harry was right there, holding you tight and there was nowhere you wanted to be more than right there.
You slept like a baby. Harry’s closeness kept every nightmare away from you and the morning came with ease. Harry’s phone wakes the two of you up at eight, because he has a morning class at 9.30. The two of you are completely tangled up in each other, lying on your side facing each other, Harry’s arms are wrapped around you, while yours are hugging his waist. Groaning at the sound of his alarm, he rolls to his back to reach for the phone on the nightstand and then he finally turns it off. It’s bright outside, the darkness of the night finally long gone. You’re still groggy when Harry rolls back, his arm coming back around you like it’s the most natural thing in the world and in a sense, it feels like that. But as you both slowly wake up, you realize that you might be a little too close. Slowly but surely you let go of each other, rolling to your back, staring up at the ceiling.
“Hope I didn’t kick you in my sleep,” you smile at him, peeking over at him, hoping to break the awkwardness of the situation.
“No, don’t worry about it,” he chuckles, rubbing his eyes, before pushing himself up and off the bed. You follow him with your gaze as he steps to his dresser and grabs a pair of clean underwear. “I’ll put on a coffee while I shower, want one too?” he asks, though you know he could make one for you anyway.
“Sure, thank you,” you nod and he nods back, yawning as he walks out of the room, leaving you lying in his bed, a bit confused and kind of aching to be held by him again.
Two days pass by, everything is going as per usual, neither you nor Harry brings up that you spent the night in his bed that one particular time. Now it’s saturday and you all were planning to go out, but a sudden storm has cancelled your plans, so the evening turned into a cozy, lazy hangout instead of a wild party at some frat house.
Louis decided to work on a paper that’s due in two weeks, Niall has been relentlessly swiping on Tinder while you and Harry are spawled out on the couch, watching some shitty action movie that was on TV, since you both were too lazy to choose one and put it on. Deep down you’re a little happy you don’t have to spend the evening in a crowded, smelly house, drinking cheap alcohol.
Harry gets up from his seat to grab himself a drink just when Niall growls in annoyance.
“What is it?” you ask.
“They keep unmatching with me after we’ve talked a little!”
“Have you thought about the reason?” you smirk at him, knowing well that Niall probably isn’t the easiest to talk to, he surely takes it too far too soon.
“Well they probably don’t like that I ask them if I can go over,” he shrugs, making you laugh.
“You’d go over in the pouring rain?” Harry asks, returning to his spot on the couch. He puts his drink to the coffee table and instead of sitting into his previous position, leaning against the arm of the couch, he lies down, laying his head to your thigh, making your breath hitch for a moment.
“Of course not!” Niall rolls his eyes. “But I thought it would make them think I would do anything for them.”
“It makes you seem desperate,” Harry retorts, earning a questioning look from his friend. “What? It does!”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“Yes it does,” you nod in agreement. “Going over in the middle of a storm just to fuck? Sounds like you’re having a hard time finding someone.”
“Women are so fucking complicated, and for what?!” he growls, before storming off to his bedroom, like an angsty teenager, leaving you and Harry alone.
He doesn’t move, his head stays on your thigh using it as a pillow. His curls are tickling the soft skin on your thigh and you have to fight the urge to play with his hair or scratch his scalp. You stay like this for the rest of the movie and when he gets up you almost want to pull him back.
“Alright, I’m fucked, I’m gonna go to bed,” he yawns, stretching his arms out into the air as he heads into his bedroom. “Good night, Y/N.”
“Night, Harry!” you call after him as you watch his frame disappear down the hallway.
Sighing, you slide down on the couch, cursing under your breath that you’re still so hung up on Harry. You really thought that you had it under control, but lately those damn butterflies are acting up in your stomach at everything he does.
“I’m pathetic,” you mumble under your breath just as the sky rumbles outside with a blinding lightning, making you jump with a squeak. “Shit,” you huff, already knowing that falling asleep will be a pain in the ass. Again.
You’ve always hated storms, they make you think that something bad is about to happen, a tree is about to fall into the window or a lightning will blow up the building. It’s kind of stupid, you know it, but you just can’t help it.
Tossing and turning, you jump every time a lightning flashes somewhere outside and a few seconds later the thunder rips through your whole body, almost making you fall off the bed.
“Oh God,” you let out a shaky breath. You have no idea how long it is until the Storm finally stops and you’d really like to have a good night's sleep. So pushing your anxious thoughts to the side, you get out of bed and head over to Harry’s room once again.
It’s such a deja vu from a few nights ago, as you gently knock on the door you wait again, but this time you actually get an answer.
“Yeah?” you hear him call out from inside and you slowly open the door, peeking your head inside. Harry is lying in bed, his head propped up against the headboard as he is scrolling through his phone. “Y/N? What’s wrong?” he asks, putting the phone aside as he sits up.
“I just, I-I know it’s stupid, but I was thinking… I don’t know--”
“Y/N, just tell me, alright? Come on in,” he gestures for you and you slip into the room, closing the door behind you before sitting to the edge of the bed next to him. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t sleep during storms…” you admit, looking into his eyes, hoping he gets the hint where you want to head with it. He stares back at you for a moment before he scoots over, lifting the covers up, giving you the green light to join him.
Relieved, you climb over to him, making yourself comfortable as he wraps the blanket over you, his arm immediately coming to cradle you, this time pulling you to his chest so your head is laid upon his shoulder, a hand gently placed onto his hard chest, probably right above where his butterfly tattoo is adorning his abdomen.
This is now easily your favorite place. Safe and tight in Harry’s arms, protected from anything and everything, like you’re in a little bubble as soon as you get on his bed.
Lightning strikes outside again and you shiver a little. Harry probably notices it, because he tightens his hold around you, as if it’s his way telling you that he is here and nothing bad is gonna happen. Eventually, you’re able to shut the outside out and only focus on Harry’s warmth, the touch of his hand on your arm and his even breathing. And then finally, you drift off to sleep.
This morning is different from the previous one you spent here. There’s no alarm since it’s Sunday, neither of you have anything in particular to do, so you wake up feeling rested, the Sun shining through his half drawn in curtains, no trace of last night’s storm can be noticed from where you’re lying in bed, the sky is as clear as ever. Sometime during the night you got tangled in a way where Harry is the one now cuddling you, his head lying on your chest, hugging you as if you were a giant teddy bear, his leg thrown between yours, lightly snoring against your sleep shirt. You can only see his mop of hair and the urge to play with them is back, but this time, you give in.
Leaving one hand on his back, you move the other one to his unruly locks, gently playing with one before you comb your fingers through it, lightly scratching his scalp. Harry hums in pleasure, shifting from his dreams back to reality, but he doesn’t move, just keeps humming as you massage his scalp.
“It’s not a good morning, it’s the best,” he mumbles groggily, making you chuckle at his words.
One of his hands is flat against your ribcage and the damned butterflies start dancing when you feel his fingers gently stroke your side as you keep playing with his curls. This feels so idyllic, as if you’ve been like this forever. You wish that was true.
Groaning as he stretches, Harry rolls to his back, making you instantly miss his body pressed against yours. He rubs his eyes, sighing deep as he blinks up at the ceiling a few times, then he turns his head to the side, looking at you.
Just when he is about to say something, outside his door it sounds like someone just broke a pile of plates and it’s followed by Niall’s usual annoyed growl. You both get out of bed to go and check what happened, not even thinking about how it might appear that you both are coming from Harry’s room in the morning.
Harry flings the door open and there is Niall, collecting pieces of a plate from the floor, his breakfast scattered down the hallway as well while he curses under his breath.
“What happened?” Harry asks, picking up a bigger piece from the plate.
“Fucking tripped,” he growls back, glancing up just for a moment, then back down, but then he processes that you’re standing behind Harry, in his room, in the morning. “What the fuck are you doing in Harry’s room?” he bluntly asks, quickly forgetting about the mess he just made.
“What?” you ask nervously, your pulse quickening in an instant. Harry stands up, seemingly not too bothered by Niall’s question.
“You slept in his room?!”
“She did,” Harry answers, leaning against the doorframe.
“Wait, are you two fucking?” Niall’s eyes widen, snapping back and forth between you and Harry.
“Just because two people sleep in the same bed, doesn’t mean they are fucking, Niall,” Harry chuckles, seemingly amused by the situation that’s got your stomach knotted. Louis’ door opens and he walks out, his hair a little messy, but already dressed, a mug halfway filled with coffee in his hand.
“Wha’s this circus out here?” he asks, looking around, his eyes scanning over the mess on the floor.
“Did you know these two are fucking?” Niall asks him and Harry lets his head drop back at his words.
“Are you?” Louis simply questions and you shake your head no.
“We are not. Y/N can’t sleep in a storm so she came over to mine.”
“Funny, she doesn’t come to me when she’s scared,” Niall scoffs.
“I never came to you because you don’t understand that sleeping together doesn’t mean sex,” you retort, though your ears are practically burning from the rising anxiety inside you.
“Wait, whoa. This wasn’t the first time you two slept together?”
“She was scared after your stupid horror movie too,” Harry shrugs.
“Wow, so are you guys a thing now or what?”
“Niall!” Harry growls and you’re not entirely sure what bothers you more. Niall’s shock and interrogation or the way Harry seems so cool and unbothered, like it’s no big deal. Maybe because for him it really isn’t, it’s only about the sleeping, nothing else, even though the cuddles are a little beyond the lines of friendship.
“What? I’m just asking the important stuff! Am I not allowed to tell dirty jokes to Y/N because you’ll cut my prick off?”
“You shouldn’t tell those anyway,” Louis chimes in and you nod in agreement.
Seeing that the conversation is just getting more and more awkward with each passing moment you decide to pull yourself out of it. Pushing yourself past Harry you mumble an excuse me before rushing back into your room, the three boys eyeing you curiously as you shut the door behind you, finally putting a physical barrier between you and them.
You shouldn’t be this offended, it’s not like any promises were made and you should have known better and not fall for him more than you already did. It was silly of you to think that there was anything more behind these nights spent curled up against each other, or when you woke up tangled and melted together. It was never what you hoped it to be.
Then and there you decide it’s better if you distanced yourself from him, or at least go back to how it was before. No bed sharing, no cuddling and preferably no bitter feelings.
It all goes well, because you have a pretty busy week after that day, you always have something to do and it’s not like you spent the night with Harry randomly, so it was evident that you stayed in your room so far.
But about a week later another storm was threatening to strike. The sky was gradually darkening all afternoon and now it’s only five o’clock, but it feels like eight. It’s Sunday, you’re quite exhausted since you were working until three. Niall was out somewhere with some of his coursemates and Louis went home for the weekend, won’t be back until Tuesday. It’s just you and Harry, who’s been sprawled out on the couch in only his sweatpants while you’re making yourself an early dinner so you can go to bed soon and have a good night’s sleep.
It doesn’t take long for the rain to start pouring, you’ve just gotten out of the shower when the first thunder rips through the place, making you gasp in fear. Harry’s head snaps around, looking in your way where you’re standing at the bathroom door, a questioning look in his eyes, but he doesn’t say a word. Ignoring his gaze, you just make your way into your bedroom, not even thinking about what could be on his mind. Is he thinking about whether you’ll ask to sleep with him again or he doesn’t care about it at all?
By the time you are ready to go to bed, the storm is fully raging outside, making your insides tremble every time you see a lightning or the thunder breaks the quietness in the house. You make one last trip to the kitchen, finding Harry leaned against the counter as he eats an apple.
“Going to bed early?” he asks as you pour yourself some water.
“Mhm,” you nod, avoiding looking at him.
“Everything alright?”
“Sure, I’m just tired,” you force a small smile onto your face just when a thunder rumbles outside, making you jump. Harry is watching you curiously and kind of expectantly, but you’re doing your best ignoring it. Instead, you just grab your water and head back to your room. “Good night.”
“Night, Y/N,” he calls after you, and you can feel his burning gaze on your back right until you close the door behind you.
Your plan to sleep a good ten hours goes right out the window. It doesn’t seem like the storm is about to calm anytime soon, so you’re stuck to suffer through it on your own. You’ll be damned to go to Harry’s, that would be an instant heart break and you just can’t take that right now. Long, torturous hours pass by with you lying awake in bed and part of you wants to go running over to Harry, but you force yourself to stay. It’s not happening tonight.
You fall asleep sometime after two in the morning when the thunder and lightning have stopped. Unfortunately, you need to wake up early in the morning, so when your phone’s alarm shakes you out of your sleep, you feel like absolute shit. Dragging yourself out of bed appears to be the hardest thing right now. As you make your way out, you are met with an all too familiar figure sitting at the small dining table, two cups of coffees in front of him, one obviously made for you.
Harry’s eyes snap up at you curiously, taking in your terrible looks as you head to the bathroom.
“Morning,” you mumble under your breath.
“Good morning’,” he nods in your way and though he doesn’t say anything else, you can tell he has a few thoughts about your current state.
Once you’re done with your morning business in there you join him at the table, barely able to keep your eyes open.
“Rough night?” he asks, eyes examining your face.
“The storm?”
You don’t answer, just nod your head. He remains silent, but you can feel that he is dying to ask another question.
Why didn’t you come over?
You’re glad he doesn’t actually asks you, because you wouldn’t be able to give either a normal answer or say anything without starting to cry. Instead, you just grab your coffee and head back into your bedroom to get ready for the day.
That week on Friday all four of you are invited to a party. At first you want to cancel, but some of your friends from classes will be there too and it’s been ages since you’ve been to a great party, so you decide to tag along with the boys.
For the first half of the evening you go your separate way, spending time with people you don’t actually live with and see every day. One drink follows the other, though you make sure you don’t go farther than getting tipsy. You’re not in the mood to deal with a nasty hangover in the morning.
Sometime after your third or fourth drink you run into Niall and he pulls you into their little circle that also involves Harry. When he sees that you’ve joined them, his eyes light up and goes out of his way to get next to you.
“I haven’t seen you in ages!” he whines, slurring his words as he wraps an arm around your shoulders to keep you at his side. He is definitely drunk, that you’re sure of.
“It’s been just about two hours, Harry,” you roll your eyes, but can’t push your smile down. You’d be lying if you said you’re not enjoying having him so close. Your dynamic hasn’t been the same since you stopped sleeping in his bed. Not that it was such a regular activity, it only happened two times.
“But I missed you, I feel like we haven’t… haven’t talked in so long!” he huffs, knitting his eyebrows together. “Have you been avoiding me?” he asks leaning closer, so your conversation can somewhat be private.
“That’s silly. Of course I haven’t!”
“But it feels like that,” he pouts with glossy eyes. “You’d tell me if something was wrong, right?”
“Sure,” you nod, the bitter taste of lying filling your mouth.
“Alright, cool,” he smirks and pulling closer he kisses into your hair before he engages with the rest of the group again, keeping his arm around you as if it wasn’t a big deal.
For the rest of the evening you simply don’t leave his side and not because he doesn’t let you, but because you don’t want to. Harry is not the only one missing the other, this week you’ve noticed that even though you’ve been keeping yourself busy, your thoughts always took you back to one particular, curly haired boy. Despite everything that’s been going on, he is your friend first and foremost who you love spending time with and talking about anything and everything.
Both of you are intoxicated, Harry a bit more than you, but you’re having a blast playing beerpong or ruining Niall’s chances with girls he is trying to pick up. You’re genuinely having an amazing time and it wouldn’t be the same without Harry.
Arriving back home your little group splits, everyone using the bathroom after the other and you’re the last one in line, because you always take the longest. By the time you’re finished, Louis and Niall are both locked up in their rooms, but Harry’s door is still open, some dim lighting illuminating the hallway. As you approach it, you find him throwing his dirty clothes into the hamper, but his head perks up when he sees you.
“Good night, H,” you sigh, quite tired and in need of a good sleep, but before you could head into your own bedroom, Harry grabs your wrist and pulls you into his. “What is it?”
“Sleep here,” he simply prompts, already leading you to the bed.
“Because I want you to.”
“I-I… I don’t--” you stutter, feeling flustered from his offer.
“Come on, you can’t say no,” he tells you, already crawling under his covers and then he holds them up as the invitation.
Taking a deep breath you follow him and make yourself comfortable in your almost usual spot. Harry’s arm falls over your waist in an instant, spooning you from behind as he hums pleased. But a few moments later he lifts his head, looking at you with concern in his eyes.
“You know you can say no, right? I was just joking.” Looking back at him you give him a small smile. Even drunk he makes sure you aren’t doing anything you don’t want to, but how could you not want it? You’ve been aching to sleep next to him all week, especially after the last storm when you suffered alone in your room.
“I know, Harry.”
“Alright, okay,” he nods, his head dropping back to the pillow. “I missed this,” he mumbles with a sigh.
“Mm, sleeping alone sucks,” he hums and in a split second, your heart breaks.
Harry didn’t want to sleep with you, he just wanted to sleep with someone and you were the one there. It has nothing to do with you.
You want to blame him, you want it to be his fault that your chest is now aching, knowing that it truly doesn’t mean the same thing to him it does to you, but you know you can’t. It wouldn’t be fair, so once again, you’re left with a sinking heart wrapped up into Harry’s embrace that suddenly feels burning.
“Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Harry.”
When the morning comes Harry is still sleeping deep beside you, an arm thrown over your waist, puffing warm air against the side of your head with every breath he exhales. Seeing him so peaceful warms your heart, but then you realize everything that happened last night, how he only used you because you were available and not because he wanted you.
You don’t want to wait for him to wake up and face him, your emotions would surely bring the best out of you. So carefully, you unwrap yourself from his hold and sneak out of his room, back into yours.
There’s no way you can face Harry right now, so before he could wake up you leave, planning on spending the day in the library, working on your assignments, hoping the school work will take your mind off of how badly you’ve been friendzoned.
Sometime after eleven Harry actually texts you asking where you went and you just tell him you have a shitload of school stuff to deal with. He asks if he can join you, but you tell him you’re with a group of your classmates, even though you’re sitting in an almost entirely empty library. He luckily doesn’t push it and leaves you to be. Hopefully he’ll be fine when you take another step away from him for a while to get your head straight and sort your emotions out.
You get home quite late, but not late enough, apparently. Because walking into the house you find the boys clearly getting ready to watch a movie.
“Just in time!” Niall beams. “Join us, Princess!” he laughs, grabbing himself a cola from the fridge.
“Oh, no, I have some things to work on--”
“Come on, you’ve been in the library all day, you can have a break!” Louis tells you and you know you won’t be left alone, they are just so persistent.
So you join them in your usual spot, which is of course next to Harry, though you’re trying to avoid his gaze that hasn’t left you since you arrived and by now you’re certain he knows you’re avoiding him. There’s a reason why he asked you last night if you’ve been doing it lately, he is not stupid, but this is not the time to deal with it.
With your inner crisis bubbling inside you, you completely forget to ask what you’re watching. A few minutes into the movie it becomes quite clear however.
“Is this a fucking horror movie again?” you ask, snapping at Niall, who just starts laughing.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure Harry will gladly let you sleep in his bed tonight,” he teases, making your whole face heat up at his comment. Harry slaps his chest before he turns to you with concern filled eyes, but you pretend like you see nothing, turning back to the screen with your jaw clenched.
You’re fucked.
The movie is a fucking shitshow and leaves you traumatized. When it’s over, you think about why didn’t you just stand up and go into your room when you realized it’s another horror. For a change, this one was filled with demons and monsters that hide in the shadows, just what you need before going to bed. In the night. In a totally dark room.
Exiting the bathroom you’re already planning on watching something lighthearted and cheerful in your room, hoping that would make you forget the movie you just saw and give you the chance to actually sleep.
Walking past Harry’s room you see that it’s still open and you catch him expectantly looking at you when you appear in the doorway as you walk down the hallway, your eyes meeting for just a split second before you disappear from his sight and shut your bedroom door without a word behind you.
No matter how many random videos you watch on YouTube, some scenes from the movie are just imprinted into your mind and they have you trembling in fear. Every shadow looks like a demon or ghost, hiding in your room, ready to haunt and kill you and you’re on the verge of actually crying. It might not be only because of the movie, more like everything else that’s been bottled up inside you, added to the fear the movie has brought to you.
Shutting your eyes closed you try to take deep breaths and for a bit it actually seems to help, but that is until you hear the door opening. It gives you an instant heart attack and you can’t keep your tears back anymore.
A whimper leaves your mouth as the door opens and you can only see a shadow entering the room, totally not recognizing Harry in the dark.
“Y/N, hey, it’s just me! It’s okay!” he quickly clears, seeing how shaken up you are. He rushes over to the bed, one hand cupping your cheek, the other one finding your hand and before you could think, you grip it hard.
“You scared the living hell out of me!” you cry out, sobbing.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to check on you.”
Silence sets between the two of you that’s only momentarily broken by your shaky breaths as you try to calm yourself down.
“Why didn’t you come to mine after the movie if you were so scared?” he then asks, surprising you with how straightforward he is.
“I didn’t want to bother you,” you mumble, blinking the remaining of the tears away as Harry stares down at you intently.
“Why would you think you’d bother me? I like having you there.”
“But it’s… Doesn’t matter,” you sigh in defeat, but it just concerns him even more.
“No, tell me!”
“Harry, just go back to your room. I’ll be fine.”
“You definitely won’t and I’m not leaving until you don’t tell me what’s going on,” he protests firmly and you lose your patience to keep lying to him.
“You just wanted someone to sleep with yesterday, okay? You didn’t need me. And… I don’t want to depend on you more than I should.”
Harry stares back at you with a blank expression and you feel like this is going to be the end of your friendship. You have to come clean about your feelings and he’ll tell you that he doesn’t feel the same way. But then he speaks up and the tables turn faster than ever.
“Y/N, I wanted you to sleep with me last night. Not just anyone. You.”
“I really thought we have been on the same page, but apparently, we’re not even in the same book,” he sighs, confusing you even more. “Wasn’t it suspicious how things have been between us lately? The way we slept, the mornings, did you think these are normal things to do?”
“I-I thought that… it didn’t mean anything to you.”
“Well it did,” he replies and you breath hitches in your throat. “I was trying to take it slow, see how you’d react to everything and I thought you were feeling the same way. But then last time you didn’t come to my room when there was a storm and I thought that was your way of telling me that you want to pause whatever’s been going on.”
You’re just blinking in shock, listening to his words. This is nothing you expected.
“But then you seemed like you opened back up last night and you agreed to sleep with me, thought we were back on track, but then you were nowhere to be found in the morning, avoided me all day and now you would have rather spent the night crying here alone than to come over to me. What did I do? Just tell me, because quite frankly, I have no idea what we are doing anymore, Y/N,” he sighs, clearly tired of this insane game you’ve been playing without even knowing.
“So… you did all of this, because… you…”
“Because I like you, Y/N. But there’s a possibility it’s already way more than just a strong liking,” he admits with a soft chuckle that melts you in an instant.
“Oh god, I could cry again, but not out of fear this time,” you tell him, making him laugh as you scoot closer to him on the mattress. “I feel the same way, Harry,” you softly tell him, your hands finding the base of his neck while his hands have wandered to your waist so now he is pulling you towards him until he ends up in his lap. His face is now so close, and even in the dark, you can see the cheesy smile on his pink lips.
“You’re not saying this just to keep me here because you’re scared to be alone, right?” he asks, clearly joking, earning a wholehearted laugh from you.
“No, but I guess that would be a major benefit of it.”
“I’ll protect you from all the demons and killers under one condition,” he smirks, his face already inching closer, his nose is already touching yours.
“Yeah? And what’s that?”
“I get to kiss you.”
You barely say this one little word, his lips are already on yours, kissing you in a way that almost knocks all the air out of your lungs. You press yourself up against him, his arms curling around you, holding you tight as if he is already protecting you from everything that scares you, though you can’t really think about the stupid horror movies now that you’re kissing Harry.
He pulls you down with himself making you lie on your back as he holds himself up above you, his lips parting from your just enough so he can look into your eyes.
“How about I kiss you every time you feel scared?” he prompts, pecking your lips gently as you pull your legs up and his hips settle between your thighs, while your hands dance down his back.
“Alright, I’m in,” you smirk at him and for a moment he just stares back at you, smiling wide, in complete awe that it’s finally happening. Then he cocks his head to the side before speaking up.
“Are you still scared?”
“Very,” you nod. “I’m shaking.”
“Good,” he grins before his lips press onto yours again.
Thank you for reading! Please like/reblog if you enjoyed!
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yuta-nakamots · 4 years
misfit - j.sc
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Pairing - Sungchan x Reader
Genre - Horror/Thriller, Angst, Fluff
Warnings - serial killer, character death, violence, murder, implications of sex
Summary - A murderer is on the loose, killing with no regret and ending the lives of more than just a few people. No one knew who it was, turning against each other upon even the slightest bit of doubt. Maybe you should’ve been more careful with who you chose to trust. 
Word Count - 5.3k
A/N - this is inspired entirely from a dream I had a few days ago. I've added very little to what I saw in my dream aside from Sungchan as the male lead. yes, I am freaked out by this and yes, I am scared of writing for Sungchan bc I don’t know his personality all too well but as an ‘01 liner myself I have faith in us
Written for the #NeoHalloween writing festival hosted by @nct-writers​. Check out the masterlist here.
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For five months now, your town has lived in fear. A serial killer was on the loose and he was known by the name of Hickleback Jack though no one knew where the name came from or who had started it. Each month, the population of your town voted on the local community board to have one person executed who they thought was Hickleback Jack. So far, not a single guess was right leaving five innocent people dead. Well, five plus an extra thirty, give or take.
See, the thing about Hickleback Jack, was that every time the votes came in at the end of the month, he could see just who voted for him and targeted them as his next victims. He killed six of those people over the following month, adding up to seven dead each time the town guessed incorrectly. It was getting to a point where no one trusted each other, no one dared to say anything against each other in fear of being accused or in fear of being the next to fall mercy to Hickleback Jack.
Not much was known about this killer other than his appearance. He’s male with a tall and broad figure though he always covers his face with some kind of mask. His common weapon is known to be an axe. People have claimed to have seen him late at night under the dim orange glow of the street lamps but he was never caught by the authorities, leaving everyone restless and waiting for the next kill.
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The night was still young when you had gotten home from school and it was a Friday night which was basically an open invitation for you to call over your boyfriend, Sungchan. He had transferred in to your university at the start of the school year, and had ended up sitting next to you during your sophomore seminar class, leading to the start of your friendship with him.
A simple friendship soon blossomed into a relationship after Sungchan’s bright personality began shining through his somewhat intimidating exterior. You lived without fear when Sungchan was around, the love you had for him blocking out anything else in the world that wasn’t him.
You sat on your bed, your homework spread out in front of you while you held your phone up to your ear. “Do you want to come over tonight?” You ask as soon as he picks up your call.
You hear rustling on the other end of the call before Sungchan clears his throat and speaks, his voice husky from sleep. “Sorry, can you repeat that?”
“I said, do you want to come over tonight?” You paused and heard him yawn. “You fell asleep after class didn’t you?” You smiled to yourself thinking of your boyfriend’s handsome face as he napped after getting back to his apartment once he finished with his classes for the day, which was a common occurrence now that the semester was in full swing.
“Mmm,” he hummed in thought, “as much as I’d love to, I really shouldn’t have taken that nap because of how much homework I have.”
“Oh, that’s okay, do your homework first,” you reassure him, “maybe we can hang out some other time this weekend. It’s only Friday after all.”
“Definitely. Are you starting yours right now?” Sungchan asked.
“Yeah, I’d rather not wait and end up cramming on Sunday night.” You laughed, knowing that said event has happened more times that you’d like to admit.
Sungchan let out a noise of agreement. “I’ll let you know when I’m done with my homework though.”
“Same here.” You promised.
“Alright, let’s get to work and I’ll talk to you soon.” He told you.
“Sounds good, love you.”
“Love you too.”
With that you hung up, eager to start on your homework in hopes of getting to spend more time with your boyfriend. You actually had a lot of it this weekend thanks to molecular biology, and you figured that if you couldn’t talk to Sungchan, who had yet to take the course, you called up your study group discord instead. Luckily, many of them were in similar situations as you, faced with the daunting task of completing all the worksheets assigned during class earlier in the day.
“Okay so was anyone paying attention during the lecture today?” Your classmate Chenle asked.
“I know Yeji fell asleep so you’re in the same boat as her.” You interject, recalling the sight of both of them knocked out in their seats as the professor droned on about the functions of the structures inside cells.
Yeji let out a gasp of shock at how blatantly you called her out. “I may have fallen asleep but at least I still know that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.”
“Everyone knows that, Yeji.” Your other classmate Jaemin said, his voice void of enthusiasm.
“Okay, Jaemin, we get it, Mr. Serious.” You teased.
“Yeah, this is a biology study group, not a bible study group, lighten up a little.” Chenle jokes.
Jaemin scoffed, “sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who’s trying to do well in this class.”
“Well not all of us enjoy the taste of coffee with six shots of caffeine in them.” Yeji argued back.
“Guys,” you called out as Jaemin and Yeji started arguing, “guys!” They finally stopped to hear what you had to say. “Let’s just get this over with sooner rather than later because I know none of us want to be awake at 2am trying to figure this out alone.”
“Agreed,” Chenle said, “so question three, the one about the DNA mutation, how is missense different from nonsense?”
“Missense is where one of the bases mutates and changes to something else, therefore changing the protein level,” Jaemin explained, “nonsense is the same theoretical concept except it spells out one of the stop codes.”
Yeji let out a groan, “can you slow down, or like, I don’t know, use easier words or something?”
Most of your night passed by like this and before you knew it, it was already nearing midnight and you could tell your classmates were just as exhausted as you. “I think we should call it here.”
“Definitely,” Yeji confirmed, “tomorrow morning at 10?”
You all let out similar answers of acknowledgement before Chenle spoke up. “The poll closes on tomorrow night so make sure to vote if you haven’t already.”
Because of how long this has been going on for, everyone was already on the same page once someone mentioned the poll or voting. “There were only five kills this month so I wouldn’t be surprised if the last one is announced tomorrow or Sunday morning.” Jaemin chimed in.
“All the recent kills were related to the university so I know a lot of people are suspecting someone in our age range.” Yeji informed the group.
Jaemin let out a chuckle, “if the killer actually is a college student, I wouldn’t be surprised since it is getting close to the last wave of midterms and then finals so that would explain why the victims fall into the same category.” The chat fell silent at that. “I’m just saying that he’s getting a little lazy by grouping all his kills like this.”
“Jaemin, are you sure you’re not the killer?” Chenle asked with a laugh at the end.
“Guys, I can promise you that I’m not the killer, I swear on my life.” Jaemin promised.
“Alright, that’s enough detective work for tonight, I’ll start the call again around 10 tomorrow. Sounds good?” You conclude, wanting to curl up under your covers already, which is exactly what you do once everyone wishes each other a good night and hung up.  
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Morning came a little too quickly for your liking, the bright sunlight flooding into your room through the window and forcing you awake. Checking your phone, you saw that it was 9:30am, meaning you had some time to spare before your next meeting with the bio study group, along with a notification from Sungchan that he had sent well after you had fallen asleep.
Sungchan > y/n
2:14am: Just got rescheduled to work opening shift tomorrow.
2:15am: Didn’t finish my homework but I can stop by at your house after work with my stuff and we can hang out and have fun once we’re both done?
Your heart warmed at how he stayed up late trying to finish his homework for you and that he suggested the idea of coming over after his shift at a small local restaurant finished just so the two of you could be together even if you’d be focusing on your own tasks for a while.
y/n > Sungchan
9:32am: Sorry I didn’t text back earlier, I just woke up!
9:32am: But of course you can come over, I might even be done with my work by then ;)
You plugged your phone to let it charge and left it on your nightstand as you made yourself breakfast downstairs. The house was quiet since your mom already left for work and you dad worked a night shift job and was probably sleeping at the moment. It was strangely serene as you prepared yourself a bowl of cereal though the calm was rudely interrupted by the sound of your ringtone coming from your room.
Deciding to get it after eating breakfast, you poured the cereal in first, thinking about the way Sungchan had told you before that he liked to pour the milk first and let the cereal soak up the milk. “It makes it super soggy and I like it.” He tried reasoning with you, to which you only raised an eyebrow at.
Just as you put the milk carton back into the refrigerator and was about to take a bit of your cereal, your phone started going off again. You placed your bowl onto the kitchen table and made your way back up to your bedroom to see what it was that was so important this early in the morning. Checking the notifications, it was Yeji who had been calling you so you shot her a message.
y/n > Yeji
9:39am: What’s up?
Yeji > y/n
9:40am: I just dreamt that it was Jaemin who was the killer
9:40am: please call me right now I feel like I’m going to go insane
You heeded her words and called her immediately. “So what happened in the dream?”
“I don’t know, I just remember being chased by a man with an axe and I was running to the school to try to see if I could get help but then I tripped and when I turned around, it was Jaemin.” Yeji blurted out without a single breath in between.
You paused, trying to take in all the information she just threw at you. “Do you have any reason as to why you think you dreamt this?”
“The way he was talking last night,” she stopped to catch her breath, “he spoke so in detail that I couldn’t help but overthink like, what if he is actually the killer? What if we’re next?”
“Well, you can vote for him in the poll if you want but personally, I don’t think it’s him.” You think of your next words carefully. “I’m not trying to invalidate your thoughts but Jaemin does come from a reputable family-”
“Y/n, it could be anyone. Family doesn’t matter. We have no information on the guy, we don’t know what economic class he’s in or anything.” Yeji interrupted.
You took a few seconds to gather your thoughts before speaking again. “That is true, but we all know Jaemin wants to be a surgeon right? He’s in all these difficult classes and he maintains such high grades-”
“Okay but how is that relevant?” Yeji interrupted yet again.
She was getting on your nerves but you held yourself back. “Listen, I’m just trying to say that with the amount of time and effort he puts into school, I don’t think he could be the killer. The killer plans his kills well enough that we just can’t find him and that probably takes just as much time as school does for us.”
Yeji took a while to respond though when she did, her words surprised you. “Now you’re starting to sound like the killer.”
“Yeji, I can promise you that it’s not me. I’m just as scared as you are in this whole situation,” you reasoned, “I’ll even vote for Jaemin if it makes you feel better.”
She let out a sigh across the line. “Okay fine. Maybe a kill will happen while we’re on the call and it’ll clear Jaemin’s name.”
“I think you’re letting it all get to you, just try not to think about it for a bit.” You advised.
“But am I really overreacting y/n? We live every day in fear of being the next victim. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us, so am I really overreacting?” You look over at the clock on your wall as she spoke, realizing that it’s already 9:55 and you should probably start the call already.
“No, I don’t think you’re overreacting, I’m just saying that constantly thinking about it to this extent isn’t good for you. We still have school to pay attention to,” you explain, “speaking of, I’m gonna start the call now.”
“I can’t just stop thinking about it that easily but whatever, let’s just hope that we’re not associating ourselves with a murderer by doing this.” You can only shake your head as you start the call.
Chenle joined immediately followed by Yeji. “Good morning ladies, President Zhong here. How are we doing on this fine day?”
You rolled your eyes even though a smile spread across your face. “I’m doing good, Mr. President. Ready to finish off these worksheets.”
“Good, good,” Chenle affirmed, sticking with his act, “and you, Miss Yeji?”
“Fine.” She shot out.
Chenle let out a quiet chuckle, “someone’s a little grumpy this morning. Maybe we should’ve met a bit later.”
“No, let’s just get this over with.” Yeji grumbled just as Jaemin joined.
“Great! Now that the head brain cell is here, let’s get this meeting started.” Chenle exclaimed.
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Four hours into your meeting and eight out of ten worksheets later, your phone begins to ring with an incoming call from Sungchan. “Hold on guys, I gotta take this call. Hello?”
“I’m downstairs, come pick me up.” You couldn’t deny the butterflies that spread throughout your chest upon hearing your boyfriend’s voice. You got up to let him in though you certainly didn’t miss the teasing coming from your laptop as your classmates yelled about you and Sungchan.
As you made your way downstairs, you froze halfway down the stairs, seeing Sungchan already in the kitchen eating the bowl of cereal you forgot about. “I’m guessing you made this for yourself earlier and forgot to eat it.” He said through a mouthful of food.
“Babe, no, don’t eat that, it’s like five hours old. The milk is probably stale.” You exclaimed, worried about his health if it really did go bad.
Sungchan only shrugged as he took another spoonful into his mouth. “Tastes fine to me.”
You rolled your eyes before turning to head back upstairs. “Join me in my room once you’re ready, you cereal monster. Leave the dishes in the sink too.” As you returned to your room, you couldn’t help but wonder how Sungchan got in though you figure he’s probably seen you use the spare key under the doormat a couple times since you often were too lazy to get your own keys out of your bag most of the time.
When you sat down in front of your computer again, Jaemin had just finished explaining the answer to the problem you guys were working on earlier so you chimed in asking him to go over it again though he was quickly overrun by an excited Chenle. “Is Sungchan there?” He practically yelled.
“No, not yet, he’s eating some soggy cereal downstairs.” You inform him.
“Alright, let me know when he comes in.” Chenle says, unphased by your boyfriends’ odd preference of cereal.
Halfway through Jaemin’s explanation, Sungchan came into your room, placing his bag down at the foot of the bed before he took his jacket off and stripped out of his work uniform. “I heard a door open, is that Sungchan?” Chenle shouted over Jaemin once more.
“I never get to fucking speak in this group.” Jaemin huffed, at which Chenle muttered a quick ‘sorry’ back.
“Yes, Chenle, Sungchan is here,” you announce, looking over at the boy in question who had just finished pulling a shirt over his head and winked when he saw you staring at his body, “he seems very flirty today, must be because of you, Mr. Zhong.”
Sungchan sits down next to you and places a kiss on your cheek, smelling oddly of cleaning supplies, but you pay no mind to that, figuring he must have used them at work. “How’s it going Chenle?” He asks, though his attention is only on you and he places his hands on your cheeks and leaves a quick kiss on your lips.
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t just hear the two of you kissing,” Chenle remarks, earning a laugh from Sungchan, “but anyways, you should come back to the basketball team. We miss our giant point guard, you know.”
“Nah, I’m too busy these days. I already have work and school plus I still want to spend time with y/n.” He commented as he shifted to lie on his stomach next to you.
“Man, who knew a girl would be all it took to make this dude throw his love for basketball out the window.” Chenle taunted.
“Love makes you do things, you know how it is.” Sungchan replied, resting his head on your thigh.
Running a hand through his hair, “anyways,” you divert, “back to what Jaemin was saying about meiosis.”
“Thank you, y/n, I thought I’d never be able to speak again.” Jaemin uttered pointedly. “As I was saying, the main difference between meiosis and mitosis is that it creates four daughter cells instead of two like mitosis does.”
“Hey guys, wait, did you see the article that just came out?” Yeji inquired. “It’s another death.”
There was a moment of silence before anyone said anything. “No but you can read it to us.” Chenle concluded.
“Okay,” you could hear the deep breath Yeji took before reading the article, “it says here that the body was found at around 1:20pm in an alley between the lower-income housing apartments, the cause of death is assumed to be by Hickleback Jack using his axe, and the estimated time of death is anywhere from 12 to 1pm.”
“Wow,” Jaemin began, “so he just killed out in broad daylight.”
“Not gonna lie Jaemin, but I thought you were the killer.” Yeji let out blatantly.
You were mildly shocked at her bluntness, but not surprised given how stressed everyone was. “Me?” Jaemin gasped, “Yeji, you know I’m pretty much Rapunzel with how much time I spend in my room studying. And when I’m not studying, I’m either editing pictures or playing video games.”
“It’s true,” Chenle confirms, “he really doesn’t leave his room. We had a sleepover once and I felt like I was becoming a hermit like him.” Sungchan slightly wheezed at that, sending Chenle over the moon. “Did you hear that? Did you guys hear that? Sungchan thinks I’m funny!”
“Yeah yeah, enough about me being a hermit. But Yeji,” Jaemin addressed, “why did you think it was me?”
Yeji hesitated before responding. “I just- the way you were talking the other night...I don’t know. It just sounded so specific and detailed that I couldn’t help but think that it could have been you.”
“I don’t think a murderer would simply reveal his plans like that, you know.” Sungchan proposed.
“Well yeah, but it’s just the way he spoke, it was like he had things organized...you know what? Let’s forget I said that, but I know the four of us are clear.” Yeji resigned.
Sungchan sat up, “wait, why am I not cleared?”
“Y/n, what time did he call you?”
“Like 2-ish.”
“Exactly. Sungchan, you don’t have an alibi, as far as we know, until 2 and the time of death is stated to be 12 to 1pm.”
“I was at work earlier in the day, though.”
“Can you prove it to us?” Yeji pressed on.
“Yeah, my coworkers can vouch for me.”
You were quite surprised at how aggressive Yeji was being towards your boyfriend but you didn’t see any reason to stop her since she had very valid arguments. “Send a screenshot of it to Chenle and we’ll verify you from there.” Yeji commanded.
Sungchan slouched down a little next to you. “I don’t have the numbers of my coworkers though.”
“Alright, then you’re still on the list of suspects.”
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After finishing all the worksheets for microbio and ending the call around 3:30, Sungchan pulled out his laptop and started typing away at a half-finished lab report for his human A&P class. You fell asleep curled into his body, his warmth and the constant tapping of his keyboard lulling you to sleep.
When you woke again, you immediately noticed the absence of a large boy next to you and frowned to yourself. As you came to, you heard noise coming from the kitchen and identified your mother’s voice followed by Sungchan’s. Noticing the time on your phone, you guess that he was probably helping her prepare dinner since it was already past 6 and your family ate around 7 before your dad left for work.
By the time you made yourself presentable and came downstairs, your mom and Sungchan were already setting the table. “Looks like our sleepyhead finally woke up.” Your mother exclaimed, making you grimace. “You didn’t tell me Sungchan was staying over,” you were about to open your mouth to say that you didn’t know that either but you weren’t given the chance to do so, “it’s okay, especially with that killer still on the loose, it makes me feel better knowing there’s someone around to protect my baby.”
You looked at Sungchan as if asking him for answers though he seemed to only avoid your gaze, reluctantly taking the seat across from you at the dining table. Your father walked in, delighted to see your boyfriend. “Sungchan! Good to see you, how are things at school?” He asked as he joined you all at the table.
“Okay for the most part, I haven’t taken to my writing class all that much though I enjoy my other science classes.” Sungchan answers.
Your dad hums in approval while you stare down Sungchan, trying to get him to look at you. “Remind me again what you’re majoring in again?” Your mom asks, Sungchan whips his head around faster than you can make eye contact with him.
“I’m majoring in forensics.” He states.
“Interesting, interesting,” your father contemplates, “you know, y/n here wants to become a pediatrician. The two of you are practically opposites in the science field, one dealing with crime and the other dealing with children.”
Sungchan let out a laugh, “I guess opposites really do attract then.”
You hated how well he entertained your parents and you hated how much they liked him. For the rest of dinner you tried to pin him down through your stares and even played a game of footsie with him but nothing seemed to work. It was only once the two of you were back in your room getting ready for bed that you were able to talk to him.
“Look, I’m not mad at you or anything, I’d just appreciate it if you talked to me first before just telling my parents that you’re staying over.” You told him as you went through your skincare routine.
Sungchan jumped onto your bed as he apologized. “Sorry, I just thought that since both of us finished our homework and with the killing today, it would just make sense for me to stay over.” He opened his arms, inviting you in as you stood up after finishing your night routine.
You copied him, jumping into your bed straight onto Sungchan, effectively pushing the air out of his body. He grunted as your weight fell onto him though he still wrapped his arms around your waist and shifted you up the length of your body so your face was level with his. “Hi” you giggle, shy from the sudden close proximity.
“Hey.” He says back with a smile as you slide off him, leaving an arm and leg slung over his body. “Tired?”
“No, not really, I took a nap earlier since someone didn’t care to wake me up.”
“You looked too cute, besides, you need all the rest you can get.” Sungchan explained, using his free hand to squish your cheeks. “If you’re really not tired then I know a way to make you tired.” His hand found its way down to your butt to further emphasize his point.
“Ew, no, not now.” You quickly refused, moving his hand up to your waist. “Just go to sleep and I’ll probably fall asleep after you anyways.”
“Oh wait,” Sungchan said, reaching over you to the nightstand for his phone, “did you vote on the poll yet?”
“No, I almost forgot.” You groaned, lazily reaching for your phone as well.
You pull up the local community board and enter your information, looking at the list of all the citizens, pondering on who you’d give your vote to. “Who are you voting for?” Sungchan asks, looking over at your screen.
“I really don’t know.” You tell him, though truthfully, you had someone in mind.
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Thanks to the nap you had, you really couldn’t fall asleep no matter how hard you tried. You ended up dozing off occasionally but you’d wake up half an hour later only more irritated than when you first fell asleep.
You don’t remember what time it was, but at some point, Sungchan had removed himself from your grasp, unaware that you were still awake, though you made no effort to stop him thinking that he was just going to use the restroom and come back. Five minutes passed, five minutes turned into ten, then twenty, and you decided to check on him once thirty minutes had passed.
The house was completely dark, not even the light from the bathroom was on. You checked inside in case Sungchan had maybe gotten hurt and passed out, but he was nowhere to be found. After searching almost all the rooms in your house, you had yet to find any sign of him. After a bit of thinking, you had wandered out to your mothers’ greenhouse thinking that maybe some time with the plants would help to calm your mind.
It did anything but that.
Not long after setting foot inside of the small shed, you heard screams coming from nearby, getting closer and closer. You watched from the inside of the tinted glass as three girls ran through your backyard and into the next property. You couldn’t help it that you were frozen to your core, knowing who was coming.
You saw his frame as he jumped over the fence from the other end of your yard, axe in hand, running through the open grass and you thought he might have noticed you until he stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes glued on you. You should’ve ducked down as soon as the girls ran past but it was too late now and there was no second way out of the greenhouse.
You knew you should have tried to run, maybe smash through the glass panelling but something in you told you that maybe, just maybe, you’d be able to stop him. Steeling your nerves as he crosses the threshold of the greenhouse, you call out to him. “I know who you are.”
“I’m well aware of that.”
It was as if your world was crumbling before you, the once so comfortable relationship you knew felt fake, even though Sungchan, your loving boyfriend stood right there. The only difference was that you knew who he really was.
“Why?” You start, “why did you kill all those innocent people?”
“It’s all for fun, y/n.”
“What do you mean ‘for fun’? Those are real people you know, people with families and friends who miss them dearly.” You nearly cry out as he continues to approach you.
“You see, life is a game.” He paused his words as he came to stand in front of you. “Laws are nothing but a social construct that us humans follow mindlessly until our own demise.”
He takes a step closer to you, but you stand your ground. “Laws are what keep us safe and keep us happy. They allow us to lead our lives peacefully with others-”
“They are nothing but limits.” He closes the distance between the two of you, an arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you towards him, and you allow him to do so. “My dear, sweet, y/n. If only you weren’t so smart, I wouldn’t be faced with this dilemma.”
“You wouldn’t kill me.” You were trying to persuade him just as much as you were to yourself. “You’d never.”
“Oh? And what makes you think that?”
“You love me.”
“I do, I love you so dearly, but now that you know who’s behind all the killings, there’s no way that I can let you go.” You felt his axe nudge the back of your leg as he brought both arms around you. To an outsider, it would look as if a couple were having a conversation, but for you, this was a fight for your life.
“Take off the mask.”
“Why should I?”
“So I can talk to you properly.”
He took off the mask without much more convincing, his normally handsome face now distorted by the crazed look in his eyes. People often say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and if they really were, then Sungchan didn’t have a soul.
“I swear to you that I won’t ever tell anyone about this, about you.”
“I don’t believe that you’ll keep that promise, my dear.”
“You know how much I love you. As long as we can stay together, I will not say anything.”
“This is not a tale of beauty and the beast. I am no beast to be tamed and there is no happy ending to this story.”
“Sungchan, no. You don’t mean that.”
“Do I really not mean it, or is that what you would like to believe? Something tells me it’s the latter.” He held you tight against him with one arm, the other raising his axe. “It’s truly a shame that your beauty must go to waste, you were truly a wonderful person both inside and out but I’m afraid that your life must end here.”
Before he could prep his swing, you pulled away and grabbed the nearest pot, launching it at him, the ceramic breaking against his head making dirt rain down upon both of you.
Not even a second passed before his axe was flying at you, lodging itself into your neck, nearly severing your head from your shoulder. You should’ve been thankful really, thankful that Sungchan had given you a quick death, not his usual route since it was so painless and easy for both the victim and the assailant.
He liked a struggle, but for you he made an exception out of love so that the last thing you’d see was him, your lover, before everything stopped.
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daydream-believin · 4 years
Flowers Have Feelings
summary: it's valentines and you're making some gifts for your good pal douxie,,, also confessing
warnings: swearing probably, no proofread cause tired
word count: 2659
a/n: i've been struggling with writers block. i guess. i've returned to this only to write like, a paragraph so many times. which is bad cause like cheese designed the bouqeut and this should have been done ages ago. idk idk bon appetit
tags: @yagirlcheesely, is for you
image below: sketch of the bouquet
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You jumped out of bed and slammed your alarm. Today was the day. You had to get everything ready today. Tonight would be the presentation. The night you finally do it. The night you confessed to your closest friend and crush, Douxie. Also happened to be Valentine’s day.
Your friends may have told you: “Just be patient. Drop hints. If he likes you, he’ll let you know.” But you weren’t about that passive love life. You liked to grab that strawberry cow by the horns. Subtly was boring and took far too long. You were in love with your friend and you were gonna let him know frankly if it killed you. It probably would, to be honest.
As confident as this makes you sound, you were aware of the possibility of him not liking you back, and that was okay. Sure, your heart would be shattered and you might not be very peachy for, say, a month or six, but you accepted that. At first, you had resigned yourself to just adoring him secretly. But you quickly grew impatient with that. What were you afraid of, really? Him letting you down gently, and ushering you two into an era of awkwardness? Okay so maybe that was worth considering. But not really. You wouldn’t let it come to that. Even if he did turn you down, you weren’t about to let that fact taint your friendship like that. You two were very close, and Douxie wasn’t the kind of guy to suddenly treat you differently after such a thing. Just a few weeks of awkwardness at most before all was forgotten (on his end at least). Only a problem for you. But, boy, it would be really, really nice, and not awkward, if he reciprocated.
You and Douxie were thick as thieves. There wasn’t a thing you hadn’t told each other. Not a secret between a pair of buddies as close as you. Oh, one thing, you know. The fact that you had caught feelings, that was definitely something you had kept secret from him. As eager as you were to do so, you couldn’t just drop a bombshell like that at any old time. That’s why you chose today of all days to confess; a little extra luck from St. Valentine. A little magic to give you a boost, placebo or not. This was going to happen. This was going to work.
You strapped on your helmet, safety first, before heading out on your bike. You cleared your schedule for the day cause you weren’t really sure if everything would work out or not. You could have everything done and ended wrapped up neatly in a few hours, or you could have a complete disaster on your hands, which could take up all your time. Time you would happily give, since you were determined for everything to be perfect. It was also nice to know you didn’t have to come in to work later,, lest you spend the whole night, crying your eyes out. You shuddered at the possibility. You were gonna stop thinking about that now. Yeah, only confidence now.
You may be a teensy bit sleep deprived. Only a teensy bit. You chugged a monster this morning, you’ll be fine. It wasn’t your fault you were up all night researching flower language. There were so many flowers, and those flowers had so many feelings. Eventually though, you managed to settle on a bouquet of roses, daisies, and dandelions. Fern leaves for greenery too. Greenery was important for flower arrangements. It tied the whole thing together. While it wouldn’t be the most on theme color scheme, the yellows, whites, reds, and greens, would mix together prettily. You definitely didn’t have to go as far as this, and you were banking on the fact that Douxie even knew flower language, but it was sweet, it was romantic. And you were going to be romantic about this, dammit.
Daisies, for friendship. It was really important that you communicate just how much you valued Douxie’s friendship and how nothing would change between you two if he were to not return your feelings. Red, red roses, classic romance. There was a reason the blooms were so strongly associated with the valentines holiday itself; no one sees a red rose and thinks of anything other than love and romance. A clear message to your beloved. And well, the dandelions? Cheery, beautiful, resilient, common weeds, never to be approved of, finding the strength to bloom despite assholes like Merlin’s best efforts. Dandelions were Douxie’s favorite flower.
Too bad the florist didn’t even consider them to be anything but said common weed. You had included them in your order when you called it in and you could hear the florist laugh, but muffled as if he put his hand over the receiver, before returning to the phone to inform you that you would have to add them yourself. Pretty rude, if you say so. No matter, hand-picked dandelions would be romantic, anyways. Even if no one else knew about it but you.
You placed the bouquet neatly into the basket of your bike. You’d pick the dandelions to complete it later, right before the big confession, in order to keep them fresh. But as of now, the bouquet peaked out of your basket, the floral fragrance wafting up to your face as you made your way to the next store.
Last week, you had seen such an adorable little box of chocolates. It had chocolates shaped like little skulls, flowers, and ghost cats, and the box had a silly pun about death. Goth chocolate, def. It would have been perfect for the edgy wizard in your life, but alas, it was way too fucking expensive. Like obscenely expensive. But no matter, you’d just steal the idea. How hard could making chocolate be anyway?
You left the grocery store with your haul safe in your skull-patterned reusable shopping bag. Wizard-chic and eco-friendly, it was your favorite bag. The contents of the much-loved bag? Melting chocolates, a jar of marmalade, a jar of raspberry jam, a jar of strawberry jam, and a new roll of wax paper, since you were out. Now you weren’t as ambitious as to make your own jam here. This was a failsafe. There are only so many ways to ruin chocolates if you did not make the chocolate nor the filling yourself. Now just a quick run in the stationary shop on your way home for a cute box, and you were all ready to start your chocolatier career.
 * * *
Douxie was getting antsy. Not many patrons had paid a visit to his bookstore this afternoon. Which was strange for valentine’s. and it left him with nothing but his thoughts to entertain his anxious mind. Doux had a lot to worry about. His band had a gig in a new town, so he wasn’t sure how they would be received. He was waiting on a shipment of books that was supposed to show up days ago. It may have gotten lost. That Lake kid was getting himself into more and more trouble these days and it was starting to become hard to help out without overstepping his vaguely imposed bounds. But most of all, at the very moment, he was worried about you.
You had asked him to meet up for dinner tonight. Okay, pretty normal for a Sunday night. Not that the weekend meant anything to either of you, but you normally set aside Sunday for dinner hangout. So nothing to abnormal. But then. Then, you said, something… Douxie actually can’t recall what you said, per se, just that it was along the lines of “we need to talk.” And that your tone sounded nervous. He did not like that one bit, nope nope. He had spent a great part of the day just revisiting every interaction the two of you had had in the last month or so, desperate to figure out if he did something wrong. But he was coming up blank, for all his efforts. Across the room, the clock ticked on. It would be closing time soon enough, and then he’d no longer have to wonder just what he did wrong, as you would be there to tell him directly. Fuzzbuckets, he couldn’t wait.
* * *
You wiped the goopy chocolate off of your cheek with the back of your hand. So far this wasn’t a total disaster. You had at least seven chocolate skulls filled and drying in the molds. The white chocolate seemed to have melted smoother than the regular chocolate? The regular chocolate ones looked kind of lumpy. You hoped they came out of the molds okay. Not to mention the ones you already messed up. A little mountain of chocolate pieces and jam had started rising from your table top corner.
It had been lots of fun at the start. melting the chocolates with a double boil, planning out which molds would be which flavors. But actually filling those molds? A messy, messy ordeal. You had chocolate and jam all over your kitchen, up to your exposed elbows, and even a little in your hair. But that was okay. You’d clean the kitchen later. With the molds in the freezer to set, your priority now was cleaning yourself up rather than the kitchen.
And you cleaned up nice, if you did say so yourself. You got the chocolate out of your hair, and had on a fresh outfit, taking a little time to put effort into your style. You looked snazzy, but not too fancy. You needed to stay casual. Something that you hoped would make Douxie be like ‘wow they look pretty okay’ but not freak him out with formality. Yeah. This was good.
Your watch beeped. Okay, you needed to get out of here, no more dilly dallying. You pulled the candies you made out of the freezer. Moment of truth. Thank the stars, all of the chocolates came out of the molds smoothly without breaking. You arranged them in the cute circular box you set up earlier and folded the tissue paper over them. They all fit in perfectly. The cheesy valentine card, the most important part, didn’t quite fit on top of the candies, you’d have to put it with the bouquet. You slid the lid onto the box and fastened a bow around it with a blue ribbon. Maybe this was a bit overkill, but Douxie knew how to appreciate the dramatic. He’d love it, you were sure.
Last but not least, you headed to the greenspace across the street from your apartment for the final ingredient in your Douxie wooing, dandelions. You were lucky that the empty lot had recently bloomed an entire garden’s worth of the yellow things. The chilly breeze mussed up your newly-fixed hair as you danced about gathering the tiny flowers, adding to the bouquet until you felt like it was enough. Which took longer than you had hoped. You definitely could have kept adding in more dandelions but your watch beeped once again and you had no choice but to make peace with the level of yellow and book it to the bookstore where you and Douxie were supposed to meet before heading out for the night.
* * *
Hearing the ding of the door chime, Douxie turned around to kindly inform the customer who came in that he wasn’t open, but the words caught in his throat when he was met with your smile. There you were, standing in the shop with a box in one hand and flowers in the other. You looked cute. Really cute. But Douxie chased that thought away. He fumbled with the book he had been re-shelving. It fell out of his hand unceremoniously, landing with a thud.
“Hey,” Doux managed to get out. “What’s all-”
“These are for you!” you shoved the presents into his now empty hands. That courage you had earlier? Gone. Your resolve? Dissolving as we speak. You had to get this over with before you chickened out. He was just so good, okay. And why did you think this was a good idea. Douxie looked down at the gifts in his hands confused, before blushing. If he could have reached a hand behind his head and rubbed the back of his neck he would have.
“I didn’t know we were doing Valentine’s, uh. I feel bad I didn’t get you anything.”
“Oh! Don’t be. I just,, felt like doing something nice for you and uh, special,” Douxie tilted his head. You took the box, freeing up his hand. “These are chocolates I made, like, like you’re supposed to do.” You waltzed over to the counter to place them out of the way. “The bouquet is the real star here, uh, I picked them out very carefully.” You tucked your arms behind your back. “I, uh- I brushed up on flower language, and I hope I got it right.”
Now Douxie may have been a Victorian once upon a time but he had barely any surviving memory of the frilly flower language people socialized through in those days. But thankfully, the blooms in the bouquet in front of him were straight forward enough that he did in fact get the message without taking too much gear turning in that noggin of his. Although, the friendly daisies with the red roses were kind of sending him some mixed signals. He knew what he wanted them to mean, but he could just be misinterpreting. You seemed to notice his hesitation.
“Um, there’s a card too. In the flowers somewhere. That. Probably explains what I’m trying to say a little clearer.” You carded your fingers through your hair. You had anticipated not being able to really speak with your voice, as you barely could now, so you’d written it all out on the card as backup. But damn, that card had everything on it. You maybe got a little carried away. There wasn’t going to be any going back from this.
Douxie dug out the card from amidst the blooms. It was handmade, with a cheesy little drawing on the front complete with a pun. And then he opened it. It was almost solid black with ink. Yeah, you had written that much in there. Both sides. And a little on the back. Wow. Doux tried his best to keep up a poker face while reading it but failed quickly as the first few lines alone left him flushed. It was true, everything was on it. From how much you adored Douxie as a person, to how much you valued his friendship, to how pretty you thought he was, to how you longed for something more, with him? Douxie felt like his hands were getting the card all sweaty.
It was nerve wracking watching him read that card. It seemed like he was finished, since his eyes stopped raking through it, but now he was staring intensely at the words written on the pages, in a trance. He broke focus, looking to the bouquet, back to the card, and then finally settled on you.
“… is that a good wow?”
Douxie caught you by surprise. He pulled into a hug. “Yeah, a good wow.”
You and Douxie’s first non-platonic hug? Yes please. You didn’t even mind the flowers pressing into your back. Okay so a few rose thorns were poking you but that was fine. Douxie smelled like something you couldn’t name, but it was spicy, and cozy. He let you go sooner than you were ready to, but he grinned at you as he left to rummage through his things in the back for a vase. He turned to you as he proudly displayed them on the store’s counter, right where he could look at them all workday,
“So, where are we going tonight? For our first date?” Doux chuckled, “and, technically, our first Valentine’s day too.”
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It Takes A Village Chapter 5
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Chris Evans x Pregnant!daughter!reader
Series Master List
Series summary: You find out that your pregnant. After being kicked out of your mom's house you go to live full time with your Dad who you only saw once every few months. Will he react badly to you being a mom at such a young age?
Chapter Summary: It's your first day at school in boston and you make a new friend
Series Warnings: swearing, fighting with a parent, teen pregnancy, speak of abortion.
Chapter Warnings: none that I know of
You should know the drill by now Y/n means your name, n/n means nickname.
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It Sunday night and all weekend since you told your family about the baby on Friday, you were mostly left to your own devices which for the most part you did hang out with family but today you were just relaxing since your dad was making calls for work, and you just felt like being alone. Your walked around the neighborhood with Dodger, but right now you were in your bed scrolling through Instagram. You came across a photo Jake posted. Him at the skatepark seemingly unbothered by the fact he broke up with you cause he was sitting with another girl cuddled on his side. The post was captioned "Skating with Friends." You frowned deeply, he was already moving on. You finally have a minute to grieve the breakup and he's already moving on. You sighed cuddling up under your blanket deeper. Sniffling you hid your face in your pillow. You should've known it wasn't going to last but you didn't think it would end with you moving back in with your dad pregnant.
"Bubba?" Chris knocked on your door. "Can I come in?" He asked.
"One second!" You hollered wiping the few tears that managed to escape then you closed Instagram opening Netflix on you phone to make it look like you were going to watch a movie instead. "Come in!"
"Hey, Sweetpea. So I have a bit of news." He said walking in and sitting on your bed. You nodded turning your phone off before you sat up. "Well this summer I have to go to LA to film a movie and we'll be there for a few months. You'll have come with me." He told you.
"Okay.. But I'm due in november will we be back here by then?" You said.
"I'm not sure but I can't leave you here alone especially when you'll be pregnant. Bubba it'll only be for a few months and even if the baby is born in LA we'll come back to Boston in no time." He tried to reassure you.
"Okay... Oh dad! I wanted to talk to you about me getting a job so I can pay for the baby..."
"I'll help you pay." He said.
"Dad... But I have to do this on my own.. You can help but more with babysitting not paying for them... Do you know anywhere that might hire me?" You asked. He sighed nodding.
"Probably the McDonald's close to your school. I'll help you get a work permit filled out. If you promise me you won't over work yourself with at your job and with school." He negotiated.
"Okay now go to bed you have school early in the morning. I'll drive you there." He kissed your forehead before leaving your room. He really hopes you keep up your side of the deal.
You jumped out of the car waving to your dad. "Bye!" You hollered smiling at him before making your way up to the school. Joining a new school in the middle of March isn't exactly what you wanted but none the less you can't just not go to school for the rest of the school year. You made it in eyes darting around the hoard of your new classmates all pushing around to get to their lockers.
"Hi! You must be the new girl!" A girl with bright smile said out of no where making you jump.
"Yeah.. I'm y/n... Who are you?"
"I'm Darcy! I'm going to help you find your way around the school! Do you know your locker number?" She asked you cheerfully.
"Uh.. Yeah, uh." You pulled your paper out of your backpack looking over it for your locker number. "Locker 543." You said looking at her smiling.
"Okay! Follow me! So did your family just move here is that why your joining the school so late in the year?" She asked as you began walking.
"Not really I just moved in with my dad." You told her.
"Oh cool!" She said happily as you guys turned down another hallway.
"Okay! Here's your locker. What class do you have first?" She asked. You held up your schedule to her before opening your locker. "Mr. Sparks English class. Cool! He's my favorite teacher he's pretty chill." She told you a her bright smile still on her face.
"Cool. Uh where is his class?" You asked her.
"I have to go the opposite way for my class but it's down the hallway on the left second door." She explained. You nodded before began going the other way for her class. You followed her directions to a door. You walked in seeing most of your classmates already there only a few desks empty.
"Hi? Who are you?" He asked giving you a welcoming smile.
"Uh y/n Evans. I'm new." He nodded.
"Okay take a seat."
You went to a empty seat and sat down looking around the classroom. Nothing to strange. "Sorry I'm late!" A boy with black tousled hair and a outfit that looked like it had been thrown on in minutes which you presumed by the fact he was wearing his sweatshirt on backward and inside out.
"It's fine Mr. Conley. Sit down." The teacher said. The boy came over and sat in the empty seat next to you.
"You new?" He whispered to you. All you did was nod.
At lunch you sat alone, you haven't made any friends yet. "Hey new girl." The boy from earlier slid into the bench across from you at the table. "I'm conley, Oscar Conley." He said in a slick voice.
"Well Conley, I'm Evans, Y/n Evans." You mocked his slick voice a smile on your face.
"Well, Evans welcome to the school!"
"Mhm.." You nodded noticing his sweatshirt was still in backwards. "Your shirts on backwards and inside out." You pointed out. He frowned looking down at the tag.
"Oh come on no one told me!" You giggled. "It's not funny I've been walking around like this all day."
"It's a little funny."
"Okay new girl, what's your story?" He asked.
"Oh come on no one just comes to a new school near the end of March. Let me guess you got into a fight and got expelled from your last school." You shook your head. "Your secretly a spy for the fbi here to spy on one of my classmates because they're apart of the mafia!"
"No!" You laughed.
"Your actually an alien from Mars here to wipe out all of the human race."
"No. I just moved in with my dad." You said rolling your eyes at his crazy assumptions.
"That's boring you should tell everyone your an alien." He said smiling. You laughed.
"Okay. What about you Oscar? Do you sit and talk to all the new kids?" You asked before taking a bite of your lunch.
"Only the ones that look like a secret spy." He joke. You cracked a smile shaking your head.
After lunch you and Oscar swapped numbers before Darcy took you away to show you your next class. Right now your sitting outside waiting for your dad to come pick you up. "Evans." You heard Oscar say from behind you. "Waiting for your flying saucer?"
"Yeah." You chuckled looking at him for a second then back ahead at the street. "Well Conley that's my ride see you later!" You stood waving at him before running to your dad's car.
"Thought you said you were taking a break from boys?" Chris asked once you got in.
"Dad he's a friend the only person who talked to me without the school telling them they had to."
"Okay how was school?"
"It was good I made a friend."
He smiled at you beginning to drive as you looked out the window. "Well. Your gonna have to tell him about the baby since he's your friend now."
"Oh yeah." You said.
"Okay I got the paper work for your work permit we'll fill it out then you can apply somewhere you can walk to from school." He said.
You nodded giving him a smile.
A/n: kinda got carried away oops.
Taglist: @toastisgood @coldmuffinpartycloud @thevelvetseries
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sillyrabbit81 · 4 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 3.8k
Warnings: swearing, smut, masturbation
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 16 Part 18
Part 17
We got back to Liam's a couple of hours later. I felt exhausted by the time we got back. Finding the right shoes had been a nightmare. I have wide feet and struggled to find something I didn't feel like I was spilling out of.
In a surreal moment, I had found myself debating on whether I should get the Blahnik's or Louboutin's. The prices were unreal, and considering the most expensive shoes I had before those were my Dr Marten's Made in England 1460s, I was out of my depth.
This shop assistant in the shoe department was amazing. He said to go for the Louboutin's because "every woman should have at least one pair in her collection." He made me laugh and was helpful, so despite my misgivings on spending even more on the shoes than the dress, I got them.
The bag had been an easy purchase after that. I got a silver glitter Jimmie Choo clutch. It was half the shoes' price and felt like a bargain.
I hung my dress up, put my shoes and bag in Liam's dressing room and went downstairs to eat lunch with Liam.
"Thank you so much for today. I feel a bit better about the whole thing now that I know what I'm going to wear. One less thing to worry about," I said after we had eaten and packed up. I put my arms around Liam's neck and kissed him.
"You're welcome, Sweetheart. You looked so beautiful in that dress." He kissed me back. "Do you want me to get Ryan to organise an alteration?"
I scoffed, "No, he's probably got enough to do taking care of your shit." I winked. "I can do that tomorrow. I'll also get Jen to do my hair and makeup."
"Riza's wife?" Liam asked.
"Yeah, she does hair and makeup for weddings and formals, so she knows what she's doing."
"Tell her to bring Riza when she comes here, and I can meet them both."
"I'm getting ready here?"
"Yeah, I thought you would. Otherwise, you'll have to get from your place to here all dressed up. And you'll have Perrin with you."
He had a point. "Ok, so next week I'm staying at your place from Thursday until Sunday? Then going to David's and what? Will you stay at mine on Sunday night? Then you come back here on Monday?" Oh, this was complicated.
"Yeah," Liam said like it was no big deal. When you live half your life out of a suitcase, things like that aren't a big deal. Liam looked at his watch. "When do you have to leave?"
"I've got to be at Dave's in a few hours."
"That's just enough time."
"For what?" I asked.
The only warning I got was Liam's bloody twitchy lip. My eyes went wide, and he hoisted over his shoulder again. "For me to have my way with you."
He ran up the two flights of stairs to his bedroom with me giggling at his feat of strength and fitness. I was let down gently on my feet.
I expected Liam to rush me, but he didn't. He brushed my hair from my face as he looked at me with a gentle smile. He seemed so sweet and open that I couldn't help but smile back. I held his hand to my cheek, relishing its warmth, then kissed his palm.
Liam expelled a breath with a short laugh, and his smile grew larger. "I got you another present," he said. "I was going to give it to you on Thursday, but," he rubbed my earlobe, "I can't wait."
"You're very impatient."
Liam nodded. "Wait here." He went to his dressing room and returned with a small jewellery box. Real small. Ring sized small.
I took a step back. I felt cold, sick and my guts churned. Surely, he wasn't that stupid.
Liam looked at me, confused. "Lana, are you ok? You've gone white." I didn't look at him. All I could look at was that little black box. I shook my head.
Liam followed my gaze and must have finally realised why I was looking so sick because he chuckled and said, "it's not what it looks like, Lana." I looked at him, and his eyes twinkled in amusement.
I felt the colour return to my face and covered my face in my hands. "Thank God." I felt a little sheepish.
Still grinning, Liam pulled his hands away from my face and said, "one day, Sweetheart, I certainly hope it will be. Today, however, it's earrings." He opened the box, and inside were two perfect white pearls below a black onyx and diamond setting. They were beautiful. "I know you were joking when you said you needed matching earrings." He shrugged, "I couldn't help myself."
"You got these today? When?"
"I have a confession." Liam's smile was mischievous. "I didn't have to buy a shirt."
I shook my head at Liam, grinning, "you cheeky bastard." I got on my toes and kissed Liam on the cheek. "Thank-you. They are beautiful."
"Will you wear them now?" I nodded and started to take my earrings out. "Let me," Liam said.
Sweeping my hair away from my ear, Liam took my small gold hoops out and put his gift in my ears. He smiled a brilliant smile, revealing just a hint of his teeth. "Perfect," he said, leaning down to kiss me all too briefly. "Go look in the mirror, tell me what you think."
I looked in the mirror in the dressing room, and they were perfect. I played with the earrings. They had such a beautiful yet simple elegance to the design. I felt silly wearing them in my jeans and Joy Division t-shirt.
Going back to Liam, I hugged him again. "Thank-you." I looked into his eyes, so blue and open, and I felt my own tearing up. "You've made me feel special today."
I don't know why I cried. I just knew I felt a warmth in my body, my stomach quivered, and my heart felt like it was trying to escape my chest. I was confused by my feelings. They made me ache, they made me scared, but I also felt happy and safe.
Liam cupped my face with his hands. "Lana, you make me feel that way every day." Using his thumbs, he wiped my tears away.
My next words took us both by surprise. "Make love to me, please?" I didn't mean to say it. The words just fell out as I was swept up in the moment. But it was what I wanted. I wanted to feel love from him, have him hold me again like he had yesterday morning, have him break through my defences, help me tear them down. But more important than what I wanted was what I wanted to give. I wanted to hold him, kiss and caress him, show him how I felt about him.
Liam's face took on a series of changes, moving rapidly from one to another. First, his eyes widened, then he smiled, then his eyes hooded. Finally, he nodded and licked his lips. He leaned down to kiss me, and I closed my eyes. Tenderly, he kissed me, each kiss feathery and light. The ache between my legs was sudden and intense. I kissed him back, matching his mood.
I held Liams head while I got on my toes and kissed his neck. He let out a short groan as I trailed my kisses to his throat. He threw his head back, exposing his whole neck. His hand went to my head, holding me to him. I kissed under his jaw, and his stubble felt sharp on my lips and tongue. I moved down his throat, over his Adam's apple and into the shallow hollow at the base of his neck. Liam ran his fingers through my hair as I went.
I put my hands under his shirt and lifted it, pulling it off with Liam's help. His bare chest made my breath catch, and I reached out to touch him, pausing just short as I had the first night I met him. I smiled at the memory and looked at Liam as I let my fingers sink into his furry chest, his curly hair enveloping them as they did. For a moment, I just let myself feel his warmth through my fingers.
Sliding my arms around his waist, I kissed Liam's shoulder. I felt Liam's hands on my hips, but he let me kiss at his chest as I liked, not hindering me at all, not hurrying me, letting me take my time, allowing me to take control. I travelled across his chest with my hands, mouth and tongue, heat spreading throughout my body as I went. Liam's breath was shallow and rapid as I kissed him. I savoured his smell, texture and taste, hoping to hold onto this moment until I saw him again.
Wanting to feel Liam's skin against my own, I took my shirt and bra off. I embraced Liam as he slid his arms around me, his hands feeling their way up my back. I put a hand to his head and lead his lips to mine. I kissed him slowly, leisurely, enjoying his soft lips while I licked and sucked.
I brought my hips close to Liam's, and we both gasped as we touched.
"Lana," Liam pleaded, rolling his hips into mine, his movements slow and deliberate. "Please, Lana. I need you."
Kissing Liam again, I reached for his pants, undoing his belt. He grabbed for mine, and we undressed each other. Our kisses continued, neither of us wanting to break away. Liam kicked off his shoes and socks and stepped out of his pants. I tried to take mine off, but bloody skinny jeans and Doc's are not easy to kick off.
Liam chuckled when he saw my difficulties. My face warmed. He kissed me as he put his hands under my bottom and lifted me, carrying me the few steps to his bed and sat me on the edge. He got down on his knees and undid my laces, and took my boots and socks off. He pulled my pants and underwear off. To complete the replay of our first night, he held my ankles in his hands before he ran his fingers up my legs, making my skin break out in gooseflesh and my spine shiver.
Smiling at my response, Liam covered his body with mine, and I wrapped my legs around him. Slipping an arm under my waist, he lifted me off the bed and moved me up until my head lay on the pillows. Liam held his weight above me, his powerful arms out outstretched next to my head. He looked so beautiful above me, muscles taut, skin lightly tanned, his face sincere and genuine.
Liam let his body rest on mine, his arms sliding around my shoulders. He let some of his weight onto me, asking, "I'm not too heavy, am I?" I shook my head and nuzzled into his shoulder, sliding my hands under his arms to pull him closer.
Liam made a slight noise of discomfort and rearranged himself before holding me again. I moved my hips and felt myself effortlessly slide against him. A moan escaped my lips as I felt his sex rub against my folds and my point of pleasure. Flares of heat came with each passing, and my mouth sought him, needing his lips, his tongue like I needed air. He kissed me back, and I felt the same need from him, the same desire, the same hunger.
Moving his hips, Liam positioned himself to enter me. He lifted his head and looked at me, his eyes searching for confirmation. I nodded, and he watched my face as he slowly entered me, stretching me, filling me.
It felt like I was whole for the first time in years.
Holding himself still, Liam asked, "are you ok?". Not trusting my voice, I nodded. It didn't help, and the tears came anyway. Liam went to pull out, but I held him with my legs, locking my ankles together.
"Please, don't." My voice was a whisper. Putting a hand to his cheek, I kissed him, my lips firm and my tongue needy. He kissed me back a moment but then stopped and looked at me again.
"But you're crying." He said.
"I'm happy, you idiot," I said softly, smiling at him through my tears.
Liam let out a short laugh. He kissed me again and said, "me too, Lana." He held me tight against him.
We moved with each other, our bodies rocking slowly together. We sometimes kissed, we sometimes just closed our eyes and enjoyed the sensations. Mostly we looked at each other, small smiles on our lips.
"I'm close, Lana," Liam whispered to me.
I smiled at him and nodded. His gentle thrusts became harder now, and I looked into his eyes, watching his expressions change until he called my name, and I felt him release into me.
He let his head fall into the crook of my neck, his deep breaths tickling me. I stroked his hair and caressed his back. We stayed like that, holding each other. It seemed neither of us wanted this moment to end.
I felt Liam's whole weight fall on me as I heard soft snores start in my ear. I chuckled to myself, the poor guy was all tuckered out. I looked over at the bedside clock. I had a bit more time before having to leave, so I stayed holding him until his breaths where long and he had fallen deep into sleep.
I waited until the last possible second before I wriggled out from under Liam and went to have a quick shower. Liam had let me out from under him in his sleep and rolled over. I didn't want to wake him, so I showered upstairs instead of in his ensuite.
I dressed quietly, got my stuff together, went over to Liam, and kissed him on his forehead. He had hummed and tried to grab hold of me in his sleep, but I stepped away, and he relaxed back into sleep.
On the way out, I patted Cole and said goodbye. Cole, being a gentleman, walked me to the garage.
Perrin was happy to see me when I got to Dave's. He dawdled over to me and gave me some licks. It seemed like the kids had worn him out.
The kids weren't tired, though, and begged me to play on the trampoline with them. I rolled my eyes and said to Perrin, "I feel your pain."
Dave, the smart-arse, said to the kids, "I think your Aunty Lana had a big weekend, guys." Smirking, he continued, "she's probably had a lot of exercise."
"You're a dickhead." I said back to him.
The kids giggled their heads off, laughing that "Aunty Lany said a bad word!" I made my eyes go wide and smacked myself on the hand. They laughed and went to play, pulling Perrin along with him.
I said hi to Lucy, who was grinning like a crazy woman but trying hard not to. I laughed at her, blushing furiously. "Stop it," I told her. She just shook her head.
"Come on! Why didn't you tell us? Is he as nice in real life as he seems? Oh God, is he as hot? What's he like?" Lucy gushed.
"Oi," Dave said to her. "Ease up." Lucy just laughed and brushed him off.
"Yeah, he is as nice, really sweet. Funny, exciting and yes, very hot." We giggled.
"Awww," Lucy sighed. "Lana, I'm happy for you. I didn't even know you were dating again."
"Well, yeah, I only started a few months ago. Liam's the only one I had any real interest in."
"How'd you meet him?" Lucy asked. Dave nodded, also wanting to know.
I told them about the Will/Liam thing. They didn't seem to think it was as big a deal as I had thought, but I guess they weren't the ones who went through it. I told them a bit about what happened when we meet, how we had spent the last two weekends together. I left out all the gory details. I also told them about the plan for this week, the premiere, and asking Liam if he wanted to spend Easter Sunday with us.
Lucy squealed and jumped up and down. Dave rolled his eyes at her and agreed it would be good to meet him.
"You know Mum will be there, right?" Dave said.
"Yeah, I know." I scoffed. "Maybe Liam will be the guy to meet her expectations finally."
Dave laughed at that, "Yeah, well, he's got money, so she should be happy about that. He's not a CEO, though, so you still might be in trouble." He was probably right.
My phone rang then, and it was Liam. I must have had a massive smile on my face because Lucy made an "ooooh" noise at me. I hushed her and went outside.
"Hey," I said, my voice was already breathy.
"Hi, Sweetheart," Liam sounded a bit groggy.
"Did you just wake up?"
"Hmm, yes. Sorry. You should have woken me up. I didn't get to say goodbye." He sounded like he was pouting.
"Yeah, I know. But you just looked so sweet laying there, snoring like a chainsaw."
"I do not snore like a chainsaw." He paused, "do I?"
I laughed, "No. You do snore, but it's pretty soft."
He laughed. Then he asked, "are you at your brother's house?"
"I will let you get back to it then. Call me later tonight?"
"Yeah, I will." I paused, building up the courage to say what I wanted to say, but Liam beat me to it.
"Thank you, Lana."
"For what?"
"For forgiving my bullshit and for pushing you. For letting me get close to you. For letting me be with you. For trying to fit into my world when I know it scares you. For being you. For everything."
For once, I didn't feel like I had to make a joke or change the subject. But I also didn't know what to say. "Thank-you." It was all I had.
"Call me tonight, Sweetheart?" Liam asked again.
I agreed, then hung up.
After dinner, Perrin and I went home. I didn't feel like staying later. The kids were disappointed, but I was tired. I knew it would be a big week, and I wanted to try to get a good night's sleep.
I called Riza on the way home, and we talked a bit about the weekend. She told me a bit about her work and her arsehole boss. I asked her if I could speak to Jen for a minute.
"Sure, but why?"
"Well," I said dramatically. "I'm going to a premiere on Thursday evening, and I need someone to do my hair and make-up."
"Jen, get over here!" Riza yelled, and her voice was so loud through my car speakers that Perrin barked.
"Christ, Riz."
She laughed and said, sorry. Before she handed me to Jen, she said, "Thanks Lana, she will be so happy."
"Why will I be happy?" Jen asked. I told her, and she was quiet a minute. "Really, Lana?"
"Yeah, who else would I get to do it?"
"Can I put it on Instagram? Like a picture of you two all ready?"
I knew she would ask that. She did it for most of her clients. "Yeah, but don't mention anything about it before then. Just after I'm ready, you can put a picture up. I don't know if Liam will want to be mentioned or have a picture, but I'm happy for you to ask him."
"Oh, Lana, thank you! This could boost my business."
"I know, that's why I'm ok with it. I mean, there's going to be photos out there of me anyway, so I hope it will help you get some more work."
Jen and I talked about what I was wearing and how I wanted my hair. I told her I had no idea, so she got all excited and said she knew exactly what to do. Before I hung up, I gave Jen the address and time and told her Liam asked if Riza could come because he wanted to meet her.
"Wow, Lana. You guys are serious, huh?"
"Yeah, Jen, I think we are." We hung up not long after that.
Later that night, I called Liam, and I told him I'd sorted Jen to come over and told Dave he would come for Easter.
He seemed pleased, and we talked a bit about Riza and Jen before I told Liam I was tired and wanted to go to sleep.
I was tired, but I couldn't sleep. My brain wouldn't shut off. I kept thinking about being at school tomorrow and seeing the parents. Then I started thinking about Thursday and what Myra and the others would think of me. What it would be like to do that walk down the red carpet. I know a lot of the press will just want photos of Liam, so I'll have to stand there looking like an idiot while he poses. But worse will be when I have to stand with him. I could just imagine pictures of us, Liam looking dashing and me looking like a deer in headlights.
I started Googling how to pose on the red carpeting even got out of bed and tried a few before feeling like a total dag and getting back into bed. I wanted to back out. I didn't want to do it. I couldn't believe I had said yes to it. But I remembered Liam's face when I said I would go, and I knew that's why I had said yes.
I thought about how sweet Liam had been to me all day, how beautiful he had made me feel,  how he had tried to make the whole thing easier, how he had kissed me and held me. How he had whispered my name as we made love.
I felt the heat between my legs grow. I tossed and turned a bit, trying to make it go away. I felt hot, so I took my pyjamas off. I tossed and turned some more. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't.
I went to my draw and got out my rabbit-style vibrator. I touched myself, and I was ready for it. I closed my eyes as I slipped it inside. I thought about Liam as I did. He was thicker than my slim vibrator but just as long. I positioned its ear against my clit and put it to the setting and speed I liked.
I held it there. I thought of Liam's gravelly voice in my ear and could almost feel his breath on my neck. I let my free hand wander over my body, remembering watching as Liam touched me. I thought of how he looked at me sometimes with a small smile, his eyes dancing with amusement as his lip twitched.
As I got closer to the edge, I thought about earlier that day, the way he held me, how gentle and tender he was. I remembered how it felt as I kissed his chest and his hairs tickled my nose. I remembered his smell, earthy and masculine, like the bush after it rained. I fell over the edge when I remembered how he had called my name as he orgasmed, my own rippling through me in waves as his voice rang in my ears.
Not long after that, I finally fell asleep.
Part 18
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Falling for you - T. Holland
Literally falling asleep right now but here we are!! Fluffy goodness for mr Tom Holland (one of the lomls)
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
Falling for you - Colbie Caillat
Seven dates. Three and a half months. Secret meetings to avoid any rumors in the media, yet Tom rarely had an hour to himself where his thoughts weren’t on the woman.
It also didn’t help that she was cast as the female lead in Spider-Man: Far from home.
More specifically, the love interest.
Only seven dates, yet Tom found a strong comfort in her presence. He felt immediately at ease when she was around; he acted better, spoke better, dealt with paparazzi better. She made him feel more confident and in control, while also reducing him to a puddle of nerves with a single smile.
He had it bad, and everybody knew it.
“So you gonna tell her you want her to have your babies, yet?” Jacob asked him, wiggling his eyebrows at the brunet man.
Harrison clipped him round the ear, “no, you idiot. He’s going to propose first!”
Tom simply rolled his eyes at his best mates. If they could tell that Tom was falling fast, then did Y/N know?
If she didn’t, should he tell her?
Is it too soon?
I don't know, but I think I may be fallin' for you. Dropping so quickly.
He wanted to say that he knew her inside and out. Knew what made her heart beat fast, her palms swear, her stomach flip; what little things interested her, the way her nose crinkled when she was focusing, or even the way she slept, but he didn’t.
He knew so much about her, yet so little at the same time.
He knew her hopes and dreams, how many kids she wanted, her views on global warming, her career aspirations, her family life, but he didn’t know the little things.
He wanted to know everything about her, for she quickly became everything to him.
He was falling hard, and fast. She was his tipping point, and like Lucifer he left his spot up high, just to plummet into her depths as if she was the earth beneath his feet. Or at least, that’s how he looked at her.
He wanted to tell her, but he didn’t want to scare her off.
Maybe I should keep this to myself. Waiting 'til I know you better
Every time she is near, it’s as if the words are on his lips. He can’t stop himself from staring at her, thinking of how beautiful she is and how he is so happy to call her his.
In an ideal world he would have the courage to tell her everything on his mind without fear of her leaving. His line of work isn’t the most private, and he fears getting close to anybody for fear of being used.
Even now, as they lay on his lounge room floor, staring up at the glow in the dark stars she had painted, his eyes are on her and the words are on his lips.
He yearns to whisper them to her, to hold her body close to his and embrace the warmth of love alongside her.
But does he know her well enough?
I am trying, not to tell you but I want to. I'm scared of what you'll say
She turned her head to face his, their lips a breath apart.
“What’re you thinking about, Tommy?” She smiled at him. A genuine, toothy grin that sent his heart leaping into his throat.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, yet she didn’t budge from her spot.
“Not much, just how beautiful you are,” he sent her a grin to match, and a slight flush rose to her cheeks.
“Whatever you say, lover boy,” she rolled her eyes, pecking him on the lips before turning her gaze back to the randomly painted stars.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her, and she knew. The blush never left her cheeks.
Tom had it bad, and he was dying to tell her.
And so I'm hiding what I'm feeling but I'm tired of holding this inside my head
With Y/N there was almost a constant nibbling inside of Tom’s stomach. A reminder that he adored the woman. He looked at her as if she hung the moon in the sky, and he wanted nothing more than to hold her close and kiss her breath away before telling her the very thoughts running through his head.
Sometimes, the feeling became so overwhelming.
All of his friends had come over for a small gathering, and Tom invited Y/N. He almost couldn’t get through a night without her presence or at least a FaceTime.
He was truly whipped for her.
It was there when he introduced her to his parents. It was there when he noticed the happiness in his mother’s eyes as she spoke to Y/N.
And it was there as she stood close to him, her fingers laced with his as they watched his friends and family dance to the various songs playing through the speakers.
As I'm standing here, and you hold my hand. Pull me towards you and we start to dance
The nibbling turned into neat heart palpitations as she pulled him to the center of everybody and began to dance with him.
Ironically, their dance was to Elvis Presley’s “Can’t hell falling in love”.
When he looked at her, she was all he could see.
The music was a dull hum in the background and the voices of his loved ones faded as well.
It was as if time stopped,
She was the only thing he could focus on, as her hands rested on his body. One on his shoulder and the other clasped in his larger one.
Her body was close to his as they swayed, and his senses were overwhelmed with the intoxicating smell of her shampoo as she rested her head against his chest.
It was exactly the one month anniversary of their relationship becoming official.
Was it too soon?
All around us, I see nobody. Here in silence, it's just you and me
The night ended later than they expected, for Tom was completely absorbed in the woman who stuck by his side the whole time.
He felt his stomach tug as his mother and father hugged her and kissed her goodnight, making sure to invite her over for Sunday roast.
They hadn’t even set a date and he was already buzzing with excitement.
He wanted his family to love her as much as he does.
He knew he loved her, and he needed to tell her.
I've been spending all my time just thinking about ya
The door had finally closed behind the last person and Y/N pulled him by the hands into his lounge room.
The began to sway like they did when they were dancing, and before he had the chance to say anything her small voice piped up.
“Is it wrong to say that I want to stay here forever? In your arms?”
He laughed softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Absolutely not, darling. I would love to be wrapped up in these guns as well,” he lifted one arm from her to flex, earning a smack on the shoulder before she pulled his arm to wrap around her again.
She sighed into her chest, and a feeling of content washed over the room.
She truly was the best thing to calm his racing mind, and he adored it.
I don't know what to do, I think I'm fallin' for you
The words left his lips before he could control it.
“I think I’m falling in love with you,” he whispered, afraid of the words he released into the air.
She stepped back from him, a quirked eyebrow as she analyzed him.
“I said, I think I’m falling in love with you. I’m sorry, darling. I know it hasn’t been long enough but I just adore everything about you,” he began to ramble, feeling self-conscious underneath her gaze. “There’s just something about you that makes my heart beat like a jackhammer. Whenever you’re around my mind is so much clearer, and I’m so much happier. You’re just so easy to love-“
She raised a finger to his lips, halting his words as his brown eyes focused on the blush and the wide grin that decorated her features.
I've been waiting all my life, and now I found ya
“I’ve been waiting my whole life for somebody like you to waltz in and tell me those words,” she dropped her finger, moving her hand to cup his cheek. “Maybe not in so many words but...”
She trailed off, sending him a small wink as it was now his turn to blush profusely.
“I didn’t want to scare you off,” his smile mirrored hers, only smaller.
She had yet to return his sentiment, and he didn’t mind. He knew how he felt, and everybody develops feelings at different paces, so he was more than ready to wait for if and when she felt the same way.
She scoffed at him, now cradling his face with both cheeks and leaning closer.
“You could never scare me off, Tommy.”
I don't know what to do, I think I'm fallin' for you
“You don’t know that, darling,” he sent her an uneasy smile. His fame had cost him relationships before, and before that it was his intense and fast developing emotions.
He fell too fast and loved too hard, he knew it. And so did everybody else.
It just made him scared.
She feigned a grumpy look, furrowing her brows at her boyfriend.
“Wanna know how I know, Tom?”
Her arms were crossed over her chest and he nodded softly, grinning small at the expression on her face and how adorable he found it.
“I know, Tommy,” she stepped closer to him, wrapping her arms round his neck, “because I’m falling in love with you, as well. Very fast.”
His eyes widened within seconds, and a full smile split onto his face.
“You mean it, princess?”
She rolled her eyes at the nickname that she despised, nodding her head despite the grin on her face.
“I mean it, Tommy. I love you.”
He crashed his lips to hers softly, but with an intense emotion gliding through the contact.
“I love you too, princess.”
I think I'm fallin' for you. I'm fallin' for you
She slapped him once on the back of the head, “I hate that name, and you know it.”
The happiness was evident in both of their laughs.
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shadowknight465 · 5 years
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The heretic inside us all
I should, I shouldn't, I should, I shouldn't...
He whispered to himself while plucking the flower's petals. Maybe those things are lying to him, and because he has such a bad reputation, he doesn't know if he should talk to the Priest about them. Maybe if he does it would be another excuse for the Priest to tell more lies about him. Then again that Priest was creeping at one of his secret students. Making her feel uncomfortable. Or if he goes to detail on what those things look like he'll probably give him the answer, and maybe some holy charms to ward them off. Whatever the case is he has to do it at midnight to not draw any attention. But first he has to tell Dream, so he wouldn't be worried. He went back to his house feeling lucky that it's a Sunday. When he got home he instantly made himself some lunch and went to the well for a drink. He may not be a religious person, but Sunday is his favorite day. Where he can be alone for once, he knows the Bible well, but the real reason why he stopped becoming a Christian devoted man was because God never answered his prayers, and he saw how people use their religion as an excuse for being horrible people, and he doesn't want to be just like them. Still he can't change their perspective of things, and it will kept that way. He was probably asleep when Dream came back, because when he woke up the first thing he saw was the face of a green caterpillar. He slowly got up, and asked Dream what time it was. To which his brother pouted saying Nightmare can never be scared. Nightmare sighs with annoyance, and asks Dream what time it is again. Dream blinked, "Oh! Umm.. I didn't check the sundial, or in this case the moon-dial?" As Dream collects his thoughts, Nightmare walks to the sundial room. Midnight. Perfect. Nightmare grabbed his cloak, took off his crown, put the mysterious book under his shirt, and told Dream that he'll be back in five minutes.
He hope that even the Priest can help him about his supernatural encounters.  Who knows maybe the Priest will help him.  He went outside, and silently walked to the church building, later knocking on the door. "Come in my child are you trying to get closer the Lord, or are you committed a sin for me to give you forgiveness-Oh it's you." The priest said as he open the door. Nightmare doesn't need to look at him in the eye to know that the priest hate him with every ounce of his being. "I didn't came for either of those things, I just want to tell you that I've been supernatural encounters with ghostly creatures." Nightmare explained. He's wished that he told his brother earlier, but Dream will probably think he's insane. "What kind of ghostly encounters you demon?" The Priest ask with a bitter taste in his beak.  "Ghosts that are telling me that I'm their king or emperor-whatever the case is of their realm." Nightmare explained.
"Which is?" The Priest asked suspiciously.
"The Necro empire-" The Priest put his left-wing on Nightmare's head. "If this creature lied, then may God strike him dead." The Priest commanded to God. Nothing happened. "I guess you were telling the truth after all, and I never thought I will say this to a disgusting demon like you, but I'm afraid that even I can't help you."
"H-how come?" Nightmare started to get worried. "Because I know what the creatures are, but we banned all knowledge of them for this good village safety."
"And why is that? What they will do?" Nightmare pleaded for answers.
"They causes pain to those who has hurt you, and cause greater pain to the  people who had hurt you unintentionally. There's got to be a reason why they're doing this unless..."  The Priest turned to Nightmare. "You haven't sold your soul to the devil have you?"
Nightmare was shocked with disgust. "No, I haven't."
"Are you sure? Because the only way they can come back is if you sold your soul to these devils." The Priest explains. "I swear your holiness I didn't sell anything to the devils." Nightmare pleaded. "LIES!" The Priest voice boomed the building. "AND I BET THAT THE TRUE REASON THAT GOD DIDN'T STRUCK YOU DEAD JUST THAT EVEN HE HAS FORGOTTEN YOUR WRETCHED SOUL!" Nightmare dropped to his knees for he cannot stand the loud noises, one of the biggest reasons he hates going to church. "ARE YOU CRYING BECAUSE ITS TRUE?!" The Priest yelled at him. Nightmare, while trying his best to calm himself down pleaded. "N-No pictures I-I can't stand the booming sounds..."
"EXCUSES!" The Priest yelled. "N-No it's true." Nightmare tries to defend himself with words.
"GUARDS! GUARDS! TAKE THIS HEINOUS BEAST AND PUT HIM INTO THE CELL!" Nightmare heard The holy man yelled. He can feel the guards strong grip as his eyes were closed the entire time.
What has he put himself into?
Morning has arrived as Nightmare open his eyes blinded by the sun's harsh light, and felt a hard cold surface on his lower legs. He quickly regain his focus, and saw he was in the middle of a courtroom. People gathered all around him. Some were smiling, probably to see the torture. He seen one-too many courts to know what's going to happen to him. As he scanned around the room he felt a negative aura and headed straight towards it, seeing Dream crying.
Maybe it was a bad idea at all...
He thought to himself. "Nightmare." A deep voice echoed the room. Nightmare turned to the voice and in the minute he saw the court robes, he knew what this means. And knew there was no chance of him winning.
"So, Nightmare you were always the questionable person in this entire village, and for that we leave you alone," The judge begins his speech.
Nightmare thought as he gave the jury a death glare.
"But now our holy man said that you sold your soul to beings that should not be named."
"I'm was telling the truth..." He mutters to himself. 
"What was that you say?"  The judge ask. Nightmare look up.
"Well?" The judge ask getting a little more impatient.
Nightmare sigh figures if he's going to be on trail he might as well try to prove himself to be innocent. "I said I was telling the truth." Nightmare repeated himself. "And why should we believe you." The Priest asked glaring at him, Nightmare didn't need to see the smile to know that the priest was enjoying this. "Should I get someone to defend me while all of you are against me?" Nightmare asked reminding everyone of the rules when it comes to trials. "In trials like this the defendant doesn't need to be defended." The judge explains to him. It wasn't a huge surprise for Nightmare. Which he couldn't care less. He does care that his brother has to be in the court room however and who knows if they've lie to Dream that he can't be defending Nightmare. "Anymore questions you want to ask before we get started Nightmare?" The judge asked to him. Nightmare shook his head. "Then let the trial begin." The judge announce.
"Nightmare you have been accused of selling your soul to they who shall not be named, is that true?" He said. Nightmare kept his head down, not because he was angry he's just uncomfortable of talking to strangers in the eye. "About the accused? Yes. But about the story? No." Nightmare replies. "So why do you have this book our holy man found underneath your shirt?" The judge asked. Nightmare had forgotten about it. "I was going to ask him about the strange book. Because it keeps saying things about the dead and the Moon King, including the value of lives." Nightmare told to court. "And where did you found it?" The judge asked. Nightmare kept quiet knowing they'll destroy one of his safe place if he told them. "ANSWER ME!" The judge voice echo the room. "It appeared out of nowhere." Nightmare partly told the truth. Then, one of the gaurds came up to Nightmare; towering over him as Nightmare was tied down. And with brute strength the guard throw punches and kicks at him. Then as if command, rips Nightmare's shirt partly to expose some already broken ribs, later grabbed one of them and ripped it out of Nightmare's chest. Nightmare screamed in agony, and losing black blood all over the floor. "Black blood..., so you are evil." Nightmare heard the judge over his pain. "I was just born with it, so it doesn't mean anything." Nightmare tries to reason while still in pain. The Judge and the guard both nodded while looking at each other. He had seen this before, and knows it isn't good. The Guard went to the back to come back later with a war hammer, and raise it over his head. Nightmare had to close his eyes to try to imagine he's in a different situation. And he would have succeeded if the hammer wasn't so fast when it hit the right side of his skull. Now half blinded he try to find Dream in the crowd, but couldn't see him. All he could see on his right side is black with a hot yet cold substance over the side of his skull. He tries to reason with himself to where his brother could be, till he heard two bronze doors slammed. "Do I need to go on with your crimes?" The judge asked. Nightmare was in so much pain that he couldn't hear what the judge, or anyone is saying. "Your silence has answered at all." The judge calmly said. "You were accused of kidnapping children, and teach them about witchcraft. Is that true?" Nightmare heard as his pain ease for a bit. "I would never kidnap a child, and I wasn't teaching them about witchcraft I was teaching them about how to read and write; something that you wouldn't dare do." Nightmare answered with disgust. He may known a bit of magic himself, but those are white magic he has been using, not black magic. "We have a church Nightmare," The judge reply. "and that is all what the children need to know." He continued. "Well maybe some kids wanted to know how to read the Bible on their own, and how write their names." Nightmare respond. "But you did kept a little boy, and didn't bring him back till the next day." The judge remind. "I was worried about his mom would do to him after his dad died. And I saw how she treated him after the funeral such as, blaming him over her husband's death when it was clearly not his fault. And later told him that he should replace his father." Nightmare explains. "Am I not allowed to worry about my neighbors' safety? Do I need to tell everyone that our strongest man try to commit rape to a little girl?" Nightmare reasoned with the court. "He would never do it, but you would." Nightmare heard someone, but he ignored it. "I also have met a few children who had heartbreaking stories such as, one little girl who was forced to touch our priest in areas that made her feel uncomfortable, as she could do nothing about it."
"That still doesn't give you the excuse on practicing witchcraft..." The judge reminded. "The so-called witchcraft I practiced wasn't meant to harm people it was meant to heal. And are we forgetting that we also have Wiccans in our village?" He said. "I'm going to ask you another question then," The judge reply. "Is all of this true about what you are saying?"
Nightmare look at floor from the tiredness, and the pain he was in. "Yes. All that I have said is the truth." Nightmare responded. "One last question Nightmare." The judge asked. This was at the point he knows it's hopeless, and does not care about the visions he started seeing about the Village being burned to the ground. Because all he cares now; is if anyone will listen to him. Or at least tries too.
"Are you afraid of God and his heavenly angels?"
Nightmare with all his strength look at the judge with his good eye-socket, and said in the most calm firm voice. "No. I'm not afraid of any supernatural being of extraordinary powers, because I know the real monsters are all of you."
A moment of silence had filled of room.
"You're an absolute liar, Nightmare." The judge reply with a sick, twisted voice. "And now you shall be sentence to death in front of our very eyes by one of God's angels." As a window flies open leading in a creature that is known as a throne. As it hovers in front Nightmare with its blinding light. Nightmare could see a naked man made out of light. Still not scare for his own life for once. He said to the angel. "I'm not afraid of you, or your God." To his, and everyone else's surprise. The throne breaks the Nightmare chains, and cleans up his spilled blood, later giving him back the mysterious book. Nightmare stood up with all the strength he got, and walk out of the church to be hugged by Dream who is sobbing because he didn't do anything to help him. "Brother?..." Nightmare asked in a weak voice.  Now seeing flashes of his memories. "Yes, Moon?" Dream asked crying over his shoulder. "I need to go back to the in-hill.." Nightmare said as he collapsed. Hearing an echoey distance of his brother calling out his name.
It was dark again with the same old spirit orbs hovering around him. "Let me guess: It's my time to go." Nightmare smile as he look down. He honestly never thought that he'll have to die like that. It's not like he could control fate anyways. "Actually, this isn't your time yet." A orb reply. "So why are all of you around me? Is it something I had to deal with every time I shut my eyes?" Nightmare asked. "No. We came to tell you about the weapon waiting for you in the ruins."
"Ruins?" Nightmare questioned.
"Yes, the ruins. Of the Celestial half-demons."
Nightmare remember the urban legend that's been spread around for 200 years. About the beginnings in the fall that ruins. About how 12 celestial succubi has seduce 12 powerful heroes, and gave up the daughters to their victims as soon as they were born.  And how the heroes had to give them up so an old man who claims to know celestial beings which includes raising them. The old man then raise, and turn them into 12 types of heroes. Hoping that one of them will become his wife. Unfortunately the old man turns into an abuser as the girls grew up, and start falling in love with each other. Well except for one who thinks she's a boy and is the lunar witch. As if his abuse wasn't enough, she was almost forced into a relationship by the sun paladin, who is in love with her. By making everyone else abuse her to the point they killed her only friend an black owl griffin. All so she can become the witch lover. It unfortunately cause her to lash out on everyone, and ran away to be killed by the old man. And just when you think it's over it turns out the old man killed, and trap the others into their own weapons. Now possessed the weapon they used to wield; they now have no choice, but to wait for a new master. So would that mean Nightmare is gonna have the witch as his weapon?
"I'm not using someone as a weapon." Nightmare said.
"Not like that Nightmare. We mean the warlock, even as a spirit possessing his own weapon can create your weapon." They reasoned with him. Nightmare is sort of satisfied they didn't misgender the warlock like everyone else who had heard about the legend. Nightmare sigh and thought about it. If he agrees, then he'll have to go to the ruins to maybe meet a few of the trapped ghosts, and might died before getting the chance to get it. But if he doesn't they'll probably summon the warlock, and turn him into his slave.
Nightmare took a deep breath. "I'll go to the ruins."
"That's what we like to hear." The orbs said as a blinding light flashes.
Nightmare woke up again. This time he's in a bathtub with Dream right by his side. From the tear stains on Dream's face; he could tell his brother had been crying a lot.
I shouldn't have let him see me like this.
Nightmare thought as he sigh. Causing Dream to wake up. "You're finally awake." He said this time crying with tears of happiness. "How long have I been asleep?" Nightmare asked. Noticing how dirty the room looked. "Four whole days. I had to have that fire ring thing to help me to not let you die." Dream responded expressing his joy and frustration. "Dream?..." Nightmare said calmly. "YES?!" Dream excitedly replied. "That fire ring thing is called a throne, one of God's highest angels." Nightmare replies with a laugh. "BROTHER YOU NEARLY DIED! YOU SHOULDN'T LAUGH!" Dream yelled in a worry tone. "Sorry, I just can't believe that you forgot one of the legends I told you as a bedtime story ." Nightmare calms down.
"Also, Dream?" Nightmare asked. "Yes?" Dream looked up.
"STILL ALIVE!" Nightmare cheered proudly. "STILL ALIVE!" Dream followed. Nightmare then notice the book Dream has in his hands. "So you found it, huh?" Nightmare reminded Dream. Dream nodded. "I can only make out a few of the words, but I wanna ask you you something." Dream replies. "What is it?" Nightmare asked. "That stick with a crescent moon on it, and the guy in the nun outfit holding it. I saw pictures of how he reaps souls like the Grim Reaper, but there's also some pictures where he heals souls. Like this picture with a disturbing fire creature in it." Dream pointed at the image where it shows the so-called Moon king comforting the fire creature in like it a crying child. "Do you think the creature might evil?" Dream asked. His eyes turned to Nightmare. Nightmare vision turns into a flash. This time seeing the flaming creature crying with Nightmare's hand is touching his cheek bone. "I-I just wanted to g-give you justice.." He said with a voice that sounds similar to Dream, but is overlapping with someone else's. And the smell of his breath is like burnt alcohol. Yet, somehow Nightmare felt that he knew why smelt like that. Just as the flash appeared it disappeared revealing a striking similarity between the creature's face, and Dream's face. "Brother, did you have another vision where you are comforting someone?" Dream asked waking Nightmare up from his thoughts. Nightmare nodded while catching his brother staring at his still-healing ribs. "I'm sorry that you had to witness to trial." Nightmare apologize, trying to figure out if Dream was part of the jury, or if he just snuck in without being detected. "It's not your fault, Nightmare. I heard rumors about you being taken as a prisoner, and I just came to see if it's true. And when I saw you getting beat up, and you nearly losing your right eye socket, I ran away because I was too scared." Dream confesses. "Actually it was my fault if I haven't come to the priest; None would happen." Nightmare reminded Dream. "Also I think you should enough tears for a few days. You should go to get some sleep." Nightmare suggested. Dream nodded as he walked back to his own bedroom. Nightmare took a look at the place where one of his ribs that got ripped off was on a table right next to him with a note reading. "Put it back on him as soon as he wakes up." Nightmare guesses it was probably meant for Dream. So he put it back to its original place and wait for the water to heal it.
I survive yet again..
Nightmare thought as he relaxes in the bath. Nightmare looks around to find his journal which had a few scratch and bite marks on it indicating Dream might've tried to read it. Nightmare then chuckled as he opens it with a charm spell, finds a quill and begans writing.
June 26 , 1517
It had been a while since I wrote the last entry, and it was because I try talking to the priest about my visions plus the supernatural encounters, but I ended up getting trialed, and was tortured there. Royal guards beat me up, and they trying to destroy my skull with a Warhammer. And unfortunately my brother, Dream had to see it. They all try to sentence me to death by an throne's hand, but the throne has shown mercy on me. Maybe it's because even God is disgusted by most of the village actions. When I fell unconscious after the trial. The strange beings told me to go to the celestial half-demons ruins where I can get my weapon from the moon warlock. Now thinking about it me in the warlock almost have the same origin story ,but I don't want to end up like him. Or be a vengeful spirit of any kind. Sometimes I believe that we're all heretics, one way or another. Including our holiest men, The Priest and The Judge.
He then put the quill down, and took another shut eye. Without having to worried about death again.
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: Rumors about Gwilym's love life are all over Internet but he always refused to disclose anything. However, after a year of a good and healthy relationship, he decides it's time for the world to know Y/n.
Request: All right doll, Could you write some Blake Shelton or/& Gwilym Lee fanfic for me, it would be awesome!! Love you and your work both of you are amazing 😉😻🌚💦
Pairing: Gwilym Lee x Reader
Genre: fluff
Requested by: @marvelieber-rdjr01
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @sinviix @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver
Warnings: a tiny bit of swearing, ofc!Evangeline
A/N: Idk why it's taking me so much time to write, I apologize. It never happened before, I guess I've been a while without writing. If you sent me a request, don't worry, I'll post it as soon as possible. About this request, it was really special, so I put extra effort on it. I hope you enjoy <3.
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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"Darlin'!" my friend called the barman attention by hitting the surface of the barcounter. "my friend wants a martini and..." she gave me a knowing smirk before leaning over the counter. "I want your number."
"what the hell Eva?" I hissed, not able to hold back a chuckle. She shrugged, mouthing a confused 'what now', and I turned to the barman. "she'll have wine. Just wine" I remarked.
The boy on the other side of the barcounter nodded whilst chuckling and served us what we had ordered.
"I mean, I didn't think it'd work but okay"
"yeah, sure" I teased her, nursing my cup. "anyways- what are you doing now?" I asked while she turned her stool to face the people behind us, sitting in the booths. "Eva?"
She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times before actually speaking. "So there's that cute blond boy-" she was cut off by my snort, which made her nudge me. "no, listen. There's that cute blond boy and there's that handsome man staring at you shamelessly."
"wait what?" I hesitantly spun my own stool, following my friend's line of sight until my eyes met with a pair of blue ones which belonged to a tall, slim man staring at me. "shit" I muttered, rapidly coming back to my initial position. "he's hot"
"He's your type." my friend stated whilst sipping her wine. "aw now he's all bashful" she updated me, letting out a laugh. "he's no longer looking, I think he saw you staring"
"bitch" I called her, refraining the temptation of looking at the man once again. "he saw you staring"
"go talk with him" she whispered, resting her back and elbows against the edge of the counter. "he seems shy all from sudden."
"I'm-" this time, I did turn around to check on him once again, and damn, he was attractive as hell. "-not gonna do that."
"Y/n are you kidding me right now?" Eva asked rhetorically. "it's not the moment to be shy." she waited a few seconds for me to move, but when I didn't, she took the matter in her own hands.
"Eva-" I tried to stop her but she was soon walking towards the two men across the pub. "fuck"
I followed her form until she reached them, and then my eyes came back once again to the tall man, making me miss completely the way Eva pointed at me.
It was only when the mysterious man started to make his way towards me, that I realized what had just happened.
Before I had time to kill my friend, who now seemed to be very interested in whatever the blond boy was saying, the man was standing in front of me. "hey there, I'm Gwilym"
"Uh hi. Y/n" I replied, giving him an involuntary smile.
"Your... friend, I suppose?" he questioned, trying to hide his nervousness. "suggested me to buy you a drink instead of..."
"...of staring at me?" I guessed, raising my eyebrows at him, the ghost of a smirk forming on my lips when he nodded sheepishly.
"But, since you already have a drink" he shoved his hands in his pockets, taking a peek at the improvised dance floor in the middle of the pub. "do you want to dance?"
"I mean-" I opened and closed my mouth, meditating my answer. "I'm terrible at dancing."
"me too" he shrugged with a sweet smile dancing on his lips. "but it'll be funny, and if you get bored, I can walk you home" he added, extending his hand to me.
"such a gentleman" I stated, taking his hand, at first just to climb off the stool. However, he intertwined our fingers and leaded me to the middle dance floor, just in time to dance a slow song. "after all, I might not step on your feet."
"lucky me" he replied with a hint of humor in his voice, right before resting one of his hands on my waist while the other held one of my own.
We stayed like that for a long while, lightly swinging at the peaceful rhythm of the melody playing on the pub, lost in each other's eyes.
One Year Later
I was sat in my couch, wrapped in blankets and watching The Diary of Bridget Jones, when I heard my main door opening. "I'm in the living room!" I yelled, guessing it was Evangeline.
"Y/n, love!" my eyes opened widely at the sound of Gwilym's voice. "I'm home!"
"wha- how-" I attempted to move from the couch but it turned out to be almost impossible due to the amount of fabric wrapped around me. "I thought you were on press tour still"
"I am" he replied, walking towards me to kneel before the couch where I was. "but I missed you" I beamed at him, and a second later, he had leaned in to place a tender kiss on my lips "and I wanted to give you a surprise"
"awe" my hands left their cozy haven, recently found in the blankets, to hold both of his cheeks and bring him into another kiss, even though if this time we couldn't stop smiling. "I want more surprises like this one"
He then pulled away from me, holding both of my hands with his. "in that case" a mischievous grin made its way to his lips. "I might have another one" I raised my eyebrows, prompting him to tell me what he was up to. "we- the boys and I- were offered the possibility of taking a plus one with us to the Oscars"
I opened my mouth in agape, not because I had the chance to go to the Oscars —I would fangirl about that later—, but because he was offering me to go with him as his plus one.
"Gwilym" a wave of insecurities visibly washed over him the moment I said his name. "okay, first of all, come here" I pulled him up to sit besides me on the couch, and once he was there, rested my side against the backrest to face him. "I'd love to go." I assured him.
He sighed, a somehow sad smile twisting up the corner of his lips. "but?"
"are you sure you want us to be public?" I asked him softly. "because if you're doing this for me, you don't have to" giving him a smile, I prompted myself on my knees to kiss him. "I'm happy now. Evangeline, Ben and Joe know about us and that's more than enough."
"I know, Y/n" he pulled me onto his lap, giving me another kiss. "I know we're happy like this. And" his thumbs rubbed my hips, something that I managed to feel even through all those layers of fabric. "I'm the one who wanted this to be a secret but-" he bit his lower lip, struggling to find the right words. "I mean- we- now-"
I rested my cheek against his chest and leaded one of my hands to the crook of his neck to trace random patterns there, something I knew that would calm him.
"today we had an interview." he finally starting talking calmly "the interviewer asked me about my hobbies." I felt his fingers combing me hair. "and I wanted to say that I love watching TV shows with you on Saturday nights. I wanted to tell her how much I enjoy helping you cooking because I know you'll burn the kitchen if I'm not there" I slapped his chest playfully, earing a chuckle from him. "I wanted to tell her about our Sunday morning runs, and about our romantic escapades."
"sweet" I commented, lifting my gaze to look at him, who had his beautiful blue eyes on me. "and you want to be able to say those things." he nodded. "100% sure?" he nodded again, this time more eagerly. "then I need to find a dress."
"Evangeline is going to need one too" he informed me with a knowing smile on his face. "Ben is going to ask her to go with him."
"how are you so sure she'll say yes?" he snorted and I shook my head, chuckling. "yeah, don't even answer." I attempted to get up, but Gwilym tugged my arm and I fell back on the couch. "I gotta call her, Gwil."
"not now" he hugged me and made us both lie down on the couch. "I'm tired and needy." I let out a laugh, shifting to have my head comfortably laid over his chest once again. "I'm in the mood for cuddles with my amazing girlfriend"
"You're always in the mood for cuddles" I retorted, throwing one of my arms over his torso and tangling my legs with his. Meanwhile, both his arms wrapped around me, one of his hands finding it's way once more to my hair. "okay. Just for a bit"
"as you wish, love" Gwilym mumbled, already drifting off.
"okay guys" one of the coordinators of the staff called our attention. "your turn. All of you go together, but once you reach the middle section of the carpet you can split up, go solo, take pictures or whatever" he stepped aside and prompted us to walk. "first Ben-"
"Jesus fucking Christ. Goddamnit. Fuck. why did I agree? Fucking hell" Evangeline cursed in low voice, holding onto Ben's arm to walk down the red carpet.
"now Joe. Allen, you go next" they both stepped out, and finally, the coordinator turned to Gwilym and me. "Gwilym, your turn."
"ready?" he whispered, securing me by holding my waist.
"yeah I'm just nervous as fuck" I muttered, smiling for the cameras and the paparazzi that were now taking photos of us.
"I'm gonna be honest, I'm so bloody nervous too" I let out a nervous laugh and he did the same right before another coordinator stopped us to stay still a few seconds, so the reporters could take proper pictures of us. "Y/n?"
"I'm gonna kiss you, don't freak out" I didn't have time to give him any snarky reply before his lips were on mines, his hands holding my cheeks. "You're red" he stated with his eyes still closed.
"you didn't even see me, asshole" I hissed, feeling my whole face burning.
"Don't need to. I know you." he replied, pecking my forehead before letting go of me, for us to face the cameras once more. "Y/n?"
"not another kiss" I warned him, resuming our walk when the coordinator told us to do so.
"No no, at least not now." he leaned on me and whispered on my ear, "I love you"
I spun my face, capturing his lips before replying, "I love you too" with a big beam on my face, that was probably equivalent to the one on his.
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kyunsies · 3 years
Hello Mädch ahsdjaksdh <3 !!
how is college going? dw, I hope you are settling in super well and feeling optimistic about school and all the amazing things I know you are going to achieve this year! I am excited that you are starting your rotations now! you are going to do awesome, I know it! I'm sorry that you didn't get that ICU first like you wanted but hopefully it's all part of the plan so that you get it at the right time for you <3 let me know how they go, of course. I hope they go super well.
the week has been a bit weird to be honest, in my team I had a semi argument that was properly tense for the first time with someone and it was just so unpleasant. you know those people where they aren't horrible but you know that you'll never completely see eye to eye with them? i think it's just one of those things, where we'll never just completely read each other or get each other? and it's not, like, a massive issue or anything that we can't deal with, but I feel like usually I get on really well with people or not at all (all or nothing person I guess haha) but with this person I've just got to admit that we're always going to be a bit in the middle? like, we talked it over, and I've still found sometimes we misunderstand one another? so things are still good in work and clients, but with workpeople it has been the more difficult battle? hopefully we should get some more cool media stuff with the K-pop people soon, so that's an up?
OMGsh your coworkers are so much older than you! [lease do post a picture of your room, I am 100% confident that you have made it so dreamy and pretty. Thank you sm for telling me more about these operations though! I feel like everywhere is on red alert at the moment when it comes to health and care and making sure that people look after themselves and not put others at risk, you know? the doctors that to talk to me about my potential surgeries too have said the same but it's nice hearing it from a friend, you know? so thank youuuu <3 <3
I was the same as you, I would get so so so anxious and stressed if I wasn't studying or working or anything like that? but my mum is like your mum and grandma, where she gets up early too! but I feel like I need to do the late night thing instead? but then once I got into this crazy spiral where I would wake up really early and go to bed really late and like nap in between so I ended up like having two hours of sleep either side? that was peak wth at the time haha XD so now I try and let myself wake up a bit later really XD ha ha I'm in barely adulting! like I work so much but I don't earn a lot ha ha – I don't think that's very effective adulting? or like, I don't know I guess for a lot of people my age there's a work hard and hope it pays off thing in certain industries? so you're definitely more effectively adulting than me right now! like, you're going to do stuff that's gonna actively help people and you'll see that right in front of you, you know!!? sometimes my work gets out there but I rarely see directly if it gets to make peoples lives better you know? so the path you're on is so so admirable <3 <3 <3
I get you though, do you find that you thrive under the pressure even though it's sometimes a lot? I find that sometimes it does help me, but sometimes I forget to identify the times when it isn't helping me? or, sometimes I take it too far? so please look out for yourself and take care of yourself <3 and when you're worried if you're on the edge know that it's enough for you to take a rest and not be super perfect. i sometimes tell myself to except that I'm probably gonna make two or three stupid mistakes a day? It sounds kind of silly but it means that it makes it easier for me to accept when I mess up, idk, I think it helps me balance the pressure sometimes? i 100% understand what you're saying - at school do they have people that can directly help? or like peer supporters so it's not as stressful or official feeling as a therapist? if you ever want me to come off anon to help lemme know <3 i'm always here for you <3
oh my gosh your grandparents have been able to live long too! all my grandparents lived close to 100 before passing, and one of my grandmothers had the same as your grandfather. he sounds so sweet and so kind though! i love that he knows how to FaceTime you! Some of my aunts and uncles still don't properly haha. it sounds like he knows that he's super loved though, he's very lucky <3 <3 i've been thinking about all this really lovely stuff and how it grounds you when stuff like careers can stress you out and feel like the most important thing when it shouldn't be? what are the personality differences between the different areas of the US? my East Coast friends seem to straight talk a lot more than my West Coast friends? like they're a lot more realistic as opposed to being, I don't know laid-back or if not laid-back sometimes just more comfortable with superficial stuff? Not like my West Coast friends are superficial people, but I think they accept it as part of the world a bit better? my friends on the east coast will rail against that stuff a lot more, like they buy into the influencer bullshit less? but I guess these are all sweeping generalisations anyway... I might have to travel a bit in europe soon... I got asked to go to otaly for some work today, and to holland next month. Idk if it will end up happening though, things change all the time? I have to keep checking quarantine rules all the time with countries! but YAY and YES Europe tour trip one day :D !!!!!!!
you know what? when I first saw you compare bowling and golf I was like, wait, what? but now I totally get it! i know a golfer and they talk about how physical and strenuous it is on the arms and stuff all the time which I don't think always comes across when you watch it and it makes a lot of sense with how you describe how you trained for bowling! i used to cox in rowing and I always used to find it really funny that I said that was the sport I did because honestly I just sat in the boat all the time and steered XD
obligatory YES WTF ARE COTTON SCENTS! quite a few shops in the city where I live have been closing down because of Covid but our Jo Malone is still going strong! I love that lots of already classic clothing shops have now gone out of business but for some reason the people where I live cannot live without their perfume XD I think I'm gonna go in later this week or next week to take a look! with all this travelling I kind of want to buy something new? also, my hands have been acting up with injury so I have to rest my hands more anyway – so might as well look for perfume right? do you have any recommendations or would the blueberry one you've just gotten be at the top of your list?
the exciting thing is that I'm doing a bit less this week! I need to wait and see if that job wants me to fly out to Italy within the next 48 hours, if not next week, but if not I think I'm gonna figure out how to rehabilitate my joints a bit and get my brain okay? It's been existential Covid crisis week haha - I think a lot of me and my friends have been feeling like we've lost so much of our lives and potential during this time and I've really tried to hold in and ignore it for the past 18 months? i'm not one to ever feel lonely or to really really want to be in a relationship like some of my friends, but I've just been feeling it this week? like, I love my independence, but I wouldn't say no to a boyfriend right now you know? I feel silly saying that sometimes because I'm so against feeling like you have to have someone in your life to be okay, but I guess that's just a result of how the world is has been recently?? but I think all my feelings exploded around this stuff now so, I am trying to get back into a better place? so it's not as exciting as some of the stuff I've told you about before, but it's what's up I guess?
how are your mum and grandmother doing? are they doing good? [lease send all my love to them too. I'm glad these help you reflect on your week! they do with me too and I'm always happy to hear from you, no matter how long you might need <3 <3 hope you manage to reward yourself for working so hard these past days and that you remember you're always doing 110% so you deserve the best!
love you lots and lots - 💥
ANGEL HELLO !!!!!!!!! i told myself i would stay on top of this and swear in a timely manner but ;_____; a full week + 2 clinical rotations later here i am on a sunday, it seems this is always the case :( maybe my get back to you day will only be on sundays LOL i will try my best in the future babe, but ofc thank you so much for being patient with me <3
uni is going fine so far hun !!!! i've started clinical rotations as i've said on thursday and friday, and then my first exam is on tuesday so i read some chapters yesterday so i'm not squished for time lol :) and ,,,, what you said "hope it's all part of the plan" is very much my way of thinking lol wha is your sign? i'm a sagittarius and that's like, a philosophy i go by like everything is how it's supposed to be even if it's not what u want like everything will work itself out :') i'm wondering if we are one in the same !!!!! <3
and omg ;_____; conflict within the workplace is NEVER easy bc all everyone wants is to reach the goal you all are reaching and bc there's some bumps in the road it makes everything that much more stressful :( and i know exactly the type of person you are talking about LOL i've had to work with some of my peers in the hospital who really didn't treat me all that nicely , but i still have to partner up with them anyways bc we had to move a patient lol ; like they never do anything terrible to you but you just cannot come to a proper agreement with them? i know the feeling :( but i can tell you are doing ur absolute best ;_____; it's a tough situation ,,,,,,,,, but may i propose something ??? maybe since things are high stress in the workplace, would u be willing to meet them outside the workplace, like a quick coffee meet up and then discuss those issues? maybe talking about it in the work environment is way too stressful for both of u and it is hard to come to an agreement, but maybe in a calmer, more informal setting do u think maybe the both of u could be like "hey, what u were talking about i'm not really head over heels for but this is what i think and do u think we can do something where both of us will be happy?" im thinking maybe will opening up a means for more civilized discussion?? just a thought LOL :') let me know how it goes :( i hope u are all able to figure everything out !!!!!
about the surgeries !!!!! like i said i know it's super stressful to think about bc this is one of the very few times in life where things are absolutely out of our control and that scares us, and we as medical providers aren't supposed to give u a false sense of security, but i promise u everything will be just fine as long as u correctly follow up with care post-op :) we wouldn't want an infection !!!! >;( i remember last year i had a patient and she was going in for a routine colonoscopy and she was scared shitless ,,,,,,, but i was like "listen ma'am i know it can seem scary but i was just in there with the doctors and everything is super relaxed and they know what they're doing in there, you'll be out in no time and i'll be here waiting !!" and that seemed to help her a lot, after the surgery she was on me like flies on shit LOL she was like "THANK U HONEY" (but i think most of it was bc she was still drugged up hhh)
LOL us with our family members waking up early <3 literally this morning i decided to do my laundry at 8am (its only 10 right right now lol) but idk it just make u feel a little bit better doesn't it? but oh my gosh no i don't see u in this way at all ;_____; babe like you're already THERE in the world working and to me like ,,,,,, being an effective functioning person in society is like all i ever want i just want to be COMPETENT and the fact that u manage ppl ???? it's already a lot of responsibility but you do it everyday like you go to work u make food for yourself u pay bills like yes this all kinda sucks but you're there doing it and idk ,,,,,,,, like u being in this position is like yeah their surviving in the world and doing okay !!!! so that’s how i see u hun ;_____;
and i don’t think i necessarily thrive under pressure but i just kinda ,,,,,,, handle it?? like i think i handle my stress quite well !!! i think the reason why making mistakes scares me so much in my field is bc if i make a mistake i can like, kill someone or seriously harm them if i do something wrong SLKDFJ but i have to remember i’m still just a student and a lot of the things that i’ll learn won’t even be in these last few months of nursing school, but rather during my months of orientation on the floor i’ll be working on when i finally land a job ,,,,,, i know i just have to be patient and kind to myself, but it’s hard not having these high expectations for myself bc everyone else pushes themselves super hard (nurses i mean) so i feel like i should be too , ya know? ;_____; it’s a hard balance that i’ve yet to find but hopefully once i graduate i’ll have just a little bit more confidence in myself :’)
and omg your grandparents lived a long life as well !!!!!!!! a lot of my friends’ grandparents are really young still, so it’s hard for others to relate i think LOL but :(((( i’m really lucky to have them around still and like, i feel like my grandparents are the cornerstone of our whole entire family; once they pass i’m not quite sure what will happen ;_____; so i’m just trying to cherish every moment that i have with them even tho sometimes it’s stressful lol ; also BOUT THE DIFFERENCES FROM EAST TO WEST COAST LOL ; i think u described it really well actually :) like among the friends u have the are from different parts of the states, it’s very accurate in my opinion !! and again after all it is just a very broad assumption, in general east coasters have this “workaholic” attitude, they tend to be very realistic which i actually appreciate a lot lol, i’m hoping to live near the east coast when i move out <3 now where i am from it is considered the midwest even tho it’s more east than west if u look at it on the map LMAO and like, it’s really funny bc if u say to someone you’re from the midwest they’ll tell u our reputation is being “too nice” LSKDLFJSKLD and like that’s our thing, a happy medium between coasts with big cities but small towns too and generally just very chill and nice ,,,,,,,, the south of the US is also known for having that “southern hospitality” overall very cheerful ppl with personality and super kind attitude on life :) now the west of the US i’m not saying there aren’t nice ppl out there bc there are LOL but esp near lost angeles or hollywood ofc you’re going to have ppl very stuck up bc ya know they made it to big bad LA and they want to be trendy with all of the fake health shit (celery juice does NOTHING FOR U sorry lol) generally my view of the west is just very fake and i would never want to have my family grow up there LMAO but that generally like, california and washington but like, utah or wyoming or colorado are just absolutely gorgeous and they have small town ppl there bc there are a lot of ranches there ,,,,,,,, does any of this make sense to u ??? KLASFJ 
i’m going to skip a few paragraphs bc this is so long already LMAO but trust me i’ve read everything so far lol ; it seems like you’re doing a lot of traveling !!!!!! <3 i’m so jealous !!!!!!!! italy sounds so beautiful i would love love to go some day :( ALSO U SMELLED THE BLUEBELL PERFUME RIGHT ???? U LIKED IT ?????? doesn’t it smell absolutely divine??? no matter how many scents i smelled after that i knew it was the right one for me ldkfsdlkfj <3 i’m still so in love with it ;____; also about ur lil rant about feeling lonesome :( bub i can really relate to this and i feel the same way like my mom and the rest of my family never pushed me to meet anyone and i’ve always never had a problem making friends, but like, as i’m older and i realize i’ll be alone a lot more of my time once i graduate like i really do want to share my life with someone :( i have a lot of love and i want to be able to show it to someone i care about a lot but i just never really take the initiative to do that bc quite honestly i’m not confident in myself lMAO so ,,,,,,, i know we never feel like we need to be dependent on someone but sharing experiences with someone who feels very strongly for u seems nice, doesn’t it? i wish this for both of us really soon okay?? <3 i tell my friends i would LOVE to be engaged right now lskdjfslfjs :’)
but anyways !!!!!!!! my mom and the rest of my family is doing well <3 and i’m doing okay too !!!!!! i don’t want to bore u with how clinicals are going but if u want me to tell u just let me know LOL and angel i know i say it all the time but always thank u so much for being patient with me okay? u are the absolute best !!!!!! also as promised, here are a few pics of my dorm room LOL it’s a shoebox but it’s my shoebox :) enjoy !!!!!! 
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