#i swear someone get this tinhat OFF me
stormblessed95 · 2 years
I swear I'm trying not to be delusional but the tl is going crazy right now (k-kms included). Not the shiny gold matching rings on right hand & on the ring finger 😭😭🥺 what am i gonna do with this information 🥺🥺🥺 kookmin, what was the reason? Let us in 😭😭
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This was filmed during September-ish too btw. Which falls into THIS time period and dynamics for them.... just a tad....
Not to like add to anyones delulu. But I'm STRUGGLING OKAY. STRUGGLING
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Wtf is about where I am with my feelings here. Okay? I just see this cuteness and see the gold flashing!
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And I mean, let's be clear, they seem to buy and wear matching rings quite a lot, but I'm in general not seeing a lot of gold here
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Please don't ask me anything else about this. Imma try to actively NOT think about it. I'll share more thoughts over this when we we get more content from the second half of the year in 2021. Share more of my thoughts of their 2021 dynamics. I'm not saying they got married legally or anything. Absolutely not. 1, it's not legal or recognized where they live and 2, they are not out as a couple. And 3, this was technically a stylized photoshoot. But I'm not seeing gold rings on anyone else's finger, so who knows if those are theirs or they picked them out of the stylists jewelry together or it was gifted from a collection, or what. Who knows. And you don't need a legal marriage to make a life long commitment to someone. Just saying. This is all just me though 😭😅 AND IM DOING JUST FINE. LEAVE ME ALONE
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ladycamdens · 2 years
I kind of think the writers might be intentionally misleading everyone about Nancy’s supposedly renewed feeling for Steve (to what end, I don’t know). If you think about, there’s no scene implying that she does. Sure, she clearly finds him physically attractive, but every scene that is about her apparent romantic feelings is from another person’s perspective, most of whom are established as not knowing her well.
The library scene, where Robin thinks she’s jealous, comes right after a scene where Robin says she doesn’t have a “strong grasp of social cue”, and is after Nancy just lost a friend to the Upside Down (again) and is working with someone new. The scene of Eddie telling Steve that she didn’t hesitate is him speaking from his own “cynical” point of view, is literally in the same scene as him stating that he runs from danger, and comes after he is shocked by Nancy’s guns, meanwhile Nancy has had numerous scene of her risking her life for others in similar fashion to her diving in after Steve. The RV scene is after she just saw visions of an apocalyptic future, her family dying and Steve mentions California (where Jonathan is). During the scene of Steve’s confession, she looks guilty for breaking his heart, supportive of him growing up and moving on, but is downright uncomfortable when he mentions her being in his dream (and relieved when Robin interrupts). The only scene that actually has Nancy’s feelings voiced is when she acknowledges that Steve has “grown up quite a bit” (which he has), but it’s Jonathan’s look of worry and slight jealousy that inform the scene’s context. Every other scene is just light flirting (which was established as their dynamic in S1) and sexual tension (whilst is a high stress environment), but there still written more like exes being forced to interact and get along again than a budding romantic reunion.
just wanna say thank you for sending this message! it’s really well put and has been a theory i’ve been lightly sitting on for a bit. i think *some* of my discomfort around steve’s actions is that it does feel very one sided most of the time.
as you mentioned, i think it’s clear nancy is attracted to steve physically. i think some of her sexual yearning comes from the fact she’s been separated from jonathan for a while and they haven’t even been speaking really. tensions were high and steve was there and half naked lmao
and to elaborate on your points further, whilst robin obviously isn’t romantically interested in steve at all, we’ve seen that she immediately had a complex about being compared to nancy wheeler. in her mind all the popular people are infathomable to her - like in her mind nancy is just some priss. during that library conversation robin admittedly doesn’t know nancy or her motivations very well. pair that w her clearly being autistic and obviously not heterosexual i do think it’s mostly conjecture on robin’s part. especially in contrast with her not being able to navigate her stuff with vickie very well - self admittedly unable to determine if she’s into girls or not.
now forgive me this is where my gay eddie tinhat comes into play but i swear i have points!!!! my interpretation of eddie throwing his vest at steve during the fond!stancy eye contact moment is that he was… dare i say jealous. actually i think the parallel between eddie and robin’s interpretations of nancy is super interesting. eddie also has his mind made up that nancy is a priss - which is why the guns take him so off guard. paired with the fact that as you said he feels inferior to nancy’s bravery after he learns she’s not. now pair that with what i think is a kind of obvious crush on steve but also serious self esteem issues (one can argue he feels inferior to both of them) you have his interpretation. he wishes he could dive after people he loves like that so therefore she loves steve. by that same token though robin jumped in right after nancy so either we’re meant to believe ronance is canon (which… please sir can i have some more) orrr it’s clearly a platonic act of love.
now all that makes me doubt the intent of the RV scene is the way the script details it. nancy is supposed to be reciprocally into it. but what’s interesting is that’s not the way natalia played it. like the scene had a visceral awkwardness to it. she was uncomfortable. as she should be. what i’m wondering is if she’s the one who retconned it or if the writers changed how they wanted the scene played. because every time natalia is asked about the love triangle she also looks uncomfortable. i don’t think she likes nancy being reduced to a love interest either. plus she’s a big ronance shipper. but it could ultimately be leading up to the long game of her letting steve down gently as decided for her by the writers idk.
apologies for the essay but i had things to say!!!!!!
edit: i’ve been kindly informed by an anon that the scripts were confirmed fake! so that probably means it was never meant to look reciprocated! so consider that point redacted xx
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quillquiver · 4 years
Feel free not to answer I just wanted to say I think the whole approach to "season 16" is very much so an age thing. I PROMISE that's not me calling you old lol I just mean a lot of people who are super into it are in their late teens/early 20s and a lot of the people who are super not into it are late twenties/thirties/whatever. I say this as someone in their early twenties having a blast. I think it might have something to do with how fandom/the ways fans interact with the works is evolving, like me and a bunch of us were on spn tumblr as 13/14/15-year-olds and grew up with that old tumblr energy that invited this sort of mania, whereas people who were older at the time or had been in other fandom spaces before didn't really participate in that. I think a lot of us are very self aware and "tinhat" because it's legitimately fun for us. I'm not criticizing you at all because I totally get what you're feeling, your posts on it just made me think a lot about this.
No, this is great! I am definitely from a different generation of fans - and I’ve noticed a divide in age as well. I guess I’m just curious how people have the energy? Or is it that things aren’t taken so personally?
For context: when I started in fandom, it was something that had an element of seriousness and responsibility because it had to be - it wasn’t something talked about, and you didn’t flaunt yourself because you didn’t want to drawn attention to yourself or the community for legitimate fear of getting your shit taken down and being slapped with a lawsuit. I started at the very, very end of that, and because it was hard to find, and because there was community responsibility involved, there was a code of conduct that had to be learned and adhered to. So like, being a fan is serious to me, and it’s an important part of my identity.
I have been in SPN fandom for the better part of a decade, and on tumblr for longer than that. So I know that energy! It’s great! I just feel that it’s shifted from motivating fanworks to encouraging this weird grief spiral, where everyone constantly seems to be angry and upset, and then couch those emotions in social justice in order to legitimize them - when, to my mind, feeling them should be legitimizing enough! Fucking revel in your emotions, this is a space built to process them, specifically. We made a space for ourselves to do that.
I guess I feel like a lot of engagement in fandom just feels very high stakes now, when it used to be this really nice, low-stakes environment way more conducive to relaxation. Sure, there would be serious drama that would kick up every now and then, but it was never sustained like this. I saw posts of people who seemed to be legitimately upset there was no new drama from the KoC podcast - and I’m confused, because before 15x18, drama was something we all generally agreed to try and avoid. Or at least, we knew exactly who was wont to create it and steered clear if that wasn’t our thing.
But this is everywhere. I’m not kidding; I have probably unfollowed more people than I ever have because I’m trying to get my dash somewhere back to normal and nothing is working. Almost every other post across my dash involves some kind of academic theory or willingly buys into network conspiracy--Jensen’s silence is sexy, but given the atmosphere in the fandom right now, is anyone actually surprised he or Misha haven’t spoken up? No one knows what their NDAs look like, and if it were me, I’d keep my trap shut out of sheer self-preservation. 
And like, I love tinhatting. I have been cockles a cockles tinhatter for a long-ass time and I enjoy the hell out of it. But - and I’m definitely gonna sound old here - I feel like there’s an element of respect, not only for the cast, but honestly, mostly for the community at large, that seems to have been obliterated in the SPN renaissance. I think that because lots of young folks grew up at a time where fandom was generally widely accepted, and now are being catered to, and they have forgotten that this is an actual community, and that what one person does reflects on all of us. Tagging the cast in shippy posts? A big no-no. Because I can tell you right now that the person you’re tagging might see your username and think of you as an individual, but you are part of a community that has been Perceived for a long-time, and your behaviour reflects on alllllll of us. 
And last thing, I swear, but like. The posts. The posts that just say the same thing in different words: from different blogs, from the same blogs, all with this air of manic self-importance that ratchets my anxiety up to 11.... what is with that??? These things rack up hundreds of notes and I am mystified because not only have we covered this years ago, we covered this last week and the post is dated 30mins ago. There’s this obsession with being right and finding the truth and being smart and just rehashing that over and over and it’s exhausting to me. 
And I know I am currently coming off as an old fart who’s complaining about young people and screaming get off my lawn but I am genuinely curious: Is it that I just take things very personally? Is it that everything rolls off you loyal s16 followers? How the hell do you have the energy for this? Don’t you want to process your grief? Are you grieving? How do you interact with works? Like, how, from your perspective, is that changing? 
These are legitimate questions, and this was very long, so if you’re reading this I’m sorry. 
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[you have probably already seen the first half of this because I am dumb and I posted it without making sure it was saved in full. I apparently am REALLY bad at making Tumblr work. Not that I am surprised by that, but still.]
Hi, I know, long time no see, I’m still a tinhat-wearing garbage-can who has no idea how to properly use Tumblr and English still isn’t my first language so kindly forgive any mistakes, but I’ve been on a good omens lockdown for the past two months and unfortunately I have Big Thinky Thoughts
The point is- book!Aziraphale&Crowley are very different from TV!Aziraphale and Crowley. But not in the sense that they’re different characters: they are the very same characters you see in the book, it’s just… They act differently. I’ve spent the last fortnight turning in bed, asking myself WHAT made them feel so different from the book and WHY it was. And then it hit me: the TV show characters operate under a system of beliefs that the book characters have already overcome. This makes sense, because while the book characters to me feel more settled and “static”, in the same way two old dudes who are just waiting for retirement have already grown into their skin and mostly know who they are, TV!A&C feel a lot younger to me, and we have the pleasure of watching their character as they develop, as they become more and more aware of who they are and what they want. Because THAT ultimately is the point: neither of them is really, completely AWARE of the point they’ve “gone native” up until the last episode.
I think it’s way easier to see in Aziraphale: in the book, he doesn’t shy away from bad deeds, he seems to acknowledge his “”“moral greyness”“” and the fact that his loyalty to Crowley overrides his loyalty to heaven -and that this isn’t something he is supposed to do, but his loyalty to the Arrangement is way more profound than his acquiescence towards heaven. His identity is not just formed around the fact that he is an angel: that’s just part of it, and that’s what makes it easier for him to be aware of his “bit of a bastard”. It doesn’t come as a surprise, for him, just as the spark of goodness isn’t surprising for Crowley. It’s just something they avoided talking about because, well, if anyone else had heard them, it wouldn’t have ended well. (But we’ll come back to this later on.) TV!Aziraphale, instead, seems to base almost all of his identity (what he consciously decides it’s his identity) solely on the fact that he is an angel: he HAS to be good, he HAS to do what is right. All those things he does that he knows are frowned upon in Heaven are quickly discarded, considered outliers, because they cause such great cognitive dissonance he cannot bear it. At first, he seems to be starting to question the Great Plan, but around the time Crowley comes asking for the holy water¹, he seems to realise fully how dangerous everything they’re doing is, and sweeps all of his doubts under a big, heavy rug of denial. Because it’s either that, or being wiped off the face of the Earth (and the whole creation) or completely losing his identity by Falling (because he wouldn’t be an angel anymore, and he’s based on this facet of himself like 99% of his identity), which is A Huge Effing Deal, especially since it’s the narrative of himself he’s been building for almost six millennia. So, Aziraphale has put in place a system of beliefs which says: God created Angels. God is perfect, and since The Almighty created Angels to be good, they are good. Therefore, I am Good, and I cannot be anything else. Does this take into account that “Good” is a broad definition that changes with the point of view? Nope. It doesn’t take into account, either, the fact that Heaven and Hell are, in truth, just names for sides, and not that different at all. Another mistake Aziraphale does it’s an attributional error: he thinks that everything good he does it’s because he’s an angel, and therefore supposed to be good, and expects other angels to be like him, when often it’s really Aziraphale *as an individual* who does Good Deeds.
Belief systems aren’t inherently Bad: they give us fixed points² in the sea of change, and it’s vital for us to have them. Belief systems become Bad the moment they don't serve their purpose anymore: that is, when instead of being helpful, they hold you back from understanding, from exploring possibilities. And that's what happens to Aziraphale and, to some extent, Crowley: they both cling to their beliefs even tho they're shown time and time again that what they think it's wrong, and they choose to cling to them because the alternative is to float in the sea of the unknown.
It is only once Aziraphale confronts the falseness of his beliefs (the moment he faces the Angels and they tell him they won't prevent the Apocalypse) that he is able, once and for all, to eradicate his belief system and integrate in a new sense of Self all of those traits he usually denied about himself.
What about Crowley, then? His belief system looks a liiittle bit more grounded in reality... Except not really. While, yes, he seems less bound to Hell, and justly distrustful, he doesn't fare all that better. It's just more tricky to recognise, because it's more about Crowley himself than it is about heaven or hell.
Book!Crowley, since the beginning, is literally a very tired, very old, very uncool entity who is just waiting to retire from a job he hates to spend his time tending to his plants and doting on his adversary-slash-bestfriend-slash-husband. He is pretty much aware of the fact that, while he loves mischief, he doesn't like actively harming anyone, is really repulsed by the idea of hurting deeply someone. He knows this, and knows Aziraphale knows this. He just doesn't like stating it out in the open because he is a paranoid bastard afraid anyone will overhear them -and rightly so, I might add, because, as stated beforehand, there will be Consequences. When Aziraphale tells him he is, after all, nice, he's resigned, because being nice doesn't make being a demon very easy. But that trait is already stark clear in his Self-image, and he acts accordingly.
TV!Crowley, tho? The moment he is dubbed "nice" literally explodes in anger.
This is not about "telling the whole blessed world", this is about Crowley not having the faintest idea he has the spark of goodness inside himself. He has convinced himself that since he Fell, since he is a demon, he must be Bad. And this, imho, is reflected in the way he takes credit for the Really Bad Stuff humans have done, as well: he is trying so bad to uphold the image of a Big Bad Demon, he tries to rejoice when people do bad stuff, even though it's clear he doesn't like it one bit.
And that's because if his and Aziraphale's belief system have one thing in common, is their trust in God: if the Almighty cast him out of heaven, there must have been a reason, and that reason is that, deep down, he isn't good. Crowley's self image is built all around that, as much as his acts of kindness probably end up mislabeled as selfishness³. And that is because he cannot accept that his Fall, something that still plagues him after six millennia, that has left him with such a scar that his plants take the brunt of it, was just over "asking questions". The punishment doesn't fit the "crime", and it's difficult, if not impossible, for the human, or occult, or ethereal mind to accept that sometimes events so painful happen for no reason.
It's imperative, then, for the dismantling of his disfunctional belief system, that he confronts the truth: there is very little inherently Evil within himself. And that moment occurs when a desperate Crowley talks to God Herself (Themselves? I'm not sure if the Almighty uses they/them or she/her, sorry) and admits that the only wrong thing he did was asking questions. From then on, he slowly becomes able to face his own spark of goodness, to admit it in his own Self-image.
In conclusion: while it makes sense that the book characters had their moment of acknowledgement in the middle of the action, as it's a truth they already knew from the beginning and, since they were about to face Consequences anyway, they might as well voice it aloud, it is just as apt for the TV characters to say it at the very end of the story, because for them it's a starting point to the rest of their existences: they finally fully know who they are and what they want, and they will start the rest of the journey with that knowledge.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk, some of the swearing is censored not because I disapprove of it but because I don't want Tumblr to decide it shouldn't be posted in the tag and, as we've previously established, I'm really bad at this.
Footnotes and be thankful this is just the work of an evening of procrastination because I'm known for "making metas that require a bibliography" but I didn't have the time to check my social psy books
1: I might expand on this someday, but I actually have Thoughts on the whole "Aziraphale Being An Heaven-Abiding Angel" thing, and how it heavily relates to Crowley and Aziraphale's dynamic; the holy water break-up in the 19th century seemed a good milestone for the moment
2. Yes, I was thinking of the whole "fixed point in a changing age" thing from His last bow, and yes, my eyes got misty while writing it and I don't have any allergies to blame it onto. My brain is an attic and it's full of ACD Canon quotes and by this point I couldn't get rid of them if I wanted to.
3. This is heavy tinhatting but I honestly feel like he often tries to pass off his kindness as "I like this and I want this so I have to do something". The clearest example is: he feels that the whole world shouldn't be destroyed because it's unfair? Surely it's just because he likes living here, not because he cares, pfffftttttt
*saunters vaguely back to studying*
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
Cockles vs J2 Tinhats
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Someone tagged me in a post with a gif of Jensen smacking Misha in the crotchel region in last year's gag reel.  You know the one.  Apparently, it is supposed to be proof of Cockles.  The person who tagged me ships destiel and cockles.  She put a smiley face next to the tag, and she followed me, which might mean she is trying to be friends.  Not sure.  Well hello hun.  Thanks for tagging me.  I don't know what the purpose is.  Maybe you want me to see what you see.  Hunny, I know what cockles is.  I am familiar with tinhatting and I am fairly thick-skinned about it.  So unless you take the hatty stuff to the actors, I have problem with you...the cockles tinhats actually do tweet hatty things to the actors.  Hmm, not cool. 
This will be a good opportunity to examine both Cockles and J2 tinhat theories.  And why that clip is not proof of cockles for me. Just for fun. 
Jensen and Misha
As a lead, Jensen is contracted to be in every episode.  Misha, a guest star, is only in a few episodes per season.  This means that these two actors don't get to spend a massive amount of time with each other unless they are working.  Misha lives, to the best of my knowledge, in Bellingham.  Jensen used to live in California, but moved to Austin.  Jensen usually does only one panel per year with Misha.  Jibcon.  If it weren't for conventions, they would spend even less time with each other.  If you love some one and you are a lead, wont you ask for more panels with that person.  Yes, I know someone will that they don't do more than one panel because the evil bronlies will complain.  Hunny, if they cared about fans throwing a tantrum, Misha would have been off the show the minute Jensen received a death threat from hellers.
Misha and Jensen have no common interest.  Jensen loves watching sports, playing golf, listening to rock music, playing the guitar and singing.  Misha likes, cycling, carpentry and Tibetan throat singing.  They have nothing in common.  If you like someone who has different interests than you, wouldn't you try to learn more about their interests and join them in pursuing their interests.  Jensen and Misha also don't have complimentary personalities.  Jensen doesn't swear on stage.  Misha is foul mouthed.  Jensen doesn't make overtly sexual remarks.  Misha is very vulgar on stage.  They outlook on the art of acting is also starkly different.  Jensen has a love for his craft, whilst Misha has confessed to not having a particular knack or passion for acting.   
According to tinhats, Cockles are happily marreid to their respective wives but all four of them have orgies together.  Of course, there are variations to this theory.  When cockles tinhats are asked what proof they have for how they feel, they say:
Jensen laughs at Misha's jokes [and its a unicorn laugh apparently]
They mention Jibcon, where they claim Jensen got drunk and flirted with Misha on stage. 
Jensen and Misha are flirty with each other, caressing each other's cheeks. 
Jared Padalecki is proof of cockles because he ships it the most and gives clues to what is going on between Jensen and Misha. 
They share shirts. 
The crux of Misha's first impression of Jensen [from an earlier con]: 
‘He actually seemed standoffish, when I first met him.  As I got to know him, however, I realized that he really is standoffish.’
Jared and Jensen
Jared and Jensen are the leads.  They spend nine months out of the year working with each other.  They have worked together nonstop for the past 13 years and counting.  They also live down the road from each other in Austin.  They used to live together and were best men at each other's weddings.  Their children go to the same school and call dad's friend ''uncle''.  Tom is Jensen's greatest fan and Jared regrets not being there for the birth of ''Birdie'' [JJ].  They have an extended family situation.  Despite spending all their time together, they also go on holidays together.  They are both middle children, both have an older brother and younger sister, grew up in Texas, love country music and sports.  Jared plays the guitar in his trailer everyday and, according to Jensen, he is very good.  Jared joins Jensen to play golf although he admits he is not very good at it. 
Jared doesn't swear on stage.  He did once, by accident, but he was mortified and apologized.  He makes goofy jokes, not vulgar ones.  Jensen admires Jared's rendition of white suit luci but to date hasn't really said anything truly about Casifer.  He did laugh at the Empty!Cas voice though.  So Jensen admires Jared's acting efforts.  It wasn't the first compliment he paid to Jared's acting abilities.  He hasn't done the same for Misha's work as Castiel.  Jared helped Jensen with the construction work for the FBBC.  When Jared got sick at Jib a few years ago, Jensen took to the stage and sang a song because being Jared's emotional support.  The next year or so, he sang the song again on Saturday night, with Jared watching teary eyed.  That same year Jensen hugged Jared in the closing ceremony.  The year after that, Jensen hugged and sang Wayward to Jared in the hallway after the closing ceremony.  When he broke down, he hugged Jared many times, but when Misha tried hugging him, Jensen said ''don't''.    
According to J2 tinhats, J2 have been married to each other since season four ish.  Genevieve signed a contract to be Jared's wife, and Danneel was just helping out her friend Jensen.  J2 are the parents of six children.  There are variations to this theory too.  When asked for proof of their feelings, J2 tinhats say the following:
Jared wiped his snotty nose on Jensen's sleeve.
Jared called his drink and dinner with Jensen #datenight on Twitter.
When someone called Sandy [Jared's ex-girlfriend] his beard, she liked the comment.
When Travis spent his entire panel talking about how in love J2 are, he got pulled out of the next con. 
For Jared's honeymoon, he went on a group trek up Machu Pichu and slept in a tent, and for Jensen's honeymoon, Danneel's brother Gino went with them.   Both were delayed honeymoons. 
Jared wore Jensen's underwear.
The crux of Jared's first impression of Jensen [from a recent afternoon panel]:
'He and I had so much in common.  It didn't feel like a blind date.'
I don't tinhat, but I don't blame the J2 tinhat.  The Cockles tinhats don't seem to have compelling info, and they take the hatting to the stars.  That is not cool. 
As far as the gag reel goes, smacking someone in the crotch area is not a sign of affection.  It is horseplay.  Its pranking.  Jared fondles Misha in the crotch area.  Misha barreled into Richard, landing on top of him.  Its not a big deal, and its certainly not sound evidence of anything other than boys being boys.  Enjoy your hatting, but leave the actors alone and don't go out of your way to pull people into your circle.  But the J2 tinhats don't do that?  As far as I know. 
Forgive all typos.  Insomnia sucks!
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gleekto · 7 years
I just read a tinhatter saying that there could be a sex tape leaked of D and C and they would still find a way to convince themselves that Miarren is real.... They're angry about the bar and yesterday tweets and the dominant that Mia is and how they are expecting the bar to be failing in a month This can't ve acceptable, isn't there a way to stop them?
I solemnly swear that if there is an actual leaked sex tape of Darren Criss and Chris Colfer having sex, that I will believe….lololololol forever.
Dudes - stop reading what they’re saying! 
I get so many messages like this, so many (and if you want to vent to me - come off anon, seriously!) - Do you know that the other day, someone showed me a queen tinhat rant that said “The only way for Darren to clear all this up is to say, unequivocally, “I am [insert sexuality]”.  I KID YOU NOT.
I was like, do ya think we should tell her (to name a few)….
1. “I think it’s more empowering to everybody, including myself, if I’m articulate about identifying myself as a straight male playing a gay character.”
2. “As a straight, cisgender white guy, I can definitely see how people in the LGBTQ community could be a little weirded out about the consistency of these roles.”
3. “My particular torch that I’m carrying happens to be for that (LBGT rights and representation) because of the luck that I’ve had with playing certain characters on television, to be a symbol for that, and hopefully a shining light for that relationship. But I am a straight dude. I wasn’t in the closet.”
BUT - despite the temptation (I get the temptation, trust me, I get it), I did not (do anything). Because it won’t matter. Facts don’t matter to conspiracy theorists. And in the end…they can wish for a sex tape but really, whatever! Darren and Mia are getting married (for reals). They are happy and we are happy for them as fans of Darren, and thankful that he shares bits of his love with us. 
If this gang of hateful people wants to sit on their own tumblrs and spew hate and lies and pretend Darren is sending them secret messages through his clothing choices- there is literally nothing we can do about it. They can stew in their corner in anger and we can have fun here in reality.  
(Having said that, and with those transparent troll Yelp reviews in mind, if they actually harm Darren or Mia  - go forth and report to whomever you can think of).
Also - Tramp Stamp Granny’s kicks ass. So happy for them!
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