#i swear theres like two spellings of that word & i never know which one is correct
transfemzedaph · 5 months
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me when i dissociate
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wandsandwheezes · 4 years
I'd die for you. | G.W
TW // major character death(s), angst, general sadness, love, mentions of blood, death and sadness.
I would like to apologise in advance for this one, it has taken me two full days of tears and breaking my own god damn heart.
Let me know if you want to be on the taglist my loves💞
@witch-and-a-half @weasleysflowr @wand3ringr0s3 @hufflepuffgirly
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Never make a promise you don't intend to keep. That's what my mum always taught me, so in the lead up to the Seven Potters I promised George that even against my best judgements, I'd stay back at the burrow and wait for his arrival.
"If you keep biting those nails, you'll have none left, dear!" Molly said, sitting next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders "Before you know it, they'll all be walking through that doo-" A loud splash echos around the quiet surroundings of the countryside, causing Ginny to jump from the chair and run outside, greeting Harry and Hagrid on their arrival. All too quickly I hear Lupin's voice yelling, causing everyone to look in the direction of his voice. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach.
My mind went blank in the next few moments, I was stood there watching Lupin carry the weak and limp body of love of my life into the confines of the Burrow. Ginny grabs my hand, pulling me inside when she notices that I hadn't moved an inch. I thanked Merlin that he was still breathing, but the blood rushing from his ear made me question how he wasn't unconscious.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." he jokes, feigning a small smile at me as he reaches for my hand, which I let him take, dropping to kneel by his side. My other hand reaching up to brush the hair from his eyes.
"George, you never cease to amaze me how you can still be smiling when you've lost an ear," he squeezes my hand tightly, almost to check I was still there, "who am I if I can't even make the woman I love smile?"
I press a small kiss to his hand, giving him a reassuring smile. I feel a hand on my shoulder, looking up to see Fred staring down at me, he moves to join me beside his brother, "How're you feeling, Georgie?" George takes a deep breath before speaking up.
"Saint like," he smiles, I look to Fred, who has a worry in his eye, I give him a reassuring look as I give George's hand a squeeze, "Come again?" George lets go of my hand, straining to reach up and point at his own ear "I'm holey, get it Fred?"
"The whole wide world of ear related humor and you go for 'I'm holey'... It's pathetic" The twin smiles, looking down at his hands that sat nicely in his lap, "Recon I'm still better looking than you, at least Y/N still thinks so, right angel?" I smile nodding as a small blush rises to my cheeks, I lean in to press a gentle kiss to his forehead, earning a small but weak smile from him.
After about 10 minutes of arguing over who would clean up George's ear, I convince Molly that I was more than happy to take care of her son, especially as I've been patching the twins up after any and all mishaps at the shop. She obliges, despite her motherly instincts kicking in, helping me guide George into the bathroom. We seat him ontop of the toilet seat, nestling between his legs as I gently dab a warm cloth over the side of his face, clearing away all of the blood. I find myself taking in every freckle, every little scar on his face, the way his cheeks were so full and how he was just so perfect, making me realise how much I loved him.
"How did I ever get so lucky?" he smiles up at me, his hands holding onto the backs of my thighs, as my hand holds his chin in place, starting the task of cleaning the blood from his ear. I try to make sureBeing careful to be more gentle every time he winces. "If you're lucky, Georgie, imagine how I feel waking up to you every morning."
"Promise me something," I push back his hair so that it's out of the area, grabbing some antiseptic. "If it's that the antiseptic won't hurt, then there's nothing I can do my love, just bite down on this." I give him a towel which he places between his teeth. The sounds he made as the alcohol cleaned his wound broke my heart, but it was in his best interest. I pull out my wand, casting a small spell to deal with the stitches while he's still biting down on the cloth, causing him to groan again, but this time it was more of a wince then full on cries of pain. I wrap a bandage around his head, holding some gauze in place to help with the bleeding.
"If I didn't love you so much, I'd be swearing this house down by now," he says, pulling the cloth from between his teeth, I reach to wipe away his stray tears that linger under his eyes and on his cheeks. "Now my love, what am I promising you?"
He goes to stand up, quickly deciding against it as he sits back down. I take his hands again, rubbing my thumbs across the back of his hands, he pasuses for a moment, almost as if he's unsure of what he's about to ask, however the grin that he pulls his lips into dispells any worry. "I want you to promise me that you'll still love me with one ear."
"Georgie, I'd die for you, regardless how many ears you may or may not have, you're the love of my life." I laugh, leaning down to finally press a kiss to his lips, moving one of his hands to the small of my back and tgr other to the back of my head, keeping me pulled into the kiss for a little longer.
The next few months were weird and uncertain, Diagon Alley becoming quieter and quieter, I begged George to move back to the Burrow so that we'd be out of the madness and true to his word we did, Molly helping me work with him on his sickness and growing vertigo. Harry, Ron and Hermione were off hunting horcruxes and every morning I got a gut feeling that things were going to get worse.
Beams of Green and Red were flying all around me as I ran through the corridors of hogwarts. The sounds of crying, screaming and yelling were all I could hear. A head of firey red hair, pops around the wall which I spot out of the corner of my eye, he was fighting off Death eaters like it was nothing when suddenly he's thrown to the floor, his wand flying from his hand. I'm trying to run towards him but I feel like I can't move, every muscle in my body is resisting.
"Avada Kedavra!" suddenly the body of the man I love goes lifeless before me, I scream at the top of my lungs, my body finally giving in as I collape at his side, wailing from the pit of my stomach.
"no, no, no... Wake up! Please wake up, My love, just open-" "your eyes, shh, it's okay, I'm here, it's just a dream, baby." my tear stained cheeks, and small shallow breaths were enough for George to realise that it wasn't a normal dream, the protective part of him pulling me into his arms, rocking me gently as he coos my sobs, which grow less and less violent as I'm brought back to reality
"I'm sorry." I whisper as his hand plays with my hair, soothing me to a point where I can finally breathe again, "don't be, when you screamed like that i thought something was happening to you, I swear whatever was hurting you like that I'd take the brunt, I'd die for you, my angel."
"Don't say that." I breathe, shaking my head as I press a soft kiss to his jaw, "no dying, not for me, Georgie." he holds me tighter, leaning down to connect our lips in a soft kiss. "no dying, got it."
I hadn't seen George in a month, we decided that with the death eaters still roaming the streets, it would be better if we both went into hiding. My aunt, who has two witches herself, was keeping me safe, telling her girls to stay in Australia for their own safety. I hear a small knock on the door, Aunt Melinda poking her head into the room.
"This just came inside one of my letters, it's for you, darling." I smile at her, taking the letter gratefully, I recognise the handwriting immediately, opening up the envelope to a gorgeous hand-written letter.
To My Angel,
Merlin, I miss you. Dad told me about how the whole muggle mail thing works and I think I enjoy it more than mail by owl. I think personally that it was a stroke of genius to write to you like this because I know theres no way that the death eaters will go looking through muggle mail.
I want nothing more than to hear your voice again, to touch your skin, feel you next to me when I wake. Oh, Speaking of sleep, how are your nightmares? I don't sleep much these days so I hope you're resting better than I am.
Dad says the order has been checking on the house and the shop regularly, they think the burrow will be safe again soon, I hope you'll join the family and I because I have something I need to ask you and I don't want to do it over a letter.
I love you always and forever.
I hold the letter close to my heart, longing to feel his presense again. The nightmares haven't been getting any better, no matter what I do, I don't get to him in time and I have to watch him die in front of me over and over again, knowing that I could've saved him. A wave of pain and sadness washes over me as I curl myself into a ball, under the covers, praying that the duvet becomes his arms and that I don't fall asleep to see his lifeless eyes again.
Two months later, finally stood in each other's arms, kissing again in the room where it all started for us. For a moment I'm taken back to Dumbledore's Army and the hours George and I spent as we snuck into the room of requirement, him helping me perfect my patronus, giving me the happiest memory of all when he kissed me for the first time.
We stood by the window, away from everybody, talking and making up for lost time, holding onto me like he wouldn't ever let go again, every time I looked at him, I was smiling, my heart doing backflips.
"I wanted to ask you this before it all gets crazy," he smiles taking both of my hands as he gets down on one knee, pulling out a ring from his pocket. "I was going to ask you when you were mending my ear, I wish I didn't catch myself out and that I'd asked you then and there because being away from you made me realise that I can't spend another day without you, I love you so much, you're the best thing to have ever happened to me so I want to make us last forever, that's if you still love me, even with one ear."
I giggle, taking the ring and slipping it onto my finger as I nod frantically. I wanted nothing more than to be with George forever, even if he only had one ear.
I don't think any of us realised we were fighting a war until the bodies of people we cared about started to pile around us. I was fighing for everything I had, until I couldn't breathe, a sense of dread washing over me when I realised I'd been fighting alone. I was running around the castle and everything felt like slow motion. That was until I stumbled into the great hall and suddenly time felt real again.
Ginny was holding me back from stepping closer to any of the family, I caught a glimpse of the redheaded boy who looked to be asleep on the floor, his twin sobbing next to him as the family wept. "It's freddie, Y/N" she whispers, "Fred's gone."
Every wail and sob from every nightmare came back to me at once, pushing past Hermione to wrap my arms around George, letting him cry into my arms, and there we stay for as long as he needed.
When It felt like it was all over, we believed Harry was Dead, that this was the end, that everything we had worked for was short lived. I cried into George's shoulder, hugging his side, it felt like a part of all of us had gone. So when Harry reveals himself to truly be alive we were all in a state of shock, moving as one to finish what was started if not for us then for those we lost.
The fight was not over. Beams of Green and Red were flying all around me as I ran through the corridors. The sounds of crying, screaming and yelling were all I could hear. It's like I'd done this a thousand times. I saw the man I loved, from the corner of my eye, he was fighting off Death eaters like it was nothing, when suddenly he's thrown to the floor, his wand flying from his hand. I realised, I had done this before. It was all de ja vu and before I could think, I run and jump in front of the spell that was meant for him, taking it with the full force of my body.
The next few moments felt like no time at all, like both nothing and forever. He held my body in his arms as I reach up to press my hand against his cheek, feeling the last of my life slip away from me, "I love you, George, even if you do only have one ear."
Never make a promise you don't intend to keep. When I told George I would die for him, I truly meant it. When I told him I'd love him forever I meant it. I continued on with him for years, watching him heal and mourn Fred and I. The thing that hurt the most was hearing him still talk to me, like he feels me there, "I made your favourite, mum's cinnamon rolls, she doesn't make them much anymore, I don't think she will without your help." he smiles down at his plate, pulling the roll in half, before letting out a deep breath, placing the other half down and sliding it across the table.
I'm hugging him but he can't feel me there, I'm there every night, curled up next to him but he doesn't feel me hold his cheek anymore. He's sat in the dark, tears rolling down his cheeks, "I know you're here, I can feel you with me but not Freddie." he wipes away his tears, pulling a pillow into his chest. "I hope he's okay, would've been nice of him to leave me one of his ears, it's not like he ever used them anyway." George Weasley, you never cease to amaze me how you can still be smiling when you've lost all that you have.
He never loved another woman, even when he tried, by Godric I wanted him to be happy, even if it wasn't with me. He was sat on the bed, clutching the photo of him and I as he played with the engagement ring he gave me. "I live for you my Angel, If only there was a way you could have lived for me."
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topsytervy · 4 years
Not The Right Time ~ JJ Maybank
Blurb: JJ has a thing for you. Unfortunatley, it just isn't the right time.
Word count: 1,929 (give or take. did some last minute editing)
Warnings: mention of cheating, drinking, drug use (weed), swearing, not proofread so probably spelling mistakes, I think that's it.
Quick rundown because I have more of these than usual cause this one is slightly more descriptive of the reader (aka you): s/c = skin color, e/c = eye color, h/l = hair length, h/c = hair color, h/t = hair type (curly, straight, etc...)
Me somehow breaking out of my Rafe phase for a minute to write something JJ related? Yes, I am just as surprised as you are.
JJ lounged in the hammock in the backyard, drinking his third beer of the night with a book next to him. This was a routine for him at this point. While you were out with your boyfriend, he went into the backyard to drink away his sorrows and stayed up until you got home to make sure you actually got home.
The nights when you texted him that you wouldn't be coming home, opting to stay at your boyfriends instead, were the worst for him.
If you asked JJ, your boyfriend was an asshole. He never liked him and probably never would. However, you were his best friend and roommate since you both graduated from high school so whatever made you happy was fine by him.
It just sucked that he wasn't the one who made you happy the way your boyfriend did.
JJ often found himself mesmerized by your beauty. Your beautiful (s/c) skin and (e/c) eyes often entranced him which usually caused you to nudge him.
"You good?" You'd ask.
"Absolutely peachy." He'd grin.
After all, How could he not be peachy with you around?
He noticed the way you'd play with your (h/l) (h/c) (h/t) hair mindlessly when you'd be focused on a movie or the way you picked at the skin around your nails when you got nervous.
JJ sighed as he crushed his now empty beer can and reached for another that sat in the cooler next to the hammock.
"Woe is me," he whispered, popping the tab of the new can.
He brought the can to his lips but pulled it away when he heard the front door open and close which caused a confused expression to cross his face.
He didn't hear a car pull up and drop you off like usual since your boyfriend often picked you up.
"Y/N!" He called, hoping that you'd hear him and that it was actually you and not an intruder.
He grew quiet as he heard faint footsteps from inside and the sliding glass door slide open.
"Yeah, it's me." You answered.
Your voice was barely above a whisper which caused JJ to turn his head to face you.
"Come join me for a drink." He waved you over, not being able to make out your face in the darkness.
You shuffled closer to JJ and the faint glow from the solar lights you guys had casted upon your face. JJs face dropped at the sight of yours.
"Oh my god. Y/N," JJ immediately dropped his can on the ground.
The contents spilled onto the grass as he took in your appearance.
You eyes were red from crying, black smudges of mascara on your face and your nose was slightly red, more than likely from the irritation of you constantly wiping it on your sleeve.
"What happened sweetheart?" He asked as he pulled you into the hammock.
"He's been cheating on me." You whispered, your voice hoarse as you laid on him.
He took in a sharp breath and his arms tightened around you. "How do you know?"
"He left his phone at the table when he went to the bathroom and I answered it. Before I could say anything a woman's voice came through and said hey baby. When I suggested she had the wrong number since this was my boyfriends phone, she said no this is Brett's number and that's when I knew."
JJ rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head.
"I am so sorry Y/N." He whispered.
You shrugged, feeling numb.
It was quiet for a few minutes before you noticed the book next to him. "Whatcha reading?"
JJ took an arm from around you and grabbed his book.
"A book of Edgar Allan Poe's works." He answered.
"Can you read to me?" 
JJ nodded as he opened the book. "Want me to start from the beginning?" 
"You can if you want." 
JJ flipped to the first page. "The Cask of Amontillado." He began as you made yourself comfortable.
After half an hour, JJ stopped and looked at you. Your eyes were closed and your mouth was slightly open. JJ smiled as he made himself comfortable in the hammock. You looked so peaceful and he wasn't about to risk waking you up just to try to get you in your bed. 
He wrapped his arms around you and closed his eyes, letting sleep take over.
The next morning, you woke up with a small headache and placed your head in your hands.
"Hey, I made you scrambled eggs with cheese and those ham cubes you like along with some bacon." 
Your head turned towards the voice and you saw JJ walking over with two plates of food, setting them on the patio table that was placed a few feet away from the hammock. 
JJ walked back inside as you stood up and walked over to your breakfast. You stretched as JJ came back with a bottle of apple juice for you and a beer for himself, pulling out his chair before sitting down.
"I was thinking since neither of us work today, we could steal the HMS Pogue from John B and go out on the marsh. Just the two of us. smoke some weed, drink some beer. You know, the usual." The blonde suggested, popping a piece of bacon into his mouth as he did. "Hell, maybe even just stay out there the entire night. We'll pack plenty of food.“ 
You stayed quiet and forked some eggs into your mouth before reaching for your apple juice, attempting to open it. After a few unsuccessful attempts, JJ held out his hand and you gave the bottle to him. He opened it with ease and gave you the bottle back. You took a drink before returning to your food.
Technically, he wouldn't be taking the pogue without John B's permission. He had talked to John B about taking it after a call this morning, telling him what had happened. John B had said the boat was all his for the day and all JJ had to do was to let him know when JJ was planning on confronting Brett so he could get a few punches in.
"So…me, you, and the Pogue out on the marsh?" JJ asked again.
You sighed. " I don't know, J. "
"Okay, I know that last night was rough and I'm 100% sure Brett will get what's coming to him, but today is about making you feel better and I know theres nothing you like more than chilling in the middle of the marsh with a joint in one hand and a beer in the other, maybe some swimming beforehand." He saw you thinking about it and knew you were leaning towards yes so he drove it home. "Plus you like sleeping under the stars and you're always napping on the boat. Why not combine them?" 
You bit your lip, the idea tantalizing.
You nodded. "Okay but don't be all mad cause I'm all mopey." 
"I won't. I'll be fishing while getting high with my best friend." 
" I thought JB was your best friend?" You smirked.
JJ placed a finger to his lips and sent you a wink. "Shh. Our little secret." 
You sat on the blanket-covered floor of the HMS Pogue, a joint being passed between you and JJ as you sipped on a beer and ate the abundance of food JJ had brought with.
It was hours later, darkness had fallen and the stars had come out.  JJ had stopped at The Wreck to order a shit ton of food before you took the Pogue out and paid for it all despite you offering to pitch in for half.
"Oh no no no. Rule #1 of friends supporting a friend whos been broken up with: the one who has gone through the break-up doesnt pay for anything the day after."
"Oh yeah? Who made that dumbass rule Maybank?" You crossed your arms, eyebrows raised.
"Uh, I will have you know JJ Maybanks Rules To Help A Friend Through Heartbreak is a number one best seller." JJ shot qt you.
"Oh yeah. I bet that that fake ass book is raking in all the fake ass dough and your signing plenty of fake ass boobs at your fake ass book signing." You nodded.
"Actually, the fake ass bookstore that is holding my fake ass book signing doesn't allow boob autographs. Something about it being inappropriate apparently." He grinned.
You took a bite of your sandwich as you passed the joint to JJ. 
"You know what JJ?"
He hummed in response as he took a hit off the joint.
"This was really nice and I had a really great time today." You grinned.
JJ smiled, happy that the smile was back on your face. " I'm really glad Y/N/N. You know you deserve this, right?" 
You shrugged, taking a sip of your beer before taking the joint back from the blonde.
"I'm serious, Y/N. You deserve this and way more. You deserve someone who can give you everything you need and want." JJ scooted closer to you.
"If I deserve everything like you say I do, J, then why wasn't I good enough for Brett." you whispered.
JJ took the joint from your hand and placed it in the ashtray he had set on the floor before moving next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders, pulling your body into his side.
"It's not that you weren't good enough for Brett, Brett wasn't good enough for you. He's a damn fool for letting you go. I've heard Kooks like Topper talking about how bad they want to date you. If a Kook wants to date you, a pogue who hangs out with me who every Kook hates, that means you're a pretty remarkable person." JJ told you.
You felt yourself smile at his words. "You always know what to say, J. Sometimes, I wonder why you haven't used that intelligent brain of yours to woo yourself a girIfriend."
 JJ scoffed at your words.
"I'm serious JJ. You are so much smarter than you think you are. Both streetwise and bookwise. You read me Edgar Allan Poe last night as if it was your first language and didn't even stop to ask me what any words meant like you usually do around the others. You shouldn't hide your smarts, J. Smart you is way sexier than dumb you." JJ felt himself blush and you ruffled his hair as you turned your body to face his. "I wish you let everyone else see the JJ Maybank I see."
JJ sighed. "I don't woo any girls with my words cause it's either not the right time or not the right girl." 
"Come on JJ. You're 20 years old and you mean to tell you haven't met one girl you didn't want to be in a long term relationship with?" You asked through a mouthful of sandwich, hand covering your mouth.
"I never said that." 
your eyes widened as you swallowed your food and took a swig from your beer. "You like someone right now!" JJ rolled his eyes. " Oh my God. Maybank, spill! What's stopping you from going after her?"
JJ took the blunt from the ashtray and took a long slow drag before turning his blue eyes onto your e/c ones. "Like I said, not the right time. I have to wait until I think she's ready for a relationship."
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maxmagic · 5 years
~Giovanni and (Y/N)~
Giovanni x reader (platonic)
Warning: swearing
Genre : idk honestly
If there are spelling errors let me know
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It was a clear night sky. Jazz City was quiet , most people by know asleep or spending times with loved ones.
But no , not Giovanni . He was putting the last few finishing touches of his Banzai Blaster uniform . His last mission didnt go as planned and his suit suffered 'cuz of it . It wasn't that bad tho , only a few holes . But Giovanni knew how to knit , but not how to sew. He didnt want to bother Molly so late at night , so he decided to take it upon himself to fix the holes. After some effort and a bit of blood (clumsy boy pricked his finger) he was done .
Just then , he heard his window open . He turned around and it was (Y/N) , his faithful partner in crime and sometimes rival, who was also a Banzai Captain. They slipped in and let out a sigh "Yoo Gio, are you done or what? The night doesnt last forever you know !" "Geez , who put you in a bad mood ? You cant rush art (Y/N) . Sewing is a delicate act that needs a lot of concentration " Giovanni remarked . (Y/N) frowned and put their hands on their hip ."Just... hurry up and get ready, please. I'll be waiting for you on the rooftop with the crew." And with that the felt .
'Ugh , moody...'
Giovanni finally put his suit on and made his way to the roof. The wind blew gently , making his cape flow with the wind , adding extra flare to his long awaited entrance. "Minions and (Y/N) , tonight is a big night !! Tonight we do something so bad and evil , every one in this city will bow before us !!" Giovanni said with so much pride and energy. He stirked a dramatic pose , pointing to the city . "Tonight ... we rob the mall". The Banzai Blasters cheered at their captain , but (Y/N) wasn't having it. "Again Gio?? Didnt you guys get completely busted last time and my team had to get you guys out before the police arrested you all ??" She said , frustrated as memories from a month ago flashed by. To keep it short , it was a disaster. Giovanni stumbles a bit at their sudden remark . They never embarrass him in from on his boys. He quickly picked himself up and said " B-But this time , it's going to be different . Crusher found a way to bypass the security of the main doors , so they'll never see us coming . " "What about the mall cops ?" (Y/N) asked , wanting this to be over and done with. "Pffft , mall cops are nothing ", Giovani disregarded, " it's usually some old grandad with bones made out of toothpicks" . He puts an arm around (Y/N) and grins "Besides ... We are that Banzai Blasters !! Nothing can stop us , especially not the cops". To that , (Y/N) only rolled their eyes . They removed Giovannis hand from their shoulder and starts heading to the mall , carelessly jumping from building to buildings.
Giovanni let out a huff , but then his face softened. Was something the matter ? Were they upset ? He pondered about it for a bit , before brushing it off. I mean , if they were sad they'd tell him... right ?
Some time passes while they got to the mall. Through the whole trip , Giovanni was looking at (Y/N) . Looking up close , they seemed kinda mad . Giovanni felt his stomach turn a bit. He knew something was up , but ... He cant just bring it up out of nowhere! Then they'll be even more mad . Giovanni just signs and opens the door of the mall . While he was sulking , Crusher managed to unlock it and clear the censors . They all made their way in , the big hollow mall quiet and peacefull . Not for long lol. As soon as they entered , the Banzai Blasters rushed through every store and shop . Wrecking things and taking goods. (Y/N) was just sitting a bench , mumbling to themselves . They eminanted a dangerous aura , so thick and deadly someone could easily suffocate in it.
Suddenly they heard a crash and sirens went of . "Jesus Fuck , who sounded the alarms?!?!. They looked around and saw one of Banzai blasters managed to break a window and it sounded the alarms. "Crusher , you bumbass, I though you said you hacked the alarms ?!!"(Y/N) yelled , furious. "I-I only was able to shut of the security on the d-doors. They must h-have added ne-ew ones on the windows " Crusher stuttered out , kiss knees shaking . Giovanni rushed to the group an said "We have to get out of here !! The cops will be here any minute " . As he said that , the doors and windows rattled and a metal curtain dropped . Now they were really fucked . (Y/N) cursed under their breath . "Theres probably a hatch or something to get us out. Crusher , if we get arrest I'm fucking killing you ." They grab two of the Banzai blasters by the collar and drag them to a vent. "Quickly you shits, open the vent before I pummel you to the ground and leave you for the cops" (Y/N) yelled in a manner almost sounded like a lions road.
Thats it. That's the final straw. No one messes with Giovanni's Boys , even if it's a close friend. Giovanni taps (Y/N) on the shoulder and they turn around."Dont talk to my boys that way!! Only I get to do that " he said ,"You've been a real piece of work the whole night , but this is just being a dick . You okay? Did something happen?". Giovannis voice dulled to a more concerned tone ."I've told you before , I'm FINE." they say through gritted teeth. Just then a loud clang is heard. The two Banzai Blasters managed to open the vent . (Y/N) smiled and clapped their hands sarcastically "Great job, now MOVE.". They push away the two Banzai Blasters and make their way towards the vent . The crawl in and suddenly they're dropped at least 15 feet down . "Aw SHIT!" they cry out. That's going to leave a lot of bruises. They managed to fall on some wash cloths tho , so no broken bones. "ARE YOU OKAY" Giovanni yells down the vent. He could hear a quiet groan in return. "Aw hell... listen here boys . That vent must have lead to some painful stuff , so we dont go that way . You find another path and I'll scoop (Y/N) out of there." "But boss, what if you dont get out ? The police wil- "Dont be silly , Crusher . I am the great Giovanni Potage~! Nothing can stop ME" Giovanni strikes a confident pose , before crawling in the vent .
He also dropped the 15 feet and fell on his but. He cringed , but looked around for his friend. He could only see a small bluff in the corner of the small room . Then his heart broke as he heard sobbing . He rushed over to the blur, which of course was (Y/N) , big tears streaming down their face. "Hey hey , are you hurt ? Did the fall break a bone ?" . Giovanni scanned their body for cuts or breaks , but didnt find anything that looked broken. (Y/N) clutched Giovannis suit and sobbed , their face buried in his chest. They said a few words , but they were muffled by sobs and fabric. Giovanni only patted their head and gave them a big hug. For now he wasnt worried about cops or anything . He just wanted to help his friend.
After a while (Y/N) removed their face from Giovanni's chest , which was now stained with tears. Their sobs were now only sniffles and small hiccups. "Do you want to talk about it ? Giovanni said softly . He sat next to them and let his friend rant about their horrible day ..
"How your day must have really sucked, huh?" "Yeah... thanks for letting me went to you. I though I could tough it out for the day but.... guess not " (Y/N) said as they rubbed the back of their neck in shame. Giovanni gave them a side hug , and looked them straight in the eyes. "We've been friends for so long . It's like I've known you my whole life. You know you can always talk to me if you have problems . Besides, you shouldn't keep all your emotions bottled up . That's for chums". Giovanni smiled at the last line ."That's for chums" was a little inside joke they made from their first mission together.
(Y/N) smiled ."Thanks Gio ... really. I'm sorry I acted like such a douche . You're a really good friend ." Giovanni bashfully shrugged "I mean of course I am . I'm the great Giovanni ~ I
Just then they heard loud sirens .That's right. In all their bonding time ,they forgot they were running away from the police.
How will they get out of this situation??
Yep , got lazy with the ending . Sorry , but hoped you enjoyed
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rosywaifu · 5 years
Tease {Natsu x Reader SMUT}
Warnings: smut(!!!), oral (m/f receiving), etc
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Natsu had always been stubborn headed. Maybe even a little dense. But there was one thing he understood; horny. And boy was he ever. Every girl in the guild seemed to be on a personal mission to turn him on. However, there was one girl that was getting him more riled up than any girl ever could. In fact, she riled him up at least once a day. Today, however, was especially rough. He sat at the back of the guild, a far away from (Y/N) as possible. However it wasn’t far enough. He could still see her. He saw her leaned against the bar, ass perkily in the air, a clear shot of her red lace panties. Her breasts were spilling out of her black top begging to be groped and fondled. Her skin peaking out from in between her shirt and skirt looked downright edible. Her legs long and all he wanted to do was spread them and fuck her right there on the bar. He wanted to watch her moan and writhe under his touch, begging to come. He wanted her to scream his name as he fucked her into oblivion. A clap on his shoulders shook him out of his day dream. He looked over to see Gray. “Hey pinky, whats up?” Gray asked, not a clue about what had happened in Natsu pants. “Nothing. What do you want ya damn stripper.” Alas, Gray had removed his clothes again. He looked down and shrugged. Gray noticed how little attention Natsu was paying him and decided to see what was captivating his attention so well. He followed his gaze to (Y/N). Her long (H/C) hair thrown attractively over her shoulder as she laughed loudly at something Cana said. Her breasts jiggled as she did so. She arched her back making her ass look huge. They angle they were at, they could clearly see her red lace panties. The sight was enough to make Gray adjust his now tight boxers. “Ahh, i see. You’re horny and you wanna fuck (Y/N/N)!” As Gray spoke those words, Natsu clamped a hand over his mouth. “Shut up, will you! She doesn’t need to know that!” The pink haired boy whisper yelled. Gray annoyedly peeled his hand off his mouth. “Well why don’t you ask her out, dumbass? Instead of lusting after her here like a perv.” Natsu’s face grew hot. “No, to risky. I’ll just take care of this at home.” He tried to move but noticed the tent that had formed. He sat back down. “After everyone leaves.” Gray laughed.
After a few long hours, everyone eventually went home. Leaving Natsu with a major hard on still. Mainly because (Y/N) was still there, cleaning up the bar. Mira said something about not feeling well and (Y/N) graciously offered her assistance allowing Mira to go home and rest. However, this was bad news for Natsu as she leaned over tables, and squatted down to pick up barrels and mugs. The guild was dark and they were the last two. Happy had gone off with Carla and Lily to do something with the other Exeeds. He mind floated back to what Gray said about asking her out. However, he knew if he went over and asked her out with this bad of a hard on she would call him a perv and kick him to next week. He did like (Y/N), a lot. In fact he had thought about asking her out all the time. But so many of the guild members asked her and she turned them down. Even guys from around our travels of Magnolia had asked her on a date to which she all said no. The girl said no to Laxus, Bixlow, Elfman and even Gray who Natsu was sure she liked. There was even a prince she turned down. Natsu thought that if she turned down all those guys, she would definitely turn him down too. And he didn’t wanna risk the possibility of her saying no and ruin their friendship. He loved being friends with (Y/N) she was so funny and kind and a really great comrade in battle. However, as he stared at her cleaning another table, breasts on full display his instincts took over. He walked over and stood behind her. “(Y/N/N), you have been very naughty.” He said in a low and sultry growl. (Y/N) stood stricken and turned around to find Natsu, pupils blown with lust. “Natsu? What are you still doing here?” She sounded weak. The word ‘naughty’ in his voice affected her deeply. Without thinking, Natsu captured her lips in a rough but passionate kiss. (Y/N) barely registered what happened before she kissed him back with the same ferocity. He began to move his hand up and down her sides before resting them on her thighs. He pulled her up to sit her on the table she just cleaned and he began to attack her neck with kisses and bites. His fangs grazed her neck making her moan lightly. “N-Natsu? Whats going on? Not to say i’m not enjoying this, of course.” She was for sure enjoying this but wanted to make sure this was all him and not some spell or another. “Whats going on is, you’ve been teasing me all day with your bending over giving everyone in the guild a look on your panties. You gave me such a fucking boner, i haven’t been able to move all day.” He said this and he ground his clothed cock into her own heat a little to show her his arousal. She moaned at the friction and bucked her hips for more. Finally, Natsu found her sweet spot right beneath her ear and he claimed it as his own. Leaving a large hickey behind as he trailed down her neck leaving love bites down her chest after he swiftly removed her shirt and unclipped her matching red lacy bra. He sucked on the skin of her breasts and tweaked her nipples with his middle and forefinger. His whole body radiated heat and it felt so good on (Y/N)’s skin. She continued to grind her hips into Natsu as he dry humped into her. Finally, (Y/N) wanted a taste. She threw herself onto her knees and released Natsu’s cock from his pants. She stared at the thing hungrily. He was huge and she feared he would tear her open. Then she wrapped her mouth around the tip and swirled her tongue around the head and up and down the slit, licking the pre cum that had collected. He groaned as he thrusted into her mouth. He pulled her hair and tangled it into his fingers. (Y/N) liked being dominated. She decided to suck him off agonizingly slow hoping he would face fuck her. He tried to tell her to go faster but she denied. Eventually Natsu was fed up and started pounding into her mouth. She was prepared for this and relaxed her jaw and opened her mouth wide. This wasn’t the first time someone with a dick rammed it down her throat. However, Natsu was huge and made her gag a little. He pounded into her face and she hollowed out her cheeks ducking on him as he left he warm mouth and releasing as he entered. He pounded relentlessly before shooting his load down her throat. She swallowed it all up greedily and then licked the remaining bits of his cock, making him grin. He picked her up and placed her on the bar, laying her back flat but her legs hung off. He removed the skirt in one go but left the panties. “These are so hot, but never let anyone see them but me ever again. You had every guy in here hard as fuck at the sight of these! These are mine to see!” (Y/N) relished in Natsu’s jealousy and possessiveness. In fact, she wore these red panties for him in mind. Yes, (Y/N) had a big crush on the fire dragon slayer. Every guy she turned down, Laxus, Gray, Bixlow and even that prince that one time was all in a desperate want for Natsu to realize she wanted him. When Cana had noticed the day before Natsu shifting uncomfortably the plan formed in her mind to wear her skimpiest outfit and show off these red panties she knew he would like. At this point Natsu had slid them down her legs with his fangs making her shiver every time they grazed her. Then he mouth returned kissing and leaving hickeys on the inside of her thigh, making her moan loudly. “Natsu please, don’t tease...” she whined. Natsu loved the way she said his name and he happily obliged, attaching his mouth to her core sucking loudly on her juices. He then stuck a finger in curling in which rubbed against her g-pot. “Unnng, faster, Natsu, harder. Fuck mee!” She whined even louder her moans making her sound like a porn star. Natsu added two fingers, curling them and hitting the exact same spot. “Yes, fuck right there! Yes Natsu, ah fuck!!” Natsu loved the way the swear words rolled off her tongue along with his name. He went harder and faster she arched her back and made a loud moaning noise and she came all over his fingers and mouth. He greedily licked her up and then kissed her roughly. She didn’t mind the taste of herself on his tongue, in fact she found it kind of erotic. “Come on Natsu fuck me, make me yours!” She moaned in his ear. That was all he needed to ram his cock deep inside her, pounding into her like theres no tomorrow. Without taking her off his dick, he picked her up and swiveled her so she was leaning on the bar, her ass in the air. “This is how I’ve been thinking of fucking you all day. Im going to fuck you so hard you wont be able to see straight.” He growled into her ear making her even more aroused. He plunged into her ruthlessly and without mercy, which is just how she liked it. She moaned loudly his name the only one she remembered. He leaned forward and left more hickeys down her back, down her spine and on her neck as he reached a hand forward and rubbed her clit furiously making her sound like a porn star again. “Faster, ung, harder! Fuck me harder, n-Natsu!! Fuck! “ he loved the fact that he had her begging. They came almost at the same time and loudly. When he pulled out of her, he lapped up all of the juices that leaked on to her and shared a passionate kiss with her once more, letting her taste himself and her own juices on his lips. After a few moments of deep and heavy breathing (Y/N) looked at him. She had a certain fear in her eyes. She worried this was just a one time thing. That he just needed a quick fuck and he didn’t actually like her like this. “Natsu?” He hummed in response. “D-do you like me or was this just like a one night thing because i really like you and i’d like to be with you but if thats not something yo-“ he cut off her rambling with a swift and sweet kiss. It went on for a minute and then he pulled away. He smoothed the hair that had gotten messed up and tucked it behind her ear. “I’m in love with you, (Y/N).” She smiled brightly and kissed him again with a new ferocity. She pulled away, “i love you too, Natsu! So much!” 
The next morning, Natsu walked in to the guild hall. A few curious looks came his way. “What any of you guys wanna fight?” He said with excitement. Their eyes darted between Natsu and (Y/N) and they all took notice to the prominent marks on both their skin. “Ha! So you finally did it, huh fire breath? Way to go!” Gray voiced laughing. A few of the girls cheered and even some people passed money around. There was a few jealous groans from some of the men who tirelessly asked (Y/N) out. She smiled and looked at Natsu with such love in her eyes and he looked at her right back with the same amount of love and adoration. 
~The End~
Word Count: 2,054
Let me know how it is, I’ve realized I tend to do the same amount and type of stuff when it comes to smut so if you think i should incorporate other stuff, let me know :)
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crackimagines · 5 years
Did someone say FLUFF?! Say no more, I gotcha! If it hasn’t been done yet, could you try something with Ashe and Lysithea with their fear of ghosts? It’d be funny to imagine him leaping into her tiny arms at the mere mention of a ghost 😝
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I’ll tell ya this much, I’ve NEVER seen that done in any imagines blog yet.
I’m glad I have the honor of doing this, because well…
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Thanks for the ask anon, I hope ya enjoy!
Post Writing Note: I was listening to the Outlast soundtrack as I wrote this and DAMN IT THAT WAS TOO FITTING, I was just as terrified writing this just as they were in this story ;-; oh god, i turned this fluff ask into a fucking horror story
Things that go bump in the Monastery (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Ashe and Lysithea are at the library late at night, and hear something…
…Despite they’re the only two there.
It was very late at the Monastery, yet the lights upstairs to the library were lit. Ashe shrugged and thought it was another student cramming for the upcoming exams. 
He had come to the library to read one of his favorite tales as a child, as embarrassing as it was to admit. 
When he entered the library, he heard it starting to rain outside, which made him sigh.
“Oh great, looks like I’m going to be here for a while…”
He continued inside and saw Lysithea reading a book, and sure enough, it was material related to their class.
“Oh, hello Lysithea.”
“Hm? Oh, hi Ashe. I didn’t think anyone would be up at this hour.”
“Same here. Need me to leave you be?”
“No, it’s fine. All I request is that you keep it down for a bit.”
“Sure thing.”
Ashe nodded and went towards the shelves to find one of the books he was looking for and-
“…Ashe, I did not take you as the type to play idiotic jokes after a polite request.”
“Uh, what?”
When she glanced up from her book, she realized nothing around Ashe could’ve made that sound.
She looked behind her and saw a book fell onto the ground.
“Oh sorry. I thought you made that noise. I think someone forgot to put a book back up properly.”
Ashe shrugged and went over to the book to put it back up. As he went back to the shelf, they heard the same noise again, only from a different location.
Both of them stiffened up and waited, but the sound did not reappear. He slowly grabbed his book and quickly walked over to Lysithea.
“D-Do you mind if I sit next to you?” Ashe said, noticing that he was becoming more tense.
She grunted in response, but truthfully she was just as tense as he was.
Once he sat next to her, the air slowly began growing more intense. Not because they weren’t saying anything, but because that noise had starting appearing again.
“A-Ashe…I swear if you’re making that noise-”
“Why would I do that? More importantly, how?!”
“Hmph! Hang on a moment.” She got up from her chair and went towards the stairs.
C R A C K !
Lightning immediately struck, scaring them almost to death, and at that moment, the candles went out.
Both Ashe and Lysithea screamed and fell to the floor.
“C-Crap, I can’t see!”
“Hang on!”
She casted a spell that acted as a floating light source, and now they were able to see. The room was far too dark for either of their liking.
They both made their way slowly to each other and started looking around.
“T-There’s…no ghosts here, right?” Ashe said shakily.
At the mention of ghosts, she immediately latched onto Ashe, shouting yet at the same time, holding onto him even tighter.
“D-DON’T SAY THAT! Ghosts c-can’t be at the monastery! I-It can’t be!”
Both of them jumped, looking around for the source. It sounded like it came from behind this time.
“H-Hey…how about we head back to the dorms?” Lysithea asked.
“No need to ask twice…!” 
They both slowly backed up, trying not to make as much noise as possible.
Once they reached the stairs, Ashe started hanging onto Lysithea. Under normal circumstances, both of them would’ve been blushing messes, but Goddess knows THIS WASN’T NORMAL.
As they walked down, the noise from earlier became louder and louder. When they reached a corner, they hesitated for a moment before turning it, seeing an empty hallway with nothing but blackness in it.
Both had shivers down their spines and slowly began walking towards the next flight of stairs.
Neither of them dared to say anything, too afraid that they wouldn’t be able to hear anything if it snuck up on them.
C R A C K !
Another bolt of lightning struck, this time so close they could feel the building shake.
Ashe screamed out, and instinctively jumped. Lysithea managed to catch Ashe, and she was barely able to hold him. The light she casted went away as soon as she did, scaring both of them even further.
“H-Hey! C-Calm down! It’s just the-”
Both their eyes went wide, and slowly turned around. 
If it was a teacher or a guard reprimanding them, that they could take.
What they couldn’t take however, was the fact no door opened behind them, despite sounding so close.
Ashe got down back onto the ground, wanting to say sorry but couldn’t find the words. 
Her voice was shaking heavily, as if she were about to burst into tears.
Ashe held her hand tightly, in hopes that would help her feel better, but honestly? He felt like doing the same.
“U-Um…n-not to w-worry! I’ll protect you…!”
She held his arm with both of hers, and both quickly walked to the stairs not bothering to be discreet. 
Instead, they ran into something.
No, someone.
They fell to the floor and slowly looked up-
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“ H e l l o ?“
(Ashe and Lysithea)
They immediately bolted for the opposite direction, tears coming out of both their faces, Ashe holding onto Lysithea’s arm.
At that moment, the figure pulled out a candle and lit it.
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“Oh…I think I scared them. Brother, I think your experiments made 2 students run away in terror.”
Seteth came out of the room, and looked down the hallway.
“Is that who I was hearing? Hm, I must apologize to them once I find out who they are.”
Ashe kept dragging Lysithea, his pure adrenaline keeping his legs from giving out. He could tell she was slowing down, but like hell he was going to! He may not know her well, but he was not going to abandon her in this goddess-forsaken place!
When they were reaching the entrance, a candle lit aflame and they turned around. It made their heart lighten up a little, but there was no time to be lost.
“PROFESSOR BYLETH!” Ashe shouted.
“A-Ashe? Lysithea? What’s going on?!”
They both grabbed onto his arms, absolutely terrified.
“G-GHOST! THERE’S A GHOST UP THERE!” Lysithea said through tears. Ashe was saying something, but Byleth nor Sothis could make it out.
Byleth didn’t have the heart to tell them it was just Flayn and Seteth up there who were making that noise, and instead offered to comfort them.
“H-Hang on, why don’t you two sleep in my room?”
“ANYWHERE BUT HERE!” Ashe finally blurted out.
Byleth quickly nodded, and got an umbrella as they quickly ran back to the dorms.
Once they reached his room, he had them sleep on his bed, using his blanket and pillow. 
They all attempted to sleep, but that wasn’t going to happen.
Ashe and Lysithea almost died as far as they were concerned, and were hiding under their blankets lying extremely close to each other, eyes wide open. Byleth was on the floor with a mere sheet and a pillow, lying awake.
(Sothis) “…Being a therapist is under your job description, right?”
(Byleth) I am going to have some VERY stern words with those two.
For once, Byleth was the one to reprimand Seteth, and both him and Flayn apologized profusely to Ashe and Lysithea. 
Sothis knows they won’t be revisiting the library for a while.
…On the plus side, the two began hanging out more after that.
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dzzystrs · 6 years
ironhide/wasp one-shot
this is the first chapter of a multi-chapter ironhide fic im still weary about posting (and honestly? need to fix, theres some stuff i really dont like about it) BUT i still really love the first chapter and i think that if the rest of this fic never sees the light of day, this at least should!
so here is some tooth-rotting fluff from two very underrated boys!!
“I swear if that bumbler of a bot makes us do even one more transform-up, I’m going to rip out his vocal synthesizer and shove it up his tailpipe.”
Ironhide chuckled and offered Wasp a warm smile. He watched from his berth as the smaller mech tried to stretch out all the stress his joints had received from doing so many transform-ups. Ironhide shared his quarters with Wasp-- stretching out and bitterly talking about how pissed he was at Bumblebee had become a nightly routine for the two at this point. Ironhide was annoyed with their fellow cadet as well, but not to the extent Wasp was. He was happy to be a sympathetic audial for the other, though.
“I was thinking of something a lot less violent, but that works too,” he casually replied.
Wasp got up and onto his pedes to look at Ironhide. He stretched his arms over his helm and asked, “What were you thinking of?”
“Taking off those stubby lil’ stabilizing servos of his and putting them up somewhere short-stack can’t reach ‘em?” he answered with a grin.
Wasp burst out laughing, which in turn, made Ironhide snort out a laugh too. The smaller mech stumbled over and into Ironhide’s berth, landing right next to him, all the while still snickering. “Oh, that’s perfect. It’s settled; we’re doing that.”
“Well, we ain’t doing anything if we don’t try recharging soon,” Ironhide pointed out. He laid back and yawned. “I dunno about you but I’m exhausted.”
Wasp shrugged. “Yeah. I am, too.”
A small moment of silence passed.
“We gotta kill the lights if we’re gonna recharge,” Ironhide pointed out.
“I turned them off last time,” Wasp snapped. “You do it.”
The bigger mech huffed. “Fine.”
Ironhide purposefully rolled right over Wasp and out of the berth. Wasp spat a curse at him. Ironhide just chuckled and went to go turn off the lights. As he turned back around to head for his berth, he was surprised to see Wasp still in it. He had his back to him now and looked like he had made himself right at home. Ironhide’s optics nervously darted to Wasp’s own berth that laid on the other side of the room, as if looking at it would remind Wasp that he had his own place to recharge. Not that… Ironhide minded having Wasp curl up in his berth with him. It was just a little… unexpected.
Ironhide carefully crawled back into his own berth, trying his best to not disturb the other. He was worried he might break this weird spell Wasp must have been in and he would bolt to his own berth, never to speak of this again. Fortunately, Ironhide was able to comfortably lay down without bothering him. Ironhide laid on his back and awkwardly stared at the ceiling. He couldn’t recharge now with Wasp just… there. It was making his processor go nuts.
“Do you want me to leave?”
Ironhide snapped out of his thoughts and literally flinched when Wasp spoke up. He turned his helm to look at Wasp who still had his back towards him.
“Nah,” Ironhide simply said. “I don’t mind the company.”
There was a small pause between Ironhide speaking and Wasp finally turning over to face him. Ironhide moved to give him more room, which was what he initially thought Wasp wanted. He became confused when the other pressed himself into his side. Ironhide awkwardly held his arm above Wasp for a moment as he tried to figure out what the Pit he was doing… and then he realized that Wasp was trying to cuddle with him… oh.
Ironhide gave in. He settled his arm on top of Wasp and pulled him closer. Surprisingly enough, Wasp didn’t fight him or say anything mean; he happily settled right into their new position. Wasp placed a servo on Ironhide’s chest and started to lazily trace his digit along the other’s insignia. Ironhide couldn’t help but smile.
“I don’t get why you put up with me,” Wasp suddenly murmured.
Ironhide’s optic ridges furrowed in worry. “What do you mean?”
“No one else I’ve ever met has tolerated me as much as you do,” he continued. “I know I can get really… mean sometimes, and I don’t get why a nice bot like you sticks around with it. Longarm’s fine, and the others… they aren’t the greatest but they sure as slag are a lot easier to put up with than me, so I don’t understand why you don’t abandon me for them.”
Ironhide hesitated, trying to think of the right words to choose. “I… I think you’re a good bot.”
Wasp scoffed.
“No-- I really mean that,” Ironhide persisted. “Yeah, you got your issues but doesn’t everyone? I ain’t exactly the smartest or most cultured bot around but yet you’re still here with me-- and cuddling up in my berth with me, as a matter of fact.”
“Don’t push it, numb nodes.”
Ironhide snickered.
“I dunno why other bots don’t like you, Wasp. Yeah, you can be kind of a pain in the aft sometimes but it’s a pretty small price to pay for getting to be with you when you’re nice-- which, by the way, happens a lot more often than I think you’d like to admit.”
Wasp was quiet. He then buried his face into Ironhide’s side.
“I’m really glad we met,” he muttered. “And I’m really glad that we got roomed together, and that you let me train with you, and that you don’t mind the fact that I’m pretty much glued to your side all the time. It means a lot to me. I know I don’t always say stuff like that but I hope you know that I feel and think it all the time.”
“Those feelings are more than mutual, bud,” Ironhide murmured, embracing Wasp just a little bit tighter than before.
If Ironhide hadn’t been so exhausted, he would’ve laid there the whole night cycle, just taking in the moment. He wanted to just memorize how it felt to have Wasp in his arms and how fluttery his spark felt. He had never thought that slipping into stasis would ever make him feel disappointed until now.
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llleeerrroooyyy · 6 years
Environmentalism & Catholicism talk summary
The talk was by Dr Scott Powell and was titled "Catholics, The Environment, and the End of the World"
- "our very contact with nature has a deep restorative power" - quote by JP2 (the fav)
- Environmental consciousness has theological significance
- Pope Benedict quoted from 2010 that was saying that state of the environment is a huge crisis that cant be ignored
- quote attribution suprises people, most people assume its some random enviro activist, but nope its a pope.
- under his papacy the Vatican actually became the first carbon neutral nation (take that atheists ha)
- JP2 said at one point that you cant be authentically pro-life without being pro-environment (JP2 being the best, once again)
-Summer of 2015 - Laudato Si Encyclical came out
- the world finally started paying attention to what the church has been saying about the environment (note: nothing new in the doc, just a resstatement but people were hella shook)
- 2 big reactions to its publication
- people got very angry (eg the pope has no right to speak on these things hes a religious leader blah blah blah)
- people started twisting his words to fit their own political agneda (a big yikes)
- just a month or so later the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage is now legal - everyone promptly forgot about Laudato Si and how angry they were (so much anger)
-Essential message of Laudato Si - We are NOT our own gods
-idea that applies to a broad range of moral issues
-Why does the Church think this way?
- all comes back to the big problem in the Church - human sin
-in 1967 a grumpy old guy named Lynn White Jr wrote an article about the historical roots of ecological crisis for the Science academic journal
-article was a big deal, defined conversation about religion & ecology for the forseeable future, the most cited document on the topic
-big claim was the Christianity was to blame for our ecological crisis bc Genesis gives us the right to abuse creation (hur dur)
- How we read Genesis matters!! because one way or another it gets cited in all kinds of contexts religious and non religious
- but it gets messy bc people only every frame it two ways
-atheist evolutionist, we all come from monkeys shut up about Jesus
-christian fundamentalist, everything happened in exactly 7 days bc we're taking this literally
-Both frames - wrong.
-side note - he talked about a debate he watched between Bill Nye and a Southern pastor and it was "like watching a train wreck" (i laughed, giggled and felt very validated by this burn)
-anyway what people dont talk about is the Catholic interpretation of Genesis
- Catholics teach the Bible is inspired by God and without error
-whatever the sacred author was trying to say - thats it
-Bible uses word "day" comes from translated hebrew word "yom" which can mean years,eons, etc
-its a story about the WHO not the HOW
- Why 7 days?
- in hebrew numbers are about quality more than quantity
-we're not trying to figure out "what time on thursday did God create the brachiosaurus"
- the word for 7 in hebrew, the same word used when making a covenant
-hebrews saw it as God saying vows to the world, everything he made he wedded himself to it, (ex: "I seven you")
-10 times it says "God says" and each of those 10 times creation responds
-creation is formless and void until he fills what is empty (at this point my mind practically exploded)
- he put fish in the sea , sun in the sky, etc
-7th day is day of rest - he vowed himself to creation, aka "seven'd" himself
-humans were created on the 6th day for the 7th day
-line 26 in the story "in image and likeness of God"
- hebrew word "selem" (idk on the spelling sorry) is word for image
- referred to statue/sculpture of the king put at city entrances so you would know whos in charge
- you are the "selem" of God - people should instantly recognize the king of our lives
-we are created by relationship, for relationship (woah)
-hebrew word for "to know" which is "yadow" doesnt mean to know about, it means to be the God of something
- using something of creation and making ourselves the gods over nature is WHY THE ENVIRONMENT IS IN TROUBLE WHY THIS ALL MATTERS
-some people think natural disasters are nature lashing out against us for our sins against creation/nature
-we're the only creatures on Earth where wee feel out of place, but Jesus became human to reconcile our relationship with God, creation is waiting for us to live out that call (woah!! woAHH!! woah!!)
-adam was essentially a glorified gardener - his task was to till and keep eden
- he fails at this (whoops)
-he's supposed to protect it, but fails because the snake comes into the garden and threatens eve (you had one job my dude, one job)
-it actually might not have been a snake tho
-"hanash" the word we translate as snake means something else in hebrew
-can refer to anything from a crocodile to a 7 HEADED DRAGON (never tell me the Bible is boring again yall i swear)
-so, to be in the image and likeness of God is to be a gardener
-ex: woman mistakes the risen Jesus to be a gardener, Jesus refers to himself as one, etc
-gardening means being faithful to small things
- small decisions to make ourselves holy, when we're holy creation will be satisified and will no longer "cry out in travail" (mic drop)
-all of creation will rise again just like us humans, he came to redeem ALL of it.
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newyorkmockery-blog · 7 years
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Mint is the mysterious and generous boy that finally gets your nose out of your books
Word Count: 3,077
Tag: Fluff?
Notes: Hey! This is the first fic I’ve ever written or published so excuse if it’s not the best quality writing. I only published it because it was highly requested on my 8tracks (i made a playlist for the fic I’ll post it separately) so it’s here for those to read. hope you all enjoy and thanks for taking the time to read!! :) Also sorry if I didn't catch grammar or spelling errors 
Holiday break has just ended and I couldn’t have been more upset about it. It went by so fast that it doesn’t even feel like I gotten any rest. I spent Christmas and New Years in the library studying for finals while everyone else is getting their eggnog and time-stopping midnight kiss on. The librarian even gave me a gift for Christmas which I think it’s her secretly telling me 'We're friends now because you practically live in my library and you keep me company.' It’s okay though because she is the only other friend I have other than my best friend. It sounds pretty lonely if you think about it but it’s never bothered me, I kind of enjoy studying because I see it as adding more water and fertilizer to the garden that is knowledge. I also enjoy the solitude the library gives me as well as Linda’s routine checkups.
Because break is now over, there are more students who take shelter in the library because of the upcoming finals. Most of the student body are cramming. From time to time I always look at my surroundings to give my eyes a break for the black printed text in front of me. I see bodies slumped over lacklusterly reading the text before them as if the pages are just blank with no life in them. I see hair messily knotted on heads and tired bagged eyes darting towards their abnormally large caffeinated drinks just to stay awake. It’s fun to watch, cram week is the most eventful time in this library if I’m being frank.
To think of my studying habit to being interrupted is something I’ve never thought about and today is the day that I do. I’ve been at the library for about fifteen hours now and the only source of the outdoors I’ve gotten are the windows that stand tall side by side in an orderly and symmetrical matter. I look around the room taking in its scent of old books and hazelnut, looking at the conditions of people I’ve never even seen or talk to in my life that just happen to be sitting at the giant long tables around me. I hadn’t realized that someone was occupying the same table as mine as I usually sit alone until I looked forward and my eyes met soft, darker ones that were observing my every move.
His features were very soft and his skin was healthy and pale and looked like it was made from the finest silk which contrasted the pretty soft pink that were his plump lips. I looked at his eyes as he never broke contact from my face as I was reading him. I was fascinated how his eyes were shaped as I’ve never seen eyes like his, filled with something I couldn’t put my finger on but also with no particular expression on his whole face.  The one thing that stood out the most was his hair. It was a nice blue that faded into a bright pastel mint.
Nothing was exchanged between me and this mysterious boy as we stared at each other in silence, our eyes doing all the talking. I was so bewildered I didn't have the power to say anything in the moment. I gave him a small smile and glanced back down to my book, not giving him the chance to say anything else.
The next day I returned to the library to continue my routine study session, Mint is what  I secretly named him, hasn’t left my head since yesterday. To rid him from my mind, I begin my studying for the day. Looking in-between the shelves of the library for what I need for the day. As I approach the table I usually sit at and I see Mint there, sitting in the same place he was yesterday. As I set my books down, i quickly look around to make sure I'm sitting at the right table. I look back at my books and grab my chair to sit down and i glance at him only for him and I to lock eyes again. I observe his face again as if I’m expecting to see something different  this time but I don’t. I even look at his eyes again to see a flash of something like I did yesterday but alas, nothing. I look at what’s around him and notice a handful of books about music and audio engineering. Seems like an interesting major if that even is his major I think to myself as I’ve done all the curious staring i need to do for the time being. Just like yesterday, I give him a small smile and continue reading.
He grew on me after days turned into weeks of Mint sitting at my table, small smiles turned into kind nods and so fourth, always short and sweet as we both had our own objectives to complete and we both knew that. Time kept passing and our “relationship” never went past those nods and smiles, but now it’s three days before the first final of the year and I haven’t slept for two. The only alternative to staying awake and being close to active is the light that comes in through the large windows and the small occasional walks I take from my table to the shelves, looking for a book or the walk from my table to the restroom and of course, how could I forget my periodical stretches and eye rubs. At least today is nice and sunny outside and that gives me the slightest bit of motivation to know that I’ll actually feel the authenticity of the sunlight on my skin very soon. Theres barley anyone here either as they’re probably trying to catch up on sleep from the past few weeks, this means more engagement to what I’m reading. I smile to myself just thinking about it as I continue.
I was so immersed in what I was reading that I didn’t notice that Mint had arrived later than usual and two cups of coffee and food in one hand, and books in the other. When I did notice, I couldn’t help but to stare in confusion. Was he really going to eat and drink all of that? He didn’t notice me staring since he was organizing his area. His head suddenly springs up at me and gives me a warm closed mouthed smile for the first time ever. I smile back, trying to hide the apparent confusion on my face. He seems to notice as his eyes dart from mine to the coffee. He takes the coffee out of the cupholder and takes one of the bags and hands it to me. My eyes slightly widen, how stupid can I be to think he was going to consume all of that? I thought as I looked at the coffee and mysterious paper bag. I look back at at him and before I could open my mouth and finally tell him something he beats me to it.
"I bought you some coffee and a glazed doughnut. I hope that’s okay with you I just noticed you looked more tired than usual. I’m Yoongi by the way Min Yoongi."
I thought he couldn't possibly have been more attractive but I was wrong, and the sound of his voice proved that to me. His voice was soft and sweet, just like his features and let me not forget how deep it was like his eyes that always feel like they're telling me something. I was in a slight daze because the whole situation is something i would’ve never expected coming from an acquaintance like Yoongi. I’m even surprised at the fact that I can finally put a name on Mint thats not the one I gave him. The more I thought about the whole situation, the more I felt like time didn’t exist anymore and it was just me and Yoongi. I continued to stare at him with slight wide eyes, amazed that he went out of his way to look out for someone he doesn't know much about. I felt my face heat up as I repeatedly blinked to release myself from the daze i put myself into. Finally after all this time, I was able to gather my thoughts and courage to finally say something. "I uh... No uh... Of course it’s more than okay, thank you for thinking of me I guess.” I gave myself a mental face palm Way to go Y/N, you really blew it!
"I-I’m Y/N by the way nice to finally meet you"
I gave him a small bow and he returned it. I cautiously grabbed the coffee as if was going to bite me and relaxed at the warmth it gave my hands. I held it up to my lips to take a sip and the taste felt like home. A wave of nostalgia hits me as close my eyes and subconsciously slump my shoulders down and exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding. This is exactly how I make my coffee back in my comfy apartment and my home almost 4,000 miles away. There is no way he could have known. The sound of Yoongi’s voice snaps me out of my nostalgic thoughts as my my head darts to his direction so fast, I’m surprised I didn't get a cramp in my neck.
“I obviously don't know what you take in your coffee so I saved myself the trouble and got you the same as I always get, it’s a Caramel Macchiato.”
My eyes widen again at his statement. Interesting, well thats something you don't see everyday. I thought as he stared at my expression in amusement. “How did you know?” I replied in a state of bewilderment. He let out a silent laugh, teeth out on display like art in a gallery, eyes smiling with crinkles accompanying them. It was a beautiful sight and I suddenly had this weird airy feeling in my gut with a mix of admiration. I wasn't sure what I was feeling at the moment but I know that I did not want it to go away. It took him a while to compose himself as he wasn't expecting my sudden outburst and the excitement in my voice. I started grabbing the bag that held the doughnut and took it out. Not realizing how much I needed it, I took an eager bite, waiting for him to say something else
“I had no idea you liked your coffee the same way I swear” He raises his hands as he replies in protest, big, playful smile on his face. I giggle with a mouthful of doughnut and put my hand over my mouth as I swallow.  Feeling a little more relaxed with Yoongi, I’m ready to ask him things that I’ve been curious about since we first made eye contact.
“Not to seem creepy or anything, but I’ve noticed that you’re studying sound engineering, for I had no idea that was something possible to study.” Great now you actually sound creepy.
He gives his head a small shake and gives a small smile. “No, not creepy at all just observant.” He pauses as he continues to intently stare at me as if he's looking for something in me. He clears his throat and begins again “Sound Engineering is something I love because I actually write music and I rap.” He shyly looks down and chuckles.
I couldn't help the widening of my eyes once again, he's just full of surprises. “No way! You have to let me hear something sometime!” From somewhere down the isle of tables, I hear an annoyed “SHH!” I look to the source of the sound and see all the cramming stragglers staring at me as if I said the most offensive thing ever. I suddenly felt my entire body heat up in embarrassment. I turn back to Yoongi who never tore his eyes from me. Could he be hiding something? What’s with the staring?
“Is there something on my face that you’re not telling me?” I said, my curiosity getting the best of me.
He smirks again, this time the smirk is different, his eyes close, still smirking as if its obvious what his motives are. “I admire you Y/N, you’re pretty to look at, and seeing your dedication in what you're studying, just makes you more admirable and it actually motivates me to study more.”
I smile with my teeth, felling all of these mixed emotions of excitement and flustered and proud to know that I can inspire someone like him to study. Its just not something you hear everyday. I raise my chin a little higher and I fix my posture and reply, still smiling “Well I’m glad you feel that way! The more we stare at each other and the more comfortable we get, I think to myself that could there be a possibility that I'm dreaming? Not to seem corny or anything but could someone as attractive as him and as kind, really be here holding a conversation with me right now?
My thoughts are interrupted by the clearing of Yoongi’s throat, snapping me back to reality. “Do you maybe want to get out of here just for a little while? I’ve lost count of how many hours you’ve been in here.” He had a point, all of this studying made me forget how long I haven't been outside have I really been so absorbed?
“I guess I could use some air and some sunlight”
Yoongi’s gummy smile reappeared, probably content in taking me out of the library. I gathered all my books together while he insisted on carrying my half eaten doughnut and coffee as we walk out of the library. I give my books to the librarian to put on hold as her eyes widen slightly in seeing leave the library with a mysterious boy with mint colored hair. I smile at her and both of us walk out of the library and to the outside.
I finish my doughnut in silence as we walk outside of the building. I squint my eyes as i forget how bright the sun actually is. I can't help but smirk as it feels nice on my skin. I take a sip of my coffee and look up towards the sun with my eyes closed, taking in the rays
“You know I didn't want to say anything until I was sure but you remind me of a plant.” Yoongi says out of nowhere observing my previous actions. I look to his direction, mint hair practically glowing against the sun and contrasting against the Sakura Trees.
“Yeah?” “How so?” I said, not quite understanding what he meant.
“Just how plants need nutrients and sunlight to grow, you need nutrients and sunlight for you to glow and radiate.”
I quickly look away as my cheeks heat up. I look back at him so see his deep eyes still fixated on me as if I'm some sort of installation in a museum or something. “I don't know what you’re trying to imply Mint but thank you” I continued to look at him, waiting for what he was going to say next.
“Mint?" “Are you implying something about my hair?” he said smiling shyly obviously flustered,  his hands immediately latch onto his hair.
“No not at all. It’s just what I called you in my head for a while since I didn’t know your name. Does it bother you? I actually like the color it suits you.”
“Well thats relief, I thought you were teasing me.”
“Me tease you?” “As if I would ever!” I said as a matter of fact.
Yoongi chucked and stopped walking. I didn't even realize we were still walking I was so caught up in the moment. “You’re something else you know that?
”I would've begged a differ. You somehow just happen to appear into my life out of the blue or mint with my favorite beverage of Caramel Macchiato and a tasty doughnut and you somehow easily convinced me to leave the library which no one has ever succeeded in doing only I can do that. Are you eve-"
A hand grips my wrist and spins me around abruptly. Yoongi’s eyes read my face as i just process what just happened. He takes a glance at my lips and then back at me. My eyes widen slightly getting the hint and when he sees I don't object, he leans in and kisses me. His plump pretty lips were on mine and it was a feeling that was poetic and beautiful, full of passion, almost like music. Everything was in sync and it was like time itself stopped altogether. It was lucid as if it was half real. Our lips break apart and he watches my face, what was I going to do next. I look at him, and he’s suddenly the most angelic being I’ve ever laid my eyes upon. Eyes blown and dilated, lips slightly swollen, glistening in the sun.
“Y/N” whispers my name. I want to reply but I’m suddenly incapable  so I just continue to look at him locked in his embrace. “Y/N” he whispers again I can’t say anything, it’s like I’m stuck in time, this moment of him and I, looking into each others eyes is stuck in place just like his arms wrapped around me.
“Y/N wake up!”
My eyes open abruptly to the sound of my roommate’s voice. I sit up quicker than i should have, instantly regretting it because of the dizzy after effect.  I take in my surroundings. How am I in my dorm wasn’t I just outside? I look at my roommate rambling about some party. We’ve been waiting for this day for so long and I would typically be extremely excited but I’m just utterly confused. I interrupt my roommate’s rambling wanting answers.
”Was I asleep?"
"Yeah why?" She asked curiously eyebrows knitted in curiosity.
"No I was just asking” She shrugged her shoulders and continued to get ready.
"Alright but stop asking and start getting ready we can’t be late!”
I didn't move from where I was. There was no way that something that real could be a dream. I felt all of it! I took in deep breath, Yoongi isn’t real? I thought to myself. He isn’t real.
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saviormysticmeme · 8 years
RFA Reactions to Witchy MC
Disclaimer: They might all be a little OCC, theres some spoilers, some of them get fluffy and smutty. Mainly Sevens. Also don’t think anything I typed is the sole accurate representation of Witch craft. Pls, it’s just what I occasionally practice and I’m by no means the most informed.
If you like it pls let me kno am desperate for deh reveews uwuwuwuwwu and if you do let me know if you want the minor trio.
Lmao ok I’ll stop being garbage I’m sorry.
He didn’t know cause you never told him. You weren’t really scared of telling him, but there never seemed to be a time to mention it
He never noticed how many different pendants and gemstones you had, and if he did he just thought they were an ~*aesthetic*~ choice
You didn’t pay much mind to him not paying mind, and you didn’t try to avoid doing witchy things around him, you just tended to do them more when alone
So one day while Yoosung was at class you were feeling the ~vibes~ and decided to do some sachets of assorted herbs and stones for any number of purposes. You were planning a luck one, a happy feeling one, maybe even a love one for the bedroom.
You lost track of time and Yoosung came home to find you sitting at the kitchen table with a bunch of plant leaves, rocks, and tiny felt bags.
You just looked up and “Oh, uh, hey Babe”
Yoosung didn’t really know what he was looking at and just “Hey Babe……”
“Whatchya doin?”
So you told him. You make sachets and charms and occasionally meditate and try to open your third eye and you believe in any number of things that are considered supernatural and-
Yoosung loves it immediately.
“Oh my god my babes a witch! You’re like, a real life mage! Oh my god so you cast spells and stuff???”
You chuckle “Well sometimes yeah but I’m not vanquishing monsters I’m usually just like, trying to make myself feel more creative”
He still loves it. He wants to learn things. Teach him the things.
He ends up sitting at the table with you and you tell him what all the different plants and stones are for. He gets super into it.
He joins you for witchy activities once a week now.
Whenever he cooks he gives you the leftovers and you put it out as an offering for any deity of your choosing.
You make him a jar stuffed with assorted things that are supposed to bring success and victory. He keeps it next to his computer and everytime he wins a tough battle he yells a thank you to you and kisses the jar.
Does not stop bragging to his online friends “My sweetheart is basically a mage. How cool??”
You knew Jaehee was sorta religious and you were scared to bring up the whole “Hey I participate in witchcraft thing”
You constantly ran the conversation over in your head “Hey Baehee, I uh, I’m a witch. Now contrary to popular belief, Witchcraft isn’t a religion! It’s just a practice...like...yoga. Kind of...So...cool?”
No not cool You couldn’t convince yourself to talk to her about it.
She’s really level headed...but you were so scared to ruin things with her.
So you just resolve to bottle it up and handle it another day and keep all your witchy shit packed up until you figure out what to do.
But one day you come home from shopping and find Jaehee holding a box of Tarot cards
Shit shit shit shit shit
She looks up and sees you ghosting in the doorway
“Please don’t break up with me” It just kinda fell out of your mouth
“What” She looks confused for a second “If anything I should ask you not to break up with me. I didn’t mean to go through your stuff, I was trying to clean the shelf and I was too short and I reached for a box and all your stuff fell out, and, I’m sorry it all just looked so interesting…”
Does she know? Baehee do you know? Speak to me.
You just stare at her for a second
“Are you mad?” She asks
“No…..are you?”
“What? Why would I be mad?”
“That I do, like, witch stuff?”
“Oh what? Not at all, I think it’s very interesting. I was at a coffee shop once and ended up meeting a wiccan actually. She and I talked for a bit. Are wiccan and witch the same thing?”
“Oh actually-” And the two of you fell into conversation, you explaining the ins and outs of everything, what's this and what's that, how to do this and how to do that. Baehee is fascinated. Fill her thirst for knowledge MC. Fill it.
From then on whenever she sees you doing stuff it’s a one sided game of 20 questions, but you don’t mind at all.
You start brewing her coffee every morning, stirring clockwise and pouring positive intentions and love into it.
Jaehee wants to know the science of witchcraft because she swears she can taste the love.
Zen found out rather quickly
He was running late to a rehearsal and he was going to take his bike, which you thought was wicked cool, but it also scared the shit out of you because this boy
This boy sometimes forgets his helmet he’s in such a rush. And he fkn speeds. 
You just got really nervous and called for him to wait.
“What is it MC? I’m sorry to leave so soon but the Director just called and they need me-”
“No I know just-” you were fishing around in the bag you usually carry around with you. “I just want to give you something”
“Is it a goodbye kiss?” He smirked and sauntered over to you, he took your shoulder in his hand and went to spin you around and kiss you, but as he spun you, you put a little bag in front of his face. He just stared at it for a second.
“MC...is this...pot? You want to smoke with me befo-”
You blushed so hard “No! It’s sage, and lavender, and theres a charm fo-” You shook your head as if to physically clear your thoughts. “It’s just...a little ‘Safe Travels’ bag. I know it seems silly but I’d feel better if you took it cause I kno-”
He cut you off with a really strong kiss and took the sachet out of your hand. When he pulled away he had a big smile on his face and he looked so happy. “I’ll always keep it with me then. Thank you, Love.” And he put it in his jacket pocket and zipped it up, gave it a pat, grabbed his helmet, and headed out the door. But not before winking at you. And blowing you a kiss. And telling you all men are beasts. And asking if you ate. And-
When he got home from practice that night you guys ended up talking about your whole witchery thing
You told him you like to do a lot of divination. Palm reading, tarot reading, tea leaf reading. Sometimes when you have someone to do it with Ouiji board
Zen they’re dead pls
He really likes you reading his palm. Even though you say the same thing most of the time. You realize later he just likes you holding his hand. Goddammit Zen.
But he’s really supportive, it doesn’t hurt his ego feeds off of your readings telling him he’s going to do well.
“Do the tarot cards say I’m hot?” “Zen that’s not really-” “They think I’m ugly???” “...Oh look uh….Nine of Wands. That means uh...ur so hot. Yeah. You got it.”
“You know what card I think is better?” He smirks. “What card?” You ask
Like a fucking magician, without even looking he pulls a card out of the deck and says “The Lovers” AND IT’S THE FUCKING LOVERS CARD
You know Jumin grew up going to church. You know he’s not suuuuper devout. But Catholic enough that you reallllly don’t want to tell him. You only wear subtle things, bracelets and stuff that could pass off as just decorative and not really “Hey I’m a Witch”y
All your stuff is in storage. The cards, the stones, the jars. Almost everything aside from a few pieces of jewelry and ‘decor’ pieces.
You’ve actually been feeling pretty down about it. Your energy is at an all time low if you’re not with Jumin because in your free time this is what you’d do. But you love Jumin so much you can’t risk losing him.
You resolve to meditate still. You don’t have to be a witch to meditate.
So you get into the habit of meditating quite often. While you feel happy you can focus on searching your soul and strengthening your mind, you still miss everything else.
But you don’t have time to miss everything when there comes a week where everything is just going wrong for Jumin. Work his hard, his Dad continues to stress him out with a new girlfriend, and V is being realllly elusive again to Jumin’s dismay.
Whenever he’s home he’s in his office or pacing around the room trying to find something to distract himself. When he snuggles with you, you can feeeeel the stress radiating off of him. Even Elizabeth isn’t calming him.
So you decide it’s time to do what you do best
Spiritual healing
One day while Jumin’s at work you go out and get a bunch of candles. Like a ton. Like you just made a small business owner a very happy person. You got mostly lavender and jasmine. Both are supposed to help promote feelings of caaaalmness.
You set them all around the bedroom because it was the place most closed off from technology, people, distractions in general. You also made some tea, set it with intentions to calm, and put it on the bedside table just as Jumin was walking in the door.
“Honey your home!” You walked into the living room. Jumin kissed you on the cheek “Hello Kitten, how was your day?” You totally ignored his question and just “I have something for you. I noticed you’ve been stressed lately.” “MC you shouldn’t ha-” “Shush and just come on” You took his hand and led him to the bedroom.
Once you were in there he just looked around in amazement. The room was completely dark except for the light of the candles flickering off the walls. The smell seemed to cradle the both of you in a really nice feeling.
You looked at Jumin and realized his suit was not going to be comfortable. Without saying a word you undid the top few buttons of his shirt and started untying his tie.
“Well Kitten, I have to say you certainly wanted to surprise me” He had the voice. Why does he have the voice?
He grabbed your waist and pulled you close, his sultry fucking voice in your ear “All these candles, we’re going to have fun tonight huh?”
Well I mean the idea certainly seemed to put him in a better mood so maybe you could just do that inste-
No MC! We are sticking to the plan but maybe later
You put your hands on your chest and slowly push him back “N-No Jumin that’s not why I did this”
What? Jumin Han does not compute. What are candles used for in the bedroom aside from really kinky-
You took a seat on the bed cross legged and gestured for him to sit across from you, which he did (even though he seemed a little confused and disappointed)
You handed him one of the tea cups as you took a long sip from yours. He copied your actions but kept his eyes on you. You put your cup down and so did he.
“I want us to meditate together” You said. He just kind of stared at you. “You’ve been really stressed out lately and I think this could be really good for you!”
He let out a long breath. You could tell instantly he was not feeling it. “MC I appreciate it but I don’t think sitting in the quiet is going to help me right now.”
No but pouring hot wax on me would?
“Please Jumin. I know it seems really silly to you know, but you’d be surprised how good you can feel after.” He pursed his lips. Time to pull out the big guns “Please? For me?”
He held his breath for a moment and sighed. Hook line and sinker.
“Alright. What do I do?”
Your face lit up and you let out a little squeal and clapped. You turned on some white noise that sounded like ocean, straightened your back, closed your eyes, and let out a deep breath.
“So first, your breathing-” And you began walking Jumin through the meditation process. You used your instructor voice, calm, slow, relaxing. You’d occasionally open your eyes to peek at Jumin and make sure he was actually doing what you were saying and not just pretending. To your pleasant surprise, he was. And he genuinely seemed to be doing better than before. His whole aura felt lighter, more organized.
After about an hour of sitting together, at least 20 mins of it were just silence, you start to bring him back to the real world.
“And open your eyes when you feel grounded”
He took a minute and opened them
You could see a hint of amazement in them
“Well...I actually do feel very….relaxed.” You clap, ecstatic. “MC, this is...strange. I’ve sat in the quiet before but it’s never felt so good...How did you do that?”
Meditation became a common thing for the two of you. So common Jumin renovated a room to be your personal meditation place. He said being in the bedroom with you and candles could be verrrry distracting sometimes. He had the room set up with very comfortable mats, a little table that would sit between the two of you with tea and whatever post meditation snack you chose, surround sound for your white noise or music, and basically anything you could ask for.
More and more you incorporated your craft into your own personal meditation, never wanting to force it onto Jumin, but when he’d question the gems surrounding you you didn’t hesitate to tell him. You felt meditation had brought you two even closer and you knew you could trust him. So you told him all about your witchy shenanigans.
“Kitten, you thought I wouldn’t accept it?”
“I was scared. So scared of losing you, just over some personal beliefs…”
“Kitten, even if I was to disagree, I could never leave you just because our spiritual beliefs don’t line up. I would respect that you have your practice and I have mine, simply because that seems like the adult thing to do, but also because I...I love you.”
You may have teared up a bit. Maybe. I dont know I’m a bitch with a kink for understanding and accepting partners ok leave me alone
Baeyoung/707/Luciel/Love of my Life
I feel like Seven would figure it out quick and wouldn’t even be phased
“Boy MC you sure like mason jars”
“Uh” O shit that was fast
“And gems, and plants, and pentagrams, and- oh. I get it. You’re a witch?!”
“Yeah…” Is...Is he cool with it
707 witch fanboy confirmed
He starts talking about all the metaphysical health benefits of all your stuff
Seven I know it’s my stuff
Yeah but get this- Then he drops mad knowledge on you that you didn’t know.
“How did-” “Witchcraft always struck me as really cool, so I researched it in my free time a lot when I was younger….MC do you know what this means?” What does it mean Seven “We’re getting a cat” Seven I don’t need a ca- “No you need to have black cat to be a real witch” Seven I think you just wan- “And if our cat is all black it’ll look extra cute when she plays with Elly~” I don’t think Jumi-
You guys got the cat. His name is Yin. Jumin is really confused as to why Seven starts calling Elly ‘Yang’ but that’s for another time.
You never really address Seven’s feelings on witchcraft vs his upbringing. If he’s happy you’re happy.
He’s very happy. He loves watching you do witchy things. He usually sits there with a dopey smile on his face. He swears he’s so in love with you and everything you do and ugh, you’re his little Witchy Babe <3
He has at least 3 charms on him at any point in time that you made for him.
During hugs he loves taking long whiffs because you always smell good
You guys go stargazing a lot and look at constellations. He liked doing that even before he knew you were a witch but now that he knows you guys talk about the gods and myths they align with and astrological meaning and what not.
Seven keeps joking about how cool it’ll be when you guys get married on the moon because you’re gonna be a Space Witch.
Seven programs a little digital alter on the computers in the house. They’re so cute and thoughtful and interactive it’s so neat.
He also makes you the coolest witch blog the internet ever did see.
You always get random spells forwarded to you by him
Suddenly he goes on a ‘Bath Magic’ kick. Literally all day “Yule time bath” “Self love bath spell” “Protection from bad energy bath”.  You’re at work so you just text him back “Whats your obsession with these lol?”
“I was hoping we could do them together ;)”
Ohgodohgodohgod don’t blush at work.
You get home that day and you hear running water upstairs. You know immediately. You go upstairs to find Seven waiting for you at the door of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist and a couple necklaces you had made for him, his glasses slightly fogged up from the steam of the bath he just drew
“My Love?”
Insta melted heart oh mah gawwwwwww
Red candles light the room and it smells amazing. What is that? Seven what did you mix holy shit. And then, of course, rose petals floating in the tub and littering the floor.
You two slide into the bath after Seven takes his sweet time stripping you down, kissing you here and there
The second you hit the water you feel relaxed. Hot baths are nice. Hot baths with a hot boy are double nice. Hot baths with a hot boy catering to your Witch vibes? Fkn fire.
“Saeyoung,” he knows you’re feeling good when you use his real name. “What is this for? I mean, roses? Red candles? I already love you, you goof ball.”
“I know. It’s...It’s a few things I guess. It started as a self love thing.” What. “I know you hate it when I’m hard on myself, so I try not to be but sometimes I just...can’t help it. So I looked up some self love charms and what not and I found a bath spell and figured it was worth a shot…” Your heart broke a little. You couldn’t take your eyes off the water. You thought he had been feeling better since saving his brother. You never noticed...oh god you felt so awful you could cry. You felt like you failed him.
You turned your head to him “Seven, I’m so sorr-”
“I’m not finished.” You looked at his face finally and a small smile played on his lips. “And I kept looking at bath stuff and there were couples ones too and I realized that whenever I’m sad. Whenever I feel unworthy...you’re there for me. You always make me feel loved and make me feel worthy. And that as long as you’re by my side...everything will be ok. So when I found a couples bath and realized it had a lot of the same ingredients as the lonely one I figured...why not do both?”
He pulled you close, mouth so close his breaths kept grazing your ear and sending a shiver down your spine. “And let’s face it… bathing together with rose petals and candles is pretty fucking hot”
“And I put sugar in the water” he ran his tongue across the back of your shoulder “It makes you taste pretty fkn good”
M e l t e d
Ok I’m done being a garbage can bye
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brendonurinal · 8 years
Greek Life
Hi guys I’m just starting a Travel blog RIGHT NOW bc I’m studying abroad in Berlin this semester and this past weekend has an INTERESTING weekend in Greece to say the very least and wanted to document this for posterity. Its long but I promise u theres a lot, from concerts to city-wide evacuations.
An important part of context here is that the Patriots just won the Superbowl and some friends from school back in New York were throwing a party and decided to /sarcastically/ name it a Pats Victory celebration and of course, invite all of us abroad kids. Of course I RSVP’d to this party halfway across the world, I’m no stick in the mud. But alas, realistically my roommates and I knew we couldn’t fly back to the states just for one night, as such an endeavor would not even come close to being in our maximum joke budget of $200.
Obviously the next closest thing to celebrating a Patriots win in NYC is going to see the Dropkick Murphy’s live in concert, if not only to hear “Shipping Up To Boston” (which you may not be able to identify by title alone but will certainly be able to identify by the distinguished bagpipe and accordion undertones). And it was just our luck that they happened to be touring in Europe at present, and would be performing in Thessaloniki Greece the following night, and tickets to Thessaloniki were only 50 euro round trip, and we found an Airbnb for $16. It was God’s will for us to see this band, so we booked our tickets for a flight that left in 8 hours.
Maybe this is just a RyanAir thing, or maybe its a European thing, but the most notable aspect of the flight itself were the increasingly bizarre onboard sales. It started normal enough, with croissants and coffee. Then it moved to paninis, somewhat odd for 6 in the morning but hey, to each their own. Then they moved on to perfumes, boasting the lowest prices for designer names on all of european flights, which is a lot of qualifiers that raise suspicion that they may simply be the ONLY European airline that sells discounted designer perfumes. Finally, they started pushing lottery scratch cards on us, which felt shady but maybe Europe or the skies have different gambling laws, I’m no airplane lawyer. But they were REALLY pushing the scratch cards. They even offered a “one time deal” of giving two for the price of one (which was interestingly the exact same deal they offered on the return flight).
After we landed our first real hurdle was trying to get into the city as two American assholes who spoke literally no Greek whatsoever. If you’re thinking of that “It’s all greek to me” joke right now we not only beat you to the punchline but we beat that dead horse innumerable times over the rest of the weekend. Luckily there was a line of cabs outside the airport and I happened to have a screenshot of the location of the house on my phone. I handed it to the driver, he looks at it, shakes his head, takes it from me, looks at it closer, says something in Greek, gets out of the car with it, and walks to the next taxi in line. Soon the ordeal becomes every taxi driver’s business as about five Greek men stand behind this cab arguing over my phone. We just kind of watched them, doe-eyed from the back of the cab, not sure what to do. At the same time, a man behind them carrying a crate of oranges trips and spills the whole crate of oranges out into the street. This has no relevance on anything that happened, it was just some of the funniest imagery we’ve ever seen in real life. Eventually the cabbies sorted it out I guess because we were on our way.
The first thing we noticed about Thessaloniki is that there are stray cats just everywhere. They mind their own business when it comes to humans, but at night you fall asleep to the not-so-distant sound of cats screeching and hissing as they fight with one another in the streets below. The second thing we noticed was that the whole city is a designated smoking area. Maybe I’ve lived a privileged life in the states where indoor smoking has been outlawed for most of my life but I swear I ingested more smoke over those two days in Thessaloniki than I have in my entire life. The third and last thing we noticed was that at literally every restaurant, you got more food than you asked for. And I’m not talking about big portions, I’m talking about a full extra course (usually a dessert or appetizer, but still). The best was the waiter in a relatively empty cafe who spoke very little English and who set down two little pastry/pie/ things for us and explained “Ehh... my grandmother...” It was just disgustingly adorable stuff right there.
Less adorable were the very intimidating punk Greek kids at the concert that night. Theres something about understanding exactly none of what everyone else is saying that makes you feel incredibly vulnerable. Take that situation but add more leather jackets and mohawks and you’ve got yourself a Friday night concert in Greece. We did meet one guy there named Costas (I apologize for spelling errors but I think I’ve already demonstrated my astounding ignorance to Greek culture). He asked where we were from and we told him Boston and New York (Is it condescending that I assume Europeans might not know where Morris County, New Jersey is? Most New Jersey people don’t even know where it is). He responds with a “What the fuck... why are you guys here?” I chose to take Costas’s inquiry literally, and not even bother to venture down the rather existential and metaphorical question of why am I really here? Why are any of us here?
To be fair, I didn’t have a definitive answer to either the metaphorical or literal interpretations.
The concert itself was disappointingly good. When you go to see a band sarcastically you’re ready to stick it out to get a recording of the one song you came there to see, which in our case was “Shipping Up To Boston”. But Dropkick Murphys are surprisingly good live, and have a surprisingly large following in Thessaloniki Greece. We thought everyone there was just college kids that wanted to go to a random concert, but they all knew all the words. Even the people that didn’t speak English.I’m not even sure The Dropkick Murphys could draw a crowd that large in America, even in Boston. 
Some instruments used in their live performances include (but are not limited to): bagpipes, a banjo, an accordion, a flute (played by the same man as the banjo). At one point the audience rushed the stage and all of the girls were all over the banjo/flute guy.
But the most distinct memory I have of this concert is the lead singer yelling “The state of Massachusetts!” before one of the songs and the crowd going absolutely nuts. A whole crowd of 20-something year old Greek kids were losing their minds over the concept of the entire state of Massachusetts as a whole.
On our walk back to the Airbnb after the concert we met a stray dog under a streetlamp who began to walk at our side for several blocks. It felt like we just got a video game sidekick, or that he was giving us directions or something. He was very old and calm and we decided to name him Murphy. After about five blocks Murphy decided we must know where we’re going and just turned around and walked back off into the night. Even though I’ll probably never see him again, I’ll never forget you, Murphy.
We fell asleep to the sound of a cat fight.
We woke to the sound of someone yelling through a megaphone in Greek from probably a few blocks away. I have no idea what this man was yelling about but it sounded like some kind of propaganda or protest. We never actually saw this man though we heard him twice. He only every existed as an angry disembodied voice with some kind of goal.
We got brunch and looked at a bunch of really old buildings. I don’t know what they were because all of the plaques and descriptions were in Greek, but I’m sure they were very important buildings.
The rest of our trip was pretty normal. We had dinner and walked back to the house. We went to bed because we had to get up early to catch a bus to the airport (we got insider info that there was actually a 2 euro bus to the airport from the owner of the Airbnb). 
As I write this I have been back in Berlin for almost 12 hours now and I just saw a BBC article written 10 hours ago with the headline “Greek WW2 bomb deactivated after mass Thessaloniki evacuation”. At this point in bizarre experiences for the trip it seems to be just about par for the course, the cherry on top even. We missed a large scale city evacuation by the thinnest of margins and I honestly don’t know what we would have done if we had been in the city during it. I have class tomorrow. I know travel doesn’t count as an excused absence but what about WWII bomb evacuation absences?
I’m splitting hairs here. The point is, I hope my two wonderful Airbnb renters Otar and Maria, Murphy the stray dog, and our boy Costas are all ok and safe. And I hope that you, dear reader, will some day get to party with the Greeks or at least with the Dropkick Murphys. #KeepThessalonikiWeird.
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theskyrimlibrary · 4 years
A Dance in Fire v3
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A Dance in Fire Chapter 3
by Waughin Jarth
Mother Pascost disappeared into the sordid hole that was her tavern, and emerged a moment later with a scrap of paper with Liodes Jurus’s familiar scrawl. Decumus Scotti held it up before a patch of sunlight that had found its way through the massive boughs of the tree city, and read.
Sckotti, So you made it to Falinnesti, Vallinwood! Congradulatens! I’m sure you had quit a adventure getting here. Unfortonitly, Im not here anymore as you probably guess. Theres a town down rivver called Athie Im at. Git a bote and join me! Its ideal! I hope you brot a lot of contracks, cause these peple need a lot of building done. They wer close to the war, you see, but not so close they dont have any mony left to pay. Ha ha. Meat me down here as son as you can. Jurus
So, Scotti pondered, Jurus had left Falinesti and gone to some place called Athie. Given his poor penmanship and ghastly spelling, it could equally well by Athy, Aphy, Othry, Imthri, Urtha, or Krakamaka. The sensible thing to do, Scotti knew, was to call this adventure over and try to find some way to get back home to the Imperial City. He was no mercenary devoted to a life of thrills: he was, or at least had been, a senior clerk at a successful private building commission. Over the last few weeks, he had been robbed by the Cathay-Raht, taken on a death march through the jungle by a gang of giggling Bosmeri, half-starved to death, drugged with fermented pig’s milk, nearly slain by some kind of giant tick, and attacked by archers. He was filthy, exhausted, and had, he counted, ten gold pieces to his name. Now the man whose proposal brought him to the depths of misery was not even there. It was both judicious and seemly to abandon the enterprise entirely.
And yet, a small but distant voice in his head told him: You have been chosen. You have no other choice but to see this through.
Scotti turned to the stout old woman, Mother Pascost, who had been watching him curiously: “I was wondering if you knew of a village that was at the edge of the recent conflict with Elsweyr. It’s calling something like Ath-ie?”
“You must mean Athay,” she grinned. “My middle lad, Viglil, he manages a dairy down there. Beautiful country, right on the river. Is that where your friend went?”
“Yes,” said Scotti. “Do you know the fastest way to get there?”
After a short conversation, an even shorter ride to Falinesti’s roots by way of the platforms, and a jog to the river bank, Scotti was negotiating transport with a huge fair-haired Bosmer with a face like a pickled carp. He called himself Captain Balfix, but even Scotti with his sheltered life could recognize him for what he was. A retired pirate for hire, a smuggler for certain, and probably much worse. His ship, which had clearly been stolen in the distant past, was a bent old Imperial sloop.
“Fifty gold and we’ll be in Athay in two days time,” boomed Captain Balfix expansively.
“I have ten, no, sorry, nine gold pieces,” replied Scotti, and feeling the need for explanation, added, “I had ten, but I gave one to the Platform Ferryman to get me down here.”
“Nine is just as fine,” said the captain agreeably. “Truth be told, I was going to Athay whether you paid me or not. Make yourself comfortable on the boat, we’ll be leaving in just a few minutes.”
Decumus Scotti boarded the vessel, which sat low in the water of the river, stacked high with crates and sacks that spilled out of the hold and galley and onto the deck. Each was marked with stamps advertising the most innocuous substances: copper scraps, lard, ink, High Rock metal (marked “For Cattle”), tar, fish jelly. Scotti’s imagination reeled picturing what sorts of illicit imports were truly aboard.
It took more than those few minutes for Captain Balfix to haul in the rest of his cargo, but in an hour, the anchor was up and they were sailing downriver towards Athay. The green gray water barely rippled, only touched by the fingers of the breeze. Lush plant life crowded the banks, obscuring from sight all the animals that sang and roared at one another. Lulled by the serene surroundings, Scotti drifted to sleep.
At night, he awoke and gratefully accepted some clean clothes and food from Captain Balfix.
“Why are you going to Athay, if I may ask?” queried the Bosmer.
“I’m meeting a former colleague there. He asked me to come down from the Imperial City where I worked for the Atrius Building Commission to negotiate some contracts,” Scotti took another bite of the dried sausages they were sharing for dinner. “We’re going to try to repair and refurbish whatever bridges, roads, and other structures that got damaged in the recent war with the Khajiiti.”
“It’s been a hard two years,” the captain nodded his head. “Though I suppose good for me and the likes of you and your friend. Trade routes cut off. Now they think there’s going to be war with the Summurset Isles, you heard that?
Scotti shook his head.
“I’ve done my share of smuggling skooma down the coast, even helping some revolutionary types escape the Mane’s wrath, but now the wars’ve made me a legitimate trader, a businessman. The first casualties of war is always the corrupted.”
Scotti said he was sorry to hear that, and they lapsed into silence, watching the stairs and moons’ reflection on the still water. The next day, Scotti awoke to find the captain wrapped up in his sail, torpid from alcohol, singing in a low, slurred voice. When he saw Scotti rise, he offered his flagon of jagga.
“I learned my lesson during revelry at western cross.”
The captain laughed, and then burst into tears, “I don’t want to be legitimate. Other pirates I used to know are still raping and stealing and smuggling and selling nice folk like you into slavery. I swear to you, I never thought the first time that I ran a real shipment of legal goods that my life would turn out like this. Oh, I know, I could go back to it, but Baan Dar knows not after all I’ve seen. I’m a ruined man.”
Scotti helped the weeping mer out of the sail, murmuring words of reassurance. Then he added, “Forgive me for changing the subject, but where are we?”
“Oh,” moaned Captain Balfix miserably. “We made good time. Athay’s right around the bend in the river.”
“Then it looks like Athay’s on fire,” said Scotti, pointing.
A great plume of smoke black as pitch was rising above the trees. As they drifted around the bend, they next saw the flames, and then the blackened skeletal remains of the village. Dying, blazing villagers leapt from rocks into the river. A cacophony of wailing met their ears, and they could see, roaming along the edges of the town, the figures of Khajiiti soldiers bearing torches.
“Baan Dar bless me!” slurred the captain. “The war’s back on!”
“Oh, no,” whimpered Scotti.
The sloop drifted with the current toward the opposite shore away from the fiery town. Scotti turned his attention there, and the sanctuary it offered. Just a peaceful arbor, away from the horror. There was a shudder of leaves in two of the trees and a dozen lithe Khajiit dropped to the ground, armed with bows.
“They see us,” hissed Scotti. “And they’ve got bows!”
“Well, of course they have bows,” snarled Captain Balfix. “We Bosmer may have invented the bloody things, but we didn’t think to keep them secret, you bloody bureaucrat.”
“Now, they’re setting their arrows on fire!”
“Yes, they do that sometimes.”
“Captain, they’re shooting at us! They’re shooting at us with flaming arrows!”
“Ah, so they are,” the captain agreed. “The aim here is to avoid being hit.”
But hit they were, and very shortly thereafter. Even worse, the second volley of arrows hit the supply of pitch, which ignited in a tremendous blue blaze. Scotti grabbed Captain Balfix and they leapt overboard just before the ship and all its cargo disintegrated. The shock of the cold water brought the Bosmer into temporary sobriety. He called to Scotti, who was already swimming as fast as he could toward the bend.
“Master Decumus, where do you think you’re swimming to?”
“Back to Falinesti!” cried Scotti.
“It will take you days, and by the time you get there, everyone will know all about the attack on Athay! They’ll never let anyone they don’t know in! The closest village downriver is Grenos, maybe they’ll give us shelter!”
Scotti swam back to the captain and side-by-side they began paddling in the middle of the river, past the burning residuum of the village. He thanked Mara that he had learned to swim. Many a Cyrodiil did not, as largely land-locked as the Imperial Province was. Had he been raised in Mir Corrup or Artemon, he might have been doomed, but the Imperial City itself was encircled by water, and every lad and lass there knew how to cross without a boat. Even those who grew up to be clerks and not adventurers.
Captain Balfix’s sobriety faded as he grew used to the water’s temperature. Even in wintertide, the Xylo River was fairly temperate and after a fashion, even comfortable. The Bosmer’s strokes were uneven, and he’d stray closer to Scotti and then further away, pushing ahead and then falling behind.
Scotti looked to the shore to his right: the flames had caught the trees like tinder. Behind them was an inferno, with which they were barely keeping pace. To the shore on their left, all looked fair, until he saw a tremble in the river-reeds, and then what caused it. A pride of the largest cats he had ever seen. They were auburn-haired, green-eyed beasts with jaws and teeth to match his wildest nightmares. And they were watching the two swimmers, and keeping pace.
“Captain Balfix, we can’t go to either that shore or the other one, or we’ll be parboiled or eaten,” Scotti whispered. “Try to even your kicking and your strokes. Breath like you would normally. If you’re feeling tired, tell me, and we’ll float on our backs for a while.”
Anyone who has had the experience of giving rational advice to a drunkard would understand the hopelessness. Scotti kept pace with the captain, slowing himself, quickening, drifting left and right, while the Bosmer moaned old ditties from his pirate days. When he wasn’t watching his companion, he watched the cats on the shore. After a stretch, he turned to his right. Another village had caught fire. Undoubtedly, it was Grenos. Scotti stared at the blazing fury, awed by the sight of the destruction, and did not hear that the captain had ceased to sing.
When he turned back, Captain Balfix was gone.
Scotti dove into the murky depths of the river over and over again. There was nothing to be done. When he surfaced after his final search, he saw that the giant cats had moved on, perhaps assuming that he too had drowned. He continued his lonely swim downriver. A tributary, he noted, had formed a final barrier, keeping the flames from spreading further. But there were no more towns. After several hours, he began to ponder the wisdom of going ashore. Which shore was the question.
He was spared the decision. Ahead of him was a rocky island with a bonfire. He did not know if he were intruding on a party of Bosmeri or Khajiiti, only that he could swim no more. With straining, aching muscles, he pulled himself onto the rocks.
They were Bosmer refugees he gathered, even before they told him. Roasting over the fire was the remains of one of the giant cats that had been stalking him through the jungle on the opposite shore.
“Senche-Tiger,” said one of the young warriors ravenously. “It’s no animal - it’s as smart as any Cathay-Raht or Ohmes or any other bleeding Khajiiti. Pity this one drowned. I would have gladly killed it. You’ll like the meat, though. Sweet, from all the sugar these asses eat.”
Scotti did not know if he was capable of eating a creature as intelligent as a man or mer, but he surprised himself, as he had done several times over the last days. It was rich, succulent, and sweet, like sugared pork, but no seasonings had been added. He surveyed the crowd as he ate. A sad lot, some still weeping for lost family members. They were the survivors of both the villages of Grenos and Athay, and war was on every person’s lips. Why had the Khajiiti attacked again? Why - - specifically directed at Scotti, as a Cyrodiil - - why was the Emperor not enforcing peace in his provinces?
“I was to meet another Cyrodiil,” he said to a Bosmer maiden who he understood to be from Athay. “His name was Liodes Jurus. I don’t suppose you know what might have happened to him.”
“I don’t know your friend, but there were many Cyrodiils in Athay when the fire came,” said the girl. “Some of them, I think, left quickly. They were going to Vindisi, inland, in the jungle. I am going there tomorrow, so are many of us. If you wish, you may come as well.”
Decumus Scotti nodded solemnly. He made himself as comfortable as he could in the stony ground of the river island, and somehow, after much effort, he fell asleep. But he did not sleep well.
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Prompt #1
So. Lets combine Soulmate "first words on the wrist" style, with Dungeon and dragons.
- I like the idea of lichdom being akin to TaaaaaZ's style of liches. More spectral, able to possess things, if you have a spare body you can inhabit it. Most of the time, the transformation from mortal to lichdom ends with its soul anchored onto something. More often then not, this is knowledge. Its why so many liches are labeled under the evil category, because logic can be cold when its left alone. But also, most of the time, wizards that turn to lichdom do so out of a search for knowledge. And in turn, that knowledge is what they anchor onto, leaving them with only knowledge to run off of. My boy? Nah homie he went the chaos route. Without a flesh suit, he's anchored himself onto emotions. Which is like, while its going to keep you sane much, much longer, its also going to be an absolute BITCH to control most of the time. He runs entirely off of emotions, and it takes a lot not to be what you think of when people compare others to water. Always changing, always turning. He has NO control over that. Anyway, he also just has a hard time thinking straight (Which like same) as a lich. So until he gets back to his body, he's going to be rambling nonsense.
I'm aware this is not how lich work in actual DND. I do what I want.
- As for soulmates, I'm more fond of the idea that soulmate isn't inherently romantic, so much as it means that it will be someone important in your life. More over, for an au like this one, you can have multiple soulmates, either romantic, platonic, ect ect ect. So it's like. Your soulmate isn't guaranteed to love you. After all, love takes work and time, and effort, and sometimes fate just doesn't guess a personality right. However, no matter what they will come into your life. Somehow, somewhere. And they WILL impact it. And thats the important part. (That said, you know this beotch a SLUT for shipping, come AT me with that shit) Oh, also I like the idea that the sentences on your skin evolve to fit the words you know. So babies down have much but like, a line. Toddlers will have broken up words and phrases, younger kids will be more simplistic. Though, about by the time most are 13, their full statement should just about be there (Unless, you know, somehow the soulmate drops a word they wouldn't know until that exact moment)
Finally, Slight warning. The main plot of this rp deals with a Atropals, which is like literally a god fetus that's been aborted. So like, if you're uncomfortable with that kind of enemy. Whoops
Anyway, that world building and warning aside. So, who thinks that a good way to "stop a not so all the way there ex from resurrecting a dead god fetus to raise it to it's true potential" is by becoming a lich and working entirely on your own because involving anyone else might get them killed, but also you don't feel so bad about getting YOURSELF killed. Well. Certainly Thales Depressed Ass.
Notedly, he's a LOT more finicky when he's not attached to a body. He either has a one track mind, or his mind is all over the place. Once he's back in is body (and while he is able to leave it) He acts a lot calmer, and far more collected. But he's still kind of, new to this lich thing? Like you know those liches that have been at it for at least a hundred years and have their shit together and just kinda wanna devour souls? Yeah no that ain't him, he's been at it for a year and a half and he is ALL over the place. However, when he has a body to possess? All of his stats went into like, Intelligence and Charisma. Dex and Wisdom got like a little more. Constitution and strength?? Oh no. Oh noooo....
He's a fuck boy. Just like, a fuck boy that can die multiple times, so.
In his human flesh suit, Thales is 6'2, with smooth long hair about down to his mid-back. He has a tendency to lean twards glam fashion over anything else, because whats the point of having magic if all eyes aren't on you? Paints his nails, hairs always in a different style, deffo has at least four or five rings on the same finger sometimes. Would in fact wear the wizard hat. Lich wise.. its as I mentioned. Think more, spectral skeletal figure mixed with dementor, type of deal. His magic is silver based, so I imagine his spectral would end up leaning to the same. Have the like, bright red eyes though, and keeps that distinct skeletal figure.   He has a twin brother that he ditched, that probably will end up becoming relevant sooner over later. That chump is fucking pissed.
As for the character type I'm looking for.. Species and gender wise? I'm not picky. Personality wise? I'm kiiiinda leaning to characters that are more on the chaotic end of the spectrum? Like. Maybe not ENTIRELY assholes (though I love asshole characters and would never dare to deny them) but you know. Characters that got a little umph to them. Maybe some with just as questionable morals. That said, this is /not/ set in stone. The idea of this Chaotic Neutral Gremlin getting paired up with some Lawful Good chump thats just standing there HOLLARING as he grows ANOTHER body is also VERY appealing to me. So. Hm, Guess I'm not picky about personality type either then, just something that can be amusing.
Also, your character can have as much or as little an idea of whats going on with this situation as you want. Did they start snooping where they shouldn't have?? Just kind of pick the wrong guy to argue with at the bar? Kicked out of the Cool Kidz Cult for necro-crimes? All up to you, world is your oyster. Ect Ect Ect.
Theres a line of gold on his wrist.
It matches his brothers perfectly. It's not something he questions, for the longest time. You don't question the freckles on your cheek, nor the color of your eyes. It was something that was just /there./ It was apart of them, and to question its existence wasn't even an offense, so much as unthought of.
He points it out to his twin one day, when he realizes that no one they've met has one quite like theirs. It's basic, for all intent and purposes. Just a bold line of gold, shines against the light like a bracelet. Like paint, even. "Ma doesn't have a band around her wrist," He says, as he traces the line in his own skin, "'Lae don't either. I think it's just us."
Their mother answers them with a smile when they ask. "Well, You were always together," She points out to them, as they hold out their wrists to her pointedly. She gives them a small smile, and carefully holds each of their hands, "It's never been important, for you to know what you'd say to eachother. It's simply important that you know it's there. And well.. There you are," She lets go of their hands, lets a soft breath out, "People love to talk about the bonds of family, but its rare for family to actually be bonded by fate. Don't ruin what She gives you, boys,"
Their mother was smart, and they were not. So they nod along, even if they don't fully understand. And it takes them years to truly realize what she meant.
Theres a red one on his wrist, snug carefully under the golden line on his wrist. Its crimson, and brilliant, and he finds himself mouthing the words to himself time and time again.
His brothers has a very ugly word on it, according to their tutor. He blinks at it time and time again. "I'm not even sure how you know that word," His tutor frowns, then - "Ah Right. You're Kioko's children. Your mother should take more care to watch her mouth around the two of you."
"Ah, you're that motherfucker that the word has been about as of lately around?" His mother laughs herself silly at his brother's bond, when he asks. Sticks his arm out right to her. It's obviously not fully formed, the words are simple, still changing. But the swear stays thick on his arm, and she tells him not to repeat it with a pat on the head.
He rubs his own at night and wonders about it till dreams take him away.
He dates a girl when he's 16, and then a boy when he's 20.
The girl, she's beautiful. She had these beautiful, teal eyes that just lit up when she spoke about something she loved. She had a passion for hammers, knew how to swing a punch. He'd once saw her deck someone straight across the room. She finds her romantic soulmate because of him, ironically enough. An Aasimar woman, skin bronze that has an affinity for flames. Their first words are
"I know I'm a little drunk right now, but I think I just saw an angel." "You shouldn't act so surprised, It's just the alcohol talking."
They've no hard feelings between the two of them, and once or twice they take care to take a job or two together.
The man is more complex. A centaur blessed by the forest in whispers and prayers. His figure is thin and hind reminds him of a dears, and he's eve got these elegant horns to show. He's a bit older then himself, maybe six years or so. He studies magic, all the same as him. Gets lost in his studies and forgets about things easily. He has this beautiful blonde hair, and a hand carved stave, and- Their break up is sloppy, and leaves him torn up for months.
"You shouldn't look at people like that, they might get the wrong idea, lad." (He never does find out how his conversation goes. Maybe he should return to that forest and find out one day.)
He starts researching necromancy not for use, but for archiving.
It's an easy lie to play off of. He wouldn't make the lie too broad an say that the magic did not, at least, fascinate him. And certain spells are easy to incorporate into his magic pool. False life is incredibly handy for when they come across being that see them as little more as targets. Vampiric Touch has given him a sharp heal far more then he'd like to admit, and he finds himself using Circle of Death on men far more menacing then he.
But he keeps himself in the clean. Between himself and his brother? They like to travel. And as he travels, he writes down the oddest, most unique spells he can find in a singular book. He's never been sure what for, not immediately. But maybe one day he'll get use out of it. Maybe one day they'll actually know what to do with it.
They're 16, young, and dumb, and if you'd told him at the time he'd get use out of the most dangerous spell he'd collected he would have laughed in your face. (They separate, later. Some stupid fight over some stupid issue. But he keeps the book near and dear to him, and doesn't let go.)
The third man he dates is by far the most interesting.
By then, Thales is maybe 23. Allsuns... gorgeous. Again, a few years older then him, but thats to be expected with high elves. His soulmate has long since passed, something about a magical accident on the coast line. He laughs it off, tells him that it was a long time ago. Grabs his hand as he tells him not to worry. It should have been his first warning, perhaps. It had always been weird when he'd phrased it like that.
Not to worry.. Not to worry....
But he's always been easy to trick with a pretty face. (Trick wasn't the right word. He always knew, of course, the man was dangerous. It was just easier to ignore when he had such a nice smile to him)
The man is really the reason he really begins to delve farther into necromancy. The push he needed into the pool.
"Did you know there was suppose to be another goddess of fate."
Thales raise an eyebrow in Allsun's direction. They're in a library, reading over some book to dig out Information for the man's latest project. He always told Thales, you'd never believe how much knowledge you can find in the pages of a book. It might not be what you're looking for, but you can apply knowledge anywhere.
And you know. Thales was included to agree. But he was tired, and the book offered him little use. "Odd topic, but I'll humor you. Go on,"
"Not odd at all. In fact, I dare say it to be relevant," the man snaps his book shut, pushes his hair back on his head, "Lady Istus was with child. However, a great sin was cast upon it. Poisoned, if it were, by an overly zelous god. Stricken by grief, she goes to her good friend," A wiggle of the eyebrow, metaphorical air quotes "The raven queen, and begs her to help. So, the goddess rips it from her womb!" He swings his arms up, and Thales can't help but hide a snort into his hand, "Problem solved, right? Wrong! Now they need somewhere to put this child, and-"
"An unborn child to a major god? That's just Her story," he tilts his head, lets an easy grin cross his face, "Try again."
"Im not! Consider it- Perhaps. Perhaps it is, fate, wouldn't you put it? That her child suffers the same route as she," and suddenly, it happens. He'd always been easy to read. The emotion showed best on his ears, and there was nothing more amusing then sitting back to watch But this? This was different. This was serious. It was a tonal shift that might as well have shocked him awake, straight into a new conversation.
"See, the fetus? They needed to put it somewhere. What better place then the lands they rule? It was left to rot here-" he taps the floor with his staff, "not here, specifically. But here, on this plane, on these grounds. And know what? It fuels our fates, Thales. Istus thinks she's in control of our bonds, but she simply records fate."
"No, no. It's spoken to me. It is the one that ties the strings between us and and the gods," there's a pause in the man's voice, and it's in that moment he catches the glint in the man's eye. It's bitter, and numb, and the pretty face that hides his intent is gone. He was serious. The joke was gone. This wasn't hypothetical.
"But it is so, very angry. And instead of rotting, it feeds." Allsun's smiles, and the casualty of it chills his spine.
"/We're/ going to raise a deity, Thales."
What, the fuck.
He's use to traveling with his brother, is the thing.
Between the two of them, they're quiet good at getting attention on themselves. Thales has magic that's different from your everyday wizard. Knows how to put his own touch to it. His brothers a bard. His entire job is to entice crowds. And though he doesn't come off as such, his brother enjoys having the attention on him, on stage.
They're good at what they do. Put on shows, make some gold.
Allsun is different.
He uses his words, gathers crowd not by story, but by motivation. He tells people what they want to hear, sways them in his direction. At first, it had been interesting to watch. He'd sit back and scribble in the notebook how the man swayed the last crowd, watch as more people turned their attention to his gaze. Once he begins to hear the poison behind the honey, he knows he can't stay. But Allsun has already planted his seen in the world, and its only a matter of time before he watches it take its root.
And he's terrified as to what this man can do.
Despite this, He stays with him as long as he can.
At first it's easy. Don't show him what you've found, things that could possibly help his conquest. He likes to think he did some kind of damage to it. That he put it off for just a LITTLE longer. But it gets harder. The Allsun quickly finds followers, finds people who gather under word of mouth. It's far faster then he ever expects them to gather, and by then he's no stop to the resources the man has access to.
It's not just Allsun that is dangerous. This, thing. Allsun had been all too eager to explain to concept. Explain what it could DO and how it could grow. He's not an easy man to rattle. Despite this, he doesn't see why the man is so eager to rise such a being. But he knows, if anyone can do it... Allsun can.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. And he is so, incredibly desperate.
He turns the pages of his book of forbidden magic, magic he's collected after years on years of travels through ancient ruins and tucked away cities. Magic only people that have been forgotten by the sands of time would practice.
For now, he runs. Begins accounting for what he'll need.
The spell is not simple.
Of course, anyone could tell you that. If necromancy were easy, if just any ol'chump could do it, then they'd have immortals casually wandering about. He thinks, maybe Mystra made the magic neigh impossible not as a test, but to test the bounds of morality. Ask any who defy the laws of nature, why were they doing it? For what purpose did they have, thinking they could go against the gods and the order of things as they stood.
But he is no simple wizard.
No, no. He's motherfucking Thales Maheras. If anyone is going to become a lich, it is him.
He wonders, sometimes, what his brother is up to.
Bet he found his soulmate by now.
His thoughts linger on it for a moment, but that hesitance does not linger for too long. He had more important things to deal with.
If life is a knit scarf, staying alive is keeping on strings
With every attack in battle, another string is cut. And most of the time, when you fall in battle- Loose all your hp, so to say, the strings are given to death to tie. You're pulled to the next realm with guidance or by force. Or perhaps you're pulled to a new body, if you're quick enough.
However, becoming a lich... it's taking those strings, and wounding it around your soul. Time and time again, until theres no where you can go but here. For that, being a lich is dangerous. Theres nowhere to go when you die, when you truly die. You're trapped to wander forever, or vanish into nothingness.
He finds that, maybe. The idea of nothingness isn't horrible after all.
Lichdom suits him well.
He manages it with far less struggle then he'd imagined he would. The hardest part was getting the supplies. Necromancy was not a cheap class, and he finds himself stealing more then he finds himself buys. He knows, he could possibly turn to his mother for money. Knows that she would not hesitate to send him a couple thousand gold should he ask. Might ask out of curiosity, not out of accusation.
But it feels wrong. He can't ask her for money, something that he'd be using to buy the supplies that would inevitably kill her son. He spends the money on bigger things. A clone pod, a new stave, a new wand. He keeps the stave in his house, a little place on the mountains, where snow just falls and falls. It's cold, its unforgiving, but its private. You need to know where to go to get there. Has a teleportation Circle in place, just to make things a little easier to manage. Getting there is harder then leaving.
Its also, private. Privacy is important, and if people are around to hear his screams, they think its the wind.
But once he has the supplies, its as simple as... following steps. Practicing his magic. Something he's done for years, shoved himself into time and time again. It only takes him a year. Between jumping around, collecting the supplies he needs, practicing the magic he sways, and avoiding men on his trail, it only takes him a year to become a lich. He supposed, if there were anything to be smug about, that would be it.
(When he looks down at the words on his wrist, they've turned black. They're the color of death. He wonders if he's severed his connection with a lover. He wonders if this is his punishment, for messing with fate. He was hoping she'd understand, but.. bah. He has more important things to deal with)
He leaves to find Allsun.
Allsun has grown powerful in two years. Both in influence and magic. He has men to do his bidding, watches him create men to do his bidding. If he's ever felt bad about his necromancy, he knows not to now.
And. It clicks, one night when he's just.. watching. Far enough away not to get caught, but close enough to see. A warlocke. Not a wizard, a warlocke. The man is a warlocke, and he's made a deal with something far outside his pay-range.
Then again. So has He.
He burns through his first new body on accident.
He's lucky. His old body hardly had even decomposed
It teaches him to be careful with the blood and body he carries, however. There could always be another incident. He didn't have control over his powers, and snapping from something like possession to burning
If he lost his body entirely, this would be so, so much harder.
His second body had been slaughtered.
He's foolish, with the second one. Doesn't wait until the third has finished growing to actually start doing shit. He's lucky the process only takes three months. He even considers, for a time, finding another clone pod to bid on- steal. But one was bad enough to take care of.
So, he quietly learns not to proceed with a plan until his body has grown once again. He needs not to be left without a body for three months again. It gives him time to practice his abilities, sure. But it leaves him alone, with no one but himself.
The third
And the fourth is.... Well...
He was killed again.
Allsuns men got to him. He knows, then. Damn, he'd thought he'd been sly, too.
He's patient. Patient enough not to blow his cover, patient enough to linger in a limp body, allow himself to be carried and ditched. It's a long wait. His body grasps desperately for sleep, to leave in a state of ignorance. But he can't let Allsun know about this, his lichdom is the one thing he has up his sleeve. The power that comes with it, is the one thing that he has up his sleeve. And he continues to wait. He allows himself to bleed out. Normally, he'd not suffer the pain that comes with dying so slowly. He'd sever the threads of life that remains, taint his own living body until his soul could rise and lash out on its own accord. But he needs to know there's no one near by. He knows their men will linger, knows it's safer to let himself die a slow, agonizing death.
In a sort of Mccob way, it's.. beautiful. Relaxing, even. Hanging onto the last threads of life, just long enough to feel the way few settles on him. Long enough to feel himself settle into the earth, something he knows very well he will not do for a very long time. His breaths are fleeting, shorter with every passing moment.  
He knows it's nothing more then a calm before the storm, and It's when the last string of life leaves him, does his world turn to flames.
His screech is one of murder, one of absolute hatred and anger. It's absolutely animalistic, and bloody, and filled with a poison he didn't know he had in him until he'd died.
It's hard to keep himself composed. He /doesn't/ keep himself composed. Its moments like this he's envious of those that run on logic, that run with their mind fully in gear. But here? It's a pure show of emotion and power. His rage meets his magic, and together they create a spectacular show of light and flame. It circles around him, dances on the grass and trees, sparking like electricity and dazzling like glitter. It's not entirely harmless, but he takes as much care as he can manage not to burn this body. He's been careless before, and there's nothing worse then needing to slice your skin on a fresh body, just to grow another. The memories of it don't exactly give him control, but it stops him from burning his immediate surroundings to a crisp. And when he's done he's left... Alone. His power falls off of him in waves, a display that was only moments ago a spectacular display now chilling him to the bone (haha.) It falls off of him in waves, trailing off into smoke, which quickly turns into heavy mist. It settles in the ground around him, lingers in between the blades of grass and fallen leaves. But it's harmless, now. Any necromancy taint is minimal, And he's left alone, at the mercy of his own emotions.
He's not alone.  
As his anger dies and the flames fall, leaving him floating there, he actually notices them for the first time They're sitting close enough to him that they couldn't have gotten caught in the cross fire, but absolutely must have felt the heat of it. They look.. terrified? Pissed? It was hard to tell. He couldn't connect dots or emotions in this state, just knew that emotion absolutely should not have been a positive one. His eyeless gaze flickers over them, taking in the sight of them on the ground (broken leg? Bruised body. Possibly beaten by Allsuns men. What the hell did they do to them?)
They speak to him.
He blinks. Everything snazzy he'd thought he'd say in this moment- if his soulmate was the one to speak to him first. It's gone out the window. Something.. Vore. Something about wanting to be tied up. Something FUNNY. He just feels dizzy. Thats hard to manage, when you've no physical form.
"Oh Huh," He says, thoughtfully, glancing down at his own, skeletal wrist. The words are still there, engraved in black under a dusky grey, "You know, I wondered how I was going to tell whatever poor bastard got stuck with me about /this/." A pause, and he doesn't even acknowledge that is on their arm forever, ("Guess that cats out of the bag.") The laugh that follows is sad, and to a degree cruel. He wonders if they've been given a new soulmate yet- Another one. How ironic would that be?
Though, he thinks, perhaps this is istus' way of punishing him for his sins. Not by not giving him a soulmate. By tormenting them, his /soulmate./
Its not something he needs to be concerned about.
He hovers for a moment, glancing down at his own body. The strings that keep his soul tied to it have far since been severed, leaving him without a husk. Its a nonissue. He has another one grown, and he'll have another one soon enough. "Look, as excited as I am to meet my soulmate. Thrilled, really, honestly, like genuinely it's hard to express this right now but- Fuck it. Okay," Keeping his voice from the terror it demands to be is hard, cruel even. He manages, "We don't have time for formalities. We need to leave. I burnt through this body faster then I thought I would," something about that is wrong. He knows, he knows he needs his body. He can't just fight without it.
"Come on, it's not safe." He casts false life on them.
It's no pure heal, but it should fix them up long enough to get them out of here.
(It's a shame. The words "So, what are your thoughts on vore?" Would have been /hilarious/ on someone's arm.)
0 notes
righteousfury90 · 7 years
Unique Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  Pandora, but Spotify is better and I’m slowly using it more
is your room messy or clean? Depends on the Day, somedays the tornado of an art person hits hit, and then other days its lke American Psycho clean
what color are your eyes? A lovely shade of Brown
do you like your name? why? Yea I love all my names, but my real first name is great because its pretty unique and people butcher the pronunciation of it all the time (You should ask me what it is)
what is your relationship status? Currently Single but im working to change that
describe your personality in 3 words or less The Coolest Geek
what color hair do you have? Black
what kind of car do you drive? color? I dont have a car, thanks for rubbing it in
where do you shop? Shop for what...clothes..food because the answer to both is walmart
how would you describe your style? The Coolest Geek
favorite social media account? Tumblr and Im not just saying that because this is Tumblr lol
what size bed do you have? A full I think...I sleep on my floor
any siblings? Yep 3 sisters and 2 brothers
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Somewhere in Europe so I could experience the different countries that are only a train ride away
favorite snapchat filter? I dont normally mess with the filters on snapchat
favorite makeup brand(s) I tend to go with the all natural look so I dont really have a favorite brand per’se
how many times a week do you shower? 6 normally (I tend not to go or do anything of Sundays so why bother)
favorite tv show? Currently Steven Universe but my all time favorite is Avatar the Last Airbender
shoe size? 13 or 13 1′2
how tall are you? 6′4
sandals or sneakers? Sneakers
do you go to the gym? I do not, but I walk a hell of alot ( you know not having a car and all)
describe your dream date Simple, maybe dinner, then just walking around a nice downtown area and just talking  and enjoying the company of the date (i know that sounds hella lame, but hey the simple things in life are the best)
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? zero, i dont like holding on to cash
what color socks are you wearing? red and black (they're Star wars themed)
how many pillows do you sleep with? 3
do you have a job? what do you do? Yes, Im a bouncer at a night club and I toss riff raff to the streets when they get to riff raffy
how many friends do you have? alot but only a few real good friends that i can count on night and day
whats the worst thing you have ever done? Punch one of my best friends ( which is a girl) in the face but I swear it was completely unintentional....both times
whats your favorite candle scent? Hawaiian Breeze
3 favorite boy names Alexander, Jay, William
3 favorite girl names Genevieve, Giselle, Alexandria
favorite actor? Either Keanu Reeves or Idris Elba
favorite actress? Emma Watson
who is your celebrity crush? Emma Watson and Daisy Ridley
favorite movie? Star Wars...all of them
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I do read, my favorites are the Count of Monte Cristo, and a random book Called Empires of Sand by David Ball
money or brains? Brains all day
do you have a nickname? what is it? Gus is my nickname
how many times have you been to the hospital? Ive never been hurt or sick enough to be in a hosptial, however I have been to an emergency room a couple times
top 10 favorite songs Wordless Chorus - My Morning Jacket, Thats what I like - Bruno Mars, Company- Justin Beiber, Everlong- Foo Fighters, Supersoaker- Kings of Leon, Hello, Erykah Badu and Andre 3000, Sober- Childish Gambino, Suffocate- Sevendust, Halftime - Amy Winhouse, and Europa- Santana
do you take any medications daily? no
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) It can be really dry at times
what is your biggest fear? Not doing anything with my life  and really really small spaces ( im a bit claustrophobic)
how many kids do you want? 2 would be perfect Girl and a Boy, but ultimately that is up to my future wife, cause I cant be cashing checks her uterus cant or wont cash
whats your go to hair style? Low fade
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) I live in a nice sized apartment that Im going to have to move out of in a couple months
who is your role model? Sam Liu a comic book artist
what was the last compliment you received?  and I quote “Oh my god that smile though!”
what was the last text you sent? Telling someone I was going to ask my friend who works at my apartment complex about our pool ( Which was much shorter than my explanation of it lol)
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Like 6 we didnt have a chimney and I was like does dude like just break into houses
what is your dream car? 1969 Dodge Charger
opinion on smoking? To each’s own right
do you go to college? I did and I’m trying to go back for grad school
what is your dream job? To work for ILM the company that does the SFX for the Marvel and Star Wars movies and some others
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? I used to as a teenager, but I never used them so I dont anymore
do you have freckles? I do not
do you smile for pictures? When I have to take a pic I do, but normally I dont
how many pictures do you have on your phone? like 16
have you ever peed in the woods? Yea, who hasnt
do you still watch cartoons? Vigorously, cartoons are my life
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? I really enjoy both
Favorite dipping sauce? Ranch
what do you wear to bed? Gym shorts and a t shirt
have you ever won a spelling bee? No I deliberately threw one in the 6th grade cause I didnt want to be in it in the first place ( I misspelled Tiptoes as Tiptoed)
what are your hobbies? Drawing, Collecting comic books, Playing Videogames you know typical geek stuff
can you draw? I like to think so,I do have an Art Degree
do you play an instrument? No, but I want to learn either the harmonica or the guitar
what was the last concert you saw? Smash Mouth like a year ago right in the park by my apartment complex
tea or coffee? Tea, Green Tea to be exact
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Eww neither, Krispy Kreme is the winner
do you want to get married?At some point in life
what is your crush’s first and last initial? A.S.
are you going to change your last name when you get married? Naw, and if the wife doesnt  that will be just fine
what color looks best on you? Red and Black
do you miss anyone right now? yea that A.S. Havent seen her in person for a couple weeks
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed
do you believe in ghosts? yep
what is your biggest pet peeve? When people ask me for advice but go a do the exact opposite or keep doing the thing ( or person in alot of cases) in lue of the advice I had just given
last person you called? My momma
favorite ice cream flavor? Cookies and Cream
regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular, but at the end of the day both are still oreos and Ill eat the hell out of either one thats available
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? CHOCOLATE!!!
what shirt are you wearing? A Star wars shirt
what is your phone background? Steven Universe Backgrounds
are you outgoing or shy? Im an ambivert, while I dont mind being outgoing that alot of times where I content with not talking to people ( makes me really good at my job)
do you like it when people play with your hair? I do, but it doesnt happen to often, because one, most girls that would play in my hair are shorter than me, and two, the situation where it would happen, never happens
do you like your neighbors? I dont know them
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? whenever I take a shower
have you ever been high? Yea, super high....like I saw through time and space
have you ever been drunk? Once, I have the alcohol tolerance of a god
last thing you ate? Some Chicken
favorite lyrics right now?  What's a mob to a king? What's a king to a god? What's a god to a non-believer Who don't believe in anything?
summer or winter? Winter, I dont like the notion that Im slowly roasted in the summer, and theres only a finite amount of cloths you can take off but still be hot, Winter it the time of cuddles (ILL CUDDLE YOUR FACE OFF)
day or night? Night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk Chocolate all day. CHOCOLATE!!!
favorite month? December, Winter Solstice, My Birthday, Christmas  and saying bye to the old year.
what is your zodiac sign? Sagittarius
who was the last person you cried in front of? Im not a big crier, pretty sure the last time was after getting spanked as a kid
0 notes