#i think doctor who made me a lesbian wtf
Did Silver kill Flint?
I keep seeing cold ass takes in the Black Sails side of tumblr that make my blood boil.
Look, I got into Black Sails in 2017, three weeks after the finale aired. Back then, there seemed to be an understanding that the "Silver killed Flint" interpretation was just a fringe theory from straight people made uncomfortable by the queer lead getting a happy ending. Personally, it was my first encounter with the phrase "unbury your gays" (having learnt "bury your gays" a year earlier with The 100). It seemed to be generally accepted that Flint lived, and that this was the whole point.
Now, it would appear that a shift has happened in the fandom, where the idea of Silver killing Flint is no longer treated as a theory by straight weirdos but as a canon, onscreen event, and these posts come from queer fans. It seems to come from younger fans who were about 12 or 13 in 2017. It's so mindboggling to me.
The arguments for this Silver-Killed-Flint thing is usually the same two: birds flying away and Silver's men turning around in the forest, as in reaction to a noise, which is interpreted as a gunshot.
Like, I'm just elaborating on a rant I sent to my friends earlier today here but, if Silver killed Flint, then :
Why would we be shown an entire sequence with one of Silver's henchmen looking for Thomas where he is?
If Thomas and Flint are dead, why aren't we shown their deaths? It's an actual rule in cinema that a character whose death isn't shown on screen isn't dead, a rule that the show does follow (we see Billy's funeral but not his corpse). Besides, Black Sails doesn't shy away from showing death on screen, even for main characters. Then, why not show how Thomas died instead of telling us? Why not show us Silver shooting Flint? The writers trust their viewers to understand the pattern, and understand that the reason we do not see their deaths is because they aren't dead.
Why would Silver bring up Thomas to Flint if he'd planned on killing him? Or if, as I've also seen it said, it was just a lie he made on the spot for Madi ?
And talking about Madi, I've seen A LOT of people saying she would never forgive Silver. And to that I genuinely have to ask, have you seen their last appearence in the show? I dont mean their argument in the cabin, I mean the scene where Silver sits on top of a hill and turns around to find Madi waiting for him on the path. I mean the scene where he walks towards her and she waits for him. So, my question here, if she wasn't gonna forgive Silver, why is she waiting for him on that hill? Nevermind the fact that Treasure Island's Long John Silver is in a relationship with a Black woman (I've seen posts saying that could be Max, and really wtf??), what is the point of showing us this scene if she's not gonna forgive him? Why not stop their arc at the cabin where she sends him away?
At the time when Black Sails' finale aired, Supernatural was still queerbaiting its audience, and Sherlock ended in a fucking shitshow. People were throwing fits over Bill Potts, Doctor Who's first ever onscreen lesbian companion because she was a lesbian with a masculine name. A year before that, The 100, a very popular tv show at the time, had just killed it's only lesbian character and faced so much uproar and backlash for it. (That was my entry into the LGBT+ community, by the way : the first character to make me think I might actually like women getting killed on screen two scenes after having had sex with the female lead). Sense8's two-hour long finale and Love, Simon wouldn't air for another year.
So yeah, if you weren't into queer media back in 2017 (and omg I sound like such an old twat), I don't think you can understand just how important that ending, with Flint being reunited with the love of his life after so much pain and loss, was.
If your interpretation of Black Sails is that the events of Treasure Island happened the way the book tells you, then I'm sorry to tell you this but you completely missed the point of the show.
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deepdeanvsweston · 5 months
Detective gang and their tumblr blogs
Daisy's blog: dykes4detecting
- has one blog for absolutely everything she posts, and it's all a pretty pink colour
- does also have a rarely used sideblog for fashion
- occasionally makes alarming but nonchalant posts like 'someone threw me into the Nile yesterday lmao'
- but in the tags of the same post it'll be the most devastatingly tragic admittance of feelings you've ever seen like #it was so scary though... #im scared of showers now because of it and it makes me feel so stupid #like getting my feet wet gives me heart palpitations wtf???
- also makes posts like "you'd think people would put a little more effort to kill me considering the effort I put into stopping exactly that" and nobody can tell if she's shitposting or not
- reblogs a lot of historical lesbian content and the occasional Killing Eve gifset
- also reblogs poetry, especially sapphic obviously
- posts her own blackout poetry which is quite popular
Hazel's blog: woctordatson
- back when she was 12/13 Hazel had an entirely BBC Sherlock themed blog which was in fact actually popular and well known, in tumblr anyway
- did not change her blog name from this phase
- used to write Sherlock/Watson fanfic and post it
- (Daisy brings it up every so often and when she does Hazel tells her she wished she'd drowned (jokingly ofc))
- now has several blogs for different things because she likes having everything organised
- one of the blogs is called a-stamp-a-day where she (you guessed it!) posts a stamp a day, and a little bit about it
- (I hc Hazel to collect them and have a focused interest in them)
- another blog is poetry themed, and she ofc reblogs all of Daisy's blackout poems
- reblogs a lot of those gif stimboards (visual stimmer fr fr)
- LOVES the haiku bot
George's blog: beetles-and-boatles
- posts a lot about the Mary Celeste which are half detailed research posts and the other half is just 'the mystery of the Mary Celeste lives in my head rent free'
- may also post about other unsolved mysteries too
- made one joke post about Daisy acting like he didn't know her and posting 'ok so in December the Guardian says this girl died after a cult member threw her overboard a boat in Egypt and yet the BBC had an article last week reporting how she was at her father's funeral??? I have Questions'
- however it blew up and now Daisy Wells is lowkey an unsolved mystery tumblr superstar. George finds this hilarious
- also posts pictures of his pet beetles and infodumps about them
- very very very occasionally makes an incredible vague post about his crush like 'he adjusted my school tie and I leant into his hand,,, having a crush is horrific'
Alex's blog: spaceistrans
- says he doesn't have a doctor who blog but so clearly has a doctor who blog
- has doctor who quote "In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important" as his header
- draws a lot of cute little pride icons, especially aromantic ones that are fairly popular
- also posts a lot about space like "there's an eclipse today!!!" and then he makes a post of the times in different countries you can see it
- reblogs all of George's unsolved mystery researched posts with super supportive tags like #this is so well researched!!!
- has a scheduled post each month that just says 'fuck you mom' (Daisy spam reblogs this every time it shows up on her dash)
- reblogs a lot of dw fanart and gif stimboards
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 5 months
I've been thinking of how queer-coded Eddie (from 9-1-1) is, and the way his cardiologist (a heart doctor, how symbolic!) suggested Eddie might be repressed and...
Skip this post if the concept of repressed sexuality is uninteresting to you, this is mostly me talking about myself, to spread some knowledge about repression.
Anyway. Since anyone who has read any of my posts already knows I'm unhinged beyond comprehension, there is no reputation to lose here...
I just realized that I keep saying that I think Eddie is repressed and bi, and it just hit me that maybe people don't know what I mean by that? Maybe people don't know all faces of what repressed bisexuality can look like? It's not talked about a lot, I think.
So fic writers of the world, or whoever likes to learn, let me share my personal flavor of insanity - what my repressed bisexuality has looked like at different times!
Ah yes, first stage was Buck. Outrageous, oblivious flirting with anyone pretty... Without any clue that I was in fact flirting with everyone, including other women (I'm a woman). I just thought I was joking, teasing... Until it got just a bit too intense, and I finally went "Wtf. I'm flirting now. Like seriously, to get their attention! This isn't straight. What am I doing?"
And I was definitely nowhere near ready to get out of the closet or act on these instincts, so hey, we enter stage...
2. Repressed - and aware of it. Yes, may sound bizarre. To make things even more bizarre, when I say I started to repress my behavior... I don't mean just around women!!
By that time I had a lovely, open-minded friend group, I'd always been into queer rights etc. So I definitely felt like this wasn't really anything I should hide, or be ashamed of...
But I still grew up religious, and even though I left religion behind quite early in my teens? My family didn't.
So I wanted to come out. And was scared to come out.
And somehow... The longer I stayed silent, the more the mask of conformity started to suffocate. It disturbed me, to have people think I was 100% straight.
I started to feel like I was betraying my people, other bisexuals and queers in general, by conforming, and slipping notice under the cover of heteronormativity.
I thought, why should I talk about the men I like... if I can't also talk about the women I like. It just means I'm shoving myself deeper inside the closet!
So my logical solution to this problem...
Was just stop talking. Of anyone! I became this sexless creature, no flirting, no admiring comments, no dating, nothing. Even if someone made a comment about a random person on tv... I existed in a cage, not wanting to comment on anyone's attractiveness. Simply because it felt like betrayal to talk about some part of my identity if I could not talk about all of it.
So to summarize: while it's true that some bisexuals hide under the blanket of fake straightness, and some will actually also pretend to be fully gay or lesbian...
Some of us just attempt to disappear off the map completely, and show no interest to anyone at all.
That doesn't btw necessarily have anything to do with our fantasy life - that may still be rampant. Or equally repressed in some way or another!
And we may also act differently around different people. But not necessarily. It can feel awkward or scary or "unimportant" to come out even to fellow queer friends.
The point is... There are many kinds of masks. Repression is a freaking chameleon. Everyone does it differently, even the same person can do it differently with different people, at different stages of life.
And btw, unbecoming this self-made onion of a person can be annoyingly slow and difficult. Personally I'm still not done untangling the mess I am. But maybe getting there!
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stevishabitat · 4 months
Dot & Bubble Live Reaction...
Giving Long Game vibes right off the bat. I wonder if it's somehow related? It would be cool to tie it into that whole storyline.
It's like the ship from Wall-E. Doing everything for people so they don't have to think. That's never healthy.
All those people are Extremely Uncanny Valley. Aryan Youth meets terrible AI filters or something. Modern interpretation of Stepford?
What must the casting call have been like? "White with blue eyes only, Nordic background preferred. Must have empty eyes, perfect teeth, and be able to paste on the fakest smile imaginable."
They have a Rick Astley, lol. Very obnoxious. This whole society makes me want to vomit.
Now it's giving me Gridlock vibes. They're all just cruising and have no idea the horror story they're actually living in.
Rick Astley is creepy. Well, they're all creepy, but he's *suspiciously* creepy.
OK more Gridlock vibes. Nobody is coming to help you. The outside world is fucked.
But you have no idea from inside your stupid bubble. And you're going to ignore the only people available to help, because they're weird outsiders. I get the allegory here, but I'm hoping there's at least some more story to be had...
Not buying the sentient Dot thing. More likely programmed by someone. Probably someone from the homeworld that can't afford to go to Finetime?
Or possibly the AI is just so aggressively self-sustaining that it's going to weed out any "problems" including people? Like the computer on Wall-E?
I don't trust that Rick guy to punch the numbers. He is up to No Good.
She just sacrificed Rick Astley to the Dot thing. So she's too selfish to even pretend to care about the guy she was just fawning over?
People who can't even walk without their bubbles on are going to... be pioneers??? I'm sure that will go well.
So they're supposedly sailing off into the sunset, but apparently the Doctor thinks they're going to die anyway.... Of what? He's not really explained the threat?
Just that they're too stupid to survive? Or are the bugs out there too? The bugs that were spawned by the computer???
WTF. What. That was... the end?
I feel like there's some substantial story missing here.
It's like the opposite of Kerblam. Where Kerblam made sense that it would be a sentient computer, but then they undercut it by making it just Some Guy. But here, the sentient computer didn't make sense at all and there really should have been people behind it.
Ugh. It was thisclose to really making a statement and then just kind of left it ambiguous. Could have been so much more powerful and actually *earned* that stellar acting from N.G.
I do love how the Doctor was just simmering with anxiety for these people and just barely keeping a lid on to not cause a panic (although panic was warranted, but these fragile beings were not equipped to cope with anything). And Ruby's trying to translate and mediate but she's ready to tear her hair out.
But generally I didn't care about any of the Finetime characters, because they all felt disposable and I'm not sure why the Doctor was getting involved. What drew him there? Was there a distress call or???
It's like showing up to the planet of Same-Faced Red Shirts and trying to keep them from pointlessly dying.
It definitely had Long Game and Gridlock vibes, but the stories and characters in Long Game and Gridlock were far better. The journalists in the Long Game, the cat people and elderly lesbians from Gridlock. This was trying to be one of those but without any heart to it. Even the Beast Below was better with the whole "something rotten beneath the surface of an ostensibly peaceful society" trope.
I get that it's an allegory for like, letting the algorithm run your life and teach you what to think and absorbing and reinforcing biases within an echo chamber and the Us vs Them of people outside your bubble. That was all extremely pushed to the forefront with the girl's snide remarks especially to the Doctor. And even how the "goth" kid was treated even though he wasn't that different (but was clearly seen and treated as different).
But... Idk. I wanted more than a morality play. Other similar eps have had so much more *there*. I feel like this one was far to easy to point fingers at the dumb white rich kids and not look inside at all about our own assumptions and biases and ways we walk into danger that we're oblivious of because it's easier than trying to deal with the chaos of the world around us.
Doctor Who at its best can really make morality stories far more heartfelt. The Rosa episode did a much better job of putting our TARDIS team into the story so we felt how they felt in the situation - when they were helpless to do anything but let history play out, even knowing how hard it would be to watch.
This was far too distanced and sanitized, and the underlying story was flimsy. More like Orphan 55, which was similarly disappointing and left me wishing it had been more.
Once again, I didn't check the writing credit on this one, so I'm not sure whether this was an RTD dud, or maybe a new writer who just didn't stick the landing. I just know I wanted more.
I do kind of want to rewatch Gridlock now though...
0 notes
Doctor Who, but Chronologically 12
It’s now 1814, the last of the London Frost Fairs, and a miracle has happened, friends - the first Capaldi episode has aired in which he isn’t an utter cunt. Not just that - he is actively enjoyable, the episode is good and fun, and for the first time it’s possible to see why his wonderful and charming companion wants to spend time with him. Incredible. Never thought I’d see the like.
And he’s great! Witty and clever and charming in a slightly grumpy way. This is the most respectful I think I’ve seen any version of this character, actually - they step out into 1814 London and Bill, as Martha did before her, asks if it’s safe for her to be out, given that she’s black. Unlike Tennant or even Whittaker, he does gravely acknowledge the point, and doesn’t try to dismiss it - and then he takes her down to the Fair to see London 1814 in all its true multicultural glory. “History’s a whitewash,” he sniffs, and then it’s on with the episode. Beautiful. Fantastic. Loved it.
AND HE’S HAVING FUN. He’s actually bloody enjoying himself. Moreover, he’s actually joking with his companion. He and Bill banter their way around the Frost Fair for a good ten minutes, even when things start to get serious, and even after they still joke with each other. It’s her first trip to the past, even though we have seen her further back than this in the Fascist Episode, and he teases her that her friend Pete stepped on a butterfly and now doesn’t exist. It’s glorious. He finds out that something is wrong in the area, and he doesn’t need to be told to go and fucking do something - he just does it. Well; Bill does yell at him, but actually it’s a bit extraneous, and more to do with her temper.
Speaking of, there is a SPECTACULAR scene where he knocks out a racist in Bill’s honour. Fucking incredible. 
Uh, this has become an episode review I’m sorry I just loved this episode and it was so nice to get to actually enjoy a Capaldi episode for once T_T okay okay I’ll stop
What new things have we learned?
Well, quite a lot! He describes himself as Bill’s teacher at one point, which is interesting, because that does not seem to have been his role with anyone before - was Clara a teacher? I think she was, last time we saw her. And then, at the important part of the episode, he asks Bill to make a decision about the giant fish monster trapped in the Thames. When she asks why it has to be up to her, he says she’s in charge. “I serve at the pleasure of the human race,” he grins, which is a fucking revelation coming from Mister “I told you to run and that’s all the help you get” but OKAY THEN. And then at the end of the episode as they return to the present, he calls her Boss. It’s a very fun juxtaposition, but how is he her teacher in any way???
And then, he seems to have an office. Somehow. Somewhere. Nardole is back.
“Here’s your tea,” Nardole says. “I mixed it with a bit of coffee for flavour,” a line that made me laugh until I wheezed.
Nardole is still calling him sir(????), and is unaccountably angry with him for making the trip with Bill, because apparently he swore an Oath, which... I think we knew about? Is that the Vault? Maybe. The Doctor uses a new con trick he learned at the Frost Fair to trick Nardole into ‘letting’ him fly off in the TARDIS whenever. Nardole finishes by going down to the Vault doors, which are very impressive, and yelling at Missy to stop knocking on them. I mean... we don’t see her. Oddly, the show is trying to play it as though we don’t know what’s inside, but LOL we know it’s her. Odd directorial choice. It’s almost like you should never watch this show in this viewing order.
AND THEN Nardole says that he was “reassembled” wtf???
Oh, final shout out to Bill, a shameless lesbian, for falling in love with the TARDIS. Me too, Bill. Me too.
Anyway: let’s check the list!
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me?)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest.)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole (NEW INFO: Nardole was “reassembled???”)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (NEW INFO: sometimes she knocks for the bants)
What has happened to all these companions and where are the new ones coming from?
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
Who/what is the Half-Faced Man that the Doctor talked about?
Why, when the Doctor saw the ship’s computer set to the Promised Land, did he say “Oh not again”?
What’s With The Silence?
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Who is Captain Jack Harkness?
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window?
What’s with the Doctor’s future involving getting shot by an astronaut?
Is Amy pregnant and why is it inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
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kimyoonmiauthor · 3 years
Let’s talk Ace representation in Media
I did a post on ace rep before, but I think we need to get beyond the coming out stage? We’re a long, long way from the days of House where you could get your aceness “cured” and sure, it’s getting some visibility, but I kind of feel we’re missing nuances in the current rep (from major TV shows--what do you do with an ace character?)
- The coming out scene and then nothing...
Being ace doesn’t mean NO attraction.
Spooner on Legends of Tomorrow, for example, said, “I’ve never been attracted to anyone.” OK. That’s ace aro, then.
But then the lecture was like out of a dictionary entry (Encyclopedia is too generous). Ace people can still have romantic relationships, etc. A moment of cheering.
And of course, you have to cut the part about ace people can also want sex... because it’s about sexual attraction, not about libido because it’s cable...but
where is the rest of the exploration of the identity? Spooner could still feel romantic attraction, right? Show some romantic attraction. Maybe she’s part aro too? Or she could be gray-ace and/or gray-aro. This happens again...
Sex Education Series 2, kinda fucked up the definition of aceness a bit. Series 3, after the definition dropped, high expectations for Series 3... nothing. The character no longer exists 404, in a plot hole. WTF. ‘cause the character doesn’t want to fuck you don’t think there could be layers to that?
Series 3, is perfect for an ace. The school is called a sex school. So how do they react to the bad sex ed? How do they react to the restrictions? How do they navigate the school when they are sex repulsed?
There’s complexity there. For example, as an ace, I like sex ed. I’m not particularly repulsed as an ace, but I do have my moments where I don’t get it. I totally blank out on getting it, and feel revulsion--for example, meeting someone and having sex with them 2 seconds later. Don’t get it. Or I think that I need some space because it’s too much, so skip ahead in movies or puzzle over things that don’t register. Where is step 2? Being ace doesn’t mean you’re anti-sex or anti-sex-ed either. Where are the degrees of ace rep?
Sex jokes made me feel awkward as a teen and people somehow knew it about me, so would tell them to me, which in retrospect is hilarious.
- Gradation?
One ace character and then nothing. There’s ace people who are in polyamorous relationships. That could be fun to play with.
There’s aces that have sex, but aren’t into it.
There’s aces who like and want sex, but their aceness gets in the way of them having sex, because they require other steps first.
Where are those stories?
And even having an ace react to sex jokes and acting clueless might be fun.
If someone zed says a sex joke that would go against an ace, and the ace doesn’t get it, despite the ace having sex before, and the zed person keeps having to explain it further and further, that can be funny.
- Being an ace can be funny too...
The disconnect between he’s so hot, so he’s not evil, can be fun to play with in a way zedsexual people would get.
- Dealing with Doctors?
The whole “corrective” look at aceness as well. One can play with it, invert it, etc.
If the ace is expecting a corrective talk on the lead up, and then the doctor starts the dictionary lecture to the ace who has just come out and make fun of the disappearing ace--hilarious. A ‘splaining doctor, play with that.
Also can play with doctor who might know more about aceness than the ace as an inversion point. Why not? “Oh you’re ace, are you grey-ace or ace of spades?” Which is a great point to explore shades of aceness, and throw some exploration to the character.
- Ace character might not know what secondary sexuality or romantic attraction they have.
Why not play with that? A gre/ay ace could be gay, or lesbian or bi. You just have to deal with the relationship differently.
They might try to force romantic attraction after the whole dictionary definition dump. I think that could be funny. The point is dictionary dumps after coming out are boring way for a character to be ace. Disappearing aces are no fun. You need own voices to give the characters layers. And BTW, I’m here as well as other aces...
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Just curious, how many shower thought (response) blogs are there? I just dived into this side of tumblr (not gonna make any posts its fun to read though) and I'm already losing my mind
Well there is
The. Literal. Sun.
S p a c e
The void. It shall consume ALL.
A typewriter incase anyone wants to write their will before they die
Also some ink, not related to the typewriter
Also some words, I wonder who'll use them
A hat with no maker and a maker with no hat
The pen is mightier than the sword. It just so happens that this one is evil. Luckily I can summon multiple
Anyone order some coffee?
Ooo, an author
The literal embodiment if of fanart
A fork, nom noms
B҉ r҉ o҉ k҉ e҉ n҉ 
Soap(for hair)
Bath mat
One (1) bath boi
Some M͓̽o͓̽l͓̽d͓̽ (anybody got some strong disinfectant?)
Nvm, the mold has already caused a plague (gettit?) (although user misspelled it)
Nevermind, there's already a parasite here
Some curtains
A denim jacket
✨ Magic ✨
*Tree poses to assert dominance*
(obviously me)
I think popeye dropped a tin of spinch and it became sentient?
Hummus. dip tost?
Criss Cross applesauce
Wibbly wobbly Wibbly wobbly jellyo
Mmmm océan s o u p
Some poison, a great addition for my soup
Smol bean
Shower magpie who I haven't seen in a while
Bird (brain)
Frog(×2:Electric Boogaloo)
An axolotl!
*looks at smudged writing on hand. Squints. * a raccoon
Stinky bastard man (I just had to put the two next to each other)
Becometh crab 🦀 (x2: Electric Boogaloo)
Edgy Nya~
Tripod of dog
Nina i found one of your neurons (if you understand this reference, good job you)
A rotted brain, keep it away before it infects us all, I only have 2 braincells left
Did... Did someone drop their spinal cord?
The almighty binch
The titanic
Water based introspection
Existential crisis
Also a pacifier (get it because they're also called dummies and their name is dummy)
A foolish thought to say a sorry sight join the shower community (as you can tell we did Shakespeare in English so many times i pretty much can recite everything lady macbeth said)
Anxious 🥺👉👈
Some edgy bastard
A person of culture I see (although obsessed with tweed for some reason)
1 Dapper boi
All smiles and sunshine
HAPPY! (why isn't there yellow 😔)
Affection (Derogatory) (I'm sorry I just felt like it)
Chaos and Order
Op is on drugs
All the F s
And F-general
Get out of the shower
Shower responses
The horny and the simp
Shower sins
Thower shoughts
I take quick showers
Shower thots
Last responder *countdown music*
You have shower thoughts?
Your shower thoughts are stupid
Wtf shower thoughts
Another shower responder
Just shower responses... responses
Response shower
NO SHOWER! only thought (×3)
Mmm, showery
Penny for your thoughts?
Hello darkness my old friend...
furry OwO
A Pigeon got in through the door, who left it open?
I'm feeling devious
You're looking glamorous, let's get mischievous, and polyamorous
Gay is stored in the ass
*opens door and walks through with you exaggeratedly* Fellas we got the whole LGBTQIA+ community right here
Hahaha gender go brrr
Someone who thinks it funny to clown around
Joker (derogatory)
Haha straight
Dead inside
Some supervillain idk
News. Literally a shower news style responses
I cannot believe that I forgot Her Greatest Majesty, the Queen. All Hail Royal
Isaac newton?
M megamind?
Some Phoenix Wright kinnie
What is a Dean Winchester and why does he have a tentacle fetish?
Well well well, if it ain't a homestuckian
Did someone kill/rob The Doctor or something, their TARDIS was left behind and its blocking my pretzels that I left in the shower
Mined crafts uwu
Well well well, if it ain't- *accidentally makes eye contact and is then killed by some unknown shadowy creature holding what seems to be some sort of cube of dirt*
Gen Z and ready to throw hands with OP
Not puki
Nom noms
Dip dap
B͓̽u͓̽n͓̽g͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ ..........
Someone broke their space bar or something
It's time to d-d-d-d-d-dshower
The magical deity of sleepovers
The muffin man genuinely left drury Lane for this
Moonlit nights on a winters day, stars glimmering gently
A child?
The fae. Just all of them. Every single one.
Crocus? (What on earth does that mean)
*sings* baba blacksheep have you any wool? Because if not you will be killed (this fits the tune perfectly. If not I have failed in everything)
The theatre itself is here... Somehow
REEEE- *epic geometry dash gameplay to DanTDM's old intro music*
Yardale, not to be mistaken for riverdale and differs to lawn ale or front porch ale or even meter ale
I'll finish this list later
It's gonna be a long one folks
I'm including a ones that haven't spoken since ages ago because
Boy howdy there's new ones tell me who I'm missing now
Please stop thank you very much this is too many i keep having to add to this any new responder must kill a responder to continue the purge shall claim y'all as I will win i recently started watching Danganronpa
Seriously though everyone after mirror must have a battle royale it's too much i doubt all of you will even last longer than today also happy birthday me -dated:28th- do you even realise what sort of commitment you've made to sell pieces of your soul for entertainment and ability to make such epic retorts each and every post?! I sacrifice many souls DAILY to be throwing such bangers into this stuff y'know?
We have a tap guys we can finally wash our hands of all the blood of our enemies
Seriously though who left the door open I don't want a Pigeon pecking at me (the mishapocalypse got them lol)
So many responders so little time before the end of the world
If I'm missing someone please tell me very thank
There are not enough colours for me to assign a different one to each person 😔 also, wtf is on there twice on purpose
WorldHealthOrganisation IS MISSING (note: you may have a joke in place of name or under a category of names)
So there's lore without me?
ALL HAIL THE LIGHT *moth noises*
Okay now there's alternate timeline versions of responders for the benefit of myself they ain't going on the list bud
There is an incorrect role play blog quotes blog and I am crying. Not of laughter. Just wiuwhdhsjhshjxjabjsjdhdjsj
If any new people join I will go back to causing shower wars for the sake of killing you all I'm done I have snapped my laptop is updating 3 times in a row
I will commit crimes.
Does being a shower responder or role-playing seem encouraging to people to join this "community"? Because I'm pretty sure it's the latter
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fleshblueberry · 3 years
Babe wake up im going to rant about my ocs lore because im bored
Tw/cw depression, suicide, kidnapping, addiction, unreality
I write angsty stuff for my ocs oops-
When i first started making my characters they were very different in alot of ways and they were very different from what they are now. But i some how managed to glue all the chaos of my ocs together into a semi-coherent story. I went through an insane amount of world building with myself and i honestly dont think ive ever writen or typed any of it out before! its all just up in my head (and you know my memory is trash so ive probably forgotten of alot of things i made before lol). Anyways- i have two main story lines for my characters. Ethan's story, and Vevlet's story. Although i must admit Ethan's story is less complex than velvets simply beacsue it acts as a story of prequeal to Velvets story line. (Alternate realities that happen to have effect on each other basically- we love space time junk)
Ethan's world is very similar to ours, the most similar out of any of my fantasy worlds lol. Ethan's story revolves around self-discovery. I mean for it to be a wholesome/lighthearted thing that quickly leads up to dark undertones (spoilers lol). Ethan's story begins with Eef pre-transition (AFAB to NB). We get to see Ethan learn about themself and have fun exploring emotions and what it means to be alive. Ethan comes from a run-down family (mom khs, dad mia). So he lives with his adoptive parents (who i have yet to design and think about- theyre lesbians 100% though). A major moment for Eef is meeting his partner Seth. As you already know Ethan and Seth are cute ass boyfriends and stuff but guess what! im jammed their story full of angst and edgy shit bc i "wrote" most of this when i was hella depressed! Anyways Seth's family is like moderally welathy, wealthier than most i would say. Seth catches feelings for the emo chick ofc (forgot to metion Eef was definately a hot goth girl before he transitions).... uh yea anyways seth ends up flirting and crushing on eef and eef is like yea sure im bored and sad why not. and they end up dating after a while. Theres an important moment in their relationship when Ethan take Seth to this dead tree. THis dead tree is very important also bc it is where his mother hanged herself, and Ethan doesnt quite remember that bc he was very young when it happened, but he knows it as a place of comfort and he goes there alot when he feels sad or alone. this tree could be taken as symbolizim but heheh ill never tell. anyways Ethan is like yo my fevorite tree and Seth is like wtf okay bro ily and all but why a dead tree with an unstable tire swing?? ANd ethans like idk but i like it here reminds me of my childhood (op my guy) and they spend the night there. Also when ethan comes out to seth as nonbinary seth is just like ok,,, because hes bisexual lol. anyways time skip and Seth has some addiction problems once he graduates, long story short- Ethan doesnt like it bc his dad was a druggie so he trys to help Seth and Seth raises his voice and ethan is tiny compared to his bf so hes naturally like terrified of being hit and he suddenly feels his world of happy and peace he build back up bieng destroyed once again so he heads to his mothers dead tree and decides life isnt worth it anymore, and he hangs himself in the exact spot his mother did.... once seth comes off one of his highs or whatever hes like- oh fuck i yelled and acted agro to my traumatized partner. and he immedatly goes to the tree bc its Ethans favortie spot but its to late. regret is the only emootion anymore... its over for them.
now youre probably wondering how the absolute hell does that tie into velvets lore?? well do i have a tale for you. Velvets sotry begins on her 21st birthday, she is out for drinks with her douchebag bf and her bestfriend. several drinks later she yells over blaring club music shes going to the restroom, and as shes walking back she sees her bf and her bestie making out and she doesnt even say anyhting and walks out alone. She is making her way back to her apartment very tipsy. She then hears a vechile driving beside her, she cant make out anyhting theyre saying and the people in the car get out and before she even relises whats going on shes thrown into the vechile and is being beaten and yelled at. She passes out as theyre driivng to somewhere. When she next awakes she is in a barn-looking place. Concreate walls painted red and straw all over the floor. she cant stand, her legs stung and so did her entire body. for several days- she doesnt know how long she stayed in this place unable to move or do anything. Weak and starving, she gathered up her last bit of strength and hung herself on a low board (havent really worked out the details on that scence bc i keep changing my mind but she does hang herself). Cut to a space of nothingness- legit nothing- exactly its impossible to imagine nothing. In the nothing sits velvet all skin and bone, and then an entity, a hooded figure with long hair, sits next to her. No words are spoke, but the entity looks at velvet longingly. Then it tears out its eye- just full on plunges its hand into its socket and rips it out. bloody mess honestly. the entity hands its eye to velvet, and she takes it. there is no thoughts here, no sound, only actions. Cut once more to a coriners room place? ya know the place with dead bodies and tables and shit- anyways a bright light emerges from dead!vevlets chest and surrounds her entire body. *cue stunned doctor mans* Velvet arises from her death with her scars healed over and... wings. Yup shes an angel now. I mean her world already had monsters and things of suppernatural belonging but- angels are rare. She makes 1 of 2 angels in their relam as of current. Angels are "made" from regrets. Regret overflowing from two sources- one long dead and the other recent. This is where ethan comes in. Ethan's regret from how he died was powerful and sad, powerful enough for his spirt- an entity- to reach Velvets. Velvet too, had much regret in her death. So young and so many things that could have been avoided. In the days following up to her death in the barn/cellar she only felt regret. Regret for all she did and all she didnt do. So much pain summoned the entity. Their powerful forces of regret pulled them together and allowed Velvet to return- but at a price for the both of them. the entity lost its eye- symbolizing a loss of humanity and conscientiousness. While Velvet lost herself, she no longer can view her world in the same way. She has severe ptsd- like episodes and halucinations. She cant go back, she has to live through he own grief. Velvets appearnace also changes quite a bit. Her hair got longer, she has two sleek gray wings on her back, and- one of her eyes are purple now. why does it hrut her to see that eye? why is it all so familiar yet far away. Her human brain can hardly understand all the changes. But she was gifted this- she knows she must try. And luckily for her society sees angels as higher beings. They are given the umost respect but they are also greatly feared because of how misterious their origins are. The only other known angel meets with velvet quite alot through her story, he will act as a sort of guide/plot device to make things a bit easier for myself (havent worked out his lore tho or even a design for him hjbfkjsdb). Anyways im tired and its 1:35 am so thats all the lore you get for now, plus its the stuff ive thought about the most so- i dont really want to think any furtherb ahead yet lol. to many little things to work out...... i love creating but oml typing hurts after an hour or so-
Jam out!
... I don't even know what to say to this
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stjernfaerie · 4 years
I finally watched all of MCU
in release order because IT MAKES SENSE!!!!
special thanks to @littlegingrnut who watched ALL OF THEM with me. She’s the best. 
Idk if anyone cares at all, but I feel like sharing, so here’s some thoughts and reactions, enjoy: 
Phase 1: 
Iron man
okay but like how was Tony such a jerk in the beginning only to become like the most lovable character ever??
did not like the antagonist what was that
I mean he’s not bad I just didn’t like him that much
I wanna get myself a jarvis tho 
all in all, really enjoyed it
got me really excited to watch more
The Incredible Hulk
didn't watch cuz aly said not necessary
we just skimmed over the important parts 
oh and watched the end credits scene
Iron man 2
this was really great
okay but like I love Ivan Vanko hes such a great antagonist
oh damn ~Natasha Romanoff~
Pepper as a powerful business lady? YES  
just... really great shit right here
Mmmmmm I don't see the hype about Loki??
his two faced-ness is annoying me
also Thor? I didn't love him at first,, he's a bit cliché
okay but Thor is a good boi actually,,, I take it back he’s pretty great
Oh nooo Loki - yeah lol as if he actually died 
YO WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT END CREDITS SCENE that got me all like WTF and shit
also told ya Loki didn’t die
Captain America: The First Avenger
okay full disclosure, I actually watched this one time before bc I started watching them in chronological order but never got any further than this
it made so much more sense this time
I liked it so much better this time 
this was good !!
I'm gay for Peggy omg
and Steve is such a good boi
all in all not my favourite tho, not too memorable tbh
"I had a date" 😭
The Avengers
ohhh man
Oh hello Dr. Banner nice to see u
Loki bro pls chill
still don't get the Loki hype tbh. maybe a lil bit but idk
oh okay he's good
I love them all so much oh gosh
Phase 2
Iron man 3
this movie changed me
aly can confirm - I was very much not okay after seeing this
literally had anxiety through all of it
I mean I LOVED it
but like
the ptsd :(((
although I do love that they showed that, just made me love Tony even more
just... showing the ugly parts - love that shit
but also like noooo tony bby :(((( 
just.... Tony Stark man.
great antagonist, love the whole mandarin thing
EXTREMIS? NO THANK U that honestly gives me like zombie ish vibes or smth I don’t like it
but like it was great 
all in all loved this so much and I am still not really okay
Thor: The Dark World
I see why people think this is the worst Thor movie.
but like,,, meh? the big end fight was so anti-climactic? not epic at all like what the fuck
but she's clearly gay so stop makin her fool around with the intern
but like Thor is such a soft boi and I love him
again, Loki's two-faced-ness – aRH
but,,,, I get the Loki hype now
I'm aboard the train
I love Loki 
oh oh oh the part in his prison cell when Thor comes to talk to him and is all like "enough tricks" and then his cell is all torn up and he's all torn up and AH BABY 😭
Thor just needs cuddles 
Aaaaand this is where I accidentally got the worst possible spoiler. :)))
I wanted to watch some wholesome Tony Stark content before bed and so I searched youtube for "Iron Man" and clicked on a video I thought looked nice and wholesome. I accidentally read the top comment and then proceeded to break down and freak out to Aly and Hanna on Aly’s live, and they comforted me and stuff <3 
Aly then told me that “hey remember that I told you that the little boy in Iron Man 3 comes back at one point? Yeah that’s at the funeral” 
STUPIDLY, I then watched the death scene on YouTube, went to bed crying, and of course, dreaming about it. I will never be okay again and I will never be ready for Endgame thank you and goodbye.
Captain America: Winter Soldier
I thought that Bucky didn’t deserve to die - and he didn’t - but like,,, DYING WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER THAN THIS 
the ~bromance~
nat and steve I mean, so good
Natasha tho mmmmmhhf
I was rly confused while watching but like everything came together at the end and it was so nice and damn this is one of my favorites so far
Sam is great I want more of Sam
Guardians of the Galaxy
multiple people had told me that they thought I’d really like this movie
honestly? I didn’t
it was kinda meh?
like I found it very predictable and cliché and not in a delightful way
idk if it’s just that I know that Chris Pratt is a dick but I don’t like Peter
I rly like Gamora and Nebula, but like I’m a lesbian, so I don’t think anyone’s surprised that I like the traumatized warrior gals
but like in general I’m kinda disappointed
I only gasped like twice, and it was barely gasp-worthy moments
Avengers: Age of Ultron
All of them together just makes me so happy, they’re so cute with each other AH
loved Ultron as the antagonist. that was great.
but,,,, I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t really get to see any regret from Tony bc he created Ultron
whatever’s going on with Bruce and Nat, I don’t like it
TOO MANY moments that reminded me of the spoiler that I refuse to speak. Did not enjoy
everyone just needs to be hugged why doesn’t anybody HUG THEM????
not happy about Jarvis dying :((( even tho he technically didn’t die but like HE’S NOT JARVIS ANYMORE IS HE
and then Tony just replaces him with this Friday just like that??? no i’m not okay with that
in a ranking scenario this one falls in like the top of the middle range? Like it’s not one of the favorites, but it’s still up there. 
I was just reading about new MCU projects that are coming up and THERE WAS A SPOILER WARNING, but STUPID AS I AM I DISREGARDED that and kept on reading. I was just skimming through the text and I read “Loki who dies” and stopped right there, because AAHH FUCKING SHIT
I was on a call with Aly as this happened and so I told her that I had given myself a spoiler again and that it was about Loki, and she was all like I can’t remember anything that happens to Loki hmm, and so I thought YAY it’s okay, they just meant one of the times when he fake died!!! so I went on to keep reading, but before I could read anything else Aly stopped me, remembering. She told me it would be gut-wrenching and terrible and I’m just- 
So disappointed in myself. 
it was an enjoyable movie, but like,,, a little meh? 
I feel kinda the same as I did with GOTG
but I like each of them better than the other for different reasons? idk???
the plot wasn’t very thick, like I could have gone away to pee without pausing and probably not miss too much
I didn’t really get invested in the story or the characters
but it was enjoyable for sure
Sam!!! Hello!!!! 
Again, like with GOTG, I found it kinda cliché, but in a more delightful way this time
Phase 3
Captain America: Civil War
I constantly needed to be hugged while watching this
in the end I was fine, like I’ve been way less okay after some of the other movies, but during? needed hugs and cuddles
I love that they were fighting each other it was just... umff you know
but also like,,, LOVE EACH OTHER 
Wanda and Vision? no thanks I HATE IT
Steve and Sharon?? NO THANKS I HATE IT
literally that’s just weird on SO many levels
and that kiss was-- ugh I hated it. 
Black Panther heLLOOO
Tony and Steve fighting in the end got me :( 
Doctor Strange
This one falls at the bottom of my list
It was the shortest movie but it felt SO LONG because I was so bored through all of it
it just never got me hooked, I didn’t get invested in the story at all. 
there weren’t even any characters that I liked enough to want to see more
sure another infinity stone and getting to know doctor strange and shit, I get why you kinda need to watch it
but I doubt I’ll watch it again
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
just like with the first one, kinda meh
I didn’t really get into it until the last half hour or so
the music really carried this movie tho
and baby groot !!!
I love Nebula so much, such a great character
Yondu dying was really great, it did a lot for his character
I still don’t really like Peter Quill
I feel like it was barely contributing to the infinity saga, the only thing that’s somewhat connected is that Nebula wants to kill Thanos, and the only reason I know that’s connected is because of spoilers
because I’m not really supposed to know the significance of Thanos at this point
but then again, maybe I’ll feel differently when I’ve finished all the movies
Spiderman: Homecoming
SPIDEY BOY !!!!!!!!! 
AND LIKE,,, CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS FIGHTING SOUNDS COMPARED TO EVERYONE ELSE’S???? Like steve and thor and shit are all like huOH heeeUH oAH ya know?? and then peter’s over here like eeh heh mmmMHF 
except when things were going bad and during the fight scenes and shit and when he was in big danger and stuffs
hehehheheh and the end credits tho heheheheh
Thor: Ragnarok
Kinda mad that we didn’t get a hug there in the end but oh well
Thor is so sassy and goofy in this one I love it
ugghhhhh I love Loki so much
Hela has so much Maleficent vibes
Heimdall yESSS !!!
all the Thor/Hulk interactions were so PRECIOUS AAH
this was just such a great movie with great character development for both Thor and Loki and ughhhh IT WAS SO GOOD
“get help” was fucking ICONIC
oof not excited for infinity war :(( 
Black Panther
this one falls somewhere in the middle for me
like it was good, but it’s not up there
my main issue with it is that it didn’t really feel so much like a superhero movie, it was more just like... family drama
but Shuri tho, love her
and all the awesome ladies fighting!!! yes!!!!
Avengers: Infinity War
I am not okay
I will never be okay again
I thought Loki dying was gonna be the worst part - and honestly, knowing about it beforehand made it less painful actually
but NO NO NO 
oh gosh I can’t even think 
I told y’all I didn’t like Peter Quill and well, HE DESERVED WHAT HE GOT 
oh gosh nope 
I’ve been feeling guilty that all of y’all had to wait a full year for endgame but AT LEAST THEN YOU HAD TIME TO BE OKAY AGAIN BEFORE ENDGAME
fucking shit what have I gotten myself into
Ant-Man and the Wasp
I liked this one better than the first ant-man
It’s still not up there but it was good
idk it could just be bc I know the characters more this time or because I kind of had pretty low expectations but I liked this more
oh also maybe I was just happy that I didn’t have to see like all my favorite characters die like I did yesterday :((( 
still not okay
anyway, ant-man and the wasp
I really liked Ava, really great character honestly
I liked Hope a whole lot more this time around
still don’t really like her and Scott together, especially after her mother like talked through him and shit. I feel like if I was Hope and my mother talked to me through my love interest, I would feel pretty weird about it all
but maybe that’s just me idk
oh but what I do like about scott and hope is all of hank’s comments about them
he’s funny hehehe
also Luis! great dude
there’s too many double names in this whole ass franchise and I’m upset
two Peters, two Eriks, two Fosters.... like I know that’s what real life is like, people have the same names, but THIS IS FICTION
that wasn’t totally related to this movie specifically but this was the third strike dudes, I couldn’t just ignore it anymore.
oh oh oh and I did not appreciate the mid credits scene, I DON’T NEED REMINDERS OF THAT PAIN THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Captain Marvel
this one falls somewhere in the middle for me
like it was good, and I enjoyed it a lot, but it just wasn’t really anything that left me all like woooaaaah omg AH you know???
I really liked how it connected back to previous movies like with Ronan and the Kree people from GOTG and the tesseract and all that jazz
where can I get myself a flerken tho I want one
I appreciate that no one turned into dust, that was nice
my main problem with this movie is that HER POWERS MAKE NO SENSE 
like in the beginning it was kinda okay. I didn’t understand her powers, but at least they felt reasonable
then we got to the end and all of a sudden she’s flying and glowing and strong enough to stop and redirect a fuckin missile, and then she’s FLYING INTO BOMBS AND COMING OUT THE OTHER END COMPLETELY UNSCATHED?? 
it just makes no sense, it’s completely unreasonable and it makes her too perfect to me. Too unbeatable. I don’t like it. 
but all in all a good movie, loved seeing young Fury and shit
Avengers: Endgame I WILL NEVER BE READY
As I thought, I wasn’t ready
But, I actually think that knowing about Tony beforehand made it a bit easier
I still wish I hadn’t known
and I still bawled like a baby 
but like,,, I think I would have been way worse off if I hadn’t known
I’m just so sad now
I really need a hug
and even though I just cried more than I’ve done all year I need to cry some more I think
I’m glad everyone who got dusted came back, although I kinda knew they would 
well, I would have been fine with Quill staying dusted tbh. I really don’t like that guy
oh gosh yeah I know I have more thoughts about this movie that I wanna say but I need to be more okay first oh man
okay hi again, it’s the next day and I’m still sad but here are some more thoughts: 
I hated the whole Bruce/Hulk think. All the good parts about each side of his character were just erased.
I don’t even see the purpose of it. 
Okay I kinda knew that Steve was gonna go back to the 40s, but I WASN’T SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT SO SHH
anyway, I didn’t like Steve staying in the 40s, and here’s why: 
he knew that this was the single one out of 14 million times they won against Thanos, so he knew that changing anything at all would fuck it up
but at the same time, I find it hard to believe that Steve could be aware that Tony and Nat dies and not want to do anything about it
even though he knows he can’t
so wouldn’t it have been easier to just go back to the present after he returned all the stones? So he wouldn’t have to live with that dilemma?
ALSO, I WILL NOT ACCEPT that after everything he did to get Bucky back, he just leaves him. Just like that. 
Literally the only reason this makes sense is as a setup for the Falcon and The Winter Soldier Disney+ series. 
But I still don’t like it
Spiderman: Far From Home
This was nice, I needed this. 
I didn’t like it as much as homecoming, but I didn’t expect to considering how much I loved hoco
it was really nice to see some more Peter Parker bc i love him but also like,,, most of it was traumatized spidey boy :((( and that was sad :(
He’s literally just a child and he’s already so damaged and it’s big big sad
the high school vibes were immaculate
not that I’ve actually been to high school in the US but like,,, it felt like a high school movie okok
Okay but like May’s character really did a full 180? I don’t really understand where that all came from, but uhhhh okay then
Okay, Quentin Beck. 
before we realized he was bad, I already didn’t like him, cuz it seemed like he was gonna start to become a new father figure for Peter and I WAS NOT COOL WITH THAT
but then I understood that that wasn’t happening so it’s all good
he’s a pretty cool antagonist. not a fave, but pretty cool. 
he actually got some real nice character development that I had not expected, that was nice
all in all, great movie, I love my spidey boy. 
pretty sad that I’m done tho... :( 
but also like, I watched all of them (except incredible hulk) in 34 days. That’s kinda impressive, right?
and finally, here is my ranking of the movies based on how much I liked them: 
0. The Incredible Hulk ( didn’t watch )
Thor: Ragnarok
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Iron Man 3
Captain America: Civil War
Spiderman: Far From Home
Iron Man 
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Endgame
Iron Man 2
Thor: The Dark World
Captain Marvel
Black Panther
Captain America: The First Avenger
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Guardians of the Galaxy
Doctor Strange
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dream-girls-evil · 4 years
Ratched: Episode 3 Reactions
Miss Osgood
Omg this house. All the Art Deco. I’m in love.
Oh fuck, she’s after Dr. Hanover? “Falsified his credentials”?? Is he a con man? A doctor who committed some kind of malpractice? What did you allow him to do, Miss Osgood?!
Love a bitch with a cigarette holder
Dr. Manuel Benaga
“Brilliant, charismatic, and insane but doesn’t know it” so he and Mildred really are two peas in a pod then, huh
Aslkdjdslfkdjfklk a severed head as a birthday gift? Original, I’ll give her that.
I see where this is going. Hanover is responsible for whatever happened to her son.
An Update on the Lesbians (+ some unfortunate heterosexual activity)
Aw, flowers! Nurse Bucket is really trying to get back on Hanover’s good side. I think she’s got a thing for him.
Lobotomies cause lesbianism now? Well, that’s a new one.
“Homosexual is what Walt Whitman was.” Why is the phrasing of this sentence so odd to me?
Ahh hydrotherapy. Another fun throwback to Asylum. Although I guess technically this is the throwback--back to when the treatment was new.
Oof Mildred and Huck are not on board with this. Even Bucket seems a bit unsure for a moment, but she’s sticking with it!
Oh no, not the cold water now. They’re going to send her into shock!
Huck is a good boy. I don’t want this to end badly for him.
Oh! Gwen at home! 
Okay, her husband is clearly gay. I’ve been wondering how they were going to play her marriage.
Mmm the governor wants Edmund to fry, and Gwen’s not here for it.
This nurse (Dolly?) is kinda fun. She’s cute and sassy. Unfortunately, she’s totally going to think Edmund is hot.
Girl he is a mass murderer do not FLIRT with him
The guard is RIGHT THERE wtf
Oh I bet Mildred is going to have some words for her brother
Ope where’s Hanover going? Anywhere interesting?
Oh fuck! That was a close one! I was not expecting the PI to catch up to him like, this episode. They made it sound like wherever Miss Osgood lived was a ways away.
I really wish this note was from Gwen but I know it’s gonna be the other dude. And yes, I did JUST realize that the other dude is the PI and not a reporter. I’m not good with men’s faces because I don’t care about them.
Good for him that he’s willing to experiment with her I guess? But also would love him to go away.
Cuz she’s gay and can’t do this :/
Ooh, Mildred backstory! I’m not surprised that she gets turned on by the memory of saving this man. Making herself a savior is kind of her whole thing.
Oh nooo she’s fantasizing about Gwen. Oh honey. I hate this for her.
Oh this douche.
Fuck, she just realized that he’s looking for Hanover. How very serendipitous! This can definitely be used to her advantage.
Okay, so how come Gwen’s husband can have sex with another man, but when Gwen wants to pursue another woman it’s too risky?
Dr. Hanover
Things really have worked out quite well for Mildred regarding Dr. Hanover. This new piece of leverage has just fallen into her lap.
So, Henry Osgood was basically a baby Dandy Mott.
Oh fuck, LSD?! I’m guessing this is the origin of his drug addiction.
Oh man, Henry poured in a LOT. I’m surprised that didn’t kill him.
Fuuuuuuck this is intense
And then Henry’s body got infected and he lost his legs, too
This really sucks, because it really just was this one moment that he didn’t keep a sharp enough eye on this boy, and things unraveled SO quickly.
I wonder what Mildred has planned to help him. Probs gonna do something to the PI.
I also wonder like, what exactly Miss Osgood thinks happened to her son, cuz I’m guessing Hanover didn’t really stick around to explain. From what she said earlier, sounds like she thinks he’s delusional and thought that he could cure Henry by replacing his arms.
Thoughts and Theories
It was really interesting to see Mildred so upset by the hydrotherapy, and I have to say, I’m liking her characterization so far. I like that instead of being a straight sadist they’re portraying her as having more of just a very skewed sense of morality and empathy. They’re definitely building her as an Angel of Mercy, and specifically one with a savior complex. We can see this in how she gets turned on by remembering the gratitude of a man whose life she saved during the war, but now her way of “saving” people has evolved to include harming and even killing them, because she believes this will relieve their suffering. At this point, she’s still clearly capable of some differentiation and genuine empathy--killing seems to be a last resort for the truly hopeless, as we see her still actually desire to help Edmund and care for her lesbian patient who is, by every standard, suffering. Her whole “freedom from suffering” thing seems more like a way to justify harm that is otherwise necessary from her plans, but I think as time goes on, as more drastic measures are necessary and she wields more power over the asylum, we will see her slip further into this delusion.
I also really like how intelligent and manipulative she is. Like, with Hanover, killing Dario and helping him cover it up means he’s willing to listen to her both out of trust and fear, with the added bonus that it drives a wedge between him and Bucket. And after finding out about the PI, she could have gone with outright blackmail, but between trust and fear, trust is always the smarter choice to get someone to do what you want. She’s put herself on Hanover’s side and made herself indispensable to him, but also armed herself with enough knowledge that he can’t cross her if he ever wants to. And this brings me to Gwen. I think it’s definitely interesting that we see Hanover, Gwen, and Mildred all aligned with wanting to save Edmund from the electric chair. Although Hanover and Gwen simply have a moral stance against it, it clearly works in Mildred’s favor, and I do wonder if she’s going to get Gwen involved with her plans to save Edmund as well, given that she has access to the governor.
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facelessxchurch · 4 years
What we’re your thoughts about the book?
Some asks were answered already in this post already so I just smacked those asks in here at the part where I talk about the topic in question, which is why the answer may not 100% fit the question.
Massive “Seasons of War” spoilers below the cut:
First off, of all, this book read like GoT/any zombie movie ever. With the necromancers being like the white walkers, Vile is the night king and daugar are the wights. even with the necromancers crumbling away after Vile got killed Tell me I’m not the only one seeing that.
I think there was a lot of fanservice and some confirmed headcanons in the book, which I really liked. Saracen magic got revealed, there was a return to the Leibniz dimension, the Vile vs Vile fight so many wanted finally happened (tho that was kinda underwhelming) and the Dead Men returned which I’m sure made a lot of people happy. 
Ravel poisoning Saracen during the war and Vile being so powerful bc of being dead were two popular headcanons that got confirmed. And I am personally so happy that this book killed the ‘there is no sarcasm in the Leibniz dimension’ headcanon bc I bloody hated that.
Finally, Landy tries to please the old fans instead instead of what feels like purposefully pissing them off. I guess the phase 2 book sales weren’t that great so far (nice try blaming it on the pandemic, but no). 
I’m also glad that the romance in this book was kept to a minimum bc The Val/Militsa kiss in the beginning, yikes, fanfiction has better written kisses than that. And the the dialog for the lesbian love triangle (bc for some reason Ms.Wicked aka Laura’s self insert is Militsa’s ex??) was cringy and stiff as hell, it felt more like first graders trying to do a dramatic play and not natural at all.
Surprisingly enough Mevolent’s and Serafina’s relationship seems to be the most healthy and romantic in the entire series and I have no idea if that was on purpose or if Landy just has twisted views on relationships.
I however am actually kinda happy with how Mev was written. He was sympathetic and charismatic, tho some of the stuff he did doesn’t fit to they way he’s characterised when he’s on screen (I know he is probably lying 90% of the time he speaks, but still). Like, banning all languages apart from English doesn’t seem like something a man who cares about culture, literature and art would do. It also seems kinda stupid bc those languages will be forgotten eventually and if they need an old text translated no one will be able to do it. Also, why English? Isn’t Mev old enough that his first/original language should be Gaelic? So weird. I have the feeling this was mainly done so Valkyrie (and with that the audience) can understand what the people on the continent are saying bc I very much doubt she understands/speaks any languages apart from English. 
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But I loved that Mev was also shown as insanely smart. He managed to outsmart Val multiple times. And I love how he doesn’t need his magic to fight, how quick and agil and skilled he is. So I take it that his fighting style is more based on agility and not getting hit, and he uses brute force only when forced into it (by Darquesse/the Unnamed). I was wondering about that bc his armor is made of leather and chainmail instead of metal plates which is considered light armor and not something a tank type of fighter would wear.
What really rubbed me the wrong way tho was when he was talking Tanith and Skul and more or less stated the war wasn’t a challenge anymore ever since Skul died. Or when he was talking to Val being like ‘you’re more powerful than I could ever hope to be’.It bothers me even more knowing that Val is based on girlfriend!Laura. Does really everyone and everything in-vers, even a big bad like Mev, rub Skul’s/Landy’s and Val’s/Laura’s ego? Big yikes.
Crespular Vies is surprisingly fun. At first I thought the two men going after the Obsidian Blade were hired by the Unnamed, but since that wasn’t the case, I think Crespular Vines hired them that so he could show up in time to save Omen and his friends. I think him opening up to Omen about being Skul’s former partner came too unprompted, too quickly and that he is trying to gain Omen’s trust so he can get close to Skul through him. I think another giveaway that that’s the case is bc one of the men Omen had to meet to get his brother back wore a Cleaver outfit and Vies gave that man probably the same reasoning Omen gave him.
That said Omen’s chapters were surprisingly enjoyable. By what I had heard of others I expected a sad sack that can’t fight worth a damn. 
I’m not found of the Temper/Kierre stuff, it came out of nowhere.
Val is overpowered AF, it seems that she can get on Darquesses level with more practise/learning how to keep the doors open. She certainly needs to be nerfed.
Also I skipped the Darquesse chapters bc I’m giving negative fucks about her and the plague doctor.
The last 10% of the book were too rushed and felt like half finished thoughts.
Also I was kinda really bothered by the citizen of the Leibniz dimension. They were cartoonishly racist and it was very pretty black and white for the most part AKA everybody good is in the Resistance and all other sorcerers are evil/corrupt. That is also shown by there being children in the Resistance camp while there was no mention of children in the mage cities. In reality, most people are fairly mellow and it’s just a small percentage that is either really good or really wicked. I would have liked to see more racism towards mortals in form of apathy or ‘the soft bigotry of low expectations’ like I’ve seen it from Serpine in DotL. You know, make it a little less black and white.
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Also, I understand the mermaids, but the bats in Europe were random AF. Like, I would understand it if they were just in Romania/Transylvania as a nod to the Dracula-typ vampire legends originating from there. As a plot-device they weren’t really needed to keep the protagonists from flying bc the danger of getting spotted by necromancer by doing so should be enough of a threat to keep them on the ground. This might seem nit-picky of me, but the bats just seemed so bloody random to me like wtf????
And also bc I’m a slut for magical creatures, I would have really liked to see more of them than just daugar and giant bats. Some undead cut together and resurrected necromancer experiments would have been pretty cool tbh. Like whatever the hell this is.
Something like zombie bears would have also been acceptable, I mean, bears are fucking terrifying on their own, let alone when undead and decaying.
I’m kinda pissed at China that she wanted Skul to kill Nef, but it does seem in character. Of course I still don’t like it bc I headcanon as Nef, Eliza and China having been besties during the war (no matter what canon says, I’m keeping that headcanon). I’m surprised Skul didn’t let Wreath have Nef considering that. Then again, he thought Nef might still be useful. And he was right. I loved how Nef actually had an essential part in saving the world by throwing the bomb. So proud of my boi <3 But Skul refused to kill him even after that. Could it be that Skul is finally getting character growth and development? 👀
Aaaand, China’s continuing to be a tyrant. With Tanith’s sense of justices flaring up shown when he killed the city governor, Erato, and Nef being shown to go after people that betray him (Lorien) I think those two are being set up to go after China to kill her (and to probably kill Creed too). Imagine Eliza joining the team bc she want a piece of China too.
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I feel sorry for Baron, but at least he got a few speaking lines this time around. Still, I really wanted Nef to save him. :C Like, he suffered so much before he died too considering he spend a year alone starving and thirsty with broken legs in the middle of nowhere wft, why is Baron getting fucked over like this? #BaronDeservedBetter2020 he is the only honorable person of all faceless followers and he’s the one that gets screwed over in every book he shows up in, why tho- 😭
Speaking of Nef, I absolutely loved him in this book, he was a delight and stealing the show whenever he was on the page, despite being used as  punching bag through pretty much the entire book. If people have always treated him that way I can see why he turned evil jfc that poor man. Despite that, he was still being such a clever, funny and relatable bae <3 He’s described as ‘cynical, and nasty but also kinda cheerful’ and as liking to ‘needle’ people (aka trolling and roasting) by Val and that essentially describes every shitposter on the internet ever. And I so loved the way he roasted Saracen lmao
And how he’s so clever, like the Lorien part was my favourite scene closely followed by how Nef essentially talked Remus Crux into getting himself killed, just 👌 smart snek boi, I love him <3 Also I hope he keeps poisoning everybody thoughts against Skul like how he had already been doing it to Tanith, he’s poison in human form and that’s just my jam.
That obedience bracelet was kinda fucked up tho.
Why does this thing even exist? Aren't electro shocks or any other form of pain enough instead of shutting his nervous system down/rendering him completely defenceless? I feel like some messed up mage 100% used it to keep himself (sex) slaves at some point in time :/ Landy might have gotten that idea from some fucked up hentai. Even the implications of the name "obedience bracelet".... I can’t be the only one that got creepy perv vibes from that thing, right?
Btw what the fuck happened to Harmony? You know, Leibniz Serpine’s girlfriend. She hasn’t been mentioned again. Did she die? She didn’t seem too found of him in DotL, was she plotting against him and he found out about it, killed her and fled the Resistance? Or did she die prior to him leaving and it was part of the reason he left bc she was the only thing that had tied him emotionally to the Resistance?? Or Landy just forgot  she existed. I would not be surprised.
Of course my biggest issue with this book was how he retconned Nef’s magic and how he took his trademark, his red hand, away, but more about that in a different post.
TL;DR: Nef was a delight even though he was done dirty. Mev’s scenes were a 50/50 split between good and bad. I actually liked the Crespulare and Omen chapters. The Unnamed was a disappointment. The last 10% of the book were to rushed and the final fights that were supposed to be the biggest were underwhelming. The rest is meh, didn’t really care tbh. Let’s be real here, I only bought this book bc Nef played a bigger role in it, anyways.
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alltingfinns · 4 years
Back on my bullshit (somewhat later than previously expected) and finishing the rewatch of A Scandal in Belgravia:
“Thinking about what?” “Your blog counter-“
Is he changing the topic or answering the question? Technically he’s still tasked with the phone although, again technically, it was retrieval of the phone not gaining access to it. Maybe he’s just thinking about John’s blog, it does tend to occupy his mind more than it does John’s at times.
“How can we not know?” John sees himself and Hudson as the ultimate Sherlock experts. Not Mycroft or Lestrade. Could be a meta nod to the narrator and the foreshadower roles they play.
Pretty lady he doesn’t know calls him by name and asks him out and he’s like sure, kidnap away! I know he has a danger boner, but damnit Watson, get some survival instincts!!
Wonder if there’s a point to make us think Mycroft other than “plot twist not dead”. Technically Irene could have been revealed a number of surprising ways without invoking Mycroft, and there’s a callback later to John just wanting to meet at a cafe.
“Sherlock doesn’t follow me everywhere.” Famous words.
“He does that all anyway.” So why do you think he’s heartbroken, John? Why do you think Irene means so much to him?
“I’ll come after you if you don’t.” The classic “if you hurt him” threat.
“Oh I believe you.”
He starts off so calm but by her second refusal to tell Sherlock he’s huffing and puffing. Irene gets way under his skin.
He’s so angry and jealous. I just... the way he explodes out “What do you usually say? You’ve texted him a lot!”
John just cares so much more about those texts than Sherlock ever does.
He just can’t fathom the possibility that Sherlock didn’t reply because he didn’t care.
Now we come to some infamous precise wording from John Watson:
“Are you jealous?”
“We’re not a couple.”
As you know, jealousy in difference from envy, involves an element of possession. Therefor it is usually associated with couples, which John and Sherlock aren’t at this point. At least not officially. But John is possessive of Sherlock, and is sensitive to someone like Irene taking him away.
“I am not actually gay”. John isn’t gay (in the strictly homosexual meaning rather than the more general queer meaning) as we saw earlier with him checking out the pretty lady.
Although thinking about it, that was just after he asked Hudson about Sherlock’s romantic history, so he may have been overcompensating. That’s probably what lowered his guard, the relief of getting to confirm his attraction to women post haste.
“But I am.” She mentions male lovers at different points, but she also uses her sexuality and understanding of others wants in a transactional way. So does she mean strictly-into-binary-women-lesbian or generally queer? It’s placed in opposition (and simultaneously not) to John’s statement, so probably the former.
“Look at us both.” John’s chuckle is a real “you got me there”.
John looks so vulnerable when he realizes what Sherlock just heard. But Irene knows that John isn’t ready to confront a Sherlock who knows how John feels, and uses that fear against him. Who knows what might have happened if John had just pushed through.
Sherlock’s eyes going back and forth indicates he’s deducing while walking. Depending on how much he heard there are two possibilities, 1) he’s trying to figure out how Irene is alive or 2) how John can be “not gay” for him. 1) is unlikely as he surely must have been tight enough on John’s heels to at least have caught the tail end of her explanation, but all options should be considered. With 2) some of you may wonder why he doesn’t need to deduce Irene being into him, because you forgot that she’s been flirting at him non stop.
Sherlock deduces some assholes messed with the wrong landlady.
Ok so how did Sherlock get back so much faster than John? Because you almost think he walked back, but even if he got a cab, why does John take so long? Maybe the fanfics are right and Sherlock is just magically better than John at summoning cabs.
Sherlock is impatient for John to take Hudson away so he can deal out justice without doing it infront of her or leaving her alone downstairs.
“Oh! That was right on my bins.” Classic!
Hudson is so important to Sherlock. Wonder if we’ll ever get their full story?
John smiling at Sherlock’s softness.
Sherlock probably realized there were more than pictures back when the Americans first showed up. Hence why he’s preoccupied with getting into it while John is preoccupied with Irene and what she means to Sherlock.
Oooh! The Netflix subtitles turned John’s “so she’s alive then” to “in other words she lied”. Technically both works, she lied about being dead which is kind of rude.
Also John please.
Drink in hand. “How are we feeling about that?” “Do you think you’ll be seeing her again?”
You know how people are John? I think this is a case of John is people. Irene shows up in one short story, bests Sherlock and leaves to live happily ever after with her husband. He notes that she’s remarkable as the only woman to defeat him and keeps her picture. (Which honestly is no different from how he asks John to remind him of Norbury, he wants to remember his mistakes.) Yet the mainstream view is that she is his greatest love, and people have written books where she returns to have a daughter with him.
Fucking straight culture.
Sherlock sending Irene a happy new year text like “there, John, you see? She. Is. Not. Special!!”
“You think she’s my girlfriend because I am X-raying her possessions?”
Fucking. Straight. Culture.
“They do, don’t they?” If you’re following Molly’s line of thought and thinking of people in love, I hate to break it to you Sherlock. You’ve been head over heels for one sharpshooting doctor for a while now.
Molly’s threatened by how Irene “loves to play games”. That is how John sees it; Irene seems like a perfect female counterpart to Sherlock. His jealousy of Irene is basically an expansion of his jealousy of Moriarty in the previous episode. Both John and Molly worry that they’re too boring for Sherlock.
Sherlock’s look while John details his ludicrously circumventional plan for getting the phone is priceless.
1058 = 2 * 23 * 23 if that means anything.
John’s look just before “Hamish!” is amazing.
Speaking of, his outburst is retroactively so much funnier after Sign of Three. Sherlock having to get ahold of his birth certificate to learn what the H is for, and John just gives it up when he thinks Irene and Sherlock are about to make babies.
Sherlock’s eyebrow. “I had to owe Mycroft a favor John. Do you understand the pain of that? John, I asked you directly so many times. You don’t even like her! Jooohn!”
The focus on John’s mug. Is she directing John’s attention at Sherlock by directing her attention to Sherlock? Is that the play she’s been building up for? (Note that if this was about Sherlock falling for her there would be no reason to involve John as much as she has at this point.)
Confirmed by how his deduction is followed by looking at John first. Since that cab ride he has lived for impressing John with his deductions.
Sherlock’s struggle with placing 007. He didn’t learn it for casework so it isn’t in his mind palace, but he learned about it because of John so it is still lingering at the edges of his memories. Also, been there. When you know there’s something but you can’t place it, probably a rare feeling for him.
Moriarty blowing away the letters with a fart noise. Another classic!
Totally forgot how much drama they put into Mycroft here. It’s more than a failed operation.
Sherlock: “WWII story”
Irene: “Have you had sex? Like, ever?”
She’s hungry, he isn’t. No means no, Irene, no means no.
Is it just me or is it kind of convenient that John isn’t there for the climax? Did Irene chase him away somehow?
Driver’s like “look man, our job is to get you to the airport. We don’t care whatever it is you’re rambling about.”
Wonder what the time lapse here is, seeing as the American intelligence officer (did I forget his name or did we never get it) is up and about.
Best way to let your younger sibling know they messed up, give them a ticket to a haunted house style airplane of dead people.
Well whaddya know? Scenes believed to be completely played for laughs were part of the main plot all along. How very interesting. It’s almost like there’s some thought behind the writing. Like things being played for laughs have something more going on.
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This scene is where the parallels to The Private Life become glaring. Mycroft telling Sherlock off for halting an operation by getting compromised by a woman.
“Don’t be absurd.” Again, Sherlock deduced to impress John, so he doesn’t feel described by Mycroft here. Because Irene’s play was too subtle for the Holmes brothers to understand.
Mycroft “didn’t know”. He thought Sherlock would be safe from Irene because he knows Sherlock’s gay, but now he doubts. He doesn’t know that Irene acted through John.
Ahh, six months. That makes sense. Still, the guy should probably still have some breathing irregularity from that punctured lung.
Mycroft’s eyebrow raise at Irene’s demands. That high of a figure, huh?
Moriarty’s name is what turns Sherlock’s cogs. Mycroft helpfully supplies that Jim’s been trying to get his attention. Moriarty was dissuaded from killing him and John by a phone call from someone who had something he desperately wanted, and he was necessary for Irene to use what she had to get to Mycroft. She made the call.
People have mentioned this before but it bears repeating: why are you bringing up John? Also, why are you calling him Watson?
When he says “I know” does that mean he knows that she only made that the code as part of the role she played as being in love with him? He does say “got caught up in the game”.
Which I guess means he’s telling her “don’t method act, you silly”
“Okay, I’m meeting you at a cafe like you wanted.” “Wtf, Mycroft, that wasn’t even your underling I said it to!”
Ffs Mycroft! John was finally starting to realize Sherlock didn’t feel that way about her.
Que the piratelock AUs.
The things going on here. The last minute decision on what to say, opting for the comfortable lie. Sherlock very aware of that in ways John can’t known. “Please.” John somehow still preoccupied with her texts.
I’ve seen at least one fanfic mention that Sherlock probably felt he owed her for the pool rescue. Also he isn’t really inclined towards people dying whatever people seem to think.
The woman. She did beat him. He may have gotten the upper hand in the last inning*, but she did get him to play into her hands. Keeping the phone, means keeping a reminder of his own vulnerabilities.
Because ASiB is spread out over so much time, and someone has pointed out that Hudson wears a dress that is brand new in THoB, this scene takes place after the fireside. (I really should have checked for the dress in ASiB, get a proper timeline.) Maybe he’s laughing because he feels that she taught him to master his emotions.
Next up: My personal favorite of this series. Coming whenever it does. Time is a construct.
*) I’m not even sure what sports has innings. Is it baseball? It’s probably baseball.
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mw-draws · 5 years
Praxeus rewatch time BABEY!
Jodie Whittaker narrate my life challenge
also, how did I miss that this is set in like,, 10 years in the future ldjdkd
smh jake, you can't go round tackling kids
omg gf's
jesus fucking christ, that poor girls face got clawed right off
love how when we first see 13 she's a complete disaster
Gabriela checking out Ryan's abs - bi rights
oh god, this bits so gross
mans just fucking exploded, holy fuck
"despite the fact that was overly alarming.... don't be overly alarmed" yeah, don't think that's gonna work doc
"and a talking cat" y'know, casual
Ryan Sinclair, the great bird detective
I really love this look on Ryan? Big coat is a good look on him
that operating room bit gave me mad World Enough and Time flashbacks
who are we kidding, it's probably the same set skfjkfjfkf
that Praxeus shit looks so gross wtf
I love Gabriela with my entire being
people fucken explode and 13's like "okay"
"unplug him and get him out!"
"you said that wasn't safe!"
"situation's changed! get out!" why is this so funny to me
lshskd 13 just appearing like "👁️👄👁️hello"
"haven't factured you into this. too busy thinking about that cat" ldjfkfhf
wishy coat wishy coat wishy coat
omg, conflict
Yes. Yaz and Gabriela are now girlfriends
I don't make the rules
the Doctor has no time for this guys surprise
like "wtf is going?" "stfu, I'm concentrating. be surprised somewhere else"
13's hair is so fucking prettyyyy
the tardis has got a fucking Nokia ringtone. I love this bitch
graham's like "can we not have a marital spat right now?"
"that's why you smell of dead bird! I thought you changed your shower gel" ksbdkdj bitch you can talk, you don't even wash your clothes
"doc! Adams in a bad way in there, I think we made a mistake unplugging him from all that stuff in Hong Kong. or maybe you just wanna stand out here watching birds" lmao graham's having NONE of it
I love Gabriela's wee theme, omg
"Ryan, could you dissect this bird for me?" nbd
Graham and Ryan dumbasses unite
"do you have any idea what it's like to be married to someone that impressive" OH NO GRAHAM'S FACE. HE'S THINKING OF GRACE. STOP THIS. THIS IS BULLYING AHHHDHFHHF
"didn't teleport into an active volcano! result!" yaz, you say that as if that's happened before.
"autons?" oh my heart
"did she say brains? plural?" ldjdldj
"hey, doc, that's not a thought - that's a random phrase" graham's so sick of her shit kdjfkjfj
"excuse me. I'm not full of plastic."
"you're full of something" KDHDKDBDKNC RYAN
"hey, doc, let's get rid of this bird cause it really, really smells"
"no." dkdjjd
"see what the bird's natural enzymes are doing?"
"oh yeah. clear as mud!" dkjfjf
everyone is so sick of each others shit, I can't deal with them dknfkfjf
"oh, I'm a sucker for a scientist" 13 out here being a massive lesbian
"thanks for coming for us, eventually" okay yaz, I know she's got a Time machine but she didn't take t h a t long ldjdkfn
"look at you going off on your own and not getting killed" the Doctor's had too much experience with companions going off on their own and dying and that the bar is on the fucking floor
yaz is so disappointed that she didn't find a planet, bless
"ooh, wait, I'm having half a thought" me
suki just fucking explodes and 13's like "fucking, goddammit, not again"
"tiny flaw" *explains quite a massive flaw*
"that's a bit more than a tiny flaw, doc" Graham really is having none of it
"what can I say? I'm a romantic" THEN MENTION YOUR WIFE OR SOMETHING >:(
I can't believe the gays got to live, well done Chibnall
omg I love Jodie's voice sm
I really liked that ep, wasn't as big and surprising as fotj obviously, but still v good. I'd give it an 8/10
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
Rando Munday ramblings! For new followers, on Munday sometimes I just post a bunch of personal stuff I normally wouldn’t. Not usually anything intimately personal, more like random thoughts and news that just isn’t relevant to the blog in any way, not related to X-Men or RP or writing in general, etc. ....there’s a lot of Hannibal today, sorry, I’m rewatching it.
- I definitely wanna have a pair of critters named Hannibal and Hasdrubal at some point, maybe if there's a third I'd name him Hamilcar. I know everyone will think I named them after Hannibal Lector but actually these are really common names from Ancient Carthage. Like if you look at Carthagian history and records, everyone is Hannibal, Hasdrubal, or Hamilcar, it's like John, James, and Jim. I'd prefer the pair, though, since Hannibal and Hasdrubal were a pair of brothers and famous historical figures, so it would feel much more like a "set" that way (whereas they did not have a brother called Hamilcar) - Speaking of Hannibal Lector, I knew he was based on a real person, but I did not realize that person was a gay Mexican man. That’s...an interesting example of gay history, for sure. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Thomas Harris (the writer of the books that the films and later the TV series were based on) based Hannibal on a surgeon he met while interviewing an inmate at prison for another novel. This surgeon was so intelligent and charismatic that Harris implicitly assumed that he was a doctor in the employ of the prison. Nope---the doctor was an inmate himself. Harris was so shaken by the encounter that it inspired him to create Hannibal Lector, who, in contrast to the typical media portrayals of serial killers as uncontrolled lunatic slashers like Michael Myers or Leatherface, is a charming, culture, charismatic intellectual. To protect the man’s identity, Harris called him “Dr. Salazar” in interviews, so that was always how I knew him. I just now learned not only was his real name Alfredo Balli Trevino, but his victim was Jesus Castillo Rangel, his male lover. Harris describes him as a small, lithe man with dark red hair and, unsurprisingly, “a certain elegance about him”. Though Trevino was given the death penalty for his crimes, his sentence was commuted to 20 years and he was released in either 1980 or 1981. He died in in 2009 when he was 81 years old. He reportedly spent the last years of his life helping the poor and elderly, and he expressed deep regret for his “dark past”---which I suppose makes sense, since his crime was that he killed a lover in a fit of rage during an argument, whereas Hannibal simply killed people in cold blood whom he had no attachment to because he liked eating them (something Trevino never did) and to punish them for rudeness. - I’ve decided to stop buying silk, unless it's from a thrift store and thus my money won't go to supporting sericulture. Ahimsa silk isn't an option either, the bugs aren't technically killed but they're not treated well either. I know it might seem weird to eat meat and wear leather and yet not want to purchase something that hurt moths and larva, but...I have to eat meat for medical reasons, and my leather purchases is limited to boots that I then keep for YEARS AND YEARS so it's very sparing. There's really no such thing as a cruelty-free diet or lifestyle, whether that cruelty is suffered by animals or by other humans, but I can still make choices that at least lesson some small aspect of harm. I need to eat meat, I don't need real silk. ...Haven only wears bamboo silk for this reason and when this came up with Shaw, he absolutely thought she was fucking with him, like even SHE can��t be THIS insane, NO ONE ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT BUGS WTF - The books nearest to me right now are “Women Who Run With The Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype ” by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Romantic Period, “X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy” by Steve Lyons, two  horror anthologies, the script for “M. Butterfly” by David Henry Hwang, “The Spanish Riding School of Vienna: Tour of America 2005″ book I got from when I went to see the Lippizanner horses perform, and a big beautiful leatherbound English translation of “The Flowers of Evil” by Charles Baudelaire. This is...this is a summary of my whole personality, sans rodents. Also god I need to clean my room. - Something I've noticed is that many sci-fi horror films that do the whole "science went too far against nature!!!" thing....don't actually have the problem result from the lack of ethics involved or because the scientists did something "unnatural", it happens because they didn't follow basic safety precautions, lab protocol, common sense, etc. "Splice" for instance, is a really good example---the problem isn't that they made a part-human hybrid, that's not why shit goes wrong, shit goes wrong because the two scientists act like idiots, adopt the creation as a child, hide it in their barn instead of a sterile controlled environment, and then one of them HAS SEX WITH IT. Or in "The Fly" the problem isn't that Brundle invented a teleporter, it's that he tested it ON HIMSELF while he was ALL ALONE. Even in "Jurassic Park" the issue is less that dinosaurs are breeding and more the result of a disgruntled worker who was given way too much power over being able to run things, and thus shut them down when he wants to. So many "science gone wrong!" movies end up not really being condemnations of science itself, so much as depicting scientists as utter dumbasses. Which, on the one hand, I do like, because I dislike the notion of condemning scientific progress just because it seems icky or creepy or "goes against nature" (so do vaccines, I still like those!) But on the other hand, the movies don't FRAME it as "this is the result of failure to practice science safely and sensibly" they frame it as "they should never have attempted such an unnatural thing and this disaster is punishment for a moral sin" even though the issue doesn't happen because what the scientists did was "wrong" it happens because they do something DUMB. - Bringing it back to Hannibal, I reached the episode where Margot Verger first appears, and if I have one big disappointment about the Hannibal series, it's Margot. In the books, she's a huge butch lesbian, literally and figuratively. In the TV series, she's a pretty femme fashionista like all the other women, and she fucks Will in order to get pregnant. At the time this came out in 2013, I tried to be all resigned and fair-minded about this. I was like "ok, well, they didn't want to be offensive with a stereotype, and I guess that's fair, I guess not hurting people matters more to me than getting the horseback-riding bulldyke hearthrob of my high school years on-screen at last" but you know what? No. Firstly, butch lesbians deserve representation too. How many have you ever seen onscreen, let alone in a mainstream media production? Sure, it's a stereotype, but it's not an inherently negative one, they just get treated that way in media because society sees it that way. But the way to handle butch lesbians and femme gay men and so on isn't to erase them from the screen, it's to start writing them as human beings and not caricatures or jokes or monsters. Margot is a fleshed-out human being, she's nuanced and twisted and hurt like everyone else in this series, she would be PERFECT for that. She wouldn't be just a butch lesbian, she'd be a CHARACTER who just also happens to be a butch lesbian. I don't really think she was changed to avoid "hurting" lesbians, I think she was changed because the director, gay man or not, clearly has a way he wants the women in his series to look (they're all fashion plates, all have long hair, all very sophisticated, etc) and book Margot didn't fit his aesthetic, his design if you will. Because god forbid we just make her a DAPPER dyke, right? Back to having sex with Will, which most certainly did NOT happen in the books...that's not bad itself in a VACUUM, fucking men to get a baby is something real-life lesbians do, I had a friend in college who was actually conceived that way, but like...no media exists in a vacuum, and there is very little depiction of lesbians in media that doesn't feature them fucking men for SOME reason or another. They want a baby, or they start the story with a boyfriend, or they're actually bisexual, or they're even raped, but there's always SOME reason we have to watch a guy fucking them and it's frankly distressing. Like, remember Irene Adler in BBC's Sherlock? It's a pattern. And I'm not saying lesbians who have had a sexual past with men, or who were the victims of sexual violence by men, don't deserve representation, I would never say that, those are very common experiences, I'm not saying "gold stars only", I'm saying that there is a strong pattern in media where it seems almost obligatory that a lesbian has to have sex with or be attracted to men at some point, while comparatively the opposite case, where a lesbian is depicted as exclusively and only attracted to and "with" other women, is seldom there. And it's just kind of a kick in the nads for me, as I think it was for a lot of other lesbians, butch or not, that a gay director took an opportunity like Margot Verger and turned her into just another attractive lipstick lesbian that is okay with having sex with the male protagonist as a treat tee hee (Spoiler: She does end up with Alana though, which I appreciate)
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thethirdwheel404 · 4 years
Med Rewatch Series (#1)
Right, monkey brain said no sleep no rest, only suffering at the hands of med.
I am going to start with the first episode of S2: Soul Care. Reasoning? I need to check if Latham references Ava in his first interaction with Connor.
If my memory serves me right, when Connor is passed over to Latham for his fellowship, Latham says that he was not his first choice. In fact, his first choice was a brilliant surgeon from South Africa. In the first episode of S2, a season where Ava Bekker is only introduced with one line at the end of the last episode.
If I remember correctly and Latham does actually say that in the first ep of s2, it will be huge for the continuity (and my theory that I came up with today, if you’re interested in following this you should really read that really long post that came a little before this where the basis of the theory is laid out). 
Also in rewatching this I see more of Sarah which, again, I have not seen in two years, and she was the reason I became invested in the show, and the reason I stopped watching after she left.
And all of this even before I start the episode.
There are so many emotions and thoughts running through my brain it literally hurts. I think i’m getting a headache. I’m already really regretting this, this cannot be healthy for me.
(btw, this will basically be a train of thought type thing, I’ll do my best to keep it coherent)
- omg its starting
- i completely forgot how s1 ended but its not importnat in anyway
- just, why are they in a helicopter
- how fast does the episode move ive forgotten and i need to know
- it is at this point where I apologize to all those who made it this far bc we’re literally not even 30 seconds in yet
- i just have a lot of med thoughts
- oh god save me
- i am laughing hysterically
- god that feels like a lifetime ago it was relevant holyshit
-remember when she was pregnant?
- literally what have I missed
- side note, i really like the cup april drinks out of.
-and she’s a barista
-literally wtf is this show
-and the dramatic music is still going literally chill man god
-THE WAY SARAH SMILES HOLY SHITTTT come on man there was literally no way i’d survive this but fuck not even a minute in...
- okay but i never understood charles’ family scenario but this is already too fucking long for a minute in so i hope we can just skip past that
-hahahah sharon’s fucking divorce? holy shit, this is too dramatic for the first ep literally save me (at least she acts well)
-yeah the one thing I will say about med (thats a lie ive already said a hundred but yk) is that for the crap storylines and all, the actors take what they’re given and give it their all and i appreciate it so much
-the helicopter’s number is N365UCC and just... succ
-ethans bird (!)
-also the fact that’s so big for ethan to be chief resident is so weird to me. like the last medical drama I watched was greys and they are all like grizzled veterans and have been doing that stuff for actual decades and i tend to put med and greys on like the same level bc they are the only medical dramas ive watched but.. holy crap the people on med are so young?? half their main cast is med students and residents. when nearly every main character on greys is a department head. its wild.
-proud of ethan. proud of my boy (did you know that adam jacobs who played aladdin on broadway was in a s3 episode? fun facts) (fun fact: did you know that ava is the only main character on the show who’s status is now deceased? I’ll shut up now.)
-oh my god i say roland buck III’s name and GOD noah jesus
- i find noah incredibly annoying, especially bc he tries to overshadow reese (my fav) but also just bc hes spoiled [that thing that said that one of the biggest mistakes med made was not having sarah get the emergency med residency at the end of s1 comes to mine, and the fact that noah got his residency easy peasy] - but, i will say that the moment at the end of this season where noah and reese dance together at the party is very adorable. (pre reesker brain showing lmao I really did love sarah with my whole heart) (moreover my snapchat memories were filled with just recordings of reese scenes lmaooooo)
-okay at this point I need to stop once i get to the potential ava thing bc what is happening we’re not even two minutes in why is this so long. (so many thoughts)
- i find will annoying but,,, he is kind of nice to look at. and what i mean is like facial acting (i am a lesbian). like. just. don’t speak. and when he’s being a good character he’s fine. it’s very few and very far between ig
-natalie annoys me so much and shes only had one line, and it wasn’t even a character line, it was mainly exposition.
-ITS CONNOR HE’S HERE. god i forgot what he looked like in red scrubs and his poofy hair. child compared to s3 and s4. hopefully we see latham soon so we all don’t have to suffer through this. and he looks so angsty. he definetly glowed up in the later seasons.
- i have no clue how to spell definetly. I am guessing literally everytime.
-latham please come and end this all.
-oh haha there’s downey hes dead.
-okay so i actually watched s1 after i watched s2 which is so weird to think about. like that means that i liked s2 so much that i BOUGHT THE DVD FOR S1. yeah. I liked it that much (it really only means I was that much of a simp for sarah). but it also means that technically i watched s1 after i met ava?? like i honestly had NO CLUE what was in my future. did young me ever think she was going to stay up late at night, avoiding history hw while analyzing a defunct character from this show on a whim? a character i was super annoyed with at the beginning? who has no become a huge part of my personality? honestly? no. no she did not.
-and the story with downey was so jarring. and the story with zanetti. like i think i first started watching with the first ep of s2 (the one im talking about rn) and i was a bit lost. so going back and watch s1 to like connect the dots. but i never expected the dots to look like that. its like each season of this show is a completely different show from all the other seasons. like i’ve said before, this show is a headache. but literally latham please come and end this for now.
-GOD CONNOR LOOKS SO YOUNG WHAT THE HELL thats so weird lmaooooo
- like i had absolutely no clue who downey was going into this. and they they started talking like ‘oh yeah he killed his attending’ and i was just like ‘damn bro ill cheers to that’
- that’s literally ava’s first line actually. “i heard your girlfriend went insane and you murdered your attending.” - which was why she was hated at first. that was literally her first line to connor which is like, so hilariously rude that it was instantly iconic.
- but i’m also sad now. --- “I heard your girlfriend went insane.” Oh. Oh, sweetie. Ava... No. --- but why does s2 ava (all two lines) foreshadow s4 ava in so many ways. like literally what were the writers on.
-ah yes. the return of baghdad. been a long time since i heard that one, but it is easily one of my favorite running things about med. its just a little detail but the nick name is like perfect. (when i read fanfic where the chars are actually doing doctor stuff in the hospital it makes me light up) the WORLD BUILDINGGGGG. but whatever
-this is the girl who has the fake baby right? that was a really good ep (bc sarah content. can you see my favorites? for the same reason the one where the girl has split personalities easily ranks high with me.) oh wait this is the one where the dad like dies but then comes back for a split second to see his grand child. there’s not really a lot I can say about that, but the fact that i remember it vividly is... weird.
-okay but I actually love the ED in this show. I love how the show is centered around the ED and not the OR like greys. its fast paced, you see a lot about the characters really quickly (one of the reason’s connor’s intro to the hospital in the pilot is certified iconic in my mind [his interactions with will are gold]). the team works well together (usually, when things are good. - which is another reason I hated the show more as time went on. The personal lives interfered more and more and more with their work as time went on. it got so annoying). but like right here will just calls maggies name and maggie is just On It. I love it. I love the fast pace. it’s why this show got me to come back. so many things happen, it overloads my brain, like the way a video game works y occupying all of your attention.
-when is the dad gonna pass out i’m just waiting
-AHAHAHAHAHA JEFF NOOOOO. what even was the deal with jeff that storyline annoyed me so much I never got it. he was friends with nat’s husband (who died) and they were both named Jeff? and she actually ended up getting with Jeff a few times?
- the more you watch med and see how the characters get with each other, the more jaded you become
-omg they’re transferring the girl to the bed i love it when they count
-maggie was great but from what i heard/read they ruined her character too??? just not the same
-lmao only real g’s remember the chicago fire backdoor med pilot (if you want an explanation ask me lmao it was a ride)
- i was a real med simp bc I bought that episode on apple video.
-ahahaha this is so stupid. Jeff tries to do things and Will (being a fucking asshole and jealous, doesnt’ let him). he’s a med student let him fucking learn. also i remember why i hated will
-okay but if you look at greys vs. med, greys literally gives their med students no rights. scratch that. they give they’re interns little to no rights. (i only watched the last three seasons bc lesbian, but in those seasons they introduce the bottom of the totem pole, the sub I’s, who are a step ahead of med students, yet they are jokes on the show.) its just a weird juxtaposition is all.
-”lungs are wet.” dramatic music intensifies.
-OKAY BUT I LITERALLY FORGOT NATALIE SPECIALIZED IN PEDS. LIKE I COMPLETELY 100% FORGOT. HOLY SHIT THATS SO FUNNY i can’t believe in my mass hyperfixation i forgot, just more proof that she doesn’t deserve anything.
-why did will make nat do that call? also idk why but is it weird to anyone else when the characters call each other but just.. their names.
-ahahahah i laugh literally everytime i remember that will is supposed to be in charge like he is threatened by anything that MOVES. (also more juxtapositon to greys bc here the attendings are treated as a joke!)
- hly shit i just remember monday mourning and god damn the angst literally never takes a day off but whatever.
- i dont usually get like this but the dad’s acting here is actually making me sad lol. Usually i get annoyed when family members get emotional (im weird uhhhh)
-why did we have to watch the tube being put in for so long - med is so dramatic this fucking show whyyyy
- i bet u the dad is gonna pass out
-oh ig not oops
-wait latham introduction we may just be able to call it here.
-haha i fucking hate him (connor). he just... comes off so fake-charming its annoying. i cant get over it lmao
-okay but literally every gives connor shit and I am here for it. Latham: “did you kill him?”
- it is literally so funny but annoy how connor throws hands with literally everyone in his path (like dude just chill come onnn)
-okay. okay. okay. finally the part i was waiting for.
- Latham: I preferred a young woman from Groote Schuur, but I was outvoted.
That’s an actual quote, from Latham. For those who are wondering, Groote Schuur is a famous hospital in, you guessed it, South Africa. This is where I’m calling the episode. This is all I needed.
I just want to restate. This is the first episode of season 2. Ava Bekker is introduced to the show in the last episode of season 2. What does this mean, my friends? It means everything.
For those of you who stuck through to the end, I am very thankful. Here we have probably the first piece of evidence to my theory, at least chronologically.
I, personally, think it’s absurd I remembered this point, but I did. That point, that line, presently, watching this episode with no idea of what the future holds, is only there to tell us that Latham and Connor are not going to agree. But this is the single greatest piece of foreshadowing med has ever done.
Med has never planned anything. I feel confident when I say that. Look at their storylines. They are literally on fire, and every decision the characters make reads like the writers going ‘we have no idea how we made it this far, we thought we would get stopped like ten steps ago.’
When has med ever planned things more than a few episodes in advanced, honestly? Almost never, and going a full season sitting on a plot point, that’s major. This was the first time med has ever planned something miles in advance.
In all honestly, yes I am probably giving the med writers a lot more credit than they deserve. It’s quite possible that as the season progressed they just decided connor needed a new love interest or at least a new dynamic, so they could have just easily looked back and thought ‘oh, hey, here’s a fun little thing we said earlier in the season, wouldn’t it be fun if it paid off?’ That could be true.
Here’s why it probably isn’t. The med writers have no respect for their own continuity. you really think that, in order to come up with a whole new character, they went back to the first episode of the season and paid off a line that is said in less than 2 seconds? no way. Bull. Shit.
honestly, it is probably equally unlikely that either of these things happened. The med writers don’t look back at their story. It’s true, but they also don’t plan things in advance either.
here’s the thing, the more i write, the more absurd it starts to sound. Yeah. Sure. the med writers sat on a character for an entire season, that’s totally a thing that happened and not sarcasm. When pigs fly. everyone knows med is impulsive and messy. But what I am saying is that they planned one thing. One thing.
Ava has an accent. That was a commitment. A pretty uncommon one too. South Africa is such an out of the box choice that god its barely on the map. It asks a lot of someone to act hard while also doing an uncommon accent. If the med writers just decided they needed to give connor a new dynamic, they could have made it a n y o n e. Yeah, sure it would have been nice to have the latham dynamic with the new character, but it would have been so much easier to just create a new character that doesn’t have such a commitment. We all know people who play opposite of Connor Rhodes do not stay around that long.
There is absolutely no reason Connor’s s3 love interest had to be the girl from South Africa. It could have literally been anyone. They could have kept Robin on. They could have made the new character not have so many specific requirements.
At this point, I’m pushing this really hard. Yeah, obviously Ava was planned from the beginning of s2. She had to be. It’s way too specific to be anything else.
What I’m pointing out here is med has never done that before. (at least to my knowledge, if i’m wrong please tell me i don’t want to be a fool) They have never had such a concrete plan for a character, so much as to tease them a full season before they were introduced.
I’m saying, that Ava was special. She was the only character who was teased ahead of her arrival. The one who they knew they wanted, other than the originals, and honestly saying the ‘knew what they wanted to do with the originals’ is being generous. But Ava was different. They had big plans for Ava.
It’s undeniable. Ava was the only character who was planned and teased ahead of her arrival. Ava has such a different style and character than anyone else on the show. She was always planned to be, even when she was just being teased, a rival to connor, meaning she could stand her own against him (or without him).
Now of course, the med writers forgot this when writing s4 and s5. But for the purposes of the important things, all that really matters are the two mentions in s2, and what happens in s3. (for the theory at least).
In conclusion: think about how odd it is that Ava was the only character that was planned over the course of the show. Like sure the characters are planned, but never this far in advance. Med writers don’t really plan anything. I would be shocked if they did anything but through a dart at a spinning wheel. But they had plans for Ava, and they had plans for s3, when she was good.
Think about how odd it is that the med writers had a character planned from the start of s2, that they sat on for a whole season. They never, ever did something so slow and deliberate. Never. It goes against their formula. Like a fucking shark, they have to be moving or they die, at least in their heads. But Ava was always a change to the formula. They had a plan for s3.
that’s it for now. we will see what happens when i watch the last episode of s2.
read the next parts:
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Extra
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Alright let’s go through my thoughts on Doctor Sleep and what I will and won’t be including in my portrayal of Dan Part 1. (there will be spoilers for The Shining and Doctor Sleep so if you want to avoid spoilers just don’t read this)
Thoughts on the movie
-First and foremost, I’m going to save my thoughts on Dan and Dan-related things for part 2, where I’ll talk about how this affects my writing of him. Don’t think I’m ignoring him.
-When I saw Rose in the trailers and thought she’d be hot and powerful I WAS NOT PREPARED for her in the movie. Rebecca Ferguson is fabulous and give so much energy and charisma in her scenes and is drop-dead gorgeous while doing it
-Kyliegh Curran is a great Abra and can hold her own against the adult actors despite being so young, and her scenes with Rose are great because both actresses are bringing it and working off of each other and having a whole lot of fun doing it
-when I saw it with a friend there were nine of us total in the theater. That’s mostly because we saw it on a Tuesday afternoon, and it was actually nice because we reacted to things a lot more openly. That being said, DO NOT LET THIS FLOP GUYS GO SEE IT PLEASE
-Emily Alyn Lind is great, and if you’re worried about the sex scene between Rose and Andi happening, it isn’t. Andi’s fifteen in this, and the closest they get to anything in that vein is Andi telling Rose she’s the most beautiful woman she’s seen, and when Rose gives her steam their faces are close to each other. To be fair, whenever someone takes steam they act the same way, so it’s not some weird thing that only happens with Andi. But she was great bc she was so creepy and composed and ready to throw hands with anyone and everyone.
-Zahn McClarnon as Crow Daddy. Hot. Damn. I wasn’t expecting him to be as awesome as he was. He was calm, collected, intimidating, and his scenes with Rose were great because you can just tell how much they care about each other. It should be noted that he’s actually Native American (more specifically, Hunkpapa Latoka on his mother’s side; his dad’s Irish) and acts in Westworld (he plays Akecheta). Another thing that should be noted is that two years ago he had a brain injury that took him out of acting for a while, but he’s recovered! All in all, he’s a pretty cool guy who is a great Crow
-I do wish they actually showed Rose and Crow’s relationship because really all they did was she kisses his neck once and they spend time together a lot and he calls her “Rosie”. They do keep her screaming “You killed my crow”, but I do wish we saw them doing a little bit more couple stuff. Mainly because I thought they were cute in the book.
-Unfortunately, Rose being bi wasn’t in the movie, but her vibes were definitely not straight ones
-The score was very close to the Shining score, but I’m not mad about it because I love the Shining score, and they used the music effectively
-There is body horror in the film. The murder of Bradley Trevor is shown, and there’s blood and him screaming and crying. It’s mostly her stabbing his leg then cutting to him screaming, and then the end where he asks her to kill him and she does, and he’s covered in blood and bleeding from the mouth. In the scene where Rose enters Abra’s head, Rose’s hand gets stuck in a file cabinet and she pulls it out slowly and you see the skin coming off of her hand. It’s about thirty seconds, but you see it and it’s gross. After that scene is over, her hand is still cut up and is very messed up for a lot of the rest of the film. The last  scene with any kind of body horror is during the climax, where Dan attempts to kill her with an axe and she digs the small end in his leg before digging her hingers into it. Some blood spurts out, but it only happens two or three times in quick succession, so it’s small. 
-David is stabbed in the chest offscreen, and all you see is his body with a knife sticking out of him, but there’s a lot of blood surrounding him. If you don’t like seeing dead bodies you won’t like that.
-When people get shot blood does shoot out of them, but it’s minimal and rarely forms a large splatter or anything.
-Billy commits suicide by shooting himself under the jaw. All that’s shown is him putting it under his chin, then it cuts to Dan trying to get to him before hearing the bang and seeing some blood. But there’s very little left to the imagination and it’s pretty disturbing.
-The way they showed cycling out was well done
-There’s a lot of practical effects and not that much CGI. In general the CGI was good. I mean, sometimes it looks a bit goofy (but try showing me a movie where a special effect doesn’t look goofy) but it’s really in scenes that are surreal and supernatural so it works a bit more.
-Really the only actor that they recast from The Shining that was truly off-putting was Jack, but that was mostly because Jack Nicholson has such a unique face and it’s hard to make someone look like him, let alone make someone look like him without having a weird uncanny valley thing.
-The characters that are recast don’t have a lot of screen time in the movie, and the one character that shows up a lot is Dick. Who is, fun fact, played by Carl Lumbly, who played John Parker in Buckaroo Bonzai. If you don’t think you’ll like the recast actors, they have the most screen time in the beginning and at the climax, but it’s heaviest in the beginning because it’s with child Danny.
-The kid they got to play little Danny is so adorable I love him
-Fun fact! Danny Lloyd aka the actor for Danny in the Shining movie, had a cameo! In the baseball game he’s the person who says “Watch out for number nineteen”
-The only thing that I didn’t like was that Billy and David died. I understand why they did it and like what they were going for, but I still didn’t like it.
-Billy is a true ride-or-die and he’s a great character and I’m hopping on the “Billy and Dan are dating” train because I CAN AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME
-David being a good dad and having a good relationship with his daughter and him not trusting Dan being totally okay and never used against him gives me life
-I was disappointed that when ghost Deenie came it wasn’t to warn Dan but to let him know they recently died, but hot damn that scene was freaky.
-Tbh Dan’s guilt about Deenie and Tommy was underused and could’ve been a bit more.
-I can’t stress enough how many times I bit my tongue to stop any Bi Panic(TM) noises from escaping because every scene Rose and Crow are in I was DEHYDRATED
-When we saw the first Overlook flashback, everyone in the theater was making various kinds of approving noises, e.g. a couple of people went “ooh” when we see Danny riding on the carpet, and my friend and I gasped when Danny’s tricycle went from carpet to wood floor because it was the exact same sound it made in the Shining
-When Dan and Abra were driving to the Overlook and the camera panned over to the hotel, everyone in the audience literally sat straight up and stayed that way for the rest of the climax. Except my friend and I, but that was because we both leaned forward, but we still stayed that way the entire time.
-I liked how the final. showdown with Rose went. I liked it a lot better than the book, actually (fight me). It was emotional and great and I feel it gave the characters a good conclusion to their arcs.
-There are like five of the True versus the forty in the book, and it’s a lot nicer.
-Abra says “Barry the Chunk” but he’s just called Barry and the implication is that he’s a large broad-shouldered man instead of what it was in the book
-Azzie is a good cat and deserves the world, although I thought I heard them say “She” which is a weird change. Provided that it’s real and wasn’t me mishearing them.
-Ewan McGregor sings at one point.
-Danny is a precious baby angel child and I love him
-John Dalton is more of a bit part than in the book, which works a lot better for this film.
-I wish we got more of the weird things Abra did as a child instead of just the spoons
-When Rose sees the elevator of blood she’s weirded out but then gets this look on her face like “I can dig it” and it’s honestly pretty funny
-I know that there’s no way this would’ve happened in the film because it’s honestly unnecessary and would’ve ruined the tension of the climax and couldn’t have happened due to character locations, but I really wanted Rose to walk around the hallways and see the bear guy and just go “wtf”. It would’ve been hilarious. I know that can’t happen, but it’s just a funny image.
-They didn’t have the tampon line and I’m a bit disappointed but also that’s fair
-They didn’t have the plot twist where Dan actually is Abra’s uncle, which was a good decision from a movie standpoint.
All in all, it was a good movie that I’m looking forward to seeing again, and I’ll go more in-depth about Dan and what I thought about him in part 2.
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