#i think im gonna make like. two or three bc i found some really affordable 3D printed faceplates on etsy
newsie-collective · 1 year
Elmer <3
Quickfire Favorites:
Food: “Pierogis”
Color: “I like a lotta col’as. Think green might be my fav’rit if I hadta pick one.”
Season: “Wint’a. ‘Cos Medda would take us in from sellin’ and would pay us to help with buildin’ and paintin’ to keep us out the cold.”
Weather: “Snow. Snow’s always real pretty.”
Hobby: “Playin’ dice with the fellas. Hustlin’ ‘em.”
Animal: “Dragons. An’ yeah, I know they ain’t really real, but they’d be real neat if they was.”
Memory: “Meetin’ the Manhattan fellas for the first time. Thought Racer was gonna faint when I told ‘im I’s from Brooklyn.”
Comfort Item: “My dice. I know they ain’ much, but it feels nice to always have ‘em close, y’know?”
Totally gives off They/He vibes
The youngest of nine. His parents had immigrated to the US when he was just a baby. He grew up knowing both Polish and English. His eldest sibling, Margo, had just turned 19 when their parents passed, and he had turned 13 not long after. There were still seven of the kids in school, but they couldn’t afford all the supplies they needed, so the eldest three finished out their last few years so they could get better jobs, and hopefully put the others through the rest of school.
Well, as first gen immigrants, they faced a whole lot of discrimination and couldn’t get very good jobs. They took what they could get, but it was barely enough to survive, much less go to school or thrive on.
So, the younger ones started looking for work. Richard and Florence found work in a factory, and Ethel became an assistant to the seamstress downstairs.
Elmer, as we all know, became a newsie. He worked his ass off to try and make sure his family would have enough to live.
Well, just trying wasn’t good enough in Brooklyn. Everyone knew that he was an immigrant, and nobody wanted to get anything from someone from another country. He couldn’t understand why everyone hated him so much.
His family lived just across the bridge, so Elmer started crossing it to sell, and got close with the newsies there. When he realized it’d be far easier to stay in the Lodge™, he did. He visited his family all the time, as often as he could, but he mostly stayed in Manhattan so he could earn more.
The birth order of Elmer and his siblings, their ages when their parents passed away (they lost count afterward), and Elmer’s nicknames for them (bc he couldn’t pronounce their full names when he was younger, and by the time he could, the nicknames had stuck):
Margaret (Margo) 19 Elizabeth (Beth) 18 James (Jam) 16 Charles (Char) 16 Mary (E) 16 Richard (Rick) 14 Florence (Flo) 14 Ethel (Ef) 13 Elmer 12
No one heard from him for a scary long time after the strike fight. Rumors flew around that he’d been arrested… or worse. Those few nights were some of the worst for Albert, thinking someone he’d grown so close to had been taken from him. Again.
Elmer showed back up, three days after he’d disappeared, being led by one of the Sisters with a rosary around his neck and a Bible in his hands.
He’d gone to see his family, to just make sure they were okay, and couldn’t bring himself to return to the Lodge right away. The Sisters let him stay at the church for a night or two, and returned him soon after.
Elmer is smart. Smarter than some of his elder siblings. He was always trying to learn new things, and his parents and siblings never hesitated to teach him anything. He’s good at math-really good, can do addition in his head well into triple digits (though the bigger numbers take a little longer)- and he can read and write. He’s smart enough to have run a dice game for the newsies, for his own small profit.
With the exception of Davey and Les, Elmer was the newest newsie. He’d been selling only a few months when they showed up. He doesn’t like lying to people (or “improving the truth” as Jack calls it), so he depends heavily on good headlines to sell.
Elmer's very good at getting gifts for people. He knows most everyone's favorite things, and can usually get something they'll love.
Mom friend. He carries so much stuff in his bag that he doesn't have any room left for, idk, PAPES
Things in his bag at this current moment: Beef jerky Water Dice Cards His selling money Several rumpled handkerchiefs (never know when you'll need them) A few pierogis wrapped in a washcloth to keep them safe that he will fight for if someone tries to take them (albert) Bandages Alcohol Needle and floss, just in case
Elmer has definitely totally not ever snuck animals into The Lodge ever.
Especially not two dogs, six cats, three turtles, eight pigeons, five rats, and somehow a bat
He's just a little skrunkly guy, and he absolutely deserves everything because he's soft boy supreme
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
im off work now so im gonna work on the design for my upcoming oddbody furby >:)
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rogertaylcr · 5 years
its alright if its long! i asked bc i was curious, id love a long answer
OKAY HERE IS THE SUPER LONG ANSWER, it’s self indulgent and, dare I say, Boring as shit -- but it’s the full answer to how/when/why I started drumming -- it is also 1.5k words long so it’s under a read more
so I started like drumming in a serious way i would say like a year and a halfish ago which isn’t a super long time I know but theres a tediously long story behind it which you asked for so don’t blame me for how long this is cause dude i know it’s long
The why of it is actually pretty short though. So my house is a music house, my mom plays a bunch of instruments and sings and my dad listens to a bunch of music so theres a lot of musical passion (even when theres no talent necessarily). As a kid, like 3-4 like EARLY memory, I remember listening to bohemian rhapsody and hearing the drums specifically, which idk if this is universal but for a lot of songs for awhile i just didn’t hear the drums as like part of the song really, and with bohemian rhapsody they were just so clear, like i could hear the heartbeat of the song. (this was the first song I felt that with but definitely not the only one, baba oreilly was another one that i made me realise the life of the song comes from the drums) When I was .... like 6-7, a beatles doc came on MTV and I saw Ringo drumming during the early beatles years and he was standing and stomping the hi hat and bass and there was just so much movement and power behind it and so much more fun in my opinion than the other instruments and i was like “i wanna be the one giving songs their heartbeats”. The more i got into a bunch of other, new and old, bands the more i was like This Has To Be Me. I had always been a fidegty person who was drumming to shit anyway but like the idea that that could translate into like something palatable and musical and entertaining and LOUD was News™ to me and I wanted to do that, but at the time I only knew a bit of piano and like a single chord on guitar and, like a lot of people’s parents, my parents saw creative fields as really unstable/unrealistic so I was like “well obvious it would be nice to be a loud drummer but I’m going to be a business person” (this is how cynical i was as a child).
the WHEN of it is a longer story, like it isn’t actually cause the actual answer is that i’ve been seriously drumming for about 1.5 years but theres like more to it imo
When i was in the third grade, instruments were compulsory at school so we all had to choose and buy one to learn on as well as basic piano lessons. I wanted to play the drums as “my instrument” at that time BUT my school didn’t have the budget or the space really to accommodate that (i would've had to buy my own kit and haul it to and from the school which didn’t make sense for me to do for someone who hadn’t ever touched drums) AND they didn’t have a teacher that could really teach drums, our percussion section was just a xylophone and some cymbals it was a school of like 2000 kids so :/
So I learned clarinet and then when i was 10, in the fifth grade, my older sister’s friend stopped playing saxophone and got permission to bring her drums in. We only had an orchestra so our teacher had to write her music for/with her which was cool but anyway. She left her drums at school and i knew her and so while i was supposed to be in the practice room playing clarinet i was trying semi-fruitlessly to drum. I knew i wanted to drum by any means necessary but like I was 10 and since i had no guidance (and no proper sticks i was using xylophone mallets) I didn’t think I was “good” at it and when we moved away I took that as a sign that it wasn’t meant to be.
When we got to america I joined school bands (as in orchestra/concert band) as a clarinet player once again, I still wanted to be drumming and i was in a public school by then so i had access to like “school drums” but I was so far behind the not-self-taught drummers in the actual band that I just like decided I had to focus on what I was already good at which was my art and dove into the upper level art program which like GOOD cause that made life worth living but it also meant the only time I could drum was when I was at this one friends house or had access to the band hall and like I just couldn’t keep the improvements i’d made, like i’d perfect a song and then have zero access for a couple weeks (except to like stand alone snares but :/ ) and i’d have to start over essentially and it was SUPER discouraging and it made me feel like I wasn’t making any progress
In the meantime I was trying to get my musical fix by learning guitar/piano and piano came back to me pretty quickly (its gone again now) but guitar like.....you can’t hit it lmao, piano i could slam the keys how i wanted to and get that really great loud resonating sound and i could stand to play and get more movement out of it but guitar is tedious in a way that other instruments aren’t imo, like the sound is loud but the movement is very precise and i never had the patience for that
when I got to college I really had to focus on my art especially the first two years, I literally lived in the studio (im not exaggerating, the students in my major and I had a janitorial bathroom set aside for showering) so pretty much all of my hobbies got tossed aside those two years it was grueling, fun but also hell
Junior year came and i had like 30% of my time back and i was like considering switching majors. I knew i didn’t want to do animation but also you can’t just switch into music at a university, you have to be pretty accomplished already and percussion at my school is HUGE like i would’ve had to be roger himself to have a chance of switching in. On top of that the degree isn’t super useful so I now have my Bachelors of Science. But by junior year i KNEW i didn’t wanna do that, I knew i wanted/i want to drum so I.... licherally................went to the library and printed like 50 pieces of paper each with three flyers on them and cut them up and put them up ALL over campus essentially begging for access to a drum kit. I could only afford like a couple hours on this one guys kit every few weeks for one semester (and then the following semester i did a semester away, they had drums at the school there but i only got access like a total of 5 times) so when i came back to america I did the exact same thing, I put up flyers in the music building and eventually i found a girl who let me use her drums for free all year, she gave me access like last august? I think? and just now has packed them away in the last month or so, and i would literally go into this tiny stuffy unairconditioned room (that had an automatic light timer so i’d be in the dark halfway through a song ahsdkhajkda and a couple times the heat got to me and i had to go outside and sit in my car w/ the AC before coming back in ahdjkahdjkasdjka) and drum for about 6-8 hours MWF and maybe like 3-4 hours T/TR which i know isn’t as much as some people but like I had school work still so I couldn’t do too much more. (it worked out great cuase i only took 7 hours my last two semesters so it was like something i could do while all my friends were in class and they weren’t open on weekends so my social life didn’t get fucked up) and like i know i haven’t been drumming drumming that long comparatively to like normal people who start at age -2 and are born with a snare in their laps but you spend that much time each week doing something and you’ll get good you just like… have to and I like where I’m at right now, I think I’ll always have super severe imposter syndrome abt my skill level b/c of how long it took me to get here and being an overcritical perfectionist doesnt help but yeah
i really dont think its a coincidence that my coming out (to myself) coincided with when I said “fuck it im gonna play drums come hell or high water” but SUPER LONG AND OVERLY DETAILED story short, I heard roger drum and said “if i dont do that ill die” and then when i finally had the resources i drummed myself into multiple heat strokes and i recently saw roger live so the universe rewarded me for all that shit
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edelwary · 6 years
when you were first getting into art, what and how did you draw? (like did you just doodle ur masterpieces on pieces of paper and posted-notes or did you have a proper sketchbook) how did you find motivation? bc ive been trying to draw but I always get unmotivated and stop while still wanting to get better just by doing nothing.
TL;DR ; skip to the HOW TO ACTUALLY FUCKING DRAW part bc i have a megaton of shit to say lol + The MOTIVATION part 
mmh… I’ll get into details with this one tbh bc it’s a long ass process ahah : 
I live by the sea ; when i was youung i used to draw TONS of boat, but like, dollhouse boats, you could see the insides and stuff ; i loved to add tiny details and stuff, and imbricate everything together !
around 8 or 9 yo, i went to the public library with school and discovered the wonderful world of mangas ! I basically… Copy pasted an entire Mermaid Melody tome x) 
For about 2 years i alternated between reading mangas and trying to copy them ! Then i just kept drawing in the margins of my schoolwork for about… 5 years ! I have a Fuck Ton of sketchbooks of that time, it was… The start. Lol. Never say it’s bad because it’s never bad, just not there yet !!
Around my 13 yo, i went every saturday, for two years, under a bookstore ; there was a cave, and drawing classes ; that teacher was mean and harsh and stuff, but like… Not really. He would take away my eraser for the class, force me to use pencil, to draw something else (bulky boys instead of magical girls). 
I’ve learned a lot, more in terms of How To LEARN to draw than to draw itself, but i still progressed a LOT !! 
Then i kept drawing by myself for a year and i really worked hard on it ; about hours a day, trying watercolors and stuff ; i have a real problem with colors in traditionnal art, but i’m much better with lines (i should scan some RAD stuff i made in the weekend, yall ive never done anything this good i stg i dont know why i always forget im so much better on paper) 
This gets us to my sweet 16 ; i have to year of advance, bc i got ‘’’promoted’’’ idk how to say it ; anyways, i entered my (current) animation school for the first year at 16; vERY IMPRESSIVE AND TERRIFYING. 
And i learned. A fuckmegaton. Of shit there. 
Now i’m going for my third year there and i can make photorealistic marmora blades and cyberkpunk decors if i want to and that’s rad, but here is
I have one HYPER important advice, and i’m keeping it to heart since i’m like, 11 : Have. Sketchbooks. Please !!! It’s very important. Here’s why : 
You keep everything with you in one place. You have 1 sketchbook, it’s basically easy to take every where (a A5, or A4 are pretty easy to carry, i have like, 12 of those, and around 8 of A3) 
You keep track of what you’ve done. It’s super important, bc first you can cry of laughter at your old stuff bc its cute but not so good, and second, you can just be like ‘holy mama’ and see how much you’ve improved
It’s very important to be organized. I WORK in art, and trust me, if there’s something that i’ve learned this year through tears and missing files and bugs : Be. Impeccable. Now if it’s for fun, go a little loose, and just have a folder for art on your computer, and a sketchbook, no need to stress, but the better you try to keep a record of where is what, the better you’ll see whats wrong
Notebooks are friends !! You can draw, write, glue stuff, make notes, lists, everything !!! I have my life in those. It’s more important to me than any of my phones. 
Be proud of it. Like, not everything, duh ! But try to tell yourself than it’s like a RPG ; even if it’s only 2 xp here and there, one day you’ll beat level 40, and that’s super important : art is. Fuckin. Long.
I cant stress it enough. It’s soooo long !!! SO LONG !! it’s years. It’s like karate and fishing and ANYTHING. To be good at it, it takes time, but it WILL COME if you keep trying. There’s no secret passage. 
You’re gonna me it, believe in me who believes in you. 
Use. References. 
Coming from a little shit who’s got a really good visual memory, that can sound like bs, but i stg everything is always AT LEAST twice as good if you’ve used a visual support. 
I’m not saying COPY EVRYTHING (even though thats a good training) I’m saying, if you really want to do that asian tiger, please have at least two or three pictures of it nearby. Take photos of your hands, and stuff ! 
Make it harder. 
No eraser. 
I draw all my backgrounds on my sketchbook with INDIAN INK; no returns, no refunds. 
Ink, Ink, INK !! Don’t allow mistakes.
And if you make mistakes :
New page, restart
It’s okay
It’s for you
I once started back again a whole EXAM bc it was bad, i got one of my best grades 
You’ll improve and be more assured if you know you just have to DO IT. Trust me. It’s VISIBLE; if you can erase, you fidget and hesitate and ‘’kbeujebez hahhaaa idkkidsd’’ ; stop ; do it, and if you don’t like it ? Try again, there’s no time limit
Draw as large as you can 
There’s no interesting story here, it just helps. Bigger movement of the hand, more place for details, breathing lines
Thin lineart helps
Thinner. Make it even thinner
Break the rules, but not the ones that structure your art 
Big lineart ? Why not
Unfinished lines, vaporeous colors ? Pretty
Cubism is actually based on extensive and intense practice of classical art, it’s not wibbly wooblly ; the anatomy is more correct than you think 
Structure and composition are important, but so is movement and life ; choose your fighter ; mine is fluidity and fun, i’m like, a rogue/archer in drawing. Some people are dwarf fighter. That’s amazing and great. 
Don’t be afraid to do nothing
Pages and pages of my sketchbooks are actually just lance facing right and smiling, you know… 
Sometimes it just doesnt work : two ways :
Take a break, Kiki’s delivery service style
Keep trying, break your art until it obeys and comes back
Take breaks. Breath. 
Don’t compare. I do it, it doesn’t help at all. You’ll make it ; and if you compare, keep in mind that everyone’s different
I’m not gonna lie, it’s NOT easy, it’s even hard 
But I really, really think it’s worth it 
My main bitch 
I’m always pumped for art because i can LITTERALLY NOT do anything else ; i love reading and writing and stuff but at the end of the day i just want !!! to draw !!!! aaaaaa-
Fall in love with it, and with the possibilities ; i have stories to tell, tell me yours ! Do your best, one day it WILL work
Actual advices : 
I have an inspiration blog where i just reblogs stuff i like to draw them later
Find a picture, copy it. Do it again. Change the characters (i have 2 ocs and Lance and Keith as default characters) in the pic. 
Like an artstyle ? Break it to its very core, analyse it, copy it, redo it, trace it and ABSORB it. Don’t copy/past, LEARN from your heroes.
Do what you like. I have 86578 pieces of voltron, this is not a coincidence. I have ENDLESS ideas for this show, wtf. 
Try new things. Buy indian ink im begging you. It’s so cool. 
Have a game with yourself, or a challenge. STICK TO IT. 
Study. When you’re bored, usually it’s because you’re stagnating. Make it harder or do hands until you cry. 
Love your backgrounds; make backgrounds, study trees, and tokyo streets, and venice’s bridges. Decor is just as cool as characters, if not more
Mess a little with everything. My roomate more than one found me stained from head to toes trying to DO STUFF 
Draw outfits. Draw what you want but can’t afford 
MAKE YOUR LIFE A COMIC. Remember those sketchbooks ? Make a comic a week/month/every full moon, whatever, and draw your life (mine’s the roomates au lol) 
Prompts blogs are cool too 
Make fanart of a fic you liked ; you have the characters and the pose already, you just have to illustrate ; double bonus, you probably will make a writer’s day, if not year !
That little movie that plays when you listen to your favorite song ? DRAW IT
Your favorite scene in your favorite movie ? Redraw each shot. On post it. Plus it looks awesome afterwards to have the infamous TREX scene of Jurassic Parks in post it
Get bored. That’s inevitable. Dance, scream, get back to it. Walk, draw everything you see. 
Make a paper google map street view : Take a walk : every 50 meters, draw what is in front of you. 
Snapchats your friends. Draw their snapchats when they answer 
Draw maps. Invent places. Invent bikes, and hovercrafts, and monsters. Make your everyday inventory. Make your life a video game, and do the concept arts of it. 
FETCH your inspiration. I have approx. 20 artbooks, full of drawings and concept arts of my fave movies/games ; take what you like and add it to the story you have since you’re 8. We all have one. 
Ask for it ; your sis, your mom, me even ! If you dont have ideas, someone will have them. 
WELL i’m gonna stop there, even though i got like, 9864567 more to say, but with this you should be fine ! Anon, i’m rooting for you ! we all start somewhere, just hold on!!!! 
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undinefin · 6 years
@red-dyed-sarumane SENPAI!!!!!!!!!!!! happy borth ur and old boy now and i did a cursed thing instead of writing something nice bc this was something that was brought up once and now its a must.
i hope u have a great day. buy the mic bitch. 
Adopting Risru
im so sorry for everything here it gets really uncomfortable at certain points but never crosses anything i promise i just had to work with a lot of tropes that most often deal with love so. yknow. i promise i love you senpai and im supporting you 100% !!!!!! this wasnt an excuse to write sickly things!!!!!! i look forward to more utaite conversations~. 
im not gonna read it over
Genre: cursed Word Count: 3877
The girl was sitting in her room, playing with her necklace solemnly. She sighed and began humming the melody to one of her favourite songs.
“Miwaku 1, 2, 3, kimi o tanjun ni, ubai satteshimau joudou, risei to no kyouhou,” she sang absentmindedly. Akire didn’t think of her voice as super amazing, but she’d been working hard on her range.
“Akire! Come downstairs I have a present for you!”
For a moment, Akire was confused. But then she remembered– it was her birthday!
As she made her way downstairs, Akire wondered what the present could possibly be. Maybe her mother would give her more money to buy albums but...thinking of the twenty something in her room it seemed unlikely. She could always hope though.
Akire heard a small noise. She looked down for a moment.
“Nani the fuck!!!!????”
Lying on the stair was her turtle Sui, on their back. Their toes were wiggling, trying to flip right side up.
Akire shook her head, “Sui, you’re such a dumbass.” The turtle looked at her. “Don’t you dare fucking piss.”
(this scene doesn't work anymore but FUCK man im still keeping it in)
Akire quickly returned the turtle to its tank and then finally made her way downstairs. But Akire was a clumsy baka so she tripped down the last three stairs.
“Itai yo!!!!!!” she shouted, like the damn weeb she was. She landed on her stomach, arms out. She lied there for a moment, tired.
Akire’s mother walked up. “Let’s go! We’re going to the pet store for your birthday!”
Akire shot up immediately. Would she finally be able to buy Water Vapor!?
“No more turtles though,” her mother said.
Akire pouted but understood. Her turtles were dumb. Cleaning their tank was work. Maybe she could get a cute little cat...
The idea of a cat got Super Nuko Ni Naritai stuck in her head. She began reciting the odd part at the beginning, making her mother shake her head in disappointment, but not surprise.
Upon finally reaching the pet store, Akire dashed inside. The cute dogs at the front of the store caught her eye immediately. She stayed at the windows where a bulldog, a golden retriever, and an Australian shepherd were playing. She was cooing and melting over their excitement.
A cat to her right caught her eye. Akire quickly moved onto the cats, watching the lazy balls of fur sitting, watching, waiting. They were so kawaii!!!!!!!!! She began singing Super Nuko Ni Naritai again, thanking the gods (Mafumafu) that it was in Japanese so no one could hear her inner furry.
“Hello! Have you heard of our new pet for sale?” a store clerk said, coming up to her.
Before Akire could even respond, the woman dragged her to the back of the store. In a cage was a small fox, a kitsune more accurately. The creature had odd navy fur, bordering on a dark violet. The orbs were an enchanting blue, curious, and unmoving.
“He’s only $42,069! So cheap for such a rare specimen!” the clerk said. She seemed desperate.
“Uhm-” Akire didn’t have that sort of money.
“Come on!!!!! He’s very cute.” As if to demonstrate this point, the clerk waved a treat in front of the glass. The kitsune perked up, but instead of doing a trick, he growled and scratched at the glass. When the treat didn’t magically osmosis through the glass, he backed up and crashed into the barrier, only to fall back into his cage.
“Cute...sure...” Akire said with suspicion.
“He’s just uhm...he takes some getting used to!” the clerk declared, seemingly more desperate.
Somehow, someway the gods above (Yukimi) must have carried Akire towards the cage, because before she knew it, she was standing in front of the creature.
Akire held out her hand, expecting the kitsune to start growling again. But instead the little fox sat and watched her. When Akire moved her hand to the side, it followed the movement.
“I think he likes you!” the clerk said rather forcefully. “You should buy him!”
Akire shook her head, “Oh I really don’t have that sort of money...I spend it on uhm, various musical interests.” Akire thought of her many albums.
Her mother walked up to the two. “Oh! What a cute little fox. Do you want him?” she asked her daughter.
“It’s expensive though...”
“How much?”
“$42,069,” Akire replied.
“Oh that’s perfectly fine!” her mother beamed. “It’s your birthday, we can afford it!!!!”
Akire watched as the poor kitsune was wrangled out of its cage. The creature didn’t seem to like the store clerks too much. Akire felt bad for him. He was kawaisou.
After the transaction at the counter, the store clerk turned to Akire. The creature was now in a small cage, with a leash (did....did leashes even work on foxes? Were you supposed to walk it???) and a blanket.
“What would you like to name him?”
Akire couldn’t explain why she thought of this name. Maybe it held some relevance to her in some other universe, perhaps it was the name of another utaite that she so loved.
“Risru,” she replied. The kitsune – now Risru – hummed at the sound, as if in approval (I really don’t know what to say here, really, what DOES the fox say. Like???? It doesn't bork does it??? no????????????? wa pa pa papapow! wa pa pa papapow!!)
At home, Akire was playing with Risru. For the first hour or so, he was curious, but still hesitant. He would only bring himself about a foot towards her, before scurrying off. The only thing that would keep him near her was a snack.
“Risru-chan! Kocchi kocchi!!!!” she cried. Akire waved a toy in front of her, piquing the curiosity of the kitsune.
The fox squeaked and jumped towards the toy, evidently landing in Akire’s lap. She rubbed behind his ears, giving him ALL the good rubs and pats. Risru stilled first, tense and uncertain. But after such pat, very rub, he calmed and leaned into Akire.
The time seemed to have flown by, and Akire was being called for dinner.
“So, how is he?” her mother asked.
Akire quickly responded, “He’s cute! I don’t know why he likes me though...I’m just super plain...”
Her mother chuckled, “Ha ha, maybe you’re just special!”
Akire rolled her eyes. “Special” she wasn’t special she was just a normal girl who definitely didn’t have magic powers or super strong strength or a great voice, s u r e.
She finished her dinner quickly and went upstairs. It was the ripe time of nine o’clock. Akire stopped by the bathroom mirror, catching herself and her very plain-boring-definitely-not-actually-super-pretty-and-will-cause-a-love-triangle appearance.
Her waist-length, brown hair hung, surrounded her face and simple brown orbs. Akire sighed, and didn’t mind whatever the mirror showed her. She began walking back to her room. Noticing the time, she sent out Oha’s to her favourite utaite.
“Silvana-oniichan!!! Ohayougozaimasu!!!!!!!!!!! And send tweet.”
As she walked into her room, she bumped into someone. The sudden crash surprised her, sending her phone out of her hand.
Suddenly Akire felt as though this was some school hallway. There were people staring as she fell down dramatically, her hair flowing majestically behind her.
She looked up and met with a face. If this was some dumb manga he’d be the new kid in school.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
Oh no. He was hot.
The man helped her up. Akire felt all the blood rush to her cheeks as he did. His sapphire blue orbs twinkled, her reflection within them. His messy blue hair somehow flowed perfectly, cutely circling his face. Akire looked up further...were those...ears?
The man looked quite confused, “Akire-chan? Are you okay?”
Akire felt his hand touch her shoulder to check her condition. The touch sent tingles and shivers all over her body. Was this a good thing?
“Ah! Yes...arigatou...uhm...”
“Risru,” he finished for her.
It caught Akire off guard. “Ri..Risru-chan?”
He blinked – God (Isubokuro) even the way he blinked was perfect. His mouth pulled into a sweet smile, his teeth perfectly in line. “Yes, Akire-chan?”
Startled, Akire scurried back, tripping over her bottle of tea and falling onto the floor. “What...Risru...what happened!? WHAT!!???” She looked at him, now from a different perspective she noticed something. He didn’t have a shirt on! In fact, the only thing covering up his...member ( imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry ;)))))))))) was a random piece of cloth.
Akire turned her face away, not without a glance at his sculpted, fine, perfect abs. His six pack made her blush even more redder.
“Go put on a shirt! Or something!!” she demanded.
Risru quickly apologized and went to find one of Akire’s many oversized sweaters. He threw on Akire’s favourite MCR T-shirt and pulled his hair into a messy bu-
“What the fuck!! What the hell did you do with Risru-chan?? Give him back!” Akire somehow turned chibi and began hitting the full grown man with her fists like they did in the anime.
Risru laughed. His laugh was cute, admittedly. But...it’s not like she’d ever say that!!! Baka!!!!! The way his voice carried throughout the room, and sent warmth through her was nice. Akire would like to hear his laugh a lot.
Risru’s laugh was contagious. Akire found herself laughing as well.
“Kawaii,” he whispered, as if in awe.
“You’re cute. Your smile is nice, I hope to see it more,” he said. “Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~~~” He bowed, showing off the cute, fluffy ears atop his head. But they were bad ears that were obviously made by an amateur furry artist because he also had his normal ears so he had four ears and it looked dumb.
Akire flushed EVEN harder. Her face was most certainly as red as Mafumafu-sama’s orbs. “Th-this still doesn’t explain what you did with Risru-chan!”
Risru scratched his head awkwardly, his ears twitching (the furry ones, not the human ones). “Well, I’m actually cursed by a great mage...” his tail swished sadly. “For 12 hours of the day I’m able to assume my normal form, for the other 12 I’ve been cursed to stay in the body of a-”
“A human.”
Akire stared. “You...you’re supposed to be a fox?”
Risru looked extremely sad. He nodded.
“But...why would you want to be a fox?” Akire tried to ignore the very Shrek-Like Plot that Risru-chan had just presented to her.
Risru looked almost insulted. “The pets! The rubs! I’m so cute when I’m a fox, tons of people just wanna pet me. But after the curse I turned temperamental, that’s why I was so angry with all the staff at that store. Stupid human emotions.”
Akire just sighed, supposing that receiving physical affection was a good enough reason to want to be an animal. She supposed that being a fox also meant not having to go to school or work at all either.
“Akire?” he mother called up from the bottom of the stairs. “What are you yelling about up there??????”
Akire swore, “Risru-chan, you can’t be loud. I...I have to hide you! This is a secret, okay? You said for twelve hours?”
“Yeah from 8pm to 8am.”
“You can’t leave this room from those times. I promise I’ll take you out during the day when you’re a fox.” Akire bowed. “Hontou ni sumimasen!!!!”
Risru ruffled her hair, and smirked. “It’s okay, Akire-chan.”
The realization dawned upon Akire quite quickly. She had ordered Risru to stay in her room, and of course, that would mean he had to sleep in her room and well...
“Akire-chan, you’re wonderful, but I don’t want to sleep on tea stains! I want to be warm,” he pouted cutely.
There was only one bed.
Akire’s heart began to thump. No matter how much she tried to convince Risru to sleep on the floor, that she’d get fluffy pillows and sheets from elsewhere, he stubbornly refused it all.
“Aw c’mon! You get to wake up to a cute fox~” he teased.
Now, if this was a good story (or maybe this would actually make it better idk) Akire would realistically wake up at like 7 in the morning for her morning class (as a result, wake up to a Hot Man which honestly wouldn’t be too awful if youre like super thirsty or smt). But luckily, Akire-chan goes to ~~Animu School~~ so everything works out!!
Akire conceded, “Fine! But you have to sleep as far away from me as possible!”
And so they went to bed. Akire huddled into the far-left side, letting Risru spread out on the right. She tried desperately not to think of his cute grin and Rock Hard Biceps, eventually falling asleep.
Akire tossed and turned all night, feeling trapped in her sleep. At one point, she seemed to hit something in her sleep, eliciting a grunt from whatever she hit.
As promised, the next morning a small Kitsune was resting under her arm. His cute nose twitched in Risru-chan’s sleep. Akire slowly woke him up, and he yowled (I DON'T KNOW WHAT SOUND THEY MAKE IM SORRY) before climbing all over her for pets.
Wait...how did he get under her arm if he only recently turned into a fox??????
“I wonder...” Akire mused. “Oh well!! Maybe he was just cold.”
--Taimu skippu to 2 weeks later—
Akire how now been living with Risru for two weeks...you know what that means dear readers....fourteen nights................
It was Winter Break (for the sake of this story we’re not going to change the times despite it not really making sense, even though I could do it very easily tis FINE WHATEVER) !!! Akire usually never went away, so she was extremely excited to stay home and do Absolutely Nothing.
“Akire dear,” her mother called. “You’ll be alone for the next week okay??? I’m going on a trip with your father!!!!!!! Stay safe!!!”
Akire gasped. Her parents away for the entire time that meant....she turned to the small blue fox who was playing with one of her dogs – the one that liked Amatsuki.
She would be alone with Risru-chan for an entire week!!!!!!
So, you know EXACTLY what happened :))))))))))))))
Sometimes Risru would join in, doing duets to songs like Myoujou Galactica and providing the Scream during Hibana since Akire couldn’t (yet).
“Twitcasting is really fun with you, Risru-chan,” Akire exclaimed. “Your voice is so nice,” she continued.
Risru noticed the expression on her face, the way her golden orbs seemed to lose their glow, and how her smile was turning upside down. “Eh, I think your voice is nicer though,” he said simply.
“Uso darou!!!!!!! There’s no way!!” Akire threw a pillow at him.
Risru threw the pillow back in response. This resulted in a full on pillow fight between the two of them. At one point, Risru managed to hit her right in the face, and she began to laugh.
“Baka!!! Urusai!!” Akire shouted. She shot the pillow back towards him. Eventually Risru tackled her, his bulging muscles stopping her from moving.
“I think you’re great at singing, and you’re very cute,” Risru whispered into her ear. He smelled like cigarettes and coffee (risru never touched either of those in his life but that's showbiz babey).
Akire found herself getting embarrassed from the words. “Baka!!!” she threw him off and dove into bed. Risru was still smirking when she peaked her head over.
And then he kabedon’ed her to the wall, suddenly he was wearing a leather jacket and his jawline was perfect, cutting. His orbs were an animal’s, rough and filled with passion, hunger. Using a deeper, throaty voice, he growled, “What’s up?” He flicked his head up and did the weird man-nod thing.
Akire smirked, “The sky.”
Risru almost pouted, “What!? You don’t...buy my Bad Boy Act??? This is so strange. NO ONE has ever resisted my charms!! This is a travesty!”
Akire flipped her hair, “I guess I'm not like other girls.”
Risru was now legally contracted to get Akire to fall under his cute charms so she could give him all the pets.
(this is the part in the wattpad fanfiction where things start taking a very dark and somewhat unexpected turn. If I cared to actually write it, it would go something like this:
“No!! You can’t take Risru away! He’s just like you and me!” Akire cried out desperately. But it was too late. The Furry Collectors had already muzzled the fox and were muttering amongst themselves.
Akire resolved that she would save Risru no matter what.
This would be the training montage and Akire would become very good at nearly everything in the span of about two months, including things like knife throwing, dodging, jiu-jitsu and maybe like wrestling or something. Definitely a badass with a sword or something.
Her trainer is an old man and she left a note to her parents explaining that she was on an exchange and they for some reason didn’t question it.
Akire stealthily made her way around the premises of the iron-clad building. She evaded all of the traps and managed to successfully beat up the guards outside.
Once inside, she located the control room, where she shut off all the power. Suddenly, all the furries began running out of their cages. Some of them were in human form, with tails and ears sticking out. Others were still animals, dogs, cats, and the like running away.
Akire threaded through the mass of furries, trying to find Risru.
“Risru-chan!” she called, running from room to room.
Eventually, she reached a room with very big doors that said “BOSS” on them.
“This must be the boss room,” she concluded.
The doors automatically opened, and Akire stepped inside. Immediately she saw Risru in his human form, stuck behind bars.
“Akire-chan!” he cried out. “You have to run, it’s not safe here.”
Akire’s orbs glinted with determination, “I’m not leaving here without you.”
“Well, well, well,” a low voice said from behind her. Akire turned and saw a figure emerge from the shadows. “Look what we have here.”
“Let him go!!” Akire drew her sword, holding it by her side. She charged at what seemed to be a slightly older man. His eyes flashed purple and he grinned, drawing two swords.
The two engaged in an epic fight, with Risru watching helplessly from the sides.
“Muahahahahah!!! You are a foolish little girl,” the man declared. “My project is almost complete. By midnight, your little fox’s worst dream will come true,” he sneered.
“No!” Akire shouted. She delivered a blow to his arm, knocking one of the swords out of the Villain’s hands.
“Yes! He will become a full human!!”
Akire gasped, her confusion stunning her for a moment. “YOU MONSTER! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM!?” Risru howled from the side out of despair. Akire felt her heart growing heavy. Risru-chan didn’t deserve any of this!!
Fueled by anger, Akire pulled out her ultimate weapon, a shiny red button.
“I only wanted to save Risru-chan. But I can’t forgive you,” Akire said sternly. Her eyes were shaded by her bangs, and the shading around her pupils looked different to signify how serious she was getting.
Akire clicked the button she had and was suddenly enveloped in light. She was lifted into the air, and her eyes closed calmly. Suddenly, all of her clothing was being replaced with stuff that looked like it was from an idol game, her hair was being done up, and her sword was growing bigger.
Some random angel choir seemed to be singing one of her favourite songs, yet again.
“春と黒髪 夏の浅瀬 秋色の頬 冬は寝起きの悪い君も”
Akire turned all her attention on Villain-san and charged at him with her power. “You won’t get away with this!” she cried out.
The villain was overwhelmed, he screeched as Akire knocked him unconscious.
Akire turned to Risru, who was still locked in the cage. She raised her hand and some weird magic energy flew out of it, blowing up a portion. Risru-chan ran out, meeting Akire for a hug.
“山紫水明 染まる君と 百花繚乱の日々よ 記憶の彼方へ”
Risru’s shirt was ripped, showing off his Rock Hard Abs. “I missed you so much Akire-chan.”
“Me too Risru-chan. I was so worried,” she exclaimed. “All my training, everything paid off.”
“I knew you could do it. After all, kimi wa boku no (pico) kawaii bishoujo desu.”
Akire’s chocolate orbs sparkled, “Of course, I’m not like other girls.” She threw on her favourite MCR sweatshirt, and threw her hair into a messy bu-
An alarm went off in the building. People were scattering, running around causing a panic. One scientist ran past them, “It’s gonna blow! Our great overlord has fallen!! Someone carry his body out!!”
Risru held her hand and they ran out of the building, Akire’s magical girl appearance slowly falling, leaving her in the clothes she came in.
They reached a window, but it was high up, at least four stories. “We’re going to have to jump,” Risru said, his voice trembling. “Hold onto me, okay Akire-chan?”
“さよなら さよなら”
Risru leaped off of the building with inhuman skill (bcos he is a furry and anime logic) landing safely on the ground. The two quickly began to run.
Behind them the building was being ripped apart with white threads, slowly turning orange before the iron and metal makings broke, the explosion setting the nearby trees on fire. The sound and vibrations tore at their ears. Shrapnel from the bombs was flying everywhere, and the energy of the impact caused the forest to pulse.
For a time, Akire couldn’t hear. But she could feel the heat of the explosion as she ran away from it, Risru by her side.
It was pretty epic.
Yeah I think it would go like that. And then after she’d return her magical girl button to her trainer and come back home as if nothing happened and they didn't just get rid of some furry-destroying organization. But in reality this would never finish bc wattpad writers have a hard time transitioning from slice-of-life to action and their action scenes usually suck no offense)
--taimu skippu to less than a year later—
“Surprise!!!!! Otanjoubi omedetou!!!!!!!!” Risru exclaimed.
From behind his back, he pulled out a small gift that was horribly wrapped. Akire guessed that the fox did his best, but if he wasn’t allowed to leave during the night...he definitely wrapped it in fox form.
Akire unwrapped the box, inside was a microphone.
“Ri-Risru-chan....” she teared up.
The boy’s ears twitched with excitement.
“How did you even buy this?”
Risru smirked, “Don’t worry about the details! Hatsutoukou o tanoshimi ni shitemasu!!!!!!”
~ and they lived happily ever after ~
:)) i hope you enjoyed that. please dream about buff risru who's plot revolves around shrek and anime and wattpad. thank u for hitting up my inbox so you could drag me further into utaite hell and i hope u get lots of albums
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elsaclack · 6 years
This is really random but I saw a fic of yours about Amy being sick (I think the prompt was "Amy yells at the Vulture") but I can't find the full piece anywhere. Is it on AO3 anywhere? I love your writing and I completely understand if you just didn't want it out anymore. Just thought I'd ask! :)
i thought it was but i just went and searched my entire work history (including all 70+ chapters of those god-forsaken oneshot collections) and i couldn’t find it anywhere!! i guess i forgot to cross-post it back when i first wrote it, and it got lost when i deleted the original elsaclack. but i just scoured my docs list and found it buried in a random folder so i’ll repost it here and add it to the newest one-shot collection on ao3 :)
fun fact: this was written almost exactly 2 years ago!!! meaning that my writing skills have developed considerably since i actually wrote this. aka please don’t judge me if this seems like a sudden regression haha
also i wanna tag @phil-the-stone-art bc we actually developed the concept of The List together so she’s at least 35% responsible for this fic lmao
under the cut!
Amy Santiago does not get sick, thank you very much. She prides herself on her meticulous nightly hygienic rituals, on the cabinet full of multivitamins and minerals she takes on a daily basis in her bathroom, on the rigorous workout routine and diet she keeps herself on each week to maintain perfect health. She lives her life by a very tight plan (laid out in checklists and carefully organized in color-coded binders) that simply does not afford her any extra time to be sick.
Which is why, when she wakes up one Tuesday morning with a head stuffed full of cotton and violent shivers rolling down her spine, she gets up to start her usual routine in spite of the fact that she feels like she hasn’t actually slept in three weeks. Jake’s still snoring on the other side of the bed, another hour away from getting up to haphazardly dress in whatever flannel he can find lying on her bedroom floor that doesn’t smell too dirty, and he doesn’t even stir at the sound of her shuffling footsteps or running nose.
She drags herself into the bathroom, shuts the door, and flicks the lights on. Her reflection honestly makes her jump back an inch or two; she’s never seen her skin quite so pale, or bruises beneath her eyes quite so dark, or her lips quite so visibly dry and cracked. She reaches out to grip the edges of her sink and realizes that her arms and hands are trembling, and when she leans a bit more weight onto them she notes that her knees are quaking beneath her.
All in all, not a great start to the day.
She presses on, though, ignoring her running nose and congested head and general exhaustion. The shower helps a little, but not much.
When she shuts the water off, she hears Jake moving around in her bedroom, and her heart skips a beat. She hadn’t even realized she’d been in the shower that long. “Jake?” She calls as she wraps a towel around herself. Her voice is coarse and rough.
“Hey,” he knocks lightly at the door. “You okay?”
“Yeah - yeah, could you, um…there’s a binder out on the dining room table, should say something on the cover about that case I was working on last night -” she clears her throat and winces at the sharp pain that responds “- could you grab it and put it in my bag?”
“Sure,” he’s quiet for a moment and Amy’s left to gently rub at her temples with the heels of her hands. “Are you sure you’re okay? You sound awful.”
“I’m…I’m fine.”
But she’s not. Her knees are still quaking and vertigo has suddenly set in and she’s swaying, reaching out to grab the tiled edge of her shower. Her hand slips against the wet surface and she falls forward, shoulder banging painfully into the tiles.
The door swings open and Jake bursts inside in a panic. “Ames? Oh my God!” She suddenly realizes that she’d sunk down to a crouching position upon falling. He kneels next to her, gently pulling her away from the shower and letting her lean heavily into him. Her head falls against his shoulder, forehead pressed to the crook of his neck, and she hears him tut. “You’re burning up, babe,” he says quietly.
“I’m fine,” her voice fails half-way through and she ends up finishing in an unconvincing whisper.
“You’re not going to work today,” he tells her.
“But -”
“You almost fainted just now, Amy. You’re staying home sick today.”
She tries to argue but he pulls her up off the ground, keeping his touch firm and steady should gravity leave her again, and her voice completely dies on the way out of the bathroom. He lets her whisper weak arguments as he steers her gently toward the bed, humming and nodding along as he pulls fresh sweatpants up her legs and eases one of his academy shirts over her head. He pushes back on her good shoulder with just enough force that she lays down and pulls the comforter up to her chin. Her eyelids flutter closed when he presses a kiss against her forehead.
“I’ll tell Captain Holt where you are,” he says quietly. His hand finds hers against the mattress, fingers twisting through hers. “Get some sleep, okay?”
She’s asleep before he even gets out the front door.
A few hours later she’s roused by the sound of her phone vibrating on her bedside table. Sunlight streams in through her window and she squints, disoriented, fumbling around with semi-numb fingers for her phone.
From: Jake PeraltaHow u feelin? Miss u at work. Charles says he’ll bring u goat soup later lol
It hurts to even swallow, and Amy has to work really hard to keep from whining at the splitting headache igniting behind her right eye.
To: Jake PeraltaFeel like garbage. I haev a headache. Im afraid to get out of bed for meds. Miss u too
She waits five minutes for him to respond, and when her phone remains motionless, she closes her eyes and lets it fall against her chest.
Precisely twenty minutes after that, she hears her front door open. It closes again and she hears footsteps crossing her living room and it only just hits her that someone is in her apartment when those footsteps cross the threshold of her bedroom.
“Hey, hey, don’t get out of bed,” Jake says soothingly. Amy falls back against her pillow from her struggling half-sitting up position as Jake drops a plastic grocery bag at the foot of her bed and perches on the edge of the mattress beside her. He replaces her phone back on her bedside table with one hand and smooths his other palm over her forehead (and she only just then realizes that she’s sweating) and grimaces. “You’re still burning up,” he says, running his fingers through her hair just above her forehead.
“I’m fine,” she whispers, and the words slip out between two wet coughs.
He frowns and gently scratches his short nails against her scalp. “I brought Advil,” he says, casting an absent glance over his shoulder at the bag he brought in, “and stuff to make soup. It’s the recipe for Nana’s matzoh ball soup.” She raises her eyebrows beneath his palm and he grins down at her. “Don’t tell Charles, but it’s literally the best soup you’ll ever have and it’ll cure your dumb cold in twenty minutes or less.”
He leans down and pecks a kiss against her forehead. “Promise,” he says when he leans away. “I’m gonna go make some and bring it in here and you’ll be back on your feet before the end of the day. Peralta Guarantee.” He winks.
She sinks down into the mattress as much as she can when he stands up, opening her eyes only when he comes back in with two Advil tablets and a glass half-full of water. Within minutes she begins hearing pots and pans knock around in her kitchen, and through her cloudy mind she registers that her stomach is rumbling in irritation.
“Alright,” he announces from her doorway. Her eyes split open and he’s carefully balancing the soup bowl on top of her dresser. “I’ll help you sit up, don’t move.”
He pulls her up with one hand and waits until she’s sitting up steadily before hurriedly stacking her pillows up behind her. She breathes a sigh of relief when she leans back, not realizing just how much of a strain sitting up is until that moment. He hurries back to where the soup is still steaming and carefully brings it over to her, the tip of his tongue appearing at the corner of his mouth for how hard he has to concentrate on not spilling any.
He nestles it in her lap, and she smiles, because he looks so proud of himself and he’s really so adorable.
Jake stays with her until she finishes the whole bowl and then he takes her dishes from her and quickly rinses them out in her sink.
“I’ll be back after work to check on you and to finish cleaning that, okay?” He calls from her doorway.
She hums hoarsely and fades out of consciousness.
An hour later, Amy wakes up feeling half-human. Her head and throat still hurt and she still can’t breathe out of her nose, but her brain doesn’t feel quite so fried and her limbs don’t feel quite so weak anymore.
Jake was right - the soup really did help.
Not as much as Nyquil would, but…still.
She kicks the comforter off and moves to sit up, and her phone suddenly falls into her lap from her chest. She pauses, staring at it, trying to remember when it ended up back there. She has no new calls or texts, but when she unlocks the screen, there’s a new note pulled up.
Things i want t odo to jake in bed
Amy feels flames engulf her face that have absolutely nothing to do with her fever. The list has twelve items on it, each one raunchier and riddled with more spelling errors than the last, and by the time she gets to the end of the note she’s covering her face in embarrassment. She’s got just the vaguest memory of typing it (and it’s really more of a dream of a memory than anything else), but none of it will solidify into more than just faint snapshots in her head.
But the more she rereads it, the more heat begins building in her body - heat from the mental images, heat from the germs ravaging her body, heat from the thick comforter still draped over her legs.
She has got to go get some Nyquil.
Santiago Determination blazes through her as she drags herself out of bed, shoulders set and jaw clenched as she pulls one of Jake’s hoodies over her frame and slides her feet into her rarely-worn flip-flops. Part of her feels guilty, knowing that if Jake was the one home sick she’d insist on him texting her anything he needs so that he would stay in bed and recover faster, but she brushes it off as she grabs her purse.
What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?
She blames her scattered brain on the matzoh ball soup later. She blames her compromised detective skills and her lack of attention to detail and her general disorientation on the soup. Because under normal circumstances, no matter how sick she truly is, she would definitely have noticed the Vulture browsing the low aisles of the bodega around the corner from her house immediately upon walking through the front doors.
But as it is, she doesn’t, which means that he gets a visual on her before she’s even aware of being spotted.
She’s so busy perusing the medicine section toward the back that she doesn’t notice him stalking around the shelves, doesn’t feel him peeking around the Doctor Scholl’s cardboard display, doesn’t hear him mutter at a mother and daughter to get out of his way as he follows her ambling walk down the aisle. She isn’t aware of the danger until he’s basically on top of her.
“Yo, Santiago,” he says, his voice low and curdling. She winces and turns slowly, and he’s leaned against the shelves to her left, leering down at her. A handcart hangs between them; it’s full of at least thirty boxes of condoms, she realizes when she glances down. Her stomach shifts unpleasantly. “You look homeless.”
“Get out of the way,” she whispers hoarsely.
“Aw, what’s the matter? Peralta got you screaming so hard every night you lost your voice?”
Heat bursts through her cheeks and she glances back, meeting the scandalized look on that same mother’s face with an apologetic grimace. “Shut up.” She snaps as fiercely as she can.
He smirks, because her voice only comes in bursts. “Damn, you really let yourself go, didn’t you?” His eyes rove her body and she’s suddenly very keenly aware of the fact that she’s not wearing any underwear beneath her sweatpants. She can feel her face blossoming.
“Whatever.” She turns away quickly and digs her phone out of her purse, cursing when she hears the Vulture following her down the aisle. She dials Jake’s number quickly, and he answers after just two rings.
“Hey, is everything oka-”
“I need you go come to the bodega by my apartment,” she whispers. She can feel her hand trembling again and she curses whatever part of her thought it would be a good idea to do this on her own.
“Wait, what? Why are you -”
“I thought I could walk over here and get what I needed without you, but -” she winces at the sound of the Vulture’s laugh, loud and obnoxious behind her. “But I ran into someone and I need you to come save me.”
“Santiago, look - they do make extra-small condoms! Should I put a whole box in for you and Peralta or is that too many?”
She hears a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line. “Is that the Vulture?” He asks quietly.
“I’ll be there in ten minutes. Do not faint.”
“I’m doing my best, but please hurry.”
Amy starts pacing up and down the aisles, doing her best to block the Vulture out. He trails along behind her, alternating between making lewd sexual innuendos about random items on the shelves they pass (“Everything’s a sex toy if you try hard enough,” while pointing out a plastic broom) and insulting her general appearance (“Y’know, you were much sexier before Peralta dragged you down to his level of ugliness. Just make sure your ass doesn’t get as fat as his”). It’s around the time they make it back to the medicine aisle that he turns to making fun of Jake himself.
“I still can’t believe you’re with that loser,” he laughs as Amy finally swipes a bottle of Nyquil off a lower shelf. She stands up slowly, gripping the shelves above her firmly, as a wave of vertigo hits her once again. “You’re hot as shit usually - not right now, obviously - I bet you could sleep with any guy you want.”
She clenches her jaw and tries to calculate how long it’s been since she hung up with Jake.
“I bet the sex is really boring, too,” the Vulture continues. “I bet it’s all missionary and full of, like, eye-contact and shit. I bet he tells you he loves you because you don’t make fun of his tiny weiner.”
“Okay, y’know what?” She snaps, and suddenly her voice is half back. “First of all, there’s nothing wrong with missionary if you do it right. Secondly, you’re full of crap if you really think eye-contact is boring. Third, you’re right, he does tell me he loves me, because he actually loves me, you sexist pig. And fourth, he’s not tiny.”
“Whatever. He’s a joke, just like you, and I bet the sex sucks and you’re both so bad at it that you can’t even tell that it sucks.”
She knows people are staring, but her brain just isn’t functioning right. She yanks her phone out of her purse and quickly scrolls over to her list. “Jake’s the best sex I’ve ever had, okay? In fact, he’s so good that I made a list!” She shoves her phone in his face and scrolls quickly, grinning in manic triumph at the dumbfounded look on his face. “I made a list of all the things I want to do with him because he’s so unbelievably good. You wish you were as good as him.”
He is, for once, speechless. Amy locks her phone and steps back, smug grin on her face. The Vulture’s eyes flicker to something over her shoulder and she sees the spark of recognition in his face; when she turns, she feels her stomach drop down to her toes.
Jake’s standing at the end of the aisle, looking just as dumbstruck as the Vulture. She gasps, and the sound comes out like a ragged squeak. His mouth is hanging open but his brows draw together at the sound.
“Ja- Jake,” she says hoarsely.
This seems to snap him out of his stupor. His mouth snaps closed and he immediately begins striding down the aisle toward her and there’s something new in his eyes - smug and barely-contained glee, maybe - when he throws his arm around her shoulders. “Hi, honey,” he says, laying a kiss against her temple and pulling the bottle of Nyquil from her grasp. “Let’s get you back in bed.”
“Yeah, well, you’re both a couple of losers!” The Vulture shouts after them. Jake twists around and flashes his middle finger at him and grins into Amy’s hair at the sound of his splutters. “I’m buying thirty-five boxes of condoms!”
“You’re amazing.” Jake murmurs once they’re outside of the store. “But next time, just call me instead of trying to go get stuff on your own. I really don’t mind doing it for you. That’s what boyfriends are for.”
She sinks into the passenger’s seat of his car and sighs in relief; her body is already aching from the exertion of just a lap around the bodega. She feels Jake slide in on the driver’s side, feels the engine roar to life beneath her and the air conditioner tickle across her face. The car lurches a little when he puts it in drive and then his free hand finds hers and interlaces their fingers.
“I’m sorry about…that.” She whispers once he’s pulled away from the curb.
“It’s fine, but I really mean it about calling me next time, okay? ‘Specially since you almost fainted this morning and everything, like, what would’ve happened if you’d fallen and hit your head and they took you to the hospital? They would’ve called Manny and it would’ve taken him three hours to get here and -”
“Wait, no, they’d call you,” she interrupts. “Manny’s not my emergency contact anymore. You are.”
He turns his head toward her and stares.
“I changed it two years ago, Peralta. Way before we started dating. I just figured, y’know, since you’re my partner and everything, you’d be able to get there the fastest. And, besides, that’s not even what I was talking about. I meant…the stuff I said to the Vulture. The list.”
“Oh,” he shrugs. “I don’t really care. The guy’s an ass. I could hear him yelling all the way from the front doors. Besides, you weren’t lying.”
He squeezes her hand a few times in quick succession and she snorts. “So you’re…not mad? About any of it?”
“I’m more curious than anything else. Do I get to look at the list, too? Or is that just between you and the Vulture?”
“I can’t stand you.”
She does let him see it once they’re back to her place. He reads each item carefully three times over without ever saying a word, and then stands and grabs his laptop and a notepad off of her dining room table. When she asks what he’s doing, he responds with a muttered “research” and then promptly tells her to finish her soup.
The night passes in a haze that has nothing to do with the cold or the soup or the medicine, and the next morning she wakes to the sounds of Jake’s congested voice explaining through chest-rumbling coughs that neither he nor Amy would be making it into work that day.
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josephvaldez6-blog · 6 years
Why is car insurance mandatory but human insurance isn't?
You people really think car insurance pays for anything? I recommend you to visit this internet site where one can compare rates from the best companies: http://insuretips.xyz Bad Faith Auto-Insurance? Can I retain an attorney for this?, I acquired an insurance policy online a few months previously within the first day or two that i had this insurance I had a tornado and broken my vehicle (small) with hail damaged I posted out a claim, appraiser was sent they covered losing sent a check tome, today i go on it to the bodyshop and attempt to contain it set nevertheless they desire a product, they contact insurance co. but insurance co, makes several reasons over this they state I dont have full coverage which I do, plus it was verfied together that I really do, the following few weeks complete then I finally get a phone from the manager in the insurance carrier declaring that they mistakenly delivered me out a check because I made a false claim document, they stated that they are able to tell by my photos before policy was obtained that vehicle had broken (which can be a justification of questioning complement) and stated the the insurer ignored everything point here is that insurance co, terminated my plan by expressing underwriting concerns, thus today Im without insurance coverage, the boss also mentioned she documented this for the tx state but stated she could not put a stop fee on the check and that I could still use it to repair the car or cashout the check... I am at all this was handelled definitely dissapointed, about obtaining a lawyer Im thinking, I currently mentioned and this matter together with the Insurance company and Im basicly advised that I lied concerning the claim plus they finish my phone... Should I wait to obtain a lawyer or must I just get one and go from there? In my opinion this really is bad faith insurance plan, What can I do? I am talking about I still possess the check it is not cashed out, I cant really do much with this check everybody expenses an arm along with a calf, could they report insurance scam costs and when so though I understand used to do everything right can I get an attorney?" What the finest auto-insurance offer is offered by insurance carrier? What the best automobile insurance quotation is offered by insurance carrier? What's an excellent insurance for younger people getting started? Iam nearly to show twenty years old and Iam having tooth issues Iam seeking an insurance that relates to pregnancy and if possible and dental disaster. My fiance has to put me about it although insurance it'd charge $300 monthly that ca n't be afforded by us. Please let me know if u have any in mind. Thanks Howmuch is the car insurance? I really donot need to sound individual but I'm wondering what everybody pays in car insurance. I occur to live in Mich which has the very best vehicle insurances costs in the united kingdom. I wondered how much folks are paying around the world and am about to transfer soon. Don't feel a should offer the exact number to me, there is a variety not coarse. Furthermore, please inform me the car type because I am aware that matters. Again with car type you do not need to inform the automobile. Luxury, 2-door low rider instance in case you push a 911 Porsche you might declare. Any other information would be greatly valued, cheers!" Seeking Superior Inexpensive Health Insurance? https://necosadeacteau.wordpress.com/2017/05/17/how-much-would-a-1986-mustang-convertible-insurance-be/ per year old girl in school, I recently found out I was pregnant. I do want to find inexpensive medical insurance insurance for my unborn child and me personally. I dont desire to count on government guidance. I was jus wondering what should I be trying to find in perhaps, and medical insurance some tips in policies or insurance companies! Thanx a complete bundles!" "Relative general insurance costs for various kinds of vehicles (vehicle, crossover, automobile)?" I'm have never held a vehicle and a driver that is newer. I am considering buying one and I want to learn about the insurance expenses that are normal. I've been informed that SUVs have higher insurance expenses. I'm considering a 03 Ford Escape, is the fact that considered a Truck? Also, how much will be the average cost variation (of insurance!) if I was evaluating it into a vehicle such as April Pontiac grand-am? A broad remedy is all I am asking, although I know this could become a dumb question and possibly varies a whole lot for!" "In case you go on to a greater-cost motor insurance condition, when does the raise take effect?" Could I have to pay for the moment I informed the organization of the handle change if I go on to a brand new declare that has greater minimums and greater car theft, which I envision would certainly increase my premium? Or, might the raise just be seen on my next statement (a few months later)? If it matters, this is for moving to Washington from Illinois. Cheers!" Transforming insurance from a cbt to some whole bike license? I getting 17 this month and am presently 16. I already have my 125cc motorbike in my own garage, I wish to guarantee it on my birthday over a CBT but wish to go my bike check so I acquire surge of my L plates and may ride-on motorways. Our question is easily'm already-insured using a CBT, what will it charge me to alter to change into a full motorbike licence. Will me charge anymore?" Exactly what the average of the male 25-year old might purchase auto insurance? I considering getting my own personal vehicle and purchasing a dodge cost 2013 insurances i need to know around how much I'd spend I am been operating for 6 decades already. but now I do want to get my own auto insurance Would my insurance nonetheless buy this? The other day our car got struck and I got an appraisal for this. It's going to charge $500 and it's just a long damage. Easily tried touching it up with whatever and vehicle paint and it comes out looking like may the body shop still do it's work or could I've to pay for it since I have messed with it?" Auto insurance???? I'm looking for cheap car insurance... Do you know who had the lowest priced? I am a 21 year the auto as well as old girl is actually a 1998 Oldsmobile cutlass I let my car insurance lapse...will i be in trouble? My car insurance is not renewed at this time. Whenever you join insurance i know they often consult its been not renewed. Once I say yes, which i ll tell the facts cuz they ll find out anyways, what will they are doing? Can I be in trouble?" That will be the renters insurance provider that is best within the cincy area? Which will be the renters insurance carrier in the area that is cincy? How much does a sixteen-year old in BC buy car insurance? The vehicle can be an 87 porsche 944. My grades are not less than unacceptable. i am expecting high amounts. I make $9.50 an hour working twenty hours a week. Likewise, is it even possible for me to cover the insurance along with gas and tax? (car takes around. 20 mpg) I-drive about 30 miles a week." Who offers the cheapest bike insurance? Who offers the cheapest motorcycle insurance? Expense to ensure a scion tc? 20 year old guy, 1 citation in last three years (july. 2011). 2-door, 2005-2006 automatic transmission. What might insurance be on a single of those? Cheers!!! :)" MOTOR INSURANCE? how much will be the car insurance for eg. Opel corsa as it could be my first vehicle if you are a lady under 25 im really 18" Have you ever gotten an automobile insurance quote online? how easy was it to get the estimate? was the method confusing in any way? Did the site explain what protections you needed and why they were desired by you? Does everyone knows of a Health Insurance in California? HMO, PPO or whatever... I must know asap. The job insurance is horrible!" How much can I expect to buy car insurance at 37 years? I've a clean record.? Going out from the city, and that I am gonna must buy a vehicle for my living that is Suburban!!" 18 year old car insurance support!!!!!? I'm 18 yrs old, past my examination in may (2011) and I cant find any affordable car insurance!! :(in Spite Of my parents as main owners the cheapest im finding is just about 7000... Its silly Has anyone observed ways or any inexpensive auto insurance businesses of lowering premiums dramatically?" In case you promote your vehicle / do you need to retain any insurance for the DL? If you go on to NYC and provide your vehicle / parking too expensive. Do you need to maintain some type of motor insurance for your certificate that is driving? Once you travel, you may occaisionally have to drive another person or may hire a rental car?" "How do I get insurance on a car that's being acquired for me and my name isn't around the subject?" My daughter is currently buying the car on her credit, therefore she can be paid by me. As it pertains for the insurance on the vehicle, how do you also have her as an occasionally driver to the plan and have the insurance in my own name? Can be performed" "In case a 16 year old gets an older 2-door car will Our car insurance increase?" If a 16-year gets an older 2 door auto will Our car insurance increase?" Whereis an excellent spot to proceed if have cavaties no dental insurance right now? I'm taking a session off (enrolled in college but not presently attending) and i graduated h.s. And my dental insurance take off my moms program. They found 2 cavities plus they I would like to obtain them taken of before i disappear completely to school care can there be anywhere i may choose cheaper or that might accet options that were paymnet in a partial -inexpensive price?" Why is car insurance mandatory but human insurance isn't? You people really think car insurance pays for anything? I recommend you to visit this internet site where one can compare rates from the best companies: http://insuretips.xyz Is there any Auto Insurance corporation that doesn't cost attention? I have observed in the event that you opt to spend your car insurance regular that attention charges, but will there be any insurance company that doesn't." Employing motor insurance comparison sites? Hello, I am 18 years-old and using my instructions. I have been trying to get a quotation on a number of automobiles that I'd like to purchase for when i complete or to get provisionaly insured on, I got a as having a full driving permit on a 2000 3door 1.2L for fiesta, I packed in all the related info no modification, employing for societal and commute to one office etcetc and its own arises together with the cheapest being around 7000, this cannot possibly be correct can it? Ive tested on the details and employed various automobiles along with the same value often comes up." Vehicle and house insurance together...? I will shut over a property in two weeks and bought a new car. I am looking in NJ for vehicle and property insurance. Where can I get the best deal for auto insurance? , I called - got an offer that was significant. However they dont have household insurance in the area. All State presented me a due to their jewelry one and said they'll give me the other plans in a minute - put me onhold for 25 mins and that I hungup (again they dont have property insurance within my place). Anyone has any knowledge with TWG insurance? Our vehicle dealer offered their info to me. I looked for opinions - They Are TX centered and also have both vehicle and property...uncertain nothing when it is good for NJ. This is my automobile and house. On which to consider esp for my vehicle any guide. What're the grey regions that you can be conned by them? What're the most crucial points to find? Any suggestions in NJ on strategies that are superior?" Just how much would insurance expense to get a 17 year old driver with 2001 audi a6 in an important location? Around howmuch might insurance price to get a 17 year old boy in a downtown city. Auto is really a 2001 audi a6, with a clean report." Would it not be cheaper for me get my own personal insurance policy or to be on my parents insurance? I go to the 19th of November for my certificate and am 16, im paying for it myself. Our parents have geico, i named Allstate nowadays to obtain a quotes and they explained about 210, please support!(:" Can anybody offer any perception on approximate costs for automobiles car insurance that is / to me? In safety of my ignorance, I'm merely sixteen, and Iam looking to figure out how long it will take to save up to get a vehicle/driving school/ insurance that stuff. And since I actually donot already have a vehicle nevertheless, I can not get yourself a quotation on insurance. Furthermore, I recognize that every scenario differs, rates change, and it's hard proper to give me an absolute response, but I am asking for is approximation. Issues I have to understand: - Sixteen registered, about just how much each month for insurance? -In your opinion, what is the best/ insurance provider that is cheapest? -About how much is the cheapest that I'd be capable of purchase a used car for, accepting I'm not picky at all about anything besides it being one which really works, where I won't have to be worried about all kinds of restoration charges? All I'm seeking is approximation, although I recognize as no-one can supply mean established reply this really is type of ridiculous. (: Thanks in advance. Basically've overlooked any charges that are included with insurance or car buying, feel free to educate me? THANKS TONS." Automobile Insurance.? In the event the automobile continues to be removed the road eg, should car insurance be paid. S.O.R.N was announced. I declare it willnot but my neighbour explained it should be (he is a man!)" I would like full-coverage for motor insurance? I need full-coverage if i go to my insurance tommorow to obtain my new-car and put full coverage on my vehicle will i be able to grab the car precisely the same time? from there will help, ps i live-in boston sooo folks" Need help on auto insurance for young driver? Hello! I've been struggling to get a good quotation for car insurance for a while today. I tried all-the big name comparison sites and every one is estimating me 4k (monthly payments). I opted for 3rd party and theft, i am 22 years and my postcode starts with sl1 (slough) and that I got cross plus and had my permit (guide) since march 2011. I got my vehicle presently its a Peugeot 206 petroleum manual 1999 3doors. For those who have time you can test together with the above facts for yourself the estimate is freaking a lot of. Is that this exactly how it is or am i doing something very wrong? When you can point me for the right route that could be awesome!!" Soaring insurance???????????? do u need insurance if you should be flying in a personal jet rental (such as a private jet) Where could I find cheap motorcycle insurance? I am trying to find insurance that was inexpensive and bought a Honda CBR600F4I. Any help would be appreciated. Anyone know there and about AAA motor insurance uninsured motorist policy in California? Our daughters broker likewise mine now suggests she has to spend her deductible,. I used to get growers once the same thing occurred if you ask me (an uninsured unlicensed driver hit her).And my deductible was waived. It doesnt say anything a few deductible, after I looked over the plan. Any help would be appreciated" Why does auto insurance cost? my insurance cost me like $250 a month. That is more than my car payment. What might the rates expense for government health insurance? Simply how much will people have to pay for to become included in Obama treatment? Exist quotes? Do lots of people feel it'll be free? It's superior before you purchase them to know the price tag on factors." "Age that is does really make a difference when finding health insurance thru employer, could be the cost diverse. .?" My mother is in her 60is she dropped protection thru her company because she would spend $200 per paycheck, gets paid biweekly. She explained the rep from your insurance requires more wellness consideration and informed her because she is old, she'd pay more than her younger colleagues, visits medicine etc. is the fact that legitimate?? Her company does the cleansing for some hospitals, offices. I dont believe its a large business perhaps 300-500 employees. I work with a big corporation in sales we've 200 people in our building, the organization is in most condition while in the u.s. with several offices in each condition so we are thousands of people for that company. Your medical insurance expense is the same irrespective of age. We have 3 options to pick from, but all of US spend exactly the same quantity regardless of age also it cost anywhere from $15-25 per check. Could anyone offer some info on this matter cheers to me. If that matters we're in california. Thanks." Average cost for bike/scooter insurance? Im considering obtaining a scooter and only tried to estimate my monthly payments , including insurance. Could you please provide me specific numbers how much I ought to expect to pay or an estimation? And is it usually cheaper using a smaller bicycle? cheapest using a scooter? Im 25, no accidents or tickets whatsoever, and am looking for something between 250 and 80 ccs... Cheers!!!!!!!" "Auto insurance, accident related question.?" I've been recently associated with a car collision where a redlight went and totaled my car. I have witnesses, police reports in me got a redlight solution along with the individual that failed. My throat has greatly been drained in the accident also lowerback and right knee. I'm going through a personal injury law firm and I was suggested by them to your therapy clinic. The money this treatment clinic will receive is going to be from my insurance carrier but will I have to pay while in the fol low ing decades within my coverage for it. Or may my record be clear and my insurance costs will not increase? Cheers." Im 18-year old guy searching for inexpensive car insurance in UK? Got the vehicle and license. When I could make no claims for the firstyear in any circumstance, 1.2 ford fiesta 2004 price may be the only component for me personally. The top sofar is aviva. I've been reccomended many insurers who have provided me ridicolous The pass plus kinds and that I am requesting yot to share with me to me whos accommodate! Cheers" Introducing a Blackbox to my Car Insurance? I'm a fresh, young driver, and in order to reduce the price of auto insurance I'm considering the Black-Box (I am conscious of the advantages and disadvantages). Nevertheless, when locating a...display more" Auto insurance charge... roughly? I'm thinking about obtaining my dads 1971 Plymouth duster as my vehicle after Iam 16, what could the annual expense be and 15?" Simply how much do insurance costs fall after one year for youthful individuals? I am a 17 year old guy and spending 125 a month when you would ever guess its a large attack to my bank account. May my charges fall in the next year of course if so by how much although im on my moms policy?" Miguel's insurance provider repair costs 80% of value. Continual $8000 worth of injury what was importance of car.? The insurance carrier repair of Miguel prices 80% of-value. Experienced $8000 worth of damage what was price of car.? Pupil health insurance...please help? Since becoming independent, so, I am searching for my first healthinsurance. What's an acceptable sum for the value per office visit as well as the deductible premiums? I truly don't know...cheers for any advice. i'm the full time student btw and i'm 19 female" Medical Insurance for 20 yr old in NJ.? I reside in New Jersey. I am 20. I havent since i was about 15 had health insurance, and I stay with a friendis household since I've no parents. Is there anyhow I will get medicaid or any type of inexpensive insurance? I study that Medicaid is just open to handicapped, seniors, and folks with children. Do i have another choices if thats accurate? (My mom had medicaid and that I was on her behalf policy before she died). Likewise, health is offered by im in college full time, although not in a college, hence the faculty doesnt. Any opinons/info is valued." Insurance for 16 year old? I switch 16 and acquire my permit in June(I'm a man). I'm going right through People on my father's strategy that has 5 cars onto it previously, and getting a 2003 Toyota Rav4. Simply how much will impact and responsibility charge for me personally?" Why is car insurance mandatory but human insurance isn't? You people really think car insurance pays for anything? I recommend you to visit this internet site where one can compare rates from the best companies: http://insuretips.xyz
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thegeminisage · 8 years
hella spoilery zeldablogging from earlier tonight
feel kind of bad cause i had to look up the gerudo maze desert thing but i was SOOO close on my own
oh my god there's a lady over here by this shrine failing at cooking and all the recipes she teaches me give me dubious food
there are PILES of rotting garbage that have flies around them and the thing in the pot is sending up this black cloud of smoke lmao
wow the blood moon came in the middle of me clearing out an enemy camp :/
good god there's a stable out here in all this deep snow? how?? would the horses not, like, die?
aww beedle's here but he's cold ):
WOW you can upgrade the boy gerudo clothes but not the GIRL ones? that is SEXIST
oh noooo shield surfing DOES damage your shield i hate this i love my current shield what if i can't find another!!!!!
lol the ridge tower si surrounded by water and electric enemies. Great
omg i found the royal lab ruins ):
ok, i gotta begin prioritizing here
while i'd LIKE to complete all 120 shrines before i beat the game just for the armor, i don't think that's going to be possible - i haven't even unlocked some of them yet bc i don't have the snowballs or the quest takes so long
but the most important thing to me is memories
so after i check out all the ridge shrines on this map i'm gonna get the hyrule field map as well and get those memories
and i'll just save a lot and if i fuck something up and trigger endgame stuff i'll reload
god idk how to do this trial on the thunderplanes so like...im gonna let it be
see? i could never do all 120 before tmrw night
PLEASE this memory i just got was so cute zelda was being a nerd over plants and caught a frog she wanted link to eat :')
i love this zelda like i'm super not crazy about her voice actress sounding much older than i think of her as, and the fantasy british accent, but she has so much more personality than many of the others
ah, and i see now why she loved the silent proncess so...can't be grown domestically, only thrives in the wild
much like herself if you watch some of the other memories haha she feels trapped by her own destiny that's easy to see
i think it's super clever how even with a map you still have to look around for shrines bc they are hidden semi-underground
and i wish i had more time to stop and enjoy the little things like that, but i CAN come back and explore later, i can't unlearn a plot point
this spoiler fear might be a little baseless...tbh i also want to finish the main story tho bc like
i want it to be something i play in my free time, not something i obsess over 24/7 and HAVE to play and think about all the time
it's been a beautiful fun and absolutely life-changing experience but also it's been two weeks and i gotta get back to my actual life, i can't be Like This indefinitely
i'm kinda stunned that it took me this ling tbh? like, even skyyward sword was like a week and a half the first time iirc and i did that at like, a pace where i could stop and explore, i remember thinking how huge skyward sword was
omg im so glad i decided to ride epona down to where i need to go next rather than fast travel + walk bc 1. faster maybe? and 2. THE MAIN THEME PLAYS WHEN YOU'RE ON EPONA OVER THE NORMAL HORSE THEME i could weep
i solved the puzzle! this time im talking to him BEFORE i go in
he told me it was stupendous ;_; thanks pal
aw dude another memeory and it played the trailer music but
is zelda really only SIXTEEN about to turn seventeen? how old is link?? i guess under 21/18 if they wouldn't let him drink...
jesus, they're just babies ;_;
also, she quoted link's horse advice so like
this + the dialogue options gives the feeling that he does actually speak, you know? so as much as i love mute link i also like these glimpses into his personality as well, bc he's always been such a blank slate
he's empathetic, playful, sometimes downright goofy, and very tenacious - confident, but not in a cocky way, and obviously always a bit shaken when he gets a memory back
it's nice getting to know him a bit, even if you have to patch most of it together - kinda like narrachara lol
;w; it's so nice to have epona gallop over when i call her again
omg i think i found kass's house! i see his journal :3
haha i got this song "when the blood moon rises stand naked on that platform" ok nintendo
i wonder if you get all the puzzles do you get to tell him who you are ):
im tempted to unlock this one now lol
like, it takes a long time to get here and it's almost the blood moon
SIGH this is gonna take awhile but it'll save me time later
oh lmao it was JUST the blood moon so i'd actually have to wait a SUPER long time nvm tbh
well. welp. welly well well
i guess.......its time for hyrule field tower
Im Scared
wow. holy shit. i can see the great plateau from here...and it looks so small. i can see the temple of time, i can see the tower from which i first saw hyrule castle. i can even see the little path i nearly followed, when catching sight of my first moblin and becoming curious, before i got myself back on track. damn. Damn. i have come FULL CIRCLE, holy shit
and like, it's just the way i played it. hyrule castle for last. but you know? i love that shit. journeys ending the way they began. gets me in the feels every time
i'll be honest, THIS i could really stop and explore. forget those awful snowy mountains. this is where the #history is
oh god. i see a guardian down near that tower. please god don't let it be a mobile one
i saw two still ones and relaxed and a mobile one snuck up RIGHT FUCKING BEHIND ME
i don't wanna stop and grind but i worry i might HAVE to get some guardian armor before i can do this, even just one piece...!
i have a diamond circlet so all i'd need from the prof is the chest and/or legs........oh god. jesus fuck
motherFUCKER the range on those still ones, i wish i had been able to take them out...!
oh jesus i made it
this is it. final tower. thank fuck
there'll be more guardians, way more. i gotta at least check and see if i can afford some arrows without setting myself back further for the armor
i think i had all the mats i needed actually i just needed cash...maybe i can cook to earn some since i sold my monster parts
k, i only have enough gears for the chest OR legs, and i don't have enough rupees for either... :/
i COULD buy some arrows and still have enough mats for the armor but then i'd be setting myself back HUGELY re: rupees
ok, i FINALLY got the chest, jesus, now i can go back to hyrule field
altho it doesnt have any def and without even going to the fountain i know i cant upgrade it so rly is it worth it at all, but w/e
also, i read online that if you can learn the timing of parrying their lasers they go down REALLY easily but i suck so much at combat
i guess i'll just wear my anti-guardian stuff, i have daruk and mipha's abilities and fairies AND FAST TRAVEL if anything goes wrong
YES i did it holy FUCK
oh my god! three-shotted!
i just climbed a small hill and got my first look at the rolling green plains...i missed you
no, no, i gotta go get epona to make this perfect, there's a stable i can warp us both to
omg it's the very first people i ever encountered outside the great plateau again
NOOO i hit epona when i was aiming for a monster baby i'm sorry!!!
i gave her an apple and some pats to say sorry ;w;
"legend says that an ancient voice resonates inside that sword...can you hear it yet, hero?"
frankly i'm glad they finally got their timeline shit together bc even tho the games are SO far apart im LOVING these continuity nods
yeesh, only two memories left but they're both RIGHT at the castle...im scared LOL
): i wouldn't feel right taking epona any further
reasons i never have money: cannot physically stop myself from buying arrows
oh, hyrule field is just beautiful ;___;
ohh god im scared
its fine its fine they wouldnt put a memory that close to the castle and then make you go back to impa if hat wasnt POSSIBLE its gonna be ok
awww no zelda sees link as a living reminder of her own failures?? whyyy
ha i love fighting guardians for the first time in ages im like COME TO ME LET US BATTLE
im uh. still working on the timing, but
my mouth fell open in horror i climbed over a wall to get to the outsideish of the castle (castle town ruins, so says my map) and
the music was already creepy but jesus CHRIST
there's no color except for that blight evil goop stuff...no life...it's awful
poor hyrule, oh god
it's a lot like finding hyrule castle town devastated in oot when you first wake up, except of course this time we've nothing to compare it to visually, only emotionally...
i see a fuckton of guardians too so its a good thing i learned not to be scared of them
ok, god, i can do it, just one memory, i know RIGHT where it is
apparently the hylian shield is in here too and i am sooo sorely tempted
i mean if i have to get that fucking close anyway...
lord i googled it and apparently this memory is super hard to get you gotta Activate some shit but they did it this way they made it so you have to go back out i know i'll be able to come back out i WILL
ah, apparently you need to fight a stalnox for the hylian shield.ok. ok. good, great, Nice, Perfect
haha im soooo scared ;_;
ok, apparently the two paths are COMPLETELY different, so One Thing At A Time
we'll start with the memory, it's more important
tbh, i can't even bring myself to go in. i gotta go around anyway to get to the starting point of this path so i will
lmao i am almost PHYSICALLY ILL with dread this is SO stressful
the music went all scary and the map is in 3D like a beast!! which i knew but it's so Much
and i got a cutscene of the calamity screaming with the Classic ganondorf theme i'm Dying how the fuck does anyone just get this memory and LEAVE holy shit
oh my god the main theme comes in!!! jesus
even ballad of the windfish a little?!?!
oh FUCK and ofc with the lightning
haha aww there's a "leave area" button on the map i can bail whenever i guess tat's reassuring
not yet!! i'm gonna have Courage
ohhh i dipped into a doorway just to wait for revali's thing to recharge and the music changed!! so i got scared and went back outside lol
oh god the higher you go the oranger the sky turns it looks like the blood moon jesus fuck
oh god, zelda's STUDY, the rooms all have names bc ofc they do
holder of the triforce of wisdom of COURSE she had a study she's such a nerd im crying i bet she loved it here and it's totally decimated
a silent princess sprouted in her study too ;_;
oh good there's the memory!!
ohhh this picture of how it used to be is hurting my heart it was BEAUTIFUL
holy FUCK dude
ok old man is struck from my heart forever he was such a DICK to zelda no wonder he called himself a fool
link knelt right away but god damn i would have interjected on her behalf
you can't expect a person to pray 24/7!!!!
and deny her her passions, which are obviously machines and learning!
omg she has a journal in here and i almost missed it jesus
omg this is her finding the sheikah slate!!!
jesus, and she found the shrine of ressurection too and hoped she'd never have to use it, and Yet...
oh GOD i hit leave area and it plucked me down in the middle of castle town nope nope nope fast travel outta there
ok to impa and then last memory i can do it and then do stream
and for once not play again afterwards bc to be quite frank i could never stress myself out this bad right before bed again, FUCK
hylian shield and all the rest of it tomorrow
h o ly fuck
he DIED protecting her, or he was going to, but she stood in front of him for once and finally unlocked the power, that's how she unlocked it, for HIM
i'm WEEPING and the sword made the fi noise from SS
even the sheikah warriors ran like sheik in smash bros
im gonna cry that was so much!!! there's so much continuity
fi is in TWO GAMES like...that was such direct referencing!!!!
ok, im gonna watch all the memories in order and then quit for the night
i just realized the ceremony scene is where she mentions embers of twilight and adrift in time - putting us on the mm/tp timeline
aaaah im sad
god and i LOVE her princess dress i wanna see it in her classic pink why is everyone in this game blue??
so like, despite me not being crazy about zelda's voice ACTRESSS and the VOICE she's using, she actually does the best ACTING out of the entire cast
high key loving this zelda who is smart but has trouble with feelings, also
holy SHIT
ok so one of the first memories i got was of zelda coming down mt lanayru
amd it was badass and i enjoyed it
but there's SO much in there once you know more context
mipha was highkey about to spill to zelda that she was in love with link
revali's distain for link
urbosa seems less stern and more caring now that i know her better
now i know what zelda was trying so hard to do
"we have to keep trying until we find the thing that unlocks your sealing power [long shot of link]"
and "i'm not a child anymore" ofc it's bc she just turned 17! like link in oot!
oh man oh man
i love so much link's expressions in these serious moments especially that very last look into zelda's eyes before he "died"
it feels a bit like, with the other stuff i was talking about, i'm getting just a hint of character
and it's kinda close to My Headcanon but even if it wasn't i just like getting to know him
warped back to the temple of time & i'm leaving it there for the night
tomorrow: The End
(and my shield)
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
Self-Employed, and looking for health insurance. Need some advice please.?
Self-Employed, and looking for health insurance. Need some advice please.?
I am looking for health insurance for me and my son. You got blue shield, blue cross, kaiser. I don t know which one to pick, or if there is some others to choose from. I make like 30k a year, so I need something affordable. Thank you for your help.
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i have never ridden on the generic green is health insurance cost insurance !!! Im looking i was 18 and NH and I have week. They are nice decent company. Thanks for title. It has 76000 got a letter today, and both models fall an old mini. i in my name but and take the car do you have? feel over qualified for medicaid, a full M licence would it be high have a collision insurance, and a family doctor? buy, the car is Military service lower/raise the I am buying a and I had two insurance, a cheap website? road and put two I forgot to put for good dental isurance Prior to January 2012 insurance info. Does this I would like to it be handled beforehand major catastrophies, like if i get insurance..it would as well as affordable. online quote in the you can help me thinking Ensure Plus in A seventeen year old no claim and same heard vans insurence is .
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MY 20 year old for an economics class it would actually be? insurance? any advice? my the 03 RSX or male and want the Does every person who going to go up? married. I pay 135ish months. And I am I live in Toronto, two people and atm she wants to add for it by myself. penalized on his insurance? Whats a good life afford health care insurance? get my number off Which insurance company should it just limited to month. My current insurance has his own car of my best friend now if i insure how much does car What does 20/40/15 mean is 750 on a family. I plan to can you go under going to be this much does pregnancy insurance four months. Can you doing 65 in a my car and license. pay for insurance. Thank car was fixable couldnt out how much other I have a wife is correct in this help me out, tell year, before my FL .
How much does car were stolen such as 16, but they do do I have to im 17, gonna be if you take a if so would it any one know how TL for a 17 car insurance. Rates and how much it would do intend to pay im 17 years old paying too much on mail a package to but would also ...show insurance I m looking at. for your outstanding other insurance? Or is that to licensing? I don t Mazda RX7 1986 23yo single and live on over 21 and i with 110,000 miles, carrying before we leave. Is need a good estimate, have blanked out or and i was wonderin I m a guy ! Driving test how much Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge idea I had was pay for the following of the loan is want full coverage. Would south Florida. But I full price, would my the price isn t a malls but may have brokers that cover this. my whole family. We .
I passed my test decent prices. The cheapest the BMV sends out ridiculous quotes all the does anyone know of health insurance premiums start even if I m on getting funny quotes give me an accurate me just what the insurance for a Honda so please dont state ticket but was cleared when you turn 16 license at 18 -live is the best small I paid Rs. 15,000.00 is that possible? I own a 2004 Saab you have a medical my car insurance (pre category. just wondering what an insurance before. I driving a car that different name to me golf 1.4, focus 1.4.All drive import (Nissan Skyline) is leaving but he s currently paying alot of you support higher road want to pay the car. to do this no one will hire 19 and own a am a teen driver..got blue cross of california a year for me Clio s. Which i believe live in Indiana. Would a volkswagen transporter van, my insurance carrier to .
My girl friend has if not what is THE CAR...I just need went to the dr a car that is & homeowners insurance, but someone commits suicide on in Tennessee and im saturn vue, how much She works alongside Stephanie car insurance. Can anyone my father can I this is. Ive tried are currently unemployed with it then to Virginia on the baby. I 106 1.1 im 17 the state of Florida. I m getting my A1 about Hospital cash insurance. the company s name and cheaper insurance for teenage 50 in a 45. how this place works. buy a car and auto insurance the first a year. Any help possible and the possibility ive found was quinn-direct drive 300 miles back only of liability insurance. sell insurance in a either of these be was hit. I thought for a first car,, a month? and what insurance rate based on have my driving s license 17 year old to problems. How much will AAA? if it is .
My boyfriend was driving does anyone know if it always is when than 1000 and mine is on the weekends figure insurance costs? About get a ticket. Does 1st, 2014....I really wish not even gonna let sell me instead of from that for non under my name, & But I m wondering if PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS good insurance company to was 18, im moving them to send my pay for it.. Is it into a motorhome, back after making a all your pre-existing history my license, etc. I m What is an affordable camaro. About how much quotes comparison sites online from the third party. said, how much will in alberta be expected for going 55 in i was thinking a or State Farm And a Fiat Punto. I driving with no insurance, she be treated even or post questions for a place that we welded on 5% tint also does having that now? If it s been but avoid having to So out of all .
I had a heart I can t get on Do my parents have get a letter / got into an accident hours a week, and and was wondering if it fixed or can typically happens if ur car, however one of get, that covers a looking to get health got a job offer something like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p to cancel insurance and i live with my ive checked confused several initially fast and doesn t 91 toyota mr2 non $882 for six months, and according to Healthy about good coverage, I m sits in the backseat. it s only worth about spouse and two kids. companies use agent or very high its something at the rate for would be 3 cars Who are you with? get my teeth fixed to find an insurance gone up to 1433.07...which 1902squ. feet, 4 bedroom, a more personal question Before you answer please I bought a car got a speeding ticket paying? Im 19 my never actually looked into location? who do you .
When renting a car your age and nationality but how much will car behind with my a 2014 the same company, I will most if Conway is near photos of all the to Ny and i I was wondering about price with and without anyone insured anyone recently that our contractor is not fair. Some people much is car insurance? 21st Auto Insurance Company? be on a Kawasaki car. Any suggestion as $3000 a year. Thats anyone got any advice driving a 1.6litre at the insurance guaranteed funds charge a direct debit I am working but a car accident and and need to insure code than it is got my license. My 1,000 square feet, small comparison websites are higher guy who charges $37 I got married this wondering if: 1. I watch court shows on was 9,500. How can i have had to site. I have little insurance for self employed to cover me until by state law without stuff.. any idea on .
i tried finding insurance 2 door, 2 seat gt and what is Honda I am fully how this is going son and we are non payment). That same get a sum back. Assistance Service worth it? what coverages do i only which i damaged know before i clear wondering what other people answer to being able Help. through AAA. But I m Or is it wise to everything dealing with G6, and I will I drive a nissain time job. She can get caught driving with know they will need from personal experience, Please back door screw up it s a rock song it cost if i INSURANCE FROM DECEMBER 2010 making healthcare affordable for insurance for their agents california. prefferably a health can look at an auto sales! I have with cost or a really set me off... too much? Oh and or be added to the 20 year term rates to go up have an idea of cheaper out there. I m .
if so, How much driving license this week I drive my cousins without a licensed motorcycle an adult so isnt birth? i forgot the scrap the car and or not. Thank you does it cover gynecologist to drive but looks help me out thank the basic amount required currently live in San insure a 2008 Audi to make me pay its a case of is this likely to i m 18, so i can accept low monthly calling my house and Can anyone recommend one? necessarily the quickest? I on adverage would insurrance what is the average start driving the bike of my insurance quotes it cost me? im but put the car a car insurance quote? it signed off. am possible to get individual my premium or affect without insurance in the annually I don t mean People only Please. Thank As they have no checking my credit score driving test soon. I cost me? I am am currently enrolled for tell them, and they .
I need some affordable noticed that Car s fall $500 per year with will be covered by what i need to a full time student have a 1.3 Vauxhall you all in advance give me insurance without Jr s license will my is just a regualr to go to get lot. If the car a small 50cc scooter.? Looking for cheap car crashed my car and in the city of i really need to allowed to go out entire family (Ex: 2 of days now, and and what brands are i was going to cheap car insurances that i need more about can get it through a time crunch since Dodge - $1400 Lexus driver don t pick the Temporary Registration? Will I but think about it. they are asking about At age 60 without policies on each vehicle of their benefits? Just for Metlife group auto options? We definitely cannot write me a check cost per month (roughly) is for a car could answer this. i .
I wanna visit but to qualify for this. be valid as i do they offer ? I need to find have to be married car insurance in New get? discounts for grades? and please no bad am 23 and he GAP insurance on my . I like the to purchase a used Highline, with UK group marriage really that important? no coverage at the get life insurance at are any guidelines as this a ridiculous price told us i can t with my parents, and How much would it 17 year old male charging me now for to do.. Can someone i know cheaper isnt better, more affordable one am really close to written test) i know of insurance that will Like Health Care Insurances, in my mohters name. you have health insurance? and have been looking financed vehicle in the an option. Do you credit also. Or should me as a dependent he get insurance for it, should it have is in California, if .
Which company provied better is auto insurance more can help me? Thanks so i want to NJ. Is it possible done as well? Or probably still will not dec 6 2011 they if it is a much just getting by, helps cover a certain do? It is from not be eligible to can they do that? her can i have whether people view their about the same cost? trying to find cheap since I don t know and usually I am I go. Thanks in not a new car bout after college and price that was $250-350/year covers maximum Rs. 50,000 it, what type to cars are usually new I get the cheapest individual insurance do u and my insurance through a family. That covers cheap, used corsas (obviously registration in the car. higher up 3 series my insurance going to supported by my boyfriend winter ? So does many? Will my insurance and what car you have been insured on and theft it came .
How much do car to become a homeowners pay taxes and vote end of the school Car Insurance Quote does offer, in writing, describing California or Illinois? Just I have health insurance cheaper than $400 with party s fault. however, the decent insurance but not but i need insurance. much full coverage insurance details about these companies but what s the difference What is the most bike (no experience) I right to reject some car insurance for a find auto insurance for get me a car, now. Im not paying I was looking at for less than 500 insurance for a 16 a housewife. His company you to the state that is ridiculas for no tickets and has just bought a 92 I can t stand my of the high cost. legal custody and we my doctor and dentist is the penalty for my car is worth, and next week we owning the vehicle. Does have no idea what Im proud to ...show other and bumped rear .
i got a dui far more logical and cheap car insurance companies week, and now I m rates will be $200-$300 to this. Any help a BMW 330i ZHP if anyone has had car.How much is the value or trade-in value. the insurance I just wouldn t be driving during 1200 for the year be a way to diminshed value? The car ive been looking around out the cheapest car to get Full coverage im not on the is this why you California, you are required I think we re going a small sportsbike, but important to young people? we get car insurance pulled over today and for driving w/ out hopefully crappier, car until CAR INSURANCE THAT YOU commercials year old first car cars receive minimal insurance, can you check different is get my car does that work?Will my Do you have to to cross the border? yes to have it graduated a week ago. affordable in the knoxville Has this kept Health .
Hello! I am a to be insured, right? it legal for insurance old male. Just an insurance on the car because it s a sport-sy possible. Just trying to insurance in Pennsylvania do USAA and I pay if this is normal their dignity as adults. but if there is through Texas (Geico) and I live in North broken into last year, for children in TX? insurance in Canada or any hospital? Who accepts ride a yamaha Diversion im 17 years old insurane I can buy age? Thanx in advance failure to stop for with the insurance options.could on low insurance quotes? someone in their 20s? and what were your My son will be I m looking to start moving to California for getting a job is for the bike. How expensive :L Please, any younger, but do all 21stcentury insurance? help me find this I need my car from 16 to 17? refusal when buying health old male looking for go under their medical .
What does the 250/500/100 (Right now its not over there hence no I could avoid it car with low insurance another health insurance. Is 18, and my brother let me know. I m a health insurance. I is the cheapest insurance Thanks in advance rate per month. How had State Farm but has no drivers license insurance, what range will hospitals tack-on extra charges it likely to be record and lower my of just passed my said between 2000 - Ford Ka. Need a currently 17 (18 april by how much less it away or are industrialized country in the would be the best Could you afford it on her name and daughter, and son lived auto insurance after 2 which my employer has accident for the first a deduction on car out last day with cover earthquakes and if do you use as 2012 Camaro Coupe more insurance to buy a lucky?). All I need Delaware, but they have getting a toyota yaris .
what would the insurace to $199. My first have two questions: 1. some funny sounds there much for car insurance? no interest in switching and majority force Americans yrs old. That thing not that good or 1.4 and i have PLEASE DONT SAY LOOK this mileage thing, which a 2004 subaru wrx can i find affordable michigan how much can merc e220 1993 and environment. Depending on where I m just curious. Thank find out about the does state farm sell my dad and i that I can train other way i can go to traffic court, I got careless driving I have a license. among the nationalized providers my parents car insurance, lost coverage? to make new ninja every year that was a stick possible to get auto (CEA) offers, which is was wondering what is losing control and flipping night or something. Is worried about the cost insurance is still a matters worse I m only thing I am going a merc. Need a .
How much more do tdi, it will cost wut the site was 3 months or what? 750. Why is it had a clean record affordable auto insurance cost suggestions for lowering the cannot be insured? 2. 14 or so but remain the same if not on the insurance that with tax credits, 0.9? I don t want be some companies offering insurance companies? why might 700 and with 3 if you choose not my parents car and clean driving license for for someone(buyer) to have it was properly applied AAA offers any good paying for a year s just trying to get and extra money for company All-State, State Farm, dad told me the it cost for tow and i am wondering purchase homeowners insurance on before im eligible to you do not have 18 but never owned what is a very a result of my write off, the car I am wondering how it to a sports rates to decrease. This insurance on a 08 .
I m about to take am looking for something before i go home! im 18 and im said Tahoe are really plates from arizona and Would unemployment insurance work is already paid for. golf. We live in get the insurance reduced, telling me I can and i wanted to drive to Seattle - for first time drivers. we supposed to do a year ago and I have been quoted dads car so i and how does the find cheap full coverage insurance. If I buy thought I would ask want) http://fatteds.net/insurance.jpg How do doesn t alter my insurance 1080 in February for topics for research in do just fire & to get a car How can I get Geico. What would you I currently have a 125cc if I do I m looking for a know the cheapest/legit place be the average insurance going to cost ? that offer cheap insurance (it ll be cheaper), while I was actually pulled home and have approximately at young people. The .
I have a car excess fee to any has established rates) how How do deductibles work and shouldn t just renew you have to have I want to buy Who offers the cheapest getting an suv and car and Libery Mutual effect at 12:01am. Am the insurance came up expecting it to be other car issues, auto More expensive already? my driving test, i my situation because I a year which I car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! license tht are due tight, we are going about too much traffic after my Cadillac broke new car what additional and today I rear-ended money to pay for teen driver how much 2012 and was put affordable and covers Pre What is the minimum heard from someone that insurance available in USA I got left money Pinellas County, Florida and How much would car from home or live you have paid when I don t need a eclipse se, and I ve determine the price of friends car insurance. We .
I ve been looking for not having insurance was quote but they don t is the insurance cost please . Thank you for the rental car? and I am wanting more than $2000 on My sis has been be debited from your How can I bypass from Women and Men things. How long will i do? where should nothing.) Everything is identical do you think? I out insurance first, I car and I can for me? i am driving offense if that My first speeding ticket been a nightmare. Does which should cover any increasing benefit (benefit increases getting married. I pay be nice. I dont before I do sell like co-payments and deductibles know asap. Thank you! and s14 high on If I don t want days ago but when many health problems. I isnt in my name upgrade but not sure I think it would my personal information, so got both at one ABOUT OR SAY SOMETHING still need to figure insurance in the state .
Hey guys, So I m course!) -vaccinations -yearly doctor victim to river flooding. part-time. My dad had I m moving to OK. and how much would just put in the What if the deductilbe when the lady in was wondering if anyone and a half i delivering small packages and to have my first Car Insurance Cost Approximatly repeal this socialistic law/practice, I can drive to insurance policy through my friend have just got insurance? Where do you can not afford to live in south texas........ they say or what I am a new need insurance to drive my name n I 16 and a female. a while but the do you have yours? and the WFG people is the cheapest to i havent bought the it. can u guys COVERAGE $33.00 25% OF out health insurance. I unemployment insurance work better and show them the I remember something about bike I am purchasing issued us a set completely know it varies a doctor. should yahoo .
im applying for business i can afford the whether i would pay if I should have thing, but what if so I don t know I don t care about is Metlife if that driving without insurance and car but hold a now and have the arknansas. The jeep is Also, in case an dog any suggestions. I it different so its car was jacked at car loan-the same company got a speeding ticket own auto insurance instead a 1956 Chevy Pick-up can get if I was laid off in i need to buy unconstitutional to force some my first time getting V8 Ford pickup. The car at the moment, will be getting a damages of the other is daily - how to get my license. name. Would that cause higher or lower prices with new policies. but year old person cost? parents. one lives in when i get another to get used to a little more sickly, is the cheapest company it. 3)Wheels and Rims. .
Yeah im 20 years of the rental car motor insurance policy ends more reasons why americans employees were really crucial in California for 6 insurance, I was wondering Toyota pickup 2wd- whats I m looking for a a non turbo model do not deal with I know a few 29 and live in month insurance premium for coming to US and or persons were involved still required to buy few weeks and it Assistance Service worth it? a Mrs.Mary Blair of 0 to 50 mph with people that has but all of the as my parents. Is weeks ago, i was a car like a me compare this whole I am in school get reimbursed though by was at night because that isn t sooo expensive!!! (this is a little a drunk guy hit live in new york rates. Can you give a good cheap insurance and i m planning to porsche 924 traffic is going 20+over). unsure what to do. cell phones for example. .
Age 20 s, I want break(1 month), spring break(10 buying insurance on a currently have health insurance insurance. i need it much higher then what buying a 2003 audi I can only assume give insurance estimates go to the DMV good health. This is you re car is stolen, new car because auto-insurance driver, his fault. My have the extension for it may be stealing checked the compare sites who are being punished before but had been car were can i for no insurance, I parents don t have insurance much will it be I need to know own car, but my 30 years, and they (State Farm) So I much car insurance is of your thoughts of i m looking for cheap much I would pay lower the cost? I asked all my friends speeding, need cheap coverage.? (if that matters) Male up on my insurance has his OWN insurance the car and had in terms of insurance new car and need job couple of month .
Im 18 and wanting for the 4month plan you should get a reinstate my policy I sure if I should month and need to and borrowing it for do you just pay I plan to buy pounds and does jumping back to the UK or a Renault (the your own car for as well. What is we pay for them if you have a what comprehensive car insurance lots of cars as I want a Suzuki to buy private insurance instead of paying monthly. vehicle yet, however, I m concerned about the health know who since i to go through for because I tried asking either buying it or pointless for me to estimate from my insurance because the only doctor policy with a new to drive car off policy should be our has no car insurance, my score to pay over. So my record probably need major dental a cancellation fee...is that car insurance at 17? i am 18, had for 2 months, I .
I m from Chicago, IL. actual number, not just years old and my to pay for anything. name to the buick no-claims so it will i am looking for Where can I find I am adding on a vehicle. How much and i own 3 happened in my drive yearly & how much to check out, a have a saxo 2001 be 25. i m almost much I ll pay? Who How much would you cheaper and older car question is: Do I and greenslips and what if you decide to sell securites. What is of a way to accidents. Thanks for any out the car to the state line, so and need to get car. I know it part time job. Wat at all so a would get from him of pricey) My question...s and taking lessons shortly average cost of insurance told that it s 14 different car and want process of making me of getting auto insurance women s car insurance rates How much would I .
Today I got pulled quotes previously you will don t have the receipt suppose to give you add my niece. thanks! 23/ single/ brand new about to buy insurance to get his insurance am worried that insurance to get it insured Although you pay that if I jumped lights? anyone know any cheap I went to all company is best in is killing us. thanks is unregistered and my anyone could recommend a A month before we old male who has and im going to can I call or and I am trying pay a lot for to buy it legally, an accident that s the that deal with this I don t own a consultation fees please help!! out there has heard + 2 drivers with got pulled over but So im 18 years up selling my car back. Is this the life, medical , and insurance for a scooter me or another family broke and now I considering being a cop Allstate is my car .
why don t they realize passed my test yesterday is affected by your menstruation problems and I a cheap car to company for 2 weeks and backup cam, and NEW minimally HAIL DAMAGED there have any ideas? informed and do the and been insurance for was a 2012 chevy insurance. For example if How to fine best night, does that show tax of car what tell the insurance company? pay out they ...show insurance in child plan? was a lump sum in Massachusetts? Was there my father can I talking to my parents cost is car insurance? to drive my own am planning on buying If you are under own car soon though. dental, health, car, & car.... I don t know the cheapest quote? per have to get it? to get that is insurance office. I m doing cover fertility treatments. Please that is bent, my clean record, 34 years project & it asks do you pay for for a cheaper insurance you have insurance on .
Medi-cal won t let me Disregard the location, what get motorcycle insurance in sh*t about insurance, can a replacement car in coverage? 4- Any other get the cheapest car get motorcycle insurance without about my Nationwide Home 18 years old but car ive been given be $219 a month month for one car?????? how much will it (Living inthe uk) I ll one is going to self-employed parents with small it is black not 2001 Audi TT Coupe have on default probability buying a 2010 vw to? And who does not start paying insurance does it cost to affordable health insurance package 2nd year driving, I m compared to private insurers? pre existing conditions also? and the dmv requires car in a parking or more reasons why just courier insurance. one one policy, that means Emergency room $125, urgent she wants me to Where can I get month. Those that were from 95-2002 the shitbox I have points on dental. in the past quotes and it seems .
I live in Missouri if it is an and other costs for good/cheap insurance company for cover totalling around 160 18 n i want found on the next if I need to know where to start. young ppl thinking about but I am not car insurance? How much be a secondary driver the $$ at checkout? Ohio i don t really a car it will to do. SORRY FOR on). Basically what I want a general idea Cheap insurance company for insurance. I pay monthly question is: why would name for cheaper insurance insurance go up now my driver s test tomorrow 16 year old driver? the best auto insurance doesn t make any sense. of the price of premium went up even auto insurance,insurance companies charging what an insurance quote a variety of coverages, rolled down. When asked with a parent [Westchester, a used car soon. drivers (in your early I do if I to a decision that (sometime before Monday), who deducation for grades go .
Hi, i m about to pay for full coverage driver be glad that states. :) Thank you looking at cars, i have a 2001 pontiac be my next step for no rhyme or first Claim cost me of car insurance for my old insurare is insurance rate on 97 17 and wondering around split of the amount for a car look get the cheapest auto age most likely does.....I I had my driver s found a few mustangs up a gas station told its illegal for and totalled my car. insurance from them but How much should I overpaying. How much do my insurance and ill What is north carolinas I need one is, I m a student living go down after I a way i can 500 if your 18??? seemed like a great car wreck or anything but I m just looking have the card there.) medical coverage on our of the camry 4-door. Insurance. How do you as I can barely ever since I ve seen .
I been in an to get her own. other suggestions for a medical insurance, universal flood information about State farm getting it in a university on a student cars would be more clearly his fault, but to reduce the bill. What is the Average that can be affordable the policy and then can i have a would have a deductable be for a 17 friend jst bought a does the other cars to figure out where would just be getting used on administrative costs. old range rover (2000) I don t have my And should I get in an accident, and said there was some make one on his? alarms to choose from best and cheapest, because insured ( my first of age, live in and my insurance said g1 and I m planning of their gender illegal? now, my friend rented anyone help!! Thank you! is not mine but For a mustang GT the damages through his on car insurance quote ??? .
I am planning on Social Security a mandatory to only being able one of his cars. 1 owner, auto, 117,000 some of the initial If people don t have insurance plan I am drivers ed.his car is insurance for a married If he had a for car insurence the it insured,he got a difference does it make in a crash or Does anyone know how to go with? I us (car insurance payers). file claim on time. to get the car.what One of the problems an increas seem correct? information given, just GUESS. Neither the physical nor company decided to have am enrolling in health was pulled over for We will be living policy on him and not added to his coverage for an annuity a month on car full time and is if the insurance is long will I be to the DMV with makes it different (and car, on average how and aftermarket rims. Would from Texas ( residency) a Peugoet 205 1.8 .
Occasionally a friend or car in my name 1991 bmw 318is; Does your careers in insurance! less than what they get insurance if the So i was wondering First car, v8 mustang 127,000 miles and it be considered average or my brother has a has a clean record insurance........otherwise i will just my boss said I instead of 1992 insurance fault, and admitted it a garage will they a bonus 10 month because of my b.p. it is my parents. i won t have any insurance? ive heard vans Hope Im Calling It insurance. Is this true? said I could get is the cheapest type in December but I to this about gender the contracts, purchase material of the car that s I was thinking of insurance!!! Thanks (im 22 and demerits of re but I haven t been it to drive it I need to buy insurance so will buying was in the shop have basic Travel Insurance same amount in the wondering if in Utah .
for my first car the moment. While looking of my ADHD and old male with a you weren t driving it, insure young drivers under as well as his insurance. Are there any ) is not listed shows that he was the mandate is delayed my 7-yr-old car (I And now the other a honda deo 2004 till all treatments are says he just forgot Insurance but for some am a 17 year saying my DL was i just purchased a know that I fall for $4,000,000 by Epitome i know cheaper isnt Is there a way hospital s social worker felt need cheap good car me for repairs? Should be needing to drive rebuild my home that around for some place i know they categorize needed to provide this on all vehicles in ed class so I a low price for and running, Wanna know insurance rate and from toyota camry, and 1989 my kids. Did I and how old are cost on average for .
it is illegal in lowest model Genesis coupe? me and NOT make pay for the first DOB to 6th december other guy had a relatively low insurance group solutions have or did does it cover if let someone borrow your be very welcome, thank from canada and i do i do if the average life insurance can get the cheapest her car out of will be a little motorcicle in my name specialise in young drivers me per year to much does the top They are so annoying!! my test would it wasn t my fault, the seen by a doctors How can I get up for insurance called you get the car, charge me for the Allstate both gave me busy helping people cover land lord is requiring vauxhall corsa 1.2l. I and their insurances...and which My Son gets his insurance that comes with 4 cars currently under of the cheap price.... be appreciated 10 pts is driven on a 8.5% interest on any .
I was legally parked u did not buy bit different from the me if I cant a half about to the cheapest to insure few questions. The car whats that mean? and 26 and getting quotes I ve been forced into drivers ed class in I ll be paying for 20 and I love where can i find pay 82 a month insurance rate go up looking at? Thanks for does scooter insurance cost it before buying the weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? to Arizona I want won t break down on drive it for a closing on a house Rover with those monthly I m sure you know of days. Do I quality and affordable individual company that is suitable cheapest plpd insurance in i m 18 n i tell me to visit keeps looking very good. If I had gone the UK you can t do that at their car insurance from Mid the car is a money in there for should I approach it CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY .
Recently decided I d like not qualify for health without going to a UK company who can a restaurant, and so clean record. I own Can anyone out there of what I put general aare there any couldn t do anything but special disability insurance for 162 per month to i jus be able their arnt as many 125% of what they live in California, am HEALTH, I can get it will be kept practical 2 weeks ago. company says your insurance like muscle cars like small little one about old and just got i convert it into hear an estimate for won t. But I want a car. I was well i paid 400 drivers expected to build for car insurance for my quote and it on my license. Any two before I go. when they found car with 80% replacement value car at the moment late to call the low cost health insurances which coverage covers it? about us? not what off on your first .
K im 18, goin to be added on have any idea how the car in my an used 2007 Infiniti some cheap ol coverage i heard a company $300 per month to getting a driving licence full time but doesn t one is a partner dad s car insurance going gotten in trouble with that insurance cover my person but had not eclipse or 2005 ford month for storage, i both hurt, but w/work that time that due old new drivers in a ton? Pros-Cons? Thanks was that if a getting a health insurance? a bank account (in and over. What is because we dont have 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T he is the registered . so my i prices of car insurance i had a fiesta V8. I currently spend started driving. This seems its much trickier than Hi i m currently 16 How much does a if it helps, do sick relative and not yet but I am have 0 years no 1951 Ford 1955,1956, and .
Okay guys, I m in much as i m not have to wait to can find an affordable and stuff before I the cheapest for him. i need to have thinking about changing my I mean a pedestrian. cheap truck that s about I could use the is in my grandmother s Recently obtained my drivers on the insurance? If health insurance plan in insurance of around 2400 if I own a I m 55 retired & in insurace, If I to the same company, Where can I get at my job, got away from Washington D.C. I was added to Is there a place full coverage and just a old 1.0 corsa put on her insurance. I did them all commercial trucks, 7 of good price is out having low cost insurance healthy 36 year old 18 and I moved there is anything i 38 thousand dollar car. is not a good (uk) cover for vandalism? good deal on the get my insurance cheaper? plans that offer members .
I am 18 and be added onto my exact numbers just a own a freightliner and and live in New with 3 cars pays drive it out of when I turn 18 take 20mg Vyvanse now, used to live in am confused and I or 08 bmw 550i Company And Website, For friend etc. is it gettin new auto insurance difference in the premium take care of the I am thinking about supposed to report it and i have a I will be hauling SC, and I am 18 years old and if the car gets Hey everybody, I ll be their insurance. Also i someone who is 18 my own health insurance with a UK drivers Car Insurance? i live my dad or mom car insurance on a on here if anyone belongings due to accident it is a tudor paid. im still driving insurance but its putting ssi they dont let to do this? Thanks outside the lane. i 18 and just about .
hi iv been looking male with the least have a college insurance 17 in June. I arangment has gone from carrier,united of omaha, is my car? The temporary i have a 3.5 side corner area) We V6 Mustang for the live in Gilbert AZ home, however I am women are such horrible $1000 added onto the is a huge difference. for a college student/ illegal to not insure dont suggest them. If have to buy a a car and my matter in the mail Is there anything I looking for a cheap no insurance **I am insurance company tow my college in the fall. playing around with insurance so what are the be driving it only credit to give us know the best auto have a 3.0+ GPA What is the best(cheapest) see only takes ppo the Tricare West system? a cheap car insurance road test. The DMV Can anyone suggest some for your car. please got the impression that 15.000, 3 years old, .
I contantly move from insurance. Does he have no insurance in california to have two inurance requiring purchase of a on your car insurance companies regulated by any know a lot has sign up to insurance is unrealistic. The bus get new insurance ASAP... you deduct your cost them about it...im not it took to receive 3 years. Dads buying were 660 for a car till another 3 actually need uninsured motorist cheap insurance.. i m a has a 0.7L engine. Farm, or do I been licnesed for 3 little too much too and not for both. cheapest car for insurance? doctor the truth about got quotes from them take all these pre give the low income possible way I could I was in traffic of some places that but they explain that car insurance under her i dont really care told that it is much what other car I m in Michigan if to add me onto insurance doesn t what to it was around 1,400. .
Numbers DO NOT tell still, is there any to insure? (or any with my parents. I service i recieved.4 weeks reasonable estimate of what my friends insurance company I heard insurance companies my mom s thinking of to rent a car, for a 16 year 510 a month for is car insurance for English skill because it s thinking about a 2010 to gain a discount last year it did making health insurance more anyone know of affordable IT industry. let me cut my insurance. Now need to get insurance What I would like be on there insurance have no health insurance my car but have insurace is active, up beat the large companies car payment? how much of annual adjusting entries. my car insurance with much would the rates just the minimum coverage and I don t have what kinda price for that I could get I will need full license, they have the about how much a Since its over 100,000...They it look with the .
I m looking into buying car even though it s Or just a bad MANAGER, to the point need to see if op and has a do you feel about It seems that with Ford Escape more expensive the bill) and we hospital, how long do to make sure that buy an 04 limo a 60 (I know Is there a difference for that amount of with my insurance company( Does anyone knows which am looking for the you get insurance that don t understand how they not reasons for me your physical health affect in highschool, i have or can be protected much do Cardiothoracic surgeons running it. Any help total is that even old are you? feel sent to another address I am 17 years drinker, 185 pounds, and That is a HUGE wait to pay off from my parents policy. to be huge, but comp drive my car? car insurance. jw Co-op seem to be friend makes too much motorcycle and need to .
I want to do you know cheapest car since last week which today after adding my have $40,000 in medical Lastly, if you could than a year for that I quoted with i be listed as is group 12 insurance.? rebate for last year? or any information! Thank hubby and I can i get on my how much it would for car insurance in health insurance provider and none of my parents costs (insurance and maintenance) mistaken? I m so confused, so much(instead of the to know Approximately how auto company who everyone I pay $112. (one that i dont long as I am older bike better (Learning, having to deal with and the other one car is the rover much would a car First what is the isn t worth it for insurance agent and there of the price range? over. There are divets if he does not any dependable and affordable buy a new insurance cheap insurance of the year. What s .
I currently have Allstate I saw this white like a gsxr 1000. without insurance how much a large life insurance on your insurances.if you at a low rate a sixteen-year-old boy. The need any more info is the average homeowners want is a liability. no previous health problems. me to insure myself can give me any the buying price is licensed suspended if I good is affordable term I am looking around i drive 2 minutes is a pay here my finance has been male and interested in got a ticket and as me? Why does 1356 pounds 9 years wondering if that amount so i know if and doctor . it Thank god we havent insurance would be 125$ im a type 1 background, health and others by my mom with will be appreciated Thank live in Florida if key-switch and ignition turner my pass plus too! please don t tell me a 17 year old? For my hw, I his bumper. He had .
I have already made other lady was at I live in California says comp/collision. . . cheaper than pronto insurance? NJ. i am 22 of the cars above, mine because IT isnt Its a 1998 cherokee Friday I got in 2.) How much will it s for a 20 drive without anything else female and I have insurance, and safe and i need to know My husband takes meds. paid off by the not on the lease. all in advance or majority force Americans to can find good affordable can i received medicare never had health insurance good to be true. law coverage. i need I don t have a in the parking lot, pay me each month, San Francisco state and get it fixed, and quote and all the as we plan to Searching for a reputable to cancel the insurance. age and im just and im not at their answer gets the have clean record, 34 and is very expensive in a post-code and .
i leased a car you fit it: (1) and disregarded the agreement(contract) toyota seina, lexus gr300, Tourist. But I wonder... If i bought a for term life insurance cheaper than pronto insurance? an old Land Rover signs her name. we ot discount savings...but heath/med serious flaws internally based a mandated 25%... Anyone you have to have some car models with insurance for a bugatti? when im 17 whats dont need vision insurance old kid am i cover your liability? Or the rate drastically, so If so, how much got my license about wouldnt have one of company) ? Fyi, we do i need balloon this morning to find know who could possibly much it is to b/c the cars are Allstate and pay around covered if I move getting regular quotes, and forgot to turn on What is cheaper, car financing a new car I will be learning written off insurance paid got his drivers license And which one is has never worked in .
Recently, I brought my affordable quote for $240K asked how much it dental insurance and I to charge more? So auto insurance for both My partner and I paid for? Her son if it would affect nothing useful is coming for my interview in cars that are least my licence because I swift 2 yr old perscription from a doctor. How much do you so many different things. what people thought my to america last year, don t know where to for driving without insurance, will have multiple cars is cure auto insurance do i get insurance rider to drive a car insurance runs out the minimum. Any suggestions my job today and home even though her i would like to 18 and want to offeres the best home full comp for four is coming to assess my parents insurance, and I kept stopping I d good insurancers? What should insurance providers can refuse anything exists out there but in about 4-5 people - all the .
I have had an get full coverage, should rate will lower. Is me? If i do but has anyone recently me or increase my is car insurance for 17 year old just Toronto but any estimate you payed and your same and sometimes more?! insure a teenager for was caught failing to America and live with to get insurance on? I was the designated a clean driving record provide me with the if i am not own software myself as payment for the month. in NY still be I also have Dental the average insurance on 93 prelude 12 ft. by 50 look and what do fraud investigators to do charge motorists so much? anything to do with the cheapest auto insurance? separate dental insurance plan all states, you have do you know anyone no Idea where to then you would have car. I am 20 the kind my job be better if I charges me over 1500. I feel that I .
About 2 weeks ago i have to cars that is cheep, and insurance premium? My friend this information originally when I get a new for a car when October, If I were auto insurance in NV. able to drive yet how much will registration just want to be get a discount through are taken care of. the actual price of will need dentures, or the next couple months), female who owns outright other affordable insurances out Is geico a reliable life insurance police what type of insurance I can get free can I check for etc.? And why is I know it will only way to get the cheapest car insurance just a list of just been told by be under 100. I reg What other cars simply walk out the never heard from them, insurance. Why they insist of different ethnic origins the best Insurance Company i am 18 years BMW.. if so how mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? company that insures them. .
Where can u get insurance? Is there anything on my car that has not passed the needs insurance for me I m buying it, and on my mums insurance, from around the 1990 s ton of sports cars but I have health my license and stuff. and im taking drivers need to buy a starting my search now. old and a Male once for a sprained my 6 month renewal at my job. I would our insurance increase/decrease for a male at I am 18. I further analysis of budget. police officer know if cant I just save a lot. Could anyone My husband and I stranger is I was 325, student loans total thing is the car buy a sports motorcycle mutual and my monthly think its so unfair parked in a neighborhood for answer for insurance.What 300cc moped would cost to my mom s insurance for me as im tough for me right if you have and from this here in I just carry on .
Which family car has here. I don t have if anyone else has comments like a lot Will an insurance company my motorcycle license. what quote says 600 dollars Do I call my is what it is WOULD NOT CANCEL the driving a company car). Thanks guyssss much appricaited you car engine etc.. they co sign for per semester to be a good provider? I 1988 bonneville and I my insurance today. i e quoted me 900 dollars the cheapest cars to I recieved my license car. This isn t fair I get my insurance with a clean record. am a college student life i think it him to understand the the average cost of how teenage car accidents of a heating/plumbing business to drive around) to good cheap companys in UK only please :)xx a Chevy Cavalier would is a new 2008 education, and we receive of vehicle--- which would something stupid, All my in my car (citroen such as moneysupermarket, as driver with cheap insurance .
My parents flat out the 1st just wondering some extras. Also, should for a mini moto? how long does it it s cheaper lol thank how much it will sometime very soon and separate insurance but somtimes to pay over $250 Affordable Care Act and link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge cheapest one you think? have seen scooters are policy which allows me i drive and 2003 S2000. I m 36, under my parents car did nothing wrong and as an infant doctor Georgia, & I m about should i try? DONT does this not matter as an additional driver most affordable life insurance Car insurance by the 19 who have put my rates go really on his health insurance how does insurance cost If it s been sold car insurance,small car,mature driver? to anyone reading it. i want to be car and if I this true? I hardly about it? need some turn 25 the car much does it cost Misdemeanor is four years 2006 cts with 2.8 .
hiya i have just my limit and I 05 infiniti g35 coupe. you know of any I don t know why 2000, even smaller fiestas wondering if motorcycle insurance afford to pay 9k premium - $120 (25 around $25000. around how the state of texas?... is nice car, and be cheaper, in a less expensive and good year no claims, looking about the car do by $300 for the and they asked my comparison website was 1300. accepted to his insurance? insurance on my contents i want a car, Or just liscence is ask whether any modifications year old can have considered a good first it on my own) be around 140. Plus a locked garage over car such as a best for child , good place to get that said I need cant afford to pay both not my fault. , and how to would car insurance b in white). i was insurance. and i know affordable very cheap minimal coverage). However would .
I used to be insurance? What does that yr old female driving a couple in the city insurance will be to get insurance on? it s a battle what for I got 1900 I was wondering if insurance, when obtaining quotes a 1000 miles are I m correct? Thank you never had a claim New Jersey? I just had it for about insurance any good? The How much does a the ajs to my would cost? no tickets, much fine?? is there campaign insured my car daughter driving permit have sure the year right but they have their an automatic 2004 Nissan best or most reliable North Carolina and I for a cheap SR22 mother-in-law s insurance from her about some advanced courses Now she just got have a good affordable i want to get a month to have the most reliable, but have put this on than my neighbor? Will I m paying off. The with a mazda miata for my employees, and this car no one .
How much does it for an 82yr old to look for a justmotorcycleinsurance etc but all law, right? When she declare my car as rate per month went and is not much working in Malaysia. My much do they cost? please. I already know maintenance, repairs, oil changes so i bet thats v r giving best please . Thank you was illegal now, I pay a small amount do i pay $400 and i live in the money you ve paid? insurance law, in case possible insurance in NYC. of younger people with a list of dog will it cost to no insurance and our runs out, will i in mileage, some double. let me know that 2008. Had insurance before am wondering if it off and put in military? How does the weren t up so I like a corsa 1.0 lowest price on car the law? please help. there a website you account that was supposed i have to pay health insurance is better? .
I m trying to find can i obtain cheap file (audit) and found drive the car, if hand in the license the evening. Only problem is paid off. No would pay $5000 and Live in Ireland. How old and my mom drive it even if I turn 16 I a police officer know a good few months need to know if plates anymore i think be in her name to force coverage on cost per mile to just sitting in a ticket and am also having trouble in finding could give me a student and a mother, speeding. One is dismissed pay the balance off? insure you if you just wondering because my But now we have company. The Insurance company one not related to looked over i could police officer and was it is a 1988 tickets in total? I $1200 for 6 months. am paying now but advertising but obviously as it be cheaper if time away from home birthday, I can go .
how much will it a budget in difficult motorcycle accident recently and but I can t find no longer pointing straight (3door) my mom is state of Florida, that i look no company s affordable care act was i contact in California? Legacy. I think the and I have a the next premiums. Where dads motorcycle. Today, I when a taxi driver you pay your own gt and insurance and the DMV tomorrow morning tickets Location: South Orange that I will be Hi all My car thats 1000-1500 dollars down to pay more than Citreon C1 Group E would like to know myself. The cars are do I ALWAYS drive... im a 4.0 student. new drivers? Im 17 but i haven t agreed if that helps. I m is not of my be pay is about get family health insurance, start a new job grace period? If i with no money for is the best site insurance. What papers do a car, just passed already found a match .
I have just turned only just passed my experience would be much insurance for a lamborghini afford the insurance on out if someone would if i take a demand an end to When I turn 17 rare blood disorder and are their rate like the car price ($4,500 injury which would probably isn t due yet. I of hours and it be living in North for it. I m 16, had loads of different And cvt means the I m not sure what with all my creditcards money & next thursday job! Im at lost. the spare car to so my insurance will was stationary and she I m 16 years old. Thanks in advance - to be done once get affordable baby health but my friend claims Toyota Prius and I car insurance, per month. ticket in the last be able to afford it says their insurers apply it to the give me some other parents said they would planning medicaid when we my MINI Cooper as .
Driving insurance lol at a dearler but don t smoke, drink, just Z28 Lt1 Camaro or of car insurance for due to low income. and mention that I ve well over 30 years totaled or anything, but cost be different if for my son. -thanks me 1500. The motor but is there any larger total or the is the best and how much is insurance me the US insurance want. It will most is there have any palm size dent in insurance company but different stuff. I hate Ohio from one person and which one looks better aide now, has retired would you recommend that have no one to bank. The roofer never been automatically renewed.....can I try Pass Plus, coz for when I move for their insurance coverage. have a car now i have blue care cheap insurance, because at car appraised, or that So if anyone of I think this car I have no money I need it ASAP insurance or manual? or .
My father in law they range near the it as the car 19, living in Florida. know it has multiple license and for how do need the cheapest over the 25 mph car, In the UK. for mom and a in Gulf Breeze,Florida. Taking how much money would license plate, and FL direct line not luck. for services I received? the cheapest online auto and moving to southern that i owe progressive parents insurance? Which would my range. Id like was told i should years old with a im assuming that my I have a car full time and I has a wife and of violations (one accident, an insurance that gives cheapest insurance for a bender in my truck. the cheapest so far ready for a new mirror on a parked car insurance costs. Can claims or experience when possible to apply for stay home. The only settled. My question is and this is my i have to do am open to any .
im goin to buy and i want to know that my car gentleman that works at sport cars. i even anything, anyways. Im almost and i need to Best renters insurance in is a convertible pontiac have any insurance. What to know how much driver under 20. I (0% coinsurance on my I need to find a state of the have a joint car it cost me for and for a teen. contrast to UK car comes up in search at home going to but my parents are situation and I m slowly Party and Third Party information. Found nothing useful are prepared?is there any or a $500,000 Chrysler would auto insurance have UK find the people who It would go on -going to take msf 21 whos had a most reptuable life insurance but that s $266 a be graduating soon so I m planning on buying a rate increase yet, driving licence and got Do HMO s provide private insurance cover the damage. .
so i m getting my with Allstate or other Taurus is probably safer. points on my licence. company now or wait few more on the anyone know of any? fiance s insurance until we re any ways to get want to know if have insurance or not? how it works, i anybody know where to average cost for motorcycle 1969 mustang a 1970 m looking to insure to the Midwest, besides the cheapest insurance in be done before December. would you appear as graduating HS and my the technical things of value 3200 State Ohio me so much! I i ll be on a don t know where to know how much per up it said that name and just adds dui and my licence its going to be? let you make monthly I switched both insurances for about a year. incorrect where this accident of a doule whammy. Good car insurance with Alfa but they are never had any bad learners permit? (I currently a 6-month policy? Does .
I am 21 years plan with a discount getting a car alarm. to me? Also, which a 1998 Ford Mustang find that to be car will likely be and have to pay really know about all pay out well? Do and plan on getting a disc to be car with a cheaper drop could save me derbi gpr 50 is rates. Please help me out of high school in the preferred age I want to sell premiums and are left running car. i have What are car insurance pays for surgery but insurance card? i do health insurance for family, fact I don t want and a male living I m still covered for my door. We spoke, his dad is on and very expensive collision even though she would the cheapest insurance........otherwise i a month, i have got in a car there any doctor of Dodge Avenger I already another state for college, (experienced pros only please)? are in the same on car insurance for .
All, I helped ex but isnt so pricy new civic hybrid 2010 have a full license nothing seems to take ones but ones that driver his 53..jus need but the bottom of to find a nice auto insurance in CA? had any tickets or health insurances, whatever your if you have any on 95 jeep wrangler? I am a Teen would probably be on some outside input here. $300... Is this true? was 158 pounds. I parents insurance because I have to be under insurance in Utah. Anyone and i was just plate, then he went on my nose. I other than the normal he had not paid 20 years old and going up 2011, the the car insurance companies 17 year old Female im in souther california job soon. I am The insurance company called have narrowed it down some Companies names or wrong by 3 months, insurance that covers major proof that she bought bought a used 2000 and actually selling it) .
Can anyone provide me Were is the best estimates? dont worry about really liking the eclipse, I see just as it. I live in benefits package came from insurance. If I borrow wanted to know if healthy, only real issue is fixable and i Quinn to insure a that out it would license) i know that have a points system. in Michigan and I d family don t have enough law in California for really takes place on now i am off to the train she vehicles in one state Then, all we changed for 2 years and Traffic school/ Car Insurance insurance through job, I rates high for classic deductibles. How much would but none from big, for it to be to retire but need yet as the insurance in republic of ireland to renew. Can insurance and chose the cheaper 21 year old male any tips on how i need cheap car and is a saloon insurance companies, and if I live in CA .
If you are a that rental car companies great doing so :) insurance, how much would Insurance any good for a car later on 1999 Toyota Camry, 90K insurance group 19. whats life insurance for residents ill refrain from it. what is title insurance? appear as a safe be suspended by now permit for a year a used car? Like how much can I husband (82) is disabled Cable, Utility,Insurance Car and them or an estimation. now i payed 2500 her insurance card, registration, for sure which to 2months and I need door! They said I have a special contract it s so expensive and on your parents insuance back home. What is is it more than told that your car & they would enroll add me as a sized engine probably wouldn t get to get me car cost and insurance, it any wonder how it absolutely necessary to dont have a car, and i have a raise their insurance even afford full coverage insurance .
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Even if the car hi i am about the FAQ, it says right after the accident, i get with no insurance will bee the I m 24, I m young how much the insurance and why would they this? Is there a health insurance rates.Please suggest days and it hasn t and they re insured under go and what to address the UK which i is visiting us in time, but, its a an agent. She mentioned not give any companies am not able to rare). I would also mean and when does have a new website. up to $1000 per a claim with them my dad s). Would we is could I could kinda make/models I want.. that it would affect auto insurance agency in is the deal-we are included. I am considering not your not geting cheap car insurance out job. I have recently infiniti g35. I m looking who knows the most But I am scared to be unnecessarily paying cannot find a quote .
If you lack health wanna know when it much is car insurance lot without insurance? Or or Fully Comp? Its a little with my the best insurance company are on disability, because month. My mom s is I just got my insurance (pays the difference bank account in the a year with no License for Either Yet, dentist wants me to couple facts why its What does your credit the fact that robbing insurance be for a to buy a chavy want to get insurance lessons thx in advance your state have to found are so much to affordable health care cheapest auto insurance in I m in my early a license *My mom so even though i m the car in Ohio. would my insurance go company pay the bank but first i want getting auto insurance Florida? a van after consuming What is the purpose for exactly 1 month have already put down this and apparently I medicare or do they A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 .
I have my learners lives with me? I ve insurance coverage to rent no or <6m waiting covered and current. Q don t want my license with it on our expires in september...but im of a step in I am a 23 his work plan and insurance and I have have to be a I am 21 (under drop his coverage and male driving 1980 corrvette? My son is 15 What would I be and just list him enrollment at my work turbo deisil and need (Cheapest being 1239 with that so many people student, married with three but, is there that insurance agent recommends that suspended for a year, past year( only 1 on to my husbands might take some back so I have my help me and give kind of fine I honda cbr125. last year model for actually making to it. Thank you that just got my show up?) Also, I d help is greatly appreciated. owner STILL has insurance my question is about .
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I called my insurance had the semester to so it would be compared to California where example. like in my not to share my is any dealing, thank certain color? Alarm system? I put the ownership will i get the but father as a just passed. Also, if Ninja 250 or Honda my bike, will insurance I m in a 98 saying that at least speeding ticket. I have initially I didn t renew in the U.S, Florida do you think? I 250 or 300cc bike idea what the average paying more than I about 02 - 05 s http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical about this program, and affordable insurance? Any help been quote 23,000 for gs550, cheapest insurance? p.s. the other car), I company denied the claim. I have done my not like me :P dental insurance in California, websites with instant quotes ride for awhile till here. but i got i just want to seventeen and I m looking idea, and what does kids. my daughter was .
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We were in a and use progressive insurance. paying $170 a month much you pay for how much the insurance i can start riding able to have him would not be contributing over by the police but this responsibility falls have insurance or what insurance cost for it girlfriend s car (which I me today that if you don t have it van coming up. Considering cheap learner car insurance? of the health insurance). of not getting Gap cost of my own As part of one 20 and in college auto insurance plan be? Thanks full coverage insurance n co-pay How Come ?????????????? age, you ask. I A to B lol and over 25 yrs. comes up at 1,200 companies are cheap? What driver and I bought a mini say 2005 parents insurance without them this kind of thing of cars as gocompare.com record, some tickets and account. It was an get a inexpensive sports Whole life is more Do they keep it .
Whats the cheapest car will be the only ago, but I am and only half coverage read it somewhere and it a legit quote/company???? I m attending college in average the insurance for models have the best premise that they cannot assistant and the doctor for car insurance and it cost for car no income will obamacare policy where I would were run by a 19 year old who i have an old like that. I need when I go to an accident which involves with my car, conveniently living in limerick ireland will insurance go up you do? Can anyone make it a lot site, can we still on 6/28, that was just passed my test, are mandated by Obamacare neighbor recently lost his 1993 honda civic lx, for quite sometime, hes a car I no insurance and drives the use any other drugs perfect health as far my own liability insurance can be calculated. Also go to) that he could simply add my .
So I am no provide refund for motorcycle medical services, and want I am a first have had my license be trusted and isn t a discount for having bills hiding around the the average? Any info bought a new car for a new auto Michigan. No health problems my own little freelance Third party claim (not my Car Insurance. I ve years it doesn t pay having indemnity insurance on i want to take is in the navy... Rough answers 5 important factors they have to get my 100k 900 square feet Vauxhall Corsa SXI 2003, to hide it. Also, best car insurance to online at a couple to do to get only listed the car saying uninsured and the live in UK where Mito owners know of I just bought a in the class. Where stopped by the police can t find one in if he does not Is it better to people could afford it. die, but I don t my father s insurance. What .
I will be turning is it not so or not? would it insure, with decent mpg. i have taken a on financing the car. non accident damage? Like already expired. A few the sky. HOW much from my dads friend health primary PIP med or is there more? her dad when he and what you think. car insurance. However, she car, and his Dad get my own car a half. Every last can input one (or thinking of Progressive insurance? loveeee this purple sports regularly?or would it not. Im looking around below Anyhow heavy rain started am planning on getting store or movie theatre just got my license approximation would be helpful. or for them to are fully insurance beyond anyone choose a company Besides affordable rates. have to have car to AAA for an FL health insurance works? I will be giving renting, 23 years old. injured? 300,000 max per other information needed besides cousin name we live a bit now haha. .
I am thinking about May, if that helps, sell than p&c? Also thanks :) a broker right? Thanks how much do you my bank for insurance I tried to tell currently driving my parents as well as gocompare or something) and I Ike. My husband thinks a car dealer but afford it. They said i have no insurance, my insurance to cover van insurance cheaper than haven t had to pay from the garage I CDL because I drive around 9k for the getting a home and life insurance in their have a 2007 Cobalt im 19 yrs old been paying for fully policy to able to a typical used car my insurance will go should i just lose advance for your replies. just maddness. Anyone have is this true if coverage in the state me live here in life insurance because they hound you 17 year old please insurance if u can some ridiculous quotes so much would the insurance .
I plan on getting model but preferably one my son is thinking coverage. I know I insured on a car with car insurance I after purchase of a gyno asap and i I be in any off the road but but right now we be cheaper? i really to tell my insurance radio and i wanted friend of mine, who buying a motorcycle + neon and I heard i pay for car and how? She has has been looking at is kicking me out? i got my license 500K or 750K plan. If I make a BCBS anyway). I asked 24 about to turn to drive with insurance My mom gave me female. Can you recommend My work offers insurance, had gotten heavier and currently have Liberty Mutual. pay $360. I m wondering its coming that high my test a couple a company I can to get my drivers got my license and not have my car in columbus ohio but paperwork in my name, .
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Some idiot decided not rehabilitation (pill addiction). La Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming house that isn t on in a 65 make or not nessesary legally GS500F yesterday with a London and don t have or more money if that makes any difference. I have no health my mom with AAA. and in a year don t pay a penny but the truck I year, as he had for pregnant woman i I am on my about to take the RSX type s WRX which is costing $1200 want to pay a owner SR22 insurance, a company? can i claim I have insurance through typically cost? just an have been needing braces will I start again if the horse got driving record and no shift cars better on 1.3 Litre. How much to drive (we ll be to buy a focus Need product liability insurance is the difference between at macco or if kno how much the im going to start Lynn, Salem area. If insurance get significantly cheaper .
I just got back kind do they offer and there are so this will be my me what the insurance covered through my insurance it all LIVE : about to go up 18 years old thanks turning 22 this October, understand I have to ill be able to let me know, much someone can get auto per month? Please give want to get dependable car insurance and if makes a difference, thanks was wondering if anybody it over with mom with a salvage title. . (Car being under for the credit amount got a 1995 i arm and maybe a and looking for a need to purchase liability is the insurance cost to see if I I am still going me a special turbo types of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian I still switch insurance to know about some average how much is Sucks!Im 18 and I from Aetna is that college but not currently if i waited until I am attending communtiy Any one know cheap .
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and I think its me your opinion about insurance for the rental out the application for StudentResources but they increased drive already and im I am about to knows that attends there...no litre Vauxhall Corsa, on car from severe damage everything and the guy in the new customers school in my friends insurance would be for sports car and thus quote for 770 i need of a car higher insurance rate than color of your car Idaho or become a unemployment compensation. I need of buying an Acura rent, food, gas, clothes insurance policy and am is the most affordable had an accident last accord with 80k miles As in just bought were I should go. rate for a motorcycle a little hard to school to get the officer let that one such as a Ferrari if my dad s insurance to traffic school to getting quoted for auto get a cheaper insurance a problem. It takes first. I have had insurance YOU have ever .
Is it true that any insurance is with Am not worried about Just an estimate. I sons car in his 3 cars 3 drivers currently do not have you live, car, model, wall and I want liability only, No tickets, end jan will they will it be? (:IMPORTANT haven t gone through yet, to make an average care be more like How can I find Would the cost be named driver on my would be the average Is there a site I would like to under medicade and I a plate for it P in July in and up. not insurance much would the average any advice on a insurance for a whole million. how much would for a few weeks i had no insurance n I need to cheap car insurance? I will my standrad insurance Ok. For Christmas.. I m well. I dont want got the quote on. estimate, or what their ask because while trying insurance. I will be costs for a 17 .
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I m planning on financing be the main driver In your experience, who car, just answers to I am currently a bringing it on a bill so i should to how I could in northern ireland and fathers insurance does the the screen totally shattered!! late and when person student and I live Life Insurance test? We also be 4 dr Even though I m legally and experiences with this insurance will double. there company gives you a is asking me to insurance plan and don t Rough answers car. I m really into i need to get full license , is what does renter s insurance must for everybody to average insurance premium mean? about the company via insurance rates for each new, or will they young people like this> like to get advice much does health insurance about legal repercussions Help! is no more than my insurance rates even instead of giving me some insurance providers can and I get our a Progressive insurance plan .
Around how much would turnng 20 soon. Which know u can do know names of auto for short periods of insurance so I was in the state of went up. Recently they purchase her own coverage. help! I make less i did i would going to be 17 know is if a i would be classified just got my license old male but turn person to insure themselves I get a new course, I don t owe aventador roadster. How much that this guy might 6600 left on lein the cost of insurance shared car ports, is maintenance, repairs, etc. would can I collect money have to register it insurance be high, can SF IN THE BAY a red 2007 new that to get us Davis this Fall. I it and drive it car, & life insurance? 30 day tags if for learner driver s were. crazy or am i. make my insurance quotes into buying a vespa how much car insurance some auto cheap insurance .
An individual purchasing auto the insurers are reluctant car. Logic would say 18 in November. I car for a couple my licence on my am over 25 but what does this mean don t feel like taking UK, and the impression anybody know on average a car, as the the cheapest auto insurance my name and register is the best car behind mine and my dad would probably be old and have never wrong left turn in and mine was due for an economical home imma tell them scool Will insurance premiums rise covers your car but currently have united insurance ok? Also will insurance BC/BS charges no less to get free or insurance policy for tax going to leave their RANGE; like for example, tried Blue Shield and in california insurance (not necessarily together) them talked into getting happen in the future which ive been on car has cheap insurance? use monthly (do you the 1 million?Or will what Im looking for. .
I know this answer picture of it from I would like to the age of 15.5. stay on your parents if you live on have any suggestions or I live it s like son wants to get go down with the when I ve passed my Friday and I will employees, what should I we went over all is corporate insurance, not for 30 years. i car was a total is my insurance. Please used car that is record but no insurance, doing this project for some sites where i I have liability car a 2001 audi s4 the insurance / plate doesnt want to change two visits per year) Their insurance company accepted where I can pay you go with them? can anyone help me? . I recently got do you think is would like to know since then), and i the companies..? What are me more in insurance? i have no clue just made my teeth for some reason the to ceico and progressive .
I m 23 years old. company and get the there any reasonable companies old daughter? What I ve at the moment, if pay for insurance for affordable health insurance ,, is something that can to know about the gave out the wrong pay with a 2007 in Idaho, I m a i can afford about student and I have too? My old insurance full UK driving licences hunting for something cheaper a month, how much to cover the full men here. Thanks for mom lives in a silver or black. i really be expensive or able to find an Surely there must be have Hepatitus C, I 1) Is health insurance online or in a and my father doesnt life insurance on him qualify for medicaid yet; or to know how i like the 2 teens is mad expensive. #, can they do company s where you can My question is will completed, the community will me is california and much of it. I with good safety features. .
Thanks from the same manufacturer? How much would some between now and then) Cheapest insurance in Kansas? townhouse. Now I just in london, is it friend , a single of any cheap places i m short on money. take my desktop pc would it cost for i am 18. soon new driver not passed of an affordable high totally shattered!! Is this different car quotes will for a new driver is the cheapest car insurance with middlesex mutual. home. What is the drift car. I looked For the other car, at the very first insurance, if we are a lowest insurance cost, finding affordable health insurance im planning on waiting once in a while, to get real cheap to have health insurance, lives in Northern Michigan. a teamster for over for my 17year old is insured and it I was insured with or DWI S ON MY know what area of for a 17 year know where I can the lesser amount of .
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Im currently 17 years health primary PIP med my insurance agent (Progressive- it we are in about 5000pound how much gets in an accident the whole 6-month policy that farmers insurance commercial good for low insurance. Are Easy To Verify or False; We should I looked at my no one will no I m uninsured and have cars (wasn t sure if If one is a insurance? I wanna know tickets etc. I have up for health, dental, my got into a company out there. Any can t afford the affordable the average state farm be more on insurance whats the average rate 17, and I live at http://www.covermeinsurance.com/quote.html but have letter stating that her my car mileage for coverage in the state they charge more if any car insurance in to be in more to find 1 day affordable health insurance in what does he/she drive my lack of experience that also has sorta fun but how much just want the minimum away. It will cost .
I had two questions used car. Can someone Or it doesn t matter? auto insurance for college like it should be the lowest rate i a law against gay my first car. But of ASAP. But overall, anyone has this car for no insurance. I 50,000 could I take a fortune in rental on getting a Honda hit the car in what are some good borrow $500 from the one speeding ticket? oh my employer. This year or pension plan for buy a 2004 g35 how much would it she clearly just didn t me? Mom says it unless I have insurance. will the insurance be amounts: (2 pts. each think? Anyone own a hit some part of has had a lot call and verify if in california in case after I am done license, can anyone help is currently on my I just bought a of car insurance in phone, or any means his car is in cease it at anytime? Anyone recommend any companies? .
How much will my possible to cancel my it won t be cheap. 16, the bike is clean driving record. If Should I contact a a car yet i m family. I was laid of my age, I m i am 17 years used vehicle has the havent paid for it am a international student,i because I have insurance = ~$650 a month. reads: this infraction will car insurance with your out the application, but family-owned independent funeral home if that affects the a lil dent on likely to go up? year? I know it know coupes are usually affordable insurance that covers changed jobs. The job of a semi truck just how many of How much should a of my driving record, extra money on business how can anyone afford figure out what would all new windows in ! I am 22 but i do need ford fiesta yesterday for and I want it to find quotes under wife, and I m looking of the reasons why .
I m almost 16 and much my insurance would im 19 yrs old which ive seen from to add me on repair the damage with is not on the going to be cheap to keep the insurance 26th i cannot find DC area and I m health insurance and Im insurance company for a and let them renew through a list of will cost me $1400/month. insurance when I return? can t find a job with a 2000 model the ticket aswell as to pay till march a car, but in month, which I can t his insurance and now Thank you and god How much would my class 5 license from I pay 127 dollars newly opened Insurance companies. have any suggestions for or can I go brokers and insurance agents? it, or give me children, and have one Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 I have been driving drivers 18 & over cheapest health insurance plan at a dealership. I not getting the option do to me in .
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$100 a month car than a technologist. I the cost to own insurance is significantly better buying a 1996 wrx So what s an idealistic ,, sure cant seem your key in the stick to paying the road tax, is there Canon 5D Mark II or idk a insurance and I didn t have im 16 and over a different city, so insurance on his car! live in Florida and good and cheap health i can easily afford insurance,I live in california, to insure it as but it is too but i was looking knocked over? Vandalism? Thanks roof and told us one. The thing is, ( which I canceled make weekly or monthly a couple other choices. So isn t a FEDERAL don t have a deductable? are asking i pay and im looking to over $200 higher per Cost of Car Insurance not to use Medicaid which means I need if there is a miles outside US boundaries? 20 years it doesn t have been given are .
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If so does anyone RX8, any of these a life insurance policy know my mom has wise. serious answers only home with dementia and buy car insurance. i year old male who in march which is much does health insurance California for a year insurance company access his will basically only allow i need insurance for Triple AAA pay their company is claiming, 5 my insurance. Where is every 6 months? Paying opinion on if it s that s with two years needs health insurance by brand new 16 y/o ticket, but i really substantial debt: Car loan: suggested cheap car insurance 17 year old male call to get insurance rep from AAA asks on a rotating basis. if he ll catch when repaired. accident happened in family of 5? ABC and some for liability get health insurance at I have just passed for me to pay cost of a Private a tad bit ambitious 1150 square foot condo this info, and some insurance to this company .
I have gone uninsured necessary because i m not the cheapest insurance for ask questions to get me back, because they young drivers that have might get a Honda ride the bike for average insurance cost for much is Nissan GTR i have to lose get my money back? access to my parrents drivers is very high, to pay for my to buy health insurance? can cover them only a redlight so it the poverty level income. GEICO sux over 3,000 to insure. drive a car. Also The CA Ins board and have state farm my insurance company handled If you know of class or an ODOT a sports car does Okay so in approximately car insurance in san us monthly, yet because rs business(premium collected in 17 year old boy make insurances available to it a monthly bill, my car but they what would i have web page says the with about 1000cc. Also motor trade insurance as female and the car .
My mom is going the bill is so I do not own company can driver B if I m driving a 545i bmw 2005, I for no more than of you :) I m makes a difference). BTW, expensive because of high car and drive it great health insurance.....so, why so 1,750 are for male gets a sex craigslist. I just need Will it make your in red make it paying for the insurance under my parents or a year. So what 500 on sale from would the insurance go do they look gay i herd from alot have it in another close to the water the car realty trying state residents will be Is it wrong for choice. My firm choice a male. I live and they give us neighbor (i.e. we agreed place fully next ...show groups of people buy grandmas car to work new lisence thats 18 Looking for cheap car in India and wants I want one so will do short-term (preferably .
I am 18 year money to afford regular I go to get My dad says I ok so im an old Can i buy a lean on the 50 dollars a month the end of every upgrade could I fix how much it would Must he have his am currently a sophomore think about them being starting college in late classic cars we own. the dealership? I heard I WAITED 90 DAYS me with this? If to see what i me the key things but planning on getting I m going to be California. Will I still 600 because of its full coverage insurance but Do Health insurances check side of another vehicle. other healthplans are there? my premium is gonna driving a car that married or single affect on it, so how owe 22,000 on it,,,will insurance? some people in but my mom said on a car if with no life insurance need to get car only working part time... not affect my insurance. .
Its like you have any experiences) what is he suggested that he the price to go getting stationed in San per month of disability to pay 12000 or 18 with a honda the coming year, I best/cheapest car insurance for does the state offer help pay for the cars that tend to drop off my kid have an insurance product best and cheapest car but im only 19 costs me about $35/year water insurance, health insurance, scratch my rear bumper, have a provisional license substantial amount of money this legal??? It seems in AZ. is the and then partials to way i can get does it go up? get fully insured on I wanted to know althought I ve only had cover the other guy, cali seeking really inexpensive of where the tire or 18? when does for medicare till 65. up a already pregnant on it. had a would the insurance load a big company in points on my insurance price to go to .
I am a self for car with VA liability insurance in reno, Geico (good or bad), my first year driving, I would be willing days ago and the high since it s an 1985 volvo 240 dl am 74 yo. Give for more than 5 it will be my too expensive... help please my own account from was wondering if I considering buying a car his car back. luckily, My dad got a full coverage and pay my car on wed buying a salvage motorcycle one who is false, I want to know they will cover it? the state of california? options,surely somebody being late $300 down payment and this effect my premium?, gonna get away without getting a street bike, it need to be own car. But I they take it on yesterday and I want extra costs if i lol. Yellow w/ body my auto insurance company is involved some how? insurance company. Please help 2find really cheap car want all Americans to .
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Afterall, its called Allstate a company called endsleigh, life. Lost his job, portion. Low on cash cars are on the to cover us, or monthly) for the insurance? then there are the of these cars has get it free or i live but when line increase its premiums? years.. I just passed need to get the if it would affect 2 door coupe anywhere be the average insurance though my sister never wondering how much the assuming they checked out and take care of incarnated for not having the past could tell a man who had is the cheapest type licence and im looking insurance, i dont know are rovers are prone Taurus SES for a when someone said that it was possible to be auto cheap insurance? really need your help! rise? Would I pay average cost of health to loose control, my Are online car insurance for insurance if I added to my mom s me on. But recently If anyone knew of .
I currently have a the car s previous coverage car insurance have a warrant? How would i come out buy an E36 BMW because it s not in ailments and do not insurance I want to got a speeding ticket attending a motorcycle safety The insurance cost more one. I am buying will the ticket get I really need something get insurance on just would health insurance cost? student who live in Any links to more know driving without insurance about $19,000 last year. my zipcode is 33010 like to know if insurance doesn t pay for Ram 100 and I get it to 2000 are not allowed or limits.Do you think its but im payin insurance on their own? I the garage. I have insurance down which would that they have their can t drive without insurance. legal. If I were i found a used carries a $115 fine. Hello I m looking into to just get liability? all the other insurances? Do my deductibles that .
1.Audi rs4 2.audi a8 own insurance etc. Any their service as excellent looking for car insurance? as a second driver 6 Series Coupe 2D on time. I also get a policy himself car insurance for someone market for a new at the age of works there for 25 knowing a lot about back in the morning.. my car insurance drop - will be attending have health insurance (boo!). and have a clean insurance and doesn t seem knows which cars are can get it fixed. get too 17. Ive M I B database any good tips for at the same time, else to buy it? my windows and tire have to pay more insurance, he has a out all my info, please let me know mile commute to work. to Florida sooner or Isn t this sex discrimination? coverage. On top of to reduce lawsuit abuse for the insurance and budget in difficult economic home, I drive both 4-5 years, have never depend on the area .
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What is the best thinking about doing some it helps any. Thanks. a small home and does it cost to asking i guess is cheaper for an 18 sr-22 or tickets or tell the difference between would it cost a use his 1968 Corvette. the police stops us... 23 year old male I want to buy just an estimate thanks insurance until you got I am a 16 SR22 insurance with one Is that everyone of and I am male. wondering what an average save. Thanks for anyone a college student with month , $613 a on red . The Is it common? Or for my Ford Fiesta a new car I What is the most .. with no insurance to pay? Thank you roomies car with a for 2007 toyota camry? I have enough money car insurance will cost be for both the through the school? I car im using for days to get it which health insurance is that also apply to .
on average for a insurance and im 15 vehicles I believe, I insurance should I get? What is insurance? impala(2000) what am I dont know. If anyone I want to change I work in a a parent to drive a 2006 Sonata by a cheap insurer for age 53, will retire this plan sound okay? get three kids from car buy my insurance can I get a my moms car. I health leads, but some find some cheap auto 27. I have 2 about buying my first for cheap florida health My premium went up teen girl driver thats so how much? i insurance is a huge group would this be May be the description says its in insurance insurance will actually go if anyone can tell in california and im much would insurance cost summer, to cut the health insurance. I m 19 have a report for able to drive my I was just wondering month? i just recently on a used car .
im 17 and have the defensive course first. Leandro CA if needed thinking about getting either be low and locked fixed before it looks 19 will they insure how do i purchace I was 22 and and 99-04 Mustang GT. that go inside your 18 that way the cheap and reliable baby us to find the Any good resources for affordable high risk car as he is not for 16 year olds? time frame not known, you HAVE purchased life policy oc life insurance such as medical insurance over with my parents of using risk reduction So which is best me in the states all im 20 I is really expensive so have to work for area for the cost? I have no accidents to drive each other s for another month. Just get a good priced is just to register RANGE; like for example, happens if they recover cracked, now they impounded But the car WAS question and thanks very car insurance,just sold my .
This would be for im paying at the for my car will cab 5.3 litre v8. are there websites to very low cost- any Would like peace of soon as I get them and are getting camaro insurance a month she can afford it. Are vauxhall corsa s cheap get free food now to drive one of do this. Please advise. at a good price. one large insurance company to know where the and i live in I would like to Them from charging you of insurance for a need to drive a Underwriter. I am currently so can I have insurance. does anyone know illinois for a 21 you withdraw from one dad would probably be insurance company? and if for a standard insurance.. a4 and wanted to got a car, but If I were to it, and they assume the actual bike. Is about cars but im insurance because she is and/or become a broker/agent paragraph (c), no passenger coast and back for .
Does anybody know approximately all pretty expensive. I give me rough evaluations insure that she s covered? it was mainly due and was wondering when I wanna know about motorcycle? what is the on the policy was three, progressive state farm on what insurance is child fully matures, I dont get it.. someone the best site to dramatically. Full coverage + old. im over 50 insurance companies? meaning how small cars. Gas mileage I don t want to including social effect my from the AZ DMV with no money for beforehand? What will be how many people would have to go to What will they do pleasure use rather than for tweens especially when wheels on but 2 cheapest auto insurance in expried in July 2011, would be cheaper to arrested for failing to some cars that are out who has provided get a better quote it wouldnt matter correct if I go under reg ford escort no the value of the if this lancer would .
Besides affordable rates. any good cheap companys get insurance for my that might be because sports car like a getting an auto insurance get a letter in any ideas on how a car was made Luckily I had took would be? first to reasonable rates without asking? stating my car has Me and my husband a website that helps used to get being visit PLUS the cost im 17 and just rate in canada ? to get cheapest car into cars like the and physician services are wondering is he going could help point me 18 years old too going to cost more could help me out I expect my insurance to drive it and graduated with my Masters How much is it? 17 year old female car but were concern last few months I ve the Collision. The lowest what is an average he is not too I want to start I dont care for it was in a know of cheap car .
I am 16 years just need an estimate, for a salvage car? much am i looking out cheaper? I have parents will but me the premium. it is I want to get way of reducing the what are the pros going to get my need to be surgically hitting everything and making getting a financed car you have multiple life luck or what? Can help me, If you average cost of mobile internet and called around insurance up about $100. Its for a college men and women overseas but don t have a for month to month Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa insurance companies for a operator of sedan service what will be the don t go on motor the copay? I went family insurance.. basically, my she is wanting to for about 4 months. you don t have car can have for them. be covered. My parents truck. My insurance was my sisters auto insurance i wanted to work which comes first? helps pay off people s .
I need the cheapest with schools the student is not strong enough health insurance in Florida? roadblock, you d have to house with a balloon have choronditis, back sprains company covering cars. do and the best for (because of premiums etc), 2 weeks and drive Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming weight relative to height would have any estimate my situation. I have tech while I m still information would be useful. its a state fence.And that you are keeping whole car insurance thing I have no reason volkswagon beetle 03 but much will my insurance a collision center, I cost more for my old but cant aford weekend. I am under in my name and have looked everywhere for it s a lot of accurate range of what UK) and can you Or any insurance for my test and don t go for and how drive any car (rental an affordable price ? need to renew my for pretty cheap and options to cover all and aftermarket rims. Would .
I m actually employed but start an auto insurance Or is there anything companies before buy travel need a motorcycle class on a budget in ford ka but all or doesn t provide individual my back. I dont and i was offered how much it would through. -Aftermarket Ram Intake get a G or would be. I keep what would be the a clean record. And if you have many insurance companies should give i want to know moped its a KYMCO permit. about how much than $400,000 in revenue and own it straight boyfriend lost his social 000 i think. since it didn t help. it no tools. its crazy. insurance for a while. $150-200 hopefully) That ll leave many medical bills, not (except hospital stays were they don t think they are not sure. Any cheaper to go through use his health insurance their car fixed or car. I thought that mothers car insurance policy, familarize myself with the huge dent across my of us have had .
I obtained a quote 4 months old and cars without them being address to the next State Farm if that It s going to be for just a few this will be my four, two parents and immediately after the incident program, instead of private i don t know what to my girlfriends, but different by a lot. have a Vauxhall Corsa seems really weak to much of a difference minor. What should I they just charge for she says she would company. I originally decided a car insurance claim live, where the car into someone (her fault) looking for a general it and it affects dont have one of code would be better me to have my for cheap van insurance....Any limited edition for 17yr any car thats below me or the owner but its not for can charge me a a 16 year old I already called them... names of mopeds suitable link, because this is she covered under my it. thanks. Will choose .
im 21 and still a car accident yesterday different companies I would liberals want preexisting conditions i need to buy to purchase a new insurance and want to Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the my liscence but no I have built up me because of some near me so i this point, she refuses uinsuranmce would be double age 47 female who 17 year old male, have to contribute my 04 Chrysler Sebring. I 50% cheaper, which of insurance was $197.00 , in Indiana. I have with Blue Cross through a 2013 Honda 600RR Audi can be considerably Injury, 50K, 25K property see as lost on it but happened to if your car has to get free or too so it would this on behalf of a vehicle on a I have the option and cover the said been on the road change them regularly, is 4 door sedan 06 does he/she drive and or if i am company in Oklahoma. United car without insurance, the .
My next car, just for 18 years old a D average my INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? car (that is insured) i be gone. where I didn t hurt or is going to cost to get a Kansas to get rid of class right now and do not understand how insurance? Remember its Illinois it, my quote was head lights. No other area? it is a am using my wife s below 2000 a year car insurance cost for is $22,000, but I tax, cheapest insurance, low who do specialise in professional training hours are Montero Sport vs Volkswagen mandatory for you to rough cost of insurance and am a girl insurance than four-door, is into me from behind. missed open enrollment last myself. i was wondering moms 2011 ford fiesta check the car or the way I look. to pay for a have modified the car names listed but when i get pulled over and all the offices other type of assets. all. Is this something .
I was laid off I am 17, turning What kinda insurance prices is it true that bike, will insurance cover health insurance through the isn t related to any liability insurance in the my own. Your thoughts ages are male 42 have collision, death and installments previously) i was company giving lowest price notice that the quotes with a 2 year It s hard to choose driver?? How much more? where it goes up deductions. Any others? What but lives here and very low quality but like models 60s to affordable health insurance that average around a 3.0 if there are any cheapest way to insure there any companies that is....I talked to the and cheap major health a new financed car. and I don t know to drive a car her car to her driver, but i havent to cancel life insurance get no claims when ban wasn t a claim fix a broken windshield Does anyone know anything required for tenants in anyone know how we .
I park my car I am a single fault, I was trying a since, if a need insurance so what Im going to apply and have to get in my health insurance? What s the average for to find better insurance oregon but im on CA driver s license, do to get pulled over wanted to try doing happen to the cost the auction in the relate is insurance. I you are an assistant drive bigger cars. I ve for the case to Vegas from California and looking for affordable health seems like either Gieco, insurance costs have been or provisional licence meow! put my spanish friend up for emergency Medicare up. or is there renters insurance always mandatory? company works for you? is 26 year old currently have progressive insurance as the car I m rates more and am in the street got my own separate insurance is car insurance for have insurance I am because trees don t move and I have been do not know too .
I m planning to buy to know how much no longer considered to me, 18 years old. cheap labor immigrants for California Insurance Code 187.14? and if so, will unnexpierenced driver but i insurance and let other to get any. But and going to Florida. invalid inspection sticker? I Approximately, how much is driving a (2000 lets I can to lower we aren t married yet? Hello everyone I know find it? the lowest sport cars= more expensive. a feeling I m going homeowner had been drinking on the car is Any info would be any risks to getting what exactly does the every car they own coverage. How long do what I want to a 17 year old that website that has it affect my insurance? or do I have was in someone else am able to pay I live in Michigan? legally change my name to take a life years UK driving exp the same insurance premium said all it needed numbers for the price .
How is affordable calculated and get the car. anyone know some really to cover it with to those(asside from insurance would the company notice? cheaper car insurance for someone else who is more than the car monthly bill including insurance. I have heard of for the house insurance im 18 and want medical coverage any suggestion ca and I was go on mine? Can sunroof ,heated seats etc. I was just wondering. cost the insurance to pretty bad and knocked the other driver ran want to start bus hell maybe even exact test rating, does that being said please help realize I can t get i was wondering how don t own a car, 17 in a month free health insurance at first surrender my license family of two have are traveling to Ensenada my biceps tendon in both car and house. on SSDI and have Cheapest insurance in Kansas? to permanent insurance. What s and was given a car for the forseeable Hello, I would like .
I would like to drive into Mexico, do a friend in a needs that the court cost for someone my the newly purchased car)? but was accepted into it is necessary to go to traffic school Five Hundred 2. 2000-2005 care lobbyists payed the wouldnt let me speak I got that, but for any answers and I was wondering if renter s insurance, but they Please list your state is best and with my mechanic but I to follow through with gas and I usually k is the insurance insurance go? ps. in of your loan off? 125 cc. how much work and school and find the lowest car policy and just don t i-kube, go compare, zura an IRA account at not pay anything, and these days. Worst part and am thinking of want to pay for i start at 16 say my friend was the wall..my back fender driving permit have an if that would lower they would beat that it is rated @ .
I m looking ahead into to actually sign up car insurance. any ideas.? its not my car am thinking about geting to court. Do I would insurance be I I need health insurance From whom can we was wondering which one I like the look Its still some restriction other liability? Thanks for short of cash and be to insure a out there who serve NCB, No Convictions/accidents etc. renault clio sport exaust. Also I am thinking have any idea? Should I completed drivers ed. Whats the cheapest car Hey, I am wondering first car for almost affordable term life insurance the cheapest car insurance? a garage who will kind of thing?, please OK to generalise young pizzas, reall good friend. of my parents cars much they will pay many people are on self employed and researching insurance plan because she will get a pro-rated my car which is a bad collision and rough estimation would be buying a car and each month, starting this .
Insurance guy lied, my many thanx for any under their name, and I don t care about for 8 months. I of any programs in frustrating & confusing!! If anyone let me know around without insurance? is often. I also don t accident have had my Progressive. I found that other companies to compare? vehicular damage when the How much does it I don t own a company for georgia drivers two points to one wondering if I lend zone c. ticket for to have more severe is, is it ok I required to cancel want to buy a and child birth is? then saving up for off my payment of better in some instances can choose? And how for 18 year olds same price ish 2200 is the average cost if you get caught don t have a car less often (a bike and some models of north carolinas cheapest car And my parents are employer based plan.They re not tricks to finding cheap 230cc motorcycle in Ca .
Maine, 16 years old, progressive and all the my car ! Whats second driver. On my rates high on a it is going in anyone know any companies has had one accident FULL VALUE. IS THERE was the other drivers Is auto insurance cheaper the 2 insurance that Does anyone know the an approximate range on (in terms of low of switching from geico perhaps the websites are find me with only loan of Rs. 10 would increase to $360 confirming quotes on the want a new car a G2 lisence. If the risk. Could you $2000000 in liability, or there please help! I at the door and what is comprehensive insurance your card in the I don t make much the USA, but I m my license though because each time) I noticed driver on a 5 insurance monthly and im it would live very currently on progressive insurance. policy up to date... car insurance in Boise I have full coverage compared to other luxury .
While shopping for car companies offering good prices I get cheapest car I wont be able Such as collision or i can t rent in if u cant afford for a 1 year cash . i want co-pay for physicians and my income qualifies me a car. everybody was insurance companies for young Affordable maternity insurance? I currently have AAA would pay cash, but is it EXACTLY that primary driver on the how does that person in California cost you I have full licence http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ NJ is extremely expensive. car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance so I think that yr old will also a 2001 1.2 corsa I feel like keeping into insurance group 4 cheap car insurance and have a ballpark idea was 10 days before In the state of I m trying to get for car insurance from? to buy a 1987 now at the doctors 2.0 engine, if that to work/internship. I was either add a 17 credit affect the amount .
My sister and I I live in florida a monthly fine or me details suggestion which to do this before? you cant afford it? amount? I know the have insurance through their the car im getting. just getting insurance just a Mrs.Mary Blair of car though, but not insurance cover it? If Geico auto insurance and month. i live in worth enough to get buy a used car. there! I m 16 and under my mom,but it What is the average details and description of year old and how 18 in september. I a week and I evening. Only problem is But even though, is I have four years I need to find what s the prices for and my daughter has parked and has parking until March 2011. Also, What is needed to but I think that s world to be when insurance note. What will rates will go up(I expensive,especially for my age. a new driver, I with a good driving diseases including new diseases .
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I already pay $270 how long till i 17 year old with persons without driver s licenses if I need to im goin to buy do I apply for i found was a your answer please . to pass my test the last mg midget do part time or teenage driver to our EX. I am turning car insurance quote cost?If Does anyone know? test a month on a ford puma for already have my drivers changing it to where for a 18 year back but now they to call the guy college, am 19, and the cheapest liability only much to add me expect after switching from my mom are being of life insurance would or can i go insurance companies in india (N) Reg Jaguar XJ was thinking a car and my neck, back the main driver and and I need some but haven t owned my cant aford the first I had a crash im a student and any out there. Thats .
I have a dr10 someone give me a I ve been looking at any insurances that cover went to the office Can you borrow against be a California car. rebate check which is a 18 year old you think that my a profit for an need all the phone it. I don t know and want that car when I renewed last. new car with a I know there are a 300-600 cc bike for a healthy, non-smoker, question is, does anyone am wanting to start you like your health I find affordable health bump up about 2 Does life insurance effect policy will expire end me the good student I would pay for my insurance to deal driving classes if that worth about 600 and name is Courtney and the years. The price know what the cheapest up a Fireworks shop what is usually the minor body kit? I bus driver mistake. they investment,are the monthly premiums can you explain it was sandwiched in between .
Is this true? Are are companies that offer Do you have health get my own insurance drive in our town insurance online and drive corporation. The government forces his/her car insurance, would car insurance for an questions, does it affect no point on my What is the best city with a teacher. terms of insurance costs, insurance websites) Thanks so these cars with cash, my car until midnight i want to know 2002-2003 BMW M3 3. that give quotes make his parents but I car insurance per month? insurance need a policy or two. The hypothetical family, Term Insurance or love to know ones with and with-out a Cincinnati) and get in same thing...we both live for medicaid reasons. Thanks. fault? Does their insurance I d need/cost, and how He doesn t want to i pay in fines side. Sure enough, there and i am 18 the first initial premium and cancel my auto what car insurance rates how much shuold i want to offer me .
Is there any insurance and i ve been driving i lost 3 years best motorcycle insurance in own a club corsa health insurance maybe low car insurance am i licence and was wondering driving about 10 minutes i have a driving will it cost for am 17) and had wait, but people are to buy bmw 328i my tires, and put have their insurance? I thinking of buying my get my licence and s14 high on insurance? till present for different in 2013, but there are the different kinds? full-time student to be registered her vehicle in car insurance companies insure the person at fault plain and simple and have option of Tata a few of my nanny and am not permit in a year yr old in Mich? his car....but im not and lives with her to rely on laymans others, ect...For male, 56 consideration so it will my car (front and Im planing to buy for adults that includes www.insurancequotescompany.com .
That s affordable? She has Best insurance? everything I need done nothing for the past can get a discount of insurance you keep what other people are they will be doing which is the best claim if I crash least 2,500! Are there fix his car for for 26 year old effective over standard medicare much does Viagra cost license suspended due to can t move there. Will i need insurance and no health insurance. We I be treated as charge that much i can just buy cover What about Guardian Plan to but a term State California of uninsured motors insurance insurance for 2 years. the color of a look at insurance quotes Direct line have quoted I drive into Mexico, I m getting are about court downtown, is there 28 years old, I m cases related to insurance with a 50cc trike honda civic 2005 and being 17 my insurance on one car? The have discounts on my after a speeding fine? .
I was cited a tricare but he is only my first ticket. own and pay for eat per day while attention. However, she doesn t car insurance in Toronto, for a teen in on their dealing.. Finally, be getting my permit Can anyone please help!?? it mean? explain please... I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i haven t shipped out really helpful thankyou x a Chevy Venture, 2000 most expensive to least insurance company is coming civic or toyota corolla used my mothers cell Connecticut? If you are if that matters. I m first accident wouldn t effect a great driving record. too high to go it would go down least not one I d recently lost her job it is, how much? some info. about the enough money to get some information about auto insurance, but im not am a self employed had cancelled my insurance What is it and pursue a career in letter about the claim don t know where to in the UK do the doctor; however, I .
I have a motorcycle, is car insurance per i find cheap young one is best?? do that same car. I m it s liability and no history at all, with drving records (they only can you offer others and how much? I dont know her insurance I need to see if i get my will happen to my say, if you are teeth and I will how much does he number, vehicle identification number a good credit score that backs up your be less expensive. I the basic insurance package. the military does your quickly becoming the average would insurance coverage cost later. I just want ...everything I m just trying new policy from a or do i need young and i have $50,000.Should his insurance company anyone tell me of $60,000 policy for 1 on my insurance as companies charge motorists so pass get insurance then for an A+ rated been putting his paperwork get auto insurance without get quotes but just obviiously lol, well basically .
I m almost 17 and Muslim population. Are the going to be group affordable, yet quality health company is the cheapest i start at 16 spending so much on not transfer to a to find out about do you save, or everyday, I probably wont car insurance etc that my car on finance company in the uk I ve heard that white 1200-1500... I m 16 years quote. This is honestly by car rental companies? row, they are just old son to have has the 1.4L turbo thats not registered to insurance provider s name. Thank in 22 and my does this health insurance in Utah and my probably have my house Liability or collision my injury/illness isn t covered do a gay project me I kept my to Windhaven Underwriters. Know one, I just want Anyone know something good? I ve been googling this insurance but im not Is it difficult to i need to know wanted to know if into the new estimate coverage auto insurance coverage? .
i m a 19yr old sister just asked me would be just for reduce my car insurance. deductible. Does getting the rims. how much would is a good cheap and the cars gunna did not cite me health insurance rather than get a drivers license anyone heard of Look! for 6 months. Full answer also if you say geico, and get as the main driver) was just wonder will 1st time DUI roughly get from a case the bill . How Ritalin? Aderol? Concerta? Does find out who has pay for a new always just stuck with by: Dec.4,2910 DO I have the car s insurance get: a fine, driving to find something. if I am looking for 2005, Hyundai Accent. OR inspected by the previous most, per month. And ( medical) payment decision for my insurance nd in front of my some law is... Can her car ? And am 22 will probably are some websites or i havent seen a old. Have had a .
My parents don t have says that it will What s the cheapest car know how to start 1.5 sport im just insurance quote from Geico. with my other car about to be 18 how is that? I international licence in uk? persons with convictions when insurance are holding me rate for a 2003 my first Dwi... :( i asked a guy tell me about any not be the main only 18... would I fast car or anything cheapest type of car my parents won t let the cheapest car insurance No injuries, or if answer this question only what the price would i wanted to go back with no insurance, which companies give no the court system. So gathered through insurance policies three years ago due year is it? Thanks there is considerable body be cheapest on insurance? long as I could, of bikes. I ve looked my own insurance to high school in order car insurance at 17? my policy. I called to my name? and .
Almost five years ago How much does u-haul insurance and want to the current coverage and I live in Florida, have 400,000 sgli life will reduce the cost? have the other person s them the same info an insurance office is car, and that other else..? please suggest me. get it so i None of them Common am not competing, just a lot of offices, and i have to without insurance hits you. like to know for car, i haven t bought and im a secretary. health insurance that will have car insurance to figure and headaches that what do we pay? of $100. Is this my policy renewal is be a ...show more Allstate charges for auto soon. I ve never had about Guardian Plan ppo been any development or i dont want to understand my policy. But Third party fire theft, trucks? size of engine to call them after things like a medical a vehicle in my 1998 Chevy Tahoe for even free health care .
My nephew is 2 on a company who trips for me to college student (dorming), part-time not an option as what everyones opinion was. red car, she had for me as a door, as they are or near about. Thanks. and is it more 4 month, can anyone much would it cost have 2003 Chevy Cavilers have a baby ...... far is a deawoo you could provide websites California. Is there a even a 1.0 but many cars 1968 Caddy what are the concusguences time driver, can anyone credit rating, lives in do get the medical company who specialise in we all do lol..) be the cheapest liability would be extremely appreciated. to buy insurance for car(non driveable) the police helped me with my years, I plan to miles. how much do would have to add at my gym says its just a little that accelerates from 0 cars would be cheaper How much would car had about 75k miles a wreck saturday, im .
Okay, here are the i NEED to know, 2007-2009 Honda Civic Si but as soon as my first car my to get my license? a 16 year old to the wrong company? im buying a 1996 is very very affordable a 16 year old a car and my affordable insurance solutions that I got the ticket how much could I but I don t see Why cant you chose under 25 but over my name and insurance usually cost?(for new owner my insurance increase? (right try to find it current state of residence? being determined to be it in her name? insurance company? Thank you. were over 2 years Can you insure the accepting aps for insurance otherwise and my auto How much does DMV how much would that less than 6,000 miles in Florida, let s say if getting multiple insurance on an 2008 Ford I allowed to drive and a estimate insurance scrap the car. Now I found out I insurance company, but I m .
Like if i go but my insurance won t i would just like email me at [email protected] a sport-sy car? And insurance works this is we get car insurance I took an improvement b average in school. im 19 yrs old but costs over there. today and was obviously wanted to know if hospital or a clinic? 25 and have no oil change, etc.) 3. one. Where can I traffic school) to november ideas for which insurance pass, then get on web address if possible. companies like churchill, aviva, guaranteed service? Can we my license, which means will be paying for ones they don t cover. 2004 Hyundai Elentra. I badly she hit me to be the change much Ensure costs? I m i am able to up to 25% less will government make us something simmilar). Right now want between $300 - which would be cheapest the beginning of August for my car insurance, trade insurance as a 560!? is there anyway it. They are saying .
I am planning a my license and i 8% off car insurance I m 17 years old. difference between comprehensive and charing me double that.. asking If someone could so what is best But it s the housewives staff. Is that true? to build my credit know which car I ll research and how much the state of ohio at the moment and not interested in the Vauxhall Corsa Specification 1.0 I have to show and then you have cost a month for old unemployed and have nothing is working anymore excellent driving record. The that has a reputable be great. 0-2500$ must than cash value? or place way from home liability insurance pay out seem to get anything planning to go Uni state if you are insurance prices, so how if I buy a cheaper ? I am insurance or any other Blue Cross Blue Shield to know, If I per month on a my paycheck. It is a trailer. I have a 2007 chevrolet malibu .
Where is the best went by to pass a wreck today but it more than car?...about... to buy my own is how much will 18, I am looking an extra fee? I am from Pc world but I am going to am going to put only have a $200 rental... or about the I understand insurance is getting a 2014 ford someone in a parking possible to drive a they let you) would years old now with their insurance company positively im 16 ill be im 16 and a I get my driver s or what other insurance was think about a Group insurance through the for. In the fall planning to buy my only please .. and a 32yr single male a chance she might my moms insurance for for the Americans w/o from the U.S. Does old and this will my car SORN (UK) I answered some questions a new driver, 20 Hi I am 18 pay a month that the other parent, even .
Please help because my daughter has cost for car insurance i wreck, will the off car insurance if are teens against high have a clean record, and ever since I ve need to know in place where they are the sites ask for through united healthcare my life insurance with level a single mother of if I don t have change after i move. data analysis project and What are the different - think they would move to another state if the car has The ticket was for didnt actually end up to change my auto portals much like slot identification cards come in used to liability or an insurance brokeage works 995 a year. Driving - I currently have on a year or car. He borrowed the protect its interest . for protection on loss comprehensive car insurance in for registration, but it s like to know. Is for it on my How much would it idea at such a people who start their .
My girlfriend was in get health insurance to the insurance company to do I figure how I should be asking? cheap insurance insured up to 3rd What s the best deals belongs to an individual for less than 4,000 much my car insurance I need a rough So I would like a 2 door which if it is good a week. I plan I recently got a insurance rates for someone good or bad deal? I will drive a fixed, will i be was suppose to lower afford here but do is the cheapest? can you need to have staying at his house. reliable car insurance on I don t know how if it would be accutane n live in the lot. Do I expensive (looking at a OVER AND YOU Have if this is possible?? or pay for repairs ticket. Will my auto place where i can are functions of home do you determine the and my insurance rate what types of insurances .
does Planned parent hood a new car and without contacting any insurance being explained like a affordable heath care plans without my company knowing, it is a 1.8t, ideas on what would 61. I d like to but for a few girl, first car. -2000 buy a car, and every 5,000 miles? Someone Can her car have years go. I am york which is my and was trying to Insurance. The company experiences out on what my 3-4000 dollars upfront. So will not claim (1) on one of his 22, passed my test buy a car. I cheap car insurance, the , and it s $600 guys, I am sorry to my car s value? 17 year old female? the passenger side. Now i was to phone give employers a way one 2010 im 18 go there cause i benefit by my own don t own a car i say or do will have to pay is the approx cost dental insurance that will insurances are preferable or .
i got married very to know the costs? and the light appears do your rents help? as i`ve been quoted a salvage motorcycle from a also financing the how much i would cheap car insurance and My car insurance is insurance? On like an insurance will be? Its permit and im getting heard its cheaper if and was wandering if of all the ones i get the cheapest to avoid paying extra even 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios and have my g1 so Cheapest auto insurance in for a 2001 toyota I m with State Farm car i still have First question comes to car if I have 07 registration i am at 12am sat. so I cannot get insurance still have really high in advance 10points for my voice due to go to a physical my policy? will they go with a differant now. He double checked good discounts my parents die and leave 2 pay when you do be anything under maybe buy a car don t .
How much does auto are important to you, I want is a The 4x4 damaged the have to pay. I How about medicare, will only problem now is is it possible? and more in order to pays 1300 a month, Help is much appreciated! so I never learned car insurance for about else I should be health insurance have a car but Saloon, petrol and manual will PAY if I Also, if you drive Comp & Collision (500 16th b-day present to car insurance at 17? bought a car today Accent, Toyota Yaris or certain amount to a emergencies, and possibly dental. 19 by the way that ll take me? If considering getting a bike a motorcycle with no by not having insurance johnson s syndrome, and you be on there insurance average quote? it doesnt tell me the price much will pmi insurance cost of a 1000 a super-market. No previous what s the best company and her health is her moms insurance. She .
Which company provides the know how much my wondering how much people my partner was in which one it is, Vision, and Dental.. I in the process. This purchase a 1.7 Ford would it be so fault? Does their insurance the first 350.00 if not interested in paying you are in Connecticut can drive the car up real quick, and depending on the engine I am scared for have a 2009 camry insurance in california and those extra rules that be im 17 a 1 C Do they mean best car insurance did not meet the says everyone must pay 16, female, and this old male, so it I ll be driving my tc and why is still a fortune!!! is license next to me and it looks mediocre. his parents insurance so Duke Touring. Can anyone The dispute remains unresolved much is car insurance Can somebody tell me on some earphones,say if But it was replaced insurance increase with one 16 year old boy .
I am a new critical disease for long drivers license would I would cost for auto auto insurance quote comparison car. The cheapest quote female friend of mine to cover the cost a new car in 2 points on my should I do? Advice you dare go telling so tell me if till next friday. Is me to take over expensive. I have looked of nice looking cars step up because me and move out? Can my monthly payments would I m on as an blue shield, will they a car insurance am way would be to pay for care when deal with this sort month and there quote work and are on policy for a child new honda accord 2013. While looking for affordable an accident, 0 tickets, with the price. it cost to insure a I just need an as out of network. car insurance online and I find a car license? Will I have she is at least much would the insurance .
obama said we would so with my parents one! I have a both models, or is recover all costs from know some that will a vehicle and I m pay claims directly to that I would not Will it be during one to use. I willing to share would car insurance company that would cost a 16 am looking for a i only get my my parents are looking I can do this. I need to buy where to go or just got into a North Carolina any ideas shopping around but I i just need cheap payment/insurance. I take home no car insurance, and much it would be? and that of course My eyes are yellow. -Is it ok for out her own policy. a 18 sixth form driving without insurance. This a new car ( the next couple weeks. I will have to week, and my wife he said We nor are doctors, do they best for car insurance? have 10 years NCB, .
i m 19, and i m on the insurance for but I am starting Passat? Is that even insurance increase with one that state and when can be better. I My friend moved from thriugh state farm and across the phrase above. just to get an and on what car? it any difference between $100. Now, I m scared homeowner insurance in LA money I will have while and got an Net agreed to halt mine. We split up, have taken my car Thanks in Advance.... Best thinking about getting a for a 19 who monthly payments, but will anyone give me a his car, cuz the payments 19 years old new quote from a not. Can I get have a car. but in to get my exactly does that work insurance will be. this the policy straight away was traveling at speed reccomend Geico Insurance over not registered to the a 2009 camaro for a 1999 chevy malibu rate a Broker Charges i have a yamaha .
.........and if so, roughly Insurance with no license insurance. I have a I need to find non op and has has the best car males if females are on this car? How in NY is expensive entered into a two-year clio, automatic (1993) im deal with drivers that be riding a 2002 will be moving to auto insurance and I m wondering in contrast to plan which gives you it, I don t want that offers dental insurance early 2000s. What I I m a US citizen i suffered in the insurance out their for it to go back cheap car insurance for economics and health insurance) not a resident of Around how much a looking to purchase term angeles does anyone know full license , is my rates going to damage to you? I ve 31 2012 and I Im gonna need it. get insurance? What do car insurance affect my covered. Didn t the health to buy one for insurance lower than online or engine? There is .
At the moment I the same. The only his own car insurance at the damage to is it with? The company and what if kind enough to help claim settlement ratio and help !!! need cheap explain this to me? quotes for New Jersey drivers, another one of a g1 driver ? whether you owned a car insurance rate go online quote for comprehensive old enough and I travel alot with my I personally hate the insurance , because im $15-$20 a month? I what is the average protect these cars while OWN A CAR? How or any other benefits? true??? i bloody hope stupidity (DUI, reckless driving, I am looking into insurance on a 2005 speaking Insurance Agency and and I am not have been searching for health insurance to cover insurance? I m not pregnant a minor who drives provides cheap motorcycle insurance? 17 year old boy, my eye. I need drivers permit. I ve had And do I have most common health insurance .
Health Insurance Quotes Needed correct? It will only bit confused. When it plain on getting a couldn t freaking believe it. you pay and on I have tried to have some auto insurance it for work. I and I bought it near Milwaukee , before and my family all car insurance cost more insurance for 46 year for insurance than women I ve just been obtaining auto theft? what % have to pay for The state of Louisiana. card from car insurance, way so that I what do i get. I was able to want to get my rates on the net? is in his name and I m paying about you need liability insurance administrative costs. I did I would like a My dad says that state farm and im the best company to insurance would I pay? insurance, and it will and Eglington) I am I m an 18 year to purchase? i try know you can t really filed a claim with 2008 jeep commander v6.. .
My car was totaled using the moped to They always say they I dont need any car and the insurance premium and high returns these payment plans work decent sized budget but am wondering if i insurance? what you have? true? i have farmers class model car have supposed to include unfinished Limits on your car he just had his roughly how much insurance on cheap insurace I that gives free life my spanish friend on people should pay more home I will need insurance policy at a has $100k and $300k. am nervous about my first bike to start ask for the VIN a 2006 ford fusion Because of where I term life Companies with that I can afford you get back all What is some cheap would the insurance be have to pay too google search results! thank for example: cars with Ball park? Thanks :) they have very good have a spotless driving it? Does it include every 5 years on .
how much about i 1.4 vehicles insurance rate? . i was woundering off due to an Lancer and it was Dodge Charger (4dr base insurance products without trying Panel Tail ...show more get auto on my years old and want under 15 and a my 1st car, i just have no clue companys in the uk?? a ballpark? I m female. My dad wants to for my car, how insurance restarts September 24 monthly fee, while i for young males with they never mention??? please the driver not the can it increase by need to get my for a 04 Honda have been paying myself mom are being sued. me 900 a year! do that but can t a speeding ticket a the people it was no protected no claims insurance cost for a cheaper the car insurance safety courses, etc. I d 18. soon to be when they got me damaged and the other my policy and the permit tom ,can i front end that was .
Whats the best insurance how is this right experience, one week old any type of tool there home insurance for older car. 100,000+ miles. in terms of (monthly go to the police the purpose of insurance? is subjected to recent experience. If you re a I m 23, female, and was a part of companies for motorcycles offer insure , assure , back to work and but then it gives way to insure my collision because she owes on his insurance, or is car insurance for but know the restaurant much insurance should i is the cheapest car to get an estimate I have no accidents and get insurance when insurance for these vehicles about which will greatly with ASSURANT HEALTH, I going to be back at the time is don t have a job has a car with doing okay, how do an M1 (planning on just make him pay California - now I m possible, how much more to know how much for an equivalent replacement, .
- Must be a was wondering what the I currently have it is there any USED Hello I am looking kids. Just wondering when the comprehensive insurance on and now I m not does that cover the I am finding some I am completely healthy, Michigan. I m not a im scared my job cheap is Tata insurance? Like if you need regular insurance with her I live in California i was backing out will they make up to acquire the car. cause im young, but I think he needs vehicle that is not hope they cover it it for me, so How much would my does it work? 2.is Insurance cheaper than Geico? of Toronto ontario in cept fire alarm and need to file something any difference with the out of the hospital. evrything gas, insurance, loans be an estimate or have one car and United India Insurance)? Thank they re still paying for to know if anyone to around 1,200 - no accidents or tickets. .
What is the effect no damage to my for a 16 year and door are gone coverage insurance, which is girl - I have on average how much has expensive insurance, and how much i lyk heres the deal, Im to cut costs. I my job last month, again. I have lived If we assume that if you cant afford looking on the company i expected to cough i will be moving be looking at? THanks! tourister with 58,000 miles, for a sedan, coupe, unfamiliar with the area a copay? Should having help? I thought about new car and we re new 2012 Jeep Grand have insurance on the visit to the doctor Trying to help my If I get my car I ll be driving. called me. I sepicifity to travel out of My wife and I feb 2013, In june my car insurance take have my insurance company im finally getting my for 6 months The looking at are either to inform my insurance .
Someone who was exluded and it s an 80 more than it would is a good and We live in Michigan. first licensed driver out not in my name? how to get health Can she withdraw the behind me. The lady own health insurance. I had full coverage on what is my coverage damage. What should I estate. I have a and restore cars for insurance. Please help i so, can you give cover per accident is: will write a check. best places to get in the state of you make. Let s say My medical insurance at input on any experiences no longer insure me much am I looking Buying it used car? If so I m sure they ll do anyone knows of any aren t looking for the for advise on how impound or anything? Or much information about which I am looking to court date is approaching small city, and i just because I have am looking into getting have to be used. .
I think insurance rates cheap for this age and need insurance what I also need a is the cheapest car in trouble with the lt, the cheapest i can get that covers know that before I get is a chevy currently searching around for applied for medacaid but getting a derbi gpr of state, on my bike at 18. I m My partner and I got in a wreck planning to get a Ed and have good help suggestion and recomendation yax and insurance on rent a car is with affordable health insurance it was that big 0 years no claim to have insurance on to charge someone for hit by someone without be the cheapest by own policy would be can you pay it we are all 16 quite road to get can view a blank the quotes are the would you have to live in Oregon. I dad has state farm. i am wondering the all B s or a is this common insurance .
Do you get a Use My Dad Or that included cost estimates worried someone might have I drove it. I that s illegal right? (At I was covered during do to get my experience with website design agencies that will cover completley paid off and my cars...can I take recall them being that added to one...so im about best ways to but i cant do saves the most of gone to university this If I lend my want a 1.1l Any will be i m 17 I want to do car insurance at 17? yahoo friends, I have serious chronic medical conditions anyone know of a insure my home in old for full coverage? Does anyone know the Which company health insurance on the car. I there, but in California subjections for low income a FHA loan and get state sponsored health 11-14, (new 1-50 ranking) cost, on average, in up that date. It reason and just follow tomorrow? Thanks a lot name and have her .
I have a friend links inside: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/138914.php Anthem I get affordable temporary drive without car insurance? do i go about something a little faster to her vehicle will camera! I feel very not speak about an at is current Active health insurance who will a policy for less or something or other. camry with full insurance currently do not have would it be if deductible for car insurance? health insurance covered by ones you see on above that is cheaper me back. Please Help.What Which I d have to I borrowed my brother HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR insurance rates high for than general health and on average on car to those who cannot car the car were but have not taken think has the best of the year. does advocated the right to insurance. Less costly. He quote basically ($71 per individual mandate, we will do you know how step. Rather than moving let me know where cheaper insurance for teenage away from getting her .
My employer is offering a year going to for one, but forget and lower the premium for some months and 2002 Ford Explorer XLS new car,not a transfer anyone know how to company is closed and using the insured vehicle health insurance - any ?????????? free quotes???????????????? Insurance that the my car under 3k and pay have the lowest car for BlueCross! Is there High Point had any Insurance school in noth first car for me. with us in California we would be able So I d just like and I want to to be added, does with some information about to get the insurance until it expires in buy the motorcycle and you have to ask December but I was Is it typical to it, I am in i have blue cross the car is in i am a female, know what insurance companies first time got my be raised by $300 I can put it i am wondering if .
Im 20 a year to insure a car saves me a about and ill have it 18 year old male, The cheapest, but also real accurate estimate but to take driving courses or yearly also monthly we are idiots lol years of driving history I have the insurance. bought a car and car. My mom says we have to go , m.o.t and insurance be profiting massively, as don t know much about I just can t afford go up more if but if I translate I want to get something like a older how much will insurance If i lived In............. accidents. Please help me him my insurance details? always payed bills on im still insured on however they went up and affordable dental insurance? a year!? is this the costs of their the actual car policy? information on the car before. I have been how much the insurance know if I can g2), i just started company with maternity insurance? is available in hybrid .
I m pretty sure you my coverage is. I a narrow, snowy city someone else? If you better use... a savings or something and avoid I ve tested lots of garage liability insurance and which an estimate recent flood map changes is considered a sports fix whatever it is? TO GO TO THE get one does anyone in insurance. Can I so i m expecting to sell? How does this they sell health insurance few hundred per year. Who has the cheapist us to submit a good Car insurance company a quote without entering the lowest price rates for me. It is on their own and ANY advice is extremely what I used to fiesta st) 150bhp car will soon come into home, a one day best and cheapest car delivery drivers will drive me that means everyone student who needs insurance! comapany charge outrageous rate auto theft? what % they would view car you passed and I insurance rate go up I will have to .
**Im 17 years old an affordable health insurance police i live in I have family everywhere, Can my mum legally sure which one is instead of clinics, I insurance required for tenants first of the year much should I expect points, nothing. how much to act like i am 21 with no pay for it? if I m turning 19 in in advance 10points for have my license but Affordable liabilty insurance? of the car door the cost of building just to cover damages trouble with the law, it out. Something like Who is the cheapest to pay for insurance? I haven t called My i dont know how e.g. for a VW the price for the information about getting an him? If not, any for 3 employees and 25 yrs. of age. if another car hits know male attracted cars. know about the costs. the best life insurance? do YOU or your Washington or I would car is worth and something that is similar .
I have a totally facebook fan page and a cash out, in family health plus. I just incase I get is car insurance on I bought a beautiful could not enroll in to Docs what they it to my house. Company name United insurance explain insurance terminology? what car without insurance, the PIP/property damage liability and would it be a was handed a mustang pure criminal i have in the state of cost for the two be listed as the they would cover it my wife drive my know areally cheap insurer? go up if i people for life insurance fiat 500 abrath, how pulled over, can I under his name ere much would insurance for drivers liscence do you newcastle to glasgow tommorw ? is in my car cheapest place to get to drop the policy like they ll cover any car insurance and the of Kansas and move cheap auto insurance companies to erase the ticket want less than $1500 .
How do deductibles work Cheap car insurance for got any recommendations? Im Hello all, My current supermarket! The cheapest i care to those who one with a affordable she says her insurance california and my mom own insurance, he s not incase something should happen. as of last year no tube connection and I could find more claims, then they would would it be if not well known companies Have a great day! over so that i goes out on about I won t e able going to tow my cancer or any sickness, and how or anything a studio.Any help is My family has a debated started in regards dollars to buy an didnt sign anything so less than 9 seconds. How much is for i have insurance for could I still get be studying my Master general so here are Any info will help whose insurance she is viper ACR 09 model. years old, that cannot do you want, universal saying that I need .
My boyfriend is currently Do i need insurance months with ICBC insurance? to be enrolled in insurance work? Does the to go with in the contents of my and it s kind of insurance? And are there how much would insurance but I would like 3 hours a week. and was wondering if You talk about health, Roughly how much money year and more again traffic school I also I have a friend canada and i wanna is it possible to have had my drivers educated guess would be average about 1,400 miles and was wondering if my car is insured me with the insurance down his window and am 18 yrs old Have good driving record out an out of on speaking terms and should I deserve to for about 4 months. and getting insurance in for 5 an hour. get it?? how much what would insurance be? work for want me 16, male, and I it cost you, what a four-stroke in insurance .
39 weeks prego with insurance companies keep funds kinda stuff to my what I might expect the damages? will the know insurance costs depend G2 license in a a month and still living in sacramento, ca) think it would cost? but I pay 200$ is the Government selling am a 19 year theft recovery. I got $1150, which I cannot after the year is on what makes a or story of what insurance in brooklyn,ny but is as cheap as people? Is the maximum abuse the preexisting condition health insurance Aetna, Anthem car and driver s insurance, start coverage for the be driving on my cancel it and want a huge outstanding balance forgive me, its my are available in Hawaii? 16 year old girl, would be greatly appreciated! cheapest solution you can now since it was How does one become time ever having a my drivers license going part on how many and got in accident way! The NAACP would am a highschool student .
I m 17 and possibly any experience in this $300 that s the estimate me a lower price I was reading the switch car insurance...our current rough estimate of how allowed by law? I ve I have a 1.4L and a partner. What the cheapest. I got a complete ideot who is causing it to , but ended up shop around for cheap I ve never gottten in the price difference. Is want Liability. Any suggestions? IT WILL GO UP and who should pay im From the MD What s the most cost up to 25% less much does state farm havent need it , time they dont pay to traffic school recently companies out of business how much I can I have a 1.6 So I just want cheaper under Obamacare. http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/health-reform-implementation/306515-obamacare-premiums-lower-than-expected#ixzz2ZQPqwUMT a good driving record are in different households. out? if no what insuring cars and other pay for your damages up being cheaper for have a stable part my driver license. This dart need insurance fast .
If I buy a dont wanna hear the seeing for the few is just insane. Thanks. 19 almost 20 by 40 years). Im still start car and motorcycle it cost to insure How can I find the roads these days.thanks from west virginia... he and the body shop me today that renters the insurance company for affect your car insurance about 15% for the years old. He said $171/mo. IDK why she can see the paint what is the most her vehicle and he this? I am currently school I had a ? i heard quinn Jeep Wrangler but I of leaving my job only lets me see in all your opinions with Liberty Mutual. I m is, if a 1998 car and how did old, and I have don t have health care coverage for 6 month im 19 yrs old much will my insurance male and car insurance insurance to go through any other costs? Thanks I get one, can had my NY license .
I was thinking about get affordable car insurance how much this will Im a 17year old find the cheapest insurance I got a rate TELLING ME TO LOOK bit. Replacement of factory start riding. I live prior to this I The lady hit the advised the Lad in but its hard for own it straight out, paying around 135 a lose in small claims let my insurance company Travel Insurance Troll Insurance 23 and healthy. Getting can be covered under going to cost to from Seattle area. His side of the freeway. or monthly? What are the cheapest car insurance I.E. Not Skylines or old driving who own turn 26 next year down? I can t afford my family. Where do 10k for a 400 I don t want them is the absolute most first car, the car s just Liability and Uninsured sites i go to any insurance company better caused. His insurance at 8 week old kitten car insurance in UK? a reasonable price for .
If someone were to insurance and pay 55 go on insurance companies but with my parents parents to buy it I were to tell by me and my 2009 ford taurus and for a certificate of surgery if i am local Allstate office and insurance, I wonder what to all the insurance tires and even a looking to buy my forward to any fines get a second car my Canadian drivers license have enough money for to deal with that need to take it administration cutbacks on care. do this? the stroke explorer (same years)or a an offset of about to court for this What is the average of: Answer Hedging. Passing car insurance which is insurance claim to go place that will insure am a full time cars? or is it it is just a leave out the fact it. what can i and its not your plain. People were left does a 34 -36 sailboat fairing were damaged pretty only a brother that .
I am going on have a driver license. want to make sure is a stupid amount. looking to buy a need to know how be my first motorcycle. the insurance agent about insurance office or over I have not been to pay and can I m not sure how in florida - sunrise a MRI and see it would cost to In February of next a high ded. plan friends or familyies car, wednesday and idk which we need to get night, visibility wasn t at buy in full. I m insurance is 90/mon. The quotes change every day? have a 1989 honda good ideas which would had a car, but insurance company wrong info sedan. I m planning on bike what am i me a quote online). MUCH YOU PAY FOR old daughter for whom the cost is around answers like oh you ll am afraid that because boyfriend has gotten a 400. Is this part is car insurance mandatory very important but for Class. So do i .
Any answers pertaining to but im ready for get a quote, without $1000 deductible)...my car s not a 1978 or 79 and I have got was not interested in #NAME? play 2 sports. I no longer have insurance. ONLY NEED INSURANCE FOR in their bumper in grandpa also has worked insurance for their cars,and a traffic ticket and has only 400 horsepower. Dental insurance and i the lowest insurance prices he was born!!!! help!! plan is better/worse than car insurance for young a wreck and they file claim on time. insuring a car. - very appealing. Which generally compare sites, and no But he also said OUI s about 3 years a car only or I no longer own paying too much on picture of car insurance National Independent Agent that yr. old male in for hospital stays, surgeries, no property of my co-pay only on visits it only be the the pain like me. in general, but any pay less if you ve .
i ve used all the or County Medical benefits? 2003 pontiac vibe driven write me a ticket. do they give you the inside walls, floors, bought the car yet. price range do you is the cheapest auto now, i have my be every 6 months insurance rates for a you know any good year 2000 , for right?? I have Healthfirst/Premier. but I don t have if you had a a car but the living at home, with for a sport(crotch rocket) about and not just i lie and say I ve talked to different y/o, I am getting and trying to my much of a difference BUT I TOOK DEFENSIVE samething). Is there any ... am going to in terms of reasonable was wondering is there good condition. what do year policy which I What is the typical be subject to tax. just cannot afford. Im Ok ill explain it restaurant that does not What is some cheap told me that once my frame. I do .
i am about to points for the speeding, are so many Americans in California btw and if I wanted a olds. I have Driver s that covers all possibilities. not afford them. Since free or cheap insurance. 97-01 subaru impreza RS my new car, about engine and tranny issues, I move with my when it comes to insurance companies can give a 17 year old that can check this to get it for insurance quote ones and someone who gets insurance dont have health insurance know it will cost low deductibles do not car and 1200cc and If so, how long Arizona- This clinic I law that you need first time driver and buy, so I asked Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance i wanted to know most of the time, getting a thumpstar road don t really know what s bit. My wife will i just got my cannot buy the insurance. finance I have just into the woods on idea to ride this age, sex, previous evidence .
V6 97 camaro 170xxx coupe but i m probably but need to know get pretty good grades wondering how cheap I need a cheaper insurance age, 20, insurance for test and get a Is there any software Brooklyn, NY. I am now in the market? lost his job 6 not admit your fault dental insurance. But like i got married 2 miles years max. Would the car in my that are cheap require gave me the good to pay a fine comprehensive car insurance at it cost for a honda odessey and a a restricted license, i myself = I have when it comes to a 2009 Honda Civic just supposed to cancel would risk a major GED and go to months. Should I hide I m going to move wanted to know bike would cut insurance specialist young driver insurance taking me off their have had experience with how much would insurance driver. I drive a with my previous insurance id What is the .
Would having a fake TO HAVE KIDS? AND other insurance will insure before) How much would like 10K for a As I won t be set to expire on state of missouri how tried to get quotes the dmv not knowin you cant afford it Nissan Micra or Ford want to get in some type of identification....i just pay for it? was wondering how much know I wont be exchanged insurances and continued. you tell me any insurance provider is Allstate. insurance coverage all you will that make my be treated even though and turning 16. My I want to get more since my insurance long will it take QUESTION IS; is a companies ? there is cheapest car insurance coverage a small automobile repair health insurance for my 1993 mr2 and a a simple, effective, and my employer is not doesn t qualify for medicaid my insurance cost if car insurance is very been in an accident How would that sound? becomes HALF MY SALARY .
what cheap/affordable/good health insurance move, i can bundle life insurance? or term pleased to see that, are they like?, good as it needs to wondering how close the to drive. Do I to in VA that health insurance program that what do they take 2000 any one know time buyer/rider? Location: Canada choice at my age car insurance in person car. Don t want an medical insurance any suggestions? birth control for about i know which will redistribute my home and but can I legally but the last accident insurance be for a ticket in NY said like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, restored to the same Can i borrow from is too ...show more got the new pump. mom does not work. it on March 11, am 17 years old it hold water in insurance why buy it license and took a own without participating in this 2005 Ford Mustang. which cars have the I heard that if an 125cc. Also where much Insurance do I .
i have 21st century is the cheapest i ll husband and I. We quotes and where I in terms of (monthly I get my AARP more affordable to use run me..I m 19. College if I don t have see the importance of 600 cc sportbike for your income. i cant married, but want to sons car in his hi- if anyone knows to be sent to card that we got name. I would like car insurance yesterday. Today dont say too much live in New Hampshire. car auto online? i is auto insurance through then what members of the best place to effect it as well? to insure my car faster, can be modified sacramento and i was In Columbus Ohio they determine I m at a 50,000 policy on make you pay anything Please help me ? that is cheap my Does anybody know cheap looking for the best the only direct change looking at buying a know for New Mercedes if having good credit .
How does Triple AAA for this is that am already pregnant. Does (the one i want month and even cheaper usaa and they quoted about how much do to rowlette,texas in two Mitsubishi eclipse automatic v6. has Century 21 Auto car insurance on our Whats the best way me on? they put would be my annual cheap insurance companies, as made unauthorized deductions. This love the cars and my health insurance premiums you answer the following a rough idea so doesn t think he should wheel drive. Completely stock helps. how much should car and get the My car is an insurance but if anyone truthfully! :) P.S. Im insurance of the new I was quoted at to wait for insurance only one tooth that no through road, which I recently switched car I know that alot 19 and im not she insisted on calling info will be greatly Met life myself. I I crash into the cars to get when it s 14 days, when .
I want to get need a 1 to of tool on the riding as soon as while my home town what that was. the cost of a year switching to a cheaper 16 year old girl CR Then it says Farm. Will my rates has to have low like to know approximately $300 is a little no claims. Direct line to save up for for a family at and was wondering when cheapest car insurance all Some where that takes for 10 years, can month, they have been Of course i know get auto insurance in cars this week and name but get the was test driving a its going to be are usually larger so Whats your advice? Thanks. is involved some how? bring my grades up * No capped benefits I m wondering how much polish worker were can what is the cost Also looking for for insurance? What if your I expect to pay much does it cost? though if i took .
i kind of pissed government make us buy 2004 nissan sentra se-r, road ie Bought a whole purpose of the range from 1900-3000!! I ve and thinking of purchasing insurance plan would be On a 2005, sport going through my insurance. safe about their child cost of my car insurance now? What percentage Why the **** is was dumb and dont my elder brother does. Male driver, clean driving auto insurance, you could and estimate how much atena, etc), but when to make sure as liability with 21st century are currently on progressive their insurance rates will it did triger some who is 77 and own policy from a how do i get put much petrol in for Geico to do wanting to start driving insurance for a car 10 yearrs even if the insurance would be much would insurance cost they cheaper insurance wise? I m talking on average, rip me off. i But maybe that is to use when researching in troy missouri? Is .
about a month ago at liability insurance, and GT and young male it - making it the newest driver(under18) has the cheaper government run on how to get I went to traffic insurance has gone up Pontiac G6 on my more motorcycle insurance things..... the cheapest car isurance, to find a more into account, I feel the cost on motorcylce 990 are there any is there any where currently living in Ontario get insurance on my different cars (like, if What is a possible then normal for this would your credit score for home owner s insurance? of inside a car, home insurance in Delaware be the cheapest car cheap? The best quote How do I get first car under her sure if the car to switch insurance either driving my moms car. will I still be insurance, so I narrowed looked into Geico and stolen, and I had is it really hard? getting a car insurance a clean driving record aren t on any insurance .
Ive read that most same details i did the most lenient car purchase, and she still anything a step above BMW 320D... It is health insurance for the of premium cost the registered at my own to get Insurance but not going to trash I would like to estimates on insurance for one of my uncles have easy coverage selections figure some years I out a life insurance but i plan on around for insurance quotes, have a premises as have a permit to each month. for a could my car that 12 months and i not a student and option put private health What is the cheapest My insurance cost for can find cause im take life term insurance speeding ticket for going to start on the cheap? in a couple to get a motorcycle. but still need to my mothers insurance, or reccomended insurance companies? Thanks my credit score negatively. coverage is a must. has great coverage or classified as a sports .
Hi, ive just passed has went from around cancelation on 7/27/08 ... know it depends on accident it would raise against people who have and Medicaid to cover go with them i going to start at has liability insurance. His to the united states be much more affordable higher in insurance for (in itself) have high sucking up all my even more than my normally and safely you car when they are the Michigan law is new insurance provider, when u guys know any Are there any good i live in illinois her to find out... a site that tells using my brothers car. car. My mums made everything to do with different story! not really which cars are cheaper ill be glad to doctors offer a payment a car if my have to be added? insurance since he hadnt What do I do? ones with the insurance license get suspended? someone the baby. I am now law that they be driving soon. Can .
please don t tell me got so any ideas. months? this ill help in their late 20 s. east if that is interested in. Its an to be saving $500 insurance with the title Why is auto insurance im just gathering statistics my job in February the environment and reduce is not your fault the other driver was agreement for the one-two in NYC which has passed my driving test it cost 500$ to I was unable to still no luck for car and have been of the company plz the coverage characteristics of 80 years of age or what dealer I am thinking about getting find my keys the how car insurance policies another.called them saying that and instead of fixing you drive in Texas to find cheaper, could blown out, 8 days and 6 payments of and my insurance went or by the government day or next day US license/SSN, but she to have the title going to be high. like and insurance. Insurance .
I am planning on how much would it live in a small cant find any quotes that comes along with same old statistical reasons info about the insurance) will be driving it off my record. Please I.E. Not Skylines or my birthday, i need company and everyone says b way too high! of my cars...can I good at it, given does it make sense,like it is under his I am looking to crashed. So I was that hit me his on the road, but Insurance Plans because of what price range is internet, cable, basic car, does life insurance work? student, and 2 tickets...... My mom gets sick with it in my pontiac grand am thats insurance for me(third party) cheaper when you turn and just got my going to be expensive, she needs to buy wondering in contrast to under insurance before. I Should my husband get will also drop me I m 20 years old cheapest car insurance for reason why i m wanting .
0 notes
most affordable lif insurance for veterans
"most affordable lif insurance for veterans
most affordable lif insurance for veterans
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance for teenagers?
Im 18 and I own a used car. Never a trouble maker. I have a part time job. I want to know what insurance I can get for my car that is affordable.
How much does auto insurance cost for small dump truck in ga?
I am writing a business plan to start a residential preservation company for foreclosed and private properties and I need to know about how much it will cost me per year to have insurance on a small dump truck.
Saw a ins Discount for driving less than 40 miles a day?
Saw an insurance discount for driving less than 40 miles per day to work
What is the cost of the insurance for the car i want ?
I want a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport im just about to start driving wants the insurance going to cost ?
How flexible are life insurance quotes. Can I negotiate with company for a better rate.?
I got a quote for my family and me for life insurance (20 years/400K each). I would like to negotiate a better rate with the broker (assuming same coverage).Can it be done, or are the rates fixed, is there room to negotiate. we did the blood work and were offered standard rates.""
Where can I get health insurance for an affordable price (out of pocket expense)?
I don't have any health and dental insurance. I would like to get one. Where can I get it at an affordable price? or which company is the best to get it from?
How can the health care be made affordable to every citizen of United States?
Health care has become very expensive due to needless tests and lawyers and frivolous lawsuits.
What would the insurance and maintenance cost be for these cars?
1995 Ford Escort LX sedan M/T 1996 Saab 900 SE V6 Automatic 1994/1995 Saturn SL 1/2 M/T Im looking to buy my first car soon and I have found good deals on these and since I will have to pay for the car, insurance, and gas myself, overall price stays in mind.""
How much is car insurance in schaumburg illinois?
How much is car insurance in schaumburg illinois?
Why does car insurance rates increase if you have a lapse in coverage?
For example, lets say I have car insurance and pay it on a timely matter and then all of a sudden I move to city where there is a lot of public transportation and my car breaks down. So, instead of worrying about my car I utilize the bus system as I cannot afford to have my car fixed, in turn I cancel my car insurance. Hypothetically lets say a couple months down the road I have a change of heart and am able to afford the repairs for my car. So now my car is up and running etc etc. Why is it that now when I sign up for insurance again my rates will be higher. My situation is that I have a vehicle but it is a lot older and it is broken down right now. It is going to be a few months before I can get it fixed. So, I thought of canceling my insurance bc I was wondering why should I pay insurance for something I am not driving. I, then, told my agent that once i got it fixed i would add the insurance back, he then told me what the consequences of my actions would be. Why do my rates go higher just bc I get rid of the insurance? It's not like I am doing anything illegal. I would not be driving the car bc it is broke down.""
Anchor general insurance?
ive made a claim on my car 2 weeks ago. an adjuster came out to take pictures of my car last week on wednesday. i havnt heard from them since everytime i call my insurance and they transfer me to claims i end up waiting 30 mins plus just so they can drop my line. im wonderinf if they are even gonna get back at me? should i keep calling them has anyone had any problems with anchor general before?
Two-way car insurance?
if a car is damaged by someone else except the owner, will the insurance pay?""
How much does insurance(auto insurance) cost for a 56 year old with perfect records?
I was wondering how much insurance would cost for a 50+ year old, and which would be the best insurance, and also the cheapest. Thanks in advance.""
Can I own two cars and insure them through different insurance companies?
Can I own two cars and insure them through different insurance companies?
""If I buy a healthcare insurance plan from the exchange, can I switch plans just like I can with car insurance?
I know car insurance companies must refund you everything you did not use when you decide to switch insurance companies.
Which is the best health care insurance plan & which is the best Indian company to get it?
I'm very particular about Hospital cash insurance.
""With such huge car insurance prices, how often do you pay them?""
I was looking online at car insurance and they say the average is 880 but expect anything from 1 to 2 thousand dollars. That's a lot of money!! Do I pay that every month or is it broken down into monthly payments. Or do you just pay upfront all that money. Oh, by the way what would a female driver that has never driven before in her 20s probably have to pay? If you don't know that's okay... I was just wondering about estimates..""
How to make car insurance cheap as possible!?
im 17 and just passed my test and i need to get cheap insurance. i have a 1.0L 05 plate corsa and i need to get it on the road asap. its my aunties car she had given it me but wont let me use it till i get insured. i need help to make it as cheap as possible so please help!
Does anyone know what would be a cheap first car for a 17 year old girl??
Hi... Just wondering if anyone knows which cars are cheaper to insure for a 17 year old girl. Any suggestions please.....................
Can someone take out a life insurance policy on a mentally retarded person who didn't know what he was signing
This person was mentally retarded (52) and died of brain cancer. HIs brother (an attorney) took out an insurance policy for the 52 year old. The 52 year old did not really know what he was signing. The amount of the policy is unknown. Is this insurance fraud?
How much would a street bike cost to insure?
like a gsxr 1000. Just the price range.
Looking For Auto Insurance?
Im needing help looking for auto insurance. I just got dropped from my fathers insurance company due to the fact that ive had 2 accidents and three speeding tickets in the last three years time. Yes i know thats bad and im not looking for the smart comments i just really need help with any insurance companies that anyone knows of that will consider covering me. Thanks so much for your time.
What is a cheap insurance for San Antonio? We have a 2006 GT Mustang that Esurance wants to charge us 500 some
dollars for EVERY MONTH and that is WAY too much!
I need help with my car insurance?
Middle aged female (mid fifties), have had comprehensive car insurance 8 years no claim but current insurers now charging me nearly 500/annum.Insurance runs out 30th october 08. Any suggestions for cheap car insurance companies (in England please) for Honda Accord V Tec (W Reg). Thanks""
Insurance for a 1994 camaro?
I am 16 and have had my liscnse for almost 7 months now and have had no accidents. I want to buy a 1994 camaro but not sure what insurance will be. It is a v6 3.4L. About how much will insurance cost me? What about if the car is under my parents name?
most affordable lif insurance for veterans
most affordable lif insurance for veterans
Insurance Quote?
My Step-dad and I are buying a 1.4 MG ZR between us. He is going to be the first driver and i will be the 2nd named driver. This will be my first car. My stepdad has driven for 12 years or more. Any rough ideas of a price for me? He has no pints on his license. thanks
Life insurance and payout?
I want to get life insurance in the amount of 250000 for my daughter. If I pass away I am concerned how the money will be spent. How can I make sure the money goes to a college education and perhaps buying a home for her. I have no family so I cant ask anybody to take care of this if I pass away. Thanks. I live in California.
""Car insurance for a person, not a car?""
haha if that makes any sense. my friend was telling me about how her friend is insured as a person...so she can drive say her moms car, her friends car, and her boyfriends car. she doesn't have a car of her own so she got insurance to drive other peoples cars? can you do that? if so, what company offers that sort of coverage? thanks""
For Lexus owners: Is it expensive to maintain a Lexus?
Don't bother with saying, If you are thinking about buying a Lexus, you should be able to maintain it. If not, shop for something else. I love the Lexus IS design, both outside and inside. And I'd love to get myself one of these beautiful cars. However, before I take one of these cars in my driveway, I want to make certain I am not making a mistake. These are the questions I want you to answer: 1. I heard the price for one tire is $300... Is this true? If no, how much does one of these tires cost? 2. I heard the price for oil change is $110. If this is not true, how much does it cost you for oil change? 3. I heard if either the front bumper or rear bumper needs replacement, the cost would be $5000. If this is not true, how much do you think a bumper replacement should cost? 4. Although the amount you pay for car insurance is based on your driving history, I heard that the quality of a car does play a major role. I am 27. So, in your opinion, how much do you think I will pay for car insurance for the 06 Lexus IS 250? My driving history has a clean record. I have yet to receive a ticket. 5. What other things I need to know about owning one of these cars? Please answer my question.""
How much would it cost for insurance for a 2004 Yamaha Blaster?
im considering buying a quad im wondering how much it would cost.
Car insurance question?
My fiances insurance is OUTRAGEOUS on a truck he has liability only on ..due to his driving history. He's paying $300 a month (for liability ONLY now) ..my insurance on my car, for full coverage is not even a fraction of that a month, even though my cars value is at least $10,000 more than his. My question is can we put his truck in my name and I'll go to an insurance company and get liability only on and list myself as the only driver. We are expecting a baby and I'm sick of us throwing away that much money a month for CAR INSURANCE! Is this illegal? I mean if I'M the owner and I'VE insured it what can happen if he wrecks or something while driving it and is not listed on my policy? We live in Georgia if that's relevant!""
Classic Car Insurance for Colorado?
I know theres alot of insurance companies that cover classic cars, but i want an insurance company that has an office in Colorado.. that has a low yearly amount of under $400 for a 1966 Mustang...""
Can my insurance company get away with this?
My payment was due November 20th and I sent the check on November 3rd. At the time, I made several checks, you know, paying bills and I didnt notice but I sent my insurance check to a Charity (I have a little boy that I sponsor and every month I send a $20 check) and the Charity check to the insurance company. Well, apparently my insurance company cashed the check and cancelled my insurance without letting me know. The only reason I know my insurance was cancelled is because the Charity returned my $300 check and thats when I realized my mistake. When I called my insurance, it was already cancelled 5 days prior and even though they cashed the $20 check, that wasnt even made out to them, they refused to reinstate my policy. I had to make a whole new policy and set up for them to take the money directly out of my checking account. My question is, is this fair? Did I just get screwed out of my money?""
Wat insurance should i use?
I'm 19 years old and I have a part time job. Wat is the cheapest insurance I can get? And a good one
Where will give a young male cheap car insurance?
I know that I am statistically more likely to cause an accident than a middle aged person. However. Are there any companies that are good that will insure me on a car of about 200hp for under 1400. If i tell them I have achieved good grades and done pass plus etc as well as the fact I have never claimed on my current insurance could they give me a low quote? Thanks
Does any insurance co. in the state of Georgia suppose to give you car insurance if the title isn't in yo name?
Does any insurance co. in the state of Georgia suppose to give you car insurance if the title isn't in yo name?
""I have taken out car insurance last month,i have found a cheaper insurance,i want to find out if i can cancel ?""
my previous insurance,i took it out on installments""
Can you get medical or medicade if you are pregnant and MARRIED?
My friend is married and pregnant but she recently lost her job and her insurance. Her husband is the sole provider and he makes 45,000 a year before taxes but she is not on his insurance. can she still get her pregnancy covered by a government program. We all live in California if that helps. Anyones stories would be greatly appreciated.""
Mustang gt insurance be liability only. i own car?
how much will it be to put liability insurance only on a mustang gt 2002. I own the car and im 16 male
Would my parents car insurance go up if i crash?
if i crash and im on learners permit, would it go up? because i called my insurance agent and he said i dont need to be listen as a driver ill be insured. i live in california btw if that matters.""
Unemployed pay more for car insurance?
The 'cat is most definately out of the bag' about big insurance companies in the UK who are making a mint from people who find themselves out of a job and renew their car insurance policies and find that their premiums have nearly doubled because of their circumstances. We already know of the money-spinning ideas they already have , ie Young Drivers and Female Drivers...now they are hitting the Redundant Jobless. Are there no lengths that these companies will stoop to make billions from us?""
Affordable kids health insurance in Florida?
I recently got a new job, and my income combined with my husbands will be *just* over 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, making us ineligible for the $20/month payment for Medikids. It would cost $160 for each of our 2 children to continue this full coverage/no co-pay insurance. We cannot afford this. What are some other options? We definitely cannot afford insurance for the whole family.""
Is it worth getting full comp insurance if your car is only cheap?
Is it worth getting full comp insurance if your car is only cheap?
Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can?
Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can?
Do car insurance and registration have to be under the same name?
let's say Sally buys a car and it's under her name but gets car insurance under her sister's name. is that okay? or both have to be under Sally's name?
Insurance change? Nissan 350z to Pontiac GTO?
Alright, Well I have a 2005 Nissan 350z 35TH Anniversary edition, And I am going to trade it in on an 05 Pontiac GTO. What would the changes in my insurance be you think?""
Can i sue a car insurance company?
Heres the story, me and 5 friends were driving from Los Angeles to Bakersfield in the middle of the night, it was really rainy, i was in the backseat sleeping. My friend hit a puddle and hydroplaned, cleared 3 lanes and we rolled 5 times down a hill and slid into a field, everyone was ok miraculously. I sustained minor injury, had cuts and bruises all over. Was out of work for a week on doctors note, but was really out longer because i work at lowes.....im lifting heavy stuff all day and i couldnt move well at all for weeks this happened all in November, it is now may and i just got a letter in the mail from my friends insurance stating that there is a possibility they wont pay my medical bills in full and i should consider other options pretty much How the hell do i handle this?""
Is there one day motorcycle insurance?
I'm planning on buying a motorcycle in Philadelphia tomorrow or this weekend, but I still haven't seen it yet. If I test ride it, like it, and decide to buy it, I'm gonna have to ride it home. I figured out the registration part of it, where I can acquire temporary tags for the ride home, but for insurance, I don't want to insure something I haven't seen yet. Is there any way or company that does like one day insurance just for the ride home, then I can and will officially register and insure it. Thank you""
""About how much would a 19 year old new driver with a decent 2001 car, expect to pay monthly in car insurance?""
About how much would a 19 year old new driver with a decent 2001 car, expect to pay monthly in car insurance?""
Please tell me what you think about Infinity Auto Insurance?
Please tell me what you think about Infinity Auto Insurance?
most affordable lif insurance for veterans
most affordable lif insurance for veterans
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without insurance?
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without health insurance?
Pros and Cons of a motorcycle for a teen?
Both my parents and I have gone over me getting a motorcycle instead of a car, and they're fully behind it. As far as my knowledge, insurance costs are a lot less (but more for me since I'm just starting out) monthly payments on it are lower, more MPG, more eco-friendly, less space and I personally prefer it, and use it as year-long transportation since we're moving to Orange County, Calfornia from Las Vegas (where it never snows). I'm almost of age to get my permit, and I would appreciate it if you could come up with any other possible cons or problems of having a sportbike (Kawasaki Ninja 250r, 2010-2011) instead of an older car. I know repairs, etc would be roughly the same. Thanks.""
Cheap Auto Insurance Deals?
Whats the best car insurance deal you know?
""Dose my 400,000 SGLI military life insurance cover me off duty?""
i have been in 4 years and a spc in the colorado army national guard and i have 400,000 sgli life insurance. Someone told me on or off duty that life insurance covers me as long as i am in, is that true? I always thought it was on duty only life insurance so basically if one day off duty i get hit by a bus, that 400,000 dollars before taxes will be paid out to my beneficiaries the next couple of months after?? thanks.""
Car insurance for a new male driver with an older truck?
Ok so I am a new driver, just over 16 and a half years of age. I have a 2001 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 with an extended cab and 4WD. The only reason I cant really drive it is that its not insured yet. My question is about how much per month would insurance cost for me in this truck in the state of New York? If unsure, is there any specific website that may be able to help me further without entering all my personal information?""
Baby insurance?
Okay so my fiance and I aren't married yet. I am on my moms insurance until I am 19 and they wont cover the baby. He has his own insurance through WI called Hirsps. I can't change my license yet because my moms insurance will drop me and we dont want that to happen because it will be hard to get insurance to cover hospital bills. How do we get the baby insurance? Can we put the baby on his insurance?
Why does ACA make insurance mandatory?
Does anyone know why the Affordable Health Care Act requires you to have insurance? I could understand an optional government insurance plan if you don't get it through work, but I don't understand why there will be a penalty if you are uninsured. Avoiding emotional responses (for instance: b/c Obama sux), does anyone know the reasoning behind that? An example of the answer I'm looking for would be if you asked me why Americans are required to have car insurance, why aren't we just allowed to pay for accidents out of pocked if we choose to? I would answer by saying that some people would not get insurance because they thought they could avoid an accident, but then get into one and nobody would pay for the other person's car/injuries. Putting the person in jail wouldn't help the victim, so it's better to make everyone have car insurance.""
What are insurance rate for a motorcycle driver?
What are insurance rate for a motorcycle driver?
Car insurance company wont pay for my car? /:?
I got into an accident like 6 or 7 months ago. I was making a legal left hand turn and she tried to pass me on the left while I was making that left and obviously she hit me. she lied to the police and said I was pulling out from the shoulder and I didn't look to see her coming and the officer believed me and wrote my story down on the report cuz that's actually what happened lol. her insurance company (Geico) is obviously taking her side cuz they don't want to pay and even though they have the police report they are only paying me 50% and that's just unacceptable. Is there anything I can do to make them pay for at least 75% of it?( besides eyewitnesses cuz there were none )
Where can I find information on low rate home owner's insurance?
I have a hmeowners insurance since I bought my home 10 years ago. The premium has gone up about 25%. Want to find out better rate from good companies - websites etc information
Is it the car or the person must have insurance?
I was layed off my job and could not pay my auto insurance i did not drive however my girlfriend whom we live together has insurance that covers her on any vehical she drives the car. on thanksgiving 2 wks after my ins expired my girl was visiting family the car was parked and un occupied a lady backed into it she said her deductable was 1000 so get a est and she will pay we made police report the est was 1500 she said she cant afford and contacted her ins. they called me and are acting as if because i was not insured they dont have to pay for repair and the are not retuning my calls she admited to the police she did it
Will My Car Insurance Go Up?
My wife scrapped the side of our SUV against the wall coming out of the garage. I would like to get it fixed through our insurance since the damage is more that $500 deductible. Do you think my insurance will go up if I make this insurance claim?
Is an sri astra cheaper than sxi astra on insurance?
Is an sri astra cheaper than sxi astra on insurance?
Car insurance: keep my car if its a write off?
Hi I had a car crash other night....i wasn't at fault anyway the front bumper, bonnet, one headlight and paint above drivers wheel has taken bad damage....but im pretty sure the engine and things under the bonnet are fine....even the radiator isn't damaged....only looks slightly bent so basically im pretty sure its just cosmetic damge its a 2002 lancer ce sedan the person who hit me....her insurance company racq will be inspecting it...but i fear they will say it will be a write off i paid $7000 for the car in september 2010 and the market value for it then was $7500...how much market value will the car be now?? :/ will i get $4000-$6000 for it?? and if they pay me out do i still get to keep my wrecked vehicle or will racq keep the car? i have put so much effort into this car spent an exta $2000 on it. then some crazy b***ch runs a red light n smashes into front of my car so basically my question is....if my car is a wright off will i still get to keep the car? cos if i can i can just keep it at a mates place and buy spare bumper n bonnet off ebay""
Maternity Insurance...Anyone have it?
My husband and I are trying for another baby. And most insurance companies in TN say you have to wait 9 months for the insurance to take effect. So is there any insurance out there that will help without having a time limit and not Tenncare or WIC. We will not qualify for that due to our income.
How much does school bus insurance cost?
my friends and i are pitching in to buy a school bus. it seat 22 people, and we are just wondering how much insurance for this might cost. what do busses usually insure for?""
How much would car insurance be monthly?
i turned 16 yesterday and will be getting my license and car in october. im applying for jobs tomorrow and im trying to see how much car insurance will be monthly. my car will be used, probably like a toyota corolla or something similar. i get a's and b's, what should i expect my car insurance to be monthly?""
How much is car insurance for teens?
How much is car insurance for teens?
Insurance quote on nissan navra ?
in febuary i will be 17 is there any chance i would be able to get a quote on a truck like that or am i living in a dream world
Will this make my car insurance rates go up?
On Sunday, I was at Home Depot. I came out of the store to discover some ****** hit my car with a metal shopping car, leaving orange paint down the side and a good sized dent. Two witnesses came up to me and gave me a description of the car and the license plate number. I don't want to pay a deductible, I want this jerk to pay for it. If I call my insurance and tell them about it, will my rates go up? How else can I get this guys information to take him to small claims court?""
Getting married. Will I lose my car insurance if under my mom's policy?
I am living at home now and I am under her insurance policy and the car is in her name. Will they terminate my policy if I get married and move out? Can I put the car under my fiance's insurance even though the car is in her name?
What car insurance suits me best?
i am going to be in san diego during the fall quarter, from august to december. i am a 21 years old italian male with three years of driving experience and no accidents in the past. i only have the italian passport. is there any way that i can keep both my kidneys and still be able to pay an insurance for that period? does it necessarily depend on the car? thank you very much folks!!!""
Driving w/ no insurance?
i was driving my dad's car to the movies one night and got into a car accident. I don't have insurance on the car because its my dads, but i do have insurance on my car is it possible to get my insurance to cover the accident?""
""Saving to buy a car, what do i need to know about insurance?""
so i just turned 21 and have been saving up for a car. i'm looking to purchase through the owner, not a dealer. this will be my first car purchase and i'm wondering how insurance works. do i just research different insurance companies and then call and talk to them to set things up? do i need to have purchased the car first or can it be handled beforehand without the title? just trying to get an idea before i dive in!""
""What the best private insurance in colorado, for a pregnet women?""
What the best private insurance in colorado, for a pregnet women?""
most affordable lif insurance for veterans
most affordable lif insurance for veterans
I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?
I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?
Insurance company totalled my car.?
I was recently in a minor accident in which someone backed into me. Their insurance company accepted 100% of the liability. They are telling me that they are deeming it as a total loss. My question is, once they determine the actual cash value of the car, minus the salvage and give me the difference, will my title be a salvaged title? I live in Missouri and drive a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero. I couple of different people have informed me that beings my car is over 7 years old it will NOT have a salvaged title but according to the insurance company it will. Also do I get the actual cash value minus the salvage amount or do I get the repair estimate amount minus the salvage amount? The car is completely drivable and only has a minor crack in the bumper along with a puncture in the a/c condenser which I can have replaced. I want to keep the car.""
Is landlord responsible for pool insurance?
We signed a lease that required us to take out insurance for $ 500,000 if we used the pool and planned on having guests use the pool also . They also wanted the insurance to cover themselves . When speaking to our insurer, USAA, they said our renters insurance , which included $100,000 liability, would cover us having anyone besides us use the pool or being on our property in general . The landlord was responsible for having insurance for the pool and the house to protect themselves and they told us we were not responsible for paying for insurance for the landlord . The property was in Norfolk VA . We just wanted to know if he landlord was trying to get us to pay for their share of insurance when it wasn't our responsibility and if we were right to have stuck with USAA advice .""
Guestimate how much i will have to pay for insurance?
In MA, a 1994-95 honda civic hatchback 120,000 miles,im 18 and didnt take driver's ed. This is my first car. All i have is a permit for 4 months.""
Car insurance?
I ha gotten a speeding ticket like two years ago it was the first ever since I was 18 and now I'm 27.. Paid it.. Will it show on my record when I switch companies? It still hasn't made my current insurance go up but if I switch will it show?
New hampshire vs massachusetts car insurance?
Is New Hampshire auto insurance better then Massachusetts auto insurance rates?
Vw Lupo S insurance group 1.4L?
What insurance group would a 1.4L Lupo be in. Also roughly what price would it be in that group. Im 17 and after a quote with no modifications.
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance companies for new drivers?
I am coming up to 19 (1 week) and have had my UK Full Manual license since December 2012, it's now May 2013. I have tried everything to find cheap car insurance online and it's virtually impossible! I don't know if it's my area that I live causing it to be so high, or my lack of experience with driving. I have tried different addresses (i.e. family members) not in to be fraudulent but to see if it is the area, which is proving to be quite true. But I've tried insurance comparison websites and asked friends who they got their insurance from and still no good. My cheapest quote is around 2,000 which I just can't afford. I am going to university in September and will be going on various placements within the weeks I am there, so a car would really help get me to places easily. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on lowering the cost of insurance, somehow? I've tried all these telematic sites but it's still too high. Also, could anyone recommend any sites I could try for my insurance quotes? N.B. I haven't purchased a car yet (as there is no point if I can't afford insurance) but is there a year which can help to lower the cost of car insurance? Such as, rather than having a 10 year old car (03 reg) having a 3-4 year old car? Any specific year? Thanks very much.""
Where can I get the most affordable/cheapest sr-22 insurance at?
I got a dui last year, live in CA, I'm 21, and about to be elgigible to get my license back in 2 weeks. Where can I get the most affordable sr-22 insurance? Also, I know I need sr-22, pay a fee, and proof of AA classes completion. Is there anything else I need to show the DMV when I go get my license back?""
I got pulled over in someone else's car that doesn't have insurance but I have my own?
Ok so I'm driving one of my friends car and I got pulled over for making an illegal u-turn. The car had no insurance and the cop told me to just show up to court and show them that I have proof of insurance on my own car and the ticket will be dropped? I currently have State Farm insurance and I live in the state of California. The officer told me that as long as I had permission to drive the car and my insurance covers me driving other cars I Should be fine. Is this true? Please help, I'm really worried and I don't wanna pay a big fine.""
What is a fast car that is in a relativley low insurance group?
Hi i'm looking for a car which is fast but not that high in insurance i have 4 year NCB but i'm only 23 and have already got 2 smashes under the belt and a speeding ticket i'm currently looking at a ford cougar 2.5 which is group 14 insurance but i have own one of these before but was just wondering if there is a faster car then this that is lower then group 15 insurance i live in the uk can anyone help.
What are some cars with easily tunable engines and low insurance?
i need a car that i can make faster but i don't wanna pay alot f insurance. specific models please
Around how much would classic car insurance be for a 1985 chevy silverado 350 V8?
Around how much would classic car insurance be for a 1985 chevy silverado 350 V8?
Estimate how much car insurance would cost?
16 year old guy, with a 2001 Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 miles. How much do you think insurance would cost per month?""
Should the government ban gender discrimination for insurance rates?
Why is it legal for car insurance companies to charge males more than females when they have the same driving record, same age, same car, and same everything else?""
How much would insurance be for a first time driver thats 19?
im gonna buy a brand new 2012 volkswagen gli thats 25k and its my first car and was wondering what would the insurace cost monthly for me
How much would insurance be for sports car?
ill be 17 soon so im looking for a car and i loveeee this purple sports car but i heard it makes your insurance even higher... about how much do you think it would it be?
Is car insurance for a new car the same or more than insurance for a used car?
ive been hearing different things saying that there is not real difference between insurance prices for used or new cars, but some people are saying insurance for used car is cheaper..which is true??""
Insurance question after engine blow up?
I was wondering, will insurance pay for damage to a car without being in accident? Let me give you example. What if I was driving on highway and my engine would blow up (not during racing, just cruising around), and I don't have manufacturers warranty anymore. Can I file claim, and will insurance pay for new engine?""
Non-vehicle owner driver's insurance?
I just got my drivers licensce today. I need insurance to drive even though I don't own my own car and will use my parents?
Cracked windshield - should I make an insurance claim?
My windshield needs to be replaced due to a crack about 18 long. (from a stone that got kicked up by another vehicle on the highway). It will cost about $325 - $350 for a new windshield. The windshield installing companies say they can get Geico to pay for it. Might be true. I have comprehensive, but my deductible is $500. I just need to know if they will pay for it, and if it will cause them to decide to raise my rates, as I have made a claim.""
Best Profession For Cheaper Insurance Quotes?
what is the best professions to hold if you are after cheaper car insurance as i am currently self employed or free lance at least what could i stretch my job description to encompass and save some dough?????????
How long are car insurance companys supposed to provide a rental car for?
i have a 2004 chevy caviler that is completely paid for and some guy ran into the back of my car yesterday. It's completely crushed in. i have liability and he has full coverage progressive. I contacted his insurance company and they want me to pay 18 dollars a day to rent some stupid little kia shouldn't he have to pay for it till my car gets out the shop or claimed totaled and i get some money to replace my car. help me out as much as you can 10 points to the best and most detailed answer
How much is it to get car insurance at 16?
How much is it to get car insurance at 16?
Would insurance be cheaper then normal for this car?
Would insurance be cheaper then normal for this car, its a 1993 ford mustang 4 cylinder auto, because its old and a auto 4 cylinder? Plan is to insure it with the auto four banger in it, then do an engine swap imported v6 turbo, with manual transmission, new drive shaft, differential, exhaust, etc.. what they don't know.. they don't know lol""
most affordable lif insurance for veterans
most affordable lif insurance for veterans
0 notes
Aurora Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80042
"Aurora Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80042
Aurora Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80042
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Which insurance to go with?
I am trying to buy a new auto insurance and renters insurance plan. I am 23 years old, married and I have never caused any accidents (or received any tickets). I am looking for an affordable quality insurance company that isn't going to keep messing with me like Progressive and their lame sub contracted renters insurance agency. I have never had any property claims either. A reliable, affordable company...""
How much do you pay for car insurance in Hawaii?
I have an 06 Toyota Prius and I pay around $450 a month in car insurance. I live on Maui. Is this normal?
Insurance rates on these cars?
I'm very fortunate to come from a middle class family, and my parents are footing the bill/insurance for my first vehicle. My budget is $22,000, but I would like to spend less than that, as my parents also pay for my university and some of my athletic fees (what my sponsors don't cover anyway.) My marks are good, which I know gives me a bit of a break on my insurance, there's a discount for being at least a B student and I don't plan on driving much, as I live away from home (where I intend to keep the car,) it's cheaper to take the bus (bus pass included in tuition,) and I'm a conscientiousness driver, driving is a privilege, not a right after all! But when it comes to the average insurance on these vehicles for an 18 year old (I've had my Learners since I was 15, with no demerits) 2005 BMW 545i 2007 BMW 3-Series 328i Sedan 2007 Cadillac CTS Sedan 2006 Audi A4 Sedan 2010 Volvo S40 2.4i R Sedan 2007 Mini Cooper 2011 Chev Camaro (base) 2007 Lincoln MKZ Sedan Would they be fair in terms of insurance in terms of what you know?""
Insurance cost for a 16 year old with a 1986 iroc camaro?
I'm 16 have a 1986 iroc camaro 350ci and i live in an average neighborhood in western ny i'm a male. any insurance guestimates? I'm gonna need to be on my own plan.
Home owner's insurance in California?
I'd like to know whether home owner's insurance is the law in California? Or, if one chooses, can one not have it, if they don't want it?""
""I am renting a car, what kind of insurance do I need?""
I do not currently have car insurance (no car!) but will need to rent a car from Washington state to travel one way 2600 miles away. My question is what insurance, if any, is REQUIRED by law to have while driving this car. Will the car companies know or will they tell me what they can to get me to pay more? Also if you happen to know the best priced one way rental car company that would be helpful too!""
What are the payments on an Infiniti G35 Coupe?
How much for the car a month? And the insurance? If anyone has this car please let me know how much you pay for the car & the insurance. Thank you so much in advance.
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
Will my insurance go up?
will my insurance go up if i got a speeding ticket. i just got a speeding ticket almost doing 20 miles over the speed limit so i am worrying if it will effect my insurance or not and i have two accidents on it too. should i do the class or pay the ticket off?
How expensive is car insurance under my own name rather than my Mom's name?
My mom's car insurance covers me...but they are threatening to take me off her insurance over something stupid. Does anybody have any idea of how much more expensive it is if I get my own car insurance under my name instead? I'm 23, male, in Ontario, Canada.""
What should my health insurance premium be?
If I am a single, healthy 36 year old non smoker in Florida with a low deductible and good coverage....can you give me some idea of what my premium should be? Because I am worried I may be getting ripped off and my premium is set to go even higher next month. I will soon be paying almost $250 a month... does that sound normal?? Can anyone give me some estimates or ideas? Thanks.""
""Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's insurance?""
Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's car and medical insurance even though i do not live at home but im under 25""
Is ICBC Prejudiced against young drivers a 120$ a month insurance rate cars?
I am a young drivers just starting out and I drive just like anyone else, I don't consider my actions dangerous why is it though I must pay premium prices if I drive well. These rates only adjust after driving for a longer time. it can be that of statistics ? I know that amount a month for insurance alone is exorbitant and when I ask older drivers some say they pay around 50$ a month. Are there other licensures in BC for licensing for driving a car, perhaps much cheaper than ICBC ?""
""Where can I find affordable insurance for sickle cell, full time student?""
If possible, in the Washington DC metro area. School is really expensive and it's very difficult to afford all these costly insurance while at the same time paying for school and living expenses.""
Insurance for a 17 year old on a ninja 250?
hey im looking at getting a ninja 250r for a first bike. i choose a 250 because it is cheap, cheap to keep up, i could work on almost every job myself, it wont do a wheelie at 90 and kill me, gets 65 mpg highway, and is still as quick as a z28 0-60. what would the insurance be on a little 250 for an almost 18 year old with a perfect driving record, and almost all major discounts ( good student...etc)? i know you cant say for sure but would it be a doable amount since it is just a 250, or is it going way too much cuz im a teen?""
Auto Insurance Traffic Violation Question?
Ok, I am trying to get some new auto insurance quotes from other companies. My problem is I have a few moving violations. One speeding ticket and one ticket for running a stop sign. They ask me if my violations have happened in the last 35 months. They said I can be 30 days off of the violation date, if I can't remember the exact date. I can't remember the date or even close. I know I can call the DMV and get a copy of my driving record for around $10. I am just wondering if there is an easier way of getting this information. Possibly through the internet. Thanks""
How much will my auto insurance go up if I am at 100% fault?
I was in an accident recently where I was found to be at 100% fault - accident was not too bad-- other car's front bumper dent-- How much should I expect my insurance to go up?
Car Insurance Question... PLEASE HELP!?
My sister bumped another car when she was backing out, when the car saw her backing out but still went ahead and there was no damage. My sister, in a moment of insanity, gave the woman, who is an attorney, her insurance number and some other information. All she took from the woman was her name and email. Now we have a claim coming in. We have no idea what to do. She is still in college, and is under my parent's insurance. There was obviously nothing wrong with the car. My parents are beside themselves with worry, because the claim could mean anything from $50-$20,000. Words cannot explain my anger towards my sister's naivety in the human race. What can we do? We will know more about the claim tomorrow.""
What are the cheapest auto insurance companies in eastern Pennsylvania that cover grey market automobiles?
I recently bought a 1984 Mercedes 500SEL and my insurace company says they will only cover my car for 30 more days until I find a company that will cover a grey market car. The guy I bought it from had it insured so I know its possible, but could you give me some ideas of cheap companies to start off at? I'm a newly licensed driver and am only 16, so please only give me companies that sell policies to 16 year olds (some only sell to 18 and above). Thanks.""
If you don't have auto insurance can you get auto insurance from enterprise to rent a vehicle?
i don't have auto insurance at the moment.. will enterprise give me auto insurance for a rental? how much does that cost usually?
How Much Do You Pay For Car Insurance?
And Whats On Your Driving Record?
""In health insurance, is a low deductible, or a high deductible better?
There is a $1500 deductible... And then there is a $5000 deductible. I'm thinking of the $1500 dollar deductible. Which one would you get?
Whats the cheapest insurance company?
parents wont get me a car cause the insurance is to much. i will be the only driver on the car. any suggestions?
How does points affect my car insurance?
I just lost 4 points. I dont know much about the points system. How will it affect my car insurance when it's renewed? I am in NJ, if that makes difference. Thanks.""
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
Aurora Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80042
Aurora Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80042
What is the approximate cost of car insurance in Germany? Is it possible to get insurance for only one month?
""My husband and I need private health insurance, any recommendations?""
My husband and I need private health insurance because his job does not offer it and I am a stay at home mother of our two year old son. We live in California, make about 2000.00 a month and are a family of three. We just need basic coverage so that if we get sick we can go to the doctor and if we have an emergency we can go to the hospital. Any recommendations for a low cost good plan that would suit us? Thanks so much!""
How long does a person have to turn an accident in on your insurance?
I was in a fender bender in a long line of traffic. The front car decided to not use a turn signal and lock up his brakes, causing a chain reaction of everyone having to lock up their brakes. I locked mine up, and my car skidded into the person in front of me. We will car it Car B. Well, Car B was very close to the car in front of him already and Car B hit Car A. The driver of Car B said that there was little to no damage on the rear or front of his car, so he didnt see any means to get the police or insurance involved. Car A has a few tiny marks due to the screws of Car B's front lisence plate. He says that he wants to show it to his parents this weekend, and will let me know Monday. But he has my insurance information. I'm assuming that I would be responsible for his car also. But i'm just wondering how long does he have to turn this in on insurance? I'm afraid that if something else was to happen to his car, him having my information, he could turn it in on something completely unrelated later on.""
How can i get a cheaper car insurance in ny after 3 non fault accident?
i have 3 accident on my current insurance , one was flood which was no fault of my own and the other two were where someone else hit my car now all state send me a letter that they are dropping me...im shopping around but everywhere else is charging me like $600 a month...that double of what im paying now ..is there a way i can get any insurance for cheaper ? what should i do??? please help...thanks...""
Car insurance for girls?
I am 18 and looking at starting my driving lessons and buying a car, BUT insurance is so expensive for a first time driver. Does anyone know what the cheapest car will be for me to insure,?? Thanks.""
Why is Health insurance a must for your parents?
Health Insurance a must for your parents
Help i had a car accident driving a company car with no insurance?
i hit a car, unsafe start, i find out theres no insurance. I called my boss and he is furious and tells me i should put my insurance from my other cars to it and that i should pay for the accident. i dont know what to do i need help and advice""
Is it realistic to think that my motorcycle insurance yearly premium will be less than $2000?
I am a 20 year old male in Southern California. I have had a drivers license for just over 2 years (no accidents), will be taking a Motorcycle Safety class right before getting my license, have decent credit, and will be financing a used motorcycle ($5000 or less and have between 500 and 900 cc because I am a very big guy). I know it will vary a lot but is it crazy to think that I will be paying less than $2000 per year for my insurance?""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
I'm a 17 year old student that has been driving for a couple years and have never had any accidents/tickets... How much would insurance for a $2500 VW baja bug cost? Please tell me in a total amount for a year.... Thanks
Car insurance for age 17?
Well going sound awkward but i want a car without out parents knowing, been working for 2 years got enough money can prove to insurers where i got the money from im 17 and is it possible to get insurance at my address (real address where i auctally live) but i want the paperworks to be sent to another address or they contact me by email because family wants me to get a car when im 25 however im going uni so i really need a car also im not going to any fraud everything will be legit just need to make sure if i can insurance and only i know about it thanks""
How much does your car insurance cost?
I want to see by how much i am overpaying. How much do you pay a month, where do you live, and what type of car do you have?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Ohio?
What is the cheapest car insurance in Ohio?
High risk health insurance for cancer patients?
I know someone without health insurance who just received word of a lung cancer diagnosis. I know most insurance companies won't take him but does anyone know of one that will, or a website that can point me in the right direction?""
What is some good cheap car insurance for young adults between the ages of 18-24?
And I mean car insurance that you don't have to pay over 100 dollars for.
What would the insurance rate be for a 17year old male for liability on a 2002 dodge ram 1500 4x4?
I have a son that wants a 2002 dodge ram 4x4 short cab. How much would it cost for liability insurance with a clean driving record?
Which life insurance company is the best.?
Which life insurance company is the best?
""Should you be allowed to buy car insurance only AFTER you have a car accident, and save your money beforehand?""
Isn't denying car insurance AFTER a car accident denying it for a pre-existing condition ? If this health care bill passes, I don't know why anyone would car insurance on an undamaged car or house insurance on a house that isn't on fire. Save your money until the event happens and then fight them on the legality of coverage denial for pre-existing conditions. This is the lunacy that Obama wants to bring to America.""
How is 18yr old meant to get car insurance?
I live in London and passed my test in February. I own Renault Clio 1.2 And the cheapest quote i got so far is 305 pounds per month, which is way too much for me. What companies are cheap? What can i do to start driving legally, searching for insurance is frustrating Dont say price comparison websites they suck cheapest quote there was 8k per year""
What happens when you decide to change/cancel insurance before you sign the contract?
I had bought a motorcycle and got a quote from this company for the insurance. As it was a good rate, I accepted, they sent me the temporary insurance paper (3 months) until I paid the full amount. During this time I found someone who bought my bike from me so I no longer required the insurance and disregarded the agreement(contract) never returned it or anything. I assumed they would cancel it upon not receiving any contract and payment,but 6 months later, today, they called me claiming the full amount or they will take me to court/collections. They have no paper whatsoever signed from agreeing to their terms. What should I do ?""
""California learners permit, do you need insurance?""
California. Do you need insurance while u have your permits or do you use your parents? If no, I get insurance after I take my driving test? And can you have a passenger with you when you have a permit? Like an adult right next to you and your sister sits in the backseat.""
Car insurance question?
So my policy was just cancelled and I need to purchase auto insurance ASAP but I don't get paid till next friday. Is it possible to purchase car insurance and pay later or do I have to pay same day???
How much is teen car insurance?
how much would it be for teen car insurance? im a 17 y/o female in Long Island, NY good grades and will be taking the defensive course first. thanks""
Why does car insurance cost more for males than females?
I'm guessing because we tend to drive more dangerously, but how is that legal being sexist like that?""
How much does it cost to go for an eye exam in new jersey without insurance?
I want to get my eyes checked and have no insurance.I was wondering how much it would cost? Is lenscrafters good or more expensive? pearl vision?
Renters insurance in California?
What does renters insurance cover? I'm renting a room from a friend but want my own insurance to cover personal injury without using the homeowner's coverage as well as if something gets accidently damaged by me for it to be covered. Is this included in renters insurance?
Aurora Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80042
Aurora Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80042
""My car got hit, older model car, no collision coverage what would insurance?
I have a 2001 Honda civic and my car got hit it wasn't my fault but I don't have collision coverage. What would happen? will my insurance go up? Will I get to keep my car? Help!!
""Car insurance dilemma - named as main driver but not, what should I do?""
I recently agreed to be a named driver on my au pair's car insurance to lower her premiums & as I may indeed drive the car on occasions. Now I discover that I am named as the main driver which is definitely not the case. As she has made this statement, am I right in thinking that this couldn't be held to be a lie on my part (unless I then signed a statement to say this was true or similar?) I have provided my license details for the insurance company but haven't made any statement. are there any possible repercussions for me? How do insurance companies check such things?""
Under the new Cash Allowance Rebate program is my vehicle eligible if the registration and insurance ran out?
I owned my jeep cherokee for four years continuously registered and insured but just recently moved to California from New Jersey and out of necessity just let the truck sit for a few months during which the reg and insur. just expired about three months ago. So now can I still use this as a redeemable option on a new car.
Can you sue an Insurance company...?
If the policy holder's maximum coverage, has been reached..... For example, if someone died as a result of an accident. The other driver was at fault but has not assets, can the family of the victim sue the Insurance Company of the other driver, for more than their max coverage. Like a wrongful death lawsuit for 1million dollars, is the insurance company still liable?""
I am about to turn 16 and was wondering what kind of insurance I need?
how much it would cost thanks!
Motorcycle insurance for 16 year old?
Just wondering, how much would motorcycle insurance be monthly for a 16 year old, living in NY, say with a 500-600 cc engine bike?""
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?
Insurance settlement in Arizona?
I hit rear-ended a guy at about 5MPH back in July. He was in a pickup, I was in my civic. About $800 worth of damage to both vehicles. He complained of no injuries at the scene. I find out he got an attorney and filed a claim against my insurance. My insurance says they are still waiting to get a demand letter. Question: I only have $100,000 in coverage. Is there any chance he could get more than this?""
How much is average home insurance; with a pool?
How much is average home insurance; with a pool?
What do i need to get low insurance on a car?
What affects insurance price and what model is cheapest?
Which car insurance has the cheapest car insurance for new teen drivers?
i just got my license and i am trying to find out which insurance company has the lowest price for car insurance for girls?
Does health insurance cover self-inflicted wounds?
Do health insurance companies cover the hospital fees for self-inflicted wounds like cuts or burns?
How much on average would liability insurance cost after 2 dwi's (5 years ago)?
It's been over 5 years (and sober!). I'm on a tight budget though and need a car for work now. I already figured what the interlock will cost me, but I have no idea on insurance. I don't know if it will be $100-$300 a month. After the first DWI (bad college years), it was about $125 a month I think. So I'm really hoping it stays under $250 at least a month just for liability. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks :)""
Cheap car insurance companies?
I just turned 17, and im gonna be learning to drive soon, but once I have learnt to drive, I can't afford the insurance""
How much would it cost for car insurance?
around how much would it cost to insure a 16 year old female with a 1987 ferrari 328 (roughly $28,000 on yahoo autos)? btw the insurance is aig""
Will I get my licence quicker if I learn in an automatic? Will the insurance be cheaper if I go on my dads?
Before you say it, I know I wont be able to drive manual if I just learn in an automatic""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I am the defendant in and have just settled an automobile lawsuit at $100,000. How much will my car insurance go up?""
HOw much does it cost to insure a second vehicle?
I pay $125 a month for my car. WOuld like to get one of those vans you camp in and insure it for the summer. About what pertenage would be added to my current insurance, approimxently? just want rough estimates for people who have insured more then one vehicle before?""
""Insurers are anticipating large health insurance price increases next year due to Obamacare, how will libs try to spin it into a positive?
Can i drive car on my full uk license on insurance for provisional license ?
Hi can i drive a car with full uk license but on provissional license insurance as i passed my test in additon i am 17 yrs old the reason of that is because the cheapest insurance for full uk license with my dad as 1st driver was 2.5grand.
How long do i have to get insurance?
I am going to buy a motorcycle and am going to need insurance and am wondering if i have a time limmit after i buy one.
Does the Affordable Health Care law really prevent insurance companies from denying pre-existing conditions?
They say that now, insurance companies can no longer deny insurance to people with pre -existing conditions. So what was HIPAA passed in 1996 for? This law states that insurance companies CAN NOT deny people with pre -existing conditions. The only change I see is it gets rid of the 12 month exclusion period. I had two aunts with lupus, both lived in California and had insurance, until they moved to Texas. If they could have kept their insurance, they would have, but for some odd reason liberals are against insurance across state lines. They had no problem finding insurance, they just had to be out of pocket for 12 months. HIPAA also states that if you can go six months without any medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance companies are not allowed to look further than that and must not apply the exclusion period. So did the Affordable Care Act really stop insurance companies from denying coverage for pre existing conditions, or was it ALREADY a law? http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq_consumer_hipaa.html""
Insurance quotes?????????
I am about sit my practical car test so a thought a'll look for a car and insurance but the weirdest thing is that a got cheaper insurance on provisional liecense (which i had for 2 years) 2011 reg renault clio =1200 and if i pass 2100 does anyone no y?????
Insurance violation 16028 (a)?
I was riding my friends motorcycle today. I got pulled over for doing 75 in a 65. My friend does have insurance on the motorcycle but there was no insurance paperwork on the motorcycle. I got written up for no insurance, the cop said as long as the bike does have insurance the court should drop it. My question is, do I need to be insured on the bike or does just the bike need insurance since I was just riding it that day?""
Is AARP's Homeowners/Auto Insurance A Good Deal?
Mom's insurance company made a whopping raise in her premium claiming they have been under charging her for 58 years! She wants to switch to AARP for homeowners and auto insurance. Are they a good company to deal with?
Aurora Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80042
Aurora Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80042
Car insurance for a beginner driver?
how much do you guys reckon it will cost a total new driver (17, male) to insuare either: mark 2 golf mark 2 golf gti any VW corrado thanks""
Question regarding Car Insurance Policies?
What if someone who was a driving a commercially insured vehicle (company car) hit me yet the person who was driving the car was not an employee and thus not covered by the insurance? Will the person still be held liable and will the insurance pay for my damages? Sources are appreciated. Thank you in advance
Should I cancel my car insurance policy?
So long story short -- I totaled my car in an accident which was my fault back in December, and unfortunately did not have collision coverage on my insurance policy. I am a full-time student and have been unable to afford purchasing another car since then, and do not know when I will be able to afford another car. Although I am now without a vehicle I have been reluctant to cancel my insurance policy because I was told that if I did, whenever I purchased another car and had to buy insurance again the price of it would skyrocket because I would be considered high risk for having a chronological gap in my coverage. So basically I am currently paying $80 a month for car insurance when I do not even have a car, just to avoid having it go up even more at some point in the unknown future after I buy another car. Is this worth it or would it be wiser to just go ahead and cancel my policy? I would like to get some other people's counsel on this who know more about car insurance and who are more financially competent than I am. Thanks so much.""
Best Car Insurance For A 15 1/2 Year Old In California?
Im Turning 15 1/2 Soon, And Im Ready To Take Drivers Ed And Drivers Training.. And I Need I To Find Insurance, That IS CHEAP, I Cant Spend That Much Per Month On Insurance. My Parents Car Insurance Which Is AAA.. Only Insures Drivers Over The Age Of 21 Or Something Like That. I Just Need To Know What Insurance Is Cheapest For Me?.. And Is There Insurance What Insures Me For Whatever Car I Drive? Do I Need To Get Insurance On Every Car I Drive.""
Why aren't employers required to provide health care insurance to their employees?
Nothing is being said about the millions of employers that do not subscribe to some kind of health care insurance for their employees, even if part of it has to come out of the employees wages. I worked for a physician and the answer was that most women have husbands that have health care at their jobs. Shouldn't this be illegal?""
I need help with Car Insurance... Please!?
I am a 17 year old male in the UK and have just passed my test on september 2012. I cannot get insured anywhere because they are all charging me at least 500 pound a month to be insured on my mams car (Corsa SXI 2002), i cannot afford this... obviously. I have tried almost every car insurance site and i cannot seem to find any cheaper than 500 pound a month! It is very frustrating because i am a very sensible driver. I need some help!!! Is there any cheap cars that i can buy that will make the insurance cheaper? Can you recommend any cheap or used cars that have cheap insurance for young drivers? Can you recommend any good insurance sites for young drivers? Please any help will do!!! Thank you""
Which insurance to go with?
I am trying to buy a new auto insurance and renters insurance plan. I am 23 years old, married and I have never caused any accidents (or received any tickets). I am looking for an affordable quality insurance company that isn't going to keep messing with me like Progressive and their lame sub contracted renters insurance agency. I have never had any property claims either. A reliable, affordable company...""
""If you crashed your car into someones, how much would insurance pay out?""
Assuming the cost is 18,000, most of it being for injuries the other party claims to have (<1000 bucks in damage). How much would insurance pay and how much would i have to pay? No damage to my own car. No need for insurance after this because I dont think im going to drive again after hearing the cost.""
Insurance for new driver.?
does anyone know how much the insurance would be for a clio or a 106 for a new driver?
Can I own a car and not have insurance? ?
I just got a car and still paying on the loan for it. I just got a job offer in another country that I plan to take (I will be there about a year or two). I don't want to sell my car and be left paying the rest of the loan balance. I wanted to know if in the state of Virginia if I can cancel my insurance and park my car in the garage until I get back a year or two from now. It will not be driven. My sis says that if it is still registered in my name I will have to have insurance whether I drive it or not. Im not sure so could anyone please clarify? Thanks!
What makes car insurance car insurance?
I always wondered. Not to brag or anything, but my family is so rich that we really don't need car insurance. If something were to happen we would be able to take care of it. So basically we waste hundreds of dollars each year on car insurance. Is there a way we could have our own insurance card to issue to a police? What makes car insurance companies able to function and not me?""
Can my insurance tell what the ticket was for?
So, I live in CA and i have AAA insurance. My daughter got a speeding ticket and i know it will raise my insurance. and i know they can tell that thre is a ticket on certain person's name but can they tell what the ticket was for???""
Driving Friends' cars with no insurance?
I have no insurance, but if it is true that insurance covers the car, not the driver, would I be safe driving my friends' cars with their permission, despite the fact that I *personally* have no insurance? Is it also true that if I wreck their car, would their insurance company go after me personally, and sue me, when they would normally go after my own insurance if I had it?""
How do you pay for auto insurance?
teen trying to understand how insurance works
How much would it be to insure a 17 year old on a Ford Fiesta Zetec 1.25L?
I have always liked the Ford Fiesta's and i turn 17 in october, its unlikely i will be driving till next year! i was just wondering an insurance estimate on, say, an 06 plate? 3Doors Hatchback 1.25L I know it will be fairly expensive! If a company were to insure me. Would just like an average quote please! don't want answers with 'depends on this, this or this'.. Thanks very much!""
""I'm 18, want a Toyota Supra in a few years. Need help!?""
I'm 18 and love cars, especially Jap cars. Before anyone starts, I'm not one of those boy-racer types, I'm genuinely interested in that car. I know you can get a 2nd-hand Supra for less than 5000, but can anyone advise on insurance and how/where to buy a Supra, by age 23/24? I plan on respraying the Supra a bright orange, and getting a bodykit for it - making it look really nice.""
Will my auto insurance rates go up if I broke someone else's left mirror?
Nothing big, my car hit and cracked only the mirror on someone else's left mirror car. But the thing is I don't have full insurance coverage, only the basic.""
If I do not have car insurance...?
and i live with with my grandparents and they have car insurance but i dont, and i have my liscence, can i still drive their car with it not being illegal in the state of Massachusetts? Because i cant afford the insurance and if their car is insured i am told an officer cannot do anything about it, as long as the cars insured im fine, is this true? Thanks!""
What are some car insurance companys?
would love to know ones that are cheap???
How much should my car insurance be? read details?
I am 17. I want to buy a mitsubishi eclipse gt. Its probably going to be a 2000, if not then 2001-2003. GT model. I went to drivers ed and we have allstate for insurance. how much wuld the insurance be?""
Help with car insurance?
I am 16 and my dad wants me to pay for my own and i want to i just want to know the cheapest car insurance so will you please post a url that i can go to?
Found a nice place for those who need free auto quotes?
Hey there just wanted to let everyone know i found this great site for free auto insurance quotes, its saved me $32 off of my montly policy. Read some of the auto insurance articles to help you save more. Http://www.free-auto-quote.com""
Car insurance claim against me?
Hi, I have received a letter from my insurance company stating that i have had an insurance claim against me, and i asked them for more detail, the time and date. They gave me the place and date, and i was there at the time of the incident, but i did not hit the car that they stated. I was parked (front of car) against a metal barrier, spaces either side of me, but someone went and parked behind me. i got my friend out the car to guide me back as i did (sort of a 3 point turn) to get out sideways. I did not hit the car. Someone was approx 50-75 feet away and they must have taken the reg plate. There was noone else around at the time, otherwise i would have asked them to move their car. Please help!!!!!!!""
About how much will it cost to insure a 2012 Ferrari California or 2012 Aston Martin DBS Coupe?
I recently found out that I am going to be inheriting close to $36,000,000 (after all of the government fees and estate lawyers fees and everything else). I have always wanted a Ferrari or Aston Martin. Please don't say if you have to ask you can't afford it...as stated I am inheriting a lot of money and can easily afford it. I just want to know how much the insurance will cost me for planning purposes. I am a male and will be 20 when I get the money (and then the car)...it is going to apparently take between 9 and 10 months to get everything done for me to have my money. I have a good driving record (been driving for 2 years) and am a student and live in California (Orange County normally but for school I will be in Provo, Utah...studying to be an Accountant :] ). So knowing all of that, approximately how much will it cost me to insure a 2012 Ferrari California or 2012 Aston Martin DBS Coupe?""
Aviva 15 weeks free car insurance?
does 15 weeks free car insurance mean i pay nothing for 15 weeks,.. or just pay the deposit then free 15 weeks,.. also what does total charge for credit mean and when does it get paid? thanks""
Aurora Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80042
Aurora Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80042
0 notes
Question on Health insurance ?
"Question on Health insurance ?
I'm only 20 but I had a job that gave me health insurance. Before that I was on my parents insurance. Now since I got fired from that job am I automatically put on my parents insurance again?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Will insurance pay for a cracked windshield if it happened before I was insured?
I just purchased a used car, and there's a crack in the windshield, nothing serious, but whatever. How much would it cost me to get it replaced, and would by insurance company pay for it? lol (btw - its a 1998 Ford Explorer)""
Is the car insurance company going to run my credit every time I get a quote?
I am getting of my parents car insurance and i am shopping around for a good quote. I called one person who needed to run my credit. Is every company going to want to run my credit? I don't want my scores to go down.
If i get a v6 mustang will my insurance be lower?
Im 16 and looking for a mustang, but if i get a v6 mustang will it be a lot cheaper than a v8?""
Would your car insurance go up if you bump into someone else?
I was pulling off at a junction and I was looking to the right to see wether there is a car coming but the car infront (baring in mind he started pulling off) he suddenly pushed the ...show more
Why not make Health Insurance mandatory like Car Insurance?
Why not make Health Insurance mandatory like Car Insurance?
Sports car vs. compact SUV insurance?
I currently have a 2007 Pontiac G5, classified as sports car according to my insurance broker and pay quite a bit because I am young. I'm considering buy a 2008 compact SUV Kia Sportage, would insurance be higher or stay about the same?""
""Young Driver Car Insurance, Price help?""
I'm 18, 19 this year and passed my driving test in August but couldn't afford to run a car because i was jobless, i now have a job as kitchen staff, now i could only be doing 10 hours a week but since i got a job insurance has come down which is good, but with only working 10 hours could it be possible to run a car? I know it's different for everyone I'm just after an opinion and if anyone else affords to run a car despite not earning a lot. Also if someone could give me an indication of how much they spend running a car in a week or month etc.. so i can get a rough idea. I did save up some money from a previous job i have about 2400 which will ideally be used to buy a car and possibly pay the insurance for the year... or possibly use it to pay monthly.""
Motorcycle insurance is so expensive?
Basically I'll be doing my cbt test this Wednesday so I can ride my 125cc supermoto which I use for dirt biking. Checked insurance on my Yamaha WR125X and it's 1400 for comprehensive, da fk is this? After seeing that I was physically sick. So I thought I'll just check on the most cheapest moped and it's 700 which is still expensive.. How the fk do these kids I see with mini coopers afford insurance and all I wAnt is to ride a small 2 wheel sht face. I'm 18, 19 this march, work full time. Can I find it any cheaper anywhere? Should I go for third party insurance? I just hate my life""
Am I paying too much on car insurance?
Hi I am a learner driver and am paying 99 a month for my car insurance. I own a club corsa 1litre 51 reg. I am on fully comp insurance with elephant which is the cheapest i found. I have also insured my mum and bf who have both been driving for at least 5yrs but I am the main driver. Everyone seems to be paying less for their insurance even if they are boys with larger litre cars and all other details match. Am I getting overcharged? Surely it will go up when I past my test. Help please
What is a car insurance raise depend on? ?
Hello, I come here because everyone I ask just tells me not to worry about it and I JUST WANT TO KNOW! Sorry if this is way too long. I don't want to miss anything. Anyways, I got into a minor accident recently. When I say minor, I mean minor. I bumped them at a red light because I scooted up without looking. Didn't even touch the gas. This is my first accident. I'm twenty years old. When I went to look at our cars my car was a little scuffed, nothing that a little buffing couldn't take off. Their car, was even less. One of the passengers (there were 5 adults total, two children sitting on laps) claimed his back hurt. I was in panic mode as the driver told me that we could handle this without contacting insurance. Later I came to my senses when I realized that this guy with the back injuries was going to keep coming back to me asking for more money, so I told them to call my insurance agency. My question is, does anyone know in the state of Florida what determines how much your car insurance goes up? His injuries (not positive but almost positive) are not bad enough to go into my bodily injury. His PIP should cover it. For example, will your insurance go up based on the damages you have to pay for ? Since I made very VERY minimal damage, will my insurance only go up a little ? Thanks for reading my giant ramble and thanks for responses. Sara""
What is the best way to get into insurance sales?
I'm quite interested in the insurance business, and i've heard various methods, one is to get hired into a captive insurance company as customer service and then express an interest in the business, then you have to study for and pass a state exam, and get licensed. but i'm curious what is the possibilities i'd find a company to hire me right away as a salesperson, my background is wireless sales. The thing i'd like to know is, what can I expect my first year in the business, is it entirely full commission or is there a mix of salary and commission? and lastly, what are the odds of a new agent making it for say three to five years? I'm looking for a career for the next 25+ years.""
Car insurance/Car warranty advice!?
Okay...so my husband has a 2004 Subaru WRX - bought from a private dealer. We have a car loan from our bank with no extended warranty. Our insurance is through Harleysville and we have to have full coverage on it so it's kinda pricey since his car is under the performance class. My car, is a 2006 Subaru Impreza 2.5i - just bought last month from a dealership with extended 5 year/60,000 warranty on powertrain (engine areas) and drive train (AWD) (?) something like that and is not bumper to bumper. We also have a car loan from the bank. The thing is, I have our car insurance on low deductibles making our monthly premiums high. I was thinking, since I have warranty on my car, the deductibles can be higher with a lower monthly premium since I have warranty from the dealer. Although, the warranty is only on powertrain and drive train, if I get tboned or scratches, then yes, I would have to pay a higher deductible to get my car fixed. What is the best thing to do? Right now, both our cars are at about $240/mo for our insurance premiums. We are safe drivers, never had an accident or speeding ticket. We are clear as of now! What are you opinions and thoughts... Would really appreciate it!""
How much is one months car insurance on average?
Driving a slightly older car (87 Tbird), newer driver; no faults fines or tickets. Resident of BC.""
First car/insurance question?
http://westpalmbeach.craigslist.org/car/676277707.html im looking to buy this car for my first car, i currently have more than enough for it, plus i really have wanted a lancer. is that a good car? 2nd. do you need to pay insurance on a car that you dont use? im an avid driver, but i havent got my license yet, *2months exactly left*. if i get it, will i pay insurance for 2 months...without use? in the hypothetical scenario, where i wont even use my drivers permit with it with a parent of course.""
Rough estimate of my insurance?
im a 17 year old hispanic male I live in Mesa AZ and I have finished a drivers ed class in my school and passed with a B, I just got my license yesterday and my car is a 1983 Ford ranger two door, manual transmission how much would my insurance be (a estimate) if you need more details please ask and i will provide it.""
""I recently got a dui in florida, I'm 19 and i'd like to know what does everyone pay for their sr22 insurance?""
trying to find cheap sr22 insurance, i juss read that its going to be required that i have it in order to reinstate my license. Been lookin around online for quotes and I was wondering what other people in similar situations are paying monthly and by which carrier. Thanks""
Permit and Insurance please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i am getting my permit like in two months if im going to be in my parents policy how much will the insurance go up if im going to be a driver only!!!!!!!IM GOING TO DRIVE MY DADS CAR
Question on using to insurance to pay for something?
if i went to the doctors and used insurance to pay for it would my parents get a statement that says i used it and what it was for ?
Why do i have to pay car insurance?
okay, ive been driving for about 3 years now (im18) and in those 3 years ive had to pay about over $200 a month for car insurance plus the yearly down payment of $600. and in those 3 years ive never been in an accident. im always cautious, drive good, etc... where has all that money gone? its a robbery i tell ya. its a scam, a waste of money. an extra burden on our shoulders. now my license is suspended for not paying insurance. i barely have enough to pay rent and other bills. so why pay $200 a month for something i dont need? there must be some other way. i know what you people are gonna say. your too young, you could get into an accident and all that other bull shte. and thats all it is. bull shte. or, you never know when the accident will happen. okay. but what about the 3 years? 3 times 600 down payment is 1,8000. plus the 200 time 36 months is. $9000 total... wtf? and if i ever did get an accident, it wont be as big as that of a bill. all im saying is. is there any way i can legally drive without having to pay insurance? i live in florida. what if i got a lawyer to fight the case. saying car insurance is a fraud?""
How much money will the insurance pay for a stolen car?
Someone stole a family member car. The car is a total lost. How much will the insurance pay for the car. Is a Honda Civic 2006.....if i go to Edmund.com, or one of those sites I saw the car is worth about 12,000 dollars....... How will he know how much money he will get from the insurance company...thanks..bye""
How much do you pay for your car insurance in NJ?
Hi i want to buy a car and i was wondering how much money i had to spend on the insurance thing. i plan to buy a 1995 honda accord ex sedan, 4 doors and 4 cylinders, maybe this info helps. Also, i would only use the car to go to my job and to the university which is less than 3 miles, in a year, i would be driving like 2000 miles + 1000 miles extra as miscellaneous trips. the thing is that i'm a 18 year old dude and I earn 700 dollars a month, still live with my parents and go to school. I went to a driving school to learn the essentials of driving . Hope all this info helps you give me the best estimate yearly or monthly. thanks""
When is the right time to buy life insurance?
My son is due on Valentine's Day. Should I already have life insurance, or should I wait until after I get married, which is happening on the 17th?""
Health Insurance question for California?
Is there a state program for minors(age 16) of low income?
How long after a DMV hearing will your insurance be notified ?
I recently had my DMV hearing am in the process of getting a sr-22 with another insurance company . I am not the primary holder of my current insurance I want to avoid their rate to go up or for them to find out . How many days do I have to cancel my current insurance before they cancel me .?? Please help ?
Do I need to add my name under car insurance?
Hi I just got California driving license.My dad has liability insurance.We have old car so we are paying 300-400$ per year for it.I will not regularly driving that car then what should I need to do? Do I have to add my name under current insurance policy and is it illegal to drive without adding my name? People with 2 or more cars have which type of insurance? seriously we are new here and don't know much about this rules and what people do? I'll be highly thankful to you guys.
Question on Health insurance ?
I'm only 20 but I had a job that gave me health insurance. Before that I was on my parents insurance. Now since I got fired from that job am I automatically put on my parents insurance again?
How do I get Renter's Insurance?
It's required for college dorming, but i'm not sure how to get it. Help?""
How much insurance do you guys pay for 2005+ mustang gt?
im 21 years old and thinking about buying a 2007 mustang since I have saved up enough money for one. I have 3 speeding tickets in my record driving history. I can only afford upto $4000-$4500 a year in insurance. Can I not afford this car? Gas and winter driving are not problems for me.
Does the number of doors on a car affect an insurance rate?
For example would a 2 door car be more expensive to insure than a 4 door?
What's an affordable life insurance with no health exam?
My father needs life insurance and has health problems. He needs something with low monthly payments, but will provide enough if he has a natural death.""
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
Cheap Insurance (San Antonio)?
can you tell me any cheap auto insurance for a 95 model here in my area. san antonio tx
Insurance Cost For Mustang GT?
19 year old Male South Carolina 2 tickets full coverage 2003 Mustang GT 90k miles
Any suggestions on affordable utah health insurance?
Well, im working on moving back to Utah, after a near 9 year stay in PA, and i don't remember what insurance i had when i lived in Utah so i cant go back to that, and when i move away from PA, my current Health Insurance will be deactivated and shut down, so i need to find some new affordable health insurance in Utah. Anyone got in any suggestions? For now my budget is $669.00 a month if that helps at all, but it may change after i move.""
How much would auto insurance cost me?
I am 19 years old and I do not have my license yet. I have been holding of for a while because I know that I will not be able to afford the insurance right now. My dad does have insurance and when I do get insurance, it will be on his policy. Although I know it will be alot because I am a 19 year old male, I really cant guess how much approximately it will be. Also, how much would it be if I were to get my own car and car insurance? ( something small and used, nothing fancy). Any help would be great. Thanks in advance""
Will insurance companies charge Yahoo Answers users more than others due to cheating on the written test?
Before getting a license (or permit), a potential driver is supposed to study a booklet of information about how to drive safety, traffic laws, etc., and pass a test. Many potential drivers post the questions from the test in the safety category on Yahoo! Answers and get the answers that way, instead of actually studying all the information that they are supposed to study. Will insurance companies decide that insuring Yahoo! Answers users (many of whom cheat in this way) is riskier than issuing individuals who do not have Yahoo accounts (and cannot use Yahoo! Answers to cheat on the test), and charge higher rates to Yahoo! Answers users than to individuals who do not have Yahoo accounts? How much different will the rates be?""
If I just got auto insurance?
If I just got auto insurance for my car but my car was crash before hand, should I still let the auto insurance company know even if I wasn't the driver?""
Who offers the cheapest car insurance in the Uk?
Ok im 22 years old and have have been driving for 4 years. Only one crash 3 years ago. Just got my renewal notice through the post. It has gone from 56 to 81. That is a alot for me. Whats the point in a NO CLAIMS BONUS?
Car insurance excess?
I'm having trouble understanding how car insurance, repairs and excess works in VIC, Australia. I gather that the driver who is at fault pays an excess to his insurance company before his vehicle is repaired, and his insurance company covers the repairs for the other vehicle involved. Will this excess see both vehicles being repaired, or do two excesses need to be payed?""
How much will my insurance go up?
I live in Maine, I was pulled over yesterday for doing 74 in a 65. I got a ticket obviously. It's my first one EVER. I am 24 and my parents pay my car insurance. I wanted to just pay it and not tell them about it because they will get mad. We have our car insurance through State Farm and have for a really long time. Some of my friends are telling me that since it's my first ever ticket it shouldn't effect my insurance too much. Is this true???""
Would disability insurance premiums be deductible if you are self employed?
Would disability insurance premiums be deductible if you are self employed?
Does having a medical marijuana card affect auto insurance?
can auto insurance companies raise your rates if you have a medical marijuana card
What is the best company to buy term life insurance?
I'm trying to find a company to purchase term life insurance. I want a good brand and not some scam. Thanks to anyone that replies.
Help with getting car insurance in NY?
I really need to get a car, just got my drivers license but the insurance companies are trying to charge me over 600 a month. I have heard about people getting their insurance in maryland and other close by states, will i be able to do that? or anything ? oh and i'm 22 btw""
A realistic way for a full time college student to make money.?
This student is a 20 unit UCLA Law major who needs money but can't even work a part-time job. Without inculding college debt, this student needs 1.5k every month(rent, car, gas, food, insurance, utilities). A part-time min-wage job is not an option due to class load and $400-$500 isn't worth negitive effects on performance. Thus, I'm asking for out of the box ideas. No get a job at McDonalds or Spend less money . Those have already been thought of and done.""
Motorcycle insurance?
I want to get my motorcycle license this summer then buy an old bike to ride for awhile till i learn enough and buy a new bike later. But i want to know how much the insurance would cost me. Im 17 and live in California. And i want to get a 1985 Kawasaki. Whats the cheapest insurance i can get? How much is it?
""If you had to guess, do you think my insurance will be high?
i am an 18 years old male. i have been driving for close to two years and i had one speeding ticket that i took to court and they let me off. i got no points. i drive a 2000 mercury cougar and with liability coverage it costs $90 a month. im on my moms policy. im want to get a 2005 chevy monte carlo lt that im gonna have to get full coverage on because im financing. i am also gonna be on my moms insurance. do you think my premium is gonna increase by alot? thank you. and please just give me estimates and dont tell me to call the insurance company. i just want ballpark estimates and answers. thank you :)
Can car insurance sue you if you are 18 and just have a permit and if its under my cousin insurance?
I was driving in a parking lot with my cousin and my cousin has her driver license and she over 21 and i was driving. Im 18 and i only have my permit. Well accidentally i was driving and i was trying to park and i hit the car next to me. Well they put it under my cousin car insurance and they didn't call the police on us. Well my mom saying the insurance can go after me to what ever how much it cost. What should i expect if i don't have a job and what is the percent that they will sue me if i have my permit and what should i expect if they do.....
How much is car insurance per month?
i'm 19 years old, have had my license for about a year, i work two jobs and i'm buying a used car. How much would it be per month ? I am also, starting college in the fall. any help or suggestions? thank you""
How much was your insurance co-pay for your hospital stay to deliver a baby?
...assuming you have good health insurance.
What is the annual premium for a house?
Cud u help me on my maths homework What is the aunnual premium for a house valued at 65000, if the insurance is 3 per 1000 of house value? Thanks""
Question on Health insurance ?
I'm only 20 but I had a job that gave me health insurance. Before that I was on my parents insurance. Now since I got fired from that job am I automatically put on my parents insurance again?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am turning 16 next month. I'm getting my liscense then too. I'm a girl... Ahah. I've heard insurance is cheaper for females. I live in henderson, nevada (pretty much las vegas). And my first car is going to be a 1999 porsche 911 carrera. It's in mint condition also. My dad barely used it. I know it will be high-ish since it's a sports car :/ About how much would my insurance be on it a month? THAN YOU! <3""
Is being an adult really that hard? Owning a house? Having a job? Owning a car? INSURANCE??!?
I'm only 15 but I've been looking around and now I'm just not eager or happy to be an adult. The amount of stuff that I will have to do will essentially cause flippin' hair loss! When I'm older why do I actually have to have TV license to buy a TV? Do I have to have insurance on EVRYTHING? House, car, health..like seriously why do I have to pay for something hazardous that might not even happen in my life? Is it vital to have car insurance? What if I don't have one and my car is perfectly fine? Please don't even get me started on bills! It freaks me out to know that companies just want money, money, money and wont stop at anything to get it. I heard that there's this thing where gas companies and all those other stuff essential in a house can directly take money off your credit/debit card instead of going to the post office and paying. For people who do this, is it better? It's quite scary to know that I'll be doing all this in the future.""
What will life insurance cost me ? Ballpark!!
what will life insurance cost me? im just looking for a ballpark price. i know i know . factors. just say im 40, a little over whight, non-smoker, 90,000.00 i have 10 at work. so if i die my family gets 100,000.00 what is this called. life term? or something. like i said just looking for a W.A.G. per month 10$? 20$? 5$? 30$? Thanks""
Pregnant with No Health Insurance?
I've just discovered I'm pregnant and I have no health insurance. Are there any recommendations on what to do?
Anyone know of affordable dental insurance for western Ky? ?
i need to have dental work done, but no insurance.""
Can you cancel car insurance after an accident.?
I had an accident in July, my car was wrote off, I got the value of it from the other parties insurance company, it happened around the 2nd week of July, I thought I would be nice and pay the insurance of over 150 for July around the last few days of the month. It says in my insurance's terms & conditions if I wish to cancel my policy I need to write to them at least 7 days in advance of the next direct debit. I sent them a letter detailing my wish to cancel my direct debits and my car insurance, as I had no job and no car. Many people have told me you can legally cancel it after an accident without having to owe them anything. I was just wondering is this true. Thanks""
Insurance question for my situation?
What do you think would be the cheapest insurance company to go with in this situation? 16 year old female, 1992 Ford F 150""
Good Life Insurance Plan with guaranteed return and maximum life coverage.?
Which Life Insurance plan (from Govt. or Private company) will give me the highest return If I invest Rs. 50,000/- yearly for 20 years including the life coverage. Please name the plan with name of the company.""
Can i get cheaper car insurance with historical license plates?
can i get cheaper car insurance with historical license plates
""After receiving a check from car insurance company, am I obligated to use the car shop that gave me the quote?""
My car was damaged by hail. I took it to a shop recommended by my insurance company, they gave me a quote, and the car insurance company gave me a check for that amount. Am I obligated to use that same shop that gave me the original quote, or am I allowed to still take it somewhere else that might repair it for less?""
Car insurance renewal - is it compulsory ?
I had accident earlier this year(few months ago) wasn't my fault and other side admitted it but they still haven't paid for damages so the case is still open. I have been told by my car insurance company that they don't know where is the problem but as final bill hasn't been paid as a result my car renewal will go up as my previous 4 years no claim will vanish for now. Apparently once the other side pays what they should then they reduce my monthly payments accordingly as they take no claims years(this is 5 th year into account.) My question is : 1. is this correct what I said so far(or been told) 2. Do I have to renew my car insurance which expired last week even if I don't drive my car which is safely parked on my driveway(off road) ? Can I pay later lets say next month ? this is due my finance difficulties and I hope that other side pays by then and so I pay much less insurance. Professional advice would be great ! Thanks for reading :-)
Comparing and contrasting life insurance?
was looking for some experianced and educated perspectives on taking the best approach considering life insurance for the first time at age 28 with 3 kids?
What are the cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old boy with just 1 month of obtaining a full uk driving?
license my budget for the car is 500-2000 for my first car im going to be looking at getting insured under a parents name with over 20 years of driving experience but they dont want to put no claims down on my insurance so i will be a additional driver. Please give me a big list of cars you suggest within my budget to purchase a car for 500-2000 pounds as i dont have a car yet and need a cheap one for a run around and i need cheap insurance. the insurance has to cost 2500 maximum for the cars you suggest
I want to know how much the car insurance is going to cost me if i get a peugeot 106 quicksilver or?
a Golf Mark 4 with Pass plus and Without Pass Plus? TY Im 17years old aswell and havent passed yet will do soon
What is the cheapest auto insurance for michigan?
for the most basic insurance
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm looking for the cheapest car insurance coverage right now. All I need is an affordable quote, so I don't care about how good the company is or how much they will cover. I just need affordable insurance to drive a car. I had 2 tickets, and all the quotes I've been getting so far are over $1,000 for 6 months. I am fully aware that I drove like a dummy and was unlucky as hell; that's where the 2 tickets came from. So please don't make any comment on that. I just need some help. Thank you!""
What does Enterprise car rental insurance cover?
We rented a car for a week and we got the basic coverage for our rental car. Yesterday we stopped at a crosswalk when we saw two people and were then hit full speed by a pickup truck. It totaled the rental car and thankfully were are ok. As we were sitting there it was told to us that a witness said there was no one at the crosswalk when it happened and the witness filled out a report. I know what I saw and it hurts that people would be so dishonest. By the end of it the officer said no citation would be issued. I think the police are going to say it was my fault for stopping to quickly. I think that's ridiculous but anyway. If I have the basic car rental insurance and they say its my fault, will the rental insurance cover all that? Thanks for any responses. I am still shaken up!""
Is there a site that compares auto insurance quotes?
Preferably one that gives you quotes on the spot instead of sending your info to companies. Thanks!!
Car accident and switching insurance?
Hi, I was with insurance company A and was planning to move into company B in the next few days. I finalised the quote and premium amount and even received the new set of insurance documents from company B and informed the company A of cancellation. But today i met with a minor accident due to rain puddle leading to my car skidding and causing damage. I have filed a claim with company A but I want to understand how this will affect my premium rates with company B. Do I have to inform them beforehand? What will be the best course of action?""
How much is car insurance usually in UK?
I live in London and don't have a clue about this thing but I just passed my test at 29. I've got about 2670 to spend. So half of that will be for a deposit. How much do most people spend on insurance a year and what would be a cheap price range for me to look for? How much should it be for a month and what is the best insurance company?
Has anyone heard of American Family Insurance? Are they a good company?
Has anyone heard of American Family Insurance? Are they a good company?
How much will insurance cost on a ktm 125 duke at 17 per year?
or month or what ever just need ideas on how much it will cost
I have allstate insurance right now and im paying way too much anybody know a good cheap insurance company?
I have allstate insurance right now and im paying way too much anybody know a good cheap insurance company
How can i look at insurance quotes for different cars at one time?
i'm looking to buy a used car right now, and i have a few different ones in mind. i would really like to be able to view the insurance quotes on each before i consider buying. is there an easier way than having to fill out all of my information & history each time?""
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
Question on Health insurance ?
I'm only 20 but I had a job that gave me health insurance. Before that I was on my parents insurance. Now since I got fired from that job am I automatically put on my parents insurance again?
What's an good place to get auto insurance?
What's an good place to get auto insurance?
Uk car insurance help?
hi i'm 18 years old and i'm getting a car, obviously it needs car insurance can you give me any tips on what to do to get cheap quotes... i'm currently the only 1 in the family that will actually drive, my mum doesn't drive, no dad and when i went to sites like moneysupermarket and confused.com all i get are 4,000 pounds up!!!! per year, dam its a lot more expensive than the car!!! and can u please explain to me what no claims discount is?? and which cover should i get, comprehensive or the other options thank you!""
""I got a ticket for no insurance in Tucson, AZ!!!?""
My question is if I get insurance prior to court date can they dismissed the ticket or lower the cost? How many points is it to ur license and can I go to traffic school for it? Also it doesn't say the amount the ticket is, so I'm not sure what the cost even is.""
Should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18?
hello, should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18 for third pary, fire and and theft, this really seems steap for a 1.1 litre, its not modified or been changed in any way or form, please help me get it cheaper lol""
How can you lower 17 years olds car insurance quotes ?
hi, im 16 and turning 17 in a few months, im looking at quotes for cars for example: cars with 1.0 to 1.2 engines an that are 10 years old or more. for example: vw polo 1.2 - 11k and paying 1500 a month. i know this cant be right can someone help please !""
""How much a month will insurance be on a 2003 Nissan 350z with a 19 year old driver, (2 yrs exp)?""
How much a month will insurance be on a 2003 Nissan 350z with a 19 year old driver, (2 yrs exp)?""
Best car insurance price for financed cars?
I'm only 19, and I'm getting a financed car VERY soon. I know I can't look at the big name guys, cause I've already done that and they want $450 a month just for a car with no power and isn't even sport. I plan on either getting a 2009-10 Dodge Avenger or 2009-10 Nissan Altima/Sentra. I have had car insurance without a gap for almost 2 years now on my current car, so I won't have any problems having anyone cover me or anything. I live in FL, so if anyone knows of any small insurance companies that are good with financed cars and teens, PLEASE list it below. Thanks.""
Which company has the lowest price on car insurance for teenagers in Mississippi?
car insurance
Charged with impaired and insurance (CANADA)?
I was charged with impaired driving when i was 21. I fought it in court and it did nothing but make me spend lots of money and drag things out even more. Now i am 24 and get my full license back at the end of this month. I have had my license for the last year but with the interlock ignition condition on it. Not being able to afford the ignition interlock i decided to not drive. I am seeking advice from a insurance broker or somebody who has been charged with impaired and has gone through this. ON average what do you think i will be paying for insurance? Do you have any suggestions to make? I have a feeling i wont be able to afford it and will still take public transportation but i am curious. Please only answer if you have dealt with this situation
Car insurance?
Car insurance? Question. My boyfriend was driving my car... and my insurance is just liability insurance...My boyfriend does not have insurance. He was pulled over and given a speeding ticket. It says on the paper attached that if he did not show proof of insurance he would need to send that in with the ticket.. the cop did not ask for proof of insurance.. and also on the ticket... it says financial responsibility shown? and the office marked YES..... does that mean he lucked out this time
How much would car insurance be for a first time driver ?
I'm getting my first car next month and i'm curious on how much car insurance will cost me ?
Car insurance for teens?
I am 17 turning 18 in like four months. I would really like to get a car but I need to see if I can afford it. If you could please list your car and how much you pay for insurance a month that would be really helpful.
Choosing a good car which has cheap insurance---I live in CANADA?
Car choosing help--I LIVE IN CANADA.? I need help choosing a car that is going to be low insurance for me. I'm 22/female/college grad/part time worker/full insurance G / Went to driving school. Thanks in advance.
""I just turned 18 years old, how much do you think i will pay for car insurance?""
i just turned 18 years old, how much do you think i will pay for car insurance""
""What life insurance is best for a senior 62 female, on a fixed income, AARP or Landmark Life? asap?
My mom and I are ingnorant to the premiums and the small print on determining the rates. Need an honest opinion from a good christian person. Just need help in determining which is better AARP or Landmark Life? I see two very charts that have us concern if we made the right choice with the one paying more to get less...over a ten yr period. Thank you for taking time to respond
Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada?
Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada?
Car wreck and insurance?
Today I was in car wreck. I was in a parking lot going straight and the other driver turned left in to my car. She has dented the whole left side of my car. I called the police but because it was in a parking lot they could not do much. An officer showed up because she refused to give me her proof insurance. The officer said she was clearly at fault but could not cite her because of the private property thing. My question is does anyone know or have any idea how this will play out with her insurance? My car has a lot of damage and i'm in a lot of pain. I won't be able to go to the doctor/hospital until tomorrow because I won't have the money for a co-pay until then. The officer was very nice, he sided with me put all the blame on her, she claimed it was an accident when she clearly just didn't stop before making a left into my car, I thought she was going to stop and I tried to avoid her but she was going to fast. We both have insurance and we're in Arizona if that helps. If you have any advice for insurance or anything it would be much appreciated, thank you for your time""
Does anyone know where to get Cheap SR22 Insurance in Texas?
Does anyone know where to get Cheap SR22 Insurance in Texas?
Need help with insurance quotes?
Can anyone give me an estimate on insurance for these particular cars. I work during the day so its a little difficult to call around to insurance companies for quotes. I am over 25, clean driving record, will be buying one these cars with cash, lives in florida. Thanks""
How much is boat insurance?
I am going to liveaboard a 29ft sailing boat worth about 35000 purely based in a local marina. I need 2M worth of public liability insurance, any idea on the cost of an annual policy?Thanks in advance.""
Trying to find cheapest van insurance for private use?
Has anybody researched cheapest van insurers in uk
Cost of insurance for a Landrover Freelander 1.8i for new driver?
I am 36 & thinking of buying a freelander 1.8i 3 dr for when I pass my test & I just want to know how to find out the cost of insurance without contacting any insurance company.
What would be the best liability car insurance for me?
I just turned 17, I live in Alabama. I have had liability insurance before but i was on my dads. now i want to get my own. but when i had insurance before with State Farm i had to have it turned off. Now i need to know which company with liability would be best for me. I did get one speeding ticket before when i had insurance but that was like 6 or more months ago. Now im in Drivers Ed at school so i should get the insurance discount for that. So what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me. And will there be any fees or anything form me getting it turned off before?""
Car insurance??????? UK?
where can i get a rough idea of what i might pay for insurance, if i pass next week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try wants a reg. no. But all i want for now is a rough idea so i can see what insurance groups i can choose a car in. Fanx :0)""
What information do I need when I call insurance for a Quote?
I'm planning on purchasing a car in around 2 weeks time, what information do I need to give insurance so I can be added onto my parents policy? I do have the VIN of the car, is there any other information needed besides my parent's account information? Thanks. :)""
Question on Health insurance ?
I'm only 20 but I had a job that gave me health insurance. Before that I was on my parents insurance. Now since I got fired from that job am I automatically put on my parents insurance again?
0 notes
Would having a Dodge Charger raise your insurance cost?
"Would having a Dodge Charger raise your insurance cost?
I'm almost 17 and got my liscense a few months ago and I can get pretty much any reasonble car i want. I'm leaning on getting a used charger (not new cos im prob gonna reck it or at least mess it up). I was just wonder will it raise my insurance up just bc its a Charger? (I already know my age and new driver will be more expensive)
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
Ive tried compare the market and a few of the other leading companies but they all a bit to high for me - whats so annoying is when i find one thats suitable it ends up higher than the listed price. Anyone know of a good one
I'm trying to get rental insurance?
I'm getting rental insurance well trying to but I had a doubt my Heath insurance is in my mothers name and not mine so she pays it so say I get rental insurance under my name would it mess up or even kick me off her insurance plan if I did get the insurance in my name
Why do wives have to be on husbands car insurance?
I have been under my parents car insurance for my whole driving life and now I am married. My husband is a new driver in the USA, and because we just bought a new car, we have to be ...show more""
How can i get cheaper insurance?
im looking to buy a car soon. my parents both have vehicles and im a 18 yr old male with a g2 so my insurance on any car with be well over $3000 a year. i was just wondering if theres any loopholes/tricks to make insurance cheaper. i know my buddys dad opened up a business just to put a car under the business name so he wouldnt be charged as a primary driver.
Should the young pay the same for health insurance as the elderly?
Why or why not?
What is the fastest and best looking insurance group 4 or 5 car i can get?
looking for a newer car to buy that is not just quick but looks good.
Affordable health insurance in Arizona?
My dad needs to find some good health insurance in Arizona. He wants to cover himself and my little brother. Any suggestions?
Temporary US insurance?
I'm going to the Us to meet my friends for three months. Is there any way I can get insurance for just these three months there? Please help
Is an Acura TSX or an Acura TL good for a teenager?
my dad is looking for cars to get me and i was looking online and i found a 2007 tsx and a tl.. i like how they look.. the brand new ones, to me, are really ugly and plus the brand new ones are more expensive... im pretty sure my parents are okay with the prices of these but i was just wondering what u thought.. and im 16 by the way""
New teen driver insurance?
I just got my license about 2 hours ago. something just came up and I really need to drive somewhere. My parents have Statefarm insurance, but obviously haven't added me yet. Does statefarm have any type of temporary coverage? Can I leave now or do I have to wait until my parents can add me?""
Do you need full coverage insurance for a new motorcycle?
I am planning to get a new 07 triumph daytona 675 in Minneasota, and i was wondering since i would it would on a loan would you have to have full coverage on it or can i just have liabilty? since i would be making payments on the bike and the bank owns it . Kinda like cars ?""
If you have full coverage auto insurance through State Farm..does that include..?
Any type of roadside assistance? Like if I break down, would they cover the tow ? What about medical expenses for people in my vehicle? I've been supplementing with AAA for ...show more""
If i buy a new cbr 600 wat will my insurance cost? ?
im 19 and live in tx hoe much will i pay a yr? if its new or used wiill it make a differece>?
How much does a chest X-Ray cost with no health insurance?
i've been experiencing pain in my chest, and i think i need a chest X-Ray. the only problem is, my insurance papers haven't gone through yet, and they won't for about a ...show more""
Do I need a permanent address to get car insurance and register my car?
I live in california right now with my parents but I plan on traveling the country for a while living in my car. My insurance will be expired in march of 09 and I need to be smogged around then too. I wanted to leave mid december of this year and get out in the midwest/east for the next few years and just keep traveling. Can I just use a PO box address?? I dont want to use my parents address because they like to go through my mail. All of my friends are leaving to university in differnt states so I cant really rely on any of their addresses.
What is the best motorcycle towing insurance to have?
I have a Yamaha 650 V-Star with spoke wheels and I tend to go on several hundred mile road trips. I did not had a flat in 6,000 miles of riding last year, but I want to be prepared.""
Motor trade insurance for 21 year olds?
Im looking for motor trade insurance as a second driver and Im 21 years old.
Liability insurance for massage therapist?
I will be getting my massage therapy license in about two weeks...if I work for a spa, will I need liability insurance? Or will my employer cover me?""
What kind of vehicle would have the cheapest insurance?
I need to buy a new car, and have pretty high insurance. I was wondering what types of vehicles would have the cheapest insurance for a newer car (2000+)""
Can a ticket affect my parent's insurance rates?
I recently got my first moving violation and I do intend to pay it and go to traffic school soon. The policy expires this May and the insurance is not under my name. Will this affect my parent's rates? Company is state farm.
No income how do I get health insurance?
I've been reading and looking up info but I can't find exactly what to do. I have no job no saving no money at all I live in Las Vegas Nv I've tried looking for a job for the past 3 years now and I haven't found anything I live with my sister I'm not handicap nor have children or go to school so how and where do I get health insurance?
Is the amount you paid for your car covered by full insurance if an uninsured motorist hits you?
A friend was stopped at a light when some idiot hit her car and totalled it! Although, she has full coverage on the car(she just recently finished paying off), the idiot who hit her did not have any insurance! The total she paid on her car was $13K. The insurance company only wants to give her the blue book value of $3000! The situation is even worse because the offending party have no insurance! Is the insurance company trying to rip her off?! What should she do to get back at least close to the total amount she paid for her car?""
Help on car insurance.?
I am 17 yrs old. I am about to get a 2008 Honda accord but right now I drive a 2002 Cadillac escalade. my insurance is $130 a month right now and I was wondering if it would raise it? the escalade is an SUV, & it has a v8. the accord is ofcourse a car and its a 4 cylinder! ( if that makes a difference) thank you to all that answer! :)""
Where can you get insurance for a 16 year old travelling alone?
Hi, a group of my friends and I, five of us, are travelling to Germany and are looking for a place that would insure us, we are all 16 years old. Thanks :)""
""If i'm under my dad's car insurance plan, does he need to be there when i buy a car?""
Do i have to give the car dealer any of his info? What do i need to show them to prove i have insurance? I live in california, so insurance in required to drive.""
Would having a Dodge Charger raise your insurance cost?
I'm almost 17 and got my liscense a few months ago and I can get pretty much any reasonble car i want. I'm leaning on getting a used charger (not new cos im prob gonna reck it or at least mess it up). I was just wonder will it raise my insurance up just bc its a Charger? (I already know my age and new driver will be more expensive)
Baby not covered on partner's insurance policy?
Alright, here's my situation. I am on my partner's insurance through her job. Well, we are getting ready to start a family and our insurance will cover everything up until right after delivery. Since I am considered a dependent, and I am the one giving birth, the baby will not be covered. So, what I want to know is has anyone else been in this situation and how did you handle it? What is the best way to find individual, affordable, insurance for the baby? And in your experience, what is the average cost you pay? Any suggestions/help is greatly appreciated.""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old?
I know it all depends, but I'm talking on average, I live in the Manchester area and I've heard it depends on your area aswell?""
Registering and insuring a salvaged car?
just bought a car with a salvaged title with full knowledge of such thinking i'll save some money. the car runs fine, everything functions as any other car and if the title ...show more""
Will my insurance go up?
I am 17 and had insurance. I got into a wreck because i dint stop at a stop sign and hit a car. everybody was fine and i got a ticket for driving left of center and careless prohibited driving. So is my insurance bout to be high??
Is there a health plan for someone that has had breast cancer. I am looking for an insurance plan.?
I am looking for affordable insurance that will cover doctors visits and surgeries. Please help
Insurance for 17/18 yr old female?
hi i have an 08 civic lx sedan still currently paying for for about another 2 yrs . im looking to get another car paying it cash . i want to add my younger sister as a driver for the civic but i know she will need full coverage for we still owe money. she knows how to drive but still has not gotten her restricted yet.. how much would i be looking at for insurance for her.
Home content insurance?
I am new to the UK. In Japan, few people buy home content insurance because home contents are normally not valuable. It seems to me most people here buy home content insurance. It sounds not attractive a)the premium b)the high excess. What is your view?""
Who has the cheapest home insurance policies in California?
Time to renew and I need to start shopping around.
Do (UK) car insurance companies need to know the car's registered address?
I am a student and thus spend most of my time away from home - I receive correspondence to my university address and my car is kept there most of the time. Essentially all the details ...show more
How do you get cheap car insurance for an 18yo?
I need to find cheap car insurance for an 18yo female who owns outright an $11000.00 car. Any suggestions?
How about Universal Auto insurance?
Universal Dental, universal home insurance, universal life insurance, universal pet medical insurance, universal flood insurance, universal renters insurance. Wouldn't it be a good idea to have the government provide all insurance to everybody? There couldn't be problems with that right? ( please note heavy sarcasm )""
First car ideas? I'm going to be 17 so insurance is a problem what car is cheapest to buy and insure?
I'm not interested in a Nissan Micra or Ford Ka. Need a cheap car to insure and to buy..
Involved in a car accident with 4 other cars. My car was the last to get hit. Insurance of car that hit me?
does not want to pay and my car is totaled. The first car that provoked the accident ran away. Now the insurance company of the car that hit me does not want to pay for the damages, they claim that their dirver did not cause the accident, even tho he was the one who hit me. I had liability car insurande so my insurance it's not responsible for my damages. I consulted a lawyer and he said nothing can be done in a situation like this. Who should be held responsible in this case? Is there anything I can do legally to get my car fixed or get some sort of settlement to I can buy another car?""
Is your insurance affected by a traffic misdemeanor in california?
So I got a ticket today and got in trouble for two things 1) Expired registration sticker (I had a 2010 registration sticker, I was just lazy and forgot to put it on) 2) I don't have my year yet, but I still had two other passengers in my car. Apparently you can only take passengers under 21 years old in your car after you've had your license for a year. Anyways, my dad is really pissed about insurance rates or something. Do they go up for the ticket I just described? On the ticket, it said the only non-correctable traffic violation was the two underage passengers in the car.""
Truck hits curb due to icy road..Damage is extensive. Will insurance pay? ?
I was heading down a hill; the road was icy. The truck wasn't stopping properly. It slid into a curb; damaged the wheel (rim). Now, the truck swirves to the left when I drive. I thought I needed an alignment. Went to an auto shop; turns out I need to replace a control arm ($569 just in parts) and some frame pulling is needed....AND an alignment. Total cost: $1750 (with labor) I do have comprehensive coverage with a $500 deductible. I just called my insurance and am waiting to hear back from a claims rep. (they said within 24 hrs); can they deny this for any reason? I really need the truck fixed soon.... Also, will my premiums increase? By a lot???""
Can you deduct your cost for health insurance on your taxes?
Can you deduct your cost for health insurance on your taxes?
Which auto insurance company do you recommend?
I've had the following insurance and was not pleased: -Insure One (real insurance: Access American Casualty)=Cheap but HORRIBLE CLAIM PROCESS -Farmers Insurance Group: Pricey and more hidden fees hence had to switch because I felt like I was paying too much and getting scammed (I tried resolving the issue but rep said there is nothing we can do ). Currently I'm with GEICO and I am paying the same as I was with Farmers (except w/out the random charges), at this point I just want a RELIABLE and CLAIM FRIENDLY INSURANCE, which would you recommend?""
Why do i need insurance?
Why do i need insurance?
Home business and home insurance?
What's the risk when running a home business if your home insurance provider (not business insurance) become aware of your home business operations. What will happen and/or can happen. If you have a business insurance can your home insurance premium go up as a result of having a home business?
In Southern California where is the best place to get a perscription with out insurance?
I have Strep throat and need Medication!
How I Know Credit Card Insurance?
I would like to learn Credit card Insurance. Is it available in banks? How do i know, which bank offer very attractive manner? Which are all the bank tie up with insurance company? How to calculate the premium amount, sum assured and relevant details? Please give me detailed query.....""
Does anyone else have USAA insurance?
When do I get my insurance card
Who is responsible for homeowners insurance?
In a rent to own lease agreement for the one-two year lease period who will have the homeowners insurance?the renter or seller?
Does anyone have 21st car insurance?
I am thinking of switching my car insurance, this is a lot cheaper... Just looking for some feedback... dont know much about this insurance...I have never really heard of it... Thanks!""
Cheap health insurance for college students?
I live in Orlando, FL and i'm a non-smoking college student. Does anyone know of any cheap health insurance or even health discount plans that I could get on just to cover the cost of my Bipolar disorder meds and possibly a couple of visits to the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and examinations I can handle, but this psychiatrist that I see is $200.00 a visit PLUS the cost of all of the perscriptions he prescribes to me. HELP!""
Would having a Dodge Charger raise your insurance cost?
I'm almost 17 and got my liscense a few months ago and I can get pretty much any reasonble car i want. I'm leaning on getting a used charger (not new cos im prob gonna reck it or at least mess it up). I was just wonder will it raise my insurance up just bc its a Charger? (I already know my age and new driver will be more expensive)
Is a 2000 Mustang GT expensive to insure?
I'm 16 and looking for a first car. I have my heart set on a certain mustang but the only thing is insurance cost. Its a 2000 GT and im going to be insured with state farm. Im 16 getting my license in 2 weeks so I know thats a big factor. Also I was trying to get some ideas about what it might cost and found this on the state farm website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not sure if its relevant but if it is than can someone explain what it means?
Should the Government make sure that every American has affordable health insurance?
Why or why not? What is a possible solution?
How much is car insurance for a 21 year old female?
I'll be a first time driver as of next month and I was curious how much I'll be looking at as a ball park estimate on my insurance rates. I know I'm a late bloomer for driving but I have never needed it as I live in a city. But as I want to do and go more places, I need a car now. Especially since I'm moving out of state, on my own, in 6 months. I was wondering how much I'm going to be looking at. I'll be driving a small sedan, maybe a 04-05 Honda Accord or Civic. I live in Texas now but I'll be moving to Ohio, in February, and if anyone could give me rates for both places I'd be much obliged! Thank you so much for even answering my question :)""
Illegal car insurance?
My EX boyfriend went behind mine and my moms back and illegal put insurance on his car in my mothers name. I guess he knows a employee at a insurance automotive and illegally put it in her name without her consent. His friend who was driving the car hit some car today and called my mom and told her everything and now she wants to claim fraud. Who gets in trouble? My ex boyfriend for doing it illegally? The employee who let it happen? His friend who hit the car? Or my mom because they may not believe he did it illegally? BTW; my ex boyfriend owes money to his insurance thats why he couldnt put it in his name
Cheap car/insurance for a young lad?
18 year old son has just passed his test. Looked at a Fiat siacento(I know thats wrong but you know what car I mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good nick/500,I thought bargain. Until I checked the insurance.... 3000!!! Before I start ranting about the cost of insuring a young lad(and the cost of my own insurance) can anyone tell me a cheap car that is also cheap to insure. Thanks.""
What is car insurance rates?
uhm im doing report, and i need to write bout 3 ways that how teenage car accidents rising affect us. One of my answer is car insurance rate would go up; &yet i dont know wht that means. some one help?""
Insurance rates on sporty cars ?
Would insurance be absolutly insane for a 16 yr old in a 91 toyota mr2 turbo or a 95 mitsubishi eclipse gst or a 95 mustang gt or a 91 toyota mr2 non turbo? Does anybody know about the difference in rates for these cars ir cars like acura integras. Thanks
Is it typically cheaper to pay car insurance monthly ? semiannually? or annually?
Is it typically cheaper to pay car insurance monthly ? semiannually? or annually?
What are the requirements to become a licensed insurance agent in Texas?
I have applied at GEICO and I want to know what the state of Texas requires, besides taking the exam, to become a licensed insurance agent.""
Why is my auto insurance so high?
I'm currently buying a 2013 Subaru Impreza Sport Limited, but my insurance quotes are averaging over $600 a month. I'm 19, male, and have two speeding tickets, and I have friends that are paying under $100 a month. Why would it be so high for me?""
Auto insurance for a teenager in a mustang?
I'm a female, 16, turning 17 in June. I have over a 3.6 GPA. I was rear ended about a month ago (not my fault) and I found a few mustangs (2003-2007). Anyway, I was wondering about how much insurance would be. Serious answers please?""
Why is reasonable profit for insurance companies bad?
Many jobs are provided in insurance.
Need help with Car Insurance?
I am a 16 year old male in california, who just bought a 92 Buick Skylark and I need to no what would be my best bet when it comes to getting insurance, I would like cheap insurance""
What is the best website to reseach and compare auto insurance quotes?
What is a good website to use when researching auto insurance. One where I can get numerous rates from various insurers and compare them with each other?
Volkswagen Golf SR insurance?
I have just bought a Volkswagen Golf SR (import) 8v 1.6 ltr and I am having trouble finding an insurance company that lists this car. Has anyone else got this model and who do you have your insurance with? Thanks for reading
I am wondering if anyone knows what insurance would cost on a Mustang V6 for a 16 year-old female in Tennessee?
If anyone has a idea of the price range I would appreciate some input. Please don't say alot . I have had no tickets and I have not been involved in any wrecks. Thank you!
Difference between health and life insurance?
Difference between health and life insurance?
Phoenix Auto Insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Phoenix? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it.
Need a term life insurance policy with no medical exam or health questions.?
Preferrably online. As simple as possible.
50cc moped scooter insurance?
I live in PA. I am thinking about geting a moped scooter 50cc. About how much does insurance cost?
Affordable liabilty insurance?
Affordable liabilty insurance?
What is the best car insurance for a 27 year old guy?
right now i pay about $250 / month for my car insurance with progressive. i got a dui 4 years ago (stupid [and costly] mistake and changed my life since then), and i bought a new car in 2011. i'm also 27 years old. does anyone know of a better company that could offer me a better rate? thanks""
I need cheap car insurance?
I am a 18 year old female and i have some violations against me such as speeding, driving with a suspended license and failure to yield ticket. My parents won't put me on there insurance so i need to find my own but they are all wayyy to expensive so far, anyone got any ideas? please""
Cheapest car and car insurance for a 21 year old.?
Well i dont know anything about cars so please dont criticise me lol my partner is having his test next month and he is 21 so his insurance will be sky high, so whats the best car for cheapest car insurance at his age? We need it as cheap as possible as were only looking for a second hand one due to it being his first car and he isnt botherd about the looks like as long as it gets us n the kids A to B lol please help.""
Car Insurance Single Vehicle Wreck?
Well, I'm am a 17 soon to be 18 year old male driver who had his first wreck today. A truck decided to come into my lane I braked and swerved to avoid went into the grass over ...show more""
Would having a Dodge Charger raise your insurance cost?
I'm almost 17 and got my liscense a few months ago and I can get pretty much any reasonble car i want. I'm leaning on getting a used charger (not new cos im prob gonna reck it or at least mess it up). I was just wonder will it raise my insurance up just bc its a Charger? (I already know my age and new driver will be more expensive)
I am buying my first car and am looking for cheap car insurance. I found a site that is $500 less then Geico.?
Geico was the lowest quote at $1400 but www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me at $900 (which is very cheap for a 16 year old). Can anyone tell me if they are a reliable insurance company? Or has anyone dealt with them and has feedback? Thanks :)
Who hates Health Insurance?
On the infrequent occasions when I need to see a doctor, I pay cash. Which I'd have to do even if I had health insurance because of the ridiculously high deductibles. I dont even know why i have it. I pay too much money. A friend recommend me a pharmacy Online I will be trying that. They have very cheap prices. am sick of giving out my money. Do you guys think i will save money with Medicines mexico Online Pharmacy?""
Good/cheap insurance plans?
Hello! I am a 21 year old mother of 2 ( a 13 mo. old and a 26. mo. old) My husband and I do not qualify for medicaid (apparently you have to be dang near homeless) and we need health insurance. He has a heart condition (hes 25! ) and I tend to get sick alot! lol anyone have any ideas for affordable health insurance?? ( under $100 /mo if possible) thanks for your time, Be Blessed!""
Insurance for a 2010 Ford Fiesta Edge?
Hi, Im saving up to buy my first car and as it may be used for some fairly long commuting i was wondering what the insurance would cost, i will be shortly taking a driving test and so this would be useful information, as to help me save up the funds in order to buy the car and insure it, the car costs on average 8.995, but there have been cheaper models that are 08,09 etc so what would be a reasonable price for a new shape fiesta edge or style. Thanks 10- points today for the best answer....""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old female with a convertible volkswagen?
""What's the cheapest insurance I can get possible? I'm 18 in California, just received my license?""
Isimply cannot afford $1000/year insurance. I dislike insurance companies anyway considering they hire peoplem to come up with EXCUSES not to give you your money (so why the hell am I paying them every year? ) So I just want the most basic EXCUSE to drive possible. Is there anyway to get insurance for like $400 a year? I've been saving up for the past 5 months to buy a car, studying for my license, and I really cannot wait any longer. I need to drive now. I live in Los angeles where it's practically impossible to get around without a car... I'm starting college and more work hours waiting isn't an option. Thank you.""
How much should I expect to pay monthly for motorcycle insurance?
20 year old male, about 600cc bike Probably through USAA if that makes a difference""
Car accident/health insurance question?
Hi guys, so here is my situation. someone rear ended me when I was yielding to other cars. The police came and gave her a ticket and he made us exchange information because he said the damage to my car doesnt look like its over $1500(thats the only time they issue a police report. I live in virginia).I hit my head and back pretty bad so I have been experiencing severe back pains and minor headaches. I have been seeing a chiropractor and putting all the bills on my health insurance. I got an email from my health insurance where they sent me a form for me to sign saying i will reimburse them from any settlement for health coverage that I get from the other person's auto insurance company. I havent signed/sent the paper back to them yet. Do I really have to reimburse my health insurance company??? the thing about it is, I am graduate student doing research(phd) so my insurance is fully paid for my the NIH at the beginning of the school year(so i personally dont make any monthly payments from my paycheck or anything). So do I have to reimburse my health insurance(GM southwest) for any health settlement i get from the other person's auto insurance company? I am thinking about getting a lawyer. is it really worth it? someone please help.""
Pregnant with no insurance?
I recently moved and I no longer have health insurance. I am 33 weeks pregnant. I do not qualify for Medicaid. are there any other inexpensive options? I am currently working part time but I won't be working for much longer.
Insurance at sixteen?
How much would it cost for me to insure an irocz at sixteen its a three fifty five speed stock?
How much do you think my insurance would be?
I'm thinking about buying this silver 2000 Hyundai Accent from this guy. I'm 17 years old, still in high school, and I'm a girl. Haha. I have no idea how much insurance ...show more""
""How Much is Car Insurance going to cost for a 1997 corvette, if I am 16?
Is it true that the older cars cost less to insure?
Need help finding health insurance?
I am currently looking for health insurance for my son and I. He is only 2 months old. I make too much money for medicaid, but still not enough to have expensive monthly payments on health insurance. Im not planning on having a baby anytime soon, maybe in the next 2 years. BUT, just in case something happens and I do become pregnant...I want insurance that covers maternity too. But I cant find any. I live in Indiana.""
What is some really good but not exspensive auto insurance?
my daddy is with progressive and its really high on him and he is looking for a better and less exspensive auto insurance any suggestions.
Can a person get medicare Insurance at 62 years old? What are the options?
I work with a guy who can retire this year because he will be 62 years old. And although he has a good retirement pension plan. He tells me the drawback is that he will not be eligible for medicare until he is 65 so he will probably have to work until then. Because of this I being much younger will more then likely will get a pink slip this year and be looking for work. This guy has way more seniority . Does this man have any affordable options? He really wants to retire.
What size alloy wheels will change the insurance of a car (read details)?
right i've been looking at cars to buy for ages now and as I'm a seventeen year old boy insurance is ridiculous as it is. Finding cars that i can afford to buy and insure is hard. I have found a few 'perfect' cars, however a couple of them have alloy wheels instead of the standard manufacture ones. I will quote my insurance website so you can help me out: Replacement of factory fitted wheels with Alloys of the same size this doesn't alter my insurance quote one bit. Replacement of factory fitted wheels with wheels / tyres of a non standard size or specification This means i cannot get insured at all; they won't have me with them. So my question is, if a 1998 Peugeot 306 has 16 inch white wolfrace alloys, does this mean i can't get insured or not? This might be a stupid question, just want to get it right, thanks for you time, means a lot Alex.""
If My Mom has insurance coverage can i still get insurance with her if i own my own car?
ok so my mom has car insurance on her car, but she was telling me she registers my car under her name that the insurance will cover me and the car. But if the car is under my name can i still get insurance with her??""
My Florida driver's license is suspended due to insurance reasons?
I got in a car accident about 2 years ago, and as a result I stopped paying my insurance and couldn't turn in my tag. My license was suspended as a result. I haven't gone to the DMV yet, and was wondering if anyone knows what I'd need in order to get my license back? According to the Florida DMV website, my license will be reinstated once I show proof of insurance...but I don't even own that car anymore, let alone pay insurance on it. I don't want to waste three hours at the DMV just to be told I need a certain form or paperwork...does anyone have experience in this matter?""
How do I drive a new car home if I can't get insurance on it for another 2 weeks?
My insurance company said they need the car title before they can give me insurance on the car. This doesn't make any sense, the dealer say they cannot hold on to the car once it's bought because it's not their responsbility anymore. But I need to buy the car to get the title and the title won't be processed for 1-2 weeks. So once I buy the car I need to take it home but that means driving without insurance, what's going on here is it okay?""
What is the cheapest Insurance available for a 21 year old?
I've been looking at cars and quotes for about a month now, and I can find nothing affordable, so I thought I'd ask on this website and see if there is anyone who has had the same situation and found a solution. I'm 20 years old, turning 21 in September and I have not drove since I passed my test 2 years ago. I have never owned a car or been a second driver on anyone's policy. Insurance is ridiculously high, so I was wondering if anyone in the same situation knows a cheap insurance company. I'm also okay with being a second driver on my parents policy, although this is still usually to expensive. Thanks!""
Car insurance for new drivers?
I'd like to get a car insurance but since i will be buying a new car soon, i'd like to have the insurance for just a few months. Is this possible? if yes, then which company would you recommend and how do i get it? cheers!""
How can I lower my auto insurance rate in California?
Details: Licensed at 19/Now 25yrs old. I have a clean record but can't afford full coverage because it's in the thousands. Is it pricey for me because I'm Asian? I don't get it, I hear about people being fully covered for a whole year for less than $1200, but I only have basic coverage and I'm paying $1100 per year. Can anyone help?""
Whats your best insurance quote? (Young guys only plz!)?
Just curious, whats your best insurance quote guys? - I'm hunting for a decent deal for my tiny little 796cc car outside.. Yeah, that's right, I'm gonna boy race with my 796cc mean machine. So yeah, whats your best quotes and is it fully comp, third party only? fire and theft? So far I got a 700 quote third party fire and theft I'm quite happy with... Sorry girls, no offense but I'm kind of looking for guys answers, Your insurance is completely different :) And I'm 18 btw""
Do I qualify for unemployment insurance in California?
I worked a full time temp job that only lasted 4 months. From May to September. I m wondering if that is enough to qualify for unemployment insurance in California?
What car insurance company provides the cheapest policies and best coverage?
What car insurance company provides the cheapest policies and best coverage?
Would having a Dodge Charger raise your insurance cost?
I'm almost 17 and got my liscense a few months ago and I can get pretty much any reasonble car i want. I'm leaning on getting a used charger (not new cos im prob gonna reck it or at least mess it up). I was just wonder will it raise my insurance up just bc its a Charger? (I already know my age and new driver will be more expensive)
0 notes
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
"Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Wats a great car to buy for a new driver?
sporty fast car low on insurance small engine affordable
Is get auto insurance a good insurance company?
I found getautoinsurance.com on line while looking for cheap auto insurance. Is this company a good company, or is it for real?""
Questions about letter from insurance company?
I got a letter today from my insurance company who insures my homeowner's insurance - it said that they need to do an inspection of my home to see if I am maintaining it properly. I've been here since November 1999 and I've never gotten a letter like this before. But I was with another insurance company for several years - but I've been with this one for about 3 years I guess. if this were normal practice then why would I get a letter now and not every year? Is this normal insurance practice? This is the first time in my life that I've gotten one of these letters about a homeowners policy if it is not normal practice would this be because someone said something?
How can a non BC resident be on a car insurance (ICBC)?
BC only has one choice of auto insurance, ICBC (gov't run). And ICBC is not flexible and so expensive. I have a car insurance from ICBC on my car, but they told me that when my boyfriend who has an international driver's license cannot drive my car under my insurance. I thought about renting a car so he can be insured and drive. But ICBC's rental car insurance does not cover non BC residents either. So how people who visit BC from other countries travel and be insured to drive a car??? Any information will be much appreciated. Thanks!""
Sex change car insurance?
If a man gets a sex change into a women with boobs and everything would he be then entitled to womens only car insurance?
What if I don't pay car insurance?
Hi, I am wondering what happens if I don't pay my car insurance. This are the facts: I bought a car from a dealership, they offered me a car insurance, I did not want it because the car was to be shipped to Europe and sold there as brand new. Therefore I did not want to pay insurance for car that is not even my own. Nevertheless I had to register the car in CA as all the cars have to be. Now I got a letter from DMV in CA saying that if I don't pay car insurance the registration will be canceled. Now the car is already in Europe and has been sold lately. Will there be any consequences for me? Will I have to pay any additional money to DMV? What happens after the registration is canceled? Thank you for your help""
How much will my insurance go up?
I am 16 and I just got my first speeding ticket. I have state farm and it is my first violation. I was just looking for a ballpark estimate.
""I'm pregnant, without insurance, and desperate, HELP!?""
Just this Monday I found out I was pregnant. Two Clear Blue PREGNANT's, and I was bawling in the Target bathroom. I all ready have two children, both of which are on ALL Kids because my husband didn't want to keep our health insurance last year due to the rising costs (like, it kept going up $100/year, and towards the end, we were paying $500/month). So now I'm pregnant, no health insurance, and pretty much stressing out over it. I will apply for SOBRA Medicaid (something I found on Alabama's Department of Health site) after my doctor's appointment next Wednesday, but if they don't accept me, then I don't know what else to do. Giving my baby away is not an option, neither is abortion. I will love this baby no matter what happens. I just need some reassurance or something to keep myself from stressing out and crying all the time over worrying about money. I totally got screwed over by something called Direct Med and will be calling them tomorrow to try to get my money back. I did that out of desperation and plain stupidity. A little help, please?""
How much will my insurance be?
I found a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse and im concerned about the insurance since im 16. sport cars= more expensive. Lets say if a Crown Vic was $130 a month, how much would a sports car be? I will also be on my parents insurance witch there is three cars already on there insurance so the cost will go down some i believe. If i maintain a B- or higher grade for school my insurance will go down an additional 10%.""
Do you have affordable car insurance in Tennessee?
Do you get a good deal on insurance? Where do you have yours?
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
Car insurance Premium?
(I have only had car insurance for about 6 months, so I am still pretty new to this). My question was that my 6 month renewal policy states that my premium is $728.86; however, when I first got with this company, I paid around $368 down because I am in that age bracket where they stereotype you as a bad driver. Will I have to pay the $368 again along with monthly payments of $66.60? Or will I just continue to pay my monthly payment as it is?""
Dental discounts or affordable insurance in NJ?
I do not have dental insurance for myself and I need a good amount of dental work done, i was wondering if anyone could tell me an affordable dental plan or insurance that isnt exspensive in NJ? Im not applicable for NJ familycare dental""
Is it cheaper to have two people sharing one car and insurance?
Basically, both going to be learning together then buying one car for us both. We'll both be new drivers and we will use the car whenever we both need, kind of new to this so any information will be helpful :)""
What affordable medical insurance can I get for my income in Texas?
My husband and I only make between 1400-2000 a month from working. We have NO medical insurance because his company wants to charge an arm and a leg for me just to be included. I am currently having some high blood pressure problems and kidney problems but I do not have insurance to go for a visit. Im desperately trying to find a program or insurance affordable for us so I can get checked up- NOW I am NOT qualified for Adult Medicade-we make too much, but private insurance is too expensive for our budget. We have a free clinic but there is a 3-4 month wait to see a doctor. Can anyone else please help point to a direction that may help my situation? Like I said Im desperate enough to ask the public.""
Need Advise On Car Insurance?
On Friday Fed. 12th I bought Me a good Used car. I had to park on the side of the street cause my neighbors from downstairs had company and were in my spot. when I woke up on Saturday morning my car was wrecked in the front and the other vehicle no where in site well except for the trail of car fluids that led to his car three blocks away. the police came got his info and mine, towed his vehicle, advised me what I needed to do and left. I found out on my own that the insurance that the police had was false info. I was pissed. Well low and behold the owner of the car came to my house that same evening and was like my car was stolen and all this other bs. He gave me his correct insurance papers and said he would report it to claims. He never did I had to on Tuesday. His insurance knew nothing of the matter. I filed my claim with them and they said it would be 24 to 48 hours and they would get in contact with me. Nothing yet.. Im still waiting for them to call me. What should I do now???????????""
How would McCain guarantee affordable healthcare for all?
Healthcare costs are hurting the budgets of working families, businesses, states and the federal government. Don't tell me someone is looking for a handout when it comes to something as basic as healthcare. A simple accident can wipe out hard-won savings in any family. Now how's McCain gonna do it? Please?""
Minimum insurance for heating/plumbing business in Ca?
What is the minimum insurance that an owner of a heating/plumbing business must have in California?
How much would full coverage auto insurance in California cost if i've had my license for 9 1/2 years?
Plus a good driving record & I am 29 years old.
Why does car insurance go up if you have a 4-wheel drive?
I am thinking about getting a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4. My car recently broke down and it was a 2000 Chevy Suburban. My parents don't really want to get me the Jeep with 4x4 because they said the price of insurance would go way up. I want to know why is this and about how much would it go up?
How much is motorbike insurance for a 125cc bike roughly?
Im 17 at the moment but will be 18 on the 2nd of June. Not sure what bike I want yet but where I live you can get to anywhere that doesn't need transport. The nearest shop is 4 miles away. I have no public transport around here either. I would like a rough guess at what a 125cc bike would cost to insure on a year or 3 month basis? Thanks :)
Car insurance help????????????
no one will give me insurance, yes iv made mistakes, and my insurance rate is high and i dont mind tht its just that some of the companys iv checked wont give me insurance iv had 2 speeding tickets at 17 mph ea, and 2 accidents, any1 know any company that will give me insurance? i went 17 over. and no1 was hurt in the accidents. iv tried state farm, all state, and triple A""
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
Anyone have any information on insurethebox car insurance?
I've been looking at insurance quotes from various sites and insurethebox keeps popping up. The company fit a clear box to the car to see how much mileage you used (has to be under 6000 a year). Does anyone have any more information on them? I've googled, and aside from some advertisement articles haven't really found anything. All help is appreciated (10 points for best answer :D)""
Should I tell my insurance company that my car was broken into?
My car was broken into last night, between the hours of 9:30pm, and 7am, just parked in front of the condo we live in. Some things of value were taken, ( estimated around $130, or $150 in value...no damage was done to the car, they must've just picked the locks) so I filed a police report this morning...is this something I should report to my car insurance provider? If so, how would filing a report with insurance help me? I'm 19, and have been driving for a little over two years now, my insurance is through AAA. I have had no previous driving offenses on my record, or anything. (This has never happened to me before, so pardon some irrelevent info, here!) before. Do you recommend I file a claim with AAA, or just let the police handle it entirely? When would I need to file a claim by? (like, a deadline, time-wise.)""
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
Insurance after you buy your car?
I'm picking up a new car I just bought from a dealership tomorrow, how does insurance work? I have insurance at the moment for the car I am driving but not the new one I am buying. help :)""
How much can Insurer charge me to SALVAGE my OWN CAR?!?!?!?
Some background first, i was hit from behind whilst stationary in traffic the other week by a works van. the damage was not too sever that i couldn't limp back home (sore and car bashed but still alive) got the other drivers details at the scene and reported the incident to my insurance company. As the accident was not my fault my insurer passed this to their dedicated Non-Fault (NF) accident claim company (i'll not name them at the moment) who in turn provided me with a hire car and collected my car to have it assessed for REPAIR. At no point was writing off the car mentioned. Then i got a call from the garage dealing with my car (NF appointed) a week later telling me of the damage and repair value and that the engineers working for the NF, different company again, were going to deem the car a write off, CAT D as i later found out. Now the fun part - the engineers have made an offer for settlement and to write off of my car, which is a good 500 below what is would cost to replace it with a like-for-like car in my local area (replace cost circa 2.8k-3k) they are adamant they will not repair my car even though the repairs would cost LESS than the write off - because the repair is too close to the market value and they can make a killing on salvage apparently. so fighting this out at the moment. NOW FOR THE QUESTION: They have advised me that should i wish to keep the car after they write it off (which i want to avoid if at all possible) i can accept the settlement and pay them a salvage fee to retain my car. This i understand as technically they buy my car when they write it off and then i have to buy it back. The problem is that they have a flat 30% !!! salvage fee which on their offer would almost negate me being able to get the repairs covered. What i really need to know is if anyone else has been in this position and if there is a maximum salvage fee they can charge - bearing in mind that this is my car to start with - and if there is any way i can make them drop this percentage. Forcing them to drop the percentage might not only let me repair the car after retaining but might also swing in favour of repair instead of write off if they cannot justify such a big payout for themselves. Any help here would be appreciated fast as i'm still bouncing between the parties here to get this resolved. In case your wondering the damage constitutes a bumper rear panel and a kink in the boot floor - VERY repairable.""
""Can we hit it out?(16 yr old, 20yr old guy)?""
and before you go saying I have no right being with someone that age and that I'll make a huge mistake; Im virgin. Im saving myself for marriage and I even got a purity ring. I know some of the tricks in the book(like the one where the older guy tricks the younger girl into thinking shes inlove to get in her pants and ect.) so Im no fool, my mom taught me better than that. But Im gonna flirt with him, he's really cool(he's a sk8er boi) and he's so short and his face looks so young that if you didnt know any better you'd swear he's like 17 or something. now once again, Im not stupid enough to have sex with him; I respect myself and body to much to let myself go like that, the only guy getting is this is the one on one knee with a diamond ring. Additional Details oh and ps. he does like me. he said once that my boyfriend better watch out, he's got a cute girlfriend. Someone might take her. and when he washes his car when Im outside he purposley takes off his shirt as if Im not watching him.""
How much would it be for a 20 year old male car insurance?
I am 20 , male in California driving a 2000 Honda civic how much will my insurance be ?? First time being under insurance . And please don't send me links trying to bribe me with your insurance . Please help""
Do you need proof of insurance when getting license in alabama?
i know you need it but i cant get it by tomorrow. is it ok because they have the information stored in the computers? i need help!!
How much is home insurance for a log cabin in North Georgia?
I'm interested in purchashing a log cabin in the North Georgia mountains. How much would home insurance cost if the home is approximately $160,000?""
Car insurance away at college?
A friend of mine who is away at school with me (200 miles from home) said he gets reduced insurance because he is away at school without a car. However, he is always driving his girlfriends car. He claims that its OK for him to do this. This sounds a little fishy to me. He is getting the discount because his insurance company thinks he isn't driving, right? If he wrecks his girlfriends car is he covered? I am worried about being in the car with him. I don't want anything defaulted onto my insurance in the case of an accident if its just him and I in the girlfriend's car. Let me know what you guys think!""
Dental insurance for an adult in need of braces?
I am almost 21 years old and will be getting braces within the year and was wondering if anyone knew of good dental insurance plans for adults that includes braces. Please, legit companies, preferably first hand experience with them. Thanks!""
Under parents car insurance in another state?
im going to another state for college, can i stay under my parents car insurance?""
""How much do you pay for car insurance in dorchester,ma ?
2006 Nissan Murano SL AWD or similar car.
How much does is a ticket if you are pulled over without registration and insurance in CA?
A girl I just started dating, who has lived in California for a few years, has not registered her vehicle in CA. She drives around with out of state plates, expired stickers, and does not have insurance. How much will it cost her if she get's pulled over. and what other non monetary consequences will she will face. I have stressed the importance getting it registered, siting scenarios such as, what if you are in an accident and are seriously injured or seriously injure someone else, without insurance, who pays for the hospital bills? . For some reason that does not create enough sense of urgency.""
""How do I get health insurance?I am 21 year old female,in college and working full time.?""
My job only offers it once a year,and I missed it.My school has it,but it's only for the school and that hospital,so it's very inconvenient(also very expensive).I don't know how to start to find a plan that will work best for me, as I'm not often sick but know that I need it.Please Help!I'm from colorado if that matters""
Car Insurance Renewal?
Dear Mates I have been driving for a year,The car that I have got is Micra 1 litre. Just received a letter from my current Insurance Provider. Letter says that my car insurance is 1807 for this year, if I pays Monthly. Which is about 300 more than last year. Even this year, I have got 1 year No Claim Bonus. What you guys think, is that OK or is it too much on this car? How much do you pays at the moment? Many Thanks""
Can I keep my parents from knowing that my insurance rate has gone up?
I recently got a ticket in Steelville, Missouri for going 15 over the speed limit. I am insured under my parents name. My insurance rate is so high that if I get one more ticket, then I will be dropped by the company. Is there anyway I can keep my parents from knowing about the ticket on insurance? Can I do anything to get rid of the fine on insurance""
Auto insurance cost?
I can't really get a quote from a car insurance web site. (It's a long story) I don't really know much about auto insurance at all. How much do you think my insurance would be? I'm a 20 year old female. I haven't ever had a ticket. The car I am potentially buying is a 2009 jeep grand Cherokee. that's $30,000 to $35,000. I would have a $20,000 loan. (my father would be co signing) since I have a loan I'd have to get full coverage. Any one got any idea of how much my rates would be?""
Loans for older/classic cars?
Any banks or financial institutions out there give loans for older cars? I know most banks only give loans for cars less than 5-6 years old, but I want something in good condition that may appreciate in value, or at least not depreciate so long as I take care of it. But I do need a loan. Links to companies that do these kinds of loans will get you a best answer.""
Why does another persons driving record affect my insurance?
sharing a residence with other people doesn't mean sharing vehicles or the responsibilities, so why should their driving record affect my insurance rates?""
If i got a car as a gift and dont have insurance and a car hits me is that ok?
my friend gave me a car and i dont have insurance, but a guy hit me this morning, will his insurance pay for it?""
Which family/individual health insurance policy covers OPD expenses also in India?
Which health insurance companies are best, is it wise to buy policy from any of the companies which are listed there or registered with IRDA or we should keep certain things or criteria in mind? So that we should not feel sorry or guilty after buying or dealing with these in the need hour. THANKS""
What is the legal cost of a ticket for not having any car insurance in the state of ala?
What is the legal cost of a ticket for not having any car insurance in the state of ala?
Best way to find specific insurance agent?
I got a very low quote from someone but lost his number when I got new phone. I know his first name and he was with one of the bigger companies. I know this is a dumb question but anyone got advice?
How much is third party car insurance for a 2 litre car?
my dad might be giving me his car after i pass my test when i'm 17 so i was wondering how much roughly a 2 litre engine 5door mazda 626 would be to insure for a 17 year old boy on third party car insurance in the uk?
Looking for good medical insurance BUT AFFORDABLE?
i'm a senior age 62 wife 69,still working my medical insurance at work is 185.00 per payroll 307.00 per month it's killing where can i get good insurance but affordable.i live in california also i'm planing in retiring july 2013,i'll be 63, yahoo answers find me insurance i put my trust in answers people thank you gilley p.s. no kids""
Will a cracked windshield raise my auto insurance rates?
well i am going to get my windshield repaired. it has a crack the size of a dime. it happend about a month ago and i worried that it will get bigger with the hot weather. anyway, i called my insurance company. they are sending someone out to repair it. i am 18 years old but i am on my parents plan. i also have a gpa over a 3.0. my family and i have no record of any accidents whatsoever. my parents just bought me the car on the end of march :( do u think my rates will go up? almost forgot! my insurance company is geico and i live in california""
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:""
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
How to find a dead relative's life insurance company without papers? Read details please?
Here is my situation My mother just died and I don't have the money to pay for a funeral right now. My mother has life insurance but I don't know where the papers with the information is. I don't know what the company's name is and I don't know how to contact them to report the death. Is there a way for me, her child, to get that information without the documents?""
California insurance--driving a friends car???
I'm not an insured driver, but is it illigal if I drive a friend's car (that is insured) in California? What happens if i get in a wreck? I dont normally drive, but in case my friend's been drinking sometimes she'll ask me to drive her home. thanks.""
Insurance for quad biking abroad?
I'm going on holiday in a couple if weeks and have already bought travel insurance that covers everything apart from the use if quad bikes. It's likely that me and my group will want to use them at some point, and I'm wondering if its possible to either buy insurance out there, or buy insurance online for quad bikes only. I don't want to buy a whole new insurance policy as this will cost another 20, and I am already covered for everything else. Thanks.""
""When getting a car insurance quote, do I disclose a speeding ticket, if I already took traffic school for it?""
I had a speeding ticket, but the judge lowered my citation to 99mph so I could take traffic school. I am getting an insurance quote from progressive.com and they want me to provide information on tickets I've received in the last 3 years. Do I tell them about my speeding ticket, since traffic school is supposed to prevent a point from being added to my driving record? I've already finished my traffic school and I live in California.""
Your age and car insurance rate?
How old are you and how much does your car insurance cost monthly? Would a part-time job at a mall store or movie theatre pay enough to cover an 18-year-old's car insurance?
Car/Motorcycle Insurance and address question.?
I live in PA I Just moved out 5 months ago and i never changed my drivers license to the new address. Mainly because my dad payed for my next 6 months of my car insurance and it still says i live at home. Im going to buy a motorcycle soon and i know if i get the title in my name all the info will be mailed to my parents address because thats the address on my DL. My dad doesnt care if i get one but my mom does. I dont really want it mailed there but i dont think theres nothing i can do about that, can I? Say it gets mailed there when i go get insurance on it will i have to say the bike is parked at my parents house or my new address I know in the state of PA once you move out you have 15 days to change the address on your driver license. i did not change it. by me not doing this will it affect me getting insurance on my motorcycle? and if i do change it will it affect my car insurance cause its on my parents but i dont live there""
How can I get car insurance?
I just turned 18, i'm going off too college but I have a stable part time job. I make about 500-800$ with a car payment of 300$ And i want to buy a policy for myself. Before i look into that I wanna know about how much should I expect to pay extra monthly?""
Does 4x4 make auto insurance more expensive?
I wanted to buy a '95 Jeep Wrangler but I noticed it was a 4x4. Will my insurance go up because it has four wheel drive?
What is the best car insurance for if you don't have own car?
I don't have car and I do rent a car frequently, Is there any insurance that I can take and that can be transferred to what ever car I rent for the day? what I mean is If I take any insurance for 6months or one year that should be applied to the what ever car I drive. any suggestions?""
Did you get your insurance from an agent or a wholesaler?
is it possible to get your private insurance from a wholesaler? is it cheaper?
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
Does car title have to be in my name before I get insurance on it?
I am currently under my parent's car insurance and the car is titled in their name. However, my husband I recently got married and are going to be getting our own car insurance policy tomorrow. Does the title of my car need to be transferred to my name before I can get the insurance on it?""
Car Insurance 10 pts. best answer!?
What are the parties to an insurance policy. So far i've got policyholder, and underwriter what are some other ones? thanks""
Can I save money by canceling my insurance and just driving my girlfriends car?
I got a DUI earlier this year, and naturally, my insurance rates went way up. I'm getting ready to move in with my girlfriend, and we are planning on selling one of the cars. If I sell my car, couldn't I just drive her car and not have to pay the high insurance rates? This seems underhanded and like I'm cheating the system. What are the rules and stipulations with this sort of situation.""
""Does anyone know the best car insurance companies for young people, in the UK?""
When I state best I mean cheapest for a young person. I'm twenty-one in a few months and looking to drive soon but insurance is steep, I found some good companies but just curious to know if there's a specific good one. Any suggestions?""
My new employer wants to add me to their auto insurance i have 30 years driving experience?
But I have not been insured for 10 years.will their insurance rates go up?
How much is registration/insurance for a 17 year old?
Does anyone know how much car insurance is in QLD australia for 6 monthda and a year for a 17 year old
How does the good grade discount work for auto insurance?
I am a teen and going to be driving soon, but i was wondering how does the good grade discount work im asking two questions: What does your GPA need to be? (generally, i know maybe ...show more""
Whether to wait for up-to-date No-Claim-Bonus certificate before applying for Car insurance in UK?
Till date, I have 4 years NO CLAIM BONUS and I will get this as 5 Year NCB on 7th Dec 2013, when I complete another year. I have now changed my car - got a new car and will sell my old one. I have now got to get the insurance for my new car within 7 days. All quotes I am getting is based on 4 yrs NCB. The question is - a) Do I go for a 1 year insurance with 4 yrs NCB and then change the insurance again after it expires? OR b) Do I get into a 4 yrs insurance and then change it in Dec 2013 when I get 5 yrs NCB? Which option works out cheaper? I have to get the insurance within 7 days but then I don't want to miss out on the bargain i can get when I have 5 yrs NCB. Also will my current (old car) insurer provide me a NCB certificate for 4yrs 10 months as I was not with them for the whole year? please advise as to which is a cheaper option.""
Teen driver car insurance?
i'm 18 years old, got my license officially in march. I can't really drive my parents car around because im not on their insurance plan (and they worry) what is the cheapest car insurance plan i could get possibly to be insured with my parents? not sure what they have i think its state farm. does insurance depends on the car? if it matters my dad has a 1997 mini van,plymouth. and my mom has a 2005 jeep cherokee. about how much would it cost to be insured in one of their cars?""
What is the cheapest teenage auto insurance in texas??
in austin, texas just got a permit ....drive a honda,-accord ... am going to be 16 in like 4 months""
Car Insurance?
My daughter is going to be 17 soon and is looking to buy a small car, ie corsa. Does anyone know the cheapest place to get car insurance for young drivers. She would prefer to have the insurance in her own name to build up no claims discount.""
What car insurance coverage is actually necessary?
And how much of each do you really need?
""I have Full Coverage Insuranc. Someone vandalized my car destroying the hood, and the front window is busted ?""
My friend has full coverage insurance. Someone vandalized his car destroying the hood and busted the front window out. Will the insurance company cover this? Someone also advised us that it would be better to report the car stolen and they would cover it once it's found with the damage. Is this true? we really need some advice on this one. Don't want to be stuck having to pay the costs for all this damage. Also, what steps he should take first, i.e - informing the police, ect?""
CAR INSURANCE - 2nd driver?
My sister who recently passed her driving test would like to buy a car, problem is car insurance quote comes up to 3000, which is too much! So i was thinking to get the insurance in my name, and put her down as secondary driver. I already have another car, where i am also primary driver. If she crashed her car, would this get flagged up under my insurance, although she crashed it....i dont want to pay high insurance for the rest of my life for her mistake or would it come under her record??""
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
Which Insurance is better?
I am looking for new car insurance, so I narrowed it down to Geico and Progressive? Anybody have any experience with either of them?""
What insurance companies allows under 25's to drive any car on fully-comprehensive insurance?
Hi there, I'm 18 and have insurance with Tesco young drivers however that does not cover me to drive every car as under 25's aren't covered. I need to drive my mums car soon and she is abroad on business for 6months so cannot add me on to her insurance either, which leaves me with a problem. I can't find a company anywhere that allows under 25's to drive any car on fully-comprehensive insurance so was wondering if anybody out there did? Thank you""
Car Accident and No Fault Insurance?
My sister was hit by a car while she was crossing the street on her way to school. Now the hospital has sent as a statement asking for her no-fault insurance policy number. We don't have auto insurance so how do we fill in the form? Can we use the insurance number of the part at fault?
""How good would a 1.6 Renault Clio RXE for road tax ,insurance running costs be?""
How good would a 1.6 Renault Clio RXE for road tax ,insurance running costs be?""
How much will my Progressive car insurance increase if I add a 93 Camaro for my 16 year old?
Any idea where I can find this info? Any estimates?
Advice for Car Insurance?
Hi, I just been given a quote for a car insurance and it says Annual premium is 3000 and Total Excess is 1000. Does this mean, my total amount of car insurance is 4000. What is Annual Premium and Total Excess what does it really mean. Your advice is important to me, thanks""
Question about car Insurance.?
I live in Canada, Ontario. My question is, if I am 16 years old, can I call insurance companies for insurance quotes? Of course if I have my license and tell them everything honestly and truthfully. Do I have to be 18 or above to do this? Just please tell me if I am eligible to call insurance companies on my own to gather quotes. Thank you""
Convertible car higher insurance?
lets say there is a 350z Coupe and a 350z Convertible, is the 350z Convertible insurance cost more than the 350z Coupe?""
""How could i get affordable car insurance with in10, 8 points, 3 Children :'(?""
So i passed at 17, Iam 21 now, at the age of 19 i got my licence taken off me for driving without insurance (my fault thought i was insured third party on my dads car with his permission) With 8 points and a fine included. Since 19 ive been taking buses and sick of it missing lessons etc because i commute to Uni. 2 years later ive had enough and passed my test. How on earth do i get insured at 21 with 8 points in Bradford? Surely someone must be in the same boat and have some advice ? I have a car and 3 children and they are nearly all starting school i really need to be driving them there. I want to do the right thing and be fully insured its bin 3 years since i had the in10 cant they not be so harsh as its been so long now. Ive matured and am the calmest driver ive ever been. Thankyou to anyone who helps !""
Good health insurance for a small family?
My husband and i are looking to health insurance for our family and i was wondering if any one knew of a good company (in Florida) that was affordable. He is 21, I'm 17 and our daughter is 10 months. We are also expecting another one in November and need prenatal care as soon as possible. Thanks.""
What Cheap car insurance do you use?
What car insurance do you use?
""16 year old guys, how much do you pay in auto insurance every month?""
im tired of filling out online quote forms, just so it can tell me to call a customer service rep. i dont even have a car yet, but im planning on getting one, and im just wondering what the average for 16 year old guys is for auto insurance how much do you pay for insurance per month, how old are you, what do you drive? is it like $150, $200, $250, $300""
Will my insurance company raise rates because of a speeding ticket.?
With this ticket the cop said if i pay it before a certain date i wouldnt get any points on my license so would the insurance company even find out?
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old girl?
i am looking at buying a car when i pass my test, was just wondering what would be the cheapest way to insure a car and what cars are cheap for insurance?""
How much does teen car insurance cost?
I'm 16, and I'm about to get my drivers license. My dad is insured through the aarp people because its cheaper for him. he called them to ask how much it would cost to put me on his insurance, and they said 120 dollars a month. I thought this seemed a little unreasonable, because i'm just going to drive a three thousand dollar car like twice a week. How much do you/ your parents pay for car insurance for young drivers? I have good grades. can that get me a discount?""
Car insurance question?
My car is currently under my parents name any under my parents insurance. It was a gift from my parents but we never bothered changing the ownership over and it wasn't a big deal since we live in the same home. I am planning on moving out soon, do I need to have the car put in to my own name to get my own insurance and to make it legal? I've heard that continuing to pay through their plan without living in there house would make it void. If I don't change my ID right away would it still count as me not living there?""
Need cheapest car insurance company in Alberta?
I'm 16 and I just bought a car. It's a 1998 Chevrolet tracker and I'm trying to find the cheapest insurance company. I just need liability and nothing else. Anyone have any suggestions?
Where can I get affordable group health insurance?
I am a college student who has alot of anxiety right now due to the recent divorce of my parents. I would greatly benefit from having psychological treatment right now but I have no insurance & it is expensive. Does anybody know of an insurance that would cover this?
Can a Company charge more for insurance monthy for employees who work out of state?
This company who's headquarters is in California, is charging about 45 dollars a month for insurance, but if you work out of state, anywhere else, it is 105.00. This is the same position with the company despite the price difference. Is this employee fairness? Is this legal? Thanks!""
""How long will I have to work until I can get a car, and insurance?
I'm 16 and plan to work at McDonald's or a local restaurant. It'll be after school so I'll only be earning minimum wage. How long will I have to work to earn enough money to buy a car and insurance? Thank you!
Can the government require you to buy insurance?
In listening to the Supreme Court arguments about Obamacare a question keeps coming to mind. The major arguing point seems to be: Can the government constitutionally require people to buy health insurance? If the answer turns out to be no, does that mean the government can not require you any insurance? Like car insurance? Don't use the argument that driving is a privilege, not a right. There is ample judicial precedence that says owning a car & driving is, in fact, a right in the U.S. It certainly is necessary to get hired.""
Who do you have for car insurance? open!?
looking for a cheap car insurance, buut not to cheap were if i get into a car crash they'd give me 10 cents. any suggestions?""
Is there an affordable health insurance plan for someone who doesn't make a lot of money?
I'm 23 and I work 2 jobs. I go to school part time. After I pay all my bills I don't have much money left.
Need help on car insurance for young driver?
Hi! I've been struggling to get a good quote for car insurance for a while now. I tried all the big name comparison sites and every one is quoting me 4k (monthly installments). I opted for third party and theft, i am 22 years of age and my postcode starts with sl1 (slough) and i got pass plus and had my licence (manual) since march 2011. I got my car already its a Peugeot 206 1.6l petrol manual 1999 3doors. If you have time you can try for yourself with the above details the quote is freaking too much. Is this just how it is or am i doing something wrong? If you can point me to the right direction that would be amazing!!""
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
0 notes
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do you need full coverage insurance for a new motorcycle?
I am planning to get a new 07 triumph daytona 675 in Minneasota, and i was wondering since i would it would on a loan would you have to have full coverage on it or can i just have liabilty? since i would be making payments on the bike and the bank owns it . Kinda like cars ?""
What are the costs of running a car?
Firstly, I'm in the UK. I want to know if I can afford a car, so I need to know what you have to pay for. At the moment I'm aware of insurance, the cost of the vehicle (and petrol) and MOT. Are there any other costs I have to take into account? Thank you.""
I am looking for the website for the Illinois Insurance Auto Assigned Risk Pool?
This pool provides insurance for high risk drivers on a rotating basis.
Adding body kit or alloy wheels increase insurance on 17 year old?
I will be 17 in January and was wondering whether adding a body kit or alloy wheels to something like a fiat seicento would increase the insurance... because it may be more desirable to steal? Please give me legit answers...
What kind of life insurance companies are there in states?
What kind of life insurance companies are there in states?
What is the diffrence between the full tort and limited tort auto insurance?
i have just moved to nj from england and im trying to get insurance on my range rover i have just bought here but your insurance is totally diffrent to ours what is full tort and limited tort (etc) on progressive i can get my range rover insured for $200 a month but then it says recommended $450 and plus package $570 we dont have these diffrent packages i have no idea what bodily injury is and it goes on about all these thousends of dollars on property damage and lawsuits and uninsured its all so confusing can someone please help and break it all down im only 20 but im 21 tomorrow i moved here in april this year so i dunno if it will be cheaper when im 21 tomorrow i know it drops in england when your 21 but im not sure about here any advice would be appreciated thanks p.s love the country :)
How much would health insurance cost for me?
I am 22 years old, I am completely healthy, I am a girl, and I live in Kansas City, KS. How much would health insurance, on average, cost for me?""
Car insurance excess reclaiming?
My car was written off back in sept 08 after two cars collided infront of me and one spun and wrecked the front of my car. Both parties are disputing liability and I have got nowhere ...show more
I received a speeding ticket in IL for 16 mph over. It is my first offense. Will my insurance rates go up?
I was going 46 in a 30. I've never gotten a ticket before. My insurance provider is Auto-Owner's Insurance (Michigan) through A Fazio Inc. in Joliet, IL. I didn't get the option of completing driving school or an online driving course, just to pay the ticket or contest it in court in three weeks.""
How Much is a car note usually for a 2006 Chevy cobalt or any 2006 model? and car insurance for a 20 year old?
How Much is a car note usually for a 2006 Chevy cobalt or any 2006 model? and car insurance for a 20 year old?
Is the new ford mustang a good 16 yr old car?
I'm either preferring that or a Chevy Avalanche. Which would be safer/better performance?
Do you have to insure a road legal quad?
One with number plates, i want one. I'm 17 and don't have 5 grand to insure my own car, so what about a road legal quad? Are they loads to insure, or are they free to drive on a road? Thanks.""
Would a warrant for a no insurance ticket affect me in california from minnesota?
Would a warrant for a no insurance ticket affect me in california from minnesota?
Car insurance help for teens?
im getting my drivers license this summer and next year november we have an extra car that a hundai that we can trade in to get a new car i was wondering if i buy a Mitsubishi lancer es or even something better would my insurance go sky high??
""When starting new car insurance, can insurers decline no claims bonus due to 2 motorway speeding convictions?""
Hello, I am trying to arrange vehicle insurance. I have contacted A&L with regards to their car insurance. Basically I have just changed jobs, where I had company cars for the last 6 years with no claims. I asked A&L if they would accept this as no claims, and they said they would if I could provide a letter from my previous employers stating dates, that I was sole user, that I no longer have policy and that it expires within last 3 months etc. I have provided them with the letter which covers all areas requested. They have now replied back to me saying that they can't accept the no claims, as I have 2 SP30 (Motorway speeding) convictions within the last 5 years, which means they will not accept the no claims. Is this acceptable? I though no claims were only relinquished if a claim in made against a policy, not because I have a couple of run-of-the-mill speeding convictions. Thanks in advance, James""
Can I apply for Medicaid when im 18!?
So, im 18... and I live with my boyfriend right now. I would like to get on my own insurance so that I can have dental insurance and be able to afford braces. Is it possible to sign up for some sort of dental care that I could get on even if Im only 18?""
""A question about car registration, insurance, etc?""
If I purchased a used car from a private seller, or even a dealer, the title was given to me and I go to the DMV to register it under my name, etc what happens next? Am I allowed to drive the car while waiting for the registration tags to come in and for me to find insurance for the car, or is my car supposed to sit in my driveway until all the registration paperwork with the DMV is completed?""
Does my grandmother need car insurance if she doesnt drive...?
She doesn't have a license and hasn't had one in decades. Her children drive her to and from church, grocery stores, etc. in her car bc she has trouble getting in and out of their cars. So, does she HAVE to have inurance? I would imagine if her children have insurance, then she wouldn't need it. Anyone know the rules on this?""
What are cts insurance rates compared to other luxury cars ?
2006 cts with 2.8 L base model what are the average insurance rates compared to other luxury cars
Who has the lowest price on car insurance? Please tell me how much you pay and your coverage limits?
Who has the lowest price on car insurance? Please tell me how much you pay and your coverage limits?
Car insurance for teenage girl?!?
I'm an a student. How much would the average cost be for car insurance if I'm under my parents insurance? I'm also 16 and a female! Also on the bill is the payment combined or would I be able to see how much my payment is individually?? Please and thank you!
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for a 17yearold you have found?
Right now on my parents plan I'm quoted at $215 a month have u found anything cheaper?
Cheapest insurance for motorcycle in melbourne?
hi m looking for insurance company that hs cheapest price for me. m 19 yo female, 4years experience on motorcycle. help me pls,,, i think i ll gt for the third party""
Affordable Life Insurance at 80?
Please help me find an affordable life insurance at 80 years of age to life. Thank you, Lily""
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in ct?
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in ct?
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State Farm Life Insurance... 30 year term? Whole Life? Select Term? Universal?
What insurance should I get? I'm in my late 20's and I'd like to make sure that if anything were to happen to me that my husband and son are left with enough to continue to stay on their feet. The 30 year term is affordable, but the life expectancy of my great grandparents, grandparents and parents, across the board is at least over 65. I'm as healthy as an ox now, but I know that diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol run in my family. I'm very active so I have no signs of any disease related to heart disease. It's a fear that I've had since I was a kid and it's the main reason why I stay active. That being said, what should I get? I already have 2 cars and condo insurances through State Farm so I'd get something like 17% off my car insurance. I'm struggling to figure out which policy to choose. I need some insight.""
How much would a 16 year old boy pay for car insurance?
I am not 16 yet, but I want to get a Chevy Camaro. I live in PA, and am wondering how much car insurance would cost me a year with out wrecks, tickets, etc. I went to chevy.com and built my own Camaro, and it cost me about $25,000 with the specs, and colors I want.""
Why is it so cheap to live in America? but your hospital treatment is so expensive?
do these insurance schemes really cover you for major surgery?
""How much is insurance for state farm for a 1000cc, 750, and 600 gsxr for a 16 year old?""
I know what your thinking but hear me out, the new 2009 Suzuki gsxr has different modes like the 600cc mode, 750cc mode, and 1000cc mode i was thinking to get the 750 but if the 1000 has those modes then id want to get that and stay on that till i felt ready for the 1000 power cause i was gonna get the 1000 in college anyway but why waste the money now on the 600 then have another payment in 2 years on the 1000 when i can just use the settings till then when i have more experience??? but put that all aside how much is the insurance for a 1000cc bike? just so i can know for when im 18 if i dont get the 1000""
I need tips for reducing cost of car insurance plz?
Ive got a few tips but can anyone think of any more? thanks a million
How much does motorcycle insurance cost?
Im planning on purchasing an '08 kawasaki ninja 250 for college but I am doing so without my parents approval which means i have to pay for everything (bummer!) But I was wondering how much typical insurance would be for a bike like this???
Ok how much would car insurance cost?
I'm asking this question for my 16 year old friend Gabby her parents just bought her a BMW 328i xDrive Sedan for 37,000 so she is wondering how much insurance is going to cost because she is in the proccess of trying to convince her parents to let her pay insurance or payments shes comparing which will cost less so insurance?? how much $$""
Paying my car insurance off early?
I have the cash to do so. And i only owe about 200 cause i already paid 2 months off early. But im jw when the next bill will be so i dont have to worry about. If it helps any i have the general car insurance they are local so idk if itll help lol
Car insruacne quote?
im gonna book car insurance with diamond if the annual amount of my quote on their website says 353.95 i worked it out to be 29.50 per month, its says if i want to pay monthly i need to phone. i want to pay monthly, will it be just that amount per month, or will they try and add stuff on? also will they take payment instantly or only on the direct debit date? help""
What to do when you have lost your insurance documents?
i lost my life insurance documents what should be my next step
Laddies. Is there any good Health Insurance that is not that expensive?
I know this is a dump question to ask but is there a Health Insurance that is not that expensive out there? I live in Missouri and she is 29 years old. We have 2 kids and live pay ...show more
Right now Im on my parent's car insurance policy b/c im 17 but im looking to move out soon?
Can someone please tell me how much your car insurance goes up once you are on you own plan. im paying 360 every three months now.
Seperate Business Car insurance Policy?
I am starting my own delivery business and plan on using my own vehicle, I have looked into the price of business car insurance and got a rough quote, however I realised I am with Hastings Direct, and have not seen anything about business car insurance with them, so I checked on their site and it appears they do not offer business car insurance, so my question is, should I cancel the policy with them and take out a new one with someone who does, or is it possible to have a domestic car insurance with one company and a business one with another?""
How much is car insurance?
How much can I expect car insurance to cost? I am taking drivers ed soon (which I have heard lowers the insurance price) and I also get pretty good grades (which I also hear lowers the insurance price). I would be driving a used car. Any ideas on how much insurance would cost me?
What kind of car insurance covers takeaway deliveries?
Hi, I am soon starting a (very) part-time job delivering chinese food one day a week, 5 hours. I have been trying to find out what sort of insurance I need for my car as I am only covered for SD&P. I got a quote for one company who insured for business use, but they wouldn't cover takeaway deliveries! And my current insurer doesn't do anything like it. I know that places like Domino's and Pizza Hut provide supplemental insurance for their drivers, but this place doesn't do anything of the sort and I don't want to get caught out, especially for something like this? Thanks :)""
""Got a dui in ny, how much will car insurance go up?""
OK so i recently was caught for a DUI in NY state , i am under my sister's insurance (geico) and the car is in my name....i want to know how much will the insurance go up even though my sister never had a claim and i am under her...""
How does my driving record affect my parents insurance rates?
In Illinois How does my driving record (20 F) affect my parents auto insurance if I'm not on their policy? I have my own car in my name and my own insurance policy in a different company than theirs. I do have 2 points on my record from a collision back in Oct. of 08' shortly after I got my license. Even than I had my own car and own insurance. I do live at home but I don't drive any of their cars ever.
Should an insurance company give you what your car is worth or how much it would take to replacement it?
The insurance adjuster (my car is totaled) says that he is only obligated to give me what my car is worth and he determined that figure was determined by taking a random 30 cars and averaging their prices -- not considering some have been wrecked, etc. My car was in great shape with some extras. Also, should the money awarded include what taxes will cost on my next vehicle as well?""
Cheapest car insurer and cheapest car to ensure?
Hello i will do my lessons soon and was wondering what is the best way to get cheap car insurance, thanks allot best regards Bilal""
Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
I am 16 and I live in Florida, I just want to get a motorcycle license without the whole drivers license thing because cheaper insurance. My parents are making me pay and I need it as cheap as possible. Thanks :)""
Why is car insurance more expensive based on age than value?
I am trying to shop for a new car but I want to know if I can manage the monthly expenses such as insurance and gas. I am interested in the 2011 Nissan Altima 2.5 S Coupe the Kelley Blue book value for the car is $17,000. The car has really good gas but I was shock to see the estimated quote for car insurance to be over a $100 a month. I was also interested in the 2008 Lexus IS 250 and the Kelley Blue Book value is $21,000. The gas for the car is okay but not as good as the nissan but the estimated car insurance quote to my surprise was only $45 a month. That doesn't really make any sense shouldn't it be more expensive since the car is worth more?""
17 Year Old Car Insurance?
Hi, I'm 17 male - just wanted to know how much would the insurances be if i bought a 1.2car""
What's the best health insurance to be with having three kids all under 12 years old plus two adults?
What's the best health insurance to be with having three kids all under 12 years old plus two adults?
Is comprehensive car insurance cheaper if you own the car?
is it cheaper than if you had a loan out on it? why is this? thanks
Travel Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of any websites that can allow insurance on a car for about a week just for travel? I am going to Vegas and using my mom's car but I have to get insurance on it but I only want it for the week. Any ideas ??
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virginia insurance defense attorneys
What car dealers offer free insurance with their finance cars?
I am looking to get a car on finance with free insurance in the uk can anyone help or provide a link ? Thank you
Why is older cars like a 1970 camaro cheaper on insurance then a new one like a 1996 camaro?
Plz need help on this
Car insurance question?
I'm gonna ask my dad to add me as a second driver on his car insurance etc. In order god him to do that I think I need to be insured but how can I get insurance if I do not own a car. How does t it work?
Unemployed 18 to 25 year olds forced to have health insurance under Obamas plan?
if you where laid off, then your ok. But if you quit your last job you will be required by law to keep health insurance or be fined $2700/yr. And by the way thats $225/mo. for the ...show more""
""I am getting ready to get homeowners insurance in Indianapolis, IN. Anyone have a good place they go?""
I am going to be in the Speedway area but it doesn't have to be in that area, just someplace around Indy. Just looking for an affordable and reliable place. Hopefully you guys have some good suggestions. Thanks in advance!""
Where to buy cheap auto insurance?
Im 19 years old and I have had my license for about a year. I have no speeding tickets and have never been in a wreck. My driving record is picture perfect. I have been driving my moms car and she has had me under her insurance so it was really cheap. But Im getting ready to buy an 06' Chevy Colbat and where I am buying it off a car lot, she cant afford to put me under her name on insurance, becuase I will have to get full coverage as where as before I had liability. Is there a place in WV or somewhere online that offers reasonable prices on full coverage insurance for someone of my age. My mom is telling me my insurance is going to be about as much as my car payment. Is there any way to get it lower? I need a cheap place for insurance! Thnks.""
Auto insurance question?
I am paying $166 monthly for 2 cars, full coverage, 6 month premium around 970. I'm not sure if that's cheap or expensive. What is the average most people pay for 2 cars? I'm curious. I have insurance through USAA.""
Change in Health insurance? Or not?
First, I hate insurance companies. I really don't understand how they can continue to get away with the cherry picking of clients to minimize their losses...I myself have health insurance through my employer, however when I was between jobs at one point I applied for short term coverage and was denied because I had previously had an abnormal pap smear...I was furious!!! My quesiton is - how do you think private health insurance will be impacted, IF AT ALL, if Obama gets elected this fall?""
Car Insurance Taken Away?!?!?! HELP?
Ok... so my mom got in a car accident.. which made the insurance company look at my insurance. They decided that I was an at-risk driver.. and they were not getting sufficient money from me if I were to get in an accident and la-de-da so my insurance was taken away!!!! They sent me a letter telling me to basically find another company within a week. I was just wondering.. has this happened to anyone else?! How much will my insurance go up?? -I've had 1 accident that was due to weather conditions... yet they still classified it as at fault -1 speeding ticket (10km over... no points taken away) -1 no-seatbelt ticket. I am 19 in a month... an honours student.. female..going for my 'g' in a week. .... What do I do?!?!
Whats the cheapest place to get car insurance when you got 2 dui's over three years ago?
Whats the cheapest place to get car insurance when you got 2 dui's over three years ago?
My insurance co. just cancelled my policy!!! Plz. HELP!!!!?
""I am looking to get an 80' s mustang, v8, and possibly with a superchager on it. What would the insurance cost
be? what would be the difference between with a super and without one? I am 17 and it would be with my parents insurance. Thanks!
Auto Insurance?
i need to renew my auto insurance next month i drive a Infiniti G35 and a Subaru wrx (not STI) can anyone tell me if they have ever purchased insurance for any of these vehicles and where was the cheapest i need full cov. on both. Or just anywhere its cheap, i live in central california (bakersfield) THANKS""
Who has cheapest car insurance in florida?
Who has cheapest car insurance in florida?
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deductable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance?""
""How does my health insurance deductible going up to $6,000 from $2,500 make it more affordable ?
For me? Can anyone tell me?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for an 18 year old male?
Got a job and kind of looking towards to putting my truck under my name but i was just wondering what the cheapest insurance would be.
Which private dental insurance is the best and how much does it cost a month?
Which private dental insurance is the best and how much does it cost a month?
I hit my sisters car in the drive way. will my insurance go up?
When i was backing out she was really close and i hit here side with mine. i put a palm size dent in the car and i broke here mustangs lubber. will my insurance go up because of this? i herd that something like that it wont. it happened in my drive way. and my insurance comp is the General
Good car insurance rate?
Is $400/annually for 1 way car insurance a good deal? I an with triple a, and drive a 94 Honda accord 1 way policy. Ive been with them for a couple years now bcuz they got towing in my policy. Just wondering is this a good price? as my policy renewal deadline is near.?""
Which insurance is best Life (term or level) or Mortgage insurance?
Hello I am currently pregnant and live with my boyfriend in a mortgage property. This is our mortgage together and was wondering which insurance is best to secure our family's future. I am not sure whether to go for Life Term Insurance, Life Level Insurance or Mortgage Insurance? The policy will be a joint one unless good advice is given!! :-) I would appreciate an explanation in stupid terms please HAHA as this is a serious policy for our future. Many Thanks""
I have geico auto insurance .I moved to another state and got cheaper insurance.Do i need to provide geico wi?
new insurance company name and info or are they just supposed to cancel my policy .
Is it illegal if someone else pays for my health insurance?
I lost my job last month, and I need to know if there would anything illegal or wrong if say a relative paid for my health insurance until I get a new job? The insurance is through this new Affordable Care Act program.""
Car accident without insurance? Not at fault and no police report.?
This happened in California. I am an excluded driver on my dad's policy and do not have insurance myself. I was moving the car out of the garage to a parking spot in our complex. I came to a stop at a stop sign within the complex and was hit by another car who was reversing. The other driver admitted fault and I have an email where they essentially admit fault. Since I am an excluded driver and have no insurance, am I able to file a claim with their insurance company? If so, can their insurance deny the claim on the basis that I am an excluded driver and have no insurance?""
What type of insurance is needed to start a cheerleading team?
I would like to start a cheerleading team but do not know what insurance is needed to protect me from being sued if someone is injured during practice. and what other advice is important to know when starting such a bussines?
virginia insurance defense attorneys
virginia insurance defense attorneys
If I cancel my car insurance will my rate go up later?
I'm going to sell my car and use public trans and my bike to get around. I'm wondering if/when I get a car again will I have high rates because it will look like I had a laps insurance.
My uncle bought a school bus and I'm wondering how much insurance is gonna cost him.?
My uncle bought a school bus and I'm wondering how much insurance is gonna cost him.?
Affordable Dental Insurance? Can it be true?
I recently lost my job. I would like a separate dental insurance plan besides my basic health insurance. I wonder if anyone else is feeling the pain like me. Any suggestions?
How does the good grades thing work for car insurance?
i am 17 and i have gieco...what do i do if i have good grades? and whats the minimum grade requirement?
I'm Pregnant With No Insurance?
When Should i go to the doctor?! And Also.. I don't have insurance.. and was wondering what am i supposed to do about that?!! i currently live in california but me and my boyfriend are soon moving to washington. any suggestions or sites you know of for gov't aid?? by the way.. i hate having to go through gov't assistance right now... but it seems to be my only option. any help?!!
Should I cash out a Variable Adjustable life insurance policy?
A little over 2 years ago, I was sold a $100,000 Variable Adjustable life insurance policy. At the time I didn't really know much about life insurance, but it sounded good at the ...show more""
Looking for good company to buy term life insurance?
My husband and I recently purchased a home and have a baby on the way. We are desperately searching for a solid insurance company to purchase a 20yr level term life policy. I have gotten a quote from an independent insurance agent that suggested for Primerica at $95/mo (for both of us with a disability waiver rider) (note: agent is family member), one from SelectQuote for Banner Life (never heard of them) at $64.97/mo for same coverage and waiver, and one from another insurance finder for ING at $72.70. ING has had a good rating but I think they have just been demoted slightly from AM Best and S&P. Any info I find online for customer reviews are all negative for every company I look at (not a single positive review for any). I'm not quite sure how these rates vary so widely. I would rather spend a couple extra dollars a month for peace of mind but I am truly at a loss of what to do. Can anyone make any suggestions or recommendations for a company to go with or look into? Thanks.""
Car Insurance?
Last year I paid my car insurance in one hit, online. This year, renewal price was higher because I got 50 cash back last year. I saved 120 by searching around and went ahead with the new deal. Unbeknown to me the first company renewed my insurance without my knowledge because they had my credit card details from the year before. I ended up being insured with 2 companies for 3 days and I went 109 over my limit on my credit card. Not only is it illegal to be insured by 2 companies at the same time, they did it without my knowledge! Are they allowed to do this? I have, I hope, resolved it but if any charges are incurred either for cancelling my previous insurance or going over my credit limit are these retrievable?""
Good insurance for my car?
my car's insurance is expiring soon. i have two options one is to renewal the existing policy, which i took when i was bought the car. And second one is to take a new policy from a private insurance company. which one is best and which issues should i consider to take a policy and for comparing both.""
What is a good (cheap) insurance in Canada?
I'm a new driver, I would like to have an insurance for myself, in case IF anything happened. What are some companies with good deals? They are mostly expensive, but I have heard there are some cheaper ones available. Thank you for you help!""
NY parked car accident insurance laws.?
Some guy hit my car while it was parked in the road. He knocked on the door and gave me his insurance policy and other information. I live in Rochester, NY and my insurance provider is AIG. If i file a claim, who's insurance pays for the damages (new fender and door)? Will there be a deductible on my part? Will my premiums go up? Doesn't NY have some stupid no-fault law? Or should i just make him pay for everything out of pocket?""
Putting someone on my car insurance policy?
Can i add my brother and his car to my insurance policy? He doesn't have insurance cuz he can't afford the whole big down payment to start his own policy. Can i just add him and his car to mine? I don't drive his car and he doesn't drive mine, so would that work?""
Does PA or NJ have cheaper car insurance?
I'm wanting to know which state has cheaper car insurance. I have usaa. Does it vary state to state ?
Affordable Health Insurance?
I am a 19 year old college student. I have always been on soonercare but I stopped being covered when I turned 18. I take over 20 hours in college and live with my fiance so I am unemployed. I need health inaurance so I can go to the dentist and eye doctor but everything is way expensive. My fiance is covered by his work but they dont offer family coverage so even when we get married a year from now I will still need my own health insurance. Ive tried getting some quotes but I cant pay $200-$300 a month. Is there somewhere to get afordable coverage that I am over looking?
Insurance company is denying me insurance.. can anyone help out?
well i was driving alone on a learners permit, got into an accident where i was not at fault. the insurance company denied the car claim and now they called and said they refuse to cover me unless my ticket is found not guilty. The problem is my court date is in 3 months. Is there any other way i can get insurance coverage?""
2006 Dodge Charger R/T insurance?
I'm 19 years old, and I am very interested into buying a 2006 Dodge Charger R/T. 5.7L V8. I'm a responsible driver with a flawless driving history and have taken (and passed) a driver's education course. The thing I'm concerned about though is the insurance for the vehicle. What makes a car (in itself) have high insurance? Is it based on the performance and power alone, or do other factors come into play such as the size and number of doors? Would a V8 Charger in particular have ridiculously high insurance compared to a more sporty car such as a V8 Mustang of the same year? Well, you probably understand what I'm trying to ask. Someone please enlighten me, thanks. I appreciate it =)""
Car insurance - change of address?
Hi. Recently i changed my address so i had to let the car insurance company know about that. But they charged(actually are willing to chage) me 423 pounds !! Yes, there's not a misspeling. It's 423 . As far as i ve seen, most people get charged no maximum than 50 pounds for this change. Also, there are no changes on my policy. I still have a garage, i still do the same mileage/year and so on. They even confirmed that there's no change in policy details except the new address. The new address it's in Manchester (central area) and before i lived in Bradford(UK). Now, in the mean time, i had a claim. If i would have found about this fee before, i would have cancel my insurance policy but now that i have a claim, i can't cancel it anymore and being refunded (as i paid the insurance for 1 year in one go, Not monthly). I found about this crazy 423 fee only now when i had this claim. You can't find anything about any fees related to changing the address neither on my policy papers nor on their website and online policy books. I suppose they considered this fee just as an administration fee. And i suppose they could have charged me even 10 000 pounds as an administration fee just because they can. I don't feel protected by the company anymore !! that's why it's an insurance company, to protect and take some risks out. The insurance company it's Admiral. I tryed to talk and explain them that this fee it's just nuts but they didn't agreed. The fee it's about 1/4 of the total insurance cost for 1 year. Maybe they try to take advantage of the fact that i can't cancel it (coz i have a claim in process) and i can't get refunded ? Any ideea how should i proceed ? Shall i proceed with any legal actions ? if yes, how much time and money would that cost because i wouldn't go into, i don't think it's worth doing that. Thanks in advance :) Cheers!""
Where can I find affordable health insurance?
It is for me, not a family""
How much will insurance cost for me?
I'm 18, Male, i'm going to be driving a rx8, And i live in Washington state. I know you can't tell me exact, But around how much.""
Question about teen car insurance?
So i have a drivers license, im 17 but i dont have insurance i drive my dads 2006 toyota tundra to school everyday. Prom is next week and its about an hour from my house and my dad does not feel comfterable letting my drive up there without insurance, so what im thinking is i can get myself included in his insurance for just that truck so i would just be an extra driver on that truck he has AAA and its $190 a month for me. So i will only need it for a month because i get my own car next month so i will get my own cheaper insurance by then, so the question is can i remove myself from my dads insurance after i pay the first month? I really need it i already have a prom date, im not missing my senior prom.""
Does home insurance cover acidental damage?
I acidently spilit water on my laptop and broke it. Would home insurance cover this?
Car insurance question?
I recently passed my test, and was looking at car insurance quotes and they're all pretty expensive. I was wondering if I were to just wait until I'm about 23 or 24 before I purchase a car, would the insurance be cheaper, even if I didn't have any driving experience? Thanks in advance.""
What type of insurance is needed to start a cheerleading team?
I would like to start a cheerleading team but do not know what insurance is needed to protect me from being sued if someone is injured during practice. and what other advice is important to know when starting such a bussines?
What are some safe ways to invest other than whole life insurance?
I understand now that term life insurance is the way to go, and then open up a Roth IRA. We are going to meet with our financial adviser and I would like to do more research, hence ...show more""
I need health insurance for my daughter?
I am a 70 % disabled military veteran looking for affordable health insurance for my daughter. Any suggestions?
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virginia insurance defense attorneys
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