#i think it's hypnagogic hallucinations??
very-uncorrect · 3 months
Sometimes I have these super vivid intruding thoughts that aren't in my voice (usually when I'm very tired) and I was just starting to get ready to lay down to sleep (at 2am) and heard some dude say "happy birthday" like sir that was 4 months ago
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suboficialflores · 10 months
I did not have fear nostalgia brought to you by the one and only Robert Stack on my 2023 bingo card
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arievanille · 2 months
Hi hi hi ^_^ im back (again), so i took your advice and while laying down i stated what i wanted and made sure my limbs werent touching while doing my own method. While doing this i felt calm and i envisioned what i wanted. I wanted to wake up as my dr self and my limbs felt numb and twitchy but everytime i moved that ruied it. Any tips on how i can get more symptoms?
Sorry if this is long, have a good day/evening/night!
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Hello anon! How are you?
This probably isn’t what you want to hear but symptoms could be your body falling asleep, or in most cases your body trying to adjust to falling asleep.
My advice to you is to not worry about those symptoms, if you get them great! If you don’t get them still great! You can shift without symptoms and with them, if you let your symptoms be the only thing you focus on when you get those symptoms and they go away you won’t even want to attempt to shift anymore.
Don’t get discouraged bc your symptoms have gone away that just means your body is relaxed and you’re on the next step to shifting, and even sometimes when you get no symptoms its natural, think about it— if you’ve ever done the hypnagogic state, when I do it I get the most symptoms even such as hallucinations but that’s because I’m falling asleep but my mind is still awake.
I’m not saying that symptoms are useless but you shouldn’t focus on them more than shifting.
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divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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mademoisellevixen · 1 year
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Hello fellow mortals. You can call me Vixen. I have been lurking around Tumblr for quite some time now and I have decided to finally share with all of you my method for shifting. Just a little backstory of me, I have been shifting for quite awhile now and after trying out countless of methods, I have finally made something that works for me constantly. Keep in mind that this might not work on the first try for some but with enough practice, one could successfully shift in about a week or so.
This method could be used for other things such as getting into a lucid dream, astral projection, manifesting, remote viewing and whatever other shenanigans you could think of.
So you might be thinking, what is the secret to my easy shifts? The answer is:
It might be a familiar term to some, and to others, probably not so familiar. I wouldn’t want to waste my time explaining it since this post is dedicated to my method so if you are interested, I might or might not make a post that explains on this phenomenon in detail. Just keep in mind that this is a ‘half-awake’ state method that if utilised correctly, you could reap its benefits.
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Steps to my method:
1. Hypnagogia can be induced at any stages of your sleep. However in my case, I would simply carry out ‘wake back to bed’ technique. What I would do is to sleep for about 4-6 hours before waking up to carry out this method.
2. Once done and awake, you do not want to wake up too much. I would usually go to the washroom and head back to bed. What you will have to do now is to do this technique that is quite well known in the lucid dreaming community called the SSILD technique.
3. Now that you are laying on your bed, start to carry out the long ‘Cycle’ for as long as you want to. The key here is for you to fully relax yourself, as if you are about to fall asleep. After cycling the steps that I have linked above, you will be hit with a strong wave of Hypnagogia.
4. Don’t be alarm. This is just the normal process what you would experience when you fall asleep, but this time, you being completely aware. As you are being sucked into Hypnagogia, the next step is on you. Affirm, visualise, whatever floats your boat at the moment.
5. That should be it. With whatever state/shift that you have decided to get into, you should already be in it by the end of this method.
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Ending notes
It is quite simple and it shouldn’t be that difficult to get in with enough practice. Getting into Hypnagogia might be easy but maintaining and getting sucked into it is a different thing so what I would suggest is for you to continue to do the ‘Cycle’ up until you are being bombarded by these hypnagogic hallucinations before implementing your next step of choice.
I am open to answer questions about shifting, manifesting or about this method so don’t be shy to comment down below. Other questions that does not deem as useful to others or me would likely be ignored. Until we meet again.
~ Vixen 🖤
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schizopositivity · 5 months
I have a question
I still don't fully understand what a delusion is and what "double-bookeeping means"
I have not been diagnosed with any neurodivergencies (yet. My doctor said there is a possibility I have ADHD) and I haven't been diagnosed with any mental health problems.
Once when I was young (around 7 years old) I woke up and I started hallucinating that there were these cartoon rats that were trying to launch themselves to the mood. I knew I was awake and that this wasn't a dream so I was confused. At first I thought "silly rats, the window is closed and you will get hit by the glass" and I tried to ignore what the rats were doing by falling back asleep since I assumed it was just my imagination or that I was half asleep. K couldn't fall back asleep because the "rats" were making too much noise. It was making me uncomfortable and scared. After a while of trying to go back to sleep I heard my mom shout at me (at that time I was sleeping in the same room as my mom, her bed was at the other side of the room opposite to mine and her back was facing me) and she was telling me to stop making noise. I was getting even more confused because I wasn't making any noise and I thought the rats were just a part of my imagination, I started panicking. The rats weren't scary looking at all, they weren't making scary noises or doing scary things but I was terrified at what was going on even though I knew it wasn't real and I wasn't scared of punishment because I knew my mom would be to tired to do anything. After a while of trying to control my "imagination" and trying to get the rats to shut up, my mom woke up and she went tp use the washroom without saying a thing to me. The hallucination was fading away and when my mom came back I told her that I didn't make any noise. She was confused, I explained to her that I heard her shout at me to stop making noise. My mom told me she never shouted at me and that she was asleep the whole time. I could barely believe it, I heard her loudly and clearly, I was slightly convinced that my mom was lying about not shouting at me. The next day I was fine and I realized what was real and what wasn't.
Do you know if there are proper terms for what happened to me? I'm not sure if the term "hallucination" is completely correct
To me, this sounds like a hypnagogic hallucination. They are pretty common hallucinations that can affect anyone and happen when someone is falling asleep or waking up. They aren't indicative of any mental illness, they are just a thing that happens to many people. I don't think it's anything to worry about, since it only happened once. Mental illnesses are diagnosed based on frequency, and how much it affects your daily life. And while that experience sounds distressing, it isn't something that has continued to happen. Many people can have hypnagogic or any type of hallucination and not have any sort of psychotic disorder. Hallucinations are just a thing that happens sometimes, it doesn't always mean the experience is disordered.
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ikamigami · 4 months
I was unable to watch whole"Moon's descent into insanity" episode cause that line with being delusional and all that stuff was weird and it pulled me out of it completely.. 😅
Like Moon you're grieving, you're not delusional.. 😮‍💨
Moon had very vivid dream caused by sleep deprivation and he was sleepwalking like I said.. he probably had auditory hallucinations - hypnagogic hallucinations at best..
Wish Monty told Earth about it.. 😕
Maybe then it could've been resolved quicker..
Now Moon will do something stupid and everything will go downhill.. 😓
I think that Earth shouldn't ignored Moon's concerns.. but it is what it is..
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irrevocableloves · 1 year
violent delights
twilight rewrite! edward cullen x fem!witch!reader
chapter six: an old scary story
previous chapter ౨ৎ masterlist ౨ৎ chapter seven
summary: with edward still in her thoughts, will her trip to la push answer all of her unsolved questions?
warnings: blood, gore
words: 1.4k (unedited)
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I tossed and turned in my bed, attempting a nap after today’s events, all that should’ve drained me completely. From nearly passing out in Biology, those images, the blood. I shivered at the thought. Then, Edward. No. I should be thinking about what I’d seen, how the world around me had gone completely silent as the nightmare of images had flared through my mind. But, no. All I could think about was Edward’s last words to me: Maybe another time. Just the two of us. It was all too much to take in at once.
Once I settled myself down on my desk chair with my computer lighting up my dark room, racking my brain for something to search. An answer to what I’d seen. The dreams I could ignore and blame my acute sense of imagination. But to be completely pulled out of my reality, to be shown gruesome images in the middle of Biology was something different entirely. I couldn’t even blame my trauma on that episode.
All that I could think to search was: ‘images flashing in my mind,’ which had brought me to the term hypnagogic: relating to the state immediately before falling asleep. I wasn’t asleep. Faint, yes. But no, it didn’t feel right.
The more I searched upon the hypnagogic state, it related more to hallucinations; things that couldn’t possibly be as clear as what I’d seen at all.
I’d given up by the time I decided to search up on visions, seeing images throughout the day, being pulled out of my conscious thought, but all signs had pointed towards severe mental issues and that I should get help immediately.
Maybe it was the shock. Maybe the blood had caused some sort of unusual hallucination from that night, maybe things that had completely blocked out my mind had risen up. But the boat? The dock? There were people… with red beading eyes. All of that was new.
I sighed, defeated, plopping down on my bed.
After a couple of minutes, I read the clock on my nightstand: 7:00 PM. I got up, deciding to go downstairs to start dinner.
I decided to reheat Harry Clearwater’s fish fry, frying it back in the oven and boiling a pot of rice along with a frozen pack of broccoli in the microwave. When I was nearly done, I heard my dad coming through the front door.
“Hey, Y/N/N,” he said, setting the mail on the table.
“Hey,” I started.
He started taking out plates and silverware out of the cabinets.
“Hey, Dad?” I asked. “Do you know a place called Goat Rock or something like that?”
“Yeah, why?”
I shrugged. “Some kids were talking about camping there.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “It’s not a very good place for camping. Too many bears. Most people go there during the hunting season.”
“Oh,” I mumbled. “Nevermind, probably got the name wrong.”
He only nodded, serving himself a plate of everything. I did the same. Then we both ate in our usual comfortable silence.
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The beach trip had gone as usual, except it was Mike driving Tyler’s van because of my dad’s success in suspending his license. The rest of the group attempted to surf in the icy waters while Angela and I sat in the back of Tyler’s now dented van with the comfort of our sweaters and blankets. After an hour, we decided to set down blankets close to the water so Angela could take photographs.
Once they came back to shore, we all settled down in the sand.
I closed my eyes, letting the sound of the waves soothe my ears, tuning out the conversations about the dance (one that I probably shouldn’t go to since I’m without a date).
Before I drifted off, I heard a new group’s voice coming closer, opening my eyes, I saw a familiar face amidst the crowd. “Jake?” I called.
“Y/N!” He smiled, attempting to jog towards us.
“Guys, this is Jacob. You all remember Jacob right?” I greeted. Jacob had been there for all of my birthdays and had sometimes joined us on our beach trips, but he mostly kept to himself, only bothering to conversate with Angela, who was the least intense of the group so I didn’t blame him.
They all nodded, exchanging ‘hi’s’ and smiles.
Jacob plopped down next to me, asking about my car, which turned into an entire conversation about his growing obsession with cars ever since his dad let him work on mine over the summer.
Lauren walked by, an obvious hint of jealousy in her eyes. “Y/N,” she called out. “I was just saying to Tyler that it was too bad none of the Cullens could come out today. Didn’t anyone think to invite them?” Her tone was almost mocking.
I didn’t say anything. A boy had spoken up, he looked quite older than the rest. “That doctor’s family?” Lauren nodded. “The Cullen’s don’t come here.” A look of disgust plastered on his face.
I stayed silent. From the looks of the school, I knew the Cullen’s had a hard time fitting in, but they didn’t seem to care about social cues or how others perceived them. Even my father heard the gossip of the town surrounding the Cullens, but even he knew that they were good people, and that was a judgment that I was willing to trust more than gossip. Plus, I knew Edward. At least I think I do.
Once Jacob and I separated ourselves from the group, I sprang up a question: “Was that Sam? Thought he said he was too old to hang out with us.”
“Yeah.” He chuckled.
 “What did he mean by ‘the Cullens don’t come here’?”
“Oops. Caught that, huh?” He laughed it off. “I’m not really supposed to say anything.”
“I won’t tell anyone. I’m just a little curious.”
“It's really just an old scary story.” He laughed. “Do you know any of our old stories, about where we came from – the Quileutes, I mean?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Well, there’s one legend that claims that we descended from wolves – and that the wolves are our brothers still. It’s against tribal law to kill them.” Wolves? He continued on, “Then there are the stories about the cold ones…”
“The cold ones?” I asked, feeling a shiver down my spine.
“Yeah. The legend with the Cullens is that they supposedly descended from this, like… ‘enemy clan’... According to the legend, my own great-grandfather knew some of them. He was the one who made the treaty that kept them off our land.”
I nodded, letting him know to continue on.
“The cold ones are the natural enemies of the wolf–well, not the wolf, really, but the wolves that turn into men, like our ancestors. You would call them werewolves."
My eyebrows furrowed.​​ “Enemies how?”
“The wolves served to protect, while the cold ones… feasted.” I was getting impatient from his sugar-coating.
"So you see," Jacob continued, “the cold ones are traditionally our enemies, but this pack was different. They didn't hunt the way others of their kind did – they weren't supposed to be dangerous to the tribe. So my great-grandfather made a truce with them. If they would promise to stay off our lands, we wouldn’t expose them to the pale-faces.”
“What do you mean by ‘hunt’?”
“They claimed that they didn’t hunt humans. They supposedly preyed on animals instead.” Oh. I couldn’t believe I was actually considering this story.
“So, how does this fit in with the Cullens?” I breathed out, knowing the answer. “Are they like the cold ones that your great-grandfather met?”
"No." He paused dramatically. “They’re the same ones." I tried hard to keep my expressions flat, but failed as I saw the look on Jacob’s face. He smiled, looking almost pleased with himself.
“So… what are they? The cold ones?”
“Blood drinkers,” he replied, his tone darkening. “Your people call them vampires.”
Vampires. I didn’t realize how big of a breath I’d taken, releasing it slowly before speaking up. “Wow.” I laughed. “You’re a really good storyteller.”
A bit of a silence rose between the two of us. Vampires? Werewolves? I was dying to know if there was more. An answer to all of my questions.
“What about witches?” I forced out.
“What about them?” He seemed surprised by my question.
“I mean like… witches? Maybe even sirens? Seers? You think they exist?”
“They’re just stories, Y/N.” He laughed it off.
“Yeah. Right.” 
“Pretty crazy, though, isn’t it? No wonder my dad doesn’t let us tell anyone about it.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll keep your secret.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “Please don’t say anything to your dad. He was pretty pissed when he heard some of us weren’t going to the hospital since Dr. Cullen started working there.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
next chapter
a/n: this chapter is superrr short and booooo no edward </3 but i really loved the book's telling of the legend of the quileutes and the cullens !!
tags: @measure-in-pain @brekkers-whore @rejectedbimbo @leilanileila @anothercoffeeblogx @cevans-winchester @trawberry-fire (if you'd like to be tagged, either comment on this post or click the link below!)
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This is technically not a dream it was I think a hypnagogic hallucination mixed with sleep paralysis but it was memorable so I need to write this down
I was laying in my bed in the same position I fell asleep in and I could see which I shouldnt have been able to since I wear sleep masks and it wss on while I was falling asleep
and I couldn't move but I could tell there was something behind me and it was running it's hands across my spine I could feel it and whispering something incomprehensible and it kept leaning over to look at me in the eyes
and it was the boiled one.
and I just kept just repeating in my head "if I don't look at it it can't hurt me if I don't look at it it can't hurt me if I don't look at it it can't hurt me" but I couldn't move my head away so it was just staring me in the eyes and repeating "go to sleep. go to sleep" and I did go to sleep but not before screaming in my head "NO NO I DONT WANT TO GET AWAY FROM ME WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO ME!?" right before I fell asleep
and as I was screaming that its face was just getting closer to me until all I could see was it's face as it watched me fall asleep. involuntarily. I was so terrified of falling asleep but it felt like I had no control of myself
I did watch the boiled one phenomenon like that day but it wasn't really that scary (honestly I was more scared of the pictures of the boiled one itself that thing is horrifying) but this was absolutely terrifying and it still is remembering it to write this is making me feel scared again
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erotic-meloncholy · 7 months
End of Beginning
(Rated: E)
Wilson is out of his element. Wilson is a one woman lover. Wilson is confident. Wilson knows how to bring a woman to climax. He likes it. It makes him happy to please.
But Kyle is the one standing in a methy motel room on the side of the highway with two women looking at him like he knows what to do. He reaches a hand to run through his hair. Oh yeah, he's also wearing the stupid bald cap.
"Well, would you like a drink? I think we have" Wilson looks around the room, "tap water." Not that he suggests drinking it. They both look at each other with forced grins and laughs.
"I think we're good, thanks." Sandy says. Shannon nods in agreement.
"That's-- probably smart." Wilson says as he looks over at the not quite clear water dripping from the faucet.
He fiddles with the strap on his wrist. Avoids looking at the time. This is Wilson's fantasy. When he thought of a three way he pictured silk sheets and a canopy bed and a harem of gorgeous women worshiping his cock. Why does the reality feel like a group presentation that can't get the power point to load?
"So." Wilson says. "Should we start?" He hates himself immediately after he says it. Like he's about to perform clinic duty. But Sandy and Shannon simply shrug and start shimmying out of their tube tops and Ed Hardy jeans.
Kyle takes off his watch.
House tries to find an angle that works for his leg in this mid-life crisis size car. He manages a few moments. Sleeps never easy under any circumstance let alone outside Bates motel. When he finds an angle that works, he waits in the dark for the thoughts to visit him before he crosses the threshold to REM sleep. Hypnagogic hallucinations. Those obscure weird almost realities.
Like Putting a bald cap on Wilson and conning women into sex. Couldn't have happened, right? It sounds like a bad B-plot from a network sitcom.
But mission accomplished. As far as bucket list items go, a three way is pretty low hanging fruit, but it's Wilson. And if Wilson wants, House will give.
So that's how House finds himself in the middle of nowhere while Wilson, pardon, while Kyle is attempting to "Vicky Christina and Barcelona" in a Super 8.
Wilson is lying on his back against scratchy hotel sheets. Sandy is riding his hips as he tries to keep the bald cap from sliding off.
"Yeah, you like that baby? Huh? You like that?"
Wilson is being ridden like a Pogo stick. The mattresses bounces with vigor and he's doing his best to be encouraging.
"Oh, oh yeah. Yeah. Keep--keep going. Ride my--cane."
Ride my cane? The fuck is wrong with him? Sandy doesn't care what nonsense spills out of his mouth as long as his dick is hard, and Shannon seems to be expecting something from Kyle that Wilson doesn't know how to give.
If he can last.
House laughs. Wilson's people pleasing no doubt would make him an over attentive lover. The anxiety of feeling he's let down a partner must be sending his compulsions into overdrive.
How long could he last with two women? How long can he last with one? He pictures as his hand snaps open the button on his jeans.
He's always so attentive. So ready to please. What would he do to please House if he needed it? House zips down his fly. Thinking of Wilson fucking his way through his fantasy is making House extremely needy. That's the word for it, House thinks as he wraps his hand around his dick, needy.
He's needy for Wilson. He wants to give him this. He wants to bring him to climax even if it isn't his body. He's thinking about Wilson fucking someone right now and House strokes faster.
"Fuck. Yeah, James..."
He moves his hand over his aching cock. Thinking of Wilson on the precipice of orgasm. Thinking how he's probably in that dirty motel right now buried balls deep in that bottle blonde he met two hours ago. How good he feels to be inside her.
"Oh God. Yes..."
House is getting close. In this way, they're together. Both racing towards climax. Maybe there's a universe they come together.
He pictures it. House closes his eyes and finishes in right there in the car, catching his spend in his hand, narrowly avoiding leaving any evidence. He finds a napkin on the floor from their last fast food run and wipes his hand clean and tosses the napkin out the window.
House tucks himself back in, zips up his jeans, and leans his head back against the window. Pictures soft lips against his own. Hypnagogic hallucinations he thinks. And a few moments later, falls asleep.
Wilson finds House the next morning in the car. He doesn't look very comfortable. He wants to invite House to stay a day in the motel. Catch up on some sleep in an actual bed. But this is Kyle. And Kyle says let's leave before Sandra and Shannon wake up and see exactly how not bald and clearly not dying he is. Not tomorrow that is.
“House. Wake up.”
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jolynesmom · 2 months
We all know about hallucinations in sleep paralysis, but is there a way to combat them. My honest main worry is just visual ones so I had an idea, what about you wear a eye mask that gives you mainly a pitch black view, covering your eyesight. Since you cant see, especially if you close eyes with the eye mask- wouldn't help?
yes, I think a sleep mask would help, I think I read about someone on reddit doing it some time ago and it worked
since those hallucinations are nothing more than the work of your imagination, meditation and affirmations before sleep will help. I’m not very experienced with sleep paralysis, it only happened to me once around 3 years ago, but try to be calm when hallucinations happen, like remember they’re not real and you control them, if you do that then you can experience sp without the hallucinations
when I experienced hallucinations in my only sp ever, I was scared but then I got pissed at myself for being scared and told the hallucination to fuck off and they did, so remember you’re in control!!
my sister has sp pretty often (I don’t know if you want to intentionally experience sp or not), but what helps her not have sp or have little to no hallucinations is not taking naps during the day and going to sleep in complete silence and darkness. last week she experienced auditory hallucinations when in the hypnagogic state and she found out it was because of the autonomic room perfume
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sophieinwonderland · 5 months
I hallucinate when I’m falling asleep most nights. I don’t have psychosis. Anyone who thinks hallucinations=psychosis clearly has no idea what they’re talking about.
Also, this is super normal! These are called hypnagogic hallucinations!
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anotherwrld · 8 months
⟡ zodiacal shifting ⟡
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I happened to stumble across a TikTok that alluded to the idea that your birth chart could really impact the trajectory of your shifting journey, so of course I had to check it out. A quick search later, and I find this creator who has basically a beginners guide to using your birth chart to your advantage and a dissection of zodiacal shifting.
below is simply some notes I took about my signs and the advice given for me ⟡
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scorpio moon ⟡ mars: inconvenient, intensity, fast, and intimidating
- mars is intense and to the point in how it goes about business. it values and finds strength within valor and courage, while its weakness lies in impulsivity.
- this means very intense, almost debilitating shifting symptoms. this can include but is not limited to: feeling shadowy figures and presences during methods or meditation, auditory hallucinations, and haunting images. on the more tame side of symptoms, itching is very much a spoken for symptom.
- shifting unexpectedly or inconveniently is to be expected of the mars sign. love that lol !
- “mars generally makes shifting a slightly challenging journey as the lesser malefic, and would be considered a negative shifting placement. just because it is a negative doesn’t mean you won’t shift.”
- “mars appreciates a fighter, so if you can prove to mars that you can fight for what you want, you will be rewarded.”
recommended shifting method ⟡
- an awake method is your friend — make sure to enter the flow state
- if you must use a sleep method, try to enter hynagogia and then do your method while in that state
- shift during the day or evening, avoid doing so right before bed
- the “five break five” method (?)
- black noise
- use subliminals that are designed to be intense
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cancer rising ⟡ mercury: wants to think, contradict, understand, and be open-minded
- a prisoner to your own mind. not quite a skeptic, but rather science based in how you question and pull apart shifting as a theory. easy to blame a method rather than blame the mindset, and easy to jump to beating yourself up for not shifting.
- as the journey progresses, you will find that letting go is the key. you have to let go entirely to all logic and yearning to understand, and come to peace it’s the fact that control is an illusion.
disconnecting from your CR ⟡
- don’t say affirmations if you don’t believe in them. don’t make them empty. if they don’t resonate, don’t put it out. rather, tweak and modify them to resonate with you instead. curate new ones that are charged with belief.
- brown noise can help dull out reality.
- genuinely try to trick yourself into shifting. lie until it becomes truth. the key isn’t delusion, it’s about consciously thinking and believing your ability until you shift.
- don’t fall into the temptation to believe you have it all figured out. if you attempt and don’t shift, obviously you don’t — so re-analyze and fix it.
- shifting is not something to tame. it is something that is meant to evolve around you.
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grounding and connecting to your CR ⟡ 4th house
- “you likely aren’t going to be awake when you shift, but rather in a very fine line between a hypnagogic and hypnopomic state. for example, you might’ve scripted that your DR self is just waking up from a nap.”
- the goal is to manifest the world around you and ground yourself after you shift. ground yourself in your DR when you wake up and are conscious.
⟡ what I can do to alter and customize my shifting routine to fit me, like a custom tailored method ⟡
- creating my own listen along meditation. except, this isn’t just a meditation I’ll be listening to. in order to abide my the need to get into a flow state first, I’ll pull a meditation I resonate most with from YT, and drop it into a video editor. this will settle me into the flow state.
- then, ill add music and voice excerpts from my cc’s in for exactly five minutes. this will trigger the beginning of the five by five method. consciously, I’ll know the cut off of the voice excerpts will mean the end of the first five minutes. and with all of this media combined, it allows me to stay in that flow state as I won’t need to touch my phone and risk pulling myself from the immersion.
- I’ll have five minute intervals that swap between voice excerpts with underlying powerful subliminals (thanks to audio editing), and meditative guidance. since this is an awake method, I’ll do this and listen and follow until I fall asleep, with the intention that I will wake up in my DR.
- once conscious in my CR, I’ll ground myself. and thanks to the routine I’ll have set of meditating every morning, it will seem natural to continue to follow that routine, despite the fact that I’m in a different reality.
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7upofficial · 8 months
ill be real w yall i dont think what im about to explain are auditory hallucinations but like 3 times in my life when i was really really tired i heard like. an echo-y man voice saying stuff rather loudly in my ear like in a gym. but i think i was just the hypnagogics
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netch-rancher · 2 years
i have narcolepsy so sometimes i have hypnagogic hallucinations and once as i was falling asleep when i first started playing skyrim i saw clavicus vile and sheogorath and clavicus vile said "i'm clavicus vile" and sheogorath said "i'm clavicle vius" and honestly i think that was the most realistic hallucination i've had
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pvrrhadve · 1 month
i'm sure the haunting of hill house generally hits regardless of what's going on with you but i really can't overstate the high speed freight train ass force it hits you with when you've spent the last decade and then some incredibly lonely and stuck at home looking after your angry and overcritical mother and to top it off for the past few years you've been experiencing occasional hypnagogic and hypnopompic auditory hallucinations of her calling your name. i'd reread it but i think it might kill me this time
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ikamigami · 4 months
So I finally decided to watch full "Moon's descent into insanity" episode and I can with 100% certainty say that Moon is experiencing existential crisis and he's still in a state of grieving and because he's paranoid he acts the way he is. But he definitely isn't psychotic. Also even if Moon was experiencing hypnagogic hallucinations this still doesn't mean that he's suffering from psychotic disorder.
Some people were saying that Moon was hallucinating Old Moon but I highly doubt that. I see it more as something similar to when V2 Eclipse saw Solar Flare. It also wasn't a hallucination. In both cases Old Moon and Solar Flare tried to help. Even if hallucinations can be helpful (it happens more often in schizophrenia) it's hard to believe that they were hallucinating considering that Old Moon and Solar Flare were in their heads for real. It's not like with Sun who hallucinated Bloodmoon or Original Moon because they weren't in his head at that time. So obvious conclusion is that Sun was hallucinating.
Another thing is that in episode when Sun and Moon met for the first time Sun could see Moon outside of his head which they probably later used with V2 Eclipse and Solar Flare and New Moon and Old Moon. Or at least that's the conclusion that came to my mind. Cause both V2 Eclipse and New Moon seems to act "insane" though none of them was/are insane. Eclipse was acting desparately which was understandable considering various circumstances. Moon on the other hand is still in a state of grieving and has existential crisis which mixed with his paranoia results in him being in deep despair over Solar's death and potential death of the rest of his family. And because he feels inferior to Old Moon he feels the constant need to prove himself as a protector. And he thinks that he needs to prove himself no matter the cost.
I wish Monty told someone about Moon's situation immediately cause maybe others really could stop Moon way easier and help him calm down and help him with his struggles then. It's not that surprising that now it's harder to stop Moon cause he was stuck with his struggles for too long. Now in order to stop him they need to either way trick him or maybe even use force to stop him and calm him down. I think that it could be prevented (or at least it could go easier to stop Moon) if Monty told someone about it.
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