#i think media literacy really is dead haha
jalattes · 2 months
I love when a new ts album comes out because everyone once again crawls out of the woodwork to try to see the worst in anything she does
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anonzentimes · 18 hours
thinking abuot this one long kmhn rant i saw on reddit that started with a disclaimer that was like "if you like the ship DON'T read this because i am going to TEAR IT APART haha like i will RUIN it" and then proceeded to grossly misinterpret the entire game. it was so funny and infuriating at the same time like what danganronpa did yall play fr ✋😭
like no you didn't "tear the ship apart" you just have no media literacy 💀
I think I've seen that post before I faintly remember it, if I've learned anything is that Danganronpa tiktok and Danganronpa reddit is the same corner of probably the worst fandom section of the fandom lol. You'll always see the worst examples of people misunderstanding things and media literally being dead over there lmao. It really is funny though when people try to "tear something apart," only to display they entirely misunderstand what they're talking about. I think I'd die of embarrassment if I fumbled that badly.
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pinkandpurple360 · 6 months
"Some of the circus imps were probably his parental figures" Yeah, is that why they literally shoved him so they could escape the fire? Haha great parental figures I guess
if fizz had any family figures at the circus, he wouldn't be so desperate for mammon to be his father figure, just saying. Not even cash was a substitute parent to him
Yeah I think that’s.literally.the.point.anon. I didn’t say they were good ones, just that they were ones. Cash says “wish you were my son” but then ditched him. And the woman next to him was the first to run, and the man actually knocked him over. Fizz however was still smiling and laughing happily when he was with them. That’s the entire point. Media literacy is actually dead. He’s full of loss, he’s full of regret, but as long as he has Ozzie and never loses him, he can avoid thinking about the trauma.
I guarantee you that every time he looked for a mom or dad, he was handed a mammon toy to hug instead. They probably didn’t want to adopt some kid. Another mouth to feed. But why the hell would they throw him a big party if they didn’t care at all? It’s called nuance people! Still, he loved them anyway, that’s why it’s a sad story dude. You don’t have people raise you from the age of 7-8 and not get attached. I swear some of you are so committed to making Asmodeus his only Lord and saviour it weirds me out. Because not even the character of Oz is written like that. Even He wants him to branch out more.
The plan was probably always for him to be a mammon brand figure, and pass on the money to Cash Buckzo. So Cash didn’t get too close. If Cash sold Blitzo to Stolas, why wouldn’t he sell fizz to mammon? Makes complete sense to me. The current consensus now is that fizz won the pageant but then after the accident he needed more help. So that’s why fizz feels so indebted.
Not that you care. But.
Based on that one lust ring article, Cash Buckzos behaviour, possibly foreshadowing in exes and oohs, It was also, possibly, the plan to have fizz attach himself to Asmodeus too, to marry him, and to take his money. The tie between Mammon and Asmodeus’ factory assets had been planned in advance, going by Mammons speech at the start. Obviously fizz isn’t like that, but it was the plan. That’s why Blitzø was kept away. Because he had the stronger opinions and the protectiveness, and would have put a stop to all of this. Really all fizz wanted was family and to be loved without strings attached, and sadly, even if it seems like he does, he still doesn’t have that. It’s still a controversial thing tied up in business, just to love him. That’s gotta hurt, being someone’s dirty secret all the time.
That’s all why he never felt good enough. It’s why being the star of the imp circus never felt like enough. And you don’t seem to get, that when you spend your entire formative years with other people, you become attached to them, they are your parental figures whether they want to be or not.
Thank you again salty anons, for helping me expand my interpretations more.
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kaermorhenatnight · 4 months
There's a lot of discussion around the media literacy being dead and people not understanding nuanced characters and I feel a bit weird about that.
Because when I discuss Witcher (the books and games, not the Netflix show) and say that the portrayal of Jaskier/Dandelion is problematic and irresponsible, people act like my opinion is ridiculous and say "so what, no character flaws are allowed to be shown in media? No bad behavior can be shown in media?"
(TW: SA)
But that's not what I mean? Yes, good characters are allowed to have flaws. But the problem with Jaskier is he is just not a good person all things considered. He is a fucking sex offender. He is sexist, he is manipulating women to sleep with him, lying and promising them things he never planned on doing, he stares at women when they are vulnerable and naked and their boundaries were crossed (like Yennefer being tied up and sexually assaulted and begging him to look away and he doesn't claiming it's revenge for her being mean), he makes disgusting comments about underage teenage girls. And yet he is Geralt's best friend. He is not portrayed as a bad person he is, at all. "Oh you can figure it out yourself, author doesn't need to spell it out for you." Okay but that's the problem? The main issue with that is he is doing things that the world we live in has an issue understanding are bad things and it ruins lives and kills women. Problem with rape and sexual assault is a lot of people don't treat it seriously or don't really treat it as a bad thing. So making a funny character, the quirky best friend, who is sexually abusing women and his abuse is often treated as this quirky funny thing he does (like oh he is such a womanizer, no woman is safe from him unless she climbs a tall tree haha) IS contributing to that and I should have a problem with that. It doesn't mean I think the author should spell it out. Yes, some people have issues understanding simple things but that doesn't change the fact that some pieces of media are fucking problematic with the way they portray certain behaviors. Because showing SA in the book is not bad per se (although Sapkowski really should fucking chill with it, the amount of pedophilia and rape in the series is a little bit disgusting and seems unnecessary) but it should be done responsibly considering how terribly poor is the understanding of this particular topic in our society. And call me childish for judging people for their favorite characters but if an adult man says Jaskier is his favorite character I don't want him anywhere near me. And yes, in the case of Jaskier it is very much a gendered issue.
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consoledacup · 8 months
I've been rewatching the aa season 5 finale because I terribly miss the show, and it's one of the few episodes last season that i genuinely enjoy all the way through. And I can't help but wonder if the writers were going for Jordayla's engagement as a big surprise to the audience, or if their scenes were supposed to give it away that it was them getting engaged? They tried to throw the scent off by having the pregnant girl find the ring and assume her boyfriend was ready for marriage. And then they had Spencer get down on one knee for no reason, and Liv's little smile at that gesture....but anyone with half a brain and some media literacy could tell that it was Jordayla getting engaged all along. Like as much as the characters were playing it off all ep, Greta, and especially Michael, played the ending with all of their scenes prior to the engagement, which ended up just being a dead giveaway if the writers were going for a "suprise". And I'm curious if their scenes in that episode were supposed to spell it out to the audience that it was their engagement or if that's just how they played it, and gave away the ending in every other scene?
Love the s5 finale too! It's such a fantastic episode. But it appears I'm lacking half a brain and media literacy because I didn't figure it out until halfway through the ep! Ohhhh man.
I think in any hot potato trope, it's not meant to be sooo super secretive and impossible to figure out. The fun is watching the little winks and nods and say, "haha, clever writers. What a jolly private joke for your audience."
And I've shared this before, but the real surprise isn't "who's gonna propose??" The surprise, to me, is Layla's acceptance of his proposal. Once I figured out the ring was Jordan's, I wasn't sure how it was gonna go. He could've angstily pocketed the ring after their little fights. He could've proposed only to be turned down.
It's funny because the happily ever after ending of s5, for jordayla, is the least painful way to go but turned out to be the most surprising. I really loved how all of it was executed, including the charming hot potato storyline.
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flerterevival · 10 months
haha what made you change your mind about dead ringers? I think the possessive nature of their relationship + the obsession with pregnancy and wanting to know all details of the other's love/sex life spoke volume of their unhealthy codependency, but idk if it was actively consummated. I read Elliot's desire to be the one to knock Bev up, to the point she created babies for her, with or without consent, as a form of sublimation-- aka something that could be seen as more acceptable. Somehow it felt like Tom sort of knew? when Elliot was staring all mopey at Beverly and Genevieve sucking face he wasn't shocked. Whatever it was it was painted with a romantic lens, otherwise we wouldn't get tose love triangle trope-y lines and the whole needy jealousy, 'chose me' 'come back to me' 'i left her' etc. I think it was very ballsy but they should have left them kiss in their final scene, the lighting went crazy there when they were hugging. The subtitles made me lol, Elliot grunts softly, Beverly breathing heavily, Elliot sniffs her hahahahah I read some people were mad on twitter back when the show was released bc there were 'mantlecest' shippers but.... guys... it's the canon text that did it.
hellomy angel and /in advance/ sorry for my lateness . But what really made me change my mind was that i was looking back on bev and elly as children and then as adolescents. I do think it was “consumated” at least pre-show. Like if you’d imagine bev and elliot as quirky closed off twin teenagers walking down a private school hall and you were to be one of their classmates, you would definitely think ‘oh they definitely did it’. I think its a natural thing, not even in the consensus of being fiction. I just think its natural to presume this type of relationship on real real tight bounded twins or brothers. And abt people on twitter.. well let me tell you: media literacy is dead! And Elliot was 100% in love with her sister
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miazeklos · 3 years
love what you said about the scripts and I think I may be with you on the not-hating-D&D train. on one hand, I appreciate their unapologetic support of JC and all the content we got out of it. on the other, I do think that they fundamentally misunderstood the characters and the overall story, and that made for some questionable creative choices throughout the years. even on the JC front, I’m conflicted. I love having a version of the story where my OTP doesn’t take the beating that they do in the original, but I also think that that beating is essential to their story. I won’t bore you with the intricacies of my interpretation of asoiaf but, suffice to say, I’m not a big fan of D&D’s interpretation. that said, I used to be much more critical of D&D’s writing until I started thinking about GoT like a big budget, canon divergent, lannicest-centric fanfic. which isn’t ideal, but it’s fine. no adaptation could have pleased every subgroup of a huge fanbase and tbh it’s pretty obvious at this point that most people are just parroting the critical talking points as a way to justify the hissy fit they threw over their ships not being endgame. the average audience member doesn’t actually have an ounce of media literacy and you can tell that simply by asking them WHY the things they didn’t like about season eight* fall under “bad writing” and not under “I personally didn’t enjoy this”.
*it’s also ironic how they only ever talk about the final season, despite the fact that GoT’s storytelling problems started around season 3. it’s almost like they don’t know what “bad writing” means and don’t care to find out.
so, that’s it lol. sorry about that long ass rant it’s just that you’re literally one of the first people I’ve seen being critical of the mindless GoT hate.
much love <3
Hello! Honestly, you make a great point about the 'good writing' and 'bad writing' thing being largely affected by whether people actually liked what was happening on screen. I recognise that my own point of view might be affected by that because, again, a good bit of the show was tailor-written for me in a way that the books, as much as I enjoy them, are not, so it only makes sense that I'd approve, and that goes for the people who were dissatisfied, too. To top liking the content, I enjoy their writing style, too, so that helped.
I'd love to hear your interpretation, to be honest! They definitely have a whole different view of the characters, separate from GRRM's vision, and it does occasionally feel heavy-handed in a way fanfic does - and I say that with a lot of love in my heart, because it's what I do when writing those characters, too, even if it's obviously on a much much smaller scale.
IMO the divide mostly stems from the fact that D&D want to present the Lannisters as fundamentally right in their choices and the rest of the narrative is spun around that*, which doesn't happen in the books because, as you said, their harsh/generally bad decisions have much worse consequences in the books and they get away with essentially everything (until the very very last minute) in the show. Tyrion actively gets away with everything, even, and the twins are remembered well, and the narrative shoves all those things in your face really smugly, which, again, I enjoy and was inordinately gleeful about, but I do realise that it's not for everyone.
*One thing that immediately comes to mind is how they said that Dany killing Viserys - who, while terrible, was her caretaker as a child - was one of the earlier signs of something being wrong while also explicitly showing Cersei - who has actively been antagonistic towards her brother for the majority of their lives - sparing Tyrion's life with no real gain from it twice because none of the three of them actually want each other dead. I think one of the Ds specifically said it in the commentary for 8x04, where the above happens, and the parallel shoved my third eye open with a crowbar. I don't even know if it was a conscious decision they made, but it was... telling about why the show's narrative is what it is.
'I used to be much more critical of D&D’s writing until I started thinking about GoT like a big budget, canon divergent, lannicest-centric fanfic' I love that, haha. With a generous sprinkling of Starks! Honestly, at their core, all adaptations are just that, and you really can't win 'em all. I do think that they could have probably been at least a bit more neutral about it, but then I bounce back once I look at even a fraction of the bitter, thinly-veiled misogynistic venom fans a-la r/freefolk spill to this day, and think that this is exactly what they deserve.
That being said, I agree that the characters are fundamentally different in the show from what they are in the books and, as you said, they diverge very early on - earlier than most people would admit, so what happens in the books would have never worked once the show went on its merry way and shaped its own canon, and while the bare skeleton of the ending is very likely the same, I'm sure a lot was lost in the process and was padded with their own bias and 'lessons' for the audience, which are definitely a whole other thing from what he clearly has in mind.
I don't know if that makes much sense, but the thing that D&D had that GRRM didn't when he was in the process of writing was all the material that he has, all at once, so they sidestepped several corners that he's definitely written himself into by just doing something completely different so that they'll have a finished product even if they're done before him - which they, in the end, were. And again, I love that product, but there's no way the rest of the books will follow even remotely the same storyline, other than a few bigger points, and that's fine, too. It's a rather unique situation to be done with the adaptation before the source material and, whatever the latter ends up being, I'm sure I'll enjoy it, even if the show will now always be the true canon in my heart - for no other reason than because I love what it did with the characters, which takes us back to your point about how for most people 'good' or 'bad' is less about the actual quality and more about their tastes.
You don't need to apologise! Especially not since I ranted in response. ;D Much love right back! ;3
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hellbenddestruction · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @connerluthorkent​!
1) Roadrat
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2) Riddlebird
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3) Stanchez
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4) Stricklander
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5) Harlivy
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6) Jigun
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7) Speeding bullet
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8) Clex
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9) KuroFay
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10) yeah.
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1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
JiGun has been on my radar since ep 1 I think. The JiGun centric ep from Woman called Fujiko Mine really drove it home tho!!
2. Have you ever read a FanFiction about 2?
Riddlebird restored my literacy. So many.
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr?
Noup but they gave me heart attack when GdT retweeted my fanart of them.
4. If 7 were to suddenly break-up today, what would your reaction be?
Exhilarated. I’d be here for minimal thinking applied revenge fallout. Speeding bullet has no reason to exist, and yet.
5. Why is 1 so important?
Whew. Loaded. First time I really apologetically loved something to bits in a fandom space. They have this beautiful balance of mania and genuine no-fucks given policy, while being smart but not really into flaunting it unless for practical application. Canon AUs with different dynamics and they still somehow always find each other...They’re bad people but care for each other, albeit in such different ways, and I love them.
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
/inhales/ I thought Clex would be serious, but I’m gonna make it fun and if its the last thing I do.
7. Out of all of the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
oh you dont want me to answer that.
first instinct would be to say riddlebird, but theyre about the same amount of cursed as kurofay in that department. (Oh you lost your EYE for me - parallels anyone?)
honestly i think the correct answer is stanchez and stricklander, considering they canonically fuc-
8. Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond?
Uh, they all range from soul bound, to bound by criminal affiliation, so...
9. How many times have you read/watched 8’s fandom?
I’m new in Clex town, so it remains to be seen.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
KuroFay since 2007 (? the fuck)
11. How many times, if ever, has 2 broken up?
/ spittakes / yes. four...five....six times? once they get married I see them dramatically throwing their rings back and forth on a weekly basis tbh.
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
Both. They Riddlebird and Clex both do canon apocalypses on the reg, they’ll be fine.
13. Did 5 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
:( if we could let lesbians just be together, thatd be great. I think harley would want to keep it hush hush for a good while to keep it from mistah j, and ivy while not thrilled, but not being into pda exorbitantly, would let her until fed up.
14. Is 4 still together?
yes. unless they broke up in the spin off series they’re still living their best monster fucker life.
15. Is 3 canon?
haha yes. cross media author confirmed. they exchanged ilus. pry it from my cold dead h-
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Roadrat because that’s the life they live & Speeding bullet since it’s their job.
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 10’s ship?
Aside from their respective families, their bosses, society uh. Nah I think they good.
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
They’re all like...problemtiqué if you want to go there, but honestly I just want to chill with them.
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 1’s tumblr page?
Not anymore, that’s been taken over by Riddlebird now.
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she´d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
JiGun would be the obvious answer but I could NEVER. Speeding bullet can take one for the team I guess, they’ll be fine.
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