#i think neuvillette would have squishy cheeks
wanderpawn · 1 year
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i just think they're neat (。-ω-)
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i23kazu · 10 months
Ueueueue I need to share this like..noovy who is so so so smitten with his cryo sovereign love, like imagine she has to get ready for an opera and he's backstage with her and he does her hair and her final makeup touches🥹🥹
The staff tells him no and that it needs to be done professionally but cryo sovereign just says she trusts him and let's him do his thing and it turns out marvelous 🥹🥹
Also I've been thinking about noovy who won't let you do anything, the embodiment of 'all you have to do is sit there and look pretty ' i- mghhh😭😭and like his love would be so so tender? Like 'the kiss' painting I can't I can't. Neuvillette who does his lovers hairrr hnghhh
OMGGG. wait thats so cute i love that... hes so tender n soft n squishy ohhhhhhhh squishes his cheeks. i'd love to do makeup on him one day tbh!!! honestly with his attention to detail i think neuvi wld be really good at all that... eyes
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rowavolo · 1 year
Hi! Okay, for the music themed asks, for Neuv, do Rock, Musicals, and Gaming tracks. For Cap, Folk and Jazz!
Neuvillette -
2. Rock — What's something you and your f/o are proud of each other for?
I'd be very proud of him for adapting so well to human life and behaviours and the little intricacies of socialisation, as well as his crazy good memory!!
I think he'd be proud of me every time i left the house without having some form of meltdown, or made it through a conversation without hiding behind him skdjfhjksfd,, no but fr he probably admires my general drive to sort of Keep Going
9. Musicals — What colors/sounds/scents remind you and your f/o of one another?
He'd associate me with orange, first and foremost (99.9% because of my hair), but secondarily, purple and turquoise. Not for any sentimental reason, but because the Melusines found out that those are my favourite colours and remind him like eight times a week kjshdfjkdfs -- he doesn't seem like the type to have much of a crossover between certain senses. I actually imagine him to have a pretty strong case of aphantasia, so those links just don't come naturally to him - because of this, he's also an extremely literal person. I'm to be associated with the general commotion i kick up whenever i'm nearby (see previous post), but also the chatter of overexcited melusines and imitations of the little chirps and purrs they make.
I associate him with blues, whites and that tarnished sort of gold colour he wears. Maybe a cloudy sort of grey. He's got a snake scale sort of texture but also a very smooth soft one. I associate him with the sound of a clock and work being done at a desk, the smell of rain, and the tapping of his cane.
10. Gaming tracks — What is a core memory or a memory you will never forget with your f/o?
Core memories would probably include how we met (which mostly just vibes to me as like. i testified in a trial as a witness or whatever and Freaked It(tm) and he called for a recess and comforted me n was like nice.
Outside of that, I imagine him introducing me to the Melusines as his partner for the first time was also a very memorable moment for us <3
3. Folk — What's something funny your f/o has done or said, or a moment that has made you laugh?
I imagine he and I both have these very dry senses of humour, and our 'back and forth' can be a little confusing to those who aren't familiar. One that always gets me is when i make him carry something of mine that's very outwardly soft and kind of cutesy, so it clashes horribly with his whole dark-and-brooding aesthetic.
though, one piece of one of my fics does come to mind as being pretty amusing/silly
"If you were a fruit product," Rowan began the sentence as if it were an entirely normal subject to hop to. Capitano patiently awaited the rest of it as Rowan paused to think for a moment. "I think you'd be pear cider." 
"You'd be applesauce." Capitano offered in return - they'd been together long enough for him to be able to keep up with Rowan's odd subject-hops and ways of expressing affection. 
"Applesauce?!" Rowan blinked and set a hand on his chest in mock-offence. "I wanted to be something cool, like a jam, or-or a candy! Not baby food." 
"You like applesauce." Capitano observed simply. 
"Okay. Yeah. True, I guess." Rowan's cheeks flushed. "Guilty as charged. But I'm changing your answer to 'raisins' instead." 
"I see." Capitano reached over to retrieve the last few items from the bag so he could put them away. 
"You're s'posed to be upset about that, by the way." Rowan tipped his chin up as he watched the Harbinger mill around the kitchen silently. 
"I like raisins." Capitano said, as he placed a jar of chutney in one of the cupboards. 
"Well I don't!" Rowan burst out indignantly. "They're yucky and icky and squishy and gross and I hate them." While his words were angry, his tone bordered more on joking. 
"You hate me?" Capitano turned to Rowan and tilted his head to the side - his helmet still remained firmly on, as it often did for the first few hours after he arrived home after a long stretch of time spent away on missions. 
"Yep. Sorry, you need to find a new catboy to look after your cabin." Rowan shrugged in a nonchalant manner. 
"I'll have Pantalone post an advertisement." Capitano took the joke in stride, a ghost of a smile pulling at his lips at his partner's familiar antics. 
"Wait, no." Rowan began to backpedal immediately. "No no no. No." He scrunched up his face and grabbed onto the lapels of Capitano's coat, giving them a firm tug. "I'm territorial. You can't get a new catboy. Or girl. Or anything." 
Capitano let out a low puff of amusement and stepped a little closer to Rowan, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him flush against his chest.
it's just fun and soft and domestic and silly and i like it <3
5. Jazz — What are some sweet or nice nicknames you and your f/o have for one another?
I headcanon Capitano's 'real' name to be Maleko, so on soft occasions i'd possibly call him 'eko', but usually it's just 'Cap', 'Capi' 'Tano' or some variation thereof.
I imagine he tends to call me things like 'cub' or 'pup' just because of My Vibes, but another one he's fond of is 'bambi' (tbh i made the story (or some variation thereof) canon in my version of teyvat simply because i like the nickname so much sfhkjdfsnk
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