#i think peter is the kind of guy who actually really likes romcoms but has trouble admitting it and el doesn't mind that much
pls tell me about fucking die peter! <3 or if not tell me abt pre-unknowing bitch fit. specifically i would like to know how it ends. thank u >:3c
bold of u to think i'd pick one <3
so fucking die peter! <3 is my BELOVED jmart romcom in which Jon and Martin meet because under-caffeinated and overworked Jon ends up running Peter Lukas over with his car, unwittingly charming his PA that also, for obvious reasons, has to spend more time around the Institute on his own now that Peter's out of commission! oh no! it would be a shame if they maybe perhaps started getting to know each other and perhaps maybe under their prickly exterior there was. more prickly interior to be fair but also someone funny and sweet. and they fall in love the end. all that with plenty of romcom tropes, truly all of them.
here's an extract from the meet-cute (just the dialogue because the prose will probably be reworked but i still like it so much <3)
«Oh, God, I’m- I’m so incredibly s-sorry, I-»
«Please, that is not necessary at all. To be completely honest with you, I’m surprised it took so long for something like this to happen, with how careless Peter is at any given time.»
«Well, he doesn't need his coffee now, does he? You might as well have it. Just plain black, it heats back up well.»
«I’m- I-»
«If you could just leave me your contact information – don’t worry, nothing nefarious, mostly just for organisation purposes. Thank you.» 
«I’ll be in contact.»
«Would you- could you let me know if he’s-»
«I… can certainly do that, yes. I wouldn’t worry too much, however. He’s hard to kill.»
AND the pre-unknowing bitch fit is entirely your fault as well you devil. once again it's just what is says on the tin, aka Martin having a Moment because emotions run high when the person you're in love with is 6 hours away from going off on a suicide mission and so maybe you're being kind of a bitch about it but then. u know. maybe u also. make out about it. as one does. perhaps with a side of wall-shoving because. the emotions.
here have some more dialogue
«Look– I just, I won’t. Leave you here on your own.» [pause] «Not like you.»
«Oh, don’t start.»
«I– we need you here more than– we need someone here. It has to be you.»
«Sure it has. After all who– who else has a conveniently clear idea of what their evil boss is going to, to show them to fuck them up, right? And wouldn’t you look at that, he also happens to be the least useful guy we have on hand!»
«It isn’t like that.»
«Is it not, Jon? Because I’m pretty sure I got at least a couple things right, actually.»
«It’s not. Of course it’s– of course it’s not, Martin!»
«Then how is it? I’d really like to know! I’d like to know anything at all, for once!»
«It’s– I can’t–» «I can’t do this right now.»
«Well, tough! There isn’t another option!»
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White Collar ot3 number 14, 18 and/or 29 for the ship asks because you just reminded me how much I adore them today. Thank you and happy birthday!!
I cut this bad boy for length because I sure can go on about these three. That first one is basically a whole fic. Thank you, my birthday was great!
14) When one has a cold, what does the other do?
This feels like a great opportunity to talk about one of my favorite things to think about with this OT3, which is The First Time Neal Gets Sick, AKA The Time Peter And Elizabeth Almost Had A Heart Attack.
The thing is, they expect dramatics. Neal is someone who leans on dramatics as 70% of his social charms, and if you'd held a hot brand to Peter's skin while he was chasing Neal over half the godforsaken country, back in the day, he'd have said that Neal would be the type to wring every minor illness for all it was worth. Not, like, out of any particular irritation for that particular behavior--Elizabeth is the kind of person who gets dramatically sick even if all she has is a cold, and if he's being perfectly honest Peter kind of enjoys babying his wife for a few days--but just because. Well. All Neal ever does is make sure all eyes are on him, seeing exactly what he wants, doing exactly what he needs. It's the con he's best at, Neal's favorite magic trick: sweep everyone up in the delirium of those blue eyes and that shattering smile and take everything they've got in their distraction.
So anyway, then Neal doesn't show up to work. He's an hour late. Two hours late. By the third hour, Peter is silently doing the math for how far Neal could get on his anklet without setting it off, and then for any loopholes he might have missed--faking the signal somehow? Neal's passable but not phenomenal with computers, but could he have hired someone? Peter's never heard of someone pulling that off, but Neal's got an aura about him, that makes the impossible seem merely improbable.
It is very important that this be an issue of Neal trying to run, because if it's not, then something might have happened to him. Neal hasn't exactly been endearing himself to the criminal underworld lately.
At three hours and forty-nine minutes past Neal's appointed arrival time, Peter takes an early lunch break and goes to June's. He knocks on Neal's door for a few minutes, and then goes and politely 'acquires' the spare key from the staff and lets himself in.
Neal is asleep on the couch, buried in every blanket he could find in his apartment, and he blinks hazily at Peter for a second when Peter shakes him and then bolts upright so fast that Peter has to move or get concussed.
"Peter," Neal says in a good approximation of his usual good humor. "What are you doing here?"
"You didn't show up to work," Peter says, reaching out toward Neal's forehead automatically. Neal dodges him and Peter sees the dizzy wave cross his face. "Are you sick?"
"I'm fine," Neal says, and then immediately starts coughing, a wet sharp cough that hurts to listen to. "Sorry I'm late, I--fuck, is it past noon? Okay, just--give me a second, I can get ready to go--"
"How long have you been sick, Neal?"
It takes Peter the better part of fifty minutes to wring the facts out of Neal, and he does not like the facts, thanks. He more or less forces Neal back into the blanket nest on the couch and calls El, apologizes for interrupting one of her rare days off and asks her to bring Neal literally anything, and shuts down Neal's fourth attempt to convince Peter that he's fine.
Neal seems...really bothered by the idea that Peter knows he's sick, let alone Elizabeth, and Peter doesn't like what that implies. About anything. At least it doesn't seem personal--Neal doesn't seem to want anyone to know that he's sick, so much so that he's been taking double doses of DayQuil and drinking straight espresso in order to smother all his symptoms at work for the past three days. Peter does some quick math in his head about the number of DayQuil that would require and says "You're lucky you're not in the ER," and Neal says, "I know what I'm doing, Peter," in that voice that means he's thinking about getting offended.
"You're going to give yourself liver failure, is what you're doing. Why didn't you just call out sick, Neal, Jesus Christ." It's blunter than he meant to be--actually, Peter meant to let El work on Neal for a few hours before he came back to play Blunt Cop--but Neal looks awful and he has a fever and he's been taking ten DayQuil in a ten hour work day and Peter does actually read labels and Peter made him stay late at work two days ago because Peter didn't know he was sick.
And maybe it's because Neal's sick, maybe it's because the fever is blurring his reaction time, maybe Peter just knows him really well by this point, but he sees the second that Neal's face closes up and he goes from "defensive" to "ready to do whatever he needs to do in order to get Peter to back down".
And then Neal smiles, all guileless blue eyes and blithe schoolboy innocence, and he says, "Come on, Peter, you'd have thought I was trying to run."
It stings inordinately. Peter did think that, this morning, but only because Neal fucking vanished, didn't come in, didn't answer his phone, didn't even leave a message with someone when Peter showed up. If Neal had said he was sick, Peter might have come by to check on him--and sure, seeing that he was really sick would have put those concerns to bed, but--
"Besides," Neal is continuing, and his voice is starting to show the effect of the coughing now, and he's trying to get up again, wavering on his feet a little before he blinks twice and visibly forces himself to steady. "I'm fine. And even if I wasn't, it's what, seven hundred dollars a month? That's not covering a doctor, and it's not like I have pneumonia. It's just a cold, Uncle Sam, I can still go to work."
And then Neal gives Peter the slip while Peter's still sitting there, stinging.
And the thing is, he doesn't even know if Neal really thinks that of him, or if Neal just knew it would make him shut up long enough for Neal to walk into his bathroom and take more fucking DayQuil.
Well, fine, then. Peter can fight dirty too, and to prove it, he walks the ten feet to the door and leans back against it, just out of an excess of caution, as he pulls out his phone. First he texts his wife, because she's a very smart woman and deserves to have all the information. Second, he calls his boss, because he's already well outside his lunch break and he might as well do the thing properly. Neal comes out of the bathroom, wearing fresh slacks and an unbuttoned white shirt, just as Peter says, "Yes, sir, I'll keep an eye on him."
Then Peter hangs up and points his phone at Neal and says, "Lie the hell back down before I taze you. You're off until next week, and I'm taking the day off to make sure you don't go into organ failure. Don't you dare," he adds when Neal takes a purposeful step toward the kitchenette and its coffee maker. "El is going to be here with actual cold medicine in thirty minutes. Take those slacks off and lie down in your actual bed."
"I'm fine," Neal says again, as if he's not struggling with a shirt button for the first time since Peter's met him, including multiple occasions of being handcuffed.
"You're really not," Peter says, and then he pauses for a moment, and looks at the way Neal's fingers pause on the button, and then he says, a little cautiously, "And that's fine. Everyone gets sick, Neal."
"I don't need you to babysit me," Neal mutters.
"I'm only babysitting you because, apparently, you take life-ending doses of caffeine and cold medicine when you're left alone. Come on, Neal, this won't be the end of the world, El will bring you some food that won't hurt your throat and I'll let you make me watch one of your boring foreign films."
"I know your secrets," Neal says, and then pauses to cough up what's probably part of his failing liver, not that Peter is feeling any doom and gloom about this whole thing. "You watch romcoms with Elizabeth, she told me you enjoy things other than football and you'll never fool me again."
"Yeah, you got me," Peter says with a faint grin. He walks away from the door like he's approaching a feral dog, and closes his hands gently but inexorably around Neal's wrists, and then steers him firmly back onto the couch. Neal's skin is hot even through his shirt, and he trips twice, and he lets Peter push him down into the blankets like he's too tired to do anything else. "I'm going to go get you pajamas. Where do you keep them?"
"Second drawer," Neal says dismally.
"Okay," Peter says, and doesn't give into his impulse to maybe, like, brush Neal's rumpled curls out of his face or something. Half the reason that Peter caught him in the first place is because Peter knows when to press his advantage. He takes the win and gets Neal some pajamas.
18) When they fight, how do they make up?
Elizabeth is the best at this, because she works with vendors all the time and that makes her a literal professional at conflict resolution.  She has a temper and she’ll lose her cool with the best of them, but she knows how to say “I need a minute” and then she’ll leave and come back when she can be reasonable.  She’ll lay out what she’s upset about, hear the other person out, and then either apologize or expect an apology.  Then she’s the physical touch kind of person after a fight--she’ll take Peter’s hands and link their fingers together, or wrap her arms around Neal from behind with her cheek between his shoulder blades, and just kind of...rest against them until everyone’s tension starts to bleed out of them.
Peter isn’t an innately high-empathy person and he knows this, so it’s sometimes hard for him to figure out when a fight even started, let alone how to fix it.  He gets frustrated with himself for not knowing what to do, and then it’s easy for Elizabeth or Neal to feel like he’s mad at them for being mad at him, and then everyone gets madder and it’s just stressful.  So Peter’s the type to ask explicitly “wait, are we fighting” because, first of all, he would like to know so he can figure out how to resolve it, and, second of all, he’s discovered that being clear about it will sometimes shock everyone involved into taking a step back and figuring out if they’re arguing at all or if they’re both just frustrated.  After they’ve managed to figure out what’s wrong and talked it out, Peter’s an acts of service kind of person after a fight--his specific brand is to make someone’s favorite meal, regardless of who was doing the apologizing.  
Neal is...not good at conflict.  For obvious reasons, he’s inclined toward avoiding conflict when he can, and bailing immediately afterward when he can’t.  The first time he actually fought with Elizabeth, she had to come to his apartment and hammer on his door until he let her in.  Neal’s never really been able to argue with someone and then have them still be there except for maybe Mozzie, and it’s an extremely rough adjustment for everyone.  It requires a lot of patience from Elizabeth and Peter, and a lot of anxiety from Neal, for them to find a balance about it.  But Neal is a gifts person after an argument, once he learns to be anything after an argument, and not just extravagant things.  He brings flowers or Elizabeth’s favorite mixers or one of the boring patterned ties that Peter loves, he brings a paperweight or a mug, a hair pin, a new set of dress shoe laces, a pair of beautiful earrings, a six-pack of beer, whatever hoves into his field of vision and he can afford to acquire.
29) Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
One time when he got home from work, Peter caught Neal and Elizabeth waltzing in the kitchen while the radio played the Top 40 Hits station, and they were giggling while they tried to keep time to Umbrella, and Neal was complaining about El not letting him play classical while she was cooking, and Neal dipped El so that she could wink at Peter upside down, and they burned dinner because they left the stove on and the three of them got takeout ramen instead.
Peter thinks about that evening sometimes when he’s stuck in traffic.
#white collar#neal caffrey#peter burke#elizabeth burke#ot3#starlight writes stuff#headcanon meme#ask meme#I WAS GONNA COMPILE THIS WITH THE OTHER ASK ABOUT WHITE COLLAR BUT#THAT FIRST ONE REALLY IS THE FIRST COUPLE HUNDRED WORDS OF A FIC THAT LIVES IN MY HEAD RENT FREE#[sits the entire fandom down] neal transparently grew up with no one in his life who let him rest when he was sick#let's talk about that more#because i think about that all the time#anyway peter and elizabeth basically Install Themselves at neal's for the next couple days#why do i think neal watches foreign films? idk i just Feel It. he would watch all the cdramas and kdramas on netflix.#also sometimes he watches crime shows and critiques the criminals to elizabeth but they don't do that in front of peter#i think peter is the kind of guy who actually really likes romcoms but has trouble admitting it and el doesn't mind that much#elizabeth likes media generally i have Decided This. she just likes stories. anything good OR fun OR interesting will do it for her.#point is that she sets up on Neal's couch and pretends that she's just there to enjoy his movie collection#and if he falls asleep and she winds up with his head in her lap so that she can pet his hair and keep him that way it is Completely An Acc#peter Hovers when people are sick but in like a benevolent 'you always have fresh tea' kind of way#anyway kids don't take too much dayquil because acetaminophen is dangerous thank you for coming to my ted talk#anonymous#asked and answered
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kitchenisking · 2 years
March FicRec
Hey guys! I'm sorry that im a few days late but here's the fic rec.
also im reading for much and have so many fics to share with you guys that im going to post rec randomly when I have time or when I feel like it, in addition to my monthly one :)
and one more thing before with get to the good stuff, im tagging all my ficrecs with #kitcheniskingficrecs so that it will be easy to find and to check out the other recs that I do.
Here we go!!!!!! Happy reading! :)
Where There's Sacrifice - lupus (khaleeseas) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 45167, sterek)
Every ten years, someone from Stiles Stilinski's village is offered as tribute to a neighboring clan of werewolves. Every ten years someone is taken into the woods and is never heard from again. No one knows what happens to them, where they go, or what becomes of them. When the wolves come early one year and his community struggles to select a tribute in the time allotted Stiles does something foolish. Brave, but very, very foolish. He volunteers as tribute.
It's (Not) a Cult - lhr111 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 56062, sterek)
“Well Stiles, you told me a few weeks ago that you thought Derek was leading a cult.”
At that Derek whipped his head toward Stiles in shock. “You thought I was a cult leader?”
Stiles will not be shamed. “Well, either you or Peter. Peter made more sense, but since he deferred to you that one time I was a little unsure. I mean, what else could I think with all the weird shit going on. You, hanging out with random high school seniors, doing secret things, ordering them around like you are their parent, them actually doing what you tell them. It’s really weird, okay?”
“Are you familiar with Harry Potter?” Derek asks.
Talk about a non sequitur. “What? What does that have to do with anything? And, of course I know Harry Potter!”
“Well to quote Sirius Black, ‘Once again you’ve put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion.’"
The Sheriff starts snickering, and Stiles is both insulted and also a little in love.
Dude, Werewolves - mysecretashes - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 29623, sterek)
Stiles gets partnered with Cora for a history project, and they become bros. Also, he kind of falls in love with her older brother, Derek.
Stiles, why is Derek Hale passed out on our front porch? - marguerite_26, mothlights (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4462, sterek)
Stiles doesn't hear the knock on his front door, but he figures there must have been one, because now his dad's calling out to him,
"Stiles, do you know why Derek Hale just passed out on our front porch?"
Stiles freezes, carton of milk half way to his mouth. He looks around the empty room, wondering if it has any answers. Derek Hale just passed out on his front porch -- sounds like one of the signs of the coming apocalypse.
Knot Another Teen Wolf RomCom - luulapants (Rating: Explicit, Words: 6891, sterek)
Little clues were coming together here, adding up in a truly alarming and surreal way that Stiles wasn’t fully mentally prepared for. “So… so this is a dick-specific sort of issue?” he ventured.
Jesus, and Stiles knew that look. Who the hell hadn’t felt that way at some point? Betrayed and confused and a little scared of one’s own body. Stiles had felt that way about his dick lots of times. Usually in class, right before the teacher called him to the board. He’d felt that way about his dick after the first time Derek pushed him into a wall and stood up close in his business. As soon as Derek had left, Stiles had stood staring down at his dick in dismay, thinking, 'This? We’re into this now?'
“I mean, you… you already know what’s happening,” he surmised. “You just want me to do some research and see if I come up with the same thing so you know it’s not just you, yeah?”
Finally, Derek looked at him, and it was with a half-cringing vulnerable expression Stiles had never seen nor even imagined he would see before in his life. “I guess?”
Anniversary - Sophtly (Rating: T, Words: 15622, sterek)
Derek always spends the anniversary of his family’s death alone, other than the years when he still had Laura, still had family left to mourn with. Now he just has another person to mourn. He makes sure he has everything he needs in his apartment because he knows he won’t go out. Not that he needs much. There are not many supplies required to sit in one place and think about everything you’ve lost.
Love Is A Force Of Nature - Brego_Mellon_Nin -(Rating: Explicit, Words: 13662, sterek)
When Derek’s father sat him down for the sex talk when Derek was thirteen, he’d explained that werewolves felt things more intensely than humans when they found their mate.
So, even though Derek really wants Stiles, he holds back on his urges until Stiles is ready. As it happens, Stiles turns out to be an early bloomer.
Real life isn't a movie (life doesn't make narrative sense) - dearericbittle (dutchmoxie) - (Rating: Mature, Words: 11586, sterek)
Somehow accidentally insulting a hot guy in a coffee shop leads to pretending to be his boyfriend in front of a house full of werewolves. Stiles Stilinski is living his best life and making the most of his Hallmark movie moment.
He's Not Mine - Sunnee -(Rating: Explicit, Words: 68534, sterek)
Derek comes home to find an abandoned werebaby on his front porch and Stiles volunteers to help him out. Surprisingly, that is just the beginning of his problems.
our lives are changing lanes - grimm (Rating: Explicit, Words: 47537, sterek)
There's a lot of screaming going on inside the first house Stiles visits. He isn't really worried, because it sounds like kids, but then the door opens and hi, says his dick, because the dude in front of him is gorgeous, built like a god with a face like thunder. Stiles wants to lick that solid jaw line. Hold the fuck on, says his cop brain, because the dude's got kids hanging all over him; one's on his back, skinny legs looped around his waist, and another two hanging off one arm, toes barely brushing the ground. There's a tubby toddler clinging to his leg like a koala, and he's got a baby tucked into the crook of the one arm that doesn’t have kids hanging off it. Stiles' mouth drops open.
"How many of those kids did you kidnap?" he asks before he can wrangle his brain into submission.
The man gives him a look that says what the fuck is wrong with you and snaps, "You think I'd subject myself to this on purpose?"
"Oooh," says one of the kids hanging off his arm. "I'm telling Mom."
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zalrb · 4 years
Chemistry Masterlist
Actors, Directors, Executive Producers on feeling and seeing chemistry between characters (this list will be updated regularly)
Why I ask anons to tell me whether or not they think a ship has chemistry before I tell them my opinion
Why Cesare and Lucrezia have the chemistry (and dynamic) other ships lack
How Cesare and Lucrezia physically show the details of a consuming ship
SKAM Espana vs. Elite when it comes to chemistry
Spuffy (overtly sexual dynamic) vs Bangel (better sexual chemistry)
How PLL ships (and Kol and Davina from TO) *just* miss the mark on chemistry
How PLL ships *just* miss the mark on chemistry pt. 2
Ships with ‘negative’ chemistry vs. ships with natural chemistry
How many types of chemistry are there even?
How do you identify chemistry?
How do you identify platonic chemistry?
How do you identify platonic chemistry? Part 2
Chemistry in Marvel movies
Chemistry in Marvel TV shows
Emma vs. Pride & Prejudice
So I’m not seeing this chemistry with Fitzsimmons, guys
Why Piper and Leo work but Fitzsimmons doesn’t
Bangel did it better than Fitzsimmons, by like, a longshot
I don’t go here but this is why I don’t think Fitzsimmons had platonic chemistry either
Ships with ‘that breathless, can’t keep my hands off you, spend every single moment together or I’ll DIE kind of chemistry’
Why Nick and Sabrina don’t have chemistry.
Why Harvey and Sabrina don’t have chemistry.
Brucas’ chemistry vs. Naley’s chemistry
Brucas’ chemistry vs. Leyton’s lack of chemistry
Does Jeyton from OTH have chemistry?
Brucas chemistry vs. Brulian chemistry
Compatibility ships vs. Intense Chemistry ships in Triangles
Olivia and Jake’s chemistry through gazes
What are the ships with the most intense chemistry?
What are the ships with the most playful chemistry?
What are ships with ‘friendship’ chemistry and ‘romantic’ chemistry?
Bromance chemistries in all their forms
Chemistry that defies narrative constraints
Peraltiago Chemistry
Liking a ship that doesn’t have the best chemistry
Liking a ship that has chemistry but no narrative
The chemistry of a cosmic bond
Co-stars who broke up/didn’t get along but had great onscreen chemistry
Co-stars that hated each other but had great onscreen chemistry
Tongue kissing in Hollywood
Who has more chemistry, Ross and Rachel or Chandler and Monica? + GoT ships
Ships that have amazed me because of their chemistry
Ships with chemistry in Gossip Girl
Nate and Serena’s chemistry vs Lexi and Stefan’s
Why Gossip Girl friendship chemistry works
Ben and Leslie, Parks and Rec, chemistry
OG Grey’s Anatomy Ships chemistry
OG Roswell Max and Liz intense chemistry
Westallen is stiff, guys.
WA really is stiff
Jafael had chemistry but Villadero was honestly just that magic Gina spoke about
Olake vs. Olitz Chemistry
Rory’s Chemistry with Dean, Jess and Logan
Movie Couple Chemistry
Romcom Chemistry
Christopher and Lorelai Chemistry
Specifics of Sibling Chemistry
Why Isabel and Max don’t have sibling chemistry
Why Laurie and Eric work as siblings
This is why Daphne and Simon don’t have chemistry
This is why Daphne and Simon don’t have chemistry Part 2
This is why Bridgerton (season 2) fails at chemistry -- in gifs
What the actual chemistry between Brangelina was in Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Who has more chemistry, Marissa and Ryan or Seth and Summer?
Pacey and Joey’s chemistry
Just because y’all hate Dawson and Joey doesn’t mean they didn’t have chemistry just FYI
Karen and Frank (Punisher) vs Gwen and Peter (Spider Man) chemistry
Jasmine Guy on her and Kadeem’s commitment to Dwayne and Whitley
Sydcarmy vs Sydmarcus chemistry
The Vampire Diaries
Stelena chemistry was literally the anchoring force of TVD before they ruined it
Nina figuring out she had chemistry with Paul
Can you see chemistry in different hugs?
If Nina and Ian played Elena and Stefan, their lack of chemistry would ruin Stelena
If Ian had played Stefan and Kat had played Elena, their chemistry would give Stelena a different vibe - they would be more suited to Delena
Why the Delena Motel Scene has no chemistry
If they wanted DE to be as passionate and consuming as the dialogue they needed this kind of chemistry
JP and Caroline Dries worried about Dobsley chemistry
Dobsley chemistry quotes
Dobsley chemistry quotes Pt. 2
Dobsley Chemistry over Nian and Wescola chemistry - gifset
Mistaking Delena tension and awkwardness for sexual tension
The thing about Steroline’s [lack of] chemistry...
1x17 only works with Dobsley Chemistry
What words would you use to describe Dobsley chemistry?
Stelena’s angsty chemistry vs. Delena’s “angsty chemistry”
Delena just can’t do angsty chemistry
Dobsley chemistry in details like second-nature touches
Dobsley chemistry in details like second-nature touches part 2.
Nina + Paul’s chest - constant contact is chemistry in details
Stelena kiss vs. Steroline kiss
The chemistry behind ‘I love you’ scenes
SE chemistry and The Notebook chemistry
Versatility of Dobsley chemistry
Nick and June’s chemistry is what Delena’s should’ve been
What Delena should’ve looked like - chemistry + a little bit of narrative
There is a difference between dynamic and chemistry
Bonkai chemistry
Bonkai chemistry + Bamon has chemistry, they just suck.
Bonkai chemistry + Bamon has chemistry, they just suck. Part 2.
Bamon has chemistry. They just suck. (In more detail)
Bamon chemistry confused their platonic narrative
Somergraham chemistry vs. Bamon narrative
Did Beremy have chemistry?
How would you rate Stebekah chemistry out of 10?
Bonenzo and Steroline have equally terrible chemistry, just differently
The particulars of Klefan chemistry - sexually intrigued vs sexually frustrated
When did you notice Klefan chemistry
Just LOOK at these Klefan stills tho
Klebekah chemistry vs. Jonsa chemistry
Klebekah/Klefan/Stebekah chemistry
15:26 - 17:06 (Klamille, you have no chemistry) 18:54 - end (honestly, Klebekah, do us all a favour and just bang it out)
Klaroline has the fiery chemistry Delena is meant to (plus other ships that do)
Klaroline has the tumultuous chemistry Delena is meant to pt. 2
Chemistry over phone calls
TVD dynamic chemistry list from best to worst.
Bonkai chemistry and Klaroline chemistry
Bamon chemistry and Klaroline chemistry
Longing chemistry (SE) vs yearning chemistry (KC)
Forwood chemistry feeding into narrative
Forwood has excellent physical chemistry
Steroline does *not* have more sexual tension than Caroline or Stefan’s other ships
The show stays out of the way when characters have chemistry
The show stays out of the way when characters have chemistry pt. 2
Merlin’s chemistry with Arthur vs. Gwaine
Gwencelot vs. Arwen - chemistry and narrative combined
Why Arwen’s chemistry is fine but not good enough + narrative mediocrity
Merthur’s chemistry makes the most innocuous moment charged
The difference between intense platonic affection/chemistry and what Merthur have
Arwen tries, they do, but that Merthur chemistry...
Anon: never saw Merlin but they’re gay right?
Jalec has chemistry, you guys just have to deal with it
Jalec has chemistry, you guys just have to deal with it, part 2
Jalec has chemistry, you guys just have to deal with it, part 3
Jalec has chemistry, you guys just have to deal with it, part 4
Jalec has chemistry, you guys just have to deal with it, part 5
Mortal Instruments Clace has chemistry, Shadowhunters Clace does not
Game of Thrones
Jonsa has chemistry, Jonerys does not
Jonerys does not have chemistry, sorry
Game of Thrones ships with chemistry
The particulars of Jonsa chemistry
Kit and Sophie being compelling together onscreen
Jon’s chemistry with Sansa and with Ygritte
Favourite GoT moments but mentions of chemistry between scene partners
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creativestalkerrs · 5 years
The Female Spider-Man; Part Two (Peter Parker x Reader)
Tumblr media
Summary; after meeting ‘the female Spider-Man,’ Peter gets an inside of her personal life as well as a personal threat
Warning; some FFH spoilers, swearing, sexual themes, underage drinking, use of marijuana, slight violence, dumbasses
Word Count; 2.2k
A/N; Yep, it’s a series! Thank you for all the love on part one!
Peter went downstairs to see Y/N, now dressed in something other than a robe. He was wearing a button down shirt and some slacks as well as some dress suit. Very unlike Peter. If it wasn’t a quirky science or math teeshirt, he didn’t want it. But this, this felt right. Y/N leaned on the staircase, with a cherry lollipop between her lips, looking at Peter up and down.
“Finally you look like a presentable adult,” Y/N laughed giving the hard candy another lick. 
“Like I wasn’t before?” Peter asked.
“Yep,” Y/N shouted. “Do you know how to drive?” Y/N asked. Peter face to face with her on the last stair.
“No… I just swing everywhere,” Peter told her as she mocked him with a yawn.
“You’re borrrringggg,” Y/N mocked. “Have you ever driven in a Telsa before?” Y/N asked
“No…” Peter answered slowly. “But I have many other things,” He smiled. Y/N raised an eyebrow.
“Is that some sort of sex joke, Peter?” Y/N asked Peter looked at her shooked, face pink.
“No!” He shouted. “What the hell, Y/N,” Peter whispered. Y/N gave Peter a wink.
“I’m only kidding, Spider-Man… Let’s go! I have people to meet,” Y/N said, turning on her heel and going out the door, Peter dragging begin her. “So, here is the tea… ew, I should like everyone LA whore ever, ANYWAYS, the party is at my friend George’s house… he’s the only other person to know about my powers, kind of the man in the chair-”
“Like Ned,” Peter smiled, thinking about his best friend back in New York. Y/N turned around with a grin.
“You have one too? Yea George is a great guy…” Y/N trailed off as she opened the garage door. “He actually tried to help fight Mysterio when he tried to kill me the second time… the poor man lost an eye… He embraces it and he is such a badass. George says he’s the new Nick Furry for it… if Nick Furry was a jacked, gay Japanese man, who has INCREDIBLE fashion taste,” Y/N laughed. Peter let out a chuckle, a grin on his face.
“Sounds like a great man in the chair… I can’t wait to meet him,” Peter said getting in the car as well as Y/N.
“Are you ready for a good time, Parker?” Y/N asked, Peter, nodded.
As Y/N parked her car in George’s driveway, Peter heard music blasting throwout the house, seeing colored lights throw the window’s and people on the lawn. A classic party scene from a 90’s romcom, that’s only how Peter could describe it.
“Stay with me, then you can go on and explore the ropes of Georgie's party,” Y/N winked at Peter as Peter swallowed the lump his throat. “Don’t be nervous, Peter, they will love you, especially Geroge,” Y/N said with a smile. Y/N put her hand on the door nob and opened the door. Y/N walked up to Geroge who was taking a shot with a model who was wearing on tight underwear. Peter was processing everything. He took a look at everyone as Y/N gave Geroge a hug. Peter saw women in nothing but bikini's, people in feathered scarves and sparkling dresses, a man wearing heels dancing on a table, a few people puffing on a bong and taking body shots on each other. Peter saw a pot belly pig on the couch with a straw hat on. Welcome to LA! 
“I missed you!” Geroge said giving Y/N a bear hug, the guy in tight underwear leaving, pushing Peter
“You saw me this morning,” Y/N laughed. “I brought Spider-Man with me,” Y/N whispered as Geroge raised an eyebrow and pushed her aside to see Peter smile at him.
“This- Him?” Geroge asked with a whisper.
“Yes him,” Y/N smiled.
“He’s cute. Is he single? Possibly got some bi vibes?” George asked, sipping his drink.
“Geroge!” Y/N groaned, Peter’s face redder than a tomato. “I’m sorry Peter, he’s a bit drunk… or high… or both,” Y/N laughed.
“I’m Peter,” Peter introduced to George.
“I heard,” George winked. “I think you and Y/N will get along nicely. Drinks are in the fridge, weed in… everywhere, condoms are in my bedroom,” Geroge laughed as both Peter and Y/N’s face was red.
“That’s enough Georgie, oh my god!” Y/N shouted. “Peter lets get a drink and let Geroge have his own fantasy’s about us,” Y/N added, as she grabbed his hand and dragged him to George’s kitchen. “I’m going to kill him! I… He’s the worst when he meets new people I bring… especially guys. I said that you’d be coming and he had a million questions,” Y/N said grabbing a solo cup and filling it with cheap beer. “Want some?” Y/N asked. Peter had a reputation on being the good boy he is. Sweet, innocent, Peter Parker. 
“Yea sure… Just don’t tell my Aunt May or Happy,” Peter let loose as Y/N handed him a cup.
“Cheers,” Y/N laughed, clinching the cups together as both of them taking a sip. “So Peter, tell me about yourself. What do you do, who do you do?” Y/N asked. Peter’s face looked into Y/N soul, “I’m only kidding Peter… Who is your Aunt May?” Y/N asked, tilting her head, leaning on the counter as Peter’s arms laid across his chest, thinking.
“She’s a great woman. She’s been doing this thing for people who have been relocated after the Blip… and I’ve been helping,”
“Sounds like a great woman… Maybe I can meet her one day. Were you apart of the Blip?” Y/N asked.
“Yes… I’m supposed to be like 23 years old now,”
“Same here… It’s weird because I was supposed to graduate with George and now he’s older than me. That’s weird! He’s at least 6 months younger than me!” Y/N exclaimed. “I missed so many opportunities… But when I got back… things were different, still famous, just odd. However, when I came back my uncle tried to kill me and then went to try and kill you. Thanks, uncle! Family really means a lot,” Y/N laughed. “Did all your friends get snapped?” Y/N asked, taking a drink from her cup.
“Basically… It’s all so… weird,” Peter told Y/N as he took a drink from his cup. Before Y/N could speak, a woman about 5’11, in red heels and a tight dress came in, her hair raven and perfectly curled. Peter and Y/N’s eyes were on her as her hips swang as she walked. She grabbed a bottle of tequila and looked at Peter, giving him a wink.
“Heard you guys talking about the blip,” Her voice was deep and had an accent. Peter or Y/N couldn’t make out on where it came from. “I survived, but my associates didn’t… Came back and they were after me,” She spoke as she looked at Peter one last time and then she left. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. 
“What the hell was that about?” Y/N asked. Peter shrugged his shoulders, ignoring his Peter tingle. He just needed to enjoy himself. George came in, with fuzzy handcuffs on him and a funk hat on.
“Y/N! Peter! Come here we’re going to see Chelse slide down the stairs! On a mattress!” Y/N looked at George, considered and looked at Peter who just smirked and rolled his eyes. 
“This has to be good,” Y/N laughed following George into the living room as Peter followed Y/N. There they saw a drunk girl, taking big drinks of whiskey from a bottle on top of the stairs on a mattress. George picked up the pot belly pig as everyone moved away in the direction.
“What’s going on?” Peter asked Y/N as she pulled Peter close to her side. Y/N just laughed as she petted, Banana, the pig.
“To everyone here! To everyone who still made friends with me after the Blip! You guys are truly amazing… This one is to Y/N, who’s dealt with my shit more than anything and to George who is now older than me and Y/N and I hate it!” Chelse shouted as she made her speech. Y/N just rolled her eyes as Chelse took another swig of the liquor and put it down. Then her friend that was behind her gave the matres a push and Chelse went down, luckily, not breaking anything down, only falling off the mattress halfway down. 
“You’re such a dumbass,” George groaned.
“Hey, do you want to get some fresh air, Peter?” Y/N asked. “Can I take Banana?” George handed her Banana as Y/N and Peter walked out by the pool. A few people were swimming, some making out and some smoking a joint.  “Having fun Peter?” Y/N asked as Banana snorted, making Peter laugh.
“A lot, actually. Thank you for inviting me,” Peter smiled, petting Banana.
“This is my typical Friday… Sometimes I get sick of it, but seeing Chelse do that… makes me laugh and Banana can agree,” Y/N smiled. “You probably never seen all this like this… doing Spider work,” Y/N claimed.
“Only a few high school parties here and there… nothing too crazy,”
“You work your way up to exclusive Hollywood parties,” Y/N laughed.
“Y/N?” Someone called. Y/N’s head turned to see her ex-boyfriend, Henry approaches her. She rolled her eyes. “I haven’t seen you in ages… How are you?” Henry asked.
“I’m well. You?” Y/N asked. Henry sees Peter as he looks at her weirdly.
“Is this your new boyfriend?” Henry asked.
“No… maybe. We’re just… hooking up,” Y/N said, regretting her words. Peter just nodded. “What brings you here, Henry?” Y/N asks
“Trish invited me…”
“Trish? Who is Trish?” Y/N asked, Banana giving him a snort.
“Tall, red heels, accent, raven hair,” Henry described.
“Ah, her,” Peter said.
“Tell your fuck buddy to get lost. I need to talk to you alone,” Henry snapped. Peter rolled his eyes and pushed his way back into the house.
“What the fuck, Henry?” Y/N shouted. “What do you want to talk about,” Y/N asked. Henry got close to Y/N. Y/N let go of Banana as he went inside. Y/N smirked, biting her lip.
“About us… I miss you,” He whined.
“Is that so?” Y/N looked at Henry with his brown eyes. “You missed the way I taste, I bet,” Y/N winked.
“You can say that…” Henry took Y/N’s chin and kissed her. Y/N knew it was wrong but felt so good. But before Y/N and Henry could go deeper, Y/N’s hair stood up. She felt something was off. Not because of Henry, even tho that is always wrong, but something wasn’t going well. Y/N pulled away and a vision of Peter and that women from before entering her mind. It clicked.
“I.. I have to go. Something is off,” Y/N ran inside, searching for Peter. He was no were in sight. 
Y/N looked in every room, asked almost everyone. “George!” Y/N shouted. “Have you seen Peter anywhere?” Y/N asked.
“No… I saw him with this women. Tina… or Trish or something like that. He might get some action,” George said. He heart stopped. It was her. Peter was in danger and so was her.
“Where did they go?”
“Down the street… said something about a park,”
“Thank you, George… Peter is in danger,” Y/N ran out of the door, running down the street to the park. Y/N heard racket as it got closer, there Peter was fighting Trisha, a goddamn spy!
“You bastard!” Peter shouted, shooting his webs, but missing. Trisha had some men helping fight him. Trisha had Peter in a choke hold.
“Tell me who the other Spider-Man is, Peter! I know there is two of you! Where is she?!” She shouted, Peter, struggling to get out of the choke hold.
“I’m not telling you shit!” Peter shouted.
“I’m right here bitch!” Y/N shouted as she aimed her web shooters at her and aimed, landing on her arms.
“What the fuck is this?” She screamed, the webs burning her. Y/N did it again, her grip on Peter’s neck loosen up as Peter escaped, punching her in the face. “You two better be prepared. Me and my associates will kill you! This isn’t over!” She said as she disappeared in thin air. 
Y/N ran up to Peter who was still catching his breath. He began to vomit as Y/N rubbed his back.
“What the hell was that about?” Y/N asked. Peter whipped his mouth.
“She knows… I think she’s working with Mysterio,”
“But he’s dead, Peter. You killed him,” Y/N said in disbelief.
“I think they're finishing his dirty work. Russian spies maybe,” Peter theorized.
“Let’s get you home… Call Happy” Y/N said, walking back to Y/N’s car. Y/N was still figuring everything out.
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sadchappuccino · 5 years
Worth Dying For
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader, mentor!tony x reader
Warnings: fluff, ANGST, blood, death
Summary: As a shield agent you were sent to protect Peter Benjamin Parker aka spider-man. You didn’t expect to fall for him, especially since there is a problem.
Request: 1 and 11 from the prompt list with Peter Parker pleaseee, thank youuu
“She never misses, she never quits, and never loses. If you’re alive, it’s because she wants you alive.”
“The kiss tasted like tears.”
A/n: this took longer and is longer than I expected
You walked down the hallways of Midtown high-school, with what seems like hesitation and fear. That was what people thought you were doing, but it was all a facade. You had a sleek smirk in your mind. You made this character to become friends with your mission. You had to protect him from any harm and what better idea is there than becoming friends with the dork by becoming a dork yourself.
It wasn’t like you weren’t one at heart, you just had to toughen up to become the spy you were. It involved a lot of death and murdering. It wasn’t like you weren’t used to it, your entire life consisted out of training to become an assassin in the red room. Lucky for you Natasha helped you with becoming a kid again, a kid with incredible smarts and fighting skills.
“Target acquired” you mumbled in your mic when you saw him. “Stop calling him ‘target’ jeez y/n, you’re not going to kill him,” Tony said from the other side of the call. “No, that would be an easy mission” you grumbled under your breath. “Wow, you’re really one of a kind, aren’t you?” he joked on the other side. “You could say that, not everyone kills people on a daily basis since they’re merely eight years old.” you replied snarky, you always put on this brave face, not scared of anyone or anything. When you were working you would be sarcastic, witty and sometimes just plain rude. However, at home you like to read sappy novels and watch romcoms. You loved to snuggle up in your blankets and have a steaming cup of hot chocolate in your cold hands. But it shows weakness, so you only did that when you were sure no one could be watching.
“He’s with two friends, from their appearance I’ll guess, Edward Leeds and Michelle Jones” you whispered to Tony. “Alright, go talk to him kiddo, make some friends” the billionaire said.
“Making this personal could compromise the mission” first and foremost was the mission. It was the whole reason you were there and you were on the clock, so there was no socializing or making friends. Just analyzing and protecting.
“Come on loosen up Katniss” Tony said over the comms. “I thought Clint is Katniss” you snickered. “You’re just as serious as Katniss and you have an amazing aim, so who gives a fuck” he sighed.
“Cap would be disappointed Tony, I got to go, I’m nearing the…… person of interest” you said, not wanting to have the ’you’re-such-an-assassin’ talk again.
You ‘accidentally’ bumped into Peter. “Oh sorry, I didn’t see you there” you apologized to him. It was all planned out, you would ask him where to go and seeing that you have the same classes you could walk together to it.
“It’s okay- Are you the new girl?” Peter raised his eyebrows, you couldn’t deny how attractive he was, but it wasn’t worth losing your job. “Is it that obvious?” you chuckled. “No. It’s just that I’ve never seen you.”
“Okay, could you maybe help me find my class, I have no idea where everything is” you shrugged with a small grin on your face. “Sure what do you have next?” Peter asked you. “AP biology”
“I have the same, if you want I could walk you there” Peter seemed incredibly nervous in your eyes. Which wasn’t something you expected since he his behaviour as Spider-Man consisted mostly out of cocky jokes. “Sure, let's go, I don’t want to be late” you smiled at him.
“you guys should kiss already” Tony said in your earpiece. “Shut up Stark” you seeth through your mic. “Did you say anything?” Peter looked at you curious, he swore he heard you say Mr. Stark’s name, but he opted on asking you less suspicious. “No nothing”
“Okay, let’s go to class”
Weeks went by and you kept a close eye on Peter making sure nothing bad would happen. You couldn’t deny the chemistry that was building up between you.
“Hey Peter, do you want to do something after school?” you asked him. “Totally platonic of course” you smiled sweetly at him. He was the first boy that you actually liked and didn’t just pay attention to for the mission.
“Yeah- I- I would love that” Peter stuttered. “Perfect, let’s go to your place” you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “Ye- yeah I’ll see you after school? At the entrance?” He asked you with the faintest hint of a blush on his face.
“Okay” you smiled back at him. Before you walked away, you saw Peter fistbumping the air and you silently chuckled to yourself. “See you later then”
Hours later you were both sitting on Peter’s bed just rambling about random stuff. “Okay so if you would have to choose between drinking water for ever or never eating fast food again, what would you choose?” he asked you, curious to what your answer could be. “Honestly I would go for the food, the only times I eat that is when I’m with my…. Friend anyway” you had to pause to think of a right way to describe Tony without letting him know anything, when you and him would work in the lab you would always buy a cheeseburger, but only then.
“How about you?” you turned to him, his bright brown orbs were shining in the prosthetic light of the lamps in his room. His lips were inching closer to yours, it was like your whole world stopped for a few seconds. “Pete, I think we should watch the movie”it broke you not to kiss him right there and then, but you had to remind yourself why you were at midtown, why you met the beautiful brown haired boy. You were his secret bodyguard nothing more, nothing less.
“Come on y/n you like him and he likes you why not ask him out?” Tony whined, another month had gone by and you were still one square one, only two things changed, your feelings for Peter had tripled and you had a feeling that something was wrong.
Tony and you were training together, just like everyday, since you started the mission, he tried to set you up with Peter. “I said I won’t do it, I have more important things” you grunted whilst hitting the punching bag, “plus I have a gut feeling that sometime is wrong.”
This made Tony stop, “Y/n, your gut feeling hasn't been wrong until now, if you think something is wrong we should investigate it. Now.” His eyes were filled to the brim with worry.
“Okay. Let’s go.” The entire night was spent with you and Tony trying to find something, anything, that could be a hazard to Peter’s life. It was nearly 6 am when you found out what was going on.
“It’s hydra” you mumbled. “What did you say?” Tony looked up at you, his hair was messy and he was clearly tired. “Hydra wants the new generation of superheroes dead, they could take the world over when you guys die, you ain’t the youngest anymore Tones” you joked lighthearted, it was the kind of jokes you always made with Tony.
“Okay, FRIDAY run a facial recognition on y/n’s school and see if any of the students are in SHIELDS database” Tony commands. “Should we just cancel my school tomorrow?” you laughed a bit. “No you have to protect him. Take your suit with you and your guns too” Tony orders.
“You’re saying that I can have my weapons with me” You smiled, you felt more secure with some firearm on you. Tony nodded his head in response and you beamed happy at that.
“Well talking about school it starts in an hour so I have to get ready” you smiled at Tony and walked to your room. You jumped in the shower and changed into your leather skin tight bodysuit. Over it you pulled on some jeans and a hoodie. You hoped that people won’t notice the black suit you wore under your clothes.
You walked down the school corridor with your hands in your pockets. You felt the security of your knife and you were happy to be back in the game.
“Hey y/n, why are you wearing such thick clothes? It’s near summer?” Peter asked you. “I have my reasons Pete. I actually wanted to ask you something” you noted, “but it has to be in private, meet me in our free period by my locker alright?” You walked away leaving no chance for him to answer.
“Okay bye” he shouted after you. The day went bye while you kept fiddling with the weapons you wore. The hours went by slowly and you couldn’t wait until you would meet Parker at your locker.
When the moment of glory finally arrived, you walked there with confidence no one had ever seen coming from the ‘shy nerd’. You saw Peter standing near your locker, looking around nervously.
“Hey Peter” you said shaking him out of his thoughts. “H- hey y/n, so, what do you want to ask?” Peter stuttered nervously, he secretly hoped that you would ask him out on a date, since he liked you a lot.
“I know that you’re spider-man” you stated matter of factly. “You- I’m not spider-man” Peter’s voice was pitched and had gone a few decimals up. “I know Peter, I’m a SHIELD agent and your bodyguard” you showed him your badge, “now, Tony and me have reasons to believe that HYDRA wants you dead, and there is a chance they’ll do that today. So you have to watch your steps, I’ll keep a close eye on you to be sure. Keep your suit with you at all times, if something goes wrong, you run to me, I’ll save you” You ordered.
“What- HYDRA wants to kill me?” Peter asked in shock, he just got hit with a ton of information and it was hard to process. “Don’t worry, I’m here to save you and I have Tony on speed dial if anything goes wrong” You smiled sympathetic, “now change, they can be here any moment” you grabbed the hem of your hoodie and pulled it over your head, your black suit was shown to Peter. You discarded your pants to and opened your locker to grab some more weapons.
You had a holster around your upper leg and your middle in which, knives, guns, shockers and other high tech gear was located. You turned around and Peter stood there flabbergasted. “Come on change, you want to be ready when they come” and you were right because a few moments later HYDRA soldiers showed up with blazing guns.
“You coming Spider-man” you yelled while you shot two men, “bullseye” you joked. “What the-” Peter mumbled before taking someone out too. Together you had the upper hand and easily won, “that’s so nice about HYDRA, they don’t have a properly functioning brain” you joked.
You called Fury to pick up the dead and unconscious bodies, “we have something that needs to be cleaned” you said into your phone. “Coming” he grumbled back at you.
Everything went by in a flash for Peter, one moment he was in school, having a regular day, and the next he was in SHIELD headquarters watching an interrogation with the girl he likes, who’s also an assassin.
“Like that girl could kill me” the men who was being questioned by Fury said. “Listen up,” Fury placed his hands on the table with a slam, “She never misses, she never quits, and never loses. If you’re alive, it’s because she wants you alive.” He pointed at the scrape on his arms, “Now that wound is nothing compared to she could and would do if you don’t tell anything”
You turned off the television you and Peter were watching the encounter on. “No need to see that” you chuckled. “Are you okay Pete” you placed your hand on his shoulder and stared deeply in his eyes. “I’m fine, just a lot of information” he sighed. “It’s going to be okay, I’m here for you” your face was incredibly close to his, your lips even closer as you cooed some reassuring words to Peter.
You bit your lip before backing up, “Let’s go to the compound, Tony wants to talk to us” you stood up and waited for him to do the same.
Together you drove to the compound, with you in the driving seat of course. You entered the compound and went to the lab to talk to your mentor, “Hey Tony, have you found anything” you asked, plopping down on a chair. “Yes, actually, I’ve found their last bases,” he said, “he kiddo” Tony turned to Peter, “how are you?”
“Hey Mr. Stark, I’m good” Peter smiled. “We should go take them out then, before they can do anything” you suggested immediately. “Good idea, but let’s go to sleep first” Tony was deep in thought for a while, “You can’t sleep here, it’s too dangerous” he looked at you with pleading eyes.
“He can sleep with me” you announced, “We’ll go with my motor” you turned to Peter, “It is the easiest way” you shrugged. He looked simply shocked, “who even are you?” he asked you. “I’m the same person Pete, this is just another side”
Together you walked to your motor and rode to your home, “you know what’s funny” Peter said from the couch in the big loft. “What?”
“That we’ve known each other for months, have met a lot of times, but I’ve never been to your house before” he chuckled a bit. “Don’t take it personal Pete, only Tony, Fury, Nat and Maria had been here and now you of course. Not even Steve was allowed to come and he actually begged me” you snickered at the memory at the super soldier pleading you to see your house once, it was like a big SHIELD fact, only a few people knew that you exist and even fewer knew where you lived.
“You know Captain America?” he turned to look at you with a gaze of admiration. “I know all the avengers, I used to be a red room assassin so I had some intel on HYDRA, they needed me and after that Tony practically raised me and Nat became like a big sister to me.” you smiled.
Peter was drop dead silent for a few moments and it scared you because you couldn’t shut him up on most days, even if you wanted to. “What’s wrong” you jumped on the couch next to him. “Do you actually like me?” Peter blurted out, the question took you by surprise, normally he would never be this abrupt. “I- Peter” you sighed, this was a first to you. You didn’t want to talk about your feelings, yes you liked him, you liked him a lot, but you didn’t think you would have to say that to him, ever.
“I get it, I just hoped that there was a chance that we could actually be something” Peter shrugged, trying to hold in his emotions, “I’ll see you tomorrow, I guess” he looked down to the ground. “Bye y/n”
The conversation you had with Peter destroyed you only your goal was clearer, you had to make sure he would be okay, you wouldn’t mind if you were to die in the process anyway. You went to bed and hoped that tomorrow would be the day that you would eliminate the threat.
The next morning you woke up with a good mood, you walked over to the room next to yours, “wake up sleeping beauty” you knocked on the door, but there was no response, “Pete? Open up.” You started to get anxious, why wasn’t he answering? “Alright I’m coming in” you said before opening the door to see an empty room.
You walked over to the open window and stared out of it for a fraction of a moment. You saw a small note on his bed, ‘Hey y/n, I’m just walking outside for a while, I’ll be back soon.’
“That idiot” you muttered. Who would just leave while they are being hunted? “God fucking damnit” you sighed, you quickly changed into your black suit woth combat buits and tied your holsters around your middle and upper leg.
You walked outside, you had to find him before things would go bad. You ran to the streets and looked around for the man. You saw a red and blue blur swing over your head and immediately knew that it was spider-man. You jumped on your motorcycle and followed the shade around New York.
You heard gunshots and knew that you would have to go there, with a sigh you turned your bike around and went into the direction of the sounds. You knew that Peter would go there.
You stopped at the shooting and stepped off of your seat. You saw Peter fighting them off, and helped him quickly. You fend off the bad guys and cuffed them to the walls with his webs.
You walked to him and pushed him against the walls, “you idiot” you grunted out. “Y/n calm down I just went for a small patrol” he ensured you, it didn’t work though as you began to scream at him, “You could’ve died, HYDRA is everywhere lately! You’re my mission Parker and I cannot fail my mission”
The eyes on the costume went a bit larger before Peter ripped off the mask, “Is that all I am? Just a mission” his voice was shaking, laced with pain. “Peter~” your eyes were filled with tears, slowly rising up to your lid. “No! I’m not just some number for you to protect! I’m an actual person y/n!” his shouts were deafening as a single tear rolled down your cheek.
“I’m going to the compound” Peter sighed before he swung away to the home of the avengers. You lowered yourself to the floor, your knees were propped against your chest as you let out soft sobs.
After a few minutes of wallowing in your self pity you stood up and rode to the compound to. You couldn’t help but feel an ache in your chest, it was so painful just because Peter was the first guy ever who you liked. He was the first guy who you wanted to gold into your arms and tell him that you love him, that you don’t want anything except for being with him.
You cries were muffled by your helmet as you drove off, you felt alone and it scared you, these past months made you feel human, you had real friends and you never felt that happy in your life, maybe the day you met Tony came close but that’s it.
You were close to the compound almost there you saw the destruction. You quickly accelerated and sped off to the fight. When you were the fight had almost stilled only a handful of HYDRA agents were left. You stood up and began to fight alongside the avengers.
When everyone was gone you walked over to Tony and Peter, “What happened?” you asked them, wiping away some blood that had splattered on your face. “Why would you care?” Peter snarked at you, the words dripping with venom.
“We were attacked by HYDRA,” Tony said looking between you and Peter, “what happened between you two?”
“We had a fight that’s all” you shrugged making Peter scoff. “We’re still having a fight” you corrected yourself. The joke made Peter even angrier at you, how could you be so careless about him, like you never wanted to be friends with him and wouldn’t even think about being more.
You watched around the battlezone, everything was mostly intact, there was damage but it would all be able to be fixed. That is when you saw a single man, bleeding from head to toe, pointing a gun at Peter. The man pulled the trigger and you jumped in front of it, taking the bullet for him.
The metal pierced your skin, you screamed in pain as your body hit the ground, you couldn’t think straight anymore, everything was a blur and you didn’t even notice that Tony shot the shooter.
Peter cradled your body, keeping you close in his arms, “Y/n, I’m so sorry for yelling at you” he sobbed. You silenced him with placing your lips on his, the kiss tasted like tears, “you were never just a mission Pete, I love you” you started to cough up some blood.
Tony jumped at your side to, “Y/n, don’t die, please” you were surrounded by the people you loved most when the black spots entered your vision, “I love you Tony, so I have to say this. My death isn’t your fault” you sputtered out. “Y/n stop, you’re not going to die, just save your energy” he pleaded. “Guys,” you placed your hands on their cheeks, “I love you both, only Tony you more in a dad kinda way” you snickered.
The black seemed so inviting, so you looked at your loved ones one more time, before your body went limp and the voices of Peter and Tony disappeared with it.
Everyone was wearing black, it’s the colour people wear on funerals, a colour associated with pain and loss. There was a soft drizzle as the ceremony was held. Peter tried to contain his sadness, if only you wouldn’t jump to save his life, if only he could save you. You would be walked beside him, maybe even holding his hand at a cute date Peter had set up.
He wanted to rip his hair out for letting you down, he failed you and he had to live with his choice, because you loved him and if you thought he was worth dying for he would live for you.
Taglist: @loxbbg
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sept-dix · 7 years
Open Up
summary: college neighbour daniel (tbh the college aspect of this is almost nonexistent but heh) a/n: requested; i combined two asks for this bc they were pretty similar haha also to anyone else who has sent me a request, i’m still trying to figure them out + i’m busy rn so it might take a while ;; thank you for waiting <3
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it is a tired afternoon
you’ve just submitted one major mid term assignment and you have another huge written test looming ahead in 2 days so you drag yourself as fast as possible to your dorm room and decide to crash for a few hours before getting up to work again
you draw the curtains, set an alarm for exactly 1.5 hours later, settle comfortably into your bed with the blankets snug around you, and are just about to drift off into a much needed sleep when suddenly 
seriously all you want is just a little bit of quality sleep time is that too much to ask @ god??
you barge towards your door and swing it open to see what’s going on only to find the whole corridor outside your flat filled with 2809349283 boxes and 2 guys trying very hard to get all of that stuff up the stairs and into the room next to yours
they freeze and look up at you 
your 1st thought is: what the fuk is going on
your 2nd thought is: damn that boy is kinda cute 
so you’re just standing there kinda glaring and kinda staring at them unsure of what to do next when the cute guy finally unfreezes and comes up to you and offers you his hand for a handshake or smth
“hey, my name is daniel! and that’s jaehwan. we’re moving into this flat and i guess you live in this one so,, hi new neighbour?”
you just take his hand and and go “uhh yeah hi i’m y/n”
this boy is really cute wow 
(imagine daniel looking like this)
he kinda awkwardly scratches the back of his neck and says “sorry for all the noise i think we disturbed you”
and somehow, instead of what you actually meant to say you go “it’s fine, you guys need help with that?”
“omg if it isn’t a bother we would love the help pleasesdd”
that’s how you give up your much needed nap to help them move their stuff in instead
and you find out more about them
so apparently jaehwan is a vocal major and daniel is a dance major and they’re both a year above you
you find out daniel has 2 cats and you’re like wtf bc that’s against campus dorm rules but you agree to keep the secret
jaehwan is a super loud boy and you’re wondering how you’re gonna ever get peaceful time in your own dorm ever again
anyways by the time you’re all done with everything you find yourself inviting them two over to your dorm the next day for like dinner or smth yknow just to get to know your neighbours better lol
but the thing is you actually share your room with your older sister, and you can’t actually cook, so when you tell her she’s like wtf now i have to cook for 4 people???? bitch
alas she does 
the next day the four of yall are having a super good time but jaehwan has to leave early so it ends up with just you your sis and daniel
and he brings over his cats at some point bc your sis tells him that she absolutely loves cats which she does
you three are playing with the cats and you find out daniel is just a big baby like he’s eating ice cream and cooing at his cat and he tells y’all the story of how he named both of his cats guy names bc he only found out recently that they’re both females
like wtf
anyway since that day daniel starts coming over with his cats more often and bc your sister has a super busy schedule you are the one who ends up spending a lot more time with him
you 2 often have dinner together on the days in which both jaehwan and your sis are out
sometimes you watch movies together
inevitably there are times when dan wants to come over but you’re out so he hangs out with your sis alone and on those days you’re always really kshdfskjfkdj
one time daniel has this dance showcase and he invites both you and your sis to go watch but your sis can’t bc she has smth else on so you end up going alone with jaehwan and some of dan’s other friends and omg
your heart flutters so much watching him dance that you think you’re gonna pass out
after the showcase you go up to him to give him the flowers you’ve brought and you almost combust right there and then at the smile and hug he gives you
you have an amazingly huge crush on him it’s painful
you develop this habit of calling him whenever you’re having a bad day or something and he’ll come over with his cats to cheer you up
he thinks the cats are doing the job but lmao it’s him
one day you are out and about having lunch with two of your friends when you get a call from daniel
when you pick up his voice sounds all glum and quiet
“daniel? what’s up what’s wrong”
“it’s peter, i don’t know for sure but i think she’s sick?”
“oh my,, are you bringing her to the vet or somewhere?”
“yeah that’s the thing, i’m gonna go in about an hour and i was wondering... if you’re free could you come along? it’s just i don’t wanna go alone yknow it’s a little scary”
needless to say your heart melts and you’re about to cry but you tell him of course and ditch your friends and run back home
when he opens the door to his room he looks bad
like he’s been worried sick and on the verge of tears so you follow your instincts and give him a hug and he buries his head into your neck and you’re a puddle of goo
poor baby ;;;;
you bring poor peter to the vet, and you actually have to hold on to dan as she’s getting examined bc that’s how anxious and upset he is
tbh you’re worried for her too but you’re even more worried about daniel
thankfully the vet says there’s nothing to worry about and that she’ll get better in a few days and the relief on daniel’s face makes u wanna cry
you two decide to stop by this ice cream place on the way home to celebrate 
and as you’re sitting across him and watching him eat his ice cream, you realise how much you like him, and also how clueless you are about whether he feels the same way
as a spur of the moment kind of thing suddenly you ask him whether he likes someone
he looks up at you kinda surprised 
“why are you suddenly asking me that?”
“nothing i’m just curious”
“...well, yeah actually”
wtf???? your heart is beating fast
“what really???!! tell me who!!”
“wait you really don’t know? i thought it was obvious”
now you’re getting even more anxious bc if it was obvious then it was someone you knew and you know yourself very well lmao
“no omg i really don’t know who ok give me hints i’ll guess”
“um well i’ve been over to her dorm a lot”
“ok,, gimme more”
“she’s really close with my cats”
.. at this point you’re getting your hopes up because you’re literally on the way back from the vet
you’re silent for a few nervous moment debating on what to say next when he speaks first
“she has the same last name as you”
could he make it any more obvious at this point he could just confess directly to you
“c’mon i made it so obvious and you still don’t know? it’s your sister duh!”
wait what
your heart drops right down to your feet and in that moment of pure shock and disbelief you actually start laughing
“see? it was obvious right?”
oh god
so....... it’s not you?
this is stupid... you should have known 
he literally said she has the same last name as you wtdfksjfksd
come to think about it, all those times he had called you to ask whether your sis was home before coming over should have made it obvious to you
and every time when he was together with you and your sis he had always been more comfortable around you but you guess that’s because he was... shy around ur sis
oh god
you don’t even remember the rest of what happened on the way home, you’re heckin traumatised
when your sis comes home that day and you watch her clean up the mess in the dorm and start settling dinner it kind of hits you
like of course daniel is gonna like your sister?? look at her she’s cleaning up the mess you made and cooking the dinner which you can’t make for yourself
she’s got her life together and you’re here just being a child
you decide in that moment that things have got to change
the next day when daniel calls you to ask if you wanna go grab lunch you tell him you can’t bc you have to work on a project
which you don’t actually 
it starts like that
after several instances of you turning down daniel’s invitations to do something with him he kind of just gives up
you’re glad but deep down you also secretly have this thought of why can’t he try harder to get me to hang out with him
it’s hard to get over feelings but you’re trying
before you know it your life is almost back to how it was before he moved in beside you
and you’re starting to settle into a new rhythm
but little do you know that as you go to sleep every night increasingly content with the new lifestyle you’ve built, daniel is suffering on the other side of the wall
suddenly he has no one who is always up to do stuff with him
when he goes to watch a new romcom film with his friends he realises none of them joke about the plot with him the same way you would
no one to listen to his silly worries and his even sillier jokes
he thinks even his cats miss you
one day you’re in your room working on an assignment when you hear super loud knocking sounds coming from outside
you wait for it to go away but it doesn’t
in fact it only gets louder and after a few minutes there’s angry shouting accompanying it
so you open your door to peek out and see what the heck is going on when you see a clearly drunk daniel banging at his own door and shouting at jaehwan to open up 
you freeze for a second and consider just leaving him to it but ,,,, this is daniel and you know for a fact that jaehwan isn’t even home
it’s funny how life works - after all these months here you are out in the corridor trying to help daniel again
you approach him slowly and try to tell him that jaehwan isn’t in
and the hand that he was using to bang at the door drops limply to his side and he just stands there in front of his door looking down at the floor
“do you have your key?”
he just shakes his head slowly before looking up at you 
and you kinda panic for a moment bc of how long it’s been since you’ve last seen him 
and he looks kind of... sad
“then do you want to come in and wait in my flat?”
you hesitate for a second before adding “my sister isn’t home”
he just nods and follows you in
there’s nothing but awkward silence between you two as he sits there on the chair beside you and you’re contemplating just telling him to go to sleep or something when he mumbles something
“what was that?”
“i miss you, y/n. why don’t you wanna see me anymore?”
you just sit there not knowing what to say and he uses the silence to continue 
“i said i miss you. don’t you miss me too? you know i’ve been thinking about it and... i don’t even know your sister well”
you’re thinking maybe you should say something but he doesn’t give you time to talk
“i want to be with you more but you don’t want to spend time with me anymore. i don’t know what i did wrong but y/n, i miss you”
he looks like he’s gonna start crying and you are in pure conflict because everything you’ve tried so hard to bury for the past month is coming back
“in fact i think i don’t even like your sister. i really don’t know her well. i miss you”
he is just drunk and repeating the same things again and again and you have no idea what to do bc you’re starting to realise that maybe you never stopped liking him at all
“y/n, i’m saying that i miss you. why don’t you want t-”
“daniel, what are you trying to say?”
“that i like you”
and just like that you’re moving forward and kissing him
it takes him a moment but he kisses you back
and maybe he’s only saying all this bc he’s drunk, maybe he will wake up in the morning and change his mind
maybe you’ll regret giving in so easily after the struggle of the past month
and maybe this was not the circumstances under which you’d dreamt and wished for this to happen
but it was happening, and maybe that’s all that matters for now 
a/n: DEEP SIGHS i have no idea whether this was any good aaah please either drop me an ask or message me to tell me what you think!!!! i’d really appreciate any type of feedback/comments ;;;; also feel free to send me a request if you want but it might take me a while to get to it so yeah lol thank you for reading!!!
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pluckyredhead · 7 years
Daredevil 101: The Nifty (Late) Nineties
Last time on Daredevil 101, Matt had yet another nervous breakdown, and Foggy finally found out, after 30 years of canon, that his best friend was Daredevil.
Now, with Matt having un-faked his death, he, Foggy, and Karen are free to settle into a new status quo - and it’s a refreshingly light-hearted one! Honestly, I would say this is the peppiest Daredevil ever is - there’s less melodramatic thought-bubbling than the Silver Age, and no undercurrent of severe depression like in the Waid run. It’s just sheer, pleasant fun.
In fact, it’s basically a romcom, with wacky misunderstandings and lots of workplace shenanigans thrown in. Which, considering we’re talking 1996-1998, is right on schedule.
Over the next three posts we’ll be covering Daredevil Volume 1 #353-375, mostly by the creative teams of Karl Kesel/Cary Nord and Joe Kelly/Gene Colan (the latter of whom also drew much of Silver Age Daredevil, aw).
Content Warning: Reading between the lines, emotional abuse by a parent.
We begin with Matt deciding that the best way to announce his return to the world is to stroll into the courtroom during one of Foggy’s cases and just start arguing it alongside him, creating a media circus. Foggy’s...less than thrilled:
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How on earth would he know you’re really blind, Matt? You never a) explained anything or b) apologized, you literally just jumped out the window and ran away.
Anyway, they don’t have time to go into it (and Matt gets to skip out of apologizing again) because they get a shocking message:
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1. Foggy, you are a fashion icon, never change.
2. How does he know Rosalind Sharpe? And why is he so agitated at the prospect of meeting with her???
Meanwhile, Karen's trying to find her own direction in life:
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Matt’s always been pretty careless and jovial about Karen selling out his secret identity - he has literally never tasked her with or blamed her for it - but it weighs on Karen. Also, I don’t blame Karen for not being sure what job to take, since her last two were “handing out anti-porn pamphlets on a street corner” and “running a drug addiction hotline,” both of which are noble causes but neither of which seemed to come with a salary.
Side note: this haircut is very dated but it is my 100% favorite Karen haircut of all time. So kicky! So fresh! So Monica Gellar circa Season 2! I love it.
Meanwhile, Matt’s gone back to “swashbuckling banter-er” when it comes to fighting crime:
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I mean, Matt’s jokes are stupid, but that’s part of the point. At least he didn’t say “Talk to the hand” or “Don’t have a cow, man.”
Later, he and Foggy meet with Rosalind, and she offers them both junior partnerships in her firm. Foggy instantly, gleefully accepts, but Matt’s more reluctant:
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So yeah, Rosalind is a stone cold bitch, and I don’t use that word lightly. I think she’s a fascinating character but not because she’s, like, not an awful person or anything. (For anyone reading this who doesn’t know why this is so awful: Rosalind is Foggy’s biological mom, though Matt and the reader don’t know that at this point. That’s why this means so much to Foggy.)
It’s also pretty baffling, because Rosalind declares Foggy “adequate” and Matt “astounding,” but Matt has been a) disbarred and b) declared dead twice, while Foggy is a former district attorney and legal counsel to both the Fantastic Four and Tony Stark around this point in time. The perceived wisdom about the characters up until Bendis takes over in a couple years is that Matt is a brilliant attorney and Foggy’s a fumbling buffoon, and both Kesel and Kelly steer hard into that curve, but not only does it not match what the characters actually do, it never made any sense from a character point of view. Why would Matt, The Greatest Lawyer Ever, saddle himself with an incompetent? And how could he run The Most Successful Law Firm In New York while dragging Foggy’s dead weight behind him when it’s canon that he barely ever has the time or emotional capacity to do legal work? I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS FOGGY NELSON SLANDER!
Anyway, Matt and Foggy take some time to hash it out (though Matt obviously doesn’t tell Foggy about Rosalind’s ultimatum), but it’s a tense discussion considering how hurt Foggy still is about the Daredevil thing:
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“I can only say I’m sorry so many times, Foggy!” Maybe start with once? That’s a good number to begin at, Matthew. (This “UGH get OVER it” attitude continues for a while, btw, until Foggy finally stops bringing it up. Gee, I wonder where he learned to put up with such belittling dismissal from his loved ones?)
That’s Liz Osborn at the door - formerly Liz Allan, Spider-Man’s high school dream girl, now the widow of Harry Osborn, mother of his child Normie, and head of OsCorp. Foggy helped her with a legal matter recently and she’s come to, well...
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Yeah, she’s there to ask him out. GET IT, GIRL. Liz knows what’s what. (Well, she does now. Not so much when she was 16, but then who among us did?)
Check out Foggy’s foreshadowing about Rosalind there in panel 2, btw.
Matt, meanwhile, realizes that he really does owe Foggy this after, you know, the lying to him forever thing, so he tells Rosalind he’s in, on one condition:
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Yeah, so Rosalind wants to fuck her son’s best friend, right? That’s what’s happening here? I mean, I kind of get it - Cary Nord draws a hell of a Matt - but also Jesus Christ, no, Rose, keep it in your pants.
And so Nelson and Murdock becomes Sharpe, Nelson, and Murdock. Meanwhile, Karen is fully on board the Foggy/Liz train:
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Matt, as usual, is deliberately obtuse/borderline resentful of the fact that Foggy might have other relationships. Oh, Matthew. I’m sure if you just tell Foggy you’re in a triad with him and Karen he’d be on board.
Hey look! It’s Misty!
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(She’s the investigator for Rosalind’s firm. She’s also talking about Danny there, yes. They dated pretty consistently in the comics for like 40 years. They’re very cute. COMICS DANNY IS BETTER. Anyway I like it when she and Matt flirt.)
Oh and hey, while we’re here, let’s have the one-two punch of Nelson and Murdock in action. ONE: Matt, having badgered Foggy into defending a supervillain for convoluted Daredevil reasons, fails to show up in court:
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Foggy, you are a sartorial wonder and a joy forever, I love you. (Seriously: KILLING. IT.)
TWO: Matt bursts in, either in costume or out, with evidence he’s just come into possession of that’ll blow this case wide open!
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There you go, that’s every Daredevil trial scene ever except for the time Matt made Peter dress up as Daredevil so that he could cross-examine him.
Please note Rosalind cackling evilly back there, because she’s trying to get Foggy to throw Matt under the bus, because...she resorted to extortion to get Matt to join her firm and now she wants to ruin his reputation? Which will hurt hers to? Again, Rosalind’s so busy being calculating and cutthroat that her actions frequently don’t make any goddamn sense.
But this is also pretty much the moment that Foggy lets go of his resentment over Matt’s secret and re-pledges his troth, so I feel a lot of feels about it. Even if I would like to see Matt dangle a bit longer.
Meanwhile, Karen’s found a job, though she’s been a bit cagey about what it is with Matt. Why? Well, she’s a late night DJ/talk radio host...but for WFSK, which is owned by - you guessed it - Fisk. But she’s great at it!
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This dialogue is 100% ridiculous but also 100% believable, can’t you just hear her cadence? If you’re old enough to remember this kind of thing, at least.
Rosalind has decided to turn Foggy’s friendship with Daredevil (who of course she doesn’t know is Matt) into a win for the firm by branding him as “Daredevil’s Pal,” so she calls in and puts a very startled Foggy on the phone so that he can talk about his relationship with Daredevil:
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YOU GUYS. I’M CAN’T. <3 <3 <3
A few callers dial in with weird theories and questions (“What if he has weird bug eyes?” “Whatever happened to those funny little kids he used to hang out with?”), but then “Mike” from the Bronx calls to ask what Karen - I mean, “Paige Angel” - thinks of Daredevil:
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Karen goes on to say that Daredevil’s saved her life, and she wouldn’t be the person she is without him. “Mike” replies that Daredevil must be blind...if he can’t see how lucky he is to have people like her in his corner. He adds that whoever Daredevil is, he’d probably be impressed that “Paige” is trying to do some good from the inside at a place like WFSK.
Karen, not being an idiot, recognizes Matt and is touched. And Matt, who’s just heard his two favorite people wax rhapsodic about how wonderful he is?
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AWWWWW LOOK AT THIS HAPPY BOY! You enjoy it, buddy. You don’t get to have it too often.
Next up: Nelson family drama, and the return of two of Matt’s old flames!
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traincat · 4 years
are you the blog that had a post about peter being hot in canon and if so would you mind reblogging that post?
Okay, so that was probably me, because I talk about how Peter is hot in comics canon a lot, but I don’t actually know which post that would be because I talk about how Peter is hot in canon a lot. But if you need to prove a point, Peter has been in-canon hot (and acknowledged as so by other characters) since 1967:
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“Take away his looks... and his brains... and he’s nowhere!” (ASM #54) Thank you, Peter’s completely college random classmate we’ll never see again, for providing commentary on how he’s so hot the girls just can’t keep their hands off him.
I think in general there’s this idea that Peter is not hot (or more accurately that he is shy and retiring in physical appearance out of the costume, like the nerdy girl in a high school romcom before the glasses come off and the hair comes down) that’s been spread through fanon osmosis in large part because of the way both Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland have been styled and presented by their individual movie franchises -- conversely, Andrew Garfield’s portrayal has been criticized as being “too handsome” or “too smooth with girls” even though objectively looking at the film he is not styled or depicted as being an incredible lady’s man so much as just a guy with nice hair. (Also, people go to movies to see good looking people; it kind of comes with the territory of being in a starring role, so complaining that an actor is “too” good looking for a leading man part is like, well, that’s why they’re splashing their face up there fifty feet tall.) But that doesn’t actually come from comics canon when you look at it. John Romita Sr, who took over on art after Steve Ditko left the book and who subsequently has had a massive amount of influence over the look and style of the series, always drew Peter as classically handsome, with thick, slicked back hair, a strong chin, and broad shoulders:
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(ASM #44) Look at him. He’s a romance comic hero.
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(ASM #96) If you compare him to Harry in particular -- sorry, Harry -- Peter’s clearly depicted as the better looking between the two, even without MJ’s helpful commentary about how he’s a big boy. Look at that one forehead curl. That’s how you know he’s a rogue.
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(ASM #129) Handsome and he knows it, which is really just an unfortunate combination in a man. Explains a lot of the attitude. 
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(Avengers: The Initiative #7) Speaking of attitude, sir, please stop referring to yourself as “daddy.”
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(ASM #609) Good face. He gets an extra couple of hot points for always being so immensely protective of his friends. Love a guy who’ll shove his way in front of his spindlier buddies. Sorry, Harry.
And obviously various artists throughout the years have had their different ways of depicting Peter -- some go for lankier builds, some go for broader shoulders, some for more square jaws, some for pointier chins, blah blah blah. I’ve read enough Spider-Man that I can say my favorite depictions always feature a strong jaw line and thick brows, but that’s really up to personal taste. But the point is, traditionally, and once we’re past the high school years, Peter’s pretty clearly been purposefully drawn and presented as hot: 
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(Peter Parker #77)
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(Spider-Man Unlimited #19) Whoo! Take your shirt off!
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(Spectacular Spider-Man #194) He takes his shirt off a lot. I think that, beyond even the physical, a lot of what makes Peter an attractive character is that he’s a deeply romantic one, and the really good artists on Spider-Man have been able to make that quality really shine in a way that transcends physical appearance.
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(Web of Spider-Man #50) The physical isn’t bad though. Alex Saviuk said this fanservice is for the bisexuals.
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(Peter Parker v2 #15) John Romita Jr’s depiction is a real favorite for me always not even because of how he draws Peter’s features particularly but because of how he always manages to get the attitude across. And the attitude is extremely hot.
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(ASM v2 #37) “I can bench press more than any two members of the X-Men.” Hot.
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(ASM v2 #49) In conclusion: bite him.
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the-desolated-quill · 7 years
Into The Dalek - Doctor Who blog
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this episode yet, you may want to before reading this review)
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Deep Breath couldn’t have been a more disappointing start if you tried. Into The Dalek on the other hand is pretty damn good for the most part. There are some problems, sure, but the quality is night and day compared to the previous episode. Maybe Phil Ford’s input had something to do with this improvement. I don’t know.
On the spaceship Aristotle (subtle), the Doctor discovers a Dalek that seems to have turned good. So he, Clara and some soldiers from the future get shrunk down and go for a little trek inside the Dalek to see what caused this. Now yes, this premise is similar to The Invisible Enemy just like the plot of Deep Breath was similar to The Talons Of Weng-Chiang, but unlike Deep Breath, Into The Daleks is actually entertaining and does just enough to make the premise its own. I mean come on. It’s the inside of a Dalek! How cool is that?! We finally get to see how it actually works, and there’s a lot of imaginative concepts here. I like the Dalek antibodies, the whole idea of a memory cortex that edits and suppresses memories to keep a Dalek ‘pure’ is intriguing, and we finally get an explanation for the sink plunger at last. So it’s used to absorb protein from victims? How positively revolting.
But let’s talk about the thing I love the most about Into The Dalek. The Doctor. Now we’ve gotten past all the post regeneration nonsense, we can finally see what kind of Doctor this one is going to be, and it’s very dark indeed. Warm and cuddly he most certainly ain’t. He’s very cold and methodical. The scene where he lets one of the soldiers die in order to use him to track the antibodies was a bit of a jaw dropper, but i liked it. It’s still very much in character and it’s a side of him we don’t often get to see in New Who. I’m also pleased to see that the humour has improved since Deep Breath. It’s no longer goofy whimsey. This Doctor’s humour is much more acerbic and dry, and he delivers a lot of darkly comedic lines.
Journey Blue: (referring to the protein vat) “Is Ross here?”
The Doctor: “Yeah. He’s the top layer if you want to say a few words.”
This kind of humour fits Peter Capaldi like a glove and he does a great job portraying that cold logic mixed with callousness. but what I especially love is how this episode explores this Doctor’s priorities. One of the many things that’s been bugging me about New Who, and about the Eleventh Doctor especially, is how the Doctor has been sliding closer and closer to being an all powerful saint who can do no wrong. Not only is that incredibly boring, it’s also not who the Doctor is at all. Sure the Doctor is a decent person who will always try to help those in need, but he’s not a god or a superhero. He’s just a guy. He can make mistakes, he’s capable of doing morally questionable things and sometimes he can let his own scientific curiosity and self interests get the better of him. Into The Dalek really seeks to highlight that. Throughout the episode, the Doctor is utterly convinced that there is no such thing as a good Dalek, and when he fixed the radiation leak, he knew full well there was a chance that the Dalek would revert back to its murderous self, but he did it anyway. The Doctor knew that fixing the radiation leak could make the Dalek evil again, and he didn’t care. All he cared about was being proven right. I love that because it adds a whole other layer to the character and makes him all the more interesting.
But as much as I enjoyed Twelve in this, there are some aspects of his character I don’t like. For example, the whole self doubt thing and his constant need to seek Clara’s approval. Considering he just retconned the whole Time War in order to save his own race and defended Trenzalore for centuries, I don’t see why the Doctor is furrowing his brow over whether he’s a good man or not. Especially when the answer is so painfully obviously yes. He may occasionally be selfish and self absorbed, and can sometimes make mistakes, but he always tries to do the right thing. And can I just take this opportunity to debunk the idea yet again of the Doctor being completely ineffectual without a companion. It seems as though the Doctor can’t do anything without needing Clara to hold his hand and guide him through everything, which just feels totally wrong.
But by far the thing I hate most about Twelve is his soldier prejudice. I’ve spoken at length in the past about how idiotic the whole pacifist thing is considering the Doctor has often resorted to using violence and guns in extreme circumstances during the classic series. Yes I suppose you could argue that Nine and Ten’s PTSD might have exacerbated the whole ‘no guns’ thing, but Twelve takes it to a whole new level. He hates soldiers to the point where he rejects Journey Blue’s request to travel with him at the end, but he doesn’t actually seem to have a good reason for his hatred. Journey doesn’t do anything wrong as far as I can see. He just hates soldiers because the script said so. You’d think, considering he recently met the War Doctor, that he would be slightly more sympathetic to soldiers, but nope. It just doesn’t make sense and the whole idea of all soldiers being bad is just too narrow minded.
It’s such a shame as well because I actually really liked Journey Blue. Zawe Ashton did a really good job in the role and I loved how she interacted with the Doctor. She clearly has a begrudging respect for him, but at the same time she’s not prepared to put up with any of his bullshit. I would much rather she was travelling with the Doctor than Clara because I feel Twelve really needs someone to pin him against a wall sometimes and challenge him. Clara seems to have more of a teacher/pupil role with him (with Clara playing the teacher role, which is wrong in and of itself), which just feels incredibly patronising. Journey’s relationship with the Doctor is more believable and thus more engaging in my opinion and I would kill to have her in the TARDIS with Peter Capaldi. I know some people didn’t like how aggressive and stroppy she was, but to be fair, she did just lose her brother. I think she’s got a right to be a little bit cranky. And the scenes with her uncle, played by Michael Smiley, do more than enough to humanise her in my eyes so she’s not just an angry, shouty woman. They have this really professional relationship, but you can detect a familial warmth underneath.
I really enjoyed Into The Dalek for the most part, but it’s when we get towards the end where the wheels start to wobble. The Doctor realising that all the Daleks could potentially be turned good isn’t a bad idea in and of itself. The problem is what this plotline focuses on. In the end, it’s the Doctor’s own hatred of the Daleks that turns Rusty into a Dalek killer rather than the reformed good guy the Doctor wanted, and we’re clearly supposed to be thinking about how much hate and prejudice the Doctor has towards the Daleks, but it doesn’t work. Not only have we basically explored this already in 2005′s Dalek (and done it better), I can’t help but feel Phil Ford and Steven Moffat have missed the point of their own story entirely. Honestly I think this tells us more about the Daleks than the Doctor. My main takeaway from this isn’t how hateful the Doctor is, but rather how utterly beyond help the Daleks are. Rusty was banging on about destroying the Daleks long before the Doctor mind melded with it. The way I see it, what turns Rusty isn’t the Doctor’s hatred, but rather its own desire for hatred. The Daleks don’t just want to hate. They need to hate. Whether it’s hating against humans, Time Lords or their own fellow Daleks, it seems that is a Dalek’s sole purpose of existence. Even in an attempt to expand its consciousness, Rusty ends up going for the one thing it recognises within the Doctor. Hatred. Why? Because that’s the only thing it knows how to do. It’s kind of tragic when you think about it and could have been used to great effect. This could have been an opportunity to shine a whole new light on the Daleks and present them in a way that’s never been done before, but instead Ford and Moffat sidestep what could have been a very interesting issue to explore in favour of retreading old ground. They’re focusing on entirely the wrong thing here, which is frustrating.
And then there’s the whole situation with Danny Pink. Samuel Anderson does the best he can with what he’s been given, but I’m not impressed with this character. Not only are we doing the whole cliched romcom shit again like we did in The Lodger, it’s also yet another stupid mystery for Moffat to drag out over the course of the series. What did Danny do while he was a soldier? And just to make sure all subtlety is thrown out of the window, we even get a prolonged shot of a single poetic tear trickling down Danny’s cheek. It’s really pathetic. Moffat is so bad at getting us to care about his characters that he has to resort to melodramatic bollocks like this to try and drag some kind of emotion out of us. Also, fuck you Clara. I don’t know what sort of emotional trauma Danny went through (and I don’t really care neither), but he’s clearly suffering from some form of PTSD, so to make dismissive jokes about it really is just beyond insulting. (And while I’m complaining about Clara, can we drop all the companion slapping Doctor jokes now please? Like I said in the past, it’s not cute and sexy. it’s assault and battery).
While there are a few flaws here and there, I still had a lot of fun watching this episode. I’d say this is definitely one of the better Dalek stories to come out of New Who.
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