#i think that everyone here should play fantasy life it is amazing
oh-meow-swirls · 2 months
batshit insane statement but part of harrisville's theme sounds kinda like part of uhhhhh. one fantasy life song. i don't remember which part but it has fantasy life vibes. they probably had the same composers honestly sfdlkfjlksfjkfkjsf-
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garrettwrites · 2 months
Warning: discussions of homophobia; extremely negative rant over a popular lgbt book.
Post context: I waited a decade to read a certain retelling book that focuses on the development of an lgbt couple, one which has been discussed over the centuries. I'm doing my best to censor its title and characters, so this post doesn't show up in the tags for people who genuinely love this story. The title, one I now view as overrated, is something along the lines of a song about a certain popular greek hero with long blond hair and a particularly fragile heel. I wanted to read the original, the Iliad, first. I was so excited... and finally, I read the Iliad and other classical texts, I studied ancient history, and I was finally in the mood to start, paired with good knowledge of the characters that would feature in it AND the historical context... Only to find out I shouldn't have waited. 14/15 year old me would have loved this. Current me cannot. I find most reviewers must have either been high while reading, or have taken this book as teenagers, because there is no way an adult over the age of 25 with some degree of reading experience would have not seen the glaring problems with this book.
Disclaimer, if you care - I have no problem with story alterations. I can be critical of them, sure. But even that won't stop me from enjoying something. I think Percy Jackson should have followed a more greek setup, and I don't particularly fancy some of the worldbuilding choices, but those books were and still are among my favourite fantasy stories. Even though they're for children. Even though I've read Tolkien. I'm no elitist, nor do I believe shit can't be changed to make a compelling story. What I do have a problem with is how you present information, and how you distort it.
For instance, if you wanted to write a story about Ariadne and her godly husband set in the year of 1850 for some reason, and make opium play a role? I think that's a fucking weird setting. But it could work, if you stuck true to what characterises them, their relationship, and had a story with a beggining middle and end that tries to show something.
Going back to the retelling that inspired this "rant review". I'll let others more qualified than me to talk about the sexism. What shocked me here was the gay lovestory that reads so homophobic in how cliché it is that it hurts.
This story reads as "when you're so progressive you gotta turn a gay couple made up of two masculine, warrior like, war drowned men into "the hot warrior and his healer who hates fighting" so it fits into (the already sexist/misogynistic) heterosexual couple role".
Because god forbid you have a gay couple where you actually need to deconstruct masculinity without villainizing it. God forbid you actually need to write men into a gay story. God forbid these men are not good, and you need to get into their complexity. God forbid the pov character, who is written as a love struck maiden, has a life outside his strong warrior that helps contextualise his love for him.
Listen. Feminine men are amazing. Gay feminine men are too. I have plenty of original characters that fit within these labels. What I do not do is turn two ancient greek warriors into an early 2000s seme uke yaoi dynamic where one of them is a fragile maiden war tent housewife and the other a very hot but detached strong soldier god man. This is not the story to do that. And even if you play with gender roles and have a man take a more "womanly" role, it's not enough to just genderswap - a character is still badly written regardless of wether they're male or female.
If the housewife character here was a woman, I guarantee everyone who praises this book would be losing their marbles. A woman with no personality outside her lover? Afraid of fighting, of standing up, of speaking up, and this never changes? Who becomes a healer not because she studies it, but because her fragile soul has no other option? Who is passive as all hell in the story until the author remembers she has to die in an impactful manner to trigger her male love interest? That is two dimensional and no way to write a girl, and it's not suddenly okay just because this girl has a dick and is a him.
Yet cause it's gay it's okay to write such an insipid character. Praised even. Which is made even worse, because the original version was a man who yes - indeed - was kind to others yet an absolute beast on the battlefield. Who had opinions and gave counsel. This is not even an original character - I wouldn't criticise an original character as harshly, but this author changed a fighter with incredible skill, who killed a son of a god and was a hero in his own right, into this. A character who yes, was kind and beloved. But touched by war regardless. A character who was loved by those around him, but in this book is ridiculed by these very same people.
Why do you think that is.
And no, trying to make the story more anti war is not an answer. The Iliad is anti war. The Iliad literally comments on how war corrupts what it touches, how it fucked up the lives of everyone involved. This is not a modern take on an old story, because the old story in question already talks about it.
But what can I expect, here. I could call this a work that doesn't know how to write gay men without adhering to (already dated even for straight people) gender roles... but truth is? Author doesn't know how to write women either. The moment you unironically think Helen of Troy is just a vain little hot chick you should not be allowed to write an Iliad retelling, me thinks.
Oh, and let's not get into the fact both main characters are meant to be gay. They're not bisexual. Yet this book - a GAY ROMANCE - is not shy about shoving straight sex scenes onto you. Sex scenes with really no purpose, for they're never brought up again later, and have no story impact.
I am not kidding. Character A gets D pregnant, Character P barely reacts to it, and when D gets upset at P for whatever reason THE TWO OF THEM HAVE SEX TOO. NOTHING AS GAY AS FUCKING THE WOMAN IMPREGNATED BY YOUR BOYFRIEND, UH?! And it's never brought up again! Nobody forces Character P into this yet he willingly goes? Excuse me, if you wanted these characters to have sex with women so casually, why not just make them bisexual and open to banging outside their relationship?
It reads as so disgusting, to have an author clearly lean into a soulmate trope, then just pull some of the most uncomfortable to read sex scenes ever outside that soulmate couple (I love purple prose. Purple prose is probably the only reason I didn't hate this book - the writing was beautiful. But the way the sex with Character D goes... good lord it's written in such a puke inducing way). I'm not against poly in books, what I am against is leaning into monogamous tropes for a gay couple, where you write neither of them as bisexual (which, btw, bi-erasure of the original characters) but then have them bang outside their relationship EVEN when nobody is forcing them to. Never have I read a gay book where straight sex is pushed forward so much. And it's not just even weird for the gay couple, it's also written in a really odd way for the women involved.
"Oh you just don't get the theme! It was out of pity! It was-" turn this into a straight romance and tell me, with a straight face, that this story is well written. Bad character development, bad usage of tropes, terrible pacing, and the use of sex outside the main romance purely for reader self insertion (for it contributes with nothing but shoddy erotica, in a book supposedly about AxP) should not be excused just because a book is gay.
Honestly. "Let people enjoy things" well I propose let me be a hater. I went above and beyond to block the book and character names, let's hope it's enough. But I'm against not criticising things just because they're diverse. It's 2024. There's plenty of authors writing good stories with marginalised people.
And let's talk about LGBT+ worldbuilding, shall we? In the beggining of this book - set in Ancient Greece by the way - it's stated men could take male lovers on the side. Then it's not brought up again, until later a woman tells P many married men take lovers on the side. This girl was originally a sex slave by the way, and here she gets Stockholm Syndrome and falls for P. But then another character tells P he's too old to be into men? So, which is it? It's not even a thing about ancient greek men having that thing where it was accepted for an older man to be sexually involved with a young boy, because here the problem brought up is P being too old, not his lover being too old too.
Oh, and the love interest's (A's) mother. She hates their relationship. We are told she hates their relationship because P is mortal and she doesn't want a mortal to be with her son. Yet later on she arranges a marriage between her son and a MORTAL woman. So is the problem really mortality, or homosexuality?
Why is there modern day homophobia in a story that many praise for historical accuracy?
I honestly hate how people care about representation at the cost of quality. It is mind boggling to me that a woman in this century wrote a book more homophobic and misogynistic than greeks almost 3 thousand years ago did.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
"You Shouldn't Want This." The Grabber X AFAB! Reader.
Well I saw The Black Phone and thanks to @darling-disastrous amazing writing I got to thinking, with a little inspo from @darklylucid and also naturally being into him brought us to here. This was supposed to be short but then it ended up over 3K. Sch-whoopsie. Anyway, not much to say other than I might write more of him if people like how I do him and more inspo hits! Hope you all enjoy!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 3.6K. The Grabber X AFAB! Reader. Warnings: Extreme Fantasy. Rough Stuff. Kidnapping. Dub-Con. Somnophilia. Masturbation.Groping.  Vaginal Fingering. Vaginal Sex. Spanking. Edging. Orgasm Denial. Dirty Talk. Nipple Play. Panty Snatching. Reader Is A Closet Freak. He Is A Fucking Creep. A Perfect Match. 
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You were never the type to do what you were told or want traditional things, things that everyone says you should want. Following the trends wasn’t for you, it just wasn’t. You were not the kind of person to do what was popular or considered ‘right’ when you could be doing what you wanted to. Your tastes were much more unusual but at least you had enough common sense to not go blasting the more wild and out there ones for the general public to judge and pick over. 
Your sexual tastes and proclivities always boarded on the fringes of what others would deem acceptable but you would just keep it hush hush. You think about your intense fucked up fantasies with your hand down your panties and jerk off till you cum buckets and then move on with your day. You could cope with that, move on with your regular life and pretend that the idea of someone tying you up, holding you down, being rough, hurting you, didn’t get you wetter than anything else ever has. 
Or that was your old life.
You USED to be able to do that.
That has become significantly harder ever since you were kidnapped, ever since you had been stuck in this basement God knows where, ever since he, whoever he really was, had taken you. Who knows if you’d ever get out, ever see home or friends or family or your own bed again, it was terrifying, awful. And yet the evidence left in the thin lace hugging your body says otherwise…
Again you shouldn’t want this! You know that about yourself, you shouldn’t but fuck, you couldn’t help it. You dunno what the start of it was, but for the longest time the idea of kidnapping was too hot, one of your biggest and hottest fantasies, go to, grade-A, pure masturbation fuel. So when this guy, older, bigger, stronger, kidnapped you, when you woke up in his cold, barely decorated save for the disconnected phone on the wall and the bolted down mattress, basement, you couldn’t help that when the initial panic calmed down it was replaced with much more pleasant feelings. 
Pleasant but shockingly wholly unwelcome! This was a life or death situation, fraught with real danger and you were soaking wet, sitting on this bed, totally alone after he had come down to talk to you. 
Three whole days in this scenario is an impressive amount of self restraint to show while in this situation without getting yourself off. You woke up to find your hand in your shorts and you were dripping, had been aching and it had been so long, longer than you ever went without indulging yourself in your little fantasies and self abuse. You were still half asleep and you said quietly to the basement that you were forced to call home for the foreseeable forever, “Fuck it.” 
That was something else that really did it for you that urged you on. You loved the idea of someone using you while you slept, being woken up to a talented tongue between your thighs or curious fingers prodding your hole or best of all a thick, fat cock splitting you wide. It made you cum insanely hard, many an early morning, still sleepy in bed. It was how you would kick off your day and it always woke you up, energised you to take on the day and clear your head. 
Your mind flashed to him naturally, that mask he wore, terrifying but intriguing, to those eyes you could barely make out, weren’t even sure what colour they were but they never left you the whole time he was down there with you. He took you so easily, snatched you right up, managed to bring you down here himself, he was clearly really strong, he could give you what you needed. He could hold you down no problem, he took you off the street behind your house, he would take you just about anyway he wanted couldn’t he? It was much too exciting a thought. 
Your eyes still squeezed shut, fingers rubbing in fast tight circles you cum and you cum hard. It took you less then four minutes to cum to the thought of your captor holding you down and fucking you raw. 
You caught your breath, pulled your hand out and looked at your slick and sticky fingers, you felt better. Mind clearer, not as hot and bothered, your breathing was evening out and you thought that this was good, get it out of your system. Now you could focus on finding a way out of here.
You were wrong.
So, so fucking wrong. It didn’t quench the thirst, it fanned the flames and simultaneously opened the floodgates. You giving in and cumming that once made it impossible to stop, made you want to do it all the more and you found yourself with massive amounts of time on your hands with basically nothing to do; nothing to do other than try to escape or try to get off.
You tried to hold back, tried to fight it but it was useless and futile. Body crying out for relief, release, desperate for it and you were only human, the flesh is willing and weak and so are you and thus, you give in. 
Over and over. 
You masturbate, you don’t know how many times a day, you don’t bother counting, you just go until your body gives out, until your fingers are cramping, your arms are too tired and your clit too sore to press on. Until the next day rolls around and you are back at it after some sleep. Your dreams are not helping matters whatsoever either, awake or asleep you are plagued by him it seems. At night in your dreams he speaks to you, hearing his voice right in your ear as he uses your body, brings you pleasure and pain in near equal measure. In daylight you wake up, slick with sweat and so wet, unable to resist the urge to touch, thinking about the fact he is one floor up and could come down and catch you at any minute. 
You wondered, what if he caught you? What would he do? What would he say? Would he be angry, furious, would he punish you, would he be disgusted? The thoughts fire through your brain nearly as quickly as your fingers curl into yourself. 
He started to clue in quickly. He knew you were different, that something was up with you. The way you talked to him, looked at him, something in your body language and face told him that you weren’t quite as afraid as you should be. 
There was something else there for sure and you weren’t being as subtle as you might have thought. There was a reason for that though, you were getting bolder because you thought what did you really have to lose? You were in this basement and the hope of you getting out alive was well slim, you weren’t even trying that hard to escape which said all kinds of awful shit about you that you weren’t willing to think about, so why not try it? 
Why not see if you can’t entice him and live out that filthy fantasy that has been permeating your brain for years. I mean you had always thought that you’d never get to do it seriously but now you have the chance to actually live out your dream you’d be stupid not to make the attempt. Or maybe you were more stupid for attempting it? Maybe the stupidest thing of all was throwing your life away and not making a bigger effort to leave?
Did it really matter? No. 
If you were going to die either way, everyone dies eventually, why not have some fun and try to get fucked stupid first? You were so curious about what his reaction would be, you just couldn’t not find out. 
You had a plan of course, knew that it would be a matter of time, he keeps coming down to the basement late at night and if he comes in to find you like this, totally bared and spread out? You knew you would have your answer. 
He had been getting into the habit of watching you sleep, for at least a while, you seemed so restless, as if you were having constant nightmares they way you would move and make sounds in your sleep cluing him in to the fact that you were dreaming about something distressing. 
He opened the door quietly, came in slowly, he felt something that made him pause, a look down to find he had stepped on something, he moved his shoe to see what looked to be a piece of clothing. He reached down, he touched, picked them up, they were yours, specifically the jean shorts you normally wore. He was still half bent at the waist when he looked over to the bed and what he saw made his breath catch. 
You were on the bed, on your stomach, not a single bit of clothing on you, he saw them strewn about, your shirt balled in a corner, your underwear on the floor next to the mattress. You looked deep asleep, he dropped your shorts back where he found them and came closer, eyes fixed on your body the entire time. You were attractive, it wasn’t why he decided to take you, no, he took you because it was easy, you were there, the basement was empty and the urge struck him. 
Seeing you laying there, dead asleep, so exposed and vulnerable, his mind was running away with him, thoughts of just what he could do.
He knew he could always do whatever he wanted to you at any point ever since he stole you away and brought you here but the point is really driven home with you in this fashion. He continues his approach and as he gets closer he sees it, in the very low light he can make out the arousal shining on your inner thighs, oh you were fucking wet. Judging by the slight dark wet patch underneath you he could now see, your cunt was drooling onto the dirty bed below, had him hard insanely fast. 
You were deep asleep, seemed lost in a dream, he already knew just what he wanted to do, he wanted to reach out and touch, wanted to feel you, he wanted to use your sleeping body.
So he did. He started slowly, left hand met your left ankle, his touch featherlight not because he wanted to be gentle but he didn’t want you to wake up, not yet, he wanted to see how far he could push this little game, how much he could touch before you woke. His fingertip skated up your leg until he reached the back of your knee, fuck, your skin was so soft, he wanted to touch you so much, grab whole handfuls and take. And he would, as soon as he pressed too far and you woke up he would really have his fun. 
His hand kept moving, up and up until he met the curve of your ass and he carefully slid his palm over it, hand closing, feeling the plushness of you, the fullness and weight and it wasn’t enough. His other hand joined his effort, smoothing over your other cheek and feeling, a soft squeeze, extremely light and nowhere near satisfying enough but it was a start.  
His hands dragged back down and his thumbs spread you open easily, eyes falling down to see your leaking hole, you were really out, you hadn’t stirred at all yet. His thumbs both traced the rim of your hole and that finally made you move, he heard your breath catch slightly, a small move of your hips and a hum and he paused, held still until he was sure you settled again. He rested one knee on the mattress, it sagged from his added weight but he needed to be closer to you. He touched further, you were so wet, the heat was radiating off your slit, your body looked so inviting, he bet you would feel so tight it would almost hurt. 
Speaking of hurt, his pants were much too tight, he needed some relief, as fun as playing around with your body was and trying not to get caught. The rush of it undeniable, felt really dirty and hot, there was no reason to keep waiting. He wanted you and it wasn’t like he would get in trouble, what could you do to stop him?
Little did he know, you woke up the second he got into the basement. You kept your body still and eyes closed and just waited. Listened as he made his approach and it took everything inside you to stop yourself from reacting when he touched you. Right now you wanted to arch your back and present yourself, push your hips up and beg him to do something, anything, whatever he wanted. 
Lucky, lucky you, it was as if he read your mind. You felt his hand lift up, a wet sound, you weren’t sure what until you heard the hum then it hit. Oh God he tasted the trace of you that had spilled onto his thumb when he circled your hole, that is so hot, you wondered if he liked the taste until you felt his hand move, two fingers dipped inside, slid in halfway, much more roughly and the moan slipped out unbidden. 
“Oh so the slut is awake.”
That voice, so rough, the tone with so much bite to it, you involuntarily clench on his fingers. “You really want it, hmm? Asking for it.” 
You let out some needy sound akin to a whine with a shaky nod. “I had no idea you were like this when I took you in. You haven’t been playing the game but maybe I just picked the wrong one.” 
His fingers were moving now, slipping in and out at a hurried pace, you squirmed under him, breathing picking up quickly and he hooked his fingers just right. You don’t think he did it on purpose but it didn’t matter, he found that spot that made your legs tense, your fists curl against the mattress and another moan be released. “Oh ffffu-”
Another hard curl of his fingers made your curse cut off with a gasp, head thrown back, charade of sleeping long since abandoned, “There-ahnn, right there!” 
He hummed again, an acknowledgment of what you said, “Yeah, right there?”
He mocked and your eyes shut tight with a frantic nod as he continued his assault of his fingers in your drenched hole, curling into that same spot again and again. You wondered where his other hand was until you felt it, the movement behind you on the mattress, he had gotten his belt and pants open one handed and said one hand was wrapped around himself. He was two fingers deep inside of you, fingering you as he stroked himself. 
You moved your hips so you could grind yourself on the mattress as he fingered you, got pressure against your aching clit and it felt even better. As soon as you were panting, feeling the beginnings of real pleasure to build he ripped his fingers out of you and then strong hands were pushing you higher up the mattress. You made a sound of protest but he put a stop to that, a firm smack on your ass with his still wet hand that had you crying out. 
“You are gonna play nice okay? You are going to let me do whatever I want and I bet you are going to love it, alright?”
Another series of hard and fast hits landed until you practically sobbed out a yes. “Alright, alright I will!”
You were sure you would have a mark or two leftover from him. He was on both knees behind you, a quick taste of what was left on his fingers as he got closer. “Hips up.” 
You listened, scrambling to get into position and his hands on your sore ass spread you wide, he didn’t linger, he lined up and thrust inside. You knew it. You knew that he was big, but having him force himself inside like this, so thick. The initial penetration hurt, ached in a way that was really good, you had been dreaming of getting stretched like this, your fingers weren’t enough, hell his fingers hadn’t been either although they were nicer than yours had been. 
He didn’t stop until he was fully buried inside of you, leaning over your body, his weight heavy on your back. You can hear his own heavy breathing near you ear now, he still had that mask on, you wanted to see him but this, being fucked in this position, dirty, disconnected, it was doing something for you. He cursed as he rocked his hips, “Fuck, that feels good.”
An indulgent moan of agreement as he stopped going so easy, harder movements, a quicker pace, rough, it made your body shift under him with every movement. You knew this too, how strong he was, he could fuck you into the filthy mattress below with ease. 
There is still an edge of pain but it is quickly lessening, pleasure getting stronger and stronger with each time the ridged head of his cock dragged over that spot inside. You weren’t doing a single thing to hide how good it felt, the basement was soundproofed after all. You allowed every panting breath and strangled moan escape and thankfully it seemed to encourage him, he wanted to hear more still. One of his hands slipped underneath you and gripped one of your tits, rough, uncaring for how it felt to you in that moment but the grind of him against your walls more than made up for it. 
He fucked into you harder, a hard pinch to your nipple and that made you try to pull away and that wouldn’t do. He held inside to the hilt and he repeated the action, harder, making you yelp as his other hand was on your throat. “Don’t do that. There’s no getting away from this.” 
More like there is no getting away from him. 
You bite your bottom lip and bared it, made to take it as his hand squeezed your throat, his cock sitting heavy inside as he pulled at and abused your poor tits for his own amusement. Every sharp jolt of pain was making you work him from the inside, your walls squeezing and nearly milking him. “If I knew, fuck, if I knew how good you felt I wouldn’t have waited, could have been doing this every night-”
He began to move again, his hands on your shoulders, pushing your top half down, forcing you into face ass up, one of his hands on your face as he picked up the pace from before. “Could have been using this body, had me in here instead of your dirty little fingers.” 
You moaned low and long, eyes fluttering closed as he got his fill of you, his pace was growing erratic, you knew he was getting close. “I know you’ve been do-doing that, right? Basement has been smelling like pussy for fucking days.” 
He knew, of fucking course he knew, no way you could get away with anything under his roof without him finding out. “M’ not mad, I want you to keep doing it, want you to keep this hole nice and wet and ready for me.”
You were moaning incoherently under him, simply along for the ride, a rag doll for him, your thighs pressed together was giving you just enough pressure, you were close too, convinced if he came it would push you over. A hard smack to your ass brought you back to centre, “Can you do that for me, yes or no?”
Shit, he actually wanted an answer for his previously line of questioning, you gasped out, “Yes, yes, whatever you want, anything for you-” 
And just before you could tell him you were close, just before you could beg him properly to not stop, to please let you cum, he pulled out, one hand on your ass, the other wrapped around himself. You had to bite your tongue hard to prevent yourself from screaming in pure frustration at the loss of your orgasm while feeling him paint your ass with his. Thick ropes of burning hot cum landing on the already forming bruises on your sore and stinging flesh and your buried your face in the crook of your forearm, trying to hide the tears that were already welling up. 
You feel him wipe his tip against you along with his hand, making sure all of his cum was left on your body and you feel the mattress shit again, him sitting back behind you. 
“Fun game, maybe I should let you pick more often.” He mused before he got up. You listened to his footsteps head towards the door, your body ready to collapse when he paused and said, “I meant what I said. Be ready.”
You lifted your head up enough to tell him, “I will be.”
There was a beat before he responded, simply, one word, “Good.” 
And you heard the door closed and you were left alone again. You allowed yourself to fall onto your stomach, with a sigh your hand went between your legs, you used his cum as lube to get yourself off, fingered your sore and leaking cunt until you came with a sob from the relief that swept through you. 
It wasn’t until you got up to collect your clothes for some warmth that you realised he had stolen your panties on his way out. As you tugged the denim up your legs you thought that maybe next time if you edged yourself enough you might cum with him stuffed inside you and that was pretty damn good motivation.
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jkfanfr · 10 months
Vegas and Pete FF- KinnPorche The Series (BL)
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Let me tell you something real quick, this couple won my heart once i watched the series. Their partnership was incredible and i recommend watching it (sexual content warning, maybe not the first bl you should watch but amazing nonetheless)
It’s my first work on Alpha and Omega stories, so i’m sorry if there is any mistakes, but have fun my lovelies!
Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to actual actors, this is pure fantasy for the series characters 🤍
Let me know if you can see the signature line~ 😏
Italics are thoughts 
What does an omega do when he’s in heat, but attending an important meeting with his alpha who is the CEO?
Well, Pete is an omega and his alpha is Vegas. 
Vegas is serious, talented, smug, and always gets his way. Very handsome, with a muscular and toned body
Pete is a caring, introverted sweetheart. Seems weak, but is actually so skilful, strong and athletic 
People were head over heels for that type. When it comes to Pete and Vegas, you’d think people will be awed and obsessed with such a physic and man like Vegas, but no no no. It was true that many were interested in Pete.
His quiet and blunt soul was one which caught many eyes, him being an omega was just a treat in addition to all of that goodness. 
Vegas was not happy about that at all, i mean.. who would want many guys and girls falling over their lover? No one. Vegas wasn’t into sharing either, never was, and never will. 
The omega was all his, belonged to him, devoted to him. Even if they’ve only been dating for a couple of months, his handsome alpha knew he was the one. The one he loved, was whipped for, and wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Pete felt the exact same, not wanting to end the beautiful love they shared with each other. It was golden, maybe even magical, and truly never-ending. 
In the meeting room, Kinn was at one end of the table with Porsche beside him. Arm and Pol sat down on one side with Tankhun on the other side. There was an empty seat next to him which Pete made his way to sit in. 
On the way, he saw Kinn’s tail caressing Porsche at the back, making Porsche turn red. Pete laughed quietly to himself, as he sat next to Tankhun, to which, he smiled and bowed to him out of respect.
Vegas was sat at the other end, giving a small smirk to Pete as he sipped on his coffee, his ears looking as fluffy as ever as his tail wagging behind him. 
Kinn- “So Vegas..why are we here?”
Vegas- “Right. I wanted to inform you all on my new business plan for the company. As the CEO, and you as my buisness partner, i have to let you know the changes right?”
Kinn- “Right, so, what’s your idea”
Porsche- “It better not be stupid like that time when you were making Arm and Pol dress up like inflatable balloons.”
Vegas- “Actually, that was was Tankhun’s idea”
Tankhun- “Well, jokes on you Porsche, it worked. Entertainment wise, and sales wise”
Arm- “Not gonna lie, it was fun to do”
Pol- “Baby don’t lie, it wasn’t”
Arm- “Only because you tripped and fell down a block of stairs in front of everyone”
Porsche- “Wait?! You fell?!”
Arm- “Yeah! He did, Pete has the video”
Porsche- “No way..! Pete you better send me that!”
Arm and Porsche burst out laughing, Tankhun laughing too. Pol crossed his arms over his chest, giving Arm an annoyed look. Pete brought out his phone, showing them all the video as he laughed happily with them, Pol sulking a little, but couldn’t stop himself from laughing too. 
Vegas couldn’t help but laugh too, as his omega sat there, turning a little red. He suddenly  was feeling uncomforted for some reason, his body rising up in heat. 
Pete smiled it off though, trying not to make it obvious that he wasn’t feeling his best. 
Vegas- “Ok ok, enough of that, let me show you all my plan then.”
Pete changed his focus to Vegas, his body playing with itself and the heat. He didn’t know what it was, it just wasn’t normal. 
Vegas had eyes of a hawk, he easily could tell something was off about his omega. He didn’t look this red when he entered, that’s because he always looked at the little things when it came to Pete. Vegas loved every part of him. 
Vegas- “Ok, so, to get business booming, i think we should focus on celebrities, maybe them becoming a partner in our company.”
Pete- “Hold up.”
Everyone took an eye on Pete, who was still a bit red, but looked up a Vegas
Arm- “What’s up Pete?”
Pete- “May I add something Vegas?”
Vegas- “It’s Mr Theerapanyakul to you”
Vegas gave his signature smirk, as Kinn scoffed a little with Porsche.
Porsche- “God you’re so extra Vegas”
Vegas- “Shush, let me hear you Pete”
Everyone shushed up at Vegas’ request as Pete stood up from his chair. 
Pete- “Vegas, let me add something”
Vegas- “Call me Mr Theerapanyakul Pete.”
Vegas’ tail swished side to side, as Pete grinned. Pete decided to walk up to where Vegas was. He physically pulled him by the arm, making him sit down in his own chair next to Tankhun. The rest of them laughed softly, as Pete controlled his alpha, something which wasn’t so common. 
Tankhun- “Well done my Pete”
Pol- “It’s the fact that Vegas wouldn’t let anyone else do this”
They all laughed at that, even Vegas himself as he looked at Pete with playful eyes, his smirk sprouting again. 
Pete- “Let me bring an idea to the table”
Kinn- “Show us what you got then.”
Pete stood infront of the table, bringing some of his files with him. 
Pete- “Alright, so Kinn, i think instead of celebrities, influencers would be a better choice.”
Kinn raised his eyebrows, Porsche giving Pete a smile of admiration. Pete was an intelligent man for his kind. As an omega, he has wits and a smart brain, some others were a bit brainless and clumsy, aka Porsche.
Pete- “The reason for this is because influencers have many followers, with many viewers. They upload daily, with many taking an interest in what they do in their life. Celebrities don’t always have this kind of popularity. If this would be possible, our company should reach out to these influencers, so they could advertise our products we provide, and they could give a good rating to possibly thousands of viewers.”
Tankhun stood up, giving Pete an applaud as he smiled nervously. They all gave an applaud, except for his stubborn alpha, who was looking a little salty, but still giving Pete a smirk
Tankhun- “Awh! Pete, you’re brilliant!”
Kinn- “I must say Pete, you’re more smart than you think”
Porsche- “Mhm, i’m fully in with the idea”
Kinn- “Me too, i agree with it all, i think it’s really good”
Arm- “We both agree as well, what about you Vegas?”
Vegas kept quiet, sipping on some coffee as he looked at Pete. His omega leaned over the table, looking at Vegas directly in the eyes, his ears kept high as always. 
Pete- “How was it Mr Theerapanyakul?”
Vegas- “Ok ok, it wasn’t bad. I agree with it”
Pete grinned as he looked at Vegas, becoming a little more red as he sat in his normal seat, Vegas going back to his own.
Tankhun- “Wow Pete, you should come up with the business ideas more often”
Pete- “Haha, thank you Tankhun”
Vegas- “Yeah yeah, alright, let’s go over the people we already have now”
As Vegas, Kinn, Porsche and Tankhun went over some files, Arm and Pol talking amongst themselves, Pete was sitting down quietly. He felt some heat pulse through him, so much to a point it hurt. His abdomen hurt really badly after some time, making him breath heavily and turn red. 
He held into his stomach a little with his hand, feeling like his gonna burst with pain. Tankhun was the first to notice and put his hand on Pete’s shoulder for support.
Tankhun- “Are you alright Pete?”
Pete- “Oh, i’m alright don’t worry”
The omega smiled the pain away, but as everyone continued to talk and as his alpha, Vegas instantly knew something was wrong. His senses kicked in and it was very strong, something he couldn’t ignore. He sniffed a little, and was instantly caught in a sweet scent.. like Pete?
Pete was breathing heavily, his heart palpitating. He tried to hide it as much as possible, by re-reading files over and over again, hoping Tankhun wouldn’t see and question him again. 
Vegas continued to sniff around, the sweet scent getting better and better, to a point it’s intoxicating. 
Kinn- “You alright Vegas? Why are you sniffing nothing?”
Vegas- “I’m not sniffing nothing you idiot. Don’t you smell that?”
Kinn, Porsche and Tankhun started smelling the air a little, shaking their heads, pretty puzzled.
Porsche- “There’s nothing”
Tankhun- “Yeah, what are you smelling Vegas?”
Vegas stayed quiet, the sweet smell of what was the exact same as Pete getting stronger, making him desire something. He looked over towards Pete, noticing he’s covering up his face a little, but had a gut feeling that it was coming from Pete.
Vegas- No..is Pete in? Heat?! It can’t be..
Arm- “Are you guys done yet?!”
Pol- “What’s the point of us being here if you’re not gonna talk to us?”
Tankhun- “Ai! Shut up Pol, i’m trying to focus”
Arm- “Hey! Leave my baby alone”
Arm put his arms around Pol, holding him sweetly. Pol gave him a weirded out expression, but then smiled warmly at him
Pol- “I’m not your baby Arm”
Arm- “Then what are you? My honeybun?~”
Pol- “If i’m your honeybun, then you’re my cutie pie~”
Arm blushed profoundly as they both sweetly smiled at each other. Tankhun looked at them with disgust 
Tankhun- “Ugh, you guys are so in love..”
Pete- “Khun.. Love is a beautiful thing, forever and always devoted to one another”
Arm and Pol nodded appealingly, as Kinn and Porsche’s ears straightened up, meaning he was satisfied. Vegas smirked at Pete’s words, admiring the omega. He was an interesting mixture of things, but all in all, he was perfect. 
Tankhun- “As if! I hear Kinn and Porsche moaning at each other all the time.”
Porsche- “Huh?!”
Porches and Pete nearly chocked on the coffee they were drinking. As omega’s, they were beyond shocked at Tankhun’s sudden words. The alpha’s grinned a bit as the rest of them looked at each other, still stunned at Tankhun’s words
Vegas- “What do you mean by that?”
Tankhun- “They’re always complaining at each other.”
Pete- “Oh.. i see..”
Pete and Vegas made suspicious but playful eye contact at one another before giggling softly. They all burst out laughing expect for Tankhun
Tankhun- “Guys? What are you laughing at? Pete?”
He tapped Pete’s shoulder, as Pete attempted to stop laughing. 
Pete- “It’s nothing, don’t worry”
The omega let out a soft groan out of pain from his abdomen again. This time the pain worsened. Tankhun put his hand on Pete’s arm out of support. Vegas immediately picked up that sweet scent again, becoming attracted to it once more.
Porsche- “You alright Pete?”
Pete- “I’m ok, don’t worry. I just have a stomach ache”
Porsche- “Are you sure that’s all?”
Vegas- “Mhm, if you’re not well Pete, i can take you home.”
Pete was going to decline, but as the pain deepened in harshness and heaviness, he felt his face go red again, his mind filling with desire. His alpha continued to sniff that sweet smell, which seemed to be coming from Pete.
Vegas- i knew it was heat, oh my baby..you’ll be ok, i promise 
Pete- “Actually.. that would be better if that’s ok with you all?”
Kinn- “It’s totally fine Pete, take it easy”
Porsche- “Yeah, let me know when you’re better”
Pete- “Thank you guys”
Vegas stood up from his chair, his tail swishing from side to side as he took his omega’s hand, slowly taking him through the office door and into the hallway, which they walked through to get to their car.
Vegas- “What’s up with you baby?”
Pete- “Nothing, it’s just my abdomen hurts really bad”
Vegas- “Does it?” he’s in heat, his first heat. that’s why he doesn’t know if it is or not. i’ll treat you well Pete, my love
Pete- “Yeah..i feel really hot babe”
Vegas- “Do you want some water?”
Pete- “No..i don’t want water Vegas..”
Vegas stopped for a second, putting one hand around Pete’s waist as he put his hand to his forehead. 
Vegas- “Goodness love, you’re sweating”
Pete- “It hurts..”
Pete held his abdomen again, feeling sweat drip down his forehead and hit his nose. He didn’t know what it was. His ears dropped down out of the pain he was in. 
Vegas- “Baby, i..i think you’re in your first heat”
Pete- “Huh?”
For a smart omega like Pete, he was a little clueless when in came to things like this. Even Pete thought for a bit and realised it as well.
Pete- “Baby..i-What do i do?”
Vegas- “What do you want baby?”
Pete- “I want..”
Pete looked at Vegas’ red eyes, getting a little heated and giddy on the inside. He desires something, or someone perhaps..
Pete- “You”
Pete looked at him, his frosty eyes deepening in red as his ears were pointed upwards, still. His tail swished excitedly but lustily, hoping Vegas would give him what he wants. He’s always wanted Vegas to pound into him as he curled his fingers around his ears, his tail linked with his as they continuously moan at the deep and pure pleasure.
God those horny thoughts tortured the omega, making him growl, and nearly cum in his boxers. He looked at Vegas with desperation, praying that he’d agree. As an omega, he was a pretty horny one, not like Porsche. He’d always masturbate when he needed too, of course, without his alpha knowing, otherwise he’d get spanked. He shivered a little remembering that. Pete would though imagine his first time with Vegas, and it being the best he’s ever had.
Pete- “P-Please baby?~ Na?”
Vegas was lost for words, Pete’s actions and words just made him wanna melt like ice on fire. But damn was Pete hot when he was all desperate and horny, he’d never seen anything like it, but was gonna make sure that it was always seen. Of course, just for himself, he’s not gonna share such perfection with someone else. God he’d never. Vegas would never get enough of Pete, and especially not this side of him.
Pete- “Can you do it for me na?~”
Vegas- God help me..…
Pete brought his mouth close to Vegas’ ear, making him lean back against the wall. Pete kept his hands on the back of his neck as he whispered in a deep and breathy tone, his hot breath hitting the alpha’s ear.
Pete- “Oh please hun?~ I want you so badly, so badly i’m in pain.~”
Vegas growled at Pete, making him grin in victory. Vegas smirked deafeningly, pulling Pete along with him by his hand. They reached the car, as Vegas threw him inside the front passenger seat. He sat in the drivers seat, going to rev up the engine as he hastily put his seatbelt on
Pete- “What’s the rush babes?~”
Vegas- Damn it Pete, you’ve got to stop before i lose my mind
The omega kept on teasing him, having the most amount of fun while doing so. The man loved making Vegas groan with much heat and desperation inside of him. Though the alpha said nothing, his eyes were turning to a deeper red than before as his ears stood proud on his head, you could tell he was impatient and horny, wanting to do the most to his devilish omega. 
Pete put his seatbelt on, as he grinned once more, declaring victory again as his alpha looked at his expression. Vegas just wanted to kiss him so much, make him fall deeper in love with him as he begs for mercy under him as his cock is crashing against his prostate. 
The alpha felt pre cum swirl around in his boxers as he felt his legs twitching, his trousers tightening against his skin. Pete kept that innocent tone and expression on his face, driving Vegas absolutely mental.
Pete- “Don’t drive so quick hun, otherwise you won’t make it home, well, we won’t make it home”
Pete giggled a little, keeping that innocence on the prowl, making Vegas groan softly, continuing to drive at a higher speed. Right beside him, was Pete, taking his shirt off, which made Vegas’ eyes widen.
Vegas- “What are you doing Pete?!”
Pete- “I’m hot baby..~”
Vegas- Which hot do you mean? Both seem correct to me, fuck i’m getting hot inside. Pete you have to stop before i lose my shit.
 Vegas nodded at him, placing his hand on Pete’s thigh as he took his shirt off, feeling the cool breeze of the ac hit his body, as he sighed, satisfied. 
Time skip 
(i can’t wait) 
The alpha grabbed some handcuffs, and a blindfold, throwing it on the bed as he pushed his omega further back, making him lean on the headboard. 
Vegas- “Choose a safe word baby”
Pete- “Umm.. Green”
Vegas- “Lovely, whenever you wanna stop, just say it to me, and i’ll end it immediately”
Vegas talked in a assured tone, putting his deep needy and horny self to the side for a second. He was so infatuated with Pete, wanting to keep him safe and protected at all costs, never wanting to let him go. 
Vegas- “Understood baby?”
Pete- “Mhm, i got it”
Vegas- “Now, i was thinking of taking some chances with you tonight, but only if you’re ok with it”
Pete- “I’m ok with it Vegas”
Pete replied swiftly, making Vegas a little unsure. He didn’t want Pete to regret anything tonight, even if he had a safe word. He wanted to make sure Pete knew what he was getting into
Vegas- “Are you sure baby?”
Pete- “Give me all you got daddy~”
Vegas’ eyes widened, as he growled a bit, his tail caressing Pete’s legs as he stood on his knees in front of him, getting closer and closer. The omega winked at him, his cheeks dusted in a florescent pinkish colour. Vegas gave his signature smirk, grazing his chin with his fingertips, looking at him with love and lustful passion. 
Vegas- daddy huh Pete?
Vegas looked at him, keeping that same smirk on his face the whole time. 
Vegas- “What did you just call me?”
Pete- “Daddy, why?”
Vegas was surprised at Pete’s confidence, but god he was obsessed already.
Vegas- “If you keep calling me that, i can’t guarantee you can walk tomorrow”
Pete- “I wasn’t expecting to be able to anyways”
Pete already had this all planned in his head, his wet dreams, sinful fantasies and stories were all coming true.  
Vegas- “You’re just what i desire, come here hun”
And with that, the alpha pulled Pete close to him, smashing his lips on his, giving force and thrash in the kiss. Though it was intense, it truly showed how much they wanted this, how much they waited for such a moment. Vegas’ hands scrolled down to Pete’s tail, helping them both rock their bodies against each other. Pete moaned in between the harsh kisses they were so devoted too, sending Vegas shivers down his spine. He hadn’t heard anything like it, but god it was gonna be his new obsession
Vegas’ mind was completely full of infinite things and ideas, as he nonstop kissed his lover, shoving his tongue deep within his warm cavern, sending Pete to heaven already. The heat pulsed through their body, as they kept nice and close to each other, basically sharing that burning passion they had alit. 
The alpha spreaded out Pete’s legs, after throwing his trousers to the ground. His eyes glistened with that red glow, showing how ready he was to just obliterate his omega with that pleasure he’s been longing for. 
Vegas- “Let me put those cuffs on you darling” 
Pete raised his hands up in the air, allowing Vegas to cuff them to the headboard, not to tight, enough for them to wiggle around a bit. 
Vegas- “That ok?”
Pete- “Mhm, it feels nice, but i wanna touch you”
Vegas- “You will love, i’ll let you in a bit, but for now..”
Vegas pushed him down onto the bed, laying him down as he rested his chin on Pete’s, making them seal eye contact for a couple seconds.
Vegas- “Let me pleasure my sweet and delectable Pete”
Vegas growled a bit, licking his lips as his ears stood proud and ready. Pete chuckled softly at his words, but it was soon silenced as Vegas immediately started sucking his sweet spot
Pete- damn it feels so good 
Pete’s eyes were shut, consuming all of the pleasure Vegas was giving him. 
Pete- “Love, you’re so quick”
Vegas- “I know you well honey”
Pete- “Maybe a bit too will Vegas~”
Vegas- “I wouldn’t use it to my advantage baby, don’t you worry”
Pete smiled a little, letting out soft moans from Vegas’ touch. 
Vegas- “Now, here comes the fun bit”
The alpha brought out his blindfold, brushing it across Pete’s chest, outlining his pecs with the straps of it 
Pete- “Are you gonna make me wear it”
Vegas- “You don’t have a choice hun”
Pete groaned a little, laughing softly as Vegas put the blindfold on. All he saw was the darkness, and could only guess where his lover was by his scent, and movements. 
Pete sniffed until he could perfectly tell where Vegas was, he had that musky rose scent, one which was flavourful and deeply coated around the man. 
Pete- “Come back here baby~ D-Don’t leave me alone..”
Pete was super desperate, the pain inside his abdomen was returning, he needed Vegas to give him his medicine. Not pills, not liquid, but his hard cock deep inside of him 
Vegas- “Give me a sec love”
Vegas took his clothes off, a smirk sprouting on his face as he crawled on the bed, pouncing on the man with a growl as he shoved his lips onto his, grabbing his nape as he pulled him closer. Pete was stunned for a second, but immediately gave back into it, the same strength, harshness and intensity, though filled with an immaculate amount of love and passion for each other. It seemed no one would be able to get them off of each other, they were glued together tightly, forever. 
Vegas- “You taste like candy baby”
Pete gave a flushed smile, as he continued to kiss his alpha, obsessed with the way he talked, moved and kissed him.  Everything about him was addicting, like a full on drug. The best kind.
Vegas- “Let me prep you, otherwise it’ll hurt real bad”
Pete- “How bad?”
Vegas- “Worse than the pain you have right now”
Pete have a cracked smile with a little worry, he was a bit scared that it would hurt. Of course, the omega knew Vegas wouldn’t purposefully hurt him. His alpha could read the anxiousness on his smile, as he held his cheek assuringly and adoringly.
Vegas- “It won’t hurt baby, and if it does, you have a safe word.”
Pete- “It’s ok, i’m fine. I trust you, it’s just i’m scared it’ll hurt nonetheless. I’ve never done this before”
Vegas- “Don’t worry my love, i promised i would always take good care of you, so i won’t break that promise”
Pete gave a warm smile, as he lifted his head up to give him a sweet kiss. Vegas’ red eyes, which seemed to be a bit more calmer than before, stared at the blinded sweetheart.
Vegas- “Sit nicely for me”
Pete sat up properly, his arms wriggling in the handcuffs. His eyes were seeing pitch black, though his nose sniffing Vegas’ scent and his ears stood up tall and proud. Vegas then put two fingers in Pete’s mouth, making him suck on them. His tongue swirled around his fingers, gasping for breath every couple of seconds.
Vegas- “Good boy, just a little more for me”
Pete continued to let his mouth play around, especially his tongue. His saliva covered Vegas’ fingers as he took them out of his mouth. Vegas played around with his cock, stroking it and getting it prepped with that pre-cum. He then stuffed his fingers up Pete’s hole, as Pete himself half screamed 
Pete- “Ah!~ Ow-Oh!~”
Vegas continued to finger him, adding not 1, not 2, but 3 of his long fingers, till they hit his prostate, sending him to heaven. 
Pete- “Oh god~ That’s so good, fuck!~”
Vegas- “Ready for daddy?”
Pete- “Mmh~ I-I’m ready for daddy”
Vegas- “You sure kitten?”
God Pete nearly growled at that name, though he was a wolf, being called that made him feel some things inside his heart and through heated body like warm blood. 
Pete- “Mhm, your kitten is ready”
Vegas- “Good boy, flip over for me”
Pete did as he was told, having a little struggle as he couldn’t see and move his hands properly. He made sure he did it just right for Vegas. He didn’t wanna wait any longer and deal with the pain, which was getting worse. 
Pete- “Hurry up baby!”
He complained, making Vegas kiss his cheek, ruffling his soft hair adoringly. The alpha knew his omega was in much pain, he also knew the first heat would be the worse with pain and harm to the body. 
Vegas- “I’m here honey, i won’t make you wait for too long.”
Vegas spread out Pete’s legs even further, luckily, he was quite flexible. Who knew it would be so handy when it came to sex?
Vegas aimed his long and hard cock at Pete’s tight looking hole, as he entered him slowly. Pete half-screamed at the pain and suddenness of him entering. 
Pete- “Ah~ V-Vegas!”
Vegas entered him halfway, giving him time to adjust to his size. Pete breathed heavily, his heart racing against his chest as he took the pain. 
Vegas- “You ok baby?”
Pete- “Mmh~ Y-Yeah..Can you move now?”
Vegas nodded, kissing his cheek as he thrusted inside of Pete, careful to go slowly so his omega doesn’t feel much pain. His tail encircled Pete’s foot, his ears low as the pleasure got to him quick. He continued thrusting into Pete, hearing the heavenly moans coming from his mouth. Pete rustled in his handcuffs, only seeing darkness but knowing Vegas was behind it, enjoying it as much as him.
Pete- “Uh~ Fuck Vegas!~ M-More honey~”
Vegas- “Can you take it kitten?”
Pete- “Yeah~ I can take it all my alpha”
Vegas smirked a little, excited to play around with Pete’s desires and fantasies. He bend down towards his lips, sucking on his bottom lip as he pounded into him. Pete was obsessed by now, his moans getting louder and louder, truly showing how much he loved this.
Vegas- “Good Pete?”
Pete- “Mhm~ So good~”
 Vegas kept on pleasuring his omega, feeling the warmth of him get better and better as he continued to pound against his prostate. Their moans, sounds of their skin slapping against each other filled the room with fire-like heat. But damn it was one that they never wanted to put out.
Pete- “Please Vegas..let me see you”
Without hesitating, Vegas took off the blindfold, revealing Pete’s twinkling eyes, little tears streaming down on his cheeks. Vegas melted a little on the inside as he kissed those tears away. He’s never want to experience Pete in tears, it would hurt his fragile heart too much. 
Pete- “I..I~ I’m c-close honey..~”
Vegas- “Cum for me baby, i’m here”
Vegas caressed his cheek, kissing his soft lips as Pete came all over his abs. He groaned at the smoothing and soothing pleasure coming to him as he filled Pete with his cum. Pete felt comforted at Vegas’ words of affection, knowing Vegas was here for him made him feel so cared for. 
Pete- “Mh..that was so good honey”
Pete laid down on the bed, as Vegas took his handcuffs off. Vegas sat opposite of him, their heads close to each other.
Vegas- “Do you know how sexy you are?” 
Pete- “Sexy enough for you”
Vegas- “You’re such a tease, who knew you’d be this good in bed huh?” 
Vegas gave his signature smirk, caressing his cheek as he laid a kiss on his lips. 
Vegas- “Sleep honey, you must be tired”
Pete- “Mhm, my legs are about to fall off”
Vegas- “You’re welcome Pete”
Pete rolled his eyes, though entertained. He rested in Vegas’ embrace, feeling the love taking over the lust that was once in the room. The devotion they had for each other, the passion and admiration was limitless. It’s something that couldn’t be compared too.
Later that night..
Pete- “Vegas..”
Vegas groaned a little as he heard Pete, he stretched slightly, talking in a groggy and tired voice.
Vegas- “What happened love..?”
Pete- “I’m hurting again..”
Vegas- “Need me again?”
Pete- “I know it’s the third time tonight..but..”
Vegas- “I don’t care how many time we do it, as long as you’re well and satisfied, i’m happy”
Pete- “Awh..i love you..”
Pete caressed his cheek, kissing his sweet lips softly.
Vegas- “I love you too Pete~”
Pete- “So..can we..”
Vegas- “Get on my lap and ride the shit out of me babyboy”
Pete widened his eyes a little and the sudden switch up of Vegas. There was two sides of him, one which he loved and one which he desired
Pete climbed onto his lap, Vegas’ hands gripping his waist tightly as they kissed each other’s plump and sweet lips, their bodies against each other and their tongues dancing the night away..
Gosh, a whirlwind, i hope Pete survived that night..
Thank you for reading! Hopefully i’ll be back soon to be able to supply you with many fanfics! <8
P.S- Feel free to request anything you’d like. I do SMUT and FLUFF. BL’s would be preferred though as i’ve watched many, so i’d be able to work on character depth and development better! :D
Thank you once more my lovelies~
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just-a-carrot · 2 months
Had the chance to sit down and play the new installment (that makes it sound like an appliance... OW: Smart Fridge Edition) and it's so viscerally raw and human. The whole game is, but wow. My favorite genre of fiction is fantasy, for being able to see a creator and their world as 'look at a life these people are living and the world they're living in'. A world surreal, fantastic, and all too easy to think about what it would be like if it was real-- acting like it is real with dreams of dragons and elves. Our Wonderland goes beyond that, in a way few other fantasy stories I've read have. It's not the fantasy of magical beings living in a sprawling, epic world; it's not the fantasy of a gigantic battle of good versus evil-- the fantasy comes in when the cast thinks their lives should be just like the tales of knights and glory. The fantasy is just humans trying their darndest, despite it all. Hoping for a better world. Which wouldn't be so worth commenting on if not for the execution. Every emotion, every action-- beat-by-beat it's gripping and a perfect sell into the world. Playing the finale elicited some feelings and memories I had forgotten about. The sense of turning on the GameCube late at night, going to play Mario Sunshine. Long road trips immersed in the scenery of forest and buffalo, after having spent hours staring at cities. Getting up to dumb hijinks with people I'd only know for a few days. Staring out into the open ocean upon a swing. I'm not sure why it brought those out, but I think it's because of how human the game is, it gets you to think. It got me to think, anyways. Anywho, thank you for an amazing experience Carrot. I hope you have a good rest, and that my thoughts are written here somewhat coherently. If not, I'll summarize: DAMN GOOD GAME. DAMN GOOD STORY. DAMN GOOD ART. DAMN GOOD.
i don't know how to respond to this... this is incredibly sweet and thoughtful and i'm not sure i have the eloquence currently to type up and actually decent response 🥺💦
but i can definitely feel in my heart what you mean. even if it's not necessarily the exact same emotions or in the exact same way, especially as the creator rather than the experiencer in this case. but like. OW has always filled me with those types of nostalgic feelings as well. maybe it's because at its core, its about these types of fundamental happinesses. and these fundamental relationships we form as kids. and perhaps also simply because so much of the OW cast's pasts and experiences draw so heavily from my own, so it becomes almost as though i'm looking back into my own past through some kind of slightly warped threshold or something
stuff like the final scene in the field for instance was inspired by a scene in majora's mask, which is something i used to play with my sister. we would talk the characters aloud and make up our own stories rather than what they were actually saying (usually really ridiculous and stupid stuff lakdsfjad) or make silly radio plays where we recorded ourselves acting our chars from the game. also a lot of the references both in and outside of the game (like in my non-in-game art and such) was inspired by my own memories. so thinking about the game often makes these additional nostalgic coils drift up through my own memories
at any rate, i can't be sure that's the exact type of same feelings you're talking about, but... i feel like i understand the vibe of what you're saying at least
i still can't believe it's really over. and i mean sure it's not OVER over because i still have plans for other stuff with the chars and even the revamp which would include still working on stuff for the main game. but nothing will ever be the same for me as working on this game itself. and i'm really so grateful for everyone who's joined me in this journey because i'm not sure i would have made it to the end without all of you 💦
but i digress. thank you for this lovely message and for attempting to write up your thoughts lsakjdfasd it really means a lot!! 💕
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Can you write a fic about Werewolf ichiro, please
Werewolf! ichiro with GN! s/o
Tumblr media
hii darl, you didn't mention any details so I let my fantasy play a little so here we are!! I hope you will enjoy it..!
GNreader, it feels kinda ooc??;; 1110 words;;
'Don't get too deep into the forest, honey. The beast is always watching..'
Well, maybe you should listen to your parents and other people in the village more properly sometimes..
But you were bold and probably a little bit dumb and naive, being absolutely sure it's nothing but fairy tales for little kids to scare them away from the forest and avoid all this headache with searching for these small perishers later. Yet you are not a kid now, then for what all this farce? It's just annoying now.
Especially due to your love for something new and mysterious, and this tempting woodland near your house always amazes you with its beauty, luring you to step in and get to know this place better. It almost feels like it's not the wind swaying the green-pointed bushes, but it's trees waving to you, begging to dance with them…
So how can you resist the magic of nature itself? Never listening to anyone, you were dreaming about getting deeper than for a kilometer or two in this dark green world, exploring all the beauty from the inside.
All the beauty.. But the only thing you're experiencing now is an unbearable level of fear and shock, as you remember all these words that you always treated like something unimportant.
This guy.. Well, actually, he didn't look that bad at first glance, and when you noticed his figure between bushes, you thought that maybe it's just a local madman or maybe the lost alcoholic as his clothes were kinda dirty and torn. But when he gets closer to inhuman speed, knocking you down as his pretty strong hands push your shoulders, you finally fully understand how much you messed up this time. Maybe the last time in your life.
His black messy hair framing his face, in such dark this mad pair of eyes glowing so bright, hypnotize you with a red flash in it. You even can see his fangs from half- opening mouth, as he breathes heavily. Strong smell of forest, like from damp moss or needle-covered path coming from his clothes and dirty hands..
He leans closer, sniffing you almost like an animal. Why 'almost like'? Isn't he actually an animal, that beast everyone told you to avoid?!
"Your fear smells really yummy.." - he chuckled, as a small smirk got across his lips. - "But you're lucky you meet me in my human form, otherwise I would have eaten you already.."
"Haha.. That's why you pinned me like that anyway..?" - despite you trying to sound more chilly, your voice was trembling too much, betraying you.
"Sorry.. I thought you're one of the hunters." - he sighs and gets up, letting you finally breathe a sigh of relief, as you keep laying on the ground, still in shock.
Oh of course, hunters. Some villagers, mostly adult men and oldsters, decided to form something like a team to hunt The beast down. They did not succeed yet, but do love to brag about their sacred mission.
For a moment you both looked at each other and suddenly he extended his hand to help you get up too.
"I'm Ichiro.." - as you get up, he looks at you with a small smile, surprisingly soft and cheerful for someone who's called 'The beast'.
"I'm s/o.." - you mumble confused, not able to hide your curiosity. - "Are you actually.. you know, a beast..?"
"I prefer to be called werewolf, but I think it doesn't really matter, huh..?" - A small sigh escapes his lip and he scratches his head, also kinda confused. - "I think you probably should go home now, you know? I'm not the only beast here, or you wanted to be eaten by some bear?"
"I wanted to stay for a while.." - maybe you should bite your tongue and actually just run home, yet the whole Ichiro's figure and his simple face makes you think about all this stuff about an invincible immortal being in another light. - "If you survive here for so long among these bears and other folks it means you can protect me too?"
"Did you actually call predators of the forest "other folks?" - werewolf scoff, crossing his arms in his chest. - "You're really bold for a young human.."
Despite him calling you young, his appearance in the soft light of the moon didn't look too old either, as if you were almost the same age, actually. You get closer to watch his face more carefully, yet he quickly backs away, suddenly all surprised. Is this small blush on his cheeks?
"And you're really timid for a strong beast.." - you can't help but giggle, enjoying his reaction. It's probably from all this adrenaline you get after such a spectacular introduction from Ichiro, yet you get so playful, feeling that the danger is over now and you actually have a chance to walk around in the depths of the forest.. To explore so many things and especially the most mysterious secret of local folklore, who was standing right in front of you with furrowed brows now.
"I'm just not used to talking with people too much.. Most of the time when I see one I eat them.." - another tired sigh escaped his lips as he looked at you. - "Really, listen, you should go home now. Isn't it kinda late for humans to not sleep? And I also need to bring more food for my brothers.."
"So you're not the one here?!" - you gasp, getting closer and almost grabbing Ichiro's shoulders but stopping yourself at the last second.
For a moment his brows twitch as he realizes what he just blurted out, then he gives up, thinking it's probably easier to tell in full than get rid of you.
"Of course I'm not, I do have a family.." - Ichiro looks up at you again and then smirks. - "I can introduce you to my little brothers, yet don't whine when they'll take you for food, okay? They're more unruly than I am.."
"Did you just say you're kinda obedient in other words? That I can tame you?" - oh, just how easy it actually was to tease this guy, you clearly can see how his cheeks get darker in these shadows as he blush.
"If I'm ready to tolerate you, humans, in my human form, it doesn't mean you can act like that, understand?" - he mumbled but reached for your hand, squeezing it a little. - "Now follow me, or you will get lost in this labyrinth.. It's already pretty late so there's no point for you to return home, so i only let you stay for one night as a small apology, okay? Keep it as our secret…"
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[ID 1: A magazine page, on the left is text and on the right is two pictures. The first is digitally painted concept art of the Demon Bull King, behind him are flames, flags, and silhouetted bull clones. Under it is a photo of designer, Chris Perron showing Simon Lucas a work-in-progress LEGO build of DBK. Below the text is a picture of six LEGO designers sitting at a table with several Monkie Kid s] 
[ID 2: A splash page of the set 80010 Demon Bull King. The Bull King is brick-built out of LEGO. He has two black cannons mounted on his shoulders, and a flame-thrower replaces his left arm. His chest is flaming and his legs are robotic. He wields a large axe. A minifigure of Princess Iron Fan sits atop his right shoulder, she wields a fan. ] 
Researching Monkie Kid
Simon and his core crew of LEGO designers flew to Shanghai, where the LEGO Group has an international hub office. 'I really relied on my colleagues in China to tell me everything they think of when they think of their home and their culture. That was a great brainstorm, because you realize how much culture there is; how much creativity. Also, the mix of old and new is fascinating - China's an amazing place that embraces newness like nowhere else."
The design team sat down with their China-based colleagues to get that feel for where they should go next, which led to a number of different potential sparks. 'At the beginning we explored multiple ideas - we had nine directions that we tested with children. We filtered that into three really strong themes,' Simon explains, but keeps the two ideas that didn't make it this time around under wraps. 'They actually tested really well, so there is huge potential there.
In August 2018, the testing was conducted with children and families across China, with the team visiting Chongqing, Xi-an, Beijing, Manjing and Nanjing as well as Shanghai. There was something special about how children responded to LEGO Monkie Kid. 'It blew me away, just how iconic and recognizable the characters from Journey to the West and the Monkey King were. I can only compare it to how when testing in America children recognize the Avengers, they know all the backstories. In China, when they saw this line-up of concept art that Xiaodong made of these characters we recreated, they were like, "That's Pigsy, that's Sandy, that's Sun Wukong.
'While it is a 500-year-old novel, Journey to the West has been brought to life in many different ways over those years and it is still so relevant. I learnt that everyone has their own connection to the story, whether their parents read it to them, or they studied it at school, or they watched a cartoon version of it that was made in 1968. But I realized that everyone I met had a universal love for the 1980s TV series that they made in China.
Thanks to still being repeated on television during the summer holidays today, different generations all have a fondness for the show. To pay homage to that we have been allowed to use a couple of the sound effects in our animated TV series,' Simon explains. "You hear it, and I think you are only going to know it if you are familiar with that, but it sounds fantastic."
Testing with children; ensuring that Chinese designers worked on the theme; visiting the country to brainstorm - more consideration for local sensibilities has been taken than ever before. 'Authenticity has been our goal. We do take a risk here in reinterpreting a classic that is so dear and is part of the Chinese culture.'
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kittychicha · 8 months
Hi ! I’m sorry, I hope you accept asks from strangers. I just discovered your tumblr and am also very new to lakorn and dramas in general. Do you by any chance would have any recs of good wlw shows please ? Your gifsets are amazing you seem to have very good taste !
hiii first of all thank you sm you're so sweet 🥺 im flattereddd gotta say i would not trust my taste that much its really all over the place 🫣 but i'll leave some wlw shows/movies for youu keep in mind that since wlw is unfortunately not such a big genre most of these are super short or very low budget but we love them anywaysss
she loves to cook and she loves to eat: suuuper sweet slice of life about two neighbours who get together to eat addressing also all the expectations that get put on women by society.
sf8: the prayer (ep1): a caregiver robot falls in love with the daughter of her elderly patient.
sf8: joan's galaxy (ep 3): the world is divided between rich people who can afford healthcare and poor ppl who cannot and die young from contamination to the enviroment. (START WITH THIS ONE JUST TRUST ME. if u gotta watch 1 thing from the whole list its this. bring the tissues.)
GAP: the typical intern dates the CEO but make it lesbians.
sleep with me: a radio host who gives love advice to her listeners falls for one of the contestants who comes to claim a price.
fragrance of the first flower: two women who separated in high school reunite after many years and realize the spark they felt back then is still present. (they dont end up together which pissed off a lot of people but i enjoyed this, dont mind a sad ending if its done right)
fantasy of the girls: the high school theatre club does romeo and juliet, the girl that plays juliet starts having feelings for her co-star.
alice: crack of season: girl in love w her high school bestie.
the serpent's song: gay nun kitty chicha.
the substitute: the lead actress in an action movie and her stunt double fall in love.
couple of mirrors: a novelist befriends an assassin. (it's like super censored so its "friendship" but i liked the whole plot)
the married woman: gotta admit that the ending did piss me off a looooot but we gotta mention it bc 85% of this was gr8
love tech: an app that controls everyone's love life including who they should date, and when should they break up.
farewell song: a band falls apart due to unrequited love, but they decide to get together for a farewell tour. (they tried to sell it as a straight love triangle AND YETTT its all ab the lesbiansss no one cares ab that dudeee we're here for MUGI AND NANA 😍)
condo barista architect: an architect falls for a girl that runs a coffee shop.
schoolgirl complex: a high school senior falls for their new club member who is known for being unreliable. (on the same note a very similar japanese movie is blue)
aaand i do have more on my review page <3 but i think these ones stood out the most to me. bc then there's the whole genre of youtube wlw like shakeshoulder, cheezefilm, 75°C, legend of yun qian / legend of yunze, am i the only one with butterflies, lily fever, girlfriend project etc like if you start going down this path you'll find a lot lol though they are usually just ads with a wlw plot but fun to watch anyways?
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tekutiger · 3 months
I recently downloaded Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis on Steam because, well, 1) I've always been a FF7 fan, 2) FF7rb just released and with it everyone including myself is riding this wave of FF7 hype, 3) I'm not ready for the FF7 stuff to go away again, it's too soon!, and 4) It's free, how could I not?
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So far I've sunk...
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...into the game 💻💓.
I don't want to make this a spoiler-y post, but I do wanna add some screenies to show some of what to expect with the game. So, it depends on your definition of "spoiler" content.
I won't throw in screenshots of story, but I'll throw in screenshots of "you can unlock this" and "there's this outfit" because that's the primary reason I'm writing this post ⤵️
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I saw two people on Twitter posting pictures of Cloud in this very specific armor set and I was like "omg I need that in my life", more specifically in FFXIV. Please make this happen SE (I want this on my Viera and Miqo'te 🙏🏻).
Turns out this outfit is part of a limited time gacha pull event that ends April 7th (might say 8th for some people?)
It's this set here 👇🏻
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And it's called:
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Saber Style! It comes with a sword for a damage-type set. But me being the noob that I am, I'm still dapling around with all of that. I'm just excited for the glamour tbh 😅
Here's the Sword:
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Yeah I know the graphics are blurry as heck 🫠. The game is set to the correct resolution and I have an amazing graphics card and awesome PC specs... it's the game 🙃. Pretty sure it was designed to be a mobile game. Because you CAN link this to your mobile account? Somehow? I don't have this on my phone so I haven't tried but you get 500x free blue crystals (twice) doing so. (which is one of the currencies you can use for gacha pulls btw) 👇🏻
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The reason I'm bringing up the outfit first and before everything else is because if you jump into this game, you can get the outfit quickly like I did using the freebies (for gacha pulls) given to you going through the story. It might take a bit of going through the story to do, but that's what I saved mine up for.
Just make sure you redeem all the things~ story mode, daily quests, login bonuses, enhancement quests, missions, season pass, etc. There's a lot.
Then you have to earn stamps on this stamp card...
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I don't have the best luck in the world, so if you're anything like me, you're going to get 2 stamps at a time.
They disclose the rate percentages:
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Be aware, you can only earn stamps via the 10-pulls, not the single pulls.
I think I've covered everything regarding the outfit/glamour.
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They have unlockable wallpapers in this game. This is aesthetic and afaik it's only while you're in the game. Maybe these can be used on your phone if the game is installed on your phone? 🤔
I only have a few being new and all.
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Again, I know. The resolution and it being blurry 😅
The one with Cloud and him being in the outfit- you can see Zack in the background. I wonder if there was a gacha event prior where you were able to obtain this outfit for him, or if there's going to be one after where we'll be able to obtain this outfit for him? 🤔 Time to start saving more crystals! Lol
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Logically, this probably should have been the first thing I posted, but I was eager to get the outfit/glamour knowledge out there.
Ever Crisis is kind of like three stories crammed into one. Not full stories, but little tidbits of information and some of it are things we haven't seen before. (It might be full stories and it'll come back around, full circle 🤷🏻‍♀️)
I'll admit it's not what I was expecting it to be, in a good way, and I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would.
At first I was playing the top part and it played out a lot like the beginning of the OG- then it slipped into Crisis Core, and I was like okay... did I accidentally hit Crisis Core in the Home Menu? Oops. But that's what the game wants you to do. And then it slips you into The First Soldier, which is where I'm at now.
The First Soldier has a good bit of story about Glenn and it's making me realize I don't really know much about him. So I appreciate this a lot. While at the same time it's kind of like, darnnit SE don't make me like another one of your characters that I already know the fate of 🫠
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Do you love Chocobos?!
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They have a smol Chocobo Ranch section! I have absolutely no idea how indepth this section goes (once again, I'm nub to the game), but I thought this was adorable 🫶🏻
What I do know, is that you can send out a "character" and one of your cutie birbs to an area and they'll return with some items after some duration period. (Reminds me of retainers in FFXIV to an extent)
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There's a lot more I could potentially post (and was going to) but this is already getting long.
This game is free and worth giving it a try imo!
I kind of wish they made my favorite character optional to play but I understand why he's not. He's a boss in co-op 😂 (it's rough being a Rufus fangirl sometimes). You gotta admit Rufus + the Turks being optional to play somewhere would be totally awesome 💓
Edit: I just learned Rufus is in the story (level 33) and also later on as a Story Party boss. I get to see him multiple times 😊🫶🏻. If that's not incentive to keep playing, I don't know what is.
I also find one of Cloud's Limit Break lines insanely cute for some reason. At first I thought he was saying something like "Fuuran" but it doesn't translate into anything. When I did some digging I found a post pointing out that he's saying "Huryah!", much like "Hoo-rah"- as military soldiers do. Now I just think it's even cuter akdjaklsdj 😊
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lukael · 10 months
A thingie that @frickatives tagged me in! thanks for that, kat~
Last Song: listen these days I'm almost exclusively listening to Magdalena Bay, so probably my last song was that, yeah I think it was Money Lover one of my favs
Favorite Color: all my life I've said red but idk anymore, all my channel branding is blue cause it's easier on the eyes... I think my favorite color is the way oranges contrast against blues, yknow? that's good shit
Currently Watching: just finished watching Arrested Development, was pretty damn funny until Season 4 which was absolute dog shit so we gave that up. Now we're watching Kaguya Sama: Love is War, and I never usually watch animes but that shit is really funny lol amazing english dub. Oh and also we're watching the new season of WWDITS which we fucking love (tho I'd say the season is just ok so far)
Last Movie: uhhhhhhh damn, what was it again? I think the last one I saw in theaters was Guardians 3, and that was really good. I watched the new Ant-Man by myself a while ago, and that one was pretty meh I don't really watch a lot of movies tbh
Currently Reading: I never read any books (even though I probably should), right one the only one in my list is As We Fall, the historical fantasy romance novel that was entirely written AND published by my good and talented friend @anyawildt (I feel bad about how slow I have been reading it, I've just been caught up in a lot of other stuff) but please check it out!!!!!!!!
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Got a huge sweet tooth, I'm always snacking on sweets
Relationship Status: Quite happily taken, been with my fartner for something like 7 years now and it's goin great!
Current Obsession: well most of my focus for months now has been on my gaming channel, so that's kind of it? lately like most everyone I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3, and it's really good, and I'm also playing some Cult of the Lamb, which is also very good!
Last Thing I Googled: gf sent me 🧿 👄 🧿 on discord, and i noticed the eyes showed up as ":nazar_amulet:" and I was like wtf does that even mean, so I googled it and I guess it's like something to do with protection againt the evil eye?? i dont really know but yeah
Currently Working On: as always, commissions, I'm also working on the art for a board game, which is taking a lot of my time (and energy), and I'm also always working on new videos for my channel! kinda working on getting back to a regular job again sometime soon probably maybe idk it's all just up in the air right now
No-pressure Tagging:
well I don't really know that many people on here tbh but eeeee I guess @neoxie @roboticbiotic @dat-soldier @anyawildt if yall bored lmao
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Hey there, I have a question. It may not have an easy answer, but it would mean a lot to me if you took the time to share your thoughts.
I love HotD and all of the amazing fanfic that has resulted from it. Obviously, the incest aspect of it is not for everyone, and is very squicky and off-putting to some folks, even if these are fictional characters. No HotD fic authors who write for the incest pairings, as far as I can tell, are condoning this behavior IRL or saying that this is appropriate content for minors, and most are VERY upfront with content warnings.
However, that being said, there’s a part of me that feels guilty for enjoying this kind of content. I am a survivor of sexual assault and I think of myself as a feminist, and yet it’s sometimes hard for me to reconcile that with also liking kinky stuff (including dubcon and impact play like slapping/choking/spanking) and consuming stories with taboo dynamics, such as incest. It seems like you feel similarly (I know you said that you do identify as a feminist, but I’m not making any assumptions about sexual experiences you may have had so please don’t take it that way), and I’d love to get your insight on this.
I feel like it’s mainly kink shaming/toxic modern purity culture that is making me feel weird/guilty about liking this type of content. Also, just fear of being judged or shamed - because there’s so much of that on the internet and just life in general. I’ve, admittedly, gone through phases where I was adamantly anti-kink and unlearning that behavior has been a long, hard journey, so maybe these complicated feelings are part of that? I would love to know if any of this resonates with you? If so, how have you worked through it? And any tips or insight for me?
Hey, nonnie!
Thank you so much for reaching out. I can see that you're struggling with some conflict over your enjoyment of House of the Dragon and its fandom, particularly as it pertains to the more taboo themes it explores. I'm going to do my best to articulate my thoughts here, so please forgive me if it doesn't come out quite right.
I definitely don't agree with the themes I explore in fanfiction as being the basis for a healthy and um, legal relationship in real life. There are a lot of red flags in the incestuous dynamics of House Targaryen, and ordinarily I would perceive incest in media as something abhorrent; for example, Cersei and Jaime Lannister just squicks me right out. I think the interesting thing here is that, at least for the Targaryens, incest is coded as normal - it's not viewed in-world as something immoral, but rather a facet of what it means to be Targaryen. I find that makes it more palatable, though I would still maintain in the real world that this is wrong.
I'm very sorry for what you've been through, and I hope you're doing okay. I can empathise with how difficult your experiences must have made enjoying this kind of content, though my own experience is a little different. I was raised by a very conservative family (not politically, strangely; more morally) that has gradually become more relaxed as I've gotten older. However, the damage had been done - for a very long time, I'd been taught the understanding that I should suppress all hints of sexuality, that experiencing non-platonic interest in someone/thing was distasteful and something to be made fun of, and this has really messed with my ability to seek out relationships as an adult. I've never dated, never had sex, because I'm so afraid of being perceived as 'lesser' for experiencing these sort of urges. I've done a lot of work on myself to come to terms with all this, and the process of unlearning it is slow - this fanfiction is kinda one of the ways I'm trying to let go.
As for the theme of incest and enjoying it in fanfiction - I think it's important to remember that most of the time, the draw isn't about comparisons to your own life. Liking a fantasy guy with blond hair fucking his young equally-blond niece doesn't mean you want to bang your own uncle or anything. I prefer to see it as a fascination with the dynamic. I once saw 'daddy kink' described by someone as a "power differential laced with care and affection", and you could argue that the uncle-niece connection is very similar here. We have an obviously dominant figure wielding authority over a submissive woman, but there's a safety net of love and tenderness that goes beyond sexual desire or romantic love. One could argue that those sorts of feelings are conditional, but a love for family is hard to break free of. There's comfort in that dynamic underpinning the kinkier scenarios such as dubcon or impact play/pain etc.; kind of a reassurance that no matter how far it goes, there's all these different bonds of care connecting the individuals together. TLDR: I feel like the fascination with incest in ASOIAF is more to do with the emotional security/safety than any innate desire to go around banging your own relatives.
For a long time, I too have been really ashamed by my fascination with those more overtly questionable kinks. I don't think it makes me any less of a feminist, though, because I recognise that my interest comes from a need to let go of my control. I constantly need to present myself as an assertive person because of my job or my age or the fact that I'm a woman in a patriarchal society where, if I don't advocate for myself, I'll be steamrollered. I'm not naturally assertive; it's exhausting. The idea that someone who genuinely cares for me could come in and relieve me of that for a while, take me out of my own head, is appealing. I'm so sick of keeping a lid on things, presenting myself as someone with a spine of steel, when all I really want is to be coddled and allowed to just exist free of expectations.
In terms of well, coming to terms with this, my biggest advice would be to be kind to yourself. You're not a horrible person for liking what you like, no matter what anyone says. And it's always good to consider this: what do you gain from shaming yourself for it? What is the value-add to your life? Because if the answer involves something to do with society, or 'normality', or morality, or anyone or thing other than you yourself, then that's not fair to you. You should be allowed to have an interest in themes and kinks that appeal to you, so long as that interest doesn't ultimately cross the boundaries of legality (i.e., I can like Daemon/Rhaenyra, but I'm NOT about to try and pursue my own uncle because ew).
I don't know if this helps at all, and I do sincerely hope I haven't brought up anything unpleasant or crossed any boundaries. But most of all, I just want you to take care of yourself - and remember that you aren't alone. If nothing else, there's plenty of fellow grotties on the interwebz here for you to find a community with; we're all here for you.
Thanks, nonnie.
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lunaacity · 1 year
you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people — no skipping!
thanks for tagging me @gothmoneyswag! i’d love to share
i decided to use last.fm because my biggest playlist right now is only like 150 songs and i dont think thats large enough
i wanted to leave a comment with each song too but thats optional if you want to do this too
1) Hackle - 1 Trillion Bars
my favorite drill song at the moment. hackle is the only HM member whose music i can say i love, i don’t hate turnagoat but hackle just has a vibe i cant really explain. recommended to sosa enjoyers and people who kinda like HM but haven’t really gotten into it.
2) chase plato - SET YOU FREE
found out a funny guy on tiktok made music and gave him a shot and it was really good. i love the final fantasy sample and chase’s vocals are really good. also follow him on tiktok @ chaseplato he is very funny
3) Oli XL feat. Ecco2k - Hesitate
song makes me feel like i’m the coolest mf to walk this earth. if my life was a movie, this would definitely make the soundtrack
4) Alex G - Bobby
a heartwarming and very bisexual love song. i have listened to this song only once or twice before making this list and i’m happy to come across it again. 
5) BCNR - Good Will Hunting
this song is amazing. objectively fucking brilliant. but i (thankfully) very rarely get in the mood to listen to BCNR.
6) Parannoul - Imagination
i wish i fucking understood korean i feel like i’m missing out because sonically this is really cool. everyone should try this album. i like the new slowthai album better but it’s second for my album of the year right now.
7) Bladee - D-925
it has a few classic bladee lines, but overall it’s one of bladee’s weaker songs. maybe there’ll be another bladee song on this list, but i’ll be disappointed if this is the only one i get to talk about.
8) yeule - Reverle
i fucking love everything about yeule. love love love love love yeule. listen to serotonin 2 and glitch princess or i will kill you.
9) Ecco2k - Peroxide
i mean....... e is a perfect album and this is the most popular song off it. it’s not my favorite, but it is the most accessible, and got me into ecco. this is the first song i recommend to most people who ask for music recs and arent drainers. if you discover 1 new song through this list, let it be this one.
10) MELO - Varovasti
i’m so happy a finnish song popped up here!!! it’s kinda like if brakence was good at making music. it would be pretty basic if it was in english, but very few people are actually making music that sounds like this in finnish, so he’s kind of doing a new thing here. if you don’t know how finnish sounds, i would recommend this just based on that. it’s a pretty language.
i’m supposed to stop here, but i hate rules and i like having fun so i’m gonna keep going
11) Manu Chao - Me gustas tú
another non-english song, and another song i discovered on tiktok. takes me to my happy place. love the song. i feel like it’s set in a post capitalist world where a person is truly free to do what they want and it’s beautiful to be there for a moment.
12) Varg2TM feat. Bladee - SHINIE
a quintessential bladee song in my opinion. Varg is the most underrated DG collaborator. the beat is fantastic, although far from varg’s best work. bladee pops off for a minute straight and the chorus is fantastic. it’s a travesty that there are no more varg + dg songs out there. they exist, varg has played them at shows but these fuckers just wont drop them.
13) Whitearmor and Gud - Frutta E Verdura
this shit makes me cry and it doesn’t even have lyrics. i cant describe it you just have to listen
14) Quadeca - Tell Me A Joke
as a hivemind enjoyer (subscibe on youtube), i’ve known for a while that there is more to quad than rapper impressions and disstracks. i couldn’t have imagined this album in my wildest dreams though. also fucking crazy that he said “what’s the deal with airline food” in the intro to a song about haunting his own childhood home and it doesn’t feel out of place
15) Varg2TM feat. Bladee - Perfect Violation
i swear to god i randomized this, but somehow the last song i’m doing is my favorite song of all time. I could straight up write an essay about it, and i will!
this is the most emotionally loaded song bladee has ever made. yes, more than deletee, more than destroy me. more than every single fucking song he has ever made. the beat is beauty in it’s purest form. every single word is painful. no one will ever capture the pain that stems from love like bladee did here. in a very drainy fashion, every line is nonsense at face value, but i still perfectly understood what the song was about from the first listen. the self hatred bladee feels because he can’t be good enough for the one he loves is so fucking visceral. i have cried to this song countless times. i’ve listened to this song seven hundred times since i first fell in love with it in october. i’ve listened to it around 5 times every day for 5 months and i’m not even close to bored. the best song i’ve ever heard.
There is also a remix that goes fucking stupid. google perfect violation empire line remix.
i’m still really new to this website so i straight up don’t know 10 people to tag so @honeyypunk @akajazy if you’re interested lmao
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openingnightposts · 5 months
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meowmaids · 1 year
Pls pls for this post I’m not here to argue with anyone or get anyone angry this is just something I was thinking abt
I’ve never played the last of us and just saw the first episode with some friends! I thought the whole cast did was incredible and they did a fantastic job!!!
Sarah’s death portrayed by Nicole Parker who again did absolutely amazing in her role, made me sad because it mirrored Amandla Stenberg’s death in hunger games as Rue, were a person of color dies early on and the focus is a white female protagantist.
Again I’m not here to fight anyone and not deeply involved with either franchise. And I’m happy for everyone making the show!!
And obviously there are different shows! :D I guess in just reflecting on how characters of color , especially women of color are treated especially with violence and death in fantasy makes me sad. With the compounding issue of when they aren’t given the same autonomy or role as their counterparts.
I’m Colombian Irish and in Encanto it made me sad when the Afro-Latino characters, Felix, Dolores, Camilo, and Antonio were mostly tertiary characters. Especially concerning who was deemed the ‘prettiest’ had very straight hair paler skin. It would at least been a step forward to have Dolores celebrated for herself and Mirable not being less pretty for having curly hair. In contrast to this I’m excited to see Halle Bailey as the little Mermaid!
My involvement with these shows is very minimal but yeah I definitely think there’s room for improvement everywhere to treat characters of color with more autonomy, compassion, empathy and as main characters! Just as we continue to examine Racism, misogynoir, and colorism in daily life we should examine how it’s reflected back to us in media.
Take care !! Have a nice day!!! :D
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readingforsanity · 1 year
Jurrasic Park & The Lost World | Michael Chrichton | Published
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Jurassic Park is a science-fiction thriller novel written by American author Michael Crichton and first published in 1990. It chronicles the story of an eccentric genetics CEO who builds an amusement park containing live dinosaurs cloned from ancient DNA. The book was followed by a sequel in 1995, The Lost World. Jurassic Park has been adapted into one of the most successful movie franchises of all time, with the first movie released in 1993 and the entire franchise grossing over $5 billion worldwide as of 2022. 
The book follows a ton of complex characters, the majority of which you find within the film adaptation: Dr. Alan Grant, Dr. Ellie Sattler and Dr. Ian Malcolm. All of them play important roles in the story, however, the novel has major differences. It’s also incredinly long, almost too long to perform a synopsis. However, much of the novel is the same as the movie, with minor changes: Alan and Ellie are not together in the story; in fact, she’s engaged to an MD who lives and works in Chicago. Grant was previously married, but we learn that his wife died and he is now a widower. Ian’s back story isn’t talked about, like in the films where it’s mentioned that he has been married quite a few times and has a few kids as well. 
The story discusses the science behind the making of the dinosaurs, which the films only touch on. However, the majority of the novel and the film are the same, so I feel no need to go into big depth here. 
Discussion Questions 
1. Describe the dinosaur incidents that occurred before the major destruction. What should have occurred in light of these incidents to prevent what happened toward the end? I’m not sure there is anything they could have done. In theory, the park was an amazing idea: a zoo for dinosaurs. Mr. Hammond was going to be an even more popular man with what he was trying to accomplish. Only Henry Wu and Dr. Ian Malcolm found that these dinosaurs weren’t of the best idea as they were previously extinct, and haven’t been on earth in over 65 billion years. Anyone living today has no idea how to care for these animals, let alone know their behaviors in the wild. Everything Malcolm predicted through his chaos theory actually was correct. Therefore, I don’t believe that any extra precautions could have been taken to avoid this. Especially since Mr. Hammond had a very shady bunch of men working for him. 
2. What is cloning? Do you think cloning made the dinosaurs more susceptible to violence? Explain. How do you feel about cloning people and animals in today’s time? I don’t think cloning made them more susceptible to violence. A lot of dinosaurs, we presume, were avid hunters and predators, like the T-rex. But, cloning takes the DNA of an animal, like an extinct one, and reproduces it in a lab for it to be reborn. Cloning people today, or cloning animals today, is much more widely accepted. However, we all watched the movie and read the book; let’s not get ahead of ourselves. 
3. Describe the harrowing moments of the island tour to observe the dinosaurs. Discuss how you would have perceived the tour? What actions would you have taken afterwards? In the beginning, or even as a child, I would have been thrilled to see dinosaurs. Like any child, I was obsessed with dinosaurs when I was younger. You couldn’t not be. These huge, extinct animals were a thing of fantasy, and someone brought them to life. However, as an adult, I’d probably be more like Malcolm. Anything could go wrong, and unfortunately it did and people had to lose their lives, including Mr. Hammond, for everyone to realize that the idea of this park was not a great idea. 
4. Discuss how the dinosaurs escaped. If you were on Hammond’s scientific security team, what processes would you create to prevent the dinosaurs from escaping? Now, I wouldn’t have been involved in the discovery of dinosaurs. They are too unknown, especially during the time period of the book and the film. There is no way to properly predict what measures needed to be taken to ensure that the procedures they had in place would have worked. 
5. List the types of dinosaurs identified in the book. Based on the book’s description, which do you think are the most dangerous? Why? The T-rex, because of its large size and speed and agility despite that size. Also, the raptors. Raptors we have learned were incredibly intelligent animals, like humans or chimps. 
6. Explain how the main tragedy occurred. Be specific and use quotes from the book to support your response. Nedry specifically designed his computer system so that only he could manipulate it. He was butthurt about everything, and ended up being under the influence of Lewis Dodgson at Biosyn, and ultimately he decided to take the security systems in place and stop them while he could steal embryos for them to recreate on their own. However, this failed because he didn’t get to the dock quickly enough or at all. Nobody knew the system as well as he did, and even though they thought they were on the right track, it didn’t come on fast enough and all of the animals had the ability to escape. 
7. Discuss how the Costa Rican government intervened and helped the islanders. They were able to get them off the island, and completely destroy it. Which isn’t something we ultimately wanted to happen, but was necessary. 
Michael Crichton was an amazing author and had a knack for the sciences. I give this one 5/5 stars. 
Six years after the death of John Hammond and the mysterious destruction of his Jurassic Park island of Isla Nubla, mathematician Ian Malcolm discovers a second island off Costa Rica, where Hammond created his genetically bred dinosaurs. He travels there with a scientific research team inclduing paleobiologist Richard Levine, Sarah Harding and two stowaway kids, kelly and Arby, both 11 years old. 
Once on the island, they find themselves on the run for thier lives from some of the killer dinosaurs with whom Ian has already crossed paths, along with some new killers. The group not only has to content with the dinosaurs, but with murderious rival scientist Lewis Dodgson and his cronies, who are out to steal the dinosaur eggs for thmeselves, as well. 
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calico-kiwi · 3 months
Oh noooo a complex female character how scary 🙄
????? help is this abt sandra lynn?? LMAO
look, i’m here to enjoy the series and, y’know what? i’m really enjoying it! i’m having a blast :D
characters are allowed to be nuanced and flawed and not perfect and she’s a character who very obviously has had some ups and downs, both in her life and how the party (and her daughter) has viewed her
i think she’s a beautiful character and i appreciate her complexity and the thought that’s put into her, brennan did a great job of keeping her consistent and i genuinely do appreciate her depth
but this is very much a thing i am watching for fun and that i’m not trying to analyze, and i get secondhand emotions from things i’m invested in pretty easily
so the whole situation with her that’s going on in sophomore year had me a bit more stressed an anxious than even some real life stuff was causing me
the easiest way for me to sort of process how i’m feeling about her is to recognize sometimes i’m upset with her (which, she’s not the only character i’ve done this with btw, i was plenty distraught and torn up about the whole gorgoug zelda situation and gorgoug forgetting the generator felt like a kick to the stomach) and then move on
she has her moments good and bad and instead of justifying either, i decided to take a step back, detach myself and go “i like that she did this! i did not like this!”
because quite frankly i was getting far more stressed out than something i’m watching to have a good time should make me
so yes, a complex female character indeed, and deep down, i do love her. but i’m allowed to be mad with her too and y’know what? i’m mad at her sometimes because i love her
so i understand if you sent this because you felt like i was attacking her, but i’m really trying not too and i think you missed the whole point of that post which was “i am going to feel about her how i feel about her in the moment because i am genuinely distressed and this is a fictional character”
also it’s ok to not like characters???? like if i said i hated sandra lynn that’s ok??? i can still hate something while admiring or i appreciating the fact from a meta standpoint her character is amazing and incredibly well played and developed. it’s when the hatred stems from bigoted thinking that it’s a problem, and it’s very much not, i’m just having an emotional response to a character in a series i’m emotionally invested in
good on the fantasy high d20 gang for impacting my emotions so much because that’s how you know they’re doing a great job!!
anyways this was fun to answer, i don’t get asks often, and it gave me a chance to rant :P
i would appreciate it though the next time you sent an ask (to anyone) to not come out swinging first, cause for this kind of situation something less accusatory wouldn’t sufficed just as well
like, “i was wondering, why don’t you like sandra lynn? i understand she’s done some shitty things, but not everyone is perfect and it feels like you’re holding her to some double standard of being unflawed because she’s a women” (i am not holding her to a double standard, im sorry if that’s what it seemed like, as i explained earlier in the post i responded to her actions that way to help preserve my mental lol)
that type of question gets the same point across, gives more detail (took me a minute to figure out who tf the original ask was about) and better explains what i may have messed up on so i can clarify, fix, or potentially apologize for it! (all in a less butt hurt or “let’s start some internet drama” sounding way)
thanks for the ask (no thanks for it being so rude, though i can understand where your frustration’s comping from), here’s a response, i wasn’t expecting anyone to come across that post and i’m just glad you’re not a bot or scammer in my inbox
i love just Never Shutting Up (as you can see by how long this got (unintentionally)) so please, i will talk about literally almost anything if you give me the chance, COME TO MY INBOX
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