#i thought i was doomed to just have my ex's status forever there until
crackedpumpkin · 1 year
i just found out how to close dms on mobile in discord and like. holy shit. i am now a changed woman
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rxsie-the-demon · 4 years
Brooklyn Baby | JJ  Maybank
A/N: heyo! so i haven’t written fanfic in FOREVER, and i never have on tumblr. so please be patient with me (haha). this is gonna be a series, basically everything that i want (dreamed?) about that happens in season 2 of outerbanks. i hope you enjoy!
chapter summary: Nikki Reddy is new to Outer Banks High School, aka ‘Kook Academy.’ After befriending Topper, Kelce, and Scarlet and getting a crash course on OBX culture, she meets the school outcast, Kiara Carrera
warning: swearing, mentions of drowning, shooting, death, smoking, etc. nothing super bad, just usual stuff from s1
word count: 2075
CHAPTER 1: Shades of Cool
I honestly had no idea what was going through my brother’s head when he decided to say, “Fuck it, let’s move to the Outer Banks.” In the middle of the school year. In the winter!
Like, he could’ve at LEAST waited ‘til the summer or spring. But nope, we’re going to the Graveyard of the Atlantic in fucking January.
I can’t even wear cute sandals or shorts.
I sighed deeply and turned into the parking lot of Outer Banks High School, or as some kid I heard called it, Kook Academy. I have no idea what that was supposed to mean because no one at the school seemed crazy. But then again, this was my third day here. For all I know, these kids are batshit crazy.
I parked her white Lamborghini Aventador that I had gotten for my sixteenth birthday (just Sweet Sixteen things) and grabbed my pink Kanken backpack and flung it over my shoulder, brushing her shoulder lengthed hair out of my way. Stupid hair always getting in the way of everything. While I walked into the building, I pulled her schedule out of the pocket of the bag, not remembering where my AP US History class was.
“Nikki! Hi!” I heard a girl’s voice call out. Turning around, I was met with the energetic, and for a lack of a better word, preppy girl who was assigned to show me around the school two days ago. Scarlet, I remembered. The girl whose name matched her hair. Next to her, the tall, HOT, tan blonde friend wearing khakis and a sweater, and the other boy, also tall, equally hot, dark-skinned friend. Topper and Kelce, was it? I couldn’t remember. Or was it Topher, like Christopher? I knew a guy who went by Topher instead of Chris. He was a weird guy.
“Hey! Scarlet, right? And...Topper and Kelce?” I gave them a sheepish grin. “Sorry, I suck with names.”
“No, it’s all good, broski,” Topper smiled. “And you got them right if that makes it better.”
I sighed with relief. “Oh, good.”
“I LOVE your dress,” Scarlet cooed. I did too. A yellow plaid cami dress over a thin, white turtleneck sweater, complete with white converse and a simple silver necklace with an ‘Om’ symbol.
“Aw, thank you! I love your outfit, too! I could never rock a green tube top and jeans, you’re BLESSED.”
“We should start walking to class, guys,” Kelce interjected, “Otherwise we’re going to be late, and Miss Newbie here doesn’t need that on her third day of school.” Topper rolled his eyes and laughed.
“Facts, love. Let’s get a move on,”
As we turned to walk to class, we passed by this girl whose rather dull aura caught my attention. I only saw part of her face when we walked by her, but she had sunken eyes as if she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in who knows how long. Her frizzy brown hair was spilling out of the hood of her black sweatshirt, and her hands were stuffed in the pockets of her black sweatpants.
Honestly? I thought she looked like shit. But not in an insulting way, in an “Are you ok? Do you need a hug?” kind of way.
“Hey, Top,” I turned next to him to asked, “Who’s the girl in all black that looks like she’s gonna pass out?”
The three OBX OGs spun their heads around to catch a glimpse of who I was talking about, before letting out a laugh at her question. “Ah, that’s Kiara. She’s a freak.” Top responded, chuckling.
I smiled sarcastically, a little mad that they outright insulted someone like that, but couldn’t show it because, well, I had no other friends. “True, but uh, how so?”
“She’s friends with Pogues, that’s how.”
“The poor kids on the island, from The Cut. They’re all freaks and whores, they run around, stealing stuff, trying to shoot people.” Scarlet chirped up, emphasizing the different words. I nodded slowly.
“Yeah! This one Pogue, John B, like, he stole my girlfriend, uh sorry, EX-girlfriend from me, and his buddy JJ tried to shoot me in the head!” Topper exclaimed. Nikki’s eyes went wide.
“Wait...hold up, wait, he- WHAT? WHY did he try to shoot you?”
“I got into a fight with John B.”
“OK OK, I may have stuck his head underwater for a bit. I wasn’t gonna KILL him, I was just messing around, you know?” Topper looked at Kelce and Scarlet, who agreed with him, “Gotta show those dirty Pogues their place.”
I laughed dryly. What the flying fuck?
We stepped inside the classroom and took our seats, with me right behind Scarlet, and Topper and Kelce on either side of her.
Scarlett spun around. “Bro, our teacher isn’t even here!” She rolled her eyes and pulled out her Puff Bar from her bar and took a hit. She looked over at me and held it out for me. I shook my head no and turned to Topper. “Wait, Topper, that ex-girlfriend. Does she go here?”
Kelce and Scarlet immediately looked over at Topper, who looked like I just ran over his cat. 
“Oh I’m sorry,” I immediately apologized. “I shouldn’t have asked about-”
“No, no, it’s ok,” Top said awkwardly and coughed. He turned to face me with a sad smile. “Uh, remember how I mentioned she’d left me for some Pogue?”
“John something, yea?”
“Well, he killed her and himself, about six months ago.”
My jaw dropped. “What the fuck?! How are you so casual about- Shit I’m so sorry.”
“Yeah, he shot the last sheriff, Sheriff Peterkins, who by all accounts was actually a sweetheart. Then he proceeds to convince Sarah, or maybe he blackmailed her, I don’t know, into riding his boat into a tropical depression. We found the wreckage of the boat a couple weeks later, but...their bodies were never found...”
“Holy fucking shit.”
“Yeah... That girl, Kiara, she was best friends with both John B and Sarah. John B was, by all accounts, trash, but he was still her friend, I guess.”
I nodded slowly, trying to process all the information Topper had just dumped onto me.
Despite my extremely wealthy upbringing, I was raised to not be classist. Or at least, I hope that’s how I turned out; Scarlet, Topper, and Kelce also don’t seem like the most honest people. But these...Pogues that they were talking about...don’t seem like the sweet people.
But something about that girl’s eyes...they seemed so sad. You don’t feel for someone like that unless they’re a good person. Right?
Our teacher was droning off about...gosh who even fucking knows, I stopped paying attention the second he walked in.
I was on autopilot mode, taking down notes but not, like, actually paying attention. Instead, my mind was on these really cute boots I saw while online window shopping yesterday. I had bookmarked the link. Maybe I’d buy those?
“Nikhita!” My teacher called out. Hearing my first name, I snapped back to reality.
“Hi!” I smiled back. The class chuckled a bit.
Mr. Obi, a Nigerian man with the biggest glasses I’ve ever seen, rolled his eyes. “Hello. Did you hear what I said?”
“Not at all, sir, not at all.”
Topper and Scarlet were losing their minds; the former had to put his head down on his desk because he was laughing so hard.
He sighed and shoved his glasses up his nose. They slid down again. “I asked you what was the impact of the election of 1860?”
Shit shit shit shit shit
“Uh...wait, we want to war? Yea, that, like, started the Civil War.” I said, thankful I knew the answer. Mr. Obi was unimpressed.
“Mhm. Anyway, so...” and he continued to drone off.
Topper turned to me, smiling, and we both laughed.
As the lesson went on, I kept glancing at the clock. Ok, 45 minutes left, which means we’re halfway through class.
Mr. Obi kept going on and on about the Civil War, until, 15 minutes later, a little alarm went off on his phone. He turned and pressed the ‘Stop’ button.
“Right on time. Ok, so, I shortened today’s lesson because I wanted to talk about your project. Nikhita, you got here two days ago, the first day back from winter break, so you have no idea what I’m talking about, and I’m sure most of your classmates have forgotten. So I’ll refresh your memories: the second semester of U.S History is not going to the usual. You’re going to have a semester-long project that can be about anything. Literally anything, so long as it has something to do with either world history or current events. Yes, I know this is a United States history class, but we expanded this project to make it more interesting for you guys..”
Mr. Obi stopped for a second, looking at all of us. I nodded, partially because I felt bad because everyone was just giving him black stares, and because I found this project interesting.
“Now, in the past years, I left my classes to choose their partners or groups. But before the break, I’m sure you all remember the catastrophe that was your mini-project, yes?”
The class mumbled something incoherent, except for the boys in the back of the class who started cheering, which made our teacher smile.
“Well, because of that, I’ve decided to choose your partners for you. Well, more like the Pyramid of Doom.”
The Pyramid of Doom. This mini pyramid statue that has a little opening on the top, with all of our names in them.
Mr. Obi opened the Pyramid and began. I stayed quiet, listening to see who I was going to be paired with. Hopefully one of my three friends, or maybe one of the boys in the back. They’re cute.
When my name was called, I leaned forward to pay attention. The intensity, the suspense. Who was gonna be my partner?
Mr. Obi stuck his hand in the Pyramid and pulled out the next piece of paper. “Kiara Carrera.”
My eyes went wide.
“So, you excited to be partners with the freak for class,” Topper asked, taking a bite of his pasta. I laughed sarcastically.
Outer Banks High School has an A/B schedule, which means third block is two hours instead of 90 minutes, and everyone has a different lunch at a different time, depending on their class. On A days, I have lunch with Topper and some other kids. On B days, I’m by myself.
Today’s an A day.
“It’ll be fine. She doesn’t seem that bad.” I turned to my left to face him, popping a grape into my mouth. Yum. I love grapes.
“Yea, just wait ‘til you get to know her,” this boy across from us said. “She’s so weird. She hates being a Kook. Like, she never goes golfing.”
“Or shopping!” One girl piped up. “She just likes to sit at the beach and surf, and smoke weed and stuff.”
“Well, that sounds fun,” I shrugged. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love going to country clubs, and shopping, and going out to get breakfast, but I love chillin’ at the beach. Maybe she just has different interests?”
“Ok, that’s fine,” Topper stated, “but she’s friends with Pogues. And not just any Pogues - John B Routledge, JJ Maybank, and Pope Heyward.”
“Ok, but like, one of them’s dead. Look, I’m all for holding people accountable for their actions, but...bro, stop tryna cancel a dead dude,” I laughed. Topper punched my arm, and I winced jokingly.
He wrapped an arm around my waist, and I blushed a bit. Topper’s cute, definitely, and I like the attention, but I knew what was going on. Sarah Cameron, the dead girl, was this school’s Queen, with Topper as King. He’s looking for a replacement, not an actual girlfriend.
But...I liked the attention. I put my head on his shoulder.
“Hey, so, my friend Rafe’s 20th birthday party is this Friday. He’s a family friend and I would love it if you’d join me at the party.”
I turned to look at him, debating whether or not I wanted to go to some rando’s birthday party. But Topper knows him, and it seems like everyone else does, too.
“Sure,” I smiled. “Why not.
chapter two
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escapingreality1992 · 4 years
A Fake Engagement Leads to Love
Wanda Maximoff x OC
When Rachel learns her ex is engaged, she feels a bit lonely. At a party, Wanda takes things into her own hands when she pretends to be Rachel’s fiancee. They are both invited to the wedding and a vacation. On vacation, things get heated between Rachel and Wanda. Feelings are revealed.
Rachel’s POV
           I sat in the dark scrolling through social media, a habit I had taken up while on downtime from training with the team. Today in particular happened to be a day off leading into more before a part at the end of the week. It wasn’t an important one, but one to celebrate the end of summer. Bonus points for it not being thrown by Tony Stark. No, this was all Steve Rogers’ idea. Surprising right? Nothing fancy, but you were allowed to dress up if you wanted. I had already picked up my outfit for the occasion; a light pink, polka dotted dress. It was strapless and the hem stopped right above my knees.
           I hoped to impress my crush on that night. I wanted to capture the attention of Wanda Maximoff. I hadn’t expected how I would end up doing it.
           Under normal circumstances, I’d be on my phone with lights on, but in this case, it happened to be well past midnight; everyone had turned in for the night. Except me. I am a night owl and sometimes don’t go to bed until after 1 a.m. I kept scrolling, falling deeper into a rabbit hole, liking pictures or statuses, when something caught my eye. My finger paused, hovering over the tagged post of one of my friends:
           “Liam Hanover was tagged in a status post. Engaged to Carly Ibsen.’
           I blinked. I scanned over it a few more time before reading all of the congratulatory comments. Liam, my ex, was engaged. He hadn’t even texted or called to give me the good news…or that he had even been dating anyone. It didn’t bother me that he was now engaged, but it stirred a pent-up loneliness I had shoved away far in my mind.
           No, I had been over him for years. I only thought I’d be the one who would marry first. The status change brought out a new sadness in my heart. I no longer thought I’d get married. Instead what crossed my mind was I thought I’d be forever alone.
           “No. I’m all by myself,” I whispered in the dark. I logged out and put my phone on charge after setting an alarm for 7 a.m. Tears wells up, spilling over onto my cheeks as I buried myself beneath the covers.
              The loud noise of my alarm woke me. I sprang up out of bed and changed into workout clothes. I pulled my long, chocolate brown hair into a ponytail and – as quietly as I could – left the compound for a run. One factor I didn’t account for was Natasha waiting for me at the front door; she was also wearing workout clothes, perhaps anticipating for me to come down the stairs this morning.
           “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked. Oh, shit. How can she know already? I thought. I pretended I didn’t know what she was referring to.
           “What do you mean? I don’t…have anything to talk about,” I said. I paused when she held up the status post from last night on her phone.
           “How do you do that?” I asked, motioning for us to head outside.
           “I followed him after you two started dating. For precautionary measures of course. What I don’t get is why you haven’t gotten over him,” she replied.
           “I am over him. That’s not why I’m upset. I feel like I’m going to be alone forever,”
           “I don’t believe that for a second. You’ll find your special someone. There’s still time,”
           “Nat, I’ve been single for eight years. You managed to get a relationship with Bruce within two years. Steve is with Sharon and Bucky had the woman who he met at the movie theater. It’s bad enough, I have to see Liam’s engagement, plus all the pregnant former classmates from school. Not to mention my cousin who has also found out she’s pregnant,” I said.
           “You know… Wanda’s still single. I know you like her. Why not ask her out?” Nat suggested.
           “For starters, I don’t know that she likes women. Even if she does, I doubt she would be interested in me. Plus, I don’t want to ask her out after my ex got engaged. I’m sure that will really turn her on. Like, ‘hey, Wanda, my ex just got engaged and I’m feeling a little lonely. Want to go out?’ Yeah, that will be so great,” I snapped.
           “Don’t be grouchy. I’m only trying to help. If you don’t want to be lonely anymore, then do something about it,”
           “You don’t think I’ve tried. Nothing has worked. Forget it. I’m going to get breakfast. Alone. Don’t you dare say anything to Wanda, Nat. I mean it. I don’t want her pity. It’s the last thing I want from her,” I said.
           I stopped in the compound long enough to grab my keys and wallet. I left and spent the entire morning in a French café. I came back showered and picked up a favorite book to sit in the library with for a couple of hours. I’ll give Natasha credit. She didn’t say anything to anyone leaving me in peace. She left her plan for the party.
           I dreaded going to the party. Before, it had been about trying to impress Wanda, but now it was more I wanted to be with myself. My mind kept running back to the engagement post and I worried someone would see my pain. Wanda didn’t need to be one of them. In the end, I decided to go in favor of Steve, who really wanted all of his friends to be in attendance. I forced back my thoughts and held my head high as I stepped out on the rooftop.
           “Damn, I wish I could pull of polka dots as well as you,” Natasha greeted me.
           “Then I might have competition. I can’t let you beat me at impressing W…everyone,” I teased. Great. I still want Wanda to notice me despite of everything, I thought.
           “Ah. I see. This is for Wanda. Are you sure you don’t want to ask her out? You don’t have to mention Liam. Just tell her how you feel about her. The worst she can do is say no,”
           “No. I’m not feeling like myself. I guess I’m still reeling a little from the news. I think I’ll get a drink, maybe dance it out,” I said. She flashed me a thumbs up and left my side to find Bruce. I made my way to the bar and requested a run and coke to sip on. I watched the crowd, waiting on an upbeat song; I almost choked when I saw a familiar face. Liam.
           “Fuck. What is he doing here?” I muttered when he walked my way. I turned around, shielding my face and hoping he wouldn’t recognize me. Luck was not in my favor tonight.
           “Rachel? Is that you?” Liam asked me. I swallowed, forcing a smile to face him.
           “Liam. How have you been?” I said.
           “Good. Great, actually. I heard you moved in with the Avengers. Who knew you had a hidden ability? What was it again?”
           “Oh, you know. Animal magic. I’ve always been good with animals. I never would have expected to be able to call them into battle,” I replied.
           “Right. I got engaged to my roommate of all people. I guess things could happen like that. Let me bring her over here,” Liam stated. Of course, she’d be here, I thought. I fought the rolling nausea as he brought her to the bar.
           “Rachel, this is Carly. Carly, Rachel,” Liam introduced us. Wonderful. I’m in Hell, I thought, shaking the woman’s hand. At least things can’t get worse.
           “So, are you seeing anyone?” Liam asked. No, that’s a silly thought. It appears things can get worse. Not only that, but they were about to continue.
  Wanda’s POV
           I was mid-conversation with Carol, Bucky, Steve and Sam when Rachel walked in. The polka dot dress hugged her figure perfectly making it hard not to stare.
           “Wanda, you’re drooling. Why don’t you go talk to her?” Sam said. I turned away and went to wipe my mouth, finding it dry.
           “That’s not funny. I don’t want to interrupt their conversation. Besides she hadn’t noticed me yet,” I told him.
           “Natasha is already headed back this way. Go talk to Rachel. Get her to notice you. If you want to be more than friends, you’ve got to ask her,” Sam said.
           “I’m too nervous. Maybe later. Anyways, she seems as if she’s been in a bad mood the last couple of days,”
           “If you talked to her, you might know the reason. Wanda, she’s one of your best friends. There’s no reason to be nervous. Even if you do have crush on Rachel,” Natasha said.
           “Do you know why she’s been moping around the compound?” Bucky asked. Natasha nodded; her gaze locked on Rachel. The smile on her lips faded as she picked up on something else.
           “What? What’s wrong?” I asked. Nat quirked an eyebrow at my worried tone.
           “Is there danger? You would be worried too if there was going to be an attack,” She laughed, shaking her head.
           “No. No danger. Unless you call Rachel talking to her ex dangerous. What makes matters worse is that he’s engaged. Not to mention he’s brought his new fiancée here and he’s introducing them,” She stated. We all turned to see it playing out, Rachel’s body growing tense as it happened.
           “Is that Liam? The one she dated a couple of years ago. Weren’t they close? Oh my god. That’s why she’d been mopey. She’s lonely. Hey, Wanda, where are you going?” Bucky said.
           “Don’t worry. I’ve got an idea,” I told him, floating closer to the three people by the bar. It might be a disastrous one, but it would inevitably bring Rachel and me closer together.
  Rachel’s POV
           The doomed question. ‘Are you seeing anyone?’ Of course not. Instead, I’m watching Liam live out his happy life while I wallow in loneliness. I was about to answer when the feeling of soft skin draped over my shoulders. I turned my head to see Wanda standing beside me; my pulse quickened.
           “Is she your girlfriend?” Liam asked.
           “Fiancée, actually. I’m Wanda Maximoff. It’s nice to meet you…” Wanda interrupted me.
           “Liam. This is Carly Ibsen, my fiancée,” my ex said. I shot Wanda a look that said, ‘what are you doing?’ but she ignored it.
           “Liam. Right. Rachel didn’t mention you’d be in town,”
           “I decided to stop in. I heard there would be a party. I’ve never seen the Avengers compound. It’s funny. Rachel, you didn’t mention you were engaged, much less dating anyone,” Liam commented. Neither did you, I thought. I decided to play along with Wanda’s plan.
           “We wanted to keep things quiet. We can’t have enemies kidnapping one of us in order to draw the other out,” I said. I wrapped an arm around Wanda’s waist, pulling her closer to my body.
           “Oh. Well, you’re both invited to the wedding. Maybe we can double date before then. The wedding is in a few months. It’s an outdoor wedding in the mountains. Carly and I were thinking about heading down to the beach for a mini vacation in two weeks. Care to join us?” Liam said.
           “Sure. We could have a little fun ourselves,” Wanda answered. With that, she lifted my chin up to press her lips against mine. A shock went through me and I gasped, allowing her to slip her tongue inside my mouth. Warmth flooded my body all the way to my toes; I clutched Wanda closer, drinking her in. We broke apart when someone cleared their throat.
           “Okay. We’ll see you at Hatteras in two weeks. I’ll send you where we’re staying, so we can go out for dinner or hand out at the beach one day,” Liam said. He moved Carly through the crowd away from us, letting me adjust to what had happened.
           “Wanda. What was that? We’re not actually engaged,” I said.
           “Sorry. You looked like you were in trouble. I thought I could try to get you out of it. Though, you’re the one who pulled me closer with that kiss. You didn’t have to play along. You could have told him the truth,” she replied.
           “Fair enough. Maybe we should keep this going until after the wedding. I hadn’t expected him to invite us to the wedding or go on vacation. Unless you want to cancel,”
           “I wouldn’t mid some time off,” she told me. She grinned before placing another kiss on my lips and walking away. I stood there stunned but enjoying the way she made me feel.
 Two weeks Later
           Wanda and I arrived at the house we rented for the week. We would be alone for two days before Liam and Carly joined us. Two days of not pretending, though I wished the relationship were real. Unfortunately, we wouldn’t be able to do anything fun today because it was storming.
           Instead, we unpacked and opted for a movie day inside the house. The freezing house. I wish I had brought a blanket, I thought.
           “We can share if you want. I don’t mind,” Wanda offered. After the party, I’d been too nervous to be close to her. The warmth I felt from the kiss had kindled a fire I thought I wouldn’t be able to control.
           “Are you sure? I don’t want to crowd you,” I said.
           “Get under here with me. I don’t want you to freeze your ass off,” I gave in snuggling close to her, relaxing immediately with the warmth. Instinct took over and I laid my head against her shoulder. She moved her arm pulling me into her body, my head now on her chest.
           “Comfortable?” She asked. I nodded. Her hand rested on my leg, her fingertips meeting bare skin. Halfway into the marathon, I felt her hand move closer to my inner thigh, closer to my core. Electricity hummed between us, but I moved away to my original spot.
           “Rachel, are you okay?” Wanda asked.
           “I’m fine. I think I’m going to turn in for the night. I’m a little tired from the trip,” I answered. I got up and went to my room before she could say anything; I closed and locked the door behind me, sliding to the floor. What did I get myself into?
             The second day flashed past by us quickly; we did our own separate thing, not interacting with each other. You could say I avoided her, and you’d be right. The night before confused me. Did she fell something for me? Was that why she had tried to make a move on me? These questions invaded my mind and I found I wasn’t able to be around her. I feared I wanted to do something about my own feelings. In fact, I had wanted to, but if she didn’t return my feelings the rest of the week would be awkward. Today, we had no choice but to interact. I received a text from Liam asking us if we wanted to grab dinner.
           I didn’t want to cancel, so I had said ‘We’d be delighted.’ In addition, we both wanted to lounge at the pool until we had to get ready. My eyes constantly wandered to stare at her. Wanda had broken from her standard red to wear a deep purple bikini with a strapless top. Right now, she was sunbathing, lying on her stomach asleep. Meanwhile, I kept swimming, the water easing my nerves. I dove underwater, wetting my hair again and nearly jumped out of my skin when I came back up.
           “Wanda, I didn’t see you get in,” I said.
           “You were underwater. I just needed to cool off before I head upstairs. It’s about four o’clock. We should prepare to go to dinner. I want to relax a bit before we leave,” she told me.
           “Okay. I’ll be up in a little bit,” Wanda left me alone at the pool and half an hour later, I went up myself. I entered our shared room, stunned to see her lying on the bed in only her underwear; the signature red had returned as a lacy thong and a bra that accentuated her breasts grabbing my attention. I didn’t think anything of it heading to the bathroom for a shower. When I returned, I was surprised to find her still in her underwear.
           “Are you going to change any time soon?” I asked.
           “We still have a few hours. I hadn’t planned on changing now. Why? Does this bother you?” she replied. My face flamed hot.
           “No, I only thought you might be more comfortable with clothes on,”
           “I do this all the time. I don’t see what the big deal is. We’re both women after all,” Wanda said.
           “I already said-,” I gasped when she used her powers to pull me over to her. I landed with my body between her spread legs, my head against her chest. Wanda removed my hands from the towel wrapped around me, slowly unwrapping it. She pulled it from between us, tossing it to the floor. I shivered as the cool air hit my body, more when her fingers traced the outward curve of my breasts.
           “Wanda…I don’t…think…” I began, the moan I let out silencing my thoughts as she circled them around the areolas.
           “Don’t think. Relax. I know you want this. I know because I want it too,” she said. He thumbs grazed over my nipples, the buds perking up at the touch.
           “We don’t have to pretend. Not anymore. I’ve liked you for a while. Let me play,” Wanda confessed. One hand moved to cup my jaw, turning my head so she could cover my mouth with hers. I moaned into it as she pinched a nipple; she rolled it between her fingers, the sensation driving me wild.
           “Let me play,” she whispered, breaking the kiss. I nodded, kissing her again. She kneaded my breasts, pulling and pinching my nipples; wetness pooled at my center. One hand was kept playing with my breasts, while she moved the other between my legs, using her own to spread mine wider. Wanda rubbed my clit with her thumb, one finger slipping inside me.
           “Fuck. Wanda, more please,” I begged. She complied, adding another finger and pumping in and out of me. I didn’t hold me back, moaning her name as the first orgasm hit, coating her fingers in slick, sticky cum. She shifted, laying back, coming between my legs. She licked a thick stripe up my pussy, my hips bucking in response. She continued eating me out until another wave hit and I came screaming her name. She came back up to kiss me, my hands unhooking her bra. I took it off, moving to slide off the thong, it too being discarded on the floor.
           “My turn,” I told her. I flipped Wanda over prepared to pleasure her in all the ways I could. Finished having our intimate afternoon, we lay beside each other, our sweaty bodies tangled together.
           “We should cancel the double date. Order in and do this again,” Wanda said. She stroked my arm, sending goosebumps all over my skin.
           “Or we could go and come back to do it again. Besides it’s only one night. We have the rest of the week to have more fun doing this,” I commented. She smiled, leaning in to kiss me.
           “One night. Then you’re all mine,”
           Let’s just say we became official at the end of the week.
   The Wedding
           By the time Liam’s wedding came around, Wanda and I were officially engaged; no pretending necessary. We realized we had been in love a month after the events of the beach. This came as no surprise to our friends who had tried to push us together in the beginning. Sitting with her at this wedding while waiting for a wedding our own was the best moment ever. I held her hand as we both cried at the love shared between Liam and Carly, who would undoubtedly be happy for the rest of their lives. My heart brimmed with happiness while they shared their vows.
           I sat in Wanda’s lap at the reception watching the first dance. Halfway through, we shared a kiss that was as magical as the first. I had met my soulmate and dreamed of the day she would become my wife. We danced having a good time, before returning home for a celebration with our friends. My loneliness had faded away, leaving with the most perfect woman I was meant to be with for the rest of my life.
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Hi there! Can you recommend some fic where Sebastian and Blaine were dating at some point, but there is a happy ending for Klaine, please. Thank you for being so kind.
This is a pretty popular premise. Pro tip: You can search on AO3 with more than one relationship. Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe with the completed status produced 165 results. 
Under the cut, there are ten fic recs to get you started.
- HKVoyage
Braided by @missbeizy
Blaine has known that he is a submissive since he was twelve. He attends Dalton Academy at his mother’s request but has little hope of finding what he needs there–a gay dominant. He is forced to accept Sebastian when he has his first submissive episode in junior year. And then Kurt Hummel, a dominant, transfers to Dalton and becomes his best friend.
Sequel: Baby, Don’t 
Near Misses by @flamingmuse
Kurt and Blaine could easily not have met on a staircase in high school. They could have met a few years later in college instead.
This story is AU from within 2x06 (“Never Been Kissed”), with many of the broad strokes of canon remaining except where I thought they would be different because of the AU or other factors. It takes place in Blaine’s first year of college, starting about a year from now. There are some spoilers through 3x22 (“Goodbye”).
Note: Part 1 of the Near Misses series
Just For This Moment by @klaineanummel
Blaine and Kurt have been best friends for as long as they can remember. Kurt’s been in love with Blaine for almost as long. Blaine has been dating Sebastian for just a little bit longer than that.
Take It Like a Man by idoltina, penguinutopia
A Legally Blonde AU. Blaine Anderson has it all. He’s a member of both the polo and fencing clubs, founder of the charity Songbirds in Schools, and the lead soloist of the university’s famous all-male a capella choir, the Warblers. In his senior year at UCLA, Blaine – a show choir major – wants nothing more than to be the future Mr. Blaine Anderson-Smythe. When Sebastian breaks up with Blaine instead of proposing and heads off to a more ‘serious’ life at Harvard Law, Blaine sets his sights on following the love of his life to Boston to win him back. But Harvard holds a lot more obstacles than Blaine anticipated: challenging coursework, Santana Lopez, and an admittedly cute graduate by the name of Kurt Hummel.
Note: Part 1 of the Find My Way series
How Things Should Be by Imogen_LeFay
Kurt Hummel’s life is comfortable for a peasant with his work in the kitchen of Earl Anderson. It would be more comfortable, if he could rein in his feelings for the Earl’s younger son, Blaine. But Kurt knows, life isn’t a fairy tale. And lords marry ladies, they don’t fall in love with kitchen servants.
Don’t You Want Me by Quixoticity
Blaine Anderson’s plans of a life spent performing were derailed in his senior year, and he had to compromise on everything he’d dreamed of - except love.
Kurt Hummel, haughty and aloof Broadway darling, was forced to come back to Ohio where there was nothing left for him but painful memories - until he noticed a pair of fine eyes.
(Pride & Prejudice inspired, but set in present day)
Tasting Flight by lurkdusoleil
Blaine has been a slave in Sebastian’s household for ten years. But never in that time has he met someone like Kurt, who is now his duty to train for Sebastian.
Defiance by @seeroftodayandtomorrow
Blaine has never found someone he trusts enough to be able to really submit. When he meets well-known Dom Kurt in a club, will they both be able to overcome their insecurities and perhaps find love in the process?
Dom/sub story inspired by the ‘Deviations’-series.
Sequel: Deliverance
Kurt and Blaine Wake Up Married by @seeroftodayandtomorrow
A drunk marriage in Vegas, a divorce temporarily out of the question and his new husband someone he’s been a fan of forever: Blaine Anderson’s week just got a lot more exciting. If only he wasn’t still so hung up on his ex…
Inspired by the 'Wake up married’ -series by Leta Blake and Alice Griffiths
The Glee Holiday by AnnParker
The Holiday set in the Glee World. Kurt and Rachel, both with guy problems swap homes on the opposite coasts, where they each meet a local guy. Will it be lasting love or are they doomed from the start after the vacation is over?
24 notes · View notes
katecarteir · 5 years
semi charmed life | chapter nine | 4.8k | teen|
“You guys have kept in contact this whole time?” Bill asked, brow disappearing underneath hair line as he looked like his old friends in amazement. “And you guys are.. what? Room mates?”
Eddie avoided looking at Richie as he answered. “Yeah, uh… room mates. Something like that.”
[or: the adult!losers reunion, done 2000s sit-com style, just like we all deserve.]
PREVIOUSLY ON SEMI CHARMED LIFE: “I’ve always wanted you.” Ben said openly. “and I will always want you.” Beverly cupped the side of his face and brought their lips together.” “Wait, Ben Hanscom?” Eddie squawked, shaking his head as Richie nodded. “That’s not going to end well.” |  CUTEST COUPLE. Richie traced his hands over the words, smiling softly as he took in the appearance of himself and Beverly Marsh at fifteen. | “It’s like… sometimes…” Mike exhaled hard. “Sometimes I feel like he’d rather me be in Derry, a place I’ve always hated, with him than out here doing what I love. He’s just… waiting for me to come back. I don’t think he thinks this is real. Permanent. He’s waiting for me to come back.” |  “So tell me, good pal,” the man smiled, giving him a golden toothed grin. “You wanna pack or deliver?” |  “You almost destroyed me,” Richie snapped, eyes blazing. “I couldn’t go to school, I couldn’t even graduate. I almost had to stay in this absolute hell hole, just so you wouldn’t have to admit failure. So fuck you, Stanley.”
“Look who’s cute!” Richie called happily, coming into the dark light cafe with little Frankie perched on his shoulders. He had promised Beverly that he would come see her at work on her first day, before he dropped Frankie off at home and went in for his own shift. After Beverly had seen her outfit, she’d wished that Richie would’ve forgotten all about that promise. He was here, though, with a toddler on his shoulders and a shit eating grin on his face.
Beverly flushed. Her black shirt buttoned all the way up to her mid-neck, and her pants were yanked up nearly to her breasts. With a belt. It sort of hurt to breathe. She wanted nothing more than to take it all off and walk away, but she knew that she couldn’t afford to do that. Without Tom in her life, Beverly had spent the last month milling around in Eddie and Richie’s apartment, jobless and mooching off of their kindness. It wasn’t a life that she could live forever- nor one she wanted to- but it certainly didn’t seem to help anything with Eddie’s sudden awkwardness around her. After a few days, Beverly had managed to pluck up the courage to ask about it and Richie had dismissed her. Claimed that Eddie had had some sort of weird experience at work, and that it wasn’t anything she had done. Beverly wasn’t entirely sure she believed that, but she was willing to give Richie the benefit of believing him. No doubt he knew what was going on in Eddie’s mind space better than she did.
“The only cute person is here is that little princess on your shoulders,” Beverly said happily. In the month since she’d moved in with Eddie and Richie, she’d really grown to adore their little daughters. She thought they were possibly the best child to ever grace the present of this planet- and made her reconsider her lifelong declaration to never have children. Then she remembered that time that Frankie had taken her baby sister right out of the stroller without her noticing, and resolved to sit with simply baby sitting Richie’s little girls with Ben.
And Ben… things between them were great. She knew the rest of her friends were skeptic about their current relationship- Mike had made it obvious with his expressions, and Eddie had straight out told her as much, but she felt that things were going amazingly. She knew, of course, that she ever wanted to make things any more serious that she needed to get into contact with Tom, at least serve him up with divorce papers, but she couldn’t be bothered to think about that just now. Things were going smoothly in her life right now, outside of the tension between herself and Eddie, and Beverly didn’t think now would be a good time to do any boat rocking.
“Hey!” Richie snapped his fingers under Beverly’s nose and waggled his eyebrows at her. “Stop thinking about Ben when a handsome man is already here visiting you.” Richie shot her that toothy grin that instantly brought her back to looking at braces and beyond freckled cheeks, and her stomach leapt the way it always had.
She shook her head and looked away. “You’re alright. Shouldn’t you be getting that little girl home for bed now?”
Richie made a mocking offended noise. “You invite us down here to see you and you’re immediately rushing us out the door. Here I thought you loved us.”
“Well, I love Frankie.” Beverly said with a smirk. “You still fall under the ex boyfriend category, you’re on probation for love.”
Richie gasped, pressing a hand that wasn’t necessary to hold Frankie up to his chest. “How long until I can be accepted back to love status?”
Beverly hummed, trying not to break into a smile. “How long ago did Bill and I break up? Sixteen years ago? Seventeen? I’m starting to considering letting him back into love status.”
Richie made a wounded noise and shook his head dramatically. “I let you into my home, let you eat my food, and this is how you repay me? I’m hurt, Beverly. I will just take my daughter and my company elsewhe-” The ringing in Richie’s pocket yanked them both away from the conversation. Richie rolled his eyes. He was one of very few people Beverly knew that actually had a cell phone- claiming that he needed it for work related situations- and he seemed to despise the thing. “Hello?” He answered, then quickly frowned. “Billy, what… What? Yeah, I do but I have to work- okay, okay, okay. I have Frankie with me so we can… Oh?” Richie’s face crumbled up and he gave Beverly an odd expression. “Then you need to give me a chance to drop her off a home. Then I’ll come get you, don’t go anywhere.”
Richie snapped the phone shut and tucked into his pocket, giving Beverly a long look before sighing. “I’ve got to go. I need to get Franks home, and cover my shift apparently.”
“That was Bill?” Beverly asked, rubbing at her bare arm a little awkward. She didn’t like the troubled look in Richie’s eyes. He could barely look at her, a sign she remembered well from the youth. It meant that Richie’s thoughts were moving faster than his brain could keep up with it, and it always spelled disaster. It meant Richie punching Patrick Hockstetter in the face for homophobic comments or pulling the fire alarm to keep Henry Bowers at bay during an in-school attack. Bad outcomes from good intentions. “Is he out drunk and needs a ride?”
“No.” Richie replied with a small shake of the head that might have been an unconscious twitch. “He’s… I don’t know. I need to go get him, or… whatever. I have to go…”
Beverly nodded firmly. “Yeah, yeah. Go!”
Richie seemed to bounce in place for a moment, before turning and moving quickly through the empty diner. The bell dinged as he left and Beverly exhaled hard, a sense of doom settling in her stomach. She wasn’t sure what the night held, but she knew that it was only quarter to eleven and it was just starting.
→  →  →
Mike tapped his hands against the steering wheel of his rental car as he pulled past the Derry town sign. It had been an incredibly long week, and even though Pearsons had started to pull up on his treatment. Kay had been a godsend but after just the general roughness of his first exhibit, all Mike wanted was the comfort of his boyfriend. It was been a slightly spur of the moment plan, encouraged mostly by Kay after seeing how drained Mike had been all week, and they’d come up with the idea to simply surprise Alexander with his presence than go through the whole process of trying to turn into a plan.
Mike turned down the radio as he started down the back road that lead him to his childhood home. He felt a little bit of sadness in his gut at the FOR SALE sign he knew he was going to see as pulled up in front of it. By the time he’d left for New York it hadn’t gone up yet, and he’d yet to see it. His father wasn’t going to be there, they’d been filtered out the animals for the last few weeks and he knew most of the things he’d always known about Derry would be gone. As soon as Mike could figure out a solution to his spacious problems, Alexander would be packing up and coming to New York and this old place would just be a part of Mike’s past.
It wasn't, however, the sight of the FOR SALE sign that sent Mike’s heart lurching up into his throat as he pulled up towards his driveway. It was the unfamiliar car that was parked beside Alexander’s outside their house. HIS house. Mike placed the car into park and took a second to steady his breathing.
→  →  →
Stan pulled his sweater tighter around himself as he made his way through the dark streets. The nights were getting progressively warmer as summer came in, but he found that he might have wanted to wear his windbreaker this night. The weather outside hadn’t exactly been the first thing on his mind as he left his apartment at nearly eleven, barely stopping to give an explanation to Patty as he rushed out into the night.
He hadn’t personally heard from Bill Denbrough in almost eleven years. They’d been friendly enough at the reunion, classic adult behaviour he supposed, but Bill had made it pretty clear to everybody whose side he was on once everything went down between Stan and Richie. Stan supposed that everybody had leaned more towards Richie’s side of things, but Bill and Eddie had been the two who openly expressed it the most. Everybody else had the slight decency to pretend not to pick a side- and it was easy enough with them all leaving Derry- but Stan and Bill’s friendship had never bounced back. So, yes, Bill Denbrough calling him in the dead of night for help was out of character and worrisome.
He sped up his steps once he saw Bill standing at the end of the street, pacing in front of the street sign. Stan walked quickly up to him, placing a hand on Bill’s elbow. Bill let out a loud shout, and quickly yanked himself away. He stumbled and Stan had to move quickly to grab hold of his arms and steady his old friend on his feet. “Are you okay?” Stan asked, taking in Bill’s disheveled appearance and wide eyes.
“I…” Bill cleared his throat and looked around, nose twitching. Even in the darkness of the night, Stan recognized that look as Bill getting caught on a word. It was strange, when they’d all met up in Derry Bill had barely stuttered at all. Whatever this was must have been really getting to him. Stan rubbed gently at Bill’s shaking arms and watch as the other boy worked through his own tongue. “I-I’m in t-t-tr-trouble, Stan.”
Stan was seconds away from some sort comment that would be the equivalent of duh, when a car came roaring up to the curb. Richie Tozier leaned towards the passenger seat window, scowling slightly at the sight of Stan standing there as well. He shook his head, closed his eyes and jerked his hand towards the back seat. Bill jumped to action, quickly launching himself into the backseat. Stan let out a half-aborted protest before getting into the passenger seat beside Richie.
Richie gave him an awkward closed-mouthed smile that Stan nervously returned before spinning around in the backseat to glare at Bill. “Care to fucking tell me what was so important that I had to call into work to come get your ass at the side of the road? And why bird boy is here with you?”
Stan wanted to be offended, but he supposed of all the things Richie could’ve called him, that was pretty tame. Bill seemed to be openly trembling in the back seat, eyes jerking around nervously. Stan sighed “He called me at home, said he was in trouble-”
“Didn’t fucking ask you.” Richie snapped, not even bothered to look at him. Richie drummed his fingers against the steering wheel while maintaining direct eye contact with Bill. Stan watched how Bill squirmed under Richie’s gaze, and couldn’t help but think that Richie had never looked more like a father than he did in that moment.  Stan had to bit his lip to keep from trying to give Richie a satisfying answer to his well asked question.
“I…” Bill flushed deeply, Stan could see that even in the dark car. Maybe part of Stanley Uris had never forgotten about to read his old friends. Bill scratched at the back of his neck, clearing trying to avoid meeting Richie’s gaze. “I’ve g-g-gotten involved with some guh-guh-guys…”
Stan felt his heart plummet into the pit of his stomach. He felt that maybe some part of him had been afraid of that this whole time. He hadn’t been able to deny the nerves he’d been feeling. He looked away from Bill and towards Richie. Richie was practically burning holes into Bill’s head, silently urging him to continue.
Bill cleared his throat once again, one of his oldest tricks to helping with his stutter that he’d always found didn’t really help at all but he’d always resort to when nothing else was working either. “I-I-I-I k-k-knew it was a b-b-b-bad i-idea but I-I-I nuh-n-needed money. For the b-b-b-b-b-b-baby.” Bill was staring stubbornly at his hands now. Richie was shaking his head slowly, eyes closed and Stan. Well. Stanley felt like he was moments away from opening this car door and throwing up into the street.
“I-I-I-I didn’t fuh-fuh-feel right about i-i-i-it!” Bill declared. “I-I-I was truh-try-trying to get o-o-o-out! They d-d-d-didn’t luh-luh-like that.”
“No, I imagine they fucking didn’t!” Richie let out a frustrated grunt, and smacked his hand a little bit harder against the steering wheel. “God damnit Denbrough. When did you get so stupid?”
“We always did stupid shit!” Bill argued, suddenly stutter-free. Suddenly sounding angry. “The three of us! Getting into trouble, barely getting away with it. Come on, you can’t deny it was always epic.”
Richie and Stan both shot Bill looks of contempt so eerily similar that Bill sunk back in his seat. Stan was truly considering breaking his silence that came from fear of Richie’s anger and giving Bill a piece of his mind when the night was suddenly cut through with the ringing sound of gunshots. Stan let out a startled gasp and Richie’s eyes blew wide behind the lenses of his glasses.
“Is that for you, Denbrough?” Richie screamed as another shot went off.
→  →  →
Beverly wiped down the counter for what was easily the tenth time that night. It wasn’t dirty, she hadn’t served a customer beside the man she was pretty sure was homeless drinking a cup of iced water in the last two hours. The last people Beverly had interacted with had beyond single word sentences had been Richie and Frankie, and she was trying to push off the lingering feeling of anxiety Richie’s phone call had left her with.
“Hey, sorry, I know it’s late but I-” A terrifying familiar voice called, following in the singing of the bell above the door. Beverly turned slowly, the dread settling in her gut. Tom Rogan the same as he always did, he might have even been wearing the same shirt he’d had on when she’d left him for her Derry reunion.
He looked as self shocked to see her as she was him. “Beverly, you’re… back in New York.”
She cursed herself for never considering that she’d run into her husband in New York. She’d chalked up to it being a large city, and if she stayed away from the places she knew that he frequented, then it wouldn’t happen. Part of her had known that she’d see Tom again one day, but she chosen to believe that it would be more on her own terms. Not nearly this unexpected.
“Uh, yes.” Beverly replied awkwardly, wiping her hands on the blue cloth. She placed it back into the sanitation bucket and took a step around the counter to her husband. There was no avoiding the situation, so she might as well face it head on. “I got back about a month ago. I’ve been staying with some friends. They’ve got cute kids.”
Tom gave her a confused look. “Bev, you hate kids.”
“I don’t hate kids.” Beverly argued immediately, thinking about Frankie’s cute little pigtails and Marty’s tiny little hands. Tom gave her a disapproving look, and she had to admit that she’d turned Tom down on kids many times during their marriage. “Well. I don’t hate their kids.”
“And you’re working here?” Tom looked around the diner with a slight turn up of his lips. It was fair, she knew. This wasn’t any high end type of diner, hence the only late night customers she’s getting being people she believed to simply have no where else to go. But maybe Beverly was one of those people who didn’t have anywhere else to go.
“Well, I couldn’t just keep crashing at my friends house without giving any sort of help.” Beverly said with a shrug. She almost wished a customer would come into the store now, ask for something complicated that she probably didn’t even know how to make and Tom wouldn’t have a chance to keep talking to her.
“You never had to stay with your friends,” Tom said, sadly and quietly. He looked down at his feet and Beverly felt a quick pang of sadness for him. Maybe she’d been feeling unhappy in their marriage, but it wasn’t as though she’d ever told him that. She’d simply sat on her feelings, ones that she’d barely even known that she felt, and then she’d taken off at the first chance and never looked back. Never tried to talk to him, didn’t tell him where she was going, what she was planning. “You could have come home.”
Beverly bristled. Home. Was the fancy apartment in the West Side that belonged to her and Tom in their marriage home? No. It didn’t feel like home, had stopped feeling like home long before she’d left. Was home Eddie and Richie’s townhouse? No. Maybe at first she had hoped it do be, but she knew that that was a family of four, she was just living there. She didn’t have a true home living with Eddie and Richie.
Beverly sighed and shook her head. “I haven’t found my home yet,” she told her husband honestly. “I’m still working on that.”
Tom walked up to stand beside Beverly by the counter, resting his elbows onto it. He sighed. “Beverly, I don’t understand what happened. One second you seemed perfectly happy, then next you walking out on me. On us. On everything.”
Beverly tried to give him a sympathetic smile. “I wasn’t happy, Tom. It took me a long time to realize it but I couldn’t… I couldn’t help it after that. I had to get away.”
“Why couldn’t you have talked to me, Bev?” Tom asked quietly. He was fidgeting with the tips of his fingers the same way he had before he’d proposed. “We could have talked about it, I could have tried to be better.”
“It’s not like that,” Beverly said slowly. “I had to question myself and my wants, what I needed. I had to go to my reunion, and I wasn’t ready to talk to you about any of my thoughts yet, I’m still not really ready to. While I’ve been staying with Richie-”
“Wait, Richie?” Tom’s voice cut through her, sounding more angry than sad now. “As in your high school boyfriend that you lost your virginity to? That’s who you’re staying with?”
“Yes.” Beverly said with a frustrated sigh. “Did you miss the part where I said I was also staying with his spouse and kids? It’s not what you’re thinking.”
“Oh.” Tom laughed humorlessly. “I’m just supposed to believe that you took off from our marriage, moved in with your ex boyfriend and you haven’t done anything with them?”
“I haven’t done anything with Richie since junior year!” Beverly said sharply. “I’m not going to stand here and argue with you about this bullshit.”
“So you’re telling me that in the two months since we’ve been separated you haven’t hooked up with anybody?” Tom asked her dryly.
Beverly bit her lip, thoughts of Ben’s cramped apartment and his cool sheets against her back burning in her mind. She could practically smell his skin where she’d pressed her face into his neck. Tom was raising his eyebrow at her challenging and she knew that now was that this was the make or break moment of her relationship.
“I haven’t done anything with anyone since we’ve been separated.”
→  →  →
Mike walked calmly into his kitchen and poured a glass of cold water from the tap. Alexander came in behind him, wrapped up in the house coat that Mike had given him for his birthday last year. The man who had been in their bed was also by his side, still shirtless and covered in marks. Mike’s stomach was churning but he forced himself to look at Alexander.
“Okay,” Alexander cleared his throat awkwardly, looking around their once shared kitchen. “I know this looks really bad, Mike. I do. And it is, but it’s been hard for me. You left, and I had to stay behind for god knows how long! I could have handled this better, I know-”
“I’ll say.” Mike responded, not sharply, not angrily. His voice was calm and cut off. He was already shutting it out. Disconnecting himself from it completely. He pressed his knuckles into the counter behind him and leaned against it. “I’m not sure you could have handled it worse, frankly.”
“Everything was so up in the air!” Alexander cried, tears settling in his eyes. Mike had to fight not to roll his own, feeling it was nothing more than act now. Alexander didn’t feel bad, he didn’t regret anything. Mike could see it all over the place, and looking back at the way his boyfriend had been acting the last few weeks he couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it coming. “Mike, I didn’t know what was going to happen for us-”
“You think I did?” Mike snapped before pinching at the brim of his nose. “But at least I tried! I was looking for a better place for us, I wanted to make it work! I was trying, I wasn’t sleeping with somebody else and pretending that would help! In what world does being afraid of what’s going to happen in our relationship mean that you should cheat on me?”
“Mike, I’m so sorry.” Alexander said, wiping at his running nose. Tears were falling down on his cheeks and Mike simply couldn’t bring it in himself to care about the obvious distress Alexander was feeling in that moment. If he let that guard down, let Alexander’s feelings means something, that Mike would break.
“I’m going back to New York.” Mike said, placing the now empty cup back on the counter. “But you need to be out of this house by morning.”
“What?” Alexander gasped. “Mike! Where am I supposed to live?”
“I was trying to find a place for us both to live,” Mike snapped a little spitefully, but still right. Knowing he was right, because Alexander swallowed loudly and looked away from him. “That’s not my problem anymore, but you’re not staying in my family’s house. I’ll be calling the realtor tomorrow to make sure the house is emptied.”
Alexander was still making half-aborted arguments and pleas while Mike turned and left his home in Derry forever.
→  →  →
Richie turned his car angrily into a back alley and parked. He and Stan both slammed back into their seats, breathing heavily. Stan began rubbing his hands over his face as Richie yanked the car door open and rushed out of it. Stan and Bill looked at each other quickly before both fumbling out after him.
“Richie…” Stanley asked softly as Richie whipped around, glaring at them both.
“Bill, what the fuck are you going to do?” Richie cried, running his hands through his hair. He started shaking his head and he gaped at his friends. “Somebody just fucking shot at my car! You could have gotten us killed!”
Bill let out an obviously nervous laugh, starting to ring his hands. “Dude, come on. We u-u-u-used to do st-st-stupid shit all the t-t-t-time.”
Richie walked forward quickly and shoved Bill up against the brick wall behind them. “We’re not fucking teenagers anymore! We’re not just throwing our own lives away!” Richie backed away from Bill, hands shaking. “What? What? You’re just going to go to my house and look my toddler in the eyes and tell her that her dad isn’t going to be coming again? Or would you leave that for Eddie? After you explain to him that he’s now raising two kids on his own because you got yourself in over your head with some fucking druglords?”
Stan wrapped an arm around his stomach and pressed his hand over his mouth. He’d never heard Richie angry like this. Not even after everything that happened between himself and Richie all those years ago, had Richie yelled at him like that.
Richie’s eyes caught Stan’s and he almost gave out a growl. “And what about Stan, William? You just going to go up to Patty and let her know that instead of planning a wedding, she’ll be planning a funeral?”
Stan had to fight back a dry heave as he turned back to Bill. Bill was pressed up against the brick wall just as had been when Richie slammed him up, even though Richie’s hands were no longer holding him there. Richie shook his head. “Grow the fuck up, Bill, and get your fucking shit together.”
Richie turned and started walking back to his car. He stopped with his hand resting on the drivers seat door and looked up. “Uris! Are you coming?”
Stan looked back at Bill one last time before climbing into the car after Richie.
→  →  →
Beverly walked slowly to Richie’s car when he finally showed up to picked her up. He was silent and sullen when she opened the passenger seat and sat down. He didn’t start the car, didn’t look at her. “Richie?” She said tentatively.
Richie hummed.
“Tom showed up at my work tonight,” She said quietly.
Richie jerked to look at her, eyes wild. She noticed then that his hands were shaking. “How did he know worked there? Is bastard stalking you? Beverly, I swear to God-”
“No, no,” Beverly started quickly shaking her head. “He seemed just as surprised to see me as I was him but we talked. He thought you and I were hooking up.” Richie let out a startled laugh and Beverly smiled. “I told him I hadn’t been with anybody since I left him but I…”
“Lied?” Richie suggested, raising his brow. There was still something off about him, something that was leaving Beverly confused and on-edge. She wanted to reach out, maybe take hold of him. Make him feel better about whatever was wrong.
“Yeah…” Beverly sighed out. “I lied. I don’t even know why I did, I don’t want to go back to him, I like being with Ben… I’m just so confused, Richie! I don’t know what’s the best thing to do.”
Richie gave her a half smile. “The best thing you could do is be with whoever makes you happy, Bev.”
And Beverly had no idea what took over her in that moment. Her stomach clenched up and she stared at Richie for a moment. She felt as though every possible human emotion that was able to felt was deep in her gut and she didn’t even notice she was moving forward until she was kissing him.
→  →  →
Eddie rolled over as the bedroom door shut. It was quiet, but Eddie never failed to wake up when Richie came home. He’d tried to stay up for Richie tonight, knowing that he was going to help Bill rather than work, but he’d fallen asleep. His husband was quiet as he came in, not looking towards the bed, and his heart rushed a little bit.
“Baby?” Eddie called towards him, putting his hand up towards his mouth and nibbling at his cucital. “Are you okay?”
Richie turned to him and Eddie could see that Richie was pale even in their unlight bedroom. Eddie scrolled closer to the edge of the bed and held his arms out. “Baby, what happened?”
Richie let out a shaky breath and Eddie knew he was about to start cry. Richie dropped down onto the mattress beside him, and Eddie wrapped Richie up in his arms. “Eds… fuck. Fuck. So much shit happened tonight, fuck.” Richie mumbled into Eddie’s collarbone. “I know we don’t keep secrets, I know. I promise I will tell you fucking everything in the morning. But there was a point tonight when I thought… fuck… I thought I wouldn’t be making home at all. So, can we just… cuddle? Sleep? Please?”
Eddie’s heart got shut in his throat and he imagined for a short moment walking up and Richie having not come home. Not getting to see Richie again, and he knew nothing could be worse than that.
“Yeah, Rich. We’ll go to sleep.”
Richie hummed as Eddie laid them down, feeling how Richie was trembling. “I love you, Eddie.”
“I love you, too. No matter what.”
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bionic-buckyb · 6 years
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In celebration of my 8k milestone, I’ve decided to host another writing challenge!
* credit to @bithors for the lovely graphic ♥
✿ Rules and prompts under the cut:
✪ Must be following me (@bionic-buckyb) to participate. However, new writer or experienced writer - all are welcome. ✪ Your fic can be anywhere from 500 words on. No word limit really. Write what you feel. You can write a drabble, one shot, or series. Whatever you want! ✪ Your fic must include angst of some kind. You can write it full on make me cry angst, angst with a happy ending, angst to fluff, angst to smut, whatever you want. Sue me, I like to be sad and then happy. ✪ If you write smut in your fic, please either mark it as sensitive or include 18+ in the fic. ✪ If there are any triggering subjects in your fic, please add it in the warnings. ✪ You may pick any character from the Marvel Universe. ✪ Must be a reader insert (ex: Bucky x reader) ✪ Your prompt must be incorporated in the fic. ✪ Please send me an ask only with the number of the prompt you want, and the character you wish to write for. Please also pick a back up, in case yours has been chosen. ✪ Please tag me in your fic when completed, so I can read it! ☺ ✪ Please use #kaits8kangstchallenge in your tags, in case I do not get your notification. ✪ PLEASE USE THE ‘KEEP READING’ FEATURE. ✪ If I do not like your fic within 24 hours of posting, please poke me with a stick! I will be reblogging everyone’s entries. ✪ Your entry will be due Thursday, July 12th (my birthday!). If you need an extension or to drop out, I understand how life is. However, please let me know up to 48 hours ahead of time if possible.
And now for the prompts…
1. “You look like you’re going to punch me.” “I was actually going to kiss you, but if you’re into that sort of thing then I’m out.” ( @ksgeekgirl - Steve x Reader )
2. “Do you think things would be different?” “How so?” ( @abovecitylights - Bucky x Reader ) ( @hellomissmabel - Bucky x Reader )
3. “I mean, if we hadn’t met at a strip club...” ( @lordsexmachine - Sam x Reader )
4. “Your legs bleeding.” “Oh really? I hadn’t noticed that half of my goddamned blood was flowing out of my leg, but thanks for letting me know.” ( @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan - Bucky x Reader ) ( @stopitchris - Steve x Reader )
5. “Can we start over?” “From where? We were doomed from the beginning.” ( @afangirlrambles - Bucky x Reader ) ( @eyecandybarnes - Bucky x Reader )
6. “This isn’t a conversation we should be having.” “Please, I just need to know your answer.” ( @literatec - Bucky x Reader ) ( @wanderlustingandwandering - Stucky x Reader )
7. “Trying and look at it from his point of view, he lost his brother!” “And I lost my boyfriend!” ( @ manyxmalereaders - Loki x Reader )
8. “Don’t act like this doesn’t hurt you.” “It’s tearing me apart, but I’d rather fake it until the end.” ( @neithsarrow - Bucky x Reader ) ( @barnesrogersvstheworld - Steve x Reader )
9. “How many times has it come to this?” “You knew I was never good at maths, don’t test me.” ( @evanstarff - Bucky x Reader ) ( @teamcap4bucky - Clint x Reader )
10. “Your attitude in this situation is despicable.” “I know, it’s because I’m done with your shit.” ( @oriona75 - Bucky x Reader) ( @captain-rogers-beard - Bucky x Reader)
11. “Are you going to leave me?” “You know that neither us want that.” ( @wintersire - Bucky x Reader )
12. “Don’t be mad at me! I wasn’t the one that killed her, you were-” “Oh so this is my fault? I don’t think so…”
13. “How are you doing?” “I feel like there might be more pressing matters right now.” ( @regulusirius - Bucky x Reader )
14. “Don’t kiss me.” “W-why not? I waited all day for you.” ( @abovethesmokestacks - Bucky x Reader )
15. “How am I supposed to look at you the same way?” “Someone literally just died and that’s what you’re thinking about?” ( @ fandom-and-feminism - Loki x Reader )
16. “Not now, I’m serious, not now.” “B-but you said ‘tomorrow’ yesterday.” ( @50-owls-in-a-trenchcoat - Tony x Reader ) ( @minarawr - Bucky x Reader )
17. “I miss you.” “Don’t lie, I know she’s with you.” ( @cate-lynne - Sam x Reader )
18. “Are you going to break my heart again?” “I can’t promise anything.” ( @whiskeybucky - Steve x Reader )
19. “What did I tell you?” “You said that I should hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.” ( @thats-what-i-call-british - Dr Strange x Reader )
20. “I love you.” “I don’t care anymore.” ( @oneshot-shit - Bucky x Reader )
21. “You look like you’ve been through hell and back.” “It’s actually called getting drunk, but you wouldn’t know what ‘fun’ was even if it slapped you in the face.” ( @headinthe-fridge ) ( @littlemissevilsunshine - Peter Parker x Reader )
22. “We should get you home.” “Well, that doesn’t sound very fun or likely.” ( @caddylove - Steve x Reader)
23. “Tell me you didn’t do it. Please say it wasn’t you.” “In your very words, ‘lying never did anyone any good.’” ( @buckthegrump-main - Steve x Reader ) ( @sebseyesandbuckysthighs - Steve x Reader )
24. “Let’s end this.” “Oh, I thought you were going to ask about the pregnancy test I left this morning.” ( @latin-lover01 - Bucky x Reader )
25. “You should think things through before you say them aloud.” “Where’s the fun in that?” ( @justsomebucky - Bucky x Reader )
26. “Did you think we were going to have sex?” “I’m optimistic, okay?” ( @healingbarnes - Bucky x Reader )
27. “You could’ve just told me.” “And risked my social status? I think I’d rather die, thank you.”
28. “What time?” “Wow, how romantic, I love my girlfriend and our fun dates.”
29. “I don’t want to be dramatic-” “I can tell you right now that you are physically incapable of not being dramatic, so continue.” ( @fabicchi - Steve x Reader )
30. “Can we get coffee?” “Is this a date or is it because you’ll end up strangling someone if you don’t get caffeine in your system.” “I shouldn’t have asked.” ( @sunriserose1023 - Steve x Reader )
31. “… and then he came up up to me and kissed me until I was-” “I’m going to have to tell you to shut up now.” ( @captainrogerss - Steve x Reader)
32. “Where is it? I haven’t lost it, I haven’t.” “I think that means you have. By chance, it wasn’t this that you were looking for?” ( @avengerofyourheart - Bucky x Reader)
33. “Stop being seductive.” “I was being myself, but okay.” ( @areyoureadyforsomemeatballz - Steve x Reader )
34. “We should do this again sometime!” “I would honestly rather do anything other than that again.” ( @hashtagswaghashtagblessed - Tony x Reader )
35. “You drank it?!” “Yes, it was quite delicious, did you know?” ( @smile-my-bean - Thor x Reader )
36. “Can you just act normal for this evening. It’s all I’ll ask of you.” “You’re asking for a lot then.” ( @bithors - Steve x Reader )
37. “You need to stop yelling at inanimate objects.” “And you need to stop telling me how to live my life, but things never go as we want.” ( @marvelavengings - Tony x Reader )
38. “I haven’t got laid in like forever.” “Oh sorry, did I look like I was offering? Because I’m most certainly not.” ( @fadingcoast - Loki x Reader )
39. “You look like you’re going to cry.” “Well that’s killed the mood.” ( @actual-bucky-barnes-trash - Bucky x Reader )
40. “We’ve been driving for hours, are we nearly there yet?” “I would honestly like to tell you something other than ‘no’, but life is cruel.” ( @ptvkenzie - Natasha x Reader )
41. “Are you going to kill me?” “Oh, darling, if that’s what you want to call love, then, yes.” ( @vibraniom - Loki x Reader )
42. “Just calm down, things will be fine.” “My husband is being held at gunpoint and you think now is a suitable time to tell me to calm down.” ( @sprinkleofhappinessuniverse - Bucky x Reader )
43. “I hope you don’t think that we all act like this.” “There’s more than just you? Jesus.” ( @foreverbeingthunderbuddy - Bucky x Reader )
44. “You could try and sleep it off?” “I don’t think that will change the fact that I’m carrying your child, sorry.” ( @awkward-walking-potato - Loki x Reader ) ( @softhairbarnes - Bucky x Reader )
45. “I think your going to end up getting hurt.” “I know. I’m used to it now, it’s fine.” ( @docharleythegeekqueen - Steve x Reader ) ( @broadwayandnetflix - Bucky x Reader )
46. “You set the kitchen on fire?!” ”Just a little, but it means we can start the remodeling sooner, right?” ( @lokillaway - Bucky x Reader ) ( @acreativelydifferntlove - Thor x Reader )
47. “I’m just tired.” “That’s understandable. Go and sleep, I’ll sort everything out.” ( @beccaanne814 - Bucky x Reader )
48. “This isn’t something urgent, but please know that I love you and always will, okay?” “No, no, no, this is not happening. Stop it. Stop it!” ( @heartforstan - Bucky x Reader ) ( @hoshijoo - Peter Parker x Reader )
49. “It’s not fair. You keep this up and I just might-” “You ‘just might’ what? Leave me? Hurt me? You’ve done it all.” ( @howlingbarnes - Frank Castle x Reader)
50. “Give me a kiss before you go.” “I know this is all for show, but do we really have to be so bloody domestic.” ( @sebbytrash ) ( @ican-do-this-all-day - Loki x Reader)
51. “Can you give me a massage?” “No, because you moan really loud and our neighbors think we’re having sex.” ( @jadewritings - Deadpool x Reader )
And that’s all folks!
I hope everyone likes the prompts and, most importantly, have fun writing! PS - If you cannot participate, would you mind signal boosting? Thank you, and thank you so much for 8k! ♥
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avaduvernayfans · 7 years
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How Queen Sugar Turns the Stereotype of the Drug-Addicted Black Mother on Its Head By Jonita Davis | July 11, 2017 | 12:00pm Queen Sugar embodies many of the elements of a real black family in the Bordelon siblings, Ralph Angel (Kofi Siriboe), Charlie (Dawn-Lyen Gardener) and Nova (Rutina Wesley)—elements that I can identify with, or thought I could until I encountered Darla (Bianca Lawson), Ralph Angel’s ex. She’s introduced in the pilot episode, when Ralph Angel calls her after his father (Glynn Turman) dies. She talks nervously about a job and wanting to see her son, Blue (Ethan Hutchison). We learn later that Darla is an ex-addict and ex-prostitute. I instantly didn’t like her, and I’m not alone: From the beginning, even Twitter was lit with doubt about her. We wait for her to flake on her responsibilities, stab the Bordelon family in the back, steal, get high. But Darla does none of this; about halfway through Season One, I figured out that Darla was an unfamiliar figure. Through her, Queen Sugar upends the dangerous stereotype of the drug-addicted black mother, which not only appears in film and on TV, but also shapes the way these women are treated in the world. Darla’s arc works to restore humanity to the character, showing addiction as an illness and the addict as a human being struggling against that illness and the reputation—the stigma—she carries as a result of it. The pilot’s introduction of Darla also reveals that she and Ralph Angel are estranged, and that it’s probably her fault: By this time, we know that Ralph Angel raises Blue with the help of his Aunt Violet (Tina Lifford) and her boyfriend, Hollywood (Omar J. Dorsey). The call is probably a moment of weakness on Ralph Angel’s part, but for Darla it’s a way, finally, to prove herself. She has a new job, earning steady money and benefits. She can finally help with Blue. But for some reason, we don’t trust her. After all, the TV series that depicts the black mother as an addict usually makes her the villain: The woman is a train wreck, finding drama in everything she does. She schemes and breaks her family’s hearts, especially those of her children. She undermines the family’s success, their happiness, their very togetherness, and is often sent packing by the other characters simply to maintain stability, to prevent separation, which has always been the destruction of the black family. The type often turns up in dramas about black families. The constant plotting, the disappearances, the betrayals, the neglectful attitude toward her children are all typical moves for the drug-addicted black mom in popular culture. When we see one, we’re already predisposed to distrust her. Consider Empire, in which Cookie Lyon’s (Taraji P. Henson) sister, Carol (Tasha Smith), is a recovering addict and mom. Carol often abandons her kids with her other sister, Candace (Vivica A. Fox); she’s stolen from Cookie, brought legal trouble down upon the Lyons’ record label, and allowed an FBI agent investigating the Lyons to potentially find enough evidence enough to destroy the Lyons’ record label and send Cookie back to jail. Even in Empire’s most recent season, the series’ third, we don’t trust Carol, despite the fact that she’s gotten clean and is eager to help Cookie—always plotting herself—stop Empire’s Vegas expansion. Despite its reputation for progressive casting and storytelling, the same stereotypical traits appear in Orange is the New Black, too: Season Two’s Vee (Lorraine Toussaint), a former drug dealer, is a perfect example. Vee takes her former foster daughter, Taystee (Tasha Jefferson), under her wing once again, along with Taystee’s fellow inmates. Vee does so to manipulate them into starting a rivalry against the white and Hispanic women, where there previously was (relative) harmony. Although her addiction is to selling the drugs, not to using them, the result is the same: Her entire arc is permeated by her need to run Litchfield’s drug trade, exploit the girls who’ve become her “family,” and wreak havoc throughout the prison. Vee’s operation even convinces the inmates to reuse tampon tubes in order to smuggle cigarettes, forcing them to forgo their own dignity to help Vee turn a profit. You can never trust “mom,” in this rendering, because her selfish desires transcend the familial bond. There are other examples. In the Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episode “Dolls,” Gloria Reuben plays Violet, an ex-addict whose child is found mummified in a dumpster. (Violet is initially blamed for the death because “junkies lie all the time,” a refrain that Detective Tutuola, played by Ice-T, repeats like a broken record.) Columnist Charles M. Blow has accused Tyler Perry of building a career on the backs of stereotypical “crack mothers.” Seeing black moms who are also addicts portrayed as the villains in so many films and TV series then becomes the way we see and treat these mothers in real life. We criminalize addiction though it’s an illness. We rip mothers who are addicts from their children before offering support, making the journey to family reunification even more arduous. We accept the dearth of resources devoted to stabilizing the home environment. Distrust of addicts and ex-addicts thins out their job prospects. Add in systemic racism, which exacerbates all of the aforementioned challenges for black women, and the result is a mother doomed before she even begins recovery. This is why Queen Sugar’s Darla is so important. The series plays on the audience’s prejudice in the beginning, only to slap us in the face with it as Darla proves herself to be everything but the stereotypical addict. Darla is human, of course, struggling to right her wrongs despite the world being dead-set against her: At the outset, we see that Darla’s boss is a jackass who waves her ex-addict status over her head every time she tries to do good; she has to flake on watching Blue during Ralph Angel’s father’s funeral because the employer forces her to stay for a longer shift than promised. She can’t call because customers are honking and screaming at her to do her job. The girl is losing every way she turns. Later, when Darla shows up at the funeral, Ralph Angel tries to get up to stop her, thinking she’s up to something. Is she showing up in such a public place because she knows he can’t make a scene without disgracing the family? No. She’s just trying to make up for the earlier mess. Darla is trying to make things right. But we see this and still don’t trust her. During the hurricane that makes landfall in the second half of Season One, we find out why the family despises her so much: Hollywood once found infant Blue and drugged-out Darla in a trashy motel room, on a dirty bed. Darla was having sex with a john for money. This is the experience that the family has to go on, so it’s no wonder that Violet takes so long to forgive Darla, even after she stands in front of the woman, tears in her eyes, and says, “I want… to thank you.” Vi is as shocked as the audience at this, but Darla goes on, talking about how she never got a chance to thank Violet and Hollywood for rescuing her baby. She told them that she didn’t want to live, and Hollywood came, took baby Blue “gently” and kicked out the john. He then covered Darla’s naked body and told her, “God bless you, girl.” “When he left, I thought, ‘Thank God. Thank God Blue will be okay.’” This is the speech of a woman who’s selfless, and sincere about her quest for forgiveness. She ends with, “I want to pay back my debts and bring goodness where I once brought discord. I hope you see fit to let me.” How many Queen Sugar fans still didn’t trust Darla even after this affecting sequence, after all that we had seen in her story? I must admit that I continued to have reservations as well. It was only after the season ended—with no Darla-ignited sparks—that I had to ask myself why I didn’t trust her in the first place. The answer is that we, as viewers, have been conditioned by popular culture, in particular TV dramas, to see drug-addicted black mothers only one way, even if they’ve in recovery and are no longer under the influence. No matter how these black mothers atone, they are forever the villains. The depiction of Darla in Queen Sugar not only changes how addiction is portrayed on the small screen; the character challenges the real-life stereotype as well. In the hands of creator Ava DuVernay, Lawson, and the series’ writers and directors, Darla dismantles our impulse to prejudge and mistreat black mothers and addicts as they work to reform their lives and their families. If we can get past the stereotype to see Darla’s humanity, humility and sincerity, the same must be true of women off-screen as well—women who’ve been cast as villains for far too long. Queen Sugar airs Wednesdays at 10 p.m. on OWN. Read Paste’s episodic reviews here.
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myahle · 7 years
Fanfiction Recommendations
*shyly slides in* ... I have read a lot of fanfics in my free time. Occasionally, my tumblr dashboard is filled with posts that share story recommendations in different fandoms; thus, I thought it would be a nice gesture to share these authors’ works as well. The stories below are simply AMAZING, and I have read each of them at least twice. I could gush on-and-on about some of them, but I will just summarize and say that all of these stories are well-written and worth the read. Feel free to check them out below and let the authors know how wonderful their stories are~ 
Ratings: K, T, M. EX = If indicated ‘Explicit’ on AO3.
“Tell Yourself” by Princess-Kitty1 (@geek-fashionista) [M] Characters/Pairings: Ulquiorra/Orihime. Complete. 100/100. They've survived the war. He's gained a heart. Now Ulquiorra and Orihime get to face their most interesting challenge yet: living together. A series of drabbles and interrelated one-shots in which shenanigans ensue.
“7 Minutes” by Princess-Kitty1 (@geek-fashionista) [T] Characters/Pairings: Ulquiorra/Orihime. Complete. 1/1. AU. Seven Minutes in Heaven is only fun when you're not twelve, terrified, and tricked into playing with someone you've never met.
“Impasse” by Rawrchelle [T] Characters/Pairings: Ulquiorra/Orihime. Complete. 1/1. AU. They say he's a clinically diagnosed psychopath, but she thinks he just lost something along the way. 
“The Girl Downstairs” by DarksKnight [M] Characters/Pairings: Ulquiorra/Orihime, Gin, Grimmjow. Complete. 1/1. AU. The woman who lives down below him is rather… odd.
“Mile High Club” by Terrified-By-Logic [M] Characters/Pairings: Gin/Rangiku. Complete. 1/1. AU. She hated flying, it was the worst form of transportation yet. But when Rangiku meets a certain grinning stranger that supposedly saves her, she figures maybe this flight won't be as bad as the rest.
“The Broken Orrery” by CymbalinesHalo [M] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith. Ongoing. 39/?? Doomed to an existence that neither of them asked for, Aerith and Sephiroth struggle for survival in the bleak desolation of the Northern Crater.
“The Smell of Lillies” by Up_sideand_down [EX] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith. Complete. 1/1 AU. Sephiroth didn't really want a slave, but he needed one. She becomes the best thing in his life, until his own status threatens their relationship.
“After The Fall” by Ardwynna-Morrigu (@ardwynna) [T] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith, Cloud, OC. Complete. 6/6. AU. Sephiroth and Aeris suffer a loss great enough to threaten everything else that lies between them. 
“Northern Lights” by The-Shameful-Narcissist/AshRose (@the-queen-of-sevens) [M] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith. Complete. 25/25. The truth will transform you… Drowning in memories, bound to the past, and consumed by mortal regret, the penitent former general seeks the grave and forgiveness of the true mother never known, but not before he fulfills an obligation to the flower girl whose life he once claimed.
“Unspoken” by Mihoyonagi [T] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith. Complete. 51/51. AU. Actions speak louder than words, but without a voice, can the words inside you speak louder than those actions? A tale of unexpected friendship, struggle, love, and everything that goes with it. 
“Sensory Overload” by RandomTeenager [M] Characters/Pairings: Cloud/Tifa, Marlene, Denzel. Complete. 6/6. Cloud's mako injection bestowed him with heightened senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. Perfect for battle, not so much for home.
“Could Do Without” by Bleueyz [T] Characters/Pairings: Vincent/Yuffie. Complete. 98/98. Yuffie contemplates what she could do without. And ends up trying to convince herself Vincent is one of them.
“Fragments of Memories” by J-Mercuryuk [K] Characters/Pairings: Squall/Rinoa, Laguna. Complete. 31/31. In a bid to become closer to his son, and get to know each other, Laguna suggests that they share moments from their past. Reluctantly Squall agrees.
“Karma” by CrimsonCobwebs [M] Characters/Pairings: Zidane/Garnet. Complete. 3/3. AU. How one rainy night can change a person's life forever.
“On Salvation” by H-Thar [M] Characters/Pairings: Older!Hope/Lightning. Complete. 11/11. Post-game AU. Landing on a new and untamed world is far from convenient for Lightning and company. Even in a seemingly godless existence, humanity's flaws persist, some wrongs can never be righted and memories bind them to the past. Hope fears the ties are unbreakable.
“A Series of Firsts” by Cartoon-Moomba [T] Characters/Pairings: Older!Hope/Lightning. Complete. 14/14. AU. Claire first meets their new neighbors when she is seven. OR, that one AU where Lightning fails as the savior and Hope and Snow go back in time to ensure that the future never happens.
“Hearts in Chaos” by GenesisArclite (@genesisarclite​) [T] Characters/Pairings: Caius/Lightning. Complete. 47/47. Knowledge previously unknown to Lightning gives her the ability to defeat Caius in Valhalla, but she must become his immortal companion to stop him for good and he must go with her to New Bodhum. The future is now fraught with unknowns, with a new government and rising tensions between Cocoon and Pulse - made no easier by Caius and Lightning now sharing the Heart of Chaos.
“Play It Straight” by Shatteredjewels [T] Characters/Pairings: Older!Hope/Lightning. Complete. 1/1. Post-Game AU. He knows what he wants. Now he just needs to get her on the same page. 
“Glasses” by Ariel’s-Lament [T] Characters/Pairings: Prompto/Cindy, Noctis, Ignis, Gladiolus. Complete. 6/6. Noctis takes a deep breath to calm himself, because if he's going to have to stick his finger in Prompto's eye, it's probably best that he isn't angry when he does it.
“Knots” by Sadladybug [T] Characters/Pairings: Sesshōmaru/Older!Rin. Complete. 3/3. It's like she tells Kaede: Lord Sesshomaru might not be predictable, but he's dependable. Any day now, he'll come back to the village and they can be together again. Right? A story about watching and waiting, almosts and should-haves, and what happens when the waiting is finally over. 
“Kimono” by Pardon-The-Insanity [T] Characters/Pairings: Sesshōmaru/Older!Rin. Complete. 1/1 Lord Sesshomaru's gifts always meant the world to Rin. But as she got older, they started to hold a different significance...
“Sharp and Dangerous” by FeckedSpectrum [EX] Characters/Pairings: Akura-ou/Kayako. Complete. 1/1 She's a temperamental psychic and he's a deposed demon warlord. They aren't soft people by nature, but they can get close enough for each other.
“Red” by Angelhart79 (@angelhart79) [M] Characters/Pairings: Tomoe-centric, Nanami. Complete. 1/1 Struck by mixed emotions Tomoe is not feeling like himself. In attempts of gaining back his former youkai self he however finds himself still thinking about the one thing he desired and allowed to slip away.
“The God’s Wedding Night” by Angelhart79 (@angelhart79) [M] Characters/Pairings: Tomoe/Nanami. Complete. 1/1 Tomoe and Nanami have arrived at Izumo, ready to start their new life as husband and wife. Upon arrival they expect a simple welcome and maybe a short ceremony in which Nanami will return the Land God mark and Tomoe will be turned into a human. But a surprise awaits them, a gift from Ookuninunishi. One last night, their wedding night, to spend together as god and youkai.
“Lucky Us” by Princess-Kitty1 (@geek-fashionista​) [T] Characters/Pairings: Adrien/Marinette, etc. Ongoing. 29/30. AU. Marinette Dupain-Cheng's life isn't going as planned: twenty-six, recently dumped, and running her parents' bakery. The highlights of her day are the emails sent by her mysterious pen pal, Chat Noir. That is, until handsome model Adrien Agreste starts swinging by the bakery after hours. But how is he to know the Ladybug he loves is standing right in front of him?
“Serendipitous Fate” by SKayLanphear [M] Characters/Pairings: Adrien/Marinette, etc. Ongoing. 22/32. Adrien is excited to reveal his true identity, while Marinette is terrified. But Master Fu says they can't afford to be distant any longer. Chat Noir and Ladybug are meant to work in tandem both in and out of uniform, their strength stemming from the bond created between them. Yet, teenagers are sometimes better at dancing blind than running with wide open eyes, even with the steps laid out before them. Steps in the path of an expanding world. Apart, they'll flounder. But together, they might just stand a chance.
“Snow Trouble” by Arallion [K] Characters/Pairings: Abel/Esther. Complete. 1/1. Father Nightroad returns from a solo mission on a snowy evening. It always comes as a surprise when someone misses you enough to wait out in the cold... 
“Milk Tea & Thirteen Sugars” by Darth Stitch [K] Characters/Pairings: Abel/Esther. Complete. 1/1. Inspired by Chelsea's Blanket Scenario challenge, Abel is diving deep into the River Denial when it comes to what he feels for a certain red-haired nun.
“Not a Saint” by Lucere [T] Characters/Pairings: Abel/Esther. Complete. 2/2 She is not a Saint, not a Krusnik nor a Lilith. She is Esther, plain Esther, with sometimes a Sister attached before.
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twisted-petal · 7 years
Death Continued: Part 4
FB vent post: I thought I could handle this on my own but I just can't... I've only told one person and I wanted it to stay that way, but after everything - fuck it. I'm going to vent and everyone can just fuck off. None of you were there for me when I needed someone at all last year, and I won't have any backtracking bullshit. No. I did not ask for help with this specifically because IT'S FUCKING DIFFICULT TO TALK ABOUT TO EVEN THOSE I TRUST THE MOST, which I suppose isn't saying much. Clearly I have trust issues. I have typed up similar posts and personal messages a million times since this happened, and I still don't know if I'll post this one... I never know what I want to say or how much detail to go into or how much this could hurt me further or whatever. I just keep hoping this will be another ignored post. Any time I try to vent or ask for help or whatever it is, I'm just accused of begging for attention or whiny or whatever and I get bitched at... Not my intent, though I wouldn't have complained too much. So fuck you. Imma bitch. At least getting the words out helps... Yes. This is a boo-hoo emo love story. Yes. I firmly believe I did this to myself and everything surrounding this is all my fault, despite the nagging instict to avoid cliches and stereotypes, or fuckin' - whatever. AND THAT MEANS I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANY OF THAT SHIT AFTER I POST THIS. I've heard it all. It doesn't help. I UNDERSTAND AND APPRECIATE THE EFFORT AND SENTIMENTS, but it just doesn't click with me. I wish it did. Just not what I need... Aaaaannnd yes there are still people I'm hiding this from. I know they won't keep their mouth shut, and the entire reason I went to Portland for a week was to keep the one person who knew any of this, from digging up my ex's name and calling the police (even with this ONE person, I couldn't talk about my "BF". I wasn't allowed. Even when he *did* allow me to give us a couple status). So let's start this shit off with a bit of backstory: I have a bleeding heart; fucking hate everyone, but I never stop caring or loving (and yes, if you even made it this far, this means you). Quick to love, slow to forget. When I love I put my all into everything, and I try to ask for little in return: Be honest, be respectful, and gimmer all the attentions (And put up with my bitchin'. Because if I don't vent I explode and I had 2 major anxiety attacks and 1 minor, within the last 3 months of the year.); keep me happy, take care of me, and you can have anything you want. I spoil the FUCK out of my partners as best I can (I hope you saw this...). Some of you know of one or two of these incidents: those who know of my trip to the emergency clinic in Portland (morning after the Grump Live show... Which was rad!), and the others who know of my collapse just last week before the move. Aaaannnywho... More to the point of all this... Very few of you know who I was... with(?) all last year, and that is because he didn't want people to know. At first I understood because I can be the same in wanting to keep most personal things, well, personal. As time passed, the way he treated me grew worse (primarily verbal/emotional), and in the bedroom... I tried to play along... Granted... I loved him. I wanted to be my best for him. It's what I do... But I realized that's all that mattered. My gifts, food, money, attention, heart, support, effort... Nothing else I did was ever recognized; At least, I seldom felt any appreciation outside of my bed. We were only ever in my room, unless we passed each other at work, which was rare even if he actually told me his schedule. The convenience of his department was nice until he screwed me the first time... He worked right in my path! I worked there 3 years before him and I was not about to change my route to and from the breakroom! Grr! Making me too stubborn to avoid his stupid face... And the sentimental fuck that I am doomed myself right then and there. Well, all this BS continued the entire year, yet we were never actually a couple. And don't get me wrong, there is a great deal about this dillweed to enjoy (ex: humorous, witty, kinda smart, fairly talented, cute, interesting; whatever), but it wasn't about my love for him or how he repeatedly broke my heart as if he were shootin' for a Gods damn Platinum Trophy. It's a bit about the shittiest year I've dredged through, and a bit about how much smoother that shit would have slipped by had he just been there for me when he promised he would. Just *once*. Instead of breaking down all the self esteem I had been working so diligently to build, by shredding into every little detail I had come to accept with who and what I am; or tossing me aside like his used cum rag. Just to get his dick wet and stay alpha. He would promise and swear until it would be too late for me to find help elsewhere. Every so often he would do something for me (for a "fee"). Just enough to keep me hoping and trying again, and eventually I could follow his patterns and try to get some safety nets up. Didn't stop whatever happened from hurting, of course. And he did this with everything! Pushing my hope to the limits... Dragging me along. There was always an excuse as to why I was the best but could never be officially "his girl". His slutty ex being his number one excuse, and of course he never told me the full story, if he ever spoke a fraction of the truth. If any of you remember my post about never making someone feel like shit for not wanting children? That came from him telling me I had no choice. I am female. I must breed. After whining and complaining to win me back, he told me that he couldn't accept me unless I gave him a child. Even though he reassured me when we first started talking that he had his son and that's all he needed. Which was a *major* relief to me because I told him I never want children, and medically I may never be able to. Win-win!... Then he started talking with the mother and they want a brother for him... So that made me useful... Though, I was never allowed to meet them. So the options he presented me: Agree to give him a child and he'll finally accept me as "his girl", or no child and he goes back to the mother he can't get along with to go knock her up again (according to him, she refused to ever sleep with anyone else, because he was her first). There is a massive chance I could never give birth, and he did everything he could to make me feel like shit because I couldn't (and didn't) want to give his son a sibling... B'scuse me?? Who said they would have been siblings? Or grown up at all together? He couldn't ever promise to stay committed to me or any child, yet he wouldn't accept me without promising my own life and the life of an unborn child to him. One example of his overbearing ways. My body. My rules. ... That didn't stop him from being too rough... From going too far... It didn't mean anything to him when I told him to stop or I was hurting or that I couldn't breathe... I would have to beg just to see him, and it could only ever be long after dark. Again, I blame myself for everything, and many of you have already helped drill that in... I should have stayed away. I shouldn't have given him so many chances. But it was all me; I wouldn't stop letting him come back... I get it... I fucked myself. I caused my own pain and misery. I knew what he was capable of, but I trusted him, nonetheless. He made sure of it and I fell for it. I've wanted so badly that he pay for what he did to me, for taking advantage of me... But I loved him. I wouldn't let my friend call the police. I couldn't let them take a father from a child, as much of a scumbag he is... And he had recently become a department manager after years of bullshit and I didn't want to ruin all that work... Because I will forever be too nice for my own good, and I can't bring myself to destroy someone else's life... All I wanted was one person to be there for me while my life fell to pieces around me. Just one person to show they cared and that they were at my side. Support. A single person to keep me afloat and make it through. Somebody to just listen to me rant and eat some pizza with or some shit. Anything to help me feel like an actual person. So I would like to take this moment here to thank whoever is still reading for helping me feel like the sex doll he made me feel I was, when all I was asking for some help or advice. Thank you for pushing me aside when I came to you with tears, unable to articulate proper sentences and my messages were riddled with typos. Thank you for being that one person I needed to feel everything was going to be okay and I wasn't just some bitch whore. Thank you for listening and still accepting me, and not throwing me onto the backburner. Thank you for not forgetting about me. It means a great deal to me that those who I care a great deal for, actually gives two shits about me or appreciates my existence... Is a friend really so much to ask for...? Is it the respect or understanding? The acceptance? The kindness? Tolerance? A bit of attention or companionship? When am I asking for too much? Honesty? Loyalty? I mean, I could pull up a Thesaurus and Dictionary and really drag this betch out. I suppose what bothers me most, is that no matter what I said or how much I asked, no matter what I promised him, he just couldn't be honest with me. He couldn't allow me to leave my heart out of it, or to look elsewhere. Why couldn't he just be honest?? Why did he have to fuck me over? Take advantage of me? Why couldn't he just stop! I told him I still wasn't feeling well. That I was physically hurting. To STOP. I said please... But I couldn't be too loud... There was a little girl in the next room. I should have been louder. I should have kicked more. And I should have gotten away... Why can't any of you just be honest?! Stop trying to lie and trick me! If I haven't already handed you my heart on a platter, I can usually catch the BS, but it doesn't make it any better... Just tell me! Go away. Shoosh. Not now. You can't deal with it. You just want sex. If there is something you want from me or something you don't want to deal with or whatever it is, just SAY IT. ([It's still too long... Another post!)]
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