#i throw at you zuko and katara holding hands while looking deeply into each other's eyes
airiustide · 4 years
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brain: you’re suppose to be working on other stuff
me whilst drawing instead of finishing a wip fic: i’m suppose to what now?
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patchofsunlight · 4 years
Warmth | Zuko x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Avatar!Reader AU | Zuko has made many mistakes and holds uncountable regrets, but maybe Y/N can still love him back. Spoiler: she does.
REQUEST (by anon): “Could you do a zuko with maybe a f! avatar? Him falling in love with her like how they joked in ember island play. And him being tormented when she 'dies' in cross roads and them having some tender moment of confessing either in the western temple or ember island? maybe the play has the kiss and he confesses idk”
WARNINGS: Y/N is the Avatar, so Aang doesn’t exist. kissing, there might be swear words but I don’t really remember, bad editing. lots of mutual pining and some angst. I don’t know if I did this request justice but I really tried?
OBSERVATIONS: there’s a bit of Sokka x Reader bc I’m a weak woman but in the end he’s the main Zuko and Y/N shipper. not having Aang seriously hurt me. I wrote most of the Zuko sad rant in the beginning listening to Words Fail by Ben Platt and I think it would be interesting if you guys listened to that while reading? idk
I hope you all like it!!! feedback is always appreciated, so keep that in mind and thank you very much for reading!!
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There was a hole inside his chest that Zuko simply couldn’t get rid of. It hurt him to his core, bringing pained sobs to the edge of his throat and slowly dismantling his soul.
He always thought getting rid of Y/N would quench his anger, rebuild his honor and complete his destiny. Now, his father accepted him again, Mai was his girlfriend, and Azula treated him like a true brother, in her own deranged ways. The Fire Nation considered him a hero, the man who killed the Avatar.
Then why did it trouble him so much? Why did he wake up every night in a cold sweat, with tears stinging his eyes? Why did he have the same nightmare over and over where he was the one responsible for her death, hitting her with lightning and watching as the light inside her disappeared, leaving behind only her idle body and Katara’s desperate cries? Why couldn’t he be satisfied? He had fulfilled his fate. He had done what he was meant to do, sided with his people, and fought against his greatest enemy. Why wasn’t he happy? Why couldn’t he ever be happy?
Back in Ba Sing Se, he saw her at the Jasmine Dragon more than once. He couldn’t believe his eyes when she first entered the teashop, and he was pretty sure she had recognized him, but Y/N managed to send a polite smile in his direction and sit down, greeting “Mushi” with joy. When Zuko served her tea, she asked him what his name was as if she didn’t know. She didn’t confront nor attack him — she simply let him live his new life and went on living hers. It felt like she had washed off his sins, erased the bloodstains he carried in his soul and hands. Y/N freed him of his past and he had thrown it all away.
It was the right thing to do, he had told himself day after day after day. Except it wasn’t, and now Iroh refused to talk to him and the Avatar was probably dead and, in the case she wasn’t, she would never forgive him. She wouldn’t let him be free of himself again and he would never get redemption for his mistakes.
He wished he could go back in time and fight alongside Y/N in that crystal cave, wished he could live up to the trust Katara offered him before they were saved, wished he could have stopped Azula from throwing that lightning bolt. He wished he could do things in the right way, yet he couldn’t. Zuko tried so hard to regain his so-called honor and to bring his father pride but his only real achievement was engulfing himself in guilt and regret, being aware that powerful and forgiving Y/N could be dead because of his lack of dignity and character — this couldn’t be honor. Violence, betrayal, death, and hurt couldn’t be honor, and he wasn’t sure he wanted his father’s pride if it meant feeling like this, like he was no good, like he was not worthy of love or praise or admiration.
Zuko had spent a great part of his life hating himself, but nothing compared to the hate he felt every night after waking up from another crushing nightmare. How dared he make this about himself and his feelings of guilt when the Avatar could be dead? How dared he worry about the Fire Lord’s pride when the world’s last hope was gone? How dared he indulge in self-pity after all he had done? He didn’t deserve pity, didn’t deserve help, he only deserved to wallow in his own pain and die. But that wouldn’t fix anything, neither would it bring Y/N back — he had to act, and he had to do it fast.
Going after Team Avatar was not difficult. He thought he would feel complicated like he had when first betraying Y/N’s trust, thought it would hurt like coming back to the Fire Nation did. Thankfully, leaving only caused a new type of satisfaction to bloom inside his chest, giving him the sensation he was finally walking through the right path. Hope seemed to pour out of every pore in his body and he could somehow think of better, future days when he would have done enough to make up for his mistakes, days when he didn’t feel the urge to scream every time he looked at a mirror. Maybe then he wouldn’t have to despise himself like he currently did, maybe things would be okay and he would be truly happy, if that was even something he had the capability to do.
But then they didn’t want him. He left everything behind, he charged every inch of his hope with the idea of joining the Avatar, and they didn’t want him. Why would they? Why would they, after everything he had done? How could he have even considered they would accept him, that she would trust him again? Of course they didn’t want him. No one did and no one ever would and that was entirely his fault — it was his fault that he was a bad person, took the wrong decisions, and caused pain and destruction. It was his fault he never did the right thing and he should’ve known he would be rejected again, for being rejected was just what he deserved.
But it still hurt. Oh, Spirits, it hurt. She couldn’t even look at him, even after he helped them defeat Combustion Man and was finally accepted in the group. Sadly, it made Zuko realize that, no matter where he stood, he would never be a part of their team, and Y/N would never trust him entirely. For some reason, that was more upsetting than their rejection. He wanted to impress her, wanted her to like him, and she never would.
“Y/N? Can I—can I come in?”
The Avatar looked up from the map she was currently analysing on her bed, studying his figure carefully before nodding with hesitance, “yes. Do you need something?”
He sighed deeply and walked towards her, feeling his heart crack when she brought her legs closer to her body and away from him the moment he sat on the edge of the bed, “I—I just wanted to talk to you about, well, you know, everything.”
Her expression hardened and she averted her eyes back to the map, “we have nothing to talk about, Zuko. You can go back to your room.”
The Fire Nation Prince swallowed nervously, “Y/N, please. I’m so, so sorry. I have made so many mistakes, I—”
“Zuko,” her voice was firm and emotionless, but that quickly changed when she met his gaze, “I thought things could be different. I thought things could be different back in the North Pole, when we first talked to each other and you told me about Azula. I thought things could be different when you saved me as the Blue Spirit. And I was so convinced things would be different when we met again in Ba Sing Se that I—” she scoffed at her own words, “I had a crush on you, can you believe that? That’s why I visited the teashop so regularly, I just wanted to see you. Stupid, of course. I should’ve known.”
Zuko was sure she could hear his anxious heart beating from the other side of the bed. They were less than a foot away, and yet it felt like miles. He didn’t want her to think about him like that, he didn’t want her to be disappointed in him. Damn, she used to have a crush on him, she liked him, and he screwed everything up like usual. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m—I’m here now, I’m on your side.”
“Yeah, but I thought you were on my side back then too. Anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore. You need to teach me firebending and that’s the only reason you’re allowed here. Talking is unnecessary.”
“Please, I—”
“You should leave, Prince Zuko,” he flinched at the title escaping her lips, hating how it sounded bitter coming from her, “I have really important matters to deal with. We’ll start my firebending training tomorrow.” 
“Leave, Zuko.”
With a heaviness inside his stomach, he left the room, missing if by a second the frustrated tear that ran down Y/N’s cheek. She wanted to trust him, but how could she? How could she let him in after his betrayal? She had always been forgiving, but she refused to be naive — seeing Zuko side with Azula in the crystal caves hurt her deeply and shoved her little crush on him down her throat. She couldn’t go through that again, it would be simply idiotic to. Y/N had to stand her ground. She wouldn’t be hurt by him again.
“Hey, jerks. Mind if I watch you two jerks do your jerkbending?”
“Get out of—” Zuko was interrupted by the Avatar’s laughter. Sokka smiled softly at her, cheeks blushing. For some reason, that only managed to piss Zuko off even more, “get out of here!”
“Okay, take it easy. I was just kidding around,” the Water Tribe boy winked at Y/N, “see you later?”
“Sure, we still need to see that part of the temple we found yesterday. Exploration partners!”
“Exploration partners!” he agreed with a chuckle and turned away from them. “Bye, Y/N. Jerkbending… Still got it.”
Zuko glanced at her with irritation while she watched Sokka leave. He felt already incredibly frustrated for not being able to produce his fire and not knowing why, he definitely did not need to watch as Sokka and Y/N flirted. 
They would make a cute couple, though, and she smiled so brightly at him it was physically painful to watch. He wanted her to smile like that at him, look like that at him. But she wouldn’t — she was over her crush and had no reason to ever feel anything towards him again, not after what he had done. He didn’t deserve her love anyway, so maybe it was for the best.
“So? Any progress, Sifu Hotman?”
“I told you not to call me that,” he snarled angrily and she sighed.
“Sorry, Sifu Hotman.”
“This was a mistake,” he sat down roughly, ignoring the ache on his legs due to the sudden movement, “maybe teaching you firebending is not my destiny.”
She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, not understanding, “what do you mean?”
“How can I teach you anything when I’ve lost my fire, Y/N?” he chuckled sadly, letting one of his hands go through his hair in distress. “I wanted to be on the good side of the war and I can’t even make myself useful.”
“You haven’t lost your fire, Zuko,” her voice was careful, “I think you’re just going through some internal conflict and that’s reflecting on your bending, but if you were meant to teach me firebending, you will. Your destiny is still your destiny regardless, Sifu Hotman.”
“It’s easy for you to say, you’re the Avatar! I’m not even sure who I am anymore, but you have always known what your destiny was.”
“Yeah, and I was scared of it,” she smiled softly, “I ran away and disappeared for a hundred years. People died because of my absence. I have made mistakes, and I have failed many, many times. Sadly, that doesn’t make me less of an Avatar. Zuko, if you must be my teacher, it’s gonna work. We’ll figure things out and you will get your fire back. Okay?”
He stared inside her eyes. There was still some sort of mistrust in them — she was willing to help him because she needed him, but still suspicious. She wasn’t really sure he was on their side, but this was a start. He was going to fix everything and he would make her proud. He would make Y/N happy to call him a friend. Or something more.
Maybe he had a crush on her, too.
Toph’s idea to look for the original source of firebending had greatly backfired (no pun intended, even though Y/N could clearly hear Sokka’s laughter in her head at the joke). They traveled to the Sun Warriors’ ancient city and found an impressive temple adorned with statues. Things were going surprisingly well until they weren’t, and now they were stuck in a disgusting glue because Zuko touched the pretty gemstone. Hours had passed and Y/N was increasingly more annoyed at their situation.
“You had to pick up the glowing egg, didn’t you?”
“At least I made something happen! If it were up to you, we’d never have made it past the courtyard.”
“Maybe, but we wouldn’t be stuck here either, so did you really win?”
Zuko rolled his eyes, “this is stupid. How are we getting out of here?”
“Help!” the girl screamed as loudly as she could, being met with only silence.
“Who are you yelling to? Nobody’s lived here for centuries,” the Fire Prince argued and it was Y/N’s turn to roll her eyes.
“Well, what do you think we should do, genius?”
“Think about our place in the universe?”
Despite her current irritation, Y/N couldn’t help but smile at his words. He instinctively smiled back and she felt warmth spread through her chest.
She was starting to think she wasn’t as over her crush on him as she thought.
They were rescued by the Sun Warriors and judged by the last dragons, and Y/N was sure she hadn’t felt this alive in a while. After burning Katara (it was so long ago it seemed like a different life), she had thought of fire as something destructive, harmful, but she could now see it with new eyes. Fire could be love, life, and power. 
The Avatar glanced at Zuko. Maybe she could try and see him as that, too. 
“You did well today,” Zuko complimented warily, avoiding her gaze, “if we keep up the training, you might become a better firebender than me.”
“Why, thank you, Hotman,” she smiled brightly and Zuko was sure he could pass out right there, “I just have a great teacher.”
The Avatar felt Sokka before she saw him, laughing at the way he hugged her from behind joyfully, leaning his chin on her shoulder. “Hey, honey. What’s up?”
“Doing fine,” he mumbled, brushing her hair off his face delicately, “wanna grab something to eat?”
“I think I’m gonna train some more and clean myself later. I’ll meet you after?”
“Sure! I’ll be back inside. See you, Y/N, Zuko.”
They both watched as the Water Tribe boy entered the temple again. There was a weird burning sensation running through Zuko’s blood when he asked, voice slightly raspy and overly quiet, “so, you and Sokka, huh? You make a nice couple.”
She turned her head to him so quickly it almost gave her whiplash, “what? No! I mean—” she blushed at the question, flustered by the fact he would even consider something like that. The Fire Prince waited silently, irritation surfacing at her stammering. He wasn’t sure why that angered him so much, but he decided to be still and listen, “we are just friends,” she concluded, “he means a lot to me, but so do Katara and Toph, you know? We are—we are just friends. He even likes that Kyoshi Warrior, Suki! So, yeah, we are definitely not a couple.”
“I see,” Zuko felt curiously static with that piece of information, “and you don’t have feelings for him?”
“No, of course not. I mean, I had a thing for him when we first met, but now it’s gone. He’s my best friend and I love him, just not like that.”
“Okay. Good.”
“Good?” Y/N turned her head to the side in confusion and he paled considerably, finally noticing the meaning of his own words. “Why is that good?”
“Oh? I—it’s good that you love him! Yeah, having friends is amazing, right? Yeah.”
She smiled amusingly, “it truly is.”
The Avatar chuckled lightly, “come on, Sifu Hotman. Let’s do that leg movement again, I think I’m not doing it right.”
Days passed and a lot of things happened. Zuko knew Y/N wouldn’t be happy with Sokka’s suicide mission, but he couldn’t let him do it alone, so he accompanied him to the Boiling Rock. Again, she wasn’t happy when he followed Katara for revenge for her mother’s death, but then at least someone had Katara’s back and was ready to protect her. He desperately wanted to earn Y/N’s trust and friendship, but that was rather difficult when he insisted on doing the stuff she didn’t want him to do.
They continued their training on Ember Island and the whole Team seemed to thoroughly enjoy the place. Y/N was giving her all to learn firebending and was succeeding splendidly. To be honest, Zuko loved to see her get the moves right — every single time she made it, she would look at him with bright eyes and grin. It was the most beautiful sight Zuko had ever seen and he would do anything to have it permanently engraved in his mind.
They stayed up late during one particular night. They were both exhausted after hours of training and ended up sat beside each other on the ground on the back of the Fire Nation Royal Family’s beach house. The air between them was filled with silence and heavy breathing from their previous effort.
“Hey, Zuko?” after a few moments, Y/N called him gently, voice tired and raspy giving him chills. She laid down and stared at the dark sky. “Look at the stars with me.”
He blinked, “really? I mean, shouldn’t we go inside?”
“Please?” her eyes met his and his heart skipped a beat. “Just for a bit.”
“Okay,” Zuko whispered, lying down next to her. They looked at the sky quietly for a bit.
He liked to be around her. It could be the Avatar thing, but Y/N had a calming aura around her that was just unmissable. Being next to her like this gave him the feeling things would be alright, the feeling he was not worthless. It was a lie, of course. There was no way to know how their plans would go, and he was pretty much worthless.
But being beside her was enough to trick his mind. Maybe the little crush he harbored towards her had become something more — Spirits, he liked her so much. Not that it mattered, considering there was no way she would ever love him back, not after everything he had done.
“When I was younger, I believed we became stars when we died.”
He turned his head to look at her, “really?”
She turned to look back and his breath hitched at their close proximity. She chuckled, “yeah. I didn’t even know I was the Avatar back then, I was so young. They told me when I was sixteen, and I ran away shortly after,” there was bitterness to her words, “like a coward.”
“You are not a coward, Y/N. You had no way of knowing how things would go.”
“You really think so?”
“I do. Besides, if you hadn’t run away, you wouldn’t have been stuck on ice for a hundred years, and I would never have met you, which would be awful,” he widened his eyes, completing quickly, “and Sokka, Katara, and Toph, too. I wouldn’t have met them either. Of course.”
Her smile was so pretty he forgot how to breathe, “you’re right, Zuko. I don’t think I would have liked to live a life where I never met you,” she smirked before going on with teasing eyes, “and Sokka, Katara, and Toph, too. Of course.”
“Of course,” he agreed with a blush on his face. They stared at each other carefully and Zuko was pretty sure his heart was performing a professional routine of somersaults inside his body. He definitely was past just a simple crush.
Y/N smiled that dazzling smile of hers before averting her gaze to the stars again and yawning. “We should go in.”
“We should,” the Fire Prince immediately started to sit up, but she held him down with a hand to his chest, and probably felt his crazy heartbeat under her fingers.
“Just a bit more, Prince Zuko,” she whispered, eyes trained to the sky. Slowly but surely, she moved her hand from his chest to his own hand, creating goosebumps on every inch of skin she lightly touched on the way there. Zuko could feel his body burn at the barely-there feeling of her fingertips. She intertwined her fingers with his carefully, giving him the chance to pull away if he so wished. He let out a shaky breath and squeezed her hand. She immediately squeezed his back in reassurance.
In the middle of the quiet and comfort they suddenly found in each other, they fell asleep under the stars, fingers playing with each other until exhaustion finally engulfed them in dreams of pretty smiles and light touches.
It was nice to dodge the nightmares.
“I’ve heard you and Zuko slept outside today,” Sokka had a teasing tone to his voice. Y/N glared at him, “you are together now or something?”
“We are not,” she countered, scratching Appa while they talked. Zuko, Toph, Katara, and Suki had left for the beach already. Y/N still needed to feed her sky bison and Sokka offered to help with the excuse of being a good friend. The Avatar was absolutely sure that wasn’t the real reason he stayed back alongside her and he was currently proving her right, “we were just stargazing and then fell asleep.”
“Stargazing, huh? Real cute. I bet it was an endearing impromptu date, wasn’t it?”
“Since when do you even know the word impromptu?”
“I am always full of surprises.”
“Right,” she rolled her eyes and he laughed loudly, “it was not a date.”
“But you do like him, right?.”
“What?” she turned her entire body to him, furrowing her brows and crossing her arms in a defensive stance. “Why would you say that?”
“Because I know you better than you know yourself and I can tell you have feelings for him,” Sokka copied her movements, staring at her with a smirk, “I also know he likes you back.”
Y/N scoffed and transferred her attention back to Appa, “he does not.”
“So you admit you like him!”
“Shut up, Sokka!” she glared, but quickly gave up under his intense eyes and raised brows. “Yeah, I like him. It doesn’t matter, though.”
“Yes, it does! He feels the same! Look, what about this,” he leaned in closer, that crazy look he had whenever making up a plan taking over his face, “we are going to watch that play about us tonight, right? Well, you guys can sit next to each other! Like a couple!”
“That’s a terrible idea, honey.”
“It’s not! I bet he’s gonna make a move!”
“He won’t, because he’s not in love with me.”
“Wait, you’re in love with him?”
Y/N’s entire body tensed up. She shouldn’t have said that. She wasn’t in love with Zuko! Was she? I mean, she did love to be beside him, and her heart sped up when he gave her one of his rare smiles, and training with him when he had his shirt off was distracting to say the least. Besides, he really seemed to have changed and grown — she felt like she could trust him again, but she could never be sure, and she was adamant on not getting hurt once more. Especially now, when she was dealing with so many things. If he betrayed her a second time… Spirits, it would be just too much to handle.
“I don’t know,” she muttered and Sokka’s cheeky smile faltered, “I don’t want to be.”
He stretched an arm out to hold her hand fondly, “it’s fine, Y/N. Whatever happens, I’m here for you, okay?”
The Avatar smiled sadly, “thank you, Sokka. I’m really glad to have you in my life.”
“I know, honey. I’m great like that.”
She laughed loudly and he grinned in satisfaction, turning her body around and starting to lead her towards the beach, an arm through her shoulders holding her close to his body.
“Shut up, Sokka. You’re so stupid.”
“Yeah, yeah. I love you too.”
Zuko felt a pang to his chest when Sokka and Y/N arrived at the beach holding each other so dearly, but he knew he had no right to complain. She would be better off with Sokka anyway — he was good-looking, nice, funny, smart. Meanwhile, Zuko was nothing but a sad mixture of mistakes and regrets. The Avatar deserved more than that.
“Hey, Hotman,” she walked to him with a smile, planting a kiss on Sokka’s cheek before leaving his side. “Why are you all alone on the sand?”
“Because he’s boring,” Toph answered from some feet away and Katara chuckled. Zuko could feel his face redden.
“He is not,” Y/N argued amusingly, sitting down beside him and grinning. She glanced at him with a happy spark in her eyes, “are you excited for the play tonight?”
“No,” he muttered, but his lack of vivacity didn’t bother her in the slightest, “the Ember Island plays are always ridiculous.”
“I think it’s going to be fun,” she shrugged contently, basking in the hot sun, “if it isn’t, we can always throw food at the stage or whatever.”
He tried really hard, but couldn’t bit back the smile that took over his frown. He watched her attentively, noticing how she seemed to glow in the daylight, giving off this incredible warmth he had only ever seen on her. He averted away his gaze, feeling his neck and face heat up at how unapologetically beautiful she was.
Zuko cleared his throat quietly, “yeah, I guess.”
She only smirked in response.
The play could be worse, he figured. Yes, their portrayal of him was horrible (even though his friends — could he call them friends? Were they friends? He hoped they were — said otherwise) and the actress playing Y/N was not nearly as pretty as the Avatar really was, but Y/N was next to him and, at some point, she had leaned her head on his shoulder tiredly and stayed there. All the training was getting to her and he felt inexplicable joy in the fact she trusted him enough to rest her body on his.
“Look,” her voice was raspy from sleepiness and a chill ran down his spine, “I think now is when you join Team Avatar and becomes our friend.”
He nodded carefully not to disturb her from her position and his heart skipped a beat when she nuzzled closer to his neck. Zuko watched as actor Zuko was accepted into the group and just after a scene with only him and actress Y/N started. Actor Zuko stared at the actress longingly, “my dear Y/N… I know I have wronged you in many ways, but I wanted to apologize for my mistakes and beg for your forgiveness!”
Y/N giggled at that, nudging him affectionately, “that really happened.”
He smiled, eyes following the performers on stage. Actor Zuko continued, “your forgiveness… And maybe your love, Avatar.”
They both immediately tensed up at the words and Y/N moved her head slightly, brows furrowing in confusion.
“My love, Prince Zuko?”
“Yes, my darling.”
They all watched as Actor Zuko and Actress Y/N kissed passionately, earning cheers from the audience. Sokka whistled loudly and Y/N turned to glare at him, receiving a wink in return.
“I have been in love with you since we first met!” Actor Zuko declared excitedly, holding Actress Y/N’s hands. “You are the only one who can make me forget about my teen angst. I love you, Y/N.”
“Well… I don’t!” Actress Y/N moved away swiftly and the crowd gasped in surprise. “I have accepted you in my group, Prince Zuko… But I’ll never accept you in my heart! You’re a bad person that doesn’t deserve my love!”
“What?!” Sokka almost screamed in disbelief. Y/N finally took her head off Zuko’s shoulder, incertitude swimming in her eyes. Before she had the chance to speak, Zuko had already left. The Water Tribe boy widened his eyes at her. “Go after him!”
Y/N nodded her head, getting out of her seat and walking after Zuko, calling his name. He ignored her, feeling anger boil inside him. He knew she would never directly say something like that, but he also knew it was true. She would never love him — he wasn’t worthy of her love, and he was pretty sure she was aware of that too.
“Zuko, wait!” she finally catched up to him, holding his arm and pulling him back. “It’s just a stupid play, Zuko. None of that is true.”
“Really, Y/N?” he turned to stare at her, rage covering his expression. “Because I’m almost certain it is. They said I don’t deserve love, Y/N, and that’s true. After everything I’ve done…”
“No!” she exclaimed desperately, shaking her head vehemently in disagreement. “Zuko, of course you deserve love. Yes, you have made mistakes, but all of us have. You shouldn’t care about what some actress says.”
“But they’re right, Y/N,” he insisted, feeling tears stinging his eyes, “I’m unworthy of love and everyone knows, and that’s why nobody actually loves me.”
“I love you!” she yelled out before she could stop herself, breath hitching at the troubled look taking over his face. Y/N sighed deeply, crossing her arms shyly and looking away, “I do,” her voice was small as she blushed, “I thought I was over my little crush for you but I wasn’t, and it’s—it’s much more than a little crush. I was afraid of admitting it but I know who you are, Zuko. You are loyal and smart and so inherently good and I love you. Spirits, I really do.”
  He stared at her for a second, processing her words. She fidgeted anxiously and he smiled at all her small manners. With certainty to his movements, Zuko took a step forwards and cradled her face in his hands. He studied every inch of her expression, waiting for some kind of rejection. She offered him a hopeful smile and he was quick to smash his lips with hers, feeling the warmth that always surrounded her consume him entirely. He kissed her passionately, happiness pouring out of him — the words “she loves you” echoing inside his mind like a broken record, filling his heart with joy.
She moved away when there was no more air in her lungs, breathing heavily and grinning like a mad woman. Y/N lifted her arm and touched his scar so fondly it physically hurt. Never before had he been touched with such care and it made tears flood his eyes, something she instantly noticed, giggling at his cuteness and drying one running tear with her thumb. She felt like her chest was full. He kissed her thumb lovingly when it rested near his mouth. 
She loved him. She thought he was worthy of love, of her love, even after everything he had done. No matter how many mistakes he had made, she still loved him, and that thought was enough to make Zuko feel some sort of hope towards the future.
Spirits, she really loved him.
“I love you too, Y/N. Very, very much.”
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is it good? not really. could it be worse? yeah lmao
taglist: @bottledcostcowater @lammello @coldlilheart @azucanela @samsmultifandomblogs and @knaite-solo that asked to be tagged on this particular piece
thank you all for reading!! I hope you liked it!!
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beifongsss · 4 years
playing with fire pt. 2 [sokka]
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Pairing: Sokka x reader
Summary: You’re a Fire Nation citizen who saves Sokka and Katara from some angry villagers. Aang “convinces” you to come along with them, finding your knowledge of the nation useful. Not everything is smooth sailing though as both Water Tribe siblings have their doubts about you.
this will be a series :D this marks the beginning of book 2.
prologue. one.
The four of you spent the next few days in the Northern Water Tribe to help the community rebuild and to pay your respects to Princess Yue.
Arnook had held a festival to celebrate Yue’s life, claiming that she would hate to see her tribe in such a sullen mood. Deep down you knew he was right, but that didn’t change the fact that your heart ached whenever you heard her name. A lot of your time was spent walking around alone, helping out whenever you could. You still felt immense guilt over what had occurred even if Arnook had publicly declared you to be an ally of the Northern Water Tribe.
You grunted softly as you helped an old woman clean up her shop, the fallen sign being just a bit too heavy for you due to your injuries.
“Woah! Hey, let me help you.”
The weight lessened as the sign was taken from you. You glanced up to see Sokka, holding the sign with ease.
“You shouldn’t be lifting heavy things. Not when you’re injured,” Sokka stated before turning to the old woman. She smiled at him, directing him where to put the sign and he nodded before doing ass told.
She came up to you next, patting your shoulder softly as a smile spread across her face. “You have a good boy. Don’t let him go.”
You blushed at her words, shaking your head immediately. “He’s not- We’re not...together.”
The woman’s eyes widened but before she could say anything, Sokka returned. She thanked the two of you before turning around and heading back into her shop, leaving you alone. You started to walk away, Sokka rushing to catch up to you before falling into step with you. A silence enveloped the two of you, but it wasn’t awkward. Ever since Yue...
Ever since you had lost the princess, the two of you had begun to spend more time together, much to Katara’s annoyance. It had been an accident, to be honest. Both you and Sokka had trouble sleeping after losing Yue, feeling as if you had failed both her and the Northern Water Tribe. He had joined you on one of the bridges in the city one sleepless night, the two of you enjoying each other’s company as you stared up at the moon.
The two of you eventually began to talk. There was something about standing on the empty bridge in the middle of the night that made baring all your feelings easier. It was during these midnight chats that Sokka revealed why he was so full of guilt.
He told you all about how he felt inadequate in the Southern Water Tribe; the only son of the chief who couldn’t even protect his home when Zuko arrived looking for the Avatar. He told you about how he tried to be the best warrior possible, desperate to protect his home and Katara, his sister and his tribe’s last waterbender. After a few more nights, he revealed that the reason he was so torn up about Yue wasn’t because of the brief fling he had had with her. No, it was because his failure to save the princess had brought back all those feelings of inadequateness. Sure, his heart ached slightly due to the feelings he had held for her but he was old enough to know that what he felt was mere infatuation. He had admitted that her words kept replaying in his head, wondering what was the “change” she had mentioned and telling you that he wasn’t too worried. He was already traveling with the Avatar and being hunted by the Fire Nation. At this point there was no “change” that could scare him. You pretended not to notice that he didn’t talk about the whole “being afraid to love” part of Yue’s goodbye.
In return, you opened up to him about your feelings as well. The main topic was always your guilt; the guilt you felt at being part of the nation that had ruined so many lives, guilt at running from home, guilt from knowing that no matter what you did, you would never be able to make up for the mistakes of your past. You told why meeting Yue was so important to you, telling him about how it was the first time someone from another nation had treated you normally and trusted you. And you had let her down. You hadn’t been able to stop Zhao from killing Tui. You told him a little bit more about you running away from home, telling him that you feared ever going back because you knew that you would be punished severely. You had run away from your responsibilities and that was not something to be taken lightly in your family.
The two of you made your way back to your campground silently, earning yourself a smile from Aang and a glare from Katara when you arrived. You packed up your things, knowing that it was time to leave, and prepped Appa after bowing to Master Pakku as he said his goodbyes. Within a few minutes, you were off to Omashu to find King Bumi so that he could teach Aang earthbending.
The only pit stop you made was at an Earth Kingdom outpost, where General Fong tried to convince Aang to fight the Fire Lord in the Avatar state. The issue had caused a lot of disagreement within your group, with Sokka and Aang agreeing with the General and you and Katara wanting Aang to wait until he had mastered all four elements.
“I told the general I’d help him,” Aang said, entering the room where you were all staying. “By going into the Avatar State.”
“Aang, no!” Katara exclaimed, standing up. “This is not the right way!”
“Why not?” Sokka asked, placing his arms behind his head while he laid on the bed. “Remember when he took out the Fire Navy? He was incredible!”
“There's a right way to do this,” Katara said sharply, glaring at her brother. “Practice, study, and discipline!”
“Or just glow it up and stop that Fire Lord!”
“(Y/N), what do you think?” Aang asked, turning to face you with a lost expression. You stared at him wide-eyed, not knowing what to say. Aang noticed and walked up to you. “You’re a part of our group now, and I want to hear your opinion.”
The Water Tribe siblings stopped their bickering as they turned to face you as well. Sokka had a smug smile on his face, coming up and wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you kept your gaze on Aang. Katara stood with her arms crossed, glaring at you as she waited to hear your response.
“Um, well,” you stuttered for a bit before taking a deep breath. “Aang, I agree with Katara.”
Immediately, Sokka’s arm dropped from around you and he stared at you with betrayal. Katara’s jaw dropped before she gave you a tiny smile, glad that someone was taking her side. Aang simply looked at you curiously before motioning for you to continue.
“Aang, there’s a reason the Avatar has to master all four elements,“ you said, avoiding Sokka’s gaze. “You can’t rely on the Avatar State because what if something goes wrong? I want the Fire Lord defeated as much as you do but the correct way to do it is by mastering the rest of the elements. Besides, you yourself said that you don’t know how to control the Avatar State. Don’t do something just because some bossy old general wants you to.”
“People are getting hurt or dying because of this war,” Aang said. “And it’s all my fault. You don’t understand.”
It was silent for a moment before you placed a hand on his shoulder, leaning down to catch his gaze. “Aang, people have been dying long before you were alive and they will continue to die long after you’re gone. This war is not your fault. You have a choice about how to confront the Fire Lord and whether or not you choose to use the Avatar State, just know that I will be there to support you, okay?”
Aang stayed silent for a few seconds before nodding and leaving the room. Katara followed after him, pausing for a few seconds to turn around and look at you. “Thanks.”
You stared after her in shock. Sure, she had said one word but in your eyes that was much better than all the glares you had been receiving from her.
“What was that?” Sokka asked once you were alone, still gaping at you.
“What was what?” you asked, walking to your bed.
“I thought you were going to have my back, not my sister’s,” Sokka proclaimed, following you.
“Sokka,” you sighed, turning to face the boy. “We both know that the Avatar State is a large gamble. What if he can’t access it when he confronts Ozai? He’s the Avatar for a reason. He’ll learn how to master all four elements and he will succeed.”
“You’re just trying to delay us,” Sokka said. “You don’t want to see the Fire Nation fall.”
Your eyes widened before they narrowed dangerously, your glare making the Water Tribe boy shift in discomfort. You stepped forwards, poking a finger into his chest harshly. “I don’t need any of this from you. I thought we were friends Sokka. I’m sorry for thinking about Aang’s well-being. Did you know that he has nightmares about being in the Avatar State?”
This time it was Sokka’s eyes that widened at your words. He knew that Aang hadn’t been sleeping well but he had no idea what his nightmares were about. He winced slightly as he remembered his earlier words, stuttering as he tried to apologize.
“Next time,” you began, effectively shutting the boy up. “Worry less about where my loyalties lie and worry more about your friend.”
You stormed out before he could say another word, leaving him to sigh deeply and throw himself on to his bed as he thought about how to apologize.
Katara had yelled at him when he told her what he had said, not that she’d ever admit to defending someone from the Fire Nation.
A few days had passed since you had left the outpost. Much to yours and Katara’s relief, Aang had declined the general’s suggestion after his tactics to activate the Avatar State had gotten a little too aggressive.
You hadn’t spoken to Sokka since the day of your argument, even though he had tried to corner you multiple times. You weren’t angry with him anymore, just upset over what he had said. Aang and Katara had noticed the distance between the two of you, especially when you began speaking to Momo. The two of you always spent your free time together. As nonbenders, you often had nothing to do while Aang and Katara trained which resulted in a lot of quality time with each other.
Currently, all of you were relaxing in a lake surrounded by tall cliffs. Aang and Katara were practicing their waterbending while Sokka floated on a large leaf, Momo curled up on his stomach. Appa was in the water as well, floating on his back as you sunbathed on his stomach.
You tuned out Sokka’s nagging as you enjoyed the warmth, occasionally getting splashed when Aang and Katara sparred.
“Da, da, da. Don't fall in love with the traveling girl. She'll leave you broke and brokenhearted. Hey, river people!”
You sat up when you heard a new voice, panicking slightly when Appa began to roll over onto his feet.
“Appa, wait!” you cried, trying to scramble off the sky bison. “Don’t t-”
Your words were cut off as Appa disregarded your words, rolling over completely and dropping you into the water. You fell onto Sokka’s legs, causing him to tumble into the water as well. Momo screeched in panic as he managed to get away. 
Sokka yanked you out of the water, making sure you were okay before guiding you over to Katara and Aang. He looked at the newcomers suspiciously. “Who are you?”
“I'm Chong and this is my wife, Lily,” the man with the lute-like instrument said. “We're nomads, happy to go wherever the wind takes us!”
You slinked away, eager to change into dry clothing while everyone else was distracted. When you got back to the group, Aang patted the space next to him and smiled widely. You sunk into Appa’s soft fur, smiling as Aang excitedly put on the flower crown they had made for him. Lily sat next to you soon after, asking if she could place flowers in your hair. You nodded softly, allowing the woman to decorate your hair as she wished. When she was done, she did the same thing to Katara, weaving flowers into her dark strands as she braided it.
“Hey, Sokka, you should hear some of these stories. These guys have been everywhere!” Aang said happily as Sokka approached.
“Well not everywhere, Little Arrowhead,” Chong said as he stopped playing his lute. “But where we haven't been, we've heard about through stories and songs.”
“They said they'll take us to see a giant night crawler!” Aang exclaimed.
“On the way, there's a waterfall that creates a never-ending rainbow!” another nomad, Moku, said dreamily.
“Look, I hate to be the wet blanket here, but since Katara is busy,” Sokka said shortly, shooting a glare at his sister as she shot one back. “I guess it's up to me. We need to get to Omashu. No sidetracks, no worms and definitely no rainbows.”
“Wow, sounds like someone has a case of destination fever. You're worried too much about where you're going,” Chong said easily.
“You got to focus less on the ‘where’ and more on the ‘going’,” Lily added, accidentally tugging Katara’s hair as she gestured with her hands.
“Yeah, Sokka!” Aang said, leaning back on Appa. “Relax for a bit. Look at this flower crown they made me! And look at (Y/N)’s hair! Doesn’t she look pretty?”
You smiled at the Air Nomad softly, being met with a large grin. Sokka, on the other hand, sputtered for a moment as he tried to hide his blush and avoid looking at you.
“O. Ma. Shu!” Sokka finally enunciated, cheeks still blazing and keeping his stern gaze on Aang.
“Sokka’s right,” you finally said, patting Aang’s head and missing the grateful look Sokka shot at you. “We need to find King Bumi, so Aang can learn earthbending somewhere safe.”
“Sounds like you’re heading to Omashu,” Chong stated, causing Sokka to facepalm in frustration. You held back a giggle at the situation. “There's an old story about a secret pass right through the mountains.’
“Is this real or a legend?” Katara asked skeptically.
“Oh, it's a real legend. And it's as old as earthbending itself.” Chong stated before strumming his lute. “Two lovers, forbidden from one another, the war divides their people and the mountain divides them apart! Built a path to be together! Yeah, I forget the next couple of lines, but then it goes ... Secret tunnel! Secret tunnel! Through the mountains, secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel! Yeah!”
You all looked at each other uncertainly before Sokka crossed his arms and turned to Chong. “I think we'll just stick with flying. We've dealt with the Fire Nation before. We'll be fine.”
“Yeah, thanks for the help, but Appa hates going underground,” Aang added, flashing a smile. “And we need to do whatever makes Appa most comfortable.”
The four of you bid the nomads goodbye and took off... only to return when you ran into an army of Fire Nation soldiers.
“Secret lovers cave,” Sokka muttered as you rejoined the nomads, annoyance clear on his face. “Let’s go.”
Aang was way too confident for someone who was trapped in an underground labyrinth. After you had reached the tunnels, the Fire Nation had caught up to your group and blown up the entrance, effectively shutting you all in. On the bright side, Chong had remembered the rest of the song.
After taking inventory of all your supplies, Sokka had suggested making a map to keep track of your steps. You had immediately agreed, stating that it was a smart choice. Everyone else had agreed as well, not having any better ideas. After the tenth dead end, however, you began to regret letting Sokka take the lead.
“Sokka, this is the tenth dead end you've led us to!” Katara cried exasperatedly. You nodded along with her statement, feeling a bit frustrated.
“This doesn't make sense. We already came through this way,” Sokka said, looking at the map in confusion. You peered over his shoulder to get a better look and he angled the parchment towards you. He looked at you before swallowing and looking away hurriedly. You were closer than he had thought you were.
“He’s right,” you chimed. “According to this, we’ve been through here already.”
“You don’t need a map,” Chong said as he breezed past. “We just need love. The little guy knows it.”
“Yeah, but I wouldn't mind a map also,” Aang said meekly.
“There's something strange here. There's only one explanation,” Sokka said, turning to face the group. “The tunnels are changing!”
You opened your mouth to tell him off, not getting the chance to do so as the tunnel began to shake.
“The tunnels, they're a-changin',” Chong said frantically as you all began to get closer together. “It must be the curse! I knew we shouldn't have come down here!”
“Right, if only we listened to you,” Sokka said sarcastically. You swatted his arm.
“Everyone be quiet,” Katara yelled suddenly. “Listen.”
Momo settled onto your shoulder, chittering softly as he gripped your hair. You stood next to Sokka, the two of you staring into the dark tunnel. You tensed when you heard a growl coming from the darkness, Momo flying away and landing on Appa who was farther away. Sokka grabbed your wrist and pulled you behind him, raising the torch to get a better look. Everyone panicked when something flew out from the tunnel. You stayed still, Sokka’s hand still on your wrist as everyone else began to run around.
“It’s a giant flying thing with teeth!” Chong yelled, rushing past you.
“No!” Moku replied, ducking onto the ground. “It’s a wolfbat!”
The wolfbat flew around, occasionally diving down towards the group. When it dove towards you, Sokka panicked and swung the torch at the creature. The sudden movement caused cinders from the torch to land on Appa, who began to panic and run around.
“Watch out!” you cried, tackling Katara as a chunk of earth fell where she was standing.
“Hey! What-” her words died down as she saw the chunk of earth, her face losing color as she realized what had happened. “Oh, thanks.”
You nodded in return before running off, pushing Lily out of harm’s way as well. Appa was still running around and he managed to hit the ceiling hard enough to make the tunnel collapse completely.
“(Y/N)! Watch out!” Aang cried. You looked up to see the ceiling begin to fall, panic taking over and rooting you to the spot. Aang watched in horror, unable to airbend you out of the way as the tunnel began to collapse around him as well.
A strangled gasp left your throat as someone threw you to the side before landing on top of you. The tunnel completely collapsed afterwards, leaving the two of you separated from the rest of the group.
“Are you okay?” Sokka asked roughly, scrambling to his feet before helping you up. You nodded wordlessly, rubbing at your shoulder before looking around. Sokka walked over to the torch he had dropped when saving you, picking it up before turning and walking to the pile of rocks. You watched silently as he tried to dig his way out of there, knowing that there was no way the two of you were going to rejoin the group without an earthbender. Or a badgermole you thought to yourself.
“Sokka, stop,” you whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder. He tensed up under your touch, causing you to immediately retract your hand. You turned around, facing the dark tunnel behind you. Seeing no other option, you began to walk forwards, hoping that the tunnel would lead you somewhere.
“What are you doing?” Sokka asked, grabbing your hand and pulling you back. “We have to get back to the others.”
You pulled your hand away from him, shooting him a lazy glare. “Look, unless Aang magically happens to master earthbending in the next five minutes, we’re trapped. Our best choice right now is to continue walking.”
Sokka grumbled under his breath before walking away, lighting the path with the torch. The two of you walked in tense silence for a few minutes, both of you too awkward to start a conversation.
The two of you spoke at the same time, flushing slightly when you met each other’s eyes before chuckling softly.
“(Y/N) I wanted to apologize for what I said at the outpost,” Sokka said, coming to a stop in front of you. “I know you’re angry but I wanted you to know that you were right. I wasn’t concerned about Aang’s well-being even though I should’ve been. It was wrong of me to not listen to you or Katara because you had a point; Aang still has time to master the remaining three elements and he’ll be able to do it. I just- it just sucks that we’re caught in a war, y’know? I want it to end before I lose anyone else I love. I’m sorry.”
“Sokka, I wasn’t angry at you,” you whispered, not meeting his eyes.
“You weren’t?”
“Ok... I was,” you admitted, glancing at him. “But I got over it pretty quickly. I was just really upset because you questioned my loyalty. I know that the Fire Nation can be evil. They’ve done so many things to the other nations but they’ve also ruined things within their own nation. I’m from the capital city, Sokka. There’s a reason I ran and it’s because things just kept getting worse. Yes, I’m Fire Nation, but that doesn’t mean that I’m the enemy. I accept your apology, you dork. Now, we should probably keep walking before that torch burns out.”
Sokka gave you a sheepish smile before turning around and moving forwards. You stayed close to him hoping that nothing else would crawl out of the tunnels.
“(Y/N), can I ask you something?” Sokka asked, breaking the silence once again. You nodded silently, motioning for him to continue.
“This has been bugging me since the North Pole, but I didn’t want to bring it up so soon after-” Sokka paused for a second, not wanting to mention Yue. “Um, why did Zuko’s uncle recognize you? And why did he tell Zhao he had to listen to you? And most importantly, how do you know Zuko?”
You flinched slightly. You knew he was going to bring that up, it had only been a matter of time. Sighing, you looked at him. “The truth?”
“The truth,” Sokka replied, nodding his head firmly.
“The truth is that I was trained to be a Fire Nation soldier from the day I was old enough to hold a sword,” you said quietly. “My father is a well-known admiral, Ozai’s right-hand man. When I showed an interest in combat, Ozai decided to do us a favor and let me train with the best of the best. I was good with a bow and arrow but I really stood out with sword fighting. When I was old enough, I joined the army.”
“That still doesn’t explain the whole Zhao situation,” Sokka stated softly.
“When I was fifteen, I stumbled upon some battle plans of my dad,” you continued. “They contained a lot of flaws, even if he couldn’t see them. I fixed them for him and when Ozai found out, he had me join a group of high-ranking officers to plan invasions. Zhao was one of them. I don’t know why I was so good at planning invasions, but whenever Zhao and I disagreed, he would go to Ozai. The Fire Lord would always agree with me, which pissed Zhao off to no end.”
Sokka chuckled at your words. “So that’s why? Zhao had to listen to you because you were ‘Fire Lord approved’?”
“I guess so, yeah,” you replied, chuckling along with him.
“What about Zuko?” Sokka asked. “How do you know him?”
“I already told you, Sokka,” you replied. “I trained with the best of the best. That meant training in the palace. Zuko was my sparring partner growing up.”
Sokka’s jaw dropped. “You had to spend time with the angry prince?!”
“He wasn’t so bad growing up,” you said, laughing lightly. “We were pretty good friends up until I left.”
“Why’d you leave?” Sokka asked suddenly. You continued to walk in silence for a few seconds, causing Sokka to think he had made a mistake by asking. The two of you reached a cavern, the path you were on separating into two tunnels. You looked at each other uncertainly before glancing at both tunnels. You squinted at the tunnel on the right, seeing a faint glow coming from it.
“Let’s go this way,” you said, nudging Sokka. He looked at you and then at both tunnels before sighing and nodding. He was just about to apologize for his question when you spoke up.
“I left because of my father,” you admitted quietly. Sokka stayed silent, keeping his eyes forward as he allowed you to speak. “He once took me with him when he was leading an invasion. He said that I had to experience battle if I was ever going to take his place. It- It was awful, Sokka.”
Sokka glanced at you, seeing the downcast expression on your face. You glanced at him for a second before continuing. “It was a small Earth Kingdom town. The soldiers were barely older than I was. They had surrendered, the Fire Nation had won. But they said that their surrender was dishonorable and they slaughtered them anyway. I couldn’t stay there, not when I knew that was what my nation was doing. So I ran. I settled into the town you found me in and stayed there for a few months. And now I’m here. Stuck in a cave with you.”
Sokka smiled slightly. “It could be worse, you could be stuck with Chong and his group.”
You laughed at his words and bumped him with your shoulder. “I guess you’re right. You’re not the worst person to be stuck in a cave with.”
Sokka’s cheeks burned at your words and he distracted himself by looking at the torch, which was running dangerously low. You followed his line of sight, biting the inside of your cheek as the torch began to dwindle down to nothing. A few minutes later, it went out, a curl of smoke rising up into the air.
“Now would be a really good time for you to say you’re a firebender,” Sokka jested, stopping to let his eyes adjust to the darkness. You chuckled weakly, bumping into him by accident.
“Spirits! I’m so sorry,” you whispered, grabbing onto Sokka’s arm. You swallowed harshly before sliding your hand down his arm, reaching his hand and intertwining your fingers with his.
“I-It’s okay,” Sokka said. He was glad it was dark in the tunnel, that way you wouldn’t see his blush. You did, however, feel him stiffen up.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, slipping your hand out of his. “It’s silly but I’m a little scared of the dark and the torch went out so suddenly and-”
“It’s alright,” Sokka whispered, tugging your hand back to his. “I’m right here okay? I’m not going anywhere.”
You nodded before realizing he couldn’t see you. The two of you kept walking hand in hand, trying to feel your way through the tunnel. You could feel your fear intensifying, gripping Sokka’s hand more tightly as you moved forward.
“Did I ever tell you how we met Aang?” Sokka asked suddenly. He squeezed your hand softly, waiting for you to answer.
“N-No,” you replied.
“Well it happened because I made Katara angry,” Sokka said, laughing breathlessly. He could feel you loosening up and smiled softly, glad that he was managing to distract you. “We were out fishing and we got caught in the current. Our canoe got destroyed and we were stranded on a small iceberg. I made some dumb comment about her causing us to get stranded and Katara got angry, telling me that I was rude and sexist. Her waterbending got out of control and she shattered this huge iceberg that was floating behind her. Inside of it was Aang and Appa.”
You smiled at his voice. He was pretty good at storytelling. He continued to keep you distracted as you walked through the tunnel, telling you stories about his childhood in the South Pole and talking about his mother and father before telling you about all the adventures the Gaang had had before you joined. He was in the middle of telling you about their adventures at the Northern Air Temple when you reached another cavern. The words died in Sokka’s throat as you looked around, the ceiling of the cavern covered in various glowing crystals.
“Wow,” you breathed, looking around in amazement.
“What are these?” Sokka asked.
“These are our way out,” you said in realization. Sokka looked at you confused. “This is how the two lovers found their way through the tunnels! By letting the crystals guide them!”
Sokka’s eyes widened in realization before smiling and wrapping you up in a hug. “We’re finally going to get out of here!”
You laughed as he twirled you around before putting you down.
“The two lovers put their trust in their love and by doing so they were able to find their way through the tunnels by using the crystals as guides,” you said. You looked up at Sokka giving him a teasing look. “I guess Chong was right. Love does lead the way.”
Sokka looked at you as you laughed at your words, thinking about all the time he had spent with you over the past few weeks. Your words rang in his head as he thought about just how well he had gotten to know you. He knew about your past, about your qualms with the way the Fire Nation operated. He knew about your little quirks, especially after all the time spent together while Aang and Katara trained. He thought about how you sat and listened to him, genuinely caring about what he had to say and always knowing what to say in response.
All of a sudden, the fact that the two of you had gotten trapped in the Cave of Two Lovers together was no coincidence.
“Sokka?” you asked quietly, noticing that the boy had suddenly gone quiet. “Sokka, are you okay?”
Sokka nodded, his eyes searching your face for a few seconds before he leaned down. Your eyes fluttered shut as his face neared yours, his arms still wrapped around you from the hug you had shared earlier. You felt yourself melt into his touch, your heart speeding up when you felt his lips brush over yours. You were just about to lean up and fully press your lips to his when the cavern began to rumble.The two of you quickly separated, eyes widening when the cavern walls fell to reveal a large animal.
“Quick! Get behind me!” Sokka yelled, trying to shield you from the flying rock. You peered over his shoulder, eyes widening when you saw the badgermole.You ducked under Sokka’s arm, walking up to the giant creature. Sokka’s eyes widened at your actions. “(Y/N)! What are you doing?”
“This is a badgermole, Sokka,” you explained, walking up to the animal. You paused for a moment, not knowing what to do. You hesitantly extended a hand, giggling when the badgermoles pressed its snout into it. “It’s our ticket out of here.”
Sokka gaped at you as you climbed onto the badgermole, only turning to wave him over. He quickly got on behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist to steady himself. You ignored the heavy blush on your cheeks as you stroked the badgermole’s back.
“Hey, Mister Badgermole?” you asked, ignoring Sokka’s bewildered gaze. “We’re kind of stuck in here. Do you think you could help us get back to our friends?”
“Really?” Sokka asked, giving you an amused look. You shrugged, a bashful look on your face. All of a sudden, the badgermole began to move and you held on tightly. Within a few minutes, you were surrounded by bright light.
“(Y/N)! Sokka! You guys got out.”
You looked down, seeing Aang, Katara, and the nomads. You gave them a cheesy grin, sliding off of the badgermole. “Sure did! Sokka and I got out by letting love lead the way.”
“Really?” Aang asked excitedly.
You and Sokka glanced at each other briefly, both of you looking away with rosy cheeks before you replied. “The badgermole was a huge help too.”
Katara looked at the two of you suspiciously as you approached them. You went over to pet Appa and Momo as Aang went to say goodbye to the nomads. When she was sure you weren’t paying attention, she turned to her brother. “So, what actually happened in there?”
Sokka’s eyes widened and he floundered for a few seconds before opening his mouth to reply, only to be interrupted by Chong.
“Nobody react to what I'm about to tell you,” the nomad said before pointing at Aang. “I think that kid might be the Avatar!”
You looked over at Sokka just in time to see him facepalm, causing you to giggle quietly. Sokka shot you a halfhearted glare before smiling softly at your laugh. 
All he could think about was what had happened in the cavern.
atla: @musicalkeys, @mywigglybaby​, @bubblebars​, @iguessthefloorislava​, @dekahg​, @boxofteenageideas​, @bottledcostcowater​, @butterflycore​, @coldlilheart​, @the-firebender-girl​, @ajediherowitchrunner​, @lammello​, @astroninaaa​, @samsmultifandomblogs​, @sadskater25, @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak​, @eternallyvenus​
pwf: @ilovespideyyy​, @binaryssunsets​, @a----rag​, @existing-but-nonexistent​, @milk-n-cheese​, @itsthatsadbitch​, @nin-tendou​, @honey-ruel​, @reclusive-chicken-nugget​, @teenbiology​, @davnwillcome​
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ohmyfreddy · 3 years
Heart’s A Thousand Colors - A Zukka Fic
✨Now COMPLETE, and illustrated by the outstandingly talented @antagonizedjordan !✨
Summary: Sokka regularly has great ideas, and he knows that intentionally falling behind on Fire Prince Zuko’s ship to “throw him off Aang’s trail” is not one of them.
He goes with it anyway, and finds himself to not be the trickster he thought he was. Instead, he’s immersed deeper into the daily routines aboard the vessel. While the pursuit of Aang and Katara continues, Sokka struggles to maintain his grip on his metaphorical shield and sword against the Fire Nation soldiers around him, as each day finds him more included.
Worst, is the Fire Prince himself, who easily bested him in his village, and who makes it clear immediately that he will hunt down the Avatar whether Sokka is aboard or not.
But the longer Zuko hosts him, the more Sokka stumbles, and stumbles against him, and the more he finds his closest convictions challenged.
Rated: Explicit/Consensual Underage Sexual Content
Snippet below the cut!
Zuko turns his attention haltingly back to Sokka. “I am regretful that our first meeting was unpleasant.” Iroh passes the first cup of tea to Zuko, who passes it to Sokka, who takes it, careful to not touch the Prince’s fingers. Zuko keeps the next cup for himself, and continues, “I hope that we can start anew from this point, and work together to our mutual benefit.”
Iroh sips at his tea, hums calmly, and then gestures at his nephew to do the same. The Prince takes a swig, and puts down his cup disinterestedly.
Sokka takes a sip, and he’s happy with it. It’s as good, definitely, as every other foodstuff he’s been served on board.
“I doubt it,” Sokka answers softly.
The Prince sneers down at his cup, then shoots an accusatory glance toward his uncle, as if Sokka’s bad attitude is the General’s fault. Iroh sips serenely.
The Prince inhales a steadying breath, and powers on. “I chose to hold you here,” he pauses, and settles on, “sir-, because I am on a mission to deliver the Avatar safely to my father, Fire Lord Ozai, and I believe that your friendship with him could assist me in achieving that goal.”
Sweat is prickling at Sokka’s neck. All those hours mindlessly painting in his cell, rehearsing how an inevitable interrogation might go, and he still feels hopelessly unprepared to navigate his ordeal effectively.
He takes another sip of tea to disguise clearing his throat. “How would you like me to do that?”
The Prince looks a bit taken aback by Sokka’s bluntness, but answers, “I want you to tell me his current destination.”
Sokka keeps his teacup on the table, and the fingers of his right hand clutched around it so they don’t tremble. “No.”
The Prince narrows those golden eyes. “Did you tell the soldiers who boarded while we were docked in the shipyard that you are friends with the Avatar?”
“I didn’t tell them shit.” Out of the corner of his eye, Sokka sees the General smirk into his cup.
Zuko doesn’t flinch. “Regardless, someone talked. Your friends are about to have a lot more trouble on their hands.”
Now Sokka narrows his eyes, and the General intercedes, “Commander Zhao, a wholly distasteful Fire Navy officer, has expressed his intention to seek the Avatar, as well, and more will follow. The bounty is considerable.”
Zuko swoops back in. “I don’t wish to bring the Avatar to the Fire Nation for money. I only seek him to restore my honor.”
Sokka frowns more deeply in the pause that follows. “That doesn’t make me feel better about it,” he snips.
The General speaks again, “We only wish to assure you, Sokka, that we intend to bring no harm to your friends should we come upon them. We cannot speak with the same confidence for their safety should someone else find them first.”
“If you tell us where we can find them, I will set course there immediately,” the Prince says rapidly. “I will release you and the girl at the nearest port, and I will guarantee the Avatar’s safe passage to the Fire Nation.”
“Where you’ll then do what with him, exactly?” Sokka spits.
Zuko is dismissive, and it’s obvious that the situation will no longer be important to him after that point. “The Fire Lord will decide his fate.”
“Thank you for the tea, Your Highness, General.” Sokka presses his empty cup toward the center of the table. “I want to return to my cell.”
“Wouldn’t you rather leave?” Zuko goads.
Sokka looks at the Prince for a long moment, letting his failure to answer stretch uncomfortably through the room.
“And go where?” Sokka finally snaps. “There wasn’t a single landmass on the horizon at sunset, and not any ice floes. I have no idea what part of the world we’re in. So, no, I don’t wish to be tossed overboard, or set adrift.” He enjoys the way Zuko is squinting angrily at him. “Not as long as you keep feeding me. Thank you for the tea, Your Highness,” he repeats, and stands up, moving to the door.
Iroh rises after him. He inclines his head to his nephew. ”Goodnight, Prince Zuko.”
“Goodnight, Uncle,” Zuko responds irritably.
Iroh holds open the door for Sokka, and they make for the stairs.
Iroh doesn’t offer any reaction about the tense tea party, just says to Sokka, “The weapons you came aboard with are locked safely in my personal armory.” Sokka feels an unexpected surge of gratitude at the gesture. “But all of your other items have already been transported from the hold to one of the crew quarters, just here.” They’ve exited the tower, and from its starboard side, he indicates a passageway up a new, short flight of stairs.
The General unlocks the first door on the right, then puts a gentle hand to the crook of Sokka’s elbow, guiding him to look at him straight-on.
“Please reflect upon the Prince’s request. I know that you are disapproving of his mission, but since your friends’ safety is truly at stake, I encourage you to consider how he might be useful in protecting them. A short-term plan can still be a valuable one. If Commander Zhao gets to them first, I’m afraid you might be left with no options at all.”
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itsmoonpeaches · 3 years
The Ocean Meets the Sky
Chapter 1: Growth
Please note: Every prompt for this Kataang Week connects into an over-arching story.
Prompt: Height Difference
Summary: In the midst of battle, there was not anything else that Aang thought of. There were clashes, debris flying, fear for his life, and he only thought of that. But when the dust settled, his bruises felt, his muscles aching deeply, he could only think of her.
Or, after his battle with Fire Lord Ozai, something lingers within Aang's spirit. Katara is the one that pulls the seams back together. No matter what, Aang and Katara find each other.
Written for @kataang-week
Read on ao3 or ffn.
Aang boarded the airship with the others as they babbled jokes in the background. Sokka, Toph, and Suki were throwing barbs at the Fire Lord he had just defeated. Ozai, in his utter worthlessness, was a limp puppet with his strings cut. Aang found it, for better or for worse, just a little bit amusing. Probably more amusing than he should have.
The image of a life-sized ragdoll increased when it was Toph who decided that it would be her spirts-forsaken right to drag Ozai onto the ramp and up into the loading dock of the ship.
“What’s that Loser Lord?” mocked Toph as she metalbended Ozai along on a makeshift gurney complete with elongated belts of steel around his torso and limbs. “Were you saying something? I couldn’t hear you over all your whining.”
Ozai groaned something intelligible.
Sokka limped with his broken leg, an arm around Suki’s shoulder. “I think he was trying not to drool,” he added with a grin. “Kind of hard if the Avatar just kicked your butt if you ask me.”
Suki chuckled, urging the rest of them along. “Hurry up, slowpokes. We have a Fire Nation capital to get to,” she said.
They made it on the airship together, collapsing onto the nearest chairs as soon as Ozai was secured. The weariness set in faster than Aang anticipated. He was worn and his clothes were mostly disintegrated into fire. All he had on was a pair of ragged brown pants. He was sure that there were burns all over him, maybe even a few internal injuries he could not feel yet. He was not looking forward to finding out.
After a moment of exhausted wallowing, he and Sokka were directed to a spot in the medical bay. Suki deemed them both the most incapacitated out of the four of them. Minus, of course, Ozai himself.
“Now, I don’t want either of you standing up until we land,” she commanded, hands propped on her hips. Even after a battle well fought, she kept an impeccable stance. Aang could hardly guess she was ever winded. “I’ll get Katara to heal you two, but you don’t want her killing you before she does it properly, got it?”
Sokka sighed. “Yes, ma’am,” he replied as he plopped himself onto a cot.
Aang fought a gasp when he heard Katara’s name, felt it bubble just beyond his reach. He watched Suki leave the room. She shut the metal door behind her and twisted the latch. The echo of the name trailed behind her like a phantom from her lips.
His heart thudded just a little quicker, his chest constricted just a little more. The leftover smoke in the air urged him along, wanting him to choke on the wonder of just the thought.
In the midst of battle, there was not anything else that Aang thought of. There were clashes, debris flying, fear for his life, and he only thought of that. But when the dust settled, his bruises felt, his muscles aching deeply, he could only think of her.
He realized that things suddenly turned from “What if?” to “What now?” Yet, it was so much more than that. They had made it out alive, but there was still the mystery of if she and Zuko did as well.
He could not bear to think that they did not. That she did not.
Aang rested against the cool surface of the wall. He felt the hum of the ship as it came to life, the fluttering butterflies in his stomach as they started to tilt upward and towards the sky. He imagined that if she were there, he would feel something similar.
Sokka cleared his throat and Aang turned his attention toward him. “So,” drawled Sokka, “A lion turtle, huh? You can just take away people’s bending like that? Can you give someone bending?”
Aang laughed, shaking his head. “Yeah, a lion turtle. According to legend, they gave the power of the elements to humans a long time ago. I learned that from Wan Shi Tong’s library. Though, I don’t think I could give people something that wasn’t already there, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Sokka looked surprised for a bit, his eyes wide. “Oh,” he said, placing his hands on his lap. “I didn’t mean that you’d give me bending like…as a thing. I was wondering if you could...you know…mess with people. Prank them a little. Maybe even…switch elements with someone? You know, scare people into thinking Toph is the Avatar because that would be terrifying.”
The look on Sokka’s face was earnest, and if Aang was honest with himself, he knew from the moment Sokka went prattling on about messing with people that he was serious about it.
Aang burst out into laughter.
“Hey, hey!” Sokka pouted, raising his arms in a placating gesture. “I wasn’t kidding!”
Aang was able to calm himself down for a moment. “Yeah, I know,” he said, “It just sounded exactly like something you would say.” He paused for a breath, staring at his friend with a soft smile. “It was nice. Almost like coming home.”
Sokka blinked. He opened his lips a few times, but nothing came out. Instead, he placed a hand on Aang’s back, and smiled at him.
It was silent for a while before Sokka asked, “So, how was it when you took away Ozai’s bending?” He gave Aang a pointed look. “It looked pretty crazy from where we were with all the light beams.”
Aang remembered what the lion turtle told him: “To bend another's energy, your own spirit must be unbendable, or you will be corrupted and destroyed.” Instead of sharing this with Sokka, he said, “Yeah, it was pretty crazy.”
The truth was what he recalled in that moment was pure unadulterated terror. Orange clashing against blue, night and day, bright and dark. He could not see what the difference was in all the chaos. All he knew was that he wanted to end the war his way, the way he believed it should be. Because what was peace if not for a peaceful beginning and a peaceful culmination?
It was what his people, his culture, taught him. The memory of Gyatso one rainy spring evening when he was small appeared and reminded him, “All life is sacred…even the life of the tiniest spider fly. You think that its life is any less important than yours? You and I, just like this spider fly caught in its own web, are part of a greater whole…of a greater balance.”
The thought had given him purpose, joy even. But Aang was still a person who had lost everything, and when he was about to tell Sokka about his experience, he could not help but remember one last thing.
A voice had reverberated through him as he felt the battle of wills reach its climax, as he had fought through Ozai’s wishes and dreams of burning the Earth Kingdom to the ground, seeing it in visions and grotesque images of blackened, skeletal people.
And he had thought, just for a second, that that was how Gyatso died. Distorted and unrecognizable and scorched.
A great and terrible voice had spoken into his ear at that point, right before he proved that his spirit was unbendable. To hate me is to give me breath. To fight me is to give me strength, it had said. Deep, ominous. Familiar. There is darkness you have failed to recognize.
Then, just like that, it had vanished.
To Sokka, Aang said, “I’ll tell you more about it when we land. I’m pretty tired.”
Very soon he was dozing off, only to be awakened by the screeching of metal on metal. His eyes snapped open, and he found that the airship had stopped moving. Suki had come for them, telling them to disembark.
“The Fire Nation capital,” she remarked. “I never thought I’d ever make it to this place in one piece.” She nodded at the two of them. “Let’s see if we can get you guys healed up.”
At the suggestion, Aang suddenly remembered his worry. Without thinking, he bolted through the door, sprinting through the maze of the vessel on pure adrenaline alone. He was not sure how he remembered where to go, but he was sure that the prospect of seeing Katara on the other side of it all had something to do with it.
He almost stumbled out the exit, tripping over himself on the ramp that slanted down onto the palace courtyard. He glanced up, and it was silent for the longest time as he spotted Katara’s figure hovering over a propped-up form that leaned against a pillar on the steps.
Aang slowed, and then stopped. She looked up, and as soon as their eyes met, it was as if the whole world was about to collapse in on itself and Aang would never notice.
Zuko, looking worse for wear and with a torn tunic, nudged at Katara’s side and that seemed to urge her forward.
That was the catalyst for everything that came after.
Aang ran and so did Katara. They met in the center between the steps and the airship, colliding into each other’s arms, holding each other so tightly that Aang could feel how hard his heart thud in his chest. He could feel every part of him sigh in both relief and exhilaration.
His chin hooked onto her shoulder, pressing into the soft blue fabric there. She shuddered out  his name, and he was sure that he could feel her tears pool onto his neck as she too pressed her face next to his.
“You made it,” Katara whispered, “You made it.”
Aang sagged into her embrace. “You did too,” he added. “We both did.”
They pulled apart and he could see how pink her cheeks were, how red her glittering eyes were along the edges of them. Her arms remained draped around his shoulders, and his hands rested just above her waist.
Katara smiled. “You’re taller,” she observed, laughing a little. Almost as if in awe. “You’re almost as tall as me. I guess I never noticed until now.” She pulled him close once more, this time without the desperation they both displayed only minutes before. “I’m glad that there’s time for me to see you grow more.”
Aang did not notice as their other friends started to encircle them with their own hugs until they sank to the ground together. Katara did not let him go.
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whoracefitz · 3 years
Alrighty, I haven’t posted my writing in a while. But, here we go. (It’ll be a while before I post this to ao3 so..)
alternative title: look after you /// sokka baby daddy modern au! (If you’ve seen the show then perfect! If not then it’s alright!)
word count: 1500
“Are you sure we got all the decorations?” Aang asks, almost fumbling with a bag of gifts to uphold Katara’s banner. “We need decorations, gifts and—“
Toph mumbled something under her breath before taking the gift bags. “Maybe next time I’ll read the list so we’re sure. But, Sugar Queen isn’t picky plus we got the big stuff!” Toph exclaimed, rushing up the stairs hoping it cleared some of Aang’s anxiety. She did attempt several times to talk Aang out of his harmless crush before Katara left to study abroad. Sure, she teases him the most out of everyone but she cared too much to see him fall deeply when it wasn’t reciprocated.
“Yeah, Toph you can read the list,” Aang’s eyes squint as he realizes Toph’s statement. “I fell for it again,” his face falls but he doesn’t hold it for too long before he chuckles watching Toph poke her head over the banister sticking her tongue out at him.
“You gotta get up a bit earlier to beat the blind bandit,” Toph smirks, as she nudges at him realizing he didn’t have his keys. “You left your keys again didn't you?” She rolls her eyes kicking at his shared apartment door with Zuko and Sokka.
“You don’t even get up early, and you snore loudly at that,” Aang complained. The plan was as follows: Aang spends the night at Toph so they could run errands for Katara’s return. “I could hear your snoring in the other room,” Aang inhaled his breath to make a rattling sound and ended it off with slow beats.
Toph shrugged her shoulders. “My apartment, therefore my snores live there too,” They could hear Zuko and Sokka shuffle on the other side of the door. “What’s taking these idiots so long?” Toph raised her foot above the ground to kick at the door again before Zuko appeared on the other side preparing to scold her.
“Aang, next time tell Toph don’t kick at our door. Toph, quit kicking the door,” Zuko’s arms were folded across his chest and his grey shirt and plaid pajama pants both had very large wet spots with little specks of white in the area. “We have a bit of a problem,” Zuko ushered them inside, removing the few bags out of Toph’s hand. As they followed Zuko through the living room which was in shambles—there was an open diaper bag, infant clothes scattered between the couch and chairs. The bright blue car seat remained parked near the couch with a small elephant blanket draped over it.
“I didn’t know me spending the night with Toph meant being replaced with a roommate,” Aang felt Toph wrap her hands around his arm as he guided her over the remaining baby items on the floor.
“Who let you two have a baby and why?” Toph yelped out after nearly tripping over a baby’s instrument that was left on the floor. “I’d sit down but I’m assuming there’s nowhere to sit!”
“Toph, that’s not helpful,” Aang replied, “We need to be supportive,”
“I’m sure this mess isn’t helping this baby either. Which one of you messed up? You should return the baby back!” Toph rested her hands against her hips. “If I get a milk stain on my new shorts you owe me!”
“Don’t blame me,” Zuko fussed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Sokka’s the one who—“
Sokka burst out of their bathroom down the hall, his damped clothes were glued to his body. But, as for the tawny-toned, round-faced infant in his arms, she was having a fit of giggles. “That’s not funny, Kita,” He swayed with Kita wrapped in the towel as reached for Sokka’s disheveled hair on his shoulders. “Zuko, I thought we agreed on not assuming who sweet little Kita belongs too? Now, if you want to be helpful pass me a onesie,”
“Sokka, you can’t be serious!” Zuko grabbed the nearest blue onesie from the couch. “The blue round eyes are a give away,” He flung the piece of clothing with one hand while Sokka stepped back in the bathroom.
“She could be Aang’s daughter then?” Sokka replied walking back to the common area. “Did you get everything for the party?”
“Party aside, Sokka, you have to take responsibility. Kita even inherited Yue’s bright colored hair. What would Katara say?” Aang raised an eyebrow. Sokka and Yue didn’t end on bad terms from Aang's perspective, they just stopped understanding each other. It was a mutual break-up. He didn’t want to throw Katara in this situation to belittle him but she’d be a lot harder on him than they were currently being.
Sokka began pacing back and forth with the seven month old. He knew the possibilities were very high that she was his. He hadn’t seen Yue in almost two years, he wouldn’t have ran if she told him the truth. But, abruptly dropping off a seven month old girl in the middle of the night with documents wavering her rights over wasn’t the best way either. There were even a couple of notes on who he could call, and a ton of ultrasound pictures. He certainly wasn’t a teen, but at twenty-three years old he was a little shaken up. “I’m scared alright, there you have it. Tell me how'd you react? I’m all ears,”
“Sokka, it’s perfectly normal to be scared,” Zuko reassured, patting at Sokka’s shoulders. “We’ll help you figure this out and you need to tell your family,”
“Thanks, I really appreciate that,”
“Oh, I was just thinking of what Katara would say but I do agree if that helps,”
“You should’ve kept that to yourself, Hotman,”
“What did I tell you about calling me that Aang?”
“It’s a good nickname! How come Toph is the only one who gets to do them?”
“I don’t even like when she calls me Sparky,”
“If we’re getting new nicknames can Snoozles be changed?”
“No, that’s not at all what we’re doing!”
“But, you just said you didn’t like your nickname!” Aang and Sokka complained in unison.
“While you three debate over that, give me little Wolfie,” Toph moved the diaper bag to the floor, while relieving her from Sokka’s arms. Kita occupied herself by grabbing at Toph’s face or stuffing her own fingers in her mouth. “You guys can start setting up the decorations,”
“Did you just con us into doing all the major work?” Aang yelled from the kitchen pulling out the hammer and nails for the banner.
“Possibly,” Toph shrugged, holding her hands out for Kita to smack. “Plus Zuko has to start the cooking, and Sokka has to clean this mess up,”
It took about two hours for them to really get everything moving. Toph was focused on keeping little Kita busy, she enjoyed babies for the most part they were hand-ons with everything after a certain age. However, Auntie Toph had drawn the lines at changing dirty diapers. She did enjoy hearing Sokka, Aang and Zuko argue over whose turn it was to change the foul mess.
While the plan was for Katara to be surprised by her closest family and friends she had others plans herself. There was an issue with scheduling for another passenger on the plane so Katara had sneaky swapped tickets. She contacted Suki, who now becoming the middle didn’t want to ruin the surprise on both sides and found ways to stall.
Yet, while picking up Katara and Sokka’s relatives and making a few final rounds to the stores couldn’t beat the surprise of waiting for them at the apartment.
“I’m so excited! It’s been four months since I’ve been with everyone, I hope I didn’t miss anything,” Katara exclaimed. “You know I was really worried about going,”
Hakoda pressed a soft kiss against her forehead. “You needed to branch out on your own,” He felt prideful in both of his children everyday, they were vastly different but carried the same level of ambition to succeed.
“Yagoda contacted me all about your work. I can’t wait to hear it from you, now let’s get inside,” Gran-Gran commented, pulling Katara in for another hug. “But, as proud as I am of you, I missed you two much.”
Suki couldn’t get a chance to knock on the apartment door before Zuko opened it revealing a sleeping Sokka on the couch with Kita resting on his chest. While Aang and Toph both slept next to each other in the corner.
The Southern family and Suki held the same confused gaze. “It’s a lot to explain,” Zuko tried to say. What he really wanted to do was grab hold of Katara after not seeing her for so long, but that could wait.
“Yes, Katara?”
“Please, pour up those cups of Cactus Juice,”
“Does anyone else want a cup?”
“I’ll take one, I need to be real comfortable for this story,”
“Dad, are you gonna let her drink Cactus Juice?”
“Honey, we’re all going to need it for this story,”
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 years
Scars Of A Killer
Inspired by this art! <3
Day 3: Fire Lord Azula
Summary: Azula can be the Fire Lord, all she has to do is let the lightning leave her fingertips. It should be simple...
Zuko stares up at her, horror in his eyes. Horror, resignation, and then some sort of solemnly noble acceptance. She sees the flashing reflection of her lightning in those eyes. She is going to be the Fire Lord, she already is and in one flash she will seal the deal.
She can see it already, the crown shimmering atop her head, peasant folk at her feet. She is powerful, glorious, a sight to behold in her billowing Fire Lord regalia. Ozai, the Phenoix King stands behind her with a firm, hand on her shoulder. He is smiling, he is proud of her. But even in her fantasy, the crown is heavy and with it she wears a frown. The sun is high in the air, beaming down on her, but she feels no warmth…
Her arm shakes and she thinks that she is going to lose control of the lightning. Spirits, what if she hits herself? Would she deserve it? She thinks that everyone else would say so. She feels so very sick to her stomach.
As if to try to prove something to herself, she moves closer to Zuko, the lighting dancing just inches from his nose. It throws sparks every which way and he flinches as a few ping onto his face. They sear her own arms. He grits his teeth and closes his eyes.
She swallows hard.
Like the flashes of her lightning she can see herself running through the Ember Island tall grasses with Zuko, remembers searching for toad-squirrels with him by the palace pond, remembers him rescuing her from a hoard of angry turtle-ducks after having tossed an loaf at them. She remembers what it was like to be cherished. To be happy. To have companionship.
Agni, she is so alone.
The lightning flickers out. She lets her arm drop and with it she drops to her knees, body feeling limp and numb. She doesn’t know what’s wrong with her, she should be stronger than this. A true Fire Lord wouldn’t have hesitated. Father wouldn’t have hesitated. She is pathetic, weak. And for it she has lost her chance. Lost her dreams. Everything that she has worked for.
Zuko, still breathing hard, gets to his feet. He hesitates before holding his arm out. Impulsively, she reaches for his hand; it is the only help that has been extended to her in a very long while. He helps her to her own feet before pulling her into a tight hug. Oh, Agni, her head hurts so much.
She can’t exactly explain why she had, but she lets out a small sob and then another until she is bawling into his shoulder like a child. Today was supposed to be glorious, honorable but instead she is shamed and humiliated and she is handling it with less grace than Iroh running home after Lu Ten’s death.
No one has died in this battle and yet loss hits just as deeply. She is doubly shamed; at least when Iroh fled and cried his reasons were solid enough. What can she say for herself? That she was having a bad day? One bad day shouldn’t reduce her to this…
Zuko brushes his hand over her hair. “Let’s go sit down.” He offers.
She says nothing and lets him lead her to the stairwell.
“We can have Katara take a look at us both.”
She has a feeling that the waterbender won’t be too pleased to offer her any sort of help. Not after everything. Zuko helps her sit down.
“I was thinking that, after we’re all healed up, we can do something neat with our firebending. There’s still time and it might be nice to make the most of it.”
It sounds idealistic. Unrealistic.
Katara looks Zuko over first, healing his side and the places on his face where the sparks had landed. The worst of it, she said, was a fractured rib cage. But a little waterbending fixed that right up.
Azula winces as Katara takes her hands.
“No wonder.” She mumbles before wrapping Azula’s hands in a cocoon of water. There is an unpleasant stinging tingle before Katara retracted her hands to work with some of the bruises on her arms and knees.
“You two are horrible!” She declares upon finishing. “You both did a number on each other, you should be ashamed!”
She feels prickles and jabs of shame for various reasons and based upon the clenching of his jaw, she would wager that Zuko does too. “We’re going to make it right.” He vows. “Right, Azula.”
She shrugs. At the very least, she doesn’t have the energy to make it worse. She stares at her palms and the jagged lightning scars that run jaggedly all over her hands. They are both fresh and old and only seem to be getting worse.
She forces herself to her feet and slouches over to his side. She isn’t sure what he has planned but at this point she is willing to try anything to alleviate the hurt and loneliness. Anything to regain at least some of her dignity.
At first they only throw large balls of fire back and forth between one another, mesmerized by the sight of blue on orange and the shapes that the flames make as they erupt and disperse. And then they begin wrapping their flames coiling blue in and out of orange. And then they make pictures and put stories to those pictures until Katara is just as spellbound as they.
In one grand finale, Azula shapes a blue dragon, moves it about and Zuko accents it by giving it flames to breathe down onto the stony floor. By their show’s end she is panting lightly, she is so, so tired. Doubly so when  it settles in--the reason for their rift. They are a strong duo, they work well together. Ozai is safer if they hate each other. They could have been happy. Things could have been nice.
Zuko puts a hand on her back, smiles down at her as if to say, “they will be nice.”
Things work differently than she had expected. Two scenarios had played out in her mind, really she thought that it could have only worked out in one of two ways; either she’d be on the throne dressed finely and with a crown on her head or she would be dressed in rags and on her way to the darkness of a prison cell next to father.
Azula is dressed in neither finery nor rags. Instead her night robe drapes around her body. It is her off week, but she isn’t sure that she is ready to take her turn with the crown. She is still so exhausted, her mind is still reeling and disoriented.
Zuko promises that she can have her turn when she is ready for it. When she is ready to be Fire Lord Azula. Right now, and until her head clears, she just wants to be Azula. She stares at her palms. At those dreadful scars. The scars of a killer.
She traces her pointer over them.
“Still staring at your hands?” Zuko asks.
She holds them up.
“You can hide them with gloves if you hate them that much.” He suggests.
But that’s just it, she doesn't hate the look of them. She hates what they represent. And she can’t hide from that. She tells him as much. “I first got them after I killed the Avatar.”
He nods. “I think that he’s already forgiven you.”
“I never asked--”
Zuko laughs, “that’s Aang for you! I didn’t ask either.”
Azula nods.
“I think that he’s just relieved that you picked the right choice in the end.”
Sometimes she still has her doubts about that, but she nods anyhow.
“Are you sure that you don’t want to try the crown on today?” He removes it from his head and places it in her palms. “I’m pretty sure that everyone’s curious about what kind of Fire Lord you’re going to be.”
“You just don’t want to attend the five hour long council meeting.” She grumbles. But she fixes the crown into her hair anyways. “The robes?”
When she emerges fully dressed and made up Zuko greets her with a goofy grin. “They’re huge on you!”
“Shut up” she grumbles again.
“I guess that we’re going to have to get you fitted for your own regalia, huh?”
She nods. “Looks like you’ll be going to the meeting after all.” Azula shrugs.
“You can still wear the crown. Just change out of you pajamas and you’ll be fine.”
She supposes that attending this meeting will probably be the best way for her to recover her shaky reputation. It will be a demonstration of her maturity, intellect, and stability. “Alright, but you’re coming with. If I have to sit through this, so do you.” She pauses. “I don’t feel like relaying five hours worth of content.” Truth be told, she just doesn’t want to be alone for her first big milestone as Fire Lord. Especially not now that she knows what the pressure and fear does to her...
“I’ll get dressed.” He sighs.
She relaxes significantly. It is easier to be the Fire Lord when she isn’t isolated and hate. It is easier to breathe and live when she has love and support. Spirits, it has been so so long since she’d had either of those. She supposes that sharing the crown is a small price to pay for it.
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ladyscarlettwrites · 4 years
If your requests are open, could I get a 2 people 1 bed Zuko x f Reader. Nothing nsfw just really fluffy where they’re both awkward and flustered about it? If not that’s totally fine. Thank you!
A/N: I am so very sorry that I’m answering this really, really late! So I made it a bit longer. I hope you’re okay with what I came up with! I made the F reader a waterbender.
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While flying on Appa, the gang were caught in a unexpected rainstorm.  Thankfully with Katara’s quick thinking, she was able to water bend along with Y/N with the water to create a barrier big enough to cover the group and Appa from getting anymore wet.
When they were finally able to land at a nearby town they looked around for a place to stay the night. They were finally able to find an inn but there were only three rooms available. Two rooms had two beds and one room had three beds.
They started to decide on who would be staying in which rooms. Sokka suggested that they’d draw straws to make it fair. Sokka ended up being paired up with Aang, much to the dismay of both of them since Aang wanted to share a room with Katara and Sokka wanted to be in the same room with Suki. Next, Katara was paired up with both Toph and Suki. That left Zuko and Y/N with the room with two beds.
As everyone walked away to head to their rooms, Y/N followed behind Zuko. Anyone could clearly see that these two had feelings for each other yet they were both too blind to see if themselves, even Toph could see it!
“You’ve got to be kidding me!”
Y/N looks up to see that Zuko standing in front of the door to their room. She walks up and peaks around him to see into the room and her eyes widen with realization as she understands what he was surprised about.
“They said that it was a room with two beds not one! I’ll go and fix this.” Zuko storms off, leaving Y/N alone. Y/N would be lying to herself if she said that she wasn’t hurt by the fact that Zuko was upset that he’d have to possibly share a bed with her.
Y/N did her best not to let her tears fall down on her face as she places her bag down and grabbed an extra blanket and made her bed on the floor, away from the bed. When she heard Zuko returning she quickly laid down and turned away from him.
“They said that they must have made a mistake but that this is the only room available.” Zuko sighs as he walks. He looks around confused when he doesn't see Y/N. “Y/N?” He walks over to the other side of the bed and sees her laying down on the floor. “Y/N, what are you doing on the floor? You should take the bed instead.”
Y/N still doesn’t turn around to face him. “It’s fine, I’ll be fine here. It’s just for tonight.”
“Y/N, I can’t sleep on the bed while you sleep on the floor!” Zuko shakes his head. Y/N sighs as she gets up and collects her stuff. “W-Wait...! Where are you going?” 
“Well if me sleeping on the floor will keep you from sleeping on the bed then I’ll go and see if I can sleep in the other room with the girls” She says as she starts to walk out the room when Zuko reaches out and grabs her hand gently.
“What is it Zuko?”
Zuko blushes as he looks down at his feet, “You don’t have to go...”
“You clearly don’t want me here. You even went to go ask for another room.”
Zuko shakes his head, “N-No, I didn’t...I mean I didn’t think you’d want to be in the same room. But...we can share the bed.”
“S-share the bed?! B-but...”
“The bed is big enough for the both of us to fit but if you don’t feel comfortable, you can say no...”
Y/N thinks for a while, blushing as she notices that he’s still holding her hand, “W-We...we can share the bed...” She says softly.
Zuko smiles as he squeezes her hand gently as he walks with her back to the bed. Y/N and Zuko both slip into the bed, laying down awkwardly and not talking since they’re both too shy to say anything to each other. A small gust of wind blows through a crack in the window causing Y/N to shiver.
“Are you cold?” Zuko asks. Y/N nods her head. Zuko thinks for a bit before lifting the blanket up a bit so that she could see that he was opening his arms out to her.
“My body tends to run a lot warmer than others. Perks of being a firebender.” Zuko says as a tint of pink starts creeping onto his cheeks. When Y/N doesn’t say anything or move right away he looks away, “You don’t have to if you don’t want to...” He says as he starts to put his arm back down.
Y/N quickly moves closer and buries her face into his chest. Zuko instantly blushes even more but slowly smiles as he wraps his arms around her. Y/N closes her eyes and sighs softly as she starts to feel warmer.
“Feel better?”
“A lot better...thank you.”
Zuko gently rubs tiny circles on the small of her back to help her fall asleep. Y/N yawns softly and snuggles closer to him. Zuko couldn’t believe that he was lucky enough to sleep in the same room as Y/N, let alone in the same bed and in his arms. He continues to quietly listen to her breathing until it slows down to a soft and steady pace as if she had already fallen into deep sleep. He leans down and kisses the top of her head.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get the courage to tell you that...that my feelings for you keep growing each day we spend more time together. Sokka keeps telling me that I should hurry up and tell you before someone else comes along and admits there feelings to you. Someone better than me. But...I’m scared that you won’t feel the same and it’ll end up ruining our friendship.”
“I like you too, Zuko.”
Zuko flinches and looks down to see Y/N looking up at him. “W-What?”
“I said that I like you too...”
“Y-You do?! B-But...!”
“No buts, Zuko. I’ve liked you for a while too but....I never told you because I’m...I’m just me. I’m just a normal water bender and you’re a firebender. And not just any firebender but the prince of the Fire Nation. I’ve also seen the way you looked at Man when we ran into your sister and her friends. Azula said that you guys had feelings for each other.”
Zuko sighs heavily, “We did have feelings for each other before but that was in the past. Azula was just trying to get into your head to throw you off. But,” Zuko reaches over and places his hand on her cheek and rubs her cheek gently with his thumb. “Does me being a firebending prince really bother you?”
Y/N closes her eyes and leans against his hand. “No...but your people and council will probably be against it.”
“When Aang finally defeats my father and we stop my sister, I’ll be crowned the new Fire Lord and my people will have to live with who I choose to become my wife.”
“Y-You’re wife?” Y/N blushes deeply.
Zuko smiles as he leans closer and nuzzles his nose against hers. “I want you to eventually become my wife...”
Y/N continues to blush as she looks from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes.
“May I kiss you, Y/N? Please?”
Y/N nods her head and closes her eyes as Zuko leans in and kisses her softly. They both smile at each other when they pull away.
“Does this finally mean that I’m your boyfriend now?”
Y/N smirks, “I think you need to properly ask me.”
Zuko laughs softly before leaning in and nuzzles his nose against hers again. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend, Y/N?”
Y/N giggles and leans up to peck his nose, “Yes...”
Zuko smiles and pulls her close and they soon fall asleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning they walked outside to meet with the others while holding hands.
“FINALLY!” Sokka yells out.
Requests are open 💕
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faangirl101 · 4 years
Burning Heart: Pt 3
Burning heart masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x reader, Zuko x y/n
Tags: Enemies to lovers, slow burn
Summary: Raised mostly by yourself, you made a living for your youth years as a maid in one of the richest families in Ba sing se, Beifongs. There Toph, a blind young rich girl, taught you earth bending and also became your new family. Not that you would admit that to her. Together you escape Ba sing se on the back of a flying bison with the Avatar, in a mission to take back the world from the fire nation. But on the journey you didn’t plan to team up with the Fire prince himself, and you definitely did not plan to get butterflies around him. But you couldn’t possibly catch feelings for a fire bender right? They ruined your life and took everything of value from you. But you couldn’t lie to your burning heart.
Warnings: swearing
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I thought that since Toph was actually blind now, feet burned beyond recognition, that she would go easy on me today. I was clearly wrong. She was quickly up on her feet again (pun intended). Toph had been teaching me earth bending in secret since i was a maid to her family so her tough teaching techniques were no surprise. She had me and Aang working to the bone before we finally, covered in sweat, got a break. Or more like I got a break while Aang had his next bending lesson. Fire. His first. I couldn't help my curiosity as I stood leaned against the closest wall watching Zuko in his professor role.  The balcony of the upside down pagoda in the temple was hot. Sweat was climbing up my back as I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. Zuko seemed to catch Aang's hyper demaoner “I know you're nervous, but remember, firebending in it of itself is not something to fear.” Aang didn't meet his eyes but sighed deeply instead “Okay. Not something to fear”.Zuko nodded as he closed his fists. “But if you don't respect it”, he raised his voice so it echoed through the temple “it'll chew you up and spit you out like an angry komodo rhino!”. I held back the laugh threatening at the picture of Zuko with tensed eyes and a yelping Aang. Zuko clearly picked the “bad cop” technique when it came to teaching, just like Toph. He crossed his arms over his strong chest and took a step backwards “Now show me what you've got. Any amount of fire you can make”. Aang inhales nervously as he hesitates and moves out his arms. I can see fear in his eyes as they focus on the palm of his hand. A small, almost impossible to catch, cloud of smoke appears. But as fast as it comes it dissipates to nothing. The look on Aang was a blend of disappointment and relief.
Aang looked up hopefully “Maybe i need a little more instruction. Perhaps a demonstration?”. Zuko raised an eyebrow “Good idea, You might wanna take a couple steps back”. Even if he wasn't talking to me I obliged and moved further back. I hadn't seen him in action up close yet. I was unsure what to expect but that was definitely not it.  With a grunt Zuko opens his tightly closed fist to let out…. a flame smaller than the palm of my hand. Aang, supportive as he was, applauded at this disappointing display. Me? i bursted out laughing, finally alerting them of my presence. They both sharply turned to me, who was doubled over in laughter. “You might wanna take a couple steps back?”I wiped away fake tears “What was that? That was the worst firebending I've ever seen!”. Zuko did not take that mockery ease as he pursed his lips hard enough to break his jaw.  Aang interrupted Zuko before he could yell at me “I thought it was...nice”. He smiled slightly and shrugged which made it even harder to hold back my smile.
Zuko, annoyed at my amused face, tried to prove me wrong. He let out a loud grunt, which made a wave of excitement go through my stomach. But I pretended I didn't even notice it. His next three attempts resulted in very very small flames similar to the first. Defeated he glares frustrated down at his palms “what is happening”. Aang rubbed his head, trying to comfort Zuko “maybe it's the altitude”.I left my safe spot to move my way to them “Or maybe you can't firebend anymore, which is like the only reason we took you in”. Zuko’s burning eyes just lit my amusement more “oh oh! i call dibs on Zuko’s room when we throw him out”. Aang stretches his smaller hand out to stop me from upsetting anybody further. Zuko scrowls as he turns his back at me with clearly better self control than I thought he had. Time passes and Zuko keeps pushing himself with no improvement. Aang was sitting beside me on a broken pillar as we watched Zuko deliver a pointless blast after another. “that one kind of felt hot”, Aang bursted out as he got on his feet. I snickered at his comment, as I swung my legs against the pillar. But Zuko got angry, angrier than he had ever become after any of my comments. “Don't patronize me! You know what it’s supposed to look like!”. He was right, I had seen many fire benders but no one was as worthless as Zuko at the moment. “He didn't need to patronize you, you do that very well on your own”. Zuko aimed a flame at me that was even worse than his previous ones “Shut up!”. Aang held up his hands in defense “ Sorry, Sifu Hotman”. I bursted out laughing so hard it hurt the depths of my stomach.  Zuko raises his arms above his head and throws them back with a shout of frustration. Aang gringes at his sudden outburst. “And stop calling me that!”, Zuko yells which makes me laugh possibly even harder.
Night creeps up on us as everyone is getting settled for dinner. Even Appa has a mouthful of hay as he rests next to the fountain. Everyone is busy calming their rouring stomachs, everyone except Zuko. He’s leaning on a column with his arms crossed, looking down the cracked ground under him. He looks deep in thought with his wrinkled forehead, but no one seems to notice. No one except me of course. Suddenly he turns his head to the campfire as he makes his way over to where we’re sitting. “Listen everybody, I've got some pretty bad news. I've lost my stuff”, He looks below dejectedly. Toph, used to being accused of stealing by now, raises her hands above her head. “Don't look at me!”, she folded her arms “i didn't touch your stuff”. I giggle at her outburst and enjoy the view of Zuko’s ashamed face. He looks down again “I'm talking about my firebending. It's gone”. I cross my arms and throw my legs up on a pillar “as if you even had it in the first place”. Everybody around the fireplace sits up, different emotions painted on their faces. Sokka is the only one giving me a reaction as he pretends to fire bends with an annoyed face like Zuko had been doing the entire day. It brought a quiet shaking laugh from me. But my laugh quieted down as a clearer brighter laughter took place. Katara had her head bent backwards as her body shook from the laugh. Was Katara… mocking Zuko. It was the only time Katara had done anything remotely funny, but it still deep down struck a nerve that she was making fun of  him. It was my job. But I couldn't possibly be petty over such a small pointless thing. Everyone had turned their attention towards her, including Zuko, who had an annoyed expression twisting his handsome face. She held her hands up, hiding her face “I'm sorry. I'm just laughing at the irony. You know, how it would've been nice for us if you lost your firebending a long time ago”. Zuko gringed “Well, it's not lost. It's just ... weaker for some reason”. Katara held up her bowl and glared at Zuko over the brim “Maybe you're not as good as you think you are”. Both me and Toph, alike as we are, Made a hissing noise at the same time and met each other's eyes “ouch”.  Zuko ignored Toph's sarcastic smile as he brightened up with an idea “I bet it's because I changed sides”. Katara gave him another glare as she brought the bowl to her lips “That's ridiculous”. It was the first time I had seen Aang disagree with Katara “I don't know. Maybe it isn't. Maybe your firebending comes from rage and you just don't have enough anger to fuel it the way you used to”.
“Zuko has not been angry? then what have i been doing all day”, i smirked over at Sokka who returned the facial expression. He leans towards zuko and points a finger above “Easy enough”. He pokes Zuko with his shining swords hilt in the head and waist several times. Toph and I cling onto each other to not fall over from laughing. Zuko growles behind closed teeth “okay cut it out!”. Sokka's sword slips from his hands and is thrown above before falling on his head. Zuko sighs and rubs his nose “look, even if you're right. I don't want to rely on hate and anger anymore. There has to be another way”.
Sokka rubs his head in pain from the burst with the sword but no one seems to pay him any care. Toph takes a big bite from her food “You're gonna need to learn to draw your firebending from a different source. I recommend the original source”.I furrowed my eyebrows “I thought that fire bending's original source was pain, rage and suffering”. I didn't miss the way Zuko pursed his lips and looked down in something similar to shame. Sokka seemed to forget his head injury as he excitedly looked up “How's he supposed to do that? By jumping into a volcano?”.Toph shook her head and wiggles her feet “No. Zuko needs to go back to whatever the original source of firebending is”. Sokka's dreams of Zuko diving into a volcano is crushed “So, is it jumping into a volcano?”.
“I don't know”,  Toph puts her bowl down beside her “For earthbending, the original benders were badgermoles''. I remembered the many times Toph had brought me to the tunnels and showed me where she met the Badgermoles. That seemed like forever ago.  “Isn't the original fire benders Dragons? Where the fuck are we going to find a dragon just chilling?”, I looked up at Zuko who sighed deeply. “we are not going to, Dragons are extinct”. Aang shook his head “What do you mean‌? Roku had a dragon, and there were plenty of dragons when I was a kid”. Zuko's face twists up, as if he knows something we don't. “Well, they aren't around anymore, okay?”. I feel bad for Aang because he yelps at Zuko's harsh tone. “Okay, okay!”,he moved his arms in an appeasing manner “I'm sorry”. Zuko moves on his long slender legs to the fountain. “But maybe there's another way”, he looks away in deep thought “The first people to learn from the dragon were the ancient Sun warriors”.Aang who always seemed to think he knew the most since he was technically 100 years older than the rest walks towards Zuko. “Sun warriors? Well I know they weren't around when i was a kid”, Aang stood beside Zuko now. “No, they died off thousands of years ago. But their civilization wasn't too far from where we are now”, Zuko  tilts his head toward Aang “Maybe we can learn something by poking around their ruins''. Sokka mirrors my suspicions “So what? Maybe you'll pick up some super old sun warrior energy just by standing where they stood a thousand years ago?”. He backs up his question by flaring his hands around in a weird motion which makes me hit my forehead with my hand. Zuko shifted his weight forward. “More or less. Either I find a new way to firebend '', he turns his head towards Aang ”or the Avatar has to find a new teacher”.
When Zuko left with the Avatar, the temple seemed to become much more quiet. Haru, the Duke and Teo were on yet another exploration mission. Katara was worrying for Aang, while she cooked the same meal we had been eating for days. Toph, Sokka and I laid spread out, floating over the water in the fountain. The heat had been getting worse and it was the only way to cool down. Sokka threw a worried look at her sister.“What do you think Sifu hotman and smaller bald Kyoshi is doing right now?”, I asked as I sat up in the fountain. My soaked hair was dripping down my back. Sokka smiled half way “Zuko is probably pissed because his worthless Sun warrior plan is not working out and Aang is probably playing peacemaker and trying to calm him down”.  Toph smirked and splashed some water with her feet. Katara sneered at us and I wondered if it was because she didn't like that we were talking about Aang or if she was jealous that we were bonding better then she had done with any of us. I was guessing on the latter. “If you could have any original animal from any bend type, which one would you have?”, Sokka asked to change the conversation subject. Toph didn't even need to think  for a second “obviously the badgermoles”. Sokka looked offended “really? You would pick a blind disgusting rat over a flying bison?”. I inhaled dramatically “Blind disgusting rat?! That's my best friend you're talking about!”. Sokka burst out in laughter and Toph rolled her eyes ironically “ha ha ha”.  I looked forward, deep in thought “I hate the fire nation but honestly the dragon is the most badass”. Sokka lifted an eyebrow surprised “they're extinct, remember?”. Katara moved a spoon through the home made meal as she mumbled “i wish that the entire fire nation was extinct”. We all fell silent, like we mostly did everytime Katara opened her mouth. I thought about how different my life would have been if the fire nation didn't exist. I would still have my mom. I would have grown up with a present and loving father. If my mom had gotten good care while giving birth, instead of hiding in a barn from the fire nation, she wouldn't have died in childbirth. And if my mom hadn't died, my dad wouldn't have blamed me for her death. He wouldn't have been slaughtered by the fire nation when they invaded my home years later on the look for something we didn't even have. But I would never have met Toph. I would never have gotten so good at earth bending. I wouldn't have met the avatar gang. But I still closed my eyes and imagined a world without the fire nation for just another second.
by the look of Aangs and Zuos excited faces when they returned, I guessed it was a successful mission. I can't help but feel relieved that they're okay, and to my surprise I'm relieved for both of them. A sense of calm fills me when I see that they're BOTH unharmed, but I would never admit that to anybody. They're quick to get into positions to start demonstrating what the sun warriors taught them. They moved gracefully, every motion mirrored between them as yin and yan. Fire licked the sides of their bodys without hurting them, as if the fire and their bodies were one. I had grown up with the view of fire as a plot of destruction, a tool for suffering and power play. But now, in the upside-down pagodas in the Western Air Temple, the fire looked nothing like that. It wasn't violent. It was beautiful, I could see shades of blue and green. I could see all the colors of the rainbow within the flames, similar to the reflection of water. Or the sharpened glass in the depths of the earth. Or how air bent sunlight on a hot day. I could see all elements moving from the palms of their hands in the shape of combustions of flames. Deep deep down within my bones I could feel a yearn for the fighting of flames. A longing for the feel of the heat against my hands, that I quickly pushed down. Fire was dangerous, it was not beautiful. It was difficult to convince myself when I left the hole of lament in my heart. The rest of the avatar gang interrupted my thoughts with applause as the two got into their final postures. “Yeah, that's a great dance you two learned there”, Sokka bursted out playfully. Normally i would join him with a remark myself but i wasn't in the mood. My feelings were conflicted and I couldn't focus on anything else. Zuko seemed offended. “It's not a dance. It's a firebending form”. Sokka moves his fingers in a dancing manner “We’ll just tap-dance our way to victory over the Fire Lord”.
Zuko makes his way over to Sokka with a threatening glimpse in his eyes “It's a sacred form that happens to be a thousand years old!”. Katara crosses her arms “Oh yeah? What is your little form called?”. Zuko's eyes met the ground embarrassed “The dancing Dragon”. The gang erupted in loud laughter as Zujo gringes in embarrassment. I stand quiet, not paying attention to how Zuko turns to me. “You haven't said any mocking remark about our form”, he bent down to my level to try to catch my attention. “You mean your dance?”I ask and raise an eyebrow. He mimics my expression “Really? is that it?”. I didn't even catch his bait as I waved him away “I'm not in the mood”. As I moved away I felt Zuko's burning eyes on the plate of my back. “Since when is she not in the mood”, Zuko mumbled to himself, confused. I was busy thinking about how I had longed to touch fire. The thing that destroyed my life.
Taglist: @eridanuswave , @Whalerus, @keiko0, @emogril , @theblueslytherin , @bbecc-a 
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casualdadnomad · 4 years
modern hc for every possible atla ship
Alright, I said I’d do it and now I’m doing it. We will not be arguing over ships because it’s impossible to argue if I include..... all of them. I’ll include some nice ship things and then rate the likeliness of the ship happening in my au.
Kataang: my babies. soulmates. they would be that adorable couple that has been together since the eighth grade. they work well together because they’re both kind hearted and care about each other deeply. they hold hands in hallways, call each other pet names (the infamous “sweetie” that makes sokka want to die), and always try to give each other little surprises to brighten each other’s day. they’re very into valentines day. would it happen? yes. 100/10. 
Sukka: my babies part 2. sokka comes to every football game to cheer her on during halftime. he also goes to every winter guard competition. Suki goes with him when he does his graffiti. she insists it’s to be a lookout in case the cops find them, but she just loves watching him make his art. they don’t go out much, and are just as happy watching anime in suki’s room as they would be on a date. would it happen? YES. 10/10.
Zukka: the hottest ship of the ATLA renaissance. probably the best ship of all time. they just have this perfect dynamic. sokka is a genius with terrible ideas and no impulse control. zuko is just a guy with anxiety. sokka would definitely help zuko come out of his shell a little bit. and iroh loves his nephew’s boyfriend. sokka helps out for free in the jasmine dragon if zuko is working. would it happen? maybe. i do love them a lot. 8/10.
Zutara: okay. everyone has an opinion on zutara. my opinion is that i don’t like it unimportant. they stay up late on facetimes and talk until like 3 am. they play a lot of games and katara is super competitive, so zuko lets her win a lot. she’s cute when she’s convinced she’s the king of gamepigeon 8 ball. would it happen? unlikely. 4/10.
Taang: i don’t hear about this ship a ton. it’s not one i ever thought about. they’re both super protective, even though neither of them really need to be protected. aang is definitely more affectionate than toph, but toph can and will beat the shit out of anyone that hurts aang. would it happen? they’re the only two freshmen, so maybe, but still unlikely. 5/10.
Tokka: i’ve always thought toph’s little crush on sokka was adorable. they would skip school, go break the law for fun, that kind of nonsense. this is one of those rare instances where sokka has the most common sense. they would be more of a “what’s up you ugly idiot” kind of couple than a “hey baby! :)” kind of couple. would it happen? I could see them getting along. it would be pretty chaotic. 6.5/10.
Mai Lee: MY GIRLS. they’re perfect for each other. Mai is peak alt girl. She’s a goth queen, eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man, chains, little shirt big pants, and a nose piercing. ty lee is the exact definition of cottagecore. strawberry dresses, lots of blush, makes her own earrings. ty lee even gave mai a pair of earrings she made to look like knives. they walk down the street holding hands. if anyone throws them a weird look, mai throws a knife right back. would it happen? HELL YES. 1,000/10.
Tyzula: here’s the thing. azula never did get that sweet sweet redemption arc, so in my au she’s still a bit of an asshole. if they got together, i can see azula really trying to improve herself as a person for ty lee. i see ty lee really trying to sell the idea of including azula to the rest of the friend group. i’m really into the idea of instead of ty lee “fixing” her, having azula work on herself with ty lee as some extra motivation. would it happen? if azula put in effort to be a better person, sure. 7/10.
Maitara: what, did you think i was going to forget maitara? i did say every ship. katara vibes with the softgirl aesthetic while mai is on the egirl side, and honestly i am living for it. would it happen? this one is definitely a rare ship. but i think it could work. 5/10.
Maiko: ah yes, the canon one. zuko’s not quite as edgy as mai is. he’s like, if you diluted the eboy aesthetic a little. but i think it would maybe work between my two emo babies. they’re a couple that you never really see engaging in any pda so you just assume they’re friends until someone tells you otherwise. they’re very cute together, but dare i say kind of boring...? would it happen? goth x goth solidarity is cool, so maybe. 6/10.
Azutara: dude, there’s not a lot to say for this one. it’s been a little while since i’ve even seen an azutara shipper. are they extinct? (azutara babes pls tell me if ur not extinct). yeah so if this happened i think it would be because azula put in the work to be a good person and was welcomed back into the group. once she was in the group, katara would have gotten to know her real personality and liked her. but katara also holds her accountable for her actions. she puts up with no bullshit because she knows her worth. would it happen? i don’t think so. 2/10.
Sutara: this seems like chaos. these ladies would be the power couple of the century. i think with two women so strong and powerful, they’d butt heads a lot. they would be out in the world and actively changing it. would it happen? they’re both badass awesome women, but i’m not sure. 3/10.
Zukaang: uhh... i can’t say i ever thought about zukaang before now. but i guess you would have this bright ball of energy and a dark brooding type, so i can see how it could be cute. would it happen? um... no. i’m not sure if opposites attract that much. 0/10.
Tophko: another one that has literally never crossed my mind! i’m not sure how i feel about angry + angry as a dynamic. i think they would make great friends. okay, i think they would be a couple you mostly wouldn’t want to mess with. they can mess with each other, but no one else is allowed to mess with them. would it happen? no. i’m a slut for height differences, but not at the expense of a good personality match. 0/10.
Jetko: ah, the infamous jetko. the thing about jet in my au is that he’s kind of a sports boy. jock vibes. i guess i haven’t thought about his personality much except that he’s, well, a cocky sports guy. even if mans was bi or gay, i think he would have too much internalized homophobia to openly be in an gay relationship. would it happen? here’s the thing. i could maybe see them having kissed once or something, but not together currently. 4/10.
Jetka: okay i see a handful of people saying jetka rights so i thought i’s include it. i think the most likely scenario would be, maybe, they kissed once or twice and then sokka got ghosted because jet was closeted and scared. since jet obviously didn’t try to burn down a village, maybe that could be the reason sokka doesn’t like him. would it happen? maybe they never got together but jet could have been sokka’s first dude crush or something. 2/10.
Jetara: my immediate thought was that jet asked her out and they went out for like a week but katara quickly realized hey, he’s an asshole. ALTERNATIVELY, katara recognized him as the guy who hurt her brother or zuko and never went out with him at all, because hey, i don’t need all that drama. would it happen? maybe awkward exes. 3/10.
okay these took soooo long! if you have another ship, questions, or headcanon ideas, my ask box is always open!
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radishaur · 4 years
If the zuko requests are still open, may I request hcs or a short story (whatever you prefer) of zuko x artist reader where he first joins the gang and the reader wants to show support to him but they’re way too shy and awkward so they just secretly give him drawings to cheer him up or offer advice?? Maybe he has a crush on them but thinks they too don’t trust him yet? I just had this general idea. You could totally change stuff up if you’d like :)
“Sorry! I was the person who just asked the artist reader! I didn’t put a gender but maybe female? The reader could be a nonbender if that’s fine? Sorry about that :)”
Absolutely! I love the artist trope so much. Some of my favorite Zuko fics have had the reader as an artist. I hope I meet your expectations! I may have gotten carried away but oops. I just love this trope.
- Zoe
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Drawings (Zuko x Reader)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Part: 1/1
Summary: See Request
“Hello, Zuko here.”
As soon as we heard his voice, everybody sprung into action. Well, everybody except me. Toph, Katara, and Aang got into bending positions and Sokka prepared to throw his boomerang. I stood slightly off to the side in shock.
He looked different than the last time I had seen him. It seemed to be a pattern. Each time I saw him after a while, he always had a new hairstyle and seemed more....himself. He seemed like a completely different person than the angry ponytail adorning teenager that had invaded the Northern Water Tribe.
That was the first time I had seen him. I unknowingly helped him by saving him from drowning. I had pulled him out from under the ice in a drain pipe on the day of the siege. He wasn’t wearing Fire Nation clothing then, so I didn’t know better until I saw him fighting Katara and capturing Aang. I felt so bad about almost dooming the world to eternal hell that I left the tribe to join them on their adventures.
The next time I saw him was when his Uncle was hit and then later in Ba Sing Se. I was shocked to see him serving tea in the lower ring of an Earth Kingdom town, but I didn’t rat him out. Instead, I took to sketching him. I would sit outside the shop and look in through the windows. His hair was longer now and I couldn’t deny how handsome he was. Without the ponytail I had a hard time denying it.
And now, as he stood here in the temple, I saw the next version of him. The Zuko with longer hair and a deeply rooted regret. He was shy and awkward, much like he had been in Ba Sing Se, but this time he wasn’t confused. He didn’t look like he was fighting any inner battles anymore. He just looked hopeful. Hopeful that he could change the path he chose for himself.
It wasn’t until I heard him say my name that I realized I hadn’t been listening.
“You saved my life in the Northern Water Tribe. And you didn’t rat me out in Ba Sing Se when you found out I was there. You had to have seen something good in me,” he pleaded.
“You knew he was there?! And you didn’t say anything?!” Katara yelled angrily, sending a glare in my direction.
I hung my head in guilt before looking back up at Zuko. My heart ached seeing the expression he wore, but I knew I was already in hot water.
“I’m sorry Zuko. If they don’t trust you then neither do I,” I said before turning and walking away.
I didn’t want to stay. I knew exactly what would happen if I did. I wouldn’t be able to watch him walk away without insisting they were wrong about him. My mother used to say my unwavering trust in people was both a blessing and a curse. I see now that she was right.
Katara stayed angry at me for the rest of the day. I didn’t blame her. Even I still felt guilty that I had kept it a secret after he betrayed us. Although I guess you can’t really betray a side you were never on. Nevertheless it still stung.
Just as I had come to terms with the fact that Zuko would never be a part of the team, he managed to save us from Combustion Man. Aang agreed to have Zuko as his teacher after the group agreed he could stay. Secretly, I was glad they had changed their minds. I knew that it would take a long time for them to get used to him being around though, so I decided to try and do something small to make him feel less alone.
After everybody went to sleep, I decided to draw him a picture of his Uncle. I had seen him frequently when I was outside the tea shop. My memory was a little bit rough on the details but I hoped that he would look similar enough. I ripped the paper out of my sketchbook and slipped it under his door.
The next morning, he seemed to be a little bit brighter which made me smile. After that it ended up becoming routine. Everybody would go to sleep and I would slip him another drawing. Sometimes I would shove them under his door, sometimes I would stuff it into his bag of stuff, and sometimes I would leave it somewhere I knew he would find it. Each time, he would always look a little happier afterwards.
It wasn’t until we were on Ember Island that my little secret became not so secret.
I had never told any of the gang that I could draw. I mean it seemed like such a useless talent compared to their bending. Even Sokka knew how to fight with a sword. When it came to fighting I was a complete waste. I couldn’t bend and I had never learned how to defend myself. The Northern Water Tribe had a strict rule about women learning how to fight: they didn’t.
It wasn’t until we were sitting out around a campfire that the fact I could draw was even discussed. Everybody had been going around the circle and sharing a secret. When it got to me, I shrugged it off.
“I don’t really have any secrets. I’m pretty boring,” I said.
“That’s such a lie! I know you have at least one secret,” Sokka said, a cheeky grin on his face.
“W-What?” I asked, my heart racing slightly.
“I’ve seen your sketchbook. You’re an amazing artist,” he continued, acting all casual.
“Sokka!” I exclaimed, a blush now breaking out across my face.
“You can draw?” Zuko asked in shock.
He seemed to be connecting the dots in his head and I wanted nothing more than to dig myself into the ground and disappear. I just hoped they didn’t-
“I wanna see it!” Aang said gleefully.
I just hoped they didn’t ask to see it.
“I really don’t want to-“ I began to reply before Katara cut me off.
“I bet it’s in her stuff!” she called out before shooting up and going to grab my stuff off of Appa.
I felt my heart drop into my stomach.
“No!” I yelled out, running after her.
If they looked at it I would die on the spot. Not only would Zuko realize that I was the one giving him drawings, but they would all see the million sketches I had of him as well. Oh boy, there were a lot. Technically I had sketched all of them, but Zuko took up about half the sketchbook. It would be mortifying for them to figure out I had a massive crush on him.
“I found it!” Katara said as she held the sketchbook in her hands.
“Give me that,” I said, snatching the book out of her hands before holding it tightly to my chest.
“Oh, come onnnnn,” Sokka begged, coming closer to try and grab it from me.
I hastily avoided him and continued clutching the sketchbook for dear life.
“Guys, maybe we should leave it,” Zuko said, clearly not wanting to escalate the situation.
Little did he know why I was actually protecting this sketchbook so heavily. He probably thought it was just because I didn’t want them to see my art. Which, technically I didn’t, but not because I thought it was bad. I gulped as Sokka began cornering me.
“Y/N please,” Aang pleaded, standing next to Sokka, “We promise not to judge! We just wanna see!”
“I really don’t think that’s such a good idea,” I responded, shifting the book behind me.
I gasped when I felt the book get ripped from my grasp. I turned around to see Katara, smiling victoriously as she brought the book out by the campfire. Sokka and Aang ran over to her.
I dragged my hands down my face. I’m sure it was about as red as a tomato at this point. Is this what it felt like to die? I watched them from my position a few feet away, too scared to move.
“Hey, these are amazing!” Aang said.
I couldn’t help but catch Zuko’s gaze. The recognition in his eyes made it clear he knew I was the one slipping him drawings. I felt my face burn in embarrassment. And this wasn’t even the worst part.
I stayed rooted to the ground as the gang flipped through the pages. The beginning of the sketchbook was just drawings of the Northern Water Tribe. Then, it morphed into drawings of all of the gang minus Toph. Not that she could even see. She was still sitting on the log bench, not invested in the situation at all.
The next pages had some sketches of Zuko with his ponytail, mixed with some sketches of the oasis. They were still just complimenting the drawings, oblivious to the horror the next few pages would cause me. Eventually, it moved into drawings of our travels across the Earth Kingdom and Toph began to appear.
After that was the pages I was dreading. The first few drawings were of Ba Sing Se. Innocent drawings of beautiful buildings and random citizens. But then it turned into Zuko. Pages upon pages of Zuko and his Uncle in the tea shop. They all got quiet as they continued flipping. Mixed in with Zuko and his Uncle were some few other sketches, but it was clear that Zuko had become the focus of the sketches.
I couldn’t bear to look at them. I could only imagine their expressions. If they hadn’t figured out by now why Zuko was the center of my drawings, they would as they kept going.
The next sketches were of some of the Fire Nation villages we had stayed in. But after that, there Zuko was again. And this time they would definitely know. Some of my sketches were accompanied by scrawled notes on the side. A random look how cute he is or he looked so hot training with Aang today scribbled next to the sketches. The silence was so thick it could be cut with a knife.
“Y/N, I-“ Sokka started, clearly feeling guilty for bringing up my secret talent now.
“Don’t” I hissed, finally sending a glare his way.
I hadn’t even realized I was crying until I felt the taste of salt brush my lips. I wiped my tears angrily as they all sat there silently.
“Y/N-“ he tried again.
“I said don’t!” I screamed before storming off to my room.
I slammed the door behind me and made sure to lock it before I slide to the floor. I held a hand to my mouth to muffle the sobs that were now escaping me. This was my worst nightmare. How had everything gone to shit so fast.
Y/N had run off and I was stuck to my seat. I couldn’t stop looking at her sketches. They way she drew me felt like I was looking in the mirror. It was like watching my transformation as a person with my own two eyes.
“Guys, we really messed up,” Sokka said, still feeling guilty for instigating the situation.
“I had no idea....I just thought she was self conscious of her talent,” Katara said quietly.
“What do we do?” Aang asked.
“You’re the Avatar! You’re supposed to know how to solve this,” Sokka exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.
I wasn’t listening. I wasn’t even sure I could hear them. I flipped the next few pages and my thoughts were confirmed when I saw that there were a few pages ripped out of the back. I pulled one of her drawings out of my pocket and unfolded it, placed the ripped edge into the book. It was a perfect match.
“Zuko, what are you doing? You shouldn’t rip pages out of her book,” Katara scolded, reaching down to snatch the book away from me.
“I didn’t. She’s been giving me drawings. Look,” I explained, pulling out another of her drawings from my pocket, “Ever since I joined you guys at the temple I’ve been getting drawings. I didn’t know who it was, but....”
I handed the drawings over to them. One of them was of my Uncle. Another one was of my duel swords. Another of a tiny dragon. They ranged from simple tiny sketches to full blown detailed drawings.
As they looked them over, I couldn’t help but let my fingers trace a drawing of me in her book. I was smiling and looking off into the distance at something. Under it, in her neat scribbled handwriting was written: the first time he’s smiled :).
“I can’t believe she likes me,” I whispered.
I didn’t expect them to hear me, but they all stopped. I blushed slightly when I noticed them all looking at me. Katara looked furious.
“Listen here. You don’t have to like her back, but don’t you dare say anything to her that will break her heart,” she threatened, her eyes glaring into me.
“N-No! I......like her back.....actually,” I admitted, looking back at the sketches in her book.
I saw the three of them look at Toph, who had been sitting silently on the log the entire time.
“He’s not lying,” she said.
It was after a few moments of silence that I finally spoke again.
“I think I should go talk to her,” I suggested, standing up with her sketchbook in hand.
“Good luck,” Aang said, giving me an assuring smile as I walked inside.
I didn’t know what I was going to say. I didn’t know where to even start. There were a millions things I could say to her and none of them would be good enough. Instead, I found myself standing outside of her door in silence.
I took a deep breath and knocked. I could hear shuffling inside the room. I got no response.
“Y/N it’s me. Please let me in,” I begged, placing my palm against the door.
I was about to turn and walk away when I finally heard footsteps inside. I let my hand fall back down to my side as the door creaked open. Y/N stood to the side of the door without looking at me and motioned for me to come in. I did and she closed the door behind me.
“I’m sorry.” “Thank you.”
“Oh, ummmm. You first,” she mumbled.
“I wanted to say thank you. For the drawings. They made my day every time I got one,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck as I blushed.
“O-Oh. Uh....yea. You just looked so....sad, I guess. I thought maybe it would make you feel more comfortable around us,” she mumbled, still refusing to look at me.
I chuckled slightly and crossed my arms, looking down at my feet.
“Well it worked,” I said, smiling at the floor.
She shuffled across from me. I forced myself to look up at her and caught her gaze. She had tears brimming over her eyes and her face was red from embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry. I know I probably seem like a total creep right now. I know this can never happen. I just.....I don’t know. I tried so hard not to like you but I -“ she started rambling and I couldn’t stop myself anymore.
I pulled her face up to look at me and smashed my lips onto hers. It took her a moment of shock to register what was happening, but as soon as she did she was kissing me back immediately. I finally pulled apart and wrapped my arms around her in a hug.
“You’re amazing. You’re so special and so talented and too good for me. But I like you too. I like you so so much. I never said anything because I thought you hated me,” I admitted, laughing through the tears that started falling down my face.
“You thought I hated you? How could I ever hate you?” she asked, stepping back to look at me.
“Because I went home with Azula and I tried capturing the Avatar for months and I chased you across the world and I’ve made your lives miserable for so long,” I exclaimed, still in disbelief that she actually liked me back.
“Well, I don’t hate you. At all. You’ve proven that you’ve changed and that’s all that matters to me. Besides, you never actually physically hurt any of us, unlike Azula,” she joked, laughing slightly.
I pulled her into a hug once more and buried my head into her neck. I had never been happier than right now in this moment. I promised myself at that very moment that I would do everything I could to become the man she saw me as. To become the man she deserved.
To be the man in her drawings.
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zi-i-think · 4 years
15 | Wedding Crashers
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Zuko x Ama (OC)
Word Count: 10,100+
~ Ama ☾ ~
         Marriage. Probably one of the most exciting and terrifying things in a person's life. It might take couple's years to finally come to the conclusion that they were ready for it. For some others it might take less time. It was a life changing decision. And then once you make that decision the planning starts.
         It would be a stressful few months. The two main participants may be met with hesitation during the time or just the opposite. Their trust for their partner could get stronger. In the end, if the couple chooses to go through with the union, they'd spend the rest of their lives together.
         They'd share incredible moments that they just couldn't do with family or friends. It was the married couple that would share that moment if or when they have a child. They'd share the joy of having a family. They'd live and grow old together.
         Growing up in the patriarchal society of the Water Tribe, many of us women longed for marriage since we were little girls. We'd dream of falling in love and then having as many kids as we could. Mom used to tell Katara and I the story of how she met dad on repeat. She described her marriage ceremony as one of the most incredible moments of her life and that having us was the most fulfilling part of her life.
         So as kids, my sister and I would plan our weddings. Talk about our dream guy and then describe what our dress would look like in detail. I'd even go as far and plan how I'd want the reception to go. We couldn't wait to find romance.
         Years ago, when I was with Mulan, I gave up on the plan for marriage. Not because I wanted to, I just didn't think it would have been possible. It wasn't like the Earth Kingdom allowed same-sex couples to marry each other. So that huge ceremony and reception was going to be traded by buying our house. And having kids was to be traded with housing the rejected ones.
         During those years with the gorgeous warrior bastard, I had an epiphany that younger me didn't understand. Marriage wasn't about the decorations or the dress. Not even about the people that were attending. It was about two people wedding each other. About declaring to each other and themselves that they were wholeheartedly given themselves to the other.
         And that was what today meant for Katara and Aang.
         With the wedding just a few short hours away, there wasn't a single person who wasn't tasked with something to do. Servants were running around with last minute touches and the chefs were already busy preparing the appetizers and dishes.
         But the worst, most heartbreaking part of the morning of the wedding day, is that the bride and groom have to be separated; according to Aang and Katara. Those two were attached at the hip. I didn't know if it was just because I'd been gone for so long, but those two somehow became even clingier. In my mind it shouldn't have to be such a big deal. I mean, it was only a couple hours then they'd be together as a married couple. They've been apart for longer than that.
         But they were in love. It was their day. Their moment. They had every right to feel however they wanted. And if I was being honest, I could use some of Aang's magic touch right about now. Because Katara was beyond jittery.
         "Sis, you made sure that the dress was cleaned and everything?" She hustled across the bridal prep room with a brush in her hand. The room was extravagant. It was one of the very few things that Katara let Malina take care of. And my step-mother truly outdid herself.
         The soft blue themed prep room was set in one of the guest bedrooms of the palace. Along one wall, a long table was set and multiple mirrors were placed across each of the six plush chair. The bridesmaids dresses were hung on a silver dress rack, whereas the bride's dress was hung in a separate rack more delicately.
         Most of us bridesmaids were already prepared with our makeup and hair, since Katara's paranoid ass kept needing to check something, she ended up being the last one to get seated for her makeup.
         I let out a soft sigh, letting my head fall into my hand. "For the tenth time today. Yes, Katara. You just need to relax."
         My sister let out a peeved scoff, sitting in her chair for Ty Lee to style her hair. "Relax." She grumbled like that was an impossible task. "I'm very relaxed. Totally not like this is one of the most important days of my life and there's a large possibility that we might get attached by some psycho." Her nervous, forced laugh worried me.
         "Katara, your aura is very, uh, dark blue. Are you sure you don't just need a breather before I start your hair?" Ty Lee gave my sister a concerned look through the mirror as she ran her hand through Katara's chocolate hair.
         Katara tensed up and she already started to stand up. "Well if we're going to have a break then I'm going to go over the-"
        "Nevermind." Ty Lee firmly seated Katara back down.
         "Hey, Katara," Toph started to question as she nibbled on a cookie. "The kale cookies are great and all, but why couldn't we get some of that seal jerky as a pre-ceremony snack."
         "Because they make your breath smell bad." Katara stated matter-of-factly.
"Aren't mints a thing?" Mai wondered. She sat at one of the makeup stations, fixing her eyeliner for the fifth time. Which made me realize that everyone was feeling some nerves for today. Because if Mai was putting so much detail into something so small, she was worrying about something.
         Suki pointed at Mai in agreement. "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing."
         "Oh, well I'm sorry if I decided that kale cookies were a better choice than seal jerky. It's not like I had a million other things on my mind." Katara snapped. Everyone's jaws dropped and Ty Lee paused with the hair.
         "Okay." I mumbled softly to just myself. I set down my tiny glass of champagne and went over to my sister. "I think we need to have a quick chat." I grabbed my sister's hand and led her off the seat. Luckily Ty Lee had only been brushing her hair and didn't start on the actual hairstyle. I dragged Katara to the bathroom, which was conveniently attached to the room. "Need to vent?"
         Katara closed her eyes, breathing in deeply and then letting it out. "I don't think I can do this." She said suddenly, leaning her body on the sink. She let her head hang slightly, making her hair hide her face.
         My eyes widened in shock. "What?"
         "I just." She groaned in frustration and balled her hands into fists. "There's other things to worry about, like Azula. And everyone else is pushing it under the rug like it isn't a big deal. Is it even right to be having a celebration when we're almost positive that she's planning something for tonight."
         I grabbed my sister's straining fists and forced them open to hold her hands. "Katara, listen to me. If you call off the wedding, you're giving Azula the satisfaction." My sister turned her head to look at me. "She wants people to be scared. By going on with the wedding you're showing her that no matter what she throws, she can't shake you."
         Katara kissed her teeth. "Well, I don't want her to think that she scares me." A light chuckled left our lips.
         With a comforting smile, I continued to speak. "But it's also your day. If you want to have it without worrying about Azula, that is okay. But it's your choice."
         Katara looked away in thought for a moment before shaking her head. "No. Aang and I decided together to go through with this. Azula or not. We love each other. And... I don't want to wait another day."
         "Alright then." I nodded, pulling her off the sink counter by the hand. "Shall we finish getting ready?" I motioned back into the room.
         Katara nodded with a thin smile and led the way back out. She went straight to the seat in front of Ty Lee. "Okay, ladies. Let's get a move on." Ty Lee grinned happily and immediately went back to work.
         "And we," I pointed to the other three girls, cocking up an elated eyebrow. "Should get into our dresses."
         Toph groaned loudly and threw her head back. "Already?" She asked, shuffling unenthusiastically to the dress rack.
         "Yes, already." I responded in a mocking tone as I took my dress off the rack.
         None of us girls felt uncomfortable getting undress and slipping on our formal apparel in the same room. But I still faced away from them. Despite knowing the group for so many years and fighting by their side, the last thing I wanted was to make any of them feel uncomfortable now that I was out.
         My outfit was more proper than it was yesterday to greet our royal and close guests. My medium purple dress floated just barely above the floor with dainty, silver spiral stitchings on the skirt. The formal dress would eventually be paired with a traditional deep blue parka, just not to be worn inside do obvious reasons.
         I gently smoothened the skirt, to busy myself for a moment. "Is it safe to turn around?" I wondered out loud, fixing my eyes on the wall.
         "We're all dressed, if that's what you want to know." Suki responded. I nodded and finally turned around in a casual manner. My jaw almost dropped at how elegant and gorgeous they all looked.
         Everyone wore respectable attire from their own nation. Katara didn't like the idea of having all of us in the same gowns. In fact, she despised it entirely. Instead, my sister found it more appealing to have everyone wear clothing from their own cultures to represent the harmony of all nations during this occasion.
         "You know you didn't have to turn around, Ama." Suki claimed while she hustled to the makeup table where she had previously set her things down.
         I shrugged and followed her halfway till I took a seat beside my sister. "I know, I just don't want anyone to feel awkward about it."
         "I wouldn't mind if you checked me out, though." Toph smirked in all her self confidence. "I don't know what I look like, but I do know that I look good."
         The room echoed our giggles and laughs. I shook my head at her with an amused grin. "I will say Toph, you are very good-looking." I told her. The earthbender shook her fist in the air proudly.
         "Hey, Ama. Can you hold Katara's hair while I pin it?" Ty Lee asked me. The girl's attention was almost completely focused on Katara's hair as she finished the last touches on the bun. I nodded immediately and got up from my seat to assist her. "Right here." She instructed, and I held the braid that was wrapped around the tight bun.
Only the top half of Katara's hair was put up while the rest of it fell down freely in it's flowy curls. And in front of each of her shoulders rested segments of her hair with Water Tribe medallions tied near the bottom.
         "Alright, done." Ty Lee grinned in satisfaction and took a gentle leap backwards.
         Katara took a minute to stare at her hair in awe. "Ty Lee, this is beautiful." She expressed her appreciation quietly and her hand went up to cover her mouth. Her face already started to scrunch up as she was about to cry.
         "Nuh uh, honey." I shook my head and pulled her out of her seat, deliberately ruining her touchy moment. "The waterworks are going to have to wait till later tonight." Katara nodded in response and looked up to keep the building tears from ruining her makeup.
         "You haven't even put your dress on yet." Mai commented dryly.
         "Which you should probably put on right now because we have a wedding ceremony to be at soon." I pointed out. My sister leveled her head back to laugh nervously.
         In a hasty walk, I grabbed the bride's gown from the rack and brought it back to my sister, who'd stripped to her undergarments. We were quick but cautious when slipping on the white shirt and the silk blue accented top layer. The dressed hugged Katara around the waist and flared lightly at the skirt. Suki passed me the white, blue stitched parka and I helped Katara into it. I then went around back, laying out the short dress train on the floor behind her before standing to the side.
         Katara smoothened out the few creases and then looked up to see herself in the full length mirror. This wasn't the first time she's seen herself in the dress, obviously. But given that it was the first time seeing herself being completely glammed up, she was likely to feel a bit emotional. Not to mention, she looked exactly like she was going to when she'd walk down the aisle to her soon-to-be-husband.
         Katara let out a dreamy sigh and smiled in the mirror. I lightly bit my lip and stepped next to her, viewing the two grown sisters that stood in the reflection. "You look just like mom." I noted softly. Katara turned to look at me with her bright, but doleful smile. "She would have loved to be here."
         With one swift movement, my sister pulled in into a hug. "But you're here." She whispered. I was left speechless for a second. Katara was always the one who was the most motherly. The caretaker. I regrettably, would spend less of my time helping around the village and more time getting into trouble. But it never occurred to me that even then, I was the older sister that Katara looked up to. I was the one who'd tell her not to let others push her around and to stand her ground no matter what. I had a different 'motherly' style that only Katara could understand.
         I hugged her back even tighter. And when we let go, Katara leaned her head up, dabbing her fingers along the bottom of her eyes. I laughed at her loudly at her and shook my head.
         "Hate to break up the very touchy sister moment, but we have a wedding to get to." Toph's assertive voice reminded us while she crossed her arms over her chest.
         Katara exhaled shakily but smiled cheerfully. "Let's get me married." The room erupted in cheers before we all grabbed our fluffy coats and headed down to the carriage.
         The entire ride there, Katara couldn't shake off her cheeky grin. Or her blush when we teased her about how she couldn't stop smiling. And for a moment, we forgot about Azula. We grinned and laughed while Katara probably felt a flood of nerves.
         The wedding ceremony was taking place on one of the cliff sides. It had the perfect view of the ocean from one side and of the Water Tribe city from another. The ceremony was attended by no one other than Aang and Katara's closest friends and family. Everyone agreed that they didn't want any rushed portraits or questions from reporters or the loud crying from some aunties.
         The carriage came to a stop a few feet from the entrance. The arched passageway was entirely made of ice with swirling carvings that made the sunlight reflect off of it divinely. There were guards on every corner, standing still and on high alert. The two groomsmen, Sokka and Haru, stood by the entrance eagerly along with dad and two of our little cousins, one held a tiny basket of rose petals and the other a small pillow with the rings, awaiting our arrival.
         "Right on time." Sokka smoothly came over offering his hand to escort Katara down.
         "Yeah, Ama didn't hold us up this time." Suki just had to bring that up as she slipped her hand into her boyfriend's to step down. Sokka pressed a gentle kiss on her hand before holding his hand out for me.
         I sighed loudly and let him escort me down. "You guys aren't going to let this go anytime soon are you?"
         "No, never." Sokka chirped. I kissed my teeth in annoyance and rolled my eyes.
        "Milady." A voice surprised me, making me jump away slightly. I looked to the voice, seeing Haru hold out a bridesmaid bouquet to me.
         I took it and gave him an awkward flat smile. "Thank you." As soon as I took it, I moved away. Haru was a nice person, it was just painfully awkward to be around him. We just never talked where we were younger, and now it was like there was no way we'd become close friends.
         I spotted my dad a few feet away, dressed in his best head chieftain coat. I headed over to him, letting him embrace me in a hug. "You and your sister look stunning." he complimented me.
         I huffed a laugh and pulled away. "Yes, well, despite it being Katara's day. I still outshine her with my beauty." I quipped with an overdone posh accent.
         My dad laughed with me and then glanced at the aisle entrance. "Hopefully, your own wedding day won't be too far from now." He had a hint of hope in his eye. "I will gladly welcome any man or woman you bring into the family." My lips tugged into an appreciative smile. But, like many moments that day, it had to be ruined.
         "Okay, people. Get into formation. It's a go on the wedding." Sokka directed with a grin. Katara came over to link her arm with dad while I took my maid of honor spot in front of her. My two little cousins skipped over to stand in front of me. And the rest of the group took their spots.
         I looked back at Katara. Her smile, reasonably held many emotions. Anxiousness, joy, hope. The sound of music was my cue to look back in front of me. My friends walked down in pairs, pacing themselves and giving each other a good distance. All eyes were on us. Well, more eyes were on the tiny children who were in awe with throwing the rose petals and walked a bit slower than the others.
         I giggled at them lightly while they unevenly scattered the red petals. When I looked up, I noticed Zuko standing beside Aang. The poor airbender was shifting anxiously, waiting for Katara to step into the aisle.
        Zuko, well, he stood there calmly in all his Fire Lord glory. His smile widened a bit more seeing that I met his gaze. My heart sped up just a touch and I wasn't sure whether I was blushing or not.
         Spirits, if I was blushing I hoped no one took notice.
         Not that I had to worry about that for much longer. Because the second Katara stepped out in her magnificent gown and with her glowing complexion, she was the center of attention. Aang froze in his spot and his face softened. I swear I saw a tear in his eye. It was beautiful.
         That was the story my mom would tell us. How all eyes were on her, but it felt like it was just her and dad. I wondered if that was how Katara was feeling. If that anxiety she was feeling vanished once seeing the love of her life standing at the altar.
         There was a momentary pause in the joyous feeling as the guests from the ceremony transferred to the reception. The venue was packed with extended family, village friends, reporters. Some kids were even running around in their little games of tag.
         The place was absolutely gorgeous. The walls were decorated with traditional animal skins, the lanterns and tiny lights reflected off of the ice sculptures. The combination of the Water Tribe and Air Nomad culture into one place gave the room a unique feeling to it. It wasn't a bad feeling in the slightest. It was a more comforting and harmonious one.
          My aunties immediately pulled me to the side to compliment my dress and hair. And then, of course, asked when my wedding would be. Interesting how they didn't ask Sokka these questions, but I just let it go.
         "You are a beautiful, young lady Ama."
          "And well over the age of 16, when will you allow one of these fine men to sweep you off your feet."
         "Or that handsome Fire Lord. You two made such a good-looking couple."
         I'd just laugh nervously and tell them that I just wasn't ready for any of it quite yet. I was starting to feel overwhelmed with the constant nagging and questions. I mean, what were they expecting me to say? That I was desperate to get married and just waiting for the perfect man? I was half tempted to tell them that I never planned to get married just to get them to stop. Sure they'd gossip, but I didn't want the conversation to continue.
         I felt someone slide their hand on my upper back. The touch was so delicate that it was almost like a feather. Turning my head up to see who if was, I wasn't disappointed. Zuko stepped in, kindly smiling at all my aunts. "Pardon the interruption, ladies, but Ama and I are needed."
         I nodded in agreement, remembering that he was talking about the married couple's arrival. "Of course, take her for as long as you need." Auntie Ashuna swat her hand for us to shoo and the other women giggled.
         I sighed heavily as Zuko and I walked away from the table and towards the venue entrance. "Thank you." I chuckled.
         "Why, of course." He gently bumped his shoulder to mine. "What kind of friend would I be if I let you continue getting tortured by overbearing aunts."
         I smiled at him and leaned my back on the wall right beside the door, giving me a good view of the outside so that I'd be able to tell when Katara and Aang would be arriving. "Who's watching Suh?" I wondered, peering outside.
         "Suki and Ty Lee." He glanced over to where they were seated. "So far, she hasn't been showing any signs of Azula's arrival."
         "Right." My brows bounced in an unbelieving way. "The night of the bachelorette party she kept looking out the window. Has she not done anything like that?"
         Zuko took a moment to think back. "She's been avoiding the appetizers like the plague." He said with a straight face, being completely serious.
         "How helpful." I deadpanned and rolled my eyes. Zuko scrunched up his face when he looked at me. What an absolute buffoon. But an adorable buffoon. My brow cocked up and I crossed my arms. "Suh only eats meals, thought you'd notice that after 6 months. Keep thinking."
         The firebender scoffed and vexingly shook his head at me. "You know, I don't see you keeping an eye on Suh. Why don't you look after her if you're so good at finding red flags."
         "Don't know if you know this, Zuko. But my sister is got married tonight." My tone was expressionless and I kept my eyes on the outside. The sun was just starting to set, giving the sky an orange tint. "Besides, isn't she your girlfriend?"
         I didn't see Zuko's facial reactions, but I heard his chuckle and I felt his hot breath right by my ear. "You're jealous." He teased in a low whisper. It almost sent shivers down my spine. But I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me bothered.
         "Jealous?" I scoffed back and narrowed my eyes roughishy at him. "Please, the only thing I'm jealous about her are her lips. They're very full and pretty." That wasn't a lie, technically. Suh was a gorgeous woman, and her lips were definitely a beautiful feature.
         "Maybe. But I think I'd prefer having your lips on mine than hers." Zuko smirked proudly at his smooth remark. And if I wasn't blushing before, I definitely was now. "Already got you blushing, love?" He was far too confident. All those years away must have really helped him grow away from that awkward teenage mentality.
         I snapped my attention back on the outside, avoiding his gaze. "Let's just focus on Suh and Azula for now." Wow, I really was out of the loop on the whole flirting thing. Then I saw them. Katara and Aang flew down on Appa's saddle and settled into the snow. "They're here." My feet scurried to the drummer, signaling for him to declare the arrival.
         He in turn raised his arm high up in the air before letting it fall on his instrument once. The low vibrations of it resonated throughout the large celebratory room. Then he banged the drum again. And by the third time, everyone's eyes were anxiously on the door.
         When Katara and Aang walked with their arms linked, the room exploded in cheers and claps for the newlyweds. Katara blushed immediately and leaned into her husband. The two were glowing in jubilance.
         Zuko and I approached them, taking their parka's off. "How do you feel?" I had to ask my overjoyed sister.
         "Happy." She sighed dreamily in her confident response. Her eyes sparkled like a diamond.
         Aang held his arm out to Katara once his coat was off. "Shall we?"
         She in turn hooked her arm in his once again. "We shall." She giggled. They walked forward to the middle of the dance floor, where they'd have their first dance.
         The band started the song softly. Aang held Katara close while he slowly spun her and swayed to the sides. Their focus was only on each other for the romantic song. Of course, the guests stood around the dance floor, giving them their space, while they awed and whispered about how perfect they looked.
         My hand went over my heart as I smiled blissfully at the scene. Just this morning my sister was hustling from corner to corner, concerned about every tiny detail and was so close to canceling everything. And now here she was with a cheeky smile and looking into the eyes of the man she loves.
         The celebration went on beautifully and so far without problems. The traditional katajjaq was performed by my aunts. The impressive throat-singers imitated the sounds of water and air with low humming and heavy breaths. Young waterbenders performed beautifully with a flowing dance.
         During dinner, Zuko and I gave our toasts. Of course, the Fire Lord gave some emotional speech about how much he appreciated the airbender. How Aang was one of the first people to trust him to save the world together. Whereas Katara was the last person to trust him. The two balanced each other out and were perfect for one another.
         My speech was a bit less formal than that. I couldn't pass up the chance of telling a short story about Katara's first crush, who I completely forgot was attending the reception. My sister's face turned scarlet red in embarrassment the entire time. But even I could get a few tears in when I expressed how glad I was that she found someone who could make her so happy.
         Soon enough, the real party started. The music became more upbeat, more alcohol was being consumed, and the dance floor was packed. I stood off to the side, watching my friends dance in pairs. Toph jammed to the music with her just as rambunctious boyfriend, Kanto. Even Mai was having a good time being spun by Kei Lo.  
         I wasn’t really in the dancing mood. And it totally wasn’t because I didn't have anyone to dance with. Instead, I would occasionally do a perimeter check or quickly chat with one of the guards about anything suspicious. Anything to make myself feel useful.
         Suddenly, a hand grabbed my wrist to pull me onto the dance floor. I was taken by complete surprise when they spun me into them. But once seeing who it was, I just scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Sokka, you could have just asked for a dance.”
         My brother just shrugged while he took my hand to lead me in a dance. “Yeah, but it’s funnier to see how your face scrunches up when caught off guard.” He laughed in amusement and I lightly punched his shoulder. “Have any of the guards seen anything?” His expression turned more serious, but he kept a smile on for the appearance.
         “Nothing out of the ordinary.” I answered and as Sokka turned me, I took a peek in Zuko and Suh’s direction. They were having a normal conversation as they swayed side to side. Nothing about it looked malicious.
         “It’s weird right?” Sokka asked me with a wry look.
         “Huh?” My brows pinched together lightly and my head tilted in a questioning way.
         My brother discreetly pointed his chin in the direction of Zuko and Suh. “Seeing Zuko act all in love with a girl he doesn’t even like. I mean, I’ve never even seen him dance before.”
         I huffed a laugh but nodded in agreement. “I think the only time he danced was that one time with the dragons.”
         “Not even with you?” Sokka was in shock, but I didn’t see how that was such a surprising thing. Zuko was a pretty awkward person as a teen. I mean, he wouldn’t even touch my boobs until months after we started dating. I just shook my head with a thin smile.
         “I’m back.” Suki announced herself right beside us. I smiled at her and stepped away from my brother to let his girlfriend go back to dancing.
         “I’m going to go look around again.” I pointed my thumb in a random direction away from the dance floor.
         Sokka threw his head back and groaned loudly. “Ama, just dance for a bit. There’s a reason we got a bunch of guards around.”
         “You’re brother is right, loosen up a bit.” Suki agreed with her boyfriend. Shaking my head, I started to back away from them, ignoring their judging looks.
         “Ama!” I heard a young voice call out to me as I was making my way out. Curiously, I scanned my surroundings for the voice. “Ama!” They called again just closer. Then I spotted the source. Kiyi was maneuvering herself through the sea of people.
         I grinned at her once she finally got to me. “Kiyi! What can I do for you?” I asked in a cheery tone.
         The twelve year old smiled cheekily and grabbed my hand, pulling me back into the crowd. “Dance with me!”
         I laughed and put my free hand over my heart. I adored Kiyi. And it made me glad that she still had that ecstatic personality with me, even though it's been years since seeing her. I even took notice of the woven bracelet she wore, which was the one I sent her and her mother years ago.
         I gave in, following her willingly into the dancefloor again. The tween had a more flamboyant style to her dancing. She’d jump and bounce her head, absolutely ruining her pinned up hair. I moved my hands in a wave motion, bobbing my head to the beat. Occasionally I’d give Kiyi a little twirl.
         I looked over at my friends closeby. Katara left Aang’s grip and danced over to us. Bopping her head and bouncing her shoulders. Kiyi let out a melody of a giggle, grabbing Katara’s hand and twirling herself.
         I grinned widely at the moment, enjoying every moment. Looking to the side, I spotted Zuko looking over. He smiled at me and pointed at Kiyi with a questioning, yet amused, look. Her arms were flying all over the place and she jumped up into the air, incredibly off beat. But she had the attitude, which was what mattered most.
         I turned my head, glancing through the crowd. My heart fell in moments. Just outside of the dancefloor, I saw him. His scar stuck out like a sore thumb. He was completely expressionless as he walked from one side to the other. But, the most chilling thing was that he was looking right at me. Our eyes locked for just one horrifying moment.
         But as quickly as I saw him, he disappeared behind the crowd.
         I stopped my dancing and was completely oblivious to the rest of my surroundings as I walked out into the sides of the crowded floor. The outside of the dance floor was pretty empty. There were the round tables where some of the guests were sitting and talking. So I should have been able to spot him quickly. But he was gone. My heartrate picked up and I started to breathe more heavily as I continued to walk further into the sea of tables.
         Katara emerged from the crowd, looking at me with wide eyes. My eyes stayed glued on the direction he disappeared in as I walked towards her at a fast pace and shaking my head.
         “Sis, what is it?” She demanded to know, gently placing her hand on my exposed shoulder.
         “I thought I saw Mulan’s killer.” My tone was exasperated and breathy. “But he’s gone now.”
         My sister immediately went on high alert and scanned the room. “Okay. I’m going to get Sokka and the others. You stay here and keep an eye out.” She promptly and hastily went back into the crowd to get the others.
         Stay here. Keep and eye out. Control your breathing.
         With a hard and dry gulp, I kept my eyes open and alert. I didn’t realize how dry my throat was until now. I knew that Katara told me to stay there, but if I walked around a bit then maybe I’d spot him again. Plus the bar wasn’t that far.
        In a quick walk, I made my way to the tall bar. There was only was person working there, which was odd because there should have been at least two people at the bar at all times. I kept a wary look and approached it carefully. The man working had his back turned to me, but once I was close enough he turned around. His pitch black hair and devilish smirk made me step back quickly.
         They weren't planning to just attack unannounced. They infiltrated the wedding. And now they weren’t even trying to hide anymore.
         With wide eyes, I grabbed the skirt of my dress, pulling it up a bit to sprint back to where Katara said to wait. I needed to warn her. That was when everything went to chaos. The ice sculptures collapsed into water, the fire in the lanterns progressively got bigger and more frightening and a bolt of lightning was shot into the center of the room. It didn’t hit anything or anyone, it was just for the fear factor.
         The venue erupted in screams and everyone immediately started to scatter to different directions. I kept my eyes peeled for any of my friends throughout the blur of people. The front doors shut loudly, preventing anyone from leaving.
         I didn’t know what to do. So I pressed on towards the dance floor, since that’s where everyone was running from. “Ama!” A hand grabbed me and pulled me towards them. Okay, how many times is someone doing to grab my wrist and almost pull my arm off tonight?
         Whoever grabbed me had armor under their clothing, because their chest was hard. I knew because I was pulled right into them. “Zuko!” I exclaimed in relief. “Where’s everyone else?”
         He opened his mouth to respond but a flash of lightning made us both flinch back and cover our faces. The high-pitched screaming in the background wasn’t helping the building anxiety I was having.
         I removed my hand from my face, and my jaw immediately clenched. Azula stode right to the opposite side of the now cleared dance floor. A vast majority of the guests quivered under the tables or were huddled together; the men typically stood on the outside to defend anyone.
         Azula no longer looked like royalty. Her matted dark clothing made her look like she was just another criminal. The only thing that stood out about her attire was the bold red lipstick. But the way she moved and smirked villainously, it commanded for people to respect and listen to her.
         Azula scanned the room with a scowl. “I must say I expected my entrance to be a bit more… dramatic.” She placed a hand on her hip and then her gold eyes locked onto mine. “Ama, you don’t look thrilled to see me.” She stated the obvious.
         I didn’t realize how much my hatred for the woman had grown since our last encounter. Just the sight of her made my blood boil. She was the one behind my friend's deaths. She was behind Mulan’s death. And then threatened the people close to me. I was prepared to deal with whatever she had to throw at me; and prepared tot throw it back harder.
         A malicious chuckled let her lips at my narrow glare. “Well, maybe you’re thrilled in a different way. In a more bloodthirsty way.” She was reading me like a book. But then again, she’s been manipulating me this entire time.
         “Azula, please.” A pleading voice called from the sides. It grabbed everyone’s attention. Ursa stood a few feet away from us, her hands up to show that she was nonviolent. “I’m sorry for how I treated you as a child. Please don’t hurt anyone.”
         The ex-princess rolled her eyes in irritation. “Well someone obviously thinks they’re the center of attention.” Azula motioned her hand like she was telling Ursa to shoo. “I have a goal in mind. And Ama, here,” She gave me an intentful smirk. “Is my ticket.”
         “Not happening, Azula.” Zuko snarled at his sister and stepped in front of me in a protective manner.
         “Must you make this harder, Zuzu?” Azula snapped her fingers and the two men, her henchmen perse, stepped forward to stand next to the villainous woman. The two were bending large chunks of rock beside then and their stances said that they had every intention to engage in a fight.
         “Here’s your flaw, Azula.” Sokka’s confident and threatening tone joined in as he and the rest of Team Avatar stepped up next to Zuko and I. “It’s four of you against,” He paused his boast to start counting how many people were going to stand against Azula. But eventually he just shook his head. “Anyways, it’s four of you against a lot of us.”
         “Where did you get the number four from?” Azula asked, but her eyes said that she already knew what we were talking about. Myself and the rest of the group stole unknowing glances. “Oh, you mean Suh?” Azula brought up.
         I didn’t know where the spyful woman was, but I really don’t think she would have appreciated Azula ratting her out. She might be angry just at the fact that we’ve already known about her.
         “And, it’s not just us. I have a team of my own.” Just when Azula revealed the information, people in dark clothing started to emerge from every corner of the room. And the guards were nowhere to be seen. “They have their reasons for being here and I have mine. Ama-”
         I couldn’t take it anymore. The pressure on my chest was getting too much. The only thing that I was getting at the moment was that Azula murdered the people close to me before, and she’d do it again. Mulan died in my arms because of her! I didn’t want to have another person die in my arms tonight. Azula needed to go!
         The moment she addressed my name to try and speak, I snapped. My arms beside my flew up, the fallen water from the ice sculptures following my lead to make a water jet. It was a forceful shot. Enough to throw Azula into the air and push her through the glass window.
         My friends beside me flinched at my lack of patience and the lack or restraint I had. “Ama!” Katara exclaimed with her hand over her mouth.
         “You guys protect the people in here. If Azula wants a fight, then that’s what she’s going to get.” My deep, brooding tone surprised even me. No one had a chance to object to my command, because I’d already created an ice slide to go over the heads of everyone in my way. I tuned out everyone’s calls for me to go back. My focus was Azula and keeping her away from everyone one.
         The air was chilling and had already been giving me light goosebumps. When I landed on the snowy ground, Azula was just getting up, wiping the snow off of her clothing. The half moon and the lights from inside the venue illuminated our surroundings, so there was no problem with seeing. My hands were out beside me, waiting for her to respond in some sort of way.
         The woman cocked her head to the side and had a satisfying smirk. “Well you responded better than I thought.”
         “What’s that supposed to mean!?” I shouted. My voice cracked slightly. That probably should have been one indicator that I wasn’t exactly emotionally stable to fight. But I was craving a fight.
         “Doesn’t matter.” She said it softly and etched with pain that she wanted to hide or ignore.
         Azula acted first. A whip of bluefire came at me. I reacted quickly with a summersault over it. And once I landed my hands commanded the snow before Azula’s spike up into sharp icicles of ice. Azula jumped just in time to avoid it and landed to the side.
         I manipulated the water to then strike Azula’s head, but she blocked it with a wall of fire, turning the water to steam. She manipulated the wall into a stream of fire towards me. I created a wall of ice in front of me and jumped to the side before the hot fire could melt the ice.
         I shot water bullets at her. Not strong enough to kill her, but definitely enough to hurt or even to leave a bruise. Only one of two hit her before she put up another defensive fire wall. But then once the firewall was out, another jet of water hurdled at her, throwing her back several feet.
         Azula rolled in the snow, her hands and knees on the ground, she looked up at me while I stomped towards her. “Oh please, Ama, that can’t possibly be all you have in you.” She egged me on. “I murdered the love of your life! How do you feel!?”
         I feel like shutting you up for good.
         My hand flickered, entrapping Azula’s hands and feet to the ground, and slowly, the ice crawled up her body. Azula’s eyes widened in surprise and in fear. She tried to move, but her body wouldn’t budge.
         Then my arms stuck out to my sides, ice spears forming beside me. My hands came to my chest, palms facing her and I forcefully pushed them forward. Azula stared at the ice, ready to be penetrated with a narrow, dismal expression. But the spears were redirected and forced into the ground. Not by me, but by someone else.
         Azula and I snapped out heads in the direction of the sound of crunching snow. I should’ve known it was Katara who had bent the ice. But she should've been inside, protecting the guests. I turned my head a little bit more, seeing that the venue now had a very large whole in it and some of my friends were now outside battling Azula’s misfits.
         “Ama, this isn’t how we do things!” Katara shook her head in concern. Her brows pinched together and her lips slightly parted in a frown. “Remember what you promised me!”
         “No, I’m protecting you all!” I shouted tensely, forcefully pointing at Azula. “Are you forgetting that she almost killed Aang, your husband? She is the reason that my friends are dead. She hasn’t and will not change, Katara.”
         “If you kill her, you will change.” Katara strongly retorted. “I felt the same way with mom! I know it hurts, but you will regret it, Ama. You can’t kill her!”
         There were pros and cons on both sides. Pros to killing her: Azula would no longer be a problem and I’d have my revenge for my friend’s deaths, for Mulan’s death. Cons: I’d break my promise to my sister and I could live the rest of my life in regret.
         Taking in a deep breath and letting it out, I lowered my hands calmly. “You’re right.” I sighed. My sister smiled graciously, before a water tentacle unexpectedly wrapped around her waist and pulled her back towards their fight. “Katara!” I reached my arm out for her and was about to go after her. But the sound of shattering ice grabbed my attention.
         Azula broke free from my ice, and stood up. Her hair was a mess and she darkly glared at me. “No more distractions!” She shouted. “Maybe you just need one more push!” Her arms made large arches as she generated lightning. “So many people to choose from. But which one of them would be strong enough to survive lightning?”
         She aimed the lighting at my group of friends, who were outnumbered and too busy to take notice. It didn’t matter to me who she was aiming at. There were all my family, I couldn’t let her do anything.
         “No!” My hands went out in front of me in desperation and before I knew it, Azula’s hands shot up, the lightning shooting up into the sky. The woman stood there bug-eyed and stiff like ice, except I didn’t shoot her with any ice. I didn't shoot anything at her.
         “What the hell are you doing to me!?” She let out a horrified shout.
         I sucked in a breath, realizing that I was bloodbending. I glanced at the moon, just to make sure it was a half-moon like I’d originally thought. And indeed it was.
         I’m bloodbending? During the half moon?
         I looked back at Azula’s scowling face and my jaw clenched. “You could have killed someone!” I shouted in fury, stepping forward and forcing her on her knees. “You are never going to change, are you?”
         Azula nervously laughed at me. “I know I’ve done some terrible things, but I needed one more life to destroy before I’m gone.”
         I scoffed, but then it all clicked in my mind. I shook my head in disgust; and in pity. “The only person you intended to have dead was yourself.” Azula kept silent, her way of agreeing with me. “And I was the way to do that.”
         “You could have killed me in that battle years ago.” Azula recalled with a chuckle. “But you didn’t and that makes you have morals? No, Ama. You’re going to kill me and you’re going to like it. You loved the feeling a year ago. Why not really love it and in the process rid me of this world?”
         My brows furrowed tightly and I grimaced. My fingers curled ever so slightly, just starting to press her body in on itself. Azula let out a small grunt of pain, but this was what she wanted. Right? Was this a part of her that was so evil she’d let herself die to hurt me? Or was this just a woman so regretful of the pain she’s caused in the past that she felt she needed to be gone. To rid herself of the burden she’s had to live with.
         Azula was raised to be used as a weapon by her own father to fight for the Fire Nation. But the Fire Nation was no longer at war. This woman was practically shunned by her only family and given no new purpose in life. She was lost and alone.
         “No!” I let go of mu hold on Azula completely and the girl grunted while she fell forward. Her hands kept her up as she knelt. “I refuse to believe that you want to die, Azula.” She kept her focus on the ground in front of her, refusing to show me any of her emotions. “You can have a life again, a purpose, maybe. You don’t need to live in your own regret.”
         “You don’t know me.” She said through her bared teeth.
         “I don’t think you do either.” It was silent. But the sound of the battle my friends were in was still in the background. I was waiting for Azula to respond in any way. I was prepared to either keep fighting, or to stand with her in having her thugs stand down.
         I wasn’t paying attention, though. I wasn’t expecting it. I didn’t know who did it or if it was serious. I knew one thing only. I felt a sudden, stinging pain in my upper abdomen. A loud, sharp gasp was sucked into my lips. It took me a moment to process and in shock I slowly lowered my head. The sharp tip of the bloody sword stuck out through my front.
         I hissed at the stinging pain as whoever just struck me through abruptly pulled the sword back through. My body collapsed, suddenly feeling too weak.
          “Ama!” A distant shout reached my ears.
         My body laid on it's side. The only person I could see was Azula. Her jaw was dropped and her eyes were open wide in complete shock. Whoever slayed me walked around my body and stood over Azula.
         “We need to go! Now!” Suh shouted in a seething tone. But the firebender stayed put, shutting her eyes tightly in a pained expression. “Azula!” Suh glanced over to the separate battle. And with a grumbling curse, she bolted away. Leaving my dying body and the overwhelmed Azula.
         I felt somebody skid beside me and pick up the top of my body. Sitting me upright. It was Zuko. Terror had overtaken his face as he looked at my pale face. “Shit, Ama.” An exasperated grumble slipped his lips. The man frantically grabbed the end of his royal cape, pressing it onto the backside of my wound and pressing his hand onto the front of it in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding.
         “Z-zuko…” His name came out in a strutter.
         “I’m right here. Hold on.” He begged me, pathetically trying to be calm for my sake. He turned his head to the side. “Katara!” His blood curdling shout called for my sister.
         A light chuck left my lips. “Zuko, your girlfriend is insane. Kinda like an unstable… ostrich horse.” My brain wasn’t exactly thinking correctly. My thoughts felt like they were scattering and jumping from one corner of my brain to another. Even my jokes weren’t making sense.
         My body suddenly cringed in a rush of cold. “I’m c-c-cold.” I shivered, leaning further into him. At each passing moment, I would feel weaker and less aware of everything happening.
         Zuko’s pressed a firm kiss on top of my head. “I know, waterlily. I’ll keep you warm.” He assured me. But it wasn’t the South Pole’s frigid air that left me shivering.
         A couple tears streamed down my cheek and I had to force myself to gulp, clearing my throat. “I don’t want to die, Zuko.” I managed a whisper.
         “You’re not going to die, Ama. Katara is on her way.” He pressed hard on my wounds. But the blood was still seeping out, only reddening his cape more and blooding his hands. His voice was fading in and out, like he was getting further away or I was listening from under the water
         “I’m so sorry.” I wanted to speak a little bit louder but my body could only allow a raspy whisper. Slowly and stagerdly with the little energy I had, my hand dragged up and over his bloody one.
         Zuko furrowed his brow and shook his head. “Sorry? For what?”
         I’m sorry for leaving. I’m sorry for barely visiting. For not thinking things through like I should. “Everything.” My eyelids started to get heavier. But I fought against it for just another moment. One more chance to say “I love you.”
         “Ama!?” He shouted, but I barely heard it. And a second later I just saw his lips moving with no words coming out. It felt like a rush of cold air raked through my body. A bright, white light clouded my vision. It was just starting out as a tiny dot in the distance, and gradually got bigger until it was all I saw.
         The blinding light turned softer moments later. My brows furrowed in confusion as I took in my new surroundings. I spun in circles and I looked up, down, left, right. It was like an endless room of just, white. I wasn’t in my bloodied dress anymore. Instead I was clothed in a silk, cream colored dress that ended at my ankles. And I wasn’t wearing any shoes. I was grateful that I wasn’t still in my previous clothes, because the blood was getting sticky on my skin, but cream wasn’t exactly my color.
         If this was the afterlife how do I make a complaint about how boring it is...? Spirits, Ama. You’re dead and thinking about the color of your dress?
         “Ama.” An angelic, soft voice said from behind me. It was so familiar, like it was from a distant memory. Yet despite not being able to recall it, it made me feel safe and warm.
         Turning around stagarly, my hands immediately went up to cover my mouth with one palm. “Mom!” With an exasperated sigh, I ran towards her. Immediately being engulfed in a hug. Our arms wrapped around each other tightly after thirteen years.
         My family and friends always gave me wonderful hugs. But nothing could compare to the comforting warmth of a mother’s hug. It was the kind of hug that told me everything was alright, that she was here with me now and was always with me.
         Pulling away, my mom cupped my cheeks to look at me. “You’re so grown up.” She said emotionally while she studied my face. She hasn’t changed in how she looked at all. Her eyes still held that glimmer and her soft face didn’t have a single wrinkle. Well, I supposed that everyone looked young in the afterlife.
         Her thumbs rubbed my cheeks soothingly as she exhaled a pent up breath. “I am so proud of you.”
         I huffed a disagreeing laugh and looked down at my bare feet. “I almost killed a woman today.” I told her, despite her probably knowing that. “How can you be proud of me if I almost did something like that?”
         My mother smacked her lips and placed her hand under my chin to lift my head up. Her kind blue eyes held no judgment for me. Her parted lips smiled at me with pride. “Because, it’s what you did in the end that mattered. You gave that woman hope to be a better person. No mother can ask for a better daughter.”
         I wondered if I did help Azula. If she’d try to do better tomorrow or if she’d continue to let her own guilt consume her until she couldn’t just wait for someone to kill her. I wanted to think she’d somehow try to make amends with her family and redeem herself. Would the others even give her a chance to do that?
         “You don’t think it’s too late for her?” I wondered out loud. My mom was always a caretaker. She saw the good in anyone, but she never gave someone the benefit of the doubt. If anyone would know whether Azula could change, it was her.
         “Of course not.” She assured me.
         I sighed in relief. “Thank you, mom.” I didn’t forgive Azula for what she’d done. Intentionally or not. And I don’t think I would forgive her for a while. I mean, I had an eternity to do that now. But maybe, just maybe, she’d find her peace. And we’d be able to talk about things if we met in the afterlife.
         My eyes darted around the white space and my lips curved into an unimpressed grimace. “Is this what death is like?”
         My mom giggled at my expression, rubbing her thumb on my cheek. “No, snowflake. It’s much more lively than this.” It almost made me feel like a kid again when she called me by my old nickname. Kind of ironic considering I was dead. “Someone is going to be leading you to the afterlife.”
         My head tilted curiously. “You?” She shook her head ‘no’ and removed her hands from my face. Her eyes left mine to focus on something, or someone, behind me. With a timid yet poised turn, I looked to see who’d be my guide into the rest of eternity. Taking a sharp intake of breath, my eyes widened with contentment.
         “Hey, gorgeous.” Mulan. Sending her a emotional smile, I took soft steps towards her.
         It was comforting to see her clothed in clean, light clothing in contrast to the usual dirty and heavy clothing we’d use as the bastards. There wasn’t a hair out of place in her exquisite updo. But while she looked different and graceful, there was one thing that was missing. Her smile. The one that made me fall in love with her.
         My mother was delighted to finally see me. But Mulan was crestfallen. With her brow pinched upwards and her cheerless frown, the tall woman licked her lips to speak. “It wasn’t supposed to be your time yet.” Her honeyed voice said quietly.
         With a thin smile and a light shrug, I took my final step to stand in front of her. “Yeah, I always thought I’d die while doing something stupid with Taon.” I quipped with a gentle snicker.
         “Like surfing during a hurricane.” She cocked an accusatory brow at me. She reminded me of the one time there was a hurricane while we traveled to some islands.
         “I’m a waterbender, I would have survived.” I claimed, throwing my hands up beside me.
         Mulan scoffed and rolled her eyes amusingly at me. She bit her lip lightly while her green eyes scanned my face. “He’s still waiting for you to wake up.” She informed me and my smile fell a tinge. “They all are waiting for you to wake up.”
         “But I’m dead. They can’t keep waiting forever.” I gulped and shifted my weight to my left leg uncomfortably. My hand went up to wipe underneath my eye, expecting a teardrop of two. Expect there was no water leaking from my eyes. My face twisted in confusion.
         “You can’t cry in the afterlife.’ Mulan pointed out with an awkward tone.
         I groaned in frustration and shut my eyes tightly. “Ugh. I hate it here!” I exclaimed as I ran my hand through my hair. “I don’t want to be dead, Mulan. I want to be with my family.”
         “And with Zuko.” She added simply. I paused at the addition and avoided eye contact. Mulan chuckled at me, catching me off guard. “Ama, I know you still love him. There’s no hiding that.”
         “I’m sorry.” I mumbled.
         “Don’t apologize.” She smiled. “You should be there with him.”
         “Well, his psychopathic girlfriend stabbed me. Can’t exactly survive that.” I reminded her.
         “You can wait for them all here.” She extended her hand out for me to take. To lead me to the rest of death. I stared at her soft pale hand. They were no longer calloused from the years of wielding her weapons.
         I guess I didn’t exactly have a choice. I’d have to wait for them. But they wouldn’t wait for me. They had to move on with their lives. Zuko would fall in love with someone else. Katara and Aang would have kids together. I wouldn't be around for any one it. But we’d have a lot to talk about.
         Daintily and nervously, I started to reach for her hand. The light behind her continuously got brighter and brighter the closer my hand was to hers.
         I’d wait for them. However long it took them.
Two announcements!
One. I'm starting college tomorrow. I wanted to get a little more ahead before I'd start, but I couldn't. That being said, updates will be once a week. I will try and post every sunday, I plan on posting my writing schedule eventually (on tumblr).
Two. I plan on posting little oneshots for Ama and Zuko! So if you have any requests, I would love that. I want to interact with my readers and ask and answer questions. It'll be fun!
Hang loose, amigos 🤙🏼
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airiustide · 4 years
forever young. forever you.
Chapter 5: Hesitancy
Summary: The gaang is all together now but sadly Iroh has not made it yet. Zuko uses this opportunity to make up for lost times but things do not go as planned when Sokka makes a taboo suggestion and the others agree, including Aang.
Katara's upset about Zuko claiming he had nothing to lose, but for how long when he always manages to tug at her heartstrings?
A/N: Sorry for the slow update but just to reassure everyone, this will get completed, with only two more chapters to go. It makes me happy to know that you all have loyally been following this story. I will not disappoint you. It's taken some time but here is chapter 5! I'll warn you, the feels only get deeper in this chapter, so prepare your hearts.
also posted on: AO3
" I tend to lose my sense of time and come the morning. Stayed aside. I know it's much too soon to tell you that I need you by my side. But who are we to call each other selfish lovers? We all need someone." - Hold by Dabin and Daniela Andrade.
Zuko stares incredulously at the burnt fish thrown in front of him on a silver plate. His brow bunches, looking at an angry Katara wiping her hands clean on the front of her robe and taking off to retrieve her meal which was perfectly cooked and neatly arranged for a nice dinner.
He looks at her, then back at his obliterated dinner, then back at her. She didn’t bother making rice for two so he was left with a fish that looked as though it were suffering severely, even in the afterlife. And Katara happens to be that mad, so Zuko doesn’t doubt she’s capable of making that happen.
“Is there, uh, tea?”
‘Yes, there’s tea bags in the kitchen cabinet and a nice kettle, feel free to make as much as you’d like.”
“Oh.” He’s in the doghouse. He’s definitely in the doghouse. “Would you like some?”
“Nope. I’m good.” Katara lifts the cup of tea she personally made for herself to her lips and takes a long sip. She had been short since the raid ended. Piandao had offered his residence to the couple to rest on their two week journey to Caldera. Just in case, Zuko had sent out letters via messenger hawk to all the gaang telling them of his and Katara’s whereabouts.
Katara argued that it was best to wait in person to tell them but time was not on his side. He went straight to the point and thought it a best to explain once they met. It would hasten things, though Zuko felt awful for telling his friends he was dying through a letter.
The worst part was sending one to his uncle. He was not straight to the point with this one. No. Zuko apologized in every way he could think of in the letter before diving deeper into the tragedy that befell him and if he was to pass from this world before he made it home, he wanted his uncle to know how deeply sorry he was and that he loved him more than someone who supported him, he loved him as a father.
Katara told him it was very genuine but afterwards left to pack and he could hear her burst out in a fit of sobs from the other room. She only spoke when necessary but deep down this was killing her and Zuko began to falter at the idea of being together. Despite this, his qualms did not outweigh his selfishness. Many things have changed about him, but not his possessiveness, not when he finally had Katara by his side.
“You’re mad.”
“I’m not mad.”
“You are mad.”
“Why would I be mad? It’s not like I have anything to lose.”
And that strikes him through the heart like an arrow. He pokes and prods at his dinner, charred and unappetizing. It didn’t matter because Katara made it, even though it was cooked to a crisp on purpose, she took her time to provide him a meal. So reluctantly, Zuko picks through as much of the fish as he could, downing a cup of water to get through what tasted like gummy tar. He pinches his nose to deflect the smell but that doesn’t stop it from gagging his refluxes.
Katara examines him from across the table, humming in feign satisfaction as she ate. “Don’t forget the eyes.” Katara mentions, “They're good for your health.”
I fear for my health , Zuko thought, staring at the blackened pebbles that used to be eyes. But he eats that too and the rest until there’s nothing but bone, head and tail left. All he has to do at this point is keep it down.
He ate it. He actually ate it. She thinks behind her disbelief.
Katara stays quiet through the rest of dinner, coming around the table to take Zuko’s plate to clean. He offers to help and she doesn’t reply. This is a sign that she wants to be left alone.
The bitter loneliness blanketed his heart. Katara lied next to him in bed, softly sleeping and yet he still felt alone. He tried to apologize, wanting to assure her that he was not referring to her when he said he had nothing to lose. In fact, he didn’t mean it because he had everything to lose. For him, it’s...easier to distance himself. Distance was the place to retreat when he didn’t have the guts to face reality.
Katara deserved better, much better. That’s why this uncertainty swelling like a ball in his chest ached.
She did not accept his apology nor did she discuss it further. Albeit, she stays by his side, providing him with whatever she thought he needed even when he doesn’t ask for it. She remains close, walking with him in silence and sleeping next to him.
She felt so good, so close yet far away. Katara was more than dear to him; she was his light. She possesses more fire in her spirit than the most powerful of firebenders. A depiction of everything he wishes he could be, if only a fraction.
Zuko really needs to reevaluate, determine just what it is he should do from now on. There’s so little time, so little time to figure it all out. His life’s mission is over. Ukano is dead and the only reason Zuko wasn’t turned in and jailed is because of Piandao’s and Jee’s sympathy.
They’ll find the former governor in his secret bunker, the very one Zuko tipped off to the lotus. They’ll see the ghastly wounds from his dao swords, pierced through Ukano’s chest and stomach and Piandao will come up with a lie to protect the former Fire Lord.
Zuko thinks of Mai in that moment; wonders if she is aware of her father’s misdeeds, and if not, how it will affect her. He gave Ukano a chance to turn himself in, to get another chance at reuniting with his family once again, but the man’s pride outweighed the desire to do right by his wife and children.
That’s why Zuko killed him. Ukano was beyond saving.
Seeing the light leave his eyes was a reminder that soon the light will fade from Zuko as well. That’s why he broke down in front of Katara. He’s rejected all the fear and desperation buried inside him for so long, it was bound to resurface. Pretending that death didn’t consume every aspect of his thoughts were easier than accepting that it ate at him every single second of every single day.
Then she showed up in the dark; his light.
Zuko’s gaze lingered down at Katara, who had now scooted closer to his side; one leg thrown over his and her hand rested on his chest at the very center where his scar lied. He smiles when she unknowingly caresses it, muttering his name. He can see her eyelids flutter while closed and her features twist. He kisses her cheek, Katara exhaling a soft sigh and her face relaxes into a serene state, a small smile appearing on her lips.
“I cant promise you the world.” He whispers against her cheek. “But I can give you mine, all of mine, and I hope that- I only hope, that that is enough.”
Day broke. Katara wipes the sleep from her eyes and turns on her side and bolts upright when she realizes the space on the bed next to her is empty. “Zuko?” He’s not there. Since knowing Zuko’s condition, Katara could only jump to the worst of conclusions. “Zuko?” She calls again.
No answer.
She throws the blanket from her lap. Hopping out of the bed barefoot she grabs a robe that had been thrown over the nightstand and jogs out the bedroom door. Katara forgets she’s stayed in Piandao’s estate the last two days. It may have been less if not for Zuko getting exhausted on their way here on the airship; unable to concentrate while maneuvering the machine. She has no clue where she is going but she has to get to Zuko as soon as possible, just to know he’s fine.
I swear to La if anything happens to him, I’m going to kill him!
She makes a strangled sound between a sob and a laugh, rushing through the halls to the kitchen, the living area, the study, the meatery, the weapons room. She swallows down the ball lodged in her throat, becoming frantic by the minute. Her surroundings whirling into a blur.
She’ll forget being mad, she made a deal with the universe, just give her a sign.
Her feet come to a screeching halt when she spots a torn parchment on the ground wondering to the estate’s garden that expands to a view of the stretched out river behind it. There’s something written in it, Katara approaching to investigate, otherwise she might have overlooked it.
Before I leave this world ... It says.
That’s it. Katara flips the parchment over and there’s nothing. She looks around and about ten feet away from where she finds the first one, there’s another. Katara quickly picks it up.
I wish to spar swords with Sokka
A smile broke on her face. Sokka certainly wasn’t the most skilled of swordsmen- okay, he wasn’t skilled- but he would appreciate the challenge. With a little more bounce in her step, she finds another lying in the grass and picks it up as well.
I wish to give Toph the life-changing field trip she’s always wanted
She chokes a laugh.
I wish to learn Kyoshi techniques from Suki
Katara is reminded how Zuko raved about the Kyoshi warriors after they were assigned to guard him upon taking the throne.
I want Uncle to know that he didn’t fail me. That he isn’t just a relative but everything I’ve wanted in a father. I only hope that I have made him proud
This one made her tear up. Every note brought out every piece of Zuko. A part of her is selfishly happy that she’s the first to know these many things about him. Her heart flutters with excitement, collecting the notes in her arms.
Katara slows when the next one she picks up she spots Aang’s name on it. There’s this momentary dread. Aang and her falling out isn’t because of mutual understanding. Katara soon learned the difference between what she held for Aang and what love actually meant to her and before she knew it, years went by. Moving to Republic City in hopes that they could mend only proved how different they were.
She sighs, closing and opening her eyes, and reads on.
I wish for Aang to forgive me for what I will reveal next
Oh. Katara twisted her fingers at the side of her robe. Her cheeks flush and her heart hammers in her chest as she treks closer to what she now realizes is the final note.
I wish to take Katara to that field of chrysanthemums, where the sun will set beyond the edge of the world and the moon is visible in the sky before night falls, so that in that perfect moment when I look in her eyes, I can finally tell her ‘I love you’
The notes fell from her arms, the only one she holds in the palm of her hands is the one about her.
“This-” She begins.
Zuko’s standing where the cliff overlooks the river, leaning against a boulder for support. “I love you.” He confesses, a bouquet of fire lilies in his right hand. He sounds weak and is flustered but the broad smile on his face made him look more alive than he had in years.
He takes a step and Katara sobs, running into his arms. It wasn’t the sunset, the moon wasn’t in the sky and they weren’t surrounded by a field of chrysanthemums. It doesn’t matter, because this very moment when Katara says ‘I love you too’ is better than any fantasy Zuko could conjure.
“I love you.” He says aloud again, his voice in a low husk and the warmth between them flares.
Her heart jump starts in her chest. A callous hand cusped the back of her head and Katara mewled softly, allowing Zuko to pull her halfway. All train of thought swept away.
Katara can’t stop kissing him; his lips, his cheeks, his neck, his forehead. A laugh bubbles in her chest as Zuko’s gasps and moans at her intense affection. She can tell he likes it, his hands gripping at her sides while she straddles his lap on the bed. Zuko thinks he should bring her fire lilies and tell her he loves her everyday from now on.
“Katara.” He tries to pause to no avail, having been in bed from morning until noon making out. “We should- mmm- probably have lunch.”
“In a minute.” She chuckles, grinning wolfishly when she bites his bottom lip and tugs gently.
“Oh, okay. In a minute then.” He concedes. Agni, he goes weak for her, bunching his fingers into the back of her robe. Zuko leans up, meeting Kaara in a hard kiss and rolls his tongue into her mouth and he loves the ways she mewls.
Suddenly Zuko spasms and his body is thrown back onto the bed. His eyes roll to the back of his head.
“Zuko!” She cries, reacting quickly and calling water from a nearby pitcher to her hand. She rips open his tunic, bending the water to his chest and manages to calm the seizure. He’s had at least two since coming here, so it came as no surprise this time. “Oh, Spirits, are you okay?”
It takes a bit before he’s coherent, his fluttering eyes finally opening to see a worried Katara. He hated seeing her like this, and so decides to ease the tension of him losing himself right when they were in the middle of kissing. “Sorry, I got a little too excited.”
His weak laugh is interrupted with an ‘oof’ as a pillow collides with his face.
She’s mad, the waterbender climbing off his lap and back turned. It wasn’t the least bit funny. Though, she will admit she liked hearing his laugh again but she was shaken, still distraught that in that moment he could have been lost to her forever.
“Katara.” He whispers, the stir of regret mixing in with his sincerity and she hates herself for forgiving him so easily. Spirits, she just wanted to kiss him.
“What?” She snaps, keeping up with her false anger, huffing.
“I’m sorry. I tried to make light of a situation and- that was uncalled for. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Katara’s shoulders stiffen and her breath stills at the warmth on her back. Large hands slide around her torso, settling gently on her stomach. His mouth settles nicely at the pulse of her neck and the waterbender closes her eyes as he breathes her in. Gooseflesh rose where his lips rested, leaving an imprint that would forever stay in Katara’s mind.
Damn it all to hell, she can’t stay mad at him. At least give me that , Katara thought, but there was no winning.
“Never again.” She frowns, finally giving him her attention. The tears stung her eyes, a stray one trickling down her cheek and Zuko sweetly sweeps it away with the pad of his thumb.
“Never again.” He promises.
Zuko can’t believe it. They’re all the same people he knew but they weren’t. Aang, Sokka, Toph, Suki...all of them were here before him, staring at him as though he was some sort of creature crawling out from the sea. He grips the hand of his lover and the cane she had crafted for him. Zuko’s choked, unsure of what to say now that everyone he loves is finally in front of him.
Zuko notes that Sokka closes his eyes in disbelief. They can see it all; his pale skin, his thin figure, his sunken cheeks, all of him. Zuko wants to cry because this was not how he wanted to reunite with his friends. Even with that in mind he can’t get over how intensely Aang is staring at him and his hand linked with Katara’s. How can he ever explain this to him.
“How long?” Aang asks, finally looking Zuko in the eye.
Zuko swallows. “Um- I…” Where should he begin? Just because he’s dying doesn’t mean that Aang will forgive him for being with Katara.
Aang walks up to him and stops only several feet. Their heights are the same, a reminder that the Avatar isn’t the scrawny little twelve year old he once hunted.
“Aang...I can’t begin to explain- Huh?” Aang pulls Zuko into a harsh hug. The Avatar’s body is shaking uncontrollably and Zuko’s hesitant on what to do next.
“Don’t- Don’t. You. Ever ...make us worry like that again .” Aang is crying, clinging to his best friend. Zuko buries his face in Aang’s shoulder as the rest of the gaang joins them one by one. He was not expecting this, to be enveloped in the love and support of his once newfound family. He should have done this sooner, he should have given himself and them that at least.
“You’ve known since the beginning.” Aang concludes, shadows darkening his features. Zuko had explained everything in Piandao’s living area. Aang sat crossed legged on the floor, Sokka and Suki held hands tightly next to each other on the lounge chair and Toph was leaning with her back against the wall. “How could I have not caught on? I should have guessed what you were going through- damn it, it didn’t feel right!”
Everyone’s brow shot up, having heard for the first time Aang swear.
“It would not have changed anything.” Zuko sighs. “I was stubborn. Getting away was the only solution I could come up with. And besides, Uncle and Koji were my drive behind me leaving in the first place.”
“But maybe I could have convinced you otherwise. Maybe we could have come up with a solution together.”
“Maybe.” Zuko dismisses. They can’t focus on the what-ifs of the past. They were all here now with the exception of Iroh, a family again. In fact, Zuko is becoming more frantic on how soon his uncle will make it here, having sent Iroh his letter first.
“Look, maybe there’s a cure or something. There has to be a solution?” Sokka suggests.
“I told you, Yugoda says there’s nothing more she can do.”
“That she can do. She’s not the only famous healer, Katara what about you?”
“Don’t you think I’ve tried, Sokka?” She snaps at her brother. “Sorry. It’s just been sinking in much longer for me. It’s been hard for me.”
“Because you love him.” Suki chimed in.
Katara stiffens as though she’s on the spot and unintentionally glances at Aang who’s hanging his head but nods. “Yes. Because I love him. Besides, I’m not as skilled as Yugoda and if she doesn’t have the power or techniques to save him, what makes you think I can?”
“Well,” Sokka looks around at his friends, “because you can bloodbend.” Everyone jumps out of their seats in horror save Toph.
“Are you mad?!” Aang shouts.
“Sokka, think before you blurt out something insensitive.” Suki reprimands.
“Why not? Katara’s the best waterbending master in the world and if anyone’s capable of saving Zuko, it’s her. Look, I’m not a fan either but bloodbending has proven to be a powerful bending form and who’s to say it doesn’t have healing benefits?”
“Katara never stuck around to find out and it’s probably for the best.” Aang argued.
“Snoozles is right.” Toph retorted, finally speaking up since listening to Zuko’s story. “It could save Zuko’s life. Just because Hama used it for evil purposes doesn’t mean the form itself should be used for evil purposes.”
Wow , Katara thought when Toph spoke, no nickname. That’s when you knew the earthbender was serious.
“Thank you!”
“There’s one problem.” Katara sighs. “I don’t think I can do it. The only two times I have, was purely out of anger. I don’t know if I have the ability to heal with bloodbending as the source.”
“Well, Sokka may be onto something.” Suki settles back in her seat. “You have great concentration, Katara. You can tap into things no one else can, it’s worth a shot at saving Zuko, you have to believe that. If it were Sokka, I know I’d do everything I can even if it happens to be taboo.” The Kyoshi warrior encloses a hand over her husband’s.
“I-” Aang starts, scratching the back of his head. “I mean, if it were to save him, I don’t know how I could ever argue with that.”
“See, sugarqueen. Everyone else agrees.”
Katara ponders over this. She could try, it's the least she can do. “There’s a full moon two weeks from now but, I’m afraid there’s the off chance of this hindering Zuko’s health, so it might call for several sessions. But if Zuko trusts me- ”
Zuko taps his cane hard on the floor. “No.”
“No?” Katara questions. “You don’t trust me?”
“No. It’s not that I don’t trust you. I don’t want to spend my remaining days alive like that. I want you by my side but not as my healer. I will not pass on with the memory of you taking care of me like a sick patient and I certainly don’t want you blaming yourself if anything were to go wrong.”
“But this could be your chance. Listen to Katara. Even I agree with this.” Aang tries to reason with him.
“I appreciate it, I do. Having you all here means the world to me but I called you here for your company, not a solution. There is no solution and if bloodbending happens to be that, I refuse to put Katara through it.”
They dropped the conversation for Zuko. Instead they all enjoyed a quiet meal Zuko himself had made for them out in the garden. Katara is anxious the whole time because she’s been kicked out of the kitchen and told to relax with the others. Everyone compliments the meal and Zuko is proud to admit that his time living alone forced him to work on his cooking skills.
During a quiet night of conversation and warm saki, the gaang updates Zuko on how they are currently doing. Sokka and Suki of course got married and have two beautiful twin girls, now being watched by Gran Gran during their time here. Aang raves on about Republic City and describes how it was everything he and Zuko had envisioned and Zuko wishes he could have been there to see it. And Toph proudly announces her metalbending school.
There’s so much to catch up on and so little time. Zuko’s overwhelmed by how much he’s missed out, excusing himself and leaving to wash the dishes. Katara follows him to the kitchen.
“Talk to me, Zuko.”
“We have been talking. We’ve talked all night.”
“Not about the others, about me healing you.”
“Kat, I told you. I’m done discussing it.”
“I’m not. You’re not giving this a chance, I really believe this is it. If it were the other way around, wouldn’t you do the same for me?”
His face falls into his hands, trying hard not to get worked up. This is Katara; his love, his life and she’s only being thoughtful. Zuko had to find a way to convey to her how this is making him feel. “Katara, you mean well, I get it. I understand where you’re coming from but this is what I want. I’m a dying man with no future. This,” he gently takes her hand, “is worth more to me than spending a possibility of a million days bedridden. I want to die seeing your loving eyes, not sadness on your face. I want to go in peace. I’m not asking you to accept it, I’m asking you to honor it.”
She couldn’t fight that. It pains her but she couldn’t deflect his wishes. The stubborn side of her wants to persuade him but the empathetic side of her gets where he’s coming from.
“I want to marry you, Katara.”
Blue eyes widen. “Zuko…”
“Marry me.” He whispers, leaning his forehead to hers, reflecting the smile stretching on her quivering lips. A warm finger touches her lips and Katara closes her eyes. “Marry me tomorrow.”
Zuko pulls her into his embrace, laughing joyously, dropping his cane so that he could lift her by the waist and swing her around. Katara yelps, wrapping her arms around his neck, the world around them moves in slow motion. The light in Zuko’s eyes fade to dark and a confused Katara collapses on top of him as he falls.
“Zuko?” This isn’t a seizure, he knows it isn't. “Zuko!”
It’s too late.
“Sokka! Aang! Somebody!”
I’m sorry.
“No. No. No. No…”
Her voice fades and Zuko’s heart beats weak to a stop.
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reyxa · 4 years
can’t we all just get oolong? ch. 2
title: can’t we just get oolong? author: Reyxa rating: T summary: au where zuko and iroh settle in ba sing se post-banishment. when a pretty water bender start frequenting the jasmine dragon, zuko’s world turns upside down.
note: slightly shorter chapter this time around but the next one will be Beefy so stay tuned!!
Chapter 2: White Tea
Katara has spent the whole morning distractedly tugging on her braid, a little anxious at the notion of returning to the Jasmine Dragon.
It’s less that she thinks it’s dangerous and far more that she’s nervous to see Zuko. She hates more than anything the way he stirs her chest, the way his name is etched across her mind right now.
“Katara!” Aang jolts her from her reverie, calling her name as he emerges from their bathroom. “You wanna go looking for your mom’s necklace today?”
She searches desperately for an excuse. She just can’t take Aang with her to the teashop. She wouldn’t risk it, especially since it seems like those two firebenders had ties to Azula herself. It would be too dangerous touting the Avatar around like that.
And maybe a part of her really just wants to scope out the teashop again by herself.
“We can’t, Aang.” Sokka pipes up before Katara can even begin to form coherent sentences. “I really want to go talk to some more aristocrats and government officials around here. Knock on some doors.” he combs his hair into his wolf tail as he speaks, squinting into the mirror. “Remember that one guy across the street who warned us about the Dai Li after Joo Di left that first day searching for Appa? I’m sure there’s more people around here willing to talk to us and having the Avatar around won’t hurt.”
Toph is toying with her headband, using it to poke between her toes. “I’m with Snoozles. We should really try to get our plans to the Earth King as fast as possible. Then we can get the hell out of this city.”
Katara hops off the couch to refill her waterskins at the basin, trying to hide her relieved expression. “They’re right, Aang. We should focus on finding Appa and figuring out the invasion first. I’m sure my necklace will turn up! It always does.”
Aang nods. “Yeah, I get it. But we’ll find it as soon as we can, okay?”
She smiles reassuringly.
Zuko peers into the teashop from behind the counter, counting the amount of customers who need serving. Sure that his uncle can handle it on his own for a while, Zuko slips out the backdoor into the alley.
The alley is empty save for a few abandoned carts collecting dust. The bustle of the main streets can be heard on either side but hardly anyone glances into the dark cove.
The mid-afternoon sun is high and heavy, but Zuko relishes its presence. He draws on its heat, feels it burn through his veins. Breathing deeply, eyes closed in concentration, he slides into a basic stance.
Drawing on his inner fire, he steps and throws a punch down the alley.
He opens one eye, praying for some sort of flame. His fist smolders, prickling with a fire that won’t burst.
He grunts and throws a regular punch at the wall, hardly feeling the skin on his knuckles split against the brick.
The one thing he was born to do and he can’t even do that.
Okay, okay, what would Uncle say right now? he contemplates, holding his mildly bleeding hand against his chest. ‘Zuko, it is not your ability that is wanting but your ability to look within yourself to seek your true abilities.’ he groans internally. That still makes no sense.
Shaking his head, he commits to working through a few more firebending forms, at most producing short erratic sparks. He isn’t sure how much time has passed but sweat is pouring down his temples and drenching his Jasmine Dragon uniform.
He throws in the towel, mounting frustration turning his mind to shreds. Wiping sweat with the corner of his apron, he slides back into the shop.
As much as he wants to rush upstairs and wash the afternoon off himself, his uncle is waiting by the door, tapping his foot expectantly. “What were you up to, nephew?
Zuko sighs. “I was trying to firebend.”
Iroh’s brow lifts in surprise. “Firebending? Any particular reason?”
Bracing himself for another lecture, Zuko stalks over to the teapots, pouring himself a chilled glass. “How many times do I have to explain, Uncle? Azula is on our tails! She’ll be expecting a fight, you know how she is.”
“This again.” Iroh shakes his head. “Prince Zuko, I understand I cannot remove this notion that the Fire Nation is chasing you. I know it is both what you fear and what you desire. But, please, at least do not let my teashop become collateral damage to your ways.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Zuko storms out into the teashop, piling dirty cups angrily.
He feels like he’s teetering on the edge, like his mind is a hurricane thrashing away at his grip on reality. The last time he had felt so tumultuous, he was angry at being stuck here in Ba Sing Se, instead of being allowed by his Uncle to chase the Avatar. All he had wanted was to return home, Avatar in tow. He had been neglectful of his burn wounds, barely caring for his health and lashing out at his uncle who did.
It had taken a long time for that anger to turn to dejection to turn to acceptance of his circumstance.
But the sight of that girl, with eyes bluer than Ember Island oceans and fierce unyielding words spilling past her lips, had made him regress. She’s a curse, he knows it.
But something tells him she’s his answer too.
Katara knows breaking into an unsuspecting teashop full of firebenders in the middle of the night may not be her brightest idea yet but it’s too late to turn back.
The streets are emptied save for a few Dai Li posts but she fancies herself a master of stealth as she hugs the shadows. Her shoes are soundless against the stone-paved streets and she keeps half of her water tucked in the palm of her hand.
The gang still hadn’t really figured out what the deal with the Dai Li is quite yet but Katara does know she’d rather not get caught breaking curfew. She had noticed their piercing gazes and Joo Di’s tight smile when any Dai Li were posted nearby. Though the city was a refugee haven, something told Katara they wouldn’t care very much that she was the Avatar’s companion if she were caught breaking the rules.
The sound of feet slipping against stone whispers in her ear, sending her ducking into an alley until her heart stopped pounding in her ears. The patrol of Dai Li, marching in stiff lines to match their stern faces, pass by her hiding spot without glancing her way.
She steals further down the dark alleyway, not particularly sure where in Ba Sing Se she was. Navigation is Sokka’s thing and she’s only been to the Jasmine Dragon once.
Sighing, she heads back down the main street, still lurking in the shadows. Time passes her by but the moon remains high in the sky, lighting her path.
“Hey! You’re breaking curfew!” a voice shouts behind her.
Katara’s spine stiffens, heart pounding wildly. She draws the rest of her water from her water skin, its presence assuring her she would not be the captured one tonight. She pivots on her toes to face the Dai Li voice.
His rocks are poised to handcuff, feet already in an earthbending stance.
But it isn’t her he’s shouting at.
Dirt flies as she throws herself behind a vacant food stall. She counts her heartbeat as the altercation develops to blows.
“I need back up!” The Dai Li soldier shouts. Katara can hear the sounds of struggle but she isn’t sure who was on the other side.
Against her better judgement, she peeks over the dusty wooden table. The Dai Li soldier slides into his bending forms solidly, pushing rock after rock. Clearly trained well, he springs off the wall as he narrowly escapes the deadly end of twin swords.
Twin swords Katara finds a little familiar.
No way.
Scrambling on hands on knees, she crawls closer to the fight. Her head pokes out from the left side. Across the stone-paved street is the Dai Li agent, sweating under his green robes as he ducks under the reach of a broadsword. Two other agents run in from the far side of the street, faces illuminated beneath the street lamps. Between them is the swordwielder, a flurry of motion as he fights off the agents. A mask conceals his features, a taunting blue smile with tusks on each end.
The man hesitates just for a second before throwing one of his swords to pin a soldier against the wall. Katara can’t help but imagine golden eyes staring at her.
She wants to run. Go back home or keep skirting the streets to find the Jasmine Dragon but she feels glued to her spot as the swordwielder takes hit after hit. He remains soundless, even as a boulder to the chest takes him down. His last sword skitters out of reach.
The Dai Li wear triumphant smiles as they wrestle him to his feet to cuff him. The flash of Water Tribe lapis lazuli tied around his wrist winks at her for a second before rock binds his hands together.
Her heart stops, she blinks as if imagining it. Sighing, she rises to her feet, watching a Dai Li agent reach for his mask. I’m gonna regret this, aren’t I?
Adrenaline is already filling her veins as her waterskins pop open.
Feet pounding against the pavement, she encases her arms with the water and reaches across the street to the agent. The water stretches, wrapping around his shoulders. Katara flicks her wrist, throwing the man against the wall.
Her water splashes over the masked man and the other agent who takes no time to summon a few boulders.
She skids out of their path, throwing ice shards at the agent. His distraction with her loosens the grip he has on the man in cuffs. She watches the rock encasing crumble away from his wrists as he slams them against the brick wall. Katara can’t help a silent smile as he rushes to grab his swords.
Dai Li agents seem to double in numbers every second that passes. They emerge from the shadows and Katara finds herself fearing arrest. For every single agent she knocks out, two others replace him.
She sweeps her leg, water follows its trail and knocks back several Dai Li agents. A presence at her back sets her spine straight but it’s only the masked stranger standing at her back, swords a swift blur.
Instinct takes over. Her body moves through bending forms on its own volition while overly aware of the potential firebender at her back.
A streetful of Dai Li agents either lying unconscious on the pavement or pinned to several buildings are left when they’re done.
Katara’s panting wildly, her heart pounding out of her chest. So much for a discreet heist.
“Come with me.” the masked man grabs her risk and drags her off before she can bother protesting.
Zuko tears off his mask as they duck into the alleyway behind the Jasmine Dragon. He waits for surprise to flicker over the waterbender’s face but it doesn’t come.
She simply looks at him, arms crossed. “I have questions.”
“It seems like you always have questions.” he rolls his eyes, sheathing his swords.
Indignation fills her voice. “Yeah, well you owe me answers! Why do you have my mother’s necklace? You took it from me on purpose, didn’t you? Of course you did, why wouldn’t you stoop so low, firebender? You know—”
He grabs her shoulders, hushing her quietly. “Please, stop. You talk more than my uncle.”
Her blue eyes blaze. “Fine. Say your piece.”
He shakes his head. She really is something. “Fine. I didn’t take your necklace, you left it here.”
“And you decided to comb the streets of Ba Sing Se looking for me?! Why?” she’s straining to keep her voice low.
“Let me talk!” Zuko didn’t exactly have an answer as to why he thought taking the necklace and sneaking out would be a good idea. There was a very slim chance he would run into her or find where she was staying but he had taken the chance anyway. He can’t help but feel a little smug that it worked out. “I needed answers. I needed to know what you know about Azula.”
“I’m still not convinced you’re not working with her. Your uncle is nice enough but you, I don’t know.” she steps away from him, eyeing the necklace dangling from his wrist.
“I’m not working with my sister and I never would!” he chews his lip, eyes flickering over her face. He sighs. “I just want to keep my uncle and his teashop safe from her. If she found out we were in the city…”
Her eyes soften a little and something in Zuko’s chest shifts. He throws the feeling to the back of his mind. There’s no time to analyze that. “I— fine. But I have questions too.”
He nods, feeling the pit in his stomach dissipate. He’ll finally get answers. He can finally find peace.
“Are you two going to keep shouting in the alleyway or will you at least come inside?”
Zuko jumps back at the sound of his uncle’s voice. The waterbender is holding fistfuls of his shirt, equally startled.
Iroh grins at them, still in his pajamas. He gestures for them to follow, humming as he leads them into the teashop.
Zuko and the waterbender girl glance at each other before she yanks back her hands and follows his uncle.
Zuko shakes his head and shuts the door behind them.
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akaiikowrites · 7 years
war ready pt. 1
Summary: “Drift compatibility is more of an art than a science.” It doesn’t matter if no one would’ve thought to pair the kaiju blue powerhouse with the exiled soldier. They’re gonna save the world today. [Pacific Rim AU]
Notes: for @zutaramonth​ 2017, day four, enemies to lovers. this kids is what we call self-indulgence.
All her test scores are off the charts. They have to literally rewrite algorithms for her. Power is pulsing in her—monstrous and fierce as kaiju blue—and everyone in HQ knows they need her on the frontlines.
Months pass as they put her through drift trials. Hopeful pilots spar with her, solve puzzles with her, fly with her. Some of them are good enough that she knows they’ll be like her. Cycled through until they find someone. Most are just fodder thrown in hopes that they’ll somehow stick.
“Drift compatibility,” Commander Pakku says, “is more of an art than a science.” He’s trying to be comforting but he’s far too stiff for that. “Maybe we should bring in your brother.” They both know it won’t work. Even if they were truly drift compatible, instead of merely passable as prelim tests suggested, Sokka’s brilliant tactical mind is needed elsewhere. Katara nods anyway because what else are they supposed to do?
The longer she trains, the stronger she gets, until they have to rewrite the algorithms all over again. Whispers come in. They’ve been testing jaegers built for one. It would be more efficient. War demands efficiency. It’d almost be a death sentence, but they lost the Philippines yesterday, and Katara thinks she could rip apart a kaiju with her bare hands.
“It might not kill you,” the Mechanist says. More hope colors his tone than conviction. “The kaiju blue in your blood might have made you more resistant to the effects. We need more jaegers on the frontline. Single pilots are necessary. And, Katara, you’re the only one who might...” Survive.
Deep in the Anchorage Shatterdome there’s a jaeger built for her. No callsign. It’ll go to someone else now. Someone who’s got drift compatibility and a modicum of self preservation.
Katara signs the waiver.
They get Ranger Zuko Himura in May. Part of a show of cooperative goodwill between Shatterdomes. Mostly, in practice, it’s a form of exile because they never send their best or their brightest. Gossip’s already flying before his plane even lands.
Everyone remembers the tragedy of King Killer. The mother-son piloting team of Ursa Himura and Zuko Himura had met the three kaiju that came swarming from the sea outside Seattle. They’d taken out one. Held the line with another. Damage took out the comms. Based on forensics the last kaiju must’ve gouged out the chest of King Killer and taken Ursa with it. Zuko tried to hide from the kaiju up in barrier islands. Its’ death throes took out a half dozen fishing villages.
Including the one that had been Katara’s childhood home.
As the shining star of the Anchorage Shatterdome she’s expected to greet him and she does. No one can force her to smile though. They put her at the end of the line. Like maybe in the time it takes Himura to work down the line she’ll suddenly decide she likes him. Himura reaches her. Katara’s still scowling. They shake hands.
“Katara Foster,” he says. Briefly his fingers tighten around her own. Not like he’s trying to punish her, but like he wants to hold on to her. Golden eyes focus on her with startling intensity. “The kaiju blue girl.”
It doesn’t matter that his hand is nearly twice the size of hers. There’s strength in her that she’s not afraid to let him feel. So she squeezes once, hard, and then rips her hand out of his. A thin thread of pleasure winds through her at the way his eyes widen in response to her obvious fury.
“Zuko Himura,” she mimics. “The exiled soldier boy.”
Himura’s got a twitch in his jaw. “I’m not exiled.”
“But you are a soldier boy?” Honestly, she’s not sure why she’s provoking him. The plan had been to avoid him. When she was dragged out the plan shifted to staring at him in silent mutiny until she could avoid him. Now she’s going after him and that thin thread of pleasure is a rope knotting up in her.
Deliberately he settles back. It’s a fighting stance, loose limbed and easy confident, the kind of posture that idiots in barfights think means prey but actually means predator. “Yes,” he says. “Aren’t you?”
No, she thinks. Because she’s not a soldier. Anyone in this Shatterdome could tell him she doesn’t take orders well. Except, looking at him, she finds herself thinking of the waiver form she signed. Of the months pushing herself to her limits. Of how desperate she is to finally have an enemy to attack. “We’re in a war,” is what she settles on. “I am what I have to be.”
People start to ignore their arguments. They’ll be yelling at one another in a hallway, faces inches apart, and some engineer will just shove straight through to get to the cafeteria. Or they’ll be snarling at one another in the sparring room, hitting harder than regulation allows, and the training instructor will tell the others to move onto the next set of katas. Or they’ll be glaring at one another in the jaeger hangar, mouths set in identical scowls, and literally everyone will pretend not to notice. Because if everyone paid attention to their arguments then nothing, bar nothing would get done in the Anchorage Shatterdome.
Hopefuls are still sent her way. Efficiency is key in this war. If they can find someone drift compatible to put with her in that unnamed jaeger, then they do not have to invest in building a jaeger meant to house only one pilot.
Before, Katara hated every one of these tests. At best, it was a useless exercise that only served to occupy her for a few days. At worst, it was a reminder that she was still stuck sparring with strangers instead of fighting on the frontlines for humanity’s survival.
These days the worst of the fire that’s constantly burning in her is reserved for Himura because he’s the only one that bites back hard enough.
All that means is that failed hopefuls go away with fewer bruises. Commander Pakku mentions this with obvious approval. Fewer bruises mean fewer apologies when the hopefuls are cycled to the next Shatterdome. During the last trials for September, he looks at her and says thoughtfully, “It’s more of an art.”
If that’s his idea of a warning it’s a shit one. Because when the October trials roll around, Zuko’s there among a half dozen other would be pilots, the familiar line of his shoulders and curve of his lips a taunt.
Katara doesn’t even wait before throwing herself at him. After almost a half year of sparring with one another he catches her easily. Throws her over his body and watches as she rolls into the landing. Other people fade away, even Pakku with his clipboard, as she loses herself in the easy push pull of their fighting. One of her elbows lands in his solar plexus and air escapes him in a rush even as he gets her other arm pinned. They fight dirty but they’re on equal ground and she loves the way that neither of them ever really win.
“Halt!” Commander Pakku’s voice splits the air.
Sucking in desperate gasps of air, Katara rolls off Zuko. It’d been a draw, anyway. When she glances over, Zuko’s eyes are closed and he’s breathing deeply. He can’t fool her. He’s just as winded.
Lolling her head to the side, she takes in Commander Pakku and the half dozen hopefuls. They don’t look so hopeful anymore. Rather dejected, actually, one of them is eyeing the door. Normally they don’t look like that until she’s personally handed each and every one of them their asses. But Pakku...
Zuko, she realizes too late, is drift compatible. With her. They’re drift compatible. Of course they fucking are.
Katara’s still awake twenty-nine hours after the latest attack. Everything’s pleasantly fuzzy at the edges until she looks up and there’s Himura scowling down at her. They haven’t talked since that disastrous trial even though they see each other what feels like all the time. Apparently they still aren’t talking so she just stares at him while clutching her mug of coffee. Stares and stares and stares until, eventually, he lets out this long exhale that’s not quite a sigh.
“Yeah?” she asks. Katara could smack herself because they’re not supposed to talk. They could but they shouldn’t. So she puts down her mug and begins pushing her blueberry muffin around on her plate with a fork. And then adds, a touch defiantly, “Are you planning to just stare at me?”
That seems to be the trick because he swings a chair around and straddles it. Lean muscles bulge as he folds his arms. Then he props his chin on the cross section of limbs and stares at her.
Somewhere in there, his scowl faded into contemplation. “They tried to send you out,” he says. “Why?”
Blinking at him numbly, Katara tries to process through how he would possibly know that they’d been desperately rigging her into a jaeger with the intention of her solo-piloting. Right up until Iron Arrow punched straight through the kaiju’s chest and yanked out it’s heart. Cafeteria chatter is still about that daring but dangerous stunt. Not about her.
“Because,” she says. “I’m the kaiju blue girl. If anyone can survive solo piloting, it’s me.”
After months of hearing this, of repeating it herself, it feels normal. Katara almost expects him to agree. Everyone else has—except Sokka, because the tactical advantage isn’t as strong as his love for her. But Zuko’s silent.
Under the florescent, his eyes darken almost to amber.
Finally, he asks, “Would piloting with me be so bad?” The thing about Zuko is, he’s always seemed invulnerable, like nothing can dent the armor he’s put around himself. Like he’s a jaeger. With or without the robot.
“Yes,” she says. “You’re the reason my mother is dead.”
God, it sounds so awful. Hanging there in the air. The thought’s been gnawing at her for months but in moments where she’s not exhausted and terrified and furious she knows it’s unfair. The moment she says it she waits for him to refute it but he doesn’t. Just looks at her.
When he does speak, his voice has a raw quality that makes her want to cover her ears. “I’m the reason my mother is dead.”
Katara opens her mouth. Closes it.
“I know you lost your mother because of King Killer,” he says. “I know you’ve got kaiju blue in you because of King Killer. I know, okay? I know that you being here instead of in some medical school in the Safety Zone is my fault.”
And he’s saying all the worst things she’d thought in her heart since she first heard that he was coming to her Shatterdome. But now that she hears them out loud, in his raw voice that aches with self loathing conviction, she doesn’t think they’re true.
“Stop,” she says. Before she can think better of it she reaches across the table and grips his hand. “You led the kaiju out into the border islands because you didn’t think you could hold the Sound, didn’t you?” Because here’s another thing she’s been thinking since she first met him that rainy day outside the Shatterdome. That he’s a heavily scarred soldier who piloted a jaeger on his own for eight minutes. The the kaiju went into the islands without obvious injury and came out with a mortal wound. That the jaeger didn’t even make it onto an island before it collapsed. “You wanted to kill it before it took out Seattle.”
“Yes,” he admits. He turns his hand palm up and lets her fingers twine with his. “I thought...” I would die. “I don’t want that for you.”
Twenty nine hours without sleep and she knows abruptly that it’s going to be more. Paperwork, especially when registering new co-pilots, is always the fucking worst. “Okay,” she says. “Okay.”
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steambend · 7 years
idk if this has been asked yet but if you have the inclination, what would be your ideal zutara progression in a hypothetical book 4 for the original series? like if it was all under your direction, how would zutara develop in a fourth, 20ish episode season? bonus points for describing the season/series finale
you know what, i’ve never been asked this. so thank you, i’ve been wanting to answer for so long!
first of all, i would change the season 3 finale. i like zutara’s progression in season 3, i think was very natural for a 14/15 year old girl and 16/17 year old boy. i’d completely erase that scene where m@i comes in and threatens zuko to never break up with her again because **what the fuck**. instead, it’d still be zuko struggling to get his tunic on, maybe a little bit painfully and katara would walk in scolding him with words like, “zuko! you shouldn’t be doing this on your own, you’re hurt.” and then cue a mini healing session (katara blushes, but not as deeply as zuko does). he would express his appreciation for everything she’d done for him over the past couple of months and she would convince him to let her stay and oversee his recovery “just while the wound’s still fresh.” bullshit katara, we all know why you actually want to stay
i’d keep the end scene with them at iroh’s tea place exactly the same, except without the k@taang kiss obviously. i’d replace that with a kind, but firm talk between a@ng and katara about how she didn’t appreciate him kissing her in the ember island players episode when she explicitly asked him not to and letting him know that while she loved him dearly, she didn’t think it would ever be in a romantic way. a@ng would be upset at first, for sure, but part of his season 4 development would be learning to accept this and also maturing as a person and learning to be empathetic of other people’s situations and so on
look, my friend, i am a sucker for slowburn. all of my ships somehow manage to be slowburn (and as an avid bellarke shipper, i am very much dead thanks for asking). so sue me for wanting zutara’s romantic relationship to establish slowly. they’re only young after all
the first couple of episodes would be katara helping in med and acting as a impromptu southern water tribe ambassador while the world is sorting itself out and slowly healing. zuko would be learning the basics of being the firelord. all that essential stuff that would come from ending a 100 year war would take place. season 3 has already established that zuko and katara have a strong bond, and are beneficial friends. i doubt they’d do anything but make time to regularly see each other outside of meetings and whatnot. zuko would make sure that no matter how busy his day was, he’d reserve time for afternoon tea with katara (and sometimes iroh, although i vehemently believe iroh ships his nephew with katara and so he’d always come up with ridiculous excuses as to why he couldn’t come so that they could be alone)
they’d talk about everything and nothing and eventually, maybe three episodes in he’d finally tell katara about his visit to the prison to see ozai and how his mother is possibly still alive. after much discussion and planning, zuko would decide to go look for her and katara would not let him go without her, insisting it’ll be just like old times and reminding him how he helped her when she was seeking closure for her mother
and this’ll be where the meat comes in. now, like i said, at first it’d be slow. things like brushing hands, zuko helping katara untangle her hair, katara comforting zuko whenever their search led to dead ends and stuff. it’d slowly become more affectionate; snuggling together during cold nights, holding hands for comfort, katara finding ways to touch zuko’s scar or brush back his hair and zuko finding it extremely hard to not look at her lips or stare into her eyes. and of course they wouldn’t even realise they’re doing this because they’re silly kids in love
and after the search is over and they visit sokka and suki and toph and the gaang, everyone sees how they act together now and are all like “wait since when did you guys start dating?” and they’re like “wait what” and ursa just looks up from her tea like, “wait, zuko, you’re telling me katara’s not your girlfriend?” and zuko and katara would be so confused like they were totally just platonic pals this whole time right? lmao wrong
and eventually when everyone’s gone to bed and it’s just zuko and katara awake they’re all giggly and blushy with each other and then they sort of confess but in a way where it’s like they totally didn’t realise they were falling for one another but now that they’ve said it, it just makes sense. their first kiss would be under the starlight and it’d be all smiles and katara would run her hands through his hair like she loves to do so much and zuko would cup her cheek with one hand and hold her close around the waist with the other and everything would just fit into place. and katara would say something cute afterwards like “i don’t know why we waited so long. who knew an angst prince like you would be such a good kisser?” and zuko would grin like an idiot but he’s her idiot so it wouldn’t matter
the end scene of the finale would be a time jump to like 5 years in the future when katara’s 22 and zuko’s 24 and they’d be married and throwing a wedding at the fire palace for a@ng and a lovely girl he met and everything would be perfect and zuko’s favourite nickname for katara would be “his queen” and katara would call him a “jerkbender” to tease him (also because sokka and zuko are best friends and she picked it up from her brother fight me) and katara would have her goddamn statue and whenever zuko went out fighting villains she’d be right there beside him kicking ass
the end
lmao this was super long i apologise i just have a lot of feelings about these two. feel free to add your own headcanons, zutara is my favourite thing to talk about!!
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