#i truly believe joe wants a canon gay romance for steve at this point
I really love how Joe feeds our gay fantasies on the press of every season by flirting and being physical or just looking absolutely in love with his seasonal male co-star.
season one
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season two
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season four
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also bonus because wtf is this
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zediina · 3 years
There's no good reason for the MCU to not have LGBT characters
(note: these are real complaints I've seen)
Warning: long post ahead!
"no forced romance/representation!"
You don't need a queer romance to have queer characters, just like you don't need a straight romance to have straight characters.
If you're complaining about this and not about for example Bruce/Nat and Steve/Sharon, then this isn't actually about forced plotlines for you.
Marvel used to make romance comics. Stan Lee wrote romance comics. Many characters have romantic interests or love traingles. Romance is a big part of marvel, so why shouldn't it be in the movies? They are comic adaptions after all.
The mcu already includes queer characters (loki, valkyrie, ayo, starlord, ...), they're just not really portrayed as such. If anything, this is forced straightness, not forced queerness.
"it will distract from the main plot!/It's not relevant to the story!"
It doesn't have to. Their queerness doesn't have to be the center of the character's story. In fact, it would be great to see more characters that just happen to be queer, rather than having that be their main thing.
If it distracts from the main plot, that's not an issue of lgbt representation but bad writing. Complain about that instead.
If it's a part of the character's identity it is relevant to that character, and therefore at least somewhat relevant to the story.
"let black people have things for themselves!" (in relation to Ayo in Black Panther)
Again: characters like ayo are canonically queer. Asking for them to be represented as such isn't meant to take anything away from black people.
Characters can be black and queer. Black queer people exist and deserve representation as much as everyone else. Especially when the characters are already there.
"They're trying to stay true to the comics!"
No they're not.
"Not everything has to be gay!"
True. But with a cast as huge as the mcu cast, not having any lgbt characters is, quite frankly, unrealistic.
Asking for a few lgbt characters (again: they've already been introduced) is not turning the whole mcu gay. You'll still have your superheroes beating up villains. Calm down.
"They can't do it bc Chinese and Russian markets!"
If Bohemian Rhapsody could be released in China, so can a marvel movie with queer characters. (Yes, they cut a scene and changed some dialogue. Point is, it got released, so marvel should be fine)
If the queer scenes aren't explicitly romantic/sexual (again: they don't need to be) Russia and China can slap new dialogue onto it. The movies get synchronized anyway.
"They just want to get it right!"
There's good representation in the comics. They've had years to figure out how to translate that to the big screen.
Marvel/Disney are a media empire. They have all the money they need to hire good queer writers and do sufficient research to get this right.
"There's queer characters in the shows!"
And I love that! But they should also appear on the big screen.
Many of the more casual fans watch the movies, but not necessarily the shows. It would have a much greater impact to see these characters on the big screen
"They said we're getting representation soon!"
Great! They said the same about endgame though. And look what we got: gay Joe Russo. It's way past time, and I'm too disillusioned with this franchise to truly believe them. Maybe they will finally get this right; I hope so at least. But my expectations are low at this point.
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