#i want a cute confession and smooches and hugs
hearts4sungie · 2 years
this is my first post, hope you like it!
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• throws himself on you
• he came home from a long day of working so you let him put his full weight on you. it’s comforting to you both
• lays his head on your chest while he talks about his day as you comb your fingers through his hair
• likes to leave lazy, wet kisses on your neck and chest
• usually ends up with chan sleeping soundly on you while you carefully try to get your phone to snap a pic of his curly head on you
• pulls you to his chest and has a grip like you’re gonna go away
• peppers the top of your head with dainty kisses
• “you smell pretty, baby.”
• you try to pull from his tough grasp because it’s getting a bit too hot.
• he whines while not letting you get that oh-so- necessary fresh breath of air.
• “why are you trying to run away from me?”
• he gives a sly smile once you give up
• likes to kinda rock you back and forth
• you both whisper cute nothings to each other while giggling
• soft kisses to your nose
• continue to be lovey dovey until drowsiness takes over the both of you
• big spoon big spoon big spoon
• he likes when you baby him while cuddling
• you listen as he talks about his recent hardships while lazily twirling his hair around your finger
• when he’s the big spoon, he likes to lightly scratch your arm to see you get goosebumps
• favorite part of hyunjin’s day.
• smothers you with love
• he makes SURE you’re wearing his hoodie while you guys cuddle, finds it adorable
• you freely speak about your day as he intently listens, jumping in every once in a while to give his opinion
• he can listen to you talk while being in his arms all day.
• biggest smooches bc he just cant resist it
• “hey! lemme finish speaking before you cut me off with those wet lips”
• though you say that, you always avoid eye contact from getting flustered
• jisung loves it
• stay in each other’s hold all day
• holds you like you’re the most fragile thing ever
• “you know i love you so much, right?”
• showers you in assurances of his love
• holding hands under the blanket
• you guys eventually fall into a comfortable silence
• you lay your head against his chest to hear his heartbeat, wanting yours to sync with his
• he always falls asleep before you and you use that opportunity to confess your love back
• most times felix is pretending to sleep just for that moment, to hear your pretty voice say how much you love him.
• likes to drape his arm around your stomach while you lean into him
• seungmin isn’t too touchy but when it comes to cuddling; he uses this time to make up for that
• you both have your eyes close as you lazily converse
• his fingers trace light circles on your side while you talk about your day
• soft kisses to his cheek before you guys drift off to sleep
• another tight hugger
• likes to keep you flush against him
• “innie.. its getting hard to breathe and too hot”
• “dont care. i want you as close as possible”
• eventually stops the squeezing but still has a grip on your hip
• pepper his chest with kisses
• break out in tiny giggles when the silence becomes overbearing
• reminiscing first dates and kisses to fill the silence
(not proofread)
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whackk-kermitt · 9 months
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Confessing Your Love
Genre: Headconons
Warnings: Cursing(Brok..)
≫ ────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ────── ≪
“Hmm,” followed by a slow nod.
He wouldn't say anything immediately.
He will just kind of look at you, studying your eyes.
He doesn't want to take chances.
Man has trust issues!
Telling him you love him will make him so happy yet so scared.
You wouldn't be able to tell.
Eventually you'd hear, “I love you, as well.”
He'd immediately ask you to move your things to his home if you haven't already.
He loves you, so you need to stay close so he can protect and provide for you!
He'd start to find more excuses to touch you and you'd laugh telling him he doesn't need them.
Eventually, he will be comfortable enough to walk up to you just for an embrace or smooch.
Before his head got..you know.. His first instinct you be to turn to you completely.
“Really, Las? An old man like me?” He'd laugh but he'd offer to do something romantic.
Smartest man alive, but he never saw that coming.
Either way he’d swear his loyalty and heart to you.
Anything you want, he's on it.
After his head…
He'd probably hesitate to return the sentiment, no matter how genuine it is.
“I- I can't offer you much, Las.” He’d frown.
He'd feel inadequate, and undeserving- he's just a head after all!
What could he give you in terms of love and affection?
After telling him his company is all you desire then he'd probably think you've gone mad.
But after a while of talking about it he'd smile and say it back.
You'd carry his head on your belt during travels throughout the realms after.
Giving him kisses on his cheeks and forehead.
It's simple and innocent devotion and its loves that he's enough for you.
Telling Arteus you've got a crush on him would probably make him completely freeze and go red.
I'm talking his fathers tattoo red!
Lots of stuttering and blushing while you guys talked about it.
He wouldn't really know what to do or say afterwards.
But no doubt he'd eventually be able to get it out that he likes you too.
He's never done any of this before, so he'd probably go to Mimir or Freya for advice.
If and when you ever hold his hand or hug him his palms get sweaty and he gets nervous.
But he's happy to oblige!
He thinks your so cute.
Talks to his dad about it.
He's shy, but after a while of spending more time hanging out with you he’d get cocky and try to show off and impress you more.
Half of the time he’ll be trying so hard he just ends up looking silly or just straight up stupid.
But you laugh it off and tell him how cute and sweet he is.
He's whipped.
No matter how comfortable she is around you, no matter how safe you make her feel, she'll hesitate.
As soon as you tell her you're in love with her, she'll need room away from you.
In every relationship so far, she's been to much or not enough.
The woman is hurt and healing.
She's scared its not the truth, like with Odin.
Or if it is, and you truly love her, then what if she messes it up?
What is her love is to much for you and you leave her?
Or what if, out of fear of being too much, she’s not enough- and you leave her? 
Freya can't take another heartbreak.
But after seeing how understanding you are of her past, and reassuring her worries that you're not going anywhere she's willing to listen.
You'd tell her that it doesn't matter if she loves you the same way, or another, as long as your with her its enough for you.
And hearing that would be enough for her.
You'd have to take things slowand steady with her.
But she is so very much in love with you.
She will make sure you both set boundaries to keep her from going to far and pushing you away.
She doesn't wanna lose you too.
“Well it's about fucking time!”
He's so cool and sure of himself on the outside, so he'll play it off like he know you loved him.
But really he's surprised.
He's not the most romantic man, but he'll give it an honest try for your sake.
He’ll get flowers and sweets for his lady.
Most definitely start bringing about you to everyone he meets every chance he gets.
He's very standoffish when it comes to affection.
So any time you give it to him he'll stutter just slightly and awkwardly reciprocate it while he gets used to someone being infatuated with him.
Very defensive and protective is anyone makes comments about you two.
“Mind your business, you unfuckable drauger-looking bastard!” 
Very confident on the outside, very unsure on the inside.
He's worried he's not doing it right but all he needs is you smiling at him the way you do and he'll be just fine. 
Congratulations, you broke him.
His initial reaction is giving O.O
Wide eyes, red cheeks, mouth open.
He'd stutter for a response and get frustrated with himself for losing his voice for a moment.
Give him some time and words will just start spilling out.
He loves you, that was no secret to anyone!
He’ll tell you all about it when the air come back into his lungs.
He’ll go on and on about how pretty you are, and amazing, and how much he likes your smile.
Lots of nervous chuckles and shy grins from this man.
He hates when people touch him, sorry to say you're no exception.
But you figured you wouldnt be; at least for now.
However he is willing to hook his pink finger to yours every now and then as a very small step in the direction of hugging you.
Having you love him really makes him frustrated with his thing with germs and dirt.
He’s never had a problem with it before.
But now he wants to hold you and be held by you and the thought of it makes him shiver in disgust.
It's a fear he's willing to conquer if it means one day he'll get to see the smile on your face when he holds you with out gagging for the first time.
You know better then to take offense; it's nothing personal.
He gags at everyone. 
He didn't see it coming.
But he had hoped..
It was a happy surprise when you blurted it out while spending time with him while reading.
He gave you a soft smile after the shock settled and returned the sentiment .
Not much had to be said between you two after that.
The only thing that really changed in the relationship were beginning to sit closer together and a lot more gentle touches.
He'd rest against you while you braid his hair, and he'll braid yours.
His eyes have always laid on you softly, but there's something more in them when he looks at you now.
He’s happy to share any moment a with you that he can. 
He knew.
He knew you loved him for a while.
He knew you wanted to say it.
The cooky little shit just waited and waited until you did.
He wanted to hear it.
But when you approached him and said you loved him it felt different then he imagined it would.
He knew you, and he saw in your head that you truly meant it.
He knew you loved the good, the bad, and the ugly in him.
He knew that unlike the other people who have claimed to love him, you didn't think ‘i can change him.’
He saw the unsure insecurities in your head and body language that he wouldn't feel the same way.
After all, he reads minds, and he knew what you felt all this time and never addressed it so clearly he wasn't interested, right?
To be honest, up until that point he hadn't really considered your feelings despite knowing them.
You had told him you loved him, but you had only said it so he would tell you what you believed he would- that he doesn't care.
You had only said it so he could break your heart, and you could get closure, and hopefully move on.
It twisted his gut that you were walking into this fully believing you would be turned away.
He saw in your head that you had already been crying over it.
But that's not what he wanted, so instead being sarcastic or rude like he would be with literally anyone else he smiled at you.
“I know.” He said softly.
“Good for you.”
He's not really interested.
Plus he's still married.
So piss off.
Not proof read.
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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mishietishie · 4 months
Nanami dating headcanons
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Tw: fluffiest fluff I can come up with 😊, grammar mistakes, Nanami being a gentleman 🤧🤧, marriage and mentions of having children, and I think that's it
A/N: I'll maybe write Sukuna headcanons after this one!!
Okay, so first of all, this man would treat you like a PRINCESS!!! Like he's so sweet and patient with you, offering to drive or walk you home after dates or work.
I feel like he'd come to your office during lunchtime to have lunch with you! He'd also do this when you guys are still in the friendzone, saying he believed it was a good way to spend time together (he just wanted an excuse to see you 🫠)
He likes to call you "honey, sweetheart, darling, dearest, my love," and when he's feeling extra intimate he'll call you "my little ray of sunshine" because you always brighten up his days 🥺🥺
He'd take you on all kinds of dates! Such as restaurants, having a picnic, going ice skating (mostly in the winter), watching movies together (mostly at home because he doesn't like how dirty the movie theaters can get sometimes), stargazing, watching the sunset with you, taking a walk through a forest or park, etc!! He's willing to try a lot of things with you, even if it doesn't sound appealing to him the first time 😇!
He really likes baking for and with you! But he wouldn't mind if you decided to surprise him with a tasty treat 😋
He'd totally want to marry you!! I see him as a sort of traditional man, so he'd definitely ask your father/parents for your hand in marriage (your parents are OBSESSED with him, so ofc they'd say yes!!)
Once he has permission, he'll buy you the prettiest ring he can find and plan a trip to Malaysia with you instead of going on the Shibuya mission!🥹
He planned everything perfectly for the proposal! First, you two would enjoy the tanning on the beach, eat fine cuisine (of your choice obvi 😋😋) at a restaurant near y'alls hotel and during sunset he would ask you to take a stroll with him on the beach while watching the sunset!! And when the sun is just on the right angle, he'd give you a whole confession about his love and wishing to take the next step with you before he kneels on one knee and holds out the ring box to you uttering those 4 simple, yet heartwarming words
"Will you marry me?"
And then you guys have the most beautiful wedding you could ever hope for! It's not too big, but not too small, just the perfect number of people are invited for you to feel comfortable! (He really did think about everything!)
After the wedding, he'd dream about saving enough money to quit his job and retire early and have children with you! His heart always melts at the thought of having a little baby boy or girl in his arms :((((( he's so cute I wanna eat him
And when the day arrives and he hears you're pregnant, his eyes brighten up just like when you said yes to his marriage proposal, embracing you in a gentle yet loving hug. Promising to not only you but the baby in your belly too that he'll be the best father he can be
Thank you for reading to the end!
Smooches!! 😚😚
Back to Nanami's Master List?
Back to the JJK Master List?
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
i figured it was time to make one. it's in order based on when i wrote it. please, please let me know if a link is broken/mislabeled!!
*82 fics*
All of these are Jamie Tartt x reader
Jamie and Keeley buy you a dress for the benefit gala
three times 'cause i've waited my whole life
secret relationship to engagement
you're losing me
first kid
don't make this any harder
Jamie wants to take you to Brazil, you’re both idiots
would hit him in a heartbeat now
Your ex boyfriend is a footballer and also a douche
silent sleepers
Jamie contemplates your relationship on the team bus
what it is
Jamie is sick ft. Roy
don't go wasting your emotion
Secret relationship + you own a bookshop! Ft. Roy and Keeley
you know, you'll always know me
You’re a famous singer! Congrats!
i don't know how you keep smiling/i'm just choking almost constantly
Jamie’s dad is a douche
i'll still be right next to you my dear
Jamie is a dad
can't really say i'm enjoying it now
Yikes it’s a breakup fic, but happy endings only in this house
mine of you with me
Reader and Jamie go semi-public with their relationship
today's a day like any other
The Tartt family thru the years
there's orange juice in the kitchen
Oof ouch period cramps
i can't breathe without you
Nate kisses you w/o consent
damned if i do give a damn what people say
You’re a theater actress! How exciting!
island made of faith
People think Jamie’s dumb, and he’s not
take your time while you're mine
You’re Roy’s other sister ft. all the Kents
honey, i'll give you all my time
Vienna. Enough said.
feeling fragile can't you tell
Jamie gets hurt
wrote all your lines in the script in my mind
Oh no! Some girl kissed Jamie and it wasn’t you! + Colin as the bff
stick together like glitter
Babysitting Phoebe + angst
your mind is not your friend
Angst + comfort after you have a bad hookup
chasing shadows in a grocery line
You’re pretty sure you have a hot stalker
don’t go yet
Tee hee protective Jamie at a club
kicking myself to keep from crying
The morning after your mind is not your friend
i think we could do it if we tried
High school sweethearts reunited after 6 years🥺
i’m glad you exist
You and Jamie go to a wedding
send for me
BREAKING: shit day at work made better by local boyfriend
tell me where to put my love
day off = food + snuggles
The longest angst I’ve ever written. Def not the best angst I’ve ever written.
would it be enough if i never gave you peace
you’ve got baby fever and your pretty sure it’s going to kill your brother
wishing on every one
You own a flower shop. It’s adorable.
lyrical eyes, indigo smile
Bea meets the team for the first time!
something to rely on
You storm the pitch and smooch your bf
flipped the script
Enemies to lovers slow burn (or maybe fast burn, idk)
i fancy you
London Boy by ms. T. Swift
you don’t want to know me
Jamie shows up at your door after s.1 Man City
you’re in the kitchen humming
Post-Mom City
family that i chose
For the child-free girlies!
never wanted you to hate me
Pt. 2 of you don’t want to know me
BFF Keeley tells you to give her awful ex a chance
in love with an idea
idk it’s like a confession of love? kinda cute
sinking into your worn-out mattress
Touch-deprived therapist! reader
you’re a mansion with a view
just two footballers doing an England promo, nothing to see here
i know what i’m doing
Post-Roy/Jamie locker room hug after Man City
wonder what it’d be like
Jamie tries to win you back
if only love were true
You’re a single mom in dire need of a plus-one
i know now it’ll pass
It’s hard to love someone when you’ve been told you don’t deserve it
the way it goes
The Greyhounds are protective of Jamie
how to love being alive
Idk this one’s like whatever and also supes long
there is happiness
it’s just wanderlust
Relationship soft launch
glitter on the floor
You like to knit. You also think you’re a comedian.
maybe tomorrow you’ll know
The “he’s a prick to everyone but her” trope
hustling for the good life
I swear this is my last chaptered fic
let’s fall in love for the night
Kent!reader is having a baby
soft hands hit the jagged ground
friends w/benefits
for you, there’ll be no more crying
anxiety at work + bf jamie
smile at me
there was only one bed!!!!
slow motion double vision in rose blush
happy b-day Jamie Tartt
half-moon eyes
it’s just a question!
can’t hear my thoughts (i cannot hear my thoughts)
I’m allowed to write what i want, ok???
here in my arms
more Kent!reader + a baby named George
coffee at midnight
prick coach wakes you up bc of your prick boyfriend
healing me fine
Just a lil engagement fic for ya
i don’t know anything
if you’re interested in Bea
right words at the right time
It’s a wedding fic
move fast and keep quiet
boxer!reader + smitten Jamie
not saying you’re in love with me
You meet over Bantr!!!
we could be so good
Jamie comforts you after a bad date
i hold it like a grudge
i don’t even know how to describe this one but u might cry
there for you
sick fic
before you go
you’ll probably date her
chronic illness + childhood friends. gotta love it
feel it burn
Gym anxiety
play it back
Old movies of bb Jamie
light in the hallway
MORE Kent!reader
stuck by you
Bad family + good Jamie = fic
please don’t be
five chapters of sadness that definitely isn’t based on personal experience
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ifearzombies · 1 year
Hey. I Love You
When you remind them that you love them.
- You knock on the office door and wait until he tells you to enter. - He asks if you have something important to say. You do. - “I love you.” You close the door just after you see his face turn pink and scurry off before he can catch you.
- You don’t knock. You waltz in. He does it to you so fair’s fair - “Oi Human. Knock first”. Ha no. You’ll knock when he does. “What do you want?” - “I love you.” You then smooch him and plop yourself in his lap while he tries to get his brain back together. Once it is, he buries his face against you and scolds you for ‘being weird like that’.
- You knock and make sure he’s not in the middle of gaming. - You enter and give a little wave to Henry before just sitting in his lap. He’s already blushing. - “I love you.” Half way through he’s already loudly stumbling to create a coherent sentence and slightly flailing. No way you love an otaku like him. But you do. He then hides his face and mumbles how he loves you too as his tail squeezes you.
- He’s in the library and you flop on the couch beside him. - “Do you need something?” Yes. You do. You need to tell him something super important. - “I love you.” Satan blushes and puts a book mark in his tome and pulls you close to tell you he loves you too.
- You knock on his door and he opens it; already half naked. - “Yes sweetie~?” You snuggle him and give him a smooch. - “I love you.” Asmo lets out a super happy squeal of delight and picks you up and smooches you as he proclaims his love for you is almost as much as he loves himself.
- You walk over to him as he’s working out and hand him a plate of food and a bottle of water. - He puts down his weights and beams in joy at seeing you. And you brought food! Is it a special occasion?” - “I love you.” He blushes and his eyes sparkle with happiness as he kisses you. He then eats his food and mumbles out how much he loves you between bites.
- You lay down beside him and snuggle him wherever he’s napping. - He rolls over and wraps his arms around you and he nuzzles you. Why did you wake him? - “I love you.” He says he knows. He loves you too. Now we’re going to sleep.
***** Side Characters*****
- You’re taking him out to dinner because he wanted to cook again. - He asks if you want him or something, asking him on a date like this. - “I love you.” He’s actually taken aback by your confession before his smug look returns and he pulls you close. And then insists on making you dinner. 
- You put in a nice romantic movie and cuddle him. - He’s never seen this kind of movie before. What kind is it? Oh people are being cute. - “I love you.” The angel gasps and tears up a little in happiness as he kisses you, right as the couple in the movie kiss.
- He’s in the middle of working, but he’s happy to see you. - Do you need something? Is everything well? Oh. You have something to say? - “I love you.” He smiles and pauses in his work to smooch you and tell you he loves you as well.
- You sit on his lap on the throne, making him laugh - Need something? You’re being cheeky, little foreign exchange student. - “I love you.” Diavolo blushes immediately and hugs you close as he tells you he loves you too.
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feinv · 3 months
john with his darling pestering him about teaching her russian🥹 she wants to learn about all the terms of endearments so she can use them on john, and his heart is about to burst with affection because she’s looking at him with stars in her eyes and he’s melting😭 -🥮
mooncake bro this is so cute i’m giggling.
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he literally froze in his tracks when you asked him to teach you some russian words. mind all foggy. head empty. no thoughts. asked you like five times if you were messing with him.
most russian endearments are prone to be female gendered or just not something you would call a six foot man, so the ones i can think of are “любимый” lyubeemiy/loved one and “дорогой” daragoy/dear.
part of him chuckles softly when you mispronounce some syllables, but the other part makes his heart swell with love because you are just so cute and adorable trying your best to connect with your favorite person better and he can’t help but just smooch you all over your face and squeeze you in a tight hug <3
what you did, though, is literally beg him to teach you how to say “i love you,” (я люблю тебя) and he regretted it the moment he agreed because every time you used it he literally wanted to dig up a hole and bury himself deep in the ground at the amount of intense affection he felt in his bones. you would practice it over and over again to perfect it and make it sound as natural as you could.
when you would be cuddling after a love making session, your nude bodies wrapped around one another, you would softly whisper “ya lyublyu tebya,” your face inches away from his, your hands caressing his jawline. and he is like :( staring at you for several seconds thinking his ears betrayed him. your confession was so intimate both because of the vulnerable physical states of your bodies and the roll of each syllable in his mother language coming from your lips.
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sleepysnk · 1 year
so im just curious… do you write for shinichiro?? the only thing on his masterlist were prompts and so i just wanted to check 🫶
if you do, do you mind writing hcs for his confession of his love?? what would he do, act like, etc…
thank you luvvv!! take your time, no rush! and make sure to drink and eat >:(💗
a/n: of course i write for shinichiro! he’s just the best big brother 🫶🏻. thank you for requesting this minx! mwah! 🤍
characters: shinichiro sano
warnings: fluff, mentions of crushes, confessions, shinichiro is very shy here, very fluffy content, brief mention of cigarettes
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shinichiro sano:
- i kind of see shinichiro being shy whenever he has a crush on somebody. he has a hard time clearly expressing his emotions without turning into a stuttering mess. he gets really blushy around the person he likes, and it’s honestly the cutest thing ever!!
- shinichiro wouldn’t know how or even if he should confess. it’s mainly because he thinks you’ll find some other guy or you think he’s corny, because his luck with women has been absolute shit. he doesn’t want to confess and then you completely deny his feelings, and make him feel like an idiot. he overthinks the whole situation and it’s kind of sad but also really funny.
- he probably tells wakasa his troubles and his friend tries to encourage him. they probably share a cigarette over the whole situation.
- shinichiro probably decided to confess to you at a park you both hung around at. he messaged you that he wanted to meet after work, and you gladly went because you enjoyed hanging out with shin. you didn’t really think much of it, so you decided to go.
- meanwhile, he was losing his shit. shinichiro went through almost a whole pack of cigarettes at work because he didn’t know what the hell he was going to say to you. he liked you for so long that it almost hurt him that you guys weren’t together, but regardless he’d respect you if you didn’t feel the same way. he just wanted you to know how you made him feel.
- when he arrived on his bike, you immediately went towards him, but you were really surprised to see that he held flowers in his hand. your favorite flowers.
- he was probably shaky when he handed you the flowers. you were immediately flattered by his actions. no man had ever bought you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, but you were confused when you saw the blush that had painted across his cheeks. he also could hardly look you in the face. you were so pretty in the summer sun that he could almost kiss you from how your beauty reflected in front of him.
- “shin, is everything okay?”
- he lost his shit. he swallowed and just started talking. his words were very much jumbled around and honestly he stuttered many times from how nervous he was. he also couldn’t maintain eye contact with you at all.
- you were speechless. you understood what he was trying to say, but you weren’t expecting such a confession from the guy you had been friends with.
- he was a mess. you didn’t have much of a reaction which is what made him regret telling you in the first place. he thought you were about to shut him down and tell him that you weren’t interested in being with him. something he had been quite used to for the longest time.
- when you started giggling and reached for his hand, he almost fell over.
- you honestly thought that his confession was adorable and you had your own confession to give him. shinichiro turned bright pink when you started gushing about how handsome he was and how you genuinely weren’t expecting such a thing to be said. shinichiro was just staring at you with such awe that he honestly thought you were joking.
- it was so cute <3 he gave you a hug and just smiled all cheeky to himself.
- “i appreciate the flowers you know..” “r-really?! i mean.. only the best for a person like you.”
- he eventually takes you home and he leaves a little smooch on your cheek. it’s so fucking cute and you honestly melt at his actions.
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sportswriters · 4 months
traveling to his hometown - j. swayman
pairing: jeremy swayman x reader | f | established relationship | wc: 943 | warnings: none
welcome post!
you came up with the idea of traveling to anchorage for a few days to take care of your well being. jeremy found it great since it’s break season so he had a free week to enjoy before going back to training. he’s always been connected to nature since he was a kid going to hike with his dad, so it was nice for him as well. jeremy picked you up in the morning to go to his parents house so you could all go to the airport together. his sister would arrive a day later with her husband and the baby.
“hello, beautiful. did you sleep well last night?” he greets you with a kiss, then helps you with the baggage.
“just a few hours. i kept thinking if i was missing to pack something,” you confess. “i probably dreamed about it, i just don’t remember. you?”
“well, me too. can’t wait to rest and enjoy the view with you.”
“i’m so glad we’re going together. so glad you came from such a beautiful place, no wonder you’re the love of my life,” you hug his waist, leaving a quick peck on the side of his neck.
“you’re lucky we can’t be late. i could totally go back up to your place so we could smooch for a few hours.”
you just laugh and let go of him, leaving the teasing for when you’re properly alone.
the trip to his parents house and then to anchorage went by pretty fast. jeremy came from a family full of good people, so it was easy to talk to them comfortably. since it was a long flight, everyone took the opportunity to get some sleep — not even the excitement could control tiredness.
there wasn’t a proper plan to follow during the trip, so you hang out inside just enjoying the coziness of the house, taking every chance to cuddle by the fire or outside on the porch. sometimes you would take a walk around the neighborhood, eating delicious food and buying souvenirs. the other day you went hiking in his favorite place, then when you reached the top, your emotions overflowed when you took in how beautiful the world around you was. jeremy stayed by your side, waiting for you to calm down. he was aware of how hard work has been to you, but the difference was that you couldn’t let out this kind of energy like he did on the ice. he was aware that for now all he could do was being there until you got back.
and you did. within the safety of his arms, you felt lighter while you waited for your breath to normalize and your eyes were still puffy.
“thank you, baby.”
“always, my love.”
you and jeremy have been a couple for almost two years, but after these days being so domestic and behaving like a true dynamic duo in every situation, it made you both realize how great of an idea it would be to finally move in together. neither of you knew you’re thinking of the same thing, so a few hours before going to the airport, jeremy took you to the porch to talk, failing to notice that you said you also wanted to show him something. he was nervous, it’s cute, you would’ve paid more attention if you weren’t as much as a nervous wreck.
it’s not like you’re anxious or anything — neither of you —, it’s the expectation. the realization of how much you love one another. loving someone to the point you wish to spend your whole life with, to wake up beside each other, to wait for them to come home.
“you know you’re my home, right?” he asks.
“i figured i might be one of them, yes” you joke, knowing how important his family is to him. jeremy stares at you for a second with a silly smile hovering his features. he pecks your lips twice.
“okay, smartass. i meant to say you’re someone i’m sure i want to build a home with.”
his straightforwardness catches you out of guard.
“wait, listen. i’ve considered a lot of things, but i know you must have your own conditions…”
“baby, correct me if i’m wrong.” you hold his hands over your lap. “we’re each other’s home, that’s known. now you want us to build a home together? is that right? like living together?”
“yes, if you let me.”
“remember i said i wanted to show you something?” you let go of his hands to open an app on your phone, searching for a picture. jeremy is slightly confused by the subtle change of topic, but quietly waits for you.
you smile when you find it. it’s a picture of a cheesy welcome rug with a bear couple and lots of cute hearts. jeremy smiles right when he sees it, used to the silly stuff you send him everyday, especially the ones with couples that act like you two.
“that’s adorable, for sure… wait.” he tears his eyes off the phone to find you smiling at him with your eyebrows raised. “is this what i think it means?”
“i must add that this is one picture from a quite big pinterest folder. i named it our lil ol’ home, see?” you show him the title.
jeremy looks like he could cry at any second.
“my love…”
you stand from your seat to sit on his lap, hugging him with your whole body.
“we’re in this together. i love you so much, jer.”
“i love you, y/n. can’t wait to start buying couple’s stuff with you as soon as we arrive home.”
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the-roo-too · 1 year
can i request for hanni alphabet? thanks ❤️ - 🌸
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candy -> pham hanni ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- when hanni writes things, she often gets too critical of herself. thus, she admires how you sometimes gently coax the pen out of her hands just to hug her and remind her that not every lyric she produces has to be perfect <33
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- your back (💀) as in if you’re taller than her you are cmon no one is shorter than hanni then she loves to get piggyback rides from you!!
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- so you know how she’s shorter than you? well hanni is the big spoon, because someone needs to be the man in this relationship
dates (what’s her ideal date)- hanni loves stay-in dates, where you both just listen to one direction 😙 alternatively you can buy/bake with her bread
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- very loud, very expressive, the type to hit you when she’s laughing
family (does she want one)- maybe? hanni has better things to worry about let’s be honest
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- yes!! duh, she’s a angry little sh when you refuse to hold her hand
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- would blink really slowly, not believing you just hurt yourself on her guard. next, depending on how badly you got hurt, she would either rush to help you and/or yell at you
jokes (does she like to joke around)- remember when i said she hits you while laughing? that’s because you don’t laugh at her dad jokes
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- veri soft like mwah 🤭 cute smooches. if she was tall enough, she would smooch your forehead every chance given but she isn’t
love (what’s her love language)- the passive aggressive way of treating you is basically how she expresses her love. yes, she whines when you say she’s short but at least you don’t get bitten because of that, unlike minji
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- you coming to the studio with drinks for everyone during recording of omg. that’s how you won the rest of nwjns over btw 💪
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- she’s all over you, literally. hanni turns liquid during the night and she hogs you at least you’re warm
oddity (what’s a quirky thing about her)- the tsundere-ish approach she has to other people 😨 not u tho, she loves you
pet names (what does she like to call you)- bunny/tokki, cutie, lovely! mostly wholesome
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- marvel movies! hanni loves movies, especially marvel, so a must during the week for you both is sitting down during the evening and watching at least one movie
rush (does she rush into things)- yes 💀 in many aspects: you mentioned once you liked a particular breed of cats, she had one by your doorstep by the next morning, all panicked because the cat nuzzled into her. you liked a pair of rings you saw while passing by a shop and she bought them, even tho they were wedding bands 👍
secrets (how open is she with you)- oversharing? me thinks yes! wdm you don’t wanna listen to how minji made her coffee with spilled milk by accident but tried to put on a brave face and puked it out during practice later?
time (how long did it take for her to confess)- 0.46 seconds, she was smitten the moment you walked by. hanni thanks those above that her members weren’t there to witness how she fell to her knees, begging for your number and/or a date
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- she stops the goofyines, her baby is sad! tries to understand what and how she can help you :((
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- not really? hanni believes in bunnies or just, gay people. it can’t get that bad if you two come out, right?
warrior (how often do you fight)- you don’t fight, unless you don’t like one direction. then hanni’s all smitten with you all the time, but turns away with her headphones during car rides, pouting at you
x-ray (is she able to read you)- yea 🫡 she gets all the quirky things you do, making her a translator for all your shared friends
yes (how would she propose to you)- as if she had time to worry about things like that bruh. there’s a comeback happening, wanna come over to the studio and have some fun with the girls?
zen (what makes her feel calm)- remember watching movies with her? if hanni had a rougher day, she loves to put her head on your lap and just kinda stay there, with you. makes her feel calm and safe <3
part of [the fluff series]
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Hot chocolate
Summary: Nothing special, just Jay and Kai telling Lloyd that they see him as their son. (Plasma shipping included)
Warnings: none
Writer's note: this is something small that i wrote while i was in school. Please, forgive my mistakes.
After all those years of pretending to be "just friends", Kai and Jay finally accepted and confessed their real feelings for each other. This cute couple got married a few months ago. Thankfully, they had their honeymoon little trip in peace: no attacks, no battles, no bad guys. Just a married couple having fun in their honeymoon and loving each other.
After returning to the monastery, Jay decided to rent Cliff's mansion. With the money he already had from his biological father and with the money he earned from renting the mansion, he built another house. Of course he and Kai had their own room in the monastery but they wanted another place just for the two of them. They wanted a house where they would be completely alone so that they could just relax, get away from the rest of the world and do their couple stuff in peace. This small and comfortable house became their secret little place to spend time alone without interruptions.
The house had an amazing view and Lloyd (the only one who knew it's location), really liked visiting Kai and Jay just to admire the lake and the forest. Last night, he came to visit them once again. Lloyd's mind was full of so many things and his thoughts were troubled. He needed someone to talk to and who's better than his older brothers? When he arrived with tears in his eyes, Kai and Jay immediately took him in their arms. They gave him comfort (just like they used to do when younger Lloyd was scared of lightning), they made dinner for him and they allowed him to sleep in their guest room. It was mostly Lloyd's room anyway, because the green ninja was the only visitor since no one else knew the house's location.
Lloyd woke up too early the next day. It was still dark outside but he couldn't sleep anymore so he went in the balcony to let the majestic view give peace in his soul. Jay is usually a heavy sleeper and he doesn't wake up until late in the morning. This time though he woke up a few minutes after Lloyd. He somehow felt that the kid was awake already. He found the blond guy in the balcony, he went closer to him and he took a lock of hair behind Lloyd's ear as he spoke:
"What's troubling your thoughts again, dear?"
Jay always called Lloyd "dear" since he was a child. He still saw him as a little kid although he wasn't a baby anymore.
"Nothing" Lloyd lied.
"Okay, i won't push you but I'm here if you want to tell me something more than what you said yesterday. And so is Kai. We are here for you dear"
Lloyd couldn't resist, he just fell right on Jay's arms. Jay didn't hesitate at all to hug him back (he is a little shorter than Lloyd so he had to stretch a little to be able to hug him comfortably)
"Come here, I've got you"
The kid was holding back tears at this point. He would have let himself cry if Kai hadn't join them, taking both of them in his own arms.
"What are my boys doing here, in the cold?"
"Lloyd is a little... Off again" Jay answered.
"Don't worry about it, it's nothing important. I must be a little affected from our talk yesterday, that's all"
Lloyd felt the need to lie in order to prevent his friends from worrying about him too much. He just wanted to protect them but the couple knew him too well to fall for it. They kinda raised him after all.
"Everything's important to us when it comes to you"
Kai kissed Lloyd's forehead and the blond guy laughed while he was trying to hide his embarrassment.
"Ew, Kai! Kiss your husband, not me!"
"I can kiss you both" he said and he surprised Jay with a smooch on the lips.
"Kai!" Jay laughs too.
"Ew! That's gross!" said the youngest.
"Why? Can't i show love to my family? It's my son and my husband that I'm holding in my arms right now, after all"
"Wait- You said... S-son?" Lloyd had to admit that he was shocked.
"Yes dear. You are like our son now. We might not be your biological parents but it doesn't matter. We love you and we care about you. So, yeah, you are adopted now, that's it"
"Jay is right. You are our son, we are your dads. That's how it is. Accept it"
The youngest boy couldn't be happier as he hugged both of his dads as tight as he could.
"By the way..." Kai said.
"I made hot chocolate for both of you so... You better drink it before it gets cold"
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masked-fools · 1 year
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❝ your old buddy sampo is a model citizen these days. y'know the guards on sentry duty in the restricted zone? i deliver their breakfast every day! ❞
— Sampo Koski, ancient relic specialist
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Tavern Notice Board
21st of August — 27th of August
(1) Sampo's approach to the Underworld vs. Overworld — @ahaclownery
short analysis of how sampo treats overworlders vs. how he treats underworlders
(2) Sampo's feelings — @ahaclownery
short analysis whether it would be easier to get close to sampo if the person in question was also a masked fool + his feelings during the everwinter museum quest
(3) Anxiety & Tension [Blade] — @meaningofaeons
blade comes home hurt again, gn!reader, hurt/comfort, couple fighting but it doesn't get too too heated
(4) We Really Were Timeless [Dan Heng, Dan Feng] — @eggluverz
dan heng does not want to remember his previous reincarnation, but there is one part he doesn't want to let go of forever— you.
(5) An Immortal's Delight [Jing Yuan] — @generalsmemories
established relationship, fluff, hurt/comfort, smooches and kisses in the bathtub
(6) You Could Be My Whole World, If I Could Be Your Satellite [Sampo] — @pyroxeene
sampo koski, despite his flirty demeanor towards you, wasn't expecting anything when he tried to get you to help with his newest scheme. thankfully, you decided to be a little bold today.
(7) Cute Boy On The Bus [Dan Heng] — @antimatterz
you're crushing on the cute guy who sits next to you on the bus. pining, fluff, short drabble, modern college au
(8) Their Vows For You [Luka, Gepard, Sampo, Luocha, Blade] — @cnnmairoll
what their wedding vows would be
(9) You Matter To Me [Dan Heng] — @pyroxeene
you often feel fearful of doing something wrong; like one mistake could alter your friends' perception of you. luckily, dan heng is there to comfort you.
(10) He Only Confesses His Love Once You're Already Gone [Jing Yuan] — @milksnake-tea
"please, stay. just... stay." major character death, war, implied violence/stabbing.
(11) Dan Heng's Journey [A Playlist] — @pyroxeene
lyrical character study of dan heng's journey in the story so far
(12) Heart-Shaped Kisses [Blade, Dan Heng, Gepard, Jing Yuan] — @lxvebun
how they kiss you
(13) Safe In Your Arms [Jing Yuan] — @cnnmairoll
with a reader who is very small compared to him and loves to like be held and surrounded by him
(14) Luocha's Hidden Affection [Luocha] — @cnnmairoll
secret admirer luocha with a merchant reader
(15) Hugging Them For The First Time [Sampo, Dan Heng] — @cnnmairoll
holding dan heng and sampo in your arms for the first time
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Hi friend! I saw you were taking halloween percico prompts and was hoping you'd write something with werewolf!Nico spending time with Percy. ♥
Yay! Thank you!!! 💕💕💕
"DON'T EAT THAT!" Percy shouted in alarm.
Nico froze, looking like a deer in a headlight, a piece of Kinder chocolate dangling from his mouth.
"That could kill you!" Percy explained, tearing the chocolate out of Nico's hand, throwing it away as if it was a dangerous bomb that needed to be neutralized. It took Nico a minute, but then he realized, and it took a lot of him to not groan.
"Percy," he sighed, resisting the urge to facepalm. "I'm a werewolf. Not a dog. Chocolate is not dangerous to me."
His boyfriend continued to stare at him with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows, not budging even the tiniest.
"You don't know that! It might still kill you!"
Nico sighed again, hugging his ridiculous boyfriend close. "I ate a lot of chocolate before! You know that. You've seen me stress eat chocolate all the time! You even baked me a chocolate cake for my birthday!"
Percy's lips trembled, "I did… oh my god, I made you chocolate cake. And chocolate chip cookies. And brownie! I could have killed you!"
"Babe. My love, my heart," Nico kissed the top of Percy's head. "You knowing that I'm a werewolf didn't change anything. I can eat everything I ate before, and chocolate doesn't hurt me, not even a bit. It doesn't upset my stomach, I don't get allergic reactions, nothing. Chocolate is safe for me."
Percy sighed, and relaxed in his arms. "Sorry for freaking out. I'm still new in… all of this, and I… I might have some nightmares about all the ways you could be hurt. I don't want you to be hurt." Nico could feel Percy's lips against his neck pouting, his breath tickling the sensitive skin. His boyfriend was ridiculous.
He was so precious to Nico.
"I adore you," he confessed, easily holding up Percy, coaxing him to wrap his legs around him. It was like carrying a feather-
A very nice, sexy, adorable, pretty and cute feather.
"Mmm," Percy purred, nuzzling his face into Nico's neck as if he was the canine. "Is this going to be a thing now? 'Cuz I think I could get used to being carried by my very handsome and very strong boyfriend."
"It could be," Nico replied in a smug tone. "I could carry you anywhere and everywhere you wanted," he said, putting Percy down on the couch. He wanted to snuggle with him until it was time to change-
And then snuggle with him a bit more.
"Can we watch a movie?" Percy asked, and Nico handed him the remote controller without a question. His boyfriend shifted so they could both face the TV more comfortably and opened the Disney+ account Poseidon paid for for all of his kids.
"Of course you'd want to watch a Disney movie," he chuckled. It quickly turned into a delighted smile when he saw which movie his boyfriend chose.
"Twas a long time ago, longer now than it seems in a place perhaps you've seen in your dreams…" They both quoted the opening scene and sang the song with the characters. Watching Nightmare before Christmas while snuggling with his boyfriend who knew about the secret he hid for so long… Nico was finally truly happy.
It was around the middle of the movie, Jack just got back from Christmas' place, when Nico felt his world shift. It was not painful, nothing like in the movies; no cracking bones and painful howls, but it was disorienting. It was better when he was laying down, there wasn't much height difference then, but the times it took him by surprise when standing, the sudden change always left him dizzy and confused.
"Hi little guy," Percy cooed. Nico growled; it wasn't like he was that much smaller! He was a respectable sized young wolf, still a growing boy!
His boyfriend just laughed and pressed a loud smacking smooch on his snout. "I'm just teasing you, you big boy!" He grinned.
Nico huffed, then slowly, deliberately licked Percy across his face, who snorted, and pushed him away with an exaggerated disgusted face. "You menace!" He complained jokingly.
Nico wanted to say that pot called the kettle black, but he couldn't, so he just licked Percy again.
It was so much more fun to spend the full moon with his boyfriend than it was faking emergencies and business trips and other little lies to hide his condition. He was so blessed to have Percy Jackson in his life. He didn't care about Hades' opinion on his choices in boyfriends, nor his distain for Percy. Percy Jackson was a blessing, and not a curse his father always accused him to be.
"Going to make something… you want some… hm. Mac and cheese?"
Nico growled.
"That's a no, I guess. Okay, what about pizza? You like pizza!"
Another growl and a disgusted sniff. Nico couldn't talk, but it was okay. His boyfriend knew all his feelings about pizza that was not made from scratch. He loves pizza, sure- but not that American abomination with more crust than toppings.
"Burgers, maybe?"
Nico barked. Burger was good. Burger was great!
"Hamburger it is," Percy nodded, and soon their little apartment was smelling like cooked meat and barbecue sauce. When he was done, they settled back to the couch, watching another movie - Corpse Bride -, sharing pieces of hamburger. Percy sometimes teased him, making him chase his boyfriend's hand that offered but did not provide meal, like the evil menace he was, and when they finished the meal, they snuggled up against each other again.
Percy's soft voice sang Emily's song quietly. His tail wagged in his happiness, lazily thumping against Percy's thigh. Never feeling more content than that time, the werewolf let his eyelids drop, relaxing on top of his beloved human's body. One warm hand scratched his ear, and another petted his back, making him whine softly for more when they stopped. Feeling warm and comfortable, his boyfriend's breathing lulled him into deep sleep.
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heartshapedbubble · 2 years
some orphy work for a commissioner of mine! 💓 this is 1/2 of their survivor commission - reminder that my comms are always open and i'm currently seeking out comms for atsushi, architect, mio amakura [prioritized!! i want her lots but im f2p] and some survivors/hunters!
orpheus dating/married life hcs📕
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dating hcs
if you are too shy to confess first your pre-dating period is gonna be one HELL of a confusing talking stage lol he's incredibly shy himself and is only going to drop subtle hints and acts of affection in hope that you'd confess first
he's going to give in eventually - he'd probably confess to you by writing you a heartfelt letter, i've written before that every single one of his letters are masterpieces but the more "important" ones such as this one are on a whole other level
orpheus doesn't seem like an approachable person at first nor does he particularily enjoy PDA - he enjoys alone time with you away from everyone, it's simply more intimate and makes him calm enough to function
even though he's a bit cold and shy at the beginning of your relationship it's just the fact that he's so overwhelmed by you in the best way possible JDNWNDN
you're his muse, the beatrice to his alighieri, the most prized person in his life yet he struggles to communicate it clearly verbally - he's simply not the person that's good with words on the spot and prefers writing them on paper
orpheus is actually a huge romantic at heart
like literally straight-from-a-book romantic
this man has a permanent rbf but inside his head he's thinking of kissing you and holding you into his arms and all WOAHH he actually reads romance novels a lot (a guilty pleasure of his) and they fuel his daydreaming
when you two are alone together you simply can't get him off of you lol
likes gently kissing your neck and fingertips, tracing his fingers along your neck and collarbones and whispering sweet nonsense in your ear every now and then maybe even lightly biting your neck if youre into that!?!?!?!?!? literal goosebumps from the way this man loves wow
he's a very gentle and thoughtful partner, asking for permission whenever he wants to kiss you and holding your arm under his whenever you two go for a walk together
a true gentleman ofc!! treats their partner like a royal
the dates you two go on are simple and actually happen pretty frequently - he likes picnics, garden tea parties and anything away from the crowd, making it easier for him to focus on you
would 100% write you cheesy poems that make you melt from the inside (/pos) OR little drabbles and push them under your door for the extra suprise factor HEEHEE he can't help the fact that hes a hopeless romantic
whenever he gets flustered his cheeks get really vibrant red and his monocle FOGS UP and he's still going to act like everything is fine
handsy?? but in an awkward way, like he genuinely doesn't know what to do w them so sometimes he just. pats you¿ hes got very nice hands and fingers tho. long, nimble, with obvious writer's bump(s) on both of his middle fingers. will occassionaly wear a pretty silver ring
he smells SOOOO NICE his cologne isn't very strong and numbing but rather with a flowery tone and it smells like heaven whenever you lay your head on his chest
orders bouquets from andrew and emma with all of your favourite flowers each week... hehe...
also a fan of picking flowers and tucking them into your hair whenever you go for a walk together🥺
this man is so so cute yet so fragile please please PLEASE hold his stoic "😐" ass in a hug and gently smooch him or he might break into pieces like fine china
married life hcs
100% the one proposing. "oh but i-" im absolutely not hearing you out OKAY let him have his moment
he has a whole heart tearing speech ready that he wrote himself and a pretty custom ring made just for you you are NOT taking away his spotlight
god he's the giddiest person ever when he sees you walk towards the altar.. he loves you so much and would kiss you right there and then if it weren't for the ceremony
anyways. malewife orpheus is real
you complained about how you're too tired to do the laundry? oh look it's already done. got no time to cook? 5 star michelin meal is already on the table
would even wear an apron while doing it tbh
it's just you and him and he's so happy about being able to focus on you and your relationship more once you're married
he often stays up late writing instead of going asleep so he appreciates extra blankets and coffee sm <3
also he has a lot of moles on his body. like a lot and he often jokes about them being places where he's supposed to be kissed (/hj on his part he's actually into that)
mostly the big spoon - loves intertwining his fingers and legs with yours as he presses his chin onto the top of your head
would gladly read to you until you fall asleep, he's a phenomenal narrator with a beautiful, slightly raspy voice
regarding kids - orpheus 100% wouldn't force his opinion on you nor pressure you into having them, but i feel like he'd really love to have children and that he'd be a great dad
some days you two just cancel all of your plans and stay at home together, curled up in the bed and simply enjoying each other's presence
likes having his hair played with when he's working
or in general you coming up behind him while he's by his desk and massaging his shoulders or carressing his cheeks... GOD he's in heaven
when he's out for longer or stuck in his office for some time he leaves you one of his white silk gloves or hankerchiefs in your pocket while you're not looking <3 he has a habit of putting essential oils on them so they smell beautifully
not tech savvy but i think he'd learn how to operate a camera just to take cute little pictures of you and keep them :) he would put them in a little locket and carry it around his neck or instead of a pocket watch, keep them as bookmarks in his favourite books or simply tucked in his typewriter so you're always near him
one cute thing about him is that 90% of his body is always cold and that 10% that isn't is his chest. he gets very flustered whenever you joke that it's because his heart can only heat up so much of his body
he's an amazing listener and always by your side - you can tell him everything without fearing he'll get mad or react badly, laugh along with him and confess all your secrets and sins to him
he's a wonderful person and an even more wonderful spouse. milo (MAN I LOVE ORPHEUS!!!!!!!)
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It's funny how Macdonald shippers want a sex scene between Mike and El on s5, meanwhile we have Finn over here telling people to stop sexualizing him. Funny am I right?
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tf2-dead · 3 years
sorry if youve already done this one but the mercs reaction to a confession? of course under the guise that they already liked y/n
A/N: THIS IS REALLY CUTE OMG. Also I realised after I had finished writing that I might have gone slightly off topic on some of them..? If so I apologize, it’s been a while lmao
//it maybe gets a smidge angsty in Spy’s one
How the mercs react to a confession
The poor guy, he can barely speak he’s so flustered
The second you tell him you like him too he almost faints he’s so overwhelmed with emotion
He is absolutely ecstatic though, and try as he might no pick up lines and cocky quips will be able to hide his burning face and sweaty palms, he feels like a love struck school boy all over again
He does eventually drop the suave guy act and tries to speak his genuine thoughts and feelings for once
Deep down he really does have low self esteem, so just hearing the affirmation that someone as amazing as you loves him for who he is is almost too much to handle
Goes in for a really tight, genuine hug, not a kiss though, he’s a bit too nervous for that at the moment-
Okay. So there’s two ways this could go.
1. He will get on his knees and propose to you right there and then because death waits for no one and he wants you now
Or 2. He will go out of his way to find some ears, you know what for-
Either way, as soon as you confess, he will try his damndest to show you how much he loves you as well
He does everything in extremes so he will most definitely grab your hand and spin you into a big ol’ smooch
Will yell to everyone within ear shot that you’re now a couple
Although, as crazy as this lead poisoned idiot may be, he can’t deny the butterflies and warmth that bloom inside of him when you confess
By far the most wholesome
They are absolutely enthralled by your presence anyway, so having you confess that you like them too, omg they’re so incredibly happy
Lots and lots of kisses through the mask and many hugs on top of that
Will almost immediately go out and start making all kinds of cute things for you - their personal favourites are the matching couple sweaters that they knitted for you
Will write love letters to you that are basically unintelligible, but the onslaught of glitter coated doodles help get the message across
He will most likely end up confessing first in one of his many drunken stupors
But on the occasion that he doesn’t and you are the first to admit your feelings,, he honestly thinks he’s either hallucinating due to the alcohol or you’re pranking him
You? Liking him?? Romantically????
Like Scout he’s very flustered, but is slightly better at holding it together without bursting into tears
Very soft for you, he’s basically putty in your hands if you go to hold him
Will definitely want to just cuddle up with you afterwards and confess all of the feelings he has been keeping bottled up inside
Will probably brag to a few people about it-
Funnily enough, I think Heavy would actually get quite flustered by a confession
He would definitely stumble on his words a lot more whilst his face is growing an increasing shade of pink
Although apart from that, he is very mature about it
He will take your hands in his and tells you every loving thought he has ever had about you
He also loves hugs so expect a big one, he will only give a kiss if you’re comfortable - your comfort and happiness is now his main priority
He might take you out for dinner that night and will arrange for you to meet his family as soon as he can
Try as he might, he will never not be a blushing fool when it comes to you, so hearing you confess your feelings for him makes his knees weak
Has to practically lean against his workbench because the red hot blush on his face is making him dizzy
He’s never had a very active love life so this is all fairly new to him
Probably won’t be able to formulate a proper sentence aside from a few coughs and thank yous
Don’t take it personally though, he’s just trying to figure out if this is actually happening and not a dream
Will actually collapse if you go to kiss him
Will have they softest smile on his face the whole time omg
He’s very cute, he’ll have a pinkish tint to his cheeks and will end up pulling his hat over his eyes to hide it
He most likely will end up silently pulling you into an embrace, he can’t find the right words to express how happy he is, but you can feel it with how tightly he’s holding you
He’s never felt like he’s fit in due to his rough childhood, but right this second, he feels completely at home
Very touch starved, so expect a lot of physical affection when you’re alone from here on out
Very bluntly asks if you’re insane
I mean, have you met him???? My guy made a deal with the literal devil and yet your angelic ass is saying you’re in love with him what-
After several inquiries about your current mental stability later, he will find somewhere private and properly sits down with you, expressing that he indeed feels the same
Acts very calm and collected in front of you, maybe a tad of awkward blushing at most, but will be a squealing mess when he goes back to his operating theatre that night
Absolutely brags to Archimedes about everything, maybe asks Spy’s head for advice about gifts and dates
Overall, he’s a lovesick (ha get it) fool at heart
He is absolutely dumbfounded, maybe even more concerned than Medic
I mean, don’t get me wrong, he is screaming with happiness internally, but like, why him?
As much of a ladies’ man as he is, he feels as if it would almost be cruel to accept your confession, he doesn’t want to keep you locked in a relationship with someone as damaged as him
Will express his concern but after you wholeheartedly assure him that you love him for who he is, he honestly feels a little choked up
He will pull you into a hug and thank you in a shaky. barely audible voice
He’s just very soft under his rigid exterior
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snappleapple · 4 years
their favorite types of kisses
people in this - dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, wilbur, punz, jschlatt, awesamdude, quackity
the most disgusting fluff i’ve ever written
warning - cursing, i think that’s all but if there is more please do not hesitate to tell me :)
word count - 2k
a/n: okay okay, i might’ve lied earlier about that being my last post but this was short and easy to make which is why i would like to feed my readers this early haha. anyways, enjoy and please disregard the errors in this post, i hate proof reading anything lol. also, i’ve been very indecisive on the title and i might change it later and ooh, my masterlist will be made soon. i’ve just been feeling very unproductive these days. also, please put in requests, i am so bored and dumb therefore there are no ideas in this brain. and if you’d like a part 2, i might add more people for the part 2!anyways, peace!
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dream -
i get the feeling that dream’s favorite type of kisses would be cheek kisses
he just likes to watch as you struggle to reach his height
“aw look at those little legs do their thing.”
ends up with you not giving him his kiss
and mans becomes SO pouty
“y/n…come on. don’t be this way.” :(
if you don’t kiss him on the cheek, will also become SO clingy and whiny
“why won’t you KISS ME!”
clenches his fists and stomps away like a teenage girl during puberty
slamming the door to your room
so then you have to go and give him all the kisses he wants
his face is slammed into your pillow
you sit on the side of the bed and pet his hair
leading him to stare up at you with puppy dog eyes
“i will give you all the kisses you want. so stop being so pouty, you big baby.”
will literally leave zero feet of space between you and him
taps his cheek to tell you he wants kisses
when you go on dates, will literally make you stand on your tippy toes to get his kisses
does not bend down at all and actually lifts his head higher to tease you
in other words, clingy but rude hoe
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george -
george is a classic romantic
he loves just lip kisses
pecks or lingering ones
he doesn’t care
mans don’t need too many kisses
nor does he need to be too clingy
total opposite of dream and sapnap *ahem clingy ahem*
if he wants a kiss,
he will come over to you and get it
doesn’t get pouty if you’re busy
just waits patiently
doesn’t enjoy it when you interrupt him when he’s streaming so you do your own thing
when you’re watching a movie with him,
he will literally only stare at you with his cute smile
and listen to your every criticism of the movie
he likes to just peck your lips whenever he feels like it
and you’re just not surprised anymore
just likes to stare at your lips whenever you talk
overall, is very sweet but not to an extent with showing affection
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sapnap -
sapnap just vibes with neck kisses
it tickles his neck and he loves them
giggles when you pepper kisses along his neck and flushes a deep red
“y/n. stop.” giggles between each word
but when you do, becomes the saddest person in the whole world
“i was joking.” :(
when he’s streaming and he begins to miss you
would leave his room and find you just to get a kiss
just like dream, would get angry if you give him no kisses
very amusing for you
and you love to tease him
“i don’t want to give you kissies.”
continues to stare at you with a large frown until you give in and give him kissies
lsg supremacy but i’ll get into this later hehe
you better give him kisses or you’ll be dealing with a very sad sapnap
sadnap :(
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wilbur -
wilbur, wilbur, wilbur
what can i even say
total nose kiss guy
i bet he’ll boop your nose twenty four seven
asks stupid questions just to get your attention
“yes wilbur?”
“is a hotdog a sandwich?”
“did you just say boop while you booped my nose?”
if he’s streaming and you bring him a snack
he will hold your face still and leave kisses on your nose
not too clingy but not too distant
likes to be just right with you
if its snowy outside and your noses get red
makes dumb jokes about he is rudolph and you’re mrs. rudolph
just a lot of smooches from wilby
takes you to a lot of hidden cafes in the city
and while you read, he balances his head on his palm, staring at you in admiration
if you’re insecure about your nose, you legit can’t be around wilbur because he will go on a tangent about how beautiful it is
substantially, soft boy hours all day bro, besides when he gets mad then you leave the hormonal man tf alone
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punz -
i don’t see a lot of punz on tumblr so here we go
punz loves hand kisses
not to an extent where he has a hand fetish
god no but just like
when your holding hands, he’ll occasionally pull your hand up to his lips and leave a kiss
lots of hand holding
and i mean lots
constantly gets mad fun of for being a simp but ignores those comments because he genuinely loves you so much
likes it when you play with his hair and messing it up
also likes to compare hand sizes with you
always has a hand on your thigh or your hand in his whenever he is driving somewhere with you
even when you go on dates, always holding hands
no matter how sweaty your hand gets, he will hold on
sometimes if he holds on for too long, you have to tell him to let go
“punz, my hand is super sweaty. lets take a break from the hand holding.”
would flat out decline so you would have to pry your hand out of his
he would also love it when you would kiss his hand
makes him feel all polite and precious LOL
would also wrap his pinky along yours when you walk together
he once came with you to a family gathering for christmas and was so SHY
shy boy held your hand for security while your younger siblings made fun of you
afterwards, when you were under a mistletoe, he kisses you on the lips before kissing you on his favorite part of your body,
your hand
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c!jschlatt -
jschlatt is a whole mess
the first time you met, he confessed that he would hate you for as long as you lived because you made fun of his boots
now he says he still strongly dislikes you but you’re more tolerable
doesn’t like it when you make him soft and HATES it when he blushes
“why must you do this to me, mother nature?”
also “hates” it when you even touch him because he “hates” you
when he actually confessed to you that he liked you with his grumpy usual grandpa voice,
you kissed him on his forehead, after he bent down of course
he is an actual giant and threatens to squash you like an ant if he feels the need to
is an absolute monster to you but loves it when you kiss his forehead because it makes him feel secure and loved
likes to watch the wind blow through your hair and mess it up but gives you his hat because he like you being “all pretty and shit”
gets SUPER jealous when you hug children
like for example, when you went over to a family gathering at his house, his cousins came up to hug you
and when you let go of the child, the man child comes and lugs you over his shoulder
gets yelled at by his mom and gives her a sheepish smile before rolling his eyes and throwing you down on the sofa set next to him
his mom doesn’t approve of the way he treats you but you tell her its fine because he’s cute
when you are far from any type of civilization or in the safety and solitude of your own home, he wants kisses on the forehead
pointing up to it and bending down so you could reach it
“y/n, i only love you because of your forehead kisses.”
“you only love me for my kisses?” :(
actually feels slightly bad
“and because of your personality.”
“thank you-“
“shut up. we don’t talk about this.”
in conclusion, give him his forehead kisses or perish
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awesamdude -
sam just adores it when you give him jawline kisses
not because it’s basically the only place you could reach but because it’s a sweet gesture
sam is all about sweetness
i mean have you even seen this man on his stream
he likes to watch you while you have conversations with your friends
not in a creepy way but more like an adoring way
cause man does he love you
i mean not only does he love you but his whole family does
and when you’re alone with sam, you love to bury him underneath all of your love
“i love you sam!”
“no i love you more y/n!”
“NO i LOVE you more!”
“NO i LOVE you MORE!”
“okay thank you sweet pea.”
leaving you a bit confused but happy that he accepts your love
when you cuddle, omg
he never stops peppering kisses all over your face and vice versa because your relationship is disgustingly fluffy
when he lends you one of his sweatshirts, you sure as hell better wear that shit out or else (i am leaving a blank threat here)
sam loves technology but you guys sort of have a system
a system that involves mailing each other love letters rather than texting them
you guys also go on a ton of walks just about anywhere
hand holding is mandatory even though you probably look like a child compared to him
just give sam lots of love and in return, you’ll receive lots of love
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quackity -
mans cannot leave you tf alone
likes to do ANYTHING freaky around you
“i will follow you to the ends of the earth, mi amor.” or
“ayy, back off.” if anyone gets too close to you
messes with you twenty four seven and makes it his job to drive you insane
plays horror games at two in the morning for fun
and when he gets scared, hides in the safety of your arms
“mi amor. i’m scared.”
“shut the fuck up and sleep, alex.”
“okay.” shuts up quickly and snuggles deeper into the crook of your neck
loves you so deeply but HATES your cat
“look at that little dumb thing stare at me. you got a problem bro?”
your cat also HATES alex
scratches him all the time and hisses at him
if you think sapnap is babie, wait till you meet alex
“y/n he bit me!”
when you glance down, you don’t even see a scratch
“kiss my boo boo.”
“what boo boo? there’s nothing there.”
gasps as if you offended him
“this boo boo that your el demonio did to me.”
this man will do anything to get boo boo kisses
istg, you once found him provoking your cat to get some scratches
in alex’s mind, ouchies = kisses from y/n
always has ouchies from god knows where and shows it to you
even though you find it annoying at first, you grow used to it and it sorta becomes your thing with alex
alex is babie and you need to take good care of him :)
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