#i want emojis to start being grungy af
bargaintears · 1 year
i #dontusetwitter but have been live with someone who did for a long time how do i stop saying ‘slay’ and ‘pu$$y girl’ when it’s being written into my code
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pinespittinink · 4 years
If My OCs Were In A Dating Sim...
Who would you choose? Your pick from 11 potential routes! I thought this would be a fun way to know ocs a little more. Feel free to make your own and tag me in them~~
meet-cute where you literally crash into each other, knocking him off his bike
he’s incredibly apologetic, worried he’s hurt you and you fall in love instantly
he works in a flower shop and sends you very cute texts and animal pics and neat facts about plants, laden with emojis
hand-holding dates around the park lead to playing with each other’s hair and him teaching you to make daisy chains
soft love confessions come at home under fairy lights in a pillow fort 
kisses in the rain
the original romantic boyfriend route
she’s your personal trainer at the gym
looks aces in a sports bra, you try and fail not to stare at her abs, and it’s a growing problem whenever she helps you with your lifts and spots you
maybe you have a strength kink
she’s picked up on it too, but will never let you know beyond the odd smug look
she agrees to get a smoothie one afternoon and you start hanging out, playing chess and Overwatch (she beats you. always)
long quiet times slumped together on the couch turn into slowly opening up to each other emotionally
you catch her with heart eyes from time to time and tease her about it
the lacrosse jock himbo of your dreams
he’s a golden retriever whenever he sees you, equipment falling left and right
can haul you over his shoulders with ease
friends to lovers 
you go to pride together
he’s a sweet fumbling flirt who occasionally drops a smooth move leaving you weak at the knees
is oblivious to the fact that you like him in return, brags about being your best friend
sweaty grinding dancing at the club
you fuck the first night
he’s a grungy hot shit fuckboy with jealousy issues, rattling self-esteem, and the tact of a teaspoon.
he’ll follow you around like a mangy dog if you give him attention
you cheer him on while he gets his ass handed to him in a denny’s parking lot
don’t date this man unless you want to roll around in garbage with him, get drunk, and press a bag of frozen peas to his black eyes inflicted through his own awful decision making
you haven’t been able to get a hold of a particular book because some asshole keeps renewing it week after week so you track it to the library hermit 
he looks like he lives in the gutter and steals couch covers from the goodwill donation bins 
unsurprisingly, he refuses to give up the book, so you insist on sharing it
turns out he’s actually very witty and has the driest sense of humor
he also survives off of the library vending machines
you slowly grow fond of him, bringing him snacks, spending nights stargazing on the roof
will-they-won’t-they tension ultimately culminates in him slyly revealing his attraction and fucking in the library stacks
you start talking to him at a party when you notice he’s alone in the corner
he’s taciturn and Awkward and endearing
blushes every time you compliment him, constantly tries to leave
will memorize your schedule and wait for you without prompting
you kiss his cheek once and he runs away and leaves you on read for two weeks
eventually he grows a backbone and comes back into your social sphere
you mention a scarf you like at one point and he saves up pennies to buy it and turns into a tomato when he gives it to you
his route is a lot of patience and a lot of work
daycare worker who you become very quickly smitten with
he’s great with kids, humble, and charming
the ultimate gentleman
walks you home after your dates, gives you a kiss at the door
cooks dinner for you, brings you breakfast in bed 
he refuses any kind of charity for his poor family, determined to get by on hard work
works a million jobs
you help him realize he doesn’t have to do it alone and it’s okay to have the support of other people every once and a while
loud aries lesbian 
arcade champion until you come along and challenge her scores
rivals to lovers in a firecracker romance
she’ll show up at your house at four in the morning to drag you out on an adventure that might not be entirely legal and usually results in you running from the cops
a kitchen disaster when she helps you cook, flour everywhere 
popcorn fights during movie nights
big promposal type love confession, very bombastic 
your soft spoken biology TA who tutors you
he’s a nursing student and works nights, perpetually sleepy
his affection is very subtle and genuine
brings you your coffee and smiles when you’re flustered 
takes you on dates to botanical gardens and science museums and aquariums 
gentle good morning texts
sometimes sends you quotes or bits of poetry he likes 
you work at the clinic where he brings his dog
he’s cranky and removed 
you like Molly more than him until you see how much he really loves her
bonding over late night walks and philosophical discussions
you share a blunt once, ending in shotgunning until you notice his dog watching and awkwardly break apart 
he opens up about being a distant only child and shying away from intimacy
kinky af when you eventually get it on
modern art student 
has a reputation as a no-strings-attached hookup 
you fail to have no-strings-attached
he’s very humbled when you ask him out on a date and confesses that no one’s ever shown an interest in him beyond sleeping together
you woo him with boxes of candied fruit slices and chocolates and chai lattes
date nights in consist of take-out and chatting over whatever’s playing in the background on netflix 
he sits in your lap constantly, falls asleep with his head against your shoulder
tells you he loves you mid-fuck
the TA in the medieval lit class you took for a required English credit
way more attractive than any English TA has the right to be
you run into him at a frat party and do a double take because you almost don’t recognize him
he’s got a screwdriver in one hand and an empty Long Island iced tea in the other but he’s amazingly standing coherent and excitedly arguing about the merits of Stargate Atlantis
you hook up and end up spending winter break together in his apartment eating chocolate graham crackers
bike dates for coffee and visiting the city duck ponds
you get to ride him on the couch while he wears his unzipped totoro kigurumi
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