#queue minecraft strip mines
bargaintears · 1 year
i #dontusetwitter but have been live with someone who did for a long time how do i stop saying ‘slay’ and ‘pu$$y girl’ when it’s being written into my code
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Could I ask for some TFC headcanons? To honor his memory.
We've decided to give you all of our favorite head cannons about him. He was a comfort Youtuber for me. We will miss him greatly. We hope his family finds comfort.
My favorite Headcanons were Gem golem, and dragon TFC. I used Gem golem TFC in my fic Meteor Effect, and it was characterized with raw gems and crystals replacing some parts of his body, Kintsugi repairing the parts that had been damaged. As for Dragon TFC, I loved the thought of him watching over and protecting the hermitcraft server. - Cat
I've always been partial to dwarf TFC. The strip mines he could produce are nothing short of incredible. Don't take that as he can only mine though! I like to imagine he created an impressive pair of wings so he could join the 5k club. Using old, traditional mechanics and clockwork and accented with his own mined metal.
To me, TFC has always been... just a guy. Even the most nonhuman of Minecraft servers need a couple humans around for perspective and, maybe, some normalcy. TFC might have been one of those humans, but that certainly didn't make him boring or average. He was one of the best. -Leo
We have a few more TFC head cannons already in the queue, and if you have any headcanons you would like to share with us we would love to see them.
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absollnk · 3 years
Minecraft is a great experience but it's kinda a shitty gameplay loop if you just want to progress
It goes like this:
Get wood
Get wooden and then stone tools
Hole up in some cave/build a house for the night
Go mining a few times
Upgrade to iron tools
Find gold, lapis, redstone, and diamonds
Here's where things get wacky. At this stage, your next objectives are to get your mitts on enchanted gear and nether stuff. Both of these things take/can take significantly longer than everything else before them.
If you're not very lucky with your nether, finding a fortress can take hours. It's a very tedious process.
If you want your enchantment table to give you any value, you need to surround it with bookcases. The problem is that you need ~15 bookcases, which totals out to 45 leather, a relatively uncommon item with no reliable farming method unless you started a cow farm beforehand.
After you finally scrape together enough books for a maxed enchantment table, you can move on from enchanting gear and exploring the nether to finding the stronghold, messing with brewing potions, and searching for netherite. Netherite is a total pain to mine for, but it's completely optional, so I won't rag on it.
The stronghold and potions aren't too bad to me. They're both fine stages of the game.
Before I talk about the end, I'm gonna talk about the other optional bosses.
Ocean monuments and the elder guardian serve no purpose to most players. Finding a monument can suck but exploring it isn't too bad if you're a late-game character.
The wither sucks.
To fight it, you need to grind out one specific item from one specific enemy that has a 2.5% chance to drop it and only spawns in nether fortresses. 3 of them, by the way. This is nightmarish already. You have to do this each time you want to attempt to fight the wither, so you better not lose. Whether or not the beacon is strong enough to warrant this, I'm not sure, but I think a boss's difficulty should come from the fight, not the several hour queue before the fight
Pillager raids are fine. They get a pass. They're annoying to start if you haven't found an outpost yet, but that's all. The loot is actually worth the effort for going through with the whole event
Now it's time to go to the end. If you've properly prepared with diamond gear, a bow, potions, enchantments, and spare blocks, you wipe the floor with the dragon 90% of the time. Then you get to explore the end islands as the very last new stage of gameplay, which do their job fine. Slightly boring but fine.
Minecraft's biggest problem with survival to me is that progression gets very bloated right in the middle, with a bunch of out of the way things to do that your average player might not remember to do and struggle later because of it. How in the world are you supposed to naturally figure out that bookcases are a vital item for boosting your power
Some miscellaneous problems-
Shields are too strong. You can make them as soon as you find any iron and they let you facetank almost all damage without consequence. Correct me if this has been changed, but you shouldn't able to stand a foot from a creeper as it explodes and come out unscathed for one iron in your offhand
Bows are very powerful but they're a bitch to maintain. If you don't have the patience to build a mob farm/chicken farm, arrows will be few and far between for you, making using the bow always feel wasteful. Enchantments can remedy this, but they have their own issues. But credit where credit is due, crossbows and tipped arrows are at least some decent variety for the weapon type
Phantoms disincentivize exploration, one of the most important elements of minecraft. They're fundamentally flawed in a way that can't be fixed without a rework of their spawn conditions. Doesn't help that they're obnoxious to fight
Strip mining sucks. Hopefully caves and cliffs relieves some of the need for it
Ender pearls used to be a bigger issue, but piglin bartering and villager trading make them bearable to farm
Every set of armor except for iron and above is irrelevant except for extremely specific circumstances
Whether or not you can get a horse depends entirely on if you find a saddle by random chance
Anyways this has been me complaining about minecraft for about 5 phone screen's worth of text. Let me know if you want to hear me talk about how Minecraft is the better experience, and Terraria is the better game
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brimmsedge · 6 years
Dream: Dyad Institute
The dream began; I was being forced through a crowded space in a queue line of metal detectors and surveys. There was much confusion has to what happened and what was continuing to happen. And where I was. But I couldn’t look around too much before the space in front of me opened up and I’d get a not so friendly push to fill the gap.
At first I thought they were just eager to speed the process along. It wasn’t until a young man tried to flee from the line that I realized we weren’t here by choice. He didn’t get far until the tazer jolted him into a violent seizure.
When I got closer to the end of the line, I saw a chair and a strange head device. It was easy to deduce what this machine did by the violent, scared, emotions of the test subjects before and the numbness of them after the machine came to a stop. Brainwashing. On the backboard behind the chair was a triangle symbol. The symbol for the Dyad Institute, from Orphan Black.
Hooked up to the machine were several wires and two computers on desks. It wasn’t hard to tell what these machines read either. They made them very user friendly. They were reading people’s Chi. Each person they tested had an easy to read number. +3, -7, +5. My mind worked over the results of each person before me until I could no longer read the screen. This place felt much like TSA security. Lots of those portable taper strips to guide us along the line. Lots of bodies watching and guarding. The place looked clean and professional.
When I stepped to the chair I sat down without resistance. I let the machine work its magic. In turn, I’d work mine as well. This is my dream, and you think I’d let you take it from me? I looked at the machine with X-ray vision when the monitor called over his supervisor. My Chi was neutral. 0. Never been seen before. They didn’t seem to mind. They didn’t try to recalibrate the machine either. Next person got up, +9, +1, -6. It was working. Except I remembered everything. I was exactly who I was a moment ago.
The first machine wasn’t the only method of brainwashing. Every day in this new prison they’d give us pills to make us forget. I’d swallow them, but they held no power over me. I wondered if I had any magic at all and it wasn’t just because of my Chi. My neutrality gave me superiority over the others. We spent most days inside and sometimes when it rained they let us into the courtyard of mud and electric fences. I’m not sure the voltage was necessary. It was so much that the blue curls of lightning never stopped pouring out from the cold metal barbs.
It wasn’t until I started to try and wake up the others that my trouble started. Paul Deters from Orphan Black’s Dyad. Obviously the first few rebels I woke up and tried to escape didn’t work. We were met with brutal force. I got the machine again and several pills in isolation to make sure I was wiped. The isolation helped me practice my mock face. The next few revolts were planned more precisely. Still failed because the others would act out of line and instead of risking one person they all thought they could escape. A few times I let them act alone. I didn’t need unnecessary isolation, I needed to keep planning.
The men here had high powered energy guns and turrets set up. This next escape would do the trick. I just needed Paul to stop following me everywhere. One day, he did. He was replaced though. I woke up one morning beside him again. They shot me with drugs. They finally realized I wasn’t accepting any of them. They found out because another inmate had 0 Chi and he didn’t pretend like I did. They watched him pass off the drugs and machine, he panicked until they put a bullet in his head. They reviewed all the footage and saw that each and every time I resisted the drugs. This time, they had something else in mind.
They were going to militarize my DNA. Something like the Symbiote, or Xenomorph. No black goo, but definitely effective. My body resisted and tried to fight the infection. But failed. Instead it manifested with it. I turned into a werewolf. Paul did too after his injection. Except, he was a failed version. His claws and toes, face and skin, were deformed. He even knew it was something to be ashamed of. But me, my toes looked like raptors. My claws as sharp as blades. They still had me restrained and tazed me after the transformation was complete. They pushed me to an arena to test out my abilities.
I had faster reflexes, better vision, more agile. I was the perfect weapon. I laughed because here I could test and redefine my method of escape. They were helping me, they just didn’t know it yet.
Like normal, I would wake everyone up. This time I did it by force. I used my werewolf strength to break down the walls getting everyone together and then telling them that the family they’ve created in their minds were fake. We rebelled once more. This time I was on the front lines. Making sure no one else got hurt. I’d jump on walls, running on all fours. I’d rip turrets and people in half. I was a killing machine.
We got the end of the hall and three new turrets rose up from the floor. These blasts were easy for me to dodge. But not my fellow inmates. The energy burnt them to the bone. Nothing but ash was left in the torrent of white light. It hummed as it charged its next shot at me. I stood my ground. My last attempt to survive would not be so easily thwarted.
As the beam shot out and reached me, my hands grabbed the mystical energy. I tore it in two. Holding it in place, harnessing the energy. I sent the two beams back at the side turrets. To be honest, I was surprised I was able to catch the beam. I just wished for it to happen, and it did. After the explosions of the two turrets I pounced onto the center one and hacked at the machine to pieces. Not much of my resistance was left standing. They attacked us from the back and many men were getting shot down. I decide it’s best if I escape. So the efforts aren’t in vain.
I hire a lawyer and immediately investigate Dyad Institute. Day by day goes by during the trial. But my witnesses are disappearing every day. I call Paul Deters to the stand and even he goes missing. While it sucks for the trial, it still makes me look good. The trial is to resume in a few days so the police bring me to a safehouse with another family in the mean-time.
I ride a four-wheeler out across the meadows of their land. I arrive at the house but no one is home. I look down the winding driveway and find a strange mage whose face is covered in shadow by the hood. Every 10 feet or so, the mage drops down a crescent moon or star. Large 1 foot by 1 foot pads, of some sort. I pretend to be afraid and run up this tower. It’s strange because it resembled a Minecraft plank house. I ran slow enough to make sure the mage could keep up.
When I got to the roof I waited. Moments later the mage came up and began his dialogue. “You silly boy-“ But before he could make progress, I lifted him into the air with my telekinesis, I made two open hand clawed signs with my hand, bringing them together in front of me. Matching the energy that of the mage, I twisted my hands like opening a jar and slowly began to pull them apart. The mage reciprocated. His body twisted and his skin ripped red open. Some blood dropped, but when I tore him into two pieces no blood came down. Just cosmic energy. I could see billions of stars and galaxies between the pieces.
Further and further I stretched my hands until they began to shake from the power. Then I slammed my hands together in a thunderous clap. Only fragments of the mage’s clothes fell to the ground, his body fell into a pile of cosmic dust. I could feel the cosmic energy flowing through me. I grinned, staring down the roadway where the mage had come from. Hoping more would follow.
The sky began to weep. I could see Sora’s truck coming down the driveway. I leapt from the ledge and hid in the family’s garage. When the truck came to a stop, an ordinary looking family got out, confused, and worried. I came out from hiding to let them know I was okay. They must have seen the Moon sigils the mage left behind. The family and I went inside to eat.
But before I entered the house, I woke up.
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