#i wish the tags got automatically added to the ends of tumblr posts
bargaintears · 1 year
i #dontusetwitter but have been live with someone who did for a long time how do i stop saying ‘slay’ and ‘pu$$y girl’ when it’s being written into my code
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n7punk · 3 years
Hey icon what’s Xkit? I use tumblr but I’m not sure what that is :/
lol I got 2 messages about this. XKit is a browser extension to make Tumblr way nicer to use that I will always proselytize. It, among other things:
Allows you to append tags to one of your posts in-dashboard without opening the edit screen and waiting for it to load (you hover over the extension icon at the bottom of the post, type your tags, hit append, and just keep scrolling while a little notif in the corner assures you that the tags were added onto the end of your post. The next feature listed works similarly).
Allows you to reblog, draft, or queue a post in one-click without opening the edit screen and interrupting your scrolling to load it. Also, you can add tags and captions in the same pop up. With XKit, you never need to open the edit screen to reblog a post or change its tags. (The extension warns it could slow down Tumblr, but in my experience, it makes it way fast by cutting all that out, plus you never lose your place on the dashboard.)
Remembers what posts you have reblogged before and turns their reblog icon green so you can tell at a glance if the post is on your blog already (with an option to customize how many posts it remembers - mine remembers my last 5000 reblogs).
Has a blacklist and whitelist function with customization options for what content it searches for black/whitelisted phrases such as just tags, posts, usernames, etc. Tumblr now has its own blacklist, which I've never used but I guarantee it isn't as good as XKit's, this site doesn't function that well. XKit lets you choose whether or not to see that a post has been hidden and how much information about the post it gives in the streamlined-notification, which gives you the option to view it if you wish (or you could just have it hide it completely).
Has Timestamps. Seriously, in-line timestamps that you can customize what they display (day, date, month, time, relative time, the order of this information, etc) instead of hovering over the corner to make it pop up. Tumblr's timestamps are so clunky.
Dims the posts (or just avatars) of posts you've already seen on your dash (AKA all the avatars turn dim when you reach where you left off on your dashboard last time).
Blocks Tumblr's recommended posts on your dashboard, slims a pinned post down to just a line you can click to see the full thing so they don't clog up someone's blog, or blocks a particular post so you never see it in your feed or even a notification of its existance (admittedly, this final feature is a bit clunky because it doesn't present you with a list of posts you've blocked and rather just the ability to unblock the last post you added without seeing which it was).
Tags posts for you, including: selectable tag bundles (for instance, I have a catradora tag bundle, which I select in that one-click postage pop-up to tag catradora posts with 'catradora' 'adora' 'catra' and 'she ra'), automatically tagging all posts of a certain type (video posts, queued posts, etc) with a custom tag, and automatically add tags to reblogs with information such as the source user, date it was reblogged, post type, etc.
XKit is free, it's made by volunteers, and it has many extension options within it that let you really customize and streamline your experience. Once you use Tumblr with XKit you never go back. The extension is in the Chrome web extension store, but it's also easy to add to Firefox despite not being in their store. Here is its Tumblr page with links so you can download it for your browser of choice.
Fun fact: there are multiple Tumblr features that started as XKit extensions and then were added in as native features after months/years of being maintained by XKit. Said features include: the "where you left off" separator bar indicator (used to be an XKit extension called "Separator"), tag viewing in the notes of a post and activity feed (used to be an XKit extension titled "Tag Viewer"), and the blacklist feature (XKit still has its own blacklist extension, mentioned above).
The original XKit was made by one guy, but now it is an extension called New XKit that is run by a team unaffiliated with the old (and now defunct due to site updates) version that existed back then. Oh, and to new users: extensions in the menu that are colored yellow have had their features recently broken by a Tumblr update and may later be updated or removed due to obsolesce (for instance, XInbox is currently broken and I miss it dearly).
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measlyfurball13 · 3 years
Saw a post that pissed me off saying essentially "why do fanworks get so much more attention than original works? Fan stuff is shitty and low effort, but even I was tempted to degrade myself just to get attention." As if creating fan work automatically nets you thousands of likes just in and of itself.
I'm brought back to 2016 Deviantart. I had just started writing. Nobody was paying attention to me. I was sending my writing out into a void even worse than the normal fan content websites because I was on the wrong site for my content. Much like OP I was heartbroken. I had the search algorithms against me, my writing still had a long way to go. So you know what I did?
I built myself an audience. I started interacting with fan artists in the fandom who weren't the godly people with thousands of likes. I paid attention to other people's works-in-progress, their drawings with amazing ideas that they could build off of, technique that was still learning to grow like mine. I liked their work, paid it a comment, and you know what? That caused them to check my own works out, and lead to them returning the favor! And with those likes, the search engine began picking me up, finally drawing in others whom I hadn't reached out to first.
But you want to know what the kicker is? My works still "only" got twelve or fifteen likes a piece. If this happened, OP would have probably still whined and kicked and pouted "but I did muh fan work!1!!! Where likes???"
It doesn't work that way. It never does. It's almost like only the most talented of the supreme echelons of artists ever get more than a smidgen of attention. It's almost like talented artists are talented artists regardless of what art they're doing. Fandoms provide an advantage only in the sense that people have a general interest in what your art contains and a tag they can search it with, but that's it.
Moreover, if you're only creating art to get attention, you're never going to be satisfied. My stuff, at its best here on tumblr, a more text-based website, for the most popular fandoms, gets about sixty likes on average and way fewer reblogs. But I cherish every single one of those. Those are enough. That's sixty whole people who read my work and liked it enough to let me know, even if they didn't always save it to read later. Think of how many people that is in real life. Regain the perspective of how fantastic that is! It's incredible, it really is.
If OP wants their original work to get attention, they need to interact with the community to build their audience, just like I had to do. How often do you think they like and reblog original art? How less often do you think they spare a comment for someone's original writing? How even less often do you think they commission someone like how they probably wish people commissioned them? I'm willing to bet hardly at all.
In the end, I just feel sad. Being motivated by attention, being jealous of the attention other people's art gets, is an awful place to be. It's toxic. Creating should be primarily for the pleasure of the creator- any outside attention should be an added bonus. If you don't like what you're creating, what's the point?
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ninjakasuga · 4 years
Sonal Celebration Week Submission: Reunion
In case Tumblr ate my direct submission to @boundforfreedomsonsal I’m also posting my submission myself with the Tumblr tagged. So finally the celebration is here, and here’s my first submission. Taking place around issue 50 of the Archie-series, this is my take on when Sonic woke Sally up. As well as my own fanfic head-canon injection where I personally feel after all the kerfuffle with Endgame, Sonic and Sally got their confessions out and started the road to being a couple there. Instead of the long, convoluted delayed process, we fans had to wait nearly ten years to see to fruition. 
 The only sound was the crunching of leaves under Sonic’s shoes after he slowed down upon reaching the memorial. His heart instantly ached at the sight of it, despite knowing from Doctor Quack that Sally wasn’t dead. However, the sight of her ‘viewing’ memorial and her body resting in the clear-view casket, just hammered home what was his reality until a few minutes ago. His heart was hammering in his chest. The closer he got, his brain reminding him of the water-fowl doctor’s words. ‘She’s alive, but in a coma. Her tenacious will-power probably saved her life as much as her getting medical attention quickly. However, while Sally’s body has mended, I have no clue if and when she will wake up.’ 
Sonic himself had been advised to stay in bed given how utterly fatigued he had been through the entire ‘Endgame’ fiasco as everyone was calling Sally’s seeming death, his frame-job, and Robotnik’s near victory which ended in his defeat. Shuddering Sonic looked at his hands, they still tingled from impacting on the fatso’s face, and by God, if the Ultimate Annihilator hadn’t taken out Robuttnik; he was ready to end him himself. A thought that scared him to the core, especially on how he still felt okay with the act if had taken Robotnik’s life.
Guess luck was looking out for him, and maybe, just maybe luck would hold out again.
As he reached the see-through casket, a disguised medical pod, his mind snapped back to the here and now. Sally looked so peaceful, so, very dead. He knew she wasn’t, but the brief flicker of thought made his heart jump, and his breathing increase for a moment. All the pent up emotions were wanting to spill out, but he held them in. Focusing back on his task, Sonic found the latches sealing the casket and input the combination code into the five buttons Doctor Quack had given him. After the code was inputted, a soft but potent ‘hiss’ sound could be heard as the casket was unsealed and could now be opened as he wished. Grasping the edge of the container, he pulls open the clear-top, which flipped open from the bottom before automatic hinges locked the canopy into place.
Looking down upon Sally’s form, he could now see clearly, she was breathing, but very shallowly. His gaze briefly went up to the clear-canopy of her viewing casket. He had to give kudos to Doctor Quack for installing some weird, trick into the thing that hid the fact Sally was breathing from anyone who came to pay their respects. If he hadn’t pulled out all the stops, Robotnik would have undoubted discovered the ruse and finished the job Snively set into motion through Drago and Hershey. Kneeling down, he reached out, softly touching her auburn hair, and gently began to caress it. Sally always had such soft hair, even when the humidity of the summer would frizzle it to heck, somehow she still kept it silky soft. Smiling Sonic trailed his hand down to her face, feeling those adorable cheek tufts, and very, very happy he could feel the warmth of her body under her fur. Another much-needed indicator she was alive, which helped set his still hammer-beating heart at ease to some degree.
As a soft breeze blew past him, the blue hedgehog stared at the Princess’ sleeping face, wishing her eyes would open. The last few days of thinking she had died weighed on him all the things he never got to say to her, the regrets of not having gotten to say such things to her. The denial of things to come, things he at the time felt he’d taken for granted that they would come in due time, only there was no time. Now, she was alive, but would she even wake up so he could make good on doing all those things he should have already said and made clear.
Life was too short, and thankfully he’d be given another chance, and if she’d only wake up, he’d make good on telling her everything he’d always felt. With a long sigh exhaling from his lips he looks down upon Sally’s peacefully, sleeping figure again as a stray thought crossed his mind.
“No way it’d work, just stupid story-book mumbo-jumbo…” He muttered to himself, but yet at the same time, what else did he have to lose? Stranger things have come true in his short life. Grasping the edges of the casket, Sonic leaned over, planting a soft kiss to Sally’s cheek, murmuring softly, almost pleadingly, hoping it might awaken her. “I love you, Sally, please come back to us, to me.” Pulling back from the kiss, he sat on his knees at her side, watching her, and unsurprised nothing happened. That’s what you get for putting hope in fairytale nonsense.
Just as Sonic was about to pick up Sally to take her back to the hospital, someplace less out in the open, he saw her eyebrows furrow and twitch. His breath caught in his throat as he saw more signs of Sally stirring awake. “Sal?” He asked quietly, hope slowly blooming into his tone. Her mouth opened and a low groan escaped, followed by her mouth smacking together as if she was trying to get rid of morning dry-ness of the throat. The cute ears on top of her head twitched, and her fingers began to move, unclasping from the pose she was placed in, and resting on the bottom of the casket. With a smooth, if slow motion, Sally pushed herself up into a sitting position; flinching as if the motion caused her a brief bout of pain. 
“Ahh…” Her voice was scratchy and parched, but clearly hers. Finally, her eyelids managed to force themselves open, and Sonic soon found those beautiful blue peepers looking into his own as Sally craned her head causing their gazes to meet at last. Her gaze turned to one of concern as she saw Sonic’s expression along with big-wet tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Sonic? Is that you? What’s wrong, are you okay-?” Sally’s words of confusion turned to concern and were soon interrupted as she found herself caught up in a big hug that threatened to expel the contents of her lungs as she found herself gasping for air.
“YOU’RE AWAKE!” Sonic cried, standing up fully with Sally in his arms, swinging her around as he both laughed and cried happily in pure, unadulterated joy.
“S-Sonic! A-air, can’t breathe!” Gasped the squirrel-munk as the blue hedgehog spun her around, adding a bit of dizziness to her lack of oxygen.
Realizing this, Sonic quickly sets her on her feet and lets go of her, but his hands instantly snatch hers and hold on. As if afraid letting go would allow her to disappear. “Sorry Sal! I just-I just…” His words trailed off as his voice broke. Unable to really say anything he just smiled at her. “J-just glad you’re back.”
Shaking her head, she gently pulls her hands from his and cups his face, looking concerned. “What happened Sonic? You never cry unless something big happened.”
Sniffling the hedgehog wiped his eyes, trying to dry his tears. “We all thought you were dead.”
Staring at him blankly, Sally couldn’t speak as it felt like a lump was in her throat, but she somehow managed after a few beats. “Dead?!” Her tone started off incredulous but as she looked about, one look at the memorial site told her Sonic wasn’t blowing things out of proportion. Putting a hand to her head, Sally wracked her brain and slowly recalled falling down the cut rope. “I fell, that’s right I fell, my rope was cut.”
With a nod, Sonic explained everything. Her near-death experience, his being framed for her murder, Robotnik’s plans, and all the little bits and pieces that fit into each puzzle-piece slot to make up the entire affair. Once Sonic finished, Sally stood staring briefly before moving closer and hugging him tightly.
“I’m so sorry Sonic, that you went through all that.”
Accepting the hug, Sonic fought the urge to squeeze her again and nuzzled against her face, unable to help himself. Luckily for him, Sally didn’t see to mind. “I’m just glad you’re alive, that’s all that matters.” Being able to hold her again alone made what he went through worth it alone. “We’ll catch ya’ up to speed. Gonna have lots to do especially as Buttnik’s gone for good.”
A soft smile formed on her beautiful face, as Sally exhaled gently. “I still can scarcely believe it. It-it’s really over isn’t it?” It was like a dream, and she prayed to whatever deity was listening this wasn’t the case. In fact, Sally reached down to her own wrist and pinched the skin under her fur. After a brief flash of pain, followed by a wince. Once nothing seemed to have changed, she let out a sound of relief. “I’m not dreaming am I?” “Not at all,” Sonic replied all smiles. “So the war’s over, we can stop fighting, well mostly.” With a nod and a shrug Sonic quipped. “Minus whatever under-bosses Buttnik left lying around Snotly, yeah we’re good.”
Both enjoy a much-needed chuckle, breaking the hug and just staring at one another. Recalling his earlier despair and regret for not ‘saying’ things to Sally, Sonic swallowed a hard lump in his throat and took her hands into his again. “Sally I gotta say something to you.”
Curious and intrigued, Sally grasped his hands, giving a friendly and assuring squeeze back. “Oh? What is it Sonic?”
It was now or never, he’d thought of this moment often. Of the various lines he could say, maybe even whip out his guitar and sing a rock-ballad; any and every avenue he’d entertained this moment in his brain for some time. Yet now; he couldn’t find any of his prior ideas truly worth their salt in conveying this moment.
So Sonic did what he did best, and improvised. “Sally I love you, I always have and I want you to know that!!” His words came out fast, yet were clear enough to be heard clearly despite the nervous-tick in his tone. Almost as soon as his confession came out, Sonic began to sweat and panic internally. Did he screw up by not being flowery, and all that mushy stuff girls were supposed to like? As this internal panic began to wreak his mind; he almost failed to take notice of Sally’s response.
The Princess’ eyes first went wide as her jaw began slack, staring at Sonic, to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Did she hear Sonic correctly? “Say it again Sonic, please.” She begged, her own heart beating loudly in her ears.
Sally’s words snapped Sonic out of his initial panic, and upon seeing those beautiful baby-blues looking at him inquiringly, he nodded as he mustered his courage and confidence. “I love you Sally Acorn, I always have.” Lifting her hands he placed both on his chest, allowing her to feel his widely beating heart. He felt her fingers curl in his chest fur, a sensation that almost distracted him from talking it felt so nice. “I don’t know when, but...I just knew it, we’ve been together since we were in diapers. You’re my best friend and without you in my life, it would suck a lot.” Licking his lips, he fought back any nervous lumps trying to make talking difficult. “I love you, and I need you in my life Sal-I, I thought I lost you and I can’t… I can’t let a day go by without letting you know.”
Sonic again found himself worried he screwed up as Sally’s eyes misted over and Tears began to leak from them. “Sal? D-did I say something-MMMPH?!” Now it was his turn to be interrupted, as Sally pulled him close, her arms now firmly around his neck and her lips over his. Soon Sonic’s eyes slowly close and he returned the kiss; his own arms wrapping around her waist and held her close as their bodies almost seemed to shift and rub together perfectly. Slowly the kiss evolved, becoming much more explicit as each opened their mouths, letting their tongues intertwine as a surging heat-formed between them. Not a sexual one, that was there but not prominently, this was the heat between two hearts that had found their way to one another.
Soon the kiss ended, and both parted, staring at one another as they tried to catch their breath. Sally recovered first, smiling warmly at Sonic as she brought a hand up to cup his cheek. “I love you too Sonic Hedgehog, always since I can remember.” Like him, she kept her words simple, any prior ‘showy’ confession was pushed aside in lieu of simple, direct but heartfelt. “Whatever is coming over the horizon I want to meet it with you at my side.”
“And you mine.” He smiled widely, like her he now had tears of joy in his eye. The two lean forward, resting their foreheads together as they basked at the moment. Robotnik might be gone, but the war was not yet over; and who knows what threats may lay over the next hill or around the bend.
Whatever was to come, they would face it together, now and forever.
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dreamlikeapsycho · 4 years
I saw the max facts (pun intended 😂) you did for that question a while ago. So I was wondering if maybe you could tell us some more facts about Max it doesn’t have to be anything too detailed but anything you know would be nice to know, pretty please 😊
I went on deep analysis mode this time to try and say all of Max's little nice and cute moments I know of.. Pls take notice, tho!! I'm not trying to flex or anything, I'm just a simple peasant girl on Maximilian's kingdom for a long time and it happens I have FBI blood in my veins 😭 so It's all gather on my brain and hard drive lol SO! I'm just answering this ask with a lot of thought and care so you can know more about Max and how he is even more awesome than you think!!! (And just in text form, cause Max doesn't need to be tagged on more personal stuff on IG (there’s too much illegal fishing at my tumblr pond already! 👏). It’s probably weird to know certain things, yes, but at least I'm respectful, I'll never bother him with this kind of stuff). Well, enjoy the bible below to end up knowing very little about him, still haha.. Just some more small facts.
- Max was at a barbecue just yesterday. It was someones birthday from the set of his new movie. He drank his beer, like usual, idk about the meat.. there was wurst and chicken.. I'm not sure if he's trying to be a vegetarian or not (after that thoughtful video he posted) 🤔.. maybe he didn't eat it, I don't know!!
- a little while before the start of this shooting, he was at the Baltic Sea filming for the series he's gonna be in (just one episode again! Don't get your hopes too high lol he's gonna be a security guard who disappears mysteriously, so....)
- He helped his friend renovate his house a few weeks ago!! How could I forget that on the first post.. Then, he had to go to Hesse for the movie shooting, and his friend had to call another friend to come help him lmao damn
I think I could describe some videos I have then... at least there's some cool and funny stuff. (Friends himself tagged in the past and cast friends)
- Max's dad went to the same uni as him. Also, he voiced a police officer on the phone in a short film Max wrote and directed all by himself (he didn't act on it, but he was also another police officer over the phone haha). Another thing, his dad made the official music for one of his plays.
- The falafel day.. his friend was taking a piss filming Max at the shop from afar and zooming in, saying "omg, guys! I found Noah from Dark! He's right there buying falafel" lmao, then, Max is just standing there looking all wonderful with his perfect hair and such, moving his hands, scratching his chin, ordering his food, and his friend talks some more, doing like a rough Max voice "yeah yeah, I'll have that one. Good, yeah". 😂
- the day he went to take a walk in nature. His friend asks him for a cigarette, he is denied, he goes to take it anyway, Max slams his cup of tea on the table and tries to take his cigarette back and it's all black and they're just laughing lmao (I love his laugh btw, so giggly!)
There was storys posted by Max himself.. so, maybe you saw it, but it's from before dark s3 came out.
- The pigeon storys. He filmed two pigeons chasing each other at the station, one always running from the other and he captioned "me trying to flirt" haha
- He screen recorded an ad for an app that deletes people from pictures and made some joke too, I can't remember exactly what he wrote, smt like "when you break up, but still wants to keep the picture" lol also, he unfollowed like 5 people that week after posting that... hm 👀
- he posted a video of him walking in the dark with really cold wind.. you can only see his hair flying around. Also, with a mask on, another chasing a cat in a big field, and that one drinking his coffee and eating his yogurt (you most likely saw it already)
- Ohh.. His friend was playing Max's drums the other day!!! Made a lot of jokes, it was obvious he was messing around in Max's room (maybe they live together, maybe he just waters the plants lol idk). Some of the jokes were "I've been playing this drums since 1921" and "the drums and me are a perfect pair, don't ever believe otherwise". I wonder what Max said to him.. he can't do anything about it, he's not in Berlin hahah. He has a little giraffe in his room, and other home decors (you can see it on his drumming video on his own IG)
- he likes to read on longer train rides.
- there's a video of him screaming inside a wardrobe after being jumped by a friend and one of him putting lipstick on with the song "I'm a sexy motherfucker" playing in the background hehe we was tagged, it was easy to find when there wasn't much tagged post.
- There's moments of ppl filming something/themselves and he just comes and photobombs it lol he is just like thiss 👏 showing his tongue and doing a funny face and such. One of those I saw it on the IG of a Das Boot cast member I actually already followed before.
- this group was such a blast. There's a few pictures, one of them he's in a dress, he has white stockings on til his thighs, heels and all haha lovely
- His improv-group.. he was almost in tears singing "I believe I can fly" with the group on their last day.. But he was happy! A mix of emotions. He loves everyone, he expresses his love a lot to people in general, he says it and adds heart emojis to make sure haha you can see his comments going on IG of his cast friends, especially from Das Boot (I followed a lot of the guys). So, about always commenting something funny on people's posts.. I didn't saved those, so I forgot most of it, but one I remember was that someone posted a video of a hailstorm and he was like "what are u doing, free ice!! Go grab them" hahaha
- Max has that Noah picture where he's peaking by a wall (you know that one Baran posted) printed and framed! 👏
- Things he’s pretty much always with: his backpack and his big headphones (it's always on his neck. At almost every picture, from every year, with different people etc. I was confused when he had normal headphones at his farm storys. Maybe he forgot them in Berlin 😭. Besides those, his rings, necklaces and bracelets (always, for years and years! Same ones, even). He uses frequently on premieres, as I saw it. Sometimes they also show up on his characters in his one-episode works!! Hahah is so nice when that happens. You can notice this on my screencaps.
- that pic of him that is everywhere now (with glasses, holding a bottle of champagne), I posted that months ago.. There's 2 more pics and 1 video. One pic, he is pretending the automatic lighter that's on the table is a Harry Potter wand (but I think I cropped the table, right.. I can't remember). This was actually posted by Max himself and he tagged his friend who took it. I went to see if they posted smt and there was a picture where he is literally biting the cork of that bottle off with his teeth Lmaoo, and one video.. he is talking on the phone trying to block the view with his feet.. this man!!
- he really doesn't care about buying too much unnecessary clothes and shoes and stuff. He is mindful of his things and the environment!! 
- there's a video of him on the set of Der Zauberlehrling, I need to recall where I got that from (maybe I could share this one. I'm not sure), he is messing with the broom and someone asks him "hey Max, what's that animal?" and points to the fluffy microphone. He says "it's a fucked up coala bear" (in english) 😂
Again.. I can't say names or anything, cause ppl are not mindful! Like.. I know I'm probably weird, but only for myself and my FBI office LOL I don't go over there and follow/reply to all these people’s posts and storys or take their videos and tag Max on them, this is just not.... nah. I'll always be respectful (yeah, some older stuff has gifs, cause he had like 10k followers, and 5 fans on tumblr lol But i never sent/tag him in anything personal directly.. that’s why i only posted on tumblr for the past year, in fact! I never thought things would be the way they are now a year later.. so, newer stuff it's not posted/gif nor ever will). I don't want him to be weirded out and like, disappear from IG!! I think about these things.. when people are being weird and stuff towards him. I don’t know how ppl don’t think about this when tagging him recklessly in random pictures and videos!!!
I wish he had more interviews, so we could know more proper stuff about him. (The few interviews he has are translated on my IG highlight. There's still an 8min interview missing there, cause I'm contemplating about being more of a bother to german speaking people, since I only have basic german..
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wildshadowtamer · 4 years
A Different Path (What If?) Ch 5
Summary: Perry came back from a non-heinz-related mission, covered in soot and quite out of breath, he expected to just spend a few hours doing paperwork, but when he logged into his profile, he saw something sickening.
Here is the story of why Perry hates OWCA.
Tags (Chapter Specific): Violence, Attempted Murder, Attempted Child Murder, Blood
Tags (Fic General): Ducky Momo - Freeform, Implied/Referenced Character Death, car crash, burn scars, burn victim, Fluff and Angst, warning: this fic is dark, especially the first chapter, Inspired by Fanfiction, Based on a Tumblr Post, AU, what if au, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Mentions of car crashes, Past Child Abuse, mentions of child abuse, mentions of child abandonment, Family Fluff, Fluff, Violence, Attempted Murder, Attempted Child Murder, Blood
Notes: Credit to @woulddieforperrytheplatypus for encouraging me to write this fic! TW for violence, attempted murder, attempted child murder, and blood
Rating: Mature
Read It On Ao3
Read It Here!
July 18th, 2006
Perry came back from a non-heinz-related mission, covered in soot and quite out of breath, his entire body aching from the fight against 4 goons at once. He stumbled into his lair below D.E.I and collapsed tiredly onto his chair in front of his giant movie-like monitor, he sighed with a chittering noise and pulled the chair closer to the keyboard.
Then he remembered that he would likely need to do paperwork for arresting the villain he was up against, and likely file a mission report and summarize everything that happened. He laid his head on the desk and silently wished for something to happen so he could avoid it, but he knew there was no escaping endless paperwork, and so he turned on his monitor and clicked into his agent file.
Just as he was about to make a new mission report, he spotted something unusual on his file, a hazard sign flickering on his boys’ family file. Thats strange, did something happen while he was at work?
He puts his phone back on noise, as its usually on silent when he’s on missions, and checks his texts. No recent texts from Heinz.
He clicked into Phineas and Ferb’s file warily, the boys, as of last year, had started making amazing inventions and fun creations near daily in the summer and winter, and working on simple projects in the school months. Recently they had been making some admittedly extreme projects, including 3d printing monkeys and teaching them how to ride a unicycle, Perry still isn’t too sure how they cleaned it up before Charlene, Heinz’ ex-wife, saw it.
However, what Perry saw in the files made his fur stand on end; Each of their inventions had been logged and dated, each with a threat level, ranging from safe green to deadly red.
Threat Level? Their not even double digits, how could they be a threat to anyone except the laws of reality!?
Perry quickly scrolled to the most recent addition, today’s creation, which was apparently an ice cream machine gone wrong, and a few wrong wires turned it into a death ray. Perry nervously glanced to the glaring red threat level on screen, he checked the notes to make sure nobody got hurt.
Death Ray was set off and hit a tree close to the house, but no person or animal was harmed. However, I still believe these boys to be a threat, no matter their age. Villains only make more villains.
Perry chittered angrily to himself at the notes, his hands shaking as he checked who had been logging the inventions; an older agent Perry was close to, Dennis The Rabbit. He had actually been Perry’s mentor back when he was a pup. 
But, if he was so close to perry, why would he call Phineas and Ferb ‘threats’ and ‘villains’? Their just kids who made a harmless mistake!
He shook his head and took a breath, death rays are no harmless mistake, no matter the result. He’ll have to have a serious talk with the whole family about wiring safety and double checking their work.
As he mentally rehearsed his lecture, he spotted a note added to the main file of the boys, and his thoughts screeched to a terrified halt.
Set to be ‘silenced’ at 5:00pm sharp, on D.E.I balcony by Agent Dennis The Rabbit
‘Silenced’? That can’t be good. Perry’s heart raced as he checked the time; 4:58. He still had time. He didn’t bother shutting down his monitor as he ran from his lair and grabbed his jetpack, making a beeline for the balcony before Dennis could get there.
He saw the boys building on balcony, unharmed and safe, and perry nearly relaxed, but he noticed a red-band fedora peeking over the lip of the open roof, and time slowed significantly.
Perry had to choose an option fast, either tackle Dennis and risk hitting the boys, or grab the boys and risking getting hit with it himself. He made up his mind, and silently begged Heinz to forgive him. 
A bright laserbeam of light shot down from the roof, aiming right at the boys, but Perry swooped down and grabbed a sheet of metal, throwing himself infront of Phineas and Ferb to deflect the laser, which bounced back and narrowly missed Dennis’ hat.
“Perry?” Phineas asked, but Perry was too focused, he grabbed the two by the wrist and shoved them inside as Dennis parachuted down from the roof and glared at Perry.
Neither needed to talk in animal tounge to know the other’s intent, both wanted to harm, but wanted to harm very, very different people.
Dennis gave a cocky smile and took his parachute off, letting it fall to the balcony floor as the two agents sized eachother up, standing only 6 feet apart.
The distance was shortly broken as Dennis tackled Perry to the floor, punching him hard across the face as the platypus grabbed him by the neck and flipped them both over so Perry was pinning Dennis. 
It became a raging battle of tooth and claw, blood splattering on their furs as they wrestled on the ground, and Perry nearly caught Dennis with his ankle barbs, but restrained himself enough to throw the smaller agent across the balcony and through the glass windows seperating the balcony from the apartment.
Glass shattered everywhere, catching Perry in the arm as the entire window crumbled to the ground in shards, but Perry didn’t care. He was struggling to stay steady, he knew if he let go of his restraint that he would kill the admittedly weaker agent. His venom could kill a lot of animals, but he knews his family would miss him if he was sent to jail, or worse, the pound.
Still, he ran across the shattered glass, ignoring the pain in his webbed feet, and grabbed Dennis by the front of the scruff, punching him square in the face mid-action jump. Dennis went limp, knocked out cold from the punch.
“Perry the Platypus, what’s going on in here-” Heinz stopped in his tracks as he looked between the two bloody agents, one unconscious and the other wielding a near-murderous glare, and the shattered window behind them. 
Perry simply held up his clawed paws and signed “O-W-C-A”
Heinz pulled a notepad from his labcoat pocket and handed it to Perry “what did OWCA do? And why is an agent on my floor? The boys said you pushed them inside without a hello.” The scientist explained, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously
It took a few minutes, but Perry eventually shoved a series of notes into Heinz’s hands, and walked over to his jetpack on the balcony, which he had abandoned as he grabbed the metal sheet.
OWCA planned to ‘silence’ the boys with some sort of laser, they didn’t tell me. Dennis was the one to shoot them, but i got in the way and deflected it just in time. The -inator is on the roof. I’ll explain the rest later, right now i have someone to talk to.
“Someone to talk to? But perry, your inju-” Heinz stopped as he watched Perry fly away anyway, apparently uncaring of his injuries. Heinz was mad, thats for sure, but not just mad at OWCA. He was mad at, and quite disappointed in, himself.
If he had just kept an eye on the boys or brought them inside when he went to check on Candace & Vanessa, Perry wouldn’t have gotten hurt, and Perry wouldn’t be so mad. 
Perry came to a stop at OWCA HQ’s entrance, and, despite the searing pain in his feet and body, he couldn’t care less. He was infuriated, shaking with such anger he almost saw red. When he finds Monogram, he’s gonna give that monobrowed cheapskate liar a piece of his mind.
The automatic sliding doors of HQ opened as Perry was scanned by the facial recognition software, he stormed inside with a walk that Heinz once described as a “murder walk”, meaning with each minute Perry considers his option, jail seems increasingly preferred.
The other agents knew that walk, and all kept their distance from the top agent as he stormed past all of them, headed straight for the Major’s office.
“He’s definitely qutting today” Monty, the Major’s son, whispered to a human agent from canada, Lyla, Perry was sure her name was. Lyla glanced at Perry, then back to Monty, and nodded.
Like the controlled, trained agent Perry is, he kept his composure enough to only kick the door to monogram’s office off the hinges, and not throw it at him like he really wanted to. Carl recognised that enraged look in his eyes, and quickly left the room.
“Ah. Agent P. What’re you doing here?” Monogram asked warily, knowing full well, but trying to stall some time. All he got in response was an angry chitter, monogram sighed “I didn’t want to do it either, but when it comes down to the safety of the agency, we can’t have a pair of villains running around with a death ray!”
The word ‘villain’ echoed in perry’s head, his agent mind getting drowned out by pure anger as everything went red and Perry activated the chitter-to-speech translator built into his collar.
Monogram paled as he realised what he had just done.
And Perry snapped. 
Half an hour later,
Perry had left the door open, so everyone in view of the office, which would be half the agency as all of them wanted to hear this, could see and hear perry’s furious rant.
They collectively gasped as he grabbed his fedora and threw it down on the floor angrily “I’ve had enough of this agency, and i’ve had enough of YOU” Perry yelled “I QUIT.”
Monogram, pale in the face and speechless, spluttered “you- you can’t do that!”, Perry slammed a fist on the flipped office desk “well i just did.” he snarled, then turned on his heel and stormed out of the office, the agents parting like curtains to let Perry past without him hitting someone.
There was a dead silence as everyone watched their ex-best agent leave HQ for good, eventually, Monty spoke up
“Y’know,” he looks over to his father “you kinda had it coming.” he commented calmly,  hands in his hoodie pockets. He shrunk into his hood as his father glared at him, who then took a breath and flipped his table to the right way up
“Carl, get to work on Agent P’s termination paperwork. I don’t think we’re getting him back.” Monogram told the 16-year-old unpaid intern, who peeked his head through the doorway “a-alright sir, i’ll get right to it”
Heinz knew something was wrong from the moment Perry stepped foot back in the apartment, still bleeding and scratched up. 
“Perry? What did you do?” he asked his pet nervously, Perry gave a momentary glare before taking a breath and relaxing a bit, he turned off his translator in his collar and wrote something on the spare notepad he keeps next to the couch, sitting down
I quit.
Heinz spluttered “wh- you what?”, he couldn’t believe it! Perry The Platypus, his nemesis since the day perry could fight, quit his job at OWCA?
Perry tapped the same note in reiteration, then added another sentence
I quit.
Monogram tried to hurt my brothers, and i just can’t tolerate that. I was going to leave next summer anyway, he doesn’t even treat his agents with basic respect.
“Well- yeah i get that, i’d quit too if my boss tried to, y’know, kill my children and all” Heinz had calmed down from his internal rage at both OWCA and himself from almost an hour earlier, “but what are you going to do now? Being an agent was Your Thing, and who’s going to be my nemesis?” He asked, and Perry had no answer, except a helpless shrug
I’ll think about it. I need more time with the kids and you anyway, it’ll be good not to have work for a few weeks.
“Great idea! Maybe you can help out with their inventions! Oh and I know Phineas has been wanting to show you his and Ferb’s creations. Their getting very talented!” he gasped “Maybe take them to that Googleplex Mall and take them shopping, you need a new collar anyways” He suggested, and Perry thought about it for a minute, then smiled a bit and nodded
“Brilliant!” he pulls a blank calender from behind the couch, how did perry not spot that? “Here, i’ve been working on an Inator that works similarly to a time machine, it runs mostly on calendars so i went out when you were working and bought a bunch of them, i hope you don’t mind.” Heinz rambled, Perry smiled and took the calender, using his pen to plan some events him and the kids could do, he was really looking forward to this.
Leaving OWCA was the best thing Perry ever could’ve done.
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gukiee · 8 years
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So??? Wow? I can’t even believe I’m able to make this because where the heck did you all come from so quickly?? I’ve only made this account a couple months ago and the amount of followers I’ve gained in such a short amount of time has really? Blown my mind I don’t know how I ever came to deserve you guys. I’ve made so many friends and had such lovely interactions with you guys I will never begin to explain how thankful I am for you all. You guys really do help get me up in the morning and whenever I’m sad you guys always lift me up so high my heart is so warm for you all. 
I really really want to thank everyone who has ever interacted with me, sent me asks, reblogged my content, asked me for advice, given me advice, tagged me in posts, and so on. It’s not even about the numbers honestly, although this is a goal of mine and I am really shocked how quickly it came about, it’s really more about each individual person. You guys are all so sweet and kind to me and I know there’s lots of negative things people say about ARMY’s I have to say that you guys have not let me down at all. I won’t lie I pre wrote a lot of this last night but I came back and edited it and added this because my heart is really pounding so hard now that it’s real and I just??😭😭😭  LOVE you guys wow okay. I know the list isn’t that long, but I put a lot of careful thought into it and wanted it to be a bit more intimate and special. Even if you’re not on this list, I still love you and appreciate you just as much!!!
SO that being said!! 
Bolded: Mutuals 💖: You have a special place in my heart ☀️: We don’t talk (much/at all) but you’re my favourite 👀 : I wish we spoke more 💌: There’s a message for you under the read more (sorry in advance)
|  @ask-bts-stuff💌☀️  | @apgujeon  |  @bangtanhmu  |  @chimchams  |  @damn-hoseok💖💌  |  @floral-hobi💖💌☀️ 👀  |  @fullofloveforeveryone​💖💌  |  @gukks |
|  @havesometae​💖 💌☀️  |  @hob-e​☀️ 💌: | ​ @hobiswife​  | @hobuing  |  @jeondiary​  |  @jeonify​ |  @jungkookio​  |  @junqkookied​💖💌👀☀️  |  @jiminzinho​  | @mylifeiskpoptrash​💖💌👀☀️
|  @pingkeujin 💖💌  |  @rosytaes  |  @sweaterpawsjimin  |  @taekookiesandcream 💖💌  |  @whyparkjimin  |  @yoongsins 💌☀️ 👀  |  @yoonmin-smile 💖💌  |  @02tae 💖💌☀️ 👀
@ask-bts-stuff: I don’t really have much to say here I just wanted to let you know how amazing and adorable your art is. Whenever I’m really down I always look at your blog and it cheers me right up. 
@damn-hoseok: My angel😭 You were the first person I spoke to when i created this blog and we clicked instantly. I’m forever thankful that you were my first friend on here. I appreciate all the jokes we share, and staying up/getting up early to watch award shows together while we live react to them. You’re always the person who keeps me informed of new things that are happening and always have links and sources when I need it so I can’t thank you enough for that because I’m?? A disaster. I appreciate and love you to no end and I’m so thankful you’re back from your trip safely I was very stressed out for a month. 
@floral-hobi: Dani♡ Even though we don’t talk much (because I’m shy and awkward lmfao) I will forever appreciate the conversations we DO share and all the times you tag me in pictures of guk. You’re one of my favourite blogs and you’re honestly such a sweetheart.
@fullofloveforeveryone: Soli you are my sun, my flowers, my clouds. You were another one of the first friends I made on here and we got very close quickly. You’re like a little sister to me. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for being there when I’ve had panic attacks or when I’ve been stressed out. I know i’ve been really busy with school and we haven’t spoken as much because we’ve both had things going on but I want you to know how much I really love and care about you. I will always be here for you no matter what. When we laugh, we laugh really hard, and when I’m sad you always know how to bring me up. You’re like a breath of fresh air and my appreciation for you is boundless. 
@havesometae: Even though we don’t speak much, I think you are the cutest sweetest thing ever. You always supported my writing and any new content I created, always messaging me after to give me your feedback and make me feel better when I was unsure. Your writing has been improving lots and I’m really so so so proud of you. If you ever need help with anything please don’t hesitate to ask. Whenever I was creating new content it was always you who kept me motivated so I thank you for that!
@hob-e: Even though we’ve barely spoken, I think you are really so pretty inside and out. Your love for hobi and your kindness for others really shines through your blog and I always find such great pleasure visiting your blog if I’m stressed out or upset. You’re easily one of my biggest tumblr crushes and although we’ve barely interacted I still? Care about you a lot sdfgh and think you’re really great!!! So never change for anyone!!!!
@junqkookied: MIA. I don’t even know where to start. Whenever we talk my stomach twists in knots a bit because I find you so fantastic and sweet and amazing and I honestly want nothing more than your happiness. I will never be able to thank you enough for sitting down with me and answering all my questions about making gifs or colouring or even just life stuff. You’re always so encouraging when I’m not sure of myself and never make me feel bad when I ask you stupid questions. I miss you all the time and wish I could give you a really big hug sometimes. You’re another person who was one of my first friends on here and I care about you more than the world. I’m always here for you if you need anything I hope you know that. 
@mylifeiskpoptrash: I know we don’t speak much (which is mostly my fault because school is kicking my butt) I want you to know that your strength and kindness is really inspiring to me. You always offer to listen to me when I’m down even if you have your own personal stuff going on. You put everyone before yourself and are sosososo sweet my heart is so warm for you. Thank you for being there for me and keeping me company when I’m lonely!
@pingkeujin: Sissi ♡♡♡♡♡♡ You’re one of the people I talk to every single day. I love our stupid snapchat conversations, whether it be over life stuff, asking each other for advice or encouragement, or just sending stupid pictures with filters. I’m so thankful I have someone who shares my adoration for vmin and yoonseok lmfao. I really love the relationship we have where we can talk to each other about serious stuff or our interests, but also 99% of the time we’re sending each other funny videos or memes. I always look to you for reassurance with my content or work when I’m unsure because your input means a lot to me and I really value your opinion. I look up to you a lot. I hope that, because we live relatively close, we will be able to meet up one day♡ 
@taekookiesandcream: Nakita... the ki to my ki... my kiki soul mate...... We haven’t been talking long but I always get really excited when I see you in my messages. You’re so lovely to talk to and our conversations are always so refreshing even if we’re not talking about anything important. I’m glad you decided to show me what your silver hair looks like because if you hadn’t we wouldn’t be friends. You’re very kind and gentle hearted and I really appreciate that about you. You’re so positive all the time and you really are my sunshine. 
@yoongsins: Your art is honestly so amazing, I’m forever thankful I commissioned you for my icon and I will continue to commission you for such in the future! We brief conversations and interactions we have, and I honestly wish we had more! We have so much in common and I think we get along really great. I forever admire how much hard work you put into your art and designs because they’re honestly so beautiful and you’re easily one of my favourite artists on here. Please continue to work hard and be passionate and do what you love! 
@yoonmin-smile: God dfhsdsghkjdsj I don’t even know what to write here tbh... I don’t know where to start. Okay. Well, firstly I’m really thankful that you messed up sending me an ask and forgot to click anon. I was having a really bad day that day (probably one of the badder days I’ve had in a while) and you were so kind and soft to me and listened to all of my concerns and gave me advice even though we had never interacted before. We clicked automatically and have become so close so quickly it’s unbelievable. You’re one person I speak to every day. Before I’m even awake in the morning I make sure to check my messages to see what you had to say before anything else because I know you probably sent me a rude guk gif or something sweet for me to wake up to. I appreciate our gif wars. You always remind me to eat well and go to bed early and make sure my homework is done, which is something I’m so thankful for. You’re seriously my big sister and I come to you for everything. Sometimes I talk to you more than my actual big sister. Thank you for sending me pictures and gifs and tagging me in stuff it always makes my day a bit brighter. I love you literally to death and would probably do anything for you. Please never be afraid or embarrassed to open up to me or come to me about things I’ll always be here for you no matter what. 
@02tae: Carly... my aesthetics princess sdfghj. You and your blog are ? So pretty my heart always beats a little faster when I see you’ve messaged me or tagged me in stuff (which thank you for doing by the way I always appreciate it so much!!!). Although we don’t talk much (again, because I’m really shy and I think you’re super great and it makes me super nervous to talk to you gfdhjf) I really do love every second we interact with each other. Even the moments we’re not interacting and you just so happen to show up on my dash I always get really excited. You’re so sweet and soft and make my heart so warm and I’m really thankful for you! Please never change I love you lots!!!!
Okay well!!!!! My hand is gonna fall off and my heart is bursting with how much I love my mutuals, followers, or even just the blogs I follow and like a lot. Thank you all for everything♡ Thank you all for putting up with my rants lmfaooo. You guys always give me the most beautiful moment(s) in life. I love you!!!!
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Do You Trust Me? Pt. 5
Link to Pt. 4: http://skinnyscottishblokeaddict.tumblr.com/post/155731272537/do-you-trust-me-pt-4
Link to Pt. 3: http://skinnyscottishblokeaddict.tumblr.com/post/155699231442/do-you-trust-me-pt-3
Link to Pt. 2: http://skinnyscottishblokeaddict.tumblr.com/post/155686403892/do-you-trust-me-pt-2
Link to Pt. 1: http://skinnyscottishblokeaddict.tumblr.com/post/155650933267/pizsospa-cmon-little-dude-you-can-trust-me
"GO! JUST GO! RUN!" You couldn't if you'd wanted to. But you couldn't move to help him either. He screamed again, clutching at his head, doubling over on his knees, his whole body glitching out. "No...NO!" And he collapsed. "JACK!" You ran toward him, all fear and panic, all thought for your own safety gone. You just needed to know he was okay. Your knees thudded sharply against the ground and you cupped his face with your hands. "Jack, please. Please wake up. Please. You can't leave me. You can't leave them. They need you, Jackaboy, c'mon." He grunted weakly and you let out a short sob. "Knew you could...do...it..." He was laughing. And when his eyes opened, they were black.
You scrambled back as he stood, dusting himself off. "Well," Anti said hoarsely, voice still glitchy and pitch-distorted, but growing less so, growing more...human. "That was harder than I thought, honestly. I'll give 'im credit, I didn't think he'd even put up that much of a fight. Still. Not strong enough." "Let. Him. Go." He arched an eyebrow at you and grinned, too wide. "'Let him go'? What, are we playing tag?" He laughed, that high, disturbing giggle. "Oh, I can't just 'let him go', even if I wanted to. He's gone. It's just me in here!" He tapped his temple gleefully, watching you stand as if you were an interesting bug he was about to crush. You felt a sob welling up, but more angry than afraid, you shoved it down and balled your hands into fists. "He's not gone, you disgusting, lying thing." "Thing, huh?" He took a step toward you, and you had just enough courage, or maybe adrenaline, to hold your ground. "Did I get downgraded? Normally it's 'demon' or 'monster'." "You don't even deserve that. You're just...bad data." "'Bad data'!" He laughed again. God, you wished he'd stop that. It was horrifying. "You're gonna have to do better than that." He took another step, and this time you couldn't help but back away. "You idiot," he put his hands in his pockets, steadily moving closer, loving every second of you shrinking away. You gasped when you bumped into the wall behind you, and he got closer. The black of his eyes slowly melted away to reveal neon green irises. He leaned closer still, until he was inches from your face. "You really don't get it, do you? He was the only one with any chance of stopping me. And you? You're a dead fan walking." His smile got impossibly wider in appreciation of his twisted pun. "He can still stop you." Your voice was barely a whisper, and you jumped when he shouted, voice glitching out as his emotions spiked. "HE'S DEAD!"
You took another shaky breath, eyes wandering desperately. And they caught your watch. The stupid, stupid thought that came to your head was, "I'm missing the new video."
Video one was out for today. The video was out... You had the smallest spark of an idea. It was a shot in the dark, but...If you were going to go down, you were going to go down trying.
You met his eyes, hating that they were green, hating that they looked at you with so much glee, and malice. "Jack. Please. You've gotta fight him. I know you can hear me. I know you're there." Anti's arm was suddenly on your neck, and you were scrambling to pull it away. "It's lucky I don't need you conscious," he growled, shoving again, "I just need you breathing. And only long enough to get across." "Jack," you gasped, "think...think about them. Think about...us. We n...we need you." A weak smile. "You're...you're the boss, right?" Anti pushed harder, and it was getting harder and harder to focus. Had you not been trying so damn hard, you might've missed the hesitation. But it was there, and it was enough to give you hope. "What...?" It was barely a grunt, but you caught it. And you choked out a laugh as Anti convulsed, stumbling back. It was his turn to grab his head, green eyes wide in confusion and shock. "No. No, no, no, no, NO!" You'd collapsed to your knees, but you struggled to stand again, one hand going to the wall behind you as you concentrated. "Who's the idiot who assumed you could make Jack go silent? Anti, you don't get it. Sure, the fandom likes you. But there's something Jack's got that you'll never have." "And what's that?" he spat, the end of the sentence turning into a grunt of pain. His arm began glitching slightly, then his leg, then one eye. You smiled coldly. "You're the villain, Anti. In every story, in every video, in every post, you're the villain. But Jack?" Now he was retreating from you. "Jack's our hero." And you turned and slammed your hand against the wall, and it brightened. Suddenly, a picture popped up. It was Jack and a fan, both smiling in excitement. Anti stared at it in confusion, and started glitching out again. He yelled and shut his eyes. "Dammit!" A video popped up next. Jack, at his panel, jumping off the stage amid cheers to hug a fan. His hands went to his ears. "Stop! Stop it! STOP!" A thank you letter, from Tumblr, from a fan whose life Jack'd saved. And then another, and another. More pictures. Fanart. Jack, riding Trico, laughing. Jack, in a striped jumper, with a bright green heart above his head. Jack, yelling as he fell from a Colossus's collapsing body. Jack screaming at Billy as he fell into spikes. The wall was filling with posts from Jack's fans. Video clips, edits, pictures, soundbites, messages, tweets, comments. "Millions of people. Millions. Calling out to Jack to come back to them. They need their hero, and you're not gonna get in their way." "No, no, no, no, NO! STOP IT! HE'S MINE!" But his voice was glitching worse than before, and you thought you could hear another voice under it, laughing. Another voice, yelling Jack's catchphrases in time with the clips on the wall. Another voice, saying your name proudly, egging you on. "Jack, c'mon! You got this! Kick him out! You can do it!" "STOP IT!" His whole body was glitching out now, his face jumping between the angry distortions of his screaming, and Jack's grin, Jack calling out to you. And then suddenly, he collapsed. You yelled and grabbed your ears, eyes clenching shut automatically as a high-pitched scream rang out.
Silence. Absolute...silence. You didn't dare open your eyes. Please. Please. Please. And then...
A groan.
Your eyes shot open. "Jack?" He slowly pulled himself up, until he was resting on one elbow, breathing heavily. And then he pushed himself up into a crouch. He looked over at you.
You'd never been happier in your life to see blue eyes.
"JACK!" He laughed as you fell to the ground and pulled him into a bone-crushing hug, hugging you back with just as much intensity. "Hey." "Don't you 'hey' me, you asshole," you sobbed, but you were grinning. You pulled back a bit and scrubbed your eyes vigorously. "Damn, I'm glad to see you. Oh god." "I'm glad to be back." You could tell he was trying desperately to sound light about it, but there was more genuine relief than teasing in it. More quietly, he added, "Thank you. For...those." He motioned to the wall of still playing messages, smiling at them fondly. "Don't thank me. Thank them." "I do," he chuckled. "At the end of every video. And I mean it every time. God, you guys are amazing." "Yeah," you agreed, moving to sit next to Jack so you could both look at the wall. New things were scrolling through now. Gifs from new videos, theories about lore and more fanart from recent game series. "Yeah, we are. There's so many of us." It was only just hitting you how many. "14 million." He sounded so wistful and happy about it. You looked over to catch a goofy smile on his face, which you had to match. "14 million people. And they all like the stuff I do here. They like the games. They like..." "You." His smile got a little sad. "They like Sean." "No." He looked over at you, smile dropping a little. You put a hand on his back. "No, Jack. They love you. You say you're the part of Sean that exists online. Well, that's the only part we know. Yeah, we love Sean. But we know you. You're the one that makes us smile and laugh, that we go on adventures with in every video. We love Sean, the person. But we also love Jacksepticeye. The channel, the brand, the community. We love green and blue eyeballs, we love the flatcap and the green hair, we love yelling the intro and the outro at top volume, high-fiving 'til the headphones come off. We love Sean for being the man who started all of it, for caring for us so much and working so hard to do what he loves, for doing all the good he does for the world, but we also love the world he created online. So that means we love you."
Apparently, it was possible for a computer program to cry, because Jack was wiping his eyes with the collar of his shirt. He couldn't even muster a comeback, or a comment at all. You rubbed his back, smiling a bit. "As for me, anyway...I'd still love to meet Sean, of course. But...I'm so fucking glad I got to meet you. I think everyone wishes you'd reply when they say something stupid to their screen, and...as much as this's been terrifying, and dangerous, and as much as I do want to go home...I have loved every second I got to spend with you. It's like finally getting to talk to an old friend. I love you, Jack." He couldn't speak for a long moment. He did manage to pull you back into a hug, choking out a laugh. When he finally managed to speak, it was hoarsely. "Thank you. And I love you, too. I love you guys more than anything else in the world." He laughed a little again. "I don't even have a fuckin' thing to say after that speech. God, how embarrassing." "The loudest man in the universe doesn't have words for me. Someone alert the media." He squeezed your shoulders, and then the both of you moved to stand, finally.
You didn't say anything else as you walked along, finally coming to the ravine. When you got to Jack's door, he opened it and gestured, almost teasingly for you to go in first. You thanked him for his chivalry. It was good to be home.
"You didn't argue when I said man this time," you murmured when Jack was adjusting the camera. He huffed. "I was a little tired, having been possessed and all." He turned to look at you, hands on his hips. "You ready?" "As I'll ever be, I guess." "Then...it's goodbye." "Yeah." There was barely a second of hesitation before you pulled each other close, and there wouldn't have been a way to tell who was hugging tighter if anyone tried. After a moment, you pulled apart again, smiling. "I think..." He stepped back, taking the flashdrive from you and plugging it into his computer, booting up the code. "I think it's probably possible to be both a man and a program." "Well," you went to stand in front of the camera, "I can say, without a doubt, you are the best Persona I've ever met." "I'll take that." He paused, then said your name, making you look back over at him. It was still nice to hear him say it. "See ya in the next video." "Yeah. See you in the next one." One more long look, and then you turned back to the camera, closed your eyes, and focused on home. You reached out and touched the camera, opening your eyes at the last moment and glancing back over one last time to see Jack waving. You waved back... And everything was fading. And you were falling.
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New Rules Added
I have added some new rules, as well as bolded the main points of each one, as some of them got a little long. I also added a little bit more information to the old rules, but they aren’t too different, and do not require anyone to re-read them.
New Rules are: 
3. Due to Tumblr's new community guidelines, and its broken system in maintaining said guidelines, adult content will be tagged as "smut //" so the posts are less likely to be flagged.  While I am willing to write about such content, I will not do so with minors.  Please be truthful about your age; if I discover you are lying, that will end in an automatic and permanent hardblock. 4. This blog is semi-selective and mutuals only.  If I do not follow you within a month, and I do not appear to be on any sort of hiatus, feel free to ask me to check out your blog if you wish to write with me.   5. Even if we are not mutuals, it is still OK to follow me, interact with my posts, and send me/tag me in memes, just do not send me any sentence starters or things like that.  I am only mutuals-only when it comes to actually RPing and discord. 6. Please have an about page for your muse if they are an OC.  I will not follow you if you have no information on your page for a character that I cannot do my own research for. 14.  I rarely drop threads, but if I do, I will let you know.  I ask that you do the same for me so I can avoid waiting for a reply to a thread that will never come.  You don't have to do this for memes or asks, though, just threads.
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