#i want them to add misha so bad
babyboywinchester · 3 months
i was finally able to go through nancylou’s post about misha and i’m so literally appalled at what’s he’s done, that’s there. like in what world did he think that sexually harassing jensen was okay?! that man is definitely sick. and i feel bad for jensen because it was definitely the culture of “oh it’s just misha” so people didn’t do anything about it. it’s also his weird obsession with jensen in general that is so off putting to me.
also misha’s acting is just not that great. i get that angels are suppose to be stoic and cold but a tree could act better than what misha has done and a tree doesn’t have chapped lips for me to be distracted by.
his shots at jared/sam are just like so unprofessional. like jared is your co-worker and i get not always liking someone you work with but from what i’ve seen and read, jared seems like a good person to work with in general, so just say your jealous misha 🙄.
i’m sorry, i’m just cackling at cons seemingly being his only source of income because no one wants to hire him, yet he thinks he’s better than jared who’s had steady work with Walker after SPN.
like man needs to find SOMETHING to occupy his time because destiel is never going to happen and he’s just wasting everyone’s time with his non-stop queerbating.
sorry this was also long and kind of a rant. he just gets constantly more annoying and disgusting the more i learn about him.
I’m glad you actually took the time to do that! It really opens your eyes to just how slimy of a human he really is. Once again, never fear about sending a long ask. I like getting asks!
I will say in the beginning I don’t think his acting was all that bad, because like you said Angels are very stoic and still learning how to occupy human bodies… but as the seasons drew on he just became like a… I don’t even know how to describe it, but what’s the point of having a pet angel if he isn’t even that powerful, can barely do anything, and hovers around you with a case of chapped lips so severe YOU have the urge to put chapstick on yourself.
Also his “arcs” if you can even call them that add little, nothing really, to the story so he’s just… there. Supporting characters were only given more screen time so J2 could have more time off anyway so it’s all meant to be filled with him and little to no substance.
Yet he acts like he was some trendsetter or as if he was the one to throw the first brick at Stonewall and all he is is a mediocre, middle aged, white man who panders to a group of maybe 100 people at a time about a fetishized gay ship from a cable show that ended four years ago now… he also is the only man to have to come out as straight. He’s not an “ally” he uses and abuses peoples interpretation of this so called “confession” to keep up his grifting lifestyle.
A heterosexual grifter king of you will. Wow. How could we not stan him?
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leisi-lilacdreams · 1 year
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it should be illegal for a character to be as pretty as Tomiko i normally am indifferent to canon x oc shipping but this one got to me they're so disgusting cute together i hate them /jokinglololololol
Tomiko is @mishacakes' oc and they have lots of arts of them please go check them out
i hope misha likes my gift ;v;
rambling under cut
this started out as just a sketch/pose practice i wanted to give to misha but i have a really bad habit of tinkering with whatever i'm working on and it snowballed into a full illustration
one of those "wait this is actually turning out good hold on a sec" moments
i was studying @ ziyoling's style which is why all the limbs and torso are so long OTL
it wasn't even supposed to be shaded i was gonna be happy with flat colors, but...tinkering
i've seen people put shine on their mask and wanted to be part of the cool people's club but that's what started me shading everything so fml
....i kinda regret i don't have tomi popping her leg to show a peets lol ah well
i at least used it as an excuse to do more with my backgrounds getting real tired of leaving things blank, but i don't want complicated backgrounds so it's been a time going through the Clip Studio Paint asset store looking for ideas
i'm pleased with the outcome which is rare for me
it's also really rare for me to have a completed work to this degree so i'm glad i have one more to add to my small pile
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walkergirlsposts · 1 month
"some people in this fandom are assholes, and it has nothing to do with worshiping J2M.
for example, I've seen people accuse Misha of being a pedo, something so disgusting a vile, an accusation that could ruin someone's life.
now forget about Misha, if people were talking like that about your bro, your dad, your friend, your partner, your son, would you be happy about that?
how about the people who thinks of Jensen as less of a man?
just because his wife teases him a little bit and he just goes along with the joke.
tell me what would be a better, more manly reaction, what should he do? yell at her? tell her to shut up? hit her? be aggressive? just because of a joke.
seriously i've seen people in this fandom said way meaner stuff about Jensen, than any joke Danneel has ever done.
if i heard you say the same about literally any random man on the street, i would still think you are an asshole."
Anon your intentions are good, you sound like a good person, and you are right everybody has a personality and makes mistakes. But sometimes people get to entitled and they cross the line and don't apologized. You can choose to be on the side of the fandom were you enjoy the actors as actors and Spn, but there is another side who look at them as people. Misha queerbait his fans many times and has made some racist jokes and some bad jokes about underage girls. Jensen didn't like Brokeback Mountain because the protagonist are gay and it's a "joke" towards the cowboys, he showed many times his preference towards JJ, is oldest daughter and he backstabbed Jared with TW and said that Jared was drunk when he was twitting those messagges, and it wasn't true and he never apologized for anything. I am not saying Jared has never done any mistake BUT he always apologized for them, for the fight for example, and he also said during a podcast to his fans to not attack Jensen for TW, and Jensen never did the same.
I suggest you look at the Anti Danneel tag because the woman is messy. She and Jensen both cheated on eachother partner to be together, Danneel's fiancee was Jensen' best friend. Danneel gave an ultimatum to Jensen regard the marriage. A groomsman of Jensen said that Jensen had so much anxiety that his father gave him pills because he didn't want to get married, but his father said that this was an investement. Jared was one of Jensen's groomsmen but Danneel didn't want even if Jensen was protesting about it. In their honeymoon there was also Danneel's brother and he also lived with them for a period of time. She was so jealous of other girls that she trew tantrums on the set of SPN and was banned for 3 seasons. She said that she had an audition for SPN while in another interview she said that the role was written just for her. She also bodyshamed other. She also posted a picture of Jared after he told him not to do it. And you can find on youtube videos of Jensen loosing his patience with her.
Go and watch the youtube video with JDM, hilary, JA and the nurse.
Not much more to add to this anon. Everything is 💯 spot on.
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
I’m sorry for being rude in the first ask , you are right maybe I came off hot there and you thought I was attacking your blog.
I’m sorry 😞
My spelling mistakes not only because I don’t know English very well, it’s also because I write fans and angry , I’ll work on that .
Thank you for allowing civil criticism and not blindly follow the actor you favor, like jensen for example, i have no problem calling him out on something that I thought was offensive or tasteless, I don’t see him asa god , but jared’s fans refuse to acknowledge that he is human and does make mistakes and it’s ok .
No they think the best way to defend jared is by going after jensen, like that makes it all right.
Anyway,I’m sorry again and thank you for being class act
Well hello there again Anon, thank you for the apology. As I've said before, I've always been open to discussing criticism and even praise in a civil manner. I am going to have to disagree that Jared stans only go after Jensen to defend him, nor do they all think Jared is a Saint. I don't care for participating in the Jared is better vs Jensen is better social media battle because really, that's an ongoing thing that will just go round and round in a hamster wheel leading no where. I think it's fair like I said Jared felt excluded from TW as it's the so called prequel to the franchise he was a big part of for 15 years along with Jensen. Sure it may have been a business move to do TW but was it a smart one? No, it was poorly executed and also led to a man being struck by lightning who is currently suing Jensen, Danneel and others. Jensen also was rather rude towards those with valid questions about the said prequel. He ended up saying something along the lines of asking people if they were ever fans to begin with when faced with such questions. Plus the whole ignoring the drivers text saying the car was ready at the race track as he talked about at the Charlotte con August 2023, which I actually went to myself. Also, I am gonna say this but Jensen and Misha's YANA in my opinion was 💯 a meek and to ultimately failed attempt to replace Jared's AFK campaign, as it was questionable if Jared was going to leave Supernatural or not. I don't buy the whole "it's clear Jensen didn't want to do it". You're allowed to say no people, you're allowed to say no which Jensen clearly didn't do here....
Jared isn't so innocent either, he too has said and done questionable things. Plenty of people see aware of the public intoxication and assault charges filed against him in October 2019 after he was arrested for such. He had a time in his life where he called out hospitality and customer service departments on social media. One of the waitresses he posted about got death threats. Mind you, I believe she's one of the ones who had her photo included in Jared's post about her "poor service". Now, it's one thing to mention names when making a complaint or bad review. However, to add a photo of the person while doing so is in extremely bad taste. This waitress ended up deleting her online profiles after getting attacked by a lot of Jared fans. He also did this for a man who worked at a Las Vegas casino (included a photo again yes), not sure what exactly happened with him or what the end result is. He also swore to never fly with American Airlines again after a bad experience as well. He even got upset with Verizon Wireless over them requesting to folks a police report for someone making a fraudulent account in his name. He did also insult singer Justin Beiber in the past in multiple posts and Taylor Swift as well, and even wished for Tony Romero to have a career ending injury. I provided some screenshots below that I found throughout various receipts posts. Not gonna lie, this does in a way challenge what his mission with Always Keep Fighting is about. I also am aware of an online bullying video he posted on his Instagram on Oct 10, 2022 I linked to below. I hope this video is a sign he reflected on the errors of his ways from his past behaviors on social media essentially doxxing people.
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I will say on a personal note, I certainly care about this tidbit for multiple reasons, including a personal incident that happened to me in high school. (EDIT: added 30 min after initially posting, personal story): One of the so called "popular girls" in my school answered a series of questions on a Myspace bulletin, one of which was something like "if you were to shoot anyone who would it be and why?" To which she responded my first and last name "because she talks to herself and is annoying", way to spread rumors about me saying false things about me and threatening my life. Needless to say we had an unpleasant confrontation in gym class a few days later and I admittedly told her she's not worth time in prison. She started shaking and said "well geez it was just a joke", "you don't joke about things like killing people D". Interestingly enough, she apparently lost her right leg after falling in her backyard tripping over a rock (multiple surgeries and almost died twice in the process) actually in mid August 2022, the same year Jared got into his car accident back in April 2022. But that can't be a coincidence on her part, they have to be separate things and not karma surely enough right?
Now, I don't hate Jared. In fact, I like Jared overall but I will say he is an impulsive character who has lashed out online at times both BEFORE and AFTER his breakdown in 2015. Rumor has it he went to a facility for a couple weeks to a month or so. I say this did NOT help him in the long run clearly. The people like Gen who probably convinced him to go to said facility have no sense of discernment in determining whether it would actually benefit someone with suicidal ideation and such to go to such a facility. My senses tell me this was greatly detrimental in the long run and clearly had no longer term benefits. To me, the above things I mentioned and other things I mentioned in other posts seems to point to my being right in my assessment here. It seems Jared is still troubled to this day with anxiety and depression 💯
I think he struggles more with anxiety than depression based on what I've read in his chapter in that book Family Don't End with Blood along with how he talks and expresses himself and such. Yes he has symptoms and signs of both but anxiety seems more dominant than depression, which he was initially diagnosed with in 2007. He's often described as a worry wart and cares very much what people think of him. He even used to get anxiety with cons and such when he first started out doing them. Anxiety is characterized more with feelings like fearfulness, paranoia, extreme stress, sense of dead, worry or apprehension, tightness in chest, etc.
I myself was diagnosed with depression in 2006 probably about 14 months before Jared was, as I attempted suicide via overdose at the age of 15 on 9/18/2006, which actually was only a year and 5 days after Supernatural first aired on 9/13/2005. I mention this because Jared described his suicidal ideation during his 2015 breakdown as more or less an intrusive thought and ended up feeling fearful he would do so and didn't want to burden his wife or friend Brian with being the last persons that he spoke to, or his kids being without a dad type of deal. In my case, I was very convinced by my brain that I was better off dead, the world would be better off without me, etc. I still at times am consumed with thoughts about dying and leaving this world behind, this "stupid rock" as I so affectionately call it at times ha ha. Depression is really more or less accompanied by things like disinterest in things, guilt, worthlessness, hopelessness, etc. Both conditions can lead to decrease in energy levels, over- or under- sleeping, irritability or anger, problems concentrating, etc.
They coexist a lot but do you see why I am saying he seems more anxious than depressed? No mental illness, be it anxiety, depression, etc. can excuse his poor behaviors whatsoever, same with Jensen and anyone else. Now Anon, do you see that I have my criticisms of both and also praises of both J2?
Instead of sending me more anonymous asks and risking having more people go after you in reblogs and whatnot, I encourage you to send me a PM. Anything you say to me is between us if that is what you'd like.
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laf-outloud · 7 months
To be fair, some of those who are complaining about Mark P going to the con are con-goers, and some fairly frequent. But, that still doesn’t give them the right to try dictate who a con hires. Also, unless the guys is actually hurting people, him having different politics than them does not actually make him a criminal. There is too much entitlement to the notion that “if you don’t believe exactly what I’d do, you’re mean, bad, evil.” If you don’t want to see a specific actor at a con, for whatever reason, you have 2 simple options, don’t go to that con, or don’t go to any of that actors panels/activities. It’s really that simple.
I also think people are free to make their complaints, but trying to rally people to pile on is just .. borderline creepy to me. It’s very much the idea that it’s okay to have mob mentality and railroad people as long as they are the “right” people to hate. That’s never been a bad thing historically, right?
Anyway, any actor who brings in good money, will be welcomed back, barring legal action or wide-spread negative press (not write-ups on Screen Rant or, like, Fan Girl’s Weekly).
I don’t even really like Mark P, but I’m more indifferent to him than anything else. But I have a feeling his “bullying” was probably provoked by the brave kind of fan girls who feel justified in hating on people they don’t agree with, and then running and crying when they get slapped for it (metaphorically). It was easy to just not go to his panels. I strongly dislike misha, but I haven’t written to CE asking them to can him.
Also, if anyone should be banned from anything it’s Emmie. She went to like every Jake and Chill, so she thinks she’s his friend or something. And she kept adding her opinions and trying to monopolize Jake’s attention in the event I went to. I didn’t actually pay to hear a childish fan girl talk, thanks.
You make some excellent points, anon! And yes, people do have the right to contact Creation and let them know about their personal wants for cons, but they also have to be careful because if they make claims that get an actor dismissed from cons, and those claims turn out to be false, then the actor may have a legal case for slander, especially if it hurts their reputation/income.
And to add, ugh... I can't imagine being at an event where someone takes over like that and basically ruins it for everyone else, including the actor, who I'm sure would like to pay attention to the other attendees. (I also recall she's the same one who went crying to Jim and the other cast when she was bullied out of Jai's group. That kind of attention-seeking is toxic and unhealthy for all involved.)
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I'm still not over what happened, but I have brain worms and they most likely make absolutely no sense and don't even go together but I need to get them out, so heh... guess you guys have to suffer.
You still there? Great, let's get into my not medicated adhd brain a little.
First of all, starting Friday: The Album Drop
...do I need to say more? No? Well too bad, because I'm going to 😂 I'm a huge music freak, been singing since I was four, play guitar and the piano (I didn't say good okay, I'm actually very jealous of Jensen) and I've been obsessed with lyrics for pretty much forever. Alright, call me crazy but this album is so Dean Winchester coded it's unreal. Every song could be put together with Dean and I'm not even joking. You know what's even funnier? THAT THE DAMN SONG JENSEN AND MISHA PUT TOGETHER YESTERDAY COULD VERY WELL END UP AS A RADIO COMPANY SONG. The lyrics definitely needs some work (probably making it more vague), but... come on. The first thing my mind jumped to when I realized what Jensen was singing was Watching Over Me. MOVING ON.
Second: Jensen's answer about the Destiel reunion
This hole thing still drives me crazy. This was probably the clearest answer we've even gotten from Jensen, plus we got confirmation that he'd like to see a Destiel reunion AND ADDRESSING CAS' GOODBYE (I wanna say here that at this point I have no idea how that would play out if it would be something like "Hey buddy, I don't feel that way but I don't wanna lose you" or a full on love confession from Dean... I have no idea and that's okay, because I know Jensen knows how important that confession was to a lot of us, so I trust him not to invalidate Cas' feelings). Now, I paid a little attention to the words he said about maybe seeing it: first, he said that hopefully we'll get to see that at some point, and later he said maybe we won't. This immediately jumped out to me and you know what my brain did? Let me tell you: Jensen said that he doesn't talk about possible project before they aren't under the wraps because he doesn't wanna jinx them. Now hear me out: first, he said maybe we'll get to see it. Then he backtracked. He's talked about a reboot/6-10 episode thing for forever now. He WANTS to come back. My tinhat is firmly in place when I say that I have no doubt he's working on it already, but it isn't greenlit yet (hence the backtrack later). The description was just too specific to be made up out of thin air. (Watch me regretting those words later because I'm just too hopeful.)
Third and last: Whatever that Cockles Panel was
Listen, I could scream about them forever, we all know what went down, the only thing I wanna point out is: When Jensen said "...which is funny because so do I" he looked flustered as hell, we all know that by now. What gets me is that Misha had basically no reaction to this (he looked down, but that's it). So, did they plan something like that? I don't know, I just think it's weird as hell to have no reaction to something like this, especially when it's your "best friend" and he says that in front of hundreds of people.
(Plus, a little side note: still not over how you can SEE Jensens brain working while he's nervously rubbing his thigh.)
I don't even wanna go into the lyrics they wrote together, I've talked about it during the first point already, but something I wanna add is that I loved jensens face journey as Misha first mentioned the brothers but then immediately jumped to "The Angel". That was hilarious and by God, Jensen was planning on throwing together something romantic.
I'm very much not fine as you can tell, but it feels like the universe has shifted after the non-existent finale and now it's our turn. I always try to keep my expectations low, but the album and this whole weekend catapulted me right into the sun, so now all I can see is light and stars and it's wonderful.
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lorata · 2 years
I’m now just imagining Lyme and Brutus comparing stats and mocking each other over how many capitolites think they could take them in a fight. Misha definitely fans the flames somehow
re: this post
I wanted to get this done before the holidays, but my brain took a vacation, so. here's a late gift for everyone. enjoy!
It starts, as with so many things, with an envelope. Delivered with the monthly mail, wrapped in a crimson ribbon, containing a scant few sheafs of paper. Ronan, designated handler of unassigned packages deemed safe by the VA, slides his bone-handled knife along the top edge and removes the contents. He pauses while everyone in the room pretends they’re not trying to peek.
Misha has gotten better at her poker face. Not that she was ever bad at lying — she won her Games with the best damn grift the Arena had seen in a decade — but for a dedicated con artist who can, and has, literally fooled everyone around her to save her life, a ridiculous urge to gloat passes over her when the stakes are low. Devon will catch her peeking around corners or spying from the windows or cackling like a cartoon villain from behind the sofa just because it’s funny.
“You could get away with it if you didn’t do this,” he said once, when her wide grinning over a prank on Callista got her resigned to cat-box duty for an entire week. “I watched your Games in Residential. You even had the trainers fooled. Do you want to get caught?”
“Yes,” Misha said with exaggerated patience. “It’s half the fun. Some tricks are good when they’re anonymous, but most of them are better when they know who played them.” Then she snapped the top of the garbage bag open and closed so the scent of cat turds wafted up into Devon’s face, and he kicked her in the shin.
They agreed ahead of time, though. This one is only funny if it’s organic, and he made Misha swear. No gloating, no grinning, not a hint that they’re involved.
“Uh, okay, sure, but you’re the one who confesses to Daddy any time you think you’ll get in trouble,” Misha scoffed. “So maybe worry less about me.”
Sometimes he thinks Misha hit her head in the Arena.
But for now, Misha’s sneaking glances like the rest of them but also using the distraction to nick one of Callista’s brandy chocolates (which are also … BDSM-themed? one of them has handcuff-shaped drizzle, and that one is, okay well that’s just a buttplug). Devon definitely stares at Misha too long, which would usually be a tell, but this time it’s because she took the strawberry vibrator truffle and his brain refuses to process the entire scenario.
(Earlier Emory ate the vanilla clitoris Callista offered her without even blinking, and he knows he and Misha will be debating whether she recognized it for the next three days.)
“Fascinating,” Ronan says, blank-faced to the end, and passes the envelope to his left without another word. Devon wants to be him when he grows up.
Brutus, next in line — perfect, excellent, thank you Ronan — stares at the paper for a long time. Turns it over, holds it close to squint at it (he will never get glasses, but probably should have five years ago), before finally recoiling like a wet cat and exploding: “Well this is some bullshit!”
Devon loves his mentor so much.
“Give me that.” Lyme snatches the paper away, then reads aloud in an incredulous voice: “‘Which of the following Victors, if any, do you think you could beat in a fight if you were unarmed?’ … What the fuck?”
“It’s a Capitol poll.” Ronan, placidly signing a stack of photographs, adds. “They aggregated the data. You can see the full methodology on the last page. It’s quite fascinating.”
“Social science,” Adessa sniffs dismissively.
“7% of Capitol citizens think they could beat you barehanded,” Ronan continues in the same helpful tone, to which Adessa sits bolt upright and hisses out I beg your fucking pardon in a tone of such icy poison that everyone in the room reflexively sits back.
Devon does not make eye contact with Misha — if he does they’re made, they’re done for, it’s the end of the fucking line — but she has to know. They cannot get caught now. Adessa will skin them and use their hide for tasteful sofa cushion covers. It’s the most fun he’s had in months.
“Poor Seeder is at the bottom,” Lyme says, which, yeah, okay. There are older Victors, but she’s the only one who never made a single kill. “Respect to the 33% who think they couldn’t take her, though. Some decent self-reflection there.”
Brutus has his thundercloud face on, and Misha cocks her head to the side. “Who’s at the top?”
Lyme’s grin turns sharp. Claudius, not an idiot, catches on. “Oh, hey, yeah, boss, who’s at the top? Who’s the one nobody says they can fight?”
“Nobody, technically.” Lyme tosses the envelope to Claudius. “2% of Capitol citizens think they can win a fight against me.” She pauses long enough to give it significant weight. “Without weapons. But five percent think they can take the big guy over there.”
Misha lets out a laugh so startled and delighted it’s obvious she didn’t fix the numbers. Devon watches as Brutus squints at her, then huffs in irritation, satisfied at her genuine reaction.
And he’s right, is the thing. Misha didn’t sabotage Brutus’ numbers — Devon did.
Each of them agreed to a limit of one interference, and made a pact not to boost their own mentor in the ranks, as that would be far too obvious. What Misha clearly did not understand, but Devon does, is that as much as he idolizes his mentor, killing Brutus’ results is far, far funnier.
And now it’s Claudius’ turn to frown at the results. “Huh,” he says slowly. “More people think they can fight me than —“
To his credit, he stops, but nobody in this room was Reaped yesterday. Petra pushes herself off her chair and snatches the papers out of his hands without a word. “Interesting,” she says crisply. “Innnnteresting. 45% for Claudius, 38% for me.”
Huh indeed. Petra is very much a badass, but Devon would swear that nobody in the Capitol remembers the girl with the mace, covered with blood and screaming for survival —
Misha catches his eye and twitches her eyelid in the briefest of winks before turning back to her autographs.
Huh. Looks like both of them did something unexpected with their given sabotage.
“Okay look.” Claudius holds up both hands. “You are a stone-cold badass. You hold the kill record, I am not arguing your numbers. But forty-five? Half? Half the Capitol thinks they could take me?”
“Perhaps they read the question incorrectly,” Callista suggests. Lyme chokes on her brandy and gives her an absolutely murderous glare, but Claudius only blinks at her. And yeah, the day Claudius gets a sex joke on the first try is the day Lyme dances ballet in a tutu. “Never mind, darling.”
Petra scans the rest of the page, nose wrinkled. “23% think they could defeat Odair. It’s an even spread of 30% for the One siblings. Did they even watch the Games, or just buy the fashion spreads?”
A shared look flickers across the gathering, quick as lightning, before Petra glances up. “The people remember what they want to remember,” Odin says, an understatement for the century, but Petra screws up her face in distaste and does not argue. He glances over her shoulder, eyebrows creeping into his hair. “And we must assume there is something of the ego, as well. 12% for me, my goodness.”
The packet makes it around the circle with mostly predictable results, a few outliers — far too many people think they could fight Emory, a fact she takes with good grace and Petra with outrage, and Johanna Mason apparently has the Capitol unduly terrified for a woman her size. There’s a tense moment when Enobaria learns she’s second on the list to Lyme and everyone braces for a scrap, but she only scoffs.
“They’re afraid of carbs.” Enobaria rolls her eyes. “They think a seven-minute workout will give them muscles like Nero. They don’t know anything. If we really want to know who’s stronger we can take it outside anytime.” Lyme raises her glass in salute, a rare moment of camaraderie.
“So,” Devon says that night, curled around Misha under the quilt. They’ve cracked the window for air, and crickets sing in the grass below. “Did you tank Claudius, or boost Petra?”
Her cheek stretches in a smile against his forehead. “I’m not telling.”
“I can’t believe people actually think they can beat any of us in a fight, though. Even Caleb, or Woof. Have you seen him when he’s sleeping?” Devon yawns. “You walk past his chair and he’ll crack your kneecap with that truncheon he keeps in his cupholder.”
“Eh. It was good fun. Plus it’s nice to remind everyone we’re dangerous.” Misha runs her fingers through Devon’s hair, nails dragging lightly across his scalp. “We could kill them all, if we wanted. We just choose not to. That’s why they pretend like they could fight us.”
There’s something about that, Devon thinks, something Brutus wouldn’t like, but Misha’s hand is soothing and his blanket cocoon is warm, and he sinks into sleep before the thought can fully form. If he forgets in the morning it can’t be that important, anyway.
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thequietkid-moonie · 4 months
hi moonie, how are you doing? <3
i just saw your latest honkai post and finally figured it's time to ask you something: who are your favorite honkai & genshin characters? fav characters per game, fav male characters, fav female characters and all of that?
i don't even play those two games (i wanna play honkai so badly but my pc is weak and can't handle any game that isn't a visual novel :') but i still know some characters and feel like i'd love them if i were to play the game
(i watched someone play honkai for like five minutes and fell HARD for acheron lmao--)
anywaysss, i hope you have a lovely day <3 love ya!
Thank you so much for asking V-chaaaan and I really hope you can play Honkai soon!!! is so good 🥺🥺
im doing alright for now, I had a bad dream but right now im at peace, thanks for asking :3 hope you have a good day too <33 love you V-chan
If you only can play visual novels in your pc I can recomend you the one i just started to play! Its called Reverse: 1999, is also a gacha game, is a visual novel but has a combat that is turn based with cards! I think it wont cause troubles to you pc!! If you can play it dont forget to tell me <3
Also, please tell me what characters you think you'll like <3333 pleaseeee
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I haven't play Genshin in a while because i felt a little tired and I don't really like the combat based on elental reactions buuuut I love the characters <3333
I guess that male characters from Genshin my favorites come from Fontaine, I totally love Lyney, Freminet and Neuvillete, the three of them are completely diferent from each other but I completely love them!!! Also, i love Wriothesley gameplay, the man literally said Nah i'd win and start punching the enemies with a bare fist, I also totally love and hate Zhongli (stupid old man I love him), Bennet, Razor, Gaming, Gorou and Freminet are my babies and I will protect them with my life <333 and I loooooove Venti's gameplay, he may not be the best by now but I just love him too much <333
And for female characters I hold a really close to my heart Rosario and Kuki Shinobu since they were some of my first characters and helped me a lot!! I love Beidou and Kuki because they are so cool and badass and stronge and girls and pretty and and 😳😳 okay okay, for being extremely cute I love Noelle, Barbara and Lynette, they are so cute, but if we talk about cuteness Nahida and YaoYao are my cutie babies <3333 also, i loooooove Fischl and Furina for their personality, I used to dont like them at all but I end up loving them so much
Nooooow, about Honkai Star Rail <3333 one of my favorites games and special interest!!!
im trying really hard to dont add all the characters haha
First of all, I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND YOU WITH LOVING ACHERON!!! she is really beautiful, in the story is she is so misterios and interesting and her gameplay is so cooool!! She does so much damage!! I love her, im always playing with her
Okay okay, now with my favorite characters I want to make a special mention to the MC, it doesn't matter if you choose Caelus or Stelle, both can be incredibly silly and badass (i still dont get over the scene when Ruan Mei's creation use their voice and start crying)
Im focusing now! If we talk about male characters the first ones who comes to my mind are Boothill, Aventurine and Argenti like, i cried for them and I want to protect them but im so down bad for them too , seriously i just want to give them a hug <333 and marry them and make them my male wife I also love Dan Heng and Welt Yang but in a calmer way, like I will love to have them in my live and have a soft fluff romance, I love Sampo because he is funny, like can we be a menance to society together? Please? Also, Misha is my baby, he will always live on my heart, im crying im not saying more
im down bad for Mr Svarog and Screwllum but this stays between you and me alright? im not ready to say that i love robots
Specially mention to Clockie and Hanu xd also to Aha, I love that idiot
Nooooow with the ladies, my dear female characters <333 first of all Firefly, she is the lady that will always live in my heart (i know she is perfectly fine and happy but im still crying for her), Topaz (and conty), Robin, Serval, Tingyun and Ruan Mei lives in my heart and mind free rent, they are so cute, and beautiful and powerful <33 I also love March with all my heart because she is a cutie patootie but in a calmer way too, and, of course, I will love to be a meneance to society with Guinainfei, Bailu and Qingque, Huohuo and Clara are my babies
Specially mention to Phantylia and Yaoshi, they are so beautiful and dangerous! A great match!
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shining-gem34 · 5 months
Overdue 2.2 Main Story Quest Commentary. I won't go into FULL details cause I'll lose my mind trying to remember it all. Anything I do forget that I want to note, I'll add it later.
HSR Spoilers Undercut
6-8 hours long, that was a CHONKY quest because wtf???? Overall, I fucking loved the pace of the story and the dynamics between characters we have.
The Three Nameless- That was the Astral Express original goal for arriving in Penacony. ;w; It turns out the three were trying their best to help Penacony when it started to show signs of instability and The Family attempting to revive a Ena for "perfect world". I knew!!! Misha was related to the Watchmaker or is the Watchmaker successor, and he didn't know it yet that's why Gallagher is looking after him.
I didn't expect to get kicked in the balls and beaten black and blue finding out Misha is THE Watchmaker himself. ;w; How many years did Mikhail fight for Penacony after leaving the Express? How many years did he wait for the Nameless to appear? How many years did Misha wait???
I just love that we got more Astral Express lore; that even if their journey ends, another will pick up where they left off and continue to blaze their path throughout the universe.
Misha, now that his journey has ended, can finally rest and may his spirit forever be with the Astral Express. ;w;
Boothill and Dan Heng dynamics- I figured they would get along or at least enough to accomplish their goals after the first meeting aka confrontation at gunpoint. NGL, I did expect for them to like fight fight in the Astral Express while Pom-Pom hides. ;w; They were surprisingly a funny duo where Dan Heng is seemingly reserved in his methods (and using brute force as a last measure- *stares at all the times Dan Heng has been violent*) and Boothill has more "aggressive" (street smart) ways to get things done. It's kind of like a good cop and bad cop situation. In general, Boothill is very observant as he noted Dan Heng is obviously worried about his companions but I'll go over my general opinion of Boothill in another post. owo
Regarding Robin and Sunday, because this main story quest really REALLY reminded me The Family is indeed a cult. I was very immersed by Robin and Sunday ideologies using the bird analogy. Robin, who believed the bird should be free to spread their wings while Sunday thinks it's better to take care of the bird inside a cage so they never get hurt. They contradict each other, but they clearly care each other ALOT as they only had each other since their parents died.
We've seen Robin struggles as a cosmic idol, and as we heard in Sunday flashback the dangers she faced too, but it never stopped her in pursuing her dream. She loves singing, and she wanted to spread Harmony throughout the universe (like a missionary). Then we see Sunday, who remained in Penacony, his struggles.
Considering the Family is a cult and a Stellaron does exist, but more on The Family (The DreamMaster) influence on Sunday growing up. The Family ideology, their goals, and Sunday experience that solidify his ideals are correct. People are better happy in a sweet dream where there's no pain or suffering; no different than a cage.
Strangely enough, I can't bring myself to hate Sunday for that, even when he betrayed Robin during the interrogation. ;w; It's more like WHYYY SUNDAY- JUST WHHYYYY I JUST WANT TO PUNCH YOU (affectionately). I just understand Sunday motivations did not come from malice, but he genuinely wanted to help people in his own way like Robin is doing. However, even though his reasoning sounds right, there is just something off about it entirely.
Sunday idea is basically yes, they're safe and happy in an eternal dream. But is it really what people want in the end? To stay in a dream forever where there's nothing to give them growth as a person and they'll stagnant?
There's also the issue, that FireFly pointed out, that someone still needs to remain awake while the entire universe dreams. In the end, it is not paradise but an escape from reality.
Robin ideals is the opposite, because she thinks about what people truly want. Yes, it is good that Penacony dreams do help people find temporary relief. But that's all it is: Temporary. They cannot escape the reality of their problems forever. Yet that is what makes staying in a dream so tempting, right? Because you don't have to face your problems.
That's why, during the escape from the dream portion, it was important that the people want to wake up on their own terms and not have the party do it for them. I believe the inspiration of giving people strength, the courage to face life [reality], is what Robin songs do.
For me, the Sunday vs. Robin + Astral Express Crew is like a battle of whose ideals are stronger.
Dude. DudeDudeDude???
This was my face the entire time the boss fight was happening.
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The first round with the boss right where Dan Heng and Jing Yuan showed up together to kick ass and take names? Still my favorite cutscene, but I did FEEL something off about the entire segment after that.
Like, wasn't it too early to use the Jade of Abacus? Isn't Jing Yuan too involved in this process? Wasn't it too excessive of a force for Dan Heng to call the Xianzhou??? (Will go into details about Dan Heng decision in another post including his overall involvement in Penacony now).
Then with the IPC explaining what will happen with the Family and then Black Swan and Boothill temporarily joining the Astral Express.
It felt like everything is too good to be true. There were too many loose ends (Robin, Acheron, etc.) that hasn't been explained.
Then Black Swan enters our dream(??). She helped us figure out the anomaly in our memories. She helped push us to think and think what was wrong, because this sweet dream is too good to be real. And then, we woke up. Not the reality, but the reality of the bleak situation we're in thanks to Black Swan + Acheron (and Acheron credits it to Firefly).
It's pretty interesting to think about Acheron as like a guard to the land of the dead. She's an Emanator of Nihility, and has enough power to decimate Penacony dream world. OwO ALSO THE SCENE WITH ACHERON TALKING TO TIERNAN, one of the other Nameless who disappeared. ;w; Man, it do be feeling like the Nameless has connected everyone from different parts of the universe to a singular moment...
The cutscenes of Acheron cutting the dream is beautiful. AND THE KIANA AND MEI REFERENCE IN HI3 WHERE SHE GRABS TRAILBLAZER HAND AAA. AND BOOTHILL SUMMONING THE OTHER GALAXY RANGERS, and they really did come. Really hope we might get to see one of them before we leave for Penacony but highly doubt it'll happen anytime soon.
AND THEN BACK TO THE BOSS FIGHT. Like the Trailblazer woke up, the entire Astral Express crew is waking up- I saw Dan Heng hand on Himeko, helping her shrug off the sleepiness and March 7th is just waking up too! And it looks like Welt was already awake by the time.
;w; The Boss Battle though with Robin appearing to help us all with her power and clash against Sunday music. AND WE CAN SUMMON A TRAIN AS OUR SUPPORT. I do love everytime we summon the train, there is like different quotes starting from Welt, Himeko, Dan Heng, and March 7th. 3: Unfortuantely I don't know if we get to hear Trailblazer or PomPom quotes either (since this is only story mode). But it was super neat!
AT THE END WHERE ROBIN IS HUGGING SUNDAY as if to say "I got you" and "You're not alone anymore in this", and Sunday accepting her hug. ;w; They still care and love each other deeply to want to help each other still. The siblings are making me chiken tendy.
Also I was like very blue-balled at the end with the cliffhanger of Boothill threatening Aventurine for Oswaldo cause: AVENTURINE WOKE UP AND IS SAFE AND SOUND. NOw I just wonder what the heck did he see after we last saw him at the end of 2.1.
-I very much enjoy seeing Firefly with us again for a short-time. She really got along with the AE crew for a while. NGL, I can probably see her as a Nameless in the future. But also, Firefly clearly has her own goals and reasons to join Destiny Slave. She's not leaving the Stellaron Hunters so easily. I just hope nothing happens to her considering her script said she will experience "Three Deaths" in Penacony. We saw one already. ;w;
-The fucking Death Meme is actually just a overgrown puppy helping people get into uhhh...Dream Reefs (will correct spelling later). They still are terrifying tho ngl.
-Blade and Firefly exchange scene during the Jepello incident. ;w; They're very alike in a way that they're looking for a place to die. Also the small banter between them in the car, and Blade having a drivers license isn't a surprise. BUT ALSO MY MAN IN A SUIT AAAAAAA
-Gallagher fate; I know the "Gallagher" we met is just a fictional character created by the Fictionalist(?) in the dream. But it seemed like he and Mikhail are very close friends. ;w; I wonder what the real Gallagher is like...
-The moment where Xipe eyes opened and THEIR gaze landed on the Trailblazer is like amazing. THEY basically said "fuck you haha" to Sunday and The Family following Ena. LMFAO. But also rather meaningful since the AE and Firefly (and others) are united to fight back what they believe is wrong.
Phew I think that's it for now. Holy moly this turned out so long. ;w;
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
Re Misha's motivation for Destiel baiting. You said:
"Well, at this point, what does he even have left but trying to milk more money from hellers? Other than hoping there are other hellers out there with projects who might cast him?"
I follow your reasoning, but I do wonder how Jared can be friends with someone who manipulates fans for profit like this plus causes his best friend Jensen a world of trouble in order to do so.
I mean, it's not like Misha isn't also causing issues for Jared.
His egging on their beliefs their ship totally really existed as a secret main storyline has lead to hellers not only feeling like Jared should be pushed out of the show? But directly telling him his presence was ruining things and suggesting he kill himself. His "joking" about Jared playing pranks on him and describing their mutually horsing around as sexual assault and predators gruesomely killing pray? Has lead to hellers trying to slander Jared as a homophobic bully and sex offender.
Which, when you further add on all the sheer volume of shit Jensen has been getting for years from Misha's queerbaiting? Is why I honestly don't understand why either J is friends with the guy. This isn't just one or two random loonies taking something said once and reinterpreting it to mean what they want in a way that is completely absurd. This is a group of his fans who are taking his direct words, which he keeps repeating over and over again, as encouragement to keep up an ongoing loudly visible campaign of harassment against his fellow actors for being "bad" people.
Compare it to Jensen making mocking jokes about Misha, which hellers have vociferously complained about and tried to guilt Jensen out of doing. The worst implications of those are that Jensen doesn't like Misha (oh noes). Or that Misha lies to them (true). That is nothing like Misha "jokingly" painting himself as the abused victim, alone fighting the good fight against hOmOPhObIA, which is exactly what his screwball fans already want to believe and have told him so. IMNSHO, he really just reeks of self-interest that doesn't care who he throws under the bus to get attention. So yeah, IDGI.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Yall. Seriously. Get lives and souls.
Sending a person at me that struggles with MHI for you to influence and convince that I was "faking" about being shot at, despite the pictures, only for you to keep trying to manipulate her for information digging NOBODY was falling for your shit on. Somehow your story went from accusing me of faking to totes being here for TPTB research to actually for a headline to actually actually for a college study group application because you got nailed to the wall on how transparently bullshit your whole approach was.
The sheer fact that you absolute inhuman sacks of air-wasting are stunting like this, denying someone's photographically displayed trauma that is impacting their entire life, just to wank around and try to root out information about who I'm connected to by trying to make me ragesplode? You people are beyond help. You are beyond humanity. You have completely surrendered anything representing this to a fake space with fake identities and fake garbage trying to look big in a digital social circle that matters negative nothing to the real world.
Get fucking lives, you pieces of shit, and stop harassing people.
Goddamn literal sacks of shit trying to live vicariously by pretending everyone's as vacuous of a fake husk as you compulsive fucking lying nobodies holy fuck me running, and you guys are so fucking bad at this you don't even read what you start trying to root for information about and read it literally opposite of what's being said to your face while you're being called out.
Leave us alone you fucking asshats. The reason you refuse to let yourself understand what all this shit adds up to is because you already see it, you already know, you've already nullified your placement in this fandom with these guys, while all your friends are whining on twitter asking why it seems like Misha hates them suddenly.
I need you people to understand how psychologically unwell you collectively are lost into 15 plus years of absolute fandom fake nonsense that you somehow felt entitled to accuse someone posting personally with images of the narrowly surviving a violent attack on their lives that they were somehow faking. I need you to understand how psychologically out of pocket you all are that you even felt that was a possible angle to take or something you had the right to comment on for all of your fandom crying. I have been doing nothing but reblog videos that happened to have the same lyrics as CW tweets that would soon follow. That is literally all I have been doing for like a month. And you still cannot bring yourselves to not try to involve yourselves with opinions on my personal life pretending you can argue about it like you can argue about fiction. Seek help. All of you.
I am a real person. With a real life. Just like the actors are real people with real lives. You cannot just make up whatever you want about real people. If you want to have stupid opinions about fictional interpretation that's fine. But I literally need you to psychologically check yourselves that you thought this was a normal pattern of behavior. You are so insanely out of line and lost to your delusions that you think this is all the same relativity fandom fiction bubble and it is not. Get professional help
And now that you are staring down this fandom psychosis of yours with no escape I need you to understand how much misaligned information you have chosen to misread about literally everything else you have ever come at me about. Because if you can stare at pictures of the bullet holes in my wall and me being at someone else's house taking cover and tell me that I am faking, why do you think you have any more sane or deep of an understanding of the powers that be that none of you have half the connection to that you pretend
The thing is you guys never thought I was faking. You just wanted to convince yourselves I have been. And you are so lost in trying to find some sort of untruth that you have completely lost the plot on reality itself. Your reality is now defined by trying to convince yourself that I am lying about anything. Even when the pictures are in your face. And yet you expect me to take you seriously about men you have never met outside of paid transactions that would never speak with anyone that behave like you do much less assign you professionally like you tried before you got nailed to a wall. You guys just want to find some hope that I am faking something somewhere because otherwise your friends complaining about conventions might overlap with Misha's recent behavior and might even overlap with things like recent layoffs and marketing changes. A lot of things might be very connected. But you don't want to look at those things. You just want to look at anything you think you can argue against and that isn't how reality works.
My life and my near death experience is not your personal fucking fictional TV sandbox for you to have opinions about, you inconsolable sacks of fake shit.
But you know, that's it, isn't it? Again, all I've been doing is reblogging music videos that happen to sync to CW tweets that would be shortly after posted. You don't know what to grab onto. You don't know how to argue that. If you argue it, you reveal that you actually see it, by putting it together. So all you can do now is grab at someone's real life and attack it, because your own is lacking, and you're all fake, so everyone must be fake, even with the goddamn bulletholes on display. It's literally the only thing you've been able to grab at and yell "Fake" about as stupid and legit insane as it is, but you guys are so lost to crazypants land you didn't tap the brakes to realize how verifiably insane you're acting. But I'm sure your media opinions are magically more grounded.
He's a Cult Leader. Catch the fucking clue being broadcast on TV, assholes, and leave us alone. You have no one to be angry at and blame but yourselves. The owls control digital gotham. A flock of owls, or rooks such as crows, is called a parliament. They're in deep. There's no going back. It's a clown cabal pulling strings. fucking cope. It was about making our own destiny. Can't stop, won't stop, zaddy dent says don't stop; let go of the past, live in the present, create the future; some people claim to be spiritual healers, only a few actually are. But if you don't listen to the messaging when it's on my blog, why would I expect you to listen to it coming through the socials coincidentally?
Coming at you live, real real wild, here to light it up set the world on fire. Spit heat I melt your face off, in the cut just like a razor, disappear, I'm your eraser. Well, kids... what you gonna do now? It's your own reflections looking back to drag you down. Got all your eyes on me, got all the lines on ring, knock 'em dead, all the eyes on me. Figure it out.
March 7, 2023. We had a spell to burn.
I told you all. No amount of stalking poor fan accounts or random fanfic bangs you think my server members are involved with will push us out, if you follow any official accounts at all. Do with that as you will, but start touching base that you lost before you realized there was a war.
Man I wonder how the socials like Misha much less the CW just got 4x as active despite mass layoffs. Maybe the tweets are magically writing themselves!!! It couldn't possibly be CW scripted shows getting new coverage and socials management I WONDER WHOMST HUH GEE BRAIN ITS A GODDAMN MYSTERY if you're a fandom knucklehead refusing to read obvious truths because holy fuck that would mean you truly madly deeply collectively fucked yourselves
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kulaiyin · 8 months
(thoughts on penacony 2.0 trailblaze mission!)
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just a warning, this is gonna be mostly aimless rambling about the penacony map and story. this includes spoilers!
i'm blown away on the production quality of penacony, both in the real world and the dream world. the music, special effects, skyline, whimsy... they put so much into the penacony experience and i love it
golden hour is massive and even though i took a detour countless of times from firefly's tour (I'M SO SORRY FIREFLY) there are still places i haven't fully explored! it's a pure delight ♪(´▽`) i really enjoyed how they introduced penacony gameplay mechanics so naturally in the story
penacony puzzles in general are so unique and a huge step up from past regions! my favorite one is the clockie puzzle. i actually find them hard but they reminds me of puzzle games i used to play and i like that challenge
penacony food looked so delicious... 🌈🍦🍨🍩🍟🍰 sorry firefly i picked the most expensive item hoping we could share it
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i'm called "jay" so this image is funny... i saved this pic as "ME AND THE GFS" except i forgot the f in gf, so it's just "ME AND THE G'S"
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also HOLY F they are gf... i really love how gay stelle and firefly are (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) wlw win... i also appreciate how gay acheron is too. i know what u are... after all, i am an avid hi3rd fan--
i was very pleased with the whole "touring around with a cute girl eating french fries dipped in ice cream" vibes we got with firefly! it's very cute... especially while playing as stelle (❁´◡`❁)
firefly's story is very touching... "a dream you don't want to wake up from" seems to be a big theme that's being set up for penacony. i believe acheron at the very beginning also questioned us about our willingness to stay in a dream and risk things for ones we care about, and firefly's love and reason for staying in penacony bring this theme back
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this line thoroughly shattered me. please protect firefly...
other characters who stood out to me:
acheron. she's less of a scary badass than i expected, and she's actually really cute?! (gap moe?!) but perhaps my initial impression of her upon seeing her splash art ("spines and bloodied clothing... she looks like bad news!") might be true after all... 😳
sparkle. she is so catty and snarky! i didn't expect so much venom to come out of her mouth. i like more characters like this who deliberately antagonize others
misha. I HAVE A BIG THEORY about him ┌( ´_ゝ` )┐
i think misha is related to mikhail. this is entirely due to the voice during the trippy dream-in-a-dream sequence sounding just like misha's in the CN voiceover, so i could be totally wrong. but misha is quite special as someone who can see clockie and is the one who guided the trailblazer to golden hour
"mikhail," whoever he is, is too prominent in the trailblaze mission to be something unrelated to the mystery of the watchmaker. so my theory is also that mikhail and/or misha is involved with the origin of the watchmaker...
i have more thoughts about the latter half of the story but i'll add to this post when it comes to me later, it's late! thanks for reading!
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aerialworms · 2 years
hello dear mutual! I have a question. I'm no longer in the fandom but I like watching from the sidelines. there was a poll asking if destiel will still be made canon and my question is: how. isn't the prequel planned about the parents? I would love an explanation cause I don't understand. thank you so much!!
Hello there friend!! I'm happy to explain, I love rambling about this batshit show so much!
So yes, the prequel is about the parents, but I'm not sure how much you know about it so here's a little primer: from what I've seen, it's actually Dean telling the story of how his parents met and fell in love, presumably while he's up in Heaven post-finale (y'know, where Cas is also supposed to be). Jensen and his wife Daneel are executive producing, and the prequel is being showrun by Robbie Thompson, known for writing such episodes as Goodbye Stranger (the crypt scene my beloved!!!!!!), Meta Fiction ("What makes a story work? Is it the plot, the characters, the text? The subtext?"), and Fan Fiction (the musical ep! With Sam teasing Dean about destiel!). So from the get-go everyone was like 👀 because Robbie has always been a destiel-positive writer! Plus, apparently, Daneel's favourite character is Cas, so it would make sense for them to bring Cas back if they (and Misha) wanted!
Please bear in mind that I haven't actually watched any of the prequel, i've just been living vicariously through my dash. People who have actually watched it/know more than me please feel free to add on/correct me!
So, to my knowledge, the reasons people are thinking they might make Destiel canon in the prequel are (in no particular order):
a) A few weeks ago there was an episode that had Gabriel (as played by Richard Speight Jr) as the MOTW and also had a background cameo from Rob Benedict in a very bad wig (unclear if that was Chuck or not), and there have been quotes from (i think) Robbie saying that they're only having cameos from OG SPN actors if it's relevant to the story they want to tell (and since the Rob cameo was not explained or plot-relevant people are thinking they're possibly going to do a Chuck won scenario? It could turn out that he was never actually defeated in 15.19 and now Dean has to show up to fight him again (and get Cas back?? maybe??))
b) In that same episode, there was a scene where Mary and John look at a picture of some dude who'd given them a clue or talked to John or something - it was Dean! So he's alive again, briefly, in the 70s. Could be time travel, could be he's escaped from Heaven. So if Dean is around in the show, whether just as narrator or as a character in the story, he has the potential to go rogue and look for Cas, or be telling the story to Cas up in Heaven. In either case, there is the potential for canon destiel, if they (Jensen, Daneel, Robbie, Misha, etc.) decide they want to do that.
c) Jensen has said various things at cons recently which are kinda 👀, including that he'd have been happy to keep going on SPN for another 6 years, and, most recently (this weekend), which I think sparked the poll you were talking about - that if Dean and Cas reunited Dean would say "Hey, can we talk about that goodbye a little bit?" and then joked that nah, it would be more like "hey, buddy, good to see you, old pal" but THEN said "I don't know, maybe we'll get to see that, that would be interesting" (Here's a gifset of him saying that if you're interested)
Also this:
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[ID: Tweet from Toni @JensFloofHair.
Misha: I mean, you have the Impala.
Damn right, nothing stopping them!!
#JIB11 /End ID]
It's no secret that Jensen Did Not like the finale, apparently Eric Kripke had to talk him into it and he still makes salty jokes about it even now. Add the fact that he got someone else to film the confession for him because he wanted to have a record of it, and has said they cut out key parts of his performance in that scene (which is why the editing of it is so janky). So it's possible that he intended for there to be actual reciprocation in that scene and, well, now he's got the reins. He could do it if he wanted!!!
d) The prequel finale - airing next Tuesday, Jack help us - is titled "Hey, that's no way to say goodbye". Which was already kinda 👀 before the con this weekend, but combined with Jensen saying Dean would say "can we talk about that goodbye a little bit?" is um. Look I don't wanna get my hopes up. But also........ 👀👀👀
I think the prevailing theories at the moment (from what I've seen on my dash) are that either:
a) They're baiting us to keep interest in the prequel (I trust Robbie but I don't really trust Jensen, so this seems likely)
b) They really are gonna bring Cas back, either as him being the one Dean is telling this story to up in Heaven, or using that Rob Benedict cameo to retcon the finale and make the show about breaking free of Chuck's control for realsies this time (which hopefully means Cas actually showing up and not being explained away in one line like the finale)
Like I said, I don't wanna get my hopes up because I don't quite trust Jensen. But. Given Robbie Thompson showrunning and Daneel loving Cas and Jensen dropping all these maybe-maybe-not hints. If they DID make destiel canon. I would not be surprised.
Well maybe a little bit but in an "I can't believe I was right" way.
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queenklu · 1 year
fic stats meme! 💌
Tagged by @mangacat201
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
most hits: hold me until we crumble 22k Steve/Bucky (Winter Soldier)
The Antiques Roadshow fic!! Wherein Steve takes a much-needed break and does a guest spot at the Roadshow on Captain America memorabilia...and keeps coming across memories of his own. Genuinely, sincerely, this fic means so much to me. Of all of the stories I've written this one continues to get the most beautiful and touching comments even after all these years, so I'm glad this made the list!
second most kudos: something good can work (and it can work for you) 9k Eliot/Parker/Hardison (Leverage)
BEST OT3 OF ALL TIME!! I remember having a lot of fun playing around with Hardison's pov, probably for ADHD reasons. Plus, I love when Hardison and Parker can essentially pspsps at Eliot like a feral cat until he latches onto them for keeps.
third most comments: ghost stories for lost souls 17k Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian (The Untamed)
I'm so??? touched and surprised??? Considering this is a recent fic, the fact that it's third-most anything is amazing?? Lan Zhan is a ghost/creature/¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who meets reincarnated Wei Ying. I've rewritten this description ten times and can't add more without spoiling it. But happy ending!
fourth most bookmarks: You've Got Hawaii (and all I've got is you) 17k Steve/Danny (H5O)
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh H5O. You were SO.......A Time To Be Alive. I really enjoy gift-giving as a love language, and even though I was auctioning off my writing services for charity iirc the person who won me let me have free reign!
fifth most words: A Certain Sense of Synergy Between Yourself and Me 29k Misha Collins/Mike Rosenbaum (spn & smallville rpf)
Listen.................... I CAN explain writing nearly 30k for an rpf ship with two people who have likely never met.......but I don't want to :P
least words: in sickness and in health 219 words Finch/Reese (Person of Interest)
I'm not counting the podfics that have me listed as an author because even though those are my fics I put ZERO work into making them podfics, so I think this is the shortest actual fic I've posted? I had a minor heart attack scrolling through the small ones dreading what I would find, but Finch/Reese isn't too bad!
I am too lazy to tag anyone, but if anyone would like to do this please consider yourself tagged!
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I used to watch "Dark Angel" religiously, but I was just a little shit, so I don't remember Jensen at all. 😂 I got tired of SPN after a while, but The Boys refueled my interest in Jensen 'cause he was really good. I'd like to see Misha in more projects too, I feel like Jensen and Misha have more potential than Jared (sorry Jay). But you know, there's nothing wrong with doing cons, JJM seem to enjoy it a lot. Chris though... I feel like he'd hate it, even tho I still think it's in his future.
You don't remember Jensen Ackles, who single handedly stole almost all the attention away from Michael Weatherly and was the cause for some of the drama behind the scenes because of his popularity?
This Jensen?:
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Who had one episode as Ben, the x5 who went on a murder spree and Max had to kill so he wouldn't be taken back to Manticore and put with the "nomlies"? Who after that one episode convinced the makers to bring him back in a bigger role because they liked his work? Who was an instant hit with the viewers?
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Or Alec who was supposed to be the bad guy but turned out to be fun and charming and who made Max look like a sour puss and Logan boring? Who has great expressions and deliveries of his lines?
You forgot about him?? 😲
I tried watching supernatural after dark angel, but i couldn't get into it, so forgot and then something got me on a jensen bender and i gave it another try and i got really into it. Until s5. Then i stopped buying the seasons dvds,and life interrupted, and then suddenly there were lots of other seasons that had passed me which they did suddenly send out (my country is really good with not showing anything, or behind your back years later continuing on a different channel at different times) ... and so i have watched some episodes of some later seasons, but missed a lot too.
Haven't watched the boys yet. I am on poor men's tv, and don't know how to be able to watch it without spending a lot more money and a lot more effort to find ways to see it. But i do want to watch it because Jensen is looking so so good...😳
And yeah i think those two might be easier to get a variety of roles and have proven to play different characters well.
Although look at the acting Jared shows in a Christmas Cottage, where his cry scene is top notch... I'm so sorry jared, it's just what i remember all these years later, is that it was a lot.
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At least he's looking cozy and they styled his hair. It's almost unnerving.
Oh look i found some gifs to give you the idea if you haven't seen it:
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I mean i want to add all of them, but you should really see for yourself. It's a lot! A lot.
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And look at how different Jensen cries. I think we all wish we could look like this crying. We probably look more like Jared...
Shall i see how misha cries? Or is this post already too long? Ah who cares?
This is overused...
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This one's weird
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This is a picture of Toby Maguire crying, which has nothing to do with this whole subject but jeez it's ugly.
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I was going to try to put Jeffrey in here, but tumblr said enough! Which might be wise but annoying.
As for your last sentence, there's a lot of Chris's. Chris Evans, Chris(tian) Kane, Chris Martin whose music i don't listen to, or know anything about and i don't think he does cons. What would he even talk about.
I hope it's not Chris Martin because I don't want to look him up and find anything out. Not that i hate him, i just never think of him. He just came up as one of the chris's in a search. He looks like a lot of British singers had a lovebaby together.
If it's chris evans, i feel he'll like the first one, does okay with the second, grows tired and bored an annoyed and anxious by the time the third one comes around. Honestly the crowds, inappropriate questions and the constant noise would wear me out very quickly too, so i can't blame him. They seem fun but once in a while.
Thanks for sending the ask, it probably wasn't what your were looking for👍
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