#i want to play this but VR is expensive lol
meownotgood · 1 year
I’m devious mode so scared Aki stuff is great
Like I played VR horror games in my time you know how fucking horrifying it is, imagine Aki having to go into a dark room to grab like a key or smth while also hearing noises
Aki is like turning around in real time trying not to panic right in front of you while heading towards the darkness, not until he sees smth move and you get to watch him flinch
So once he gets the key and he starts heading to the door he just hears fast running footsteps behind him and just,,,,ohhh pure chaos as Aki cussing out loud and watch him panic so hard while trying not to scream but once he dies and takes off the headset mf is lowkey shaking from fear
but it would be so funny to watch aki play it... a very evil part of me..... wants to see him get really scared.....
and he is definitely the type to be more fight than flight, like he starts swearing like crazy and screaming and you have to remind him it's just a game and not to throw the very expensive controllers in fear lol
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sniperct · 9 months
Spaceship games I've played
Starfield: 5/10
space, spaceships, exploration, but it's also fallout in space and if you don't like fallout's gameplay all that much you're not going to enjoy starfield. Also space combat is pretty simple
EvE Online: 7/10
I made billions of ISK mining. and I lost billions of ISK getting suicide ganked in high security space. There was some enjoyment before that but the space combat is very tactical so fun if you like that kind of thing. Haven't played since I got suicide ganked 2 days in a row by two different people in two different orgs in two different high security systems and lost two super expensive barges.
EvE Valkryie 9/10:
The reason I got a PSVR originally. It's defunct and dead now sadly, but the combat was amazing and I lost hours in the cockpit with my PSVR headset pulling high G stunts and shooting down other people.
Star Citizen: 8/10,
buggy as hell but has absolutely the best space flight out there, hands down. In perpetual slow development, I recommend against backing unless you're really into bug hunting and can handle frequently losing progress. But when the stars align its one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. They added planets 18 months after I backed and the experience of seamlessly taking off, flying across a system, landing and exploring a planet and then returning retroactively justified my pledge for me. Was worth getting a nice set of joysticks one year, 80% for this game tbh.
Elite Dangerous, 7/10:
I keep trying to give it a fair shot, but the flying doesn't feel right. A bit reason I originally backed SC was specifically because I was trying to find a space flight/combat game to scratch that itch and SC beat ED for that. This was back in 2016 lol That said it has a large galaxy to explore, even if you don't get to explore your ships or planets to the same level you can in SC, and I can see the appeal of it if I could just adapt to the flight model. Works great with my joysticks though!
No Man's Sky, 7/10:
overhyped and under delivered, it's since come a very long way and I'd argue is one of the biggest turn around stories, second to FF14 maybe. Large, lovely univere to explore, I wish I could figure out how to get off the planet or start in space on my latest playthrough. Space flight is very very basic.
Star Wars: Squadrons: 9/10
Quiet literally waited since X-wing Alliance came out for this game. Decent story, but the sheer joy of flying around in an x-wing or tie fighter makes for exceptional gameplay. I've even played in VR with the PSVR and I can't emphasize enough how awesome that was!
Chorus TBD:
Really enjoyed the demo, was disappointed I couldn't get my joystick working with it. Got it for like 3 bucks at a recent steam sale and I want to give it a fair shake. Maybe I can find a way to map my joystick.
Bonus mech but not space ships!
Mechwarrior Online 6/10
Great game, got my joysticks working in it recently but I haven't played in years so I'm very bad at it.
Mechwarrior 5
TBD Finally got sticks working, need to actually play the story.
If anyone can recommend games where you fly around in a space ship (or even flying around in a plane, been having a lot of fun playing War Thunder's Arcade mode and world of warplanes) let me know. Bonus points if there is joystick support.
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kingasriel · 5 years
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cupidcreates · 4 years
akdsfjkdksj I wasn’t expecting you to churn all this content out so quick (´∀`)♡ omgosh you went above and beyond with the love language ask!! I love to see your interpretation of these characters so what do the cast consider the perfect date to be? low key vs high key? local vs out of town? -😌✨
Thank you! I’m glad you liked the love language post, sorry it took so long lol. As for their favorite dates I think I’ll do the same characters here:
Katsuki Bakugou
Rock Climbing/Hiking Dates
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Canonically one of Katsuki’s favorite things to do is go rock climbing so he’d definitely want to bring a SO along every so often. If you’re an athletic person and enjoy being outdoors this will be a very fun date! If you’re not a very athletic person (as many of us aren’t) Katsuki will settle for just going for a short hike along a trail. Katsuki gets super talkative on hikes as well, as you’re walking he’ll just be talking about literally anything! From Hero work to his friends/family, to things that have been bothering him lately. Whatever is on his mind he’ll share with you while you’re both out, which is incredibly helpful as he doesn’t ever discuss his feelings at any other point in time. Plus it gives him a chance to show off how fit he is in front of you, which you both always consider a plus.
Izuku Midoriya
Movie Dates
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A Classic, perhaps a little plain even, but Izuku absolutely loves to take you to the movies. He loves everything about the date, from discussing what you’re about to watch, to getting the snacks, to whispering in the back row (if you’re the type to get annoyed by talking during a movie he’ll keep this to a bare minimum). He loves being able to snuggle up next to you and hold your hand while discussing the finer points of the plot (If you’ll tolerate talking of course). Don’t think he’s being innocent here though, he definitely uses the darkness surrounding you as cover as he runs his hands up your thighs. Unbeknownst to most, Izuku is actually very much a horndog. He conceals it very well but he’s only barely capable of keeping his hands to himself when it comes to his SO. Any chance he gets to touch you he’ll take it, more than likely this is why his second favorite type of date is usually a stay-in date...
Shoto Todoroki
Dinner Dates
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Another Classic, Shoto loves to treat his SO to expensive treats with his favorite being food-related dates at lavish restaurants. Not a week goes by that he doesn’t take you out on the town for the night at some place you’re sure you couldn’t even afford a glass of water at. It’s almost never the same place twice either, Shoto is actually a foodie and enjoys trying new types of cuisine whenever he can. He’s got a whole list of places he wants to take you, and if they require reservations he’s already got them locked down. If you love eating Shoto is your man, he’ll make sure you’re set with a wide variety of foods to choose from and always remembers any place you happen to be partial to.
Denki Kaminari
Amusement/Water Park Dates
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Denki is a fun-loving guy through and through, he knows how to have a good time and wherever you happen to go he makes sure you do too. That being said, his absolute favorite place to take you is to an amusement or water park. It’s not often you two get to go, as you’re both very busy with your respective hero work most days, but when you do it’s a day-long affair. You’re there from the minute the park opens to the second it shuts down, riding as many rides as you can manage, eating greasy garbage food, and making sure to strike the dumbest poses for any rides that take pictures. You’ve got a whole scrapbook of these photos by now, their ridiculousness increasing with each new one added.
Eijirou Kirishima
Beach Dates
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You wouldn’t expect Eijirou Kirishima to be a Thalassophile (Def. Person who loves the ocean) but he is. He adores being on the beach and it’s his preferred location for a date. You’ve spent many a sunny afternoon seaside with Eijirou, building sandcastles, chasing crabs, and just enjoying the ocean. One memorable afternoon you found yourselves right next to a sea turtles nest and you got to watch the babies pop out of the sand and scurry towards the ocean, assisted by Eijirou as he chased off the seagulls looking to make them a meal. Eijirou also enjoys surfing, and if you know how to do so he’ll get you matching boards so you can ride the waves together. If you’re not partial to surfing he’ll be sure to pull out all his tricks while you watch him, he’ll even let you onto his board with him so you two can just float together by the shore. Of course you two can’t go to the beach year round, but when you can you’re both sure to make the most of these sunny days, even if he does get an awful sunburn by the end of it. 
Hitoshi Shinsou
Gaming Dates
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Hitoshi isn’t what one would call ‘social’ when given the choice between going out for a night and staying home he’ll almost always choose the latter. So it’s expected that his favorite type of date is one where you two can stay inside and enjoy each others company. You both work so hard as Heros, why not spend your days off relaxing with one another? He can spend hours alone with you, preferably kicking your ass at Mario Party or some other multiplayer game. He doesn’t need anything except you, his consoles, and a pile of your favorite snacks to have a good time. That being said, if you want him to go out for a date the best way to convince him is to take him to some kind of arcade, especially if it’s a VR arcade. He feels a kind of nostalgic joy for these places and won’t hesitate to return and feel like a kid again. Plus it’s always nice to repeatedly prove to you that yes he is the champion of Dance Dance Revolution and you will never usurp this title from him.
Tamaki Amajiki
Park/Picnic Dates
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As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, Tamaki loves spending time outdoors; surrounded by and in awe of nature and it’s complex inner workings. He enjoys just taking time to appreciate the world around him, so dates where you can both relax outside and enjoy each other’s company are his favorite kind. He has a specific hill at his favorite park he likes to take you, bringing a lunch of all your favorite foods he sets you both up under the biggest shade tree for an afternoon. You both lay back on your worn picnic blanket and just cloudgaze, talking for hours about anything and everything. Much like Bakugou, Tamaki gets very talkative on these dates, discussing his week with you and anything new he might have learned over the course of it. He’s so very endearing on these dates its easy to fall silent and just listen to him for hours.
Mirio Togata
Crafting Dates
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Mirio likes to have memorabilia from your dates, so you can expect a lot of dates to center around making things. More than just your average painting classes Mirio has also taken you to sculpting, woodworking, and glass blowing classes to name a few. At the end of your dates you both exchange what you’ve made and Mirio absolutely adores anything you craft, regardless of its quality in your eyes. He puts his heart and soul into making you something and more often than not it turns out spectacularly. Mirio wasn’t as good with the ceramics class, but you love the warped vase he made (even if it was technically supposed to be a cup at the start, we’ve all been there). Mirio’s kept everything you made him and even has a shelf in his house just dedicated to what you’ve made, it makes him so happy to come home after a hard day of work and see physical memories of his time with you.
Keigo Takami
Aquarium/Zoo Dates
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Underneath Keigo’s charming and charismatically upbeat personality lies a bitter and broken man, drained by his role in Hero Society and left an empty shell of his former self. Underneath that personality lies a kid who never got to have a proper childhood and desperately wants to make up for it. He now uses his dates with you to do just that; not that you mind of course, dates with Keigo are always fun and lighthearted and you love to see him truly enjoy himself for once. Keigo’s favorite places to go are definitely large and intricately designed Zoos and Aquariums. He loves to look at the painstakingly accurate and detailed natural habitats, make fun of the stranger animal names you find, and learn new information about foreign bird species. Loves to mimic their calls too, much to the irritation of the birds and the zoo employees. He makes it a point to always get you a stuffed animal at the end of the date, ensuring that you now have a massive collection of them sitting all around your room. You’re always kept up to date on any Zoo or Aquarium events thanks to Keigo, as he has a calendar dedicated to all the unique events they have going on throughout the year.
Touya Todoroki
Crash Dates
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Dabi is...well he’s unpredictable at the best of times and it’s very rare that you two have time for anything even resembling a date (being an S class villain does make it hard to exist normally in society and do normal couple things but it ees what it ees). However, when he can take you one a date --well the term “date” is generous here- it’s never a dull one. You’re not sure how he does it but when you go out you always manage to end up somewhere Dabi could never get into naturally. From sold-out concerts, to stand up shows, to parties at lavish houses belonging to people you’ve never even heard of let alone met before; dates with Dabi are always somewhere you two definitely shouldn’t be. One memorable morning he took you to a country club where you got to each fancy exclusive rich people food and play a horrible facsimile of golf before you were eventually found and chased out. It’s always fun to see how long you two can crash an even before being found out.
Tomura Shigaraki
Cemetery/Haunted Places Dates
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Tomura Shigaraki is a man who enjoys his space from other people, in his opinion the only good person is a dead one (unless he’s talking about you, of course). So it’s not abnormal for your dates to be in a place far away from others. Again the term “date” is being very generous, more often than not he’ll approach you, tell you to follow him, and you’ll wind up in some abandoned building or graveyard. Normally this would be cause for concern, as this is exactly what happens in horror movies before someone gets killed, but Tomura has a soft spot for you so your safety is ensured. Tomura loves to see a place reclaimed by nature, vines growing over a run down house or worn out gravestones breaking apart into chunks of marble with barely legible words on them. He doesn’t talk much on your dates, but will often give you a random bit of insight about him; like on one date where you both walked alongside abandoned train tracks at dusk and he told you about the dog he had as a child. He seeks no pity from you, and these dates are not the conventionally romantic type, but you enjoy being able to be with Tomura in a way no one else ever has or ever will.
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idreamtako2 · 5 years
Chap 53 is here..
And it’s just Suho and Jugyeong’s date.. no big deal. 😂😂😂
So back to the story, so jugyeong got a call from Suho. But when she answered it, she immediately saw Suho. Upon seeing him, she blushed
‘it’s a prince!’ 😂
‘what is is with him today? Did he shopped clothes?’ 😂😂
Once they met, suho said that she’s early (he’s earlier though LOL) and then they walked together, jugyeong noticed that everyone is gawking at Suho
‘What.. we’re attracting attention.. he looks like a celebrity’
‘When he passed by, everyone will look at him once’
‘Because I’m in front of you, I look like a squid’ 😂😂😂
Then Suho interrupted her thoughts when he asked if she really want to watch a movie or something else, she said that there’s something she wanted to do before..
Then they went to a vr arcade. Jugyeong is so excited she said it’s one of the trending games these days! LOL Suho asked how are they going to play it, jugyeong said that she also don’t know as it’s her first time there and then a staff interrupted them and asked them if they want to play..
Now jugyeong is wearing the vr machine and is playing a zombie game and is super hyped about it! 😂 she played and she was defeated because it’s hard to manipulate. She removed her vr machine and checked on Suho who is seriously playing on his vr machine.
Once he finished he removed his vr and said that it is harder than he thought, and when he looked for Jugyeong he saw her recording him through her phone LOL Suho asked her if she saw him doing all of it but then Jugyeong noticed that the vr marked a red line on his nose. She pointed it and Suho blushed and hides it from her. Jugyeong immediately gets her concealer and asked if she could put just a little of it, Suho said ok and then he sat so he could reach and put it easier on his nose but once Suho closed his eyes, she was mesmerized by his handsomeness she puts it on his nose while blushing and breathing hard LOL She said to him unconsciously that he is really crazilly good looking 😂😂😂 Suho opened his eyes and blushed immediately said to her what is she saying right now 😂😂😂😂 right then she noticed that she blurted it out of her mouth. She said that didn’t he hear that everyday? LOL Suho blushed and looked on his side and said that if it’s from her, it’s different 💕🥰Jugyeong said what? But Suho changed the topic and asked if she wants to eat in a restaurant jugyeong said for real? I want! (Meaning Lets go) So they went out and they saw a big white christmas tree. Jugyeong asked Suho if he could take a picture of her and he said ok. So she gave her phone to Suho and started posing weird LOL Suho couldn’t handle it anymore and started laughing Jugyeong said that she’s not really good at posing then she asked if he could take another one but Suho asked if they could take a selca together instead. They took a selca but ad usual Jugyeong looks weird LOL
So they went to the resto, Jugyeong saw the prices in the menu and her eyeballs dropped because of the prices LOL Suho asked what she likes, she then said that she would just like a salad LOL Suho said ‘What? It’s weird that you’re just ordering salad, you like meat right?’ And she said yes.. So Suho ordered some good looking food and Jugyeong just cried because it looks really delicious and also good in the pocket LOL Suho then took her plate so that he could cut the meat for her (this is so uwu) right then Seojun sent a message on messenger, ‘what are you doing right now?’ She blurted unconcisously ‘are you bored?’ LOL Suho then said that he is seojun’s friend Jugyeong said that he’s not close with him LOL Suho said that he envy him Jugyeong quickly responded ‘Why? Why do you envy him?? He’ll envy you!! you’re a perfect kid!!’ suho then said that he’s always free and honest, and that he’s so used to to hide feelings everytime.. that’s why he envy him. Jugyeong stopped him and said that he could do it as well. Suho then told about his father, that it’s not easy for him to be a famous celebrity, that he didn’t want to ruin his father’s reputation. he then said sorry and let jugyeong finished her meal and stood up.
After she ate, she’s gonna pay for her meal but the lady told her that the man she’s with already paid for it. She then quickly run to Suho and said to him that he paid for everything, how much will she pay for her meal but Suho said forget it. LOL Jugyeong said sorry as it is her first time to eat there and it’s cool and that she’s thankful for bringing her there. Suho then said that he’ll not look good all the time so bare with him.. Jugyeogn said that she’s nervous eating expensive dish for the first time LOL
Then they went out and walk up the walk bridge, Suho noticed that Jugyeong is shivering, he asked if he would like to get a coffe and get in but jugyeong said that dhe ate alot but could digest it. Suho then suggest if he could hold her hand (waaah) they’re walking while blushing. Jugyeong felt that it’s warm and she’s wishing if time could stop LOL she then stopped and called suho, and then she said that she’s going to say something to him.
Finally finished translating this!!! So what do you think? Will Jugyeong confess or nah? Reply in the comments!!
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bethesdaglitch · 6 years
1-70 do em all! 😁💙
I’m seriously so sorry this took so long, but it was so much fun!! thank you!!! Also it’s super long so I’m gonna put it under a readmore!
1. First game you played obsessively?
Jak & Daxter! 2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc.Lmao I’m not exactly a creative person, but when I was little I tried coming up with and drawing my own pokemon. They were… bad3. Who did you play with as a kid?My brother! At first I stole his Gameboy Color whenever he wasn’t using it, but then he saved up and bought a PS2 so we could play games together4. Who do you play with now?No one really lol. I kinda prefer to play single-player games now? But I’ll play with various friends when we hang out.5. Ever use cheat codes?When I was little, yeah! Especially in the Sly Raccoon games 6. Ever buy strategy guides?Before the age of unlimited free online strategy guides I did, now I just use said online ones7. Any games you have multiple copies of?Yep, I’ve “lost” games only to find them again after replacing them like… four times? It happened with Oblivion, Fable 3, DA: Origins, and, weirdly enough, that one obscure (but fun imo!) wii game, Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?This one was hard! After a teeny bit of research, I narrowed it down to either Rule of Rose, LoZ Collector’s Edition on Gamecube, and pokemon red and yellow9. Most regrettable purchase?Hhhhhhhh I bought the video game for the 2006 Dreamworks movie Over the Hedge. I was only 12, but I still should’ve known better :(10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours?I’ve gone to a few midnight releases, but none that have lasted for hours, luckily. I only started going to them in the last few years, so the only ones I’ve been to so far are Fallout 4, DA:I and uh… ME:A (I KNOW)11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games?Nah not really, I don’t play online games, so. I have friends who play video games, but I’ve never met someone BECAUSE of video games12. Ever get picked on for liking games?Lol no?13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has?Overwatch14. Favorite game music?NIER, hands down. 15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick?Probably something cute and harmless like the leaf from Animal Crossing lol16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL?Lately we’ve been really into Towerfall: Ascension and Screencheat17. Ever lose a friend over a game?Wh—no????18. Would you date someone that hates gaming?So long as they didn’t try to “forbid” me from playing and so long as we had other interests to bond over, then sure. It’d be kind of a bummer though lol19. Favorite handheld console?Idk that I have one! Maybe the Switch, since that’s the most recent and popular?20. Game that you know like the back of your hand?Silent Hill 3 and DA:I21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now?The Civilization games22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories?Sometimes, yeah. Nothing too embarrassing, though. 23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into?What, like… ever?? Geez, I dunno… probably Oblivion?24. First Pokemon game?Yellow!25. Were you ever an arcade game player?I actually wasn’t really :/26. Ever form any gaming rivalries?Oh yeah, with my brother. He’s 6 years older than me, which pretty much guaranteed I got my ass kicked in every game we played when I was younger27. Game that makes you rage?Bloodborne and Dark Souls!!!!!! I swear I try to go back and play them at least once a year, and I can never get past the first hour :(28. Ever play in a tournament?Not like an official one, but ones with friends, yep29. What is your gaming set up?Imma be real with you chief I don’t know nearly enough about computers to answer this question with anything other than “a computer”30. How many consoles do you own?Ohohoho far too many31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches?I’ve never had the 3D slider up long enough to tell, but that probably means yes lol32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic?BOY when I was in first grade I played Spongebob: Supersponge on Gameboy advance so much I STILL remember the password that lets you skip to the final stage (it’s WMBT) 33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games?nah 34. Do either of your parents play video games?PFFF GOD NO. Although my mom does love Animal Crossing. Not playing it, but just like it’s whole deal. 35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop?No and no, tbh36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game?I… don’t think so? Maybe I’ve cried over a game, but blood?? Put the controller down, y’all37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination?NO NO NO OVER THE HEDGE (2006) FOR THE PS2 IS THE SINGLE WORST GAME EVER MADE FIGHT ME ON THIS38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like?Oh lord… idk if anyone’s ever played any of Ambition’s dating sims (Dream Girlfriend, Dream Boyfriend, Animal Boyfriend, and Moe Can Change) but I’ve literally been playing them for about… 5-ish years now? They’re seriously the worst, I fucking love them 39. A sequel that you would die for them to make?Hmm… Maybe a new Kingdoms of Amalur game would be cool? 40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls?I love VR but the last time I tried it at a friend’s place I fucking faceplanted after leaning on a counter I forgot was also virtual and the first thing my friend asked was whether the headset was ok, so that stung. As for motion controls, they’re fun but they can be a real pain41. A genre that you just can’t get into?Sports games 42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness?The path to what43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else?Oh yeah, who hasn’t?44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters?Idk if this counts but I am a MASTER at the claw machine and that stacker game. My closet is full of useless shit I’ve won from those things45. How are you at Mario Kart?OH SO FUCKING GOOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon?yesssss I love them47. Do you like competitive games?I mean like I said, I mostly prefer single-player games, but I do enjoy the occasional co-op game48. How long does it take your to customize your player character?about an hour49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character?I actually don’t! If it’s a game I’m not confident I’ll be good at, I pick whichever class is recommended for beginners, and that changes from game to game. Alternatively, I just go through phases where I prefer a specific class above others 50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create?Christ I have no idea. Maybe a first-person escape game? idk51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep?NO?? DAMN ARE Y’ALL OK????52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid?Literally any M game; my parents were strictly “No M games until you’re old enough!” I just got my brother to buy them most of the time though lol53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days?Most DLC is fine, it’s microtransactions in “pay-to-win” games that I fucking hate. 54. Do you give in to Steam sales?HAHAHAHAHA yeah absolutely 55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them?N-No??? 56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests?Ok yeah I did do that 57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements?Ew no58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick?Ooooh… ok, Oblivion, My Time in Portia, and Divinity 259. Do you play any cell phone games?I do! I play a lot of escape games, and uh… the Ambition games mentioned previously60. Do you know the Konami Code?Is that the up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A? Huh, I never knew it had a name!61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever?I used to trade them in occasionally, but mostly I keep them 62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game?Yeah the Switch for BotW. Not proud of it, but it was worth it63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? nah64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming?Yep! 65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file?OHHHH MY GOD YEAH, I’M STILL FUCKING PISSED ABOUT IT. I had GameShark for Gameboy and PS2, but that one was fine, it didn’t cause any problems. It was ACTION FUCKING REPLAY that fucked me over. I used it for KH2 and it worked the whole time until literally THE VERY LAST XEMNAS FIGHT, when my HP bar suddenly dropped to 1??? Not my HP, mind you, the HP BAR. Meaning 1 HP was the most I could have. Literally fuck action replay >:( 66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it?nope67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share?I do! The very first thing I ever saved up money for to buy myself was Pokemon Crystal version. Until then I’d just been borrowing (re:stealing) my brother’s, but when I was 5 and Crystal was about to come out, my parents made me a deal that if I saved up $15, they’d pay the other $15 and I could get it! It was the first time I was working towards a fun goal, so it was all pretty exciting for 5-year-old me lol. It’s dumb, I know, but it’s something I look back on fondly68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool?Lol nah, I think the best thing I ever got with tickets was a cheap snowglobe 69. In your opinion, best game ever made? UHHHH GOD. That’s… super tough. I’m genuinely not sure I have an answer tbh. I’m really into Divinity 2 right now but best game ever made?? Idk! that’s a hard one!!!! 70. Very first game you ever beat? I won’t lie, it was Spongebob: Supersponge on GBA
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tsukishumai · 3 years
did you play overwatch on pc or console?? LOOL i feel u tho, my aim is actually SUPER bad but i still have fun playing fps games ! i want an oculus too omg some of my friends have vr and it seems like sm fun, but its hella expensive😔 im gonna try to save up for one soon ! annnnd i do have a twitch account but just to watch other streamers😂 i dont think id be able to handle streaming myself
i played it on the console! i didn't have my own so i would regularly borrow my brother's LOL yeah i love fps games! im just bad at them lmao and yesss occulus are so much fun, i played my friend's and it's what made me want one hahaha but they are expensive >< PLEASE id watch ur streams tho heheh
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Unexpected benefits of porn and reasons why you should watch it
When we spark conversations about porn, it’s a very moot topic. Some will say yes to it, others are too big of prudes. People sometimes refuse porn because they think it’s dirty, it’s immoral, too cheap. They refuse porn sites and sites where girls perform sex shows, not because they are bad, but because they think they are. But here’s what you need to know – porn is healthy! It’s good for our mental health, even physical health, more than you can imagine. This article serves to tell you what that is the case.
Your desires will be fulfilled, and that makes you happy
We will start with this, even though porn has many other even better benefits. But having all your desires fulfilled doesn’t sound bad, does it? When you watch porn, you won’t really have sex, but you can have more immersive experiences here as well. For example, VR porn. It’s almost like you are having sex, and do you know what’s the best part about it? You feel like you are banging all these women, but you are not doing it physically, which is much healthier. And girls also have similar experiences. You can watch JOI and feel like all these famous women are talking to you. It can definitely be intense and inflaming, right?
Even as teenagers, we just can’t help but covertly finding ways to see some porn. That is because even our bodies know, feel that it is good for us. And that is because porn does makes some of our wishes come true. It helps us get rid of that itch that only it can stretch. And it definitely gives you cool ideas! And did you watch it in secret when you were younger?
Why do I say porn satisfies your desires? Here’s one more thing – kinksters can find anything they like here! If you have a love for BDSM, feet, femdom – you can find it on porn sites. With so many great sites today, both free and pay sites, you will always have platforms where you can find your thing.
Don’t forget this is an affordable fun
What’s amazing about porn is that it is very affordable. Most premium porn sites cost less than 30 dollars a month, and even less when you choose their longer plans, the better values. And what about all the porn sites that are entirely free? So, with porn you never have to worry that you don’t have money for it. It’s even less expensive than buying a cup of coffee every day because it literally costs a dollar a day, and sometimes even less. There are some sites that are pricier, but even the most expensive porn sites are never more expensive than 40 dollars a month. So, porn might be one of the cheapest ways to have fun and get relieved of some stress. What do you think about it?
Increasing libido and feeling more inflamed
This is a very obvious benefit of porn. When you want to be sexually active, you need to have a high libido, and what better way to increase it than watching smutty content on the web? Ok, if sometimes you are too nervous to get aroused with your partner, maybe watching porn will help you relax. When you see these people do it with so much ease, you will also feel better about yourself. After all, pornstars are not all busty and wellhung. You have more natural bodies, so you can see how they are confident even without big assets.
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Learning tricks in bed
Don’t be offended, but everyone can learn something from watching sex videos. Maybe mainstream sites are not the best role models because we know a lot of things there are unnatural. Staged and fake. But when you watch amateur porn, you will see people who are genuine and more authentic. Here you can see real life couples doing the nasty, and you can learn something from them. You can at least see how to be comfortable in your body and what you can do with mature women, or with young ones. There is always something to learn, so why not this way?
Fewer aggressive tendencies
Porn actually decreases them, did you know? Some people believe and will say that it is the opposite, that people become more sexually violent and they start expecting things and behaving improperly. But no, porn helps us deal with stress, and it is also good for us to feel less aggressive. So, when you feel angry because they don’t have your favorite meal at your restaurant so you can order it today, don’t yell and do anything impulsive, just watch porn. It is soothing, and nothing bad will happen if you do it moderately.
You get to explore your sexuality
And when was this something bad? When we explore this side of ourselves, we are happier and healthier. Porn has everything. You have fetish sites, gay sites, teen and mature sites, amateur sites, and you can even upload your own videos, if that piques your interest. So, porn is not bad at all because you can be playful with it. Maybe you have proclivities you don’t feel comfy about when you are somewhere else, but when you are in your room, alone, just with porn… You can be who you want to be! And you can hurt no one because this is just something that is far away, but you watch it on your screen.
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Relationship benefits
Porn can improve your relationship, not destroy it. But then again, maybe it can also ruin it if you are with someone who is not open-minded. Both you and your partner will be open to new possibilities, and you will want to try new things in bed, which should only enrich your relationship. You may even agree to threesomes, after you see it on porn sites. You never know. Maybe you try partner swapping, or something even kinkier. But if you do it together, it will broaden your horizons and give you more topics to talk about.
Laughing on porn sites
Porn can be hilarious, and if you think they do it accidentally, no – they want to be funny. They exaggerate because they do want to please us and make us laugh, and even if you think their acting is atrocious, it’s not. They are talented, they are just being playful. That is why you have so many porn parodies. It is amazing, and sometimes even better than a comedy movie. Also, sex is funny on its own. The noises and faces we make… It’s just lol.
Stress-relieving and healthy
Did you know that when we watch porn, we get rid of our anxiety and stress? If sex decreases stress, you can also expect porn to do it. Life is tough with all our obligations and burdening situations. We have to work, and work is always hard because nothing is duck soup. If you work with people, it’s stressful because you have to meet various personalities. If you don’t work with people, you have stressful situations of different kind. But it’s always something that causes stress, and we are enough of it! We don’t need a stress ball inside us, and if porn can help with it, just gimme more porn!
It’s approachable
You know what? Sometimes I just don’t want to get out and meet new people just to have sex. I want to stay in bed, in my pajamas and with my pizza. And if I feel horny, this doesn’t have to change, I will just go to a porn site and play… with my pizza and everything just being there. And porn is so approachable, but full of treats. It gives us pleasure, and we don’t even have to work hard for it.
It’s simply healthy
Researchers say that porn is healthy. And that’s all you need to know. If you watch it moderately and not compulsively, it will be healthy for you, it will make you feel good, and everything that gives us that feeling also makes us healthier. So yes, it is good for our wellbeing in general, and it just feels good to rub one our when you are aroused. Again, here the point is not to exaggerate, or it won’t be healthy anymore.
The next time you don’t let yourself go to a porn site, don’t deny it to yourself – just do it! It may be uncomfortable at the beginning, but give it a chance, it’s amazing! Not just because everything that you can learn, but also because it sets us free. Ok, maybe they exaggerate and they make it too commercial, but it doesn’t mean porn is not good. Maybe there are some cringy parts about it, and you don’t have to agree with all of it, but at least appreciate all the good things about it. Hopefully, you will benefit from it more than you even though you could.
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kobenipilled · 6 years
70 questions about video games answered, if you read even a little bit, please like the post!
1. First game you played obsessively? Probably would have to say Spiderman 2 on the original Xbox 2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. Final Fantasy 7 3. Who did you play with as a kid? My two year old younger brother! 4. Who do you play with now? My best friend @i-no mostly 5. Ever use cheat codes? As a kid, yeah, not so much anymore 6. Ever buy strategy guides? Hell naw 7. Any games you have multiple copies of? Final Fantasy 7, GTA V, Skyrim, Bioshock 2, Metro Redux, Phantom Pain, The Last of Us, All the Uncharted games. Just off the top of my head. 8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection? Probably one of my PS1 games, no clue 9. Most regrettable purchase? I didn’t buy it myself, but FFXV 10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours? Not anymore, no 11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games? Hell yeah! 12. Ever get picked on for liking games? Sadly, yeah 13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has? Most of the zelda games? Maybe? 14. Favorite game music? Bitch I can’t pick, but I’ll link 5 of my favs in no particular order Final Fantasy 7 DOOM (2016) Chrono Trigger Silent Hill 2 Gunpoint 15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick? I’m already getting a bunch of game tattoo’s, outsiders mark is the first one I’m getting! 16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL? Any split screen fps, they’re fucking amazing to play with frens! 17. Ever lose a friend over a game? Nah 18. Would you date someone that hates gaming? Hates? They wouldn’t date me. If they just don’t play, yeah. 19. Favorite handheld console? I don’t own one really, but it would be the switch for sure 20. Game that you know like the back of your hand? The Last of Us maybe? GTAV? Uncharted 4? No clue. 21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now? Dark Souls, maybe. Or Persona. 22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories? Yeah, kinda. Got a GTA shirt, Game Grumps shirt too 23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into? Skyrim? Fallout 4? Minecraft? Who tf knows 24. First Pokemon game? Pokemon Red? I think. 25. Were you ever an arcade game player? Hell yea! Used to play Metal Slug in a cafe! 26. Ever form any gaming rivalries? Depends on what you mean 27. Game that makes you rage? Any platformer tbh 28. Ever play in a tournament? Yeah, played in a Digimon Rumble Arena 2 tournament as a kid 29. What is your gaming set up? TRASH (specs on my twitch) 30. How many consoles do you own? Uhh, 3? Yea 31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches? Nope 32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic? Yea boi, spiderman ! 33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games? I owned a bunch on my PS1 34. Do either of your parents play video games? My dad does! My mom likes nintendo 35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop? I don’t really like game stores 36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game? All three 37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination? Fucking FFXV bitch 38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like? Phantom Pain... 39. A sequel that you would die for them to make? Eh all the sequals I want is being made, maybe Silent Hill 40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls? VR rocks, Wii motion controls suck my ass 41. A genre that you just can’t get into? Fighting Games 42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness? Most absolutely some star wars game 43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else? Literally every day 44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters? Metal Slug was free baby 45. How are you at Mario Kart? SHIT like omg 46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon? LOVE Animal Crossing 47. Do you like competitive games? Yeah! 48. How long does it take your to customize your player character? First time, 1+ hours 49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character? Yeah, rouge/ranger type 50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create? I am a game designer! Currently working on a 1888 detective game! 51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep? LOL yeah 52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid? GTA, my mom wouldn’t let me have it 53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days? Depends, some DLC’s are fucking awesome, like Ubisoft is pretty good at them. Prefer expansions though 54. Do you give in to Steam sales? Fuck yeah I do 55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them? Yeah lmao 56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests? Does Planet Coaster count? 57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements? Yeah! Uncharted series and The Last of Us, DOOM 2016, Black Flag 58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick? DOOM 2016, Fallout 4, PUBG 59. Do you play any cell phone games? Hearthstone ig 60. Do you know the Konami Code? Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A 61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever? If I don’t like them, trade in 62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game? Yeah, got PS4 for bloodborne 63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? Ye! 64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming? Yep 65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file? Nope 66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it? FUCK YEAH 67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share? I got so many, most with my brother playing XIII or Nightfire 68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool? Not really 69. In your opinion, best game ever made? Honestly a hard pick, DOOM maybe? FF7? Uncharted? TLOU? Dark Souls? No idea. 70. Very first game you ever beat? Hmmm, James Bond Nightfire probably
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xwildwhirlx · 6 years
Things/People I saw/encountered at Makers Faire 2018
⁃ a man with several zucchinis in guitar form wired so the zucchinis beeped whenever pressed ⁃ it actually sounded pretty good ⁃ A GIANT RC TRAILER WITH SEVERAL ROBOT MONSTROSITIES BUILT INTO IT ⁃ SAID MONSTROSITIES WERE CONSTANTLY SPEWING FIRE ⁃ THERE WAS A FISH AND AN ARMADILLO AND A DEVIL ⁃ AND MOST OF THEM WERE CONSTANTLY MOVING ⁃ MY FAVORITE WAS THE GOAT ⁃ I GOT SO EXCITED BY THE FIREY GOAT THAT I THINK SOME PEOPLE WERE CONCERNED ⁃ “Miss Frizzle” ⁃ VR HEADSET DRONES ⁃ I played with legos and built an ox ⁃ Some dude walked by dressed up as Rick from Rick and Morty ⁃ Dude with some cool art selling signed books and posters ⁃ I think his name was Matt??? ⁃ two RC cars that were shaped like a giant hedgehog and mouse being chased by small children ⁃ There were a lot of steampunk people and machines ⁃ You know those playground things? I forgot the name but it’s those lil merry go rounds that you spin yourself ⁃ That but A SCULPTURE OF SEVERAL SHARKS IS ATTACHED TO IT SO WHEN IT GETS GOING IT LOOKS LIKE THEYRE SWIMMING ⁃ this was entirely children powered ⁃ THEY WERE GOING SO FAST ⁃ I managed to hop on and I was scARED ⁃ SO FAST ⁃ HOW DO THEY GO SO FAST ⁃ A kid told me to “walk the plank” because I jumped on without helping to push it ⁃ I was like “ok fair” but thEN I LOOKED DOWN ⁃ #NOPE ⁃ and this adorbs lil kid makes fun of me like “you think this is fast????” ⁃ I’m like “YES PLS SLOW DOWN!!! IS THIS WHAT THE KIDS THINK IS FUN” ⁃ Then he said some shit like “#Yes” and I was like YOOOO ⁃ “#NOPLSJUSTSLOWDOWN” ⁃ THEN HIS BUDDY JOINS IN AND SHES LIKE “#YES” ⁃ “#PLSIDONTWANTTODIE” ⁃ A THIRD KID GLEEFULLY JOINS IN WITH ANOTHER “#YES” ⁃ “#NO!” ⁃ EVERYONE IS YELLING OVER THE SOUND OF CHILDREN AND METAL ⁃ WERE HAPPILY SCREAMING “HASHTAG” AT EACHOTHER LIKE FREAKS ⁃ then the girl asks me if I’m an adult ⁃ And I’m like “kinda? Almost?” ⁃ AND I SEE THE JUDGMENT IN HER EYES ABOUT ME BEING AFRAID OF A SLIGHTLY SPEEDY PLAYGROUND SET THAT IS POWERED BY LITERAL CHILD LABOR ⁃ first dude gives me advice on which roller coasters to ride and asks me if I’ve been on one ⁃ I tell him i haven’t and he’s like “WHAAAAAT?? WHY?” ⁃ “I’m an introvert” ⁃ “Oh” ⁃ At this point I’m dizzy from the spinning world and my legs are like jelly ⁃ I managed to muster the courage to leap off the deathtrap and away from the children who are all age 8-12 that just pwned me ⁃ “dad pls help” ⁃ ANYWAYS WE MOVE ON ⁃ Rick appears again ⁃ Apparently his.... mask??? Bobblehead? Thing??? Is just two halves that fit together ⁃ I was kind wondering how he got it on ⁃ It was handmade too! ⁃ Got distracted by a shiny and wandered away from my family ⁃ FOUND THE SOURCE OF THE STEAMPUNK ⁃ STEAMPUNK GLASSES! STEAMPUNK DRESSES! STEAMPUNK HATS! ⁃ VERY, VERY EXPENSIVE STEAMPUNK HATS! ⁃ ONE OF THEM HAD THE REMAINS OF AN ACTUAL RATTLESNAKE ON IT OH MY GOD I ALMOST FAINTED FROM JOY ⁃ SO MUCH AESTHETIC ⁃ HEAVEN ON EARTH ⁃ SUPER NICE employe was helping me ⁃ “Here’s the hats.... this one is probably too big for you.... I’ll put it back, it’s pretty high!” ⁃ “OMFGGfugfhmfhnHfnfh HOW MUCH DO THESE COST I WANT ONE SO BEAUTIFUL” ⁃ costs like 400 buck but I’m not surprised ⁃ GOOD CRAFTSMANSHIP AND GREAT AESTHETIC ⁃ LIKE HOLY. SHIT. ⁃ i was like “lol my mom will never buy this for me especially since I accidentally ran off without telling her” ⁃ My mom catches up and drags me back to our family group ⁃ “CAN I HAVE A BUISNESS CARD”
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And here’s the two posters I bought from that Matt dude - Matt Gaset
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(Staring Sugar, who likes plastic bags)
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hanwooz · 6 years
VR is super fucking trippy. Like expensive and well made ones + horror games are the one way to quickly be scared shitless. But if you want to experience it without paying a lot of money there are apps and the google cardboard which are made for iphones and youtube. You should try it, its fun ~ less than three
oooo yeah i’ve seen YouTube videos of people playing VR horror games and oh man i think i’d piss myself tbh i can’t even handle going through haunted houses during Halloween so what makes you think i can handle a VR horror game LMAO that app sounds intriguing, i’ll check it out if i get curious enough lol thanks anon! ~ less than three to you too (?)
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chocobutt-trash · 7 years
Everyone's excited for ffxv monster of the deep vr and how they get to be apart of universe and talk to chocobros yet I'm just sitting here having past and family issues in my life while I can't even afford the vr TT^TT like I'm aware this is silly but I guess I wanna join in and feel like talking to chocobros too but seeing everyone excited to have it kinda feels like it's being rubbed in face. Comes out my birthday but expensive. It's no ones fault. I promise. It's my own broke ass lol
Oh man, I wanna jump on the VR hype train too, and largely because of the dating sim aspect. It’s just such a shame that the closest thing to a dating sim this franchise has developed comes with such a financial and technological barrier.
It’s not long until I start the next fan sim for the Ignis dlc. I wanna be able to hug the poor guy and comfort him in light of all the awfully depressing stuff that’s gonna happen to him. (It ain’t gonna be ready til the new year, but I’ll be damned if I can’t hug Ignis after all this)
Cos it’s a fanmade thing it’ll be free to play, too.
What can I say? Us fans want the content, gotta create it ourselves.
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returnerofthesky · 7 years
So what did you think of E3?
Honestly? It was pretty lukewarm. Nothing spectacularly bad or stupid, but nothing… well, spectacular, either. A lot of the conferences felt really short or underwhelming, and I definitely think that nothing (except maybe Nintendo and maaaaybe Sony?) lived up to the hype people might have had. Definitely a shame, considering it was open to the public this year.
Also I’ll basically use this as my E3 roundup post lol:
EA was… eh. Nothing really terrible, but there were a lot of sports (and sports games just never interest me). Battlefront 2 was nice, but it’s nothing I’m really sold on even with the added content that keeps it from being a complete puddle like the first game. Not much to say there.
Microsoft’s was pretty alright, albeit with one major flaw - they showed off a lot of great games like the Dragonball fighting game, The Last Night (which I wouldn’t really have checked out had The Usual Suspects not thrown a fit over the poor developer dude), and Cuphead and Ori and the Will of the Wisps, and the news of the new Xbox having compatibility going right back to the original Xbox is extremely cool.Unfortunately, most of the games they showed off aren’t exclusive to the Xbox, and between the $500 price tag and the fact that there’s already other Xbones on the market, they didn’t do much to convince new people to get one; it definitely seemed more aimed at people who already had one. Probably not the best move, considering they had a rough start years ago with the original Xbone and all that.
Bethesda… there was a picture I saw on Twitter earlier where Todd basically admitted that it wasn’t their plan to basically release Skyrim on absolutely everything, and it just sort of happened, and he looks mildly sad about it. It’s a fake quote, as it turns out, but despite the fact that portable Skyrim on the Switch does actually sound rather cool, everyone, and I mean everyone, is sick to death of Skyrim, and the fact that nearly everything TES-related that they announced was related to it kind of cements the fact. Skyrim expansion for Legends! Skyrim on the Switch! Skyrim is part of the program for the paid mods that we’re not calling paid mods! Skyrim!!!!!
It’s exhausting, and I say that as someone who already has slowly grown to dislike what Skyrim represents (since Oblivion and Morrowind are absolutely better games despite their own flaws). Even Skyrim fans are tired of it at this point. The Evil Within 2 and Wolfenstein 2 were absolutely the highlights, not just because they look great, but because they weren’t… well, y’know.
I didn’t watch the PC gaming show. I didn’t actually realize it was a thing. :V
Ubisoft wasn’t bad at all. Assassin’s Creed Origins sounds neat (it was shown off at Microsoft but it’s Ubisoft’s game so I count it here), and the fact that Mario+Rabbids is basically a lighter, off-brand XCOM game is both hilarious and shockingly better-than-expected (though I’m not holding my breath). I’m also pretty happy that they showed off Beyond Good and Evil 2, even if it sounds like a significant departure from the original in a lot of ways (it’s online, it’s got a lot of the MMO-like systems commonplace in games now, etc).
Sony’s was alright, but how short it was really caught me off-guard. The Shadow of the Colossus remake is absolutely a good thing, Monster Hunter on a console is probably a nice boon for anyone who’s been keeping up with it (it’s mostly been 3DS only before, right?), and Spiderman looks snazzy. The new God of War looks… okay? And Days Gone is another zombie game in an age where zombies are literally beyond the point of a dead horse. So… yeah. Kind of weird, that.I found the VR support stuff to be a bit off-kilter, too. Not that it’s a bad move from one point of view, considering it’s good they’re not going to let their headset become the next Vita, but VR is so upper-echelon right now (aka all VR headsets are obscenely expensive right now) that the people who they’re advertising to with it aren’t that big of a consumer base. Still, not bad.
Nintendo… well, a lot of it was rather vague, unfortunately. Half the announcements were for proper games that are coming out soon (all 3DS titles, Mario Odyssey, Zelda DLC, Xenoblade 2) or games that they just want to let people know are in-development for the Switch (”Yoshi”, “Kirby”, “core Pokemon title”, “Metroid Prime 4″). Though I will admit that it was a solid way to show both the potential of the Switch and the fact that it’s got a lot of support coming up in the next year or so.That said, they announced a Metroid game. Actually, they announced two Metroid games. I’m not even a fan of Metroid, but the sheer overjoyedness of that entire fanbase today absolutely radiated through the internet and into my heart, so I absolutely empathize with how glad they are. Even if I’m not interested, I’m glad that they finally got their wish. Besides, a lot of the changes in the Metroid 2 remake seem to fix most of the problems I have with playing them, so that’s good.
Overall I’d say Nintendo had the best conference if mainly because they showed off the most games coming out in a recent timeframe, hah. It was still kind of lackluster since most of the Switch games were just “in-dev”s with no proper names, but whatever. Overall, an E3 that’s definitely not much to write home about.
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my3amletterstoher · 6 years
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Dark and lovely and sweet 😍😍😍🤤🤤🐱💦💦💦🖤🖤🖤🖤, you're so precious baby 😍😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😘, rocks you from side to side 😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗, your jawline sexy affffff (Tumblr messing up) your hair in your face 😍😍😍😍, (Tumblr messing up)
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Your lips 😍😍😍🤤🤤🐱💦💦💦, (Tumblr messing up) rock star 😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🐱💦💦💦💦you so raw baby 😍😍😍😍, 1 sec baby , my hands was clammy and it felt funny to type , had to bang it around a little lol what else should we put in the basement baby? That backdrop is gonna look nice in the photo area (Tumblr messing up) and the lighting for it 😍😍😍, then on the other side the movie/entertainment area 😍😍😍, that's gonna be so lovely 😍😍😍then the work area kinda in the middle (Tumblr messing up) Sidenote you ever watch a show called brain games? It's a nice show , idk of it comes on anymore though (Tumblr messing up)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLivjPDlt6ApQhuYe9r7EVeWMGXJWAZsNw < there's little clips from it
Tumblr messing up , gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘, my baby is a snackkkkk 😍😍😍🐱💦💦💦💦
"The dead end hay ride " we gotta go there next year 😍😍😍, I can't wait to sink my teeth inside you 😍😍😍, where did the day go baby?😯it went by fasttttt, we loungingggg 😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗🖤🖤, I can't wait until we FaceTime 😍, we can send each other stuff via mail then have FaceTime dates with the stuff 😍😍😍😍, I can't wait until you get here, I was thinking that for your birthday next year we can go to Ontario to Clifton Hill (I hope I'm spelling that right) I think that would be cool 😍or wherever you want us to go baby 😍(Tumblr messing up) 👑🏆🖤🔥, I love you so much 😍🖤🖤🖤🖤muah muah muah (Tumblr messing up) you are so wonderful 😍, remember tamagotchis ? We should get some lol I wonder do they still make em, what you think baby? (Tumblr messing up)
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Tumblr messing up, The vintage ones , or some handheld games? (Some other kinds ) ahhh the VR headset prices are going down a little , it used to be close to $1000 , some of them (Tumblr messing up ) , this one is 200
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Tumblr messing up , idk why it came out blurry , Tumblr messing up, but there's also less expensive ones that are like one game only or a few which is kinda cool too , which you think about that baby? Gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘💋💋💋(tumblr messing up) wraps my hands around you 😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🖤🖤🖤🖤, (Tumblr messing up)
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Tumblr messing up , baby you are legendary 😍😍😍🤤🤤🖤🖤🖤🖤, I wanna lounge for eternity with you 😍😘🖤, that's bliss 😍,licks your face 👅💦💦💦💦(Tumblr messing up) showers you with love 😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤my baby 😘😍😍😍😘😘🤗💦💦💦💦, we should get some of those long pillows (for our day bed) maybe for the basement too hit def our room , what you think baby? (Tumblr messing up) I always wanted some 😍, maybe get a bed in a bag 🤷🏾‍♀️
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This face 😍😍😍😍so gorgeous 😍😍😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤(Tumblr messing up) you are so mesmerizing 😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤(Tumblr messing up) ✨✨✨✨, makes us some smoothies 😍
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Tumblr messing up , put my fingers in your mouth baby 😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤, baby I haven't seen you allll day today or yesterday, I wanna see you baby 😍😍😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤, 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🐱💦💦💦💦💦, Tumblr messing up, strokes your beautiful hair 😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗, my pretty baby 🤗🤗🤗🖤🖤🖤🖤, caressing your back 😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗, as we melt inside each other 😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗, Tumblr messing up , I wanna play with your nipples so bad 😍😍😍😍😍, I can't wait 😍😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🐱💦😘😘😘, I bet your nipples look so sexy I can't wait to see em 😍😍😍, tumblr messing up , I gotta make another post for the images
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gear-project · 7 years
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Videogame QandA Survey.
Source @8bitrevolver
1. First game you played obsessively? Tetris NES / Gameboy
2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. Legendary Wings / Guardic Gaiden / Guardian Legend / etc.
3. Who did you play with as a kid? My older sister. (She was bad at Mario games.)
4. Who do you play with now? Netplay mostly.
5. Ever use cheat codes? I am a sem-religious Hex-editor whenever I get the opportunity.
6. Ever buy strategy guides? I used to, but Art Books and Material Books are superior.
7. Any games you have multiple copies of? ...Guilty Gear.
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection? Rarest: Final Fantasy Tactics, Most Expensive: Gundam Breaker 3 (because of DLC, but it's worth it)
9. Most regrettable purchase? Super Street Fighter IV
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours? I've gone to them, but I never waited THAT long.  Lines were pretty short for me.
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games? All the time.
12. Ever get picked on for liking games? In College, sure.  It's a social stigma even with my family.
13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has? Overwatch (Not real in to FPS, sorry.)
14. Favorite game music? Aside Guilty Gear, I liked songs from Sega Genesis Era (Arrow Flash).
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick? A Gear Mark Seal (should be obvious why).
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL? Very few IRL friends live near me... unfortunately.
17. Ever lose a friend over a game? Almost... well, they lost interest in the game at least.
18. Would you date someone that hates gaming? Not in a million years.
19. Favorite handheld console? Anything with Guilty Gear on it.
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand? Guilty Gear (any title really).
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now? Kid Icarus (sortof), Megaman Zero to an extent.
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories? When I can afford to.
23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into? Gundam Breaker series.
24. First Pokemon game? Red (never played them much and lost interest).
25. Were you ever an arcade game player? Yes, back when the Arcade Scene still existed in my home town.
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries? Oh yes.  They're always out to fight me.  But they never win, lol.
27. Game that makes you rage? Any hardcore survival game (Dark Souls for example).
28. Ever play in a tournament? Not in any majors, but I did go to one once.
29. What is your gaming set up? 3 consoles + PC hooked up to an HDMI switchbox and an ASUS Monitor.
30. How many consoles do you own? I think close to 7, but some are retired for good.
31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches? Yes.  VR/Oculus too.
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic? I tried a Demo of Voltron once... but it wasn't that great.
33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games? Yep... It was crap, so I don't wanna talk about it.
34. Do either of your parents play video games? Nope. Never.
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop? Never worked there, but I used to like going to Funcoland back when it was still in business.  Now I frequent Record Head.
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game? I sweat over my games on hot summer days... and my eyes water if I stare at a screen too long.  My controller gets greasy so I gotta clean it more often.
37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination? I was never fond of Megaman games, I just lacked the skill to play them, loved the music though.
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like? GalGun Double Peace
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make? Valkyrie Profile 3, dear lord...
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls? They can be disorienting, and they're more or less for novelty if you ask me.
41. A genre that you just can’t get into? FPS, Sports, RTS, Sims, Low-quality Indie Games
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness? Don't insult me, I am a Gaming Connoisseur!  Joust would be the first game I ever played.
43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else? I multi-task usually.  My grades were rarely effected.
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters? NEO GEO / Samurai Showdown III
45. How are you at Mario Kart? I rarely play.  I prefer Rollcage and Wipe-Out Pulse/HD Fury.
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon? Blehhhhhhh.... boring.
47. Do you like competitive games? To some extent, though I like Hybrid cross-genre games the most.
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character? Hours and Hours and Hours... I'm meticulous.
49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character? Depends on my mood and if I can use multiple save files.  I like pushing my boundaries.
50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create? That's a secret!
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep? All the time.
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid? I never begged... actually I just looked at stuff in a window or kiosk and they 'got the hint'.
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days? Depends on what kind of content it is... but if it's substantial it's worth it, even as an alternate outfit.
54. Do you give in to Steam sales? I wish I could.  I need a Steam Console one of these days... or a decent Gaming PC.
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them? I am not that sadistic.  I take all my frustrations out in Fighting Games.
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests? Never played it.
57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements? Yes.  BlazBlue Central Fiction is my most recent Platinum.
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick? Gundam Breaker, Guilty Gear, Valkyrie Profile
59. Do you play any cell phone games? Don't own a Cell phone, so nope.
60. Do you know the Konami Code? Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start
61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever? I very rarely sell games unless I loathe them.
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game? Anything with Guilty Gear (or BlazBlue) on it.
63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? Yes.  They're overrated though compared to social gaming.
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming? Whenever I can manage it.  Especially a Tate Monitor for Vertical Shmups.
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file? I owned them, but I usually kept save backups whenever I tested anything.
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it? Nope, can't say I have.
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share? Most of my gaming stories are long-winded, so not really.
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool? Most of what they have is junk, to be honest.  I'd sooner buy candy.
69. In your opinion, best game ever made? It hasn't been MADE yet! *grin*
70. Very first game you ever beat? Super Dodge Ball / NES (I very rarely ever beat NES games so I'm proud of that game).
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visenyatargaryn · 4 years
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 29, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 👾👾
2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc.
Definitely Fallout 4!!
4. Who do you play with now?
Mostly nobody, but sometimes I’ll play online with some friends... but that’s it.
6. Ever buy strategy guides?
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?
Umm... I’m not entirely sure which that would be, since they’re all about the same?? However, I’ll go with the one with the most money spent on... DLC wise that is, and that’s The Elder Scrolls: Online lmao
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours?
12. Ever get picked on for liking games?
Not really no. The most I’ve gotten picked on... was for still playing a game that nobody played anymore so... ???
14. Favorite game music?
I’ve already answered this, but I’ll do so again with another favorite of mine... every Fallout game’s music tbh!! The atmospheric of it all... is just so wonderful!!
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL?
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare... and sometimes Sea of Thieves lol
18. Would you date someone that hates gaming?
Probably not, no lmao
25. Were you ever an arcade game player?
YES!! I still am actually alksjfksjfksjk
29. What is your gaming set up?
Uhh... I just have an xbox and playstation, so it’s nothing special
30. How many consoles do you own?
TWO! Just an Xbox One and PS4 is all I have lol
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop?
No, but I’ve always wanted to alksjfskjfks and there’s not really any other game shops around here besides Gamestop so...
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls?
I’ve honestly never played VR before, but from what I’ve seen and heard, they seem pretty cool!!
45. How are you at Mario Kart?
I’m... absolutely terrible at it lmao but that’s due to the fact that I barely play it since I don’t have a Nintendo... so yeah
50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create?
If I had the talent, I would love to make an actual GOOD rpg game that’s set in the golden age of piracy... but open-world like Skyrim with ship sailing controls like Assassin’s Creed has. I’m not entirely sure what the story aspect would portray, but probably something similar to what Black Sails had... or maybe just make a game based off of that?? I don’t know??
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them?
WAIT... PEOPLE DO THAT?!?!?! ALFKSJFKJSK that’s fucking great lmaoo but no, I’ve never done that whatsoever 
60. Do you know the Konami Code?
I feel dumb as hell, because I had to look it up and see what it was... and I didn’t realize that’s what it was called lmaoo SO YES!! I’ve used this numerous times while playing gta: san andreas alksjfksjfks
send me some video game asks!
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