#i want to start posting art so yea that might happen
glysaturn · 4 months
hello glysaturn i have been following u for *years* and i want u to know that i havent for one second been convinced that your art is not good or has plateaued in some way. i think that youve managed to convince yourself of these ideas but i want to remind you that the more you continue to think this way the worse it gets. personally i felt at my most hopeless as an artist when i was obsessing over how bad i thought my art was and how little engagement it got online. i hit a point where i stopped drawing entirely for a while because i kept asking myself why i was doing any of this if it was “bad” — but then how could someone ever improve if they give up? all these negative thoughts bashing your own art just lead to hopelessness and an unwillingness to keep trying.
i’m glad that you *do* continue to push through and continue making art but i think it’s important to remember that you shouldnt be comparing yourself to other people. every artist u see online built up to wherever they are now and i think instead of fixating on how “good” their art is or how many likes theyre getting it’s healthier to fixate on the practice and effort they put in to getting there. i’m sorry if you’re not looking for comments about your outlook but again as someone who has been a fan and a follower for like over 5 years it saddens me to see one of my favorite artists tripping themselves up so often
i'm.. not sure what prompted this message. if it was my last post then you severely misunderstood it, no offence, like maybe it's on me for failing to convey exactly what i was trying to say, but i definitely was not coming from a place of self-hate. i love my art! i've just noticed a certain.. pattern in it which was making the process frustrating for me as of late. a pattern which was born through my damn perfectionism. it was making me feel like i have to squeeze my art out rather than just making it happen naturally. even if i like the final result, it takes too much out of me and it's just not very fun. so for a while now i was trying to start taking it easier, making simpler, messier works and through that - learning how to maybe draw something that might be a bit more complex but it would feel less like manual labour. whatever change i may want to see in my art isn't driven by outside factors, it's driven by my own desire to improve.
if this was prompted by my.. less than sane behaviour that i exhibit from time to time. first of all - i'm sorry you had to see that, trust me i ain't proud of it. secondly, uhhh, i get where you're coming from, but i feel like it's still not entirely accurate to what i'm experiencing. am i comparing my works to works of others? …….yea. sometimes. it's a god damn curse. does it make me feel bad about my art? not anymore, no, not really. i definitely do not look at someone else's art and think mine is shit in comparison. i think mine is quite good and worthy. it is true that i was not able to find any sort of balance that would let me exist online fully in peace. but i'm still looking for it, still trying to figure it out. and none of it is going to actually make me stop drawing and loving my own art. i know i said the thought of quitting crosses my mind from time to time, i did, but i was just in a moment of experiencing very intense emotions. i don't actually mean it, like deeply. my brain is wired in such a way that if i were to stop drawing, i would literally lose my mind. i simply cannot sit and do nothing. i MUST create. so there's that.
thank you for your.. concern?
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doomed-era · 8 months
actually hey would gaffen post hylia brainworms do all 120 shrines? how does the dlc fit here if it does at all
OH YEA that's when he does all the shrines! before brainworms he gets bored with some of them especially if they're not related to combat or archery etc and will activate it go inside see if it's interesting and if it's not or isn't something he thinks he can solve immediately he'll leave. he's very fickle :/ he also turns the sheikah sensor off most of the time.
then hylia comes around and is like you need to get off your ass and rescue zelda right this instant!! now! now! now! you like me right??? well she is me! no one else is important and you're bound to me by fate so SCOOT and he's like but i have forty-six shrines given to me by monks to make me a better hero.....and i need to rescue all these poor koroks....and uhhhhh
so yeah he does all of them then and gets the tunic of the wild. he thinks it's very comfortable. doesn't wear it often because it's very conscpicuous/due to hylia making comparisons to previous heroes he doesn't think he is a very good one so he is somewhat ashamed to.
also with the way he currently looks it would look sort of bad on him I think. i haven't drawn him in it though i'm just trying to visualize him in it. might do that. he looks bad in some canon outfits cause he's not skinny anymore (started filling out/gaining visible muscle like his dad. if youve seen the concept art for link's dad and sister. he wont ever get to that height or exact build he's still very small but he gets closer than he does in canon)
UH dlc is basically "some of the events of cutscenes and most of the events of the champions' diaries happened, the champions went through similar trials to the ones in the dlc, but gaffen doesn't have to do them as they never appear at any point" so basically some portions of the extra story none of the gameplay 👍 gives him less to work on. also bc i don't want to deal with the master cycle zero.
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lynndoublelegacy · 1 year
The Trial of Autumn
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I don’t often post my art on this site, but I want to start doing so more often, so why not start with this comic I made? My DM encouraged me to post it here, apparently thought y’all Changeling the lost folks might like it. This interaction happened… well over a year and a half ago in real life, so some things aren’t exact, but some are direct quotes I wrote down or just remember from back then!
For now, though, enjoy Oleander learning how to fight back against their fears, and their subconscious decision that yea, this is my court. This is where I want to be.
Credit to @silvermasquerade for playing the Autumn Monarch here and helping me with their design!! She be my dm and I love her very much
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mi4019uvinduratnakara · 6 months
We were separated into groups, and my team members are Malith, Yunus, matheesha , thesandu, nihidu.
TOPIC- games and game design.
Script :-
Intro: members introducing themselves.
Malith: hello
Matheesha : hello
Uvindu : hello
Yunus : hello
Nihidu : hello
Thesandu : hello
All the members will greet at once together and get into the introduction.
''my name is malith''
''my name is matheesha''
''my name is uvindu''
''my name is yunus''
''my name is nihidu''
''my name is thesandu''
''we are blah blah blah''
and we will be talking about games and game designing'' - matheesha
''So tell me what do you think game designing is?'' - matheesha
Malith: ''Oh let me answer, Game design is the process of creating the content and rules of a game, often with a focus on balancing game mechanics, creating engaging gameplay and telling a compelling story. Using different disciplines of including art, programming, writing and psychology. Basically in game terms it mea-''
Yunus: ''Okay that’s a lot of talking malith. you are taking too much of time explaining it, keep it simple''
Uvindu: ''So basically what you mean is that game is an form of art that dwells into the normal minds creating sensical and nonsensical entertainment?''
Matheesha: ''now that was even more complicated''
Malith: ''Okay okay, basically it means it’s a professional form of entertainment
Thesandu: ''okay so how do I get into game designing?''
Nihidu: '' yeah how do we do that?''
Yunus: ''There are many ways of getting into game designing however the real question is what do I need to learn to get into game designing?''
Matheesha: ''let me take it from here, to get into game designing you will first need to understand the basics like the mechanics and elements, learn game development tools, study the subjects, play games that you can access.''
Uvindu: ''to be honest , in this day and age you can find resources online for free on books and courses so itll be a bit easier than how it was in the past.''
Matheesha: ''yea, for example you can hop into youtube and search around these topics to get started.''
Yunus: '' oh speaking of youtube, most game designers get into the gaming industry through social media. By posting your works consistently you can meet some big names out there.''
Malith: ''so any tips that you could share for us?''
Nihidu: ''Definitely, here is a tip that I know to get into game designing industry. First of make sure you know the process inside out, qoute on qoute games that are designed with a process have much more likely chances of success than those which are randomly thrown together said by Troy. And I believe that is very much likely to happen a lot these days specially as more people tend to gravitate towards the digital era as it also becomes more generalised.''
Malith: ''thank you matheesha, that is very true''
Uvindu: ''yea, it makes sense with how many games that are thrown out into the industry today that don’t meet the standards of the players.''
Matheesha: ''speaking of tips, you should start thinking like a triple A game designer by reading as much as you can on game development pipeline. The various phrases and how the process changes with different genres, platforms and team sizes. Also make sure you know what to document and what kind of prototypes you should build specially learning how to go from an idea to a prototype to a ccompletion and beyond. A lot of developers quit mid way as the projects get more and more out of hand or out of their trajectory. Funding is also important which you might learn on your own slowly.
Yunus: ''You should also make sure to stay on trends with the games and updates like I said as itll help you to narrow down what your user's want and avoid plagerism. Games these days are just copy and pasting what they see. In a way it helps to learn the mechanics and what not however it also disturbs the users and future game designers. Which can also be interpreted as a challenge''
Malith: ''now those are some knowledgeable tips ill keep in mind.''
Nihidu: ''yea thank you yunus''
Uvindu: ''Oh let me also share some insight on the roles in a development team. If your getting into industry it is a must that you learn what roles you are developing in for since game design is a diverse field that will equip graduates to both design and create their own video game universe, you will think what roles exist prior to being a lead designer.
For example, a level designer, a game writer, game artist, a programmer, world designer, interface design. If you are a student who study game design, you will be more familiar with both the overall process of creating a video game as well as the individual elements of software engineering, programming and graphic design utilized in the actual construction of the game. So make sure you develop and decide on a specific area of specialization ahead of time.''
Malith: ''thank you uvindu, now I feel a bit more confident than before''
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rawrtriesagain · 11 months
Heya, same anon who asked you for art advice! First, I wanted to thank you for answer my questions and listing all that wonderful advice! I just have some followups. It’s really okay to just draw without even knowing how to put down a line? Won’t that just lead to bad habits or not learning the right techniques? And you mentioned learning how to draw the human body, will the sites you listed help, or are there other resources I should look up (like maybe on Pinterest?). Again, thanks!
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Combining your asks into one. Thank you for the kind words! I'll be happy to continue helping where I can :)
So in terms of bad habits and practices, this is where my advice will fall flat haha because I myself don't know what's a good practice actually - I just do what I want to do even if its the worst way to do something anyone's ever seen! For example, my way of doing 'lineart' (just cleaning up my sketches) is to draw big fat lines and then slowly carve it with an eraser into a line I deem good enough. Someone who could grab a pen and draw a perfect line on the fly would probably be like wtf watching me meticulously erase my one fat line lol
If you really don't know how to put down a line at all yet, your best bet really is to just start. There's not really a trick or technique too it, its just practice. I think unless you were trying to go into art school or something and needed to work on a portfolio (btw again I am not the person to ask for that), there's not really a 'bad habit,' its just as long as you're having fun. In my earlier example about my 'lineart' I pretty much know I'm doing it in such a dumb way, but I actually find it really fun to carve away my line with an eraser haha. Yea I could put in the effort to actually learn how to do things properly, but I like wasting hours just nitpicking on this little thing just because its fun to me. (I do the same thing for coloring also. I'll scribble my entire screen and then use an eraser to start carving things out lmao)
Of course while you're drawing and you're doing something that makes you think "hey this actually sucks actually-" that's when you take the opportunity to grow and learn something new that you didn't know before. This is a digital art thing: but for the longest time I literally didn't know anything about layers and my thoughts were just "man there's got to be a better way to do this" which throws me into a rabbit hole of searching "how do I do This Thing"
If you're really into learning art techniques though it might be good to slowly go over all of the 'art fundamentals' especially when it comes to like shading and perspective. I looked at this blog post and it looks like it would help start you out with some links to other resources: link then of course you can look up the corresponding Youtube videos to see someone actually do the fundamental for real. I'd also honestly recommend like a beginners artist course in person if that's something affordable and accessible to you. It's been one of my dreams to go to like random art classes for fun haha but alas life happens so its just me and my tablet until I'm rich as hell I guess. I've never taken a digital course either, but if that's one of the ways you're able to learn that's great too and I'd recommend it!
Next on human body:
Sorry I should have talked about them more in depth at the time, but yes they will help but only if you're determined to use them correctly! So the sites I listed basically show a pose for 30 seconds, and the idea is you're supposed to just try to take in the shape/form of the pose and draw it without nitpicking over minor details. You can also set the timer higher if you need (I used to set it to at least 60 seconds just because I was just a slow ass artist). But basically it should help you break down the human body into simple shapes and lines.
Now what I mean by using the sites correctly: So there's two ways to approach drawing from references:
1. "eye tracing" which is where your eyes are kind of just following the outline of whatever you're drawing but you're not really processing what exactly you're doing to help you later down the line. I have a bad habit of doing this and I tend to struggle later again for the same pose.
2. Breaking down the reference into small chunks and shapes, and then morphing those shapes into your piece. And later down the line you should start to be able to think of things like "oh the Circle piece of the body normally goes Here!"
Here's a random google image I found to help illustrate what I'm kind of talking about:
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So eye tracing would kind of be like a less refined version of #3. Just a blobby but like you can somewhat tell what it is and that's cool I guess, but its not very helpful for when you want to try drawing a variant of the pose above. Breaking down the reference is like steps #1 and #2, simple shapes and blocks that help guide and outline the final shape you want. #1 in particular is very easy to change around should you want to.
So while you're on the sites I linked, you should try to break down each pose into its shape instead of drawing exactly what you see. You should also keep in mind the 'line of action' while doing so:
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It's definitely a lot to take in all at once, so I'd honestly recommend just loading up the site and doing your best to replicate the pose, 'eye tracing' or not. Once you get more used to the routine and flow, then try to branch into learning more appropriate techniques. I've seen around that some people also recommend removing the time limit on the poses, as some people learn better by taking their time on one thing and breaking things down even further from there, but that's definitely up to you. You could also go out and try drawing random people if that helps and if you're bold!
My experience with Pinterest has mostly been for inspiration or cool things I've never thought of before, though I'm sure others are able to use it better than I can haha. I'm sure there are step by step guides to help you out around there!
I think resources to learn how to draw better really do come down to what kind of learner you are in the first place. Lots of people learn really well from Youtube tutorials for example, or maybe reading and following along with a book about anatomy would work for you too. I have like the most god awful attention span ever, so what works for me is just raw trial and error and hoping for the best. tbh idk how I even got this far haha but i am happy that I've progressed at all
Let me know if you have more questions and I'll definitely do my best to answer them! If you're looking for more advice regarding traditional art learning fundamentals, I'm sure there are many other artists that would be happy to answer your questions as well!
Best of luck! :)
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cosmicanger · 1 year
I thought you (applies to multiple ppl) were a collaborator but you just a fan and that’s okay im just looking for collaborators. and i gotta watch more of the Bear but starting that reminded me of that meme about ppl wanting a certain ship on the show and some ppl saying they want the ship to happen and others being like they are just friends and yea im with the latter. the “ship” to me looks like platonic love to me idk. and the show and Cancer season got me thinking about how i feel like i always bring so much intellectual labor to art relationships but the relationships are not reciprocal, they are parasitic really, not mutually beneficial. always got me thinking “umm none of y’all putting me on like i been putting y’all on” idk i look at the color field Black ppl and how they stick together or Kamoinge Workshop sticking together or AfriCOBRA and how they all worked in the same language but never felt they were stepping on each others toes and learned from each other. like where can i find artists who wanna do shit like that. not saying i wanna make a collective and have a brand but more collaboration more mutual and parallel learning idk. i might be the best unpaid art teacher of all time, so many ppl have learned something from me and i feel i learn so little from others to be quite honest. im also not saying i know it all either im just saying i put so much into art and people acting like I dont exist at this point. if i dont exist why you (sadly applies to multiple ppl) change your practice cause of me? well i dont fully exist to anyone in the arts, im just an idea until im gone from this realm and someone else can make money off my work and people will give me my flowers then. I just wanna live alone and make art full time and get on hrt one day and stay mostly to myself to d**th idk shouldnt be that much to ask, no? welp til then no more <<real>> shit for me, no more theory posts, no text besides in the asks which i will keep anon on. im surrounded by cowards.
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emo-metalhead-punki · 2 years
Hi.....adult life......
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And this is the negative art so this is a vent
So here i go....this gonna be long
When i was a kid, i always wanted to be an adult like really bad, so i can live by myself, go everywhere, get a dream job, and get married
But in reality, is not....it not plan that i wanted to be, it got stressful, i used to be happy, a people person, i always talk to people in my class and whenever i go to McDonald's, i feel like i befriended to everyone but something change
When i got in middle school, i got bully like really bad, the classes i go is hard, they were smarter then me, i did friend with girl that also like fnaf like me, and i did move out and went to a different school, but i was scared and start to have anxiety, but there a girl that friended me and her friends as well, which is i was happy as first and then it change again
So me and my friend (crush) used to be best friends, she show me her art but she traced it or copy it from other artist and she still in art school, like how!? I didnt went to art class
But anyway, we got our school laptops and we do roleplay alot, but this roleplay was bad and so mess up and we are both minors
So we do alot of nsfw roleplays and incest roleplay, i didnt start this, is was my friend did, so she was played fell! Sans and i was played his fanchild named blues, and she decided that is a good idea that fell! Sans to touch his child and have s*x, like what!? And i actually like it!
And i began to draw nsfw and incest drawings, and i post here but im glad i deleted them, and my friend hate me for drawing nsfw but she was the one that make me like this not me
In high school, i started to have depression and anxiety cuz i dont wanna make the same mistakes
But i did made a mistake, so around 2018 November, i meet a artist who is in the baldi basic fandom and i tell them that i can talk to them and i got discord, and friended their friends as well
But they become bullies, they bullied me, they always bullied me and they hurt me so much, i was so pissed that i leave the group and blocked them on discord
They are pretty similar to my middle school friends
I made really bad friends, i dont know who's worst, my middle school friends or online friends
But i did made a friend in 2021, but they are so awful, they always joke about school shooting, and they wanted to hurt me if we meet in real life, the worst part that was the most stupidest thing i ever did was, we was gonna give each other stuff that i give my home address and im scared that they will go to my house and my parents will be mad at me that they are a minor
Yea, they are a minor that makes nsfw art and makes sexual jokes
God why my life gotta be so hard, so i decided to not to talk anyone but i still have awesome friends that we can talk
Im glad i have friends like them, they know how to be respectful and share kindness
But im still scared about that one of them will soon hate me and i always over think that people will soon start hating me and if that happened
I might end my life....im still having a had time to talk to people...
And still harm myself....but is life....you do always get that you always wanted....you get pain....always pain...
None of my friend didn't say happy birthday to me on my 16th birthday in 2020, none of them and i dont forgive them, they didnt even say sorry...
But anyway, that was my very bad vent
But i hope my day will be good...i guess...
You can still talk to me
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rin-yellow · 2 years
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hi hi hi yeah remember me?
Remember when I posted Build Tiger last year during the Lunar New Year and stuff?
Tried doing that again this year with Team Rabbits from Majestic Prince (’coz year of the Rabbit or whatever) but could only get as far as Gold-4 because of course that little doucheboy was my go-to. Wanted to start with Black-6 but figured that I respected Ange Kuroki too much and Gold-4 was only gonna be my warmup sketch. Also yea Majestic Prince is kind of my guilty pleasure show, borderline a problematic fave, ik, but I enjoyed it, it’s got a banger opening, cool enby rep (Ange ! ! ! But also I think I saw a post on them being a somewhat problematic character somewhere? Maybe? Idk, but back when I first came out Ange was my comfort character so what the hell), and I liked the mecha designs for what they were, specifically Gold-4′s head gimmick was always the coolest thing ever, hence using the robot as a “warmup sketch” that spiralled out of control.
That did not turn out thataway and I got horrid artblock when it came to fanart for a hot minute and so I just didn’t post the WIP because I wanted to add the rest of the team. Finally got tired enough to post what I got now because I am in a horrid spiral and it’s wonderful over here. Fun fact, this account was originally intended as a reading blog with only a spoonful of art on the side and then life happened and now it’s whatever this is. I might post more going forward, or I might not, we’ll see. Yes I know I’m about a month late for Lunar New Year but we can’t all be perfect, eh?
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🌿Special Interest Questions - One Piece Edition💡
What is your special interest/hyperfixation? How would you describe your special interest/hyperfixation to someone who knows nothing about it? (You can answer multiple if you have more than one, but this may get lengthy for you.) One Piece! I'd say it's a funny but deep and heartbreaking anime/manga with really endearing and interesting characters and big themes of solidarity, found family and freedom.
How did you discover your special interest/hyperfixation? How long ago was it? Around a year ago I'd say, my partner had been bugging me about me starting, and I ended up caving and accepting to start over (I'd watchted it up to Arlong Park when I was like 12). After a around 6 months of me instisting we watch some every weekend and having the Brainworms™️ about it consistently, I suspected the hyperfixation might might become a special interest as my usual hyperfixations don't last this long.
What is something people might not know about your special interest/hyperfixation? Emporio Ivankov was based on Frankenfurther from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Have you had other special interests/hyperfixations in the past? Yup! I have a lot of hyperfixations, and those are cyclical, usually lasting from a week to three months the disappearing to come back a few months later. Dogs were a special interest when I was a kid, and that's not quite accurate now. My other special interest is art in general (from narration at large, passing by painting, sewing, acting,…)
How much time do you spend on your special interest/hyperfixation? Is it something you do, something you learn about, something you think about, some combination of those, or something else entirely? I watch it, and I think and daydream about it. I spend around 2h per weekend watching it, and I have Brainworms™️ once every few days
Do you lose track of other things while involved with your special interest/hyperfixation? I've gotten way better at not losing track of stuff, but it still happens when I get really in the zone yea
Do you often talk to others about your special interest/hyperfixation? If yes, is it generally online or offline? Yes, my partner listens even though sometimes they get tired of it X) Most times they're very interested though, as they love the series!
Is there anyone in your life (online or offline) that is also interested in your special interest/hyperfixation? My partnerrr, they're the one that got me into it X)
What are four of your favorite things about your special interest/hyperfixation? The strawhat's dynamics >>>> The drag queens Zoro getting his ass lost Buggy being a cringefail pathethic little meowmeow
Have you ever received a gift related to your special interest/hyperfixation? If yes, what was it? Not yet no!
Has your special interest/hyperfixation ever helped you? (Could be emotionally, practically, etc.) Escapism yaaaay! /lh Seriously it's just really nice to have a complex world and characters to mull over, I love that!
If your special interest/hyperfixation is something you can display, do you choose to display it? If yes, how do you do so? Yes! Merch mainly! I even have a handbag with the strawhats' jolly roger on it!
Do you keep any documents you’ve made about your special interest? (A list of articles you’ve read, a document with descriptions of a fantasy world, etc.) I have a blog where I reblog posts about it I like so i can revisit them ^^
Would you ever want to have a job that involves your special interest/hyperfixation? Not really
In the short term, do you have anything you’re planning to do soon related to your special interest/hyperfixation? Like every weekend, watch it some more! I also want to post some headcanons on here
In the long term, where do you see your special interest/hyperfixation going? How are you hoping to incorporate your special interest/hyperfixation further into your life (if you are)? I want to write a fic with some changes I'd have loved to see, but that's pretty much it!
Would you recommend others get involved in your special interest/hyperfixation? Why or why not? Yes! I assure you it doesn't seem long if you like it! It's funny but will give you all the feels, and the found family dynamic of the starwhats is the best I've ever seen!
Are there any interests you see becoming a special interest/hyperfixation? If yes, what are they? What makes you think they could become a special interest/hyperfixation of yours? Not atm no!
End with one (or a few!) more thing(s) about your special interest/hyperfixation of your choosing! (Fun fact, something you recommend a person start with if they’d like to get into your interest, etc.) If you can, read the manga! the dynamics are explored a lot more! The live-action is awesome, don't be scared of it! That's all for me ^v^
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ceps-pers · 1 month
🌿Special Interest Questions - One Piece Edition💡
What is your special interest/hyperfixation? How would you describe your special interest/hyperfixation to someone who knows nothing about it? (You can answer multiple if you have more than one, but this may get lengthy for you.) One Piece! I'd say it's a funny but deep and heartbreaking anime/manga with really endearing and interesting characters and big themes of solidarity, found family and freedom.
How did you discover your special interest/hyperfixation? How long ago was it? Around a year ago I'd say, my partner had been bugging me about me starting, and I ended up caving and accepting to start over (I'd watchted it up to Arlong Park when I was like 12). After a around 6 months of me instisting we watch some every weekend and having the Brainworms™️ about it consistently, I suspected the hyperfixation might might become a special interest as my usual hyperfixations don't last this long.
What is something people might not know about your special interest/hyperfixation? Emporio Ivankov was based on Frankenfurther from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Have you had other special interests/hyperfixations in the past? Yup! I have a lot of hyperfixations, and those are cyclical, usually lasting from a week to three months the disappearing to come back a few months later. Dogs were a special interest when I was a kid, and that's not quite accurate now. My other special interest is art in general (from narration at large, passing by painting, sewing, acting,…)
How much time do you spend on your special interest/hyperfixation? Is it something you do, something you learn about, something you think about, some combination of those, or something else entirely? I watch it, and I think and daydream about it. I spend around 2h per weekend watching it, and I have Brainworms™️ once every few days
Do you lose track of other things while involved with your special interest/hyperfixation? I've gotten way better at not losing track of stuff, but it still happens when I get really in the zone yea
Do you often talk to others about your special interest/hyperfixation? If yes, is it generally online or offline? Yes, my partner listens even though sometimes they get tired of it X) Most times they're very interested though, as they love the series!
Is there anyone in your life (online or offline) that is also interested in your special interest/hyperfixation? My partnerrr, they're the one that got me into it X)
What are four of your favorite things about your special interest/hyperfixation? The strawhat's dynamics >>>> The drag queens Zoro getting his ass lost Buggy being a cringefail pathethic little meowmeow
Have you ever received a gift related to your special interest/hyperfixation? If yes, what was it? Not yet no!
Has your special interest/hyperfixation ever helped you? (Could be emotionally, practically, etc.) Escapism yaaaay! /lh Seriously it's just really nice to have a complex world and characters to mull over, I love that!
If your special interest/hyperfixation is something you can display, do you choose to display it? If yes, how do you do so? Yes! Merch mainly! I even have a handbag with the strawhats' jolly roger on it!
Do you keep any documents you’ve made about your special interest? (A list of articles you’ve read, a document with descriptions of a fantasy world, etc.) I have a blog where I reblog posts about it I like so i can revisit them ^^
Would you ever want to have a job that involves your special interest/hyperfixation? Not really
In the short term, do you have anything you’re planning to do soon related to your special interest/hyperfixation? Like every weekend, watch it some more! I also want to post some headcanons on here
In the long term, where do you see your special interest/hyperfixation going? How are you hoping to incorporate your special interest/hyperfixation further into your life (if you are)? I want to write a fic with some changes I'd have loved to see, but that's pretty much it!
Would you recommend others get involved in your special interest/hyperfixation? Why or why not? Yes! I assure you it doesn't seem long if you like it! It's funny but will give you all the feels, and the found family dynamic of the starwhats is the best I've ever seen!
Are there any interests you see becoming a special interest/hyperfixation? If yes, what are they? What makes you think they could become a special interest/hyperfixation of yours? Not atm no!
End with one (or a few!) more thing(s) about your special interest/hyperfixation of your choosing! (Fun fact, something you recommend a person start with if they’d like to get into your interest, etc.) If you can, read the manga! the dynamics are explored a lot more! The live-action is awesome, don't be scared of it! That's all for me ^v^
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mi4019yunuszahid · 6 months
Podcast script 01 [DRAFT/INITIAL]
Intro: members introducing themselves.
YUNUS: Hello
All the members will greet at once together and get into the introduction. And blah blah and;
MATHEESHA: we will be talking about games and how they are designed. MATHEESHA: So tell me what do you think game designing is?
MALITH: Oh let me answer, Game design is the process of creating the content and rules of a game, often with a focus on balancing game mechanics, creating engaging gameplay and telling a compelling story. Using different disciplines of including art, programming, writing and psychology. Basically in game terms it mea-
YUNUS: Okay that’s a lot of talking Malith. you are taking too much of time explaining it, keep it simple
UVINDU: So basically what you mean is that game is an form of art that dwells into the normal minds creating sensical and nonsensical entertainment?
MATHEESHA: Now that was even more complicated
MALITH: Okay okay, basically it means it’s a professional form of entertainment THESANDU: Okay so how do I get into game designing? NIHINDU: Yeah how do we do that? YUNUS: There are many ways of getting into game designing however the real question is what do I need to learn to get into game designing? MATHEESHA: Let me take it from here, to get into game designing you will first need to understand the basics like the mechanics and elements, learn game development tools, study the subjects, play games that you can access. UVINDU: To be honest , in this day and age you can find resources online for free on books and courses so it'll be a bit easier than how it was in the past. MATHEESHA: ''yea, for example you can hop into youtube and search around these topics to get started.'' YUNUS: Oh speaking of YouTube, most game designers get into the gaming industry through social media. By posting your works consistently you can meet some big names out there. MALITH: So any tips that you could share for us?'' NIHINDU: Definitely, here is a tip that I know to get into game designing industry. First of make sure you know the process inside out, quote on quote games that are designed with a process have much more likely chances of success than those which are randomly thrown together said by Troy. And I believe that is very much likely to happen a lot these days specially as more people tend to gravitate towards the digital era as it also becomes more generalized. MALITH: Thank you Nihindu, that is very true'' UVINDU: Yea, it makes sense with how many games that are thrown out into the industry today that don’t meet the standards of the players.'' MATHEESHA: Speaking of tips, you should start thinking like a triple A game designer by reading as much as you can on game development pipeline. The various phrases and how the process changes with different genres, platforms and team sizes. Also make sure you know what to document and what kind of prototypes you should build specially learning how to go from an idea to a prototype to a completion and beyond. A lot of developers quit mid way as the projects get more and more out of hand or out of their trajectory. Funding is also important which you might learn on your own slowly. YUNUS: You should also make sure to stay on trends with the games and updates like I said as it'll help you to narrow down what your user's want and avoid plagiarism. Games these days are just copy and pasting what they see. In a way it helps to learn the mechanics and what not however it also disturbs the users and future game designers. Which can also be interpreted as a challenge MALITH: Now those are some knowledgeable tips ill keep in mind. NIHINDU: Yeah thank you Yunus UVINDU: Oh let me also share some insight on the roles in a development team. If your getting into industry it is a must that you learn what roles you are developing in for since game design is a diverse field that will equip graduates to both design and create their own video game universe, you will think what roles exist prior to being a lead designer. For example, a level designer, a game writer, game artist, a programmer, world designer, interface design. If you are a student who study game design, you will be more familiar with both the overall process of creating a video game as well as the individual elements of software engineering, programming and graphic design utilized in the actual construction of the game. So make sure you develop and decide on a specific area of specialization ahead of time. MALITH: Thank you Uvindu, now I feel a bit more confident than before
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getawayheaven · 1 year
I very much agree with this and I believe that they grew apart now as that's how it feels.. but the only thing that hurts me is that am not able to enjoy the songs the way I did before especially sweet creature which was one of my favourites and the way it was introduced recently by harry ruined my experience of that song.. I feel better that he did not spoil two ghosts+falling(my absolute favs) though the way he sang is much different than it used to be before.. The only thing that makes me sad is what if he might not write songs for louis anymore or no reference at all? What if he will say something else about the already written songs and ruin the experience for me or serenading a different person than it was written for(which I've seen him doing that recently and was utterly sad).. I know it's his songs he can do whatever he want but yea that's what hurts the most.. please ignore if you don't wanna post, I just wanted to share what I feel as a person with no irl to discuss about these..
This is why Harry always say that he would hate to ruin a fantasy that a person built around that song by telling everyone what that song actually is about. "I would never like to tell someone that they are wrong even when they are not necessarily right". I can understand how you feel anon. But don't let these situations ruin the actual fun for you in their art. They make songs for public consumption and their songs are so layered that everyone can make their own assumption and they will be right about it. Same will happen in future too. Just try to understand that both of them are separate individuals and only they know the true inspiration for their songs. I wish I could help you with this. But the only way to not feel sad about this is to start unrelating these songs with "their" personal lives. I love the approach Louis went for with FITF. He just said "this album is not from personal experience" listen to these songs and have fun. I know stars always try to build a narrative around their album to create hype but get too much involved in anything. Just try to enjoy. And always remember that rumours around a celebrity's life should never affect YOUR personal life. Always put yourself first. Take time off fandom.
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voxelf0x · 2 years
i forgot to post yesterday that i went live to test stuff out. the stream went well and hopefully that means i have a decently stable net connection to continue streaming here at my parents house.
i'm still v much in the process of moving all of my belongings out of my ex's house but it's been difficult cos he's not really giving me much time to move things (since he's fully. ready to go mess around with someone else so that's. fun.) and stressing me out by touching and moving my things himself.
my sister's not been well and been calling on us to go help her progressively more over the past several months, i don't even know how long it's actually been so far. and also my parents keep making me move things and deal with holiday decoration/storage whatever the past month so. everything's kinda chaotic rn.
we finally got our new pcs to be built but they might not be 100% correct so we're trying to figure out how to deal with that and i don't want to promise any kind of consistent streaming as of right now, esp since ex is planning a trip next week and has asked me to care for my own cats while he does so (since he's keeping my cats from me) and i have no quite figured out.. how i'm gonna do this living here now. so hopefully leading up to that time we get our pc situation figured out, and during/after that time i have all of my things moved out so i have less of that to stress about.
will probably take me a good bit of time after to still sort through and store my stuff properly and clean up my living space and then i'm gonna try to fight him on my cats cos i'm very emotional about not being able to live with them every day like i used to and he doesn't fucking get that. so that will probably also take quite a toll on me making sure my parents aren't gonna be asses about me having some cats here and fighting my stupid ex over him not getting to keep them all cos i busted my ass for 14 years taking care of them solo for him to just hoard them all now.
ALL THAT ASIDE i kinda just wanted to write out here plans going forward as far as my channel and everything is concerned.
i'm assuming that late night gaming streams will be scarce as my parents are day time workers and go to bed super early and this house carries quite a bit of sound through it so i'd hate to bother them while sleeping so if any streams happen at night they'll prolly be no mic art streams.
speaking of art production, i'm hoping to start selling commissions at some point so if that is successful at all they'll prolly be done on twitch side. at some point i'd like to dabble in nsfw when i feel confident enough to plus days when i feel like more of a chill mood and wanna have something in the background like shows or movies will be picarto side because they allow nsfw and are less concerned about copyright issues.
also speaking of picarto, i'm wanting to redesign things for my channel, i didn't get a chance to during hiatus, so once i get a chance to start that it will also be done on picarto side in case anyone wants to choose to watch or be surprised when i debut it all on twitch side.
i'm also hoping to do quite a bit of fanart this year and silly fun reward things for streams but i still have to plan some of that stuff out so hopefully things will turn out how i want them to uwu
but yea. here's hoping this year is MUCH fucking better than the last C:
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skz-haetbit · 6 years
Get to know me!
Rules: Answer the questions then tag the blogs you want to know better
Tagged by @we-wanna-support-you (hello there!)
Side note: i've actually been also tagged for this a couple of times but i didn't have time but now that i'm officially done with school, here it is! Sorry if you're one of the blogs who tagged me and never got a reply but i'll make sure to reply from now on!
Name: Yu Jin
Nickname: well my english name is Jenny so theres that, child, mom (why not be both eyy ;))
Height: HA im 153 cm or 5 feet
Birthday: 07/28/2000
Star sign: Leo
Orientation: bi
Nationality: South Korean (greetings from the motherland)
Favourite fruit: white peaches, watermelons, cherries, strawberries, just a lot of fruits
Favourite flower: carnations!
Favourite scent: the smell of spicy foods. I really like that tingly feeling when you smell it
Favourite colour: deep red
Favourite animal: pandas are friends
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee :)))
Average hours of sleep: so i sleep for either 3 or 10 so if you average that 6.5 hours ;)
Favourite fictional character: basically the entire cast of b99 (ive sucked myself too far down into a hole)
Lucky number: 42 is answer to life, the universe, and everything
Hobbies: listening to music, drawing, coding
What am i wearing right now: a white and black mens t-shirt that used to be my brothers, and a mens under armour shorts (i swear im female)
Dream job: game designer or a software engineer
Favourite food: spicy fire chicken noodles aka 불닭볶음면 aka "FIRE IN THE HOLE" *in hyunjins voice*
Number of blankets i sleep with: 1 or 2 depending on how cold it is
Favourite groups: Stray kids(obviously), wanna one(im not toxic i swear im nice), day6, g-idle, red velvet, nct, nu'est, shinee, pentagon,mamamoo, btob, vixx, unb, exid, monsta x(honestly theres more but this is what i can think of right now)
Favourite solo artists in kpop: Vinxen, yubin, sunmi, heize, penomeco, oohyo, eric nam, haon, webster b, yong jun hyung, perc%nt(ok im stopping or else this is gonna take forever)
Song stuck in your head: 그래 날 쏴 BANG BANG 너의 BULLET! BULLET! BULLET!-Shoot me by day6(which yall should 100% listen if you havent yet)
Last movie i watched: the greatest showman(i watched this on the plane lol)
Dream trip: tour all around korea(like all the small cities and countryside), japan, tour around europe
Blog created: i technically made this blog 2017 but ive actually started reblogging and posting in 2018 but i had an old blog i dont use which i made in 2013
I post: i pretty much reblog and post only stray kids even though im so multifandom and mainly woojin content because i want to funnel it here(sometimes my blog looks like its dead cause no one ever posts about woojin :(()
Why did i choose my url: because as i was making a stray kids url i kept accidentally typing stary instead of stray so i stuck with it.
Random fact: i used to live in canada until literally yesterday and now i officially live in seoul!
Im not going to tag anyone personally cause this is super late and i feel like everyone i want to tag has already done it???? But if you havent feel free to do it!
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lettuce-king · 2 years
Alright fuck this im gonna have to start this conversation because you guys can't act like fucking adults.
I'll preface this by saying I ship namdermo and there's nothing wrong with shipping it.
The problem starts when y'all start shitting on Harvey and the other actors when they're doing interviews.
You guys get way too comfortable pushing all the blame for nandermo not being cannon on Harvey and Kayvan. Yes they're going all will they/won't they with their responses but they are answering these questions with their perspective on the characters.
News flash,,,they don't write the plot. They don't write what happens to their characters. Do they get to improvise a little? Yes when they're allowed to, bit its not enough to change the fucking plot. They just act as the characters, they aren't them.
Is there a better way to go around answering these questions? Yea, actors should be given pre-written responses they can use to avoid answering those types of questions. Unfortunately they aren't, so they have to wing it without giving too much away.
But another way to avoid this is by not asking dumb fucking questions in the first place. Specifically, when he and the main cast were answering question at Comic Con, the interviewer asked something along the lines of "was the fight at the night market charged with sexual tension?" Genuinely how the fuck is he supposed to answer that? Not only is that a weird thing to ask but you're not asking a character, your asking this fucking guy that just so happens to play the character, he doesn't fucking know, what the fuck is he supposed to say? "Yea absolutely?" "No, they're in different relationships and it was a ego driven fight?" Its like people forget he's a fucking person outside of the show, asking dumb shit like that is not only awkward for him as an actor, but fucking disrespectful.
Not once have any of you considered they might be legally obligated, under fucking contract, to not discuss future plot events, so to avoid anything that might spoil the season they have to give will they/won't they responses.
Not to mention that I've seen so many people shit on Harvey for posting nandermo fan art on his page and then say something that disproves nandermo in an interview. If you paid attention to his stories, he posts anything with Guillermo in it, ship-related or not. He's literally just supporting fans and encouraging fan art. I'm sorry actors and content creators don't normally share and repost ship fan art but most of them don't share fan art at all, so don't discourage one of the only ones thats do so from giving recognition to the fans for putting time and work into something.
I know you guys don't want to be ship-bated but IF nandermo is genuinely slowburn, why would you want it cannon now? A season or 2 before it becomes cannon in the show? Its kills the excitement and build up and all ur left with is dissapointment with knowing what happens next. And even if it doesn't become cannon, you can still ship it, just don't hate on the actors.
My point is this: These actors are real people. They are not the characters in the show. Do not harrass them or treat them like shit bc they post some shipping fan are or decredit your ship. They are fucking people and you as a fan should remember to treat them like it. Don't be fucking disrespectful, act like a god damn adult.
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mikhailoisbaby · 2 years
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I’ve had this fic sitting in my Google docs for a while and I finally had the confidence to post it after re reading for the hundredth time.
Im not a writer by any means but doing weekly galladrabbles has made me what to write more as well as having the love to writing I’ve had since I was a small child
also want to say I have dyslexia and I was diagnosed since I was primary school so I know this might be a load of shit lmfao but I wanted to post along with the art I have created for it.
So enjoy it , tell me bits that don’t make sense or where I could improve because I want to rediscover my love of writing
Read on Ao3 here or below ⬇���
It was 7 o’clock in the evening, dinner was just eaten and the bedtime routine was set in play. The messy pots were stacked high in the sink ready for Mickey to load the dishwasher while Ian had the task of putting their one-year-old to sleep.
He can hear the soft mummers of his husband's voice through the baby monitor on the kitchen counter, he's reading ‘goodnight moon’ their daughter's favourite book currently, and the crackles of the baby monitor once again peak when he can hear the light laughter at Ian's silly voices for different parts of the book; The sweet moment of father and daughter reading distracted Mickey from loading the dishwasher at times.
“Book book,” Delilah in soured baby speak knowing that she just conned her father to read another book, this will go on for while Ian will finish a book only for the little ginger to ask for another and her father falls fatal to her bright blue eyes.
Mickey continues with the job of the dishes until all is put away neat like there was never a hurricane of a one-year-old and 8-year-old eating messy spaghetti bolognese in their kitchen/dining room.
As soon as Mickey is done cleaning, a strategic plan so the kid isn’t forced to help clean, the little 8-year-old pops up around the corner. He ruffles her ginger locks as he convinces her father that she is allowed to stay up to watch more tv and Mickey agrees it’s a weekend after all.
He tells her to go get her pj's on and brush her teeth as Mickey moves to lightly tidy the living room where monster trucks are scattered over the multiple surfaces as well as nerf bullets although the toy guns were confiscated, not from the children but Mickey, Ian apparently doesn’t find it funny to be constantly shot by his husband.
Once the house it’s put back together only to be destroyed tomorrow, not that he minds he like the constantly playing and having fun the kids have, something he didn’t much in childhood, he sits down next to his oldest daughter who is now dressed in Spider-Man PJs and breath smelling like mint.
“ Where's dad?” Franny asks.
After Debbie left for Texas with her convict girlfriend leaving her daughter behind for the rest of the family to take care of, reminiscent of Monica leaving her children for everyone else to deal with, Ian and Mickey took on the role of parents of Franny. Mickey jokes that it’s their test kid and if Franny fucked up so they can blame Debbie but they are doing a good job parenting Franny so far, good grades, multiply friends, happy and healthy so yeah they pat themselves on the back now and then with how well Franny growing up as well she rarely asks about her mother too concerned about her baby sister for the past year.
They never expected Franny to call Ian and Mickey's dad but it just happened once, Franny was legally adopted and the new baby arrived Ian and Mickey constantly called themselves dada and papa especially when Delilah started talking she also picked up the habit of calling Ian dad and Mickey papa.
Franny was not confused she knew they aren’t biological her fathers and who her mother is but they took on the role of parents and after many conversations to make sure that she did understand that if she just wanted to call them uncle Ian and Mickey it would be fine but dad and papa suck for her and that how it’s been for the last year.
Mickey snapped out of thought when Franny was pulling on his sleeve “where's dad?” She asks again in an exasperated tone
“ upstairs putting baby meat to sleep” the nickname makes Franny giggle she snuggles further into Mickey's side placing a corner of her faded baby blanket on his knee and wraps the rest around her lap as they watch some kid's animation tv show where the 3 different types of bear apparently they are brother it confused Mickey at first but Franny likes it so that all that matters.
He is unaware of how much time passes and still watching ‘We bare bear’ he learnt the show's name at least so Franny will be proud and he thinks Ice bear is the best, he would ask Franny who her favourite is but she passed out slumping under Mickey's armpit. He pulls out his phone to check the baby monitor app because Ian still isn't down only to find both baby and father passed out in the rocking chair with a clear pile of books next to them.
Mickey can’t help but chuckle. He turns off the tv and picks up the passed-out Franny who clings to him and her beloved blanket like a koala bear when carried upstairs but never opens her eyes not even when Mickey places her in bed and leaves a small Kiss on her forehead with a “good night sleepy face ” and small return of “night papa”. He clicked on the night light that sits in the corner of her dinosaur-themed room, leaving the door open in a crack in case she gets a nightmare or needs water during the night as he exists.
Mickey makes his way back down the stairs Turning off all lights and checking the door and windows are all closed as he wanders back to the stairs of the 3-bed house ready to put the baby in the crib and get his husband to bed. He passes all the picture frames lining the wall of the staircase. Most of them are Franny and Delilah over the past year but there are old ones like wedding photos of Ian and Mickey being sickly in love, some from Tami and lip engagement party just before Delilah was born, the most recent put up was one from Liam's last birthday party. They are some other random ones that Mickey can’t quite remember where they were taken but he knows Ian would be able to say.
Once his mind is cleared of memory lane he goes into Delilah's room, Ian’s dad snores coving over the soft baby snores he would tease Ian if the moment wasn’t so sweet so he snaps a quick photo of the sleeping duo before he picks up Deli ( a nickname that came from Mickey always calling her baby meat and a somewhat shortened version of Delilah) placing in her crib; just like Franny, Deli didn’t open her eyes when Mickey gives her a good night kiss. He moves over to his husband and gently shakes him and tells him to get his ass to bed.
Once both are settled in bed Mickey is dressed in Ian's old t-shirt that has faded and lost colour with a couple of small holes dotted throughout and a pair if loses fitting boxers, Ian is dressed in a white vest probably Mickey judging by the number of stains and (just like Mickey) in loose-fitting boxer do they both share the final good nights and small but loving pecks on the lips. Ian snuggles into the back of Mickey being the big spoon he always is with his arm wrapped around Mickey's waist protectively.
Mickey hears Ian's light snoring, not as bad as they were in Delilah's room; he peeks at the baby monitor one last time. It’s sitting on Mickey's nightstand next to a wedding photo and a book he has been currently reading. He can see Deli's face, peaceful and relaxed. The knowledge that his family is safe and asleep helps him drift off into slumber.
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