#i wanted to try out lineless for the first time in a while
mythtiide · 5 months
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quick style experiment feat an oc ☕️
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keeps-ache · 8 days
linelesssss oohoohoo !!
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kozachenko · 5 months
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Ok the WIP I posted a little while ago is no loner a WIP yipeeeeeee I am so tired of looking at this drawing.
Artist's Notes:
Ok so this drawing was a WIP that I had had sitting around for a while, and so because I wanted to do a test run with the new face style I'm trying out, I decided to pick it back up again. Now you may notice that compared to the other version of the WIP, the shading is different, and that's because I had to change all of it to match the light source of the moon, which was.... not exactly fun (especially cuz I stayed up late at night to finish this which was tiring), but it was worth it because I am a lot happier with the shading now. Also, when I initially redid the shading on the white trim of her outfit, I ended up making them look like indiscreet white blobs that just looked... bad, so I had to fix that and I think it looks a lot better.
My favourite parts of this drawing have to be the face and the hair, though I'm not surprised about how much I like the hair since hair is my favourite thing to draw. Also the wolf, I really like how the wolf turned out, since I also love drawing animals from time to time. I also like how the background turned out.
Also, Enoko's design was a hit hard to get right, and I decided to add the white trim separating her shirt and skirt mainly because I didn't like how abruptly it changed in the original design. Also, for some reason her dress makes me think of 1800s-y southern/western clothes, which has given me the headcanon that Saki gave her these clothes when they first met. Makes me wanna draw the two of them together in very western styled clothes, I think it would be cute. I also changed up some of the colours on her original design to fit in more with the palette that I was going for with this piece. Also, I like how her tails turned out, mainly because when I was working on some of the sketch for this I tried to make them smaller, but they didn't look right so I just went "fuck it" and made them big and poofy. Also drawing her wolf ears was fun, I like drawing simplified wolf ears like that. Overall, I'd say I did a good job incorporating elements (like the bear trap hands, the tails, the gem) in a way that didn't feel like they were out of place in the piece (something I was concerned about with Enoko's design).
All in all, I wouldn't call this my best work, but I do like a lot of aspects of it. I've also noticed that I'm kinda getting a bit frustrated with certain parts of my style like the lighting (mainly the lighting), so I think I wanna try and branch back into that more painterly style that I started out with when I first started posting here while still mixing in some elements of my lineless style. Also, I need to get better with my colour values, mainly just for clarity since I kinda think that's where this drawing falls flat a little.
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thefaiao · 4 days
seeing your clowns made me go feral since my fixation is cringe and clown flavored
Who let you cook like that who let you cook AUTHHFFH UR ART IS SO COOL IM BEING DRAGGED AWAY
You’re hatching is so fucking inspiring since it’s soMETHING I try to do in my own work I LOVE UR ART
would it be fine to ask what brushes you use? I love ur values also, you’re so so good at shapes and form WAAAA I LOVE UR STUFF. I did dig up an old ask you made iirc, but I’m not sure if it’s changed
Hey! Thank you very much. I'll go through the brushes I use for each program: Drawpile
From what I understand most of these are MyPaint brushes... but I only know them as drawpile brushes because that's what I use. Main ones I've used lately is Irregular Ink and a default brush for coloring
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I don't really change the size of irregular ink much and the pressure doesn't matter that much. It has high stabilization which I haven't changed, but I'm sure you could get away with lowering it. For the other brush I'm pretty sure it's a default one that I slightly tweaked (drawpile is a bit bad about communicating what brush exactly you are using to you.) I quite like it because it feels like playing with clay, makes it easy to map out the volume. I use it for those lineless pieces I do from time to time too. I change its size a lot while drawing. I've also used these two, one of the pencil brushes and a second one I stole from Jokioro that I have no idea what is called
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I used the first one for the D'arce I did a while ago and the recent VTMB piece. It's great at emulating sketchy graphite pencils, I like layering it to do multi-colored hatching rendering. The second one I don't know how to use super well yet but it's probably my fourth most used as of late. It works very weirdly so if you wanna figure out how to make it work I recommend looking at how Jokioro draws. Clip Studio I bounce around a lot with all the brushes, but I use a loooot of stuff from the Frenden pack. Mainly Meeko Leako for lining and even coloring, it has a great texture to it, very fun
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This has been my most used brush for years. It's great for super straight lines and produces a great difference in value between quick lines and thick lines. I haven't used it as much since I picked up drawpile more recently, but it's amazing! Other than that I use the default G-pen when I just want simple lines without much texture
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It's a bit ugly at a glance but I think if you lock in it's great for super clean lines, just trying to get the point across without much noise. I also like coloring with it at times, when I'm going lineless. SAI Binary pen. Use the binary pen. It's the best brush ever made
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It just feels super right to draw with it, it's so simple but it makes your lines look super slick, and it's just a binary pen. I guess they just got the behavior down perfect for it. But yeah, love this brush. IRL I've always used these archival ink pens in different sizes for basically everything I've done traditionally, and of course just a simple number 2 pencil for sketching and such. I've used a bit of charcoal recently, and been wanting to deep into darker pencils for detail, but this is still the default. I also will probably try out dip pens sometime
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That's all I can think of immediately, but I always like to mess around to try and find another great brush, and you should do the same even if you end up using these a lot.
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foralternateuniverses · 7 months
Acechiji A Whisker Away au
Prompt given by @loopyarts while talking about Ichiji + cats combo in the server, so ofc I had to run with the idea.
Roger was a bit of an absent father due to work, Rogue was the main caretaker, but she died when Ace was like 5, then he ended up in Dadan's care, with Sabo and Luffy.
Sabo was taken in by Roger because of the neglect he suffered from his bio parents, but since he was basically send to Dadan immediately Ace didn't hold anything against him.
Finally, when Ace is like, 14-16, Roger retires and returns home, with Raleigh. Since he's the legal guardian of both Ace and Sabo he takes both home, Luffy stays with Dadan, tho they're still pretty much neighbors so they see each other daily (and at school).
Ace is not happy.
Sora and Judge divorced when the boys were like 4-5, but since Sora died when they were 8, they went back to being under Judge's care, as Zeff could not claim guardianship of the kids.
Sanji kept running away to stay with Zeff as much as possible, Judge just gave up on him, although he still scolds him from time to time, like Sanji, Reiju is mostly left ignored, as is Yonji, who learnt to keep as much to himself.
Generally speaking, they have a lot of leeway as long as they help Judge maintain his image and obey, good scores, athletic and artistic, keep the image of prodigy; and Judge also has his hands tied due to the records Sora left of abuse, having sued him previously, and winning the case, he only has the kids now cuz he's their only family left, Zeff (and everyone from the Baratie, basically) is keeping and eye on him tho.
Niji and Sanji are the ones who fight the most with Judge, Yonji and Reiju tend to keep to themselves, and Ichiji, well, he's his golden child, so extra pressure on him.
The one time he ever disobeyed his father (and was caught) was when he took Nyasha in, he convinced his siblings to help him keep the cat in secret (he had done so on his own at first) but Judge ended up finding out sooner than later, he destroyed everything Ichiji had bought the cat (along with some other Stuff that Ichiji held dear) and ended up hitting Ichiji when he jumped in to protect Nyasha from receiving Judge's violence. Reiju had to hold Niji back from jumping Judge, Sanji ran to get Zeff and Yonji went to check on Ichiji. Judge left with the threat and order "either you get rid of that thing or I'll do it myself" so they took Nyasha to Zeff, who had to be held down from going to the police ("you won't get custody, so we'll be sent to the system and separated, I rather we stay together, we just need to hang on for a little longer")
Reiju wants to take custody of her siblings once she turns 18, it will be hard but she'll be damned if she doesn't try, and well, Zeff and the Baratie staff will help and support her.
All this happens before Acechiji (ASL+1234 ) finally meet (at school).
A messy lineless sketch cuz I was running out of drawing juice
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ASL & 124 meet officially thanks to Sanji getting adopted into Luffy's friend group (Reiju knew of Ace and Sabo but hadn't really interacted with them).
Ace caught Ichiji's attention before meeting though.
It doesn't take too long Acechiji to start their, lest call it courting, but it goes a snails pace because Ichiji's fears regarding Judge, which leads to a lot of mixed signals and confusion, until they finally have their little fight in the festival and Ace walks off and ends up getting the mask.
The fight being: Ichiji responds positively to his advances, not always tho, he's kind of sending mixed signals.
So they're out with their friends in the festival and, as usual, Ichiji responds positively to Ace's flirtations, to the point where Ace finally had the courage and, while they're alone on the back, ignored by the people surrounding them, Ace gives him a very brief peck on the cheek, but Ichiji responds the most negatively he has ever reacted. Suddenly very anxious (Judge may not be homophobic but he is very classist and controlling .Ichiji is worried that if Judge found out the man would just straight up send him to an abroad school or something, and Ichiji likes his life there, his siblings, Zeff and the Baratie, his friends, and well, Ace.), he covers his cheek and looks around, he scolds Ace for what he did, both blushing in embarrassment and anger.
Ace thinks that Ichiji is ashamed of him or sth, brings up the mixed signals, but Ichiji closes himself off, so Ace ends up walking off on his own, the most angry he has ever been at Ichiji, and a little heartbroken too.
That's when he meets the salesman, and puts on the mask.
Ichiji finds him because, after cooling down, he thought about everything and went to look for Ace, to maybe try and talk things out, maybe tell Ace the truth about everything, instead he finds a black kitten.
Like in the movie, Ace keeps turning into a cat to finally see all that Ichiji is hiding from him, specially since things have become awkward with Ichiji (there's some self sabotage going on on Ichiji's side and well, Ace can't simply reveal whatever little he has learnt).
Also, we will only see the mask seller twice or thrice, when he gives the mask to Ace with the time limit warning, later when he reminds him of the deal and having suggested telling Ichiji the truth and ends up taking Ace's human face as a mask, and when the time limit comes.
Nyasha takes Ace's place, he's mad at Ace and has an argument with him when Ace goes after him to get his face back ("I'll make sure to make him happy! And if I have to become you to do so, then I will! I will succeed where you failed him!") but seeing Ichiji's (and honestly all of the siblings and Baratie's) sadness and desperation at Nyasha's disappearance shows him how loved and needed he is.
The turning point of the story comes with Ace's arrival to the Vinsmoke household, seeing how they live helps Ace understand the cause of Ichiji's reluctance and mixed signals to their relationship, as well as help him grow an appreciation to his own guardians (his dad and Raleigh, after all, they do try, you know?), however is around here when the mask seller reappears and takes his face, since Ace had the brief idea that he would only be able to be with and make Ichiji happy as Spade (until the full truth of it all finally comes out and he also grows that appreciation towards his dad and his dad's boyfriend).
With the arrival of the festival, he grows desperate and goes to the other place in search of the mask seller.
Nyasha also tells Ichiji the truth and with all the changes and everything, Ichiji hardens his resolve to fight for his relationship with Ace, so he insists on going to save him. Nyasha, ofc, agrees.
They finally catch up to each other and find the mask seller to settle everything, it seems like the mask seller will let them do as they please, but he takes Ace's mask and it disappears ("But you said you needed to be 'Spade' to make him happy, didn't you? I would never let you regret turning back into a human and losing everything you have with him, leaving him on his own in that awful, awful house") the mask is hidden somewhere in the tree of life and they need to find it, there are no hints to where it could be though.
They barely managed to find it on time, but Ace is still a bit hesitant, the mask seller and Nyasha's previous words did get to him, but Ichiji finally pours his heart out to him.
They finally return together with Nyasha and everyone celebrates together, both Nyasha's reappearance and Acechiji getting together (they will help them keep their relationship secret for as long as possible).
Niji is the least happy with their union, but that's just how he is with his siblings, the mother hen.
Finally, the moment Reiju turns 18, she moves out to a place nearby that Zeff helped her get, and she both studies and works part time at the Baratie, and proceedings begin. Having saved a lot of money (and with Zeff's support, again) she gets custody of her brothers and puts a restraining order on Judge, forcing him to move to another city.
Ace also starts bonding with his dads, specially because they found out about his relationship with Ichiji and not only helped keep it secret, but also helped Reiju settle and win the court cases. They become another safe heaven for the Vinsmoke siblings.
And everyone lived happily ever after.
The end.
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Plus a little scene.
He wiggled, because he needed to. It was hot under the sweater and his face was smushed against Ichiji's chest; his hearing revealed the fast beating of the redhead's heart. So he either combusted or wiggled.
"Shh, keep still"
Ace was, once again, squished against Ichiji's body. Being hidden under Ichiji's sweater as he was, his vision was very limited, but, based on what he could make out with his hearing, they had entered a house.
"What were you doing out so late?" He heard Reiju ask.
"Get off his ass Reiju" he heard Yonji farther away "dad's not home tonight anyway, let the guy be"
Reiju sighed.
"And Sanji?"
"He's staying at Zeff's again" answered Niji "He should just stay there forever at this point"
"Don't say that" scolded Reiju.
"Why not?" Yonji again "He's happy there, if it were me I would take the opportunity to never return, would dad even care?"
"I don't think he would even notice" followed Niji. Someone snorted.
"So dad's not coming back tonight?"
Reiju answered "there was an accident in the lab with one of Caesar's projects so he's staying the night there to try and solve it, I doubt he'll be back tomorrow"
The sweater's zipper was pulled down to reveal a brightly lit and spacious living room. Yonji and Niji sat together on the longest sofa, notebooks open on the low table in front of them. Reiju stood behind with a mug in her hands. They all turned to Ichiji, who, firmly yet gently, held Ace in his arms.
"Oh, Ichiji, no" Reiju frowned with pity "you know dad won't allow it"
"Just for tonight"
"That's what you said last time" complained Niji, his frown mirroring Reiju's.
However, Yonji stood up, face bright, and walked to his older brother. Ace slapped the approaching hand.
Yonji cooed "So cute"
Ace purred at the feeling of Ichiji scratching the back of his ear, he looked up and found a very small smile on the redhead's face, softening his expression.
"He is, he's also very friendly"
Yonji nodded and tried to join in the scratching, but Ace caught the limb in his maw. Yonji laughed.
"Do you want to play?"
Niji groaned "Oh, come on, Yonji, don't add fuel, you know the cat can't stay"
"Maybe Zeff can take him in, at least, I want to make sure he finds a nice home"
"Zeff only took Nyasha in because we had no time to find another person to take him in and it was either that or dad would get rid of him on his own" said Reiju, leaving her mug on the low table.
"And because you literally cried and begged him for hours" added Niji.
"Sanji was the one crying" Ichiji defended himself.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night. The point is, Zeff won't take in another one of your cats, not even if you, Yonji, me, Reiju or even Sanji cry and beg, that old geezer's number one priority is his restaurant"
"And Sanji" Yonji jumped in.
"Don't interrupt me, moron. So I suggest you put that back where you found it"
Ichiji clicked his tongue "mind your own business, number two"
Ichiji walked past everyone, ignoring their calls, and took Ace to his room.
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comicaurora · 2 years
So far, has there been any sort of art technique or process you've tried that made you go "that was surprisingly easier/harder than I expected"?
Oh man, yea. So many things. Doing this comic has been a learning experience and a half because of all the textures and effects I have to do, most of which I figure out on the fly because I've either never done them before or I've never done them that many times before.
The first "surprisingly easy" effect I'd never succeeded at before was the scales on the Storm Drake in the interlude after chapter 6:
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It's a Droplet particle brush used on two layers, one set to Multiply and the other to Screen. It produces a very easy texturing effect that works on everything from scales to sand to rock, making the surface look like it's catching the light in complicated ways. I used it again in Dainix's desert flashback in chapter 19 to make the sand look like it was catching the light.
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I actually used a similar method to draw the background in the arena fight in chapter 12 - using a rounder particle brush, but the same combo of Multiply and Screen to produce a chaotic pattern that gave the illusion of a massive background crowd without making me hand-draw ten thousand tiny people.
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This one was an effect that didn't surprise me and that I sadly had very little cause to replicate, but I LOVED the multicolored highlighting effect in Erin's chapter 6 flashback in the heart of the Storm. It ended up being very simple to do and it just looked SO pretty.
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Changing the highlighting colors to just the cool-tones for this page just made me like it more.
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When we hit Falst's intro arc and I had to draw about a million forested backgrounds, I decided to refine the process I'd used in the first few chapters, because I wasn't happy with those results:
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Starting in chapter 8 I tried a lineless style for forested backgrounds, and it worked out better than I'd hoped. Not only did it produce a feeling of depth and shadow, I didn't even need to plug in my drawing tablet to do it - I could literally do these backgrounds with my trackpad and mouse, which was a huge timesave. Combined with a little experimental sunbeam stuff and these forest backgrounds ended up both shockingly simple to make and VERY nice to look at.
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I used a similar technique for the soulcrystal in The Collector's lair - stacked Multiply and Add layers with nested rough shading patterns similar to the ones I used for foliage, but with more overlap to produce the effect of chaotically scattering light.
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This was another no-drawing-tablet one, and I liked this texture so much that I willingly redrew it for the stinger in chapter 18 rather than copying the texture from the earlier chapter.
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In terms of effects that took longer than I anticipated, Dainix's fully-realized Crucible form has been giving me trouble for literally as long as I've conceived of the comic. Drawing fire is already hard enough, but giving that fire a semi-solid, tangible form that was clearly readable as a humanoid figure was a HUGE pain in the ass. The head and arms were easy to design, but what to do with the bottom half was always a struggle, and beyond that I wasn't always sure how opaque to make him - real fire is a semi-translucent light source in constant motion with no clearly delineated edges, and if you draw it in a way that deviates from that too much it can make it feel less like fire. It took a while before I was happy with the color balance on him to make him suitably glowy without losing the internal detailing that made his expression readable.
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Similarly time-consuming, working out how to do Vash's "nova mode" took some trial and error. I wanted to make it clearly visually distinct from Paladin light magic and regular fire magic, so I focused on trying to replicate the texture of the surface of a star, with sunspots and flares rather than licks of fire or sharp-edged lightsaber vibes. I'm happy with how it ended up, but if I recall correctly it took upwards of two days just getting all those glowy effects sorted out.
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Then drawing the actual starfire blast was an even bigger pain, because again I didn't want it so glowy that it was completely unreadable. To be honest I'm still not sure if it worked.
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This is a very recent one, but it took me a while to figure out an effect I was happy for to communicate "this place is really, really dark." I didn't settle on a blanket dusty purple desaturation layer until quite late, to sort of replicate what night vision supposedly looks like for animals that can see decently well in the dark. Lights and darks are preserved, but color isn't so much, and this way I wasn't way-overshadowing everything and making it impossible for US to see. And conveniently the actual effect is quite simple to do - it's just a universally gray layer at 50% opacity set to the "Saturation" combine mode, stacked with a universally dusty purple layer at 70% set to the "Color" combine mode. Very easy to add quickly and copy/paste across different pages.
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There's probably more, but yea. Almost all of the "that was surprisingly difficult" effects either get easier with time or I figure out ways to simplify them and make them work in fewer layers. This is the really fun thing about a longform project like this - I keep finding new ways to challenge myself I'd never even thought of before.
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magmacavern · 1 year
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Hero and Partner Week, Day 1: Getting Lost
“Neo and Skitty scramble into the darkness of Lapis Cave through the narrow opening in the mountainside as Shiftry’s gang closes in behind them. They hurry deeper into the dungeon with only the soft glow of precious gemstones to light their way.”
This prompt inspired me to draw a scene in which hero and partner become lost within the Lapis Cave system because they lose their sense of direction while being chased through the dungeon. They travel the same paths over and over again because leaving any indication that they’ve already been down a corridor will lead Shiftry and his team right to them, and any time they spend trying to identify landmarks will allow them to catch up even faster.
Typically when I draw or write fanworks, I don’t envision mystery dungeons as the maze-like environments they are in canon. I went for it in this illustration because I wanted to draw this scene from a top-down perspective, and I thought the long, narrow corridor would look nice. This was also my first time doing lineless character art ever and the first time I’ve drawn a full background in a while, and I’m very happy with how everything turned out!
I’m looking forward to sharing more of my art and seeing everyone else’s creations this week!
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doodle17 · 1 year
The Brainiacs DTIYS
Ladies and Gents, we have reached a whopping 200+ followers! 🥳🥳🥳🥳Can you believe it? I sure can't! I just quickly want to thank everyone for the follows and getting me here. I never knew people would enjoy my silly little scribbles this much!
Before I get on to the big thing, I'm going to quickly say that NO I have not forgotten comic requests. In fact, I'm almost done with the first one! Just adding the finishing touches :)
Now, on to the thing I'm sure you've heard about - or not - either way, this is something I've been planning for a good while, and that thing is...
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I'm assuming you may know what the rules are, but in case you don't, I'll leave some answers to questions you may have...
For this DTYIS (draw this in your style), you don't have to have it shaded or lined exactly like the original. You can make it lineless, painted, traditional, or just a sketch with color! (This is a draw this in YOUR STYLE, after all)
- Try to keep the outfits and designs as close to the original as possible. Don't outright change their designs.By designs, I mean hair and other accessories. You can change proportions like head shape and size to fit your style.
- You can slightly alter poses and facial expressions if you want.
-The special # to be used will be "the braniacs 200 follower DTIYS"
-@ me in the post!! I want to be able to see it!!!
-PLEASE REBLOG THE CRAP OUT OF THIS! I want as many people to see this and participate as possible!
- Please, don't be weird.
This'll be going on for 3 months! Deadline will be July (14) 11:59 Mountain time, and winners and whatnot will be announced 4 days to a week afterward. If you are unable to complete the illustration before the deadline, but want to submit it, its perfectly fine to just enter an unfinished illustration or sketch. It's highly unlikely it will get a winning spot, but it might get an honarable mention! :) Speaking of which...
There will be 3 winners and a few "Honorable Mentions"! 3rd place gets a traditional sketch, 2nd place gets a digital sketch with color, and 1st place is a full and complete illustration! Honarable mentions get shoutouts with an @ and a link to their illustration. When winners are announced, said winners can send an ask or DM me a request of what they want. You can read some of the rules I have when it comes to requests and most things in general on my pinned post. Request can be anything*!
I can't wait! This is so exciting! Good luck to everyone participating, I'm excited to see what you'll do with this!
*It doesn't have to be Psychonauts' themed unless that's what you want. It can be of an oc, a character you really like, etc. It can really be anything as long as it follows my rules
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lydiaskyeleaf · 1 year
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Wally Darling from Welcome Home ARG.
This was just something that spawn in my head when I was working on the speedpaint reel of my Wally and Yellow Guy drawing on my instagram. I was going to use 'Rainbow Connection' for that reel until an idea came in my head for a new drawing. I felt that song was so inlined with this upcoming drawing that I've decided to use a different song for my last drawing and use 'Rainbow Connection' for this speedpaint.
It was even supposed to have lineart with it but it become lineless art along the way. Either way, for a quick random idea, I'm quite proud of this.
Also, check out my speedpaint reel on instagram if you want to see the art process.
Now that's outta of the way. I wanna talk about Wally and my thoughts on what's his role is going to be in the story.
While there are a lot of things still a mystery, I feel there are some things established about Wally's character and the role he will play in the overarching story.
1.) Wally is fully aware he's a puppet and that he was part of the TV show: Welcome Home.
2.) All of his friends besides himself and Home are either missing or dead.
3.) He is somehow influencing the restoration project and can communicate through the website.
While I have no doubt Wally is going to be antagonist in the arg, I do wonder how he going to be portrayed as it goes on. Will he be pure evil? A victim? Or will be a decoy as the real big bad is lurking in the shadows? We don’t know Wally’s motives for starting the restoration project or why the show was canceled in the first place but I do have a theory.
I feel when Wally became sentient, he became disillusion with the world he was in and tried to escaped it. Whether he took the Doki Doki Route or his friends were caught in the crossfire is unclear but in the end, his actions caused his friends to be no more and the show to be canceled. So years later after everything, he manages to find a way to somewhat influence the real world through unknown means. He is now trying to bring back the show but his reasons for doing so can be two things.
The first reason is that he is still trying to escape into the real world but the other reason I think he isn’t just trying to restored his show itself but his friends. We have no idea why they are gone, just that they have disappeared. So, the restoration project may be part of a way to bring back his friends. To Wally, he can have everything when the restoration project is completed: His connection to real world, his friends, the show… everything would go back to the way it was… except it won’t. Wally is not the same puppet before everything started to go downhill. He aware what he is and know he basically in a cage. Not only that, he’s been mostly alone for years now before the start of the project. So, he basically a bit unhinged right now. If his friends do come back, whether they are still the same or become a dark version of themselves, it will not be the same as it once was before.
There is also Home as well. From we what we seen, Wally kinda fears Home as in a audio clip shows him sounding a bit scared of if Home like his song or not. Wally has also been seen worshiping Home. There’s definitely hints of a toxic relationship going on here and I have wonder if Home is the source of all dark stuff that’s been happening. There’s an instance where he was telling us to be quiet. Like if we make a noise, something might catch us. If it’s Home he is talking about, than we have to wonder what exactly is Home that making Wally scared of him.
Either way, I can't wait for more from this project and for the creator, Clown to take all the time he needs for himself and the project. This really blew up quick and it can be really overwhelming but I wish the best of luck for Clown.
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clutchpowers · 1 year
Sooooo... i wanted to stick this little rambly thing at the bottom of the redraw but it would have made it look UGLY so im doing this separately... just wanna talk about the whole thing and What Not.
TLDR: its been a slash positive ride thats been worth it to try "something new" every year and my favorite piece out of all of them is the 9th. also for the curious heres the comparison of the 5th anni piece to the recent one (2018 -> 2023)
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anyway. personal post time.
oh where to begin *rocks on my rocking chair* i guess it would be with the 5th anniversary piece...at the time it had been a long while since i did lineless art and i thought it would be cool to try it again for that one so i did by redrawing an old piece from 2014... that was the first "finished piece" i made of Them. i think i even made it into a wallpaper for myself lmao. anyway after i posted it i was like "aw man i should draw something every year until the 10th" but i thought yeah right. im going to forget next year like the idiot i am. but i Some How managed to do one every year... th worms got me... i honestly didnt think id make it all the way to the 10th but i did!! AND WITHOUT MISSING A DAY EXCEPT FOR THE 7TH WHERE I WAS A WEEK LATE???? UNREAL especially when fun fact! every year i had no idea what i wanted to do! all i knew for sure is that i wanted each piece to be out of my comfot zone to push me to do something a little different. unfortunately the subjects tm where always the same so it feels a little. samey. but these are my celebratory posts I GET TO ONLY POST ABOUT THE OTP SUPER BLORBOS OF ALL TIME
the 6th anniversary was a redraw of that one scene. you know the one. the helicopter one. fucking hate that scene btw it actually causes me psychic damage i cant watch with the audio or ill scream. but it is my favorite scene of mine despite all the horrors it causes <3 and i wanted to redraw it as if it was a cartoon... like i had taken screencaps from the lcu cartoon in my head. i still remember the backgrounds being such a pain in the ass. honestly id like to go back and redo this one one day too or do something similar to the concept because its a fun one that i always saw done growing up and i wanted to try it myself.
for the 7th anniversary you can see the turn.. no more humans... return to lego... i was getting a little more confident in drawing them in the lego form so i did another redraw this time with the ending!! honestly i still like this one and how it looks even with how late it was but i wanted to test my confidence and do a real True and Finished piece with COLORED LINES and EVERYTHING!!!!! im glad i ended up taking the turn because for the LONGEST TIME i wanted to try and draw them as lego so bad because all i did was draw them as humans and its funny because now its the exact opposite. glad this piece was kinda the solidification in my head that yeah okay im a bit better at drawing the stylized lego toy now i can keep drawing them like this without feeling like im going to want to delete this in 2 weeks.
the 8th anniversary one is so weird. somewhere toward the beginning of the year it got into my head that i wanted to do a comic of them but time/school would have gotten in the way so i ended up opting for a page. another redraw of the ending scene which honestly out of all of them this is my least favorite one and its solely because its all so off. i def could have formated it better so the background shot doesnt take up the entire fucking page but then again im not a comic guy and this was my first time so the layout was bound to look HORRID but this is something id like to come back to ive had the idea of making like a genuine short comic about them since FOREVER and now that im a bit more experienced (lying) i would like to make one day!!!! just gotta stop getting caught up in my scripts!! and going in circles!! Because im obviously not a writer and i keep getting first-hand embarrassment from these!! but ill get over it one day lol.
OH THE 9TH ANNIVERSARY PIECE MY BELOVED. ONE OF MY FAVORITE PIECES ACTUALLY i love this stupid thing so much you have no idea.i know its re-using lineless but i just loved the idea of what it would look like lineless AND IT CAME OUT SO PERFECT I LOVE IT SO MUCH obv it needs a few touch-ups so the main issues dont stand out to me but god. i love this piece so much. idk what came out of me to make this but its so good ill never get over it. and the little lego them as a cake topper ITS JUST SO CUTE I DONT HAVE MUCH TO SAY OTHER THAN I LOVE THIS SO MUCH SORRY
finally. the 10th anniversary piece. oh my god. okay. i need everyone to understand this. i had woken up with this fucking Unbearable pounding headache that was trying to kill me. my body the entire day wanted me to stop and lie down, but last night i was already done with a good chunk of it and all i had to do that day was finish some lines and the coloring?? i literally don't remember all i remember is my body actively trying to shut down and force me to stop and sleep which i took a nap? didnt help. so i said fuck it im finishing this. i was. an entire goddamn corpse arched over my laptop. i was so delirious the entire time its a fucking miracle it even came out as good as it did but honestly. i still hate how it fucking looks. like you can TELL when i gave up (the shading) and it sticks out like a sore fucking thumb to me and it pisses me off because i knew i could have done so much better if i wasnt being stricken down by gods hand and his every attempt to get me to rest. idk like im generally proud ot it, with this one i wanted to go out with a bang tm so i tried to draw every important and relevant character instead of ALL of them like I was originally planning LMAO but ah well. maybe one day when im faster at drawing. this one i defiantly wanna go back and touch up but i everytime i open the file i can see 40 more things wrong with it and it drives me nuts. so ill just have to wait for when im ready. i guess.
can i just say though. the improvement is crazy. it always catches me off guard because tbh i uh. dont like my own art. im getting better at not fucking hating it because i can pinpoint everything wrong with it but whenever i see the side by sides it always surprises me. i always dont think im improving but then i see it and its like wow i really am getting better! i still suck at 3000 things but im getting better! and its overall just a nice thing to see after having drawn them for as long as i have... the power of the worms is strong and has ruined my brain...... speaking of i know ive said a few times that i fucking hate certain pieces, not just LCU related ones but almost anything i post, but if you love them and are able to look at them with a twinkle in your eye then thank you. genuinely. i honestly love looking over the tags of people exploding and saying nice things. it warms my cold little heart and im glad there are people out there that genuinely love some of the things what i do! even if its just fanart and its just their blorbo. thank you for sticking around even tho all i do is draw my otp super blorbos :'^) this game means the world to me and im glad like more than 2 people wanna spread it around.
to wrap back around to the anniversary stuff and speaking of big love to the people out there THE FREAKING EPIC ZINE i was just a small thing but it came out amazing even for how small it was thank you to the contributors and thank you to everyone whos downloaded it!! its still getting the occasional and i love getting the notif in my email about it. i love that there are still people out there who wanna see it and all the hard work everyone put into it to celebrate the games 10th just thank you again i really does mean alot to me ALSO IF YOU HAVENT CHECKED IT OUT PLEASE DO IT IS 100% WORK YOUR TIME AND ITS DIGITAL WITH PRINT AT HOME STICKERS AND YOU CAN KEEP IT AND LOOK AT IT FOREVER
uh to end this off....would I like to do this again..... I mean I kinda am? by that i mean ill do the big numbers (15, 20, 25, 30, 40, etc) till the day i freaking die!!!! but yeah no countdown stuff ever again!!!!! sorry :^( it was super fun to do though!!!! and im glad i did it that piece is the conclusion to the whole thing but that doesnt mean ill stop drawing them. duh. theyre my characters now! but heres to many more anniversaries and to hopefully another game! or to just see them again in any other lego media! or even better... a mischaracterized cameo in ninjago!
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skykashi · 1 year
Just wanted to chime in on what I've been seeing just now about those AI accusations to try and help put your mind and heart at ease as a fellow artist who's been accused of essentially art theft in the past because of moderate style variations(someone I considered one of my best friends accused me of tracing a piece they'd done of one of their characters because the nose on the sketch I did of him (while having their piece up to the side so I knew what he looked like) looked too similar in their opinion to the one they'd done, along with another piece I used photo reference for). Don't let that person get to you - they obviously have nothing better to do with their time than target random people with accusations they have no proof of, acting like some divine authority on what human-driven art is supposed to look like. Like, demanding proof that someone made a piece is so borderline-dystopian to me, and to claim that your motivation is like, protecting artists from being hurt then go and... accuse an artist of theft/lying for no good reason to the point where they consider leaving the fandom space you claim you're trying to keep 'safe'? Wild. Them saying it must be AI because it's 'soooo different from your usual style' is also insane to me. Styles can literally change on a day-to-day basis depending on a variety of factors. Artists try new things and end up with wildly different results sometimes. I sometimes use really thick lines while other times I push myself to go as thin as possible. Sometimes I go freehand and other times if my tablet's acting up or I just don't feel like plugging it in, I've used vector lines on a premade sketch before using just my mouse to gain ultimate control over line weight, transparency, curves and angles, etc. I've also tried out lineless, going rounder or more angular with my shape language, used 3D models as reference for anatomy in some pieces and freehanded others, etc. Also, it like... costs nothing to mind your own business, am I right? LMAO Keep up the good work and I hope you keep creating and improving even more from here. Stay safe and well and protect your creative spirit against those who would doubt you!
Ikr? I might have understood it if every single thing I post looks completely different from the other but making those claims for one piece that is meant to be different is just wild lol, like I don't know, am I supposed to submit a request first before trying to experiment with new things?
Anyway, thank you so much for all of your kind words, I was really upset yesterday and was thinking what's the point of trying anymore if that's what I will get in the end but I feel much better today thanks to all the wonderful support everyone has shown me 🥺❤️ you guys have no idea how happy and lucky I am to have such a supportive and wholesome community 😭❤️❤️
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fleouriarts · 6 months
who are your biggest artistic influences my furry friend? we had art classes together for years but i still feel like i don’t know 😭
😭😭😭 honestly thats probably cus a lot of my artistic influences are specifically internet artists that ive been following for several years and not things i couldve brought up in art class. you know that lame ass mr smith wouldve hated me if i said 'yeah i draw like this cus of some bts fanart girlie on twitter'. thankfully i have the Archivist's Temperament and save like literally everything thats had an effect on my style... so below is a journey thru my artistic influences (and various insp folders on my computer) as far as i can remember
of course the most basal Dorian Influence is disney movies. you are my brother in arms in the lion king fandom so you know this. whenever i am feeling extremely artistically bankrupt i try to revitalize myself by rewatching the lion king, atlantis, and treasure planet. and also the prince of egypt but thats dreamworks LOL
in 2016 i found the first "online" artists i distinctly remember wanting to imitate, which were sara kipin and celia lowenthal because i was obsessed with how they used color to block out their illustrations. ive also been following dimetrodone(/dimetrodrawn/deinocheirus) on here since 2016 and love all the shapes and colors in her work
in 2017 i started doing more detailed shading because i saw bts fanart by the artist tyu_naxx on twitter and loved how they did it (below is like THE piece that made me change my whole shit up)
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around then is also when i started trending towards using limited palettes and that was mostly inspired by various national parks promo artworks that would only have like 5 colors in them. wish i remembered who made these but heres ancient scans of some postcards i got at sequoia national park that changed me
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in early 2019 i started wanting my style to be more cartoony so i would constantly peruse the backlogs of kiwi, officialspec, skunkes and mimiadraws to get whatever inspiration i could from them
in late 2019 i completely pivoted for some reason and started doing lineless rendered semirealistic stuff instead. i think that was mostly cus i hated doing lineart. one of my biggest inspirations in that era was atissi
in 2020 i remember i went crazy stupid on using glow effects and chromatic aberration on stuff and i genuinely think all of it can be traced to this ONE piece of bts fanart by lordizxy on twitter like i was fully obsessed (putting it below also in case it gets deleted somehow)
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mid 2021 was when i got tired of semirealism and thought it was too amorphous and restricting so i went back to cartoony shit. i was still looking at the artists i listed for early 2019 but i also added artists like iplidl, catmunches, and chunkysoup22 to the mix
2022 was an inspirationless nightmare i have no clue what i was doing for that entire year. the artblock was BAD. i mostly just looked at art from all the artists i mentioned before while artistically wandering in circles. a lot of this was me trying and failing to figure out whether i wanted to do more dynamic yet less rendered art or... the opposite of that
thankfully in 2023 i finally FIGURED THAT SHIT OUT. i would say the current dorian art era started with this silly drawing of graydon and riley hivemind as a dogboy and a catboy ⬇️
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you can kinda see the influences of all the cartoonists i listed above but a lot of the way i draw now is just. me trying to not make myself hate doing art. ive always hated redoing a line 30000000 times for clean lineart so now its sketchy. rendering my art was making my drawings feel super stiff so now thats all messy too. etc etc
i think Right Now the artists i go to for inspiration the most are still kiwi and skunkes, but i also found the artist robottoast recently who makes RIDICULOUSLY good furry art, its so full of life and personality and i definitely need to commission them someday. the most recent singular piece thats changed my whole shit up is this scott pilgrim fanart by benadieshekiel (also below) because i really liked how the clothes were fully rendered while the skin and hair are less detailed with clear lineart. so sometimes i do that too
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ok i think that is as full of a chronicle of Dorian Influences that i can give you rn. i was not lying when i said i wanted to yap. hope you enjoy <3
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marinecorvid · 2 years
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12.24.22 - per ardua ad astra - the failed chosen one and her reluctant successor
wheeee finally an actual drawing of my ocs that aren’t just notebook sketches!! and lineless too!!! been meaning to try out something lineless for a while and im thrilled with how it came out. not sold on astra’s final design (and syn’s face looks a smidge too sharp) but considering this is the first piece ive done w here in YEARS i think some self leniency can be allowed
rlly inspired by picture below bc the dresses reminded me of them in the context of how their lives are lived:
“astra” (right, her given name lost to time, allegedly) though technically covered from head to toe isn’t covered by anything substantial; see through gauze and lengths of beads (holy silver to suppress her void “curse” from taking affect on her body n self) - her personhood never really belonged to her, not even after she stepped out of the spotlight, always confined by other people’s wants. there’s nowhere to hide. drowned in and made utterly vulnerable by starlight.
tamsyn/sinead (left) is exposing xeir arm and leg, representative of xem willingly (though reluctantly) stepping back into a role in prophecy, but is otherwise hidden, secure in the comfort of the void and the knowledge xey could disappear entirely into it if needed - and also revealing scars from xeir own experience with holy silver bindings - a reminder that xey were once under others’ control, but was willful enough to have broken free and not be cowed enough to hide them ... and a reminder that xey bear a deep grudge for those that bound xem.
(og picture the gorls were modeled after:)
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tomwaterbabies · 2 years
I'd like to know if you could share some of your favorite art that you drew? since you have fantastic drawings 😊
you're very sweet, thank you! favorite pieces Of All Time would be too hard to pick i think so i'll share some of my (somewhat recent) favorite pieces ive done.
(DISCLAIMER: apparently there's quite a few i wanted to share so. sorry about the fact that there's 14 down below. lol)
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^one of my first attempts with my new toned sketch style. and the first thing i drew this year! getting expressions/posing just the way i imagined is always a rare treat for me LOL so im also really happy with that still
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^probably my favorite ive done with one of my Other new styles (semi-lineless painting) (along with the first i did with my favorite oc lol) kind of funny to have this as one of my favorites. like of course one of these answers would be pinocchio. but i really like this style because i try not to use any effects like glow or multiply. all the shading, highlights, and stuff like that here is just regular paint
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^more disney... sigh. well these ones are sentimental because i love these guys and drew the first one on my bday which was also when this parade debuted at disneyland again. ive been called insane to have done that one entirely in one day but honestly that just makes me happy because i think ive really developed a good process for sketches like this to make them look nice AND to enjoy making them. the other was made after the last show of said parade and it was just fun to draw a bunch of characters interacting while trying to keep them in character
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^too embarrassed to say what this is other than it's insane oc/canon art BUT i really love this new toned sketch style i do as i said above. and the left one came out nice i think! particularly fond of the wings and facial expressions! and the second one... well i really think it's just one of the best ive done of this character. his hair and proportions on his features just came out so well... ok im gay moving on
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^dont even remember if this was this year or not but let's pretend it is. this one is self-explanatory i think. BIG lineup (for me anyway) and it's of the party from my first ever dnd campaign! very special
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^these ones look simple but they both show things that became SO much more. the first one... it's a catalyst. the start of making what was originally just a COMPLETE joke character into one of my favorite ocs. a treasure. isnt he cute :3c and then the second one is my character i made for a custom ttrpg which ended up being one of the best EVER!!!!!!!! augh. a brilliant campaign made by my very talented friend that ive shared a bit of here
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^idk this is just a cool prompt im proud of. "draw your ocs in fairytales/folktales" and i went mad (i love fairytales/folktales) and just did a bunch of them. in my painting style. can u guess which story is which (little hooded cloak man has the most niche one)
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^pinocchio madness has done a few positive things for me. one, this oc my friend and i made for pinocchio is so precious, i really love their relationship and they bring me so much joy. but ive also developed my skills with expressiveness by studying and drawing disney's pinocchio. these are good examples of posing and expressions im really happy with (can u tell im really focused on expressions LOL). also pinocchio helped me get back to animation work??? wild
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^i am pretty much always happy with how my "screenshot" styled pieces turn out, but this is the most recent one! glad to share this one too since it is literally fanart of the efteling which is that themepark im not normal about
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tgaisobelfieldsend · 1 year
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i decided to experiment with a different application of a pixel style, this time with far more pixels (128x128) and a different brush that allowed me to layer in different hues, as opposed to outright picking the colours that i wanted. i used my friend's character to do this, and it turns out they were very entertaining to draw - it's been a while since i've used softer shapes, and especially for a dragon.
while pixel art is certainly something i've only dabbled in, rather than trying out mainly or for an extensive period of time, i can't deny the satisfactory appeal of it given how clean it makes artwork appear, even when it's a messier piece such as this one. i've always loved dragons and drawn them extensively in a variety of styles including lineless, so the anatomy is not something i typically struggle all that much with, but pixel art makes anatomy a lot easier for me to visualise and correct for a large variety of things - whether this be humanoid, animal, reptilian etc. i prefer to draw a wide range of things when given the opportunity, so this has proved surprisingly useful to me in the recent past when first attempting to draw something new. i don't think i'd pursue it as what i want to primarily use as a style of art but it is certainly fun every so often.
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amberduan-ual · 1 year
Project Agreement Tutorials (20/4/23)
By the time of this class, I'd completed a third of the paintings in my Project A PleinAirpril challenge which is what I brought in to show. I decided at the beginning that all 30 paintings would be the same size and shape, to emulate the experience of drawing in a real sketchbook and so if I ever wanted to print the paintings as part of a book, I'd be able to format them relatively easily.
I chose to bevel the corners of the paintings because I liked the softer effect it gave, rather than the sharp 90 degree turns. I set the paintings slightly inside the square of the canvas rather than directly on the edges because I wanted there to be a bit of a frame to each painting, and also because I wanted room to date each piece underneath. It also had an added benefit of creating more continuity to my Instagram feed, where I was posting the pieces.
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The first two paintings I did for PleinAirpril were plein airs done from real life observation. I constructed a little window out of cardboard for my first painting, which I did at night time from my room.
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I used a lot of brushes with color mixing for these two because I'd seen other digital artists create really gorgeous effects with the color variation. I focused a lot on trying to capture the colors and lighting I saw relatively accurately at this stage.
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For the third painting, I followed along to the first Warrior Painter's demo with Angela Sung, one of the hosts of the Warrior Painter community! For this demo, I was trying to follow the same painting techniques as Angela. She uses the lasso tool a lot to select certain parts of the painting, and then fills that area with a solid color. I think it was a valuable experience to try and work that way, but I found that it definitely doesn't work for me very well. I didn't really feel like I had a lot of control over what I wanted to do, and it really slowed my process down a lot as well.
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For the next two paintings, I tried to push my colors a bit beyond just what I saw, but in hindsight they were pretty close to the original. I experimented a bit with linework in the chicken painting, which I liked but ultimately gave up on in favor of lineless painting instead.
Also at this point, I started using reference photos instead of drawing from real life, since it cost a lot of time to scout out and visit specific locations, which I discovered for Day #2 since I did that at Holland Park near Kennington Palace. Almost all the rest of the paintings I did were of photos I took from spring break, which I wanted to do since it was like a way of documenting the places I traveled to :)
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For Day 6, I painted while watching Marco Bucci's YouTube video series on tips for better painting. It was really helpful to take in his tips and I found myself actively incorporating his tips into my painting as I worked on it.
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I merged my shapes into defined sections and was conscious of making sure colors from certain dominant areas were also present in less prominent areas, to a lesser degree.
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For the next four paintings, I tried to keep those lessons in mind and experiment with my painting techniques to see what worked the best for me.
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