#i was gonna take him on a forest adventure he chased some deer last time the deer were unbothered like wygd lil boy 😂
wellnesscard · 29 days
if you guys want a guy thats the sweetest snuggler and so spunky and hilarious still at 10y old get u a chiweenie
#chihuahua weiner dog every mix of these looks different hes a sturdy boy hes my everything#so much personality#i was gonna take him on a forest adventure he chased some deer last time the deer were unbothered like wygd lil boy 😂#they were right it was so cute tho his lil rump while he runs#hes got such a funny gait. his haunches. his front legs are built and go side to side his back end is so narrow hes just like his daddy#i didnt like him at first hes devons dog hes my stepdog now i always grew up w big dogs n hes so little and girthy and weird im obsesssssed#it is funny. like i said. every chiweenie i see is built different (i think theyre becoming a popular breed? and not for no good reason this#dude rocks)#but yea the funniness in his mimicking of devon#hugeass shoulders and chicken legs#its funny his dad and brother are the same way. his dad calls them his “cheetah legs” 😂#small guys. hes the tallest in the fam clocking in at 5'7. all of them have effortlessly huge shoulders and small everything else#his sister too shes built she lives in the same town as us so she comes over to use our benchpress and weights every now n then#she could throw me forsure. im from this lanky family my brothers are both like 6'5 im just average at 5'9 i wishh i broke the 6ft threshold#were like long lanky. stg im meant to wander i walk walk walk my sister dad and cousins are marathon runners#i dont know what im doing when im not travelling on my feets its everything to me. ive been compared to those classic bigfoot photos with#w his arms swangin bc i do walk like that each stride is 3 ft gotta take advantage of these stilts#there was this girl in my highschool i was fascinated w the way she walked she had negative three inches on me but each step was like#a mini lunge#and ya actually you get the bounciness going it works well#ive been described as a stomper which is true but its not cos im mad or whatever its like ice climbing you wanna make sure ur cleats sunk in#wavy lanky postural sway its a dance small steps are actually harder i lunge and correct.#being on a boat makes so much sense to me its just these movements and strong rooted feet w a swaying-to-the-enviroment everything else#damn. so this post was originally abt my awesome dog?
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croky · 4 years
When they save animals
Ikevamp serie
Chronicles of an MC enjoying her situation way too much
"By any means Mademoiselle, please, let me know if you feel unconfortable being in my filthy presence."
That's one hell of a way to ask me if I enjoy the walk.
I wanted to get closer to this mysterious man with an eyepatch. He was so dark shivers ran down my spine when he happened to talk to me the way he usually did : "Forgive me Mademoiselle, I shouldn't have crossed your pass for the sight of my dreadful person must be utterly outrageous to you." I wanted to reply that it was his home as much as mine but I didn't know how to approach him. So, I went to Arthur for advice.
Worst. Idea. Ever.
Delighted, he first told me to wait for him in his room. Naked. I only answered that I didn't know were the said room was.
Then, he advised me to write him a letter to proclaim my undying love for him. I replied that I was no match to his wording and I didn't want to send him a poorly written one.
Before he could propose anything else, I politely thanked him and I turned tail, not forgetting to say that I would find a way by myself. I obviously didn't because hey ! Social anxiety ! Long time no see.
At the time, I forgot to deny being in love with him. This is why Arthur went to Jean and told him I would like to spend some time with him. He first declined saying he was not worthy and after Arthur said his answer would break my heart and leave me in the deepest despair, he finally agreed and went to propose me a horse ride in the evening.
And there we are, riding through the forest in the middle of winter, my back pressed against his chest. His warm and muscular chest. I must admit, I won't complain about this position, I daresay I would like it to be this way more often. It surprised me at first, I didn't think he would propose something requiring to be so close to me but I was not displeased at all.
"How could I, Jean, when you're so gentle with me." Play it cool Chani, everything is gonna be alright.
We were heading to a frozen lake, he told me that failing to provide me greater company, he could at least offer a beautiful sight.
When we got there, I froze. Not from the cold, there was a deer in the middle of the ice. He had fell in the water, he was struggling to get out but his strengh was leaving him. He was alive but I doubted it would last long. I asked him to stop, if there was one thing that I like to avoid in my life, it's seeing an animal being hurt uselessly. He got down and helped me to join him with a questioning look.
"There's a deer, Jean. I can't stand the sight of it dying like this." As I said that, I started to make headway to the animal. It was dark now, the sun had disappeared behind the skyline a long time ago and the moon was now our only guide.
I didn't get the time to make another step before he grabbed my hand and pulled me back on the bank.
"It's too dangerous. If it is your desire, I shall save it for you." And then he let go of my hand and started to carefully walk on the ice. I just realized at that moment how risky it was. I didn't know if it was dense enough to support his weight and my brain send me lots of images were I saw him sinking deep in the lake to never come back. I was terrified now.
I thought the deer wouldn't make it easier but he stayed calm when Jean approched him. He didn't show any kind of aggression when he grabbed his front legs and pulled him out of the hole then when he passed his arm behind him to help him. He didn't wait to run away from the deadly spot but I still couldn't think straight, Jean was still in danger even though he didn't seem to notice.
He just got up and looked at the moon, his gaze full of sadness and melancholy. The sight of this man so full of darkness surrounded by the bright of the ice was breathtaking.
He might consider himself as fallen, but for me, he still looked like a beautiful angel in the moonlight.
Napoleon joined me to hang the bed sheets in the garden. He wanted to help me finish my chores to spend some time with me. I smell some good husband material in him.
He proposed a walk in the forest with me and we left soon after I told Sebastian I was done with work for today. We followed a pathway that couldn't be taken by a horse, it hided lots of new aspects of the woods I didn't have the chance to see while riding.
We heard a strange noise that had nothing to do with forest animals. More like a goose.
A few seconds after I realized a goose had nothing to do here, it appeared in my field of view, honking and wing flapping. It didn't went our way but I was kinda worried. What is it doing here ? Are there wolves ? It might not make it through the night if there are.
"Where is it from ?" I asked Napoleon.
"There is a farm not far from here, it must have came from there.
- Shouldn't we... help it ? It seems lost."
He shrugged his shoulders and asked me how I expected to deliver it back to his owner. We could catch it...
This is how we ended up running after a goose in the forest, trying to bait it our way. I was doing pretty well, luring it to Napoleon so that he could prevent it from fleeing.
Once he managed to grab it, it fought back full strengh. I must admit it was fun to see how it slapped his face with it's wings and tried, unsuccessfully thank god, to pinch him. If someone back at the manor asked me how it went I would totally answer : oh ! The former emperor of France got attacked by a mad goose. Nothing unusual I daresay.
He finally managed to keep a hold on it and we went to the farm we though it was from. The farmer apologized for all the trouble and thanked us before taking the goose back.
We were heading back home when Napoleon called out my name. "Chani ?
- Yes ?
- No one will ever hear about it right ?
- Yeah you can count on it."
No you can't.
"Chani ?
- Yes ?
- You're gonna tell everyone right ?
- Depends on the price they're willing to pay."
I better run now. And I was right, he chased me all the way down to the mansion. He finally caught me and made me swear not to talk about our adventure. At least when I'm not drunk.
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firegrilled · 5 years
Cryptobiology - Part 1
Summary: When Marco Bodt asked his notoriously skeptical roommate Jean Kirschtein if he wanted to spend spring break looking for cryptids, he was pleasantly surprised when readily agreed. While Marco had his eyes set on there ‘titans’ Jean’s gaze was set on his close friend.
Tags: Jean/Marco, Friends to Lovers, Horror, Comedy, and Fluff
Part 2
The car lights blinked twice as Jean pressed the lock button on the key fob, a little horn signaling that it successfully closed. He turned clicked his phone on and quickly checked the battery, a bit surprised by the half charge and the fact he actually got signal out here. He pocketed the fob and his phone. Jean began the mini hike back to their campsite, mumbling to himself, “Who would’ve guessed leaving it in the car actually did have a benefit?”
Through the treetops Jean could see the dark pastel colors of the setting sun but the thick foliage of the pine tree forest hid most of it, making the sky feel unnaturally dark earlier than usual. With the click of a flashlight the path back to camp was more than illuminated. Hiking boots crunched over the dead plants and twigs that fell during winter, just now being revealed as spring took ahold. The hike back to the camp reminded Jean of his poor decision to accompany his roommate on this trip.
“Some people wanna go to the beach and others wanna go abroad for spring break. But what does Marco Bodt wanna do? Go to the fucking boonies to try and catch make believe creatures,” Jean grumbled to himself. He knew he could’ve easily ignored his roommate’s request to join him. Hell, all their friends did. But Jean couldn’t turn down the chance to spend some alone time with his best friend. He had his own illusive thing he wished to capture.
When Jean arrived back in camp his anger evaporated as soon as he laid eyes on Marco leaning over the fire, feeding it some branches they acquired through their adventure in the woods earlier. A cooler sat next to Marco as he cooked some marshmallows on a stick. A paper plate with four graham crackers were on the stump next to him.
Marco looked up and waved Jean over.
“Hey, did you find it?” He asked while Jean sauntered over to the squeaky lawn chair he deemed suitable for this trip.
“Yeah, the piece of shit fell out of my pocket and landed in between the seat and door. Still got half battery though. You getting signal out here too?” Jean wondered.
Marco briefly checked the phone in his pocket and nodded. “Yeah, actually.”
Jean nodded, at least they had that. “Can I use that power brick of yours tonight? Mine was dead in the car.”
Marco frowned upon hearing that news.
“I told you yesterday to charge it! It’s not gonna last out here for the week if we both use it.”
Jean’s eyebrows shot up with that piece of information.
“The week? You said this was gonna be like three days tops. We were gonna spend the rest at the beach!”
Even in the firelight Jean could see Marco’s cheeks redden. He bit his bottom lip and averted his eyes from Jean’s gaze, looking like a kid with their hand caught in the cookie jar.
“Yeah, well I was hoping we could stay longer. I talked with Ymir and both her and Histoira are just up the road looking for the Jaw Titan too.”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Jean let out an exasperated sigh.
“Ymir and Historia? You classmates?”
Marco nodded, only ticking Jean off more. Of course they weren’t even out here alone.
“Jesus Christ, Marco, there’s no such thing as Sasquatch or any of those weird creatures! I can understand camping for a while but an extra day or two won’t make the difference here.”
Jean took a deep breath and made eye contact with Marco again, instantly regretting his words.
Marco’s face fell and he stared at the crispy marshmallows. He withdrew them from the fire and sandwiched it between two of the three crackers on the plate. Rather than answer Jean, he quietly nibbled on the sugary treat.
A pang of guilt shot through Jean’s chest. The campfire crackled in front of him as a pair sad eyes met his irritated ones. He finally spoke, “Sorry, I’m sorry
 It’s just been a long trek to get here and I’m tired. We spent the whole day looking for footprints and shit and all we got to show for it are sore legs and some videos you took of those cute deer.”
Marco frowned at his best friend’s attitude but quickly put on his usual smile. “I know it’s a long distance but it’s totally worth it.”
Shaking his head, Jean walked over to the cooler they lugged all the way from the parking lot and pulled out an ice cold beer.
The hollow echo of the can cracking open caught Marco’s attention and he extended a hand.
Jean tossed him a can, covering the cooler once more and returning to his seat.
“You’re the only one who would want to spend spring break out in the barrens to try and go monster hunting. I just don’t know how you convinced me to join you in this endeavor,” Jean replied, half lying. He knew exactly how Marco convinced him to go on this wild goose chase: that damn perfect smile of his.
“Because you want to be proven wrong,” Marco guessed.
Also true.
“Yeah I don’t think you’re going to overturn years of scientific proof with a weekend trip, buddy, but you do you,” Jean chuckled, taking a sip of his beer.
“I mean, they’re called cryptids for a reason! Just think though, being able to actually see and document them
 I can’t think of anything more fun or cool.”
Marco downed his beer enthusiastically as he ranted on the possibilities.
“You cryptobiologists are suicidal. I think you mean horrifying. Finding something creepy and unknown out in the woods? That’s how you end up in a horror film,” Jean disagreed, shivering at the thought. “So what are we even trying to find out here anyways? Sasquatch? Yeti?”
“Cryptozoologist,” Marco quickly corrected him. “And titans.”
“What now?”
“I mean we’re not looking for all of them but out here they’re called titans.”
To Be Continued
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cryptidcalling · 4 years
A collection of songs that describe and inspired Wren (lyrics included) that’s actually just me talking about why I like these songs so much.
First, the song that inspired me to make this list, There Beneath by Oh Hellos
There beneath the willow tree I learned a lot about the way of things I learned that everything (the wind, the leaves) has breath inside They were pointing ever east To see the ever-turning aeon cease Their wills were ever bent on waiting with all their might I know (I know) I know this There is beauty in the way of things There beyond the palisade I saw the morning lead a cavalcade They made a marvel of a display And it made me cry 'o lai' O lai (o lai) O lai lord There is beauty in the way of things
I think this song best describes Wren’s mindset on nature. Wren is a man who finds beauty in nature’s smallest cracks and crevices. But he didn’t always think that. As he’s grown he’s felt that connection grow deeper and deeper, from a thing that makes him happy to a thing he can’t survive without. He feels connected to nature and the planet and the whole ecosystem around him. This isn’t just a forest or a mountain or a flower, it’s a part of his home. He shares this place, and he thinks that’s beautiful. 
I think my favorite verse of this song is the last one. I tend to interpret these songs different from a lot of people, but to me it’s describing how in the early hours of morning the sun rises over the world, and that sunlight lays claim over man made things, making them a part of the world even when they wren’t made by the world. 
Second, In The Woods Somewhere by Hozier 
My head was warm My skin was soaked. I called your name 'til the fever broke.
When I awoke The moon still hung. The night so black that the darkness hummed
I raised myself. My legs were weak. I prayed my mind be good to me.
An awful noise Filled the air. I heard a scream in the woods somewhere.
A woman's voice! I quickly ran Into the trees with empty hands.
A fox it was He is afraid. I spoke no words, no sound he made.
His bone exposed His hind was lame. I raised a stone to end his pain.
What caused the wound? how large the teeth? I saw new eyes were watching me.
The creature lunged. I turned and ran To save a life I didn't have.
Deer in the chase There as I flew Forgot all prayers of joining you.
I clutched my life And wished it kept. My dearest love I'm not done yet
How many years I know I'll bear I found something in the woods somewhere.
This song takes a very sharp turn from the first one. It describes Wren’s other relationship with nature, a more complicated one. I’ve discussed Wren’s fear of going missing before, and the way missing persons cases make him feel afraid and guilty. As much as he loves nature, Wren is terrified of becoming one of those people, lost and alone in the woods, eventually dying there as all their friends and family give up on them. 
Wren is helpful by nature, and sometimes that helpfulness makes him do things that he hadn’t ought to for his own well being. Therefore, it would be incredibly easy for Wren to be tricked by something like this. A creature that hurts things and then waits for people to come investigate. He would also be easily duped by creatures that can mimic sounds of screaming or begging to lure humans out to see. Those kinds of creatures particularly scare me, because to mimic those sounds they have to have heard them. Most likely those are the cries of their previous victim. Wren could become that next voice someday if he’s not careful.
I really love this song because it manages to grip something deep inside of me. It makes me feel afraid, even when I’m nowhere near a forest and I don’t believe in monsters. The whole tone and atmosphere applies to the primal human fear of being eaten alive. It’s one of the most common ways to die in nature, being killed and eaten for food. Yet to humans it’s a terribly gruesome and feral death.
Third, The Ground and the Knee by National Park Radio
I'll call my brothers you tell our mothers Too late for the ground and the knee You and I will be
Always together we're closer than ever Connected by our misery Now that I can see
You hold my hand I'll lead you through Keep looking up the skies are blue And when I stumble when I stall I know that you'll be there to break my fall
I made a decision to make an incision And give you a piece of my heart You and I just are
Forever under the spell and the wonder Of finally finding someone Can you feel the sun
You hold my hand I'll lead you through Keep looking up the skies are blue And when I stumble when I stall I know that you'll be there to break my fall
Some they try to run away Forced to live another day Without someone to share their pain
Some they lose the one they love Try to blame the one above For all their troubled selfish ways
But I will never run away I can not live another day Without someone to share my pain
And if I lose the one I love I can not blame the one above For all my troubled selfish ways
You hold my hand I'll lead you through Keep looking up the skies are blue And when I stumble when I stall I know that you'll be there to break my fall
This song best describes Wren’s relationships with people. He’s trusting and loving, and when he truly cares about you he’ll trust you with his heart, even those who don’t deserve it. Because of that he’s quick to take blame when things go wrong, but also quick to help and support others when they need it. He just wants the people he cares about to be happy. He stays optimistic even through bad times, saying to keep your head up and look up and toward blue skies and sunny days. However, he can’t do that without people in his life to share that optimism with. He needs people to spend time with, because when he doesn’t have them he can delve deep into his own loneliness. This tends to get him worrying about the the stuff from the last song.
Fourth, Get Back Up Again by Anna Kendrick (Yes the one from Trolls)
Looking up at a sunny sky, so shiny and blue and there's a butterfly Well, isn't that a super fantastic sign It's gonna be a fantastic day Such marvelousness It's gonna bring, got a pocket full of songs that I'm gonna sing And I'm ready to take on anything Hooray! Some super fun surprise around each corner Just riding on a rainbow, I'm gonna be okay
Hey! I'm not giving up today There's nothing getting in my way And if you knock knock me over I will get back up again, oh If something goes a little wrong Well you can go ahead and bring it on 'Cause if you knock knock me over, I will get back up again Whoa oh oh oh oh, get back up again, whoa oh oh oh oh oh
I'm marching along I got confidence I'm cooler than a pack of peppermints And I haven't been this excited since I can't remember when!
I'm off on this remarkable adventure Just riding on a rainbow What if it's all a big mistake What if it's more than I can take No I can't think that way 'cause I know that I'm really, really, really gonna be okay
Hey! I'm not giving up today There's nothing getting in my way And if you knock knock me over I will get back up again, oh If something goes a little wrong Well you can go ahead and bring it on 'Cause if you knock knock me over, I will get back up again
Whoa oh oh oh oh, get back up again, whoa oh oh oh oh oh Whoa oh oh oh oh And if you knock knock me over, you knock knock me over I will get back up again
So this one is also a big difference from the other songs. It’s not a folk song or foresty sounding or whatever you’d like to call it. However, this song is VERY Wren. He’s optimistic, to the point where someone could say that it blinds him to the bad reality of certain things. He doesn’t let that stop him, though. For Wren, every day is a great day until proven otherwise which is very hard to do. He lets that optimism be infected to others, helping cheer them up and helping them see the good in things.
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay server Log #260
[?] A figure runs hellbent & recklessly through what looks like a dark forest. A woman, dressed in dark rags and covered in blood. Her flight is frenzied, stumbling over everything in her path in a blind panic. Every few minutes, she glances over her shoulder, only to dash forward with more urgency. In the distance behind her, several shadows race after her.
[Brine] Sighing deeply, he lifts his head up to limit of the chain around his neck. His good eye faintly glows in the darkness as the vision fades from his mind. He has no choice anymore, he can't let her be caught, it would be the death of both of them. Drawing what strength he had left, he reaches out past the boarder of his world, into the strange darkness beyond, searching.
[?] There is a strange sound, like the cross of a email notification and a wind-chime. Then a soft tapping sound against the firewall. After a few seconds, it repeats but louder.
[Deer] Shivers a little- Oh my...  Doc?
[Doc] Is laying on the floor drawing with Yaunfen- What is it my sweet?
[Deer] - Somethings at the firewall...
[Doc] Oh dear. Yaunfen? I guess you're playing with just mom for a bit. Mada has to go, it looks like we have visitors. - Xe kisses hir child on the forehead.
[Yaunfen] - Mada, I go to?  Adventure?
[Doc] I don't know what kind of danger I'm walking into, I don't want to risk you or Deerheart. You stay here this time.
[Yaunfen] Lowers head sadly- Oh...  Okay Mada...
[Doc] Holds the tip of their snout under the chin and kisses their nose. - Someday. You're getting so big. If you don't develop some weird powers on your own, mada is gonna set you up with some, and then you can go adventuring with me.
[Yaunfen] - Okay- Goes over to snuggle Deer
[Deer] - Be safe love
[Doc] Hugs Deerheart as well. - I will be. Love you both. - Heads off-
[Buff] Doing pushups by the skeleton horse pen at the spawn
[Ashe] Grunts as he hits the ground outside-
[Endrea] - Easy now, you've almost got it
[Buff] Stops what he's doing - You okay little guy?
[Ashe] - Uh huh!  I'm working on my flying
[Doc] jogs up looking for the source of the tapping from without.
[Endrea] - Hello Doctor- She nudges Ashe back up
[Buff] Waves at Endrea- It's a lovely day, isn't it? [It's not really. It's a bit dreary.]
[Endrea] - Indeed, a good day for flying
[Buff] Stands up and streches - Ahh. Out for some exercise Doctor?
[Doc] Nah. We might have company.
[Endrea] - More?
[?] Another tapping, chime sound, louder than before.
[Doc] Cuts a small hole and peeks out into the void. Listening intently.
[?] One last loud chime and a sheet of paper slaps against Doc's face.
[Doc] Grabs the paper and leans back into the light to read it-
[?] There are only three lines of text on the paper. Top line is a string of numbers, second line a set of coordinates, the third line simply states, “saVe heR. heLp mE. brIne."
[Ashe] - Doc?  What's that?
[Doc] Shit... We need to go out. Now.
[Buff] Reads over hir shoulder- I can help!
[Endrea] - What do you need Doctor?
[Doc] Reinforcements. There's a Herobrine out there calling for help. - Xe makes the hole wider-
[Endrea] - Shall I lend my assistance?
[Ashe] - I wanna help?
[Endrea] - No Ashe, why don't you go find Uncle GG and your siblings
[Doc] Please. It doesn't look like we have much time- Xe goes outside and Buff follows-
[Ashe] Huffs but does go off to find GK-
[Endrea] Uses her own powers to make the hole large enough for her-
[Doc] Closes the wall behind them and rushes out into the dark. Looking for the coordinates-
[Endrea] Follows, alert and ready for anything which may come their way-
[Doc] Finds it and opens a way. They emerge into a dark oak forest-
[Endrea] Growls a little as they enter-
[?] panting, looks over her shoulder and puts on a burst of speed
[Doc] Shifts into his dragon shape and sits up like a gopher to see over the trees-
[Buff] Puts his hands alongside his mouth- Hellloo?
[Endrea] Growls at a creeper-
[?] hears the noise as she emerges out of the shadows and slides to a stop, falling on her rear. She stares at them in shock.
[Buff] Hello! Do you need help?
[Doc] Flumps back down and sniffs- I smell blood! Oh!
[Endrea] Watches the direction the woman came from-
[?] crashing sounds come from the forest behind her as she continues to stare at them.
[Endrea] - Artemisia- She stretches into her full size and is poised to attack
[Doc] Gathers a mouthful of loud crackling statick and bad code-
[Buff] Bounces on his heels a bit-
[?] From the shadows emerge 3 large black horses, eyes glowing red and decked in diamond armor. On their backs sit 3 similarly clad figures, armed with swords and shields.
[Endrea] Blasts them with void energy-
[Buff] I hope you're ready for a fight! Chasing a lady like that!
[?] The two on the sides move in time to avoid the blast, but the center one takes it head on. The horse & rider cry out once and fall, turning to black dust.
[Buff] Pushes the nearest tree to fall on them-
[Doc] Just blasts whatevers left with the mess of scrambled codes in hir mouth-
[?] The one closest to the tree sees it falling and manages to avoid it, only to have Doc's blast hit them dead on. The other manages to duck the blast, barely. The horse rears up, screaming and then takes off back into the forest.
[Endrea] Huffs in annoyance-
[Doc] Roars after them- And don't come back. Or you'll get more of the same!
[?] is speechless and has curled into a ball on the ground.
[Buff] You're safe now miss. Are you alone? Or is there someone else who needs saving too?
[Doc] Bumps agains Endrea playfully- That was easy. - Xe leans down to examine the woman.
[Endrea] Spreads her wing over the group to shelter them as her head swivels around, on the look out for more danger-
[?] has her eyes closed tight and is mumbling. - They aren't real, they aren't real.
[Doc] I guess we just go then?
[Buff] I don't see anybody else around?
[Endrea] - I can smell others...  We should hurry
[Doc] Foes or fleeing people though?
[Endrea] - I can't tell
[Doc] Then we smash and grab. We'll get the details from her when we're safe. - Xe thumps hir tail - Buff?
[Buff] I'm all over it - He picks up the woman in a craddle carry and rushes over to Doc.
[Doc] Xe kneels and lets him up before making another hole back out into the void
[Endrea] Brings up the rear as they move along-
[Doc] Zips outside and waits for Endrea before closing the hole again - So long suckers! - xe prances a bit in the darkness and heads for home-
[Endrea] Looks at the woman- I wonder what's happening with her?
[Buff] She seems really upset.
[Doc] She may be in shock, That's why I'm hurrying. We need to get her somewhere warm.
[Endrea] - We're almost there...
[Doc] Makes a slight correction and comes out into the desert by the shrine. Knowing it won't be raining there-
[Buff] Slides off hir back and lays the woman down on the warm sand.
[Doc] Miss? You called for help?
[Endrea] Settles down in the sand-
[?] As the warmth gets to her, she relaxes. Slowly she opens her eyes, which are purple with no pupil. - Ah... Help? Call?
[Doc] Loafs. - Someone sent us a message, calling for help- brandishes the bit of paper in two claws-
[?] looks at paper and reads - I didn't... I couldn't. But... I can almost remember who this is. - She taps the name.
[Doc] You're covered in blood. Do you need medical attention? Or is it not yours?
[?] She looks at herself, shocked. - I... Don't think it's mine, but I.. I can't say no. I don't remember.
[Doc] Lifts up hir head and shrinks down to hir human form. - I'll take a look. I'm a doctor.
[?] She flinches at the transformation, but continues to sit. - Who are you?
[Doc] Just a glitch. I'm DoctorF. Doc is fine. This is my NOTCH Buff, and our friend Endrea.
[Endrea] Nods her head respectively, not noticing her tail dipping into the water-
[?] She looks over Doc, then Endrea, but when she spots Buff, she freezes.
[Buff] Waves with a big friendly smile.
[Doc] Checks her for wounds and takes a peek at her code while shes distracted-
[?] She starts shaking.
[Endrea] - Is everything alright?
[?] Suddenly she pushes back from Doc, grabbing her head. - No! NO! NO!
[Doc] It's okay! You're safe! Calm down!
[Buff] Oh dear.....
[Endrea] Her full attention is on the woman-
[?] She stumbles back more, still holding her head, then freezes. Lowering her hand, she looks up at them, snarling. - NOT AGAIN! - Holding out her hand, a long black shadow starts to form.
[Endrea] Is up in a flash and pouncing on the stranger-
[Doc] Is fumbling around and tosses out some of Lie's calming flowers - Just take deep breaths, we don't want to hurt you!
[?] She thrashes around, snarling and growling.
[Flux] Suddenly perks from where she's snuggled next to Notch-
[Doc] Calls out for TLOT over the chat and after a moment he runs up with Steve at his heels-
[TLOT] What's going on?!
[Doc] She's having a fit of some kind! Touch her mind and see if you can tell what's wrong!
[TLOT] reaches out to her mentally. Projecting calming thoughts-
[Flux] Dissolves into her mist form and reappears near the group-  Doctor...
[Steve] Looks afraid and Buff reflexitively pats him on the head- Hey!
[Doc] Flux...?
[TLOT] Picks up flashes of memories: her fighting a Notch, another man with white eyes, then an explosion of pain.
[Flux] Narrows her gaze at the woman before her and raises her hand, suddenly tightening it into a strong grip, halting the woman's magic- That's enough
[TLOT] She has a brine. A NOTCH too. Don't know if either of them are still alive though.
[Doc] Then I wonder what she herself is?
[?] She goes limp suddenly.
[Steve] Is already pulling out a blanket. - poor thing...
[TLOT] We should get her inside at least.
[Flux] - There is magic affecting her...
[Doc] Oh dear.... well that's more your area then mine. Can you help her?
[Flux] - I can try- She begins weaving her own magic around the woman's, creating a fine webbing to hold it in.  She secures it to the woman's body tightly, not wanting any harm to come to this seed- That should do it...  Please, alert me immediately if you begin to see traces of my taint...
[Doc] I'll keep her under observation.
[Endrea] Backs off a little-
[TLOT] Weaves a bit of soothing energies and lets them settle around the group-
[Brine] - Slumps forward, held up by his encased arms. Knowing that she is out of his reach gives him time. Before he can rest, a set of heavy footsteps comes up behind him. Lifting his head, he leers up at the bald brown dressed man.
[FalseNotch] — What have you done? - When Brine fails to answer, the man kicks him hard in the side, causing him to jerk away and start coughing.
[Brine] - coughing - She is out... of your... reach. - When he has his breath back, he starts to softly laugh.                                         [Brine] Count your days, Impostor. This time you can't simply just imprison me. I have one follower left and you'll never reach her now. - He continues to laugh.
[FalseNotch] - Staring down at the other, he's enraged at this new turn of events. When Brine doesn't stop laughing, he suddenly backhands him, silencing him. - It doesn't matter. A single soul won't be enough to save you, especially when that soul isn't even here for you to draw from.
[Brine] - keeps quiet, waiting.
[FalseNotch] You will learn your place. - He turns and stomps away.
[Brine] - sags against his bindings, exhausted. He's given her a fighting chance, all he can do is wait and hope once more, she will pull through for him.
[TLOT] I hate the thought that you may have left someone else at the mercy of a NOTCH...
[Doc] it couldn't be helped. We need to know more about the situation
[Steve] Sneaks close enough to the woman to drape a yellow kitted shawl over her shoulders
[Buff] Bad NOTCHs are stupid. They don't appreciate the job they've been given.
-Firebird glides by overhead, only to pause and circle back around to hover over the group a bit-
[Buff] waves at the birb
[TLOT] Looks up- ah, more company
[Doc] Hmm?
[Firebird] -Swoops down and lands heavily on Doc's head. Probably harder than necessary.-
[Doc] Is knocked flat - Whoah! What the hell Firebird?!
[Firebird] -Angry bird noises-
[Firebird] -Hops on Doc's head a few times, lighter-
[Doc] Transforms again to keep from being driven into the sand- FIREBIRD STOP IT!
[Firebird] -One final angry hop before getting off and glaring at Doc-
[Endrea] - I wonder what's wrong...
[TLOT] Bemused expression- something troubling you Firebird?
[Firebird] -Squawks at TLOT-
[Firebird] -Covers face with wings and grumbles softly-
[Endrea] - Is something wrong with CN?
[Firebird] -Head shake-
[?] - head suddenly clear, she struggles upright and looks around, confused. - Where in the holy Nether am I now?
[Flux] - You're safe
[?] Safe? Ah... ok. Safe is a start. Next question, why am I here?
[Doc] where and why are the same thing. This is a sanctuary for Herobrines- gestures at the giant brine in the stained glass of the shrine
[Firebird] -Looks at new person after a moment to calm down-
[?] - she looks at the glass, makes a face, then rubs her temple. - I feel like I'm missing things, again.
[Flux] - Well you are rather influenced by magic...
[TLOT] scans Firebirds thoughts
[Firebird] -It's mostly that Mix is being a nuisance now, but not much on the how-
[Endrea] Shifts back to her more human form-
[TLOT] this is one annoyed birb Doc. Apparently Mix is being super hyper.
[?] - rubs head while thinking - Magic... mag... Oh. It happened again.
[Flux] - You know what it is?
[?] Yes, no and maybe. It's hard to explain, doubly since I can never remember everything.
[?] - she starts looking frantically - I didn't hurt anyone this time, did I?
[Flux] - No, I ceased your magic. What's your name?
[?] Sammn, that part I can always remember.
[Flux] - My name is Flux, I am an embodiment of magic
[Sammn] Alright, but please don't take offense if I don't remember.
[Flux] - I will not. I will let you know that I've put a seal the magic inside of you for the time being
[Sammn] Thank you, I think. I mean... - She sighs and pulls the blanket tighter around her.
[Endrea] - What's wrong?
[Sammn] I don't know... I'm confused, but I know this has happened before. Many times.
[Sammn] Each time, I remember less and the feeling that I'm failing at sometime gets worse.
[Doc] How odd. Well... We also take in creepypastas. So we're rather used to people who have occasional fits of rage for little to no reason.
[TLOT] Scans Sammn looking for the Insanity infection in her mind and comes up empty. - 'SHEs not there Doc...'
[Doc] Well thats a relief, even though it also makes things harder
[Buff] Failing at something?
[Steve] Saw the little bit of memories secondhand- Maybe you need to save your Herobrine?
[Sammn] - she frowns - Herobrine? The name Brine seems fimilar, maybe they are the same?
[Endrea] - Well many here are brines
[TLOT] Slides off his helm and shakes out his hair a bit. His eyes twinkle like stars. - many of us look the same. Perhaps my face is familiar?
[Sammn] - stares at him - Close your left eye
[TLOT] Does so and it looks like he's giving a rather saucy wink
[Sammn] - stares then eyes go wide - Brian!
[Steve] is that his name?
[Doc] Then we did leave someone behind... - wilts
[Endrea] - They may have been nowhere near Doc
[Doc] Still looks sad
[Sammn] Brian.... I... I can almost remember. -  grabs her head again, grimacing.
[TLOT] Reaches out to her mentally- don't strain, just breathe...
[Doc] We'll find them.
[Buff] So you don't know who was chasing you? Or why?
[Sammn] - pulls the blanket over her head, rocking - Things, too many legs and eyes. Not real! They wanted... Argh! - punches herself in the head.
[Flux] - That's enough, no need to injure yourself.
[Sammn] - rocks and stays under the blanket. - No more, please. My head hurts.
[Doc] Pulls out a health potion and offers it to her, it's orange and slightly fizzy- Drink this. It might help with your headache.
[Endrea] - Perhaps she needs rest?
[Doc] This is also a good idea. Actually let's go down to the kitchen, it's getting dark anyway.
[Doc] Turns to Firebird- Sorry about Mix, but she was literally dying.
[Firebird] -head tilt a bit before snuffling-
[Endrea] - You know Firebird, CN is rather enjoying his lessons with you, he's started refusing his lessons with Lie
[Doc] Whatever was giving her power was swiftly ebbing away. Cp and I just charged her crystal
[Firebird] -Soft embarrassed noise over CN information.-
[TLOT] It's appreciated too. Lie needs her space and CN needs a mentor.
[Firebird] -slight nod and look away-
[Sammn] - takes potion and sips it. The headache backs off somewhat.
[TLOT] Come on guys, let's go inside. It's getting dark.
[Doc] Shifts and holds the shrine door open with a gracious air.
[Sammn] - keeps the blanket around her, but enters.
- The cavernous and mostly white space is lit by the flickering if the flame trough before the great window, and it casts it's dancing light over the gigantic map that vanishes far below the floor.
[TLOT and Steve] head down the stairs and motions for them to follow.
[Sammn] - stares at the map for a few, before following.
[Doc] at Sammn -  it's not everything, but it's close
[Firebird] - shifts form and walks after them -
[TLOT] Starts making some coffee out of reflex.
[Steve] Makes some tea instead and sets the pot and cups on the table
[Endrea] Follows in her more humanoid shape and sits down at the table.
[Doc] Sammn, if you want to clean up I can show you where the tub is
[Sammn] - nods.
[TLOT] passes Firebird a cup of coffee- any sign of that damn peacock?
[Doc] Leads just Sammn down past the polar bear cage and through the gold room in to the lab. The slime blocks bounce and squash and the shulkers break into odd noises as the doctor passes their enclosure - it's over here. - Gestures at the lava tub and the heated bath beside it- theres some Steve and Alex clothes as well as a bunch of kitted sweaters and stuff in that little room to the side-
[Sammn] Thank you... I won't take long.
[Doc] I'll give you some privacy, and if you want to claim one of the little rooms down this hall for now, you can. I usually take in newcomers until they get settled. Just think really loud if you need anything, TLOT is a very powerful psychic.
[Sammn] - nods, eyeing the tub.
[Doc] Goes back to the kitchen
[Firebird] The peacock won't  leave me alone, so yes. - sips coffee a bit-
[Steve] at least it can't get you in the tower. You can always hang with us
[TLOT] Is it just trying to fight you?
[Buff] what's a pea-cock? It sounds like a medical problem?
[Firebird] Not just fight. Court. Its probably interested in me. - more intense sip of coffee, distant look-
[Firebird] It brought me a stick.... - softer- bitches like sticks...
[Steve] You should sic Cn on it, since he loves feathers
[Sammn] - waits until she's sure she's alone, then tosses aside the blanket and climbs into the tub, clothes on. Once inside, she dunks down and pulls the dress off. The poor thing has seen better years, but faithfully she starts to try & wash out some of the blood and muck.
[TLOT] Oh dear...
[Buff] I wonder what would happen if you had kids? Bird people NOTCH AIs?
[Firebird] I really don't want to find out...
[Firebird] But... Probably.
[Buff] That would be neat!
[Doc] Catches the tail end of the discussion, - bird people?
[Firebird] Hmm? -Look up at the Doc-
[Doc] I set our new friend up with some clothes and a place to wash up
[TLOT] takes out some fruit and brings it to the table as well
[Buff] we were speculating on what would happen if Firebird got with the ... Pea-cock?
[Firebird] -rubs at arm a bit before sipping coffee- The peacock won't leave me alone, ever. Do you know how many sticks and baubles I have from it trying to impress me?
[Firebird] -intensely- Too many.
[Doc] if you were humanoid more often? Maybe that would discourage it?
[Firebird] Doesn't work. It just straight up crawled into my lap and screamed at my face last time it found me like this. I'm just bird enough still, I guess.
[Endrea] Smirks a little- It's like how my children and I are still distinctly dragon even when more human like
[Firebird] Yeah... Speaking of, Liz looks nice.
[Doc] Preens a little. - Thank you for that, Firebird. I'm just glad xe's happy. I'll happily do the same for anybody else who wants it.  
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Lakeside Confessions
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This is my first attempt at a Reader insert fan fic. Hopefully it isn’t too awful. This can also be read on AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9184159
Summary:  Steve and Natasha plan a mini vacation to the Barton ranch to visit Clint and his wife. The reader is under the impression that the whole team is coming. Turns out it'll be just Steve, Natasha, the reader and her crush - James "Bucky" Barnes.
Word Count: 3,171
Warnings: None - Unless you count potentially awful first attempt at Reader insert.
“This seems like an awful idea.” (Y/N) said to Natasha.
“(Y/N), come on. You’re already packed. Clint’s farm is beautiful.” Nat replied. “Plus, it’ll give you some quality time with your crush.” She continued with a wink.
“Hush, someone could hear you.”
Natasha smiled antagonistically, “So you’d probably get really upset if I yelled out that you didn’t want to go because you think it’ll be to awkward.”
“If it will get you to zip your lips, I’ll come.” (Y/N) said picking up her duffle back.
“Good choice” Nat said stepping out into the hall. “Oh, look.” She beamed. “Hey Barnes.”
“Hi ladies.” He said as he approached your door.
“Hey Buck.” (Y/N) said timidly.
“You guys need help getting your bags down?” Bucky asked
“I think I’m al..”
“That’d be really nice. Thanks Bucky.” Nat interrupted.
Bucky picked up yours and Natasha’s suit cases and headed towards the elevator.
“We’ll be right behind you.” (Y/N) called out.
“Wheels up in ten.” Bucky called back with a smile.
You watched and waited for the elevator doors to close with him inside. This was gonna be a long trip if you couldn’t get Nat under control.
“What’s that look for?” She asked innocently.
“You know what.”
“He offered. Plus, it’s a sweet gesture.”
You grabbed your jacket off the back of your door. “Come on, let’s go. You don’t want them to leave without me.” You replied sarcastically.
“I don’t understand why you don’t just kiss him already.” She said pushing the down arrow on the elevator. “You two both practically fall over yourselves every time the other enters the room.”
“We do not.”  
The elevator ride seemed slow, when the doors opened Steve and Bucky was already in the hanger; bags were being loaded onto the Quin Jet.
“We’re not all gonna fit in that.” (Y/N) said to Nat.
“Not all of us are going.” She replied with a smirk.
You gave her a questioning look.
“Just you, Barnes, Steve and myself.”
“That’s an odd combination.” You replied confused.
Doing the math in your head you realized exactly what kind of situation you were walking into. Two couples, You and Bucky – for an entire weekend.
“I thought Tony was coming.” You hesitated for a second. “Come to think of it, I also thought Wanda, Vision and Sam were coming.”
“They were going to.” Nat replied smugly. “Something came up with Rhody, so Tony had to stay behind. Thor requested Visions presence on Asgard regarding the mind stone and Wanda wanted to join Vision.”
“When did, all this come up?” You questioned.
“Oh.” Nat looked at you like a deer that had just been caught in headlights. “Last night.”
“Mmhh.” You replied not believing her.
Walking on board the Quin Jet you found your normal seat directly behind the pilot. Steve usually flew and you loved to pepper him with questions about the jet and his flying adventures from before his time in the ice. Natasha sat across from you as the men locked everything down to make sure it was secure. After buckling into the seat, you began to fiddle with the hem of your jacket. You looked up as Steve took a seat next to Nat and buckled in.
“If you’re sitting there, who is sitting there?” You questioned pointing towards the pilot seat.
“I am.” Bucky answered as he walked between you and Steve.
“Oh.” You stammered.
“Do you have a problem with me flying, doll?” Bucky asked.
You blushed at the nickname. “No, not at all. I was just surprised.”
Bucky smiled and turned back in the seat to prepare for take-off. “It’s about a three-hour flight. So, we should be landing just about five.”
The flight west was beautiful, you’d lived in isolation most of your life so nature was something to you that you mostly just saw in movies and television. But, the further west you went the greener the ground became. It looks almost like a patch work quilt of various shades of greens and browns amongst the forests.
“We’re about a mile out.” Bucky called from the pilot seat.
You perked up in your seat to see around Bucky. You were curious to see the farm that so many of the Avenger hadn’t known existed until a few short years ago, Clint had been hiding a family from the world to keep them safe. You had heard how upset some of the team was when it had original happened; but, you only had admiration for him and his wife. Their willingness to be apart to keep each other safe while still falling more in love with each other every day was something fairy tales could be made of.
The trees began to thin out before opening into cul-de-sac shape. There was a small pond off to the side of the red barn and white house. It was a beautiful old farm house with a green brown roof and wrap around porch. It brought a smile to your face to think that places like this could really exist outside of a movie set.
Bucky smoothly landed the jet in the field behind the barn before dropping the door for us to exit. Nat and Steve both shot you soft smiles as you unbuckled and stood.
“We’ll come back for the bags in a bit.” Steve said to Bucky.
Bucky nodded in agreement.
“Shall we?” Steve asked Natasha holding out his hand.
They had been a thing since the weeks after the ordeal with the Accords. Everyone had gone their separate ways to sort out what had happened, but just expected. Someone needed help, so they brought the band back together. A new dynamic was in play that most everyone was still trying to figure out.
You and Bucky followed along behind them, as Nat led the way to the home she was all too familiar with.  Electricity radiated between you both without a single touch. You’d been crushing on James Buchanan Barnes since the first time you walked into the Stark Tower. Both of you were shy, which made it hard for either of you to open to the other. You had heard the many stories of the Winter Soldier, many nights when he first moved into the tower you were awoke by the screams of his nightmares. But all that set aside you had never seen the Winter Soldier in the tower; only Bucky. He was kind and sweet. Though conversations between the two of you were short – he was never anything but caring and gentle to you.
Bucky gestured for you to go ahead of him as you climbed the stepped up to the front door. Natasha tapped on the door as she pushed it open.
“Honey, I’m home.” She called out gleefully
“Come on in!” A woman’s voice called out from the distance.
We all stepped in the front door and Bucky closed it behind him.
“Honey, they’re here.” The voice called out again.
“Oh, how I’ve missed you!” The woman said as she embraced Natasha.
“I’ve missed you too.” Natasha replied. “Where are the kids?” She questioned.
“With my parents. Kid free weekend for all of us.”
“Huh,” Natasha replied with a smile.  “You remember Steve.” Nat replied pointing to Cap.
The woman extended her hand. “Great to see you again, Captain.”
“You as well, Mrs. Barton.”
“Oh, please. Call me Laura.”
“This is Steve’s best friend, James Barnes – he goes by Bucky.”
She stepped forward, eyeing his metal arm. “I’ve heard great things about you from Clint, it’s an honor to meet you.” She stated reaching out to shake his hand.
“And this.” Natasha said coming to stand next to you. “This is (Y/F/N)(Y/L/N). The girl Clint helped me save.”
“This is her?” Laura said as her eyes grew.
“It is lovely to meet you.” She said opening her arms to hug you.
You normally weren’t a huggy person, but you obliged and hugged her back.
“Clint told me that you were the last of the Red Room survivors. I can’t imagine how much of a transition this had been for you.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Barton; and thank you for opening your home to all of us.”
“I heard my name.” Clint said as he walked around the corner wiping his hands on a red grease rag.
“I called for you.” Laura said.
“Eh, I knew you’d get your hellos out of the way faster without me.”
Nat and Steve both chuckled.
“Kid, I’m glad Nat talked you into coming.” Clint said walking towards you with open arms.
You hugged him back, his hugs had felt safe to you since the day he rescued you from that awful place. “She didn’t really give me much of a choice.”
“I’m sure you two could have duked it out, if you really didn’t want to come.” He said pulling back with a wink. “But it’s okay to admit it, you missed me. You just had to come.”
You laughed so hard you had to catch yourself before you snorted, “I did miss you.”
“Steve, Nat; Glad to see you haven’t chased off the kid yet.”
“Just doing our jobs.” Steve replied with a smile.
“Barnes, good to see you again.” Clint said reaching out to shake his hand.
You caught Bucky’s eyes as he looked up at Clint; both of you smiling at each other.
Clint kept a hold of Bucky’s hand as he spoke. “You’re keeping the kid safe, right? From the possibilities of anything painful, broken hearts for examples.”
“Clint.” Laura said softly.
You blushed at Clint’s implications.
“Clint, why don’t you get the barbeque started.” Laura suggested to her husband.
“Bucky and I will go out and grab the bags.” Steve announced heading towards the front door.
The men quickly dispersed leaving you alone with Nat and Laura. Looking up between the two women you noticed the look they were giving you.
“What?” You questioned.
“You’re blushing again.” Nat smirked.
“Come to the kitchen, we can prepare the rest of dinner.” Laura replied leading the way.
Laid out on the kitchen were the ingredients to make a toss salad. “Can I?” You asked
“Yes, please.”
You washed your hands at the sink before taking a seat at the island to begin tearing the lettuce.
“So, what is the story with you and Mr. Barnes.” Laura asked.
“No story.” You replied light.
Nat snickered in the background.
“I’ll bite.” Laura said turning to look at Nat. “What’s the story between Ms.(Y/L/N) and Mr. Barnes?”
Later that evening after the sun had set and dinner had settled, Clint got the idea to have a bonfire. Collecting the necessary items – marshmallows, camp chairs, long sticks and a few alcoholic beverages the six of us made our way out to the stone fire pit. You were in tow behind Nat when you realized what seats were left. Nat took the seat between Steve and Laura, leaving you with the only empty seat between Clint and Bucky.
“Are you even old enough to drink, kid?” Clint asked.
You laughed, “I’m twenty-three.”
“Has it been that long?” Nat said.
“Five years.” You replied. “I was with Shield for two years before it fell.”
“Where were you when it fell?” Bucky asked.
You turned to look at him. “Washington D.C.” You stated. “I was in the control room at the Triskelion.
“Oh.” He replied.
“It got hairy in there, but I made it out.” You said reassuringly.
“There never should have been a fight there to begin with.” Bucky replied softly. “I’m gonna take a walk.” He continued before getting up.
“Buck, wait.” Steve called out as he got up.
“I think that (Y/N) should take this one.” Nat suggested
She looked at you and gave a reassuring smile.
“I can handle it.” You assured Steve.
You got up following Bucky.  He wasn’t necessarily running, but man he did not walk slow. He was headed towards the small pond that was off to in the distance. When you felt, you were far enough from the rest of the group you called out for him.
“Buck, could you slow down.” You called out.
“What are you doing?” He said, stopping to look at you.
“I didn’t think you should be alone.” You said honestly.
“Thank you, but I’m fine.” He said turning to walk again.
Thankfully his pause in walking, even in though it was brief gave you a chance to catch up. Now only trailing behind slightly you waited it out. Realizing he didn’t want to talk, you simply followed him until you arrived at the pond. You watched as he started off to one side of it. Choosing to give him space, you sat on the edge of the pond and watched the water.
Watching closely, you notice Bucky’s pace slowed down. You realized this was the first time you had seen him so upset. At times since Bucky joined the house hold you had seen him ask for space when he became upset or confused about a situation. But he rarely left a gather in such haste. The fall of Shield was far from the Winter Soldier’s fault, you found yourself confused as this was a topic that had been discussed between Steve and Buck a few times; and he seemed to have dealt with it.
Lost in your own thoughts, it startled you when Bucky came to sit beside you.
“You’re not going away are you?” He questioned.
You turned to him and smiled. “Nope. I’m here to stay. We can talk if you want to talk, or just sit here and stare at the water. But I can tell you’re upset.”
“Why were you in the control room that day?” He questioned.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Field Agents, don’t belong in the control room.”
“I was checking on a friend. Rumlow and his cronies came in before I could leave.”
“You shouldn’t have been there.” He said softly, almost as if I wasn’t supposed to hear.
“It’s not like any of us knew there was going to be an attack on the Triskelion that day.”
“Did you get out before the building collapsed?” He questioned.
“I did. After Rumlow left the room, myself and a few other agents help as many as we could get out of the building.”
“How badly were you injured?”
“I needed a few stitches and wore cast on my wrist for a few weeks.” You answered. “How did you know I had been hurt?”
“Steve told me once. He told me that him, you and Nat were the only three from the house there that day.”
“You know you aren’t responsible for that day, right?”
“I’m responsible for many bad things, (Y/N).”
“Someday you’re going to forgive yourself.” You said softly. “Someday you will realize that you are a victim of an awful tragedy. Those things they made you do, those weren’t you. You were a soldier following orders. You couldn’t have stopped it if you tried.”
Bucky didn’t say anything.  The two of you sat in silence as the stars reflected in the water in front of you.
“You know when you first moved into the tower, I’d wake up when your nightmares became too much.” You said softly, “I’d wake up to your screams, they broke my heart; because I could only imagine the things that haunted your sleep.” You paused for a moment turning to look at him. “After I realized you didn’t come out of your room when you woke from those; I started sitting outside the door until I could hear your breathing return to a calm state.”
Silence passed between you again.
“I’m sorry I woke you all those times.” He said softly.
You reached over to squeeze his hands. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Buck.”
Much to your surprise he didn’t pull his hand back from your own. You were even more surprised at the gesture that came from you. You chalked the new-found bravery up to the slight buzz you were feeling from the wine at dinner.
“My nightmares have subsided a lot since I moved in to the house.” He realized.
“What do you think as helped?” You questioned.
Bucky hesitated for a moment, he was looking deeply into your eyes – almost as if he was trying to see your soul.
“Because I found something that makes me happy, that makes me feel safe. It’s something that makes me think that I can do good.” He took a deep breath. “Sometimes though, I have nightmares that it gets taken from me.”
You smiled at Bucky, “No one is ever going to take that security from you Buck. We all love having you at the tower. I’m glad that it makes you feel that way.”
A blush formed on Bucky’s cheeks. “It’s not the tower that makes me feel that way or even all the people in it. Trust me, Sam eats at every nerve I have.” He said with a smirk.
“Oh.” You said surprised. “Then what is it?”
“It’s you, (Y/N).” He replied with a smile.
A smile took over your face that spread from ear to ear. “Oh, Bucky.”
“I mean it, I really do.” He assured.
Unsure of the words you needed, you embraced the saying ‘actions speak loud than words’. As you leaned in towards him, he didn’t pull away. Your lips met and fit together like two perfect puzzle pieces. Your kiss was full of passion and need and only ended when the need for air became too great.
Bucky looked down at you with a smile.
“I’ve been waiting for that way too long.” You confessed.
“Me too.” He confessed back as he wrapped his arm around you.
You leaned into his shoulder, content in his embrace. You would find yourself looking up at him and he was already staring at you. In turn it made you blush, which only made him smile.
“Pay up Steve.” Clint said startling you both.
“Hey guys.” Bucky said turning his head.
Nat, Steve, Clint and Laura all came walking up the path to you.
“I see you worked out your differences.” Steve said handing Clint a twenty-dollar bill.
“You bet it on it, I see.” You replied
The four of them laughed. “We will leave you guys alone.” Nat said pushing Steve backwards.
Not letting them spoil the moment, you nuzzled back in to Bucky chest and watched the pond. His grip around your waist tightened as he ran a hand up and down your back. There was no way of knowing what would happen when the sun came up or even when you ended up back in New York. But you were thankful for the few moments you had with him and the confession of knowing how important you were to him.
Maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad vacation after all.
Tagging a few of my favorite blogs -
@bovaria @aubzylynn @hymnofthevalkyries @after-avenging-hours @love-buckybarnes @callingmrsbarnes​
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