#i was literally just trying to scroll through tumblr but NOOO
macknashell · 2 years
love getting viciously attacked by a moth at 12:18 am ☺️☺️☺️❤️❤️❤️
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NOOO i want to draw fanart for this one snufmin fanfic so bad BUT I CANNOT FIND IT ANYWHERE ive literally just been scrolling endlessly through moomin fanfics hoping for the best but its been like an hour or something ridiculous SO TO TUMBLR I GO  OK SO I AM JUST GOING TO DESCRIBE EVERYTHING I CAN REMEBER YTUGUFTYTFYUGHU 
- it was this one fic where snufkin decides trying to stay in moominvalley for winter - theres this one scene from the beginning of winter where snufkins like ????? why arent u going to sleep ????? and moomins like nah im not going to hibernate this year  - yes they stay in moominhouse together - theres one scene where snufkin is about to play harmonica and moomin is like NOO stop ur gonna wake everyone up and snufkin is like 😞😔 unfortunate day for our society - snufkin sees the valley covered in snow from moomins window and HE IS SO EXCITED ABOUT HOW PRETTY THE VALLEY IS  - he and moomin go out in the snow together and snufkin just runs around having THE BEST TIME amen good for you snufkin - GUYS PLS I WANT TO DRAW FANART OF THAT SCENE SO BAD - moomin is like snufkin we are going to freeze to death- *que snufkin already running off somewhere* (KINDA SPOILERS????) - snufkin slowly starts getting his classic wanderlust but like kinda depressingly tfgyyTFGYTYFGY - snufkin sees that moomin has left his clothes and pack for him on the stairs when he wakes up and snufkin is all like damn 😔 ig he doesnt believe in me to stay 😔  - anyways then he leaves through moomins window and its this dramatic and angsty moment LMAO
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yunojeyes · 3 years
Love Through Jaemin’s Cracked Screen
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Jeno falls for Jaemin's best friend through IG Live
Pairing : simp!Lee Jeno x reader ft. best friend!Jaemin
Genre: fluff
Masterlist: here
Fic recs: YuuYuu2
a/n: Please note that all of this is fictional and the personalities of the characters are made specifically for the story! Please do not copy the story and post it elsewhere or on Tumblr!
Love Through Jaemin's Cracked Screen is copyright 2024 under yunojeyes, all rights reserved.
The Dreamies were on their way to inkigayo to perform their last stage for their comeback; hello future and were as usual, divided into two cars. Jaemin, Jeno and Jisung in one and Hyuck, Renjun, Mark and Chenle in the other. Being bored out of their mind and having sung all the songs they wanted to, Jaemin scrolled through twitter to see what the czennies were doing. He came across a czennie account where they said how interesting it would be to have the dreamies hang out with y/n, this has been something that the czennies have been asking for ever since Jaemin revealed that you're his best friend.
"Hmm.. why not?" Nana thought so he proposed the idea to have an ig live with you as their guest, this means that they'll be meeting you for the very first time. Clearly excited after hearing about how amazing you were from Jaemin they quickly agreed. Their manager passed the phone to them and Jaemin clicked the 'go live' button.
Waiting for their beloved czennies to enter the live, they decided to sing an on the spot made up gyeranmari song remix.
Ting! "Message from Nana"
That's weird he said that he had a schedule. You unlocked your phone to check the message that read, "y/nieee join the liveeee'"
You opened your instagram to see that Nct Dream's account was going live so, you clicked on it to not have to deal with a sulky Jaemin later.
"oooooOH Y/N's HerE" Jaemin shouted while Jisung and Jeno covered their ears desperately trying to recover from that frequency attack. You laughed and commented a sorry to Jeno and Jisung for being the cause of Jaemin's shouting. "How do I invite y/niee in the live" Jaemin muttered with his eyebrows furrowed and lips pouting in concentration. "OH I found iT!" He shouted, his energy being all over the place at the fact that he could talk to you again.
You accepted the request but had your camera off because you were in the midst of getting ready. "Y/NNIE OPEN YOUR CAMEURAH!" Jaemin shouted wiggling his eyebrows. You giggled and turned on your camera with your concealer unblended, "hey Jaem" you said softly looking at the camera.
"Jeno-YaH y/nnie's here and you're just all quiET" Jaemin nagged while smacking Jeno like an old asian aunty. Jeno shyly waved at you while saying a low "hi" as you smiled back at him, both your cheeks pink mirroring each other. Jaemin giggled, "Ooohh Jeno's a shy boyyy" he screeched out while wiggling his eyebrows.
"JisungiEEEE come say hi to y/nieE" Jaemin said like an asian mum forcing their child to talk a relative they never knew existed till that very second. "hi noona" he greeted shyly covering his growing smile with his hoodie as you cooed at him. Jaemin being the cameraman he is, he instantly switched the camera unto Jeno who was seen with a pout and yk his usual pouty face. "Jeno-ssi are you sulking HUHH you're jealousSSS" Jaemin said jumping up and down in his seat in literal excitement.
Jeno's eyes widened as he looked away from the camera and your smiling face, "isn't y/nnie so prettyyy" Jaemin asked Jeno, shoving the camera in his face. Said victim nodding his head with his face still covered. "Her ig is @y/n'snothere" Jaemin said as him and Jisung teased Jeno, the czennies in the comments enjoying the show and occasionally commenting to tease Jeno and compliment you.
"Ask her for her number hyung" Jisung said having a similar mischievous face as his mother (Jaemin) encouraged him. "nooo I can just ask Jaemin for ittt" Jeno whined with his hood still covering his face. The comments were filled with encouragement for Jeno to ask you directly, "the czennies want you to ask her directly hyung, are you going to ignore the czennies?" Jisung taunted, Jeno taking a deep breath and letting out a ahhhrhdhjkfs, he finally gathered the courage to turn to the camera to look at you directly who was applying lipstick.
Entranced by you, he was silent simply staring at you in adoration. He seemed to have forgotten that it was a live because anyone and I mean even the most naive person could tell that he's into you. "Um.. y/n do you- can I have your number please" Jeno asked as Jaemin and Jisung celebrated along with their manager who's driving with an amused smile on his face. "of course" you said smiling with your dimples showing, "Jaemin will give it to you"
The comments were wildin' at the fact that they could witness one of the Neo's beginning of a blossoming love story in real time. "guys, we're here" the manager announced as NoJaeSung waved goodbye at you and the czennies with Jisung and Jaemin promising to keep the czennies updated with your blooming love story. One can only imagine how chaotic the waiting room was when all 7 of the dreamies gathered together with the newly found information.
original work of: @yunojeyes
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bts-reveries · 5 years
love in ten
day two, part one
♡ very ♡
>pairings: taehyung x reader
>genre: college au, fluff, crack (?)
>a/n: i really don’t know what happened to that ending and also, sorry if the instructions doesn’t make sense, im not a teacher
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
You were about to head off to Taehyung’s dorm when you stopped in front of your door as you were heading out. Your heart was beating quickly and you didn’t know if it’s because you were excited or if you were nervous. You didn’t know what to do and how well this would end up. You are by yourself after all and you have no one to help you lift up an awkward situation or stop you from being too weird. Quickly, you called Joon on your phone, popping in your earphones. 
“Are you okay??” Was the first thing he said. You hated phone calls and the only time you would ever call was if it was a quick “where are you” if they weren’t answering their texts or if it was an emergency. Right now, it’s an emergency.
“nOOo,” you whined. Your heart was beating faster and you managed to turn around and lock your front door. 
“There’s literally nothing to be nervous about,” he replies, knowing exactly why you were feeling this way. You did text him all morning about it.
“What do you MEAN nothing?? There’s literally pLENTY of things to get nervous about.”
“What happened to the now optimistic Yn?”
“She’s dead.”
“Ahh, bummer. She was good while she lasted.”
“Now what do I dooOoo??” 
“Have you left your house yet?”
“I’m outside my door..”
“Well keep walking and get over there. He’s waiting!”
“But what if I’m too weird or it gets too awkward? Should I just run off and never talk to him again and just tell my professor that I have issues and have to do the project alone?”
“Why do you always over think things?” He says in a sigh.
“Because that’s all I’m good at.” He laughs at this because it was true.
“Don’t worry about anything, I’m sure that he’ll find your weird self charming.”
“But what if he doesn’t,” you pout. Namjoon can see it just by hearing your voice.
“Are you pouting right now?”
“Well if he doesn’t ,well he sucks and doesn’t deserve you anyways. Just go on! Don’t let a boy stop you from getting a good grade.”
“You’re right,” you sigh. “I’ll try to just focus on my work, now’s not the time to fall in love.”
“Good girl. Act like you haven’t fallen yet.”
“Shut up,” you say as he chuckles.
“Good luck and goodbye Yn. Text me when you get there yeah?” 
“Of course.” You hang up and sigh. Namjoon’s voices floated around your head. He’ll find your weird self charming. If he doesn’t he doesn’t deserve you anyways. Don’t let a boy stop you from getting a good grade. 
“But what if I want a good grade AND a boyfriend by the end of this?” You said to yourself out loud. 
♡ ♡ ♡
Room 613. Knock and come in. That’s what he said to do. But wouldn’t that be weird? Just walking in by yourself even if you did knock? What if he forgot or his roommates didn’t know and you walk into something you’re not supposed to see? 
You knock once. No answer. Twice. Nothing. You furrow your brows. Maybe he’s not home. Your eyes drop to the door knob and without thinking, your hand wraps around it and twists it open.
You tumble in by accident and your eyes grew wide. You felt like you were trespassing. 
“Took you awhile,” you heard. You look up and see Taehyung standing there, munching on an apple in his hand.
♡ ♡ ♡
“He said it was online right?” He asks you. The two of you were crouched on the ground, a laptop in front of Taehyung. 
“Yeah, our names should be on the list with the subject we’re doing the project on.”
“Ah, found it.” He hums as he scrolls through the list looking for the two of your names.
“Love. How do you know if someone is in love with someone else?” Your eyes grew wide. 
“T-that’s our topic?” you ask in disbelief. Taehyung nods. “What do we have to do?”
“Uhh.. well, it says here “Observe a friend or family member. How does one act when they like someone? List some behaviors you found that people tend to do when they’re attracted to a person and apply psychological aspects. Each partner must write an essay on your findings.” He turns to you after reading and you purse your lips.
“Inchresting,” you say slowly.
“Do you want to observe one of my friends or yours?”
“We can do one of mines. It would probably be easier if we do my friend Jin because I think I know who he likes, but I’m not sure because he hasn’t said anything about it.”
“Great, how are we going to “observe” him though?” He asks, he puts air quotes around the word ‘observe.’ He felt like ‘stalk’ was a better word for it.
“He works at the cafe by school with the girl I think he likes. Maybe we could start there?”
“Okay, sounds good then.” As simple as that, he closes his laptop and puts it away, getting up at the same time. You follow. “So we’re just observing him right? Then we’ll write separate essays on it?” You nod.
“I guess so, that’s what the instructions said.”
“It was pretty vague though. I guess if we have any questions we can just email him.” You nod again. The two of you stood there in silence. You think to yourself if you have anything else to say but nothing was coming up.
“Do we have anything else to discuss or are we good to go?” He says, his hands were now in his pockets and he was rocking back and forth from his heels to his toes. 
“Um, I don’t think so,” you say softly. “We’re starting tomorrow though, right?”
“Oh yeah, I forgot to ask that-- Yeah, we’ll start tomorrow.”
“Okay cool. Umm,” you look up at him and he’s just looking down at you waiting for what you have to say. “I’ll just go and uh, if you need anything just text me.” With that you nod and begin to walk out. He didn’t try to stop you or anything, just simply waved and said bye. But as you grab the handle, the door pushes open, startling you. 
“O-h,” the person on the other side says. You were guessing it was Taehyung’s roommate. “Shoot, sorry.” He says with wide eyes.
“It’s okay,” you smile, trying to get around him to go out. 
“Oh wait,” he says, stopping you. “Hyung, is this your partner for that psych project thing?” He calls over your shoulder.
“Yeah, that’s Yn.” Taehyung says somewhere behind you.
“She’s so cute!” The younger man says cheerfully, looking down at you. He had a bunny like smile and he playfully taps the top of your head.
“Yeah, very, now let her go, she’s been trying to get out since you got here.”
“You literally act like she’s been waiting forever, it’s literally been like five seconds,” the man says, rolling his eyes.
“I’m Jungkook by the way, now go on,” He says, stepping to the side and pushing the door with one arm, open, so that you can go through. “You’re free now little elf.” You furrow your brows, but you try to stifle a laugh. He was weird. You like this man. 
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
>taglist: @bluefaeriefury @supurban @orbitjoon @yeontanismypresident @sagey-rages @lylanie12 @the-wild-ego @kimchii7 @yooniejooniehobi @osnapjenn @dreamcatcherjiah @tracyn910 @blueberrykenn @salty-for-suga @moon6rop @kookiemonstersugatea @friendly-neighborhood-michelle @hadaises @triviayoongles @paracii @htxlmaoo @wreck-my-ship @kxkth @monosomes @minjiyeonnie @cruci-fxcked @zamasus-sugarbaby @s0228 @bts-kay @kawaii-desv @boostchan @purpletigertaetae @dontlikeudoyle @mintyoongisblog @taekookcaneatme @uglyratlmao @gustavkonrad @dammit-jjk @goldenchemistry @slytherinholland
(if your name is crossed out, tumblr couldn’t detect your account)
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Best $20 Ever Spent (Peter Parker x Reader)
Requested on Tumblr by @book-loving--anime-chick with the prompts:  
Catch me if you can!
Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night
Give it back!
Word Count: 1500ish
Summary: You and Peter work at the local movie theater but sometimes have a little too much fun so you don't get scheduled together very often.
Posted this on my Patreon back on the 15th! If you want teasers and early access to my fanfics, consider becoming a Patron! I have 3 tiers at 3, 5, and 10
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The managers were seriously considering no longer scheduling you two together.
Even if you asked to work on a Wednesday night for a completely different reason, they were inclined to reject it.
“Peter works that night.”
“You distract him from his work,” they’d say.
Sure, you two were best friends and had fun working at the local movie theater but you didn’t really see it that way. The closing duties always got done properly. What does it matter if you had a few laughs and breaks to talk while doing it?
Maybe they saw something you didn’t? Maybe they were listening to you and your best friend Cali gossip about the crew and the rumors about who had crushes on who. You’d hoped that the managers were smart enough to keep the gossip to themselves too. Hopefully, they wouldn’t tell Peter that you had a crush on him.
No. If anything, they were inclined to keep you apart for efficiency. They had to do that with a lot of people too, schedule those who work best together and those that don’t get along or perhaps get along too well…
But they hadn’t officially said no to you and Peter working together all the time. If they had, they wouldn’t have allowed Peter to swap shifts with Ned on Sunday night.
Peter was a tease. He loved riling you up and messing with you. His proudest accomplishment was hiding in an auditorium, waiting in the dark for a solid 5 minutes until he could jump out and scare you. The boy was actually laying on the carpeted ground hiding behind the reclining chairs!
This is probably the perfect example of how you two didn’t work well together.
He probably should’ve been somewhere else doing his job but instead he’d disappeared and gone radio silent, the managers were literally calling for him over the radio and he wasn’t answering.
You were actually doing your job! Ushering the auditorium and picking up trash.
“Y/N!” He jumps out and shouts your name.
“AHH! Peter!” You shout right back at him, throwing an empty cup at his face before collapsing to the ground and covering your face. Your fight or flight complex was actually fight, flight, or fall. “Peter!” You squeal rolling on the ground and laughing. “You almost scared the pee out of me!” Peter hops over the reclining chairs with ease and tries to help you up.
“I’m sorry,” he gasps between his own laughing.
“No, you’re not.”
“You should’ve seen your face!” His laughing is renewed while you get back to work, finishing the auditorium. He’s kind--or perhaps guilty enough--that he helps you by wiping down the recliners.
Later in your shift, you’re texting Cali and telling her about Peter’s latest shenanigans.
“I think he likes you,” she suggests for the thousandth time.
“Nooo he’s just a pain in the ass. He annoys everyone. He’s like that with everyone. It has nothing to do with me,” you respond.
“Don’t put yourself down like that! I really think Peter likes you! You should tell him how you feel!”
“I can’t tell Peter that I like him like that! Then it really will be impossible to work with him. It’ll make it hard to work here and then I’ll have to quit…”
In his typical, annoying fashion, Peter grabs your phone the moment you’re about to set it down. No one’s phone is safe around him. But you hadn’t locked your phone in time either!
“Pete! No!”
“Give it back Peter,” the manager says from their position at Guest Services. He doesn’t listen to them. It was all part of the routine.
“Whoya textin?” he asks, getting ready to scroll through your messages. “Cali?”
“No! Peter, give it back!”
It’s probably a good thing that the theater is absolutely dead on a Sunday night.
“Who does Cali have a crush on? You guys talking about boys?” He wiggles his shoulders and smirks at you. You lunge at him, trying to get your phone back. He dodges you.
“Catch me if you can!”
You engage in a game of cat and mouse running around the theater lobby. He holds it high above his head. You can’t reach it. You pinch his sides and he giggles. Catching him off balance, you two become tangled on the floor in front of your coworkers and manager. Everyone seems to be getting a laugh out of it, including the two of you. But the fact that he still has your phone unlocked and is still trying to read your text messages has your heart racing for a completely different reason. He can’t see those texts! He can’t find out like this!
A guest walks up to box office. You coworker goes back to their position. The manager leaves guest services to come mediate and separate the two of you before making a scene in front of the customers.
“Peter, give it back,” the manager says in their authoritative tone. The managers are usually fun and happy but they’re willing to lay down the law when things get out of hand. Just in time too. Peter scrolls for .5 seconds and then hands over your phone. You lock it right away but you also have no idea what he’s seen.
Your shift ends at midnight. The rest of the night was nice and uneventful with less hijinks from Peter but still fun conversations about friends, school, and summer plans.
Peter has your number. You text quite often too. But never at 2 am when you’re both so obviously tired from working late.
Your phone screen lights up and the vibrations of it on your nightstand wakes you up.
“What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever spent $20 on?”
“Well hello to you too,” you text back.
“...” He actually took the time to send those three dots. “So what is it? Or better yet, what’s the best $20 you ever spent?”
“Uh...my iridescent hombre metal water bottle…” It’s probably not the right answer but it’s all you can think of. You and Cali both bought one on a day off at the mall and kept getting them mixed up so they have stickers on them now to tell them apart. “Now stop texting me weird things so late at night. Lol.”
“Don’t you wanna know my answer?”
“Uh sure.”
“I paid Ned $20 to swap shifts with me so I could work with you.”
That stumps you. What does that mean? Why would he do that? Yeah, you guys had fun working together but you could hang outside of work too. You saw each other at school too. So...why would he do that?
“Lol wtf why?” you send that after realizing you’d left him on “read” for about two minutes when normally you guys respond within seconds.
“Because I wanted to work with you tonight.”
“Because I wanted to see you…”
Then your phone rings. It scares you. Enough that you drop your phone on your face.
“Hello?” you whisper, rubbing your nose. You fluff up your pillow so you’re sitting up in bed, fully awake now. It’s quiet on the other end. “Peter, I swear to god if you’re outside my window and are going to scare me, please don’t,” you beg. You chuckle when you finally hear Peter on the other end chuckling too. “Why are you calling me? What is this all about?”
“Y/N,” he says you name.
“Peter?” you say his name with the intent to make it sound awkward.
“What if I told you that I liked you?”
“Wh--” he cuts you off.
“That I bribed Ned to switch shifts with me so that I could work with you. So I could see you. So I could spend time with you. Because I…” he sighs, “because I like you, ya’know, like that?”
“Um...Peter…” you’re pretty sure your heart has stopped. You’re praying this isn’t one of his pranks. Peter is an annoying dweeb but he wouldn’t do that, right? That’d just be cruel.
“Why are you telling me this now?”
“Um...I might’ve read your texts to Cali.”
“Do you really like me?” he asks. You don’t answer him right away, making him stew in the uncomfortable silence. “Y/N?”
“I mean, yeah, Pete. I like you. We’re friends.”
“But do you like me? Like enough to date me?”
“Oh um...yeah...I guess.” Peter sighs. Relieved? Happy? You’re not sure. Peter chuckles. You can imagine him running his fingers through his curly brown hair, the same way he does it when he finds that he’s passed a spanish test.
“So,” he sounds smug all of the sudden like he’s smirking at the phone. “Do you wanna go out sometime?”
“Pretty sure I just answered that.”
“But I wanna hear you say it,” Peter teases. You roll your eyes.
“Yes, Peter, I would like to go out with you. But first you have to answer one question.”
“How long have you liked me?”
“Oh, yeah...um...it’s gonna sound bad. But, uh, I kinda called dibs the first day you ever worked at the theater. And I’ve been bribing Ned for shifts every couple of weeks too.”
“Oh my god,” you giggle.
“Yeah, pretty silly huh?”
“No. It makes sense. But you know...once we’re dating, management is definitely not going to let us work together anymore.”
“Then I guess we’ll just have to go on a bunch of dates.”
tagging: @faithtrustandpixiedust95 @thinkwritexpress-official @autoblocked @book-loving--anime-chick @abbessolute @overlyobsethed @bookworm4ever99 @whoopxd @therealcap @geeksareunique @potterwolf16 @frankie2902 @ravenhaviland @starksparker @gracehappyfeet @softdudebro @blckthrns 
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rinniekins · 6 years
All remaining questions on the cute ask! Have fun writing (о´∀`о)
:^) fuck
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?kind and friendly, with a great sense of humor! also just,,, pure?? people like I  can’t really explain it that well asfhdsfkjhsk but just overall gOOD PEOPLE with good intentions and warm hearts
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?probably not lol
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?no one, except my asshole father who can just go and fuck himself for all I care
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?yyeeah kind of..
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?if it’s a person that I trust then yes, otherwise no
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?uhhh maybe? or more like I hope those exist lmao
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?:^) stillhaven’tkissedhhahaha..ha
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?yes
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?uhh like first crushcrush? no, but like the first actual real big ass crush? yes
19. Do you like bubble baths?never been in one
20. Do you like your neighbors?yes, most of them are really nice and I try to talk to them whenever I just happen to run into them
21. What are your bad habits?there’s way too many of them so I definitely won’t start listing all of them but procrastination and overthinking are definitely one of the worst ones
22. Where would you like to travel?Japan, definitely! though it won’t be happening in a looong time but maybe somewhere in the future I hope
23. Do you have trust issues?yes.
25. What part of your body are just most uncomfortable with?……. honestly pretty much almost everything lmao but face, legs and butt mostly hhaaha..ha
26. What do you do when you wake up?stay in bed for like half an hour thinking about how tired I am and most likely scrolling through Tumblr on my phone lmao
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?darker, I hate getting sunburned so easily
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?it’s uhhhhhhm complicated..
30. Do you ever want to get married?maybe? now that it’s finally legal here anyway
31. Is your hair long enough for a ponytail?no
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?lol no one
34. Do you play any sports? What sports?no
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?TV, I don’t really watch it that much nowadays anyway and I definitely couldn’t live without music
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?yes, that’s what I always do rip
37. What do you say during awkward silences?uhhhh it really depends on the situtation but I’ll just try to say something that just comes to mind to break the silence omg
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?basically just a girl I can really connect with, someone kind and patient with a good sense of humor and someone who just accepts everything about me and all that stuff skhdshgh
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?flea markets aAAAa also video game shops hkjshgk
40. What do you want to do after high school?wELL I’m just trying to find a job rn so
41. Do you believe that everyone deserves a second chance?no. unfortunate but no, definitely not everyone.
42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean?it can mean a lot of things lol but I’m probably nervous or tired or angry, depends
43. Do you smile at strangers?yes absolutely!
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?outer space! bottom of the ocean fascinates me a lot too but it also scares the shit out of me omg, PLUS I can’t even swim so
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?my friends, my cats, all the upcoming series and video games and everything I’m possibly looking forward to
46. What are you paranoid about?…. uhhhh a lot of things
47. Have you ever been high?no
48. Have you ever been drunk?no
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope no one finds out about?uhhhhm yes
50. What was the color of the last hoodie you wore?I really can’t remember omg it’s been a while since I’ve worn one bc it’s been so hot but most likely black or dark green
51. Ever wished you were someone else?mmmh no… that idea just freaks me out in a way
52. One thing you wish you would change about yourself?being more social and brave and ughhh idk
53. Favorite makeup brand?I don’t knooow I don’t wear makeup anymore really bc I’m lazy lmao
54. Favorite store?uhhhHH I don’t know
55. Favorite blog?pretty much all of my mutuals’!
57. Favorite food?s a l a dalso tortillas tho
58. Last thing you ate?uhhhh idk what is it called in english but good stuff made out of zucchini omg
59. First thing you ate this morning?uhhhh I think it was crispbread
60. Ever won a competition? For what?uhhh nooo…? at least I can’t remember lol
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?nope
62. Been arrested? For what?noope
63. Ever been in love?yes
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?-
65. Are you hungry right now?no
66. Do you like your Tumblr friends more than your real friends???????? my “Tumblr friends” are my real friends wtf what kinda question is this
67. Facebook or Twitter?I don’t really use neither but uh Twitter
68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr
69. Are you watching TV right now?no
70. Names of your best friends?eeeeh I don’t think I’ll tell them bc idk if they want their real names written here lol
71. Craving something? What?human touch pls I want cuddles right now immediately fuck
72. What color are your towels?uh mostly white
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?two also turns out that there’s two 72 questions lmao
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?yes
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?a lot.
75. Favorite animal?FOX!!
76. What color is your underwear?black
77. Chocolate or vanilla?chocolate
78. Favorite ice cream flavor?chocolate again
79. What color shirt are you wearing?uhhh ivory white with a cute fox on it aAAAa it’s my pjs lmao
80. What color pants?ivory white again with even more foxes on them lmao
81. Favorite TV show?I literally have no idea, I really don’t watch TV pretty much at all nowadays
82. Favorite movie?there’s tOO MANY OF THEM but uh Princess Mononoke and pretty much all of Studio Ghibli’s movies, Pokémon The First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back, Wolf Children… there’s a lot.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?what.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street???????????
85. Favorite character from Mean Girls?wHAT
86. Favorite character from Finding Nemo?Dory!
87. First person you talked to today?my mom
88. Last person you talked to today?uhhhh like, talked talked? my mom again lol
89. Name a person you hate?am I supposed to choose just one
90. Name a person you love?all of my friends!!
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?yes.
92. In a fight with someone?not really
93. How many sweatpants do you have?I haven’t really counted lmao but quite a few
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?a LOT
95. Last movie you watched?Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
96. Favorite actress?aaaAAAH I don’t knoooow there’s so many, but Gal Gadot!
97. Favorite actor?I don’t knoooooooow
98. Do you tan a lot?no, it’s the complete opposite rip. I either get just sunburned or get even more freckles
99. Have any pets?yesss! two cats, called Minni and Jimi
101. Do you type fast?yes
102. Do you regret anything from your past?don’t we all
103. Can you spell well?yeahh at least I think so
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?yes.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?no
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?yes.
107. Have you ever been on a horse?yes
108. What should you be doing?I don’t know, sleep probably
109. Is something irritating you right now?my father lol
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?yes
111. Do you have trust issues?uhhh yes this question came up the second time omg
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?my mom
113. What was your childhood nickname?I didn’t really have one, my name is so short lol
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?I don’t live in America sfsdkjhgh
115. Do you play the Wii?no
116. Are you listening to music right now?actually not, which is odd
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?noooo I don’t eat meat
118. Do you like Chinese food?yeah
119. Favorite book?Varjak Paw
120. Are you afraid of the dark?not exactly the dark itself but what could be hiding there, especially if I’m outside and it’s dark
121. Are you mean?no, at least I hope so
122. Is cheating ever okay?no
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?depends on the season and weather really lmao, buuut most likely not rip
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?no
125. Do you believe in true love?I think so?
126. Are you currently bored?nope
127. What makes you happy?my friends, animals, video games, nature shdhgk
128. Would you change your name?nah
129. What is your Zodiac Sign?Scorpio
130. Do you like Subway?mmmh it’s fine
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?I’d just say that sorry but I’m gay and it’s not gonna happen
132. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?again a same question for the second time huh, but @kinjaru
133. Favorite lyrics right now?aaaaah I really can’t decide
134. Can you count to one million?uhhhhh I don’t know, I’d probably mess up at some point lmao
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?uh there’s probably quite a few omg
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?almost closed but just enough space so that my cats can come and go as they please
137. How tall are you?158cm, as in about 5′2″
138. Curly or straight hair?bOTH, but does this mean like my hair? if so then straight
139. Brunette or blonde?both, except brunette for myself
140. Summer or winter?winter
141. Night or day?night
142. Favorite month?Novemberrr bc it’s my birthday month akshfksh
143. Are you a vegetarian?yes
144. Dark, milk, or white chocolate?aaahh I like them all
145. Tea or coffee?tea
146. Was today a good day?yeah I guess so
147. Mars or Snickers?aaahhh Mars
148. What is your favorite quote?be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter
149. Do you believe in ghosts?yes
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?Se imi kylmää yöilmaa keuhkoihinsa, katsoi tutkivasti valtaisaa muuria, toisiinsa kietoutuneita oksia - oli näkevinään valkoisen, viiksikarvanohuen kuun korkealla yläpuolellaan.
Cute Questions
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