#i was more disappointed when i got 18/30 for chem
my-thirteenth-reason · 5 months
first we got our social studies results - i got 12/15, A1 AND THEN the next period we got our amath results - 8/30, F9 LMFAO imagine how fast my mood pummeled HAHAHAHA
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skyerana · 4 years
tagged by @ashipwreckcoast​ for a question thinger. I’m bored out of my skull and I like these questions so here you go. You should do it. Yes, you. Why? Because? I don’t have real reazons.
Putting this under a cut because its long and I don’t want to clog up your dash.\
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? Black, specifically Pilot G2 pens. But really? I like a good dark dark green. My dog ate my favorite pen and I haven’t been able to find one in that color since.
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? I’ve sort of done both. I love living in a city, with all the vibrancy and life that it entails. There’s public transit, arts and culture, so many kinds of food, interesting people and always something going on. But for the last few years, I’ve been wanting to get back to something like where I went to school, where I lived for 7 months on a lake and the next closest people (besides us 9) were 5 miles away (the road up to the field station was 2 miles by itself and we got snowed in and flooded in on more than one occasion). I miss being close to deep nature and the peace that comes from being alone.
So which do I prefer? I don’t really know. I’ve been living back in a city for the past eight years but I’m feeling like its time for a change. I don’t think I’ll leave cities forever though. I like people and diversity too much.
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? For fun, I’d want to pick up leatherworking, blacksmithing, and/or woodworking. I’m currently not set up well to do any of them though. For practicality though, I’d want to learn general house maintenance.
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? Depends on the tea, but often yes. Coffee gets an obscene amount of hazelnut creamer because I hate coffee but I love caffeine.
5. What was your favourite book as a child? The Hobbit. My dad and step-dad both read it to me at different points of my childhood and my dad gave me his copy (The Hobbit or There and Back Again, 1977 Illustrated edition)
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers. Baths are well and good if you have a big enough one (which I don’t) and you don’t stay in so long it gets cold (I don’t).
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? Upon reading this question, every single mythical creature that I’d ever read about immediately vanished from my memory. I’m going to have to come back to this one.
I came back to this one and I still don’t know. I like the idea of flying. But I don’t really want to be hunted out to extinction.
8. Paper or electronic books? I love paper books, but I read much better via ebook. I still haven’t read Gideon the Ninths because the pages are so soft I just sit and pet them instead of read.
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? BOXERS! Or rather, boxer-briefs. I know this sounds weird but bear with me. For some reason, when I started transitioning, it did not occur to me to buy mens underwear. When I finally did, It Was Amazing. I looked great. I felt great. I finally understood why so many people had “fun” underwear that they liked. Before, I had like one or two that had patterns/stuff on them. Now? I’ve got Star Wars and Captain Marvel and Deadpool and mountains and mushrooms and one with boxers that makes me laugh because there’s boxers on boxers!! And I can wear them whenever the fuck I want! So I always have something fun on, even (especially) if other folks can’t see it. Switching to boxers was such a weirdly affirming thing for my gender and I love it.
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? This is complicated. I like my legal name, sure, but its not me, not really. I did get the spelling updated on it legally when I was 16 so I could actually get my driver’s license. I haven’t had a chance to change my legal name since transitioning (between the election and COVID, I don’t know that I’d get through all of the legal rigmarole in time to vote in November), but I really like my chosen name and an altered version of my legal name will be my new middle name.
11. Who is a mentor to you? I’ve had so many over the years. I learn so much from people, but I had so many great mentors when I worked at the museum. Timshel stands out. If I can be half the mentor she is to someone, I’ll have put some real solid good into the world. 
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for? No. Not in the everyone knows you sense. That’s not my jam. I wouldn’t mind having fame more in the sense of within a tiny field, being well known and respected.
13. Are you a restless sleeper? Yes... to the point where I’m seeing a sleep specialist in a month to sort it out.
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? Very much so. But there’s so many different ways to be romantic.
15. Which element best represents you? I hate these questions. I see bits of myself in all of the elements. People often associate me with air or water though.
16. Who do you want to be closer to? Distance wise, my family in California. I come from a bunch of very close knit families and so having folks on the other side of the country that I’m super close with is ihard.
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? “Everyone. Being solitary by choice as opposed to demand is a big difference.” I’m just going to leave @ashipwreckcoast​‘s response here because it fits. I’m very lucky that I am still working in a (relatively) safe environment, but we’re all missing out on things like throwing a housewarming party for one of my closest friends/coworkers. Even though we see each other almost daily, we’re still missing out on a lot that we’d normally do. That’s even worse for folks I’m not seeing at all because of COVID.
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. I legit thought I was a wolf and would howl at the neighbors when mom packed me into the wagon to go do laundry at the laundromat. The neighbors, being good people, howled back.
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? There have been a few times where I wasn’t sure what I was eating. One was at a wedding with 10 or 12 courses (I lost count) and some of them were foods I’d never seen before. I know jellyfish was on that list but there was a bunch of other stuff that I don’t know what it was. The few times I’ve been out of the country, I ate stuff I couldn’t identify (often due to language barriers). The seafood soup at the one place was just whatever they caught that day and it had a lot in it. I remember being disappointed in my fellow grad students when some of them turned it down. You don’t turn down food when you’re a guest unless you have a medical reason for doing so. But the thing is, none of these are strange, except by the US standards. So if that’s true, then the deep fried dragonfly should also be on this list. 
20. What are you most thankful for? Most? That’s so hard to quantify. If I really think about it, it’s things like having a loving partner and a home and food and the ability to pay my bills, I guess.
21. Do you like spicy food? I do not like capsaisin related spices but I love horseradish type spices. I do liked well spiced, but not necessarily spicy, foods.
22. Have you ever met someone famous? A few times. Sometimes at the museum (worked with some of them). Sometimes at special events, like attending lectures.
23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? Generally no. I do sometimes get the urge to write and reflect on stuff, so I’ll do that when the mood strikes.
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? I’ve been trained to use pens for everything (I work in a chem lab). Pencils are fine, but you need the right kind for the satisfying scratchiness. I cannot abide scratchiness in my pens.
25. What is your star sign? Cancer. Why is this important?
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? Not super soggy but not straight out of the box crunchy. Does that make sense?
27. What would you want your legacy to be? I  want my legacy to be built on kindness and helping others. I know that’s cheesy and cliche, but I have so much privilege that I want to use to benefit others.
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? I love reading. I’m on book 30 for the year. The last one I finished was Starsight by Brandon Sanderson, which is book 2 of 3 of the Skyward series and HE HASN’T STARTED BOOK 3 YET!! I read Skyward and Starsight in four days total.
29. How do you show someone you love them? I often cook for them.
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? Only for certain things. I don’t mind drinking most drinks at room temperature and ice waters stuff down. It’s good for iced tea though, but only if you need to cool it.
31. What are you afraid of? This isn’t a fair question. I’m afraid of being abandoned or fucking things up. I’m also afraid of spiders and the milk in my fridge expiring. I’m afraid of filling out forms (forms are really hard and make me extremely anxious). I’m afraid of phone calls, but I’m good at them. I’m afraid of public speaking, but you’d never know it unless I told you. I’m afraid of losing the people I love, of dying without having put some good into the world. I’m afraid for my neighbors, for my brothers and sister, for my niece. The world is overwhelmingly scary right now.
32. What is your favourite scent? Campfires, the smell of a fresh spring rain, leather, the weird musky scent of my kitten, of garlic and onions cooking low and slow. There’s too many.
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? Depends on who and in what context I know them.
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I’d travel a lot more. I’d donate to a lot of things. Museums, arts, individuals. I’d love to just go on to gofundme and just straight up fund folks to their goals plus a bit extra. And then go figure out where the systematic failures were that lead to them not being able to afford it in the first place.
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? Ocean. Absolutely. But this is also lake and river erasure.
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? I guess exchange it for USD.
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Yeah. They’re magical every time.
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? Be kind. To yourself and others.
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I’ve got several I want. I was supposed to get an anchor with an octopus chilling on it on my inner forearm for my one year anniversary on testosterone but then COVID hit and well... who know when I‘ll get it.
40. What can you hear now? Mostly just the AC and the tack of the keys on the keyboard. Occasionally a particularly loud vehicle makes itself known.
41. Where do you feel the safest? Curled up with my partner and dog.
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? Probs my anxiety.
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? 
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44. What is your most used emoji? The crying laughing one. I survive on sending stupid memes and shit back and forth with too many people. After that, the heart.
45. Describe yourself using one word. Oof
46. What do you regret the most? Not trusting myself when I figured out I was trans back in undergrad. That whole decade of burying it all and internalizing a lot of transphobia really did a number on myself.
47. Last movie you saw? I think it was Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn
48. Last tv show you watched? Rewatching Avatar with my partner right now. We just finished She-Ra.
49. Invent a word and its meaning. I just... I don’t know. I’m a Webster. I just compile what other people say in a book.
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acuppellarp · 7 years
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Welcome to A Cup-pella, Ace! We’re excited to have you and Jackie Puckerman in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours. 
Name + pronouns: Ace + She/Her Age: 30 Timezone: CST Ships: Jackie/Chem Anti-Ships: Jackie/Forced
Full Name: Jaqueline Ruth Puckerman Face Claim: Zendaya Age/Birthday: 21/November 20th Occupation: College student, part-time dance teacher, forward for April’s Showers. Personality: confident, stubborn, loyal, flirty, suspicious, compassionate Hometown: Detroit, MI Bio:
Some might have figured Jackie’s life was already written in stone the day she was born. Soon to be young single mom who’d gotten pregnant by some dick (literally and figuratively), moves back home with her parents to inner city Detroit to have her baby. You just pictured this kid’s life, didn’t you? Think you have it figured out?
Pamela Barrett moved to New Jersey when she was 18, mostly just so she wouldn’t spend her entire life in Michigan like the rest of her family, but partly because she thought proximity to a city like New York would have to mean dreams coming true. She was actually pretty naïve about the whole thing, that’s definitely something Jackie didn’t inherit. Pam in fact didn’t really have any big dreams, at least not what the average capitalist American would think of as big. She wanted to find love and live in a fancy house and raise brood of kids. That’s what happened when you went to New York adjacent, right? Wrong. What happened was Pam moved to a city where she didn’t know anyone with very little money and no direction at all. What she found was a waitressing job and a two-bedroom apartment with 3 roommates. Pam didn’t find true love; she found a man who claimed he was in an unhappy marriage with a woman who didn’t value him. Things don’t usually turn out exactly how you imagine.
After a few years of swearing, this time, things were truly over in his marriage, Pam found out she was pregnant. Of course, because things weren’t bad enough. She told him, and he reacted how she’d expected. He told her to get rid of the baby. He was a married man and couldn’t take care of it or her. Something inside the woman hardened. She hated herself for loving him she’d hated herself for being the other woman, she hated herself for living in this fantasy world she’d created in her own mind. It was time to grow up, and quick.
Pam packed up and moved back to her childhood home with her less than ecstatic parents. They provided her a roof over her head but not much else in the way of support, but at least her daughter would grow up in home with family around.
Jaqueline Ruth Puckerman was a self-reliant kid, you had to be when your mother worked so much that you only saw her when she was waking you up in morning, throwing food in front of you before heading off to another shift, or on a rare occasion kissing you goodnight. The whole living with the grandparents thing didn’t work out. The arguments and judgement got to be too much, so Pam worked hard to make sure they had a roof over their head, food on the table and whatever luxuries she could provide her daughter. Jackie was good with being on her own, she could get into whatever she wanted and there was no one around to bother her or question her, because who really cared what she did? Sure, her mom loved her, but she was never around, and her dad, well fuck him. Jackie had a picture of him she found in her mom’s drawer when she was 7 and she’d just sit and stare daggers in it praying he get some form of mutated killer chicken pocks or something.
Jackie ran the streets and got into trouble on a regular basis, it was called having fun people, until one day the little girl walked into the wrong house at the wrong time and got herself hurt. Pam knew her daughter was a handful but she didn’t have the time to watch after her like she should. She just hoped things would work out until she got a call from the hospital.
Jackie hadn’t wanted to move to New Jersey. All of her friends were in the D and Detroit Coney’s were definitely better, she didn’t care what anyone said. Also, there was the fact that this is where the donner and his ‘real’ family lived. Unfortunately, it turns out being 13 meant you had no say in where you lived. Pam had a plan, and some old friends who were going to help her open up her own dinner, which was great accept running your own business didn’t help with the whole spending time with your kid thing. It was good thing Jackie was used to basically raising herself by that point.
After a few months passed and Jackie had successfully charmed and/or pissed off the locals, she needed a new project. She decided she’d find her ‘dad’ and tell him just how much she hated his stupid face, that seemed like the most productive thing to do with her non-school/non-dancing time. The searched turned up someone unexpected, a sister. Jackie had always made a rule to distrust people first and ask question later, and Naomi Puckerman was no exception. Plus, she figured any spawn of the man who crapped on her mother’s heart was probably not to be trusted (she, of course, didn’t see the irony of that thought process at the time).  Puck more than proved herself to be someone Jackie could count on, but she still to this day wonders when the other woman is going to change, turn into someone who just disappoints her like everyone else. Until that happened though, she liked having a big sister. It’s sort of nice having a person around who cares about your well-being.
Jackie never considered herself particularly smart but she knew how to study hard when she needed, because bad grades meant no dance and that wasn’t an option. Bad grades also meant no girls, and who could live like that. Pam wasn’t exactly the most present, but she still knew how to keep Jackie in check when it was really necessary. Her mother had put the idea of college in the girl’s head from a very young age. She didn’t want Jackie to end up like her. Her daughter would have aspiration much greater than she’d had, and that’s something that stuck with Jackie. So, there were just no bad grades.
It turned out that the ever none presence of her mother somewhat worked to her benefit. When Jackie received a partial scholarship to Tisch, she’d been grateful for what she got but wasn’t looking forward to trying to figure out the loan thing. It was then that her mother told her that she wouldn’t have to, it was a huge relief.
Trying to juggle school, work, soccer, and her social life gets to be overwhelming sometimes and Jackie doesn’t handle stress in the best ways most of the time, but she’s getting better. It’s all about growth, right? She’ll have the whole ‘life’ thing down by the time she’s 35. Jackie figures as long as there is dance and women, there is always a temporary solution to any problem, and that’s good enough for now.
Pets: No. Commitment is an issue and pets are no exception, but one day she’ll get that bearded dragon.
[ This is for the masterlist, but also a fun little way to get to know your character! ]
Twitter name/twitter URL/description: JackieP/@jpboogie/JP from the D. Dancing Babe-magnet Extraordinaire. Get at me.
Five latest tweets:
@jpboogie: Dafaque is wrong with people stepping on my sneaks like they’re gonna buy me new ones @jpboogie: When she gives me that look like she knows what time it is. 😏 @jpboogie: I’m the shit. This has been an accurate tweet. @jpboogie: Why do I keep watching ThisIsUs like I like crying #thatpunkish @jpboogie: When you’re killing the game on the stage and on the field. #dontHatecongradulate
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13: So my first tattoo is this one, the text on my collarbone. It says, this is really tacky, but it says “love conquers all” because I had just come back from this backpacking trip in Romania. I was 18 and tbh I lost my virginity on the trip and it was fascinating to me. I became really attached but I knew I would never see this guy again when I come back home. I was just obsessed with the idea of love at the time because I was also fooling around with some other people, it was when I first delved into the “game.” So yeah, I decided to do that in Romania and soon after I got it I felt really stupid. I was like “Man, this says love conquers all, that is the tackiest thing I could have come up with.” And now I’m totally fine with it but for a while I was just like “Aw damn…” This was also the only tattoo I passed out on. When it hit my collar bone, I didn’t realize it would hit my bone, and yeah, it hurt so bad. I'm very sensitive. I don’t know why I keep getting them. The second one I got was this rose right underneath the quote. It’s basically one piece now because I just added onto it. I was still 18 and for every one of my tattoos I’ve gone alone because I don’t like people waiting for me and I feel pressured. So this rose is just complimenting the text because it’s a symbol of love and for my senior year art project I did a bunch of paintings with roses in them.
So I think those were all the ones I got in high school. And then I went on this trip for art students, it’s an art convention kinda deal, and I was walking around with a shirt that was kinda low and some guys would be like “Oh nice tattoo” when I walk by and they were making fun of me. I guess cause it was high school they were all like “Oh you think youre so cool.” And I felt really sad and ashamed then. I hid it from my parents for the first 3 months until graduation when my mom saw it because it peaked out a little from my dress. She didn’t talk to me for a week. After that she started yelling at me and telling me how ashamed she was. Both of my parents are from Taiwan, they grew up there and then they came to America when they were 30. And in Taiwan, and most of Asian culture, they all believe that people who have tattoos and piercings are part of a gang or they deal drugs. So they assumed everyone in America thought the same way. I felt really bad. She asks me “so when are you gonna remove it” every time she sees it. Even now. Dad even more so. It was worse when my dad found out. It was on fathers day. We were out at a really nice restaurant and he saw it and was like, “Alison, what is that?” He actually yelled at me in the middle of the restaurant and it got really tense. He was very serious about. He is a lot more aggressive than my mom is, more direct. There was one time, this is somewhat unrelated, but I was about to go to this public middle school. We were at the orientation and a bunch of the parents there had sleeves or just tattoos here and there, and that was common for that area, even though it was a really nice area. My parents were like “We are not sending you here” and that was a week before school started. So they transferred me to a private school that was small where none of the parents had tattoos that they knew of at least. So that’s how badly they think of tattoos.
 M: Wow and it’s still like this? Do they know about all of your tattoos?
13: No not all of them. I never tell them when I’m going to get a tattoo because I don’t want to disappoint them even more. They tell me that I’m going to ruin my life and I’m never going to get a job. They're very adamant about it. And I understand it, with where they come from. But at the same time they don’t understand how American culture sees it differently than Asian culture.
Alright so third tattoo is this [lotus flower] on my back. This is embarrassing, but I got the idea for it from Tumblr in high school. I also got this one in high school. I went through a phase where I was obsessed with yoga and meditation and being zen. Which is why I got the lotus flower, plus I thought it was really pretty.
Next one is this gun on my hip with a heart in the middle. I’ve never actually shot a gun before. But I got this the day before coming to Rhodes my freshman year because I was like “fuck it, this is my last day here” and I really like the artists in Austin. I thought of it the night before. I was worried it was a little too masculine, especially since I don’t shoot guns, so I thought I'd just add a heart in the middle and I thought it was really cute.
           The first tattoo I got in Memphis I hated it. It was just a really bad job. Don’t ever go to Tattoo Spot on Highland. It's this one on my ribs, its says “eat me” and it looks like a pizza but it's supposed to be the cookie from Alice in Wonderland. I drew it myself, but this is not what I drew. The artist just drew it himself freestyle on me. I thought to myself “Oh he's a pro it'll be ok.” And this was the most painful one other than my collarbone because it was on my side. I cried. It was the only one I’ve cried for. So yeah I really hated it. It looks nothing like what I sketched out and everyone thinks it’s a fucking pizza. But I got it because Alice in Wonderland is my favorite one, it’s very artistic in my opinion. Now I like it, -ish. I've learned to appreciate it. It has hearts on it too. I don’t think I'll ever get it removed or add onto it because it was so painful. I don’t care about it now.
My next tattoo was this one. It’s a little grim reaper. I got it on Friday the 13th. I've always wanted a grim reaper so I drew this one on the back of my lab report in chem class. I thought it was pretty boring at first so I added a heart. I didn’t realize how many hearts I have until talking about it just now. I put it on my ankle because I wanted to even out my body and also I didn’t have any leg/feet area tattoos.
Last one is the lucky cat. I thought of this two days before. I'm very impulsive I guess. I got it sophomore year. I told the lady, I really want a lucky cat and I want you to make it look really kawaii and I want it in color. I wanted to get this one because the Chinese letter in it is “Fu” it means prosperity and luck. So I wanted that for rest of my life as confirmation for myself. The heart wasn’t there originally but it looked incomplete so I added another heart.
 So people's reactions. In high school I got a lot of negative attention like I mentioned before. None of my friends in high school had tattoos, but all friends at work at café E had a lot of tattoos and they were all really into it and supportive. I think that’s why I got so invested in them. A bunch of people at Rhodes have been really supportive of them. Not purposefully, but they always compliment my tattoos if they see them. And that’s really nice because that is a huge change from how it was back home to hear. And I didn’t expect that because Austin is really liberal and Memphis is like, Bible belt. But at the same time a lot of people on campus aren’t from Memphis or the bible belt. So coming here it was like, thank you, I can finally feel better about these now. I can actually be proud of them. I think it had a lot to do with the environment I surrounded myself in. And I didn’t purposefully do that. I didn’t expect Rhodes kids to be all for it. Now I don’t even realize they're there, I see them so often. There is still a lot of stigma in certain places though. I used to be in a sorority which I didn’t really like. And I've heard from other sororities too that during rush they hide girls with visible tattoos or colored hair. So I was really surprised by that, like you can't shame someone for something that is permanently on their body that probably means a lot to them and you're telling them it’s worthless and stupid. And if you accepted them in the first place why are you trying to hide them. I got this last one (the cat) during rush actually. The chair of rush came up to me and said, “I'm going to fucking kill you.” I also had colored hair and I don’t think they liked that either. The greek culture on the female side is pretty strict and most of them don’t like that idea. Guys don’t really care.
           I feel like I found my group of people outside the srat world that are more accepting and cooler and more fun and are like “you can do whatever you want just don’t hurt yourself and take care of yourself and actually be in control of your life. But still do whatever you want!” and they will support me in every positive aspect of my life.
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viddasaala · 8 years
all of them
under a cut bc it’s a lot :^)
1.Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?
haha yes 
2.When did your last hug take place?
today! my friend was having a bad day so i gave her a big hug
3.Are you a jealous person?
haha yeah....but i’m very lowkey about it. i do my best to ignore it because i don’t like causing problems, 
4.Are you tired right now?
i’m always tired 
5.Do you chew on your straws?
nope! i used to 
6.Have you ever been called a tease?
7.Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
yeah i don’t recommenced it
8.Do you cry easily?
hooo boy yeah. if u say 1 thing that i could interpret as mean i’ll prolly start bawling my eyes out lmfao...................
9.What should you be doing right now?
10.Are you a heavy sleeper?
i used to be....but not anymore unfortunately. i don’t know why all of a sudden i’m a really light sleeper but it might be because of a sudden spike in anxiety and stress. 
11.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?
yeah! i’m very loyal so i definitely think i could last in a relationship for that long. 
12.Are you mad at someone right now?
13.Do you believe in love?
14.What makes you laugh no matter what?
15.Who was the last person you talked to?
16.Do you get butterflies around the person you like?
haha yeah........................she was on the same swim team as me and that made swim practice kinda awkward (swim’s ended now tho), but she’s a teacher aid for my chem teacher now so i see her whenever i have chem and i’m jsut like so gay my dudes. i enjoy seeing her, but i don’t enjoy the butterflies lmao. 
17.Will you get married?
i sure hope so!
18.When was the last time you smiled?
sometime today? 
19.Does anyone like you?
i sure hope so LMAo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
20.Do you secretly like someone?
21.Who was the first person you talked to today?
my mom prolly
22.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
23.What are you NOT looking forward to?
my driver’s test tomorrow and doing my homework
24.What ARE you looking forward to?
the weekend! and i’m looking forward to mass effect andromeda in march! :^)
25.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?
i think so,
26.Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?
be fine w/ it bc if they’re not shitty they deserve to be happy and there’d be a reason why we wouldn’t be dating anymore. plus, they wouldn’t be my s/o anymore so why would i care? it’s their life, i wouldn’t be involved in it anymore. 
27.Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
well,, sort of moving out? i’ll be going to college in about a year so!
28.Are you a forgiving person?
yeah, usually. unless i’m fucked over majorly. then i’m not so forgiving! 
29.How many TRUE friends do you have?
30.Do you fall for people easily?
31.Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend?
i’ve never dated anyone hah a... i’ve had plenty of “almost” relationships but i’ve never full-on dated anyone
32.What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?
a quesadilla 
33.Who was the last person you drove with?
my mom. just got back from the grocery store
34.How late did you stay up last night and why?
i think i went to bed at like 11. idk, i didn’t feel like sleeping. 
35.If you could move somewhere else, would you?
here’s the thing: big change tends to fuck me up and it takes me a long time to adjust so i think if i moved somewhere else it’d really fuck me up and it’d take me forever to adjust so...prolly not haha. 
36.Who was the last person you took a picture of?
mmm,,, can’t remember
37.Can you live a day without TV?
sure. my laptop or my phone on the other hand, 
38.When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?
hmm,, i can’t remember tbh
39.Three names you go by..
rae, syd, and that’s basically it s o
40.Are you currently in a relationship?
nope! i wish i was. rn i got a big ol’ hopeless crush
41.What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
hmmm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i dunno tbh
42.Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
yeah, in a way!
43.What’s your current problem?
school....its stressing me out so much.
44.Have you ever had your heart broken?
45.Your thoughts of long distance relationships?
i feel like they can work out, but i feel like they involve a lot more effort than short-distance relationships. that being said, i feel like if two people really like/love each other, they can make it work!
46.How many kids do you want to have?
idk..............prolly none, but if my future significant other wants kids i’d be willing to give it a shot. 
47.Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them?
yup! it’s honestly very hard for me to open up with my feelings irl
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