#we also got the same for emath
my-thirteenth-reason Β· 5 months
first we got our social studies results - i got 12/15, A1 AND THEN the next period we got our amath results - 8/30, F9 LMFAO imagine how fast my mood pummeled HAHAHAHA
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coralstudiies Β· 5 years
sorry if this is rude im just curious '-' what made u choose triple sci and not another subject combi? what did u face aft that and what struggles did u meet? how did u overcome those struggles? did u ever regret ur combi? What did u like most abt it? if u cld go back in time and change it when u were applying for subject combi would u do so? Why or why not? Omg im so sorry this is super long im just inquisitive πŸ˜“πŸ˜“πŸ˜ i love ur blog btw!
1. because i didnt wanna limit myself at sec sch level. like because honestly i knew i liked bio and chem more than phy but phy is like,,, u know what the adults say money making. plus i heard that upper sec phy not as hard ie the jump is smaller compared to chem and bio so i just take lor. anyways my strength is always science and english compared to other subjects so triple was the way to go :>
2. honestly the workload is ok. like everyone i struggled w chem at first but slowly i got the hang of it (how to answer) so i didn't face much difficulties in science. my amaths and emaths however is another case because they were damn ηˆ›οΌηˆ›εˆ°δΈθ‘Œ! ofc i was a busy student so i had to stay up late to do work and study on the go but other than that not much issues
3. for chem it was a matter of getting used to it so only time and practice cld help. for math i just sucked all the way to 2 weeks before Os when i woke up and grinded tys and practice papers. i just barely pass my amath major exams. as for studying at night if i got tired i'll eat fruits or drink smt cold or even just have some ice cubes(wtf right i know) and wash my face, play some nice music and jam out while finishing my work. sometimes it was demoralising la cos u see everyone sleeping and chilling and gg out but u have training then after training u need to mug like hell but its like DAMN i rly love my sports so i just told myself if its something i like then its worth working doubly hard for!!
4. No i never regretted my combi. ppl always say triple is hard. i took like 9 subs (incl ECL for o level during sec3) and i got 9 distinctions and i still managed to train, have fun and enjoy myself and learn a lot and rly challenge myself to step outta my comfort zone. if anything its not as scary as ppl say it is because if u plan ur time well (i didnt rly but still) its definitely manageable and pretty fun imo. for my SS+egeog, i struggled w SS cos of a shitty teacher and honestly i still dislike the subject la but learning geog was so much fun so it didnt hurt much. tbh i think ppl say 3sci is hard cos of pure bio but bio was my strength so it never rly mattered. also memorising isnt painful if u like the subj HAHAHA anyway if u listen in class and watch videos it sinks in pretty fast:>
5. i liked that if u ever got bored about one subj theres always smt else to study lor. like imagine u cant understand circuits, ok move on and do organic chem. tired of your acids and bases then go study DNA lor HAHAHA ppl say its a heavy workload but for students like me with short attention span, its good cus i can keep studying diff things without getting bored.
6. nah i wouldnt change. i think this is the right combi for me. cus ppl like me (ahem indecisive libras) take damn long to decide but when i decide i make sure i've made the best possible choice lor. no huge regrets la. amath was compulsory (bleh). hcl was painful but i stopped hating chinese cus i made a couple of cool friends from china, taiwan and hkg (esp the taiwanese were so supportive and willing to help me with my work and i could help all of them with their english HAHAHA) which made learning more fun (plus since we all played the same sport u can learn sporting terms in chinese HOW COOL HAHAHA) then trisci was def the best part of my combi cus i love science man. for my sch if u take trisci u have to take ss + elective humans and out of elit hist and geog i'd still take geog (altho i fared the worst for geog in lower sec) cus its my interest and i rly love it :> so yeah i wouldnt change anything!!!
okies thats all, dont worry about the length HAHA it was fun sharing all that. this reminds me i prolly need to set up an about me for this blog lol HAHAHAHA i initially didnt do that cos idw to be doxxed or smt but aiya forget it man. all the best in ur studies and 新年快樂!!!
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