#also the parts that i did revise for i did badly as well so 😅😅😅😅😅
my-thirteenth-reason · 5 months
first we got our social studies results - i got 12/15, A1 AND THEN the next period we got our amath results - 8/30, F9 LMFAO imagine how fast my mood pummeled HAHAHAHA
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nordic-language-love · 3 years
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Language Learning Log 2022 Week One (03/01 - 09/01)
Banner photo: starting the year off strong with a pretty notebook and a Norwegian textbook on my laptop!
Read Klart Det! chapter 1
Read 5x articles
Watched 2x Kveldsnytt broadcasts
Italki lesson x3
Listened to the radio
Listened to 1.5x Ekko podcasts
Started writing an article about the stupidity of people
Mock Bergenstest parts 1, 2 and 4
Speaking practice: talked to myself about family politics
Revised vocab with Anki + noted some down
I’m starting to notice my vocabulary studies paying off. During my italki lesson on Tuesday I used quite a few new words and idioms that I’ve studied in my Anki decks, and several other words I’ve studied have come up while reading or listening. It’s a good feeling! Like, ohh I wouldn’t have been able to understand this so easily if I hadn’t studied. It’s especially nice to notice it in my speaking because I really struggle with finding the right words normally (my grammar is still shit when I speak, but at least my vocabulary’s improving).
It’s also encouraging me to read more, actually. Because I’m trying to broaden my vocabulary, I need to actually find vocabulary to put in my Anki decks. And while I’m reading, I encounter vocabulary I’ve previously studied, and that consolidates it. Who knew that the secret to developing your vocabulary was to actually make an effort to study it? 😅
My tutor marked the interview report I wrote last week. He couldn’t comment much on the content because I couldn’t send the interview to him, but he said it had good structure and the language would probably get godt bestått, which is of course my goal! He also gave me some tips for the structure and for how to write my written report as well. I’m planning to do a timed essay this week. The problem is finding 2 hours to set aside where I know won’t be disturbed. I’m going to my mum’s this week though, so I’ll do it there.
I also tried another Bergenstest practice paper. I actually had to ask one of my tutors if the question was badly-worded or whether I’m just stupid, and he agreed it was a weird question ("Hva mener forfatteren at flyplassen er sitt fremtidige formål?"). And again, I wasn’t really sure what the short answer questions wanted me to write. I got exactly the same marks for the listening/vocabulary/grammar sections as last time too: 75-80%. Which is okay, but I need to get about 90% for C1, so I need to keep practising.
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Quite pleased with how much Norwegian I did, but I really need to do more writing! That’s definitely the skill that needs the most love right now. Like I say, I want to ideally set aside a full two hours to work on an essay under exam conditions, which is why I haven’t been doing much, but maybe I should just make the effort to do 10-30 minutes every day without exam conditions, because it’s more important that I do it than that I do it exactly as it would be on the Bergenstest.
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