#but man i wish id skipped
my-thirteenth-reason · 2 months
first we got our social studies results - i got 12/15, A1 AND THEN the next period we got our amath results - 8/30, F9 LMFAO imagine how fast my mood pummeled HAHAHAHA
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ivnscribbles · 2 months
leaving secondary school & no longer doing English classes has made me realise that I actually really like English Lit just the stress of a timed essay made me loose my shit so bad that I fully did not want to go to classes for 4 years.
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hella1975 · 2 years
hella this chapter meant so fcking much to me! First of all bato was such an asshole I loved him. loved the flowers, Sokka’s POV made me laugh, Kanut and Zukos heart-to-heart(?) was so sweet and the writing was god tier as always.
“I have read about love a thousand times over in a thousand different stories,” he said carefully, “And it never looks like me.” - this broke me. I was crying at the kitchen table.
Thank you so so much for Kanut. He was one of the first canonically aro characters I’ve read in anything (the quote really hit hard because of how much I relate to it) and I have loved his character since the beginning. Before tumblr I had an inkling that he was aro ace but I didn’t expect it to ever be confirmed or even acknowledged. Having it confirmed both by the author and in text was so heartening and really exciting to my little aro heart.
Thank you for the grumpy asshole healer with a heart of gold he means a lot to me xx
im so glad you liked the chapter bestie and you're very welcome for kanut. he's a piece of shit that lives in my mind rent free and honestly he's been one of the ones to have me in a VICE GRIP chokehold since chapter 1, but yk what? im not even mad about it
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mythesque · 1 year
not me legitimately considering skipping the mizuena colorful fes for a perm emu card that i havent even seen yet 🤡
#listen.........#i looked at the mizuena cards leaks and like#theyre nice! but i dont *love* em yknow? like id rather finally get fairy mizuki than their colofes#(and if i scout in a perm banner i can get more seals to eventually buy fairy mizuki hsjdjfkshsjs)#the tsukasa and an cards are Really nice too like i actually like them a lot but again like. i dont need them lol this game is full of nice#cards i gotta prioritize yknow?#and apparently my priority is getting a fucking emu card for once 😭 (that i actually like bc i have her first 4star the like track and field#whatever card but like no offense i just do not care for it okay its not my style its not my aesthetic its not my vibe i think its boring#and thats the only one i have and it pains me ​bc i just love her so much and i wish she would come home for me 😭😭😭#and so like. literally the Only thing making me hesitate is the 6% rates for the colofes bc fucking god in heaven knows i need the rate#boost w my shitty ass luck (we do NOT talk abt my hermit pulls im still lightly salted abt them) so like if this was any other lim banner i#would skip in a heartbeat but the double rates man..... they tempt me..#and yes i KNOW im talking abt a hypothetical card that doesnt even exist yet okay trust me i am fully aware that i am basing this off of#speculated info but like fuck it thats a risk im willing to take! and if the speculation is true and its rui and len as the other 4 stars#then thats even PERFECTER bc 1.) rui i love rui!! and 2.) len is the only chara in the game i dont have a single 4 star for so i would love#to finally get one and hes my favorite cryptonloid to boot so like really this looks like an ideal setup for me#listen the more i ramble in the tags like a fucking loon (lol) the more i am convincing myself to just keep saving bc fuck it i want emu >:(#shes my skrunkly little wondahoi scrimbo my candy pink daughter she is my sparkly sunshine girl and i adore her goddammit!!#okay anyway im done acting like a clown publicly and will now go back to acting like a clown privately wheeeee#.txt
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lordsukunas · 2 months
hehe thinking abt footman!ness who’s obsessed with you, his gorgeous sorceress.
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his attachment is... interesting, to say the least. ness is never too far away from you — by your side when permitted, fingers twitching beneath his gloves to reach for your hand, standing guard by the door when not, ignoring the barely hushed whispers from the actual guards.
“does he have nothing better to do?”
“you know he is. he worships her grace as if she created the moon and the stars.”
but you did! he knows it, deep down in that overstuffed heart of his. what don’t they get? and even if you didn’t, you’re the one who keeps them shining so brightly, illuminating each and every night.
everything about you is ethereal, and ness makes sure to remind you. every ball, every luncheon, every useless dinner where he’s wrenched away from your presence, he never forgets to douse you in compliments.
“your grace, you are more beautiful than any flower blooming in spring.”
“all the other noblewomen pale and wither in comparison to you.”
oh, how he wishes he could be there to see you waltz around, frilly, regal skirts swishing in time with your graceful movements. the thought is enough to sneak into the gardens and dance, imagining your hand in his, all to some tune in his own mind. he makes sure to filter out the images of you in another man’s arms — they won’t ever have the opportunity to be with you anyway.
but his favorite part is when you say his name.
“oh, alexis? can you fetch me some more sugar cubes, please?”
“alexis, do you think this shade of green suits me? i fear it’s too cool for my complexion.”
“hm? good morning, alexis! did you sleep well?”
alexis, alexis, alexis.
he’ll never grow tired, y’know. you could say his name thousands of times a day, in thousands of different contexts, and his heart will skip a beat each and every time.
you speak his name so delicately, as if it is a porcelain vase you refuse to drop and shatter. it rolls off your tongue with a perfected ease, just like that day you rescued him from the streets.
ness is so glad you saved him. nothing will make him leave your side, and if death comes to claim him? well, he’ll have to take you with him!
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erm... idk what this is, its so incoherent :( i prob shouldve structured it better but then id be here all day. i refuse to lose inspiration!!!! sorry if this ooc btw lol idk shit bout ness
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crowfanity · 1 year
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More Ace Attorney text posts:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
(ID under cut)
[ID: A series of seven pictures from a Reddit thread with Ace Attorney characters.
The first picture is of the discussion topic, which reads “Let’s test something: describe your gender in a way that will baffle cis people but other trans and enby peeps will get.” Next to it is a sprite of Mia Fey smiling with her arms crossed.
On the next picture, the first comment is next to a sprite of Miles Edgeworth looking away. It says “I prefer to not be perceived by others.”
The comment after that says “A void with thigh high socks and beanie.” Next to it is Phoenix Wright’s disbarred sprite wearing a beanie and looking aloof.
The next comment says “Idk pick a slur”. Next to it is a picture of Dahlia Hawthorne looking uninterested and playing with her hair.
Below that is a comment saying “I drank too much gender juice”. To the right is an image of Rayfa Padma Khura’in smirking.
The next comment says “i wish i was an abstract concept”. Beside it is a sprite of Aura Blackquill with with her chin in her hand as she leans on a distressed Clonco.
Another comment reads “Ooblek. My gender is ooblek.” Next to it is a picture of post time-skip Ema Skye looking bored and fidgeting with her hair.
The third picture starts with a reply that says “I am a grand, old piano. I am painted black, shining and somewhat glossy. Covered in vines holding beautiful, golden flowers, I sit in the middle of a forest; forgotten, yet not lost. A cat sits atop me, staring into the distance with a glare in its tiny, marble eyes. The sun lays itself on top of my base in streaks, like looking through swaying; almost open blinds. I am a grand, old piano.” To the right is a sprite of Klavier Gavin smiling with his eyes closed and playing with his bangs.
The comment after that reads “Seven goblins in a trench coat, each with a different hyperfixation”. Next to it is a picture of young Maya Fey, leaning forward and smirking.
The next comment says “David Bowie, as played by Tilda Swinton”. It’s next to a sprite of Shih-na with sunglasses, looking at a stack of papers.
After that is a comment that says “none gender with left boygirl”. To the right is Sebastian Debeste looking smug.
Blow that is another comment reading “A shapeshifting shadow monster that takes the form of your gay aunt’s wife”. Next to it is an image of Franzaiska von Karma smirking with a hand on her hip.
The next picture starts with a reply saying “If gender is a performance then mine is the curtains which are drawn in to block stagehands switching props and the backdrop”. To the right is a sprite of Trucy Wright leaning forward and smiling with her eyes closed.
The next comment says “I’m a girl in a man way”. Beside it is Athena Cykes grinning and making a victory hand sign.
Blow that, a comment reads “i don’t know what i’m doing leave me alone”. Next to it is Juniper Woods with her hands clasped together, looking nervous.
The next comment just says “Rooster”. It has a picture of Apollo Justice with his arms crossed, looking smug.
Under that another comment says “Booby mcbeardy face”. Beside it is a sprite of Dick Gumshoe grinning.
The next reply reads “I’m all the genders but also none of the genders and everything I wear is drag and every crush I have is gay.” To the right is an image of Shi-Long Lang smirking.
The fifth picture starts by saying “If Gerard way was a sport bike”. Beside it is a sprite of Simon Blackquill smirking with his hand on his chin.
The next response reads “When you order man from wish”. Next to it is an image of Mike Meekins looking down and starting to cry.
The comment below that says “I’m gender fluid but not in a “sometimes a girl sometimes a boy” way. Sometimes my gender is Wesley from Princess bride, a sexy cowboy, pirate temptress and greasy gamer entity.” It has a picture of Jake Marshall holding the brim of his cowboy hat.
Underneath that another comment reads “an old vending machine that only gives you coffee and lime soda”. To the right is a sprite of Godot grinning and holding a cup of coffee.
The next reply says “I want to be able to see my gender in the woods after weeks of camping and get scared away, then the next night wander into the forest searching for it again but disappear without a trace, like those horror stories you read about, you know?” Next to it is Kay Faraday grinning with her eyes closed and a hand on her scarf.
The next picture starts off by saying “I’m a person”. To the right is a sprite of Kristoph Gavin smiling with his eyes closed and arms crossed.
The comment below that reads “I think of gender as icky stuff that I don’t want on me, attached to me. That’s another way of saying I don’t want gendered terms to define me. I’m agender.” Next to it is a young Pearl Fey biting her thumb and looking anxious.
The next response says “No matter who you are, if you have sex with me, it’s gay”. To the right is a sprite of Nahyuta Sahdmadhi smiling with his left arm behind his back.
Under that another reply reads “I do not exist”. Beside it is a picture of Lana Skye looking away.
Beneath that is a comment that says “bowling alley carpet”. To the right is an image of Patches smiling with his eyes closed and holding a fan while confetti flutters about.
The last image just has one reply that reads ““Hi, I’m non-binary. Please refer to me with gender neutral terms.”“ Next to it is a picture of Bobby Fulbright grinning and doing a salute. /End of ID]
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p0ssywhippedcream · 2 years
Could you possibly do a canon Captain Levi Ackerman x cadet reader enemies to lovers fic please?? Preferably where the reader is injured and her Captain has to look after her. Plenty of the feels would be appreciated haha. I love your writing btw :)
Hi lovebug! Id love to, thank you so much <3
“How could you be so foolish?” Levi berates you, his tone completely opposite his gentle hands as they bandage your arm.
“I mean I told you how dangerous the mission was, you knew how dangerous it was! And you went on your own anyway?”
You’d given up explaining your behavior at this point, resolving to keep your eyes glued to the hole in the floorboards.
“Y/n,” He sighs, “You could’ve jeopardized our entire mission. You need to be more careful with these things.”
You nod pathetically. There’s silence for a moment as your heart aches. If you’d ever had a chance of him returning your feelings, that had been kicked out and spat on.
“Thank you.” You offer.
His hands pause as his eyes search your face. You mean it, you’re a terrible liar.
“You’re welcome.” He resumes wrapping the bandage until it’s tight then secures it.
“Do you ever-” You stop and make a face.
“Do I ever what, cadet?”
“Do you ever look at the stars?”
You’ve caught him off guard, his face shifts for just a moment before recovering it’s facade.
“Sure. Why?”
You shrug and poke at your arm.
“I don’t know. Sometimes I wonder if this is all it is to it.”
Levi gets what you mean, but he ignores that familiar feeling.
“Do you have any other injuries?”
You pull up your shirt slowly to reveal a nasty gash on your stomach, hissing through your teeth as the cold air hits it. He pretends to be unaffected but his nose wrinkles in sympathy.
After a second of him cleaning a wound, he replies to your earlier statement.
“I do too. Sometimes.”
You look up at his face, horribly hardened and focused on only looking at your torso. Then you laugh and shake your head.
“Feels like a bad joke, doesn’t it? Of all the cards we could’ve been dealt, we get this hand.”
He agrees and wonders for a second what made you so hurt all the time. He’ll never admit it, but your strength in the face of life is admirable. The fact that you still hold onto yourself even through all the pain is impressive.
“Someday,” You continue, “Someday, I’ll have a daughter and by the time she’s my age, the world will have given her every good thing she wants. And she’ll be the happiest woman you’ve ever seen. One of those girls who carries flowers in her pockets everywhere and laughs a little too loud in pubs. She’ll be good.”
You sound like you’re talking about the past, reminiscing on something you’ve lost yourself. Levi considers that you might be talking about yourself, he wished he could have known you when you gave out flowers. He’d like to have had one from you.
“If she’s as reckless as her mother, she’ll be dead before she can do all that.”
You snort and wince when you remember your pain.
“She’ll be smarter than i’ll ever be. She’ll have a really smart father.”
He notices the way you look at him and crushes the thought of looking back at you.
“She ought to. She needs someone with sense in her life.”
“He has enough sense to make up for my lack.”
Levi’s eyes find yours for the first time tonight and he sees a future in them. A beautiful future he wants to be apart of. He could get lost in there and never return.
“Does he?” His heart skips a beat.
“He does. Smartest man I know.” You agree with shining pupils.
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chiiyuuvv · 5 months
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• PAIRING — childhoodbestie!hunter x fem!reader
• GENRE — huntys down bad, pinning, kissing
• WORD COUNT — 939
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — little smth smth i wrote for my friends but DAMN did i write the hell out of that like its so good. I wrote that?? Naur. Also also i suggest listening to 20cm by txt bc the feels and also the fic is heavily influenced by it so id read the translations if i were you yeah okay i go back to writing Also also pt 2 if yall want more suggestive hunter gimme a plot damn it
• TAGLIST — @hyunukitty , @cake1box , @mars101 , @soul-is-a-strange-kid , @the-lemon-boy , @yuniniverse , @hunchan444 , @s00buwu , @cherrycolaberry
The two of you running hand and hand through the school corridors of your elementary, running to the playground after wolfing down your lunch. You pat hunters head as you were taller than him, his eyebrows furrowing as he looks up at you.
Now hes looking down at you, a hand still intertwined with yours as the other holds your waist, swaying you back and forth with a gentle smile on his face. The warm lighting of the highschool prom colors his face well.
His newfound awkwardness almost as tall as his height, you were a little shocked that he asked you to dance. His voice deeper and the pink tint complimenting his cheeks, he avoids your eyes, a hand scratching the back of his neck.
Hes been avoiding you lately, his sentences always studdered and the air suddenly heavy. But maybe he was too busy thinking about you that he didnt notice his actions. As you grew older and older, he found this desire to hold you, tickle your chin, just be with you in general.
Maybe thats why his heart skipped a beat when he saw you in that beautiful red dress, his mind going back to your middle school days; how he would help you to a book that was placed on highest shelf, his doe eyes looking down at you. He felt this nervousness he never felt before, pressing the book against your chest before asking you to lunch. Why was he so shy?
You grew up so well, your hair flowing and your eyes slightly bigger. A pretty smile always on your face and your brain expanding daily. He admired you from afar, from up close, anywhere he could find you.
And now that hes older, he tries changing himself to be man you desire; someone whos easy going, but takes your feelings very seriously. It was kind of easy, since hes known you for so long. But doubts still run through his mind, questioning if he'll be with someone that'll ever be as good as you. He needed you.
But when you slip your hand into his, his thoughts wash away, his heart thumping and his adams apple bobbing. God, you were so pretty. It was a little silly about your affect of holding his hand; you've done it ever since you were little, your habit of giving him soft head pets and teasing him for his shortness.
But now you cant reach his head, a smirk quipped on his face whenever its his turn to tease you. He loves the way you would pout, dropping your pretty bottom lip while thinking of a comeback to his insult. He wanted to kiss the pout off of your lips.
And how pretty you looked when you smiled, your sweet laughter ringing in his ears. He wished he could record it, playing it whenever he missed you dearly, even if its been a couple hours. Thats probably the reason why he was staring at you so much tonight, his eyes never leaving yours as he sways you back and forth, content and love in his expression.
He pushes a strand of hair behind your ear, muttering the words "so pretty" as his mind took mental pictures of you, how your dress was hugging your body so well, and how you were looking up at him, filled with so much fondness that he could melt.
He never wanted to forget this moment, the smell of your shampoo covering his nose as he softly kisses your head, something he always did to comfort you. Watching as your eyes fluttered close, he couldnt take it anymore, his hands leaving yours and your sides and cupping your cheeks, his thumb rubbing on your skin.
"Can I.." he whispers although you could hear him perfectly, his heart catching up with his staggered breaths as he continues to stare in your eyes. "..take one more inch?" He always felt like he was so close but so far, like if you let go of his hand you would land in someone elses, a small, tiny jealously burning inside of him, and the selfishness to keep you for himself, that you were his, he was yours. 
After what feels forever, you let out a soft nod, hunter taking one step, then another until hes hunched over at your level, his hands gently lifting your head to place his plump lips onto yours. He does it with so much care and precision that it leaves shivers down your spine, hunter breaking the kiss to stare into your soft eyes.
Then he leans in again, his eyes fluttered closed as he feels the world stop, the soft music fading and the light murmurring of the other students and their partners disappearing. What mattered was you, he was only thinking you, he needed you, he needed you to be his, he needed to kiss you repeatedly.
His lips move in a soft pace, savoring the flavor of your vanilla bean lip bomb; a small sigh leaving his lips as you lightly tug his hair, your small hands playing with it. He finally breaks the kiss, his cheeks painted pink again as his hands that cupped your face was sinking down to your waist. Your arms around his neck as his eyes were still fluttered shut, swaying your body back and forth as little shivers leave his being.
His eyes open to finds yours staring at him fondly, studying his facials and a small smile on your face. His doe eyes, squishy cheeks, and plump, light pink lips making you melt. He wanted to cherish you forever.
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a-tiny-sloth · 10 months
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boygenius, Not Strong Enough // Alice Oseman, I Was Born For This // Joan of Arc, as cited by Alice Oseman in I Was Born For This
[ID below the cut]
Image 1: Lyrics that read "Black hole opened in the kitchen / Every clock's a different time / It would only take the energy to fix it / I don't know why I am"
Image 2: A quote that reads: "I don't know who I am. Everything I do feels like a lie. I wake up every day and I have to be Jimmy Kaga-Ricci, this famous guy, and I have to smile at the camera and say hi to people but... I don't even know who I am underneath that."
Image 3: A quote that reads: "it is true that i wished to escape; and so i wish still; is nor this lawful for all prisoners?"
Image 4: Lyrics that read: "The way I am / Not strong enough to be your man / I tried, I can't / Stop staring at the ceiling fan and / Spinning out about things that haven't happened / Breathing in and out
Image 5: A quote that reads: "And then we are turning away, and walking behind the curtain and my smile can drop and once we're totally out of sight Rowan is squeezing my hand but I'm gone, I'm already gone, I'm up above the three of us and gazing down at the three bodies and wondering who on Earth decided that these three pathetically flawed human beings deserved so much worship."
Image 6: A quote that reads "hold the crucifix up before my eyes so i may see it until i die."
Image 7: Lyrics that read: "The way I am / Not strong enough to be your man / I lied, I am / Just lowering your expectations / Half a mind that keeps the other second-guessing / Close my eyes and count
Image 8: "A quote that reads: "Everywhere I go, everything I do... I'm lying. I'm pretending. And everyone's watching me... waiting for me to get it wrong."
Image 9: Lyrics that read: "Always and angel, never a god / Always an angel, never a god / Always an angel, never a god"
Image 10: A quote that reads: "He's my favourite. Jimmy Kaga-Ricci. I wouldn't say I was attracted to him, to any of them, really. That's not what this is about. But God, if anyone's the angel around here, it's him."
Image 11: Lyrics that read: "I don't know why I am the way I am / There's something in the static / I think I've been having revelations / Coming to in the front seat, nearly empty / Skip the exit and go home / Go home alone"
Image 12: A quote that reads: "Home?' 'I want to go home.' 'Like... like your apartment?' 'No,' I say. 'Home. My actual home. Where I grew up.'
Image 13: A quote that reads: "i was in my thirteenth year when i heard a voice from god"
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nari-writes · 8 months
What's a fic you want to write but are scared of?
Oh man. Aw man. I presume you mean something like "dang this is gonna be massive and I don't want to dive into it" but.
This is a perfect excuse to segue into: I don't want to write this fic because I'll stick my foot in it. 'Cause of the relationship focus (PLATONIC!) that would just. The two factions of people who would see it would Both be angry/annoyed. Reading comprehension in this decade is horrendous. And I don't want to get death threats from people who won't read my explanation/won't get that I'm doing this for comedic purposes and ALSO as someone who ships a tiny-ass rarepair I do not want to engage in the....adjacent queerbait of "this is possibly an inherently romantic concept but I am playing it ENTIRELY straight"???
And then ALSO I don't ship them so I also don't want to fall into the trap of my OWN DANG SELF where I LOVE writing romantic drama and will potentially-possibly actually-accidentally turn it romantic simply because I love writing pining so much. It could be fun! I can see why their dynamic would be SO PAINFUL (and fun) to ship but I don't, but I know writing this WOULD MAKE ME want pinning involved. Because I love writing Romance. I'm a goddamn romance/fluff/plot author. It'd be there. A spectre. Haunting me. Cackling in a little :3c fashion. I know myself. I know myself. I will fail. I'm weak and the internal pressure of writing this would lead SO well to pining and then I'd probably get attached because I can justify so much so easily and when I write people stuck in romance-esque situations I make it Work for what I Like and I DON'T want to do that because I DON'T want to con myself into shipping this.
"what the fuck are you talking about Nari," you ask, "and why the hell are you adding so many disclaimers before you even go into the fic idea???"
So Dick Grayson gets married to the Red Hood.
(this is platonic) (BEAR WITH ME) (THIS IS PLATONIC)
1 x Bludhaven Cop finds out that he's gonna get called upon to testify against the Red Hood and due to some absolutely WILD Shenanigans that will never make more than a singular mention in the fic, the Bludhaven court currently is running around with Diana's lasso of truth and/or some other artifact that makes it LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to lie on the stand. You WILL tell the truth. It is great for weeding out false confessions. The crooked cops and judges are incensed and trying to get rid of this thing ASAP but Dick has spent months trying to keep it safe and Still Working and he- he can't get rid of it.
And if Dick Grayson, Bludhaven Cop, current third witness in a case revolving around the Red Hood, gets on that stand...Oh Fuck He Knows So Many Red Hood Secrets. He 👏 knows 👏 so 👏 many 👏 secrets 👏
So Dick Grayson, Bludhaven Cop, sleep-deprived and panicking, goes: FUCK.
Well I can't be forced to testify against my spouse.
Jason howls when he hears what Dick has decided. He is absoLUTELY going along with this, this is the dumbest shit his brother has gotten himself into, how the FUCK is he gonna explain it to his co-workers. Jason is DELIGHTED at how stupid Dick is being. This man's a moron.
"oh I need to work within the confines of the law" YOU ARE A VIGILANTE, DICK, says Jason, cackling. Steal the damn thing!
They do not have a ceremony. Jason grabs one of his lieutenants to act as signatory/witness and they go to the one branch of city hall that's in Crime Alley because Dick needs it done now and the case is in a week. There are three leaks in the ceiling. They are taking advantage of Jason's reputation to a) skip the line and waiting period and b) convince the magistrate to accept Jason's so incredibly fake ID:
(Chew. Chew. Pop.
Dick kinda wishes there was a polite way to say 'hey can you spit your gum out before it makes my brain explode from how not-seriously you're taking this super serious matter?' but he has a feeling something will get lost in translation, and the look on the registar's face is already deadpan and unimpressed.
"And that's your legal name?" she asks, and the gum pops. Jason tilts his helmet, and Dick can imagine his grin; can hear it when Jason says,
"Definitely a legal one."
"You file your taxes under the name 'Red Hood'?" she inquires, her drawl filled with such a level of derision that Dick knows why she's chewing gum, now. It's to highlight how much she doesn't give a shit. Why is every resident of Crime Alley like this?
Her name tag says her name is Monica - Monica, like this is a normal day with a normal person! - and there are four people behind him with cellphones. There's a security guard behind them with a cellphone. He's not even calling the cops, he's definitely just recording them. Dick wants to vibrate out of his skin.
"Yep," says Jason, popping the p obnoxiously. "I'm an LLC, baby."
"Look, Monica," Dick says, shoving the bystanders out of his mind and giving her his most charming grin. "When secret identities come into play, getting married is a bit difficult. Dick Grayson is definitely dating the Red Hood-," holy shit he finally managed it without sinking into the depths of his 'how the fuck did we end up here???' self-spiral! "-which means if I want to marry him I have to marry the Red Hood. If I suddenly show up with some new, random husband that doesn't have this shiny primary-coloured helmet, isn't it going to be a bit weird?" And here's the part he can actually say with sincerity, even if, in this context, it'll mean something different- "I love him. I want to get married. But I need to protect him. Please?"
Monica looks at him. She looks at Jason. She pops her bubblegum, and then reaches for her stamp.
"Congratulations," she says, and slides the wedding certificate under the glass. "Enjoy domestic bliss.")
(We #loveMonica. She cares just barely about the legalities of marrying a crime boss and is Not Paid Enough to Deal With Anything Else).
Anyway, other things that occur that @midnightluck and I talked about, everyone say <3 <3 to Lucky for having the funniest goddamn words. Wildly out of order/messy/random humour things that occur (under readmore because this post is INSANELY long):
Precinct is Not Surprised by Officer Grayson revealing he has a partner, due to conversations like this:
(phone rings) "Grayson here. Wha--oh, hi. What? No, I didn't touch your book, you know I don't read your books. No, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Chaucer, I just don't have the time-- can we. Can we not. Look, I don't know, maybe it's on the nightstand where you left it after that concussion last week? No, not the one with the grenade drawer, though we do need to talk about that, how do you go through so many so fast? No, I know that, that's why the spare room is your armory, I don't have a problem with that--yes, I know, but that doesn't mean-- ugh. You know what. No, I'm at work. This can wait. Uh huh. Uh huh. No, I want Thai. Thai. You owe me satay for this and you know it. What? Yes, we're still on the Robinson case; whatcha got for me? Uh huh. Uh huh. Really, them? Oh, I know that address, isn't that that warehouse where Timmy--yeah, haha, right? Oh, right? For sure. Let's get that picture printed; he'll hate it. Uh huh. Okay, gotta go, some of us have a day job--no one pays you to be a zombie, okay? Okay, see you at home. Bye."
Reasons why people think it is the Red Hood:
police officer Dick is doing a thing at work and suddenly! The Red Hood appears at his raid/bust/whatever! And he's all "drop the weapons or I'll get another duffle bag" and Dick goes, "Everyone chill a sec," pulls out his phone and is like, "Hey, Red Hood, are you in Blud right now?"
"No? You know I've got that thing at the harbour tonight. Why would I be in Blud?"
"Well, I've got a Red Hood and that's definitely your jacket and hood he's wearing, like, a couple iterations ago but it's yours. You piss off any magic users lately? Trip into any time slips? Dimensional mirrors?"
"No? Shit, when's he from, can you tell?"
"It's that jacket with the high collar, with the stain on the sleeve, you know the one? The red piping?"
"Huh. I haven't worn that one since two summers ago, so careful, he might be riding green?"
"Lemme check. One sec--hey! Mr Hood! How do you feel about Tim?"
"…Tim who?"
"…That's not me."
"That's not you. It's not a time dimensional thing, is it, mr Hood. You're just a copycat."
"I bet he found an old safe house, he stole my shit--Hey, asshole! Wait, am I on speaker? Put me on speaker. Hey, copycat! I want my stuff back! And I'm coming to get it!"
and later when the precinct has gotten sort-of-used to Dick Grayson "being married" to a vigilante:
Grayson and partner walk out the station doors and Red Hood descends upon them, gun out, gets right up in Dick's face and says "I swear to god Dickolas if you leave your wet towel on the ground one more time I will start washing it with peppers and make you regret everything."
2. The Precinct All So Fully Aware of Dick Grayson's secrets yeah man they all know it! Dick Grayson is....dating the Red Hood!
"Grayson? Yeah, he's dating the Red Hood, they're basically married--"
"W h a t, we are not--how--what--"
"oh shit, my bad man, y'all broke up? Sorry to hear it. Anyway, Grayson is the Red Hood's ex--"
"I'M NOT."
"-you're still together?"
"We were never together!"
(precinct decides to set up Officer Grayson and the Red Hood because OBVIOUSLY they've got a bond.png)
"you can encourage him away from crime, grayson!!!"
"I can't encourage him to do shit," dick grumbles, "i cant even get him to have a shower if he doesn't feel like it." (dick ignoring the times he has actively bullied jason into taking care of himself)
Every single not-dirty cop is just: no no of COURSE Grayson won't admit it. That's not fair! He loves being a cop. It must be so hard to balance justice with love.
3. married behaviour: Dick Grayson is Never Beating the Allegations
the Red Hood waltzing into the Blud police station all "here to see Grayson please--that way? (The guns are out but then he asks for Grayson and everyone's like oh shit yeah we wanna see this first hand) "Thanks. Dickiebird! Honey bun! Your forgot your lunch at home, puddin' pie!"
"now, now, all these nice folks here have told me we're together, so we must be, mustn't we?"
"Oh? You don't want your delicious lunch I handmade for you out of love?"
"…I…didn't say that…"
("Don't you love me?" Jason asks, and every single warning sign yells: this is a trap!! Dick contemplates burying his face in his hands.
"At work?" he says instead, wishing he could transplant his pain so Jason would stop finding such joy in his embarrassment.
"Oh, so you aren't bummed you forget your wonderful home cooked lunch at home? You're happy for me to turn around and take your lunchbox back home with me?"
Roll back- his what?
Jason smacks a bento box on his desk, the clear lid showing off tiny red sausages cut into mini replicas of Jason's helmet and tiny guns, and Dick chokes. Jason's face, he can imagine, is gleeful; his tone certainly gives it away. "And after I put in so much effort…"
"No, no, I love you," Dick says, lunging for the box and mentally discarding the stale coffee and sandwich made with slightly-off meat that he'd been planning to get from the cafeteria.)
Gives him the lunch, goes to kiss him on the head but with the helmet he just straight up bonks him painfully, waltzes out again. "See you later for dinner, sweetheart!"
"Sooo, Grayson…"
"can we arrest him? Why aren't we arresting him? He's super wanted, let's arrest him."
"Please, like we'd get involved in your domestic affairs"
Dick torn between Homemade food and god jay why are you doing this. Do you exist only to make him suffer. Why are you the most evil sibling.
The fake is the biggest one, the kickstart, because how would officer Grayson know that wasn't hood unless he knew the red hood well? - but then it's bits and pieces, that Dick doesn't even do consciously, and then Jay finding out and the Lunch Situation Dick gets called in by his captain and he's like no sir I swear sir it's not, I'm not-
I'm doing an undercover op
His captain, not buying that shit for a minute: uh-huh
Barbara: "okay but Deathstroke was bad enough, now you're going after the Red Hood? You've got a dangerous type, boy wonder"
"babs why are you doing this to me"
"don't pretend you don't know >:/"
babs hanging in the bludhaven office during Dick's lunchbreak and ABSOLUTELY supports more rumours. She's Dick's best friend!!! Of course SHE'D know about Dick's ~paramour~.
Dick is going to hide under his desk and Never Ever Come Out Again
His captain realising red hood is less violent when Grayson's on the scene and finally awkwardly is like "look….if it's because the Precinct isn't a safe space for you…"
so his co workers start working around it but then Dick gets into a situation where he'd Have to testify and he's like. Shit. and he goes NOPE SORRY CAN'T DO IT, CAN'T TESTIFY AGAINST MY SPOUSE WHO IS. THE RED HOOD. :) MY SPOUSE THE RED HOOD. (is dying)
Moment of quiet then "wait who won the pot? Was it Johnson? Mick, you owe me $20 personally--"
Jason is going to be insufferable.
But also yes, Dick getting wildly congratulated for "finally managing to put a ring on it" or some shit and he's like/ Don't put your head in your hands don't put your head in your hands, don't --
"So how'd you two meet?"
1: "he stole my dad's tires so we kidnapped him" (true)
2: "he attempted to kill my little brother and also my dad" (true)
3: "he saved me from a mugging?" (Embarrassing lie)
and you KNOW he has to say 3 tho, the other two may have come up earlier about Jason and he canNOT let anyone connect them
The bullpen dissolving into yelling as everyone tries to sort out bets. Dick being asked who/how popped the question.
4. Dick Grayson and "I was trying to infiltrate the dirty cops of the precinct but goddamnit being Red Hood's fiance has revealed there are so many of them- and now they're throwing me a stag party. great.
Dick trying to salvage any of his dignity: Red Hood proposed. He was very romantic about it. Read me Shakespeare. Threatened to maim my enemies. Very sweet
"awww.. it's really great that he's so enamored with you Grayson, you deserve it :))"
"and you stopped him at only maiming!!! Dude, nice!!"
"yep. That was his (grits teeth) proposal gift. No more killing."
Jason, busting into their apartment later: DID YOU TELL PEOPLE YOU WERE ENGAGED TO THE RED HOOD?
Except Jason busts in on a contingent of tipsy and delighted cops. Who are like oh!!! Grayson friend!! Celebrate with us!
Jason forcibly cuddled and celebrated with, trying to yell at dick in code: "YOU'RE MARRYING THE RED HOOD? ARE YOU CRAZY? WHAT ABOUT HIS REPUTATION."
Cop: "Wait you didn't tell your brother you were gonna have a wedding?!?"
"It was- it was a city hall thing! It's hard to be discreet- Hood didn't want witnesses-"
"Not gonna want witnesses for what happens next either," jason mumbles.
5. Tim Does Not Need to be Blackmailed into Humiliating Dick:
"Here to see Grayson please. That way? Thank you." (deep breath) "D--Dick?"
"Tim? Timmy, oh no, why are you crying, what's wrong, Tim, what--"
"How could you?"
"Little bird no, what did I do, Timmybird talk to me--"
"You're dating a supervillain? What if you get hurt??? Dick, this isn't like you!"
"...how much is he paying you."
"How could you think that of me!"
"Oh. What's he blackmailing you with?"
"I JUST WANT YOU TO BE CAREFUL," Tim howls, scrubbing his eyes and using his stupid babyface to great effect and Dick's gonna kill both of them
Dick finally get him to "calm down" and as they hug and say bye, Tim whispers, "if you think this isn't the funniest shit I've participated in all year you're out of your mind. Blackmail isn't required."
Dick, uncomfortably aware that Tim will help Jason stir the pot in cackling delight if he thinks something's funny, is not comforted by the fact that they're bonding. He is immediatly right, because he later finds pictures of himself drooling on Jason's shoulder, but they've been edited so Jason has on the hood. Several guys in the precinct think it's very sweet
("Aww I just thought Dick would like some family photos for his desk, y'know, officer John? Let him know we support him🥺")
6. Post-wedding wedding gift from the precinct:
"We had a whiparound for you, Grayson; here."
"…Uh. What."
"Well since you're with the Red Hood--"
"--right, since you're totally not with the Red Hood and have no contact with vigilantes ever and James totally didn't see anyone crawl through your window the other night bleeding, we got you a good first aid kit. So you can learn and be a more supportive boyf--I mean. Just in case. First aid kits are a good staple of any mixed household :)"
Dick later delivering it: "Guys at the precinct got us a wedding present. It's a first aid kit."
"Oh? Cool, we're out of Oxy anyway, good timing--"
"it doesn't have Oxytocin in it, Jay, that's a controlled substance, they're cops!"
"Well then what use is it!"
"Its usefulness isn't the point! Anyway, they themed it."
"WAIT THEY DID WHAT" (immediately delighted and digging through the kit)
Someone has individually drawn tiny red hood helmets on the bandaids
A note like "eyo dick, washable red pen works rlly well if u wanna write notes to your beau on these too"
Jason cackles and puts a bandaid on his perfectly fine helmet because he's so charmed
Dick goes into work one day with a black eye, a small cut on his forehead, and a Red Hood bandaid over it. Jason has written a tiny message on the bandaid like "healing kisses applied".
One of the secretaries who works DV cases very worriedly and subtly approaches him but Dick just immediately says, "No I got mugged, he saved me"
"damn. You get mugged a lot in front of him huh-"
"Well I have that kinda face, I guess"
"good thing you've got someone to save you!"
"…Yes. It's a good thing I get saved. Yes indeed. Love it."
(gasp) "Is this a flirting thing???"
7. Dick Grayson Has a Type, don't you know?
Red Hood manages a short appearance with just the domino, not the hood, and he's dyed his hair temporarily red
(this backfires: Dick shamelessly takes the opportunity to glomp on and brag about his super smart so strong really amazing (little bro)
"he can bench me!! It's so cool! And he's so supportive when he does I feel so safe in his arms :)))"
"you're a loser and I'm gonna hurt you."
"and my enemies~")
Bruce: so. I heard something interesting the other day. The bludhaven Precinct got to celebrate an engagement
Dick: no
Bruce: congratulations, Dick
Jason, also lowkey dying bc he figured bruce would know but was also kinda not expecting him to bring it up in front of the WHOLE ENTIRE FAMILY
Bruce: I'm sure you've put plenty of thought into your....choice.
Dick: I'm going to self combust and then you won't have a son OR a dining room table. Is that what you want? Is that what you want, Bruce?
Bruce: I just wish you'd invited more family than just. Jason.
Dick: you're dead to me
Jason, mumbling: hey tbf I had to be there
Bruce: "I want you to know I support you, no matter what. Just because Red Hood is--"
Jason: "what, a vigilante? A zombie? A mass murderer? What am I, Bruce?"
Bruce: "--male, I don't see you any differently. You're my son, no matter who you love."
Bruce: I just wish- well, no, it was your choice. But I hope you know a private wedding won't get you out of wedding gifts.
Jason/Dick: nO
Bruce: I took the liberty of having them delivered already :)) And if you would- Just a small ceremony, in the backyard--it would mean a lot to Alfred, and to me--
Dick: there better be a return policy---
and because it's fucking Bruce he's absolutely using the excuse to get them So Much Fancy Bitch Shit
(And a dog 🐕)
Bruce: a home for a family :))) if you'd like. I know the Red Hood cares deeply for children. --and you know how I feel about your place in Blud, Dick, it's no place to start a family.
Dick: "Please don't tell me you bought us an apartment."
Bruce: "Don't be silly, boys. I bought the whole building. it'll give hood plenty of space to store his things away from the kids!"
Jason: what kids.
Bruce: well, I always presumed, from red hood's behaviour, he'd quite like a few children. Even just to foster.
Alfred coming out stone faced, "congratulations on your nuptials, master Dick. Felicitations."
Dick: "Not you too."
Alfred: Miss Gordon informed me.
Alfred, sounding disappointed as fuck: I'm glad I was informed by someone.
Jason: Bruce I'm absolutely gonna bury you
Bruce: may I meet my grandchildren first?
Bruce: Anyway that was Dick's present. Please give this to Mr Grayson-Hood--oh, did you not hyphenate? I assumed you would, apologies. It's full tuition to Blud U for however long he wants. Do give him my best wishes too.
And then Bruce just. So soft. "And please make sure he knows he's always welcome, if he'd like to join us for family dinners. No matter his profession or choices."
I feel like this line would be Way Too Much for Jason and he'd storm off tho 🥺 and Dick would have to go get him to Chill out.
"it's just Bruce. You know what he's like."
"Overbearing and insufferable?" Jason sneers, hands curled around his elbows, and being "married" has been awkward but at least it's finally started to mend the physical distance Jason's been keeping. Dick knows, when he slings his arm around Jason's shoulders and pulls him in close, that Jason isn't going to go stiff and angry.
"Hey. I have an idea on how to make you feel better," he says with a tease, and Jason grunts. "Okay, no, little wing hear me out. How are we gonna get divorced?"
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echosoftheflower · 3 months
My unedited thoughts while reading the new chapter of IBVS, sorry if it's illegible.
Has he just been summoning these things with out a book? Is he going off memory? It's would be so funny if this moron was a witchcraft prodigy
Who just randomly talks about this in school?
I feel bad for Isaac being worried about Drew telling his secrets but he's honestly being kinda unreasonable with this ignoring Drew.
Bro are they the only two at the table 💀 just move to the opposite side of another outcast table why take up the whole thing.
But Chris really isn't new? He came there in the fall. Does this school not have freshmen? (Recurring question)
It's nice to know Isaac was in a club but I do wish he talked with the other art students. Also, there are other art students!
Poor Isaac with his trauma from Chris ditching him.
God damn it Chris! Ok I need to talk about this.
Very quick summary of an analysis I'm planning on making of this man but he has like, chronic follower mentality. He will just listen to anyone who seems to have power. He joined Ed when asked because he's the king, he drifted towards Nevin because of his confidence, and now he's with Felix who has something to offer him. This stems as far back as Dylan's group, who were the trouble makers, and Freddie who was the popular kid. The only person who he was ever friends with who doesn't fall into one of these categories is Isaac, and we all see how he treats him. 
He didn't think twice? Aren't you friends with him?! Didn't you trust him at the start?! HES LITERAL DONE NOTHING TO YOU EVER?! YOUR LIKE THE ONLY ONE HES NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH!
didn't Isaac also tell him Felix almost killed him and the school almost sent him to the hospital after the fear demon fight? Is this Chris, once again ignoring everything Isaac says? This is like the "id rather skip class than believe the king would beat you up" all over again.
Man I can't believe Felix can remember all those food namesvand things.
The demon book is written by the Wolfe family? Volume 1?
Why does Barry just keep randomly appearing like this? And in full camo? Him and Ed really are similar. For whatever reason I get a bad feeling about him.
How does Drew keep turning into everyone's therapist, as much as I like Autumn and Issac I wish we could see them interact with Drew and actually look like they enjoy their time together.
Barry you are so strange
It kinda bothers me he only ends up with Ed after he has no one else. But isward crumbs all the same
Aw he's so bored
Again?! These woods have seen things.
Aw he actually wants to hang out with him
"Learn to ask" Ok Edward "drags you into a closet" Quinton 
YES bringing up the two power thing! 
He's other power is definitely part of Sigma
Isaac backstory! Kinda sounds horrific.
it's the tree! :D
And that log would be Chris!
He shut down his huntch 😭
Still Purple huh? Gotta mean something.
he smiles so much in this scene :D
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
Pls write part two of the Colin Shea friends with benefits imagine
hello, sorry this took so long but I had no motivation, finally found some and I hope you guys like it!
this is part 2 of not so special which you can thank @royalsweetteaa for.
summary - colin realises how much he needed you when it was too late, several months later. he sees you again, but he wishes he didn't
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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Colin didn’t think he’d ever feel broken but watching you leave was the most heartbreaking thing he’d ever experienced. The months you weren’t in his life were the hardest, and he didn’t realise how much he missed and needed you until you were gone. 
It’s been about seven months since everything went to shit. Colin decided he’d finally get out and get something to drink. He slowly got up and began to get ready before exiting his apartment and making his way to the cafe you two used to go to. He begins to beat himself up when he remembers how you used to beg to hang out there, always wanting to get a drink with him because you generally enjoyed his presence.
Colin groans, rolling away from the whimpering woman as his phone rings. Squinting as he reads the caller ID before turning and shutting the woman up, he clicks answer and puts the phone to his ear. “Hey, what’s up?” He turns away from the woman as you begin to speak.
“Hi! So I’m uh here at the cafe. Where are you?” On the other side, the young woman sits patiently at the small table she found. A hot coffee sits on the wood as she holds the phone to her ear. A frown begins to form on her plump lips when she hears a soft ‘fuck’ on the other end. “Y-you forgot?” 
“I’m sorry! Something important came up, and I didn’t know we agreed to meet.” Colin rolls his eyes, feeling the hands of the woman behind him begin to feel up his chest. “Listen, I gotta go, I’m kinda busy right now, but I’ll see you tomorrow for our thing, right?” He bites his lips, trying to hold back a moan as her hands wrap around his hardening cock.
Y/n stares down at her drink, yet again filled with disappointment. “Uh, yeah… Okay.” Before Colin hangs up, she swears she heard a woman’s voice.
Colin rolls over, pinning the woman down and smirking. “Who was that?” 
He kisses her neck, “don’t worry, baby. That was just my sister. I’m only seeing you.” He pulls back and stares into her eyes, his hand coming up and stroking her cheek. “You’re special to me, okay?”
Colin groans as the memory hit him full force, not wanting to believe how badly he treated you. When he reaches the cute little coffee shop, he walks in and heads to the counter. Ordering your favourite drink before standing to the side, and as he waits for his drink, Colin looks around but stops short when his eyes land on you.
There you sit, looking as gorgeous as ever. You're looking down at a black book with what looks like sketches covering the pages. Colin’s heart begins to skip a beat. His attention is taken away from you as the barista calls his name. She hands him the drink with a flirty smile and wink. In return, he gives an awkward smile before turning around and facing you again as he goes to walk over to you. But he’s stopped short when you turn and smile at someone. A tall blonde man comes into view as he makes his way over and pulls you into a passionate kiss.
The sound of your sweet giggles causes stabs to poach Colin’s heart, and when the blonde man pulls away and sits across from you, that is when your eyes connect. Causing that gorgeous smile to slowly fall from your face and be replaced with a bitter scowl. The man across from you notices, which causes him to look at what’s made his girl turn sour and when his eyes connect with the man who broke her, rage fills him. 
Steve goes to stand, but Y/n places her hand on his, giving him a soft look as she shakes her head. The longer she stares into Steve’s eyes, the more calm washes over her, and she forgets that Colin is standing there, watching the whole thing. The couple doesn’t notice the man slowly making his way over until he clears his throat, both turning and seeing him awkwardly standing there.
Colin looks at Y/n and gives her an awkward smile, “Y/n, hi. Uhm, how have you been?” his free hand comes up, rubbing the back of his neck. Gulping as he feels eyes burning into the side of his face, he doesn’t dare look as he stares at Y/n.
Y/n nods, “fine.” She turns back to Steve, not wanting to be near Colin. It took a long time for her to realise he was never good for her, how badly he treated her and when she met Steve. It was as if something fell into place, she was cautious, but he showed more affection to her only than Colin ever could. “This is Steve, my boyfriend.” 
Steve watches the hurt flash through Colin’s eyes. He stands and holds his hand out. Watching as Colin hesitates before slowly shaking his hand, their eyes meet, and that’s when he watches him wince, pain coming from his hand as Steve grips it tight, giving him a menacing smile. “Hello, It’s such a displeasure to meet you.” Steve lets go of his hand before sitting back down, still looking at the broken man. “Now, if you don’t mind, Y/n and I are on a date, and we’d like it if trash wasn’t near us.” 
Y/n stares at Steve with wide eyes, never expecting those words to come out but not feeling bad for Colin as he looks down with sad eyes. Slowly nodding, he looks back up and gives a sad smile, “of course, uhm, it was nice seeing you again, and I would just like to apologise for being a dick when we were a thing.” Colin stares, waiting for her to at least look at him one more time, but when she doesn’t, he lets out a sigh and leaves. 
When Colin finally left, Y/n could breathe again, her eyes connecting with Steve’s sheepish ones. “I’m sorry for that. I just… When you told me everything that happened, and me having to watch you suffer when we first started dating. It broke me, and I wanted to kill him for hurting someone so precious.” Steve grabs Y/n’s tiny hands, giving them a soft squeeze, and he looks deeply into her eyes. “I saw how your mood dropped when you saw him, and I wanted to make sure he knew to never come around you again because you’re mine and happy. All I want is for you to be happy, baby girl.”
Tears well up in Y/n’s eyes before she gets out of her seat and tackles Steve into a hug, smothering him in kisses as her heart fills with warmth. She pulls back and stares deeply into his eyes with a soft smile. “I love you, Steve Rogers.”
Steve returns her smile with a warm one, “I love you, Y/n L/n.”
Y/n and Steve are so lost in each other that they don’t notice Colin standing on the other side of the glass with tears rolling down his face as he watches them.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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correctproseka · 8 months
So @queer-prosekai told me to do my own top 10 list of the sets + my favorite card of each, so here's some rules i set for myself
1- i have to REALLY like the full set, not just really like a card but a little less to the others (cough Saki in no seek no find, for one example. Though other sets have also triggered this rule)
2- i also am judging by card only, not the story, however. I am not completely good at this because a lot of the cards that are already good get to be way better because of the event behind it.
3- only counting the trained cards, not untrained, it would be a very different list.
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Oh my poor child are you okay??? Going past how much i like this event. Which would get me here writing for hours mind you. I also just really like the set. The dark colors and the fact that in all 3 cards you can barely see color- its black and then each has their own color showing up, An has red, Toya has blue and Rin has white. It just gives a fucking impact on you looking at them. Would not change a thing, really.
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Anyone else remembers qhen this set just totally broke us? Oh my god. I do. Shizuku in a suit. An in this pretty ass dress. I just cjsjcjsmcjsncjdj. It was mainly those two that really hit for me, specially An. But when it hit it hit hard man
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It was the first lim set, so it was really simple compared to what we get now. But simple doesn't mean bad. I really love the colors and idk man i have a soft spot for it i cant defend everything my brain is a dvd logo bouncing around😭
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Angel Minori is one of the prettiest sets ever, it just isnt higher because personally i like some others more, doesn't mean this shit isnt fucking gorgeous. The lightning, the setting. I love this mmj card with everyone in it bc this is such a beautiful place???? Just. Licks this set like an ice cream then cries bc i ate the pretty ass set.
6: Someday, from the depths of despair
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Lowkey i did not expect this one to be this high before i made this list. But it is just gorgeous setting, gorgeous lightning. It just makes my brain go brrrr looking at it.
5- What lies behind lies ahead
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The hermit set has people in a chokehold for years, and for good reason. The hairstyles are pretty, the au ideas one can get out of it are yummy. AND THE CARD THEMSELVES ARE SO CKSJFKDK. All of them having this golden thing around as if hermit was a story told to us by images. It just could be a poster. Its certainly pretty enough to.
4: Our escape for survival
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Sorry for the amount of niigo here. It will happen again. Niigo never misses. Anyways i just love this set sm. The lightning, muffled colors and backgrounds just hit so fucking hard. The rain shared on the 3 cards from the set is so symbolical and so is the clock and the engines on Mafuyu's and Luka's card. It tells us a story before we even read the event and that is beautiful.
3: Close game offline
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I had to skip this set and i am still sad about it. Man the the the cmsucksjcjx aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa viddygame and neon.
2- Unnamed Harmony
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I like silly, your honor. I also like water. Saki's card has both /hj. No but really i just really like the outfits and colors and just everything in this set it would be a CRIME to not have this here as a Saki stan. Just look at it!!!!
1: Draw your bow in this white world
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.. so, who's surprised? I can barely even find a favorite card in this set. From Kaitos . Kaito. (Does he need more?), Shizuku's gracefulness and beautifulness and Mafuyu just pretty and badass breaking the "screen"/mirror/window with an arrow. Its just soooooo ancjamvjsjchsjxncnsicjsv chomps.
Knock the future, which light up the fire took it off on a technicality (i like 3/3 cards on light up the fire and 2/3 on knock the future bc Honami is very meh compared to the others to me)
Anyways if anyone else wants to do this as a challenge id love it. And @probably-not-niigo i challenge u to do the same
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As per request of @tired-jaz here's some dabi fluff for the touya fans 😈 This is purely fluff but here's a lil quick disclaimer ⚠️ jaz this isn't totally what you asked for but Its still fluff and got some pretty sweet stuff in it 😭(pun intended) HOPE YALL ENJOY‼️
AS YOU (dabi x reader)
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"3 months, THREE WHOLE MONTHS NAKI. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? I havent felt the touch of aan, MY MAN, in three whole months", you scream into the phone, not caring the damage youve dealt to your sisters eardrums.
"Y/N" she screams back.
"Yes..." you retorted sheepishly with a slight ansgt.
"Isnt he coming bacm in like what? 3 DAYS?? I hate to break it to you gurl, BUT PLEASE, calm down, I get it but he'll be there soon."
"NO. NO BUTS. What happened to the logical and rational you i know? The one dabi fell in love with? Youll have him all to yourself in no time. I know its hard, especially cause you haven't been able to talk to him either, but honey please. Hell be there alright. ALRIGHT?"
you sigh, "I'll calm down. You're right I guess, don't wanna embarrass myself in front of him after 3 months..." you breathe out staring at your feet face reddening at the thought of your desperate actions. "I just miss him, a lot."
"Y/n...I get it, i really do, and i hate to do this right now, but i have to go, if you need anything youll tell me right?"
"Yeah yeah you know I will", you respond rolling your eyes simultaneously.
"REMEMBER" the sudden loud tone sending you to jump up, "3 DAYS THEN HES ALL YOURS. BYE BYE!" she acreams ending the call with a kissy sound.
Your hand drops down, looking at the caller ID
"I know" you wisper to yourself.
Grogginess? She practically your bestfriend you think rolling over to the other aide of your bed, arm slewn over your back orher cupping the side of the pillow youve found yourself clutching for dear life to the past couple of months.
"Dabi..." you whisper, eyes squeezing shut trying to imagine his face again as you bury your face into the pillow
"please come home" is the last thing your pillow hears before you pass out on top of it wishing it was him you were on top of instead.
Nothing could quite distract you from his absence like sleeping your life away.
Anxiety was eating you alive like you were the twilight saga and a book worm was having a feild day.
"Nothing has changed between us right?" you thought. "Right?" you repeat to yourself, a sickening smile creeping on your face with tears pricked in the corners of your eyes.
"NO" you yell sitting up to hang of your bed.
"Y/N. YOU GOT THIS! I GOT THIS? I GOT THIS." you chant storming to your kitchen. Given the ungodly amount of sleep you got yesterday, you hadnt eaten barely anything but leftover cookies and some milk.
"OH. MY. GOD." you aggravatingly sighed out
"I'M SO DAMN HUNGRY" followed by a whine as the refridgerator swining open, and then the realization hit you, you wouldn't be surprised if dust and a moth flew out with the door.
"DAMN INGREDIENT HOUSEHOLD WHAT THE HELL" you yell falling to your knees while slamming the fridge shut, followed by a bang on the door with your fist.
Your head soon met the door as well with your begging you from 2 weeks ago to stop the decision of purely doordashing food to your front door while dabi was gone, leaving you broke as hell. Checking your bank account wasn't any better than the fridge, but in optimism you tell yourself, if theres one thing an ingredient household will get you, its crazy amazing dessert recipes made out of practically thin air.
-skip to later that night-
"Holy shit-" you breathe out
"Holy fucking shit, so. much. dessert. So many... everything?" you question scanning your kitchen surroundings, brownies, cookies, Tres Leches, cookie dough, instant jello, popsicles?
"How in the actual hell...did i make...popsicles..."
you whisper before collapsing of exhaustion.
Slowly picking up your phone to check the time, you read 2:45 a.m.
Following is a look of worry, exhaustion, and confusion as you pass out on the kitchen floor.
My keys slowy make their way into the key hole, first sturggling due to my franticness to see her. My girl.
"y/n" I whisper out getting frustrated that the key keeps getting stuck.
"Dammit!' i whisper yell as the door finnalg flys open crashing against the wall behind it.
"What the hell? Why does it smell like...HUH?"
He screeches feasting his eyes on the copious piles of desserts covering every kitchen surface.
"What the hell..." he whispers, barely taking the time to notice you crashed out on the kitchen floor.
"Y/n..." he whispers leaning down to you, a look of pity and concern stretching across his otherwise emotionless face.
"baby..." is the last thing he says before reaching behind your neck and waist to hoist you up into his arms.
A feeling of warmth overcomes your body, a feeling of comfort, one you cant quit explain while wrapped up in your Candy Land like dream, one where you of all people were a diety of dessert. Slowly coming back to consciousness you hear the words of your lover...
"baby" you feel whispered against your ear, the familar voice sending shocks through your body.
No matter the lack of sleep and energy spent on your Master Chef Desserts you shot up clinging to dabi like it was the last time.
"DABI" you screeched into his ear as he pulls you in closer.
He presses a kiss to your ear, "hey princess, missed you baby" he says pressing a second one right after the other.
The feeling practically melts you, nothing beats some sweet love from your lover, especially the physical lind.
"Dabi" you sigh
"Yes princess?"
"Kiss me again?"
You grab his collar pulling his face for his eyes to look into yours.
"KISS ME" you growl locking his eyes with yours noticing the sly smirk spreading across his beautiful face.
"Alright alright, i heard you the first time" he chuckles cupping your cheek and pulling your waist flush against his stomach.
"Since you ask so nicely..." he teases bringing your face close to his.
You can't explain it, maybe its the lack of him you've experienced the past three months or his overall deamenor but its like you cant think anymore. Everythings fuzzy, your nose filled with the smell of the previously baked sweets mixed with the ash and cigarette smell on his collar. You lose complete control melting into his hands, making him work to keep your body up as his lips meet yours. You make note of the gentleness he's displaying, something not often seen, even behind closed doors. It doesn't feel like hes going to give you the night of your life, or like hes about to do whataver he wants to you, he feels like he's about to hold you until the sun comes up, bury his head in your neck, lay you on his chest kissing your head, whispering sweet nothings like
"you're so beautiful baby..."
"i missed you so much" followed by his nose burrowing in your hair.
'you miss me too pretty girl?"
maybe a
"Im here its alright princess..."
or maybe
"you need anything baby?"
its almost out of charcter for him, but somethings changed, the way he holds you, something happened. He holds you now like hes actaully scared to lose you. His kiss isn't filled with lust, but love, pure innocent love, one you've never felt, you think leaning more into the kiss slowly making your backs way down to the floor.
His lips press deeper into yours, never wanting to leave but nevertheless he pulls away leaning over your frozen body beneath him.
"Baby" he whispers moving your face so his eyes meet his, given you were hiding it out of embarrassment.
"Yes..." you wisper back peering up into his beautiful eyes, taking note of the difference in his stare. He holds there for awhile, staring into your eyes, searching in them like he'll find something, still holding your face lovingly.
Your left hand comes to meet his hand on your face cupping over it shooting him a small smile.
"Dabi? "
"Hm?" he hums back seeming to come back to reality.
"S-sorry" he stutters a bit, a like shade of pink running across his cheecks.
Your smile never leaves as you bring your other hand up to meet his face, pulling it down to your head to rest his forehead against yours.
"I love you" you whisper.
"Hm..." he hums with a slight chuckle sending a look of horror to your face. His laugh grows as he puts more pressure against your foreheads.
"I'm just teasing baby" he says moving his mouth to kiss your forehead as he pulls you up to sit with him, pulling his hand of your cheek to allow more balance on the way up.
"Just teasing" he repeats moving to kiss your cheek allowing another small smile to come up on your face as his hand meets your face again. He follows with small kisses peppering across your cheeks, forehead, nose, jaw line, and even some daring to your neck. All that's heard throughout your shared apartment is small giggles and the sound of his lips coming off of your skin.
"Hey princess" he says looking for some focus as he comes up to cup both your cheeks.
"I love you."
Your face goes an ungodly red.
"Hm?" you question, face blank, leaving him to chuckle to himself.
"I love you baby" he repeats giving you a warm smile leaning his forhead bacm against yours.
"I..." you smile back... "I love you too dabi" you whisper allowing his lips to come back to yours for one final kiss before your mouths are otherwise occupied scarfing down the pile of treats waiting for you on the counter.
"Pretty sweet huh?" you tease bumping your hips into his.
"Not as sweet as you baby" he replies a sweet smile spreading on both your faces as you match each other's gaze.
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gghostwriter · 12 days
Entangled Strings of Fate
Chapter 3. My torch stays burning
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Spencer Reid x FOC
Summary: Caltech, Pasadena - Cleo considers herself a woman of logic. With an IQ of 158 and an eidetic memory, how could she not. But meeting Spencer, the boy genius to hers, had her believing in intangible theories like the invisible string and the fates. Now, if only he would notice the depth of her feelings. Set in Caltech, pre-season 1 and will progress from there.
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"Growing apart doesn't change the fact that we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I'm glad for that" - Allie Condie
Cleo considered each invite from Spencer an oath—a vow meant to be delivered through each time. Never mind that she had past cases to study or how she initially promised her sister that she’ll attend the family dinner—skipping that was a plus, honestly, she’d rather spend her time in his precious company. She thought about the multiverse all of a sudden and wondered if in those different shards of her, is she still enjoying his presence or is this they only universe where they crossed paths and stayed together? She hoped not. She’d like to believe they were meant to find each other’s company no matter the circumstance. 
Sneaking a peek at him, she knew she had digressed from her present. A present where she found herself with a warm glass of tea on hand and on his rooftop apartment, admiring the night sky. Earlier, he explained he was on an extended leave from the FBI, not that he needed to take a leave really but in his own words, he didn’t feel right about being on the field while his mentor, Gideon, was pulled from the field after Boston, and had called her up to fill his nights with conversations and company. 
“Did you know that comets smell like rotten eggs?” He mentioned one night while admiring the night sky. “To be exact, they smell like rotten eggs, urine, burning matches, and almonds. Traces of hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, and hydrogen cyanide were all found in the makeup of the comet 67P—better known as Churyumove-Gerasimenko.”
Cleo laughed. “Usually comets and meteors are often romanticized but finding out that they smell like rotten eggs definitely ruins the poetry behind it.”
“Actually the idea behind wishing upon a shooting star started thousands of years ago. During the 2nd century, astronomer Ptolemy believed that stars were gods or, at least, signs from the gods,” he rambled on. “Another version comes from the Mi’kmaw nation living in Nova Scotia. They believe that two stars took two sister to heaven. One of the stars represented an Eagle while the other a Hawk. Soon the sisters found themselves bored and strived to return to their people. Hoping to return to Earth, they requested the first human named Kluskap for their return. Kluskap agreed but with the condition that both sisters won’t ever look back. Later on, when they were both sent back to Earth, the younger sister broke the promise and was turned into a shooting star.” 
“That kind of reminds me of the Greek tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice,” she commented on, going off tangent. 
He nodded, having understood the connection her mind was going for. “Most people considered Orpheus’s actions a noble, romantic deed in the name of love but Plato viewed it as cowardice for not dying to meet Eurydice right away.”
“But isn’t it because Plato had a negative stance on art? In a woman’s perspective, the whole notion of the man doing everything to get back the woman he ardently adored is the ultimate act of love,” she defended with a slight scrunch of nose from the cold biting air. 
A ring interrupted their comfortable silence. 
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, looking at the caller ID and letting it go to voicemail. 
His interest was piqued. “Who is it?” 
“Remember that guy who I met in the bookstore—Robbie—and went out with for a maximum of three dates? That’s him,” she took a sip of her tea before continuing on. “The dates were fine, just fine, and I even met some of his friends on accident—”
“—but, it felt wrong. Like he was showing me off as this genius that he bagged rather than as a woman he’s interested in.”
She sighed and looked at the city night lights. She knew she was a genius, graduating from Caltech with a degree in Political Science at the age of 16 and entering law school right after can attest to that. But that accomplishment was sometimes a detriment in making genuine social connections.
“I’d love to find someone who can appreciate me for who I am and not with what I can offer. God knows I have enough of that from my parents.” 
He squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. “And you deserve that. If there’s anyone who deserves that, it’s you.” 
“You also deserve someone like that, Spence.” She softly smiled. “Someone who sees how much of a great guy you really are.”
“Morgan says I can’t get a date since I come off as awkward and tend to spew random facts when nervous,” Spencer said. 
Knowing Derek, she knew he stated that in a jest but she couldn’t help but hear the slight hurt in Spencer’s voice. “Well, I for one think you’re amazing. The right girl would think the same way too, Spence. She’ll find your ramblings interesting and cute, just like I do.” 
She glanced down at her watch. Time always seemed to move too fast when their orbits circled around each other. “I should go.”
“Garcia, Morgan, and I are meeting up for coffee and pastries at the usual corner coffee shop tomorrow. Would you like to come?” He asked as he was guiding her to a cab. “Garcia’s been hounding me to bring you around and I quote ‘I miss my ma chou.’”
“Count me in,” she laughs as she gets into the cab. “See you tomorrow, Dr. Spencer Reid!” 
Based on scientific studies, consuming sugar increases serotonin levels—the happiness chemical. The brain then keeps craving this “happy” chemical again and again. Maybe that was why Cleo knew she made the right decision in accepting his invitation for breakfast. There was nothing like a cup of good coffee and a freshly baked pastry on a Saturday morning. Add a mix of Penelope’s bubbly self and Derek’s fun persona, the weekend was already starting on a bright note.
“Oh my goodness, I think you got much more beautiful since the last time I saw you, ma chou,” Penelope greeted as she went in for a hug.
“And you’ve gotten more radiant since then, Pen,” she gushed back. 
“How are the two of you this lively early in the morning,” Derek quips. “Hey pretty girl, how’s law school treating you?” 
She sat down beside Penelope and subtly looked around for any sign of Spencer. “Good, can’t really complain specially with the bar exam coming up.” 
“If you’re looking for pretty boy, he’s over there buying your coffee and pastry,” Derek took notice of her searching eyes. There was no hiding from a profiler, after all. “ So tell me, did he make a move yet?” 
Her jaw slightly dropped while Penelope squealed in her set, no doubt also wanting to know. “Derek, you know its not like that,” she rushed out to clarify. “We’re friends, best of friends!” 
Derek and Penelope shared a look. A look that she has been very familiar with ever since their first meeting . It was a look of disbelief and teasing. She knew the whole BAU team had a vested interest in the progress of their platonic relationship. It wouldn’t even surprise her if there was a wager going on who would crack first. 
“Oh doll, you know it’s more than that right? I mean look at you both together, a match made in heaven, Penelope stated as she took a sip of her drink. “What could be more perfect that an prosecutor and an FBI agent together? The power couple if you ask me.” 
“I’m not a prosecutor yet,” she huffed out.
“You didn’t deny it though?” Penelope teased back. “So you agree, you both are a match made in heaven?”
“More like a match made in genius,” Morgan added. “C’mon Murphy, Reid may be as dense as those law books you read but I’m not, you can’t fool my profiler eyes. You’re in love with him, ever since I’ve met you.” 
“I swear its really not like that. Now, can we change the subject please before he comes?” She pleadingly asked as Spencer was approaching with her coffee and pastry in hand.
“Here you go,” he handed the goodies to her. “I got you a freshly baked slice of banana bread, a hot cappuccino, and a Palmier for when you get hungry later.” 
She smiled, cheeks turning vibrant red, and thanked him. With his care and her reaction, no doubt Derek and Penelope were staring at them in disbelief.
“Unbelievable,” Derek muttered as Spencer took his seat beside him.
“What was that?” He asked, having not heard his mumble.
Derek appraised Spencer with an eyebrow arched up. “Nothing pretty boy, nothing at all.” 
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hazelhearts · 1 year
We'll Be Alright
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
summary: love takes time, especially when the person you love hurts you in the worst way possible
content/warnings: suicidal thoughts, depressive thoughts, miscommunication trope, wandavision, heartbreak
note/request: ahh my first wanda fic! it's been a long time coming. i put so much of myself into this one so I hope you guys love it as much as I do. warning, it hurts bad.
word count: 2.1k words
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Staying behind on missions had been a pretty normal thing for you over the past couple of weeks. You could listen to the dumb reasons Tony talked about for hours and hours every day, but the simpler thought is that he's an ass.
Usually Wanda would insist on staying back with you, but she didn't say a word this time. You assumed it was because of Vision. Things have gotten pretty tense between them the past couple of days, and sadly it wasn't the bad kind of tense.
Anyone with eyes could see that Wanda was gorgeous. But beyond that she was kind, compassionate, independent, and knew what she wanted. Not many people could say that these days. Especially not the clump of metal that's been trying to win her over.
Loving Wanda was honestly one of the worst things you could have ever done for yourself. She's been an emotional rock since Pietro, barely letting anyone in. You had only recently broken down some of the barriers, able to convince her to hang out with you. Most of the time it was just sitting silently in each others presence, but that was enough for you.
As the thoughts continued to run through your head, your phone suddenly rang. It took a couple of rings to really gain your attention, but the caller ID made you pick up so fast that it didn't really matter.
"Hey Y/N, um Tony wanted me to tell you to make sure that you washed the dishes. Something about how you kept skipping your assigned days?" The joy of talking to Wanda was always dulled by the mention of stick up his ass Stark. Sure you'd skipped a couple of days, but Thor loved doing them! He said that they didn't have to do it in Asgard and that it was one of his favorite mortal pastimes.
"Yeah, tell the asshole that they'll be done. But not because he wants me to, because I wanna eat dinner at some point tonight and the man doesn't touch a dirty dish." Wanda's laugh made the annoying remark worth it, the image of her smile making you grin like an idiot.
"Okay well that's all. See you later." She hung up before you could get out another word. Damn, so much for trying to be smooth Y/N.
The team returned about two hours later, minimal injuries across the board. Wanda seemed to be the worse off. If you looked really closely, you could see a slight limp.
"C'mon, let's patch you up." If you weren't in front of the entire team, you'd crush that tin man into a cube and ship him to the nearest manufacturing facility.
Wanda and Vision walked into her room, practically staring into each other's souls. You were disgusted by the pda, that's all. Right?
"Stark, what's on the menu tonight?" Steve received a glare that was probably supposed to be intimidating but ended up making him look constipated.
"Whatever I put on the table. Now scram, or no one gets fed." You had never seen so many full-grown adults run out of a room at the same time.
You stopped in front of Wanda's room hoping the asshole of a robot was gone. For once, your wish was granted.
"Wands?" You lightly knocked on the door frame to keep from startling her. She nodded her head at you, as distant as ever.
"Wanna watch a movie? I picked out a few I thought you'd like." You knew there was too much hope in your voice but you couldn't help it. Since the titanium twat waffle showed up, you barely ever had a moment alone with Wanda.
"I'm sorry Y/N. Vision and I were actually going to do something tonight. Maybe some other time?" You forced the smile to stay on your face, refusing to show her any negative emotions.
"Oh yeah, sure. Another time." You walked out without another word, debating on asking Tony to deactivate the thorn in your side before you did it yourself.
You began to feel immune to the passing of days as you and Wands drifted further and further apart. Every second she wasn't on a mission was spent with Vision. Your heart broke more every day, if that was even possible.
The rest of the team had started to notice your absence. Even when you were with them physically, you were somewhere else. They knew that asking Wanda to read your mind was out of the question. You had clarified that the first time the idea was spoken. Since then, they've all worried in silence. Even shithead Stark was starting to worry about you.
The team (minus you, Wanda, and Vision) got together and put it to a vote. Who would be the one to check on you? None of them really wanted to since emotions were not their strong suit, but it had to be done. The vote ended in a tie between Nat and Steve. Steve, being the only one brave enough to actually do it, knocked on your door a few minutes later.
"Y/N? It's Steve. Can I come in?" No response.
"Y/N, give me some sign that you're alive." Nothing, yet again.
"Alright, I'm coming in." Steve opened the door and there you were, staring out the window.
There were dark bags under your eyes, dried tears splattered across your face, and a haze over your eyes that Steve hadn't ever seen before. Your clothes looked like they hadn't been washed in weeks, as they probably hadn't. Your room was surprisingly clean, seeming as if no one had lived in it for quite a long time. It was true, since what you were doing wasn't really living.
"Y/N..." He knelt down next to the chair you were in, looking out the window. He knew you probably didn't want to talk, but you had to. No one had heard a single word come out of your mouth in months. Not even Wanda.
"Y/N/N, talk to me kid. I'm worried, Nat's worried, we're all worried. You haven't said a word in months, you barely eat, and you barely ever leave this room. I need you to talk to me." Your head turned towards Steve, absent look still present behind your eyes.
"Do you ever feel like the universe is plotting against you? Like, every time you find happiness, it comes in and squashes it?" Your voice was completely monotone apart from the scratch that showed just how unused it was.
"Kid, I should have been dead ages ago. I lost the woman I loved, the life I was living, and my best friend in what felt like a month to me. So yeah, I understand." Your head turned back to the window, but your eyes slowly focused more on the area around you.
"I'm just tired, Steve. I'm so damn tired. I'm tired of hurting, I'm tired of thinking, and honestly I think I'm even tired of living. Everything hurts." Steve's hand came up to rub your back, giving you the slightest bit of comfort.
"Well, let's wake you up. I know that there's no automatic remedy, but we can try can't we? How about you start with a nice shower, brushing your teeth, and changing out of these nasty clothes?" Your hand found Steve's on the armrest of the chair, giving it a light squeeze.
"Are you saying I stink Rogers?" You both let out a laugh, his much stronger than yours, but still a laugh. The first laugh you'd had in months. It felt good.
"God yes. You smell like a sewer. Now, go." Steve laughed as he left the room, and you got out of the chair.
"Y/N/N! We missed you!" Thor practically ran to you and scooped you up into a hug, cutting off all of your oxygen.
"Can't- breathe. Thor, o-oxygen!"
"Shit! Sorry tiny." He finally let you go, your face slowly gaining back color. You smiled, really smiled.
"I might be tiny but that doesn't mean I can't beat the shit out of you blondie!" Everyone laughed, happy to have a bit of the old Y/N back, no matter how little.
"I made breakfast!" Tony came around in his signature Kiss the Cook apron, a huge plate on pancakes holding on for dear life.
"God, you read my mind." You and the rest of the team rushed to the table, excited as ever to scarf down every bit of food within reach.
One thing you did happen to notice was Wanda. She sat next to you, as far away from Vision as possible. You dismissed it, trying not to get your hopes up as it didn't work out well at all last time.
You practically inhaled the food, finishing three plates in record time. You even beat Thor's personal record, pissing him off more than ever.
You saw Wanda approach you out of the corner of your eye, keeping your head facing down towards the sink. You were sure that these dishes had never been as thoroughly scrubbed as they were right then.
"Y/N? Can we talk?" You risked looking up at her, seeing only sadness behind those beautiful emerald eyes you loved. The sight made you want to throw up.
"Yeah sure, we can go to my room." You put the final dish away, leading Wanda towards your room and shutting the door behind you.
"Okay, what's up?" Before you could even fully turn around, Wanda collapsed into your arms. You grabbed onto her as tightly as you could, holding her as close to you as you could manage.
"I missed you. God, I missed you so much. I read your thoughts, I know you asked me not to, but I had to! You were never around and I was worried! I saw everything, everything about me." You were definitely going to puke.
"Oh god Wanda. You were never supposed to see that." You averted your eyes, unable to look at the woman you loved. You couldn't face her rejection when you were just starting to pick yourself back up.
"Y/N, look at me, please." She put her finger under your chin, raising your head enough to look into her eyes.
"I love you, I should have said it sooner. I just- I thought you could never feel the same way. You were always so fun and amazing, I never thought you'd want me. So, I went to Vision, trying to get over you. But it didn't work! I can't stop thinking about you, and I think you can't stop thinking about me either." The words you always wanted to hear were finally spoken to you, and all you felt was dread.
"Wanda, of course I still think about you. I can't help it. But I'm not in the place for a relationship right now. I just started trying to get myself back together. I just started recovering from the first time you broke me. I can't put myself through that again yet. No matter how much I love you, I need to love me for a while." Wanda slowly nodded her head, averting her eyes this time.
"It's not a no, it's a give me time. I don't wanna make you wait, but I can't do it. I love you Wanda, so much, and knowing you feel the same way about me? I'm over the moon. But I need time, time to gather all these thoughts I'm having and pull myself together." You grabbed Wanda's hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.
"I understand. I'm happy you're taking care of yourself." She smiled at you. You could tell it was forced, but you appreciated the effort.
"Do you think we can be friends, y'know, until you're ready?" You smiled right back at Wanda, yours much more sincere than hers.
"I would want nothing more. But, I do have one request."
"What might that be?" Wanda smirked, making you even more confident in what you were about to do.
"This." You kissed her. You poured every bit of love and care you had for her into the kiss, expressing all the words you couldn't say with the movements of your tongue and lips. Wanda kissed back just as passionately, love nearly drowning you.
You both knew that it would take time. You needed to heal, and Wanda did too. You'd both been through a lot, emotionally and mentally. But, until you got your happy ending, you could have her by your side supporting you in the same way she used to. That would be enough, for now.
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