#i was nice and grabbed the item for her and then she has the nerve to fucking ask for 4 more
grey-tones · 4 months
Really wish people could mind their own fucking business and leave strangers alone
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milfjuulpod · 9 months
a new job as a guidance counselor lands you at Abbott Elementary, and it doesn’t take long for a certain redhead to catch your attention.
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The morning air was surprisingly enjoyable, August bringing out comfortable weather again. It was Monday, the first day of your new job. Luckily for you, students weren’t coming back for another week, giving you time to get used to the new environment and plan out the school year. The steps up to Abbott Elementary were short, and you took a deep breath in before entering. The halls were filled with character, drawings from students and back to school posters flooded the white walls. Finding your way to the principal’s office, you decided to introduce yourself. 
       To your surprise, the office was empty. Lights off, and no personal items found, you assumed she hasn’t arrived yet. “If you’re looking for Ava she won’t be here for at least—” You turned around at the sound of a woman’s voice, her accent thick and attitude evident. She stopped speaking once she looked up from her phone and met your gaze, eyes scanning your whole body. “Who are you?” She asked bluntly. “I’m the new guidance counselor, sorry I was just looking for Ms. Coleman,” You gestured back to the empty room. 
       “Nice try. She’ll be here in a couple hours.” Uninterested in the conversation, the redhead started walking away from you. “Good luck, kid,” She said as she fully left your view. She didn’t leave your mind, though. Disappointed at the lack of direction, you decided to retreat to your new office and start setting things up for the week to come. 
       By the following Monday, you had met most of the staff, made some plans for the year, and were excited to finally meet the students. You found yourself in a little friend circle with Jacob, Janine, and Gregory. All of them were sweet in their own ways, and they were quick to accept you in (mostly Janine). A few other teachers were a different story. Barbara was incredibly sweet, but she seemed distant. You didn’t take it personally, from what you’ve heard, not many people stay too long at Abbott, and she was probably expecting you to be gone by next year. Nonetheless, Barbara was always kind. And then there was Melissa, the first person you met. She was…different. Outwardly tough, internally soft-hearted. You still couldn’t tell whether or not she trusted you yet, but you doubt she did. She kept her guard up, and made her disdain for “newbies” quite obvious. 
      Right before the lunch bell, there was a knock at your door. In waltzed Ava, with a student in tears by her side. “Hey gorgeous, this little man has been pestering students all morning long, but last year was a totally different story. Kid had friends in all grades!” She explained, keeping a hand on the student’s shoulder. “That’s alright, come sit down honey,” You said gently to the student, and smiled a goodbye to Ava. As she exited, she left your door propped open. Distracted by helping the student in front of you, it went unnoticed. But to a certain Italian, it was certainly noticed. Melissa took her time walking the halls, listening in on you working with a student. As she got closer, she realized it was her student, and that was enough of an excuse as any to allow herself in. She definitely didn’t want to go in just to watch you in your element. 
       “And Aniyah? Is she still your friend?” You asked the child in front of you, still unaware of the visitor you had. You turned around to grab a book, and when you faced the front again, you saw her. “Oh! Ms. Schemmenti, hi. Is this your student?” You asked. “Yeah, that one’s mine. And Melissa is fine,” She told you, smiling small, but it was there nonetheless. Maybe she did like you after all. 
       Melissa decided to sit in on your session with her student, which certainly didn’t help your nerves. Maybe she’s just protective, you thought to yourself. The minutes passed slowly, every so often you would look at Melissa to find her already looking at you. It was like that the whole time, her green eyes watching your every move while her perfect lips stayed tight together. It wasn’t until the bell rang again that she spoke. 
       “I’ll take him back with me. You were good today with him, he doesn’t talk much to new people. I’m impressed,” She complimented you, and you tried your best to not let it go to your head. “Thank you, that means a lot coming from you. Have a good rest of your day guys,” You waved goodbye to the student and teacher, and couldn’t help but watch Melissa leave and chat with her student. It had only been a week, and you were wrapped completely around her finger. 
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xoxo-surfergirl · 6 months
A Very Targaryen Holiday - Dark!Aemond x Strong!Niece
Part I
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summary: Lucera and Aemond reunite with their families to spend the holidays together. Aemond wasn’t always nice to her when he was younger, but has he changed?
notes: the main pairing in this is aemond x strong niece, but I guess I did write it as aemond x fem!lucerys velaryon. Whichever floats your boat more! aemond is not the nicest in this, but this fic is a mix of fluff and smut (but none of the fluff comes from aemond, lol). Slight dubcon, rough oral sex, and attempts at humor. There are no physical descriptions of Lucera besides her having long hair. There is a second part, which I will be posting soon. I cross post on ao3, with essentially the same username (just without the hypen) xoxosurfergirl! I hope you enjoy!!!! <3
Lucera took a deep inhale, followed by a deep exhale. Indulging in her breath usually helped whenever her nerves began to get the best of her. Her suitcase was cracked open in front of her, waiting for her to stuff it.
A few fancy dresses. A few long sleeves—it could get cold there at night. Several pairs of pants. A tank top just in case. A swim suit for the hot tub. More underwear than she needed.
She ran back to her dresser to grab the last few items required to fulfill her trip, when her door swung open loudly. Baela was able to nearly leap from the door to the bed, causing her comforter and pillows to jump from impact.
Her curls splayed out onto the bed in a halo. “I’ve always loved your bed. It’s the softest out of all of ours, you know.”
Lucera looked at her, unease crawling its way through her stomach and up her throat. “Yeah, well. You can always ask mother for a new one.”
Baela softened her face. “Luce, I know this is weird for you.”
“No, no. It’s fine, really, it’s just been awhile.” Lucera folded her clothes to keep her hands focused.
“It’s not really fine. I know we haven’t talked about it for a long time, but I know how weird it must feel for you.”
Lucera sighed. “It’s just, everything might be completely normal you know? And I’m anxious about nothing.”
Baela sat up on the bed, making deep eye contact with Lucera. “Don’t discount your feelings. It’s been four years since we’ve seen them, and for very good reason. Let me remind you that after you accidentally maimed him, he did try to hurt you. On purpose.” Lucera looked away, but Baela continued. “The only reason why we haven’t celebrated Christmas with them is because there were so many close calls and mother noticed”
She remembered the “close calls”. If only they had known all of the times the calls weren’t so close, but no one was there to see it.
“I know, I just wonder sometimes if it’s all in my head. Nothing really happened,” Lie. “I’m the only one who actually hurt someone.” A deep sense of shame leaked through Lucera’s chest, one that she had been trying for years to tame.
But Baela wouldn’t let her stew. “It was an accident, Luce. It’s okay. I’ll tell you as many times as you need to understand it. But what he was doing was not an accident. Remember the year he locked you in Grandfather’s industrial freezer for half an hour? Any longer than that and you would have died. Remember last time he took an ornament and forced you to crush it with your hand so you’d get glass stuck in your skin? Remember when he tried to slam your arm in the oven but Jace stopped him? Remember that other year he almost drowned you in the hot tub? There are even more than this, Lucera. You are perfectly right to be nervous about seeing him again.”
The walls in her mind were crumbling with Baela’s narration of the past holidays. These were memories Lucera had done her best to stifle, but they always returned louder than ever. She would never tell Baela that she had let him do these things, or that there were several more incidents that no one else knew about, because she had always felt like he deserved some form of retribution for losing his eye at her hand.
Aemond had always taken a keen interest in her. He had always followed her, watched her intently. It wasn’t hard to take notice of it. Everyone had.
But everyone had written it up to be nothing beyond youth fascination. Children stare at each other all the time. There was nothing peculiar about Aemond’s behavior.
It was only after the accident that his attention on her took a slight new meaning. Although hesitant at first to resume the previous non-concern from the rest of her family, time had worn away the worry it had initially caused. It had allowed for much else between them to take place.
“Thank you, Bae. I am nervous, but part of me does think we’ve all changed a bit. I certainly have.” And she had. They are adults now. It would be weird if he was still into torture. Most kids grow out of it.
“Exactly. We were weird teenagers and now we’re actually older. I’m sure we’ve all changed a lot since then.”
The snow crunched under their tires, a fresh coat not yet salted by the city. Lucera recognized the skyscrapers in the distance, and her face softened when she saw the telltale curves of the family company’s building peak around the corner. Although it had been some time since she had visited their family townhouse in the city, she remembered the streets like she had lived there her whole life. Happy Little Treats, the best bakery in the city. Blackie’s, the best diner on the East Side.
Her, Rhaena, Jace, and Baela had decided to drive separately from their parents, who also had Joanie with them, as well as little Aemma and Viserra. It was much easier to take two cars, especially when they knew they would probably want to go out at different times from their parents who had two little ones. Poor Joanie, too young to be with the older girls all the time, but also far too old to be stuck with Aemma and Viserra, was doomed to float between the two groups.
The radio was tuned to holiday music, and the girls delighted in singing along to every song that rang through the speakers.
As they were closing in on their destination, Baela intercepted the music with her normal speaking voice, the first to do so in over an hour. “What do you think they all look like now?”
Rhaena was the first to answer. “I’m not sure about Aegon or Aemond, but Helaena and I see each other at uni. She’s radiant and beautiful, as she always has been.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot you've mentioned seeing her around.” Baela replied.
Rhaena smiled, and shook her head down. “Yeah, she’s the coolest, honestly.”
Baela laughed. “Out of those three? It’s no competition.”
Jacaera’s breath fogged up the window as she spoke. “I’ve seen Aegon and Aemond in passing at uni as well. They seem alright. Aegon is no longer the tall one.”
Lucera perked at this. Aemond? Tall?  She shook her head. “I swear I forget we all go to the same school sometimes. There’s just so many people I never see them.”
“Aemond is tall now? Wow. I’ll have to see it to believe it.” Baela jeered.
Jacaera drew a heart in the fogged glass before turning and facing the rest of her sisters. “Yes! It was honestly shocking at first. I barely recognized him, but I saw the eyepatch and knew immediately.”
Oh right. The eye patch. Lucera sighed. Baela moved her hand to sit atop hers in acknowledgement.
A right turn here, a left turn there, and the chateaux-style massive townhouse came into view. The four stories were gaudily embellished by baroque trim, with a massive oak door calling attention to its center. Wreaths were attached to the base of every windowsill, and a candle placed in each window. They watched as Rhaenyra and Daemon pulled Aemma and Viserra out of their carseats, having arrived a few moments before they did. Joanie was looking up at the mass of the townhouse, most likely counting how many windows there were, trying to remember which room was what.
Two men Lucera didn’t recognize dressed in all black greeted her parents, and Daemon smiled and gave him his car keys.
Rhaena twisted the steering wheel to pull up right behind them, and the other man dressed in black immediately jumped to open all of their car doors. Lucera felt like she was moving in slow motion the way the man was everywhere at once, and by the time she had stepped onto the sidewalk, he already had the trunk thrown open and was lifting their suitcases next to her.
“Thank you!” Lucera said enthusiastically, trying to cut through his quickness.
The house—if it could be called such a humble thing, loomed above her. She felt as if she was stepping into all holidays past, where he lingered with the bitter taste of sadism.
The large doors eased open, beckoning them inside. When she peaked in, she saw Daemon’s black trench coat deep in the arms of her grandfather, Rhaenyra to his side, buried in Alicent with a beaming smile of delight. They let go, embracing one another in turn. Viserys could barely contain his excitement at the sight of the little ones, having crouched down to greet them. Lucera noticed the exact moment he caught sight of the rest of her and her sisters, and his joy multiplied ten times over.
“Oh, my girls! My girls.” He said, reaching in to hug each one of them. “I couldn’t be more happy to have all of my family in one place again.”
Greetings were further extended to Alicent. It must have been an exhausting process for Viserys and Alicent, she guessed, since there were so many of them.
Alicent addressed the group. “I was just telling your parents, the rest of them are lost in the house somewhere. I’m sure you’ll see them shortly.”
The girls nodded, and Joanie said something about being excited to see Daeron. The flurry of movement divided as everyone was sent to their rooms to unpack.
Alicent nodded to a staircase on her left. “I put you girls up in the kid’s wing.”
Jacaera laughed, playfulness in her voice. “Only some of us are still kids.”
“Oh don’t be ridiculous,” Alicent waved her hand downwards. “You’ll always be children to me.”
Climbing up three floors was exhausting without the bag, and Lucera could hardly imagine doing it with the extra weight in tow. She looked at the house staff carrying her and her sisters bags, and felt a bit sorry for them.
After reaching her rooms, she was delighted to see that she had a window overlooking the front sidewalk. There were fresh winter roses placed delicately in an opaque white vase on her bedside table, the blue jumping out against the walls of her bedroom.
Her nerves were reaching an all time high. She still hadn’t seen Aemond, yet he was here. But her thoughts were interrupted when Baela swung open her door.
Lucera turned to look at her. “Do you ever knock?”
Baela spun around and leaned exaggeratingly against the door frame before saying, “Not with you, I don’t. All of us girls are going to the hot tub. Put your bathing suit on.”
Lucera smiled, and unzipped her suitcase. “I’ll be ready in five. Wait for me?”
The hot tub was roiling, jets pumping near blistering water against their backs. It was heavenly. Their hair was tied up in variations of buns and pony tails, the ends tickling their necks.
Rhaena had been intently looking at the back of the townhouse. “It’s so crazy to be back here after all these years.”
“It’s hardly changed since then. It feels like I’m stepping into a place frozen in time.” Jacaera marveled.
Helaena chuckled at their insight. “I’m sure it feels that way. I haven’t been to Dragonstone in forever either.”
Jacaera turned to her in revelation. “Gods that’s right! You should come stay with us for the summer. The beach is so warm then.”
“Yeah! Maybe when we all finish up our finals Helaena can just come home with us?” Rhaena said in agreement.
“I’d be happy if you had me,” Helaena replied. “What are all you studying anyways?”
Baela went first. “I’m studying business, with a concentration on finance.”
Lucera seconded her. “Me as well.”
Jacaera tagged at the end of Lucera's agreement. “Also me.”
Helaena laughed. “All you three planning to work for the family business, then?”
“Something like that. Jacaera, Baela, and I will take over after Rhaenyra and Daemon.” Lucera answered. “After Viserys passes, of course. It will be awhile, but there’s a lot to learn anyways.”
“Aemond’s going to do the same. Aegon isn’t interested in being a part of Hightower Associates, and neither am I, but Aemond is preparing to take over after our grandfather. Have you seen him around uni?”
Baela chuckled. “We were just talking about that,” she looked at Jacaera. “Only Jace has, really.”
“Hm. That’s funny considering he’s also in your department.” Helaena remarked.
“Right? I mean the library is huge, but it can’t be that large. I’m there all the time.” Jacaera pondered.
“Knowing him, he probably found a secret room and lives out of it”. Helaena sighed. “He doesn’t go out too much, and he’s really focused on his work.”
Lucera thought about the growing man Aemond had morphed into. One who was deeply integrated and committed to his family business, just as she. It only meant he had gotten more cutthroat. It’s the only way to survive in the world of finance they were thrust into. None of the top hedge fund managers, heads of banking families, or titans of brokers reached and stayed where they were because they were the most virtuous. To survive in this world meant being vicious at times.
A trait that ran in the family, clearly.
“We’ll probably run into him one of these days.” Baela acquiesced. “What are you studying again Helaena?”
“Studio art, concentrating on painting. Aegon is doing the same, but focusing on photography. We both much prefer it to the chaos of the family business.” She said proudly, until she realized the context of the conversation. “Not that I’m putting you down for choosing it, or anything.”
Jacaera giggled. “No, we get it. It is pretty chaotic.”
The hot tub had gone from the initial burn, to comfortable, to boiling again as the conversations ebbed and flowed through several different interests of theirs, such as their love lives and the semester's hook-ups, with extra time spent on the more embarrassing ones. It was truly Baela dominating the bulk of the conversation, hardly anyone else had anything to add apart from a meager makeout here and there.
Baela was also newly introduced to the term “situationship”, as the rest of them deduced she was most certainly in one with Adam Hull.
“Just because we sleep in the same bed most nights doesn’t mean we’re together.” She objected.
Helaena was set on getting her to admit it. “And does he stay in the morning? Do you do any other activities together?”
Baela scoffed. “We get dinner sometimes. And go to the movies every Tuesday, but that’s only because tickets are half-off on Tuesdays. And we go to the gym together. But it’s nothing, really.”
Helaena tried to ease her into it. “You do realize that is essentially a relationship, besides you have no direct commitment or any expectations? Someone is going to get hurt eventually.”
Lucera rolled her eyes. “And it’s probably him. Gods Baela, the man is probably in love with you and you are too daft to see it.”
All eyes on her, Baela was lost in the processing of this new information, until she remembered who and where she was, and quickly found a way to deflect it. “Oh shut up. Says you, you’re like the genuine version of a pick-me girl. Every man who looks at you falls in love with you.”
Lucera rolled her eyes. “You’re exaggerating.”
A smile crept across Baela’s lips, successfully removing the attention away from her situationship. “Um, no I’m not. What of Tyrek Lannister? Gerrick Greyjoy? Dorren Stark? And that’s only from this quarter.” She used her hands to prove her point, counting them on her fingers.
Lucera threw up her arms. “I can’t help it! Honestly! Besides, I don’t lead anyone on, just have maybe a kiss or two.” The rest of the girls sang a chorus of oos, bringing a blush through her cheeks.
“And who was the best out of them?” Jacaera coaxed.
“It hardly matters,” Lucera drawled, “but, it was Gerrick.”
“Hm. I’m surprised it wasn’t Stark.” Rhaena gave a side-long glance at Jacaera. “I’ve heard good things about Stark men.”
Jacaera’s face flushed, praying the heat from the tub would conceal her thoughts. Naturally, everyone noticed, but chose to spare their easily flustered sister.
Helaena looked her in the eyes, and threw her a trusting wink.
As the day wore on, Lucera’s anticipation of seeing Aemond waxed and waned. She thought it would have happened by now—if they were still kids, it surely would have, being at the age where presence around the family was required. She thought of the many places he could be, the things he could be doing, but it was difficult to imagine someone she hadn’t seen in several years. It was nearly impossible to conceive of it, and it only raised her nerves.
Dinner passed along quietly, winter soup and charcuterie being served on a come-and-go basis in the parlor to account for the rush of her family’s arrival and the need for a little bit of flexibility in their schedule. Afterall, there was still much planned for the day: they were going to the ballet, and everyone would be attending.
In front of her vanity, Lucera examined herself in the mirror. She lifted the delicate silver chain to secure it around her neck, the deep crescent moon in its center sitting in the joint of her collarbones. She didn’t try to examine her reasonings for being extra fickle about what she wore, but it was hard to escape his presence in them. It had been so long, and she didn’t want him to think her ugly. He either had changed for the better and would no longer say his cruel thoughts aloud, hadn’t changed and would say that and so much more, or he had gotten worse. A shudder rippled through her as she tried to imagine how that could be possible, but what if it was?
She wanted him to look at her and see how much she had changed, that she was no longer a girl anymore. And perhaps, if he had any lingering thoughts of resentment, that could lend him to realizing that she was no longer deserving of his hostility.
Her nerves from earlier had thawed, and amongst the remains was a newfound confidence. Her mary janes clicked on the sidewalk, her self-assuredness carrying through her legs. She reached into the SUV where her family was waiting for her.
Rhaenyra, holding Aemma on her left leg, reached over and grabbed her hand. “You look radiant, darling.”
Jacaera patted the seat next to her. “Something got your spirits up?”
“Nothing in particular, just had a good day.” And it was true. The day had been knotless. She had been surprised by its ease, and delighted just the same.
Once the tires slowed and the doors slid open, she reached her hand around to grab the frame, the other taking Daemon’s hand to step out of the car. The marquee hung gaudily above them, its essence of performance steeped in its display. She looked around for the Hightowers, who had pulled in ahead of them. She found Alicent’s thick calico fur shawl, trailing to Helaena’s platinum hanging down her back, to…
Her throat seized. Was that really him? His back was set against her, but she could see Aegon’s side profile, meaning the other one must be him.
Jacaera was right, he is tall. She had never pictured him with his hair long. Her sisters poured out of the car to stand alongside her.
Baela was the first to acknowledge it aloud. “Gods, I hardly recognize them.”
The slamming of the car doors must have carried, and he turned around from his mother to face the rest of them.
His hair swung gently, and she caught the moment his eye landed on her. His eyepatch looked menacing, scar tracing just outside of it. While holding her gaze, he upturned his lips into a tight smirk.
Their families approached each other, not too far away to begin with.
Aegon looked delighted to see his cousins, endearing them each. His face had filled out on the edges, and he hadn’t grown an inch. Aemond upheld his apathetic image, looking slightly uninterested, but they knew him better—-he simply always looked that way. Her sisters took turns pulling each of them into hugs with their greetings.
When Aemond reached her, he regarded her for several moments, his dark smile returning. “You’ve changed, Luce.”
She straightened her back, ignoring the way he was openly sliding his eye across her from head to toe. “So have you.”
He surprised her by pulling her deep in his chest, bending his neck down to whisper in her ear. “I haven’t forgotten our little games.” Before she could respond, he released her.
Baela had witnessed the interaction from a few paces away, her eyes still on Aemond, who had gone to greet Rhaenyra. Lucera walked up to her.
She fell into step beside Baela, through the doors, tickets in hand. “What did he say to you?”
Back and forth, she contemplated telling her the truth. Through her childhood, she had never been fully honest through the extent to which he hurt her. Rhaenyra had questioned, Daemon had asked, and her sisters had pushed after her wellbeing once the accidents had been exposed as something more purposeful. Lucera knew her parents were smarter than she, but they also didn’t push the subject when she refused to yield.
She didn’t quite know why, though she supposed it was because she felt she owed Aemond her pain. It was the least she could do for taking his sight. He hadn’t permanently damaged her, afterall. Even though he got close, she reminded herself.
Her mind completed its process, and Lucera would continue her pattern with conflict as she always had. “Just that we all look older now.”
“Hm.” She grabbed Lucera’s arm, looping it in hers, voice quieting. “He looks like a fucking super villian.”
Lucera couldn’t bite back her amusement. “He really does, doesn’t he?”
She didn’t want to think about what else he looked like. Attractive, for one. It felt like a sin to even say it in her mind. Lucera was startled by how menacing he looked, but it suited him. His face was lined in hardness and brutality, his lone purple eye allowing for expression.
His walk bled dominance, something she could do without recognizing. But it was hard to ignore the complex grace in his movements, how every turn of his head and lift of his hand was controlled and measured.
Her eyes kept finding him unwillingly, absorbing the man he had become. Lucera couldn’t help herself, needing to remind herself to keep her gaze anywhere but him. He would notice. Baela would notice. Daemon would notice.
After getting their tickets scanned, she and Baela followed their entourage to their seats. The gilded plasterwork came alive from the walls, creating deep shadows, brightening the jewel tones that sat there. The lattice work was interladened with cherubs holding glowing sconces and foliated candelabras. Figurative and floral murals and abstracts curled and jumped from the ceilings, each framed by golden trim. The proscenium arch jutted out gently from the stage, red curtain dropped to hide the rest of the stage.
Their seats were hoisted on the second floor in the box on stage right. Lucera smiled to herself. She knew whoever had bought their tickets did so knowing that the best view would be from above, so they could see the aerial perspective of the dancer’s intricate formations. If she had to guess, it was probably Alicent.
She had sat in the first row of seats, between Jacaera and Baela, while he sat in the second, off to the side, closer to the stage. The curvature of the seats allowed for her to see him out of the corner of her eye, his side profile unmistakable. As she gauged where he was in relation to her, he caught her eye. He brazenly smirked towards her, and then looked away. She ran her fingers over the front of her dress, needing the movement to keep her grounded. Shortly after, the curtains opened and she breathed relief at the comfort that she would have something else to focus on.
It wasn’t as easy as she had hoped.
As they progressed through the suites, Lucera was trying to tame her gaze, pulling and forcing it to remain ahead on anything but him. There was so much to look at, too—the dancer’s tutus and tights, skin and hair was alight with glitter catching every ray of stage light. The way they moved, their arms pouring up and down, their legs fluttering across the stage. Glissade en arriere to arabesque. The live orchestra in the pit, the sliding of their bows, the dancing of their fingers. She had so much to choose from. And it worked for a time, until she remembered his presence, and she had to pull her gaze forward again.
He caught her once or twice, and returned her wandering eyes with the same haughty smile.
She didn’t know if it should scare her, but it definitely made her feel something. Like she wanted to push the button to reveal a secret. Perhaps it was curiosity; she was a woman now, and can’t possibly be pushed around like she used to. He wouldn’t kill her. Not now at least. It would have had to happen years ago, when he was still a child and could get away with “accidental” murder. At present, he’d go to prison for manslaughter. Right? He has to know that. And he himself is a man grown, who has risen above such ideas. Right?
The curtains were drawn, they stood from their seats, her family quickly ushering everyone to get back to the house as fast as possible.
Once alone in the comforts of her bedroom, she unzipped, unlaced, and undid every button and tie on her clothing, releasing more than just the tension it had held on her skin. The whirlwind of their evening had finally come to an end. She had seen him, and it had been somewhat eventful, but she had expected nothing less.
The next morning after an uneventful breakfast, Viserys had called all of his grandchildren to the kitchens. He ensured they knew their presence was mandatory.
“You kids haven’t seen each other in so long. It’s time you bond again.” It was hard to tell what the room-wide cringe was from: being called kids, or being told they must bond over something of Viserys’ choosing.
Lucera looked around the massive kitchen, and knew immediately what they were going to be doing.
Viserys waved his hand. “I dismissed the staff early today. Instead, you all are going to be making our family’s holiday cookies!”
Joanie squealed in excitement, diverting the attention away from Aemond and Aegon, who both rolled their eyes louder than she’d ever seen it done.
“Why not. I love baking!” Rhaena perked.
Viserys stepped out to be more directly in front of them, looking at each of them intently. “Here’s what’s going to happen. Aegon and Jacaera, you two will do our peanut butter kisses. Aemond and Lucera, I want you two doing our sugar cut-outs. Daeron and Joanie, you two are in charge of snowballs. Rhaena, Helaena, and Baela, you three will do our gingerbread cookies. You’ll need the extra person since they’re a lot of work.” He gestured towards the back wall. “I’ve had the cooks set out all the ingredients, and there should be plenty of room for all of you.”
Lucera didn’t know quite what to do. Her intimidation of him was preventing her from moving her feet. Let alone, she didn’t know if Aemond hated this idea, and she didn’t want to feel his rejection. But then again, very little sounded better than fresh cookies.
Joanie and Daeron had practically run across the kitchen, as if it was a race to see who could finish the fastest. Lucera smiled at her youthful enthusiasm.
“Are you going to just stand there and look dumb?” Aemond’s voice cut through her thoughts.
She looked up at him. “No, no of course.”
“Of course you’re going to stand there and look dumb?”
Lucera grumbled. “You know what I meant.”
They walked over to the corner of the kitchen. Lucera knew this recipe by heart, having made it many times the past several years at Dragonstone.
“We need to work the butter, first. Cream it up a bit.”
She began unfolding the wax off of the butter.
“They’re quite simple. I don’t know why he wants the two of us to do it. A child could make these by themselves.”
Lucera took the flat end of the spatula and smashed the butter into smaller pieces in the bowl. “You know why he wants us to do it together.”
Aemond pulled out the bag of flour, dipping the cup deep in the bag. “I suppose. Funny thing for him to act like he cares so much about bonding time.” He swiped a knife off of the top of the measuring cup. “So this is what bonding looks like?”
Lucera scoffed. “It could be, if you actually acted like you wanted to be here.”
Across the kitchen, she could hear Jacaera scolding Aegon over the bag of hershey’s kisses. “You do realize we need some of those to actually make the cookies? Save some for the rest of us.”
Aemond paused, mulling over his next words carefully. “I could be doing something else.”
Lucera looked over at Baela, Rhaena, and Helaena, who were giggling over the molasses and brown sugar.
“And what might that be?” She questioned mockingly. While he poured in the sugar and flour, she began mixing in the butter.
“Working.” He turned to face her, dipping his head to look down at her from their close proximity. Sarcasm sat between his next words. “Ever heard of it?”
Lucera was slightly ruffled by this, and even though she caught on to his tone, wasn’t willing to go along with the act. “You don’t know the slightest thing about me.”
He stood behind her to grab something on the other side, and whether it was for stability or otherwise, he put his hand on her waist. She tried not to make any sudden movements to imply she was thrown off or affected by this gesture, and could not say if she was successful or not. His hand was large, fingers stretching across the right side of her lower back. Just breathe. She tried to tamper down her blush, not wanting him to know that he flustered her. It would only make her more of a target.
“Twas just a joke, Lucie.” He smirked, pulling away, and warping his fingers to the newly formed dough in the bowl.
She tried not to watch the way his deft hands worked the dough into a ball. Needing to prove she was not in fact bothered, she replied, “Regardless, I will have you know that I’m in the line of succession. Me, Jacaera, and Baela are all going to uphold Targaryen International Banking after Rhaenyra and Daemon.”
To her surprise, Aemond showed her possibly the first form of respect she had ever received from him. “It’s an honor to not only be a part of our family, but also uphold its greatness.”
Lucera pulled out the various cookie cutters, clearing her throat. They had been apart all this time, their secret torture games known truly just between them. She knew she should hate him, but she didn’t. And the unfortunate circumstances had decided that he must grow into a desirable devil. But she can’t think about that right now. Looking at her cookie shape options, she decided her favorite was the Christmas tree. “I heard you’re inheriting Hightower Associates.”
He smiled, and even though it was tight lipped, she could tell it meant something to him. “Yes. Otto most likely has another decade in him to run it, but it will be mine once he is no longer fit for it. Thank the gods, Aegon and Helaena would destroy it.”
Lucera looked over at her sister and Aegon. He looked at her with light in his eyes, while she double checked each dough ball to ensure they were the same size. As nice as the scene was, his momentary calm was deceiving. She laughed quietly in her throat imagining him being put in charge.
Their own dough had been rolled out, and they began stamping it with the cookie cutter. “I’m sure you will do the business much good. You can be…” Lucera looked for the right words, and wondered if it was even a good idea to remind him of his nature in the first place. “Quite intense. And cutthroat.”
He paused at her implicit acknowledgement of the past, looking at her directly once again. His chest was at her eye level, even though she pried her eyes upwards to meet his. The soap on his neck had a clean, sharp scent. “Yes. I suppose I haven’t changed much.” He waited for any kind of reaction, but she figured it best to not give him any. Lest he get any real ideas.
Lucera slid the cookies into the oven, the warmth heating up her arms. She vaguely recalled when Aemond had tried to shut her arms in the frame of the oven, and startled herself with his proximity.
He noticed her pulling away from the oven with fear in her eyes. “Relax. My days of trying to scar you are over.” Aemond poured a small stream of milk over the powdered sugar on the stove. “Besides, my hands are busy. And there’s people here.”
It wasn’t until she finished sliding the tray in the oven and closed the door that she processed his meaning.
She looked up at him, eyes widened. “You’re not going to…?” Lucera didn’t say it out loud, for she didn’t want anyone else to hear.
He continued stirring, the smell of the heated sugar between them. “We’re both adults now. I wouldn’t be so senseless.”
The tension she had been holding around him had faded, filled in with relief. “I don’t know why,” she chuckled, “I just didn’t know what to expect.”
His side-eye landed on her, but he was playing lighthearted. “You wound me Lucera. Surely I would hope you think higher of me than that.”
“Hm.” She smirked at him, wanting to joke with him as he had to her. “You’ll just have to prove how smart you are then.”
His face held an unreadable expression, but she still counted anything besides scowling as progress.
The butter, sugar, and flour were melding together in the oven, releasing a heavenly smell. Lucera released some of the tension she had held around him. Perhaps this new chapter of their lives could strengthen their family, instead of tearing it apart as their childhood had.
Reading the golden edges of the cookies, Lucera determined they were finished and removed them out of the oven without fear of Aemond shutting her arm in. The royal icing was ready, and she put them in the refrigerator so the cookies were able to cool before they could put the icing on.
A large guffaw of laughter exploded from the other side of the kitchen, where Joanie and Daeron were saddled with powdered sugar. It had lodged itself in the creases of their faces, deepening their smile lines. In their attempt to brush it off their faces, they only served to spread the sugary dust to every surface in their vicinity.
Daeron, upon realizing the blessing this was, ran to Aegon with his snowy sugared hands and started furiously wiping them on the back of Aegon’s sweater.
Having been attacked by the enemy in a blind spot, Aegon was initially at the disadvantage. But, once he turned around, he used his height and weight to throw Daeron to the ground.
This move might have deterred many from another attack, but Daeron was a Targaryen, afterall. He grabbed onto Aegon’s leg, not letting go. It was an advanced move, leaving the victim—Aegon—unable to do much else than furiously try to peel him away.
Joanie made a jump to his other leg despite Aegon’s protests for her to not get involved. The two clung to his calves, anchoring him to the floor, giggling in victory. Aegon ceased his complaining and sighed in defeat.
“Anyone want to help me?” Aegon moaned.
Jacaera was busy pressing what was left of the hershey’s kisses into the cookies. She shrugged. “I can’t, I have to do this while they’re fresh out of the oven.” Besides, she was too amused by the situation.
“Sorry, I don’t want to get powdered sugar all over my new pants.” Baela shouted from across the kitchen.
Aemond was also pleased by his brothers, and after hesitating a few moments too long, began long strides towards the scene.
He had nearly reached Aegon, but once Daeron had peeked his head around Aegon’s knee to see the long legs of his other brother coming towards them, he flung himself off of Aegon and skittered across the floor. Joanie was quick to follow.
Once the cookies were all primed and pretty—to the best of their ability, at least—Lucera padded up the steps with a giggling Jacaera. In the parlor, Rhaenyra was drinking tea with Alicent. They must have heard of Viserys’ plan, as they looked at Lucera with concern, subtly checking over her limbs and face for any signs of harm as they had done when she was younger.
Alicent leaned over with furrowed brows and express interest, Rhaenyra had worry in her eyes. “How was baking my darlings?”
Knowing that they truly wished to know of her wellbeing, Lucera was relieved that for once around the holidays, she could tell them the truth. “It was good! No unlucky burns or anything! Just tasty cookies.”
They brought a plate over with all of their treats.
Rhaenyra beamed at her daughters. “I see gingerbreads, sugar cut-outs, and—?”
Jacaera leaned forward. “Peanut butter kisses. Aegon ate half of the hershey’s chocolates, so we didn’t have enough to put on top of all of them. Those ones are just plain peanut butter cookies.”
Alicent rolled her eyes through her smile, lovingly joking. “Of course he did, the little twat. I’m sure they’re still delicious.”
“Once he stopped eating the candy and started participating, he really enjoyed baking. Does he ever go down to the kitchens to bake?”
Lucera raised her eyebrows. She knew exactly what made Aegon so interested in baking earlier, and it wasn’t the sweets.
“He’s never thought it interesting before. Perhaps he was just happy to see everyone.” Alicent had toned down her surprise at the idea that he enjoyed the experience, having a mother’s sense of what was really at play. Her and Lucera shared a knowing glance, Jacaera none the wiser.
“And you Lucera?” Alicent had turned to face her.
“Oh yes! Aemond and I got along quite well. He’s an arse, but it suits him.” The sense of relief she glimpsed earlier had returned, and the weight of lying no longer chained to her. She was able to be genuine without having to pretend. It was a welcome feeling.
“He’s a proud man, that’s for sure. I still don’t know where he inherited his arrogance.��� Alicent chimed.
Rhaenyra was put at ease with the grace of her features, always knowing the truth of her daughter. A shadow of skepticism remained, but she was optimistic that their maturation had changed things. “I’m glad you had a good time, darling.”
At least for the time being, any fears she had could be put to rest.
It had been a hard period of time when she had lied to her, both of them knowing that there was something much deeper to her words. It had been why, without too much evidence, Rhaenyra had decided it best that they spend a few holidays alone at Dragonstone. Viserys had insisted that they return each year, believing that it best for the family to be together when there was tension. Namely, after the accident where Aemond lost his eye, and his consequent aggression towards Lucera. Rhaenyra could only look at the truth in her daughter’s eyes for so long.
He hadn’t done anything out in the open, but he was occasionally sloppy. He was only a child after all, and was still learning how to keep a victim silent. He was lucky it was Lucera, who in her docility and self-blaming from the accident, let him act as he saw fit.
Her least favorite memory was when he held her head over the tub in the basement filled with water. He had grabbed her hair and held her face under water, keeping it there until her squirms softened to near limpness. He would then pull her up again, allowing for her to catch her breath before repeating the cycle. She had silently trusted him to let her live. It didn’t make the moments she spent choked underwater any less terrifying.
That had been the last time she saw him. Rhaenyra had remembered her coming up the stairs, face flushed, edges of her hair wet. Lucera recalled telling her that she slipped and fell in the snow outside, but her eyes had given her away. Even after much pressure, Rhaenyra still wasn’t sure what had happened, but she knew Aemond was involved and that Lucera looked like she had been through a torture sequence. Which, of course, she had.
But those days were behind them. He had said it himself.
Later in the evening, after a light dinner, a particularly competitive game of Scrabble that nearly ended with Daemon’s knife at Aemond’s throat, and a Hallmark movie that Viserys claimed would “calm everyone down” (which it hadn’t—not entirely—although the two had slowly united across the one hour and thirty five minute screen time against their hatred for such movies), the family had dispersed and found their ways to bed.
Lucera was tucked in, nearly drowning in the comforter, just how she liked it. There was just one thing—she needed water. Her eyes had closed, her body tired and unwilling to go downstairs. But her throat was scratching for relief, and no amount of willing herself to sleep had changed it.
She skimpered down the steps, her long fuzzy socks lightening the blow of her feet. All of the lights had been turned off, and she relied on the underlights of the cabinets to light her way.
Under the fridge light, she filled up her cup.
The silence was broken by the stream coming from the fridge, and then by footsteps coming near. Lucera tried to cover up what little she could, as a simple t-shirt and underwear had been all she needed in the privacy of her room. She hoped whoever it was wouldn’t look too closely or scold her for being so indecent.
She would be gone in a moment anyway.
Putting her water glass in the sink, she turned to go down the hallway when she saw the illumination of platinum hair in the dark.
“Aemond.” And even though she whispered, the surprise was not lacking in her voice.
“Lucera. It’s getting late.” He was stepping closer to her, his voice soft.
“I was just a bit thirsty. I’m going back to bed now.” She tried to step around him, but he blocked her way with his arm against the wall.
“You know, before I saw you I wondered if I’d continue our little games.” He glazed his eye over her near-nakedness. “I thought I might not. And then I saw you, this pretty little thing, and I realized that we can have so much more fun together.”
She knew what he meant by it, but tried to ignore it for the moment. “But I thought you said you wouldn’t—”
“I said I wouldn’t scar you. I never said I wouldn’t do other things.” He grabbed a lock of her hair, twisting it between his fingers. “Oh how you’ve grown, Lucera.”
She tried to grab at the wrist of his hand in her hair, but he only grabbed onto her wrists instead, pushing her backwards towards a door in the hallway. He fumbled with the knob before throwing her in, the force of it landing her on the floor.
Lucera pulled her hair out of her face and stood up. “You didn’t need to be so rough with me.”
He grabbed her chin domineeringly soft. “Look at me, Lucera.”
Her lip quivered and she looked up at him, her large doe eyes unable to prevent her from looking nothing but innocent.
He looked deep in her eyes, commanding her submission with nothing but a look. “You always let me torture you, sweet little thing.”
All breath in her body halted, every movement, every beat of blood. The silence around her grew louder, unsure if she had heard him correctly.
“But now I want to do other things to you. I’m still using your body, of course, just in a different way. And you’re still going to listen to me, just like you always have?” Aemond tilted her jaw upwards to the right, then moved it to the left, as if he was examining her face from every angle.
The blood moving through her veins got thicker, her heart quickening its pace. Lucera quietly admitted to herself that she was excited at the idea that he could want her that way. Did he really think her attractive enough to want? He couldn’t mean what she thought he meant. Did he? Surely he didn’t want her like that.
He sneered in her face, clearly finding her dumbfoundedness amusing. “Look at you. Big eyes just looking up at me, waiting for validation. I knew you’d do anything I’d ask. Hells, you’ll probably enjoy it too.”
Lucera didn’t know how he had such a hold on her. How could he get away with talking to her like this? Why did she let him? Why was her belly aching with heat? She could feel her arousal dripping along her slit, sitting warm in her panties.
She pulled every last string of dignity together and tightened her hold to say, “No, Aemond. You’re not allowed to treat me this way.” and tried her hardest to turn away from him.
But, he was quick to react, and immediately pulled her backside flush against him, arms locked across her neck and midsection. “Squirm all you want. I see how your eyes hold nothing but submission for me, they always have. Is it guilt? Or something else?” He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I don’t believe you wouldn’t enjoy every last drop of anything I give you. I’ll prove it to you right now.”
He moved his hand knowingly across her hip bones, giving them a hearty squeeze before sliding his fingers down her thigh to hike up her skirt. Her panic was felt immediately as she put her back and shoulders into every push and shove she gave him. “No, no no no, don’t—”
“Why? Are you worried about what I’ll find?” She wasn’t able to break out of the cage that was his strength, and his fingers gently trailed across the thin fabric hiding her entrance. What little barrier she had did a poor job of concealing her heated wetness.
He began lightly circling her clit, bending his face into her neck. “Tsk tsk tsk. Just as I thought, Lucie.”
She whimpered. “I just, I just am confused.”
“Hmm? I don’t think your body is confused. Your body wants me, Lucie. It wants me inside you. It’s all soaking and ready to take me.”
“You’re just so mean to me. I can’t let you do this if you’re mean to me.”
Aemond chuckled, feeling her melt into his touch as his deft fingers pleasured her. “You’ve always been so good at letting me take out my frustrations on you. This is no different, Lucie.”
She whimpered in his arms, unable to control the profound pleasure he was thrusting upon her. And it was him. There was something so enrapturing about his presence. She wanted to be engulfed in it, to feed off of it. But he had too much power—it wasn’t fair, he had always had the upper hand.
He slipped his fingers underneath the constraints of her underwear, immediately finding her slick folds. He gathered some of the wetness he found there and brought it up to her clit, where he rubbed gentle circles against her. “You’re soaking for me Lucie. I want to hear you submit to me. Your body is begging you.”
She whimpered again. The pleasure was too great, his weight pressed against her from all sides. Lucera needed more. Her resolve and rationality were slipping, disintegrating into a state of utter obedience, the teasing becoming too much to bear. It was like he was drowning her again.
“Anything, I’ll do anything, Aemond. I need this,” her voice squeaked from under his arm.
He laughed darkly in her ear before licking it, the warm sensation filling out through the rest of her body. “You will listen and do as I say, yes?”
“Yes. I swear it.” She cried.
“Good. On your knees, sweet girl.”
Her eyes got even bigger as she received his command. Lucera hesitated, looking up at him in his utter assertiveness. The look in his eye alone made her knees buckle.
Softly finding the most comfortable position she could on her knees, she tilted up her chin, attempting to hold as much dignity as possible. He grabbed both of her cheeks with each hand, fat pudging out between his thumbs and forefingers.
“You’re going to swallow my cock, do you understand? And when I decide I want to fuck your throat, I will.” He moved his right thumb down to her chin. “And if you bite, we can play one of our old games.”
She wouldn’t have bit him, but she was old enough to realize he got off on the power he had over her. And yet, she didn’t have to fake her submission. It was real, and it soaked her through.
With that, he let go of her face and gave her a playful slap on the cheek.
His hands remained at his sides, and she took that to mean that she must be the one to remove his pants.
Lucera tried to conceal the hesitation to approach his cock, but she couldn’t help herself. The bulge reaching across his leg was considerable, and she was unsure about trying to stuff something so large in her throat.
When she finally collected the courage to pull down the flannel in her fingertips, she was truly faced with the reality of such an act.
He was beautiful. Of course, even his cock has to be perfect. She took her hand, and worked the warm skin up and down, twisting her palm ever so slightly.
“Suck.” He said bluntly. 
“I’ll try, but I don’t know how I’m going to—”
“If you can’t figure it out, I think pounding your throat will do the trick.” He interjected, his hand landing in her hair firmly.
This drove her to action, as she wanted to maintain as much control in the situation as possible. She pushed the head past her lips, his salty precum landing on her tongue. Her jaw expanded as much as it could, and she pushed herself to swallow his length.
Lucera could already feel the sides of her mouth being triggered to wetness by the intrusion, and she was thankful for it. She held onto the base to steady herself, and she began slowly moving back and forth, lathing her tongue on the bottom of his cock.
She could feel his hands shift in her hair as he played with it gently, combing his fingers through.
“You’re such a good girl, Lucera”
His voice felt like pure encouragement, and his validation was something she had never felt before. Lucera decided she liked that feeling.
She pushed herself deeper on him as her throat warmed up, but was still unable to fit it all. She tried using her hand to make up for what she couldn’t reach, and although she wished she could deep throat him, she was proud that she had made it this far.
He grabbed her hair a bit more assertively, and guided her up and down with a touch more of force. “You’re taking it so well, your throat wraps around me perfectly.”
Her eyes had begun to slightly water, but she still tried to connect their eyes. She had read in a magazine that boys liked that.
He began to move her head even more strongly, and pushed her throat further on his cock. She gagged, but he only moaned in his chest, the sensation squeezing his cock in her throat.
Lucera could hardly see, her tears clouding her vision. Her saliva gathered around her lips and slopped down her chin as she felt him push deep into her throat.
“Look at you, on your knees for me. This is where you belong.” He thrust into her mouth, holding her by the back of her head. As rough as he was, Lucera found that she just wanted to impress him. To show him that she wasn’t weak, and that she was capable.
“Fuck, Lucera.” He moaned above her, his breath deepening. With animalistic impulse, he worked her throat with lewd hunger, before pulling her as hard as he could towards his hips.
She knew what was about to happen, and although she was still choking on his cock, braced herself. Lucera felt his length throb in her mouth as he unloaded down her gullet and straight to her belly.
Having ceased his brutal thrusts, Aemond brushed her hair gently. “Swallow all of it, Lucie.”
She subconsciously tried to swallow around it, but it was difficult to move much of anything.
After holding her there for a few more moments, he released her. She stuttered backwards slightly, coughing and gulping for air.
He tucked himself back beneath his waistband, and bent down next to her. He took her shirt and wiped off the excess spit that had gathered around her chin, and then moved it up to wipe her eyes.
“You’re gorgeous on your knees, you know that?” His hand dragged languidly against her inner thigh, towards her underwear. She inhaled deeply at his movements, canting her hips to meet his hand.
“You’re so needy, aren’t you?” He tilted his head, looking down at her below him devilishly. “My cock down your throat only made you more soaked, hmm?”
His words burned into her pleasure, and Lucera couldn’t help but whimper. His fingers on her moved in light circles on her clit, warping the pleasure building inside her.
“Tell me how it felt in your throat.” His voice poured over her. She drank in each syllable of every lewd word spitting out of his mouth like ambrosia. 
“You felt heavy on my tongue,” Lucera said, her breathing erratic. “I didn’t know how I was going to take it.”
“Hmm, that’s right.” He drawled. “It’s not easy taking a thick down your throat is it?”
“N-no.” She mewled.
“But you did a good job,” he brushed his thumb above her stomach. “You didn’t miss a drop.”
She panted as he loomed above her, playing her body like an instrument. She had already been so worked up, so much ache already inside her, that she knew her orgasm was coming. Aemond must have noticed too, for he picked up his pacing to the exact tempo she needed.
“Cum on my fingers, Lucie.”
She didn’t need anything further than his voice to send her over the edge as her eyes rolled back in her head, orgasmic pleasure bursting deep in her belly. She did her best to hold back the amplitude of the cries in her throat lest someone hear her.
The euphoria rippled through her body, and she could feel his satisfaction at her pleasure. After a few more moments, the lingering contentment was joined by a new wave of drowsiness.
It was late.
Lucera opened her eyes. Aemond stood up, pulling her up with him.
“Sleep well, Lucie.” He opened the door, gave her a quick slap on her ass, and walked towards the kitchen.
Her haze carried her to bed, where she unceremoniously slung herself under the covers, half-unconscious already. 
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cockslutpadalecki · 2 years
What about mean Stepbrother!Steve who hates it when you start dating his best friend and will do just about anything to fuck it up for you. Including taking photos of you in the shower and sending them to his basketball team mates from 'your' tinder account.
You'd find out, of course. And then he'd have to show you exactly where your place is under his roof. On your fucking knees with your panties shoved inside your pussy and his dick up your ass.
Anyway, ignore this if you want 😂
Love you 💗
Cry, Little Sister
Pairing: Mean!Stepbrother!Steve x Stepsister!Reader, Bucky x Reader (established).
Words: 1.8K.
Warnings: non-con, high school AU, mean!Steve is mean but it’s me… you should all know this by now, reader and Steve are both of age, a frustrating lack of communication which could’ve easily prevented this whole scenario from happening but oh well, catfishing, non-consent of sharing explicit images, non-consent of taking explicit images, explicit sexual content, humiliation, unprotected sex, anal sex, creampie, implied rough oral sex (male receiving), implied forced multiple orgasms, items being placed inside vagina (underwear), 18+. MINORS DNI.
A/N: Trust you to come up with such a debauched idea… and trust me to write it. You know I could never in a million years ignore this LOL Beta: @princessmisery666 but all the general bullshit is entirely mine. While likes are gold, feedback is golden. Please support our content creators by sharing our work.
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The minute you step inside the gymnasium, a quiet descends as if they were all just talking about you. You can feel a thousand pairs of eyes on you. 
“Nice tits!” Someone yells. Half of the crowd erupts into laughs and catcalls while the other half discreetly giggle behind their palms, careful to not let you see them joining in too. 
You hurry to your spot on the bleachers, hushed whispers echoing long after you sit down. Even Katie, who’s ‘dating’ your stepbrother Steve— if you can even call being fuck buddies a relationship— avoids eye contact with you when you try to talk to her. You don’t know what you could’ve done to upset her because she was fine with you at lunch, even partnered up with you last period, but you attempt to shrug it off as you pull your phone from the bag at your feet.
There are dozens of texts and missed calls from your boyfriend Bucky, but you don’t get the opportunity to check anything when the door leading to the locker room opens with a loud crash and the room falls silent. You look up, perplexed as Bucky storms over, face red and filled with ire.
“Buck, baby, what’s w-” You stand up hurriedly as he approaches you, but he slaps your hand away when you reach out to touch his arm. 
“Don’t baby me. I can’t believe you’ve got the nerve to show up here after what you’ve done,” he spits at you, lips curled up into a snarl. “How could you?”
“How could I wh-what?” you stutter. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
He’s going to do this here, in front of the entire school?
Bucky shakes his head in disbelief, puffing out a frustrated breath. “Just quit lying alright, I’ve seen the pictures.” He eyes the crowd behind you. “Everyone has seen the pictures.” He actually looks hurt. 
“Pictures? I don’t understand, what pi-”
He’s quick to cut you off. “We’re over.” 
Oh. He is. He did.  
Embarrassment and shame creeps up your neck like a rash, and tears sting hot in your eyes as you stare down your now ex-boyfriend, confused beyond belief. 
You look away, trying to seek out some clarity and a friendly face from Katie, but she quickly averts her gaze. The crowd is eerily quiet now— so quiet you could hear a pin drop. 
Tears flow freely as you reach behind you and grab your bag, giving Bucky one last look in the hopes he’ll soften at the sight of your distress. He doesn’t. 
Don’t let them see you cry. Don’t let them see you cry, you chant to yourself as you run out.
Sobs wrack your body as you hear the door slam shut behind you, practically running across the parking lot to your car. Tears blind your vision and a million thoughts fog your mind so much that you don’t catch sight of your stepbrother until you’re almost on top of him. 
Steve is literally the last person on earth you want to see right now. You hurry to school your features, not wanting him to see you so visibly upset, knowing it’ll only give him ammunition to mock you. 
“What do you want? Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the game?” you ask with a little sniff. 
Steve shrugs, ignoring your question. He looks pissed, but then again, he always looks pissed when you’re around. “I always knew you were a little whore, but I never expected you’d go this far for some dick.” 
You’re just as baffled by his comment as you were by Bucky’s, but you’re not in any mood to entertain it. You just want to go home and hide. 
Stepping up to the car door, you attempt to reach for the handle but Steve moves to prevent you from doing so. “Please, just move out of my way.” 
“Why’d you do it?”
“Do what, Steve?” you huff, voice thick.
He pulls his phone out of his pocket, taps the screen a few times and finally turns it to face you. 
Your blood runs cold at the image of you in the shower— breasts visibly on show as is the small thatch of curls above your pussy. Soap and bubbles coat your skin as your head is tipped back, washing shampoo from your hair. 
“Dating my best friend is one thing, but to find out my slut of a stepsister has been trying it on with my teammates too?” 
A lump in your throat forms as your stomach starts to tie itself in nauseating knots. “I mean… I don’t… understand.” 
None of this makes any sense to you. 
“What’s there to understand? You made a Tinder profile and started sexting my buddies. You even asked Chris and Tony for a threesome!” 
Screwing up your nose, you try to hide your disgust at the thought of his friends naked. Yuck.
“No!” you protest, shaking your head furiously. “I didn’t! I don’t even have Tinder!” 
Steve brings up the profile in question and it’s unmistakably you. Your age, location, picture and a questionable bio that makes your heart drop. 
Young enough to be flexible, old enough to be experienced ;)  HMU xoxo 
You drive home in a rage. Who would want to make a fake profile for you? Why would they want to? To split you and Bucky up? You know of a handful of girls who didn’t take the news of you dating Bucky well, and you wouldn’t put it past them to do such a thing. High school girls are lethal but this seems like a step too far. Besides, how would they be able to get hold of such an intimate photo? Especially one you haven’t even taken yourself. Questions fire around in your brain one hundred per second as you try to figure out who’s behind all this.  
Who hates you? Who has access? Who’s cruel enough?
That’s when it hits you. The only person who would ever have this kind of access and would take a finite amount of pleasure in your social destruction, is the one you happen to live in the same house as.
His bedroom is already a mess when you start ransacking it, desperate to find any evidence to prove that your crazy theories aren’t unfounded. Could it really be Steve who set this whole profile up to sabotage your relationship? Is he really that twisted? 
It worries you more than it doesn’t surprise you. This isn’t the first time he’s tried to get between you and Bucky so it certainly makes sense. He’s never liked the idea of you dating his best friend. Come to think of it, you haven’t been on good terms since your parents got married. 
You’re about to open his nightstand when a rough, familiar voice booms from behind you. “What the fuck are you doing?” 
It makes you jump, but you manage to steady yourself just enough to bite back with, “Where is it, Steve?” 
“Where’s what?”
“The secret camera you use to take pictures of me.” 
He laughs. Like full on belly laughs. Amused that you’ve clearly had a psychotic break. “Are you fuckin’ high?” 
“I’m serious you asshole!” you storm over to him. “Is this what gets you off? Ruining my relationship because your best friend would rather spend time with your sister than you? What kind of sick pervert are you?” 
“Step sister,” he spits like venom as his eyes narrow to slits. “And watch your fuckin’ tone with me,” he warns. 
“If you think I’m going to talk to you respectfully when you’ve been catfishing me to the entire county then you’re more unhinged than I thought,” you hiss and out of pure fury, you push him. 
Steve’s cobalt eyes glare at you before he lunges forward, grabbing you by the throat and shoves you harshly against the wall. “And if you think I won’t have you thrown out of this house and sent back to that piece of shit you call a father, you’re more naive than I thought.” 
“Just wait ‘til I tell my mom what you’ve been doing.” You try to sound intimidating, but your voice comes out as a pathetic squeak.
He shrugs, seemingly unbothered by your threat. “Then I’ll just show her the messages you’ve sent me.”
Steve shakes his head with a little tut. “Whatever will she think when she finds out her perfect little angel has been pleading with her big brother to spit on her pussy while he fucks her in the ass?” 
You stare back at him, horrified. “You’re disgusting.”
His lips curl up into a cruel smirk. “You don’t know the half of it.”
Face down in a pile of Steve’s dirty clothes, the faint smell of his shower gel and the aftershave you hate clings to the material and in turn, sticks to you like syrup. He’s everywhere around you all at once— in the back of your throat as you inhale his scent and deep inside your ass as his balls slap wetly against your cheeks. There’s no escaping his presence, even when you try to disassociate and the sensory overload is enough to push you to the verge of tears yet again.
You can barely see over the laundry, but the view you do have of the mirror to your left is enough to make you wish you were struck blind. 
Steve’s behind you, hands pushing down on your shoulder blades to keep your ass high while he fucks it. The pain has long since fizzled away into a warped buzz of pleasure, and when he gently tugs on your ruined pink panties hanging from your drenched cunt, the lewd combination sends flames of heat right into the depths of your pelvis. 
The angle isn’t outright obscene, but you can see enough to anticipate his thrusts before they jolt your entire body. Tears wet your cheeks as he continues to fuck you, breathlessly shifting between berating and praising you. 
“Fuck, think this might be my new favorite hole,” Steve grits out, voice husky and thick.
He’s already come inside your pussy, plugging it shut with your underwear to keep his sticky-hot load from dripping out. 
“Don’t want any to go to waste,” he had sneered in your ear.
The wetness from your salty tears make the corners of your lips smart, and you blanch as you lick them away, the briny taste of Steve’s dick and your own juices still heavy on your tongue.
You don’t bother to protest— crying has gotten you nowhere so far, but the whimpers that escape you are purely a product of the force in which he drives himself back inside you. It’s clear he thinks you’re trying to beg him to stop, and in frustration he growls, ripping the panties from your cunt with a sharp tug. The sensation sends ripples through your core and you come unexpectedly with a muffled cry. Your body is exhausted from overstimulation, but you still find yourself shaking uncontrollably beneath him as your asshole tightens around his cock like a vice.
“Holy shit,” Steve grunts, laughter thick in his tone as he shoves the soaked cotton of your underwear past your lips. “Remember this moment next time you mouth off at me, little sis. I fuckin’ own you and this pretty little ass.”
ALL CE: @buckymydarlingangel @broadwaybabe18 @captain-asguard @chamberofsloths @cevansgurl @dreamlessinparis @deanwinchesterswitch @fandom-princess-forevermore @hurricanerin @jvstjewels @kellhems @la-cey @ladybug05 @livstilinski @ladydmalfoy @mugi-chwan95 @navybrat817 @otomefromtheheart @oneoftheprettynerds @patzammit @rebel-stardust @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @sammykb1994 @syrenavenger @straywords @saiyanprincessswanie @sunwardsss @selfsun @threeminutesoflife @vicmc624 @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @xoxonotme
4EVS: @amirra88 @andreasworlsboring101 @b3autyfuldisast3r @cheesyclaire @chibijusstuff @dangertoozmanykids101 @daughterofthenight117 @dandywinchesterbras @deangirl93 @doozywoozy @foxyjwls007 @geekofmanyforms @heyyouwiththeassbutt @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @ilovefanfic86 @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay @letsby @letsdisneythings @labella420 @mogaruke @maliburenee @notyourtypicalrose @nik2writes @obsessivelycapricious @patrick-hockslutter @princessmisery666 @phildunphyisadilf @roxyfan14-blog @sage-writing @sea040561 @sweeterthanthis @slutformarvelmen @simpformarvelmenandwoman @smokeandnailz @stoneyggirl @stoneyggirl2 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @thegirlnextdoorssister @unfortunate-brat @warriorqueen1991 @xoxabs88xox
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blimpintime · 1 year
Morale Boost Part 2- Stargazing
“Dynamite” F!Reader x Jake “Hangman” Seresin 
18+ minors please do not interact :)
Series with @imdoingmybest0​, go check out the Bob x F!Reader story they’re writing, our stories are intertwined :) !!!!
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The group ended up leaving shortly after their tour had ended and yet I couldn’t seem to get the blazing green eyes of the cocky pilot out of my head. Making my way towards the back office now that the work day was coming to a close, I see Sweetie muttering to herself in the break room but decide to give her a moment. Plus if there’s one thing on my mind and it’s the iced cold sweet tea on my desk. Practically chugging the drink after my day of running around I step back out into the breakroom and see Sweetie face down on a table, groaning nonsense into the air.
“What’s your deal Sweets?” I ask her with a gentle tone. She goes on to tell me about her nerves about going on a date with one of the Pilots from the private tour who had asked her out, Bob she said was his name. I offer up my support and tell her if needs anything I’m here. With that I start to head out for the day, packing up my tote bag that carries my personal items such as my headphones, laptop, wallet, etc. Forgetting that my day literally started off as Hell I realize it’s a long walk to my car than normal but since the museum is near a Navy Base it’s not the worst area. So, I pop on my headphones and play some rock music and start my trek to my car.
Patting the black dress slacks I have on to the rhythm of the music I listen to, I’m feeling the nice warm breeze and appreciating the weather is cooling off now that the sun has started to set. I pay attention to the beauty in the mundane of the neighboring buildings and the museum, I decide to take a picture of the sunset and send it to my sister who lives farther away from me than I’m happy with. Within minutes I’m receiving a call from her.
Between placing my headphones back into my bag and answering the phone, I am almost at my car.
“Sup slut.” She says as soon as I answer, “Hey hooker.” I retort with a laugh. We talk for my entire drive home about everything and anything. “I’m pulling up to my house right now, I’ll call you later this week. Love ya.” She responds and then hangs up. When I look down at my phone I notice a text from an unknown number, I’m assuming that’s Jake, and my thoughts are confirmed when I read what he wrote.
(***)***-****: Hon, it’s me, Jake ;)
I quickly change his name to Dollface and respond.
Dynamite: and?
Dollface: You wound me…
Dollface: u busy?
Dynamite: Im not looking for a hookup Jake.
Dollface: You’re more than that to me babe.
Dollface: Let’s go stargazing on the beach.
Dynamite: I literally don’t know you. I feel like I should be more concerned than I am.
Dollface: Promise I’ll be on my best behavior hon.
Dynamite: It’s getting to be dark…
Dollface: Duhhh that’s how we’ll see the stars.
Dollface: I’ll pick u up?
Dynamite: hmm…
Dynamite: Sure. you kill me tho, i’ll be pissed.
Dollface: couldn’t dream about hurting u darlin’.
We exchange addresses and I look up from my phone and notice my cheeks getting warm and noticed a smile grazing my lips. I quickly get up to change out of my work clothes into something a little more beach friendly and comfortable. Zipping up a light gray jacket and throwing on some basketball shorts, I hear a buzz from my phone and read the text that says “im here :)”.
I grab a throw blanket off my couch and slip my shoes on, lock the door behind me, and head towards his car… which is a convertible. That’s so hot. Way more than it should be, to be honest.
Jake gets out of the sage green car and opens the door for me, “Sexy car and a sexy man? What did I do to deserve such treatment?” I say flashing a grin at him as he got back into the car. He lets out a breath and smiles while he puts the car in reverse. “Exist,” he responded while putting his arm on the back of my seat to back the car out of its parking spot. I catch a motion of his smell, and it’s delightful. It smells like green apple and a hint of sandalwood, but not too much of either, it is subtle enough that he just smells fresh.
I want to bury my face in his neck. I try to catch myself staring at him before he does, but my efforts were futile. As he finished reversing the car he paused for a second before he switched gears and just stared at me with a soft smile. “You’re staring.” I say quietly, “So are you,” he responds just as gently. We are already so close it would be so easy just to lean in and kiss him. But I don’t, as much as I want to. I don’t. Instead, I lean back into my seat and grab his hand to hold on the way to the beach.
On the way to the beach, the drive was filled with comfortable conversation. I found out he has two sisters; one older and one younger. He found out I had one younger sister. His favorite color is forest green and mine is light pink. But I find myself starting to favor a bright green color as well. When we arrive at the beach I realize that we don’t really need the blanket unless we get cold, since Jake’s car has a detachable roof.
Jake gets out of the car and opens the trunk and grabs a mini cooler. When he sits back down in the car I just look at him in slight awe.
“You packed us a picnic?” I asked while feeling warm inside. “Well yeah, pretty much after the tour I went home and packed this and hoped you would say yes.” He said looking at me softly. Where did this man come from? And why does this feel slightly too good to be true?
“What would you have done if I said no?” I questioned, “I don’t want to think about that.” He responded. He glanced at me and then looked down at the cooler and started to pull drinks out of it, “Listen, I know we just met today but there is a flare about you that I just can’t seem to let go of quite yet,” He paused and handed me the can of soda he opened for me, “Forgive me for being so forward but in life there is no time to waste. I want to date you.” He finished with a slight drawl to his final words. “Now I’m not asking you to be my girlfriend yet. Heavy on the yet. But I am interested in you and want to get to know you.”
I take a sip of my soda and then look back at him, “Jake, I think I would really enjoy that.” He smiled a heartwarming smile at me and it’s moments like this that are hard for me to describe in words but there is something about this man that just makes me want to run into a sunset with him. “Okay Dollface, teach me about the stars,” I say. “Oh babe, I’m about to rock your world with my astrology knowledge.” He responds and I can’t help but laugh at him.
Further into the date and it’s reaching to be fairly late in the night and we’ve moved from the car to laying on the beach on the blanket. I try to hold in a yawn listening to Jake talk. “Ouch, I’m boring ya that much?” He says while pulling me closer to him, “No sorry Doll, has anyone told you before that your voice is super soothing?” I asked him with a tired tone to my voice. He just pulls me even tighter to him tucking my head underneath his neck and holding me to his chest. God I could stay like this forever. He’s so comforting and warm.
“Hon, you say things like that and it’s hard for me not to propose to ya.” He said, “You’ve already proposed once Doll, what’s a second time?” I murmur into his body. “No, the next time I ask you to marry me will be for real.” He responded softly. I look up at him and slightly pull away. “Jake,” I say as I look at his face that’s slightly illuminated by the moon reflecting off the ocean, I stare at his eyes and then take a glance down at his lips. He does the same.
“I’m sorry was that too corny?” He asked with a slight chuckle. “I kinda liked it.” I respond, “I like that you’re so confident in the fact that it’s me you see your future with. It’s actually really attractive.”  He responds with a look in his eyes one that makes my heart beat quickly “Babe I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life.” With that being said I grab the back of his neck and pull him in to kiss me.
He quickly grabs my waist and I move to straddle him. I pull slightly on his hair and a small noise comes out of him. He pulls me even closer to him and I can feel both of our growing excitement as the makeout continues. I slightly grind down on him and hear him let out another noise of enjoyment. He flips us over to make it where I am underneath him and he is now borderline laying on top of me. He starts kissing my neck and I can’t help but let a moan fall between my lips. “Jake, fuck.” He laughs, “I know baby, I know.” He kisses me again and gently pulls the zipper down from my jacket to make for easier access. He trails his lips down my neck and reaches in between my breasts. “Can I?” he asks as he looks up with his face nearly buried between my boobs. “Oh my god please,” I beg. He lets out a groan with my words and pulls my bra straps down just enough to allow access to them and gently takes a nipple in his mouth. “Oh fuck.” I moan out and push his head closer to my chest. He lets go of my nipple with a wet pop and looks at my face which is in complete awe of this man in front of me.
“We weren’t supposed to be going this far.” He says to me out of breath as he readjusts my bra and jacket for me, “I know. But does that make me a hypocrite if I want to take you home with me?” I ask. Referring to my text from earlier. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to Jake. But I am offering you to stay the night if you’d like.”
He leans up to kiss me and leaves a soft warm kiss on my lips and I gently kiss him back awaiting his answer. “Baby I would love to stay the night but I need to know you really want this. Because once I have you I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.”
A/N: heyyyyyy I hope y'all like part 2 heheh
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miniscule-meow · 3 months
Isabell and the Lads CH2: The Healing Process (2.3)
Writing Masterpost First Part| Last Part| Next Part Word Count: ~2.4k Warnings: Blood Mention
Marcus sets her down on the coffee table, carefully sliding her off of his palm. He sets her climbing hook down next to her before withdrawing his hands slowly. His blue eyes look her over, and he frowns when he sees the fresh blood seeping through her bandages.
“I’m sorry,” he says quietly, “about… all of this,” he adds. “With the dollhouse, I just wanted to make staying here as comfortable for you as possible. I thought that having somewhere you can go where things are basically your size… I thought that would be nice, I guess. I didn’t think about how… I just… I didn’t think. So… yeah. I’m sorry.”
“It’s… fine,” she says looking up at him. She was glad to be out of his hands, but now she has to look up at him, this feels almost worse. Even sitting down on the floor, his torso forms a solid wall in front of her. There is just no escaping how big these humans are. It feels like every time she looks up at one of them her heart stutters all over again, she doesn’t think she could ever get used to that.
And she isn’t going to have to. She assures herself.
As soon as she can climb, she’s out of here. As long as she can avoid being put in a cage, or a jar, she knows she’ll be able to escape.  She’ll be able to go home and pretend that this was all just a bad dream.
Zeke returns, a bundle of supplies in his arms. He sets everything down, arranging it all methodically on the coffee table, Marcus swipes the objects that he needs, chattering on about how they can try to make some supplies for her, to make things easier without having to use the dollhouse. Zeke mostly ignores him, but Isabell can see the way his brows twitch up, and how his eyes shift to his roommate every time he disturbs the supplies he’s laid out.
“Let me see your leg,” Zeke says evenly, she nods, her breath catching when his focus slides to rest solely on her.
Zeke’s eyes trace over the blood seeping through the bandages, his mouth presses flat in response. They only changed these a few hours ago, it can’t be a good sign that they’re already changing them again. With any luck, her stitches will be fine. She does not want to go through that process again.
His hands drift forward, and she can’t stop herself from sucking in a tense breath and holding it. Hands might forever be the bane of her existence. Fingers as long as she is tall, grabbing, pinching, squeezing. The sight of his hands reaching for her sparks a tessellation of memories to shatter across her mind.
Hands, shoving into her cramped hiding spaces, groping around blindly.
Hands capturing her roughly in a too tight fist.
Hands ripping open floorboards, wedging behind shelves, pulling away large furniture items.
Hands spreading her limbs, toying with her, bending her the wrong ways.
She knows he’s gentle, he’s done all this before and nothing like that happened. But it is still nerve wrecking to sit there and just let him touch her.  That goes against everything she is, everything she’s ever been taught.
“Your leg?” His voice brings her back to reality. She blinks, realizing suddenly her eyelashes are heavy with tears. She blinks them away rapidly, but there’s no hope of the human missing that. He's so observant it seems like he catches everything. His hand still hovers before her, his fingers shift as he fidgets with his empty hand. His eyes flick to hers, searching her face. He’s trying to help her, and she’s panicking about his hand. He hadn’t even touched her yet.
She can’t say her plan of making the humans think she trusts them is starting off very strong. So far, she’s had two, maybe three botched escape attempts, she’s panicked about a doll house, and she’s panicked about a hand being sort of near her. She needs to pull herself together before they put her back in the damn box.
“Sorry,” she says softly, quickly wiping her eyes. “Um I—” she doesn’t have an excuse, or an explanation for him. Not about this, not about the dollhouse. Not one that doesn’t involve her telling them about her entire life story. Considering how her throat is closing around her simple apology, she can’t imagine even attempting an explanation like that. “Go ahead,” she says with a sharp nod
Zeke doesn’t seem to respond, aside from letting go of a small sigh. He fiddles with his lip piercing and his brow pinch together, and his hand begins to slowly close the distance between them. She squeezes her eyes shut and turns her face away. His warm fingertip brushes against her leg. It doesn’t hurt, but she balls her hands into tight fists beside herself. She clenches her teeth and just repeats, you’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay inside her mind until he finishes taking care of her leg.
As soon as Zeke is finished, he silently collects the first aid kit, and walks off without sparing her a glance. Isabell takes a deep breath and inspects his handiwork. The bandage is neat and clean. He has incredible dexterity for someone of his size.
“While you’re up, grab a hot glue gun,” Marcus calls after him. He’s holding the remote and is preoccupied with something on the TV. He seems wholly unperturbed by Zeke’s cold nature. She wonders if that means that she shouldn’t read too much into it, or if Marcus is simply in his own world. Maybe both of those things could be true. “Have you ever seen The Lord of the Rings?” he asks her. She doesn’t know what that is, so she just shakes her head. “Hm. Okay,” he says with a frown and a determined nod, “We’ll be fixing that,” he turns back to the TV. “You know, just so we’re clear here, I’m considering you my third roommate.” He grins a bold toothy smile down at her. “Zeke probably won’t say it, but I know he feels the same way too,” Marcus leans in, dropping his voice to a playful stage whisper, “He doesn’t like talking about his feelings, but he has them. Don’t let him fool you,” he chuckles sitting upright once more. “But seriously, I don’t want you to worry about us thinking you’re,” he grimaces, unable to bring himself to say what he’s thinking. A toy, a pet, He redirects instead, “I don’t want you to worry. You’re our roommate, nothing less. Cool?”
“I…” She knows that she could never truly be their roommate. Living out in the open, existing in the same space as humans comfortably? As if. But this is a step in the right direction. They wouldn’t lock a roommate up in a jar. But of course, she hasn’t entirely ruled out the possibility that he’s telling her what she wants to hear, just like she’s doing for them. So, she quickly redirects her words, “I don’t even have a job,” she says quietly. Marcus’s brow pinches together in response.
“You… what?” he asks with a chuckle, caught off guard by her statement.
“I don’t have a job!” She repeats, “I don’t have money, I can’t go to the store or help with chores or do anything. Zeke told me about all of that human stuff today. How am I supposed to be your roommate if all you’re doing is taking care of me the whole time?” She frowns.
“Hey, that doesn’t matter,” he says, gesturing with the remote as he speaks, “Your job right now is just to rest and heal, alright? After that, we can figure something out. If you want some kind of chore, or job, or way to pay rent to make you feel better, then sure, you got it. That’s if you decide you want to stick around, of course. We just need to make sure your leg gets better first, Okay?” Marcus offers an encouraging smile. She finds herself awestruck by his confidence. He’s so sure that everything is going to be alright. His expression wraps a fuzzy warmth around her, like he’s just wrapped her in a blanket.
“Okay,” she says, a small smile spreading across her own face despite herself. This human is all too good at this game. Marcus turns his attention back to the TV.
Zeke returns not too long after that, settling back down on the floor beside Marcus. It’s obvious that he’s trying not to stare at her. After handing Marcus the hot glue gun, his eyes flick across the table, landing on just about everything else, except for her. Ultimately, he finds nothing to keep his attention, and settles for looking down at his hands.
“Zeke, she’s never seen The Lord of the Rings,” Marcus states, “Can you believe that?” He looks at him incredulously.
“When would she have seen… any movie?” Zeke returns, looking up to raise a brow in Marcus’ direction.
“That’s… huh. You have a point,” Marcus murmurs, then after a pause, he starts the movie and hands Zeke a bag of doll clothes. Zeke’s shoulders relax as he’s given a task to keep himself occupied
“What do you think?” Marcus asks, his attention turns back to her now that he’s laid out all of their craft supplies.
“This is…” She shakes her head, taking a second to truly look over all of the supplies they set out. She finds herself once again unable to find the right words, “this is… amazing,” she breathes the word, awestruck. She has access to everything she could ever need, right here. Typically, she can only work with things she can find. Things that humans wouldn’t miss. And of course, things she’s able to carry back with her. Objects that check all those boxes are unsurprisingly fairly difficult to find. But in a matter of minutes, the humans have placed an endless world of possibilities right in front of her.
A chill breaks through her excitement. All it costs her is her dignity and her freedom. Her smile faulters.
Marcus is beaming, obviously pleased that she’s finally starting to look happy. Zeke steals glances at her, looking up from his task of seam ripping the Velcro away from the doll garments.  Even he has a ghost of a smile playing across his lips.
The humans are pleased. They like that they did something to make her happy. She’s on the right track.  She shoves all other thoughts from her mind.
“You’re big into crafting then?” Marcus asks.
“I kind of have to be,” she says with a short laugh. “Everything I have, I have to make it out of repurposed human things. It’s my favorite part though. It’s like solving a puzzle,” she pauses, right, borrowing is generally frowned upon in the human world. They call it stealing or thief-ing something like that. “um, I only take things that wouldn’t be missed though,” she adds quickly. “And if I do find something really good, I try to repay the favor. Y-you know uh just little things. A trinket for a trinket. Or maybe a small repair like a torn curtain or a watch or… I don’t know stuff like that, it kind of depends on the human. But, um I don’t just take stuff.”
“It sounds like you’re basically a professional,” Marcus comments,
“I guess,” Isabell says with a shrug, thankful that he didn’t hang on the part about her taking stuff. She tries to remember if she’s ever gotten anything really good from this apartment. Something they might be sour about losing. She can’t come up with anything off the top of her head. “I’ve got some pretty cool things I’ve made back in my room. I’d show you but you wouldn’t be able to fit.” a playful grin spreads across her face as she talks.
“You’ll just have to recreate some of it, show me what you’ve got,” Marcus matches her energy effortlessly.
Everyone works in a comfortable quiet, with the movie playing on in the background. Zeke focuses on adjusting some of the doll clothes, Marcus is opening packages of little furniture and plates, doll things. Once he’s finished with that, they take stock of what they have. They have a lot of the basics covered. could stand to make a little kitchen and some other odds and ends, like a bookshelf. Marcus asks if he can help her with anything. She agrees, delegating to him the task of cutting popsicle sticks.
“You weren’t kidding, you’re really good at this stuff,” Marcus comments when the bookshelf they’re making is nearly complete.
“Like I said, I just have some experience,” she says, looking up at him.
“This is like, carpenter level stuff though. It’s seriously impressive,” he leans in close to inspect her handywork.
“Thanks. I- well, I was going to say I can typically work a little faster when it doesn’t hurt to stand, but actually, since you were cutting things for me, I think that might have made up for the lost time,” she says, moving herself over to her new couch.
“I’m glad I could help,” he says, watching the limp in her step and glancing over to Zeke, “Is your leg feeling alright?” he asks.
“I’m fine. I think I just need to take a break,” she sits down. For being doll furniture, the couch is surprisingly comfortable. As soon as she’s sitting, the exhaustion she’s been ignoring pounces on her, like it was waiting for her to let her guard down.  
“A break sounds good to me,” Marcus says, standing and stretching.
His full height towers over her, and she thought the sight of him sitting in front of her had been intimidating. Her heartbeat speeds up, dredging the last remaining ounces of adrenaline up to fight off her exhaustion once more. It feels like a losing battle, and she’s left feeling jittery and sluggish all at once. She would love to be able to close her eyes and sleep all of this off. She would love it even more if she could wake up already back home in the safety of the walls. But she knows that’s not going to happen. And she knows she doesn’t have a chance of getting any kind of sleep while there are humans there to watch her.
“Do you want a snack or something?” Marcus asks, already making his way to the kitchen.
“Okay.” She mumbles, though it’s likely that Marcus didn’t hear her. He was going to make a snack regardless.
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vintagelacerosette · 14 days
Weekly Tag game (Catch up)
Forgive meee I am late but I had the other one in my drafts & I hadn't be able to finish it off yet 😅
I was tagged by these sweethearts 💖💕💖
Jessica @guinguin1984 Julia @blue-disco-lights Deanna @deedala Georgia @iansw0rld
Face @burninface Jaclyn @crossmydna Evie @energievie
Bri @y0itsbri Lyle Lyle crocodile @kiinard Macy @heymacy
Mel @gardenerian Sarah @sleepyheadgallavich Julissa @heymrspatel
Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Kat @mybrainismelted Ling @lingy910y
Name: Shermyn
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (or you): Sydney in the western part  
Ok, so this week we are going to snoop into your google search. Type in each phrase and tell us what the first suggestion is that google gives you!
What is the best way to….rule? (hehe nice maybe my Leo tendencies 🤣🦁
This is what I saw on Quora
1) Become a community organizer · 2) Learn to speak eloquently · 3) Tell people what they want to hear · 4) Sell your soul to the Devil · 5) ...
Where can I…. watch Saltburn? (it's on my watch list haha) Amazon Prime
How old is…. Taylor Swift? (i didn't search this but i guess she's top result) 34
How long does it take… to get to mars? (wow a fun one) Now quoting NASA, "If jt all goes well, you'll get to the Red Planet in about seven ot eight months." ♂️🔴
How many… states in Australia? Six states 🇦🇺
Who set the record for…. the highest jump? Javier Sotomayor good job my dude 👏
When did….michael jackson die? 25 june 2009 (woah I started 1st year of high school then)
What does it feel like to… to be in love? (ummm ive never searched that but damn a pointed search 😭😭😭) Reddit says "when you wake up thinking of that person & go to bed thinking of them"
Can you…go parasailing in sydney? (So me bc i missed out when i was in the Philippines 🥲) You can't anymore booo 👎
Why do… i sweat so much? Google says could he nerves that trigger it.
Is there a way… to save karlach? I really wanna play Baldur's gate 3 what's gonna happen to her?? I love her?? 🥺
How old do you have to be… to work? (boooo i don't wanna work but i want money 😩) In NSW minimum age for full time work is 17
Where do the… kardashians live? (i don't care) Malibu
What is the best time to… to go to fiji? (aaayee holiday??) June to September
And to finish us off…. What comes up when you type in Shameless? shameless last episode date
11 April 2021 I needed it for my gallacrafts 🥹
Name: Myn
Age: 27
Astrological sign: Leo ♌️
Upon which continent do you reside: Stralia 🦘
tell us how you're feeling right now using 3-5 emojis: 🥶💸🤔🤫🤗
whats your favorite flavor of gum? Juicy fruit but the flavour never lasts long
whats the last movie you watched? Anastasia for my nieces first viewing 😆 It mostly became a sing-a-long with my big sis 🎤
what was your worst subject in high school? Maybe science?
whats the job you stayed at for the shortest period of time? Working for a weekend event at a convention centre for the active wear brand Lorna Jane. I got lost on the 1st day & didn't get paid for that 15 min 😅
whats your favorite thing to do at an amusement park? Try all the interesting foods 😋
what condiments go on top of the perfect hot dog (meat or plant-based)? BBQ sauce & caramelised onions 🌰
cincinnati chili, thoughts? Never heard of it!
do you sleep with a plushie? No my plushies are on a shelf bc I can get kicked out of my room every 2nd weekend bc my sister & her family takes it over haha. But worth it to have my baby niece over 🥰
how do you feel about thunderstorms? No strong emotions. It's cool when boom
what's the last animal you touched? My dog Roxy 🐕 ❤️
grab the nearest item with words on it that ISNT a book and tell me the final word: Tulip on this korean dry shampoo I'm trying 🌷
have you ever forgotten to do an assignment until the night before its due? Oh I was organised at knowing darw but procrastinated the hell out of the assignment until the due date. Then trying to finish the night before 😅 I found an old diary entry calling myself a dumb bitch for doing that to myself & saying to never do it again (she did) 😭
Not tagging anyone bc LATE but if you wanna play consider yourself tagged! 🩷🐇
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jahayla-parker · 10 months
Symmetrical Healing: Kaz Brekker × Sister!Reader
Part 1
Description and Warnings: view mini-series navigation
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“Kaz,” y/n sighed, following after her brother as he stormed to the back of the Crow Club. She knew Kaz was aware of what she was vaguely scolding him over. Just as she knew he was ignoring her as to not have to talk about it. “It’s her choice,” y/n said softly as they entered the back room.
Jesper had tracked down Inej and told her about their upcoming heist. The intent of the heist wasn’t to save Sankta Alina per se, but rather to comply with Sturmhond’s request that just so happened to involve the Sun Summoner. But, the brief relation was enough to bring Inej back to the Crow Club demanding a role in the heist. Or, at least that’s what Inej claimed was the reason she’d returned after Kaz had sent her away.
“I never said it was not,” Kaz argued as he began to sort through his supplies. It was a distraction really, the items having already been sorted upon their arrival. Both siblings knew it was a futile effort to not think on the subject at hand. Yet, Kaz kept his eyes glued to the items even as he felt his sister’s knowing stare.
Y/n shook her head and hopped up onto an old wooden crate beside Kaz. “She’s here because she cares. The Crows are her family, Kaz, you can’t-“.
“She’s here for Sankta Alina,” Kaz scoffed dismissively. He spared a sideways glance at his sister, but ignored the exasperated expression she sent his way. “Besides, just because The Wraith has set her mind to this, doesn’t mean I need to assist her in the poor decision,” he argued.
Y/n groaned and shook her head. “You are both stubborn,” she murmured, “truthfully afraid to see how that all pans out in the end”. Y/n smirked when Kaz glared at her. “Nonetheless, you know you’re making this harder on yourself than it needs to be, right?”
“Making what harder, y/n?” Kaz sighed, turning to face his sister. He felt his entire body freeze and his face drain of color when y/n whispered the four words he never expected her to say, “your crush on Inej”. Kaz grabbed his cane, squeezing the crow’s head for dear life. “I have no such feelings. I don’t have any positive emotions for anyone,” he protested with a sharp stare.
“You do for me,” y/n argued breezily.
Kaz sighed and nodded once. “You’re my sister,” he replied, “but that’s all. No one else, no one”.
Y/n rolled her eyes, “keep telling yourself that, because with the way you’re acting, one day you’re going to need that to be true”. She sighed dramatically as she lowered herself off the crate, her feet loudly hitting the floor under her. “I’m going to get ready. Play nice,” y/n teased. “They matter to me,” she added sincerely, sending Kaz a look before exiting the back room.
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Y/n watched Nina and Kaz from the rooftop nearby with Inej. She bit her lip anxiously, her own nerves starting up as she watched her brother remove his gloves. Y/n knew what it was like to crave the intimacy of physical touch yet despise even the thought of such contact. It was a trauma response they’d both developed after the Queen’s Lady Plague. So even just watching her brother from afar as he prepared to allow Nina to touch his bare skin for the sake of their cover story, had y/n on edge.
Inej sensed y/n’s nerves and found herself quickly looking between where Kaz and Nina were and y/n. But, Inej knew y/n could keep it together. Not only was she not the one about to be touched, but her brother needed her to stay strong; and so, y/n would. Inej had seen such a dynamic from both of them to each other countless times. It made her longing for her own family that much more pressing.
“Brekker, just breathe,” Nina murmured, setting her hand atop Kaz’s on the small coffee table.
Y/n leapt up from her crouched position at the moment of contact. She could practically see the anxiety attack building inside her brother before his body even had time to react. Y/n whispered to Inej to follow their target before she rushed to the edge of the roof to begin her descent.
Y/n watched in heartbreaking horror as Kaz tried to push his way through the crowd of people lining the street. She winced with each new contact his body made, the terror in his eyes increasing exponentially. Y/n tugged her gloves from her pockets, not needing them in most cases as Kaz never let anyone touch her and let her from tasks where she’d have to touch others. But, she kept a pair on her at all times just in case as neither sibling had let anyone apart any outside in on their touch aversions so if she found herself in a situation requiring it, she’d need a barrier on her. She also had it on her, for situations like this. In which she needed could be there for Kaz.
Y/n slid her gloves on, the barrier helping both herself and Kaz as she wrapped her arms around his flailing body and pulled him to the side of the street. Once they reached an entryway to an abandoned shop, she positioned her brothers back against the stones for support. Y/n carefully dug into Kaz’s coat pockets, pulling out his own pair of black leather gloves. She smiled faintly in relief as she passed them to him.
Kaz gripped onto to the gloves for dear life. His breathing was still erratic, the imaginary water in his chest slamming against his rib cage. Kaz was mostly out of it, but he could sense his little sister y/n was beside him. Just far enough away to not touch him and trigger either of them any further, but close enough to feel her warmth. Kaz always loved that about her, how warm she was. It always helped pull him out of his anxiety attacks after feeling someone’s cold skin. It didn’t fix the issue but knowing his sister was still alive and by him always helped speed up the recovery.
Kaz was still struggling to regulate himself when he realized Inej was behind y/n. Kaz had ordered both girls to follow their target upon the conclusion of the meeting he and Nina had with her. He’d planned it and told them of their task from the moment he explained the whole plan to the crows. Yet here they both were. He felt guilty as he knew it was because of him they were here. They should’ve been doing their job not worried about him. Kaz let his guilt come out as a scolding instead as he shot them an irritated look despite his shuddering. “You were supposed to follow her”.
Y/n swallowed thickly as she slowly backed up from her bother as she saw he was coming back to his senses more. She sighed as she realized she had failed him. Sure she’d told inej to go after their target still, but as Kaz’s sister, y/n was also a higher up in their group and supposed to see to things and yet here she was with inej who knows how far away from their target.
“We couldn’t leave you, not like this,” Inej mumrured, knelt beside the siblings.
Y/n saw the despair and shame on her brothers face and realized her actions likely made this worse for him. Another way she was a failure when it came to helping her brothers. She meant to help him through his anxiety attack but simultaneously unconsciously brought inej even if he claimed to not like her to him during such a vulnerable state. Y/n shot Kaz an apologetic look before she silently leapt up from the ground and rushed off.
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Taglist: @dil3mma @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @winstonthecow22 @alex-kazbrekkersimp @wolfmoonmusic @phoenix666stuff @kentucky-criedfricken @twlegit @valeridarkness @shara-ne @crazyhearttragedy @opheliaofficial07 @historynerd77 @missdreamofendless @nikfigueiredo @el-de-phi @adalia-jaycee
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37 notes · View notes
wardenparker · 2 years
You’re So Vain - Chapter 11
Dieter Bravo x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst​
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Oscar winning star Dieter Bravo’s reputation is suffering after the debacle of “Cliff Beasts 6″ and “Beasts of the Bubble”, so his management team has signed him on to a publicity stunt to find his soulmate and show the world a softer side of the erratic and unpredictable star. The plan quickly go awry, though, when Dieter’s soulmate wants nothing to do with him.
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+! Word Count: 12.9k Warnings: *Blanket warning for chronic illness, cursing, and deceased family members. This is a Dieter fic, folks, so there absolutely will be discussions of drugs, drug use, and addiction.* Enemies to lovers, food/alcohol consumption, the YEARNING, mutual pining, sex toys in public, so much teasing, bathroom sex, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, sex toy sex, mention of age gap, dash of a praise kink (use of ‘good boy’), SO MANY good things! Summary: There are more birthday shenanigans in store, both in Basel and in Geneva - and it’s getting harder every second not to tell Dieter how you feel. Notes: I have a *lot* of feelings about these two, okay? Don’t look at me like that 👀👀
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10
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There's a little cafe across the street from the tattoo shop where Dieter made your appointment, and you're amused to see that the place is owned and operated by American ex-pats when you walk in the door. The woman out front is around your age, and she starts to greet you in German automatically but halts when she recognizes Dieter.
"Oh my God, Dieter Bravo!" She flutters, immediately looking around when she realizes she was so loud. "I mean, uh, I— hi! Welcome! Would you like a table?"
Dieter smiles, nodding at the enthusiastic woman. "We would." He acknowledges, keeping his hand firmly in yours.
The place is cozy and full of nooks and crannies where tables have been tucked for privacy, and the woman sits you at a nicely secluded table before handing off two menus and blushing all over again about how unbelievable it is that Dieter Bravo is in her restaurant. After another moment she’s gone again, off to grab your drinks and leaving you to settle into the plush chairs at your little table.
Looking around, Dieter spots the signs for the bathroom and looks back over at you with a grin. "So, uh, you wanna go first?" He asks, waggling his brows playfully. "Go slip your little toy inside you?"
The bag from the toy shop is discreet and plain, and more importantly it’s still in your hand under the table. “I’ll be right back,” you promise him, leaning over to quickly kiss his cheek before disappearing around the corner toward the bathrooms.
Dieter grins, barely able to look at the menu as he keeps sneaking glances at the little hallway leading to the bathrooms. Eager to see how you react to a toy inside you.\
The bathroom here is clean and small, just big enough for you to spread out all the instructions for your new toy and give it a wash before making sure it’s set comfortably inside you. Nerves over the upcoming appointment might have made that part difficult but all you can think about is how much fun Dee is going to have – literally – toying with you while you eat and it’s made you plenty ready. When you walk back out to the table you’re trying to smother a splitting grin and shifting ever so slightly when you walk, adjusting to the item nestled inside you.
The drinks have been deposited and Dieter is watching you closely as you walk back, grinning wildly. “I guess it’s my turn now, right?” He asks, nodding to the bag and the remaining toy still inside.
“Go for it.” You hand him the bag with a grin and settle down in your seat. “Do you want me to order for you?” The app that will control his ring is already downloaded to your phone, and you plan on glancing through the settings while he’s putting it on.
Dieter smirks and winks at you. “You choose what I’m having.” He challenges as he slides out of the chair and heads off to the bathroom.
“Me,” you mumble, watching him go with a fond shake of your head. When the owner comes back you order bratwurst and rösti for Dieter and something called a tartiflette for yourself, figuring that it will likely be late tonight by the time you eat dinner and a filling lunch is a good idea.
In the bathroom, Dieter is quickly stripping down his pants and boxers, wrapping his hand around his cock to start stroking it. Needing to be fully hard to get a tight fit around his cock and balls when he puts it on. “Fuck.” He hisses, knowing he’s going to enjoy the ache and it will make it better when he fucks you tonight. He carefully fits the device over his cock after he washes it, groaning as he pulls his clothes back up.
It would be a massive understatement to say you've never done anything like this before. You've never dated anyone like Dieter before, and on your own you probably never would have thought of doing something like playing with remote control sex toys at lunch. You shift in your seat as you wait for him to come back, texting Steph for the couple of minutes that you're alone. It's early in LA and Nora just woke her up, but she had sent you a birthday text right away.
From Stephy: Hey Birthday girl! Is Dieter treating you right for your day?
Steph sends as soon as she gets your text. She hopes that Dieter is making it special even though she knows you will think the trip to the museum is enough.
You write back immediately, grinning at the screen like an idiot while you open your camera to take a selfie wearing the flower crown that he had made for you that morning.
To Stephy: And I have a flower crown. Which is going to become a mandatory birthday element from now on.
From Stephy: Oh my Godddddd😍😍😍😍 He is being such a sweetheart. How romantic! 💘💘💘
Her heart is melting and she owes Dieter a huge hug for making this a special day for you in a way that is meaningful. Hopefully he knows how much that means to you.
To Stephy: He’s been super sweet today. And…adventurous 😇
From Stephy: REALLY? 👀👀 How so?
She is practically giggling to herself over how happy you sound through the texts.
To Stephy: Let’s just say we took advantage of having a private car on the train on the way here…and we just stopped by a very special kind of toy store before lunch…
Giving her the fun and gossipy news before you get to the much more serious item on your mind is definitely a good thing. Today is just about having fun, and you have had that in spades today.
From Stephy: Oh my God! That’s amazing! It sounds like a VERY happy birthday indeed!
She wants to ask how you are feeling about everything, but she doesn’t want to upset you. Wanting to be your cheerleader above all while you are gone.
To Stephy: I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been grinning like an idiot all day.
When it comes to it, your fingers hover over the keyboard for an extra minute before you hit send, finding that it’s just too soon to be admitting it to anyone beside yourself. And maybe it’s even too early for that, too.
From Stephy: I would be grinning like an idiot too. A private train car with sex, a private museum tour of your favorite piece and a sex toy adventure? Yeah I would be on cloud nine.
When Dieter reappears around the corner you can practically feel yourself light up, and it’s one more tick on the checklist of evidence for yourself that you can deal with later. Right now, you’re just going to accept that it’s okay to be happy to see your soulmate.
To Stephy: I love you, and I miss you, and I love/miss Nora too. We’re going to have lunch and go get my tattoo Text you a picture later!!
“Hey.” Dieter is grinning with the secret of what he is wearing. “How’s it going?” He waggles his eyebrows and glances pointedly at your lap under the table.
"Oh, ya know," you give his grin right back to him and shift at the table, feeling the toy move only slightly inside you. "Just sitting around totally normal like nothing at all is special about today whatsoever."
“Yeah.” He winks and reaches to hand you the paper to connect the app to the toy. “We might have to change that.”
With your phone already in front of you, you start putzing with the app that controls his toy and shove the paper away in your purse as soon as you're done. "Are you..."Glancing across the table at him, you end up biting your lip on the question. Having no familiarity with men's toys, you don't really know what he's feeling right now. "Comfortable? Like...does it feel good even before it's turned on?"
“It’s like your hand is around me and applying just the right amount of pressure.” He tells you, opening up his own phone and selecting the app for your toy.
"Oh, so you're really feeling good." There are so many settings on your phone screen right now that you almost don't know where to start, so you select the lowest possible vibration to begin with and toss him a smirk before hitting the On button.
Dieter jumps his eyes widening and nearly crossing, clamping his lips together so he doesn’t moan like the whore he is right now. “Fuuuuuuuck.”
"Oh...do you like that?" You nearly cackle with delight, barely managing to keep your glee to yourself because you know that eye roll. That's the way his eye roll back slightly and his eyelids flutter when you put your mouth on him.
He manages to push the button on the app to activate your own toy. Wanting to see your own reaction to the toy inside your cunt.
For a second, right when the buzzing inside your body begins, you completely freeze. It’s not like you’ve never had a vibrator inside you before but you’ve never had one in in public and you clap one hand over your mouth as soon as you can move again to stifle any noise threatening to break through. Fuck, it’s like heaven and this is only the lowest setting.
He groans quietly, seeing the way your entire body lights up. It makes his cock throb even more and he shoots you a grin. “You like it?”
“Yes.” There’s no use in being shy about it, especially when he’s the one with the control.
Dieter smirks and slides down in his own seat slightly, feeling the way that the toy vibrates around him. “This is— it’ll keep me from cumming.” He tells you with a pant. “Edging me.”
“So we just bought you your new best friend?” One hand across the table reaches for his just to have a little bit of contact, but with the other you tap the controls on your phone, selecting a slightly less predictable pattern of vibration.
He grunts, biting his lip and smirking at you when he increases the intensity and puts it on a burst pattern. “How’s your friend.”
“G—good.” Barely managing to paint on a perfectly convincing normal smile when your food arrives at the table, you relax again in your chair the second the owner has gone again. “Fuck,” you groan softly and grin.
Dieter chuckles softly. “Yep, this is going to be fun.” He tells you after his own toy falls still for a moment.
“Add it to the list of things I didn’t know I liked until I tried them.” You can fully admit that, as the thrill of possibly being caught is making the whole thing that m much more fun.
His smirk is dirty, and he leans in and sends you a small wink. “Kind of like you didn’t know you would like my cock until you took a ride on it?” He smirks again before he adjusts the intensity of your toy.
“Kind of.” Each time he ramps up the speed or changes the pattern of your vibrator you have to swallow a moan and you can feel how hot your cheeks are getting just from being turned on. “How was I supposed to know?”
“Hmmmm.” Dieter pretends to think about it. “Good question.”
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes at him, though now the words and the action are full of affection that you hadn’t even dreamt of two weeks ago.
He smirks at you before the next jolt of vibration hits him and his eyes flutter closed. “Hnnnnnnngh.”
“Eat your lunch, babe.” The idea of doing terribly mundane things while being simultaneously doing something adventurous has far more appeal for you than you thought it would, and you pick up your fork with a grin.
Dieter huffs, finding it harder than he imagined since he is doing this with you. “Have a bite of mine.” He insists, forking up a bite and holding it out to you.
There’s no way you’re going to make this easy on him, especially not when he’s chosen a very…energetic pattern of vibrations on your toy. Leaning forward, you wrap your lips around the bite of food and let your eyelids flutter shut, humming a soft moan that is only thirty percent about the food and seventy percent about the vibrator currently playing your clit like an expert musician. “Delicious.”
“Savor it baby.” He coos, giving you a shit-eating grin. He sees the riot of expressions on your face and he loves it. Loves knowing that you are being so dirty with him.
“So bossy today.” It’s as surprising to you admit is to him that you like it so much, but it’s really just that you see now that it’s a different way of prioritizing your pleasure. Different from his usual submission, where he’ll do nearly anything you ask.
He smirks and shoots you a look that asks if you’re surprised. “What? You think I can’t be bossy?” He challenges playfully.
“More like I’m surprised that I like it,” you laugh, shifting and squeezing your thighs together in your seat while you pick up another fork full of food. “I’m not…I don’t usually like taking orders. I guess there’s always exceptions that prove the rule, right?”
“A secret switch.” Dieter hums, happy that he could help you discover things about yourself. It was always fun.
“Something like that.” Maybe it’s just that you have never been with anyone long enough for them to care about trying different things together. Maybe it’s the fact that you actually have feelings for him - which is a whole other can of worms - that makes time with him fun and exciting. Who knows?
“Well, we’ll see how well you take orders later tonight.” He winks at you with a grin.
“Oh really?” While the confidence of that comment would normally have you clenching down around nothing, this time your eager cunt squeezes the toy buried inside you and you barely manage to stifle a whimper at how amazing it feels. You’re not going to last much longer at all with how good the vibrator feels and a new set of sexy daydreams in your mind.
“Mhm.” Dieter takes a bite of his food and moans quietly, both from the taste and the way that the toy is making him ache just a bit more from stimulation. “The birthday girl needs spankings after all.”
“It’s true. I do.” Tossing him a wink, you practically giggle. “I’ve been a very good birthday girl. I earned them.” Temporarily, the vibrating deep in your pussy stops and you’re able to breath. “God, the other people in our floor are going to be so glad when I leave.” You snort, smothering a giggle with one hand as it turns into a moan when the vibration pattern on your toy kicks in again. Some other hotel guests on your floor had walked into the elevator just in time to see Dee’s hand down your pants two days ago and they had immediately scuttled away to take the stairs - leaving you and Dieter laughing hysterically in their wake.
“I’m going to pout when you leave.” It’s true, he will pout. He’s enjoyed this time with you, not even having one argument with you. Maybe it was the sex or maybe it was that word that keeps bouncing around in his brain. “Have to FaceTime you when I’ve got my hand wrapped around my cock.” He will stick with sex for now, not wanting to scare you off or make things between you go back to the way they were.
“Never gonna be able to answer a call from you with Nora in the room, am I?” Rolling your eyes at him like it’s some huge deal, you end up laughing again. “Small price to pay for getting to watch you jerk off, I guess.”
“You could always watch me tonight on the train ride back to Geneva.” He teases.
“Interesting…” Actually the suggestion is surprisingly appealing and you squirm a little in your seat. “You wanna give me a little show?”
“Wanna give you a lot of things.” Dieter grunts, cock twitching in the ring and he doesn’t miss the opportunity to leer at you.
There’s no explaining away the way that such an obviously dirty thought - intended to be dirty - makes your heart and stomach flip. You can’t excuse it or wave it off. You are feeling that thing and you just need to tell your heart to shut the hell up and let your cunt run the show. That’s the part of you that you know for certain that he likes - the rest of it is only marginally less than a question mark. “Like what?” You prompt, tapping your fingers against your phone screen on the tabletop and grinning when the intensity on his cock ring ramps up by another degree.
“Shit.” He hisses softly, squirming in his own seat for a moment and it’s on the tip of his tongue to blurt out something that is way too heavy for this flirty banter. “Like this load of cum that’s building up.”
“I could let you cum down my throat before we go to my appointment.” If these toys were ever intended to help keep your hands off of each other, then you were both lying to yourselves. If anything, you just want him more at this point.
Dieter practically keens at the idea, his eyes bright with lust. “After we eat.” He pants out.
Your lips curl up in a smirk, watching him apply himself to his lunch with as much dedication as he possibly can. You only have a few more bites left and they’re gone quickly enough – already deciding you’re going to want him to fuck you in that bathroom. He can still cum down your throat, but you’re craving having him inside you again.
His own food is quickly bolted down, barely even tasting it in his eagerness to get you alone again. Biting his lip when the owner brings the check, and he hums as hands her his card. “It was great.” He tells her. “Best lunch.”
“Meet you in there?” After giving your compliments to the owner - the food really was good, you’re just distracted as hell - you slip away to the bathroom to wait for him. It gives you an extra second to take out the vibrator and clean it, wanting to save that incredible feeling of fullness for tonight in the hotel room when you can savor it. This? This is the definition of a quickie and it’s all you can do not to shove two fingers up your pussy and play with yourself while you wait.
“Would you need anything else?”
Dieter practically flies through his signature, leaving a 100% tip and biting his lip as he looks up at the woman who owns the restaurant. “Yeah.” Dieter pants. “Just, uh, don’t blast us online.” He tells her cryptically before he bolts from the table and hurries to the bathroom without even waiting for her answer.
“Took you long enough.” The second he’s through the door, you’re reaching for him. Crushing your lips against his and fumbling with the lock behind his back like some kind of sex-starved maniac. Sex-starved. That’s laughable. You’ve never had this much sex in your life and yet you’re still completely insatiable when it comes to him.
“Fuck.” Dieter loves sex, fucking loves it, but there’s something about you that just has him eager every fucking time you crook your finger. His lips trail down your throat. “Th-that eager to s-suck my c-cock?” He stutters out when the toy goes off again and makes him whine when your hand moves to cup him.
“Want you to f—fuck me.” He’s learned every sensitive spot on your body better than even you know them, and you shudder at the way he nips your skin. “Still gonna have you cum down my throat though. Fuck.”
“Love it.” Dieter is immediately agreeing, pushing you back against the bathroom sink and thanking God that there is plenty of room for you to sit on it. His fingers fumble with the button of his jeans and he pulls them down quickly, not even bothering to try to take off the cock ring. “I— fuck, I’ll cum if I try to fuck you without it.” He’s too needy right now, and he wants to see how he can make you cum with this on.
“Took mine out already.” Shifting backward on the edge of the broad sink counter, you mentally congratulate yourself for the excellent decision to wear both a dress and open panties today. “We can play with it again tonight,” you promise him, even as your fingers dig into his sides and your thighs spread wide for him. “Need you right the fuck now.”
It’s all he needs to hear and those words from your lips makes his cock throb even more. Desperate to feel your silken walls around him, Dieter quickly shuffles forward and lines up. It’s not slow, the way that the toy roars to life again has him stabbing his hips forward in a choked cry, filling you to the hilt.
The only way you manage not to scream is by muting the sound against his lips, pouring his name into a kiss instead of letting the whole restaurant know what you’re getting up to behind a locked door. The extra sensation from the pulsing and vibrating toy has you nearly sobbing, clinging to him as he fucks you into the counter even harder than when he’d wrecked you that first time in his dressing room at the studio.
He groans filthily into your neck, feeling like his entire body is on fire as he grinds into you. Knowing that he will have to make this quick, surely the owner has figured out what he was talking about. “I’m sorry.” He pants, pulling back to start rolling his hips in a frantic, unhinged beat.
“Fuck, I’m not.” Shifting a little to keep your balance, the slight change in angle hits something magical inside you and the room goes completely black for a second when you start to cum. There’s not even enough time to warn him, just your jaw hanging open in a silent scream of pleasure while your cunt clamps down on him like a vice.
Nearly biting through his lip, Dieter hisses, trying to work you through it, but he can’t fucking move for how tight your pussy is gripping him. Making him lightheaded and digging his fingers into your hips. “Fuuuuuuuuck, g-good g-girl.” He pants into your ear while your body pulses around hun.
You could have melted to the floor in a puddle for how pliant you feel, but as soon as Dieter is able to move again, you’re nudging him back to drop to your knees on the tile in front of him. If you didn’t know he was enjoying it, the clock ring almost looks painful - squeezing him as tight as your pussy just was which is obvious from how slick with your juices his cock is.
Groaning at the sight of you on your knees in front of him, his hand cups your jaw. “Fuck, let me - let me get it off.” He knows he won’t last thirty seconds with the toy no longer squeezing him and your lips wrapped around his dick. Especially when you seemed to fucking love sucking his cock.
Next time you’re going to keep a stopwatch handy, because you swear it takes well under a minute once his cock is down your throat for that strangled cry of your name and his fingertips digging into the back of your head to be joined by the deliriously hedonistic feeling of cum pouring down your throat. You hum around his length, encouraging him to bury himself to the hilt in your mouth and throat like you’ve learned he loves. Someday you swear he’s going to hit your stomach with the way you both love it when he’s buried deep, and you don’t even care.
You could fucking suck start an engine, Dieter’s thought that since the second you ever wrapped your lips around him. Whining when you continue gulping him down, his stomach twists and clenches with over stimulation that you know he adores. Making him gasp out your name one last time before he’s jerking his hips back.
Grinning up at him, you lick a few errant drops of cum and spit from the corners of your mouth before pushing up to be on your feet again. A few pieces of paper towel later and you’re fairly confident that you won’t drip your own cum down your thighs in the tattooist’s chair, and you giggle darkly as Dieter wraps you up in his arms. “Fuck we’re good at that,” you sigh in his ear.
“Yes we are.” He breathes into your neck, kissing it softly, tenderly. As much as he loves fucking you, he’s happy just like this too. But… “We need to go.” He huffs, reluctantly letting you go.
“Lame,” you complain, giving him a pout even though you know he’s right. As it stands, it’s a good thing that your appointment is right across the street otherwise you would be late.
“I know.” He takes your hand and opens the door, stepping out nonchalantly as if you hadn’t just been fucking like rabbits in the bathroom.
The tattoo parlour that Dieter picked out for you is clean, well lit, and covered in displays of previous customers’ art. There are half a dozen employees going about various duties inside, and a man around your own age with long hair and a bright smile greets you both as you walk inside. You’re precisely on time so he has a decent guess who you are and switches over to English after greeting you. Dieter beams beside you, eager to share another experience with you while you listen to the artist’s spiel.
“This is your first?” The man is very aware of who the two of you are, being a particular fan of Dieter’s, but doesn’t say anything on the topic as he pulls out a series of forms for you to fill out a sign.
“Yes.” And you’re grateful for the solid wall of Dieter’s presence beside you, holding your hand in his until the man behind the counter holds out a pen to you. “Everything I have is from my soulmate.” Just saying it makes you turn to him and smile, a flush of warmth running through you. “This is the first one I’m getting myself.”
His eyes widen slightly as he looks over at Dieter. “I cannot believe that you didn’t get some ink for yourself. But we’ll fix that.” He tells you with a wink.
“He set everything up for me.” Squeezing Dieter’s hand gently, you let go to pick up the pen and start filling things out. “Including emailing over the design. But I brought the original with me just in case. It’s, uh…it’s important to me. I did it myself, and it’s not something I chose lightly.” It’s something to honour those closest to you, and that does include Dieter. You’re glad you made that decision a week ago, because it has only increased since then.
“It’s exquisite work.” He praises, smiling at you. “When I was looking it over, others were asking about it.”
“Maybe I should be taking commission to design tattoos.” It’s a complete joke, of course, but that’s really only because you’ve never been able to take a compliment well. Always waiting for the other shoe to drop and the criticism to kick in, like it has always been with your parents. “I’m a little nervous.” You can admit that easily. “But I made sure I wore something that exposed my shoulder blade so you won’t have to deal with my clothing, and I didn’t use any lotions or anything this morning like your instructions said.”
He nods with a smile. “That sounds perfect. I’ve transferred the image to paper that will ink the design on your skin. That way you can see the outline and we can adjust it to your liking.”
Getting you settled into the chair and the design transferred to your skin is nerve-racking, but Dieter has your fingers laced through his as he walks you through it, randomly making comments to the artist about technicalities that you don’t quite understand. When the needle comes out is when you squeeze his hand tightly - this time with excitement creeping in amongst the other feelings. “I’m ready.” You’re not sure if you’re reassuring Dieter or yourself more when you answer the artist’s question about whether or not you’re ready to begin, but it’s your soulmate that you’re nodding to.
“Remember…” Dieter leans in and presses his lips to yours. “If it’s too much, they can stop at any time. I’ll sit for the rest of it if you need.”
“I know.” Never in your adult life would you have thought that kissing this man would be grounding, but you swear it’s the thing that helps you breathe. “I need to do this myself. This is…it’s got my brother in it. I know you understand.”
“Absolutely.” Dieter breathes against your lips. That is something he completely understands. He just knows that if the tables were turned, you would volunteer to take the pain of anyone you love. “You’ve got this.”
“Thank you.” It almost slips out – that word you’re definitely not saying – but you just smile against his lips as he kisses you one more time, and sit forward in the massage-therapist-esque chair that you’ll be occupying for the next few hours. It doesn’t hurt at first. Almost at all. And that’s so surprising that you manage to relax again. The pain will come with repetition, you’re sure, but not starting out in extreme pain is a better beginning than you figured on.
For his part, Dieter makes sure you know he’s there. His hand never leaves yours, thumb rubbing your palm or the back of your hand soothingly. Squeezing when you hiss at a particularly sensitive part. Offering you the option of water as he picks up the bottle and holds it out to you. “You want some baby?” Even putting a straw in it so you don’t have to move.
“God yes.” Water is exactly what you need right now, after an hour of sitting, and the addition of the straw to the bottle makes you grin. Despite not being able to take care of himself worth a damn, he’s pretty good with the little things when it comes to you. “How does it look so far?”
There's something about being able to give you what you need that fills Dieter with.an enormous sense of pride. His chest puffs up slightly and his eyes move from where you are drinking down the water to your shoulder where the artist is carefully inking out the outline of the art before he starts changing colors and shading. "It's going to be amazing. You will be sad that you don't get to see it on your body all the time."
“I’ll be staring at your back all the time.” You grin, nose wrinkling with the way the smile lights up your face. It hurts, of course, but not as badly as you feared it would. And that is definitely a relief.
He swears you do it on purpose now, not that he minds at all. Bending down as he pulls the water bottle back; he drops a tiny kiss on your lips. “Stare away.” He murmurs.
“Do you want to take a quick break before we start the shading and colouring?” The artist asks, looking between the two of you and wondering how the fuck you got here from that broadcast footage of you slamming the door in his face or him screaming at you at that restaurant. It’s mind boggling to him. “Maybe just ten minutes?” You ask, feeling like stretching your legs might be nice. The colour is going to take the longest and you’ve already been in the chair over an hour.
“You need anything?“ Dieter asks softly. “I can go get you something.” He wants this experience to be good for you. Especially since he’s sharing it with you. All his own tattoos had been solo adventures - and he’d been high.
“Will you take a picture of it?” Your phone is in your purse beside his feet, and you want to be able to post a few photos to your Instagram now that you’re enjoying using the app to document your trip. Mostly you just want him beside you, savoring the fact that he’s being extra sweet today. “I just need to stretch my legs, really.”
“Sure.” He picks up your purse and hands it to you. “Hand me your phone babe.”
"You know, I don't mind if you go into my purse for something." You've noticed that it's something he never, ever does – even hesitating this morning on the train when you asked him to grab a condom. While you appreciate the respect of your privacy, you also have nothing to hide. Still, you pull out your phone and open the camera to hand it over to him. "If I ask you to, or you like...need Tylenol or a tissue or something and I have it? You can always just go ahead."
“Thanks.” Dieter flushes slightly and gives you a small shrug. “It’s – I appreciate that you trust me.” You are probably the first person to tell him something like that since Danica and it makes him feel almost shy.
"Trust is earned." The words are quiet, but you reach over and squeeze his knee gently. "You earned it." Through the way he is with Nora before anything else, really, Dieter has proven that he's not the careless lay-about that you had once assumed he was. Does he have his days? Sure. But so does everybody else. Since the two of you have started working shit out, he has never given you a reason not to trust him.
He can’t help but try to lighten the mood. Flashing you a playful grin and winking at you. “Bet you never thought you’d say those words to me. Did ya?”
"Oh, shut up." It's so often your reply for when he teases you, but you do have to admit that you don't mean it anymore. Teasing over snark is a trade you'll take any day of the week. "Bet you never thought you'd be planning out my birthday like you're competing in the Boyfriend Olympics, but here we are."
“Am I in completion for first?” He asks, sending you a hopeful grin. “Gold medal?”
Honestly, if you weren’t positively certain that it would scare him off and ruin the day, this would be a very sweet time for that word. “Yeah, honey.” You nod a little as you stand up, stretching straight into his arms. “Gold medal all the way.”
“Yessssss.” Dieter pumps his fist in the air like an overly excited child, laughing when you roll your eyes at him.
“Will you take the picture?” It’s important for you to see what it looks like on your skin, even if the image is technically the same on his. He hasn’t said a word about pain or discomfort, so it really must be true that he won’t feel that hit of sharp pain until the very end.
“Of course.” He smirks as he takes the phone from you, watching as you turn around and present your back and shoulder blade to him. Snapping a couple of photos to make sure the lighting is right; he leans in and kisses your shoulder above the tattoo. Not wanting to spread germs to the sensitive area, but he just needs to touch you.
“You’re a sap.” Not that you mind, obviously. Those little shows of affection from him are everything to you now. When he hands you back your phone you immediately send off the picture to Steph, wanting her to see the progress and be as much a part of the moment as she can be at a half a world away.
“No one has ever accused me of that.” Dieter huffs. “An asshole, a jerk, a narcissist, but never a sap.” He taps his chin. “Unless you are just substituting it for one of those, I don’t even know what sap means.”
“It means you’re showing your emotions.” You tell him, putting both arms around his waist and carefully making sure the the strap of your dress stays out of the way when you hug him. “You’re mushy.” And the fact that he’s like this with you? It’s…sort of miraculous.
“Shut up.” He grumbles even as his lips curve up and he kisses the tip of your nose. “Bad for my image.”
“Pretty sure Libby would disagree.” You point out, sticking out your tongue at him for that same level of maturity in your banter. “Pretty sure this is exactly what she was hoping for when she made you do this whole contract shenanigan.”
Dieter sighs, knowing that you’re right. But he’s also a little - hurt isn’t the exact word - upset that the only reason that you are here with him now is because of that contract. “Yeah, because I have ‘leading man’ written all over me.” He rolls his eyes and his arm tightens around your lower back slightly before he lets you go. “Better pee if you need to.”
“You do to me.” It’s just a mumble, since you can tell his mood has changed on a dime. As much as you’re now inclined to thank Libby for the stunt these days, it’s clearly still a sore subject for him. “Be right back,” you murmur, shuffling in the direction of the bathroom while you mentally kick yourself for bringing it up.
“Great job asshole.” Dieter hisses to himself after you disappear down the small hallway that has a discreet sign for the bathroom. “Way to ruin her birthday because you went and fell in love with her.” He shakes his head and turns around to look at the art selection on the wall, thinking about getting another tattoo himself.
A few minutes later both you and the artist are returning to the chair, and the work begins anew. He predicted in the original quote that shading and colouring would take about two hours, so he has your chair facing a big screen tv with a cabinet of dvds at the ready if you would prefer watching something to making small talk or sitting in silence. He's not the kind of artist that chats away while he works, preferring to give the piece his entire attention – especially in this case where his client has done the design themselves. He wants it to be perfect. When you're situated again you reach for Dieter's hand, hoping that he won't flinch away. After sternly lecturing yourself in the bathroom, you've decided to strike the word 'contract' from your vocabulary all together when it comes to him, just in case. To you, it was a blessing in a very big disguise. But he clearly doesn't see it that way.
His fingers thread through yours, sternly telling himself that he cannot fuck up your birthday. It would be unforgivable. “After this, do you want to eat or catch an earlier train back?” He asks, wanting to leave it up to you. “Have dinner at the hotel? Or wherever you want.” He adds quickly.
"The hotel restaurants are fancy..." Although you're not sure if that is an argument for it or against, to be honest. But in the week you've been staying there you still haven't eaten in any of them yet. "We'd have to change when we got back...would that be okay with you?" There's no way in hell you're going to push him, but it sounds nice. "Maybe we could walk around the lake after if we have the energy?"
“It sounds perfect.” Dieter agrees, grinning when he imagines walking back into the room after dinner. He doubts you’ll want to go for a walk once you see what he has in store for you. “Let me call the hotel and make the reservation.” He also needs to adjust the time for the surprise he set up.
"Pick whatever restaurant you want," you tell him as he shifts backward to step away. There's three of them and they're all nice, so what do you care as long as you get to sit and share a meal with him?
Dieter steps outside the tattoo shop in order to make sure you don’t find out his surprise. It’s silly, but he wants to make sure that no one spoils the fact that he’s ordered a cake and balloons to the room after getting back to the hotel. Not to mention the other thing. Now he wants them to put it in the room while the two of you are at dinner.
“Hôtel Mètropole Genève.” The concierge who answers the phone does so with all the brightness and manners that the prestigious hotel demands. “Comment puis-je vous aider?” How may I help you?
Dieter grins as he announces himself and gives his room number. “I need to make a dinner reservation for tonight and push back the special request I have.”
“Of course, monsieur.” The concierge switches over to English for Dieter’s convenience. “Will you be joining us in the bar, on the rooftop, or in the formal restaurant?”
“The formal.” You had mentioned dressing up and he wants to give you an exquisite sit-down experience, a far cry from your first date.
“Oui, monsieur.” There is a pause and the gentle sound of clicking for a moment. “For the two of you?” Everyone in the hotel is aware of the couple staying in one of their largest suites, especially given the length of the reservation and the surprise scheduled for tonight. “Is there anything we can do to make your evening more memorable?”
Dieter looks back towards the door. “Can we have the cake and balloons brought to the room while we are eating?” He asks. “Oh, and I want to add flowers. Roses.” They aren’t your favorite flower, but every beautiful woman deserves roses on special occasions. He tells the concierge a number. “One for every year.”
“Of course, monsieur.” Another moment of silence follows, but this one carries a hum, like the man is smiling. “If there is anything else we can do, please do not hesitate to call.”
“Thanks.” Ending the call, he pockets his phone and enters the shop again with a smug grin. “Bet you didn’t know I could make my own reservations.” He teases.
“I think you’re busy.” You hum tell him honestly when he sits back down beside you. Sometimes the busy makes him forgetful - but that’s because he’s human. “Which restaurant did you pick?”
Winking at you, he gives you a small shrug. “Figured we should get dressed up tonight.” He hums happily. “Lib packed a great suit.”
“I bet you anything one of the dresses she packed for me matches your suit.” The smile that splits your face is instant. Dieter doesn’t necessarily like getting dressed up or doing a lot of fancy bullshit, but he’s doing it for you because he knows what a treat it is. How special it makes the whole day. And you — well, you love him for that.
“Guaran-fucking-teed.” He chuckles, knowing that it would match perfectly. She had been over the moon about your social media posts and how good it all seemed to be going. “We can’t disappoint her by not wearing it.”
“Ya know it took me almost a week to realize that all the designer stuff she packed me is from the same designer?” It’s never really been on your radar before - or in your budget - so you hadn’t really paid attention. “I bet you anything she signed an extra sponsorship deal.” It had annoyed you for a few minutes when you had finally noticed, but that faded quickly. It’s gorgeous stuff and you get to wear it all for free. How ungrateful would it be if you got mad about it?
“She’s good for that.” He snickers. “I bet every mention in the gossip rags says what you are wearing.” He gives you a small, bashful smile. “Welcome to celebrity life. Isn’t it glamorous?”
"To be honest I don't read most of it." In the beginning you had, but it had caused you so much anxiety during those big fights that you stopped. The last thing you needed was to read about how much people hate you. "Although it might be a lot more fun to read these days than it was even a month ago."
“I’m sorry.” He reaches out and takes your hand again. “I know you had to have gotten some shit for being my soulmate.”
"Hey." You shake your head and lace your fingers through his easily. "I did a lot of it to myself. Your fans love you and I was a giant bitch in the beginning. It's all good, baby. That's not on you." His own actions, he has apologized for and you've forgiven him, just like he has forgiven you. "It's all water under the bridge."
“To be fair, I’m kind of a dick.” He pulls his sunglasses out of his pocket and perches them on his nose to look over them at you. The sunglasses are no longer the source of friction they used to be, but it’s a visual reminder of how annoyed you were at him.
"Yeah." Since you can't shrug, you just squeeze his hand. "But you're my dick."
He waggles his eyebrows at you at that. “Yes, yes I am.” He agrees, throwing you another wink. “Anytime you want.”
By the time the artist has finished working on your tattoo, you can fully admit to it being more than just a little sore. A little over three hours in the chair isn't a lot of in the broad scheme of things but it's certainly plenty enough to make you wonder how he's done this so many times. Dieter takes a few pictures of the finished production to show you and you can't help shedding a few tears over it - seeing the representation of your brother alongside the other flowers just makes you wish he was here holding your other hand. Dieter huffs at you when you even try to reach for your wallet, and you make a mental note to plan something just obnoxiously sweet and attentive for his next birthday, because today really has just be perfect. After sending off a photo of your brand new tattoo to Steph and to your parents so that they don't pitch a fit about finding out via social media even though they haven't even called to say "Happy birthday", you loop your arm through Dieter's and head back toward the train station.
“How is it?” He asks with a grin. “Owning your own ink now?”
“It’s sore,” you laugh, willing to admit that fully. “But…kind of cool? I like feeling like I’m carrying all of you with me.”
His smile turns slightly bittersweet. “It’s nice to be able to carry the ones you love with you.” His fingers brush against the triangle on your arm. “That physical reminder sometimes keeps you sane.”
“He would’ve liked you.” Shawn had never made any bones about being a fan of Dieter’s, but the man you know now is different than the celebrity image that gets put out into the world. “He liked dumb jokes and spontaneity and he loved Fleetwood Mac. I can just see you two sitting out by the pool listening to Rumours and shooting the shit.” It’s a melancholy fantasy, but not one that truly upsets you. Thinking of Shawn doing happy things is nice in a bittersweet sort of way.
“He had to be special.” Dieter keeps his arm looped through yours and his tone light. “You and Steph don’t put up with someone who isn’t worthy.”
“Steph was absolutely nuts about him. I mean we were twelve and she just…she just knew. Even before they knew they were soulmates.” You shrug slightly, the one shoulder without fresh ink on it pulling up before it drops again sharply, and you squeeze his arm a little. “Have I ever told you about when I actually realized you were my soulmate?” You know you haven’t. It’s a story that involves both Shawn and Steph and it’s a pretty good example of what a great big nerd you used to be. But today…it feels like the right time.
“No.” He remembers that at one point you were proud to be his soulmate, so it won’t be a bad story. “When did you realize it?”
"I was sixteen." The age difference between you back then was enormous, but now it barely means anything. "And Shawn desperately wanted to go see Silhouette in the West." You grin at the memory – practically able to hear your nineteen-year-old brother bickering with your parents over his winter break about wanting to go see the movie on his own. "They told him that he had to take me if he wanted to go and he bitched and moaned but finally agreed. And there's that one scene...that shot where they show you swimming in the pond or watering hole or whatever? And I saw the scar from my cut on your leg." That was the very first sign. Your stupid little cut from not being able to shave your legs properly. "I thought I was absolutely losing it, but Shawn saw it, too. We went nuts in the theater and barely managed to not get kicked out. I went home sobbing - like so excited that I was actually in tears - and told my parents right away." Squeezing Dieter's arm gently, you shrug again with your one unhurt shoulder. "It was only a couple of months later that you got your first tattoo."
“My elephant.” Dieter nods, thinking back to that time. “Jesus, you were young.” He knows that there is nothing wrong with the age difference between you, you aren’t even the soulmates with the largest gap, but it would have been glaringly obvious then. “What did your parents say?” He’s curious that they didn’t seek him out, after all, he was a fast-rising star at the time.
"They didn't believe me until the ink started showing up." You can laugh about it now, but at the time it had been a source of friction. You were fiercely proud of who the universe had matched you with, but they clearly understood that there would be obstacles in the way. "They wanted me to focus on picking out a career and being able to support myself, and were dead set on making me wait until I was older to meet you. Mom's logic was that you were an adult with your own life and your own career, so I should have those things, too. And then if those things meshed together well when I was old enough, that would be proof that we really were soulmates."
“So your parents didn’t believe that you were just destined to be with your soulmate?” He asks, knowing that you’ve adopted that same mentality when he’d first met you.
“I think they just wanted me to be cautious.” In hindsight, it does make sense. Even though at the time you had hated them for it. “And they probably didn’t want me to come off as a gold digger.”
Dieter snorts. “I was broke as a joke then.” He reminds you. “I was just starting to roles that paid decently.” He can’t complain now, enjoying his life and the ability to not overly worry about money. “I’m sorry we didn’t get to meet…before.”
“I’m just…honestly, I’m just glad that we got to meet at all.” You confess, wondering if maybe that makes you clingy or needy. “I know it was far from the perfect meeting, but who knows where we would be if we had met ten plus years ago? Anything could have happened.” There is one thing, though, and you don’t mind admitting it. “I’m just sorry I never got to meet your sister.”
“She would have loved you.” He can freely tell you that, chuckling slightly. “Probably would have pissed herself laughing at the ‘Fuck you, Bravo!’. After she beat your ass for hurting my feelings, of course.” That last line is said teasingly. While Danica had been Dieter’s cheerleader and protector, she had very few violent bones in her body. Unless it was kicking his ass.
“I would have deserved it.” Completely and truly, you would have. You know that. “She and Shawn would have given us merciless shit. Affectionately, of course.”
“Isn’t that what siblings are for?” He asks with another chuckle. “If she hadn’t died…” He swallows. “Who knows where my life would have gone? Sometimes Libby swears she was the only one who could control me.”
“You’ve done pretty damn good for yourself.” The two of you hustle across a main street and turn the next corner to walk toward the train station. “Everyone has troubles, Dee. She would be proud of you for how hard you work and for how much you’ve grown.”
“Yeah.” Dieter looks over at you again. “Dani would have loved you.”
“Shawn would have loved you.” And if that is the closest you ever get to telling him the words you want to say, so be it.
The two of you fall into a silent lull the rest of the way to the train station, each one lost in thoughts or memories. Booking a compartment isn’t as lucky this time. Having to share the space on the much fuller ride back to Geneva. Thankfully the other occupants of the car have no interest in chatting or any kind of small talk, and you bury yourself in Dieter’s side for the three-hour ride. Aside from a cup of coffee from the cart you never move, just gazing out the window as the rain barrels down the tracks.
Your parents call while Dieter is grabbing you a cab back to the hotel, and it is a good excuse to keep the call short. Otherwise the usual woe is us stuff will start, and the day has been so nice until now. Dieter stays silent through the somewhat awkward conversation you are having, wondering why your parents have waited so late to call you. His own relationship with his mother is hard, so he doesn’t ask, instead just wrapping his arm around your shoulders inside the cab as you end the call.
“Well, that was fun,” you huff gently, shoving your phone back in your purse. The look you flash him is apologetic - as absolutely apologetic as you can possibly make it. “You don’t have to say yes.” Probably not the most encouraging way to phrase it, but too late now. “But…my parents have invited us to visit. They…they want to meet you.”
“Oh.” His brow shoots up and he searches your face to see what you are thinking or feeling about that, but your face is just apologizing to him. “It would have to be when I get back….” He offers, not wanting to commit you to something you don’t want. Tiptoeing around this feeling he has for you is starting to make his head hurt. He never puts this much effort into much beyond his art or his acting. Unless it was getting high.
“I can tell them no.” You had only said that you would talk about it, not wanting to pressure him into anything properly resembling an actual relationship with you despite how strongly you feel about him. The fact is, you would like everybody in your life to meet at some point, but it’s just that you don’t see an urgency in the timing. “I guess Mom has figured out social media and Internet gossip websites just enough to be following our trip, and she thinks we’re ‘getting serious’. Her words.”
“Do you want me to meet them?” He makes a point of keeping his eyes directed towards the passing view as he asks. That’s the most important thing, even as his heart flips at the juvenile thought of ‘getting serious’. Kind of like asking a girl or boy to go steady in school.
“I—” It feels like a trick. Like someone’s going to pop out with a camera to laugh at you if you admit it. Which is just about the dumbest thought in the world. But honesty is what you’ve been working with for the past week and it’s working, so you find yourself nodding before you really know what you’re doing. Staring down at your hands in your lap, you just hope like hell that this doesn’t send him running for the hills. “Yeah. I—I would. But I can put them off a month or even two if it’s weird or overwhelming. And you can say no if you really don’t want to. It’s your call.”
You can’t hear it, but Dieter lets out the breath he had been holding. Relief and probably a little joy that you want him to meet the parents flooding his system. “Okay.” His hand on your arm tightens slightly, pulling you towards him as he turns to look over at you. “We’ll do it when I get back.”
“Really?” Your head pops up in surprise and you don’t even bother to disguise it, realizing that you had been holding your breath waiting for him to answer. “I thought this was going to be way more of a discussion. Okay…uh…it has to be a weekend. Because of school, I mean. But San Francisco isn’t far.”
He tries for nonchalance as he lifts the shoulder opposite you. “It’s okay. I like San Francisco. It’s a quick flight.”
“You’ll get to hear all the mortifying stories, and I guarantee there will be baby pictures.” After all, like you told him earlier — they’ve been waiting for this day to come for a very long time. “I mean…that’s what parents do when they meet their kid’s soulmate, right?”
“I guess.” Dieter shrugs, not even able to imagine how his mother would react to meeting you. Probably ignore that fact and pester him about him paying for something for her. “I don’t know, my parents weren’t soulmates and Dani either didn’t have one or they died young.”
“I guess we’ll find out.” The cab pulls up outside the hotel and the two of you stretch on the sidewalk before heading inside. You won’t harp on it any more tonight because the day has been so nice, but you know you’re going to be stewing over whether or not to say anything about these feelings before your parents can ask the question.
Shaking off the questions, he smiles at you. “Let’s go get changed for dinner.” He offers, looking at his phone. “The reservation is in an hour. Wanted to make sure we didn’t miss it.” He can’t help but feel butterflies in his stomach. This is far different from the casual meals you’ve shared together and it’s special.
“We’ll see what kind of matching clothes Libby packed for us.” In the elevator you curl into Dieter’s side and turn up your chin to smile at him. “Today was perfect,” you hum, kissing his cheek. “I’m sure the night will be, too.”
“Thank God.” Dieter rolls his eyes and scrunches his nose. “Do you know how hard I worried about ruining your birthday?”
“Nuh-uh.” You laugh and shake your head, dropping a kiss on his lips the way he always does when you wrinkle your nose like that. “Everything was perfect.”
“Good.” It was important to him. “I didn’t want you to regret being here and not doing your usual birthday routine.”
“The drive-in will still be there when we get back.” The elevator lets you out on your floor and the front door to your suite is only a few paces beyond that. “But absolutely nothing could come close to the day we had today.”
Pride makes his steps a bit cockier, giving him a slight swagger as he walks to unlock the door, despite you having a key of your own. “It’s not over yet.” He reminds you with a wink. “Still need that spanking.”
“I’m going to have my work cut out for me when I try to plan your birthday.” Not that you won’t try your damnedest. Of course you will. You just hope things will still be good between you then.
“I—” Dieter bites his lip and decides that he needs to be honest with you. “I haven’t celebrated my birthday since Danica died.” He admits quietly. “Normally I’m just too fucking high to remember the day.”
Stopping in the middle of the room, you drop your purse and take both of his hands, running your thumbs over the backs of them gently. “If you would rather be left alone that day, I understand. But if you want to try to break the cycle this year, just say the word.”
“Well, I can’t be high.” He offers you, his words raspy and for a horrible second, he thinks he might fucking cry. He never thought someone, especially you, would offer to make a day that is pure bleak depression better for him. Not even Libby tried, although he wouldn’t have let her, to be fair.
“Hey…” Tugging him into your arms, you definitely weren’t expecting that strong of a reaction, but you can’t really blame him. Losing your big brother was hard enough - you can’t imagine how hard it must have been to lose a twin. “I—” Not the time! “I care about you. Hopefully…hopefully you realize that by now. That I’m not going to let you face the scary shit alone anymore.”
Swallowing harshly, he can’t even answer you. Instead, he just lunges forward and melds his lips to yours desperately. Afraid he will confess everything and ruin this, that you will walk out of his life again and he doesn’t know if he can handle that.
The kiss isn’t hungry, per se, but it has an element of desperation to it that you’re all too familiar with – the clawing need for reassurance. For him, especially right now, you have that in spades and you let the moment linger as long as he needs. “Come on,” you murmur when he finally pulls away for lack of air. “Let’s get some fancy clothes on and have a fancy dinner.”
“Fancy dinner, right.” He’s happy you aren’t making a big deal of it. “Let’s get dressed up.”
To no one’s surprise, Libby has packed a sharp, black suit amongst Dieter’s things with a shirt and tie that are somehow the exact shade of deep red as the velvet sheath dress in the suitcase that she hand-packed for you. Pretty much everything she packed for you is tailored to make you look the part of a movie star’s girlfriend, but this particular dress actually makes you feel like one, too. So when you come out of the bedroom to find him lounging on the settee tapping at something on his phone, you actually feel pretty damn good about how you look. “What do you think?”
He feels like he’s been punched in the gut. You are gorgeous. Pretty all the time, but right now, you look like you are ready to walk a red carpet with him. “I think—” he croaks out the words and has to clear his throat. “I think I’m regretting making reservations where we have to leave the room.” He jokes. “Because I should have hired security to keep back the people who will want to touch you.”
“Shut up.” Despite rolling your eyes at him, your stomach flips and knots pleasantly at the compliment and you smooth one hand down the front of your dress. “I should have guessed that Libby would pack your favourite colour. I own a lot of red clothes now.”
“Any red lingerie?” He can’t help but waggle his brows at you playfully, even as his cock loves the idea of seeing you in something sheer and red. “Fishnets? Thigh highs?” He groans slightly, drooling at the thought.
“If you’re a very good boy I’ll surprise you with something tomorrow.” What you’re wearing today isn’t the only thing you bought for lingerie here in Geneva - a little red teddy also went home with you that day. But you’ll have to go back to get any kind of stockings, which you will absolutely do now that you know he loves them.
“I’ve been very good today.” It shouldn’t make him start to tent his suit pants when you call him a good boy, but it fucking does.
“I know,” you coo at him, not missing the way he has to readjust his position in the as you step forward. “You’ve been so very good and I promise you’ll get a treat for it.
“Damn right.” He grins and can’t help but reach down and squeeze your ass as you lean against him. “It’s why I did it.” He huffs in amusement, knowing that he never expected anything.
"Sure, Dee." The corner of your mouth pulls up in a little smirk, knowing that he already showed his hand. He wanted today to be nice for you without any ulterior motives. "Whatever you say, baby."
He pouts at you, but doesn’t argue. Instead he pulls his hand back and swats at your ass firmly enough to make a nice crack. “Let’s go toots.” He adopts a bolstering tone and smirks.
Dinner is exquisite. More wine and food than you can shake a stick at, and the service in the exquisite, upscale restaurant in like a dance. It is hands down the best meal you've ever eaten. The wine pairing is perfect. All you and Dieter talk about is things you saw in the museum and what you want to do on your next day off. There are plenty of eyes on you – you've learned over the weeks how to feel the attention coming your way – but tonight it actually doesn't matter. Tonight, the entire rest of the world has evaporated except for you and Dieter at your little table.
Leaning back, he tosses you a grin as he rubs his stomach. “Want to skip dessert and make room for it later by taking that walk?” He asks, not wanting to admit that he’s got dessert coming to the room.
“I liked the idea of a walk until I put on three-inch heels.” You admit, knowing how silly that sounds. You’ve walked in tall heels before and he’s always made sure you stayed upright, but tonight you’re going to use it as your excuse to be lazy. “Do you want to go back upstairs and just hang out until we pass out? I mean…we have an early morning at the studio tomorrow anyway. Relaxing just sounds nice.”
“That sounds perfect.” Even if you don’t want sex tonight when you get back up to the room, he wants to spoil you. Especially considering the other surprise he had arranged.
"The whole day has been perfect." It doesn't matter that you've told him before, this dinner just solidified it. And at some point tonight you're sure his fingers will go fumbling for the zipper on your dress just like each night before, and you'll end up falling asleep tangled in the sheets and each other’s arms.
“Here at Bravo’s Birthday Bashes, we aim for excellence.” He jokes as the waiter bring over the bill and he charges it off to the room. He doesn’t care what it costs, it’s worth it for the smile on your face.
The way back upstairs is raucous and chatty thanks to the group of friends in the elevator at the same time as you, and when the doors open for your floor the two of you hustle out with quick goodbyes. "Oh, to be young again." you joke, tucked under his arm as he digs the room key out of his pocket.
“I could do with out the back pain, that’s for sure.” He agrees. “Never knew that it hurt that fucking bad until I got sober.”
“Right? Carrying around my students’ portfolios during grading is going to permanently reshape my spine.” You slide yourself between Dieter and the door, distracting him with a kiss as he tries to get it open for no other reason than you can. It’s a light, freeing feeling that you can never get enough of.
“Tease.” Dieter huffs against your lips, fumbling with the door even as he tries to keep kissing you and opening the door at the same time.
“Never.” The lipstick you put on before dinner was a 24-hour smudge proof formula and it is damn well living up to its name, letting you mumble against his lips and trail kisses down his neck as he pushes inside. “I always mean it.”
“Good to know.” His cock is twitching in his pants but he knows he needs to get you into the room before he strips you down. It would be damn embarrassing for you if he did it right here and someone’s little eyes sees things they aren’t supposed to. “But we have to stop right now.” He tells you as he closes the door in the dark room and reaches for the light switch.
“Suprise Aunt Gigi!”
“What the f—??” It’s only when you hear the second voice – that perfect little angel’s voice – that you don’t let yourself finish the last word. Whirling around in Dieter’s arms, you find yourself face-to-face with the two people you’ve missed more than breathing over the last week, surrounded by balloons, a huge vase of long-stemmed red roses, and possibly the most beautiful little birthday cake you’ve ever seen in your life. The tears are instant, streaking down your cheeks and blurring your vision as you rush forward to scoop Nora up in your arms and wrap them around Steph in turn. “What—how are—when did— oh my god.” Nothing coming out of your mouth makes any sense, but you crush them in the strongest hug you can muster while still trying to breathe between ecstatic tears.
“Dieter arranged it all!” Steph giggles happily, clinging to you and kissing your cheek. She hadn’t missed the way you were plastered against the man in question and she’s fucking thrilled that everything seems to be going perfect. “He called me and told me to pack for the weekend.”
“We ride a plane, Gigi! It was loud.” The four-year-old won’t be left out, snuggling against her beloved auntie and inhaling the perfume that you are wearing with a giggles. “So pretty for your birfday.”
“I can’t believe you’re both here! And you rode your first airplane!” You look to Steph with wide eyes. “You’re here for the whole weekend?” Through a torrent of tears, you turn back to find Dieter still standing by the door looking a little sheepish but proud of himself. “You have no idea what this means to me.” Any lingering doubt you might have had about how you feel about him has evaporated. If you can’t find it in yourself to admit that you love a man who has done so much to make you feel special and cared for and appreciated, then you don’t deserve to love anyone at all. “I—I will never be able to thank you enough for this.”
“You should be with the people you love on your birthday.” Dieter murmurs softly, shifting on his heels and he’s happy that everything has worked out perfectly. “And the cake is okay for Nora to eat. I made sure of it.”
"I am definitely with the people that I love." You tell him with absolute certainty. Squeezing Nora to your chest and with one hand on Steph's arm, you're nonetheless telling him directly. If you can't be brave enough to say the words the way you mean them in front of other people just yet, you can at least make sure you're including him in this feeling right now. "Best birthday of my entire life. This one, right here."
Dieter grins and gives a small shrug. You are talking about Steph and Nora, but he - for once - doesn’t care about what’s in this for him. He loves the look in your eyes. “It was the next best thing to the clown idea you shot down.” He jokes.
"If there's a little clown in that cake, it's getting smashed in your face," you warn him playfully, knowing that anything in possible with him even if it isn't probable. "Come sit, Dee? We can cut cake and hang out until everyone is tired?" When you look back to Steph you're absolutely glowing. "Do you guys have your own room? I have so much I want to show you. You're going to absolutely love it here."
“They’ve got a room down the hall.” Dieter tells you as he winks at Nora as she wiggles down out of your arms and rushes over to him. Because she missed him and because cake. “You’ve already finished the portraits, so you can do sightseeing with them while I’m on set.” He wonders if you want to stay in their room tonight, catching up and having a girls’ night.
"I've got to check in with your director and make sure he doesn't want any adjustments made, so maybe we can do a little studio tour in the morning?" You so desperately want to show them what you've been doing here over the last week, and to be able to show them with pride all the hard work that Dieter is putting in. "Then we can do a little sightseeing around Geneva after lunch?"
“That sounds perfect.” Dieter will miss having you on set, but he wants you to enjoy your time with your best friend and your niece. “Perfect. Nora and I are just here to do whatever.” Steph’s eyes sparkle. “I still can’t believe we are here to be honest.”
"I can't believe you are, either!" It's an absolute dream, and you don't mind reaching past Nora to give Dieter a grateful kiss before everyone settles down in the suite's sitting room. The enormous vase of roses is on the coffee table in front of you with the cake beside it, and you grin as you take in the beautiful sight. "It's one for each year, isn't it?" You don't even need to count to know that, the sheer volume of flowers is a giveaway.
“Too cheesy?” He asks, letting Nora tug him closer to where the cake is.
“Come on Uncle Deedee!” She huffs, impatient for the delicious looking cake she hasn’t been able to touch while waiting for you. “I want cake.”
"Not at all." You promise him with a broad grin. "It's perfect." There are four small plates and four forks out on the table beside a cake knife, and the beautifully written Happy Birthday! on top is about to be sacrificed on the altar of everyone's sweet tooth. The bright yellow buttercream screams 'lemon' but you're dying to see what other flavours might lie waiting inside. There is still half a cake left after you cut four slices and you know you're going to be excited to have some tomorrow night as well as soon as you pop the first bite into your mouth. The bright tartness of lemon buttercream and sponge along with deeply sweet plum jam is an amazing combination that has all of you groaning happily in an instant. "Oh my god, baby. This is amazing."
Agreeing, he nods quickly, shoving another bite into his mouth. “God yes it is.” He adds, smirking at the way that Nora is inhaling the cake. “Squirt likes it too.”
Steph raises an eyebrow at the term of endearment but doesn't say anything yet. She can pry you for more details tomorrow while Nora is taking a nap. "It was a great choice." She commends, having gone through the bakery's choices when Dieter first came to her with the idea of your biggest birthday surprise. He had found a place in the same neighborhood as the hotel that did vegan baking and knew that that would be safe for Nora.
“I’m glad everything turned out.” Dieter admits with a happy grin as he leans back. “It was worth it to see and hear you squeal.” He winks at you playfully.
He has heard you squeal for plenty of other reasons, but that isn't something you're about to bring up with Nora in the room. "The whole day was perfect. I mean completely perfect. Thank you, Dee."
There’s a sense of pride to his smile and he nods at you in acknowledgement. “That’s exactly what I wanted.” He tells you.
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My Masterlist!
193 notes · View notes
zep-writings · 7 months
You Feel Like Home
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CHAPTER FOUR, part two.
Warnings: Bad words, mention of war and military, fluff, a little heartbreak and Steve being sweet.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Ellie Barnes.
Notes: I do not own any of the characters present in this story, except for Ellie Barnes, an original character. This is pure fiction.
This has not been beta and English is not my first language so be nice haha.
Please give me some feedback, even just a small comment is really appreciated!
I've been working on this one for a while, so please let me know what you think!
You Feel Like Home Masterlist || Main Masterlist.
Chapter four, part one
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“This way.” Agent Carter said, stepping out of the car and leading Steve and Ellie toward the Antiques shop.
“What are we doing here?” Steve asked, looking at the display.
“Follow me.”
Agent Carter entered the shop, followed by Ellie and then Steve who placed his military hat on his head. He closed the door behind him, and Ellie took a look around. The place looked exactly like an Antiques shop, filled with old objects and furniture.
“Wonderful weather this morning, isn’t it?” An old lady entering the main room said, looking at Peggy.
“Yes, but I always carry an umbrella.” Peggy simply stated and the old lady in a pink cardigan walked behind the counter, pressed a button under it and Peggy led Steve and Ellie to the back of the shop. Suddenly, the large book shell in front of them split open, revealing some kind of huge underground bunker. Ellie wasn’t surprised, not really. If what Steve had told her and the project was a secret, it only made sense for it to be hidden from the public eyes. She quickly exchanged a glance with Steve and stood behind him, following them through the corridor as they passed a few guards along the way.
They walked through double steel doors and stopped on top of a stair case leading to huge laboratory, or at least what looked like a laboratory. Nurses and scientist all stopped and turned to look at Steve who suddenly felt a little overwhelmed. Ellie gently grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze before everyone moved back to their occupation and Peggy led them to the bottom of the stairs. If Ellie had felt like it was a bad idea for her to be here, she felt even more like it at that moment. Maybe she should have stayed home after all, wait for Steve there.
“Good morning.” Doctor Erskine said as Steve walked toward him, shaking his head, a smile on his lips. A photography flash pulled Ellie out of her thoughts, and she stopped behind Peggy. “Please, not now.” Erskine added, shaking his head.
The Doctor looked up at Agent Carter, giving her a small nod, and then at Ellie and frowned. Shyly, she offered him a smile and it didn’t take a lot for Erskine to understand why this stranger stood there. From the few chats he had with Steve throughout the last week it wasn’t hard to guess who she was, but he thought best not to comment on her presence here.
“Are you ready?” The Doctor asked Steve whose eyes flickered to the pod and nodded. “Good. Take off your shirt, your tie, and your hat.” He continued, pointing at each of the items as Steve executed the order and handed them to a nurse standing nearby, whispering a small thank you.
Once he was shirtless, Steve stepped on the small stairs by the pod he had to lay in and sat on the edge of it. His heart was beating loudly and way too fast in his chest. He looked at Ellie for a few seconds, as she smiled at him tenderly, giving him the courage to go through it. I can do this, he thought while laying down on the cold surface, trying to calm his nerves and to be as comfortable as possible.
“Comfortable?” Erskine asked, stepping closer to him.
“It’s a little big.” Steve admitted, and Erskine chuckled. “You save me any of that schnapps?”
Erskine popped a shoulder. “Not as much as I should have. Sorry. Next time.” He stepped back from the steps and spoke louder. “Mr. Stark, how are your levels?”
“Levels at 100%.” Stark confirmed, walking past Ellie, Peggy and stopping by Steve’s side.
“Good.” The Doctor pushed his glasses back in place.
“We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready as we’ll ever be.” Stark explained as nurses started to prep Steve up for the procedure, tying straps around his chest.
Ellie didn’t like it, she felt herself growing more and more nervous, playing with the little locket around her neck which contained a picture of Bucky, Steve and her.
“Ladies?” Erskine turned to Ellie and Peggy. “Don’t you think you would be more comfortable in the booth?” He asked pointing at the small sitting area hiding behind a glass on the upper level.
“Yes, of course. Sorry.” Peggy mumbled as she turned back and started to walk away.
However, Ellie didn’t move, she couldn’t, she felt uneasy and as Steve turned his head toward her, they eye locked for a second. Without any hesitation and a sudden burst of courage, she walked to him, leaned over and quickly pressed her lips to his. Ellie was surprised by her own actions, but it was nothing compared to Steve’s surprise. Before he could realize what was happening, Ellie turned around, climbed the stairs to join Peggy in the booth and the only thing Steve could do was watch her walk away. His mind raced through what had just happened and he really hoped the procedure was not going to kill him.
A high pitch noise made Ellie winced and Doctor Erskine’s voice raised in the microphone. “Do you hear me? Is this on? Ladies and Gentlemen, today we take not another step towards annihilation, but the first step on the path of peace. We begin with a series of microinjections into the subject’s major muscle groups.” Erskine explained as Ellie took a sit by Peggy’s side. “The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change. And then, to stimulate growth, the subject will be saturated with Vita-Rays.”
The voice of the doctor stopped, and Ellie looked through the glass as people started the procedure. Her leg nervously bounced, her fingers still playing with her locket when she felt a hand on her arm. She turned her head and Peggy offered her a soft reassuring smile before she turned back to look at the pod pulling up and closing the door in front of Steve. Then, bright light started to shine through the pod small window and Ellie felt like she was about to be sick, but it was when she heard Steve screaming in pain she couldn’t take it anymore. She stood up and walked out of the booth, her voice getting stuck in her throat.
“Steven!” Erskine yelled, stepping close to the pod.
“Shut it down!” Agent Carted ordered loudly as Ellie watched her step out of the booth. “Shut it down!”
“Kill the reactor, Mr. Stark!” Erskine said walking toward the commands.
“Please stop it, you’re hurting him!” Ellie finally said, coming down the stairs, panic through her voice.
“Turn it off! Kill it! Kill the reactor!” Erskine kept on yelling in the middle of the agitation.
“No!” Steve’s voice suddenly raised from the pod, stopping everyone in their actions. “Don’t! I can do this!”
Ellie’s heart tightened in her chest as she watched Stark exchanged a look with the doctor and turning back the command. “Eighty… Ninety… That’s 100%.” Stark announced and Ellie closed her eyes.
When she opened back her eyes, all the lights were out and there was nothing shinning through the pod window anymore. Ellie took a few steps forward, her heart beating like crazy in her chest.
“Mr. Stark?” The Doctor asked and then the pod opened.
If Ellie hadn’t known Steve as well as she did, she probably would not have recognized him. He was physically nothing like his old self. He was a pile of muscle, much broader and much taller that he had ever been, not that it changed anything for Ellie after all. It had worked. She couldn’t believe it.
Steve couldn’t remember the last few minutes, he didn’t know if he had lost consciousness, but suddenly everything around him felt… Weird. The first thing he noticed was his earing was much better, he could hear everything so clearly around him. He could also breathe, properly. There was no pressure against his lungs, no shaky breath and everything felt so much… Clearer.
“Steven. Steven.” Steve heard, as a few pairs of hands grabbed his arms, helping him out of the pod.
When he opened his eyes and took a look around him for the first time, nothing was blurry. He could every single person faces, every details so clearly. There were a few chatters around him but he couldn’t quite figure out what everyone was saying. He felt good, really good, but still a little bit foggy.
“How do you feel?” Peggy asked him, stepping in front of him.
As Steve looked up, he realized he was taller than everyone presents around him. “Taller.” He simply stated, still trying to catch his breath.
“You look taller.” Peggy informed him, reaching to touch his chest, but pulling her hand back and handing him a tee-shirt.
“Where’s…” Steve started but his eyes finally fell on Ellie, standing a little further, worry on her face.
“Hi…” Ellie whispered, reaching his side and Steve offered her one of the smiles she loved so much. At least that hadn’t changed she thought.
For a second, they stared at each other, at lost with words. Steve’s mind went back to the kiss, and all of the sudden he was very aware of the taste of her lips, the way they had felt on his and he wanted to kiss her again but he was too focused on examining her features as it was the first time he ever seen her. She was more gorgeous than he remembered. Ellie on her side couldn’t keep looking at him, at how much had changed in such a short time. She never cared about Steve’s physique, but she was glad to know that if it had worked at least, he wouldn’t have anymore health issues.
Ellie was about to say something when there was a huge explosion coming from the booth and she send to the floor.
“Stop him!” Ellie heard someone yell before two-gun shots were shot.
When she looked up, Steve was already up, running to Doctor Erskine who had been shot. Staying down, she made her way to Steve and Erskine, looking at his wounds. She may not have been a certified nurse yet, but she knew full well it didn’t look good. She pressed her hands to one the wounds, trying to stop the bleeding as the doctor pointed his finger to Steve’s chest before his head rolled to the side. He was gone. Ellie looked up at Steve and shook her head as his eyes filled with anger.
“Steve…” Ellie didn’t have time to say more before Steve was up on his feet, running toward danger. Steve was being Steve… The serum had certainly not changed that.
Ellie sighed, other nurses gathering around her. “He’s gone.” She announced, standing up, her hands full of the Doctor’s blood.
It took hours for Steve to make his way back to the hidden base in New York. Ellie had helped tend to the few military agents who had been hurt in the bombing, she had helped clean up the place, trying to keep her mind busy but she was worried. When Steve had left to run after the Nazi spy he had been unarmed and not even sure that the serum had properly worked on him despite the obvious physical changes. So, when Steve appeared she straightened up and walked up to him.
“Steve, are you okay?” Ellie asked him, checking for injuries but he didn’t seem to have any.
“I’m fine, Liz.” Steve reassured her, offering her a smile and she let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
“He’s here because we need to run some test on him. And you should have gone home miss Barnes.” Peggy explained, stepping by his side.
“I… Huh, I helped. There were a few people wounded and I’m training to be a nurse, so I just thought…” Ellie started, in order to justify her presence.
“A nurse? I didn’t know.”
“Maybe she can stay.” Steve offered, turning to Peggy who looked at him then at Ellie.
“Fine. Follow me.”
Once again, Ellie followed Peggy and Steve in silence, looking at her friend’s back. He looked so different and a part of that scared her. She didn’t want him to change, she wanted him to stay the man he always had, the one she had always loved.
“Sit down, we’ll start with some blood tests.” Peggy explained, taking Steve’s file from the desk.
“I can do it.” Ellie offered. She couldn’t stay still; she couldn’t sit without doing anything so if she could be helpful for something she would be happy to do it.
Peggy inspected her face for a moment and nodded to the other nurse in the room who immediately walked away. Ellie slipped on a white blouse, washed her hands and grabbed the kit she needed as Steve took a sit on the edge of the medical bed. The soldier pulled his sleeve up and looked at Ellie as she cleaned the crook of his arm and, as gently as possible, she pushed the needle into his skin. She saw him wince slightly.
“Sorry.” Ellie whispered.
“It’s okay, Angel.” Steve smiled and for a moment silence fell over the room.
Peggy was studying Steve’s file, trying to think about where to go from there, without Doctor Erskine, Ellie was busy changing the tube to withdraw enough blood from Steve and Steve was lost in his mind, thinking about what had happened when he chased down the Nazi spy. He had been able to do things he had never done before.
“Think you got enough?” Steve asked when he felt Ellie pulling the needle out of his arm.
“Any hope of reproducing the program is locked in your genetic code.” Peggy explained as Steve pulled his sleeve down and stood up. “But without Dr. Erskine, it would take years.”
“He deserved more than this.” Steve commented.
“If it could work only once, he’d be proud it was you.” Peggy admitted, exchanging a look with Steve and offering him a soft smile.
“I think she’s right Steve. You were chosen for a reason.” Ellie agreed and he looked at her, giving her a small smile.
Steve’s sight went back to the window in front of him as Colonel Phillips walked in the underground room where Howard Stark was studying the submarine they had taken from the Nazi spy.
“Colonel Phillips, my committee is demanding answers.” The man walking behind to the Colonel said and Ellie recognised him as the senator Brandt.
“Great. Why don’t we start with how a German spy got a ride to my secret installation in your car?” The Colonel stated before stopping to look at Stark. “What we got here?”
“Speaking modestly, I’m the best mechanical engineer in this country. But I don’t know what’s inside this thing or how it works. We’re not even close to this technology.”
“Then who is?” Senator Brandt asked.
“Hydra.” Colonel Phillips answered. “I’m sure you’ve been reading our briefings.”
“I’m on a number of committees, Colonel.”
“Hydra is the Nazi deep-science division.” Peggy explained, walking towards the men, followed by Steve and Ellie. The Senator took his hat off of his head as Peggy continued. “It’s led by Johann Schmidt. But he has much bigger ambitions.”
“Hydra is practically a cult.” Colonel Phillips added. “They worship Schmidt. They think he’s invincible.”
“So, what are you going to do about it?” Senator Brandt asked as Ellie stopped by Steve’s side.
“I spoke to the President this morning. As of today, the SSR is being retasked.” Phillips explained, walking toward the two women and Steve, talking directly to Peggy.
“Colonel?” Agent Carter frowned slightly.
“We are taking the fight to Hydra. Pack your bags, Agent Carter. You too, Stark.” The colonel turned to give a glance at the engineer before turning back toward the agent. “We’re flying to London tonight.”
Steve glanced quickly at Peggy and turned to the Colonel, standing tall. “Sir? If you’re going after Schmidt, I want in.”
“You’re an experiment. You’re going to Alamogordo.”
Steve sighed slightly, his heart dropping in his chest, and he glanced at Peggy and Ellie. He was not going to give up without a fight, not now that he could fight. “The serum worked.”
“I asked for an army and all I got was you. You are not enough.” Colonel Phillips emphasized, and he turned back and started to walk away.
Ellie’s hand dropped to Steve’s forearm. She was mad at the Colonel Phillips for not giving Steve a chance, especially since he was right, the serum had worked. At least for now. Steve jaw clenched and he looked down for a second.
“With all due respect to the Colonel, I think we may be missing the point. I’ve seen you in action, Steve. More importantly, the country’s seen it.” Senator Brandt said, stopping in front of Steve. “Paper.” He grabbed the newspaper his man handed him and showed Steve the front page where his picture was put up under the title Nazis in New York. Mystery man saves child. “The enlistment lines have been around the block since your picture hit the newsstands. You don’t take a soldier, a symbol like that, and hide him in a lab.”
Steve took a look at the newspaper and suddenly felt his hopes back up. Was Senator Brandt giving him a chance to fight?
“Son.” The Senator slipped his hand on Steve shoulder and pulled him to walk with him. “Do you want to serve your country on the most important battlefield of the war?”
Steve stopped, speaking very seriously. “Sir, that’s all I want.”
“Then, congratulations. You just got promoted.” The Senator offered Steve his hand and he quickly shook it in his, a small smile appearing on his lips. “I’ll send a car for you tomorrow and we can discuss this further.”
Steve nodded and watched the Senator walk away before he turned back to smile at Ellie who was nervously biting the inside of her cheek.
“I guess this is goodbye for now, Steve.” Peggy passed by, standing by his side a second and she nodded.
“Goodbye Peggy.” Steve offered her a smile before she left the room.
For a moment silence fell in the room where Ellie and Steve were the only one left. “I guess you made it, Soldier.” Ellie spoke softly.
“I guess I did.” Steve smiled and slipped his arm around her shoulders. “Should we get out of here while I can?”
“Yes, let’s go back home.”
Without a word, they both walked out of the secret facility and took a car back to Ellie’s apartment. Steve got lost in his thoughts, trying to get his head wrapped around what he just had been through. It had been a long day, but he was glad Ellie was there, by his side.
Chapter five
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natureplay · 11 months
୨୧Chapter V • Surprise Encounters
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Word count: 1.6k
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Receiving your paycheck can be one of the best feelings ever, but there is something even better: spending it. Taking out those crisp bills and feeling their crispness between your fingers. It's an incredible sensation. Nothing compares to the satisfaction of knowing that your money is going toward something you need or want.
You are walking around the grocery store, checking off items on your list like some sort of grown-up. It's a strange feeling, considering how you were so used to tagging along with your mother on these trips. But here you are now, all by yourself managing to get everything you need for the week.
You’re walking around the snack aisle, looking at the shelves. A variety of chips and biscuits. Your stomach sends signals to your brain that it’s craving something salty so you grab a large bag of pretzels scanning over it.
Somebody calls your name from behind. When you turn around, you’re met with the familiar face of Eric.
For the past several weeks, he's made it a point to take every opportunity to talk to you. Whether you’re eating lunch with Hunnigan and he just has to join you, sitting at your desk taking a little break or simply passing by in the hallway, he always makes sure to find an excuse to strike up a conversation. Every time he talks with you, you feel his voice blossom and his face warms into a beam of happiness.
You didn’t like that. Well, maybe a little bit. Who doesn’t enjoy getting attention from others? It makes you feel a tad bit more special and wanted. But with Eric was different. Not just because he was borderline annoying with his very obvious interest in you— but also because you don’t date co-workers. You made that mistake already and it ended terribly.
“Hey!” Eric says.
You smile awkwardly and mutter a little hi to him. Eric smiles back, his eyes crinkling at the corners. You didn’t want to be rude and ignore him, though you could do that. Just turn around and leave. Pretend you never saw him.
“How are you doing, kid ?”
‘Kid’. That word immediately brings forth a feeling of resentment within you. It's as if he is superior to you and that you require his guidance to make it through life. You hate the way it makes your skin crawl every time he utters that moniker. You do nothing about it.
“Just doing a bit of grocery shopping. What about you?”
“Same here”
Another thing about Eric is that, yes, he does strike up conversations with you every single chance he gets, but he doesn’t know how to continue them so you’re left standing in an abyss of awkwardness. You’re sure he shares the same feeling.
“Are you excited for tomorrow?”
“I am a little bit nervous but I’m sure we’re going to do great…” You quickly start thinking of any excuse to escape this discomfiting situation.
Eric nods and stares at you.
“Well, I need to hurry. Don’t want to lose the bus. You know how these lines get” You laugh stiffly and start walking away before he can offer to help you by giving you a ride home. Your poor nerves can’t handle that, “See you tomorrow!”
As you’re walking away, you silently say sorry to all the snacks you couldn’t buy today—next time for sure.
You go straight to check-out not wanting to have another encounter with Eric. You told Hunnigan about what he’s been doing. She has the same thoughts as you but she enjoys teasing and making fun of you for it.
The line at check-out is short. Surprisingly, not that many people do their shopping on a random Tuesday evening. Except you and, well, Eric apparently.
You start walking towards the bus station. You're carrying two large and heavy bags in both of your arms. It's definitely giving you a bit of a workout. You can't imagine how sore your hands are going to be.
You didn't buy groceries just for yourself, oh no. The sweet old lady that gave you cookies when you moved on asked very nicely if you could also buy her groceries. You couldn't say no, especially after she said her grandson hasn’t been to visit her in over four months. So, guilt pushed you to help her.
It's not the first time you're helping her. You've helped her with cleaning, grocery shopping, and washing dishes. She always makes sure she gives you a little something in return that is in the form of her baking and cooking. She's been inviting you over for dinner where you both sit on the couch, eat one of her spectacular dishes, and watch the television and yell at the characters when they do something stupid.
The bus arrives in front of the apartment complex and you struggle to carry both of the bags and try to balance yourself.
You get in the elevator—because there is no way you're taking the stairs— and press the button to your floor. You set the bags down to give your poor arms a little break. You used to be a regular at the gym, maybe you should start doing that again. 
The elevator doors open and you're met with the familiar hallway with peeling wallpaper and a questionable taste in tiles.
You enter your apartment first, setting both the bags on a kitchen counter and catch your breath for a little while. You take off your coat and toss it somewhere, not even looking where it lands, just hoping it's on the couch or somewhere nearby.
You take your neighbour's groceries and make the short journey to the door across the hall. You knock twice, taking a moment to wait for a response. While you stand there, you can't help but imagine what Mrs Ledger’s grandson is like. Most likely a loser who doesn’t care about his family.
Mrs Ledger hasn’t shown you pictures of him like any other grandparent would. She said that on the off chance you’re both here at the same time, she wants to embarrass him as much as possible with his naked baby photos.
Your nice neighbour opens the door and greets you with a warm smile.
“Come in, dear,” she says. Her voice is warm and welcoming.
You step into the apartment and you are struck by the familiar scent; it is a combination of nostalgia, reminiscence, and childhood memories that each grandparent has. You can't help but inhale deeply; you remember the days of visiting your own grandparents, and how their homes were warm and inviting. You wander to the small kitchen and set the bag on the counter.
“I hope I didn’t convenience you too much” She starts taking the items out of the bag and setting them down.
“It was no trouble, really”
By this point you know where every time needs to be stored. You grab the two bags of flour and put them away in the pantry.
"Thank you so much, dear, You've been a real help," Mrs Ledger says with warmth in her voice "I spoke to my grandson while you were away. He said he's coming over, to visit" Her eyes light up. So he does remember he has a family.
"That's nice... When is he coming?"
"Just about now, he said he's bringing me dinner" She replied with a wide grin, her cheeks glowing as bright as her spirit.
You nod; You didn’t want to be here when he arrived.
“Do you want to come over for dinner, dear?”
You freeze for a moment. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t. You needed to get all the sleep you could get. Tomorrow you were going to assist Eric Williams on his mission. You didn’t know how long it was going to take, but you knew it was going to be a long and exhausting day.
“I would really love to, but I have this really important thing tomorrow and I need my mind to be—I’m really sorry,” you say sincerely but gladly at the same time.
“Oh, well, that’s too bad. I don’t know when he’ll come visit again” While she still has the smile on her lips, her voice and eyes betray the poor old lady. You can’t help but pity her. From what you’ve heard, she doesn’t have any other family.
“You never know” You smile and head out the door.
“Thank you again, sugar!”
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Leon is sitting in his car, head resting against the steering wheel, feeling completely overwhelmed. He's been feeling down for quite a while now and finds himself unable to shake the deep-seated sadness he feels.
Almost four months since his last visit to his grandmother, the only living family he has left.
Life and work got in his way multiple times. And whenever he had time to spare, he was moping around his house trying to get himself to get up and check on her.
He grabs the dinner he promised his grandmother. He still has the spare key she gave him so going inside was no problem.
He walks up the stairs with his head empty and body on autopilot.
He’s about to open the door to the apartment but somebody else opens it for him.
You are standing at the door, looking up at him with confused eyes. He’s equally as confused. What were you doing here?
“Leon!” your voice sounds so surprised. You look back inside, then at him again. Gears seem to be grinding in your head then you make a sudden connection.
“I was just leaving. Good night, Mrs Ledger!”
You almost bump into him in your hurry. You open the door and slip inside your apartment. The one next to his grandmother’s. How interesting.
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finallydelight · 2 years
Highlights of Ming's appearance on Midnight Idol with Monsta X's Kihyun and I.M. as hosts.
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''Our guest today is someone who we really, really hoped would come.'' Changkyun starts their broadcast.
''Today, we are having a special guest, so please look forward to it on tonight's Midnight Idol. Let's begin!'' Kihyun adds, teasing the listeners more about their guest.
The two Monsta X members do a little bit of small talk with each other and interact with the listeners, before officially introducing their guest.
''Kihyun, can you give a small introduction of our today's guest?'' Changkyun asks him.
The older member nods his head. ''She's pretty, has great vocals and she's our friend.'' Kihyun briefly introduces her. ''Like a little sister,'' Changkyun continues, ''I think it's time to meet, I think she's ready to come out. We'll open the door, please ring the doorbell.''
''Ring the bell!'' Kihyun yells through the studio. A doorbell sound is heard. ''Who is it?'' Both members yell at the same time.
''Hello, I'm SEVENTEEN's Ming who came to visit Midnight Idol, nice to meet you!'' Ming introduces herself to the audience.
The two men welcome her. ''Welcome, Welcome!'' ''Nice to meet you.''
''Yerim-ie, drink some water and when you're ready, please introduce yourself again.'' Kihyun tells her in a soft voice, while pointing at the water bottle next to her.
Ming looks around kind of unsure. ''Where should I look?'' She asks them. ''It's this one.'' Kihyun points at the camera she should look at.
She gives the camera a small wave. ''Hello, I'm SEVENTEEN's Ming and we came back with our ninth mini album, Attacca.'' She greets the viewers in a shy tone, with a soft smile on her face. Kihyun and Changkyun cheer for her and she hides her face in embarrassment.
''It feels like it's been a while, a really long time.'' Changkyun starts off. Ming nods. ''Yeah, some time has passed since the last time I saw you guys.''
"How old are you now, Yerim-ie?" Kihyun asks her. "I'm 22 years-old." She answers him, a slight blush on her face. "Oh, we're the same age!" Kihyun jokes, being a couple years older than her.
"I bet you were waiting to make that joke." Changkyun says, making the other two laugh.
"The other members have schedules of their own, so only you are here tonight." Changkyun focused back on the script that he was holding.
Ming nods. "It's also your first time on the broadcast with us, how do you feel about Midnight Idol?" Kihyun asks her.
"I don't do these kinds of broadcasts on my own often, so I'm really nervous, but I quite like the vibe so far." She answers, the nerves evident in her voice.
"You don't need to think like you're in the middle of broadcasting, just relax and you can say whatever you want to say." Kihyun assures her, wanting her to feel comfortable.
"Also normally you're with 13 other members and you're more of a reserved person, so it's natural that you feel a bit out of your element, that's okay." Changkyun adds, giving the girl a soft smile. She bows her head to them. "Thank you."
"In this segment, we'll bring out an item that you brought with you. Let's take it out." Kihyun introduces their next segment.
Changkyun grabs the small box that's next to his chair and he opens it. Inside they find Ming's face roller.
"It's a face roller, do you use this often?" Changkyun asks her. She nods her head. "Yes, it's a face roller that you have to put in the fridge for a couple hours, so it's cold. Then you use it on your face, I use it before I go to sleep and when I wake up." Ming explains the use of it.
Both men listen attentively. "Isn't it uncomfortable if it's cold?" Kihyun asks her, a bit confused.
She shakes her head. "No, especially when it's warm, it's really refreshing. It makes your face less puffy, that's why I use it a lot." She continues.
"Ah, it makes your face less puffy? That's quite useful." Kihyun says.
"Hyung, I think you're gonna have to buy this then."
"We're gonna play a game now," Kihyun announces, "normally we play this when there are more guests, but we really wanted to do this with you, so we're gonna make it work." He laughs.
"We're going to test our chemistry, we've known each other for some years now, so I think this will go well." Changkyun adds.
Ming listens attentively, even though the broadcast had been going on for a while, she still was a bit nervous being on her own like this.
"First, Changkyun will ask a question, he'll count down and then me and you have to answer at the same time." Kihyun explains to her.
She nods. "Alright, that's not hard." She says.
"And then afterwards, we'll do it," Changkyun tells her, "okay, let's start the game."
Q. Mint chocolate, like VS dislike?
KH: Like
YR: Dislike
"Do you think mint chocolate has the same taste as toothpaste?" Kihyun asks her, kind of surprised to know that the girl doesn't like it.
She shakes her head. "No, not to that extent." She answers him.
Q. Games VS Netflix
KH & YR: Netflix!
"Yerim-ah, don't you play games with your members often?" Kihyun turns to her, again surprised by her answer.
She thinks for a minute. "These days not really, I only play with Wonwoo and most of the time I just watch him play, because I'm not really good at it." She answers.
Q. Comfortable clothes VS cool clothes?
KH & YR: Comfortable clothes!
"You can match it, cool clothes that are comfortable, that's what I always go for." She says, taking the initiative to talk, making the two guys very happy seeing her getting more comfortable.
They nod. "Since we started doing Midnight Idol, I started wearing more comfortable clothes, since it's nice to be more at ease when you're doing a broadcast." Kihyun explains.
Q. Meat with cold noodles VS meat with stew?
KH: Meat with cold noodles
YR: Meat with stew
"Yerim-ie, I thought we would match a bit better, but it could have been worse." Kihyun says, pretending to be sad.
She laughs at his sulking. "Oppa, don't be sad, despite our differences we still get along well." Ming tries to make him feel better, playing along. "Oh, that's sweet, thank you Yerim-ie, " Kihyun thanks her, "now, I'll ask the questions and you and Changkyun will answer."
Q. Sleep VS eat?
CK: Sleep
YR: Eat
"We could sleep well after eating." Kihyun comments, finding a middle ground. "But then my face will be puffy." Changkyun argues. "Then you can use Ming's face roller!" Kihyun exclaims, like he just had an epiphany. The three of them start laughing at his comment.
Q. Exercising VS no exercising?
CK: Exercising
YR: No exercising
"We really are not in sync." Changkyun sulking. "You two really are not a match." Kihyun teases.
Q. Colorful VS black and white?
CK: Black and white
YR: Colorful
The pair groans upon saying different answers again. "I really thought you were gonna say black and white!" Changkyun exclaims, getting more sulky with each question. Meanwhile, Kihyun and Ming are laughing their asses off with the situation.
"I was sad about those 2 questions where we didn't match, but this is much worse." Kihyun says, still laughing at his member's sulky face.
"That's it for today! Yerim-ie, if you have any last words for the carats who are watching?" Kihyun asks her, pointing at the camera she should look at.
"I hope the viewers had a nice time listening to our broadcast. Because of Kihyun-oppa and Changkyun-oppa I felt very comfortable, even though I was on my own this time. Thank you so much for that. I hope our carats enjoy the new album and our promotion time. There were probably also monbebes watching tonight, so I hope that carats and monbebes can become friendly with each other and support Seventeen and Monsta X." She finishes her ending ment.
"Thank you so much for being our guest today, it was to be able to see each other again like this and good luck with the new album." Changkyun ends the broadcast.
Taglist: @lunarxsun @cosmicwintr @mythicalamphitrite @billboard-singer @stopeatread @still-astray @sakuurra @multiplums @giverosespls
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Breed P4
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Media Irl x SCfi
Character Thomas Brodie sangster
Couple Thomas x reader
rating smut
Concept Breed series
Smut full sex/ princess/ 
I unpacked the few things I had brought with me even if admittedly it made me realize just how little I had with me with I had such an ample space to fill. Luckily the room was already full of items for me, soaps and sweet towels in the bathroom, brushes and combs on the vanity, and even a few dresses in the wardrobe even if most of them were not much more than half see-through strips just enough to conceal me. I decided to change into one of the dresses left here for me, I picked out a long ankle-length purple dress that admittedly took me a moment to get on correctly. The fabric was thin but at least it wasn't sheer, it fell on my body without much space to hide with few seams or elastic to give it shape. the dress had a long circle skirt down to my ankles that sat on my waist, and nothing but two long straps of fabric to cover everything on my top half I had to do some pretty intricate work to get it all to stay but at last I made it work.
The longer I waited the more my nerves grew.
Looking out the balcony only made me feel strange...
I think it truly sank in.
I was on a planet far from my home, a place truly alien to me.
I was surrounded by a species I knew nothing about.
Held Captive by a man I didn't know.
I knew little about him, his home, his people, and his culture.
All I knew was it was not my fate to be nothing more than a breeding slave, for the good of a planet I'm sure but still that didn't exactly make me feel much better.
I heard the door open and immediately I froze up hearing it close again,
"Hello Princess" he smirked
"The time has come princess" he smirked
"I suppose it has" I sighed turning to see him, he smiled widely as he saw me coming close to take my hand softly
"You look beautiful" He smiled giving my forehead a kiss "Are you ready?"
"....no" I snapped moving away
"No. I'm not"
"Excuse me! you're my breeder. you don't get much of a choice in the matter"
"then why did you ask me?"
"Well no," I said going to the balcony but he followed me grabbing my arm the moment he touched my skin I noticed something different his hand gripped me harshly his fingers now claws sharp enough to cut me open like a tallon of a Manix he pulled me close to him pressing my body against his completely
"You really think you get to choose princess." he smirked in my ear "you look so good in that dress, now finish what you've started" He demanded "and if your good I'll let you off tonight" He smirked licking a line up my cheek, I turned and forced myself out of his grip
"No!" I demanded bolting inside but he chased after me leaving me with no choice but to jump on my bed he smirked leaning on the bedpost
"You're a breeder princess, what about that don't you get?"
"Do you know how nice I've been?" He snapped "I could have kept you like most breeders locked in the dungeons chain around your neck to be used by any man who can get it up enough to fuck you, the fact I gave you a suite, a home, clothes, is not the norm believe me you are an exception. doesn't mean I won't throw you down there if you misbehave. Now lay on your back, open your legs, and do your job" He demanded grabbing my ankles and forcing my legs open but I kicked him off me and tucked my legs under me "where's the pretty little princess who was snuggling with me all morning in the ship? where'd she go I want her back"
"You are not touching me. doing anything to me. until you explain what you are, how this place works and what the fuck that was in the ship"
he rolled his eyes going and fetching himself a drink before he sat at the end of the bed his back against the footboard his legs down the bed towards me "Fine. then you'll do your job?"
"Alright, ask away princess" he says sipping his drink
"Where is this place?"
"This is linley y/n"
"Where abouts in the galaxy are we?"
"Sector 9728." He answered
"What's the ship traffic like here?"
"You don't need to know. You're not going anywhere" he smirked but I glared "not much. Anyone who comes and goes has to sit through the same customs we did very strict about who comes and goes"
"Because of the incident"
"Many years ago when we were far less prepared for the vast world's that lay beyond our own, a ship came. We welcomed them with open arms and they truly loved it here. They loved our customs, our hospitality, our beautiful home planet, and our women. One night while everyone slept they stole as many woman as they could and slaughtered any men who defied them" he explained "they stole the women away, used them as slaves and whores. Sold them across the universe we've been rather... high strung ever since when it comes to visitors"
"The few women who were left did their best but... our population has never really recovered and many men and women born of the latest generations are infertile further causing issues."
"You said linly people worked with people like me?"
"Similar genetics. You don't get some of the abilities we have of course but everything else is much the same. Your kind makes such good breeders for us if you can be found fertile. The only real difference between your kind and a fertile linly girl is A the abilities and B you give birth quicker which honestly is a best case scenario" he explained
"Due to... the general make up of the planet we have some abilities when we're home"
"Such as?"
"How old would you guess I am?" He smirked
"I wouldn't"
"Don't try to flatter me, princess"
"Twenty five? Twenty seven?"
"Aren't you a sweetheart." He Cooes "I am ninety six"
"What! That's not possible"
"Very possible. We age very slowly in addition to our long lifespans. I'm not even middle age yet" he chuckled
"That thing... you did on the ship"
"I did alot of things on the ship" he smirked
"During the landing"
"What was that?"
"That is another of our abilities. Though few can do it as well as me." He smirked "it's called liquification, more scientific cell liquification." He explained holding up his hand and like on the ship his skin seemed to turn like water changing into a strange flesh toned mass of moving shape "the ability to turn yourself fluid rewriting yourself cell by cell to appear as whatever you want" he smirked as he spoke his hand changing the liquid mass taking shape into the hand of a manix dark brown with matted fur and sharp claws, the hand of a relien dark blue with webbed fingers and finally the hand of a warlin bright red skin with seven fingers before returning to his normal form
"Like... transformation?"
"If you like"
"Can all of you do that?"
"Yes princess all of me can do that"
"Can everyone here do that?"
"Not everyone. Everyone has the ability to do it takes training and skill to control it be able to use it at will" he explained
"So if you wanted to you could transform into anything?"
"If I wanted too" he smirked "with a few rules"
"I can't change my eye colour, my voice or my hair colour"
"That Put you more or less at ease?"
"A little more I guess."
"Good. Any more questions?"
"How... exactly is this going to work?"
"Well you'll live up here in your luxury suite have all of your needs cared for while I attended to lordly business, and whenever I have the time or... the hard on I'll come up and fuck you. Likely very often the first few weeks, after all I need to break you in" he smirked "im sure soon enough you'll get pregnant and give birth to my child, they'll be taken to the nurseries and well return to our business" he smirked
"Until when?"
"Until I tire of you. Or you lose your fertility" he explained
"I meant what I said on the ship y/n. I wouldn't do this if I didn't have to." He says
"Maybe I would, but you'd be a plaything more than a breeder. If you'd prefer too think that way?"
"Not particularly no" I sighed "fine let's just get this over with" I sighed laying down but he came and cuddled me holding me close
"You were excited on the ship? You seemed like you wanted to? What changed?"
"Just all kinds sunk in the situation I'm in"
"Okay, if it helps don't think about it your my princess and I'll take very good care of you"
"You mean it?"
"I do. Come on you seemed so excited on the ship, or do I have to flash you my cock again to get you all excited?"
"You promise... not to treat me to badly?"
"I promise. I won't hurt my princess" he Cooes kissing my shoulder
"Okay" I nodded turning to face him
"How long do you think it'll take to get pregnant?"
"I don't know. But we'll have fun finding out" he smirked
"Okay just don't rip my new dress" I smiled tugging him closer so our noses could rub together
"No promises princess" he smirked kissing me 
He smirked and tugged my dress up and away from me to expose me to him "fuck." He growled "you look beautiful princess," he said almost unable to stop looking at me but within a second his hand moved to my neck and cheek "come here princess" he smirked pulling me close and kissing my lips with so much passion and energy he pushed his shirt off throwing it to the floor he quickly took both his hands away to work at his belt and pants kicking them off with a smirk "I finally get to use my little breeder. It's been so long." he groans  he didn't waste time both hands grabbing my breast to gently fondle them harshly before turning his attention to my clit giving it a few gentle rubs taking the natural wetness their and using it to rub up and down his shaft to lubricate himself,  he happily got snug between my legs wrapping them softly around his hips "I'm going to enjoy breaking you in princess" he growled slipping inside me quickly making sure he was hilt deep, I blushed hard admittedly feeling a wave of pleasure as he did, he bit his lip as he slowly began to move, he was so slow and gentle all while cursing and groaning under his breath "Uhhh fuck!" He groans "ughh princess" He groans still keeping as his slow pace "fuck.... Uummmm princess. Y/n christ you feel so fucking good" he moans pulling almost completely out and then diving hilt deep again "You are a perfect little breeder princess." He smirked as he began to get faster and faster becoming far more merciless leaving me with little choice but to expose the pleasure he caused me which only made him smirk more and continue so much so he was barely stopping now between thrusts, "fuck! I'm gonna have to keep you under lock and key princess, your pussy is so good. any man on this planet would kill for you princess"
"umm hum" I muttered trying not to give him the satisfaction of my enjoyment
"awww? you not happy pet?" he asks "I can fix that" he smirked now mercilessly rubbing on my clit as he thrusted making me uncontrollably moan "That's better. of course I want my pet to feel good too especially given how good she is for me" he smirked now at a rapid pace enough to leave me a squealing mess each time he reached hilt deep inside me until I had no choice but
"Uuuuhhh! Uuhh ahhhhh!" I squealed feeling the waves of pleasure overwhelm me which made him smirk and chuckle at me
"You're adorable" he cooes stroking an overwhelmed tear from my cheek "you'll get use to it princess" he smirked pinning me against the bed hard getting even faster and more mercilessly still groaning and grunting "Fuck princess!" He groans moving so intensely I couldn't help my overwhelmed screams "don't scream too loud princess," he smirked "Ughhhh UUuuuhhhh-" he groans before suddenly stopping his hips bucking in odd angles until he pulled out and collapsed down beside me gasping for breath "You... are the best breeder I could have possibly picked out" he says "I am going to enjoy you princess" he smirked
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
This was an ask but I lost it - it was a prompt for the tropes to get a text about a guy hitting on them in a grocery store
Okay but work with me here
There is actually a guy hitting on them.
Have a Good Friday bubbies 💕
With three growing boys came a lot of groceries, on top of Harry who was a garbage disposal himself and ate like crazy - came the need for two groceries carts.
Harry had wandered off to pick up a forgotten item with Ezra in the little seat, Easton and Cash in the cart among the food item.
It was just YN waiting in a ridiculously long line to check out when a cart pulls behind her, and she hears someone cough to get her attention.
She turns to look and it’s a younger man with a white smile and a raised brow, “I just wanted to let you know you’re very beautiful.”
YN has to stop from making a face, instead pulls up her phone and sends out a quick text before sliding it back in her purse.
yn: better hurry up, some guy is hitting on me
She would normally ignore the comment but she’s just waiting for her husband to come and have a fit so she entertains the conversation.
“Thanks, that’s very sweet of you,” YN gives him a small smile and his eyes dart to her chest before reading it - it was a pretty plain tee with a Yankees logo on it.
“Fan of the Yankees? You’re too pretty to like baseball too,” The man laughs like the joke he said was just comical.
“Who’s you’re favorite player?” YN asks with a curious grin.
“Oh, Styles for sure. Have you heard of him, honey?” The man asks patronizingly like she’s a dumb, band-wagon fan.
“Uh, Styles?” She replies dumbly with wide eyes, “Is he the catcher?”
“Can I help y’mate?” Harry interrupts rudely, maneuvering his cart full of children in front of the man talking to his wife.
The guy legitimately gasps, “Y-you-you’re Har-Harry Styles.”
“Oh my god, that is Harry Styles!” YN remarks with faux surprise to irk her husband but it gets ruined when Ezra screeches, “Mama!”
Harry rolls her eyes at her but she doesn’t miss the little curve to his lip.
“I am. What can I help you with?” He asks gruffly, his hand going to cup the back of his wife’s neck protectively.
“I was ju-uh? I was talking er to this girl because of her s-shirt,” He rambles, the man’s hands were shaking with excitement and nerves.
“This girl is m’wife and I’d appreciate if you left her alone now,” Harry glares, “I think she’s off the market based on the fact that she gave me these three babies in tha’ cart.”
YN giggles when Harry gives her skin a slight squeeze, he was so hot when he was protective of her and their babies.
“Ca-can I have a signature?”
Easton furrows his brow, tossing the box of cereal to the side in the cart, and huffs out, “Leave us alone!”
Harry laughs, moving to shush him and shrug, “Y’heard him, leave us alone.”
And if that man goes around telling everyone Harry Styles is an asshole after that…well Harry couldn’t give a flying fuck.
YN didn’t need Harry to tell a man to fuck off, obviously not, but it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t an opportunity to rile him up.
It’s in the pasta aisle, Harry had went to find the Cheerios that Beau had suddenly demanded with puppy dog eyes.
As she reaches for a box on the top shelf, someone steps behind her and grabs it for her - encroaching on her personal space.
“Here you go, doll,” A clean-shaven, business-looking man smiles as he hands her the box and steps back from her.
Beau and Olive were sitting in the cart, playing with the few toys YN had brought along to keep them entertained.
“Thanks,” YN scoffs but then realizes this is a perfect opportunity to fuck with her husband so she sweetens her tone and smiles, “You’re so tall.”
As he begins rambling, YN pulls out her cell phone and sends a quick text to her husbands.
yn: some guys in aisle six is trying to make me his house wife
She sees the message is read but he doesn’t reply.
It’s less than a minute before he’s striding back down the aisle - looking hotter than fucking ever if you asked his wife.
He was in his normal black skinny jeans and plain black tee, his curls pulled into a bun, black leather boots, and his body covered completely with tattoos.
“Can I fuckin’ help you?” Harry barks, right off the bat, lightly pushing his wife behind him in his normal protector mode.
“I was just offer some help to this beautiful lady,” The man smiles obnoxiously, puffing out his chest to appear bigger.
“My wife doesn’t need y’help,” He replies with a scoff, he was taller than the men and much more muscular - there was no chance.
The man falters for a moment before shrugging, “I just wouldn’t expect such an stunning girl to be with fuckin’ tattooed up scum like you. She’ll leave you.”
Harry has to use all of his self-control to not knock this man out, “Look at those fuckin’ babies, look exactly like me, don’t they? Because I put them in her. Pretty sure she isn’t gonna leave me.”
“Low life,” The man scoffs.
But then, Harry is narrowing his eyes, “Wait a minute, I know you. You’re Henry Clark.”
It’s obvious Henry is confused to how this man knows his name by his raised eyebrows.
“How do you know me?” He challenges.
“Because you owe me money,” Harry replies with a crooked grin.
“I don’t even know you!” Henry laughs with a honking, annoying sound.
“Oh, y’know me,” Harry is still smiling, he pulls up his tee slightly where he has a tattoo on his abdomen that matches the slogan on his gun.
Smile! You’ve met the devil!
Henry’s wide grin falls and his face pales without a seconds notice.
“Daddy, please!” Olive whines angrily after Beau smacks a box of crackers out of her hand with a baby giggle at his sister’s irritation.
“Excuse me a minute, don’t move,” Harry replies with a shit-eating smile, he lifts his shirt a bit more to flash his gun before turning to his kids.
YN had been distracted at looking over their grocery list, unconcerned about what was going on.
“Whassit, button?” Harry murmurs, thumbing away the tears on her ruddy cheeks.
“S’being mean,” Olive squeaks with sad, puppy eyes and a poured bottom lip - making grabby hands for her father, “Pick m’up, daddy.”
“S’kay, Beau - y’need to be nice t’your sister,” He tells his son seriously before turning back to the quivering man, “There better be £50,000 at the Third Street Shipping Ware house by midnight or I’m coming to find you.”
“Stop talkin’ daddy,” Olive complains, wanting his attention on her and not this random man. Her small hand comes to pat at his cheek, finger curiously touching the tattoo there.
“F-fine,” Henry agrees with a stutter, a sheen of sweat forming on his brow.
Harry snags a bag of cookies of the shelf to distract his daughter as he finishes their conversation, “If y’not there, I’ll gladly painted m’walls with y’blood.”
“I-I wi-will,” The man agrees, wiping his brow.
“Also, if y’tell anyone about m’babies - I’ll not only kill you but every single person you’ve ever loved if you even think about mentioning m’children,” Harry touches his gun with his free hand, “I have bullets w’your name on it.”
“Daddy, no more. Cuddle now?” Olive interrupts, unbothered or concerned by her father’s tight jaw and dangerous eyes.
“Get lost,” He demands before turning away from the man and kissing his daughter’s temple, “Y’want a cuddle, hm?”
“Please,” She whimpers, giggling when she feels her father’s slight scratchy stubble on her cheek before he’s hugging her close to his chest - protective and safe.
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oneshot-wxnderland · 3 years
Lab Partners With Benefits Pt. 3 | Percy Jackson
Summary: Another week, another lab and Y/n and Percy are feeling a different kind of tension this time.
Category: fluff 
Part 1 | Part 2
          Percy had been kicking himself all week. He had forgotten to ask you for your number before you left his place and now you probably thought he was just some asshole looking for a one-time hookup. And he didn’t want that. And he hoped you didn’t want that either. But he wasn’t really sure what he wanted. 
         It’d been a hot minute since Percy was in any kind of relationship and he wasn’t sure if he was even the relationship kind. Even if he did want to be, his life just didn’t lend itself to dating mortals. There was always some monster popping up that he’d have to fight, or quest he’d have to go on, or emergency at camp he’d have to run off to, and Percy was a shit liar. It’s what messed up the last time he’d tried to date somebody. He was constantly blowing off dates and rain-checking everything because the gods are needy attention seekers. 
          He’d seen superhero movies before and related a lot to when they had similar issues. Percy’s not saying he’s Spiderman or anything, but he does live in New York and save it from constant peril – so yeah, he’s Spiderman. 
          This time, however, he was really considering trying again. Trying with you. And Percy had a plan. 
          Sliding into his seat when there were only a few other people in the room yet, Percy felt pumped up. He woke up early, showered, had a FaceTime with the boys to discuss the game plan, and got to class ahead of you so that he was ready to give you his number the first chance he got before he lost his nerve. That was part of Jason’s advice: offer his number to you instead of asking for yours. He claimed it would make Percy come off more vulnerable and less pushy. Leo mostly just spouted different cheesy lines that Percy would never use. Frank didn’t say much but Hazel piped in every now and then when she took the phone from him. 
          “So, you’re lab partners,” Hazel started. “Do you talk outside of your lab?”
          “No, that’s why I need her number.”
          “But you said you did homework together at your place right? So how’d that go? Did she seem interested?”
          Percy paused. 
          “Yeah, it went... fine.”
          Hazel was blissfully unaware of the blush that was creeping up his neck but Jason didn’t miss it. Or the way he suddenly needed to roll up his sleeves and fiddle with them. 
          “Did you just do the homework?” Jason asked suspiciously. 
          “We uh... kissed...” 
          “Niiiiiicee, Percy!” Leo hollered. “That’s my boy!”
          Frank retook the phone from Hazel and hastily gave an excuse to go before leaving the call and cutting off Hazel’s confused protests.
          “I don’t know what to tell you, man,” Jason shook his head. “This is way beyond my level now. Piper and Annabeth are nearby I’ll go get them-.”
          “No!” Percy cut him off. That’s the last thing he wanted. The girl’s won’t know or care what to do so they’d ask Piper’s siblings and then the entirety of camp would know. “It doesn’t really change anything. I’m going to give her my number and then the ball’s in her court and I don’t have to worry about it.”
          “But your balls were in her court, weren’t they Percy.” 
          “Leo I am going to kill you when I get back to camp and that is a threat.”
          Leo left the call.
          “I’m sure it’ll be fine, just don’t do your game-time face because it’ll scare her off,” Jason tried to get the conversation back on track.
          “What face? I don’t have a scary face?” Percy added another item to the list of things to not do when he saw her.
          “Yes you do. It’s when you’re charging into battle but this isn’t battle is it Percy?” 
          “You’re lucky,” Percy lamented while he grabbed his backpack. “You just woke up and were already with Piper. All the hard work done for you.” 
          “You got this man, just be yourself.” 
          Percy decided to throw that particular bit of garbage advice away. 
          Now he was sitting in his seat, got there early, and he was even wearing his nice t-shirt, so what could go wrong.
          As soon as you walked in the door all of his carefully curated bravado deflated inside of him. You walked towards your shared table and he had to expel childish nerves he hadn’t felt in years. He’s in college now, for Hades’ sake. He was a man.
          “Hey,” you greeted as you sat down.
          “Hi.” That was stupid. Men don’t say ‘hi’. He should’ve said ‘hey’ back.
          “You’re here early,” you commented and Percy just nodded like an idiot. 
          The plan was to giver you his number as soon as he saw you, but he couldn’t just blurt that out of nowhere. 
          “How’ve you been?” 
          There. Establishing a conversation and definitely not stalling.
          “I’ve been good.” The small amused smile on your face calmed him down a little. He’s got this.
          Class started before he could slip his number in casually but Percy wasn’t deterred. He wasn’t going to let geology get in his way.
                    While you were reading the data you had to chart on the graph, you noticed Percy’s usual fidgeting get even worse. Glancing at him from the corner of your eye, you saw him concentrating intensely on the paper and trying to contain his frustration. You recognized the signs since one of your friends has dyslexia, but you knew he wouldn’t ask for help.
          “So we have to plot the points on the graph and then draw the elevation lines, right?” You asked casually, looking over to him for confirmation. He nodded his head, but still continued to squint at the numbers which all were very small print and close to each other.
         Muttering the numbers as if to yourself but loud enough for him to hear, you got to work. 
          Percy sat back and smiled a little, knowing what you were doing. He looked over at you, from your furrowed brow to your crossed legs bouncing with your tapping foot. With a contented sigh, he recalled what it felt like to be in between those legs. Having them wrapped around his hips while you moaned his name. 
          His eyes trailed up your body, memories that were attached to each part flooding through him like a highlight reel of his deepest fantasies. Then he got to your bare arms and the goosebumps on the skin shook him out of it.
          “Cold?” he asked, interrupting you trying to help him which he really should have been listening to. 
          “Yeah, a little.” 
          “Here.” Percy shrugged off his hoodie and held it out to you before pausing (and slightly panicking.)
          Hold up, is this weird? Am I being weird right now? Should giving her my hoodie come before or after we exchange numbers? I guess doing it before could be a good test of whether she would be interested in exchanging numbers. But this is couple stuff. Her wearing my hoodie. That usually comes after numbers. But she’s cold now and I can’t seem like an asshole withholding warmth unless she accepts or declines my number. 
           Luckily, you didn’t seem to notice his panic as you took the hoodie from him without hesitation and put it on. “Thanks.”
          He calmed down as he watched you roll up the sleeves so that your hands were free to work and he felt a different kind of warmth spread through him. He liked the way you looked in his hoodie. 
          You caught him watching you and it threw you off. This wasn’t the heated gaze that had made you melt before, this was... softer. But the moment was ruined when you glanced down and saw that he hadn’t drawn a single point yet.
          “Hey,” you tapped your pencil on his paper. “Focus.”
          You worked well together for a while. The rhythm of plotting points distracted Percy from his nerves. That is until he felt your hand on his forearm.
          “What’s this?” You asked, finger tracing the SPQR of his tattoo and making him shiver.
          “Oh, it’s a band.” 
          “What band?”
          “The Super Popular... Cool Rockers.”
          “They spell Cool with a Q?”
          “That’s what makes it cool.”
          Percy went back to the worksheet, congratulating himself on his quick thinking when he saw you pull out your phone. 
          “What are you doing?” he asked, totally nonchalant. 
          “Looking up the Super Popular Qool Rockers.”
          Percy snatched your phone. 
          “Oh, you won’t find them.” He dodged your attempts to grab it. “They’re really underground.”
          “You’ll be really underground if you don’t give me my phone back.” Percy hastily returned your phone, as if the threat scared him. You tried to glare at him, but found it too hard to suppress your smile once his broke out. “Thank you. Now will you tell me what it really means?”
          “Maybe one day.” People started packing their things and leaving since class had flown by faster than Percy liked. Sensing his window of opportunity closing he decided to Hades with it. “Depends if you go on a date with me.”
          You took your time standing up and gathering your things while pretending to mull it over in your head. Which Percy really did not appreciate. 
          “Maybe one day,” you answered him with a coquettish smile and took a few steps towards the door. “Well, aren’t you coming?”
          Percy was too concentrated on restraining a fist pump to puzzle out your meaning. 
          “We didn’t get much work done today, so we better finish what we started at your place.” You winked at him and strided out the door.
          With a mischievous grin, Percy was quick to follow. 
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ofstarsandvibranium · 3 years
So This Is Love: Part 2
Fandom: Marvel (College AU)
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky x F!Reader
Summary: Your friend and roommate, Bucky, is a bit of an annoying fuckboy. He sleeps around as well as tries to be as annoying to you as possible. But here’s the thing: you don’t mind any of it.
Warning: mentions of sex
A/N: shoutout to @solarsystembitch for the wonderful idea!!
Series Masterlist
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You don't understand how Bucky has time to date and sleep with all of these different girls. Like you, he's a full time student, with a part time job. You barely have time to sleep, let alone date and have sex. But whatever floats his boat.
It's midnight and him and the girl he brought home are still going at it. Sheesh. They have great stamina, you think.
You go to the kitchen and grab yourself a glass of water. You then pull out a few water bottles from the fridge and some protein bars. You then get a sticky note scribbling onto it. Making your way back to the hallway, you stop at Bucky's door, leaving the water bottles and protein bars on the floor along with the note. You don't knock on the door, not wanting to interrupt. So you just leave it at that and go back to your room to study.
Annette rolls off Bucky and plops onto the bed. He sits up with a groan and wipes the sweat off his forehead with his discarded shirt, "I'm gonna get some water. Want some?"
"Yeah," Annette responds in a raspy voice. Bucky then pulls on his boxers, smirking to himself at how fucked out Annette looked. When he opened his door, he knocked something over. He looked down to see water bottles and protein bars on the floor. On one of the bottles, there was a sticky note with your hand writing on it.
Bucky's smirk grew, wondering if he finally got on your nerves. But when he looked at the note, it was the opposite:
Here's some water and snacks for you and your guest. PLEASE don't stay up too late. You have that test tomorrow. Good night. :)
He bit his lip and held the note to his chest. Why are you so fucking....sweet?
"Buck, what's going on?" Annette asks from his bed.
He picks up the items and turns around, closing the door, "My, uh, roommate, she left these for us."
Annette's eyes widened, "Oh! Really? That's...nice of her. I hope we weren't too loud."
He shrugs, "It's fine. She deals with it. Anyway," he tosses her a bottle and bar, "power up, sweetheart. I'm not done with you yet."
You wake up to your phone's alarm blaring and you groan. With eyes still closed, you reach over, grabbing your phone and turning it off.
When you rub your eyes and open them, you see Bucky laying beside you, fully awake and topless. He grins and says, "Mornin', Peaches."
You roll over and out of bed and just murmur, "Why?"
Still grinning, Bucky sits up in your bed, "I wanted to watch you sleep."
You snort as you look through your closet for what to wear for today, "Easy there, Edward Cullen."
Bucky then rushes up behind you, pressing his bare chest against your back, hands on your waist. He leans in and whispers an Edward quote in your ear, "I'm the world's most dangerous predator, Peaches. Every thing about me invites you in. My voice, my face, even my smell."
You roll your eyes and move out of his hold, "You smell like you didn't take a shower after sex. Again."
"I may or may not have touched myself watching you sleep," he says as he plops onto your bed, a mischievous look on his face.
You glare at him for a few seconds and then respond, "That's a disgusting thought, but I know you're lying."
"How so?"
"You respect me too much to do that," you answer plainfuly, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"You sure 'bout that?" he asks as he not so subtly rakes his eyes over your body.
You nod, "Yup. Now you have," you look at your clock, "Thirty minutes before your class starts. So you better leave if you want a good parking spot." you then take your clothes and head into the bathroom to take a shower and change.
Bucky lays in your bed for a moment and sighs. He allows himself to enjoy the scent of you wafting around him for a minute or two. Then he stands with a grunt, scratching at his belly and making his way out of your room.
When you emerge from your room, you head to the kitchen to find breakfast already laid out for you. A sticky note beside it reads:
Good luck on your presentation. I know you'll ace it.
You didn't want to read too much into this gesture. It's...unlike Bucky. He tends to take and take, and hardly ever gives. So something like this is rare and it makes you think, "What is he up to?"
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