#i was not vibing with the background colors on this one LMAO
bokatan · 1 month
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throwing ideas around with minor oc appearances with this cute picrew that i found - open tag for anyone that wants to play around with this one, picrew link here reed - FO4 - he/him mercy - FNV/FO4 - she/they delta - FO4 - they/them + minor ocs under the cut
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mercy's postwar family(part of the "wyoming era" - mercy leaves their homestead following frances' death, heads back to the west coast and lives as a drifter, and later takes up bounty hunting) frances - she/her, 2062-2153 isaac - he/him, 2085-2106 celeste - she/her, 2085-2170
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catgirlkirigiri · 1 year
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And he falls inside a hole he dug for me
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nero-neptune · 2 years
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i think season 4 would’ve been a lot better if erica had been given more screentime
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taurusreads · 9 months
who is your soulmate / future spouse?
masterlist || paid services || ko-fi
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who is your soulmate / future spouse, and what do they look like? + a channeled message
how to pick a pile? close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and clear your mind. feel which pile you're drawn to, and find the reading below the cut!
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right off the bat i was seeing the color purple. like a dark plum color maybe? it was giving very elegant and put together vibes. the type that your eyes unconsciously follow because damn, they look good. the color blue may also be significant. it could be this persons favorite color, eye color, aura, etc.
i’m hearing that this person is like…the complete package for you lmao. you more than likely manifested this person, even if you don’t remember doing so. i think this pile is very spiritual, but not all of you take advantage of the gifts you possess. if any of you have possibly been called to try divination (this is primarily if you have previously felt the want to do so) such as tarot, pendulum readings, etc., you might be interested in doing some research on the ones that’s catch your eye.
i feel like for some of you, you’re future spouse / soulmate might not be who you think it is if you’ve come to some conclusions. this person could have had a habit of denying romantic partners growing up, keeping themselves single because they had this specific person in mind that was right for them. of course, they’re searching for you, but they don’t know that yet. i feel like this person doesn’t like going too far from home lol. i think this is also someone who could be a bit popular in their community, so they’ve probably turned down a good few offers lol. your person gives more masculine energy (not to say that they are male per say, their masculine energy is just dominant), but they seem to be very spiritually aware as well. this person could have experienced an awakening recently or in the past few months.
divine timing is definitely at play here, i think this person is very aware of the things happening around them now. they hold themselves very highly i fee also. i feel like they could have very prominent air placements, they give off very light hearted and goofy energy. they’re very balanced, keeping grounded and just seem so content with life at the moment. this is probably the same energy you see them in, which could indicate potential union soon. i feel like this person had very vivid dreams also. you also could possibly have dreams about this person. i think you two could have cultural differences, or just come from different backgrounds. you could also be mirroring each others energies right now. yeah you definitely dream about each other lol.
this person is very good at letting go of control right now. they’re very content with where they are in life, and they’re focusing on the present moment and just enjoying life with the people around them. they’re in a very “go with the flow” energy, which makes sense with the significance of the color blue.
this person could be of african american descent, or could have very textured hair. this person i see wears blue a lot lol, they could be wearing it when you meet them. this person is very classy in the way that they dress. they could give “luxury” vibes, just overall very put together. could have prominent libra placements, as librians are known for their divine fashion sense.
this person could have a bit of a mysterious vibe about them. they could have scorpio placements. i feel like they give off this energy of not telling everything, you know? they like to keep their cards up their sleeves where nobody can find them, but that’s what draws you in. the fact that they keep themselves just open enough to keep you curious intrigues you.
this person is very good in conversation as well. i think they might have a bit of a flirty nature, another tendency of people with libra placements, and talking to them is very lighthearted and fun. i think they have a very happy smile, it’s open mouthed and just gives overall good energy. i think this person will also be very direct with you. this person is very sweet and loving by nature, but they understand themselves and their needs well. they will be very honest and forward about who they are and what they expect for themselves, which i think you would appreciate.
i think this is something they can only do with you though, im seeing that this kind of honesty and genuineness isn’t as prevalent in their other relationships.
“i love you very much, i can’t wait to finally meet you <;3”
this is my mint green pile. this person gives very soft energy, like very pastel colors and retro outfits kind of vibe. they have a very unique fashion sense, im seeing that they might wear purple or orange a lot. they seem to be very expressive, both in their style and personality. this person literally oozes confidence but in the best way possible. people are naturally drawn to this person because of their energy.
this person could have prominent capricorn placements, they could be very good with money. i think this person is good at getting it, but even better at spending it lmao. i feel like this person is a partner that you’ve had in multiple lifetimes. holy shit, i just remembered something 😭 when i was shuffling for your cards, i was asking the question “who is pile two’s future spouse / soulmate?” and in the back of my head i kept hearing “and or twin flame”. this only happened for your pile and i remembered to take a note about it but only take it if it resonates. but i mentioned this because they destiny card came out for you, and it felt like this connection is one that’s grown over lifetimes together and this is just another cycle of you coming back to each other is all. this person will feel very familiar when you meet, even though you know you’ve never seen them before.
i think you both are in the transitioning phase of your connection now, and you’re both feeling it :P this person may like to dance, which makes sense with how expressive they felt. i think this person is someone who might have stood out in their hometown or family. they might have felt like a sore thumb, like they didn’t fit in with everyone else. i think this person grew up in a lack mindset, but have put in the work and effort to learn to accept themselves and be themselves. i think this person is going to surprise you when you see how they were before you met, because it’s like two different people. i feel like this person is someone who radiants love and positivity, they always want to lend a helping hand when they can, and they can stretch themselves really thin sometimes. this person might also be a workaholic.
i think this person is very self aware of their issues and when they’re going too hard, so they might have a ritual that they commit to in order to ground themselves. this could be anything from meditation to exercise.
i think this person could have a more structured face, regardless of gender. they could give masculine vibes or they could just be the divine masculine. this is someone who is always smiling. they also like to observe, they tend to put the pieces together like a detective or something lol. this person may be into shows like true crime or cop shows (law and order, ncis, you get the point). this person may have broad shoulders, they could also stand very straight. they could also be considered tall for their gender. this pile could have libra placements, as this person is good in conversations. they are very funny and make a lot of jokes.
this person is very good with their finances though. i’m hearing “it all comes full circle”. they may be in a good job right now or just had som surprise income because i’m seeing abundance flowing in and them having the sense to save it up, rather than spend it.
“don’t worry, i’ll see you in a little bit *insert cringy kissy noise*”
this is my october scorpio pile. i was getting orange from you, and then while i was feeling the energy i got another one, this one was giving me the color white though. just because i got two different energies coming through while i was getting a feel for everything leads me to think that you might have already met this person. even if you’re not very close, i think that you’re at least aware of each others presence, and you feel the connection.
this person could have sagittarius placements, or could be born between the years of 1996-2009 (when pluto was in sagittarius). i think that this person is a possible light worker, and could give off very earthy energy, even if they aren’t an earth sign. i think that this person could have been of some significance to your life. i think this person is very honest when it comes to the things they see, and if they see that you’re not treating yourself right, they’ll let you know. this person is someone who is very protective of the people they care about, and they will get fussy if you’re not being taken care of lol.
i think this person could open your eyes to the aspects of your life that you pushed away, the parts that you shoved in the back of the in favor of the picture perfect lifestyle you had in your head. they force you to see you shadow self, and although the journey of self discovery is scary, this person will hold your hand through all of it. this person is someone who when they care about someone, they care very deeply. they give a very motherly energy, very doting and caring.
for some of you this could be a karmic connection. it definitely seems that way with the awakening you have after meeting them. i think this person could also introduce you to your life purpose. i think after meeting this person you’ll finally find what it is that you want to do in this lifetime, what footprint you want to leave on the world. i feel like i don’t even need to explain to you who they are because you already know who it is.
this person could have brown/black hair, they’re energy is very calming and comforting. they may have water placements as well, i think that they have very soft looking skin, very taken care of and moisturized. they may move very fluidly, it’s giving mermaid. they’re very graceful in the way they hold themselves, and i think they have a very ethereal looking appearance. this person could be in their 20’s for some of you. this person is also someone who believes in balance. and by balance i mean and eye for and eye. you go low they’ll go lower bitch 😭 i think this person is a bit more forward than the other two piles, but it’s more entertaining than anything. they’re like a waking movie, very dramatic.
they could actually be into acting, or stand up comedy. something where they can be their goofy selves and make people laugh. they could be someone who is dedicated to their craft as well, they could want to make a career out of it. this person gives air placements as well, i don’t know how many signs i’ve mentioned now 😭 this person could have a very whimsical look, it’s like they’re literally in a movie 24/7. i think that this person could be quite sought after as well, but i don’t see them being interested in them because they’re only interested in you. they could have a unique fashion sense, like taking simple pieces of clothing and turning them into a really intricate outfit type of style. they seem very carefree in the way they go about life.
“you’re doing great sweetie, keep going!!”
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datura-tea · 2 months
okey dokey! i just finished the fallout show! some Thoughts under the read more
tl:dr, the (bethesda) fallout vibes were definitely there. i liked it as a show on its own merits but as a part of the series canon... i'm mad, and that anger is kind of overriding the little i liked about it. overall maybe 2.5/5 stars and im being generous
things i liked:
visually, it's stunning - i could see scenes already being made into gifsets - the color grading is pretty good; even in dark scenes i could see and understand what was happening
the sets are soooo good!! costume design was alright too
title cards were fun and cute
they did some interesting stuff with the cultures of both vault 33 and the brotherhood of steel
they used the sound effects from the games :)
i liked the wastelanders!!! big npc and random encounter energy. i kind of want a whole show of just them. for example i love the marketplace and settlement in filly; it feels very lived in
the background characters weren't just young thin able-bodied conventionally attractive white people :) there's so many elders, which i loved!! ma june and barv were cool. i love gruff old lesbians
lucy!!! she was already kind of weird and a little off-putting even in vault 33 ("what's your sperm count" as an opener to the husband she was just arranged married to is WILD) and i like that. she's sweet and bullheaded and surprisingly competent :)
maximus is kind of an ass, but is also a pathetic nerd and brotherhood dickrider who actually doesn't really know anything. kind of a girlfailure
the ghoul was pretty cool too!! i liked him, though more for his prewar story than the one he has post-apocalypse
lucy's brother norman kinda grew on me. "i lack enthusiasm for every job that i do here" so relateable. also short king <3
THE DENTIST THAT BUYS TEETH. never thought that would be a Thing but now that i think about it, it makes sense
the monsters that we have were cool!! wish there had been more of them
MATT BERRY IS IN THIS!! i just really like him so i got excited :))
maximus and lucy's "wanna have sex?" talk LMAO
vault 4's various mutations!!
those giant unwieldy fuckass duffel bags that brotherhood squires lug around hahahhahahaaha
vault 4 and its genetic experiments because its main conceit is that it was ruled by scientists who hybridized humans. it's exactly the right amount of fucked up i want in a vault
i like that the protagonists regularly get captured and eat shit
haha hacking minigame :) also chatting via terminals (and im assuming pipboys?) is canon now
they're growing crops in the wasteland + bustling trade + livestock + pets yay
robobrain was cute
things i was just ok with:
dane, the they/them brotherhood of steel aspirant who was fucked over so maximus can get their spot as a squire LMAO what a waste of a potentially cool character
IT'S SO FUNNY that there's yodelling whenever the ghoul comes into the scene ????? WHY
fight scenes.... pretty good but someone definitely had the bloody mess perk (i don't do well with gore so ew yucky). also lots of [VATS NOISE]
pipboy was not used as much as i thought it would be
cousin stuff... i get it, i guess in a vault you'd have a lot of cousins and not a lot of choice, so some incest would probably happen
the ghoul being vault boy's inspiration?? not sure what to feel about that tbh
the casual dismemberments... and equally casual attaching of limbs... not even prosthetic limbs.....
the vaulties eating good healthy well-balanced meals. giving out caviar in the welcome basket. kinda 50/50 on it
the vault 31 - 32 - 33 subplot couldve been more fucked up
have brotherhood knights always been celibate or did i miss the memo
there are regular chickens and... deer? for some reason?
the ghoul's design. it's fine in action but mostly it's meh
the vault 4 cult for moldaver
vault 4 as a refuge for shady sands survivors. im mad about it but like. i get it
that guys "elixir" (some altered jet??) fixing everything about thaddeus' foot instantenously AND GIVING HIM HEALING POWERS???
things i did not like:
lucy's plot premise is very much fallout 3 redux
lucy and maximus as a ship is very meh and kind of forced and not compelling. go give us nothing!!!
wilzig's head as a macguffin that everyone is after... ehh kind of just okay as a plot device
also the ghoul randomly eating that other ghoul???
the squire who bullied maximus calls himself fat but he isn't fat?? not even chubby??? hello????? just got a soft face
water chip being fucked feels very fallout 3 also but they kind of dropped it?
they definitely named cooper howard after todd. as tribute probably, which he doesn't deserve
fiend = cannibal now?????
maximus recognizing vault 4 as a cult but not recognizing the brotherhood as one lol
vault tec evil capitalism vs hollywood communists storyline was kind of basic. and bland. and weak
the enclave could've been established + explored better
no geckos or any other west coast-specific monsters
showing me ncr ranger armor when the ncr is gone
ghouls have healing powers?? WITHOUT RADIATION??
things i hated hated hated:
the ghoul needing drugs to combat the Disease That Turns Ghouls Feral
feral ghouls being basically zombies :/
the brotherhood being the main faction of the west coast now. booo!! booo!!!!
the fucking last shot of new vegas being a burnt out husk. probably foreshadowing that hank is going to house's body but. UGH I HATE IT
to summarize: it came out strong! and stumbled hard falling face fucking first at the finish line. i would have liked it a lot more if it did not shit on the west coast as much as it did. because what the FUCK. if it was set literally anywhere else and left the ncr alone i would have liked it more, because on its own, as a self-contained story, divorced from the rest of the fallout series canon, it's not bad!!! it's fun, there's some good bits, it has the ~vibes~ but - and this is a big but - i don't know what it's trying to say. it's all very surface level and the very vague themes i picked up on are not really reiterated in the plot
it's like... the bits that make it fallout are there. vaults. the brotherhood. ghouls. a dog named dogmeat. but there's something lacking. it's like your usual sci-fi post-apocalypse show with a fallout veneer. idk. i like it for what it is but also i hate it for what it's emblematic of. that's all
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13thdoodle · 9 months
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I'm doing the banner for this year's @ectoberhaunt event~ The theme is Science vs Magic
I had so much fun making this~ Sam get the fantasy AU fit while Tucker gets Cyber/futuristic style
Sketch Progress
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I like the idea of Sam being a druid bc nature connection tm
And Tucker would vibe very well with fancy future stuffs. i was gonna draw him with a bigger puffer but I couldn't figured it out. I like the one we got here too so yay
Okay so I was a bit pressed on time while working on this so I couldn't do as much research and references as I should.
On Sam's part, the somewhat floating book was inspired on how genshin impact's catalysts have their books/weapon just floats and it looks fancy n magical n Sam deserve that honestly
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Her glowing tattoo are highkey inspired of this beautiful Sam with tattoos art by @the-stove-is-on-fire Mine is nowhere close to that but that's my main inspiration for this
I was gonna give Tucker his usual orange sweater but I noticed a lot of neon or cyberpunk outfit relies on dark backdrop to pop.
And since the background color is gonna be bright yellow, I gotta put the dark color somewhere else. And his sweater would be the perfect spot to balance out all the brightness with a bit of darkness
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And it matches with Sam too so it works out great uwu
The magic circles on their back were mostly there to balance out the composition bc it looks too empty as is, gotta spice it up a lil bit uwu But a direct halo would look.. too out there? I mean I can but like.. Sam is magic/fantasy based, why not lean on that n go for magic circles :D
Tucker's random bits on the background took the most out of me bc like.. its hard qwq I literally try to look up aesthetic bg to figure out how to work with his?? Eventually I just settle on less is more and added shadow under the bits to make em pops out against the orange
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And for the color choices, I wanted the two of them to have purple, yellow, and green on them. The green color on to symbolize Danny bc I'm an Everlasting Trio shipper lmao
I wanted Sam to have some yellow and green on her magic, which kinda.. got covered with the whites honestly. But the greens stays with the vines so we'll go with that Tucker was harder to figure out, so I settle with him with blue and greens instead of purple qwq
In the end, only the green end up staying lmao It ends up unifying both sides so hell yea it all works out lol
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spotlightstudios · 10 months
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Ayo!!! It's been a while since I've drawn utau (utmv?) stuff in a fully rendered style, so.... when I saw @itsxroxannex had a dtiys I had to shoot my shot!
Actually, I don't think I've ever done a dtyis before 👀 so this was really fun.
(Speedpaint and More Process Rambles beneath the cut ♡)
I... actually don't think I've ever drawn Passive!NM either tbh. This entire drawing was kinda like a personal challenge to myself, since I often lack w/ backgrounds too.
I did kinda a study on the originals background, because I tend to just draw characters w/o a solid background, and when I do add a background characters usually blend into it a lil too well to discern figures, so the color choices and soft loose lines compared to the hard lines + cell shading felt really nice.
I also decided to go back to Procreate for this one too! Normally I draw w/ Medibang these days, but I learned to draw utau stuff on Procreate and so drawing them elsewhere feels wrong.
And, of course, the last note I'll add in the actual post: my sketch process is trash lmao. Literally I just wing the shapes of clothes and junk based on the vibes and resize as needed. I love looking at the og sketch tho cuz it's so... bald. No under-form, no indicator of limbs, nothing.
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cal-kestis · 1 year
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HOW TO: Make a Pantone “Color of the Year” Gif
A few people have asked about my Pantone sets which use the “Color of the Year” swatch design. So, here’s a full tutorial with a downloadable template of my exact overlay! Disclaimer: This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of gif-making in Photoshop.
I’m starting with this because it’s crucial for planning your gifset as well as making sure the execution is smooth sailing. The steps in this phase won’t necessarily be literal steps but some tips for how I usually go about making a Pantone set:
1.1 – Picking a scene.  Scene selection is everything. To make things easy on yourself, I suggest choosing scenes where the background is mainly ONE color — for example, a scene where the subject has a clear blue sky behind them. To make things even easier, choose a color that isn’t the same color as the subject of your gif. Like, if your subject is a human, I’d avoid using a gif with a red or yellow background unless you want to do a lot more work to mask their skin. 
Rip me using a scene of green lil Grogu in green grass lmao. But I guess that goes to show you could really do this with any scene (I just did lots of masking and keyframe animations to perfect this green shade). BUT selecting your scenes wisely = a lot less work. 
1.2 – Picking Pantone colors.  People often ask me how I choose my colors and there are a few methods which I’ll go over below. 
But note that not all Pantone colors have a cute name, or any name (fun fact: only Pantone textiles have official names and they end with TCX, TPX, or TPG).
METHOD A: Google Search “Pantone [Color]” Source: Google Easy but not always fruitful, all you do for this method is open Google and type “Pantone [insert color here].” For example, when searching for teal colors, I searched several things including: Pantone Teal, Pantone Turquoise, Pantone Blue, Pantone Green, Pantone Blue Green, etc. Then, just sift through the Google results and click on whatever comes up from the official Pantone website! Since Pantone’s site blocks some info behind a paywall, you won’t be able to get a hex code from them. But you can just screenshot the swatch from their site, put it in Photoshop, and use the eyedropper tool to figure out the color.
METHOD B: Color-Name Site Source: https://www.color-name.com/ This handy website lets you search by colors using the upper navigation bar. Or you can just type something like "magenta" or "blue pantone" or even “frog” and see what comes up lol. Color-name can put together palettes too! I like that this site also tells you the hex code of a color, which is really helpful for getting the right code to put in my overlay. Note: Not every color on this site is a Pantone textile, so not all of these names are Pantone-official names. You can tell it’s official if, in the Pantone row of the Color Codes table on the middle of the page, it has a code that’s 2 numbers, a dash, 4 numbers, and either TCX, TPX, or TPG.
METHOD C: User-Made Pantone Colors Archive Source: https://margaret2.github.io/pantone-colors/ For my Wednesday characters as Pantone colors set, it was all about matching the color name to the character’s vibe. So, before looking at the actual colors themselves, I wanted to find the perfect color names. I stumbled upon this page. The pros = it lists pretty much all of the current official Pantone names. The cons = it’s not convenient since there’s no filtering tool. You can do Command+F and search for keywords, but that’s it. I literally scrolled through this whole page for my Wednesday set and read every single name, which... I think means... something’s wrong with me /lh /hj
METHOD D: Official Pantone Color Finder Source: https://www.pantone.com/pantone-connect This is last on my list because I don’t actually recommend it. Unless you already have access to this resource from your school or work or something, I would never pay for it and it is a paid feature only. Boooo 👎 But there is a free trial (which I’ve never used), so if you want to see what it’s about, you can definitely go for it.
Again, just some super quick tips for making a gif that, I think, looks best with this kind of set — but if you’re still learning how to gif, I do have a basic gif-making tutorial here for extra guidance!
2.1 – Uncheck “Delete Cropped Pixels” before cropping your gif. When you use the crop tool, this checkbox appears in the top toolbar. Unchecking it allows you to move the positioning of your gif later on, which is handy in this case when you want to choose which part of your gif will be underneath the Pantone swatch. You can read more about this tip in my basic gif-making tutorial (linked above; Step 1.5 – Tip B).
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2.2 – Make your gif 540px width. My gifs for these sets are usually 540x540px but I think 540x500px will also look good. I think it’s more impactful though to make a big gif to show off your coloring.
3.1 – Download my template I made this template myself, so all I ask is that you don’t claim it as your own and that you give me proper insp or template credit in your caption if you decide to use it! Get the PSD with the transparent background here!
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3.2 – Download the font Helvetica Neue Bold The font I use (and I’m pretty sure it’s the same font Pantone uses) is Helvetica Neue Bold, with some very specific letter spacing (which I determined by studying Pantone’s official Color of the Year Very Peri design). It’s already set in my .psd but here are specs in case: color name spacing = -40, color code spacing = -75 (sometimes I’ll do -25 for the numbers after the dash if I don’t like how tightly they’re packed together). 
I uploaded Helvetica Neue Bold to my dropbox here!
3.3 – Import my overlay You can either drag the whole folder onto your gif from tab to tab or right-click the folder, select Duplicate Group, and select your gif as the destination document. Just make sure this overlay group is above your base gif!
3.4 – Fill the color swatch In my .psd, on the layer labeled “Pantone Swatch,” just grab the hex code of your chosen Pantone color and fill that layer using the Paint Bucket tool! I’ve already put a layer mask on the layer for you so it fits perfectly inside the square outline.
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If you’re using my .psd, all the blend mode settings are already in place! I usually set the colored square behind the Pantone logo to the Color blend mode, but sometimes, I prefer the way Hue looks. It’s up to you! 
You can also adjust the drop shadow settings to make your text more visible as needed. The layers are arranged in this order so the drop shadows don’t interfere with the semi-transparent part of the colored swatch. 
3.5 – Insert the color name and code My .psd has two versions to choose from: (1) a color name that fits on one line and (2) a color name that requires two lines. Use the one that applies to your color name and simply type that and color code into the corresponding text layers! 
Note 1: Pantone doesn’t keep their font size uniform for every color of the year. They’ll sometimes shrink the text to fit longer names, but I like being consistent. So, I use this one font size for all my colors.
Note 2: My template has all the text left-justified and matching the starting point of the P in Pantone. BUT, sometimes the gif looks better if you nudge the text a bit so it looks more centered. Use your discretion when aligning the text!
Note 3: Btw, you definitely don’t have to use the TCX/TPG codes like me. (I’m a nut and there’s no way I’ll ever do a Pantone set and not use those types of codes to maintain uniformity across this series lol.) I’ve seen others do sets inspired by mine using different color codes or even just the hex code itself!
The key here is to make a majority of your gif feature your chosen Pantone swatch. If you’re really smart with your scene selections, this should be a breeze! If you’re stubborn like me and want to use specific scenes with the opposite color of your chosen Pantone swatch, there will be a bit more color manipulation involved... However, this isn’t a coloring tutorial, so again, I’m going to give some tips and resources that will hopefully help you out!
4.1 – Color matching. Now that you have the Pantone swatch on your gif, you should be able to reference that center square set to Color/Hue to match the rest of your gif to that color. Feel free to paint a little blob of your color onto another layer anywhere on your gif so you can refer to it closer over a specific part of your gif. For example, I put a little circle over Grogu’s head to see how closely I matched Pantone’s Peapod color, then I tweaked my adjustment layers a bit more until the colors matched near perfectly and I couldn’t tell where that blob begins or ends. The left is the solid color and the right is set to the blending mode Color (like the square):
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4.2 – Moving the base gif. This isn’t really about coloring... but remember when I said to uncheck “Delete Cropped Pixels” in Step 2.1? Well, here’s your chance to adjust your canvas and move the gif around so the exact part you want under the color swatch is in the right position. I personally think these kinds of sets are more impactful when you put a differently colored part of your gif under the swatch so you can see through it and the difference is clearer. In my example, I put Grogu in the center so the green box would cover some of his brown potato sack robe.
4.3 – Color manipulation. Color manipulation is when you transform your media’s original color grading into a completely different color. The Grogu gif isn’t a great example because the original scene was already a green-yellow color:
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I mean, the difference is still pretty drastic but that’s mostly because my file was HDR and washed out as a result.
So, here’s an example I made using a gif from my first Pantone set for ITSV (I’m not doing this demo to the Grogu gif because it’d be too much work to manipulate a green background with a green subject. This ITSV scene is perfect bc the majority of it is blue while the subjects are mostly red.)
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For the “basic coloring,” I did everything as I normally would: mostly levels and selective color layers.
For color manipulation, my fav adjustment layer is Hue/Saturation (those are the screenshots that are on the gif above). When you’re smart with your scene selection, it’s pretty easy to manipulate colors with one Hue/Sat layer because you usually only need to tamper with 1-2 colors and, hopefully, they shouldn’t interfere with skin tones (obviously you’ll do other layers to further enhance your gif’s brightness, contrast, etc. — but I just mean the heavy lifting usually only takes me one layer with a good scene choice). 
All you have to do is figure out what color the majority of your gif is, toggle to that color’s channel, and fiddle with the hue slider. In the gif above, you can see that I played with both the Blue and Cyan channels. Here’s why:
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If I only adjust the Blue hue slider, I get those speckles of cyan peaking through in the gif above. Unless you’re working with completely flat colors — like 2D animation with zero shading/highlights — a color is never just one, solid color. Blue isn’t just blue, it may have some cyan. Purple isn’t just purple, I often have to toggle the Blue channel too. So, yeah, be mindful of that!
I’ll sometimes go in with the brush tool and paint over some areas of my gif to really smooth out the color and make it uniform. When I do that, I just set that painted layer to the Color blend mode. Some of the resources below go into that technique a bit more!
4.4 – Coloring resources. While not all of these tutorials cover the same type of color manipulation I did in my gifs, I think the principles are similar and would be helpful to anyone who’s a beginner:  – color manipulation tutorial by usergif/me: I go a bit more in depth here (I think lol) – how to change the background of any gif by usergif/fionagallaqher: a great tutorial for using keyframes so you can manipulate the background of a gif with lots of motion – bea’s color isolation gif tutorial by nina-zcnik: this tutorial has more tips about hue/saturation layers as well as masking your subject – elio’s colouring tutorial by djarin: this tutorial shows a lot of examples of first manipulating the colors then brushing over the gif with a matching color for extra coverage
And just one last note on coloring, I always try to appreciate gifs with the mentality that “good” coloring is 100% subjective. One of the only things I would classify as “bad” coloring is when you whitewash or [color]wash someone’s skin tone. So, as long as you keep the integrity of your subjects’ natural skin — especially if they’re a POC — you should feel good about your coloring, because it’s yours and you worked hard! <3 
That’s it!! If you work in Video Timeline like me, just convert from Timeline back to Frames, export your gif, and voila! 
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Easy PEAsy. 🥁 
If you have specific questions about this tutorial, my ask box is open <3
Also, check out these other Pantone-inspired sets by my friends @nobodynocrime (Mulan set) and @wakandasforever (Ponyo set)! There are so many ways to use Pantone colors in your set, so I hope this inspires you to create something beautifully colorful <3
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mikelogan · 2 months
hey, can i please ask what dimensions you use to make your header gif? (I THINK you used to have that thing where you have a little circle gif inside the header as well. If you don't mind sharing how to do that I would appreciate it! If you didn't, please disregard haha)
hiiii!! sorry this took me so long lmao but yes! this was my header for a while and i basically had the circle gif act as my icon (so i just hid my icon under edit appearance) so i'll walk you through how to make it!
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ultimately, the header contains 3 separate gifs: liv on the left, liv on the right, and hugh and liv in the circle. i find it easiest to make the gifs all separately first and then bring them all together on what will become the header's canvas,.
i crop, sharpen, color, and then convert each of the 3 gifs into a smart object and plop them onto the header canvas. the dimensions of this one are 640x360 but i believe the header dimensions have changed and are now 580x326 (that's what my current one is) but idk i never had an issue using the larger dimensions so you can try both out and see what you like best!
the original dimensions for the 3 gifs themselves were: 640x360 for the two large gifs and 368x184 for the circle. the circle gif doesn't matter quite as much, just make sure it's at least a few pixels larger than the circle you create when you get to that step!
so once all 3 gifs are turned into smart objects (if you don't know how to do this, when you're in timeline, highlight all your layers and right-click -> convert to smart object. this just makes the whole gif into one layer and they're easier to work with and adjust as necessary.
when i'm blending gifs together, i like to set the background/first layer of the gif to black. it helps when you're blending and your layer masks get really close together and instead of going to a transparent background, it goes to black and i think it gives it a cleaner look. this really is just personal preference and completely optional though!!
anyway, i brought over the two main liv gifs first and played around with where i wanted each one. this is what i have once i figure out the positioning and set both layers to screen.
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then you want to add a layer mask to each gif. select each layer separately and press this lil guy at the bottom off your layers panel:
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when i'm blending, i pretty much exclusively use a soft round brush. size depends on what i'm blending and the dimensions, but hardness is always set to 0%. on a layer mask, you're going to use either black or white. black removes parts of the gif, white will bring them back. it's a very low-stakes way of getting rid of areas you don't want while not having to worry about deleting too much.
once i'm happy with the blending, this is what my layers ended up looking like (with the black layer beneath), but this will vary depending on your gifs and positioning!
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the next step is the ripped paper effect at the bottom (if that's the vibe you're going for). you could theoretically do this with any kind of brush. i just like the look of it so it's not such a harsh transition on my mobile theme from the header to the background color.
these are the brushes i use but i'm sure you can google something to the effect of "ripped/torn paper brush photoshop" and find plenty others.
go ahead and group both of your gifs, your base layer, and any other coloring layers if you didn't color them before transferring them to this canvas. to do this, select all applicable layers and press ctrl+g or right-click -> group from layers.
now select the group and add a layer mask the same way we did with the gifs using the little icon at the bottom of your layers panel. your layers should look like this now:
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once your brushes are loaded into photoshop, open up the brush tool by pressing 'b' and select the brush you want to use. i usually try a few different ones out just to see the different edges. you may have to adjust the brush size and make sure the hardness is set to 100% if applicable. before using the brush, make sure the layer mask itself is selected like in the above screenshot and your color is set to black.
when you hover over the canvas with your selected brush, you'll be able to see where the top edge will rest. i keep mine pretty close to the bottom -- i think the highest up this particular one goes is about 50px from the bottom. you should end up with this:
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onto the circle/icon!! i truly just ended up eyeballing this size-wise. go ahead and call up the ellipse shape tool. to do this, right click on the shape tool and select ellipse like so:
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colors are totally up to you, but i like my shit color-coordinated so i believe i color picked the bottom circle (the outline) from liv's purple dress in the right gif. once you have the ellipse shape tool equipped, click anywhere on your canvas. the dimensions i used were 150x150 but of course feel free to experiment. for a perfect circle, both numbers do need to be the same.
using ctrl+t (the transform tool) drag the circle to the vertical center of your gif and right to the very bottom so it's hanging over into the transparent part. this is what will make it look like your actual icon on your mobile theme.
next, create another circle. i'd recommend using black for this one, but it really doesn't matter. the dimensions for this one are 140x140 (10px less than your outline circle), but again, this will vary depending on the outline dimensions. i liked the thickness of a 10px difference, but you can always increase or decrease that depending on your preference. this circle is going to be the base for your icon gif.
again, use ctrl+t to vertically center your circle and bring it all the way to the bottom just like you did with the outline circle. as long as they're placed/snapped to the exact same location, you'll have a perfectly consistent outline.
go ahead and bring over your icon gif, already sharpened, colored, and converted to a smart object. make sure this layer is directly above your black circle. on your gif layer, right-click -> create clipping mask. ctrl+t to move it to the same location as the circles and adjust it to your liking.
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of course, it's completely up to you if you want to add text or overlays or not, but i figured i'd share what i did in case you're curious! (click to enlarge)
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and for the overlay, i just grabbed a video off youtube of different light leaks. i only wanted it to be on the two main gifs and not the icon gif, so i plopped it into that group we made and put it at the top, over everything else, and set it to screen like so:
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and that's pretty much it! if you have any questions about the tutorial (or anything else) just let me know!! i'm more than happy to help 🥰
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kokoasci · 3 months
hey hiii love your art and i am astonished by your background composition, is there a process behind that or maybe tips you would share ?
hi!! thank you! this kind of like depends per piece, im not a professional artist (compsci student, so take my advice as a student with no formal art studies with enough salt to taste) but i do have a kind of general-ish process that i can talk about like with this scara piece comp:
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i work pose first, composition second: i.e. i draw a pose and usually refine it before i start thinking about a background lol 😭
working general -> specific is my best friend, and I think it also helps me evolve a drawing as i go, since i don't usually have an idea for a full composition when i start (that's so stressful to me LMAO) you can see this progress here (i erased the basic guidelines though so theres no facial features, but i usually leave the face for last anyway because it helps me fit in an expression better)
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by the time i have a full pose THEN ill start refining to an actual composition. this is also the point at which i decide to start putting actual effort in
then i just. fill the background with objects, usually ones that have a connection to the character or vibe im trying to fit. this is a weird example because the only things i know about scaramouche is there's some sort of like connection with puppets and he also likes his vision so i played with that idea, which is kind of where those fishes and the general pose came from. (i go into more detail about this here!)
i originally wanted to have puppet strings for those objects as you can see below but it made the final piece kind of muddy so i took them out :(
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then its just coloring, which is usually what takes me the longest because im so. indecisive 😭 i like to keep depth and 3d space as the like #1 thing in my mind while coloring though and how shadows will work with that, because i think it helps a piece pop out way more
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and that's how i get my compositions !! i make it seem pretty streamlined here please know it's a lot of redoing whole parts of the drawing and fixing the background/foreground until im happy with the finished result
thank you for asking, i hope this helped answer the question <3
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doxiedreg · 7 months
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So since I haven't done art in a good while i decided to do some pokemon art to get out of my art block I asked my followers on bluesky if they had any suggestions and one of them suggested Suicune! Now at first i was like "hmmmm maybe i should do a warmup with a simpler pokemon first?" But then I was like "nah imma jump right in anyway" then struggled with the pose and the anatomy for a couple of hours rip. Once i had the sketch down i colored it and then with the mane, immediately got into rendering them because those are just begging to be rendered, then i rendered the rest and then i was like "I can't have a rendered suicune on a blank grey background thats boring >:(" and then i pulled this background out of my ass and proceeded on vibes alone and it kinda shows but honestly i think it still turned out great!! This def got me out of art block and hopefully tomorrow i will be able to do more art. Probably another pokemon, just to play it safe but who knows, maybe the vibes will be there for oc art.
But yeah! Have my interpretation of suicune! as you can see i took some artistic liberty with the markings and face because the canon face was just not working for me sorry. Hope you guys like it! Now i should hecking go eat some food because i was hyperfocused on this for hours lmao
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nail-art-no-jutsu · 27 days
The Akatsuki as nail polishes I own 💅 PART TWO💅
🦂 Sasori 🦂
ILNP Mona Lisa
a soft holo greige that looks good in any lighting, the holo actually shows all the time
I kinda forget that I have it, but every time when I do put it on, I remember why I got it
it really is a timeless polish, just like the painting it's named after, a classic color with a modern finish to it
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Color Club Beyond
it's a dark gray holo, very impressive in the sun and in artificial light, so shiny you can't take your eyes off of it
hard to get bored of, you just wanna look at your hands from every angle and experience all the different looks it has, dark but sparkly, like an oil spill on the asphalt, then it's bright and fun, or it's a sparkly gunmetal or hematite sort of shade, it's just never dull at all
just when you thought you knew all its tricks, the thing fucking stamps, too
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🌹 Konan🌹
if you know anything about rare polishes, this brand makes one of them, it's not the one I have here (that's shade 51) but it's part of that same collection, it's the kind that retails for a small fortune lmao, and just. look at the shape of this bottle it's so beautiful!!!!!
this is a blue jelly with pink flakies in it, it's definitely a polish that layers well, especially over purples and blues, or you can get it to look opaque with a few layers
the thing has style, it gives alternative vibes, and it has an ethereal, otherworldly beauty to it
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⚫ Pein ⚫
Dam Nail Polish Jingle Juice
jingle juice lmfao but hear me out, this thing... you look at it and you wanna say it's red, but that's not enough, it's got this excellent fine shimmer through it that shifts from red to a very bright orangy gold, it's also got scattered holo glitter all throughout, subtle but when you see it you can't unsee it... and if you squint you notice the dusty lilac base running in the background...... you know??
this is the kind of polish that changes the look of every polish on which you layer it, it just... takes control
and it def resembles one of the most coveted polishes ever, which has been nicknamed unicorn pee, look it up I'm not joking, it's rare and impressive. like the rinnegan.
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💅 PART ONE: Itachi, Kisame, Hidan, Kakuzu 💅
💅 PART THREE: Tobi, Zetsu, Orochimaru 💅
(bottle pics are mine)
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fisheraser · 9 months
okay. analysis time
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MY GIRL AAHHH SHES BACK!! okay SO. inkopolis square. but dead. its a bleached coral forest basically. there seems to be this sorta of,, electricity thing going on throughout the trailer that we can see on the lobby tower. overall looks dope as hell
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WE HAVE THE FULL FIT!! FOR BOTH GENDERS!! okay first of all what are those ink tanks? sorta looks like those IV bags. same with the outfit,, the shoes sorta look like casts and the clothes look like some sort of sensory deprivation tank suit. a lot of medical vibes going on from the white color and everything. i love it
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PEARL BOT! no questions about it, marina definitely made this for her (the wives :D) its interesting that pearl isn't actually there (marina isn't either, ill talk more about my theory later) but she can still talk to us through this robot. also love how marina added the sliding eyebrows to make it more expressive LMAO
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i love how we can ride pearl bot as well. i think this will be an important feature, wonder if we can control her when this happens :O
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okay what are these? i think the first one on the left is a mem cake, not really sure what the others are though
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okay im seeing a theme of electricity and we can see in the background it sort of glitching, so i think side order might a simulation or something. the huge orb in the middle is definitely some fucked up zapfish (where you end the level im assuming), but its glitching and then a ton of the skeleton creatures come out of it
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it looks like a ton of dead fish (dedf1sh...?),, we havent seen any octolings that you need to fight yet so these seem like the new enemies replacing them for side order. though i do wonder if we'll ever encounter an evil octoling (or inkling or salmonid, who knows) also are these an entire new species? or just some simulation creature
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i also love how instead of ink, its the same electricity we've been seeing used to summon the weapons. this whole realms creation definitely has something to do with marina since its side order and its super technologically advanced
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okay WOA numbers. definitely something marina would implement. i don't have much to say about this but yea, im loving the tech-y themes going on. it also seems like pearlbot is helping you fight these guys since she is shooting lasers at them. if she's sorta like small fry, i wonder if we will ever get to use her as a bomb, or if she is automatic
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also its confirmed that the octoling is indeed agent 8! i was like 90% sure but im glad its definite
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okay the biggest thing about this trailer, DEDF1SH!!!!!!!!!
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"just another bystander who got sucked in." what sucked them in? my theory is that marina somehow trapped them in a simulation she made of a world thats orderly- maybe she made it after the final fest?or is this an already existing place? maybe some whirlpool was created after octo expansion and this place exists under inkopolis square?
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SHE HAS A NAME!!! ACHT!!!! also i am so glad all of the fan theories were correct and she isn't evil, just still partially sanitized. i wonder if that will be a factor in the story? more dedf1sh lore?
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her glasses are different! since she doesn't have the hypno shades anymore she prolly has much more awareness now since she isnt being brainwashed, though she is still sanitized- but i think the music is counteracting the effects of that since shes a dj and shes always wearing headphones
also why is her arm bandaged? what happened to her? also all this time i thought she was wearing a tshirt LMAO
i am a huge dedf1sh fan and i have quite a few theories about her, so i hope she is an important character in the story of side order and we get some backstory
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ESPECIALLY ABOUT HER HISTORY WITH MARINA!! they are both djs so that probably is important, but i am really excited to learn more about them. i think marina mightve gone missing and we are looking for her too?
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the color chips seem to be like, stat boosts? and also 8 started to gain color once you add them! its sorta like deep cut's colored fingers. wonder if this will be a new feature after the dlc! i loveee customization options
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this seems to be the respawn animation which !?!?!? IS SO COOL!?!?!
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i have no idea what this is but. oh my god. i am so excited for this. its happening.
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
Entrance (Yandere Fan! Tsukishima)
Requested on my Quotev.
When I say that I love Yandere Fan x Famous Reader stories, I am absolutely not joking- I just freaking LOVE these stories!!! The most likely victim of a yandere would be someone in the public eye because these people are already put on pedestals and treated like gods. I’m so excited to write this asdfgfhfgsdfsad sorry for how late this is, but finally got inspiration AHH!
If you doubt me, go to a boyband concert and look around at some of the girls in the crowd and THEN tell me that not a single one of them would consider murder for their favorite band member.
Also, the way Tsukishima finds Reader’s location is based on a true story of how a psycho fan found and stalked a Japanese Pop Star named Hibiki Sato.
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Title: Entrance
Pairings: Tsukishima x Popstar Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, Swearing, Slight incel vibes, not Tsukki stealing you from Yams lmao
Summary: You’re different from your bandmates- from every other idol somehow. At least, you are to your biggest, most obsessed fanboy.
fill (someone) with wonder and delight, holding their entire attention
The blond male sitting at his laptop paused in his typing and sent an annoyed glance to his bedroom door, which had been suddenly flung open by his closest friend.
“Shut up, Yamaguchi. Did you forget how to knock?” Tsukishima’s snide comment didn’t do anything to put a damper on his friend’s grin- if anything, the freckle-faced boy beamed even brighter.
The scowling man didn’t bother to ask his companion why he was so happy- he knew he’d find out in a moment. Sure enough, Yamaguchi eagerly brandished a shiny square case, practically shoving it towards him in excitement.
Tsukishima adjusted his glasses and studied the object- a CD case depicting a J-Pop girls’ group. The three girls were attractive in a somewhat-cutesy way. They stood close together, pearly-white grins across their faces as they held up peace signs, each of them clad in a different, glittery, pastel-colored dress with matching ribbons weaved into their long hair. The background was a faded pinkish color and covered in different illustrations of candies and sweets. A bold, bright, and cutely scribbled font above the idols’ heads declared what Tsukishima assumed was either the group’s or the album’s name: Candy Cloud.
“What the hell is this?”
Yamaguchi’s face flushed in embarrassment as his eyes darted away, his smile fading into a wistful expression. Tsukishima felt a twinge of regret for putting a damper on his friend’s spirit but… seriously? What was he thinking, acting so excited over some stuck-up celebrities?
They were all the same. Soaking up the fame and praise like narcissistic sponges when all they cared about was the money and attention their admirers gave them. The personas they showed off to the public were all for show, puppeteered by some publicist who knew what their audience wanted to see and hear.
Female celebrities were the worst- always so desperate to stay basking in the limelight that they would sell their soul to the devil if it meant that no one would forget about them. They’d pump themselves full of Botox and silicone, sleep with the most popular celebrities, and pull asinine stunts if they ever felt like the public wasn’t keeping their eyes on them.
The smiles and laughs they forced in interviews made Tsukishima sick to his stomach. So painfully fake. It was fascinating to see how bad singers were with words and how bad actors were at acting when it came to donning the masks their fans wanted to see.
He’d heard enough stories about these “sweethearts” and “oh-so-genuine” celebrities acting like disgusting monsters the moment they thought no one important was watching. Infuriating divas that verbally abuse their staff, condescending assholes that believe they’re better than everyone else, backstabbing bitches that no one likes but will never say so…
And what do their fans do when this news comes out? Even when faced with undeniable facts, they’ll defend their idol to the death, becoming utter hypocrites and making fools out of themselves. Simping for girls who would probably never know they existed and wouldn’t care about them if they did.
It didn’t matter to Tsukishima what these girls Yamaguchi was fanboying over pretended to be- he had no doubts that they went back to being self-absorbed bitches the moment the camera stopped filming.
Why would Yamaguchi invest any amount of time and effort into girls that would never know of his existence nor appreciate any support he gave them? Why couldn’t he just focus on a girl in one of their university classes or something? Tsukishima could stomach his friend gushing over just about anyone, as long as they weren’t famous.
The friend in question was looking at Tsukishima sadly, disappointed in the response he was receiving as it dampened the positive mood he’d been in, “Sorry, Tsukki, I just… thought you’d like one of them. All three of them are really cool and one’s your type.”
Tsukishima snapped back immediately, “And I’m supposed to believe she’d want to date me or something? They’re just braindead celebrities.”
Yamaguchi wilted and nodded reluctantly, muttering another apology. He stood there awkwardly as Tsukishima resumed tapping away at his keyboard and finally let out a meek excuse to leave.
“Goodbye,” said Tsukishima, not at all sad to see him go. Yamaguchi returned the parting word softly and scurried off, likely to listen to his CD at home.
As the night dragged on, a nagging feeling tugged at Tsukishima’s mind, distracting him from his essay. Why does Yamaguchi think I’d like one of them? Which one of those three girls did he think I’d even like?
Before long, the boy found himself typing “Candy Cloud” into the search bar and scanning the results. Sure enough, Candy Cloud turned out to be the group’s album name, their actual group being a mashup of parts of the members’ names. The first girl wasn’t his type, nor was the one in the middle, but the last girl, (Y/n), was just his type.
She wasn’t like the other celebrities he’d watched interviews of- she was entirely herself without a hint of deception. She giggled over the awkward moments but never lied, only ever saying “I’m sorry, I can’t tell you that!” when asked a confidential question.
Her interests and values aligned with Tsukishima’s, to the point that he began to imagine that they agreed on everything. And, as one night turns to one day, turns to a week, to a month, and so on, he begins to delude himself into believing that you know who he is and already feel the way he’s beginning to feel.
Tsukishima no longer lets Yamaguchi come over.
He’s embarrassed, to a point, by how much you have taken over his living space. Your posters and pictures line his walls, your solos play on repeat, and he has every piece of merch, official or not.
Tsukishima studies the latest selfie you’d posted to your personal social media account. He grins. The name of the train station you’re at reflects in the iris and pupil of your big, beautiful eyes. It’s nearby. No more than a 15 minute drive and you’d mentioned “walking home” in the text portion of your post.
Soon enough, he’d be adding the best possible addition to his extensive collection.
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swarmishstrangers · 4 months
Your blog, fics and headcanons always cheer me up! Your art is so neat too. Ive been lurking around here for a bit when I feel like I need my crops watered. Question, can I get headcannon of mallek x reader where the reader is an artist? somehow was able to accept commissions while on Alternia? I feel like the vibe of them just silently drawing and him coding in the background is super cute. What do you think?
AUGRHGAA TYYY!!!! I'm glad you like the art, writing, and headcanons! I've also definitely had the thoughts of Mallek being with an s/o who works a lot on computers for digital art stuff, mainly cause it sounds peaceful af.
Okay, so! Artist is a pretty loose term that could apply to a lot of things, but you specify them drawing here, so I'll go over Mallek x reader, both of them being either a traditional artist or a digital artist.
Traditional Artist:
🎨Starting with the traditional artist! Dunno if any of you consider yourselves to be fairly clean but either way if you were to stay over at his hive a lot and for convenience's sake, leave some of your art stuff at his place..it only adds to the chaos that his hive, "damn girl you live like this?" Idk! I just imagine all sorts of physical stuff traditional artist's use. Different types of paint and paintbrushes, charcoal, watercolors, colored pencils, paper, canvases, etc. Your art stuff adds a whole other thing to look at in his hive and honestly? He's here for it. He thinks art is cool. I mean..he can do tattoos, so of course he'd have some appreciation for a s/o who does artsy stuff. He also like those moments where he finds you just covered in your art supplies. Charcoal all over your arms and even smudged on your face for when you couldn't fight a itch and scratched at it, your hands and fingers smudged with paint or oil pastels...he just finds it incredibly charming.
🎨Oh also on the subject of paint uhh. May or may not be something you're comfortable with using considering that paint on Alternia is made from the blood of trolls. Depends whether or not you can get over that and just pretend it isn't to cope lmao. If you can just. Don't ask Amisia and Chahut about how getting the supplies for your paint went!
🎨Mallek would find it incredibly relaxing to listen to while he's fucking around with his husktops and many monitors. Normally he's one to either sit in quiet with nothing to play or maybe he'll have his playlist quietly playing whatever music or other things to listen to while he works on projects or contact people. Not to say it isn't still quiet while you both do your own things, but that's just the thing. It's quiet, not silent. Mallek finds he works the best when he knows that there's life going on around him. The sounds of his hands rapidly typing on his keyboard, the whirring of his husktop, sometimes you can hear him speak to someone that he's calling. You just further add on with your sounds of living, the sound of pencil sketching onto paper or canvas, the louder or softer sounds of you using oil pastels or charcoal, papers being moved, the adjusting of a canvas. It's all very comfortable to you both.
🎨You're each other's background sounds.
Digital Artist:
🖋️Being a digital artist is also so cool to Mallek, why wouldn't it be? It's tech shit! He can also help you try and traverse the different Alternian art programs. It's pretty new to him too since all he usually uses is the Alternian equivalent to Microsoft paint..and it's not super serious, just doodles, sketches, and shitposts stuff to destress. You got yourself a husktop, Amisia was jumping at the chance to help you look for digital art supplies (such as a tablet and stuff), and Mallek helped you get a hold of art programs for you to try out and decide what you like to use as your primary programs.
🖋️They're pretty much the same as Earth art programs in terms of it's functions. Though of course their interfaces can be different from program to program. Not everything works as it does on Earth? Certain shortcuts or tool locations are moved around or changed but it's pretty easy to figure out if you're experienced in digital art. And if you're stuck or can't figure something out your cool tech savvy matesprit can help you out. Mallek has his moments where he takes a break from what he's working on briefly to watch you draw...he always has to stifle a laugh when he sees you're absolutely struggling over there to do line art, having to undo do your stroke like 50 times before you get it. Like the previous one? He thinks it's cute and charming.
🖋️While you don't add a lot of new things to look at it in his hive, as you're working with more tech, it's still just as nice to listen to in the background he thinks. He can hear your fingers type out messages to friends or clients you're working with, the sound of your pen stroking against the tablet face, your mouse clicking here and then. There may not be as many sounds, but he finds it just as comforting, he likes to listen to the life around him after all.
As for the commission portion, thought it would be fun to get into this separately after talking about the respective art types! Being commissioned as an alien on the planet is certainly. Interesting. Which can be taken positively or otherwise.
Being an alien is your selling point to a lot of trolls online. It's where you got a huge chunk of your followers! Sure, they're very split on genuinely believing you are a real alien and those who think this is some kind of roleplay account or something but follow out of interest. Your commissions gather more interest from those who want a drawing from an alien! Real or not. Lots of odd are fun interactions.
For a traditional artist you could go the route of just, scanning your picture and posting it onto your socials and tag the trolls (or post it to the troll client privately). If you offer a shipement of the physical original drawing Mallek can help you out with getting a drone to drop it off for you so you don't have to go on a wild goose chase to find the troll client in this great wide troll world.
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ebonysplendor · 3 months
The Science of Staying Awake Review 👁️
TL;DR: Sleep is often for the weak, but having, what is likely but claims not to be, a hallucination being violently in love with you is something that is not for the weak. Apparently, it's not for the living either...
Game Link: https://viscereye.itch.io/the-science-of-staying-awake
Notable Features: Gender Neutral MC, Unnamed MC (referred as "You"), Yandere LI, Choice-heavy storyline Spiciness: 0/5 -- Not exactly wholesome because violence but no option to buss it open so no spice LI Red Flags: 1.7/5 -- Physically abusive, Crosses boundaries...other than that, he be's a touch starved boi who just wants cuddles
Wanna know more? Well, let's get into it!
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Before I say anything, I just want you to read this:
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Let me tell you, I had no idea how accurate that description was until I played it. That is a damned accurate description, and quite frankly, the only way to describe the experience that this was.
Anyways, I had ran across it when going through my game files, and I was like "Oh yeah! This game exists!" and decided to write a review on this one. I played this game many moons ago, and frankly, I don't see many people talking about or referencing this one; I honestly feel like more people should know about it, because there is a game to be played here. I mean, how many people are actually going to run across this review, I have no idea, but shit, hopefully it'll get a few extra downloads, because as "cheesy" as it may look, this was actually a pretty damn good game!
Honestly (and respectfully) speaking, you know how you look at a game, and you're like "This is probably going to be bad, but I'm curious"? From looking at the backgrounds they used, the description itself, and how they described the game as "cheesy" and a "creepypasta fanfic", I honestly thought this was supposed to be one of those "intentionally bad but funny as hell" games for jokes, but...yeah, no. If it was meant to be that way, I didn't get that at all.
I'll explain more in the actual review portion, but I'm going to go ahead and cut to the chase. As always, I give you the disclaimer that -- and those that have been vibing with me since the start of all of this already know -- I'm going to tell you as much as possible about the game without ruining the game itself.
Just as a side note, I think I do say that verbatim every time I write a review -- between that, "so boom", and the whole "drink water, don't be dumb" thing lol. I might switch it up one day, but that's honestly how I talk in real life. Like, can you not tell that I type the way that I speak? I mean, if it was something for college or work or something, yeah, I'm going to code switch, obvi, but for stuff like this? I'm pretty much talkin' to y'all like y'all are the squad because...well, y'all are lol.
Anyways! Enough chitchat, let's get summarizing.
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So, boom (lmao ya see?).
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We're in class, and we're tired as fook. Like, it's not even that "Damn, this class is boring" type of tired; it's that "I deadass haven't slept in 2 days, and I'm starting to hear colors and see sounds" type of tired. That "Ayo, why does this hard ass desk feel mad comfortable all of a sudden" type of tired. That plain and simple "a bitch is TIDE not tired" type of tired. Anyways, we recognize this as a current problem, and we know that we've gotta do something about it. Expeditiously. So, we hit up the vending machine, get something to wake us up a little, and then head on home.
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When I say that it took everything to get up those stairs and to our bedroom...listen.
Like, as soon as we got through the door, we dropped that backpack to the floor, and we dive -- you hear me, dive -- into that bed. Now, with the way that we were feeling, dreamland should've been immediate. To be real with you, we were probably asleep by the time we were mid-air, but like, when we landed, we landed on something, and this something -- or rather someone -- goes "Ow". Like huuuuuuuh?
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Again: Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuh? Fuck you mean, "Ow?" Like who the hell is yooooooooou?!
No, like, we literally ask who he -- ...it? --- is, because clearly, he was not here when we left, let alone just chilling in our bed, but he's just super casual about it, like, "Oh! I'm Vance!". Like, oh, right, Vance; that suddenly makes this whole situation totally normal and nothing to worry about -- as if that were even slightly true.
Here's the thing though, oddly enough, it actually is kind've true. See, we're not scared of him as a...whatever he is, but something about him is just...not right; something is very clearly off. Like, when he had introduced himself, he had shook our hand, and we immediately got this mad intense feeling of dread that we couldn't describe, and something about it just kind've made us feel like we were, quite literally, spiraling into insanity.
Naturally, we pull ourselves away from him and step back -- that spiraling feeling and anxiety is instantly gone. As you've probably guessed, it didn't take us long to put together that it's not good for this "Vance" creature to be too close in proximity, let alone anywhere near us.
He kind've picks up on this, and he's adamant that he's not going to hurt us. Still, we try to explain to him that, while we're not really threatened by him, we get this weirdly intense feeling whenever he's nearby, and he essentially needs to stay a little more than an arm's length away at all times; frankly, the further away, the better. Well...
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He didn't take that well, and now, we feel threatened by him.
I hadn't mentioned this before, but Vance was already pretty upset that we wouldn't really let him come near us, let alone cuddle with him, but now he's extra pissed because we're essentially rejecting him altogether, even though he's, quite literally, driving us insane.
So, now that he's like this, we've got to get the hell out of there because, now, we aren't sure if he's still on the whole "I'm not going to hurt you" energy like before. That being said, we completely bolt, and he's like "Nah, bring that ass here, boi". Panic. Big panic time.
So, we do. We run off, but it does no good, because he finds us.
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Granted, he doesn't know exactly where we are, but it doesn't matter because we're completely cornered. What are we going to do?
Well, let me rephrase that I know what I'm going to do; better yet, I know what I did. Now you guys on the other hand? Lol, I'll guess you'll have to play it for yourself to see what y'all are going to do.
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I had honestly forgotten how good this game was until I had replayed it to grab some screenshots and to get a refresher on what actually went down. I'm not even kidding about that. My love for the game had literally re-sparked, and I can't believe that I forgot how good it was. If you've read my past reviews, you know that I mentioned at one point that I become an absolute slut for a choice-heavy game -- this is a choice heavy game and a damned good one. Speaking of choice-heavy...
Just to get off topic very slightly, you know what was crazy? When I went to replay it, apparently, I had done something different than when I had first played though the game and lmaoooooo, do you know that I had ended up finding THREE more endings? Wanna know something even crazier? One of them was a secret ending that I didn't even realize that I had gotten to!
Now mind you (lol you know the story is about to get a lil' spicy when that's said)! I had already unlocked like...if I remember right, like, 14 endings at this point, so when I found these other endings -- again, by total accident because, at this point, damn the review! I'm legit replaying the game for me, now -- I was now sitting at a grand total of 17 endings. So, now, I'm like "Ayo, what the hell?". Like, my mind is blown, because I was so sure that I had found all of the endings and completed the game. Remember, I hadn't touched or thought about this game in literal months because I was that confident that I had finished it. So, it's like, how many endings are there if I'm still managing to find more?
Naturally, I sprint to the dev's game page to conduct research on this burning question, and I am reading everything that there is to offer, but there was nothing. No "hey, this game has x amount of endings", no walkthrough map, no nothing. Did that stop me, though? Nah, because surely someone had experienced something similar to what I just had and was also like "Damn, how many endings are there...?". Lmaooooo well, I was right. You know what the answer is?
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19. There are nineteen endings in this game.
I already knew the answer, but I go back to count the amount of endings that I have; there's 17. I dig into the game files for some more hints, and I find two icons (you'll know what I mean when you play it) that I've never seen before. Oh, okay. So, it's confirmed, but let me make sure that I've got the details straight:
Are you seriously telling me that, not only had I incorrectly assumed that I had all of the endings and finished the game because I had gotten all of the achievements, but the fact that I found three other endings -- again, by accident! -- doesn't even matter because I'm still missing two more because there's NINETEEN ENDINGS total?!
Wild. Chaotic even, and you're damn right that I'm here for it all. I LOVE that there are so many endings. I love even more that I have other endings to look for because I'm totally in love with this game all over again. Even though, lol, it was the deadpan, nonchalant "19" from the dev for me. The dev said "I said what I said, and what about it?". We love to see it.
Anyways, I'm a huge advocate for this game. If you've got some time, definitely give it a try. I highly recommended, and Vance is a pretty sweet dude, if you can find that side of him, I mean. Also, just for a very light spoiler but not really, the real ending was so sweet to me. Like something about it, it just...I don't know. It was just a warm feeling that washed over me when I had read it, and I was just like "That was actually really cute?" Bittersweet, even. Like, ugh, I am honestly really pushing for more people to play this game. It was genuinely so good, and I hope that the dev comes out with more visual novels. I truly forgot how in love with this game I was until I replayed it. This has, highkey, been a great experience.
Anywho, it's time that I stop my rambling and end it here. If you'd like to give this game a go for yourself and discover all 🌟nineteen🌟 endings -- which I highly recommend that you do -- a link to the game is at the very bottom of this post as well as at the very top. Hell, I'll even put the link right here so you can get to it quicker. If you're feeling extra motivated, visit the dev's page and post a comment telling them how great of a job they did and give them that extra validation to let them know "Hey! You're pretty good at what you do! You should keep doing the thing!". I didn't see where you could donate to them, but assuming I just missed it, remember that monetary validation is always helpful as well.
That's all from me though! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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The Science of Staying Awake
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