#i was thinking about the name bert
ooh wait [tags]
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christnarr · 7 months
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arena cast anyone
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mariocki · 27 days
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Play for Today: The Rank and File (BBC, 1971)
"I mean, the cry of a kiddie, the hungry kiddie, that means much more to me than all the laws and all the prisons in creation. I go along with Trotsky, that life is beautiful; that the future generation cleanses of all the oppression, violence and evil and - and enjoy it to the full."
#play for today#the rank and file#single play#1971#bbc#ken loach#jim allen#peter kerrigan#bill dean#tommy summers#joan flood#johnny gee#mike hayden#bert king#neville smith#ernie mack#michael forrest#charlie barlow#bernard atha#an early surviving PfT from the very first season‚ reuniting writer Allen director Loach and much of the cast of a previous bbc play The#Big Flame (shown as part of The Wednesday Play in 1969). like Flame this is realistic docudrama dealing with recent industrial action#in this case the unofficial strike at Pilkington's glass works in St. Helens in 1970. both Allen and Loach would express some doubts about#this play in later years (chiefly that it is too closely centred on the specific event that inspired it; altho a nervous bbc insisted names#and locations be changed; without a wider view on the societal issues and workers' exploitation that had caused the strike to begin with)#but personally i think both were being overly harsh: this is a searing‚ infuriating indictment of a system which robbed honest men of their#work and of their reputations‚ backed by the mass media (who falsely reported the strike had been infiltrated by communists looking to#cause mischief; in fact there's evidence the real strike was infiltrated instead by the uk security services to smear the organisers)#and failed by a gutless Trades Union Congress. as tv drama‚ this isn't the most valuable example: it is necessarily dry in places‚ and the#steady pace and narrow focus don't lend themselves to great storytelling exactly. as social document and historical record‚ however?#this is absolutely invaluable and a stirring‚ affecting piece of television that cannot fail to make rail against the capitalist system
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moomeecore · 1 month
simone. could just be me, but i like simone better than simona
(and im not a fan of genderbent betty, but i saw one artist call him burt or berty i think)
ive never heard the name simona tbh. i feel simone has some potential but also, like, just using a genered variation on "simon" is kinda lame. burt is not a good name betty will never be burt. to offence to bert from sesame street, its ok when it's him.
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schadenfreudich · 4 months
Really funny thing is that Lutz did in fact choose his full name so I (primarily) could randomly elongate his name. Truly living up to his middle name (god's friend)
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I know I have a few followers. I know my content is sometimes conspiracy based. Bless your hearts because I must get your oxytocin and sera ronin levels pumping
Have some free advice
Good marriages are made with good genetic blueprints.
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i-like-eyes · 1 year
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Trying to figure out how they'd work as puppets
More in depth analysis below the break
For those that don't know, typically the three most common variants of foam puppet are know as rod hand, live hand, and walk around. Examples would be Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Big Bird respectively. Rod hands are smaller in size and held up by, well, rods. Live hands have the puppeteer (or two!) insert their hand in a sleeve connected to the puppet for more interaction. Walk around puppets are full costumes the puppeteer wears, but what makes them puppets and not like, fursuits, is that there is still puppet mechanisms like moving the mouth or blinking.
Here is what comes from the website/Clown's tumblr:
Julie is a rod hand
Eddie is a live hand
Poppy is a walk around
Barnaby has a walk around and live hand
Howdy has a walk around and live hand
Sally is a live hand but "required an additional hand to help move her head, as it was much larger than other puppets"
Frank is said to have a fixed expression but his head could spin, rather he was rod or live or magic third thing I cannot figure out
Wally doesn't have any details regarding his puppet anatomy because he is special like that
Of note:
Julie likely has smth holding up all that hair (please be a fucked up skull please be a fucked up skull)
Poppy is a pretty standard walk-around puppet (she's just Big Bird), but I'm having trouble understanding how a human could fit into Barnaby or Howdy. Then again, 2d artwork of puppets tend to take liberties for the sake of stylization. So if someone were to make them IRL they'd either look really different or utilize tech I don't think was available in the early 70's
Howdy's legs could work on Squidward Spongebob Musical logic. Arms I have no clue, as a live hand he could have multiple people filling up those arms, but as a walk around idk cheap spider costume logic were the lower arms are attached to the upper arms ala a string?
I do not know what to make of Sally needing extra help to hold up other than that's so specific it might become a plot point
Okay Frank lacking details or having weird details that stand out is a running theme for him. He has no listed backstory whereas everyone else can say where there were from and who their family is. Every character's first name ends with a long "e" sound whereas Frank is. Frank. (His last name "Frankly" does cover that though). The fact that WHRP lacks any concrete detail on his creation is a story reason, what's the story no clue we are 5% in dudes
Regarding his puppet, he obviously had a fixed frown because puppet but also could spin his head. Now I have absolutely zero clue how you can have the head spin and also have room for the hand for the mouth, unless this is a rod puppet (Rizzo the Rat) where the mouth is moved by some other mechanism. All I can say is I'd suspect Frank to have a very stiff (read: not majority foam) head and body in order to hold up such a feature. If his head can detach, I can imagine a metal ring of sorts that his collar covers up
His arms are a different story. The website not clarifying how his arms work doesn't really mean there is anything particular about them, but I am going to over analyze is anyway dammit
Points for rod hand: arms/hands are slim, inspirations Bert and Mr.Robinson are rod hands, lack of other rod hands/variety reasons
Points for live hand: Sally also has slim hands but is live hand, not all live hands have thick arms (looks at how small Ernie's upper arms are compared to his fore arms), Beaker hasn't been listed as an exact inspiration for Frank but look at him, and most importantly is Poppy. Poppy is noteworthy for being the only walk around puppet without a live hand counter part. As a result of having wings for hands the puppeteer cannot realistically perform any of the baking tasks in her segment. As a result she gets help from Sally, Howdy, Eddie, and Frank. The former 3 are all live hands, and one can assume that because of this Frank could be a live hand as well
And finally I know he's said to not super expressive but my heart says that he would look great with the eyebrow mechanism Bert and other puppets have.
I should point out that puppets from the 90's (Dinosaurs and TMNT come to mind) used more robotics in order to achieve more expression with the characters, but I don't think that kind of tech was common place in the 70's and would apply here.
The big take away is that this post was made for practical reasons; I am just Quite Fond of researching this kind of thing. This will probably not get you any lore, but it could provide context for the characters. I personally suspect that Poppy not being able to fly or perform tasks she swore she could will play a big of her character. In general I think that what other puppets can and cannot accomplish will play into the theme of figuring out who you are. That's the real fun.
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inkdemonapologist · 5 months
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FINALLY got these scribbles from last session of the Cthulhu game scanned in lmao, THINGS HAVE BEEN SO BUSY but cthulhu has been very exciting!!
While looking for some Alan Leroy guy to figure out why the Phantom is following(?) him(?), we asked around with (a) his book club friends and (b) the mob, as one does. Sammy managed to avoid seeing the yellow sign when he realised very quickly what Cool Obscure Book this book club pal might be describing (unlike Jack, a polite boy who does not RAPIDLY AVERT HIS EYES FROM HIS CONVERSATIONAL PARTNER), but did not manage to avoid being hustled off by the mob to talk to The Boss when Henry asked just a few too many questions. it went fine but Sammy was SO STRESSED, HES ALREADY BEEN KIDNAPPED BY GANGSTERS ONCE HE DOESNT WANT TO DO IT AGAIN
also hes still cute in this hat. you should wear hats more often sammy. ANYWAY if you're here for Out of Context quotes from this session, I GOT EM RIGHT HERE UNDER THE CUT:
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Sammy] He will mention to Henry, something about "Oh boy, dreams are starting up again" kind of thing. [Henry] Yyyyup. [Henry] Don't get possessed again. [Sammy] [Sammy] i dON'T THINK SAMMY KNOWS WHAT TO DO WITH THAT!! The last time he got possessed was BY PROPHET, whom he still shares a body with!! [Henry] Prophet doesn't count! Don't get possessed by anyone else. [Sammy] .... I'LL DO MY BEST, [Sammy] I just like the idea of Henry being like 'don't get possessed' and Sammy just LOOKS at him, like............ I'm already possessed, what are you talking about
[Sammy] Given how these things like to happen on auspicious days, I'm a little worried about New Years,
[Joey] That's exactly the spin he's going to put on it -- Some time off for New Years, and a bonus day off to recover from the celebrations! [Jack] Gotta account for those, now that drinking's back!
[Henry] Oh good, I was really worried Joey would call Norman and get a "who are you?" [Jack] Norman DOES do that, but just because he thinks it's funny. [GM] That's possible, yeah, [Sammy] Oh my gosh. I believe it, is the thing. [GM] I do too, honestly... this might just be a thing that happens.
[GM] And the studio seems normal, and nobody got kidnapped in the night, not even Norman, and Henry's family is safe -- things are doing so good! [Jack] Nobody that we're currently in contact with got kidnapped in the night! [GM] That's true. [Jack] I'm not ruling out Bertrum getting kidnapped. [Jack] ...unrelated to the Carcosa nonsense, he just got kidnapped. [GM] That's what he gets for hanging out with the mob. [Jack] Sorry, I mean, "The Great Bertrum Piedmont." Have to use his full and official title. [GM] That's how you get him un-kidnapped, he just breaks through a wall to correct you. [Jack] *laughing* The Kool-Aid Bert................ [GM] The Great Kool-Aid Piedmont, [Jack] Now that's fanart I don't want to see.
[GM] Welcome back! We've been talking about the Great Bertrum Piedmont Kool-Aid-ing through a wall to correct you about his name. [Sammy] *startled wheezing* Okay, well it sounds like I've missed some really important developments!
[Jack] I think Jack would lean in the direction of like, they wanted to get in touch with him at the charity thing-- aaagh, that's technically not true. He's not the fast talk boy, he's not allowed to, [Sammy] I mean, he CAN fast talk, Henry does it all the time! [Jack] But does he succeed-- [Sammy] Henry's not the Fast Talk Boy but he keeps LYING anyway!!!
[Sammy] I feel like Jack is good at looking worried, and, caring about his fellow man, [Jack] I don't think he has to TRY to look worried??? [Sammy] I don't think Sammy contains these qualities. Sammy looks like he's here to arrest you. [GM] She's actually giving Sammy a concerned look, [Sammy] Sammy is HERE FOR THE PROTECTION MONEY.
[Jack] Well, this was lovely! Time to leave, because Sammy's already... vibrating against the door trying to clip through it.
[Sammy] Sammy's IMMEDIATELY going to tell him about this clarinet with the missing E flat extension. [Sammy] ....and then ALSO mention that he thinks maybe he's seen this guy before.
[Joey] Joey slightly fixes Henry's hair before they head in. [Sammy] (That's a little bit gay, but alright,) [Jack] (I think it's more than a little bit) [Joey] LISTEN, listen, Joey recognises-- [Jack] Linda's out of town! [Joey] --Joey recognises the neighbourhood,
[GM] The door gets opened pretty quickly, but the guy inside actually looks a little like he's suddenly out of his depth, because whatever he was expecting to happen is not what is happening. [Sammy] That's a common reaction to Joey Drew.
[Joey] I feel like it's not going to be a fast talk roll, actually, to make this guy feel like this is NOT a dangerous ask? So I'm gonna go with persuade instead. [GM] Are you going with the tack that you were concerned parties from the event? [Joey] I think, concerned party, perhaps leaning towards the notion that they hit it off well at the party, and -- I'm just turning it into a fast talk, [Joey] *trying again* I think Joey is leaning more into an idea that they are freshly met, but have similar interests? Or... possibly leaning into he's ...a friend of a friend and we're looking into it for that friend? [Sammy] Joey trying NOT to lie is really funny. "Oh well obviously I'll just say -- oh, I guess that's not true; I'll just -- WELL, that's not technically true either," [Joey] ADMITTEDLY, if this does turn into a fast talk roll, using the same roll it's now a BETTER SUCCESS, so, [Sammy] Just really funny how hard it is for Joey to just, HONESTLY REASSURE someone without inventing a whole narrative [Joey] I'M GOOD AT COMING UP WITH STORIES!! I'm not good at... fact-checking them first...
[Joey] Please, if you hear from him, or get any more information, please reach out to us as soon as possible, because the sooner we can prevent this, the better off he'll be -- y'know, that whole thing! [Joey] Do the most heartfelt, emotional connection he can... it's a little gay, but... [Sammy] I fully believe in Joey's ability to extoll the virtues of this man he's never met.
[Sammy] We can just check with Norman, have him peek out the window and see if it looks weird, [Joey] "Hey Norman, is your house in the right location?" [Jack] "Dunno why you called me outside just to tell me that you moved my house!"
[GM] Norman answers the door, and gives you guys a quizzical look. [Henry, out of character] :D Hey, did your house move? [Sammy, in-character] >:/ Did your house move?
[Sammy] Sammy will point out things Jack noticed as being different, as if he also noticed them. [GM] He'll turn back to you, and just kind of observe in a blase sort of way that he's apparently moved. [Jack] I love Norman,,,, [Joey] I love Norman's 89% Sanity score that never gets hit, apparently! [Jack] His sense of humour is actually an indefinite insanity. [Sammy] A constant coping mechanism, [Jack] Can't go insane when you already are!!
[Jack] Jack is, not happy about this, [GM, as Norman] He wonders if you'd like to come in for a housewarming, then.
[Sammy] Sammy's going to just catch her up on, the guy we're looking for read the play, [Sammy] Also, might be a guy that Sammy saw in New Orleans, and that might be why he knew the music?? [Sammy] ALSO, WEIRD THING with his clarinet, he doesn't have the E flat extension that you'd EXPECT HIM TO HAVE? [GM] I think Susie knows enough that she would say that's weird if he's playing seriously. [Jack] I was about to ask if this meant anything to these two-- [Joey] Norman is regaining sanity by watching Sammy rattle on about all this. [GM] He's probably chiming in opinions, too, that are completely not based in any actual musical knowledge -- [Henry] Norman just like "He's missing the E extension? Next he's gonna lose the, the F Shortener!" [GM] "What's the world coming to!" [Sammy] Sammy's giving him the most unamused look, and this is all Norman wanted. [GM] Yeah, yeah, this is how he keeps his sanity high. [Sammy] Just annoy Sammy Lawrence. That's the secret.
[Jack] Good to make sure things aren't going weirder over here-- which, uhhh, [Sammy] Which they are!!
[Sammy] That's smart, but that's also really spooky. Like okay, cool! The whole world has re-written this! Cool cool cool cool cool. [GM] He doesn't seem PLEASED about it, but he seems about normal. [Henry] He seems Norman about it. [Jack] Yeah, Normal Polk. [Jack] *cracking up* He shows up at work the next day and he's called "Normal Ponk." That's his name now.
[Jack] Reality's rewriting itself, wanna kiss about it? [Henry] Ah, Jack's okay again.
[Jack] If this was Fowler, then WHO WAS PHONE????
[GM] Well, okay, first things first, does Joey have Peter's number memorised? [Joey] HM. [Joey] ...I feel like he wouldn't admit it, but yes.
[Joey] Joey says he's going to call Peter back in a minute. And hangs up. [GM] You cut him off in the middle of some sort of response-- [Joey] Cool.
[Joey] He managed to break into a safe once by doing this! [Henry] "Break into" is... a bit of a strong phrasing. [GM] *mumbling* "Get locked inside of,"
[Joey] The main thing is, Do Not Go Alone, because if something happens to Peter... we have no way of tracking down the information that he has! We, we lose, all of his evidence! [Jack] .....and that's the ONLY thing, [Joey] Yup! [Henry] We ALSO lose his, HIM, [Joey] *mumbling* No, no that doesn't matter as much, as evidence, [Joey] It's clearly just, the fact that they lose all the benefits of having a reporter with ghost powers on their side, and NOT Peter himself, that is the issue! [Jack] iTS NOT LIKE HE CARES ABOUT YOU OR ANYTHING!!!
[Jack] *spongebob meme* You like Peter Sunstram, don't you, Joey?
[Joey] Both Henry and Sammy are the best able to get themselves out of a tough, fight-y situation, [Sammy] We can both punch, and Henry has magical power if something supernatural happens... [Joey] Also! Also, neither Joey nor Jack are there to be taken hostage and used against them! [Sammy] ... I think you're actually right. I hate to admit it, but I think you're right. [Jack] I can't wait for Jack to be kidnapped at the magic shop, you guys!
[Henry] I can't believe we're sending the two least talky boys off together to talk to the mob, [Joey] LISTEN. Henry and Sammy can go to the restaurant! Henry likes food! There we go! [GM] I can't believe Joey's just making sure Henry gets a nice meal after his shake-up earlier... [Sammy] I dunno, maybe Peter should come with us, just in ghost form. Henry can see him, potentially, [Jack] So Pete's body can... Not be where he left it when he gets back to it! [Sammy] ....hm, [Joey] *startled laughter* [Sammy] ....okay, nevermind,... [Jack] Just leave him in the car, what could go wrong! That's not disappeared MULITPLE TIMES!
[GM] Johnny Nero is of average height and build, with dark, slicked back hair, and a neatly trimmed moustache -- so not like any of the other people that you know! [GM] Wears expensive tailored suits, though. [Jack & Joey] *snickering* So, not like, any of the people you know-- [GM] It narrows it down a bit!! [Sammy] Alright, alright; bargain bin Joey Drew, got it.
[GM] You guys do get an offer to have food, while you're waiting. [Sammy] Yeah.... why not..... [Henry] Henry will, not,,, [Joey] *shocked* NO????? [Joey] *absolutely flabbergasted* FOOD!!!!! [Sammy] Gangsters don't usually poison you, they usually give you nice food and then they knock you out and throw you in the river. [Henry] WELL HENRY DOESNT KNOW THAT! [GM] He hasn't done speakeasies like Sammy has!!
[Sammy] I'm noticing that this guy actually looks really nervous, and isn't taking charge of the situation, [GM] He DOES have something that's probably a firearm in his pocket. [Sammy] Yeah, yeah, but, [Jack] It's his emotional support firearm!
[Sammy] Actually... Sammy WILL ask him if he saw it. [GM] Uh, [Sammy] Because he was RIGHT THERE looking at him. And I feel like, once you've seen it, and it does the weird thing where it gets in your head, you're not going to be confused what somebody's talking about if they ask you if you saw the yellow sign. You're going to know what that means. [GM] [GM] Are you going to say the thing...? [Sammy] Have You Seen The Yellow Sign?
[Henry] Henry is half-considering... [Sammy] *manically excited* DO YOU WANT TO TAKE THE THORN OUT OF THIS LION'S PAW, HENRY???
[Henry] You haven't been able to think straight since, have you? [GM] He kind of squints at you, because he's a gangster and he doesn't want to be like "D: YEAH, ITS BEEN REALLY ROUGH :(" [Joey] *laughs* Henry IMMEDIATELY knows this look, because Joey does this as well!
[Sammy] Push the roll!! Push push push! [Henry] *nervous* I DON'T KNOW IF I WANT TO PUSH IT,,, [Sammy] WE'RE ALREADY KIDNAPPED! WHAT ELSE CAN GO WRONG!
[Henry] We didn't get kidnapped, so it's you guys' turn! [Joey] We have the kidnapping charm with us, also known as "Jack Fain"! [Sammy] Oh I thought it was Peter Sunstram. [Sammy] [Sammy] DO THEY STACK?
[Jack] I can't wait for us to get to these spooky occult magic shops, and it's just like, "here's a bunch of overpriced tumbled gemstones and some incense!" [GM] The first one you go to is kind of that style. [Jack] Ideal! I hope they have a really tacky fake skull. [Joey] Joey is judging the whole place.
[Joey] WAIT, wait, they took you from the bar to the restaurant, and then you got the heckin' sign out of Nero's head, and he's not even gonna offer you a ride back to the bar?!? [Henry] I think what we got out of it is "not being kidnapped". [GM] JOEY is the one with the history of talking kidnappers into giving him rides, [Sammy] I do think it would be classier if he gave us a ride. I'm with Boo on this, it would be a classy gangster move. [Sammy] With that guy they kidnapped to do music for whoever's birthday party, they dropped him back off later, but, you know, it's fine, [Joey] Show your heckin' appreciation! *exasperated* THIS IS HOW WE CAN TELL HE'S AVERAGE!! [GM] Uh, lemme roll a quick like............. etiquette roll, [Sammy] Gangster Classiness, [GM] *rolls terribly* Yeah, I think he's frazzled enough -- this is gonna reflect poorly on him later. [Joey] Wow.
[Jack] Normal success for Jack! How many terrible tacky skulls do I see? [GM] Just SO many. [Sammy] This place won't help you, buddy. [Jack] I dunno, if you buy enough tacky skulls, maybe the guy won't wanna get near you. [Henry] Just throw tacky skulls at him! [Jack] A tacky skull a day keeps the pallid mask away!!
[GM] A more discerning occult collection than the other one. [Jack] The kind of place that has the more occult things like, in a locked cabinet instead of in a heap on the counter. [Sammy] In the bargain bin, [Jack] "Box of assorted random magic junk"? Yeah, I wanna rummage my hand in that, I'm not gonna get five curses, [Jack] *laughs* I'm not even AT the other place anymore and I'm still dunking on it! [Sammy] Jack's just saying these things to Joey to like, keep his spirits up. [Joey] It would be working,
[Sammy] I am curious if the restaurant is at the same address that we remember it being on. [GM] It is the same address! The name is different. [Jack] What's the new name? [GM] Lombardi's! It was Leon's. [Henry] ... some dude got his whole name changed, [Jack] Oh man, when do they do that to me, I want a legal name change! [Jack] Bringing the Yellow King into the world to get a free transition, [Sammy] No! Don't do it! He won't transition you into a human, it'll be..... something else,
[Henry] We're gonna run over the Pallid Mask. Vroom vroom motherfucker.
[GM] You do bump into something that is unyielding. [Jack] Oh no, Jack's car! [Jack] ... and also, whatever he hit, I guess!
[Joey] Joey is immediately flipping around to grab his cane; if the guy tries to get in the car, he's going to bash him in the face! and say GET OUT!! [Sammy] Well, it worked really well for Nero, so [Henry] The guy just got hit by a car and didn't move! I don't think the cane's gonna do much! [Jack] Especially not with Joey's weak noodle arms! [Joey] Yeah but he's upset!! That this guy is trying to get in the car! He was not invited in! [GM] ...make a CON roll. [Joey] [Joey] oKEY DOKEY,,,
[Sammy] Peter now is NOT the time to astral project [GM] Luckily he doesn't have that insanity currently, or he'd already be gone! [Jack] The car stops and Pete's ghost just flies through the windshield,
[Jack] I'm losing my mind... [GM] You are! 1d6 of it!
[GM] This is kind of wild magic zone, so you get some creative license. [Joey] Hmm. Hmm! Hmmmmmm... [Sammy] Oh no, you've given Joey Drew creative license,
[Joey] But when I picked out Jack's car, it's the first car that has full safety glass in it!! [Jack] [Jack] SO EVEN MORE EXPENSIVE TO REPLACE!!!
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duplicitousfate · 4 months
Soooo you got it right, congrats
what does this mean for the au?
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We're using the name Billie for the goat :D
(Text ID: Two screenshots of a conversation on discord between Toast (GATOMA) and Glow (TheGlowBun). Transcript is under the read more
GATOMA: Ok but also: imagine if this is a parale universe kinda thing. The goat having a purple crown that has the shape of the red crown makes it seem like it was still narinders, just that his color was purple. Now, think about what else could be slightly different in the other universe. Maybe Narinder is a fluffy, white, she cat. Shamura could be a Daddy long legs instead of a spider. Heket could be a multi colored, toxic Toad. Kallamar could be a yellyfish instead of a squid. Leshy could have the colors of fall all over his body. The possibilities are endless TheGlowBun: YEAH (intense thinking emoji) what if that's the lamb's dad in the parallel universe. The universe where the twins were killed while he was gone getting supplies/food To twist some angst in there "The old bishops took my wife and kids, gonna take their lives" To sprinkle in that angst GATOMA: OH HELL TO THE YEAH Imagine that his coat was pristine white before his campaign against the bishops, but he dyes it with coal in mourning for his family TheGlowBun: P L S it works out perfectly, Bari's resting bitch face but Bert's fighting style of (gun emote) GATOMA: Hey, Massive Monster? We gendered your goat. Yeah, they're a he now and he's got dead kids and trauma. Sorry not sorry
The following image transcript is as follows:
GATOMA I do like the Angst of a young broken man who lost his entire family, his wife and his two small little children. A broken man who needs to be convinced by AU Narinder (who in my head is still a fluffy white she cat) that he shall not let his family die in vain. That he can not yet join them beyond the vail, for he is still needed. TheGlowBun perfect (clap emote) pls, he's the kind that does funerals instead of ressurections let them rest GATOMA He is the one that made black the color of mourning A goat, eternally blackened by the coals that were left from the blaze of his past. The ambers that swallowed his family's bodys under the old faiths command. TheGlowBun (sobbing emote) the mutual shock and tears when fate lets them meet again GATOMA What if she/Narinder and the goat will also get together. Bert inherited their fathers taste in mainacs. TheGlowBun YES only their relationship is closer to bari and shamura's it's soft, and it's sherinder helping him move on Marinder? Mari? Sheri also sounds nice
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 6 months
playing excited & exhausted with them
ft: levi, erwin, bertholdt, jean, connie, annie, sasha, mikasa, eren
a/n: excited & exhausted is card game made for couples to play when they’re drinking. it is an explicit card game so this post is 18+. NSFW MDNI ! however, this does not go into details. it’s very light on the smut side, if you can even call it that. i’m not 100% comfortable writing full smut yet soo :) this request is for/from @ricebowl768 - also, this is not proofread :)
levi ackerman
it’s a pain to play this game with levi. he insists on doing all of the tasks on the card, resulting in you being the only drunk one. he says, “what’s the point of playing if i don’t do any of these?”
you tell him, it’s supposed to be fun and he doesn’t have to do any of the dares that he doesn’t want to. charmingly, he responds, “well, you’re my girlfriend. i want to do these things.”
erwin smith
he’s curious when you present him the deck. he didn’t think you’d be interested in something so explicit. honestly, he’s quiet shy about most of the cards. he gets a nice buzz going pretty fast, giving him the courage to do all these things.
the night ends up quite wholesome as you two share bursts of drunken giggles. you two wind up sweetly entangled in bed.
bertholdt hoover
you have to convince bert to play this game, given he’s on the shyer side. you both take two shots before playing just to ease any anxiety. the first card he draws reads, “drink if you want to have sex after this game.” his eyes widen and he downs another shot. he tries to hard the cards from you but you are dying to know, so you lunge across towards him and wrestle him for the card.
you laugh at his embarrassment when you read it outloud. you reassure him he doesn’t have anything to feel embarassed about by kissing him all over his red cheeks.
jean kirstein
jean thinks you’re the best girlfriend ever for buying this card game. he mainly teases you about drinking whenever you don’t want to do the action on the card. he calls you a few names just to rile you up. tired of his shit, you start doing everything on the cards just to prove a point. no matter how provocative or exposing they are, you do them. he both hates and loves you for this but he can’t wait for the game to be over.
connie springer
he’s enthusiastic about playing this game, he actually was the one who had picked it up at the store while you weren’t paying attention. he reveals it by slamming it down on the table and insists you two play. you both end up sloppy drunk for some reason despite doing everything on the card. honestly, it was just a good excuse to get sloppy drunk and be horny for each other.
annie leonhardt
she’s sort of…rough when you bring up the idea. annie’s a pretty shy, reserved person so when you present her with the game, she gives you a shrug. no wanting to press her boundaries, you forget about it.
she brings it up later on, on a random afternoon. she wants to deepen her bond with you, so she steps outside her comfort zone. she blushed at nearly every single card, choosing to consume a bunch of liquor.
she manages to hold herself together well, until she gives into her desires and chooses to do the sexual tasks on the cards. this side of her is refreshing. you keep telling her she doesn’t have to do anything, but she insists the liquor has given her courage to do these things she’s wanted to do all along.
sasha braus
sasha giggles at every single card! she barely takes anything seriously, especially when she’s drinking. she doesn’t quite understand the circumstances of the game until you draw all the promiscuous cards. she tries to keep a cool about tasks such as kissing her thighs. but since you know her so well, her gasps of surprise are considered more gasps of arousal. overall, she winds up enjoying the game.
mikasa ackerman
mikasa looks to please you, and only you as their partner. of course, this urge doesn’t dismiss her shyness. she starts off the game with a high confidence, dismissing with each card. she wants to do each, to please you but ultimately, she’s too embarassed. it winds up with her having a bunch of shots and it makes you laugh. you tell her, “baby, you don’t have to do anything, we can stop playing this game.”
she counters back, “i want to! it’s just so…vulgar? how do people do this sober?!”
it’s not that she’s a prude, but this game is impossible to play! that’s what she insists.
eren jaeger
this game was made for eren, or so he thinks. he‘ d play this game with anyone but for him, it’s a pleasure to play with you. he doesn’t shy away from any task, no matter how filthy it is. he enjoys teasing you and seeing you flustered. he wants you uncomfortable, in a consensual way of course. eren wants to take you further than you’ve ever been. both physically and mentally. he’s a menace, testing your limits until you’re begging for him!
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verxca · 3 months
➤ warriors crushing on you
includes ; reiner, bertholdt ⋆ ˚。
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⟡ reiner hated himself for it. he was sent here on a mission, after all, and felt sort of immature for haven fallen this hard for a girl. weak, almost.
- can’t be fallin’ for some girl like this…
- gotta marry her.
⟡ you two met when reiner offered to help adjust your odm straps, the orange sunset illuminating your flushed features in the process. he was a real gentleman, cheeks blushing instinctively as his calloused hands slided across your legs, tightening the belts around it.
- stay focused, reiner…
⟡ though, what really opened his eyes was during an incident where you got injured on a mission. it wasn’t anything serious, just a gash to the arm. he didn’t know why he did it, like a primal instinct kicking in, bringing you to a nearby building to help all by himself.
⟡ having such a gorgeous thing so delicate in arms, so vulnerable, yet so trusting over him is what sent reiner over the edge. that final push he needed.
⟡ and ever since, he found it hard to think normally. purposefully, he’d offer to spar with you, even to walk with you. even to carry those creates for you. even write about you in a journal he kept. these ‘evens’ turned into a ritual for him; he just wanted life to be easier for you, happier, not wanting you to suffer that same way he had.
- oh, i got it. no sweat.
- here, lemme’ walk y’a back. it’s dangerous out.
⟡ he always tried to shake these dirty thoughts out his head, but anytime you two would spar, seeing you all sweaty and tuckered… he just couldn’t take it. sometimes he’d be trying to fall alssep in the barracks, asking god why having a crush was more painful than anything.
⟡ he’d try to act like a real man around you, not aware how funny he really looked in reality. purposefully flexing his muscles to bert when you were looking, taking his shirt off in random occasions outside, showing his toned chest.
- c’mon. what? it’s hot out.
⟡ in all, he was more confused than anything. how could a woman be so kind? so beautiful? all while fighting in this cruel world? he just wanted to protect you.
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⟡ bertholdt on the other hand knew he was in love with you the second you’d spoken to him.
⟡ it was a simple introduction, you had just stated your name and how you were glad to meet him. bert being bert evidently humbled himself, knowing you spoke out of kindness to your peers, not lust. yet, he still couldn’t stop himself from growing entranced.
- it’s nice to meet you too, yeah…
⟡ you were like an angel to him, something he couldn’t keep his eyes off of. walking past you, seeing you talk with friends, cooking dinner, training hard; he’d just stare, admiring your mouvements and features.
⟡ not in some creepy way, though, it was like a daydream almost. he just couldn’t help himself from giving you a quick glance when nobody was aware.
- she’s so gorgeous…
⟡ and when you spoke to him in person… oh god. he almost hated it, getting beyond flustered and nervous each time. that’s why he preferred to admire you from afar.
- i- uhm- yeah, i agree.
- cool, okay, yeah, perfect to me.
⟡ you thought it was adorable how he’d just go along with whatever you were saying, no matter the subject at hand. even while talking in groups, he would stand up to defend your point, etc.
⟡ on the contrary to reiner’s case, you once ended up helping bert out. when nobody else was around to patch him up after a mission, you lovingly offered, gently scrubbing the cuts on his face with a handkerchief.
- thank you, {name}-
⟡ he stayed quiet during the interaction, like always when you approached. even just looking at your gorgeous figure was enough to send him into waves of euphoria.
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janeyseymour · 8 months
As per your request! I just copied and pasted it from my comment!!
Also. Love your stories. Love it when you post them. They’re just always so short!! I’m so greedy! I always want more!! I’m always full of ideas so if you need any just ask. (I feel like you don’t need them though you do so well writing!) I’m far to ADHD to actually write any of them so happy for you to create the magic lol
They randomly meet a few weeks/months later in a coffee shop and sit down and chat… or she just happens to Bert her bestie Ava at the school hoping to get a glimpse of her!!
I dunno. You’re the artist! As long as it’s happy and smooshy!! 🥰
Thank you for your sweet, sweet words! As requested, here is part 2! I definitely didn't follow the prompt at all, but this is what I came up with, and I hope it's okay!
Enchanted- pt 2
Part 1
WC: ~2.4k
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You went to text Ava the next day after meeting Melissa, but you just couldn’t find the courage. So here you are, still just sitting at your desk job, thinking about her. Your mind is filled with what she could be doing right now- actually you know what she’s doing: it’s 11 am on a Monday morning. She’s at school, probably teaching her second graders. You sit there for another half an hour before it’s finally time for your lunch break, and you take the walk down to the Wawa around the corner like you usually do. 
Melissa opens up her Tupperware container, only to let out a loud groan at the odor that comes out of it.
“What the hell is that smell?” Ava scrunches her nose up as she walks in.
“I knew it was a risk bringing this today,” the redhead grumbles as she dumps the contents out into the trash can. “But I thought I could get another day out of it.”
“Damn, girl,” the principal laughs. “That sucks. Wawa lunch for you, I guess.”
“Anyone want anything?” the second grade teacher asks as she slings her bag over her shoulder. Jacob goes to say something, but he’s cut off by Melissa loudly announcing, “Alright, if no one wants anything, I’ll be back in twenty minutes.”
She storms her way down to the convenience store- the same convenience store that you’re currently standing in. She sees you as soon as she walks in.
You’re not nearly as dressed up as you were the other night when she saw you, and you look to be in deep concentration as you decide what you want for lunch that day. She chuckles as she watches your furrow your brows deeper than she ever thought possible. She’s absolutely enamored.
“For Christ’s sake, Y/N,” you chastise yourself quietly. “Just pick something.”
She stands behind you and laughs softly. “You know, you can’t go wrong with their quesadillas.”
You nearly jump three feet in the air. You weren’t expecting anybody to come up behind you, and you certainly weren’t ready for the woman that has been occupying your thoughts to be there.
“Oh my…” you take a deep breath as you look at her. She looks… wow. Your cheeks instantly heat up. “Hey, Melissa.”
“Hey, hun,” she chuckles. “You forget lunch today too?”
You don’t really want to admit this, but you aren’t about to lie. “I usually take a walk down here everyday for lunch.”
“Like clock work,” you tell her, as you still mull over what to get for lunch. “It’s so bad most of the employees here know me by name.”
As if on cue, one of the workers there looks up and gives you a grin. “Hey, Y/N! The usual today?”
“Usual?” Melissa smirks.
“Aw, yeah!” the employee grins. “Homegirl comes in everyday!”
“Damn, you weren’t kidding’,” the redhead mutters, smirk still written on her face. She hip checks you lightly, effectively making you move over. She hits a few buttons, and then looks at you expectantly. You just stand there, not quite sure what you’re supposed to do.
“Oi,” the woman rolls her eyes. “Put in your order before I order for you.”
“Oh, no,” you stumble out. “I- I couldn’t ask you to pay for my-”
“You didn’t ask, I’m just doin’ it. And I ain’t gonna hear any arguments,” she tells you sternly.
“Melissa, I-”
“Hey, kid!” the teacher calls to the employee that greeted you. “What’s her order?”
He rattles it off as Melissa taps through the different screens, and you give him a look of betrayal. She prints off the ticket, wanders over to the drinks and grabs a raspberry tea before heading for the register.
“Melissa, you really don’t have to,” you try again.
She’s already handing the ticket over to the man behind the counter and pulling her card out of her wallet though.
“At least let me give you cash… or Venmo?”
“Absolutely not,” she rolls her eyes. The two of you stand and wait for them to make your meals, and when she hands in the printed paper and gets your food, she hands it to you with a smile. “Enchanted.”
With a hair toss, she makes her way out. The entire walk back to your office, you grin. She bought you lunch. She said, ‘enchanted’ again. Then, you mentally kick yourself because you didn’t ask her out, you didn’t ask for her number, you didn’t tell her you would get the next meal, you didn’t even reply with that one word that seems to be your thing now.
You eat your usual order from Wawa, and there’s something about it… it just tastes so much better.
As Melissa struts back into the school, she has that confident smile on her face.
“Damn, what happened to you in that Wawa, girl?” Ava laughs as she watches the redhead settle back into her seat and take a bite of her hoagie.
“Oh, nothin’,” the redhead shrugs. “Just saw a friend there.”
The next day, Melissa doesn’t come into school with a container full of her own cooking like she usually does. She doesn’t even enter the staff room when lunchtime rolls around. Instead, she grabs her bag and heads down the street to hopefully run into you again at the Wawa. 
You’re standing there again, ordering your meal, although you look a little frustrated today. She doesn’t know that your frustration is because you had been standing there for ten minutes, hoping she would come in. You had just admitted defeat and decided to order when she waltzed in.
“Rough day?” the redhead saunters over and asks you.
Your eyes go wide, and the mental fog is lifted when you hear her voice and smell her perfume. “Hey.”
“Rough day?” she repeats.
You shake your head. “Just a little tired,” you tell her as you move to the side so she can put in her order. “I can’t focus on anything at work.”
She taps away on the screen, ordering hers and then also yours. 
You swallow hard. “You remember my order?”
“Course I do,” she shrugs. She hits the button to print the ticket, but as she goes to grab it, you take it first. You make your way over to the drink stations, grab a diet coke, and gesture for her to get her own drink. She grabs a raspberry tea again and then follows you to the register. As you go to hand your card over, a gentle hand slaps your card out of your hand and to the ground. She’s standing there with a smirk as she goes to hand her own card over.
“Aye, Schemmenti,” you playfully growl as you bend over to pick your card up. “It’s my turn to buy.”
“Nah, I got this one,” she chuckles. She also goes to hand her card over, but you smack it out of her hand and throw your card at the employee- a man who is used to seeing you come in and actually checked the two of you out yesterday.
“It’s her turn,” the man shrugs with a cheeky smile as he takes your card, although he does slightly cower at Melissa’s glare. Then the redhead turns to you and immediately turns softer.
“Thank you,” she places a gentle hand on your shoulder. “But I got next one.”
“Alright, alright,” you laugh as the two of you head over to the counter to wait for your meals.
“So, you forgot your lunch again?” you ask her.
“Yeah,” she sighs. “Had it out on the counter and left it.” It’s a complete and total lie. She knew she had to test fate to see you again.
The two of you chat while they get your order together, and once again, she’s bidding you a goodbye with a gentle, ‘enchanted’. This time, you get to say it back, and your smiles and blushes are quite similar to each other. 
This continues for the next few weeks, until one day she doesn’t show up at the Wawa like she usually does. Your day sucks. And you’re supposed to meet with Ava after the school day to go get your nails done. You know she’s going to be onto you when you show up in a bad mood.
“Damn girl,” she rolls her eyes and raises a brow. “What’s got your panties in a twist?”
“Nothin’,” you roll your eyes back. “Let’s just get our nails done and gossip.”
“You know I’m always down for that shit,” she laughs.
The two of you talk for a while as the ladies do your nails before it the conversation turns to your love life.
“Well, who is it this week?” your best friend asks you.
“No one,” you sigh.
“Well no wonder you’re in a bitch mood- you need to get some!”
“Girl, you make me sound like I’m with someone new every weekend, and you know for a fact that I am very much not like that,” you roll your eyes.
“You have to have your eye on someone,” the principal says. “Otherwise you would be out at the bar looking for someone!”
You mull over telling her, and before you know it, the words are spilling out of your mouth, “Well, I do have my eye on one person, but it’ll never happen, so…”
“Ooh, girl! You got tea! Spill it!”
“It’s really not a big deal,” you tell her, hoping she doesn’t pry. Of course she does, it’s Ava, so you have to go about describing Melissa without Ava being able to catch on.
“She’s a little older than us, she’s tough on the outside but has a soft spot for me,” you tell her. “Easy on the eyes, smart as a whip.”
“Girl, why didn’t you tell me you were practically dating someone?! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re describing Schemmenti."
“I’m not,” you roll your eyes. “I really just see M- this woman when we run into each other at Wawa.”
“What’s her name?” the principal wiggles her eyebrows, all too interested in your love life.
“Enough about my love life,” you shut her down. “Anything interesting happen at school today?”
“I had to cover Schemmenti’s classes today,” Ava tells you. “Woman sounded awful today when she was calling out.”
It clicks in your head that that’s why she wasn’t there to meet you at the Wawa like she usually did, and it isn’t like she has your number to let you know she wasn’t going to meet you. You instantly feel a bit of relief that she didn’t just decide not to come- but you feel bad that she isn’t feeling well.
“Oh?” you try to hide how you actually feel about it. “Is she alright?”
“Nasty cough,” your best friend tells you. “But she assured me she’d be back tomorrow… Red never calls out, so I knew she was feeling pretty shitty.”
“That sucks,” you sigh softly. “Hopefully she’s back tomorrow.”
“So you can ‘run into her at Wawa’?” your best friend blind sides you with her casual remark.
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say quickly, hoping to cover yourself.
“Oh, please,” she waves the hand that isn’t being painted right now. “I saw the eyes the two of you were giving each other at the fundraiser, and Melissa has been going to Wawa everyday since the one day her lunch went bad. I know she’s going to the same Wawa you go to everyday, and she always comes back in a better mood. I put it together about a week in. And you just confirmed it.”
“I did not.”
“Girl, remember, I’ve known you since we were five. I know when you’re lying. Listen, she’s your type, your hers. I say go for it.”
“Maybe I will… if she’s feeling better and at school tomorrow.”
“If I know Schemmenti, she will be,” Ava rolls her eyes. “She might be half asleep, and an absolute bitch tomorrow, but she’ll be there.”
Melissa looks like hell as she drags herself into the Wawa, but to you she still looks gorgeous as ever. When she spots you, her eyes light up.
“The usual?” she asks you as the two of you head to the ordering stations. Her voice is barely there.
“Mel, you should be home resting,” you tell her pointedly.
“I’m fine,” she grumbles. “Besides, I can’t miss. The kids have important tests coming up, and-” she interrupts herself to cough. It sounds awful.
You lay a gentle hand on her shoulder and rub it soothingly. Once she’s finished coughing, she sighs. 
“Soup instead of your usual hoagie?” you ask her, already pressing buttons to order her a chicken noodle soup.
She looks defeated but nods. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
You insist on paying, telling her to let herself be taken care of. She begrudgingly listens, mumbling about how she’s a Philly girl and she can handle herself. You roll your eyes, but you assure her that she’s still a tough Philly girl- that it’s okay to lean on someone else. As the two of you are standing there, she coughs a few times. Again, you lay a gentle hand on her shoulder. When she’s finally done coughing, she quite literally leans into your body just slightly.
“Sorry I ditched ya yesterday,” she wheezes out. “I couldn’t drag myself out of bed.”
“No need to apologize,” you assure her. “I’m glad you were home getting some rest.”
“I just kept wishing I had a way to tell you,” she mutters.
“Well, why don’t I just give you my number, so if that happens again… or you want to get something besides Wawa with me, we can text?” you shoot your shot with the woman.
“That sounds… enchanting,” she smiles softly. “When I’m feeling better, I’ll make us dinner? I’m one hell of a cook.”
“I’d be enchanted,” you tell her warmly.
As the two of you separate, you get a text from her. Enchanted.
By the time the end of the work day is over, Ava has texted you too. Bitchhh! I’m assuming you shot your shot. Red came back into the school practically dancing.
Yeah. You’re just starting this chapter of life- that one night was truly enchanting, and it really was the very first page. 
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etherclan · 2 months
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Crewmate Log: G667Cc-B20X-BSH "WALL.E"
EMS Code: BSH x 61 DOB: 39 EPL [Eclipse Post Landing] Residence: Colony site 1 | Gliese 667Cc "Vegas" Notes: WALL.E, alternatively "Wallie", is an odd one. According to the database, he has a condition called chimerism that has little relevance beyond his colorful coat. The only thing loud than their coat is their personality. Wallie is fearless and curious to the point of disaster and I have no idea why such a spontaneous cat would spend so much of their time with someone like Orion. I have a feeling that she'll either die young or live to see her name on every expedition report.
Probable mutation[s] beyond standard modification: Chimerism and a complete lack of fear
I don't think cats would find chimeras as extraordinary as we do- that's just a tortie with extra flair as far as they are concerned. The strangest thing about Wallie to Etherclan is everything else about him. Partially because he is the 'youngest' cat of batch two and partially because of his small stature and round face, Wallie has been... babied more than he prefers. Acting out and taking charge is how he copes.
She and Orion form something of a comedy duo. She's the good cop to his bad cop. The Ernie to their Bert.
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spencer just comforting reader after a bad mental health day and helping them to take a break and shower/or bathe🌼🫶🏻
Honestly, yeah. So true. I based this off of my experiences of just trying to even get out of bed to get to the shower, so I hope you like it!!!
“I see you’re still in bed.”
“Oh my god. You really are a genius.”
Spencer doesn’t miss much, especially not the sarcasm in your voice. He’s pretty perceptive when it comes to you. He knows what coffee order to get you by the way you kiss him in the morning. He knows what book you’ll want to read when you get home by the way you sign your name. He knows that for you to have stayed in bed all day means that you really just need someone to be there for you.
And that’s what he’ll do.
He quietly toes off his shoes and climbs onto his side of the bed—close enough that you can feel the heat coming from his body, but far away enough because he doesn’t know if you wanted to be touched.
Your head was your worst enemy some days. And it’s not like you didn’t try to fight it, you tried so fucking hard. You had even picked out an outfit and laid it on the chair next to the bathroom. But once you flipped the light switch on in the bathroom and saw yourself in the mirror; your brain flipped a switch too.
Which resulted with all the lights off, and you just in bed, over thinking and falling further and further into the pit of your mind.
Spencer whispered your name, bringing you back from where it was your mind had wandered off to again.
Nowhere good was the conclusion he came to. He gently placed his hand on your arms, waiting to see your reaction.
He watched as your body released some of the tension it was holding, and took that as his sign.
Spencer managed to take your hand and squeeze it slightly. “Want to take a shower?”
“That requires moving.” You stated.
There was no malice, but there was no excitement. Just a fact.
“Maybe you’re the genius.” He teased slightly, squeezing your hand. It caused you to let out a huff of air, which was all he could ask for.
Spencer has been to a dark place before. He knew some variation of what you were felling, how heavy it was, how your brain felt like tv static. He had discovered along the way, that the best way to be there for you, was to shower.
Something something about the metaphor of washing it down the drain. is what you would say when he’d ask you about it a couple of months ago, poking fun at yourself.
“Can’t we do a bath instead.”
Your voice cut through the memory. It was so unlike your normal voice; small, exhausted. It caused him to run his thumb across your hand, nodding.
“You’d have to get up for that too.”
“I hate it when you’re right.” You grumbled, rolling over just enough to be able to lift your head and make eye contact with the pretty man sitting next to you.
“I’m always right.”
That caused you to snort, a small laugh escaped your lips. It was one short second, but it meant the world to Spencer.
“Lavender or Vanilla.”
“You can’t make me get up and also make choices.” Your face rolled back into the pillow, but your hand still held onto his.
His hand was so warm, so soft. His heartbeat was pulling your focus from whatever place your mind had been stuck in. You knew what he was doing, distracting you, making you match his breathing, but you didn’t care.
Spencer didn’t move to go set up the bath. He stayed there rubbing you hand with his thumb, enjoying your company because you were enough for him. Just your presence was enough.
“Tell me something.” You mumbled, wanting to hear him, slightly upset that he stopped talking.
“Did you know that Australia is wider than the moon.”
You frowned a bit and looked up at him. That one caught you off guard. “What.”
“The moon is 2,113 miles wide, or 3,400 kilometers, and Australia is 2,485 miles, or 4,000 kilometers, wide.”
“That feels wrong.” You mutter, squeezing his hand.
“Right? Okay, how about Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street are named after the police officer and the taxi driver in Its a Wonderful Life.”
“I knew that already.” You smiled at him slightly. “You’re losing your touch.”
He smiled down at you, leaning over and gently kissing your forehead, making all of the tension float away.
“How about a bath now.”
“Sounds like you’re just trying to get me naked Doctor Reid.”
That made Spencer’s cheeks tinge pink. “No-No. I just…I know that, uh, when people have depressive episodes they tend to ignore their hygiene because the feel like they don’t deserve it and it’s a Monday meaning you were going to shower this morning, and-and I know you didn’t because there’s no towel on the hook on the bathroom door and—“
You squeezed his hand, effectively ending his breathless ramble. “I’m teasing Spence.”
“How did that turn into you comforting me.” He sighed and squeezed your hand back.
Eventually, the two of you made it to the bathroom. It was lavender scented with hints of the coconut, barely any light from the two candles Spencer had lit, opting out of turning the lights on. Shirts and socks were littered across the ground as you both sank into the water. The heat causing the rest of the headache you were feeling yo disappear, or maybe it was the man sitting behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist. Your skin against his.
The steam cleared your senses, filling your nose with the smell of his shampoo as he tried to quietly open the bottle, causing you to giggle slightly as he fumbled with the lid.
You melted under Spencer’s hands as he massaged your head, kissing your shoulders as he went.
That small part of you whispered in your ear that you didn’t deserve this.
But Spencer’s whispers in your other ear easily drowned it out, slowly bringing you back to him, piece by piece, soap bubble by soap bubble, kiss by kiss.
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ariesqueencobra · 7 months
what we used to be | Vll
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Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're going to your first high school party, who would've thought there'd be so much drama?
Warnings: underage drinking, mild violence, flashbacks to bullying, bullying, references to kissing
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Two chapters in a week?! Another short chapter but I do love this one! One of my favorite scenes to write so far!
Thank you to those who already reblog and comment, I see you and I love you all for it!
I don't consent to this work being copied, translated or reposted.
It was a nice day outside, and you and your friends decided to spend it at the park before the tournament tomorrow. 
While your nerves were at an all-time high, you tried to keep focus on the moment before you, knowing it’d be better to worry about it when the time came. You sat between Miguel and Aisha, Demitri sitting next to the former while Eli continued practicing with Bert behind you all.
Aisha was on her phone and the rest of you were listening to Miguel talk about seeing another guy have dinner with the LaRussos. Of course, out of all the explanations, he thinks he was Sam’s side piece.
“All right, so you saw her eating dinner with some chode,” Eli said before kicking Bert in the face, causing him to fall to the ground.
You snickered at his words but quickly sent a reassuring glance at Miguel.
“It’s probably her brother or something.”
“No,” Miguel argued. “Brothers don’t look at their sisters like that.” 
“Depends on what part of the country you’re in,” Demitri said.
You laughed at that.
“I don’t want what happened to Sensei to happen to me,” Miguel exhaled.
“It’s not gonna happen if you don’t communicate that to Sam,” you pointed out. “Tell her how you feel, be honest, she’ll appreciate it in the long run,” you offered.
Miguel pressed his lips together in defeat, unsure if he wanted to go your route.
“Nah, go over and beat his ass so he doesn’t have the chance,” Eli countered, walking over and leaning against the bench between you and Miguel.
You sent him a look. 
“If someone was swinging in on my girl, that’s what I’d do,” he shrugged, sending you a wink.
You felt your cheeks heat up, ignoring what he said about beating up someone. Your mind was too focused on him calling you “his girl”. 
“Don’t listen to, Eli,” Demitri said.
“It’s Hawk.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Demitri rolled his eyes.
You furrowed your brows, turning your attention back to Miguel. “She’s given you no reason not to trust her,” you said.
“I guess you’re right,” Miguel exhaled.
You were glad you got through to him when Aisha shouted at her phone.
“That little bitch!”
You jumped at her voice but were interested in what happened.
“Look what she commented under my post,” she held her phone in front of you, finding that Yasmine commented something horrible under her video of breaking a board.
“We gotta do something,” Aisha gritted.
“How about we kidnap her and have my boy Rico tattoo “bitch” on her face,” Eli smirked.
You snickered, not hating the idea. Yasmine deserved something worse than “bitch” tattooed on her face after all the hell she put you through.
“Calm down, Hawk,” Demitri mocked.
“I hear how you’re saying it and I don’t like it,” Eli spat. 
You reached over your shoulder to squeeze his arm, calming him. Turning back to Aisha, you spoke, “She’s having a party?” You saw the Insta story.
“Not if we strike first,” she smirked.
You smiled, liking where this was heading.
A few moments later you found yourself at the convenience store. While everyone else was buying snacks, you were on the phone with your dad. 
“It’s just a small party at the Canyon, I’ll be home at a reasonable hour,” you explained.
“You said you were gonna be at the park this morning, what changed?” He asked.
You sighed. “Plans were made,” you shrugged. “It’s just gonna be me and a few kids hanging out. Eli and Demitri will be there,” you chewed on your lip, hoping the mention of their names would make him more inclined to agree.
It didn’t.
“I don’t want you going to that party, I know there’s going to be alcohol there,” he said. 
“No there won’t,” you said even though you knew there would be. “You and Mom said I could do whatever as I long as I let you know where I am and who I am with,” you reasoned.
You heard a commotion on the other side, knowing your mom was convincing him.
“Okay, fine, be home at 10 sharp, a minute late and you’re grounded,” he ordered.
You beamed before hanging up, just in time for your boyfriend to walk out with a case of beer in his hand and a bag in the other. 
“I got you your favorites,” Eli smirked, handing you the bag. 
You smiled, thanking him and letting him know your parents permitted you to go. 
“I can’t believe you managed to get beer, when did you even get the fake ID?” You asked, leaning into his side as he wrapped his arm around you.
“I got my ways, babe,” he smirked. “Let’s have fun tonight, yeah?” 
You agreed. 
You’ve never been to a party before. 
Jumping from your Friday movie nights with your best friends to attending a party in the Canyon where everyone from school was—the feeling was overwhelming but in the best way possible. 
“If you were told a year ago that you’d join a karate dojo, dye your hair blue, get a back tattoo, and be dating me, would you believe it?” You smiled, hand intertwined with Eli’s as you sat in front of the fire. 
“Nah,” he shook his head, a smile appearing on his face. “But I would be the happiest to know we’re dating,” he hummed, pulling you in close. 
“You’re cute,” you booped his nose. “I’m gonna get a drink,” you said before standing up, passing Demitri on the way.
You joined Aisha, smiling as you approached.
“You seemed busy a few minutes ago,” Aisha chuckled. “Came to hydrate?” She joked as you grabbed a water.
“Haha,” you joined in but your cheeks heated up when you realized she saw you and Eli making out before. 
“I’m curious, how did you handle the change from Eli to Hawk?” She asked. 
“He’s still Eli to me, just with a different appearance,” you shrugged. “Sure sometimes I would like to run my hands through his hair, now I can’t,” you averted your gaze. “But he’s happy, who am I to get in the way of that?” 
She hummed in agreement.
“It’s half past nine, should probably get you home before your dad gets mad,” Eli came up behind you, arm finding home around your shoulders.
“Oh yeah, for sure,” you smiled. 
About to say bye to Aisha, you were stopped by Moon walking up to you two. 
“Y/N, glad I found you,” she smiled. “I wanted to apologize,” she sincerely said. 
You raised a brow, glancing at Aisha who sent you a reassuring look. Your composure was stiff and all you could think of was her and Yasmine laughing as they dumped your vandalized sketchbook in the trash.
“For all of it, I hope we could be friends,” Moon added.
You furrowed your brows, not understanding where this was coming from. You took a step back, Eli making sure you were grounded and you searched his eyes, wondering if he was hearing the same thing.
“Oh, hey! Y/N!” Yasmine beamed when she spotted you. “We’ve been looking for you,” she walked towards you with Moon at her side, her arms behind her back.
“We wanted to give this back,” Moon said just as Yasmine held out a similar yellow book with lavenders painted on it. 
Your heart dropped and you froze. 
She wagged it in your face but you couldn’t move. 
Eli just stood beside you, his eyes trained on you, searching for any sign of expression.
“Oh, well, if you don’t want it, I guess it’s trash,” Yasmine shrugged, dumping it in the garbage next to you guys. “Later, slut,” she spat towards you.
The two began cackling like crazy, leaving you with tears welling in your eyes. 
Anger bubbled inside you as that moment replayed in your head. All those years of torment and all she had to say was “sorry”? With a reassuring look from Eli, you spoke. 
“I appreciate the apology, Moon, but I don’t accept it,” you frowned.
She was taken aback, even Aisha.
“I-,” she searched for words.
“You made my life miserable,” you stepped forward. “You destroyed my art and personal property, you slut-shamed me,” you narrowed your gaze, searching her face. “Your friends hurt my friends. One apology isn’t going to make it go all away.���
She paused before opening her mouth. “You’re right,” she admitted. “I’m sorry for thinking we could change things so quickly, but I do genuinely want to be friends,” she offered a smile.
You felt your composure fall and you let out a breath. You passed her a small smile. “Baby steps,” you hummed. 
“Hey!” A wisp of blonde hair filled your vision and you backed into Eli when you realized it was Yasmine.
She focused her attention on Aisha. 
“You think it’s funny crashing my party?”
“It’s not really your party ‘cause we were here first,” Aisha gritted. 
“Yeah, well I know you and your little karate gang think you’re cool, but we all remember who you really are,” she smirked, gazing over you.
You tasted bitter, frown deepening as you made eye contact with her.
“You’re just a fugly bitch and all your friends are freaks,” she spat, calling Moon over to leave. 
“No, I’m staying. I apologized to Aisha and Y/N, you should too,” she looked at her friend.
Obviously, Yasmine didn’t take that well, bumping shoulders with Aisha as she stalked off.
That wasn’t until Aisha called after her. 
You watched as your friend reached down her pants, pulling her underwear up and giving her a front wedgie. You doubled over in laughter, feeling proud of her. 
Your first highschool party was definitely one to remember.
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amywritesthings · 9 months
gingerbread sweet. / a reiner holiday ficlet
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pairing: reiner braun x f!reader ( attack on titan / shingeki no kyojin ) word count: 1.1k summary: It's the Titan frat's annual gingerbread house competition. Your boyfriend, Reiner Braun, is determined to win. You, however, are determined to distract.
tags: modern au - university, holiday fluff, gingerbread houses, all the marleyans are in a frat bc i said so, devoted boyfriend!reiner, light sexual tension credit: dividers by @saradika
welcome to the eleventh day of the twelve days of amymas !!
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“Does the door look crooked to you?”
"The what?"
"The door. Look at it."
There’s nothing more amusing than watching your hulk of a boyfriend crouch over a tiny gingerbread house.
Reiner Braun squints as he presses a gumdrop to the front — circular windows make it modern, or so he claims — then pauses.
Distracted by a very minor detail, you can already feel his anxiety running his brain a mile a minute: a lopsided door may deduct a few points from Marcel's arbitrary points system from this very arbitrary holiday competition.
Because he's absolutely fucking determined to win.
Granted, the bragging rights are his, but the grand prize will not be — Reiner, of course, rarely rides this hard for something he wants.
No, he’s too willing to put everyone else's wants and needs above his own.
So the grand prize of the Titan fraternity annual gingerbread house competition is going to go to you, hell or high water.
He’s going to win you that goddamn spa day gift card that Marcel has been dangling as a sweet little incentive no matter how long it takes him to mold this gingerbread house into his image.
"I think it looks straight."
The tip of his pink tongue pokes out a little from his pressed lips as he leans in closer. "...I trust your eye more than mine."
The blonde sits up to fish for the green icing piping bag. He's gentle with the way he eases the icing along the edges of the tiny confectionary door.
(An icing wreath, like this couldn't be anymore adorable.)
“Reiner?” you coo.
“Yeah, babe.”
Flat. He’s in the zone.
“You know you don’t have to slave over this thing, right?”
You scoot your chair closer to his, dropping your temple to his large tricep.
“I can buy my own spa day card.”
“False,” he corrects. “I’ll buy you the spa day card myself, but if I gotta cheat Porco out of winning for the third year in a row. Pieck’s gone at least five times on our dime.”
"When were the other two times?" you ask, not correlating the math.
"Well, our freshman year," Reiner begins, using the green icing to make little bushes at the foundation of the house, "we did a Valentine's day relay race that ended up with Bert in urgent care with a broken nose. Then, the one-and-only pool party chicken fight tournament — Pieck and Porco fought dirty."
"Is that why it was the one and only?"
"Yeah. Bert got another bloody nose, but that time from Annie going a little too hard."
He snorts.
"We had to save him from becoming the next Owen Wilson, so — no more chicken tournaments."
Titan frat is… well, excessively competitive, you've learned in your year or so of dating Reiner.
(Blame Porco and the new pledge, Eren Yeager, for only exasperating in this year with the month-long holiday challenges.)
You shrug a shoulder. “I could help.”
“And mess up your pretty nails?” Reiner shakes his head, glancing briefly through his peripheral vision. He smirks. “Ain’t no way.”
Reiner’s also very giving, during this season — in more ways than one.
First it was the fully-paid-for manicure yesterday.
Then it was the reservation for a Christmas Eve dinner to your favorite spot in the inner city.
Now he’s trying to win Marcel's approval in this ridiculous decorating contest in your name, and you feel… well, loved.
(There's no disputing that you've won the boyfriend lottery.)
Which, of course, means you have only one thing you can do in this situation.
He’s too wound up.
So you reach down to the pile of icing supplies strewn about, picking the small red accented tube.
You swipe some on the tip of your finger, mindful not to get it under your nails.
Reiner doesn’t even see it happening.
He’s too busy playing fixer-upper on the front side of the house, his too-big hands delicately toying with the too-small decorations he’s pasting on the cookie.
You wait a few seconds, letting him place the door where he wishes, before swiping the icing over the side of his neck.
Reiner tenses, turning to see what the hell just hit his neck, but he’s too late—
You’re already leaning in, sliding the tip of your tongue along his skin.
The man gasps, dropping his own piping bag to the supply assortment below.
“What are you—”
“Decorating,” you murmur nonsensically, grinning from ear to ear as his attention disappears completely from the gingerbread house to you.
“The guys are in the other room,” he rasps, eyes wide.
The pledges, he means — banished to the enclosed patio as they work on their own poorly-designed houses.
Through the last year while dating Reiner,  you’ve learned very quickly how sensitive he is.
Sometimes all it takes is a look to get him hard.
Your ego has never recovered, and it’s not deflating now.
Except his eyes soften and a gentle chuckle exits his throat when his golden eyes search your face.
“Wait, you got—”
His hand gently cradles your jaw. 
“Hold still, baby.”
His thumb raises to swipe at your nose, where his smile only grows.
You stay still, obedient to his command, unable to stop looking at him.
God, he’s gorgeous.
He’s so fucking gor—
Something touches your lips, and you belatedly realize Reiner’s taken it upon himself to push the red icing along the seam of your lips, parting them easily.
You can taste the sugary sweetness on the tip of your tongue.
“Shit, sorry." When your brows knit in confusion, Reiner explains himself. "Seems like I missed a spot.”
His pupils dilate as his gaze drops to your lips, as if he’s ready to devour your whole.
Your entire body turns into flames.
“Just one spot?” you murmur, and a wicked smirk crawls to his mouth.
That same thumb drops to glide the remaining icing over your chin.
“I fear it's a couple of spots, but don't worry. I'll get you cleaned up.” He tilts his chin. “I take care of my girl, remember?”
(As if you could ever forget.)
His words get your blood pumping. Pledges and wandering eyes be damned.
“What about the gingerbread house?” you murmur, entranced by the way he continues absently swiping icing over your jaw, chin, and cheeks.
(Marking a trail his lips will devour.)
“We can bring the icing upstairs,” Reiner suggests with an innocent shrug. You know it’s anything but. “I’ll finish that damn house eventually, but I have something sweeter to tend to.”
Before you can say another word, the blonde stands from his chair and gently takes your hand into his.
You easily stand with him, unable to stop giggling as he tugs you eagerly upstairs.
He’s determined to win, yes, but to him —
He’s already won.
He has you, after all.
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