#like you wanna groom your right to bear arms that is fine
I know I have a few followers. I know my content is sometimes conspiracy based. Bless your hearts because I must get your oxytocin and sera ronin levels pumping
Have some free advice
Good marriages are made with good genetic blueprints.
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satansapostle6 · 8 months
The Man Who Sold The World | Luke Castellan
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Katherine. She was the one who started it all for Luke Castellan, the reason he did what he did.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Violence. Sexual content.
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen: Sorry
“If it’s a girl, I think I wanna name her ‘Adrienne’. If it’s a boy, I wanna name him ‘Luke’,” Katherine grinned as she sat in front of a small campfire, with Luke’s arms wrapped safely around her.
“Aw, you mean we’re gonna make him a junior?” he complained.
“What, what’s wrong with being a junior?”
“Nothing, it’s just… I know I’m gonna get lazy, and I’m gonna start calling him ‘Junior’, like every other lazy dad, and start morphing into Homer Simpson.”
“Hey, at least you’ll be one of the dads that’s there,” Katherine reasoned, “And doesn’t traumatize their kid. Not to mention… You’ll be the only dad who still has a ‘V’.”
“Fair enough,” Luke sighed in surrender. “You know… I never could’ve imagined myself having a kid. Especially not before twenty, but… Katherine, I’m glad I get to do it with you.”
She smiled, knowing she shared the exact same feelings.
“You know, I, uh… I can’t speak for the Katherine with a soul, but I really feel good about keeping this baby,” she admitted, changing the tone of the conversation.
Luke nodded slowly, recognizing the poignant fact that normally, in their specific situation, keepingw the baby would have been more of a choice as opposed to an obvious next step the way it would be for slightly older couples.
“Honestly, Katherine…” Luke trailed off for a moment, shuddering internally at the idea of having to abandon the idea of having a child with her, shaking his head, “I don’t know if I would’ve been able to get through it. If we decided not to keep it.”
His eyes held a deep sadness, even as he just imagined the hypothetical.
“I know,” she murmured, understanding his attitude towards children.
“I just… I want the chance to be better. Better than my father, and the gods, and better than I’ve been. I really do. I’m scared, shitless, but I know that’s what I want,” he thought.
She just nodded as she listened.
“Do you really think we’re doing the right thing?” he said after taking a beat. “Bringing a child into this world?”
“Hey. Look at me,” she held his face in her hands.
He looked at her almost pathetically as he felt her fingers clutching his jaw, saving his pouty puppy eyes only for her.
“You know what not to do to a child, because of your own father. We both do; you know not to abandon your kid, and I know not to groom my kid,” she laughed as she made her point. “But… we also know what to do with a kid. I’ve seen you care for these kids at the camp; the kids in our cabin, Annabeth? You wanna love them like your own,” she reasoned.
Luke smiled as he listened to her, accepting her praise. “You see the good things in me I don’t wanna see,” he said softly.
“I love you, Luke Castellan,” she reminded him in a cool whisper.
“I love you, Katherine Montalvo. More than anyone in the world,” he teased her back, kissing her lips as he held her in a silly sort of bear hug. “Hey, what if we have twins?”
“Oh, don’t even say that!” she warned.
The two of them laughed as they were actually able to enjoy themselves together for the first time in months. They both had expected the pregnancy to have a negative impact on their lives, especially with Kronos and the nightmares that plagued them both, but oddly enough, everything was fine.
Neither of them had even dreamt of him or heard his voice in weeks, so they assumed that they’d been doing everything right. Katherine had decided that as long as Luke kept up their work in the last several months of her pregnancy, everything would be fine for the both of them. Of course, they still hadn’t broken the news to Chiron or Mr. D, or really anyone else, but that, they figured, was a more minor obstacle.
“Oh, I forgot, I haven’t even told you about my plan!” Luke realized as they sat cozily in front of the fire.
“Ooh, what plan?” Katherine asked eagerly. “Wanna keep getting me knocked up? Make Kronos a whole baby army?”
“Can you be serious?” Luke shook his head, laughing at her.
“I am being serious! You know how much fun we’d have making that whole army?”
“Okay, listen. Chiron told the Head Counselors he’s planning a camp field trip to Olympus, in August,” he explained.
“Okay, I’m intrigued,” Katherine nodded along, realizing they’d be visiting the home of the Gods themselbes.
“You know what’s in the throne room of Olympus?” he asked her.
“What?” she asked expectantly, allowing him to answer the rhetorical question.
“The Big Three’s symbols of power,” he murmured, referring to the brothers Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.
Katherine looked at him in awe, the warm light from the fire along with the darkness of the night making him look psychotic.
“Wait, if we get our hands on those…” she realized.
“The gods will wanna kill each other,” Luke completed, a victorious grin on his face. “We’ll start a war, and Kronos will reward us.”
“It’s perfect,” Katherine realized.
“We can steal two of them; pit two brothers against the other one,” he pointed out. “They’ll start destroying each other before Kronos is even back.”
“Oh, baby, it’s perfect!” Katherine exclaimed, crashing into Luke as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.
They pulled apart after a long, passionate kiss, reveling in their own evil plan.
“We can do this,” Luke promised her. “Just you and me.”
“You and me,” Katherine murmured, lost in his baby blue eyes as she leaned in for another kiss.
Everything was still perfect. It had been a few days since Katherine had first discovered she was pregnant, and still nothing had gone wrong. She and Luke were still waiting to tell everyone the news, enjoying their happiness together before it would ultimately be ruined by Chiron or Mr. D’s wrath. Today was the first time he wasn’t insanely busy with Head Counselor duties during the day, so they had decided to take advantage.
The two of them decided to spend their afternoon sitting on the beach looking out at the Long Island Sound, the waves gently crashing on the shore in front of them as they talked, about anything and everything.
“Okay, so we’ve come to a compromise,” Luke announced. “Megan if it’s a girl, per my request, and Luke if it’s a boy, per your stupid request,” he teased.
Katherine wasn’t completely sure, but she’d felt Luke had responded positively to the name ‘Megan’ because it had reminded him of his own mother’s name, May.
“Are you that opposed to me wanting to name our hypothetical son after you?” she exclaimed in amusement.
“It sounds so egotistical!” he cried. “‘Oh, I’m a big, strong man, and my firstborn son, my only heir, needs to carry on my bloodline and my legacy’!”
“You are a big, strong man,” Katherine teased, looking up at him in a way that made him crumble. “And kind, and warm, and funny. I want our potential son to turn out like you.”
“Okay, fine,” Luke pretended to complain, knowing the way she spoke about him made his heart skip a beat. “We can name him Luke Jr.”
Luke laughed as he threw his arm around her, looking out at the calm waters.
“I can’t believe we’re gonna have a baby,” he said quietly. “What do you think happens, when two demigods have a baby? Is there even a word for that?”
“You’re gonna have a baby?!”
Luke and Katherine both whipped around with a start, realizing that someone had been standing right behind them. Luke then realized why he hadn’t noticed when he saw Annabeth standing there, dark blue Yankees cap in hand.
“Annabeth!” he exclaimed, horrified.
His reaction shifted from anger to fear as he realized no one else knew, and Chiron would have to be told eventually. Katherine looked up at her boyfriend in shock, silently pleading with him to resolve the situation.
“Annabeth, I can explain…!” he tried to calm her down.
“You can’t have a baby!” she cried.
“Hey,” Luke began, trying to reason with her, “We’re nineteen…”
“And still at camp!” the daughter of Athena argued. “Chiron’s gonna kill you!”
“Look, we’re both adults,” Luke reminded her, “I’m sure we’ll just have to work it out…”
“You have to tell him! Now.”
“I’m not telling him right this second,” he scoffed.
“Well, either you are, or I am!” she crossed her arms angrily. “There’s no way I’m risking him finding out I knew about this—”
“He’s not gonna find out,” Luke assured her.
“Famous last words!” the blonde girl argued.
“Look. Just give us a few days, and we’ll figure it all out,” Luke offered, “Okay?”
“Alright. Fine!” Annabeth exclaimed angrily. “But if you don’t tell him in three days…”
“I’ll tell him,” Luke assured her, trying to diffuse the situation. “Wait. What are you even doing over here?” he asked her.
“Well, it seems stupid now!” she exclaimed in disbelief. “Lee told me to find you and tell you Mikey keeps picking his nose, and it’s disturbing people.”
“Seriously?” Luke sighed, realizing he was only in this predicament because one of his ten year-old campers had a nose picking problem.
Annabeth Chase stormed off in silence, leaving Luke and Katherine alone on the beach.
“I’m sorry,” he sighed, finally meeting her gaze, “I fucked everything up…”
“It’s not your fault,” she promised him, taking his hand. “We’ll just tell Chiron soon. No big deal.”
“No big deal,” he repeated the mantra, holding her close as he looked out at the water.
The next day, things took a turn for the worst. Luke had come back in the middle of the day after a patrol around the camp’s perimeter. He had left early that morning and hadn’t gotten to see Katherine all day, and he was looking forward to spending more time with her once he got back. And he found he did get to spend time with her, only not in the way he’d hoped to.
“Luke!” Annabeth came and found him as he headed toward the showers, exhausted and covered in sweat. “Chiron—”
“Annabeth, we’re gonna tell him soon,” Luke told her with a sigh. “But please, just let me take a shower first, I’m so tired—”
“Chiron said you need to get to the infirmary! Now.” Annabeth yelled over him, her grey eyes full of worry. “It’s Katherine!”
Luke’s face fell as he put the words together in his head, immediately panicking. He started sprinting off in the direction of the infirmary, as Annabeth followed.
“What the fuck happened?!” he demanded breathlessly.
“We were eating lunch… I sat next to Katherine, and she seemed fine. But then her stomach started to hurt, bad. I brought her to the infirmary, and she started seizing.”
“Seizing?!” Luke exclaimed.
“Yeah. It was bad,” Annabeth told him.
She began to regret saying that as she realized it only made his panicking even worse. He all but knocked into everyone in his path like bowling pins, scanning the room for his girlfriend.
“Katherine?!” he yelled, panicking as his heart started to beat too fast for him to keep track of.
“Over here!” one of the Apollo kids called to him.
Luke ran to one of the cots in the corner surrounded by people, trying to shove his way through the crowd.
“What’s going on?!”
He finally made his way through, looking like he’d seen a ghost once he saw all the blood. Katherine was almost unconscious, lying there passively as everyone just watched. It seemed the healers were all just cleaning her up, cloths full of blood around the bed. She was lying beneath a sheet on her lap for her own privacy.
“What happened?!” Luke yelled.
“Luke, I’m gonna need you to be quiet,” one of the daughters of Apollo said as she tried to tend to Katherine. “Don’t freak her out. We just gave her some herbs to numb the pain and help her sleep, but she’s still scared.”
But Katherine seemed pretty subdued, almost unconscious at this point. Luke looked up to see Chiron, who had a very grim expression on his face.
“Luke, I need to speak to you in private,” the centaur announced, his jaw clenched.
Luke went along with him, too afraid of what was happening with Katherine to be nervous about Chiron. As Chiron pulled him away from the crowd of people, Luke was the first one to speak.
“Did she—”
“Lose the baby? Yes,” Chiron said, the fact coming out more angrily than he intended.
Luke’s jaw dropped as he looked back at the crowd standing around her cot, at a loss for words.
“And while I do have much sympathy for you, Luke, unfortunately there is another issue at hand,” Chiron said as patiently as he could. “I need to know what happened to this girl’s soul.”
“What?” Luke looked at him in confusion, starting to panic and cry.
“Luke, why does Katherine not have a detectable soul in her body?” Chiron demanded.
“I… She almost died,” Luke breathed, trying to avoid sobbing as he quickly came up with a lie. “I prayed to my father, anyone to save her. And then she was pretty much fine. I don’t know how it happened—”
“She must’ve died momentarily, and left her soul behind in the Underworld when she returned,” Chiron realized quickly. “It happens to mortals, and to demigods even more often.”
Luke stared at him blankly, not connecting the dots as his mind wandered back to Katherine and the baby.
“When mortals die, and come back with out a soul, they sometimes change, and their loved ones just attribute it to a near-death experience.”
“What does this have to do with anything?” Luke asked impatiently.
Chiron looked at him gravely, delivering the news to him as kindly as he could. “Entities without souls rarely survive childbirth, Luke,” he told him. “Not only was the life of Katherine’s child at stake in carrying it, but her own as well. She could have died.”
Luke’s entire world seemed to melt away as he stood there, slowly realizing the grave mistake he’d made.
“I, uh…”
He didn’t know what to say to Chiron. He stood there, frozen, trying to come up with some sort of apology, until the older man realized that it wasn’t him who really needed the apology.
“Just go,” Chiron nodded sadly, permitting him to leave. “Be with her. We’ll sort out the rest later.”
Luke Castellan didn’t need to be told twice. He was back at Katherine’s side in an instant, as the healers all did their best to clear the area to give them space. Annabeth was the only one who remained. She just watched sadly as Luke took Katherine’s hand in his, breaking down as he tried to talk to her despite the fact that she was in and out of sleep.
“I’m so sorry,” he choked out, struggling to get the words out as he hung his head. “I wasn’t there… You needed me, and I wasn’t there!”
Annabeth’s face twisted into a pained expression of grief as she watched her friend’s entire world fall apart.
“I don’t know how I’m supposed to forgive myself,” Luke confessed, watching over her as she slept. “I was nervous about telling people, and you could’ve died,” he sobbed.
“Luke,” Annabeth tried to comfort him, “It’s not your fault—”
But Luke just shook his head, refusing to listen to any justification of what had almost happened to the one person he cared about.
“I almost killed her,” he reasoned, “Because of my own selfishness. I didn’t listen to you, and I killed our baby, and I almost killed her. I knew I shouldn’t have been having a baby! What the fuck was I thinking?! I’m not fit to be a parent, I shouldn’t be anybody’s parent!”
Annabeth tried to find the right words to comfort him, but even as smart as she was, there still weren’t any words that could’ve made up for what he’d lost. She wanted to find the right words, to soothe her friend after he’d lost what could’ve been a child, but even as smart as she was, she was still twelve years old.
“You know…” she began, trying to think of a fact that spun this in any positive direction. “They don’t really call it a fetus until it’s about eleven weeks old,” Annabeth provided awkwardly, quickly realize that definitely wasn’t the right choice of words.
“It was a baby,” Luke insisted, still too angry with himself to even consider being angry at anyone else. “It was our baby, and now it’s just gone. All because of my selfishness. What the fuck was I thinking, like I was gonna be a father?! I’m a piece of shit!”
Annabeth’s heart broke for him in that moment, and although she’d always hated when people said ‘I’m sorry’ to her, because she thought it was pointless, and stupid, she found in that moment it was all she had left.
“You’re not a piece of shit, Luke,” the younger girl promised him. “You’re far from it.”
“I wanna believe that too, but it’s hard to say that to a dead baby,” he muttered, resentful of himself.
“I’m sorry, Luke,” she said quietly. “I really am.”
They both knew that ‘sorry’ comforted no one. She turned to leave him, as he watched Katherine sleeping, the whole thing weighing on his chest. He sat by her bed the entire time, waiting for her to wake up, but she never did. He must’ve been up for another ten hours or so, but it didn’t matter for him. He needed to be there for, because he wasn’t when she really needed him to be there.
Luke didn’t sleep at all that night. He was up all the way until early the next morning, when Katherine woke up from her long sleep, eyes lowly adjusting as she sat up.
“Hey,” Luke said immediately, eyes heavy and bloodshot from exhaustion.
He was antsy with heavy bags under his eyes, and Katherine knew something was wrong. It took her a moment after the herbs she’d been given the day before, but she remembered what had happened to her in its entirety.
“The baby,” she said slowly, the reality setting in for the second time. “It’s gone?!”
Luke grimaced, fighting back tears as he gave her a quick nod, reaching for her hand. But Katherine handled the news much differently than he did, and probably much different than she herself would have under different circumstances.
He just looked at her, waiting for some horrible, traumatized reaction as she processed the information she was given. But no reaction ever came. Katherine just sat there, leaning up against the wall as she tried to come up with something, anything at all, to feel.
He saw the pain in her eyes, the way she so blankly stared off into nothingness, silently begging to feel anything.
“I, uh…” she tried to think as the reality of the situation hit her.
Like watched sadly as her hand instinctively went to her stomach, feeling for something that just simply wasn’t there. It was like a ghost limb to her, the feeling of still having something that had been lost.
“I don’t know what to say,” Katherine reached a conclusion, staring off at nothing as she tried to get a grip on reality.
Luke watched helplessly as she slowly began shaking, like a puppy left out in the rain, panicking as her hands cradled her stomach, looking for the baby as she still tried to understand that it simply didn’t exist anymore.
“I lost my baby, and I don’t know what to say!” she howled, devastated.
“I know, hon, I know,” Luke said, feeling useless as he squeezed her hand.
He didn’t know in that moment what would comfort her, but something in him knew it didn’t matter. Nothing could’ve eased this pain.
“My baby…!”
Katherine was reduced to tears as she buried her face in her hands, crying so many tears that even her hair began to wet. In need of comfort himself, Luke got up off of the chair, wrapping his arms all the way around her as she collapsed onto his shoulder. They both wept together, but even Luke knew that the pain she must’ve felt was entirely different from his own.
Overridden with guilt, he held onto her as tightly as he could, his body desperately seeking out comfort in hers. He felt helpless in his predicament, unable to fight or kill or persuade anything to get his child back, or ease his girlfriend’s pain.
Chapter Seventeen
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Ik I kinda asked this but in a different font, but, I'm asking it again anyways
Saiki, makoto and saiko are on a date at that one lil Cafe saiki likes. Kokomi walks in on them.
OKAY! So, as you mentioned this cafe, I now must spam all of you with these cute coffee designs I had originally drew in a little illustration for this ask... UNTIL freaking Clip Studio Paint turned off and logged me out by some weird random shit, only for me to see THE ART WASN'T SAVED ALL THE WAY!
I will post it someday if I can... so sorry, here's some ref pics;
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Outfit refs;
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In order, Saiko, Makoto, and Saiki
Saiki rubbed his face as he checked his reflection for the millionth time this morning
He quickly groomed himself as he thought back on Makoto's plans for the day, this cute cafe they all visited recently, for a total for three hours! Is it weird he's weirdly excited more than the coffee jellies he may get??
He made his way after cleaning up properly to the cafe in question and allowed his boyfriends to take both his hands/arms and basically guide him to the farthest booth in the cafe
They ordered a lot of the menu by the time they sat down, of course the two decide to spoil their psyche bean with the menu options, cuddling the cats nearby cause I'm making this a cat cafe okay??
They were...kind of in their own little bubble of peace and gentle snuggles and affections. Makoto reciting a scene from a romance novel to them, Saiko lovingly petting a cat's head, and Saiki just smiles and admires the date was going well.
They were so deep it wasn't until Saiki went to give them both a kiss across the booth he heard a familiar voice-
Shooting his head right he freezes seeing a certain pretty girl from his school walk to a booth nearby.
The two froze and stare
Crap, They both thought Did he/she follow me?!
But then Saiki noticed two other schoolmates, two blonde hair cuties-
Yeah if it wasn't obvious from this post, Teruhashi kind of started seeing her two besties and once romance rivals~
This is their song:
I can actually seeing them singing this during a date night
They began to see each other some time after Teruhashi found out of the poly of her brother and her crush and her other classmate
Aiura was the one who made the first moves of karaoke nights and kisses
The six kind of stared at each other in awkward silence until both Makoto and Kokomi spoke up: "We didn't see you, you didn't see us"
Yeah they quickly moved on with their dates, though it took a bit for any poly to go back to affectionate lovey dovey after that startle
Some time after this though, they decided to do a trouple double date event. Sure, on outside views it seems like three boys dating their girlfriends but that's fine!
Lots of cafe and beach dates cause social lovers-
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fantastic-bby · 3 years
SKZ as animal hybrid boyfriends
Pairing: Reader x Members
Word count: 2.9k
Genre: Fluff | Headcanon | Animal Hybrid/Shifter AU | Boyfriend AU
Warnings: Very brief mention of spiders
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A husky hybrid
Has the CUTEST pair of gray and white ears that stick out of the top of his head
Also has the most gorgeous pair of pale blue eyes that glow in the dark
He has a fluffy white tail that wags like crazy whenever he’s excited because he doesn’t know how to stop it from showing
He’s also the sweetest boyfriend in. The. WORLD!
Always asks how you’re doing
Makes sure your not missing any meals and that you’re always hydrated
Every morning, he wakes you up with cute good morning texts and he always tries to send you good night texts sometimes forgets because he gets so caught up in work
He makes up for it tho
Sends flowers to your place whenever he forgets uwu
Chan’s the perfect boyfriend
The only problem is that you’re allergic to dogs
He didn’t realise why you always seemed to sneezy and stuffy whenever you would come over to his place
Until you told him
And his reaction makes you feel like you just told him the most horrific thing in the world
To him it is!!!!
Because he’s the reason that you’ve been having allergic reactions around him!!
He starts vacuuming his place more often to keep any fur away and makes sure to keep the area super clean so that you’re clear from anything that could cause a reaction
He also starts lint rolling and vacuuming his clothes before giving them to you so that you don’t take any of his fur home unless you ask him to leave his fur
Chan gets confused whenever you tell him that you don’t want him to vacuum or wash his hoodies before giving them to you
But you like them because every time you see the strands of gray and white fur sticking out of his hoodie, it reminds you of him
So instead,
Chan starts buying a crap ton of allergy meds
Puts them in every corner of his house
In the bathroom
The kitchen
The living room
The bedroom
Literally everywhere just in case you get a super bad reaction
That way he’s always prepared for anything
A maine coon hybrid
The most luscious fur ever known to man
His cat ears are so fluffy and always well groomed
He has this beautiful fluffy orange tail that he’s gotten pretty good at hiding his feelings with
Usually a hybrid’s animal features would probably give away their emotions, but Minho learned to control his ears and tails really well
It’s just that his ears are really sensitive and they flick around every few seconds whenever he’s in a crowded place
He has a pair of yellow eyes that are constantly in the shape of slits simply because he wants to intimidate everyone around him
Also always has his claws out because they intimidate strangers
Wouldn’t tell anyone, but Minho lets his pupils dilate when he’s alone with you (´∀`)♡
He also likes to tease you a lot but you know he’s just joking because if he was serious, his tail wouldn’t be so related
You try not to tell him because then he’ll start working harder to hide his tail swishes
Is the most precious yet teasing boyfriend out there
He’ll make a joke about you eating a lot of ice cream whenever you’re sad, but he’ll always have your favourite ice cream in the freezer
If you complain about some kind of muscle pain, Min would call you weak but then also come home with muscle relief patches that he’ll stick to you himself
Minho likes to shift into cat form if you’re stressed because then it means that he wouldn’t really disturb you a lot
His footsteps are way quieter when he’s in cat form as compared to human form
So if you’re stressed or tired and you ask him to give you time
Minho would shift and hide in one of the cat towers he bought for himself until he hears you coming out of the bedroom
The moment he hears the sound of the bedroom door opening, he’ll lift his head and peek out from the top
If you sit on the floor right in front of the tower, Minho will scurry off of the tower to sit in your lap to
But if you don’t even look at the tower and you instead go to the kitchen, he’ll wait a bit longer to give you more time
Yk I wanna say he’d be some cursed Dwaekki hybrid the skzoo dwaekki haunts me in my sleep
But I genuinely feel like he’d be something really threatening like a wild animal
So if Chan’s a husky and Minho’s a maine coon
I’m gonna throw Changbin in as a grizzly bear because he’s a tank of a man and I love him for that
His ears are dark brown and rounded, poking out from the top of his head
His eyes are super dark brown and sometimes you can’t even tell if you’re able to see the white in his eyes bcs his pupils are just that big
His hands have these huge black claws that could claw someone apart if he wanted to
Also has a cute brown tail that he often hides underneath his clothes because it’s small enough for him to sit on
Sometimes shifts into bear form just to cuddle you because it’s cold and relying on the heater might make it too warm
So Binnie likes to use his own fur to warm you up if he notices you shivering
Also would not hesitate to bear his teeth at anyone who tries to hurt you
Changbin doesn’t really tell anyone this
But one of his proudest bear traits is his ability to vocalise like a bear
Which means that whenever he feels the need to protect you or whoever’s around him
He will growl like a bear
And it’s terrifying
You didn’t even know that Changbin could roar until one night when a stranger wouldn't take your ‘no’ as an answer and your boyfriend almost lost his mind
He pulled you behind him and grabbed the collar of their shirt and just roared at them
The stranger being a hybrid of a smaller bear species immediately scrambled off
But Changbin also immediately switches back into sweet, cuddly boyfriend the moment he turns back to you <3
A sphynx hybrid
Very dramatic
Very loud
He has pink cat ears sticking out of the top of his head with a little black splotch on his left ear
He also has this naked pink tail that sticks out from underneath his shirt
Every minor inconvenience and Hyunjin’s meowing and whining to you about it and you think it’s funny every time he does
Like the time he misplaced his sock and was crying all over your shared home looking for it until he found it underneath the bed
His claws are retractable, so he usually hides them because he doesn’t want to hurt anyone on accident unlike Minho
He’s VERY cuddly both in human form and cat form
Hyunjin likes to do the ‘kneading the dough’ thing whenever you’re cuddling
And ends up leaving holes in your clothes because his claws would accidentally grab onto the fabric
Would also feel really bad afterwards because now he’s ruined your shirt
You reassure him that it’s fine
But Hyunjin’s dramatic also kinda wants an excuse to go shopping with you
So he cries about it and it leads to him dragging you to the mall so that he can buy you a new one
Ends up getting distracted at a cat cafe because he’s made conversation with one of the cats there
And he’s basically talking to them like he’s a middle aged wine mom talking about their weird husbands
You have to remind him what the goal is
But he’s so immersed in the conversation with the orange tabby that you can only watch in amusement
Hyunjin’s talking to it in English while the cat nods with it’s tail swishing every time he asks it a question, mewling every once in a while as a response
You watch with a smile on your face, chin resting against the palm of your hand as you listen
You can only gather that Hyunjin’s telling the cat about why you’re at the mall
And the cat turns to you with a bored expression on its face before meowing
“She says good luck on finding a new shirt”
You nod and reach out to pet the cat’s head as thanks
You and Hyunjin leave after a while
And soon, the trip to get one shirt turns into a shared shopping spree
Kinda obvious but he’s a squirrel hybrid
He has a pair of rounded, light brown ears on the top of his head
A bushy light brown tail that bumps into everything whenever he’s in cramped spaces
And the CUTEST pair of brown eyes EVERRRRR
His squirrel trait is where he gets the habit of stuffing food into his cheeks whenever he eats
Ji’s really good at climbing
So he has this long ass piece of wood that he keeps in the living room of his home so that he can still climb something in squirrel form if he can’t go outside
He also has tiny black claws that he uses mainly for practicality when he's in human form
So stuff like cutting into plastic, through strings and to open mail
He just slides his finger across the top of the envelope and boom
Jisung’s quite clumsy
It doesn’t help that he has this huge, bushy tail behind him
He bumps you with it a lot and he’s always so apologetic over it
But it’s fine because it’s his tail and it’s soft and cute and it’s part of Jisung UwU
There were a couple of times where you would wake up and his tail would be tickling your sides
So you’d wake up giggling
And it would wake him up too
He’d turn around and immediately wrap his arms around your waist to cuddle into you
You love playing with his ears
Jisung’s really responsive whenever you pet his squirrel features
So if you touch his tail in public
He’s jolting forward like AHHH
And you like to gently rub his ears whenever you’re cuddling
Jisung usually ends up cuddling into you more because he really likes it whenever you play with his ears
He has a habit of making those squirrel squeaks whenever he’s uncomfortable
So in public, if he feels like he’s overwhelmed or wants to leave
He’ll cling onto your arm and start squeaking softly so that only you’re able to hear
And it’s an easy way for you to know that he wants to leave without him actually telling you
Horned owl hybrid
He has two sets of white and brown feathers that poke out from the top of his head and curls to the back
He does, however, have talons at his fingertips that he doesn’t really like because it gets caught on a lot of things
Has feathers running down his arms, but can’t actually fly in human form
His eyes are this beautiful amber colour
He also has a lot of hanging stuff in his house that he likes to fly back and forth to whenever he shifts into owl form
Absolutely loves doing the head spinning trick because you freaked out the first time you saw him do it as a human
Felix also has really light footsteps
So sometimes you don’t even hear him coming into a room and suddenly he’s beside you
Which scares you sometimes
Overall, Felix is just unintentionally scary.
Because he has really good eyesight at night
And because he’s nocturnal
He sleeps in the day
Which means that all of his work is done at night while you’re asleep
His hearing is intense which means that he could hear the smallest pin dropping in the kitchen from the bedroom
So when he hears something strange coming from the kitchen
He’s immediately crawling out of bed and peeking out of the bedroom door
That’s when he sees a spider crawling out from behind the fridge
A huge spider
Now, Felix does NOT like spiders
But he knows that if you wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink, then you’re going to be freaked out by too
But he should be able to toss it out the window in owl form
So Felix pops open one of the windows and shifts
His silent flying and sharp night vision make it a quick mission that’s executed without much hassle
He manages to grab the spider with his talons and just tosses it straight out of the window
By the time Felix has returned to the bedroom
You’ve woken up because you realised he wasn’t beside you anymore
So he climbs back into bed and lets you hold onto him while you fall back asleep
Labrador hybrid
Has a pair of golden ears flopping over the top of his head
Also has a golden tail that he usually hides because if he gets over excited then it’ll wag all over the place and might bump into things
Is a relatively quiet person and is also a quiet dog
He doesn’t say or bark that much
But you’ve come to learn how to read his body language
Because his posture both in human form and dog form speak his thoughts
Like whenever he’s standing tall then you’ll figure that Minnie’s probably uncomfortable or feels threatened
As quiet as he is
He’s extremely attentive to your needs as well
Seungmin’s able to catch your body language way quicker than you are at reading his
Which means that the moment you look uncomfortable, he’s immediately moving to stand beside you with an arm wrapped around you
Think of it as that TikTok trend that’s like ‘using my scary dog privilege’
In this case
Seungmin’s more than happy to be the scary dog that lets you walk around alone
He’d bark and bite at anything or anyone who would try to hurt you
Even in human form, he’d growl as a warning to other animal hybrids that are around you
Whenever you’re out in public, Seungmin tries to stay by your side just in case anything happens
But when he has to part from you to talk to another group of your friends
He keeps you in his line of sight
He’d always angle himself in conversations so that the person he’s talking to has their back facing you so that he’s able to see you
And when a cat hybrid suddenly approaches you
Seungmin’s more on the attentive side but he hasn’t gone into protective mode because you don’t look uncomfortable
But then your frame starts to shrink
He immediately changes his posture
Which scares the people around him because suddenly, Seungmin looks so scary
He waits a moment longer and the moment you start looking around the room for him, he’s shoved his drink into the hands of Hyunjin so that he can make his way over to you
He slings his arm over your shoulder and glares at the cat hybrid who’s now extremely intimidated by the presence of the labrador hybrid
Seungmin leans close to the cat and growls at them until they run off
He stays with you for the rest of the night and the way he stays in protective mode makes you feel safe
Until you get home and Seungmin’s back to this ball of cuddle fluff that you absolutely love (。♥‿♥。)
Fennec fox hybrid
Has a big pair of white fluffy ears that poke out of his head
Has a fluffy white tail that blends into a more golden colour that’s long enough to poke out from underneath his shirt
He has super insane hearing
Even if he has headphones in, he can hear the outside world
Bodes well for him because whenever you walk into his apartment, he’ll walk out immediately to greet you
He never actually feels hot or warm because his body heat radiates off of his ears
Is always cold in human form
In fox form, his fur insulates his body instead so he doesn’t feel much of a difference
Has a habit of not drinking for hours because he can get stuck in his fox form
Also has a habit of chewing on your desk plants if he deems them edible
Unfortunately for you, that means you’ll come home to your beautiful plant babies half eaten and munched away because your fox boyfriend wanted a snack
To solve this problem, you filled the fridge with berries and vegetables for whenever he feels like snacking
But sometimes he goes overboard and he pretty much eats everything he can find when he forgets to eat for a while
He’s a fox hybrid that doesn’t know how to shift on command
Usually he has this big urge to shift but he’ll be stuck in one form for a while before being able to switch
He doesn’t know any other fox hybrids
So Jeongin has to learn to control his animalistic instincts with the help of you!
His human partner
Lucky for the both of you
You have a friend who’s a red fox hybrid
She’s not a fennec fox
But she still shares similar instincts to Jeongin because they’re both fox hybrids
So now Jeongin comes to you with the biggest smile on his face whenever he’s accomplished something, gushing about how Fox Noona taught him how to shift on command
He’ll show you
And you watch as he shifts into this tiny little fennec fox with a big smile on his snout (T▽T)
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draconica · 3 years
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Husband fluff? I gotchu, fam. How’s about their whole wedding? 👀
Nick was pacing back and forth, back and forth, rubbing his hands together nervously. It had all been done - his grey tuxedo was on and he was dressed impeccably with a white rose in his lapel. His hair was slicked back perfectly, he was clean shaven and wearing that aftershave that Ellis really liked on him. Once or twice during his pacing, he would catch sight of himself in the mirror and be tempted to touch himself up in his nervous state. But no - he looked perfect, as Ellis would've told him if he were here. But he wouldn't see Ellis until they walked down that aisle together.
Last night had been hard; Ellis had stayed at Keith's while Nick spent the night at Rochelle's. The gambler really wanted to see his little lover just so he could calm his nerves, but Hell, they had to do things 'by tradition'. It's what Ellis wanted. Whatever his lover wanted, he would get. Nick had always been adamant on that front.
A knock at the door jarred him from his thoughts and suddenly there was Coach poking his head inside. "They're ready for you, young'un." He grinned and stepped inside, wearing a smart dark blue suit of his own. The elder man put a firm hand on Nick's shoulder, trying to keep him grounded. "You good?"
Nick gave a long exhale and then turned back to the mirror, eyeing his reflection one last time as a single man. The conman nodded. "Let's go."
Ellis meanwhile was in another room of the hotel, his toes curling a little inside of his shiny black shoes. "Ro, is it normal to be nervous as all shit?" the mechanic whimpered whilst his long-time friend, a woman he considered the big sister he'd never had, straightened up his wonky neck tie.
"You'll be fine, sweetie," Rochelle gave a small smile and placed a comforting hand on his face, patting it lovingly. "This is your wedding. Nothing could make old Suit love you any less."
“I know, I know,” Ellis sighed, placing his hand over hers. “Jus' don't wanna make a fool of myself if I screw up my vows or somethin'.”
Francis, who was across the room leaning against the wall, let out a chuckle. “Honestly, I've got my money on Colonel Sanders messing up somehow. You don't even need to worry, pipsqueak.”
Ellis threw Francis a small smile, knowing that the biker was only trying to cheer him up.
At that moment, Keith knocked on the door and shouted out to his best friend. “El! It's time to get hitched, let's go!”
“Aw, Lord,” paled the mechanic, his fingers curling together in nervousness. “O-okay, alright.”
"Ready?" The dark-skinned woman asked him, her chestnut eyes glinting with eagerness.
Ellis smiled at her determination and nodded, taking in slow and deep breaths. "Ready as I'll ever be, Ro." With that, they walked out into the corridor and began to head down to the event hall in the hotel.
Their guests were already in place, sat in their seats and murmuring between themselves as the time fast approached. Keith slipped into the room and went to find Dave and his other friends near the front. Nick peered inside from the door at the far end of the aisle as he and Coach waited for the second groom to arrive.
“I'd better go take my place,” Coach said, glancing down the room at the space where he would be standing in order to perform the ceremony. “When you hear the music, that's your cue, all right?”
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” Nick let out a half-breath and looked back, anticipating Ellis to walk around the corner any minute. The football coach simply chuckled at him and then entered the main hall, being sure to close the door behind him and leaving Nick to his own thoughts.
The gambler had been a complete jumble of nerves from the moment he left Ellis's side the previous day. It wasn't just the wedding, it was getting married again. Despite the fact that becoming Ellis's husband was something he'd wanted for years before this point, he couldn't quieten the harsh voice of this past that told him that he would ruin this all over again. Okay, sure, his last marriage hadn't been based on love per se, but that only made it worse; Nick was about to step into the unknown and that scared him more that facing off against a million zombie hordes.
But when he turned and saw his fiancé, the voice was easily silenced.
Ellis was wearing a light grey suit that brought out his eyes, a yellow rose pinned to his lapel. His hair was loose as usual but something about the way the soft hotel lights bounced of the dusty blond curls made it almost resemble a halo. Nick instantly felt a wave of relief wash over him that accompanied a quake in his knees. He managed to stay standing, just about, and willed himself to move toward him.
“Ellis,” he smiled widely, barely acknowledging Francis and Rochelle who had entered behind his partner. Ellis stepped forward also until he could meet Nick in the middle, reaching out to hold him the second he got close enough. He crushed the man in a hug and for a moment could not tell if it was Nick who was shaking or himself.
“Nick,” he whispered back as the scent of Nick's favorite aftershave was suddenly filling his head like Opium and allowed him to relax against the warm weight in his arms. Francis and Rochelle slipped past and went to take their seats right at the front of the procession, leaving the happy couple to a moment of quiet together before the ceremony began.
“Sweetheart, you look amazing,” Nick murmured against Ellis's shoulder. When he pulled back, not moving too far from his fiancé, he cupped Ellis's cheek and brushed a gentle thumb just under his eye. “I mean, you always do, but...”
“Shucks, Nick, so do you.” Ellis felt the heat from Nick's palm and knew he was blushing something furious. “Baby, I gotta tell ya, I'm a nervous wreck right about now. I dunno if it's because you ain't been with me or because I know what we're about to do, or…”
Nick would usually prefer to shut Ellis up with a kiss, but that wasn't an option at the moment. He always knew what Ellis wanted, and one of those things would be for their next kiss to be the kiss – their first as a married couple. For now, he had to rely on just shushing him gently.
“It's gonna be fine, El. Nothing to be nervous about.” Nick was in that same boat, however he knew he needed to be calm for Ellis's sake. At that moment, just as Nick was trying to level out his breathing, a soothing and slow violin began to play from the main room. The gambler swallowed. “That's our cue.”
Ellis swallowed and turned to the door obediently, all the while not letting go of his fiancé’s hand. He wanted to say something else, but all he could do was bite his lip and try not to babble on like he tended to do when excited. Nick stepped forward, and Ellis followed at his side, as they opened the doors and stepped beyond the threshold together.
Their guest were standing by their seats, all eyes turned towards them with bright smiles to accompany them. They hadn't made all that many new friends since the apocalypse, so the guest list wasn't exactly huge, but everyone who was here were the only people that mattered.
The one side included Dave, Keith and the latter's two brothers, all of whom had big toothy grins at watching their best buddy walk down the aisle. There was also Louis and Zoey, who they'd come to be great friends with – Nick had even worked with Louis for a while in Atlantic City when the Infected was still a subsiding threat.
On the other side, Rochelle, clad in a black and pink dress, was stood beside her boyfriend Francis. The biker was looking at them proudly while keeping one hand delicately on Ro's arm. Near them, one row back, was a very special guest: Nick's mom, Angela.
Ellis had reached out to her without Nick's knowledge not long after they had first moved in together and had surprised him by flying her over. It had been a staggering moment for Nick who, up until that moment, had assumed his mother absolutely did not want to see him. After a reconciliation, in which Nick had been proved thankfully wrong, he had made an effort to bring her back into his life. She hadn't even known about his first marriage (he was relieved about that), so it was an incredibly proud moment for her to watch her son get married. Nick caught her eye as he passed and felt a lump in his throat.
And, finally, there was Coach. He was waiting for them at the end of the aisle with a large grin and carrying a closed book. When Nick and Ellis had learned that Coach had been previously ordained in order to officiate his sister's wedding a few years ago, asking him to marry them had a no brainer. Nick in particular was not keen on having a stuffy old minister who would rattle on about Bible passes perform the ceremony.
Once the two grooms had walked their way hand-in-hand to the end of the aisle, the woman playing the violin at the side closed off the gentle song and the hall fell into silence for a second before the room shuffled and took their seats again. Coach cleared his throat and opened his book.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to bear witness to the union of Ellis and Nicolas. These two guys are very important to me, as I'm sure they are to all of you, and we count ourselves truly blessed to be here to share their special day with them.”
As Coach carried on reading his sermon, Nick squeezed Ellis's hand, feeling the younger man squeeze back. He glanced over and noticed those baby blue eyes were on him, already shining with anticipatory tears. 'You got this,' he tried to tell him with his smile alone, and he could've sworn he saw Ellis gave a slight nod back to him.
“If anyone here has a reason to object to the forming of this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Nick felt pinpricks on the back of his neck. Ellis's fingers tightened around his partner's. Luckily, there was no such objection from behind them, and Nick had to smile at Coach's face in that moment – he looked about ready to unleash thunder on anyone who dared. With that out of the way, Coach continued.
“Nicolas and Ellis will now vow themselves by body and soul to each other and have chosen to do so in their own words. It is by these vows that they will continue their lives together. Please, face each other, now.” The two grooms turned, taking each other's hands. “Nicolas, if you would.”
The ex-conman took a deep breath, looking Ellis in the eyes as he began to recite the words written by his heart.
"Ellis… wow, I can't believe we're here. Ever since I was small, my life was nothing but uncertainty and running away, never looking back. When we met… I was at my lowest point. But you were a light that I could follow to escape the darkness. You were everything I needed and wanted. Not only did you teach me how to love and trust people again, you taught me how to love myself. And for that, I want to pledge the rest of my life to you – there's no one else in the world I would trust with something so important to me."
Ellis had to hang his head for a moment and Nick could tell he was starting to lose his battle with his tears. A number of the guest already had, judging by the sniffling he could vaguely hear behind them.
Coach had to clear his throat again, something Nick found highly amusing, and then turned to Ellis. “Ellis? Off ya go.”
As the mechanic's head rose once more, there was a single tear running down his cheek. He reached up to wipe it away, swallowed, and chuckled into a smile.
“Nick. For the longest time in my life, I thought I had everythin' figured out. Then, after it was all turned upside down in the blink of an eye, you were there to make it right again. You… you guided me and kept me safe, you showed what it meant to be brave and strong but most importantly, you made me feel like everything was gonna be okay. No matter what came our way, we would face it t'gether. Right now… with the rest of our lives stretchin' out ahead of us, I cannot wait to take it all on by your side. My badass zombie-killin' husband.”
Just hearing Ellis say that final word was like unleashing the floodgates in Nick, who had been doing a pretty good job so far at keeping the tears at bay. He suddenly felt them pool in his eyes, all ready to spill. He could've sworn he could hear Francis sniffing over his shoulder, which made him chuckle.
The rings were then exchanged. Nick's was a silver band that he had carefully chosen so that it would stand out against his usual gold ones if he decided to wear them. Ellis's ring was a vibrant gold to match his hair, something that Nick was pleased about at the time they'd picked them out. Once both bands had been snugly fit onto the fourth fingers of both grooms, they joined hands as per Coach's instruction.
“Ellis and Nicolas have exchanged the vows that will carry them on into the next stage of their lives and have also promised sacred wedding bands to each other as a physical proof of their union. Now, I gotta ask you both one last thing.” He turned to Ellis. “Ellis, do you take Nicolas to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you swear to love him and support him through sickness and health, so long as you both shall live?”
Ellis gazed into the calming green of his lover's eyes, in doing so more tears rolled down his face. “I do.”
Coach was grinning, but still tried to remain professional in his role. “And do you, Nicolas, take Ellis to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you swear to love and support him for richer or poorer, 'till death do you part?”
Nick had to smile at a thought that came to him just then; how he had gone from telling Ellis how he really felt being the hardest thing he'd ever had to do, to being the easiest when he spoke those two important words. “I do.”
Beside them, their eldest friend shut the book – he didn't need to read for this part.
“Then… it's with a great honor and pride that in the presence of all those who love you, by the powers vested in me by the state of Georgia, I now pronounce you both as lawful beloved husbands. Now kiss each other b'fore I start cryin'.”
Smiling widely, the grooms kissed at last to loud applause (mostly from Ellis's over-excited Savannah buddies) and Nick could vaguely taste the salty tears on the edge of his husband’s lips. But had they been El's tears, or his own?
As the music started once more in order to begin the recession, Nick and Ellis turned to their guests just as Coach announced behind them. “Mister Nicolas Devlin and Mister Ellis Miller!”
Rochelle was dabbing under her eyes with a tissue all the while absolutely beaming at them. Ellis could swear he saw Francis with a tissue curled up in his hand while he was clapping. On the other side, all his friends were still cheering him on, Louis giving him a cheery thumbs up as he passed by. Nick meanwhile briefly left Ellis's side to hug his mom who was nothing short of a wreck with how delighted she was. Ellis was looking forward to spending more time with her, and especially Nick spending more time with her.
The guests all filed out behind the happy couple as they moved into a larger event hall adjacent to the first. This one was lined with tables adorned with place mats, fancily-folded napkins and large flower center pieces. Nick and Ellis had a brief moment to themselves before greeting their guests and Nick took Ellis in his arms for a few sweet kisses.
“I love you.” He couldn't stop smiling. “God damn, you ruined me back there.”
“I ruined you?” Ellis retorted and shook his head, unable to resist more kisses.
It was time for the guests to join them, and the grooms stood by the door to chat to each of them before they found their seats. Rochelle gave them both hugs and smacked them on the shoulders for ruining her make-up, then Coach reiterated again how proud he'd been to officiate for the pair of them before getting hugs of his own.
Soon enough, once Nick and Ellis had taken their seats at the head table and everyone had been poured a glass of champagne, it was time for dinner to be served. Ellis was tempted to keep the main meal light so that he could have more of the wedding cake – it sat on a table at the side, a three-tiered chocolate dessert, and Ellis had been thinking about it ever since they'd picked it out of the catalogue at the baking company.
“We'll cut it soon enough,” Nick whispered to him, placing a hand over his when he caught Ellis staring.
Ellis blushed and picked up his champagne for a quick sip. “Would ya believe I married you jus' so I could eat it?”
Shaking his head, Nick leant in for one more kiss of many and grinned. “Not a chance.”
Once the main course had been served and eaten amongst the jovial conversation of everyone in the room, Zoey began to clink a fork against her champagne glass. Other gentle chimes began to join and caused a flush to creep around the older groom's neck. Eventually, Nick relented, nodding slowly, and grabbed his own champagne flute before standing up.
"Yeah, uh... a speech..." he said, scratching his face. "Uh... well, first of all, thanks to everyone for coming today to share this special day with us. It really means a lot to see so many of you here and thanks for the well-wishes and gifts, we sure appreciate them. And, uh... Ellis, why don't you finish up." He picked Ellis up by his forearm, grinning as the room chuckled around him.
Ellis leant against Nick briefly and gave a sideways smirk at him. “Yeah, what Nick said! Its been such an amazin' day so far. We wouldn't be nothin' without each and ev'ry one of y'all. So thanks!”
Coach lifted his glass beside them. “To Nick and Ellis,” he toasted, cuing everyone in the room to join the chorus and then started a small applause.
Ellis nudged Nick with his elbow. “Now, I think it's cake time?” He looked up hopefully at his handsome husband being met with a roll of his green eyes.
“Alright, sport. Let's go.”
The young mechanic practically bounded from his place and tugged his husband's hand towards the cake table, the guests also standing and moving closer to watch the moment for themselves. They took the knife in hand and carefully cut into the bottom cake to another round of applause. As Nick continued to cut out slices and hand them out on plates to the guests, Ellis got his husband's attention while he ate his own slice. Nick had just turned to him when suddenly Ellis smeared a glob of chocolate icing on the end of his nose.
Rochelle gasped and started to laugh at the look on Nick's face, a mock of both annoyed and amused, and then Nick decided to retaliate by leaning in to kiss him and purposely rubbing his nose against El's. That was all that came from the teasing – no sense in wasting good cake. Especially with Coach in the room.
With dinner eaten, it was time to party. The room in which the ceremony had been performed had now been cleared and converted, the resulting dance floor ready to see people into the rest of the evening.
The chattering guests gathered around the hardwood floor in anticipation for the happy couple's first dance. Nick could feel a little nervous at the expectant stares, but Ellis's hand in his grounded him as they both stepped forward. Having his lover by his side was always enough to quell any nerves.
Ellis placed his hands on Nick's shoulders close to his neck, and Nick's rested upon Ellis's waist. From the DJ's podium at the one end of the room, the man started the song he'd been told to play for the first dance.
The Midnight Riders. Ellis's choice, of course.
“How did I guess?” Nick chuckled. Ellis just gave a half-shrug.
“It's one of their slower songs,” explained the mechanic as he hummed along to the intro of 'Save Me Some Sugar'. Their feet began to move across the floor in short steps, not so much dancing as shifting in place together while turning slowly. Everyone's eyes were on the pair of them, but they didn't care to notice when their gazes were locked to each other and nowhere else. “We've done it, darlin'. After all that waitin'...”
“Yeah,” Nick murmured to him. “My husband. God, that feels so good to say, doesn't it?”
“I know what'cha mean. Still don't feel real.” Ellis sighed. “Prob'bly won't sink in for a while, neither. Maybe after we get back from the honeymoon. Hey… ya still ain't said where we're goin'.”
“Sweetheart, I told you,” smiled the gambler, having already addressed this line of questioning a hundred times before. “You'll find out at the airport.”
Ellis pouted, his fingers curling a little more around Nick's neck to twine into the loose hairs at the back of his head. “You ain't s'posed to keep secrets from your husband,” he said matter-of-factly.
Nick kissed him; that new name he could give Ellis was doing all kinds of good things for him. “I fucking love you, El.”
“Love ya more.” Ellis repeated Nick's kiss with one of his own, and before they knew it, the song was starting to die away and their first dance was over. The crowd around them cheered and Nick obliged them with another sweet kiss to his husband's soft lips.
Then the party truly began with some cheesy pop music. Rochelle all but dragged Francis onto the floor with her and laughed as he tried to find his feet. Ellis moved and danced with Zoey, Keith and Dave danced with each other (although it was more like failed break-dancing) and Nick went to dance with his mom, pretending to know how to ballroom dance.
The party lasted well into the night with plenty of dancing, drinks and good cheer for the happy couple. Ellis could tell it was getting later without needing to look at a clock because their guests would one-by-one catch him on their way out to give their final wishes and goodbyes. Once the night had turned into the wee hours of the morning, Nick and Ellis decided to retire for the night themselves. They made sure to thank the hotel staff before retrieving the key to the honeymoon suite, very generously gifted to them by Rochelle and Francis as a wedding present.
By the time they reached the top floor, there was only one thing on their mutual minds. Nick had an arm around Ellis's waist, fingers teasing the lip of his belt whilst his other hand unlocked the hotel room door.
“Should I carry you in?” Nick teased him once he'd managed to push the door open.
Ellis just smirked up at him, and maybe it was the buzz of the evening that powered his next choice of words. “Nah, man. I got this.”
Ellis bent over, grabbed Nick around his legs and hauled him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. There was only a moment or two of annoyed noises behind him before Nick began to laugh. “Ellis! Put me down!”
The mechanic was strong enough to make his way over to the plush couch on the other side of the living space with his tall husband over his shoulder before he fell forwards, Nick falling open armed across the cushions. Ellis was half on the couch and half on top of Nick and he couldn't quite tell where he ended and his husband began.
“You idiot,” Nick laughed breathlessly as he tried to sit up.
Ellis grinned at him and backed up to give the man room. “You married this idiot,” he challenged.
“Yeah, what was I thinking?” teased Nick as he met the hick in the middle for another kiss. This was was sweet at first, though soon turned a little more heated with thoughts of what came next. “Y'know, El, this marriage won't be official until we consummate it.”
“Well, what're we waitin' for?” The mechanic rose to his feet, extending his arms in order to pull the other man up with him. “I've always wanted to sleep with a married man.”
Nick laughed once more as he fell into his husband's embrace and kissed his forehead, knowing that the warm swelling he could feel in his heart whenever he looked at Ellis would be a consistent effect for a long, long time.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch1:Jodhpurs And Jeans
Chapter Summary: After a passing comment from his well-meaning neighbour, land-lady and friend, Frank decides that before he enrols her into school Mary needs to learn some social skills and pick up a hobby to help her interact with kids her own age.
Mary decides she wants to learn how to ride…
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words.
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: So yeah, this one’s been buzzing in my head for AGES now. As you all know, I’m a Brit so I’m REALLY sorry if too much British horsey lingo slips into this…ASK away if you don’t understand. As means of an explanation in the UK we have 3 main types of stables. We have Riding Schools (which focus solely on providing riding lessons), Livery Yards (which are places where owners board their horses) and Equestrian Centres (which do both). After a bit of research it seems that EC also translates across the pond and means the same thing so…just bear with me on this and run with it!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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August 2017
“I’m holding you solely responsible for this.” Frank shot Roberta a glare as Mary bounced over to the truck, her blonde hair swinging slightly as she skipped.
“All I said was that it might be useful to have her interact with kids her own age before you throw her into a school, which for the record, I still think is a dumbass idea Frank.” “Input noted and duly ignored…” Frank rolled his eyes “She needs to go to school. Have some kind of variant on a normal childhood.”
Roberta took a deep breath and simply shrugged “On your head be it.”
“Come on Frank!” Mary shouted, standing up on the ledge of the truck “we’re gonna be late!”
“It’s 20 minutes tops to Pinellas Park…” Frank looked at her “We got half an hour, chill out Stack”
“My name’s Mary not Short Stack…” she sing songed back.
“Don’t I know it…” Frank said, looking at her before he turned back to Roberta “I’ll see you later.”
“Hmmm” she nodded, and with that he rolled his eyes again and headed to the truck.
“You know you’re not actually gonna get to ride anything today right?” he asked, turning to his niece.
“No, but I’m still gonna see the ponies.” she said, smiling. “Why can’t we bring Fred?”
“Because a horse might step on him.” Frank shrugged, before he paused. “Actually, shall we take him?” Mary narrowed her eyes at him “That’s mean.” He chuckled, ruffled her hair and started up the truck. **** “Ok, now soften your outside hand…” Fliss called out across the paddock, as the woman riding the tall, black warmblood circled her “Yeah, you feel that. He’s taking the contact now, not leaning against your hand. So when you feel that softening, that’s when you need to push with your inside leg…and if is he isn’t listening a soft tap up with the stick…” She watched again from behind her Oakley wraparounds, smiling as the horse extended nicely down the long side of the school.
“Yeah, there you go!” she shouted encouragingly, “Now bring him round again and this time at the corner, pop him into canter…” She took a quick glance at her watch. She was running slightly behind, but what else was new? She would never leave a lesson, regardless, until her client had achieved something, even if it was what they dubbed a small victory. End on a high was her motto, and this was no different. Ever since Lucy had brought Captain out of his stable, Fliss could see the horse was in one of his awkward moods so she’d had to switch out her plan a little. It had worked and he’d settled after about 15 minutes of being an obstinate shit and he was working quite nicely.
“Good!” She shouted, pacing slightly “Now let’s see if we can extend this a little…” Lucy sat up tall, pushed through her legs and the horse bounded down the side. Fliss grinned, less than 6 months ago Lucy hadn’t even been able to keep the horse in a trot, now here she was producing an extended canter. Moments like this made her job so worthwhile…
“Ok, bring him back down…” she said, “And into trot…and walk…”
Fliss headed over to her client and smiled as she walked alongside her “That was really good Luce…you happy?” “I’m over the moon!” The teenager grinned “I can’t believe it…he went so well!”
“Yeah because you rode him well.” Fliss smiled “You know, I seriously think you should consider a Dressage Competition.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, I do. I know you don’t have a horse of your own but you can borrow Cap if you want…have a think about it.” “I will, thanks Fliss.”
Fliss smiled, gave the horse a pat and headed back to the gate.
“Joanne?” she called, and one of her grooms appeared. “Can you just supervise Lucy cooling him off. I’ve got someone bringing their daughter in at 11 am that should be here any time soon.”
“Sure.” Joanne nodded “Oh, they back barn has been mucked out but I’ve not had chance to scrub the water buckets out.” “It’s ok, you can do it after lunch” Fliss nodded. “the automatics are getting installed in a month or so which should make it a little easier.”
She patted Joanne on the shoulder and made her way into the office. Reaching for a file she dug out a Registration Form and a Liability Waiver and set them on the desk before she took a quick glance in the mirror. Satisfied that her auburn hair was tamed and there was no hay stick in it she nodded to herself and walked back on the yard, just in time to see a tall, well build dark haired man desperately trying to control a blonde haired girl who was looking around in glee and pointing.
“Hi…” she walked over, momentarily stuck by how damned good looking this guy was. He was dressed simply in a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt which perfectly accentuated his tone upper body. His chiselled jawline which was covered in a short, stubbled beard, soft spikey dark hair, and he flashed her a smile that made the corners of his aviator covered eyes crinkle. A smile that made her clear her throat. “I’m Fliss, you must be Mr Adler.”
Frank looked at the woman in front of him, glad that his glasses hid the fact he was blatantly eyeing her up and down. Dressed in a pair of long riding boots, tight navy blue jodhpurs with a white belt around the top, and a tight pink polo shirt he could see every curve she possessed. But it was the smile she flashed him that made him feel like some kind of teenage school kid again.  “Frank, please.” “Nice to meet you Frank.” Fliss smiled, noting how deep his voice sounded, it was much more gravelly than on the phone and there was a Boston twang to his accent. She shook his hand, his palm and fingertips slightly calloused against her skin, and then turned to Mary “And what can I call you Miss?” “Mary.” the little girl infomed her, looking up “Are all these horses yours?”
Fliss chuckled. “No not all of them. Eight belong to me. Two are my personal ones, then I have 6 that work in the riding school and the other six are boarders.” “Oh.” Mary pondered, looking around. “So which one can I ride?” “Mary…” Frank chastised her softly as he looked down at her, before glancing back at Fliss “Sorry, she’s excited.” Fliss laughed and shook her head “It’s fine, I love to see it.”
She turned to Mary and then in an exaggerated whisper so that Frank could here said “I’ll let you into a secret, I always put the new kids on Monty because he’s awesome and looks after everyone and he especially likes girls. He’s a ladies man. You wanna meet him?” Mary nodded eagerly and Fliss looked up at Frank, seeking his permission. He nodded and gestured with his head and she straightened up before leading Mary across the yard to the barn on the opposite side.
Frank stayed where he was for a moment, watching her ass as she walked before he mentally slapped himself and followed.
Fliss led them both into the airy barn, pushing up her sunglasses and down to 2 of the smaller stables at the far end. She stopped at one that contained a small, grey pony who gave a little nicker and stuck his head over the door.
“Monty, meet Mary.” she said with a smile as Mary gently reached up to stroke the pony’s soft nose.
“He’s really pretty.” Mary nodded, appraisingly.
“Yeah he’s awesome.” Fliss smiled, “And he’s a good boy too.” “Can I go in the stable?” Mary asked.
“Erm… if your dad says it’s ok?” Fliss looked at Frank who was tucking his sunglasses down the front of his shirt.
“I’m not her dad.” Frank shook his head “I’m her uncle.” “Oh, sorry.” Fliss frowned “I just assumed.”
“I get it a lot.” he waved her apology away “But I am her legal guardian so…”
Fliss nodded, studying him for a moment. There was clearly a bit more to that story but it wasn’t her business to pry.
“Can I?” Mary looked at him and he nodded.
“Ok so, Monty is really good and nothing scares him but with all horses you should always be quiet and not jump or shout.” Fliss instructed and Frank had to smile as Mary nodded seriously. He hadn’t seen her this engrossed in anything other than books for a long time. Maybe Roberta had been right.
Fliss unbolted the stable door and walked in, leading Mary in after her. She showed her where he liked to be scratched and Mary giggled as she rubbed at the spot on the pony’s withers and he began to tilt his head to the side, lips moving against Fliss’s arm as he nuzzled into her.
“What’s he doing?” Mary asked.
“It’s called grooming.” Fliss explained “So he is mimicking what you’re doing to him by doing it to me, see? It’s how they show affection in the wild. Sometimes they can get a bit carried away and they nip but they don’t mean to be nasty or bite.”
She looked over to Frank, keeping one eye on the small girl who was engrossed in petting Monty and looked at him “So, are you just after her learning to ride then or…” Frank nodded “It’s a long story but, she needs a hobby and this was the only thing that seemed to get her excited. Of course it would be the one that will milk me dry.” he raised his voice a little.
“Spend less money on beer when you go out tonight” she shot back, and Fliss gave a loud bark of a laugh as Frank, shook his head.
“See what I gotta put up with?” he snorted.
“You should talk to my dad about it.” She grinned. “I bled him dry due to horses as a kid, especially when I was up and down the UK competing!” “I was gonna say your accent isn’t local.” He said, smiling.
“Neither is yours.” she shot back “Boston, am I right?” He cocked his head, momentarily surprised. He didn’t think his accent was that strong considering.
“Yeah.” he nodded, “But I aint lived there in a while.” “I lived in Concorde” she explained, noticing his puzzled glance
“Huh, no kidding.” he smiled “Cambridge.” “Nice city.” Fliss smiled “I loved it.”
“What made you end up here?”
Fliss hesitated for a while. “Erm..” “Sorry, you don’t need to explain, I was just a little curious.” “No, it’s fine, just a long and complicated story.” Fliss scratched her temple “The abridged version is my marriage broke down and my mum and dad retired out here so I joined them.” She was avoiding his eyes slightly. Frank was smart enough to realise there was slightly more to it than that but he was tactful enough not to press. Besides, it was really none of his business.
“How about you? What you running from?” “What makes you think I’m running from anything?” he looked at her.
“Aren’t we all?” she looked at him, her deep brown eyes locked onto his.
He hesitated for a moment and then shrugged “Again, a long and complicated story but I wanted to give Mary a life away from hassle. And there was a lot of that in Boston.” He held her gaze and she simply nodded, before turning back to Mary.
“Ok Mary, how about we head into the office, get some forms signed and we can see about booking you in for your first lesson?” Frank watched as Fliss explained the importance of the kick-bolt on the bottom of the stable and showed her how to lock it before they three of them headed back onto the yard.
“Fliss, sorry to interrupt but do you want Cap and Bolt turned out?” a young girl with blonde hair approached them.
“Yeah, they’re not working today.” Fliss said, “But take them one at a time. Bolt’s taking to being a bit bargey. If he starts wrap the lead-rope round his nose.” “Will do.” “Thanks Jo.” she smiled, and the continued.
“What’s bargey?” Mary asked.
“Pushy.” Frank looked at her “Bossy.” “Like you?” Frank shot her a look and saw Fliss smiling to herself as she overheard.
“Or it could mean pain in the ass like you.” he shrugged. “Rude.” Mary shot back as Fliss opened the door to the office. Frank leaned over to hold it open.
“Thanks.” she looked at him smiling. He stepped in after Mary and they both stood, looking around taking it all in.
There was a large photo on the wall to the left, of someone, he presumed Fliss, on a horse jumping an obscenely high fence. On the wall at the back was a number of shelves, one containing files and the others a few more framed photos, one taken outside the gates to the yard of Fliss and a few others, he assumed her staff, and the other contained a number of trophies and a…
“Woah!” Mary said, scooting over “Is that yours?” “Sure is.” Fliss beamed, reaching up to retrieve the box frame. She led it flat on the desk and Mary scrambled up onto the chair to take a closer look.
The frame was split into two. On the right hand side was a photo of Fliss dressed in competition gear, navy jacket, red piping, white jodhs and a navy hat. She had a smile on her face that was literally ear to ear and round her neck sat the gold medal which was displayed in the left of the frame.
“London 2012…” Mary read the small plaque at the bottom “Frank, look…” “I can see.” he nodded, surprise evident in his tone. He looked at the woman “You were in the Olympics?” “Yeah.” she smiled “Only one though. Trained for years to get there…”
“Why only one?” Mary looked at her.
“Mary.” Frank groaned “Stop being nosey.” “It’s ok.” Fliss chuckled “A few months later at the World Championships later that year I had a nasty accident. I damaged my back and it took me nearly six months to recover. Sadly I lost my place on the team.” “Oh, that’s sad.” Mary looked at her.
“It’s a dog eat dog world kid.” Fliss shrugged “Not all bad though, I got into the training side of things which was great. Just my professional career didn’t work out.” There was a moments pause and Fliss replaced the photo and turned to Frank “Can I get you anything to drink?” “No, I’m good thanks.” he smiled.
“Ok, so…” Fliss said, “Mary I’m gonna need my seat back sweetie.” Mary obligingly jumped back down and Fliss took her vacated place, gesturing to the chair by the desk. Frank sat in it and Mary immediately jumped into his lap, her bare legs brushing slightly as she swung them to and fro.
“I have a few forms that you need to fill in and sign.” she said, apologetically “Legal stuff, contact details, waivers, that kind of thing. Safety is paramount at Sandybrook but, accidents to happen. Horse riding can be a dangerous sport…falls happen… as I know only too well.” Frank smiled and nodded.
“But I can give you those to take home, you can bring them with you when you come back.”  Fliss reached into her desk drawer. She pulled out a glossy leaflet and opened it. “Our price list is here. I’m not a huge outfit, I don’t have more than 3 kids on a lesson at a time. Mainly because I don’t have the horses but I prefer to focus on the students, not the profit. I try to keep overheads down as much as I can to keep the costs low…”
She bit her lip, she hated this part of the job, the sales patter as her dad called it. “So it really depends on what you want to do as to how expensive it is. Group lessons are $20 for forty five minutes and individual lessons are $30 for thirty. I do always insist on an individual lesson first, but that’s discounted to $20 for the first one.” Frank nodded, it wasn’t cheap but they’d manage. He’d already explained to Mary that she wouldn’t be able to do it every week, but he could certainly stretch to once a fortnight.
“That’s reasonable.” he said after a pause.
Fliss smiled “I’ve only been open a year or so now, but I’m planning on starting up a few Own a Pony days where the kids can come down and learn how to care for the horses as well as just ride. But that’s all in the planning stages.” “Well you have a good set up.” he said, and she beamed back.
“Thank you, a lot of graft went into setting it up. My mom and dad’s retirement didn’t start out quite as quiet as they had planned!”
“I can imagine.”
“Ok,so…the real expensive outlay is gonna come at the start.” she said, turning to Mary “You’ll need some boots and a hat kiddo.” Mary grinned up at Frank.
“I do have hats I can loan for a few lessons but it is better if they have their own.” she looked at Frank. “It’s the one thing I don’t recommend getting second hand. But boots and jodhpurs etcetera you can pick up on e-bay and the like.” Frank nodded “And the hat?”
“There’s a great store not far from here…hang on…”  she dug in her drawer again and produced a flier. “Here… the kid stuff is pretty reasonable to be fair, you’re probably looking at about $30 for a decent hat but they’ll help you out. If you take my brochure in you’ll get a 20% discount too.”
Mary took the flier from her and began examining it.
“That’s really it.” Fliss said, as she completed her mental check list “So all that’s left is to either book you in or you can call me…” “Please Frank!” Mary looked at him “Can we book?” Frank nodded “If you want.” “I do…” “Ok…what availability do you have?” Fliss opened the laptop and entered the diary and looked for a free spot.” “Does Wednesday at one suit?” she offered “I know once school starts you’ll probably want a weekend or evening but. whilst it’s the holidays does that work?”
Frank nodded “Yeah that’s fine. I can jiggle work around” Fliss tapped on the keyboard and smiled “All booked. If you want to leave me your number I send a text update out the night before just as a reminder.” Frank smiled, and gave out her number which she stored in the diary slot and then clicked saved “All done…guess I’ll see you Wednesday.” “Thanks.” he smiled “And thanks for showing us around.” “Not a problem.” she shook her head “Always important the clients get the tour of the place, to make sure they like it.” “Its awesome.” Mary looked up “Can we go here on the way home.” Frank sighed and looked at Fliss raising an eyebrow. She laughed.
“Yeah, get used to it. Once you get that horse smell on your hands it’s kind of an addiction.” “Frank hates animals.” Mary shrugged.
“I don’t hate animals.” Frank shook his head.
“You hate Fred.” “No, I don’t”
“You said before we should bring him so a horse steps on him.” Frank inwardly groaned as Fliss gave a chuckle.
“Fred is my cat.” Mary explained.
“Good name.” Fliss said “I have a few yard cats hanging around, they keep the mice at bay. And that reminds me, I haven’t seen Thor in a while…”
“Thor?” Mary looked at her
“Yeah, my dog…” Fliss stood up and opened the office door, giving a sharp whistle. “He never goes far.” As if on cue a large german shepherd came lolling down the yard to greet them. Frank eyed the dog, it was huge. Mary, right on cue jumped down off his lap.
“Can I stroke him?” “Go right ahead.” Fliss said, she looked at Frank and spotting his face she smiled “He’s a softie, looks the part though.” “Well I wouldn’t mess put it that way.” Frank snorted, standing up.
“Is he named after the Avenger?” Mary looked up “I love those films.”
“Sure is, he used to have a brother called Loki too but, well he died.”
Thor gave Mary a lick causing her to giggle before he flopped onto his side raising his paw.
“He wants a belly rub.” Fliss smiled, and Mary dropped to her knees to give the dog a tickle. His tail began to wag furiously on the floor and Mary laughed.
Frank watched the girl, smiling. He loved seeing her like this. She was so grown up and serious half the time, he yearned to see her acting like a normal seven year old. He was reticent to drag her away for that reason but he had work later that afternoon, a boat that needed finishing by Monday afternoon was taking him slightly longer than he had anticipated.
“Alright short stack, we gotta move…” “Do we hafta?” “Sorry kiddo.” Mary made a face.
“Do you wanna go to the store or not?” “Ok.” she said, jumping up and wiping dusting off her knees.
Fliss walked them to the truck which was parked in the car park and her eyes flew over to her horse wagon, a small 3.5 tonne box. Frank noticed her looking before she turned back to him
“Yeah, I did have a bigger one but, well I don’t use it often enough now to warrant it. Maybe at some point I’ll get back into competing…never say never hey?” He smiled.
“Ok, so I’ll see you Wednesday.” she said To Frank’s utter surprise, Mary walked over to the woman and wrapped her arms around her, giving her waist as squeeze, her head pressing into Fliss’s stomach. Fliss bent over to give the girl a quick hug and smiled.
“It was nice to meet you both.” Fliss released Mary and gently ruffled her hair “I can’t wait to see you ride.” Mary headed over to the passenger side of the truck and stood on the sill so she could yank open the door. Fliss turned to Frank and looked at him, frowning slightly.
“Sorry, was that too much? I didn’t mean-” “Oh,God,no.” Frank stuttered, hastily shaking his head. “No, it’s just…well she’s never usually that affectionate with strangers. Not that you’re a stranger I suppose, not anymore but…” he shrugged.
 “I’m flattered then.” Fliss said, her pretty face cracking into a smile which Frank couldn’t help but return. There was a moment of silence where he simply looked at her before he started suddenly.
“I should…” he gestured to the truck with his keys.
“Yeah, sorry. Have a good day Mr Adler…” “Frank…” “Frank.” she corrected herself with another gorgeous smile “I’ll see you Wednesday.” With a smile of his own and a nod he walked to the truck and Fliss turned and headed back to the yard.
He climbed in and turned to Mary who was looking at him, smirking in a smug way that was well beyond her years.
“What?” he demanded.
“You like her.” Mary snorted.
“She’s a nice girl, I mean woman…lady…”
Mary didn’t say a word, simply sat back as Frank reached around for her belt before doing his own and setting the truck into reverse. Sometimes she was far too observant for her own good. *****
“If she gives you any trouble just tie her up on the porch.” Frank said as Mary settled on the couch in Roberta’s trailer. Roberta snorted and Mary glared at him.
“The only one who gives me trouble around here is you Frank Adler.” Roberta shot back. “Now scoot, Mary’s gotta tell me all about this pretty girl at the stables she says you’re sweet on.” “Jesus…” Frank groaned “I’m not sweet on her, she was just nice.”
“He googled her.” Mary said.
“You googled her” Roberta intoned.
“I was curious ok?” Frank sighed “And you asked me to!” “She’s an Olympic Gold medallist.” Mary chanted, draping herself over the arm of the sofa, head hanging, hair brushing the floor “At London 2012 but then she had an accident in the World Championships later that year and she broke two vertebrae…she didn’t compete again. And she was married to a guy called John Stazaker, he was on the US team but they’re divorced now. He’s in prison…but Frank didn’t tell me why.” “Because it’s none of your business, and you don’t mention it to her.” Frank said sternly, cutting her off.
Roberta looked at him curiously “But you’re not interested in her,at all.” “Like I said, curious.” he shrugged “Especially if she’s gonna be teaching Mary.”
“Mmmhmmm.” Roberta dropped her hands to her hips “Whatever you say honey…” Frank sighed and then looked at Mary. “Be good.” “I will, see you in the morning…”
He nodded and then headed out. It was a pleasant evening, the heat of the day had died down to an acceptable level and the ten minute walk down to the small strip of bars wasn’t as sticky as normal. It passed fairly quickly, he was lost in thought about the woman he had met before. It had made for surprising reading, a child star on the circuit the accident had cruelly robbed her of a future in the sport five years ago, and from the sounds of it her ass-hat ex-husband had stolen three years of her life too. Still, as he had told Mary, it was none of their business.
He yanked the door open to Fergs and headed over to the bar. Ordering his usual he perched on a stool and pulled over one of the papers, flicking it open. Taking a pull of the beer he was handed, he let out a sigh. Friday nights were always his time, his one night of the week where he wasn’t Frank with the Dead Sister and the child genius niece to bring up. He was just plain old Frank Adler, perpetual bachelor that might or might not get lucky, depending on how the night went.
Half an hour or so later he was another beer deep and completely lost in his reading. So much so he was barely aware of the body besides him as it slid into the space next to him at the bar. That was until they spoke.
“So how much did she sting you for at the store?”
Frank grinned at Fliss “Just short of a hundred. New hat, boots and a pair of jodhpurs.” Fliss giggled “Make sure she wears the boots in, they’re a killer for the first few days!” “I’ll bear it in mind.” he smiled “So, you hear alone or…” “Oh, no. It’s my Mum’s birthday so there’s a few of us out.” she said, glancing over her shoulder. Frank followed her eyes and settled on a table full of women who were all laughing. One looked quite similar to Fliss, same face shape and nose, who he assumed to be her mother. “If I’m honest it’s a bit boring considering they’re all over fifty but…” Frank laughed “Well I was gonna offer to buy you a drink but…” She laughed again “Thanks but, there’s a kitty going…” with that she turned to the bar tender. “Hiya, can I get 4 bud lights, a gin and tonic and a vodka soda please?” The bar tender nodded and headed off.
“Mary hasn’t shut up about Monty all afternoon.” Frank said and Fliss smiled.
“Like I said, once they get the bug they’re bitten.” “It’ll be good for her to have a hobby.” Frank repeated his earlier sentiment “She doesn’t get much interaction with kids her age.”
“Oh, what about School?” Fliss asked. Frank hesitated and took a drink from his bottle. Fliss let out a silent groan “Sorry, that’s really none of my business.” “No, it’s fine.” Frank shook his head, swallowing his beer. “She’s err, home schooled at the moment. My neighbour thought a hobby might be a good way for her to kinda do that before she goes to school.”
Fliss smiled “Well she’s not wrong. The kids I teach are great, I don’t stand for any crap, she’ll be welcomed with open arms.”
“Glad to hear it.” Frank smiled “Mary can be a litte…well, I suppose, odd is the right word. She’s old before her age.”
“Oh I know all about that.” Fliss smiled. “I spent most of my childhood training. Didn’t get chance to do much normal kid stuff. I was that focussed on my dream of gold medals…” “And you achieved it.” Frank nodded.
“Yeah, wish it had lasted longer you know, but what can you do.” she shrugged. “Hey, you never know, Mary might find a sudden hidden talent that catapults her into stardom…” Frank stiffened slightly and it didn’t go unnoticed by Fliss. She hesitated for a moment before Frank shook his head and smiled “Maybe, although that would really gonna fuck my bank balance…”
Fliss chuckled, eyeing him slightly. The man was a total mystery. At that the Bar Tender returned with a tray of drinks and she turned to pay him, waving away the change.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you Wednesday.” she smiled “Bye Frank.” “Yeah, have a good evening.” he smiled and she turned and walked away. Frank watched her go, the tight jeans she was wearing accentuated her ass and her legs, helped by the white heels she was wearing. The loose white cami top rode up slightly as she bent over to deposit the tray and when the woman he assumed to be her mother caught his eye and gave a knowing smirk he hastily turned around.
“Another beer please pal.” he said, waving his empty bottle
“Who’s that?”  Verity leaned over to Fliss as she settled in the seat next to her.
“Oh, that’s the guy I was telling you about.” she shrugged “the one who brought his niece up to the Centre this morning.” “I know you said he was good looking but…”
“Shut up Mum.” Fliss said, flushing slightly
“You’re old enough to be his mother.” Jane, one of the other women said and the table laughed.
“I wasn’t looking for me…” Fliss rolled her eyes “Seriously?” Verity laughed and placed her arm round her daughter, giving her a squeeze. “I’m just teasing Lissy, its just nice to see you talking to someone, that’s all.” Fliss smiled and grabbed her beer, taking a drink.
“Who the fuck was that?” John said, pointing across the packed bar to the man that Fliss had just smiled at.
“No one…” Fliss protested “Just a guy from work, that’s all.” “Right…” John said, the nerve in his jaw twitching. Fliss swallowed nervously and gently touched his arm.
“Honestly, he works at the stables. I was just being polite.”
“He’s eye fucking you.” “No, he’s not…” Fliss rolled her eyes and immediately realised what he had done when John gripped her chin painfully between his thumb and forefinger.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me.” he practically snarled.
“I’m sorry…” Fliss said, the tears springing forth “John you’re hurting me…” He let go and she dropped her head, turning back to the bar. She picked up her drink and took a long pull from the bottle, trying to compose herself. Her hand was shaking, she’d made him angry.
And she knew what that meant…
“Hey…” her mother’s voice shook her out of the memory and she looked up at her. “Oh Liss…”
“I’m ok…” she said, taking a breath.
Her mother looked at her again, and Fliss knew she was busted. “I was just…having a flash back that’s all.”
“He’s not here.” Verity dropped her voice “That fucker is where he belongs, behind bars and he won’t be bothering you again. Me and your dad promised you that…and we meant it.”
“I know, honestly I’m fine…” Fliss assured her mum who leaned over and gave her temple a soft kiss.
Fliss smiled back and shooting one last glance at Frank, who has his back to the table as he continued his reading, she turned to the women and threw herself into the conversation.
**** Chapter 2
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
The Longest Night (Indruck)
Prompt for the 31st was : Halloween.
Thank you so much to everyone for reading and sharing these fills! I had a great time writing them. And thank you to @thats-amnesty-babe for playing in this space with me on Discord.
Happy Halloween!
Halloween doesn’t exist on Sylvain. However, as in many places, there are rituals and celebrations to mark the end of the growing season, days to remember the departed. For Sylphs, these are marked by The Longest Night, the time when malevolent, restless spirits roam free. 
Tradition dictates gathering with friends to hunker down until darn, dimming lights to keep the spirits from knowing you are home, telling scary stories to keep everyone alert against danger, and eating to keep up energy.
In practice, this means having a giant sleepover and binging on sweets. 
Tradition also suggests that, should attendees have romantic designs on each other, they can use this night to demonstrate their willingness to protect each other. 
In practice, this means inviting a crush to the celebration in hopes of cuddling up in a dark corner. 
Exiled Sylphs continued this tradition, setting on Halloween to avoid detection. And they kept all the practices, especially the romantic ones.
“I’m so excited” Indrid, perched near the fireplace, looks up from his sketch, “I have not celebrated The Longest Night properly in a century.”
“Yeah, we’ve had to keep it kinda low-key in the past because, y’know, no one knew there were a bunch of Sylphs up here.” Barclay shoos the mothman aside so he can tend the fire, “so we’re gonna do it up a little more this time. You inviting anyone?”
“No” the reply is far too fast, “I, that is, there are people I might invite as friends, but none in the more, ah, traditional sense.”
Barclay dusts off his hands, “You sure about that?”
The cook nods and flicks his gaze over Indrid’s shoulder. He turns in time to see Duck walk through the lobby doors, chatting with Ned as he helps the older man navigate on still-recovering legs. 
“I don’t know what you are implying, Barclay.”
“That spending half your nights at his house, getting invited on hikes--and then going on them--with him, and the amount of doodles on that page that are his face might be a sign you’ve got a crush on a certain human.”
“I do not,'' Indrid quickly flips to a new page.
“You can’t hide it from me, Cold. I know what I’m talking about.” He teases, standing and stretching his arms, “and the reason I know just got off work, so I’m gonna go see him.”
“Yes, yes, run along and kiss your human.” Indrid waves his hand, aware of booted footfalls getting closer. 
“Hey ‘Drid.” 
“Hello, Duck. Are you staying long?” He tries, as always, to keep his eyes on the ranger’s jacket so he won’t melt into a useless puddle at the first sign of a smile. 
“Nah, promised I’d meet Juno for dinner. Speakin of which,” Duck sits down next to him, making them face to face, “you wanna get dinner or, uh, lunch on Saturday?”
Is he smiling like that because he likes the idea of taking Indrid out? Or is it due to being excited to see his friend later? Is it just because Duck smiles easily? Regardless, Indrid should probably speak rather than stare at him. 
He glances sideways, catches Barclay mouthing something to him in Sylph. 
Fine, he will do this. If it turns to a disaster, he can blame Bigfoot.  
“Actually, Duck, I was wondering if you were coming to the party on Saturday…”
Right before Duck arrives at the Lodge around ten at night Indrid, grooming his feathers for the fifth time in an hour, runs through his plan once more. 
Step one: Choose darkest corner for movie viewing. Arrange for optimal comfort. 
Step two: Bring Duck all his favorite foods as an offering of affection. 
Step three: Date Duck.
The first two steps go off perfectly; Duck takes the seat Indrid offers him without so much as looking at the other options and takes the plate of candy, baked goods, and other snacks Indrid offers him with a grin. 
To increase his chances of a smooth flirtation, he spreads his wings, showing off the green and blue light crackling in his usually white and grey feather speckles.
The human doesn’t notice, likely due to the presence of many candles, the fire, and string lights. But halfway through the movie, Duck adjusts so the right wing drapes over his shoulder. 
Indrid, thanks to future sight, sees all the jumpscares in the movie coming. Duck only jolts on the first few, but then a well-executed one makes him jump into Indrid’s lap. 
As the post-jumpscare giggles ripple through the room, Duck looks up at him.
“Damn, you’re real comfy all mothed out.”
“Thank you” Indrid flicks his antenna, proud, and reaches for the plate, “Snicker?”
Duck opens his mouth in reply, and Indrid feeds it to him. The human angles himself back towards the T.V, shoulder and part of his back resting against Indrid’s chest. 
“Are you comfortable?” Indrid dips his head to mumuring in Duck’s ear. 
“Yep, you’re all nice and fluffy. Pick good snacks too.” 
“I was to pick your favorites.”
Duck’s smile changes to something surprised, “Oh, uh, thanks.”
Indrid purrs, low and quiet, as they focus back on the movie. He knows Duck cannot purr in answer to show his interest, but he’s on alert for any sign that indicates the same general thing.
“Aw, knew you’d be all happy and shit tonight” Duck tips his head back so he’s looking up at Indrid, “there’s enough sugar here to keep you satisfied for months.”
Summoning all his charm, Indrid runs a claw through Duck’s hair, “There is a lot of candy present, but there is only one sweet thing I need.”
Duck arches an eyebrow, “Nog?”
His charm, and nerve, crawls back into the shadows, “sure.”
“I can go check the fridge if you want. Close enough to nog season for there to be some.”
Indrid tries again, wrapping his arms cautiously around Duck’s waist, “But I do not want you to leave,  you're so warm and pleasant to hold. Like a teddy bear.”
A chuckle, fingers stroking his cheek, “Aww, the big ol' cryptid needs a teddy bear for the scary movie. That's real cute. Be right back with that nog.” He pats Indrid’s arms and the cryptid releases him, tracking him through the room until he’s out of sight. 
“I am in hell” Indrid mutters. 
“One of your own making.” Barclay, empty tray in hand, stares down at him, “usually helps to check if a human knows Sylph customs ahead of time. I get the feeling Duck’s got no idea about this one.”
“But plenty of that was flirtation by human standards! Perhaps I am truly terrible at this. Then again, maybe if I show off my wings a bit more..”
“Oh my fucking god just tell him.” Barclay clangs his forehead into the tray in frustration. 
A drawl calls out from the kitchen, “Hey ‘Drid, can you give me a hand?”
The cook shoves the tray into Indrid’s grasp, “That’s your cue.”
The kitchen is dark save for the light from the fridge as Duck reaches into it. 
“There is some nog back here. Need you to carry the glasses, since I’m grabbin’ some refills for Mama and Ned too. Kinda wish I could turn on the lights, but I don’t wanna ruin the moo--oh damn!” The last thing Indrid sees before the refrigerator shuts is Duck smiling, “your wings are lightin up. Do they always do that?” 
“No. Do you, ah, like it?”
“Yeah.” Duck steps forward, holding out the glasses so Indrid will take them, but his eyes never leave Indrid’s wings, “can you control it, like a cuttlefish?”
Indrid inches forward, still holding his hand, “They are emotion based. See?” He traces his claw tips up Duck’s wrist and glows brighter. 
“Oh.” Duck smirks up at him, “movie scarin you that bad?”
The Sylph growls in frustration, not at Duck but at himself, at the fear that rises up and chokes the truth before it reaches his tongue. 
“Wait, are you mad about something?” Duck frowns, worried. Indrid can’t stand the sight of him even a little bit upset, but the words still won’t come. So he does the next best thing, leans down to bump their foreheads together.
“It is nothing, shall we go back to the movie?”
The human rubs their foreheads once, “Yeah.”
As they make their way back to their viewing spot, Indrid decides he will not press the matter further; he will follow Duck’s lead, keep the evening as romantic or platonic as the human desires. More than successful flirtation, more than a kiss, what he wants is to be near Duck and for Duck to be happy. 
The movies give way to a round of scary stories by the fire, Stern and Dani proving the most consistently terrifying. In spite of their talent, Indrid is not the best audience; he responds too soon, doesn’t yelp in horror at the right moments, and sometimes laughs at reactions he sees coming. The upside of this is Duck finds it hysterical, though he tries not to break the mood for everyone else, burying the laughter in the fluff of Indrid’s chest. 
Were Indrid optimistic he’d think Duck was using each bout of laughter to cuddle closer, to leave his cheek on Indrids down and his hands toying with the feathers of his wings. They opt for another round of movies, and the human grumbles when Indrid stands up to retrieve more food, nestles right back in his arms the moment he returns.
The Masque of the Red Death is not as terrible as the other films of the night, but even it cannot distract Indrid when Duck’s hands lazily card through his wings. It occurs to him, with the kind of clarity that only comes hand in hand with fear, that there is no way Duck is familiar with mothperson anatomy and his fingers are  about to hit an extremely sensitive part of his wing.
An involuntary purr buzzes out of him. Duck grins up at him, pleased, and touches the same patch of his wing again, scritching and massaging it as Indrid becomes one with the pillows, going pliable and relaxed under the human’s touch. It’s not sexual, not yet anyway, but sweet Sylvain does it feel good. 
“Indrid, for crying out loud, you’re flashing MAGENTA! Get a room already.”
He sits up, glaring at Barclay, pointing a claw at Agent Stern cuddled up in his lap and petting his fur. Duck’s gaze ping-pongs between them, gaining more understanding with each pass. He does nothing else until Barclay and Stern face the screen once more. Then he grips Indrid’s chin, forcing him to look down. 
“You after another kind of sugar, sugar?” His playful smile transforms into one of pure, wicked delight. 
“I, ah, I” this is his chance, and also the moment his mind goes blank and his wings flutter helplessly. 
Duck presses his free hand into the sensitive patch of wing, “Explain. Now.”
He had no idea Duck could sound that way, voice a little deeper and rougher than usual. It lights up long ignored corners of his mind, and he chirrs with nervous arousal, wings flashing white and pale green.
“I’m waitin.” Duck tightens his grip with both hands.
Indrid chirps, forces it to become a sentence, “The Longest Night is, is, ah, traditionally used for flirtation.”
“So that is what you've been tryin to do.” 
“You could, ah, could tell?”
“YepWHOAHfuck.” Duck faceplants into the pillows as Indrid, glasses thrown on, scrambles to his feet and sprints down the closest hallway. He feels rather like the heroine two movies ago, running in twists and turns through the darkness. 
Reaching the farthest hall from the lobby, he slumps against the wall, panting. 
“What the fuck was that?”
“AH!” He backs into the corner, Duck holding out his hands in a gesture of calm. 
“‘Drid, the Lodge ain’t that big. Kinda easy to follow you.” He places his hand lightly on Indrid’s arm, ‘I’m sorry if I came on too strong a minute ago. But will you please just tell me what's going on so I don’t fuck up again?”
“You didn’t fuck up, Duck. I did. I, at first I thought I was being obvious, assumed you knew the customs associated with tonight. Then when I realized my error, I thought I was being too subtle and should just leave it be. But if you knew this whole time then I...I assumed I had been making a fool of myself and you were not interested. Hence the embarrassed flight from the room.”
Duck’s hand slides down his arm, curling around his fingers, “What’d you think all that cuddlin you was? Orthe  pettin you?”
“I…” He pulls his hand free, wrapping his arms around himself. 
Duck lets him go, takes a step back, expression gentle but puzzled “I had a hunch you were tryin to put the moves on me, but when you didn’t up the ante I figured I was wrong. I mean, you can see the future, why not just look and see what I’d do?”
“I am not always good at reading subtext, and sometimes I require explicit confirmation of things to notice them. As for my powers I, ah, I was afraid to even look.”
“Afraid? Indrid, I saw you tied up by goatmen and you looked calm. How is askin me out scarier than that?”
“Because I have not felt this attached to someone in years! And…” he stares at the patterned carpet, “and in the first scenario, only I was hurt. If I made an error here, you might be hurt too, think I had only been kind to you for selfish reasons or manipulated you. I do not enjoy that sight, even in futures that never come to pass.” Heart creeping up his throat, he meets Duck’s eyes, “now it is my turn for a question: why did you follow me just now?”
“I was worried about you. I care about you, fluffball.”
“I am only a fluffball part of the time.”
“I know, care about you when you’re a beanpole too.” Duck touches is cheek and, as it always does, the touch makes Indrid turn into the way a sunflower turns into the light, “‘Drid, if you wanna be more than friends, all you gotta do is ask.”
“Would…” Indrid squeezes his eyes shut, “would you like to go out with me, Duck Newton?” 
A kiss the lips, lighter than moth wings. 
“Yeah, sugar, I would.”
Indrid embraces him, chirping excitedly, tries to lift the ranger and spin them around before remembering he can't do so in his human form. Then his feet are off the ground as Duck picks him up, kissing him soundly. 
“Chosen strength has its pluses.”
“You want me to put you down?”
“Not just yet.”
“So tell me, mothman of mine, what does magenta mean?”
“Ah” his skin reddens, “desire. And since you are about to ask, green is comfort and blue is affection.”
“And the white?”
Duck tosses his head back with a laugh, setting Indrid down, “shoulda used that voice on you sooner I guess.”
“Yes.” Indrid purrs, slipping his hands into Duck’s back pockets
“Plenty of time for me to bust it out later. C’mon, let’s go finish the movie.”
Returning to a chorus of “about time” form their friends, they hunker down in their same spot, Duck resting against the pillows with Indrid’s head in his lap, the Sylph purring as Duck rubs his neck and pets his hair. They make it through two more movies before people start dropping off to sleep. Indrid joins them eventually, snuggling down beneath a plaid blanket with Duck’s head on his chest and his friends snoring or chatting softly all around him. 
And the morning after the Longest Night, Indrid Cold takes his new boyfriend out for breakfast.
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader - “6 Feet”
With the scary events unfolding lately all over the world, Gotham is under lockdown also. The Joker and his girlfriend are self-quarantining at the Penthouse: needless to say entertaining him it’s no easy chore but thankfully Y/N can handle any type of situation. Probably…
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You almost drop your coffee mug when you see The Joker dangling outside the railing from the second floor of The Penthouse.
“What are you doing, J??!!!”
“Pumpkin, wanna bet I can land on the couch from here?” he flares one arm in the air.
“It’s too far off, you’ll never make it!” you mentally calculate the trajectory.
“Pfft, bullshit! If Batsy can do crap like this, so can I!”
“You don’t have the gear and training, J!”
“Gear??!! Training??!! I don’t need that; I’m not a wimp!”
“Fine, go ahead and break your neck!” Y/N gives up on the already lost cause. “How much are we betting?”
“50,000 dollars.”
“You got yourself a deal Mister Joker,” you take a sip of coffee, annoyed his desire for chaos is already surging to unspeakable heights after being trapped inside for the last 3 weeks.
The King of Gotham flexes his knees a few times for equilibrium and… here he goes: barely misses the couch, one leg gets caught on the night stand and BAM! Lands on the floor with a loud thud.
“Uugghhhh,” he groans in pain flat on his back. “Y/N… I think I fractured my limbs.”
You slowly approach and ignore his complains, pointing out the truth:
“You owe me 50,000 dollars. And if you fractured your bones, I’m going to strangle you on the spot because there is no way I’m taking care of a stubborn patient!”
The Joker makes an extra effort to react at your ultimatum:
“Excellent news, Princess. I can move my toes!”
You roll your eyes and extend one of your arms to help him up. 
“Lucky indeed, J. Are you doing this for attention?”
“Gotta keep the flame going, Pumpkin,” The Clown whizzes up a storm, trying to catch his breath following the glorious bungee jumping without a rope.
Supposedly J is in convalescence, thus he wanted a haircut. You are both watching TV in the living room, your boyfriend sitting on a chair while you shape the locks behind him.
You start laughing at the funny movie so your hand slips: the trimmer shaves a patch of The Joker’s fabulous green hair, leaving him with a beautiful quarter sized bald spot.
Oh, shit!
He has no idea his perfect groomed style it’s butchered; better to ride this crazy train until he notices. You comb what you can from the longer strands on top of the mess you created, lying without blinking at his question:
“How did it turn out?”
“Impeccable, baby! My flair and precision regarding detail is through the roof,” you boast full of confidence.
The Heinlein Maneuver  
You’re tossing bullets at J, attempting to make them land in his mouth.
“Wow, you’re getting pretty good at this!” Y/N praises and he suddenly chokes. “Oh my God!” you panic. “Spit it out! Spit it out!”
You run behind him and start The Heinlein Maneuver which you had to learn in order to repeatedly save The Joker as a result of this being one the couple’s favorite games to play.
One, two, three… Pfuuu, there it goes: the bullet flies out of him!
The King is taking a few moments to recover whilst you impatiently want to find out what he saw this time: whenever he has these near death experiences he sees weird stuff.
“What was it this time?” you curiously inquire.
“I saw Batsy naked,” he exhales full of spite. “That asshole is totally invading my privacy!”
“Naked?” your entitled smirk makes him lose it. “Was he circumcised?”
“Excuse me??!!”
“A girl can be curious,” Y/N defends her inquiry.
“Listen here, woman! The dilemma you should be quizzing me about is if I saw his face so we can identify him!”
“Well, did you?”
“Then it’s irrelevant.”
“I nearly died Princess! All I need right now is mindless fornication to aid with my rehabilitation,” the strategist in J blurs out.
“You did this to get laid?”
“Gotta keep the flame going, Pumpkin!”
6 Feet
You sneezed twice in a row and The Joker has suspiciously watched you like a hawk since.
“Do you feel sick, Pumpkin?...”
“No, it’s my allergies,” you blow your nose in a tissue and cough due to a scratchy throat.
“Are you sure?...”
“Yes, you know I get like this at spring time.”
“Hm…” J huffs. “I don’t think we should risk infection, I’m too important for this town. I say you take the south part of The Penthouse and I’ll reside in the west. Don’t come any closer, stay at least 6 feet apart just like the regulations stipulate. You can move in the room across from the master bedroom.”
“Huh?!” the baffled Y/N pretends she didn’t comprehend the words. “I have allergies, J!!! ALLERGIES!!!!”
“6 feet Pumpkin! Don’t make me repeat myself!!”  
Booty Call
You got mad and moved into the other bedroom; I guess The King wants to be safe from your allergies because that’s what you have and nothing more. Does he ever listen to reason? Nah, that would be a first.
You’re reading a book when your cell phone goes off: an invitation to chat from your man.  Across the hallway…Yup…
“Pumpkin!” his face pops on the screen. “I wanna have phone sex!!!!”
“No,” you immediately cut him off, annoyed.
“What do you mean no?! I’m about to blow a gasket over here!!!!!!!!!”
“I don’t care what happens to your gasket Mister Joker, as long as you keep it 6 feet away from me!!” and you hang up.
“How dare you, Princess?!” he shouts at your defiance. “I’ll open an account on PinchMyButt and I’ll pick another partner to tend to my overloaded system!”
“Be my guest!” you snort at his rudeness since you can actually hear him to start with.
One of the most popular online dating/hook up websites. Period.
The Joker uploaded his profile one hour ago and instead of being flocked with pinches like he thought, there’s no activity besides users flagging the account for “inappropriate content”. Members reckon it’s distasteful to have someone pretending to be The Clown Prince of Crime searching for a match; they have no clue it’s genuine.
Another hour passes by… zero pinches.
J is getting pissed.
30 more minutes… Ding! The app announces.
“Ha!” he triumphantly yells. “Somebody pinched my butt, Pumpkin! Oh, she said I have nice nipples and a cute bald spot! I don’t have a bald spot! Who is this?!” he investigates the blog name: iHaveAllergies69.
Rings a bell: you kept on telling him this plus his girl preferred sex position…
“Pumpkin, is that you?!” The Joker shrieks.
“Yeah!” you admit from the other bedroom. “I felt sorry for you!”
“I don’t want your pity! Unpinch me! Wait, my account just got suspended: due to a large number of objections, you’re account has been terminated. What the hell?! What am I supposed to do now, Princess?“
“Dunno, you’re the one that wanted us to be apart and it’s an excellent rule! I’m enjoying my isolation; you should do the same.”
“How can you enjoy confinement?”
“I’m having fun!”
“Without me?! Impossible! I put the fun in dysfunctional!”
The elevator’s doors slide and Frost strolls inside carrying a box.
“Not a step further!” J mumbles taking the safely off his pistol.
He misses threatening people thus when the guys bring food and supplies to The Penthouse he tries to shoot them.
“What’s in there?” he gestures towards the cardboard container.
“Not sure, sir. Y/N ordered it online.”
“Open it!” the stern order leaves no room for hesitation.
Jonny rips the scotch tape and removes the pink, fluffy toy.
“What the heck is this?!” The Joker frowns at its shape.
Frost analyzes the plush item and it clicks.
“Boss, I think it’s a…”
“PUMPKIN!!!!” The Clown interrupts.  “Why does this atrocity resemble my crown jewelry???!!” he screams you as you show up in the living room.
A super excited squeal:
“Boinky arrived!!!” and Y/N rushes to get her package. “Toss it! Toss it!!” you wave your arms and Jonny does as required. “I need something to cuddle with since you kicked me to the curve,” you finally address him.
“And you couldn’t find a teddy bear?!”
The Joker barges in your bedroom while spraying around with disinfectant mist:
“Pumpkin, this is the biggest emergency Gotham has ever faced!!!!” he frantically takes his clothes off and you jump because you just fell asleep 5 minutes ago.
“What is it?” you snuggle with your fuzzy trinket.
“Goddamn Boinky!” your boyfriend snatches the toy and flings it out the opened window.
“What are you doing?!”
“I’m about to explode, woman! That’s what!!! My online dating was abruptly halted by unforeseen factors so I have no choice,” he viciously starts yanking at you tank top. “I either risk contamination or I blow a gasket and that means kaput!”
“I have allergies,” you frown and J tugs at your shorts in a hurry, irritated.
“Exposing myself like this!” he continues bickering and Y/N can’t help it:
“Just like Batsy did?”
The King gasps, appalled you twisted his near death experience vision in such a hasty manner.
“Unacceptable!” he pulls you under him and your eerie grin prompts doubt: “Hold on! Did you purchase Boinky to intrigue me and made sure I can’t blow my gasket anywhere else with the sole purpose of having me crawl back to you?!”
Y/N innocently kisses the tip of his nose, whispering:
“Gotta keep the flame going, baby.”
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can also follow me on Wattpad and Ao3 under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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Riding High Ch1: Jodhpurs and Jeans
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Chapter Summary: Frank Adler is a single man in his early 30s, simply doing his best to raise his genius niece Mary. After a passing comment from his well-meaning neighbour, land-lady and friend, he decides that before he enrols her into school she needs to learn some social skills and pick up a hobby to help her interact with kids her own age. 
Felicity (Fliss) Gallagher is a single woman in her early 30s. An British Olympic Gold Medal winning Showjumper who was forced into early retirement due to a nasty accident, she’s now settled in South Pasadena running Sandybrook Stables, an Equestrian Centre which provide both boarding and teaching services.
Mary decides she wants to learn how to ride… meaning the two of them meet for the first time
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. 
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher 
A/N: So yeah, this one’s been buzzing in my head for AGES now. As you all know, I’m a Brit so I’m REALLY sorry if too much British horsey lingo slips into this…ASK away if you don’t understand. As means of an explanation in the UK we have 3 main types of stables. We have Riding Schools (which focus solely on providing riding lessons), Livery Yards (which are places where owners board their horses) and Equestrian Centres (which do both). After a bit of research it seems that EC also translates across the pond and means the same thing so…just bear with me on this and run with it!
Tagging all my SSB/CSI readers…if you want in or off the list PLEASE just tell me
As always I’m a ho for a REBLOG and COMMENT!
And yes, the woman in the photos in the cover banner on and with the Chestnut is me and my wonderful, wonderful old girl who I lost 2 years ago…
Chapter Song: Driftwood by Travis 
Series Masterlist Main Masterlist
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August 2017
 “I’m holding you solely responsible for this.” Frank short Roberta a glare as Mary bounced over to the truck, her blonde hair swinging slightly as she skipped.
“All I said was that it might be useful to have her interact with kids her own age before you throw her into a school, which for the record, I still think is a dumbass idea Frank.” “Input noted and duly ignored…” Frank rolled his eyes “She needs to go to school. Have some kind of variant on a normal childhood.”
Roberta took a deep breath and simply shrugged “On your head be it.”
“Come on Frank!” Mary shouted, standing up on the ledge of the truck “we’re gonna be late!”
“It’s 20 minutes tops to Pinellas Park…” Frank looked at her “We got half an hour, chill out Stack”
“My name’s Mary not Short Stack…” she sing songed back.
“Don’t I know it…” Frank said, looking at her before he turned back to Roberta “I’ll see you later.”
“Hmmm” she nodded, and with that he rolled his eyes again and headed to the truck.
“You know you’re not actually gonna get to ride anything today right?” he asked, turning to his niece.
“No, but I’m still gonna see the ponies.” she said, smiling. “Why can’t we bring Fred?”
“Because a horse might step on him.” Frank said, before he paused. “Actually, shall we take him?” Mary narrowed her eyes at him “That’s mean.” He chuckled, ruffled her hair and started up the truck.
“Ok, now soften your outside hand…” Fliss called out across the paddock, as the woman riding the tall, bay warmblood circled her “Yeah, you feel that. He’s taking the contact now, not leaning against your hand. So when you feel that softening, that’s when you need to push with your inside leg…and if is he isn’t listening a soft tap up with the stick…” She watched again from behind her Oakley wraparounds, smiling as the horse extended nicely down the long side of the school.
“Yeah, there you go!” she shouted encouragingly, “Now bring him round again and this time at the corner, pop him into canter…” She took a quick glance at her watch. She was running slightly behind, but what else was new? She would never leave a lesson, regardless, until her client had achieved something, even if it was what they dubbed a small victory. End on a high was her motto, and this was no different. Ever since Lucy had brought Jensen out of his stable, Fliss could see the horse was in one of his awkward moods so she’d had to switch out her plan a little. It had worked and he’d settled after about 15 minutes of being an obstinate shit and he was working quite nicely.
“Good!” She shouted, pacing slightly “Now let’s see if we can extend this a little…” Lucy sat up tall, pushed through her legs and the horse bounded down the side. Fliss grinned, less than 6 months ago Lucy hadn’t even been able to keep the horse in a trot, now here she was producing an extended canter. Moments like this made her job so worthwhile…
“Ok, bring him back down…” she said, “And into trot…and walk…”
Fliss headed over to her client and smiled as she walked alongside her “That was really good Luce…you happy?” “I’m over the moon!” The teenager grinned “I can’t believe it…he went so well!”
“Yeah because you rode him well.” Fliss smiled “You know, I seriously think you should consider a Dressage Competition.” 
“You think?”
“Yeah, I do. I know you don’t have a horse of your own but you can borrow Cap if you want…have a think about it.” “I will, thanks Fliss.”
Fliss smiled, gave the horse a pat and headed back to the gate.
“Joanne?” she called, and one of her grooms appeared. “Can you just supervise Lucy cooling him off. I’ve got someone bringing their daughter in at 11 am that should be here any time soon.”
“Sure.” Joanne nodded “Oh, they back barn has been mucked out but I’ve not had chance to scrub the water buckets out.” “It’s ok, you can do it after lunch” Fliss nodded. “the automatics are getting installed in a month or so which should make it a little easier.”
She patted Joanne on the shoulder and made her way into the office. Reaching for a file she dug out a Registration Form and a Liability Waiver and set them on the desk before she took a quick glance in the mirror. Satisfied that her auburn hair was tamed and there was no hay stick in it she nodded to herself and walked back on the yard, just in time to see a tall, well build dark haired man desperately trying to control a blonde haired girl who was looking around in glee and pointing.
“Hi…” she walked over, momentarily stuck by how damned good looking this guy was. He was dressed simply in a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt which perfectly accentuated his toned upper body. His chiselled jawline which was covered in a short, stubbled beard, soft spikey dark hair, and he flashed her a smile that made the corners of his aviator covered eyes crinkle. A smile that made her clear her throat. “I’m Fliss, you must be Mr Adler.”
Frank looked at the woman in front of him, glad that his glasses hid the fact he was blatantly eyeing her up and down. Dressed in a pair of long riding boots, tight navy blue jodhpurs with a white belt around the top, and a tight pink polo shirt he could see every curve she possessed. But it was the smile she flashed him that made him feel like some kind of teenage school kid again.  “Frank, please.” “Nice to meet you.” Fliss smiled before turning to Mary “And what can I call you Miss?” “Mary.” she said, looking up “Are all these horses yours?”
Fliss chuckled. “No not all of them. 9 belong to me. 3 are my personal ones, then I have 6 that work in the riding school and the other 6 are boarders.” “Oh.” she said, looking around. “So which one can I ride.” “Mary…” Frank chastised her softly as he looked down at her, before glancing back at Fliss “Sorry, she’s excited.” Fliss laughed and shook her head “It’s fine, I love to see it.”
She turned to Mary and then in an exaggerated whisper so that Frank could here said “I’ll let you into a secret, I always put the new kids on Monty because he’s awesome and looks after everyone…and he especially likes girls. He’s a ladies man. You wanna meet him?” Mary nodded eagerly and Fliss looked up at Frank, seeking his permission. He nodded and gestured with his head and she straightened up before leading Mary across the yard to the barn on the opposite side.
Frank stayed where he was for a moment, watching her ass as she walked before he mentally slapped himself and followed.
Fliss led them both into the airy barn, pushing up her sunglasses and down to 2 of the smaller stables at the far end. She stopped at one that contained a small, grey pony who gave a little nicker and stuck his head over the door.
“Monty, meet Mary…” she said with a smile as Mary gently reached up to stroke the pony’s soft nose. 
“He’s really pretty.” Mary said, appraisingly. 
“Yeah he’s awesome.” Fliss smiled, “And he’s a good boy too.” “Can I go in the stable?” Mary asked.
“Erm… if your dad says it’s ok?” Fliss looked at Frank who was tucking his sunglasses down the front of his shirt.
“I’m not her dad.” Frank shook his head “I’m her uncle.” “Oh, sorry.” Fliss frowned “I just assumed.”
“I get it a lot.” he said, waving her apology away “But I am her legal guardian so…”
Fliss nodded, studying him for a moment. There was clearly a bit more to that story but it wasn’t her business to pry.
“Can I?” Mary looked at him and he nodded. 
“Ok so, Monty is really good and nothing scares him but with all horses you should always be quiet and not jump or shout.” Fliss instructed and Frank had to smile as Mary nodded seriously. He hadn’t seen her this engrossed in anything other than books for a long time. Maybe Roberta had been right.
Fliss unbolted the stable door and walked in, leading Mary in after her. She showed her where he liked to be scratched and Mary giggled as she rubbed at the spot on the pony’s withers and he began to tilt his head to the side, lips moving against Fliss’s arm as he nuzzled into her.
“What’s he doing?” Mary asked.
“It’s called grooming.” Fliss explained “So he is mimicking what you’re doing to him to me, see? It’s how they show affection in the wild. Sometimes they can get a bit carried away and they nip but they don’t mean to be nasty or bite.”
She looked over to Frank, keeping one eye on the small girl who was engrossed in petting Monty and looked at him “So, are you just after her learning to ride then or…” Frank nodded “It’s a long story but, she needs a hobby and this was the only thing that seemed to get her excited. Of course it would be the one that will milk me dry…” he said, raising his voice a little.
“Spend less money on beer when you go out tonight” she shot back, and Fliss gave a loud bark of a laugh as Frank, shook his head.
“See what I gotta put up with?” he snorted.
“You should talk to my dad about it.” she laughed “I bled him dry due to horses as a kid, especially when I was up and down the UK competing!” “I was gonna say your accent isn’t local.” he said, smiling.
“Neither is yours.” she shot back “New England?” He cocked his head, momentarily surprised. He didn’t think his accent was that strong considering.
“Boston.” he nodded, “But I aint lived there in a while.” “I lived in Concorde” she explained, noticing his puzzled glance 
“Huh, no kidding.” he smiled “Cambridge.” “Nice state.” Fliss smiled “I loved it.”
“What made you end up here?”
Fliss hesitated for a while. “Erm..” “Sorry, you don’t need to explain, I was just a little curious.” “No, it’s fine just a long and complicated story.” Fliss said, scratching her temple “The abridged version is my marriage broke down and my mum and dad retired out here so I joined them.” She was avoiding his eyes slightly. Frank was smart enough to realise there was slightly more to it than that but he was tactful enough not to press. Besides, it was really none of his business.
“How about you? What you running from?” “What makes you think I’m running from anything?” he asked.
“Aren’t we all?” she looked at him, her deep brown eyes locked onto his.
He hesitated for a moment and then shrugged “Again, a long and complicated story but I wanted to give Mary a life away from hassle. And there was a lot of that in Boston.” He held her gaze and she simply nodded, before turning back to Mary.
“Ok Mary, how about we head into the office, get some forms signed and we can see about booking you in for your first lesson?” Frank watched as Fliss explained the importance of the kick-bolt on the bottom of the stable and showed her how to lock it before they three of them headed back onto the yard.
“Fliss, sorry to interrupt but do you want Cap and Bolt turned out?” a young girl with blonde hair approached them.
“Yeah, they’re not working again today.” Fliss said, “But take them one at a time. Bolt’s taking to being a bit bargey. If he starts wrap the lead-rope round his nose.” “Will do.” “Thanks Jo.” she smiled, and they continued walking.
“What’s bargey?” Mary asked.
“Pushy.” Frank looked at her “Bossy.” “Like you?” Frank shot her a look and saw Fliss smiling to herself as she overheard.
“Or it could mean pain in the ass like you.” he said. “Rude.” Mary shot back as Fliss opened the door to the office. Frank leaned over to hold it open.
“Thanks.” she looked at him smiling. He stepped in after Mary and they both stood, looking around taking it all in.
There was a large photo on the wall to the left, of someone, he presumed Fliss, on a horse jumping an obscenely high fence. On the wall at the back was a number of shelves, one containing files and the others a few more framed photos, one taken outside the gates to the yard of Fliss and a few others, he assumed her staff, and the other contained a number of trophies and a…
“Woah!” Mary said, scooting over “Is that yours?” “Sure is.” Fliss beamed, reaching up to retrieve the box frame. She led it flat on the desk and Mary scrambled up onto the chair to take a closer look.
The frame was split into 2. On the right hand side was a photo of Fliss dressed in competition gear, navy jacket, red piping, white jodhs and a navy hat. She had a smile on her face that was literally ear to ear and round her neck sat the gold medal which was displayed in the left of the frame.
“London 2012…” Mary read the small plaque at the bottom “Frank, look…” “I can see.” he said, surprise evident in his tone. He looked at the woman “You were in the Olympics?” “Yeah.” she smiled “Only one though. Trained for years to get there…”
“Why only one?” Mary looked at her.
“Mary.” Frank groaned “Stop being nosey.” “It’s ok.” Fliss chuckled “A few months later at the World Championships I had a nasty accident. I damaged my back and it took me nearly 6 months to recover. Sadly I lost my place on the team.” “Oh, that’s sad.” Mary looked at her.
“It’s a dog eat dog world kid.” Fliss shrugged “Not all bad though, I got into the training side of things which was great. Just didn’t work out.” There was a moments pause and Fliss replaced the photo and turned to Frank “Can I get you anything to drink?” “No, I’m good thanks.” he smiled.
“Ok, so…” Fliss said, “Mary I’m gonna need my seat back sweetie.” Mary obligingly jumped back down and Fliss took her vacated place, gesturing to the chair by the desk. Frank sat in it and Mary immediately jumped into his lap, her bare legs brushing slightly as she swung them to and fro.
“I have a few forms that you need to fill in and sign.” she said, apologetically “Legal stuff, contact details, waivers, that kind of thing. Safety is paramount at Sandybrook but, accidents to happen. Horse riding can be a dangerous sport…falls happen… as I know only too well.” Frank smiled and nodded.
“But I can give you those to take home, you can bring them with you when you come back.”  she said, reaching into her desk drawer. She pulled out a glossy leaflet and opened it. “Our price list is here. I’m not a huge outfit, I don’t have more than 3 kids on a lesson at a time. Mainly because I don’t have the horses but I prefer to focus on the students, not the profit. I try to keep overheads down as much as I can to keep the costs low…”
She bit her lip, she hated this part of the job, the sales patter as her dad called it. “So it really depends on what you want to do as to how expensive it is. Group lessons are $20 for 45 minutes and individual lessons are $30 for 30. I do always insist on an individual lesson first, but that’s discounted to $20 for the first one.” Frank nodded, it wasn’t cheap but they’d manage. He’d already explained to Mary that she wouldn’t be able to do it every week, but he could certainly stretch to once a fortnight.
“That’s reasonable.” he said after a pause.
Fliss smiled “I’ve only been 6 months or so now, but I’m planning on starting up a few Own a Pony days where the kids can come down and learn how to care for the horses as well as just ride. But that’s all in the planning stages.” “Well you have a good set up.” he said, and she beamed back.
“Thank you, a lot of graft went into setting it up. My mom and dad’s retirement didn’t start out quite as quiet as they had planned!”
“I can imagine.” 
“Ok,so…the real expensive outlay is gonna come at the start.” she said, turning to Mary “You’ll need some boots and a hat kiddo.” Mary grinned up at Frank.
“I do have hats I can loan for a few lessons but it is better if they have their own.” she looked at Frank. “It’s the one thing I don’t recommend getting second hand. But boots and jodhpurs etcetera you can pick up on e-bay and the like.” Frank nodded “And the hat?”
“There’s a great store not far from here…hang on…”  she dug in her drawer again and produced a flier. “Here… the kid stuff is pretty reasonable to be fair, you’re probably looking at about $30 for a decent hat but they’ll help you out. If you take my brochure in you’ll get a 20% discount too.”
Mary took the flier from her and began examining it.
“That’s really it.” Fliss said, as she completed her mental check list “So all that’s left is to either book you in or you can call me…” “Please Frank!” Mary looked at him “Can we book?” Frank nodded “If you want.” “I do…” “Ok…what availability do you have?” Fliss opened the laptop and entered the diary and looked for a free spot.” “Does Wednesday at 1 suit?” she offered “I know once school starts you’ll probably want a weekend or evening but. whilst it’s the holidays does that work?”
Frank nodded “Yeah that’s fine. I can jiggle work around” Fliss tapped on the keyboard and smiled “All booked. If you want to leave me your number I send a text update out the night before just as a reminder.” Frank smiled, and gave out her number which she stored in the diary slot and then clicked saved “All done…guess I’ll see you Wednesday.” “Thanks.” he smiled “And thanks for showing us around.” “Not a problem.” she shook her head “Always important the clients get the tour of the place, to make sure they like it.” “Its awesome.” Mary looked up “Can we go here on the way home.” Frank sighed and looked at Fliss raising an eyebrow. She laughed. 
“Yeah, get used to it. Once you get that horse smell on your hands it’s kind of an addiction.” “Frank hates animals.” Mary shrugged.
“I don’t hate animals.” Frank shook his head.
“You hate Fred.” “No, I don’t”
“You said before we should bring him so a horse steps on him.” Frank inwardly groaned as Fliss gave a chuckle.
“Fred is my cat.” Mary explained.
“Good name.” Fliss said “I have a few yard cats hanging around, they keep the mice at bay. And that reminds me, I haven’t seen Thor in a while…”
“Thor?” Mary looked at her
“Yeah, my dog…” she stood up and opened the office door, giving a sharp whistle. “He never goes far.” As if on cue a large german shepherd came lolling down the yard to greet them. Frank eyed the dog, it was huge. Mary, right on cue jumped down off his lap.
“Can I stroke him?” “Go right ahead.” Fliss said, she looked at Frank and spotting his face she smiled “He’s a softie, looks the part though.” “Well I wouldn’t mess put it that way.” Frank snorted, standing up.
“Is he named after the Avenger?” Mary looked up “I love those films.”
“Sure is, he used to have a brother called Loki too but, well he died.”
Thor gave Mary a lick causing her to giggle before he flopped onto his side raising his paw.
“He wants a belly rub.” Fliss said, and Mary dropped to her knees to give the dog a tickle. His tail began to wag furiously on the floor and Mary laughed.
Frank watched the girl, smiling. He loved seeing her like this. She was so grown up and serious half the time, he yearned to see her acting like a normal 7 year old. He was reticent to drag her away for that reason but he had work later that afternoon, a boat that needed finishing by Monday afternoon was taking him slightly longer than he had anticipated. 
“Alright short stack, we gotta move…” “Do we hafta?” “Sorry kiddo.” Mary made a face.
“Do you wanna go to the store or not?” Frank shot her a look. “Ok.” she said, jumping up and wiping dusting off her knees.
Fliss walked them to the truck which was parked in the car park and her eyes flew over to her horse wagon, a small 3.5 tonne box. Frank noticed her looking before she turned back to him.
“Yours?” he asked.
“Yeah, I did have a bigger one but, well I don’t use it often enough now to warrant it. Maybe at some point I’ll get back into competing…never say never hey?” He smiled.
“Ok, so I’ll see you Wednesday.” she said To Frank’s utter surprise, Mary walked over to the woman and wrapped her arms around her, giving her waist as squeeze, her head pressing into Fliss’s stomach. Fliss bent over to give the girl a quick hug and smiled.
“It was nice to meet you both.” Fliss released Mary and gently ruffled her hair “I can’t wait to see you ride.” Mary headed over to the passenger side of the truck and stood on the sill so she could yank open the door. Fliss turned to Frank and looked at him, frowning slightly.
“Sorry, was that too much? I just…well she…” “Oh,God,no…” Frank stuttered, hastily shaking his head. “It’s just…well she’s never usually that affectionate with strangers. Not that you’re a stranger I suppose, not anymore but…” he shrugged.
“I’m flattered then.” Fliss said, her pretty face cracking into a smile which Frank couldn’t help but return. There was a moment of silence where he simply looked at her before he started suddenly.
“I should…” he gestured to the truck with his keys.
“Yeah, sorry. Have a good day Mr Adler…” “Frank…” “Frank.” she corrected herself with another gorgeous smile “I’ll see you Wednesday.” With another  nod he walked to the truck and Fliss turned and headed back to the yard.
He climbed in and turned to Mary who was looking at him, smirking in a smug way that was well beyond her 7 years.
“What?” he demanded.
“You like her.” Mary snorted.
“She’s a nice girl, I mean woman…lady…”
Mary didn’t say a word, simply sat back as Frank reached around for her belt before doing his own and setting the truck into reverse. Sometimes she was far too observant for her own good. *****
“If she gives you any trouble just tie her up on the porch.” Frank said as Mary settled on the couch in Roberta’s trailer. Roberta snorted and Mary glared at him.
“The only one who gives me trouble around here is you Frank Adler.” Roberta shot back. “Now scoot, Mary’s gotta tell me all about this pretty girl at the stables she says you’re sweet on.” “Jesus…” Frank groaned “I’m not sweet on her, she was just nice.”
“He googled her.” Mary said.
“You googled her” Roberta intoned.
“I was curious ok?” Frank said “And you asked me to!” “She’s an Olympic Gold medallist.” Mary chanted, draping herself over the arm of the sofa, head hanging, hair brushing the floor “At London 2012 but then she had an accident in the World Championships later that year and she broke 2 vertebrae…she didn’t compete again. And she was married to a guy called John. He was on the US Equestrian team but they’re divorced now. He’s in prison…but Frank didn’t tell me why.” “Because it’s none of your business, and you don’t mention it to her.” Frank said sternly, cutting her off.
Roberta looked at him curiously “But you’re not interested in her. At all.” “Like I said, curious.” he shrugged “Especially if she’s gonna be teaching Mary.”
“Mmmhmmm.” Roberta dropped her hands to her hips “Whatever you say honey…” Frank sighed and then looked at Mary. “Be good.” “I will, see you in the morning…” 
He nodded and then headed out. It was a pleasant evening, the heat of the day had died down to an acceptable level and the 10 minute walk down to the small strip of bars wasn’t as sticky as normal. It passed fairly quickly, he was lost in thought about the woman he had met before. It had made for surprising reading, a child star on the circuit the accident had cruelly robbed her of a future in the sport 5 years ago, and from the sounds of it her ass-hat ex-husband had stolen 3 years of her life too. Still, as he had told Mary, it was none of their business.
He yanked the door open to Fergs and headed over to the bar. Ordering his usual he perched on a stool and pulled over one of the papers, flicking it open. Taking a pull of the beer he was handed, he let out a sigh. Friday nights were always his time, his one night of the week where he wasn’t Frank with the Dead Sister and the child genius niece to bring up. He was just plain old Frank Adler, perpetual bachelor that might or might not get lucky, depending on how the night went.
Half an hour or so later he was another beer deep and completely lost in his reading. So much so he was barely aware of the body besides him as it slid into the space next to him at the bar. That was until they spoke.
“So how much did she sting you for at the store?”
Frank grinned up at Fliss “Just short of a hundred. New hat, boots and a pair of jodhpurs.” Fliss giggled “Make sure she wears the boots in, they’re a killer for the first few days!” “I’ll bear it in mind.” he smiled “So, you hear alone or…” “Oh, no. It’s my Mum’s birthday so there’s a few of us out.” she said, glancing over her shoulder. Frank followed her eyes and settled on a table full of women who were all laughing. One looked quite similar to Fliss, same face shape and nose, who he assumed to be her mother. “If I’m honest it’s a bit boring considering they’re all over fifty but…” Frank laughed “Well I was gonna offer to buy you a drink but…” She laughed again “Thanks but, there’s a kitty going…” with that she turned to the bar tender. “Hiya, can I get 4 bud lights, a gin and tonic and a vodka soda please?” The bar tender nodded and headed off.
“Mary hasn’t shut up about Monty all afternoon.” Frank said and Fliss smiled.
“Like I said, once they get the bug they’re bitten.” “It’ll be good for her to have a hobby.” Frank repeated his earlier sentiment “She doesn’t get much interaction with kids her age.”
“Oh, what about School?” Fliss asked. Frank hesitated and took a drink from his bottle. Fliss let out a silent groan “Sorry, that’s really none of my business.” “No, it’s fine.” Frank shook his head, swallowing his beer. “She’s err, home schooled at the moment. My neighbour thought a hobby might be a good way for her to kinda do that before she goes to school.”
Fliss smiled “Well she’s not wrong. The kids I teach are great, I don’t stand for any crap, she’ll be welcomed with open arms.”
“Glad to hear it.” Frank smiled “Mary can be a litte…well, I suppose, odd is the right word. She’s old before her age.”
“Oh I know all about that.” Fliss smiled. “I spent most of my childhood training. Didn’t get chance to do much normal kid stuff. I was that focussed on my dream of gold medals…” “And you achieved it.” Frank nodded.
“Yeah, wish it had lasted longer you know, but what can you do.” she shrugged. “Hey, you never know, Mary might find a sudden hidden talent that catapults her into stardom…” Frank stiffened slightly and it didn’t go unnoticed by Fliss. She hesitated for a moment before Frank shook his head and smiled “Maybe, although that would really gonna fuck my bank balance…”
Fliss chuckled, eyeing him slightly. The man was a total mystery. At that the Bar Tender returned with a tray of drinks and she turned to pay him, waving away the change.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you Wednesday.” she smiled “Bye Frank.” “Yeah, have a good evening.” he smiled and she turned and walked away. Frank watched her go, the tight jeans she was wearing accentuated her ass and her legs, helped by the white heels she was wearing. The loose white cami top rode up slightly as she bent over to deposit the tray and when the woman he assumed to be her mother caught his eye and gave a knowing smirk he hastily turned around. 
“Another beer please pal.” he said, waving his empty bottle. 
“Who’s that?”  Verity leaned over to Fliss as she settled in the seat next to her.
“Oh, that’s the guy I was telling you about.” she shrugged “the one who brought his niece up to the Centre this morning.” “I know you said he was good looking but…” 
“Shut up Mum.” Fliss said, flushing slightly 
“You’re old enough to be his mother.” Jane, one of the other women said and the table laughed.
“I wasn’t looking for me…” Fliss rolled her eyes “Seriously?” Verity laughed and placed her arm round her daughter, giving her a squeeze. “I’m just teasing Lissy, its just nice to see you talking to someone, that’s all.” Fliss smiled and grabbed her beer, taking a drink. 
“Who the fuck was that?” John said, pointing across the packed bar to the man that Fliss had just smiled at.
“No one…” Fliss protested “Just a guy from work, that’s all.” “Right…” John said, the nerve in his jaw twitching. Fliss swallowed nervously and gently touched his arm.
“Honestly, he works at the stables. I was just being polite.”
“He’s eye fucking you.” “No, he’s not…” Fliss rolled her eyes and immediately realised what he had done when John gripped her chin painfully between his thumb and forefinger.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me.” he practically snarled.
“I’m sorry…” Fliss said, the tears springing forth “John you’re hurting me…” He let go and she dropped her head, turning back to the bar. She picked up her drink and took a long pull from the bottle, trying to compose herself. Her hand was shaking, she’d made him angry. 
And she knew what that meant…
“Hey…” her mother’s voice shook her out of the memory and she looked up at her. “Oh Liss…”
“I’m ok…” she said, taking a breath
Her mother looked at her again, and Fliss knew she was busted. “I was just…having a flash back that’s all.”
“He’s not here.” Verity dropped her voice “That fucker is where he belongs, behind bars and he won’t be bothering you again. Me and your dad promised you that…and we meant it.”
“I know, honestly I’m fine…” Fliss assured her mum who leaned over and gave her temple a soft kiss.
Fliss smiled back and shooting one last glance at Frank, who has his back to the table as he continued his reading, she turned to the women and threw herself into the conversation
 @the-omni-princess​​  @momobaby227​​ @geekofmanythings16​​ @angelofhell-666​​ @thewackywriter​​ @marvelfansworld​​​  @cobalt-gear​​  @asgardlover75​​ @jennmurawski13​​​​  @jtargaryen18​​​ @saiyanprincessswanie​​​  @navispalace​​​ @patzammit​​​  @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​​​  @icanfeelastormbrewing​​​ @djeniiscorner​​​  @ayamenimthiriel​​​  @coldmuffinbanditshoe​​​  @disneylovingal​​​ @madzmilllz​​  @sgtjaamesbaarnes​​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​​  @southerngracela​  @goldenfightergir​ @kellymat​ @official-and-unstable-satan​
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brandstifter-sys · 5 years
4 with remus to virgil? u don’t gotta if u aren’t feeling it
4 “I think i’m in love with you, and that terrifies me.”
I'm always feeling Dukexiety my dude!
Virgil was used to being the scary one, the guy who could make anyone fall into a state of terror with a flick of his wrist. He was good at his job, but not to the point where he forced the others away, not anymore. He could always tell when another side was scared, if not why. Patton was always getting scared over spiders. Logan would jolt from distractions when he was focused. Princey was always afraid of something, be it rejection or the monsters on his quests. Deceit had fears, but Virgil never did get around to figuring them out. There was only one side who’s natural level of fear was stable, and when his fear spiked, bad things happened. 
That’s why when Remus got scared around Virgil and yeeted himself out of the room by any means available, Virgil knew something was up. That’s why he was outside the Duke’s castle in the imagination, waiting to be granted entrance. He managed to get passed the moat and the kraken to get to the ominous double door, so this should have been the easy part.
Virgil crossed his arms and pouted. The worst was yet to come, the confrontation. He thought confessing his feelings would be the worst possible conversation to have with the Duke, a conversation he was certain would never happen. He was head over heels for the groomed trash disaster—his laugh, his smile, his boldness, his generally upbeat disposition, all of it made his heart flutter. It hurt to think that the side he had feelings for would be afraid of him. 
The door creaked open, causing him to jump back into reality. 
"Virgil?" Roman greeted him, somewhat surprised, "What brings you to this tragic kingdom?" 
"I could ask you the same thing. I'm looking for Remus." Virgil answered and crossed his arms. A wicked smile crossed Roman's face and he flung the door open for him. 
"Come right this way, Virgey Eat World!" Roman cheered, ushering him inside the dark palace. Virgil eyed him suspiciously and stepped inside. 
"So why are you here?" Virgil questioned. Roman closed the door and shrugged. 
"My brother wanted advice, and I must say that I am the right side to turn to in his situation." Roman put his hands on his hips proudly, "But that's not something I can divulge with you." Of course it was a twin secret, Virgil should have guessed. 
"He's in the rec room just down the hall to the left. Try not to make any sudden movements." Roman cut him off and sank out with a drawn-out "Bye!"
Virgil groaned internally and rolled his eyes. Roman was certainly Remus' twin, and certainly annoying when he was hiding something. But Virgil didn't have the focus to dwell on Roman, no he had to find Remus and clear the air, even if it hurt. 
Virgil passed through the hallway and came upon the arched door sitting ajar. He peered inside and saw a replica of his room. Remus was pacing in front of the bed, tapping his chin with his other arm bent behind his back almost regally. His back was to the doorway, it was just the opening Virgil needed. 
Virgil pinned the duke against the wall and snarled in his ear. Remus went bright red and craned his neck to see his attacker. 
"You have some explaining to do!" Virgil hissed. 
"You know, you came by the one time I'm not horny." Remus chuckled, "Care to stop by later?" 
"I'm not here for that. I want answers," Virgil huffed, "Why are you avoiding me? What did I do wrong?" Remus twisted out of his grasp and leaned back against the wall. He was shaking like a leaf.
"You didn't do anything wrong!" 
"Then why are you terrified that I'm here?" 
"It's your job to do the scaring, babes!" Remus chuckled awkwardly. Virgil narrowed his eyes and scowled. 
"It'll scare you away if I spill the beans, Virgey," Remus sighed, "And I don't want you to be scared away." 
"So you're choosing to push me away and not giving me a chance. You hear the shit that comes out of your mouth—I would be gone by now if anything you say were that scary. Have a little faith in me." 
"You want the whole truth? Fine," Remus said dejectedly, "I think I'm in love with you, and that terrifies me." He winced, prepared for Virgil to scoff, laugh, or vanish. The soft mushy feeling in his chest was so foreign, nothing he could handle without going mad or asking Roman for help—which might as well have been the same thing. 
"What about it terrifies you?" Virgil asked gently, running a hand down Remus' cheek. 
"I'm vulnerable and as sappy as Roman." Remus admitted, melting into the touch, "I like the feeling, but it's scary to think that rejection could actually hurt." 
"Good thing I won't reject you." Virgil hummed. Remus opened his eyes and his heart nearly stopped. That violent violet was blushing and smiling at him with the softest, sappiest expression in the world. 
"I wanna kiss you." Remus breathed. The devious twinkle in Virgil's eyes stunned him—he said that out loud. 
"Breathe, Ree. I think I can make that happen," Virge mused, "Because maybe I feel the same way about you." Remus blinked and dragged him into a searing kiss that sent a fire through his veins. It was short and passionate, leaving Remus aching for another taste.
"You know, I wasn't expecting this, and I sure as hell didn't practice this kind of response with Princey! Yuck!" the duke giggled
"You were practicing being rejected?"
"Exposure therapy works on my fears." he shrugged.
"Think you can conquer your fear completely? Because there's no way you're conquering me." Virgil asked, cupping Remus' cheek. 
"Nope! But I like being scareoused, so don't you dare stop! I have a heart boner that needs your mouth." Remus sang and shimmied impishly. Virgil smirked and shut him up with another short kiss. 
"No fair, Scare Bear!" he giggled when Virgil pulled away. He brought that emo right back in for another smooch. Who knew fear could be so electrifying?
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oliviasugarbabe · 4 years
i hope im not bothering you, but im a fandom writer and im greatly interested in the sugar baby lifestyle, so i was hoping to ask a few questions! is the stereotypical lifestyle of a sugar baby exaggerated or is it genuinely like that for some? is there something that most people don’t understand about with the relationship and what goes on, or is it as simple as it is portrayed in the media? do you have any tips when writing about being a sugar baby? thank you very much, i appreciated it! 💓
Not at all babe! I haven’t made a post like this yet so let me just write out a whole response about this stuff! I have lots to say to bear with me haha. I know you’re asking for your writing but I get constant questions about if sugaring is really this easy great glamorous thing from those thinking about doing it so I’m just gonna cover it all. 
 Yes the stereotypical lifestyle of a sugar baby is exaggerated, it’s not as simple as hopping on an app and getting a date with a reasonably attractive older man who will shower you with money and gifts for nearly nothing in return. I always tell girls this! It looks more like being active on multiple apps/sites and/or freestyling. It looks like hours upon hours on your phone perfecting your profiles, chatting with men who often will be time-wasters with no intention of spoiling you, and tons of dates with time-wasters too. Also, hours of screening men to make sure they’re legit. An insane amount of grooming yourself. Nails, hair, waxing/shaving, teeth whitening, exfoliating, moisturizing, soft feet, gym, perfume, makeup, cute lingerie, not getting the tattoo you want, even perhaps fillers and plastic surgery (I have tattoos and no surgery and I’m not skinny, but I know I’m giving up lots of rich older traditional men by looking this way) Having a spreadsheet to keep track of the lies you tell to each man (honestly that part is fun for me tho) and just way more work than you’d think from the popular stereotype. 
Lots of men won’t give you the money you want, and it can take a long time to find a guy who will and you might not even like him. Sugaring also includes fucking old, wrinkly men like a porn star and 100% making them think you love it. They’ll do weird shit like lick your whole face and you gotta pretend that’s fine too. These are rich, often white, privileged men from a generation and brotherhood that often look down on women and you have to fake the correct personality with each one. Can you drop everything to travel with him? Can you come up with a lie for your parents/roommates/friends? Can you say “no” to bareback sex in a cute way? Answer his call/text when you’re in bed and just wanna be left alone with Netflix? Ask for money without being nervous? Can you keep the conversation going on a date if he’s boring and awkward as hell? Giggle when he shits on your generation and other women? Not feel guilty about his wife he’s cheating on? Lie to everyone you know? Read on the internet about how disgusted some people are about what you do for money? Be seen with him in public? Be spotted by someone you know? Sure, these things are technically optional; you can just refuse every man who isn’t perfect, but a lot of women on here are afraid to talk about the fact that when you’re doing this because you need money, there are often tradeoffs and boundaries crossed in order to get paid, because that’s what sex work often is. I think it’s glamorized a lot and that ultimately hurts sex workers. I need breaks sometimes when I can’t take it anymore and I don’t have a current “main” daddy. Sex work has also done serious damage to my desire to EVER be in a normal relationship with a man, get married, or have kids. I already pretty much hated men but now I hate them more lmao. 
Lastly, like any sex worker, you perhaps will have to live with the constant risk of being outed to your family and friends, and the risk of having one of these men do something horrible to you. 
But yes, some girls DO live that lifestyle we dream of but it’s rare and hard to find and these women are often models or at least look like ones, live in the right cities, have the right connections, etc and just have access to that shit in ways that I don’t and many women don’t. Privilege still shows its face in the sugar bowl! Truthfully, there’s generally, for most of us, more money in escorting. Way more payoff for your time. I’d rather just have sex and leave with my hourly rate than spend all this time and energy being a whole girlfriend most of the time if I’m being honest. 
As for what the relationships are like, refer to the details above lol! Aside from that I should say I’ve had some good relationships but they’re men like any other. I deal with neediness, clinginess, condescension, etc a lot. They’ll flake on dates. Resist spending money just when you thought they might be a serious daddy. And again, it’s not just about being young and attractive. You usually also have to be interesting, smart but not too smart, sexy but not slutty, fuck like a porn star, confident, and sometimes, not show much that you’re a real person. Like, you can cry in front of a real boyfriend. If you cry in front of your sugar daddy, you might get dropped like a hot potato. You know what I mean? Be a perfect girl on his arm, or he’ll find someone else. Some daddies are good men sure and not like this, but still, lots of sugar daddies are part of a certain lifestyle and attitude and they expect something specific in return for their money. 
Lastly, writing about sugaring and sex work is something I do for fun and to be a part of my own community and to give honest word about sex work. I think that writing about sex work is best left to sex workers. Fandom writing is fun and harmless tho! If you’re gonna write about us, you made a good start finding someone who is actually in that world to ask about it! Sex workers write books and blogs about this life and I recommend finding them. There are a lot of inaccurate, shitty, harmful portrayals of us out there and I hope you do whatever you can to not contribute to that! Although....if you’re writing a sexy fanfic or something I feel like it’s fine either way cause I’ve gotten hot and bothered by all kinds of severely problematic wattpad stories and such so like. Anyways, if you want me to keep helping you, you can DM me and I’ll answer your random writing questions. I understand completely why people are drawn to writing about sugar baby lifestyles, it’s just not always what they wanna hear. I hope your piece comes out good! I’d love to read it if you wanna share eventually! 
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paperwayne · 5 years
50 Wordless Ways to Say “I Love You” ➡ 11. Telling them a dumb joke just to see their smile. Pairing: YJ!Wally West x Reader Word Count: 1,848 words Warnings: None
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There are only two things on your mind right now: one, the air conditioning is broken in the middle of June, and two, Wally looks very good in a tuxedo.
Both facts are almost impossible to ignore and finding a distraction is even more hopeless; after all, there’s not much a person can do inside a church, especially right before a wedding ceremony. Looking down your row is painfully boring – though you do stare enviously at the old lady who had the foresight to bring a fan, watching her flap a breeze toward her gleaming face.
I should’ve brought the mini fan from home.
As you lean back in your chair, cringing when your clothes stick to your sweaty back, Wally leans toward you.
“It’s so hot,” he whispers, tugging absently at the loop of his tie. It’s green – a lighter, more pastel green than his eyes – and you automatically pull his hand away for fear that you’ll have to fix it again.
“I know,” you murmur back, sharing his exasperated look. “We just … gotta wait for the reception and then we can stand in front of the fans.”
Wally groans. “That’s, like, an hour away, though. The bride isn’t even here yet.”
All you can do in reply is shrug slowly, examining the nervous groom waiting in the front. Your companion’s right; Cousin Addy’s probably getting the jitters in the back, and you only hope your aunt can calm her down before everyone here melts into a puddle. (Seriously, 365 days in a year and the gods of broken ACs choose the one when you’re crammed into a room with 150 other people.)
Something jabs you in the knee.
Looking down, your already sinking mood dives deeper when you see your little cousin peering up at you, her chubby hands rapidly poking dents into your leg. It takes everything in you to put a smile on your face.
“Hey, Lea,” you say. “What is it?”
“I’m bored,” the girl complains softly, bouncing up and down. “Come outside and play with me.”
Normally, you’d use Lea as an excuse to go outside during awkward family reunions; this time, though, staying underneath the shade of a roof seems like a safer option. You lean down to her level and tousle her hair. “I can’t. Your auntie’s coming soon and we have to wait, okay?”
“But I wanna play.”
“I know, but –”
“Pleeeeease –” Lea’s voice grows in volume and pitch.
She grabs your hand and pulls, but your palm is so sweaty that her fingers slip. For a split second, your heart stops as she careens toward the ground – but right before Lea falls flat on her face, Wally scoops her up.
“Whoa, kid,” he says, holding the kid underneath her arms like a cat, “be careful. You could’ve hurt yourself.”
“Leggo of me!”
Your cousin squirms, kicking her feet against Wally’s chest. The latter grunts in surprised pain, but with a deep breath, he only sets Lea down and smiles.
“Hey, Lea,” he starts, meeting your sympathetic expression before continuing. “You like jokes, right?”
The girl’s mouth is still set in a pout, but it cautiously unpuckers at Wally’s words. “Yeah.”
“I have a new one for you. What do you call a bear with no teeth?”
“… What?”
He grins and drops his voice conspiratorially. “A gummy bear.”
“Oh my god,” you mutter, covering the upturn of your lips when Wally glances at you proudly.
Lea giggles, shoulders scrunching up. “That’s not funny, Wally,” she exclaims, wrinkling her nose despite her laughter. “Say another one.”
“Okay. Uh … knock-knock.” Another giggle. “Who's there?” “Atch.” “I know this one!” Lea nearly shrieks, and you scramble to shush her when the couple across the aisle glares at the three of you. “You’re gonna make me say achoo.”
“Aw, man.” Wally knocks his head back dramatically, and you chuckle at the theatrics. “You’re too smart, Lea! I almost got y –”
The beginning notes of the processional song blast out from the organ, effectively interrupting him, and you quickly pick Lea up as the doors open for the bride. You’re a little jealous when she wriggles and moves over to sit on Wally’s knee.
Your aunt and Addy glide down the aisle, the former smiling at you as she walks past. Once they make it to the front, you lean over to whisper in Wally’s ear.
“She looks good,” you tell him, and he smirks.
“Almost as good as you, babe.”
His words earn him an elbow in his side, but all he does is snicker silently in return. You don’t say anything back for two reasons: one, the officiant is already speaking, and two, the sincerity in Wally’s voice makes you too flustered for words.
It takes about an hour, but Addy is a lot more relaxed by the time the dancing starts. You think it’s because of the wine. She and her new husband are cute, though, giggling left and right as they step on each other’s feet.
“You gotta go up and dance after they’re done, [Y/n].”
Wally speaks through a mouthful of buttered bread. You snort and shake your head, downing your sparkling apple juice in lieu of meeting the challenge in his eyes. “No way,” you say.
“Aw, come ooon.”
“Your tie’s going to fall into your food.”
“You’re trying to change the subject.” (Nevertheless, he still looks down and finagles with his tie when he sees that it is, in fact, dangerously close to his mashed potatoes.) “… Let’s do it. I know you want to bop whenever a good song comes on.”
Your cheeks warm. “I don’t ‘bop,’” you mumble. “I don’t – why are you looking at me like that, Wally?”
Wally grins mischievously. “Because I really wanna dance with you right now, and you can’t say no to Wally West. Or Carly Rae Jepsen.”
“Minus the Carly Rae Jepsen part, you sound like every stereotypical high school jock ever.”
Call Me Maybe starts blasting through the speakers.
“… One song.”
You give in pretty quickly – you’re not exactly surprised that you do – and Wally’s smile comes back full force. Stuffing the rest of his dinner down his throat, Wally throws his napkin onto his plate and makes his way behind you to wait; you feel his chin bump against the top of your head as he leans over the back of your chair. “Sweet! Hurry up, [Y/n] – everyone’s beat us to the floor already.”
After you’re done rolling your eyes, you reach up to push Wally’s head off yours and finish the last of your drink. “Alright, alright. I’m coming.”
While you let your date (well, he’s technically just your plus one) pull you towards the center of the room, his fingers curled tightly around your hand, your initial reluctance starts to wane. What can you say, really? The one other power Wally has besides running in circles is the ability to make you do the most embarrassing things – not that dancing in a room full of your relatives is the highest item on the list, but it’s pretty up there. His antics would infuriate you if you didn’t enjoy every wild second of them.
“Hey,” you tap his shoulder and he spins around to face you, eyes bright. “I forgot to say thanks for dealing with Lea earlier.”
He shrugs. “No problem.”
“Those jokes were terrible, though.”
An offended sound escapes Wally, and he gives you the most insulted look you’ve ever seen. “Excuse me? Those were amazing jokes –” you raise an eyebrow, “well, yeah, they were kinda bad. But, like, in a funny way. You laughed.”
“Only because I felt bad for you.”
“[Y/n].” Your name tapers off into a sort of whine, but he gets over it quickly and puts an arm around your shoulders while people bump past on the dance floor. “Just so you know, I have loads more if you want to hear them – and I know you do.”
“Fine. Hit me.”
“Okay, I will.” He starts dancing as he speaks, and he’s not very good, but it’s cute nonetheless. You find yourself nodding along to the beat. “So a cement mixer and a prison bus crashed on the highway. The police tell the citizens to look out for a group of hardened criminals.”
“Wow.” You can feel the corner of your mouth twitch.
“What? C’mon, that was pretty good. Okay – uh, how are a green apple and a red apple similar?”
“They’re both apples.”
Wally squints at you. “No, [Y/n]. They’re both red except for the green one.”
Snrk. You cover what’s definitely a smile behind your hand, and triumph ripples across Wally’s face when he catches a glimpse of it. “Nope. Not it, man. Mm-mm.”
“Bruh, you just smiled! Fine, wait, I got one more. A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel on his pants, okay, and a peg leg and a parrot on his shoulder. And the bartender says, ‘Hey, you’ve got a steering wheel on your pants.’”
“… Okay.” Yeah, there’s no point in pretending you’re not grinning now.
“And the pirate says,” Wally’s face scrunches as he tries to stifle his snickers, “h-he says, ‘Arrrr, I know. It’s driving me nuts!’”
You burst out laughing. As Wally joins you, gasping for breath, you find the strength to smack his shoulder.
“Dude, that’s so bad, oh my god,” you snort. “Where the hell’d you hear that?”
“Uncle Barry.”
“Geez.” There’re actual tears in your eyes. To the side, one of the other guests looks at you funny, but you don’t feel self-conscious at all. “I forgot it runs in the family.” “A lot of smack talk for someone who likes my jokes,” he shoots back smugly.
You stick your tongue out at him, because it’s true. “Fine, they’re funny. We both have bad senses of humor.”
“That’s all I wanted to hear.”
And that’s all he has to say for a moment after that. For the first time since the two of you started dancing, you notice the song change. Slight dread shoots straight up your spine when the tempo slows to a crawl, and the little kids stop jumping around in confusion as couples begin to pair up in droves.
“I guess the fun’s over,” you say, turning back to Wally when Elvis Presley’s deep, crooning voice seeps out from the speakers.
But Wally just shrugs.
“It doesn’t have to be.”
He holds out his hand. You pause and look down at it; the lights dance across his skin like blue fireflies, coaxing you to reach out and accept his offer. Once you glance back up, his expression holds a question that he soon voices aloud.
“May I have this dance?”
You don’t even think about what to say. Taking your hand in his, you nod graciously. “You may, Wallace.”
He makes a face as the two of you twirl around. “Euch. That sounds super weird when you say it.”
“Just joking around, Sneakers.”
“Yeah, that’s better.”
“Heh. Driving me nuts.”
[50 Wordless Ways to Say “I Love You” prompt list (requests using this prompt list are CLOSED)]
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Hell to Pay: Chapter Twenty-One
cowritten by @lux-scriptum
Nik had told Cameron that he was taking Lev somewhere if only because he was half sure Cameron would lock him out of the house too. Cameron hadn’t said a single word and Nik left him to do whatever the hell that was alone while he got Lev and Eden in the car before they freezed their asses off.
He grabbed the first diaper bag he saw, but didn’t bother looking to see what was in it before shuffling them out to the car as fast as he could since both Eden and Lev were shoeless- and pantsless (at least Eden was). Nik cracked the windows in the car and started it up. “Well. That was clearly unsurprising. Though I didn’t think he’d do that,” he said, starting up the car and pulling out of the drive.
Lev instantly burst into tears. “I fucked up.”
“Well. Yes,” Nik said. “But who cares. Cam is just a prick. He didn’t need to kick you out of the house because his beloved cookware got slobbered on by an infant.”
“I didn’t need to be a brat about it, though.”
Well no shit, Nik thought irritably. “I told you to not talk to Cameron like that,” Nik replied.
Lev sniffled, “I wasn’t thinking.”
Nik gnawed on his bracelets. “If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think Cam was thinking either. He was just… reacting.”
“Where are you taking me?”
“Where do you want me to take you?”
“I wanna go to Gramma’s but…”
“...But Cameron would show up and make sure you never lay eyes on Eden again?” Nik asked. “Yeah, no. I’m not taking Eden to her house. No matter how much she likes me, Cam would break both our legs if we let Eden be in her house without him.”
“I don’t know, then,” he said, quietly. “I don’t want to go back to my house.”
“Wasn’t planning on taking you back to that house,” Nik siad. “I can’t breathe in there. I’ll just take you to Nate. That way Cam won’t… instantly kill one of us.”
“Will Nate be okay with that?” Lev paused. “WIll Bay be okay with that?”
Nik chewed on his bracelets thoughtfully. “Nate? Most likely. Bay?” Nik said, thinking about the last time he saw Bay. “....probably not. But he’s not going to kick you out. His whole mother complex stops him from kicking someone defenseless to the curb. Cam thinks its as annoying as it is impractical.”
Lev watched him for a bit. “Does he say things like that to you a lot?”
“Things like what?”
Lev kept watching Nik for longer than Nik felt was needed. “For the spoon.”
“Actually,” Nik said. “No. Cam… is very controlled, about ninety-seven percent of the time. I don’t know where the fuck that came from.”
“Okay,” Lev said, quietly.
Nik rapped his fingers on the steering wheel, flicking a look back to Eden still chewing blissfully on her bear. “How the fuck is that child not screaming her head off? Is chaos just that amusing to her?”
“Don’t say that, then she will start screaming.”
Eden screeched at them from around the stuffed animal, as if she knew that they were talking about her. If Nik didn’t know better, he’d think she was promising them she would start screaming the moment she was inconvienced. “Great,” Nik muttered to himself.
Lev was slowly working himself into a panic. Nik mostly ignored it since he didn’t know how to help the poor bastard. This whole day had turned to shit in the span of ten minutes and Nik didn’t have the patience to be able to handle it like a mature adult. So he’d just shove it all under the rug and call it a day.
Lev spent the next thirty minutes crying quietly before they rolled into the drive at Bay’s house. “Well,” he said, putting the car in park and getting Eden. “Better bite the bullet.”
Lev was slower at getting out, getting the diaper bag while Nik trudged across the drive to the door. He had knocked twice when Lev appeared beside him, just in time for the door to swing open. Silas nearly jumped Lev before Nik had the chance to process who the hell answered the door. “Hey buddy, I missed you,” he said, pulling Lev into a bear hug.
Nik arched a brow. “I’m sure you did,” he said, dryly.
Lev hugged Silas back. “Missed you too; Sorry I didn’t call. My phone broke.” Lev pulled back, though. “I have a baby.”
As if Eden knew she was being talked about, she babbled at them around the bear in her mouth, making reachy hands at them. Lev pulled back entirely and came to take her from Nik’s arms. Before either Nik or Lev could say anything, Silas frowned down at Lev’s feet. “...why are you both barefoot? Is everything okay?”
“No,” Nik said, “We decided to take an evening stroll without our shoes because we wanted to feel the crisp January cold in our toes. And we decided Eden should not have any pants on because that’s what good parents do- get her acclimated to frigid temperatures, right Lev?”
Silas gave him an exasperated look. “...I’ll go get your brother.”
Nik gave him a tight smile. “Good idea.” When Silas turned around to go get Nate, Lev lightly elbowed Nik. “What?”
Lev just gave him a small, tired, “Be nice.”
“I am being nice,” he said. Before Nik could continue, however, Nate came around the corner, any trace of a smile was wiped off his face the moment he laid eyes on them.
“Are either of you hurt?” he asked, looking Lev and Nik both over, before instantly taking the baby from Lev to check her over himself. Eden just gleefully yanked at Nate’s long, loose black hair, screeching and shoving it in her mouth. Nate didn’t seem fazed in the least while he looked at them. “Where’s he?”
“He sent me away,” Lev said, faintly ashamed. “I pissed him off.”
Nate’s face tightened, but he didn’t say anything other than, “Come on in, I’ll get you something warm to drink.” Nate started for the kitchen, with them both on his heel. “Whatever happened, I’m sure it wasn’t your fault.”
“Look, I don’t think it was really any of our faults, it was just… it’s been a shitty few days.”
“Still don’t see how that gives Cameron the right to kick Lev out of his own house,” Nate said, shifting Eden over to his other side while he got stuff out of the fridge.
“Not my house,” Lev said, quietly.
Nate looked at him from over the fridge. “You were living there, were you not?”
“I’ve lived with boyfriends before; that didn’t make their house my house.” Lev looked… so tired.
Nate’s face softened and hardened at the same time. “I do not think Remiel is someone to be considered in that listing. Vehuel either,” Nate said. “Do you want marshmallows in your cocoa?” he asked, moving the milk to the counter top.
“They weren’t my only boyfriends,” Lev said. “And no thank you, please.”
Nate’s mouth thinned and he chewed his lip ring while measuring out the cocoa. “I wouldn’t consider abusers boyfriends,” Nate said, finally, giving the cocoa to Lev. “Drink.”
“Silas wasn’t abusive; Fax wasn’t either,” Lev said, taking a drink. Nate watched him until he was satisfied with how much Lev was drinking before starting on some for Nik.
Nate didn��t say anything until he had the cocoa in Nik’s hands. He looked down expectantly at Nik. “Drink,” he said. “I know how you like it.” Nik wrinkled his nose and looked down at the steaming hot chocolate in Nik’s hands, but when he started protesting, Nate firmly said, “Nikolas.”
Nik grumbled and did as told. Nate kept watching him until Nik had half of it downed. “Happy?”
Nate’s smile didn’t reach his dark eyes. “Absolutely ecstatic.”
“Is it okay if I say for a couple of days?” Lev asked.
Nate’s groomed brows furrowed. “Isn’t that why you’re here? Of course you can. You have a baby with you and Cameron is a prick. Where else would you go with a demon baby?”
Lev looked stressed. “It’s not polite to assume, and if worse comes to worse, I can always stay in my old house.”
“Uh, no,” Nik had said, when Nate said, “Why would I let you stay in the house you were almost murdered in?”
“Remi wasn’t going to let me die,” Lev said.
Nate looked pained. “Of course not.” He paused before, “You may stay here as long as you need. Though I’d suggest, uh, trying to not irritate my mate that much?”
“Like that’s not hard to do,” Nik muttered and winced when Nate shot him a dark look.
“Oh,” Lev said, half terrified. “Bay.”
“He’s not that bad,” Nate said, earnestly. “He’s just hormonal. And he doesn’t hate you. He’s just grumpy.”
Lev’s eyes were huge. “He was scary before the hormones.”
Nate sighed softly before giving him a pitying smile. “He’s harmless to people that don’t pose a threat. And you… do not. You will be fine.” Lev didn’t look convinced, but didn’t argue with him. Nate said, “Come on, I think he’s in the nursery.”
Eden wiggled happily in Nate’s arm, still tearing at Nate’s scalp with her tiny claws. Nate didn’t seem to notice, or really care, but Nik assumed it was because Nate was used to his hair being pulled by little monsters.
Lev was nearly directly on Nate’s heel as they followed him back to the nursery. Bay was sitting in the same spot on the couch as he had been last time, faint gold bruising under his eyes as he looked at them, his face perfectly cool in it’s neutrality as his eyes went from Nik to Lev to Nate to the baby still in Nate’s arms. “Where’s my brother,” he said, eventually, eyes going back to rest on Lev.
In the quietest, half terrified voice, Lev said, “Still at home?”
Bay arched a brow. “Are you telling me or asking me.”
“Telling?” Lev said, tearing up.
Bay gave a resigned sigh. Nik wasn’t sure why Lev was afraid of an eight month pregnant omega that looked moments away from dropping dead from exhaustion and irritability. At this point Bay was more stomach than man and Nik pitied the poor bastard. Better him than Nik, though.
“Why are you here?” Bay asked.
“Cam kicked him out.”
Not a flicker of surprise showed on Bay’s face as he thought over Nik’s words. “So I’m guessing you came here for a place to stay?” Bay asked Lev. “Not many places you can take a full blooded demon baby without being in some kind of danger, I imagine.”
Eden wiggled happily in Nate’s arms when Bay flicked her a tired look. “She can stay in the nursery. It’s already stocked and it’s somewhere familiar, at least.”
“She can stay in the bed with me,” Lev said, “if it’s okay I stay. I don’t want to be any more of a bother than I already am.”
Bay’s mouth twitched into a frown. “You can stay. But she’s staying in the nursery. She’s already been in here, she knows the room and the scents. Sleep on the couch, if you want. But this is where she is staying.”
The finality in Bay’s words had Lev saying “Okay,” in a small voice.
“Okay,” Bay said, lifting a look back to Eden. Nate instantly handed her over before Bay had even said a word. Bay held her carefully on his stomach, watching Eden continuing to chew on her bear. “Get her something that is actually meant to be chewed on,” Bay said to Silas. “There should be a teething ring or something in the drawer at the changing table.”
Eden made grabby hands at Bay, trying to reach for his glasses, while Silas instantly went to do as told. He came back with a pale green and blue teething ring that Bay swapped out for the mutilated bear in Eden’s mouth. “Much better,” Bay told her. “That way you’re not eating all that fake fur. Probably isn’t good for your tummy.”
Bay looked pleased when Eden squealed at him around the new toy in her mouth. Lev’s puppy eyes told Nik that he wanted the wiggling baby demon, but he didn’t say anything. Nik was half sure Bay wouldn’t even hand her over had Lev asked to begin with.
Nik pulled Lev in tighter when he leaned against Nik and kissed his shoulder. “You’ll be fine here for a few days,” Nik promised. “I’m sure Silas will be over the moon to have you under his roof.”
“Yeah I will,” Silas muttered.
Nik gave him a small smile. “That torch burning your hand yet?”
Lev lightly bit Nik’s shoulder. “Don’t be cruel.”
Nik wasn’t fazed, but Bay looked vaguely disgusted. “Take your love triangle elsewhere,” he said. “I’m not in the mood.” Nate snorted lightly and bit down on Bay’s shoulder while wiggling Eden’s toes. Eden looked pleased with the amount of attention she was getting. “Has she taken a nap, yet?” Bay asked, Lev.
“Yes,” Lev said. “She’s probably going to be hungry soon. It’s getting close to dinner time.”
Bay nodded, thinking about Lev’s words while he looked back at Eden. “I’m sure we have something that you’ll like,” Bay said, to the wiggling baby on his stomach. “Definitely better than a stuffed bear.” He looked at Nate. “Take Nik and Silas with you to the kitchen to feed Eden. I want to talk to Lev. Alone.”
Nate kissed Bay’s cheek and got up from the couch, picking Eden up. “Come on, Baby. Let’s let the grownups talk. Nikolas, that instantly excludes you,” Nate said, hooking a finger in the belt loop at Nik’s hips.
Nik looked at Lev while Nate dragged him out of the room. “Blink twice if you need help.” Lev instantly did it and Nik choked on a laugh. “I mean-”
“Nik, get out,” Bay said, gruffly. “And stop acting so skittish, Lev. I can’t even move.”
Lev eyed Bay warily. When Bay didn’t say anything, Lev finally asked, “What did you want to talk about?”
“How about why you didn’t bother keeping up with your training,” Bay said, annoyed.
Lev flinched. “I-” He trailed off before he could really say anything, and dropped his gaze to the floor.
“You what?” Bay asked flatly. “You have a baby to take care of. How do you expect to defend her if you can’t even defend yourself?”
Bay wasn’t wrong, and Lev knew it. “I wasn’t here anymore. And I didn’t have Eden then, and it’s not like I matter much to angels in general.”
“You matter to me,” Bay said sharply. “And you matter to Silas. And you matter to Nate, and you matter to Nik. Do not insult us with your self-negative bullshit.”
Lev shrank back. “I don’t-” He flicked a look at Bay and then back down to the floor, hunching his shoulders. “What do you want me to do?”
“Grow a spine,” Bay said. “And start training.”
Lev finally looked at him, tiredness dragging at him. “When? With who?” Just so he couldn’t fuck this up, too.
“Twice a day until you’ve caught up with what you missed,” Bay replied without hesitation. “With Nate.”
“Okay,” Lev said. He waited a moment, just to see if Bay had anything else to say
“Are you okay?” Bay finally asked, sounding as tired as Lev felt.
Lev blinked. “I- I’m fine? Cameron wouldn’t hurt me. He’s just- just pissed.”
“What happened?”
Lev fiddled with the hem of Nik’s shirt. “I pretty much told Cameron to fuck off,” he finally admitted. “Not in so many words, but- he was being an asshole because I made him take a nap. And I let Eden chew on one of his spoons.”
If Lev didn’t know any better, he’d think Bay looked pleased and- and mildly impressed? “Are you sure it was because you made him take a nap?”
This time Lev just shrugged. “No,” he admitted. “I think it was part of it , but- I don’t really- I don’t understand Cameron sometimes. I’ve- I’ve never been- I’ve never been good with understanding people. Really. So.”
Bay thought on that for a minute. “It’s not easy being in a relationship with someone like us,” he finally said.
Lev blinked slowly. “He makes me feel safe,” Lev finally said. “I don’t- I don’t understand why he wanted me to stick around, but- I’m- I’m grateful that he did. I don’t want to screw that up. He- he and Nik- they feel like home now.”
Bay looked uncomfortable this time. “Good. Figure out if you can handle the ups and downs,” he finally said. “You’re dismissed.”
Lev blinked several times, but backed away before Bay changed his mind. He went in search of the kitchen, and made a beeline for Nik. He buried his face in Nik’s neck, breathing deep.
“My brother stole my baby,” Nik said sadly, wrapping his arms around Lev and pressing a kiss to Lev’s cheek.
Lev turned enough to watch Nate feeding Eden. “She’s in good hands,” Lev mumbled, and buried his face in Nik’s neck again. “Are you going back? He didn’t kick you out.”
Nik rubbed his face. “Yeah, I know. I just wanted to get you settled first before I went to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid.”
“Stupid?” Lev pulled back enough to look Nik in the eye. “Like what?”
Nik just shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve never seen Cameron like that. Cameron’s not the type to get unhinged.”
Guilt shot through Lev. “You should go, then,” Lev said softly. “I’m fine. And I’m worried about Cameron.”
Nik kissed him softly. “I am too.”
“Go on then.” Lev stole another quick kiss, and then said hesitantly, “Love you.”
“I know.” Nik pulled away. “I’ve got to go.”
Lev didn’t say a word, just wrapped his arms around his stomach while Nik looked over at Nate.
“Take care of them for me,” Nik said, and then he was gone.
Nik drove back with the radio blaring loud enough to drown out his thoughts. He had gotten dirty looks from other drivers but he ignored them too. He got home and shouldered his way past the sentries and into the kitchen. Nik stopped dead in his tracks at the broken glass and black blood on the ground.
His eyes slowly lifted to the open cupboards and the empty shelves before going to the demon bracing the counter with taut shoulders. Cameron’s head was hanging down and even though Nik couldn’t see, he knew Cameron’s eyes were closed and his mouth in a thin line.
He wasn’t sure where to go. He didn’t think Cameron would be happy if Nik just… started picking up the glass, or if he tried to inspect Cam for injuries. “....Lev’s okay.” When Cameron didn’t respond, Nik said, “Is he going to be allowed to come back?”
Again, Cameron didn’t say a word.
Nik went over and made the mistake of grabbing Cameron’s shoulder. Cam flinched so hard Nik didn’t have the chance to say a damn word before Cameron had his hand around Nik’s throat. He stared blankly at Nik for several seconds, not speaking before eventually letting him go and stepping back. Nik stared at him wide-eyed. “What the hell is going on with you?”
Cameron’s eyes were bloodshot and he looked down at the ground and frowned, eyes trailing the black, bloody footprints. “I didn’t feel it.”
“I want you to tell me what’s wrong,” Nik said, knowing damn well that this was the biggest asshole move he had made against Cameron. He slowly looked up at Nik, and he almost saw the switch flip in Cameron’s head. “What happened.”
“I don’t know,” Cameron said, in the most tired voice Nik had heard from him. “It won’t stop. Everything keeps changing and I can’t get it back under control. I’m tired and my routine is so fucked, because there is a damn baby in this house, and because she is destroying all my shit and cannot for the life of herself keep herself fucking quiet, I can’t think. I can’t work. And I can’t sleep.”
“Babies are messy, Cam.”
“I know!” Cameron snapped at him, in one of the loudest tones Nik had ever heard from him. Cameron did not yell, he was too controlled for that, but clearly that was not the case right now. “I am not an idiot, Nikolas, and I cannot work around how to keep her from driving me absolutely insane. And you and Lev decided to take the choice away from me by making me deviate from my routine even more by taking a godsdamned nap.”
Hot guilt spliced through Nik. He did, and he knew he took that choice away from Cameron by telling him it was what they wanted. Cam was hardwired to do what people wanted from him, and at the time, Nik had thought it was worth it.
“It won’t happen again,” Nik said. “Just thought it was a good idea to get you some sleep. You’ve been awake for the last three days.”
“I’ve endured worse,” Cameron said, flatly. “Missing a little sleep is nothing.”
“Pretty sure missing sleep is a torture technique,” Nik replied. When Cameorn’s eyes narrowed, Nik held up his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. Fine. But you’re bleeding. Let me look at your foot. I think you stepped in glass.”
Cameron looked at him long enough, NIk was almost sure that Cameron wasn’t going to. But in the end, Cameron just sat down on the stool. Nik went and grabbed a wet warm rag, maneuvering around the broken glass before kneeling in front of Cameron. He carefully picked the glass out of Cameron’s feet and washed the blood away until the healing kicked in. “Leave you alone for a few minutes and you completely destroy the kitchen,” Nik muttered. “Whatever will I do with you.”
Cameron didn’t deign him with a response, just rubbed his temples. “I need to go to the store, and I need to clean the kitchen and get the rest of work done. Where is my baby.”
“With Lev.”
“And where is Lev?”
“.....with my brother?”
“Your brother,” he echoed. “And Silas?”
“I mean, if you want to look at it like that. But Lev isn’t going to make a move and Silas can just follow him around like a puppy since Lev is clearly under you.”
“Lev can fuck him if he wants,” Cameron said. “I’m not his keeper.”
Nik snorted. “I doubt that’ll happen.”
“Hm.” They fell into silence while Nik finished wrapping up Cam’s foot before getting to his feet in time for Cameron to say, “You might as well bring a few of our shirts to the angel. The one he’s wearing isn’t going to last long.”
tagging: @idreamonpaper @incandescent-creativity @solangelo3088 @halstudies @alittleyellowdinosaur
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canid-slashclaw · 5 years
The Outliers - A Guild Wars Love Story
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7,
Chapter 8 "Easy, son. We'll take this one step at a time. Just watch were yer walkin'," Daniel said to his son as they carried a wagon wheel over to the craftsman shed. "I'm fine, father. It would take quite a lot for my wounds to spring any leaks."
"That's what they all say until it happens. Exercise is good for mendin' the body. But the way you abuse yours, those wounds might not ever heal properly."
Kaleb helped his father hoist the massive wheel onto the augur then placed a securing pin through the vertical spindle. He looked over the array of tools then picked up one of the rawhide mallets and began vigorously tapping some wooden pegs into place.
"I'm just trying to get back into the fight, that's all. Once this thing heals, I'll be good as new," he said while pointing his thumb towards his back.
His father just shook his head and scoffed. "No question where you get your tenacity from, that's for sure."
"Hey. Once I'm done here, I would very much like to head on over to see Ulfgar. I haven't seen that old norn since before my deployment."
"He'll be delighted to see ya of course. Go right on ahead, son. I'll take care of things from here."
The elder Grimwald waved for his son to leave just as the youngest member came rushing out from the back kitchen door.
"Katie! Hi sweetheart." His youngest sister rushed up to him then gave him a big hug.
"My goodness. You have the strength of a bear. Did some norn kid slip some animal spirit ale in your drink?" Kaleb laughed as he spun his youngest sister around. Within seconds, he winced in pain forgetting that the war wound was still quite painful.
But in spite of his injuries, he made absolutely sure to hold onto Katie as he gently brought her down to the ground.
"Awww. Does it still hurt? You don't need to spin me around if it hurts you."
He knelt down to look her in the eyes. "You don't hurt me one bit. I'm just a big, dumb brother who sometimes forgets his own limits sometimes. Isn't that right dad?"
Daniel smiled and waved to his youngest daughter then beckoned for her to come to him.
"C'mon, darlin'. Wanna help me fix up a wagon?"
She nodded then ran off to greet her father. Kaleb headed back inside to get into some better attire.
Several things had changed in the Grimwald household since Kaleb was away. For one, their family was one of the first to have indoor plumbing with hot and cold running water. And secondly, Rachel was taking a serious interest in attending one of the Asuran colleges in Rata Sum.
The warm shower felt so relaxing against his skin. A days' worth of grit and grime all washed away in a matter of minutes plus he never had to leave the house.
Warmth. He missed that sensation when she held his hands those five months ago. Her smile, although not human, was enough to bring a glow to his heart. Those amber eyes... how he longed for a chance to stare into them more deeply.
Kaleb closed his eyes as the steaming water streamed down his face. He could see her feline form lying on the bed, grooming herself. His mind began to wander, imaging other possibilities.
How would it be possible?
He pondered as he could feel his manliness rise to its fullest potential.
How would we be able to...
"Kaaaleeb. How long are you going to be in the bathroom?"
"Ahhh! Wait! Hold on just a minute Katie. I've gotta get dressed."
Jeese! Can't a man be left alone for just five minutes to contemplate carnal thoughts?
Kaleb headed to his familiar haunt, the Jotun's Corpse. If there was anyone in town who had connections to getting in touch with Amalthia, it would be him.
As he walked through the doors and towards his favorite barstool, he was immediately greeted by the mountainous norn who gave him the biggest, but one of the gentlest, bear hugs he had ever experienced.
"Welcome back to the lodge, boy! If I didn't know better, I swear I was looking at another norn."
"It's good to see you too, Ulf. So what makes you say that?"
"My boy. Tales of your ferocious battle have reached all the way to this humble watering hole. Normally I reserve bragging rights for myself, but today is your day."
The old norn grabbed a large copper goblet and spoon then started rapping the base of the drinking vessel with all his might. Everyone immediately took notice as the thunderous echo of his voice resonated throughout the tavern.
"Here ye. Here ye! Good denizens of Claypool. A newly minted town legend has returned and is standing before you today in these very halls. Kaleb Grimwald, a boy whom I knew since he was a wolf pup, has returned from a great battle and I am here to tell everyone of his heroic deeds."
"For it was those many months ago that he, and four of his bravest comrades faced and army of thousands of ravenous centaurs who were bent upon their total destruction. Did they falter?" Ulfgar paused then inclined his ear to the audience.
"NOoo!" The patrons shouted in unison.
"Did they shirk their duties?"
"Were they victorious?"
Kaleb stood there looking like a midget, compared to the norn, and just smiled. He knew that Ulfgar's days of adventure were long behind him and being able to tell a vicarious tale helped the old norn return to his glory days.
After the highly embellished account was finished and the merrymaking festivities had subsided, Kaleb sat down on his ever-familiar stool then soaked up as many lagers as his body could handle. He waited for a break in the revelry before asking the shaman about how to get in touch with a certain someone.
The old norn could sense that Kaleb had a question to ask so he went over and waved for the patrons nearby to leave. With the two of them sitting side-by-side Ulfgar folded his massive arms and smiled.
"What's on your mind, lad? You've got that I've-got-a-favor look on your face."
Kaleb knew that whenever Ulfgar referred to him as 'lad' it was on a much more serious and heartfelt note.
"First, I wanted to thank you for boasting about my heroic tale. And second, the numbers were just a wee bit inflated. It was hundreds of centaurs, not thousands."
"Bah. Just numbers. The people here know of your deeds and that is what they appreciate the most. Anyway, what was it that you really wanted to tell me?"
Kaleb traced the top of his stein with his left index finger before downing a draught. "Our suppliers were a couple of charr. The owner's daughter was the one who saved our lives. I just wanted to get in touch with her."
"Charrs, eh? Give me names, boy. That would be a good start."
"Let's see. The daughter's name is Amalthia. She has no last name since she's a gladium. And her father's name is Ludrick Crushsomethingorother."
"Crushblow! Centurion Ludrick Crushblow of the Fifty-First Blood Legion Brigade. Now that's a name I haven't heard mentioned by anyone in ages."
"So you know him?"
"Know him. Boy, he and I used to hang out all the time back during our great hunts. Every other week back when I lived just outside Hoelbrak, we could get together at the local pub and exchange some amazing tales. He's a good soul, lad. Don't let his fearsome appearance deceive you. He will stand by those who have honorable hearts," Ulfgar smiled as he took another drink.
"He always seemed like a grumpy old charr to me. But then, I never really got a chance to know him on a personal level like I did his daughter."
"Is that so? Well, what I can tell you is that there is more to him then you can possibly imagine. But in time, and if you are patient, you will learn these things."
"I hope to be that patient. By the way, what do you know about his daughter Amalthia?"
"Not much, I'm afraid. She was sent off to a fahrar before I really had a chance to know her. What I do know is that she was exiled from her warband for being unable to save one of her bandmates. It was supposedly due to her small physical size. Her warband leader blamed her for the death of their comrades and cast her out when she was nineteen. She's been living with her sire ever since."
"What about her mother? Amalthia mentioned her several times and in a none-too-good light I might add."
Kaleb downed the rest of his stein.
"Siri Blastfuse. Now that's a dam who has a heart as cold as Jormag itself. My advice - never cross her path."
"That bad, huh? I do know that Amalthia mentioned her mother more than once when listing off the negative things that went on in her life. She must have been a real bitch."
"Aaww. Now don't go insulting wolves that way, boy. My mother was Wolf Clan."
Kaleb looked at him sheepishly. "My apologies. I think the lager is taking effect. But I understand if you are unable to get in touch with her."
"No worries, lad. I'll find a way of keeping you and her in contact with each other."
"Good. If you can, I have a letter here that I've already written to her. If you can find a way, I would really appreciate it if you could forward it to her."
Kaleb handed the old norn a sealed envelope.
Tucking it into his shirt pocket, Ulfgar responded. "Consider it done, lad."
Feeling the effects of the alcohol, Kaleb tried to steady himself as he got up from his stool.
"Oh. One other thing... where is the nearest library?"
For the first time in their many years of knowing each other, Ulfgar was completely dumbstruck by the question. He scratched his beard for a moment with his fingers while pondering the question.
"Only one I know of is at the center of town. Why are you needin' a library for anyway?"
"Um. Learning new cooking recipes for when I get back into the army?"
"I think you've had too many lagers, boy. Go home to your folks and sleep it off. I promise it will all be better in the morning."
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themockingcrows · 4 years
Familiar Ch. 5: Quicken
This chapter is mildly not safe for work This chapter is available on my AO3! All the preparation in the world won't ready you for some things when it comes to cohabitating with a bird hybrid, but some things come more naturally than others.
     “Hold still,” Dave said, carefully aiming the shot so he could capture John and the surrounding moss in the shot. He’d been trusted with Dad’s camera for the day again, and he wasn’t going to mess up the chance to make the most of it. He’d already taken shots of the surrounding woods, but taking some nice shots of himself and of John were still high up on his list. He had to keep track of so many things with this camera: how much film was left, that the lens cap was off, that everything was in focus, that his hands didn’t shake, and God forbid that he didn’t drop the camera again.
     “How much longer till I can move,” John groaned as if he were dying. Seventeen years old, and he still didn’t have an ounce of patience to his name. Dave took a snap, pulled back from the camera and threw some leaves on top of John before adjusting them individually, trying to make it look as careless as if he’d been sleeping in the forest all autumn instead of dodging puddles of mud and praying it didn’t rain yet again before the shoot could be finished.
     “Close your eyes and stay still,” Dave grumped, snapping a few pictures at different angles before giving the go ahead to rise.
     Grunting, John sat up and pulled leaves out of his hair, dusting sticky flecks of dirt and moss off his jacket and the back of his head. “Oh FINALLY, my ass was going numb. Do you realize how cold the ground is out here?”
     “I was born outside, John.”
     “I mean currently. With a human ass. Human ass thermometer says it’s too cold to be sitting on the ground,” John explained, coming to stand closer to Dave’s side as he looked around. “Where else did you wanna take pictures? It’s supposed to rain later, Dad wouldn’t want his camera wet.”
     “I know. I was thinking somewhere a bit further… there’s a stand of trees and this huge pile of rocks, I wanna get some angles of that.”
     “Big pile of rocks. Exciting.”
     “It’s a huge pile, John, wait till you see it.”
     John hummed and nodded to show he was listening and believing as much as he could, but it was difficult. For one, he was chilled and Dave’s fascination with photography could be tiring to keep up with. For another… he was distracted.
     Dave had been more hands on the last few weeks, more touchy feely than usual. He lingered with wake up kisses, kept finding more and more excuses to settle on John’s lap. He also kept making sure John got the bigger half of things suddenly, making sure his plate was first in the line and that he got plenty of snacks. Dave kept being caught staring, watching, lingering in doorways to keep track of where John was. He’d improved his rock collection with shiny stones from here and there… though also he was gifted with bottle caps and soda pop tabs, beads and odds and ends from around the house and up in the attic. It was sweet, really, but it was a bit confusing, a ramp up on his usual behavior.
     Noticing so much of Dave’s abnormal behavior was making John notice Dave and his mannerisms more. The way he touched his face when he was crouched on a chair, the way he flipped his hair out of his eyes but refused to let Dad trim it shorter, the way his face screwed up when he got a good scratch between the shoulder blades, the way his wings twitched and splayed out when it was grooming time. The way he smiled, frowned, the way his face relaxed when he napped against his shoulder in the afternoons while John worked on schoolwork.
     “Huh? What.”
     “The rocks are here,” Dave said, gesturing proudly. “I was asking what you think. Thought,” he corrected.
     John blinked, realizing he’d been following without paying attention. He glanced around to orient himself before taking in the view. The rocks were, as promised, pretty sweet. They were massive boulders with moss and speckled markings, balanced atop other boulders. The very top held a decrepit sapling that had tried to flourish and dried upon death, dangling at an angle by its roots. John whistled softly at it.
     “Okay, this is cool. What kind of pictures did you want?”
     Considering for a moment, Dave soon gave directions for John to climb the first stone and sit in different ways, standing on the last shot, before carefully coming down. If they were developed right, they’d hopefully come out looking how they did in Dave’s head. Maybe if they were in black and white they’d be more pressing, or sepia…
     “Hey, let me take a few shots of you,” John offered with a grin, reaching for the camera. “I bet your wings would look great against the stone.”
     Dave’s wings abruptly fluffed and splayed out showily before stretching and flattening out. He cleared his throat, coughed, and righted his wings again.
     “Yeah! Go up where I was and crouch. Maybe ditch the jacket, if you can handle the temperature,” he said, holding the camera up in front of one of his glasses lenses and smirking, crouching down to one knee for the full effect before standing up again. Okay, that was silly, he couldn’t see from that angle.
     Hesitating for a moment, Dave pulled his jacket off and flared his wings again, flapping them a few times before he turned and scaled the rock face, finding the stable point John had been at before turning around and crouching. As expected, the dark feathers against the stone looked amazing in the dull light, and John found himself wishing he was better at photography to catch it in some better light. Maybe when they were home he could get a look at the feathers under the light and get a snap of them there, black and faintly iridescent close up where the filaments of feather connected.
     “Got it! Come on down!” John called, grinning as Dave splayed his wings and hopped down, coasting a bit before flapping to stabilize his landing. When John grinned broadly at him, Dave’s wings twitched and tried to flatten out once more, fluttering when he turned to pick up his jacket and pull it back on. 
     A stick broke in the distance, though it didn’t catch Dave’s attention. John’s attention, however? He was predisposed to being overly aware of their surroundings when his head wasn’t in the clouds, especially when they were away from the yard. It was his job, guarding Dave’s existence from the outside. This deep in the woods should be safe, but there were natural threats to worry about, bears and other creatures.
     ...Or humans.
     In this case, a hiker with a cell phone who was staring at them from a ways away before freezing and taking off running the opposite direction as if pursued. Cursing, John stuffed the camera back into Dave’s bare hands before grasping his upper arm and tugging, dragging him into a run the other direction.
     “Fuck, wait,” Dave cawed, trying to cover the lens with the cap without dropping the camera before adjusting his grip and hurrying along after John, back towards the house. They sprinted, John leading them astray till things started to look more familiar and he corrected the route since Dave was the one who’d led them in this time, and didn’t stop till they reached the edge of the woodline.
     Slowly, John sank down into a crouch and grasped the back of his head with both hands, panting heavily as he listened to his pulse hammering in his ears. “Shit, shit, shit… Shit.”
     “John?” Dave panted, watching him before mimicking him, crouching down. One wing stretched out and curled loosely around John’s back like an arm, shielding him while he was down. “...John?” he asked again, worried.
     “I’m fine. It’s okay. We’re fine. This is totally okay. We were just seen by a stranger with a phone, no big deal,” John rambled, only to go quiet and croon an upset noise out once more. 
     Biting his lip, Dave considered his choices. He looked around the empty yard, the distant shape of Dad’s car parked in front on the gravel, the shriveled remains of the garden and the last crops that hadn’t been picked yet, the vast amount of pumpkins on display. He looked back over his shoulder, back towards the woods he knew so well from before, then back to John’s shaking shoulders and panicked expression.
     “Oh fuck, oh man, oh God Dad’s gonna be pissed off why wasn’t I watching clos-”
     Dave had leaned and grasped John’s chin, holding it carefully as he pecked his lips once. Twice. Three times. Normally he’d pull back then and nuzzle while cawing affectionately… but this time Dave remained in place, lip to lip. He was letting out a soft sound, croaky singsong noises that were surprisingly comforting to hear, and didn’t pull back till John’s breathing was slower and calm.
     Dave just grinned at him and fluttered his wings hopefully, giving them small shivery shakes before folding them against his back once more.
     “...Heh. Haha. Hahahahaha.”
     Caught up in the giggles, Dave adjusted his glasses and shook his head, holding a hand up begging for a moment to collect himself. It took the full minute before he could wheeze. “I’m s- Ahahaha. I’m sorry. Just. Fuck I was so freaked out and suddenly I’m getting kissed and just?? Ahaha that’s just so funny for some reason. Can’t panic while you’re being kissed I guess? Off switch located on the lips.”
     Dave’s grin widened and he leaned forwards to repeat the kiss now that John was laughing, which only made him giggle more. The camera was set aside in favor of Dave crawling messily onto John’s lap, knocking him over, and then crawling up his body to keep the kiss going. They were a pile of laughter and kisses, Dave’s wings splaying out over the two of them and John’s hands playing along Dave’s ribs to tickle him, making him join in the giggles.
     It was so hard to be stressed around Dave. It’s like he outright didn’t allow it to happen. Fuck he was lucky to have a friend like him.
     ...Er. ...Was he just a friend? Had he ever been just a friend, when so much hinged on making sure he was happy and safe and by his side? When his daily morning routine involved kisses and affection that John knew he wouldn’t feel comfortable doing with anyone else?
     He was still being kissed by Dave when the giggles died down and he didn’t feel the urge to break it off or push him away. John felt warm in his stomach, a flush in his cheeks and down his back, lightheaded from the rush of laughter and the sudden stimulation. Dave was warm against him, his body weight slight but welcome, and the shadow of his wings beautiful against the dim light of the sky. John forgot how cold his ass was on the ground, that his dad might be able to see them. All that mattered then was keeping Dave close for just a little longer.
     Lifting both hands up, John grasped Dave’s waist before raising up higher to touch the base of his wings, getting a soft, startled caw out of Dave before they fluttered and flattened out again as they had earlier. What was up with that? Or with the throaty noises Dave was making? It was cute, sort of like a sound effect from a game, clicky and croaky and tinged with the warm tones of his voice.
     All good things come to an end. Dave was the one who eventually parted the kiss, face flushed and body stiff. He was arching away a bit, body seeming to want more contact but trying to avoid it at the same time. Specifically, he was keeping his hips awa-
     … Oh.
     Clearing his throat, John gently pushed at Dave’s shoulders to get him off his lap, realizing he was at risk of the exact same thing. This was normal. Well. Not normal for them persay, but it was a natural thing to have happen? Fuck, he hoped he didn’t need to have a chat with him about it. Or worse, Dad.
     … Then again, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. He’d handled the introduction to those things well enough when John himself was learning them, maybe having The Talk with him wouldn’t be life ruining. 
     Wait, why was he thinking about this, there were bigger problems at hand.
     “Dave, we need to tell Dad what happened.”
     As if remembering minutes earlier, Dave’s tense frame wilted and he nodded, glancing back to the camera before he crawled over to pick it up. Well. At least they’d managed to get a lot of pictures before being interrupted. … Not to mention getting to kiss him, that had been nice. Very nice, if the zinging in his pants was anything to go by.
     Slowly rising, adjusting his jeans and dusting debris off of himself again, John slapped either side of his face a few times. “Okay. Okay, we’ll just go inside and Dad’ll be all ‘Hello, son! How are you!’ and I’ll be all ‘Hey Dad! We got seen by a hiker!’ and he’ll be all..” John trailed off, realizing he wasn’t sure what his father would say or do. He groaned quietly.
     “John,” Dave said, reaching a hand out. It was a simple gesture, a single word being a command as much as his name, an offer of comfort. John took his hand and laced their fingers before slowly starting the walk towards the house.
     They were still peeling their jackets off when James strolled into the mud room with a smile. “There you two are. I’ve got some hot apple cider to share, if you boys would have some with the pie from earlier.”
     Leave it to his dad to bake circles around everyone, but the idea of hot cider and some fresh pie was good, especially after the time in the woods.
     “Sure, Dad.” Might as well get him nice and busy first. No, no, putting it off was bad. Gnawing his lip and squeezing Dave’s hand tight once again, he shook his head. “Dad? Something… something happened.”
     Almost immediately James’ stance changed and his eyes narrowed, looking them both over from head to toe, checking for injuries or signs of damage. With no sign of blood of serious scuffs, he let out a pent breath and smiled again.
     “Take a breath and tell me, Son, it can’t be that bad. I’ve seen your surprises before after all,” he said, gesturing to Dave before turning to head to the kitchen, the unsaid request for them to follow him hanging in the air.
     “We uhm. We went to go take pictures, yeah?” John said, taking a seat at the table.
     “Is the camera damaged? It’s okay if it is, but I’d like to know.”
     “No, camera is fine,” Dave promised. “Not a scratch.”
     “...You’re making me a bit concerned,” James chuckled as he cut apple pie into even slices and pulled out some whipped cream to top them with. “Go ahead and tell me before I start jumping to more conclusions.”
     “Well uh. We.. We got the pictures,” John said encouragingly. “Then someone… might have probably seen Dave. Their phone was up, too. They might have gotten pictures.”
     James slowed to a halt at the news before slowly making himself start to move again, bringing over the pie slices before going to get big mugs of cider for each boy’s place. He didn’t speak till everyone had a mug, and even then he was quiet as he sat down with a soft sigh, warming his hands on his cup. 
     “How close were they to you? Close enough to tell they’re not a costume?”
     “I don’t know,” admitted John, looking down at his pie, one hand still clasped in Dave’s. It helped. “They looked fairly far away.”
     “Well. I’ll keep an eye out for any signs of things, but odds are if they weren’t close, any photo they could get wouldn’t be the best quality,” James said. He smiled a bit. “We all knew this day might come. We’ll just deal with it best we can. Okay, son?”
     John pulled up a smile the best he could, but he still felt worry. The smile faded and he eventually released Dave’s hand to clasp his mug, tilting the contents and swirling flecks of cinnamon and thicker liquid around the bottom. Home made cider really was the best.
     “What do we do if the word gets out, though?” he asked, looking over to Dave. Though the bird boy had taken a sip of cider and seemed content, he’d taken out his chewing toy from beneath his shirt and was idly gnawing at it while the conversation remained intense, stress bouncing his teeth on the material. Gone were the days of stress biting elsewhere, but it was still a reminder that the topic needed to ease out soon enough or that toy wouldn’t last nearly as long as it could under normal circumstances.
     “We’ll deal with it one step at a time, as it happens,” James promised. “If anyone comes knocking from the press, we’ll just have to keep Dave cloaked for a while. If anyone comes knocking from our higher authority… well. We’ll tell the truth and hope they understand the circumstances and that you were just a child.”
     John’s stomach ached a bit, but he nodded. It was the best answer he could get given the circumstances, and it wouldn’t do to push further hoping for more. He finally took a sip of the warm liquid, feeling it slip down his throat to soothe his stomach like a hug. “Okay, Dad.”
     “Now, let’s lighten up those faces, you look like the council is breathing down our necks already,” James chuckled. “What if Dave becomes his own form of notoriety? A… oh, what’s the word. A cryptid.”
     “Like Moth Man or the Jersey Devil?” John asked. Dave looked at him, confused, not understanding. He spit his toy out to go back to sipping his drink, then set the mug aside to dig into the pie wholeheartedly. Even stress wasn’t enough to deter Dave’s appetite when snacks were involved, especially not freshly baked ones. 
     “Yes, precisely,” James said, before explaining the basic premise of a cryptid to Dave. “You see, if enough people believe a winged boy exists in the woods… the funnier and less real it sounds. The fewer people would believe the story to begin with.”
     “But then you’d also get diehards who’d want to practically live in the woods, stalk the house, and never buzz off,” John warned. “We’d have to move!”
     James pursed his lips as if the idea’s downside had only then occurred to him. “My. You may have a point there, John. Perhaps that wouldn’t be ideal after all.”
     “I think being a cryptid would be fun, I could scare people,” Dave said, cawing loudly a few times and flaring his wings out in a showy fashion before they rustled and went back to normal folded against his back and the back of the chair.
     “Hah! Well, at least he’s game if it came to that,” James chuckled. “Ah, I’ll develop the pictures for you later. Do you want them a certain way?”
     “Black and white, please,” Dave asked. “Or sepia. I like how those look.”
     Nodding, he reached for the camera and checked the number of shots left. “Hmm. We’ve got a few left on this roll. How about you keep the camera for now, and give it back when all the pictures are used up instead?”
     “Are you sure?” Dave asked, pausing his pie destruction to look up with wide eyes.
     “Positive. You’ve been very careful with my camera and it shows, I trust you with it.
     Giddy, Dave beamed at him and went back to devouring the pie slice and whipped cream, getting a dab on his cheek and nose in his excited fervor of snacking. Laughing, John reached over with a finger to scoop the cream off, popping it into his own mouth without a second thought.
     The sound from outside came first as a soft, low rumble that steadily grew in intensity until the windows rattled. Everyone went quiet before James looked to the window and hummed.
     “Ah. The rain should be coming any minute now, then. The clouds were looking ready to burst all day today.”
     “Should we get the candles? That was a lot of thunder.”
     “Candles might be a good idea. Be ready to cast a few orbs as well for your room when you go to sleep, you know how dangerous it is to sleep with candles lit.”
     “We know, Dad, don’t worry. Right, Dave?”
     “Mhmm. Yessir,” he said quickly, rubbing his face with his forearm before putting his hands on the table and using them to push himself up from his seat. He scampered out of the room before coming back to put his dishes in the sink, then took off again at a dash, already knowing where the candles and matches were stored in their preparedness boxes and knowing which scented ones he wanted to use more than others.
     “I promise, John. Everything will be okay,” James said softly once they were alone. “Try not to worry about anything. We’ve come this far and gone this long without any issues, we can handle a few bumps in the road. We’re family, after all.”
     “Okay, Dad. Thanks,” John said, finishing his snack up before going to hug his father, accepting the kiss to the side of the head and the firm squeeze of two large arms that eventually released him. “What’s for dinner later?”
     “Leftovers,” James said. “And if the power goes out, snacks. Remember, don-”
     “Don’t open the fridge, you’ll let all the cold out and it’s a pain in the neck to adjust cooling spells to the precise temperature in a confined space for however long it’d be out,” John rattled off. “I know, I know. Don’t worry. I remember the icicle milk.”
     James chuckled, eyes crinkling at the edges as he stood up to take care of the dishes. “Go help Dave then, and make sure the windows upstairs are all shut for me?”
     “Alright,” John called before taking off at a jog to catch up with the bird boy.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     The storm that hit the house that night was bigger than anticipated. It didn’t knock the power out, but it was taking every opportunity to rattle the windows threateningly, to pelt the car with debris and what they were pretty sure sounded like hail, and to put pressure on every single tree in the forest. Breaking branches rang out like gunshots in the blackness, startling everyone who heard them.
     Though they didn’t need them, John and Dave lit candles anyway, while John got a few light orbs going in different colors to drift lazily around the room, set to dissipate within several hours like gently floating nightlights. Dave was blissful with the scent of the ocean and the soft shadows the candles cast against the wall, curled up against John’s side on his bunk as John read a book. The camera had been left on the desk for now, safe and out of the way. His book didn’t hold his attention for too long, however, not with Dave pressed so warm up against his side and memories of earlier rushing through his head.
     Unable to take it any longer, John coughed and set the book aside.
     “Hey, uh. Dave? About earlier. What uh. ...What were you doing?”
     “Earlier?” Dave asked, looking up from where the book was set, confused. “How much earlier.”
     “You know what I mean, right? The kiss?” John asked, keeping his voice down to avoid his dad hearing. The last thing he needed was a Congrats On The Liplock! Cake in the morning. “You uhm. It was different from the ones you normally do, like in the mornings.”
     Dave nodded as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Of course it was different, John, weren’t you paying attention?
     “...Why?” John finally asked.
     Here was where things got a bit difficult to answer. Dave opened his mouth, closed it, tried again and failed again. When the words wouldn’t come he puffed up and made an agitated cawing sound before dropping his head back to look up towards the ceiling and underside of the upper bunk to try finding the words hidden there instead.
     “...Was it okay?” was what he finally asked.
     “I’m. Well. ...Yeah. It was okay,” John finally said. It had been more than okay, actually. It had been kind of fantastic in the moment, but how could he explain that?
     “Can I do it again?” Dave asked, cocking his head.
     “Do. ...Do you want to?” John asked.
     Dave smiled at him and nodded, already moving to straddle John once more, before John put his hands on his shoulders, face flaming. “Whoa, whoa, hold on. Just. Give me a second,” he said, fluster growing more intense when Dave didn’t seem phased. Though held back, he spread his wings and flattened them out as he had before, crooning that soft, croaking song once again as he bobbed his head a few times, eyes looking slightly glazed.
     “...Are. Are you flirting with me when you do that?”
     Dave paused his crooning, face reddening, and looked askew.
     “Is this a bird flirting thing? Earlier too?”
     Slowly, Dave leaned back and covered his face with his hands as he started to make the crooning noise again.
     “It is, isn’t it! It’s. Wait, no, birds don’t flirt. Oh my God is that a bird sex thing?” John asked, smirking. Shit, Dave looked pretty cute like this, burning red in the face in the candlelight and trying to continue making his sounds as if he wasn’t able to stop himself from doing it. 
     It suddenly all made so much sense. The extra food, the preference for him going first in things, the shiny odds and ends, the staring, the extra touches. All of it made sense. ...Mostly.
     “How long?” John asked quietly.
     Slowly, Dave uncovered his face and wet his lips, the crooning noises stopping prematurely.
     “...Always,” Dave said. “You’re always my most important. Most special. Mine,” he said haltingly.
     Dave had been a fully grown crow before becoming a humanoid and growing again, adjusting to his new life. He had new habits to learn, new things to adjust to. John had never set him loose before, there had never been a chance for his familiar to breed if there’d even been an interest. Yet seeing him now, hearing him crooning, watching the displays and making sense of how hard he’d been trying it seemed obvious that Dave had chosen his partner already.
     It was just up to John to accept or not.
     Easy choice, after so long of being together and closer than close.
     John reached his hands up and rested them on Dave’s hips again, waiting till he set his hands on his chest to balance before reaching up to kiss him once, twice, three gentle times, following the morning pattern. Dave pressed forward for the fourth time and held it, eyes closed and head tilted to deepen the gesture. John kneaded at Dave’s hips, keeping him close before humming into the kiss.
     Dave’s lips still tasted like cinnamon from the pie and drink earlier, sweet and welcoming. He was a warm, comforting weight on his lap, and when he eventually stiffened and tried to pull away again, John tensed his arms to keep him scooped close. No escape. Dave hesitated… then dipped his hips forward instead of trying to go back, grinding downwards.
     The candlelight grew brighter and flickered wildly, while the orbs above whirled around quicker and bounced into each other aimlessly like drunken marbles. Earlier, they’d stopped short of this but now there was no reason not to see where the rabbit hole led. John felt himself stirring down below, but decided well enough was well enough and ignored it. He was satisfied that Dave didn’t pull away when he released his hips, hands drifting up to instead touch softly at his wings, tracing feathers as they spread out. The bird shivered when he felt fingers tracing between his shoulder blades, the sensitive skin around where the wings protruded, then up towards his neck.
     They wouldn’t go further than this, deepening kisses and warm touches, the shy press of body on body as stiffness appeared. John knew he’d need to have a conversation with Dave about it after all, probably explain a few other things… including some ground rules for the displays in front of his father, if all of those behaviors were flirting. There had to be limitations on things if everyone was going to keep living happily together, after all.
     John felt Dave’s tongue and shyly opened his mouth to the invasion, allowing him even closer. Time swept away and all they focused on was warmth and touching of shoulders, hips, faces, chests. The taste of lip and skin, the sound of heartbeats syncing up as if hearing a song their hearts had long forgotten and falling into line. Safety.
     The storm raged outside, but all that Dave and John were focused on was each other, only separating when they had to come up for air, smiling shyly and laughing before falling together again to kiss gentle and sweet. There was hunger there, just under the surface, but tonight? Tonight there was no place for hunger, just the wonder of being alive and together in the same space.
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willow-of-hingashi · 5 years
Fighting Something Fierce [RP]
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(( Rating: PG-13 ))
(( Trigger Warning: Mentions and displayed symptoms of an eating disorder, crude language, discussion of death )) (( Genre: Slice of Life, Angst ))
(( Cast: Emmaline Ibori of @the-firetouched​ and Nobuyuki ‘Ichihiko’ Ienaka ))
Emmaline Ibori a hefty knock is heard on the door, followed by a muffled "It's me."
Nobuyuki Ienaka slipped shut the shinpo he was reading, going to slide it underneath the zataku to hide it. Perhaps a bit too far. . . he'd regret that later. With that, he rose, going along to get the door. "Ibori-san," he began with a soft smile. "So good to see you again. Come in, come in. I can make some tea."
Emmaline Ibori nods quickly, stepping in. She's more used to his politeness now, but it feels like a different thing entirely for her when it isn't around a bunch of people. She feels like a coarse pighair or something. The thought makes her blush a little orange. "Ah, yeah. Sounds good." She stuffs her hands in her pockets a moment as she steps in, as if afraid to mke his apartment dirty. "Nice little place you got."
Nobuyuki Ienaka shrugged as he closed the door. "You have my thanks. It really isn't much, but it was nice enough to afford on my salary from the okiya." Then, he moved away to head towards the kitchenette. "I was just reading an article about how to spot an authentic katana, compared to fake props made by tourist centers and scam artists. I think you would be interested in it."
Emmaline Ibori follows in nervously. The large pack is upon her shoulder once again, bearing within his gift. "...I would. Not that I got the...the, you know, fancy touch for something like that." Maybe one day. "Sorry I had ta leave the party early the other day...my Da called and he never does that. Thought he was dyin," she jokes flatly.
Nobuyuki Ienaka canted his head, pursing his chapped lips; he typically seemed more well-groomed. "I hope he was alright," he responded, just then looking down to Emma's shoes. ". . . ah, you can leave those at the door. Your boots, I mean. I'm trying to keep the wood quality and all so the landlord doesn't throw more of a fit than finding out I'm looking to get a pet snake!"
Emmaline Ibori looks down and curses herself lightly. She always forgets this rule...mostly because back home you're better off keeping shoes on..."Shit, sorry," she says, before hurrying to take them off. "Yeah, he was fine, just suddenly remembered I'd been out of the house a while." She shakes her head. The man tries, she supposed... She returns, shoeless. "A pet snake?" She grins a little at this. "I'll be honest, didn't peg ye for the type."
Nobuyuki Ienaka shook his head, smiling. The gesture made it more apparent that underneath his jaw line was puffy, but not exactly red. "Yes, I've been looking for a little creature to care for. I've thought, why not a snake? I've been really torn between a carpet python or a butterfly adder, but I may consider the python as it is less. . . dangerous, though the adders have good temperaments. Usually." He set a full kettle on the stove to boil. "They're beautiful in their own way, snakes. Elegant but capable predators."
Emmaline Ibori listens to this intently, but the subtle offness to his appearance begins to catch her eye, and she loses track of the conversation. She takes a few intent steps toward him before she realizes what she's doing. "You get into a fight recently?" she asks bluntly, before blinking and backtracking. "Er....not that it's my business otherwise but since I'm ye bodyguard I thought..."
Nobuyuki Ienaka 's brows furrowed in confusion as Emma came over, seeming genuinely uncertain where the question arose from. "No? I don't. . . I have you for that." The way he spoke, nothing seemed broken. Just irritated. Casually, he moved towards the table, though in passing it was apparent the area around his eyes had specks of red. Possibly broken blood vessels, but his makeup obscured some of it. "Come. I've brought your Starlight gift home with me, for safe keeping. It's fitting we make an exchange at the same time, no? Such is Starlight tradition, apparently. I've luckily found a chest to put yours in!"
Emmaline Ibori moves to sit across from him, which gives her time to regroup from her embarrassment. Something IS off, she can feel it, but Sterrwyda back home had beaten her over the head (lovingly) enough for outright stating someone who cared for their looks "looked tired" or something like that. So she sits and hoists her bag to the side as she reconsiders her approach. "I didn't," she says, sheepish. "Do you wanna go first or me?"
Nobuyuki Ienaka rubbed the back of his neck with his gloved hand. "Oh, goodness. . . I don't think you can take a chest home. . . maybe it wouldn't be so bad to open our gifts a day or two before Starlight." He shrugged, then going over to the nearby door. "Excuse me for one moment." He head inside to fiddle with something that sounded heavy. "O-Okay, close your eyes!"
Emmaline Ibori: "Heh." But she does close her eyes. If he needed help he would call right...?
Nobuyuki Ienaka head outside the room, his footsteps shuffling audibly as he tries to navigate through the doorway. "Okay, open!" His biceps are bulging while supporting the weight of the axe he was carrying. It was a refined, light-colored steel, pieced together at the handle with saurian leather. Within the head were elegantly constructed pattern; a dragon. "I've thought this was fitting enough for you. . . I do hope you like it!"
Emmaline Ibori opens her eyes and then nearly shoots to her feet. "Holy shit!" she says -- clearly appreciative -- as she hoists the axe in her hands. She feels its balance and its weight. "Ha! Wow...where did you find this? It's incredible!"
Nobuyuki Ienaka beamed with pride at Emma's reaction as he hoists the axe into her arms. "It's a secret," he cooed, "But perhaps Naldiq and Vymelli's made a special order for me. . . you know, dragons are a symbol of prosperity and good luck in the Far East. They are almost worshipped in Doma! I hope it brings you luck wherever the head lands so it strikes true. . . but I have no doubts with your talents."
Emmaline Ibori grins so brightly at Nobu -- it may be one of the few truly genuine smiles she's given in a long time. "...wow. I dunno what to say except thank you...I'm really honored!" She steps away to practice swinging it a few times. Ah. Nice. She turns back to him, smiling, though a bit sheepish now. "Heh, I should probably give you yours...though it uh...I got it in Thavnair cuz it made me think of...things you like." She clears her throat as she gently places the axe against the doorway near the exit, and then returns to the bag by the table. She digs a moment, and then pulls out a shimmery, sumptuous cloth...a gold and red brocade in the traditional style. She can't quite meet his face. "I'm...no good at this sort of thing but...anyway..."
Nobuyuki Ienaka placed his hands over his chest before going to take the brocade, running his fingers over it. "Oh, you really shouldn't have, Ibori-san. . . it's /gorgeous/! This is from Thavnair?" He looked back up to her again, his eyes bright, despite their puffiness. "I will have to commission this into a dress. Yes, that would be perfect. . . oh, and I know exactly what kind! Something long and flowing. . . oh, I can't wait! Something Hingan-inspired, with no collar or sleeves. . ." Abruptly, his gaze sank. "Perhaps with a shawl. . . I-I don't know if I could pull it off like that, but thank you. Really, thank you. It's gorgeous."
Emmaline Ibori: "Why not?" she asks, emboldened by his bright response to the gift. "You look good. You got toned arms. I couldn't wear that cuz I'd look like a chocobo in a blanket. But you'd look great." She seems legit confused by this statement. "I know you been a delight at the Onsen. Whoever this Johdi was or whatever."
Nobuyuki Ienaka touched his arms lightly with his right hand; the scabs on the knuckles made apparent. "Well, I mean. . . I think you're beautiful." His eyes shifted away. "I-I mean. . . I just do what I can for work. Just enough." A little more quickly and in a softer voice, he'd added, "Besides, I've broken up with Johdi."
Emmaline Ibori scoffs a little when he calls her beautiful, mostly out of instinct, but she gets the feeling he means it more than other people would and blushes. Still, he seems thrown off enough...and the admission regarding Johdi alongside with the scabbed up hand has her concerned. "...did it go okay?" She takes a moment and rubs her temples. "Look. I'm real bad at this, so, sorry, but...you seem...I dunno. Did she upset you real bad?"
Nobuyuki Ienaka set the staff of brocade down on the table. "It went fine- she accepted it great. W-We're still friends, I just. . . I'm not upset." Out of nowhere, his tone became accusing. Irritable. "I'm perfectly fine. Why do you care?" Currently, it was like someone else had taken his body. He'd felt that way, too. He was scowling, but his eyes shimmered slightly.
Emmaline Ibori recoils slightly at the sudden change in tone. Immediately, her mind centers and clears, as if about to enter a fight, and her hands clench -- but when she scans the situation, she realizes it may not be a fight at all. More like...she'd poked the nest, went a little far. Maybe he was right. Maybe she was stepping where she shouldn't. But she glances to the axe by the door. He cared, or he wouldn't have made that, right? She's not an idiot, and fairness is important to her. Equal exchange. So she thinks about it. Turning it over and over in her head in thick silence, watching him, until a dawning of something darkens her eyes. "It's my job, for starters," she says, real calm like. "And I ain't an idiot or a fool or you wouldn'a hired me. I also don't pry none else if you don't want. But...I..." She extends her hands out, before letting them slap to her sides again. "I just see what I see. Pretty flower fightin' somethin' real fierce."
Nobuyuki Ienaka recoiled slightly as if in disgust. Likely at his own actions rather than Emma's. He was tempted to blurt out that she wouldn't understand, but the root of it all, the start of it all. . . she'd probably could. "It's not that bad," he instead tries to insist, turning his face away from reality. "Sometimes I overeat. I don't. . . I can't become overweight. Then. . ." Then nobody would want him anymore. "The geisha at Sanjo Hanamachi-- they only cared because I was a 'pretty flower'." His eyes scavenged the room, searching for an answer that wasn't there. Only his father would understand him. ". . . you're angry, aren't you. Just like my mother was." He pushed the brocade further on the table and took a few steps away. ". . . maybe it is time for you to leave."
Emmaline Ibori raises her hands as if to show she had no weapons in this fight. "I ain't mad," she says, and her tone is truthful. "I ain't. I just a bit of...a chocobo in a glass shop? Never was good at keeping out of where I don't belong. If I think there's trouble..." She rubs the back of her neck. "...I'll leave if that's what you want. I din't come to upset ye, Ichihiko, honest." She clears her throat. "Ichihiko-san."
Nobuyuki Ienaka | People needed to stop becoming what they believed would make Nobuyuki approve. That was his job and his alone. Slowly, he turned, his feet padding lightly against the wood as his arms hung by his sides. "No. . . it is unbecoming of me to throw you out. I. . . I shouldn't do that. I'm sorry." He faced Emma. . . and bowed. He kept it for a while. "I can't stop making these mistakes," he stated. "I shouldn't burden you with them. . . I'm sorry. . ."
Emmaline Ibori squints at this in mild confusion. They were bouncin 'round like a marble on a shaky road, as Sterrwyda would say (also confusingly). But she felt that to be right. "What mistakes? You din't do anything 'cept get pissed when I step into not-my-business, which is yer right." All this about saving face -- it did not yet compute fully with her.  "I jus'..." She scowls. It's kinda amusing on her face in this context.
Emmaline Ibori: "I'm yer professional bodyguard, aye, but if you need help I can probably fit you in on the off hours. If ye needed." A gruff woman's bad attempt at saying that she cares.
Emmaline Ibori: "And...'scuse my language, but fuck 'em. Wear the dress. Eat what you want. Who's gonna tell you what to do now, the Gods?"
Nobuyuki Ienaka remained in place. A droplet of water fell from one of his eyes and landed on the corner of the table, reflecting light in that spot. "That. . . is the problem," he responded. "I feel so empty. . . I just eat. It fills me up until I get sick. Even when I'm not, I /make/ myself sick. Nobody. . . nobody was ever supposed to know." His eyes squeezed shut, still not looking to Emma, even upon rising. "It was supposed to be my burden my bear! I don't understand. . . why would you make time for someone pathetic, like me?" His hands rose to cover his face, like a child hiding from the truth when they've gotten caught.
Emmaline Ibori steps forward, hands hovering outward. She remembers enough at least to know that Hingans have Rules about this sort of thing, and its likely weird enough to be crying. On top of that, she's truly horrible at emoting like a normal Spoken being. She frowns heavily as he discusses his unfillable emptiness -- a problem she is not qualified to fix -- but when he turns the question upon her, she is unable to stop a mild 'heh'.
Emmaline Ibori: "Why ye think I'm still a freelancer after all this time?" she says. She smiles, but its self-effacing. "I ain't smart but I know meself well enough. I'm..." She looks away, gathering up her words. "...always lookin' for somethin' that ends up not bein' there. It's easier to freelance than pretend I'm part of something." She says nothing else about it, but this clearly has hit some core aspect of her. "But...fuck. Sometimes you just need a fuckin' friend, ya know? And like I said. Not too smart. So I always end up stickin' my nose in too far." Her tone is lightened -- perhaps to make him laugh.
Nobuyuki Ienaka slowly removed his hands from his face, revealing streams of black makeup running down his swollen cheeks. ". . . even if I'm not an exciting friend. . ." he replied, his shoulders slumping. "I don't go and fight pirates like you. I just talk to them until they get so drunk they're pissing in places they shouldn't be." He almost managed a smile. A teeny tiny one. "I appreciate it, but. . . I don't know what to do. Ever since Father passed. . . I haven't found someone who understands me the same way."
Emmaline Ibori: "Fightin' pirates can also get old," she says with a smirk. "You can damn trust me on that. I ain't fixin' to go to sea for a minute after my last job...but. Anyway." She leans back a little and crosses her arms over her chest, huffing mildly as she observes him. "Even seafarers sometimes have ta...stop. Everyone's got their thing. I'm not a good talker, Ichihiko-san, ye know that. I can listen. And...maybe you can find something that helps. Someone good at listenin' maybe."
Nobuyuki Ienaka worked with his fingers warily, looking down at the calluses. "I'll. . . I'll think about it," he replied, resigning his previously defensive stance. Just then, the kettle screeched, causing Nobuyuki to rush over, running eye makeup and all, to take it off. "Ah, right, tea. . . hey. . . do you. . . would- can you stay a while? For the night. I-If you have nowhere to go and that's alright with you." He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. "T-To. . . I feel safer that way. For myself."
Emmaline Ibori blinks at this but after a long moment, she nods. "Y-yeah." She swallows down air around the uncharacteristic stutter. "O' course. I got nothin' but time. Not delivering somethin' to Ul'dah for another day or two. And I can sleep like a rock anywhere. It'll be funny." She smiles and approaches to offer her assistance with the tea. "...have you ever worn a big hat with a dress? Like a big sun hat? I seen ladies wear that sometimes..."
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