#i have so many more good options now :DD
ooh wait [tags]
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the-mighty-e · 1 month
I finally managed to understand V's entire "mission" (and consequentially J's and N's) in the Solver's plan.
So, starting off with, I still have two doubts, and that is when each dd discovered that Tessa was already dead.
So basically this analysis might be wrong if my order of knowing is wrong :')
We start with J, I'm positive that she was the first one to find out, working with Tessa and adoring her so much probably made her the first to find out she died. As J said "it tricked me too." So let's assume she didn't find out in the best way ever, but already knew when she and "Tessa" met with the trio.
Second to find out was V. N was last, and he, of course, found out when we also did, in Mass Destruction, so as we see here he's still pretty traumatized to see her
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Now onto V. Throughout the whole show, many fans started off with disliking her, only to slowly learn more about her reasonings, that were made 100% clear with the finale.
V's main objective was to keep N safe, away from the Solver. He was still the nice golden retriever robot that V adored back in the Mansion. She wanted to protect him.
But we thought that was simply a thing she decided on her own. We thought that she was the only one with her memories and that she simply decided to hide everything from N and protect him from the sidelines
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And just to note, I'm pretty sure she thought that N remembered everything. That's why she was so shocked here, not simply because he snapped
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She realized he didn't have his memories so went even more on defensive mode.
With the new episode, it's actually revealed that V wasn't the only one with her memories, but instead, N was the only one WITHOUT.
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Even J knew about it. And V thought that the original plan was doing their jobs and living a good rest of life. Not helping it and risking their life in the end.
When V saw the N projection, she decided to tell the truth
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As the second image suggests, she had no idea about his memory being bad or good, she didn't know how much of his memory about the past remained. Sadly though, she wasn't supposed to say all that.
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What we all thought was V's own decisions, was actually the Solver's. It gave V the option to stay quiet and in exchange she and N would be safe.
That's why V wanted N to stay away from Uzi. She was a possible Host and V didn't want it to kill her and N. Because him going against the orders wasn't in the plan.
A bit more proof that V knew who "Tessa" was:
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She gave Tessa a lot of dirty looks in episode 6 for someone who was literally saved by her. She already knew that she wasn't Tessa and she was extremely wary of her.
TLDR: V's plan to keep N in the dark wasn't hers, but it was a bargain with the Solver. And N was the only one without memories and knowledge of Tessa's death.
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the-common-cowgirl · 11 months
Greater of Two Evils -Part 3
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Summary: When you’re unable to share your brother’s happiness, you end up in the hospital. All hope is lost when the greater of the two evils in your life comes to your “rescue.”
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen/Reader
Warnings: DD;DNE, Modern AU, Non-Con/Dub-Con (heavier on non-con), Physical Violence to Reader (choking, manhandling), Mentions of injuries to reader, Feelings of hopelessness, Elitism, Forced Pregnancy, Forced Proximity, Breeding/Pregnancy Kink, Non-Consensual Arranged/Fabricated Relationship, Dom vibes, Rough/Painful sex, Unprotected sex
Word Count: 5K
A/N: Quick reminder that this is a dark fic! Reading dark fics in a modern setting can feel more real so please, read the warnings carefully before reading further!
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A week passed with no so little as a text from Aemond. With your current condition, you weren’t sure if the silence on his end was a good thing or not. Sure, you looked up other options. A way out. A way to terminate the pregnancy… but then Aemond’s words loomed over you like a dark cloud. Coming back to you all at once, the second you even thought about escaping him.
“-your entire family and most of all, your brother is ruined. I have my finger on the trigger right now.”
What could you do? What should you do? Aemond hadn’t contacted you in over a week. Maybe he just wanted to scare you and leave? Forget about you. Oh Gods, you hoped he had forgotten about you.
Your brother nearly pranced into the kitchen, opening the fridge to grab a drink. From your  vantage point on the couch, he looked happy, giddy. You tried to hide further behind your laptop, pretending to be busy with the schoolwork you should be doing and not stressing over anything. 
Don’t give him a reason to be suspicious of you.
“Hey! Wanna hear some great news?” He interrupted your act at homework.
You sighed and shut your laptop on your lap, looking up to your brother with thinly veiled disdain. “Sure.”
If he noticed your discontent, he did not speak on it. “That trade deal, last week, remember? I was trying to get through parliament? It passed!” He smiled widely toward you, as if that was a reason you should be ecstatic too.
Your lips formed a crooked smile, trying to hide the fact that you did not care nor did you see the reason you should. “Huh, that’s great.” Then you remembered, a week expired memory of Aemond telling you that he blocked the trade deal flashed in your memory and your blood ran cold. 
Why did it pass? What did he want now? Was I wishfully thinking this was over?
Your brother’s smile faltered, “Shouldn’t you be excited? That’s a win for us.”
He snapped you out of your spiraling dread. “Us?” You looked up to your brother, slight anger rising in your heart though you were too afraid to show it.
He nodded, moving closer to you, towering over you on the couch. “Look at what I’m doing for this family. Be grateful for my sacrifices. Do you know how many nights I stayed up past midnight trying to speak to my connections in parliament to get the trade deal to pass? Do you know what this means for us? For me?”
He speaks of sacrifices as if he was the sacrificial lamb I am.
You narrowed your eyes up at him, feeling emboldened by the anger bubbling up inside you. Your brother had no clue what it was like to sacrifice…anything. So he lost sleep? So what. You lost your sense of self, your dignity, your freedom. And again, all he lost was sleep.
“Honestly, I don’t care what a trade deal means for you. I don’t care how it’ll boost your standing in the company.” Your brother looked shocked at your words, you continued to glare up at him. “Because you don’t give a shit about me. I lost all respect for you when I realized you had none for me.”
Your brother stuttered, looking shocked. “I’ve given you everything. I love you.”
You scoffed, shaking your head. “You have a fucked up way of showing it-”
Before you could realize what had happened, your brother grabbed your wrist and painfully jerked you up to your feet, although, you were not prepared to stand and lost your footing once he let you go, falling to the group, hitting your head on the glass coffee table and shattering it underneath you. Your laptop that was on your lap fell amidst the shuffle and your weight landed on the top of it. 
Once you realized what happened, you felt blood trickling down your head, wrist, forearm. Your brother paid no attention, leaning over you, so close to your face as he spat angrily, “You are nothing without me.” He grabbed the already bruising wrist and jerked your body closer, scraping along the glass. “No one in this family is anything without me. Never forget that.” His voice was low, possessive, demonic. He shoved your wrist away and walked from the scene he had caused. 
You were left in the living room, trying to make sense of what happened and what you should do. You looked at the wrist he had grabbed, now turning purple and swollen. You felt the blood falling from your head to the white, fur rug that was underneath the shattered coffee table’s frame. You went through the motions numbly, standing up, grabbing your phone, laptop, walking into your bedroom and grabbing your wallet, stuffing those three belongings in your school bag and walked out the door. 
You knew you needed to seek medical attention, feeling the faint sting of your wrist breaking the absolute numbness you felt, and alongside that stinging, you began to feel dizzy. You called an Uber, thankful the driver didn’t ask questions or speak as you stared ahead after directing him to Sunspear Foundation Hospital. You only answered the questions they needed to know, the nurses, remaining quiet when three nurses came in and asked you if you were in a domestic abuse situation, asking if you knew you were pregnant from the mandatory pregnancy test you had to take upon arrival. When the social worker came in, she asked if you were safe at home.
Were you? No. Did you tell them the truth? No.
A nurse knocked on the door, the sting in your wrist still painful as you were denied all pain killers due to your condition, instead, you moved to sit up, using the non-swollen wrist. “Come in,” you said meekly.
She stepped in, just barely, trepidation in her proximity. “Uh miss? I have a visitor here for you-”
You furrowed your brows at her, wondering who would even know you’re here-
Aemond appeared from behind the nurse and moved to thank her before shutting the door to your room and looking down at your bandaged self lying in a hospital gown. His remaining eye was hard to read, he was hard to read. He set you on edge and given what had just happened, you knew the monitor connected to your finger sensed your pulse quicken. 
He glanced up to the rising numbers and decided then, to sit down next to you. Eye raking over your bandages without even a hint to what he was thinking, feeling. Being near him set you on edge. And the question you didn’t need answering popped in your mind.
How did he know I was here.
In theory, you knew. You knew he was well connected. You knew he had eyes on you. You knew that he always knew what you were up to. But here? Even at a hospital you couldn’t escape his eye.
“Who did this to you?” His voice was even, cold, deep. It terrified you.
“Um-” You began, for some reason wanting to protect your brother. It was unfortunately second-nature for you at this point.
“Don’t fucking ‘um’ me. Was it that wastrel you consider a sibling?” His voice was no longer even, it had an edge to it. It reminded you of the movies, when the man who loved the woman saw her hurt and was ready to kill for her given the word. It would have been romantic….if it wasn’t Aemond. 
“Yeah,” you croaked, moving your uninjured hand to your bandaged wrist to play with the bindings. “He- He didn’t mean-”
“I don’t fucking care if he meant to or not, you’re not allowed there again.” 
You looked at him, truly looked at him for the first time in a week. He was still in his suit. It looked like he had just come out of a parliament session. His hair was pulled into a low ponytail behind his head, only a few strands had been pulled out. His tie looked like it had been previously tight, now loose. He looked like he was slightly disheveled, not a usual look for him.
Did he drive all the way from King’s Landing once he found out I was in the hospital? Did he care about me? Was he worried?
You shook those ideas from your head as quickly as they came. Aemond was not a man to care about anything.
He’s worse than your brother. He’s another shark. You’re just another small fish in his pond.
“Do you hear me?” His voice cut through your thoughts, you hadn’t realized he had been talking. Blame it on blood loss or sleep deprivation at this point. Blame your attention span and your wild thoughts on both please. Blame both on anything but a sound mind. “You’re staying at my flat in Dorne until the wedding.”
You furrowed your brows, “No I’m not. I’m going home.” Blame your boldness on both too. Your heart sank as you realized what you had said, now growing anxious at the reparations you would pay for speaking back.
His eye remained neutral. “I’m not letting you go back there. Not after what he did to you.”
Why do you even care?
“Besides, It’ll give me more time to see you-” He tried to reach his hand up to grasp your uninjured one but there was another knock at the door. You told whomever it was to come in and Aemond’s embrace left your hand thankful as the doctor stepped into the room. She explained you had a sprained wrist, along with other minor cuts that would heal hopefully without scars thankfully to her using medical glue instead of stitches.
Finally, she smiled at the two of you as if you were a happy couple, giddy with joy at the prospect of a child. Maybe Aemond was…. But she told you that she went ahead and scheduled your follow up with a midwife in three days from now. “I know it’s a bit early for you to see them, but given the events of today, I’d like you to get started on your appointments with the prenatal care providers to ensure that both you and baby,” she pointed to your flat stomach underneath the hospital gown, it made you want to hurl, “are alright.”
She stood and shook your uninjured hand, then Aemond’s as he thanked her happily. She informed you both that the discharge nurse would be around quickly and you could leave then get some “much needed rest.” Dread pooled in your stomach as you realized you wouldn’t be able to rest where you were going, into the jowls of the beast.
The discharge nurse was quick, Aemond was quicker to help you out of your hospital gown (thankfully not bare to him as you kept your underwear and bra on), and he diligently, like an obedient and sweet partner, led you through the hospital, out into the warm night to where his black sports car sat parked. Even like a gentleman, he opened the door for you to sit. His engine roared to life, you glanced into the backseat, remembering the position he had you in a week ago on that leather fabric. 
On top, pretending I was in charge, much like right now. Though, I’m never in charge right? It’s only the facade.
His flat was fifteen or so minutes from the hospital, maybe five from your brother's. It was big and spacious, much like your brother’s expensive flat. But where your brother had the flat furnished bright and modern, Aemond had his furnished dark, old academia style. It screamed “Old Money” and you nearly laughed at how drastically different Aemond and your brother were while also sharing a single central attribute; they were both terrible people.
“You are sleeping in here tonight,” Aemond walked through a doorway to a bedroom, assuming you would follow… and you did. You looked around the dark bedroom, a King sized bed in the middle topped with dark coverings. There was a bathroom and walk-in closet off of it. It was a master suite. It was Aemond’s room. He deposited your school bag beside the bed. “I see you didn’t bring anything but a broken laptop and your wallet. You’ll need clothes.”
You fidgeted with your clothes you had on now. They were comfortable, you could sleep in them but Aemond walked into the closet, turning on the light and stifled through his clothes. You knew he wasn’t going to give you space. He’d force you to sleep in the same bed with him in his own clothes. He owned you. He knew you were too scared to say one simple word: ‘no.’ 
He walked out of the closet with a large T-shirt. It had a band’s name on it. “Here,” he offered and you took it. 
That was it… a t-shirt.
“In the morning, we can order you more clothes for here but for now, you can sleep in this.”
“Clothes for here.” He’s serious about me staying.
A chill ran up your spine, uneasiness rose in your throat.
Just for tonight, you told yourself. He can’t hold me captive. 
You looked over at Aemond who disappeared into the bathroom. From your vantage point, you could see him stripping his fine clothes in the wall length mirror and folding his clothes and setting them atop the hamper. You thanked the Gods he kept his dark boxers on.
Or can he? Fuck. What will he do if I don’t stay?
The word stay echoed in your mind, remembering the time in your childhood where you were teaching your Northern Riverlands Waterdog to stay. He was one, you were nine. He’s dead now… he stayed, obediently; as you commanded… in the Riverlands until his death. Was that your fate with Aemond? Pliant? Agreeable? Quiet? Like an obedient hound?
As Aemond emerged back into the bedroom, towering over you, you gulped your fear down and the truth of it all came bubbling up.
If I don’t change, if I dont stick up for myself… that answer is yes. 
“Are you going to change?” Aemond asked, breaking you from your haze. You looked up to him, briefly wondering if he heard your thoughts until you remembered the t-shirt you were grasping for dear life in your uninjured hand. 
“Uh…yeah.” You stepped past him, making your way to the bathroom. You shut the door behind you, breathing a sigh of relief that Aemond allowed you to have privacy to change. You pulled your shirt off as quickly as you could with a sprained wrist, wincing slightly as the soft fabric of your shirt drug along some of the wounds that were bandaged. Your shorts came off easier. You kept your underwear and bra on and managed to get into his shirt. The shirt was large, you swam in it, however, it barely reached past your bottom and anxiety crept up your neck as you realized  how much skin you were going to bare to his prying eye. 
Slowly unlocking the door and stepping out of the bathroom, Aemond was already sitting in the bed, his legs hidden underneath the dark covers as his back rested against the headboard. He looked over to you, eye raking up and down your body as you stared ahead to the place next to him where he intended you to sleep. Your words to yourself came flooding back into your mind.
If I don’t change, nothing will.
“I don’t feel comfortable sleeping in your bed tonight.” You mustered up all the courage you could possess, forcing yourself to make eye contact with him. He only scoffed and threw the coverings over his legs off. Standing up and striding toward you like a predator and you, prey. You felt the urge to cower given the happenings of today but you fought the urge. Before you knew what was happening though, Aemond grabbed around your waist, hoisting you over his shoulder. You kicked against his stomach to no avail, tried hitting his back until you remembered your wrist was sprained and sharp jolts of pain shot up your arm. You croaked in pain, trying to grab your wrist instinctively but before you could grasp it, Aemond threw you into the soft plushness of the bed: where he intended you to sleep. 
He moved to hover over you but you kicked up at him angrily. He dodged your foot, grabbing it mid-kick and gripped your ankle tightly, mirroring your brother several hours ago, yet not as harsh. He glared down at you, and you up at him. Emboldened by your fear, fueled by courage you were forcing. You wanted to spit in his face; you had half a mind to do it. Aemond glanced down, an idea flashing across his features and before you could act to defend yourself he reached down and ripped your lacy bikini bottom underwear from your core, exposing you now that the shirt was bunched up around your waist. He let go of your leg and stepped two paces backward, eye still drawn on you as he held your torn underwear in one hand. “Consider that your punishment for thinking, even for a second, I’d let you out of my sight.” Making you sleep without underwear as a punishment; what did that mean for you?
You scoffed and pulled the dark comforter over your lower half to cover yourself and Aemond started walking around the bed toward his side. “Seems like an easy thing to do considering you’re lacking half,” you mumble as you turn on your side, back to Aemond and pull the covers all the way to your neck.
“What did you say?”
Your blood runs cold, you hadn’t realized he had heard your snark but he did…and his tone was dangerous.
You feel the bed dip a split second before you feel his hand roughly grab your shoulder to pull you onto your back and face him. All your courage and anger wiped from you as you stare up, wide-eyed at his expression; one akin to hatred. 
“What. Did. You. Just. Say.” He grits out between clenched teeth. You think momentarily that he might slap or punch you as a hand behind his head slowly raises but that notion in your head dissipates as the hand closes around your neck; constricting oxygen and blood flow. You reach up to remove his hand with your injured and uninjured hands, clawing at him but he does not move. Your head starts becoming light. 
“I was going to be a gentleman tonight, give you the rest you so deserve… but it seems you’re in need of a lesson.”
You can barely register the words as your vision starts to become blurry. Just as you’re certain you’re about to pass out, Aemond releases your throat. You cough, sputtering up and drooling as your eyes glaze over in tears. You run a hand along your throat and the skin is painful to the touch. You’re unaware of Aemond as you try to recover your body from the blood and oxygen loss to your brain. You feel dizzy still, the feeling is not ebbing. Absent-mindedly, you try to sit up in search of a deeper breath and Aemond takes advantage of your upright position to rip his shirt off you, unclasping your bra and throwing it behind him, into the void of the room. 
You feel his hands on your breasts and realize he’s still kneeling on the bed in front of you, slotted between your legs covered by the comforter still. You move to push his hands away from you but he grabs your wrists in one hand and pushes you against the bed. 
“Be a good girl and take your punishment willingly. I might even give you some rest tonight if you’re good.” His fiery breath is on the shell of your ear and your eyes are screwed shut in pain as his grip on your sprained wrist sends jolts of torture through your body. You squeal hoarsely at it and he takes notice, releasing your wrists. “Keep your wrists above your head and that won’t happen again.” You nod without hesitation, thankful for the pain to begin to fade. 
Aemond’s hand engulfs your right breast. You feel him kneading it in his large palm, then flicking his tongue against your nipple until it stiffens to a peak. His tongue is nice, soft and warm. Maybe if you thought about that, softness, you’d enjoy it - what’s to come. He moves to the other breast, repeating the action until both of your breasts appear to his liking. He sits back, marveling at your bare chest. “Open your eyes.”
You can’t do it, can’t obey. Your eyes remain screwed shut.
You hear him scoff, most likely rolling his eye as you feel him move just beneath the covers to the apex of your thighs and slapping you harshly on your bare center. You whimper and give in, opening your eyes. He’s clad only in his boxers, just as he was before he choked you but for some reason, seeing Aemond towering over you in only his boxers makes fear gnaw on your nerves. You look up from the tent in his boxers to his face. His remaining pupil is black now; he looks like a demon, here to steal your soul.
“I am going to fuck you,” he says simply, slipping out of his boxers and discharding them beside the bed. “You’re going to thank me for servicing you so well, understood?” You look down to the ruddy tip, leaking of precum, straining hard against his own skin; like a caged beast.
“Understood?” His tone was one of a teacher or a parent after scolding a child. You looked up to him and nodded; unsure if you didn’t want it at all or wanted him to shove that glorious cock into you. 
No, no you definitely don’t want that. 
“You’ll also thank me for giving you my lineage.” He moved the comforter from your lower half, exposing your entire body to him. “Not every woman gets to carry a Targaryen in their womb. You should be honored.” He slotted himself between your legs, bending them at the knee and spitting down to your core. This would have been a hot, passionate coupling if he hadn’t been Aemond and if he hadn’t just said what he did. 
You pushed the back of your head deeper into the pillows, wanting to escape this hellscape as you slowly came to your senses. Everything came back to that fucking thing.
He ran the rigid edges of his cock along your pussy, up to your clit. It sent sparks along your belly but died before they could ignite anywhere else. Your fire was burnt out, any semblance of arousal died the second he reminded you that he put his semen inside of you and that it unfortunately took root. 
His aching cock caught along your entrance and he pushed against your rejecting walls. You knew he was well endowed, the biggest you’d ever taken, but gods, you hadn’t realized just how large his cock was until you didn’t want it. Maybe the fact your walls tried to push him out made him seem larger than he was but you nearly screamed when the head of him pressed harshly against the wall of your cervix. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, pulling out slightly, only to push into your refusing cunt again. You whimpered against his second push. His body fell to encompass your own, burying his head into the skin of your neck, breathing his flames against your artery. 
“You should really give in to me. It’ll make it a lot easier for you-”
“Why,” you bit out against his ear without much breath, “you’re going to fuck me anyways. Why do you care?”
Aemond raised, just enough for you to see his smirk and eye over your pained expression. “You’re absolutely right.”
His hips snapped harshly against you, stealing the breath from your lungs. You felt cramping begin in your abdomen from how harshly he had begun to take you. “Gentle-” you pleaded as you screwed your eyes shut and pushed his chest with your uninjured hand. “Please.”
You heard him huff above you, “Why? Like you said, I’m going to fuck you anyway. Why should I be gentle for you when this,” He accentuated that word with a thrust that made your whole body freeze in pain. Your muscles when taut and he half-moaned. “This is what I want. How I need it. How I like it.”
You pushed harder against the smooth, solid planes of his chest, “I- I’m carrying your child-” It was the first time you said it out loud, first time you admitted to yourself the truth you couldn’t bear. Now, more than ever, felt like a great time to make it an excuse. “Please- be gentle with me.” 
Your voice was so small, cracked with emotion as tears began to form in your scrunched waterline… but it got the message across.
Aemond stopped completely, still nestled inside of you. He felt your walls ease as he ran a hand up the curves of your body, stopping with his hand cradled along your ribcage. Your eyes softened until you felt the urge to look up at him through your tears. His expression was soft, contemplating over your nude figure.
He leaned down, taking your breast in his mouth, groping at the base near your sternum gently. You felt another hand more to your clit, gentle pressure moving along the pearl. 
His sudden change surprised you but nothing caught you off guard more when his head moved up from your breast to your face and kissed your parted lips hungrily. Tongue slipping past your lips. It was awkward, you didn’t kiss him back, still shocked at his sudden change. 
He pulled from your mouth, rutting gently now into your walls that had begun accepting him with his ministrations. “I’m sorry,” he kissed your neck, “you’re my delicate river. I do need to be careful with you.”
You furrowed your brows, looking sideways at him. Scared to speak but also so confused, “I’m not yours, Aemond.”
He smiled and kissed you again, hand moving down to your stomach. “You’re carrying a part of me inside of you. I’m with you, always. How are you not mine?”
You turned your head away, trying to escape the gnawing pleasure that was now betraying your body. Aemond moved his head to your hair; silver locks intertwining with the falsely dark locks of your own dyed head. “You’re so perfect. You always have been, haven't you?”
He angled his hips to brush against your spot, you felt your body betraying you, allowing him into your most intimate part now with grace and fever. Your walls relaxed completely, growing wetter and wetter. You felt your heartbeat quicken, perspiration began to pool on your forehead. 
“C’mon sweet girl,” he tweaked with your nipple, “give in to me.”
“You’re a monster,” you breathed quickly between the pants you were trying to conceal.
“Y’know you love it. Even if I am.”
“You are.”
He hummed to himself, rising up and hitching one of your legs over his shoulder, reaching deeper than before. Still playing with your clit as his thrusts became quicker but still gentle. “Then what does that make you then, huh?” He smirked from above you, “Because gods- the way your cunt is starting to clench around me, I know you’re liking my cock, loving it. You love this extension of me, you wanton whore.” His words were brash, harsh…but he spoke in reverence. “Gods-” he moaned, “and I’ll teach you to not just love this extension of me, but all of me.”
You felt your peak nearing but not being able to reach the summit as his bed-room talk was absolutely insane. “I’ll never love you.” 
Your breasts bounced along with his thrusts, he smiled down at them in reverie before his lone eye met yours. “Keep telling yourself that, my beautiful river. See who wins.”
He pinched your clit harshly and thrusted up into you with a gentle fever that had you tumbling over the edge. You saw stars as your back arched off of the bed. Body and mind betraying you as you gave in to him. Your cunt clamping down on his member and your blissed out expression, along with a half-scream you weren’t aware you made had him toppling over the edge, hips faltering in their pistoning as he shot his load against your already seeded womb.
Panting, he laid gently atop you, caging you in with his sweaty body as he came down from his high. His hand came up to caress your hair. He began planting sweet, chaste kisses on the side of your face. No, no they would have been sweet if they weren’t from Aemond but your mind dissociated as his softening cock still laid within you, his lips on your face, his hand in your hair…his child in your womb. 
You kept thinking about what he called you, during the act.
“My beautiful river.”
At least he saw you for what you were. Your roots, your homeland, your personality.
A river flows, leaves where and who it once was, changes course, cuts through the land unapologetically. 
You took a deep breath, staring into the abyss of Aemond’s dark room.
Be a river.
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Taglist: @croatianprincess @toodlesxcuddles @drwstarkeyy @gemini-mama @iloveallmyboys s @boofy1998 @ammo23 @zenka69 @lokiofasgard12
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Hello🙂 I'm really new to your Blog and I really adored Miguel O'hara so much.. Can You please write something for him and to his Filipina Girlfriend when the Reader let's him meet the her whole Family and they're liked challenged him for a Drinking game to see how serious he was on the Reader.. Thank you so much
HIYA ANON !! welcome to my blog, happy to see you here :>> also same, i adore him too 🛐🛐🛐(when he's not beating up miles 😭) BUT OOOOO I LOVE THAT IDEA !! np, and i hope this is any good >:DD
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
drunk miguel x filipina reader
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content warnings! mentions of excessive alcohol intake, if you are uncomfortable with this topic, please don't read any further ^^
"do you really love her?" your cousin asked miguel, who was lurching over on the table, horribly drunk and a little sick of the alcohol he was taking in. you didn't want to see the aftermath of this, you didn't want to know what kind of answer miguel would give despite trusting him so much. it wasn't that you didn't trust him, it was that you had so many horrible experiences with this kind of crap your cousins pulled that you couldn't bear to see it. you tried to get miguel away from them, but he suddenly blurted out his answer.
"i do." he said, his voice slurred and heavy from the drinking. your cousins nodded and agreed sarcastically, which made you question if you were even related to these people. "aren't there better options for you to fall in love with? come on, look at you! surely, you've looked at other people in ways you never looked at our cousin before, no?" they pressed him, eager to hear his response. you couldn't be any more disgusted or angry at their behavior, so you got up and started shouting--shouting at them to leave miguel alone, to leave you alone, to mind their own business as adults because they really didn't seem to get the memo. as you were shouting at them, miguel took your hand, and though he was still hunched over the table, he responded in a weak voice. "never. never have i... wanted anyone... the way i wanted... her." he confessed as he mustered the strength to look up at you with such a genuine expression on his face.
"i... i want nobody else. just you, mahal ko." he said as he looked you in the face and tried smiling, despite the alcohol already bringing him into the sober but dazed stage. he leaned over to kiss your lips, he needed nothing more right now than the feeling of you on him, right here and right now. he's rambling and mumbling, on and on, about how he's dreamed of marrying you, spending the rest of his life with you, maybe having kids with you if you wanted. "i've thought of... of names for them all, mahal..." he went on as he leaned against you, gradually putting his weight down on you. after your cousins realized that, even when drunk, he was pretty much hopelessly in love with you, they lost interest in the game and went back to their own worlds as miguel jumped to the giddy stage as he wrapped his arms around you for a bear hug and kissed you all over your face, as if he was separated from you for a lifetime, when in reality, you were hear the whole time--holding his hand while he drank away everything your cousins gave him.
"i meant every word of it, y'know..." he whispered to you with a slight giggle as he held you closer and squeezed you a little tighter. "they said... 'when drunk, the truth comes out'... they didn't need to make me drunk to... to make me remind them all that... you're all i want." he said as he began running a hand through your hair and chuckling as he fidgeted with a lock of your hair and smiling wider when he saw you smile. "you have such a perfect smile. it's enough to knock me out..." he said as he leaned over to kiss your cheek, and soon, his head fell to your shoulder, almost knocking you down with his size. you called for your other cousins to help you take him to your room, and they teased both of you for how disgustingly sweet you two were with each other.
as you and your cousins plopped him down on your bed, you closed the lights and curled up into the bed next to him. miguel was still a little awake when you snuggled in next to him, so he seized the opportunity to grab you by the waist and pull you in for another hug, calling you all his favorite nicknames for you and complimenting every bit of you as you two lay there on your bed. "i'll love you forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and... ever." he said as he kissed your nose. you placed your hands on either sides of his cheeks and giggled. "and i'll love you forever, and ever, and ever, miggy." you said as you kissed him on his soft, pouty-like lips as he let the alcohol drift him off to the land of sleep in your arms as you hugged him by his waist now, both of you in each other's arms.
a/n: ang himbing ng tulog ng lasing 🥰
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck
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sakasakiii · 1 year
I love your work!! Your art is very pretty. Do you have a specific idea of how old everyone is ? Do you lean more towards canon or do you have your own dates in mind ? If don’t wanna a answer it’s ok!
Hope u have a nice day
(Remember to drink water!)
hiiii nonnie!!! thank you for checking in, and im happy u like the stuff i put out!! when it comes to ages, it's difficult to answer sometimes bc of the way professor tolkien's timeline is-- it makes gauging one singular place where most of the cast can be compared something that makes my tired brain go 😵🤧🤕 but i love the prompt youve given! and thus heres my attempt at it
with most of my tolkien stuff, i always try to stick to canon wherever possible emphasis is on try lmao and the topic of ages is one such place. i do make exceptions to the Professor's canon sometimes for a few reasons: 1) i like some of the scrapped ideas in his drafts, or 2) i just prefer other options. with ages, i think the only charas with canon-established ages i deviated from are fingolfin, finrod, turgon, and aredhel. i try to keep cases like these minimal tho, so i hope it doesn't bother anyone too much... 👉👈
anyways i figured just dropping a list of numbers would be kinda boring to look at so heres an illustrated guide to what the ~rough~ ages of the finweans are in my head whenever i write or draw. Y.T. 1495 (the year Finwe dies) is the controlled medium ive used to enable a fair comparison of the Finweans
note: "born Y.T. xxx" means this is the canon date of birth listed on Tolkien Gateway. "est. born [xxx]" means this is a noncanon estimate:
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the First Age gets a lot more muddled from there due to the hullaballoo of everything going on, so ill only be including the doriathrim and a few other denizens of nargothrond:
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it's mostly the older elves that are more undefined/vague with their ages (i.o.w. others like elwing, earendil, the peredhil twins, and most Men all have set dates of birth), so they're all i'll be doing for now. but it's that vagueness which makes hcing all the more enjoyable, isn't it! plus since we’re on this subject, under the cut are just a few headcanons and musings ive had that i wanted to put somewhere 😙
Finarfin and Earwen were born within months of each other! Finwe and Olwe made a Really Big Deal out of when they found out their wives were pregnant at the same time. As a result, the two were often sent on many playdates with each other to “bolster healthy relations” between the Noldor and the Teleri. It wasn’t an arranged marriage situation, but I like to think they were goofy for each other from the start… Resulting in the two eventually getting married as soon as they came of age, the fastest out of all of Finwe’s kids to do so. 
The reason the Ambarussa are significantly younger than the other Finweans (especially the Feanorians-- there’s a 100 Valian year gap between them and Curufin alone!) is because I imagine they were accidental babies that even Feanor didn’t expect to conceive. too bad morgoth said "its morgin time!" and started Messing Things Up shortly afterwards.....
Anaire was Lalwen's good friend long before she married Fingolfin; they met through Lalwen who wingmanned Fingolfin the whole time. i like think Anaire'd be the best out of all the wives at keeping good, healthy bonds with all the women of her family :DD
luthien's potential 姐姐/big sis dynamic with all the younger doriathrim elves is something i daydream about a lot 😌 but sometimes the fact that she's older than finarfin keeps me up at night
this has been really fun, so thanks again for asking-- annnd yessir, i am chugging water as i write this so you better be doing the same ❤️ have a great start to your week!
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susartwork · 11 months
uh hi can you give some shading tips? pls?
Sure! :DD
I think the easier way to give some tips is by showing my own process.
(I won't explain here the basics of shading, but if you want I linked a tutorial down at the end of this.)
First off, the program I use is Krita (but any program is ok 👍✨) And here's the brushes I use:
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I'd say use at least two brushes. A soft one and a harder one.
To show you I'll use this doodle I did of Murder!Sans (by @/ask-dusttale)
First, flat colors.
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Then start shading on a new layer and put it in Multiply mode, then change the opacity at your liking. Don't use black for the shadows! Use a dark color. I usually use a purple or a brown.
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Now with the same color, go on a new layer (Multiply mode), and add extra shadows where light has trouble reaching. This gives more depth to the drawing. (To make this process easier I use the Select Opaque option, by right clicking on the Base Shading layer, down in the menu, and then paint on the new layer)
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Now fill the canvas with the light's color (or do like me and duplicate the Flat Colors layer, and recolor it if you want the light to be only on the subject). I'm using yellow since it makes a nice contrast with the purple. Put it in Pin Light mode and change the opacity at your liking.
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You could say finished! We could stop here, but if you want some extras, go under the cut:
Now I- I can't explain what "Bouncing Lights" and "Sub-Surface Scattering" are, so... go see on internet :''D Basically slap some red and blue over the shadows layer in Overlay mode and voilà
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It'd be more noticeable with less light but trust me, it's good
Now let's talk about ambience. We can create many different scenes just by playing with the light and shadow layers! Change their colors, change the blending mode, play with 'em and see what you get:
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Also I suggest studying how color schemes work (I'll link you a video down below). I uhh actually kinda suck at color schemes XD but having at least a basic understanding of them it's useful.
And, here's some tutorials that personally helped me a lot:
Shadows and lights tutorial/tips <- great for learning the basics of shading
Time saving shading solutions
This great rendering tutorial by @/licollisa
Different color schemes
For any questions don't hesitate to ask me (^w^)
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megbanned · 4 months
How do you usually draw out the traits you want to "swap out"? In concept it seems simple, but from seeing how you posted about trying to get characters correct, I just kinda wanna peak into the mindscape of evileizing a md character, haha
Well, in itself it can be easy to try to give them opposite personalities but I think that the more you want to give it history or make certain things coincide so that the original story can continue, it can become... a bit complicated XD?
So… for Evil Uzi it is to give her that opposite personality + the personality of the canon N and the same with Evil N, that part it's easy because we know the real Uzi is not that sweet or nice xD
But then we have V (In which in this AU her personality as DD is the one from when she was a WD in the original and vice versa) , J (being the lazy one who don't like the company) and the rest of the characters hmmm playing with the opposite personalities of these characters can have different options, like Thad, he could have been a nerd or an extroverted character, but now he is the class bully, or Lizzy, she was the popular one and now she is the nerd!... and Doll uhm it's a bit complicated to explain-
There are still more characters that I must explore like Nori, Alice, Yeva, Tessa... We know that Tessa is still alive in this AU but she must occupy a different role for the story to continue…
At least I now have Khan's personality rewritten, you know, being a good father, taking care of Uzi aaaaand Uzi helping him to keep the bunker safe.
Many parts of this AU were built thanks to suggestions and comments that all of you have made and it is something that I always appreciate because it helps me a lot.
I think with this I could say that uhmm, in this AU the planet Earth didn't explode?… maybe something different was shown to scare N… idk yet!
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darlingpwease · 2 years
HELP this became much longer than I thought it would get I’m so so sorry :’)
-panna cotta
Warnings/Tags?: hinted fear kink, hinted humiliation kink, choking, sensitive Yuuta <33, hinted marathon sex at the end, I have no idea what to put here honestly
AHHH omg slime!reader?? Ik you already wrote about it, but it’s still wonderful all the same :DD
You are literally making so many ideas pop into my mind, absolute genius you are, Dove.
With this scenario, I’ll use sweetest baby Yuuta <33
Yuuta is such a gentle darling, sweetest thing possible, isn’t he?? So cute, so cute…
However, he would always be caught up with things, and be very exhausted. He’s a very hardworking person, so he doesn’t get as much relaxation or alone time as he’d like, never able to properly have time to himself, even if he gets frustrated sometimes- if you know what I mean..
Thankfully, though, he was recently able to get a week off, all to himself! When he was told, he couldn’t help but get excited, a whole week, where he can just take a break and relax? To be able to have some privacy, without needing to worry about suddenly having to take care of any jobs? Listen, he loves being able to help out, however, everyone needs a break at some point, you know??
Thus, he decided to go and head to a nice, calm area, and rented out a hotel room for his week off.
The first two days, he slept. He was exhausted, he was drained, so he was taking advantage of being able to finally catch up on some long needed rest, especially when he couldn’t help how dreadfully heavy his eyelids were when he laid down in his bed.
The third day, however, was quite different. He woke up late, and after lounging around for half an hour, it dawned on him that he truly has no proper idea on what to do. He could go out, maybe take a nice stroll, the weather today was nice after all. He was mainly focused on trying to sleep properly without being interrupted, maybe he shouldn’t have booked this place fore the whole week… He got too ahead of himself…
He stares up at the ceiling in a daze before he slowly heats up. It’s not noticeable at first, but when he begins to breath even just the slightest bit heavier, his inhales and exhales becoming just slightly more quicker, heavier, when he can help but squirm in place, eventually sticking his arm between his thighs, moving his hips up and down slightly– he thinks he has an idea on what to do.
Sliding his pants off, he can’t help but tease himself, gently grazing his fingers over himself, but not doing anything more, hissing slightly from sensitivity even though he has barely even done anything… he slightly rubs up and down, still not touching the way he should be touched, when he pulls away, there’s still a surprisingly hefty amount of precum coating his fingers… he can’t help but let out a soft groan.
Thus, he spends the third day teasing himself, and the third night thrusting his fingers in until by the time the fourth day comes, he’s sobbing on how little it seems to be for him, how he wants more, how he really really needs it.
He looks at ways he can feel better, only to stumble upon a website for toys. He’s thought about getting one before (maybe an onahole, or even a dildo? Those small vibrators seem good too, enticing–), but he never truly had the time to properly think about it before.
As he scrolls, and scrolls, he stumbles upon the monster toy area, and he can’t help but feel a throb between his legs. He knew that spending all his time with Rika and other cursed spirits warped his mind, but he didn’t know it was to this extent! He shyly looks through the options before he sees one that catches his eye,
“New and improved, Slime! Have a NEW way to play and enjoy yourself, with each product having a unique ‘personality’ every time! No Slime is the same here, so enjoy it! On sale NOW, with 24 hour shipping!”
Seeing that the reviews were very positive, he can’t help but give in, thinking that, well, if he’s on a break, he might as well enjoy it, right?
In putting his room number and the hotel address, he can’t help but wait in excitement for his new package to arrive. What would it be like? Would it be soft? Thick like honey? Watery? How would it treat him? Would it caress him slowly, or just jump on him right away??
His imagination ran wild, and the more ideas that came, the more possibilities, he felt he was going crazy, weak in the knees!
After waiting for hours and hours on end, he finally heard a knock on the door. He slid his pants back on with speed, stumbling towards the door, opening it for the delivery man to smile and give it to him. It was a dry smile, eyes shifting between the box and Yuuta, before walking away.
An oddly sweet feeling of humiliation ran, no, shot right up his spine as he stood in the doorway, holding the box close. A sense of shame ran through him as he looked at it, the plain, brown cardboard box before closing the door, heading to his room, proceeding to open it.
A round tube is inside, with instructions on the side. There is a square plastic window showing that inside the tube is a light blue liquid. Above the square are big bold letters spelling out “Darling”, the slimes name, perhaps?. He turns it around, before looking at the lid on top which seems to have two buttons on each side, lightly colored letters printed “press both at same time!” with arrows pointing to the two.
Reading the instructions, it merely says “Open the lid by pressing buttons then twisting. Drop 8-12 warm water droplets onto Slime, wait 20 minutes, then have fun with your slime, {DARLING}!!”
…huh… okay then…
Quickly grabbing a small cup of warm water, he opens the tube before awkwardly placing you onto the covers of his bed, shaking with anticipation as he feels heat constantly throbbing throughout his body. Dripping 10 drops onto you, he waits.
Panting, he takes his pants off once more while shuffling uncomfortably. 20 minutes, 20 minutes– since when has 20 minutes been so. damn. long..?
Gazing at you, he can’t help but get needy. Reaching down, he slowly starts to play with himself, harsh huffs leaving him as he grinds.
After doing so for a few minutes, he notices that you begin to move, slowly, but you definitely moved. When he originally placed you on his bed, you were barely the size of both of his fists together, but the more you sluggishly moved around, the larger you became. He couldn’t help but slow down, staring at you in awe as you eventually grew to be roughly around his size.
Yuuta couldn’t stop his legs from trembling (from fear? from need?) as you trudge forward towards him. Long slime appendages reach towards him, gently touching his chest. It wasn’t too hot, or too cold, but it felt gooey, almost like syrup as you dragged it up from his chest to his cheek. He couldn’t help but start shaking, his breathing coming out a bit too loud for Yuutas liking.
More appendages come from you as you begin to cover Yuuta, drooping over his thighs, his lower back, gripping his wrists and placing them behind him, leaving him unable to move them. You cover his chest, which seemed all flushed. While you’re doing so, Yuuta seemed to have froze up, not knowing what to do.
You’re touching him, you’re touching him.
And god does it feel weirdly good–
You don’t do anything at first, just slowly sliding around him. But once you touch him in between his legs, Yuuta lets out a shaky gasp. That felt good– you do it again, with more pressure this time, and he lets out a whimper, trying to clamp his legs shut, only to then realize that even if he did, it wouldn’t do anything.
You get in some kind of rhythmic tempo, trying to get more sounds out of him, more whimpers, more gasps, a moan– as you do so, you play with his chest, slowly sliding up his back as he begins to let out more adorable sounds.
Shaky breaths leave Yuuta between lewd whimpers. Wet squelching is heard through his ears and he can feel his blush grow. A red tint flourishes on his ears, down to his nape as he can’t help but mewl at how fucking good you feel–
As he lets out symphonic moans, you nudge against his hole, causing him to jolt.
He can only let out a quick “Ah- wait– !” Before you immediately push in, filling him in almost an instant and causing him to let out a cry. You don’t move immediately, twisting another appendage around his waist, up his back until you drag it up from his neck and across his mouth.
In a dazed panic, he tries to shut his mouth, but you seem to somehow notice and shoot it into his mouth before he could close it. You seem to curiously move around in his mouth, pressing against his cheek, the roof of his mouth, and even play with his tongue. The sticky, heavy feeling in his mouth causes Yuutas eyes to flutter slightly, muffled groans leaving him as you seem to press further until you begin to slowly move down his throat.
Choked gurgles leave him, he can’t breath, he panics. Despite huffs leaving his nose, he can’t help but still feel like he cannot breath at all… He’s scared, yet why does he still feel turned on? Is he seriously doing this? With a slime??
You begin to move in him, all sloppy and goopy, yet with a hard movements that leaves him being dragged up and down the sheets from the force. You don’t stop playing with him, thrusting in both his hole and his mouth as gurgled sobs leave him.
He can’t breathe, he can’t breathe, he can’t move, ohgodhecantdoanythingbuttakeitand–
And it feels so fucking good–
His head gets thrown back as he spams, tightening up around you as he cums.
You release his mouth, and he sputters and heaves while long, shaky moans leave him, back arched and body trembling.
He looks, or, well, tries to look at you with wonderfully glazed eyes as he gasps out a quiet ‘darling’
You slow down for a second, leading Yuuta to think that you would stop and let him relax, only for him to be turned to his side as you lift one of his legs up, and thrust deeper inside him.
Tears and drool dribble down his flushed face as you hit him deeper and deeper, not giving him a break. A hard grind against his groin while you continuously thrust impossibly deep into him has him cumming again.
He sobs as he came again embarrassingly quick. He feels like he could drown in shame, and the noises surrounding him of you getting so deep in him, and the embarrassing ones leaving him makes him want to hide forever.
How is it so good, why is it so good–
The longer you keep going, the more Yuuta feels like he is losing his mind, he can barely think, talk… Hell, if you weren’t holding him up right now, he wouldn’t even be able to hold himself up!
As the night progressed, you don’t show any signs of slowing down. Harsh, cruel thrusts are still given to Yuuta. You keep going for so long, that from the fourth evening which you started, you are still going by the morning of the fifth day.
Now on his stomach, all he can do is lay there, face laying on a drool stained pillow as you have his hips lifted, legs all weak.
You finally let go of his wrists, instead gripping onto his waist surprisingly tight as you crawl part of you up to his neck, putting pressure on it.
Hoarse cries leave his lips, his eyes all beautifully red as tears keep streaming from them. His eyes all hazy, unfocused, as they roll at every thrust. Drool leaving a puddle underneath him as his mouth is kept ajar– he calls out (or tries too, at least) to you, slurred ‘darling’s, ‘more’s and ‘harder’s can be heard from him, albeit slightly.
The pressure on his neck leaves his vision even more blurry, he can hear how fast his blood is rushing, feel the addictive adrenaline rushing through his body, and when you hit that spot inside him juusst right– fuck, fuck it’s too good– he couldn’t stop himself from cumming once more.
You don’t even properly realize, but once you let go of his neck, you slide up just that little bit more, gripping onto his hair only to see his blissed out face is no longer conscious.
Only then do you stop. Pulling out gently, you lay him down with a softness that wasn’t shown before. You’re not exactly sure on what to do now, do you go back in your tube? Do you stay with your pretty person?
He’s so pretty… You caress his damp hair, making it sticky but you don’t seem to care.
When Yuuta wakes up, he feels sore all over. His throat hurts, his wrists, shoulders, neck, his legs, his hole really hurts… He can’t help but flush in shame. Everything hurts, but he can’t help but like it, especially after how good he felt, it was so good, sosogood–
His thoughts are halted once he realizes that he has no idea where you are. Where the hell could you have gone??
As he looks around, getting ready to try to look for you (he doesn’t even know if he can walk, he can’t even feel his legs), he sees you in the corner of his eye heading towards him. Shooting a look towards you, he can’t help but blush again, he has to calm down, he has to but he can’t help but want you to pounce on him again and just make him feel so damn good again, youre a slime what the fuck is he thinking—
You move towards him and hand something to him, a glass of water. He lets out a dry ‘thank you’ before he coughs, trembling arms reaching towards the glass as he drinks it shakily. While he does so, you pat him on his head lightly before leaving once more.
Where are you going…??
You come back again with a plate with a poorly made cheese sandwich, and once you lean in towards him, Yuuta can’t help but let out a sweet laugh.
The fifth day was mainly Yuuta recovering and you taking care of him (as much as you could, considering you mainly only knew how to sensually please humans). But as the sunset, while you pet Yuuta with a sticky appendage, Yuuta can’t help but lean in just a little closer, and he grips on (as much as he could, anyway) just a little harder… And when he rubs his cheek against you, with half lidded eyes, when he mumbles out ‘darling’ under his breath–
Even when all he did was call out to you, the look in his eyes says it all. The rubbing of his thighs together, the ways his breathing seems to grow heavier by the second, the way he flushes…
You pause, he is so so pretty, so beautiful–
Yuuta notices you pause and his chest tightens, why aren’t you responding? He shuffles closer to you, he leans in closer to you, brows scrunching up as his eyes being do water, ‘darling…’ he kisses your appendage, worried you may not do anything, he says
“Darling, darling please fuck me.”
Why, when such a pretty doll is calling out to you, what else can you do but indulge him? <33
cw xenophilia, dubcon, elements of cnc, elements of somnophilia, rough sex (choking), breeding, elements of cum (slime?) inflation (g.), hyperstimulation (g.),
to be honest, I have been thinking for a long time about how best to formalize my answer, and I came to the conclusion that I will write a separate post so that yours looks independent. of course, it may not be important to me, but!!! this is a real drabble!!! I can't let it be the same as other ideas... I will make my main answer as other post. you should. it should shine on this blog without me. I'll join later.
I just want to say that I'm on my knees it's absolutely amazing, thank you so much for your hard work and a huge brain, it's so,,,,,, ajsghsvdhdbd good,,,,,
yuuta, who understands that he definitely likes it when you fucks him unconscious, because it turns out to be the most effective way to spend all his energy — and even if his body hurts, he is so happy, feeling finally satisfied <333 when you completely fill him up like fingers can't — and any toy, he's sure — and Yuuta can only tremble a little, feeling how you care about making him feel full, but not overfull, sliding between this edge as well as when you make him cum again, holding hard enough to make it look like he's riding you, but you feel that if you let him go, he will fall </3
or when he is playing with you, gently pushing the almost gelatinous mass with fingers, treating you like a stress toy, trying to somehow take care of you with a massage (as far as possible, trying not to touch you too roughly and not to let fingers slip inside, even if he really like this feeling) or sleeping together (even if wakes up in a mess from another orgasm) — when Yuuta looks at how something that should be responsible for the absorption of nutrients is twitching inside you,,,,, he can't help but blush even more, especially if you ask what he's looking at <333 maybe he wants to feed you some more? see how your body copes with everything you squeeze out of him while he whines about what 'you're inside' and 'how good it is' <3333
his mouth, feverishly contracting when you push inside, moderately blocking his ability to breathe, feeling him tremble with fear and need; when Yuuta thinks he can't control anything while you carefully react to any of his movements and sighs, taking care that he reaches as many orgasms as he can <333 his body doesn't react exactly the way you thought it would the first time, but that's fine, you'll make sure you keep him in yourself often enough and find sensitive places in him until Yuuta becomes suitable for more interesting things.
but while this is not the case, you are still happy!!! you have the pretty human, the dripping needy hole and he whines delightfully when clings to a sheet or pillow while you crawl over his body, hot with excitement and shame, taking care that he is as exhausted as possible from how much you demand, making him to moan and shout your name while you fill him up or stay for a few minutes inside filling as much as he can stand for a couple of minutes before exiting, simulating orgasm only to feel him cum again from it <3333
you can't be an even happier slime, even when he asks you not to leave him (as if you can) or just lie with him, hugging — perhaps of all the slime you are the one who is the luckiest <3333
(in the morning, you still help him wake up with the help of a long-denied orgasm.)
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HE GETS OBSESSIVE WITH YOU ANYWAY!!! you are reasonable and understand him (and even capable of clear answers even if using other ways of interaction) and you never leave him. his life with Rika has definitely not taught him anything healthy.
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elbdot · 2 years
Jesus christ so hey congratulations on completing tha dubs! Excited to experience them later this month 😄
I do want to take this opportunity tho to ask about your overall thoughts on S&V? Like what you think of the stories, characters, and....Paldea's possible inclusion in these comics 👀?
Excited to hear your thoughts!
OKAY I've gotten a bunch of Pokemon S&V Questions since November and now that I FINALLY played through the game I can FINALLY answer them HERE WE GO
It has some really nice storylines, some weaker, some stronger, I REALLY liked the characterization of all the Team Star Admins (even though the team's backstory is a bit all over the place), Arven was my favorite, followed by Nemona and Penny is- Penny is certainly there 😶
Geeta is not really a memorable champion...I don't really care much for her, but I do find it interesting that she's apparently quite unpopular amongst the Gym leader for her strict management. I don't think we ever had an in-universe unpopular Champion before.
My favorite part of the game was undoubtedly exploring the region with my Pokemon! Taking on the Gyms was more of a chore I had to do to be able to catch and train higher leveled Pokemon but I gotta say, the Gym challenges were always really fun and sometimes I reseted my game just to play the mini-games again :D
But I THINK I spent the most time trying to take selfies and pictures of me and my Pokemon whenever something fun happened or I found a really nice location or the sun was about to set. Taking photos is a HUGE hobby of mine and games that give me this kind of freedom with the photo-option are a HUGE plus in my book (You have NO idea how much time I spent in the USUM Photo Club Mini game)
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I gotta say tho the Pokemon of this Region...?
BIGGEST weak point in my opinion. WEIRDEST bunch I've ever seen. Weird doesn't always have to mean BAD but in this case...yeah no there were a lot of weird AND bad ones in there, sometimes great concepts but VERY STRANGE execution that left a lot to be desired for me personally.
I was very open to what kind of Pokemon I would catch in this game. I ended up having only ONE new Paldean Pokemon on my team. And it wasn't even an all new Pokemon, it was Paldean TAUROS :'D Gotta say tho, I never cared THIS much about Tauros before. REALLY love my big black bull (ye I have the regular one, the rare ones are cool but I fell in love with this big fella)
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I had a Kilowattrel and Amarouge on my team for a bit, but I switched them out after a while, I was really hoping I'd click with Amarouge more, but in the end I gave space for old and familiar faces instead. Kilowattrel I really like tho! But the fact I could walk around and interact with some of my favorite Pokemon overworld made me SO obsessed with adding them onto my team, THIS is the kind of Pokemon experience I've been waiting for for quite a while :DD
I haven't played through post game yet and I haven't finished all of the school classes yet, but I'm looking forward to complete them, as the cast of this game is really vast and fun!
In case of the comics however, just like with Galar I don't think we'll see an inclusion of this region within the story. Given the narrative of Scarlet and Violet, it would also be difficult to tie in its story with those of EAA and to be honest - I know you guys want to see El and her friends in other regions, which is very sweet, I'm happy you care so much about her that you want to see them travel around the world! But...I NEVER felt the desire to make this comic a world travel tour and I don't really understand where this idea came from that so many people expect El to leave Alola any time soon :'D
"El's Alolan Adventures" will continue to be about El's Adventures in Alola :'D I still love Alola and since El is currently Alolas Champion, she doesn't have any plans to leave the region any time soon and there are still SO many stories to tell with the cast of the Alola region! DON'T FORGET Gladion's Arc I still need to finish!!
I THINK it's a fair assumption that you'll definitely see SOME fanart from me for this region :D In fact, you can already see my first (ANIMATED) piece on patreon! ☺️
AND I'll show a few more of my "travel pictures" as I've taken...A LOT of them... BUT YEAH Pokemon Scarlet, best main-line game since Sun and Moon for me!! OH and Legends of Arceus was REALLY FUN too of course
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ruinedcasket · 2 months
tagged by @suburbanbonfire for a hockey art tag game, thank you so much :DD
rules: post your first ever hockey art, your latest hockey art, and your favourite hockey art, then tag three hockey artists.
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I made this one in July of 2023 and it started off as a brush test after years of default medibang brushes and then realizing I have free will and can switch to krita instead :)
I only really started becoming interested in hockey after I made this one which is why I'm still very fond of the piece, I gained a new fixation and also more options when it comes to experimenting with my art :D
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I'm cheating a little bit and skipping over some of my latest unfinished pieces because I like this one more >:)
you can tell my style has shifted a lot even just in a few months, I've focused a lot more on my linework and I'm still trying to find the best brushes to suit my drawings. I have a lot of fun with more illustrative pieces like this and it's definitely less polished than the artists that inspire me but that's what experimentation is for!
I like that these first two are almost exactly a year apart, same subject but completely different styles and application of skill.
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I think I struggle with expressions in my pieces sometimes and so I'm very happy with how both of these turned out!
this one was so fun, I love the brush I used and I felt very confident about the lines during the process :)
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I made this one ages ago when I still had the energy to use a more painted style and I miss drawing like this so much!!! I can't even remember how many different textured brushes I played around with for this one and all on the same layer.
I remember being so relieved that this one was finished but then I was devastated when I realized the file size was too small to upload as a print :')
now I get to tag some of my favourite hockey artists >:D everyone on here is so incredible and each of their styles inspire me so much! I don't know who has or hasn't been tagged yet because I'm a hermit so if they have been tagged then now I just get to compliment them!
@krllkprzv - such a cute style that I absolutely adore and I desperately want to know what brushes they use >:o
@rinksrats - beautiful portraits, I can't even describe how pretty I think their work is!
@seaquestions - their furry canucks pieces are so so good and I have a better quality of life for having seen them.
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apollinaresart · 1 year
not sure if u answer asks on here but i was wondering what ur opinion was on the sheridan animation program? i just got accepted but since it’s twice as expensive as any of the schools near me (france), i wanted to know what you thought of the faculty, quality of the program, etc? it would be especially interesting to hear from you since my reasoning for going to the program is basically the same as the one you detailed in your q&a video (it will be easier to break into the american animation industry from the other side of the pond) & i wanted to know if after a couple years that sentiment still rang true or if the reality is more nuanced than that. Thanks in advance for your help!! :DD
Thanks for reaching out!
I absolutely get the money concern. I'd say aspects of the program have improved since my #sheridansucks rants on twitter (some new part time profs actually know what they're doing, and the competent profs are generally pushing for change, as is the animation student council), but Sheridan's admin team and many of the full time professors haven't changed. Of these full time profs, 80% have never been in industry and the rest haven't been employed in animation in 20+ years; the info they have on industry is outdated or just plain wrong, and while impressionable first years may buy into it, after doing our internships over the summer and coming back for 4th year, their "the industry is just as hard as doing 5+ assignments a week, you SHOULD be pulling all nighters, we're preparing you for industry" bullshit doesn't fly. The program is horribly designed (the amount of credits is that of a 5-year program, crammed into 4 years), they're riding on grads' reputation alone at this point (taking in talented students and claiming credit for how good they are when most of us learn independently and are this good due to external courses we take, or simply practice), and I'd go so far as to call a few of the classes we take - completely useless. Many of my friends, who are domestic students, have dropped out and are now thriving in industry, because a degree really doesn't matter in this line of work.
That said, I've heard similar things about every North American art school under the sun. Also, Sheridan was, and continues to be, the best option for me as an international. Getting a degree here means I'm almost 100% guaranteed a Canadian work permit (a PGWP), plus between some of the practical knowledge I got taught (specifically by one of the part time rigging professors), and my peers' help/connections, I have already had two industry jobs before graduating. I'd always advise school over no school if you can afford it, for connections' sake - my wonderful peers aside, Sheridan has given us many discounts on tickets to networking events/festivals like OIAF and TAAFI, which have helped me land my current job, for example, and many local studios will come in for networking/recruiting talks. There is also an internship component, which the school helps you get, so by the time you've graduated you already have industry experience and studio contacts in some capacity.
It really depends on what opportunities you already have available to you in Canada. If you're an international, I would say it's helpful, and even though that help has come primarily from my peers and part time profs, that's still better than nothing for me, plus - ✨work permit✨
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blueroleplays · 6 months
Hello everybody!! You can call me Blu🫐 and i go by she/her! I’m in CET timezone. I also roleplay only on discord (preferably on a separate server with the tupper bot)
I’ve been roleplaying for a while now, however I had a few months break and now I’m looking for some new long term partners to roleplay with! :DD ( only 18+ please!! )
When it comes to my writing, i write in 3rd person past tense and I usually mirrior my partner’s lenght. I’m pretty flexible. I can write 6 long paragraphs, aswell as 5 lines replies. All depends on you! I’d also like to point out that English is my second language, so I’m sorry in advance for any mistakes!
Most of my days I have lots of time so I’d love to find someone that also does! However, i understand if you’re really busy so I’d say one reply a day is my minimum, unless you give me a heads up that you won’t have any time at all for some period. Shit happens.
However, i really don’t like being ghosted. If there’s something you don’t like about me, please tell me and let’s talk about it before you block me. There has been many times I didn’t even get a chance to explain myself and it’s really, really annoying..
Anyway, I’d also love to be friends outside of roleplaying! We can share other interests, talk about our day, do anything you want!! Let’s just be silly ^^
To the roleplay, im desperate for someone that would be willing to roleplay poppy playtime chapter 3 or Fnaf with me!! I have a few plots in mind but we can discuss that individually. Those are my hyperfixations at the moment, but I probably know lots of other fandoms I can’t remember currently :p feel free to ask!
We can roleplay OCxOC aswell!! I strongly prefer MxM but we can do another pairing if the plot is good enough. I also don’t mind doing a double!
Im definetley more into darker plots such as kidnapping, stalking, abuse, slavery, and etc. But i can totally throw in some fluff here and there!
NSFW is optional but not a must!!
If you’re interested, you can either like this post, dm me or talk to me directly on discord! ( freehugs2088 ) I really hope to make some new friends <33
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otakebi-cam-wao · 1 year
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You might like, want or need this i have for you (these first 2 images were added to caught your attention)
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I was checking my digital Idol (H!P) goods database on notion
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where i even have a table to see how much i've spend on it
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So i decided to make a template
for every harowota (or any idol fan in general, you can just change the decoration, remove/change properties and all) who wants to keep a data
Besides clicking the hyperlink on template, whenever you're there and logged in notion, click on duplicate; like this you'll be able to have your own page like this
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I put a wish-list whenever you can write down any goods you want as well as a waiting list (the good you're waiting for)
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Under that there's the "Idol collection" Database in gallery view. And as you can see, i made many views deppending on the type of good
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Let's learn how to add some goods
Whatever view you are in click on "+new"
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it will open this, and lets see it in every section
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above "untitled" you have "add cover"; i use this to have the good's image as a file or link, and of course on "Untitled" you write the name for the good as you want to (for singles, for example, I write: "Single name" Edition)
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On Type you have a variety of categories you can choose to clasify your goods
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On date release you can add the release date of the good (if you enable end date, you can make a lapsus, for example to use a tour's dates), i use dd/mm/yyyy, but you can change it
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For Group(s) and Idol(s) i added many, you can always add more and delete the existent ones
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On other type, you can sub-categorize the goods on the type "Other"
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Size was done for photos or clear files, but you could add T-shirts sizes
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And lastly you can add if you have it physical (like a CD) or Digital (digital Photobook, or kindle version magazine); and also if you want to sell it, make a giveaway or you're just keeping it for a friend.
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and this under that
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Now the spendings (you can always delete it)
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You can add items, and how much you spent, but be carefull changing the name of the propperties, because you'll need to change the formulas (for "Total USD" the "*0.0013" you'll need to change it every week maybe because it's the currency converter ratio setted up for mine)
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You can change the number data currency (it says CLP or USD) while puting your mouse on the number imput and clicking the "123" like this
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To share the page click on share, show share options, and there you can disable/enable whatever you want, lastly "Copy link page" and you have it ready to share to friends
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Hope it works for you and you like it!
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linalilia · 1 year
I'm kinda late but yeah :D
For fandoms: Soukoku, Jade x Trey, and Leona x Ruggie
For your ocs: Akio x Ichiro, Aimi x Akane, Kei x Daisuke (Now that we know more about them, I'd like to see what you think of these skips, hehe. :DD)
it's okay it's okay! i'm surprised to see no bllk ships here /lh
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LISTEN. AGAIN. i'm just not really a fan of this dynamic in general? like, i really like the concept of 😠😆 characters being a couple, but ehh, for some reason soukoku is just.. not it for me. it's like, i can see the "hating each other" part, but i can't see the "secretly in love with each other" part?? also i just got too tired of seeing it everywhere and the "this ship killed my grandma, okay" part is like. i've told this story to my other friends before, but long story short, back when i was like 13-14 years old and i just got into bsd, i was a part of this gc and all members liked skk, but i didn't, so they came up with this great plan: THEY JUST KICKED ME OUT OF THE GC EVERY TIME THEY MENTIONED SKK AND THEN ADDED ME AGAIN WHEN THEY CHANGED THE TOPIC. like. i get it, they were even younger than me and they said that "they did that for my own comfort", but also.. yeah, i kinda get ptsd every time i see them now /j
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i just.. don't really get it?? like yes, i know about their interactions and i know about the whole "oh, trey thought jade is just like him fr but it turned out that jade likes working for azul" (??) thing, but also.. idk, i just don't really care about this ship :'D maybe it's bc i'm kinda neutral when it comes to these characters too (i'm like a magnet for trey and jade simps though. i have too many mutuals/friends who like them JDJSKSALSL) so that's why i don't really care about shipping them too?
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tbh the age gap makes me feel a bit uncomfy? like, listen, i'm not the type of person who goes "IF THESE TWO CHARACTERS ARE NOT THE EXACT SAME AGE, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO SHIP THEM", but ehhh, idk, i think leona is a bit too old for ruggie. i think i like the concept in theory, since i enjoy dynamics where character a has more power and character b is their servant/follower/etc, but ruggie is like.. basically, i think he deserves better jdkdslsdls
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WELL. UH. NOW LET'S TALK ABOUT WHAT I ACTUALLY LIKE. okay, i love both platonic and romantic versions of akio x ichiro. they're just so cute, but so toxic at the same time <333 like, hear me out. they have a very cute dynamic bc akio just wants someone to listen to him and admire him and just do what he says, but also recognize that he's more than just his intelligence and he has other good qualities too and if ichiro needs attention and someone to guide him and answer his questions, well, akio would be glad to do that! but also, there's a lot of angst potential since akio still misses arata to a very bad and obsessive degree as it will be shown in season 2 and he may also see ichiro only as a "second option" because he would like to reconcile with arata if he's able to go back home and also, unlike riku, ichiro probably doesn't really share any traits with arata? but hey, maybe akio should just stop searching for guys who look and act exactly the same way and try something new? also i can definitely see them as, like, that type of ship where someone talks a lot and the other one just listens and nods. but yeah, i think they should go to therapy together once they're out. if they're able to leave milgram that is (also hi i'm typing this while thinking about t2 akio and I'M THIS CLOSE TO CRYING)
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AIMI X AKANE IS SUCH A CUTE SHIP (both platonically and romantically) IT LITERALLY MAKES ME MELT. like, their t1 version is so heartwarming, aimi finally gets a friend (maybe something more?) and akane finally gets someone who won't look away and give her all the attention and love she needs! also matching bandaids!! brushing each other's hair!! aimi saying that she can hug akane if she's too cold!! (and aimi is very soft and warm and her prison uniform is just like that as well) but also man. i'm thinking about the fact that i've actually never revealed much about aimi's backstory and what kind of person she was before milgram and like, why she was bullied by everyone.. and again, her undercover lyrics, if someone is not her friend, they don't deserve to even breathe. would love to see akane's reaction to t2 aimi, hehe <3 (don't worry, aimi is still cute, but now we get to know how messed up her morals can be) (also the fact that their love languages go together so well makes me go insane)
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AGAIN. i love them both platonically and romantically. two angsty boys who have some love-related problems, how cute <3 but also, i think daisuke deserves someone better than kei jdkslsls. kei's morals are literally non-existent and he genuinely enjoys hurting people though one of the reasons why he likes it is because he thinks it's a normal way to show how much you love them. their love languages go together surprisingly well too (the masochist bit made me laugh so hard like if kei found out HE WOULDN'T LEAVE HIM ALONE AND WOULD TEASE HIM NON-STOP). this is also that kind of ship that really makes me wonder how your ocs would react to the t2 versions of my ocs, though in this case it's more about, well, kei's t2 mv and more info about his crime because IT'S GONNA BE SAD.
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catcrazyx · 2 years
kazuichi for the ask game please!! :) 💖
Hello hello!!! Sorry for the late!! I wanted to put my mind into this instead of rushing it, so now I finally can!! Here we go for Kazuichi :DD -
Favorite thing about them: I think he's such a goofball!! I love to see him passionate about his talent, it's so adorable!! I really like his design (in the game) to be honest, I mean, more specifically how the colors mix together, the pink and yellow, and also his hair!! I also really enjoyed his FTEs, they were some of my favourites to do, I sadly completely glossed over Kazuichi in my first playthrough, like i barely payed any attention to him and I'm sad I didn't at least give him a chance with one FTE, bc I feel like right the first one would have made me notice him more, he's a bro type of character which I like and even though he's very insecure and doesn't trust others, his moments with Hajime are my favourites, they are so funny together. Also I thought he was very sweet in his introduction, it was one of my favourites, and I tell you, I was really almost doing at least one FTE with him in the first chapter, but the waifus were too many 😔 bros before hoes did not work. And then it's like I said, I glossed over him after that. -
Least favorite thing about them: As a character, definitely the lack of development. I was hopeful at least by the end of the game he'd accept for once he can't be with Sonia, or that he deserves better, or idk, just something? Just a little line of dialogue?! But that didn't happen and I was so disappointed. Also I feel like his character was used so much for comedy relief a lot of other things he does or that he's capable of get completely overshadowed by it, he deserved better. Now more into Kazuichi himself, I have to say I don't like characters which blindly accuse others of committing a crime with no proof, which is mostly why past chapter 1 I stopped paying attention to him due to how he behaved during the first investigation and trial. It's actually triggering for me when a character accuses another without proof, so it's very personal. It's not like I hate him bc of that, there's many characters that do that and I like them bc there's just more to them or there's even development, growth or something, but I feel like Kazuichi lacked that, and that's why I have to bring it up :( Also let's not forget Kazuichi is a pervert. Not just with Sonia but the other girls too, and it's not like I'm against a guy complimenting a girl's looks, the things that bother me are the fact he's shown to stalk a lot, be very stubborn and victimises himself whenever he doesn't get what he wants, and that's just not cool. -
Favorite line: When he gives Hajime his uhmm swimsuit, and then when Hajime refuses to wear those, Kazuichi says "What is it then?! Are you telling me you don't wanna match with me?!" I thought that was funny. Oh and in his last FTE, if we pick the option "date" and he answers with "That's right. Two people having fun at the beach will eventually get close to each other, and then... ...Wait, you and me!? What'll happen if I dream about that tonight!?". Well like I said, his interactions with Hajime like these are my favs, he's funny. -
BrOTP: Ibuki!! I feel like he and Ibuki could be such good friends, actually best friends!! Ibuki helping Kazuichi relax, be more confident, and also they'd totally talk about girls together!! But Ibuki would totally teach Kazuichi about personal space and respect towards girls. They'd support each other so much I just see it. I like to picture Kazuichi in Hajime's place for Ibuki's 4th FTE where they just swing their heads back and forth. I feel like they'd have fun together! Anddd of course I said I like Kazuichi as BrOTP with Kaito on Kaito's ask, so I have to mention Kaito here as well. Actually I discovered something new, I totally did not remember that Kazuichi said he liked rocket ships in his FTE, omg I thought that was a headcanon by the people that made those fanarts and comics of Kazuichi and Kaito together, omg it's so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!! They'd get along for sure now!!!! Awwww!!! -
OTP: Don't really have a very strong ship with Kazuichi which to call "OTP", I'm not crazy for any ships with him, but I do like a few, like for example with Hajime or Fuyuhiko. I could also see him with Chiaki, but I didn't actually analyse their dynamic at all, I just love Chiaki a lot and I think she'd be good with anyone. And..... Nagito! I was not a fan of Soumaeda until the anime, I'm sorry but I freaking love them there. In the game not so much really, but in the anime I do enjoy Soumaeda. -
NOTP: Well obviously Sounia. For so many reasons, but in summary: Sonia doesn't like him, he can't respect it, he likes and admires her, but doesn't actually get her at all and is constantly making her feel uncomfortable. Also, I don't know how I feel about Soudham. Like, I never imagined they'd be such a popular ship in the fandom and a very sweet one actually. I do not like them in canon, but the way the fandom portrays them actually makes me see the potential!! I like the fanarts and I really don't mind reading about them, but I'm talking about Soudham here under the "NOTP" section instead of the "OTP" bc really it would not be a first choice for me. I think they are sweet in the fandom, but no, I don't actually like them together in canon. -
Random headcanon: Uhhh hmmm ahhh ehh ahh hmm he makes some mechanic toys or things, or idk what to call it, but like the little robot Nekomaru for example, for his friends, it's his way of saying "I consider you my friend, I trust you". ALSO I GOTTA ADD (added after posting: Him making a cute rocket ship toy for Kaito when he begins considering him a friend and trusting him!!!!!!!!! YAHHHH) -
Unpopular opinion: I don't know if I have any unpopular opinion on him, hmmm well I think a lot of people like to reduce him to a simp, and sure he is one, but I think he deserved development and deserved better from the writers, 'cause I feel like his character could be so interesting? No actually now that I think about it, his character really had so much potential, I hate how they reduced him to comedy relief. -
Song i associate with them: I don't have any songs that remind me of him, but actually I never really thought of him when listening to any song or getting inspiration for my videos, maybe I'd have to listen more closely, bc I feel like it shouldn't be too hard to find a song to associate with him. But yeah sorry I don't have any at the moment :(( -
Favorite picture of them:
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thecrybabydiaries · 2 years
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I posted 764 times in 2022
That's 315 more posts than 2021!
176 posts created (23%)
588 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 233 of my posts in 2022
#for daddy - 98 posts
#luna writes - 18 posts
#dd/lg sfw - 12 posts
#asked - 9 posts
#oh daaaaaddy - 7 posts
#dumbification - 7 posts
#dd/lg kink - 7 posts
#queue - 7 posts
#luna reads - 7 posts
#i’m deceased - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#no offense but literally hes just a man hes not a hero hes just a man who had to sing this song
My Top Posts in 2022:
It makes me so happy that I’m (finally) in a healthy enough headspace to handle Daddy degrading me so aggressively and consistently.
10 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
80 Days
12 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Asking Permission
It never fails to make me laugh when vanillas get pissed at me for saying something like, “Oh, let me ask my fiancèpppppp/Daddy first before I get [a body modificiation]” or, “I want to, but my fiance said no.” because they can’t comprehend that he likes to know when I’m planning to modify myself and I have a few mental illnesses that can create manic episodes where I’m not thinking clearly about a modification I want to get. 
There are so many options to consider when modifying my body for my pleasure or his. If I “ask permission” first, we can take the time to ensure I’m not rushing into a shitty artist that I’ll regret, screwing us financially because I have no sense of impulse control or even just the consequences of my actions. 
So with that being said, 
What Modifications Need Pre-Approval?
Tattoos. These, obviously, are huge commitments and financial hits for us. Plus, when my favorite artist books are open, there’s a 2-3 month waitlist, but I also have very little impulse control. When I want to get a new tattoo, I’m (usually) down for the next available artist in my favorite shop. My fiance is diligent about helping me plan out a piece that I’ll love for a very, very long time.
Piercings. Another commitment and financial hit. Ears are (usually) pre-approved, but anything more than that needs prior approval to ensure healing won’t fuck up any plans we have (like summertime in general when it’s harder to keep pieces clean due to sweat and chlorine).
Hair cuts over 3 inches in length. The occasional trim is always approved to ensure my hair has the strength required for our favorite activities, but if I want a massive chop, that requires some planning and approval (mostly because he likes long hair on me!)
*Luna’s Tattoo Tip: We always aim for fall and winter tattoos to help ensure the smoothest healing period
When Am I Told No?
Honestly? Rarely. If I want to modify my body for him, he’s usually on board. It’s not so much of “no” as it is “not right now” For example, I have multiple tattoos planned, but we have to go slow on those because of healing and finances. I have a semi-large piece planned that we’re expecting to be around $500. (And when you’re trying to save for a life together, that money could go a long way)
There is a small list of modifications I cannot��get (for good reasons) like a septum piercing (my family is reformed Jewish, and they’d murder me for altering my body in a way that’s not easily covered). I can’t get any tattoos that I can’t cover with clothing easily (arms, chest, lower legs, feet, hands, etc.) for professionalism. I have to keep my hair past my shoulders so I can put it up for work (again, professional at its finest), and anything shorter would cause intense curling issues.
Can I Override His Choice?
Yes and no. While I have never had to override his opinion, he is very understanding and open to me talking to him about these things. He'd only truly tell me "no" for a handful of reasons such as we don't have money, I'm asking for something that is in a manic state, or the consequences outweigh the rewards.
So while vanillas get pissed at me for “asking permission”, it comes from a place of ignorance. I’m asking him to help me make a choice that could follow me around for a very long time.
Besides, what else is Daddy for if not helping me make these big choices? ;)
14 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
Why Would You Give Up Your Orgasms?
"You're kidding, right? Were you coerced? Did he bribe you?"
No, I'm not kidding. No, I wasn't coerced or bribed. I asked for it. Begged for it even. It took us years to build up to it, but gods damn I love it.
I've always been interested in orgasm denial, the power exchange that comes with it, the tingle all over that comes with a load blown and I'm left trembling and aching for my own.
Daddy likes that each time I edge for him, my brain fades a bit more. I'm more willing to try new stuff for and with Daddy like now he slaps me and pops my body.
But why? Why would I willingly give up my orgasms for Daddy? And permanently, much less?
The short answer? I need him to. My orgasms were making me greedy and selfish with serving Daddy.
The long answer? It's not brainwashing, it's not coercion, it's not being forced. It's a kink we're greatly enjoying. There's a certain power exchange that comes with giving something so intimate up to him and letting him control it.
Being denied has also improved our relationship. It's brought a new level of trust into our relationship, forced more communication and more openness. I've let Daddy more into my being and my lines of thinking. He's also kept more of a close watch on me; my mental state, my emotional well-being, and physical needs as being denied so frequently tends to leave me very energized and needy.
Adding this level of kink, as far as denial goes, I highly recommend it. It's spine tingling, frustrating in the best of ways and unbelievably incredible.
So you don’t cum… at all?
Rarely. Maybe once every month or so…? We started with sessions where I wouldn’t cum then we moved up to two sessions in a row where I wouldn’t cum, then naturally moved up the line from there. I can’t actually remember my last orgasm and I don’t regret it. I think I’m getting my next orgasm at the end of the year. Maybe.
Daddy likes me denied and I love serving him and feeling the bliss of edging so everyone wins!
15 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“It just feels so good, doesn’t it?”
My hips were mindlessly grinding against Daddy’s hand, my mind slowly turning to a gooey, hazy fog.
Daddy kept cooing in my ear, coaxing my guard lower as the familiar cocktail of his scent, my desire and sweat fed the mental fog.
“It just feels so good to edge, doesn’t it?”
Another deep breath, my hips raising quickly from his hand with a deep groan. My eyes squeezed shut as Daddy’s smile, his pride, burned into my skin. “Deep breath, princess… No cummies yet. Just relax and edge for Daddy.”
I couldn’t place my last orgasm, even with a level head. Daddy keeps me denied now, as encouragement to be the best toy for him.
This time last year, I couldn’t stand the idea of denial. Oh, how greedy I was.
At some point, I started to desire it… I wanted - needed Daddy to deny me. To control when and if I got to cum. To teach me to be less greedy with my orgasms. To teach me to put his pleasure first - where it belongs.
Daddy cooed again, “It feels so good, doesn’t it?”
32 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
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