#i was trying do hard not to cry bc i had class in like 10 mins
tokyosmega · 10 months
ep 61 of dungeons and daddies just hit me like a pile of bricks
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sugar-omi · 1 year
i start school in 12 hours 😧
so to keep from losing my sanity imma ramble about how Cove would make school fun if you hate it, like me!
Going to school with him, rather it's by bus, car, or on foot is always nice bc you guys can just talk and hang out on your own.
If someone ever tries to start shit w you, he's there and ready to kick ass. (not literally, he's a gentle giant. i mean unless he really has to)
If you get easily burnt out and lack motivation to do your school work, you guys can have study sessions!!! although results may vary when it comes to how much work you actually get done 💀
Sits next to you in all your classes and pouts when your schedules don't line up. Promises to see you at lunch and if you hate the caf like me he makes it soo much more bearable just by being there.
If you're a complainer like me, he'll listen to you and give solutions
his solutions: "let's just skip."
you don't tho. not too often at least
i feel like Cove would definitely be the type to skip for you. Like you tell him you're not going to school and he's already at your window like 'ok so what are WE gonna do then?'
doesn't matter if he was dressed and ready to go, he doesn't wanna be there without you.
school was hard for me socially n I never did the homework, so cove would definitely help you do the homework even if you end up copying some of his answers
socially, like I said before he tries to take thr heat off you. and I agree he doesn't rlly get physical!!! but if someone is giving you a hard time he comes up behind them, puts a hand on their shoulder.. "why don't you stop bothering them?"
or will stand in between you and crosses his arms. cove isn't that scary but he doesn't care abt that, he just wants to protect you
will indulge in your complaints too!!! even shares his own complaints. AND BACK TO THAT SKIPPING THING
okay just to set the scene, let's say you're really stressed and end up having an anxiety attack or feel one coming on before class. cove pulls you to a secluded spot and you end up calming down and crying while he holds you, eventually falling asleep with your head in his lap while he stands guard.
after that, whenever you get stressed or tired. anything like that, he finds a spot you guys can hide and you'll skip class.
you try not to do it often since they'll end up calling your parents, but you treasure those little moments bc he'll share a snack or doodle w you, or even better play more hangman w you <333
will play tic-tac-toe in the middle of class!!!
also I love cove climbing thru your window fully dressed for school and he's like "so, what did you dream last night bc I dreamed I was a SHARK which was rlly cool but then you were a fish n I ate u and I woke up and cried-"
this man is crazy istg
omg if this is like step 3 n youre dating he'll walk you to all your classes and squeezes your hand goodbye bc he's too embarrassed to kiss in front of your classmates n teacher (definitely does it once on the cheek and RUNS AWAY)
yall never live down how lovesick you are I promise
once had terri deliever a little sticky note w a heart on it or smth and terri went "omg yall are so CHEESY EVEN WHEN YOURE APART" randy is giggling and teasing you too
omg imagine he's in PE and he sees you. he runs to the door or window and looks back and forth before he steals a hug or kiss (pls kiss him, if not you owe him 2 kisses to replenish his energy fully)
teacher: holden! get back here. stop making out w y/n!
cove: *jumps 10 feet* y-yes! omg.... I'll see you later y/n<3
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lylilorden · 1 year
12 Questions for 12 Followers
thanks @dreamingthroughthenoise!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
nope! kind of the opposite, almost. ultrasound technology wasnt.... the best..... around when i was born, so my parents were expecting a boy, and then like twelve hours before i was born my mom had a funny feeling and they started shuffling through name books until they found my names. ha, jokes on them i grew up to be agender anyway
2. When was the last time you cried?
idk, probably no more than two days ago. i never used to cry, and now i cry at everything
3. Do you have kids?
i have my internet hellions @potatoesandsadness and @depressedwetnapkin, and also two baby nieces who i love a lot (but who taught me that yeah i probably dont want my own children. they are exhausting)
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
mm, i guess? i try to only do it if its obviously a joke bc i have a hard time telling when other people are sometimes, and i dont want anyone to struggle to interpret what im saying
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
in person, probably height? im pretty short so its a notable feature for me. online, i guess whatever the first handful of posts i see from them have in common?
6. What's your eye color?
bluegreengrey. they shift color depending on what im wearing and sometimes with my mood
7. Any special talents?
the first time i cook something it always turns out really well, and im good at remembering numerical passcodes and passwords. it took me exactly one time seeing it used to remember the code to the mail room door at my job (and my reward for that is that my boss always sends me over now to check it lmao)
8. What are your hobbies?
i read a lot, trad pub and fanfic (my favorite novel i've read this year is 'a taste of gold and iron' by alex rowland. my ao3 history is between me, myself, and i. god is not invited to this party, not even by implication). allegedly, i also write fic. im not very good at video games but i love playing uno on discord's knock-off uno app with @quack-snail-umbrella. im taking a ceramics class again bc i really enjoy it and that's the best and easiest way to get my hands on the materials. pressing plants for my collection, and occasionally making really stupid memes in a drawing app to inflict on my discord friends about niche things. does collecting books count as a hobby?
9. What sports do you play/have played?
i did gymnastics as a kid, and ice skating. i did archery in my teens, and nothing else since, bc between those three things ive made every single one of my joints permanently angry at me
10. How tall are you?
5' 2" with a lil upwards wiggle room
11. Favorite subiects in school?
art and history in high school, all my applied botany and ecology type classes im taking currently for my AS right now
12. Dream job?
that's kind of a tough one. i guess anything that helps me make a material, positive impact on the world? im not super picky i just want to not hate my job
tagging: everyone i already tagged up in my answers, @doodle-do-wop @displayheartcode @tethysresort @dear-rat-boi @my-insanity-is-an-artform @flaim-ita @sparklecryptid @chili-the-kid @kanafinwe-makalaure and anyone who feels like doing this
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kadee-pn · 2 years
hi. it’s 2:39am and i’m watching a chem lec:,D life is hard.
today was good day filled w fun moments w my friends<3 i woke up early (ok 9am isn’t even early but these days it is for me) to eat bplate w miss pauline!!!!! she da best. i loved waffle. then we grinded at anderson. we sat near the window and it was so beautiful :o i was in awe. def made studying much more enjoyable 10/10 experience. also pauline is vv studious and focused which encouraged me to put on my a game 🤝 thank you pauline.
then, i met w a friend from my writing 2 class to do peer review! she’s so sweet :) we worked diligently and finished within an hour woooo! afterwards, i walked home to cook a late lunch- i made an omelette and hashbrowns LOLOLLL i just like breakfast food a lot. then, i watched tvd (ofc) + watched chem lec. then, i went to eat din w kimi!!!! we had viet food in sawtelle which was yummy. the bún noodles were a bit thicker for some reason LOLOLL but w the veggies and everything it was solid meal. i would recommend :D next time, i’ll be bold and try the pho :p we got boba too and sat there talking for such a long time HAHAHAHA like literally about everything. i feel like w kimi i can talk so openly and comfortably , which i’m super grateful for :) she’s amazing
then,, we went to johnny’s for kappa wine night! SUCH YUMMY WINE i’m still thinking about it. like it was fr good. the game we played was so difficult i messed up so early on and had to chug 😀 but it tasted good so it was fine LOLOLLL i just rly enjoyed being w everyone bc i’ve been a lil mia these days w studying and doing my own thing. so it was def a good break from all da stress
now i am on couch and watching chem lec. D: i think imma go to bed soon tbh bc i was supposed to teach breakout session for bls tmr but we have no students T-T so i have the whole day to study tmr anyways hdheja
side note: i love rain. i was thriving today
song of the day: cry with you by jeremy zucker
ok that is all gn yall
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twildflower · 9 months
Just read a fic with “I wanted to do this” this sentence in it and i want to kms so bad expand to read a semi-long stupidly funny story. Theres poorly written sex in this for explaining reasons
Before this starts i have to hightlight the fact that my mother tongue is not english nor did we have english as first language to learn at the place i used to live, i just had english classes aside from kindergarten when i was around 1-ish(??) so i had better English compared to my classmates, and that *;i did not go to elementary school and went to something called primary school that had 6 years before going to middle school which had another 6 years before i can go to college.*; TLDR i moved around the numbers of the years into more understandable years for english readers. I dont know how good elementary kids write here but back at where i lived they would trip over and die on a pebble because most kids cant even write 100 words without using 1+ hour and 835284 grammar mistakes and wrong words and such. At least until senior years in elementary. My old ‘friend’ introduced me to wattpad, i didnt know it existed until she told me. Okay this explanation is too long.
When i was in elementary i used to write fics on wattpad for like. 2-3 years and bc i went back to look at them after a year/every now and then (when i still had the app) i tried editing everything to make the old cringe ass fics to look better, but it only made me remember how much cringe i wrote and it wasn’t even that much better (no shit dude how much was i going to improve in a 2 year period. In elementary might i fucking add.) . Now i have certain sentences i see and i cringe so hard because it reminds me of what i wrote before and its such a hidden core memory i didnt think of it until i read a fic that had “i wanted to do this” in it and i internally died that second i saw it actually. Its not even the fic it’s literally just this single sentence that i wrote in my very old fic that made me cringe the fuck out. If you read to here might as well spill the tea and ball bc HEY did you know? I read fucking smut in elementary! Woooaaa!!! Unrestricted internet access!!!! Cheers to that fr!!! That fucked me in the ass bc it made me write a sex scene that was just
(Im going to fucking cry i dont want to write this out again but this only exists very vividly in my memory and this chapter in my story thats published (maybe I deleted the whole story I honestly don’t remember I’ll check later) is deleted bc I realized its so cringe some time later i don’t remember when. So literally you just have to take my word for it. Plus i was not going to expose my old account. And this would. Be funny joke material if you ignor ethe fact that i wrote this in elementary. It was probably like, 5 years before hs.)
-protag boy and girl meet up with their friends
-boy drags the girl back her house and leave their friends alone
-girl asks boy whats happening
-boy literally just says “to do this” (or something along the lines of that) and instantly took off all his clothes (i was writing it more like those clothes fell off when he took them off idk wtf was happening), implying he wanted to have sex
-girl blushes and clothes also get taken off by boy in an instant (holy shit its so cringe the memory of it gets more vivid the more I remember abt it)
-the only words the girl says is “ah” “Ah” “aH” and “AH” progressively between single sentences of breifly writing the boy going faster(???)
Then they fucking explode i don’t remember what happened next i think they just came and i cut off the story. Or someone walked in on them idk what.
I hope this amount of cringe makes you think at least you weren’t me and didnt try to write a sex scene at 9-10 years old. I dont know how i came up with this. Just gotta love unrestricted internet access amiright? I never wrote any sex scenes after then bc this gave me very bad trauma. Laughs in pathetic. Anywho, i still have other very cringe stories but nothing can top this. I might post another one of my cringe writings but im going back to sleep bruh i woke up in the middle of the night bc my stomach hurts. Then spent 1< hours writing this lmaooo
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officialkatie · 10 months
decided all my vents are gonna be tagged so if you don’t want them on ur dash block the tag
it is midnight. it is monday. i am pmsing terribly. i have to be up in six hours to go do school observations i don’t want to do but have to do and im nervous. going back to my high school makes me nervous. its different and some people i went to high school with work there and that’s nice for them but i don’t want to see them. i had fun in high school but i don’t associate it well now. i don’t want to be a teacher anymore. it makes me sick to think about going to a school especially my old school. i outgrew it but i need to go back so i can finish this degree. i feel like my insides are being scraped by a cheese grater. and im hot and itchy and im going to cry about nothing and i am just alone. no one to help me. it is midnight i got 4 hours of sleep last night coming back from a vacation i didn’t want and i didn’t enjoy. it wasn’t a vacation. it was horrible. i don’t understand why my family doesn’t like me. i try and they exclude me and still treat me like a little kid. im 23. not that you’d know bc you all always forget my birthday. you belittled my excitement at going to the aquarium and made it not fun for me. i love you but i don’t like you. you ruined what little joy there was left in that trip by taking over like you always do. i didn’t want to go. i know im pmsing but that doesn’t make it any less bad. i’m scared to go tomorrow. i don’t know what room is where anymore and im going to be exhausted from not sleeping bc im too anxious. im going to have cramps. i have class until 10pm tomorrow. i want to work in the aquarium to make people happy the way i should have been. im the one walking behind everyone else on the sidewalk when all i’ve done my entire life is be nice. if i died they would never know. “oh we loved katie” not in any way you showed. all you did was show me that you loved yourselves. its 12:10 now and my hips hurt from pms and sitting in the car for 30 hours. i hate this career path. i don’t want to be a teacher. its not too late for me i know i have time for careers and actual real love and it will come but 12:10 monday morning 5 hours and 50 minutes before my alarm i am sick and i cannot see the sun. the time of feeling good is not in sight. this week is going to be so hard. i don’t even want to go to museum wednesday anymore. i don’t find joy in it im tired im hormonal. i will feel better but not now. i have no joy this week. looking forward to nothing except its end. what kind of sadness is that i don’t even have the joy of the mundane its just dragging. the best part of the week will be friday afternoon. i will nap. i will have less hormones. i will have another paycheck for one day of work but it will be mine. i have no weekend to look forward to but the absence of responsibilities will be there. then a presentation tuesday. and then a movie thursday. it will all suck until it doesn’t and tgen i can rest but until tgen i will have (?). the sleep i get tonight and tomorrow and Wednesday. maybe i’ll be better by then.
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pivotbitches · 11 months
I feel like I might throw up
I’m so overwhelmed and stressed and I don’t know what to do
Everything is piling up and I want to just reschedule everything and and say fuck it to class work and just curl up and just be a fucking roly-poly
What I really fucking want to do is drink like 10 beers and call it a day.
I had to do my presentation for Sean’s class. It was a super dense paper and the presentation was so fucking long and I hate working with partners, even though the girl was good and smart and did a lot. I just wanted to fucking take out everything and do a short presentation where we covered the smallest amount of stuff.
I immediately had anxiety about the presentation this morning while working on it. Then before class was talking to everyone in lab and we start discussing my QE and idk how I’m going to get it done by the end of the month or beginning of next month. Not with everything.
And idk what to do QE on, bc I’m supposed to be coming up with the idea on my own. And I came up with something but Sean nixed it and gave me the TB idea. But it feels like cheating and I’m not interested and I just don’t want to even do anything WW anymore but I can’t just not.
I need to look at literature for QE and stats but I don’t have time to look at literature. So then I have anxiety about qualifying, stats, and my future career.
And I asked Sean why he chose academia and while we were talking I had more anxiety and thought I might cry.
Which caused thoughts/shame about crying but more bc I know I need to work on that but also about being so anxious and emotional today.
And then I got to class and could fix my high anxiety, not like normal anyways. I just wanted to watch a children’s show or listen to music or do a meditation but I couldn’t do shit except breathe and tap my foot bc I’m in class.
I literally had five times I thought I might cry in the class and then I had to do the stupid presentation
Then I had to go to my next class and turn in an exam that I probably failed. I played games on my laptop and soothed myself then someone asked about the final exam and final project and I immediately was right back where I started and as soon as class got out I was tearing up.
Was trying so hard not to cry until I got to the car but kept coming and then I got to the car and sobbed all the way home and ruminated on everything
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rosenallies · 1 year
Compliments prompt list 69. 😏 with teacher au. Gia has like the worst day ever. None of the kids listened to them and their room turned into a train wreck with supplies everywhere by the end of the day. They texts their girlfriends that they have to stay later to clean up and they should just head home. But Synth and Kenny come to help and they vent about their day. They end up having a discussion about classroom management
Lowkey idk shit about classroom management in a general ed class …I can handle 10 kids throwing chairs at me and calling me a fucking bitch but put me in a room by myself with no aides with 25-30 kids and I’m completely lost 🫣 so long story short I’m trying my best with the advice here bc …
69. "You give great advice."
Gia sighed coming back into the classroom from duty. They shook the rain from their hair and took in the mess in front of them. Every table was littered with supplies not in their caddies, paint spilling from tubes, broken crayons and markers left without their lids.
They’re an art teacher, they’re no stranger to mess but one of this caliber caused by the fact that none of their classes seemed to listen to any directions they gave all day made them feel like they wanted to cry. They knew it likely had something to do with the pouring rain today and the lack of outdoor recess the kids got, but it still didn’t make them feel any better, so they fired off a text in the groupchat with Kendall and Synthia and got to work cleaning up the daunting mess.
Gia: you guys can head home without me, I have a huge mess to clean up in the art room. I’ll take the bus later, love you both💗
They set their phone down and missed the string of texts between Kendall and Synthia while they cleaned but not more than five minutes later, Synthia stormed into the room, Emerald in tow.
“Emmy,” Synthia said softly, leaning down to their daughter’s level, “will you help Nonny by picking up all the stuff on the floor for them?”
Emerald saluted her and scurried off to start picking up papers and crayons and whatever else found it’s way to the floor.
“Nope, you go sit. Em and I will clean, Kendall’s on her way too. Just sit down, if your classes were anything like mine today then you need the rest.”
Gia flushed but sat obediently on their desk, kicking their feet slightly while they watched their partner and daughter clean up.
“If your kids were hard today, how come you don’t need to rest too?” Gia wondered aloud.
Synthia looked up at them and smiled softly. “Baby, it looks like maybe it was worse in here.”
Before they had a chance to respond, Kendall walked in, her eyes wide. “Jesus, what happened in here?”
“Oh you know, art supply warfare apparently,” Gia said dryly, “I just had no handle on anything today. Everything I said it felt like I was saying it to an empty room, I threatened referrals, I took away scissors, I threatened a silent clsss period, I tried it all!”
“I wish I knew how to help you more but I couldn’t teach anything below juniors. Even freshman and sophomore’s scare me,” Kendall replied with a shudder, getting to work scrubbing the dried paint off the tables.
“You know what really helps me on days when they’re a bit wild? Making everything into a game. I pretty much scrap whatever lesson plans I had for the day and take whatever skill they should be working on and making it into a game. It’s not always going to be your most effective teaching practice but for hard days, it gets me through. Set high expectations for said game like if a student is yelling, then they sit out for a round and adhere to those expectations. Then the next day, pick up where you left off with your plans and just try again. I think it’s really important to be flexible with things. The rain wasn’t even in the forecast this morning so we couldn’t plan around it so we have to be flexible and adapt.”
Kendall nodded in agreement. “I wouldn’t know what to do with either of your classes for even a second, but we have to be just as flexible in high school sometimes too. Just last week I was halfway through a lesson on Romeo and Juliet and I look up and realize half my class is asleep so we finished the period with a game of Kahoot, you know that quiz game? I’m sure you could find some for color theory or types of lines, whatever you’re working on in art!”
“Yeah, you’re both right. Thank you. You give great advice.”
“Hey, it’s no problem,” Synthia replied, placing the last of the discarded supplies in their designated area, “you help us lots too.”
“Yep, my room would be bare without those book cover posters you did for me,” Kendall said.
“And I wouldn’t have half the arts and crafts ideas that I have without you!”
Gia giggled. “I love you guys.”
They opened their arms for a hug and everyone piled in, Synthia, Kendall, then Em right in the middle.
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himbotiem · 2 years
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I posted 27 times in 2022
10 posts created (37%)
17 posts reblogged (63%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 25 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 12 posts
#shadow sk8 - 5 posts
#no himbos rn - 4 posts
#sk8 - 3 posts
#sk8 the infinity - 3 posts
#beetle writes! - 2 posts
#higa hiromi - 2 posts
#sk8 shadow - 2 posts
#hiromi higa - 2 posts
#asks - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#im sorry this is so short but its liek 3 am and i habe a 10 am class im veyr sorry
My Top Posts in 2022:
This was just a little thing I did for @scorphargrove’s fic on Ao3, Bite Back. I highly recommend it, I could not put it down lmao, AND the first chapter of the sequel came out recently :D
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This drawing is supposed to be in chapter 5 I think? When billy and the reader walk back into the Halloween party and try to have a good time, I wanted to get that like. Initial when they get on the dance floor time frame I guess, when it feels like it’s just those two together lol. There’s supposed to be silhouettes of the crowd of people around and behind them but I don’t know if I executed it right 😅 also I completely forgot reader had Billy’s jacket on till like halfway through the third sketch, so it’s a little stiffer than I’d have liked. I do really like how I did his hair tho!! References are ur best friend forever frfr!
This isn’t the best drawing bc the pose was kicking my ass 😭 hope u like it :3
4 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
Should I get back into writing?? I’ve been wanting to but idk who/what to write about 😅
4 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
Literally no rush but pls,, I hope you finish those Hiromi fics someday 😭 cause your writing is so good!!!
aaaa sorry 😞 I will I will but school’s been kicking my ass and I’ve been trying to apply to college and stuff so I haven’t had time for our favorite skater!!! Thank you so much for the reminder though, sorry I died
4 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
7 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
prompt: "why the hell is there glitter everywhere?"
plot: the sk8 family trying to throw shadow a birthday party but hiromi forgot his own birthday
Thanks sm for the request!!! I hope you like it :) sorry if the ending was rushed, but it’s 4 months late 😓
warnings: none! Unless glitter counts
Throwing a surprise party couldn’t be that hard, right?
Even with the brain power of a child, two seventeen year olds, an Italian chef, and a calligrapher (who is really just hogging all the brain cells), they were still only able to make the building look a little less than mediocre.
“C’mon, it's the old man’s 25th birthday! We gotta keep going!” Reki said. He was about to fall from putting up streamers in the tallest possible corner of Joe’s restaurant, before Langa steadied the stool he was on.
“Reki, this place is the best it’s probably gonna get.” Joe came out of the kitchen with a badly iced cake, “come tell me what to write on here,”
“Just write ‘you’ve aged.’ that’ll be funny,” Miya didn’t look up from his game, but he did give a little mischievous grin at his suggestion.
“I am not writing ‘you’ve aged.’ that would be weird.”
“Then just add ‘well’ and a smiley face.” Reki said.
“‘Well, smiley face, you’ve aged? That doesn’t sound nice-”
Cherry was tired from their shenanigans all day, “Just write Happy Birthday, you damn gorilla,” and as he turned, he actually saw the cake. “Do you even know how to ice a cake?” he didn’t wait for an answer as he brought it back into the kitchen to fix the horrid decoration job. Hopefully it tasted better than it looked, Cherry had his work cut out for him.
With that, Joe figured they should probably finish up the final touches on everything, and Miya, Reki, and Langa were left in the restaurant with no adult supervision. Worst idea yet, the three of them were already up to trouble. Reki still thought the space could use more pizazz, as he knows Shadow is no simple man. Reki took a cup of glitter and started trying to find somewhere to put it, maybe on the tables? Yeah, that sounded good. He grabbed a pinch and sprinkled it over the plastic tablecloths, for some variety. He didn’t notice, but Langa was sneaking up behind him to get some glitter. By the time Reki figured it out, it was too late, and it was already everywhere.
“Dude! I just washed this hoodie!” Reki said with a smile. He laughed as he threw some glitter as a revenge attack, not noticing that Miya was right behind Langa.
As the first speck of glitter hit the console, Miya was up and throwing glitter back at his assailants. Reki ducked behind a booth, hopefully he'd be safe here. Alas, a face full of green and purple glitter hit him, very on brand. Reki got his own red ammo, and released it onto the catboy.
“What is going on here?” Oh noooo, mom’s back. They halted their war in fear of the pink haired man. “I can’t deal with this right now- Go visit the flower shop and tell his manager she needs to keep him busy. I need to sweep up this mess.” Without a word, the three boys marched single file out the door, sent on their mission.
They weren’t very subtle. Miya, Reki, and Langa went to try to tell Shadow’s- Uh, Higa’s Manager about his surprise birthday. While he was working. They didn’t plan out Cherry’s request that well.
Oh no, Higa came out of the break room, and Mrs manager went downstairs to work on a pick up order. He stopped in his tracks, seeing the devil’s dandruff all over the ground.
“Why the hell is there glitter everywhere.”
The three boys look down and they all start talking over each other, though none saying the truth. Higa was not having it, the more they panicked, the more it fell from their hair and clothes.
“No- you know what I don’t care, get out,” Higa started pushing the boys out the door, not without (very sparkly) protest. He just got done sweeping the main floor, and now these hooligans left a snail trail of unicorn barf that he’d have to clean up before more customers came in. It was a busy day too, Higa could barely have the time to think. He woke up, came to work, and has been busting his behind all day! He didn’t even remember his birthday, it was that bad. The days leading up to today hadn’t been easier either, what with everyone wanting bouquets for some reason.
By the time Reki, Miya, and Langa had gotten back to the restaurant, with an incomplete mission by the way, Oka had been called to help clean up the rest of the glitter while Cherry had to go back to the cake. Oka gave Reki the broom and dustpan he was using, sighing as he walked away to make sure other things were in order.
“What were you guys thinking, roughhousing so close to the start of the party,” Oka was getting ready to pick up Higa, unaware that the boys never got to tell the manager to keep him there. Reki was busy sweeping, Langa taking out trash bags, so Miya had to run after him out the door.
“Ah, wait! He might be home, I don’t- uh, we didn’t get to tell the manager to have him stay at work. I don’t know.” Oka nodded at the new information, and Miya dashed back in after a fallen streamer.
Oka figured he had nothing to lose if he checked the shop first, so he started there. Luckily, Shadow was just leaving. Oka ripped off his helmet and jogged to the locked door to wait for him to come out. He soon heard the door chime and he rose to meet Shadow.
“Oka, I uh- what are you doing here?” Shadow was confused, so Oka vaguely gestured to the moped and held out a helmet.
See the full post
13 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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muslim-flint · 3 years
singing it to urself hits different fr. healing the inner child and everything
#second venting post of the day oof look away.#when i got off the bus after a ride of like 40 mns to get home from my class smthg happened#literally all the strength in my body evaporated. like i braced myself against a pole to not actually fall on the concrete#and the bus stop is only like 100 meters from my house but i took maybe 10 mns to get home bc i had to take a break every three steps#at some point i just sat on the ground. physically couldnt get up i had to try three times#almost got ran over by a car too bc i stopped in the middle of the fucking road#and when i finally got to my street i just. started crying and crying i couldnt stop#my whole upper body hurt and i couldnt think abt anything else just repeating 'it hurts so much' to myself sobbing for god knows how long#after a while finally got home. got to the kitchen warmed up some food. i could barely lift my arms up#oh and the crying kept going of course :) i was just so exhausted and so hurt it felt like my heart was physically breaking inside my chest#forced myself to eat cause i knew i needed it but it took so much strength to just. swallow it down. like my throat was tight as shit#finally got undressed and thank GOD remembered that i have a weighted blanket#ive been under it for two hours and a half now and ive calmed down but. yea#i think what happened is i just couldnt take it anymore ive been so so so strong trying to keep myself alive#and im really tired and i reached that stage in therapy where im like. mourning the care i was never given and coming to terms with#the fact that im never ever gonna get it from anyone but myself. and im gonna do it bc i deserve it and child/teenage me both deserve it#but god im exhausted and it just hurts so bad i cant let it go. no one is ever gonna give me the care my parents were supposed to. no one#i just wanna collapse into someone and be on auto pilot for a good fucking month at least just letting them take care of me. but i cant#i know its gonna pass eventually but for now im IN it and its. hard its rly rly hard. im rly tired i cant even speak#pulling words out of me today felt impossible i forced myself to do the bare minimum so no one would dig into it but wow#anyway. if anyone has read that far obviously dont rb with the tags lmao#rizcore#Spotify
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24hlevi · 3 years
Nam Onjo As Your Girlfriend
Nam Onjo (All Of Us Are Dead) X Gn!Reader
Summary: How Onjo would be as your girlfriend
Warnings: Language
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- let's start with you guys are DEFINITELY friends to lovers, even better, childhood best friends to lovers (cheongsan is crying in the corner bc of this btw)
- no but fr she knew about her feelings for you after like three months of knowing you
- one day, when you two were eating lunch together with isak, she said that she needed to talk to you right at that moment and was clearly nervous, making you confused while isak was grinning behind you and was giving onjo a thumbs up
- you obviously said okay, and when you two were back inside the school and onjo made sure there was no one else there, she held her hand out in a fist before giving you what was in it
- her name tag
- "you...want to go out with me?" you asked her
- all onjo did in response was nod, too afraid of whatever she would say that could fuck it up
- let's just say she was extremely shocked when you suddenly hugged her and confessed to her you had the same feelings
- now onto general hcs
- onjo is always holding onto your hand, no matter where you two might be, she says its a comfort thing which makes you so happy that you're the one comforting her
- she gets shy sometimes when she's saying something that makes her sound like an idiot in love (she is) and her voice usually gets quieter when she does say those things
- she said "i love you" first but it wasn't that much of a big deal as you two had been saying it to one another as friends for a long time
- onjo likes study dates, because she truly needs the help, but most of the time it just ends with you two cuddling and doing everything except studying
- speaking of cuddling, this girl is in a constant need for them, like she'll go up to you and just hug you for a long ass time and you know what she wants
- plus the way she cuddles is just adorable, she's like a koala with her arms and legs around you and her head on your chest or her face is in the crook of your neck
- if you ever want to purposely get her flustered, kiss her cheek! she turns bright red and probably runs off 9/10 times
- if you ever tease her in any way expect to be hit by a notebook if in class, or kicked in the back of the knee outside of school, and it hurts a lot surprisingly
- arguments are extremely rare, and since you guys are teens it's hard to work it out the "right" way, so it usually ends after being mad at each other for half an hour
- she loves going out at night with you to the city and eat street food while shopping, it's her favorite thing to do with you
- onjo is pretty shy on pda other than holding hands and a hug here and there, do anything more than that and her whole face is red
- her father loves you and you three often eat dinner or breakfast together before school, he also says that you can help her get better grades but usually he's joking to make onjo irritated
- for any birthday, holiday, anniversary, etc. onjo tends to get smaller things that have a lot more meaning to them, like a custom picture that she paid someone to draw of the two of you on your first date
- she also prefers smaller gifts than big ones that are on the expensive side, mostly because she's worried that you're wasting your money on her so even if you get her a promise ring she will wear it everyday and never take it off
- in the beginning of your guys relationship, onjo would get so embarrassed over pet names that anytime you called her one she would probably end up hitting you in some form but after time she grew used to it and now just blushes at hearing one
- onjo's kisses are so sweet and a little hesitant at both of you not really knowing what to do so she usually sticks to short pecks
- buy her any type of food and she'll love you forever like it doesn't even matter what it is, she just loves food and having you buy it for her makes her feel all warm and giddy inside
- on dates she will always try to pay no matter how much the cost in total is, so you two came to an agreement to switch on and off for each date
- onjo loves wearing your clothes, more specifically, hoodies and jackets, especially when going to school because she can smell you on the clothes and it gives her comfort when you two have different classes (tho every time it happens isak teases the hell out of her)
- she isn't too big on matching couple items, but she does love matching phone cases, and probably has like 3 sets
- onjo's love languages are: words of affirmation + receiving/giving gifts + physical touch
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zukump3 · 4 years
ignoring them for 24 hours ✧ hc
you ignore your boys for 24 hours. or, at least, you try to.
genre: fluff
requested: yes! i added todoroki just cause
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as perceptive as he is
izuku probably notices immediately how you’re avoiding him
you two wake up at similar times because you go to sleep at similar times, but this time you woke up before him
he gave you a sweet “good morning” and kissed your cheek, but you only smiled and went to the bathroom
he thought that was strange. you usually say good morning back
but then again, it was such a small thing that he didn’t really overreact over it
however, when you left his dorm without saying goodbye or anything like that he got a little worried
once classes were beginning, he went to your dorm to pick you up and walk you to class like usual but
you were already gone.
“what the...” he would murmur to himself, frowning now
what was up with you? were you ignoring him or something?
what even annoyed him further was that you spent the whole day with fucking bakusquad!
bakugo didn’t seem to like it of course, but kirishima and the others accepted your company like it was nothing
he tried to sit next to you at lunch but once bakugo noticed his presence, he immediately yelled at the green haired boy to “fucking beat it!”
“but i-“
the fact that you didn’t even come to his defense kind of hurt him
he didn’t even eat at lunch
he was so bummed out that he just poked at his food with a frown on his face
of course you noticed this. you had been watching him all day and it broke your heart to see your baby like this omg ㅠㅠ
you couldn’t do it anymore. you got up and sat next to him at lunch and you swear he shined brighter than the sun when he saw you
“y/n! i-you-“
“i was trying to praaank you,” you pouted. “but you looked so upset after what that bomb bitch said-i couldn’t do it anymore.”
his pout matched yours.
“don’t do that again... i was seriously worried!”
he makes you stay by him for the rest of the day 😭
ignoring him for 24 hours challenge: failed.
y/n only lasted 5-6 hours.
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todoroki literally doesn’t notice at all
he doesn’t talk much, and seeing that you don’t talk to him much in the morning doesn’t really bother him
he just assumed you were tired and didn’t really care
you two usually got coffee together in the morning but as he went to the common room to wait for you, he was a bit peeved that you didn’t show up
he just assumed you fell asleep or something, or maybe you weren’t in the mood
not gonna lie, he was already missing your presence but he wouldn’t push you to interact with him if you weren’t in the mood
when he goes to class though, he sees you laughing and smiling with the rest of dekusquad
having a good time, apparently
he sits with you guys and listens, and his brows furrowed when he heard you say
“i wish i would’ve gotten coffee this morning. really wanted some mocha.”
did you forget that you two got coffee literally every morning?
okay, whatever. something was definitely wrong with you but he wouldn’t push.
you two also sit together during lunch but you sat between tsu and izuku instead
he’s like
what. the fuck.
he stares at you for the entirety of lunch time 😭
he doesn’t even mean to, he’s just so confused?
like why are you ignoring him? you guys didn’t fight or anything last night so ?? why??
the day continues like that
whenever he comes around you leave, whenever he talks you look away from him
he’s a mixture of irritated and annoyed
irritated bc he doesn’t know why you’re acting this way, and annoyed because he wants to fucking talk to you
you’re one of the only people in this class he talks to on a daily basis and you’re pushing him away??
he only says something when it’s kind of late and everyone is tucked away in their dorms
he has a key to your dorm room don’t ask why so he goes ahead and enters
you’re on your bed, giggling about how well the prank is going to mina when you hear the doorknob jiggle and your boyfriend enter the room
“we need to talk, y/n.”
you make a face. “actually, i-“
the sternness in his voice makes you look up at him, kinda scared at just how serious he looks
“you’ve been ignoring me all day. why? did i do something?”
“if i did, please tell me. communication is important in every relationship and our relationship is very special. if you do not talk to me, i have no way of knowing what i did to hurt you and-“
“shoto! oh my god, it was just a prank!” you tell him quickly, standing up and holding out your arms.
he lowkey makes a 🤨 face.
“a prank...?”
“yeah. ignore your boyfriend for 24 hours prank,” you sigh. “i was so close.”
he sighs with you, walking over to hug you tightly, which feels so good after today.
“it’s a very stupid prank.”
you giggle against his chest.
“yeah. very stupid.”
ignoring him for 24 hours challenge: failed.
y/n only lasted 18 hours.
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another one that notices immediately
you went the extra mile as to leave his dorm way earlier than he wakes up, which-
how tf did you do that
he automatically doesn’t fucking like that.
“y/n?!” he’ll yell out into his bathroom and grumble when you aren’t in there, or anywhere else in his room
he doesn’t even see you until class starts, sitting and laughing with fucking dekusquad
not only that, with midoriya
“hey dumbass, why’d you leave my dorm so early today?!” he asks you, and your eyes don’t even meet his.
you just continue scribbling at your desk.
his eyes turn white.
“i’m talking to you!”
“bakugo, please go have a seat. you’re being incredibly too loud.” aizawa would tell him, slipping his face out of his yellow sleeping bag.
he looks at his teacher, then at you, then back at his teacher before cursing and marching to his desk
probably always glancing at you through the day
the fact that you’re smiling and laughing with fucking deku
that just makes his mood even worse
you’re supposed to be smiling and laughing with him, not that crybaby
obviously his friends notice how mad he is
“dude, why so pent up?” kirishima would ask him and bakugo would literally snark
the red head smirks. “oooh—its y/n isn’t it.”
bakugo pauses.
“how the fuck did you know-“
“you know she’s pranking you, right?” kirishima would laugh at the look of anger that crosses bakugo’s face.
you’re ignoring him for a... a...
he’s livid.
during training he will not hesitate to march up to you
“you think it’s funny to ignore your boyfriend for a stupid prank, huh?! you think that’s so funny don’t you?!”
“bakugo, i-“
“SILENCEEEE!” he’ll literally roar at you and blast you like 10 feet away 😭
cue him being your partner and beating you up for practice
ignoring him for 24 hours challenge: failed.
y/n only lasted 5 hours.
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kirishima understands the concept of “personal space”
he knows that sometimes, you don’t wanna be bothered
and sometimes, he doesn’t wanna be bothered
but sometimes he doesn’t care about that concept.
he will poke and pester at you if you do this challenge.
if you wake up and don’t say anything to him, he’ll yank you down to the bed and whine at you until you manage to squirm out of his arms and go to your own dorm room
he’ll stand right next to you during breakfast
and i mean he will always be standing next to you.
no matter how many times you move around the tables, he’ll somehow end up next to you
like ?? does he have super speed or something 😭
he will not tolerate you ignoring him
like not at all
during class if he cracks a few jokes and you don’t respond to them he’ll probably fake cry
“y/n, you’re making me feel very unmanly right now!”
you swear you didn’t know it would be this hard
he probably notices it’s a prank though when he’s walking next to you in the halls and you’re not even speaking to him, just staring forward
“ahh... you’re trying to play a little joke on me or something? well, we’ll see how long you keep that up!”
retorts to making you jealous the entire day.
hangs out with literally every girl, even the fucking invisible bitch
you can’t take it anymore when it nears 6pm and he asks uraraka to come back to his dorm and watch movies with him
being the amazing girlfriend you are, you get up, land in his lap, and cuddle up to him tightly
he grins at you, preppering you with kisses
“told you you wouldn’t last, y/n.”
ignoring your boyfriend for 24 hours challenge: failed.
y/n only lasted 11 hours.
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hella1975 · 2 years
2, 10 and 16 for the weird asks thing? (i hope i remember correctly and these are actually the numbers i meant lol)
2. lighter or matches?
oooooo this is a hard one actually bc im leaning more towards lighters bc i tend to just Fiddle with lighters a lot. like if there's a lighter near me i AM going to fiddle with it and i like that you can keep the flame and also nothing sexier than someone holding a lighter for you and you leaning into their space to light a cigarette. like hello???? and lighting other PEOPLE'S cigarettes it's all just very intimate im not promoting smoking bc it is just a dumb thing i do when im drunk but they had no business making it so hot. BUT MATCHES? there's something so fun about matches?! like lighting them and holding them and sheltering them when you move. i love it. so ig both
10. would you slaughter the rich?
i think this is a very complex issue that can't be answered properly in a single ask game response but im gonna try anyway. my basic response is yeah: eat the rich. my slightly layered response is: im seeing a worrying trend of people taking this statement and not thinking about it enough. 'eat the rich' is about corporations, millionaires, politicians, old money, nepotism etc. it's NOT about normal people with a good income, and it's definitely not about working class success stories. ive seen way too many normal people talk about having enough money to live a comfortable life and being met with 'ugh i hate the rich we should slaughter them all'. like you're SUPPOSED to have enough money to be comfortable and have disposable income left over. hating on people - particularly working class people who managed to climb to the top - because they have money isn't an answer. my response as an actual economics student for the capitalists who get all 'so that's your solution then, murder? you're all savages wahhh': i have a solution! taxes! i i think we should all have economies where it's IMPOSSIBLE for someone to reach a certain level of wealth full stop. like progressive tax but on a whole other level where billionaires start being taxed like 99% of their earnings (which still leaves them with 10 million before people start crying about being fleeced of 'hard earned money' or some shit). can you imagine how much revenue would be gained from that? literally just that single economic move of increasing tax for people in the highest tax brackets? it would eradicate billionaires period because it makes it near impossible to enter that tax bracket when all that happens is you get taxed of it all, more money goes into the economy to help development, AND it's not harmful to poor people because it's a PROGRESSIVE tax, so it's tax based on your income and the lower income you have the lower you're taxed. it's obviously not as simple as this but as a basic economic theory it's win-win for almost everyone involved. why isn't it being put into practise? because the people in charge are almost always the people that would be hit the most by a tax like that either because they have the money or are in the pockets of people that do, and they dont want to lose that.
16. can you drive?
no im stupid
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔩 𝔦 𝔪𝔢𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 |     [Chapter 1] 
pairing; fratboy!wonwoo x reader
this chapter’s notes; fratboy!wonwoo, dom!wonwoo, dirty talk, masturbation, sex toys, mentions of sexting/sending photos/videos, baby this has hella plot lmao dkhf 🥴💕 WELCOME TO UNTIL I MET YOU!! THE MINI-SEQUEL TO CAFFEINE! A bit of a shorter chapter but I didn’t want to overload with too much everything in the first chapter, ykwim? 😎 Thank you so much for your patience with this sequel, I know there were a ton of people asking for a sequel for months after I said I would 💕😭😭 As always, inbox roundup tomorrow! And don’t forget, next chapter for UIMY goes up on Feb 26th! T|H ch 1 next Friday! 🥰💕 Enjoy ch 1, have a great weekend and I love you! 💕
chapters; 1 - x - x - x - x
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“Mmh… Wonwoo…”
His hands roam all over your naked body; warmth spreading all over when he digs his blunt fingernails into the skin of your waist.
“Feels good, doesn’t it? Did you miss me, sweetheart?” His voice is soft, gentle, yet teasing; barely above a whisper as your back bows off of the bed to lean into his simple touches. “I missed you, sweetheart. Missed your ‘lil cunt too.”
A choked sob falls from your lips, followed quickly by rushed, hurried cries for Wonwoo to move faster.
“Don’t you want me to take my time? We haven’t seen each other in months.” 
There’s a smirk on his lips, eyes twinkling with mischief when you reply back with a shaky whine. “Don’t you want me to slide my cock into your pretty ‘lil pussy nice ‘n slow? Let you feel every inch of me filling you up, just like it’s the first time all over again.” He stares at you dreamily; fixated on the way your body chases his hands when he drags them down to your thighs. “Or would you prefer it if I fucked you hard and fast? Your cute body squirming and trembling from how good I give it to you and my cock slamming into your tight ‘lil cunt.”
Wonwoo’s fingertips spread your folds as he licks his lips; appreciating how wet you already were for him.
“Bet your toys don’t feel as good as the real thing, huh?”
You shake your head ‘no’ furiously, “N-no, god, no! Wonwoo, p-please!” The male grins down at you, pouting mockingly at your desperate, pleading eyes. 
The wetness between your legs is unbearable and the sobs are caught in your throat when Wonwoo leans over you, lips ghosting across your own.
“Okay. Just say--”
You’re shocked awake by your alarm clock; chest heaving in deep breaths as you sit up in your crumpled sheets. “Oh, fuck...” Groaning, your clammy palms reach for the ringing device as you shut it off and sigh.
The clock reads 10:02AM; tired eyes trying to blink away the sleep that threatens to take you back to the dreamland you much preferred. Although, dreaming about Wonwoo was becoming a little bit too common these last few days.
Sighing once more, you move to get out of bed; already finding your panties soaking wet and sticking to you like a second skin when you stand.
“Ugh... Damn it.”
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You press the vibrator harder onto your clit; teeth chattering with the pleasure that pours over your body.
“Oh, god, please, p-please…”
Images of Wonwoo dance behind your eyelids; sultry smirks and teasing glances bringing you closer and closer to the edge of an orgasm.
If there was anything that the last few months without Wonwoo taught you, it was that you couldn’t afford to lose him - in more ways than one. And despite his lack of calls or even text messages, you held out in hopes he still felt the same way that you did despite the distance.
You sent him pictures and videos of yourself often; teasing images half naked, toys in hand, and videos crying out his name while you came. And while he took the time to reply to those with praise and adoration, he almost never sent anything back. 
When he did, it was always short, clipped replies of how exhausted he was and how he didn’t have much time.
“Ngh, h-harder…” Your toes curl against the bedsheet; phantom feelings of his cock fucking you hard and deep making you cry out in desperation to be filled by his cock.
Your phone rings on the nightstand next to you as you cum - vibrator pressed so hard against your clit that your back bows off of the sheets while your thighs shake uncontrollably. 
And for the first time in a long time, it’s an orgasm that feels like it’s worth something.
‘Gyu: hey did wonwoo text u?
‘Gyu: he’s back next monday he said
‘Gyu: idk abt classes tho, might be out of commission for a while bc jetlag
‘Gyu: thinking abt throwing him a party on friday after he comes back...
‘Gyu: u wanna plan with us orrrrr? U got a private party or sth 🥴😏
‘Gyu: lmk
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You’re nervous. Shy, even.
After you’d come down from your orgasm and checked your phone, your mind momentarily went blank from shock and the first thing you’d done was text Wonwoo to ask if he was really coming back that soon.
‘Ah, yeah, I was just about to text you. Prof said we can go home early if we wanted since we finished up classes. I’ll see you sometime next week? Jetlag and stuff.’, was all he had said and in your excited state, the only thing you had responded with was an, ‘Okay, great!’, without asking when, where, or what time.
You figured you’d give him some time to readjust instead of bombarding him as soon as he got in. But each second that you knew Wonwoo was home, you found yourself itching to just be in his presence.
You just had to be a little more patient.
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Wednesday morning comes and you find yourself skipping your morning class to go to the library.
For studying, you tell yourself.
The male at the receptionist table shoots you a small smile to which you awkwardly smile back before ducking into an empty aisle. All you knew was that it seemed like Wonwoo wasn’t here.
Maybe he’s still at the frat house, you wonder.
Sighing slightly under your breath, you decide that maybe getting some work done would actually help distract you from looking for the male.
You find an empty table, setting your things down before pulling out your phone. 
In all honesty, you weren’t even sure why you were being so shy and nervous about contacting Wonwoo, especially when you so unabashedly sent him nudes every few days when he was away. 
Although, with how things had been before he left and the prospect of actually dating once he came back from his semester abroad - the butterflies in your stomach had been nonstop with the different scenarios that played out in your head. You’d even gone so far as to plan what happened if Wonwoo had decided he didn’t want to make an attempt at dating you.
The grip you have on your phone only tightens as you whip your head around to find Wonwoo standing behind your chair and you swear your heart stops beating the same time your breath gets caught in your throat. “H-huh?”
He smiles gently down at you and you can’t help but wonder how long you were spaced out to not notice him there. 
“Is this a dream too?” You wonder aloud - Wonwoo chuckling in response as he moves to collect your things for you.
“Have you been dreaming about me that much, sweetheart?” You stutter and stumble over your words; embarrassment eating at you every second that Wonwoo has a knowing smile plastered on his lips.
“C’mon, let’s go get something to eat since we both know you’re not really here to study.”
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The version of Wonwoo that sits across the cafe table is… different.
Not bad, just different.
His arms are much tanner and definitely more muscular and the glasses missing from his face lets you appreciate his eyes even more when they’re not hidden behind the thick frames. He had even opted to wear a sleeveless shirt; something that you weren’t used to when he usually was around campus in long sleeves and sweater vests.
Although, you can’t and won’t deny the way your body reacts to this Wonwoo.
“Hey, I’m talking to you and you’re just spacing out.” Muttering, he leans over the small cafe table until his face is only inches away from yours and the smirk on his lips already lets you know that you’ve been caught staring.
“Listen, I know I’ve been gone for three months but you’re lookin’ at me like you haven’t had a fix in all that time.” Your lips press into an embarrassed firm line, avoiding his stare as he raises a brow at you.
“Wait, you didn’t fuck anyone in the three months I was gone?”
“No… did you?” Your voice is barely above a whisper; a little afraid that his answer will be ‘yes’ when he takes a second longer to respond.
“Nah,” He settles back into his seat, “I told you, didn’t I? I was willing to try the whole… dating, relationship thing with you when I got back. Although, I’m somewhat surprised one of the others didn’t try to seduce you while I was gone.”
You laugh slightly, cheeks warm as Wonwoo teases. “I wouldn’t have given them the time of day anyway.”
Your entire body burns hot, palms clammy in your lap from how giddy you were to be with Wonwoo and it made your heart do backflips knowing that he’d still been willing to try with you.
“Ah, how was it abroad anyway? You… didn’t really say much over the past few months so I feel like I don’t know how you were. Just some messages about how tired you were...” He takes a sip of his coffee; unintentionally making you internally scream when his lips form a pout while he thinks.
“Honestly? Other than the days we were excavating ‘n stuff, it was pretty boring. Really hectic though, and a lot of documenting which meant a lot of paperwork. I swear, I closed my eyes and I saw the inside of my textbooks.” He chuckles lightly, eyes focused on the cup of coffee in front of him.
“I just want to say sorry for my lack of communication. I really didn’t expect to be so busy that I couldn’t even pick up a call.” There’s a genuine apologetic look on Wonwoo’s face when he looks back at you. “And the time difference was really rough too. I didn’t want to take it out on you over the phone if I was stressed about not sleeping or the workload. I know we can get a little rough when we ‘play’ but this wasn’t that and it wouldn’t have been fair.”
“T-that’s okay, I understand!” Your heart does somersaults in your chest, “I--thank you for thinking about me too.”
The feelings you have bubbling up inside of you make you feel like you’re falling in love for the first time, all over again. “Um… Sorry I sent so many pictures ‘n stuff.”
Wonwoo laughs, this time throwing his head back slightly before he tries to hide his wide grin. “Oh, sweetheart. Don’t apologize.” Your eyes meet his and for a split second, you see the familiar dominating look in his eyes before he leans over the small cafe table again.
“I might’ve not had all the time to entertain you those times but I thought about you alllll the time. I missed everything about you.” His voice is barely above a whisper - careful to not let anyone else in the cafe hear the topic of conversation. “Which, by the way…You piqued my interest earlier with your question. You never really answered my question about having dreams about me.”
You shift in your seat as you avert your eyes from his; eyes flitting down his toned body instead as you mentally curse yourself.
“I… kinda? I m-mean… not normally but just--just these last few days. It’s almost been every night… I wake up and--and it’s just… I’m...” You trail off; somewhat shy to say the rest of what you were going to say even though you’re almost certain Wonwoo already knows.
“Odd. Me too. I kept dreaming about you, which is, honestly, kind of why I thought to come back earlier.”
“Mm, we still had 2 weeks left, technically. A bit of a spillover since my professor wanted us to explore the city once finals were over. But I just wanted to come home.” He finishes with a chuckle - a soft look in his eyes.
You pout back at him, “You didn’t come home early just for ‘lil ‘ol me, did you?” You say it jokingly, but deep down you do wonder.
“Would that be so bad?” Grinning, Wonwoo sets a couple of bills down onto the table to cover the meals you both barely have touched.
“Like I said, I missed everything about you, sweetheart.”
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Wonwoo walks you back to your place afterwards; laughing and joking with you as if he hadn’t been gone for the last 3 months. 
There’s a certain playfulness about him that makes your heart bloom and part of you wonders if he’s opening up to you more now that there’d been some time apart.
“Are you gonna be working at the library again? Or is that done forever now?” “Mm.. I mean, it’d be kind of weird if I stopped, don’t you think?”
The grin of his face is telling and you have to mentally stop yourself from letting your mind wander in the middle of the sidewalk. “Y-yeah... Studying in my apartment isn’t really the same, y’know…”
Laughing, Wonwoo takes the opportunity to swing an arm around your shoulder as he tucks you under his arm. “I was actually at the library earlier to ask about my position back. I start tomorrow.” Goosebumps rise on your skin and the close proximity is enough to make you whimper.
“I’m only taking two classes this semester to give myself a bit of a break so I’ll be in the library more often to fill up the time. You can always call me if you need to know where I am. I promise I’ll respond this time, sweetheart.”
Before you know it, the two of you are already standing outside of your complex as Wonwoo takes his arm off of you.
“Will I be seeing you tomorrow?” There’s a hopeful lilt to his voice that has you nodding feverishly in return.
“I have a morning class but I’ll come by in the afternoon? I can text you to let you know, just in case.” You offer back.
Wonwoo licks his lips, tilting his head before leaning down and kissing you on the forehead.
The soft gesture momentarily throws you off as you freeze but the smoldering look in Wonwoo’s eyes when he pulls away lets you know that he’s already scheming.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart.”
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dimpledlavendeer · 3 years
Enhypen reaction to finding their s/o crying
warnings: actually none because this is fluff but please don't read if you are a sensitive person ♡
May contain typos
I wrote this because one of my friends gave me the idea while we were talking ♡
A reminder that requests are now open ♡
Heeseung 𖦹
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Heeseung would be so worried for you
He would immediately pull you into his arms when he realized your red eyes and the tears on you cheeks
He would wipe your tears with his thumbs and place small kisses everywhere on your face
His eyes would get teary too
He would constantly tell you sweet things while kissing your forehead
"I'm here okay, you aren't alone, I would never leave you alone."
He wouldn't let go of you from the hug until you calm down and say you're okay or at least he sees your smile
He would patiently wait for you to tell him without pressuring you to tell what it was about
When you do tell him he would listen to you pulling you onto his lap while laying on the bed and stroking your hair slowly
He would lay on the bed with you for hours cuddling you, would sing to you when he sees you eyelids getting heavier and you struggle to keep them open, you would find peace in his arms and voice
Jay 𖦹
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His eyes would burn when he sees tears falling from eyes to your cheeks
His rage would built up so fast, he would be so ready to throw hands to whoever that made you so upset
He would run to you and cup your face, pressing his lips on yours
You would tell him what happened while your face was buried on his chest
He would let out couple of curse words out of frustration
He would help you wash your face and then take you out for a ride around the city to calm you down
He would buy you ice cream to eat while he is driving and he would let you choose any song you want to play
He would never let go of your hands
When you guys get back home he would convince you to took a warm bath while he cooks for you
He would make sure you drown in his small little presents thru the whole week too, buying cute plushies, accessories anything he thought that would look cute
Jake 𖦹
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He called you after practice to let you know he was getting out a little bit earlier today
When he heard you sniffing he knew something wasn't right
He asked if everything was okay and you couldn't help your voice from cracking
He would say he's gonna be there in 10 minutes and literally rush to your place because he would be extremely worried
He would buy all kinds of stuff on his way to your place whether it's food or something else
He would drop everything on the floor once you open the door for him and just pull you in his arms
He would ask questions non stop because he would be so panicked
"What happened? Are you okay? Who made you cry? How can I help? Do you want me to get you something?.."
And then he would Apologize for asking too many questions while pecking your lips
Honestly his little clumsiness would make you smile a little <33
Sunghoon 𖦹
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You were supposed to meet with Sunghoon to go out today but you couldn't because you had a bad argument with one of your classmates
You left school early and just closed yourself into your room turning your phone off
You didn't even bother to change your clothes or remove your make up and you just throw yourself to bed
Eventually you fall asleep while crying
Sunghoon called you many times but could never reach you, he tried texting you to but you never responded so he got worried and a little bit pissed off so he stormed into your place yelling your name
When you didn't answer back his worries grow even more until he opened the door of your bedroom and saw your crawled body on the mattress
His heart would break into million pieces when he saw your ruined make up due to your crying
He would accidentally wake you up while caressing your cheeks and smile to you asking if you were alright
He would let you cry laying on the bed like that while patiently listening to you and when he made sure you're done crying he would clean your face with a napkin
He wouldn't tell you anything but he would probably see that one person who made you cry and make sure they can never disturb you again bc that's how protective he is
Sunoo 𖦹
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This little bean would literally shed tears with you
His heart couldn't take seeing you cry
He was at your place for a sleep over and went to the kitchen to get you both snacks
But when he came back he saw you crying because you missed your family
He would throw snacks to a side and come to hug you
He would say that he understands you while slowly patting your back and telling it's okay
Meanwhile he also would get teary eyed but will deny that he also cried
He would tell you some of his embarrassing school memories to make you laugh
Or put a random song on would drag you to dance with him
Eventually you would give in to his cuteness and dance with him because you know he's just trying to make you feel better by trying to distract you from bad thoughts
Jungwon 𖦹
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You went to visit jungwon while they were practicing for their comeback
But while you were watching them practice you found out that you failed one of your classes so your expression unintentionally changed
When you felt that your tears building up inside you, you get out to wash your face
When you get into the restroom you couldn't help but to shed a few tears bc you tried your best but it was just not enough
You got stratled when you heard the sound of the door opening and you turned your back yo hide your face while trying yo wipe off your tears
You heard him calling you "y/n are you.. are you crying? Is everything okay?"
"I'm fine" you would say buy your voice would be enough for him to understand
"Then look at me or I am getting inside." He would say because he isn't the type to let you suffer alone like that when he knows you are not okay
He would buy you something warm while you two talk, after he patiently waits for you to finish your talk he would also mention the mistakes he makes to show you that it's normal and he would invite you to their dorm for that night for a movie marathon
He would mention to the boys that you weren't feeling well so when you go to their dorm at night all of them would baby you, of course jungwon in the first place, he would let you tease him all you want instead of teasing you for that night and would actually do some embarrassing stuff to make you smile
Ni-Ki 𖦹
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He would realize something was off when you didn't respond to one of his jokes the way you usually do
His playful mode would totally turn Into serious when he realizes you are more silent than you normally are, sitting with a poker face
He would be hesitant to come and ask you what was wrong so instead of talking at the first place he would come and sit next to you silently
He would give shy glances at you while sitting like that, honestly I see him as pretty patient person so he would actually sit there in silent like that until you decide to talk with him
His presence would actually make you feel better since he is just trying to show you that you aren't alone with his actions because he is rather a shy person when it comes to things like this
When you start talking about your day and talk about what was bothering you, he would remain silent, nodding at your words sometimes to show you he listens
He would start talking when you ask about his opinion, he would say things that will not only make you feel better but actually would help you see things in a better way
He would remind you to not be so hard on yourself even tho he is so young he is very mature
He is that type of person that you can sit with for hours even tho you don't really talk because his presence next to you would be comforting enough
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leviiattacks · 4 years
hi bestie!! pls pretty pls do a levi one where he takes care of a sick y/n im feeling a bit under the weather and im getting kinda scared bc of covid :<< anything to help calm my nerves pls? thank you <3
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author note :: get well soon anon :-( i’m super sick rn too (when am i not tho </3) so i get how it is. this isn’t that great because i wrote it pretty quick but i hope it eases youuu :-) this is just pure fluff and sappy stuff and yup yup MODERN LEVI BC... listen i have a soft spot for modern levi word count :: some how i got to 1.4k ????? idk how i always go over the expected word count i have in my head 
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it’s literally been YEARS since the last time you were sick
if you really dig through the depths of your memory you’d say maybe you were last sick when you were seven???
it’s that or your memory is just not great
either way, you really do not want to bother anyone with your sickness so you decide to hole up in your room for the entire day
you don’t even tell levi about it because you know he’ll drop everything for the sake of your comfort
the only problem is that midway through the day you’ve become so bedridden you can’t even begin to fathom attending classes tomorrow
you guess you’ll be taking another day off
as that thought crosses your mind your bedroom door bursts open
“i...” levi lets out a long sigh and you look at him dazed from your pounding headache
you’re surrounded by scrunched up tissues and your cold meds have been left untouched
“i’m gonna get you sick too. back away.” you’re frowning and signalling with your hands that you want him out
your nose is stuffy and you’re sniffling but levi just rolls his eyes before he sits next to you on the floor
buried in your duvet you look a little like a burrito and he laughs at that
“do you know where the thermometer is? i’ll check on your fever.”
he’s looking at you waiting for an answer
you think for a second and then you try to rummage through the timeline of today’s events.
to be fair you’re a little disoriented but for some unknown reason you feel yourself get a little teary eyed
maybe it’s a mix of your upcoming deadlines looming over you or perhaps it’s missing a really important class today
but it’s so sudden you don’t even know why your body is making you act so irrationally but that’s what fevers do
“i think i” you sniff and then the waterworks flood out of you. your brain can’t adjust to the severity of your headache and your urge to sleep is higher than ever
honestly you don’t cry very much so to see the tears worries levi almost immediately
“im sorry i misplaced it.” you croak out, your voice is all scaly and weird, you hate it
stupidly you get upset about that too
don’t people sound hot when they’re sick?? why do you sound like an angry bear...?
this is not fair.
“and i’m stressed.” you blow your nose but it continues to drip despite your constant attempts to stop it
nose bright red and hair disheveled levi’s eyes soften when he sees your workbook laying at the foot of your bed
notes are scribbles in random corners and your mind map is a chaotic mess but you’re trying your best given the circumstances
god, even when you’re sick you’re working hard. you’re ridiculous but in the most endearing way known to man
“alright, lay down.” he runs a hand through your hair to fix the birds nest before he adjusts your pillows and places your head down gently
“i’m sorry i’ve lost the-”
levi’s index finger presses against your lips and he shushes you
“get some rest, please.”
you comply but not before giving him a playful glare
his warm palms move to hold your face. cheeks squished together he swipes your tears away
“i’ve got some soup on the stove you’ll be good in no time.” his soft reassurance is comforting and protective
nodding you flutter your eyes shut.
you’re unable to sleep but levi’s presence is enough to ease you even if it’s just a little you do feel better
fifteen minutes pass and levi returns he’s got you a hot cup of tea and the soup is nowhere to be seen
“i had an accident in the kitchen... so have some tea instead.”
you simply laugh it off, he’s trying his best and you’re alright with not having to be fed tomato soup
tomato soup..... it’s sick and twisted it tastes so bad
you recall having to force yourself to down an entire bowl last christmas after catching a cold
never ever again will you do that
anyways, pea soup superiority it’s the only valid type !!!
levi likes tomato soup though that’s the only reason it sits in bulk in one of the kitchen cabinets
he brushes the mountain of tissues on your bedside table away, he’ll dispose of them later
placing the cup of tea where the aforementioned tissues once were you then realize he’s brought you a slice of madeira cake to have alongside it
at this your eyes brighten you love madeira cake it’s so soft and buttery and simple but it’s just REALLY GOOD???
anyway, you definitely recommend everyone to have some it’s a solid 10/10
“picked some up on my way here.”
your heart swells affectionately
no one will ever love you as hard as he does
to be honest, the little things he does keep you grounded and you don’t really know where you’d be without him
he always pays attention to the things you love, always carries you from the couch to your bed, always tucks you in, always lingers a little just to make sure you’re sound asleep
you know about that last bit because on occasion you have stirred awake on accident
every single time he strokes your hair and holds you close ushering you back to sleep
again, you don’t know if it’s your fever making you emotional or the warm feeling of being loved so HARD?? it’s like whack a mole the only difference is being repeatedly hit by bursts of affection
not really a great analogy but your brain is fried right now and it’s the best you’ve got
levi sits next to you making the mattress shift and you then plop your head against his chest
“drink up.”
he hands you the cup of tea but you nuzzle your face into his neck instead forcing him to place it back down
“what are you doing?” he asks.
one of his hands draws circles onto your back soothing you and the other hand is fiddling around with the packaging of your cold meds, he looks to be reading the description just to make sure you can take them
the feeling of his t-shirt under your cheek fades away and you find yourself staring up at him
“get here.” he softly murmurs
rather than pressing a hand against your forehead he swoops down
at first his hands feel your face and neck
“you’re burning up.” he frowns and then he does it
he presses his forehead against yours and you swear you could stop breathing and pass out right then and there
“the fever’s getting worse, why didn’t you call me earlier i had to find out you were sick from-”
“i love you.”
he freezes.
“of course you love me but that’s not what we’re talking about right now.” he snorts and looks you right in the eye.
suddenly you’re kinda just a teeny-weeny bit self-conscious about your dark under eyes but you push that thought to the back of your mind
“no i mean. i really fucking love you levi.” the expletive only makes you sound more serious especially since you always scold him when he uses vulgar language
it looks as if his mouth moves to say it back but you stop him
“you don’t have to say it again. i’m saying it because you said it first.” you explain through your drowsy state
“when did i say it first?”
the fever must be really getting to you is what he’s thinking
“your actions spoke for you.”
he ever so slightly jabs you with his elbow before he carefully places your head back down onto his chest
“you’re so sappy.” he pecks your cheek and you hum silently still unable to breathe out of one of your nostrils
“i know but you’re sappier.”
levi doesn’t respond because he knows you’re correct
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