#i wasn't out in hs tho so it's not like i had the backing of 'im queer and i want to interpret these characters as queer so let me do that'
phe-purple-parade · 2 years
Just remembered when my hs lit studies class read Hamlet (that class was so fun, always had a laugh with those guys) and we chose roles 'cause we wanted to like act it out during readings (resulting in some hilarious moments, like when I had to drag my classmate 'off stage' after mime-stabbing him through a blanket another classmate held up)
Anyway I read for Hamlet because that's so gender (and no one else really wanted to lol) and I lowkey liked the girl who happened to be reading for Horatio (it wasn't a crush but I uhhh yk thought she looked good n was cool like she read Jane Austen and did her research project on how Audrey Hepburn influenced fashion n stuff and just,, I think if she had ever asked me out I wouldn't've declined but ultimately it was aesthetic attraction more than anything else. And she was v likely straight)
And so I couldn't really suggest that like,, Hamlet and Horatio are perhaps gay for eo or anything 'cause I wouldn't've wanted to make her uncomfortable or anything
Earlier that year almost our entire class agreed that Dorian and Basil from The Picture of Dorian Gray were gay and she was legit like 'oh, I didn't think of that' like this girl was surprised?? We're all here either outright saying 'they're gay harold' or generally agreeing but she just,, did not consider the gay subtext afjahdkfkl (our teacher was trying to palm it off with an alternative interpretation and like yeah screw amatonormativity and all but,, the context, man. Oscar 'The Homosexual' Wilde was definitely queercoding his characters during the repressed as hell Victorian era ok?? But this was a Christian school so.. but like. Legit one of the classmates I sat with wrote a Dorian x Basil fixitfic I can't). And I basically ended up saying to her 'your interpretation is totally valid.. but you're wrong' nOT THAT I MEANT TO SAY IT LIKE THAT BUT IT KINDA CAME OUT THAT WAY AND EVERYONE REACTED LIKE I'D SPAT A SICK BURN OOF NO GUYS I'M JUST NEURODIVERGENT
So yeah while I wished I was cool n confident enough, there was no way I could've made a flirty joke about Hamlet and Horatio with this girl (even tho I generally wanted to point it out)
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mizu-nights · 4 months
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# dj childhood best friend
★ — chars ; akito
★ — notes ; hellohello!! i wasn't sure if u wanted it to be like. platonic. or friends to lovers. but my blog is mostly romantic relationships so i wrote it like that ... feel free to send me another req if u want a platonic ver tho !! i will try my best (^_^)7
★ — notes (2) ; written as reader's childhood dream was to be a dj , akito and reader drifted for a few years and met again in hs , friends to lovers (implied at the end) , gn reader , a LOT longer than i expected sorry
★ — requested by ; @azerethical
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★ shinonome akito :
to say akito was surprised when he saw you again was an understatement. the both of you were always together back when you were kids, then stopped talking during middle school.
naturally, after class, the both of you started catching up. about what happened these past few years... which made you reveal that you actually became a dj! have been for a while, too.
first off, he was actually impressed that you fulfilled your goal. not to mention supportive! he's still working on his, so seeing you achieve yours was pretty inspiring.
"huh, really? i still remember back when you'd always show me videos and kept talking about them. over, and over, and ove-"
that last part was to tease and make fun of how you acted as a kid, but it quickly backfired as you silenced him with a nudge on the shoulder.
akito even came to a venue that you'd be playing at, and lo and behold, you were absolutely astonishing at it. it wasn't surprising to him—you'd always mess around and cut papers into circles, pretending they were discs, so you had practice since childhood.
you looked so skilled and focus, it's like a completely different side to you that he found admirable. anyone could tell that this was your passion, but only akito knew how long you've wanted this.
of course he started talking about you to his unitmates! they've gotta know how cool his childhood friend is, right?
everyone was really impressed and found you cool, an especially! it's not a surprise that she keeps begging and begging and begging akito to let her meet you!
"please, please, please, let me meet them! c'mon, you can't just talk about [name] and not expect me to get excited!"
he tends to take videos of you while you're playing, showing it to the rest of his friends whenever they meet up or have practice.
eventually, when both of your schedules are free, he does introduce you guys to one another. of course, vbs welcomed you in open arms, wanting to hear you and akito's childhood.
"did you know he used to pee the bed until he turned-"
an was more than charmed, trying to get even more information about younger akito out of you. however, akito's glare was the main reason why you kept your mouth shut.
with how much time had passed since you last saw each other, you and akito decided to make up for the lost times and hang out frequently once more.
and more... and more... it was more than a common occurrence. maybe even every day...
at some point, it wasn't a surprise in your household to hear your mother ask if you were going to hang out with him, like back in the day.
not like akito was any different—he'd always invite you to watch his practices when you were free, just to ask for your opinion and possible criticism about his singing abilities. which you'd happily give, if any.
the rest of vbs caught on to his feelings after a few weeks. akito always seemed... so much brighter and more passionate when you were there, watching and cheering him on.
he did the same for you, obviously. after meeting, you and an exchanged numbers, and you invited her to watch you play as well.
and... the way akito looked as he was watching you perform was just...
"oho, don't you look lovestruck?"
"i am not, shut up."
to nobody's surprise, this led to an teasing and making fun of akito for the rest of your performance. not that you noticed.
now, akito was conflicted. yes, the both of you seemed a lot more free with each other, but what if you don't feel the same? it's not like you've recently become friends, you've been friends since you could walk. he doesn't want to ruin that. his head was literally spinning because of all of this.
... however, a little letter in his locker might change his mind. especially since a certain someone's initial at the bottom, letting him know exactly who put said letter there.
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AITA for snapping at my (18f) friend (19f) and then not talking to her again?
In middle school I met this girl who was in the same grade as me. We met because we were both friends with the same person, and slowly became friends as well. I wouldn't have called her my best friend though, she was just one of the people I hung out with at school (one of the few people, I struggled with having friends back then)
Flash forward to high school. The mutual friend moves away and just leaves us two. We're also in some of the same classes together, namely a digital media class we were in all four years of hs (we even sat beside each other all four years)
And well. her company was nice, but I wouldn't have called her a close friend. I never really told her many secrets, but I would be there for her in emotional support over her family being pretty shitty to her over and over again.
During our last two years, we both worked on the school yearbook (which was what you did in the last two years of that digital media class). I thought it was very enjoyable to work on it, and was extremely proud of the first one we produced, especially because the staff complimented it.
The second year (our senior year), however, was a little different. My friend started missing a lot of school because she was having stomach issues, and when she was at school she either spent more time roleplaying with her long-distance boyfriend (technically fiancé??? I didn't really understand their relationship, I was honestly very weary over it) over discord or half-assing the work she was supposed to be doing. In the end, she kinda stopped showing up to school, and I ended up taking over all the pages she meant to be doing, and changing the ones she did do because we changed up the scheming and her work was now very out of place.
Anyways, I'm wrapping up my senior year and the yearbook staff (which was me, two other students, my friend, and the digital media teacher) took a staff picture for the end of the yearbook. As usual, the friend isn't there. When we put the photo in and write down the yearbook credits, I ask my teacher if we should put the friend's name down since she was technically part of the group, and the teacher reveals to me that since she missed so many days she ended up being removed from the digital media class, which meant she wasn't on the yearbook staff anymore. I felt that was a bit of a rude move, but I also understood, so I left that decision alone.
Yearbooks then come out, and it took a while, but I guess my friend finally got her copy somehow, because she suddenly texts me in a fit of anger about not being in the yearbook staff section. She accuses me of not talking to my teacher about it (even tho I did) and going off on me about how I should have stuck up for her. She said a lot of other things too, but I long since deleted her contact, so I don't exactly remember.
What I do remember tho, was that I was pissed at her for making an assumption like that. I was also stressed as hell because at the time, my grandfather had just gotten diagnosed with lung cancer. The same cancer that killed my grandmother, his wife, when I was young. I remember that I replied to her telling that unlike her assumption, I tried to stick up for her, but I had to do what the teacher said. (She had been removed from the class anyways!) I also remember that I told her about my grandfather and being stressed about it, and that "now is not the time to do this". I wanted us to talk more about it later, after she calmed down and I got my head on straight.
It was the first time I snapped at her. She never replied to me. Eventually, I just decided to move on and deleted her contact. If she wants to get back in touch, she'll be able to. I know I probably should've checked in on her at some point, especially with her rocky home life, but I was honestly getting sick of her. Sure, we were there for each other emotionally, but I was starting to feel like all I was there for was to help her with her schoolwork and listen to her vent 24/7, which was slowly starting to make me more and more stressed.
It's been a little over a year since that happened, and I still hope she's doing alright and was able to move out at the very least. I was wondering if me snapping and choosing not to check in was an asshole move, considering the context.
What are these acronyms?
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 1 year
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how does anyone say this guy isn't gay look at that FACE
I KNOW YOU sent this as a joke but HONESTLY some of the DEEP DENIAL I have seen in *coughing* some communities regarding him and the other characters is TRULY astonishing. It ends up being so pathetic and rooted so deep in homophobia, biphobia etc that it just cycles back to being pathetic and kinda sad.
I'm not intending to turn this into a rant, but to me-and to pretty much any queer MGS fan (or LGBTQAI if you dislike queer) it's....obvious. He doesn't fool (us) for a hot second. It's not even a debate. Yet to deeply toxic dudebro *and other toxic het communities, or just the same 'uber masculine' gaming communities that haven't left the mindset of the 90's yet that used to print naked women in magazines just to appeal to them (Link to a video from Caddicarus here that goes pretty good into how atrocious some of this shit got in regards to magazines) he's gotta be ANYTHING but gay.
I genuinely didn't think it was still going to be an issue-but I have seen it still up for debate as early as 2022 and people so desperate they will argue against Vamp being bi even tho Snake LITERALLY SAYS SO in the text. But Snake could've just 'been joking with Raiden'.
We've all seen the posts, we've all seen the stuff, and while it's largely so pathetic it's not worth dwelling over except for amusement-it's kinda sad too.
NO, we never just plain old get "Ocelot is gay" In text but I wanna explain something else too.
I'm *for tumblr anyway* an old man. I'll be 32 years old at my birthday this year. When I was in HS, meterosexual was still a thing. "Gay" was the biggest insult you could be called. A friend had to TELL ME I was bi because I HAD NEVER heard the term.
Gay marriage was legalized in Canada when I was 14-the same year Brokeback Mountain came out. I remember watching the first legally married gay couple on tv and my uncle gagging. When I was much younger, and a teenager, the 'gay character' wasn't called 'gay'.
Instead, they didn't like the opposite sex. Instead, random jokes were made about them being 'abnormal' or 'eternally single'. Instead, incredibly subtle nods were put in to make references to things you would generally only understand as 'this character is gay' if you were an adult with at least SOME exposure to it.
Ocelot, is *in my opinion* absolutely written that way. If you go through the series, there are as many 'hints' and 'nods' and little references that all point in that direction. Is it a cop out? Depends on how you look at it (keep in mind gay marriage still isn't legalized in Japan) I'm not here to discuss another culture though that I'm not a part of-I'm a white Canadian man; I have no say on what is or isn't appropriate for Japan. But I DO remember how homophobic the world used to be-and at times can still be.
The dude bro's making arguments against Ocelot being gay-denying it so hard they turn blue, are usually guys my age or older. I am NOT excusing them-we've got the internet now, 'gay' stopped being an insult a decade ago, it's time to grow up. But I do know how gay characters were written at the time-Ocelot's a perfect example.
Sure, Vamp is stated to be bisexual in 2001. THAT WAS NOT THE NORM AT ALL. And Volgin being Raikov's lover was made obvious in those textual clues-but still only ever stated outright in the original MGS4 Encyclopedia.
I wish these dudes would open their minds a bit (I'm also generalizing a bit, it's not just men in denial). But at the end of the day, it will never not be interesting to me how obvious Ocelot is to us, but not to them.
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golbrocklovely · 3 months
Ignoring the rest of the fandom, are you gonna do an analysis of the parts of the video you found interesting? Because that would be super interesting to read/hear as usually you give very good analysis of things and I'd be super interested to hear what parts interested you the most.
these might be a bit out of place compared to the podcast, but here are some parts that stuck out to me.
also omg this became so long so... grab a snack or something lol
i think it was really telling, and also interesting, to hear about sam's dad and how involved he was with snc and their careers early on. first off, his dad retiring at 47 is crazy, so clearly he was business savvy man and i'm glad to hear how much he helped the boys in the beginning and made sure to really help navigate them. the telling part to all of this is the fact that one of my assumption for the longest time was that colby's family (not his mom, but everyone else - especially his dad) were not as supportive. and this was kinda proof of it. i think they both have relatively conservative families, but colby's is clearly more conservative than sam's. bc if you saw your son being passionate about something and instead of being supportive, you kinda shoot him down - even tho he is finding success and making money from it - you come across like a bad parent in my eyes. it's one thing to be concerned, of course. but it's another thing to be discouraging.
i always had a feeling his family wasn't supportive, given the fact he never even mentions his family besides his mom and occasionally his brother, but this really nailed it on the head for me. it really brings me back to when snc hit some high number of subs, like 6 mil or more, and colby's dad texted him something like "6 mil. that's cool." or something extremely vague like that. and i'm like…… you wanna try to sound a little enthused there, pops??? lol
them, in general, talking about the bts-business stuff was honestly really intriguing to me. bc i've always wondered what happens on the back end of their content, since they never really talk about it. hearing them have adsense taken away from them bc they signed to a shady mcm is so surprising bc they have never mentioned that before. and it honestly makes me wonder if that was why they started their separate channels. i think they had mentioned years ago that they made their personal channels bc they wanted to make content that was outside the snc brand or that just wouldn't have fit on there, so i wonder if part of that was due to not having as much adsense for so long and just needing another avenue to gain money.
i think something else that i thought was cool to hear about was the beginning stages of their confidence journey back when they were in hs. it's an interesting conversation to be had that they (and probably many other guys) grew their social confidence thru disturbing the peace or getting girls' numbers and things of that nature but then comparing that to how girls gain confidence. bc i was the same way as them growing - i was shy, introverted, and socially awkward. and i just feel like all of those things that they claimed to do: the pranks, the "go game", things of that nature, that wouldn't have led me to being more confident. that would have just made me feel foolish, or even less social. but that's also, i think, just my general demeanor anyway. i wish they would have went a little more in depth when asked "why were you so introverted" or however the interviewer put it. bc that would have been a really interesting conversation. too bad they didn't stay on that too long.
like @xplrvibes mentioned, the anxiety conversation really just showed the difference between sam who has situational/occasional anxiety vs colby who (most likely, but i'm no doctor) has an anxiety disorder. to say your most confident was at 15 and you have to continue to stretch your social muscles…. that's not how """"normal"""" ppl work. but i get colby truly. it makes sense why he is a bit of a recluse sometimes or likes his alone time. i think this also weirdly shows that colby, while introverted/a loner naturally, can make friends easily vs sam, who likes to be around others, interestingly can't make friends all too well. or at least comes across awkwardly (by his own admission).
i liked their in depth talk about the killing best friend prank bc they haven't talked about it in years. i vividly remember when that happened and i was so shocked by the idea of it that i didn't watch it and it was before i was even a fan of them. still to this day haven't seen the whole thing. but it was nice to hear sam admit that he was in on it, even tho i know in years past he said the same thing. but so many ppl still believe he wasn't… idk. i personally think he was. plus he literally admitted he taught himself to cry (which… sounds very sociopathic, but i digress lol).
i saw a couple ppl freak out on them for saying that "if we did the following fat ppl vine now, it probably wouldn't be as much of an issue" which… is literally not what they said, but is what ppl claim they were saying. but i get what snc actually meant, which is that if they were starting out again, today, at the age they were all the way back in the day - no one would care about them the same way they have in the past. the pr stunts that they have done over the years that surprisingly worked would most likely not now. i think in a way they would get lost in the shuffle of other content creators. but part of that also is bc of what trends now vs what used to be new and exciting back then. but it is worth noting how many times things have worked out for snc in the end. xplr gods might actually be on their side after all lol
even tho i know snc have kinda done it et nauseum at this point, i do find the topic of the conjuring house interesting. especially since they made this whole spectacle about it bts to friends and really wanted other ppl's opinions on it and what they captured. and i think that, regardless of how you feel about snc or cody and satori, shows that snc really do believe what happened there and were extremely moved by it. that was obvious on camera as well, but i think it's sweet in a way how excited they were and still are about what they experienced there, whether it was technically real or not. i wish there was a way they could talk about it without debunkers losing their minds.
okay so there is a part where snc are talking about the devil's rocking chair, and colby let's slip that he felt like there was a voice telling him to stay in the chair longer…….. and i just need everyone to know that i hate when colby doesn't say that shit while it's happen and instead holds onto it for years and then casually says "oh yeah btw". like???? his empathic nature towards spirits and whatnot is so fascinating to me and i direly need to to explore that more, especially when snc have made it known that they want to work with less equipment/be more open.
the one thing i will fault these two guys interviewing snc for is when they got onto the topic of colby's cancer, colby alluded to there being some underlying trauma when it came to his cancer. that going thru chemo was fine during, but has caused trauma down the line. and like, i would love to know what he means by that. bc a lot of the time, when he talks about this, he alludes to there being something right under the surface, but no one ever presses him on it. of course, i get why some wouldn't do that, but i am genuinely curious. especially since colby always leads with "guys, it surprisingly wasn't that bad. and i'm doing a-okay now" which… hey that's great, but feels not quite right. i pray that colby took time to just, idk, cry or freak out or get angry - SOME FORM of emotion that wasn't just calm, cool, collected. it's great he was optimistic and kept his head up the whole time. that's fantastic. but i worry he's not allowing himself to feel everything fully. and you know, maybe a podcast isn't the place to do that on, sure; but i hope he's done it on his own time.
i think the final thing i want to say that i found interesting is the discussion they had about productivity. imma be honest, i'm very concerned in the long run as to how things are gonna work out for them. bc you have colby who clearly wants a break and needs one at some point, and then you have sam who feels like shit if he's NOT working. that at one point he felt like it was his purpose to work and without working, he didn't have one. and i get they have found a "balance" or so they say on that, but i just feel like in the long run if sam doesn't calm the fuck down on working constantly, he's gonna burn the both of them out. also everything he was talking about when it came to productivity and having that tied to how he feels about himself and whatnot… he sounded like he was about to have a break down or something. he sounded neurotic, and honestly i'm concerned for sam. also measuring every action you do in whether it's productive or not or HOW it's product and to what… dear god, just go to therapy. holy shit.
okay. i think that was everything. sorry this was super long, but hopefully that makes up for me taking like two days to respond lol
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izzy-b-hands · 6 days
12, 15, 34, 46?
Ella!! Thank u for asking 🫂🫂❤️❤️
(also apologies i am stoned and wordy aksndkfgn)
12. Your favourite book
I have a few answers for this one, but narrowed it down to the one I'm saving up to buy a new copy of eventually: Last Night at the Lobster by Stewart O'Nan.
It's fairly short, and the story subjects/setting are modern and mundane (or at least that's the critique i see leveled at it a lot, tho to me like. That's part of the punch of the entire book, but they can have their opinions, incorrect tho they may be lol), but like. the first time i read it, it just Did Something to me lmao. Part of it was the customer service experience thing, tho different industries (library at the time for me compared to restaurant in the book), and the experience in it of feeling like/having it confirmed that you, as an employee, are continually being handed more and more stress and responsibility for less reward, but you can't just drop it bc you like/tolerate your coworkers, and even on the days they piss you off, you want the best for them. And then the fallout of when a decision comes down from above your level that's shit for everyone, but you're left bearing the brunt of it from coworkers and customers alike. Very relatable, very realistically written to the point it almost makes you squirm.
The characters are all well written and realistic too; you wind up feeling like you could walk into this Lobster right now and talk to all these ppl irl, easily. That makes it just as hard at the ending to say goodbye tbh, and that's given it massive reread value for me (i think since i first read it end of HS I've since managed a reread every year to every other year. I actually accidentally packed away my copy when moving and it's been killing me not being able to do a reread rn, but i want to wait until i can have my own copy to keep again.)
Anyway i think most libraries should have it, and it's not a horribly expensive ebook, so if ur looking for a sign to read Last Night at the Lobster, this is it 🙌❤️🦞
15. Do you remember your last dream
Kind of? Tbh I passed out really hard earlier (still not sleeping amazingly with the back lol) and vaguely recall the weird, fever dreamish stuff my brain was throwing at me. That consisted of what i believe to be, ongoing all at once in the same room:
-a Tom Waits concert, with him holding but not playing an accordion
-a Bob Geldof interview, except it was Bob as he looked in the 90s
-a fire, which everyone who wasn't listening to Tom or Bob were attempting to put out by passing exactly one bucket back and forth to the inexplicable bar sink that sort of appeared and disappeared at will
Everything else was too much of a blur, but those bits really stuck out lmao 😂
34. Something old
I like this question, weirdly enough, bc I'm not one hundred percent sure how to answer it. It's vague, so i think I'm safe to interpret it kinda.. however?
(if i have that wrong tho do pls lemme know, I won't be offended and will re-answer this one if that's the case lol)
In terms of something old, I keep thinking abt my grandparents old house, even tho it's silly to do so (the thing has been sold for months now.)
Thing of it is, as of the last rare phone convo i had with my grandparents, it sounds like they really regret selling. The lack of stairs at the new place is better for their joints but like. They clearly miss the old one, the unique things that made it theirs and familiar.
Grandpa in particular mentioned a few things specific to the house that he misses, but the one that took me out was abt a bit of painted wood in the front doorway. When i was like. 6? 7? old enough to know better but still stupid enough to do it, i wrote my (dead) name on that bit of doorway, in pencil. For whatever reason, they couldn't ever get it to erase much at all, and never painted over it despite talking abt it a lot (they were soooo pissed at me the day i did it and the months after lmao), so it was still there when they sold the house.
And Grandpa tells me he wishes he would have bought some wood scraps, torn out just that bit of the doorway, and then fixed it and repainted it. Says he would have had someone reframe the whole door if needed. He even has a little shelf where he's been putting grandkid related knick knacks, that he'd put it on, apparently.
Couldn't tell him bc emotions and being that vulnerable are difficult for him, so i never want to push when he's opening up to me like that, but goddamn if he didn't make me cry with that, and i wanted to tell him how sweet it was, and that i miss the house too.
I miss that whenever Housemate and i make it back to visit ND, i won't be able to show aer the house i basically grew up in. I won't be able to show off the shed my grandpa built, say hi to Sally (mum's passed on cat from years ago, buried in the backyard with her name carved by grandpa into the wood barrier between the rock/gravel area and the bottom of the shed), lay in the backyard together under the huge tree while we snack and sip drinks (bc grandma doesn't let anyone leave the house without being fed if she can help it.) I won't get to show that spot by the front door, or show all the other million little quirky things that made the house so lovely.
If i have my way, age of the house and my own age at the time be damned, whenever I've made enough money to do it and have plenty left over, I'd love to buy the house myself. Not to live in all the time (jfc absolutely NOT i love the house but not ND lol), but to have for like. Maybe summer trips? there's enough room we could pick up friends in the area and have them come stay in the house too, tbh. I don't like the idea of it sitting empty whenever i wouldn't be there, so maybe I'd offer it to the cousins rent free to share? Take turns staying there, maybe help grandma and grandpa back to see it now and again. Idk. I just always dreamed of buying the dang thing, even if i never wanted to permanently stay in ND (and still v much do not want that, I like CT far better.)
46. Are you excited for anything
A few things rn! Housemate helped me save up enough and is going with me to see Avatar this month, and it'll be my first full show of theirs, and Housemate's first time seeing them at all!! (my first time seeing them they were just opening for Trivium lmao, so it was amazing!! but a bit of a cut down set list/overall thing, u know? didn't stay for Trivium's entire set but they were lovely too!)
We've also got several little weekend trips partially planned out: Mystic, a local flea market, a couple different beaches, getting up to York and over to Newport, plus maybe the big E and the ren faire in the fall!! I don't know if we'll manage all of it over the next few months, but I'm excited for whatever we get to!
Apologies I'm quite toasty so I'm feeling overwhelming positive for once, so i do have more! I sent a job app in to an OD office in the local costco, for a fairly chill seeming reception role, and I'm really hoping they'll want me. It seems a small enough office to be calmer than my old one, and that it's OD only and not an MD/OD office makes me feel a lot better abt it too (eye surgeons are amazing, they can do amazing wonderful things, i am grateful for them all. however. im also 97% sure 5 out of the 10 i know personally could hit me with their car and not blink, the god complex thing some surgeons have gets SO amped with this speciality in my experience, it's WILD, but I digress.)
My back is slowly getting better too (tho I've been humbled again the last few days in the nights and early mornings, it's still very angry at those times), so I'm also just looking forward to like. Being able to move more again. Standing up to do the dishes without my back spasming. Maybe even leaving the house again and doing one of the fun things noted above, tho i know i shouldn't rush it or my back will humble me again without a second thought lmaoooo 😅)
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omarandjohnny · 1 month
Tagged this time by @callipigio <333333333333333333333333333
do you make your bed?
My bed doubles as my couch, so no. Most that happens is the blanket becomes a prop for my pillows during the daytime.
what's your favourite number?
"69, DUDES!" (had to)
what is your job?
if you could go back to school, would you?
Absolutely not. Loathed every aspect of school, even more so because I had 'behind the curtain' access to everything (mom was a teacher, and I ended up being her PA towards the end of her career)
can you parallel park?
I cannot drive so nope! (same)
a job you had that would surprise people?
I was a part-time nanny through highschool, then a data collector for a day trader, and then a licensed insurance rep, then a PA for mom, which transformed into caregiver as she got older. Out of all of those, I'm not sure which would surprise people more. I was at least a corporate goth during my insurance years, let that mental image sit with ya for a minute. (I wasn't as cool as Richmond, unfortunately)
do you think aliens are real?
Somewhere there's probably something <-
can you drive a manual car?
Can't drive, full stop.
what's your guilty pleasure?
Can't say I've ever felt guilty about anything that's given me pleasure, never understood that concept.
Filthy with 'em! From the tummy up anyway- haven't started on my legs yet, unless you count my very first tattoo (a stick and poke inverted triangle I gave myself freshman year of hs)
favorite color?
Suspiria red and slime green! Tho, I have been favoring purple quite a bit these days.
favorite type of music?
I grew up in a house that was constantly filled with music, 50-60s pop, to 60s-70s motown, to 70s glam, to anything 80s that was currently on the radio. I jump all over the place, but my constants usually drift towards that stuff, as well as all the goth and numetal I picked up as a baby bat.
do you like puzzles?
I get frustrated too quickly, hence why I never got into gaming of any sort.
any phobias?
Not a phobia per se, but I still have some issues with boiling liquids (old burn trauma). I do all the cooking so I kinda have to push that stuff to the back of my mind, but yeah.
favorite childhood sport?
I loved basketball the most (tallest kid in class, heh) I liked volleyball as well, and was on a soccer team for a bit, but basketball came naturally to me.
do you talk to yourself?
Not much anymore. Long Covid brain fog has made a lot of things much quieter in my mind, a weird and rare upside XD
what movies do you adore?
Derek Jarman, Gregg Araki and John Waters were my honorary film uncles in late teens-early twenties. My life revolved around Wolfe Video and TLA Video back during the catalog ordering days, so I have MANY favorites there. Stephen King and Clive Barker were my horror uncles, and then you've got my childhood faves- Lost Boys, Monster Squad, Beetlejuice, etc. There's also this film called My Beautiful Laundrette that I mildly enjoy as well ;)
coffee or tea?
I do enjoy just regular ol' black coffee when the mood strikes (or my asthma's kicking up)
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
Wanted to work in the funeral arts, quelle surprise. Would've done it too, had I the patience for maths and sciences (I very much do not)
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bearseulgs · 2 years
enhypen's reaction to their s/o accidentally calling them their husband
gn!reader x ot7
genre: fluff
wc: 1029
warnings: mentions of food
requested!! tysm
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y'all were just chillin on the floor watchin tv
why weren't you sitting on the couch you ask?? bc it's pride month and i said so
anyways he got up to grab y'all snacks bc like you're hungry watching tv is honest work
and he comes back with your favorite easy food platter and you turned into the 🥺 emoji
"thank you Hee 🥺🥺 you make such a good husband"
you didn't even process what you said but he just stared at you
suddenly your eyes widen in realization
"oh dearie, i didn't mean to say that, i'm sorry, oh goll-"
"it's okay, i liked it ☺️"
HE WHAT ?:!:?3?3!3!
heart rate movin like gas prices rn 📈📈📈
Jay is the ULTIMATE husband material
like if there was a manual written on how to be a good husband, it'd be modeled after Jay and mans ain't even married
so are we that surprised that you couldn't help but think the same thing??
anyways, he had the afternoon off of work and wanted to do smth nice for you aw
so he decided to make a home-cooked meal to greet you with when you came home from work 🥹🥹 gimme someone like him
you get home and find your fav dishes laid out across the table and a smiley Jay sitting patiently in his seat
you eat the meal and by the end you're just so filled with gratitude and accidentally let smth that you think about slip
"thank you so much for this Jay, you're the perfect husband"
😦😦 big shock from Jay
he's a tad flustered but tells you you're the perfect spouse too and that soon enough that'll come true ;) WHAT 😱
he already calls you wifey/hubby all the time
so it was just a matter of time before you slip up and say it back
and slip up you do
you're getting ready for a date w Jakey and when you show up looking good he's over here like :0 <333
and so ofc he had to compliment his lovely s/o 🥰
"yoo wifey/hubby/whatevs you look amazing!!"
"thanks hubby, you ain't too bad yourself"
😶 oh em gee
play dumb
"said what"
"who called who what?"
not that dumb!
he doesn't let it go for the rest of the evening so ig you're calling him hubby now
okay tbh,,,
this wasn't an accident
but you were gonna play it off like one
you were determined to break your bf's cocky facade
(i'm a firm believer in easily flustered Hoon)
so you came up with the most perfectest plan ever slay 💪💯
y'all had planned a day off of work to just chill and do like normal coupley jazz and whatevs, like sleeping til noon and running to the convenience store and binging stranger things steve harrington date me pls haha what
and so y'all were at the convenience store grabbing snacks for your 7 hour st marathon
and when y'all went to check out your haul ended up being way more expensive than you had planned
and you were like :(( i can't pay for all this :(( i have to pay rent and stuff (idk i'm not an adult i'm still in hs)
but Hoonie payed for you aw 💞💞
as y'all were walking back to your apartment OUTTA THE BLUE you were like "you're such a great husband, Hoonie"
mans stopped dead in his tracks
"a great,,, what?"
YOU THOUGHT YOU DID SMTH WRONG AT FIRST but no he was just shocked
many cuddles for you when y'all get home
it was so sunny out lately, making it the perfect weather for a picnic date!!
you were looking forward to it all week, so as soon as the weekend hit you were preparing
Saturday morning you put on the cutest outfit ever looking so slayful purr 😘
and you biked to the picnic location with your picnic basket in your,,, bike basket
we need another word for basket
MOVING ON you arrive to see Sunoo sitting on the blanket he laid out looking cute as ever
"what husband material"
oops that was supposed to stay in the drafts (read: thoughts) 🫢
he knows he's cute tho so he just smiles and says "right back at you" omg
i want him so bad
you recently got a new job woohoo go you!!
so ofc Wonie wanted to treat you
he woke up extra extra early to make you breakfast in bed 🥺🥺
and he came in with a tray of pancakes and coffee and fruits and any of your other favs
you were legit abt to cry from his sweetness
you made him eat some too bc this is his creation and he should enjoy some of it
when you finished you were still kinda sleepy bc it was still rather early
so you just cuddled up and said "you're gonna be a great husband" without thinking
he stiffened up but you were asleep before he said anything so he just stayed quiet and look at you lovingly aw
Riki your mortal enemy
and also your boyfie 💞💞
we love the duality
that's unrelated but i think you deserve to know
anyways Riki was over at your place
and y'all were like "let's bake cookies 🥰🥰"
but Riki started MIXING UP YOUR SPICES the horror so you exiled him to the living room to play games ❌
y'all could still converse tho and converse you did
anyways at one point while you were balling the batter up to put on the baking pan your bffie called
and obvi you picked up bc that's your bestie forget the boyfie
you forgot that you and your friend tended to refer to your partners as your spouses and also forgot to tell them that Riki was over
so when they asked "how's the husband" you immediately responded with "he's great, he's actually over here right now"
then the realization hit ",,,and he can hear me"
he's so cocky abt it but only to cover up his adoration for you
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a/n: writing tip!! if ur ever stuck on a wip just listen to metallica <33
©️ bearseulgs 2022
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Firstly I wanna thank you for being a host for interesting discussions on here! I hope it doesn't bother you tho :)
I became a solo Louie in 2020, but I've always known of Louis, however, I was part of the 'gp' when 1D was active. they were inescapable so of course I knew just enough about them and listened to some of the music but my friends and I were more into alt and rock so I never let myself dive in, scared of the judgement of being the boyband girl in the group, but Harry was the face of the group for me, I was programmed to say he was my favorite when I was asked "who's your fav boy in 1D" which was like saying good morning in high school back in the day. And I feel like that conditioning is also what made it cool to like him nowadays, so I wasn't surprised when my hipster friends wore boas and pink cowboy hats and were traveling to see him around the country, and how they make fun of me for liking the one who actually makes alt music.
I really wonder about the dynamics inside the band, how the rest of them felt. Aside from how mind-fucking being in that band was for them in general, and all the fucked horrid shit they went through, it must've been even more traumatizing being in that band with Harry Styles. God, I wish Louis would talk more shit, let it out a bit.
That programming is really some strong stuff. HS is hard to avoid when interviewers would preferentially indulge Harry, flirt with him, encourage him at the expense of the others, and he was often placed in the center of the five.
It was hard to tell at the time, whether there was any envy or jealousy. But the boys did not seem to resent having Harry highlighted— at least not at the beginning. Louis, in particular, encouraged him to paint his nails all the way, always hyped the boys for hitting their solos during the concerts, and made band life look like a blast. From my perspective, I didn’t notice a “leader” of the band. I also naturally liked Harry because he seemed so charming and everyone loved the baby of the band.
In retrospect, I feel like Harry Styles was likable because his bandmates— especially Louis— made him likable. Louis laughed at his jokes, provided the witty repartee, made his dullness and egotism seem like funny quirks.
Louis is so quick on his feet. His emotional intelligence is so fast, so generous that in 1D, it often looked like effortless teamwork. Harry was naturally drawn to someone who made him shine… until Jeff Azoff and Ben Winston found they could build careers around him— Jeff in music, Ben in Hollywood.
The story of your too-cool-for-1D friends turning into Harries is a story of hormones and capitalism, which are big forces to resist! It’s hard to be objective about sexual attraction! (They marketed to 1D girls the same way.) Sex is the main marketing strategy for Harry Styles, the reason he often wears little on stage, the reason he poses nude for albums and magazines, the reason his first music video from FL was about an orgy, and his most successful single was about cunnilingus, the reason he had to get a hair transplant. Without sex, Harry is uninteresting. He knows that too. But his charisma seems to attract many.
It isn’t, and never was, about musical excellence. The story of solo ex-1D acts— at least for Harry Styles— is about capitalism.
The story for Louis Tomlinson is more like a hero’s journey, an odyssey. And for people who appreciate his intelligence and generosity, who can see beyond the marketing and resist the popular taste, Louis offers more. I’ve heard a lot of stories from people who are initially marketed Harry Styles (it seems unavoidable) but later turn into solo Louies. Not everyone has bought into the hype. It was rare in 2019 to see objective criticism of Harry; it’s common now, and not controversial. It’s also more common now to see Louis as the smart one, the kind one, the cool one, and the actual antiestablishment rock star. The evidence is pretty obvious.
Welcome to the solo Louie fandom!
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Season 2 Ramble#6 - Just Jump In! ver.2
This month’s episode is about Shueisha publishing company's JUMP magazine line. you can use the link above or check the link in my bio to listen on other platforms 🍻
first some bare bones Jump basics:
What is JUMP? - JUMP is a magazine line with hella content for hella demographics and for the record they're not all comics, shueisha is actually a pretty diverse publishing company
Today though, we'll only be looking at two of their products. the Weekly Shonen Jump(WSJ) magazine, in print since 1968 with a main target audience of young boys, shonen literally being japanese for young boy, as well as their SHONEN JUMP+ app, which first launched in 2014 and has a main target audience of older adolescent lads.. The original + app is in Japanese as far as I understand but they released a follow up in 2019 simply called MANGA+.. also even though they have "main" target audiences they both have works that try to appeal to wider demographics + things sometimes move between lines or even appear on both at the same time.
This month I purposefully read manga from different time periods which gave rise to one mini section and three main sections which i’ll describe as I get to them
New Manga Read This Month
mini section
Was this axed? Why was this axed?:
top 1
Magu chan: god of destruction(Kei Kamiki, 2020, 78 chapters)
this story follows the main heroine ruru after she finds and accidently unseals the now weakened god of destruction mag MENUek. not the best art or really the deepest characters but it's a gag manga. actually didn't think I'd enjoy this at all but it's pretty funny, got a lot of genuine hearty laughs pretty much every chapter... (pretty decent run at 78 chapters but after I finished I couldn't believe it got axed, definitely would've liked more but ironically it probably got axed because of folks like me...)
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honourable mentions:
hell warden higuma, ginka & gluna, neolation
Ok so "main" sections now, starting with
Way Way Back (1960s - 1980s):
top 1
Mazinger Z (Gou Nagai,1972, 33 chapters)[Devilman Crybaby]
The story here is our mc, KOUji KAbuto, has a genius grandad who built the most powerful robot ever, Mazinger Z, but he dies in a sudden devastating earthquake before he can teach him how to use it. The only thing he's able to tell him before he passes is that with the robot comes power and with that power comes a choice, to be a god that saves humanity or a devil that destroys the earth.
Right off the bat the art wasn’t anything great or even particularly good but with really old stuff, especially things aimed at children, I think simpler art styles are to be expected. I did really like the robot designs tho, nothing too slick or fancy but they had an old quaint vibe like awww look at what grandpa drew…
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The characters weren’t much either, as I said stupid simple story, giant robots doing cool giant robot stuff, so most of what would be the story of most characters was already in their designs like you see the main character and know they're the main character because he has that cool spiky cyborg 009 hairstyle etc.
not much more to say, kinda funny, surprisingly bloody given my perception of the time period and what I thought their perception of media was, especially media intended for kids.. but yh,, the whole manga can be summed up with giant robots have always been pretty cool… grain of salt though for those who plan to check it out, yes I thought it an enjoyable read but it was really only my top 1 because I could pretty much only find two things to read from this time period as the older manga are almost impossible to find on the internet.
honourable mention:
Dr.Slump (Akira Toriyama , 1980, 236 chapters)
Wasn't That Just The Other Day? (1990s - 2010s):
top 1
Bakuman(Oh! Great, 2008, 176 chapters)
Actually not my first time trying this, started back in hs but stopped for reasons I can't recall, I only remember thinking it was excellent which makes it all the more confusing but in any case I started over from the jump and I'm really glad I did.
This is a manga about making manga. I'm telling you man these Japanese dudes will make a manga about anything. trust.. Anyways the story here follows two main characters Mashiro and Takagi, and starts with them about to enter highschool. Takagi is the smartest in school since day one, expected to excel in life, and Mashiro has nothing. no goals or ambitions. he's just trying to come to terms with the mundane normalcy of life and society's expectations of what that should looks like. one day Mashiro leaves a book at school and Takagi, who unbeknownst to anyone is an aspiring writer, finds it full of amazing art and begs him to team up and make manga… Will they make it? and what exactly does it take to make it anyways? what even is "it"? (find out next time on read the manga and see!!)
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Two things initially pulled me all those years ago, one, was a morbid curiosity, like I just couldn't fathom a manga about making manga being good in an entertaining way. like yh it's probably mad educational and it was, but as much as you can learn from any media the main reason I'm reading manga is to be entertained. two, oh! great did death note and again I just couldn't fathom the jump from mystery thriller about police vs death gods to this but man did they pull it off in style
First thing first the art was phenomenal as those familiar with oh! great works would expect. and I have to be clear, when I say oh! great does great art I mean Takeshi Obata does great art. oh! great is a duo between him and Tsugumi Ooba who did an equally good job on the story. like he basically showed us how the proverbial sausage is made without making us disinterested in the sausage. It actually instilled such a deeper appreciation for the process that I feel like all manga I read after this will be that much more enriching. especially shonen as the different creators in story debate and create what they think the genre should look like.
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Great cast of characters, funny, serious, rivals, people you hated, people you loved, great sub plots that had them all interacting in a nice dynamic way, like it didn't feel like the two mcs were the cause and effect of everything. Great pacing as well as we get to see their journey from just trying something in highschool to getting their foot in the door in later years and so on. didn't feel rushed or dragged, it was nice to see a lot of the little ups and downs of life instead of just a cycle between highlights and rock bottoms.
I have to give fair warning and say it's pretty text heavy. even for something that's not kick and punch cause most of the time they're plotting out some manga or something but Obata really does a great job here making good use of panels and even speech bubble placement so it never really feels crowded unless it's meant to illustrate something like an argument or so. it also helped that despite his usual pretty realistic art style, he allowed characters to be toony when needed to lighten the mood or heighten some expression in just the right way
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Honestly it's still so crazy that they pulled it off and pulled it off so well. I think ultimately it was the humanity of it that really tied everything together,, like yh they're manga artist but they're human first, and it's their human experiences that in the end feed into the art.
Talked a lot on this one.. that's why it was top 1 ig.. as usual I don't think I can speak enough to why exactly it's so great but yh… definitely highly recommend even if only out of morbid curiosity like you're thinking,, no way a manga about making manga is good. it is.
honourable mentions:
level e (Yoshihiro Togashi, 1995, 16 chapters),
Cowa!(Akira Toriyama, 1997, 14 chapters)
Hoshin Engi (...lol not that honourable ig)
...also just want to squeeze in that I actually tried bobobobo and wow… my brain may never recover…
What's Up Today? (2010s - present)
top 1
Astra Lost in Space (Kenta Shinohara on story & art, 2016, 53 chapters)
9 kids are brought to a nearby planet for a routine unsupervised camping trip as part of their highschool graduation. The future is wild. As plot convenience would have it, something goes wrong and they end up stranded in space. A rough enough situation on its own, but to make matters worse, the group finds signs that what happened was no accident and that the perpetrator is still among them..
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Honestly a simple setup and premise, literally Lost but in space… not that I've actually watched lost but yh. anyways for as simple as the plot is the entire story wrapped up in 53 chapters anyways and they honestly squeezed every drop out of it that they could. What really stood out to me was how balanced it all felt.
As in the premise of being intentionally stranded is by no means unique but I feel like a lot of the media I've consumed around that tend to lean into one aspect more than others, like it becomes mostly about the mystery trying to find "whodunnit", or the focus becomes the sense of adventure, exploring the unknown and all that oor,, how it goes more commonly, in my experience at least, is a portrayal of the harshness of survival in the physical or mental sense.
I don't think there's anything wrong with that btw, the premise of being lost is used in many genres and it's up to the author to decide how much they want to lean into any genre. for example drifting net cafe, suicide island and dragon head are some lost horror type beats I've read, enjoyed and would definitely recommend.
In any case as I was saying about Astra lost in space, cause that's what I should be talking about here… is I loved how balanced it all was. Yes they're stranded and have to survive but it's not so overbearing that we can't take in the adventure of the unknown and yes we're seeing all these cool sights and different hypothetical evolutionary paths in space but also let's all be aware that one of us is probably plotting a murder yk? what tied this all up were the characters themselves like they felt really natural, yh a lot was going on but they're still just kids and they were sent out for a camping trip in the first place so come hell or high water they were gonna have some amount of fun or die trying. not that everyone was always on the same page and they didn't have disagreements and drama and so on but their individual quirks and character traits converged and diverged masterfully for a beautiful dynamic between the cast amongst themselves, and between the cast and their environment.
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great cast and direction as I said, pretty standard art, nothing too crazy but it did what it needed to do, I also liked the little 4 panel bonus comics they did every now and then as well, all in all a pretty great read with some pretty neat twists I won't even allude to for fear of spoilers, especially for how short it was but yh, astra lost in space top 1 new read this month…
honourable mentions:
Akane Banashi(Yuuki SUEnaga doing the story & Takamasa Moue on art, 2022, ongoing 71 chapters)
'Tis time for "torture" princess ( Robinson haruhara on story and hirakei on art, 2019, ongoing 196 chapters)
Sakamoto Days(Yuuto Suzuki , 2020, ongoing 128 chapters),
ok now we're heading into
Manga Read Before This Month
(here I'll give less detail cause I would have mentioned a few of these repeatedly before + I want more of the shine on newer stuff tbh)
mini section
Was this axed? Why was this axed?:
top 1
Psyren(Toshiaki lwashiro, 2007, 151 chapters)
people are going missing and a secret society called psyren seems to be responsible. won't go farther than that but will say it's held up as one of the best shonen works I've ever read since the first time I read it in like 9 or 10th grade. still in disbelief that it was canceled cause you can barely tell when you read it. it's only after I finished it and was looking into some things I realised.
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honourable mentions:
ayashimon, phantom seer, black torch
main sections
way way back (1960s - 80s):
top 1
Dragon Ball(Akira Toriyama, 520 chapters,1984)
don't think I need to say much here but I mention the sandwich of technique in the episode.
honourable mentions:
JJBA part1-3, Saint Seiya, city hunter
wasn't that just the other day (1990s - 2010s)
top 1
Rookies(Morita Masanori, 1998, 233 chapters)
delinquent baseball, real heartwarming story, great art cast and pacing, masanori really takes the cake when it comes to the delinquent aesthetic but yh… was my #2 in s1 ramble 12 & #3 in s1 ramble 1
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honourable mentions:
eyeshield 21, slam dunk, Yu yu hakusho
what's up today? (2010s - present)
chainsaw man (tatsuki fujimoto, 2018, 137 ongoing)
look at the title lol
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honourable mentions
fire punch, Tokyo ghoul series, My hero academia
other folks to check out on twitter:
then as usual I do a little part 2 where I ramble a bit 😅
thanks for reading so far, hope there's something that caught your fancy 🍻🍻🍻
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rinbowaman · 1 year
coming up with random ass asks is so hard tho like top fucking positions that hee likes vs ethan likes
this is like so fucking random if its ..like weird just ignore lmaoo
oh this is a fun one. I love talking about heethan. lol
Heethan positions:
Heeseung: Contrary to his gentle and soft nature, he does enjoy a little bit of roughness. I think in the earlier chapter of MRE, he and reader were...ahem..engaged in certain activities and he let her have control up until a point where he was kind of breaching so he took over and really went kind of hard...and bouncy. Heeseung (MGR) has a couple of positions that he really likes and he and reader have engaged in these positions a couple of times throughout MRE and HHP. He likes it when reader is on top, and he also enjoys the reverse cowgirl. He LOVES the diversity of seeing you from the back or front. loves it.
Yo...my man Ethan...similar to Heeseung in the aspect that he loves to see you front or back, but his preference in positions are doggy and just having you straddle his lap while he sits on the couch. He's kind of (actually alot) dominant, so laying down and having the reader sit atop like how Heeseung likes it, isn't his to go to because he always wants to be in control and on top. Sometimes he wont mind if Eden or reader does it, but ONLY if he initiates it. He's one of those types, if he's laying down and you straddle him, he's going to immediately flip you over and fuck your brains out hard to teach you a lesson...and he will be hitting it from the back. But i also will say, if youve read chapter 15, when he is in his emotions, he has a whole seperate favorite position and its very sentimental and endearing. the one that he had you in in part 3 ;)
While i'm at it, heethan (both) def (if you haven't been able to tell already) have breeding kinks. which is something that he's never had with any of his past gf's, in fact, i dont want to spoil one of the upcoming chapters because it's a flashback chapter that surrounds Heethan when he was a freshman in HS ;) but he always wanted love, but never found it or experienced it. He tried, got betrayed several times bc his communication standard wasn't up to par...there's also the fact that the gf's hes had werent' the best type of ppl (excluding vicky, she's nice, just had her priorities screwed up) but he never found love until he found you and from there...its like his whole life surrounds you. man is hard in love.
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d1nnerd0g · 7 months
Hey it's that anon again. y'know that one from like a day ago. or a few days ago I don't have a good sense of time. it could be 2030 for all I know
I think my most major like, post-canon take is that I'd probably sorta hate it if I were treating it as a real completely serious canon continuation of Homestuck. Instead I read it more like fanfic than anything, just slightly more Creator Approved than most fics.
Not to say I lack standards of quality for fanfic, but I am more open to certain character alterations and interpretations (there are still more than a handful I don't like in post-canon) because I am more cool with seeing it as someone else's vision of a character rather than them being "utterly ruined" in canon or whatever.
I think it also helps that I read all of Homestuck a couple years after HS^2 paused so I wasn't in the active fandom during all of that (I almost was! I originally tried reading back in 2011 but I fell off of it within 500 pages because I had bad taste) so I didn't actually have my opinion particularly swayed by outside influences and was just more willing to give it a fair reading.
My next most major post-canon take is that, as an epilogues and HS^2 liker, the most recent upd8 is quite literally the best I've actually felt about the writing in ANY post-canon content. I think even if I DISLIKED HS^2, I'd still be interested in seeing where it goes from here, after that.
Hi! I waited til I read all of HS2 to reply so I actually know what I’m talking about. I get you on the benefits of backreading, reading this thing in one go I cannot imagine waiting month-long pauses in between scenes, boy can you really feel them in the text (in a way that wasn’t true in the original comic.)
I don’t find that either the AH-lessness or the divisiveness of the postcanon stuff changes the fact that this is the de facto continuation of the canon storyline - it is the reason any of us are reading it. Them framing the epilogues as an AO3 fic doesn’t make them any less on homestuck.com, rejecting this continuation is an active choice you have to make as a HS reader.
Anyway reading HS2 I was surprised both by how little plot occurred (except in Candy, ironically -- oh my GOD I cannot believe Meat decided to do 3 more years of The Yard/Meteorstuck) and how overall unobjectionable it was? This comic’s just been a lot of really nice art and decently written character banter, and that’s essentially it. Then both took a shocking nosedive in ch15/16, the worst writing I’ve seen in all of HS/postcanon, which was so egregious that I think… if the New Team honestly cares about this project shouldn’t they at the very least go back and revise some of that? At least fix the numerous typos?? Instead we get Terezi offering wry meta commentary that this time she’ll “do it right”, which already communicates a dismissive attitude I’m not impressed by. But hey all we've seen so far is two new conversations, everybody loves Sollux, let’s see if JR can fanfic his way into a compelling story.
…Seriously tho anon, thanks for sharing your thoughts and I absolutely just used your ask as an excuse to bitch some opinions out. It remains true there’s nothing in HS2 that I like that hasn’t already been done or done better in fanworks, except drawing Jane looking extremely bangin I guess, but I haven’t sought that out, as a fan, so it’s like the gift I didn’t even know I wanted, and didn't want
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golbrocklovely · 2 months
What would be the soundtrack to your life? Pick 3 songs for each stage of your life (child, preteen, teen, young adult, adult).
wow this is such a fun question, i love this :)
this was also very difficult to choose but i think i got it down. anything with a * is a song i personally related to at the time/still relate to.
childhood stage
hero by mariah carey
believe by cher
you're still the one by shain twain
bonus track: i hope you dance by lee ann womack
so when i was four years old, i decided i wanted to be a singer. and these songs were the reasons why i wanted to be. i remember distinctively listening to the radio with my mom, and these songs played all the time. the station we listened to was b101 - philly's soft rock station (at the time). i have such vivid memories of this time period, it's crazy. i also have a whole playlist of songs that i remember playing on this station, so if yall want me to share it, lemme know.
preteen stage
tangled up in me by skye sweetnam
love me for me by ashlee simpson
*underneath this smile by hilary duff
the preteen era of life, especially the tail end of it, was when i started getting more angsty, which led me into ppl like ashlee and skye, which then led me into the emo music. but i was also secretly a HUGE hilary duff fan. but since she wasn't cool anymore, i had to hide my love for her lol
also fun fact, i performed love me for me in a talent show in fourth grade. i didn't win, but it was one of the only times i've ever perform solo, especially that young.
teenage stage
take a breath by the jonas brothers
*alibis by marianas trench
*what a catch, donnie by fall out boy
bonus track: *stars by switchfoot
the jonas brothers are the reason i'm still alive today, honest to god. even tho i fell in love with them when i was 12ish, i'm gonna count them for my teenage years since that's when i was active in the fandom and constantly paying attention to them. i also found marianas trench around my early teenage years too, technically even before that, but they became major in my life as a teen. same with fob.
the album what a catch, donnie is on, folie a deux, i didn't like at the time it came out (2009). cut to me in junior year of hs, so 2013ish, i was IN LOVE with that album. so much so ppl knew i listened to that album on repeat all the time. to this day that album fucking slaps.
young adult stage
*caught in the middle by paramore
*that green gentleman by panic! at the disco
*astoria by marianas trench
bonus track: good day by dnce
i know that panic are problematic now, but back when i was in college, the drive up to my university, i would listen to the entirety of pretty odd the whole way. it was the only thing that genuinely calmed me down and centered me before school. i think hearing "things have changed for me, and that's okay" really helped me. bc this was such a dark time for me, since two out of the four years i went to college i was suicidal.
caught in the middle, i remember when that album came out, and hearing that song on vacation with my family and just immediately feeling connected to that song. and astoria was such a good time capsule of my life at the time and how it felt to me. and good day… me and my mom, any time we were in the car, would listen to dnce's album, and we loved this song lol still to this day too
adult stage
*the grudge by olivia rodrigo
*so much for stardust by fall out boy
*crave by paramore
bonus track: anything but me by muna
these were a bit harder to pick, bc i feel like i'm only just starting to feel like an adult. but i'm thinking anything from 25 thru to now counts. and that's when a lot of things started changing for me. i've also been reflecting a lot more, which is how i relate to songs like crave. so much for stardust really feels like what the last couple years have felt on me in a way; thinking life was so much harder before but now realizing no - this is hard. and the grudge is just the perfect embodiment of my ten year friend with my ex best friend ending.
but not all is lost. bc anything but me really is how i feel now. i would also like to add another bonus bonus track: the art of starting over by demi lovato. that song also kinda encompasses me beginning a new, and trying to figure everything out. i'm hopeful, but not sure yet of what to do.
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neonstatic · 7 months
sex ed season four... not surprised the writers had no idea it was the last season. it's definitely the weakest season. i still remember how hooked in i was by s1 and s2, and i was in love w otis and eric's friendship and deeply related to both their personal struggles. and ofc i love all the characters too: maeve, aimee, ruby (ofc), adam (yes him too ofc!!), viv (underused underrated), jackson (ditto), isaac (literally my husband) and jean (milf).
i think the season lost me bc of its setting? why is cavendish some sort of lgbt haven school. it rly pulled me out, felt v utopic. i loved that there were new trans characters---and that they had a v untypical dynamic. roman is a gnc trans man and abbi is a trans girl, and i expected they would have as close to heteronormative sex as possible but nope! (i personally found roman v charming, he's my bb boy. but wtf does he have his gf's name tattooed so big non his chest jesus) i liked that there was a deaf character, aisha, who is queer and poly...but all 3 of them were so lacking in personality. they felt like checkmarks :/ i liked cal's introduction to the story in s3 but they too feel like a checkmark. i know that they're nb, dysphoric, quiet, and like to smoke. that is sooo little info. even o---whose character was butchered and made into a villain post-production according to yasmine benoit, her creator---has a lot more personality. and ykno what, yeah o was very unlikeable. she looked smug and two-faced. me personally? i like that and i found her cool. it's still sad tho that it wasn't the intention at all, and that it makes one of the few ace characters in media into a manipulative dick whose coming out scene didn't feel genuine.
still glad maeve and otis broke up i rly couldn't stand them together anymore teehee no more push and pull, no more on-off!
eric meeting god was corny ok. wtv happened to realism. rly had to suspend my disbelief w this one. (lowkey also when the pastor went to the school ball. it feels too good to be true idk.) but it's fitting htat he wants to be a pastor. ruby should become a pr manager srsly. and she should date me. jackson and cal should get back together also. or not. i don't believe in hs sweethearts. (says the one who was classmates w elementary school sweethearts)
joanna was such an annoying character im sorry. why would you do that. and who tf is dan i dont remember him
anyway yeah you can tell it shouldn't have been the last season. i was happy to get a finale cus so many shows go on forever but yeah that wasn't a proper ending. oh well!
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vacantgodling · 1 year
a tiny blorbo blursday ramble since the coolest person ever @fearofahumanplanet asked :DD
my brain has literally been all over the place with wips i'm not even gonna lie. i released 2 other wip intros for some more wips: lukewarm rejection and my giant fantasy wip the chronicles of lathsbury (which has its own sideblog lmao).
(and also in general a giant explanation for all of my wips that don't have intros yet. its just mini summaries but don't feel pressured to read ALL of it bc i have a lot of wips & its a whole lot lmao)
but in terms of actual things my brain is currently occupied with i'd say its been mainly train master chidori and god eater (with a side of lukewarm rejection bc my boys,,,)
some trivia about the blorbos:
CHIDORI (mc of train master chidori)
i've had some variation of chidori's character since i was about 10. i used to pretend to be her (bc she was a girl at the time--she was kind of like a self insert tbh) when i played on the merry-go-round at the playground and had a helluva good time lol. it's only been recently that i finally settled on an iteration that i liked, and unsurprisingly bc he started out as a self insert for me, it kind of makes sense that he ended up trans masc like myself
anyway tho he's a big dork who loves trains
i'm still trying to get the actual Plot of his story together but this is a post that kind of explains whats going on in a bare bones kind of way
DI & TOPH (mcs of lukewarm rejection)
these are ocs that i created with my ex back in hs and i got them in the divorce pFF
they were originally apart of a convoluted fantasy story (that people like /kudzu and /henrike and /scribbles will probably remember) HOWEVER this year i finally decided that i just wasn't happy with the story and how it was working and dispersed the ocs to be in other projects. a good chunk of them ended up in LR but like,,, most importantly to ME di and toph lmao.
toph has always been in a band. the reason i made him a demon is bc his original powers that were caused by Trauma i wanted to keep bc i really liked the idea of him being able to use chains to decapitate people. i just couldn't really separate it from his character, so by making him a demon i was able to keep that bit in.
random trivia: di is a vegetarian. bc its something that can't be removed from his og design. and instead of having a horse, he has 3 cats: bael, vivi, and faelwyn (who hes had since she was a kitten). he also has shit eyesight and he doesn't like/is scared of fish PFFF
toph gained a plethora more tattoos and piercings than the og design that he had. his favorite color is green bc its lucky. his favorite activities are sleeping and singing.
GOD EATER... is a mess
i actually finished writing everything out that i have so far for this wip and its another wip where i kind of don't know where to begin in terms of explaining it. however the 4 main characters really are:
nevaeh (this name is on purpose), a they/them who has been tasked to save the world very much against their will.
their guardian and guide little bear (he prefers that to his "actual" name ursa minor LMAO).
thei, the god eater himself (and a huge laidback, soft, crybaby when he's not literally causing the eradication of gods)
and his caretaker taj (a rouge legna *or angel* who decided to service his god's killer instead of finding another god).
the four of them are a lot of fun and despite this wip being kinda heavy its also gonna be a lighthearted mess :) i'm excited to uh. figure out how to explain it LMAO.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Stu - You can't win in a fist fight against Billy! *holding me back.*
Me, a 5'0 gal who hasn't done a pushup since HS - It'd be worth it! I'D BUST THEM KNEECAPS ON SIGHT. That twigs got nothing on me!😤
Billy had me livid in 14 lol idc that he's still gone in 15. He really tried to say that him and Stu were the only ones who cared enough to kill for us and that Dewey didnt care till tat died and that Randy was too enraptured with Sid to care until it was too late....get out of my face before you get BOPPED. He's still trying to defend his actions. He still believes James deserved to get his face ripped off lol he was no saint, but like Y/n said in 14....You AINT NO BETTER SWEETIE. You did way worse then James, but don't wanna admit it.
Lets not forget what James said in 13 during the nightmare - Billy and Stu were apparantly telling James we were having sex with them and they might've killed his dog for crying out loud 🙃 it makes sense why James got so angry at y/n if they were telling him lies. I think the worst part is that Stu NEVER admitted that to Y/n. He never told her in the diner when her car was getting fixed several chapters ago that they killed his dog or were telling lies to James....which makes me think 1, its not true and 'James' was lying in the dream, or 2, Stu purposfully left that info out. All Stu said was that they threatened James. I'm not mad, just disappointed 🙂
James; I left up to the readers whether that was his ghost visiting her (I personally firmly believe spirits can visit us in dreams) or her subconscious based on things James told her here and there finally putting two and two together. But yeah, Stu and Billy were not innocent and didn't really 'save her'. They were just two sick fucks marking their territory against another sick fuck.
And I think after his moms passing and the homeless on the run life he has to live; Billy's bitter because deep down inside he knows it wasn't worth it but he's too proud to admit it. He'd honestly rather be the dominant ego maniac than have ppl in his life and admit he was wrong even tho he's lonely and knows he needs those ppl aka Stu and YN. 🙃🙃🙃
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