#i will draw more of them in the future and blue is to blame! >;)c
persicipen · 1 month
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𝐼. lapis lazuli ノ neuvillette
𝐬𝐞𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲. ₊ ˙ ⊹ . 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
₊ ˙ ⊹ . about the storm raging through the night, the abyssal creature of ethereal features, the warmth of the stove.
ৎ୭ ₊ ˙ ⊹ . 3.8k ノ fem reader — folktales au ノ no warnings for now . just some world building of the au ノ should be gn reader here but future chapters will be fem ノ first meeting with dragon neuvi ノ slightly ooc neuvillette — less human and not bound by the court ノ no beta i’m alone in this hehe but i hope it will be a nice read ♡
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Beware the waters deep and blue, Where dragons’ whispers call to you. The sea will sing its siren’s song, And draw you where you don’t belong.
This is what kids here sing when playing another version of hide and seek, unknown to you, as you stroll through the morning market. Slightly over-ripe apples and quinces pile up on top of wooden carts, golden marzipan shines on display inside the window of the sweet shop, a gem among everyday pastries and baked goods.
As the grocery shopping was as boring as usual, you wondered about the rhyme, but only vaguely. Maybe some older folks will know the legends that inspired the verses to bloom or can point at the books in the library that have tasty remnants from local legends on their yellowed pages.
“Oh, you know, the same old story — someone’s daughter drowned, and they had to find a better explanation than their child’s stupidity,” one of the older ladies started the daily dose of gossip after hearing what’s on your mind.
Regardless of your willingness to join the elderly tea party at the outside table of the cafe, you’re pulled by their curious eyes and a free chair right next to them.
“Don’t be rude, Celine! There are some who quite recently lost their family to the flood!” complained the one to the left, adding a third spoon of sugar to her teacup.
“Well, it’s quite romantic if you consider it a suicide. Happened quite a few times in the history of our village. Some people long to reunite with nature,” said the one to the right, playing with her golden jewellery that probably weighed more than the bones of her skinny wrists.
“Like I said, stupidity! Do not listen to her, sugar! Bernadette is still mourning a lover from half a century ago who tried to convince her to take a dip together, and when she refused, he forgot about her!” bit back Celine, this time almost coughing into the black coffee she tried to drink while talking.
“Some say he simply moved to the city for better prospects. Well, since he hasn’t ever returned, it must’ve been successful,” added Bernadette, combing through her beetroot-crimson locks, dyed not long ago, before taking a sip of the mixture that’s probably more sugar than tea by now.
“I don’t blame him! The air here is foul!”
“Let them say what they want, but there’s still more magic present here, on the outskirts of civilization, than in the middle of the capital. It’s not for everyone!”
“You mean that kelpie that roams between the lake and the shore?”
“For example. You can’t find a kelpie in the metropolis, am I right?”
“It’s dangerous!”
“It wouldn’t eat you, anyway. You’re all bones and too bitter!”
The elderly ladies didn't stop gossiping for another hour, and it was too boring to listen to their recounts of good old days and how nowadays it’s all bad.
Now, back to the reason why you returned here—
Without any sense of purpose in the city anymore, you went back to the small village by the sea where you had lived before. Tranquil, secluded, and adorned with an antiquated charm, it had all the qualities you needed and none of the numbing, pulsing pace of the capital. Here, it was just wind, sand, and water, and your quaint little cottage with its direct view of the beach from the windows.
In the embrace of this village, you found yourself drawn to spending hours gazing out those windows, lost in thoughts and appreciating the ever-changing nature. Sometimes the weather was delicate, a pearlescent light seeping down onto the damp land, casting a silvery hue across the sands. Other times, it was brash, sudden, dark, and cut with blinding thunders, the sky tearing open to reveal the raw power of the elements. Morning mists covered the flat ground like a blanket, their fingers curling around the village, and even from a distance, the humid cold wafted in through the front door whenever you dared to take a peek outside.
Your life is alright now. Peaceful, at last. Too early for retirement, but perhaps none of the careers available in the principal city of the region were for you. You see and greet the old ladies you knew from your youth, tending to their plots of vegetables and flowers while listening to their gossip. Old ladies are always full of it and more than excited to share the sweet news with someone else.
Each day in the village feels like a page from a folktale, the air thick with stories from years before—no one even remembers who thought of it first, who added the unrealistic situations, and who told the truth. You hear whispers of ancient prophecies carried on the salty breeze, legends that have woven themselves into the very fabric of this place. The market is a trove of mysteries, where you sort through trinkets and treasures, each one with a story of its own.
The villagers speak of the sea serpents and dragons who sometimes venture too far into the bay, abandoning their kingdom of rough waves and open seas to take a rest through spring and autumn seasons. The sea itself is a living entity, its moods shifting from serene calm to tempestuous fury. On calm days, the water is a mirror, reflecting the sky’s soft blues and the occasional wisp of a cloud, pearlescent light seeping down onto damp land. But when storms roll in, the ocean roars and crashes against the spiky stones guarding the gulf, brash, sudden, dark and cut with blinding thunders right behind the nook. You find solace in these rhythms, the ways of nature comforting you in a way the city never could.
In your little cottage, surrounded by the mists, you’re stuck seeking a new purpose. Sorting letters at the nearby post office becomes a ritual, a way to connect with the lives and stories of the villagers. Each envelope, each package, a fragment of someone’s existence, a thread in the tapestry of the village’s collective narrative.
As the days blend into a gentle, melancholic rhythm, you start to understand why the villagers lean into experiencing the magical encounters. Partly because the days are dull, but there’s something in the air—an electrifying howl that brings pure magic from both the sea and the hills. It is said that the creatures appear to those who truly listen, who open their hearts to the whispers of the waves and the winds. You find yourself dreaming of the serpents and the dragons, perhaps having a preference for water beasts instead of these cutting through the air. Their shimmering scales and ancient eyes reappear whenever you drift off during your naps, feeling a connection that defies explanation. In these dreams, the dragon speaks to you in a language you cannot decipher yet understand the meaning within your soul, its voice a symphony of the sea.
Your return to the village is more than a retreat from the city; it is a journey into the heart of the unknown, a quest for meaning in a world of mist and magic. Here, in this place where time seems to stand still, maybe you will find yourself, too.
The transition from the early spring to a muggy start of the summer brings storms more violent than the winter ones. The bay is safe, but the roar of the sea and coal-black clouds wander into the land, rustling against your windows when you sip on the afternoon tea, warmly wrapped in the blanket while reading a book too old to guess its title from the worn-out cover.
It’s hard to focus on words, though. You still think about the fisherman who, earlier that week, caught a mermaid in his nets, all accidentally, but it worked as a catalyst for more exceptional meetings between the villagers and the magical creatures. The couple that rides the britzka to deliver the packages claimed they’d seen a dead kelpie further down the shore, devoured by something more evil—dangerous to horses, but not for humans, they quickly assured.
Your mind drifts to the dreams you’ve been having about the serpents and the dragons. They come in vivid fragments, again, taking your attention away from the printed sentences. It all leaves you with an inexplicable yearning, a sense that your life is intertwined with the mysteries of the sea in ways you are only beginning to understand.
A sudden flash of lightning illuminates the room, followed almost immediately by a crack of thunder that shakes the walls. Startled, you set your book aside and move to the window, peering through the rain-streaked glass. The weather outside is ferocious, waves sliding far onto the beach and taking the soil into the depths, carving new puddles and meanders. As you watch, something catches your eye—a figure, shining like a fallen star and indistinct, sprawled on the sand where the sea meets the land. Such a violent storm brought a creature to the shore.
“W-what is this…?” you mutter to yourself, struck with worry.
You throw on a cloak and rush out, the wind and rain lashing against you as you make your way to the shore.
The unconscious beast lies motionless, half-buried in the wet, murky sand, its chest rising and falling with shallow breaths.
You would’ve thought it was a human at first, but as soon as you searched around its body for human traits, all you could focus on were the scales, the slippery skin, the bluish tints of the beautifully pale arms. The hair, iridescent and tangled with the sea foam, frames a face that is eerily beautiful and hauntingly white. A man, probably, so you hesitate to bring him home, but there’s no other place to help him.
Leaving him during a heavy rain on the beach would simply mean finding his dead body the next morning.
Gently, you kneel beside him, pausing only for a moment before you slip your arms under his body. It feels cool and strangely slick to the touch, but you manage to lift it, surprised by its lightness. Struggling against the wind, you carry him back to your cottage, your steps quickened by the urgency of the storm and the fragility of the being in your arms. Never has the short distance between your doors and the shore taken you so long to cross, inflicting panic along your limbs.
It doesn’t seem like it should stop pouring outside anytime soon when you set the unconscious body on the floor, dragging your hands across your face to wipe away the droplets running down from your hairline.
The pale man lies motionless, save for the rise and fall of his chest. Gently, you examine his face, with its long, elegant nose and high cheekbones, noticing how each trivial feature works together to create a visage that is oddly ethereal and entirely entrancing. You feel compelled to trace your fingers across it, to confirm the solidity of its beauty. It’s cold under your touch, a few grains of sand sticking to the clammy skin, yet still looking remarkably human, except for the hair, tinted a bluish shade from seawater. Even old people from the village have their hair muddy, incomparable to his starlight silver tresses.
Relieved that he is alive and in the warmth of your house regaining colour on his cheeks, you dash to prepare a bath. Scented with healing salt, you worry if it’s not too piping hot for him because the steam covers the entirety of your small bathroom. Some spare clothes — shirts too big for you and bought on a whim for a tiny price in one of the thrift stores of the city of Fontaine — are waiting on a chair nearby for when he’d be ready.
By the time you return to him, he’s blinking in a daze, half-sitting, half-lying.
“How do you feel?” you ask, helping him stand up. His long, sinewy limbs work perfectly, showing no signs of fatigue or pain from his body dragging against the stormy ocean, trying to cling onto survival. “I… my apologies for bringing you here! I feared you would be in danger if I didn’t bring you in.”
“Thank you for your concern…” His voice is weak, whispery like a lone gust of wind along the flat shore, the roar of the sea having been nothing but a memory now. He touches his forehead with his delicate fingers, shaking his head slightly. “It must’ve been terrible to wander outside during a storm.”
Despite your willingness to continue the conversation, you weren’t entirely sure if he’s strong enough to put him through questioning. Your head is bursting with doubts. To prevent it from overwhelming you in an instant, you change the topic, informing him about the readied bath and gently guiding him toward the inner door.
“You must be cold. I don’t want you to get sick, so please… I hope I can help you this much, at least with a bit of hospitality from my side. At least for the night.”
He only nods, entering the other room. When he raises his hands to reach out for the bathtub, the muscles move under the skin like slender fish, agile and beautiful.
“I will leave you alone now, but call for me if you need anything.”
You knock every so often to check on him, clean the rest of the main room while he takes a while, warming up and getting dressed. Forcing yourself to work on something, you push the worries to the back of your mind, folding the bedsheets with trembling fingers.
To have a stranger late at night in your house… not entirely human, a watery creature of handsome features. Who knows what can possibly happen if he stays here past midnight? But how could you throw someone out into the cold evening with nowhere else to go?
“Excuse me?” he calls softly, stepping behind you and catching you off-guard. “I apologise for presenting myself in such a state… It was not my intention to scare you off or to have you drag me out of the waters, risking your own health… Are you alright?” He pauses, not coming closer in regard to your comfort.
You look down at yourself, remembering only now that the sleeves of your chemise and the hem got soaked outside, and you forgot to change with all the cleaning activities you’ve been doing around the house.
“Yes, I am,” you breathe out, biting back the shame, turning fully to face him and offering a polite smile. “It’s me who should ask if you’re alright…”
He lets out a sigh, shaking his head slowly. “Nothing of your concern, rest assured. It might’ve been irresponsible of me to wander out of safety into the storm.”
“I… who… what are you exactly?” you mumble, picking up his damp clothes, a rag, what you would call in your mind but are too afraid to say out loud, from the floor. “Some sort of local deity?”
“A water dragon. But yes, known in this region very well. Most have seen my image through raindrops on their windows and the clouds gathering during stormy days.” He braids his shining palladium locks together with indigo strands growing out of his head, perhaps a pair of soft horns that look more like long ribbons in the shade of the clear depths.
“A dragon!” you repeat.
He chuckles softly. “You’ve never heard about them in myths? They’re common all around these parts.”
“I did! Yes, of course! It’s just… quite unthinkable, won’t you agree?” You turn your gaze to the floor. “I must sound like a fool.”
“Not at all. I’m sure your curiosity is reasonable.” He continues his soft smile, bringing in front of him the delicate hands, their webs shimmering in the dim light of the living room. “I owe you my life, after all. Even I have limits and a storm like the one wrecking havoc outside is no less lethal to me as to humans at sea… May I sit?”
You nod and start rummaging through the drawers and shelves of your kitchen in search of something to give him for dinner, feeling rude for not having prepared anything sooner. The small stove — if the warm embers were to be called so — was not to be used today anymore. Perhaps there’s still some leftovers from lunch, but that would be ridiculous to offer to someone who looks almost immaculate, dressed in your shirt with sleeves rolled up, save for his still damp hair. An evil twist of fate, to have a sudden guest of unimaginable elegance and charm, yet nothing of equal value to feed him. The plan was to get groceries tomorrow.
“A-Are you hungry? Or in need of a drink?”
“Not necessarily, though I do appreciate your kind offer. A warm water or tea will suffice.”
You set the kettle, unsure of what else to do. With a soft purring of the water inside and the creak of wood inside the stove, you shuffle your weight from one leg to another, clearly stiff under the unusual atmosphere. He seems of no danger, a subtle and slow creature resembling a true gentleman, if you were to describe him to someone else. Almost human, maybe even enough for you to forget about the mystical traits once you part with him, your memory remembering only a man washed ashore.
“So… Water dragons,” you start, afraid of where the conversation may lead to, “the village has many legends about dragons. Well, I wanted to believe them all… But to know that it’s really true, right here in front of me. Well, now it seems like a different tale.”
He hums softly in response, looking at you with attentive eyes, sincere yet somewhat guarded. He’s hesitant to give away too much, it seems.
“What are they like? W-what is your kin doing here? If… If I may ask.”
He ponders on it for a moment, no harm in your innocent question besides being slightly invasive. What a mere mortal may want to know about magical species? After all, he’s been returning to the bay exactly because of those good elemental energy currents — they must be affecting people living here, too.
“Well, dragons live mostly in solitude, having large territories for themselves. Though, mostly there’s a certain purpose behind it. But I shall spare you the monotonous details.” He holds his hands together, leaning back in the chair. “Peninsulas and bays are relatively safe, so we come there to rest, to mate, to remake old spells guarding the shore, to replenish mana near our birthplace.”
You listen closely, staring at the ceiling and praying that the water will boil faster, soon, to give you an excuse to step away. Not only from the embarrassment of these topics, but the throbbing in your chest making it difficult to breathe, an unfamiliar smell reaching your nose, coating your lungs with a sweetness hard to get outside the honey delivery to the market. It’s not tea, not this time, albeit you picked a good one, a special one to treat your guest with generous care.
“Is everything alright?” He stops the monologue, cautiously eyeing your silhouette.
“Just tired. It must be the pressure change from the weather. I usually am not performing any exercises at this hour. I… I would be going to bed soon, actually.” Admitting it turns into a pang of guilt dashing across your shoulders.
“Would you like me to stay somewhere else? I don’t want to cause any trouble…”
“N-No! Please, worry not!” You shake your head, surprised by the sound of your own voice dying in the stuffy air of the cottage. “There’s nowhere else to go at this hour here… I thought of taking you to the doctor in the morning. But I cannot imagine letting you out during the storm! Even a short walk to the closest neighbour is too risky now…” You admit with defeat, not wishing to sound that desperate. Albeit, appearing too caring is still better than treating a presumably wounded guest with icy coldness.
The nameless visitor just glances across your body, eyebrows furrowed in a handsome expression of concern — that would not be gentlemanly to let you suffer from the exhaustion just because he was careless in his sea ventures. How are you even that trusting, even more after he revealed his true nature? Shouldn’t humans be scared or suspicious in such moments? Is there really no other way and you play along, acting like it doesn’t bother you — but in reality, it does?
He sighs, letting go of the topic, at least for the time being, while you’re busy hiding your emotions behind the act of pouring tea into the cups. Observant of your actions, as if waiting for a chance, he keeps his iridescent eyes on your hands.
“Do you need help with that? You’re shaking. Careful with the boiling water…” He muses quietly, but the answer is in your reluctant headshake.
The gentle dance of fiery pixies from the candles and the lamps scattered on shelves and other flat surfaces around the house gives a vibe much warmer than the actual temperature inside. You never liked fire, to be honest, not that much, but at this hour you wouldn’t say no to a gentle flame coaxing you into its arms for warmth and solace. For all the issues your little stove causes you per year, you’re glad it’s enough to heat your creaky cottage during the colder months.
When you pass him a cup, his webbed fingers linger around yours a little longer than necessary.
What was this peculiar feeling? Wasn’t it just you misinterpreting the situation? Everything was weird since the moment you met him. How could you know if he truly does not possess the will to harm you? So far, you were ready to invite him in, offer him a spare bedroom, lend him some of your clothes. But just when you started questioning your decision, you wobble on your legs and lose your balance.
There’s a feeling of emptiness around you, so precipitous that your knees bend and you close your eyes with an exclamation. The man reaches out, catching you before you fall to the floor, already unconscious…
For those who gaze into the tide, May find their hearts with dragons tied. But heed this warning, lest you fall, The sea’s embrace will claim you all.
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tacoma-narrows · 5 months
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Between the Sea and the Sky!
Hi everybody! Meet the TWO new guys I made between last night and today! Their names are Tarmac (an Aeromorph dog) and Soda (a pooltoy fox), and they've filled a desire for these two specific kinds of OCs I've had in mind for MONTHS lol. They were super fun to design and draw and I'm super excited to do more with them soon!! This piece is relatively simple but more so serves as their introduction hehe
See more about them, including refs and some additional pieces/information below the cut :] (it kind of turns into a huge braindump lmao)
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Tarmac is an aeromorph, although a bit more towards the furry side of things rather than the plane side lol. His design is influenced primarily by the Concorde and the Space Shuttle! I couldn't decide for the life of me which of those two things I wanted to use so I thought "why not use both?" and here we are lol. I'm super happy with his design, with the black/dark gray markings mean to emulate the look of the Space Shuttle's thermal insulation tiles and then I really like how the red and blue stand out against the gray. I really like his icon too! I wanted to make it look like a stylized depiction of a plane (mainly a Concorde hehe) breaking through the sound barrier with a sonic boon! In terms of personality, I don't have a whole lot in mind yet. Mostly that he'd be the brave, adventurous type and since he can fly both in the air and through space, he's gonna be friends with Astro too :3
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Soda is a pooltoy fox! I have wanted to make a pooltoy OC FOREVER (blame my mutuals for always posting/reblogging so many cool pooltoy OCs hehe). I finally got brave enough to actually give it a shot, and I love how he came out! I was mainly just thinking about summery themes and as I was just trying out different colors and stuff, I thought about orange soda, and that's the direction I ended up going! He's got a big stupid tail [affectionate] and can have either rounded bappy hands or have actual fingers, you're free to stylize that either way! I've only ever drawn a pooltoy character once ever before, so this was something way out of my realm of familiarity, but I'm so happy with how he came out! He's so shaped I love him so much already <33
So those are my two new guys! Making two new OCs at the same time is already a rarity for me lol. The only time it's happened before was when I made Rye and Pumpernickel back in August of 2021. And then making these guys when I had only gotten Astro about two and a half weeks ago means this is an exceedingly rare event for me lmao. My friends know how infrequently I make/get new OCs, so this just goes to show how much these guys have been bouncing around in my brain lately lol.
They are definitely gonna have some sort of connection to each other, but I'm not sure how I wanna go about that yet. Since I made them back to back, they are already connected in my brain, but I'm not sure how I wanna express that in a meaningful way. I don't wanna make them siblings bc, well, they're obv very different from each other lol, but they're kinda parallels (with one being in the sky and the other being in the water yknow), so as of right now they're definitely good friends with each other. I might upgrade that to bfs at some point in the future, but we'll see how things go hehe.
Anyways huge braindump of a post lmao, thank u for reading if u did! I'd love to hear your thoughts on these guys since they're so different from all my other characters! Also if anyone may wanna do an art trade of either of these guys (or Astro as well! I'd like to get more art of him too!) let me know hehe
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jishyucks · 10 months
Gleam and Glitter — hhj
‣ pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
‣ genre: fluff, implied friends-to-lovers, rich-kid!au
‣ wc: 3.4k
‣ summary: You’ve quickly established that no one at this damn charity gala cares about the event’s purpose. They were just there to party. And you wanted nothing else but to leave; alternatively, in which Hyunjin saves you from your misery to see the city’s Christmas lights.
‣ warnings: lots of being annoyed at the rich (even though reader and hyunjin are rich), 1st world problems, reader’s wearing a dress and heels but no specific pronouns are used (I’m pretty sure), the pair eat some desserts
‣ an: 2nd part for my True Love Gave to Me Series! It's a little slow at first but the parts near the end are cute! Just like the Mark one, I wish I could write more for these two, I srsly think I could've done more but still,,, ENJOY!
Series Masterlist
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The venue was beautiful. 
The ballroom was transformed into the party’s theme, Winter Wonderland, adorned with white, silver, and royal blue decorations. From the ceiling hung giant snowflakes, lit up with twinkling lights that glowed softly within the dim room. 
The dance floor, placed in the middle of the room, was surrounded by tables draped in pearly white table cloths, giving it all a sleek, clean look. You can tell how much planning had gone into the centrepieces—delicate ice-looking glass sculptures of various animals. Within each of them were more lights, drawing out the details of the sculptures.
At the other corner of the room, the live band had already begun their setlist. They were dressed in blue or white, or both, as it was the theme of the party. You couldn’t quite tell what song they were playing, but it sounded nice and classy. 
And guests were trickling in, entering the room hand in hand with their plus ones. You can tell that they were all in awe from the scene. I mean you don’t blame them—the scene looked like something straight from a movie. Whoever had planned and decorated the venue knew what they were doing. 
The venue was beautiful… Too bad most of the people attending were snobby rich bitches who really don’t deserve anything good (respectfully).
The main purpose of the event was to raise money for charities involving children for god’s sake—sure it was okay to go all out and grab the attention of the wealthy, but it was so painfully obvious that two-thirds of the guests didn’t give a single fuck about the charities. They were just there for the publicity, hoping to look good in front of the press and it pained you. 
It pained you because, although you barely had the capacity to have passions for anything, you did know that you wanted to use your money for good. And heavy on the good for children.
The party was now in full swing, guests mingling in practically every corner of the room. The live band had just been replaced with a DJ, party songs blasting through the speakers. A small part of you does want to join in, but you wouldn’t say that you associated yourself with any of the people here. 
There was one person who you did love being around—your best friend, Hyunjin—but you simply weren’t sure where he had disappeared off to since you had greeted him at the start of the party. 
You’re not sure how you hear Hyunjin groan as he slumps in the seat next to you. He stretches his back over the chair before falling limp. 
You can’t help but laugh, “What’s up with you?” You shift in your own chair to look at him, your blue evening gown getting twisted underneath your ass.
“My parents introduced me to like—I don’t know—six old business owners?” Hyunjin mutters, “I don’t even remember a single one of them.” 
“Well, you gotta start working on that future CEO,” you joke, slapping his back, “Don’t wanna be the boss who calls his employees by the wrong name, do you?” You know Hyunjin hates when you call him future CEO, because, well, he doesn’t actually want to take over his father’s company once he retires. But being the only child in his family, it’s a responsibility that he couldn’t really get out of.
“No,” he pouts, lips jutting out. 
You let out another laugh, this time rubbing his back to provide some kind of comfort. From a nearby group of people, you hear people laughing, though it didn’t seem genuine. You echo them. 
“Y/N, they’re gonna hear you!” Hyunjin nudges your arm. “No they won’t. They’re all just caught up in their own world,” You roll your eyes. Then you dramatically say, “Oh how I wish to leave this place.”
There’s a few beats of silence between the two of you. Just by watching Hyunjin, you can tell he’s thinking, eyes darting back and forth as if he were reading a page of a newspaper. 
“Would it be crazy if I asked you to run away with me?”
Your heart misses a beat, “What?”
“Run away with me,” Hyunjin repeats. He’s almost expressionless, staring back at you as he waits for a reply. 
You blink at your best friend, utterly confused by the nonsense coming out of his mouth, “Hyunjin, you really need to be more specific with your words.”
Hyunjin brings a corner of his mouth up towards one side of his face, trying to word what he was asking of you. It wasn’t that difficult to explain, yet Hyunjin’s short on words right now because of all the introductions he’s just had. 
“Do you know what an Irish goodbye is?” 
You shake your head, “No? Is that even a thing?” 
“It’s when you just leave without telling anyone,” Hyunjin explains, “So… let’s leave without telling anyone.” There’s a youthful glint in his eye and you just know that Hyunjin’s ready to take off. He’s excited, even, just thinking about leaving and getting away from this place. You like the idea, too. 
“And do what?” Hyunjin shrugs and your face contorts, laughing, “You’re the one who’s suggesting to leave and you don’t have a plan?” 
The smile Hyunjin flashes is one that shows off his bottom teeth, brows raised and eyes widened, “Sorry, I didn’t actually think you’d consider it.” 
“Do you even know me?” you scoff, “Of course I wanna leave. Anything to get away from these people.” You scoot forward in anticipation to go, but you still really want to hear what Hyunjin’s plan is. 
Hyunjin searches the room as if it were going to hand him the answer. Then he hums and looks back at you, “Do you want to go downtown?” 
Without any hesitation you nod, “Yes.” 
Hyunijn watches as you scan the room, eyes trying to weed out your parents and his. You could guess they were speaking with people you’ve grown familiar with, so you try to pick them out, too. When you couldn’t spot any of your parents, your eyes darted in Hyunjin’s direction, eyes wide and round. “It’s clear.”
You don’t warn Hyunjin before you shoot up onto your feet, trying your best to keep discrete from any wandering eyes. The heels under your feet almost fail to support your pace, but you pay no mind, eyes dead set on the doorway furthest away from anyone’s attention. Hyunjin’s close at your tail, turning back every few steps to make sure that there was absolutely no one watching you both leave. 
The adrenaline’s causing your heart to pump above the average, and you can’t help but let out a laugh the moment you reach the door, soon finding yourself in an empty corridor of the venue (save for the doorman at the front and the woman attending coat check).
Hyunjin stumbles out after you, breathing heavily, “You didn’t even tell me you were going to take off like that!” 
Ignoring Hyunjin’s exclamations, you start making your way toward coat check, heels clicking against the marble floor. Hyunjin is unsure how you’re moving so quickly in heels, but he chooses not to question you.
“Y/N~” Hyunjin whines, “Slow down!”
“If we’re not quick we’re going to get caught,” you shoot a reply over your shoulder. You kindly ask for your coats, retrieving them within seconds before you toss Hyunjin his jacket. “Yeah, but we need to wait for Mr. Jang to come pick us up!” 
By the time Hyunjin finishes his sentence, you both find yourselves outside of the venue, cold air instantly nipping at your exposed skin. There were cars whizzing past, all probably on their way to your desired destination. Right at the bottom of the steps was a sleek black car, similar to what your family owned, and a man who you recognized as Mr. Jang, the Hwang’s driver. 
“So you did plan this!” you look over at Hyunjin. 
Hyunjin shakes his head, “No, but Mr. Jang will jump at any chance to actually do something.” The boy leads you down the steps and reaches the vehicle before you do. He greets Mr. Jang with a bow and then tugs on the door’s handle, opening it for you to hop in. You can’t help but giggle at the gesture, giving Hyunjin a look before sliding in. He shuffles in after you, smiling out of excitement.
“Where to, son?”
“Downtown, please.”
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆
It’s when you both get to downtown that you realize that neither of you knew where to go. 
Sure, the plan was downtown but the city was a big place. Hyunjin should have been more specific, because right now, you were both standing in the middle of a busy street trying to decide which direction to go.
“Close your eyes, spin, and then stop when I tell you,” you suggest to Hyunjin, who’s trying to search his phone for any places you both could visit. 
“How about you do it!” Hyunjin’s brows furrow and he pouts, “It sounds like you’re going to ditch me.” 
“Now why the hell would I ditch you,” you sigh, “Just do it. I would do it, but I’m in heels.” 
You gesture for him to go on with the action, but not before he mutters a ‘the heels didn’t seem like a problem earlier’, earning him a thwack on his shoulder. 
Squeezing his eyes shut, Hyunjin sticks an arm out, using his index finger to point. Then, he begins to spin clockwise. From an outsider’s glance, this man probably looked ridiculous—he was dressed in formal attire and spinning like a top, almost taking out a few passerbyers in the process. 
You were finding this so amusing that you almost forgot that you had to tell him to stop. 
And when you tell Hyunjin to stop, he somehow ends up with his finger just inches away from your nose. You burst out laughing, your hands coming up to clutch your stomach because, for one, Hyunjin took the challenge seriously, and two, he looked absolutely ridiculous just standing there eyes closed and pointing. 
You don’t notice how Hyunjin’s eyes finally flutter open to see what was going on and how his taut expression relaxes the second they land on your bright figure just laughing, even if it is at his expense. His arm drops to his side, making a muted whap against his jacket. This catches your attention.
“I’m sorry,” you say, wiping a tear that has managed to slip out of the corner of your eye. And when Hyunjin doesn’t answer immediately, you take a step closer to him, “Hello?” 
“O-okay, so, that way!” Hyunjin’s brought back from space, head shaking. He side steps and walks around you, leading the way down the street while making sure you were following him. 
Hyunjin has no idea what just happened. It wasn’t like it was the first time he's seen you happy. In fact, you’ve always been happy around him. So, why did he suddenly freeze seeing you happy this time? 
Hyunjin shakes the thought out of his head, dismissing it as the remnants of wine from the party still in his system, and continues walking down the street, just a few paces in front of you.
You and Hyunjin weave through the people walking down the street against you, hands full with shopping bags or stuffed deep into their pockets. The pace Hyunjin had taken began to speed up, as if he had spotted something over the crowd that you couldn’t quite see even with heels. 
Glancing back, Hyunjin gently latches onto your wrist, afraid that you’d get lost in the sea of people, pulling you closer before he continues to step through the occasional gaps between bodies. 
“Where are we going?” you say out of curiosity. Hyunjin’s too occupied to answer you, still keeping his grasp firm around your wrist. He tugs you along for one more block, and by then you can tell that he did have an idea of where you were. Hyunjin knew where to go.
You feel like you’re able to breathe again when Hyunjin leads you into a plaza, and you let out a breath that you didn’t even know you were holding in. There was more space for people to walk around, buskers at each corner of the opening, and restaurants decked out in Christmas lights and decorations. Some places were blasting Christmas tunes out of outdoor speakers and, from afar, you can see Santa Claus taking pictures with children. You feel your heart fill with warmth in the atmosphere, excited to wander around and kill time with Hyunjin. 
“Do you want to eat something?” Hyunjin questions. The boy halts in front of a food truck, head falling back to scan the menu. The food truck was a dessert truck—candied fruit, ice cream, cake pops, and more. You can see that they also sold drinks. 
You nod, “What are you getting?” 
“I’m thinking a cake pop… you?” The line shifts forward and you both take a step forward to follow. 
You hum and try to decide on your own treat, “Can you get me candied strawberries, please?” 
It takes a little bit to reach the front of the line and finally receive your food. When the man on the truck hands Hyunjin the food, you go to grab it but Hyunjin refuses to let you take it, pulling the treats back to his own body. “Huh?” you frown, “Do you want me to pay you back or something?” Your mouth was practically watering at the sight of the tanghulu. It was almost unrealistically red, like strawberries you’d find in cartoons. 
“It’s cold,” Hyunjin shakes his head, “You can keep your hands in your pockets… I’ll hold it for you.” Then he holds the stick up to your lips, “Here.” 
Your brows furrow and you groan, “Hyunjin, I’m capable of holding it myself, you know.” You’re quick to grab the stick from Hyunjin and give him a look, “But thanks anyway.” 
Hyunjin grins, "Alright, suit yourself." He takes a bite of his cake pop as you enjoy the sweetness of the candied strawberries. The plaza is filled with a festive atmosphere, and you decide to stroll the rest of the area while munching on the treats. 
By the time you were halfway finished with your food, you had been able to properly take in the scene of the plaza. It was actually much larger than it was at first sight, the area stretching down another block or two of buildings. It extended into a wide pedestrian mall, with shops busy on either side of the broad walkway. 
Everyone there looked happy, like characters in the background of a movie. They minded their own business, stopping to watch the street performers entertain the passerbyers, or taking impromptu stops at the local shops lined up along the mall.
And though it did seem like such a first world problem for you to want to experience this without the stress that your parents constantly impose onto you to run a company, you like to think that your feelings still count. Even just a little.
“Look over there,” Hyunjin speaks up. He’s pointing further down the road and into a smaller plaza. There were people skating on a small, man-made, ice rink. 
A gasp leaves your mouth as you when you take notice of the gigantic Christmas tree sitting off to the side of the rink. It had been strung from top to bottom in lights that occasionally changed colours. Ornaments decorated the tree with large ornaments, accented with ribbons and garland. 
It was beautiful. 
It was beautiful and you wanted to go get a better look at it. 
Leaving Hyunjin’s side, you begin walking ahead of him, long forgetting the tanghulu in your hand. And just like earlier, Hyunjin calls for you to slow down, mainly because you were charging through the crowd with a pointy skewer, but also because he cannot catch up. You paid no mind to his attempts to slow you down. You were already dead set on catching a closer glimpse of that tree.
Hyunjin reaches you when you finally choose to stop. Your head falls back to look at the tree from its topper to its base, mouth falling open in awe, “Tell me why I’ve never seen this before.” Then you turn to look at Hyunjin, who’s looking at the tree himself, “How do you think they decorated it?”
Hyunjin lets out a laugh in the form of air shooting out his nose, “Cause all we know is work and school and business. I guess we never really have the time to enjoy these things, do we?” Then he thinks up a clever answer for your second question, but fails, “And honestly, I don’t know. Maybe one of those man lifts?” 
“You’re right,” you laugh, “We need to Irish Goodbye more often if it means we get to see more things like this.” You glance around the area and find a bench nearby. Wordlessly, you grab onto Hyunjin’s sleeve and tug him along to sit. 
You can feel how cool the metal bench is through your dress, but you lean back anyways, continuing to admire the Christmas tree. It was weird because you were feeling this sort of delight growing in your chest just at the sight of the decorated tree, though if you were asked what you were feeling you wouldn’t be able to put words to it. It was like the cherry on top of the sundae, perfectly fitting the ambience of everything that you and Hyunjin have seen tonight. 
And for Hyunjin, sure the tree and the lights strung up all over the plaza were beautiful, but he was having a hard time keeping his attention on them, and instead kept taking glances your way. It was probably the fact that this happiness was different than the ones he’s seen before. It was like your inner child had jumped out, eyes filled with all the galaxies the universe held. 
The corners of his lips had stretched at the slightest, eyes following in pursuit. 
Hyunjin realizes now that if you were happy, he was happy. And he’d do anything to make it happen. 
But he wouldn’t admit that to you just yet. 
Or anyone. 
It was enough for now that he had admitted it to himself.
Feeling eyes on you, you catch Hyunjin looking at you, expression soft. "What's up with that look?" you tease, your eyes narrowing. You lean over and nudge his arm with your shoulder. 
Hyunjin feels heat rush to the apples of his cheeks and the tips of ears. He hopes that you don’t notice, “It’s nothing… just thinking about how we should actually do this more often.” Hyunjin pries his eyes away from you and forces himself to look at the tree which, frankly, wasn’t as pretty as you. 
“We should…” you nod, “This is way better than the gala.” 
Hyunjin agrees silently. 
The two of you sit there in a comfortable silence, just taking in the environment. It wasn’t everyday that you both got freedom like this and it was nice. And you can tell that Hyunjin felt the same. 
Before you finally go to speak up after a while, your phone rings. Glancing at the caller ID, your heart rate shoots up when you see it's your parents at the other end of the line. You quickly answer it to not cause suspicion, already sensing the concern in their voices.
"Y/N, sweetheart, where are you?" your mom asks. You could hear your father’s voice saying something in the background, followed by another man’s voice. 
"I’m still at the venue," you lie, "I just needed to get air. Why?"
“We found the owner of—” You roll your eyes. Of course. 
“I’ll be right there, mom,” you say flatly, “Bye.” And you hang up. 
“So?” Hyunjin questions. You notice that he had shifted in his seat to look at you, “What did she say?” He didn’t want to get you in trouble. 
“She was talking about the owner of some company,” you shrug, “But that means we have to go.” 
You stand up and take one last look at the tree before you have to drag yourself back into your own reality. It was good while it lasted. 
Hyunjin frowns at your expression and gently takes your hand in his, “I’ll take you back here soon.”
You smile, eyes lighting up at the thought of coming back here again (and in much more comfortable clothes, too). “Promise?”
Hyunjin’s glad to see the joy instantly return to your previously deflating figure and nods.
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an: Thank you soso much for reading! Pls stay tuned for the upcoming members!
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nastybuckybarnes · 2 years
Hold My Beer
Pairing: Brief Rumlow X Reader, Biker!Bucky X Reader
Summary: Your old best friend is tired of seeing you in the arms of another. Especially one who doesn’t treat you right. So he’s gonna do something about that.
Warnings: Language, violence (minor), infidelity, breaking up, allusions to smut, biker!bucky,
Word Count: 1.1k
A/n: 100% inspired by the Aaron Pritchett song lol. This is kinda short but it’s something I wanna just kinda toss into the void lol. I do think I’ll be writing more for this particular AU!Bucky in the future, I’m just waiting for some inspiration to strike.
Kinda short so no tags lol my bad. Love you all so much❤️❤️❤️
Steel blue eyes are zeroed in on a couple by the bar.
His focus is on the man. 
More specifically, the way he’s practically ignoring the beautiful woman by his side. 
“You good, Buck?” Steve asks from beside him, nudging his friend lightly with his elbow. 
The brunet hums, his brows drawing together as he watches the man at the bar ogle different woman, while his girl sits with a frown on her pretty face. 
“Yeah, m’fine. I just... gimme one second,” he murmurs, pushing to his feet and walking away from his booth, beer still held tightly in his grasp. 
The blond watches his friend as he approaches the couple at the bar, beyond confused. 
This particular couple has been in the brunet’s bar a couple times, the man causing trouble more often than not, and it’s no secret that he’s less than faithful to his woman. 
To you.
You sit beside your boyfriend, brows pulled together as you watch him eye a woman across the bar. 
It hurts your pride to have him do this in front of you, but he’s already had a few drinks and you know better than to try and argue with him when he’s been drinking. 
“Hey, could you hold my beer for a sec, buddy?” A voice asks. 
You blink yourself out of your thoughts and look up at the man standing before yourself and Brock, brows rising to your hairline. 
None other than Bucky Barnes stands before you.
Solid six feet and five inches of thick muscle towers over your boyfriend, and you can’t help the grin that threatens to pull at your lips.
Brock’s always hated Bucky, and you can’t really blame him.
Your bestfriend-turned stranger is attractive enough to get a nun to sin, and he’s never been shy when it comes to flirting with you. Especially after seeing you cry over the piece of shit sitting next to you.
Bucky’s hatred for Brock Rumlow isn’t hidden at all, and he doesn’t care who knows. You’re too good a woman to be treated the way he treats you, and Bucky’s determined to make you realize that.
He's got a tame beard covering the lower half of his face and his eyes are the warmest icy blue you’ve ever seen, mischief glowing in them. Light freckles dust across his cheeks like stars in the night sky, and his lips are pink and plump. 
You follow his gaze to your boyfriend, and Brock looks just as confused as you feel. 
“I uh... why? What do you want?” He asks while slowly reaching out to hold Bucky’s beer. 
“’Cause your woman needs a kiss, and a boy like you ain’t gonna satisfy her.” With that, Bucky leans in and presses his lips against yours.
He’s kissed you many times before, and you’ve always brushed it off as him being a touchy friend, though you know it’s more than that.
And this is proof.
Because this isn’t a kiss you give your friend.
You sit still for a long moment, shock freezing you before you peck Bucky back and tug away, terrified at what Brock’s reaction’s going to be and warm inside at the intense feeling of Bucky’s lips on yours. 
“What the fuck is the matter with you?!” Brock shouts, moving to hop off the barstool only to be held in place by one of Bucky’s thick tattooed arms. 
He shoves the smaller man back in his seat and levels him with a glare. 
“You’d better not drop my fuckin’ beer,” he whispers dangerously, his true biker roots coming out on display. 
Brock grinds his teeth together and turns his steely glare on you. 
“You see? You ask why I hate when you would see him! It's cause I know you’re a slut who can’t control herself.”
His words bite a little, but they don’t hurt nearly as much as Bucky’s fist connecting with his face. 
The bar goes quiet as Brock grabs at his nose, glaring at the biker. 
“See, you’ve made a few mistakes here tonight. The first was showing your face. The second, was not paying enough attention to your girl. The third, was disrespecting your girl when she deserves the world. And the fourth...” Bucky leans down, his eyes hard and full of hatred, “you spilled my beer.”
You’ve been with Brock Rumlow for an embarrassing amount of time, and never  have you ever seen him look so tiny and terrified. 
“Now, you’re gonna hold my beer and watch my jacket while I take your girl up dancing, and then you’re gonna head on home and you’re gonna clear your shit outta her apartment, you’re gonna delete yourself from her life, and you’re never gonna even think about going near her again, or else it’ll be me you’re dealing with, got it?”
Brock opens his mouth to snark back, but a glance around the bar at all the bikers wearing jackets that match Bucky's has him keeping his mouth shut.
“Alright, good talk. Thanks man!” Bucky calls, grabbing your hand and tugging you off of your stool.
You stumble after him, still in shock at the exchange that just occurred.
“Buck, what the Hell was that?!” You demand, flattening your palms against his chest when he pulls you against him. 
“I’ve sat and watched that prick treat you like garbage for two and a half years, (Y/n). I’m not doing it anymore. You deserve so much better and I'm tired of pretending that I’m okay seeing you with him.”
You blink up at him in shock and shake your head, “Bucky, you can’t just end my relationship like that. Brock and I need to talk about things.” 
He scoffs and wraps his arms around your waist, tugging you closer and kissing your forehead. 
“I just did, sweetheart. You’re gonna come to my place tonight, we’re gonna talk and drink and maybe get a little... friendly, just like we used to, and then tomorrow I’m gonna bring you back to your apartment and if that asshole hasn't cleaned all of his shit out, there’s gonna be Hell to pay.”
You take a deep breath and look over your shoulder to where Brock is sitting. Steve’s by his side, arms crossed over his chest and a grin on his handsome face when he catches your gaze. 
“C’mon, baby. You gonna dance with me like we used to or do you wanna go straight to my place and have me bend you over the counter and eat that pretty pussy like the good old days?”
A shiver races down your spine, shaking the guilt from your stomach as you look up into his ever-blue eyes. 
“I... we can go to your place,” you whisper, smiling shyly when he grins triumphantly. 
He leans down and presses a soft kiss to your lips while one of his hands trails down to your ass, grabbing a handful of it then letting go only to smack it roughly. 
“That’s my girl.”
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faulty-writes · 11 months
[ Hello my dear followers and or fans. I present to you a Keigo piece, written for the Hawks Big Bang 2023. This was exceptionally fun to write, and I hope you all enjoy this piece. Hopefully, I'll come up with a few more ideas for some Keigo-based fan fics in the future. ]
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[ As a support specialist, you were used to receiving attention, and it wasn’t just because you were the child of Endeavor, but you had your suspicions that might be why a certain winged hero liked you. Furthermore, it might explain why you were assigned to create his new feathers. Unfortunately, you run into a certain complication while trying to craft them. ]
It wasn’t easy being the child of Endeavor, the number one hero. When you think about your past, all you remember is how busy he was and how you constantly pleaded for his attention, especially when you came up with invention ideas.
Yes, your love of technology and keen sense of curiosity set you apart from the rest of your family. It was common for you to spend time in your room creating blueprints, drawings, or lists of the inventions you wished to create growing up.
On more than one occasion, you’d fall asleep at your desk with blueprints scattered underneath your sleeping head, half-made prototypes lying in front of you, and your hands still loosely gripping a screwdriver or wrench.
This made it difficult for your siblings to spend time with you and it was always a fight to get you out of your room and away from your passion. You recalled being dragged away by your caretaker with your nails scraping against the floor of your bedroom more than once.
But even this wasn’t enough to tear you away from your life’s purpose. The desire to change the world through your inventions led you to enroll at Yuuei, despite your father’s wishes, and though countless support manufacturing companies offered you positions after you graduated, you chose to start your own business.
Many thought this was impossible, but you knew that your inventions were unique and that potential customers would come to you for your customization abilities. The fact that you never said no to a challenge, no matter how difficult, was another characteristic that set you apart from other support item specialists.
In that aspect, you were sure you had inherited your stubborn nature from your father, but at least he had softened his attitude since Shoto had started attending Yuuei. However, despite your success, you have been unmotivated as of late and who could blame you?
Touya, your oldest brother who happened to be alive but turned into a villain, was responsible for attacking and critically injuring your father and youngest brother. You had originally thought focusing on your work would help you forget about him and the heavy overwhelming feelings that consumed you.
Clearly, you were mistaken. Your thoughts kept drifting back to the current events you were dealing with, causing your chest to ache so fiercely that you almost wished you had inherited your mother’s quirk so you could numb it and feel cold.
In any case, you didn’t inherit your mother’s quirk, at least not in the way you had hoped. Just like your father, you possessed a fire quirk and like your brother, Touya, the fire you produced was blue but…cold. Yes, you had some sort of cold flame ability, but it was nowhere near as powerful as the ice quirk your family possessed.
You weren’t as able to control your fire as Touya, Shoto, or even your father either. Although, like your older brother and sister, you didn’t use your quirk for anything practical outside of experimenting with some inventions that were powered by it.
You will always remember the first time you tried this new type of quirk-powered technology. You thought it was going to be a breakthrough, a new source of energy. Of course, you were still a support student at the time and that could have played into your naive nature.
Anyone in the support business knows that sometimes your inventions don’t go as planned and, in some cases, literally blow up in your face. This is what happened to you, instead of your quirk-powered invention doing as it was designed, it went haywire and blew up when you were within close range of it. 
As a result, your dominant hand’s thumb, index, and pinky fingers were severed and the Development Studio was off-limits for a couple of weeks while you adjusted to living with seven functional fingers. Unlike most rational-thinking individuals, you refused to have them reattached.
Rather, you saw this as an opportunity to make another version of your failed invention which is where the origin of your robotic fingers came in. Countless individuals chose to have certain body parts or limbs replaced with robotic ones and in that sense, you didn’t feel any different.
Of course, it had been tricky learning how to channel your quirk to your automated fingers and gauge just how much of your power you needed to make them work efficiently as you needed them to, but eventually, you mastered it.
Now only if you could master the ability to turn your feelings off, but you knew that was impossible. Even so, the latest project you had been given by the Winged Hero: Hawks could distract you for the time being.
Even though most would feel honored to create prosthetic feathers for the number two hero, you felt guilty knowing that those wings were burnt by your brother’s flames. Then again, maybe this was a way to help atone for his wrongdoings and this wasn’t the first time you had been assigned to craft something for Hawks.
He had been coming to you for several reasons since you graduated, and part of you thought it was because of your connection to Endeavor, who he was a big fan of. As time passed, you began to associate his unexpected visits with his desire to spend time with you.
The only problem was that you were too busy for him, and he often disregarded this. You leaned away from your work table to examine the blueprints you had created. “At least these feathers are pretty straightforward,” you tapped the end of your pencil against your lips being careful not to break it with your artificial fingers.
They were made up of three parts to give realistic joint movement, and these three parts gleamed the faintest blue color. The fingers were attached to a special device worn over your hand that looked like an ordinary compression glove but was made from a special type of metal.
As with your artificial fingers, it had a lining that glowed, and three circles across the top, and each circle was connected to one of the three mechanical fingers via a small wire. You paused when a soft vibrating sound filled the air causing you to look at the table.
You noted that the noise source was your phone. If there was one thing people should know about you, it was that you hated being interrupted when working. You sighed when you grabbed it and noticed a familiar number flashing across the screen.
“Bothering me already?” you muttered. You placed the device back down and grabbed your blueprints. “He can wait until I’m done with these,” it was standard for your customers to have your number, but you noticed Keigo had a bad habit of calling you whenever he pleased, and you didn’t have time for that.
You couldn’t even imagine how he had time for that, especially in his current state. He couldn’t even speak and needed a voice assistance device. Of course, it was only temporary and most likely given to him in the rush of everything else that was going on.
Still, you couldn’t help but think you could have made him something better. But it was time to forget about that. You glanced over the table which was currently cluttered with scraps of metal and beaten-to-death-looking tools.
“Let’s see…” you leaned over to the bulletin board that was hanging on the wall directly in front of said table and proceeded to hang the blueprint up. It was good to have a reference to look at when you were creating, although you were the type to tweak things here and there along the way.
Luckily, it never resulted in anything catastrophic. “There,” you leaned back, placing your hands on your hips and smiling proudly. “Now it’s my favorite time of the day,” you pulled your work stool out from under the table and sat down, pulling up the sleeves of your hoodie.
Well, okay. It was Natsuo’s hoodie, and you might have stolen it out of his closet without permission. But he had a million more and as much as you hated to admit it, the simple piece of clothing did bring some comfort.
You cracked your knuckles before leaning over to grab your work computer that was resting against one of the legs of the table and opened it. A few clicks sounded and seconds passed before a building program popped up on the screen.
Yes, even support item specialists used building or modeling software, and if you wanted to create prosthetics, feather prosthetics at that, you had to build a 3D structure that you could work with. However, unlike when you crafted things by hand, certain programs used to create more specific support items needed to be precise.
This also meant you had to spend hours and hours perfecting each little detail based on the hand-drawn blueprints you created before moving on. It wasn’t uncommon for you to get so caught up in your work that you drowned out the world around you. Noises such as your phone vibrating were deaf to your ears.
“Mm…” Keigo frowned, shrugging his shoulders. His yellow-golden eyes were fixed on his phone screen. Since he couldn’t talk right now, he wasn’t sure why he was calling you. However, his concern was heightened with every attempted call as they all went to your voicemail.
Tsunagu, more widely known as “Best Jeanist” noticed the distressed state the younger hero was in. He narrowed his eyes and approached, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder. As expected, Keigo glanced up at him. “Perhaps it’s best you leave them be,” he suggested.
While he would normally support a fellow hero and their pursuits, he didn’t think it wise Keigo continue bothering you. It was evident that Endeavor was still recovering from his physical injuries, and his family was suffering emotionally now.
Keigo blinked and refocused his attention back on his phone, seeming to disregard the elder man’s words. He closed his eyes and after a few seconds, looked at Tsunagu again. His thumb quickly glided over the screen of his phone, and he typed out the message, “I need to check on them.”
Tsunagu sighed, pressing his hand against his forehead. He had his suspicions as to why Keigo wanted to see you, and it wasn’t just because you were assigned to create his new feathers. He didn’t want to see a fellow hero go down the dead-end path of romance.
At the same time, he knew far too well that he could not tell another adult, much less another hero what to do and in that sense, he could not rightfully refuse Keigo’s request. “Very well,” he replied, trying his best not to sigh and turning to walk to his car.
“Finally!” you leaned back, grinning at the 3D model of a prosthetic feather on the screen. “Now all that’s left is to print it,” you dragged the mouse over to the ‘File’ button and scrolled down. You were about to click ‘Print’ when you heard something.
“Hm?” your head turned to look at a small monitor nestled in the corner of the room, it was activated by a motion camera and much like a phone notification, it chimed when someone approached. You narrowed your eyes when you noticed the individual standing in front of the door.
His ash-blond feathery hair caught your attention first, followed by the medical bandages that were wrapped around his head but still exposed his face. The next thing was the respirator mask he wore, and the black button-up shirt he had on.
In his right hand, he was holding a small device which you assumed was his phone. The only thing that was missing was what you were currently working on, those beautiful bright red feathers that made up his wings. “What the?” your eyebrow twitched, and you clenched your jaw, immediately feeling annoyed by his presence.
‘What is he doing here!?’ you thought, balling your trembling hands into fists. ‘Well, I’m going to find out!’ With that, you stood from your seat and marched over to the door just as a few knocks sounded. You roughly pulled the door open, ignoring how it smacked against the wall.
You glared at the injured hero. “What do you want?” you demanded, crossing your arms. Yes, most wouldn’t be rude to pro heroes especially when they were as injured as Keigo. But, in your defense, he should know better than to bother you while you are working.
He stared at you, and you weren’t sure if he was in shock or disbelief over your words. “You ignored my texts” he replied. You furrowed your brow. “Texts?” you repeated. With a pointed artificial finger, you said, “You didn’t text me!”
You expected him to make a smart remark, but silence followed, and his attention was focused on your finger. In response to the glowing blue finger, his body stiffened and memories of the flames that had stolen his wings and voice came flooding back to him.
You noticed the blue-hued reflection of your finger in his eyes but quickly turned to march back to your work table and snatched your phone off it. After unlocking the device, you looked to see…you were wrong. There were several text messages from him and a few missed calls, but you weren’t sure if all of them were from him.
“Told you,” a robotic voice said. “Ah!” you jumped and turned around, swinging your fist at him. Even in his weakened state, he was quick enough to block you. “Whoa there,” his facial expression softened as if he had enjoyed the fact, you almost punched him. “Didn’t mean to scare you,” you rolled your eyes, looking back at your phone.
Part of you was curious to see what Keigo’s text messages said while another was annoyed that you were wasting your time, you had work to do! You clenched your jaw, lowering your phone before snapping, “Why are you always bothering me!?” Keigo leaned back, his eyes widening.
You could only imagine the shocked or disbelieving expression that was hidden underneath that respirator mask. He blinked once or twice before typing into his phone, “I wanted to see you today.” Well, that didn’t answer your question.
You sighed, placing your hand against your head and being careful not to let your hair get stuck in the small spaces of your robotic extremities. Keigo stood there, his eyes shifting ever so slightly as he absorbed each detail of you.
Even though he could see Endeavor’s anger and stubbornness in you, it was more charming, even cute coming from you. Yet, it was still hard for him to accept that you were the child of his favorite hero. “Look,” he immediately shifted his gaze to your face when you spoke.
“Your feathers aren’t finished yet, and you’re distracting me, so leave now!” you demanded, pointing to the door. You turned your back to him. “Jeez…” you muttered, slamming your phone back onto the table. You couldn’t fathom why he had wanted to see you, since you didn’t see yourself as interesting.
In addition, your life was consumed with work. There was always something to be done. Day in and day out, inventing, fixing, and creating. It was a miracle you even had time for your own family, let alone others. Keigo frowned, although he knew this was how you’d react.
He assumed Endeavor taught you to keep to yourself and to keep everyone at arm’s length. But that only made him question what were you trying to hide or was it that you were afraid of what would happen if you let someone in? He understood how that felt, given his neglectful and abusive childhood scars.
There was a part of him that wondered if life had led him to you only to remind him that he was nothing more than a villain in disguise and that his effort to dirty his hands to keep yours clean was all for nothing since he could never reach you no matter how hard he tried.
He curled his free hand into a fist, hearing the gentle cracking of his knuckles. But heroes and villains had one thing in common: they never gave up. So, damn the world because he’d keep trying, and with everything going to hell in a handbasket, now was the ideal moment to capture your heart and fuck the consequences.
His eyes lingered on you, once again taking in every detail. Although he was struck with curiosity when he noticed the hoodie you were wearing, it looked a bit too large for you and he swore he had caught a musky scent earlier that contrasted your typical fruity but spicy fragrance.
His suspicions were heightened and frankly, he didn’t like the fact that you were wearing another man’s clothing. He intended to disregard your wish, not that he would abide by it anyway, and he anticipated how you would react when he leaned forward, pressing himself against your back.
“What the-” You tensed up and lifted your arm, fully intent on elbowing him in the stomach, but once again he was too fast for you. The sound of his phone hitting the table echoed through the room. “Hey!” he grabbed your left wrist and pinned it against the table.
“What do you think you’re doing!?” you demanded, feeling him pin your right hand against the table as well. It was a tad odd to feel the cool metal touch of your artificial fingers against his. Part of him wondered if you missed the sensation of being able to feel or touch.
After all, even you couldn’t invent something that brought back the nerves that were taken away after that incident years ago. Yes, he knew about it, and he was still at a loss for why you didn’t choose to simply reattach your fingers.
Then again, there was a chance that even if you did, they’d hold no or very little feeling at all. But flesh or not, nothing was going to stop him from tightening his grip and enjoying how his fingers fit perfectly between yours.
When he rested his chin on your shoulder, you tensed up in response. He tried to get a glimpse of your face before he moved your wrist closer to his phone and used the bottom of his palm to keep it pinned against the table while his fingers typed out another message.
“Whose hoodie are you wearing?” The question threw you off and you looked dumbfounded before knitting your eyebrows and the sound of your growling filled the air. “Why do you care?” you replied, glaring at him from over your shoulder.
An expression of distant longing filled his eyes, and he offered no words in response to your question. “Huh?” you froze when he released his hold on you and stepped away. Although he knew it was dangerous, he didn’t care since he had nothing left to hold back.
The moment you saw him reach up to remove his mask, your eyes widened. “Wait!” you cried out, grabbing his hand to force it away from his face. “What are you doing? Are you crazy!? You need to keep your mask on!” you exclaimed, almost hating yourself for showing that you cared about him.
Your words were met with silence, and his eyes remained with that distant look as if he didn’t comprehend what he was doing or what you were saying. Although your robotic fingers might be digging into his flesh and causing him discomfort, you tightened your grip.
After a moment, however, you took a deep breath and dropped your hand. “Fine,” you said, crossing your arms. He almost hated the frown you wore, but he knew you needed to hear his voice even if it physically pained him to speak.
“Do what you want!” you yelled, latching onto your lip, feeling embarrassed that you had let your emotions slip. Yes, maybe you did care about Keigo, a little, but he didn’t need to know that! He lowered his eyebrows and resumed removing his mask. “Mm…” you glanced back at him, dropping your arms instantly.
Your eyes widened and your mouth hung agape. The left side of his face was marked by a jagged scar, which ran down to the side of his neck. It was red and in the process of healing. You wondered if it still required treatment, but his hardy and struggling breathing distracted you from any further thoughts.
“You…wearing another man’s…clothing,” his voice was barely audible, “makes me jealous.” Your eyes began to water at the sight of the damage left on his skin and at the sound of his vocal cords straining to speak. Stepping closer, you said “I-It’s Natsuo’s hoodie,” and cursed yourself for trembling when you spoke.
“Mm...” his eyes narrowed as if he were debating whether you were telling the truth or not. “Is…is that what you really care about right now!?” you growled. “You are so…” you wanted to call him stupid, an idiot even. Instead, you swallowed and looked at him, with a few stray tears running down your cheeks.
Your hand came to rest on the side of his injured cheek, and you almost wished you didn’t have these damned metal fingers so you could properly brush your thumb over his skin. Your compression glove’s cool metal texture made him recoil and at the same time, a sense of sadness filled him.
He would have much preferred to feel the touch of your warm palm, of course, then you wouldn’t have the use of a thumb period. “Did Touya really do this to you?” he frowned at your question and reached up, clasping the side of your face. It was apparent that your tears were now streaming over his hand and down his wrist.
Although most tears felt warm, yours were cold and left faint red lines on his skin. He quickly assumed this was because your quirk was cold enough to burn and partly wondered if your tears would leave a kiss of frostbite or at the very least, leave his skin feeling cold for a while. Not that it mattered.
He almost wanted to laugh, because unlike your brother, who shared that his tear ducts were burned, yours seemed to work just fine. Seeing a hero in such a fragile state, one that everyone looked up to, was always hard to accept.
But this was reality, and he didn’t fear showing you his weaker side, he just wished you’d do the same. Although you were already going through a lot emotionally, he felt a tiny bit guilty that he was only adding to it. At the same time, he felt hopeful that he was getting closer and closer to tearing down your walls today.
As he cradled your face in his hands, he gently moved his thumbs, collecting your chilly teardrops and wiping them away. You latched onto your lip, feeling your heart speed up at the caring and gentle gesture he was performing.
You were typically someone who bottled up their feelings and if you had to cry, you usually did it in private as you believed it was a sign of weakness. But it seemed that you and Keigo were both weak and needed to lean on one another for the time being.
The answer to your earlier question was obvious, and frankly, you didn’t know why you had even asked it in the first place. “Damn it…” you hissed under your breath and tried to turn your head, but Keigo refused to allow you to look away from him.
His noisy and raspy breathing made you cringe, and you hoped that he wouldn’t collapse. Your eyes closed and you pressed your teeth together, you couldn’t take any more drama. A soft hitch of breath came when Keigo stepped closer and pressed his forehead against yours.
Tears continued to trickle out of your eyes, possibly a sign of all the emotions you had been holding back until now. Silence filled the space between you, apart from the man’s continued breathing and it was only in this moment that you noticed the unfamiliar heat coursing through your cheeks.
As he cautiously stepped closer, his hands slipped down to your shoulders, drawing his breath against your face and you felt the warmth of his lips so dangerously close to yours. “I’m...not a good...guy,” he said, struggling with his words once again.
“What?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. You lowered your hand from his face, how could he say that? Yes, you were aware of what he had done. Your brother had told Japan that the Winged Hero: Hawks had murdered Twice, the villain.
However, you knew from your own experience that heroes aren’t always heroic. Your father was a prime example of that, but as of recently, he aimed to improve himself, despite the hatred the world now held for heroes. You could only assume that Keigo was following in his footsteps.
His hands brushed over yours and he took them in his grasp, holding them to his lips. As he kissed each one of your knuckles, he closed his eyes, taking another breath. “You…make me…feel like one.” Tingles ran through your body, and when he opened his eyes again it felt like those golden orbs were staring directly into your soul.
Yet, you felt comfortable for a moment. As if all the troubles you felt were suddenly lifted. Your eyelids lowered and you squeezed his hands, almost unconsciously pressing yourself against him. The tiniest smile came to your face, and Keigo’s eyes softened when he returned that smile. It was good to see you in this state.
Maybe now he could…he paused, releasing your hands and instead, wrapped his arms around you. His fingers almost possessively dug into your back, and he leaned forward. A soft coo escaped him as he carefully nuzzled against your neck making you tremble in response.
It was hard to tell if you were shocked by the way he embraced you or by the bird-like noise he made. Of course, you should have expected it given his quirk. Your hands remained at your sides, and you thought, ‘Should I hug him back?’
You were never one to express your affection physically, but it seemed the two of you were already past that. “Mm...” you hesitantly slipped your arms beneath Keigo’s, allowing your fingertips to graze along his back while remaining conscious of not harming him with your robotic fingers.
Your eyebrows knitted as you felt two distinct bumps on his shoulder blades and quickly realized they were the remains of his wings. ‘Oh right...his wings…’ you thought bitterly, glancing to the side. ‘I should be working on his damn feathers, what am I doing!?’
Despite your rational thoughts, your body didn’t listen. ‘Why…why can’t I move away?’ Was it because this felt nice? His body was warm and comforting despite being bruised, beaten, and fragile. Your eyes began to water again, and you tightened your embrace.
Your fingers, or at least the flesh and blood ones, were trembling. As soon as he noticed this, he drew back but kept his arms around you. He noticed your watery eyes first, followed by your frown and overall look of hurt across your face.
He wanted to ask what was wrong, but words were useless. Maybe he should show you that everything was okay or as okay as he could make it at this time. Pulling back his hand, he lightly grasped your chin and grazed his thumb along your bottom lip. The moment he leaned forward, your heart pounded faster.
What was going on? Was he going to…and why did you want to? Your eyelids lowered, and your lips parted, prepared to feel the warmth of his against them. However, the door opened right as your mouths touched, and both of you froze. Then a familiar voice came, “Y/n?” 
You instantly pushed your hands against Keigo’s chest and glanced past him to see your father. What was he doing here, shouldn’t he be in the hospital!? Well, unless he got discharged. But if that were the case, then Fuyumi should have informed you. Then again, you weren’t exactly paying attention to your phone today.
You expected him to react with anger, but instead, he frowned and lowered his eyebrows, confused at what he was seeing and why Keigo was so close to his child. “Apologies,” Tsunagu’s voice came and seconds later you watched him squeeze past your father.
“I attempted to explain to Endeavor that you were currently engaged in conversation with Y/n, but it appears he favored disrupting regardless.” Well...in addition to ignoring your phone, you realized that if someone was preoccupying your attention, you also ignored the chime of your motion camera. Lovely. “However, they are his child and I believe we have interrupted Todoroki family matters enough,” he was somewhat concerned as to why Keigo hadn’t turned around yet. But knowing the young hero, he was more than likely attentively listening to and acknowledging the two men now present in the room.
In addition, due to his years of conditioning as a hero, it was also likely he was continuing to shield you because he wanted to make sure you and everything else were safe. Enji glared at Tsunagu before shaking his head and looking back at you and Keigo.
Though he didn’t say a word when he walked over, his eyes burned with an intimidating gaze that made you tremble. “Uh...hi Dad?” you awkwardly said and, with some regret, stepped away from Keigo. Without warning, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you away.
You were surprised that he said and did nothing given the fact that in the past he had no trouble laying his hands on Keigo and threatening to turn him into fried chicken. Maybe double-fried chicken in this case. You shifted your gaze to Tsunagu as you passed by, and he merely shrugged.
“Mm…” your cheeks were flushed, and Enji loosened his grip on your wrist when the two of you got closer to the door and instead, took a secure grip on your hand. As he yanked it forward, three distinct snaps echoed through the room.
You paused, realizing that he had unintentionally taken your artificial fingers off, but luckily that was part of their design. It enabled you to replace whichever finger you wanted or fix them if necessary. He paused and looked to see three metal appendages now in his palm. His eyes widened, and he looked back at you.
“Shouldn’t have pulled that hard,” you said, holding your hand up. The metal compression glove remained, but the three wires that connected to your fingers were hanging against it. Judging by your father’s frown, it was difficult for him to see just two flesh and blood fingers because it reminded him of his shameful past.
After losing your fingers, he should have been stricter with you and consulted you about what you needed to do. He curled his hand into a fist and grabbed your wrist with his opposite. “Let’s go,” he finally dragged you past the door, leaving the two fellow heroes behind. 
Upon hearing Keigo fumble with his respiratory mask, Tsunagu asked, “Is this what you meant when you said you needed to check on them?” Keigo ignored his words and grabbed his phone from the table, briefly glancing at your computer which was left open.
He noted the odd program you had displayed on the screen and the strange feather-like image on it. He turned to Tsunagu, “They’ll be back later,” he typed out. “Endeavor wouldn’t distract them for long, after all, they’re obsessed with their work,” he noted before walking past the fellow hero.
“We need to make sure to lock the door, I don’t want Y/n’s possessions to get stolen,” he paused in the doorway, focusing his gaze on a black vehicle pulling away from the building in a hurry. It was safe to assume that it belonged to Endeavor.
Your hands curled in your lap when your father finally got you into the car, though it was a tad odd to see the three stumps where your fingers used to be. “Hi Y/n,” Fuyumi greeted but only received your glare in response.
It must take a lot out of her mental health to have to force herself to remain optimistic over everything she does, and part of you hated her constant positivity even when there was none to be found. You shifted your gaze to Natsuo, who, like your father, had a temper.
But he was at least honest with you and expressed his opinions without remorse. He saw the truth in everything and accepted it no matter how hard. Shoto seemed to be missing, but you presumed that his injuries would take more time to heal and further presumed that your mother was with him.
“Mm…” you turned to Enji, holding out your opposite hand and he hesitantly handed you the metal fingers. After clicking each one into place and ensuring they worked properly and that the wires were firmly reattached, you muttered, “Thanks” and looked out the window.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t annoyed that you were once again being distracted from your work. Enji frowned, staring at the back of your head, and contemplating his next words. “Stay away from Hawks,” you looked at him in disbelief.
However, your reaction was not surprising to him, and he remained with a stern expression and crossed arms. “What?” you hissed out, your eyebrows slanted, and your teeth bared as if ready to pounce on him like a hungry animal after its prey.
“Wait…” Fuyumi said, her voice full of concern. “Hawks visited you?” she frowned and pressed a hand against her chest. ‘That must be why Dad was so upset,’ like your father, she was unphased by your glare and her facial expression reflected her concern and loving nature.
She cared about this family as hellish as it was and wanted nothing more than to take care of her younger siblings, especially in the absence of your mother. Granted she decided to come back into the picture quite recently, which was yet another emotional toll you had to deal with.
Like Shoto, you kept a distance from your older siblings, and no matter how hard they tried to connect with you, there never seemed to be anything in common between you and them. You preferred to stay indoors and often refused to play with them growing up.
This, of course, was a result of your passion for support items which drove you to confine yourself to your room where you spent hours creating, fixing, or making blueprints of inventions. You paused and glared at her again, was she really asking such a dumb question?
You turned to Enji. “He’s not that bad you know. After everything he’s been through because of Touy-” a deep growl rumbled from his throat. “I know very well what happened,” he remarked, anger seeping from his words.
Guess he didn’t want to be reminded of the awful deeds his own flesh and blood committed. Natsuo sighed, pressing the tips of his fingers together. He felt hopeless that he couldn’t do anything about Touya. He glanced at you, crossing his arms before pressing his back into his seat.
“Lay off Y/n,” he demanded, now glaring at your father. “It’s not their fault that Touya ended up the way he did,” he noted, ignoring Fuyumi’s hand on his shoulder. “Don’t say that Natsuo,” she urged in a quiet whisper, why she always felt like defending your father was unknown.
You sighed, glancing out the window again. “What did he want?” Natsuo asked, catching your attention. “Hm?” you responded, not fully catching his question. “What did he want?” he repeated, slightly annoyed. You knitted your eyebrows and huffed. “Nothing,” you replied nonchalantly.
Natsuo narrowed his eyes, with the way you were dragged out the door, he didn’t buy it. Before he could inquire anything further, Enji said, “So it was Hawks who initiated it then.” You stared at him silently as you pressed your lips together.
He narrowed his eyes, returning your stare. “I’ll have to have a chat with him later,” he stated, it wasn’t in his interest for Keigo to have a romantic relationship with his child. “What?” you replied before pressing your hands against the empty space between you and Enji.
“No, you won’t! Nothing happened between us, he was just…” Your words faded into the air, and your eyes shifted back and forth. “Just what?” Enji asked, daring you to complete your sentence. “W-why does it matter?” you replied, knowing you were acting like a love-sick teenager.
As you stared out the window yet again, you took notice of the clouds passing by. “Y/n,” Enji snarled possessively. You sighed. “What?” you asked, glancing at his reflection in the glass of the window. He was wearing a frown, and his eyes held a hurt expression.
“I want to protect all of you,” he stated, once again attempting to show his softer side. You heard Natsuo huff in response while Fuyumi remained quiet. You lifted your hand to brush the cool metal tips of your artificial fingers against your lips, ignoring the blue-tinted hue that reflected off the window.
You recalled the feeling of Keigo’s breath against them and the faint butterfly kiss of his mouth against yours. ‘What would have happened if Dad didn’t interrupt us?’ You weren’t sure if you wanted to know, but one thing was clear.
“You can’t protect someone else’s heart,” you replied, your voice soft but audible. That hurt expression on his face deepened, but you didn’t bother turning your head or looking at his reflection any longer. Instead, you were more concerned over the realization that maybe, just maybe you liked Keigo after all.
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turtleduckscribbles · 23 days
Close to Home
“No matter where I go to offer aid, Link remains at my side…”
After a hundred year battle waged against the incarnation of evil, Princess Zelda has finally returned from the brink, brought back by her faithful and devoted knight companion, Link. But a lot has changed between now and yesteryear. The kingdom is healing, and with her work cut out for her, it’s all Zelda can do to stay afloat. A lifetime of fighting has sapped her strength, and rest has evaded her for too long.
As princess and knight work together to restore a devastated Hyrule, they must also reacquaint themselves with one another after a century of misplaced memories and time spent apart. What’s more, Zelda struggles to reconcile the grief of her past with the pressing demands of the present. With the castle laid to waste and her former life buried beneath the rubble, she’s never felt more displaced, so far removed from any refuge she might call home.
But with Link at her side, Zelda comes to find that the future may not be as fearsome as she once imagined, and sometimes, home is closer than we think.
~A brief exploration of Zelda’s personal journey toward home, and how she finds it in Link.
Read on AO3 or continue below.
Chapter 1: "The Princess and the Frog"
The late morning sunlight crowning the slick rocks of the Zodobon Highlands cast the lush glen in a brilliant, dreamlike glow. Stripes of dewy green stroked the land like a painter’s brush on a textured canvas. Far below, the Zora River wended its way down the valley, its low murmur barely discernible amidst the rustling of juniper shrubs. Tranquility at its finest.
Princess Zelda shut her eyes and inhaled, drawing it all in, every trace of nightshade and hint of mint amongst the overwhelming stretch of evergreen. The remedy of the wilds. She pictured it filling her, restoring her, allaying the burn in her lungs from the laborious hike up Ruto Mountain. A damp breeze tossed her waist-length hair, the perfect salve for her flushed skin. This was it. This was what they had fought so hard to preserve: a Hyrule at peace.
Her people at peace…
Zelda’s eyes snapped open. As if pulled by an invisible hook, she looked out across the valley from whence she came. The distended eyes of the large stone fish ogled her from its lofty perch, visible even from this vast distance.
Seeing it, fixed unblinkingly on her, doused Zelda in a familiar wave of anguish. She would never, could never, escape that gaze. The gnawing guilt that had spawned within her ever since the Calamity’s defeat threatened to return in full force, just as it had during her visit to the Domain. Standing before the Zora Royal Court again… Mipha’s father, and Sidon—now quite the imposing and mighty prince—all beaming brightly down at her… It had finally proven too much.
They were, of course, nothing but kind. They always had been, Mipha and her relations. They had been astonished, elated even, to see Hyrule’s princess again, to find her alive and well after such an extended absence. But seeing them, witnessing their magnanimity with her own eyes, in spite of all that transpired one hundred years ago, had broken something inside of her.
She had cried without restraint then, losing herself in her sobs. There in the throne room, in full view of the entire nobility, her tears took her by storm, leaving her flayed open in a way that her recent trip to Kakariko had not. A mortifying display of vulnerability. Taken aback, the Zora king and prince had succored her as best they could, quelling her tear-choked apologies, offering the warmest words of solace. Insisting wholeheartedly that they did not blame her for past traumas. They did not blame her for the loss of their kin.
And yet, Zelda couldn’t help but feel that the one who stood before them was the wrong princess.
A light tap on her arm lifted her from her reverie. She turned with a start. Link proffered her water canteen, his bright blue eyes searching her face.
“Oh, yes… Thank you, Link.” With a small, grateful smile, she accepted it and brought it to her lips. The first draft hit her throat like an icy spring plunge. Clearly she hadn’t realized how parched she was. She replaced the cap and returned it to him, her fingers lightly brushing the leather of his glove.
Link stayed put with her half-empty water canteen, his eyes raptly taking in the minutiae of her expression. Warming under his scrutiny, Zelda tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear, and the wind—impish sprite that it was—untucked it just as quickly.
As if suddenly aware of his effect on her, Link gave a single hard blink, severing his concentration. He turned in the direction of the cooking pot and raised a quizzical brow.
Nodding reassuringly, Zelda followed him away from the cliff’s edge toward the abandoned monster camp ensconced in a rocky alcove. It appeared to have been deserted for some time: moldering fruit rinds and splintered fish bones littered the pebbly ground at her feet. Picking her way over the debris, she chose a seat on a log next to a heap of dulled, rusted weaponry—lizalfos, from the look of it—and placed her hands neatly in her lap. Link crouched at the opposite side of the fire, pulling sundry herbs from his packs.
“Right,” she began. “We’ll need to decide what our next course of action will be. So then, I suppose the question becomes, once again: Where to next?”
From his squatted position, Link tossed a few sprigs of armoranth into the searing pot. A handful of wild greens followed. Zelda watched him work before discreetly clearing her throat, straightening in her seat.
“...I’ve reevaluated our trajectory and believe it’s in everyone’s best interest if we shift our primary focus to rebuilding efforts. Surveying ancient technology will only get us so far at the present. With Divine Beast Vah Ruta inoperative, it would appear that the Champions have… have gone on. But…” She took a shaky breath before continuing. “But that’s not to say the machines are obsolete. There is still much this technology can do for us. It’s just, without aid from fellow researchers, it will be difficult to begin the repurposing process on our own. Disassembling the machinery en masse may prove to be quite the challenge, and with Hyrule so scattered, we don’t want to overwhelm ourselves. So our first order of business should be opening lines of communication between groups. We’ll also need to establish some sort of main innovation center. As the Royal Ancient Laboratory is no longer serviceable, I’m not sure where that should be…” She sucked on her lip. “But for now, let’s direct our efforts on outreach. The Zora have already lent us their support, so that’s an encouraging start. Perhaps we should head to Goron City, or… Tarrey Town, was it called? From here, the northern settlements are most practical since they—”
Zelda’s speech came to a screeching halt. Link used a wooden spoon to stir around the contents of the pot. His voice was fleeting, barely heard above the sizzling ingredients, but all the same, she latched onto it like a castaway to a liferaft.
“...Hateno Village? In Necluda?”
Link nodded, his attention on his task. “Purah’s there. And it’s safe.”
Zelda considered this as Link adjusted seasonings. Safe. There was weight to the word, but to what degree, she couldn’t say…
It struck her as somewhat odd. Was the land not already safe, due to the end of the Calamity? With the blood moon gone, the bulk of the monster population had followed it, allowing for safer territories all around. So what did he mean?
It wasn’t that the remote farming community had slipped her mind; far from it. She knew Hateno was a sizable Hylian settlement—probably the largest standing, come to think of it—and it was true that a research facility now resided there. Genuinely, the thought of a countryside sojourn sounded remarkably appealing. And yes… she was elated at the prospect of seeing Purah again, truly… But, well, after a succession of emotionally taxing reunions back-to-back, Zelda had to admit that the idea gave her pause. Truth be told, she wasn’t sure she was ready for another.
“Well… I suppose. Having an ancient technology center in our vicinity would be useful. And I really would love to reunite with Purah. It’s just… the other races…”
A fragrant bowl of sautéed herbs and mushrooms suddenly filled her vision. Before she knew what was happening, Link had placed it into her open palms and plopped himself on the log at her side, heartily digging into his own dish.
“All in time,” he said between mouthfuls of mushroom.
Zelda looked down at her bowl. She drew in a ravenous breath; the savory, nutty scent went straight to her stomach. After thanking him profusely, the two of them tucked into their meals in silence.
Slyly, she watched him from the corner of her eye. Link sat close to her on the log—not touching, exactly, but close enough that she could think of little else. She wondered what drove him to suggest Hateno as their next destination. Was there a particular need there that had arisen during his ventures across Hyrule? She had witnessed his journey in her mind’s eye over the past year whilst beating back the Calamity; doubtless she would have known if there was business there to attend to. But at the moment, Zelda couldn’t recall anything pressing about the isolated village. She couldn’t see why he’d set his sights there, of all places, when there was work to be done elsewhere.
Although, if Link suggested it… Surely the option had merit… 
From out of nowhere, a hot-footed frog leapt onto her foot. Zelda gasped and instinctively kicked out, nearly upsetting her bowl of sautéed vegetables. The frog clung steadfastly to her boot, undeterred, as if hitching a ride on a flailing Hylian leg was a regular occurrence for it. Mouth open, Zelda froze in place, her fingers gripping her bowl.
Time hung suspended by a thread. Princess, hero, and frog all gawked at each other in a droll imitation of a plot twist. With her leg awkwardly extended before her, Zelda eyed the tiny intruder incredulously, stiff as stone. The frog eyed her back, its bobbing vocal sac the only point of movement among them.
After a rather charged pause, the frog seemed to concede its mistake. With what could only be described as a sheepish croak, the creature turned tail and hopped from her foot, disappearing into the surrounding bushes.
Stunned silence. Zelda sat gaping at her recently vacated boot. She turned toward her knight companion.
Link gazed thoughtfully at the shrub where the frog had vanished, his empty bowl resting in his lap. A few seconds passed before his eyes drifted over to her, straight-faced and collected.
“Sorry. Missed my chance.”
Zelda raised an eyebrow at this. Link shrugged.
“A rare delicacy got away.”
Zelda stared at him. In her haste to comprehend his meaning, her tongue seemed wholly unable to formulate words. A small smile was forming at the corners of his lips. Then, it dawned on her, the realization striking her like a thunderclap.
He remembers! she thought.
Without warning, a torrent of emotion swept through her. Link’s face, so mild and unguarded, plucked a chord hidden within her, catching her entirely off balance. Unable to bear it, she broke contact, swallowing to quell the tide that had risen in her throat.
Sensing her distress, Link too looked away, his expression reverting to default impassivity. He stood quickly and brought his dirtied dish over to the nearby mountain stream. As he rinsed it out in the brisk water, Zelda took a moment to compose herself. Taking in a steadying breath, she rolled back her shoulders and addressed him once more, her unfinished lunch tucked close.
“I appreciate your input about our goals. And I agree; Hateno Village is a fitting next stop on our journey. We’ll speak with Purah and go from there.” Pausing, she nodded to herself. “Yes… That is what we’ll do.”
Finished with his washing, Link packed his bowl and made his way back over to her. He resumed his seat beside her on the log and held out his hand, palm up. Obliging, Zelda handed him her half-eaten meal, and Link wasted no time scarfing down the remainder of her food.
In the midst of his munching, she caught his eye. Even with bulging cheeks, it was easy to spot the care in his expression, the endearing quirk of his mouth that fortified her spirit more than any elixir could. Warmth blossomed unrestrained in her chest.
Despite all the unknowns the future held, the one thing Zelda knew with unequivocal certainty was that she would be okay with Link. Safe, with Link.
Wherever they went, it mattered not, so long as she was with him.
>> Chap 2 >>
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LITA Ep. 5 Rewatch Thoughts Pt. 3
Ok so I have literally watched this part 37 times all the way through for the purposes of this rewatch thread. People needs years of training to reach the single-minded peaceful state I reach when I see these two kiss, but it also means when the scene started I kept forgetting to take screenshots. Here we go!
Starting off, I love how slow they took this. It wasn't an immediate "ok we're together now, let's kiss so hard we knock teeth!" - every move is so deliberate and so gentle. If it's possible to have a comfort kiss, it's this set of ones.
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I continue to see triangle imagery that may not even be real. Let's take a close look at these kisses. This one looks a lot like their first one, where their mouths are closed and their lips just fit together. So very sweet!
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They let go for a beat, and then press together again with their mouths slightly open. This kiss has a bit more force.
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Rain pushes forward for the third one (and who can blame that eagerness?) - to be honest I'm mostly looking at the way Phayu's hands fit so completely around Rain's neck here.
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Someone REALLY wants more kisses right now - he's gotta wait, Phayu's stroking his face first.
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Phayu then delivers the "you can be my wife or I'll be your husband" line, and then we get this absolutely adorable and besotted expression on Rain.
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This is just so aesthetic okay? I love the where it started, where it is now we're getting with the triangle glass case in the blurry foreground and them peacefully kissing in the background, along with an abundance of yellow+navy blue imagery..
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Yeah I'm honestly melting rn I don't have a lot more to say here. I continue to love the microphone placement because you can really hear when they separate from this kiss.
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Rain calls Phayu out on his choices that aren't really choices (I'm just saying, if someone like Phayu wanted to give me these options I wouldn't have a hard time picking). RainPhayu have such lovely hand-related imagery when it comes to their relationship. Whenever Phayu wants to apologize to or assuage Rain, he does the hand kiss, and when whenever Rain wants to calm Phayu down he does the forearm grab plus adorable look up at him.
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Look at his face
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This is the face of the man who is planning future mischief already
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I can think of other, more positive reasons he might cry Phayu, why did you go with embarrassment?
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... We all saw the word cum in there and did a double take, right? My head wasn't even in the gutter at this point but it was so unexpected.
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Hi, universe? Can I have one of these please?? I could use some help on my future thesis, just saying...
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Yas Rain, own that man! Rain is probably good at riddles, huh? Idk I just feel proud of him rn
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The way Phayu/Boss says laina (cunning - i'm sure I spelt the Thai romanization wrong but that's what I heard) the sheer fondness in his voice and on his face hit me so hard. Literally am a puddle rn please look at this brain altering shot. Phayu just wrapped his arms around and pulled Rain almost into his lap. That must be so warm and cozy ahhhh
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Tell him Rain!!
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Ok the little aaa sound Phayu makes to draw out the affection in this sentence will live rent-free in my list of most favorite sounds forever. It's so important to me (and Rain). Rain's besotted again
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Their faces are making a heart - I'm not coping well
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Rain's little intake of breath when Phayu starts whispering in his ear and the slow blinks are also so important to me. I don't think I understood the term molasses-like atmosphere until I watched this scene.
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They are so close to each other right now, emotionally and physically. The little nod of agreement Phayu gives when Rain asks if he really means what he just said is so lovely.
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One other thing I love about EulBoss' depiction of PhayuRain is how happy they are to be together - you can see Phayu clearly smiling as he goes in to kiss Rain, who is smiling himself.
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The tentativeness of this kiss that comes right after the important thing that Phayu just told Rain (we don't officially find out what he says until later but we can assume it was a confession of some sort based on Rain's question and obvious happiness right after it was said) is a beautiful indicator of how vulnerable they're being with each other rn.
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After a few seconds they start pushing a little harder against each other - the amount of movement is super pleasant to watch!
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To the next part for more sweetness!
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warstudy · 8 days
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drawing  influence  from    :    baldur's  gate  3's  shadowheart  /  jenevelle hallowleaf,    呪術廻戦's  gojo  satoru,    the  shadowhunter  chronicles'  jace  herondale
🐉     emma d'arcy  &  non-binary  &  they/them     |     beliar eisner, the member of  squad 3 bonded with melusine for the past twelve years. they're twenty-nine, quite a contrast to the seven hundred twenty-five of their curved-horned blue blade-tail. they’re known to be quite reliable, charming, and easy-going, but on a bad day they can be kind of blunt, crass, and arrogant. if separated from their dragon, beliar relies on a morningstar to protect them.     |     once, god rained meteors, earthbound dragon scales of repulsion and repentance. the eyes of wisdom, one closed to the past and the other opened to the future. the gradient of twilight to gentle, sleepless night. blind faith twin to justice in unseeing certainty. euripedes' medea, neither a she-lion nor scylla on the tuscan crag, but a 'partner in misfortune.'     |     norb  +  25+  +  he/they  +  pst
name.    beliar (  BEE-lee-ar  )  eisner  (  EYZ-nur  ). age.    29. birthday.    3rd  of  the  2nd  moon. nicknames.    bee    /    lee. gender.    non  -  binary. orientation.    bisexual. weapon  of  choice.    morningstar.
father.    seir  eisner.    mother.    viné  eisner  (  née  engels  ).    siblings.    none.    significant  others.   none.    children.    none.    extended  family.    -.
height.    171  cm  (  5'  8"  ).    weight.    53  kg  (  117  lbs  ).    hair  color.    white  (  born  platinum  blonde  ).    eye  color.    blue.
positive.    thorough.  reliable.  honest.    negative.    arrogant.  blunt.  self-absorbed.    mbti.    entp.    enneagram.    8w7.    temperament.    choleric-sanguine.    tropes.    arrogant  kung  fu  guy.  blood  knight.  lonely  at  the  top.  break  the  haughty.  i  just  want  to  be  loved.
name. melusine. nicknames. the comet in cobalt / the winter queen / the cold rasp. age. 725. birthday. the 7th day of the 12th moon. horns. curved. color. blue. tail. blade. length. 190 m (  623'  ) wingspan. 210 m (  689'  ) roar. resembles. physically, the gamordan stormrider ( dragon age: inquisition  ). sonically, the female m.u.t.o ( legendary's monsterverse  ). previous riders. seir eisner.
their mother likes to say that their eyes are so blue because they spent so much time staring up at the sky ⸻ as though beliar’s sheer adoration sucked some of the azure above into their little face, bug eyes they would later grow into. a silly story meant to make them more likable, they suspect. but not wholly incorrect. it’s true that their small fingers reached ever upward, trying to snatch their father and melusine from the sky. in a sense, beliar had. a difficult birth that left their mother bedridden for half a year, beliar’s childhood was marked with promises that they held no blame in viné losing the use of her legs, or in seir’s early retirement as a dragon rider to care for his wife and only child. beliar was a blessing to them both. yet, as with most things oft repeated before a child, both of these things stuck: beliar irreparably harmed their mother by being born, but they were a special child deserving of endless love. add onto that the lamentations that seir stormbreaker should have become commander ⸻ would have, if he had chosen career over family ⸻ and is it any wonder that beliar’s path was already decided for them ?
so much of it is based on chance, on the mercurial nature of a dragon. they are not tamers so much as they are partners, seir reminds his child. pets to the dragons, even. ( a poor jest that makes beliar roll their eyes ). but if they truly wish to become a rider, then of course, their father will help them. a horse is a poor substitute for a majestic beast of flight, but the maneuvers and saddle come close enough. seir warns beliar not to have their sights set on melusine; the comet in cobalt is notoriously fickle, and another dragon might suit them better yet. beliar nods and agrees, as is expected of them, but they all know the truth. all that’s locked away and hidden in their chest is the belief that this will be a redemption of some sort. if seir lost out on becoming the greatest dragon rider in history for them, then they will repay the favor by doing what he could not. waiting to reach the age of majority is agony, but beliar finds it all worth it as soon as melusine shakes the earth with her landing, meets eyes as blue as her scales, and sees something in them that she once saw in their father so many years ago.
beliar is not so naïve as to believe pedigree alone is enough to grant them authority. they’re not a royal, after all. ( no, they’re not bitter. why do you ask ? ) this indignity mediocrity is rationalized as the understanding that one simply cannot hoard greatness. and the acknowledgment that they’re not much of a team player; surely that plays some part in this too. to those even mildly acquainted with dragon and rider, it seems almost a miracle that two gigantic egos can not only coexist but cooperate with each other. yet, perhaps, this symbiosis occurs precisely because they are the same level of arrogant ⸻ the utter certainty in their respective skills and superiority means that no one else could forge as strong a connection as they have with each other. whatever the case, beliar and melusine function on the belief that they were made for more than this. so when refugees crying of smoke and ruin come pouring into lyris, it feels like destiny is calling. while it may seem callous of one sworn to defend, this does not mean that they care more for glory over lives saved. all it portends is that such conceit must be met by a swift and calamitous fall.
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wyrmswears · 5 months
hey, this is warriors anon. sorry this is a bit late, but snowtuft is one of the dark forest cats that didnt remember why he was in cat hell. like he had no memory of his crimes but was just constantly pushed sround by the others and stuff, ended up helping the protags in the seventh arc. (i assume jay, even if he does have a villain arc, will eventually be redeemed)
bold of you to assume fireheart didnt fail his apprentices?? like bluestar was obviously less tgan perfect, and both she and yellowfang (who wasnt his mentor but fulfilled a similar role in the story) messed him up quite a bit. but her flaws were mostly about her being haunted by past mistakes and questioning her faith in her ancestors, which id argue is more in line with wu.
but fireheart?? he has a total of three apprentices, all in the first arc. and. he fails them. he doesnt mean to, oh no, he means so well. and he truly does care about them. but he constantly overcompensates. he idolizes bluestar and works so hard to embody what she was to him before her madness took over, and goes about it all in the wrong way bc he cant accept the fact that blue was less than perfect before, no no she was good, not like tigerclaw who is B A D. he sees them through a very b&w lens and when he starts off w/ cinder his method is the complete opposite of tigerclaws w/ raven (which isn’t necessarily bad, he sucked)
but speaking of, hes very encouraging with cinderpaw but not very attentive and doesnt do much to curb her reckless behavior, constantly urging her to try harder snd push beyond her limits (sound familiar?) and later when she has her accident he blames himself. she can never be a warrior and its his fault and hes too sshamed to even go talk to her in the med. den.
hes stricter with cloudpaw, but doesnt really sympathize with him. he distances himself emotionally and later blames himself when cloud runs away. and with bramble he obviously has that initial mistrust that we KNOW causes a lot of self esteem issues w/ bramble bc we get his pov in the next arc.
and its not just his own apprentices, part of it is about failing all the young cats in his clan, despite being extremely young himself. swiftpaws death, brightpaw being mauled by dogs, tawnypaw running away, s n o w k i t
and hes also dealing with prophetic dreams/visions/nightmares while all this goes down?? like bros so tortured???
so we have:
enemy is an evil tiger
idolizes absent mentor (who was less than perfect
prophetic dreams/nightmares abt future
struggling as a mentor
i could probably find more but im honestly tired rn. thoughts????
snowtuft: i didn't realise he had amnesia!! that's so funny you're right he can be jay
firestar: ogh you have made a VERY good point. the part about him idolising bluestar is huge. i didn't remember the details of cinderpaw's apprenticeship before her accident but you're right in drawing the parallels there. i do picture lloyd as a somewhat ignorant character which is inline with firestar's perception of bramblepaw, and bringing it back round to just the general failing of thunderclan's youth has made me really want to reread the books... damn.. maybe after exams...
you've made a really good argument! fine, i am swayed. lloyd gets his main character syndrome after all. (and as another point, i'd say his presence was to fulfill a prophecy; for fire this is 'fire alone can save our clan', and for lloyd it's the green ninja prophecy.)
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5577v · 5 months
so you are more worried about your drawings being stolen than accesibility for people who are visually impaired?
firstly, one can care about multiple things at once. i am a professional illustrator, so yeah, i AM quite worried about my images being scraped for A/I! at the same time, i still care about visually impaired people as i have them all around me and in my family.
but secondly, i've already explained that i'm unsure what the point is. i am not a meme artist or someone telling a story - if i made comics, jokes, etc, i would fully understand. but i want to work more with aesthetics now and in the future. i want my style to be seen, my effort to be acknowledged, and not reduced to a chunk of text, because quite frankly i'm having trouble understanding what anyone gains from a description like "3 girls laying in a cluttered room with various pop culture references around them". that seems more like it's content to be consumed rather than an illustration i spent three days on? admittedly, i couldve added a description to the few meme drawings i have, but i just forgot and they dont even have any traction anymore at all
lastly, i don't even know why you're bringing up a discussion from... 2 months ago, but i would be more willing to hear you out if it wasn't for this passive-aggressive tone. and why am only i being blamed instead of artists much bigger here who post much more often? i already only post once in a blue moon T__T
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RidoAce week Day 1
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Day 1: Childhood/Family
Yes I have a fic accompanying this drawing that took 3 hours and somehow ended up shitty. Also yes I’ll be doing both for each day, I am dedicated to this. I blame @writesology for getting me hooked on this ship. Anyways, Enjoy :)
When Riddle thinks about his childhood, he wouldn’t say it was a particularly exciting one. Really, it was more like a routine, he never had time to play with other kids because he was either studying or practicing magic. He remembered how he’d look outside his window, seeing kids playing and think to himself “Why would they waste there time? They don’t have a lot of time in life, why not dedicate it to preparing for a good future?”
Thinking back on it, he realized how idiotic it was. He didn’t know that though, at least until he met Trey and Chenya that fateful day. He remembered how they urged him to come outside to play with them, how that turned out to be one of the best decisions he has ever made. That day, for the first time, Riddle felt like a kid, a type of kid he read in his stories. Of course, everything must come to an end, that for Riddle was when his mother found out and banned him from independent studies. After that, for a few years, he forgot how it was like to be a kid. 
Then he went to Night Raven College, where he reached the rope really quickly. Still, he wasn’t well liked, his temper and stricklier for the rules wasn’t something people liked. And for a while, he was fine with that.
Until he Overbloted.
In hindsight, he should’ve seen it coming. How all the repressed emotions, over use of his magic, and his general unhappiness made him finally reach his breaking point. Funny enough, the way he broke wasn’t cause of pressure, it was cause a loud-mouth first year decided that he had enough.  
Ace Trappola. At first, he really did think Ace was attractive. Tall, beautiful eyes and seemed charming enough. Of course after eating his tart, Riddle decided he didn’t like him. He was a annoying, loud- mouth bother to him and he couldn’t see why he thought he was pretty.
But…After he overblotted, apologized to everyone and threw an unbirthday party, Ace seemed to warm up to him. Riddle, upon noticing this, found he didn’t mind.
As the months passed by, he found he really couldn’t shake the thought of the first-year out of his mind again. Everything Ace did, he noticed and it drives him crazy how he keeps finding them endearing. He wishes he could just squash those feelings down every time he talks to Ace, or sees him smile, or just being him just made his heart flutter.
He thought at the time that it would’ve been impossible for him to love him. They were so different, not just that but they had such a weird relationship, friends? Maybe? Something else. He wasnt sure at this point…
But then, much to his shock, Ace confessed. 
It was when they were doing homework, Riddle helping him with a particular math question, when Ace told him.
“Dormhead, I really cant keep it to myself anymore, but i like you.”
And after that, it was history. Genuinely, the last 2 years in NRC had been one of the best years of my life, i felt like a kid again. Ace even gave me a promise ring at when I was graduating…
And now, were living together, almost 5 years later with out-
Riddle looked up from his writing, grinning at the child who stood infront of him. He had Ace’s hair and personality but Riddles eyes, piercing blue. 
“Daddd, come one papa made some pasta for dinner! He made it pink! Pretty pink!” The child whined, tugging on his fathers arm. Riddle grinned at him, “Now that sounds good right now. Will you take me to him, Orion?” Riddle asked, picking him up and kissing his cheeks. Just as he said that, Ace popped his head into the room, a grin on his own face. “Come on you two, dinner is gonna get cold if you dont get out here!”
Riddle and Orion nodded, the child kept chanting “pasta” as they went to dining room. As they sat down at the table, Riddle couldnt help but reminisc a bit. I mean, he was writing a book about his life since all his mothers…unsaviory, practicies came to light. Plus, he wanted to have something to look back on. But he couldnt help but think how ironic this was.
As a child he was told to look forward, follow the rules, marry a woman and to act maturely. But here he was, sitting with his husband and child, chatting happily, not caring for the rules currently.
If he thinks about it, alot of this is thanks to Ace, Trey and the others.
He has alot to be happy about.
If he could go back in time, hed tell his youngerself to love himself a little bit more. Take risks and to not listen to his mother.
But, if he did he would miss all of this, wouldnt he?
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nyxfaei · 1 year
it’s mostly focusing on the ORG XIII characters and it’s just sort of a very rough idea right now. I’ll definitely be expanding more in the future
-partially Centers on luxord, a reporter with a gambling addiction, who is investigating a small town in probably the pacific northwest that is down for a long string of children going missing dating back for years- and also recently children showing up
-luxord is staying at a lodge run by ansem the old- lexaeus, xaldin, and zexion work different jobs there. Vexen is using the facilities for his various environmental research there.. Which he is very private about.
-Xaldin eventually begrudgingly offers luxord a place at his home because he has an extra room and staying so many days in the lodge is starting to add up and the company he works for wasn’t counting on this taking so long
-Marley runs a florist place- Something that luxord is investigating is missing people’s which involves strelitzia. Marly has been torn up about this and has been looking for answers for years now
-xion similarly appeared under mysterious circumstances as a kid. Nobody knows where she came from and even she cant remember. She was found by xigbar in the middle of the woods and she currently lives with him.
-xigbar is also an anomaly. He just rode into town one day out of the blue and settled into a cabin on the outskirts of it. Noone really knows what he does for a living and noone knows how he lost his eye. He’ll just make up a new story every time if you ask him.
-xigbar will regularly sit outside his house at night with a radio, a cold one, and a gun. He wont tell anyone why. Whenever xion asks he just ruffles her hair and goes “dont worry about it poppet”
- zexion also showed up much in the same way as xion years before. He was adopted by vexen and has grown quite adjusted
- Namine is Ansem the olds kid but no one really knows who her mom is and she’s always been a bit strange. She’s super friendly though but just odd. She seems to be able to draw pictures that predict things. Her and xion get along instantly
-Demyx is a local musician that does a lot of folk music but also isn’t afraid to branch out but he’s also just sort of weird. He showed up in town a few years ago as a traveling musician but just stuck around
-larxene is the town mechanic because I think that would be very hot of her. Marluxias bestie and her shop is right next to his. She was also a friend of strelitzia and is also looking for answers
-OMX is mayor. Eraqus is his husband and runs the welcome center which is also a cafe- Aqua and terra and ven work at it
-Baldr was an ex classmate of theirs back in the day. He’s blamed for the disappearance of many of their classmates since he seemed to get more violent after his sister died. Idk if he’s locked up, dead or if he disappeared
But the disappearance of the missing classmates is seen as a huge mark on the towns past
-Xemnas and Ansem SOD are OMX's kids and they’re also rikuss uncles. riku lives with ansem SOD since his mother passed away. YMX is his older brother who lives alone
-Saix works as the town reporter and is often accompanying luxord on his investigations- somewhat to his annoyance because he prefers working alone.
-xemnas runs the town newspaper
-axel also works for the paper but unlike saix he stays in the building and works as an editor… though he will sometimes come with saix
-saix and axel live together along with roxas. Roxas is axels little brother and also good friends with namine and xion.
-roxas is cousins with ven jdhkjfhkhf
-ven and vanitas are twins
-Ansem SOD works as a teacher at the local school
-Yen Sid is the principal
-the KH kids sort of hang out together in a big friendgroup since theyre very weary about someone going missing
-I wanna say the main FF7 characters (zack, cloud, tifa, aerith, etc) work at a bar and lounge lmao. I’m not gonna do too much placement of the FF characters because I don’t know too much about them but they DO live there
-idk who the sherif and cops are… i love the kingdom hearts characters too much for that. Its probably some disney or FF characters. Maybe one can be sephiroth LMAO
-Cid is an electrician in town
-The town also has some Disney characters but they don’t play too much of a role. Like the evil stepmother and her girls are like the rich family in town. Merlin and the fairy godmother are the sweet old couple in town and Cinderella is their daughter, etc
-dusks and heartless are local legends. A lot of people say they see them around at nightfall. Theres a lot of discussion on if theyre real or not
-eraqus is a huge believer in the paranormal. Hes convinced that theres a prevalent evil/darkness in the woods
-there is something very off about Xigbar and the mountain that they live on
-The town is called twilight town and is located on a mountain known as Mount Hearts
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mc-lukanette · 2 years
Luka ducked under a branch as he traversed the thick forest, looking around at the assorted flowers he passed by. As much as music was "his thing," he took the occasional delight in gardening and finding flowers that went unloved by the way the forest had grown. He'd take them home, plant them back on the Liberty, and give them the care they needed. There was also the bonus that he got to listen to the ambiance of the forest, potentially deriving a new song or two from what he saw or heard.
He was going deeper than usual on this particular occasion. It was inevitable, as with each flower he took he'd have to go further to find another on future visits.
At the rate things were going though, he was starting to get worried about losing his way. He supposed that maybe it would make for a fun story when he finally did get back - how he could've starved or been mauled by a wild animal - but then he realized that he was starting to take on Juleka's morbid sense of humor and cut off that thought at its roots.
Luka continued to survey the area, a few birds flying by and chirping out a tune. The mushrooms became more plentiful and almost seemed to glow as the forest grew thicker and dimmer by extension. He only stopped when a flash of pink caught his eyes, drawing him to the sight of a cute pink flower coming out of the ground. He walked over and crouched down to take a closer look, intrigued by how it seemed to stand out amongst everything else. The grass below had flecks of blue and looked faintly different from the other grass surrounding it.
Naturally, it didn't fit with his criteria for a flower he'd take home - it was healthy and thriving in the forest as it was - but he could still appreciate it. Then—
"W-wait!" a tiny voice cried out. "Don't pick that one!"
Luka looked up in confusion, a blur of pink coming out to speed towards him. He recoiled at first, bringing an arm up to shield himself, but he wasn't actually harmed in any way. Rather, the blur stopped in place in front of the flower, coming into focus as a tiny girl appearing at around his own age, and with what he could only describe as fairy wings on her back.
"That's the one I was born in!" she protested, arms spread in defense of the flower.
He blinked, his face unable to decide between surprised and confused. "A-ah... sorry?"
"M-mm." She wrung her hands together sheepishly. "I'll find you another one just like this, okay? Or at least close!"
He was still processing the whole tiny fairy girl thing, honestly.
"...Oh," he said suddenly, finally realizing what he'd said. "No, that's alright. I wasn't actually going to pick it."
"You—you weren't?" She blinked, her body language slowly relaxing.
"I was just looking at it," he assured, unconsciously relaxing along with her. "The only flowers I take care of are the ones that aren't doing as well."
"You won't find those here," she told him. "This is fairy territory."
Fairy territory. Alright then. "Sorry, I didn't mean to trespass."
"Um, it's okay. You're not supposed to know about fairies anyway."
There was a pause. The fairy girl squinted, eyes darting around as if mental gears were turning in her head.
"...Wait." She blushed, hands slapping her cheeks in surprise. "You're not supposed to know about me!"
"You didn't see me!" She flew up to his face, pointing at him insistently. "And you can't tell anyone about me either, which you can't anyway because you didn't see me!"
He raised his hands in defense. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. Like you said, I shouldn't be here anyway." To prove his point, he pushed himself up and turned around to head back the way he came.
However, he immediately noticed a problem. He looked around, scanning the forest around him and trying to remember the way he came. He could recall where he'd walked in from in comparison to the flower he saw, but then he remembered how much he'd wandered around blindly when coming into the forest. He had no one to blame but himself for it as well, having gotten too engrossed in the forest's sound.
"What's wrong?" the fairy asked from behind him.
He glanced over his shoulder at her, hesitantly admitting, "I... think I might be lost."
She stared at him, then the way he came. He suspected that she might've seen him walking by before he'd spotted her flower.
"Well..." She hummed. "I-I could show you? And I'll find you a flower on the way."
"Is that okay?" He faintly wondered if even she knew the way.
She let out a whine. "I already showed myself to you anyway when I didn't have to. I might as well help."
She fluttered up to him and he followed behind when she led him. It was fascinating, watching her fly underneath the branch that he'd had to duck under before. She was small enough to fit comfortably in both of his hands if he held her, and despite her clear awkwardness, she didn't seem to mind being close to him. If she did actually know how to leave the forest, he wondered if she had even been to his city before. It certainly made her more interesting given the claim that humans weren't supposed to know about fairies.
Regardless, he was grateful to her and wanted to be polite. "By the way, thanks for helping me, miss."
She stalled, perhaps not expecting him to speak up. Tossing him a shy smile, she replied, "You're welcome. Um, and it's Marinette."
He grinned. "Luka."
"Luka? Hm." She continued flying along, curiosity in her voice. "S-so, you said that you take flowers? Where?"
"I take them back to the houseboat to take care of them."
"Houseboat? Do you mean..." She slowed briefly to hover at his side. "literally?"
"Yeah. It's a house I live in that stays on the water."
Marinette's wings flapped a little quicker at that. "Oh. Huh." She steepled her fingers in thought, looking up innocently. "I've never seen one."
Luka chuckled to himself, thinking that she wasn't very good at hiding how she felt. Feeling a little bold, he offered, "You can come with me to see it if you want."
"I can?" she blurted out, speeding forward to stare at his face, then hurriedly added, "I-I mean—!"
He smiled at the way her face heated up.
"O-oh look!" she gasped, pointing off into the distance. "A flower! This way!"
She flew off, nearly plowing face-first into a branch but skillfully dodging it at the last second. He walked after her happily, imagining that he might get a "yes" by the end of the day.
It didn’t take long for the potential flowers to stop becoming the appeal of the forest for him.
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
In Your Room Chapter 8: Past, Present, Future
Series: In Your Room
Fandom: TRR                    
Pairings: Leo x Drake
Rating: MA
Warnings for this chapter: Language, under aged drinking
Song Inspiration for the series: In Your Room by The Bangles
Word Count: 1,720
My other stuff: Master List.
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Hana watched in awe as Drake and Leo gulped down their water in an attempt to see who could drink it the fastest. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen two people more competitive. Have they always been like this?”
“These two have been competitive since the day they met!” Liam told her, “I think it started the day Drake knocked him off his polo pony.”
“Off his high horse, literally!” Drake laughed as he slammed his glass down on the table, “I win!”
“You waited until I was distracted!” Leo protested, ignoring that he had just lost the water-drinking contest, “Otherwise, you never would have unseated me!”
Drake scoffed loudly, “I’m a better horseman than you, Leo!”
“See?” Olivia arched her eyebrows at Hana, “It never ends.”
 “Yeah,” Max agreed, “They got so competitive with the fencing that they weren’t allowed to spar with each other anymore.”
“Damn!” Riley shook her head in amusement, “That bad huh?”
“Football, Rugby, shooting pool, darts, hell, who could eat the most,” Savannah verified, “They competed over literally everything!”
Riley smothered a giggle, “Yes, I’m aware. I’ve seen it firsthand!”
Leo and Drake both had the good grace to look abashed.
“Sorry about that, Brooks,” Drake muttered.
“Yeah, we were wrong for that.” Leo agreed.
“It’s okay,” she waved them off dismissively then wrapped her arms around Liam, “It worked out far better this way!”
Liam beamed down at her, “It certainly did!”
“I think all that competition and snarky bullshit was always just repressed attraction,” Olivia nodded sagely as she took a bite of her salad.
Drake dove for the ball, skidding through the mud and colliding with Leo. He hit him full force, dropping both their bodies to the ground. For a moment time froze as he looked down into those ocean-blue depths, his heart pounding in his chest as the rain pelted down on them.
“Get off me, Walker!”
Drake scrambled up from the ground, face red, mumbling an apology.
“Game is over, I need a shower!” Leo stalked off the field, hoping no one noticed the raging erection in his pants.
“Did they ever get along?” Hana asked, curious how their feelings for each other developed if it was all about competition.
“Oh, sure,” Liam answered, “Usually because I begged them to be nice, for my sake.”
“Well, that,” Max agreed, “but also, they were both so full of disdain for all things courtly, despite being forced to attend.”
Leo smiled as he thought back, “Oh God, remember how we used to ditch out of all those formal events every chance we got?”
“Yeah, he was supposed to be my best friend, but there he’d go, sneaking off with my brother and leaving me to fend for myself with the adults!” Liam complained.
“Really?” Drake’s mouth fell open in disbelief, “We tried to get you to ditch with us all the time, but your goody-two-shoes ass wouldn’t even consider it!”
“I didn’t want to get in trouble, Drake!”
“He’s got a point, little bro,” Leo chimed in, “You were invited, you said no, you can’t blame us for that!”
They sat on the roof looking out over the sparkling lights of the city and the deep inky blackness that was the Mediterranean at night.
“It’s really pretty up here at night,” Drake observed.
“Yeah,” Leo agreed as he produced a bottle of Breckenridge Bourbon Whiskey he’d stolen before they’d snuck out of the gala. He opened it and took a long drink as he gazed out over Stormholt City. When he was done, he held it out to the younger boy, “Want some?”
“Sure,” Drake reached for it, unwilling to admit he’d never tried it. He brought the bottle to his lips and tipped it back, and took a long draw. He squeezed his eyes shut as the liquid slid down his throat, the burning sensation making him cough.
Leo took the bottle back, slapping Drake on the back as he chortled, “Lightweight!”
Drake tried to protest as he drew an arm across his mouth, but he couldn’t make his vocal cords work so he settled for extending his middle finger.
“Seriously man, you okay?” Leo asked, concern seeping into his voice.
“I’m fine,” Drake managed, embarrassment spilling through him.
“First time?” Leo quirked an eyebrow at him.
Drake nodded, looking away.
“First time for everything, no shame in that,” Leo told him as he hopped up onto the ledge and dangled his legs over the side of the roof. He took another long drink as he tilted his head back to look up at the stars.
Drake joined him on the ledge and reached for the bottle.
“You sure about that?” Leo asked, “Because you can’t get drunk and fall off the roof. Liam would never let me hear the end of it.”
“Just shut up and give it here!”
Leo shrugged as he handed it over, “Okay, it’s your funeral.”
Two hours later they lay on their backs on the roof staring up at the night sky. Drake was definitely drunk. They had exhausted all avenues of conversation from sports and girls to horses and cars.
“We should probably get back to our rooms,” Leo said as he stood.
“Okay,” Drake tried and failed to regain his feet as a wave of dizziness washed over him. He lowered himself back to the ground, “Maybe we could just sleep up here?”
“Yeah….no,” Leo extended his hand to help him to his feet, “They’ll have the entire king’s guard looking for us, come on!”
He helped him back to his room, made him swallow some Tylenol then tucked him into bed. As he turned to leave Drake called his name.
Leo turned around, “Yeah?”
“You’re not so bad. I actually kind of like you, you know.”
“What?” An elated surprise thrilled through him. Drake didn’t mean he liked him, liked him, did he? “What do you mean you like me?”
The only response he got was the sound of Drake snoring.
Leo was sure he didn’t mean it like that anyway. “I like you too,” he said softly before slipping out the door.
“Well, I suppose you have a point,” Liam relented, “At any rate, I’ve forgiven you.”
“Forgiven us for what?” Drake demanded.
“Yeah, little bro, don’t blame us for your lameness!”
“Right. I’m the lame one,” Liam rolled his eyes, “I’m not the one that denied my own feelings for years, Leo!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means Drake came out at seventeen and you just kept pretending you didn’t like him!”
“You have a date tonight? Who is she? I’ve probably already fucked her.”
“Not a her,” Drake replied evenly as he smoothed down the front of the deep blue button-up shirt and checked his look in the floor-length mirror.
“Wait…what?” Leo felt frozen to the spot as a multitude of emotions flooded through him. None of which he was ready to cope with.
A searing white hot jealously pierced his heart.
It was one thing when they were both fucking women. It was one thing when he could convince himself that Drake was straight. It was one thing when he could deny that he himself was anything other than straight, Cedric Vescovi notwithstanding.
It was a far different thing to be confronted with the fact that all the turbulent, seething emotions that Drake inspired within him were within the realm of possibility, yet completely out of his reach because he could not bring himself to admit to any of them.
Instead, he had opted for snarky remarks and sneering condescension most of the time. He had been afraid that any small crack in his armor, any bit of kindness or real emotion shown would rip him open wide and let all the feelings that scared him most flood out for the world to see.
Then Drake was leaving for college and any opportunity he might have had to confess his feelings and find out if they were returned was slipping right through his fingers.
“I’m just wondering why you have to go so far away!” Leo glared at his younger brother’s best friend.
“Why do you care?” Drake shot him a confused look.
“I don’t!” Leo protested, “But my brother is going to miss you. You could just stay here and attend university with him. Then you’d see each other a lot more often. You could be roommates even, if you wanted!”
Something in Leo’s tone brought Drake up short. He stopped and gave the other man a long searching look. He opened his mouth to speak, and Leo’s heart jumped into his throat.
“There you are!” Liam called out as he rounded the corner with Max and Olivia in tow, “Are you ready? We can’t be late, you’re the one in charge of the bonfire!”
They were going to a private beach party as a bit of a bon voyage for those of them that were off to university in the fall.
“I’m ready,” Drake responded, turning away from Leo, and just like that, the moment was gone.
Leo pushed his plate away. His brother wasn’t wrong. He had wasted years pretending to be straight. “Yeah, well, you have the same father I do, so you should understand why.”
The teasing smile disappeared from Liam’s face. He did know. “My apologies, I didn’t mean anything by it. I was just taking the piss out of you.”
“I know,” Leo gave him a half-hearted smile, “It’s fine. Just having a bad day. What’s for dessert?”
Liam leaned over and lowered his voice sympathetically, “I’m sorry our father is such a cretin. It’s too bad you were born before me.”
Leo froze. “What did you just say?”
“What?” Liam looked confused then he glanced at Riley who was leaning away chatting with Savannah before responding, “Oh, nothing. Just that it’s a cruel irony that either our sexuality or our birth order wasn’t reversed.”
Liam had already bought an engagement ring. He was just waiting for the right moment to pop the question. He was so distracted by the sight of his girlfriend that he missed the expression on his brother’s face.
Leo sat staring at his brother, dumbfounded as his future exploded and then reassembled itself in his head.
He knew what he had to do.
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swervestomp · 7 months
i have revolution predictions and i must scream
julia hart & skye blue vs. kris statlander & willow nightingale (zero hour): kris and willow are winning this one i think. i feel it in my bones that happen to be incorrect 9 times out of 10 but whatever.
orange cassidy vs. roderick strong (international championship): i don't think oc is retaining fellas .. whether it be due to interference or what, hes not keeping the belt i'm afraid. they've built the undisputed kingdom up (kinda) as these guys who were Absolutely going to get those belts and i see it. sucks
ftr vs. bcc: bcc. nothing more. bcc.
will ospreay vs. konosuke takeshita: i feel like will is gonna win this one purely because i don't think aew would let him lose his first match officially signed ?? if it wasn't for that, i would bet takeshita tbh. i hope this match gets them both out of the don callis family; will didn't seem too Excited about don callis disrupting his moment, despite it being "good" yknow.. get out of there bbgs
christian cage vs. daniel garcia: fuck okay i Want DG to win but. if adam copeland is for-real out and not able to be part of revolution, i don't think hes gonna win it. christian cage will retain and when adam copeland comes back, their feud will pick up. or! hey! maybe they'll move onto a DG/adam copeland feud. i would love that shit ouuuh
eddie kingston vs. bryan danielson: eddie is absolutely retaining and i can't explain my prediction, it just feels right lmao love bryan but its not happening.
toni storm vs. deonna purrazzo: toni storm is retaining and hopping into a feud-ish with mariah may at one point or another that results in mariah may getting the gold. hopping waaay into the future, but the way theyre building it up.. hm. questionable. OR if deonna does win, i see mariah may being the one who ruins toni's chance of retaining, maybe? mariah is obviously head over heels in love with toni and maybe its too soon to do her big "betrayal", i don't know. either way i'm so excited for this match its CRAZYY
samoa joe vs. hangman page vs. swerve strickland: this is the only match i don't think anyone can guess the outcome of like. samoa joe hasn't been a champ for very long, hangman is DEAD SET on not letting swerve be the new champ, and swerve has been built up to be this crazy loved star, despite his extreme heel tendencies its a lot !! but i do kinda feel like joe will retain. its either joe or swerve - or, fuck it, maybe a time limit draw. i don't think they'd do that, though. i am hoping swerve wins, but at the same time, i want joe to retain. tough choices. the build up to this match has been nuts and so so entertaining, maybe the best part of aew lately.
sting & darby allin vs. young bucks: damn i just realized sting and darby never got a tag name LMAO anyways, the bucks are winning this one. obviously. OBVIOUSLY. i'm excited for this match too purely because sting and darby have talked about how theyre going all out for it and its like. how much more can you do that you havent already done? theyre gonna bbq the bucks yall.. i can see them losing the belts here and darby turning heel after (-his trip up mount everest) said fact because maybe he'd blame himself for the loss in kayfabe or what have you, i think the aftermath is gonna hit, especially if you really like darby, but this match is also gonna be crazy emotional from start to finish and i hope sting appears every now and then after :")
whatever it may be, i know this ppv is gonna Fuck. bless up
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koushirouizumi · 7 months
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{DigiAdv tri.} ~ Koushiro + OUTFITS ~ My {Personal} Preferences (for Koushiro’s outfits!) + + Koushiro & Jou / {Supportive} Moments & Interactions + Koushiro & Takeru / {Supportive} Moments / Materials + Pre-Bokura no Mirai DigiFes {+Shirt!} Poster (The shirt Koushiro’s wearing was later, iirc, released as official {+Tri} merch at DigiFes, an “irl” event in Japan!) {Real-Life Japan Event} Kokuhaku’s ending theme also helped to promote the same shirt. + (Tri!)Koushiro’s Character Traits (& Mini-Analysis)
My Commentary:
Like, some of the obvious POP culture references / in-jokes some of the other ‘outfits’ had aside, most of these outfits actually looked quite reasonable (and comfy, imo!! - which is pretty much the point I think Koushiro was going for?!??) and I could easily see Koushiro wearing some/most any of these canonically at various points of Koushiro’s tri. and post-tri. teen-aged lifetime, even just purely for fun. Heck, I’ve seen fan-artists (including on the J.P.N end and even in / using specifically their Tri-esque designs / outfits) draw Koushiro in MULTIPLE outfits like this!
{I kind of think the “King” outfit SHOULD stay, though.}
Also, the kimono choice is, like, fine? Koushiro’s Japanes---?
I’m just saying OK!!! Yes!! #LETKoushiroHaveFunWithFashion
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(From my previous Koushiro compilations!)
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{Anyway, Koushiro Izumi says Gender Identity rights---}
OK but Mainly I want to know which animator/Clothing Designer (as I’ve seen exist from some Tri and etc. Staff listings) specifically was involved in this specific segment / outfit set because they were clearly having a BLAST designing Koushiro like 20+ random outfits and honestly, as a Koushiro fan who has supported Koushiro since finding this series in my childhood I CAN’T actually blame them?? (You don’t even HAVE to use / consider every single one there, even TRI!KOUSHIRO doesn’t canonically use all of these!!)
{This is more of a quick compilation; I might expand on this post in the future and re-post it.}
I could also relate everything to do with motor skills and fine motor skills involving clothing and Autism when it comes to certain Autistic head-canons I may have, including buttoning clothes, but that might be a topic for another day...
(Do you see how the shirts TAKERU AND JOU actively help pick out FOR KOUSHIRO are comfy, A more baggy plain blue pullover (Takeru) and the DigiFes tee (Jou), without buttons?) {Despite the initial goal being to look for “fashionable” clothing!}
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships, Queer identities, etc. in general!}
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