#i will find a way to tag things eventually
jeankluv · 17 hours
The tale of the fox and the knight - Satoru Gojo | prologue
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summary: You have been living all your life in almost isolation due to your true nature, one your parents want to hide and protect you from anyone finding it. But when the spring of your 20 year your parents grant you the wish of being able to walk around the city, you meet him. Your doom. Satoru Gojo, a white haired knight whose intentions in your eyes are unkown. And whose presence in your life will change everything, from how you see the world to your way of being.
tags: enemies to lovers, blood, eventual smut, Gojo is pretty rude at the beginning, betrayal, fantasy, magical creatures, angst, injuries, heavy language
notes: this is the prologue of an upcoming series I have in mind, but I’m not sure if I should continue or not. And since I don’t have chapter for this weekend I decided to share it with everyone. So pls give me your honest feedback with this new story of mine
materialist | ch. 01
jujutsu kaisen materialist
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“So you know your mission.” The king said.
The white-haired young man smiled proudly. “Of course his majesty.” He bowed. “Kidnap the princess and bring her here in one piece. Still don’t understand why you need a useless princess, does your wife not…”
“Satoru Gojo, do not push your luck. I like you but that doesn't mean I'm not afraid to cut out that tongue of yours.”
He rolled his eyes, not giving importance to the king’s words. “I will depart tomorrow morning.” He said and with a final bow he left the throne room.
Satoru Gojo, he was an orphan, he lost his whole family when he was 8. His family used to be a Nobel and prestigious family due to their abilities, they were well respected by everyone in the kingdom, until that tragic night where everyone was killed, everyone except for the 8 years old boy.
The boy only remembered one thing and it was a flag. The flag from their enemies, the Zerua kingdom.
After finding out about the terrible incident, the king took the young boy with him and raised him as one of his new knights, they couldn’t lose his powerful abilities. So the years started to pass and the boy’s hatred towards that kingdom only grew bigger, his heart was full of rage and he only wanted the royal family to suffer.
Now as a skilled knight, he was going on a mission to kidnap the princess of Zerua. Satoru didn’t quite understand why his king wanted her, apparently she was a helpless princess, rumors said that even a butterfly was stronger than the princess of Zerua, so for Satoru the mission was pathetic, he didn’t understand why he had to bring her to their kingdom, surely she would passed out before reaching the limits of their kingdom.
But that’s not something that Satoru Gojo cared about, in fact, if she died, he would be more than happy to drop her lifeless body in front of the king. But apparently that could not be it and she needed to arrive at the castle in one piece.
The white-haired man walked through the extensive hallways, feeling how the paintings of ancient monarchs pursued him with their gaze, as if they wanted to know every movement and every action that the young man was going to choose.
He went out to the patio and was finally able to breathe the fresh air, with the footsteps of his boots echoing on his way to the barracks where the rest of the knights were.
The eyes of the vast majority of his companions rested on him, Satoru knew that it was envy that everyone there felt. They envied that he was the strongest and the king's favorite.
“So why did his majesty called you?” A deep voice talked to him.
“Why would I tell you?” Satoru smiled provocatively.
“Oh c’mon Gojo just spitted out.” The pink haired one rolled his eyes.
“Sukuna… Don't pull my tongue.” Satoru released his belt and leather vest. “The only thing I’m going to tell you is that I won’t have to see your ugly face for a while.” He grabbed his old jacket, which had a couple of holes sewn badly, and turned around.
“Where are you going?” Sukuna asked him. “You're going to say goodbye to your darling…”
“Sukuna shut your mouth or I'll cut your balls.” He looked over his shoulder at him and Sukuna laughed.
“Alright man.” He l raised his arms asking for a truce. “Enjoy your night Satoru Gojo.” He said turning and walking away as he laughed.
Satoru rolled his eyes and began to walk out of the castle, with an apple in his hands, his destination was clear and Sukuna was right with his words. He wished he could spend a night with his favorite girl. A mischievous smile appeared on his face as he thought about it, but it quickly disappeared when he remembered that he had to leave for Zerua and would therefore be away from there for quite some time.
The aroma of roses mixed with tobacco hit his nose as soon as he entered the place. The place was packed with drunks and partiers who must have had nothing better to do. But his mind eliminated all those and settled on a figure. Long blonde hair, green eyes and a slender figure, Stella. She and Satoru had begun to have intimate encounters when one night they were both alone in that place.
Theirs had never been anything more than sexual desire and that was how they both wanted it. Also, they weren’t exclusive from each other. Because they didn’t care, there was nothing else between them that sexual desire.
Satoru would never give his heart to anyone, he would never fall in love.
“Are you free tonight, beautiful?” Satoru whispered when he got near her.
“Oh Satoru!” She said surprise. “Didn’t expect you to come tonight.”
“Well here I am and…”
“Satoru, I’m sorry but tonight will be impossible.” She looked at him with sad eyes.
“What?” Satoru said with surprise.
“I’m meeting another person tonight.”
“Satoru, we are nothing so you cannot say anything.” She said.
“Yeah I know… I just… I’m leaving tomorrow morning.”
“Leaving?” Stella looked at him confused.
“The king wants me to go on a mission and I will be leaving.” He explained. “I will probably be out for months, don’t know how long.”
Stella smiled with a curiosity reflecting her eyes. “And where are you going?”
Satoru shook his head and took the beer Stella was offering him. “Can’t tell you.”
“Oh…” She pouted. “That’s a shame. Maybe someone finally steals your heart.” She mocked Satoru, knowing he didn’t like that idea.
Satoru made a disgusted face and put the beer aside. "I'd rather be taken prisoner by an orc and kept in his swamp for years, than fall in love with someone from Zerua." Stella smiled widely when Satoru said the name of her mission destination. “You are clever.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “What can I say?” She laughed as Satoru rolled his eyes. “So Zerua… that’s quite interesting.”
“The king ordered but I hate the idea, those people…”
“Oh c’mon sad boy, I’m sure it will be fine.” Stella said.
“Whatever.” He stood up, giving one last drink to the beer. “Wanted to have a goodbye night but… doesn’t matter.” Satoru turned around.
“I hope the stars guide you and you are able to return safely, Satoru Gojo.” He heard Stella saying.
Satoru moved his hand saying goodbye to her and he stepped outside the old bar, looking how the sky was already dark.
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The sunbeam hit you right in the eyes, causing you to turn around trying to continue sleeping. But your peace did not last long when the door to your bedroom opened wide, letting your maids enter.
The voice of the one you consider your best friend echoes through the room. “Princess, it's time for you to get up.”
You thrashed around in the sheets, shaking your head. “Utahime…please.” You begged.
Utahime sighed and approached your bed. “C’mon princess, spring is beginning and the flowers are blooming.”
Your eyes opened and looked at Utahime with a special glow in them. "I can leave?"
Utahime bit her lip and you immediately knew what her response would be. “You can go to your personal garden, but…”
“But there's no more of that, I already know.” You sighed in resignation.
You got out of your bed and followed the same routine as every day; bath, get dressed and then go out to your private garden.
Once your bluish dress was on and your hair was tied with a pretty white bow, which let some subtle strands fall from your forehead, you left your room. Followed of course by Utahime, she was your most faithful companion, your friend, really the only one you had ever had.
Utahime grew up in the castle, her parents had worked there and your parents had let Utahime grow up with you, you were both of the same age.
At 15 she began to work for you, but you hated that term and you hated the concept that your only friend had to be at your command. But Utahime had insisted, that she did not care, that she was fine with it, but you knew that she aspired to more and that in some way wanting to serve the royal family as a thank you for all the help they had given her and her family, was cutting her own wings.
You glanced at her briefly and bit your lip, you knew your friend too well and you knew she wasn't happy.
“Princess?” She called you out loud.
“Huh?” You looked at her. “Oh… I was just thinking.” You smiled.
“Princess, I know it bothers you that you can not leave the castle but…” Utahime began but you cut her.
“I was not thinking about that Uta… I just…” You sighed. “I know you are not happy serving me.” Utahime looked at you and then away from you. “Uta please tell me, tell me what you wish to do. I will do everything to help you.”
Utahime sighed and started playing with her hands, a sign of nervousness. “I… I wish I could… work as a designer…” Your eyes shined looking at her and with a big smile forming on your face. “But that’s not…”
“I will talk with my parents.” You stood up from the seat you were and walked towards her. “I will make sure to send you to the best school and then you will make my dresses and I will…”
“Princess please, calm down.” Utahime took your hands, trying to stop you. “It doesn’t matter, alright? I’m happy with you.”
You bite your lip. “You are not… so don’t tell me it’s okay.”
“Princess…” She sighed.
Your conversation was suddenly interrupted, as the door of your private garden opened. Making the screech echo through the room and causing your gazes to turn to see who it was. Your eyes narrowed and you felt an overwhelming urge to roll them when you saw that it was one of your parents' advisors.
“Princess…” He bowed his head when he got near you. “Their majesties want to meet you.”
“Alright…” You sighed, not really wanting to see them. “We will keep talking about it.” You looked at Utahime.
Utahime didn’t say a word, not because she didn’t want to but because she knew that responding to a member of royalty could lead to punishment. If you were alone, it wouldn't matter, you would never complain about it but Utahime knew that the others wouldn't allow it and could report it to her superiors.
And she couldn’t risk losing everything she had achieved, not when her mother needed medicine and she was the only one bringing money home. But you didn't know that and Utahime didn't want to worry you with her worldly problems either.
You looked one more time to Utahime and then left the place. You walked before the advisor. The sound of your shoes echoed throughout the hallway, nothing else could be heard in the place except for those shoes of yours. A few years ago those hallways were filled with laughter and kids playing around, now there was no sound.
Ever since your coming off age ceremony something changed, your parents started to be more strict about you, they already were when you were younger but now, you could barely meet anyone. Friends? Utahime was the only one and because she was a trusted person, but for the rest, you didn’t have any.
And you knew why was all this, but it was pointless, you couldn’t hide forever your true nature and the family secret everyone has been trying to keep away. Eventually someone would found out. And… well you were a bit terrified.
Your mother used to tell you, not very kind stories about what could happen to you if the wrong people found out. It terrified you but you didn’t want to waste your life in that castle, not meeting the world, not meeting new people.
“Their majesties, the princess is here.” One of the soldiers spoke.
You heard the faint voice of your father speaking, telling you to enter. The big door opened, giving you passage into the throne room, where your parents were seated each in their place and their advisors were on either side. But your eyes fell on a figure you had never seen before, he was tall, much taller than you, and his hair was white as a snowy day. His back was to you, as you walked towards your parents, you saw how he was standing, with a straight and composed posture, as if waiting for an order.
Your name echoed in the room and your eyes looked at your father, who was carefully touching his beard. “We have some news to give you.” Your heart rate accelerated, was that boy who was now to your left going to be your fiancé? No, you didn’t want that. “You will have a personal escort, so you can go out a little more.”
They both smiled and you looked at them stunned, processing their words. “What?” You whispered.
“That’s right, darling, your father and I talked about it and we have decided to let you go out in the kingdom, as long as you are accompanied by at least one guard.” He pointed to the boy who was at your side. “He is Satoru Gojo, he has been practicing and under surveillance for 9 months to become your guard and he has passed all the tests with flying colors.” You looked at the boy in surprise and your breath hitched when you met those blue eyes, which almost reflected your face.
“It’s my pleasure to serve you, princess.” He took your hand and kissed it.
You felt a shiver go through your body, not sure if it was because those blue eyes were penetrating you or because you felt something weird on his smirk.
“The pleasure is mine Sir. Gojo.” You made a small reverence.
“Please you can call me Satoru.” He gave you the most radiant of the smiles.
“Oh…” You broke the eye with him and looked away, to your parents to be more exact. “So… that means I will be able to go outside?” Your eyes shone brightly thinking about what it meant.
“Yes. But remember you always have to be with Gojo.” You nodded. “Good, then that’s everything. You can leave.”
“Thank you father!” You smiled brightly and turned around.
You felt the presence of the white haired man right behind you. From that moment on, he would become your shadow. But also your downfall.
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eevylynn · 2 days
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @endwersed and @violetfairydust
This is from my fic for the Sterek Reverse Bang
Eventually, they found themselves way in the middle of a clearing, a cliff rising high on one side, providing at least one wall of protection from anyone stumbling upon them. A stream flowed along the opposite side, adding a peaceful ambiance to the area.
“Well, this is pretty,” Stiles said, turning in place to observe the clearing around him. “How did you find this place?”
“I used to come out here with my Cora, Laura, and our cousins,” Derek replied softly.
Stiles turned to give him a soft look, but he didn’t say anything because he knew Derek wouldn’t want to dwell on it.
“So, what’s the plan?” Stiles asked, swinging his arms nervously but trying not to look like he was actually nervous.
“First things first,” Derek began, “we need to find out how strong you actually are.”
“Yeah, obviously,” Stiles said.
“So, we know that when the Nogitsune had full control of your body, it was stronger than me.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Stiles winced, memories of the Nogitsune tossing Derek like a ragdoll flashing in his mind.
“Don’t worry about it,” Derek said firmly, dismissing Stiles’ concerns with a wave of his hand. “It wasn’t you.”
“We’re going to start with a warm up. What I want you to do first is climb that,” Derek said, pointing to the cliff that rose next to them. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. “I’m going to time you to see how fast you can climb up and then get back down.”
“What about you?” Stiles said. 
“I know how long it takes me,” Derek said simply.
“Well, I think you should climb with me,” Stiles said with a sly grin. “We’ll be able to compare better.”
“You just don’t want to face humiliating defeat if I beat you at this already,” Stiles taunted, his grin widening
Derek fought a smile, obviously debating internally whether or not he should give in. He shook his head with a sigh. “Fine,” he conceded, returning his phone back to his pocket. “Let’s get on with this.”
“And no jumping?” Stiles added quickly. “Just pure climbing, right?” He had seen how much the werewolves in his life took advantage of their ability to jump high and far.
“Just climbing,” Derek confirmed, a glint of amusement in his eyes. “We’ll test your jumping later.”
They walked over to the cliff and discussed the best spots for both to climb, ensuring the challenge was as fair as possible. Once they were in position, Derek counted down.
“Ready. Set. Go!”
At Derek’s signal, they both grabbed a hold of the cliff wall and began climbing. Stiles was thrilled by how quickly he could identify the best handholds and footholds, his muscles working in perfect coordination to propel him upward. Glancing quickly to his left, he saw that he and Derek were neck and neck. The surge of confidence pushed him to climb faster, and before he knew it, he was pulling himself over the top.
Mere seconds later, Derek joined him at the top, and Stiles couldn’t help but cheer.
“Nice work,” Derek said, a hint of pride in his voice.
Stiles grinned widely, soaking in the rare praise. “So, what’s next?”
“Next, jump down,” Derek instructed calmly.
Stiles’ grin faltered. “Wait, jump?”
“Jump…off the cliff?” Stiles asked, staring over the edge in disbelief.
“Yes, Stiles. Jump off of the cliff.”
“But…” Stiles hesitated, his brain short-circuiting as he looked down at the fifty-foot drop. “That’s over 50 feet.”
“Yes,” Derek confirmed, his tone unwavering. “And you can handle it.”
Stiles swallowed hard, nerves tingling in his gut. However, he trusted Derek, so he took a deep breath in and jumped, feeling the wind rush past him as he plummeted towards the ground.
Idk who hasn't done this yet, so I'm going to tag @hedwig221b @thotpuppy @rosieposiepuddingnpie and anyone else that wants to do it
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sillyangstfic · 3 months
Obsessed with the idea that Adrien has a tumblr in universe, but like specifically as Chat Noir. Now this could go one of two ways:
1) He has a Chat Noir blog that is fairly popular. I mean, he’s Chat Noir. He also has a Ladybug fan blog called ladybfan4ever with quadruple the followers.
2) He has a what is considered a Ladybug fan blog, that he technically runs as Chat Noir called smth like buggaboowhereareyou he just talks about how much he loves Ladybug. Constantly.
No one knows he’s Chat in either LB blog until he calls attention to it, and all of tumblr flips
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musubiki · 5 months
hello! quick question, i know this is very soon after you posted the comic of young lime trying to bully mochi, and i’m sorry if a question like this has been asked before, but when mochi sees the candy bits and is able to recognize what spells they could be used in and the effects they have, is that from studying magic a lot or is it like a natural identification ability/instinct that she has? thank you!! i hope you have a good day :)
oh thats a great question actually!!!! it comes from studying!!!!
as a kid she was already trying to be a very diligent witch-to-be!! she would spend a lot of time with her mom while she was making spells, so between reading a lot of spellbooks + hanging out when her mom was making potions + wanting to be like her mom, shes good at spotting things that could be used in spells even from an early age!!
(that being said, as a kid she still messed up a lot on the right ingredients. shed bring home random items and be like "I got us spell ingredients!!" and tiramisu would be like "Oh!! Thanks sweetie!!" and didnt have the heart to tell her that whatever she brought home was some useless piece of grass or something jkldj)
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sofastuffing · 1 month
i have a headache
#i've been stuck scrolling instagram for the past few days#i don't even like being on there#modern ig is so overstimulating everything is either a reel or a reel in disguise or an image post that inexplicably has audio#i kept making myself go on there because i wanted to find a way to make art friends or a community or w/e#and i thought if i had more of a presence and interacted more i'd eventually get people to like. talk to me and comment stuff ig. idk#but ughhhh#i don't think insta is a good platform for that cause it's either pictures with a short caption or the worst media format known to man#like. idk i wanted to find and follow and be friends with and be Cool Artists (don't ask me to define that)#but no artist on instagram is a Cool Artist because there's no goddamn text on there#like if it makes sense i wanna find people who talk About art as well#but not in an art Discourse way#which is another thing. even if instagram had more Talking it would still be shit because the mainstream 'art community' is insufferable#art tiktok is that on steroids#and instagram is is bootleg tiktok#the same five discourse topics jokes memes advice whatever the only difference is now they're circlejerking about ai too#i wanna be Casual and Spontaenous and Mysterious and shit but IG's layout makes me feel like i can't just post whatever#i feel this pressure to give my posts all the same format and add tags and do this and do that and have good Branding or w/e#and it's just ughhh why can't I be a famous enigma (<- doesn't make or share anything)#even on tumblr the pressure is the same#and at the same time i hate looking back on my art accounts (both ig and here) because it just. doesn't align with what i wanna do#like my attempts at categorising and tagging and being consistent#it's just so. yuck#i want to have a Good Brand but i also want to be 'real' but then i look back at my disjointed messy past work and i cringe#i think i need to block my irls from my art accounts bc i feel super embarassed trying to do any typical Get Noticed on Social Media thing#cause it feels embarassing being seen doing shit that's ''influencer-y'' (idk what to call it)#cause it feels out of character to how i actually am in real life#but also why i do want to show my ''real'' character? I'm not cool#and that's another thing I've had these accounts for ages#looking at my past posts makes me fuckign cringe#I want to purge them or start over
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capricioussun · 3 months
ohhh glitchfell???
Glitchfell!!! It's funny you mention that specifically, because originally it had just been to separate Dos specifically, but I've actually been developing it on its own on the back burner...
Dos is still sort of the star of the show, since, well, he’s the reason it's glitchfell. Dos is [REDACTED]. However, his creator made a fatal flaw when trying to fix a previous mistake and it completely fucked Dos' code. At first, it was just minor glitching and stat instability. But as he got older, and the attempts to fix the mistake only continued making it worse (sort of), by the time he was a young teen, the glitching was causing problems in the Main Code, so when a particularly bad episode hit, he unintentionally collapsed the timeline and threw himself to a "neighboring" au.
...or so he thought (and how I'd initially written it lol).
But I've been working with, at least an alternate "timeline", where the au didn't actually collapse when Dos was thrown. Rather, it became corrupted. It wasn't too bad at first, more like Glitchedswap, where there were new tics here and there, but things could continue on as normal.
Unfortunately though, a tree cannot grow from a severely damaged trunk. At least not well. The damage was done, and as time went on, the corruptions only continuously worsened. There's a good likelihood it would have collapsed on its own by the time Dos met Void, there's just no way an au like that could sustain itself after a point, but it's incredibly interesting to think about how far it could've fallen before that point, and if it's possible anyone from it could've been saved before then...
Or if anyone would've put them out of their misery before it got so bad.
#I wanna make fucked up designs for all of them so bad </3#it's like. really sad too bc no one really understands what's going on. at first they don't even realize. and then they just start getting#confused. sans of course picks up on it immediately (especially because he can't find papyrus) but eventually him and Alphys are trying#desperately to figure out what's happening and stop it. but it was already too bad by that point </3#id love to explore scenarios like Dos finding out it's still around way later down be line only to return and see everything completely#*shattered*. broken beyond the point of reason. and knowing it was his fault. would've been better if it *had* collapsed#or finding out about it after the fact and realizing Void had known and kept it from him#maybe Void had found it after meeting Dos and checking. but finding it in such a horrible state...all he *could do to help them would be...#and Dos finding that out? that Void never told him he found it? that he *manually* collapsed it after he did?#MAN. that'd be so fucked up#Dos would be able to come around eventually but he'd be SO furious and hurt#and that's 100% the kind of thing Void would do lmao#maybe not even initially tbth. the whole thing with Dos stretches out over *several* years. there's a chance Void honestly just forgot by#the next time he re-met Dos#ough...#uselessundertalefacts#ty for the ask sorry for hijacking it with Void#well. only in the tags. still tho#🌟❕💗#clear sky sunset#sun spots#gf dos#glitchfell#glitchfell papyrus
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pulps law is that whenever i get insane enough about something, i will inevitably attempt to make a persona 5 au, regardless of whether or not i am successful at it.
#pulp speaks#anyways guys youre never going to guess what au ive been thinking of lately .#i know the correct way to go about this is make sidestep the main character but you see#i will not be doing that. and actually in fact i will not be following the storyline of persona 5 in the slightest. because lol#but morgana exists in this au purely because i dont think the others would survive without him explaining what the metaverse is 💀#the rangers are a team of detective for the public sector in this au#and dr mortum is an unassuming everyday scientist that should not peak the rangers interest in any way. at all#in the video game that exists in my head the player can pick between playing julia or ricardo#it doesnt change the storyline that much but it does make the character relationships funky so#in my head chen is best friends with julia and argent is best friends with ricardo#chen and ortega stumble into the metaverse together so if you pick julia its two best friends in a life or death situation#but if you pick ricardo its your sisters best friend+kinda your boss in a life or death situation which personally i find extremely funny#regardless of which ortega you play with the other one doesnt know about the metaverse until id say like. the end of the first palace? beca#use thats when they start getting suspicious#and because this is ortega they follow them and find out about the metaverse that way#i dont think they become a phantom thief but i think they do end up covering the others asses irl#dr mortum still isnt actually a doctor but i think theyre the one providing medicine to them at the start of the game#theyre extremely wary of the rangers at the start and ortega can barely convince them to sell them things which they still charge-#-extremely high over. i think the turning point comes when they discover the metaverse because holy fuck they are So excited about it#both because of the implications and what the metaverse could be used For#chen is not thrilled about letting them know this but theyre kind of their supplier so its not like he can argue#i think mortum joins the phantom thieves eventually but as a navi#obviously its in their best interest to provide everything for free now that theyre part of the team but they still have to order supplies-#-so i think the way it works out in game is that theres certain days supplies can be ordered and you have to pay for it but the items can b#-picked up at any day of the week#but also i have no idea how that would work practically (its all in my head anyway so it doesnt actually matter but yk)#theres still more thoughts about this but im ✨running out of tags✨ and also i cannot organize my thoughts enough to explain it#im not main tagging this its going to be my silly self indulgent au for eternity ok
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thedrotter · 4 months
Re:Kinder Fun fact time!! Did you know? 😊
Yuuichi's theme song (the one that often accompanies his entrances with "Vamos Cantar!"), 新しい夏のナナ, is not in any latin language such as Spanish or Portuguese, despite its lyrics sounding as such. It's actually in Hanamogera, which to put it simply is nonsense speech based on japanese syllables. So the song's lyrics are essentially gibberish meant to imitate the sound of latin music! 😊
It is listed as such in the source site for the song, oo39.com, where the song can be found as "YS068" in the hanamogera category.
Additional fun fact! The song can also be found in Spotify as Vien Nana by Oo39.com themselves alongside a few other select songs from the site. So you can properly enjoy the song on the platform without having to import it from your local files.
Those are the fun Re:Kinder related fun facts for today... Use them to entertain your friends at parties ! ☺️
#re:kinder#not art#now tiny storytime in the tags!!! 😊...#what prompted me to look into this months ago was the fact i genuinely thought it was in spanish at first#AS A SPANISH NATIVE SPEAKER. I HEARD THIS SONG VAGUELY AND WAS LIKE... WOW... i wonder what it says!#because i thought i didnt understand it as i was mostly paying attention to the text or because of my computer's speaker#plugged headphones in and heard carefully... i didnt understand anything. but it sounded just like it i was so confused#for a second i wondered if it was portuguese but there was no way it was because even then i would have known😭#the magic of knowing either language of spanish (at least latin spanish) and portuguese is it makes the other very recognizable#this was not it looked for the opinions of other latin speaking language people THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND A THING#and thats how i ended up looking into the source and finding this out 😊#i was very pleasantly surprised to see it was gibberish because IM NOT SURE HOW TO EXPRESS TO YOU ITS VERY GOOD#VERY WELL DONE GIBBERISH SO WELL DONE IT MAKES A PROPER SENTENCE AT ONE POINT#gibberish so well done it fooled native speakers into thinking it was their own languages . so good im so obsessed with this#i had to share this fun fact eventually somrwhere other than yourjbe comments#and i remembered i could acrually speak here about the game and not only post art of it teehee😊#so thats your awesome fun fact micht also drop more if im confident in doing so and their validity because theres more tbat are in japanese#and im trying to figure em out watch as i study the inner workings of a language so i dont have to learn how to actually speak it#(i love conlangs so this is a good excuse)
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daily-whistlepaw · 6 months
daily whistlepaw until ah becomes PoV day 1167
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I think I finally understand how people feel when around a crush, can't say I enjoy it
#warrior cats#whistlepaw#windclan#medicine cat apprentice#this isn't my first crush lol but this one has had me feel the strongest of feelings (and might be my first genuine crush lol)#the fact I have been building up A Lot of stress for the entire week probably didn't help.#and the fact my stomach hurt is also probably at least partially to explain by the fact I barely ate last night#but MAN seeing my (latest) crush in such a pretty dress and then go on stage and play (a goddess!!!!!!! she's a goddess)#(I already bought tickets to go see the full thing; I will die but I will die happy (I hope))#but yeah I struggled for a good 2 hours to fall asleep and also had stomach weirdness happening the next morning#man it was not fun#(and then she came to sit next to me during class and I had to play it cool (I was too deranged on sleep deprivation to really care about#being my typical brand of weird but I do sometimes feel like an idiot around her and feel guilty because then I fear that she finds me#annoying and will hate me and I will fail this again (losing a friendship over a crush once was not that fun lol) and Traumas don't help#either at all so uh I'm just trying to spend time with her I just always feel a bit worried that I'm annoying her and it's consuming my bra#I do also still feel a little guilty about having this crush; internalized homophobia/issues around sexuality are hard to shake off#and while it's very normal and stuff I never dare to go the entire way when my brain conjures fantasies that are a little too risqué#I just feel guilty man I know I shouldn't but still it fucking sucks in my brain#and god talking about this in therapy would be a mess#I might have to eventually but I don't wanna#anyways; wild vent in the tags aside; yay a whis!
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something something a fanfic in which Ian is best friends with Yevgeny and then he timetravel and falls in love with his best friend's father.
I like to think that in this version he was raised by Clayton cause Monica obviously couldn't, and canonlike she wasn't in the picture much. He then lives with his father, stepmother and siblings but doesn't quite fit with them. Yev was raised by Svetlana and never knew his father cause he left when Yev was a baby.
When Ian travels back he is saved by Mandy. He says he's a Gallagher and she's like "I know the Gallaghers but I never saw you!". He's introduced to his "cousins" who immediately take he in like a brother? Who he is cause of Monica.
Then because of Mandy he gets to know Mickey and younger Svetlana and baby Yev and it is extremely fucked but... my dick's in your dad mouth, sorry Yev!
Gallavich: they start as friends cause Ian quickly hits off with Mandy, and soon Ian gets to understand the difficult situation that led to Yevgeny's conception and why Mickey probably left them when Yev was still a baby. Then, feelings come along and Mickey's deep in the closet but Ian's nothing if open-minded so with time it works out. Ian doesn't lose interest even though Mickey has a wife and baby, he isn't scared off easily, and Yev Svet and Mandy all like him so that's a turn on. Ian likes older guys so the fact that Mickey's an old soul in a hot young body who listens to dad music and is grumpy is what attracts Ian.
The future is forever altered. Ian now actually has a family of Gallagher's he actually likes and fits. Ian came along so Mickey never left the picture and now Yev was raised with his father around. Which changed the way Yev grew up to be, so he's not the version Ian knew, but that's alright cause then Ian gets to meet him again. And yes, they end up being best friends all the same, after all, Yevgeny watch the type of cartoons and listens to the kind of music and plays the same videogames Ian grew up with so they're very close.
#How do time travelers solve the documentation issue? I'm not sure. there would have to be research in order to write this fic.#but if there was someone who would know how to help Ian it would be Svetlana. hello Russian illegal immigrant?#also. shes the first to find out hes not from there cause Ian knew older Svet but hes only now getting to know younger Svet and he#has absolutely no chill so she figures him out rather quickly and than he proves her right by revealing things she never told anyone before#eventually people have to know hes a time traveler but I like to think every time it happens is in a shitty situation totally non planed#and then theres doubt and he has to try and prove but! effect butterfly things wont happen as they happened before#like he will try and say “this actor will die this year” or “bitcoins are a thing” or “we'll face a pandemic" and... nope. never happens.#and then hes right about the most stupid useless but detailed thing like the whole plot of a movie thats not released yet or like. vaping.#stop im so funny. it will become a family joke thing like Franny and Liam will constantly listen their family say Ian's a time traveler and#and is it true is it a joke why everybodys so serious about it theyre totally messing with us#mickey gives a total of zero fucks i bet. now he gets why ian is the way he is like super optimistic and anxious and super open minded but#like. it changes zero things for him. good for u ian i guess. i would still love u if u were an alien or from another dimension of whatever#ian gallagher#mickey milkovich#yevgeny milkovich#svetlana yevgenivna#mandy milkovich#gallavich#ian x mickey#shameless#shameless us#og.#fic idea#honestly “fic idea” is like my best tag
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thelittlestspider · 6 months
one headcanon i have is that matt is a huge mystery/detective/noir genre fan, and like listens to those old mystery radio dramas and owns cassette tape versions of them too (i think he would like physical copies of these kinds of things)
i love matt being a fan of old mysteries/noir and having physical copies of everything. i have a few headcanons in a similar vein.
- jack was a big fan of old black and white movies and he and matt would watch them together. it was like one of the only times they got along/one of the only things they had in common besides boxing. i feel like this is also kind of where his love for jazz music originates from. it's all kind of wrapped up in bittersweet memories.
- matt and milla used to listen to noir dramas together.
- matt has a copy of each music player (record, cassette, cd) that keep breaking every few years and he has to get mike and peter to collaborate to fix them. (peter is good at fixing electronics/has some mechanical know-how from uncle ben. mike likes fixing things and is matt's go to for getting things fixed around the house bc he knows a little bit of everything.)
- matt knows all these random facts because of milla, foggy, peter, and mike. (milla's special interest: history + she works in city planning (?). foggy has tons of law related stuff committed to memory. peter reads wikipedia for fun and is obsessed with urban planning bc of uncle ben. mike used to take apart everything and narrate it to matt like he was doing surgery.)
- riffing off the headcanon above, it would be funny if matt was able to engineer his billy club bc mike narrated whatever he was fixing to matt and had him feel all the parts while they worked on it.
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Can I talk abt how much I luv the idea that 6EM is just scared shitless of SWK? Like that’s sounds horrible, and I worded that so wrong, but just hear me out. Imagine that 6EM didn’t just attack SWK out of anger/revenge (even if that was a main motivator, it’s also, like, the only reasons he targeted MK) but also out of fear. Fight or flight kind of thing.
& it’s only after he & SWK r making up/agreeing 2 not fight that he realizes this. Bcz the thing is, now that fight is no longer on the table, he instinctively goes 2 flight. & it’s not like a BAM realization, it’s more of a steady build up to an “oh”.
Like instead of the world suddenly bursting into technicolor and making sense, it’s more like color had been bleeding in for so long and he’s only just now truly identified/acknowledged it. He, on some level, knew it was there, so he’s not exactly taken aback.
& it’s almost worse like that, like a game slowly building up for a jumpscare, putting you @ the edge of ur seat, only for nothing to happen. So now you just have this sludgy buzz of emotion sitting uncomfortably in your gut w/ no way out.
May b the 1st sign was just 6EM’s struggle to not taunt/insult SWK. Like, sure, they both struggled w/ that bcz they’ve been doing it so long it’s just habitual. But 6EM is so “flip-floppy” abt it, 1 day he’s a-okay, not picking a single fight. The next SWK stands just a lil 2 close & 6EM is spitting the most hurtful shit w/ out even meaning 2.
May b the 2nd was that the more 6EM improved w/ not insulting SWK, the worse he got w/ flinching. The more he had to sit farther from SWK, the less he allowed SWK anywhere near his blind side. Every held back insult only made him more restless, but not in the angry “being forced to hold ur tongue” way.
(Ofc there’s tons of little things here & there, small signs that, by themselves, don’t mean anything, but 2gether mean sm.)
I think that the final sign wouldn’t b anything big, it wouldn’t be some dramatic pent up explosion, it would a small innocuous thing. May b MK just mentions his fear of spiders, how creepy they r, how just the knowledge 1 might b near him makes him restless. & may b 6EM will think sum like “same”, & may b that small thought will connect the discomfort he’s feeling 2 fear, the discomfort he always feels around SWK.
There’s no big bang, nowhere to put his emotions. It’s just being forced to acknowledge a persistent aching wound. And that’s almost worse.
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persephoneflouwers · 11 months
Anons ✨
#lou tisdale anon: unconventional way to get informed i guess but if it worked good for them#‘I’ve really appreciated all of the information you’ve been sharing on here’ anon#a bit offensive you come at me talking about coincidental choices and intentional decisions#using your building as a reference… Guys cmon. At this point you should know im not stupid lol anyway I deleted the tags because#since I noticed a few people have written the same thing as you#usually the background choice falls in an intentional decision but as you say it’s a wild guess#that’s why I only said ‘I hope it’s not intentional if it is yikes’#‘don’t have any doubts about harry’ anon: we’ll never know what they support#and for once I’m glad they won’t be speaking up like their usual because#I’m already disappointed of what side they would be on this#have you seen what his friends share? have you seen what his mom shares? they can be zionist on main without ripercussions#‘seriously wouldn’t know what to if he supported them’ I would unstan right away. god thing is they’ll never be talking about politics#(except Harry sporadically finding new way to have kore people register in the us to vote democrats#and eventually forget about what is happening in rest of the world. firstly like all celebrities do secondly like everyone does.)#you take care of your little garden first#my opinion my ideology and my political view don’t depend on them#if I don’t agree with what some artist/celebrity says#ill stop interacting with them#there’s tone of music and art being made by people#who care about the world and want to see people leaving in peace and with equal rights#it’s not hard to be human you know? at times if you’re afraid to show support to the oppressed#you’re helping the oppressors with oppression and segregation#moreover when the oppression is not about you in the slightest (general you not you anon)#it only means 1. you don’t care enough to advocate 2. you have found different solutions to help (lol)#3. you don’t want to take sides (inferno canto III for me)#4. you don’t want to let know what side you’re on (sigh)
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mejomonster · 11 months
In case tumblr ever does go down, im mejomonster on twitter insta discord too. Please add me
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pickled-paintbrush · 8 months
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I cleared out this bottom cubby shelf under my bookcase and have spent the past month or so crafting a little den for Clementine...looks like she's a fan!
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velvetwyrme · 1 year
i love getting comments that make me want to tease future events because it means the commenter is either very right or oh-so-wonderfully wrong
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