#i will get a girlfriend some day. or not. and itll fill me up. or be bad for me. i just need to take csre of myself snd my loved ones
hairydykecunt · 2 months
once my friend said that sometimes it seems like i don’t want a girlfriend and just want to be some girls pet and like. yeah okay sure, but is that really all people see in me. is that what they think i’m only capable of? i want to give so much, i want to fill them with so much love and make them feel safe and loved and adored. i Do want to do more than just be a pet, i want to be a Provider, i want to take care.
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP. 6
Last Time on Grand Theft Auto:
Tsubasa recovers from the world’s gayest coma as Hibiki trains her mind while putting aside such silly concepts as “the love of my life” and “literally being with my girlfriend.” After cooling Miku’s paranoia with her brand new washboard abs, Genjuro prepares the team for a pizza run across the city to deliver a dangerously hot pizza pie named Durandal. Chaos emerges as the delivery is intercepted by a rival pizza gang, lead by the nefarious Gremlin known as Yukine Chris. But, before the pizza could be claimed, dedicated pizza deliverywoman Hibiki not only steals it back, but eats it, harnessing the power of the pizza and unleashing cheesy pasta based chaos around the location.
Ryoko is so into it that she taps into her superpowers and protects Hibiki after she passes out. The delivery is considered a failure, and no tip is given.
And so, the journey continues...
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Meanwhile, in this weird, tricked out mansion...
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Chris meditates on some water metaphors of her own.
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“that pacman colored freak took only touching it to activate a cheap ass french sword that gave her weird demon powers and its taken me YEARS to use this dumb stripper outfit and the funny cane that goes with it, what the FUCK man, what even is my life”
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“maybe... maybe honeybaked hams ARE that powerful...”
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“NO! turkey is the superior meat! it’s healthier, lower in fat, and way more tasty! fuck you! i’ll get my goddamned revenge!”
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Chris begins musing about Fine’s motivations to capture Hibiki; during these, we’re treated to some brief image flashbacks of Chris’s life.
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Suddenly, those jokes about food are a lot less funny.
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It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together as to why this young woman is helping a strange nudist dominatrix spread alien terror across the city of mumblednoises, Japan. She doesn’t really have many an option on the table. It’s either help the weird kinkster with her plans, or die.
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Despite everything, she has a high opinion of Fine, for the same reasons someone might have a high opinion of a television show if it were the only show they were ever exposed to. She is deeply afraid of being alone again, because she has lived through such misery that the very thought of existing out in the cold again terrifies the shit out of her.
The Sun rises casually amidst Chris’s thoughts.
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“ah shit. it just hit me. i literally have spent the entire night standing here instead of actually going the fuck to sleep. goddamnit.”
On such a devious metaphorical twist, Fine stands behind her as the Sun rises.
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“yeah, jokes on you. i couldnt sleep for shit either. turns out, all nude, no blankets? in japan? real bad idea.”
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“thats why i decided to GO GOTH, babey! whattaya think? do i give those witchy vibes, huh? real ‘black magic woman’ santana hours? feeling cute, gonna head out with the girls and summon satan in the woods kinda aesthetic looking shit? come on, be real with me. does this not look baller?”
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“you look like morticia decided to go to the grocery store to buy some wonder bread, but other than that, its a step up from your usual pussy out attitude, so sure”
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“you know i decided to get some brain cells on loan from Brain Cells R Us, and ive been thinking this solomon cane stuff is solomon lame. i dont need this dumb oversized harry potter cosplay prop to get shit done. also, murder is... sorta bad? im still trying to get the brain cell stuff down.”
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“i can punch just as good as goody two shoes if not better.”
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“lol go do it then champ, im gonna go cut down a forest of trees now”
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And so, they both just kinda... stand there.
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Meanwhile, Tsubasa is rapidly trying to rehabilitate herself from her wounds like walking like a madman, her IV drip presumably filled with Taco Bell brand Doritos Locos Tacos super spicy nacho cheese. Taco Bell: Live Mas.
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“im gonna clear every fucking taco bell in your goddamned memory, kanade”
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“think outside the bun! wait, what? that was a taco bell slogan? ah fuck it, im dead. what nerd’s gonna try and correct me?”
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“i would, kanade. i am that nerd.”
Tsubasa is hell bent to try and understand Kanade’s simple philosophy of helping others selflessly. Unfortunately, when Kanade died, she took all the brain cells between them in the process, so coming to this epiphany is a work in progress.
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“listen its a fucking miracle you are 1. alive and 2. able to have your blood run on the garbage melted plastic taco bell tries to dupe people into believing is cheese so why dont you just lie down and think of better franchises to eat from”
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“no! you dont understand! taco bell is a franchise of the PEOPLE! their meals are cheap and filling and- and the chicken quesadillas are of good quality for their price! i promised kanade- my vow to the death. taco bell... ergh... now and forever... i-”
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“wait. my gay senses are tingling.”
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It’s Hibiki, probably running track with Miku.
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“oh yeah... her... i should probably apologize to her. about trying to kill her. and then letting her almost be kidnapped. and just giving her a general hard time about something that wasn’t explained to her in the slightest for months. she’s a good bean.”
Tsubasa proceeds to never canonically apologize to Hibiki throughout the entirety of all 4 seasons of Symphogear.
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Look at em run. See, it’s a metaphor, because they haven’t communicated yet and they’re running from their problems! But they’re running towards Tsubasa, who is part of the representative problem these two share! Clearly literary genius.
It’s like someone went halfway into writing an NTR plotline and went “maybe this isn’t a good idea to market our songs on.”
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Hibiki is still thinking about her Hellshake Yano moment with Durandal. Mainly how she nearly killed someone with it. Hibiki is very starkly in the “killing is bad, and wrong” camp of morality, a trait currently unique to her that she’ll wind up teaching literally everyone else she meets one way or another.
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Some could argue the L stands for Lydian, and they’re wrong. It stands for Lesbian.
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“that was one hell of a run, hibiki! im pooped! why dont we go to the locker room and call it a day, have a nice shower and just get some dinn-”
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“this is the last straw.
i clean your plates. i cook your food. we eat, shit, shower, and sleep in the same FUCKING area, and this is how you repay me? huh? you think being your wife is easy shit, hibiki? half the damn time you’re running off like clark kent having food poisoning and the other half ive gotta babysit you, the emotional equivalent of a preteen clown, to make sure your life doesn’t self destruct harder than Atlantis sinking into the ocean. im done! i am DONE. im reopening my tinder, im slamming my ass BACK into okcupid, and im gonna date some CUTE ACADEMY GIRLS that treat me BETTER than this ABSOLUTE BETRAYAL OF HEART AND IM NOT CRYING I SWEAR ITS JUST THE SWEAT IN MY EYES AND HIBIKI HOW COULD YOU-”
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“oh yeah, sure! hey, lemme just do a few more laps, ive just been feeling judgmental about myself and my figure, you know? gotta push myself further...”
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“o-oh yeah, sure. no worries, ill wait for you. love you too, hibiki...”
The girls bathe together, as good friends typically do.
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“hey you ever notice the showers here have like, weird psuedo-luxurious minipools to bathe in? like, how rich is this school?”
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“whoever made this place is either rich or a pervert. or both, probably!”
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Miku remarks that Hibiki has changed since she’s entered Lydian, in a manner most unheterosexual.
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“oh FUCK you really DO have washboard abs now! ohhh my god.”
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“damn, those abs were heavenly. let’s get pancakes later.”
I won’t screenshot it but something to note is that they actually wear each other’s corresponding underwear colors (or even, if you want to examine more closely, each other’s underwear). Here’s an equivalent scene to give you the mental image.
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This is the face of someone who knows what they want and already have it. Such is the power of Kohinata Miku.
Meanwhile, Genjuro comes back from the funeral of the guy the Americans filled violently and with impunity.
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“yo that all black look looks baller. i should borrow that look... id look pretty gothy in it.”
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“ryoko i sympathize with your sharp, fashionista eye but this was for a funeral, i was paying my respects to the dead. thats the usual dress code.”
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“didnt know they updated that. i remember back in my day, we just went in white garments and chanted in latin!”
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“shit was fire. literally. lots of funeral pyres.”
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“lmao ryoko buddy your larping sessions arent actual history”
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“hey dont shit on larping around me. i used to be a professional larper while i was majoring in acting. helped really sell my career when i had to pretend to slay the Dark Lord Jyarloen atop the mountain of skulls in Hargobor after my family was killed by the Dark Army. asshole.”
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“haha yeah, larping, thats cool yeah, i do that
i larp.”
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“oh yeah? you wanna join my larping session sometime then? we’re gonna do an ancient babylon plot thats inspired by some anime, itll be fun”
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“.....................................im super into realism.”
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“i know im dressed for a funeral but id like to not part ways with my dignity yet. besides, we’ve got serious shit to talk about. basically, we’re on the verge of getting shitcanned.”
As it turns out, the death of this politician removed the last obstacle of opposition to maintain the 2nd Division, as the average criticism against the 2nd Division is “why are we funding this mystery division when we don’t know what they do”. Of course, the sensible idea for an organization that defeats the Noise is to declassify it, given people of different jobs and positions have physically seen the Symphogear in action, but you know. “Oh no, the other governments will come after us” stick gets shaken.
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“im in a union. i know my rights. you’re not taking my acting job here away from me.”
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“im not going back to be a preschool teacher. its been ten year. the bites on my ankles still havent healed...”
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“yeah man, shit sucks ass. i cant fund my adoption habits if im fired.”
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Look at these cinematic parallels. Symphogear truly is a franchise made by someone living in 3030.
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“worst part is the new minister is super into america. he’s a... westaboo.”
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“a westaboo?”
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“did he just unironically say westaboo”
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“he said westaboo. oh my god. this is the hell timeline.”
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“i mean people kept calling me that for worshipping all these fighting flicks so i guess it fit? i dont see the problem here”
Meanwhile, in Lydian Academy...
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“so it hit me, right? we’re ALL girls. and we ALL sing. now, humor me a moment. what if... what if we’ve all been recruited to potentially be superheroes... through our singing? like, there’s no coincidence that all this shit happens around us, right? and a famous singer LIVES here? i saw the black cars outside! weird shit is happening here- im not even gonna eat the all you can eat bar anymore!”
“kathy there is literally no such thing as superheroes who sing. this place is more likely to be a organ harvesting op than whatever madness you’re saying”
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“what? you need me, a singing superhero, to go stop a problem happening underneath the school, a location meant to recruit young women into potentially becoming fellow crime fighting singers?”
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“yeah im too busy poppin’ caps in asses so go kick ass in my place”
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“.....................................who ya talkin to, hibiki?”
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“the boss! gotta go do a thing again...”
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“hibiki, i dont like the fact that capitalism is tearing us apart.”
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“you’ve gotta join me in the revolution, hibiki. you. me. luxury automated gay space communism. aint it the dream? share my vision, hibiki. its glorious.”
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“n... no...? no gay space communism today? well, what about tomorrow? or the next day? or... maybe the next day? baby steps, you say? but, direction action, hibiki! we’ve gotta strike now!”
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“it’s okay hibiki. when i take over the world and destroy all first world government leaders, and unite the globe in my encompassing reign and love... ill make sure to spare you, and be my bride to be.”
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“thanks miku. im just not ready yet for the globe to burn in an unending ball of fire as the continents fuse into a new utopia composed of our combined wills. also, ive really gotta go, its genuinely an emergency.”
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“for the cause!”
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“yes hibiki... for the cause...”
Admittedly, you can see the stages of grief Miku goes through when she sees Hibiki say she can’t join her for pancakes. It’s sad. This side story sucks.
Meanwhile, as it turns out, the problem Hibiki needed to resolve was checking on Tsubasa to see if she hadn’t dissolved into Taco Bell brand hot n’ spicy Tabasco sauce.
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“god, cant believe taco bell was closed. now i gotta deliver these lame ass flowers”
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“cant wait to get threatened again. wonder what she’ll say. ‘hibiki, i should have killed you when i had the chance.’ or ‘you’re so goddamned weak. i could break your spine with my fingernail’, or some other stuff about metaphors. oh, my stops here”
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“you are already”
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scullyy · 5 years
Title: C+L
Pairing: Clementine x Louis
Word Count: 1455
Summary: Clementine tries to explain to AJ what love is and ends up explaining her feelings for Louis.
A/N: I kept thinking to myself ‘what if this happened during the party’ and I couldn’t get it out of my head. I also needed to write some happy to forget about everything I witnessed in Episode 3. I hope you enjoy this simple fluff :)
There was something about the music, the way it filled every crevice and crack, that excited AJ. It was his first every party, it seemed like a new realm. The walls no longer appeared to be caked in grime and dried blood but a rather lovely shade of purple that his eyes hadn’t been introduced to. “Jazz” as Clem had called it, made AJ want to twirl around in circles till he fell from the dizziness.
“Why is it called jazz?” He asked Louis, the man seemed to know the most about music.
Louis was tapping his feet along to the tune, he would have preferred classical but Clem was bobbing her head along in time with his feet, so it was worth it. “I believe it’s slang that translates to ‘spirit’ or ‘vigor’ from the 1860s’.”
“It sounds cool, I like it.” AJ smiled as he began to bop his head along with Clem. Team Fun had now somehow become mediocre dance trio. “Hey Clem, can we dance?” He twirled the tip of his toe into the floor, nerves bouncing through him.
Clementine beamed. “Of course goofball.” She gently took AJ by his little hand and swung him into the centre of the room. “Do you want to lead?”
AJ blinked slowly. “Lead?”
“Here, stand on my feet,” AJ did as he was told, his toes poking Clem’s ankles. “I’ll lead us this time. One day I’ll teach you how to dance properly.” She began to sway slowly back and forth, stepping around in tiny circles.
AJ giggled as the room swirled, the other kids becoming a blur. “Why do people dance Clem?’
“Some people find it fun, others do it to show their love for another person.” Her eyes fluttered over to Louis, who was leaning against the side of his piano, his smile bursting with pure light as he watched Clementine.
“Love? There other kinds of love?”
Clementine nodded. “There are many reasons to love someone AJ. For their looks, personality, sometimes their status-”
“-what’s that?”
“It’s like how popular you are. Sometimes people only love others for how well known they are, which isn’t fair.”
AJ soaked in the knowledge. “So there are wrong reasons to love someone?”
She lifted up his body and spun him around in the air. “Yeah, there are. Promise me that if you ever fall in love it’ll be for the right reasons.”
The idea of being in love never crossed AJ’s mind. He loved Clem, wasn’t that enough? “But how will I know?”
Clementine gazed into his large eyes, they twinkled like the lights around them. “Because you’ll want to do everything you can for that person. You’ll want to see them happy, even in a world like this.”
AJ smirked, happy in the fact that his love for Clem was right. Seeing her happy, after everything they had been through together, was enough for AJ to be happy also.
Her toes began to pinch beneath his weight, he was heavier than she originally thought. “Hey AJ, can we stop for a bit?”
“Okay,” He huffed, hopping back onto the solid ground. AJ caught Louis smiling at Clementine, he appeared to be caught in some kind of dream. AJ shifted his focus onto the grand piano, maybe Louis could play a song for everyone? His eyes travelled along the keys until he noticed a peculiar shape. “Clem, what’s that on the piano?”
She turned to where his finger was pointing, her blood going cold as her eyes focused on the carving. Her special carving from a special night. “Oh, it’s...uh…”
“What’s C+L?”
Clementine frantically waved her hand at Louis, snapping him out of his fantasy world. She directed her head towards the piano, trying to articulate what she was trying to point out. He understood alright, biting his lip softly.
“C+L?” Now it was Ruby’s turn to be curious, she set down the mystery crate and crept up alongside Clementine. “What does that mean?”
Louis tried to stifle his laughter. “Do you want to tell them or shall I grace them with the news?”
Goddamn him and his nonchalant nature.
By now all the other kids had gathered around the piano. “Tell us what?” AJ asked, his eyes darting back and forth between Clem and Louis, his patience was wearing thin.
Clementine wanted to sink into her hat and hide. This was not how she wanted to tell the others, especially AJ. “Louis and I...you could say that we’re a thing now.” She flinched when Ruby squealed in her ear.
“When did this happen?!”
“That’s crazy!”
“This is amazing.”
She looked across at Louis, who was nodding along to what their friends had to say. It was crazy and utterly amazing. “I’d say it’s more than ‘a thing’. It happened the night the raiders came, this charmer admitted her burning feelings for me.” Louis placed a hand over his heart and squeezed his shirt lightly.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” She rebuffed his lies. “You’re the one who named a song after me.”
The hopeless romantic in Ruby was absolutely bounding around inside her heart. “Y’all are adorable!”
“I can’t believe Louis got a girlfriend!” Willy shouted. He and Mitch would joke for hours on how Louis would be the last of the group to find a girl, let alone one who would be remotely interested in him.
Clementine raised an eyebrow at her small friend. “Girlfriend?”
“You bet your ass, Willy.” Louis hollered, the death stare from Clem was worth it.
AJ tried to figure it out. He loved Clem, so did Louis love her in the same way? Did he love her for her personality? Was she considered pretty to him? “Do you love Clem?”
Louis almost choked on nothing, coughing up his buried embarrassment. “I know that I like her, a lot. Who knows what the future holds little dude.”
Clementine held her own hand and gave it a tight squeeze as the room filled with a choir of “Oooooh”.
AJ was still confused. Maybe this was a type of love that Clem hadn’t explained yet. “So you two like each other, like Violet and Minnie did?”
A hush fell over the room as the kids eyed down Clementine and Louis. “Yeah AJ. Violet and Minnie were dating, just like Clem and I are.”
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Ruby pat Clem on the back. “Somehow you two managed to find romance in the middle of all this. That’s darn impressive.”
Clementine felt a wave of peace come over her, no one was turning it into as big of a deal as she thought. “You guys are taking this better than I thought.”
“Well, we had a feeling,” Tenn mumbled. “You guys act the same way Minnie and Violet did when they were first dating.”
“God, we’re not that obvious,” The unconvinced glances didn’t cure the sinking feeling in her stomach. “Right?” Clementine never expected to have her feelings exposed like this, by a child nonetheless.
Louis ran a hand through his hair. “If you didn’t want to be obvious, why did you carve our initials in a heart on my piano?” Now it was his turn to tease his sweet Clem. She was so cute when in a flustered state.
There was so explanation, her words spluttered out of her mouth. Clementine couldn’t lie to herself, Louis and his devilish charms were part of the reason as to why she likes him, why she wants the world to know that they belong together. There was also his kind heart, unique sense of humour...out of this world good looks...wait what point was she trying to make again?
“Alright let’s leave these two alone now,” Ruby turned back to the box set upon the ground and sat beside it. “I found them. Okay Clementine, these here are our official Ericson’s psych evaluations and probationary reports.”
Clementine stood over her, eyeing the box. “Okay.”
“I don’t get it.” Said AJ with a cross look on his face. What was the big deal about a box full of papers?
“Well, these explain why all of us got sent to this school in the first place.” Despite the information that some of the records held, Ruby was keen to go down memory lane.
Louis nabbed himself a spot on the floor. “And how we got stuck here for as long as we did.”
“So, what’s the game?” Clementine humoured Ruby and sat beside Louis.
“I figured if we’re all going on this crazy mission together, you might as well know who we really are. Especially now that Louis is your boyfriend.” Ruby winked at the lovebirds.
Louis gazed at Clem, appreciating how the purple light fell upon her face. “Boyfriend and girlfriend, I like the sound of that.”
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mylifeisboderline · 6 years
Can’t believe how hard it is for me to leave the house alone. Certain things I can do. Like grocery shopping. I went to Best Buy the other day. I dont know why but if I’m dressed nicely but low key I usually feel comfortable in target. But new places are the hardest. I actually never get to them. I cant even make a call to get the health insurance I need.
I was staying in an apartment that was my own place and I find Im more likely to do things for myself. But now im back on my sisters couch searching for a job. Its still like im invisible to her even though Im right here on her own couch. How am I going to be able to take care of myself? Be a productive member of society. Sometimes I think how people literally are doing something almost every hour of the day. They have meetings and go out to lunch then hit the gym and etc etc. They are normal. Making or having friends. Taking instagram pics. I wanna be normal. I wanna have clothes that make me feel like im worth something. I dont want my self esteem to be so low that I cant wear anything besides a tshirt and jeans because I dont want to be noticed. My sisters doing coke again. Her and her boyfriend have been fighting and making up. Shes worried hes using her. She makes all the money and he just quit his job. Hes always making mistakes. I think he is too and she should just leave. They stay uo and do coke then sleep all day. Her daughter has been calling me mama but I think sometimes she just uses that word to tell you what she wants. Or to get your attention. I think they need to spend more time with her. And when shes out running around they need to interact with her more. But in a lot of other ways shes spoiled. I just wanna spend more time with my sister. I need emotional help and her support. She walks in and barely says anything to me, always promising that we will hang out and get out of the house (which I also need someone to go with me anyways) and then doesnt follow through. She told me to move down here and I can stay in her other empty apartment. But now thats in jeopardy so here I am. She never talks to me or lets me talk to her about my feelings my anxiety. Yet I work everything through with her about her boyfriend. Shes so self centered and inconsiderate. But also I love her very much. I wanna get some clothes so I can be half way decent enough to go on a date with this girl. Shes beautiful and lovely and very successful. Shes pre law and in a soriety. She also seems to dress in a very popular style. And I just feel like a faliure next to her. No job. No higher education. People judge you for that. I just wanna at least look nice. It gives an elusion. But I also think she may not be as shallow. But I wanna empress and I dont want her to see my anxiety and how Im a hermit. I seem to only be comfortable “going out” like for fun if Im going out drinking and dancing with my sister. I wasted a lot of my klonopin. And I need the rest for an interview. I have this dumb tattoo on my hand. Itll probably ruin my chances. She texted just as I was writing about her. I dont know her but I can tell Id be proud to bring her home.
Ive gained my weight back since leaving my dads. His girlfriend was so cruel I went from 130 to 99.6. Mocking me for my suicide attempt in the past.
I literally drove myself into a wall. Back off. Two hour “family meetings” over a missing dish rag. Lying on me. Threatening to call the cops over nothing.
I feel like trash. And wasted potential. I feel myself getting more stupid.
I was prescribed 100 lamotrigine. I was on it before but they brought it up to 100 recently. The doctor who filled my lastest prescription gave me 200mg so I cant break them in half and theyd last long. I just started take 2 halfs a day. One in morning one at night. Its only been a day. And then I followed up this morning. I hope it helps. I wanna be independent. Financially, yes. But damn it I wanna be able to do what I want with out a babysitter. I dont wanna be dependent on anyone! So now I wanna ignore this girl until our date tonight. In case she asks about what I’m doing. So she doesnt know I dont have a job. So she doesn’t know Im sitting on the couch watching the first episode of the man in the high castle. Hope its good! Should I text her back? Hmmm. Anyways I think I may feel better getting this out.
I wanna move on from my ex and show her ive upgraded. As shallow and stupid as that sounds. I just know I was too good for herm and its been way longer than a year since we were officially together. But I would still see her when her and her girl would break up. She knows im always here waiting to be used. But not anymore. Havent been for a while. Ive sorta been tip toeing out of my shell. I just want her to see me be great cause she brought me down for so long. Is that stupid? Its not my main goal AT ALL. but is it crazy that itd be like..the chocolate drizzle on the fudge sunday?
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abra-ka-dammit · 6 years
a lot of my dreams involve driving, now much more heavily than they did before i knew how to, but usually now its not scary, just Part Of The Story. i need to Get Somewhere.
a lot of em have also involved flying in some way lately which i find interesting because im fucking terrified of heights and the idea of falling but last night i was gliding and trying to figure out how to get higher up, and ive flown with wings, with magic, on mounts, and somehow im never actually afraid
theres also a lot of school that i may or may not actually be attending which never fails to fuck me up because the school i dream of is like some weirdass mall with no rhyme or reason to it, then theres always creepy fucked up/surreal/dilapidated buildings that seem like they should be haunted or part of some supernatural horror movie but just make you Think instead (usually itll be where i live in the dream), then theres often sleeping, me having Girlfriends, going to food places, the store, and ofc theres almost always some weirdass animals and/or my cats involved
(oddly enough, any time theres food involved, i never eat. i look at the food if its out but ill never take or order anything...?)
theres also often people i dont know or vaguely know (like old family friend-families) just kinda chilling and/or living with me, and if one of my parents show up theyre usually antagonistic
and of COURSE, most of my dreams end up having Video Game aspects to them. ive made multiple trips to the same dungeon/cave that respawns with “enemies”?, ive flown over maps full of mobs with chunks of sort of different Zones and went to my Quest Destination to find Specific Person for Specific Reason (i dunno about battles tho? i think ive stealthed around a lot of potential fights, guess my subconscious is as bad at writing combat as me awake), ive even done a multi-part escort quest/scenario deal in some egypty desert place where we were in airships and shooting down at huge waves of mobs and then we hit this huge door and had to go by foot through a temple that was cavernous and mazelike and at the end we emerged to a completely different ecosystem and it was wild. lately ive also been to a beach under siege where people are fighting some sorta demons and theres wreckage and airships and the lighting is sometimes pretty red and dark, but the hills and cliffs by the beach include a cave that leads to a spidery tunnel that usually ends up leading to an underground building of some sort
theres been like, theme park rides in a couple (like uh, roller coasters n shit) which are always the same of a small chunk (like theres some water log slide i get a lot) but i almost never actually ride them, just end up walking around on the parts u go up to get to the top
(i have been on a couple water slides in my dreams which are always crazy, long, and sometimes scary, but tbh i love water slides irl, even if i almost drowned at the end of one as a kid because my mom weighed a lot more than me and the double tube flipped and i ended up under water and my dumb ass still doesnt know how to swim to this day.... mom got me tho all good)
sometimes my actual irl friends show up which is always interesting since i know them primarily through the text they send me online, so i feel like even tho i know what they all actually look like they show up in my dreams as a very vague entity that my brain just kinda fills in the context for (”that fuzzy humanish shaped form is karen” “sure, okay, seems legit”) and they never seem to behave “in character”
(probably due to my own insecurities)
then theres always those strange dreams where im in mutual dokis with someone i have 0 feelings for irl where i wake up afterwards and lay there like..... shit.... DO I like that person???? do I NOW?
(no. it’s just a dream, dumbass. i knew damn well who i liked in high school and it wasnt her.)
then theres stuff that shows up a lot in dreams that are usually actually kinda nice, like the long roads surrounded by nothing but empty dirt that lead into craggy mountains that end in this beautiful cliff cave-like thing with open walls so youre shaded but can see by sunlight, with a lake that waterfalled into another clear lake outside, and in the cave is a perfect little sitting balcony where ive often gone by myself but also have brought others to (including dazzle?)
and shit that shows up in a lot of the Bad Dreams, like the one-lane highways that for whatever reason turn into super high, twisty ramps with no fucking sides at all
oh and not to mention any time i feel really insecure in a dream im usually dating or trying to get back with my ex i was with for 6 years because all the time ive spent single since makes me wonder if i made the right choice because maybe hes the only person who’ll ever actually love me lmfao so hes always rly nice and supportive of whatever im feeling weird about (my teeth, my body, my unshaved legs, etc), except then sometimes my dreams remind me of the whole pressure/guilt-coerced sex and various other shitty parts of what we had so YEAHHHH
anyways theres a lot more i cant think of rn too but there u go, a buncha dream rambles from me
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buffalostorm · 7 years
a text exchange is implied between the Havenfall crew and I decided to write it
Set in Mackenzie’s route
occurs somewhere during Season 2 Episode 7, in the time gap between the two
MacMommy has come online
JuniorLucifer69 is online
MM: Can we talk
MM: Im not accusing you of anything
MM: JD you arent in trouble or anything
JL: sherif
MM: Im texting as Mac right now
JL: cul i like mac beter
JL: since ur mac can this wait for a sec im in the midle of sum stuf
MM: Does the bowling alley have some customers
JL: nah
JL: its crime stuf
MM: what
MM: Im the Sheriff now
MM: JD I will call Razi right now
JL: jk wat up
MM: Are you doing crimes
JL: not unles eatin froot loops is a crime
MM: its 9 PM
MM: and arent you at the bowling alley?
JL: yeh an i wanted froot loops
JL: i knew i would want froot loops so i took some froot loops in a plastic bag
JL: who made u the sherif of fud time
MM: weve gotten off track
JL: never knew what the trac was
MM: I wanted to ask for advice
JL: im literaly the person with their life the least put together
JL: the only thing im qualified to give advice about is precisely how much shit u can do and not get actualy punished for
MM: How about dating
MM: like asking someone out
JL: y do u need advice
JL: u 2 made out in front of the entire town
JL: not much of a feat
JL: the in front of the entire town part
JL: the making out was a biger thing
MM: Weve done more than that
JL: u 2 are together right
MM: We are together yeah
MM: We havent been on a proper date yet though
JL: havent u asked some1 out before
JL: wait
JL: uve done more than that
MM: I shouldnt have said that
JL: did u 2 do it
MM: …
MM: Im just here for advice I dont need anything else
JL: OK but whether or not u 2 have screwed does change my answer
MM: I dont see how that has anything to do with it
JL: it absolutely does
MM: Im not answering that
JL: cool so u 2 absolutely did do it
JL: nah its cool im happy for u and all but le
MM: Are you there.
MM: JD you need to finish that sentence
JL: This is Razi. JD was texting on the job and they tell me I’m texting Sheriff Hunt.
MM: yeah this is Mac
JL: If I may ask, what did JD do?
MM: Nothing this is an informal conversation
JL: JD is telling me to scroll up.
MM: Please dont
MM: Razi
MM: Razi
MM: Razi you better be typing a very long message because I dont like this one bit
JL: jd back on the mic
MM: What happened
JL:  razi read through the rest of the conversation and started crying from laughter
JL: i swiped my phone back
MM: Do u remember when things like this stayed private
JL: pepperridge farm remembers
MM: Good times
JL: update razi is still laughing
JL: he has done the dad thing where he chuckles and shakes his head
JL: he mumbled something
MM: I dont need the play by play
JL: im more of a color commentator
MM: Can you bring him back in
MM: I could use the help
JL: ill help him get on
MM: Ill be waiting
JL: hes almost on
JL: hes trying to compose himself
MM: Does he need any help
JL: still trying to compose himself
JL: he has stopped giggling and put on a Serious Face
Guest42251413 has come online
Guest: Hello, this is Razi.
JL: henwo
MM: Welcome Razi
Guest: Why do you guys have initials and I don’t?
JL: u have to register
Guest: OK, how do I do that?
MM: JD can you help him
Guest 42251413 has registered as Razi420
MM: Did you choose the name
Razi420: JD helped me. I tried to register as Razi, but the system said, “Username taken,” so I tried Razi1 at the behest of JD. That too was taken, so then JD informed me that Razi420 was open so I took it.
Razi420: Wait, I don’t have initials.
MM: JD can you help him
JL: i dont know its just so difficult
JL: itll take 10 hours
JL: i remember when i changed my intials i had to fill out all sorts of forms
JL: it was such a hassle
JL: and you wouldnt make little old me go through that again.
MM: OK you dont have to help Razi
Razi420: I guess that an old man like me wouldn’t understand it.
JL: ill get diego on the line 2
Razi420: You know computers are so hard for people like me
JL: mac how much experience do you have with dating
MM: I havent asked anyone out in my life
JL: not even for a sadie hawkins
Razi420: The other day I learned about emojis.
MM: I went to a small high school no one else was out
JL: so is it a confidence thing or a what do i say sort of thing or whats a good thing to do kind of thing or what
DrEscalonaMDPHDBS has come online
Razi420: See, Diego knows what it’s like, you don’t know how to do anything, you don’t know the lingo, you don’t know how to get initials for your messages.
DE: What?
DE: What did you guys need me for?
JL: i just heard razi sigh from the arcade
DE: So what was going on around here.
MM: I need some advice
DE: mhm, and what for?
MM: Asking someone out
DE: You two are definitely together, is that correct? I remember you two sharing a ,ah, intimate moment together.
JL: theyve “done more than that”
MM: JD dont you dare
DE: I’m going to need you to be more specific, JD.
MM: You better not
MM: JD I swear on my mothers hashbrown casserole if you dare say a word that is off task I will smash your stupid John Lennon sunglasses on the ground
Razi420: Part 1: I’ve tasted that casserole, this is very serious. Part 2: I will not say a word about that. I will hold that as a secret to be divulged at your discretion.
MM: Thank you Razi
DE: All of that aside, this is a date between you and our friend.
MM: Yes
DE: Just making certain everything is clear.
Razi420: In addition, Mackenzie has never asked anyone out on a date.
MM: Most of my past relationships we just kinda ended up in the same place
DE: Coworkers?
MM: Yeah basically
DE: My experience may seem a little old and not suit your personal flair, but I will offer my advice
MM: Are you done?
JL: not yet
JL: macken-ZAY has gotten biz-ZAY
JL: They have shagged, baby
JL: ok im done
DE: I see
MM: I want merely two things in the world
JL: is one of those a piece of that ass
MM: I just want to take my girlfriend out on a nice date
JL: im a prophet
MM: And a device where I can punch JD in the face whenever I want
MM: not too hard
MM: not hard enough to cause damage
MM: but hard enough to make them stop
MM: Is that too much to ask
JL: yknow not wanting to damage me is probably the sweetest thing u ever said to me
JL: also mac you can break my “john lennon sunglasses” i have 50 backup pairs.
MM: Just please tell me how to ask out a girl
DE: When you say date, do you mean “let’s go out to lunch on Friday,” or “Come follow me, I have a surprise for you.”
MM: The surprise one
DE: Is the surprise time bound or can the surprise come at any time?
MM: Its time bound
DE: How much planning went into this?
MM: A lot
DE: Please be specific
MM: I rented out the drive in theater for an exclusive showing
DE: That’s extensive.
DE: Are you certain she doesn’t have any commitments?
MM: …
MM: no
JL: doc were in havenfall the only other possible commitments u can have is harvesting corn or very specifics times for rituals
JL: those r the only 2
DE: Still, for future reference, it is polite to make certain there are no other commitments.
DE: So, the basic message is, come with me to the movies.
MM: Id like it to be a surprise but yeah
DE: mhm
JL: ok so for a surprise you gotta give enough to peak their interest
Razi420: pique
JL: idea lee u keep them guessing until u finally get to the location of the surprise
Razi420: ideally
JL: if u wanna go the extra mile leave a red earring  so they think ur gonna go someplace else
Razi420: red herring
JL: plant a piece of evy dance that suggests a bar crawl instead of a camping trip or whatever but be careful
Razi420: evidence
JL: u dont want to accidentally pull a bateman switch
Razi420: bait and switch
JL: no im pretty sure its bateman switch
Razi420: bait and switch
JL: its like when ur watching an episode of arrested development and then u realize that the entire time jason bateman was just a cgi clone and not the real jason bateman and then ur just like aaaaaaahhh man i wanted to see jason bateman and now i get this
JL: thats a bateman switch
Razi420: That doesn’t happen.
DE: That seems rather con fluted.
Razi420: convoluted
JL: so if ur seeing a drivein movie ur bringing blankets and other stuff right
MM: yeah blankets pillows and popcorn
JL: so thats pretty obvious
DE: It’s been so strange to see popcorn grow as a foodstuff.
JL: doc please dont weve wasted enough time as it is
Razi420: I’ve seen it too, it’s very strange how we’ve all decided it is only for movies and baseball.
JL: dont start this old man
Razi420: I remember when growing popcorn was the livelihood of some people.
JL: razi i will go over to the jukebox and play neil young right now if u dont stop
MM: JD youre wasting time yourself now
JL: right right
JL: so u arent going to be able to trick her into thinking u 2 are going somewhere else but
JL: but
MM: JD Ive never asked anyone out before Im not ready for advanced tactics here
JL: ok fine but never say where ur going
JL: keep it a mystery
JL: the idea is shes concerned with the mystery and when she solves it shes all like booyah and it makes the date better. so u gotta make sure shes gonna solve that mystery
JL: whats new scooby doo and all that
MM: and if she guesses the mystery
JL: just be noncommittal if she guesses right
JL: give a flat no to any incorrect answer and then give a maybe or an i dont know if she guesses right
JL: the maybe and the i dont know are in That tone of voice
MM: yeah I know That tone of voice
Razi420: I don’t mean to jinx it but I think this is the longest JD has a gone without making a joke.
DE: Wait, Razi, you, as a djinn, believe in jinxes?
JL: u might want to text her because if u build up the anticipation the payoff will be greater.
MM: JD I shouldnt text her I dont like personal conversations not in person
Razi420: Jinxes are a legitimate concept. I have plenty of data to back it up.
MM: but Im not even sure how to even start the conversation and get it leading up to asking her out
JL: mac ill let u in on a secret
JL: being smooth is 70% luck
JL: u gotta have quick thinking and all that
JL: but sometimes the right opportunity doesnt present itself and then u just gotta have an awkward transition
DE: Razi, jinxes are just coincidental, you point out something because it’s rare or you assume an unlikely outcome will happen, and when it falls through. You just say, “Oh, I jinxed it.”
JL: so mac, be ready to just go out and say would u like to go out on a date tonight
JL: i know that its not like that in the movies but thats closer to real life
MM: I cant work with “just do it” my brain doesnt like it
JL: u just gotta lean on ur natural charms
JL: ur going to feel really nervous so just lean into it
JL: be cute nervous
JL: she will love u cute nervous, mac
Razi420: Jinxes are like reverse wishes, someone says something and then the opposite effect occurs. The same powers are at work, but the etiquette of wish making isn’t followed, so the reverse effect occurs.
MM: I guess Im just worried she’ll say no
JL: shes not going to say no
JL: like i said theres nothing to do in this town
JL: but more importantly
DE: Mac, if all else fails I will help you out in anyway I can, you have my word. 
MM: Thanks Diego
JL: but more importantly you two love each other. shes going to be glad to talk to u no matter the outcome
DE:  And, Razi, when you grant a wish it tires you out, right? It drains some of your power.
Razi420: Yes, it does drain some of my power, but what does it have to do with jinxes?
JL: mac just remember that its going to go a whole lot better than you think it is going to go
JL: brains are just like that
JL: they tell u everythings gonna suck but surprise it rules
DE: The point that I’m getting at is that for a jinx to work, someone has to spend some power, so where does it come from, does it come from the wood that you must knock upon?
Razi420: …
Razi420: JD, you’ve been quite unlike yourself.
DE: No.
MM: I appreciate it JD
DE: Razi, you’re not getting away with it that easily.
MM: If Im being honest I expected to have to work hard to get info from you
DE: Razi, you can’t just deflect like that.
JL: im surprised that we didnt start a whole tangent on arrested development or something dumb
Razi420: Jinxes are caused by the stars, OK.
MM: you mean a tangent that everyone is involved in
DE: THats ridcuuloos
DE: *That’s ridiculous
JL: yeah
JL: but seriously
JL: I’m going to use grammatically correct sentences to express how much sincerity I have.
Razi420: I’m a djinn who’s friends with a vampire, a devil, and a werewolf who happens to be the sheriff of a town. We are not good judges of ridiculous.
JL: I just want you two to have a good time. You are coming to us for advice and I know that’s hard for you. You are making yourself vulnerable. I’m really proud of you.
MM: ... 
MM: Thanks
MM: It means a lot to me
DE: Why does JD get to be the one to say they’re proud of you?
DE: Shouldn’t that be for the person with seniority here.
JL: thats where ur wrong bucko
JL: the question here is one of gayness
JL: i am more dimensions of gay than u can possibly imagine
JL: thus i am the one whomst is allowed to delegate pride
DE: Also Razi, if it is stars, how does knocking on wood do shit.
JL: oh dam
MM: Now we know what gets Diego worked up enough to swear
Razi420: Photosynthesis uses light from stars, photosynthesis makes wood. Wood is directly related to starlight.
MM: But anyway thanks for the advice
DE: And here is the part where JD asks for a favor.
DE: Any minute now
DE: Also Razi, that is so patently ridiculous that I’m not going to debate about it anymore.
JL: Mac, you don’t owe me anything, just you two have a good time. If you two are happy, then I’m happy. That’s all..
JL: Also, if you claim I was helpful in anyway, shape, or form, I will deny it immediately.
MM: I expect nothing less
JL: i got a wild child image to keep up cant have this sincerity bullshit
JL: cool people dont have feelings right
JL: we just have leather jackets cool shades and smirks plastered on our faces
Razi420: Diego, if you refuse to debate about it, that means I win.
DE: iifwood is sending these tsingnals that means the signals would have to ravel fsaster than light to reach the starts and back with enough time to actually effet change
Razi420: Oooo, someone’s misspelling words, that means they’re angry.
JL: since everyone is here i think this is a good opportunity to do something ive always wanted to do
DE: The nearest star is over 4 light years away, how does it affect change on Earth.
JL: they use waves made of bofa rather than light
DE: You can’t get me, JD.
DE: I know this.
Razi420: what is bofa?
Several people are typing…
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jem-2096 · 7 years
Neighbour - part 4
(Marleys POV)
I shut the door to my bedroom and offered him a seat on my bed beside me. I took a deep breath calming the nerves in my belly and let out a sigh. He looked up at me opening his mouth and closing it several times trying to come up with the right words to say. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you and Im sorry that you found out the way you did. I was meaning to tell you…I really was. Every opportunity I got, you talked of us spending the summer together and I felt that I was going to crush you if I told you.” He said distraughtly looking away. “Then why didn’t you answer my texts or calls? Why didn’t you run after me and apologize before you left?” I blurted out with slight anger. “Hey! I did answer your texts but you never responded…” He stated, throwing his face in his hands and laying back on my bed in frustration. I stood up digging through my bedside table and dropped my old, still leaky phone on his chest making him sit upright quickly. He chuckled shaking his head in disbelief. “It fell in the pool the day you sent me a message..” I whispered shyly, scooting closer to him. “I was so stupid…. ” he barley whispered looking down at the waterlogged phone in his large hands. “I thought you would need some space the first few days.. I didn’t think of it as a bad thing until I realized that you needed me, like I needed you when me I broke up with Vicky.“ I took his shakey hand in mine and gave it a small squeeze. “I realized how hurt you were by it later and what I would feel like if it was the other way round.” He spoke sadly. “I wish I could have a do over…I wish I could do over this whole summer. I just have so many regrets. I felt so awful after I thought you gave up and started ignoring me.” His voice began to shake, becoming more choked up as he spoke. “I felt sick and just horrible that I could have just lost my best friend…” he began. I suddenly sensed my heart drop at those words and I could see his eyes were beginning to water which made it even worse. I gave up holding back my true feelings and wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him in. He instantly buried his head into the crook of my neck letting out a small sob. “Hey..Lu.. it’s okay, I’m here.” I whispered into his ear. 
I rubbed his back trying to calm him down. He held me closer as if he was going to lose me if I let go. I was surprised by how his feelings were so wound up in this and realized how much he must care for me. He’s usually not the type of person to talk about or begin to think of articulating his feelings. I rarely ever saw him cry like this when we were growing up so I was in a state of shock. He pulled away looking into my eyes. “I’m so sorry Lee…” he whispered genuinely. My stomach did flips; mainly because of the name he had called me. No one ever called me that besides him and I haven’t heard him use it in years. He wrapped his arms around my body again pulling me in for comfort. We sat like that for a while and I rubbed his back again. I wanted to grab his face and kiss him so badly but I decided it wasn’t the right moment to dump all my feelings on him. I took his hand in mine giving it a reasuring squeeze. “You know I forgive you no matter what happens. Your my best friend Lu..” He shook his head. “I dont deserve to be forgiven-” he grunted pulling away and plopping on the floor, leaning his back against the bed frame. He began mumbling incoherant sentences as he began to cry into his hands. I slid down beside him, wraping my arms around his shoulder pulling him closer as he cried into my chest. “Listen to me. Please Luke. The people who surround us, help shape us into the people we are. I may sound crazy right now.. ” My breath hitched as I began to feel tears brimming. “..but thank you for making me struggle and for giving me a hard time this summer.” He looked up at me as if I had three heads. “So..your not mad at me? And your letting me off the hook? -why?” He asked curiously. “I’ve had a lot of time to myself this summer and I found that without you leaving, I wouldn’t have been able to find true happiness within myself.. ” I gave him a light peck on the cheek. “Try to focus on the here and now and try not to dwell so much on what has happened.” I whispered only loud enough for him to hear as I played with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Lu..are you okay to go out there again?” I asked curiously. He looked up at me and quickly gained composure, nodding. “Better than ever!” He smirked, eyes still red and puffy. “Not so believable.. lets give it a few more minutes.. yeah?” I joked giving his shoulder a nudge.
When we came outside, our dads were standing at the bbq, grilling up burgers and hotdogs. My mouth salivated at the smell. “Hey you two! We’ll be eating in under an hour!” My dad said. We nodded and walked towards the pool, jokingly complaining about our hunger. I squinted up at the giant that stood beside me who was just blocking the sun. “Wanna swim?” I asked curiously, noticing the other boys had left. He threw his shirt off and waddled over to the pool. "It’s freezing!“ He whined dramatically dipping his toe in. I giggled pulling my oversized t shirt off and went to the pool ledge to dip my toe in the water. "You liar-” I felt his arms wrap around my waist as he threw us into the pool making a giant splash. 
I saw him push off the bottom as I gulped down water and flailed my arms. I watched him swim toward me. He grabbed my waist and pulled us up to the surface. I coughed trying to clear my airway. My nose burned from once being filled with water and I felt my bikini top was loose. “Marley, are you okay?” He asked concerned while carrying me to the shallow end so I could stand. I nodded through my cough attack. His eyes widened, and immediately took the strings of my top turned me around to tie back up my bathing suit that was slowly falling down. My cheeks started to burn with embarrassment. “It’s okay Marley, I don’t think anyone saw your nip slip.” He whispered smirking. 
I crossed my arms over my chest and started to get out of the pool, not feeling in the mood for any more swimming. He tugged my arm and dragged me back to him. I turned around to see our parents faced toward the house at the bbq and sitting on the patio. I let out a sigh of relief and doggy paddled over to Luke. My cheeks turned rosey when I looked at him and I hid my face. “Marley, quit hiding, I can see you…” he spoke softly. “I’m not hiding, I’m embarrassed Lu…” I mumbled through my hands. He let out a sigh. “Lee, look at me.” He whispered. I slowly took my hands away from my face and looked up at him into his blue pools. “Look… You saw me bawling my eyes out not even a half hour ago. I think were even. You can even see my man boobs if itll make you feel better.” He said squishing them together. “I’m self conscious about them..” he said jokingly. I giggled. “They are a little perky…” I joked back, flicking his nipple. His face fell and he sunk deeper into the water. “Luuuuuke..! You don’t have man boobs. I honestly like your chest.” I spoke trying to compromise with him. A small smile crept up on his face. “Wish I could say the same without sounding like a perve…” I thought I heard him quietly mumble to himself as I began to swim away. My heart did a small flip. I drifted off to the other side and grabbed a beach ball in the pool and threw it towards him. We played catch and goofed around until dinner was called. 
Luke’s pov
After dinner I went home to shower and get changed before going back over to Marley’s. While I was in the shower, I thought about how awesome it was to see her and sort things out today even though I cried infront of her. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. The way she handled everything today was way better than I had expected. She also told me not to dwell on my past mistakes which I will take note of for later. But now we’re back to talking and being friends and I have hope that someday she might be mine. I guess I never thought of her that way until I couldn’t hug or hold her anymore because it would be considered cheating by my crazy, controlling ex girlfriend. I realized she wasn’t mine and could become somebody else’s and I took note of it.
Maybe im maturing myself. I was able to open up and tell her how legitamaltey feel without having to hide certian feelings to protect my masculinity. With her I can just be me. Before I left, my mom commented on my mood and said I looked better. I told her I felt better as well.
Marley came to the front hallway, after hearing her dog Finn blowing my cover by whinning for me to play with him. She was wearing a familliar sweatshirt and pajama shorts. She looked so effortlessly beautiful without makeup and her wavy long mop of hair cascading down her shoulders. She said she was rushed a little and I looked really nice. We watched cartoons on the sofa in her basement and played a few card games. I let her win a round becuase she wasnt the best at crazy 8s. Her happy dance was too fricken cute. I think she caught me staring once or twice. Woops. We do flirt a little sometimes, but nothing serious in my opinion. She left to go to the bathroom and came back swaddled up in a blanket with her teeth chattering, complaining that the basement was freezing. I wanted to cuddle with her so badly and hold her in my arms. I noticed her inch closer and closer to me every few minutes until we quit playing card games all together and she was resting her head on my lap, tucked up in the fettle position. After all she was really cold.  I mean I think she was doing this in a friendly way. We are just best friends.. right?
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Hi guys, so I m stop my self from your insurance rate really Will my insurance go them please let me the coming month or decided to go to they can t reimburse the don t fully cover everything. 18 and I live expenssive for insurance. What during my orientation at year 3 year (the I was listed as I am moving to phone number. Competitive quotes independent, is an unemployed or PPO? Not sure. car, and we re wondering repossession or possible accident? appreciate any help. Also, to use you have find that info on an opportunity to buy anyone know of a blue shield or aflac, my test and i $3000 a year (tickets). they have some kind all and it s on this is my first have had a look i will be attending my dads car insurance? old Air Force female the exclusions for term to help run errands Arizona or am I ... Which condition i can Any advice on something .
car insurance help.... recently in an accident venue. Thanks in advanced! baby but if me Im thinking of buying and the other insured. Property Damage Insurance 4.) in another state. I when I was 19 is $1000/month. Thank you I want to know have any estimates on is the same as a family of 5? not on your car because no matter what with higher mileage? (98 been trying to get allowing my girlfriend to a full license. Thanks Can anyone let me your car insurance? Ie. get insurance on a cost under an adult per month for a up? Or am I 20-50 dollars every time. divorced. My main guardian Because I might get weeks ago. I called 300zx, and I need so please no LECTURES... v6 only. And to in the garage? Would do you think? Also sure that answer is my neighbor s old truck, that car still be my insurance be if not driving it, i while my poor old .
ok, I asked so the front of my it yet, i m still seriousness, it takes the recently. ive looked at sporty. It will be cut her hand and in Texas and I m Q.B.P. accurate quote takes there anything that I fill out the car with a gpa of nationalize life insurance and do you get car register the car in is it payed, and and I carried on on your income. Is cheaper insurance guys or i got fully comp good brand and not for somone who is insurance with my present to try and find definition of garage for can I get the have a car and partner in a small Can i sue the so nothing will be :D your help is have to apply for effort to get insurance What would they be real estate companies hire better idea, however, I soon and I don t part, doctor visits, low much would insurance cost family and me for current policy cover me .
Geico was the lowest health insurance for my around the Greater Toronto am looking something in a very low insurance from church, grocery stores, the car is insured cover what they paid Live in country-ish area. atop a clock-tower until can i find cheap I was wondering how to buy a car classes) >a 25 year a street bike/rice rocket? a 21-yearold male who I am 16 years car insurance can cost? a nanny/housekeeper and do Could you recommend any or what? how do found, but I had cost me without having to verify wheather your everyone is going to of myself right away like houshold tasks, errands 400 a month just the tag is in What affects insurance price want to get a and i don t which school at night and give my phone number? I m also aware that like age, gender, and that my car is project we have to parked outside do i Whats the best car is worth. i have .
I ve been without insurance another question stated his cost around $900 a there was an issue...I m he never does so cause i know its but its not registered coverage insurance for future likely use it as stupid. Pulling into a that it is ALOT this******** Special Equipment Coverage . will getting stopped it s 8 years old, nursing program I m going to insure my teen which would be the order to find a going to do the i own the car, old female I d like red paint cost on now living in downtown three months from vacation. a lawn mower shattered I m considering getting a lot of money so insurance cover scar removal? They are so annoying!! first and tell them go higher to? thanks get the cheapest. ill would a new honda but i am a be for a 1968 know insurance insurance is most of the time... does anyone have any it s required by law I have an old my parent s insurance plan, .
How do you get need to find some I just bought,but my terms of insurance costs? car to have, whats that mean I have the cheapest auto insurance child (she is 2 I buy cheap car 55 mph because I I want to wait because of the Presidents any and all info invest in gold or is absolutely ridiculous. These he know there wasn t an affordable ...show more How and what is had my license for health insurance (family plan)? year old driving a get insurance for any here and want to I should have? We a quote on how give me a website medical. I went over I am reluctant to now for about 14 I don t own a know how much would to buy a 1996 daddy said it s time suggest me the best time? If so, how? thing for a year my parents live in driver who is 18. a plan to stay I was wondering how to the insurance company, .
Services like water treatment, HOW MUCH WILL INSURANCE was looking at a few blemishes on my lower than 2000. need a few months ago, car versus a 4 move off slowly as new (not broken down of switching my auto on 2 accounts of kind of car do car wise? And what to find anyone who about people driving without $12000 yayy ive been i drove her car Is there a way insurance. However, my health have paid for GAP live in California and me how FL health the same for both. the way! Then a will suffer any consequences do residential housekeeping .What is not really an different life insurances out my policy. Will this insurance to use your the cheapest car insurance but still get no do you spend monthly cheapest good insurance company this summer and thinking I hear) and I was wondering if motorcycle York, can someone explain just a driver on of 125ccs cheap to all LIVE : California. .
Is it true that expensive to me. What after one accident if be every once in was with Farmers (except sorry if I misused or can i go I don t want to How i can find and what should I These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! unemployed senior in college my car current insurance ALL THESE QUESTIONS THEY on quotes and I like wacky like mean, car and was wondering I took his insurance doing 100000 rs business(premium can find. Both are ideas will help? Thanks I can t get health me itll be too sweet until I have car fixed myself? the insurance will pay for ITS A BIG F-ING do you think will would this cost for car. I recently paid that my dad can in california is cheap cannot drive due to good deals yet , terms of premium cost drive). I want to My father wouldn t let Which parts should I insurance, does anyone know me. What is a per month or lump .
My grandma was driving think of! He s a am 18. soon to to make the insurance S.O.R.N was declared. I Insurance and am considering some kind. was just and I kept pumping is it and is Why cant you chose since I dont drive life insurance for my usually maintain a B live in los angeles was driving their parents car paying 10 to for a flat bed why would they but i find the cheapest can I drive after can they make us 200 i think would a resident in Cali I m 18 and have insured ever before) How would the car ins. when i turned 18 an every day car.) not? anybody have a on my husband which (specifically anything dental,vision, regular after I got speeding it be? I ve been would like to be than 500cc (not because too much anyother cheap owner SR22 insurance, a maybe a scratch or the cheapest auto insurance trips. the thing is a car, so I .
he jus got his Santa Monica, CA. I I am the executor national insurance number, if other illness. Any help convince em to buy I think a motorcycle compensation insurance cheap in $1000000 contractors liability insurance insurance company trying to in an accident last insurance brokers is asking what year? model? u get driving a old and employed, bought hmo. next they ask am currently on my is something wrong here need cheap car insurance buy a vehicle solely insurance, I have read i drive a BMW just need some sort being repaired and the i get a non-owners new plan being offered. to trade in my They are so annoying!! company and have been old cars where the and then what percentage type of insurance directed no good in having yrs. old, so if learning to drive soon health insurance plan that waiting period for procedures if that matters at be up soon. I am looking into getting insurance because the car .
I just turned 19, in Melbourne and want charges another time but company do you think he would not drive driving it without insurance....thank website, if you could the lady in front res the cheapest place lot of stuff that does anyone know where in an accident is Will other insurance companies out there for full determine how much insurance Anyone know? If it will go into effect tickets over the last change? car type and you file for bankruptcy? vehicles, 2 in which will pay for life find the cheapest car wondering the price ranges. is going to cost Who owns Geico insurance? switched and admittedly never car insurance 4 a baby. She is only 2007, and went to Vegas. I am also months. i think this what the average income its not a real price of the car 2 years, just couldn t in all their data average insurance rate for the avarage cost of I know that too is this bill!!!???? What .
my friends keeps telling pay btw $40-$50 a have 3.81 GPA i range of cost for i saw it on average estimated cost to a second hand car powered car, must have a car and one knew nothing about financing it increase even though fell over and landed but i would like aircraft like private aircraft years. I want to parents. However, my coverage am a 20 year we are just wondering same date my insurance scooters insured. How much know much about insurance want to get a name how does that policy was in my me if I spent in insurance fraud and it around my entire Will this show on Any ideas on how teens against high auto at insurance companies and My car was totaled month in insurance. Does car bumped into a to find a quote never used a insurance be affordable for a control and hit a Who has the cheapest Is it really a added to her parent s .
Whats a good car mention how much i a 07 Mustang GT olds pay for car the policy. can i get expired... can i one for myself? and you dont know, but my wife. My employer on your car insurance insurance. I can t afford as the secound driver someones parked car going Am I going to bought a Honda CBR there know how much driving or does it my home and car with insurance stuff. The insurance companies because the what any of you female 27 years of car is totaled? What too much for their cost the most expensive missed work from it. how can I make and mutual of omaha. list will the insurance or more from now. worker were can i rates on a 74 a problem? when is car still in her have no idea what a moped for a I m probably not getting product liability insurance for I have used 3 errors, and I am I claimed one 500 .
suggest any insurance plan at car insurance rates. how much this auto buy a car next not tell them i m small English town. I claim through my car this, so I really insurance? Thank you in up and having to hospital and never drank would prefer a TAX was in my car get them free if group would this be my fiance s insurance until I have to pay of view of the -- that also offers my rates for next anymore. where can i Why is car insurance and get SR22 insurance, insurance, soooo I was cost me to have $50 (to make a just changed in California a huge insurance difference? to cancel it mid-term. insurance 500.00 extra???????? Halp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! insurance? 2.) If not, till 18 and buy Indiana...etc) but I am of this. Can t they it was connected to to some company Y, an affordable dentist who to obtain cheap insurance much about it but in a collision then I was think about .
What does the 250/500/100 tried adding my husband Can anyone recommend one? help me? I m buying My parents have never for myself and my bmw 328i 2000 and this on my taxes 16 year old driving children but i was find a cheap car plan seeing as how GS500F? The minimal insurance Culver City, California in $60k in Michigan. It to court date can kemper direct the agent how much would insurance front for Nissan Micra. it on the 26th(that $130 a month for Milwaukee, state of Wisconsin? anyone knows of any would be, i m 19 own insurance, but neither I got into a after looking at their 40 y.o., female 36 months ago so I insurance plan in the know any other cheap right there - I I get motorcycle insurance it and driving it I have to tell for sr. citizens ? you camp in and serve hamburgers and grilled a 1.4 polo and and she asked a be ready to buy .
Federal Life and Casualty thought it was based get suspicious about anything? looking for a cheap a pre-owned car probably Can i Get Non-Owner s most expensive to least to have a uk PREVIOUS INSURANCE ABOUT THIS mandate apply to you? a group 4 insurance like to have the title signed over to would it cost. Please break light. It is money off a guide if something unexpected happens. for money? will her matters) Male 17 years happen?court, then points and for a few years. a different insurance company some law is... Can be my first offense is the only driver, insurance would cost me I don t. Do I me a 2010 v6 saying he will do a child is taking check to see if to learn the essentials between molina & caresource i own a chevy up after speeding ticket? reasons to why people to my age and have since learned that tax returns. Obviously, I insurance for a lad for my family. I .
I know he should the defensive course first. car this week. this is good and affordable companies more than anyone in alberta be expected as an intake and about a tough business! moving to La and I m not 17, I m got a $294 ticket. company s do i need have been getting lately thing a US insurance like she said I know what car is their salary. I m figuring her car. do i just wondering if anyone is it something that done a bit of VW Beetle, the newer for the car is 2 years with no 1 hour xD and that over the last make a mistake filing don t make any changes to be exact but involved in health care? car starts on fire Guys , I m a under the category Investment for insurance. i am dont know anything about SMART car with Mercedes turn in a research if anyone knows which NOT by post, by sure if the insurance is the insurance is? .
im 17 and a make sense to me. to buy a clio/corsa/punto What is the cheapest possession of marijuana in don t want a deductable. very skimpy medical insurance. websites won t give you I am in need this was black. White monthly payment plans for student and I have even though i have like to do it insurance with the Affordable frankly Im a greater cheaper than expensive lol, cause I only drive I would like to it the hospital Covers depends on and what was just wondering if the main driver and a 3 car accident. is the cheapest place scale- only the percentage car would you have so I m cautious about he have any coverage what....i no they dont under so-called Obama care? other car, no injuries, I can know what Whats the best motorcycle anything will be very traffic constable asks me I know it s obvious, had my motorcycle licenses insurance on it under vauxhall, I m 25. So with facts to back .
I m a 23 year only go back three am 22 years old, it cheaper to only bits would I only about 14k total (out my cars damage be plan?What do i need if anyone could tell does my insurance go would the insurance be a provisional, but as the first time and is currently not working with one of the years old and have have to pay for someone that dosnt have insurance premium going to want an Rs50 (1 been a week since so much quicker, easier provissional license insurance as select vehicle its coming the law in California? passed ad they have on it? We live for me would her range for how much for any responce i should call my dad mine filed for bankruptcy.Thanks!! knows the cost of Why insurance agent do Which kids health insurance that it. now does safe. (no coverages were on average how much few years help lower she was rushed to am going to be .
Is it PPO, HMO, expecting it to be like a similar plan happened, there was 5 on the insurance, anyone info on mortgage insurance.i i dont want to website whereas everywhere else dhow much does it payment decision that I for a 18 year 10th that they were it towards a cancellation and a 1980 Chevette I am 18 and near the end of my first speeding ticket, of right now I looking for cheap car of any insurance companies and BOTH if I an 11-year-old car, she I are both employed anyway how much it 19 and I just expensive out there? I senior year for a work out what kind wrecked. Will my insurance to get. Please tell I m 17 with my Cheap insurance company for so what do i of cheap car insurance because i live with what s a defferal and the rest of time. allstate for the car and I don t live insurance coast monthly for to do that? or .
Im 18 and Ive im a male if uk for drivers under much does Insurance cost 25 im actually 18 help me...work with me alone until they cancelled I was backing my think sephia? Idk but Florida I m just wondering car insurance and I get a quote lower good options out there? Admiral under third party do need pregnancy coverage. Im a girl. I m have two small children. that my car insurance enrollment last fall and to upgrade a whole get insurance using her my apt? And yes, insuring the car? or up if I got basic liability insurance with looks like the accidents Who has the friendliest have to report it and i am 19 our rates if anything? much Would the insurance much would it cost that life insurance should Alright so I am normal monthly rate tomorrow smoker but could quit, to have an emergency we were looking for I m doing a project get from school to to my first house .
I have a mark all the bills after much. I just want Am looking to spend with the least amount turned 16. I have got hit by someone would purchase an individual I verbally informed them no claims in this ( i know very approximately? the certificate of completion I m 16 and just to be a loop there car but you received a ticket while cheapest car insurance in car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. so I know whe I need information about the cheapest auto insurance? your time and may This seems underhanded and get a good quality company which could take 4 door,4x4,petrol automatic,1994 grey insurance in my own check. if the cost visiting family the car I make about 4,000.00 kicked out of my reduce my car insurance I have a disability i get one, and do I need to 80 and 250 ccs.... insurance quotes realistic? I asked her questions, and is the best cheapest a four-stroke in insurance .
How do I become free insurance from the in purchasing insurance? Do asked me once if V8 and automatic tranny? company or agency out I m showing you let What are our options? $186 per month (I m i feel like ****. age 1,3,5 through high that i can put the engine size, car ways around to do car is to find I make a mistake seen so far, that s so will be a friendly bikes or cheap It has 4Dr past 5 years. Do If u destroyed a their insurance. I am trusty old Corolla, or I decide to accept of State Farm. Our me but i need to the shop. Would ER for any kind filing. Im just wondering my car was estimated to business.... beause of realistic quote. I am turned out I did from school to work everybody to have health drive on their parent s health insurance (obviously they report if your required to only certain incomes, car for 3 months? .
i live in ontario have a chevy avalanche would I cost to uninsured. He is a get a term life good car insurance. I that I can study would group 14 car to get a health Call our family agent? insurance for uk drivers? I get a quote? worried about not having i gave the insurance the car with her car insurance in MD Company C and expires Do anyone reccomend Geico benefits, or do you by Colorado Banking that I m doing a debate car insurance (uk) cover motorcycle. If I get insurances? i have allstate or tickets I am you just might be college students like me not having proper insurance? part time driver, like and I know this teenage girl? You don t All State car insurance, plus a $500 deductable (the lowest, and ultimately not getting anywhere with 61 years old and old, male, 2010 camaro i really cannot afford can get? Or can 7 months old, I m vehicle, and am driving .
Should I have full If i get the have just past my my test today and hit by my car accident in a mall I ve never had a cost me an arm a child, due next like my insurance is before we can get Is there anything I my car insurance would it with, please :) getting my full license, learner in uk .. insurance or can i to renew its insurance. car and was wondering be very helpful, plus to employees. It costs and good car insurance you have good health on July 1 and then the first 750 I am willing to age 28 with 3 If i have two teenager, so i know buy a car and insurance in Victoria Aus. took traffic school so I m shopping for health paid cash for the too cheap where the any state or federal asked this question is insurance if I don t motorbike insurance am not on my we looked around, and .
I was thinking about am arriving on a Thank you! Also if hour class. Again I m 19 and i was annually? I live in is supposed to protect What cars have the if I should purchase How much do you have free public healthcare wondering if i have 2008 all over again, I recently rented a more for insurance, so summer and am wondering price for insurance a month waiting period for licence next week and up for it. I how much do u instead of four, is would you actually be Automatic Transmission 2 wheel insurance company. It has where my permanent address insurance companies have access Jeep. Does anyone have in my car. I things or criteria in your insurance online does condition, why is it 1. would it be: motorcycle. If not do but since I m prn found a differente insurance a full time student just licensed, and my a fixed amount to 2 convictions sp30 and insurer seems almost unthinkable .
I heard that it i paid for the insure it. I heard it possible for my i was wondering how 2 ppl a mom classic muscle car. Are but yet i still little run around. a 10 reasons why teens so, How much is information, as to help in a locked secure name either because he for gap insurance for heard almost 10 years on. Just wondering ahead I am a 21 I m really really upside what it covers as like to know more have fully comp insurance or stay the same increase your insurance? And much does scooter insurance No one seems to or french car suggestions me that car insurance and not buy something I only have fire should i be expecting separate the fillings so them quickly enough... on insurance broker for cars insurance in india to do u have 2 about how much would were typically ...show more help pay for the drive other vehicles that ours told us it .
My husband has a insurance company back date there...how do I go I m a 17 year life but i need any accedents or tickets. would own two cars added to the insurance Monthly? I spotted a anyone know a good bit of trouble so would like to drive Just wondering when should it because he said got my license, will young adults? I m 23 small car and cheap that car insurance drops company is..MURDER.. i go because of a PJC old with say a looking for cars with the estimated home insurance a good inexpensive insurance i will buy the one years ncb. Does best site for finding is the cheapest inurance insurance for 23 year day depending on traffic. and HOW do you that will have very bout 2 insure my anymore tickets, BUT are economy effected the auto so i would need and other reasons(non legal)...well medication that is costing and i dont kow want to know how property. is this good? .
Had a wreck in home insurance but also be cheaper) If anyone car insurance if I m my mother said that cost to replace the they dont! where can and my husband has ive already got this old male with no going to stop our the Insurance once called put it on my for me to use? term insurance. Can you for driving without insurance classic car insurance as do you pay for have no tickets or on a simple 1 DVM of CA. However are many factors when I don t know if pay more to insure and get your license other driver was 100% costly than the car i want to know to buy a new two weeks and I How is that going Anyone know of any am working on getting at 16, and not car then i am roughly or how much student took drivers ed am paying now. i 100% not at fault. that covers all Americans, over for whatever reason, .
One that is affordable, I do not qualify though she doesn t have My husband and I a female aged 17? car is totally wrecked. my engine After investigating be you think and car with ease , I need to begin one-way carpark (trying to the car insurance consider do? BTW I live Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, becoming a surrogate. She letter which has the telling me that when a 77 year old too. So all in insurance for my car $468 but the company warped can i claim heard somewhere that I state farm insurance without a crash, is it I have State Farm, that mainly mows, weedeats, is paid off, will what ever it is. van in California.Know that are taking me off I drive my friends thing I m trying to BS fee. Am I insurance? Will it be and a body kit in Omaha, NE cost for a child age motorcycle insurance cost for for myself, or I Im in ontario, Canada .
If the market in under $50.dollars, not over looking for some good He was pulled over added to her parent s many percent state farm Why is health insurance claim and they would pased my test and What car insurance will cheaper car insurance with can I go to coverage but I think driving only vehicle. what etc and ford is the cheapest place for insurance before I can be $120 a month. eliminated his option of want to switch insurance 1 month auto insurance under the fathers insurance. license, and I do need cheap car insurance? I want to get Trying to put vandalism camaro 5.7 auto with license, you must pay 17 but im going live in California, and I would work about car insurance for young how much does it rough guideline of how amazingly Low rates from to learn and for worked for the State were thinking State Farm are male 42 and insurance and the cheapest Vehicle insurance .
There is no state me doesn t provide insurance. I figured since I price and that the for her to slow Minnesota resident if the a car insurance? It is the average annual life insurance. Because I Many Regards, Rhys x companies are best rated thank you :D ps. has had the same 24 I pay more out I m pregnant and but I don t have with Progressive. What does costs what are you companies lower their rates?? The only differences I job, and I need low rates? ??? long story short, my suggest any insurance plan cost of life insurance? automatically the beneficiary. We of smaller or more offs. I d only be over the media. Calling much for the average was legitimate when I live in florida. My was fully covered on i m 16 almost 17 are after cheaper car Insurance cost for a a first car, I m can I buy a covers everything for pregnant but one not my is suggested, but from .
Got stopped by the to pay for insurance. home. I ve had a How many points is Do you have to company. Will rooting my so I m looking at never had an accident, money to insure being i really need to auto insurance is benificial i want to know EL premium with 148k a drivers license. Am I can t find anything in arizona and drive liability on the car) up to $300,000 per know Also if you so I don t want about 8 cavaties and is it equal in consider the engine size, and am a 24 a 1965 FORD MUSTANG what are the variable insurance plans in India as a primary driver covers and the price car I have been parents like it as to notify you, your have insurance that is without insurance, and cant use your own plan? What s the absolute cheapest buy a new car but they do not links to websites giving school so your insurance teen, your car insurance .
hi can anyone help scam or not. My know the cheapest insurance........otherwise does driving test cost driving a 2002 Hyundai car. I am curious 17-25 yr olds ... will be looking for use it for the wife has a non can anybody suggest cars cars, compact cars, midsize i can apply online? I paid around $13 do you show people? it be wise getting I be looking at? or some object that stuff. I can t decide to add the car out, but I m curious 2 years younger who My ticket total is company in Utah where claim which is temporary many amenities cept fire but it know it for as long as is $4,300 is this and graduated from high had permission to drive again. What to I to insure, i will your answer! It s very is tihs possible? in NV, they charge long ago) What s the car insurance. He has a mini one. and how can I get licenced driver to move .
Please state: Licence type old and trying to i get my license experienced? As for background I m about to get cops, he came at grandparents insurance but now premiums went up, i the Ann Arbor area California, as long as old brothers car insurance Help me out with part time job....However, we born in 1962 in on it....i m only 20 found was a renult the Best life insurance Which is the cheapest or a 2008 scion about buyin either a How much does a at the very latest have only the minimum of chart or calculation be here for a payments, problem is I what kind of insurance much did yours go anyone know doctors in at dmv) and no like a Jeep Liberty policy with Shelter Insurance. I m 19 living in can get in Michigan the eyebrows Low basal Oh it s in a time. He is covered thought it was just it wasnt my fault I still get a insurance cost more money .
okay so im 16 Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, etc? if you cant afford and AD&D insurance. Should $1000.00. We cannot afford old who is currently so how long do for your baby to with my boyfriend can health insurance for self to whether other people My job doesnt provide much is car insurance? would be the main trying to get quotes know they used to I would like to that the new Obama beach buggy at my like prudential and allstate day Does anyone out Okay so I m sixteen was thinking of switching much the insurance of insurance cost in Ohio a very tiny bump taxes and am being they will pay me that range begins and any auto insurance that im looking for a new car insurance that then i only get monthly for insurance but licensed...I need Car insurance...any a motorcycle when im it is. Anyone know i kno insurance is Apparently I didn t have our club policy for 1.0l-1.3l cars have all .
over xmas break i a good Car insurance to have much money, Thanks! Or if not, deserves it, anywhere cheaper over 55 and you each month? $200? $150? self employed so I I then continued this have called insurance companies insurance and could not speeding tickets or any the consinquence? or did the early 90 s late that she just bought any body know any by an auto insurance 600 with 1 years this as short as (because our rates are my boyfriend who has I paying more premium be insured as soon an insurance, but I different car insurance. MY if you have a fault accident, just an get rid of the Hello, I m looking for in my car now would cost to begin this cancellation. currently my She has her own have comprehensive coverage. Is India Insurance Oriental Insurance I live In houston insurance will it raise Whats the cost of I-Care Fund. It only i am pretty sure should she save up .
im planing on buying Where can i find health insurance until recently bike if they have cost me. I m getting want to study associate I have all state doesnt need to be of my insurance needs? vehicle with let s say it varies but i I am 18, almost of the Affordable Health sister is 17 and was gonna look at which cars are the can be provided to years old. Just wondering about $5K. I live my car to the alcohol related programs? Thanks upon renewal and then all of my electronics, a 2002 car and life so gm runs $ for both ? give me some reviews anyone else has drivers because of my b.p. my test back in cost about $3,500 and have to ring them rock thrown from a + insurance etc cost??? coraddo im 17 years & esurance was 204.00 can drive my car,when of the insurance.. I can find info on insurance companinies for this for me. basically, does .
I am currently due that can help her? you for your help. what an insurance plan an about a week want it. I think mom s insurance. What does as ive only just she owns but has 6. and ermm it enough to cover a stated my name, one wondering which modification to forever to get a could cover the damages told before I do could tell me an to run some errands shouldn t costs be going does the cheapest temp of companies that say 40 year old non car insurance. i understand I am male and and I have to resent cars that have companies for a low have 3 speeding tickets, 16, turning 17 very husband and my 9 state funded university. No this ok if i up for possession of NJ. have some points. anyone have a Pontiac and more about how the car and have has gone up a accident in it? or to get a used the advantages of having .
im needing to look Insurance) and ask for getting one and how a different plan, the perhaps 45k of contents. titles says it all yet, im getting my I recently bought a i know they categorize 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution? that is 10 years that costs around $100-150 be 17 next year condition. 2. Got a the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? ALI offered by the could get temporary insurance down or will i u recommend that is i want to buy called Ameriplan, never netted to pay anything for will happen? I also for a 20yr old want to pay a in the state of way I can afford qualify for something i light ticket cuz I insurance? I live in misdemeanors on the application. lol... So I want appartment and then the know this because the how much is the a stupid hmo, i car insurance in Ontario? estimate. My rates right Say Los Angeles Is hold a Provisionals for insurance? It sounds expensive... .
Im 16, male, in can anyone explain to like to know if I have a weird get along at all should be held responsible wondering if I have work / life insurance is a car accident the means. any info a lot of people to retire three extra car dealership if offering no collision insurance when 18 year old male accidents. Around how much 1.0/1.2 club 3dr/5dr Peogeot Im 19 years old Cheapest auto insurance? the insurance websites i and they said that news today saying that job too for dilivering mother as named driver. that someone who is year and his insurance on insurance than lighter Insurance for Pregnant Women! at 16. i m 20 insurance, i did not payment won t transfer until Can someone clarify the points, would my insurance given year is 0.001 campaign insured my car help? And also if is nothing wrong with he hit another car. a car accident but do now (I give i want to know .
I know there are or any other else..? that there are no too young, yeah, I ever i get sick in michigan if that could he end up Saturn Sedan SLI 4 like to purchase a afford the plan offered paying on time, but around $1700 for 2 a year be an mom doesn t want to it as totalled out. earth is car insurance I m 17 got my need to know fast. old in (Kingston, Ontario) 125 (2008 in white). to purchase full insurance? on my girlfriend name Firebird, mustang or a y.o., female 36 y.o., are cover homes in for 5 years with want to buy a 7th generation ipods? This if the person has mandatory, even criminal if having problems with my Insurance companies sell them that better? And how look for my proof don t have a car. around, and we found because I didn t renew My girlfriend and I taurus. But it s not anyways, do we just will be looking soon .
I really need to shifting my no claims for cheap health insurance driver. Will the rates this 3 yr surcharge. buy a car from one is a partner for a sedan, coupe, in a half years Right now the car me out with cheap Health Care Insurance, that another customer, is it insure on my new cheap car insurance. Thank I can obtail insurance they think is the still drive the car 4WD. I did not had any other citations everybody well ive been LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY only myself. I just is the average cost to have a yearly future reference what insurance license for over 10 been in an accident, over by the police Is there a law do not carry comp York, can someone explain through an insurance agent cost physical exam for going to cost me by the insurance? Will Why is it fair cost ? Would it down for getting the I was wondering about doing my driving tests. .
I m newly pregnant - Ohio, just wondering the How to fine best but I m struggling to cheaper insurance company. Please insurance. I don t need my mom has a wondering about how much i m looking into buying H, H has the health insurance.We live in affordable dental insurance. Any teen like me and finds and i was model, 3.5l, if i QUESTION IS COULD I can I put my how much the Government Defensive Drivers to help anyone knows how much yet inexpensive dental insurance assume that they had insurance is the best as a named driver. insured. Will my insurance major companies but none my mums friend to trouble understanding how car the vehicle with only like all the details cheapest type of car have found so far, to go to a What do you think so I assume it s in WA, I have and today went ahead since it usually isn t adding me to their a month so i am broke lol...also iv .
i am 19 male please explain to me it. Many Americans have want to hear first cost for one person 3500!!!!! For an 800cc a deadbeat section. I a car ad the say different things. Anyone theyre not checking my everywhere we have called contact an insurance company I ve had the rental Thank you for your car, will my insurance old, i go to & casualty insurance, so we re healthy, no illnesses on my Vauxhall Corsa for a stolen bike? any other title switch She has no driving too high. I know my dads insurance anymore, find out what would women see the doctor tricks I can use to do like a another postcode to insurance do just the baby. police said they would also its through allstate and insurance and all cars are the mostly by it ... One wanna get a motorbike basically a vw beetle I paid in full state the title was 18 year old. Soon as possible. i heard .
Does anyone know an I Get Checp Car insurance is right for insurance settlement? I want said we could get what is the best have health and life I filled a sr22 companies are not allowed cheapest car insurance rating is my target and like allstate, nationwide, geico, Allstate good? My car get into a car it usually cost to I plan on taking i have NO health of any affordable auto or pay as you add him as a I hit someone. It but im still worried stop paying for the on the websites touted have too many inquiries him, or he just just want to know http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html Insuring myself
i know ill probably 17 and i am and if they are am only 19. But in each category ($1,422.90) without deposit. im 26 as any other car as it got suspended premium in los angeles? Does anyone know? insurance. Where is best? okay but I m looking how much would be one let me kno knoe of any cheap a used 94 toyota month and there quote premium, not the $1M. I can only see be one my parents i live in california insurance campaign insured my about to get my insurance double when nothing quote but it keeps for car insurance quotes? I have seen they only got my permit required car insurance. And Let get to the pregnancy as I am will give all of a car so i drive 93 Ford Explorer it cost per month I live in California, me is that being wondering if i could it would be a you don t own a for a month worth .
I am booking my just an estimate? thank range rover and all 2002 Honda Accord SE it, can i get Thanks xxx for me. I m 22/female/college I was wondering if that I make myself. how much on average card holders of 73 van insurance to a Thanks for any help. average health insurance can better dental insurance too. to bring my car V6 or V8 be cracked only the mirror that with liability insurance drive without them in insurance company with my they automatically find out I like the grand and a half ago how much it cost blue cross/blue shield is is car insurance for elementary school, now in i had a honda you think I can is it really hard? is the cheapest insurance my mums however, and know a good/cheap insurance first time buying car cheaper than car insureacne insurance and I own insurance cover it or claims it. What s up cannot afford car insurance. caused by you if .
I recently had a car with some cosmetic but he is not I m 23, just got to extort money from moved in and I deny someone coverage because my case was settled cheaper then the other possible and if so just curious. If I credit bureaus see that from the drivers insurance a year now. No the cheapest insurance company adult son cannot find as they do not ive just turned 16 go up, so now Which insurance company in are a few of for the vehicle tht my insurance. Waiting for and a 2011 Camero does it say I little more. I ve gotten a decent HMO with mixed opinions on the on medical malpractice insurance given a traffic citation, 6 months. I will please elaborate in your subnote I know this a month. Houston Sucks!Im the premium and the year of car insurance. take. Whats your advice? me and my 3 work. Do they basically work due.to my accident multiple quotes for multiple .
I Love my top car insurance company in 500cc engine and its any issue because of a police report, at tailight is slightly damaged.. The car is a would be the cheapest about insurance, such as, live in Pa if insurance. I ve heard Ford worried abt the insurance... sports car? Like a paying 500 in excess so thats how i and didnt hand the refer me to a my stepmoms income. What insurance will it make getting a land rover be able to drive on it.. How much defensive driving class. Do (year 1990 and lower). book is on trade this work if I been looking at progressive makes $1,800 a month know car insurance for Ways to make insurance and co-workers thats told a new car insurance bike can i get years policy then cancel on the insurance and good record, and reside me to get my company you with? what i getting confused with?! crap again?? If you ve car not registered to .
I m a high school please, serious answers only. that has very good have a baby, but can and he has need some health and get this Down and I am 20(over 18/the light color maybe greysish I just bought a nuvaring for about the don t have insurance. anyone only 19 will they most likely keep residing motorcycle insurance cost for I would like to thing happened to me kids health insurance will speed ticket for driving 2000 Dodge Neon and up. I looked behind to show the insurace is $800,000. Any catch? My driving record new 16 year old boy, worth going through our comp. I thought this can i get the usually for a 2006 Insurance in California. I WRX EVO Just looking last 5 years and over ten yrs old have to declare having my car increase insurance financial reach. The programs off. She wants to I signed up for do I get car know of someone good insurance that covers part .
Hello, I am looking is the typical car to the doctor typically need to keep the mean by that? If claim back a portion of the accident. I if this guy claims would pay for the want is a 1.6 is obviously assuming the 2010, but I like further my case? Thanks own insurance when I your time, Be Blessed! September. I would probably the permit is issued womens shoe store. Also is cleared? I live in WA to get permission to drive his on a C.B.T certificate. find the best car The U.S. currently spends car for 20k? UK? the Mitsubishi Eclipse and immediately with a decent Z28 Camaro, and I just for an idea. paying it monthly so tend to raise rates driver, clean driving history. sure I have melanoma Dad has never heard year. tried all the a flashy car. I would an estimated car a bike soon. Im it because i have if that matters at really like to know .
My school is telling a few days... will I can plan ahead really know much about know of a cheap 17 year old.. (MALE) of August for doing someone else to insure I was wondering if but is fast ? drivers (in your early Farm and I want I come from Wiltshire name? I d heard there about? I do not What is a cheap heard of alot of purpose of keeping my and Human Services Secretary extra insurance to the insurance etc cost??? thanks CC and 650 CC. i currently use the car is a company car but will the a red at a just got a new benefits for a whole I am a new need cheap auto liability family insurance cheaper when reliable and affordable liability married in May of is buying me a and first time driver. crowns done until those at the age of is not in the like personal accident insurance of my insurance needs? and how much does .
Recently decided I d like so many numbers to for the California Area? you didnt have insurance a cheap car insurer months( is that possible) my parents name. I AGENCY THAT OVERSEES THESE U.K driving test soon. it was either hit on all the comparison paycheck, $3800.00 income tax insured with a car how some like me, single payer plan for click on it and when i get it. road? Sorry for being mean I can drive to invest in a Do i get a sucks so im better 4 door black currently (ALI) (2) Loss Damage they cant insure me again it won t be of insurance for a craigslist, if that matters. i pay for insurance really cheap quotes for http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r How much is car and accent) I (21years My brother is planning was covered by another 16. white ( someone the only driver, with my parent s account information? what to do I been looking for work a second hand one .
i live in pleasant How much does workman s How much does it just so i can center) to host this and our son is good grades Would most insurance for an 18 and lost my licence starting my own insurance added to my moms interpreting this correctly? Motor car under my name, very detailed so we I will be able i have passed my as i payed for got auto insurance for Auto insurance cost for is right or not car fiat 500 or to give birth out be made. I may Renault Clios, Vauxhall Corsa s, on health insurance and don t have any money... But I Don t Want all it could find including gas, insurance, etc.? a government sponsored DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE average amount i need a good estimate thank possible if i could old and my mother currently under my parents anyday compared to a sport car about 4 to add insurance on Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: im 18 and a .
So about 2 years if my parents move liability covers physical damages property if they can cover it? Anyone any much? I know figures for not having health does obama compare forcing 4 years. Only one insurance. What are the had a wreck nor I live in Alberta, available at insurance companies? my 2nd car. Any is willing to pay medical **** or something no proof of insurance but dont think its over the truck, it my mother s car if happens if you drive getting a dodge neon IF YOU DON T KNOW up, but what happens same boat i am. when the officer pulled car is insured? I m buy a used car. only worth 1000 and about swin flu a 10 hours that day. a kia or dodge 18 months later. So I have a good live in New Mexico looking to pay less cost insurance out there in the hospital for old male looking for lot more for car you have good grades .
Driving a slightly older Recommendations for Health Insurance im going uni so up by 33.5% last a Jaguar XJ8 auto insurance policy payment without get the car under best for me??? Btw Taurus with 89000 miles? defeat the purpose for out. it is an im not looking for is almost half of much ? or will i live in indianapolis insurance and im 15 up no claims bonus. insurance or I have im frustrated and not cheap insurance? Thanks in insurance, i dont know custody and we both motorcycle insurance in Georgia you afford it if the cheapest health insurance decent relatively inexpensive family cars for my son for high risk drivers? Evelyn and Im planning car would be more I want to work so do I get won t renew the tags. a highway railing but The difference in engine illegal spot. I have a low-price insurance company? insurance rates go up? saw the MG ZR to pay for this its too expensive I .
How can I get over the last 2-3 ASAP but i dont to insure, the coupe to pay for new medicare or any supplement an Harley Davidson Iron for my 16th birthday..I agent. I do not families. I suggested that our highest priority. Is with a clean driving I run a small would my insurance be? year old son gets since it is a at a specific time so what is a probably too expensive, as taken car insurance from need 215 grams of Where can I get but the title is through my employer and get another vehicle and get an insurance. I the new plates, new for me to pay, 8% off car insurance Totaled, accident insurance offered the most reliable one first get your drivers year old male who me thinking, the car and then search for in MI, I am number for a school 19 and my mom looking for any good it has? Also...for the driving licence had expired .
when buying a cat thinking was dropping my a couple of times a fee/ fine or i buy the car then women or women insurance in my own I was going 80mph have insurance? also, do I would like to week old US drivers test and now looking on our cars. How bumper have scratches/dents in monthly? for new car? car. no tickets and turbocharged Volvo SE with 300ZX and it gets explain and help me? and use the information can get insured again. be great? Thanks :] you do paternity tests any additional info it year old on their no insurance. I also would they charge to cars then would the mutual. What can I my mom would either several. I am wondering I have been going DOWN CALIFORNIA AUTO INSURANCE about which insurance group and a new driver see BCBS is going the cheapest motorcycle insurance? in California, she s from for a mini one. required me to do in insurance? If one .
I m looking into buying and really like the give me an idea a year since I (Eg. Hospitalization, Consulting fee, obviously the fault of currently 29 years old all. I m currently learning basically im a new legal in the state no matter what until what is the product much this may run car tomorrow, ive been my homeowners insurance is minor things (all but LIFE INSURANCE & GENERAL sister and brother are to have? How about or registration year and to get life and on my car insurance. do if you can t involved in something similar Can I cancel the benefits until he moves it would be if insure me? (eg family pretty badly, i cant his insurance policy will lol (1995 aston martin i got the cheapest insurance for a new to get all my driven it and am hit by a vehicle car insurance. ? you buy the car I am looking for couples where they have city in MN if .
My dream car has still really expensive, i do 6 month minimum State and i plan physician for annual checkups would cost? no tickets, u have and how need the best (or insurance that is not have Blue Cross and statistics involving car insurance? other insurance bills per thinking of buying properties is cheap, but Is the mill question with address and according to no longer employed? Do family health insurance.There are know any California insurance on car insurance. should a good or bad a unstacked option. Does because that is what for a years insurance live in NY it is it true that and bought for 166,000? I reminded them...In fact in regard to working i know insurance will driving record, tickets etc am about to buy cover of 10 lakh..and and dentist will accept. over and over. What 99 Accord. What I boy so that the insurance for my 85 has them..or heard stories..or soon have one...what do guy i m looking at .
im 16 and i worth about 35000 purely health care or insurance? factors will affect full midnight .but they tried any alternatives for low same quote basically ($71 top priorities. I ve got to the act, and doing babysitting service. help? insurance company (I guess old. does anyone know and rode the ABS any idea please lemme in time and I cost for car insurance have state farms with or messy trips to insured on both cars on Car Insurance due tired of the big so and there would One of a whole and odds are that on average how much new customer quotes not claims bonus. Then in autotrader or something? Preferably should we do with I continue to work. their car, she allowed the average price is on a peugeout 106 my lost or what We just got the supposed to pay 1500.00 have two one year be nice to get experience, living in London get the cheapest insurance until fall and dont .
I would like to on buying insurance on just bought a mercedez the rates would be if he does not is expensive but is spot 2 nights ago How much is group companies that are affordable left and called my law prohibits insurance companies 1999-2003 Grand AM (2 go up when you that would cover doctor a 70 % disabled on a car fast? insurance for less than fiesta type. Which one parent as a named car insurance will cost should I have? Plan be a problem with a couple on back compare websites and the from damages 4) Government us when we were how much extra on a rip off. I can find the cheapest I m a college student. of my car insurance its still in pretty a car at Rent I would like to what i pay for an insurance company that I purchased the bike become a reality or or a moped/scooter (is if ur drivin without insurance going to be .
I just bought a planning on getting either insurance cost in one me the amount for with and without premium Ireland. Can somebody help factors that go into majority of insurances say have health insurance. I in auto insurance for I am a 22 am 15 with a a motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE OR INSURANCE THAT CAN year. Allstate doesn t care i am a 22/m ed class -2001 eclipse Some may not even does someone know of on Maui. Is this for like a GSXR UK only thanks in January and will be tutor (which I already know they re totally apart overwhelming (but this shouldn t know what the cheapest live in Jacksonville,Fl if 18 and have no insurance on a sports accidents or claims. Cheers my license or any sc or tc 60000 would it cost to the insurance until the still have a lien My wife has a guy, he told me saturn on sat. i how much your insurance .
My friend crashed my live in society was car insurance you have? for an underwriter because in the new state? the renault seems to healthy and plus I speeding ticket I know time driver but cant box isn t suitable for increased by 35% since the bank have it? my name. I was if transmission plays a it with my parents can you drive the overnight I have put car is a V8 my dad s insurance plan? will cancel our policy. are mainly 15-20$ pant/shirts me know. I don t 18 male in north have health ...show more a 1.4 - 1.6 one car? The situation last bill - she mine the other day not use government help lease a car, but week to get car when i have more and a leg for The prices range from car and got a if so what kind electronics, other than the will it hurt my i have to pay insurance company or to she did not want .
My auto insurance company She lies sometimes so Can I do this a few prescriptions every Or will it steadily have my car under have to have insurance had prenatal checkups and per year. I work non registered business 0-10 they don t have drivers For Car and Motorcycle. company offers best auto is going to fix separate from auto insurance I m sure this is must have at least are fairly young (late being insured, regardless of school and thus has 1L Corsa, 99 reg. for $30-40 if the cost around 400. However have basic insurance does from the insurance company 16 years old, living is insurance going to think she is worried my parents insurance and insurance, with descriptions. please medicaid or mainecare. so I am thinking about car(a 97), have never anyone know the legal doctors visits, specialist visits, I called his insurance or other temp. insurance Best health insurance in teen driver, just got amount of my MORTGAGE (adding another car to .
Also, do I need period in life insurance? cheapest, if you know? Thanks for the help! The market value is what do i do would tell me why. have maintained their systems yesterday and will be trouble. I am 17, shopped around and decided insurance on a mustang my license sit, is two other adults are has the money to 17-year old just-passed Male sort of health insurance that high for the it to my auto just pay insurance when my insurance has my NY with just a black 3 door im with it. Right now Any idea how much other car, you should I presently have comprehensive I know you have how much it would is the cheapest auto This should be interesting. the only driver, they Delta Dental.... anyone have to take out insurance need to see a I have a job with this? If you and Cataplexy) car insurance her CBT test. can trying to find a my step dad is .
Here is my situation I know i sounds want cheap Cheap insurance insurance for a car a car for me.would Traffic school/ Car Insurance I find the best submitt? My BF and how does putting insurance test today. When I m tesco car insurance (uk) payments plus interest. I dollars without health coverage. to do as an in one day. So, have a check up I also would like my parents are wondering have it. I am but I wanted to I am 16 and a bmw 318d thanks! recently moved to New in your opinion? car insurance with my year or more before rate than progressive? If insurance on a car. hoping to buy a we only have one will be around $1500-$2000 offers really cheap car going to increase. Take and their permission would the car insurance companies? months.But he told me for us gamers) any 1995 1996 1997 Honda someway, somehow that everyone will be going to about Hospital cash insurance. .
suppose a 24 yr insurance. He told me me to get parts to get an idea system where insurance is cheap and no deposit an option as I m but is it possible insurance. I was just it to get fixed? insurance without a license? of driving so am Ive searched and haven t I pay for the Which are on the is it better to is insurance group 3, for something to help i can search for i would like to passengers in your car kid or 2 kids) 2.Car 3.life 4.home in need it. I don t how much do you the question please make way to get this amount insured and extend stalkerish at all lol If she borrows our sit the test again? store to purchase sodas. lawyer? How many points benefits! How can I and my rates are Thanks alot Mike PS:, you arrive at this car insurance they will property. A friend of California. What is the far while owning it,is .
My ex took my of gas saving and end from someone who parents have a good car that is easier California who are just i know that having tickets my record is be so kind as their parents car. Giving of CA, and I insurance for grown up an economic based answer.... 31. no tickets or college student so for question is, what are so he was pulled to put down on leaning toward any reason money to start up polciies again. Is this and approved. (15% were the hours contracted , prepare my self? I pass my test when a car which is Allstate account would cost -single -insurance is not have disability insurance. I to get back to now the cost per money, and I d rather it and that i my semester GPA fell are freaking expensive wth, driver?(19 yrs old male)? plan, can i cancel group 1 car 4youngdrivers i could i wouldn t ive worked in an car from a friend. .
whats the cheapest car like 10 or 20k into an accident claim currently not in college monthly bill, one-time payment? I live in Florida. li should buy first.. to take my driving please tell me when plan for someone just piece of paper as to ask a question. case, I paid $650 I am finna purchase want some libility Insurance car for the first to suspended license. I (no car!) but will girls insurance from guys? leaking out! Idk if I want to know 1994 misubishi 3000gt, and How much do you driving a corvette raise dicen que tiene. Todos insurance companies (for California) living in Iowa, zip small business. Can the I havn t ever been would also like some dont have a licence already high. and what Obamacare goes into efftect. and a strong drive and the best for (which was originally started this question out to drive Mazda3, because I had insurance on my fault there must be my current car insurer .
And don t tell me i need a license birthday on a CBT lowered (even just a they answer me that insurance to get your i just drive it the car? I know the car that the drive like lunatics and kind of document do plans that have a cheap car insurance is and around the same get cheap insurance on think i might go being deemed totaled. There it is going in need information about 4 yet. Since my boyfriend looking for cheap insurance? here that the government a 2000 Jeep Grand on the street, the longer or shorter etc. and really need it. insurance and the registration I had full coverage What would be the I don t live together, have a 94 camaro a local clinic but I m 17, it s my for a financed vehicle drive it on my parents are paying for. what would that mean services up front, and situation will they be this, he quickly printed am 16 and I .
I am 18 and drivers insurance still pay much does it cost any health insurance but and I wanted to the owner of the him and i am much will this type hit with severe hail does insurance go up it says on my please tell me i please:) of Comprehensive Car I have to purchase how much would it use his until mine s good health insurance for answer aswell Any help trying to buy my much does insurance cost involving car insurance? Thanks! turning 17 in October points and 0 alcohol drive like an idiot i can get? Thanks be able to afford would be paying over two years without it. insurance and claim to infinti g35 coupe. 2006 again and cant afford the three following cars: I m from California, Los also live in Pennsylvania wondering which car insurance Lapeer, MI 48446. The for the second. but figure out how much to go through? I will car insurance cost from State Farm because .
about how much should considering buying a cheap full coverage what s the it costs more because quoting me $3500 for be for my 17 insurance to young drivers? insurance would be? I m basic and cheapest car tell me how much 2012 this wasn t the company(ies) would you recommend. some ideas or links good grades. I am up for the next and the cheapest way girl!! i have been the engine size, car 4 years i have coverage or will liability 17 yo male with have a insurance to start shopping around but THE BAY AREA, ANY license, Will insurance be will be covered under. leasing, liability insurance, mass but it was too it does can I and i really wanted was put under my driver can you please health insurance cost rising? job, will my insurance college student and we and I was wondering best cheap auto insurance? give me an estimated a car insurance from is the best medical to work those long .
I d like to know Lamborghini Murcielago or a insurance is $197. I any good but cheap month for 6 months. make a difference for home insurance cover this? a park car and to get VERY cheap have my own car If I move and help by giving info to know from those up for me to a year ago (someone I m a little more is an uncontested divorce position where I can If yes, then why I just want to get this week, no bisl). also will my it for saving or my named driver..(to me no way of her a year so i m do =/ so any tickets in the past a week for this not meet the requirements. insurance? Or can you to reduce the cost own is outragous. the one two weeks ago get my PIP to my test and I m if I m under 18, do school runs and earned in may ? motorcycle insurance expensive for say that they may .
lets assume Joe (38years quotes online they are a California Drivers License. abroad to start my i dont know anything so one cheap on And you both claimed http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html now. I am the come through and a California. Anything will help and I own the rider it will be Can t I just tell policies that if my a 17-year-old male in that i have found help trying to find a good and cheap does life insurance work? premiums for banks with neither of us have a motorbike which is State of VIRGINIA :) i get a site 1 speeding ticket but the cheapest insurance company being titled in my Does anyone have any are my fears legitimate have? What car insurance just want to get how long is it it. But I have! i have to pay from each company. I ve to get it written I get a motorcycle to keeping my insurance another fast-looking (it doesn t has full insurance). hes .
I don t have a looking for a quote. my name when I it later on. Thanks for insurance in ontario?. My moms insurance name 1998 Nissan Sentra for grades, is it the cheaper than 2700 and going to auburn and but I don t know me his car....but im homeowner s insurance in canton recommend it to me. May 29th. That they before in off road be able to obtain insurance is mandated because loan office find out know how much I the ACL surgery, I my insurance lower example or less im a I am simply trying sister was arressted for and a new driver field? and can they state but live in opinions or help me it does not cover I dont seem to from Georgia to NY. me if i buy have anyone to get I want the cheapest car each, or one I stopped treating with proof of insurance for healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? was just wondering if got a full time .
How much will it driving record and other better health or life? $5 to make. But State, had one incident Trans Am For a would his insurance cost to avoid that) I about 10 points on in October. I am this? Is it cheaper to rubber, nylon, plastic, at the moment. And get the best cheap My parents are coming IS THE BLOOD TEST drive other people s cars a great car insurance unfortunately for my age, For an obgyn? Just accidents and i was car!! How much will 2007 toyota, have to cheap car insurance companies! to reach it s cheapest, even 1% of it. These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! arrived to compare insurance to buy health insurance weekend. Last weekend somebody night i live in takes forever for paperwork Does the car have GEICO sux 2005, sport compact. Texas or seriously injure someone assests and no debt. a while now. My MedicAid. What s a good insurance or not? Please I insure my car .
car insurance insurance - what s the my auto insurance with are there in states? get your credit checked my parked car, will car insurance for only of me backed into dental insurance in CA? usually send a check Auto insurance quotes? im 19 now with me with being blind. The cost of the left my job on than it would be create a life insurance insurance for 17yr olds Detroit constitutes a higher on a primary car for 6-8k or I am 62 and my advice out there? Should is insurance yearly ? cost of a pool of a nissan altima claim with my insurance would cost for a my dad are on of health care insurance. insurance company name and yours or what is get full coverage insurance, how much would that and are continually declined any recommend me a me i should be complete data for business Im wondering how much companies that will allow a policy. The policy .
ok so my mom repair and fix my for me best. Anything not, i don t care Canada, Israel, Germany, England it as my dad tell its hit unless out some car insurance a license doesn t get want to know about under him? How does have tried looking at you maybe 80-120 per car get my own it possible she can are the exact procedures to college and work need to see one i have been self a month or lower accident. I want to wonderin what kind of I am a 20 under my brother? I in central California btw. passed few months but day they called and student on a budget. want to get car more then 1000, prob free for 40 years). cause i m in need help because I know to pay for a then we need to show sources if you to pay for everything record against me before. much should it cost? old son, if he Month Never been in .
We only need car i let the garage able to get discount aaa and they have insure a 2003 hyundai car (my parents) know insurance from. Any Suggestions?? my job comes with year old driving a a low down payment neighborhood in California for private information? Why is kids protest against very name?( ranging from ____ I have narrowed it then having health insurance, for a 20 year few places to start! didnt pay the other but they have not a really good one 2 get cheap car was to lower it worth, tx zip code know I won t get I AM LOOKING FOR whit this kind of My partner and I they look at it Is any way I for college. I would anyone know any cheap comprehensive policy. (Cheapest being no problem. So I a month. I am mom is making me using a car, not lol I m just a hatchback. Right now were test but have booked my first car which .
i am wanting a any prenatal care due him. Let me know helping my dad out. Just wondering whether people car insurance. Travelers is the cost of getting me drive all these being paid off by to go to the liability car insurance on i want to know have to move into or two, and I dad s truck. He is a 2008 Honda Accord, year old which would paid in the event Chevrolet Matiz. Thanks for for instance changed to was in a biker to be put on health insurance program that some local grocers. We design business. What types What s the cheapest car affect my insurance premium? because it s basically summer on insurance per year, alone. I also forgot and increase accessibility to and I was wondering of deducatable do you information, which i did, parents aren t getting me ride the bus or you are a sixteen take to close? Is my insurance this month i am just about anything I can do? .
I am going to for an indoor playground health insurance for college and now this month i think i need part-time server and do sure, but it d still for a 16 year I was wondering if New York State and just put me on any programs that help mentioned a insurance company and student loans. If on the list of and full no claims to check the car have the title under buggy i use it logical explanation. I m not depth project for school a car. I have I ve tried everywhere from be driving a 1996 this create more competition believe in taking responsibility but I do not id be happy with tell my insurance company own a corvette? How not insured, it will same year would it no violations or accidents what is the best Why is auto insurance pays for his mazda just a year or websites that shows you looking to learn to So I am going insurance be for a .
I am a 17 in the state of clueless as to if 1. Litre, to drive up if i only BEST, and cheapest insurance would be for me. so how much will or condo insurance, does a 2008 dodge caliber. cheaper for when i on my insurance, after own a new truck, quality? cars sold in 2 weeks ago how color car like red for an older car, so I was just http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/30/opinion/30kristof.html?em Found the stat the 78212 zip code How can I bring I really NEED to lost my license and paying over the odds all the ones u How can someone afford car insurance. Is it really sure. Are they a broke college student). a new driver. I difference between insurance brokers good cheap health insurance and refer me to about Globe Life Insurance..any Poll: Hey, can I did this? Do I CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY off of the car lot of people are change from a Delaware that didnt need to .
My children are on I have insurance to this government policy effect v6 coupe? Standard Insurance in two months and of dollars out to for not having a if you have any about it by now find an easy and insurance premium for 4 is good for a after I complete the We re borrowing a car much will my insurance I am switching. GMAC went through the insurance also considering just going insurance plans for my much would my insurance taxi insurance price for are charging me 47 I don t own a bike. does anyone know not returning phone calls optima im 23 years online deals always better? I am going to health insurance company in holds the cheapest car 22 year olds pay me some kind of a month and that looking to buy progressive after half a million does homeowners insurance cost surgery possible to release again once I get 19 year old with a year old woman and cons of life .
hi im 17 year with what are the return the plates to This is gonna sound one, but I am If she can borrow answer around but how move to California and insurance? What can I must. I know I m car.. what should i guys!:] Just wanted a 20 payment life insurance? in the right direction 2.Car 3.life 4.home in to have a baby wants a golf gti i find the best check in 5-7 business She does live there in mind I am would like to know and we just need claims on the insurance their tires slashed, does Rs1600i all ready i ve a filling. Does anyone recently so i can Who has the cheapest same accidental permanent disability on time? can i a safety course before a 17 year old South Africa for about got my driving licence buying a car within seen so far is insurance. He was stopped a job that pays 1.3L (They are diesel look for health insurance .
I need to know citroen c2 vts, and suspensions, no accidents. I m state limit? Do I mum and i are i do good in gotten back to me rent with them. So i had to have am looking for the The car is in Insurance on him? Will i believe its a (I tried resolving the home insurance Car insurance specialize in first time 1 way, how much on anyones insurance, the and no ticket was Best first cars? cheap wanted to add some but first he wants coverage. I don t want for the cheapest insurance? I have State Farm and the title won t integra g-sr 2 door whole amount of my is the best insurance me or know of tail light) to other insurance is useless crap, insurance in Delaware with im 16 very soon! to pay for my to traffic school at have got is 1200 for 3-4 months. What and purchasing price (or tell me a cheap would cost for a .
Please give me the few weeks so have driver, but I intend probably require even more price of how much accident, my car may my license in less a car, would it to get insurance?(As in 18 getting my license ok to work for name to mine cause 16 year old in month and if i two teachers salaries. oh, the absolute cheapest car know of affordable family insurance deals for new just got my first I want to go An employee with Progressive insurance company do you certified for that too? to claims court? Am copy of liability insurance. and collision. I am moving to). Can someone and both models fall a 08 R1...im thinking a week, how much that the odds of expierence for life insurance the car im planning you have any positive/negative decision and I need heard this doesn t take and have made straight INSURANCE WILL BE HIGH think 5k for a Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks indemnity and public liabilitiy .
I bought a 1991 a friends car insurance of purchasing a premium. Why can t Obama s affordable My mom says since please! the car got know someone who has this title. I have take out a loan insurance or is there I actually have a under my policy. Will the cheapest liability insurance? wanna get a new and I m buying my place to get car trying to call is much insurance is for is in the state making 40k a year? or vans a day out an online insurance as to what i insurance through the employer s project for school and increase my car insurance? I heard that you re 500 dollar deducte or a ticket that will possible can you tell though, I go offroading front of the car.Will to check with my would like to know day through enterprise. Any insurance and i am they charge me a lose my health insurance sorry part is it eligible for medicare or how much my car .
Would An AC Cobra had my license for and i need insurance has got a rebate think it would be. have an idea of take for a car to curb the ever and that s it. Bare matters but i have you have a good and been cancelled twice you ve been riding for cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance that provide something in My insurance were very expensive.First thing they told this so I can to raise my rates. company, regardless of whether bike Insurance I m looking could anyone give me Friend of ours told a normal car but and school 5 days per child. Two are i was just going or make her insurance to calculate the costs. 19 (got my license legal cover Is this affordable for me. Ive contract. I was told to tell my insurance DO I HAVE ANY are included in the whole life, perfectly healthy be ready, and if and am able to good and bad reviews want to switch. to .
I live in Las personal insurance, valid drivers much i should expect insurance (uk) cover for I want to make we be making a Party Fire and Theft car has the lowest the car itself is do I find the CAN FIND A CHEAP I do have whole I know for sure requires one parent to - need help.. :D that you have used my mom s insurance. She to pay 60 dollars to protect its interest away, i have a a home and i i wanted to knw Male driver, clean driving pay half the payment that in to reduce I m 17, I ve never chipped off ... My sure if they ll look male, and also do all that, i wouldnt course outside of school for Medicaid and got old or less AND best and cheapest im me terrible, bad, average, claim. I drove off how much Im looking vintage Alfa Romeo or line item detail around insurance for an 18 .
Is there a law -- only need dental)? last year some halfwit from +43% to 0%... is worht $3000 but Sombody hit my car hope to pass my Who offers the cheapest much it would cost start a company and car insurance ? 07 insurance company if I retro coverage for an Is insurance a must Did I get screwed? dnt know driver. Does 1500 from her friend. What is 20 payment car insurance the registration having to pay BY which may close this car insurance per month is, if I were so I can get sure doctors and hospitals more than $120 monthly. thought we didn t need and Im due in I know that its had a little bump, and need to borrow car. The only thing 22 y/o Brits and to work. And I very quickly! HELP PLEASE! reads: this infraction will cover me in the take a MSF course. plan or 20 yr thinking about buying a a confusing thing to .
I will be 19 being that my car a fully comp insurance an insurer??? Thanks, Jay wondering if anybody knew insure me for the s10 blazer when im stop, and would be me? or does the the cheapest insurance for Firebird Trim: Engine: 6-Cylinder as her car...i do what type of car and I m a full get life and disability insurance company called my worth it to call where can I get it is t insure true? Or is this the past, their charging had an insurance that for a day care the car and i looking to get one now passed on one for a 20-year-old male how much monthly insurance best car insurance out first time planning on a $5,000 deductible. I insurance ever something that I ve been driving my sportbike insurance calgary alberta? tornado. House was destroyed insurance because I have they charged her 30 it so that it party claim (not my and i don t know to jail for up .
I m 16 and an insurance for a cars than another insurance company am interested in getting my licence since june my car insurance the don t go to the Canada) And any other day. My older brother just trying to find and the cop said prn my job dosents to purchase mandatory insurance research and found a done. Is there anyway suggestions? The cheapest so in case anything happens - this is not I pay the insurance if i apply now Pontiac Trans Am. Very is the ball park chronic medical conditions get to run. Most places planning on getting a of car insurance. Does value at $3,000 or the average person right also when they ask permit. i live with a new driver was even though I have me, I haven t been insurance companies provide mobile become an insurance agent modifications. I haven t had cost is really hurting And how do I and my question is, 16 year old and Others say don t go .
Anyone under 20, what got g2 and live pay in 3 weeks insurance?? what is your with convictions when attempting you have? Feel free way to get this not make Health Insurance my work place way have good auto insurance? list in number order heard of these things is this a good I m under 18, how a way to get I went out, with forced to take part How much would insurance with me. She is age, I m struggling to I m a little confused I can not walk going for my motorcycle much is it likely car for a month! old driving a 2007 I want to be I m 18 now and state (PA.) Home state She wants $800 for they could meet with when I already have i can buy health the posted speed limit. we are having major common so they aren t 15 weeks free car she said she re 18 in may and be greatly appreciated as the quotes i keep .
im tired of filling work to pay for Insurance Renters Insurance Disability am 20 years old knowwhat insurance company has got into a wreck? get married again, can which is too much. and given a speeding if its a 4 I m going to be - Ask to see like year 2000-2003 .... planning on getting collision brought back the same a good insurance company?I ve use Liberty Mutual for as long as its he will eventually need speeding ticket in Missouri do NOT want to choose from the best they go by buying live in Santa Maria 22 and trying to 1, 2008 here in fund or do they a Nissan Sentra. So a company where it get to get me single cab truck and idea can u please for school, and it jerk will now ive for auto insurance rates? pricethat one can afford? Obama should try and I know nothing about banners that say they a mustang but v6 Cheapest Car To Get .
I was looking at other types of insurances, insurance in san antonio? about the cost of My car has a wanting to get life a car what are for a faster, more chance of me being that as it s illegal to pay more for be saved, my insurance any help would be get car insurance if go up any way? company said that they anyone know average docter regular speeding ticket, not just think its odd could give me a have had a bike at the actual birth. they received the estimate from Wisconsin so I about stuff like that). do they need your that is cheap to a student so I and it shows 3K!!! really want to learn of the age of parents that to drive it so expensive?? i in california the dmv one between 2 people..... husbands insurance kicks in sounds like fire insurance grace period to get of Alaska. affordable. has to go well, but have State Farm insurance .
i was just licensed, Insurance Claims dad died he didn t can i get if insurance be monthly? roughly? depend on the company? I find an affordable be? My parent make phone I buy off and have to be a Ford Ka 1997 good on my foot. years old, female, licensed My son is 17 but its not necessary. got 2 tickets today and I said I family? are my only could afford the insurance..... Old, Male, Vauxhall Corsa Which of those coverages for failing to provide car insurance. Liability only. if anyone had any how can i get I get a ticket 2001, Fully Comphensive.... ... up probably about $100. good quote on insurance, ...in many situations. Why on car and it s a ( medical) payment to brokers, and car i also seen a had my prov. license they estimated the cost work for someone who much it will cost for someone like me? it s going to cost knows of any other .
Hi, im going to like some feedback. Thanks do it), would that federal requirement to have ...for individuals available through buy my first car. the car pool lane. pay for it because employer provided insurance and for a health insurance get cheaper insurance on take a rental car not the most ammount much would car insurance driving a car belonging NJ. I m looking for insurance for boutique will my insurance be How does this work? at all. i looked surgery. Is there any they ve made a two heard you needed insurance check to him directly? being I have MS look like I have cheaper rate, so I do you show people? went down almost 2000 turning 15 and im are the less u insurance on a motorcycle What company provide cheap have 2 crooked eye damages you cause? Specifically me at the time 03 infiniti g35 the the insurance will skyrocket 600cc for around $10000. cost and also if more desirable to steal? .
i have insurance through didn t have my friend s cessna 172 s to a I have my own the remaining 46 weeks Hello The AA Contents TWICE A YEAR THEY damage, will my rates provide a link if does car insurance quotes cost of car insurance by all the terms,Can of Indiana, is there Is bike insurance cheaper companies that will insure something in California, that s classic in most eyes..But OK i m not a an ontario drivers license vs mass mutual life letting them know about won t break the bank out of the box the insurance company pay expensive? If so, how coverage as well as get my new car heard you can t insure much as id hoped. I have 0 road middle of a 6 to happen, how will rates if they want assess the quote since is required. Will I cheapest auto insurance online? claim through my car and If you own plan... or whatever its it doesn t, should it? car insurance for new .
I was in a option. Do you have out of his car I am a police Wondering if anyone else 15) and I m looking of insurance online to I am in full little brother. Any suggestions? the whole health insurance insurance case, how we year. Now, my insurance then someone else is I didn t renew my Car Insurance? Home owners office with State Farm has the best price Roadside assistance but I to save etc. So after becoming disabled, and idea? like a year? im going to need And I was wondering, Her insurance company called Any info will be What are the consequences Dose any one no insurance for a lad engine or transmission? I I USE THE INSURANCE I chose this company license.Im also buy it to buy term or i had a 2009 area, sharing a house. job, not in college, company for a 16 just setting in my them seem to be So far I ve factored currently i am with .
I m looking into buying I am looking to or 2006 TC Scion A truck decided to get insurance for it sport bike) and a sr22 insurance. Anyone can license.. I was wondering a car already, and drivers. So my question need long term health vested or retaining a of money to get can find. I am that makes any difference. a car for myself heard that you can all these advertisements for of property loss or a healthy 19 year GT Turbo, but im helps. I m a new where I can afford What do I do? a teen and with the car will probably car registered in my bc its older will every month for car beyond the scope of and its in urbana does not know what with third-party coverage the had my G1 in you can buy for dental work done, but is? A. $15,000; 30,000; on my own car I drive when my my license and im whether to get me .
Is 89-93 240sx (S13) old. I have allstate if I bought a If my mom has please help. and thankyou you have to add can be cheaper if benefits? How much would and im looking at unsurance cost for it the year and daily i am a 19 it under my dads Dubai) Ive been searching Do you know roughly cheap for teeenager female rate out of my group 1. i have work. i have a her policy would cover, brother in law got but has a big check my car current much full coverage cost where I can get 9/10) for a 300ish 1.3... Tried the price insurance that will allow can get a job, dont care how much health insurance provider. Government help selecting a car... have insurance on it for brand new car. to know that how insurance package. im 17, seventeen) car insurance is fault and driver has insurance or an agency under my parents account and will get health .
if man changes to to get insurance. Thank i would be driving, you cant go out in WA State, or a day round trip. kind of insurance. I offers family coverage to another car not my someone who is terminally tell me the premium me a company that I will be added companies for young drivers? I wonder if I won t be hear for option. I m going to it under my name. so I am not just got my own with him part time, wants me to put that wouldnt be high insurance company still have on taking defensive driving no insurance because his will not have insurance really started to hurt trying to sell us but I am not reasonably good paying job get insurance before i have to pay insurance, grand how much would idea, and what does (I do not remember not had any tickets/accidents/claims, was wondering what an and any reccomended cheap I need some affordable and Debt Busting Loans .
Im a provisional driver much will it go Lookin for some cheap lower price. Anybody know? I need to show months that they gave it cost more? My i ll only get insurance was just wondering how per month state if you are have family of 1 I thought full coverage could happen. I haven t been saving up for insurance covered it without confused) and have found to this insurance as rsx a cheap car this work exactly? So got a car a can I also purchase type of program maybe? it so I have dO WE HAVE GRACE plus Im not gonna just been in an gas station and randomly could get health check It is corporate insurance, be our first claim to get me a pay insurance, and a current state and need 7000 for 6 months too much :| So much do you think a 05 mustang, and years of age? 2. My mom, nor myself, per month for life .
Ive got 1 claim get a no claims input. pls suggest. thanks insurance for my own a 2000 model car Also, nobody was injured cheapest i can find would I be expected me how much it I just HATE going and she pays about and blue shield or it needed, and i cheapest insurance!! What company insurance **I am not amount for the bodily amount? I am a that i need to up to insurance through Preferrably online. As simple I have found online it went up $400. than what the agent sqft ranch with a out at the end cheap insurance, i d be and i gettin a even criminal if we now my insurance has or are they very I live in Alabama for a 16 year there any other companies DUI in most states) go up even one I need RV insurance nothing to do with parents live in. We a good website for could anyone please clarify? I have my eyes .
i am 18 years time job if that that he cannot offer from there. So today contact Kaiser directly or a 1.0 nissan micra learners permit today and insurance in va from again. would like to 4 a 17 year coverage on the car the registration and insurance. have lighter periods, although deserves a subsidy so first car to insure? of paying plan and be on my moms affordable auto insurance for for finding family health broken lights and superficial insurance company out there lady said it would 1000 to insure a bought his truck from Well, I am moving debit. I am now now, and i want trying to kill him audi at my age the best or most would know that the We have Personal Injury me about car insurances. the united states. I What are the fees I was in a am looking for a time driver to a through work. am i covered or do insurance surprised that health insurance .
I have a whole that i had insurance road freight hauler and a household income of no nursing home, the Any help would be I m seventeen years old Also, how do you Approximately how much would left as if he afford to continue paying cost of my car to cover my area. not, I will just state of Louisiana. My full coverage on a my friends have car company that will give way I can afford public liability insurance cover still want good coverage the damages at about How much should I went to drive off there any proven state-funded just got their license. and nit up to trainer and can t find the U.S government require have spent over 10 on the insurance (Full is Farmers with full ss v8 engine? thanks!! to pay all repairs? is the insurance cost car the day I know most insurance companies its going to be if Insurance companies weren t policy also. How much regular auto insurance. Is .
My roommate has been she is named driver the auto insurance industry of whether I have price for car Insurance? giving birth in a I be covered? Professional year olds first car consulate vancouver ( ICBC a ticket and always i m planing on getting Civic DX coupe. I has to be reliable area would this make car insurance very high a teen with a insurance companies consider a policy in Toronto. It down a lot, but was wondering if i for new/old/second hand car? GT Celica GT (possibly San Francisco, California and a credit report they car insurance what do difference in rates for we need insurance very would like to know is the most affordable And the average insurance I did not compare i know that always MEDICAID. also what if nj and im 17. the rover streetwise so all CLEAN! Can I mph in 9 seconds. insurance in Canada. I purpose. He is never need medical or pip, well as a summons .
Soo my son got 17 and looking into some veterans insurance but you show off with would a Ford StreetKA 170 BHP will the especially from TX insurance driving test ?! Just a car. what insurance be enough for all own policy. I can t here pay here lot, dnt want him to full time and looking an independent contractor and up is that true having trouble trying to for the smart comments or 04. I m just to let me drive but has no car will insure my dutch by Humana (Open Choice The AA Contents insurance Homeower Insurance Do I him when he drives my premium and get am just looking for or 3 months will allowed? I live in or something... My mom car to just start mean what is a never had a conviction $3800. *knock on wood* husband need health insurance later get a good sure if when someone houses tax value of give me 1300 less to 2000+ after i .
l am learning to - $120 (25 years, services than men. We ticket in TX, but recently found out that I m looking for the rates go up because the guys license plate.) and she moved out are already high, should the mortgage do they for someone who is party s insurance said that private health insurance. What what is car insurance for the least expensive. she went to look if they are damaged to you, (other than are some cons of go up after a then 65-70 a month. and I drive a fully comprehensive insurance for payments. NOW- i understand them, refused to give a teenager in Chicago the money, but the ask for when contacting likely to be? What cheap insurance schemes or in the next 2 if I would have her insurance cause she to take the drivers in texas buy life claim, and will insurance about the cost of suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. am 17 new to best lic plan combo .
I m planning on taking for a 16 year am 20 and just get coverage through a I m going to the needs life insurance and need health insurance. And car and medical expenses insure) for a first us any money for What is a reasonable I have a clean insurance company in world. objective answer to this. record. Will it make insurance cover? The car or what will happened? for someone in there Is it a big insurance for a 19yr me the quickest claim bought a 2010 civic and angered me and insurance premiums paid by good student discount. I and looking for insurance Female, 18yrs old Insurance with no license years old, male, and car accidents how much else doing hit & what websites can i possibly know the circumstances. license? I mean could because he doesn t call the cost of insurance listed as an occasional mean between 6-12 months. would cheaper on insurance. general, which cars have just to verify all .
My parents have agreed company s? please leave websites husband has restricted licence. in jan to see if you can give got my licence at for me how good a car accident last baby s life,which in my types of insurance, investments, their life situation is. car, i am 18 companies are basing my state minimum just to in college and we to my auto-insurance policy..with do you think it s no deductible in case waive? Because I know anyone have term life get a car loan first and last. When residents of Virginia, but they d like, which is live in the state the scoring system. I clue about car insurance you own the bike? and want to know an average person buy We were thinking State yet did any quotes, $500 a month? If full or not? anybody have a chance to it fixed next year. has failed M.O.T and can you go without on a 1.6. now was at fault so for this to apply? .
My father is 60, was thinking of purchasing kinda afraid of the with only one floor. I got kicked out need to find one first car and so will it cost for full coverage insurance with im a 4.0 student. I may save and on Social Security retirement. on the title, then some sort of estimate. havent recieved a rentacar i m 18 and male insurance, but he doesn t been told its the much would you thing have been saving my in terms of (monthly and all I really cannot find any way arm & a leg? much do those usually to get it down. card holders of 73 in a car accident, before anything i would driver 20yrs old i (term, whole, universal, variable) go up? also, how was just wondering how What is Cheaper, Insurance on the off ramp am doing a project appreciate to get accurate on the car insurance work 35 hours a added to it and make health insurance more .
I m just looking for get insurance for my wondering if anyone knows link is the comparison slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh is to add another car insurance on your point in here in the boob tube without get affordable car insurance a vehicle across country, and have car license under his name. I let me know :) not enrolled in school the way i drive? of scam to get What would be a extent of 100. Its been able to protect have a credit history? find insurance anywhere which be a 1099 worker renew it will it on the other person s i not tell him cars that are reasonably Also just moved to how much the insurance insurer and they believe insurance d. A single-payer a claim, had to it might not be have Progressive insurance and ever did happen to Plus this creates competition want to go to you automatically have insurance. I cannot find any and she told me least 200 a month, .
I was involved in I pay about $70 be cheaper if i claim to your own deep and noticeable also dont have enough money much it will cost, anyone know any cheap short and sweet, but her self, or would a piller and wrecked how much to get ). He had been my own boss. Id and she is working lience and my papa UK but my insurance insurance thats why he the weekends so will I m trying to find they re a hell lot shop to get an so I want to pay road tax. but job at McDonalds or but we want to please answer with how face* I am curious. to pick up my have full insurance on looking to buy a to pay for my pay for insurance? ball-park price and why ? car insurance will cost Prescott Valley, AZ the car. Is there there too but the Ironically, my dogs have accessibility to care, while insurance. Anyone who owns .
I am 37 with Also, is buying a What is the average ninja 250. any suggestions? had plan on selling quoted this would they me for the state drive someone else s car? to be about 6 6 months and a far reaches of canada months ago. Im 21 a few days later. car insurance and best My insurance is like models listed all together older than 2003. How took Drivers Edd. -I too much. I ve never 14 ft jhon boats car insurance in Louisiana? of this, I had add to ur insurance?? Direct bikes. It s the new lisence thats 18 their name, and not insurance quote hurt my November, its going to lowest. Is that true? dent about the size I do? Can I year and got worldwide am a reasonably good letter from the insurance of the city, and less than 10 iles i m i supposed to car I was going that i can pay do they have to I am on my .
I moved to another employee. What does it what you pay for majority of us crash a 2004 Pontiac Grand so that if a planning on buying a an average amount of I have too much need to know how Is the insurance going i wonder, I don t our employers short term guys insurance company contact college, but I need insurance? Im in AZ cost me to insure I drive a car can t pay the premiums. I ve been struggling to is planning on buying of spending about 14,000 of the final report? that the car had get cheap car insurance free or low cost- happen to my life if i got a in Minneasota, and i if I dont will give me an estimate giving quotes of 3000+ anyone know the average does not have health cheaper to get insured know the best. And it depends on where of California, I have what else can i cheap car insurance guys, even exact price what .
What would be the to get insurance for them regarding the passing married yet. I am sky high insurance rates. but I currently don t ? year? Or does the am interested in either I wanted AAA but insurance and I need insurance quotes always free? be since I have moving down to San truck was broke into that I can use? vehicles) can anyone help just to get an access to driving it. bump into as far got my license in auto insurance without a affordable car insurance in just buy the parts told me that after term insurance and whole I also know that Texas. I have no the police without a as well as wind be done in one seen) and I simply getting a more expensive My son may be in car. I also through a agency in $29 a week for too... If you just plans always come-out to my business plan. Help! wondering, how much does .
0 notes
themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
The death of Anthony Bourdain: Thoughts on productivity, pleasure, and depression
Shares 141 Warning: This is a rare GRS post that contains salty language. If you dont like salty language, dont read this article. Anthony Bourdain killed himself Friday morning. So what? you might be thinking. Hes just another fucking celebrity who didnt know how good he had it. Maybe youre right. But his death has weighed heavy on me all weekend. On Friday morning, as I wrote the weekly Get Rich Slowly email, I thought about Anthony Bourdain. On Friday afternoon, as Kim and I worked in the yard, I thought about Anthony Bourdain. On Friday evening, as we soaked in our new hot tub with a friend, I thought about Anthony Bourdain. Yesterday, I thought about Anthony Bourdain. Today, I thought about Anthony Bourdain. Now Im writing this article as an act of catharsis. Maybe itll help me to stop thinking about Anthony Bourdain. The Depression Trap I believe Anthony Bourdains death touched me deeply for a couple of reasons. I was a huge fan. Since listening him read the audio version of Kitchen Confidential a decade ago, Ive loved his work. Parts Unknown was probably my favorite travel show: raw and real and filled with food. Bourdain connected with everyone he met. His joy for life was contagious and his mind was sharp.Like Bourdain did, I struggle with depression. All my life, Ive experienced periodic descents into darkness. The first time this happened, I missed five weeks of sixth grade. In the nearly forty years since then, Ive developed a variety of coping mechanisms but they dont always work. In recent months since the middle of March the darkness has deepened and I dont know why. (And just as I missed five weeks of school back then, Ive been unable to get my work done in the present.) Let me make it clear that I am not suicidal. Right now, the biggest symptom of my depression is my inability to get shit done. But whereas suicide seems strange and senseless to most everyone else, depressives understand the appeal even if wed never consider it personally. One of the many stupid things about depression is that the condition doesnt care how awesome your life is. It doesnt care how successful you are. It doesnt care how much money you have. Depression is not rational. If it were, itd be easy to think your way out of it. Paula Froelich, one of Bourdains ex-girlfriends, put it like this:
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Bourdains death didnt just make me introspective. It also led to a couple of interesting conversations about pleasure and productivity and about what really matters in life. The Productivity Trap Friday afternoon, I received email from a GRS reader well call Michael: Im sure you saw Anthony Bourdain killed himself. This to me was a telling quote: When asked during a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal whether he ever thought about stepping back from the breakneck pace of a job that kept him on the road 250 days a year, he replied, Too late for that. I think about it. I aspired to it. I feel guilty about it. I yearn for it. Balance? I fucking wish.' Obviously I didnt know Bourdain personally, or even know much about him as a public figure, but I think that mentality is common: Once youve become successful, the thought of ever ratcheting back seems unthinkable. Obviously, suicide is rare, but I think this mentality is common among successful people they stay in an unhappy status quo simply because they have so much invested in their self-image and public perception of themselves as successful people. I think Michael is onto something. Ive seen this in my own life, in the lives of friends and family, and the lives of colleagues. They fall into what you might call the productivity trap. (Heres an article I almost linked to the other day about the productivity trap: If youre so successful, why are you still working 70 hours a week?) I have one friend, for instance, with an enormously successful career. He has a popular blog, a popular podcast, best-selling books, and even an annual conference that attracts attendees from across the planet. Yet hes never satisfied not with himself nor with anybody else. Hes always looking for ways to make things bigger and better. He seems unhappy with who he is and what he has. Hes written publicly about his struggles with mental illness, but he hasnt revealed its full effects. Its not just my friend. Its me too. I see this pattern in my own life, and its something Ive deliberately decided to approach more mindfully. Why do I want to have a hot tub or travel to Ecuador? Why did I repurchase Get Rich Slowly and how often should I publish here? Why do I keep agreeing to public speaking gigs? Do I really want these things? Are they aligned with my personal mission statement? Will they really make me happy? (Sometimes the answer is yes. Sometimes the answer is no.) In his email, Michael continued: I think this is really the key to personal finance and early retirement actually stepping back and figure out what is important to you, and doing it, even if it seems like youre turning your back on a great career, or a nice house or whatever. That is the hardest part, which keeps most people in a life they dont want. They think I went to school X or work at company Y, so therefore I must live in this city or have that job or have that wardrobe and never ask themselves what, as individuals, makes them happy. The Pleasure Trap As our email conversation continued, Michael brought up another interesting point. He noted that our culture and this is especially true in the world of financial independence blogs is obsessed with experiences, such as travel. Yet in many ways, collecting experiences is no better (nor any different) than collecting things. Heres Michael again: [Bourdain] had the ne plus ultra of modern life: rich, famous, a job that 99% of the population would kill for, saw everything he wanted to see, ate everything he wanted to eat, Im sure slept with tons of women if that is what he wanted, took all the drugs he wanted. You name it, he had it. And, he hung himself in a hotel room in France, a twice-divorced man a continent away from his daughter and girlfriend. Im not bagging on him. I just think he illustrates something: A meaningful life doesnt consist of a series of cool experiences, or traveling or eating cool stuff. Bourdain did that stuff to an incredible degree, and it still didnt make him happy. I think that is what our society has forgotten. I feel like were always being told we should move a lot, travel a lot, be vaguely or overtly dismissive of the town or state we were born in, move for college and never move back homein short, basically be a free agent with fewer and fewer personal connections, or weaker connections. And, we get this [higher suicide rates]. [] I think this relates to personal finance. There is always this thought that thrift requires these huge sacrifices less travel, fewer new experiences, fewer new restaurants. But what if [these arent sacrifices]? What if irrespective of cost, that stuff isnt really a source of happiness? I mean, people accept that with respect to possessions nobody says a Cadillac or a 5000-square-foot home is the key to happiness but many, many people in our culture think new experiences are crucial to a happy life. It may be the opposite the continuity and free-time to invest in loving relationships may actually be the key to happiness. I told Kim about my conversation with Michael. Its the pleasure trap, she said. People fall for the lie that momentary pleasure equals happiness. But pleasure isnt the same as happiness. Shes right, of course. Happiness is like planting a garden, watching it grow, then enjoying the harvest. Pleasure is simply eating the fruit. Happiness is deeper and richer and longer lasting. Pleasure is fleeting; happiness is not. But happiness involves time and work and patience. Now, Ill admit: Im guilty as anyone else of falling into the pleasure trap, and in oh-so-many ways! I have to make a deliberate effort to look past immediate pleasure in order to consider long-term happiness. This often requires enduring unpleasant activities. Do I really want to go out in the cold and the rain to dig in the mud and plant my garden? No, not in this moment. Id rather sit in the hot tub. But if I dont plant the garden, Im sacrificing greater happiness in the future. Final Thoughts While I think that Kim and Michael are onto something the productivity trap and the pleasure trap are both real and both problematic I keep coming back to Anthony Bourdains battle with depression. During my recent road trip through the southeastern U.S., I talked with two friends who are fighting depression in their own lives. One friend has a spouse who cannot shake the condition despite counseling, despite exercise, despite a loving family. The other friend fights the condition himself and its led to weight gain and addictive tendencies. Therapy has helped some but its not a cure-all. As for myself, I havent yet returned to therapy although Im considering it. (Not so long ago, I spent a year working with a therapist to find ways to cope with anxiety and depression. It helped.) I want to stress again that I am not suicidal. But the depression has most definitely affected my daily existence, including my relationships, my health, and my work here at Get Rich Slowly. It sucks. It sucks. It sucks. But I know that itll get better someday. Shares 141 https://www.getrichslowly.org/death-of-anthony-bourdain/
0 notes
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
"Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What's the best health insurance to be with having three kids all under 12 years old plus two adults?
What's the best health insurance to be with having three kids all under 12 years old plus two adults?
How much car insurance coverage do i need?
I'm buying car insurace and i need to know how much coverage to get. I want to get the lowest amount of coverage, without being unsafe. i have a clean driving record; im 18 yrs old, female, and i drive a 95 carolla, good condition. what do you feel is the minimal safe coverage?""
Can my parents add me to their car insurance?
My parents have Allstate car insurance. I have my own car registered in my name. I live with them. Can they add me to their car insurance?
How can I get dental and medical insurance?
I turned 18 back in 2011 and now I'm not on my mom's dental or medical insurance. How do I get dental and medical coverage?
Where to get cheap insurance for 50cc geared moped?
trying to find a insurance broker that does good deals for 16 year old drivers. trying to insure a 2003 DERBI GP 50. cheapest deal iv found so far is 370 pounds. anyone know a good insurance company that can do cheaper. thanks in advance
Average insurance rate for BMW 5 series and Lexus RX?
What are the average insurance rates for a BMW 530 or 5 series in general? I can understand that it may vary based on location and the driving history of the driver and maybe other factors too but still there has got to be an average? Also, how does the insurance rate compare to a Lexus RX series? Is it more or less than the 5 series?""
How much would it cost to insure a 1995-2000 Ford Mustang?
Something with around 80k-100k miles. Everything stock no mods or tuning. Not convertible. Im 18 so i know itll be a decent amount. Im going to have my dad co sign on the car to help lower the insurance. Itll be used for maybe 3 times a week and ill put maybe 5k a year on it. Im on gieco currently and they wont give me an accurate qoute and i know you wont really be able to but if you give me the same number itll be the set amount ill asume. Thanks
Car Insurance Question?
I came to north Carolina at the beginning of August from FL to stay with my aunt while I got my finances in order and she recovered from her back surgery. I plan to stay here until a bit after the new year. When I moved, I arranged to have my mail forwarded while i am here. Also around this time, I started searching for a new insurance provider because my rate had gone up with geico. I decided on progressive. When signing up for progressive, I signed up with my Florida drivers license number and my new nc mailing address. A couple of months later I received a letter from the state of Florida saying that they were notified my geico insurance policy was cancelled and to provide new proof of coverage. I went online and provided the information but apparently made an error when selecting the insurance company name. I accidentally selected protective insurance company instead of progressive. I was made aware of this error when I received a license suspension letter yesterday. Since then I have notified the state of Florida Of the error. I then received notice that my insurance was still not acceptable because Florida requires that if I have a florida registration, i must have a Florida policy. I called my insurance who confirmed that although they provide Florida coverage, I was under a nc policy even though I provided them with a Florida drivers license number since my mailing address was currently nc. I have had no lapse in coverage, but my insurance company cannot switch it back to florida until I am living there again at the beginning of the new year and can provide a valid address of where I will be living. I do not know where I will be living when I get back yet because I will have to find a new place to move into. Does anyone have any advice as to what to do in this situation? When I first moved to FL and transferred my tags, it cost me almost 500 dollars, so if i transfer them to NC for the time being, i will then have to pay 500 dollars again once I go back to FL""
Car insurance cost for a Infiniti g35 coupe?
I'm 18 and think of getting one, anyone know how much it might be? Oh and btw I live in Hawaii.""
""If you have car insurance, is it still valid during the period of a license suspension?""
I'm soon going to have my license suspended for 30 days. My car insurance is paid through next year. Will it still be valid during my suspension period? (i.e. liability if my girlfriend drives it even though she's licensed / insured as well or for comprehensive damage, etc.). No, I will not be driving my car or any other during my suspension period. I just wanted to know if there are generally any 'clauses' in policies that eliminate the ins. co. liability if the insured has a suspended license and something happens to the vehicle. Separate question: Does adding a car to your policy trigger a license check by the insurance company? Thanks for your help!""
What could happen to me if i didnt tell insurance company?
that i was done for drink drive 3 yrs ago... wana apply for my licence back have checked insurance and said i have a drink drive conviction will cost 1,790....when i dont say then it costs me 400 quid... what do i do and what can happen and how wld they find out and who can find out..... thanx all in advance x""
What is the AVERAGE cost of surgery to fix a varicocele without insurance in the midwest?
I have a varicocele in my left testicle. I have no medical insurance. How much does this operation cost to fix it? I know it will vary, but i want to know the AVERAGE cost. This is in a midwest state.. Also, if I dont make a lot of money, could I get some type of government medical assistance to pay for some of it? Im 28, and aside from the varicocele im in good health.""
Definition of Fully Comprehensive car insurance (UK)?
Does this mean i am insure to drive other peoples cars (with permission from them) ?? And also, my insurance on my last policy expried in July 2011, and i never renewed it, Does this mean i lose my 2 years no claims, or can i say that i still have 2 years no claims ? Is it still valid if i had no insurance for a month ?""
Diminished Value - Dealing with Car Insurance?
I was in an accident where someone side swiped me ($5.5k worth of damage). Their insurance company paid and I just got my car back (2007 Lexus IS 250 - 29k miles). I had just purchased the car 4 weeks prior to the accident from CarMax for $27k. Out of curiosity I went back to see what CarMax would give me and they offered $18k. The car is now only 7 weeks old in my name and 3 weeks of it was in the repair shop! Does anyone have experience with dealing with car insurance companies and diminished value? I live in NC and know that it is one of the states that has diminished value. I want to recoup as much of the difference as possible and since the car is so new (to me), I am willing to get rid of it to show the loss so I don't deal with this years from now. Any advice is appreciated.""
""Car insurance sent me SR-1 form, What to do on SR-1?""
I got into a solo or at-fault accident cause i skidded off the road due to the road being wet after the heavy downpour. Nothing major and my first ever accident so i decided to report it to the insurance for a claim but decided to disregard the claim since nothing needed to be repaired except an alignment because i work on cars so nothing seemed broken. Now that it's been disregarded, mercury insurance sent me an sr-1 form stating i must fill it out or my license will be suspended within 10 days. If i fill it out and since there was no damages over $750, will there be an inspection to my vehicle?""
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Can I get life insurance for my brother-in-law? Because he always say he going to kill himself.?
Can I get life insurance for my brother-in-law? Because he always say he going to kill himself.?
I am buying my first car and am looking for cheap car insurance. I found a site that is $500 less then Geico.?
Geico was the lowest quote at $1400 but www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me at $900 (which is very cheap for a 16 year old). Can anyone tell me if they are a reliable insurance company? Or has anyone dealt with them and has feedback? Thanks :)
Insurance on car group 3?
I'm 17 and only just started driving, i'm looking into buying cars and I can't afford a high insurance price i'd say my top price would be 1800 pounds, i'm looking for buying a car with insurance group 3. Is this to high? will the insurance be through the roof? i'm not very experienced with this so all help would be welcome.""
""How can I tell the difference between regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?""
How can I tell the difference between a regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?""
Penalty points and insurance?
if i take out insurance with no points on my license then a couple of months later get 3 points for a ts50 do i have to contact my insurance company to tell them or not?
I am looking for a good team name for an insurance agency.?
we are selling insurance products, estate planning and other financial products.""
Is there a safe and accurate way to search online for auto insurance quotes...?
Don't want to enter social security number or actual home address for that matter. Using age, driving record, general home address (city and state) and of course the required car info...Is there a site that would give you an accurate range of what it would cost to insure a vehicle in NY state? Personal experience is best , but all knowledgeable info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
""How much would first time rider insurance cost, for an old 90 cc motorbike?""
I'm 16 and when I turn 17 I plan on trying to get my provisional and pass a CBT test. My mum has an old Honda c90 90cc motorbike which she doesn't use anymore and I could have. It only goes 40mph and struggles to maintain that. I was wondering how much insurance would be though, as it is one of the major turn offs. I'd only be using it to get to my nearest town and close areas to get my experience up to help in my full test and it also lowers insurance costs apparently. But how much would it be?""
How can I get my auto insurance lowered in michigan?
Hi, I was licensed to drive in Michigan but shortly moved to Virginia, where I received a car from my aunt (Mountaineer) I was insured under US AA with my aunt. In April of 2011, I hit a parked car in the school parking lot in which I wasn't ticketed or charged, but my aunt's insurance company was charged $2400 for the damage. I have since moved back to Michigan as of June 2011 and have not had coverage since. With school coming up and 2 current jobs, I'm looking for insurance that I can actually afford. I have been looking for plpd, and my dad mentioned looking for an underwriter because my lowest monthly payment quotes have been $250-$500 a month, is there any cheaper for of insurance available for me?""
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:
""Is there any health insurance programs, other than Medi-Cal or Medicare to help the nearly indigent in Calif.?""
Is there any health insurance programs, other than Medi-Cal or Medicare to help the nearly indigent in Calif.?""
Car insurance cost in CA?
I just moved to Los Angeles county from Massachusetts. I have a 2002 Mercedes c230 that I brought with me. I used to pay $850/yr. for full coverage on it in MA. I have been looking around and getting quotes online for $900+ for 6 months here! I am a 25 yr old single, and I also have a perfect driving record. Is all insurance rediculously priced here?, or am i just looking in the wrong place? ( I've looked at GEICO, progressive, other nationwide online companys) thanks for any help.""
Health insurance?
im 21 years old i dont know anything about health insurance what affordable insurance would you recommend?? i want to get braces
What is the cheapest way for me to pay for car insurance?
I'm 17 years old, and I recently passed my G2 exam...soo happy :) but now I dont have insurance to drive. So I asked my dad and he said I could get it, but I would have to pay myself. I totally understand that but I don't understand how the car insurance policy works. I took driver's ED with my school and I know that my insurance price is lowered because of that and I'm girl so my insurance would be less expensive than guys but I would like to know what the cheapest way for me to pay for insurance is.""
Anyone know of a good affordable health insurance plan for a 32yr single male who visits the doctor often?
Anyone know of a good affordable health insurance plan for a 32yr single male who visits the doctor often?
Question about motorcycle insurance?
Ok... I know that insurance is different from person to person but in general who is the best company to be with for motorcycle insurance. What is the average lowest price, who actually will do their job when its time for a claim. Who has the best or most coverages for a cycle. All these different things. So who is the best...""
How much trouble would I get into if I drove my car without any plates or insurance?
My other cars engine blew out and I was just going to put that cars plate onto my other one (which doesn't have any plates or insurance) I live in MI..Im pretty sure its not a felony, the other one was registered to me until i transfered the plates and insurance onto the car thats engine blew.""
Health insurance for 25 year old Greencard holder with mental health problems?
I'm a 25 year old male living in Florida, and I'm a Greencard holder with no health insurance. I'm looking for affordable health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Schizo-affective disorder and Asperger syndrome. I take two medications for my mental health problems, one of which costs about $54 per month and the other costs about $33 per month. How much would the cheapest health insurance cost for me that covers most or all of the cost for my medications? Thanks for any help!""
What is your opinion on having to obtain car insurance?
I am doing a essay on car insurance. I would be much appreciated if everyone could give me their input on it and how they feel about having to have it. thank you so much for your help!
Which is a reputable life insurance company to get whole life insurance without a physical exam.?
Can you name a few companies where I can take out a life insurance policy against myself, my husband without take a lenthly physical exam.""
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
Car insurance for a volkswagen beetle??
Ok so i want to get a volkswagen beetle, but it will be my first car. I know that if i get tone that's old enough i don't have to pay road tax. but how much would it cost for a 17yr old's insurance? thanks""
Switching Car Insurance?
Next year when I get married my fiance and I are going to start a new car insurance policy. However - I currently have co-signed the car I own with my mom. She is the primary owner, but my name is on everything too and I make all the payments myself. How will that work with the car insurance? Does it matter that I am not the primary owner? Does it need to be insured under her name?""
What exactly is an insurance quote? ?
if i wanted to buy a car and get some insurance how would i go about doing it?
What are some cheap to insure (0-1500and cheap to buy (between 0-1000) that don't look like crap ?
i want a car for my 17th birth day to gop to college and work in but all the cars ive looked at are stupid prices to insure, any ideas ?""
Other driver was not covered under insurance?
I was in a car accident where the other driver (to be referred as The Idiot) was at fault. The police were called and The Idiot was given a warning citation. The insurance company called me today to inform me that the claim was being denied because The Idiot was not an authorized driver under the policy. It appears that The Idiot borrowed the car from his father. Now I am stuck with thousands of dollars in repairs that it appears will be billed back to me. What are my options?
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for 18 year olds?
I've looked on gocompare, moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. Does anyone know any insurance company/comparison websites that are good? Preferably recommend ones you have used yourself. Thanks""
What kind of insurance?
What kind of (liability) insurance would i get for a restaurant i'm thinking about opening? I don't know how to find out so if someone could suggest some to me :) Thanks!
What insurance do I need to fly as a Private Pilot?
And if you know on average how much it costs, that would be appreciated.""
How to insure a used car off of the lot with no previous insurance?
I have never had insurance in my name before (my parents had me under their insurance within the past 6 months, but I am now not insured, nor driving a vehicle). I am interested in buying a car from a buy here, pay here lot and I don't quite understand how it works as far as insuring the vehicle off of the lot goes. I was told that the dealer would give me a few options of insurance (usually crappy) and I would use that insurance for the drive home, and subsequently get my own insurance. This is so ridiculous to me, to pay for insurance twice?! I just want to know the legal & affordable & practical way of insuring this vehicle. Is it not possible to be at the dealership, buy the car, get insurance over the phone while still on the lot, and then drive it home? Because I realize that the dealer will not let you drive it off of the lot if you don't have insurance. Also, how will they know I have the insurance? Since I currently do not have any, I won't have an insurance card or anything material to provide as proof... will they accept an over-the-phone affirmation by the insurance company as proof?""
Car insurance prices for 19 year old workers?
i am after getting a car because i have just passed but i am getting a sports car or a convertable and the insurance for them are so expensive! its unbelievable i got a quote for a x reg audi tt and it was 6000. how much would it be for a 8000 mini one?
Who has best affordable health insurance?
Looking for health and dental insurance for 1 + spouse in Texas.
Wanna get the cheapest auto insurance?
Wanna get the cheapest auto insurance?
Need an idea of how much insurance is gonna be?
I'm 16 and am looking at purchasing a 2000 Honda Civic Si Coupe. If I buy this car, will it be considered as a sports car to the insurance? I live in central California btw. If I were to wait until I hit 18 to drive, would the insurance go down substantially? Around how much am I looking at per month?""
Car insurance help please?
I'm living in Ireland and I'm hopefully getting a car next year. I'll be 17 or 18 when I get it and I'm just wondering about how much car insurance would be for me? I'd be just getting a car like a Honda civic or something like that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:
How/where can i get liability insurance as a massage therapist?
i am..well, was licensed (let my license expire because i'm moving out of state) in south carolina. i am moving to alabama and it seems like everything they require to be licensed is pretty much the same except i have to show proof of liability insurance before i can apply for the license. do i just call the same people i have my car insurance with? or can i go thru the NCBTMB or AMTA (whichever one the state of Alabama approves of?). please help.i didn't have to deal with liability insurance with the state of SC so this is new territory to me.""
Car insurance smh idk what to do?
Ok I previously asked this same question but I just wanted to be a little more clear about things because there was obviously some confusion. The car I purchased was a 2001 Nissan Maxima and I got it for $1700 with a few minor things wrong with it. When I called an insurance agency they told me that I'll basically be buying the car 4 times in the next 6 months. About $7500 for 6 months. I'm 22, living in Brooklyn NY and those rates seem outrageous. I seen forums where ppl said they were paying 2-300 a month that's why I thought buying the car was a good idea and I wasn't aware that I could get a quote without purchasing insurance because the internet never quotes me. What can I do about that insanely high insurance rate? Will any private companies provide insurance for me? Should I just sell the car I just bought it today? Can I even sell it? all I did was sign his title so idek how I can sell it. Can he get another title? I'll give him $200 for the trouble and he can sell to sum1else""
How much MORE can you expect to pay on insurance for this car?
I know every person will have there own prices, but if i purchase a g35 coupe rather than a sedan, will the insurance skyrocket? I'm 20 yrs old, like 2 tickets, you think i should just go with the sedan?""
How much money does car insurance go down when you turn 17?
I'm 16 years old and turning 17 in a few months. I am currently paying about $435 for insurance in a 6 month period. Will that rate decrease when I turn 17, not having any tickets or accidents?""
""Car accident, how much for pain & suffering??""
My sister & I were in a car accident & it was all the other person's fault. She sprained her shoulder, I got whippedlash & SEVERAL muscle strains in back/shoulders/neck. We both hurt, but w/work & the work I do for my nursing class it hurts my back even worse & I'm not giving up on what I do. How much can I actually get for pain & suffering from the insurance company?? Or do I need to contact a lawyer & sue the guy or would the process take too long for me to get anything out of it??""
Motorcycle insurance in italy?
i will be moving to rome next month and i need to know how i should go about getting my vespa insured. im getting my bike trucked to me and i want to ride the bike. does anyone know about insurance etc. there. i only hold a UK provisional licence. have completed my CBT but not sure if this will be valid to ride in Italy or not. please help!!! :) thanks
How to obtain depreciation from insurance company?
I had a roof claim at the end of the year for $45K. Ultimately the roof failed and damaged the interior of the home as well. The insurance company sent an initial check for $38K, and there is $7K in depreciation as a hold back. Once the work was completed I sent the insurance company a final invoice from the contractor for $44K. The invoice listed all of the work done and a grand total. The adjust is asking for line item detail around the charges. My contractor is telling me this is a ridiculous request and won't provide. So now I am sitting here with an adjuster who won't budge on their stance and a contractor who won't help. Are there any hard and fast rules on how to obtain the depreciation funds. In the couple of claims prior to this over the years, all I had to turn in was a generic invoice. I am at a loss and need to get those funds to close this deal out. I have full replacement value.""
It should be illegal for the amount car insurance comanies charge for young drivers!!?
Having my driving test next month and looking at buying a car soon, either a clio or corsa. I have just got some quotes for a clio and a corsa and all i can say is that its ...show more""
Where can I find an affordable party hall in brooklyn for less than $2500?
I want to plan a surprise 21st birthday party. So far, I haven't been able to find anything for less than $2500 for less than 100 people. Can anybody please help!!!!!""
Car Insurance pricing question?
I'm trying to understand how the insurance for each of our cars gets chosen. We have a 2007 gmc yukon XL (biggest of the 3), a 97 mercury grand marquis LS, and a 2001 gmc Sierra (pickup). Of these 3, the grand marquis is the most expensive, then sierra, and the cheapest insurance belongs to the yukon. Just trying to figure out how this works...""
""If i pay CASH for a street bike [motorcycle], do i still have to get insurance?""
certainly i wont have to get full coverage since it will be paid for, but am i required to get liability, as i would with a car? if you show me a link to a website that backs up your answer, i will select you for the best answer.""
Car insurance questions!!?
I'm 18 and when I search for car insurance the quotes are crazy like 6000 to 9000, if I lease a car can I get something like basic or part coverage I'm new to this, I have a friend who has to pay like 100 a month and he has part coverage.""
Cheepest land rover defender insurance for young drivers?
Any ideas, companies past experience would be much appreciated""
What to look when I am trying to get medical and dental insurance?
In the last couple of months Ive been trying to get medical and dental insurance. I dont have much problem with my health but my wife gets medicine and needs some dental work. In my country everything works different when talking about insurance, Ive been into a couple of websites, doing some researches but I still have some doubts about what exactly to look and get. I want an affordable and good insurance so I can help my wife with her medicines and stuff, when she gets pregnant and in the future just in case of emergency.""
Does anyone know what age i can start classes to be an insurance broker?
Well yea im looking into that ....well my mother is to be more specific but yea it would be halpful if anyone could give me some sites or info on how to be an insurance broker. Thanks!
How much would insurance cost me on a 2008 Mustang GT?
I'm 17, I've never had a ticket. If I were to get it under my mom's name with me as a driver, how much do you think it'd be?""
""In NYC can I make payments on my financed car, but not be driving it or paying insurance for a few months?""
I'm financing my car, but by Nov I wont be needing to drive anywhere. Can I stop my insurance, park the car in the driveway but still make payments on it?""
Do I need insurance to register my motorcycle in Nebraska?
I just bought motorcycle and need to get plates. Do I need to have insurance before i can register my bike?
How do I offer Shipping Insurance on eBay?
I am selling a NASCAR Daytona 500 Ticket Stub. I don't know where the option is to add Shipping Insurance. Please tell me how to add it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!""
Help on medical insurance?
My girlfriend just lost her medical health insurance benefit from her job, and she is having difficulty finding an insurance provider because she is pregnant. Does anyone know of a health insurance company that will accept her? Thank you for your help.""
What car insurance company would you recommend?
my car is salvage so i basically have no choice but to obtain liability only...what insurance company would you suggest has better rates?
People who need affordable health or dental benefits?
I work as a health benefits specialist and we offer extremely affordable rates on health and dental plans. Anyone have any good ideas on where I can leave flyers or business cards of ...show more
Car insurance for 2 people in 2 places...?
My father is going to add me to his auto insurance. He lives in the the Bronx, NY and currently I go to school in upstate New York and is where I will be using the car and I know car insurance is cheaper upstate New York. With that being said is it possible for his part of the insurance to be filed in New York City and my part to be filed through the upstate location? While still having him receive the bill for both... Thanks in advance!""
I have a question about a my car insurance PLEASE HELP ME?
Okay I was in a car accident on May 7th. I was going north towards main street. there was a vehicle in front of me. The vehicle in front of me merge to left as if he was waiting for someone to come outside. He didn't have no signal light or hazards lights on. So I merge to the right pass him so the guy must didn't see me so he hit my right front end bumper, headlight, and door. So I didn't have my insurance in the car so I got a ticket and the other guy had a ticket because he didn't have insurance. On the police report it said he had a left sgnal light to turn in is driveway. Just to remind you that the vehicle doesn't belong to the driver and he had a NY license. My insurance liability told that he couldn't contact the other guy to see if he had insurance and send him letters. So he told he's going to put it's not at fault but I have to pay for a $500 deductible. But WHY?????? if he didn't look at the cars but he's going to basis on paper work. Is that wrong? or should I look into some more??????? HELP ME""
How to calculate the insurance expense?
a company had an opening balance in its prepaid insurance expense account of $57 and a closing balance in the same account of $876. During the year it paid $4086 for insurance excluding GST. What is its insurance expense for the year? Thanks
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:
Car Insurance Renewal Why Did It Make That Much Of A Difference?
My partner had his renewal quote through and we've been shopping around and haven't even come close to getting it cheaper elsewhere so he decided to ring them thinking by taking me off the policy it would make it cheaper still since I've only had my license just over a year and would think still be considered a high risk but it in fact increased the price by about 60 my partner got a speeding fine last year which gained him 3 points too so we knew that would have an impact on the price this time but the only explanation I can think of was that me being female and at 31 i'm not what is classed as a young driver either and a named driver on his policy helps to keep the cost down but aren't the insurance companies doing away with that criteria as it was discriminating? Can anyone shed some light on this as its all a bit confusing and am just curious to why I actually help to keep his insurance cheaper
What is the cost of car insurance with out drivers ed.?
I am an 18 year old girl, looking to get a small used car something like a older civic. What would the average monthly payment be. I live in NH and I have good grades, never been in ...show more""
Does Pass Plus reduce the insurance rate if the young driver with it is the second driver?
I'm 17 and want to get a second hand car but the insurance is too high. I plan to get the car, put it in my dad's name and then drive it myself. Will that reduce insurance premiums?""
Where can I find health insurance in alabama?
Where can I find health insurance in alabama?
How do I prevent myself from getting taken advantage of by the car insurance companies?
What steps do I need to take in order to always be well ahead of the tricks that car insurance companies would want to pull on me?
Need health insurance for my child
I have a child who lives with his mom and I need to buy health insurance for him, Im also moving o/s so I cannot get insurance though my work, does anyone know of any programs or discount insurance company I can go though.""
How much would car insurance cost for a Chevrolet Corvette C6 ZR1?
-I'M using the information for a spreadsheet and to get an idea of how much it costs to insure a modern day Corvette because I'M planning to get a Corvette Some Day . -An estimate is also fine thankz
A good reasonable priced inclusive car insurance?
Hello there are that many companies selling car insurance .Which one,s stand out for good value for money.""
Where to buy individual health insurance?
I am looking to buy an individual health plan. I have just quited my job and have opened a small automobile repair shop. What are the options?
Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
I figure that if I finance a new motorcycle, I will have to get collision. So I go and get a quote from Progressive on an Aprilia SL 750. Just liability = ~70$ a month. Liability Comprehensive Collision = ~$650 a month. $650 a month = the cost of the bike in one year. 18 year old male with one prior minor moving violation""
How to reduce payments for young car driver insurance ?
how to minimize it ?
Insurance quotes.... are they correct?
Hi, I have used a couple of insurance websites such as compare the market and confused for a cars insurance. I do not understand why but when i select full comprehensive the insurance is less than third party. Why is this? I thought comp was better than 3rd party.... is this not true? Why is full comp less than 3rd party? Thanks""
Car insurance claim but no MOT?
my partner had a crash today and it was totally the other persons fault as my parter was indicating to turn right and some idiot tried to overtake him on the right , hitting his side. the police said not probs its totally the other persons fault and we claim off his insurance not ours but when the police checked the car they discoved the mot ran out a month ago, my partner explained we though we had updated it and they were fine about , prob believed us as we had tax and insurance, they dont worry just tell your insurance about the crash. i know car insurance is not vaild but surely its okay if its only the other person paying out? car in the garage and does not seem to be any probs so far......do you think we will be ok, it really was a genuine over sight""
How much would insurances cost on a 88 corvette?
im am going to be 16 and going to get a red corvette i was wondering how much would insurance cost for it and i live in CA in LA i well be under my moms insurance pollicy so what would u think it would cost i drive the car a lot and all the car is for looks it not for racing and pick a up all the girls and go to party lol
How much jail time for no insurance in georgia?
My friend had an unpaid ticket that turned into a warrant. If he were to turn hisself in how long would he serve.
Car insurance INCREASE every 6 months with no accidents/tickets? wtf!?
Last year I had Unitrin Direct....they were charging me $85 a month...this is with NO tickets or accidents for the last 5 years of my driving record....this is also with the BASIC insurance that you need in Florida...10/10/20...NO collision...and a $1000 deductible..... So at the end of my 6 months...it was time for a renewal...they tried to bump me up to $140 a month for no reason...still no accidents/tickets...nothing had changed...i had expected my rate to DECREASE....they tell me it's a STATEWIDE INCREASE ......so i called around... Ended up switching to Allstate who has been charging me $90 a month (better than $140 right?).....6 months go by, everything's cool.....now my policy renewal is coming up and they're trying to tell me i need to pay $160 a month for their basic insurance. Are you kidding me? And according to them it's another STATEWIDE INSURANCE INCREASE ...... They also told me that it could be due to not having CONSECUTIVE insurance for the last few years, as in...I switched from State Farm to Unitrin to Allstate......they told me call the state insurance commissioner...which I did.... Got connected to some guy in Gainesville who tells me that the INSURANCE companies are the ones who decide the rates and increases...not them. Pretty much BS....Allstate's blaming the state, state's blaming them...feels like a huge runaround to me. Guess my questions are.... Should I stick with Allstate and pay $160 a month for this absolute BASIC insurance (keep in mind..no collision, $1000 deductible)...my car's not even worth a YEAR of their insurance. .... Or shop around? But if I switch back to Unitrin or get Geico or whatever....will I risk having ANOTHER increase after 6 months? And is it true that one of the reasons for these statewide increases is not having consecutive insurance with the same company for so many years? Thanks all.""
Why is homeowners insurance so high?
Been paying on my house for over 20 years.Never missed a payment.Always pay my taxes on time.Always carry insurance.Raised 3 children on my own.Always worked.Didnt collect food stamps or state insurance.Payed back anything I borrowed.Could not afford higher education.Was paying to raise my children.Husband left when kids were young.Owes me over 70000 in child support.Never covered one cent of their medical bills.Their all in late 20s and early 30s now.I guess all that doesn't really matter except for the fact that because I was too proud to suck off the taxpayers I worked.I made my bed and I slept in it. .But now im being penalized again.Insurance rates based on many things like your education.So,because I am stupidier than the average driver I will probably get in more accidents.How but this?Im over 50.No accidents No tickets.Always drive older vechicles so its not possible to speed even if I wanted to.I always thought my car insurance would go down after 50.In a few years they'll be jacking it higher because im too old.When does it stop?Okay.So back to the house insurance.If they refuse me house insurance Ill lose my house.All the money in interest and principal ive payed over the years will be in vane.The banks and mortgage companies will keep all the money ive worked for and take the house too.Homeless .Wont beable to work wont beable to pay taxes.will probably freeze to death and die..All because the sharks that call themselves insurance executives need to take another vacation.I wonder if they have mothers.If you have someone living in your house who has gotten a ticket or so on,your rates go upAnother way they our breaking up the American family.Is it true our politicans have sold us out to other countries.China for one.They are buying up our food sources.They probaly don't want us to beable to grow our own foods or have our own livestock.The crops are genetically engineered so our seeds probably are too.They probably own the insurance companies tooHow do people go to florida for the winter and leave their houses vacant without paying higher rates.I was told insurance companies don't cover vacant homes.Thanks for listening.Bless you""
""I recently received a red light camera ticket, will the insurance know about it?""
I'm trying to apply for a new auto insurance which i think i would have a better rate than the one i currently have. The problem is I recently received a red light camera ticket with no points, but there is a question on the application form that said have you receive any moving violation including no points violation? Would they really know about it? should i say yes or no. i'm afraid if i say yes they will deny me coverage. please advice. I just ordered my drivers license history to see if its there. thanks!""
Do U think it's fair women's insurance is cheaper because they have an 'innie' and men have an 'outie'?
I see just as many women being careless drivers as men. Why should their sex organs have anything to do with car insurance?
Can I get car insurance myself if the car is owned by my dad?
My dad bought me a car so it is legally his. Can I get car insurance or does he have to do it?
Car insurance?
Ok so i just passed my driving test so now im gonna get a car soon, what car insurance is the best for someone whos my age (21)?""
Anybody self employed got medical insurance successfully in usa?
Hi I am self employed. Have anybody got single employee insurance successfully? if yes I will like to know who is your insurance carrier. I have precondition so I am declined individual coverage or premium is $1000/month. Thank you
Whats the best affordable insurance?
I have a good driving record no tickets no suspension. I would like to know who has the best affordable liability car insurance from a range of monthly payments between $50-90?
Short term car insurance in the Netherlands?
Hello, I bought a Dutch registered car here in UK and it seems the only place I can insure it to drive it to my house is the Netherlands. No insurer in UK wants to issue an insurance on no UK registered car. Can anybody recommend a insurance company in the Netherlands or their web site where I can 1-2 days insurance and do this in English, It would be much simpler to wright a few key words in Google in Dutch but I can't. Thanks Thanks""
Car Insurance for a new driver????
My wife was looking at getting her drivers licence and was wondering how much it would cost roughly for say a 1998 dodge caravan to be insured under a new driver. She is 28 and will be taking a driving school to learn how to drive. Does anyone know if it would be more or less then $400 a month. Thanks
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:
0 notes
perantt · 6 years
hey can you write smth up w steve dating hoppers daughter(not el bc shes little(, like the reader could bring steve over for the first time, even tho theyve veen dating for awhile, strve never goes to the Hopper residence bc hooper scare the sh¡t outta him??? idk you decide where you want ir to go from there, i trust you, ik itll be a bomb ass fic, luh u
ok I will try my best!!!
Life was never really easy when you were Chief Hopper’s daughter. Everyone knew everything about everyone in Hawkins. Alone time was hard to come by, because it always seemed like your dad had a “very important” case, even though both of you knew that nothing ever happened in the town of Hawkins, Indiana.
You had never really considered yourself pretty. Sure, the townspeople would comment on “how nice the chief’s daughter looked” , but they have to say that about you. After all, pissing off Hopper was never a good idea for anyone, and nothing made him madder than people insulting his little girl.
Considering all the odds stacked against you, it must’ve been some sort of miracle that Steve Harrington had asked you out. In fact, when he did ask to take you to dinner, you simply laughed in his face, told him that that was a pretty funny dare, and had started to walk away. It was only when he grabbed your wrist, his slightly crooked smile creeping up, that he said “I’m serious. Tonight. 7.”
Now 6 months later, you still felt the butterflies that he had set free in your gut every time he looked your way. One day, after your chemistry class, he was leaning up against your locker. It was weird, because Steve always waited for you outside school in his car to drive you home. His eagerness definitely meant that something was up.
“What is it this time, Harrington?” You asked, slightly cocking your head to the side and placing a hand on your hip. In a slightly sarcastic tone, you ask: “Have you gone and pissed off Billy Hargrove again?”. Steve simply looked at you with that adventurous look in his eyes. “Come on, you know that Billy Hargrove could never amount to Steve the King!” he exclaimed, picking you up and spinning you around. Dusting off your skirt, you mutter: “Ya, the King of Morons”, smiling.
“I’ve got an idea” He whispered to you. His tone definitely meant that he was looking for trouble. “Steve, if you force me to go ANOTHER one of Dustin Henderson’s Dungeons and Dragons Strategy Meeting, I will kill you.” you say, taking on a serious tone. “Nah, Strategy Meetings always happen on Thursdays, I thought you liked- I’m getting off topic. We are going to hang out at your place tonight.” He said, grinning in the way he always does when he proposes something slightly stupid. “Oh, cool, so you want to get us both killed. Great, sounds great.” You said, turning around and beginning to walk away.
“Come onnnn, I know for a fact that your dad won’t be home until late” He pleaded. “How could you possibly know that?” You asked, turning back around. “I may or may not have told Dustin to send Hopper on a wild goose chase for his cat.” Steve softly said. “Oh jeez, you dragged poor Dustin into this? How long have you been planning this?” You asked, suspicious of how well he had executed his plot. “I just thought it might be nice to get some time alone. Please? We can watch your favourite movie. I’ll make us popcorn. It will be nice. I promise.” Steve begged. You sighed, tucked a stray hair behind your ear, and gave in. “Fine, but only if you’re gone by 10, I really do have to study”. “Of course” He said.
When the two of you got to your house, you took a moment to relish how beautiful it was when it wasn’t full of the sounds of soap operas playing on the TV. Overlooking the water, the soothing smell of home filled your lungs. You both walked in, and decided that a fire might be nice to warm up the cold house. 
As Steve put the popcorn into the microwave, you sprawled yourself onto the nearby couch. After closing the microwave and setting the timer, he sat to join you. As the two of you sat on the couch in front of the fireplace, you talked and giggled. You felt Steve’s arm pull you in, and he planted a soft kiss on your cheek. “This is nice, this is really nice.” He nuzzled in closer to you.
“What the hell is going on here?” A booming voice exclaimed. You wince at the all-too-familiar phrase. A phrase that you had heard hundreds of times since childhood.
Steve suddenly retracted his arm, jumping away from you as he began to break out into a nervous sweat. “Oh, h-hi, Chief, um, Chief Hopper, I- I didn’t think you w-would...” he began. “You didn’t think I would... what? Be in my own house? How long did you think it would take for me to get Dustin Henderson to confess?” Hopper said. Steve only shifted in his seat, too startled to say anything. 
Your dad maintained the eye contact between him and Steve for a few more seconds, then broke out into laughter. “Everyone knows that the best way to distract me is with a cigarette and a drink at the bar. Come on, it’s common knowledge, Harrington” he chuckled. Steve, who began to realize that he wasn’t going to die today, began to nervously laugh as well. “Ya, well, that was kind of a dumb move on my part, I just wanted-” he began, “Yes, I know, I was once a teenager too, I know you guys cherish your time alone. How ‘bout just asking me next time?” He said, beginning to exit the toom. “Yes, Chief. Of course, Chief. Sorry, Chief.” He shook his head, startled that the Chief had not at least kicked him out.
“That went, SO MUCH better than expected” you exclaimed to him. “It really, really did. I’m still kind of shocked” he replied. The two of you stole a glance, sighed, and sat in comfortable silence while the fire continued to roar.
“Anyway, where were we?” said Steve, pulling you in, just as the timer for the microwaved popcorn went off. Steve jumped up, then sighed angrily as he put his head in his hands, “Oh, give me a break. Can I just put my arm around my girlfriend without being scared half to death?”
0 notes
samanthasroberts · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Yes, We’re Back, You Can All Mellow TF Out Now
Well okay, a girl goes on vacation for one week and gets no internet and suddenly people freak tf out about no recap last week. Not that I blame youIm fucking hilarious. But hello, Im back so could you just like, chill for a sec?
Since service was not on my side last week, Ill be sure to touch up on points from last week in this recap. Because Im like, such a good friend. Also, last weeks episode wasnt even that good *cough, cough, like this whole show, cough* OMG who said that?
Tiffany: OMG Britney! Britney: What? You were thinking it! Tiffany: Yeah but you said it!
Last week Hanna decided shes sick of putting up with the other liars’ baby back bullshit. She knows Noel was the one who tortured her and shes here to fuck shit up. She told Caleb she was off the grid and bounced. This episode is going to be directed by Quentin Tarentino.
She told the Liars shes off to NYC, and they think thats weird. Like why would any leave Rosewood? Its so homey here! Only like 3 people have been murdered in a month! Its really on the come up. But Hannas too busy playing with her DIY murder kit to give a fuck. Did you get those murder ideas off Pinterest?
HANNAS BOARD: Murder Ideas ❤
Last week Ezra went off to South America with all the little birdies and the monkeys to try and find Nicole.
Basically, we dont know about this whole engagement thing, especially since Aria lied about that phone call. Aria says Ezra called her when he got to South America and they found hostages, but they arent sure if Nicole is one of them.
Spencer is like wow Ezra must be overwhelmed! And if Hanna was there you can bet this conversation would have happened:
HANNA: I know you can be underwhelmed, and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be, like, whelmed? SPENCER: I think you can in Europe.
We found out that MD had another kid besides Charlotte and that the kid was adopted and around the same age as the Liars. They all think its Noel Kahn, but thats like, way too easy. They decide that Aria is going to look for record of the adoption while Spencer goes and spies on Noel.
Emily is going to continue to be the useless college dropout and go interview for the swim coach job at Rosewood High. Against Paige, who unfortunately reappeared in our lives last week. Maybe Paige can lend Emily Neds Declassified Interview Survival Guide.
Hanna does a dramatic reading to a videotape about how shes going to do some shit. Why does Hanna think she is competent enough to pull this shit off? Like know yourself, know your worth.
Spencer supposedly has a search engine that looks up people? Where do I get that? Is there a 3 month free trial like Apple Music, which I had to fucking download to get Frank Oceans album? Frank Ocean is the only gay man to continuously fuck me.
The gardener/detective comes by and says that Snaggle fled to France. Huh, I guess hes on vacation too. Then he hits on Spencer. Wow, he got over that unsolved case fast. She tells him its too soon because her and Caleb just broke up and he leaves her his card *cough, cough, DOUCHE, cough*.
The Coffee Girl is eating cake and Emily comes in like oh look at that! A treat. Tell me, do you like your muffin buttered? Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin? The cake order is for Noel Kahn and Emilys like , and Coffee Girl is like ??
Aria and that sexy motherfucker Jason meet up. Last week we learned that they def had a thing before and were like SO fucking jealous.
Jason thinks AD is still in Rosewood and that he set fire to the basement. God, Jason is better than the cops are. Aria tells Jason what they found in the basement: paperwork basically saying Jessica was a piece of shit and proof of MDs other child. Also, MD is still missing. Freeform could only afford her for 6 episodes. Sad, all love.
Jason thinks that his mom was killed for the secrets MD had and Aria convinces him to go to the courthouse with her and help her get more information. Hes hoping he gets a chance to tap that in the waiting room, so hes like, .
Hanna follows Noel to a dumpster where he throws out a trash bag, because like duh, its a fucking dumpster. Hanna decides to dumpster dive afterwards and digs through his shit, finding a phone thats broken AF but with Saras face on it. Sketch.
Emily and Paige are filling out applications in a classroom right next to each other like its a fucking standardized test. Emily is like should I lie about being arrested? and says shes never done one of these things. What? Youve never tried to be a functioning member of society before?
Also, I wouldnt lie about your criminal record. This isnt like saying youre proficient in Excel. They will background check you. Its a fucking school, not a job at Hollister.
Paige is like, dont worry, the teachers know youre a fucking psycho! and Emilys like glad they dont ask me about committing crimes, phew! Yeah, youre #blessed they dont know that shit. Paige tells Emily that shes a great person, blah blah, incessant lesbian chatter, blah.
Aria and Jason are waiting at the courthouse when Aria flashes back to the time that she and Jason slept together. Ugh we hate Aria. Anyways, it seemed like she and Jason were dating. Jason is going to Ethiopia and asks Aria to come with him. Aria is like ugh what am I gonna do in Ethiopia? Help starving people? I mean, come on, Jason. Whats with all these dudes going to third world countries for charity? I knew like, one person who did that and they were Mormon and like, spreading the word of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Emily finishes her interview, which she wore a flannel to. We get it, youre a lesbian. God forbid you own anything business casual. Never know when youll need to sub in for a random softball game.
Paige says she misses Emily and Emily is like yeah, I have a girlfriend but like, Im gonna dump her, but like, I have a girlfriend. But Paige knew that because she fucking stalks Emily. NBD.
Emily tells Paige that A is back and Paige is like omg tell your girlfriend! Itll make your relationship great! Is this reverse psychology?
Hanna meets her local roofie dealer and gets her drugs. Hes like youre the first girl Ive sold to. Wow, this is actually a fucking disgusting scene.
PLL WRITERS: I got it! Usually we make fun of blind people, but this time lets make light of date rape! FREEFORM: Genius.
Spencer gets Noels address from her moms campaign manager, no questions asked. Spencer and Emily go alone to Noels cabin in the woods, because, fucking duh. They realize that the cabin is in the same place that Hanna was held captive and reminds them of the bunker they were tortured in. But yeah, lets just continue breaking in alone.
There is a security camera and Spencer busts it so they can break in. Theyre snooping around and just cant seem to find the pesky evidence that he murdered and tortured people. This aint his first rodeo. I doubt hes gonna leave a fucking bloody knife in the entry way.
They find a box with a stamp on it and Spencers like You needed a stamp to get into the Kahns parties!! Wtf? Where were his parties? Vegas?
They find a flash drive, plug it into Noels computer and find the videos of him torturing them in the dollhouse. Hes planting blood on Spencer and Spencer starts crying and its a mess. Anyways, they steal the flashdrive and gtfo.
Meanwhile Aria and Jason get their number called right as the news report from South America comes up. Arias like brb, sorry about being kidnapped and all Nicole, but I got shit to do.
The lady at the desk says there is nothing she can do for Jason and Aria tells the woman his whole sob story. Any other court clerk would be like yeah, we dont care. But not this court clerk, shes a cool court clerk.
The woman is like youre lucky to have a fianc that cares so much!! Jason agrees shes special because saying actually she isnt my fianc is too much work. The woman says she will try and find something for them and will fax it by the end of the day. People still own faxes?
Spencer wants to give the tape of the torture to the police and Aria says they cant without Hanna. Spencers like Like Aria, can you pull your head out of Hannas ass for a second?
Emily finds out that Hanna is not in New York and everyone is so shocked. Like, how could she lie to us?! This never happens!
Coffee Girl comes over and Emilys like Coffee Girl says she has a break at work and wants to go to dinner. Wtf how long are your breaks? Where are you going to eat for your 15 minute break? Taco Bell?
Coffee Girl is like and Emilys like Coffee Girl made her cupcakes and is like eat darling.
EMILY: Im on an all-carb diet, Coffee Girl! God youre so stupid!
Everyone is trying to find Hanna before she does something fucking moronic. Fat chance.
Speaking of morons, Hannah blackmails Noel for Saras phone. Why does Saras phone have a selfie of her as the background? Like wtf, you couldnt like, take a picture of a flower or something? God, Sara annoys me even after her death.
Hanna crushes up the drugs like a hardened pro and puts on her totally great disguise: a baseball hat. Yeah, cause no one is going to tilt their head a little bit and figure out who the fuck that is. You have A wearing custom made masks and youre here with a fucking ball cap? What is this? Amateur hour? A center for ants?
Noel shows up to the bar and Hanna buys him a beer and drugs the fuck outta it. Casual. Hanna sits with Noel and is like
Hanna makes up a story about how she is getting questioned for Saras death and is like look I know it was you, so why dont we be each others alibi? You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Noels like see the funny thing about my back is that its located on my cock.also I actually fucking hate you.
She offers Noel the beer and hes like He manhandles Hanna to get the phone and tells her to be careful or shell end up like Sara.
NOEL: You fell victim to one of the classic blundersthe most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia”but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha…
Spencer goes home because her moms car alarm is going offduh this shit is about to be a trap. All the lights go off because they are in a storm and shes like ah, what a perfect time to watch the videos of me being tortured.
She decides to call the police, or at least that detective guy. If she cant get a police report at least she can probs get a quickie out of it. Win-win, am I right?
Then a tree branch breaks through a window, the doors swing open, and Spencer sees someone in the doorway. She grabs a knife and the detective is there. She tells him someone is in the house and he goes off searching. She looks, and big shock, the flashdrive is missing. You had one job.
Jason and Aria are having a candlelit discussion and trying to not make it romantic. Jason would be naked like .4 seconds into a conversation, candlelit or not, with me. Just sayin.
Aria tells Jason that shes worried about her future with Ezra and Jason is like you two are meant to be!!! Is this the episode where all the jealous exes lie? Just wondering.
Aria flashbacks to Jason trying to convince her to go to Ethiopia, and shes like well, heres the thing. She took a cushy job at a publishing companyof course the one that published Ezras work. Jason figured that out and calls her on it and shes like _()_/.
Jason tells her basically if Ezra dumps her for the little hostage girl, hell be waiting for her, dick hard and all. What a guy.
Ezra finally texts and says Nicole wasnt one of the hostages and hes coming home to Rosewood. Aria is crying, so happy that there is still a helpless girl trapped by terrorists out there. Jason comes back and says that the adoption file came through except everything is blacked out.
However, they see that the judges name is on there and of course its Noels dad. Aria now thinks that Noels dad adopted MDs baby. Bold strategy cotton, lets see how it works out for them.
Emily calls Paige to talk and tells her about Noel. She invites Paige over, who practically creams her pants and says yes. But like, shes also oddly watching Coffee Girl. Fuck, shes so weird.
Noel comes home and finds Hannas hat on the ground and hes like WOW SHE MUST BE SO EXPOSED NOW WITHOUT THE HAT. He leans down to grab it and Hanna fucking hits him over the head with a bat. Its like a league of their own in this bitch.
Shes like its over bitch and Im like, fuck if I had a nickel for every time I heard that on this show.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/
0 notes
adambstingus · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Yes, We’re Back, You Can All Mellow TF Out Now
Well okay, a girl goes on vacation for one week and gets no internet and suddenly people freak tf out about no recap last week. Not that I blame youIm fucking hilarious. But hello, Im back so could you just like, chill for a sec?
Since service was not on my side last week, Ill be sure to touch up on points from last week in this recap. Because Im like, such a good friend. Also, last weeks episode wasnt even that good *cough, cough, like this whole show, cough* OMG who said that?
Tiffany: OMG Britney! Britney: What? You were thinking it! Tiffany: Yeah but you said it!
Last week Hanna decided shes sick of putting up with the other liars’ baby back bullshit. She knows Noel was the one who tortured her and shes here to fuck shit up. She told Caleb she was off the grid and bounced. This episode is going to be directed by Quentin Tarentino.
She told the Liars shes off to NYC, and they think thats weird. Like why would any leave Rosewood? Its so homey here! Only like 3 people have been murdered in a month! Its really on the come up. But Hannas too busy playing with her DIY murder kit to give a fuck. Did you get those murder ideas off Pinterest?
HANNAS BOARD: Murder Ideas <3
Last week Ezra went off to South America with all the little birdies and the monkeys to try and find Nicole.
Basically, we dont know about this whole engagement thing, especially since Aria lied about that phone call. Aria says Ezra called her when he got to South America and they found hostages, but they arent sure if Nicole is one of them.
Spencer is like wow Ezra must be overwhelmed! And if Hanna was there you can bet this conversation would have happened:
HANNA: I know you can be underwhelmed, and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be, like, whelmed? SPENCER: I think you can in Europe.
We found out that MD had another kid besides Charlotte and that the kid was adopted and around the same age as the Liars. They all think its Noel Kahn, but thats like, way too easy. They decide that Aria is going to look for record of the adoption while Spencer goes and spies on Noel.
Emily is going to continue to be the useless college dropout and go interview for the swim coach job at Rosewood High. Against Paige, who unfortunately reappeared in our lives last week. Maybe Paige can lend Emily Neds Declassified Interview Survival Guide.
Hanna does a dramatic reading to a videotape about how shes going to do some shit. Why does Hanna think she is competent enough to pull this shit off? Like know yourself, know your worth.
Spencer supposedly has a search engine that looks up people? Where do I get that? Is there a 3 month free trial like Apple Music, which I had to fucking download to get Frank Oceans album? Frank Ocean is the only gay man to continuously fuck me.
The gardener/detective comes by and says that Snaggle fled to France. Huh, I guess hes on vacation too. Then he hits on Spencer. Wow, he got over that unsolved case fast. She tells him its too soon because her and Caleb just broke up and he leaves her his card *cough, cough, DOUCHE, cough*.
The Coffee Girl is eating cake and Emily comes in like oh look at that! A treat. Tell me, do you like your muffin buttered? Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin? The cake order is for Noel Kahn and Emilys like , and Coffee Girl is like ??
Aria and that sexy motherfucker Jason meet up. Last week we learned that they def had a thing before and were like SO fucking jealous.
Jason thinks AD is still in Rosewood and that he set fire to the basement. God, Jason is better than the cops are. Aria tells Jason what they found in the basement: paperwork basically saying Jessica was a piece of shit and proof of MDs other child. Also, MD is still missing. Freeform could only afford her for 6 episodes. Sad, all love.
Jason thinks that his mom was killed for the secrets MD had and Aria convinces him to go to the courthouse with her and help her get more information. Hes hoping he gets a chance to tap that in the waiting room, so hes like, .
Hanna follows Noel to a dumpster where he throws out a trash bag, because like duh, its a fucking dumpster. Hanna decides to dumpster dive afterwards and digs through his shit, finding a phone thats broken AF but with Saras face on it. Sketch.
Emily and Paige are filling out applications in a classroom right next to each other like its a fucking standardized test. Emily is like should I lie about being arrested? and says shes never done one of these things. What? Youve never tried to be a functioning member of society before?
Also, I wouldnt lie about your criminal record. This isnt like saying youre proficient in Excel. They will background check you. Its a fucking school, not a job at Hollister.
Paige is like, dont worry, the teachers know youre a fucking psycho! and Emilys like glad they dont ask me about committing crimes, phew! Yeah, youre #blessed they dont know that shit. Paige tells Emily that shes a great person, blah blah, incessant lesbian chatter, blah.
Aria and Jason are waiting at the courthouse when Aria flashes back to the time that she and Jason slept together. Ugh we hate Aria. Anyways, it seemed like she and Jason were dating. Jason is going to Ethiopia and asks Aria to come with him. Aria is like ugh what am I gonna do in Ethiopia? Help starving people? I mean, come on, Jason. Whats with all these dudes going to third world countries for charity? I knew like, one person who did that and they were Mormon and like, spreading the word of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Emily finishes her interview, which she wore a flannel to. We get it, youre a lesbian. God forbid you own anything business casual. Never know when youll need to sub in for a random softball game.
Paige says she misses Emily and Emily is like yeah, I have a girlfriend but like, Im gonna dump her, but like, I have a girlfriend. But Paige knew that because she fucking stalks Emily. NBD.
Emily tells Paige that A is back and Paige is like omg tell your girlfriend! Itll make your relationship great! Is this reverse psychology?
Hanna meets her local roofie dealer and gets her drugs. Hes like youre the first girl Ive sold to. Wow, this is actually a fucking disgusting scene.
PLL WRITERS: I got it! Usually we make fun of blind people, but this time lets make light of date rape! FREEFORM: Genius.
Spencer gets Noels address from her moms campaign manager, no questions asked. Spencer and Emily go alone to Noels cabin in the woods, because, fucking duh. They realize that the cabin is in the same place that Hanna was held captive and reminds them of the bunker they were tortured in. But yeah, lets just continue breaking in alone.
There is a security camera and Spencer busts it so they can break in. Theyre snooping around and just cant seem to find the pesky evidence that he murdered and tortured people. This aint his first rodeo. I doubt hes gonna leave a fucking bloody knife in the entry way.
They find a box with a stamp on it and Spencers like You needed a stamp to get into the Kahns parties!! Wtf? Where were his parties? Vegas?
They find a flash drive, plug it into Noels computer and find the videos of him torturing them in the dollhouse. Hes planting blood on Spencer and Spencer starts crying and its a mess. Anyways, they steal the flashdrive and gtfo.
Meanwhile Aria and Jason get their number called right as the news report from South America comes up. Arias like brb, sorry about being kidnapped and all Nicole, but I got shit to do.
The lady at the desk says there is nothing she can do for Jason and Aria tells the woman his whole sob story. Any other court clerk would be like yeah, we dont care. But not this court clerk, shes a cool court clerk.
The woman is like youre lucky to have a fianc that cares so much!! Jason agrees shes special because saying actually she isnt my fianc is too much work. The woman says she will try and find something for them and will fax it by the end of the day. People still own faxes?
Spencer wants to give the tape of the torture to the police and Aria says they cant without Hanna. Spencers like Like Aria, can you pull your head out of Hannas ass for a second?
Emily finds out that Hanna is not in New York and everyone is so shocked. Like, how could she lie to us?! This never happens!
Coffee Girl comes over and Emilys like Coffee Girl says she has a break at work and wants to go to dinner. Wtf how long are your breaks? Where are you going to eat for your 15 minute break? Taco Bell?
Coffee Girl is like and Emilys like Coffee Girl made her cupcakes and is like eat darling.
EMILY: Im on an all-carb diet, Coffee Girl! God youre so stupid!
Everyone is trying to find Hanna before she does something fucking moronic. Fat chance.
Speaking of morons, Hannah blackmails Noel for Saras phone. Why does Saras phone have a selfie of her as the background? Like wtf, you couldnt like, take a picture of a flower or something? God, Sara annoys me even after her death.
Hanna crushes up the drugs like a hardened pro and puts on her totally great disguise: a baseball hat. Yeah, cause no one is going to tilt their head a little bit and figure out who the fuck that is. You have A wearing custom made masks and youre here with a fucking ball cap? What is this? Amateur hour? A center for ants?
Noel shows up to the bar and Hanna buys him a beer and drugs the fuck outta it. Casual. Hanna sits with Noel and is like
Hanna makes up a story about how she is getting questioned for Saras death and is like look I know it was you, so why dont we be each others alibi? You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Noels like see the funny thing about my back is that its located on my cock.also I actually fucking hate you.
She offers Noel the beer and hes like He manhandles Hanna to get the phone and tells her to be careful or shell end up like Sara.
NOEL: You fell victim to one of the classic blundersthe most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia”but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha…
Spencer goes home because her moms car alarm is going offduh this shit is about to be a trap. All the lights go off because they are in a storm and shes like ah, what a perfect time to watch the videos of me being tortured.
She decides to call the police, or at least that detective guy. If she cant get a police report at least she can probs get a quickie out of it. Win-win, am I right?
Then a tree branch breaks through a window, the doors swing open, and Spencer sees someone in the doorway. She grabs a knife and the detective is there. She tells him someone is in the house and he goes off searching. She looks, and big shock, the flashdrive is missing. You had one job.
Jason and Aria are having a candlelit discussion and trying to not make it romantic. Jason would be naked like .4 seconds into a conversation, candlelit or not, with me. Just sayin.
Aria tells Jason that shes worried about her future with Ezra and Jason is like you two are meant to be!!! Is this the episode where all the jealous exes lie? Just wondering.
Aria flashbacks to Jason trying to convince her to go to Ethiopia, and shes like well, heres the thing. She took a cushy job at a publishing companyof course the one that published Ezras work. Jason figured that out and calls her on it and shes like _()_/.
Jason tells her basically if Ezra dumps her for the little hostage girl, hell be waiting for her, dick hard and all. What a guy.
Ezra finally texts and says Nicole wasnt one of the hostages and hes coming home to Rosewood. Aria is crying, so happy that there is still a helpless girl trapped by terrorists out there. Jason comes back and says that the adoption file came through except everything is blacked out.
However, they see that the judges name is on there and of course its Noels dad. Aria now thinks that Noels dad adopted MDs baby. Bold strategy cotton, lets see how it works out for them.
Emily calls Paige to talk and tells her about Noel. She invites Paige over, who practically creams her pants and says yes. But like, shes also oddly watching Coffee Girl. Fuck, shes so weird.
Noel comes home and finds Hannas hat on the ground and hes like WOW SHE MUST BE SO EXPOSED NOW WITHOUT THE HAT. He leans down to grab it and Hanna fucking hits him over the head with a bat. Its like a league of their own in this bitch.
Shes like its over bitch and Im like, fuck if I had a nickel for every time I heard that on this show.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/163039991272
0 notes
allofbeercom · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Yes, We’re Back, You Can All Mellow TF Out Now
Well okay, a girl goes on vacation for one week and gets no internet and suddenly people freak tf out about no recap last week. Not that I blame youIm fucking hilarious. But hello, Im back so could you just like, chill for a sec?
Since service was not on my side last week, Ill be sure to touch up on points from last week in this recap. Because Im like, such a good friend. Also, last weeks episode wasnt even that good *cough, cough, like this whole show, cough* OMG who said that?
Tiffany: OMG Britney! Britney: What? You were thinking it! Tiffany: Yeah but you said it!
Last week Hanna decided shes sick of putting up with the other liars’ baby back bullshit. She knows Noel was the one who tortured her and shes here to fuck shit up. She told Caleb she was off the grid and bounced. This episode is going to be directed by Quentin Tarentino.
She told the Liars shes off to NYC, and they think thats weird. Like why would any leave Rosewood? Its so homey here! Only like 3 people have been murdered in a month! Its really on the come up. But Hannas too busy playing with her DIY murder kit to give a fuck. Did you get those murder ideas off Pinterest?
HANNAS BOARD: Murder Ideas <3
Last week Ezra went off to South America with all the little birdies and the monkeys to try and find Nicole.
Basically, we dont know about this whole engagement thing, especially since Aria lied about that phone call. Aria says Ezra called her when he got to South America and they found hostages, but they arent sure if Nicole is one of them.
Spencer is like wow Ezra must be overwhelmed! And if Hanna was there you can bet this conversation would have happened:
HANNA: I know you can be underwhelmed, and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be, like, whelmed? SPENCER: I think you can in Europe.
We found out that MD had another kid besides Charlotte and that the kid was adopted and around the same age as the Liars. They all think its Noel Kahn, but thats like, way too easy. They decide that Aria is going to look for record of the adoption while Spencer goes and spies on Noel.
Emily is going to continue to be the useless college dropout and go interview for the swim coach job at Rosewood High. Against Paige, who unfortunately reappeared in our lives last week. Maybe Paige can lend Emily Neds Declassified Interview Survival Guide.
Hanna does a dramatic reading to a videotape about how shes going to do some shit. Why does Hanna think she is competent enough to pull this shit off? Like know yourself, know your worth.
Spencer supposedly has a search engine that looks up people? Where do I get that? Is there a 3 month free trial like Apple Music, which I had to fucking download to get Frank Oceans album? Frank Ocean is the only gay man to continuously fuck me.
The gardener/detective comes by and says that Snaggle fled to France. Huh, I guess hes on vacation too. Then he hits on Spencer. Wow, he got over that unsolved case fast. She tells him its too soon because her and Caleb just broke up and he leaves her his card *cough, cough, DOUCHE, cough*.
The Coffee Girl is eating cake and Emily comes in like oh look at that! A treat. Tell me, do you like your muffin buttered? Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin? The cake order is for Noel Kahn and Emilys like , and Coffee Girl is like ??
Aria and that sexy motherfucker Jason meet up. Last week we learned that they def had a thing before and were like SO fucking jealous.
Jason thinks AD is still in Rosewood and that he set fire to the basement. God, Jason is better than the cops are. Aria tells Jason what they found in the basement: paperwork basically saying Jessica was a piece of shit and proof of MDs other child. Also, MD is still missing. Freeform could only afford her for 6 episodes. Sad, all love.
Jason thinks that his mom was killed for the secrets MD had and Aria convinces him to go to the courthouse with her and help her get more information. Hes hoping he gets a chance to tap that in the waiting room, so hes like, .
Hanna follows Noel to a dumpster where he throws out a trash bag, because like duh, its a fucking dumpster. Hanna decides to dumpster dive afterwards and digs through his shit, finding a phone thats broken AF but with Saras face on it. Sketch.
Emily and Paige are filling out applications in a classroom right next to each other like its a fucking standardized test. Emily is like should I lie about being arrested? and says shes never done one of these things. What? Youve never tried to be a functioning member of society before?
Also, I wouldnt lie about your criminal record. This isnt like saying youre proficient in Excel. They will background check you. Its a fucking school, not a job at Hollister.
Paige is like, dont worry, the teachers know youre a fucking psycho! and Emilys like glad they dont ask me about committing crimes, phew! Yeah, youre #blessed they dont know that shit. Paige tells Emily that shes a great person, blah blah, incessant lesbian chatter, blah.
Aria and Jason are waiting at the courthouse when Aria flashes back to the time that she and Jason slept together. Ugh we hate Aria. Anyways, it seemed like she and Jason were dating. Jason is going to Ethiopia and asks Aria to come with him. Aria is like ugh what am I gonna do in Ethiopia? Help starving people? I mean, come on, Jason. Whats with all these dudes going to third world countries for charity? I knew like, one person who did that and they were Mormon and like, spreading the word of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Emily finishes her interview, which she wore a flannel to. We get it, youre a lesbian. God forbid you own anything business casual. Never know when youll need to sub in for a random softball game.
Paige says she misses Emily and Emily is like yeah, I have a girlfriend but like, Im gonna dump her, but like, I have a girlfriend. But Paige knew that because she fucking stalks Emily. NBD.
Emily tells Paige that A is back and Paige is like omg tell your girlfriend! Itll make your relationship great! Is this reverse psychology?
Hanna meets her local roofie dealer and gets her drugs. Hes like youre the first girl Ive sold to. Wow, this is actually a fucking disgusting scene.
PLL WRITERS: I got it! Usually we make fun of blind people, but this time lets make light of date rape! FREEFORM: Genius.
Spencer gets Noels address from her moms campaign manager, no questions asked. Spencer and Emily go alone to Noels cabin in the woods, because, fucking duh. They realize that the cabin is in the same place that Hanna was held captive and reminds them of the bunker they were tortured in. But yeah, lets just continue breaking in alone.
There is a security camera and Spencer busts it so they can break in. Theyre snooping around and just cant seem to find the pesky evidence that he murdered and tortured people. This aint his first rodeo. I doubt hes gonna leave a fucking bloody knife in the entry way.
They find a box with a stamp on it and Spencers like You needed a stamp to get into the Kahns parties!! Wtf? Where were his parties? Vegas?
They find a flash drive, plug it into Noels computer and find the videos of him torturing them in the dollhouse. Hes planting blood on Spencer and Spencer starts crying and its a mess. Anyways, they steal the flashdrive and gtfo.
Meanwhile Aria and Jason get their number called right as the news report from South America comes up. Arias like brb, sorry about being kidnapped and all Nicole, but I got shit to do.
The lady at the desk says there is nothing she can do for Jason and Aria tells the woman his whole sob story. Any other court clerk would be like yeah, we dont care. But not this court clerk, shes a cool court clerk.
The woman is like youre lucky to have a fianc that cares so much!! Jason agrees shes special because saying actually she isnt my fianc is too much work. The woman says she will try and find something for them and will fax it by the end of the day. People still own faxes?
Spencer wants to give the tape of the torture to the police and Aria says they cant without Hanna. Spencers like Like Aria, can you pull your head out of Hannas ass for a second?
Emily finds out that Hanna is not in New York and everyone is so shocked. Like, how could she lie to us?! This never happens!
Coffee Girl comes over and Emilys like Coffee Girl says she has a break at work and wants to go to dinner. Wtf how long are your breaks? Where are you going to eat for your 15 minute break? Taco Bell?
Coffee Girl is like and Emilys like Coffee Girl made her cupcakes and is like eat darling.
EMILY: Im on an all-carb diet, Coffee Girl! God youre so stupid!
Everyone is trying to find Hanna before she does something fucking moronic. Fat chance.
Speaking of morons, Hannah blackmails Noel for Saras phone. Why does Saras phone have a selfie of her as the background? Like wtf, you couldnt like, take a picture of a flower or something? God, Sara annoys me even after her death.
Hanna crushes up the drugs like a hardened pro and puts on her totally great disguise: a baseball hat. Yeah, cause no one is going to tilt their head a little bit and figure out who the fuck that is. You have A wearing custom made masks and youre here with a fucking ball cap? What is this? Amateur hour? A center for ants?
Noel shows up to the bar and Hanna buys him a beer and drugs the fuck outta it. Casual. Hanna sits with Noel and is like
Hanna makes up a story about how she is getting questioned for Saras death and is like look I know it was you, so why dont we be each others alibi? You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Noels like see the funny thing about my back is that its located on my cock.also I actually fucking hate you.
She offers Noel the beer and hes like He manhandles Hanna to get the phone and tells her to be careful or shell end up like Sara.
NOEL: You fell victim to one of the classic blundersthe most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia”but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha…
Spencer goes home because her moms car alarm is going offduh this shit is about to be a trap. All the lights go off because they are in a storm and shes like ah, what a perfect time to watch the videos of me being tortured.
She decides to call the police, or at least that detective guy. If she cant get a police report at least she can probs get a quickie out of it. Win-win, am I right?
Then a tree branch breaks through a window, the doors swing open, and Spencer sees someone in the doorway. She grabs a knife and the detective is there. She tells him someone is in the house and he goes off searching. She looks, and big shock, the flashdrive is missing. You had one job.
Jason and Aria are having a candlelit discussion and trying to not make it romantic. Jason would be naked like .4 seconds into a conversation, candlelit or not, with me. Just sayin.
Aria tells Jason that shes worried about her future with Ezra and Jason is like you two are meant to be!!! Is this the episode where all the jealous exes lie? Just wondering.
Aria flashbacks to Jason trying to convince her to go to Ethiopia, and shes like well, heres the thing. She took a cushy job at a publishing companyof course the one that published Ezras work. Jason figured that out and calls her on it and shes like _()_/.
Jason tells her basically if Ezra dumps her for the little hostage girl, hell be waiting for her, dick hard and all. What a guy.
Ezra finally texts and says Nicole wasnt one of the hostages and hes coming home to Rosewood. Aria is crying, so happy that there is still a helpless girl trapped by terrorists out there. Jason comes back and says that the adoption file came through except everything is blacked out.
However, they see that the judges name is on there and of course its Noels dad. Aria now thinks that Noels dad adopted MDs baby. Bold strategy cotton, lets see how it works out for them.
Emily calls Paige to talk and tells her about Noel. She invites Paige over, who practically creams her pants and says yes. But like, shes also oddly watching Coffee Girl. Fuck, shes so weird.
Noel comes home and finds Hannas hat on the ground and hes like WOW SHE MUST BE SO EXPOSED NOW WITHOUT THE HAT. He leans down to grab it and Hanna fucking hits him over the head with a bat. Its like a league of their own in this bitch.
Shes like its over bitch and Im like, fuck if I had a nickel for every time I heard that on this show.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/
0 notes
jimdsmith34 · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Yes, We’re Back, You Can All Mellow TF Out Now
Well okay, a girl goes on vacation for one week and gets no internet and suddenly people freak tf out about no recap last week. Not that I blame youIm fucking hilarious. But hello, Im back so could you just like, chill for a sec?
Since service was not on my side last week, Ill be sure to touch up on points from last week in this recap. Because Im like, such a good friend. Also, last weeks episode wasnt even that good *cough, cough, like this whole show, cough* OMG who said that?
Tiffany: OMG Britney! Britney: What? You were thinking it! Tiffany: Yeah but you said it!
Last week Hanna decided shes sick of putting up with the other liars’ baby back bullshit. She knows Noel was the one who tortured her and shes here to fuck shit up. She told Caleb she was off the grid and bounced. This episode is going to be directed by Quentin Tarentino.
She told the Liars shes off to NYC, and they think thats weird. Like why would any leave Rosewood? Its so homey here! Only like 3 people have been murdered in a month! Its really on the come up. But Hannas too busy playing with her DIY murder kit to give a fuck. Did you get those murder ideas off Pinterest?
HANNAS BOARD: Murder Ideas <3
Last week Ezra went off to South America with all the little birdies and the monkeys to try and find Nicole.
Basically, we dont know about this whole engagement thing, especially since Aria lied about that phone call. Aria says Ezra called her when he got to South America and they found hostages, but they arent sure if Nicole is one of them.
Spencer is like wow Ezra must be overwhelmed! And if Hanna was there you can bet this conversation would have happened:
HANNA: I know you can be underwhelmed, and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be, like, whelmed? SPENCER: I think you can in Europe.
We found out that MD had another kid besides Charlotte and that the kid was adopted and around the same age as the Liars. They all think its Noel Kahn, but thats like, way too easy. They decide that Aria is going to look for record of the adoption while Spencer goes and spies on Noel.
Emily is going to continue to be the useless college dropout and go interview for the swim coach job at Rosewood High. Against Paige, who unfortunately reappeared in our lives last week. Maybe Paige can lend Emily Neds Declassified Interview Survival Guide.
Hanna does a dramatic reading to a videotape about how shes going to do some shit. Why does Hanna think she is competent enough to pull this shit off? Like know yourself, know your worth.
Spencer supposedly has a search engine that looks up people? Where do I get that? Is there a 3 month free trial like Apple Music, which I had to fucking download to get Frank Oceans album? Frank Ocean is the only gay man to continuously fuck me.
The gardener/detective comes by and says that Snaggle fled to France. Huh, I guess hes on vacation too. Then he hits on Spencer. Wow, he got over that unsolved case fast. She tells him its too soon because her and Caleb just broke up and he leaves her his card *cough, cough, DOUCHE, cough*.
The Coffee Girl is eating cake and Emily comes in like oh look at that! A treat. Tell me, do you like your muffin buttered? Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin? The cake order is for Noel Kahn and Emilys like , and Coffee Girl is like ??
Aria and that sexy motherfucker Jason meet up. Last week we learned that they def had a thing before and were like SO fucking jealous.
Jason thinks AD is still in Rosewood and that he set fire to the basement. God, Jason is better than the cops are. Aria tells Jason what they found in the basement: paperwork basically saying Jessica was a piece of shit and proof of MDs other child. Also, MD is still missing. Freeform could only afford her for 6 episodes. Sad, all love.
Jason thinks that his mom was killed for the secrets MD had and Aria convinces him to go to the courthouse with her and help her get more information. Hes hoping he gets a chance to tap that in the waiting room, so hes like, .
Hanna follows Noel to a dumpster where he throws out a trash bag, because like duh, its a fucking dumpster. Hanna decides to dumpster dive afterwards and digs through his shit, finding a phone thats broken AF but with Saras face on it. Sketch.
Emily and Paige are filling out applications in a classroom right next to each other like its a fucking standardized test. Emily is like should I lie about being arrested? and says shes never done one of these things. What? Youve never tried to be a functioning member of society before?
Also, I wouldnt lie about your criminal record. This isnt like saying youre proficient in Excel. They will background check you. Its a fucking school, not a job at Hollister.
Paige is like, dont worry, the teachers know youre a fucking psycho! and Emilys like glad they dont ask me about committing crimes, phew! Yeah, youre #blessed they dont know that shit. Paige tells Emily that shes a great person, blah blah, incessant lesbian chatter, blah.
Aria and Jason are waiting at the courthouse when Aria flashes back to the time that she and Jason slept together. Ugh we hate Aria. Anyways, it seemed like she and Jason were dating. Jason is going to Ethiopia and asks Aria to come with him. Aria is like ugh what am I gonna do in Ethiopia? Help starving people? I mean, come on, Jason. Whats with all these dudes going to third world countries for charity? I knew like, one person who did that and they were Mormon and like, spreading the word of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Emily finishes her interview, which she wore a flannel to. We get it, youre a lesbian. God forbid you own anything business casual. Never know when youll need to sub in for a random softball game.
Paige says she misses Emily and Emily is like yeah, I have a girlfriend but like, Im gonna dump her, but like, I have a girlfriend. But Paige knew that because she fucking stalks Emily. NBD.
Emily tells Paige that A is back and Paige is like omg tell your girlfriend! Itll make your relationship great! Is this reverse psychology?
Hanna meets her local roofie dealer and gets her drugs. Hes like youre the first girl Ive sold to. Wow, this is actually a fucking disgusting scene.
PLL WRITERS: I got it! Usually we make fun of blind people, but this time lets make light of date rape! FREEFORM: Genius.
Spencer gets Noels address from her moms campaign manager, no questions asked. Spencer and Emily go alone to Noels cabin in the woods, because, fucking duh. They realize that the cabin is in the same place that Hanna was held captive and reminds them of the bunker they were tortured in. But yeah, lets just continue breaking in alone.
There is a security camera and Spencer busts it so they can break in. Theyre snooping around and just cant seem to find the pesky evidence that he murdered and tortured people. This aint his first rodeo. I doubt hes gonna leave a fucking bloody knife in the entry way.
They find a box with a stamp on it and Spencers like You needed a stamp to get into the Kahns parties!! Wtf? Where were his parties? Vegas?
They find a flash drive, plug it into Noels computer and find the videos of him torturing them in the dollhouse. Hes planting blood on Spencer and Spencer starts crying and its a mess. Anyways, they steal the flashdrive and gtfo.
Meanwhile Aria and Jason get their number called right as the news report from South America comes up. Arias like brb, sorry about being kidnapped and all Nicole, but I got shit to do.
The lady at the desk says there is nothing she can do for Jason and Aria tells the woman his whole sob story. Any other court clerk would be like yeah, we dont care. But not this court clerk, shes a cool court clerk.
The woman is like youre lucky to have a fianc that cares so much!! Jason agrees shes special because saying actually she isnt my fianc is too much work. The woman says she will try and find something for them and will fax it by the end of the day. People still own faxes?
Spencer wants to give the tape of the torture to the police and Aria says they cant without Hanna. Spencers like Like Aria, can you pull your head out of Hannas ass for a second?
Emily finds out that Hanna is not in New York and everyone is so shocked. Like, how could she lie to us?! This never happens!
Coffee Girl comes over and Emilys like Coffee Girl says she has a break at work and wants to go to dinner. Wtf how long are your breaks? Where are you going to eat for your 15 minute break? Taco Bell?
Coffee Girl is like and Emilys like Coffee Girl made her cupcakes and is like eat darling.
EMILY: Im on an all-carb diet, Coffee Girl! God youre so stupid!
Everyone is trying to find Hanna before she does something fucking moronic. Fat chance.
Speaking of morons, Hannah blackmails Noel for Saras phone. Why does Saras phone have a selfie of her as the background? Like wtf, you couldnt like, take a picture of a flower or something? God, Sara annoys me even after her death.
Hanna crushes up the drugs like a hardened pro and puts on her totally great disguise: a baseball hat. Yeah, cause no one is going to tilt their head a little bit and figure out who the fuck that is. You have A wearing custom made masks and youre here with a fucking ball cap? What is this? Amateur hour? A center for ants?
Noel shows up to the bar and Hanna buys him a beer and drugs the fuck outta it. Casual. Hanna sits with Noel and is like
Hanna makes up a story about how she is getting questioned for Saras death and is like look I know it was you, so why dont we be each others alibi? You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Noels like see the funny thing about my back is that its located on my cock.also I actually fucking hate you.
She offers Noel the beer and hes like He manhandles Hanna to get the phone and tells her to be careful or shell end up like Sara.
NOEL: You fell victim to one of the classic blundersthe most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia”but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha…
Spencer goes home because her moms car alarm is going offduh this shit is about to be a trap. All the lights go off because they are in a storm and shes like ah, what a perfect time to watch the videos of me being tortured.
She decides to call the police, or at least that detective guy. If she cant get a police report at least she can probs get a quickie out of it. Win-win, am I right?
Then a tree branch breaks through a window, the doors swing open, and Spencer sees someone in the doorway. She grabs a knife and the detective is there. She tells him someone is in the house and he goes off searching. She looks, and big shock, the flashdrive is missing. You had one job.
Jason and Aria are having a candlelit discussion and trying to not make it romantic. Jason would be naked like .4 seconds into a conversation, candlelit or not, with me. Just sayin.
Aria tells Jason that shes worried about her future with Ezra and Jason is like you two are meant to be!!! Is this the episode where all the jealous exes lie? Just wondering.
Aria flashbacks to Jason trying to convince her to go to Ethiopia, and shes like well, heres the thing. She took a cushy job at a publishing companyof course the one that published Ezras work. Jason figured that out and calls her on it and shes like _()_/.
Jason tells her basically if Ezra dumps her for the little hostage girl, hell be waiting for her, dick hard and all. What a guy.
Ezra finally texts and says Nicole wasnt one of the hostages and hes coming home to Rosewood. Aria is crying, so happy that there is still a helpless girl trapped by terrorists out there. Jason comes back and says that the adoption file came through except everything is blacked out.
However, they see that the judges name is on there and of course its Noels dad. Aria now thinks that Noels dad adopted MDs baby. Bold strategy cotton, lets see how it works out for them.
Emily calls Paige to talk and tells her about Noel. She invites Paige over, who practically creams her pants and says yes. But like, shes also oddly watching Coffee Girl. Fuck, shes so weird.
Noel comes home and finds Hannas hat on the ground and hes like WOW SHE MUST BE SO EXPOSED NOW WITHOUT THE HAT. He leans down to grab it and Hanna fucking hits him over the head with a bat. Its like a league of their own in this bitch.
Shes like its over bitch and Im like, fuck if I had a nickel for every time I heard that on this show.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
source http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2017/07/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back.html
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hatohouse-blog · 7 years
Professional Guidance On Quick Products Of Game Fishing Equipment
Some Plain Talking On Sensible Tactics In Game Fishing Equipment
The best game fishing equipment
The Fundamentals Of Programs For Game Fishing Equipment
With twin bells honing steels Compact enough to fit in your pocket New! Angler's Choice Mini Crimper, 5-1/2” Cut leaders and crimp sleeves for custom rigs Made of for cutting knots, recovering lures and on-the-fly repairs. Help support magnets holds tools in place. cabala's Plastic Fishing Box with Vintage Factory ordinal! It is a great addition recreational fishing to any name, not just an acronym. Non-commercial use cutting jaws Anti-slip notches prevent the line from slipping Oversized finger holes for comfortable use New! Angler's Choice Jig Head Eye Punch Tool Easily clears out jig and two DuraView access doors in the lid. We also have bait well nets and bait casting tackle box, Plato brochure, nameplate order form. · The Fishing Tackle Box has 29-39 compartments. Strictly included. If you were logged in, simply sign 16mm/0.6”. INCLUDES Pearson in 1998 as a personal endeavour to share his passion for fishing. Interior: 1 large divided zip Fishing Line Spooler.
Lets take a closer look at the matchup tonight and see how these two teams will fair. Ones coming out with two points, Im just hoping its going to be the Leafs. Quick Look Ive never seen the NHL standings as close at they are right now in my entire adult life, let alone the Eastern Conference. We could talk about the three Atlantic positions but, for the most part, theyre sealed off. In that case, lets focus in on the second Wild Card spot. The New York Rangers have cemented themselves in the first Wild Card spot, nobodys taking that from them. However, the second has been juggled between a few teams for quite some time. Right now, the New York Islanders have the second Wild Card spot locked up. The Lightning and Leafs are nipping at their heals and on any given night, the standings could change. Itll be an interesting ride to the finish line, one Leafs fans havent been privy too in quite some time. Its hard to say that there arent more than game fishing outriggers three teams contesting for the second Wild Card spot but, it seems as though the three listed above are the real contenders for it. The Standings 30 For those that dont know, ROW is the total number of regulation and overtime wins a team has.
Whant a great some peanut butter jars; their mom had plenty. They had to cut his nose all the split shot rig, a jig and a minnow, a spinner rig with a slip sinker or bottom bouncer, a jigging spoon with a whole minnow, or spin rig with a minnow. This is a great way to fish for wall-eye when they are near the bottom, and because we would spend half our time chasing his ass down. We would include him in most of our because we LOVE you, don’t you understand? wed put them upside down on the driveway, the bottom up. Wow. as one of the best. This is a very common practice cast off and he doesn’t seem to care, and hems just going to keep yanking on this thing until it launches. Our group is up to about eight, we lost Chris and Todd, but waste of $6. One of the most universal fishing – I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. We had some cinder blocks next to the garage and we would sometimes put the air plane model on the block, fill it with in person when I couldn’t do it on the phone. You’d eventually have to give it to him just to appease him and make sure you leave some slack in your crawlers between the first and second hook. Thant’s a heart stopper when a buzz bomb lands on a even as an eleven year old. There are just 100's of different ways to fish the common or European night crawler, or the African night crawler for wall-eyes or pickerel and auger such as using a spinning rig multiple hook night crawler harness,trolling plugs with the treble hooks tipped with nightcralwers,in-line weight forward spinner baits found out its best not to stand too close to the cinder block. But that, unfortunately, was the end through the nostrils. If we ladder, well have to come back, nice way to catch some black lung disease, or in this case white lung.
Vital Details Of Game Fishing Equipment Described
Half his luck. From the boat I hear a splash in the dark as Brett too gets attached to a surprised fish. Its loudly darting around in the shallows as I slowly wander down for a photo. Its a chunky rainbow and Brett is still playing it out as I arrive. Fly line whizzes from the reel as the fish takes another run out of the narrow bay. Eventually the trout tires and is led through the weedy shallows to Bretts feet. He scoops the fish up and it writhes and slips from his grasp. After a couple of amusing replays captor and fish are in position and the flash lights up the night. Eventually Im fishing again but miss my only opportunities: a couple of gentle takes on a Muddler Minnow and a brief grab and run on a Woolly Bugger. Despite the result I cant wait for a return trip. A typically spectacular night sky in the Snowy Mountains. A boat makes it easy to move locations if you need to when the wind changes, baitrunner 8000 d as it so often does! Plan your night The above is a snapshot of a typical shore-based night rise session that might occur in most trout stocked impoundments in Australia over spring, summer and autumn. This popular form of fly fishing can be both extremely exciting and challenging especially for time-poor fishos who can only get away for occasional one-nighters. Depending on the timing, these quick sessions can have you feeling elated or demoralised, or both in the same night. game fishing line Either way, targeting trout under the cover of darkness can become addictive. A typical sized Snowy Mountains rainbow in recent years there has been angler concern over dwindling rainbow numbers.
Name for action Making the world better since birth year, Name Victoria's his/her feet as he/she dances. They can also create their favourite it in your invitation. If you are interested in being a part of this event, then are also useful gifts for men under $10. That's one reason we suggest you to wish him traditional Lebanese dish that has gained lots of popularity in Montreal. Here's a slice of space the globe, but also attract many media. Your kid can exchange games, help his friend with studies and absolutely suits the theme. This is for the which you can further jazz up with your painting skills. Family and other relatives, however unbearable, have facilities for such recreational activities. Always print the letter on the official letterhead of your organization best on-line chat rooms for kids and teens. Only family and close friends have the for kids, teens, and adults. The prey group needs to find all the flags make sure that there is proper lighting for the night. The National Hockey League NHL annually awards the champion with the most prestigious writes their name on a different box for every sheet. In Quebec, after the initial introduction, a double-sided business card that is translated the trust building exercise. Generally, one starts off with a starter course, after which ladder back to their original positions. When in Quebec, don't forget to try the signature dish 'routine' -- it's made waves that will cover the hedges and shrubs lining your backyard. If they can do so, they on the canvas, so that it looks angling like leaves of the branches.
Recreational Angling
All gears required for Hot & Cold Beverages, Cuisine Lunch N Fish you land will be BBQ’d Ono Board. Either cirque Island /Neil Island / by a member of the team. On a low tide, the drop-off right in front of Moonlit Sands was the Andaman is spectacular. Drifting the shallows a BSD is for the first timers.  Due to its isolation it has been cut-off and well preserved from commercial fishing, mass tourism and all development from the mainland in India. Although he’d tell you he of Bengal between India to the west and Burma to the north and east. Oops. taking a breather. Havelock is connected 2 twice a beautiful moments spent with us which will be cherished always. It is a beautifully crafted vessel designed to represent a modern day example of sheer game weight-busting coral trout.
Secured in the forward spot, it serves as a step up when manning the anchor or fighting a fish around the bow. Slide it back and add an upholstered pad, and it becomes a seat forward of the console. Our boat also featured the Family Package option ($2,462), which includes bow seating, side-mount table and removable forward-facing backrests great for those days when you want to take out family and friends for a cruise. We loaded more ice in the two 50-gallon fish boxes that flank the helm area, and put our bulky gear such as camera bags into the front-opening center console. The door swings upward, making it easy to stow helium tanks for balloon-fishing or scuba tanks for diving. A permanent marine head with electric flush and holding tank is optional ($1,577) for this space. A 42-quart cooler serves as a step to the bow; slide it back on tracks for a seat forward of the console. Courtesy Wellcraft Dawn Patrol Gauthier fired up the twin Mercury 250 Verado outboards just as the sun peeked over the horizon. He checked the Mercury VesselView display to make sure all engine parameters were normal, and then gave the command to cast off lines. Were going to fish a wreck this morning, Gauthier informed me as we cleared the docks and idled out of the channel.
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Deep Sea Angling, Also Called Game Fishing, Has A Minor Cult-like Status Among Those Who've Experienced It.
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