#i will just reply that continuity is boring and calendars are actually tools of the oppressor!!!
polaroidcats · 1 month
antifa wolfstarbucks - mayday ficlet
This is a continuation of my antifa wolfstarbucks brainrot, roughly taking place a week or so after this post.
May 1st was one of Remus’ favorite days of the year. How could it not be? Any good communist considered international workers’ day one of the most important days of the year. It was one of the few days a year where he happily walked side by side with anarchists. Well.. if he was being honest with himself, his feelings towards anarchism… towards certain anarchists had changed quite quickly within the past few days.
He still wasn’t sure what they saw in him, or why they had even invited him into their flat, their bed, their relationship, but he couldn’t stop thinking about the night he met James and Sirius. He had been replaying the events of that evening nonstop for the past week, and it was really cutting into his communist manifesto reading time, as well as his thinking-about-Karl-time.
Remus had attended a mayday protest with his friends Lily and Marlene, and for a second he had been convinced he saw familiar greyish blue eyes behind one of the masks of a black bloc member, but he never got close enough to be sure if it had actually been Sirius or if he was just seeing James and Sirius everywhere because he couldn't stop thinking about them.
Lily had decided they needed to go to an afterparty straight from the protest, and Remus regretted saying yes to it. He could have just quickly ridden his vintage racing bike home to pick up his phone again to see if either James or Sirius had texted him, or to maybe even text them himself, asking if they’d also be at the party in some squat-turned leftist venue.
But as it was, he arrived there with no way of contacting them, only his communist manifesto and a bandana in his back pockets, his keys on a carabiner attached to his jeans and a phone number scribbled with edding on his forearm that he luckily didn’t have to use because the protest had been mostly peaceful, the police kettling them but at least not arresting anyone, as far as he had seen.
When he entered the too-small room with the dance floor, he had another moment of thinking the person in the black hoodie at the bar could be James, but it was too dark to tell. The music at the party was just the right kind of mix of trashy and genuinely good leftist anthems and he lost himself in the rhythm of the songs for a while, dancing to Bella Ciao, eyes closed, in a style not dissimilar to a windmill, when suddenly he felt hands on his hips, and someone turning him around.
He opened his eyes to find James in front of him, smiling like he had just won the lottery, with Sirius not far behind, holding three bottles of Sterni, offering one to each of them. James leaned forward to say something to Remus but the music was too loud to understand a word. The beer Sirius offered him luckily didn’t need any verbal communication and they all cheered and started dancing together, their bodies fitting together as if they had done this a thousand times and not just once, very awkwardly, in James and Sirius’ flat. Remus couldn’t stop smiling and thinking about how much he loved Mayday.
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sparklingpax · 4 years
Tales From Iacon - Part 1: Kalos
-Set in the Aligned continuity! Specifically, TFP :3
-Ik this translates to something like "noble" or "good" in Greek and this is the title because of the character you're gonna meet (just someone I came up with on the spot,,,,please don't get mad if theres already someone like that in TF I swear I did not intend to copy anyone's stuff—) and also because of the "goodness" and "nobility" in the ultimate message of his character's existence, as well as a reference to the idea of the cause for equality on Cybertron and all. Idk that probably doesn't make sense. It made more sense in my head!!!! OK anyway,,
-Please forgive me for typos or atrocious grammar things idk most of this was written at 4 am because I couldn't sleep also sorry if it's incoherent or boring or ooc please have mercy on me I just wanted to have some fun and write about these two because I love them--
-Also this is originally from my wattpad! (@/kunixjiro if you’re interested in my other stories as well) I will be updating chapters as I write them both there and here <3 </p>
 -I tried to use to terms that are specific to Cybertronian lingo. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes with the usages; I looked them up and tried to do some research based off a few of the books I have, but then again, I might have mistaken them to mean something else. Either way, pls leave a comment if you want me to explain what something means. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the story! :D
/ / /
The sky was a perfect, clear blue.
White wisps of clouds floated in the sky at a carefree pace.
Yet, said clouds did not mar the color of the sky—the beautiful, blue sky.
Sitting far below, on a bench in a park in Iacon City, Orion Pax stared up at it. He contemplated the shapes of the clouds, wondering what exactly they reminded him of. Regardless of success in such an endeavor (or not), Orion found absolute peace in quietly contemplating nature around him.
He was therefore contented at present. Right then and there, Orion would have been more than happy to stay for centuries to come.
The sky is, after all, endless. Much more than what his small optics could see was beyond.
That thought alone excited his scholarly curiosity. Planets, life, solar systems! So much left to find in such a great, big universe. Orion shut his eyes and smiled. How wonderful it is, this day. Thank you, great Primus, for creating such a lovely place. He opened his eyes again to survey the world presently before him.
Closest to his bench, Orion saw a group of sparklings playing catch. He shifted his gaze to his right, seeing two adolescent bots walking together, giggling carefreely. To his left was an older bot, manning his small "Energon Cube-sugar" station with a contented smile. Someone was reading a book on another bench. Over at the far side of the grass was a dancer showing off their skills to some music as onlookers cheered encouragingly. Outside the grassy clearing, many more citizens of Iacon moved about—to work or to play Orion did not know, but nonetheless, the world was alive around him.
Megatronus is taking quite a long while to show up. I know he is often otherwise engaged with matters in his political or gladiatorial life...though I wonder if he even remembered...
Orion picked up his holopad and began scrolling through his assignment calendar while he waited. Nothing had been updated, so Orion sighed a little and shut off the device, returning his gaze to the sky.
He wondered why he hadn't brought the pad that had books to read on it.
Megatronus...please don't tell me you actually forgot again—
At the sound of his name, Orion jolted a little. He smiled to himself as he saw Megatronus's large figure striding through the park, across the clearing to his bench. Well, I guess I was wrong.
When the silver-and-burgundy-plated bot reached him, Orion stood up to greet him.
"Still alive after all those matches in the rink?" He joked lightly. Megatronus grinned playfully.
"Still alive after all those exams?" Orion widened his eyes in slight surprise, then they shared a laugh. "Well, I see how it is. I am pleased to see you are well." Megatronus extended a servo.
Taking it, Orion replied, "Thank you. It is good that you are, also."
They sat down.
Originally, Orion had wanted to talk about philosophy regarding the societal structures of Cybertron, which both of them had qualms with at present. However, after Orion had gotten food from the stand nearby, and the pair had begun discussing interesting sights Iacon had to offer...
"I can show you the very store I purchased this from," Orion gestured to the holopad in his hand. "It has a wide variety of tools, as well as a wider range of prices." Megatronus perked up a little at the second statement. "The shopkeeper is a nice, old bot."
"Is he, now?" The gladiator leaned back and stared at the sky, considering whether it would be a good idea or not. His eyes were lit with a strange mix of inquiry, annoyance, and amusement. "Would he permit a lower caste bot into his store, Orion? According to society, I should not be in this city at all, anyway."
"With me, he most likely will." Orion answered firmly. He then frowned. "And don't say that, Megatronus. You and I both know that anybot belongs anywhere they please. Freedom is a basic right of all, is it not?"
Megatronus gave his friend a sideways look, the corner of his mouth twisted into a wry smile.
Orion sighed, then elaborated a little bit. "His name is Kalos and he has been a kind bot for all the time I have known him. I have never seen him raise his voice or say harsh things. In fact, he's been to Iacon once or twice, and he and Alpha Trion are friends."
As he spoke, Orion realized just how silly it was starting to sound—that he would know just how a lower-caste bot like Megatronus would be received at an upper-caste level store in Iacon. As an archivist at Iacon Hall of Records, as well as a scholar, it would stand to reason Orion had never seen Kalos be disrespectful or harsh to him—even if Orion was still not part of the upper-caste classes. It was true that he was not explicitly owed respect as per the society's standards.
However, it wasn't impossible that the people of Iacon were kind souls on their own.
I feel as though he is a kind bot regardless of caste. Things could still go well.
"I suppose the only way to know is to go and see for oneself." Megatronus's voice pulled Orion out of his thoughts. He turned to see Megatronus standing up. "Lead the way, Pax."
Orion nodded, smiling a little himself as he rose from the bench. "If we get in with no trouble, I can use my card to get something for you. After all, you traveled such a distance to meet me and I earned a little from —"
Megatronus laughed a little, placing a servo on his friend's shoulder.
"If we get in. Though..." He paused as if to say something, then shook his head. He patted Orion's shoulder gently. "Thank you just as well, Orion."
The young archivist tapped Megatronus's arm as a return gesture. "Anytime, Megatronus."
/ / /
As it was a rather calm day on the streets, Orion and Megatronus met little traffic of people as they walked, all the while discussing mostly inconsequential things. They arrived at the threshold of the store within about 4 units.
Upon reaching it, Orion immediately drifted from Megatronus mid-speech to go stare at the display window. He remembered that Kalos often put in updated editions of things or entirely new items behind the glass, and wondered if there was anything new today.
Megatronus raised an eyebrow in curiosity, drawing closer to the window. He was amazed by all the little things in the window. Even if he didn't know what they were or what they did, he was still happy to look at the items anyway.
"These are such nice looking things, aren't they?" Orion commented as his gaze jumped from one thing to the next. Megatronus sighed lightly.
"Back on Kaon, there are no such stores as this one. We do not have much there, anyway." He murmured quietly. Nor Shanix enough to buy anything if indeed such stores existed.
Orion immediately felt bad and turned to say something to apologize, but when he saw Megatronus, he was relieved. His friend had a calm and light expression on his face as he stared at the display.
"Go in?"
Orion moved away from the display and walked through the front door. Megatronus followed cautiously behind, shifting his gaze from side to side at the clean, organized shelves and tables.
It was his first time in such a nicely kept store. He was content to be there even for a second.
Even if moments from now, this "Kalos" asks me my profession and I am thrown out for not following caste rules—
"Megatronus, come!" Orion called. He was standing by a small table in the back, upon which a few variations of the holopad he owned were placed neatly beside one another. On a paper below the table were listed the prices. As Megatronus drew closer, he made a noise of interest at the fair price for each device.
Though I don't have enough for anything, these seem proportionate. Not too much, yet not too little. Interesting.
Orion watched Megatronus as he leaned in to observe the details of the pads, then without saying anything, swiveled around to look at the other things on the walls.
He had such a large figure, Orion was a little worried he would accidentally knock something over. But, then again, Megatronus was not clumsy. Orion decided it would be safe if he walked to another part of the store and let his friend browse at his own discretion.
"Ahh, Orion! It is nice to see you again." The kind voice belonged to the bot walking down the aisle. Orion turned to greet the bot, smiling warmly.
"It is nice to see you as well, Kalos. The display outside looked wonderful as always." The old shopkeeper chuckled, patting Orion's back. His plating of many shades of green looked quite shiny, Orion noted internally.
"I had hoped it would! It pleases me that you enjoyed it."
They both turned at the sound of footsteps coming down the opposite side of the aisle. Megatronus was about to say something, but stopped as soon as he saw Kalos. His demeanor changed and became more guarded almost immediately—Orion sensed it.
"Good afternoon. You are Kalos?" Megatronus came to a halt next to Orion. Kalos smiled, nodding.
"That is me, indeed! Welcome to my store. I haven't seen you here before, are you new to the town as a resident, sir?"
"I am not..." Megatronus stared at the ground until Orion nudged him discreetly.
"Ah! Traveling from another city, then! How interesting." Kalos had the purest look of kindness in his entire demeanor. Megatronus took note of this. He could see why Orion had suggested things would go well.
"Yes..." He turned to Orion to see if the archivist could introduce him instead. Orion took the cue and made a gesture to Megatronus.
"This is a good friend of mine from Kaon City. His name is Megatronus."
Externally, Megatronus and Orion remained completely calm, but internally, they were waiting for something bad to happen.
...nothing did.
Kalos, without missing a beat, clapped his hands together. "Welcome to Iacon, Megatronus! Kaon is such a long way, and you have traveled far. Thank you for coming into my store!" He seemed not to care. Orion was relieved, though he did not show it.
Megatronus was shocked, but he simply laughed a little and thanked Kalos.
Minutes later, Megatronus had said his goodbyes and left the store to wait outside. Orion was at the checkout, thinking quietly about how he had been right (and how glad he was that he had been).
"Lost in thought, Orion?" Kalos began working the register. "I know who that bot is." He started quietly. Orion immediately felt his stomach churn. Oh no. He could report both of us—
"I agree with what he says. The idea of true equality and the end of this caste system—I always have. What kind of a world would this be if we were to pick and choose who gets our kindness and respect because they were born one way or another?" He shook his head and chuckled as Orion simply stared in complete shock.
Well...I did not expect this, for sure...
"You're probably wondering why an old bot like me would go with the new order rather than the old..." He handed the bag to the young scholar with a smile. "I think with all the wisdom I've gathered from my time alive, I'd be an utter fool not to see corruption when it happens. And I'm sure you believe the same as me."
Orion nodded slowly. He had an entirely new respect for Kalos.
What a great bot...he really is kind on his own.
The green-plated shopkeeper extended a servo and patted Orion's chest lightly, then drew it away and placed it on his own chest.
"That's all that matters in a bot, really. If Primus gave one to each and every bot alive, then it only makes sense that....Primus meant to say we all belong."
/ / /
Kalos stood at his shop's threshold and waved at Orion and Megatronus as they began to walk away. Orion turned and waved back.
"Thank you again, Kalos! See you soon!"
"Anytime, Orion! And Megatronus," The silver-burgundy bot turned at his name. "Safe travels back home! Come again sometime!"
Megatronus smiled back. He waved.
The pair made their way back to the entrance at Iacon, arriving just as the sun was going down.
Iacon was lit warm gold and pinkish silver as the rays of the sun touched the metal and sunk behind the great mountains in the distance. The sky above was painted a vibrant spray of colors, as if to dance one last time before the darkness of majestic, navy night came upon it.
"Here, Megatronus." Orion handed him the bag. "Don't break it." He joked, a trace of a grin on his face. His friend smirked.
"I'll only bring it when I fight lower-level threats." He shot back. They laughed.
Megatronus held it up to the sunlight, to look at the intricacy of the device. It was very elegant, just as the rest of the store had been. And Kalos...Orion didn't want to tell him yet what they had spoken about, but Megatronus sensed that Kalos was someone he could trust.
As Orion had put it, a true, kind-sparked individual.
"Thank you, Pax. I will take care of this and...try not to break it."
"You're welcome. Thank you for coming all the way here to Iacon. I...hope we can meet again soon, Megatronus." Orion and Megatronus shook hands.
As Megatronus turned to leave, he stopped, remembering something.
"Orion. I do have one question about this..." Orion tilted his head to the side a little.
Megatronus activated it. "How...exactly does this work, beyond activation?"
"Do you mean what can it be purposed for?"
"No, I mean.....I don't exactly know....how to use it...."
Silence hung in the air for a nanosecond or two, and then both of them burst into laughter.
The light of the sky shone on their plating, coating them in its soft, golden, pinkish light as they laughed together over such a silly thing.
Together, as good friends in the midst of the brewing troubles of Cybertron.
Laughing at how Megatronus now owned a holopad he had no clue how to use.
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acnewperspectives · 4 years
Technical Difficulties and Fashion Don’ts, Part 1
Hey everyone! It’s that time again. I wasn’t able to play yesterday so I was extra eager to get started today. As always we are greeted by Isabelle during the setup process, but this time we’re interrupted by none other than Mr Resetti himself. 
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I think I must have boot up the game quickly during the process of writing my last post in order to remember the number of bells or the name of an item or something else similar. Anyways this does bring up the first thing you guys can participate in. Would y’all prefer Cantata have the Reset Center restored or should we kick this mole to the curb? I have asks enabled and I believe I have anonymous asks enabled as well so you can let me know your opinion that way, or you could also reply to this post.
After the interruption Isabelle reminds us that we still need to go over our next steps as the new mayor.
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I had forgotten about that. We can’t just jump straight into making public works projects, we have to build up to it. It shouldn’t take too long though so there’s no need to worry.
The town is all set up and I go to check the mailbox, but suddenly I had an error where the 3DS registered that the SD card was removed, so it crashed the game. 
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That freaked me out a little bit and I popped the SD card in and out to make sure it was alright. Then I just booted the game back up.
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Here’s round 2. Hopefully that error was just a fluke and there’s nothing wrong with my 3DS.
Opening our mailbox only held the letter from that anonymous individual that was originally supposed to be the mayor of our town. I’m sure you’ve all seen it by now but in case you haven’t:
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There are a lot of theories about the identity of this person, but one popular one I quite like is that Rover was going to be mayor since he’s the only other person with you on the train. But because he’s a wandering soul at heart he took meeting you as an opportunity to escape. Just an interesting concept is all.
Right above our tent is a sectioned off area for a new villager.
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Looks like this emo dude will be joining Cantata very shortly.
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It looks like Katrina is here, might as well pay her a quick visit.
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Oh shoot I have bad luck today? Or does she always say that? I don’t remember. I just know that sometimes when she predicts you have bad luck you’ll trip a lot when you walk/run.
Let’s see what she recommends. Gonna be something crazy like red leggings or something?
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Oh...I mean, I was probably gonna get a hat or two anyway.
After exiting Katrina’s tent I went over to our snowman to get today’s bingo number.
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The number of the day is 10 and I’m sorta close to a diagonal bingo except I think it’s too far to the center to count as a bingo.
Portia was just hanging around near the bridge so I thought it was a good time to say hi.
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I think the darker purple tones complimented her fur colors a bit nicer but the sweater looks pretty as well.
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I’m gonna rate it close to perfect cause it’s pretty, but it’s not amazing or anything.
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Oh! Our first friendship gift exchange! How exciting!
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I’m gonna be honest. Not digging it. I don’t usually go for the simple clothes with just text on them. But Portia is the real MVP here so we’ll wear it at least for the rest of the day.
Bill’s house was nearby so I dropped in to say hi to him as well. We had a brief conversation about where I decided to place my house and then moving into a writing letters tutorial. I’m hoping the tutorial speak won’t be super frequent but to be fair the previous games had their fair share of tutorial convos as well.
Spotted Peggy standing on top of a fossil hole. If I didn’t know any better I’d say she was trying to hide it.
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She gave up and walked away once I made it clear I had spotted the hole.
A conversation with her only resulted in more tutorial speak this time about the bulletin board. I had actually forgotten to check it as a matter of fact. I should probably get into the habit of checking to see if there are any upcoming events since that’s the closest to an in game event calendar we have.
Barold gives a tutorial on screenshots and to be fair if I was a brand new player I would probably be very thankful for this information.
On the way to the top of the map we bump into Wisp.
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I wish he had a bit of a character of his own outside of the amiibo functionality. him being nothing but a mechanic in the game kinda removes the excitement of actually finding him.  
After that I headed up to Main Street to see what’s in stock.
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Oh sweet a bug net. that’ll make 3 of the tools collected.
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I’m also really tempted by this sofa, but it probably won’t end up fitting with my house decor. Besides I don’t want to waste a lot of money too quickly.
Stepping into Able Sisters and boy do they have some interesting things in stock!
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I’m really digging the long sleeve items and this looks very nice.
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I also thought I’d try getting the frog pants so I can get out of that boring default skirt. Buuuut It doesn’t look quite as flattering as I’d hoped.
Maybe it’ll look a bit better with the shirt Portia gave me.
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Eh....not reallyy. I think I may have made a mistake.
Anyway let’s see what accessories are in stock. Maybe a hat will help.
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Oh. Oh wow. Actually, I think maybe the hat sorta helps.
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We are an absolute hot mess of a fashion disaster today guys. I can’t tell if I’m embarrassed or proud.
Let’s go with proud.
Continue session in part 2: https://acnewperspectives.tumblr.com/post/190687117258/technical-difficulties-and-fashion-donts-part-2
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