#i wish english was my native language
ratatosk777 · 2 months
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continuation of these sketches
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elysium-mons · 4 months
Something, something, about that writing prompt of the hero being badly hurt, and the only place he can go for help is to the villain's lair.
Once the hero reaches the villain's door the first thing he says is "Who did this to you?" In a threatening way.
And all of this for SefiKura! Yes.
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capisback · 1 year
I know it’s haha funny to laugh at dutch and call it discount english or what-have-you, but I stopped finding it funny a long, long time ago. There’s so much active distaste for a language that has every right to exist and be found beautiful, but it’s hated by people who don’t speak it and native speakers who do. Why would you call any language lesser than? Any language better than another? There’s so much beauty to be found in each language, so many different ways of life and seeing the world, so many different words and sayings and ways to love that you can’t find in another. Dutch is no different, and it deserves to be appreciated, not driven into the ground and disregarded as a worn piece of clothing that’s served its purpose
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sclki-op · 7 months
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Ripples ran through his form and he was gone in a heartbeat– rivers of smoke spilling to the floor, seeping through seams, dripping to the deck bellow and past the rails, cascading to the pitch black waters that surrounded the ship.
Shouts sounded from above.
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Translucent smoke drifted inches above the sea waves in a layer so thin it ripped– before sealing itself again. It stretched far, looking too much like a morning mist.
He struggled to maintain physical form, swirls of smoke blooming everywhere across his body. His face a distorted mass of thick white.
Questions woven out of worry gone ignored.
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svtskneecaps · 4 months
my wishlist for eventual further qsmp activity is that they're able to make the translations work for voice group calls and show up in the box or something.
yes this is because i'm rewatching purgatory vods again, my main server rewatch got me to the day flippa dies for the first time and i'm SAD i don't wanna watch it :(
just, with purgatory 2 and i'm rewatching bolas with carre as well, like bolas mainly operated in english bc they'd been speaking english to each other for a while and when they needed to coordinate with carre they went quiet so cellbit could talk bc he was their strongest in spanish (those were the few times they ever really shut up in the call lmao) but i'm also thinking about purgatory 2 and how teams that had members who weren't proficient in a common language couldn't use the translations because purgatory teams tended to spend a lot of time split up in the world. i'm thinking about the time bad and brunim were standing right in front of each other and brunim was still asking someone in the call to translate for bad, bc they just weren't able to make much use of the translations so they didn't seem to become habit for the teams.
that's my wishlist. i'm not sure it's even possible with how the voice chat mod they're using works, but i really hope they can figure out how to make that work because that's gonna REALLY help these events be less english or common language dependent. it'll be a learning curve for the players to remember to read the box and it'll probably get messy for bigger calls but the five-six person teams should probably be manageable.
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 1 year
The reason why English feels so distant and people find it easier to express their feelings and emotions in English is because English has become so common that it loses its meaning. The English language itself has evolved into just a means of translation.
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emptyportrait · 1 year
Rhaenyra always doomed by the narrative cause no matter whatever she does to prove her competency as a ruler, or how many years she spent learning and proving that she can be a good leader and neither it matters that despite facing many sacrifices, she was the one who was persistent about diplomacy, she was the one who talked of peace, for the people of her realm, in a room full of men who was hungry for war. none of it matters, cause in the end it all comes down to her being a woman, everything she has done fall short in front her not being a man. nothing she does can stop her doom cause no-one is satisfied by a queen who was never given a chance to prove herself, instead thrusted into war from the very first moment of her accession. everybody sees a madwoman, rather than seeing a grieving mother. everybody sees a paranoid woman, instead of seeing a woman who has been betrayed too many times, who lost most of all. at the end none of her sufferings matters, cause she gets written as the villain of the war. but not the men who took everything from her. rhaenyra was always doomed, because she dared to reach for a position of power in a world of men. so now everybody gets to mock her end but nobody is allowed to speak of her pain.
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verdiesque · 6 months
asking my mom to proofread an email i have to send to ask for job opportunities is so embarrassing like even writing the email makes me wanna crawl into a hole and then asking my mom to read it is even worse
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offorestsongs · 1 month
sometimes being a non-native english speaker on the internet is just writing a fic and going "no no guys i know this is a bit bad but i'm such a good writer in my native language trust me guys i swear" the whole time except i have no way to prove it because it's not like anyone would you know, know my native language
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afternoonaetheling · 1 month
My understanding of English is that it’s such a fun and weird language because it’s been repeatedly smashed into other languages such as French and Norse due to the Norman Conquest and the Danelaw, and it’s at a point where most of its vocab is from loanwords and it barely has grammatical gender (for the better).
Anyways, the point is that I need a civilization of native Ithkuil speakers to invade England. It would be very cool and fun; I promise.
@bolt76 agrees with me.
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satellitesunset · 2 months
the fact that I can never read my favourite pieces of media in their original language bc I don't speak it. keeps me up at night actually.
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rollercoasterwords · 8 months
rae do you have any tips on like verb tenses when it comes to writing? as an immigrant who never properly learned english grammar i struggle with it so much when im writing fiction especially. i feel like i always mix up tenses and never know when is appropriate to use one over the other idk.
hmmm well i may not be the best person 2 advise on this bc english is my first language so bear that in mind but! it might help to like. consciously pick a single tense that ur gonna write the fic in & then read back over & just pay specific attention 2 verbs & make sure they're all in the same tense. & when doing this i will say i think present tense is generally easier to write in than past tense (even though past tense tends to be the norm in published fiction) bc like. if ur writing a fic in simple present tense then it's easier to be like "ok here i'm talking about past so i can just use simple paste tense and here i can just use simple future tense," whereas if ur writing in past tense u have 2 start pulling out the "had" phrases etc if ur talking abt the past in past-tense & things get more complicated...like it's easier to conjugate "He says it's true. But earlier, he lied." than "He said it was true. But earlier, he had lied." y'know?
i've had cases before where i forgot what tense i was writing in & had to go back through & change everything to match the same tense so i know it can def be a pain lol but that's also why i think like...consciously going "ok i'm writing in present [or whatever u choose] tense" at the beginning of the writing process makes it a bit easier, bc then u know that no matter what ur writing it should be in that tense. & where it gets tricky is when u have to start talking abt past/future/conditionals/etc but like i said i think writing in present tense makes that a bit easier bc it's usually the tense that we're most familiar with & so it can sometimes be easier to figure out "weird" verb conjugations within the present tense. basing this advice also from my experience learning other languages where like...i have a way easier time conjugating simple present/past/future tense than trying 2 get into any of the more complicated grammar lol
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deadsince1973 · 1 year
I've just finished episode 5 of Vivant, and I have to say, I really love and appreciate the mix of languages on this show. You just KNOW that if this show were American, all the "Balkan"/Mongolian characters would be speaking English with a foreign accent for the convenience of the audience. So I absolutely love this show's choice to have huge chunks of the show's dialogue delivered in Mongolian, including lines by the Japanese main characters, and to simply subtitle it in Japanese. No handwaving about how the main characters' foreign contacts just happen to speak Japanese with no expectation that the main characters might also speak Mongolian. No, instead, all the main characters speak Mongolian and English (and Arabic maybe, in Nogi's case?) in addition to Japanese, none of the Americans speak Japanese, only the Balkan/Mongolian characters for whom it makes sense that they would speak Japanese speak Japanese, and the language of the scene is chosen based on what language would most likely be used in that situation in real life. Convenience for the audience is simply not a consideration. And I love it!
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I want so much draw something about future of Yharnam. Since my hunter became deity, he will watch carefully over this land and wait for people he once knew to get a new life.
Again college, again talented young people, but now they won't fall into madness, because Deity doesn't want them to find ancient labyrinths, to discover Great Ones. And so same people, same place, same mistakes, but completely different time, its modern Yharnam
Great One, former hunter, who knew them all, all yharnamites, will now let them live peaceful, joyful life
"Do the gods love their creations?"
Yes, they do
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checkitoutmikey · 1 year
by this point im not even obsessing over my english like yeah i know i make mistakes and i will continue to make mistakes... so what. I fought to be in a good headspace and grammar will not change that! but i know you kind people will forgive me ♥♥♥
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onlyseokmins · 2 years
you are italian? 😭 idk why i'm so shocked but whenever i see other italian authors i feel pride
omg about to break hearts here :') i'm not but the lovely @wonuhour is teaching me Italian :') I studied spanish for a good four/five years so there are a few similarities when replying to her but unfortunately I am an english speaking asian american ajskdfjakjg
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