#i work out almost daily but i hate it so much lolol i get bored. it's literally just to prevent me from being snappable
How do the t$$ crew stay in shape? Like what do their diets look like and their workout routines?
Joy is a powerlifter. Before she was arrested she had a gym membership and would hit the weight racks 4-6 times a week. Despite her overactive mind, it's a kind of therapeutic thing for her and would help burn off excess energy after a day in the gun shop. She's not a huge fan of cooking (and usually doesn't have the time), so she'd usually exist on chicken, rice, and canned or frozen veggies. Anything else she'd just eat out or visit home for
Jericho also enjoys weight lifting, but didn't have nearly as much time as Joy to get after it (family time comes first), and would usually manage to get in 3-4 hours of gym time a week, tops. He'll usually just do protein powder and almond milk for a recovery snack, and otherwise eats a lot of meals that are fairly easy to throw together and make leftovers out of (like stews, casseroles, etc)
Benji doesn't work out on purpose. He finds it both boring and intimidating. Cardio through dancing? He's all about it. He'll also go on walks if he feels like he's been too stagnant, and has a stretching routine he'll try to do every morning. He hates cooking and eats out whenever he can, but prefers lighter stuff like soup and sandwiches. Dishes that are too meat or dairy heavy just make him feel icky
Kaius used to do fencing, archery, and karate, (and has some shoulder strength built up because of those), but constantly moving from place to place makes it difficult to build a routine, so it's been a few years. The one thing he tries to do consistently is run, and that's out of practicality. (He has to run for his life a lot.) He generally eats whatever he can when he has time (and remembers to do it), and since he avoids meat that ends up being a lot of peanut butter sandwiches and microwave rice. Despite this, he still enjoys good food
Hunter doesn't have a routine. He just does what he wants when he feels like it, and since he's a restless person, he feels like it a lot. He'll go for a really long walk, or just run somewhere as fast as he can for the hell of it, or mess around with weights if he's somewhere that has them. (He'd also do a lot of cardio via fist fighting and running away from things, but that's a lifestyle issue lol) He's also in the "oh shit did I eat today" boat most of the time
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gureishi · 3 years
my cat Tiko is EXTREMELY VOCAL to the point where he gets on my nerves almost every day. HES MEOWUNG HIS HEAD OFF RIGHT NOW LIKE BRO WTH I JUST GAVE YOU SOME ATTENTION
my mom's better at handling him than i am. im just way too easily irritated. AND LIKE he doesnt just!!! come over to me or my mom for attention! like bro you can just chill on my lap u know and i'll give u attention buT NOPE.
jdvdhsj okay sorry that turned into a mini rant
anyways sometimes i snap at him or even slam on the table (to make noise) to get him to be quiet (thats like, when im in school or trying to focus on hw, art, or writing -- or otherwise not in a position to get up and give him attention). doesnt always work lol... but i just get so frustrated. and i always feel bad but i honestly cant help it; i have a bit of a short fuse, at least when it comes to irritation (rather than anger). occasionally i pretend to through like, an eraser at him, but thats not as common.
so i guess im just wondering how saeyoung would react in those cases? especially the first ones. and i suppose this could get a lil angsty... i only say that because i can feel rn that i would probably feel so guilty for behaving that way in front of someone other than my mom.
it also has to do with that "getting stuck" thing. its hard to actually get up and move sometimes. AND IM ALSO A HUMAN WHO HAS THINgs to do and i cant always entertain Tiko just because he's bored or thinks something is wrong just because we've been sitting in one place for more than 2 hours and appearing to not do anything... smh
msvdjsbsj gosh this is probably so weird and specific lolol sorry 😅 but it is an almost daily thing for me.
and gosh this whole thing probably makes me sound like a monster 😭😭 if it means anything, i would never actually hurt him :(( and i never have in the 10 years we've had him. i just get frustrated so easily and his meow is very loud and sorta high pitched and piercing and persistent... sighh
You certainly do not sound like a monster! As I’ve told you, we are constantly whining at the dog because he is so very loud (and yes, we should train him better, and we’ve tried, but he is also anxious and my street is very chaotic 😭)
So anyway: I very much get it ❤️❤️❤️
Hmmmmmm what to call this...?
Saeyoung with an MC who gets annoyed at her loud cat
Everyone knows Saeyoung loves cats. What you also know, of course—and what he sometimes forgets—is that he doesn’t actually know anything about cats.
He is startled by the meowing, at first. He is fascinated with your cats: he thinks they are beautiful and charming and adorable and perfect in every way (much like you). He didn’t really expect them to be loud, though. 
His first instinct, of course, is to meow back. He has endless energy to play with the cats—after all, he hasn’t grown up with them, and he only sees the things that are exciting. And of course, they will end up in a long conversation, Saeyoung and the cat. Lots of meowing. Very vivacious meowing.
And look, if you’re in the right headspace for it, it’s pretty cute. He really just wants the cats to understand him. He wants to be their friends. (He wants to make sure he has their blessing to be with you, but that’s another story altogether.)
But if you’re not in the right headspace—you’re working, or writing, or drawing, and need some peace and quiet—it’s not so cute anymore.
It’s automatic: the cat meows, and you snap in response. You’re frustrated; you’re trying to focus, and the incessant noise pushes you over the edge.
And that startles Saeyoung, too. He’s never heard you snap like that before.
Immediately, you feel terrible—you’re hit with a huge wave of guilt. And it is double guilt, because he is here, and you love him, and you don’t want him to think badly of you. 
And you love your cat, of course. You didn’t mean to snap the way you did; you don’t want this beloved boy to think you are a horrible, cat-hating monster.
A moment ago, you rose out of your seat. Now, you sit back down slowly. You don’t really want to meet his eyes.
“Sorry,” you mutter. Your face feels hot. “I didn’t mean...”
He doesn’t say anything right away, and you can feel his eyes on you. You feel like you might cry. Oh, you think—he hates you now.
And the cat is meowing again, because of course he is.
“Hey.” Suddenly, Saeyoung is in front of you. He’s jumped up onto the table and pushed your work to the side—he’s peering down, trying to look in your eyes. “What’s wrong?”
You put your face in your hands so you don’t have to look at him. “I shouldn’t have reacted like that,” you say into your hands. “Don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
Gentle, rough fingers on your face—and he’s tilted your chin up so you can’t help but look him in the eye. Ah, and for a moment you are lost there, as you so often are: his gaze is soft, and bright, and intense—once you are looking, it is impossible to look away.
“It was loud,” he says. “I get it. But why are you...?”
He cups your cheeks in both hands. And he probably shouldn’t be sitting on the table, but—but—his hands are warm and he is looking down at you with such deep affection in his eyes. 
“I got frustrated,” you tell him. “But I didn’t want to—I shouldn’t—act that way in front of you.”
His eyes widen. You didn’t expect him to be surprised, but he is—and he is blushing, which seems strange.
“You were trying to—?” He shakes his head, like he doesn’t quite understand. “Okay. Here’s what you have to know.”
He is still holding your face. And this is fine—you could feel his hands on your cheeks forever and it wouldn’t be enough.
“I love you,” he says firmly. “You...know that part, right?”
You laugh—perhaps a little wetly. You do know.
“My love is not conditional,” he continues. You take a shaky breath. “I love you when you’re happy and energetic. I love you when you’re working hard and focusing. I love you when you’re sad and need comfort. I love you when you’re irritated, or frustrated, or angry,” he says.
It is a flood of words, and they wash over you like a rushing river. Your heart is racing.
“You don’t have to act any way around me,” he tells you. “That’s part of the deal.”
The cat is meowing again, but you hardly hear him. Absently, you reach over and pet him. Saeyoung grins.
“And you love your cats,” he adds. “And I know you’d never hurt them just because you’re upset.”
You nod. It’s true. You wouldn’t.
“C’mere?” he asks. He holds out his arms and—oh, he is still sitting on the table, but—you stand, falling into him, resting your head on his chest. He wraps both his arms around you and squeezes you tight.
“You know the same goes for you, right?” you mumble, your voice muffled by his t-shirt. He giggles at the way you sound and presses his lips to the very top of your head.
“No matter what?” he asks. 
“Of course.”
He meows.
Oh, and he is meowing at the cat again: back and forth, as if they are chatting about the weather.
You pull back and he smiles apologetically. “Still love me?”
You roll your eyes. You pet the cat. You pet his head.
You do: of course you do. Unconditionally.
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edengarden · 4 years
Hi! May I have a romantic heaven box BNHA matchup, please? :)
I'm Flo, a 19 years old bisexual girl.
Appearance: I'm 164 cm(~5'3) tall, with slim, kinda athletic body. I have medium long brown hair and same coloured deer-eyes(probably most attractive part on me), I also wear eyesglasses. I have thin mouth unfortunately. Also, I have a tiny little scar above my right eyebrow(I opened our car's door on my head years ago lolol), it's barely visible. I'm vain and always dress like a lady: so dresses and skirts, I have a classy, elegant or cute style, depends on my daily outfit. I wear light makeup, but not all the time.
Personality: Ambiverted, Virgo with Leo ascendant and Pisces moon. Slytherpuff. Needless to say, these already represent how confusingly dual my personality is. My behaviour constatntly changes, depending on who I am with: I try to sell myself, being two-faced, wearing a mask(sometimes I appear to be talkative, other times full-stoic), but to people I really do love, I'm quite blunt. Most of the time I'm caring and relatively kind person(but can be an asshole&harsh if tired emotionally). Highly critical, opinionated and rational-thinker, and I usually analyze everything: movies, books, other people, myself. HATE small talk, I always want to talk about some deep shit, sharing my opinions, thougts(only if you ask for it). Enjoy debating. Also, I'm the REALLY clumsy, like clumsy af and I have an invincible talent in getting myself into the most embarrassing, cringe situations. Hate appearing to be weak or crying in front of others(I never do), and generally I can get melancolic and depressed easily. I don't really trust even my loved ones, I always hide my deepest emotional(or whatever) issues, I just can't stand the fact being emotionally vulnerable. Also, I bottle up feelings well. But I can be soft sometimes which suprises people. One of my best friends said, I am suprising, always doing something unpredicted. Additionally, I stress over something all the time. About my humour, it's kinda ironic, dark, morbid, troll-ish; roasting, teasing people 24/7. Don't worry, despite my sometimes serious act, I can be a total dumb idiot. Selfish, vain, lazy,  snobbish hahah. Quite liberal, and I almost never judge people, I mind my own buisness. When I can talk about something I love or just sharing my opinion, I am passionate and be ready for a LONG rambling. Oh, I love alcohol and going out with friends, also I smoke those occassions. Plus, I have god-like hands, everyone told me that I could earn money bc of my massaging skills(I just know by instict how to touch people lol). Oh, and I daydream and zone out a lot. I love going out and drink alcohol with my friends(and sometimes somoke too), the drunken me can be a real asshole, but also hugs out of the blue, I get softer. Oh, and I curse fucking much, I have a disgustingly flithy mouth, bc of my rather innocent appearance and behavior ppl are suprised how much is... cruse.
Relationship: I don't really have a 'type' but I get bored easily: I takes a lot for me to really like in long-term a person, so I fall easier for complex and charismatic ones(but like I said, I can fall for other personalities too!!). I'm a quite difficult person to be with and to love, so I'm suprisingly flexible in a relationship. Only thing I need and without it wouldn't work at all: DEEP CONVOS AND SOME INTELLECT. Also, I have a quite roasting-bullying type humour, so my lover should understand and being able to handle that. Anyways, I'm not much of a PDA person(but I don't mid handholding, short hugs etc. if my partner really want to), and not romantic at all(also cannot flirt hehe), and for a long time I can be bit distant. Love language is words of affirmation&quality time, and if I have to express my feelings I'm best with acts of service. I love cuddling, ppl are suprised when I initiate hugs but tbh I love physical affection. I'm probably more likely the 'friend' lover. I need a lot, lot, lot alone time.
Hobbies/Likes: classical literature, theatre, politics, hiking, sightseeing, mysteries, reading about disappearances(crimes), trying out new things, yoga, running, horse riding, table tennis, listening to music, cats, thunderstorms, rainy days, cider, tequila
Music taste: Oh man, MIXED. I listen to literally everything except techno, it depends on my mood honestly. But if I had to say something, I think indie, alternative rock, electronic and psychedelic songs are the closest to me, but I've grown to listen more and more rap. Most of the songs are depressive as fuck, I mean I can be at my happiest, but I'd still listen some dark shit. But still, I enjoy pop(2000s pop at parties FUCK YEAH), jazz. Also, some occassions all my ears and mind need is some good ol' classical music. Some faves: Tame Impala, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jack Stauber, Fink and some Hungarian bands that no one knows unfortunately. :(
Sorry if I was too long and more sorry if I've already requested before(my brain just rots lol), then just ignore me, hehe~♡
Did you,,, did you just copy paste like 3/4 of who I am
Man when I was reading your persona I was going “RinRinRinRinRinRin-“ but I decided against it UwU
ALL IN ALL you honestly sound like my type of person?? Like deadass I’d wanna befriend you. Fuck them small talks tell me what you think of the expansion of the universe and let’s talk about what if drugs are illegal bc they make us perceive true reality-
I’m going to match you up with... Shindo!
This one is a Battle of Wits, I swear. You didn’t trust him a single bit when the two of you first met, no one even thought you’d ever become friends. Shindo could practically see the gears turning in your head and quite frankly he was impressed?? You’re a highly intelligent individual who was able to keep your guard up and seclude yourself from others while not appearing TOO unapproachable? Boy was whipped and he didn’t even realize it. While others thought you were sort of cold and pragmatic, he thought you were the most well-balanced human in the world.
You guys 100% had an enemies to lovers thing going on, but it was slightly different. YOU started off completely uninterested in him, but while he made you think the feeling was mutual, I think Shindo found himself gravitating towards you. You can bet he secretly celebrated every little victory and step forward he made with you. Boy did NOT let up.
I seriously think he’s entertaining enough for you to keep interest in him. Shindo is as two-faced as you are (if not more), and he WILL change his behaviour within a second to keep your interest (somehow no one noticed his habit of doing that when he was crushing on you?? SUSPICIOUS). Also not a big fan of small talk; if he’s interested in you, he wants to know how you tick. He wants to know what you enjoy, what you like and what you dislike. And when you tell him while trying to still keep an emotional distance from him, he takes it as a challenge. No, he doesn’t think your relationship is a game, but he does think it’s highly entertaining and interesting.
When you start softening up to him, he won’t even grow bored. He’s worked so hard to get close to you and it finally pays off and he’s so happy??
But he won’t ever initiate PDA, just because he too has an image to uphold lmao if others don’t personally know you they’d never know y’all are falling for each other.
- One of My Turns, Pink Floyd (“don’t look so frightened this is just a passing phase one of my bad days” just hits different for the two of you?? I’m not saying your relationship is toxic bc it really isn’t but the VIBE is there)
- Do I Wanna Know?, Arctic Monkeys
- Dollar Days, David Bowie
- You Give Love A Bad Name, Bon Jovi
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paradise-creator · 4 years
Hi! May I have a romantic heaven box BNHA matchup, please? :)
I'm Flo, a 19 years old bisexual girl.
Appearance: I'm 164 cm(~5'3) tall, with slim, kinda athletic body. I have medium long brown hair and same coloured deer-eyes(probably most attractive part on me), I also wear eyesglasses. I have thin mouth unfortunately. Also, I have a tiny little scar above my right eyebrow(I opened our car's door on my head years ago lolol), it's barely visible. I'm vain and always dress like a lady: so dresses and skirts, I have a classy, elegant or cute style, depends on my daily outfit. I wear light makeup, but not all the time.
Personality: Ambiverted, Virgo with Leo ascendant and Pisces moon. Needless to say, these already represent how confusingly dual my personality is. My behaviour constatntly changes, depending on who I am with: I try to sell myself, being two-faced, wearing a mask(sometimes I appear to be talkative, other times full-stoic), but to people I really do love, I'm quite blunt. Most of the time I'm caring and relatively kind person(but can be an asshole&harsh if tired emotionally). Highly critical, opinionated and rational-thinker, and I usually analyze everything: movies, books, other people, myself. HATE small talk, I always want to talk about some deep shit, sharing my opinions, thougts(only if you ask for it). Enjoy debating. Also, I'm the REALLY clumsy, like clumsy af and I have an invincible talent in getting myself into the most embarrassing, cringe situations. Hate appearing to be weak or crying in front of others(I never do), and generally I can get melancolic and depressed easily. I don't really trust even my loved ones, I always hide my deepest emotional(or whatever) issues, I just can't stand the fact being emotionally vulnerable. Also, I bottle up feelings well. But I can be soft sometimes which suprises people. One of my best friends said, I am suprising, always doing something unpredicted. Additionally, I stress over something all the time. About my humour, it's kinda ironic, dark, morbid, troll-ish; roasting, teasing people 24/7. Don't worry, despite my sometimes serious act, I can be a total dumb idiot. Selfish, vain, lazy,  snobbish hahah. Quite liberal, and I almost never judge people, I mind my own buisness. When I can talk about something I love or just sharing my opinion, I am passionate and be ready for a LONG rambling. Oh, I love alcohol and going out with friends, also I smoke those occassions. Plus, I have god-like hands, everyone told me that I could earn money bc of my massaging skills(I just know by instict how to touch people lol). Oh, and I daydream and zone out a lot.
Relationship: I don't really have a 'type' but I get bored easily: I takes a lot for me to really like in long-term a person, so I fall easier for complex and charismatic ones(but like I said, I can fall for other personalities too!!). I'm a quite difficult person to be with and to love, so I'm suprisingly flexible in a relationship. Only thing I need and without it wouldn't work at all: DEEP CONVOS AND SOME INTELLECT. Also, I have a quite roasting-bullying type humour, so my lover should understand and being able to handle that. Anyways, I'm not much of a PDA person(but I don't mid handholding, short hugs etc. if my partner really want to), and not romantic at all(also cannot flirt hehe), and for a long time I can be bit distant. Love language is words of affirmation&quality time, and if I have to express my feelings I'm best with acts of service. I love cuddling, ppl are suprised when I initiate hugs but tbh I love physical affection. I'm probably more likely the 'friend' lover. I need a lot, lot, lot alone time.
Hobbies/Likes: classical literature, theatre, politics, hiking, sightseeing, mysteries, reading about disappearances(crimes), trying out new things, yoga, running, horse riding, table tennis, listening to music
Sorry if I was too long, then just ignore me, hehe~
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Dream catcher loading...
ɴᴏᴡ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ
*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *. •.°
Hello and Welcome my Starlight!
The Haven box includes:
- Match up
- Sun drop
- Flashes of memory
- Such a loser
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I'd match you up with
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Bakugou Katsuki, Dynamight
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Sun drops
- Honestly it took me a LONG time to think who you would match with
- There was Momo, Jiro, Denki, and Iida. I just couldnt pick
- But in the end, I choose my first option, Bakugou
- With Bakugou, one is never bored
- His sarcasm and snarky attitude can prove to be entertaining!
- Though he may not seem like it, Bakugou seem like a type of person that will never do small talk
- He's more of a listener tbh
- At first the relationship may be rough but in the end it all works out
- Bakugo is a complicated character, it's hard to read him and that's what makes it exciting
- He isn't into pda but in private, expect some INTIMATE times
- He finds you so cute and entertaining whenever you tease/Bully other people
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Flashes of memory
Bakugou: Oi, Dumass!
Requester: Yes?
Bakugou: I Fucking love you so stop being a Dumbass!
Requester: I love you too and I'M NOT A DUMBASS
Bakugo: Your MY dumb
Random guy: *Flirts with requester*
Requester: *Is trying not to kill the man*
Kirishima: Ah, here we go again--BAKUBRO DON'T KILL HIM
Bakugo: OI, NERD
Requester: *ignores*
Requester: *Continues to ignore*
Bakugo: Fine! I'm sorry for gatting you mad
Requester: That wasn't so hard now is it?
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Such a loser
"Oi, I heard from Shittyhair you've been criticizing yourself to harshly again. What are you such a dumbass?" Bakugou yelled as she stomped his way towards his girlfriend. "And what if I am?" She replied as she looked away from her book. The brown haired girl was just peacefully reading in her dorm. Nothing much was really going on, she was just studying. She has the tendency to be harsh on herself. And with classmates like hers, it often happens. And as a Boyfriend, Bakugou thinks it's his responsibility and his problem that if his love is sad or hurt or insecure, he will make sure they are loved.
"Get off of the fucking floor and go to bed. We're gonna cuddle and you can't say no as an answer," Bakugo growled. The girl sighed and placed her book down, it's not like she wants to deny anyway. So they went to lay on the bed. Bakugo pulled her head on his chest and wrapped an arm around her." You idiot! Stop being harsh on yourself, dammit," He said as he placed his head on top of hers. "You are already perfect. That's why you got to shut taht pretty little mouth of yours and accept that you are," He added.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Author's note
Hello there! Sorry for the wait, I was quite tired but here is the Haven box as requested.
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daehwifi · 6 years
- admin xion
genre: fluff (but really dramatic?)  group/member: nct/lee donghyuck ft. huang renjun  word count: 3, 260 (the most i’ve ever written LOLOL)  requested: jade attacking me with cute jisung/taeyong scenarios is a full on screech for a cute donghyuck scenario side notes: i love jade tysm for cheering me up when i was crying over something stupid PAHAHHHA @loveleehyuck // it’s a messy scenario 
prompt:  where you’re limited to a certain amount of sticky notes. you are able to write whatever you want on it and that note would magically appear in your s/o’s line of sight during that day
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the whole ‘soulmate talk’ was treated as though it was the ‘puberty-talk’
it came with many rules like it was written in the government laws 
the light bulb of love (your heart) would ‘flicker’ when your soulmate is nearby, then magically, a set of sticky notes would be sent to your mail
your older siblings were scolded if they wrote something idiotic or harsh on their sticky notes towards their soulmate
especially since you are limited to a variation of 60 - 90 sticky notes 
you may think that’d be enough to get to know their soulmate and contact each other in real life 
but there was a catch to this whole dilemma 
the whole ‘soulmate’ thing won’t spark until you’re on your last sticky note 
and it’s possible for your soulmate not to like you back 
so within your 60 - 90 sticky notes, you basically have to fall in love with one another or else you’re destined to be alone  
unless you’re willing to go through the troubled some process of attempting to locate them in real life and start the whole sticky note situation all over again
a sigh escaped renjun’s lips while he slapped down a pack of sticky notes
“guess what came in the mail today?” renjun muttered under his breath
you stared at the pack of sticky notes that changed color for every 10 
“you sound disappointed for finding your soulmate,” you pointed out and nudged the pack towards him
“i don’t want to fall in love! that’s too much work!” renjun blurted 
“my mom and dad are gonna yell at me if i just end up drawing moomin in different poses through this whole entire set,” he added while carelessly flipping through the pack 
renjun and you have been friends for quite a while 
so, it was clear that you weren’t his soulmate
or else the pack of sticky notes would’ve come in the mail for each other quite a while ago  
“she might like moomin though,” you exclaimed, trying to enlighten the heavy mood renjun gave off 
“but- what if i say something wrong? i got a pack of 65 notes. all these 65 sticky notes matter,” renjun mumbled under his breath
he wasn’t wrong 
every single sticky note mattered 
“i’m sure she’ll like you back,” you commented and gave him a small pat on the back for reassurance 
another sigh escaped his lips before the bell rung 
he quickly took the pack of sticky notes and shoved it inside his bag before faintly saying bye and wondered off to class
“he really is stressed over it...” you thought to yourself 
on your hand, you’ve always wondered what that ‘flicker’ felt like 
a possible spark? 
fireworks exploding inside your stomach? 
you’d sit there and imagine what your soulmate would look like and sometimes, what would you even say on your sticky notes? 
you were left envious multiple times after hearing all the stories of your friends finding their soulmates
you were glad for them, but also jealous 
“how far away is my soulmate?” you wondered 
you aimlessly looked down onto the floor, getting lost into thought 
out of the nowhere, someone accidentally bumps into your shoulder and quickly apologizes before returning to their giddy self 
you turned around and noticed a boy wearing an in-n-out hat on top of his orange hair chasing after another boy 
to the looks of it, he was in the class that went on a trip to america together for three days for the end of the year 
(your class went to italy instead)
you only were able to see his back and found yourself accepting his apology although he couldn’t hear you 
right when you turned around and continued walking to class, the boy stopped his tracks and looked at you 
you both didn’t know why 
but for some reason, you both smiled to yourselves afterwards 
school soon ended while you stood on the heels of your shoes, waiting for the bus to arrive 
you heard a familiar laugh and looked at the sight, seeing the same two boys whom you interacted with earlier 
you finally saw the boy with the orange-hair clearly 
his smile was almost rectangular-like, but awfully admirable while his eyes formed up every time he broke out into a smile 
the boy standing next to him who was constantly throwing jokes (using some english phrases here and there) playfully joked about soulmates while nudging his shoulder 
“hey! we get it- you have a soulmate and i don’t,” you heard the orange-hair boy speak 
you tuned out of their conversation while the bus came to sight on the busy road 
the familiar bus pulled up at the stop and opened the doors while the bus driver greeted you with a welcoming smile
you took a special bus to go home since you were one of the people in the handful of students who lived ‘far’ away from school
it was more like a 20-minute walk for you, but there were no schools around your area even more so your parents encouraged you to take the bus the school provided 
you hopped on and sat down at your usual seat, staring out the black tinted window while the doors closed 
the bus passed by the two friends, but you couldn’t help but notice that the orange-hair boy and you made direct eye contact within that split second
or maybe you were just overthinking it 
you stretched your legs and cracked your knuckles before taking another sip of your water 
studying for three hours straight was obviously draining but you didn’t want to stop and lose your motivation for it 
the house was awfully quiet today
especially since your siblings moved in with their soulmate’s quite recently and your mom and dad were out for groceries 
to take a break from all the studying, you decided to go check the mail to see if anything new popped up (since it is the daily mail would come in)
you threw on a light coat and a pair of sneakers and headed out your door with your keys 
the mailman was at your mailbox with a small smile on his face 
of course, the two of you were mutuals after interacting more once
“anything new?” you asked while shoving your hands into your pocket 
the mailman nodded eagerly and handed you a small white box with a number on it 
‘60′ you read off the top 
you fringed your forehead and tilted your head in confusion
“that’s all the came in today,” he exclaimed before going off to the next house with a smile 
while walking back to the front porch, you attempted to slowly open the box and ripped open the tape on the sides 
but just as you were about to lift up the lid of the box, you could feel your heart rate increasing for an unknown reason 
being a bit cautious, you proceeded 
there in your hands, were 60 sticky notes 
you stood there in shock
meanwhile, your neighbors were making small talk with the mailman as well whilst him handing them their mail 
you could hear a small giggle while you turned your head towards them with slightly pink cheeks 
“congrats sweetie! you found your soulmate!” they congratulated 
of course, you came to school the next day a bit nervous
you had thoughts that it might have been the orange-hair boy but you didn’t want to boast about it and somehow be wrong 
the pack of sticky notes were in your bag and you lost sleep attempting to figure out what to write 
the weather didn’t seem to shine as much either, which only brought you to even a gloomier mood and made you even more stressed 
it was raining awfully hard, causing your breaks to be indoors 
whenever the class would get silent, you’d heard the sounds of the harsh water droplets, clashing against the mirror 
on the bright side, you were able to relate to how renjun felt about the whole sticky note idea
he was too scared and still hasn’t written anything
from hating the idea, to coming up with scenarios of what might possibly happened, the two of you were at a stump of not knowing what to do with your possible soulmates 
the question if they should write to you first floated around more than once as well, but only brought the two of you a bigger defeat 
you groaned in frustration from your bus being cancelled as well due to the weather
therefore, you were forced to walk home 
if the weather did clear up, the buses would still be cancelled since it was an official announcement and would practically confuse everyone 
especially the people who had already scheduled rides with their parents or their friends parents 
you had hope that the weather would clear up so that the walk home wouldn’t be even more gloomy 
there were signs of the sun shining through the grey clouds but it’d clash with rain despite the bright sun 
walking home at first was quite the bore 
you’d usually talk to the people who were on your bus, but they had all pitched rides while you were forced to walk home instead
you knew you way home if you were to walk
it was just bothersome 
with an umbrella in your hand, you held the pack of sticky notes in the other with a soft sigh
luckily, the raining seemed to get lighter by every block you’d walk in which resulted to a small smile appearing on your face 
but when you finally glanced away from the sticky notes, you found yourself stopping your steps and looked at the wall to your left
a sudden flash of ‘pink’ wasn’t normal to you on your gloomy walk 
it was a pink sticky note with text on it 
blankly, you turned towards it and took it off the wall 
‘...have you ate yet?’ you read
you rolled around on your bed holding the sticky note in your hand
in the other, you had your set of blank sticky notes and a pen 
you sighed out of frustration before screaming into your pillow and kicking your legs around like a kid throwing a temper tantrum 
when that flash of motivation hit you, you quickly wrote back on the sticky note and pasted it onto your wall before you thought twice 
‘no, i haven’t ):’ you read one last time before the sticky note faded into your wall 
not even a minute later until a orange sticky note appeared on the blank space of your wall that you were staring into
‘please make sure to eat!’ you read with a soft smile and forming pink cheeks 
you couldn’t help but roll around in your bed like a child, with a smile that didn’t want to fade away after exchanging a couple of sticky notes 
‘go to sleep... it’s getting late’ you read off the sticky note before yawning
it was a weird feeling you’ve never felt in your life before 
you felt as though someone cared about you so much although you rarely knew them 
your lower lip jutted out, causing you to slightly pout when reading that but you couldn’t deny the fact that you were getting a bit tired 
‘ah- wAIT DON’T GO TO SLEEP YET I DON’T KNOW YOUR NAME’ you read off of another sticky note that appeared suddenly 
your cheeks began to hurt from smiling too much while your heart rate increased 
maybe it was because you were under the influence of knowing that you’ve found your soulmate
but you didn’t want this feeling to fade away
‘i’m y/n! what’s yours?’ you wrote back and watched the blue sticky note fade away onto your wall
‘lee donghyuck ♡ make sure to remember it! now get some rest ):’ he wrote back cutely, making you smile for the 50th time 
you could feel your heart almost exploding out of your chest while approaching donghyuck with a sheet in your hand
he had forgotten to take the homework from his teacher 
you had the same exact class next and as she was handing out the sheets of paper with names assigned on them, she realized that she had forgotten to give donghyuck his 
when she was giving you your sheet, she asked for you to give him his sheet for her and you were forced to agree 
the soulmate gods were really playing with your heartstrings today
he noticed how his friend randomly stopped talking and his eyes locked onto yours
donghyuck turned around and saw a nervous y/n approaching him
he couldn’t help but cutely smile from ear to ear 
“y-you forgot your homework,” you softly spoke while handing him the sheet of paper nervously 
he accepted it easily but his eyes stayed locked on your face, which resulted to red cheeks
he admired all the little details about you and couldn’t help but fall in love even more 
donghyuck opened his mouth but he found no words to come out of his mouth because of how speechless he is due to your beauty 
meanwhile, you were panicked and become scared that you said something wrong (although you said one sentence) 
“uh- okay bye!” you quickly blurted and turned around 
but before you could run off in embarrassment, a soft hand grabbed your wrist and stopped you 
“donghyuck woah-” the boy who he was talking to earlier spoke in english
[i swear if you all don’t know who the heck this boy is it’s mark who else would blurt random english in a dramatic kdrama scene] 
donghyuck opened his mouth once more, but he couldn’t find the right words to say 
until a light bulb flickered inside his head 
he quickly let go of your wrist and rummaged through his bag that was laid on his seat 
he grabbed out the sticky notes and a pen and quickly wrote something down
he rushed over to a nearby wall and stuck it on there 
(although he could’ve clearly just gave you the sticky note but the poor bub was too flustered and couldn’t think straight with you around) 
within seconds, you found a sticky note appearing on the floor 
you kneeled down to pick it up and couldn’t help but smile like an idiot reading the message 
‘thank you (:’ written in the center
‘sorryicouldn’tsayanythingyou’rejustreallyprettyandmyheart-’ written extremely small in the corner  
“y/n! she replied to me!” you heard a familiar voice behind you 
turning around was renjun with a soft smile flailing a sticky note in his hand
he ran up to you, noticing your extremely red cheeks and how you were interacting with people he’s never seen before 
when you glanced at donghyuck, he looked almost jealous to see a male friend being comfortable with you 
‘you looked really pretty today i’m sorry i couldn’t talk i got too nervous’ you read off the sticky note that appeared on your fridge 
you smiled to yourself while placing it to the side and sat down to reply
‘it’s okay, maybe we’ll talk face to face without being nervous one day,’ 
‘that seems almost impossible because i get too shy around you since you’re so pretty’ he replied, with the text getting smaller mid-way of the sentence 
‘that was really cheesy i’M SORRY’ another sticky note appeared making you smile even wider 
throughout the weeks, you and donghyuck have been getting to know each other
the more you got to know him, the more you fell in love with his personality 
there were times where the two of you hung out in real life (in which resulted to be the cutest thing ever)
donghyuck would get all nervous and in the corner of your eye, you can see his group of friends pushing him towards you to talk to you
but once you guys break the ice, you feel so warm being around him as though he was your sun 
donghyuck would mention all the things you guys have talked about over the sticky notes and slowly become more comfortable with talking to you
when you’d go to the movies with his group of friends and yours as well, the two of you would sit beside each other and he’d whisper about how he’s tired midway
donghyuck would then help himself to your shoulder and lean against it because he’s grown that comfortable with you 
queue renjun groaning in the background about how cheesy you guys are before his soulmate kisses him on the cheek, making his ears go red out of the nowhere
whenever a cheesy pun would be mad in the movie, donghyuck would laugh softly and hearing that against your ear makes your heart race so much 
being with him overall makes you fall even more in love with him
even if the only way you guys could communicate was through sticky notes
you both came to a point of your relationship where the sticky notes began to lessen and you’d begin writing really small on the sticky note to fit more information down 
donghyuck ended up having four sticky notes left while you were  left with three
you were nervous- even more nervous than you were when this first begun but you knew for a matter of fact that donghyuck definitely was your soulmate 
beforehand, you were laying in bed simply staring at your ceiling and thinking about the whole entire soulmate thing
“what if donghyuck doesn’t like me in the end?” you mumble to yourself in doubt 
there was a small voice inside of you that told you not to believe that but a bigger voice that shouted that he deserved better in the end 
you couldn’t help but sigh and grow even more frustrated 
you could only talk to donghyuck through phone now
and it’s not something you’d complain about because late night calls with him are the best
but it worried you that if you don’t send the last sticky note, donghyuck might fall in love with someone else 
even if you did send it, he might reject and the two of you would have to go through this whole entire process again 
and you just grew so goddamn scared of not being able to tell him how you love him 
and that’s when the light bulb flickered inside your head 
you shot up from your bed and quickly rushed to your desk, grabbing the three sticky notes and a pen 
the same adrenaline that rushed through you the first time that you responded to donghyuck came back like a boomerang 
you could feel your heart racing but it was better if you did it know rather than having to think about it, then end up not doing it 
‘i’ you wrote on one of the sticky notes
you quickly pulled it away from the others and placed it onto your blank wall, watching it slowly disappear as your attention goes back onto the next
‘love’ yet again, you repeated the same steps
‘you’ you wrote without any hesitations before you quickly slapped it onto your wall and watched it slowly fade away like ink in water 
before you could even feel doubtful of yourself and begin thinking of the worst scenarios, a pink sticky note appeared on your desk one by one 
your eyes went across each one, carefully and admired donghyuck’s familiar handwriting the four sticky notes in front of you
 ‘i’ ‘love’ ‘you’ ‘more ♡ ‘ 
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Rika’s back and MC gets left P. 3
Rika is back and MC gets sick at the same time she feels abandoned. Part 1 (x) | Part 2 (x) | Part 3 (x) | Part 4 (x) | Part 5 (x)
Initially you don’t trust Unknown he did lure you to an apartment that put you in harms way
But because of Unknown you met some of the best people before they felt like you werent good enough for them
At first you didn't think his idea would work
But the first “trial” made you feel like dying would not only be heaven, it would feel like you were on cloud 9 even if you ended up in hell
Plus, Unknown really took to Paco and both got along
After a few visits  turned into a few weeks, you no longer had hope that you would ever attend another rfa event with everyone
You didn't pay attention to how close you were to tasting the last lingering lifeline you had
All you cared about was that Paco was taken good care of
And that you were not feeling anything anymore
Whatever Unknown has been giving you, you wanted more...
-- Jumin --
Jumin was not stupid
Emotions were all that clouded what was happening
He knew that everyone tended to be more sentimental than rational and that he may be seen as heartless and cold
But he was not stupid
At first Jumin didn't find it off that Rika wasn't the slightest concerned with MC bc maybe they have been talking in private
But after Jahee brought it up to him that she was concerned, he had to verify
He checked on the CCTV that showed MC’S apartment hallway when he showed her the building he didn't tell her it was owned by him and that's why it was cheaper for her and convenient for him to look after her which he hasn't since Rika came back
He didn't notice anything odd
It just looked like MC was a creature of habit; every day taking her dog out walking early and in the afternoon, leaving daily for work, and most of all
MC looked healthy
But something didn't feel right
Jumin has entered the chatroom. Jumin: MC When you see this, please call me. Rika has entered the chatroom. Rika: Is something the matter? Jumin: No, I just needed to ask MC for her opinion on something. Rika: Well, since I now handle emails and the party, why don't you ask me? ^^ Jumin: It's for something else, I'm sorry Rika. Rika: Oh. I see. Well, hopefully MC logs in soon! I haven't heard from them in a while. Jumin: I thought you said you talked to her recently when Assistant Kang interrupted us during lunch? Rika: Oh yes! I did, I forgot. Sorry~!;; Jumin: I see. I must go now. Enjoy the rest of your day Rika. Rika: Thank you, you too! ^^ Jumin has left the chatroom.
Jumin wasn't convinced anymore
He would have to ask Seven to look into this when he came back from wherever he went
For now he'd have to do this alone
Jumin left the office, telling Assistant Kang to reschedule the days meetings for another day
He had Driver Kim take him to the apartment building MC was living in
He walked past the bellhop boy and made his way to MC’s door: 606
He knocked repeatedly with no response
Was she at work? No, too early… Did she take that animal for a walk?
He got tired of waiting and went to see the building manager and requested for the room access code to 606
But sir; no one lives there anymore. I thought you knew? -What do you mean no one lives there? Where is MC? Please, calm down sir. We only did what was said -What was said? By whom? By you. You were the one who requested that it be vacated as soon as possible. The previous owner left about a month ago...
Had it really been that long since MC last spoke to any of us? Why didn't I notice?
Jumin panicked; if MC wasnt there, where was she?
-- Unknown --
Unknown was only doing what he was told to do
He didn't harbor any resentment towards MC, well not anymore
Maybe it was watching someone so sick slowly deteriorate that Unknown became more sympathetic towards her
Or maybe it was the dog
His Savior told him that by getting rid of MC, everything else would fall into place
Since he was sure the Savior would let MC go to Paradise first, he didn't feel all too guilty
So of course, Unknown did it all for Paradise
-- 707 --
707 has entered the chatroom. Rika: Hello Seven, how was your trip? ^^ 707: I didn't even get to go and play in the ocean. Vanderwood had me on a tight leash ;; Rika: At least she's looking out for you! You should really listen to her~ 707: ...but I wanted to swim until I couldn't! There's no water in space. Well, not a lot like the ocean. Ah, Vanderwood caught me slacking off. Rika: Focus on your work Seven, but also relax every once in awhile ^^ 707: 707 will take your words into consideration..  MAYBE I SHOULD TAKE ANOTHER VACATION LOLOL! byyyyeee 707 has left the chatroom.
It felt strange and lonely without MC
Seven didn't know if he should consult V and Rika with what Jumin told him
He should though because V was supposed to be the one person he could count on
But when Jumin asked for no one to know about this, not even V or Rika, he became concerned
What if MC really is in danger? But Rika said she was fine… unless she lied…
Seven got the videos from the apartment building and found that the videos had been tampered
He went back to when the tampering began taking him back to 2 months ago
Had I been gone that long trying to get into Russia?
The last two videos that didn't look tampered with happened to be the video of MC going for a run
After that all later videos were edited
Looking at the time stamp Seven tried to find the GPS history of her phone
But she left it in the apartment
Seven looked through the GPS history and only one time did something not follow her normal schedule
She went to the hospital a day after the video of MC going for a run
Did she get hurt?
Seven tried to see if there was any way to see where MC was
But she was gone. 
her phone was gone, the GPS wasn't there; MC was no longer in the technological world where Seven could find her
Seven looked at the robot cat he worked on for MC
“Master doesn't seem happy meow~ why aren't you happy? Master is scared~”
-- Unknown --
It was almost too easy for MC to disappear
The doctor she saw was a member of Mystic Eye
on orders by the Savior, he gave his files and anything with MC to Unknown who would be sure to destroy all traces of her
Unknown cleared his computer files that belonged to MC and all records of her visiting this hospital
Unknown cleared all videos of the doctor going into stores to buy things for MC and Paco
But looking at how MC still smiled at Unknown despite his intentions, his heart swelled
Don't look at me like that!
“Is something the matter Unknown?”
No; he couldn't get mad at her
towards the RFA he could
They were to blame for her getting so sick
they left her alone, tossing her to the side as if she were a used toy that everyone got bored of
they didnt even seem to care that she had been missing for over a month now 
they dont deserve her 
they never did
Call me Saeran, we should be on first name bases now
“If you say so Saeran” MC smiled, then coughed, leaning over the side of the bed to dry heave into the bucket Saeran left for her
Paco whimpered, expressing what Saeran felt
-- 707 --
When he looked into the computer files of the hospital MC was at, he didn't find anything
He even looked for people that would fit MC’S description and still, nada
Seven second guessed himself, maybe MC didn't go to the hospital but probably took someone?
He almost gave up until he found a backdoor that had one message:
She's terminally ill. You all should have looked after her better. -Unknown
-- Jumin --
Jumin felt guilty, shame, and resentment
Guilty that they pushed MC away when she probably needed them the most
Shame that he promised he'd look after her breaking the promise when Rika came back
Resentment that MC didn't try harder to get help
Jumin knew he had to tell the other RFA members
But because how much it revolves around Rika's return, he didn't want her to feel at fault …
Maybe she had something to do with this? Don't be impossible, it's Rika were talking about She did fake her death though and had us mourning It was all for RFA’s safety! From what?
Jumin needed wine no something stronger than wine
He was doing what he hated and that was letting his feelings cloud his judgment
-- 707 --
Seven knew
He knew MC was still alive with Unknown, he didn't however know was that she was seriously sick like almost seconds away from forever ceasing to exist 
Not until he traced the IP address from that message
He hacked into the security cameras in the building where MC was and his heart broke
lying in a bed with a dog, was a thin and sick MC
her face hollow and her body weak and feeble
But she still smiled
She was petting her dog and smiling towards the person who had their back to the camera
If that's Unknown, why is she smiling at him?
Oh no
Seven looked in horror as MC doubled over, coughing what looked like blood into a bucket while Unknown rubbed her back as if he was supporting her 
What did we do to you MC? What did I do to you?  
Seven closed his eyes, conjuring the last time he spoke with MC and hearing her smile through the phone as they talked about the moon and space
What did we do to you?
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