#i would like to formally apologise to luke
viktors-lab · 8 months
sea, swallow me
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simpingland · 1 year
Aemond x male valyrian dragonrider reader? Other than the Targaryens and velaryons there was another valyrian family that survived the doom, but unlike the other two this family was already very powerful in old valyria, after the doom they rebuilt themselves in essos. As well as having the most dragons (and the biggest) out of the descendants of valyria.
Anyways sowrry for the extra lore I just made up lol, aemond and reader meet when the Targaryens (and velaryons) are visiting reader's to-be-kingdom to establish an alliance
Zālagon and Vhagar// Aemond Targaryen x Male!reader.
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Summary: You are the heir of a powerful valyrian House in Pentos. But the only thing you wished for was to fly day and night with your dragon. Only the lonely Prince Aemond can make the future look promising. Part 2
A/n: hi, thank you for reaching, I absolutely looooved the idea. I struggled a bit cuz it's so good it deserved a better pacing. I hope you like what I came up with. Gif not mine.
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※As much as you were begged to be punctual, you and your dragon were distracted by the beautiful mountains that surrounded you. It was already dark when you arrived, and the carriages were the first thing you saw, then you caught sight of the dragons. Only one of them was comparable to yours, a green dragon. They all roared as you passed by, but your dragon remained calm until you reached the place where the others of its kind were resting. You couldn't even get water over your body before you were pushed by one of the lords of the castle to hurry up. There was no one at the entrance, nor in the throne room, which meant that they were already at dinner, and that you would be embarrassing your father. In your riding clothes, smelling of dragon, and sweaty from the run to the castle, the guards announced you and opened the gates. Blonde (and other brown) heads turned to look at you, and only your mother stood up to greet you. Giving you a kiss and apologising on your behalf, you were able to observe the family closely. King Viserys, old but kindly, said it was all right to wait for you. His wife, russet-haired, young and beautiful, remained serious. The heiress, Rhaenyra, watched without mock attire, smiling, though more to herself than to you. Her husband Daemon barely gave you a glance, not looking pleased with the event. Jace and Luke were the only brown haired boys at the table. Not even their eyes had Valyrian features, but they were formal. Aegon was more intent on filling his wine cup when dinner had not even begun, and his sister-wife Helaena was whispering things only she could hear. And all of them were easily overshadowed by him, Aemond Targaryen. His gaze did not lose power even after he kept one eye covered, and it was fixed on you. There was no expression, but you couldn't take your eyes off him either, engrossed in his whole persona.
You were seated opposite your father, and Aemond stood some distance away. But that didn't stop him from captivating you, and the exchange of glances became frequent. Your father spoke and listened to the king. The only other participant in the conversation was Jace, and Rhaenyra listened as her husband whispered things to her pointedly. Queen Alicent was quietly scolding every gesture of Aegon, who flirted shamelessly with anyone who came near him. You could see how your father tried to engage you in conversation, but whenever he caught your eye, you found your mind elsewhere (mostly in the Prince) and never responded nimbly. You could feel your father scolding you with his eyes.
"Have you come from flying?" The King asked you suddenly.
Everyone looked at you, it was quite obvious, but you couldn't just point it out to the king, so you nodded and tried to concentrate on something other than that serious blond prince.
"Yes, Your Majesty... I fly almost every day."
"Even if it rains?"
"That's when I enjoy it most, actually." Your answer brought a smile to his face, and you watched out of the corner of your eye as Aemond settled into his seat, sipping from his cup as he looked at you.
"My, you are a boy of courage," Viserys rewarded you.
"Though a foolish one too," your father interrupted. "He has trouble telling day from night."
You flushed, and the atmosphere grew a little tense. No one likes to hear that hateful tone between father and son.
"When one rides such a magnificent creature, my lord, time loses all meaning." Aemond's voice drew everyone's attention away. His hand caressed his goblet, and as he looked at your father with an expression of superiority. "Your son does well to presume what have made you mighty all these years."
Then he looked back at you, and you saw his expression soften. You couldn't help the smile that grew on your face, full of gratitude, and in complete agreement with him. Though your idea of dragons was not one to brag, it was certainly a useful one. You listened to your father try to find the right words without sounding offended.
"True, Prince Aemond," your mother supported him gently. "My husband has not ridden for years, but I have always admired our son's flying abilities. I've heard that Princess Rhaenyra first rode a dragon at the age of eight..."
"That's right," said the King, smiling at his daughter.
You watched as the Prince disappeared back into the shadow of his elder sister, only you seemed to be in awe of him, and you could not help but interrupt.
"Prince Aemond is the rider of Vhagar, the last dragon of the conquest, Mother." And then you watched as everyone fell silent again. The Velaryon brothers seemed to tense, and Aegon looked amused.
"The only dragon comparable to ours...no offence..." you continued. "How old were you when you claimed her?"
"He stole her," Lucerys added. Looking at him you saw how he was frowning and his mother was asking him to be quiet. "Princess Rhaena was supposed to claim it but the Prince couldn't respect her mourning before he stole Vhagar."
"I'm not going to argue with a child," the Prince said, taking another sip from his cup.
"A child who will one day be lord of Driftmark and outrank you. A child who plucked out your eye."
That was enough to make him rise to his feet, shouting bastard, and immediately a fistfight broke out between uncle and nephew. Your mother tried to pull you away, while your father commanded the guards to stop them. It was chaos, and you could see blood pouring from Aemond's nose, though blood came from Lucerys' mouth as well. And that was the end of the meal, but not of the night. When you followed your intuition, you discovered what you were looking for. On the mountain where Vhagar rested, the Prince sat, his silver mane being caressed by the air. He heard you coming, but did not turn to look. He didn't even say anything when you approached his side. He still had blood on his face, and you regretted not taking something to wipe it off.
"No one answered my question," you said. You saw a hint of a smile on his thin lips.
"I was ten years old when I claimed Vhagar."
His voice was extraordinarily sweet and yet it still managed to keep your heart beating fast. You felt you had to measure your words, but the urge to keep talking to him overcame you.
"Impressive, really."
"Impressive? You are the one who has been surrounded by dragons since you were a child. Ours are ridiculous in comparison." He finally turned to look at you.
"I was a very cowardly child. It took me fourteen years to ride for the first time on the only dragon that didn't terrify me."
"Strange for an heir of your house."
"I know." You ducked your head. It wasn't the first time you'd been made to feel inferior, like you were a mess. And you couldn't see the regret in the Prince that he had made an ill-advised comment.
"What is the name of your dragon?" He tried to bring the subject back to dragons. And your gaze went immediately to the distant mountain where it rested.
"Zālagon" you replied with a shy smile. A valyrian name.
"'Burn'?" He smiled back. "It's a good name for a dragon. A bit obvious, no offence..."
You laughed at his imitation of your comment at dinner. His leg pressed against yours and you could see that he was comfortable. Vhagar moved in place, with roars that begged his master to fly.
"You should let her fly around Essos. She looks bored here."
"I'd get lost if I went alone," Aemond said, returning to a serious tone.
"Maybe..." you tried to sound convinced, "I could lead you."
You didn't expect him to agree, but you were glad to propose, and before you knew it, Zālagon took flight with Vhagar trailing behind. The moon was full, and the lights of the rich city were guiding you. Both dragons roared in greeting and you could see Aemond enjoying himself as much as his dragon. Myr would be a good stop, a nice place and not too far away. You were ahead of him, your dragon was as big as Vhagar but not as old, for your family had managed to maintain the glory of dragons better than the Targaryens. You decided to amuse yourself, asking Zālagon to fly around Vhagar, and this began a race of ups and downs that put you and Aemond backwards on your mounts. And when Myr appeared at your feet, you flew straight into its harbour, in a race that Aemond was not prepared to lose.
As soon as you got off your dragons, you watched as they played together, not too far apart, enjoying each other's company.
"Vhagar is so big that she can't socialise with the other dragons. She can't even fit in the Dragonpit," the Prince confessed to you.
"Westeros is no place for Valyrian blood. Or so my father always says."
"Is that why you have never gone there?"
"And because it is here that we have built wealth similar to what we had."
You began to stroll along the shore, cloaks shrouding your appearance, but you could make out much of the Prince's face.
"I have read much about your house, my lord. It must be an honour to be heir to it." He sounded sincere, and you found it hard to disagree, but you had no desire to lie to him either.
"My father is obsessed with making it even greater." You heard a soft laugh from Aemond.
"And that is exactly why our visit has been arranged, because my father fears him."
"True. Though you and Prince Lucerys haven't left much time to talk, have you?" You tried to sound as light as he had sounded but he quickly turned serious again.
"I regret my behaviour," he confessed.
"No, Your Majesty, no apology is necessary. In fact...I'm sorry I brought up the subject of Vhagar. I didn't know it would provoke a confrontation."
"No, you didn't. No one expects the little bastard to be an imbecile..." he sounded rabid, his fists clenched.
"You're a Targaryen through and through by the looks of it."
That made him stop in his tracks. Indeed, it made you incredibly nervous and you feared for your words.
"Have I offended you?" you asked.
You watched as he shook his head, looking you up and down. He was so handsome, with that sharp face, his crystal blue eye. You walked on, watching as your dragons continued to amuse themselves. There he told you the true origin of the fight, the dispute over the throne and his father's indifference to him when he lost his eye.
"I have always aspired to something more, something of my own ability. But I have always been pushed into someone's shadow. They never wanted to listen to me and all my problems have been reduced to nonsense. And in the shadow one feels terribly lonely".
He shouldn't have told you all that, but something in you had pushed him to confide in you the things that grieved him. And before you went further away, taking care that no one could see you, you sat down under a tree that covered you both. There you were able to remove your hoods and saw that Aemond still had an open nose wound. You tore a strip of cloth from your cloak before grabbing a bottle of alcohol that you always carried for the many wounds you got on your travels.
"If you let me, I can disinfect it for you," you offered. He said nothing, just nodded, a little apprehensive. "It will only sting a little."
He made hardly a movement, just clenched his jaw from time to time, but nothing more. Then you remembered his eye and it all made sense. He was more than used to healing wounds. Your hands caressed his face and you tried to hold back everything that provoked you.
"I'm sure," you told him, "that dragons don't get stolen. And that Vhagar chose you."
"What makes you think that?" He looked sideways at you, his face close to yours as you cleaned his wound.
"She is the best dragon Targaryens have left alive, and she is surrounded by creatures who share her blood but do not match her. I have not had the pleasure of knowing your siblings well, but something tells me that none of them have the courage to claim a dragon of conquest at the age of ten. I think she saw herself reflected in you. Just as you must have seen yourself reflected in her."
"I've always thought the same thing, but I know if I said it out loud everyone would make fun of me."
"I would tell you that it's not like that, but I usually say what I think and it's true that they end up making fun of me." That made him smile.
"I get the feeling you don't enjoy being a firstborn and heir." He fixed his gaze on you again, serious but sweet.
"Everyone knows I won't do well."
"And how is that supposed to be known?"
"Well, because I don't want to do it myself. I'm not a leader. I've spent days studying lessons that any other kid would understand on the first try. I get distracted by anything and the only thing that makes me happy is to be flying anywhere so long as I don't set foot in the castle. With Zālagon I don't feel so...lost."
Perhaps it was too much information, too, but since Aemond had trusted you, perhaps you should show him that you trusted him. As you pulled the cloth away from his face, finishing your work, you felt Aemond's hand caress your fingers before pulling them away from him He surprised you and you saw his pupil dilate. Your eyes travelled alone all over his face, stopping especially on his thin lips.
"I've wanted to kiss you ever since I saw you appear through the doors."
His confession ruffled every hair on your body, and you were unaware of how long it took for your words to come out. But you managed to say them.
"Then do so, like the conqueror you are, Prince Aemond."
Your whispering voice tantalised his lips and he could take no more. He lunged forward, capturing your mouth slowly but insistently, and you could see that he had really longed for it. And maybe you hadn't understood it until that moment but your body was asking you to continue with the same fervour, placing your hands on his neck as he stroked your hair. The kiss continued as soon as you parted and you felt his warmth again, and if he didn't come closer you came closer. His lips always received you, so soft, so precise.
When dawn broke, it was hard to leave the coast behind, but the flight was even more fun than the way there. What would you do now? Your desire to leave Essos grew, but you didn't know that Aemond's desire to leave Westeros was also growing. He kissed you before returning to the castle, and along the way you could feel his fingers brushing yours constantly. If you were lucky, your parents' dealings would keep you in touch, whatever they were. But you decided not to worry about that, deciding to enjoy the visit. You spent some time practising with your swords, where Aemond proved to be a superb swordsman. You showed him the castle's library, where hundreds of writings from the ancient city of Valyria were kept. And of course, he visited your room when night came again, and that was his favourite place.
"I wish I could go with you," you said to him late into the night, lying in your bed and him beside you.
"I wish I could stay here forever..." he whispered back to you.
"You'd be missed."
"No. Not really."
You wanted to contradict him, but you couldn't even start a sentence when he shut you up with one of the hundreds of kisses you'd shared over the course of a few hours.
At the farewell dinner three days later, you decided to sit next to him, even if it meant moving away from your father.
"It is a pity, King Viserys, that we have not dealt with an arrangement to your liking," your father remarked.
That took you by surprise, and it seemed to Aemond as well. You prayed that no one had noticed how outcast the two of you had been all that time. But Rhaenyra's crooked smile at you let you know that it had been notice.
"A pity Helaena is already married and my nieces engaged. Perhaps the next generation can bond." The King seemed positive.
You looked at Aemond, trying to enjoy what little of his face you had left to see. He looked tremendously disappointed. If anyone had enjoyed Essos, it was him. Under the table, you put your hand on his leg, drawing his attention. He turned to give you a sad look. You wouldn't let it end. If he didn't stay, you would leave.
"Father," you put in a firm voice, releasing Aemond. "Perhaps we could unite our houses in another way, without marriage."
"And how on earth would that be done?"
You didn't know. So you resorted to a list of pros that had been rattling around in your head all day.
"Prince Aemond has no official duties at King's Landing. He is far from the Throne and knows the politics of Essos and Pentos well. Perhaps far better than I... it would be a great help to have him around." Your father looked at you disapprovingly, but still said nothing. You were about to give up. "Besides, his dragon has befriended Zālagon..."
"His dragon..." he replied wryly, "of course."
He was going to say no, but King Viserys smiled at the idea.
"Aemond," he said, looking at him, "do you wish to stay here?"
They all waited for his answer, and for an exaggeratedly long second you feared you would make a fool of yourself and see him disappear.
"Yes, father. I would be honored."
Both fathers looked at each other, and when your father stood up, he raised his glass.
"To peace between Valyrians!" He proclaimed.
Everyone joined in the toast, but you found it hard to drink just from the joy that filled your whole body. You watched as Aemond smiled sheepishly before looking up at you. He nodded at you, grateful. For once, his father had done him a favour. That night he slept with you again, and the next night you slept in his room, and the night after that you slept in the mountains of Pentos. And so you travelled the world for decades, always together, flying. At your side, Aemond's intelligence had a place at the table, men followed his orders and it was at your side that he stayed through crises, battles and feasts. Your most loyal advisor and you were his most loyal companion in life.
Never again did any of you feel alone or lost.
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idv-thespians · 3 months
Old friends reunited, walking and talking.
“Oh, so you’re friends with Inspector Adelaide? I didn’t know she came from the same university as us.”
“Yeah, small world, right?
The teacher and the professor walked from the former’s school, quietly wandering the neighbourhood. They came across a convenience store, as the two entered it.
“Welcome!” Miss Ellie’s voice perked up. This was the convenience store she worked at, but she seemed shocked to see her lonely neighbour with another person.
“Sorry, did my friend do something?”
“No, it’s just… rare to see him at this time of day, much less with a friend! He’s my neighbour, actually. He regularly buys from us.”
“So I’ve been told, I’m here on his recommendation, actually.” Luke smiled at the lady. “We were classmates in uni. Hmm… what would recommend?”
“Mr Ratio almost always gets the special bento set, but we sold out already…”
“No worries, they all look delicious.”
When Luke finally chose a lunchbox, another person came in. Mr Orpheus was silent, noticing Ellie still had customers. The look he gave her, it clearly said “We’ll talk once you’re done with these customers.”
Luke couldn’t help but notice his friend’s gaze: like stone, but harder. Though, was that really unusual?
“Thanks.” Luke spoke, rousing Ratio from his thoughts. Once the two left the shop, he turned to look at Ratio. “Hey, by the way, who’s he?”
“The man who walked into the shop. You seemed to recognise him.”
“Really? Can’t say that I did.” Ratio coughed a little. “Anyways, is there something you needed to tell me? Surely not just to reminisce over old times and get a lunch. Especially since you came all the way to my school.”
“Haha, sharp as always.” Luke sighed reluctantly. “Well, Adelaide told me to… request something of you. Something rather unpleasant...”
“What is it?”
“Well, the murder of your neighbour’s ex-husband is still under investigation, and your neighbour is a prime suspect. So, they want to keep tabs, observe her. However, there is a limit to what the police can do. So…”
“Wait, don’t tell me they want me to watch her for them?”
“Er, yeah, actually. Not 24/7 or anything outrageous like that, but just… keeping an eye next door, let them know if anything strange happens…
”So that’s why you came to talk to me?”
“Well, the police would probably make a more formal request soon… Personally, I don’t care what’s your answer— I think you should refuse them, even. Though, I wanted to do a favour for my friend.”
“Is that why you went to the convenience store too?”
“Well… yes, I wanted to see this suspect too. Though, she doesn’t look capable of killing.”
“Well, they say not to judge a book by its cover.”
“Understandable. So, do you have an answer for the… spying, request?”
“Well, I’d rather not get involved in it. Too troublesome for my liking.”
The two were walking over a bridge, the bridge that was over the riverbank the corpse was found. They could see the homeless people from where they stood.
“This murder happened on the tenth… Adelaide said you were home early, yeah?”
“Mhm. I didn’t have anything scheduled that night. Got back around 7? I think so, at least.
“After which, you locked yourself in your room and started battling with math problems, I assume?” Luke smiled a little, just like old times, huh?
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Any other hobbies to blow off steam?”
“Hobbies? Nah, maths is about all I care about, really.”
“Not even a drive to cool down?”
“No, and even if I wanted to, I don’t own a car.”
“You have a driver’s license, no? You’re an awfully busy man for someone who found the time to go to driving school.”
“What, are you trying to find out if I could drive a car?”
“No, nothing like that.”
“Well, I took driving classes when I realised I wasn’t going to get a university job, might be helpful finding other jobs.”
“Well, I better get going, and you should rest too.”
“Just apologise to Miss Adelaide for me, that I can’t help her.”
“No worries.”
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justiceforc3po · 1 year
i would like to formally apologise for the way i‘m gonna be insane about luke skywalker for a bit. i‘m sorry he deserves everything and i love him so much.
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have a doodle i briefly considered for my icon.
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asthefirerisesblog · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker & Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader & Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa & Darth Vader Characters: Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Darth Vader, Leia Organa (Mentionned) Additional Tags: Okay so it started with a crack prompt, And ended in, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Luke Skywalker is a Sweetheart, Hugs, Darth Vader Needs a Hug, Darth Vader is a Disaster, Darth Vader Redemption, Darth Vader Gets a Hug, Self-Esteem Issues, Slavery, Anxiety, The author is weird and knows it, No beta we die like the people on the Death Stars, Vader Whump Summary:
Luke: *is being very compassionate and kind towards Vader* Vader: *doesn’t know why Luke says “father” in his sentences because as far as he’s concerned he’s the only father Luke has-* *Proceeds to realise after 20min of conversation that Luke was speaking to him* ~ Luke: *continues to speak* Vader: *looks discretely behind him to see who he’s talking to*
This was supposed to be a crack fit from one of my incorrect quotes on Tumblr, and it turned into Angst. I formally apologise.
For @dino-cattivo !
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vgilantee · 4 years
The Manager || Platonic! Sunset Curve x Reader
Requested by anon
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: the guys swear because nobody can tell me that a bunch of 17 year olds in a rock band in the 90’s didn’t swear. I know i said fluff but i had an angst idea and it was too good not to add (i’m sorry). and while i don’t bother with adjusting to the american spelling most of the time, I did for ‘mom’ and ‘flavor’ and i hated it every time i typed it. final note: if i were to do more parts it would become a series rewrite, so if that’s something that interests you, let me know!
Warnings: character death, unhappy home life (no details)
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While being the manager for Sunset Curve often felt closer to being a parent sometimes, it’s not a job you would trade for the world. Well, less a job because you weren’t really getting paid, but it was a good gig. You got to see some awesome venues and other small musicians, you quite often got free food from venues, and of course, got to hang out with your favourite boys. They gave you a place in the world, somewhere where you felt at home. They were family. Plus, Luke had graciously allowed you to crash in the studio with him when things got bad at home. 
You swing the door open, duffle bag over your shoulder, and march into the studio. It’s late, again, but your parents had started going off while you were trying to study and your father had mentioned your name, so you grabbed the emergency bag and climbed out the window. Luke looks up from his page and watches as you drop the bag on the ground and flop face down on the sofa. 
“Again?” You hum and nod into the pillow before flipping onto your back. 
“Dad said my name and mentioned something about grades and the band and I left before they could drag me into it further.” You glance over to see he has closed his journal and is resting his forearms on the acoustic in his lap. 
“Smart move.” You laugh and shift again to lay on your side. “The guys are in the house getting food by the way.” As if on queue, Reggie walks in with a stack of pizza boxes, Bobby has his arms full of bags of various snacks, and Alex is carrying an open cooler full of bottles of soda. 
“Oh hey, Y/N!” Alex raises the fingers on one hand in a wave before putting the cooler on the ground in front of the sofa. 
“Parents again?” Bobby gives you a sympathetic look before dropping the bags next to the pizza boxes Reggie had put on the coffee table. 
“Yep!” You pop the ‘p’ sound with false enthusiasm.
“You may as well just move in at this point.” Luke says it like a joke, but it’s been a joke for so long that you all know he says it seriously.
“You know what?” You sit up quickly and give a short nod. “My parents both have work tomorrow, you lot are gonna help me grab what I need.” It was that simple. The boys all make varying statements of agreement before sitting on the miscellaneous chairs around the coffee table. 
Luke had suggested you all dress in black for the heisting of your belongings, and as Alex was the only voice of reason, you all ended up head-to-toe in black. 
“Shh.” Luke whips around and presses a finger to his lips when you swing the door shut behind the group.
“There is literally nobody home Luke. And also this is my house. We don’t need to be quiet.” You gesture around the entrance with your hands as you speak, and Luke turns around and pulls the black beanie he insisted you wear, down over your eyes. You swat him away and he shushes Reggie as he laughs at you.
“It’s a heist! You gotta be quiet.” You roll your eyes after putting the beaning back in place on your head, before walking towards the staircase. “Everyone remember the plan?” Turning around you fold your arms and roll your eyes again. 
“School stuff.” Bobby salutes Luke, who nods. 
“Blankets and pillows!” Reggie copies Bobby’s salute, and is also nodded at. Alex rolls his eyes, and with far less enthusiasm holds his hand in a salute.
“Stuffing and zipping up bags.” Luke nods once more then turns to you with an expectant look. 
“Toiletries and underwear.” He taps his foot and clears his throat dramatically, staring at you, waiting. “Oh, right.” You salute him as well.
“And I’m on clothes!” You hear the noise of his hand hitting his forehead as he salutes with a bit too much force. “And if we hear the ‘rents, we move to Y/N’s room as quietly as possible, where we will finish packing what we have and bail out the window. Let’s move out!” You aren’t sure if he expected you all to go separate ways, but you move as a group up the stairs and into your room so that everyone can collect bags. Bobby takes your school bag, Reggie a duffle bag, and Luke and Alex reef a suitcase out from the top of your wardrobe. You swing a drawstring bag over your shoulder as you watch Luke nearly drop the suitcase on Alex, who promptly swears at him. 
With a final salute, you all part ways. You hear Bobby thundering down the stairs as you walk over to the bathroom, rolling our eyes at him. Grabbing your toiletries, including spare deodorants and toothpastes, before moving back into your bedroom where your drawers have been pulled open and clothes are being tossed onto the bed by Luke. You can only watch in horror and amazement as your clothes are thrown out of the drawers, and Alex folds them at an incredible speed. You want to ask him how he is folding them so quickly, but you don’t want to break his concentration. Instead you move to the unopened drawer and collect all your underwear, shoving it into the bag in your hands on top of the items already in the bag. You grab your hairbrush, adding it to the bag, before pulling the strings on the bag and closing it. 
“Need a hand, Alex?” He looks up after placing a folded shirt neatly in the suitcase. He opens his mouth to respond but instead snorts as you are hit in the head with a pair of jeans.
“Shit, sorry!” You pull the jeans from over your shoulder and glare at Luke, who has his hands covering his mouth.
“Screw you.” You flip him off, then fold the jeans and place them in the suitcase. 
The three of you managed to empty all your drawers and were in the process of sorting out what heavier jackets to take from your closet when you hear a door close, followed by thundering feet. The door is swung open and Bobby leans against the doorframe. 
“Mother.” Is all he manages to get out before Reggie tries to push past him and they both tumble into your room, making a thump as they land. 
“Shhh!” You and Luke push your index fingers to your lips, shushing the guys at the same time, but it’s too late.
“Y/N?” You all freeze as your mom calls out for you. You turn to the guys, left index finger still pushed to your mouth, as you point to the window with quick and sharp motions. They all nod and collect the bags and suitcases (a second was grabbed at some point in their packing) and move to the window. You don’t want your mom to know you are home to avoid whatever argument will undoubtedly occur, hence the attempt at silence, but when Reggie drops the suitcase he’s carrying with a echoing thud, you realise that won’t be possible.
“Shit. I’ll meet you at the car. Go!” You whisper harshly at the guys as he raises his hand to apologise and you leave your room, shutting the door behind you to hopefully muffle any more noises they make and buy them some more time. “Yeah mom?” Your mom waits at the bottom of the stairs, arms folded, as you make your way down. “What’s up?” You try to mask your anxiety about the whole situation by leaning against the railing.
“Don’t ‘what’s up’ me. You disappeared last night, and while I know you were at the studio with the band, you could have at least called to let me know that you were okay. Because really I didn’t know for sure because you didn’t call! You could have even called me this morning to say you were coming home. I had no way of knowing if you were safe, or, or, or if something had happened. I didn’t know!” 
“Mom-” You try to say something to calm her down but she interrupts, clearly not finished with her lecture.
“And you’re letting your grades slip! Running around with those stupid boys in that stupid band. You say you’re their manager, but it’s not a job and it’s definitely not a career! You need to pay more attention to class instead of going to clubs and venues with them. Which isn’t safe! Running around Hollywood with those four idiots in the middle of the night, sometimes not even coming home. There are all kinds of dangerous people out there and with no adult supervision anything could happen!” 
“No. Your father isn’t right about a lot of things but he’s definitely right about not letting you see them again. Being friends with them is dangerous, not because they are, but because none of you have any common sense or self preservation!” 
“Mom, enough.” You rarely stood up to her, and you had never scolded her before, but calling the only four people that truly felt like family ‘idiots’ was the last straw. “I know it isn’t a job, but they are my best friends, and I enjoy going to those venues! I know it could be dangerous but the five of us are always together. My grades haven’t slipped, except maybe a couple of classes by one or two percent. But it’s not going to ruin me. And-”  The door slams shut and you look up quickly from your mother to see your father in the door. 
“Y/N.” Your father speaks very even and monotone, and his moves are all calculated. But his hands are clenched and his eyebrows are furrowed.
“Hi dad.” It was overly formal, and your brain screams at you to run, run from this conversation. But you can’t. You need to make sure the guys are as far away as possible, hopefully even at the car. You don’t think your father would track them down to stop you, but you don’t want to tell your parents you are leaving, and really you weren’t actually sure he wouldn’t track them down and drag you home. “How was work?” Poking the bear was very stupid.
“You disappeared last night, didn’t bother to leave a note or anything and scared the shit out of your mother!” You flinch slightly as he raises his voice. “You won’t be seeing that ridiculous band ever again, I can promise you that.” You glance at the clock and quickly decide that the guys have had enough time to get to Bobby’s car parked in the next street over. So you nod along in faux understanding. “You’re grounded, and you will spend the rest of the night until dinner studying.” You scoff and try to act pissed off, storming back up the stairs. To add to the act, you slam the door shut behind you, before grabbing a hoodie and climbing out the window.
You sneak around the house, watching your parents carefully as they move to the living room. They seem to be arguing again, almost certainly about you. You hop the fence into the neighbours yard then book it down the street to the waiting car. The engine is going and the second Reggie sees you, the windows are rolled down and they are yelling at you to hurry up, Bobby leaning over to open the passenger-side door. You laugh as you dive into the passenger seat. The door is barely shut when Bobby revs the engine and you drive away, a rock song from a mixtape you had made Bobby for his birthday playing loudly through the speaker and the five of you singing along and laughing. 
“Boys I have excellent news!” Wrong notes are played and a drumstick is dropped as you fling open the door with a piece of paper in your hand. 
“Christ, Y/N.” Bobby places a hand to his heart as Alex leans down to pick back up his drumstick.
“What’s the news?” Luke places his guitar on a stand and slides over to you. 
“Sit sit!” You gesture your boys towards the sofa on the opposite wall. “I won’t just tell you, there’s no fun in that!” They groan but comply, squashing together on the sofa, Alex with his legs over Luke’s, Reggie sitting cross-legged with his feet under him, and Bobby putting his feet up on the coffee table. 
“Well?” Luke leans forward over Alex’s feet and rests his elbows on his knees. 
“As you know I have been going around to potential venues to get you guys a show that isn’t in a bar that perpetually smells like puke, while you are playing your puke-scented shows and writing new hits.”
“Yeah.” They all reply at the same time and your smile grows.
“And I am also the best manager in the world, especially because of the fact that I am your manager.”
“Yeah yeah. Just tell us.”
“Bobby, quiet. I am building suspense.” Reggie swats his arm as if to say ‘yeah Bobby’. “Anyway. You also know that you are all incredibly talented and you will become the biggest band every.” The guys are all leaning forward and staring at you, waiting for you to finally tell them what news you’ve bought. “Alex, drumroll.” He immediately complies with an enthusiastic drumroll on Luke’s back. “You’re playing the Orpheum!” You throw your hands up as the guys all jump up and celebrate. “Are you serious?” Bobby grabs the piece of paper with the show contract as Reggie picks himself up off the floor after tripping over his feet trying to stand. 
“How did you do that?” Luke is jumping on the sofa and Alex is shaking you by the shoulders. 
“I’m just that good.” You manage so say through the laughing and shaking. 
“Size beautiful.” You roll your eyes as Alex groans and Reggie hands the poor bartender the shirt and demo. 
“Thanks.” She laughs as she holds up the Sunset Curve shirt before tossing it over her shoulder.
“I am so sorry about him.” You say genuinely to her, stood between Reggie and Luke.
“No worries. I’ll make sure not to wipe the table down with this one.” She offers them all a polite smile that you can tell is a forced customer service smile.
“Oh, good call. Whenever they get wet, they just kinda fall apart in your hands.” Alex gestures with his hands and you hear Bobby sigh.
“Don’t you guys have to go get hotdogs?” Oh? You realise that Bobby very likely wants to flirt with Bartender Rose and is trying to get rid of you all, finding his bandmates embarrassing sometimes. Luke pushes him back and nudges you with his shoulder as he leans over the bar, giving it a quick drum with his hands.
“Yeah, he had a hamburger for lunch.” He bounces then walks away, and Reggie shoves his shoulder.
“See you before the show.” You elbow him as you follow after Luke and Reg, and Alex bounces to catch up to you.
You eye the hotdog as it is handed over to you. You trust the guys but you don’t trust this hotdog ‘vender’ who is the sauce bottle sitting in his engine. You watch as Alex tells him that he spilt pickle juice into the car as you add sauces and toppings to your own. The vender says that it will help and laughs as Alex sputters, looking at you mumbling about how that doesn’t sound right. 
“That’s a new flavor.” You nod, continuing to chew as Alex says what you are thinking through a mouth full of hotdog.
“Relax,” Reggie looks over at him, “street dogs haven’t killed us yet.” The logic is sound enough so you all take another bite. 
You stomach hurt, god it hurt. It was like being punched in the gut over and over again, and your stomach was turning, and with every breath in your sides hurt. You could hear Reggie and Alex groaning over your own noises, but you couldn’t hear Luke anymore. You felt the tears rolling down the sides of your face but you couldn’t move your hands away from your stomach. You barely heard the paramedics arrive over the sound of the blood rushing through your ears, and while you could hear them talking you couldn’t decipher words. 
You let out a sob as a paramedic leans over you. You barely register being lifted onto an ambulance bed, but you turn your head and watch as Alex is lifted into one. As they wheel you out you see a black bag being zipped up. 
You feel light headed as they lift you into the ambulance and you hear Reggie gulp in a breath, before the paramedics swarm over to him. Alex is wheeled in next to you and you see his hand reach out to you. You forcefully peel your hand away from your stomach and hold his hand. You squeeze your eyes shut and hear the paramedic sigh, defeated. You let out a groan, then a sob, and squeeze Alex’s hand as you struggle to breathe. He lets out a pained noise and squeezes your hand back.
Then it’s all gone, and your body is rising. You turn to Alex and see your body, and Reggie’s body, with a version of him floating above his body. You stare at him wide-eyed but he looks past you at Alex. You both watch as the paramedics give up on you and move over to Alex as the heart rate monitor gives a solid high beep. And then he’s rising and looking at you and Reggie. The three of you rise above the ambulance and you hear Alex whisper Luke’s name, looking above just you. You catch sight of him for a second before he disappears. The second he does you feel the pulling that was simply causing you to slowly float up, gave a harsh tug and you were suddenly in a black room. 
Alex cried when he arrived, and you felt yourself panic. You were dead. You just died. You and three of your best friends had just died. Reggie was pacing and Luke had just sat on the ground, head in hands. Your own hands were shaking and you couldn’t look at one spot or person for longer than a second. 
The pulling feeling returns after a while and you are falling, the four of you screaming before landing on a carpet, a girl around your age screaming back at you.
Taglist: @parkeret​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @amazing-socks​ (if you want to be added to a tag list, send in an ask!)
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celest1all · 4 years
beneath the surface • 1
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader
chapter summary: you finally start your new job at the bau
chapter warning(s): none
author's note: hope you enjoy :)
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As you stared towards the building you were soon to be working at, many of thoughts plagued your mind. Number one: it's bigger than you previously imagined. Number two: What happens if everyone you work with hates you? And number three, which was the main one really: Did they know about everything?
Shaking your head, effectively dismissing the inner bombardment of worry, you walked towards the doors. You were mesmerised, to say the least. You had been to Quantico multiple times before, but this was different. Something about working at Quantico made everything seem clearer and better than just visiting.
You carried on towards the elevators, ensuring to hold the doors open incase anyone wanted to jump in last minute -- you would've hoped that someone would be nice enough to do it for you. Once you realised that no one was in face coming in, then you clicked the button with the number '6' on.
It was a swift and rather smooth ascent, no jolts, no feeling sick, nothing. Your ride ended with a ding signalling that the doors had opened. You had made it.
Smiling, you walked out of the doors and towards the glass ones and peered inside briefly. It was full of people either walking around, sat down in what you assumed was the break room, or desks and offices dotted around the place.
The clock in the corner caught your eye, it read '08:04'. "Shit," you mumbled to yourself, fumbling to open the door.
At the same time, you felt a presence next to you. "Are you alright?" they asked, a hint of amusement in their tone.
You looked up and saw a man smiling down at you with white, pearly teeth. You smiled back at him, "Uh, yeah. First day, that's all."
His face contorted into one of realisation, his mouth forming into an 'O' shape. "You're [L/N], right?"
You nodded your head at him, your face flushing slightly. "The one and only, well, kind of."
You frowned at him, confused slightly. "Pardon?" You asked.
He grinned at you yet again, laughter coming from him. "I'm SSA Luke Alvez."
Your eyes widened and started muttering our small apologises, embarrassment flooding your body. The man, who you now know is called Luke, told you it was okay and then opened the door for you.
"Thank you," you said, smiling softly at him. "Also, could you tell me where I can find Agent Prentiss' office? I've kind of forgotten since last time."
Luke pointed the door that was directly behind you. You thanked him yet again and made your way over to Emily Prentiss's office. You knocked three times and waited to be let in.  
"Come in," her voice came from the other side of the door. You opened the door and shut it behind. "Agent [L/N]."
You nodded at him, "Ma'am."
She put her hand up in the air, staring at you. "Please, call me Emily."
"Noted." You replied.
Shes stood up from her chair and did up one of her buttons on his dark blue -- almost black -- suit jacket, "Let's go introduce you to the team."
Your heart stopped for a small moment, worry once again starting to enter your mind. Those questions coming back with full force. Nonetheless, you followed Agent Prentiss to the middle of the bullpen to where everyone was gathered. We're they asked to be gathered when you were in her office?
She led you over and stood in front of five people. "Everyone, this is our newest agent, [Y/N] [L/N]." She introduced, you smiling warmly at them all.
A blonde woman walked forward, her teeth glistening as her lips curved into a small smile, "Jennifer Jareau, but everyone calls me JJ."
You shook her hand back, "Nice to meet you JJ."
Soon, JJ was replaced by an older man, who also shook your hand, "Matt Simmons."
He ket go a few seconds after saying his name and then went back to standing next to Luke Alvez. You smiled at him and waved, "Nice to see you again, Luke." You joked.
Matt's eyes flicked between the two of you, "You know each other."
You quickly realised how that sounded and tried to resolve the issue, "Oh! No, no not really. We met each other like five minutes ago at the door."
Luke smiled at you and shook his head up and down. "Nice to see you again [L/N]."
You moved on to the oldest of the group who you immediatly recognised as David Rossi. Your eyes lit up. "Dave!"
Rossi's wide smile matched yours and pulled you into a hug. He released you soon after and said, "How you been? How's your father."
Your smile faltered for a second and you throat grew tighter. So they didn't know. "Oh, you know. Same old, same old."
"Well, send my love to your mother, will you?" He asked.
"Y-yeah, of course." You sent him a tight lipped smile and internally cursed yourself for the terrible cover up. You would've been surprised if they didn't know that you were lying.
"And this is Dr. Reid," Emily spoke from behind you, pointing to a tall, lanky man with curls placed on his head which sort of resembled a mop.
You went to go shake his hand but you saw his hesitancy. You guessed that he didn't shake hands or didn't like touch in general so you opted for a simple wave. He waved back at you, his smile matching everyone else who was still looking at you. "Nice to meet you, Dr. Reid."
Emily clapped her hands together, "Okay. Now that's done, let's all get back to our paper work." There was a cacophony of groans from around you, not from you though. You were just glad that this whole interaction was over and if that meant doing boring paper work on your first day? Then so be it.
Each of them dispersed and left you standing by yourself. They all went to their designated desks. Of course, since you were new, you didn't have an assigned desk so you were completely at a loss for where you should be.
"Hey," a voice from beside you made you jump, pulling you out of your mind. "Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump."
You turned to face the person talking to you; it was Dr. Reid. "Oh, no. It's fine." You waved him off, not wanting him to feel bad.
His hazel eyes met yours, "Are you okay?" He asked you.
You nodded at him, you plastered a fake smile on your lips a lot quicker than you expect. "I'm perfect. I was just wondering where my desk is, though."
Dr. Reid's eyes widened in understanding and gestured you to follow him, "This one's yours," he said, "It's opposite mine, if that's okay with you?"
"Of course, Dr. Reid--"
He interrupted you, "You can just call me Spencer. No need for the formalities."
"Okay then," you took in his advice and refrained from calling him Doctor again. "Thankyou, Spencer."
You sat down on your chair and swivelled on it, getting used to the feeling. It wasn't necessarily comfortable, but it wasn't uncomfortable either. It was just an office chair, to be honest.
Spencer cleared his throat and walked back over to his desk and sat down in his own chair. His head disappeared behind his computer for a second or two before popping back up. His eyes met your, "Welcome to the team, [Y/N]."
Warmth spread throughout your being, along with a red tinge to your cheeks. "Thankyou."
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jasthelazyelf · 4 years
Everything is fine
I think we can all agree that the angelic event made everyone uncomfortable. But weirdly it gave me inspiration to try and write something, making a little twist to the whole event. I am a beginner writer, so please keep that in mind. ^^;
GN MC Word count: 2800-ish Angst-y with a good ending WARNINGS: none that I know of outside of somewhat following the angelic event. Let me know if I should state something.
At first it felt like it was supposed to be like any other student council meeting. No one knew what it was about, the notification having been sent only a few minutes sooner. But Solomon has also been called over. That was rather unusual. After a bit of usual bickering among all the brothers, the door into the room opened and Diavolo entered the room alongside the two angel students.
'Huh, I wonder what this is all about, this doesn’t happen often…‘ MC thought to themself.
„I’m happy that you all could join me here,“ greeted Diavolo everyone in his cheery voice as he always did.
Diavolo took his usual seat above everyone else, looked at Simeon and gave him a little nod. The angel explained the situation with audible excitement in his voice. The angels wanted to host a party for the exchange students and the brothers. They felt like everyone deserved a celebration after their hard work.
The reactions… varied, to say the least. Mammon already had his doubts, but Beel was obviously happy to have the opportunity to eat Celestial food again. MC was looking forward to getting to know the angels better.
Belphie groaned. „What a pain… We don’t have to dress formally, do we?“
Asmo, on the other hand, was extremely excited about this. „I’ve got an idea! While we’re at it, why don’t we all dress up like angels?“
„Asmo, I am not really sure that is a good idea,“ complained MC.
„And that’s precisely why I’m rejecting that idea now,“ agreed Lucifer with MC immediately.
„Aw, come on, it doesn’t have to be anything complex! A pair of cute angel wings would do!“ exclaimed Asmo.
„No,“ entered Diavolo the conversation. „If you’re dressing up, you’re going all out.“
Before anyone could further complain, Diavolo quickly cast a spell and all the brothers’ clothes transformed into magnificent Celestial clothes. MC was shocked how fast everything happened and didn’t really know how to react. Diavolo was obviously in awe, he hasn’t seen the brothers in these clothes for such a long time.
„Wow! You all still look as beautiful as ever! Seeing you all like this sure brings back memories… What do you think of their angel forms, MC?“ Simeon turned to MC with an expectant look in his eyes.
„This… this doesn’t seem right…“ they answered, worried.
„That’s because there’s nothing right about this… I never imagined myself living another day in this form…“ added Lucifer. The only one who didn’t really seem to care was obviously Asmodeus.
„Oh, that’s right, I almost forgot. Michael sent you all presents as thanks for taking such good care of us angels,“ remembered Simeon. For some reason, MC started to feel extremely anxious. This wasn’t supposed to be happening, why would they be forced into opening old wounds? Was there a way to stop this mess? They didn’t want to be seen as rude, though, so they kept quiet.
The presents happened to be small nicely ornamented bangles. Even with their simple design they looked quite fancy.
„Whoa, this is pure gold!“
„And they’re so pretty!“
One by one, each brother put on one of the bangles. Once everyone got theirs on, the air around started to feel a little different and the bangles shone brightly. A cracking sound was heard, and the light of the bangles went out again.
„What just happened?“ wondered MC loudly.
„Well, this is a rare occurrence. It seems that whatever spell Michael put on the bangles reacted to my magic, meaning the spells combined into something new!“ exclaimed Diavolo. If nothing else, he seemed rather excited about how things were unfolding.
„… Meaning?“
„It has some sort of effect now, but we still don’t know what it is.“
Since no one knew what they were dealing with, all the brothers collectively decided to get out of these clothes once and for all. They all found they were unable to. MC furrowed their brows. This situation was getting weirder by the minute.
„Oh, I forgot to mention that the bangles have a special spell cast on them,“ said Simeon somewhat guilty. „The bangle makes the wearer behave in a more… righteous manner, if you will… Your hearts will be overflowing with kindness and purity!“
Lucifer got visibly uneasy by the words of his former brother.
„Why would he do such a thing?“ asked he.
„It’s so our party will be full of elegance and grace!“ cheered Simeon, guilt suddenly completely gone out of his voice. This wasn’t very typical of the angel. This wasn’t the angel MC knew.
„We will need some time to find a way to get rid of the spell, until then, you will have to stay like this,“ explained Diavolo quickly and that seemed to be the end of that conversation. So, MC went home to the House of Lamentation with their new angelic demons squad.
They decided to help the brothers however they could. After processing what just happened, they made the plan to check on Lucifer first. He seemed to be… not that much different at first. He let MC know he didn’t have many happy memories from when he was an angel. And how he felt so much better as a demon. MC could understand him, even if maybe a bit distantly.
Lucifer suddenly grabbed MC by their waist and pulled them harshly to the mattress of his bed. In that same moment something seemed to click in him. As fast as he surprised them by his action, he got slowly up and apologised profusely for what he just did.
‚Okay, that is different, he wouldn’t suddenly pull back like that. Maybe the bangle finally had an effect on him?‘ thought MC. Lucifer advised them to leave the room, he wanted to find a way to break that spell as fast as he could.
As they stepped out, they immediately ran into Satan. He invited them to the library and MC decided to follow him there.
As they made themselves comfortable, Satan described his unease with this situation. The one thing that gave the initial spark to his very being was now… gone. All that wrath he felt all the time has vanished. He was left only with peace. An inner peace, that was so foreign to him, he didn’t know at all how to react now. MC tried to calm him down. And he just stood up, apologized himself and left to his room in embarrassment.
At that same moment MC got a text from Levi to meet him in his room. Already feeling sick but wondering how he was doing, they cautiously opened the door to his room. As soon as they did so, they had him around their neck.
He was so energetic. And his room was completely spotless. MC gulped. This wasn’t their Levi. This wasn’t the adorable otaku who was slowly coming out of his shell. This wasn’t the sweet Levi who always invited them to play games together or binge watch a new anime.
„Levi, this isn’t like you at all! What happened to our resident otaku?“ cried MC out as he handed them one of his most precious Ruri-chan figurines.
„What? Did my whole personality resolve solely on being a shut in otaku? There’s no need for that now! I don’t have to endlessly hide anymore. I can finally properly express my feelings towards you, MC! I love you so much, MC, you’re the best thing I stumbled upon in my entire life!“
MC stared at him, shocked. Tears made their way into his eyes. As much as they wanted him to admit his true feelings toward them, this was not the way they wanted it to happen. This was all too sudden, and Levi wasn’t his true self. They clutched the figurine tightly yet carefully to their chest and ran out of his room to their own as fast as they could. They made sure to place it somewhere safe so that she could return the figurine to him once he was back to his old self.
Their D.D.D. pinged again. They were all supposed to meet in the dining room.
Once they got there, they were met with quite few dishes that looked delicious. Simeon, who was there among the brothers with Solomon and Luke, announced that these were dishes to be given at the party and if it was okay to leave it like that or if there were things to be changed. As Solomon saw MC, he discretely made his way towards them.
„Hey Sol,“ they greeted sorrowfully.
„My, my, this doesn’t feel right, does it? This isn’t the true House of Lamentation without all the bickering…“ Solomon sighed. This conversation made MC ironically feel a little better. At least someone had all their senses together.
„They don’t even realize it…“
„They sure don’t and it’s making me uneasy.“ At the same time, Mammon appeared before the two of them with an excited expectant smile. „Oh, that’s right, Mammon, we’re supposed to go shopping for the party now, aren’t we?“ asked Solomon and already started to make his way towards the door, giving MC one last worried look once Mammon got in front of him.
Everyone went to do their own thing and MC visited Beel in the kitchen. He was happy MC was there with him.
„I’ve got something for you,“ he said as he showed them a plate of what he cooked.
„For me? Let’s share it together!“ they were touched by this gesture. And they wanted to share with him like they always did. Maybe the bangle didn’t have an effect on him after all? It would make sense; he has always been so nice to them.
„No, I want you to have all of this. I realized it’s much better to make stuff for others than just eating everything myself. When I’m hungry, I want to think of other people and make them happy with my food!“ He smiled with that big puppy smile of his.
MC dropped their fork. It affected him after all. And it was clearly making him suffer, making him not eat.
They ran out of the kitchen and went for the attic immediately. They hoped they could hide there until this nightmare of a day was finally over. Only they found Belphie there. Surprisingly awake. And surprisingly active. It looked like he was cleaning the attic on his own.
„Oh, hey MC! Look, doesn’t it look so much better now?“ he asked excitedly. MC stopped in their tracks right by the door to the room and couldn’t believe their eyes. „I am not going to waste another eternity sleeping. There’re so many things to see, so many people to meet, I don’t even know how I could just sleep all of the time! But I finally found my motivation. And I will start by properly spending time with my family.“ He smiled brightly.
MC quickly apologized to him and ran away again. It almost looked like they couldn’t hide anywhere. But they knew who was always good when they were feeling stressed. Yes, Asmo was always willing to spend time with them and making them relaxed by a spa day.
As they entered his room, they saw him standing by the table with all his different beauty products on it. As he heard his door opened, he turned around. Seeing MC, his eyes sparkled up as he sat them on the chair by his table.
„There you are, sweetie! I’ve been waiting for you! Here, this is for you!“ he said as he shoved almost everything into their hands.
„Asmo, what are you doing?“ they could barely fight the tears falling down, but somehow they still managed. Asmodeus didn’t seem to notice the state they were in at all.
„I have no need for these products anymore! I realized that it doesn’t really matter how I look like on the outside!“ explained Asmo.
„… Because it’s what’s on the inside that truly counts,“ added MC. This was Asmodeus, though. The demon who always took extremely good care of himself. Even though it was sometimes hard to see through it, MC knew there was so much more to him than just his looks. Under that seemingly confident face was a fragile soul that needed someone to love him for who he truly was.
And MC loved him for everything he came with. This was unnecessary.
„Exactly. Oh dear, look at your hands! They’re so dry! Wait a moment, I have a cream that will work wonders on your skin type.“ He found the cream and they let him massage it into their hands.
MC couldn’t respond anymore. To not upset Asmodeus, they quickly took all his things, thanked him and hurriedly exited the room. Once they took his stuff to their room, they had one more brother to check up on.
They entered Mammon’s room and saw a lot of boxes full of expensive and valuable things on the floor. They looked up and saw Mammon going down the stairs with another box.
„What is this all about?“ MC asked, practically emotionless by now. The light has gone out of their eyes by now, depression setting deep in their heart. Mammon didn’t seem to notice, though.
„I don’t really need all of this stuff. There are people way less fortunate than us and I want to help them. So, I decided to sell my stuff and donate to the people in the human realm to help those less unfortunate ones. I can’t live anymore knowing I do nothing for them.“
This was finally their breaking point. MC turned on their heels and headed towards their room, head low, tears falling freely before they could hide in their last only place of peace. They decided to wait there until it was time for the party. They decided to take a nap for now, hoping it’d make them feel a bit better.
It did not, but they decided to attend the party anyway. They decided to stick with Solomon and Luke who were standing more on the side of this whole event.
„They’re so nice to each other, it’s making me uncomfortable,“ Luke broke the silence first.
„Yes, it is making me physically sick to look at them like this,“ added Solomon. You were glad there were at least two other people who stayed sane.
Diavolo soon joined them and enthusiastically watched the six demon brothers feast, as Lucifer joined Diavolo a few seconds later.
„It is quite a sight, isn’t it?“ said Lucifer, with a rather sad look on his face.
„Oh, Lucifer? You’re not with them? I take it you managed to break the spell?“ asked Diavolo curiously.
The demon, still stuck in his angel costume, sighed. „Yes, but I still can’t take off these clothes on my own.“ He suddenly smiled sadistically. „Let’s bring them to their old selves, but let’s first watch them for a little bit more.“
Their vision suddenly went blank and they jolted awake. They gasped for air, panicking about what just happened. As they realized where they were, they eventually managed to calm down, realizing it was all just a bad dream. But what a dream it was.
It felt both so real and unreal at the same time, as dreams often do. They looked at their D.D.D. to see what time it was and saw that it was time for breakfast already. Even though it was Saturday, they learned very soon during their stay that even on weekends it was a tradition to eat breakfast together.
MC slipped slowly out of their bed and headed towards the bathroom. They were pleased that the breakfast already smelled in the hallway. Once they splashed some cold water on their face to properly wake up, changed their clothes into something comfortable and brushed their hair, they headed downstairs to eat.
As they entered the room, they saw that the usual chaos ruled the whole room. Mammon and Levi were arguing over Mammon owing him yet more money, Satan was giggling with Belphie while provocatively eyeing Lucifer, Asmodeus was trying to take a selfie with his breakfast and yelling at Beel, who just stole the very good-looking sandwich right out of his plate and Lucifer was just trying to enjoy his morning coffee and newspaper, while his usual headache was slowly settling in.
They couldn’t help but smile as they entered the room and took their usual seat by the table. They sighed in relief. Everything was fine.
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We’re on Fire (blow a kiss to the crowd) ~ TDC ~ Chapter 9
I’d like to make a formal apology for this chapter, both for it’s lateness and for it’s darkness. Also, this chapter is just death to the cinnamon rolls, so...
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Chapter 9 ~ Shadows Almost Killed Your Light
~ The Arena ~
~ Arsinoe ~
Polly and her continue to work their way west (she thinks), back towards the cornucopia that the careers deserted. They had gotten lucky with Stratford carrying a backpack and bow and arrow, both of which now rested across her back. They had rationed the meager portions of food to last them at least a week, which Arsinoe calculates should get them to the ends of the game. She mentally gives Polly some of her rations since she planned for this last week and thus has fat to burn in a week when the slip of a girl will be too depleted to go on.
If Polly was alive in a week.
Arsinoe tries to get the thought out of her head as they kept walking, but gave up. There was no possible scenario where Arsinoe wouldn’t sacrifice Polly for either her or Joseph, which means she was gonna die eventually, whether it was by Arsinoe’s hands or not. 
She made sure no one behind the cameras could see that on her face though.
They were just crossing a small and muddy riverbed when she heard it. The shing of a knife being drawn. She moved quick, lifting Polly off her feet and hiding behind a log for cover as the knife flies past her head. She feels a sting and lifts a hand up to touch the shell of her ear. Her fingers were bloody.
“Fuck,” she whispered. Polly looked scandalised and Arsinoe smiled at her sharply, listening as the bushes rustled just close enough to the log.
She cracks her her neck and then she’s moving, leaping over the log and grabbing the tribute by the throat, intercepting the hand that was directing a knife towards her gut. She vaguely recognises the girl from District 3 but the recognition does’t stop Arsinoe from seizing the girl’s knife and plunging it into her skull and instantly pulling it back out again. Mathilde falls dead to the ground and a canon booms. Arsinoe considers the bloody knife in her hand before wiping it on some moss and sheathing it, not letting her face shift.
She pats the older girl’s body down, finding a set of 6 knives. She considers them, before picking them up and finding places in her own suit to put them.
10 Tributes until I can go home the counter in her head notes.
2 more people die in the next hour and Arsinoe’s back locks up as she counts them off, fearing that one of them might be Joseph. Still a part of her counts them down with a dark relief.
9 Tributes until I can go home.
8 Tributes until I can go home.
She counts the survivors in her head when the anthem plays that night. All four careers were still in play, her and Polly, Joseph and Bree and the wildcard Luke from District 3.
Okay. That was doable.
Nothing too eventful happened over the night and her and Polly climb down from their tree and go to keep walking.
“Damn, didn’t know you were so eager to get rid of me,” a voice calls from behind them and Arsinoe turns, a smile already on her face before she sees Joseph and Bree, both standing tall and strong with smiles on their faces.
Arsinoe grins and the next second, she’s in Joseph’s arms, holding tight and never wanting to let go. She notes the sword on his back and smiles wider. Of course he would have a sword.
“Thank the goddess you two are alive. Shall we?” Joseph lets her go and they smile at each other.
“We shall.”
“Have you killed anyone yet?” Arsinoe asks as they trudge through the foliage at the back of their pack. Joseph turns his head to watch her.
“Not yet, you?”
“Two. The boy from 7 and the girl from 3,” Joseph appraises her with clear concern and judgement and she glares at him. “Do you want to share your obvious disdain you have for me at the moment with the rest of the class?” Joseph sighs.
“What happened to you, Arsinoe? You were always the best of us and what? Now you’ve killed two people in as many days?” He says and she locks her jaw up in anger.
“Oh well I apologise for being attacked twice in two days and defending myself while you’ve obviously been having a lovely vacation and flirting and doing whatever else with Miss. District 12 up there. Some of haven’t had the luxury of considering a repeat of your tryst with Mirabella” Joseph stared at her in horror.
“How do you know about that?” Arsinoe rolled her eyes.
“We all know about that. You lack some core qualities, Joseph, and subtlety is one of them. We all forgave you for it a long time ago but I wouldn’t want to repeat your actions if I were you.”
“One might say the same thing about killing.”
“One might say that about killing outside of the hunger games,” Arsinoe says calmly before turning her head to look at him. “I don’t like your high horse, y’know?” He turns and looks at her and then they’re laughing quietly but hysterically, stopping and leaning in to each other, bent at the waist.
And then the moment is cut of by a gurgled scream. Arsinoe looks up to see an Polly collapsing, an axe sticking up from her neck as a canon booms from above. Above the 13 year old was Luke Gillespie from District 3. Arsinoe growls and runs to her dead friends body, not even thinking as she pulls the now bloody axe from the girl’s throat.
Luke, at that moment, realises he’s just crossed the person the Gamemakers decided was the most dangerous person in the arena and turns and runs. Arsinoe raises the axe above her head and with a shout, she threw it, not even thinking about how natural it felt, like breathing.
The axe hits dead on, cracking and splitting her target’s head clean open. A canon booms. Arsinoe steps up to the body and grabs the axe, pulling it loose with a hefty yank.
She wipes the axe clean on her suit and reapproaches her group, crouching next to Polly’s limp body, her glassy eyes staring up at the sky. Arsinoe closes them and kisses her fingers before pressing them to Polly’s forehead.
She finally looks up at Joseph and Bree, both of whom stare at her in horror.
“We have to keep going,” she stands back up and turns to walk away.
6 Tributes until I can go home.
TAG LIST: @poisonerrose​ @alwaysbored005​
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reydjarinkenobi · 4 years
So I love time travel, and Finn/Poe, so maybe Finn/Poe in the clone wars?
Thank you for this prompt! I found it very interesting. I would like to preface this by apologising. I have sought of run away with this. This is mostly set up but it is just the first chapter. Tell me if you want me to do more. 
Poe knew that touching the stone was a stupid decision.
Really, even as he was reaching out to touch the weirdly carved symbol on the large stone jutting out into the room, he was telling himself not to do it.
In his defence, Luke had told all of them that Finn and Rey weren't allowed to touch anything weirdly carved  in the Temple. He hadn't said anything about Poe.
It was a simple mission; the simplest one he'd ever had. Go into the weird old Jedi Temple. Take a few holos. Go home.
Really, it was just to get them off base and doing something; a distraction.
Chewie hadn't been adjusting well to Solo's death. Even eight months later, he growled at everyone except Rey, General Leia and Finn, at the drop of a hat.
Rey was on edge from Luke's not-really training (and, really, Poe could sympathise with her. It must have been hard being assigned to sit alone in a forest for hours instead of learning how to fight when every time they stepped onto a battlefield, their comrades were dying in droves.) Though, Luke's refusal to train her hadn't stopped Rey from learning a bunch of battle changing tricks herself.
Plus, she and Jessika had been spending much of their spare time looking for information on Rey's parents. From what Poe had heard the last news hadn't been good. The two had been planning on going on a trip back to Jakku when they got a chance. That was until…
Well that was just another reason they were stuck with this assignment wasn't it?
Finn was still reeling from the debacle at the last Temple they had been sent to investigate. Him and Rey had activated something that had caused both of them to glow as they were thrown into a Force Vision which had apparently helped reveal him as Force Sensitive.
As soon as he'd gotten back to base, he'd been set off on similar exercises to Rey, but they'd all seen how Luke seemed to pay extra attention to him. Poe had been part of more than one late night invasion of the training rooms where both of them had passed the Skywalker lightsaber back and forth, attempting to follow the katas written out in one of the books that Rey had pilfered from the Temple they'd been in.
And Poe? Well Poe was just tired. They all were really.
The last world the First Order had invaded was Yavin 4. His father hadn't survived.
He didn't know how much longer he could take it. How much longer they could all take it.
They were losing. They all knew it. More and more Republic planets were siding with the First Order, their leaders choosing to bow and save themselves the expenses rather than fight. Their funds were waning, and they were losing too many people. Every battle, every retrieval, hell, every relief mission, was turning into a disaster. More than half their fighters were refugees.
Every day, they got news of the First Order progressing, or Rey and Finn would feel the pulse of another Force User dying, the last remnants of the Jedi Order being eradicated as the First Order and the Knights of Ren spread their influence throughout the galaxy.
Soon, there would be nothing left but darkness.
So, yeah, Poe kind of needed the break.
"You should take it!"
"Luke would want you to have it."
"You're better with it! You've had more practice."
"You already have better control than me."
"That is not true."
Poe shared an eye roll with Chewie as BB-8 trilled in annoyance.
This was a familiar back and forth that Rey and Finn had been having over the last few missions. Neither of them wanted to take the Skywalker lightsaber with them.
It would be funny watching two supposed Jedi fighting over who should not have a lightsaber, if it wasn't so irritating.
"I'm better with a blaster!"
"Well, I'm better with my staff and that's a melee weapon, so I'm already covered in close combat."
Finn faltered at that argument, taking a second to search for something to combat that leap in logic whilst Rey waited with a raised eyebrow. Poe huffed and strode forward, closing Finn's hand around the saber.
"Come on, Finn. Rey's more stubborn than you. And she won the argument. Let's just get this over with."
Finn huffed. "She's far more powerful than me - you saw what she did on Dandoran. She should have the lightsaber."
Rey scowled. "You're the better Jedi. You have better control. Luke's going to formally claim you as his padawan any day now. He's been showing you katas four times a week for almost a month."
"You've learnt more than me on your own. You're the better Jedi."
"Luke thinks I'm a ticking time bomb and he's right. They're just hoping I blow up in the Order's faces not their own."
With that, she strode into the temple, Chewie lumbering on behind her with BB-8 trailing behind with a few sad beeps.
Finn sighed and Poe bumped their shoulders, threading the fingers of their free hands together.
"Give her time. She's still recovering from..."
Finn swallowed. "I know. But she didn't lose control. I felt it. She didn't go dark. She reined herself in and got the job done."
Poe squeezed his partner's hand. "Dandoran was… a mess. And what she did was amazing. But I get why it scared her."
Finn frowned and shrugged, making to walk off after Chewie, BB-8 and Rey, but Poe tugged him back.
"Do you know who else was amazing on Dandoran? You were. Cutting the wing off a TIE fighter mid-air and not dying from the fall was incredibly hot."
With how close they were, Poe could see the way the praise made his partner's cheeks heat up and Finn smiled into the quick kiss they shared before they followed the rest of their team inside.
Their argument ended up being moot, because in the third room they entered, Rey summoned an object to her hand, obviously sensing something weird with it.
Finn hummed in interest when he saw the saber. It's hilt was much longer than the Skywalker saber's and when Rey held it in both her hands, a blade emitted from each end, one a pale blue and one gold.
She gasped swinging the blade through the air before her eyes widened, as she twisted her hands and the saber came apart into two.
"I didn't even know you could make sabers like this," she whispered, powering down the sabers so that she could test the mechanism locking them together without risk of burning herself.
She closed her eyes and grew very still for a few moments before she came back to herself with a light shiver.
"The Master left it here knowing someone would need it."
Finn grinned at her, patting her on the shoulder. "See? You've got control of that ability now. I don't even know how you do it."
Rey wrinkled her nose.
"Yes… Luke's instructions on how to strengthen my shields really helped with that… and the meditation on controlling both my powers and my emotions didn't hurt either," she admitted grudgingly.
Poe sent his boyfriend a proud smile when didn't gloat as they all moved into the next room, still looking for the runes that Luke and General Leia had asked them to take holos of.
Eventually, they got to the room they were looking for and Chewie and Poe were left to twiddle their thumbs whilst BB-8, Rey and Finn started pouring over the walls.
That was until Poe had touched the stupid rune.
He really knew he messed up when Finn and Rey had snapped their heads around half a moment before his fingers had brushed it, both of them calling out for him to stop, but by that point it had been too late.
The world around him had filled with a blinding light, and, when his vision cleared, they weren't alone in the room anymore.
He jumped away from the man that had materialised beside him. He was in armour that would have made him reach for his blaster if it wasn't painted blue. Nevertheless, he stumbled back a few steps before an unseen Force shoved him behind Finn and Rey, who had both assumed defensive stances.
He didn't know which one of them had moved him, but he wasn't fazed by it; he'd had to get used to getting manoeuvred by invisible hands when he'd started fighting regularly alongside Finn and Rey, neither of whom were afraid to use their powers to move their allies out of the way of danger if they could.
It didn't bother him. Honestly? It was kind of a thrill.
There were five other men dressed in similar armour, though three of them had gold paint, whilst the last two were wearing significantly less protection with their weird robes that kind of reminded him of Luke. In the back, near the doorway, was a young Togrutan female as well as an older human female around Poe's age clutching a blaster.
The Togrutan and the man in black robes ignited lightsabers whilst the other men raised their blasters.
The last man in the beige robes and the light upper body armour glanced at the man beside him with a disapproving frown.
"Now, now. We don't need to resort to violence right away."
"Who are you?" the dark robed one with a scar over one of his eyes growled, ignoring his companion.
They all stood there gaping. The last thing they'd expected to see was people with lightsabers. At least not ones that weren't red.
Poe glanced between Finn and Rey. Neither of them had gone for their lightsabers, instead Finn had raised his blaster whilst Rey was brandishing her spear. To be fair, he'd never seen Finn miss a shot and had once watched as Rey knocked out ten storm troopers with her staff within fifteen seconds.
Both of his Jedi were frozen, staring at the image in front of them with blank expressions.
Intellectually, they all knew that there had to be a few other Jedi in the galaxy, but any ones that hadn't already been killed should be impossible to find unless they had the protection of the Resistance at their backs, and the only ones who did were Finn, Rey and Luke.
For once, Poe was the first to recover in a social situation. He was good at back alley deals and criminal underworld politics - he'd had to be with the sheer number of undercover missions he was send on - but Rey and Finn had this quality about them that could sway any opponent. Years in the First Order under countless temperamental commanding officers had taught Finn just how to react to deescalate any interaction and the genuine kindness that Rey met every situation with, hiding her sharp, calculating mind completely disarmed almost anyone they met. That was, unless they were on the battlefield. Then, they were terrifying.
He drew himself up, tilting his chin back confidently in a way that he'd learnt to do whenever he was met with a more powerful opponent. "I think we should be the ones asking the questions since we were here first. You just appeared out of thin air."
Chewie let out a garbled roar and Rey nodded in acknowledgement.
Poe really needed to learn Shyriiwook. They had all worked together on nearly every mission since Finn and Rey had joined the Resistance - he was fairly sure they were officially considered a team in the official records. Finn and Rey had been promoted to the rank of Commander, and Chewie had been given it as soon as he formalised his commitment to the Resistance.
"The Force is… different now," Rey murmured, her face an impassive frown.
She'd gotten better at controlling her expression over the past few months. Maybe all the meditation was helping with that. Though, Poe would never suggest that to her.
Finn glanced at her, before taking half a step back and closing his eyes. A moment later, he jerked, letting out a gasp. Poe stepped forward, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Finn gave him a small smile as he leaned slightly into the touch.
"It's… so much lighter," he murmured, is voice thick with awe.
Rey hummed in agreement. "More full at least. There are just… so many lights."
Less than a moment later, she shook her head, snapping her gaze towards the people in front of them.
"Something… very strange has happened," she announced and Poe sighed internally.
He really shouldn't be surprised by weird Force shit when he spent most of his time around Jedi. He definitely couldn't complain when he was actually dating one.
The man in the dark robes frowned as he powered down his lightsaber, the young Togrutan in the back doing the same for her green one and her smaller, yellow one.
The red-haired Jedi and the dark robed one shared a glance.
"I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, High General of the GAR, and this is General Anakin Skywalker. We may be able to assist you."
Poe felt himself freeze.
"Oh shit."
Finn and Rey glanced back at him, their eyes wide with similar realisation.
Finn turned back to them. "If you're Obi-Wan Kenobi… and you're Anakin Skywalker, that would mean…"
"We travelled back in time," Rey finished for him, her voice barely above a whisper.
Poe instinctively wanted to deny it. Time travel was crazy. There was no way.
But the group in front of them looked pretty darn solid.
And the man in front of him wasn't wearing a black helmet.
So it was the only logical conclusion.
Calling time travel logical seemed like a juxtaposition.
This should be impossible.
Chewie let out a roar, and Poe didn't have to know Shyriiwook to understand the gist of what he was saying. This was fucked.
"Excuse me?" Kenobi asked, arching an eyebrow.
Skywalker snarled, "You expect us to believe that?"
Chewie grumbled and leant back against the wall, striking up a quiet conversation with BB-8, which consisted entirely of them complaining at each other, from what he could hear from BB-8's replies.
Finn, Poe and Rey glanced at each other, all of them trying to think of the right thing to say. It needed to be something that would prove that they were from the future, something they couldn't have known if they lived in the time they were currently in, but it couldn't be something that would side track this conversation too much.
So no bombshells. Like the Emperor. Or Darth Vader. Or the Genocide of the Jedi.
Rey inclined her head downwards and Finn grasped at his belt. He raised his eyebrows and tilted his chin. Poe nodded, signing a quick agreement with Rey's plan.
Finn sighed, and unclipped the metal cylinder from his belt.
"This is your lightsaber," he said, looking at Skywalker. "The one you're holding right now."
He held it flat in his palm, allowing Skywalker to easily summon it to his hand, comparing it to the identical weapon he'd already been holding. The man closed his eyes for a few seconds, grimacing.
"It's the same saber," he announced when he opened his eyes, his tone more subdued than before. "But the crystal doesn't recognise me anymore."
He nodded at Finn, holding the weapon out.
"It likes you though."
Finn blinked as he summoned the weapon back to his hand. "Uh… thank you?"
Rey shot him a smug grin and Finn rolled his eyes.
General Kenobi frowned, putting a hand on his chin.
"So we do have… visitors from the future."
BB-8 trilled angrily and Poe cringed.
Rey blew out a sharp breath. "She's right. It seems our way back has been destroyed as well."
She gestured to the now cracked stone, that Poe had just touched.
Yep, they were royally screwed.
Kriffing Jedi bullshit.
Are you guys curious? Do you want more? Not gonna lie, I have big plans for this fic. Send me an ask or a message if you want more. Or comment on ao3.
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kaleidoscopeminds · 4 years
Get on your dancing shoes, there’s one thing on your mind
having some feelings about missing gigs this evening and this is a thing that occurred? tiny fluffy gig lashton for @tirednotflirting as she dutifully listens to me complain about the lack of live music in my life. This scenario is based on something that actually happened to me, but unfortunately there was no Ashton in that turn of events.
Title from Dancing Shoes by Arctic Monkeys because what else?
“Okay then turn left at the end of that road,” Michael says down the phone to Luke, who has it cradled in his shoulder as he clutches his umbrella and squints into the dark.
“Yeah, okay I can see where I’m going now, I’ll ring you back when I’m outside,” Luke responds. “See you in a sec.”
“Bye!” Michael calls down the line before hanging up.
Luke sighs and stuffs his phone back in his pocket, hunching his shoulders up against the rain. He’s a little annoyed by the evening already, having to get a train and then a bus to Michael’s boyfriend’s house (Calum, he keeps having to remind himself) and once again wonders why he agreed to come along.
“Look I’m saying we can go, I’m just saying that Calum wants to come too,” Michael had shrugged at him.
“But Mikey, gigs are our thing,” Luke had responded petulantly. He knew he was being childish but his best friend agreeing to go to see a band with his new boyfriend instead of him was not news that he wanted to hear.
“They still are,” Michael had responded, rolling his eyes a little. “We’re going together, Calum will just be there as well.”
“But then I’ll have to third-wheel you all evening,” Luke had whined, frowning.
Michael had laughed, “It’s funny, because Calum said the exact same thing about the two of us. Now stop being a big baby and buy your ticket.”
That’s how Luke had found himself a month later, trudging in the rain to Calum’s flat, because it was only a short bus trip to the venue from there. He did honestly like Calum, he was quiet but wickedly funny and clearly smitten with Michael, he just didn’t know why he also had to like the same music as the two of them. He sighed to himself again and looked up at the flats in front of him and pulled out his phone again to call Michael, resigning himself to an evening of standing next to the happy couple.
“Can we go down?” Luke said excitedly, sipping his drink and bouncing on his toes.
“I think we’re gonna stay up here,” Michael responded, shrugging. “Better view.”
“What?” Luke asked, frowning. “We never stand at the back?”
“It’s just a bit busy,” Michael replied, shrugging.
Luke shook his head and sighed. “Okay fine but I’m going down there. I’ll see you at the end, give me a text if we can’t find each other.”
Michael nodded absently and turned to say something to Calum who was looking at his phone. Luke rolled his eyes and left the two of them to it, quickly going down the steps and beginning to squeeze his way through the crowd. He wanted to be right in with everyone, nothing comparing to the feeling of being in a crowd at a gig just before it starts, the hum in the air and the excitement fizzing at the tips of everyone’s fingers, almost palpable in the slightly sweaty beer scented air. He was also mindful of how tall he was though, not wanting to slap himself right in the middle where he would be a nuisance to everyone, so he skimmed the edge until he found himself a spot on the right hand side, with a good view of the stage.
“You’re a better door than a window aren’t you?” He heard a voice from slightly behind him to his right.
Luke turned around with an apologetic smile on his face but was met with a twinkling grin and a pair of hazel eyes glinting wickedly at him. 
Luke coughs embarrassed, “Yeah I know I’m sorry it’s the - ,” he gestures in a vague way towards his body.
“Stupidly long legs? Big blonde head? Ridiculously broad shoulders?” The man winks at him and Luke can’t help but notice how good looking he is, curly brown hair falling onto his forehead and a dimple in his chin as he smirks at Luke. He’s wearing a white short sleeve shirt unbuttoned to the middle of his chest, showing off both a bit of chest hair and his tanned arms.
“Sorry,” Luke apologises again, blushing and giggling slightly. “Maybe I can buy you your next drink to make up for my big blonde head.”
The other man grins delightedly at him. “Now don’t tempt me. How about you budge over a bit so I don’t have to stand behind you?”
“I might be able to manage that,” Luke responds, shuffling over slightly in the small space. He hears a frustrated sigh from behind him when he inevitably blocks someone else’s view, but he just shrugs apologetically at them, he now has a bigger priority in the form of this hot man who may or may not be flirting with him. 
“I’m Ashton by the way,” The man says, holding his hand out in the small space between them.
Luke laughs at the formality and switches his cup to his other hand so he can shake Ashton’s hand. “Luke,” he responds.
“So Luke,” Ashton cocks his head slightly at him. “What brings you to this part of the floor with no friend or girlfriend in sight?”
“Unlikely to be a girlfriend I can tell you that much for free,” Luke snorts, he notices Ashton gets a pleased smile on his face when he hears this and files that away for later thought. “I came with my mate and his boyfriend and I have abandoned them being boring up there somewhere.” Luke jerks his head in direction of the back of the room.
Ashton laughs. “A serious third-wheel moment then?”
“Yes,” Luke replies disgustedly. “Even though I was assured it wouldn’t be.” 
Ashton laughs again, tilting his head back and giggling, and Luke thinks he might have fallen in love a little bit.
“What about you?” Luke asks. “What’s a guy like you doing lurking solo over here?”
Ashton smiles a little embarrassed and rubs the back of his head. “Was meant to be on a date, but the guy decided he didn’t want to come last minute. Thought it would be a waste to not come because I fucking love this band regardless.”
Luke laughs and notes Ashton’s deliberate use of “guy”. Interesting.
“Well I think you made the right decision,” Luke responds, smiling at Ashton and biting his tongue slightly.
Ashton’s eyes track the movement before coming back to meet Luke’s. “We’ll see about that I suppose,” he responds, returning the smile slowly. “In the meantime, I know you promised me a drink, but as you were so kind as to move over for me, what would you like?”
“Whatever you’re having,” Luke responds, smiling. “I’ll save your space.”
“You better do,” Ashton winks and moves off through the crowd, brushing his hand around Luke’s hip and across the small of his back as he leaves. 
Luke watches him weave up towards the bar and manages to catch Michael’s eye who’s looking at him questioningly. Luke just shrugs at him, and Michael waves his phone at him pointedly before beginning to furiously type a message. Calum just smiles amused, and gives Luke a little wave, which Luke returns before fishing his phone out of his pocket just as it buzzes with a message from Michael.
whos that???
who tf is ashton
Ashton is the nice man who’s date cancelled on him and is now buying me a drink
!!!! Is he gay????
…. Possibly (he suggested the date was with a man)
!!!!! he’s fucking hot luke
I know mikey i’ve got eyes
don’t fuck this up just be normal
what the fuck is that supposed to mean
just don’t be so luke
you’re not helping in the slightest here
he’s coming back act normal
you’re absolutely the fucking worst and i hate you so much
stop talking to me your new boyfriend is coming back
Luke sighs exasperatedly at his phone before locking it and shoving it back in his pocket as Ashton squeezes through the gap next to him and hands off the second cup he’s holding. Luke downs his current drink and slides the new cup into the empty one.
“Thanks,” he says, moving over slightly and noticing the space he was in has gotten significantly smaller.
“No problem,” Ashton says, wedging himself in the gap next to him. “Although you didn’t keep up your side of the bargain,” he says pointedly, wiggling his shoulders to bump against Luke’s in the narrow space. 
“Sorry,” Luke responds, smiling apologetically. “I got distracted.”
“Who said I was complaining?” Ashton replies, smirking. “Everything okay? You were really giving your phone a dirty look there.”
“Yeah it was nothing,” Luke shakes his head, but his eyes flick over to where Michael and Calum are standing, and Ashton follows his look. Michael is staring at them intently, but quickly pretends to be deep in conversation with Calum as soon as he sees Luke and Ashton looking at them. Luke hears Ashton laugh quietly and he blushes furiously.
“Were you talking about me?” Ashton teases, his twinkling grin back firmly in place.
“Don’t be so big-headed,” Luke responds, still blushing.
“That means yes,” Ashton says smugly, taking a sip of his drink and brushing his arm against Luke’s.
“Why would I be talking about you, I don’t know anything about you,” Luke says, raising his eyebrows.
“Well what would you like to know?” Ashton responds. “I’m an open book.”
“Uh, how old are you?” Luke asks and then sighs at himself at such an infantile question.
“Getting right to the important stuff straight away I see,” Ashton replies seriously before breaking out into a grin. 
“Stop making fun of me, I’m regretting standing in front of you now,” Luke says, pouting at him.
“Aw you don’t mean that Lukey,” Ashton says, placing a hand over his heart. Luke tries not to blush at the nickname (try being the operative word). “I’m 24,” Ashton adds, taking pity on Luke.
“22,” Luke responds, taking a sip of his drink. “And as we’re doing the boring stuff I’ve just graduated and currently work in a bar whilst I try to discover my true passion.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Ashton responds, tapping his plastic cup against Luke’s. “I work in a record shop at the moment.”
“That’s pretty fucking cool to be fair,” Luke says honestly.
“Yeah it's not bad, not necessarily what I want to do forever though,” Ashton says ruefully.
“What do you want to do?” Luke asks, genuinely interested.
“Producing I think,” Ashton says thoughtfully, “but working in a record shop is as close as I’m gonna get for now.”
“See and you were worried we weren’t going to get to the important stuff,” Luke says, grinning cheekily at Ashton. 
Ashton laughs again and nudges his shoulder against Luke’s. “Yeah something about you has got me spouting about my ambitions within minutes.”
Luke bites his lip and ducks his head. He honestly can’t believe his luck managing to bump into and hold a conversation with Ashton, who seems unbelievably sweet and interesting. He’s saved from responding as the lights dim and people start cheering around him.
Luke squeaks and grabs Ashton’s wrist, bouncing on his toes as excitement flows through him, his heart rate picking up as he feels the crowd shift and pulse with anticipation, voices of enthusiasm and shouts beginning to ripple across the sea of people. The lights begin to flash and Luke can feel the energy thrum through the air. He catches Ashton smiling at him out of the corner of his eye and turns to face him with a huge smile on his face.
“What?” Luke has to almost shout over the growing noise of the crowd.
Ashton leans forward slightly. “You’re cute,” he says directly into Luke’s ear, making him shiver slightly before pulling back and tucking one of Luke’s curls behind his ear, smiling and turning towards the front. Luke stands for a moment, dazed before being pulled out of his reverie by the band appearing on stage, cheering loudly with everyone else.
The gig is insane, especially with Ashton at his side, singing the lyrics along with him, dancing stupidly in his favourite instrumentals and laughing every time Luke clutches his arm and shouts “I love this one!” In his ear.
And maybe when it goes dark after the band goes off and whilst the rest of the crowd chants for the encore, Luke might slide his hand in to Ashton’s and pull him closer to find his lips in the dark, breathless and skin slightly damp from all the dancing, mouths sticky with the taste of beer and ears still ringing. 
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wolfpawn · 4 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 159
Chapter Summary - Tom and Danielle tell Luke their news before it is declared to the world.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
Copyright for the photo is the owners, not mine. All image rights belong to their owners
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller @fairlightswiftly @salempoe @wolfsmom1 @black-ninja-blade
Luke stretched his neck and cursed falling asleep sitting up the night before. Tabloids had caught wind of Tom being at Wimbledon and every last one to see it made note that Danielle was not there with him and assumed they had been the first to realise that she had left him or him her without any shred of proof or indication of such. It was hardly the most taxing or bothersome of stories but it covered more of the internet than Tom's recent outings so he had to keep an eye on it all the same. He found himself rolling his eyes at the analysis of some people declaring that Tom was depressed looking, or elated to be rid of Danielle, depending on their own personal thoughts of her. To be honest, Luke could never understand what would make a woman willing to endure the sheer madness of Tom's life outside of genuine love of him.
He looked at his watch and noted that Tom would be arriving at his office supposedly in the next fifteen minutes. He shook his head. Tom tried to be punctual, he really did, but he would get caught talking to someone or get overly interested in a book and genuinely be too polite to excuse himself or forget the time before being delayed and turning up late and apologising profusely. He was unsure why Tom asked to see him with no situation that he could think of to warrant an official enough meeting between them. He knew of Tom and Danielle's trip to the seaside with his family, he worried that perhaps something had gone awry there and the pair had seen fit to part ways, but his tone on the phone was pleasant, something he knew with confidence that Tom would not be inclined to be should his friend and his partner had broken up.
Only five minutes later, he received a call from his secretary informing him that his clients were waiting outside. He chuckled and he gave his assistant the go-ahead to let them in before waiting to see what it was he was dealing with, the plural giving him an indication it was not an impending breakup.
Tom and Danielle came in smiling, Tom embracing his friend and Danielle giving him a small peck on the cheek as they entered. “Hello, I was worried about this meeting at first, I see that was a terrible assumption on my behalf.” He indicated for them to sit across from him at his desk. “I assume that this is an official visit?” Tom smirked and handed a sheet of paper to his friend. Luke looked at him sceptically before taking the piece of paper and opening it. For a moment, he looked at the paper before looking up at the pair across from him. “Really?”
Tom smirk turned and lifted Danielle's hand, showing her ring to him. “Mum is having it put in tomorrow's paper because Danielle is working in London for a fortnight and she will be spotted wearing it, so we thought it best to inform you so to prepare for whatever madness arises.”
Luke reread the piece again before smiling brightly. “Well, after the claims from yesterday, this will be hilarious, congratulations to you both,” he looked at Danielle's hand. “Antique and classy, as though I could expect anything else.”
“What's this of yesterday's claims?” Tom asked worriedly.
“You, going to the tennis final by yourself is somehow a declaration that you two have gone your separate ways.” Luke informed them. “Danielle’s absence is nothing short of a formal break up announcement in their opinion.”
'Wow, this will be awkward for them,” Danielle scoffed. “Are we allowed any time apart? I dare say it is tiring being attached to one's significant other all the time. I was too busy stealing our niece for a few hours to boil myself in the unusually warm weather.”
“Yes, I cannot believe it had lasted this long.” Luke looked to the air conditioning vent in his office. “If that fails, I will be relocating to a freezer.” Tom and Danielle gave a laugh. “So, this is official? When are you thinking about a wedding? There's nothing rushing this is there?”
“No, nothing of the sort, we are talking about next summer, most likely. Nothing is planned yet, though Mum very much has plans to change that soon for fear we delay.” Tom informed him.
“Well, I appreciate the consideration. We can ensure everything is covered on this side of things,” Luke smiled before chuckling. “For a time, I genuinely never thought I'd see the day. You finding someone and settling down. Danielle, you made him see sense.”
“And this is my penance apparently,” she joked in return. “I’m sorry for the bother that this will cause you.”
Luke shook his head slightly. “Please, this is what I do as my living, I am just grateful that this is a good and pleasant situation to be overseeing as opposed to what others have to deal with. I will have this place ready for it, all I can say is like with the announcement that you two are together, there will be positive and negative reactions.”
“We know.” Tom gently rubbed Danielle's hand. “As Elle said, you will have to bear the brunt of this, so long as Elle stays offline,” he gave her a small pleading look.
“What, some people are ridiculous and hilarious?” She shrugged.
“And cruel and spiteful and some outright sick in the head,” Luke added, which Tom nodded to.
“They're the minority and the immature. People with odd notions of somehow finding Prince Charming and him ignoring obvious issues such as age, geography and other aspects and running away with them to live happily ever after into the sunset together. And I will admit, I enjoy their tantrums when I'm in the right mood.”
Tom shook his head and sighed. “You are mad.”
“You knew this anyway.” She laughed with a slight shrug as they all rose from their chairs.
“Elle, I need to speak to Tom for a moment, if that's alright?” Luke requested.
Danielle did not even blink before smiling brightly. “Of course.” She stepped out of the room and went to sit on one of the comfortable chairs outside Luke's office.
“A little warning?” Luke chuckled. “I know you said soon but you never mentioned it being this swift.”
“The last time I tried to plan around her, she overheard part of the conversation and thought there was something to worry about. I hadn't a time and place planned, I just went with what felt right and thankfully, she said yes.”
“Against her better judgement, no doubt.” Luke joked. “I am thrilled for you, Tom, I really am. How was your family's reaction?”
“You need to ask?” Tom beamed. “Mum is anxious to start planning.”
“So, it really is going to be a long engagement, as they do?”
“I don't think you could force her forward. Apparently, her cousin is getting married in the Spring of next year, which is already being noted as being too soon and to go ahead of that is a social faux-pas like nothing before by Irish standards.”
“I'll take your word for it. But being honest Tom, I am not sure Elle should allow herself read what some people are going to say, this will get a vitriolic reaction from some, in the same way Ben Cumberbatch and his wife suffered. I am not joking when I say that there may be reason to alert the authorities should they threaten her physically.”
Tom's eyes widened slightly. “They are just vocal online because of anonymity, they surely wouldn't….”
“They don't tend to, no but considering the abuse I physically witnessed her receive the time it was revealed she and Emma were friends before you began seeing one another, people seem to forget that they cannot say and do what they like without consequence. You too have noted how things have changed, Elle's safety from fanatics, and indeed yours is paramount. I think some may not take this well and get angered at you also.”
Tom studied Luke's expression. “What do you not tell me about what you see online with regards me and Elle?”
“You would lose sleep if I told you everything,” Luke confessed. “But with even YouTube stars being shot dead by supposed fans these days, no PR person can take any threat too lightly.”
“Alright, we'll be smart,” Tom swore, not certain as to whether or not he would say too much to Danielle for fear of scaring her when it was more than likely not necessary.
Luke made towards the door and opened it. When they stepped out, Danielle was looking astutely at her phone. She did not notice the two men standing beside her as she focused on the work plan in front of her.
“More changes?” Tom asked, knowing that she had been given two altered sets already.
She looked up at them and put her phone on standby. “No, just studying the street plan to see where are dangerous positions for large machinery.” She explained as she sighed. “I really should do more on my laptop or invest in a tablet, I am going bleary-eyed from looking at a small screen.”
“Business expenses, it's a great excuse,” Luke suggested with a grin. “I will alert everyone here to the imminent news so don't worry about that. You two have a pleasant day before your faces hit every celebrity news site and no doubt a tonne of papers and don't allow it to bother you.” He shook Tom's hand but Tom pulled him in for a hug. “You did better than you should have.” Luke jested.
“There's no need to tell me I am punching above my weight.” Tom acknowledged.
“Elle, congratulations, or commiserations, I'm not sure which is more suitable, it's debatable.” He moved forward and embraced her.
Danielle laughed at his words. “Well, you've had to endure him for enough of a period of time to know the truth in that.” She gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you for this and I really am sorry for any bother this creates for you.”
“If I did not wish to deal with public relations, I think it is safe to say I am in the wrong job.” He laughed as they walked to the office door. “I will be contactable if either or both of you want me and of course, I will be keeping you both posted on everything here.” After giving their thanks, Tom and Danielle left. Luke smiled at his friend's news and happiness as they did so before looking to the piece of paper in his hand and turning to his secretary. “Could you call everyone to my office please?” He requested, causing his secretary to go and do as requested. “We're in for a busy day tomorrow.”
The engagement is announced between Tom, only son of Dr James Hiddleston, of Oxford and Mrs Diana Hiddleston, of Aldeburgh and Danielle, the only child of the late Dr Matthew Hughes and the late Mrs Bridget Hughes, of Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland.
The next morning, The Telegraph declared to the world in its engagement section that Tom and Elle were engaged. To them, bar the texts of congratulations from those they had not told by text themselves, nothing was any different. Tom kept Danielle offline by strategically requesting that she assist him with a long overdue clearing of his wardrobe, as it was becoming cluttered. Before he said anything, she had a black bag readied, her sleeves rolled up, and a terrifying look of determination on her face, Tom felt allowing her online would be less painful at that moment.
“I don't want to dump anything.”
“There are clothes here with holes that are not supposed to have holes,” she pointed specifically to a pair of socks that Tom was certain he wore training for the London marathon over a decade previous with large holes in any seam it had. “Do you need these?”
“No.” A moment later, they were in the bag. She then held up a t-shirt with a hole in the armpit. “No, not that,” he pleaded.
“Have you worn it in the last year?”
“I haven't worn it in over a decade.”
“Then why keep it?”
“It means a lot to me, I have a lot of fond memories in this.” He smiled at the t-shirt before taking it from her. “In RADA, I always wore this before a performance that mattered, for grades and such.” He watched as she took it from him and folded it neatly and placed it on the bed with a loving smile before holding up something else. “Don't bother dumping that, burn it,” he declared, physically wincing at the shirt she was holding up. “What the fuck was I thinking?”
Danielle assessed the shirt and shook her head. “I think it's safe to say you weren't thinking. I take it you bought this when you were shitfaced someday and thought it a good idea?”
“No.” Tom growled before looking at her sheepishly. “I was hungover and my shirt was covered in...well not pleasant things and my lift back from Cambridge was due and there was no way I would be allowed in the car otherwise and it was the best of a bad lot.” Danielle laughed. “So burn it.”
She glanced over the shirt. “It hasn't been worn since has it?”
Tom shook his head. “I'm still trying to figure out how it got here, I'm fairly sure I dumped it years ago before moving here.” He watched as Danielle placed it in a smaller empty bag she took out. “What are you doing?”
“Donating it. That could be something someone else needs.” She smiled.
Tom could only smile at her, elated at the knowledge that the world would now know she saw him as worthy of something she held in such high regard like marriage.
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paulieshore · 5 years
Obey Me / SCM Au Series
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Warnings: Beginning minor Gore, Conflict of Interest, Triggers, Cursing
Words: 2797
I do not own the rights to these characters, characters belong to:
·         Obey Me! Shall we date
·         Star Crossed Myth - Voltage
Chapter 7: Assholes
 **Note: The ending of chapter 6 happens shortly after the beginning here in Devildom:
“Yes, your highness. It seems victims all across the kingdom have similarities in their cases.”
“Being?” Diavolo crosses his arms waiting for Barbatos answer.
“All females, who are attending RAD, all found the same. Found in pools of their own blood, no life left in them. Souls ripped from their very being.” Barbatos frowns placing the reports down on the table. “My lord, they’re looking for her...”
Diavolo sighs, “Call Lucifer and the others. Get a message sent to the Celestial Realm, inform King Kivy immediately. I will go speak to ‘our’ King.” Diavolo stands up and marches out.
The king of hell had long since left his duties of ruling to his son, however as Diavolo still had not been given his coronation, he was obliged to still follow under his father’s rule. He marched on towards the depths of the demon lords castle where is father slumbered.
“My Liege, pardon my intrusion.” He bows deeply to the sleeping beast.
An eye of crimson flames open.
“Who dares disturbs me “
The ground below Diavolo’s feet shakes. He takes into his demon form and bows even deeper; his wings stretch upwards.
“It is I, Diavolo. Prince of the Underworld, I seek guidance of the Crimson King.”
A rumbling noise was made from the awaken king’s chest, like that of a dragon.
“Yes, it is I, father.”
The House of Gods
Your first few encounters with Scorpio were not good, so you didn’t expect this to be any different. Once Zyglavis left, Scorpio had you follow him around, ordering you to be quiet. So, you did; keeping your mouth shut and head down. He had you follow him to his room, telling you not to move no more than two feet from his door.
You nodded silently and stood there, he made remarks about not wanting you to contaminate his living courters with your filth, staring at you in utter disgust. You kept your feet glued to the spot and head down, trying not to further piss this one off.
“Well at least you know your place” He snaps one last time as he flits about his room.
You peaked up; Scorpio was busy with the tubes of liquid among his desk. You decided to look around the room, ONLY with your eyes.
His room was different from Zyg’s, he had some colour, red. For some reason Scorpio didn’t strike you as a red kind of guy. The walls were of cobble stone, on one side an empty fireplace. The wall nearest his bed, massive windows that shone light in, reflecting the silvers and reds around the room. The other side of the room was where his desk was, oak; which matched the two arm chairs on each sides of his bed. However, contrary to the rooms being different they were all cleaned and polished the same.
Hard to believe anyone actually lived in them.
Scorpio turned around to check on the thing in his room, seeing she was ‘scoping his room out’.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
You immediately shut your eyes and turned your head back down. Scorpio smiled evilly at your obedience, he returned to his project picking the vile up and drinking it.  
Moments later there was a thud, you opened your eyes and seen Scorpio on the ground. When he didn’t get back up immediately, you cautiously called to him, “S-sir?”
Sheer panic, you ran up to him without thinking and started shaking him.
“Hey, hey, get up man!!”
You noticed how pale he was becoming, you ran to the door, opened it and shouted for help.
Huedaut was before you instantly, a look of concern plastered on her face. “What’s wrong? Are you alright?”
You nodded your head and pointed; he followed the area you were pointing towards. Seeing Scorpio, he rushed to him.
“He’s okay? Right? I mean he’s a god he’ll be alright, of course” You were rambling as you watched Hue examine Scorpio.
He picked up the vile in Scorpio’s hand and sniffed it, “Uh yes that makes sense, mhm. Right” He picked Scorpio up and placed him on the bed.
You followed closely behind Hue, “Tell me what to do, I’ll do it!”
Hue chuckles under his breath, “It is alright, he’ll come around soon.” Turning to you and smiling “No need to worry yourself.” He watched as you sadly looked at Scorpio and remembered something, “Oh yes, after, I need to speak to you.” Then left without any explanation.
You stood there spacing out.
‘After what? This? Am I now watching Scorpio? Isn’t he supposed to be watching me? And what was with that smile, mister sad god actually smiled about his friend falling sick? These people are so strange!‘  You thought.
A little boy appeared while you were staring off, “Lord Scorpio, I have a message from Orion. *!!!!* LORD SCORPIO!?” he rushed to his side.
You observed how worried the little boy was, “It’s alright, Huedaut says he’ll be fine in a minute...”
He whips around and straightens up “apologies malady, I am Altair, messenger of punishments.”
You bow to the little boy formally, “Uh, I am Y/N …… Just Y/N”
His face goes scarlet red when you bow to him. You both stood in silence for a moment.
“Is there anything Lord Huedaut said that we can do for Lord Scorpio?” He looked to you with pleading eyes.
Telling this boy ‘no’ would break his blessed heart you thought…
“Well, no…”
And it did, pain flashed through his face
“BUT!! I know something we can try that might help??” You cringe, oh dear Scorpio is going to kill me for certain.
The brothers were making their way to Diavolo’s castle for a meeting which was called. They were chatting amongst themselves walking through town.
A young female demon goes running through the brothers, pushing them aside.
“Hey you, watch yourself!” Satan scowls at her.
She doesn’t stop or apologise, keeping her pace, sprinting and panting.
The brothers leave it be and continue on, when their confronted by an individual hooded and cloaked. Blocking their path.
“Yo, move man, we have places to be!” Mammon shouts.
A creepy laugh is heard from the hooded fiend, “I don’t believe it, if it isn’t the saintly seven... Oh sorry six, I see your sister isn’t here.” Hissing.
Everyone stiffened and was offended by this not so familiar individual.
“I am Lucifer, Avatar of Pride. You dare offend me?!” Lucifer steps forward in front of his siblings.
The cloaked one pulls his hood down. Revealing long two-toned hair of dark red and black, and a black marking on his cheek. His eyes swirling with discord, an even more haunting smile appearing on his cracked lips.
“My, my, indeed, how the mighty have fallen!” He cackles and his body swirls into black mist. Disappearing quicker then he appeared.
“Who the hell was that?” They all seemed to be asking the same question.
They hurry along the way to speak to Diavolo, and inform him of this incident.
 The Heavens: Arch Angels Department
Michael was giving a run down to the other angels,
“By order of the king, you are to monitor the activities between the human realm and hell. We are to assist in aid and guarding the witches and wizards that reside in the human realm. They will be the first points of contact. Is that understood?”
After dismissing, two angels stayed behind.
“Simeon, Luke? Is there anything I can help you with?
Simeon nods at his superior, “Yes, actually id like to be assigned personally, watching over Solomon, sir.”
Luke stands quietly, nodding his head.
“I see, that is the wizard who studied alongside you, was it not?” Michael squints sceptically at Simeon.
Simeon grins, “Indeed, and it is for that reason I wish to be assigned him personally. I’ve gotten to know him a bit, should things escalate… I believe he may be a next target.”
“Very well, I will include this conversation in my report and send it off to Chief Leon as well as Chief Zyglavis, you both may leave now.”
“Furthermore sir,”
“Yes, Luke will assist me, sir.”
Michael looks down to Luke, before nodding and signalling them to go.
Once Simeon and Luke leave, Partheno slips out from nowhere.
“Michael, I’m glad I caught you in time. Do you have those reports for Zyg?”
“Uh, Partheno sir. I do indeed, I have another to add, if you can wait one moment. I only require a moment sir.” Bowing to Partheno.
“Of course, take your time.” Waving his hands nonchalantly.
What Michael doesn’t see is the ugly look on Partheno’s face as he turns around and starts the report.
 The House of Gods
Altair helped you gather supplies in aiding Scorpio back to health. Altair dabbed a cloth to Scorpio’s forehead and you were cutting apples, into rabbit shapes.
“Wow, you’re really good at that?” Altair watches your quick but precise slices.
“When I was younger it was the only way I would eat the apples, I don’t like biting straight into them.”
“Well, I once bit into a worm. I was more mortified by the fact I killed the worm, then it being in the apple or my mouth.”
“Ewwww” Altair sticks his tongue out.
Just then Scorpio starts coming too, breaking your moment of peace. Both you and Altair jumped to attention, trying to aid him. Scorpio snapped at Altair for trying to help, and snapped at you for ‘dare dirtying him’.
Altair left quite upset, tears forming in his big doe eyes.
You don’t know what came over you, but had finally had enough with this one.
Snapping back at Scorpio. “YOU ARE SUCH AN ASSHOLE! He was absolutely worried sick about you and that’s how you treat him? Fine, if you don’t like me, but he’s just a boy!” You were still holding the plate with cut up apples on, shaking.
Scorpio weakly raised from the bed and approached you.
“I don’t even know why I bothered!” You continued. “How can anyone put up with an asshat like you!”
He approached you close enough, slapping the plate from your hands. Following by, grabbing you by the scruff of your collar and slamming you into the wall.
You were terrified, you had gone too far, you knew it. He scared you far more then Leon or Lucifer ever did, and pissed you off just the same.
Scorpio gave you another evil smile, “Scared huh? You should be!”
Quickly thinking, since Scorpio was still only coming too, you shoved him backwards. He lost his balance and was flat on his ass.
You seized the opportunity and bolted straight out his room.
You decided enough was enough, you remembered the path you ran the last time. You’d been here long enough, keeping in mind where the exit was.
Wagering that dying here wouldn’t be any better then dying out there.
Bolting for the front door, you opened it and turned to see if anyone was following. With no sign of anyone, you were gone. Running down the path, away from the mansion, away from those assholes!
Finally getting to the outskirts of a town, refusing to stop, even though your lungs and legs burned. You pulled the phone from your pocket and searched your contacts...
Solomon, giving his number a ring.
Thank the stars, he answered.
“Y/N, what’s up?”
“Solomon, listen I need your help!”
Back at the mansion
Scorpio picked himself off the floor, “Wow that weak woman actually had the guts to push me” He was slightly impressed, considering how afraid she just was of him.
Ichthys and Dui entered, “Hey Scorpy…. Where’s Goldie?” Both looking around.
“How would I know; damn brat, she threw me to the floor and took off running.”
Their faces shocked, “Wow, she’s gotten even cooler!” Ichthys laughs
“Do you value your life?!”
“Ekk!” Ichthys hides behind Dui.
Dui shook his head, “Scorpio you probably did something to frighten the poor thing, didn’t you? We saw Altair, he was practically in tears when he told us.”
Scorpio says nothing, and looks to the scattered mess.
“Awe, she even cut your apples into little cute shapes! I want special treatment from Goldie too!” Ichthys picked up the pieces and marvelled at them.
You gave Solomon the best description of where you were, he came and picked you up.
“Y/N what’s wrong?” Glancing at you while he was driving, noticing how you were constantly looking over your shoulder.
You told him the truth about everything.
“Ah, so you have been staying at the house of gods. How interesting...”
“Please Solomon, I don’t want to go back!”
He gave you a sympathetic look, “I knew a girl who claimed she was fooling around with one of them. She was invited back for some ‘fun’ one night, by a blonde-haired prince charming. Then after, when I had seen her again and asked how her night went, she had no memory of what I was talking about. They erased her memory I figured.”
“Yea, I could see that, he does seem to like the ladies…” agreeing “However, they’re assholes, rude and arrogant… well, not all of them…“ you quietly argued with yourself.
“Its okay, you’ve been through a lot lately. I’ll see what I can do to help.” He looks over and smiles.
Both of you arrived at Solomon’s, he had suggested casting a spell of concealment. Covering your where abouts to anyone trying to find you, safe from all searching parties. You agreed, you just wanted to be left alone for some time to process everything yourself.
“You know Y/N, Asmodeus came to me the other day about you...” Solomon says as he places a tea before you.
You blinked your eyes numerously at what he said, “Really?!”
He nodded.
“I miss them… They came but… There was…. I couldn’t….” trailing off.
He places a hand on your lap, “It’s okay, he kinda explained that too. Let’s see how tonight goes, remember Y/N you have seven pacts with them.” Patting your lap.
You had completely forgotten about your pacts!!
You smiled brightly as you wrapped your arms around Solomon’s neck, “Thank you!”
“Settle down” He gently unwraps your arms from him “I am still a man you know… Your staying with me tonight, don’t give me the wrong idea.”
The meeting was held, Lucifer and the others explain their ‘run in’. Diavolo frowned deeply and looked to Barbatos, nodding and telling them. The one they had just met was in fact ‘Crow’ one of the dark disciples, who was believed to have died in the war.
A phone pings mid-meeting, everyone turns their attention to Asmo whose pulling his phone out.
“I thought I told you turn your phone off Asmo!” Lucifer looks shamefully at his younger sibling.
“Oopsies, my mistake!” Waving his phone, he goes to turn it off when he sees Solomon’s name on screen. Under a preview message with your name.
He stands up abruptly, everyone staring at him even more.
“Y/N’s with Solomon!!” He shouts
Lucifer angrily stands and takes Asmo’s phone, meaning to turning it off.
It took him a second to register what Asmo said, he was then scanning the contents of the message.
“What did those bastards do to her!?” Lucifer had an aura start illuminating. Diavolo standing up and placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Relax, don’t get worked up, we need to conserve our chaos.”
“Can we go to her?” Levi is quick to ask, Mammon nodding his head.
“Gentleman, we need to get back to our discussion. She is safe with Solomon for the time being, but the Gods will go to her. As of right now the disciples believe she is still here…. Let’s try to keep it that way.” Diavolo looks around to everyone present.
“What do you mean?”
Barbatos answers Satan’s question, “The dark disciples are back, your run in further confirms that. They are the ones behind these attacks here. They’re looking for Y/N, going to her now would only give her away.”
Lucifer turns and faces Diavolo, “She isn’t safe there, she isn’t safe here, where is she safe then!?”
Diavolo’s looks at Lucifer with a look of disappointment, “She’s safest with them, whether you like it or not. I’m sorry Lucifer…”
He gives Diavolo a look before slamming himself back down into his seat “Let’s hurry and get this over with already...”
Everyone studies Lucifer, the one who is usually calm and collective, slowly coming undone.
 To Be Continued.
  Stay tuned for ch8 : Find Her!
I hope youve enjoyed reading this as much as i am having fun writing it! 
Much love for all the support <3  ^-^ you guys/ladies are gems 
You can find all chapters now on Ao3 - or you can follow me here for future updates
Mwah xxx
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lime-be4n · 6 years
So this is a concept I have for the B.B.S.
So I came up with this idea a while back, it’s nothing big and I prolly won’t do anything with it? Maybe the occasional doodle of it and some small concept comics but, again, prolly not any writing/storytelling. But I still want to, I guess, say what I want about it and kinda see if it gets any attention? I mean I don’t want any attention but rather the concept. Okie dokie? Cool, fools!
So imagen, a world exactly like ours but something's different! Everyone, or everyone who is visible, is beautiful! The world is run by a different scale of social and hierarchical structure. The more attractive a person is, the higher they are on the scale! So society felt challenged when youtube popped up; it gave the hidden attractives a way to rise up, and allowed those people to make a living doing the things they enjoyed! Now this is where the story begins!
Jonathan Gormon Dennis, the anomaly, the gamer, the clown, the youtuber H2O Delirious. To Evan, Vanoss Gaming, he was a spectacle; he somehow flew up the ranks without showing his showing his face! He’s gone to Luke, but he obviously said nothing. “He’s just your normal guy!”, “ It’s not my secret to share,”, and more; All of were criticizing Evan over his inability to respect his friend’s wishes.
The boys, the B.B.S., Banana Bus Squad! They are a mixture of uncertainty, and elated emotions.
David, Daithi De Nogla, is happy for him, and certainly encourages is behavior. David sees no wrong in what his friend is doing, and has said in the past “Del’s face doesn’t make him my friend. He’s my friend ‘cause he’s funny! And he’s got a good personality — but don’t tell him is said that! He’ll use it against me!” And then proceeded to laugh. Mr. Nagle has had quite the simple life for the Irish to admit. A triplet, hobbyist musician, and a good looking face. YouTube helped him and his family some. A very nice dorky boy...
Tyler, I am Wildcat, he’s,,, well he’s something. He doesn’t seem to approve of what Jonathan’s doing, throughout videos he would tend to tease and pick on him. He was and is often found saying,” Damn! I really hope you don’t look like that in real life!” And, “I bet your damn awful ugly!”. Then proceed to laugh it off. A character for sure but he is known to, off camera, apologise to Jonathan, who is heard to awkwardly laugh it off and would would say it was okay. Mr. Wine, is well off. Not inherently living off of his paycheck and had a well off life on a farm. He’s upfront and tend to come off a abrasive, but he’s shows he cares differently than people...
Marcel, BasiclyIDoWrk, supports Jonathan all the way. And he will continue to respect him. But he does tend to touch the line, asking for some hints and little clues about his features, which he never reveals. Mr.Cunningham has been heard about his thoughts and has said, “He’s my friend, I’m not gonna let he ‘lack of face’ interfere with that!” And proceed to be frustrated with questionnaires. Marcel has had a bit of an outlash as a kid, but he got by with the help of his family. He’s cute and now settled! Happy as can be…
Brock, Moo (formally Moo Snuckel), is a very easy going man. Worry some but easy. His relationship with Jonathan is good, healthy, with a heavy load of paternity. Mr. Barrus is heard telling Jonathan stuff such as, “Make sure to eat before ten o'clock!”, “Did you put your laundry loads to wash before joining?” Which Jonathan admires about him, and his skill of fathering. Brock’s life is a happy life; settled, easy on the eyes, a father figure to the group, what’s not to love! He’s has many friends who love him and a stable, satisfying career, what’s not to love…
Brian, The Gaming Terroriser, is not one to go against social rules. And for some reason doesn’t do anything with them. He is completely on the fence with Jonathan’s decision. He doesn’t let that get in the way of his friendship, he doesn’t treat him anymore or any less in comparison to the others. He has been heard in past videos saying things in order to avoid the topic of his face like, “ Let’s not talk about that guys!”, and, “Woah did you guys see that? That was insane!” By completely abound the topic has often led Jonathan smiling. Mr. Hanby has had a good life, somewhat spoiled by his parents but still humble, especially after the death of his father. He continues to have a good life, with the help of his buds and his precious dog. Humble as can be…
Craig, Mini Ladd, is quite the enthusiast. If he see something he like he hyped it up, now if it was something he didn’t like… well that was a different story. And unusual. Mr.Thompson has a habit of showing off things he doesn’t like and then likes to see what happens to said things. If society deems it wrong, he laughs at it, if society deems is right, well he just goes on his day. Jonathan is unsure about Craig, he likes him but the feeling may now be mutual; often giving off hints, “Sorry I didn’t hear you. Could you repeat that but slower?” And “Check me out guys!” Then proceeds to show off something new. Craig isn’t a bad guy. He just flows with society. A great beginning, moving to different countries, learning new things everywhere, taking some culture with him. Settled and happy. He just flows with society…
Ryan, OhmWrecker, is another crypted. Not as secretive as Jonathan, and has been seen once in a blue moon. The closest to Luke and close with Jonathan, not as close as Luke, David, or Evan but pretty close. He loves to have little inside jokes with Jonathan about being ‘Masked’ like, “Doesn’t that make us some purgers?” And, “...just sticky note the camera!” With each comment being followed with giggles. Now Ryan has had a good life, great parents, great life, an amazing dog, very good life. He has let Luke visit him and of course Luke is respectful of Ryan’s wishes. Making them closer than before. What a good life...
Luke, Cart00nz, is exactly what a brother would be like in Jonathan’s eyes. Supporting him in tough and rough times and helping him push through! Luke loves his little brother, and is willing to do anything for him. Not sharing his secret is not the hardest thing for him to do for his little brother. Mr. Patterson is very close to the Dennis’, at one point even dating Jonathan’s older sister! He’s had a normal life that increase for him into a great life. He’s a good man, not sharing Jonathan’s secret isn’t the hardest thing he did for him…
Jonathan’s fandom can seem to quite get enough of it though. With the small April fools videos and the click-bait titles, it makes them wild. Most of them (75% roughly) joke about hoping for a real, not fake, click-baited video and proceed to respect his wishes. Another amount (17% roughly) don’t really do much about it, but without disregarding his wishes and beg for a real face reveal. And lastly and certainly the worst, the 8%. The small amount that continues to bark and lather Mr. H2O with insults. He’s blocked always half of them, he’s sure of it…
That’s all I got at the moment but like, yeah. This is not meant to offend anybody! This is just some consent I came up with. Nothing more, nothing less!
Feel free to ask questions! I will 100% answer them! Thank you for your time!
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thejokersenigma · 6 years
Joker x Reader (Frost’s Daughter) - Frost’s Secret - Part 11 [SMUT]
Ok. This is it. My first real smut I guess. Completely understand smut is not for everyone - the first 1/3 of this story is non-smut, it’s pretty obvious when its starts to head smutty, so feel free to stop there - you won’t miss out anything of the story if you don’t read it! I just had a request for some smut in the series so I just though *shrug* why not now?
For those of you who are reading the smut - I apologise haha this is the first time I’ve written full on smut really so... I’m learning. I’m cringe-y. I hope to improve haha Also I kind of edited as I wrote (So didn’t really edit haha) so i apologise if there’s like a tonne of mistakes... Anyway... Enjoy...?
Smut Request = ‘You have to do a smut between Joker and Frost’s daughter being her first time and her all shy and sweet as him all dominant. Pretty please’
WARNING: SMUT!!! FULL ON SMUT!!! (It’s also long - 6779 words)
Let me know if you want to be tagged in anything!
“Happy families again, hm?” Both you and Frost spun around to the voice - having been walking back together from your mother’s cell - “Didn’t I predict it sweetheart?” The Joker sneered deviously.
You scowled. “Don’t think I’ve forgiven you, J…” You grumbled in annoyance, not forgetting this had all been largely his fault.
“Then don’t think I’ve forgiven you either, doll…” He grinned widely, though it was lacking any humour.
“For what?” You frowned in surprise.
“Oh, I don’t know…” He drawled as though bored of the subject, tilting his head up to the ceiling in thought, as he slowly stepped towards where you stood. “Disappearing?” He suggested, slinging an arm over your shoulder once at your side, spinning around with arched eyebrows, subtly pulling you away from Frost’s side, “Wasting my time…?” He growled lowly in your ear, tightening his arm around you and forcing you up against his side. You cringed slightly as this - the contact wasn’t wholly unwanted by you – but you had always been taught to fear the psychopathic clown and his peculiar behaviour. This didn’t feel like it should be any different.
You tried to pull away from his side slightly – both to see his face better and to put at least the bare minimum distance between the two of you to ease your discomfort. The Joker allowed you to shift so far from his side, but ensured he kept his arm around your shoulders so you couldn’t completely slip away again. “So, saving me was a waste of time?” You demanded hotly, though your voice gave your nerves away when it broke slightly. His proximity was getting to you. The kiss was still clear as day in your mind, still made your heart race at the memory and you desperately wanted to do it again. But the Joker had never told you what it had meant and now he was saying he regretted saving you? Was that true? But then why was he suddenly so more… touchy… then before? - always seemed to want a hand on you now – as though he wanted to keep hold of in case you tried to disappear again.
The Joker didn’t seem at all perturbed by your temper, still grinning widely. “Women!” He groaned, rolling his head dramatically as though in a Greek tragedy, “Always trying to twist your words, am I right, Frosty?” J shot Frost a grin, but Johnny’s face remained an emotionless mask. “All I’m saying, my dear, is the whole thing would have been completely unnecessary if you had been where you should have been…” The Joker explained with a knowing look in his eye before he bent down close to your ear, “With me…” He growled, the noise so smooth and seductive that - despite your annoyance - you found yourself fighting a shiver and biting your lip anxiously.
J’s eyes flickered to your mouth in that instant and you thought you caught a momentary look of almost lust. Before you could do a double take though, J suddenly straightened up, making you jump slightly, as he now forcefully smacked his forehead with the palm of my hand. “But of, course, where are my manners?!” He cried, pulling you back into his side as he turned, dragging you with him, to face Frost full on. “We haven’t formally been introduced, my dear sir!” J grinned mockingly, holding his free hand out to Frost who simply glared at it. “I’m J, your daughter’s new -“
“J-“ You growled warningly knowing what he was going to say, the very idea sending your heart into your throat, but you knew this couldn’t be at all easy on Frost. Was J serious – were the two of you a… thing? You glanced warily at Frost as J, though having now fallen silent at your reprimanding, was still grinning cruelly at Johnny’s blank, stony face – he wasn’t about to do or say anything to his Boss, you were sure of it, but he didn’t have appreciate the humour at his expense.
“Oh right… Of course…” J drawled with a nasty smirk, “It doesn’t matter that his daughter’s mine now because,” He let out a bark of laughter, “She’s not his daughter!” He cackled like this was the funniest punchline he’d heard in a long time.
You scowled up at the Joker and his merciless joking, swatting his arm without thinking about it. “’Yours’? You snarled, conflicted by the statement. The very word was controlling – belittling and objectifying to you – but, at the same time, you liked the idea of being J’s. And more importantly, no one else being his…
“Problem, doll?” The Joker asked expectantly, pulling back slightly so his arm slid along your shoulders, quirking a brow down at you with a smooth grin. “Are my sweet caresses not as desired as I was led to believe?” J asked innocently, the now at the back of your neck slipping down your spine in a purposely slow and seductive stroke.
You couldn’t hold back the shiver that ran through your body that time and you swallowed, trying to collect your thoughts again. “There was one kiss.” You mumbled shakily, swallowing the lump in your throat, unable to stop the burning heat in your cheeks at your confession and the way your body was reacting with Frost only a few feet away. “And that does not make me ‘yours’.” You said firmly, though your voice was lacking strength.
J could clearly sense the lack of certainty in your voice, but was more than happy to play a long, dropping his grin and considering you hard for a moment. “Very well, kitten...” He conceded coolly, “Make me work for it....” He muttered under his breath unhappily.
You turned away from him, content that you had somehow managed to get your way. “Oh, I shall.” You muttered, and you noticed J’s eyes widen out of the corner of your eye at this, his face lightening up as he tugged you back to face him again.
“Hoo hoo hoo, sounds like a little challenge there, my dear…” He grinned devilishly, “You might just live to regret that, my sweet…” He cooed shamelessly, lowering his head towards you and leaning in impossibly close. Your breath caught in your throat at the look in his eyes, unable to blink or look away…
A throat clear had J pausing just above you, a wide grin splitting his face before he snapped his head around to where Frost stood uncomfortably - he didn’t bother to raise his head though, his face still intimately close to yours. “Uncomfortable, Johnny boy?” The Joker asked innocently with a malicious, teasing look in his eye. “’Fraid to say you’re not her Daddy anymore, Frosty…” J pouted, “But,” He turned back to you, only reminding you just how close he was, “I’m sure I can fill that position quite nicely...” He purred suggestively with a look that was making it hard to remember how to inhale, your lips dry – though you didn’t dare lick them.
J wiggled his eyebrows playfully at your dumbstruck face and you managed to pull yourself together somewhat. “Behave.” You croaked, breaking his gaze to swat him playfully, breaking his gaze and managing to swallow past the lump in your throat as you shot Frost an apologetic glance. He didn’t deserve this torture from J.
“Oh, I will…” J grinned wickedly, then leaned in close to your ear. “For now...” He growled, making you gasp as you felt his teeth tugging gently on your ear lobe, his breath lightly brushing your skin and causing another shiver to run through your body.
You were abruptly jerked back down to reality, however, when you heard footsteps from your right, Luke striding quickly down the corridor, calling for Frost when he caught sight of him. He noticed you then as well, faltering when he saw the Joker bent low over you. The clown’s eyes immediately to Luke’s, though - once again - he seemed to find no reason to raise his head from yours, instead almost daring the young lad to comment on his position. “Well, if it isn’t lover boy…” J drawled dully.
“J.” You murmured warningly. Luke didn’t deserve any more punishment than Frost did – neither had done anything wrong. You felt J’s hand - which had been resting at the small of your back – now silently wrap around your waist, pulling you possessively closer to him. He made no comment though, simply watching Luke as the boy now approached more warily - his movements slower and careful.
“Luke?” Frost asked expectantly.
“Just – uh – just reporting on the girl.” Luke informed his superior, though his eyes kept flickering nervous to J. “We’ve still no sign.” His eyes glanced briefly to you this time.
“Cassie?” You asked in disbelief, “No one’s managed to find her?”
Luke shook his head. “There’s no trace that we can see - she’s good.” He commended reluctantly.
Frost sighed quietly, acknowledging this fact with a nod, then glanced away back down the corridor in thought.
“Have you tried talking to Kelly?” You suggested and suddenly all eyes were on you. “What?” You frowned, “She always used to hint she knew her daughter so well – maybe she could at least narrow down the search to a few specific places?”
“That’s not bad.” Luke pointed at you, nodding in agreement and you gave him a grateful smile. You felt the Joker’s grip tighten on your waist – close to being painful now - and you couldn’t help the slight twist of your lip at this. Could it really be possible that the mad man was jealous? Over you?
Frost nodded again, still staring down the corridor. “Fine.” He conceded, clearly not noticing – or not wanting to acknowledge - J’s behaviour and thinking of no better ideas. “I’ll go speak with her.” He muttered as though that was by far the last thing he wanted to do. “Luke?”
Luke nodded in answer and followed after his Boss as Frost headed back down the corridor you and he had only just walked up. You went to step forward - automatically going to follow after Frost like you always did – but found yourself, instead, held in place by the Joker’s tight grip still on your hip. “How many people does it take to question a person, my dear?” J growled lowly in your ear.
You went to open your mouth to protest but shut it again when you noticed Frost glance back - also noting your absence – but then carried on without much hesitation. He was happy to leave you here? - alone with J? Did he no longer feel he needed to police your life? You supposed he didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter even if he – it wasn’t Frost’s place to question J. Still, you felt a bit hurt as you watched his retreating back.
But then you had to face the fact – once again - you were completely alone with J.
J also seemed completely aware of this.
You suddenly felt very awkward at how close you were to him, the knowledge of his hand on your hip reigniting the blush in your cheeks. You tried to step back – to put even the smallest distance between you and the Joker – but, though J’s grip didn’t tighten, his arm seemed to stiffen around you, trapping you in place.
“Problem, my sweet?” He drawled teasingly, quirking a brow.
You cleared your throat, your how body tense and uneasy. “You’re – uh – you’re very… ‘touchy’… all of a sudden…” You observed cautiously, unsure what he was playing at.
You were half worried you might accidentally provoke one of his tempers – his mood an odd one at the moment that you were finding difficult to read. The Joker didn’t seem at all fazed by your observation though, grinning lazily down at you, “What can I say, sweet heart?” He hummed pleasantly, “I finally got a taste of ya and now I’m hooked…” He purred, sin in his eyes. “And..,” You were suddenly strongly tugged forward by the arm around your waist, forcing you to throw out your hands to catch yourself on the Joker’s chest. “… I don’t like ta share…” J growled in your ear, his face impossibly close to your again, your whole body practically pressed up against his now. He seemed to breathe you in then, deeply – like you were some heavenly sent or potent heroin – then tossed his head back, arching his pale, muscular neck as he let out what sounded like a sigh of relief. “It makes me wonder, though, my dear…” He muttered, rolling his neck to drop his face back down to yours again, his heavy lids lifting again, “If your lips are that… Intoxicating…” He purred shamelessly at your ear - his warm breath fanning over your skin, causing a jolt of something through your body - “Then it only leaves other things…” You suddenly felt J’s free hand on your hip, slipping over your curves to the small of your back, then down even further to cup your ass and you jump sharply. “… To the imagination…” J grinned wickedly as your cheeks flushed hotly.
You could already feel an odd tingle between your legs at his words alone and you felt your cheeks burn even hotter. You cleared your throat and weakly tried to push yourself off his chest – almost surprised when the Joker let you, both his hands now slipping to your hips, the grip light, but still possessive.
“What’s wrong, doll...?” J purred lowly, not seeming annoyed that you tried to pull away, “You’re looking rather… sheepish…” He suggested with a wicked grin. He wasn’t demeaning you though - he seemed actually curious.
You glanced away from him down the empty corridor, partially confirming this. “I – uh –“ You croaked then cleared your throat. “I – I just think that…” You were stuttering and getting nowhere. You coughed again to buy yourself more time. The truth was though, you didn’t know what you wanted to say. You could feel your heart pounding erratically - you knew what happened if you went down this road, and you actually felt like you might want to… “Look J, maybe I should just go home…” You suggested cautious, your eyes flickering to his, then away, unable to keep eye contact with the man and stick to your guns of leaving. “I – I think I should just get some rest…” You mumbled awkwardly, knowing you were chickening out, but you were injured after all, you’d just ‘lost’ your father, you -
“I ain’t one to force a girl…” He murmured lowly, no threat in his voice, but he leant in towards you and didn’t dare move, trying to keep your gaze avert, but shooting him wary glances. One of his hands left your hips to catch your cheek, forcing your head gently round – you putting up no resistance – so you were forced to look directly up at him. “But I ain’t a liar neither, kitten,” He muttered, “I want you.” J growled hotly, his grip on your hip tightening suggestively, and he took a step forward to close the gap you had made so your body was once again pressed up against his. This time you were all the more aware of the pressure on your crotch. “Right here. Right now.” J murmured darkly in your ear.
You swallowed nervously. “J,” You gasped, “I’m – I’m not - I– I haven’t…”
“You’re a blushing virgin…” The Joker drawled with a knowing, shameless grin.
You dropped your eyes – unable to turn away with his grip on your chin – confirming his observation and feeling your cheeks burn even more at the mention of such an intimate detail.
“Trust Frosty to keep his daughter so…” J swung his head slightly in though, “Innocent…” He finally purred down at you with a wide grin. “That just makes this all the sweeter…” He drawled. You flickered your eyes up to him in question, only to find him now much closer than you remember and before you could do anything his lips had captured yours, swallowing your words.
The Joker wasn’t looking for a slow and sensual kiss, his hand on your face holding you in place as he greedily stole all your air, leaving you dizzy and somehow grasping onto the lapels of his jacket in an attempt to keep yourself upright. You felt he urge to moan into his lips, but, despite the lack of oxygen to your brain, you were well aware the two of you were still in the middle of the corridor - exposed on both sides to any passers by that might chose to come this way. J didn’t seem to care though, his hand on your hip now pushing your shirt up slightly and his cool fingers brushing across your skin making your muscles tense.
“J-“ You tried to say against his lips and he pulled back slightly, catching your lower lip between his teeth and tugging at it in a way that made you momentarily forget why you’d interrupted him in the first place.
“Problem, doll?” He hummed with a grin, prompting your foggy mind as he slipped his hand down your neck and bent to kiss the base of your throat. You could feel his other hand edging higher up your shirt, now stroking the skin just below the wire of your bra.
“I –“ Your breath came out in a hiss as you felt him nip at the delicate skin - not helping your attempts to articulate your thoughts. “Corridor.” You managed out, closing your eyes. You felt J’s grin against your skin, triumphant that you were no longer protesting his touches, but merely the setting.
“Oh, my sweet,” J murmured, his lips now making their way up to your ear, “as much as I’d have you right here, right now, begging up against that wall,” He snarled, tugging at your earlobe, “I’m gonna be a real… Gentlemen about this…” He said this in an almost frustration growl - clearly reluctant to play the role of decent man. Before you could say anything to this, the Joker’s lips were back on yours again.
You were dimly aware when the hand under your shirt was withdrawn, but you still jumped when you felt both on the back of your thighs. You didn’t have to have done this before to know what J wanted and as he lifted you up you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist, unable to help letting out a slight giggle, unable to believe the ridiculous situation you’d got yourself into. You felt the Joker growl approvingly against your lips. Caught up in the moment, and feeling daring, you decided to throw caution to the wind and parted your lips experimentally. J was quick to notice this, making the most of it immediately, tasting and dominating your mouth.
You became quickly lost in the new, foreign sensations J was eliciting in you, that you barely noticed as he now carried you down the corridor, your hands clutching the lapels of his jacket again to hold him against you, even if you knew he wasn’t going anywhere. You hardly registered you had stopped again either, until you felt the Joker shift his grip on you to reach for the handle of the door now behind you.
Suddenly reality seemed to hit you and you pulled back from him sharply. “I’m – I can’t – I –“ You stammered worriedly.
“Doll,” J growled lowly, a hint of impatience in his tone now, “I told you I’m not forcin’ anything,” He muttered, bending to you again, his lips hovering just above yours, “But follow me through that door,” He warned huskily, “And there’s no turning back…” Your eyes flickered up to his where they watched you, darker than you’d ever seen them, holding promises of something hot and full of sin. He seemed to know what you were thinking, “Trust me,” He purred, “I’ll make it real good for ya…”
You lick your lips self-consciously. Why were you so reluctant? It wasn’t wrong. Was it fear? Fear of that first time? You had to do it at some point, right? And J was… he was ready for you. He wanted you. He would make it good. You trusted him.
You watched him hesitantly, then finally gave a small, nervous nod. This didn’t seem enough for J, however, who simply raised an expectant eyebrow at you. You chewed the inside of your lip then, timidly leant forward, closing the distance between you and J once again, gasping as your lips met his again and you kissed him forcefully, J happy to reciprocate. You slipped your arms hesitantly up his chest and over his shoulders, locking them around his neck to lean further him to him. “I – want it.” You gasped between kisses.
You heard J growl in triumphant and his grip on you seemed to tighten, the door behind you suddenly flying open before slamming shortly after behind the two of you. The next thing you knew, the Joker was lowering you from his body onto the soft mattress of a bed. Your heart beat quickened then, fully aware of what was going to happen next, and tensing up at the thought. You didn’t want J to pull away from you, and you made this clear by keeping your legs and arms locked around him, entwining your tongue with his. J growled into your mouth as your attempt to cling to him rubbed your body against his, but he obliged your unspoken request, crawling over you, neither of your lips breaking away.
You let your legs drop from his waist now - though kept your arms around him - and felt J’s hands begin to wander your body once more, starting at your waist and eagerly bunching your shirt up. It wasn’t long before J broke away from the kiss, sliding down your body, slipping under your arms. You dropped your hands to the mattress either side of you once he was out of reach, feeling your abs tensing as he warm breath fanned over your exposed stomach.
The bruises left from your abduction were clear against your pale skin and J paid special attention to each of these, slowly working his way lower down your body until you felt his fingers begin to work at your belt.
A fresh wave of panic washed over you at this and you bit your lip anxiously as the Joker began to undo your jeans. You helped him, kicking them off as he worked them down your legs, but were grateful when the Joker then crawled back up to you, reuniting his lips with yours. “Beautiful.” He growled against you. You felt your cheeks warm at the compliment and then gripped lapels of his jacket, pulling at them – if you had to shed your clothes, so did he.
The Joker caught on quickly, shrugging the garment off, but when your fingers went to the buttons of his shirt he caught your hands. “Oh, no, doll….” He growled throatily, “You’re going to have to earn that…” He grinned wickedly, and you watched with wide eyes as he now pushed yours hands back above your head, holding them there with one hand whilst the other returned to your stomach, then slid up to cup your still-clothed breast, making you jump.
J grinned at your reaction and used his free hand to reach back into his trouser pocket, suddenly producing a pocket knife that he flicked open. “Since your hands are full…” J teased mercilessly, now easily cutting away your shirt, the cool metal on your flushed skin making your shiver as the material fell in rags next to you.
You briefly thought of how you were supposed to leave the warehouse now without a functional T-short, but then it truly hit you – you were now left lying under J in nothing but your underwear. J seemed to have already realised this, his gaze roaming over you hungrily, knife still in his free hand. “Still too many layers…” He tutted, his eyes flicking up to yours then as he brought the knife to your bra, easily slicing through the small amount of material between your breasts.
You blushed hotly as J threw the knife aside now, releasing your hands without a word to brush the remaining material off your breasts and expose them fully now. You kept your hands above your head, not sure what to do with them, and could only watch as the Joker slipped back down your body, his eyes never leaving yours, even as he kissed the delicate skin in the middle of your chest. You jumped slightly as he turned his head, placing his soft lips against the inside of your breast now, and you tilted your head back as one of his hands now began to softly palm the other breast in a way that had you chewing on your lip again. You felt, rather than saw, the Joker’s cool lips trail up your breast and you couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your lips when he found your nipple, immediately taking the bud between his lips and rolling it under his tongue. You bit down hard on your lip now to stifle any noise, gripping the sheets behind you tightly at the foreign sensation.
J showed this attention to each of your breasts leaving you practically writing beneath him even before he was finished with his teasing. You could feel the warmth between your legs now – the want for more, even if you weren’t entirely sure what that really meant.
J seemed completely aware of what he was doing to you, his grin wide as he slipped a hand down between your bodies to where your panties still remained. He ran a finger along the material and you flushed hotly, feeling how wet you already were from his simple teasing a moment ago. The Joker watched your blush with delight, “So wet…” He drawled teasingly. “Just for me...” He purred with a wide grin. If you could have blushed more, you would of, but any embarrassed words you thought to say died on your lips as stroked you again, curling his finger into the material to apply more pressure, making your breath catch in your throat.
If it was possible, J’s grin seemed to widen further at this. “Let’s see just how sweet you really taste…” He growled seductively and all you could do was swallowed anxiously as he kissed and nipped his way down your body once more. You flinched slightly when you felt J’s cool hands on yours legs, his fingers taunting you with slow strokes up to your inner thighs before he finally edged your legs further apart to give him access to the heat in between.  
You immediately tensed, sensing what was going to happen next. “Relax, princess…” J purred from between your legs, breathing in the heavy scent of your sex. If you had wanted to, you didn’t think you could in that moment, your every nerve on edge as you watched, J’s eyes never leaving yours, as he now placed a lingering kiss on the material that offered your last shred of modesty. You were trying hard not to fidget under his touches, but this slow torment coupled with your worry was driving your body mad.
“Has anyone ever touched you, my sweet?” J hummed against you cruelly, the vibrations from his voice and the heat of his breath on your dampness enough to make you shift uncomfortably beneath him. You felt his fingers slip down your inner thigh rubbing against the edge of your panties, promising, yet never crossing the flimsy boundary still in place. You bit hard on your lip to stop yourself moaning, managing to shake your head desperately.
“Good.” He growled fiercely, and you squirmed slightly as you felt his teeth graze a line down your covered slit. You felt almost relief now when you finally felt J’s fingers pulling down the edge of your panties, tugging them off you.
You were bare now - completely exposed - and you didn’t think you cared anymore.
Your back arched as you felt J’s lips on you without any hesitation, greedily sucking and nibbling at your clit till your head was rolling back, your breath short and shallow. His lips were then replaced by his fingers, keeping you lost in hazy fog of heat as his mouth found your pussy. You couldn’t help the almost-squeak you let out when you felt his tongue on you, digging your fingers hard into the bed for grip, your back arching even higher now in an attempt to get more, feeling the pressure building quickly in your lower abdomen, your legs tensing.
The Joker pulled back then, his hands also leaving you and you couldn’t help the desperate whine that left you. You tried to push yourself up to see why J had stopped, but suddenly he was above you, forcing you to stay down. “So eager…” He purred teasingly, his lips hoovering above yours. You couldn’t stand it, pushing yourself up the distance you needed to connect your lips with his hungrily, yours hands reaching for his face without thought to try to hold him in place. J growled in your mouth but didn’t pull away kissing you back just as fiercely, his own want getting the better of him for a moment. You slid your fingers up into his hair, tangling them into the green strands as you pushed your hips off the bed to meet his, impatient for the friction on your clit again. J had a woken a desperate need with you and you wanted that release that his fingers and mouth had promised.
The Joker groaned against you and you could feel the obvious bulge still restrained in his pants. He moved a hand down between you, forcing your hips back onto the bed. “J –“ You gasped into his lips, “Please –“
J pulled away from you, his mouth hovering over yours “Patience, kitten…” He growled, sounding anything but himself. “I want the first time you cum to be with me buried deep inside you….” He growled throatily, and those words alone had your lower body tingling eagerly again.
You nodded desperately at that, feeling too far gone now to stop. J let out another growl at this – more carnal and before you knew it he was throwing off his shirt and his hands were working at the waistband of his trousers. You felt a rush of nerves go through you when the Joker flung his trousers aside, revealing no underwear, but instead, large erect member now stood tall against his stomach. You swallowed anxiously, trying to keep your focus on the Joker’s face, but you couldn’t seem to stop your eyes flickering down to its intimidating size.
J could see the fear in your eyes and he crawled back over you, keeping his body propped above yours with his arms. “No turning back, kitten…” He reminded you with an almost gentle growl. You nodded numbly, not noticing J shift his weight and jumping when you felt one of his fingers back on your clit again, biting hard on your lip as you were reminded of the delicious sensations J was able to make you feel. You nodded more confidently now, closing your eyes at the curling tightness quick to return in stomach just from J’s touch.
“Do you want it?” You heard J rumble above you. You nodded again, your eyes still close, neck arched at the stimulation that was easily bringing you back to your previous state.
“Oh, no, sweetheart.” The Joker cooed sternly, “I wanna hear ya say it…” He growled.
“Yes.” You gasped urgently, cursing his lazy circles on your clit, wishing he would move faster, attempting to move your hips against his hand in order to get more friction.
You felt J’s hand slit up to your waist then, pushing your hips down into the bed. “Ah, ah, princess…” He tutted gruffly, “Remember what I said…” He growled.
“Do it!” You gasped, “Please J, I –“ You shifted your hips pointlessly under his hand, craving the release he kept holding back from you.
J groaned at your begging - he wanted to keep you this desperate for longer, but his own resolve was already starting to crumble at the prospect of your small body around his cock. He shifted to one side, seeing you lain out before and knowing he could spend hours teasing every inch of your body, but right now both of you had more pressing needs you needed to satisfy.
You felt yourself tense again as J’s hand – that had been holding you down – now moved to your hip, your mind torn between the desperate want you had and your fear of the pain you knew was coming. “Relax, my dear…” J growled through his teeth, not sounding at all comfortable himself at the effort to hold back from his usual merciless behaviour. You bit hard on your lip, willing yourself to relax but you knew you were too nervous for it to have much of an effect. You felt the Joker line himself up with your entrance and only felt yourself tense even more. “Easy…” The Joker growled above you and you felt his hand move from your hip back to your clit again, beginning the same lazy circles as before.
Your nerves fought the sensations, but soon you felt that hollow ache in yourself again, your desperation overcoming your fear. “J-“ Was all you could manage out to tell him as you stifled a moan. The Joker snarled above you and then you felt the pressure at your entrance as he slowly pushed himself into you, grunting with effort. Your eyes stung with pain as your walls stretch to accommodate him, and the feeling was weird and foreign to you. You hissed quietly, and J stilled, letting you get use to his size. You kept your eyes closed, too embarrassed to look at J, knowing this was likely to be killing him.
“Doll?” You heard the Joker growl above you after a moment, his voice strained.  You nodded stiffly. “Look at me.” He growled gruffly, unable to soften his voice for you anymore and you snapped your eyes open in fear that you’d angered him. J was glaring down at you, but the heat in his eyes wasn’t from anger or irritation and before you could say anything he began to slowly move inside you.
You winced at first, but whenever you closed your eyes you would hear the Joker growl above you again until you held met his eyes. Soon the pain from J’s slow thrusts began to fade slightly and you felt the now-familiar build up of pressure in your abdomen.
 “Ah, J, uh –“ You groaned, your back arching slightly, allowing him better access. You gasped as he stroked at a particular spot deep inside you, tipping your head back as you tried to move with his body again for more friction.
“Now that’s what I want to hear, doll…” J grunted, his hand going to your hips to direct your movements. “Moan for me…” He snarled heatedly, his thrusts becoming rougher and faster.
You did as he said, moaning as he pounded into your hard now - not sure you could have held it back even if you wanted to. Your noises only seemed to encourage J who shifted his position slightly and was somehow able to penetrate even deeper within you, hitting that particular spot even better. You let out a cry of pleasure before gritting your teeth against the ever-building pressure. “Yes – ah – J –“ You choked out, feeling your walls contracting around him.
“Cum for me, [Y/N].” He growled, pulling your hips down onto him so he thrust as deep into you as he could. His words were all you needed to push you over the edge and suddenly you felt waves of intense pleasure rolling through you, your back arching sharply and your legs tensing in your ecstasy. The clenching of your walls around his member was enough to send J over the soon after, thrusting roughly into you a few more times before he pulled out of you, groaning in pleasure as he came on the sheets next to you.
You were gasping for air where you lay, blood rushing in your ears, as J shifted to lie next to you. Reality suddenly seemed to come flooding back to you, suddenly realising what you had just done and that you were now lying in a bed completely naked next to an equally naked Joker. Your cheeks burned brightly, trying to work out if there was a way you could lie to expose the least amount of yourself, squeezing your legs together at the tenderness between them.
“Not going shy on me are you, kitten…” J teased with a growl next to you and you bit your lip at having been caught. You let out a gasp of surprise as J now rolled to hoover above you again, “Surely not after what we’ve just done…” He grinned wickedly, “The begging…” He recalled, and you felt your cheeks flush even more, “The moaning…” You couldn’t stand it bringing your hands to your face, covering your eyes, feeling the heat in your skin under your palms.
“Now anyone would think you were ashamed, my dear…” J growled.
“No – no.” You said quickly, dropping your hands and looking directly at J’s scowl above you. “It’s just I’m - I’m processing…” You mumbled lamely. J arched an eyebrow at you, but didn’t say anything, shifting himself to lie next to you again.
“I – I do have a question though.” You muttered weakly in a brief second of bravery.
J interlinked his fingers over his chest and glanced across at you. “Is it how babies are made, kitten? Because Frosty really should have covered that one with ya before we –“
“I’m serious.” You scowled at him and he arched his eyebrow at you again, aware he seemed to have hit a tender spot. “I –“ You swallowed nervously, “I want to do that again –“ You confessed and J’s eyebrows shot up. “Not right now!” You said quickly.
“Oh I disagree…” J grinned lazily, suddenly reaching for you and pulling you into him until you found yourself  straddling his waist.
“J-“ You protested, only too aware of his eyes now roaming your entire body as you sat above him and you lost your trail of thought for a moment as you also realised this was the first time you had been able to fully appreciate his naked torso beneath you.
“Doll?” J prompted sly, running his hands up your thighs to your hips. You scowled at him, then sighed. “You – you said earlier that it –“ You gestured vaguely to the bed next to him and J arched his brow again at your innocence, “ – it would be sweeter because I was – I hadn’t –“
“Yes?” J grumbled impatiently.
“Well, does – does that mean I’m not – I won’t -” You sighed, ducking your head. You didn’t want to ask, but you couldn’t help worrying about it. “Does it mean I won’t be as good for you?” You finally managed out, wincing.
The Joker paused for a moment, then grinned devilishly. “Oh, my dear,” He purred lowly, “You’ll be better…” His hand began rubbing up and down your hips. “But you’ll also be mine…” He growled, now slipping his hands up your back to pull you down to him. “The thought that all this,” One of his hands smooth down your spine to your butt, squeezing your cheek enough to make you jump and flush hotly again, “is mine alone…” He growled. You flicked your gaze up to J’s, where he was watching you with that now-familiar hot look in his eye, and you brought your hands up to his chest, letting your fingers run over the muscles and feeling them flex under your touch. You should probably have a problem with his possessive behaviour, but it only made your heart swell and a shiver run through you. You let your hands slide lower on him, fanning over his stomach, making J growl at your teasing, before you let them rest at his hips, a smirk on your lips as you leant down to find J’s.
Maybe you did want to do it again right now…
Tags For Everything: @thatwriterizzy @sheldonsherlocktony @arkhamsurviour @beautifulbows924 @angelicshinigami @jemjem-chan @nerdybirdyfiz @white-chocolate-mocha-fan
Tags for Joker: @sonyandsam @ivefeltthiswaybefore @inoke @molethemollie
Tags for Frost’s Secret: @girlbehindthecameraposts @mundane-cup-noodles @sami1024 @spn-marvel-nerd
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Hi I love ur writing so much! Could u please do something where the team find out that you and Luke have been dating since his time in the rangers and they're shocked because they thought u guys were a new couple but Luke just never told them?? Maybe Garcia tells u to run away whilst u can and then ur response just makes it obvious that u guys have been together for agessss
Awwh thank you so much! I hope you like this piece
Who would have thought?
Fandom: Criminal MindsPairing: Luke Alvez x ReaderPrompt: Request
Description: The team makes a shocking discovery. How did a team of profilers overlook the fact that Newbie had a girlfriend all along?
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It happened one night when the entire team had been recalled. An unsub had struck again in Texas and the local PD had finally requested their help. You and Luke had traipsed begrudgingly out of your favourite restaurant and reluctantly abandoned your attempt at a date night. You hadn’t even managed to make it to the table.
Even though you were in a different division to him, you decided to join him back at the office. If you couldn’t have your date night, you might as well catch up on the massive pile of case reports waiting on your desk.
Eyebrows were raised as the two of you strolled into the BAU, dressed up and looking unusually smart (especially in Luke’s case – he always preferred a more laid-back office appearance).
“Why were we not invited to your soirée?” Rossi questioned, gesturing to your formal attire as he perched on Luke’s desk. The team was still waiting for the final details to be sent over to them. So, they were just milling around the bullpen.
The rest of the team murmured in agreement, raising their eyebrows in curiosity as the two of you approached the group. All their profiler instincts were telling them something was going on.
You laughed softly, as Luke passed you the bag he carried up for you, shaking your head as you glanced up at their intrigued faces. Luke grinned cheekily as he stretched his arms, teasing them before he gave them an answer.
“Sorry guys, we just didn’t think you would want to crash our date.”
Their reaction was hysterical. Reid choked on his coffee as JJ tapped him on his back, Tara dropped her papers all over the table as Prentiss and Rossi stared at the two of you in complete shock. Garcia’s remote clattered to the floor as she desperately tried to make a sound.
“You two?” Prentiss asked, her eyes full of surprise as they rested upon your entwined hands. Her mind flashing back to her first profile of Luke. Her cheeks flushed slightly as she felt even deeper regret for implying he had a phobia of commitment. Clearly, he had gotten over it.
“God Y/N, run away while you still can.” Garcia exclaimed loudly, playfully hitting Luke with a file as he tried to steal her remote off the floor. “You’re far too good for Newbie.” She attempted to shoot him with a menacing glare, but it only made Luke chuckle more.
“Wow, well congratulations guys.” Tara told you sincerely, trying to distract from the upcoming bickering between Luke and Garcia. She smiled kindly at the two of you as he eyes fell upon your joined hands. She should have really seen it coming given that she had spotted the two of you together a lot recently. In fact, it had been surprising that the former Ranger had established such a good friendship with an agent from a different division during the short time he had been with the BAU.
“Yeah and we’re sorry we’ve wrecked your first date.” JJ grinned as she apologised. She couldn’t be happy for her two bureau colleagues. They made a good couple.
You and Luke laughed softly, smirking at each other. The rest of the team frowned at the teasing glint in your eyes.
“This wasn’t our first date.” You explained, shrugging your shoulders. “We’ve actually been together a while now.”
“A while?” Rossi asked. Even the experienced agent could gauge the secret you were keeping from them.
“Well, luckily she waited for me while I was Iraq-”
A disbelieving squeak from Garcia cut him off. “You two have been together that long?”
There was a moment of stunned silence from the others as they digested the new information. None of them had guessed that their newest team member even had a girlfriend, never mind that he was in a serious, long-time relationship.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Reid asked curiously, a smile playing on his lips as he saw Luke lace his fingers through yours. The youngest agent would have been the last to figure the revelation out given his lack of experience when it came to relationships.
Although, it did explain why Luke had been so quick to decline the flirtatious advances of the beautiful women they had interviewed at the club during a case last month. He had thought it strange that the handsome agent practically ran out before numbers could be exchanged.
Luke rubbed his neck nervously with his free hand. “Well, FBI fraternization rules to begin with and then…” He trailed off as he struggled to explain his reasoning behind the secrecy of your relationship.
You squeezed his hand comfortingly, understanding him perfectly. “He just wanted to settle in at the BAU. Besides, you know how uptight counterterrorism can be.”
Prentiss hid a grin at your words, knowing full-well how annoyingly strict the other division was when it came to the employee rulebook. She liked to think of herself as much more easy-going boss than her counterpart. She nodded in agreement.
“So, that’s why you asked me to be nicer to Newbie?” Garcia asked, her bright eyes lighting up in realisation as she recalled all the moments over the past few months when you had subtly attempted to get her to give Luke a chance. “I wondered why counterterrorism was so interested in profiling!”
You laughed softly. It wasn’t often that your two divisions overlapped, so you had to make excuses for your presence. The team knew you anyway (you had definitely enjoyed FBI karaoke nights with them in the past and numerous ladies’ nights with Garcia), but they had no idea about your personal connection to one of their members.
“Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I think this news calls for a celebratory dinner at mine once we get back from this case.” Rossi said, clapping his hands in anticipation as he sent you a teasing wink.
“Welcome to the BAU family Y/N.”
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