#i would rather have people who don’t support genocide reading my stuff
bunni-v1 · 7 months
Hi, so I guess I didn’t make this clear in my several posts about palestine. If you don’t stand for the freedom of Palestine and chose to be neutral or stand for Israel, unfollow me immediately.
If you’re neutral you’re okay with mass genocide. You have to understand that this conflict has been building for decades. Israel — Zionists, just to be specific, not all jewish people — has been slowly overtaking the land of Palestine and displacing the people from their land for decades.
Israel is fighting an unequal “war” against citizens. The only military power that the people of Palestine have are in Hamas, and the power Hamas has is small at that.
I do not stand with Hamas, by the way. I stand with the civilians of Palestine that are uninvolved and are being attacked for their ethnicity. What Hamas did was inexcusable, but what Israel is doing in response is a million times worse. They are overreacting, clearly.
They are deliberately attacking civilian areas knowing the cost of human life. They are aware that they are killing more children than Hamas militants and they do not care. They attacked residential areas, hospitals, and REFUGEE CAMPS.
What’s worse? The largest countries in the world (not all, but many, specifically in the west) are backing them. I’m ashamed to call myself American, I’m ashamed of my country and the people who lead it.
They are asking them to evacuate, knowing damn well that they cannot and are making it exceptionally hard to do so. They want them to be displaced so they can take over Gaza. They cut water and power and are actively weakening any support for survivors to get help.
I’m going to say it again, they attacked refugee camps. They attacked refugee camps.
Oh, also, the school year has been canceled because most of the children in Gaza are dead. Yep, you read that right. What children are not dead are seriously injured.
And, I get it. The propaganda that the IDF is using is incredibly successful, especially among those who are zionists or are less educated about this long going conflict. But, let’s look back at where this type of propaganda has been used before.
The dehumanization of an ethnic group to justify the senseless killing and prove that your race is superior or deserves something more. Where have we seen this before? I wonder? Perhaps… Nazi Germany?
Hitler quite literally used the exact same tactics that the IDF is using today. Are we blind? Did we not all learn about the horrific acts of Nazi Germany? That’s the ironic thing, isn’t it? History repeats itself, it’s just crazy that the group that was undergoing the torture is now the one doing it. At a different level, I suppose, but my point stands.
It is NOT that hard to see if you have even a BASIC understanding of war and war crimes. This is genocide. Israel is committing war crimes. On purpose.
Staying neutral on genocide is supporting it. So if you’re neutral, unfollow me. I’m not here to debate this.
I’m sure I missed a million things, there is so much historical context that needs to be explained that I can’t do in one single post. But my point stands.
I will never be okay with genocide, and I stand with Palestine. These people have suffered for far to long, and we are far too late to notice.
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volixia669 · 1 year
Standing Strong in Current Political Climate
Alright, I mostly try to keep this to silly fandom and tumblr stuff, but with everything going on politically, it’s time for a serious post. About reality, about politics, and about how we survive. This is going to be about transphobia, queerphobia, and genocide, so I’m giving fair warning.
Buckle up.
Now, this is going to primarily US-Centric, as that’s what I’m familiar with, but make no mistake. There has been an authoritarian rise worldwide.
The UK has been Tory central for the past decade.
Australia has been putting climate refugees into concentration camps.
Israel has been using the pandemic to increase efforts to wipe out Palestinians.
Italy’s Prime Minister is Mussolini’s granddaughter (she’s proud of that btw) and is increasing queerphobia.
Russia is trying to recreate the USSR only with no fake pretenses of Communism (it was authoritarianism) this time around.
And the United States? Well the Republicans have been playing the long game since Reagan, and most of the Democratic party is perfectly fine with fascism since it makes them richer.
All this while the Earth becomes unlivable, people starve, and more. Oh, and covid never went away.
The situation is...bad. Let’s just say it’s bad. There also seems to be a target on queer folks moreso than Jewish folks this time around, most likely since the Holocaust made most people a little twitchy about targeting Jewish folks, though that’s not to say those in charge aren’t perfectly fine with killing Jews.
Anyone who doesn’t conform to a mold is at risk.
The situation is not hopeless.
I know it’s easy to read all that and think we’re all fucked, but I promise you, there is hope.
People have been unionizing, and striking at their workplaces.
Time and again, polls show that more people support queer people than oppose.
Time and again, polls show that the extremist view is a minority.
CPAC? That was practically empty this year.
More and more people are making it clear they want policies that help people and they’re tired of policies that help corporations.
People want to help the planet, they want to help other people. They don’t want to mass murder the “outsider.”
So what can you do?
Well, it varies depending on who you are, and where you are. Are you in Canada? Then vote and push for progressive policies, rather than right wing ones. In particular, you can join the push to allow asylum seekers to claim dangerous levels of queerphobia as their reason. This would help so many. Folks in other countries, I would reccomend the same. (Also maybe do something about that law preventing disabled people from immigrating to your country? Yeah, it’s a thing in a lot of countries. And there’s a lot of disabled queer people.)
You can join protests, and help local politicians canvas.
Unfortunately I can’t provide much info on what to do if you’re in most countries where being queer is either criminalized or being criminalized.
If you’re in the US though...
First off, for my white readers, are you familiar with the term antiracism? No? I recommend reading Ibram Kendi’s How to Be Antiracist. There’s a lot of racism in queer circles and it needs to stop. The way we solve these issues is through intersectionality, which means listening when black queer folks speak up. Listen. Learn. Improve.
This is important, because I need folks to understand that black queer folks are far more likely to be arrested, or worse. The cops will target black drag queens before they target white ones. They’ll target black trans folks before they target white ones.
Because this country is built on racism, and racism plays a key part in how laws are policed.
I’m not saying be careless if you’re a white queer btw, but recognize the levels of oppression here, work on improving yourself, but also? Use other people’s racism to protect black queer folk.
Weird sentence, I know, but let me explain, as this actually came up during the 2020 protests.
Say you’re at a protest, and the cops show up. The cops will try to arrest, injure, and/or provoke the black people there. But. If you’re white, you can stand inbetween the cop and the black person. If you get a bunch of other white people to join you, you can create a wall protecting multiple black people. And while you and the other white people aren’t immune from being arrested, injured, and/or provoked by the cops, you and other white people are more likely to come away unscathed.
There’s a bunch of situations this is applicable btw. Just don’t get all “white savior” about it, understand there’s a whole lot of history behind why black people might be wary of you and that’s okay, and ensure black people have the space to speak.
Alrighty, long spiel targeted to one particular demographic over. As for other things to be done? Be aware of the bills being passed in your state. Protest what you can. Make plans for escape if you need to.
Remember these things when crafting your escape plan: -Where?: This will effect everything else. A handful of states have passed bills making them trans refuge states, however getting to them may not be easy. You’ll also need to consider potential support structures that are there. -When?: This will depend on factors like what bills are being passed, how likely you are to be effected, and more. If you’re able to, consider making this a “normal” move rather than a last minute escape. -Finances: If you need to leave at the drop of a hat, can you? Are there any places you can cut back to save money? Are there any organizations that can help you? What about jobs? -Ease of escape: If you’re not in a position where you can move over the course of a month or two, this is where you need to really consider what you need and what you can leave behind. Also attempt to tie up as many loose ends as possible, and reduce the amount of objects you own as much as you can. Having a “go bag” can be extremely helpful. -Transportation: Can you drive? Do you have a license? Is getting a license feasible for you? What transportation is needed to get to the safe zone? Depending on the bills passed, you may want to have multiple options at hand. Documents: Linking back to finances and the go bag. What are your important documents? Where are they? What might you need in a new place and/or to claim asylum? Do you have a passport? Do you have a REALID? Currently you can fly domestically without one, but that could change swiftly. Keep everything together in a fireproof lockbox, until you need to throw it in the go bag. Lots of things to consider, which is why it’s important to think of this stuff ahead of time.
But it’s not all about escaping. Are you in a position you can help folks? Great! Look into mutual aid groups, find out what’s needed and how you can best help people.
So. This lengthy post is all to say the situation is bad, and we need to plan like it’s bad. But that doesn’t mean it’s hopeless. There’s places to escape, there can be even more with increased effort. We can work together to ensure that people stay safe, while also protesting.
And while I used the word “strong” in the title, it’s more complicated than that. You don’t have to be a bulwark. You don’t have to be stone. You can cry, and you can show weakness. This is stressful.
WHich is why, I want to be clear, this will not resolve in a short period of time. This may take years. The bills are passing incredibly quickly, but the resulting fallout? That’s the unknown variable.
The human body is not built to be stressed for years.
It’s just not.
That means the best way to remain strong against the tide of hate, is to have moments of joy. Watch silly videos, play silly games with friends, create beautiful art! Cry! Express your stress, and sadness. Then hold that ember of anger close to your chest, letting it motivate you, but not letting it take over until the moment is right.
Be prepared, be aware, but do not let the stress overcome you. On top of the multitude of negative physical effects, it can lead to snapping at those you love, or jumping the gun too soon. It leads to bad decisions at times those can be deadly.
But by having those moments of joy, you will survive. You will survive the hatred. Together, with the rest of us.
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love-and-books320 · 4 days
You reblog all this stuff about the Hunger Games and ATLA yet claim to be Pro-Israel. You can’t support revolution in media yet when people fight against a colonialist state irl you say they aren’t fighting properly.
Do you think indigenous Americans weren’t fighting back ‘the right way’. Native South Africans? What about the people of India and Pakistan? There is no right way to fight against a colonial state.
You can not be pro-Israel and Pro-peace. To be pro-Israel is to be pro-colonists. That is Pro-Violence. You can’t say “Those things happened awhile ago. Israel is a place now” When people are still alive from the Nakba. When they are still invading and stealing land. You are watch colonialism happen and you are on the side of the colonists.
I say this with kindness and love but maybe you should look at those stories you love so much. It’s just disappointing to see someone miss the point because this colonization seems too grey to them.
It was complicated to American Colonizers too.
And Australian
And South African
And in India.
Now that colonization happens infront of your face you claim again that it’s too complicated.
But this probably won’t change your mind. Which is disappointing because you seem very nice if not slightly blinded. I hope you stay well and you do better ❤️
hi anon!! First I wanna thank you for taking the time to reach out bc if someone’s gonna dislike me or my opinion I’d rather them talk to me about it first! This might be long but I hope at least you read it lol
First i want to say what I’ve always said about this. What Israel is doing is wrong. Personally, I believe that Israel has a right to exist because when it was created that was where most Jews were living at the time because it was their homeland and because the holocaust had driven them out of a pretty much all of Europe. Fleeing Jews were even denied access to America, that’s how horrible it was. There are also valid reasons it shouldn’t have been created that I can agree with. But it a state now. Most ppl living there were born there. If you want to get rid of the whole state you’ll either have to forcibly remove those ppl from their homes or kill them.
which, I agree, is what Israel is trying to do to Palestinians rn, which is insanely horrible and disgusting. I hate Israel’s gov so much. I’m serious. But I do think Israel has a right to have a gov(not this one, but a better one), I don’t support Israel rn but I do support Israel as a whole if that makes sense???
You mentioned the indigenous American people. And yes I agree, huge screw up on America’s part. But what would you have happen? The USA is a colonized state so would you…decolonize it?? Just kick out or kill all Americans who have been living here for generations? That shouldn’t have happened to the indigenous ppls but it shouldn’t happen to the American ppl now. It shouldn’t happen to anyone.
“from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” that means all the land will belong to Palestine. Israel is between the river and the sea. To completely eradicate Israel as a state would require killing just as many if not more Jews than Arabs are being killed rn. Your answer to a genocide should not be a genocide of the oppressors. That goes for both sides, also kinda a banger line???
my main issue is with Hamas, a terrorist group that kills ppl who wants peace, rapes women, and hides behind women and children to protect themselves. Check the UN’s statements. This is not all Palestinians and does not justify what Israel is doing. But I do hate Hamas.
also you talk a lot about colonization and Israel being a colonizer state. But it’s not like Israel was already a state, invaded Palestine and said this is ours now. That’s what colonization typically is. Instead the area was colonized by Britain(I assume no one wants to go back to that??) and Arabs were living there. Before ww1, even, Jews started to migrate there bc it was their homeland. During and after the holocaust it became the main place for Jews to go, resulting in most jews(a number far far smaller than before the holocaust) living there. So the UN made it into Arab and Jewish states. The UN. Not a country. The UN.
also the Jews were the first ppl living there. Ever. Then they were colonized by the Romans, then the Arabs, then Ottoman Empire, the Brit’s, etc. If we were to really truly decolonize the land, it would belong to the Jews.
that’s not what I believe tho. I think Israel and Palestine should share it equally in peace and I hope and pray that one day that will happen. And if you hate me or think me blindsided for that….maybe your the one who’s not pro peace.
Forgive me for spelling errors or untrue facts. I really hope there are none but I am human, and therefore can be influenced by propaganda and fake news. And sorry if that sounded mean I love you so much anon thanks for reaching out!!!!
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scripttorture · 3 years
One of the central characters in a fantasy story I'm writing has torture as part of her backstory. She was captured by an evil race, and one individual in particular put her through a "training" regime designed to turn her into a useful/trustworthy slave. Specifically the goals of the training were:
- destroy her sense of self / agency
- overwrite her ingrained response of healing herself when injured (she has magical healing powers)
- an affectionate or worshipful disposition towards her captors
- immediate obedience to any command
I feel like both physical and psychological torture / mental conditioning are probably appropriate, though I'm leaning away from including sexual abuse. I honestly don't know much about torture at all and the only things that come to mind as producing a result similar to what I'm looking for are the Game of Thrones torture sequence and the use of obdience collars in the Codex Alera book series. The latter is very interesting to me because it is a magical device that inflicts pain in reaction to disobedience but also inflicts pleasure to reward obedience.
I guess I'm just wondering if you have any advice for what kinds of methods would be good to include in a process designed to produce obedience, rather than torture for its own sake or to extract information, as well as if there are any common pitfalls I should try to avoid in writing about such a thing.
The training itself won't be in the book, but I need to be familiar with it for backstory purposes because later in the story this character encounters her torturer again, and is subjected to some further abuse before she finally overcomes her fear and kills him.
Alright well I’m going to be straight up with you: the scenario you’ve presented is a very common torture apologist trope. It’s incredibly unrealistic. And it’s unrealistic in ways that support torture by claiming it can be ‘useful’.
 Which probably means that you’re new to the blog and haven’t heard me give this talk before. That’s OK, we all learn sometime and it’s not my intention to shame you for the fact you’re not as obsessed with this stuff as I am or couldn’t afford to shell out for the books.
 Torture does not produce obedience. The best evidence we have right now suggests it encourages active resistance.
 If you got a lot of your inspiration from Game of Thrones then frankly I’m not surprised you came up with apologia. The torture in that series is incredibly badly handled. And a big part of the point of running this blog is that most people are getting their information on torture from shows like that. Which happens because the research is inaccessible and hasn’t been popularised the way fictional tropes (sometimes fictional tropes literally started by torturers) have been popularised.
 The important thing is what you choose to do now.
 I’m going to break down the problems here and make some suggestions for what you could do instead.
 Firstly: there is no torture or abuse that will guarantee obedience. Pain does not make people meek or compliant or willing to follow commands.
 Torture survivors are not broken.
 They are not ‘controlled’ by their torturers and the suggestion that they are is used in the real world to bar real survivors from treatment. It is also used to bar them from entering safe countries and to argue that they shouldn’t be allowed visas or passports.
 The best statistics we have for any sort of compliance under torture come from analysis of historical French data where torture was used to try and force confessions (something we know torture can sometimes do).
 The ‘success’ rate averaged at 10%. Under torture 90% of people will not comply long enough to sign their name.
 Secondly: torture does not and can not ‘make’ a victim feel ‘worshipful’ towards their torturer. The suggestion is kind of like asking if someone can tap dance immediately after removing the bones from their legs.
 Torturers have no control over a victim’s emotions. They have no control over their symptoms. They have no control over their beliefs.
 And there is no such thing as a torture that can change someone’s mind in a way torturers can control.
 Once again, this fictional trope is used by politicians and the media to justify marginalising real torture survivors.
 I have read hundreds, possibly thousands, of accounts from torture survivors. I’ve read historic and modern accounts. I’ve read accounts from all sort of people from all over the globe. I have never seen a survivor say anything positive about their torturers. I have never seen anything close to toleration.
 A lot of survivors are blisteringly angry at their torturers. A lot of them feel overwhelming levels of spite and some report literally putting themselves at risk of death in order to spite their torturers. And yes, a lot of them are afraid too. None of these emotions are mutually exclusive.
 Affection is impossible. We are not wired that way.
 Thirdly: I understand that ‘evil races’ are a long standing fantasy trope but it would be remiss of me if I didn’t mention the racism inherent in that idea. That some people are ‘born bad’.
 I’d strongly suggest you look up the Black, Indian and First Nations people that I know are on this site critiquing these kinds of fantasy tropes. Because they will be able to explain it better then I can.
 Fourthly: the term ‘psychological torture’ is a pretty common dog whistle for torture apologia.
 Most of the time tortures that people dub ‘psychological’ are things with real, physical effects that lead to lasting injury and death. They just don’t tend to leave obvious external scars. I use Rejali’s term ‘clean torture’ for these techniques. Researchers distinguish them from scarring tortures because they are harder to detect and prove in court.
 The majority of survivors today will have experienced clean torture. They will have no obvious physical scars. But they will still be disabled. They’re ‘just’ less likely to see any form of justice for it.
 Fifthly: torture is a terrible training method because it decreases a person’s ability to learn.
 Torture causes memory problems. It also often causes lasting physical injuries that make performing basic tasks more difficult. And it causes a lot of serious psychological problems which make performing basic tasks more difficult.
 A trained person who was never tortured will always out perform someone whose training involved torture.
 I probably sound quite angry here.
 I write fantasy and I also write about torture a lot. But I can’t imagine that it’s just flavour for a fantasy world or some artefact of the past. Torture is a real, present threat in the country that I grew up in. If I was to return now I could, literally, be tortured and executed.
 If you want to include torture in your world, in your story then you are committing to telling someone else’s story. You are representing an incredibly marginalised group of people and you are presenting that representation to a third group, one that has never had contact with real torture survivors.
 Are you comfortable with the idea of telling your peers that survivors are still controlled by ‘the enemy’? That they’re passive? That they don’t have the capacity to make their own decisions?
 Are you comfortable knowing that the popularity of this message keeps millions of genocide survivors in refugee camps, blocked from citizenship, aid and safety?
 I understand feeling attached to a story and a character. And I understand that this information is hard to find. Hell I’m probably going to end up with the only English copy of one of the pivotal textbooks because I’m shelling out to get it translated.
 You say you want to write a torture survivor. With respect I don’t think you know what a torture survivor looks like.
 I think the most helpful, and kindest, thing I can do here is describe what torture does to people. Because I can’t tell you whether that’s something you want to write. I could try and rebuild this scenario for you (and if you decide you’re interested in that after reading all of this and all the links then I suggest looking through the blog tags for ICURE, torture as training, Black Widow and Overwatch.) But I think you need to decide whether you actually want to write a torture survivor first.
 Here’s a post on the most common torture apologia tropes.
 Here’s the post on the types of memory problems torture commonly causes. I strongly recommend picking at least one.
 Remember that this would never go away. Improvement and recovery in torture survivors means learning to live with symptoms. The symptoms themselves are permanent.
 It’s a hundred different alarms set up on their phone to try and make up for the forgetfulness that makes them miss appointments. It’s the little bottle of perfume in their pocket to bring themselves back to reality when they get intrusive memories at work.
 Here’s a post on the other common symptoms.
 You want something in the range of 3-5 of those, though more are likely if your character is held for years. Each of them should be severe. Every single symptom should have a large, negative, impact on the character’s daily life.
 Do you know anyone with chronic pain? It warps their world. Work can become impossible. Basic household tasks like getting dressed, cooking, cleaning the dishes are done through gritted teeth or not at all. Hobbies and ‘fun’ activities dwindle as they struggle to find a way to do them that doesn’t hurt. Interaction with other people, even loved ones, can easily become barbed.
 Because the pain makes everything more difficult. It means everything takes more energy, more effort. Which means that things fall by the wayside, whether that’s by a pile of mouldering dishes in the sink or snapping at a child. It means tears and the social judgement that follows them. It means the world narrowing as it gets harder to go out.
 Do you see what I mean? Every part of life.
 That’s an example for one symptom. You need to work out at least four. Then figure out how they interact. Then figure out what the character can do to make her life better.
 With chronic pain that can mean painkillers but it’s always more then that. It’s re-learning how to do things; how to put on trousers without aggravating the bad knee, how to sew with one hand. It means learning to cut down on what they do and it means learning a new sort of flexibility; accepting that there are days when the pain is too much.
 It can mean having the same conversation about disability over and over again. With family, with friends, with colleagues. ‘I can’t do that.’ ‘I can do that sometimes but not always.’ ‘That will hurt me.’ ‘I can’t use that chair.’ ‘I can’t get my arms that high above my shoulders.’ ‘I need help with this.’
 And that sometimes means learning a kind of patience that is really barely held back rage. Or perhaps I’m projecting a little with this last one.
 If you’ve never met a torture survivor, if you’ve never looked at a survivor’s work, then all this is difficult. You’re trying to imagine something from first principals with nothing to fall back on.
 So let’s bring some survivors into the discussion here. Some reality.
 Who’s listened to Fela? How about Bobi Wine?
 Fela Kuti was the father of modern Afro beats music. He was tortured multiple times and during one attack, which destroyed his home, his mother was murdered by the military. When he got out of jail Fela marched her funeral procession past the biggest barracks in Nigeria’s biggest city. He wrote two songs about this attack and he doubled down on his opposition to the military government.
 Fela’s music started causing riots.
 You can read what I have to say about him here. You can listen to his music on youtube.
 Here’s an interview with Bobi Wine, which was conducted shortly after he was tortured in Uganda. He talked about how he was determined to go back and continue fighting. Which he did. He even ran against the president.
 I’ve also got a short piece on Searle who was a cartoonist captured by the Japanese during World War 2. His drawings of what happened in To the Kwai and Back are worth seeing. Especially if you want to write atrocities on this scale. They will show you the scale and how to focus on the small, human elements despite that overwhelming scale.
 Alleg’s The Question is pretty much a must, it’s one of the most thorough accounts from the Franco-Algerian war.
 Monroe’s A Darkling Plain is also a must, it’s a series of interviews with survivors of various different conflicts and atrocities. Some are torture survivors. Some are not. It is essential reading because it shows the variety in survivors as well as giving a sense of their lives beyond the symptoms.
 Finally Amnesty International has literally hundreds of interviews and studies available for free online.
 The most important decision for any story with regards to torture is whether it should be there at all.
 So much of this topic is intimidating and so much of it is difficult to write. Not just in the ‘oh this is horribly effecting’ sense but in the ‘I have twelve things to juggle in this simple scene’ sense.
 Ask yourself what torture adds to this character and this story. What does this backstory actually give this character?
 Because if the point is to have her vulnerable and then ultimately triumphing violently over her attackers I don’t think you want a torture scenario. You could get the same thing from a bad guy trying to drug her and having the kidnapping fail when she fights him off, clumsy but effective nonetheless.
 And she could still come out of something like that traumatised.
 Right now I really don’t see this adding anything but torture apologia to your story.
 Handling torture well in a story means accepting that it can’t be the same story without it. It means watching the characters and narrative warp under the weight of it. It means lasting effects, for all the characters and for the world itself.
 I believe you are capable of writing that if you want to, pet. But this ain’t it.
Edit: I’m having trouble seeing the beginning of the answer here. Can anyone let me know if there are formatting issues again please? The first word in the htmal is ‘Alright’ but what I’m seeing on tumblr starts 8 paragraphs in.
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aotopmha · 3 years
AoT 137 spoilers:
Letting Eren live would precisely play into the narrative that AoT is fascist propaganda. But I guess a portion of the story's fans these days are very much into that stuff in the first place.
I also love how all actually emotionally complex ideas (imagine Eren actually let his friends fight because he cares about his friends in this very complicated contradictory way, but that possibly can't be it) are reduced to power of friendship because your Nazi wet dream doesn't happen.
I'd rather a story be as clear as possible about not supporting genocide than being more "original" and "complex" because it lets the genocide happen.
Darker and different ≠ better written.
Also, I'm pretty sure this is still setting up for some sort of twist.
There is still 2 chapters left, the action here is obviously not done. I think these past 3 chapters have been pretty usual hopeful set-up chapters for how AoT executes its tragedy. I feel like it is really obvious if you examine how the story has been told so far. It's setting ducks in a row in a pretty similar manner to all of the big tragedies in this story so far.
And I think this upcoming tragedy will still lead to a bunch of deaths before Eren is finally killed.
So, good news is, you can still get your Nazi wet dream and the evil cringvengers can still be defeated by your glorious leader.
(I saw someone unironically say this sentence, by the way, holy shit.)
So the darker version can still happen, but I think the story will still paint Eren as wrong. If it doesn't, I'm going to make a final post talking about it and be done with it.
So no matter how contrived these people say any other ending besides Eren winning is or how contrived it might end up being in my eyes (and right now I think Eren losing is perfectly thematically consistent), I'm still going to side with the alliance winning because it's the principle of the thing.
I really don't think any of these complaints are about the quality of the story anymore. I think even more self-aware people just find the Jaegerists' extremism sincerely appealing because it appeals to their cynicism and makes the whole thing simple. I think a lot of people, particularly young men, on the internet are miserable and can't see hope, either, like Zeke.
So they frown on what their definition of power of friendship is, which is finding hope or seeing any kind of positive outcome in a story, no matter how foreshadowed or grounded it is. There is no good in humanity, after all. Impossible.
I was like this for a very long time, too. But as I've now said many times, I think humanity is just as much awful as it is kind.
Some are also children or young adults who want to seem more adult because they are watching a story with a lot of cruelty and blood and gore. So a darker ending is a more mature ending to them.
But what this is actually saying is why Nazis are so horrible. It's an ideology that destroys you, your people and everyone else around you emotionally and physically and Zeke was a victim of it, too.
I think someone starting to see the good in his life is a good thing to portray in your story, just as much as someone falling into pieces is. In this chapter Eren's and Zeke's arcs are opposites: Zeke has the positive arc while Eren has had the negative arc.
Maybe these thoughts are also influenced by how this same internet culture lead to a fascist coup attempt in a country that is known for its respect for freedom.
I'm done with giving any leeway to it unless I really make sure the person behind it is talking in good faith. I've been following a couple of people leaning into this Reddit funnyman stuff and I'm done with that or anyone making light of the fascist elements of the story, like the entire character of Floch or any of the Jaegerists or the system of Marley or even just Eren.
Even if "it's just memeing" it makes light of these ideas and softens them up. It tells me you find at least some of it appealing or not as bad as it seems, no matter how self-aware you are about it, especially if you're actually pretty deeply drenched in it.
You're being a good person because you have to and not because you actually want to be one and these kind of people are very much a red flag for shitty relationships.
I hope some of these guys find happiness some day, but associating with them could end up a mess.
And oh boy, is a section of the AoT fanbase this.
These thoughts are all based on a few images and a messy summary, but I like it so far.
I thought Zeke would have a role based on where he left off and I like this.
Oh and those worried about revival stuff, if there is a heaven, it will probably be gone once the parasite is killed.
The only way one could exist is through paths and if that's gone, there would be no more afterlife, either and all the Shifters and Wall Titans would just probably die.
So this will probably be the final time everyone sees them again.
I think I'm most confident with the take that there is a twist next chapter.
I can be wrong, but it really feels like it to me based on how the story has been told so far.
I'm looking forward to reading the complete chapter.
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dog-teeth · 4 years
hi ezra. i looked at some of the comments on your 4th of july art and im legitimately worried for you. do you get a lot of anon hate mail, and if so, how do you deal with it mentally?? im sorry people are like that
wahhhh thank u so much for your concern i really really appreciate it!!!! i do get a fair amount of shitty comments on my posts and sometimes anon hate, i never answer it i always just instantly block them bc i think giving their voice a platform and responding to them isn’t healthy or helpful. the fourth of july one was rough, people sooo brainwashed into defending literal genocide on my post was very difficult to see (i blocked a lot of them soon after i posted but there were too many tht kept being added so i turned off notifs and idk whats left on that post lol) and recently i had to delete an old post i made speaking against transmisogyny because TERFs latched onto it and were saying really awful things about trans women and about me, including some triggering trauma stuff. then recently i made a comic about being genderfluid and a bunch of TERFs/radfems were being transphobic on it as well.
ultimately i think what helps me the most is that for every terrible mean comment i get, theres multiple ones that are positive and make me happy, ppl interacting with my art or complimenting me. i’ll admit the negative ones stick more in my head, but i get more positive comments by volume so it outweighs it! i mean ideally i wouldn’t get any bad comments, but the amount of love and support i get makes it worth it. like after that fourth of july post, i got three asks from native americans telling me they appreciated me speaking out against the usa’s imperialism. obviously i still would have done it even without that validation but people voicing their appreciation for what i do was enough to help me deal with the hatred and remember that its worth it to be a voice for what i believe even if theres backlash. and ultimately i know that whatever harassment i endured online for it, indigenous peoples face a hundred times worse due to systemic oppression, so i can suck it up. same with the TERF thing, i would rather they harass me than some innocent trans woman on here even if it hurts, and i dont wanna complain bc i know they deal w the brunt of this type of hate. it hurts me deeply to know there are people out there who hate trans women, who are some of my most precious friends and favorite people, but i’m secure in my love for those im close to and i know they love me too and that means i don’t care so much what some random shitty transphobes say online.
sometimes it does weigh down on me. sometimes i think that i just wasn’t meant to be bombarded with so many strangers opinions, even when they arent being horrifyingly hateful, just being on display like this with so many people having access to my deep emotions and art and opinions gets...heavy. i do it because i love sharing my art, and i love connecting with people, and tumblr has absolutely been a home for me throughout the years, but yeah, sometimes that part sucks.
i mostly deal with it by reminding myself of all the nice comments ive gotten, and of course i have my irl support system with people i know i could talk to about it when it gets to be too intense.
so just another thanks to everyone who leaves nice comments on my art or in my askbox, i don’t reply to a lot of them but i do read and appreciate all of them very very much!!!!! every one i get tips the balance in favor of positivity and love and drowns out the hateful people
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fantasyinvader · 3 years
Because of what's been on my dash these last couple of days, I just want to say the following.
Is there a place for Death of the Author, the idea that what a piece says to the individual is more important than what the author intended to say? Absolutely. There is absolutely a place for such kinds of analysis and takes, as people don't always have access to what the creators were thinking when they made something. If the creator can't get their intended meaning across to the audience, than that's a failing on their part in my opinion.
For instance, Gundam IBO tried to be meta with it's themes. In-universe, the actions of it's protagonists are whitewashed by one of their allies who made them out to be heroes. Fair enough right there, and works nicely with the idea that the show is encouraging it's audience to question what they are being told rather than simply going along with it.  But when the show withholds information from the audience, information that is vital to understanding what is going on, in order to whitewash their actions out of universe? People are going to be less accepting of that, especially when it's been admitted by one of it's producers that they deliberately attempted to make the show look as black and white as possible. Granted, Japan seemed to be less supportive of Tekkadan from what I've heard over the years so this might be a cultural thing and the show had it's intended effect domestically, so there's that. But I also know enough guys who say the creator didn't know what they were doing, and would have preferred a less meta narrative.
But anyway, back to the point at hand. Yes, what Crimson Flower makes people feel shouldn't be dismissed entirely. But, and this a big but here, Death of the Author doesn't mean you can disregard canon. It doesn't mean that you can make things up to support your own feelings towards it. Because this part is important here, Crimson Flower does not make up the entirity of Fire Emblem Three Houses. It's literally the route with the least amount of content.
Like, you can't say the game says this or that it says that when you're intentionally altering it to suit your needs. That's not how literary analysis works.
And that's what this really is, we need to look at everything in the game to get a grasp of what Edelgard's character actually is. What we don't need is to make excuses for her. What we don't need is to turn a blind eye to her less favorable aspect. Because let me put it bluntly, the person who I see a lot of people defending isn't Edelgard. The Teacher Theory, created by someone who refused to accept Edelgard would do anything he did not approve of, is so trashed by reading the script of the game that TV Tropes of all places refuses to humor it.
And that's really what the issue is, isn't it? People want the story to say what they want it to say, want to feel what they want to feel, and to do this they disregard the story. Stuff like “the lore in other routes isn't canon to CF,” or “who the Flame Emperor is should change based on the route.” Like, they are legit uncomfortable with what Edelgard is doing or what they support when held up against the context of the rest of the game. That they have to create all these fanfictions in order to justify what she is doing, refusing to accept when they\re misconceptions are proven false, and then playing the victim when called out on it.
Edelgard is not the heroine.
Azure Moon does not restore the status quo.
The game was written to support the route where the Church is the good guy in the fight.
Edelgard is a liar and manipulative.
The Empire is fighting for conquest and genocide.
All of these and more are what is supported by the script, the things the player is supposed to take away. The fact that players refuse, absolutely refuse to acknowledge these things and instead resort to this fantasy version of the game? That's them denying the game it's own intended meaning. It's them not accepting what they are really doing. It's them rejecting Edelgard for some creepy waifu clone they have of her.
And most of all, it's them being children. It’s been two years, can we please start acknowledging these bad takes for what they are and instead look at the actual game in our hands?
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peacensafety · 3 years
This is everything about WandaVision up to Episode 5, with most of it concentrating on Episode 5. I have seen Episode 6 at this point, but I will respect the one week spoilers rule that is part of Nerd Culture.
:read more:
First of all, some basics about this series. This is an homage to different American sitcoms. Why American sitcoms when the main character is Sokovian? No one knows.
In the comic books, Wanda Maximoff is a mutant, not a science experiment like in the MCU. She and Pietro are the twin children of a Mutant named Magneto and a human named Magda (who is sometimes a Romini, and originally from Transia). Magneto is referred to as an Omega level mutant. Wanda is born with mutations, able to control Hex Powers, which is whatever the comic book writer needed to move the plot along. Sometimes her original powers have to do with probability, but like, 30 years ago, they started calling it chaos magic, and then she had extra reception to magical powers, and basically, it’s all very vague and ill-defined. She’s like the only one immune to Phoenix powers, and that’s a huge deal. She is not considered an Omega Level Mutant because she does not have completely mastery over her powers, not because she isn’t powerful enough. In the comic book series House of M, she is powerful enough to rewrite the entire universe, that was retconned in The Children’s Crusade, but then her powers are called Mutant Magic in A vs X and she’s got cosmic chaos magic. She’s supposed to serve The High Evolutionary at this point, which has made her more powerful. In the MCU, she was genetically altered by the Mind Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones. So when Wanda, AKA The Scarlet Witch, is in a story you can expect it to be about ridiculous amounts of power.
The assumption that you can make pretty quickly in the series is that Wanda Maximoff is in charge of this alternate reality, and quite possibly created it. Knowing what we know about Wanda, we assume it’s because she broke after the death of Vision and couldn’t deal with that death after the death of her parents (because of the Sokovian civil war) and Pietro, her twin brother, who was killed by Ultron. It’s stated pretty early on that Wanda could have defeated Thanos by herself (this is most likely true, one time in the comic books she decided to remove every mutant power in the known universe and she did for a couple of years. Is she more powerful than Jean Gray? Sit down with some nerds and listen to them argue, because that call will never be settled in a peaceful manner). Wanda has brought back Vision (who was killed by Thanos before he made his wish on the Stones, making him dead dead instead of mostly dead like half of the population of the universe) and in the MCU, this makes almost sense as her powers were given to her by the Mind Stone which brought Vision to life in the first place, with some interference from Tony Stark (Iron Man). In the first couple of episodes, they bring in Billy and Tommy (Speed and Wiccan) and the twins make themselves grow up pretty quickly.
Other characters that come in and play a part are Monica Rambeau (from the Marvel Comic Book Universe and the movie Captain Marvel, who is also the future Captain Marvel), Darcy Lewis (MCU character last seen hanging out with Thor), and Jimmy Woo (another MCU character, an FBI agent in charge of Scott Lang’s house arrest from Ant-Man and the Wasp).
Let’s also talk about some background about where Disney plans to go in the next 5 years. First of all, they have already acquired rights to do an X-Men series. If you have DisneyPlus (which you do unless you’re pirating this series), you know that the X-Men movies have mostly been added to the Marvel Channel rather quietly and unobtrusively. Also, there are rumors that all three movie Spidermen have signed on to the next Spider-Man movie (Toby McGuire, James Garfield, and Tom Holland). Also also, Disney has made a statement that Deadpool will be in the universe pretty soon. So we know that the endgame for Disney is a combination of all of the Marvel Comic book universe.
Things that I have noticed that are fun about this series: all of the commercials are nerd shout outs. The commercials all have something to do with time, with two being blatantly about clocks or innovation. The commercials for the most part have the same two actors in it (are they SWORD agents?). The first is a Stark toaster, which is weird, but okay, and it is the first time we see color (red, maybe an Iron Man shout out?) used in the series. The second is the Strucker watch, a blatant time reference, and Strucker if you recall from the movies is that dude who was experimenting on Wanda and Pietro when they were in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. In the comic books he’s Wolfgang von Strucker, or Baron Strucker, a former Nazi officer and agent of Hydra, and he never ages, and he shows up to try and do a genocide in the books all the time. The third commercial is about taking a break? HydraSoak bath powder. We all get the willies anytime Hydra is mentioned, so relaxing with Hydra is something we don’t want to do. This is also the first time that I think maybe this isn’t all Wanda? Also, this isn’t time appropriate (and this might be an influence from my real world job, and not some intentional message from Marvel) but mixed-race kids on a commercial in the 70s? That would have never happened. Are things starting to unravel, because this would have been super weird at that time and Marvel has been strict about time appropriateness so far, even so far as including gender roles. The last commercial is Lagos, the paper towel commercial. Paper towels are about cleaning up, right? Because these folks in the commercial spill everything. Also, we see the first incident of gender roles not being respected in WandaVision, because we see a dude wipe up his own spill. Anyway, Lagos is that Nigerian city where Wanda killed a bunch of people, including the King of Wakanda, on accident in Captain America: Civil War.
So in episode 2, SWORD is teased with the little logo on the beekeeper’s outfit at the end of the episode when he comes out of the sewer. The group outside Westview is verified to be SWORD in episode 4. Let’s talk about them a bit. These dudes in the comic books were all about space and going into space and doing space things, but then Thanos does a snappy thing. After the snappy thing (and this series is set 5 years after the Snap) they start doing nanotech and AI. In the comics Maria Rambeau is in charge, and after she dies, dude named Tyler Hayward takes over. Watch Tyler Hayward. I personally do not think he is actually Tyler Hayward, and if someone is acting and looking like someone else, we know which villain has probably just inserted himself into the show (if you’ve been watching the interviews, Tom Hiddleston shows up as a call-in fan of the show and demands to know why he didn’t have a series because he’s been dead a couple of times and Vision is stealing his Schtick). I don’t know that for sure, it could be sloppy writing? Maybe they ran out of character archetypes?
At the end of episode 5, this is when the next five years of the MCU comes into play. Wanda is missing her twin, probably because of her sons, and the doorbell rings. Standing there is Pietro Maximoff. Now the crazy part of this is that he is the wrong Pietro Maximoff (the better one, not the one that has been in the MCU movies, the X-Man Quicksilver). He’s standing there and does the weird Uncle Jesse thing from Full House, (which, if you’re paying attention to the real world, Wanda Maximoff is played by the younger sister of the Olsen twins who played Michelle on Full House in the 80s), but Wanda recognizes that he is the wrong Pietro. Darcy, who is watching the broadcast from outside the Hex, states that Wanda has recast Pietro. But has she? This woman is incredibly powerful, why would she bring back the wrong Pietro? What if she is not in charge? Wanda is really freaked out by this, and that is when I realized I needed to write everything down.
Here are my lingering questions: We have all seen Into The Spiderverse a dozen or so times. Is this how Disney is going to handle the Multi-Verse? Is Pietro the wrong Pietro because of Miles Morales and his rag-tag group of Spidermen? Does this mean that Nicholas Cage is going to be in the MCU? Is Wanda as in charge as we think she is? Can we expect to see Magneto (Wanda’s and Pietro’s dad in the comics) show up to either support his children in the Hex or fight on the side of SWORD? Maybe Professor X will come and get Wanda, Pietro, Timmy, and Billy? Will we finally see if Jean Gray is more powerful than Scarlet Witch (she’s not). Is Hayward a problem of inconsistent writing or is he Loki? Is a multi-verse a way to address Chadwick Bosemen’s death for a proper replacement of Black Panther? Hurry up and watch Episode 6 so we can talk about this stuff!
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sparksinthenight · 3 years
Advice for Little Me
This is advice that I have for my twelve-year-old self. If I’d known all this at twelve my life would be a whole lot better.
1) Capitalists are horrible, manipulative, lying, selfish, apathetic, overwhelmingly dangerous, incredibly bad for society, wrong, and deeply disturbed.
2) Anyone who ever says or insinuates that they earned the wealth they have are the worst types of people.
3) Anyone who goes around measuring the value of a human being by how fancy their job is incredibly shallow, materialistic, lacking in understanding, and not worth your time.
4) No. No people did not "earn" anything through hard work. They got it through privilege, privilege, privilege, and privilege. The fact that they could afford a decent quality highschool education is already a huge privilege. And no, being poor when they were in college absolutely does not count as not having privilege. They got to go to college. That’s a privilege so many don’t get.
5) You know who's actually working hard? The people in the sweatshops, the mines, the agricultural plantations, the warehouses, etc. The people getting paid poverty wages as they work themselves to death. Have some fucking respect for them you’re not above them just because you were born in a rich family.
6) All humans have equal value.
7) And the value of a human being is inherent.
8) If you have a house and fancy furniture and a flatscreen TV and a car and a closet full of clothes and enough money to go to restaurants and golfing and shit and then you turn around and say you're oppressed I fucking hate you so goddamn much.
9) The voices of the poor people are fucking ALWAYS silenced in this world, all over the world.
10) There's men in suits somewhere defending capitalism and our centrist dads are defending them while most of the world are wage slaves.
11) The poor are always ignored, pushed to the side, and silenced.
12) Hi. Hello person reading this. Check out the Red Deal. It's fucking awesome. Please read it. It will save your soul and change your life.
13) Also my Wattpad account is here please check it out https://www.wattpad.com/user/Balladoad it won't save your soul and change your life but I write communist stories.
14) Your value is inherent. Child. Darling. Your value is inherent. You are alive. That is enough. You don't need a fancy job or a big income or a fancy degree or something. You're a human being trying to do the best you personally can with the resources and knowledge you have and in the situation you're in. Your value is inherent. Baby.
15) Check out the Red Deal.
16) Nobody is liberated. None of us are liberated. Especially under capitalism none of us are liberated. We are all equal. We are all capable of being free. Of having an equal amount of power. Of making decisions equally and democratically where everyone has a seat at the round table. Seperation is a myth. Wow that sounds like a fucking hippie thing to say but I mean it in the most practical, tangible way. We are all equal and we should be treated equally and under capitalism we are not. Not even close. We can all be together, all be comrades, all help and support each other, all protect and provide for each other, all listen to and understand each other, and all create a world where finally, finally people are free.
17) True freedom does not and should not feel forced. Corporate capitalists tell us that freedom is the ability to be successful in the capitalist framework. That is not what true freedom is. True freedom comes from within. It does not feel forced. It feels good and right and beautiful and true. It's not forced upon you it's something that sparks to life inside your own soul.
18) Sucess as a human being is about the kindness and compassion you show other people. Which is actually rather inversely proportional to how much money you make from what I've seen. At every step of your life seek out people who need help and help them.  
19) Children should all be treated with equal respect, reverance, affection, and love.
20) Your value is inherent. Human value is inherent. Valuing human life does mean valuing the continuation of human life but not just that. It means valuing the quality of human life too. It means valuing human happiness.
21) Take every opportunity you have to learn. Not learn trivial "knowledge" about string theory or CRISPR or valence orbitals. Real, important knowledge about how to be kind to other people. How to be respectful towards other people. How to uplift the downtrodden. How to be in solidarity with the oppressed. How to live in harmony with other people. How to tear down the walls that divide us. How to live in harmony with nature. How to have respect and reverence for nature. How to protect and defend the Land and Water. How to be brave to put the needs of others before your own. How to think for yourself and be your own person. How to live your life in accordance to the truth and intangible mystic forces behind everything that guide us all. Wow that sounded hippie.
22) People are exploited and oppressed. So many people are exploited and oppressed. They deserve better than this.
23) You shouldn’t go after power. Seeking power is the way to corruption. You should seek to destroy the unequal distribution of power itself so that all people can have equal power.
24) Absolutely power corrupts absolutely. Power corrupts whenever it’s not equally shared.
25) Money is power. It always has been, it always will be. It’s what determines if people are able to eat or not. It’s what makes us spend most of our time at our jobs working for our bosses and doing what they want us to do.
26) Learn history. Please.
27) Read books about the Holocaust. About slavery. About all the types of slavery that have happened in various societies not just the Transatlantic Slave Trade though definitely you should learn about that too. About the Irish Potato Famine, the Armenian Genocide. About colonialism. About settler-colonialism. About feudalism. About monarchy. About the Industrial Revolution. About segregation. About the genocide of Indigenous peoples. About workhouses. About the Witch Trials. About the French Revolution. About the Spanish resistance against fascism. About residential schools. About the 60s Scoop. About the Stolen Generations. About resistance against the Roman Empire. About so much more. Just read them. Make sure they’re not written through the lenses of oppressors and/or rich people though.
28) Recognize that while history affects the present day history IS NOT the present day and present struggles are unique and different though not altogether separated from history. The present day is the present day. It’s struggles are unique and the way that the struggle for universal equality and liberation manifests in the present day is unique.
30) Don’t trust Christian priests.
31) Actually be cautious of any rich, privileged person trying to teach you religion.
32) Just because someone’s older doesn’t mean that they’re right or they know more than you. Knowledge of the truth and wisdom comes from kindness, compassion, humility, and suffering. It does not come from age. A rich man born to a rich family who thinks he’s better than poor people and does not have humility and respect towards them is not someone who knows things, no matter how old he is.
33) Men are generally less trustable than women because they’ve been taught to believe they’re always right and as such do not question themselves and think deeply and critically about their opinions as much as women do.
34) This does not apply to men who are poor or mentally ill since society never teaches them that.
35) Despite this being an unpopular opinion, pain and struggle are actually really good teachers. If you’re suffering, you deserve better. You deserve to not be suffering. But still, use it as an opportunity to learn.
37) Gender roles are the biggest scam ever created.
38) But the even bigger scam is capitalism.
39) You do not need material wealth. It is inherently addictive and bad for yourself, everyone else, and the Land and Water.
40) It’s just stuff. It doesn’t matter.
41) If you’re in a situation where people are treating you like you’re better than other people just get the fuck out of that situation as fast as you can. And never fucking look back no matter what ANYONE says.
42) Have respect and reverence for nature. Learn from it as much as you can. But from like, nature directly. Not from people talking about nature. Unless they’re Indigenous. And pristine, untouched nature is better than nature that’s been tampered with.
43) The world runs on bonds of love more than bonds between atoms.
44) Work hard not for money or to increase the power you have but rather to humbly and reverently improve the lives of the oppressed.
45) But recognize that you can’t do everything and do what you can and don’t beat yourself up over the things you can’t do.
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bondsmagii · 3 years
2, 8, 26, 37, 38, 57, 72, 91, 94, 100
> questions to ask at 4:02am meme 🌕🌃
thank you! 
2: Do you mourn for a place or person you’ve never known?
yes 😩 I can’t even adequately describe what’s going on here, but there’s a lot of people and a lot of places that feel familiar even if I don’t know them, if that makes sense? and there’s also a lot of people I could have become, and a lot of places I could have been, and I do have moments where I kind of mourn them even though I have no proof that they would have even existed in that specific way. I do think this is normal to an extent, but also I do this a lot, lol.
on a slightly less philosophical level, I of course mourn my older brother, who’s quite literally a person I never got the chance to know.
8: Do you think you can put love into categories (family, platonic, romantic, etc.) or is it just one general sensation?
oh man definitely. the love you feel for your friends isn’t the same love you feel for your spouse or your parents, and so on and so forth. there’s lots of different kinds of love, and lots of different levels within those types, and you’re also more than capable of feeling several different types and levels towards the same person, in my opinion. I don’t know if I would try and categorise everything, because something like love doesn’t really suit being shoved into boxes, but there are different types of love and I find it’s constantly shifting and changing along with you and the object of your love, which is cool.
I should add that I don’t find any one type of love more or less important than the others. seriously, destroy the idea that romantic love is the One True Love, and all other forms are somehow lesser. that’s just garbage.
26: What’s the most life-changing choice you’ve made so far?
this is kind of embarrassing but the truth often is: almost eight years ago I decided to make a sideblog on here that has... something to do with writing, let’s say, and something to do with... a certain character... and anyway that decision led to me meeting a certain person and going from awkward messages on Tumblr to awkward messages on Skype, to eighteen hour conversations and constant texting, to living in a car together for three months on a roadtrip and then living in a car together for many more months while homeless (and a million other places in between), to moving in together and then holy shit we got married.
so I guess that one impulsive decision to make a shitpost sideblog at stupid o’clock in the morning when I was bored one summer has been the single most life-changing choice I’ve ever made.
37: Do opposites attract?
eh. I mean, yeah, sometimes? but similarities attract, too. I think for any kind of relationship to be successful you’ve kind of got to have an element of both, and I think that “opposites” usually refers to something very specific. for example, I don’t mind cleaning the bathroom and you hate it. that’s a useful kind of opposite, because it means a compromise neither of us feel cheated by. you’re unshakable when it comes to slogging through bureaucratic minutiae, and I’m a beast in high-stress quick-thinking scenarios. together we make a pretty unstoppable team, for being opposites in that regard. I think that’s kind of what’s meant by this saying, but unfortunately it seems to have been appropriated to mean “yes honey, I know you work 10 hour shifts and come home to find your partner hasn’t cleaned the house or done anything to help, but opposites attract!” or “my partner supports Trump and genuinely believes that vaccines and masks are a government conspiracy to control us all, and I am a normal human being, but opposites attract so I guess I’ll have to put up with it”. like no, kings and queens. that isn’t what it means. dump them.
38: Is your life what you expected it would be five years ago?
lmao no. not in the slightest. five years ago it would have been... just into 2016, and yeah, no. there is not a single thing about me right now that I would have predicted, aside from the general stuff that’s never changed about me. I had different ideas about what I would be doing for work, about what I’d be working towards; I had completely different levels of commitment and discipline to various tasks, and I certainly wasn’t planning an international move. I can at least say that I’m happier with my current plan than the one I used to have (it wasn’t a bad plan, it just no longer suits me) but there’s no way I would have expected this.
and of course, there’s the whole issue with the pandemic. five years ago I had no idea I would be living through a global natural disaster, and if you’d told me, I would have thought it would be something like a supervolcano eruption or a nuclear winter. like, I’m glad it’s not, but also “you have to stay in your house for over a year” still kind of sucks.
57: Do you thinks humans are obsessed with escapism (books, video games, movies, etc.)? Are you looking for an escape? Do you think that’s a bad thing?
I think we are sometimes, when things are tough and there’s a need to wish to escape (see how many books I read over quarantine in March, for example). most of the time, however, I think humans just like stories. I don’t think it’s any deeper than the fact that humans love stories, we’ve always loved stories, we’ve always loved telling and hearing stories, before we had books and archives we passed our stories down orally and we drew them on cave walls with our own fingers, and this love for the story has never changed or altered in the hundreds of thousands of years since. I think that’s the major driving force here.
right now I’m looking for an escape 24/7, because I’m sick to death of the real world. I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all. without books, without the fictional things I love, without reading and writing and music, I would have gone absolutely bonkers in 2020. being able to fall into a book or play around in the worlds I’ve created, both my own and things I’ve co-written with you, has literally saved my ass over the past eight months. escapism is never a bad thing. like anything, it only becomes troubling when it starts creating problems. but I do not think there’s any shame in occasionally saying “fuck it” and going to worry about someone else’s fictional problems for a while. 
72: Should people be prosecuted for crimes that weren’t considered crimes at the time?
this is a tough one. on the one hand I want to say no, because it could easily be abused. some asshole could get into power and make something illegal, and then round up all the people who have committed that now-crime and lock them up, and oh, would you look at that! all the people who have committed the now-crime just so happen to be the dictator’s biggest critics and threats, how convenient. 
at the same time, dictators are going to wipe out their enemies no matter how legal it is, and I also have to consider the fact that before WWII, for example, words like “genocide” and “crimes against humanity” didn’t exist. how could we decide that these things are crimes, but then not try those who literally gave cause for the crime to be acknowledged? we can hardly say “alright, genocide is now a crime against humanity, but because these guys did it before this was law they can’t be tried”. that’s just... not really a great precedent to set, you know?
so I suppose a tentative yes? I think it would probably depend entirely on the severity of the crime. for example, if they found out that... I don’t know, some normal everyday substance was something that people could suddenly get high off, and they declared it a drug, I don’t think everyone who’s ever sold it or used it should be rounded up and jailed. but like, if the act of cannibalism itself became a crime (and not just murder or desecration of a corpse, which is what “cannibalism” usually falls under in terms of legality) we should probably go round up all the people who are stealing human legs to eat, yanno?
91: Is hate as strong as love? Who do you hate?
sick totheark reference bro. anyway yeah, hate is as strong as love, though it appears and reacts in different ways. hate and love are two sides of the same coin, if you ask me. the deeper you love somebody, the harder you hate them if things go wrong. hate is betrayed love. something something, a tree’s branches cannot reach to heaven unless its roots reach to hell, and all that. something so powerful is going to leave a lot of damage if it goes wrong.
I hate a few people. I don’t want to go into detail as to their specific identities, because I’m sure that if you know me well, you’ll know who they are. both of them were people whom I loved very deeply, and who betrayed that love in ferociously cruel ways. both people taught me very difficult lessons about the nature of love, and how sometimes it really cannot conquer everything, but while this would be a nasty lesson to learn it’s compounded by the fact that I learned this not out of any kind of extraneous circumstance, but rather through their cruelty and their refusal to work with me, listen to me, or love me in the way I deserved to be loved. my hatred for these people will never go away, even though it certainly doesn’t dominate my life. it is there, though, and I can easily draw on it whenever I need it. should I get the opportunity, I have no doubt in my mind that I have the capacity to be very cruel to these people in my own right, and I won’t feel bad about it.
94: How would you describe yourself when you love? Do you love forcefully, unconditionally, gently, quietly, desperately?
oh damn. forcefully, conditionally, stubbornly, and probably slightly possessively.
I don’t show love in conventional means. I’m one of those stereotypes, I guess. I don’t like declarations of love, I don’t really go in for physical affection, and I’m not sappy at all. my love language is more subtle, but it’s there. I like to do things for people, I like to create things for/with people, I like to have adventures with people. that’s how I love, and I can be pretty forceful about it. I also want people to improve themselves as much as possible -- I think the greatest thing I can witness someone I love doing is becoming the best version of themselves, and I will support them 100% in this effort -- also very forcefully. I don’t think there are many people who could put up with that level of intensity for so long, if I’m honest. I demand a lot of the ones I love, but I also like to think I give a lot, too.
my love is never unconditional. while I believe unconditional love exists, I have never seen it. my love always comes with conditions -- conditions about how I expect to be treated, about ideology, about worldview. these are all huge deal breakers, of course -- my conditions aren’t vague, or petty, or small in any way. but there is nobody on earth, nor will there ever be, who I will not walk away from if I feel the relationship is harmful in any way. I might not stop loving them, but I sure as hell will not assume that my love for them will protect me from them.
at the same time I’m a very stubborn person when it comes to love. people will do things they think must break one of my conditions, but I’ll see something else in it and I’ll stick around even if we both think it’s useless. I’m never wrong, so I suppose I have that going for me. but I am very, very stubborn when it comes to love. I have a high level of endurance and I know how to nurture love; how to stop pessimism from setting in. I’m also slightly possessive, so I don’t let go of anything easily -- and this includes the people I love. I’ll never stifle a person, but I’ll definitely fight for them, and something something everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it.
100: What belief do you have that isn’t logically grounded, but you still firmly believe in?
I suppose something like this could never be logically grounded because there’s no logical proof at all, and “I Just Know” is apparently not a scientific argument (it should be), but I know I’ve had past lives. I just do. I have no solid proof for this, only gut feelings and Just Knowing and weird memories and some crazy shit that I can’t explain -- like being able to find my way around a strange city because I remembered it from a past life, for example -- but I just know I’ve had many different lives before and I will have many more to come. this is just an unshakable belief and it always has been.
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lucalicatteart · 4 years
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- The various groups of Nanyevimi -
Just a post going over some of the different groups in the world (like the elven alliance, etc.). The more prominent ones will hopefully have their own posts eventually, but I thought it’d be good for now to have a kind of reference sheet on the various international organizations, clubs, political entities, etc. (at least those I’ve thought about so far, obviously there are a lot more not mentioned/created yet) that exist in the world, so that it’s easy to know what I’m talking about if they happen to be brought up later... Also includes a fair bit of random information about the world, parts of the magic system, cultures of different groups, etc. just because it is a mandatory requirement of my brain that I go off on at least 10 side tangents per post hgghh... 
(Actual info under read more, as usual ~..)
Some of these I’m just copying and pasting their descriptions from this post here (link), but even those I may have modified slightly, and much of the info here is new lol.. And this isn’t very in depth, I’m really just kind of giving the shortest description possible. Some will be longer if I have more information known about them, and others will kind of just be tiny blurbs. 
I have two different categories: Species/Culture Specific Groups, and  Non-species/culture Specific Groups.  “Species/Culture Specific Groups” being   groups where basically you're likely only in this group if you're from a certain species or cultural background (which is often linked to species). These usually are made up of people from specific areas/species/nationalities, or have their membership limited to that. Then of course the “NON species/culture specific groups” are just groups that you can be a part of regardless of where you're born or who you are. You're more likely to actively have to join these rather than just being born into it as part of a culture or etc., and you being there generally has nothing to do with your background.
I’m choosing to categorize them this way I guess because I think about everything  from a character building perspective? Nanyevimi as a setting has things established in a certain way where if I wanted to make a new character, I could kind of just drop them anywhere on the map and already know a good bit about their background (the climate, what species they likely would be if they’re from a certain place, what cultural standards they’d be exposed to, etc.). I find having specific established details about the world makes it a lot easier to realistically build what people would be in it, or events (conflicts that may occur in an area due to pre-established things there, etc.) that can happen.
 Obviously from there you have to add variance and the world is still complex (even if you have two people you know are exposed to the same environment, they won’t react to it the same way, etc.), but I think building in that manner makes for a good base (especially for areas I’ve created the most about.. like for example, I could put a new blank character pretty much anywhere on the continent of Aviinine and immediately know what species they would likely be from out of the primary groups that inhabit the area, which culture they may have grown up in/been influenced by, what abilities it would be likely they have, the conflicts they may have been exposed to,  their likely diet/ daily life/ occupation (based on the government and how the specific country is run), etc. You have to tweak and add more later to have a well-rounded character, but it’s really convenient to have well established starting points and many background details of a character already filled in.)
SO, because that’s kind of my process of worldbuilding, I thought this would be an easy way to categorize groups, since if I’m thinking “oh I want this character to be in a group” or etc. I could easily just look and be like, okay.. what groups do they qualify for? Like a northern elf wouldn’t be a member of the Collection Of Southern Jhevona (or if they somehow were, it would be an interesting story in itself, how they ended up being there and working alongside such a faraway group), etc. I could classify the groups in different ways (by continent/area, by size/influence, etc.), but I thought this method makes the most sense for character-based stuff, which I guess is what I like to focus on lol... BUT ANYWAY , onto the actual post !!
( ALSO, I’ve added sections about where each of these groups are active, so here’s a world map of Nanyevimi (below) and here (link) is an actual explanation of the map and the places on it, in case you’re not already familiar. )
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-------------        SPECIES/CULTURE SPECIFIC GROUPS    ---------------------
The Collection Of Southern Jhevona:
Though the Jhevona as a species aren’t really represented by any one group in particular, and tend to live in separate smaller scattered territories without many allies, The Collection is probably the closest thing to a unified alliance of Jhevona that exists. Jhevona are thought to have originated from somewhere down in lower Nanyevimi, and many of the oldest, largest, and most powerful cities/countries/territories/etc. of them exist in that region. The Collection is basically just a group of these civilizations who formed a sort of loose alliance, usually for the sake of helping other Jhevona groups with trade or conflict.
The relatively small size of the species, their historical conflicts with certain powerful groups of elves (thus it’s easy for a conflict with them to end up impacting your entire reputation across many different areas, etc.), and other issues specific to them (like species wide problems with premature death, disease, and infertility due to higher levels of magic expose),, means that many Jhevona groups can tend to exist in a somewhat vulnerable state. The Collection seeks to… help them with that, lol..
While The Collection was started by and is mostly made up of only like five primary countries/groups/etc. of Jhevona, you don’t have to be a part of the organization to still receive aid and cooperate with them and etc. They form casual alliances and help out pretty much any group of Jhevona, regardless of if they officially join the collection or not (of course excluding like, if some random jhevona group was trying to start a genocide or something that obviously most jhevona wouldn’t be okay supporting lol). Really they just exist to help promote the interests and safety of their species as a whole, whenever and wherever they can, despite how diverse and un-unified most  groups of Jhevona tend to be.
The Collection is technically active across all of Nanyevimi, in that they sometimes send resources or representatives to all corners of the world in order to help with certain issues, but their main area of reach and the physical location of their operations is generally around the lower/middle half of Nanyevimi, around southern Estic Kfal/Nonvas Kfal, and some bits of Siryonla. 
There are no set uniforms or appearance for this group like there are for others, but it’s possible they could still be identified if they happen to have clothing or items adorned with the symbol they use to represent themselves, which is shown in this post here (link). 
(more info on the Jhevona species and culture HERE (link))  
The Elven Alliance:
I’ve talked about them before in a few other posts lol, but this is basically the main influential group of elves in the world. About 10,000 years ago or so, many of the prominent elven societies at the time decided that it’d be helpful for them to all ally together and mutually aid each other (sharing resources, technology, giving money loans to smaller elven countries to help them build,  defense aid, etc.), so they formed The Alliance. Though, there were disagreements on a few big issues (notably the interpretation of the elven religion, but some other things as well, many more subtle underlying conflicts led to the formation of the alliance), so while it was initially meant to be for ALL elves (or at least claimed to be so), it ended up becoming more exclusive.
Now there’s kind of a pretty distinct cultural line between countries/groups/etc. of elves that are inside of the Elven Alliance, vs. outside of it. Any group of elves is still allowed to join the alliance at any time they want, but they have to meet certain cultural and religious standards, and must be approved by a vote of all current elven alliance nation representatives. There are about 38 countries/groups in the elven alliance at this date, though of course not all of them are the same size or have the same amount of political influence.
Since elves are the majority population in the world, and also most of the groups within the Alliance are like.. very big very rich very powerful nations, the Elven Alliance is probably the most influential group in all of Nanyevimi, at least in terms of global politics and trade. Though of course, Nanyevimi is so scattered and isolated, it’s kind of impossible for any one group to control too much lol.. Like, they’re the most influential compared to everyone else, but everyone else usually barely has any influence at all. There are still plenty of groups down south (most elven countries are up north or near the middle of the globe) that are entirely out of reach of the elven alliance, or at least can ignore them without much consequence. However if you live in or near the primary elven territories of the world (or if you are elven, even if you live far in the south), it’s likely their activities and policies have a much bigger impact on your life.
The Alliance is GENERALLY seen as neutral (depending on who you ask), though they do have a bad reputation in certain places due to various historical events (the fact that Fanyin is still allowed as a member of the Alliance just because they helped found it, despite the government of the country being  known as like.. a conflict-hungry dictatorship that has a ridiculous class system and no rights for like 50% of it’s citizens.. A group of Alliance allied scientists/mages almost killed the entire world by introducing a magic plague one time whilst trying to engineer biological warfare against a relatively small defenseless group of people over a religious conflict lmao… The primary technology that brought the Alliance to have most of it’s shared wealth and power (Iriminel crystals, which can be used to basically store magical energy as a power source) was later found to have been stolen from a group of Jhevona after they were murdered just because they wouldn’t agree to let a group of elves mine crystals from their lands.. you know, stuff like that..).
There are plenty of groups within the alliance who disapprove of the past actions of other alliance members, who work to do good across the world, etc. But people usually still end up questioning their intentions. There are so many moving parts and complex dynamics within the Alliance, it’s hard for people to have a concrete opinion on it as a whole (since most of the groups within it are pretty different from each other), but needless to say, their reputation across the realm can be quite controversial.
(side note: another reason that it’s so controversial is because the elven alliance is really one of the only places in the realm that a concept of ‘royalty’ is even a thing. Ideas of kings, queens, and royal families/upper classes, seem to have originated (at least in their modern form) actually in southern elven culture, which when they moved their way up north (in ancient times of course, not at all recently), northern elves kind of fell naturally into loving the idea of it due to the hierarchy that already existed in many of their cultures, even long after southern elves had abandoned it. Many northern elven societies leaned towards these systems, and then thousands of years later naturally moved towards allying together, with smaller alliances and groups of royalty supporting each other, until finally officially The Elven Alliance, which at it’s start was made up mostly of northern elven nations. 
This isn’t to say that monarchy or other similar systems have just NEVER existed before then and literally don’t exist anywhere else (northern jhevona are known to have similar systems also), but it’s definitely FAR less common outside of the northern elven sphere (at least in modern day, who knows what the hell was going on prior to 50,000 years ago since all history before that was lost). A lot of cultures in the realm have seemingly tended to lean more towards less centralized or more collective forms of societal and economic systems, so to people outside of the elven alliance, and outside of elven culture in general, it often seems bizarre, unfair, or just kind of silly. 
Anyway, because royalty is so rare, and a majority of the countries in the elven alliance have systems of rotalty, and that most outside of the alliance don’t, sometimes the elven alliance can become a figure that, in the minds of people, represents royalty itself. Thus any criticism of royalty in general, often also becomes a criticism of the alliance, even if the particular issue at hand doesn’t directly involve  them (though knowing them, they probably are involved somehow lol). The alliance becomes even more controversial, not only because of past actions, but also just due to what they represent in the minds of others. )
The Elven Alliance is active mostly in the northern half of Nanyevimi, as most elven countries/elven populations are located around that area (the northern borders of Estic Kfal/Nonvas Kfal and Siryonla). They have a VERY strong presence on the continent of Aviinine, seeing as that’s the home of the Fanyiniri/the country of Fanyin, and they’re one of the main alliance founders. Though the country of Asen (part of Aviinine) is now an independent nation, it was owned by the Alliance up until a few hundreds years ago, and the entire continent was owned by the ancestors of the Fanyiniri  (northern ancient elves) at one point. “Aviinine” does translate to something like “homeland of the elves” so I mean.. duh
There are no set uniforms or appearance for this group (since it’s such a huge, broad spanned thing, you’re not going to have like 40+ countries worth of people all in one single uniform lol) like there are for others, but it’s possible they could still be identified if they happen to have clothing or items adorned with the symbol they use to represent themselves, which is shown in this post here (link).
International Union Of Non-Allied Elves:
Basically kind of like the Elven Alliance, except for … made up of elves outside of the Alliance. They function very similarly to how the Collection Of Southern Jhevona operate, in the sense that they basically are just a loose collaboration of elves who ally with each other for resources and protection, and really seek to help all elves in general. Unlike the Alliance, there are no guidelines or regulations you have to meet to join, or for them to come to your aid, basically any group of elves is welcome. 
(They actually existed before the Alliance was founded, though obviously weren’t referred to as ‘non-allied elves’ since ‘allied’ wouldn’t mean anything before the existence of the ‘alliance’.  There’s been a similar organization around for a while that ended up merging with the newer group (the non-allied union), so now they’ve kind of become one. So this group has kind of always existed in a way, especially to give elves better connection long in the past when they were more scattered loose groupings of people, but the non-allied union obviously became much more prominent after the formation of the Alliance, as their efforts were more needed. Especially as the Alliance got more powerful, and could use it’s influence over smaller groups of elves if they weren’t allied with/protected by a similarly powerful organization (like the Alliance showing up to a small elven country and being like ‘actually all the elven ruins here belong to us now because we’re the True Elves’, which on their own they maybe couldn’t defend, but the small city could summon people from the non-allied union and be like ‘hello 911 I am being bullied by ugly ass bitches with bob haircuts’ (ghgh this makes sense if you read further down, the military organization that serves the alliance has black bobs and eyeshadow as a part of their uniform).. ANYWAY)
Since there are no cultural or religious guidelines to join, non-alliance elves tend to have MUCH more variety in their religious practices, general daily life, diet, technology, customs, etc. since it’s not regulated by a central power like in the case of Elven Alliance countries. Though this does mean they generally have less cohesion, less stable defense/resources, and less sense of collective unity, they still usually stick together pretty well if needed.
Though you would think so, there actually isn’t much conflict between Alliance vs. Non-alliance elves. The only things would probably be religious disagreements (the alliance having adopted a new monotheistic version of the elven religion, while non-alliance groups still practice having many gods and are much more open to wide variations on rituals and interpretation), and also certain cultural disagreements (elven cultures in general tend to focus a lot on glorifying their own history, proud of the advancements of ancient elves and etc. etc. So BOTH groups want historical artifacts, ancient religious texts, etc.  But since the Alliance is the more powerful group of elves, they basically kind of get to hoard all of that stuff. Non-alliance elves end up weirdly distanced from their own culture and lacking any meaningful connection with their history, since Alliance elves have kind of taken control as the One Single Authority On All Things Elven and basically own nearly all historical records and information on the elven species. Which of course non-alliance groups aren’t always happy about, especially since some of them are not keen to just trust whatever historical ‘facts’ the Alliance puts out there when they’d rather just have access to the records or other resources that would allow them to explore the information for themselves).
But other than those two things, relations between The Alliance and non-alliance groups like the Union really aren’t too strained (of course this depends on the group). The Alliance generally also wants to support elves just because they’re elves, and at the end of the day, they want to help the success of their own species, so they rarely mistreat non-alliance groups, and if anything usually are overly welcoming to them, since they aim for all groups of elves to eventually join the alliance as well, and don’t want to scare potential members off lol. They’re actually known for reaching out to non-alliance groups, giving them gifts, offering them aid (mostly with no strings attached), but of course this is met with mixed reception, and sometimes suspicion.
The Union of non-allied elves pretty much operates around the same areas as the Alliance, as both obviously exist pretty much entirely among elven populations. The Union’s reach extends a little farther south, or even to the middle of the globe. Because the Alliance pretty much rules the north, non-alliance elves who don’t get along well with their practices (for whatever reason) tend to migrate further south, just so they don’t have to be near the influence of the Alliance. Though the official Union Of Non-Allied Elves is neutral towards the Alliance, and they generally get along, since the goal of the Union is to serve the elven people, they kind of exist wherever the people are. If a huge group of Alliance hating elves migrate down to the south, then the influence of the Union also migrates down south as well, since it basically just serves wherever it’s needed, follows wherever the elven people go. 
There are no set uniforms or appearance for this group like there are for others (again, way too broad of a group), but it’s possible they could still be identified if they happen to have clothing or items adorned with the symbol they use to represent themselves, which is shown in this post here (link).
(also, random note: none of these names are like.. actually what they’re called in the species’ native language. I’m writing in english so for those that do have easy translations, I’m just using simple to remember English names but, they’d all have their own actual names for themselves.
Like for example “The Elven Alliance” in the actual elven language would just be “The Alliance” referred to as “Ane Kiivastye” or just “Kiivastye”. ‘Ane’ meaning ‘Those/they/a group of people’, ‘kii’ being a prefix to mean ‘inside/within’, and ‘Vastye’ meaning something along the lines of ‘grace/good faith/favor’. So basically ‘Those who are in grace’, implying ‘Those who have good favor with the gods’ , since one of the main reasons for the split was religious disagreement. Likewise, anyone outside of the alliance would be natively called something like ‘Ane Nekiivastye’, or ‘those who are outside of grace/those who do not hold good favor with the gods’.
So basically all the names would be different in the actual languages of the people I’m referring to, but I’m just using these since it’s much easier to remember and reference lol)
Council Of Navyete:
This is the primary government of Navyete, the homeland of the Avirre’thel/vampires and where most of the members of that species live. I obviously plan on making a separate post about this sometime soon, so I don’t need to explain much lol.. Also just… the council system is really complicated and it’s going to be extremely long whenever I do explain it ghgjhgj…. But it’s basically just the main group of people who exist to make certain final decisions on law and policy and help with the functioning of Navyete.
There can be 600 - 800 council members at a time, who all specialize in particular areas, and also don’t have that much power. They exist more as a mediating group who can help other groups communicate with each other, represent their people when meeting with outside governments, resolve conflicts between groups who can’t resolve it on their own, aid in the ease of distributing resources, etc. They don’t necessarily rule anything, as much as they just help manage the whims of the country and try to keep things running smoothly. 
Ultimately the people hold a majority of the power (most actual decisions are made on a local level by smaller councils of the citizens who live in a particular area, or other affiliated groups (like if people do labor, they collectively own their workplace and make decisions and rules about it, generally having nothing to do with involvement from the higher council, etc.)) , The Council just kind of helps aid the citizens rule their own country, providing a bit of extra cohesion and organization so it’s easier for all these smaller governing groups to communicate between each other and do things collectively as a nation. 
Sort of like an actor having an agent that represents them and helps advise them and make connections for them and etc., but ultimately the main career moves and stuff are decided by the actor themselves. The Council would be an ‘’agent’’ and the “actor” would be the people of the country, who still handle most stuff as a collective but rely on the council for additional guidance and national cohesion where necessary.
Despite their somewhat smaller role in terms of actually controlling Navyete, since they do represent the entire country (like at meetings with foreign governments and etc.), and also because of the circumstances and purpose under which they were originally founded, the Council still is kind of seen as a symbol of Navyete and of the Avirre’thel as a whole, and are often interpreted as very significant. A version of the flag of the council is also the flag of the country (which is also often used to represent their entire species), and the people of Navyete are culturally generally proud of the progress their species/ country has made since their rocky beginnings, so they also see the Council as a positive representation of themselves, and kind of allow it to take on the symbolic meaning that it has.  
(for more information on the Avirre’thel , their info directory is HERE (link))
(Also, this group technically isn’t species specific. Though Navyete is an extremely homogeneous nation and all of the council families are of Avirre'thel origin, they do still regularly invite special advisors and etc. onto the council to help them make decisions. So, SOME of the members are actually non-avirre'thel, most prominently there are a good handful of jhevona on the council and some elves and etc., but it's MOSTLY avirre'thel and is still very culturally linked to them, so I'm considering it a species/culture specific group. Even if there could technically be an elf or jhevona on the council, they likely still grew up in Navyete and are a part of that culture.)
How the council is organized and ran and etc. is a lot more complicated (there are stringent regulations on everything, council members basically have to go through years of training starting from when they’re kids, all the different layers of local governments and how that system works alongside the council, the council’s meeting place is like a giant ancient city carved into the side of a mountain (it also has a sometimes frozen waterfall running through it lol), scheduled mandatory council meeting dates, how they make decisions and how the deliberation process of coming to a decision works, etc. etc) , but hopefully I can write something in more detail about it someday!  Just know that it’s all very complicated and annoying lol..
The council obviously exists basically just in the country of Navyete. Though since part of their job is to act as representatives of their people when negotiating with foreign governments/organizations/etc., they do occasionally send diplomats to other places. Their area of influence is mostly limited to Navyete though, since the Avirre’thel culturally tend to be more isolated and inwards-focused*.
* (In the sense of like, they don’t want to be a major country on the world stage, be the ~~Richest And Most Powerful~~ nation, spread their influence, etc. As long as their country is doing fine and they’re making the internal improvements that they need to make and etc., outside affairs don’t concern them as much. Contrast this to countries like Fanyin or Asen, where becoming a rich globally known area or being politically significant around the world is more culturally important to the people/the government of those lands, so they’re more inclined to try to get involved in the business of other countries/groups/etc. The Council will get involved with stuff when it NEEDS to, but they’re really not going around sending off diplomats across the world to meddle in foreign affairs or gain riches or  start useless wars or whatever lol**)
**(Which, just to clarify, they couldn’t go worldwide meddling even if they wanted to... Culturally most of the actual citizens of Navyete would be strongly against that. All the legal regulations on the council + Navyete culture in general makes a situation where.. council members are extremely aware that the general populace would not hesitate to overthrow the council or just kick certain members out in a second if ever necessary, so their attitude is always very like.. “damn.. we better all listen to the people and be on our best behavior.... Or Else”. The Council doesn’t have it’s own police force, they don’t own any resources themselves (they’re actually not allowed to lol, they don’t even own their homes/food/clothing/etc. technically, it’s just on loan to them which belongs to the country collectively), they don’t get paid much more than anyone else, etc. etc. so it’s not like they have much power to leverage, they can’t hoard resources or pay people off or etc. At most, they have intricate knowledge of how the country works and a good bit of connections, but so do a lot of smaller local government leaders outside of the council. 
Basically, the Council is only in place because the people find them genuinely helpful and they’re good at what they do. Were that ever like.. not the case, it’s set up so it’s pretty easy for everyone to just be like ‘Hmm.. I guess you’re not needed anymore then!’ and decide to remove members, reverse decisions, dismantle the council as a whole (though this would be a longer process than kicking someone out.. you can kick out a council member in like.. 2 days time lol.. While there are instructions and plans already in place for the process of dismantling/overthrowing the council system if needed, it would definitely be a years long transition and not two days hghh), etc. But ANYWAY!! My point is that, even if the council wanted to do some wild stuff like go start a war with elves or something, they wouldn’t get very far in the first place since the general population and broader localized community leaders of the people would step in almost immediately and be like ‘Actually, This Will Not Be Happening’ lol)  
There are no set uniforms or appearance for them, but it’s possible they could still be identified if they happen to have clothing or items adorned with the symbol they use to represent themselves, which is shown in this post here (link). 
THOUGH, it is required that when you’re on the grounds of the huge ancient building the Council uses as their home base/capital city/etc., you must be wearing traditional Avirre’thel clothing. It doesn’t really count as a uniform, since they don’t wear it all the time, and only do so when AT the actual meeting place/holding council, but it is at least a form of required clothing for them at times. (though everyone in the population probably wears their traditional clothing every once in a while, for events, celebrations, etc. so the Council mandatorily wearing it every few months when they meet isn’t unique or anything).  - For more info on traditional Avirre’thel clothing and what it looks like, you can go to this post here (link). 
The Avii’da Vina:
The Avvi’da Vina (which literally translates to ‘children of ancient elves’ in avirrekava) are a small group of vampires/avirre’thel who wholly embrace the fact that the Avirre’thel species are technically the most direct currently living ancestors of ancient elves, and seek for this to be further recognized.  Members of the Avvi’da Vina firmly believe that the avirre’thel should still have a place within elven society, sometimes even moreso than any modern day elves, due to their unique connection to ancient elven history,, and that they should be recognized as elves (or at least some sort of subspecies of elves), rather than a different species entirely. The group is mostly made up of scholars, historians, or various other researchers, and seems to generally have the purpose of merely connecting and spreading information. However, it is often seen as a political organization, due to the implications of said information. Even if arguably they may be factually correct (though many elven groups have rewritten their histories to hide it, so some may still consider it factually false) and seem to only wish to spread this knowledge and follow through with the questions it presents, their ideas are very controversial among both elves and other avirre’thel alike.
I already have a post written about them HERE (link), so I won’t go over much detail, other than the brief description above. 
The Avvi’da Vina operate mostly just around Aviinine, though certain representatives of the group are known to travel far and wide for things like studying ancient elven ruins, speaking to different groups of elves about their information, etc. 
There are no set uniforms or appearance for this group, but it’s possible they could still be identified if they happen to have clothing or items adorned with the symbol they use to represent themselves, which  I was going to draw like some of the others in this post, but I forgot, and now I’m like going over everything to proofread it for a last time and don’t feel like drawing something else ghghgh, so I’ll try to go back and add it later. If I add other groups to the world, or create new info about any of them, I plan on going back to modify this anyway, so .. lol
Additionally, they often wear traditional avirre’thel clothing most all the time, to honor their heritage (and because their traditional clothing is pretty close to ancient elven clothing as well). But of course aren’t strict enough about it that they don’t wear other stuff when necessary (like having to dress elven to blend in in an elven city they’re handing out information in, etc.)
(Though it’s mostly avirre’thel, elves can also be members of the Avvi’da Vina, but membership would really be limited to only those two species. Like, there would be no reason for a jhevona to really join this group or something, since they have no personal stake or interest in whether avirre’thel are ever merged back into elven society or not, and if they did it would be a bit weird lol..like.. why are you so passionate about this when it’s not your business gfgh )  
Syehtavaege'sa bi'gyanei:
A small group of about 25 individuals (not including the additional helpers that work for them and aid in leading people to them from location to location), who play a very significant role in Avirre’thel culture. Because Avirre’thel are inherently immortal and cannot die naturally*, one of the only ways that they die is by going to the ‘Syehtavaege'sa bi'gyanei’ and requesting to end their lives. This group has been around since the initial modification of the species (from ancient elves to what they are now) when they were originally modified in a pact with the ancient jhevona and made immortal. 
The location of the Syehtavaege'sa bi'gyanei are unknown. You have to go through like eight layers of asking for information before you can even speak with them (one person will tell you where to find the next person, the next person will tell you where a second location is to ask for the third, etc. and nobody in this line up knows all the information together (so the 3rd person you ask only knows of the 2nd person and 4th person, but not the 7th, etc.)), just to make things extra secure and difficult for anyone from outside to accomplish (like an elven spy or something). 
This is another reason why it’s a really big decision, once you start on the process you can’t really change your mind (once you’ve gone to a few locations, you know too much). And also typically why you have to do it alone, someone can’t go on the journey with you and then come back, since then they’d know too much (but, you can go as a group, some friends or couples choose to die together). Though, it’s said that there have been cases of people going on the journey to find the Syehtavaege'sa bi'gyanei and then returning, it’s likely they turned back at an early enough stage that it didn’t matter, or possibly had their memories wiped using magic of some kind. The first person you talk to, the start of the process, is openly known information and easy to access (obviously, otherwise it’d be like denying people access to their right to die once they feel they’ve lived a suitable life, which as people who will literally live forever otherwise, is an important choice for them to be able to have agency in (sometimes 15,000 yrs is just enough for someone and forcing them to go on would cause suffering for them)), but all the steps up after that are secretive, especially since nobody who makes the journey to death lives to tell about it. 
Obviously, how exactly the Avirre’thel are killed is kept as an extremely guarded secret as well. It’s thought that perhaps the Syehtavaege'sa bi'gyanei are capable of a special type of magic, or maybe are in possession of a magical item, something that allows them to actually kill Avirre’thel. Since the only people who have ever met them are now dead, there’s also a lot of strange theories and speculation surrounding them. While they do send out representatives to convey messages on their behalf (if needed, which is rare), they’ve never appeared to anyone personally (there is an old tale that one of the Syehtavaege'sa bi'gyanei was caught by a jhevona spy once (working on behalf of elves, of course) and promptly committed suicide using some sort of magic, to prevent their captors from being able to get any information out of them, but this is the ONLY instance of personal outside interaction with the Syehtavaege'sa bi'gyanei that is known, and it may be just a rumor). 
Some people think that the Syehtavaege'sa bi'gyanei aren’t fellow Avirre’thel at all, but are perhaps instead jhevona, or some other magical species that would be able to perform magic strong enough to break a powerful immortality enchantment. Some believe that it’s not a group at all, but is in fact just one person, the ancient jhevona who originally aided in creating the Avirre’thel, just counteracting their own magic to allow death to occur**. Some even think that the Syehtavaege'sa bi'gyanei may be an unknown species entirely, as they were supposedly made up of members of the original avirre’thel, they could be basically modified ancient elves (like the avirre’thel), but altered differently, maybe they’ve gained immortality AND kept their ability for magic in order to fill a place as unique guardians of the species, or perhaps even had their magic increased, some sort of immortal ancient elf/jhevona hybrids who have abilities and lifestyles atypical to most modern Avirre’thel. 
Though the most common idea is that, they are in fact just regular Avirre’thel (though of course older, some of the originals), except with access to a special ritual, or a spell, or some sort of enchantment, likely given to them by the ancient jhevona that helped form the species, which they can utilize to magically kill, despite not possessing any inherent magic themselves. It’s thought that they probably don’t even know how it works, they just remember all the steps and do what the ancient jhevona set up for them to do, which results in somehow making avirre’thel vulnerable enough to die. They may even be killed just with a knife or a poison or something, if all the Fancy Secret Ritual has to do is break the immortality enchantment, after that, the person could choose to die in any way they’d like, as they’d now be able to die by completely normal means. 
The Syehtavaege'sa bi'gyanei obviously only operate in Navyete, in a secret location, and make no contact with anyone outside of the country (they barely even have contact with anyone inside the country either lol).
There COULD be a uniform or set appearance for this group, but nobody would know it, since nobody ever actually has seen them (or all the people who have are.. dead). Any symbols or representative markings for this group are also either non-existent or unknown.
** (though in more recent times this rumor is less likely, as the original ancient jhevona they spoke to is still around and about, Avirre’thel have tried to contact them before and it’s now known they seem to be very neutral/uncaring for their role in the avirre’thel’s creation. Like most ancient jhevona, this one is very isolated, bizarre, only cares about what’s in their own mind, nearly completely detached from what’s going on in the common world, etc.  It’s unlikely that they’d be hanging around dedicating all this time to being some sort of a death god for them, when it seems like they could care less in the first place.)
*(note: Technically they CAN die in other ways, but it’s extremely difficult. Basically what keeps them immortal is their quick and flawless (meaning  it doesn’t go haywire and cause excessive growth/cancers) regeneration. An Avirre’thel’s body can reform itself from even the SMALLEST amount of residue. A drop of blood, a pile of ashes, a stray hair, etc. As long as there’s SOMETHING nearby that’s leftover for the original body’s soul to attach itself to, it will automatically latch onto that and regenerate. So if you had some sort of way to completely obliterate a person and wipe all traces of local matter away into completely nothing, then Avirre’thel COULD technically die by that method. But weaponry and magic like that just really doesn’t exist in Nanyevimi, so it’s practically considered impossible. 
The only other means by which Avirre’thel have died in the past, was a “magic plague” that happened about 9,000 years ago. Northern elves (with the help of a few Jhevona who obviously handled most of the complex magic) originally developed a ‘disease’ as a means for fighting war with the Avirre’thel (which the northern elves provoked in the first place, of  course.. the fanyiniri really are just like “I’m going to be a bitch and the second you actually call me out on it about it then i WILL orchestrate risky biological warfare and kill half of my own country as well because YES i DO only have one fucking braincell”), and were just as shocked as the Avirre’thel were when it was actually able to kill them (albeit slowly). Unfortunately, it was also extremely lethal to everyone else, and basically everyone on the entire continent started dying (elves, jhevona, avirre’thel, etc.). Since it got out of hand, a random group of a few ancient jhevona came out of hiding and ended up mysteriously doing.. something... to eradicate it, but because nobody even had any idea how it worked in the first place (it’s creation was a fluke), there is still a lot of mystery surrounding it and the exact ‘disease’ has never been able to be replicated. From what people know, it SEEMS like it somehow was able to infect... magic itself? As non-magical species were unaffected. But that raises questions about the nature of magic and how something like that is even possible. 
It’s also unknown why it affected the Avirre’thel, as a non-magical species, but the best guess theory is that because they’re TECHNICALLY still an inherently magical species (they’re just elves, but who had a few modifications and have a large-scale species-wide blood-linked enchantment set up to take their magic away and siphon it elsewhere, so live as a non-magical species in practice), they were still able to be ‘infected’. Since the species enchantment is what keeps them immortal, and enchantments are magical in origin, perhaps a ‘’disease’’ that affects magic would make it where that enchantment is no longer able to work properly, thus removing the source of their immortality. 
ANYWAY, so, they have been able to die in the past, and technically if you were able to destroy every bit of them completely they would die, but it’s SO unlikely and so impossible to happen, that functionally, their only method of death is to request to be ritually killed as described above.)
(random sidenote: The magic plague thing was something I had written into my world-building a long time ago, far before everything going on now. I just wanted to clarify that I wasn’t like, using the current pandemic as Cool Worldbuilding Inspiration Wow Stories About People Dying From Diseases And Plagues Are So Fun Hee Hee ! the timing of when I finally finish this draft may make it seem weird, but I’m pretty sure I’ve referenced it in posts a while ago before now) 
ALSO - further information about the name of the group! (since I bothered to make a language I might as well use it sometimes, but you can skip this section if that’s not interesting to you)
Here’s a breakdown of the name - ‘Syehtavaege'sa bi'gyanei’, which can also be called  “ Syehtavaege'sa tu bi'gyanei yrra “ more formally :  
gyanei - eternal/everlasting syehta - verb root for to have something, to be in possession of something, mostly abstract like to posses a quality yrra - added onto the end of something (usually name or title) to convey reverence/importance bi - thing that makes stuff negative (kind of like ‘UN’ in english, for example - happy > UNhappy, familiar > UNfamiliar, etc.)  tu - on the topic of/in relevance to/denotes what is being spoken about (kind of like “of” in english)
vaege - one of the rare two ancient verb endings (in addition to the typical six) that are in modern times rarely used for anything except emphasis. ‘vaege’ when added to the end of a verb indicates an action as constant and ongoing. So instead of present-positive ending, past-positive ending, past-negative ending, etc., this one is more like ‘constant-positive’. Like the difference between “She wears pants” VS. “She is always wearing pants”, etc. (and like most verb endings, ‘vaege’ can be shortened to ‘vage’ or even just ‘ge’, but in this instance, that would be seen as too informal/disrespectful since this is an official title/name of an important group)
‘sa - a suffix that makes verbs, adjectives, nouns, (really any type of word) into a personal descriptor. Kind of like ‘ly’ in english, except if you could add it to verbs and everything else too (’run’ + ly = ‘runly’ , and having that mean ‘someone who is running/a runner/etc.) It’s basically like ‘to exist in the manner of’ , so like -
bright + 'sa = brightly (to exist in the manner of 'bright') mother + 'sa = motherly (to exist in the manner of 'mother') verb for 'climb' + 'sa = climbly , person/ thing that climbs/ something that does the act of climbing (to exist in the manner of 'climb'). Though with verbs, the verb ending does alter the meaning, so if the ending is past negative (’did not climb’), then adding ‘sa would mean “person/thing that DID NOT climb”, or if future positive - person/thing that “WILL climb”, etc.  bird + ‘sa = birdly, someone/something that resembles a bird (to exist in the manner of ‘bird’).. etc. etc. 
So, now with all of that information - 
“Syehtavaege'sa tu bi'gyanei yrra”  =  (verb root for ‘to possess’)(constant positive)’(exists in the manner of) (in reference to) (UN)(eternal) (respect marker) 
meaning roughly:
“person/object/thing that permanently exists in the manner of possessing something (and what exactly is being possessed is >) that which is NOT-everlasting (and also this is important/revered)”
Translated into a way that would make sense in English/convey a similar tone, it could be something like: 
"Those who hold the non-everlasting", "Owners of permanence" , “Keepers of ending”, “Those who oversee finality”, etc. Meaning basically, people who guard and maintain the process of death, and are the Avirre’thel peoples’ only access to a final and permanent sort of ending. 
Which they could just have it be simple like "The Death Council", but this name was created by the original ancient-elves-recently-turned-vampires who were first creating the concept, so the language MUST be flowery and a bit vague, as is the true ancient elven tradition. This is something that comes up a lot in Avirrekava (the language of the avirre’thel) which is like.. modern terms tend to be more practical and straightforward the further they grow away from their ancient elven roots/influence, and so you can kind of tell when a place name or a concept or a title was invented a LONG time ago because it will be overly long and more abstract lol. 
A modern named city would just be something like “suitable trading place” or etc., but an older city established by some of the original avirre’thel would have a name translating to something like “homeland of echos, playing the everlasting world’s soft song” (basically there’s a waterfall nearby and you can hear the ~~worlds’ soft song~~ (flowing water) from the city lol..).
 A lot of early personal names are also long and you can tell them apart from newer ones (modern Avirrekava baby names -  Anhana, Ara, Ada, Viku, Nari, Tyara, Erivera, etc. OLD baby names - Ishimanare, Ye’isahana, Harivuyenia, Tuyakuhera, Anayaheiru*, Ibayamarinesi, etc.), some people still name their kids stuff like ‘Imaenasevayuni’ or something, but it definitely stands out. ANYWAY,  “~~Those who posses that which is non-eternal~~” JUST SAY ‘death bringers’ or something, stop being pretentious ghhghj 
*(the previously mentioned ’anhana’ (+ stuff like ‘anheru’ ‘aharu’ ‘anyeru’ ) is actually a modernized version of ‘Anayaheiru’)
Council of Broader Siryonla :
Similar to the Collection of Southern Jhevona and the Union of Non-Allied elves, this is a group that seeks to represent the interests of all inhabitants of Siryonla. Basically all the governments and rulers and etc. from every little small island country in the whole of Siryonla communicate and coordinate with each other on a council. Since they’re usually such small, easily vulnerable populations, they figure it’s better to band together.  Though they all maintain their own agency and internal rules and stuff (like not all of them have the same type of government, economic system, culture, etc.), they still work together to decide certain things that will affect the entire population broadly, to guarantee to defend one another, and etc. Though there are a few islands/groups that are generally not present on the council because they prefer to be isolated or are still so hidden off from the world that they don’t understand the attempts at contact from those in the islands around them, the broad council would still likely defend them if they were to be attacked, or help them in any way they could, even if they’re not formally in the alliance since, they’re still part of Siryonla. 
Obviously the area of operation for this group is... the islands of Siryonla. Though they may send representatives to speak to foreign governments or something, pretty much all of their business is internal, just stuff like making sure everyone on all of the islands has enough resources, trying to neutrally settle conflicts between various island nations, etc.
There are no set uniforms or appearance for this group like there are for others (again, way too broad of a group), but it’s possible they could still be identified if they happen to have clothing or items adorned with the symbol they use to represent themselves, which is shown in this post here (link).
This isn’t a species specific one, but it is culture/area specific, since it obviously wouldn't apply to anyone who doesn’t live in any of the Siryonla islands. 
Ehn-imkasyn :
The Ehn-imkasyn are a group specific to the Thastanri people (a subspecies of jhevona) that includes the Imkasyn, and also those who protect them, as well as general experts in dream/mind/soul magics. Kind of similar to how a group of craftsmen may get together to represent their trade and share insider crafting secrets and keep it alive/spread knowledge to younger generations and etc. Because their expertise in this specific style of magic is very significant (and protected) within their culture, they kind of group together to share knowledge among themselves and study/practice these forms of magic. Most Thastanri have to train and work to gain the good favor of the group before being allowed to join and be taught the more difficult/complex feats of magic by the group experts, but obviously Imkasyn are welcomed into the group immediately regardless of their training or etc., due to their unique abilities. 
There are a few different focuses of the Ehn-imkasyn, various areas members can specialize in, but they’re most notorious for their assassins/defense forces. Because of the Thastanri’s already existing inclinations towards highly advanced soul magics, their assassins basically just take this base ability and weaponize it. Using a rare subset of soul magic unique to only the Thastanri, they can have their soul leave their bodies and inhabit the dreams realms of others as they’re sleeping, genuinely affecting the mind and physical state of the person from inside themselves, without even having to do anything in the waking world (while you can’t physically hurt someone in the real world from inside a dream, you can compel them to harm themselves, in a barely awake state, kind of like sleep-walking).  
Dream/soul magic is already a thing that many advanced mages can use and on it’s own isn’t very novel, BUT, the difference is the exact techniques the Ehn-imkasyn use, unique specialized ways of accomplishing feats ‘normal’ dream magic isn’t capable of, the specifics of which have been passed down as an ancient art for thousands of years and are well guarded by them and can pretty much only be acquired by outsiders if they were to be allowed to train alongside them (which is nearly impossible due to how closed off they are). Mostly, the special thing is that they have somehow mastered the ability of having two souls in one body without one beginning to absorb the other, and without any damage or fracturing of either one, as well as being able to maintain their souls outside of their own bodies for an unheard of amount of time, and traveling around as just a soul without having to hop from body to body, etc. (this makes more sense if you read the post about soul absorption HERE (link), which goes over how that part of soul magic works, and could explain why being able to do what they do is really strange))
While all Ehn-imkasyn (and most Thastanri, generally) have a good understanding and use of dream/soul magics, the specific branch of defense forces are generally the highest trained/most-advanced, and are the only ones adept at finding such a variety of ways to effectively use it as a weapon without killing themselves in the process (remember, any soul magic, ESPECIALLY soul magic where your soul leaves it’s own physical form, is extremely volatile, and even people well trained in it are prone to getting trapped in other people’s dreams, losing their soul entirely (dying basically), suffering permanent damage, etc. The ability to hop in and out of dreamers’ minds, as well as induce various mental states and have a serious longstanding effect on things even outside of the dreams, AND do all of this easily/quickly without mistakes and without destroying your own soul is like.. extremely unheard of even among the most advanced mages. The Ehn-imkasyn’s branch of defense forces are really seen as one of a kind, using a level/method of that magic that you just don’t see anywhere else.)
And of course, as Jhevona cultures have a focus on preserving magic and not using it unnecessarily, the Ehn-imkasyn are also highly skilled in just regular physical combat, survival training, usually all have experience in medical/healing arts (both magic and non-magic methods), have advanced weapons training, etc. So like, mostly they wouldn’t even be in a situation that can’t just be resolved by them easily destroying enemies in a plain old non-magic way, BUT, if need be, they can indeed hop into your head and murder you from the inside out in like under 30 minutes so... also an important detail to consider. 
While the Thastanri (and most Jhevona cultures overall) are typically non-violent (so having an elite force of almost comically overpowered dream assassins sounds a bit uncharacteristic), the idea behind this is really just that they see it as urgent to have ways to protect Imkasyn. Thastanri culturally believe that, even though the significance hasn’t been proven or concretely discovered yet, the unique abilities of the Imkasyn mean something, and it will come into play at a later date, involving something extremely important on a world scale, thus they have to preserve their people (most importantly their Imkasyn) until that time. There are many prophecies and myths involving the importance of this in their culture.  So, especially now, in times of low population growth, or upheaval (like the not so distant past of people invading their lands to hunt dragons), a pristine ability to self-defend, and especially to protect the Imkasyn (since according to them, one day their significance will be discovered on a broad scale, causing people to hunt them as well), they see as very important to focus on, to prepare forces to defend themselves, now and in the prophesied future. 
For the Thastanri, it can be considered a rite of passage to train and try to join and learn the secrets and expertise of the Ehn-imkasyn, but it’s not culturally required or all that strongly expected of people. The Thastanri are known for this style of magic and definitely have a much higher than average amount of their population that’s highly trained in it, but it’s not like literally EVERY person in the entire subspecies is going to join the group or aim to become an expert. 
(for more information on the Thastanri/what it means to be an Imkasyn/etc., I have an info post about them HERE (link)) 
The Ehn-imkasyn obviously just operate exclusively in the area the Thastanri live in, which is a tiny secluded territory kind of around the southern coastal areas of Nonvas Kfal (which is where a lot of small scattered Jhevona groups tend to live). The Thastanri don’t communicate with outsiders (for reasons mentioned in the post about them), and though they do occasionally speak to other groups of Jhevona in the area, it wouldn’t be often or with such regularity that you could say the group really does anything anywhere but in their own lands.  
(Though occasionally people from outside lands will show up to the Thastanri’s territory and be like ‘omg I hear you guys have the skills to be SUPER good assassins, I am a big fancy king or whatever and will pay you a million billion everything to use your unrivaled expertise to assassinate my political opponent’, to which the Ehn-imakysn representative is usually just like “Hello friend, If you do not leave our lands immediately, you shall experience first hand just how good we are at killing people” hghhjjb.. OR, people may also come asking for defense, as the Ehn-imkasyn kind of hold the poison and the cure. In addition to being the worlds highest specialists in this particular brand of dream/soul magic, they also have developed various unique methods of protection against dream/soul magics. 
Enchantments which prevent magic from being used are obviously common in the realm (otherwise magic would instantly hold too much power over anyone who isn’t magic), things like making barriers around homes/areas, making one invincible to magic whilst sleeping/vulnerable, etc. But, since they’re still just enchantments, it would be technically possible for them to be broken by someone with stronger abilities than the mage who set them (if they’re also specialized in enchantment-breaking, which is rare and very difficult). Most preventative enchantments would work fine in like 94% of scenarios (assuming proper upkeep/recharging of the enchantment of course), but for royals or extremely advanced mages or something who REALLY want a layer of extra assurance, some seek out people like the Ehn-imkasyn. Normal ‘no magic can be done around me while sleeping’ enchantments are still quite protective, but the Ehn-imkasyn of course know specialized techniques centered specifically about preventing soul/dream magics, making it essentially impossible for others to enter your dreams, putting advanced barriers around the soul, etc. etc. 
Though again, even though they have such rare abilities that could possibly be in demand from a lot of people, they still generally refuse to help anyone lol.. So, for a lot of reasons actually, outsiders attempt to communicate with them, but these attempts are basically always rejected (unless it’s helping some other small group of local jhevona or something, but the Ehn-imkasyn see their purpose as far too significant, way beyond wasting time on foreign politics and assassinations and nobles and protecting random mages from having their dreams broken into, etc. And it’s not like anyone can force them to work for them involuntarily since... they’re super assassins lol.. Outsiders all kind of just have to walk away dejected and disappointed  ) 
The Ehn-imkasyn don’t have uniforms, or a representative symbol for their group, but they do incorporate the tradition of Jhevona eye markings as a means to distinguish themselves, They have special ones that look like this 
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(Like most jhevona eye markings, the design can be on both eyes, but can also be on a single eye, just depending on the personal meaning to the individual)
Vilheiiatheni Congregation:
The Vilheiiatheni Congregation is a religious group catered towards non-alliance elves. Since Elven Alliance nations generally intertwine their religion with their government, they don’t really have many independent religious groups, as usually religious leaders and royalty/government leaders are the same people (and also, religious beliefs and practices are regulated within the Alliance, so there’s not enough variance to warrant having separate groups anyhow). Elven groups outside of the alliance, however, generally have a lot more space for independent religious groups, and have more religious freedom in general to interpret the elven religion in different ways/practice different things, so this is just one of the main groups that exists.
The main purpose of the Vilheiiatheni Congregation is really just to study and document the religion and do various helpful things, kind of like a church mixed with a college?  On top of doing stuff like building/maintaining shrines, offering religious counsel, training people in their ways (I guess kind of like training someone to be a priest, but they don’t really have formal titles like “priest” in the elven religion), writing and distributing information pamphlets, creating religious goods (like special ornaments, candles, etc.), and diplomatically representing the religion (like educating others about it and etc.),, they also seek out ancient religious texts, preserve religious documents, translate ancient religious writings,  etc. 
Their official position is to remain neutral in terms of any conflicts between Alliance and Non-alliance elves, as their primary focus is merely to upkeep and spread information about the elven religion. They don’t entertain conflicts over which form of belief is the ‘One True Way To Believe’ or which gods are the One True God or which practices are The Good Perfect Correct Ones and which are bad or whatever, they welcome all forms and interpretations of the religion, and are merely just appreciative to be able to help others and spread knowledge about it. Because of this, they study really anything, and don’t discriminate when it comes to what subjects or sub-groups of the religion to focus on, they want to document EVERYTHING no matter what it is (even minor gods that some random village of elves made up and added to the pantheon, like.. yes. they HAVE to take notes on that.. rip to scholars who disregard anything that isn’t ‘’official’’ or ‘’canonical’’ enough but the vilheiiatheni congregation is different). 
Despite their neutrality, they actually do get into some issues with the Alliance from time to time, because the Elven Alliance loves to hoard information and religious relics and etc., since they think they should be the One True Primary Authority on the ancient/modern elven religion. There are occasional back and forths where each group will try to steal information from each other, or like scholars from both groups are rushing over to a recently discovered ancient ruin to try to make sure THEY’RE the one that gets there first, etc. lol  
Oddly, the Vilheiiatheni Congregation is somewhat allied with the Avirre’thel (so, the Council of Navyete), as the avirre’thel evolved directly from ancient elves and live on ancient historical land that was formerly occupied by them. Additionally, they’re immortal, so some of them still remember ancient elven traditions and stuff from like 25,000 years ago (like mentioned with the Avvi’da Vina stuff, some aspects of Avirre’thel culture are closer to ancient elves than modern day elves even are).  So, the Avirre’thel actually do posses a good number of ancient elven religious items, have ancient shrines built on their land, etc. They welcome the Vilheiiatheni Congregation to come and see them to study them, share old texts with them, etc.
This is also part of why the Congregation tries to remain neutral and would never genuinely ally with the Elven Alliance, even if they didn’t already have the occasional issue, since the Avirre’thel and the Elven Alliance DEFINITELY have big big issues, so the Congregation is careful about not pissing off the Avirre’thel by getting cozy with a group that’s previously terrorized them. Even though the Avirre’thel are technically no longer elves, they’re one of  the closest connections to living/well preserved ancient elven history that the Congregation has access to, so they find it essential to stay friendly with them. (at least until the Elven Alliance stops hoarding every ancient elven artifact it can get it’s hands on for themselves... which.. will never happen ghgh)
( Also just to note: The elven religion doesn’t focus on conversion, it’s seen as being for ELVES first and foremost, it’s not for anyone else and not anybody else’s business. They don’t need to convert random people into following it, unless they’re elves, and there’s rarely an elf that hasn’t been exposed to their own cultural belief system (unless maybe a rare case where an elf was adopted into another culture or etc.). Thus, they don’t operate like some other religious organizations in the sense of sending out missionaries or etc. They do have people who travel to spread information or help communities of fellow elves, but there’s no focus on conversion or assimilation, as they all basically believe the same thing anyway, even if there may be some local variations. 
The closest thing you’d get to stuff like that in the elven religion is maybe the very specific religion of Elven Alliance nations, and how they have certain standards that they want people under their influence to live up to (like recognizing Inaashi as the only currently living god, etc.), so they would maybe “convert” in the sense of trying to get other religious elves to practice the same form of religion they do. But in the sense of like, going on mission trips to convert outsiders or try to get other people who aren’t elves to join their religion, that would be seen as extremely strange and kind of improper. 
(Kind of like how Jhevona would never take their cultural custom of doing markings over their eyes and decide to invite some random elf or human or something to wear markings too (you can read more about this in the info post about Jhevona (here) if you don’t get what I’m referencing).. Because of the meaning of the tradition, it just doesn’t apply to outsiders, and it would make no sense for someone from another culture to adopt the practice. It’s explicitly linked to something unique about them as a people, so while they would maybe educate others about it, they would never invite an outsider to literally participate in it, since it’s just not for them and by definition it can’t apply to them. That’s kind of how most elves are about their religious beliefs.*))
(*which is part of why more strict religious elves (how the Alliance typically is) have additional issue with the Avirre’thel, since they don’t see them as elves anymore, BUT they still are living on land with ancient elven shrines, have access to insider cultural religious information, etc. To them, it feels like an invasion of their culture, like the Avirre’thel have access to things they shouldn’t have access to, because the elven religion is NOT for outsiders, only ‘’real elves’’, and the Avirre’thel of course are not and never have been ‘’real elves’’, therefore how DARE they have elven shrines on their land, etc. Sometimes this even goes so far as groups believing the Avirre’thel  should drop all mention of elven gods in their culture, return all lands with old shrines on them back to the elves, etc. etc. (This of course doesn’t acknowledge the fact that the land was given to them BY elves in the first place, that the original avirre’thel actually built most of the ‘’ancient elven’’ shrines themselves (back when they were still considered elves), etc. BUT anyway hghjbjh, the complicated back and forth between avirre’thel and modern northern elves on the continent is a whole other topic entirely lol)) 
(For more info on the elven religion, there’s a post HERE (link))
The Congregation is similar to the International Union Of Non-Allied Elves, in that it kind of just operates anywhere that elves are. Mostly in the northern parts of the globe, etc. They share pretty much the same area of influence. 
They also don’t have uniforms, but are known to wear white a lot, and may have clothing or items adorned with a symbol representing them, which is often these few ones (I didn’t draw these yet like some of the others in this post lol... maybe I’ll add this part in later)
A ‘’religious’’ group of avirre’thel who see ancient jhevona as similar to gods. After having an ancient jhevona alter their species and seeing the powers these beings are capable of, they revere them in a way, and frequently attempt to make offerings to them, keep track of them, and get into communication with them. Though, very little is known about the ancient jhevona (as most of them are in complete hiding/isolation at all times and have forgotten the rest of the world for the most part), so it’s incredibly rare and difficult to actually speak with any of them, and becomes more of a symbolic or intellectual pursuit than anything practical. 
The Jhenasainye also have a bit more of a scholarly/researchy sort of interest, rather than their ‘’’religion’’ being mystical or spiritual. They see the ancient jhevona as a pretty normal phenomena, nothing otherworldly, though they do still believe they’re worthy of appreciation and study, and that becoming closer to these beings and trying to harness bits of their powers could help improve society.  Jhenasainye don’t believe that ‘’gods’’ exist in the sense of there being all-powerful unexplained mystical beings roaming around, but they do still stand by the idea that someone who has the magical ability to transform living creatures, to grant blessings, curses, to change the entire course of history, to modify entire environments, etc. etc. is really functionally no different from a ‘’god’’, even if they technically were just born a normal person. 
Similar to the ancient elven shrines that remain around the land (though in modern times they’re less religious and more just used in cultural ceremonies or as community resources), there have been shrines built dedicated to a few of the main ancient jhevona the  Jhenasainye have identified/gathered information on so far, and people are welcome to visit them and try their luck at making offerings, asking for council, asking for blessings, etc. Though an answer is impossibly rare. 
The Jhenasainye mostly operate in the south of Navyete, and have a good handful of shrines and research centers clustered around there.  It’s a very small group and worship/preoccupation with ancient jhevona is seen as an obscure movement, but I’m counting them as a group that could be important to take note of, since they do have distinct views from the majority of the population, with their own individual goals and interests. 
(note: Though the Avan (a culturally distinct group of Avirre’thel) technically worship and are in communication with an ancient jhevona, they don’t count as Jhenasainye.  Jhenasainye seek out ALL ancient jhevona, and attempt to study and learn about them, try to talk to them, build shrines, etc. The Avan focus solely on their one ‘’God’’ and could care less about any others. The Jhenasainye also don’t acknowledge the ‘’god’’ that the Avan keep in contact with, as they see her as a bad person who’s just trying to manipulate a vulnerable group of people and start a cult. While they do respect all ancient jhevona, and are in awe of their abilities, etc.,,the Jhenasainye still acknowledge that at the end of the day, the ancient jhevona are just regular people, and thus can have personality flaws and negative intentions. The group thus doesn’t believe in interacting with ancient jhevona that are cruel, or obviously just trying to get something out of them. ) 
The main criticism of the Jhenasainye from other Avirre’thel, is that it’s dangerous to be trying to come into contact with such powerful beings. Even if the ancient jhevona are known to keep to themselves/seemingly mutually agree to keep out of the affairs of the rest of the world, making contact and asking for the influence of people who could probably evaporate their entire civilization off the face of the planet if they felt like it, might not be a good risk to take, even if every once in a while they meet one who’s nice. Though the  Jhenasainye trust in their own discretion and take care to be wary of who they attempt to communicate with, some feel that’s not enough. Supremely powerful beings may be handy to have ‘on your side’, and form positive mutual relationships with, but at the same time, the possibility of that benefit comes with a massive potential risk. 
Groups of Jhevona immigrants that live among the Avirre’thel  also often criticize the Jhenasainye, mostly due to the fact that, ancient jhevona are just.... normal jhevona. Ancient jhevona have been through tens of thousands of years of training, study, magic trickery (probably just a bit of illegal soul absorption, as a treat), etc. etc. and have, mostly through luck, avoided being killed by their own magic long enough to harness such an immense level of power, but they were still just regular jhevona once. There’s nothing inherently special about ancient jhevona, other than their abilities (and that their abilities somehow haven’t killed them yet), but genetically/physically/mentally, they’re just like any other jhevona. Most jhevona see ancient jhevona as... cool, I guess, but not anything different than they are. Less “oh! they’re like a god!!” and more “Oh! that could be someone’s great grandfather lol”. 
So because everyday jhevona view the ancient jhevona as ‘one of us, but just with a different level of power’, it can feel kind of bizarre to hear people go on about how the ancient jhevona are Gods and Immense Powerful Beings, building shrines, dedicating years to studying them, etc.. Though the  Jhenasainye are not the worst about this (they at least still admit that the ancient jhevona were normal people once.. some other groups in the world see the ancient jhevona as LITERAL gods in a mystical sense, and that’s often more obnoxious to normal jhevona), it can still feel othering to everyday Jhevona when people act like there’s such a huge inherent difference between them and ancient jhevona. Especially since, these people have relatives, and are real people, not gods that popped out of nowhere.
 While it’s not extremely common, and most ancient jhevona break off from their families/detach from the rest of society long before they’ve succeeded on their extended journey to gain so much power, there are plenty of living descendants of ancient Jhevona still out there in the regular population. That would be like, if your grandmother was REALLY good at something, like almost impossibly good, in the 0.000000000000000000000001% of the population, maybe at archery or something, and then because of this, people start building shrines to her, giving her offerings, calling her a god, acting as if she’s an entirely different class of creature from you and the rest of your family and is some freakish untouchable all-powerful god being, etc. etc. You’d just be like... well YEAH she’s really good at this and went through years of training, luck, etc. to get where she is but like.. that’s still just my grandma lol... 
(though in the case of ancient jhevona, they’re all pretty much 30,000 + years old, and average lifespan for jhevona is roughly 900 - 2,000 yrs depending on subspecies, so if you were a living descendant of an ancient jhevona, they’d be more like your great great great great great (add like 45 more ‘’greats’’) grandparent, rather than just your direct grandparent, and it’s highly likely you’ve never met them in your life and only know about them because your relation to them has been passed down in the family (or in rare cases, THEY approached you and informed you of your relation), etc. BUT you know what I mean lol) 
Some Jhevona are actually in the Jhenasainye though, but this is usually just due to the fact that it’s a good place to learn about ancient jhevona (something a normal jhevona would obviously possibly take an interest in). The jhevona members of the group may disagree on stuff like making contact, building shrines, supporting superstitions surrounding ancient jhevona, etc., and be more there just to borrow books and have a dedicated team to help in their own personal investigations. 
Anyway, the  Jhenasainye operate pretty much only in Navyete, though they may travel of course, to follow leads on the location of ancient jhevona, or gather information that could teach them more about one of them. They’re a small group with roughly about 1,600 members, though only 200 or so primary members which run things, do the research, build shrines, (the other 1,400 would be more like ‘followers’, I guess). They have no dedicated symbol for themselves, and don’t dress any particular way, though they’re also not hard to find, since they’re probably out around some of the shrines or research centers they’ve built, which aren’t secretive locations or anything. 
Vura Isethagi:
A small lesser known group of Avirre’thel who refuse to follow feeding regulations* of their culture. They argue that since it’s the natural order of things they must do to survive, being a little more loose with how you gather or use blood is fine, and is no different than what other animals do (they always argue stuff like “Well would you tell a BEAR or a WOLF when, how, where, and under what conditions they can hunt and eat?? No! So why should WE be beholden to obscure ritual and unnecessary regulation when just doing what we must to survive!?” ....like.. sir, you are not a wolf or a bear, you are a humanoid being with complex thought who lives in a Society, please sit down ghgjhbjh). 
*(Since their species requires consuming the blood of living things to survive, of course they’ve built a lot of culture around it. There are rules of how to kill animals (or when not to), how to store blood, how to prepare blood, special containers for blood, etc. Especially when it comes to getting blood from actual humanoid creatures rather than just animals, there are a massive amount of laws and social rules in consideration of how it must be handled, how it must be gathered, compensation and agreements, etc. Blood is a very sacred thing in their culture, but especially the traditions/rules/laws surrounding it are taken extremely seriously, almost to a religious ritualistic superstitious extent (there are Special Bowls made from Special Materials which are the ONLY things humanoid blood is allowed to be contained in, making contact with humanoid blood outside of a feeding/bowl context is considered dirty, etc.). Like, gathering or storing blood incorrectly would probably get you more severe criticism and backlash than a violent crime in some cases, even if nobody was hurt by it lol. It’s like one of the few major things in their society where like, you’re free to disagree with anything and do whatever you want, BUT you have to follow the blood regulations, no question, no debate, and if you don’t then you’re a menace and endangering everyone and fuck you)
Though a lack of following regulations doesn’t inherently imply someone is part of this group. Plenty of normal Avirre’thel will be a little lax with one rule or do minor variations. Sometimes someone will use humanoid blood in a soup recipe (which is seen as horrifically disrespectful to the blood, you can only cook with animal blood, the blood of conscious humanoid beings has to be kept in it’s raw form always), they’ll store blood in a jar instead of the special bowls that are made exclusively to hold it, they may get blood from an unauthorized source (certain species of humanoid being are considered dangerous due to potential blood incompatibilities, and certain animals are protected due to maybe having an endangered status or being culturally significant, etc.), may accidentally kill an animal a little messily rather than painlessly (which is how you’re supposed to hunt for blood, if you must.. It’s recommended most people just buy it from stores nowadays lol). etc. 
So, all members of Vura Isethagi don’t follow blood regulations, but not all people who don’t follow blood regulations are members of Vura Isethagi .The group is about a lot more than just like.. occasionally killing an animal incorrectly or storing your blood wrong lol.
Their whole specific thing is that they think that regulations are holding them back. They’re not not following them just due to being lazy or accidentally forgetting a rule or something, they’re being very intentional in what they disregard and why. 
The Vura Isethagi believe that blood regulations are a way to keep their species from really prospering, that a lot of the disease and stuff common in the species is just because they’re not feeding adequately, and that they could be much more powerful if everyone wasn’t so stingy about getting their energy in (despite there being no evidence, scientific or otherwise, of this being the case literally at all, there being no difference in strength, or rate of illness between the two groups, etc). They think that many of the rules are baseless, and much of the limitations the species supposedly has are just myths created to keep them from being overpowered when they’re already immortal, because they would be too dangerous if they were always at their full strength and weren’t suffering from any illnesses or other issues.
At least, this is the type of half-reasoned excuse they usually give to people when questioned about it. Most Avirre’thel just see them as freaks who want a free pass to like... murder animals (and people) and have excessive amounts of blood (sometimes from species/animals that they shouldn’t even be consuming from the first place) while still being able to feel noble or good about it because they’ve come up with an odd justification for themselves. When you look at their claimed doctrine VS. their actions, you’d think they would do more to prove that they’re functioning better without regulations, to disprove and scientifically test the limitation ‘’myths’’ of the species, to study the effects of different types of blood and feeding styles to comparatively find which is most efficient, etc.... But, they do none of this. In practice, they seem to just kind of hang around relishing in their ability to do things which are ~~taboo~~ and feeling cool for Going Against Society, like a 9 year old boy gleefully smug after saying the word ‘fuck’ out loud for the first time and not being punished because nobody heard them. 
The Vura Isethagi were kicked out of Navyete about 500 years ago, and they now stay basically around the coasts of Iheolto Gari, on the entire other side of the world, so that the Council of Navyete doesn’t have the reach to come after them and prosecute them for their numerous murders and breaks of regulation. Iheolto Gari is essentially just dead land, since it’s so inhospitable barely anything can live there, but the very coasts are a little similar (though still 3x as deadly) to the cold climate in northern Navyete, so it’s at least kind of like what they’re used to back home. 
This group was at it’s height about 700 - 600 years ago, when it was still operating in Navyete, which is when it got most of it’s members. It used to be nearly 1000  of them, though today group members seem to be around 250 people. In current day, the Vura Isethagi are kind of just considered a weird cult of estranged Avirre’thel who live way in the butt ass middle of frozen nowhere and spend all their time like.. hunting down random people and animals and feeling super cool and Edgy about killing them to take their blood because they live so far away from mommy and daddy that they can’t be directly scolded for it. 
As long as they stay in Iheolto Gari, they’re safe for the most part (aside from attacks by the native wildlife), but as soon as they step foot in a place populated by other people (which they have to do sometimes, to hunt), the Council comes for them quickly, since they always have a small handful people out looking for them lol.. Because of elven propaganda, many groups may already have a somewhat negatively tinted view of the Avirre’thel as a people, which they actively work against.. So, to have some random Tee Hee I Can Kill For Blood If I Want To!! murder cult running around is obnoxious to them, even if it’s only a few hundred people. Because the realm is so isolated, a group’s encounters with the Vura Isethagi could be their first ever encounter with any Avirre’thel, which only would contribute to a wider negative image, and come back to hurt the rest of the normal Avirre’thel who aren’t even in the group. 
The Council (and most Avirre’thel people in general, culturally the Vura Isethagi are seen as offensive and annoying) just kind of wants to get rid of them as soon as possible. BUT, since Avirre’thel can only die through like one specific means, it’s not like they can just show up to Iheolto Gari and kill the Vura Isethagi. They’d have to restrain them all, literally bring them all the way back to Navyete (which could take months of travel), take them to the death ceremony place where the secret of how to kill their species is guarded, and have them all murdered one by one by the death guardian people.. which is... a lot of work. Especially since they have other more significant things to focus on at home, and even if it can be damaging to their reputation and contribute to elven alliance slander nonsense, they can’t really spare much resources to just hunting down idiot troublemakers like that. They have people positioned in a few cities near Iheolto Gari to keep an eye on (and capture the occasional members of) the Vura Isethagi when they can, but otherwise it’s something they can’t really do much about. 
(Also I talk about them like they’re just a silly joke, because their motivations are laughable, but they are like.. a group of hostile immortal beings who think it’s cool to murder people for the sake of trying interesting new blood and most likely participate in underground blood markets and etc. So, despite the light tone, they are kind of a serious group, or at least definitely people to be avoided. And though the Council obviously openly mocks them in a similar manner (avirre’thel culture very much employs the concept of brutally mocking your enemies until they just like die of shame and you don’t even have to fight them hgh), they do also recognize the seriousness of the issue and are trying to tackle it the best they can.. I don’t want to make it sound like ‘oh yeah just a silly little fun group of murderer hee hee~ maybe the council will get around to them eventually!’. People obviously recognize the importance. ) 
They have no uniform or representative symbol, obviously, since they’re trying to stay hidden from the Council of Navyete, and don’t want to be identified, as they’re currently being hunted lol..  
(sidenote: Though, there is a small group within the Vura Isethagi that use this an an opportunity to study the unique properties of blood, which most regular Avirre’thel would likely not pick up on. Probably about 75% of the Vura Isethagi are just hedonist opportunists who don’t like following rules, but 25% do genuinely try to learn things from their unique situation. 
So far, nothing too interesting has been discovered. The supposed ‘strength boosts’, extra abilities, or lowered rates of disease  that most of the Vura Isethagi claim to be side effects of feeding more loosely,  have still not been proven to exist. 
The only one thing of note, is that they’ve noticed that at times, you can glean small bits of information from blood. Like if someone speaks another language, and you have their blood, you may very vaguely recognize bits of it, etc. This is thought to be related to soul absorption, perhaps there are fragments of a person’s soul in their blood, or the blood is magically linked to a person’s soul (which could possibly explain why blood incompatibilities are a thing, despite structurally most blood not seeming very different from each other), etc... like many things to do with how blood works (and it’s possibly relation to magic, the soul, etc.) it's not  well understood. 
This doesn't affect normal Avire’thel, who may feed from humanoid beings consensually just every once in a while, since it's usually too small of an amount, and the occurrences are too far apart for people to notice**, whereas if you're taking in a lot of blood, and quite often, you're more able to become aware of correlations, like 'oh this always has x effect on me', etc. 
**(an Avirre’thel who chooses to intake blood of humanoid creatures  generally only feeds once every 4-9 months, depending on the strength of the blood in question. That’s the whole point.  If you have weak blood from a bird or something, that doesn’t sustain you much, so you’d need to come back and keep intaking it in doses probably once every few days. Whereas if you have ‘’stronger’’ blood, from an elf or human or something, just a small amount of it could sustain you for months, and then you don’t have to worry about consuming so often. It just depends on the person’s lifestyle and feelings towards feeding as a whole. For people who don't like consuming blood, or find it inconvenient, find it gross, think ‘eating’ takes up too much time, etc. etc. they can do so a lot less often if they take if from beings with more ''powerful'' blood, even though that has it's own weirdnesses and risks. )  
Though interestingly, similar to with soul absorption, these effects don't last forever. If you get information from blood, you don't retain it permanently (unless you write it down or something, of course.). Similar to how in absorbing souls, the material of the other person's consciousness is most prominent in the own absorbers mind WHILE the soul absorption is still in process (days - weeks), then slowly fades after. Though these experiences can have an affect on the personality of the absorber, and at times can seem as if the people have merged, or memories have carried over, the personality change is mostly mental trauma. While for a  short amount of time, the absorber may be able to speak the absorbed's language, know their full history, their thoughts, their fears, experience their traumas, etc. etc., this would be forgotten probably within a month or so (depending on the strength of the soul), unless it was written down (and people are generally shaking on the ground half on the verge of death with their skin peeling from toxic amounts of magic exposure while they absorb souls (usually why assistants or etc, are often hired to do spells that keep them unconscious the entire time), so I doubt someone absorbing a soul would be in much position to write out a full memoir or something lol). 
The information gathered when consuming blood is also far less prominent than in soul absorption, and is usually just vague ideas, faint familiarities, the ability to just KIND OF know things, or KIND OF understand stuff you wouldn’t normally understand (like knowing two people are related but not being sure how you know, understanding the gist of what a page in a book says despite not knowing the language or an exact word by word translation, barely recalling facts you never learned, somewhat intuitively feeling out the geography of an area you haven’t been to, etc.). Whereas in a full soul absorption spell, the absorber often completely feels as if the consciousness of the person they’re absorbing is living within their own, etc. (hence why it can be so traumatizing, especially if you’re absorbing someone with a traumatic or upsetting life, then being thrust with all of their memories, fears, emotions, etc. to relive in your head and experience all at once (though it should be noted that... you DESERVE IT !! FOR KILLING PEOPLE!! TO TAKE THEIR SOULS!!! lol, aw boo hoo, the murderer mage experiences secondhand trauma :’c  ). 
Anyway, this is the only remotely interesting effect that’s been noticed so far, and studied to some extent, while the Vura Isethagi feed in the way that they do. There are possibly other dynamics to this, or information that could help outline exactly what processes or properties of blood cause this to occur, but since only 25% of the group is even remotely interested in figuring any of that out, they don’t make much progress on their ‘’studies’’. )
(for more information on what soul absorption is and how it works, see the link to it given above, in the section about the Ehn-Imkasyn)
Basically the military of the Elven Alliance, their special guard. Though every individual country within the alliance also may have it’s own personalized defense systems and etc. in place, this is kind of like a large pool of people from every alliance country all together acting as a unified force, and just doing the business of the alliance, regardless of which country within the alliance they happen to be from. 
Though they’re a collective organization contributed to by many countries working together that’s merely contracted for work by the heads of the alliance and thus are officially “politically neutral”, obviously in practice there are still multiple reasons that a giant collective military force owned by many of the worlds primary powers can be like.. seen as.. Controversial. In some places though, they’re seen as a helpful and positive force*. 
 *(like for example, in Fanyin (one of the countries within the alliance), the current situation with their.. basically just dystopian society at this point, is that their own native military/police is FAR worse than the Miliel-Sei. The Miliel-Sei are actually welcomed there (by the people, not really those in power lol), since they work on behalf of the alliance overall, not just Fanyin, and because many countries in the alliance do believe that Fanyin should be... reigned in just a little bit, the Miliel-Sei presence there actually tends to be kind of mitigating and interrupting certain things that the Fanyin government on it’s own would do if it weren’t being monitored by them. Whereas like, to a small community of elves far in the south, they may HATE the presence of the Miliel-Sei, because they remember incidents a few years ago where they came in and used military force to steal resources from them.  So, they’re controversial to different groups across the realm for many different reasons. )
This group does have a uniform, it’s always this green shit adorned with the symbol for the elven alliance in gold (image below) -- 
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Obviously the uniforms have a lot more details than I can convey with a 2 minute mouse drawn ms paint sketch, but it is an official part of their uniform that they all have short black bob haircuts (either as their natural hair, or worn as a wig in most cases) and dark eyeliner or eyeshadow smeared around their eyes. Not to make light of many factions of the Miliel-Sei getting up to some horrible actions at times but like... god... just imagine you're in an elven alliance city at night and the people who show up to arrest you are these complete doofuses with flouncy little bobs and the perfect war crime smoky eye ... THEY’RE the military??? that’s the vibe???. Questionable aesthetic choice on behalf of the dumbasses in charge of the elven alliance but okay.. It’s also not fair because they make it VERY hard to take them seriously when they walk around looking like that, but at the same time, they’re a highly trained military/police sort of organization and you kind of have to take them seriously in some instances... like.. come on.. you’re telling me you’ll arrest me if I laugh at you?? yet providing... such robust temptation...??
Deinsas Oryen:
An organization of elves who are literally like... generic flat evil cartoon movie villain level in thinking that they’re the One True Group who should rule over the world and etc. (on the basis of the fact that certain branches of the elven religion state the elves were the gods Favored Creations, that the world was made for THEM, etc.).  Basically they just run around doing stupid evil shit and starting conflicts with people, they seem to REALLY want to start wars, and really like to destabilize areas for whatever reason. Though they have their ‘We Should Own The World And Therefore Can Mistreat Everyone Who Is Not Us’ message to stand by as a reasoning for their actions, many of the things they do just.. don’t really add up, and their constant trouble-making even when it makes NO practical sense to be doing so (or even ends up hurting them, doing stuff that should seemingly be against their own interests), makes them seem a bit suspicious...
They tend to be very very strict elven religious traditionalists who REALLY focus on the aspect that the gods made the world for them, that they are put here to protect and guide and lead others, that they are direct descendants of the gods while others aren’t, etc. To the surprise of no-one, they really “disagree with” jhevona and similar groups*, often trying to instigate conflict with them over seemingly nothing, but maybe some flimsy ideological disputes (though, they tend to really only start conflicts with Jhevona who live in areas with valuable resources....... hmm...). They also attack global cities from time to time, or any group which seems to be trying to connect the world, make travel easier, etc.. which they say is because they think all groups of people should be separate and elves shouldn’t mingle with other ‘lesser’ groups.  But, also... many of the organizations that aim to instill global learning centers, cities, interconnected travel roads, etc.,, also tend to want to make these resources free (the roads are free, the schools are free, etc.), and some of those resources end up passing through or very close to areas owned by the elven alliance, but..... that’s probably not connected..!
The Elven Alliance has no formal ties with them,  but (if it wasn’t clear already) they’re strongly suspected to be working for the Elven Alliance, kind of just as a hollow enemy that gives them something to look good against, basically just a group to start conflicts that conveniently benefit them, without it actually tarnishing the Alliance’s own name.  The Alliance publicly ‘disavows’ them, and has even started ‘wars’ with them before, especially since they can make a show of like “wow good thing we’re not as bad as THOSE guys!!! look at what THEY did! absolutely despicable!! good thing we’re SO much better, right?? and look, we’re even fighting against them! We are the good guys!!”. Though, it should be noted that not EVERY country within the elven alliance does this, and some seem to genuinely fight against the Deinsas Oryen, and are sincerely infuriated by them (so.. maybe they didn’t get the memo? There are smaller groupings within the elven alliance, so it would make sense that maybe it’s just a few countries working with the  Deinsas Oryen , and a majority of alliance nations genuinely have no idea it’s going on behind their backs**.... though..... you’d think they’d like.. catch on..).
But of course, this is all just a ~~~Theory~~~. The Deinsas Oryen is a fairly new organization (only existing for the past 150 years or so, and elven lifespan on average is like 180 - 300 depending on subspecies, so, that’s not THAT long for them), so they’re still able to remain fairly elusive. Sometimes people within the elven alliance try to capture higher ups/leaders within the Deinsas Oryen to learn more about them, but somehow they always ~conveniently~ get away. Though probably not a big enough thing to do something like fracture the Elven Alliance, within the next 20 - 50 years or so, it definitely stands to become a bigger conflict, especially if the ~~theories~~ about who the  Deinsas Oryen are truly working for are ever able to be confirmed, if more information ever comes to light. 
**(There are over 50 separate countries that make up the Elven Alliance as a whole, so of course not all of them will know everything going on within the Alliance at all times, especially if certain members are actively working to hide stuff. The Alliance has a.. questionable reputation, and tends to be known for it’s worst members and their actions (as it should be lol.. even if you didn’t personally cause a problem, you should be responsible for keeping your fellow collaborators in check), but a majority of the countries within it are fairly neutral. It’s not like all of them are wild oppressive dictatorships hellbent on doing Evil things and causing problems across the world, most of them are just average, most people living within Alliance countries are pretty content, and most countries within the Alliance don’t cause problems around the world (like stealing resources or antagonizing other groups).  While every country within the Elven Alliance has a responsibility to keep up with the actions of those around them (and disapprove of them or step into conflicts as needed), I also don’t want to make it seem like the Alliance is just a big mean hivemind with completely shared interests that agree on all things. When I say “a group is secretly working for the Alliance”, I don’t mean “every single member of the alliance was in on this and is actively participating in it”, I just mean “there are, at least two countries, within the Alliance, thus acting on the Alliance’s behalf, who are secretly working with this group” . Nations within the alliance can disagree with each other, be unaware of each others’ plans, etc. etc. etc. Hence, stuff like the Miliel-Sei being present in Fanyin to interfere with the government on behalf of the rest of the alliance, or things like a majority of countries within the alliance being unaware of what’s truly going on with the Deinsas Oryen. Anyway, idk,... the Alliance is a HUGE organization made up of a lot of moving parts, and from the way I talk about it, I don’t want it of be unclear, or seem like they’re just a weird hivemind or something.) 
 * (Surprisingly,  the Deinsas Oryen don’t dislike the Avirre’thel (a small deviation from their secret masters within the alliance, I suppose.). They actually welcome them, because of their ancient elven roots, BUT do believe that they should renounce their current culture (everything that evolved on it’s own after they split off from ancient elves) and adopt True Elven Ways Again, and then the Deinsas Oryen would be willing to ally with them, even overlook the non-magic and eating blood stuff, as long as they kind of ‘’reverted’’ back to a more Elven way of being. They see the elves as the gods’ chosen people, so by that means, they cannot deny those with elven blood, the Avirre’thel are still their brethren, even if ‘’mutated’’. At least in this one area, they make some attempt to be logically consistent with their supposed doctrine, even if just to look more legit and throw off suspicions. 
(Which is not to say that there are NO members of the Deinsas Oryen that legitimately believe in their ‘’purpose’’, some of the lower level recruits probably do, but a good 70% of them are being paid (or bribed) preetty well to be there, and take certain actions.... theoretically, of course, this is all just a ~~theory~~ of course, there’s no definite proof they work for people within the alliance, of course))
This group has no set uniform, but they do have a representative symbol which could be seen on clothing or flags, which is this - 
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(similar to the symbol for the elven alliance, this one incorporates the symbol of Inaashi, but with some modifications ) 
The Deinsas Oryen operate basically anywhere that it’s convenient for them to, but their headquarters is a small portion of land on an island in northern Nonvas Kfal. 
--------------   Non-species/culture Specific Groups -------------
Nanyevimi Global Representatives:
Like mentioned before, the entire world in general is VERY scattered, mostly made up of small isolated groups that kind of just mind their business. Most people just stay within their own territories and generally there isn’t a lot of global cohesion, for a lot of different reasons. But, groups like the Nanyevimi Global Representatives are some of the few that actually seek to better unite the realm.
It’s kind of just an alliance of a few different governments from various places worldwide, who seek to do things like: maintain trading routes that span the entire world, construct global areas where many different people can come together and trade/communicate, provide ease of access for those who seek to travel (like keeping international roads safe, giving out language learning resources and compiling info on local cultures, etc.), promote conflict resolution/peace and easy communication between various disconnected groups in the realm, sharing of technology and resources worldwide,  etc.  This is also the group that sets standards for/manages both Global Learning Centers and Global cities/areas in general.
Despite being able to accomplish a lot in the realm (even introducing one or two cohesive trade routes is a miracle, considering how isolated everything tends to be), The Representatives still really don’t have that much power. The governments that make up the group, while extremely varied (from all different species, areas of the world, etc.), really aren’t big political powers or anything. The group doesn’t have much wealth or influence, but simply gets by on being able to communicate goals and collaborate with others effectively. All of their projects are basically just people working together for their own benefit of their own will.
Like, instead of coming into an area with an army and being like “Hey, we’re making a trade route here, you idiots” and paying off/threatening a bunch of locals to let them do it.. It’d be more like, a handful of various diplomats show up and have a long talk with the locals about if they’d want a road through their territory, if so what it would look like, what area they’d be comfortable with it passing through, them explaining to the group what benefits they could see from it and how it could help them access more resources, etc., then all cooperatively working together and pooling resources to build it if enough people decide they’d like to, no use of force or monetary incentive required.  
So, they have a good bit of connections all across the realm and are very skilled at reaching out to groups and communicating in a peaceful and understandable way, but they’re not necessarily the most influential group around. Though, they are the only organization that’s even been attempting stuff like this, and the fact that they’ve been able to make the progress that they have (introducing  multiple global areas and learning centers, maintaining a few patches of neutral and safe trade routes, etc.) is considered by some to be impressive.
There are no set uniforms or appearance for this group like there are for others (again, way too broad of a group), but it’s possible they could still be identified if they happen to have clothing or items adorned with the symbol they use to represent themselves, which is shown in this post here (link).
( Information on what a global learning center is HERE (link), and information on the state of the world as a whole/what global areas are HERE (link). )
A large network of travelers who specialize in exploring and building. They have 3 branches, land explorers, sea explorers, and specialized explorers (for distinct terrains like icy mountains, desert, etc.). They get hired by people to do things like transport goods through difficult terrain, guide expeditions of researchers, track down items or ruins in remote and typically ’’unreachable’’ areas, etc. Their primary specialty is just that they have the knowledge to travel to, or through, places that many others would consider too dangerous, impossible to navigate, or inhospitable. As they basically travel professionally, members of this group are always on the go, rarely ever in one area for too long. But, in down times (or when they haven’t been hired for much in a while), they’re also known to do random odd jobs, like basic construction work, bodyguard work, hunting, etc. 
The Rivande aren't necessarily allied with any one group (other than themselves, they focus a lot on internal unity and pooling resources/connections/etc. to survive as a collective), and just sort of serve their own interests and do their own thing. The group seems to consist mostly of people who wanted to get away from something and start a new life (people running away from debts, family situations, poverty, etc.), of course drawn to a situation within the Rivande in which they’re immediately taken in as family/part of the group, provided for, protected, and also extremely hard to track down,, so there is a strong inner-group loyalty sort of mentality going on, and it’d be quite rare for them to betray their own group members or have loyalties somewhere else,  work for a foreign government, etc. The Rivande will do jobs for pretty much anyone who will hire them, but they don’t play favorites, always remain neutral, will not take sides in anything, and at the end of the day are looking out for themselves and only themselves. 
This ‘we hold allegiance to no-one but ourselves’ neutrality mentality is also easier for them to maintain due to their situation, as they’re not very affected by the politics of anything going on in most countries, since they’re never in one place for more than a few days, maybe a week maximum. And even if a conflict made it difficult for them to find work, the type of work they do is unique, so there’s always something they could do somewhere, even if they have to travel a bit to find it. 
(This doesn’t mean people within the Rivande aren’t allowed to have opinions though, as they come from so many various walks of life, of course some probably on principle hate the people they have to do certain jobs for, or etc., but I guess the culture within the group tends to be more of a “suck it up and do what has to be done at the moment, then once we get the coin from these bastards we can vent frustrations and shit-talk them all night back at the inn their money bought us”, as well as maybe the occasional ‘’accidental’’ sabotage of a job, being obtuse or frustrating to work with ‘’unintentionally’’, losing cargo in an ‘’accident’’, that really obnoxious bigoted scholar from the group we were escorting through the woods died in a ‘’tragic accident’’, etc. 
It’s just that, their public reputation is ‘neutral’, they never complain outwardly, will accept jobs from literally anyone, and if they do vent some sort of opinion or frustration towards the people who hired them, it’s passive aggressive, in secret, or completely un-noticeable, since their main goal is pleasing the client and putting on a neutral face so they can get their money in the end, first and foremost. Most people who meet someone that works in the Rivande tend to describe them as cold, detached, highly professional, and very focused (like the “I’m just here to do my job and get out” sort of attitude), because they’re trained to put up with nearly anything and not reveal much to outsiders due to these neutrality policies... But, if you saw them like, in a comfortable setting just around other Rivande back in one of their hideouts or something, many of them would be completely opposite lol (ESPECIALLY after having to hide frustrations or parts of their personality all day, once they finally get back around people from their own group they can just let it all out.  This is also part of why they probably feel such strong bonds with each other, since the other Rivande in their group (usually 5 - 15 of them will be hired together for an average job) are the only other people they can trust and reveal their actual thoughts to, especially while traveling for weeks and weeks on a job or with a client, sneaking knowing glances at each other, gossiping behind trees for a moment before having to put the Neutral Face back on, etc.. but ANYWAY )
Though they don’t have a clearly known ‘home base’, or lands of their own necessarily, It’s suspected they have secret hideouts for their own communities in certain places, discreet undisturbed areas where nobody could ever come bothering them or  taking their resources. Since they’ve got expert experience navigating even the most impossible terrains, amazing map knowledge of nearly every area in the world (collectively of course, no one member knows everything, but if you have one person who knows the east, one who knows the south, all working together, etc.), it’s highly likely they could maintain a few hidden spots kept to themselves, that others couldn’t even find if they tried. 
To promote internal unity (and since pretty much everyone there is running away from something anyway), generally new members of the group are given a new name, and sometimes a new backstory, depending on the circumstances of their arrival (and exactly what they’re fleeing). Aside from a quick background check just to make sure they’re not letting anyone dangerous in (like rapists, repeated violent murderers (they overlook self-defense murders and other stuff like that), people in hate groups/bigots, etc.), basically anyone of any background/age/gender/etc. is able to join.** Though many aren’t, some people in the Rivande may still be attached to their cultural background, religion, etc., and this is generally allowed (like, they don’t ask people to stop being religious or denounce their past culture when joining). They’ll have you change your name, and maybe a few details about your story, but they don’t strip members of EVERY aspect of their identity. (Unless of course, members want to do so lol.. When you change your name, you’re free to make whatever background story you like as well, if you want to abandon every aspect of your old self, it’s a fine opportunity to, but it’s not mandatory at all). The only time they interfere with stuff like this, is maybe controlling who you’re around, or asking you to do certain things away from others.*
**(though obviously not everyone does the same jobs lol.. like.. technically an 8 year old orphan fleeing an abusive situation would be allowed to join, but they’re of course not going to have an 8 year old like, doing bodyguard work and hunting in the woods alone with a group of 40 year olds. It’s thought that most children and etc. instead just stay on some of the secret islands and other hideouts that the Rivande use as bases, doing various child appropriate tasks, and just focusing on training and getting an education so they can go on actual missions and do the same jobs as the others once they get older, etc.)
* (like if an Avirre’thel, as part of their species and culture, has to feed on blood, but they get put on a job assignment along with 2 fellow Rivande who faint at the sight of blood, they would maybe be asked to feed in secret or something, etc. But never to abandon doing it entirely) (this is a bad example since Avirre’thel like.. have to feed and it’s not something they could stop anyway, but you know what I mean lol). 
The Rivande operate mostly around the north, like the ports of Asen and Navyete and etc. in Aviinine, and the upper sections of Estic Kfal and Nonvas Kfal,, though they have traveled all over the entire globe for special assignments. There are currently about 1600 members in the group in total, around 400 general members (or multi-specialty people who move between groups as needed), 400 in the land explorer branch, 600 in the sea explorer branch, and 200 in the specialized branch. They have an incredibly strong sense of unity and amazing communication for such a large spread out group, so it’s thought that they must have pretty well organized structure and frequent ways to meet and communicate even over long distances, though they keep to themselves about the inner workings of the group, so nobody really knows for sure how they organize themselves.
This group has no distinct uniform, but their symbol is this  (it’s like.. a snake around a spyglass and the top of the spyglass has compass looking thing?) - 
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They’re often given necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, or other jewelry with the symbol on it, to mark their entrance into the group and that they’re now part of the family, so you may be able to identify them from seeing someone wearing one of those. 
Lir Imaeni:
A mysterious group of ‘blood hunters’ who are thought to orchestrate the largest underground ring of blood trading and etc. within the realm (for more information on  blood trading/collecting/etc., there’s a post about it HERE (link)). They mostly operate in global cities, since that’s where they’d have the most access to as many different varieties of blood as possible, but, global areas are also highly regulated and locked down, so they often are stationed like JUST outside the city boundaries, or some small town 40 miles away from one where there may be less stringent laws, etc. (as well as of course places like the country of Mippya, where laws protecting people from danger are fairly non-existent). The Lir Imaeni are also better able to get away with their illegal activities than a smaller group would be, since they’ve been at it for thousands of years, and thus have ties to many important “clients”, like groups of royals, or other influential individuals throughout the realm, who can usually pull strings to get them out of trouble.   
The Lir Imaeni does have a more��‘on the streets’ division (people who do the tracking, kidnapping, etc.), but a majority of the members are just dealers, who handle and package blood, and take it to whatever local underground marketplaces there are, or directly to clients.  Lir Imaeni roughly translates to something like 'unknown vendor' or 'absent merchant' or etc. (in midland elvish), coming from the fact that if their deals are recorded anywhere at all (usually they’re not), it's always under the name of 'unknown' or 'anonymous donor' or etc. By common people, they’re sometimes also referred to as “collectors” (like ‘Hey, I wouldn’t go home with that guy if I were you, I think he’s a Collector”), nickname origin being quite obvious (as they’re always ‘collecting’ people and blood). Though a more interesting nickname is basically calling them ‘Teapots’, coming from the fact that the word ‘Liramenii’ sounds similar to ‘Lir Imaeni’, and in modern general elvish, ‘Lirameni’ is the word for ‘teapot/clay or ceramic container to pour tea from/etc.’ 
This group doesn’t have a distinct uniform, or a symbol or anything to identify themselves with, obviously, since they don’t want to be known. The amount of members is unknown, but it’s through to be somewhere around 600 - 800, and they’re thought to also be led by a central leader, or maybe a small council of them, rather than all working in separate branches independently. Though there are many different independent blood dealers sketchily crawling around the realm, joining the Lir Imaeni grants you access to certain connections, reputation, and many amazing perks,, which seems to be mostly what keeps people interested in being a part of them (despite the fact that most blood dealers prefer to work alone or in MUCH smaller groups). 
The Bryn:
The Bryn are one of the primary groups around Nanyevimi that exist to subdue people with magic that are causing harm, help non-magic people deal with magical issues, help those with undiscovered latent magic (which when left alone untrained, will generally end up killing the person or others around them, etc. for more info on latent magical abilities and the task forces that help with them, read this post HERE (link)), etc. Basically kind of like an all purpose magical response organization, primarily dealing with things that involve  issues of the dangers of magic, unknown magic, integrating (or getting rid of) magic in non-magic areas, etc. 
The group is pretty much just a bunch of mages (though they do they have to be well above average skill level so they can be effective against most magic users they receive calls about and etc., but it’s not like they’re all insanely powerful ancient jhevona or anything, just groups of fairly strong multi-skilled mages), but most of them also have social work training, combat and survival training, many have training in local legal systems or cultures, speak multiple languages, etc. 
Groups like these are reasonably common in areas populated by inherently magical species,  but tend to be more of a minor presence considering that if most of the population is magical anyways, they can probably handle magical conflict themselves.  So these groups tend to be most prevalent in non-magical areas, as groups who can’t use magic and have little knowledge of it are highly susceptible to magic crime, or even just non-malicious yet still unmanageable magic users (like individuals with latent magic) that the community  doesn’t have the resources to handle. The Bryn are one of the largest and most well known of these groups that operate in Nanyevimi.  
There are also many rogue people who do these jobs as well (a mage traveling around taking care of magic crimes and issues involving magic can be a decent living), but since the Bryn are a group with a known reputation and etc., some people find them more trustworthy, as they have higher ups/ people to watch over Bryn agents and hold them accountable if they handled something improperly, whereas random helpful travelers do not. 
Their organization is split up into a few different branches - 
General members - these people usually have multiple areas of expertise, and are kind of just dispatched wherever they’re needed.
Crime branch - these people exclusively handle cases where crimes are being committed, like someone using magic to steal from unsuspecting non-magical groups, using magic to trick people, magic users harming others who can’t defend themselves, etc. (There’s also a smaller branch within this branch, which is like the Extreme Version where everyone’s a WAY higher level mage with advanced combat skills, they deal with the MOST serious or dangerous crimes)
Accidents branch - These people deal with things that, aren’t necessarily illegal, but are still bothersome. Usually stuff like, a group of non-magical people accidentally stumbling into an enchanted trap that was set thousands of years ago and they don’t know how to release enchantments on their own, magical operations nearby a non-magical village having unintentional harmful effects to the people in the village, problems caused from accidental or unknown use of magic, etc. 
Latent magic branch - This part of the Bryn deals exclusively in helping individuals with latent or unknown magical abilities (generally all young children, usually found in orphanages or other areas (like a child from a magical species accidentally ending up in a non-magic area with low magic-literacy, thus raised unaware of their abilities and nobody around could help them with it)). Because latent unknown/untrained magic can be extremely dangerous, it’s important to catch it early, and get the individual proper training, education, and ways to manage/control the magical energy they have. Members in this branch often specialize in child development, and have a focus on stuff like family counseling, communication/mediation between groups, etc. because they usually have to be right there in the middle of things while trying to help the child. 
Communications branch - These are mostly people who organize and sort the requests for help, assign people to certain tasks, who run the group, etc. 
The Bryn don’t do these jobs for money, it’s all mostly volunteer work. Though some people do reward them for taking care of problems, or will offer them things for their help, pay is not a requirement.*(1)
“Bryn” means ‘guard’ or ‘protector’ in a far south jhevona language, which is where they get their name from.  They originated from the south, but now have small gatherings of the organization set up in a few main hubs around Nanyevimi. The Bryn do have uniforms to some degree, when they feel appropriate to identify themselves they may wear something like this (whoops, another thing I forgot to draw, I’ll try to put an image in here later).. or will have clothing/items with the symbol of their group on it, which is this - 
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But many of the jobs they do also require them to not be recognized (like if hunting down a dangerous mage, you don’t want them to SEE you tracking them, or when showing up to an orphanage to try and rescue a child with latent magic but you know the orphanage owner is hostile, etc.), so they’re often not in uniform/identifiable in any way.
*(1) ( This also isn’t very weird though, a majority of work done in all of Nanyevimi is not for money, necessarily. There’s no widespread currency system really, just a few in certain places, but it will vary by where you are. Like for example, to use places I’ve already written more about (countries in the continent of Aviinine)..
 Fanyin does have a strong broadly implemented system where most all goods/services are exchanged for money (which is a standard coin that’s used as the primary currency of all countries in the elven alliance). You can informally barter amongst friends or something, but every resource (food, shelter, goods, services) is tied heavily to having coins, and that is the only way to access most goods. 
 Navyete on the other hand, does have their own currency (a few various coins), but, this is mostly used for trade with outside countries just to have a more stable exchange rate (like, ‘this is worth 5 coins’ instead of ‘this is worth 14 cabbages, depending on the size of the cabbage, and also this and also this..’ ), but within the country, a majority of goods are bartered or just given for free collectively in the community. Citizens can trade currency if they want, but it’s extremely common to just bargain with people, or give stuff away. Many people in Navyete don’t even have money on them at any given time, since it’s not really needed, unless you’re planning on traveling or making a specific trade or something. There’s not as much of a focus on making money, since basic resources are generally free to access for most people (housing, food, healthcare, etc). And people who produce those things (farmers, builders, doctors, etc.) usually do them on a bartering basis, on commission from the government (which they would be given whatever they want in that case, coins, or some sort of bartered resource), or for no charge just because they want to contribute to their collective local community.
In Nanebae, there is no established country wide government, let alone a cohesive economic system or currency, so people kind of just trade for whatever they think is valuable, some currencies from outside countries, resources, services, mostly just bartering. People live in small clusters of communities and can generally gather and share their own resources among themselves. (this is probably how a majority of places in Nanyevimi are, like at least 50%). 
In Asen, it’s a little similar to Navyete, BUT with a bit more of a focus on a standardized currency. Like, a majority of dealings are handled with standard local coins, but it’s also incredibly common to just trade for things, or to have certain resources provided for free (mostly, depending on what it is. Definitely not as extensively as Navyete). 
So anyway, it’s not strange at all for the work to be done without payment or etc., depending on what area of Nanyevimi you’re in, they may not even have a standard currency to pay you with/be unfamiliar with the concept... I mostly just wanted to make note of it since it IS different, when in comparison to groups like the Rivande, who always want SOMETHING (usually currency, though they’d take something else valuable) in return for what they do, and wouldn’t ever take jobs just for the sake of them. )
Though they started out as a vigilante justice group that worked to overthrow the royalty of an elven country in Nonvas Kfal about 2,000 years ago, they’ve changed overtime, with various localized branches handling more personal cases, usually aiding people in small villages or etc. They’re kind of like..... firefighters + emergency medics + legal team + bodyguards + assassins + diplomats/negotiators + private investigators/detectives all combined into one? Obviously there are different sections of the group who specialize in different things, but in modern day, they basically just exist to help people, often as an alternative to the governmental options in the area. Like for example, if a nation has a notoriously corrupt police force or something, people could try to call on a group of Itheminal'in agents instead, who would then use their wide network and resources/skills to try their best to give the person aid. Most of what they do is like this, just helping people when those people have nobody else to turn to, or when the alternatives that ARE available to them don’t work for them for some reason. 
In many cases they do their job effectively and etc.,  but the organization is somewhat large at this point (at least for what they are, they operate pretty secretively obviously), so there are some concerns about local branches of the group over-reaching and stepping outside of the group’s main rules and virtues (like getting a little power hungry, or seeing themselves as Perfect Savior Heroes Who Can Do No Wrong). Thus, they’ve recently been limiting who can join, and also trying to prevent stuff like people acting 'in the name of the group’ without actually being part of the group. Because they have widespread credibility in certain places, some frauds use that to their advantage (lying to pretend they’re in the Itheminal'in when really they're just some random person wanting to cause trouble). Due to this they’ve also been looking into ways to clearly mark a person’s official membership, but each group within the group has different ideas (many of them still do spywork and infiltrate governments, so the mark can’t be something too obvious or identifying.. Basically, they need to be hidden and unrecognizable, BUT they do need a way for the right people to be able to recognize them when needed, so people in need can actually get reliable help, etc.). For now though, they don’t have any group symbol, or way to be identified. 
They operate all over the entire realm, but are concentrated more in a few areas than others. Generally they have the largest presence in places known for having corrupt or unreliable resources for their citizens, since a group like the Itheminal’in is extra needed to offer community aid and assistance to those in society that aren’t being treated properly, or are falling through the cracks.
The name comes from the plant “Itheminal”, which used to be one of the most prized resources in the area the group originated, and was often associated with the rich and merchants. Itheminal is generally extremely rare/difficult to grow correctly or come across in the wild, takes forever to harvest, is extremely finicky,,  but can be used in making dyes/pigments, and also as an herb added to classical elven tea blends**. Since it was seen as a status symbol, royals would have entire teams on their staff hired specifically for the purpose of seeking it out for themselves, sending scouts to go on months-long trips in the mountains to find plants or seeds in the wild, sending spies to steal it from other royals, trying to monopolize and make sure THEY were the only ones who had it successfully growing in their private gardens, etc. Anyway, after a few of their first assassinations (as a young organization back when they were still government-overthrowing revolutionaries and not a more laid back group out in the field helping communities), they would joke that the royals had more people after them than they had out hunting for Itheminal, or that they were a more desired resource (rewards for capturing and turning in an Itheminal’in agent (especially if captured alive) tended to exceed those offered for giving Itheminal seeds/plants, both of which were ridiculously exorbitant prices). In addition to that, people in the group were also known to be a bit ‘finicky’ (uncooperative, difficult to get information out of) and hard to locate, so they named themselves after the plants lol. 
(**elven cultures, especially a long time ago but even today, have always been known for their teas. It’s pretty typical for an area to have it’s own tea blend, or a family (especially royal families can get pretentious and competitive about this, but everyone regardless of class probably has their own family tea recipe, the ingredients may just differ in price) will have their own special tea mix of spices/herbs/flowers/etc., etc. It’s also customary that many elven teas (probably a good 50%) have various mind altering substances thrown in (like an herb that causes mild hallucinations, the root of some tree that makes people a bit ‘‘drunk’‘, etc.). Ground itheminal leaves were always said to cause REALLY good emotional states when consumed, as well as vivid sights and pleasant ‘waking dreams’, so all the royals especially wanted it in their custom blends for tea parties (usually where the entire nobility gets together and everyone samples and shows off their custom teas they’ve been working on, so a tea with an amazing taste, smell, ‘‘mental effect’‘, or other aspect that has a positive effect on the consumer is more likely to win, and having the title of Best Tea at that years’ annual tea party was a very prestigious title (and still is, in some circles))
Not much is known about this group since, obviously they have a motivation to keep themselves as hidden as possible, but mainly they’re a vigilante justice organization of assassins. Similar to the original Itheminal’in, except if they had stayed primarily assassins and never branched out into doing community work. The Ostienache are even theorized to be a branch of the Itheminal’in who simply stayed the same as the rest of the group changed, but both organizations are so secretive that there’s no real way to confirm this (and vigilante justice groups aren’t necessarily a niche thing, it makes sense two could evolve independently on their own without having to be related). 
They mostly target those in power, but are known to kill random criminals as well on occasion, such as a local rapist from a small rural town or etc. It’s unknown how many of them there are, how they communicate, how they cover their tracks, how they choose their targets, etc. The only patterns that seem recognizable are that they’re open with signing their work (even though it may make more sense to be mysterious, they want it to be known that it’s their doing, presumably just to help build fear/merit and send a message, like “no this isn’t just a random murder, we’re an organized group and we will come For You’”), and that all of their targets are people who could justifiably be argued are hurting others (whether it be on a local level like beating their children, or on a broader level like committing war crimes or passing laws that lead to the harm of a large amount of people. They seem to focus more on the latter, but it seems like, if they just so happen to be in the area, they may kill a few smaller criminals here and there if the chance presents itself). 
Because they identify their kills,  their movements can be tracked to some degree, a few murders will happen in one area around the same time, then in another, etc., so it may not be a HUGE group (if they’re all apparently traveling together), but certain details of cases in the past have led people to believe that it’s at least  8 people, possibly 15 or more. Which is.. a really tiny group, and would seem insignificant, but their mention here is warranted mostly just due to how well known they are. I mean they are like.. literally out there assassinating kings and stuff, SO MANY people are after them. They’ve made enemies out of many of the most powerful groups in the world, even the Elven Alliance is aware of their presence and has discussed them before as a threat (since they’ve targeted a few members lol). And this notoriety  is only helped by how impossibly secretive they are, how little is known about them, how not even one of them has seemingly ever gotten caught, especially how they’re able to gain access to such high profile targets without ever being noticed, etc. With so many details of their organization being so mysterious, there’s plenty of room for endless speculation and fears to evolve, often turning them into more than they are, especially amongst the gossip of scared royals. (for example, some people theorize that they must be extremely powerful mages, and are probably using high level magics to do some of the ‘’impossible’’ things they do, others think that the murders are actually contracted out and not always committed by the same group of people but that the Ostienache are simply masterminding and telling random hired assassins who to kill and when, etc. etc.)
The group operates mostly around the north, like in Aviinine and around Estic/Nonvas Kfal (like most groups I’m mentioning lol.. since I started my primary worldbuilding with the Avirre’thel as the focus, the area with the most development is the north/around Aviinine, etc. There are tons of groups all over the world, but many of the ones in this post will probably function mostly in the north, or at least have it be plausible to come across them in the north, since that’s the section of the world I’ve developed the most about at this point.) . 
The Ostienache have no symbols or uniforms of course, as they don’t identify themselves, only their crime scenes. While the targets may be killed in various ways depending on what’s most convenient to the situation, they generally seem to keep it as bloodless/nonviolent as possible, and always position the dead body in a similar way, with it’s arms raised up hands covering the eyes (palms facing outward, with the backs of hands touching the eyes), and a white circle left on the chest (usually a ring of flowers, though sometimes a ribbon, salt, chalk, torn pillowcase fabric, whatever material was nearby). These are distinguishable from copycat murderers because the palms of the individual are always marked with some sort of unknown perfume/dye (it’s a dark teal blue color with a strange sour yet floral scent) type of substance, which must be personally crafted by members of the group, as it’s chemical makeup/fragrance are unique and have never been identified clearly/are impossible to replicate unless you know the secret formula/ingredients to make it. ). Like below - 
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(also, you should be able to position a body this way but I think the arms need to be raised differently. I tried it out laying on the floor and relaxing my arms, and they only rest on the face this way if the arms are up more, so it should be more like this in the image below.. but, whatever you get what I mean lol )
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The Navigators:
The Navigators are a group of ‘’explorers’’ (hence the very clever name, they ‘navigate’, tee hee hee), with.. questionable motives. While they approach it from a scientific angle and claim that they’re making discoveries for the sake of studying the world, documenting what they find, etc., a vast majority of what they actually do seems to just be.. search around the globe to locate areas with potentially valuable resources, then attempt to profit off of those resources, usually by handing them off to someone else (like for example, finding an undiscovered mine, fighting the locals and taking it over for themselves, then selling it off to (or renting it out to) some royal family somewhere in exchange for a lot of money). Despite their foolish motivations (money, notoriety for discovering things, etc.), they have become known for being very good map-makers, and are responsible for charting a lot of routes and areas around the world that formerly nobody had any information about (except for the Rivande, who probably traveled through there long before the Navigators, but minded their own damn business about it and kept their knowledge to themselves).
It’s thought that some members of the Navigators genuinely believe they’re helping others or creating a better world, but many seem to be in it for personal  reasons, such as being The One who Discovered The Big Really Cool Thing And Is Now Famous For It. Even though they paint themselves as simply scientists and scholars, as many indeed are, it’s also evident that many of their actions are taken less in the name of science and more for the sake of fortune or fame. Legitimate scholars have wandered their way into the group from time to time, but generally left for obvious reasons, which has resulted in the only remaining members usually being people who are able to tolerate the values and motivations of the group, so basically it’s a bunch of REALLY annoying people who don’t think they're annoying because they have a ton of other annoying people around them to constantly stroke their egos and tell each other that they’re right (unless they’re infighting, which usually doesn’t happen when they have good leadership, but happens constantly the second that The Alpha Most Annoying Person isn’t there to wrangle all the other egotistical freaks in and explain to them that they can’t ALL be the smartest person on earth)  
Luckily, most cultures in Nanyevimi have no bizarre underlying psychological need to dominate others/hoard resources/get rich/take over lands, so in the grand scheme of things there are very few world wars or ideological things where people cause problems because they just can’t mind their own fucking business. But for some reason the Navigators sprung up somewhere one day and they bother people. Many see their goals as completely foreign and deranged, and they really only have the support they do because certain places take advantage of the opportunity of their existence (like people in powerful positions can use them to steal resources for them without the powerful people themselves having to look like the bad guys, etc.). 
The Navigators used to be far more prominent, but many of their most prolific members were killed in one event* about 200 years ago.  Since then, the group has still been recovering, but there were many scrambles for power after the head and many major players of the organization were lost. As you can imagine, many of these people are arrogant and riches/power/fame hungry, the reason they do this stuff in the first place .. so when the leader was gone EVERYONE was like ‘oohh I DESERVE TO BE THE NEW LEADER!!!! I am the most important and the most smart and rich and went to a fancy university for a very long time and am very good at making maps!!! I MUST be the one to attain this prestigious TITLE” and they nearly tore themselves apart. Unfortunately, things have managed to cool down and they’ve risen back to some level of prominence, but still are nothing like what they once were (they haven’t chosen a new ‘leader’ yet, and currently just work in a few smaller groups that communicate from time to time. How the organization progresses in the future will probably depend a lot on what leadership they eventually select for themselves and when). 
Though they’ve always maintained their contacts with many governments, especially groups like the Elven Aliiance (who are usually very interested in uncovering rare resources and things, if only to prevent other people from being able to use them, god forbid somebody invent a better technology and replace their famous Iriminel crystals** lol), they can also get into conflicts with them, since they’re arrogantly set in their ideals and refuse to bend to anyone else’s desires. They have a sort of self importance about their Values And Very Important Work, so it seems to be sense of pride that they won’t allow themselves to be ‘pawns of any government’ or whatever, even though they’ve still been known to temporarily forget about their Noble Goals, for the right price. 
Basically, it’s just a bunch of pretentious scholars, usually nobles or people from noble families, who fancy themselves adventurers because they think it’s a cool lifestyle, and discovering things can make you rich/famous. They do have skills/ scholarly merits, many are experts in their fields, especially at stuff like map-making and archaeology and geology and other Fields People Would Utilize While Traveling The World To Discover Old Ruins And Resources And Things, but because of the goals and reputation of the group, it does tend to lean towards.. a very particular personality type (usually know-it-alls that lack self-awareness and also cognitive empathy, are so dedicated to their Very Significant Purpose that they don’t care about anything else, they just want prestige and to feel important, regardless of any potential consequences to their actions.. the type of people who think that because they’re Very Smart, all of their opinions and feelings must be inherently correct, and thus cannot be debated. Is it a good idea to pillage these sacred ruins? Well, we feel like it is, and we are intelligent and scientific, so pillaging them is good for science, therefore yes it’s a good idea, and if you disagree, you’re just too uneducated to understand,, etc. etc. Which obviously also makes them hard to work with, even groups they’re allied with can’t fucking stand them sometimes lol.. ANYWAY)  
The Navigators operate all over the world, though they have a home base in northern Estic Kfal, which some stay at while others are out traveling. They don’t have uniforms, but they do have little badges/pins which they usually adorn their outfits with (since they’re all very prideful of their prestigious group membership and want to show it off), which would have this symbol on them - 
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*(Basically, like idiots, they started messing with the Thastanri after hearing of various rare resources that could be found in their territories. Though publicly, their Noble Motivations were to “”create better maps through this vast unknown portion of land, for the educational purposes of all””. They were in the land hunting dragons and ended up accidentally shooting a Thastanri out of the sky (in their natural form, Thastanri are one of the few subspecies of jhevona that are still born with full usable wings and tails and etc. so when they’re flying around, from far away they can resemble other flying creatures), which when they tracked where he fell (thinking they’d find a dragon they could sell the bodyparts of), and saw that it was just some random person, instead of even attempting to treat his injuries, they just assumed they were fatal and killed him to ‘put him out of his misery’ (more like, they just didn’t feel like dealing with him, saw he was too injured to fight back anyway, and being afraid that he would notify the others of their presence, took that opportunity to kill him like cowards.) And this was like, the 4th time they had been trespassing in their lands anyway. 
A few days later, a Thastanri assassin kidnapped one of the heads of the organization from their campsite in the night, studied them long enough to be able to shapeshift into them accurately (read the main post about jhevona to learn more about how shape-shifting works/the study it involves/etc.), assumed his identity and ran back to the rest of the group like “oh gosh! I’ve been lost in these woods for days! aa! .. oh, but while I was in the woods, I found this giant dragon’s nest! I didn’t get too close since I was alone, but if we came back armed, I think we’d be able to take them, and get actual EGGs! Nobody’s seen a dragon egg in hundreds of years since they started going extinct, this could be BIG and sell for a LOT of money!”, and invited all of their trusted companions along on a ‘dragon hunt’. They even waited a few days for some of the other elite members to get there, since it was such a ‘big occasion’, everyone wanted to be there fore it (mostly so they could brag about it, probably). 
Which of course, the Thastanri in disguise just led them into a brutal ambush, with all the other assassins (and a few dragons, who have the cognitive capacity to at least mostly understand the situation, and were fighting alongside them) waiting at the dragons nest. Most of them died there (about 45 Navigators), and a few others (like 5 or so) were taken back to the main living areas of the Thastanri to be interrogated, then slowly stoned/tortured to death by other members of the village who passed by on the street once they weren’t of any use anymore (basically they were left out in public tied up and unable to escape, so some threw rocks at them, some kicked them, some poured rotten food over them, etc. etc.).  
Falsely leading rogue “adventurers” into attacks under the promise of them finding dragons or other rare resources is a well known tactic among the Thastanri for getting rid of particularly bothersome people (they’re largely a very non-violent a peace focused group but I mean.. if you’re told to leave like 10 times and still show up.. at that point what do you expect lol), but it’s never been executed on that scale, and the Thastanri had never before disguised themselves AS members of another group/taken on the identity of other people before, since they generally show distaste for using that type of magic outside of utter necessity (like, only if you were being chased and running for your life or something).  So, even though in hindsight you could see that it was clearly a trap, the Navigators had no idea to even be suspicious, based on the information that they had at the time, and the unprecedented nature of some of the tactics used. 
There were still 300 members of the Navigators left, but since the 50 or so that were killed were the higher ups, people in leadership roles, etc., this is why it was such a blow to the group. Despite being the instigators, the Navigators still  have a grudge on the Thastanri over it (the Thastanri usually keep stuff like this a secret but they were specific to inform the rest of the group what they did, so they could take it as a warning and would maybe keep the hell away from them and the dragons, as the only reason they took such extreme measures in the first place was to set an example), but.. the warning did genuinely work (it’s abundantly clear that even a group of 40 Thastanri Ehn-Imkasyn could kill all 300 of the remaining group members without breaking a sweat, and though they won’t admit it, all Navigators are terrified to even go near those lands again. Anytime they’re asked, they make excuses or navigate around it “because the terrain is just better elsewhere” or etc.) lol
**(Though I haven’t made a full post about it yet, Iriminel crystals are a resource that’s used in much of the elven alliance cities as a way to store and channel magical energy, so that they can power things with magic in an indirect way (like, mages don’t have to literally be sitting there doing the work, they can instill their energy into a crystal with a mild enchantment on it and let it do the work for them, as long as they recharge it periodically). The elves themselves are unsure how they work (no surprise, it’s a technology they robbed from elsewhere and claimed as their own), but in the early days of the elven alliance, this was their claim to fame and how they rose to so much power, as they held complete control over this resource and would lend it to others in exchange for other things (Iriminel crystals have some sort of unique innate properties that make it able to hold magic this way. Even with enchantments and stuff, you can’t get the same effect out of a normal rock or other material). Many elven cities are still powered by Iriminel crystals, but of course since it’s one of the primary resources that the alliance has a monopoly on, they’ve been known to dislike the idea of competing technologies, or anything that could replace Iriminel crystal use. Plenty of places outside of the alliance also use Iriminel crystals to power things, but it’s always on loan from the Alliance, of course, so this technology can be seen all over Nanyevimi, except for places that disagree with/are hostile to the Elven Alliance (like, Navyete lol))
(additional note: Originally, the alliance were actually using the Iriminel crystals under the supervision of the people that seemed to have engineered them (an extremely secluded tiny group of a mysterious unknown subspecies of jhevona, living in strange ancient ruins, maintaining the caves in the south that the crystals come from). They only later ended up backstabbing the group and taking the resource from them, because apparently they weren’t being lent enough crystals fast enough, and thought the group was being stingy (hmm... maybe.. there’s a reason the crystals take a lot of time to build up a supply of...). But, the last members of the group refused to give out any information about how they work, so the alliance is kind of on their own. 
Because they still have no idea how these crystals work, and are not giving proper amounts of time between letting the crystals form and harvesting them, they’re gradually becoming less useful, weaker, and in shorter supply. Since they’ve been doing this for thousands of years already, eventually, possibly in the near future, this resource is likely going to be a lot less available to them, or even totally depleted, and they’re going to have to scramble to maintain their infrastructure. But they don’t know this gghgh... I am only telling you, the reader, because I am god of this world and I Know Things lol.. sucks for them anyway! Maybe if they had actually investigated more into the ancient ruins around the cave, or ... oh  i dunno, left members of the original group alive or listened to them.. they could have some information that would be helpful to them in this but, suppose the alliance will simply have to face the consequences of their thoughtlessness in the coming hundred years or so! ) 
(also last thing to note: the Navigators and the Rivande run into each other sometimes (since they are both.. travel/exploration focused groups that operate in similar places), or occasionally the Navigators may even hire Rivande as escorts to help them through an area. While they have no outward conflict or anything, they are known to clash, mostly in a one-sided way (the Rivande dislike the Navigators, but not really the other way around). This is mostly because the Rivande want to keep information to themselves, while the Navigators want to make every discovery public and put it in a published book of maps (so it can be a threat to the Rivande’s trade secrets, and also just general privacy). The Rivande also believe in minding your own business, only ever respectfully passing through an area, but not interfering with anything, which the Navigators obviously violate constantly. 
While the Rivande greatly value collecting and (privately) documenting the knowledge of the world... using that information to intrude on locals, start land conflicts, hoard resources, etc. is seen as ridiculously irresponsible and mindless to them, and seems to go against the group’s internal doctrine (the Rivande are so private about how the inner parts of their organization function, nobody is sure exactly what the rules are, but there are thought to be some structured ‘’guidelines’’ for group members, what is expected of them, how they should interact with the places they travel through, etc.). They obviously aren’t the most moral group in the world (since they’ll work for anyone for the right price, even the Navigators), but they still have been known to get into disputes with Navigators from time to time, usually over stuff like that. 
(for example, a Navigator hiring a group of Rivande to help lead them through a ‘thought to be impossible to travel through’ sort of forest, but then the whole time the Navigator is like.. making maps, messing with shit, stealing things from ancient ruins they come across, etc. etc. , with the group of Rivande escorts attempting to stay neutral (like ‘okay, my job is just to get them from point a to point b, that’s it, it’s not my business what they do’), yet still getting increasingly annoyed the whole time underneath their customer service face. The group of  Rivande have to like, constantly bail the Navigator out of situations they get themselves into along the way just because they’re being nosy, messing with wildlife, antagonizing locals, etc,.. and it’s like babysitting a 5 year old with a superiority complex...Every morning the spot where they camp in the woods is pleasant.. until the Navigator wakes up, then the place falls silent as the group of Rivande realize yet again that they’re going to have to risk their lives defending this idiot all day, while he goes out of his way to seemingly get into as much trouble as possible... . He marks another note onto his map pages, taking their secret routes for himself.. He nearly gets the group killed (again), randomly attacking a giant animal because “ the fur looked valuable”.. He brags about being a scholar, that the group should feel safe with him because his superior intellect will protect them in any situation, then promptly proceeds to  ingest a plant he insisted wasn’t poisonous, forcing everyone to cut their travels short and stop for the day so he can make messy poops behind a nearby tree the rest of the night. The escorts whisper by the fire, considering just killing him in his sleep and reporting that an ~Unavoidable Accident Occurred~...... etc. etc. lol))
Imin Amete: 
A group of mages that seek to educate people about magic, particularly in areas with low magic literacy (being unfamiliar with magic and how it works). Since many people, even magic users, understand magic to be dangerous, the Imin Amete sort of just go around trying to do public outreach, explaining that magic users are nothing to be afraid of, that magic is perfectly safe and fine, etc.
They’re very pro-magic, and tend to embrace any new magical techniques or technology that come along, want everyone to utilize magic, want to implement magic usage wherever applicable (like promoting that a city use magically powered street lights, rather than plain fire or electricity, etc.). When not  out in the world campaigning about how good magic is and serving as mage-advisors to people in positions of power (like local merchants or nobles or something who want to hire a mage to advise them on magical issues, etc.), the Imin Amete generally spend their time studying/practicing magic, and pride themselves on being experts in the field. 
Though a group to help with magic education initially seems like something that’d be be useful in the realm, the Imin Amete still receive a lot of criticism, mostly from other magic scholars, as they tend to downplay the dangers of magic, and seem to have an unrealistically idealistic conception of it. Many people in the Imin Amete are only moderate level mages, slightly above beginners, but definitely not experts, and certainly not capable of many types of magic. You can study forms of magic in theory, information in text books or gathered in the wild, but still not be able to utilize it in practice (due to lack of skill, or just not having the inherent magical energy level to pull off certain things). They talk theoretically about many things that they have no idea about personally, and tend to over-emphasize their own limited experiences (like “Magic isn’t harmful! Magic has never hurt ME, or anyone I know!”, disregarding the fact that they’re only capable of very low energy magics and thus less likely to be harmed directly or from magic exposure), etc. 
It’s sort of the same dynamic as like, real experienced medical doctors who have worked out in the field for like 45 years taking issues with weird health bloggers who have zero qualifications and the most basic (usually not fully informed) ideas about ‘medicine’ but go running around telling people that eating whole lemon slices will cure cancer or etc. Serious advanced mages who have had a lot of experience with magic are generally EXTREMELY aware of the risks of magic, they’e seen it many times first hand.. Even if the Imin Amete have good intentions, a bunch of novice mages running around telling people that there’s ZERO downsides to powering a city fully on magical energy, or that they shouldn’t worry about their children practicing with magic, or that exposure to magic isn’t actually as harmful as people say it is and etc. is just completely spreading misinformation. 
Despite these issues being pointed out to them, the Imin Amete are extremely beholden to their beliefs, almost to a religious degree, and kind of refuse to listen to what other mages have to say on the matter. They have deep philosophical justifications within the group for why everyone should be using magic, why it’s a good thing, etc. and believe that it’s heir duty to share their worldview. (While the Imin Amete are open to all species, it started as an elven group. In the traditional elven religion, magic is seen as extremely sacred and should never be feared or controlled, it’s supposed to be this amazing perfect thing that exists as a gift to improve the lives of everyone, was given to us directly from the gods, etc. etc. The Imin Amete have no actual religious affiliations, but if the people who founded the group hundreds of years ago just happened to be religious elven mages, then the groups’ philosophical devotion to magic makes a little more sense.)
They don’t cause much trouble, since they are always trying to be a ~positive force~ so focused on helping others, but they have been known to occasionally show a more sinister side when challenged, particularly when other mage groups denounce them/try to call out their misinformation, or when their own members leave (once you join, leaving the group is considering equivalent to abandoning magic itself, betraying the cause, etc., which is an ultimate offense. The exact punishment is unknown since many internal details of the group are private, but it’s assumed that someone would face consequences for leaving). But mostly, they have a very peaceful, loving, nurturingly informative vibe going on, so people generally consider the group quite harmless, despite the few... slightly suspicious undertones that pop up every once in while. 
The Imin Amete are sometimes also called The Siblings, because their structure within the organization is very ‘family - like’. Levels within in the group are like "child/my child" - outsider/not part of the group, 'younger siblings' - new entries, 'siblings' -those in the group long enough to be in the know but not hold much power, 'older siblings' - higher than that, 'cousins' - a little higher , 'paternals' - much higher ('paternal' here is just a translation, though in their language it's not gendered etc.), 'grandpaternals' - nearly highest , ‘The Caregiver’ - one who is beside the leader, ‘The Ancestor’ - the leader of the group, which is elected through unknown means but is thought to be selected democratically within the group. 
There are about 1,200 members currently. They operate all around Nanyevimi, but mostly in Nonvas Kfal, particularly focusing around areas that don’t know much about magic, or have a negative view of it. Their uniforms depend on their rankings, since each level of the group wears a different color, but they’re all adorned with their group symbol, which is this - 
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Mederin Viteliusem:
A group similar to the Imin Amete, but much more scholarly focused, and they actually have advanced level mages on staff, so their information is more accurate and educational (even if.. ‘yes actually, magic can hurt and kill you’ doesn’t necessarily comfort people to hear lol).  They have more difficulty with their community education/outreach, because they're so scholarly focused, they can end up overwhelming people with information, long bland boring pamphlets of text, alienating them by using large scientific/magic study terms, etc. They also just aren’t good at appealing to the masses since they don't have many charismatic people in the bunch, as the group pretty much consists of isolated nerds that do nothing in their free-time but scour through ancient texts all day. 
 Again similarly to the Imin Amete, the Mederin Viteliusem dedicate themselves completely to the field of magic, but they go a bit farther with it.  There are three classes of members.. 
“ke’meder” are the lowest ones,  just general members who help out and stuff and they don’t have many restrictions, aside from having to complete at least one knowledge trial a year to prove that they’re still seeking knowledge and learning (kind of like writing a big final paper in school or something, they work on learning about a topic all year and then report back to the higher ups explaining all that they’ve learned in a sort of presentation), and participating in the occasional group activity. Otherwise, they can come and go as they please and do whatever they want.   
“na’meder” is the rank above that, where you’ve learned a lot, and you must show a proficiency with magic, as well as do two trials a year or more. You also must abstain from outside temptations and dedicate yourself further (like for example, at this level you move into the place they live (it’s kind of like living in a monastery) and shouldn’t leave, except on magic study related business, since leisure activities (like going to get lunch with friends or something) are just a mindless distraction from your studies. etc. Na’meder also usually live on a stricter schedule, with designated study times and activities all are expected to participate in). 
 and “in’meder” are the top people of the group, they act like a council that makes certain decisions (approves or disapproves certain trials, they have the authority to change people’s rank in the organization, to send off chosen representatives or represent the group themselves, assign people to a certain area of study, they’re the people you give your trial presentations to, etc.). In’meder don’t do knowledge trials as often, as theirs are usually too ongoing and extensive (like “My goal is to gather evidence about what the source of all magic is and where it originates from”, which is obviously a long-term complicated investigation with possibly no answer that someone could spend their entire lives working on. Rather than smaller trials like “I’m going to spend a month among some blood magic users and observe them, then report back with my findings on how they utilize this little known form of magic” etc.). 
In’meder are the most restricted, in that they have a set practice schedule, must have extreme magical talent that they can showcase (even if it’s only in a certain area), have to allocate daily time to running the organization and helping the others in lower ranks, they have to have been with the organization for at least 40 years, must have dedicated their lives completely and wholly to the pursuit of knowledge (they must abstain from outside relationships and additionally are made infertile so they can’t produce children, often with as much of the genitals as possible being removed as well. They can keep children that they had before joining the organization and etc. but they shouldn’t spend much time with them, and same with family members (they basically have to act like they don’t have a family), must cut their ties with any other person or organization and religion (if applicable) so that they have no allegiances with anything else, etc.), they also all have to dress similarly, and abandon modifications of their appearance (other than ones necessary to survive or necessary for work (like going undercover)) so that they’re not beholden to their own bodies or etc. etc. etc.
Basically the idea is to have no motivations other than knowledge for it’s own sake, and specifically studying magic. Obligations to outside relationships, preoccupation with your own self image, alliances with outside political/religious/hobby groups, etc. all would possibly get in the way of that and make you lose your focus. In’meder can even only have 20 personal possessions total (not including their identical robes, and any things they use for their studies and etc., since the items in libraries or laboratories or kitchens or whatever are co-owned by the group and don’t count as personal possessions as they’re free for everyone to use, a single mat and a single blanket for a bed also don’t count, but if you want to add extra blankets or cushions or a pillow or etc. then it does count towards your total, etc.). It takes a lot of work, dedication, and sacrifice to be declared an In’meder, since you have to not only meet so many extensive qualifications, but then also live under tons of rules from then on out. 
Despite their rigid structure and complete dedication, the Mederin Viteliusem   still much more ‘’open’’ in a sense than other similar mage groups like the Imin Amete are. Even an In’meder can leave the group any time they wanted, with no repercussions or ill will. The Mederin Viteliusem think that to be TRULY dedicated to the study of magic, you do have to genuinely want to be there. If the person is just staying out of threat, or out of obligation, then their passion isn’t entirely in it, and this conflict would thus be distracting them from their studies (which goes against their ‘no outside distractions’ thing), so in fact they’d rather you NOT be there if you’re not into it, rather than forcing you to stay. Many small scale mage alliance groups like these tend to be quite exclusive, difficult to get into and difficult to leave, very cliquey and etc., and while the Mederin Viteliusem do have some fairly restrictive rules for members, it’s still voluntary to opt into, and they’re actually one of the more laid back mage organizations in the realm. 
(a bunch of people who have detached from their sense of self and ego, detached from wordly desires, removed themselves from social cliques or external alliances, etc. etc. obviously aren’t going to be like ‘OMG you’re leaving the group? this is def going to affect your social standing in the mage world!! we’re not inviting you to the parties anymore!’ or like ‘how dare you abandon our cause!!!’ or etc. since ... they don’t.. have a cause.. or parties.. it’s just PURE study for the sake of study, all other matters are irrelevant as far as the group is concerned. It’s a more chill group with less drama because there’s nothing to even have drama over in the first place, as all the attachments that could CAUSE drama are already supposed to be gone lol.  Which obviously there are the occasional academic disagreements, and some of the lower members are bound to still get caught up in stuff like group prestige, pushing their own personal philosophies, etc,, but  most of this doesn’t last long since the In’meder are usually just like ‘You Will Stop Getting Distracted With All That Shit” )
Mederin Viteliusem basically means something similar to ‘school of Vitelius’, named after one of the original founders, an ancient mage named....Vitelius. You can find them mostly around the north, though they take plenty of trips south to help educate people or travel to research sites, and their main headquarters/monastery sort of property is located in the mountains of Minam. 
They have no symbol for their group, or any custom uniforms, since they feel that would be an unnecessary distraction and an attachment to things (attachment to outer appearance and how the world sees you, attachment to a symbolic representation of the group rather than the group itself, etc.), but they do generally sport very simple clothes and hairstyles.  Though they’re free to wear whatever they want, due to the self-detachment and stuff they’re generally not the type of use clothing to ~express themselves~ and stray away from gaudy or attention grabbing things, usually. There are about 2,000 members of this group. 
The Assembly:
The Assembly Of Safety And Protection Against Magics, or sometimes just called ‘The Assembly’ , is an organization that stands against the use of magic, and fights for legal restrictions on mages, or use the of magic in general. 
They try to attack mage schools, magical species, or other groups of mages sometimes,  but like.. this is people who don’t really use magic, usually trying to attack people who are at least vaguely proficient at it so.. it’s not often much of a fight lol.. There are some mages in the Assembly (they justify this by being like, “well sometimes you have to use the same weapon as your enemy to be equal! We only use magic temporarily to aid in our war against it!” etc.), but they’re mostly mediocre elven mages or something, since obviously a super powerful magic invested person isn’t going to join a group that wants them dead/their rights taken away.  Due to this, the Assembly are... usually just a minor annoyance in certain areas that can be easily dealt with nonviolently by just like.. running away from them, but they’re still very strong about their beliefs.
The most problematic thing they get up to is kidnapping children from orphanages and etc. who seem to show latent magical ability, and trying to kill them (or convert them to their side) before their magic can show up. Every once in a while, they can capture a mages by outnumbering them (there are certain items that inhibit the use of magic* (though ironically, they have to be enchanted to do this, so you have to be buying your anti-magic bracelets or whatever.. from.. a Mage), so non-magic users could potentially just, gang up on a mage, or sneakily knock them out, then disable their magic somehow, as a way of overcoming the power imbalance). Maybe they'll convince a government to ban public use of magic in an already predominantly non-magic area, burn down a small settlement of mages, get funding cut for a mage school, or scare a bunch of people in a rural village into thinking all magic is evil or something. They’ve definitely killed and harmed a lot of mages in their time, so it’s not like they’re just harmless, but they also have nowhere near the power and reach that they act like they have, and will literally never even come close to eradicating mages/the use of magic in any form lol. 
 Usually, they’re not powerful enough to accomplish their goals, and don’t do much damage overall, so most people only see them as a vague nuisance.  But, they ARE always trying to play politics, so it’s possible that at some point in the future, if they were to ally with a group that has a lot more power and influence than they do, they could become more troublesome and get farther in accomplishing their anti-mage/anti-magic-in-general goals. 
They operate everywhere but are most popular among human territories or among other non-magical species, since.. their presence literally wouldn’t make sense anywhere else. Like.. if you were in a place with a major population of magic species... literally every member of that species has magic capabilities, so being like ‘we should pass laws to ban magic users from entering the city’, they locals would just be like ‘okay... so ban.... the entire population? everyone? the whole ass country???’ ghgjh.. Though in some cases, they can have somewhat of a successful presence in minorly magical areas, since there are bigger mages to be the Bad Guys.
For example, they could maybe work in a predominantly elven area, since elves typically don’t have extremely strong magic. The Assembly there may focus not necessarily on getting rid of magic users entirely (as that would be.. the entire population), but more on banning advanced level magics, or putting restrictions on magic users who have more magical abilities than average (so, maybe not allowing jhevona visitors into certain areas in the city, as they’re born with higher magical energy on average and thus usually capable of more advanced magic, etc.). It’s still anti-magic, but a bit more lenient.
And then it just plain wouldn’t work for the Assembly to have a presence in a Jhevona country or something because... there’s nobody more advanced than them to be the Big Bad Magic people to be against lol.. There are definitely species and other groups with stronger inherent magic than jhevona, of course, but they’re usually small isolated species that nobody would know about anyway. (By far, jhevona are not the most inherently magical species, but they are the most well known and widespread out of the like, small pool of groups who are typically born with more inherent energy, which is why I often use them as an example in stuff like this, etc.). 
The Assembly COULD maybe get in with the angle of like ‘Well, we won’t ban magic use entirely, even advanced magic use, but it has to be done under certain conditions and used sparingly’, but... most of jhevona philosophy already follows that lol. Because they’re born with naturally higher magical energy, it’s also more deadly and dangerous to them, so most jhevona cultures from a young age teach children to never use magic unless totally necessary, preserve your energy, have complete  control, recognize the danger, etc. Despite being more inherently magical, jhevona societies typically lean more towards NOT using magic. It’s usually less inherently magical species (like elves, ythrili, etc.) that actually utilize magic the most often, since their lower concentration of energy to control/the fact that they’re using less complex processes when doing feats of magic, means it’s less likely to seriously injure or kill them, and they’re less likely to take the dangers of magic as seriously/be as fearful about it. 
ANYWAY.. so in places populated by higher level magic species, there’s just no way the Assembly would exist there, since they’d either be asking the populations to oppress themselves, or they’d just be preaching stuff that the population already knows and follows. So, they typically stay around non-magic places, or areas where the population usually only uses minor magics.
There are about 5,000 or so active members of the group in total, though there are other people that just help them or are affiliated with them/identify with their goals, despite not actually being a member. They have no uniform, but they do have a symbol you may find on their clothing to flags or etc., which is this - 
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(that is supposed to be a bird, but I cannot draw birds, so .... ) 
*(Enchanted items that prevent magic use are usually wearables (for obvious reasons, it’s a lot easier to affix to your target), typically bracelets, rings, necklaces, etc. Though sometimes can be larger stuff, like cages, boxes, or entire buildings (places with a barrier enchantment set up so that magic is prevented from being used inside.. many banks or areas that need to be protected have these, to prevent against magical thievery and such). 
The downside is, these enchantments are only as strong as the magic that made it. So your anti-magic necklace may work against an average mage, but for a really powerful magic user or something, they’d be able to break the enchantment and just take the necklace off (usually part of the enchantment is that it can’t be removed by the wearer), or use magic anyway while wearing it lol.
(Though, some high level mages do make magic prevention enchantments. It’s not like they’re acting against their own kind by making them, since there are actual good uses for them, such as protecting non-magic people from magical crimes, creating a protective barrier around important areas (which otherwise could easily be infiltrated through use of magic), keeping genuinely dangerous powerful mages from hurting others, etc. So it’s not like all magic-prevention enchantments are inherently weak or something. If they’re crafted by a really advanced mage, then they can prevent against really advanced magics. And while that’s less common (mostly just because it’s not common to be able to use high level magics without dying, so there aren’t many high level mages to go around in the first place), there are plenty of advanced magic users in the world who could make stronger protective enchantments for people who need them)
 The other downside to these though, is that just like all enchantments, it has to be recharged regularly (part of why magic is dangerous is because it’s just using energy to direct other energy really, but can’t operate on it’s own, it has to get it’s energy from somewhere.. and, sometimes it drains the wrong things.. like a person’s body, or...etc..). So in a group like the Assembly, full of mostly non-mages, who may not be as familiar with how magic works, and especially how enchanting works (it’s considered a more high level energy intensive form of magic, obscure/not commonly understood), they could plausibly like.. just forget that they have to recharge their bracelets or something, so then eventually the enchantment holding the mage that they just captured ends up wearing off, and the person can just... walk away lol.
 If you’re really serious about it, enchantments can be anchored to a person through something more permanent, like a scar or marking on the skin (or to their soul, but that’s such high level stuff you’d rarely see that since not many people would even know how), but this isn’t something you can just slap onto someone like a bracelet. You’d actually have to get the mage, physically bring them to someone who does advanced enchantments and soul magic (who would likely not agree to do what you're asking lol), pay for the procedure, then sit there for hours while they do some sort of binding enchantment, etc. etc. And even then, it’d STILL have to be equal to their strength or higher, AND would still have to be recharged regularly. There are some unique situations where this may be a better method to use, but generally just a basic necklace or something works best in terms of ‘ways to inhibit a specific person from utilizing their magic abilities for a temporary amount of time’. 
(also note: even through the most powerful enchantments, there is no permanent way to remove magic, or inhibit someone’s abilities fully overall. You can block it for a time with enchantments like these, or direct their energy elsewhere (a far more complicated enchantment to pull off), but there is no way to convert a magic person into a non-magic person. If there were, that might be one of the goals of the Assembly, but, I’m the world-building god, and with how my magic system works, I will let you know that it's impossible lol (though that doesn’t mean some people in the world couldn’t still believe it’s possible, like humans having some weird pseudo-science ‘feed this berry to a mage and it will stop their magic’ superstitions or something lol))
Wyltenfer Couriers:
An organization of.. I guess.. information collectors? Or spies perhaps? They don’t work for anyone, or for any higher purpose (at least not one that’s known), they’re not hired to gather information for a specific government, cause, political reason, etc. they can’t even be hired, since they don’t take on tasks from other people in the first place, rather they find their own tasks/opportunities, then independently profit off of that however they can (such as like, finding out a significant tidbit of information about someone, then going to their enemy and offering to tell them what they know, for a price, of course).  
They basically kind of just wait around, sit in places and listen, talk to people, eavesdrop, investigate their own leads, then from there choose what secrets may be valuable. Every agent just goes scouting to find a lead for something, then they work on their own independent cases, ask for help from the group when needed (this is why they’re banded together in the first place, so their collective network of connections/resources/knowledge can spread wider and benefit them all better than just being on their own), then share any profits or rewards with each other as a group (if applicable.. sometimes they’re literally just nosy for free, and get no pay out of it other than The Drama Of It All). 
Since they’re essentially a group of professional blackmailers/secret sellers/information traders, they have to have a deep understanding of politics and the cultural/social workings of whatever area they’re in, especially knowing all of the various groups in the area and how they interact with each other. It’s mandatory that they’re charming, good at lying, at talking in general, being convincing, acting, and other things like sneaking around. 90% of the time, they’re probably out at various social gatherings, bars, events, really anywhere where groups of people congregate, so they can take notes and pick up as much info as possible (often they work in teams as well, like going to a royal party and splitting up the group, so there are people listening in all different rooms of the castle, etc.). 
 Sometimes a lead is nothing, and an agent just wastes time on info they THINK is important but really nobody cares about, but usually even minor situations get some amount of benefit, since at this point they’re pretty good at picking and choosing what matters most . They’ve built up a somewhat credible reputation (their information is pretty much always correct, nearly always at least somewhat as useful as they claim it will be to the person who buys it, etc.), but people also resent them for their secrecy. 
Because they refuse to work for anyone and choose to remain independent (only following their own personal leads and working on their own terms), and are also very good at what they do, various royals (or other people in power) are uncomfortable with the fact that some of the best ‘’spies’’ around don’t belong to THEM (they actually usually are in a subtle competition with hired spies, who swarm the same parties and etc. that they do, but the Wyltenfer Couriers often get to the information quicker, or end up with more valuable info than the others lol), so they can end up being targeted for seeming like a threat/uncontrollable variable (if people in power can’t have them on their side, they’d rather them not be around at all, etc.). But overall, for a pretty small group (it’s thought to be a network of only 40 or so people) they seem to do well for themselves. 
They operate around Asen, primarily in the global areas/big cities there, since that’s where the most Juicy Drama occurs. Though because Asen is close to many elven territories within the alliance, they do their fair share of travel to royal parties and stuff, as that’s a reliably lucrative venture they can do once in a while, if they get tried of hanging around the same cities in Asen for too long and need a ‘vacation’. 
They obviously have no way to identify themselves, because the whole point is going unnoticed. Of course, sometimes people they’re selling secrets to need to be convinced that they’re reputable before paying them, but they handle this in more clever ways than just like ‘well would I have this FANCY ENGRAVED RING if I were not from the group I say I’m from???’ lol.. , so there’s no need for outward identifiers, especially since they can be risky.
The Grand Benevolency:
A mysterious group that seems to enjoy helping royals, world leaders, government officials, etc. The Grand Benevolency often gives gifts and trades resources and etc., but nobody knows where they GET these resources from, or even what they represent, why they’re giving them out, who they are in the first place, etc.. The group has been around for like 500 years on record, and they’ve never done anything like manipulate leaders, ask favors of the royals, use their positive influence with people in power to overthrow the government or bribe people to vote a certain way or etc.... they legit just.. exist..... and seem to like getting in the good graces of people in power.. but that seems to be all. People are rightfully suspicious of their motives, but they’re so unknown and haven’t ever given any indication of their goals despite it having been like 500 years now, so people are unsure how to really feel about it.
Nobody knows where they come from, it’s just like.. royals (usually who are in desperate situations/in need) will occasionally get letters signed ‘The Grand Benevolency’ , offering to help them with their issue for free.. then, they get help quickly and sufficiently, and then... simply never hear from the organization again (unless they need help a second time). The Grand Benevolency will sometimes send messengers or representatives to join royal courts or assist with things in person, but no actual leaders of the organization have ever made public appearances or made anything about themselves known. They seem to communicate exclusively through letters, messengers, and occasionally those in-person representatives. The representatives are always a bit odd, extremely secretive, and when they’ve been captured to be interrogated on rare occasion, generally kill themselves fairly quickly rather than give up any information. It’s also impossible to contact THEM (unless one of their representatives is around and you can send a message through them), The Grand Benevolency always has to contact you first. You don’t have to put in a request for help, it’s just that.. they somehow hear rumors that you need help, and offer it exactly when you need it, without any prior communication. 
Basically, everything about them is quite suspicious, but when you look at actual factual proof, they’ve literally never done anything sinister. They help openly, communicate warmly, send resources, offer aid, are extremely reliable, and rarely ask for anything in return other than the occasional thank you note or courtesy basket of flowers or something. They seem to just genuinely want to help others out of kindness, perhaps for the good of the world? Or just to better society? But then why are they so secretive? Why do they only help certain people? Why do the leaders never make themselves known? Why do they seem to want to get close to royalty and those in power? Why are the representatives so weird and willing to die for seemingly no reason? It’s like, they ACT suspicious without actually acting suspicious lol.. 
Nobody has ever seen the people actually running the organization, but they probably don’t have uniforms, and their representatives/messengers don’t either. They do have a symbol though, which is often used in the wax seals of their letters, or occasionally marked onto their messengers (like a little tattoo on their thumb, so you can see it as they hand you the letter), which is this - 
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A guild of merchants who all collaborate with each other to pool their resources. They basically just ally to increase their collective bargaining power, like a workers union, except made of bosses rather than employees lol.. It’s mostly rich land owners and business people and etc. working together to make sure they still have a lot of influence and no government, royalty, legal system, or other organization can limit them too much . They’re controversial, since they can do a lot of good occasionally in opposing corrupt royals or otherwise affecting the government in a way that ends up helping the general population, but that seems like more of an accidental consequence than an intention, and they seem mostly out to help themselves. 
How someone views them is entirely dependent on how they’ve influenced the area. Some people are like “Oh thank GOD for the Sevayan, they forced the king to undo [insert some law or policy here] which made it so much easier for me to make a living and etc.!”, but then others are like “fuCK them, they influenced MY government to do [insert some law or action here] which made me further in poverty and started a civil war!!”. 
The Sevayan collectively hold a lot of resources, businesses, materials and etc. that people need, which is usually either good, or bad. Some royals and other people in positions of power see this as a reason to suck up to the Sevayan, to want to keep them on their good side and do what they want. Others, see it as a threat, and would rather control all of the resources themselves, or absorb the Sevayan into their government/royal court/etc., rather than having an organization with so much potential power operating independently of them. 
Mostly, they’re effective in elven alliance areas, or other places which practice systems of monarchy or dictatorships, oligarchies, or anything with nobles. They’re practically non-existent though in areas like, Navyete or something (where their government has so little power independent of the people, it’s not really an easy structure to be influenced by business leaders, and even aside from that, they’d have no use for rich land owners or people who control natural resources, since the resources/land/etc. in Navyete are all collectively owned anyway lol.. no ONE person, or small group of people, would be in charge to manipulate over it in the first place). Many southern elves and southern jhevona also have other systems of leadership that would be hard for the Sevayan to operate in. Some nothern jhevona countries do have forms of monarchy, and they get their hands in there just a little bit, but since many of the Sevayan are elven nobles, the cultural difference and suspicion they’re met with can be hard to navigate (boy, they try though). So, they operate primarily in the north, mostly with elves, and mostly only elves who have power structures aligned in a certain way, but really they can pop up anywhere that they see an opportunity and that it makes sense for them to be. 
The Caldienan are a strange cult-like scholarly(?) organization from the northern mountains of Minam. They seek ‘The Ultimate Truth’ (whatever that means..), and feel that through specific training and mastery of “ancient forbidden magic” (whatever that means...), they’re going to discover a knowledge about the world that nobody else knows, and ascend to a form of godhood. They seem to see ‘godhood’ as similar to how ancient jhevona are, except that the ancient jhevona aren’t taking it far enough, and that eventually there’s a level of ultimate power ABOVE where they’re at, and at that point you’re like... so evolved or whatever that you can transcend the usual limitations of the world (whatever THAT means...). 
Most of this is based upon their belief that the confines of magic (the understood rules of how it works), can eventually be overcome at a point, if you just know the right way to do it. Kind of like how, the only reason cooking food is normalized, is because one day someone thought to combine food items with heat, and previously people were just living in a world where that wasn’t a thing. The Caldienan feel magical limitations are similar, in that they only exist because people haven’t been creative or exploratory enough in their methods, and are  limiting themselves, basically just by being stupid (this is one of those ‘WE are the only smart people, hee hee hee, everyone ELSE is just ignorant and doing things WRONG, once we make our discoveries you will all recognize our SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE!!’ type of groups. Like not everyone is this way, but just the premise of the group itself tends to attract people who base at least some of their personality on how they know things others don’t/ have some super special knowledge which makes them cool).
They also believe that in ancient society (specifically, before the time gap where history was lost), people actually knew how to do a lot more than they do now. The Caldienan  feel certain magic knowledge was wiped away when much of history was lost, and that some of THIS knowledge in particular is the key to accessing a form of ultimate, unrestricted, magic use. Their theory is that magical limitations didn’t exist before, and everyone kind of just walked around being able to do whatever they wanted, that there were no differing levels of inherent magical energy, no souls or any system where people are limited by a certain characteristic, etc. Similar to today, magic was intention based, but it was solely intention based, so if you could think about it, you could do it. The Caldienan dream of  ”returning” to a world where nobody was more powerful than anyone else, and everyone, no matter their age/knowledge/level of experience, could just freely shape the world to their wishes without any restriction or magical energy/skill/ability imposed limitations. 
This is often their selling point to outsiders, the idea of a mythical ancient time where there was no hierarchy (since every person in the world would basically have unlimited power, nobody would ever be ‘less’ or ‘more’ powerful), no worldly limitations, and anyone had the ability to do anything. Which sounds great in theory, but their true motives are.. different, usually. The leaders of the organization are known to have slightly more selfish intentions, criticized for seeming like they don’t actually care about if anyone else gets access to this secret mystical state of unlimited magic, as long as THEY do, and they’ll sacrifice anything and anyone under them to do it. People are lured in with the promise of building a fanciful magic society with unlimited power for all, just to then be placed into a hierarchy with the heads of the group (usually more powerful and knowledgeable in magic than their recruits) asking them to risk their lives and go on wild artifact fetch-quests, while they themselves risk nothing... but ANYWAY..
(( ALSO, Sometimes this can skirt dangerously close to a “the world isn't actually real, it’s all in our heads and we limit ourselves and ultimately we need to realize that we’re in complete control, and reality is merely a construction of our minds/magic, which means that technically we have the capabilities to do ANYTHING!” type philosophy, which can also sound appealing to certain members of the group, but can lead to being used in a harmful way. Things like “if everyone is simply a magical illusion tricking themselves into thinking they’re real, technically we only die because we’ve convinced ourselves to!”, which the heads of the group can use to convince others to do risky dangerous things,  since if magic is based on intention, then if they just INTEND not to die and don’t “trap themselves into the limitation”, they will like... become invincible to damage during a deadly ritual.. etc.))
They base some of their beliefs about this on the workings of reality magics (more info about reality magic and how it works in the big post about magic, HERE (link)). When someone using reality magics crafts a pocket realm for themselves, they essentially control everything in the realm. If they want the sky to be pink, it’s pink. If they want trees or birds, then trees or birds exist. The only limitation for the appearance and weather and workings of their small realm is essentially, their own imagination. The Caldienan theorize that the entire world of Nanyevimi, and all potential realms no matter how big or small, operate similarly, in that actual laws of physics, reality, magic, etc. don’t exist, and are all malleable, as long as you have the knowledge to form them. They feel like, if people who use reality magics can have unlimited control of THEIR little pocket realms, why shouldn’t it be same for our larger collective realm?**
**(Though this is a simplistic understanding of reality magics that ignores a few key features, notably that reality magics users ARE limited in how they build their realm. The reason reality magics are so inaccessible and rare to like 99.99999% of the population is because of the MASSIVE amount of magical energy that is required to build, and MAINTAIN, one of these minuscule pocket realms. A reality magic user is not ‘only limited by their imagination’, they’re also held to the normal limitations and rules of magic, just like everyone else. If they don’t have the magical energy to conjure a tree out of nowhere, then they can’t put a tree in their pocket realm. There are other problems with this idea, and with a lot of the Caldienans’ ideas, but I just wanted to point this out, for fear of people who haven’t read my post on magic assuming that this is actually how it works or etc. lol.. While it is true that people can do whatever they want in their pocket realms, even having irregular laws of physics or etc., they still CAN’T escape some of the fundamental laws of magic, and it’s not like they just think ‘ah the sky will be pink!’ and it happens.. they have to like.. actually use magical energy and cast an action to make it that way.  
Despite their scholarly nature and intense study of magic, the Caldienan still have some warped beliefs about how things like this work (which is understandable, considering how rare reality magics are.. barely anyone even knows they exist, let alone understands how they work.).. i KNOW I’m the world-creator here and I should leave some Mystery and not step in and tell everything all the time but, I do want to just make it clear that they’re wrong, and this isn’t at all how magic works,  or how the world used to be prior to the time gap thing. There WAS some weird stuff going on back then, and it is magic related, but it’s ... NOT this type of stuff ghbjhbj.. Though, this being canonically untrue does not mean that they, in universe, believe it any less. In the world, they have no tumblr worldbuilding posts they can reference lmao, so they personally have no proof in-world that would sway their convictions. I’m just telling you that they’re wrong, so that nobody reading these gets confused ideas about the already kind of complicated magic system lol)
Most of the work that the Caldienan do, just involves.. hunting down old things, ancient buildings, books, artifacts, etc. They’re of course particularly interested in anything theorized to date from prior to the worldwide memory gap/history loss, and are known to REALLY go out of their way to get that sort of thing. They tend to cross paths with general magic scholars and other mage organizations quite often, who usually have a negative view of them, because of how rude they are to others lol. Anyone who’s been a magic scholar/researcher for more than 15 years has probably had at least ONE run in with someone working for the Caldienan , and it was probably a negative interaction, like having some of their ancient books stolen by them, or nearly being killed at the entrance of some ancient ruins by a member of the Caldienan who wanted to get them out of the way so THEY could be the first people in and take all of the Ancient Discoveries inside. The Caldienan don’t cooperate with other groups, and don’t share their discoveries under any conditions, so most other scholar groups find them annoying as they’re always excessively competitive, cut-throat, will steal artifacts from other researchers, will literally kill people just to get information before them, etc.
This is another thing that draws young researchers to the group, since they keep information gated behind rankings, levels, etc. Beginner mages who are extremely passionate about magic and especially the ‘Big Secrets’ about it that scholars still can’t figure out, will end up joining, hoping to be involved in all this cutting edge research the Caldienan claim to be doing, and have access to their Secret Library of documents, all of this information they’ve stolen from ancient sites, exclusive and hidden to anyone else outside of the group, etc. etc... Only then to be met with “Oh, well you can’t access this part of the library until you’re at THIS level” “No, only the highest ranking group members can read this”..
The student researchers of the group then have to do escalating levels of menial tasks, dangerous work, difficult research missions, carry out or participate in various dubious experiments, etc. etc., just to be able to actually have access to the Information*, or actually be allowed to study under a high-ranking expert, etc. Carefully timed rewards or rank-increases help them buy into the group structure and feel that it’s worth it, even if from the outside, it’s an obviously unfair set up, and the students would probably learn more just traveling around the world to research sites on their own instead of joining a secretive academic society where they have to exhaustingly labor for years just to gain access to One Secret Shelf in the Special Library, etc. 
(*this is often even information that THEY collected themselves.. Like they risk their lives uncovering some ancient text in a ruin and then one of the group leaders is like “Ok, thanks for that” and snatches it from them and puts it away, and they’re told that can’t even read what they just found until they get at least to the next ranking, duh!)   
The more controversial section of the group are the ones who focus on studying the limitations of magic, and practically applying possible ways to get around or overcome them. This not only includes stuff like intentionally attempting to exceed certain limits (like, trying to do an action that takes much more energy than you have, which, is known to quite likely kill or seriously injure people), but also delving into things which are technically possible (the known rules of magic themselves allow it), but which are culturally taboo (like.. using blood or live sacrifice, soul absorption, trying to revive the dead or create life, etc.), which obviously can involve some..... unethical practices (and a lot of lower ranking members of the organization unknowingly sacrificing themselves just for the research notes of the higher ups).
The Caldienan actually used to be a species specific group, in that it was really only popular among a small cultural group of northern elves* who traditionally lived in Minam, but has since evolved over the past few thousand years to incorporate other members as well, primarily many northern jhevona. (which is bizarre to see jhevona and elves working so closely with one another, especially in the north (which is elven territory, usually known to be a bit negative towards jhevona)). They welcome any new members from anywhere, though they do have an entrance exam and trials you have to go through first (just like any typical secret society), and one must be careful as to WHY they were accepted. Especially if you’re a talented magic user, they may only be letting you in to later use you as a pawn, or a participant in their ‘magic experiments’ (aka, sacrificial lab rat), rather than treating you as a genuine member of the group.
(*though these elves are actually unrelated to the major population of northern elves native to Aviinine. They may be distant ancestors somewhere down the line, but the ancient elves in Minam had a different culture, genetics, etc. than the old Vanyen** elves who’s descendants populate most of the north/Aviinine)
(**Fanyin used to be called Vanyen in ancient elven times, and was a primary elven civilization hub, so this is what I mean by ‘old vanyen’ elves. The group that modern northern elves (including the Fanyiniri of course), the Avirre’thel, many elves in the northern areas of Estic/Nonvas Kfal all descend from, etc.) 
The Caldienan mostly operate just in Minam, that’s where their headquarters is, and where all of the leaders of the group stay, but they of course send members all over the place on hunts for artifacts, knowledge, etc. There are probably 700 - 800 of them in total, and they have no known uniform or group symbol. 
(also, as a side note - This is unfortunately kind of common for mage groups, though the Caldienan are definitely some of the worst. But even decent  collectives of mages, magic scholar guilds, etc. can tend to be a bit exclusive and cliquey, want to keep a bunch of secrets to themselves, take advantage of less experienced mages that are new to the group, etc. etc. Because a majority of the world population has either no magic knowledge/skill, or just the most BASIC knowledge/skill, studying advanced magic professionally as a lifetime job is really sort of a niche occupation, so there’s less options available. There may only be one single mage group around that’s even CLOSE to where a person lives, or plausible for them to go to, so a lot of beginners who aim to be magic scholars can end up being in situations where it’s like “well, this sucks, but it’s my only option, and I have to learn somewhere”. Likewise, the organizations can become more corrupt over time, because there’s not any other mediating force out there, like “Well, we’re the only option some of these people have, so they can just deal with how we run things, or have nothing at all”, etc. 
Though, this doesn’t mean that all magic education is this way. In societies where magical abilities are common, there are TONS of places where you can learn simple magics, tutors, magic schools, usually many elders in the community will act as teachers and tutor young kids for free, etc. Like, in elven or jhevona schools/communities, you’d just be taught basic magic as you’re growing up, and usually even slightly more advanced stuff if you choose to pursue it, etc. etc. Here, I’m specifically speaking about advanced magic, and the study of that magic, beyond what you could learn in your average school. There’s a big difference between being “someone who knows how to do magic” and a professional full time magic scholar/expert mage. Because higher level more advanced forms of magic are SO rare and inaccessible for most people in the first place, AND on top of that, the study of these types of magic/how all magic works is also an obscure and difficult field,, if your goal is to learn about that sort of stuff, you’re pretty much reliant on just having to find whatever experts you can and try to study under them, at least when you’re first starting out. 
So, your average mage in Nanyevimi would have probably no trouble finding easy access to a good quality non-exploitative magic education.. But, if you’re someone who wants to like, study the inner-workings of magic itself, learn advanced illusion magics, soul magic, various rare fields of study and expert techniques, etc. etc, it’d be difficult to find a place/group where you can research those things in the first place, let alone like.. an actual GOOD one...)
(additional fun fact - The Caldienan used to have a second branch, down in southern Estic Kfal, a few thousand years ago when they were going though a phase of trying to expand their influence. One of the students they were experimenting on ended up going rogue, stealing the contents of their Secret library, killing every higher-up on site, and completely burning the headquarters down. While basically all of the other lower ranking members/students were left alive, since there was no leadership, everyone sort of just disbanded and went wherever, though some did flee up north to join the original branch of the group. The student who did this is now a highly advanced mage* living undercover doing independent magic research and other odd jobs on the side, actually not that far away from Minam (in Asen, in Aviinine). Totally random information, but since he’s in the main cast of characters for the game I’m making, I thought it was an interesting connection to bring up, since most of these posts are just informational and rarely are related to actual OCs or anything lol)
(*though not really by choice, as a lot of the inherent magical energy came from experimentation by the Caldienan in the first place, various forced soul absorptions and dangerous spells, etc. (read the post on soul absorprtion I linked somewhere above to explain how that whole process works, why it would absolutely suck to be like.. locked in a room on the verge of death for 2 weeks straight As A Fun Magic Experiment, against your will...like 30 times in a row hghgh.. snapping and killing your pretentious mage overlords because their experiments accidentally made you 10x more powerful than them is very valid lol). So, it’s not intentionally acquired power, or even a burden he ever wanted (the more powerful your magic is the more deadly/risky it is, and the harder it is to control/upkeep) but, he’s powerful nonetheless.)
They never attempted to re-open another branch anywhere else, since they didn’t feel they had the resources to allocate to that, and basically shut down their expansion goals to just stay in Minam. Even though it’s been like 1000 years, the Calidenan are still on the hunt for all of the stolen library books and artifacts, but since they barely have any evidence about the event except for the name the person was going by at the time, AND since it’s notoriously hard to track down... a fucking expert mage with shapeshifting abilities, that whole ‘retrieve the stolen books’ quest of theirs has been largely unsuccessful.) 
Nanyevimi Medical Association: 
The Nanyevimi Medical Association is, as it sounds, a group unified in wanting to spread the science of medicine and health research. They follow both scientific (non-magic, like herbs, medicines) and magical (like healing magics, enchantments, etc.) realms of health study, though different portions of the group may specialize in one particular area over another. It’s basically just a collection of scholars, out to study medicine as much as possible (similar to how there are many mage groups wholly dedicated to studying magic, etc.). They sometimes do public outreach, advise governments or local medical teams on how to handle certain things, write textbooks, open medical schools in global cities, etc.
Though, similar to general technology, currency systems, etc.,, medicine in Nanyevimi is not very cohesive or centralized, and pretty much every little area does their own thing, so this group can face a lot of difficulties when trying to share information/unite varying schools thought in medicine, when there are so many vastly differing ideas out there. 
There are about 8,000 members of this group total, though they have different local branches centralized in a few main places across the realm, usually in global areas/cities, so they can reach as many different types of people as possible. There’s no uniform or symbol for the group at this time. 
(sidenote - there is a little bit of controversy about them... It’s kind of an old prestigious group with a history, since it’s been around over 9,000 years, thus everyone thinks it’s really cool and has ‘stood the test of time’ etc., but that also means that things have changed a lot through it’s history, and they have certain past associations forever tied to them that can make people uncomfortable. 
Though unconfirmed, there is some amount of evidence that the scholar who started the group in the first place is a notorious ancient jhevona mage*, known for generally unethical ‘’medical experiments’’, using magic in extremely dangerous ways for ‘’research’’, and writing scholarly texts under various fake names (as well as faking identities to teach at mage schools, speak at medical conferences, etc.) throughout the years. While he indeed has made a handful of ‘groundbreaking’ or significant discoveries, he’s also caused a lot of harm, not just with the experiments, but other schemes, conflicts within the broader medical community, etc.. So, despite his one or two positive contributions/ interesting ideas, the popular opinion is obviously to hate and distrust him, even among the most ‘morally lacking mad-scientist’ types of the community.  Basically anything associated with him is kind of poisoned (the books it was later confirmed that he wrote have been burned before, etc.).
Apparently he’s gone back into voluntary obscurity and nobody has seen evidence of his activity (lack of public evidence doesn’t mean he’s not still about doing things, though), but because it’s such a hostile reputation, that association with the group can be hard to shake. There are always various theories going on that the Nanyevimi Medical Association is still secretly run by him, or that they have communications with him, work for him, or that some of the evidence they gather/papers they publish are secretly from him (just writing under another fake name this time or something), etc. The official position of the organization is that it actually wasn’t even founded by him at all (there is no concrete proof, after all), and that any talk of their association with him, especially in the modern day knowing what everyone knows about him now, is just fantastical nonsense driven by people in the community who enjoy drama and giving things a more bizarre backstory than they actually have.  But.. that doesn’t keep some people from still being, a wee bit suspicious about the group, even if mostly unwarranted....)
*(All ancient Jhevona are fairly unknown, many people don’t even know they exist, but there are a few that have done things which ended up attracting attention in very specific communities. So like, people deep in the mage scholar world may be aware of an ancient jhevona that had surfaced in the past and was part of a mage college once (even if nobody else in the rest of the world knows of their existence)..  or like the Avan (a cultural group within the Avirre’thel), who are currently in contact with someone who’s thought to be an ancient jhevona, so obviously they’re very aware of her, and so is some of Avirre’thel society, but it’s not the like entire world knows of her existence, etc. So, it’s not common for there to be a ‘notorious ancient jhevona mage’, as a majority of ancient jhevona spend their lives in hiding/voluntary isolation, but, in very particular circumstances, occasionally, an ancient jhevona could be ‘’known’’ by a small and specific community of people, or have a reputation among them. In this case, this one ancient jhevona being known by a portion of the medical mage community, who probably hear rumors and stories about him while gossiping in medical school.)
This ‘’group’’ is basically the only connection between the few currently living ancient jhevona (for an explanation on what ancient jhevona are, read the bottom of the page HERE (link)). Though they’re all rather isolated, and would never have anything as tight knit as an ‘alliance’, there is thought to be a very small group of 3 to 5 of them who travel around, keeping up with the others. They basically just keep tabs on their fellow ancient jhevona, try to get a bit of information on them, make sure none of them are interfering in world events or using their magic too disruptively, making notes and investigating when one of them inevitably dies in a magical accident, keeping track of highly advanced mages who are seeking to reach that level of power/are close to being considered ancient jhevona (thus adding them to the list of people to keep an eye on, etc.), on EXTREMELY rare occasion they also mediate between multiple ancient jhevona if one of them starts to have a problem with another (though again.. rare.. they all stay out of each other’s way), etc. 
The exact number is unknown, as they’re so detached from reality it’s generally impossible to track or perceive them (unless you’re also one of them I guess), but there are thought to be around 43 ancient jhevona currently living. And about 24 mages that would be considered on the threshold of power that could qualify them as being close to one. So this small group of 3-5 of them basically just roam about, keeping tabs on all 67 of those individuals, gathering info, etc. Which seems like an easy task, since it’s such a small amount of people but.. they’re also the most powerful (in a magical sense, not in terms of riches or political power, since they’re so far abstracted from society none of that is even a factor for any of them) individuals on the entire planet, who can do insane magics, half of them don’t even have concrete/consistent physical forms, some live in their own minds or manufactured realms and barely spend any time in the actual world, etc. etc. .. so like.... they can be a handful, and very difficult to track down lol.. plus the ancient jhevona that make up this group obviously have their own lives as well, so even though it’s less than 70 people, it’s a lot to manage.
Nobody knows the name of this group, or if they even have any sort of official title, since they’re not.. really.. a group, necessarily? It’d be similar to if you lived in a closed off little suburban neighborhood full of a bunch of eccentric rich people, and none of them really talk to each other, they all sit in their own houses all day working on ludicrous inventions or meditating for 7 days straight or etc and minding their own business, BUT, of course there are a few of them who are a little nosy or something and feel like having neighborhood unity could be a good thing, just in case it’s even needed to resolve conflicts or reign in one of the neighbors that’s getting a little wild or etc., so they start a little neighborhood watch committee, where them and a few of the other residents meet every few weeks for coffee and scones and just gossip and keep tabs on the other residents, and make decisions about any issues that might arise in the neighborhood. 
So it’s not really like a Formal Official Group, but more just a few Concerned Citizens who think it’s beneficial to know what’s going on in their own neighborhood and take notice of the activities of their peers, to an extent. These are also the only ancient jhevona that actually keep up with world events, just to monitor for any suspicious activity that seems like it could be caused by other ancient jhevona, or in extremely rare cases, things that they might need to use their collective powers to step into.*
*(like for example, if some group of people found out how to make a magic nuclear weapon or something, some ancient jhevona might get together to discuss it, and possibly destroy the technology and means for it’s creation. Even though it’s kind of a silent agreement that none of them should ever get involved in world events or try to influence stuff too much (as it could easily get out of control), they’re also literally the most magically powerful people in the entire world, so to some degree, in extreme situations where a truly MASSIVE number of people could die, they feel moral obligation to step in and help if they can. Though for like 75% of them, nuclear war could legit break out and they wouldn’t even notice because they’d be safe and secure living in their mind realms  where they’ve been detached sitting in their own dreams in a cave alone for the past 20,000 years, there are still a small handful of them that would feel it’s necessary to get more involved, in the case of exceptional scenarios lol). 
And that’s about it! I’ll add more things in updates if I create more groups or anything! For now, I feel this is an okay amount to work with in terms of a kind of newer world that I haven’t done much in yet, other than constructing it lol. It’s not many, but it’s a good base to work with for knowing what organization might be where, who might have conflicts with another in a certain area, thinking of groups characters could join, etc. etc. Thanks so much for reading if you read this far! Also, always feel free to send in questions or anything if something I explained isn’t clear, or if you want to know more info on a certain topic, etc. 
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OH, also, here's a little additional part on the end, just for how to pronounce some of the names in the post, since I know a lot of them are random fantasy language words lol. You can go here, which is an unlisted video (at least it should be, let me know if anyone has trouble accessing it, I can double check the privacy settings), and listen to me saying these words out loud, in case you’ve ever wondered how they’re supposed to be said - 
Then here’s the list of things I’m pronouncing (they’re also on screen in the video though, so you can read them there if you want)- 
Nanyevimi,  Avirre’thel,   Jhevona,  Aviinine,  Estic Kfal,  Nonvas Kfal, Iheolto Gari,  Siryonla ,  Minam, Fanyin,  Fanyiniri,  Asen , Ane Kiivastye , Ane Nekiivastye,  Navyete,  Avirrekava,  Avii'da Vina, Syehtavaege'sa bi'gyanei,  Imkasyn,  Ehn-imkasyn,  Thastanri Vilheiiatheni,  Jhenasainye,  Vura Isethagi,  Miliel-Sei,  Deinsas Oryen Rivande,  Lir Imaeni,  Liramenii,  Mippya,  The Bryn,  Nanebae Itheminal'in / Itheminal,  Ostienache,  Iriminel,  Imin Amete,  Mederin Viteliusem ke’meder,  na’meder, in’meder,  Vitelius,  Wyltenfer,  Sevayan, Caldienan
and then all the baby names lol just for fun--  Anhana, Ara, Ada, Tyara, Erivera,  Ishimanare, Ye’isahana, Harivuyenia, Tuyakuhera, Anayaheiru*, Ibayamarinesi,  ‘Imaenasevayuni’ , Anheru, Aharu, Anyeru
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fandomwarriorqueen · 4 years
Maybe it’s because I grew up watching Disney movies all the time but I don’t like the Disney movies for their romance. Yes the romance parts are great especially in some of the later movies but there’s so much to learn from each and every princess. Ps, this is really fucking long but I think it’s important and carries a lot of good life lessons. Sorry for bad grammar and weird language. My only language is English but I don’t speak it that well when I’m tired.
Snow White: She didn’t let her fear get in the way of her caring heart, and the only reason why the old crone was her stepmother was because her stepmother actively looked for her knowing that Snow would help her because of how kind she was, which is how she convinced her to take her into the house. The only person who did something wrong was the Evil Queen in taking advantage of a girl of 14 who doesn’t understand what she did wrong.
Cinderella: Being brave enough to follow your heart and work to make your dreams come true is something I especially think that we could learn form today. She worked to get all her chores done and because of everything she did for them the mice helped her finish the dress. The fairy godmother saw how hard she tried to go to the ball, and so she helped Cinderella get there and make sure she wasn’t recognized by Lady Tremaine so that way she couldn’t be abused further for leaving the house. Also while Cinderella was excited by the idea of meeting the Prince, she was excited because she wanted to meet to him and talk to him and that’s what ultimately drew him to her. She wasn’t throwing herself at someone because of his money or titles like Drisella or Anastasia or the other women, in fact she fell in love with him and married him for the way he loved her.
Jasmine: A lot of people don’t recognize the strength it takes for Jasmine to make the decisions she made. Instead of quietly submitting to a marriage she instead used her position as princess to make a point and refused to sit idly by as a glorified prisoner within the palace walls, and a lot of people don’t realize that a lot of women/girls in middle eastern countries aren’t allowed to leave their homes or are forced to married the men that their fathers chose for them either because they don’t know better, or fear of retribution. It also makes a point that just because women may be the money makers doesn’t mean that the man is any less important in the relationship. Jasmine chose Aladdin because he supported her as who she was as a person and recognized that she wouldn’t want to marry a prince who thought he was worthy because he was a man/Prince so rather he proved that he wanted to marry Jasmine because he loved her for all of her.
Mulan: This is another one because Mulan broke the gender roles that are present even with modern Western societies. Men go off to fight in wars and women stay home get married and maybe get a job and raise the kids, but there are so many women who fight for our country and rights and our freedoms, and continue to fight to make sure we can keep them, but also create more and help others. Also Mulan shows that sometimes it goes beyond raw power and the ability to follow orders that makes a person successful. You have to be driven, hard-working, creative, and cunning in order to achieve your goals. Also not to mention it teaches girls to be proud of who they are as fighters, and not to hide behind any type of mask because they aren’t worthless. Also there are so many unspoken women in history that did a lot for their countries during war times, and Mulan barely begins to cover it.
Belle: This is one of my personal favorites for multiple reasons. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite movie and Belle is my favorite princess and theirs a reason. There are so many types of people out there and being book loving introvert that didn’t have a lot of friends growing up Belle was a huge role model for me. For one she didn’t take shit Gaston and refused to let him and the villagers influence her values and get in the way of her passion for reading and refused to let people make fun of her father, because her parentage was something she was proud of, and rightfully so, as her father was a ingenious inventor. Also not to mention she didn’t take shit from the Beast as well, being the first person to let him know throw a healthy way *cough* unlike the Enchantress *cough* that he wasn’t treating people with the respect they deserved, but she still helped him when he saved her life showing that she has a good heart, as she just returned to the very castle she had been escaping. Of course another thing she does is instead of immediately leaving, as soon as she sees hope of progress and change within the Beast she teaches him what it means to be a good person, acting as a teacher and good influencer. The reason she doesn’t do this with Gaston is because he not only refuses to change, and instead tries to change her, he also threatens her, and as soon as she’s not submissive to him, he labels her as crazy and casts her to the side and goes on a jealous rampage against the man she does have feelings for, as I do often see within my own school. Belle also sees past the views of the villagers, who see Gaston as more then a strong handsome guy and instead for the asshat he is, which is something that girls should keep in mind when approaching anyone of the preferred gender. Look at personality and not physical features. Most of the time you can see the warning signs of an abusive relationship before it actually starts, if you look for them.
Ariel: This is one that I find really intersting and I’m at odds with. On one hand I think that Ariel had a right to be curious and she was right to look past her family views and try to see humans for what they were rather then what her family labeled them to be. This applys great to people who have bigot parents and absolutely encourage curious people to ask me questions about my heritage and my sexuality and a lot of my guy friends ask a lot of what it’s like being a girl. Education isn’t always what you read in books. Also I like how even though Ariel was putting herself at risk, she recognized the need that Eric was in, and set her own self aside to save Eric, as you should always value life and try to help others in need when possible. On the other hand, Ariel gave up a lot for Eric. While I understand her need to leave her family behind she knew nothing about Eric or if he was in fact a mermaid killer as she had never had a true conversation with him, and you should never jump headlong into relationships like that because it’s not always healthy and can lead to a lot of miscommunication. Also another thing I don’t like is the Flotsum and Jetsum reminded me so much of creepy old men luring kids into cars. Stay safe and aware. Your life isn’t worth a guy or whatever your willing to get yourself killed for. There was a reason Sebastian tried to warn her and a reason Flounder took his side. Your friends often times have your best interests at heart, and are looking out for you. Listen to them. Sometimes they can see stuff you can’t. Also the fact she gave up her voice for Eric is something I’m at odds with. Yes relationships do take sacrifice and work, but you should never ever feel the need to give up such a huge part of yourself for someone else, and a person who cares about you would never ask that if you. If Eric truly cared about Ariel he would have saw past the tail and they could have tried to find another way to be together without putting Ariel in danger. Also irrational choices. Times of emtions and clouded judgment are not the time and place to make life changing decisions. Also people may claim to be helping but often times if they want something out of it, especially something big and personal, they are you using and should not being trusted.
Aurora: Not gonna lie I don’t have much to say because she wasn’t in much of the movie. But yeah talking to people isn’t a bad thing, you can’t let your guardian determine your social life that’s for you to figure out. For me it’s social media and a lot of theater nerds, for others they’re sportsy and they like taking to people and making friends face to face. But also talk to people a bit before asking them in a date, and if they name a sketchy place or seem to have a sketchy background don’t meet them. They could be fishers or rapists or just weird. Not really Aurora’s fault and for the time picking her up at a woodsman cottage in the middle of the woods isn’t that weird, but Phillip hun if the lights aren’t on and the voice sounds like the wicked fairy from your fiancées baptism then don’t go in. Also don’t date people if your engaged it’s rude.
Pocahontas: While I understand a lot of the movie isn’t historically accurate for a kids movie about looking past race and understanding someone before you judge them, and misplacing your anger, 100% done right Disney. Amazing. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Also find those key supporting figures in your life like Grandmother Willow, because those are the people that in the long run, will be there for you and love you forever. Also, again, be true to yourself. Pocahontas wasn’t happy with being the conplacent wife, don’t be the conplacent girl. If you have dreams, go fucking get them. They are so within your grasp all you have to do is leave the haters behind, jump in your canoe, and look at what’s around the river bend. Also thank you for discussing how precious every single bit of life on our Earth is and how much we should preserve it, but also for calling out white imperialism. You didn’t come form this land, just because you say mine like a spoiled child, doesn’t give you the right to commit genocide and kill multiple cultures and thousands of people, and destroy the land they worked so hard to preserve, and then deny them rights in their own country. My ancestors are guilty of this, and my ancestors have also been the victims. While it’s horrible and needs to be taught better in schools and bigotry needs to be erased, we also need to move past it a preserve the dying cultures by teaching people about them, even if they don’t necessarily belong to the culture by blood. I’m more Irish then Aztec, but I want to know more about my heritage on both sides. And I live for teaching people my history if they’re willing to listen.
Tiana: Girl you are a strong black women and you have a dream and you work hard and you make your daddy proud every goddamn day. But you also have to remember that you need to give yourself the space to grow and be a person outside of work. You need to remeber to have fun, and you can only give 100 if you treat yourself like you’re 100. But also you can’t dilly dally along all day, and you’ll never get anywhere if life if you don’t work for it. Even the smallest of dreams is something more then nothing (looking at you Naveen) also hey maybe that person worked for that shit you don’t know, but don’t go about the wrong way of doing something through anger because it never ends well. Also hey thanks for showing off the racial devide of the historyocal time period. Just letting you know it was extremely rare for white anf black girls to be friends because most of the time they wouldn’t see each other. Also allowing Tiana into the costume party was truly revolutionary on Charlotte’s part as black people weren’t supposed to be treated as equals. That obviously had changed a lot but it also needs to change still. Not to mention Naveen would have never been allowed to marry Charlotte due to his skin tone even with her daddy’s blessing unless he was a prince, because he would’ve been lynched otherwise. Also that image of family and neighbors being one. That’s was something amazing. Share what you can with those around you cause they other have less. Also let’s make sure that the divide between white and black folks keep getting smaller ok.
Rapunzel: Boy could I go on a tangent about this movie because recognizing who you are as a person and who you want to be is just the start. Mother Gothel was horrible, terrible, awful, and no-good in so many ways I’m surprised the movie is rated G with the level of abuse portrayed in the film. First off you shouldn’t steal, and you cannot claim something made for those in need for yourself when there are others out there suffering so much worse. (Definitely talking about the Medicare system here get your act straight) Also you shouldn’t find the need to control everything about your child’s life. You have to let them be there own person and figure things out on there own otherwise the message will never get through. Also treat your child like a goddamn person they aren’t a slave or your own personal slave they are a human being. Don’t get me started on stealing a child because holy fuck how bad of a person do you have to be.
Merida: I love this movie for a variety of reasons. First a female character does not need a romance to be a successful lead role. Also sane thing, your child isn’t a mini you, or a mold to make as you want. They are a human being. They must grow and learn on their own, or they’ll never truly understand the lesson. The best you can do is support them. Also like with Merida and the princes, a girl doesn’t need a man to be a Queen, a man or another person of preferred gender should just make her stronger. Also one of the things I have learned is that this movie wasn’t Queen Elenore finding the courage to let her daughter be herself, or Merida finding the courage to admit her mistakes, but more then that, it was finding the courage to live in a way Disney had never shown before. Brave was about family love, and how there are so many bonds and relationships that are so much more important and valuable to use then our selfish parts of us like pride, being a family with people who hold different values then yourself is one of eh hardest thing, take it from a person who knows. But you have to find the courage and the strength to move past the fear, anger, and sadness to work together as people who where originally designed to love each other unconditionally, and make a family work, and as shown it only works if every person who’s part of it, puts in the effort and emotion in order to truly create the bond needed to love each other above all else.
This was my long ass rant as to why I think Disney princesses are important and don’t necessarily hold a bad message I didn’t talk about lesser know princesses or Frozen because that is a whole rant in itself that I’m not going to get into because it’s nearily one in the morning here.
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#he’s no better than any other politician
#and is indeed actively worse than quite a few
#us politics I am curious as to why you think he’s actively worse than someone like Steyer, or Tulsi Gabbard, or simply in general. Why do you feel he’s actively worse than the rest? I would also love to know who you think is the best choice out of the lot? and you’re reasoning behind that?
Hey for some reason I can’t reblog the post where you asked the above about Bernie. I’m going to give a very brief rundown of thoughts. 
First, let’s clear up some rather broad, assumptions made: 
am curious as to why you think he’s actively worse than someone like Steyer, or Tulsi Gabbard, or simply in general. / Why do you feel he’s actively worse than the rest?
I never said any politician’s name. Just a general indication that he’s worse than a few. I think it’s interesting you assumed I meant those two and not that he’s worse than, let’s say, Julian Castro. 
I clearly said “no better than any other politician” which puts him on equal footing with Warren etc. so this assumption: Why do you feel he’s actively worse than the rest? is unwarranted. 
What I was saying was basically - no better than e.g. Warren and worse than quite a few e.g. Castro, Clinton (I know, come fight me leftists who drank the almost 30 years of GOP koolaid on her) etc. 
A quick rundown of issues I have with Bernie include, but are not limited to: 
Inability to deal with sexual harassment in his campaign in a meaningful way (he apologized and such, but there’s not to my eyes been a significant change)
General sexism in his campaign as well as sexism displayed by followers. He’s just got a sexism issue overall.
Lack of meaningful, recent civil rights record 
Unwilling to coalition build with colleagues in government (a profoundly necessary skill if you want to get anything done as president). Basically, he’s not a team player. We need team players. Team players is how DC works. (e.g. “Ms. Clinton, pointing out that Mr. Obama had to fight tooth-and-nail even for relatively centrist solutions such as the Affordable Care Act, draws the lesson that the next president must have a strong sense of practicality and realism; big rallies cannot wish away the complex politics of Congress. Mr. Sanders, by contrast, claims that Mr. Obama had insufficient revolutionary zeal.” Sanders’ view is not helpful nor realistic.) 
Lack of passing meaningful policy/legislation in his 25 years as senator which indicates an overall inability to solve issues within the existing system as well as a manifestation of the above mentioned inability to coalition build. While many senators propose many bills and pass few (that’s kind of par for the course) Sanders’ are particularly lack lustre. Of the seven enacted of which he was primary sponsor, three were designations (S. 885, H.J.Res. 231, S. 893) and one was a national park boundary movement (H.R. 1353). 
Bernie Sanders was the primary sponsor of seven bills that were enacted:
S. 885 (113th): A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 35 Park Street in Danville, Vermont, as the “Thaddeus Stevens Post Office”.
S. 2782 (113th): A bill to amend title 36, United States Code, to improve the Federal charter for the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, and for other purposes
S. 893 (113th): Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2013H.R. 5245 (109th): To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1 Marble Street in Fair Haven, Vermont, as the “Matthew Lyon Post Office Building”.
H.J.Res. 129 (104th): Granting the consent of Congress to the Vermont-New Hampshire Interstate Public Water Supply Compact.
H.R. 1353 (102nd): Entitled the “Taconic Mountains Protection Act of 1991”.
H.J.Res. 132 (102nd): To designate March 4, 1991, as “Vermont Bicentennial Day”.
Medicare for All: it’s an incredibly complicated thing to implement and I’m personally not convinced Sanders’ plan is the right approach, nor that it would pass congress when introduced. 
Weak stance on gun control and relationship with the NRA
Tendency to shout over and shut people down, especially those asking questions he doesn’t want to answer 
His lack of attempting to control his supporters - their misogyny and racism - are indicative of the kind of person running the campaign. These things rot from top down. 
How powerfully his ego influences his actions, especially in 2016 when it took Obama hauling him into the white house before he finally stepped down and stopped running 
That whole Russia murkiness
His continued view that the primaries are rigged when they aren’t, he just lost, is actively harmful 
He has, or has benefited from, super PACs (he has some direct PAC contributions, but it’s not a large amount. Most of his benefits from PACs come in other forms than direct contributions). 
So, this is not something I particularly care about overall, because running for president is expensive (which is a Problem), and it’s a current reality to campaign financing. But he made such a big deal out of it I take vindictive pleasure in him having them/benefitting from them because I can now corner Luke Savage at a mutual friend’s annual Christmas party and tell him to shove it up his arse. 
Support of Gabbard who is a bit of a Russian plant (not to mention a terrible candidate overall) 
He is old, he is white, he is straight, he is cis, he is male - we have the most diverse range of potential nominees and if we think he’s the Answer or Saviour there’s a lot of unpacking of internalized stuff that needs to happen. 
A personal thing, but I really, really dislike his shoutiness. He reminds me of every socialist bro who has shouted down women and other marginalized people at parties I’ve been to (I know quite a few Jacobin/Socialist hacks e.g. aforementioned Luke Savage who uses the Sanders Certified approach If You Shout Enough They Can’t Get A Word In Therefore You Win to conversations and debates) and it leaves my skin crawling. 
No policy to address the needs and interests of First Nations/Native Americans including living standards, water access, education, treaty rights, any sort of reconciliation and addressing the issue of colonialism and genocide etc. (I think Castro is the only one with anything addressing Native American needs)
Breach of Clinton’s campaign voter data. Super. Shady. 
Ultimately, I’m not an idealist because idealism doesn’t make for good policy. While I dislike the term leftist because it invokes, to my mind, the blind, unthinking frothing wrath of Bernie Bros(tm), I do have leftist goals. 
However, I am practical about the approach, which will almost always be incremental. It’s like building a house: you lay foundations before you start on the walls, roof and insulation. Bernie wants an instant house to appear out of no where. That’s not how life nor government, works.
This isn’t to say we shouldn’t push to improve things and make for a better world, a more just society. But the reality is: we have a system we must work within and so we need people who can do that effectively. That said, we can and should try to improve the system on the way, as well. But burning it down and starting from scratch is a pipe dream. Best lay it to the side and fight for things that can actually improve lives today. In the here and now. 
in the end, I don’t like Bernie Sanders because he is an old, shouty white man driven by ego who is crude, mean, and isn’t a real democrat. I think we can do better. 
My current list of choices for the Democratic nominee (which is open to change. It will depend on how debates play out and further policy details put forward by candidates): 
Julian Castro (I like his platform the most; he has experience in DC from the Obama administration; knows how to be a team player; he’s young, intelligent and well spoken; has that “presidential” look that many voters like to see, which you know. Makes sense. Mostly I like his platform and everything I’ve heard and read about him has been positive. He also runs a (mostly) positive campaign! Unlike Some Old White Shouty Men. I can go on.)
Kamala Harris (She has a good platform with sound policy plans; she has grit and stamina needed to run against Trump; She runs a positive campaign - even using her funding to support other democrats currently primarying republicans/are just up for general re-election; she’s a senator so has experience and allies in DC with whom she can coalition build; she’s a team player; she will give us a good shot in Florida and N. Carolina; she has strong support from Black Americans who are the base of the democratic party; as DA she fought against prop 22 and prop 8 [yes, she’s not perfect as DA or AG but point to someone with a perfect track record. I’ll wait. I’m not here for perfection or purity politics, I’m here for someone who can win and will implement descent policy while in power], she pioneered one of the first open data initiative to expose racism in the legal system, lol she’s not a millionaire unlike Some Old White Shouty Man - which is neither here nor there for me personally, because again I’m realistic, just a refreshing thing. I can go on.) 
Elizabeth Warren (I’m rather luke-warm on her but she’s better than the other options.)
My ideal ticket, currently, is: Harris/Castro. 
Again - this is open to change. And, at the end of the day, I will vote for the democratic nominee in 2020 no matter what because we can’t have another four years of Trump. 
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
Boots Reads Homestuck Epilogue(s) Part 14 - Candy Page 27
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Alright, back from a brief excursion.  I really, REALLY wanna fucking finish this.  I want to see ROXY UNZOMBIFIED goddamnit, or at least get a REASON for her zombification, even if it’s just some Dirk-like villain who just cliffhangers himself away like a fucking asshole.
Also, comment on John’s whole rant... I guess John DID kind of want to be important.  Or... well, not “important” per se, but rather at least impactful in his friends’ lives.  It feels like they’re all walking dead through their own unsolved problems, trying to put on a pretty face, and nothing he tries to do matters, even attempted kidnapping.  He feels as useless as Dirk THINKS he is, but he never really was.  Gosh, I wish he’d pulled off that absurd kidnapping.  Freeing people from this sort of thing is supposed to kind of be his jam?
Okay, reading the new page.
Pff, John’s kid and sorta!Vriska.  Yeah I can buy that.
Also I love how they type out “Harry Anderson” every single time as his full first goddamn name.
--God damnit, how is Gamzee still fucking things up ten years later?  Hasn’t someone considered killing him?
Karkat and Meenah, also unsurprising.  Too bad Dave has to die unsatisfied.  >:(
Hm... this sorta!Vriska also has a weird Capitalization Quirk for Important Words, huh?  --Oh right, Kanaya raised her.  That might do it.
Hm, eyepatch?
Alright, the world’s falling into chaos.  Did the world HAVE to fucking fall into chaos in BOTH TIMELINES where these supposedly-went-through-a-successful-journey heroes managed to eek out victory despite opposing reality’s greatest tyrant?  Pfuh.
--and right.  Alt!Callie reinforces the idea that even though this possibility “wasn’t canon” -- which... means Meat is?? D: -- that the lives within still matter when looked at within their own bubble.
JADE: while abstracted heavily, and fully freed from all forces of narrative gravity, these events still represent possibilities that slept within the hearts of all who reside here.
Mhmm, part of an extension of themselves, their uniqueness, their hopes and dreams and... whatever WHOEVER did to fuck Roxy over.  Jesus DICK what’s happened to her I need to know you’d better fix this.
And somewhere within that mess, John Egbert is the best man at Jade and Dave’s wedding. He lasts nearly two hours before he gets a ruinous case of the sniffles.
Maybe they worked it out into ALMOST full mutual love?  Even if Dave’s 70% gayness goes totally unsatisfied?  I mean, I can hope, right?  :(
Dammit, Jade, couldn’t you have done this properly?  :C
and everyone knows that John has lost his family to Jane Crocker.
What the shit?!???
What drove Roxy away was him being depressed and just an all-around huge wet blanket who was impossible to live with. John is totally ready to own the fact that he was a bad husband, but maybe not the fact that he was a bad enough husband to drive his wife to passively support a brewing genocidal dictatorship. She looks happier, though, whenever he’s caught sight of her behind Jane—Calliope faithfully at her side—in any of the propaganda broadcasts that Jane passes off as business press conferences. By the time Roxy finally cut things off between them, he hadn’t personally seen her smile in years.
Read.  Calm down.  Read.  There had better be.  A FUCKING.  ANSWER.
Hi military rebellion leader Karkat.
KARKAT: OH MY GOD JOHN, STOP BEING SO FUCKING PATHETIC FOR JUST A MINUTE. COULD YOU DO THAT FOR ME? JOHN: i don’t know. that’s a pretty big favor you’re asking me there, karkat.
JOHN: i dunno. it doesn’t seem responsible, really... to dedicate my life to something so important when i’m in a place where i can’t even find the energy to think that getting out of bed in the morning is “important.”
Depression stuff, yeah.
John really needs a psychologist who isn’t just Rose.
pff, yifftrain.
That’s how the years pass. Faster and faster the longer it goes. 
What.  The.  Fuck.
We’re not going to get any answers are we.  Roxy just acted out of character for no reason, didn’t she.  This is-- no, Andrew’s too GOOD at this for that to-- I mean--  is there a big answer he’s just not telling us-- FUCK!!!!  D:
This sucks.  This sucks this sucks this SUCKS.  But I’ll keep reading.  I have to know.  If I’m ever going to be able to stand, like, i dunno... homestuck rp i guess? i should probably keep reading.  and hope i recover.  eventually.
But that’s only part of it. Above this Earth, the dead cherub is still meditating, waiting for the day when she can have her own heroic apotheosis. Waiting for the day when she can confront the one she calls the Prince. And on this Earth, John is just waiting for the day that feeling finally stops. That feeling that he’s still waiting for something, and the even worse feeling that years ago, he missed his only chance to put an end to it. If you stand on a very high hill at dawn, you can watch your shadow move in an arc around you.
Yeah, reinforcing that John would be happier in the timeline where he did something and -- at least temporarily, since there’s hope of future revival -- “died” because of it, even if he wasn’t clear on why what he was trying to do even really mattered in the whole scheme of things.
...which is pretty weird when you consider the ending of Homestuck didn’t try to express that messa-- no, wait.  I guess it did?
Yes, everyone went to the post-victory planet to live out indefinite lives, but there WAS still the stage play.  Proving that John, at least, WOULD eventually step outside the happy ending to instead risk his life doing something important.  They earned both possibilities, really, to choose from at their will.
...Aren’t there another dozen pages or so left in this Candy segment, though??  Are we gonna follow their kids or something?
...Okay so stuff still needs to happen here, plotways.  Good.  I think.
A flash above the clouds catches John’s attention: another ghost, falling down from wherever it is they come from. John follows after the light with an exhausted sigh. The novelty of dead trolls falling from the sky has really worn off over the years. But he might as well go warn the new arrival that they’ve landed in the middle of an imminent warzone. He sets down at the edge of the crater and peers through the smoke.
He recognizes the ghost immediately, because he sees a younger version of her almost every day.
JOHN: vriska?
Vriska’s face snaps up, eyes blazing. Eyes. Actual eyes, with expression, color, pupils, and everything.
JOHN: wait. you’re... JOHN: alive??
That’s pretty hilarious.  Vriska fell into the singularity and popped out here.
...Yeah, you can’t stand having missed the most “important” bit, can you.  Too bad.  You didn’t have the spotlight in the end.
JADE: it is the one i have been waiting for all these years. JADE: we have run along parallel lines for what may as well be eternity, but my gravitational well has finally ensnared him. JADE: and now he is due to fall into this world.
Uhh, who?  Davebot or something, from the postscript?  Couldn’t be Gamzee, unless it’s, like... a different Gamzee.
“Chaos war”?  That’s a dramatic title.
Hmm, reading reading...
Will Dad’s passing knock any sense into you?  Probably not.
...yeah, it wasn’t going to be that easy, was it?
Of course.  Of course Dad died saving the President.
Although, she’s going to assign fault to Karkat and then want to start a full bloody war over it, so, the opposite of having sense knocked into her then.
JANE: UGH! JANE: That... that fool!! JANE: I can’t believe that he would do this! JANE: How could he do this to me!?! JAKE: Janey... JANE: The human president could be anyone! JANE: My dad can’t be anyone but him!
Jane, you’ve become a real asshole.  :(
...Fuck you Gamzee.
GAMZEE: hEy. GAMZEE: Do YoU tHiNk ThAt MiGhT bE a BiT mOtHeRfUcKinG xEnOpHoBiC?
JANE: What? You think appealing to me with your disgusting little addiction is going to sway me?
Oh Jesus Christ that’s horrifying.  THAT’s what’s been going on.  I don’t want to visualize it, dear lord.
Hahahah, catching Vriska up.  She’s practically curling up in a ball like Squidward in future shock.
JOHN: i was supposed to go fight lord english, but i didn’t. so now we’ve gone beyond, like, the event horizon of canon. (VRISKA): What the fuck does that even MEAN????????
Wait, shouldn’t YOU know exactly what that means, Vriska?  Like, better than most people at least?
JOHN: all i know is that all of this is my fault.
JOHN: it’s been turning around in my head like this for a while. i thought... JOHN: why does everything here fucking SUCK so much? JOHN: how the hell did we even make it from point A to point festering clusterfuck? JOHN: it doesn’t follow any kind of logic i understand, or any sort of basic sense i have about who we are as people... JOHN: and why? why have we all ended up so unhappy and... twisted up?
Yeah, a BUNCH of people have acted really goddamn out of character and it’s unclear why.
JOHN: i got everything i wanted. everyone got what they— JOHN: what i thought they wanted. JOHN: and that’s just it, isn’t it? JOHN: the more i think about it, i’m the only factor that matters to anything.
--What?!?  No!!!  You could SEE that this wasn’t what you thought they wanted right from the get-go.  It couldn’t have been YOUR imagination that this realm of alternative possibility was drawn from, could it?  D:
JOHN: whatever i did, or didn’t do, just... destroyed reality’s ability to, like, substantiate itself, or whatever. JOHN: like there’s a bug in the operating system of whatever force in this world that regulates cause and effect. JOHN: everything’s been unraveling. nothing that happens makes sense anymore. JOHN: and now i’m the only person out here who’s even real at all! JOHN: hahahaha.
That’s certainly an idea at least, that people started acting out of character as we went further from “canon”.  In fact, it’s kind of a slam at fanfics, maybe?  Acknowledging that they distort the characters by understanding them in different ways, sometimes, and.. hm.
(VRISKA): Hahahahahahahaha... Wow, I’ve never seen a guy get his 8ulge all the way down his own swallow chute 8efore! JOHN: wait, what? (VRISKA): Good fuck. Do you actually think reality gives that much of a shit a8out you? (VRISKA): Get real, Eg8ert. (VRISKA): It’s not like you’re me. JOHN: ok, well. JOHN: that’s fair i guess.
Heheheh.  ...Yeah, Vriska might pep talk him out of this self-deprecating theory of his.  Besides, I mean... is that the ONLY cause for this whole fucking situation?  That Roxy’s will got eroded to nothing arbitrarily either at random in a glitching non-canon timeline or because John kind of maybe thought something was going to happen and reality decided to run with it??
...heheh, “batterpanzers”.
I’m pretty sure caring what “c8non” is supposed to be is EXACTLY the thing you’re freaking out about, Vriska, whether you realize it or not.
Oooh, Gamzee.  Do we get to see Vriska kill him?
Yeaaah... redemption ain’t for THIS sp8der.  The ghost version of Vriska got the closest thing to redemption she’ll ever get; THIS version never learned any damn lessons and is not going to accept that she ever NEEDS to.  Also, you said her name in relevance-reducing parentheses.  Bad move.
Yaaaay here’s the bunch of indigo blood we were promised!! :D
Where’s the nudity though? Maybe that’s coming.
He yowls as if he had actual testicles to be mauled, and for all anyone knows, maybe he really does.
It’s reassuring to see that while Andrew is more than willing to give us WAY too much genital detail in some cases throughout this epilogue, he still knows how to deftly exploit the parts of anatomy that still AREN’T explicitly characterized and remain intentionally vague for their impactful resulting humor.  :)
She lunges at Gamzee’s catastrophic face lips-first, and practically dives into his mouth, ramming her tongue into his
FUCK  :(
Okay, back on to anything but this.
Oh shit, double Vriska.  This might be bad.
...Phew.  Nice save, John.
JOHN: ha ha. yeah, right. because this is real life, right? JOHN: i guess reading narrative relevance into a bunch of dumb and totally random events is kind of lame and childish. ROSE: No, that isn’t what I meant at all. ROSE: By all means, apply a narrative to our lives. Up until a certain point, it would have been perfectly accurate to do so. ROSE: But not anymore. JOHN: because... it’s not canon, right? ROSE: Do you remember what I told you years ago? About the three pillars of canon?
ROSE: As I explained to you on that morning sixteen years ago, there are three critical features of canon: essentiality, relevance, and truth. JOHN: yeah. ROSE: We have been untethered from the mooring of “truth” for some time now. ROSE: So while we, in our subjective experiences of conscious perception, feel in this moment that we have known each other for a very long time, technically it’s not true at all.
...Okay.  Okay.
So.  Were, like.
Roxy and Calliope affected by the, like... “untruth wave” of his choice not to go the hardest, because he made it in their vicinity?  And that turned Roxy into a hypnozombie with minimal apparent free will? :C
...Oh wow.  She’s thanking John that she got a chance to be happy in this side timeline, even if so many other people suffered.  Because of the fucking hell Dirk was about to unleash on her in the Meat timeline.  Fuck.
ROSE: In the silly wizard story I wrote when I was a child, ROSE: The realm most comparable to heaven existed in a state of subliminal conditionality, dependent on the inscience of the individual experiencing it. ROSE: Which is to say that it would cease to exist the moment you realized what it was. ROSE: And so, those with knowledge could never truly be happy.
Oh wow, huh.  Yeah, knowing you’re just in a fanfic kind of screws your appreciation for life around you, huh.  So John got fucked over a bit by his metatextual awareness.  :(
And... Rose was, like, cut off by his choice from her own metatextual awakening, maybe?  Hence her ability to appreciate a life somewhere disconnected from anything “canon”?
ROSE: But that isn’t me anymore. ROSE: I am blind against the veil of this world. ROSE: It’s all ambrosia to me. ROSE: I don’t care if it’s not true. I care even less if it’s not canon. ROSE: I have a beautiful wife who I love more than I thought possible, and a daughter who I am immeasurably proud of. ROSE: It can all be senseless, ephemeral noise that dissolves in the void. A whisper swept up by the wind before it’s uttered. ROSE: I’m still grateful to have felt this way.
Alright, this might be a pretty good way of accepting their potential happiness in different timelines as a potential substitute for Dirk’s mess.  I’m not sure HOW well I’ll be able to internalize it to stop the stomach cramps, but we’ll see.
We still have a little bit more left, though.  Next post.
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aotopmha · 4 years
I'm really starting to disagree with the reaction I see around Mikasa's indecisiveness.
At first I got it and I still get it a little bit - the phrasing is mostly used as a proxy for Mikasa getting little to do, but I also don't agree with the interpretations of her character that sometimes come out of those complaints.
Mikasa never was this super proactive Battle Goddess to me. She was always what you call a "reactive character".
Conflict came to her and she dealt with it, rather than jumping into everything herself.
Since she lost her first one, her purpose in life was to protect her family - people even now reduce it down to her just being protective of Eren, I and many others have always thought it's more complicated than that, but now I personally think there is even more to it than that.
At this point her not just being protective of Eren actually is also a pretty common perspective around, too.
I think it's about stuff past that - the specific way she cares and why.
The people around her are the ones who give her meaning and direction and thus she acts depending on how they do.
Where they go, she goes.
Her moment of proactivity in Trost was her way of releasing tension; a reaction to trauma, not her "taking action" and again and again I see this cited as some super cool moment.
She was actually falling apart on the inside and her ultimate resolve was still to go on living for those she loved - in that case, Eren's memory.
She is someone who unconditionally lives for others and to me the contradictions around the criticism of her character start here.
People want her to grow to be more independent, but because of the nature of her trauma, her journey to independence will inevitabily contain a period of indecisiveness.
That's just how this kind of trauma works.
Eren is a constant, her friends are a constant. Tearing her away from that safety will naturally lead to indecision and she will have to do work to find another reason to act that doesn't involve them.
If you are torn away from the people you live for, you are going to be indecisive.
People don't want the resolution to be that she just cuts herself away from her connections and kills Eren, either because that might come across as her story just being about suffering and going through pain over and over again.
But for her to grow more proactive and "learn to be more decisive" as Armin roughly puts it, she has to go through a separation.
She can't learn to be more proactive when she is in state of mind where her only purpose for living is living for others.
So it's a catch 22 situation, where the solution to both is separation, but separation will lead to indecisiveness.
Which is then called meekness and what people usually call "sexist writing" because it involves the female character growing passive, but these are actually two very different things.
Meekness is delibrate passiveness and not even wanting to do anything, indecision is confusion and not knowing what to do.
Mikasa wants to do something, she just doesn't know what to do.
"What should I do?" she asks.
"What could I have done to prevent this?" she asks.
Naturally, what is meant by meekness is also a lack of retorts. She doesn't go around disturbing or questioning the chain of command or escalating situations for the worse with her remarks post-timeskip anymore like she did with Rico and Ian during Trost, with Kitz Weilman (the "my speciality is slicing flesh" situation), Levi in the forest (she got his ankle sprained), the "I have no heart to spare" when chasing Eren or even standing against Levi in the serumbowl.
This kind of "meekness" is actually something basically everyone in this story is going through right now, but for some reason people just mostly keep pointing at Mikasa as if she's the only character that way, but I get it, cold and sharp-tongued Mikasa is probably better written for some because well, maybe it just has more personality for some.
Character development isn't good when it "takes away" stuff you like the character for in the first place and people like the sharp tongue of the single-minded teenage Mikasa.
I'm really happy this chapter actively made her indecision as part of her character, before I might've thought Isayama just didn't know what to do with her at points - I can definitely see that complaint for the Uprising arc, especially, but now it's clear her indecisiveness is the point and Mikasa has a new thing going that's not just about her relationship with Eren. She will have to find a purpose to act and goal to strive towards when everyone she personally cares about is gone and I think we might've just seen that purpose when she called out Eren for causing so much harm to others.
She would live so no child would have to suffer like she has and could live a happy life.
This chapter actually made me kind of tear up for her.
I'm not even sure I like Armin calling her out for not being The Independent Woman Who Needs No Man because everyone she cares about is being split apart from her and relationships with other people are everything to her. Taken in a certain way, it could be just read as "stop having feelings".
Sasha died and she was sitting by her grave, holding her head because of a headache, experiencing the same pain she did all over again as she did with her parents, Eren's parents, as with Eren back in Trost and Armin in Shiganshina.
But now that everyone she cares about is going their own direction, she is helpless.
So, as said, her arc is about her finding direction again and learning to stand on her own feet and I think she will.
That... or we'll go the negative character arc route and she'll go insane from loss and isolation, which I don't think feels like the direction the story is going.
Oh, but Levi is like her and he doesn't have such an extreme reaction!
Well yeah, but Levi's principles are different and his arc is different.
I'd even argue that Levi doesn't even have an arc - we just learn how his principles developed, which is prioritizing survival at all cost (which he learned to do in the underground city) and don't regret your decisions (which according to No Regrets is from Erwin). Maybe he softened up a little bit, but even then we saw he already had a "soft side" the moment he was introduced.
Levi could've developed a unhealthy relationship with Erwin given more time, but his childhood was never defined by trauma and living for other people. It was trying to stay alive. The youngest we saw him, he was malnourished and taken in by a serial killer. A different arc.
Here you could argue why Isayama just didn't make Levi the same character, in which case you could bring up the good old sexism word, but also that he wanted to write each character differently.
Mikasa is the only female or male character that values the relationships she has that much except for, well, at this point, Eren. Whose perspective is deeply ingrained in experiencing loss just like Mikasa's. He wants to genocide the whole world so his friends could live.
Mikasa's arc is specifically *about* the trauma of losing someone dear to you and what it can do to a person and why it does that.
Those she loves are Mikasa's safety blanket and now they're all basically gone.
Sasha is dead and Historia is isolated from this incident.
Armin is panicked and stuck in his mind between all the possibilities, so he runs off on his own to get something done in his mind - Connie, Annie. It's all swirling together in his mind, in panic, when Mikasa is looking for support.
Connie ran off on his own because of his own trauma.
Jean is probably the most grounded right now, but stuck with a lunatic extremist and paralysed into indecision himself.
Hange and Levi are also off somewhere else.
This is the first time Mikasa is truly standing on her own and isolated and it made me sad.
I guess you could call me sexist, but I feel like her not knowing what to do in this situation is pretty human and delibrately good writing.
It just makes sense to me and I don't see this apparent "meek" turn Mikasa's character has taken, when she has always been a reactive character.
The "no heart to spare" teenager Mikasa is the better character for some because her character gives the illusion of "agency" because of her assertive, sharp dialog, but she's never been to actively go and do something that doesn't involve what she cares about.
But it's kind of hard to do that when the people you actually say these things for either told you they hated you or are preoccupied with their own issues and scatter off on their own.
For who will you go on a suicidal rampage, use your "speciality to cut flesh" for and to which enemy will you "spare no heart" when you have nobody left to fight for?
Man, writing this made me sad. All Mikasa wants to do is to be with those she loves.
Once again my full chapter thoughts will be out once the CR version/other versions are out.
There was also some nice juicy Annie stuff, which I'm looking forward to digging into.
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danganronpa-21 · 5 years
2019/8/22 Ch. 5 Update: Progress Update, Suspect Reveal, and Future Chapter Hints!
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Well shit.
Chapter Five is coming way later than I wanted, and so is this announcement post! What a coincidence. Bitterness about my powerlessness against both the forces of life and myself aside, here’s the update on Chapter Five!
Chapter Five of Danganronpa 21: The Old World’s Future is currently at a word count of  20480 words, which for reference is 38 pages (I wrote by accident earlier that was 39, that was my bad). At this point, I would say that the chapter is about half way done, which sounds insane considering that the fic without Chapter Five is 19923 words. While Chapter Five is meant to be a long chapter, it should also be acknowledged that I’m still on the writing phase. This means that entire chunks of the chapter will likely be eliminated because they take too much time. It’s important that I stay within the boundaries of how many words is acceptable, but also have a story with writing that flows. All of this will be done within the editing phase, which I have not hit yet... but as I write, I can’t help thinking about it. This is why there are six drafts of Chapter Five, because my brain is a critical jerk.
That aside though, Chapter Five of is entitled An Unpredictably Pleasant School Life, with the main focus of the chapter being the budding friendship between Koichi, Phoenix, and Natsumi. The chapter follows the trio as they combat probably the most exciting icebreaker activity yet. Alongside the rest of their class, they are divided into “subdivisions” and locked in to a scavenger hunt in which they must race to find all of the items on their list before Class 99-B does. Adding on an ice cream-related bet from Tamiko’s team and the presence of a fourth teammate in their subdivision, the three of them will have to set out to do their very best in the scavenger hunt while building their friendships along the way. 
That is... until something -- or rather, someone -- unexpected shows up to work up more mystery than the simple scavenger hunt that had been set out before. 
I would say that this definitely has an advantage against chapters two, three, and four, mostly because this one is not an establishing chapter. Sure, there’s a little bit of fun here and there with the whole scavenger hunt aspect, but ultimately this portion of the story is where the action starts to kick in. There’s the revelation of antagonistic forces, as well as the completion of the introduction to all of the students that can be defined as the “suspects”. 
You know, for Makoto’s little accident that was in the first chapter... just in case you forgot about that, among the pleasant things that have happened in the chapters before. 
Still, even though they’re being fully being revealed to you in the chapter, I figured I might as well give you a little preview of their names and what they look like:
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I love how it looks like Asuga and Kosuke were made from a template... they weren’t... also love that low resolution.
Your suspect list currently boils down to:
Kotone Sawamatsu, Class 99-A, Talent Class Student, Super High School Level Child Star. Best described as a dramatic and snobbish girl who is overly concerned with reputation, to the point where she will refuse to associate with certain people because of how their reputation might affect hers. A student who travels a lot and has lots of influence over others, and could easily get others on her side if she needed to.
Asuga Oyama, Class 99-A, Talent Class Student, Super High School Level Martial Artist. On the surface, Asuga is often boiled down to being a bit of a bully -- which she most definitely is, but there’s more to her than simple intimidation. Determined to make a name for herself at Hope’s Peak Academy and go down in history among fighters like Sakura Oogami, power seems to be this girl’s biggest motive. Her past is checkered with violent tendencies and expulsions, and she is unlikely to comply with anyone who is trying to keep her in her place.
Kosuke Imagawa, Class 99-B, Talent Class Student, Super High School Level Figure Skater. Kosuke is often described by others as a boy who has completely changed within the span of a year. Following the mysterious murder of his figure skating partner, Kosuke became a rough and cold boy who seemed to look out mostly for himself. He reportedly does have a warm side, but that tends to be reserved for people who prove themselves to have good intentions. Kosuke is a student who travels a lot, and is motivated in his interactions with others to prevent wrongdoings. He does not wish for anyone to suffer as his partner suffered, and so he is cautious about the manner in which others’ actions affect a general populus. Additionally, it can be noted that he is Phoenix Tachibana’s roommate and Tamiko Matsumoto’s figure skating partner.
Tamiko Matsumoto, Class 99-B, Reserve Class Student, Figure Skating Student. The warmest of the four, Tamiko is an enthusiastic and fun-loving girl who seems to be weirdly good at making friends and connecting with others. She is highly determined to aid in the mystery, although most aren’t sure whether she wants to do it to clear her name or prevent the truth from slipping out. Her motive lies within her parentage, as she is the daughter of Yori and Mamoru Matsumoto -- two future foundation members who weren’t exactly keen on Makoto during their reform days.
So now you have your suspects.  Only one of them’s guilty. As the story goes on, it’s up to you to decide which it will be. I know at the moment a lot of you are favouring Tamiko, and I wouldn’t say that’s unreasonable. She is the first of the foursome to be introduced, as well as the one who has the closest relationship to Koichi himself. Still, I wouldn’t go jumping on the “TAMIKO DID IT” bandwagon so soon. There’s a lot more to unravel! Even so, I just thought I’d let you get a little taste of this fantastic foursome before the real mystery sets in. I hope you like them, because despite the fact that all four of them are awful in some way... I love writing them. And I hope you will love reading them.
With that being said though, this is mostly all of what I can report on Chapter Five without spoiling what’s coming your way. I mean, there’s a scene that I’m pretty sure will be cut in editing, but apart from that... Not much. In terms of the work I have done outside of Chapter Five, though, I’ve been beefing up other parts of the story line as well. I’m overwhelmingly pleased with how they’re coming out, and I feel like there’s really going to be a lot more to look forward to. Not only does the interesting stuff continue after Chapter Five, there is also so, so much cute and heartfelt and heartbreaking and surprising and just all around really cool stuff that I get to write. You’ll be seeing a lot more of characters like Koichi, Natsumi, Phoenix, Tamiko, Kosuke, Kotone, and Asuga; but you’ll also get a share of other side characters like Makoto, Kyoko, Seiko, Hope, Yasuhiro, Byakuya, and so on. 
Without spoiling too much, I’ll tell you about some of the scenes I have planned. But here’s the twist -- I’m doing it Danganronpa quotes only. I’ll tell you what characters the scene involves, but that’s it aside from the quote. Have fun deciphering what they might mean, and feel free to attack my inbox with your guesses!:
- Natsumi, Koichi, and Phoenix: “I guess not knowing someone doesn’t mean you don’t understand them.” (Original Speaker: Kyoko Kirigiri)
- Koichi, Makoto, Kyoko, Hope: “Don’t go around doing whatever you feel like. It causes problems. And not just for me. For everyone else.” (Original Speaker: Kyoko Kirigiri)
- Natsumi, Koichi, Phoenix, Tamiko: “Everyone’s birthplace and upbringing is different. It’s obviously impossible for them to understand each other.” (Original Speaker: Monokuma)
- Makoto, Koichi: “A man’s weight consists nothing but what he burdens himself with.” (Original Speaker: Mondo Oowada)
- Koichi, Hope, Seiko, Makoto, Kyoko, Komaru: “It’s odd, isn’t it? People die every day but the world continues on like nothing happened.” (Original Speaker: Kyoko Kirigiri)
- Natsumi, Phoenix: “Humans are beings that need to grow in order to have a reason for living.” (Original Speaker: Genocider Syo)
- Phoenix, Natsumi, Tamiko: “And whoever stands before you, don’t let them push you around.” (Original Speaker: Kyoko Kirigiri)
And that’s probably where I’ll leave you for now... Let me know what you think might come out of these ideas... If you feel like it, of course. You’re not forced to put up with whatever silly things I’m doing. I’m just doing what I can to tell you a lot while also telling you a little.
But if there’s one thing I hope you can take away from this, it’s that I’m definitely still full of passion for the work. I’m determined to create something that you will all hopefully enjoy. 
As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and your love. I say it all the time, but people who interact with my work make me so unbelievably happy. I’m glad to have you all around to read my stories. You make me want to work as hard as I possibly can on the things that I do, and so that’s why I’m going to do my best to make Chapter Five as perfect as it can be. I’ll do my best to not disappoint you!
Thank you again, and as always, have a good day/week/month/year/life in general!
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