#i wuv... soulmates....
cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
maybe i am just an aromantic hag but god. i genuinely believe there are a Lot of character relationships that are infinitely more interesting and engaging when read platonicly rather than romantically, and it’s a shame that it often feels like there’s not much space in fandoms to talk about it or make art centered around it, lest your creations be put under the automatic “WOW CUTE SHIP!! ^_^” lens that some people just can’t fuckin turn off. shit sucks sometimes, man
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celestialwife · 2 months
sometimes i just think about poe and it's like. i can't believe you mean this much to me? literally ahead of tfa i just kept scoffing at the descriptions of him, completely expected to be benevolently annoyed with him or meh at best and didn't understand why everyone went off abt how oscar was attractive (like i could tell objectively, but it's rare that i find someone subjectively attractive on a deep level), and then i just. saw poe for the first time on screen in theaters and that was it. instant attraction, and then a few minutes later realizing that oh, no i'm genuinely in love with this man. instant ride or die, we just clicked. i got him on a deeply intimate level just from those few minutes of screentime he has in the movie, that nothing about him following that ever surprised me? just. yeah that's him this makes sense.
and i remember writing what was absolutely self-insert masquerading as canon where r.ey was his best friend and i genuinely meant for it to be platonic but i kept accidentally writing a little bit something more and i genuinely think looking back on it that i probably had a crush and a squish on poe? and he may have started queerplatonic, leaning on alterous (if i'm understanding the term right). like it wasn't straight platonic because i genuinely had/have such a crush on him but it definitely wasn't straight romantic at the time either (and i still have moments where i'm like. yeah i'm definitely feeling qp feelings for him and not romantic ones). and then sometime in 2017, something I guess shifted and I wrote in an oc into that same fic who had a history with him and they both still had feelings for each other and they kissed at the end of the story but didn't wind up with each other, and then i started reading reader fic for him that same year and was like. oh I actually don't mind the idea of kissing him....i kinda wanna. and i also don't mind the idea of a relationship if it's with him, i even want it?
and like ofc things went sideways from there. i stopped reading fic bc my friend made fun of me for reading it and i felt like i was doing smth "wrong" and then the gaslighting of everyone hating him in t.lj when i didn't also severely impacted my ability to be able to enjoy him properly without trying to fold up my actual opinions to 'fit in' more and feeling anxious and not getting to enjoy it, but he was still such a cornerstone of comfort for me at the time. i even wrote my first reader fic in late 2018 to get some comfort from how awful things were in my personal life and it was of him. and then t.ros happened and the fandom got so toxic along w some friend stuff that my spin in poe almost broke (or so i thought), but like?? i spent the whole next year constantly drawn to things that reminded me of poe....read a book that was compared to the st and him a lot....bought a lot of orange things without thinking about it, developed a crush on a character that's like. basically poe with the serial numbers scratched off. all until i found my way back to him at the end of 2020 🥰 and after that i started embracing reader fic again and my romantic feelings for him and then lmao the physical/sexual attraction came in like a wrecking ball shortly thereafter which was New To Say The Least, but.
eeee i don't know i ended up gushing a lot about him but i just. sometimes i really think about the journey i've had with him, and how much good he's genuinely brought into my life. i get to feel all these emotions i never thought i would!! because of him!!! i get to explore new avenues that i wouldn't be interested in or comfortable in pursuing even mentally bc of him!!! he's helped me work through various triggers for my trauma bc they feel safe with him involved? and most importantly - i wouldn't know any of my lovely friends or partners if it wasn't for him? i stuck around in the fandom bc of poe, and that lead me right to my queerplatonic partners and family. i genuinely would not!! be the same person today if i had not fallen in love with that silly flyboy december 20th 2015!!! and isn't that just love in a nutshell?
#hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i don't normally gush but i'm heavily caffeinated rn moreso than i've been in months#i just!!!!!!!!! i cannot believe!!!#sometimes i worry when i like. mildly dissociate thinking about him and my love/interest in him bc one time that genuinely broke a spin bc#i realized it was not doing anything for me positively. but with poe everytime i'm just like#my life would genuinely not be as joyful as it is if it weren't for you. i would not be who i am today if it wasn't for you.#(tch. might not be here generally speaking)#i just. i really went from scoffing at him to 'oh no he's hot' to 'oh i'm in love' to 'i want to be his best friend in a really intimate#way' (cos i didn't know what qp/alterous was at the time) to 'i might want to kiss him but i wouldn't imagine myself w him'#to 'oh. actually i don't mind thinking about kissing him or being in a relationship w him. actually i /want/ that.'#to having to swallow my feelings for him to be diplomatic/avoid conflict for two years while still utterly adoring him and being in love w#him to subconsciously finding my way back to him!!!!!#and deciding with grim determination i'd continue loving him as much as i wanted no matter what anyone else said and YES that meant getting#kiss him on his pretty mouth. and shipping my self insert with him PROPERLY where they end up together.#and then realizing stuff that's less pg-13!!!! but no less mind blowing. like i had THAT setting. what the hell.#i just. what a journey.#he's my sweet flyboy my absolute beloved my best friend my starlight i love him to pieces u guuuuuuuuuuuys#i've had a lot of comfort characters over the years and a handful of special interests - none of them have meant as much to me as poe#he is genuinely a part of me and who i am he's my soulmate and i wuv him#okay i'm done#nym speaks#flyboy 🧡
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ibvix · 2 years
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nymphoheretic · 1 year
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Synopsis: Kyoujuro likes seeing his wife in his merch and only his merch.
Warning: Actor Au, fem!reader, edging, fingering, mirror sex (implied), biting, daddy kink
Word Count: 1.7K
Pairing: Kyoujuro Rengoku x Fem!reader
Tagging the rengoku girlies(gn): @bakugosbratx @renhoeku @glz-100 @herohibiscus @potofstewie @comatosebunny09 @cherryblossomsenpai @linpunny @unknownspecies @yeahitzally @taisho-era-secrets @auraee @diorsbrando @kyojuro-my-wuv @wanderingfaee and the network @tokyometronetwork
Join the Rengoku girlies: https://forms.gle/YGTATcvxh2oAUc3o9
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You sat on the couch, watching your husband’s latest movie. He had warned you that he would be dying in this film, but it did nothing to prepare you for how brutal his death scene was. You screamed at the TV as the demon punched a hole through your soulmate’s stomach. 
Tears swelled in your eyes as I watched his students cry for him as he gave his final speech. Your tears fell down your face as you watched the sweet, happy smile spread over his face as he saw the ghost of his mother telling him how she was proud of him.
The need to turn the movie off before you were forced to witness Kyoujuro’s final breath hit you hard, but you  needed to finish the movie. You  were crying along with the other actors as yor beloved slowly lowered his head as he took in his last dying breath, blood pooling around him from the large wound in his stomach. 
You hugged your Kyou plushies closer to your chest as you  continued watching each of the other hashira’s reaction to hearing about Kyoujuro’s death. By the time the ending credits were playing, you were sobbing and holding onto your plushie for dear life. 
Pushing your Kyoujuro blanket down off yourlap, you wrapped his hashira cape closer around your naked body. You had asked the production team if you could keep the haori as a memento of his best selling movie and thankfully they agreed. You loved wearing the cloak around the house so much. It drove Kyoujuro insane when you would wear it.
Walking into the kitchen, you grabbed some fruit to snack on while you waited for Kyoujro to come home from a recent shoot. Season two of the show he was a part of was airing soon and by popular demand, he was getting a special original episode and a televised premiere of his movie with extra scenes.
Checking the clock, you saw that it was nearly ten at night. Kyoujuro should be home soon. You  left the kitchen to go to our bedroom to put some clothing on. You did not need him trying to pounce on you while wearing your  prized haori.
You put on one of his hoodies that looked like his demon slayer outfit from the movie. What could you say? You would forever support your husband by buying every little bit of merch that comes out of him.  You loved to support his career. You had a whole room dedicated to all his figures and posters.
A smile tilted at your face as you heard the front door to the house open and Kyoujuro tiredly announced that he was home. You stepped out of the bedroom to go greet him happily. Wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him soundly on the lips.
 “My hero is home.” you said, your voice a happy chirp as you referred to one of the movies you acted together in and he was your savior. It was how the two of you actually met.
Kyoujuro chuckled as he tiredly returned your kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you gently. He missed his wife so much. Shooting all those new scenes for the upcoming show was tiresome.
 And having to refilm his death scene left a bitter taste in his mouth. He was happy that his fans wanted to see more of him, but having that fake arm shoved through his stomach for the second time was uncomfortable and the actor who played Akaza messed up the shoot three times this time when he had gotten it perfect the first time.
He arched a brow when he pulled away and took notice of your current attire. “Love, why are you wearing that?” He asked, feeling his cock stir the longer he looked at you wearing his merch. You knew what it does to him seeing you covered in his items. Especially when they draped down your body and made you seem even smaller in his eyes.
You pulled at the neck of the hoodie before giving him an innocent smile. “It's just some of your merch. I was watching the Mugen Train before you came.” you smiled up at him and you backed up so he could see your full attire. You gave him a little spin, the hood of the jacket flaring out some with the movement. “Aren’t I cute?”
“Baby girl...” he said, softly under his breath, his head lowered. While he knew that you had to have cried while watching that movie. You always did this. Make herself cry while watching his movies. 
He knew that his one in particular would make you cry hard because his character had just been introduced in the show only to be killed off in a movie. “Why do you do this to yourself?” He asked, grabbing your arm and pulling you to his chest.
“Hmm?” You hummed as you sunk into his warm enbrace. “I'm just a masochist and I think the demon is hot.” you giggled when he suddenly started to tickle me. “Kyoujuro!” you squealed as his fingers assaulted your sides. 
You tried to wriggle away, but he would not let you, his strong arms holding you in place. “I’m sorry!” you said through laughing so hard, tears were coming down your face. “I was kidding! I only looked at you the whole movie, I swear!”
Kyoujuro hummed as he continued to tickle his wife. “Good girl.” He praised, but didn’t stop his seeking fingers as that danced along your sides, producing more of your melodious laughter. He truly missed you these past few weeks while he was stuck on set with the crew filming these episodes. 
So, he was going to enjoy as much time with you as he could. “My little fireball.” He purred as he finally stopped his attack and pressed you closer to his body, his hands smoothing over the fabric of the hoodie you wore.
You wapped your arms around his neck, leaning in to kiss him softly. “I’m not wearing anything under this hoodie.” you whispered in his ear. “I was sitting on the couch, your hashira cloak draped over my shoulders, with your blanket over my legs.” 
You described everything you did while he was on screen; how you touched your body – eyes closed as you listened to the sound of his voice. “Do you know how hard I ache for you when we have different sets to go to and when you have to stay late for reshoots.” you took his hand and guided it to your legs and under the hoodie where your aching and dripping cunt was. “This much.”
His eyebrow arched when his fingertips were almost instantly drenched in your slick when he touched your throbbing pussy. “You ache that badly, wife?”  He spun you around so that you were facing the large mirror the two of you had over the couch. Pulling the hoodie up to expose your naked body, he had you hold the end of it between your teeth. “Then watch me as I fuck you tonight, my darling.”
You let out a small whimper at Kyoujuro’s lewd words as his fingers dipped inside your clenching hole. His other hand grabbed your thigh, lifting your leg to spread them apart so that you could see his thick fingers slipping in and out. You leaned your head back against his shoulder as the lewd sounds of his pleasuring you filling the living room.
His lips slid over to your ear as his deep voice rumbled yor spine as he told you to keep watch on the mirror. You  had not even noticed that your eyes had closed, lost in the feelings he was stiring within you.
“Keep those pretty eyes open for me and watch as my fingers disappear within you, baby.” He sped up the thrust of his digits, plunging them in and out, the squelching noises increasing. He could tell that you were close and smiled into your neck as he immediately slowed the pace until he was shallowly touching you with the tips of his fingers, softly circling your clit. A chuckle left Kyoujuro at your whine and he bit down on your exposed neck. “Watch me then, pretty girl.”
You opened your eyes and looked at your reflection in the mirror, your face heating with embarrassment from the lewd, erotic sight.Your leg held up in the crook of his elbow while his other hand covered your pussy as his fingers thrust in and out at a leisurely pace.
 “Kyou...” you pleaded, your voice a keening whine as you reached behind you to wrap your arm around his neck. “I'm watching, please?” you could feel the piece of the hoodie that was clenched in yor teeth grow damp from my saliva.
Kyoujuro glanced down at his wife, your body trembling in his hold as he pressed his hips against yours. “Such a pretty thing when you beg.” He turned his head and pressed his lips against your forehead, kissing it softly. The sweet act betreaying the movement of his fingers as he fucked you on them. 
“You’re so tight and wet, my love. Just look at how your pussy is devouring my fingers. Like it can’t get enough.” His eyes never left your face as he watched you witness yourself come undone by his fingers alone. “That’s right, my beautiful wife. Cum. Cum all over daddy’s fingers.”
You bit down harder on the fabric in your mouth, probably tearing a hole in it in the process. Your body shook violently as Kyoujuro thumbed at your clit to speed up your orgasm. You felt lightheaded as you  creamed on his fingers, your walls fluttering; clenching and unclenching tightly. “So good, daddy.” your voice was still muffled by the cloth as saliva dripped out of the corners of your mouth as tears of pleasure burned at your eyes.
 You were slightly surprised when he suddenly yanked the hoodie off of your body, spinning you back around, picking you up so that my legs were wrapped around his waist, and his lips on mine.
Kyoujuro hungrily kissed his wife. He needed you so badly, but something was missing. Setting you back down on your feet, he motioned with his head to the bedroom. “Go put on my Hashira haori.”
At your confused look, he smiled. “I want to fuck you while you’re wearing my merch and what better than my one of a kind haori?” Kyoujuro gave you a light spank as he guided you in the direction of your shared room, where he knew that’s where you stored the cloak.
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©️2022-23 nymphoheretic - I do not give permission to copy, edit, alter, or distribute my work. Do not adverse on tiktok. Do not repost on any other platform.
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c-130jsuperhercules · 3 months
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YAYYYYYY I WUV U SO MUCHIES UR MY SOULMATE TOO here's a little waffle I made. just for u. bc I love u
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I'm very curious about your OCs - do you have fics for them posted somewhere? Do you keep lists?? They all sound very interesting!
i don't have any public works for them online, other than the odd post or two that doesn't go too into the story. i have so many lists and notes on their world and characters and how everything works and relates to each other- i hope to turn it into a book series one day (self-published if need be), 7 books each focusing on one of the core characters (noah, rikki, phoenix, ben, divina, raphael, solstice) told throughout a 7-year war!!
i am so passionate about these little guys that live in my head and their overdetailed world
the concept goes like this: years ago, a powerful witch was ensared in a cult that believed human/monster relationships weakened the powers of monsters. their leader was a violent human man, and the witch foresaw that his cult would grow to become a dictator to every human and monster. so the witch used her powerful magic to snip snip snip at the string of fate, creating 7 new souls, and gifted each of them with an ability before hiding the souls in that of her bestest friends within the cult.
this eventually manifested in seven pregnancies- noah the half-ghost with teleportation, rikki the half-succubus with emotional manipulation, phoenix the part-werebird/part-angel/part-human with pyrokinesis, ben the human with psychic abilities, lady divina the royal envy demon with technokinesis, raphael the hell-raised half-angel with hydrokinesis, and "solstice" the changeling with florakinesis.
seven soulmates with god-given abilities brought into existence to fight a war that hasn't started yet…
the witch planned to raise the children with the skills and powers they would need to survive, but, realizing you're pregnant and about to bring a baby into a very dangerous situation with a violent man that hates monster/human mixes? well. let's just say a lot of the cultists jumped ship. so the witch lost track of the children… and they were so very unprepared to learn of their heritage, their abilities, their purpose… especially while homeless, being complete strangers to each other, knowing basically nothing about the monster world, without their parents, and being hunted by the soulmates the original cult leader managed to snag under his control.
that's where the story starts, at least. exciting, isn't it? how the fuck are they all homeless? what the fuck happened to their parents? how do they meet each other? when does the polyamory happen?
that's for me to know, brother. thank you for the oc ask, i wuv rambling abt dem :3c
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laufire · 1 year
Top 5 disliked tropes (for romantic ships)
Relentless Pursuers. Occasionally I can enjoy some narratives that include them by a mixture of not-quite-exactly-like-the-trope behaviour or other factors, but most of the time? Puuuure loathing. In part because it often ends up limiting the targeted character (and if they happen to be my favourite I burn with rage lol). But the fact that the idea of something like this is horrifying to me certainly contributes.
Alpha men and the "feisty" women that really, deep down, only want to submit to them and become their tradwives. Self-explanatory.
Idiot Silent Mutual Pining. It frustrates me in a way that's not conductive to enjoying the eventual gratification tbh. On top of that, it often has the opposite effect of what it intends with me: it seems they're trying to convey just HOW MUCH these characters love each other, but I'm left thinking... if you really wanted to be with them so much you'd fucking do something about it LOL. I need to be convinced they have a good reason not to act, and "uwu i don't wanna ruin our friendship :(" or "but what if they confirm they don't like me???" aren't good enough for me.
Immortal/magical character loses their powers to be with their Tru Wuv and this is portrayed as aspirational. Horrifying!!
Soulmates. Can fly with me if it's portrayed as the tragedy such a concept embodies.
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
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kxllerblond · 1 year
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So I would say Clark is touch sensitive but he doesn't necessarily have a complete aversion to it, he's just very picky with it depending on the person and what the touch is.
So in terms of strangers or even just casual friends, etc-—he does NOT like random physical touch. Hugs, shoulder pats, nudges, etc. Hell he doesn't even like people standing too close to him. Depending on how along someone is from going from a casual friend to more, he might allow it if given some sort of heads up. He loathes his hair and face being touched and does not like to be approached from behind or touched from behind in any way.
You will see situations where he tolerates it just as he would insults or other negative situations because he finds some sort of risk/reward scenario to justify stomaching it. This does weigh on him and you likely won't see him capable of dealing with it for long before signs of agitation and discomfort start to be blatantly noticeable.
In terms of besties and romantic partners, he still isn't one for random physical touch he doesn't see coming but he's way more tolerant of it. If someone in this category were just bear hug him, he'd probably be as stiff as a board but he'd mostly be chill with it. If you tap his shoulder from behind, you're still likely going to get a jump out of him but he'd not going to give you dagger eyes for the rest of the conversation. Romantic partners get pretty much free access to his hair and he heavily tolerates little face touches as well (cupping, lip brushes, playful nose flicks, etc). Heavily enjoys hand contact and will seek it out (typically will play with a partner's fingers while they have a conversation, etc)
No matter how deep the connection, his back and his head are always going to have him sorta jumpy and stiff initially. He's gotten better about his holy water burn scars on his back shoulder, but his gunshot wound scars (entry not too far up into his hairline, the exit closer to the back base, larger and a bit textured) are still a very touchy topic and even with warning or a conversation, he's going to tense up and freeze, there's no avoiding it. He's usually fine after that it's just that initial letting someone past that boundary.
Movement restriction will probably get you bit honestly. He cannot have his limbs immobile completely or he will freak out, besties. Hands or legs separately are tolerable if you're like on the fucking twue wuv UwU, soulmate shit but both is a no go. Likewise, he's all for pinning on the bed and he's usually cool about it but if he's like Yo, get off me please then that's pretty much your warning before he mAKES you get off lol.
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koishua · 2 years
my soulmate !!! i love you so much hehe just giggling grinning in bed rn bc i'm thinking abt you fhksdf i just wuv you sO MUCHHHH and i think you're awesome and cool and i hope you have great night or day and also a great say tomorrow too anddddd once again i love you <333
🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧 babytalking and sweettalking me at the same time you know how i break </3 I LUB YOU SO SO MUCH AS WELL QUEEN!!
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titconao3 · 2 years
13, 19, 40 - for the writer/fanfic ask :)
For this set of questions ^_^
13. What is your planning process? Eeeerrrr. i'm more of a... plantser, i think is the technical term ;-) i know the general idea and end point, but little details that turn into bigger plot points happen as i write, so i can't really plan much - it's the writing itself that will give me the meat. When i start off, i only have the general stick figure of the story, as seen from afar in the dark without wearing glasses ;-)
This is also why i write linearly: one little thing, a little detail (idk, the colour of char A's socks) will come up again and become #meaningfulTM later, and i can't foresee that early on in the process. Planning stuff would be pointless, because the story grows organically and will ignore what i plan anyway (it's a big reason why i dislike detailed scenario prompts: i think my brain chugs in the background and suddenly pops an idea at me on the page all by itself, but i'm not conscious of it until the words are Right There in front of my eyes; if i have to follow something another brain plotted, then mine just freezes and sulks and whines "what's the poinnnnnnt" ;-) Okay, yeah, sure, i do go back and add sock colour later on to tighten a plot point/foreshadow etc, but the idea is that a tiny word-butterfly will create big word-storms later on :D This is also why i don't post WIPs: something that comes up may need me to edit previous bits.
If i have extra notes, ideas, scene outlines, mid-way beats to hit, or bits of dialogue for a later part, i just jot it all down at the bottom of my document (i write in a word processor that's synced with an online drive, no fancy Writing Software For Fancy Writers for me. i'm basic ;-). i don't write out the entire scene / dialogue in advance, because it would be futile; by the time i get there i'd need to rewrite most of it anyway. And i might get bored and not feel like connecting the prewritten bits ;-) especially if it means rewriting everything as i go because it doesn't fit as well as it would if it had flown more organically from one part to another. (i've tried it, and it's not for me; it works for others!)
19. Dead or overused tropes? Oh my, there is no such thing as a dead or overused trope :D it's all about what you do with it! Play it straight, have a coffee shop AU but IN SPACE, take a common fanon characterization and twist it just so... i'll even sometimes take tropes i don't really like just to see how i can do them in a way i can stomach (one day, one day, i'll do a Soulmates AU. i find the premise a bit creepy when it's played twu wuv 4realz, but one day i'll play with that). (no shade on Soulmates AU lovers; kink tomato and all that!)
It's not like storytelling hasn't been using and reusing Coming Of Age, Revenge, Hero vs Fate, Fuck You God(s), etc patterns since, uh, forever. It's not the fact they're used that makes something enjoyable or not. *slaps Star Wars' hood* this baby can fit so many tropes in there! (This example is Just For You, Beguile, because i'm not much into SW ;-)
And, look. You'll have to pry hurt/comfort and whump from my cold dead hands ;-)
The only times i find something (trope, pattern... call it what you will) overused are when i see the themes, rhythms, expressions, words, obsessions that come up again and again in my own work. i see them only too well, and i fight them, and they always win in the end. They probably say too much about me, too! And then i angst about being predictable (@vulnerasanenturmyprince KEN FOLLET), boring, etc. (And then i go read fics that hit the buttons i want hit again and again)
40. Do you have any rituals before uploading a fic? Uh, rituals... it's usually fretting around the title, tags, and summary ;-) i rarely have the title early on, and i think for the summary it's happened... once? (out of, as of the time of answering this, over 160 published fics). No special underwear or whatnot for me. And fretting about how it's The Worst Fic Ever and how i Can't Write Anymore and Should Just Stop but i just need to chuck it on the good ole AO3 so i stop tinkering and quite possibly making it worse.
i try not to worry about feedback because it's pointless, which means i worry about feedback - by which i don't mean Comment Or Else, but that i write and publish (and organize events) to be part of the fandom community and squee with my fellow fen: as my AO3 profile says, to me, fandom is connection!
Thank you, @beguilewritesstuff :-)
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winterchimez · 6 months
...the mental breakdown is real.
more mental breakdowns with you forever and ever fs 😔✊ i labyu my soulmate 😘😘😘💜💜💜
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nymphoheretic · 1 year
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Bestie you making me soft I wuv you. We are soulmates frfr
Good cause these anons are being so sweet to me that I'm literally soft. They hitting me in the praise kink hard.
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kamil-a · 2 years
one day twitter will explode and ill have to put my immediate liveblog screencaps directly here first instead of tweeting them and then building up the scaffold but today is not yet that day
idk the requirements exactly but i assume its to keep you from first meeting at the ball when you’re off doing nonstay things
i wonder if its possible to grab both versions. hehe. anyway
-he bought himself a bunch of apples for lunch (thats it) and dropped them all over. he immediately insists alice is dating julius but she is actually not this time round.
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-”(Oh... i get it)” lmao
i think there should be a delightful comedy of errors here where alice is like ohhhh i see. julius is gay. well.... [internalized homophobia voice] hm, i never really was close with someone like that before.... i guess they’re normal people like everyone else...
the soulmates line is brought over from another event, i guess because they figure if you’re seeing this you probably wont see that one and this is Very Important Info.
“im kind of a knight” lmao.
ANYWAY about blood/alice
-they are SO CUTE TOGETHER he got her a lamp and a teacup and she got him some fancy tea and then he got her, uh.. um... a rose to smell so she could ignore the smell of carnage,
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-when she thinks about how she can be more open and just be herself around him than she was with her Ex Of The Same Face .... [pleading emoji x3]
sobs and cries of course you always felt anxious and like you were stifled somehow around your ex!!!! he should not have dated you!!! T____T
-also nightmare shows up to gloat because of course he does. hows that friendship with blood coming along? any thoughts on his face? :3 :3 :3 
like hehe would you say you have any feelings on him being your ex’s doppelganger? hehe? asking 4 a friend?
ALSO also - there are some huge overlaps (literally reusing lines etc) with elliot’s nonstay route, but here instead of kicking things down the road till like the very end, she very early on confronts the violent nature of his job. she tries to do her usual 'well it’s fine i guess’ thing but ends up being so guilt-wrestling about it she!! has a dream!! where shes walking through blood and hears someone call her name, and then blood's voice....
i am wondering if the unvoiceacted lines were her own voice. herself, calling her out for looking away for her own reasons... she wakes up terrified. but it’s looking at blood’s lamp gift that calms her down. 
i love seeing her wrestling with the ethics of “hanging out with people you find morally bad”! obviously of course we know what she’ll decide.
and it’s even more interesting with her own job... (that she doesnt yet know the true nature of).
their route is being sooo sweet though shes like. i feel comfortable around him i feel happy around him i enjoy spending time with him. wuv them
but i think he asked her out and she missed it and just nodded aling ( “wanna do something ~bad~ together next time?”) so thatll be fun i hope jhfjjhfcjhfjh
oh and dont forget: (blood’s smart enough to catch on so he probably knows but) SHE STILL HAS NOT TOLD ELLIOT WHERE SHE REALLY LIVES/WORKS. LOL
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stony-ao3-feed · 2 years
Avenge Us
Read it on AO3
by Leyenar_The_Avenger
Look out, Avengers...Your biggest challenges are comin' along!
As the Avengers(plus myself) are charged with duties of preventing a certain Mad Titan from eradicating half the universe, Tony Stark discovers what a terrible mistake he has made when he finds out the truth about his being. But right now, the biggest question is:will Thanos ever meet his Waterloo?
We'll just have to read and find out.
Words: 3775, Chapters: 2/17, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Crossing The Arirang Pass/Earth-199999
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Author - Character, Avengers Team, Super Galaxy Avengers
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Peter Quill/Ronan the Accuser, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Carol Danvers/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Ultron & Everyone, Tony Stark & Ultron, Steve Rogers & Ultron, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Christine Palmer/Stephen Strange, Bruce Banner/Brunnhilde | Valkyrie, Karolina Dean/Nico Minoru, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Jane Foster/Thor, Loki/Sigyn (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Self-Insert, Not Pepper Potts Friendly, Villain Pepper Potts, BAMF Carol Danvers, all of them actually - Freeform, more than one Carol Danvers, too many Carols to count, Soulmates, Reincarnation, I'm an Avenger, Leyenar The Avenger, I also have an Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Stone Soul World (Marvel), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Crack, Minor Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Minor Gamora/Peter Quill, Temporary Character Death, Fix-It, will Thanos meet his Waterloo?, yes of course, 'cause we are the Avengers, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Avengers Family, Avengers Feels, The Author Regrets Nothing, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Red String of Fate, Twu Wuv, i love the avengers, and carol, and star-lord, I love everyone, Sentient Infinity Stones (Marvel), This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Female Protagonist
Read it on AO3
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ao3feed-stony · 2 years
Avenge Us
by Leyenar_The_Avenger
Look out, Avengers...Your biggest challenges are comin' along!
As the Avengers(plus myself) are charged with duties of preventing a certain Mad Titan from eradicating half the universe, Tony Stark discovers what a terrible mistake he has made when he finds out the truth about his being. But right now, the biggest question is:will Thanos ever meet his Waterloo?
We'll just have to read and find out.
Words: 3775, Chapters: 2/17, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Crossing The Arirang Pass/Earth-199999
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Author - Character, Avengers Team, Super Galaxy Avengers
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Peter Quill/Ronan the Accuser, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Carol Danvers/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Ultron & Everyone, Tony Stark & Ultron, Steve Rogers & Ultron, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Christine Palmer/Stephen Strange, Bruce Banner/Brunnhilde | Valkyrie, Karolina Dean/Nico Minoru, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Jane Foster/Thor, Loki/Sigyn (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Self-Insert, Not Pepper Potts Friendly, Villain Pepper Potts, BAMF Carol Danvers, all of them actually - Freeform, more than one Carol Danvers, too many Carols to count, Soulmates, Reincarnation, I'm an Avenger, Leyenar The Avenger, I also have an Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Stone Soul World (Marvel), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Crack, Minor Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Minor Gamora/Peter Quill, Temporary Character Death, Fix-It, will Thanos meet his Waterloo?, yes of course, 'cause we are the Avengers, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Avengers Family, Avengers Feels, The Author Regrets Nothing, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Red String of Fate, Twu Wuv, i love the avengers, and carol, and star-lord, I love everyone, Sentient Infinity Stones (Marvel), This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Female Protagonist
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40203042
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Avenge Us
by Leyenar_The_Avenger
Look out, Avengers...Your biggest challenges are comin' along!
As the Avengers(plus myself) are charged with duties of preventing a certain Mad Titan from eradicating half the universe, Tony Stark discovers what a terrible mistake he has made when he finds out the truth about his being. But right now, the biggest question is:will Thanos ever meet his Waterloo?
We'll just have to read and find out.
Words: 3775, Chapters: 2/17, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Crossing The Arirang Pass/Earth-199999
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Author - Character, Avengers Team, Super Galaxy Avengers
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Peter Quill/Ronan the Accuser, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Carol Danvers/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Ultron & Everyone, Tony Stark & Ultron, Steve Rogers & Ultron, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Christine Palmer/Stephen Strange, Bruce Banner/Brunnhilde | Valkyrie, Karolina Dean/Nico Minoru, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Jane Foster/Thor, Loki/Sigyn (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Self-Insert, Not Pepper Potts Friendly, Villain Pepper Potts, BAMF Carol Danvers, all of them actually - Freeform, more than one Carol Danvers, too many Carols to count, Soulmates, Reincarnation, I'm an Avenger, Leyenar The Avenger, I also have an Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Stone Soul World (Marvel), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Crack, Minor Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Minor Gamora/Peter Quill, Temporary Character Death, Fix-It, will Thanos meet his Waterloo?, yes of course, 'cause we are the Avengers, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Avengers Family, Avengers Feels, The Author Regrets Nothing, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Red String of Fate, Twu Wuv, i love the avengers, and carol, and star-lord, I love everyone, Sentient Infinity Stones (Marvel), This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Female Protagonist
from AO3 works tagged 'Wanda Maximoff/Vision' https://ift.tt/CfT8zgY via IFTTT
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