suave-hogan · 1 year
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thegoldenelite · 1 year
My sibling just reminded me that last year, I jokingly said that Hangman and Ibushi should run out to save Kenny after a match (yknow when he's getting his ass kicked by the other team). Except, they didn't plan to save kenny together. So when they're running side by side, they're just looking at each other in confusion, trying to be the first one in the ring to save Kenny😂
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woahthisguy4721 · 7 months
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dontyoufeelcalmer · 2 years
I just went and edited a post that I had originally used the new Community Label on. I deleted the Community Label and made the post For Everyone.
That edit went through and the label went away.
When I reblog the post even to this same url, the Community Label is back. This site does not function.
edit—unbelievable, the one note I got on this post. the community label is SO fcked!!!
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lvndrptchwrk · 4 months
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haikyuu cursed tweets i made (i also post these on my !nsta if youd like to see more of these cursed tweets its lvndr.ptchwrk)
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anikiain · 17 days
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ft en tl
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Lmao was looking thru my twitter yesterday to check which Ejojo sketches I havent posted here yet besides than the AUs, and apparently not that much sndjssjsjsfjdfds,, Specifically Ejojo in his comeback design..... His armours are a pain in the ass especially with the lack of ref nd screentime, also the ejojo dribble was a meme redraw based on Bagas dribble meme
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Thank you M*nsta for upgrading him in his comeback by buffing him up and upping his wh0re lvl because look at those boobds and slutty waist bro oh my god, but also screw yall for ruining his comeback just like that 😭🙏 I demand a third comeback for his justice
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thelov3lybookworm · 5 months
29, 18, 15 for the ask game <33
hehe ty for the ask pookie 🤭
15) Favourite Archeron sister?
i would sayyyy feyre. nsta is amazing, but fey comes first hehe
18) What’s your favourite character from each series?
ooooh thats a tough one 🤔
from acotar, id say lucien or azriel hehe 🤭
from tog its definitely fenrys and chaol 🥹
cc i havent read yet 🥲
29) What do you think is the best/favourite acotar fic you’ve written?
i would say in terms of plot, i didnt ask for this would be my fav
in terms of angst, dont grieve because multiple people told me they cried 🤭 (it isnt even that sad what do you mean 🤭)
but honestly, i love all the lucien fics i write, especially cursed 🥹
ask game
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tonyfm · 10 months
FM2024 - Save online - Serie A
Dps d fracasso di save online na Bundesliga na FM23, nu sta na mas um investida pa FM24, si nu consigui finda 1º volta é um vitória @navinh-fm: Napoli @brabuehnadiskontra: AC Milan Micae: Juventus Mi pa segundo vez na nha percurso na FM nsta trena Inter, último vez foi na FM 2008, 1º ano de Mourinho na Itália undi ki eh sa usaba um 433 ku Mancini, Quaresma i Zlatan, ka da certo i eh bem muda pa se tatica d maior sucesso 4312, frente ku Zlatan + (Adriano, Crespo ou Balotelli).
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Jogadores d nha plantel atual ta da pa tenta replica kel tatica la mah pa ses caracteristica nta prefire um abordagem tática diferente N'adiciona alguns instruson individual pa alguns posizon
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faeblush · 2 years
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anyone still playing disney dreamlight valley? i made this cute little area for my blanket fort a while ago. 
check out my i nsta if you wanna see more: glowing.amilee  ✨☀️
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suave-hogan · 2 years
Day 11
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Just a TBH Havve
TBHavve? TBHogan maybe?
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What appears to be a co(n. ( haven’t dated (t yet, but my best guess (s two fuchs(as before H(C as the co(n seems to use an archa(c form of numer(cal wr(t(ng w(th s(m()ar)y archa(c- though )eg(b)e- )etters. The co(n has no t(t)e to (t so ( do not have a name for (t, but (t does seem to be a 10-co(n judg(ng by the (nscr(pt(on. ( do wonder (f the ram at the s(de of the co(n (nd(cates va)ue at a)) s(nce (‘ve found a d(fferent co(n d(sp)ay(ng what seemed to be a )(on, wh(ch was va)ued at 1. (nterest(ng)y enough, that wou)d suggest that the co(ns had a d(fferent numer(ca) representat(on sca)e- perhaps a 10 (ndicated a .10, and )(kew(se, a 1 (nd(cated a 1.00. (nterest(ng. The rest of the text seems to state that the co(n was manufactured (n the era of HDM- though both the fuchs(a before H(C and the one who preceded the one that H(C succeeded [(f that makes sense at all] were HDM- Her Debona(r Med(ator and H(s Darksome Majest(e, both of whom ru)ed, at th(s po(nt, decades, )f not m())enn(a, ago. My guess )eans towards Her Debona(r Med(ator due to her (nsta))ment of a system of wr(t(ng more s(m()ar to what we know and ho)d dear today as an attempt to make )and/sea re)at(ons eas(er. An unpopu)ar move that many theor(ze cost her )(fe. The co(n a)so seems to have the number 23 wr(tten on (t, though ( do not be)(eve that to be an (nd(cat(on of any sort of monetary va)ue. Cou)d be a year, but that (s not (nherent)y very he)pfu)… (f anybody has something to add, please fee) free to do so! ( wou)d )ove to know what you th(nk.
What appears to be a coin. I haven’t dated it yet, but my best guess is one or two fuchsias before HIC as the coin seems to use an archaic form of numerical writing with similarly archaic- though legible- letters. The coin has no title to it so I do not have a name for it, but it does seem to be a 10-coin judging by the inscription. I do wonder if the ram at the side of the coin indicates value at all since I’ve found a different coin displaying what seemed to be a lion, which was valued at a 1. Interestingly enough, that would suggest that the coin had a different numerical representation scale- perhaps a 10 indicated a 0.10, and likewise, a 1 indicated a 1.00. Interesting. The rest of the text seems to state that the coin was manufactured in the era of HDM- though both the fuchsia before HIC and the one who preceded the one HIC succeeded (if that makes any sense at all) were HDM- Her Debonair Mediator and His Darksome Majestie, both of whom ruled, at this point, decades, if not millennia, ago. My guess leans towards Her Debonair Mediator due to her installment of a system of writing most similar to what we know and hold dear today as an attempt to make land/sea relations easier. An unpopular move many theorize cost her life. The coin also seems to have the number 23 written on it, though I do not believe that to be an indication of any sort of monetary value. Could be a year, but that’s not inherently very helpful… If anybody has something to add, please feel free to do so! I would love to know what you think.
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
Give me 1 hour. I will be back and read that jurian x nsta. I HATEEE FACE TO FACE CLASS. I CANT READ YOUR FIC RIGHT IN THE CLASS IN FRONT OF TEAMS MEET ANYMOREEEE. well, i did sneak in your neris fic in my media class. Skksksksskksskskksk, pray i am alive and well
I hope you enjoy it but most importantly, focus on your studies!! :-)
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wendellcapili · 3 months
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The DOST National Research Council of the Philippines ( NRCP) Governing Board’s Membership Committee and Secretariat under President Aimee Lynn A. Barrion Dupo and Committee Chair Marian De Leon had a long meeting at the NRCP Conference Room on 27 June to improve membership application processes, revise provisions on honorary memberships, validate members' authorships, and address other pertinent membership-related matters.
Established 89 years ago through the 9th Philippine Legislature Act No. 4120 (December 8, 1933), the "National Research Council of the Philippine Islands" was founded primarily to advance research across various fields. This Act was further reinforced by Republic Act No. 2067 (June 13, 1958), more commonly known as the Science Act of 1958, which designated the NRCP as the official scientific advisor to the Government of the Philippines under the National Science Development Board (NSDB).
The evolution of the NRCP continued with the reorganization under Executive Order No. 784 (March 17, 1982), which led to the transformation of the National Science Development Board into the National Science and Technology Authority (NSTA), highlighting the council's role in providing expert advice on research policies and programs. Subsequent modifications under Executive Order No. 128 (January 30, 1987) and Republic Act No. 6974 (December 8, 1990) resulted in the renaming of the agency to the Philippine National Science Society (PNSS), eventually reverting to its original name as the National Research Council of the Philippines.
With a membership exceeding 6000, the DOST-NRCP remains committed to championing fundamental research, offering expert advice on national issues, fostering a research-centric culture within society, and forging partnerships with both local and international research institutions to facilitate collaborative ventures and knowledge exchange.
The DOST-NRCP is structured into thirteen distinct divisions, namely: I Governmental, Educational, and International Policies; II Mathematical Sciences; III Medical Sciences; IV Pharmaceutical Sciences; V Biological Sciences; VI Agriculture and Forestry; VII Engineering and Industrial Research; VIII Social Sciences; IX Physics; X Chemical Sciences; XI Humanities; XII Earth and Space Sciences; and XIII Veterinary Medicine. These divisions underscore the council's dedication to advancing research and innovation across disciplines, with each division playing a pivotal role in enriching the country's research landscape and propelling advancements in knowledge and discovery.
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preciadosbass · 2 months
6/8/24 [did quite a few crafts today — pics at end … this read does get more interesting over time, i promise.]
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woke up at 10 and laid aimlessly in my bed thinking about having to see my prevision. i’m never usually very active in the mornings, as is obvious in my other entries, but i’m especially not when i have to see a keyworker. i eventually step foot out of my room and sat outside with boris for 20 minutes. i would’ve been out there for longer, but i was paranoid my prevision would turn up early and see me on the driveway without me being prepared.
while i sat there with boris to my side i looked through the new gerard way photos/videos and made a highlight on |nsta of [mostly] faceless pictures of myself because i’ve been meaning to put my outfits online for a while — [@/iloveechicheng]. i went back inside at 10:50 to get dressed and sort out my hair as the straightening had long worn off from when i went to zoo. i also stress out over my outfit when this particular prevision comes round as allegedly her son dresses the same way as me. it honestly feels like a dress to impress with her because of that and it’s kind of tiring.
i took a while debating what shirt to wear as i didn’t want to repeat the same outfit as last week, i ended up going for my new slipknot shirt. this person i met at a sailing ‘expedition’ [it was almost the same as those camps that teens get sent off to and abused] got me it for my birthday. i hadn’t worn it before because i didn’t know how to style clothing in that colour but i ended up wearing it with these really baggy black jeans [of which have a barn owl keychain on a carabina among with other things which, i guess, make them more interesting], my zip up mcr hoodie, a can tab necklace, alien socks, and spiked cuffs. it was a pretty low effort outfit but i honestly couldn’t be too bothered to do much more.
my provision got here at near 11 and i took a few minutes to prepare to see her. i went out to living room with my dad and she attempted to make small talk but we were both clearly feeling very awkward so she brought out uno flip and we had two games. the second game ended up being over an hour and a half, maybe two hours long. which dosent sound like it’d be draining or scary, but it is - she’s still a stranger to me and you could literally feel tension in the air. she left at 12 and i spent a bit of time with boris until i decided i was going to tag along to my sisters asthma appointment because i felt like going out and she didn’t mind.
we left at 12:15-19 and i listened to mcr demos on the way to the hospital. i’m trying my best to excessively listen to as much mcr and fall out boy as possible for that tribute concert coming up. we got there at 12:25 and i briefly watch a skateboarding competition on the tv infront of us in the waiting room until i felt awkward by the silence and showed my mum some of gerard’s stage outfits. she seemed to think they were cool. we were called in for the appointment at 1, and i don’t have much to say about it, it was what you can expect, it’s self explanatory.
on the way out of the childrens section i saw that a few kids younger than me were colouring in a picture of pikachu so i asked my mum to ask if the receptionist had any spare copies. she luckily gave me two which means i can colour one, and decide whether i prefer it plain or not for it to go on my wall. i’m not even into pokémon, i know absolutely nothing about it, but i think the designs and things are cool. we walked back to the car and left for town at 1:45 or something along those lines.
once we got into the shopping centre i headed to hmv to check a few things. i wanted to check if there were any new magazines or discounted shirts, as the last time i came i got a fall out boy magazine and a reduced silverstein shirt from the so called ‘bargain bin.’ there weren’t any magazines i was interested in because all of them were related to glam rock however there was an asking alexandria shirt. i decided not to get it because i wasnt keen on the colours and i have a purple one similar. i looked at some of the other shirts that were on display and fell in love with a specific five nights at freddy’s shirt and a nightmare before christmas one. i wasn’t willing to pay over £40 for the both so i took a picture to remind myself to check for them on ebay/vinted/depop.
i went to get my safe food at 2:20 because there isn’t anything for me to eat at home even if i wanted to and got boba at 2:30 because i found out that this specific brand isn’t even too high in cals, well not for what it is. once we’d payed and gotten our [me and my sisters] drinks we set off for home. we got back at 3 and i cuddled boris on the sleeper again. it unfortunately started to rain almost as soon as i got out there so he crawled under my dads car, meaning i couldn’t stroke him anymore, so i went back inside.
my sister followed me back into my room and went through all her pokémon cards with me and let me keep the ones i like as she dosent ever plan on using them. i felt bad ultimately taking her cards even though she wanted me to. once i’d gone through them all and wound down from being outside surrounded by people my age, i decided to look through this 2000s arts and crafts book i must’ve gotten from a bootsale or something as a kid. i didn’t find anything to do at the time so i went out to my dad and asked him to paint my nails as id picked off the excess from last week, or whenever they were last done.
its only been up until recently that i’ve ever had them painted. i mean, it’s nothing fancy, just black — but i like it. i also wanted them repainted because at this point in the day i thought i was going bowling but that didn’t end up working out as it would’ve been too much hassle. also ignore that i cant paint my own nails.. i have the worst hand coordination *cries* / after theyd dried i went back into my room and remade that can tab necklace with the skull bead on it with a bigger tab. it took longer than the original did as i had to manipulate more metal and make a loop for the actual string of the necklace to go through. [pictures at end]
once i’d done and shown my parents, i continued looking at the book at 5 and saw a homemade trinket box shown on it so i started cutting up a cat food box into various rectangles until i had a lid, base, and the sides of the box ready. my hot glue gun and tile were still in their places from when i made those hot glue pins so i got started and glued the thing together. i finished at 5:30 because the gun took ages to get hot/i kept on accidentally burning myself/i had to adjust the sizes of the card multiple times during gluing. after id finished with that, i painted the box black. it took me barely any time at all and i left it on my windowsill to dry.
i went outside with boris while i was waiting to be able to customise it. i got a little nervy as he kept on going further away from me and more out into the driveway to be around the grass. i walked myself back to my room at 7 and looked through a few band font/logo things to draw on the top of the box. i settled on my chemical romance’s text font in the black parade era. i ‘rehearsed’ the writing a couple times on a scrap envelope and used a red paint pen on the actual box. it didn’t turn out like the actual thing, as i noticed that one’s drawn in a paintbrush kind of style, but i’m not disappointed with how it came out, i like it. [pictures at end]
while i was waiting for that to dry i collected a few examples of raccoon tails on dyed red hair to show my parents and hairdresser. i also found out that she [my hairdresser] had found the straighteners she’s been planning on giving me as the one i use is at least 20+ years old and has cut the fronts of my hair to the size of my pinky 😭, so it’s good i’m getting something that’ll take that out of the picture and prevent it from looking as fried as it does now.
that didn’t take long at all so i drew spirals on either side of the box while the top was still drying. it isn’t perfect as i had to go over the hot glue i used which makes it mismatched but i much prefer when spirals are ‘messy’ so i’m not bothered. id drew on the longer sides of the box multiple times at this point, but kept on painting back over it. so while i was waiting for that to dry to have a fresh start, i made a friendship bracelet. [pictures at end]
the technique was in that same arts and crafts book but it was so much more confusing. with the box i just looked at the end product and easily knew what to do because like.. it’s just a box. so i thought a bracelet would be the same, but no - i ended up having to get both of my parents to try and work it out but my dad eventually figured out what i needed to do, and once i’d done it a few times i got the knack. i made it out of yarn in black, medium light blue, and gray. i finished that at 10:20 and took pictures of all the stuff i’ve made today.
i started writing about my day [finally] at 11 on a draft, but while i was halfway through and had already written in detail about a number of things, it deleted itself. i had to re write and re word everything, which took up until 11:50 before i went upstairs to ask my parents questions about boris. i know it took over an hour today, but i don’t know how many more minutes after that. i think it was a lot as we all kept on getting sidetracked.
i went downstairs at 1 something and made toast while speaking to boris about my day/apologising for going out and everything else i need to address. i unintentionally switched up the routine a bit today because i obviously couldn’t brush my teeth before having food. i finished at 2 and got into bed a few minutes past 2. i had to end off this entry so i did that and actually went to sleep at 2:20.
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have a good day/night O_o
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tonyfm · 10 months
FM2024 - Saudi Professional League - online
Save online mi ku @navinh-fm Al-Hilal x Al-Nassr
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N'tem ki bem analisa plantel, manda x homi embora i aproveita dinhero ki es tem pa trazi mas craques (si regras di estrangeiro permite)
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Nsa tenta libera plantel máximo possível, bendi a qualquer preço jogadores q sta disposto a sai, sendo q clube tem dinhero, no entanto nka sabi dreto ainda regras d strangero na kel liga li, podi ser complicado contrata mas rapaz. Tática ki nsa pensa usa é baseado na jogadores d plantel atual
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Nsa parte d princípio ma mi eh time mas forte d campeonato i nka sa juga nenhum jogo pa tenta equilibra, kz eh sobrecarrega qlqr adversário
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Até agora tem sido um save fácil i pouco desafiante Nha plantel eh mas forte q qlqr oto então pa nka ganha algum jogo deve ser azar ou um grande sequência d lesão Único questão desafiante di kel save li é transferências. Apesar di equipa sta cheio di dinhero, restrições d liga ka ta permite pa teni mas ki 8 estrangeiro na time i nha plantel dja tinha kela N'dispensa unico strangero ki dja staba na clube na épocas anteriores, Michael, i ntrazi Danso pa reforça defesa.
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Prmr metade di epoca foi tranquilo, n'continua na topo di tudo compitison ki nsta inserido, n'perdi 1 jogo ki kebran um sequencia di 22 jogo só ku vitoria (incluindo pré-época)
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Nhas midjores players foi:
Salem Al-Dawsari
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Mitrovic 18 ⚽️ 3 🅰️ Malcom 11 ⚽️ 13 🅰️
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Em termos di atributos nha midjor jogador eh Neymar mah eh ta passa mas tempo lesionado do ki oto kz.
8 ⚽️ 14 🅰️
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checkers-dance · 1 year
i joked with a friend abt doing a ppt presentation on the entirety of m*nsta x's career. well its not a fucking joke anymore. i've been doing extensive research for like 5 hours at this point and i need to stop but also i cant... this is going to take me literal weeks but i am fucking dedicated. BUT WHATEVER. the reason i'm here is because i'm doing a lot of digging into old internet posts talking about the group, and i found a reddit thread in r/kpop from when the fandom name was announced and people are being SO MEAN VNFJNVJFVN. APPARENTLY EVERYONE THOUGHT IT FUCKING SUCKED. please i think m*nbebe is such a cute name... LIKE ITS SWEET. ITS A TERM OF ENDEARMENT AND IT STARTS WITH MON... THATS A LITTLE BIT CLEVER.. like yes its fucking cheesy but so what, its so sweet. i hate it here, fuck reddit. nobody gets the vision like i do.
but also so many of the comments are like "well the fandom name had to be as bad as the group name lol" NOOOO I LOVE THEIR GROUP NAME 😭 ITS SO FUN TO SAY. LIKE I GET IT. IT DOES SOUND LIKE THE EDGY USERNAME YOUR 12 YEAR OLD COUSIN WOULD USE ON INSTAGRAM. BUT SO FUCKING WHAT.
but also i had a dream abt mx last night LOL. it wasn't very interesting, but i did find it sweet. so w*nho and mx were just like very publicly hanging out, which was super weird because its kind of implicit that they arent supposed to even look in each other's direction. but based on this it was safe to say that likely wasn't the case anymore for whatever reason, and i was sooo happy for them, friendship wins. i remember having like a tumblr breakdown about this because OT7 CRUMBS AFTER TEN THOUSAND YEARS, and you saw those posts and sent me an ask basically going "wtf is going on, what is wrong with you" 😭
HELLO???? Nooooooo I love their name and the name of the fandom.....I even love how everyone tends to mispronounce mx as "monster x" at first, it makes for rlly funny interactions like that one time they refused to go on stage until the right name was called. Also re ur dream if we got ot7 crumbs like that again I would be losing my mind alongside u
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