#i’d be surprised if no emmy nomination
autiespring · 4 months
No one is talking about Julianne how is she in it??? Emmy nominee?
sooooooooo good. the back and forth and her chemistry with nick is excellent, her other relationships in it are also great. her comedic delivery is 🤌🏻 and the push and pull of power with other characters is just all round brilliant
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goldsainz · 2 years
a/n: this was going to be longer, but i just couldn’t get myself to do such a long piece. honestly, there’s not a lot of harry mentioning, but it’s still a fun piece, i’m just giving you crumbs. this isn’t the peak of my writing, especially since this is my first time doing second person POV, tumblr is making me try things id never thought i’d do!!
word count: 3,4k
Y/N Y/LN Keeps A Straight Face While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones 
The interview begins with you sat across Sean Evans, the line up of sauces making your heart beat a little faster, not sure how much spice you were actually able to bear.
“Hey everybody! Today we are joined by Y/N Y/L/N, who you may recognise from too many movies and shows to name! She is an Oscar nominated actress, Emmy Award Winner, and an overall talented person. Her most recent project, Don’t Worry Darling which comes out this September 23rd, is coming in no time, so don’t forget to buy your tickets.” Sean introduces you, a stifled laugh leaving your lips. “Y/N welcome to the show!”
“Thank you very much! I’m quite nervous right now, my manager said this could get spicy really quick, but I’m not sure what she meant by that.” You grinned, that signature, award winning smile plastered on your face.
“That depends on how good you are with spicy food, do you have a high tolerance?”
“I think so? It’s not something that scares me while ordering food, but I’m not actively seeking it. But seeing all of these hot sauces is making me sweat just a tad bit much right now.”
“I’ve actually watched a couple of the Hot Ones interviews.” You confess, making Sean look impressed that you watched that sort of content.
“Now I have to know more, this is one of the best compliments I’ll get in a lifetime.” He then mutters something you didn’t quite get, but it seemed like a praise towards you.
“Well yeah, I sometimes scroll through Youtube, see it pop up, and someone I like is on the cover and I just click it. I used to go ‘Wow, thank god my manager would never make me go on that, don’t think my spice tolerance is that good’, but now I’m here so it seems like the tables have turned for me!” 
“I guess I don’t have to tell you how this works, or which sauces go first then.”
“I’ve taken some work off your hands!” You say with a laugh. 
“Let’s take a bite then, shall we?” Sean asks, while you nod your head and grab the first wing.
You take a bite, realising it wasn’t all that bad. In fact, it wasn’t bad at all, there was a hint of spice but nothing you couldn’t handle.
“Okay so how are we feeling with wing number one?”
“Pretty good, my confidence level is on a solid 8 for now.” You just knew you would take your words back a couple of wings later, but maybe if you lied to yourself a little it wouldn’t be that hard.
“You said in an interview a while back that you enjoyed cooking, especially spicy food because it was funny seeing how some people crumbled when eating certain dishes. Who would you say had the funniest reaction?” 
“I once cooked for Taylor Swift, she’s a good friend of mine who I’ve learnt doesn’t take spice as well as she says she does.” You admit, and if anyone wasn’t watching the interview and just hearing it, they’d almost be able to hear your smile. “I made a dish, I might’ve messed up the amount of chillies I put on it, and I didn’t realise it was that bad until she had tears in her eyes, I felt horrible about it!”
“Did she tell you it was too spicy?”
“She was trying to be nice about it, she was full on coughing, and her words were of comfort because she didn’t want me to feel bad!” Everyone in the room lets out a laugh at your words, nobody was really surprised to know that Taylor was just that sweet.
“Would you say Taylor is one of your closest friends in the industry?” It was a tough question, because being a close friend was such a different question for someone like you, someone who did what you did.
“She’s been through a lot with me, I’ve been through a lot with her. Sometimes we don’t talk as often as we would like, but when we do it’s like we had talked everyday.” 
“You met all the way back in 2014, right?” 
“At the Met Gala, it was my first one, it wasn’t hers though. We sat at the same table, we talked all throughout it, and the rest is history.”
The second wing had proven to still be bearable. You weren’t quite sure when you would get hit with all the heat, but you were enjoying your time so far.
“Don’t Worry Darling was a process that took a while to make because of Covid. In fact, filming had to stop because a crew member tested positive, making you have to go through a quarantining process. What was it like filming with such heavy health regulations?” 
“It was hard, nothing was really like it used to be. Filming was still fun, but there were many things I hadn’t actually taken notice of until Covid started.” Your brows furrowed, a crease on your forehead present. “Kissing scenes were different, probably the ones we had to be the most precise while filming. They had us take a disinfectant mouthwash, which was very minty, at least it ensured your partner wouldn’t have bad breath!” You joked, lightening the mood of a heavy question.
“Was there a limit for the amount of times you could film such scenes?”
“For sure, we tried to make them work each time, there really wasn’t a lot of goofing around because it was a health risk just to film them. You couldn’t just improvise a kiss, you would have to consult with your partner if they were comfortable with the possibility of you doing that. Harry was always very respectful of boundaries, he never tried to do anything that crossed a line or could just be awkward in general.”
“Would you say that there had to be a lot of trust involved, more than the usual amount?” 
“Of course! Before Covid if you didn’t really like your partner you’d just film the scenes, talk with your intimacy coordinator about what crossed a boundary, what didn’t, and then you would just go on with your day. Now, you need to build a certain trust, like the one you’d have with a friend just to make the experience of filming a good one, and not have to shoot a million times because you can’t get the right look of love, or whatever you’re supposed to convey.” 
“That seems like a very exhausting process.” Sean says, and you just nod at his words, knowing that it was exhausting but also made you get to know the love of your life a lot sooner in the process. 
“I’m eyeing the third wing very hard right now, I didn’t eat a lot today so this is kind of my lunch.” 
“Let’s dig in then!” And that you do.
“Oh! This one hits you instantly, I wasn't really expecting it.” He laughs at your comment, but mostly at the straight face you had while eating your wing.
“It just keeps on hitting from now on!” You just throw your head back with a laugh, a groan slipping from your lips.
“I’m gonna ask you a question, is that okay?” Many interviewers didn’t take it very well when you asked them questions, they felt as though you were taking up their job. So you had learnt it was better to ask and be turned down, than asking right away and having someone be mad backstage.
“Go for it!”
“If at some point I drink some milk, is that a sign of me starting to give up?” 
“No, definitely not. Most people drink milk to cleanse their palate, we are not gonna shame you on how well you are doing based on if you drink something or not.”
“Alright, I’m not gonna drink anything yet, but good to know.”
“If you don’t drink anything, then I won’t either.” He decided, making you laugh in response, you probably hadn’t laughed so much in an interview in a very long time.
“You are a very private person, do you find it difficult to manage your public life, your work life, from the private one?”
“I’ve gotten better over the years, when I didn’t have the exposure I had now, I didn’t worry about paparazzi catching moments I wanted to keep for myself.”
“Are relationships the hardest part?” There it was, the relationship question, at least it wasn’t a speculation over who it was. That much was appreciated.
“Maybe? If your partner is famous then it probably is, you don’t only have to balance the image you give for yourself but theirs too. If they’re not famous, then people will start spreading rumours over who they are, what they are doing with someone famous, it can become overwhelming very quickly.”
“But you don’t hide your relationships like some do, you just keep them private, is that correct?”
“Yeah, being someone’s secret isn’t nice. I keep the first months private just because you’re still getting to know each other, and having those moments ruined by the public is not what I want.” 
“I’m sure that what you do want is this fourth wing!” You were grateful for Sean’s ability to make his guests comfortable, to make the awkwardness not so overbearing. 
“I sure do, Sean!”
You both take a bite, the flavours are good and you remain with a straight face, even when the heat does creep up.
“I’m loving the composure you’re maintaining.” You giggle at his words, making him laugh along with you.
“I’ve done years of acting, some things I’ve taken with me.”
“Are your eyes glossy?” Sean asks, his voice holding a shocked tone.
“What? No!” You respond, your hand over your mouth as you still had food in it.
“Just wondering if the heat is catching up to you, that’s all.”
“I promise, the fifth wing has not gotten to me.” 
“You are known to never take things personally, even when asked rude questions you are never rude in return. Does it get tiring to maintain your composure at times?”
“There definitely have been times in which I want to snap at someone, mainly because they’re being rude, but I feel that if you don’t give them the attention they seek they won’t continue their behavior. I mean, most of them catch the hint, some of them are persistent though.”
“That’s a very interesting thought process, is there someone who taught you to do that?”
“Nope! That’s just been me learning over the years, the industry will make you learn things you never thought you’d need to know.” You say with a sigh, looking at the backstage of the set, not at anyone in particular.
“Talking of the industry, what has been the best piece of advice a celebrity has given you?”
“Do not search your name on social media unless your manager says so.” You confess, the tightness in your voice evident.
“Wow, that’s powerful, can you tell us why?” 
“Because people are mean, and I know that they say with fame comes hate, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. I sometimes have the urge to go on twitter, see what people are saying about me at the moment, yet you never know what you might see.”
“I can understand that. I can definitely say I’ve looked up my own name, not much has come up as I’d imagine it would for someone with your influence.” Sean praises, your cheeks heating up at the compliment.
“You never know what to expect from the internet. After I did the reading thirst tweets interview, I for sure won’t look up my name.” An uncomfortable laugh is let out, and he just joins in.
You were just two wings away from finishing the interview. Your cheeks were definitely a redder than they were at the start, sweat was evident on the top of your brows, but you were still taking the challenge like a champ. Or as best as you could, the heat definitely wasn’t really helping with your perception of things.
“You said your confidence level was 8 at the start, what are you at now?”
“Maybe five, five’s good, I feel like sipping some milk but I can still do this.” You say with slight raspiness to your voice.
“You always say fashion is your passion, and with your collaborations over the years with different brands, what was your overall favourite outfit in ‘Don’t Worry Darling’?” 
“Tough question, there are many answers, but I’d have to say the fuchsia dress was one of my favourites. It was so beautiful I wanted to take it home with me, but I couldn’t!”
“They wouldn’t let Y/N Y/L/N take a dress?”
“No, they didn’t! Genuinely can’t be mad though, they take time to make, so I completely understand not wanting to ruin a piece someone could’ve spent weeks working on.”
“Did you ever take anything from the set at any point?”
“You’re trying to get me in trouble, aren’t you?” You tease him, which just makes him laugh while shaking his head, “I did take something, yes. Can’t really confess what, but there is one person who knows what it was, and it’s just because they were my partner in crime.”
“So that secret is going right to the grave of two people?”
“That it will!”
“You only have two wings left, so let’s make it one!”
“This sounds so rude, but I cannot wait for this to be over. I’m loving everything about this, but the spice? Fuck no.”
You grab your wing and make a cheering motion, and just take a bite out of it. Maybe you should’ve gone a bit softer on the bite, because the heat kicks you instantly. It feels like a volcano eruption, which makes you feel uneasy about how the last wing will truly be.
“It’s kicking in, isn’t it?” Sean asks 
“It is! I don’t know why you’re eating this so willingly, you do this every other day, mate! You don’t have to prove anything to me, I promise.” 
“I know I don’t, this is just my job at this point, eating hot wings for a living!”
“You could not pay me enough to do that. Mad respect, truly, if anyone needs a pat in the back, it’s you!” Your voice is nasally, and you’re sure you have a somewhat runny nose by now.
“You seem like a very sweet person, being respectful to those around you is something not all celebrities engage in. Is that something that can become hard to leave behind when filming scenes for characters which aren’t nice at all?”
“It can get hard sometimes. I don’t particularly engage with the whole ‘Method Acting’ thing many people seem to do, I find it to be unnecessary, and it doesn’t look like a fun experience.” You were trying your hardest to not start any drama with your words, but you could just see the headlines twisting your words.
“So you’d say that filming should be fun?”
“Maybe not so much the filming, but the portraying a character. I’ve seen it firsthand when an actor loses who they are because they went too far with the creative process of being a character. We’re all free to do what we please, but if it harms you or others? I draw the line there.” 
“Has there ever been a moment where being a character took a toll on you?”
“There have been quite a few, it’s not the nicest experience to be honest. I couldn’t go to work because I just couldn’t bear being called my character’s name. I obviously got over it fairly quickly because there’s not much time for tears when you’re more than halfway into a project.” You gulp, your eyes become glossy all of a sudden, evidently not because of any wing. “This got very emotional quickly, don’t know how that happened.”
This time when you looked backstage, there was a certain someone with his thumbs up looking right at you. A small smile, a fond one, formed right on your lips. 
“It’s okay, heavy questions have heavy answers.”
“Something that’s looking quite heavy is this last wing.” Sean laughs at your comment, making the small smile overtake your face in a split second.
“Now you don’t have to do this, but I sometimes add more sauce on the last wing to end it with a bang. Are you willing to join in?”
“I’m gonna regret saying yes, but why not, can’t let you do it alone now.”
The moment you say that he opens the bottle in front of him, and pours some sauce on it. You eye your bottle skeptically, the overwhelming smell of it hitting your nostrils in a split second. You don’t drench your wing like he does, just place a drop of it.
You are more cautious with your bite this time, you don't jump in for such a big bite. You're sure it looks like a bird is biting the wing, but you're not about to risk your tongue being burnt off. 
Your face is still stoic, and honestly, youre just doing it so your pride is not as hurt when your friends and family watch the interview. You’re sure Harry will be the first one to tease you about something, yet you can’t wait to hear everything he says, especially since he’s getting every single bit of it.
“Your face is not saying much, so how are you?” You can only respond with a cough, which makes Sean laugh.
“Not good over here! I think I’m gonna have to cave in, and drink some milk.” You’re not quite sure why your voice is so hoarse, but it’s a little funny to hear.
“Go for it!”
You gulp the glass of coconut milk, grateful that it’s not cow milk. You never liked the taste of cow milk by itself.
“Fuck’s sake, that’s lovely, best feeling ever!” You breathe out through a quiet laugh, the slightest drops of milk dripping down your face. Someone off-camera gives you a couple of tissues, and you thank them.
“Everything better now?”
“I’m not sure!”
“The good thing is this is over!”
“No more wings?” 
“No more wings.”
“I genuinely can’t believe I made it through this, especially after the 8th wing.” You say with a shudder, remembering how it burnt 
“We are finally done!” Sean says, making you know that there’s practically only the credits left.
“Woo!” You cheer, pumping your fists in their air.
“Y/N Y/L/N you’ve conquered this challenge! Anything left you have to say?”
“But your tickets for ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ because it’s a great movie, and I’m so excited for all of you to see it!”
“That’s it for today, thank you for coming.”
“Thank you for having me.” You say, blowing some kisses to the cameras around you. 
The interview ends with a couple of claps, and one of the biggest smiles on your face as you try to hide your face to dissolve the attention from you.
Comments 31K
username1: she’s my fave celebrity, if anyone asks why, i’m sending them this video 
👍 76K
username2: she kept looking at someone behind the scenes, i have the biggest feeling it’s harry
👍 24K
username3: SAME
username2: especially since they’ve both been spotted a lot together recently…
username4: props to her for being able to conceal her emotions so well, i could never tbh 
👍 19K
username5: the way sean didn’t even have to introduce her as much because she’s such a big household name
👍 59K
username6: Her outfit looks so good, Rebecca is definitely one of the best stylist’s she’s ever had 
👍 16K
username7: literally so true 
username8: top 3 hot ones interviews for sure
👍 9K
username9: whoever she was looking at, is lucky fr, she looked at them like they were holding the entire world in their hands
👍 12K
username10: her and taylor’s friendship is everything to me rn
👍 5K
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Congrats on your milestone!!! So well deserved for such a lovely person!!! Evanstan + Homesick? 💖💖💖
Thank you sooo much lovely 🥰🥰 You’re one of the first people I talked to on this hellsite and you couldn’t have been more welcoming or kind or supportive, and I’m so grateful for your friendship 💖 Thank you for this prompt, it got a little away from me lol but I hope you enjoy it!! 🥰🥰
Evanstan + Homesick, Teen, 1.5k
Read on Ao3 or below
It’s the middle of the day, the blistering sun shining down on Sebastian while he’s walking around LA. Cars race by, people push past him, tourists block the way stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to take selfies. He barely registers any of it, weaving his way through the crowds, head bent low, sunglasses on and earphones in. He’s aware that people find him odd for walking around the city, not going everywhere by car. Or at least that’s what people have told him when he brings it up. But he needed this, it’s what he does. Whenever he feels like he needs to get out of his head, deal with something, process something, he goes for a walk.
But LA is not New York. It’s very far from it actually. He’s here for meetings with studio executives, some auditions, but mostly to attend as many events as possible in the run up to the Emmy nomination deadline. Speak on panels, show his face on red carpets, do interview after interview. He knows why he’s in LA, why it’s necessary. It’s just been weeks already, and he feels a little exhausted, has started to wonder whether all of this is worth it. He’d much rather be in New York, sleep in his own bed, walk down those familiar bustling streets that feel like home, get coffee from his favorite place, run down the west-side highway. And instead of feeling like the walk is making him feel better, put it all into perspective, he just feels more alone. He just really wants to go home.
After his walk, he quickly gets ready for another round of Zoom interviews. He’s not the biggest fan of them, sitting in a chair all afternoon in front of a laptop screen, answering the same damn questions over and over again. He gets through the first couple of them pretty quickly, not as painful as he expected them to be but he mostly credits Lily for that. It’s better when he doesn’t have to do these alone.
Before he needs to call in for the next one, he has a little break, and he considers texting Chace to ask him what he’s up to tonight, if maybe he’d like to go for dinner or a drink (or five). Being around friends always makes being away from home easier. He’s about to open their text chain when a text message pops up.
Chris: hi! Saw you’re in LA? I know it’s pretty short notice but I just thought, I have a premiere thing tonight, if you’re free, I’d love to see you!
Sebastian stares at it in surprise. He hasn’t really heard from Chris for a while. He’d known Chris was around town, saw some of the prep going on for the Lightyear red carpet earlier that day. He’s not sure what to say. But before he can respond, his phone buzzes again, a couple of times in a row.
Chris: I mean, no worries if you’re not, shoulda asked earlier
Chris: I just know how much you like these kinds of movies and thought I’d ask, don’t worry about it
Chris: of course you’re busy, what am I thinking 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Chris: *typing*
It makes Sebastian smile a little, the way Chris is trying to talk him in and out of coming at the same time, sounding much less confident than he thinks Chris usually is. He’s not sure what to make of it, but he texts back before Chris can try to scramble back even more.
Sebastian: No, no plans, I’d love to come. I’m just not sure where to get a red carpet outfit this late that doesn’t make my stylist want to murder me 😂
He waits a couple of seconds. A minute. Two minutes that might as well be two hours, seeing the *typing* bubbles pop up and disappear a couple of times. It makes him nervous.
Chris: Anything is fine! No need to do the whole carpet thing, I’m sure we can sneak you in 😉
Chris texts him some more of the details, where to be and when, who he should ask for to be led inside unnoticed. He’s about to put his phone down, call in to the next zoom interview, when he gets one more text. He has a smile on his face for the rest of the afternoon.
Chris: it’ll be so nice to see you again. I can’t wait 🚀💙
Before he knows it, it’s time to drive to the theater where they’re holding the Lightyear premiere. It shouldn’t matter what he wears, he knows. He’s not doing the red carpet, no one is taking his photo. But he couldn’t help but dress up just a little, putting on a shirt he stole from a photoshoot recently. It’s semi-casual, but fitting for the occasion and wearing it makes him feel good. He still feels a little nervous about seeing Chris, but he tries to pull himself together.
He gets out of the car, gives his name and is quickly guided inside through the theater’s back entrance, by a stern looking woman with a clipboard board. She walks him down a couple of hallways until they get to some sort of backstage area, then turns around and leaves before he can thank her or ask where he should go now. The room is crowded with people, almost none of them familiar. He feels a little lost, unsure. Suddenly, he feels a hand on his shoulder and when he turns around, his looking into familiar blue green eyes - but not the ones he was looking for.
“Oh my god, Sebastian, I didn’t know you were coming! Chris didn’t say anything! How are you?”, Scott says, in his usual enthusiastic manner. Sebastian doesn’t know him too well, but he sighs a breath of relief that at least he’s in the right spot. He starts to answer Scott’s questions, but before he can even open his mouth, Scott’s grabbed him by the arm and leading him around the room, babbling about - Sebastian doesn’t know. Or forgets.
If he did hear anything Scott had been saying, he forgets instantly, when he finally spots Chris, deep in conversation with some people Sebastian doesn’t know. He’s wearing a colorful, casual shirt, cut low enough for some tattoos to peek out. The sleeves look like they’re strangling Chris’s enormous biceps. When he looks at Chris’s face, he feels like he has a little trouble breathing. He’s grown his beard out again, now with visible little patches of grey. His thoughts wander a little, thinking about what touching that beard would feel like. If the shirt is as soft as it looks, what those pecs beneath it feel like.
When he realizes that the people Chris was speaking to have left, and his full attention is now turned to Sebastian, he has to shake himself out of those ill-timed thoughts. He knows he’s staring, and he knows Chris has caught him staring, judging from the smirk that’s forming on his face. Chris’s eyes travel up and down Sebastian’s body, and he’s sure he must be blushing right now, suddenly feeling like he’s on fire with the full force of Chris’s gaze on him. When he gets close enough though, that smirk turns into a soft smile. “Hi, thanks for inviting me, it’s good to-”, he starts, but is cut off by Chris taking a couple of quick steps forward, and going in for a hug.
Now he definitely feels like he can’t breathe, Chris’s strong arms wrapped around him, his nose and mouth way too close to Sebastian’s neck, where he’s burrowed down his head. He can hear Chris take in a deep breath. “God, I’m so glad you’re here, I missed you”, Chris says, and they’re so close Sebastian can feel the rumble in Chris’s chest, smell Chris’s cologne, earthy and a little sweet, and something that he knows is just Chris. It’s familiar, it’s good, it’s something he missed more than he can even admit to himself.
“I missed you too”, he finally gets out. By then, Chris has (unfortunately) let go of him and is moving out of their hug. Sebastian realizes Scott is nowhere to be seen, feels a little bad for not making conversation, responding to those questions. He brings it up after he’s caught up with Chris a little, and by then they’re slowly making their way towards the screening room. Chris laughs, tells him not to worry about it, that Scott is fine holding a conversation just by himself.
Before go their separate ways, Chris to the stage and Sebastian to a seat somewhere in the back, Chris stops walking, turns to face him. He looks a little nervous, opens his mouth a couple of times and shutting it without saying anything. Then he shakes his head at himself, finally coming out with it. “How about- would you.. would you like to come over to mine for a drink after this?”, he asks, voice uncharacteristically quiet, sounding nervous.
He’s not sure what to make of it, all the ways Chris has spoken to and looked at him today, what it means. He knows what he wants it to mean. “I’d love nothing more”, he responds, and he thinks hope and excitement are clear in his voice. He doesn’t really care if they are. Whatever happens the rest of the night, it doesn’t really matter. Just getting to spend time with Chris is enough. He’s glad he’s here right now. Maybe LA isn’t so bad after all.
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thelonesomequeen · 1 year
I know this has been talked about a lot, but I’m kinda shocked that Chris has never been nominated for any prestigious awards (Oscars, GG, Emmys, SAG, BAFTA, Critics Choice). Like I know he’s no Daniel Day-Lewis, but I don’t think you need to be an acting god to land prestigious award show nods. I mean, Chris is arguably bigger than a lot of up and coming actors who have managed to get nominated, so it kinda shocks me that he hasn’t been able to snag at least one nod. I’d say he’s on the same level as Seb acting wise, and Lily and Ana are newer to the acting scene than he is. I know actors don’t get award show nominations based off how famous they are, but I feel like there are plenty of actors who have scored nods simply off their name and fame. And there are plenty of actors with very inconsistent bodies of work who have given arguably worse performances than Chris who have scored nominations for other projects. Just surprises me that of all people, Chris hasn’t managed to do it at least once.
My honest opinion here is that I don’t think he’s given a good enough performance to earn that right just yet. I’m not saying he’s a bad actor by any means or that he’s incapable of getting a nomination one day, but he’s not quite on the same level as others that we see getting those nominations. However, I think half of his battle is picking better projects for himself. He picks a lot of movies that are…just ok. And that’s not going to help him get a nomination. He came pretty close with Defending Jacob, but just missed out during a year where that specific category was pretty stacked. I’ll still never get over him passing up The Wolf of Wall Street over salary 🤦‍♀️ But I’m just going to point out that as long as he’s happy with where he’s at in his career, that’s really all that matters at the end of the day 🦎
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emma-what-son · 2 years
Sadie Sink was amazing in Stranger Things season 4. How she didn’t even get nominated for an Emmy is astounding. Most of the younger Stranger Things cast will gradually fade away but I’d be surprised if she doesn’t have a long career, she can really act. And yeah Molly Alcock was brilliant in House of the Dragon. Be interesting to see how well the actor playing older Rhaenyra goes. A lot to live up to. The actor playing younger Alicent was also pretty good
The actress who's going to play older Rhaenyra definitely looks perfect for the part. The cast did an amazing job. I felt both sympathetic and annoyed with Alicent lol
0 notes
gffa · 4 years
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FUTURE LUCASFILM PROJECTS REVEALED GET READY FOR PATTY JENKINS’ ROGUE SQUADRON FILM, AN AHSOKA TANO LIVE-ACTION SERIES, THE RETURN OF HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN AND MUCH, MUCH MORE.       Today at The Walt Disney Company’s Investor Day event, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy announced a staggering number of new films, series, and surprises that will expand the Star Wars galaxy like never before.
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Rogue Squadron The next Star Wars feature film will be Rogue Squadron — directed by Patty Jenkins (Wonder Woman franchise). The story will introduce a new generation of starfighter pilots as they earn their wings and risk their lives in a boundary-pushing, high-speed thrill-ride, and move the saga into the future era of the galaxy.       “It’s been a lifelong dream as a filmmaker to one day make a great fighter pilot film,” said Jenkins. “As the daughter of a great fighter pilot myself, some of the best memories of my life are of seeing my father’s squadron take off in their F4s every morning, and hearing and feeling the awe-inspiring power and grace. When he passed away in service to this country it ignited a burning desire to one day channel all of those emotions into one great film. When the perfect story arrived in combination with another true love of mine, the incomparable world of Star Wars, I knew I’d finally found my next film. I’m extremely honored and excited to take it on, and grateful to Lucasfilm, Disney, and the fans for extending that thrill to me.”       “Patty has established herself as one of the top directors working in the film industry today,” said Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy. “She’s a visionary who knows how to strike the balance between action and heart, and I can’t wait to see what she does in the Star Wars galaxy.”       Lock S-foils in attack position: Rogue Squadron arrives in theaters Christmas 2023.
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Untitled Taika Waititi Film       A brand-new Star Wars feature with acclaimed filmmaker and Academy Award-winner Taika Waititi is in development. “Taika’s approach to Star Wars will be fresh, unexpected, and…unique,” said Kennedy. “His enormous talent and sense of humor will ensure that audiences are in for an unforgettable ride.”
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Obi-Wan Kenobi Last August at D23 Expo, Lucasfilm announced the return of Ewan McGregor in the iconic role of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi for a special event series on Disney+. Officially titled Obi-Wan Kenobi, the series begins 10 years after the dramatic events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith where he faced his greatest defeat, the downfall and corruption of his best friend and Jedi apprentice, Anakin Skywalker turned evil Sith Lord Darth Vader. The series is directed by Deborah Chow, who helmed memorable episodes of The Mandalorian Season 1.      This will truly be a day long remembered, as it was confirmed that Hayden Christensen will be returning as Darth Vader. “This will be the rematch of the century,” Kennedy said.      “It was such an incredible journey playing Anakin Skywalker,” said Christensen. “Of course, Anakin and Obi-Wan weren’t on the greatest of terms when we last saw them… It will be interesting to see what an amazing director like Deborah Chow has in store for us all. I’m excited to work with Ewan again. It feels good to be back.”
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Ahsoka After making her long awaited live-action debut in The Mandalorian, Ahsoka Tano’s story, written by Dave Filoni, will continue in a limited series starring Rosario Dawson and executive produced by Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau. Rangers of the New Republic Set within the timeline of The Mandalorian, this new live-action series from executive producers Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni will intersect with future stories and culminate into a climactic story event.
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Lando Everyone’s favorite scoundrel Lando Calrissian will return in a brand-new event series for Disney+. Justin Simien, creator of the critically-acclaimed Dear White People and a huge Star Wars fan, is developing the story.
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Andor  Andor, a tense nail-biting spy thriller created by Tony Gilroy, is set to arrive on Disney+ in 2022. Diego Luna, reprising the role of rebel spy Cassian Andor from Rogue One, will be joined by a fantastic new cast that includes Stellan Skarsgard, Adria Arjona, Fiona Shaw, Denise Gough, Kyle Soller, and Genevieve O’Reilly as Mon Mothma. Production kicked off three weeks ago in London.
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The Acolyte Leslye Headland, Emmy Award-nominated creator of the mind-bending series Russian Doll, brings a new Star Wars series to Disney+ with The Acolyte. The Acolyte is a mystery-thriller that will take the audience into a galaxy of shadowy secrets and emerging dark side powers in the final days of the High Republic era.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch The series follows the elite and experimental clones of the Bad Batch (first introduced in The Clone Wars) as they find their way in a rapidly changing galaxy in the immediate aftermath of the Clone War. Members of Bad Batch — a unique squad of clones who vary genetically from their brothers in the Clone Army — each possess a singular exceptional skill which makes them extraordinarily effective soldiers and a formidable crew. In the post-Clone War era, they will take on daring mercenary missions as they struggle to stay afloat and find new purpose.      The animated series will arrive exclusively on Disney+.
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Star Wars: Visions Presenting all-new, creative takes on the galaxy far, far away, Star Wars: Visions will be a series of animated short films celebrating Star Wars through the lens of the world’s best anime creators. The anthology collection will bring 10 fantastic visions from several of the leading Japanese anime studios, offering a fresh and diverse cultural perspective to Star Wars.
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A Droid Story As Lucasfilm continues to develop new stories, the intersection of animation and visual effects offers new opportunities to explore. Lucasfilm Animation will be teaming up with Lucasfilm’s visual effects team, Industrial Light & Magic, to develop a special Star Wars adventure for Disney+, A Droid Story. This epic journey will introduce us to a new hero, guided by legendary duo R2-D2 and C-3PO.
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Memories Last Forever (Collab with @Lozzypoz321)
Chris Evans x f!teen!co-star!reader, Chris Pratt x reader, Tom Holland x reader, Sebastian Stan x reader, Paul Rudd x reader
Genre: fluff!
Description: In an interview your costars gush over your talent and awesomeness, and reflect on all the good memories from set.
Warnings: None bro
A/N from morizoras-cave: Before this I’d never ever done a collab before, but Loz approached me and I was super duper excited about it. Loz is such a nice person and an evil mastermind and I definitely hope to write with her in the future! ;))) This was so much fun, I love you Loz :D
A/N from @lozzypoz321​: I really enjoyed writing this and it brought a smile to my face, I hope you do too! V is such an amazing writer and you may see something from us more in the future *wink wonk*
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“So,” Mark, the interviewer started with interest and kept his eyes on you all “I saw that on Twitter a couple of months ago, you and your costar, (Y/N), took a selfie at the teen choice awards which you won by the way” hope directed the last part at you, making a blush creep up onto your cheeks involuntary “what would you say that was like?”
Chris (Evans) laughed lightly, taking a moment to ponder the question. “Well, I’m super thankful for all the people who nominated me and her, we enjoyed it greatly and I’m very proud of (Y/N) for what she’s achieved.”
You rubbed your face with sweaty palms, flustered that your costars were saying such nice things about you. Sebastian swung his legs back and forth on the couch where he was sitting and gave a grin “yeah, I think we all are, people look up at the screen and think that since she’s so small that the fame would get to her but,” he took a pause and jokingly nudged you in the ribs “she’s very humble.”
Without meaning to, you laughed out quietly. It wasn’t that you got embarrassed when someone complimented you, it was more that you thought that you didn’t deserve all the attention they were giving you. 
“Guys, stop” you mumbled quietly, earning a full on laugh from beside you. Chris (Pratt) nodded towards the camera in the rooms corner. “Super kind too” the man added on to Sebastian's previous statement.
“Woah, remember when she won an Emmy?!” Tom (Holland) said in joking amazement, earning another shake of the head from you. Paul (Rudd) laughed with everyone and ran a hand through his short hair and faked bitterness “man, I haven’t even won an Emmy!”
Mark chuckled lightly and brought his notebook back up into his eyesight, looking at his next question to ask you all. “What has been your favourite moment filming on set?”
Chris (Pratt) looked around at everyone for a second before asking “we taking it in turns?”
“Um.. yeah, sure.”
Tom (Holland) went first, rubbing his hands together in concentration, “well, it probably has to be that dinner we went to with all the cast. I remember Anthony Mackie falling over, I loved it” making you all laugh and turn to Chris (Evans) who looked as if that was the hardest question he’d ever been asked in his life. You swore you heard him mutter “I don’t wike it” under his breath but just shrugged it off, “well if I had to choose it was probably the dance battle me and RDJ had outside Scarletts trailer,” he looked at the camera with seriousness drawn all over his features and a smirk on his lips “I won of course”
Paul (Rudd) went next and he was practically bouncing in his seat, “I got to hold Thor’s hammer when he left to go eat lunch, (Y/N) helped me steal it off set.” You gasped.
“You’ve ratted me out!” shock was written all over your face. The other cast members laughed, as Paul feigned surprise. “I can’t believe you!” you said. Sebastian patted your shoulder, jokingly. “That’s what you get for trusting Paul,” he told you and you had to agree. What were you thinking?
Chris (Pratt) began speaking, taking the heat off Paul, “I loved when you guys held a surprise birthday party for me,” he smiled warmly. Chris (Evans) shook his head and sighed. “Of course, he picks something about himself!”
The entire cast burst into laughter, you included. You loved watching the banter between them all. “Hm, I’ve gotta say, my favourite moment was when me and Anthony,” Sebastian paused, winking at you in a very exaggerated manner, “stole the script all by ourselves.” You nodded along, mumbling “of course, of course. The full truth and nothing but the truth.”
There was a moment of silence, as you thought about your favourite moment. There were so many to choose from, and the thought of it all brought a small smile to your lips. Your eyes lit up suddenly. 
“My favourite moment was when we all had that sleepover on set! And everyone brought their sleeping bags and mattresses, and we ate pizza and watched Iron Man 1,” you stopped for a moment, but then gasped again, all the memories coming back to you, “and then we played hide and seek, and somehow Hemsworth was the last one to be found. And then we stole the food out the vending machines and accidentally broke, like, half of them.” 
All the other cast members chuckled at the memories from that night. Mostly, they smiled seeing how happy the memories made you. They were happy to have brought good memories into your life, ones you’d always be able to look back on with a smile. The interview ended, and so did the movies and their contracts, but the memories you’d made with them lasted forever. :)
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @eviemarvel @idk123906
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Press: Streaming, With Only a Little Trepidation
“I’ve never had more fun on a job before,” says the WandaVision lead who spoke with the Ted Lasso star about their shows, the Scarlett Johansson lawsuit, and what happens to the theatrical moviegoing experience now.
In Reunited, Awards Insider hosts a conversation between two Emmy nominees who have collaborated on a previous project. Here, we speak with WandaVision star Elizabeth Olsen and Ted Lasso co-creator and star Jason Sudeikis, who previously starred in the 2017 film Kodachrome.
VANITY FAIR: Elizabeth Olsen and Jason Sudeikis met for the first time just before filming their 2017 indie Kodachrome, but they already had at least one thing in common: a “big old crush” on Ed Harris, as Olsen describes it. “He did not disappoint at all,” adds Sudeikis. “He stuck up for us. He cared about us. He cared about the movie.”
A guide to Hollywood’s biggest races
Now, the two have much more in common, as first-time Emmy nominees. Olsen is nominated for lead actress for her work as Wanda Maximoff in WandaVision, a Disney+ limited series that explores grief and loss, through a superhero story wrapped in a parody of TV sitcoms. Sudeikis earned four Emmy nominations for Apple TV+’s darling Ted Lasso, which he cocreated, cowrote, and stars in as Ted, a cheery American football coach who attempts to coach an English Premier League soccer team.
In early August, Olsen and Sudeikis reunited over Zoom to chat with Vanity Fair about transitioning these characters to TV, their views on the new streaming empires, and what they think of the lawsuit Scarlett Johansson recently brought against Disney regarding the strategy to stream Black Widow simultaneously with its theatrical release.
Vanity Fair: It’s been quite a few years since you shot Kodachrome. What do you remember about where you were on your trajectories at that time?
Elizabeth Olsen: Of life? It was when I was at a down trajectory.
Jason Sudeikis: Personally or professionally? I feel like from the outside, it only seems like you operate in one direction [motions upward].
Olsen: From a personal standpoint. So, I was excited to get to do a small movie, an intimate job that had some levity. And that was really nice. And I have a big old crush on Ed Harris and I still do.
Sudeikis: Yeah. To know that the director was like, “hey, we’re thinking about Jason Sudeikis for this role” and then Ed Harris stayed on, It was like, “all right, pleasant surprise. Pleasant surprise.”
Your current projects, WandaVision and Ted Lasso, may seem very different but do have one thing in common: they both feature characters that originated elsewhere. Wanda is obviously from the Marvel films and Jason you played Ted Lasso in commercials. Why did you feel these characters would work on a TV series?
Olsen: I got really comfortable in the Marvel movies, taking up my piece of the story and my piece of, how does my little arc work in this much larger arc with 30 other characters? And so the idea of all the focus being on me and Paul [Bettany] totally freaked me out. And that it was on television felt weird because these characters are superheroes and maybe they should be seen on big screens and not televisions. But the entire DNA of the show was meant for television. It was written for television. The arc has to be told through television. And from an actor’s point of view, it was something I’d never done. I’ve never done sitcom acting, let alone go through the decades with it.
And I’ve never had more fun on a job before. We got to go to work and just feel like an idiot all the time. And all of us, we’d be like hamming, hamming, hamming, and use each other as these barometers of “are we doing this too much? Is this now just a parody? Is this a joke? At what point are we supposed to dial it back?” And at one point I did, I think, a quadruple take, and that was the first time the director asked me to pull it back and just do a double take. So it was pretty incredible to get to expand on the character and this world, but do it from a totally different perspective. I’m so grateful for that job.
Sudeikis: Have you hosted SNL yet?
Olsen: God no!
Sudeikis: No? Well, I’m not going to agent you and be like, “if they ask, would you ever want to?” But, look, I know you’re funny. It was really fun to watch you do multi-cam sitcom acting. And then the genre thing, it made me be like, “oh, she would crush on SNL”. You’re always going to internalize stuff because you’re, in my opinion, very, very talented and very, very smart. So then even when you externalize things, like a quadruple take, it would be joyful to watch even in the attempt. Watching the show, it didn’t seem at all like an aberration or like you were putting it on. It felt well conceived and well thought out. And it almost made me wonder if the creator was aware of that or was it all just an act of faith on their part.
Olsen: It was a total act of faith. What they did is they took comedy actors who are really funny and gave them the more dramatic stuff. Because they thought that would balance out when we failed. And we’re like, “You guys are very smart for doing this.”
Sudeikis: Now, are you putting that on them or was that articulated to you day one?
Olsen: We talked about it. We were so open about it. We’re like, “this is very clever that you guys put some of the funniest actors in MCU in these dramatic parts.” But SNL, I watch it every Saturday when it’s live. I’m obsessed with SNL and that’s why I would never! It’s like the ocean. I respect the ocean so much and that’s why I don’t need to go in it.
Sudeikis: I don’t know. I think we’ll see. This is going to be like Charles Foster Kane’s declaration of principles. “I would never host SNL.” And then, “And your host, Elizabeth Olsen.”
Olsen: So tell me about Lasso: small to big.
Sudeikis: Me and my buddies, Joe [Kelly] and Brendan [Hunt], did those commercials in 2013, 2014, and we then sat down to talk about it in 2015. And it was kind of like, “okay, is it another set of commercials? Is it a movie?” I knew what the character was and we all grew up with great sports films, by Ron Shelton and Rudy and Hoosiers and things like that. But then also liked Nora Ephron, you know? We wanted to make something that had a little bit of romance. And romance may not be sexual, it’s also a platonic version of romance. And the story just sort of spooled out of us in a way that garnered a pilot episode and then a well-beat-out outline for a season. Because we were kind of modeling it after the British Office where it’d be like six episodes, six episodes, and then maybe an hour and a half special, like a movie type thing. Not wanting to take up too much space and not knowing how long it would go. And so it only could be a TV show, was the way it felt.
And so then it went away for a while because that was in 2015. And then lo and behold, it comes back around when I met Bill Lawrence for this other project. That one didn’t work out, but he was like, “Do you have anything?” I said, “Well, we have this.” And I remember having a whole bunch of stuff in this office, more work than I think he realized. He’s like, “Oh yeah, this is definitely, this is a whole thing. Okay. Wow. You guys have really thought this through.”
Olsen: Did you have a [writers] room or did you already write most of it?
Sudeikis: No, we definitely had a room. It was like I knew the chords, I knew the structure of things. We had a great room of 11 people for the first season. With hiring people, we just had good fortune. I didn’t know it was interesting at the time, but asking people during the interview process who their mentors were, who were the people that encouraged them, who made you think you could do this for a living—you can learn a lot about a person by listening to them talk about their mentors, their heroes.
Olsen: With the jokes, I feel like they’re so quick, but they’re so specific to people who watch sports and who knows sports. Well, not all of them, but a lot of the jokes are. Do you have a list of ones that you want to get in there or are these coming up in the room? Because it gets me as a big sports person.
Sudeikis: It really depends on it. There’s some ideas that I’d had for years and years that are just from old notebooks that I used to carry around when I worked on SNL before you would type things into a phone. And storylines and themes and characters that have just been ruminating in my head based on other ideas for either movies or sketches that didn’t make it. And then a big part of the room is that we have this collective consciousness that isn’t all sports.
And then with specific soccer jokes, we do try to include jokes that we call “two percenters” that only football fans would like. Just as our little tip of the cap because we wouldn’t be here without that group of people digging our shit back in the commercial days.
Your shows were on Disney+ and Apple TV+. Did you have any concerns about them being on streaming services, which were relatively new at the time, and finding an audience?
Sudeikis: It’d probably be more so if it was like Goodyear TV+, if it was some brand that didn’t already rule the world of entertainment and technology.
Olsen: I did a version of that with Facebook. And I didn’t like that experience. I loved my show [Sorry for Your Loss] and I loved everyone that I worked with. But the Facebook relationship was frustrating because of the lack of television experience and how the platform is organized. When we went to season two, we had a meeting that our show called for Facebook to have with us, so that we can give them our notes about their platform and why we think it’s really hard to find our show on their platform and how it’s congested. So I was anxious going into Disney+. But I knew it was Disney. And I think I was more anxious with the Marvel characters being on television than I was about the Disney+ element.
Sudeikis: Golly, I didn’t even consider that. And you’re absolutely right, because Facebook would be closer to Apple. Truth is we didn’t have a choice. We pitched it to a bunch of different places. They were the only ones that would open the door and say, “yeah, come in out of the rain, you can hang out in here. You can do your little show in here.” And so, the trepidation was alleviated by the fact that there was nowhere else open to us.
Olsen: Facebook and Apple I feel like aren’t that similar.
Sudeikis: No, but they hadn’t created content before.
Olsen: Well, Facebook now is [scaling back] scripted content.
Speaking of streaming, both of you have starred in big theatrical movies. Are either of you worried about the theatrical experience, in the way that COVID has changed how movies are being released at this point? We saw how that’s playing out with Scarlett Johansson’s recent lawsuit.
Olsen: I’m worried about a bunch of things. Not worried on Scarlett’s behalf. But I’m worried about small movies getting the opportunity to be seen in theaters. That was already a thing pre-COVID. I like going to the movies and I don’t necessarily want to see only an Oscar contender or a blockbuster. I would like to see art films and art house theaters. And so I do worry about that, and people having to keep these theaters alive. And I don’t know how financially that works for these theaters. I do hope that there’s some sort of solution that the larger companies are coming together to keep, at least in L.A. this is going to happen. But I do think it’s going to be how it kind of used to be when studios owned theaters. And I have a feeling that we might go back to that being the only way to keep them alive with such expensive real estate. But when it comes to actors and their earnings, I mean, that’s just, that’s just all contracts. So it’s either in the contract or it’s not. What about you? Are you worried about Scarlett?
Sudeikis: Of course. How could I not? She’s married to my comedy brother [SNL’s Colin Jost].
Olsen: I think she’s so tough and literally when I read that I was like, “good for you Scarlett.”
Sudeikis: Well, I mean, it is appropriately bad-ass and on brand. I think it’s also married to yes, the COVID of it all and success of the streaming sites. But also just technology. I mean this thing [points at his TV] is as good as any movie theater, and all that stuff is getting cheaper and cheaper. If you’re a family of five and you’re going out there and it’s a whole thing. And yet the communal experience, towards Lizzie’s point is, is one that you can’t replicate in home. You can’t replicate through social media. I think both of our shows have succeeded greatly on their own merit, but it’s certainly written further through people’s love of them socially. Which would have happened back in the day around a water cooler. And while that’s nice, it’s still not the same as sitting next to everybody and getting scared at the same time or cheering at the same time and laughing at the same time.
I do think though, if we just use anecdotally, Kodachrome as an example, more people probably have seen it because it got on Netflix than they would have in the theater. And the more that happens, the better. So it’s like there is that reach that as long as those streaming sites are still paying to make those little movies, they have the opportunity to be seen. And so it is this balance. I just hope that with that still comes creative autonomy, and we don’t lose sight of that.
What about the experience of making these shows will you take on to your next project and the one after that?
Olsen: Well, I definitely had a shake-up to use my full body as an actor. I had to create a character and voices. And just all the technical stuff that I have loved doing my whole life was just shook up a bit. And so I’m now really excited to do more of that and to feel a bit freer in building characters. And so that has really informed the next thing I’m working on now and preparing for. It’s just kind of put me back in my actory body in a really good way.
And hosting SNL.
Olsen: Of course, now I’ll host SNL because stage fright has nothing to do with that. I can do a monologue in front of people and make them laugh.
Sudeikis: Not a prerequisite. Having worked there for 10 years, not a prerequisite. Well, the tacky answer is it’d be tough not being the boss again. And I’m fucking flabbergasted that people have picked up so much what we set down for them. You know what I mean? From colleagues on the writing and acting side to just regular folks back home, people I’ve never even met. It’s thrilling. I have to try to make sense of that for myself. And I think a lot of it has to do with it being something so personal. And so that might be the thing to lean into.
Olsen: It’s interesting you say that because immediately three days after wrapping, I had to go into a film where we’re not in WandaVision land, obviously. I mean, they kind of are a muscle, these Marvel movies. Instead of going back to that routine of it, I tried to do what you’re saying. I was like, “okay, so what can I play with that I haven’t gotten to that’ll at least satisfy something inside me that I want to play with right now?”
Sudeikis: I don’t know when I’ll get to do that again, when I’ll do that next. Because yeah, it’s Lasso—
Olsen: Lasso forever.
Sudeikis: At least for a little bit longer.
Olsen: Is it what you said, three seasons and then a special?
Sudeikis: I mean, the special would have been the third season with the initial thing. Now you sound like you’re my agent or manager.
Olsen: Oh good, that’s what I came here for. That’s what I wanted to do.
Sudeikis: Who sent you? I know the end of this story. I mean, the fact that we have a third season could fucking blow it all and ruin what would people like so much of the first season. We might be in the middle of doing it now in the second season. I don’t know. We’re just doing it the same way we did it last time. So we’ll see. But yeah, that’s a big old, long winded question mark.
Olsen: Or an ellipsis.
Press: Streaming, With Only a Little Trepidation was originally published on Elizabeth Olsen Source • Your source for everything Elizabeth Olsen
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lozzypoz321 · 4 years
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Word count: 927
A/N from @morizoras-cave: Before this I’d never ever done a collab before, but Loz approached me and I was super duper excited about it. Loz is such a nice person and an evil mastermind and I definitely hope to write with her in the future! ;))) This was so much fun, I love you Loz :D
A/N from lozzypoz321: I really enjoyed writing this and it brought a smile to my face, I hope you do too! V is such an amazing writer and you may see something from us more in the future *wink wonk*
Warnings: none!!
Memories Last Forever (collab)
“So,” Mark, the interviewer started with interest and kept his eyes on you all “I saw that on Twitter a couple of months ago, you and your costar, (Y/N), took a selfie at the teen choice awards which you won by the way” he directed the last part at you, making a blush creep up onto your cheeks involuntary “what would you say that was like?”
Chris (Evans) laughed lightly, taking a moment to ponder the question. “Well, I’m super thankful for all the people who nominated me and her, we enjoyed it greatly and I’m very proud of (Y/N) for what she’s achieved.”
You rubbed your face with sweaty palms, flustered that your costars were saying such nice things about you. Sebastian swung his legs back and forth on the couch where he was sitting and gave a grin “yeah, I think we all are, people look up at the screen and think that since she’s so small that the fame would get to her but,” he took a pause and jokingly nudged you in the ribs “she’s very humble.”
Without meaning to, you laughed out quietly. It wasn’t that you got embarrassed when someone complimented you, it was more that you thought that you didn’t deserve all the attention they were giving you.
“Guys, stop” you mumbled quietly, earning a full on laugh from beside you. Chris (Pratt) nodded towards the camera in the rooms corner. “Super kind too” the man added on to Sebastian's previous statement.
“Woah, remember when she won an Emmy?!” Tom (Holland) said in joking amazement, earning another shake of the head from you. Paul (Rudd) laughed with everyone and ran a hand through his short hair and faked bitterness “man, I haven’t even won an Emmy!”
Mark chuckled lightly and brought his notebook back up into his eyesight, looking at his next question to ask you all. “What has been your favourite moment filming on set?”
Chris (Pratt) looked around at everyone for a second before asking “we taking it in turns?”
“Um.. yeah, sure.”
Tom (Holland) went first, rubbing his hands together in concentration, “well, it probably has to be that dinner we went to with all the cast. I remember Anthony Mackie falling over, I loved it” making you all laugh and turn to Chris (Evans) who looked as if that was the hardest question he’d ever been asked in his life. You swore you heard him mutter “I don’t wike it” under his breath but just shrugged it off, “well if I had to choose it was probably the dance battle me and RDJ had outside Scarletts trailer,” he looked at the camera with seriousness drawn all over his features and a smirk on his lips “I won of course”
Paul (Rudd) went next and he was practically bouncing in his seat, “I got to hold Thor’s hammer when he left to go eat lunch, (Y/N) helped me steal it off set.” You gasped.
“You’ve ratted me out!” shock was written all over your face. The other cast members laughed, as Paul feigned surprise. “I can’t believe you!” you said. Sebastian patted your shoulder, jokingly. “That’s what you get for trusting Paul,” he told you and you had to agree. What were you thinking?
Chris (Pratt) began speaking, taking the heat off Paul, “I loved when you guys held a surprise birthday party for me,” he smiled warmly. Chris (Evans) shook his head and sighed. “Of course, he picks something about himself!”
The entire cast burst into laughter, you included. You loved watching the banter between them all. “Hm, I’ve gotta say, my favourite moment was when me and Anthony,” Sebastian paused, winking at you in a very exaggerated manner, “stole the script all by ourselves.” You nodded along, mumbling “of course, of course. The full truth and nothing but the truth.”
There was a moment of silence, as you thought about your favourite moment. There were so many to choose from, and the thought of it all brought a small smile to your lips. Your eyes lit up suddenly.
“My favourite moment was when we all had that sleepover on set! And everyone brought their sleeping bags and mattresses, and we ate pizza and watched Iron Man 1,” you stopped for a moment, but then gasped again, all the memories coming back to you, “and then we played hide and seek, and somehow Hemsworth was the last one to be found. And then we stole the food out the vending machines and accidentally broke, like, half of them.”
All the other cast members chuckled at the memories from that night. Mostly, they smiled seeing how happy the memories made you. They were happy to have brought good memories into your life, ones you’d always be able to look back on with a smile. The interview ended, and so did the movies and their contracts, but the memories you’d made with them lasted forever.
@rooskaya-yelena @deephideoutmilkshake @kidney9-9 @marvel-ous-hobbit @snarky--starky @rae-is-typing @stargazingfangirl18 @canadianhufflepuffavenger @herecomesthewriterwitch @every-marveler-ever
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musette22 · 3 years
no offense but i can’t see either mackie or sebastian or even elizabeth, tom hiddleston or paul bettany winning the emmys… the best that might happen is their series winning technical/visual effects/production awards… the emmys doesn’t take marvel seriously (not even when netflix did daredevil and the other shows which were better received than the disney+ ones)… if they get nominated it will be quite the achievement but god knows how many more new series will pop until awards season begins
I think you're probably right to be honest, I'd be very surprised if any the actors did win an Emmy for any of the Disney+ shows (not because they're not talented enough, but for the reasons you mention, among others). But you never know, let's wait and see if they even get nominated, first!
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entertainment · 5 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Jesse Lee Soffer, Chicago PD
Jesse Lee Soffer stars as Jay Halstead, a brash young detective in the NBC drama Chicago PD. Soffer’s acting career began at age 6 when he landed a Kix cereal commercial. At age 8, Soffer made his feature-film debut opposite John Goodman and Cathy Moriarty in Matinee. He also starred in the family drama Safe Passage, and as Bobby in both The Brady Bunch Movie and A Very Brady Sequel. On the television front, he was on the Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen ABC sitcom Two of a Kind, the CBS serial Guiding Light, and the daytime drama As the World Turns, a role that earned him three consecutive Daytime Emmy nominations for Outstanding Younger Actor in a Drama Series, as well as a Soap Opera Digest Award nomination for Outstanding Younger Lead Actor. Soffer also appeared in the film In Time, as well as in guest roles in CSI: Miami,The Mentalist and Rizzoli & Isles. We got the chance to ask him some questions about his life and career. Check it out:
Did you do any research or shadowing to prepare for your roles on Chicago PD?
Yes, definitely. But mostly is was spending time with Brian Luce our technical advisor when we started the show and him sending us on a couple ride alongs. He’s still with us day in and day out and he’s essentially the heartbeat of the show. You can feel him everywhere from the cops that are on set to even specific character choices that we make every day.
If you could have a conversation with any character that you’ve played in the past, who would you talk to and what would you talk about?
I’d talk to Jay and tell him to stop being an idiot and getting his boundaries mixed up and start listening to Voight more.
Do you have a favorite character arc from this season of Chicago PD?
I have been enjoying seeing Voight and Jay trust each other a little more. I know that there’s riffs sometimes and they butt heads but the two respect each other and they’re definitely growing and have a mutual respect more and more because of it and that’s been a fun storyline to see play out.
What’s the funniest photo that you have on your phone (either share or describe it)?
Probably Season 1, I still have all the photos and video of accidentally kicking Patty in the nuts. He was suppose to be wearing a cup, it malfunctioned, we were gonna do it as a joke, and it went horribly awry.
Do you have any fun facts about the filming of Chicago PD that fans would be surprised to know?
Anytime we’re on set on location and it’s winter, everybody piles into Halstead’s truck to stay warm in between setups and usually hilarity ensues.
What’s the first thing that you remember being a fan of?
I remember watching the Terminator movies way too young as a kid and I’m sure that played a part in me liking the action genre.
If you could take a masterclass on any subject, what would you learn and who would you want to teach you (e.g. a cooking class with Gordon Ramsay)?
I’d love to take a political science class from Susan Rice, or someone like that.
Can you take us through a typical day on set?
Coffee. Block scenes. Eat snacks. More coffee. Shoot scenes. Putt. Shoot scenes. Putt. Shoot scenes. Get hangry. Shoot scenes. Eat lunch. Shoot more scenes. Putt. Shoot more scenes. I have a putting matt in the bullpen to work on my short game.
Lighting round! Describe each of the following in one word: Who you are, what you value the most, and what you’d be if you were a food item.
Who you are: I don’t know! You can’t fit me in a bubble.
What I value the most: Friends and family.
Food Item: Thanksgiving Dinner
What’s next for you?
Watch the fall finale to find out!
Thanks for taking the time, Jesse! Tune in to the finale of Chicago PD, tonight at 10/9c on NBC. 
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
thoughts on the emmys?
--best actor in a drama/best drama went about the way I would have wanted and predicted... It was The Crown's best season, Josh deserved (so did Gillian)... I adore Olivia but I find it very weird that she won over Emma for that season, tho. The material just wasn't there? But Emma will have more opportunities, I'm sure. In the battle of the Hollywood Blondes, they're my current longevity pick (along with Florence Pugh).
--along those lines, I adore Tobias Menzies but damn he also lacked the material. Philip and Elizabeth really were not the focuses of s4... at all. and similarly to how I feel that Olivia should more rightfully have an Emmy for Fleabag, I feel like Outlander should've been the show that got Tobias an Emmy--though, to be fair, I think he destrooooyed in s3 during that weird little "Philip wants to go to the moon" ep.
--I think Tobias and Olivia winning for seasons that didn't serve them also just highlighted how... Like, this was really diverse spread of nominees. Not just in terms of racial diversity--Mj Rodriguez's win would've been historic (and more deserving than Olivia's, imo--Mj has always been fabulous on Pose) and Emma stands out as an openly queer, nonbinary actor nominated.
--But in general, the fact that Michael K. Williams lost after the Emmys most def used his death for publicity.... shades of Chadwick and the Oscars, and it's ugly every time.
--Damn, the way that old white guy who brushed off the music so arrogantly to continue his monotonous thanks (compared to Michaela Cole spending 1/8 of his time and saying 80000 x more) really does sum up the entire tone of The Queen's Gambit, huh?
--Seriously though, did they.... ruin people's chances of watching the show by being like WE MAKE CHESS SEXY??? Or are people now waking up to the fact that it's an asinine show because the female chess player they borderline slandered pointed out that it's an asinine show lmao
--As I've made clear, I think Anya is a hack (not to be confused with the apparently funny show HACKS!) so watching her lose to Kate Winslet was funny. Like, I have my issues with Kate, but the Twitter stans bitching and moaning about how this was bought and paid for!!!!
--I didn't get thru Mare. I would've preferred Lizzie won. But.... I wasn't surprised when she didn't. Anya and Lizzie were reported to be neck and neck for a while, both are newer to the game, younger, bouncier, cool girls who'd split the Younger Bouncier Cool Girl vote while Kate Winslet is a fuckin' legend lol. And when a movie legend comes to town to do a sober TV drama ANNNNND does an accent??? Girl, it's over. Pack it up and give it to Kate. The Emmys love it when a movie actress does TV.
--Spending an early childhood in Argentina does not an interesting actor make, and while I'm sure she will convince someone to give her an Emmy someday, that day was not.... last night.
--Was amused to see HACKS! prevent a Ted Lasso sweep, as I'd never heard of that show before.
--Cedric's hosting was really bad
--That's all
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alaffy · 3 years
Halston Thoughts
Another quick one.  Halston is a 5 part series on Netflix about the designer Roy Halston Frowick.  It stars Ewan McGregor as Halston and his performance is fantastic.  I can see why he was nominated for an Emmy.  The whole cast is quite wonderful, especially Krysta Rodriguez as Liza Minnelli.  She was so perfect in the role that (even though I didn’t know Liza’s history with Halston) the minute she first appeared in the show, I knew exactly who she was playing even before she started singing.  Speaking of not knowing, I had no idea that Joel Schumacher worked in fashion before movies.
As for the writing, how do I put this?  Think of the movie Bohemian Rhapsody and make it four and a half hours long.  It’s not that I’m surprised that there are similarities between this series and that movie, there are several similarities between Halston and Mercury.  It’s the beats of the storyline, how the characters are presented...I honestly had to check to see if the two had been written by the same writers (they have not).  So, like Bohemian Rhapsody, this is more of a glimpse into Halston’s life, some key moments.  And, unfortunately, because you’re only getting glimpses into Halston’s life, you’re only getting certain aspects of him because of what they’re showing, that Halston (as good as McGregor is) almost becomes a caricature in a series about his life.  And by the end of the third episode, I found myself starting to loose interest.  In the end, it was a decent binge for the weekend, but nothing I’d ever watch again.
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scseason7 · 4 years
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Episode 7x06 Prompts
Continuing our lists of prompts by episode...
If anything sparks your interest, be sure to head over to AO3 and claim it!
The boys and Alexis (and Stevie, if it suits your fancy) go to LA for an awards ceremony for which Moira is nominated. It could be the Emmys, or something small and silly, but I'd love to see fancy clothes, the "kids" having some fun in the sun together, and Johnny and Moira as in love as ever.
David and Patrick venture to LA to attend a premiere party for Sunrise Bay. Lovely trips to the beach? Patrick in high fashion? David shopping for said high fashion clothes for Patrick? Do Patrick and Keith Urban have a nice chat while David is carrying on with Nicole?
After the success of the Sunrise Bay reboot, Moira takes on directing a prequel to the Crows trilogy, where audiences will see the small town origin story of the crow mutation. However, a problem arises, and they can no longer use the town they had planned to use as the filming location. Moira, of course, knows the perfect place to use instead and convinces town council to let them film the movie in Schitt's Creek. How do the residents deal with all the ways filming disrupts everyday life?
Try as she might, Moira can’t shake Jocelyn and she no longer wants to. So, Jocelyn comes to visit the Sunrise Bay set. I love their relationship and would love more if it! Maybe Moira arranges a bit part for her and she takes it very seriously. Maybe she gives Moira her honest opinion about a plot point. Maybe they finally go to that Poison concert. It’s up to you!
Art prompt or fic prompt.  Moira Rose finally wins her Emmy and the Roses finally get to attend a real red carpet event. Bonus points for a big David fashion moment and Alexis being a kick ass publicist.
A Sunrise Bay season premiere (or season finale) party in Schitt's Creek, with everyone in town getting together to watch the episode. (This could be an art prompt too!)
Someone approaches Moira about the possibility of filming a TV movie based on her life, including the Roses' fall and phoenix-like rise from the ashes.
It's Moira's first day of shooting on the Sunrise Bay reboot, and despite her excitement, she's having some first day jitters. Who does she call to try to soothe her nerves? Bonus points if it's not one of her immediate family members!
Mindful, because of Alexis's repeated reminders, of how badly her last interview in which she talked about the town went, Moira speaks very carefully during the in depth profile she gets to do in Vanity Fair after the Sunrise Bay reboot's surprise Emmy nomination (it was for Nicole Kidman's playing against type, but that's not important). How does she handle the questions about the town's residents and her sabbatical from public life?
There’s also a generic, catch-all prompt for each episode, so if you have ideas about Moira, Sunrise Bay, etc., that don’t fit here, you can claim the generic prompt and get creating!
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smokeybrandreviews · 3 years
The Weeknd Was Right
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I hate the Oscars so much, man. It’s masturbation, self aggrandizing nonsense, just like all the other Hollywood awards shows. Cats are always trying to inject more diversity every three or four years, only when rumblings of how f*cking White everything is, and it’s bullsh*t. I’m glad that Chloe Zhao, Daniel Kaluuya, and Youn Yuh-jung got gold and i adore that my man, LaKeith Stanfield, got the nod. I thought Minari was a little boring but I'd be lying if those performances weren’t on point. I don’t, personally, value the Oscars but the industry does and just getting nominated opens doors for a dude. I adore that Promising Young Woman got so much shine in the categories because that was a dope f*cking movie with so much female energy, it was absurd. I’d say i was surprised by the nod but not so much. Promising Young Woman is a strong f*cking movie that can definitely stand on it’s own but it also checks a bunch of identity boxes so, you know, shoe-in for a om because that’s what Hollywood is now; Millionaire Dog Whistles, all day! Riz Ahmed getting a nom for Best Actor is awesome, even if he had no chance of winning. Dude is an exceptional actor who deserves that recognition, just like Stanfield. Excellent in everything I've ever seen him in. I’m glad Chadick Boseman got the look but he should have won. Dude was terminal with cancer and still turned in one of the best, the best if you ask me, performances of the year. If the Oscars are testament to your craft, and a man is literally dying while putting the rest for the industry to shame, how the f*ck do you pass on hum like that? Are you kidding me? And that’s not the only f*ckery afoot.
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Soul is a decent flick It’s beautifully animated and performed well. But it’s a Pixar movie. They’re made from a template. They’re made specifically to win awards. That’s Disney’s category and, it your name isn’t Dreamworks, you have no shot as usurping their throne. Even if your name is Dreamworks, there’s still a good chance you’re taking home the silver. Pixar makes great films, not going to lie about that at all, but Soul is not one of them. It’s adequate. It’s a production film. And it won because of that. Pixar is a a company man and it shows. If these things were honest, Wolfwalkers would have won. That film was gorgeous, exceptionally acted, beautifully animated, and had a killer title track to boot. More than anything, Wolfwalkers was a bastion of uniqueness and originality. It is the diametric opposite of what Soul, is. Hand drawn, filled with passion, vibrantly colored, and presented with pure love. Wolfwalkers was, hands down, the best animated feature to be released last year but it lost to Soul because #OscarsoWhite. That’s the only thing i can reason for the L. Wolfwalkers was the superior film in every regard but Soul was about a Black dude. It effectively won the diversity Oscar.
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Sh*t like that is why i can’t stand these ridiculous, self aggrandizing, pageants of conceit. How the f*ck can any f these “awards” be taken seriously when it’s all just schmoozing and bribes behind the seen? How is their any merit to these accolades when they are basically bought and paid for? I knew this sh*t was a joke when Gwyneth Paltrow won hers for Shakespeare in Love. Up against Cate Blanchett for Elizabeth and motherf*cking Oscar win factory, Meryl Streep, Paltrow wins? With that performance? Are you serious? Of course the Oscars are corrupt. After Harvey Weinstein got Metoo’d and all of the “campaigning” got exposed, everyone knew what i knew. Interestingly enough, Paltrow was one of the wins he got through said campaigning so, you know, the fix has been proven. The thing is, they still do it. They still hand out Oscar gold, an award meant to recognize exceptional performances in the arts, through wining and dining. Never mind the Academy’s problematic history with race. Never mind it’s problematic history of make-up Oscars. Never mind all of the transparent biases that aggressive sway ballots. The fact that the Oscar Campaign still exists, after being so publicly exposed as a tool to steal deserved wins from performances more deserving, is f*cking ridiculous. The Oscars are corrupt. Just like the Grammys. Just like the Emmys. Just like any of these “awards shows” people have decided not to watch. Get your sh*t together, Hollywood. No one cares what you think anymore.
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srattueba2b · 3 years
Ideas for the Main Character and ‘Ethical Issues’
When coming up with ideas for the main character’s design, I began just by doodling whatever came to mind- sometimes trying to emulate Nick Cross’s style. However, I then remembered watching the short ‘Hair Love’ recently and how endearing the main character’s design was in that film, so I tried drawing a character using one of the hairstyles.
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I found that I really liked the design and thought it could be fun changing her hairstyle in each stage of her life, maybe getting progressively more intricate and creative the more she learns to embrace her fascination for art and animation. So, I presented it to the rest of my group and it was received quite well.
However, Tiago brought up that they were concerned whether or not it would be ‘appropriate’ for our main character to be black, alluding to the fact that our group is predominantly white.
And this really surprised me. Whilst I understand that when creating characters who have a different culture or ethnicity to yourself, you won’t be able to share the same personal experience. But this is true of almost any character you create. Following this logic, am I limited only to creating white, female characters?
If this were a film specifically about black culture or what it means to be black then I would agree that that is not our film to make. But this is simply about a person who loves and is fascinated by animation. And I see no reason why that person can’t be black.
On another note, poc are severely underrepresented in TV animation as is, especially women. To quote Cree Summer (a voice actress who voices multiple black animated characters) from this 2018 interview:
‘I do the voices of all the brown girls... There still ain’t that many. Because there is this really crazy belief that black girls don’t watch cartoons, and that we don’t collect comics, and that we don’t like sci-fi, and that’s BS man. We love it’.
(Cree, paraphrasing her fans) “You don’t know what it meant to me to see myself in a cartoon, I got one little black girl that I get to see that looks like me. Thank you so much”
Tyler the Creator raises a similar argument in this 2017 conference:
Furthermore, I also recently watched this video analysis by ToonrificTariq of black characters in animation, and though it’s quite informally written and its sources often aren’t fully cited, it raises some valid points (and includes the above clips). 
‘there is no one black experience’ and ‘not every character with brown skin needs to be a political statement’. 
However, he also raises the point (at 13:00 in the video) that in the birth of animation, film & media, the way black people were portrayed was dictated by predominantly white people, and more often than not with harmful stereotypical caricatures. Only recently have we been able to move away from these depictions, even I remember watching Tom & Jerry cartoons growing up and seeing Jerry with a shoe-polish blackened face and big red lips. So it is imperative that black characters be portrayed respectfully and that we listen to a range of opinions from people of colour- to do our research.
A successful example of this would be Craig of the Creek, an animated series that began airing in 2018. It was created by Matt Burnett and Ben Levin, two white men. The series revolves around Craig, an African American boy growing up in the suburbs. With the series’ Emmy nomination, Common Sense Media award, and upcoming spin-off series, it’s clear that the show is well-loved. And this is because Burnett and Levin hired a diverse group to work on the show and help to shape it:
“We worked hard to put together the team that would help shape the show, a very diverse group of voices to add something that we needed that we couldn’t do on our own,” Burnett says. “That was always our goal when we decided to create the show, to work with a huge range of people and get their voices heard on TV.”
“We saw first-hand [working on Steven Universe] how much representation mattered to people and how important it is for people to feel seen. And so when we had the opportunity to create a show, we wanted to make something fun that the kids would love but would also have a positive impact,” Levin says. “In animation, you’re creating the world from the ground up. So every character is a decision in its own way. So as we’ve gone through the show, we talk about ways that we can provide representation as we create characters.”
(quotes from Fast Company, Inside Cartoon Network’s Racially Groundbreaking Show “Craig Of The Creek” (2018) Available at: https://www.fastcompany.com/40551963/inside-cartoon-networks-racially-groundbreaking-show-craig-of-the-creek [Acessed 29/03/21])
White creators can make successful, relatable black characters, if they listen to black voices and take on their ideas and concerns.
One of the main things that I take away from these videos, is that what is more important than simply including a black character, is portraying them as a character- giving them a personality, a story, a life. ‘There is no one black experience’ (ToonrificTariq). According to author Leye Adenle: ‘I believe that you can write any character as long as you have empathy.’
Fascination is a human experience, I have experienced it, anyone who has fallen in love with animation has experienced it. And with this idea at our film’s core, I think we can make a successful, relatable character, regardless of race.
What I draw from all of this is, whilst it is extremely important to be respectful of other cultures and ethnicities, and to do your research to avoid any stereotypical or insensitive pitfalls, being overly-cautious to the point of seeing it as ‘inappropriate’ to portray any race other than your own seems to be holding us back from creating actual, needed change. 
So, learning and moving forward from this. I’d like to continue developing my take on the main character as a British black girl. Whether or not this becomes the final design for the film is up to the rest of my group. But, nevertheless I am going to look at sources from predominantly black artists such as Allen Fatimaharan, Vashti Harrison and Matthew A. Cherry as inspiration for my take on the main character’s design. And in the future, if we do decide to go forward with this design, I’d like to present our work to a diverse range of people to gather their opinions and make sure we are doing our due diligence. 
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