#i’ll probably be going back in later and adding italics later cause i do that a lot
cyncerity · 1 year
Secret Santa time!! @mcyt-gt-events
My secret santa was @pixiethesizeshifter!! I absolutely fell in love with your second prompt about a borrower’s first Christmas with their human, and you were kind enough to help me with my senior project so I was really excited when I got you as my secret santa and I wanted to make it really good
fun fact i’ve actually become like really attached to this story and I can almost guarantee there will be more content for it later
also it’s like 9k words and very unedited so there is a possibility that I may post this story again in 2 parts once I’ve edited it but for rn here!! I hope you enjoys Crimeboys hurt -> comfort
tw: vore, angst ig but it’s generally very fluffy <3
Tommy had never celebrated Christmas
That’s something that Wilbur has come to learn over the past few hours. Tommy had never had a Christmas. Something that had always been a right of passage for him. Something that had formed his childhood, even if he didn’t celebrate much anymore. His family had never seen the importance of having a giant celebration, or making Wilbur believe in the Santa fantasy, or making him go to church, but it was something he looked forward to every year nonetheless. A day for food, gifts, just a day to forget about all other troubles and focus on family and love.
Tommy had never experienced that.
It made sense, if he thought about it. He’d found the poor boy in a pet store, the same place most other borrowers that were captured went. He had bought adopted Tommy after a…particularly bad break up, just after valentine’s day that February. He was just…lonely. But Tommy wasn’t exactly what he’d wanted, at the time. He was unresponsive to anything Wilbur did to bond with him for a solid month after he was bought, enough that Wilbur went back to the pet store to ask if it was ok to return the young tiny. As much as Wilbur feels guilty about that to this day, without having done that, he probably wouldn’t have grown closer to Tommy like he did.
Orphaned at a young age, Wilbur learned from the store’s cashier that Tommy had been abandoned by his colony along with many other young children and left as bait for approaching tiny hunters so the others could get away. He’d been taken away, locked in a cage, had a hole scarred through his ear for a tracker and tag and only had a third left of his tail after it had been chopped of like he was a designer dog. His family had abandoned him at 5 years old to a place that would treat him more as an animal than a person. The employee said they weren’t surprised at Wilbur’s wanting to return him, since the previous over five dozen people had done the same.
Apparently, no one had been able to properly bond with Tommy, and his month stay at Wilbur’s house had been a record for him. They said they were hoping Tommy would have finally found a home, since he had been in the store for most of his life, being traded back and forth between humans. But, if Wilbur brought Tommy back, he would hit his 10 year stay in the store, and it was policy that he’d then be put down, like any other unwanted pet. If he couldn’t get along with anyone who may want him, then he didn’t have a purpose, so why should they let him live?
Wilbur ran back home, after telling the cashier that he’d changed his mind, which turned out to be the best decision he’d ever made. He started to see Tommy for what he really was; he started treating him less like a disobedient pet and more like a scared, traumatized child.
Tommy miraculously started to open up after that. After Wilbur reassured him time and time and time again that he was safe, that he would be treated like a person, he’d never be abandoned, and that he was, above all else, loved, Tommy began to open up.
Over the past ten-ish months, Tommy had grown so, so much. Hw wasn’t perfect, Wilbur knew that he likely never would be, but that was just fine with him, as long as Tommy was happy. He and Wilbur talked, talked for hours on end about the most mundane or stupid things. Tommy also, as Wilbur soon learned, had quite a sense of humor as well. They’d laugh and joke together, and they played off each other perfectly. Tommy had a sailors mouth to rival Wil’s, and though the tiny was very on edge about using foul language and insults for a while because “pets weren’t supposed to use that kind of language” (Wilbur wanted to punch whoever told him that) even after he started to trust Wilbur, the two of them now traded lighthearted insults back and forth like it was nothing. Tom’s hair was longer and healthier, now that it had been washed and cared for properly. He has better clothes that Wilbur had ordered specially for someone his size, and his eyes were monumentally brighter now that he had felt some kind of familial love. Tommy even trusted him with an...odd bit of borrower information; apparently, they were digestion proof. How Tommy learned that he had no idea, and quite frankly he was too scared to ask. All he knew was that that information tended to come in handy whenever Tom had nightmares or was having an anxiety attack.
And most importantly, somehow, by some miracle, Tommy trusted that Wilbur wouldn’t abandon him. Wilbur had convinced the child that he was different than every other person who’d taken him in, and he was determined to be. He was determined to help make up for the childhood that Tommy had never had, to give him every experience he was robbed of because of that awful store.
So when Tommy had mentioned that every time he was bought he was returned before Christmas, and had spent the holiday in what was essentially a hamster cage, it shattered Wilbur’s heart.
Tommy had never had a day to forget about his troubles, his trauma.
Wilbur was going to fix that.
Wilbur “went to bed” earlier that night, only slightly confusing Tommy, but the borrower seemed to brush it off. He needed a game plan.
You see, Wilbur had pretty much ignored Christmas after he moved out of his dad’s house. Sure, he got his family gifts and stuff, but he’d spend most of the day holed up in his room with a pizza and whatever shitty christmas movie was playing on tv. That wasn’t gonna work. He needed something better than that. For Tommy.
He wrote out a list of everything he remembered from his childhood Christmases; opening gifts in the morning, baking cookies with his family, playing out in the snow, and drinking his Dad’s hot chocolate. He looked at his calendar; two weeks. Alright, he could do that.
First up was presents. What did Tommy like?
The first thing that came to mind was music. Tommy had been ecstatic when he learned Wilbur played guitar, and loved to listen to him any chance he got. Apparently, constant music was one of the best parts of living in a public store. It had become his escapism while he waited for the next person to come alone and buy him only to bring him back a week later. Despite this, he seemed to dislike a lot of Christmas music. Something about the same 10 songs on loop for two months being the most irritating thing in the world to him. God, and Wilbur thought retail workers had it bad, at least they didn’t have to live with the constant bombardment of shitty Michael Bublé covers. He’d keep that in mind for Christmas.
What could he do with that, though? It’s not like he could get Tommy an instrument, they were all too small. Right? Could he make one? He’d never been very crafty. He wrote it down as a possibility. What else, though?
A disc player? That could work. He could make a disc of all of Tommy’s favorite songs, and buy him a disc player. He thought Tommy would like that.
He wrote it down as he brainstormed some more. Tommy liked gardening, maybe a little indoor garden? He was also pretty active, maybe he could buy something to attach to his walls that Tom could have fun with when Wil wasn’t around to go outside with him (Tommy usually chose to stay inside unless Wilbur went out with him, though he couldn’t really blame him. Tom had always been an indoor borrower, so he didn’t know how to deal with big animals. Wilbur would be scared of finding a squirrel double his size, too). Maybe more things for Tommy’s room wouldn’t be a bad idea: a full, human size bedroom with an occupant barely a few inches tall was bound to feel a bit empty.
Wilbur continued to write ideas until one suddenly struck him; clothes. He should get Tommy more clothes. He had a pretty decent collection of t-shirts and pants, a couple of jackets thrown in there, but one thing that Wilbur realized he was missing was sweaters. Oversized, soft, ugly but comfortable sweaters, a staple of wintertime. Probably because he’d never seen them on sale before. It was hard enough to find anyone that was willing to commission clothes for a figure only a few inches tall, and harder to find someone that would make them comfortable and, y’know, wearable to a person. So what if Wilbur didn’t know how to sew or knit? He could make a few shirts. Probably. Hopefully?
A quick google search told him that was a definite no.
Ok, so maybe he can’t make shirts, but he had a plan. He just needed to call up a friend to help him.
The next morning came quickly. Wilbur peeked into Tommy’s room to find the borrower still fast asleep, thankfully. Wilbur wasn’t planning on being gone too long, but he figured it wouldn’t hurt to leave a note and some breakfast behind anyway letting Tommy know what was up.
With that all taken care of, he locked up his apartment and headed off to his old neighborhood, where his best friend still lived.
God, he missed her. It’s not like they lived all that far from each other, but they rarely saw each other much since they actually started to grow up. He hadn’t even seen her since her engagement party a few months prior, though her fiancé Puffy seemed like a perfect match with her. She still lived in the house she grew up in, Puffy choosing to move in with her, and it happened to just be a few doors down from Wilbur’s old house, which is precisely how they met.
He made it there after only about a half hour after taking a stop to pick her up some chocolates and a gift card as a quick thank you and early Christmas gift, and walked through the snow up to the familiar old and re-painted pink front door, knocking with a smile.
It didn’t take long for her to answer. She opened the door with a matching smile and was hugging Wilbur within seconds, her pink hair the nice strawberry scent that it had been since their childhood, bringing him a sense of deja vu. Wilbur hugged her back.
Tommy woke up with a yawn, stretching himself out as sunlight beamed through his windows and right into his eyes. Fuck, he should really start sleeping on a part of the bed where that couldn’t happen. Not like he didn’t have enough room, sleeping on a human sized bed. He got up and made the trek off the pillow he slept on in the center of the bed to the small table next to the headboard, only to notice a small cup of blueberries and chopped up strawberries and a note.
‘Hey Tommy! Went to go visit an old friend this morning, should be back before lunch! Love you! -your favorite big brother’
Tommy smiled as he set the note back down, taking a bite of a blueberry. What time was if anyway?
He checked the clock up on his wall; 2:34
Man, did he really sleep in that late? And wasn’t it…past lunchtime already?
He got out of bed quickly, not even bothering to get dressed before he slid off his bed and headed out into the hallway. “Wil? Wilbur?” He shouted, walking from room to room but still seeing no sign of his human. Ok, so maybe he was home alone. Wouldn’t be the first time. And of course Wilbur wasn’t obligated to spend every second of his time with Tommy. But…he said he’d be home. Wilbur wasn’t a liar. Maybe it was just taking him a while to get home. After all, maybe he was stuck in traffic, whatever that actually was. All Tommy knew was that traffic had caused him to get home late before. Plus, Tommy just woke up, he had shit to do today other than wonder where Wil was. Right. He was independent, he was fully capable of being his own person. He didn’t need Wilbur, not right now. He’d be home soon.
But what if he wasn’t?
No, he would be home soon, Tommy repeated to himself over and over, digging his palms into his eyes to stave off the tears he felt well up. He would be home soon. He trusted Wilbur.
Ok, so maybe learning how to sew and knit was harder than Wilbur had thought. Niki had sat him down and taught him basic sewing patterns on a spare fabric sheet, and after stabbing himself for the twentieth time he gave up. Crocheting was surprisingly more fun for him, though. He had made a decently sized blanket for Tommy as a warm up, and he knew the tiny would love it, but he didn’t want to stop there.
As it turns out, having a best friend whose favorite hobby was crafting came in handy when you have a tiny little brother. Niki quickly started to sew some little t-shirts, leggings, and long sleeved tees with a nice, stretchy tech fabric that she had scraps from after seeing that Wilbur simply wasn’t going to pick up a needle again. Wilbur, however, kept crocheting. He managed to make a little beanie on his third attempt, and Puffy even showed up to help him learn how to make a little sweater. And make one he did. Scratch that, he made way more than one. He even made a few scarves, jackets, and even got Niki to sew a little sock for the end of Tommy’s tail since he knew the borrower was self conscious about the scars from where it was amputated.
By the time they were done, Tommy had clothes of all sorts, shapes, textures, and colors, though a lot was red and blue; his little brother’s favorite colors. A few shirts even had little logos and words from Tommy’s favorite shows after Puffy had remembered they owned a Criquet. Wilbur was absolutely beaming with joy once he gathered all the clothes into a box and started to head out.
“Thank you again for helping me, Niki. I really don’t know what I’d do without you sometimes.” Wilbur smiled as he placed the box into his car. “Don’t mention it.” Niki smiled back, giving him one last hug. “Let me know what that kid thinks of them, alright?” Wilbur smiled, though a little less genuinely than before. As much as he trusted Niki, Tommy wasnt human. And though Niki was one of the sweetest people Wilbur had ever met, he didn’t know what she thought of tinies. Of Tommy. He’d tell her eventually, but…not today. For today, she was helping him make tiny clothes because the little boy he’d started babysitting loved dolls. Proper enough lie for the time being. “I’ll be sure to tell you how happy he is when he gets these. Seriously, he’s going to love them. Merry Christmas!” He finished, stepping into his car and turning it on. He watched Niki wave to him as he pulled out, and only then did he notice the sky starting to darken. Fuck. What time was it?
His dashboard read 5:46
“Tommy! I’m home!!” Tommy heard yelled from the front entrance as the door slammed open. Immediately his ears perked up. He honest to god felt like he could cry.
Wilbur was here. He was back. He hadn’t left, he was here with Tommy again.
“WIL!!” Tommy screamed as he ran for the front door, seeing Wilbur’s expression brighten as he ran closer. Wil kneeled to the ground with his hands out and let Tommy throw himself into them, barely giving the tiny any time before scooping him up and pressing him to his cheek. “I missed you! I missed you so much, sunshine, I was thinking of you the whole time I was away.” Wilbur said, running a finger up and down Tommy’s back. He knew he fucked up; Tommy hated being left alone for too long. He needed that constant reassurance that he was wanted, and Wilbur couldn’t blame him for that after what he’d gone through. “I didn’t mean to be gone that long,” Wilbur continued, “I was just catching up with someone, and I didn’t realize how long it’d been till the sun started to set.”
“‘S alright. You’re back now, yeah?” Tommy said. Wilbur nodded. “Absolutely. You hungry?” “Fucking starving.” Tommy said, pulling away from Wilbur’s cheek. “You didn’t leave me lunch and I can’t open a fridge, you prick.” “God, you’re so needy.” Wilbur scoffed as he placed Tommy on his shoulder, making his way to the fridge and getting food out for the both of them before settling down on his couch to watch something.
It wasn’t long till he and Tommy had almost fallen asleep, and Wilbur moved to bring Tommy to his room, only for the sleepy borrower to cling to his finger. “Tom you have to go to sleep.” Wilbur said, yawning as Tommy shook his head. “No, fuck you, you left me alone all day you owe me cuddles.” He slurred, half asleep. Wilbur sighed, having seen this coming. “Do I know what you mean by ‘cuddles’ or are you being normal for once?” “Which do you think, bitch?”
Wilbur rolled his eyes and lifted Tommy higher to his face as he moved to sit on the tiny’s bed. To be fair to Tommy, though he as a normal human found this a bit weird, it seemed to help his little brother tremendously when he felt insecure. And he really would do anything for Tommy.
With that thought, he lifted the borrower up to his mouth, immediately feeling Tommy trying to weakly pry his lips open in his groggy state. He laughed softly as he opened his mouth and Tommy almost immediately fell forward, loosing his perch on the lips and tumbling straight onto Wilbur’s tongue. He felt the tiny relax as he slowly closed his mouth, making sure Tommy was fully inside. He felt and heard Tommy giggle as Wilbur licked him, quickly slicking him up and tasting him. Tommy’s weirdly good taste always surprised Wilbur less, even after they’d done this plenty of times. He didn’t know why he tasted good, or if it was only Tommy or every other tiny as well, but he wasn’t too concerned about it.
He felt a weak pat to the top of his mouth and took that as his cue to swallow, given that Tommy probably wanted to go to sleep. He could understand that, he was tired as well. He lifted his head up slightly, gently swallowing and tracing his little brothers descent with one hand. He laid back onto the bed as he felt Tommy enter his stomach, but he panicked a little when he didn’t feel him move around or get himself comfortable or anything. Wilbur propped himself up with one arm and pressed gently onto his midsection with his other, trying to feel if anything was wrong.
“Tommy?” he whispered. “You alright in there?” He sucked in his breath a bit and went quiet, now starting to register the calm, steady breaths from under his skin and the faint sound of snoring. Man, Tommy must have been really tired then. “Goodnight, Toms” Wilbur whispered quieter than before, lying back down. He released the pressure on his belly but still keeping a hand over it, rubbing it gently as sleep hit him as well
Ok. It had taken a week, but all of Tommy’s clothes were wrapped and the smaller-than-average-and-therefore-useable-to-Tommy sized disc player that he ordered had come in, so everything was going well. Sure, he was staying up later to get everything done and make sure Tommy wasn’t catching on and was spending more time in his room hiding anything that could spoil the surprise from his little brother, but he was fine. Phil did it every year for him and Techno, he was fine. He was fine. He just had to get everything else done before Christmas. He could do this.
He just needed a bit more help.
Tommy was fine. Really, he was fine. It’s just that Wilbur had been avoiding him for the last week and he had no fucking idea why. And it’s not even like he hadn’t been home, he just been locked in his room. Every time Tommy went to talk to him, he’d always look to guilty and scared, and he’d say something cryptic, hang out with Tommy for ten minutes, then run back to his room.
Had..had he done something wrong? Was Wilbur mad? Did he just want to be away from Tommy? Was he really that hard to like?
No, no… Wilbur wasn’t like that. He couldn’t let himself think that way. Wilbur cared about him, Wilbur loved him. Tommy couldn’t think of anything he’d done to make Wilbur mad at him, so it all had to be in his own head. Wilbur wanted him, and wanted to be around him.
Tommy heard footsteps.
He turned to the entryway and saw Wilbur zipping up a coat and pulling a beanie over his head, getting ready to leave. Without saying goodbye.
“…Wil?” Tommy asked, and immediately the human’s head snapped towards him, eyes widening in surprise. “Toms!” Wilbur smiled awkwardly. “I, uh..I didn’t know you were out here.” He said, shoving his hands into his pockets and shifting his weight back and forth impatiently. Tommy stared. “Where are you going?” “Just to see someone again. This time of year, man, everyone wants to get together!” He forced out a laugh, but Tommy didn’t budge. Wilbur sighed. “I’ll be back soon, ok? As soon as I can be.” He said, pulling the door open and taking a step out. “I love you.” Tommy didn’t answer as he left and the door closed behind him, the car starting up moments later.
Tommy couldn’t help it. Silent tears fell down his cheeks as he cried, his face frozen and expressionless as he tried to process what he was feeling. The first time Wilbur had left his room of his own volition in days and it was to leave Tommy alone. Again. Wilbur had never acted that way towards Tommy, either. Tommy had never seen him so desperate to leave a conversation.
Maybe he had gotten too used to being cared for constantly. Maybe it was bound to end up like this. Or maybe he was too spoiled. After all, this was still leagues better than he’d ever been treated. Wilbur wasn’t hurting him, or treating him like a lower life form. He was just…giving him less attention.
God, what was wrong with him? Wilbur wasn’t doing anything wrong, it was Tommy, just like it always had been. It was his skewed perception of family and his constant nagging need for attention that drove people away, Wilbur had every right to not like him. To ignore him. To send him back, if he really wanted.
How had Wilbur turned into his everything? He never formed any sort of attachment before. Hell, even in his colony, he was the orphan that no one wanted. Yet somehow Wilbur had made him desperately dependent on a family. On a human, nonetheless. And he loved it. And hated it. He loved Wilbur, his family, and he loved that after all this time he could finally love enough again to the point he could consider someone a brother to him, but he hated that Wilbur held his tiny, fragile, broken and haphazardly glued back together heart in his giant hands.
He hated that part.
The drive to Phil’s had taken a little bit longer than expected, but he wasn’t gonna speed there with ice in the roads. He had been greeted in by his other little brother (technically his twin brother, but Wilbur was born first and he’d never let Techno forget it), who was staying over for the holidays so he could meet with his nerdy book club or something. His father was also beyond excited to see him, despite Wilbur having called to make sure they had time to see him a week before Christmas, it seemed like Phil was surprised he showed up all the same.
“It’s been too long, mate.” Phil said, wrapping his eldest son in a hug. “You never stop by anymore.” “I know, I know, I’m a horrible son.” Wilbur laughed as he leaned out of the hug. “I just really need your help with something.” “What’s up?” “Well, this is going to sound odd, but do you remember on Christmas when Tech and I were kids and we’d all make cookies and you’d make hot chocolate?” Phil laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiled. “Of course I do. It was one of your favorite parts of the holidays. What about it?” “Could you give me the recipes?” “How come?”
Wilbur sighed. Phil knew about Tommy, he just…didn’t know exactly what Tommy was to Wilbur. Phil still thought of tinies as pets, which was why they’d still never met, and Wilbur really didn’t have the time to explain how wrong that was. Besides, Phil never seemed to look down on Tommy. He could even temporarily forget what Phil thought of Tommy most of the time, until he said something a little out of pocket that would bring the illusion crashing back down. “It’s just…it’s that borrower I adopted a while ago.” Phil smiled and laughed. “Right, I remember you telling me about it him! How is the little guy?” “He’s well!” Wilbur said, ignoring how using ‘little guy’ to describe a teenager rubbed him the wrong way.
“It’s just, he’s never had a Christmas before. I’m his first real family, and I want him to give him as good a Christmas as I had as a kid.” “Aw, mate, that’s so sweet! Of course I’ll help you! But where’s the fun in just giving you the recipes, hm?” “Whats that supposed to mean?” Wil asked, but Phil was already walking past him, going to the staircase that led to Techno’s room. “Techno! Get down here, we’re making cookies!” “Dad, I really should get home as soon as possible.” Wil argued, looking up at a nearby clock. 12:08. He’d left Tommy alone with no better reason than an awkward excuse at around 11:25 in the morning. He should really try to be home soon. “Don’t worry, Wil, this won’t take long. We haven’t bonded like a family in forever, either. You want to learn how to make these, right?” Wilbur sighed.
He could tell how much this meant to Phil. After all, his father wasn’t wrong. It had been a while since it was just the three of them hanging out together. Techno came down the stairs and Wilbur could tell how happy his brother seemed when he saw Phil pulling out all the cookie ingredients, even if to the untrained eye Techno still looked pretty stoic. He sighed. “Fine, but I can’t stay for more than an hour. I really do need to get home.” Wilbur relented, taking off his coat and throwing it over a kitchen chair. “How do we do this?”
It was 8:30. Godammit, how did he even manage to do that?
He’d just gotten so distracted with his family. Sue him, he missed them. Techno was always busy doing..whatever Techno did, usually fencing tournaments, and Wilbur rarely had the time to visit either. He really had missed being around his family.
And he really had meant to just leave as soon as the cookies were done. He’d even written down every ingredient and instruction as they made the cookies so he could go as soon as they were done and he could verify that they were the same they’d been in his childhood. But then Phil saw the list and walked Wilbur through every step in more detail, making sure to add little details like exactly how long an ingredient should be refrigerated before being added to the mix, and specific brands that would make all the difference in the cookies. And he had to admit that it did work. Plus, he still wanted that hot chocolate recipe, so Phil ended up writing all the ins and outs of that as well, along with making 3 cups of it.
Then he almost left but then he remembered Techno had a cd burner in his room and he really wanted to make Tommy something for his cd player. He ended up making multiple cds, some of Tommy’s favorite videos game soundtracks (he debated making one that would just loop The Able Sisters, but decided against it since it would drive him absolutely fucking insane), some of his favorite normal songs, theater music (including a separate disk for the entire Hamilton soundtrack, he didn’t care if that was illegal), and, the one he thought would mean most, a cd of his songs. The songs that he had written, that were mostly just his own voice and a guitar. He wasn’t sure if Tommy knew, but Wilbur always took special note of the songs Tommy liked. He worked the hardest on those, always being sure to ask for Tommy’s input and suggestions, and those were the songs that had the most effort put into them.
Techno and Phil hadn’t heard these songs. It had been so long since Wilbur had played his music for his dad and brother, of course they’d wanted to see what he’d been working on. So, he’d shown them. And he forgot he had a back up guitar at his Dad’s house, so he played them some of the songs he’d been working on. He did tell them that some of the songs were for Tommy, and Techno actually surprised him a bit when after Phil had got up to do something, he held Wilbur up and excused himself to grab something from his room, returning with a small cow keychain.
“What’s that?” Wilbur asked, taking the toy as Technoblade gently tossed it into his hands. “Just a cow. I don’t have much use for it, it came free with one of my online sword orders, so I thought maybe your borrower would like it. He is a kid, right?” Wilbur looked wide eyed and nodded, mindlessly fiddling with the stuffed cow in his hands. Technoblade smiled. “You mentioned it was his first Christmas, figured it would be nice to give him something. Plus, borrowers need ‘stimulus’ or something and I know they’re supposed to have, like, pet toys, but I think every little kid needs a plain old fashioned stuffed animal. I mean, he’s important to you, so he’s important to me, you know?”
Wilbur was actually speechless. Techno was never that outwardly thoughtful, he always had an issue expressing how he cared about people. Even though Wilbur was pretty sure Techno still saw borrowers as pets, he’d gone out of his way for Tommy. This…must have been really important to him. Tommy, who he’d never even met but had heard Wilbur gush about on the phone for hours, was important to him. He took a moment to wipe unshed tears from his eyes as he hugged his brother. “That means more to me than you know. And he’ll love this, genuinely. Funny enough, he has a weird love of cows.” Wilbur felt Techno laugh into his shoulder. “Send me a picture or something of him with it. And Phil and I want to meet the kid someday, remember?” “You will, I promise. Someday.” Wilbur smiled.
And before he knew it it was night, and Tommy had been left alone. Again.
He was a horrible brother, wasn’t he?
He snuck into the house at around 9:10 at night, after the long drive home. He wasn’t sure if Tommy was asleep or not, but he wanted to be quiet all the same just in case. He didn’t see him anywhere at first, but he did notice the light in his room was off.
Wilbur creaked the door more open slightly, and saw a small figure under a blanket in the center of the bed. Ah, so Tommy had gone to bed early. He closed the door back to its neutral position of only slightly open (since Tommy couldn’t reach the doorknob). He had some cd cases to add designs to and wrap.
Had he taken a closer look, he may have noticed the minute shaking from under the blanket, or heard the sniffling of the tiny’s cries.
Christmas Eve.
At least, that’s what all the calendars said. It meant fuck all to Tommy. All he’d ever associated Christmas with was obnoxious songs on the store radio (seriously, fuck those, if he ever had to hear any version of “Last Christmas” again, he’d scream), shiny decorations on the shelves, and parents coming in to buy their children mice or fish as a cheap replacement of the puppy their toddler had said they wanted. He’d been picked up a few times by those parents, thinking he’d be a good fit for their child, but he learned pretty quickly how to avoid being bought by those kinds of people. Parents didn’t want a pet that would curse at and bite their children. The only thing he actually enjoyed was that on Christmas day, the store was closed. No lights, no music, no crusty little kids or asshole employees. Just silence and peace for one day. Still alone, but alone with less of a reminder of where he was, what he was seen as, and how unwanted he’d been for so long.
But he didn’t have to worry about that this year. He’d found his forever home. At least, he hoped he did. He’d never had a reason to doubt that before.
But it had been two weeks. Two. Weeks. And Wilbur wasn’t around as much anymore.
For two weeks he’d been stalking around the house avoiding Tommy, leaving for hours on end and giving some bullshit excuse he made on the spot. Tommy wasn’t stupid. He just didn’t know why. What had he done to push Wilbur away?
Fuck this. Fuck all of this. Wilbur had always pushed Tommy to think for himself, to stand up for himself. He’d told Tommy his treatment at the store had been wrong. He’d told Tommy before that he had a habit of just letting himself be treated poorly. Back in the early days of his and Wil’s relationship, he’d let Wil just push him around. He’d go days without eating if Wil forgot to leave food for him, and he’d let himself be flung around like a ragdoll, content with the bruises. He never cared what happened to him. He’d never been wanted, he always assumed he was just not good enough. He wasn’t worth anything, why should he care about himself when no one else did?
Wilbur changed that. He changed all of it. He loved him. He made Tommy feel like he was worth something, godammit. What was the point of that if Wilbur was just going to throw him away? What kind of cruel, suck joke would it have been if Wilbur cared about him so much for all this time only to forget and abandon him now.
Fuck this. Fuck Wilbur. Fuck him for making Tommy feel like he was worth something, and fuck that he’d taught Tommy how to care about himself.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow, he’d stand up for himself. Tomorrow he’d ask Wilbur…well, he wasn’t sure yet. But he had till tomorrow to think of something to say. Something to verbally sort out how hurt and sad and confused he’d felt.
God, Wilbur was so excited he could hardly wait.
Tommy had spent most of the day in his room already, but Wilbur had gone in for a minute to drop off his breakfast and lunch just to ensure that Tommy didn’t have to leave. He needed the rest of the apartment empty.
Time to decorate.
He had a few bins of Christmas decorations that he’d bought from the dollar tree over the years, not much, but enough. He had a pretty basic tree, but it was more than enough to put Tommy’s gifts under.
He was proud of himself. Sure, he felt awful about not being home, and he hadn’t slept this little since his high school finals, but he was proud of himself. Tommy would love this.
Along with the clothes, the cow (that Wilbur had removed the bulky clip from), cd player, and cds, Wil had bought a bunch of supplies to make a decently sized parkour park for Tommy’s room and had made a big custom terrarium. Granted, neither of these were finished; the wood for the park was too rough to grab without splinters and the terrarium was mostly just a bunch of connected boxes filled with dirt (and a small buried fish bowl that functioned as as in ground pool to Tommy, Wilbur was pretty proud of that one), but he wanted Tommy to have some part in these things. They’d still be surprises, but after Christmas he’d get to pick how the park was set up and what colors it was, and he’s get to pick out what plants went in the terrarium, though Wilbur had already bought a couple of bigger Bonsai’s and made a small swing to hang from one of them. He knew Tommy would love these. He knew Tommy would love all of it.
He was going to give his little brother the best Christmas ever.
Tommy hadn’t slept much. He was too worried about what to say. What could he say? Should he just wait a bit longer to say anything? Maybe Wilbur was just having a rough time with…something. Tommy wasn’t his only priority, after all.
No, fuck that. It’d been two weeks. If Wilbur really was having a hard time, he’d have said something. He’d have assured Tommy it wasn’t his fault, like he always did. Wilbur always reassured Tommy. Tommy’s well-being was always at the forefront of his mind, and he truly believed that; that’s one of the reasons he grew to trust the man so much. And if Wilbur was having a hard time? Tommy would find out. He just had to talk to him. He just had to suck it up and talk to-
His thoughts were cut off by the door opening more, his head snapping to the entrance as he heard an excited gasp. The lights were flicked on, and there in the doorway was Wilbur; Christmas pjs on, hair a mess, and bags under his eyes. By all means he looked tired, he looked fucking exhausted, but somehow only physically. Tommy took a minute to look at his expression and realized he hadn’t seen his human this happy in weeks, or, hell, ever. Wilbur looked ecstatic.
“Tommy!!” Wilbur yelled rushing forward and scooping the tiny into his hands, holding him against his cheek for a moment before pulling back and holding him at eye level. “Are you excited?” Tommy was speechless. Utterly fucking speechless. This was…now how he expected today to start. “…for what..?” Tommy asked, and that seemed to be just the question Wilbur was looking for. “For Christmas! It’s Christmas, Tommy!” “…yay?” Tommy said, still unsure of what to make of Wilbur’s sudden shift in attitude. But Wilbur just laughed and moved his hand a bit lower, beginning to walk out of the room. “C’mon, there’s something we have to take care of.”
Tommy could’ve sworn his heart stopped in that moment. ‘Please don’t be taking me away,’ he pleaded in his own head, squeezing his eyes shut and clenching his whole body. He felt himself start to shake as he tried not to cry out loud. ‘Please don’t be preparing to pack me away and send me back to that fucking store. I can’t do it. I can’t fucking do it again, not after all this. Not after you. Us. Please, please, don’t abandon me. Please, please, plea-‘ “Tommy?” Wilbur asked, stroking a thumb down Tommy’s back, the familiar gesture helping immensely. Tommy cracked an eye open, turning back to look up at Wilbur. He only focused on Wilbur’s confusion and pity for a moment before something else caught his eye. Lights. Strings of lights lining the ceiling borders around the room. He followed the strands paths and realized they spread out into the next room, the living room, so he turned to see where they led.
He gasped.
A tree stood in the back corner of the room, giant and shiny and glowing. It was gorgeous. The room itself was decked out as well, green, red, silver, and gold tinsel hung off every surface, and christmas patterned blankets lined the couches. A fake fireplace video played on the tv as peaceful jazz renditions of Christmas tunes played quietly in the background. Most shockingly, under the tree, there were stacks of gifts of all varying sizes and wrapping papers, and some were even taller than he was!
“Do you like it?” Tommy turned back, seeing the hope in Wilbur’s eyes. He couldn’t help it. He just burst out crying, burying himself in Wilbur’s chest as soon as his big brother pulled him in closer.
“Woah, woah, Tommy, what is it, are you ok??” “I- I th- I thought-“ Tommy could barely bring himself to speak, his breath hiccuping with every sob. “Shush, shh, sh, it’s ok, Toms, you’re ok. Everything is fine. I’m here for you, ok?” Tommy felt large, gentle fingers down his back, and he fell back into a normal breathing rhythm. This was Wilbur. This was the Wilbur he’d missed. His brother was still here.
“…you did all this for me?” Tommy whispered, not lifting his head from Wilbur’s chest. “Of course! I had to give my little brother the best Christmas ever, of course.” He could hear the pride and excitement in Wilbur’s voice. “Took a bit of work, but I think you’ll love it. You wanna open some presents?” “They’re all for me?!” “Of course!” Wilbur beamed, bringing Tommy closer to the tree and setting him right in front of his presents. Tommy sniffled and wiped his eyes, nodding. “I didn’t get anything for you, though.” “And that’s alright,” Wilbur said, sitting down behind Tommy and leaning down to be closer to his level. “I didn’t expect you to. This is your first proper Christmas. Today is about you.” Wilbur finished, reaching behind the tiny to pick up a smaller present and hand it off to him.
Tommy took it carefully, as if he’d simply break it by holding it. The package was about the size of his torso, and was very light and squishy. The weirdest part of it was the tag, though. From…
“Technoblade..?” Tommy asked aloud, and Wilbur’s smile grew. “My twin. I saw him a few days ago and he wanted you to have this.” Tommy stared up at Wilbur, confused. “Did you tell him to get me something?” “Nope.” Wilbur said, popping the p at the end as Tommy took in what he was saying. Wilbur’s other brother thought of him? He knew the technical rest of his family didn’t really view him as a person, but…Techno had thought of him. And wanted to give him a gift. People didn’t do that for pets, did they?
Tommy began to carefully unwrap the paper around it before Wil told him he could just rip it up. That seemed a lot more fun, so he did, and he found a soft, squishy stuffed cow with little button eyes looking back up at him. Wilbur’s brother…knew his favorite animal? Tommy looked at it for a bit longer. It was a stuffed animal, just like other normal kids had. His size. It was practically made for him. Tommy just sat, taking the time to process it when he noticed a camera on him. He looked up with confusion and Wilbur laughed lightly.
“Techno wanted to know what you thought of it. You like it?” Tommy looked back at it before grinning widely. “Like it? I love it” He yelled, squeezing the cow to his chest. “Look at it, look at it, Wil! It’s amazing! She’s gorgeous. Her name is Henry. I will love her for the rest of time, I have never seen anything so fantastic in my life-“ He heard Wilbur laugh as he continued to rant. He heard a quick whisper of “I think he likes it” from Wilbur before the camera was set down. “Well, what do you say you open some more?”
Wilbur hadn’t been disappointed by Tommy’s reactions to his gifts.
They started with clothes, which Tommy was somewhat skeptical about (probably cause he’d been through his fair share of clothes that Wilbur ordered that didn’t fit), but after learning that Wilbur had recruited his friends to make them specially for him and he’d even learned how to crochet to make some of the clothes himself, he was far more excited to open them. Tommy literally cried when he opened the first sweater Wilbur had made him. Wilbur forgot that Tommy had never owned a warm knitted sweater, apparently Tommy hadn’t even known that clothes could be made that soft. Needless to say he put it on immediately, as Wilbur couldn’t help the pride he felt. He was actually a bit shocked at some of Tommy’s reactions to things, given that he’d been severely confused by the idea of tech fabric and he didn’t know what to do with the scarves at first either. He was very excited to pull out a shirt with the Hamilton logo printed on it, though.
Next up had been the parkour wood, which Tommy hadn’t really understood until Wilbur drew out what he thought it should look like in the tiny’s room. Then Tommy spent the next 30 minutes drawing what he thought it should look like, and it became a collective effort to make it as cool as possible. Tommy also decided that it definitely needed to be painted red and definitely also needed flame decals. Wilbur could agree with that.
The next thing was the garden, and Tommy almost immediately wanted to get in the “pool” section of it, now that he knew he owned swim shorts (Wilbur really needed to get Niki something to thank her for this, she was a saint), but Wilbur convinced him to at least wait until presents where done. He told Tommy that as long as he was really careful, he’d take him to the store to buy whatever plants he wanted for the garden, and he knew that to Tommy, that was a present in itself. Tommy didn’t get to go to public places very often, but he loved it. Tommy literally gasped as he saw the bonsai swing, and started to talk about what he wanted the garden to look like; what plants, maybe small tiling, maybe even little benches. Wilbur just lightly pushed Tommy back and forth and listened.
The last gift he gave Tommy was the cd player and the disks. Those were the most personal to him, and he thought that Tommy would find them the most meaningful. He was soon proved right.
Tommy opened the Hamilton one first, and was ecstatic, his joy only rivaled by the next two, the more personal ones of all his favorite songs and soundtrack music that Wilbur had known. And as if Tommy hadn’t done enough crying today, he cried when he opened the cd of Wilbur’s own music. The songs that Tommy had loved, so Wilbur had made them even better for him. Tommy immediately popped that one into the cd player.
Wilbur’s music continued to play out over the speaker as he and Tommy made cookies on the stove. As much as Wilbur wanted the cookies to be as good as Phil’s, Tommy was impatient as fuck and also a major kitchen menace. He had sit still long enough for Wilbur to properly make a decent bit of hot chocolate, but after that started to cool and he started making cookies, Tommy apparently just…couldn’t sit still any longer. He was a little bit helpful, but he couldn’t really help with most of the ingredients, so he ended up just getting covered in them and had also started using Wilbur as a jungle gym, making him mess up as well.
Wilbur put up with it until Tommy managed to hurl himself into the bowl of cookie dough. The human didn’t feel like taking Tommy all the way over to the sink, so he did what any rational person would do and just stuffed Tommy in his mouth, ignoring the profanities and screeches from the tiny. And if he “forgot” to let Tommy out until the cookies were in the over and the ingredients were put away, it was totally on accident.
By the end of the day, they were both sat on the couch, a mug of hot chocolate being shared between the two of them, watching some awful Christmas movie. Wilbur had tried to put on one of the ones he watched as a kid, but Tommy quickly proved too terrified of stop motion to keep them playing for long. So, they ended up just watching whatever came up on their tv, not that either of them were really paying attention, to caught up with everything that had happened all day. Tommy curled up into the side of Wilbur’s neck, pressed between a turtleneck sweater and warm skin, with Wilbur lifting the hot chocolate up to him to take sips from (coffee stirring straws were a blessing for that), fully content to just lay there forever. Even when Wilbur went to retrieve the cookies from the oven and started to break pieces off for Tommy after they cooled, he stayed right where he was.
“Y’know, Wil…” Tommy said after they had made their way back to the couch, bringing the plate of warm cookies with them. “You had me scared for a bit.” Wilbur hummed in confusion, unable to talk past the cookie in his mouth. Tommy sighed. “You just…I dont even know, really, you just kept…disappearing.” The tiny laughed shallowly. “I know it’s dumb, I know you better than to think you’d ever…yeah. I just…you went out of your way to ignore me. And, I get that now, I know why, I just…never mind, it’s stupid, I know what you were doing I just-“ “It’s not stupid.” Wilbur interrupted, lifting a hand to lay over Tommy. “Don’t ever try and invalidate your feelings like that. I…I know I fucked up. I just got…I got so worked up over making everything perfect for you. I was so focused on how you’d feel today that I ignored how you felt for the last two weeks, I don’t have an excuse for that. I’m so, so sorry, sunshine.”
God, Tommy really wasn’t gonna cry again. He didn’t want to cry this much on his first Christmas. He just felt…so much relief. He could feel an almost physical weight lift off his chest as Wilbur spoke. He had said exactly what Tommy wanted to hear, and he could tell that his big brother had meant every word. “Thank you. For..for apologizing. It’s ok, really, it is, you just know how I get sometimes.” Tommy looked down, and he felt Wilbur tilt his head towards him, squishing him farther into the neck and giving him a sideways hug of sorts. “And..and I know that you didn’t take me in just to have to spend every second with me, you have a life, too, and I don’t want to get in the way of that.”
“And you’re part of my life. I love you, Toms, and I love to be around you. And I will never be offended by your fear that I may leave. That’s a recent trauma for you, no one said you had to get over that quickly. I’ll be here every day to make sure that having a proper, loving home becomes your new normal. I’ve become emotionally dependent on you, gremlin, you will never be able to get rid of me now.” Wilbur said, finishing by pressing his cheek against the boy, who only giggled and leaned farther into it it. “Thanks, Wilby.”
The two of them sat like that the rest of their movie, content to just be in each others company until Wilbur reached down to grab the hot (well, maybe now just warm) chocolate. Wilbur was a bit confused when Tommy took off the big sweater he was wearing, just leaving his tank top underneath, but that quickly turned to confusion when Tommy fell forwards into the mug. Wilbur panicked and quickly brought the cup up higher, seeing Tommy surface from the sweet liquid and start laughing. “Fuck, Tommy, are you ok, what the fuck was that?!” But Tommy only laughed harder. “You ignored me for two weeks, let me have this. Besides, don’t you wanna finish your hot chocolate?”
Wilbur scoffed and brought the cup up higher. “You’re lucky I love you.” Was the only warning Tommy got before Wilbur tipped the mug up and Tommy tumbled out of it with a yell, hot chocolate following behind him as Wilbur swallowed quickly. He felt Tommy squirm down his throat, hitting against the muscles around him but not trying to cause any real damage. Wilbur felt warmth bloom in his core as Tommy finally dropped into the stomach, along with the rest of the warm liquid. Wilbur pressed a hand onto his belly and felt Tommy press back. “You’re not gonna drown in there, are you?” “Nah,” Tommy said as Wilbur felt him flop back into the hot chocolate, making his stomach rumble. “It comes up just above my waist, I’m good. Now don’t move around to much, your stomach making noise shook me enough.” “Oh? You mean like…this!” Wilbur said, standing up only to flip back onto the couch face down, hearing Tommy scream and start laughing, and Wilbur couldn’t help but laugh with him. “Yes like that you bitch!! Get up you’re squishing me!!” Tommy yelled playfully, smacking the muscles around him. Wilbur rolled back over onto his back, breathless from laughing. He felt Tommy start to rub at the muscles around him and went limp, the internal massage making his muscles melt. “Merry Christmas, Wilbur.”
Wilbur could have cried in that moment. He didn’t deserve this kid. This little boy who’d made him happier than he’d been in years, who put faith in him after so many failed attempts at family, who even trusted him to hold his life within him. Maybe later there would be more mishaps, more misunderstandings. Maybe Wilbur would mess up again, and Tommy would start to lose that faith. But Wilbur would do anything for Tommy, and he’d have all the patience in the world for him to heal and grow, and he’d grow with him. They could grow together. But that was all for the future. For now, they’d be busy planting a garden, building a parkour course, playing music, and whatever else they could think to do. Together.
Wilbur smiled and rubbed back at where he felt his little brother.
“Merry Christmas, Tommy.”
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write obey me angst about dia bringing more exchange students and mc practically drifts away from the brothers 
(I got a bit confused since do you mean they just drift away from everyone/they get replaced or they replace the brothers? I’ll do the first one just to make it a bit sadder)
Strangers once more
(P.S. Italic for mc’s thought, bold for furious shouts)
“I’ve decided! Since the exchange program’s going so well I’ll be adding a few more students!!” Dia exclaimed, happily.
“Understood, Lord Diavolo.” Lucifer nodded, surprisingly positive. Odd… Luci didn’t resist this time?
“There will be no qualms about this, will there?” He glared at the brothers, and… even me?
“There won’t be any Luce!” Mammon assured.
“Sure,” he whispered “Is that all, Lord Diavolo?” He took his attention back to Dia. “Almost, after a few words this meeting will be concluded.”
Only then did I zone out, “hm, I think this’ll be fun, though it gives me creeps! And not to mention the brothers have ignored me these past few days, even mammon…!” I found myself frowning.
The tap on my shoulder had woken me up from my trance and I locked eyes with Barbatos confused, “The Lord asks for you to leave the room. There is a matter only the brothers are to hear.”
I nod, “thank you Barbatos, I’ll be off now, Goodbye Dia! Barbs!” I smile at the two and exit the room.
“Why don’t I go to the garden, Little d is bound to be there!” (Human version cause have you seen hiM? nosebleed)
“I am still me, you are still you… in the same place…” I sing sadly “Isn’t it strange… how people can change?” A soft voice spoke back.
“Little d! You scared me!!” I laughed “yeah yeah, come sit down, I knew you were coming.”
“Sure you did~” teasingly, I follow him. “I- dO yA nOt sEe thE piCniC bASKET ON THE GRASS?” He says pointing at the beautifully placed glasses and snacks. “Ehe… how flattering” I say covering my face and plopping myself down.
“Hey hey take it easy, you’re gon hurt yerself!” He shouted flicking my forehead.
“You’re more prone to hurt me!” I grin, swatting his hand away from my face. “Mean! After all the food I prepared for y’a!”
“Yeah yeah I’m sorry.” I roll my eyes dismissively.
“Yah! Are we gonna eat or not?” He said, annoyed. “Sometimes I wonder whether you really are a demon of greed.”
“Just shut up and eat or I’ll shove this up yer mouth.” He says holding up a sandwich.
After a while I thought of something that’s been plaguing my mind for a few days now…
“Hey little d, do you think the others are getting bored of me?” I ask quietly, looking up at the stars. “Why do y’a say that?” He asked surprised.
“I don’t know, they just… leave me out of things nowadays and… it scares me.” I mutter, looking at him. “Ah… don’t worry! They’re probably just stressed out from the the new exchange students that are coming in.”
“D— that was just confirmed today, are you ok or what?”
“Did they not tell you? It’s been planned for about two months already.”
“Oh… huh, they didn’t.” I whisper. “Hey, it’s ok. I’m here and I’ll never leave you.” Little D patted my back gently. “Yeah, I’m ok with just being with y’a.”
2 months later
“Mc, I’ve got no time for you, Kosuke and I are doing paper work.”
“Mc!! Kosuke and I are schemin leave us alone!”
“Get away normie! Kosuke and I are playing!!”
“Ugh!! Mc get out, Kosuke and I are having a reading session!!!”
“Mc… dear, can you leave us alone? We’re having a spa day.”
“Mc. That’s for Kosuke.”
“Leave Mc, we’re cuddling get out. It’s your room? So what? Just leave us alone.”
“Lord Dia… Little D please answer…”
“Yo! What’s up Mc?” Little D said happily. “D… hkk- is it ok if I summon you…?”
“Of course… Mc.”
“Hear me, denizens of darkness, you who are born of shadow and you who give birth to it. Hear me and do as I command…! I, Mc, call upon you to send forth one of your number! I summon a demon of greed, Little D no 2…”
“Mc… you ok?” D hugs me and rocks me back and forth.
“They treat me so horribly… I hate them so much…”
“I’ll take care of them.”
To be continued?
My first request, so please be gentle— I’ll continue this if you’d like.
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ateez-amanda · 2 years
Showterview w/ Jessi
disclaimers: bolded italic words are in english
a/n: i finished this in the beginning of the year and forgot to post it. whoopsies. sorry😳😬 anyways.....i’ll post this now and then post their lastest showterview later this week. enjoy!!!😝
taglist: @skzfairies, @3nhyp3nn [send an ask if you want to be on/off the taglist! :) ]
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first off let me just say our girl was over the moon when she found out they were going to meet her
she had met jessi a bunch of times previously since she mc’s on music bank (more on this later) and immortal songs 
there are so many complications of jessi being whipped for amanda
they have each other numbers
amanda absolutely idolize her so much b/c not only is she seriously talented but jessi literally says whatever she wants with no filter and amanda loves it
anyway lets began
Night at the Museum Section
so she chose the worse possible pose to begin with
she was just going to do a cute pose but the members were encouraging *cough* pressuring *cough* her to “show off your flexibility!!”
and she somehow fell for it🙃🙃
i swear she is usually smarter than this
she basically balance herself on one leg while the other leg curved back touching her head
worst decision of her life
jessi: ohhhh you’re really flexible. let’s see how long you can stay that way 😏
amanda: pls dont (•̩̥̀‿•̩̥̀✿)
she lost it when they had to repetitively repeat their greeting and eventually jumbling their intro
ateez: asdfghjkl%^*$&/
and the fact that she had to keep going back into that same position EVERYTIME
poor girl
seonghwa: i’m seonghwa. i’m charge of visual in ateez
amanda: huhhh???? since when?
seonghwa: since now
jessi: since i know her well already i’ll have her wait to introduce herself *walks over to the other members*
she finally went after yunho and got to have two on the ground🤧
jessi: are you ready? I’m expecting a lot from u
amanda: 😳
amanda: *flips hair sexily* i’m the member in charge of adding some flavor 😘 hello I’m amanda 🥰
the switch from sultry to being a precious cutie pie
the best part is that she didn’t intentionally try to be sexy it just ended up like that
she got jessi’s stamp of approval
didn't think it was possible for jessi to be anymore whipped than she already is but here we r
when mingi said they should press jessi’s button even though she didn’t have one
jessi: click on what?!!
amanda playfully smacked the back of mingi’s head
amanda: mingi....🤦🏾‍♀️ *backing away to let the other boys beat him* i don’t know them🧍🏽‍♀️
literally questioning why she’s friends with these boys
listen she loves mingi with all her heart like he’s probably the only member she will openly be nice with w/o sarcasm getting in the way but that was the one time their friendship was put on a halt
anyways she sat between mingi and seonghwa during the interview
when jessi was trying to figure out who the second youngest is
jessi: amanda does have a baby face so she might be
amanda: i do :) 
jessi: AH! i remember she’s told me everyone always guess she younger than she actually is 
amanda: correct. i’ve told you my age before
jessi: i don’t remember 
amanda: 💀💀
anyways she picked hongjoong was second youngest bc she didn’t want to be tricked
amanda: pftttt
minman:  hongjoong-ah!
hongjoong: do you both wanna die?😒
amanda: you can try (งᓀ‸ᓂ)ง
jessi: they r making fun of me
ateez: noooo
amanda: i’m the second youngest. i was born in 2000
amanda: i've told you this unnie!😞
jessi: sorry🥺 you really do have a baby face
jessi is soft for amanda
honestly who isn't
when jessi suggested speaking casually, amanda and wooyoung didn’t hesitant for a second
awoo: sure!
amanda likes speaking casually because she likes to treat people equally but mostly because she still struggles with formal language
amanda: jessi-ah! you are drop dead gorgeous😉
this girl doesn't even realize she just causes so many atinys to have nosebleeds bc of that wink
ATEEZ Interview
alright start of the interview, the host were explaining the rules of the interview
amanda: GOT IT 👍🏽
during amanda's turn
amanda: hello i’m amanda aka jessi's daughter. please support ateez's comeback
look if yeosang can say he's her son, she definitely going to take the opportunity to do it too
when jessi talked about how they defeated her on immortal song
jessi: happy?
hwada: we’re sorry *politely bows*
Real Close Up Interview
hongjoong starting off saying his strength is is hair
jessi: there’s no dandruffs either
amanda: that’s because he told our hair stylist to take special care of it for today. there was a lot this morning
who needs dispatch when they have amanda here to expose her members
she joking ofc, hongjoong scalp is very strong, don't worry
absolutely LOST IT when jessi asked yeosang if he has a girlfriend after his tongue trick
after mingi said wooyoung’s talent was being handsome 
jessi: mingi you’re handsome too!
mingi: thank you :D
amanda: you played into his trap unnie
seonghwa confidently looking into the camera with sexy poses during his close up, amanda's iconic disgusted face was seen in the background
amanda: how can he do that so confidentially????
jessi: okay now amanda! amanda is really pretty! how can you be this beautiful? her hair feel so nice and silky too! your skin looks so clear too.
amanda: 😅🥰😇
jessi just spitting out facts
jessi: do you use a lot of skincare products?
amanda: i don’t use much
jessi: NO WAY
amanda: i really don’t
seonghwa: she hardly ever gets skin problems
amanda: it's all thanks to my parents. i just got their good genes
jessi: you're so lucky. okay. now what’s your strength?
amanda: my legs *dramatically flipped one of her leg over the other but accidental hits mingi’s knee with her foot* i’m sorry! 
jessi: let’s try that again! what’s your strength?
hongjoong: aegyo
amanda: 🙃
payback is a bitch
look ofc she is naturally adorable but intently acting cute is not her thing
but she did it and jessi loved it so that's all that matters
who cares if the boys will make fun of her constantly after this💀
the second hand embarrassment she felt when mingi tried showing off his talent
amanda loved when jessi start swearing
Game Interview
when they were playing the facial impression game she was between seonghwa and wooyoung
when seonghwa shows her the thrilled expression, amanda’s disgusted face comes out again with a mixed of confusion 🤨
amanda: i don’t want to do that
wooyoung: u have to
amanda to the staff: is this really okay to do? will this still be able to air??
ends up showing it to wooyoung and she just wanted to die after that
wooyoung: b-bravado??
amanda: how the heck did you get bravado from that???
and then when yunho shows his impression
amanda: what the?? that looks nothing like what i had to do???
Copy and Paste Show Game 
during the first pose amanda taking the lead and guiding them on positioning properly
jessi: the one with strongest thighs should go on the bottom.
awoo: *slaps their thigh*
it's amazing how in sync these two are
cue the two bickering over who has the strongest leg
seonghwa: enough arguing and help! 
awoo: yes…
momma hwa mode on
wooyoung ends up on the bottom
the third pose where they had to lift someone in the air
ateez: *staring at amanda*
amanda:😪 let’s get it over with😣
she really hates height but she trust the boys
amanda: please don’t let me fall
okay she trust them most of the time
they put her down carefully on mingi back
amanda: yayy!!😁🥳
loves piggyback rides especially from mingi
her and seonghwa guiding the members in the last position before standing around with hongjoong and yeosang
jessi: you three didn’t do anything
amanda: i did! i helped them *looks at the members for support*
members: did you all hear something??
amanda: 😒
after the count down of the pose she did some peace signs✌🏽😚✌🏽
overall amanda had so much fun and now everyone is whipped for her
as they should
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© ateez-amanda — all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost my work.
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sunrisefairy · 3 years
Cameras and crushes
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Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Warning: Alcohol, small mention of death, pure fluffiness 
Summary: Y/N is used to being a background character someone you glaze over but never really notice. But more recently she longed for someone to see her, well she longed for a certain redhead to see her. 
A/N: Wrote this for @theweasleysredhair​​ writing challenge based off the prompt “You remembered?” very proud of this fic so i hope you love it as much as i do. All feedback is welcomed :))))
italics represent a flashback 
Taglist: send me a message if you would like to be added @hufflepuff5972​ @inglourious-imagines​ @klausdatprettyboi​ @georgeweasleyswhre​​
Y/N is very content with being a background character, she’s quite used to it actually. Growing up with 3 older and much louder brothers she was pretty happy with sticking to the sidelines, letting them be noisy and crazy while she kept to herself. Y/N grew up with mostly boys around her, her mother passed away when she was young. Y/N would always beg her brothers and her dad for stories of her mother, wanting to feel closer to her. Y/N’s dad would fondly retell memories of his beautiful wife, reminiscing on how witty and charismatic she was. He’d mention all the small, quirky things she would do which made him fall hard and fast for her. Y/N longed for that kind of love, she longed for someone to take notice of her in the way her dad did for her mum. Ever since Y/N was a little girl she yearned to be heard and seen but that proved difficult when you’re as shy and quiet as her.
Judging by most of the people in Y/N’s life she seemed to attract the boisterous types, guessing her quiet nature balanced them out. She loved her friends with her entire heart, even if their personalities were the opposite of hers, Y/N wouldn’t change their qualities if she could.
One of her friends, although still lively and vibrant as the others, also had a calm and tranquil side to him. George Weasley. Y/N had only known George for a few years having met at Lee Jordan’s 18th birthday 3 years ago. Somehow that night she had ended up climbing a tree with the tall redhead whom she had only met 30 minutes prior.
“How the hell did you get up to that branch?” Y/N mumbled, trying to figure out how to reach the higher branch where George Weasley was currently sitting, his long legs swinging back and forth as he chuckled at the girl below him.
“I used that branch sticking out there and then swung my leg up to get here.” George points to the branch to the girls left. 
Y/N grunts as she attempts what George said but huffs and pouts her lip feeling defeated, “you forget that I have little legs, unlike you Mr. giraffe.”
George rolls his eyes and stretches his hand out, “try again, I’ll help pull you up.”
Somehow, George manages to pull Y/N up and they sit comfortably next to one another up high in the tree. “There you go little bunny, don’t go falling off now.”
Y/N rolls her eyes at the nickname wishing she had brought her cider up with her feeling very self-conscious and unsure of what to do her shaking hands.
The pair fall into a comfortable silence, watching the party goers below them gathered around a very intoxicated birthday boy chanting as he chugs another beer, “we love to drink with Lee cause Lee is our mate and when we drink with Lee he gets it down in 8…7…”
Their voices drown out as George gently nudges Y/N’s shoulder pulling her attention back to him, “soo, Y/N I hear you’re not much of the talker?”
Y/N blushes hard grateful for the lack of light outside. “No I guess not. Not many are interested in what I have to say.”
George smiles, his eyes not leaving the girl beside him, “well I am. Tell me something.”
Y/N chews on her bottom lip nervously and looks back at the drunk crowd, “like what?”
George shrugs, he didn’t really mind what the conversation was about, he just wanted to hear the pretty girl speak. “I dunno, anything. Tell me about something that makes you happy.”
Y/N racks her brain for something to talk about, her palms getting sweaty from the long silence. Finally, she settles on something that always fills her with joy, her mother.
“Um okay so,” she starts staring at the leaves swaying in the tree, pushing down the anxiety. “Before my mother died she always had this film camera with her, my dad used to joke around saying that she loved this camera more than him,” Y/N chuckles quietly before continuing “She would take photos of the most random things, we have this big box back home filled with all the photos she ever took with that camera.” Y/N pauses, fumbling with her fingers. “I wish we still had the camera. You see after my mum passed, dad had to look after us 4 kids and with only one income coming in, it was pretty tough. For my 12th birthday I reeeaaally wanted a new bike, I’d complained for years that I couldn’t have my brothers old one because it was a gross boy’s bike. So, my dad sold my mums camera to get me a pink one. Kind of wish he didn’t because I would have loved to still have mum’s camera with us.”
Y/N finished and chewed her lip realising speaking about her dead mother probably wasn’t a great conversation piece, but any story of her mother always made her feel warm inside.
George hadn’t taken his eyes off her throughout the whole story, his heart fluttering when her eyes had lit up as she spoke about her mother.
“I’m sorry, probably not what you wanted to hear, it was the first thing that popped into my head.” Y/N mumbled.
George simply shook his head and replied, “you don’t ever have to apologise to me for saying what’s on your mind Y/N. I’ll listen to whatever you have to say.”
For the first time in a while, Y/N felt seen.
Y/N’s phone dings and she pulls it from her pocket to read the message.
-Hey bunny :) so 4 tonight, we’re aiming to get to urs at like 7. does that work for u?
It was from George. Even if she didn’t have his number saved, she’d be able to tell it was from the redhead simply from his choice of nickname. Y/N hated when he called her bunny but George insisted on using the nickname ever since Lee’s 18th mainly because he thought it was cute not that he would tell her that.
Y/N’s heart thumped harder in her chest purely from the fact that George had texted her. Her crush on George had amplified over the years of knowing the boy, feeling both thankful and uneasy at the fact that he had so effortlessly slotted into their tight friendship group mainly because he was always around making Y/N a stuttering mess.
Y/N’s fingers fumble as she types out a response, it was her birthday today and all her friends we’re persistent in throwing her a party. They had agreed to a small gathering at Y/N’s place, Y/N didn’t want them to make such a fuss over it.
-Hey Georgie, 7 is perfect! Cant wait.
-See u then bunny, hope ur ready to get ur drink on ;)
-IDK, after the other weekend I dont think im ready to face alcohol again
-nope! no excuses from u, u only turn 21 once
Y/N chuckles at George’s message and goes back to tidying her house, ready for tonight.
As soon as it hits 7pm her friends are barging through her front door lugging drinks.
Each of them greet Y/N giving her a hug and wishing her happy birthday.
“We’ll do presents later, first let’s get some drinks into us!” Angelina cheers as she starts to mix some deadly concoction. Alicia connects her phone to the speaker, the living room filling with music.
Y/N jumps as a voice pipes up from behind her, “happy birthday little bunny.”
She turns facing George as he places a brightly coloured wrapped box on the counter with the other presents. He opens his arms, engulfing her into a giant hug. Y/N wraps her arms around his waist, giving him a tight squeeze, “thanks” she mumbles into his chest before pulling away looking up at his warm eyes. They stare at each other for a second before the moment is broken when Fred places something on Y/N’s head.
“A birthday tiara for the birthday girl” Fred states loudly, Y/N glances at the mirror hanging from the wall on her left sees a plastic silver and pink tiara perched upon her head.
“Oh god,” Y/N mumbles adjusting it slightly.
Lee shouts over the music, drawing everyone’s attention over to him. “Okay everyone, the ever lovely Angie has made us each a questionable looking but delicious drink to start the night. So get your butts over here and let’s get this party started!”
A few hours and many, many drinks later, everyone is huddled in the living room, sitting on the couches watching Y/N open her presents. So far, she had gotten some perfume from Angelina, chocolates and a gorgeous photo frame from Alicia and Fred and Lee had gifted Y/N with a bottle of wine and voucher from the little boutique at the corner of her street. Y/N’s cheeks were hurting from smiling so much and her heart swelled at the sweet gifts her friends had gotten her.
“Okay, only one left,” Alicia says, clapping her hands excitedly.
“Probably the best one,” Fred whispers to Lee.
“Of course it’s going to be the best one you idiot,” Angelina says as a matter of fact, overhearing the two boys.
George, who is sitting to Y/N’s right, hands over the brightly colour box, trying to hide his excitement and nerves. “Here you go Y/N, happy birthday.”
The box feels heavy in Y/N’s grasp as she places it in her lap tearing off the wrapping paper. Y/N glances around, noticing everyone’s eager eyes on her. She sees Angelina nudge Alicia’s side smiling at each other knowingly. Y/N furrow her brows, slightly confused then draws her attention back to the box. She ripped off the paper carefully and uncover a brown box, no hints as to what is inside.
“Oh my god, hurry up and open it the suspense is killing me!” Fred says impatiently, George whacks him across the head telling him to shut up.
Y/N take off the lid and immediately her mouth gapes open finally seeing what’s inside. She shakily lifts the film camera out of the box and hold it so gently as if it’s made of diamonds and gold.
Small tears prick in Y/N’s eyes, shocked and surprised at George’s gift, it looks exactly like the one her mother had.
She manages to squeak out a small, “you remembered?” referring to the first conversation they had 3 years prior.
George has a small smile etched onto his lips. “Of course I did, I remember everything you tell me. I take a lot of pride in knowing everything about you actually.” He says, puffing his chest out proudly.
“Yeah like what?” Y/N cradles the camera in her arms.
“Well,” George starts. “I know that you hate the smell tequila because it reminds you of your 18th when you spent most of the night by the toilet. I know that you can’t sleep if the room is dead quiet. I know that you love buying plants but can never seem to keep them alive. I know you never wear matching socks because you think it’s a fun way to spice up an outfit.” He finishes smugly.
Alicia and Angelina let out a small aww in the background reminding Y/N of the 4 other sets of eyes watching her and George right now.
“Well there’s one thing you don’t know about me.”
“Yeah? What’s that then?” George counters.
Y/N doesn’t know where she musters up the courage from to speak the next words, maybe from the alcohol buzzing through her body or finally being sick of keeping this to herself for the past 3 years. Whatever it may be, she’s rather proud of herself, ignoring the way her stomach churns.
“That I have a huge crush on you.”
She expected George to laugh in her face before rejecting her gently. What Y/N definitely didn’t expect was him to cradle her face in his large hands, pressing a sweet but passionate kiss to her pink lips. She squeaks in surprise before melting into the kiss, gripping onto his shirt tightly, scared he would slip away.
Much to Y/N’s dismay George pulls away from the kiss tucking a strand of her hair back behind her ear, “no I knew that too.”
“Wha-how?” Y/N stutters.
The attention is pulled to Alicia as she begins to speak, “it wasn’t much of a secret babe. Everybody knew you were crushing on George. Can’t believe it took either one of you so long to do something about it.”
“Little Georgie here spent months trying to find that camera for you as a way to confess his undying love for you.” Fred reaches over and ruffles his twin’s hair who shoves him off.
“Yep, we were all so bloody excited for you to open his presents so you two can stop pining over each other.” Lee adds downing the rest of his drink then standing up. “Right, now the two love birds have finally confessed their feelings. Who’s up for a round of beer pong? Reigning champion here has yet to be defeated.”
“You’re on Jordan, that ego of yours has gotten large enough.” Fred challenges, everyone moving over to the table to set up for beer pong. Leaving Y/N and George alone on the couch.
George wraps his lanky arm around Y/N’s shoulder pulling her into his side, “I hope you’re enjoying your birthday bunny.”
Y/N grins widely, playing with her new camera before lifting it up and aiming it at George. “best birthday ever Georgie, thank you.” She squeezes the button down, snapping a picture of George who is staring at her like she’s the only person in the world.
Y/N is very content with being a background character, she’s quite used to it actually. But for once she doesn’t mind being the centre of someone’s undivided attention.
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chibsytelford · 3 years
Queen of my Heart
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word count - 2139
warnings - slight mention of strangulation, murder, swearing, angst - I think that’s it. 
a/n - i haven’t described reader at all. I’m actually really nervous to post this for some reason. I am sure this is the longest thing I have written yet, and idk just nervous. Reblogs and comments are welcomed, and if you would like to be added/removed from my taglist just let me know!
P.s I didn’t mean for it to be this long, and it is kinda based on the song Queen of my Heart by Westlife (my guilty pleasure). Italics are flashbacks and the lyrics.
You knew from the start that getting into a relationship with Angel Reyes might not have been the best decision. Pasts will do that to you. You knew when you first laid eyes on him, that inside he was hiding his pain. The only reason you noticed it was because you were hiding the exact same pain as him. Normally, you avoided guys with baggage, because frankly you could barely deal with your own, never mind someone else’s, but something about him just kept you gravitating more towards him, as each day passed.
It started out in his father’s butcher shop, you had just finished work and you were in the mood for some steak, so you finally checked out la carniceria and you knew the second you walked in you were in trouble. All you wanted was a bit of steak, but you left with (not that you were complaining) Angel Reyes’ phone number. He gave you some standard cheesy pick up line, his smile not quite reaching his eyes, and you knew as soon as he opened his mouth that you were done for, your ‘I don’t do baggage rule’ going straight out the shop door.
It took you a few days to text him. You actually drafted up a ‘Why I should text Angel Reyes list’ and a ‘Why I shouldn’t text Angel Reyes list’ and funnily enough, the list that had more on it was the ‘Why I shouldn’t list’ but as it turns out, the lists were pointless, because you text him anyway.
Your first date you walked around the streets of Santo Padre, just chatting away about life in general, what you did for a job, what he did for a job (he didn’t tell you that much, just that he was in a club with some other men) and of course you didn’t want to pry, it was the first date and all. You spoke about pretty much everything, except the past. It was too early for that. At the end of it, he walked you home, and left you on your door step, wishing you had invited him in, wishing you had kissed him, wishing you had asked him on a second date. But you didn’t need to wait long for a second date.
2 days after your first date, you were on the back of Angel’s motorbike, both hands wrapped tightly around his torso. He had insisted on taking his bike, he wanted you to enjoy the thrill of it as much as he did, and if you were being honest, it was absolutely thrilling, as well as absolutely terrifying. He drove you both to a small forest, where you enjoyed a picnic and the scenery and the attention that Angel was giving you. It was then you decided to pry, just a little bit.
“Tell me Angel, what secret are you carrying?” You asked catching him off guard.
“What makes you think I’m carrying any?” He responded, popping a strawberry in his mouth, conveniently answering a question with another question.
“Honestly? The first time I saw you, when you gave me that hideous pick up line” you both laughed at the memory “the smile you gave me afterwards, it was genuine, but it wasn’t quite a full smile, you know?”
Angel took a moment to gather his thoughts. First he rubbed his beard, then he rubbed his neck, and then he fiddled with his fingers. You placed your hand over his, comforting him, silently telling him there was no rush to answer the question.
He sighed, and slightly shifted his body so he could look at you. “Well, uh, the thing is, I’m not good at this shit, feelings” you could see the pain etched on his face, the way his eyebrows twitched and the way he couldn’t meet your eyes for more than a second.
“Do you want me to go first?” you softly asked, brushing your fingers across his ringed hand, soothing him, and yourself. You knew if you expected him to open up so soon, you had to give him something back.
Angel swiftly nodded, and relaxed slightly, and it was his turn to rub circled on your hand, silently telling you he was listening.
“I came to Santo Padre to get away from my family, my step father specifically”. You took a deep breath and continued “he was horrible. But for some reason, my mother couldn’t bring herself to leave him, something about love. I don’t know” you hated telling this story, if you could call it that, but something about Angel just made you want to tell him everything. “One day, I got home and found him on top of my mother, his hands around her throat, and so I grabbed a kitchen knife, and I stabbed him until I knew he was dead.” Angel’s body tensed and he stopped caressing your hand for a split second, shocked at your revelation. You pulled your hand away instantly, wrapping them around your body.
“Shit Y/N, I’m so fucking sorry you had to go through that” Angel murmured, pulling you into him and placing a soft kiss on your temple, but you could tell his demeanour had changed slightly.
“My mother luckily vouched for my version of events, and so I got away with it, but that feeling of killing someone never leaves you, it takes over your mind and soul” you felt Angel nodding at your remark, like he was admitting he had killed someone too. “Anyway, I stayed there for another few years, in that godforsaken house, but I knew, deep down, as much as she tried to hide it, my mother looked at me differently, so I got out of there, and came here a few years ago, I’ve been laying low, still trying to wrap my head around what I done, that’s probably why you’ve never seen me before. It was fate that took me to your father’s shop” you nudged him in the shoulder, trying to lift the mood slightly.
“That it was” Angel replied back, “And I guess now it’s my turn huh” you nodded in agreement. “Well, I lost my mother, Marisol, years ago. She was murdered” As soon as Angel uttered those words, you knew why he had tensed earlier and you knew why he was just that little bit colder towards you. Because you had murdered someone, and his mother was murdered. “We found the guy, but we kept him alive. He was ordered to do it” You weren’t sure if Angel would want you to touch him, so you kept your hands to yourself, waiting for him to continue his story. “I carry the pain of her death with me every single day, I don’t think I’ll ever get over it” he admitted.
“Of course you won’t, it’s your family, your mother and that will always stick with you in your heart” you said, reassuring him that it was normal. “It seems we are both pretty fucked up, huh?” Angel commented, lifting the mood once again ever so slightly.
“Do you look at me differently now? Knowing that I murdered someone?  I did to my stepfather what someone did to your beloved mother” you questioned.
Angel took a second to answer. “You had your reasons, reasons I agree with, so no, I don’t feel differently towards you” but as Angel said that, you were second guessing him, and you always would.
After your second date, when you got home, Angel asked you to officially be his girlfriend. You said yes, but there was still a small part of you that thought it was a bad idea, and that it could only end badly. You thought Angel only asked you to be his girl because you both shared stories of your past and you clicked together, and you said yes, because you really liked him, but also because you thought you deserved happiness, and he did too, even though you still carried the thought inside you that Angel looked at you a little different after your revelation. You knew you were being selfish, but you couldn’t stop yourself.
 Recently Angel had been spending more time with the club, over time you had learned completely what they did, and you stood by Angel. Everyone had their reasons for doing things, and you knew that better than most people. You felt that he was avoiding you more than usual, staying out later, leaving earlier in the mornings, barely responding to texts, and something inside you, just didn’t really care anymore. You had had a wonderful couple years being by Angel’s side, but you always knew that something like this might happen.
You quickly fired a text to Angel telling him to meet you at your place. The forest where your second date took place.  
He arrived on his bike 5 minutes after you, and you watched him walk towards you. It seemed to take an eternity until he was standing in front of you. It was the same place, but you felt like a completely different person standing here now, a few years on.
“Hey” you said, letting out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Thanks for coming”
“Of course I came” he answered back, rubbing the back of his neck. You wondered if he was feeling the same as you. It would make the whole thing a bit easier if he did.
“I just wanna-“  Angel cut you off, holding a hand up to stop you talking. “Can I go first?” You nodded at him, secretly glad he wanted to.
“I love you, I really do, but I think you know as well as me, we stopped working months ago, I’m not good at this shit, feelings” you both said together, causing a small smile from the man stood in front of you. “Exactly, I don’t know if you’ve noticed I’ve been distant lately, the shit with the club has taken over my life completely, but I think I’m just realising now, that we jumped into this too quickly” Angel revealed, stuffing his hands in his pockets. You nodded, acknowledging what he said and taking a second to gather your thoughts.
“I mean, Angel, I love you too, but I have to admit, you’re right. I should be angry you’ve been coming home late, I should be angry that you barely reply to my texts, but honestly I haven’t been. I think we did rush into this like you said, after our second date, where we both revealed our pasts, I think we took comfort in knowing that our pasts were out there, and we weren’t being judged. I know that now”. You both visibly relaxed slightly, and the atmosphere shifted too. It was calm. Nice.
Angel made the first move, grabbing your hand and placing a soft kiss on your palm. You closed your eyes for a second, engraving the memory of the kiss in your mind.
“Thank you Y/N, for trusting me with your secret, for listening to my pain and past, for just being you. I know we didn’t work out, but I just want you to know, I will always remember you.” Angel wiped a stray tear that had managed to escape his eyes. “Fuck, look at me” he laughed.
So here we stand in our secret place
Where the sound of the crowd is so far away
You take my hand, and it feels like home
We both understand, it where we belong
So do I say, do I say goodbye
We both have our dreams we both want to fly
So let’s take tonight, to carry us through the lonely times
“God Angel, you’ve got me crying now” you laughed back also wiping away your tears.  “I’m glad we met. You accepted me for who I am, and for that I will always thank you, and cherish you. Who knows, maybe under different circumstances, we would have worked out, but I can honestly say I’m thankful for the years we have spent together, it just wasn’t meant to be”.
You and Angel gave each other one last hug, one last smile, one last look. “Take care, querida, I’ll always remember you” Angel whispered, placing your hand over his heart.  He then let go and headed back to his bike. You watched him walk away, you watched him climb onto the bike and you watched him drive away from you. You were sad of course, but you knew that it was for the best.
@rebelwrites​ @mayans-sauce​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @encounterthepast​ @angelreyesgirl​ @starrynite7114​ @jadesamhart​ @fangirlingaesthetics​ @trulysuccubus​ @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @queenbeered​ @lauraashley93​ @deeandbobbymcgee​ @shelliechen​ @calif0rnia-lovers​ @yourwonkywriter​ @peaches007​ @scuzmunkie​ @blessedboo​ @sheeshgivemeabreak​ @sadeyesgf​ @anangelwhodidntfall​ @gemini0410​ @rocketqueen​ @destynelseclipsa​ @xx--day-dreamer--xx​ @talicat713​ @i-love-scott-mccall​ 
I'll always look back as I walk away
Memories will last for eternity
And all of our tears will be lost in the rain
When I found my way back to your arms again
But until that day, you know you are
The Queen of my heart
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glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
Lonely Together
Jihoon: Chapter 4 (Waves)
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Characters: Jihoon x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, fluff, suggestive content, mentions of marking, angst (kinda maybe sort of?). Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written. Please let me know if I missed anything!
Author’s Note: So I’m trying to not make every story super depressing. At least for now. So I took a shot at some average fluff for Jihoon’s chapter. Let me know what you think! It’s a bit short, but I’ll edit it some more to juice it up when I have the free time.
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
Lonely Together Masterlist
Chapter 4: Waves
You were still getting used to everything, which no one could blame you for. You weren’t used to being around humans let alone lovey happy couples all the time. It was all… disorienting to you. You understood why the rest of the pack acted the way they did with their mates, in a way you also felt some primal need to be the same with Jihoon. But it was just… quite a big adjustment for you.
It wasn’t bad by any means! You knew you’d get the hang of most of it eventually. But there were some things you weren’t sure you’d ever get used to. Like the constant PDA of the couples around you. You didn’t understand the need to be that close to someone all the time or need to be that handsy. You always wondered if maybe Jihoon wanted to be like that, but you never really had the courage to ask in case you wouldn’t like his answer.
You also knew you’d never really like the fact that the pack seemed to refer to you more as a mate than as a wolf. You grew up being a wolf above all else, you considered yourself a wolf first. Now, you were Jihoon’s mate. Just one of the girls. You ate with them, you hung out with them, and you were treated like them even though you were just as strong if not more so than most of the males. Soonyoung didn’t get treated that way even though he was technically Seungcheol’s mate. It seemed unfair. That thought seemed to leave a bitter metallic taste in your mouth, but you just dealt with it because that’s just how it was now.
And you knew you’d NEVER understand the need to give your partner sweet little gooey nicknames. I mean, who the hell decided it was an adorable idea to start calling the person they fuck baby? How the hell was that SUPPOSED to be cute? It was creepy to you. You could tell it visibly bothered Jihoon that you hadn’t called him anything other than his given name, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to call him by anything else. Every cutesy petname you could think of just felt… wrong to you. Sweetheart? Shit didn’t make sense. Hearts were NOT sweet. Sugar? He wasn’t composed of glucose or fructose so that wasn’t right. Prince? He wasn’t royalty, well, at least not that neither of you knew of. Daddy? Even creepier than baby. So you just opted to leave it at Jihoon.
As for you and Jihoon, you’d been doing alright. You were still rather shy around each other, but you were definitely more obvious in your affection with each other. For instance, at breakfast you always seemed to find yourself scooting your chair as close to his as you could manage. And he always made sure you were within his sight. You weren’t sure why. Where could you have possibly gone when you were stuck with a bunch of wolves? But it did make the chambers of your heart constrict extra whenever you noticed him trying to look for you. You had to admit, It was kinda cute.
There was still one problem. You two hadn’t… consummated your bond yet. You were still unmarked even though it had now been weeks of being in the same house together. He hadn’t even tried to sleep with you. It had you confused, shouldn’t he have wanted to have sex with you by now?
“Dude quit being a little bitch and just do it already!” Soonyoung groaned at his younger brother while he pinched the bridge of his nose.
You were currently outside learning how to play soccer with Somi, just far enough away to where you couldn’t hear what was going on inside. They were all watching you guys from the window. You felt someone staring at you so you looked up from the ball next to your feet towards the house. Your mate was eyeing you and had a fond smile flashing brightly at your from his spot. You gave him a sweet one back with a little wave added before you continued on with your fancy foot maneuvering past the younger girl and scored a goal, causing you to jet your hands in the air in celebration. God he loved you.
Jihoon looked away to sigh and he ran his shakey hand through his slick hair, “But how am I supposed to do that? You fuckers are here every second of everyday and she can hear everything that goes on the same as I can. You’re all way too distracting. If she’s anything like me-” He was cut off before he could finish his sentence.
“Which she is.” Mingyu stated with a giant grin on his face while crossing his arms over his chest.
“IF she’s anything like me, she doesn’t want you guys listening in or around when we’re going at it. She’s too private for that” Jihoon emphasized, trying his best to contain his annoyance at the taller boy for his smugness, “Plus, you’re all too lovey with each other, it makes us both awkward and uncomfortable.” He admitted.
Joshua laughed and slapped his hands on his knees where he was sitting down at the table, “So you’re telling me that WE make YOU GUYS uncomfortable? Have you ever even been in the same room with yourself? You’re both ridiculously intimidating to the girls because you’re so quiet. WE know it’s because you’re just shy. But THEY all think you’re some sort of psycho killer dude!”
“Yeah if looks could kill, we’d all have been long dead by now!” Snorted Wonwoo, who had his arm wrapped around his mate possessively.
Jihoon raised his chest out defiantly, slightly annoyed at his pack mates for making fun of his cold exterior, “Yeah? Well at least I can keep my hands off my mate for more than a split second!”
He never really understood the need to keep partners away from other people. That is, until the other day when Chan had accidentally brushed up against your front while trying to reach for a plate. He all but chewed him up and spit him out for it, though you didn’t know that as he did it once you had gone up to bed. He couldn’t help it. His inner wolf just snapped at the poor kid. Though looking back, he’d still do it again. No one should be touching you but him.
“Not for long. You’re getting soft. You’re laughing more at the things she says, you’re joining us on errands more because she goes with, you’re getting more and more protective over her because she’s not marked and you don’t want anyone taking her away from you” Mingyu proudly spoke up much to Jihoon’s shock. He happy that he had taken the smaller wolf off guard with his statement, “You’re getting just as whipped man. You want my advice?” He asked, seeming pretty genuine with his question.
Jihoon nodded at him. Mingyu was surprisingly one of the few who could actually keep a few feet’s distance from his mate. Out of everyone in the pack, he would’ve DEFINITELY expected him to be the one most likely to be attached to his lovers side. But he when he found his mate, he didn’t get possessive over her at all. He just let her do her own thing with relative freedom. He figured he must have had some sort of secret behind being able to control himself and, for your sake, Jihoon figured he should take any help he could get before he got bad.
“Mark her as soon as you can. It helps. You wont get as jealous, at least around us, because we’ll smell you on her.” He shrugged towards his elder, quickly going over and kissing the top of his mates head who was sitting on the ground braiding Josh’s mates hair.
The thought of marking you sent a weird feeling through Jihoon’s veins. He WANTED to. But the real question was, would you LET him? “I don’t know. It could help I guess. But again, you bitches are always here and if I EVER want to do anything with her, you assholes can’t be anywhere near or she’ll refuse.”
“Okay okay! What if we were to all go visit Taeyong’s pack later? Then would you get the stick out of your ass and just fucking get it over with?” Seungcheol interjected with a heavy chuckle.
He was just as glad that his younger brother found you as everyone else. He really needed you in his life, even if he didn’t want to admit it. So he knew he had to help him figure out how to finally make things ‘official’ with you.
Jihoon thought for a moment. There didn’t seem to be a reason why that couldn’t work. He’d just have to make sure you knew to stay behind which, considering how touchy feely the others were, you’d probably be more than happy with that, “That’s….. actually a good idea.”
“Yeah no shit Sherlock. That’s why he suggested it” sneered Jeonghan. Jihoon sent him a small warning growl before Hannie went and collected the other mates and boys to tell them the new plan for the day.
He couldn’t lie, he was super fucking nervous. Other than that day you found out you two were mates, he hadn’t been left alone with you. At least not completely. There was always someone how because of how many people that lived in the house. He didn’t have much experience with girls. He had more experience than you did, but he was still trying to grasp the whole ‘mating’ thing. He didn’t know where to even start. He couldn’t just go up to you and go “hey I need to mark you or I’m gonna go crazy so we need to fuck like rabbits.” I mean, what kind of loser did that? He had to start thinking of a more subtle approach.
And, as if on cue, in came you and Somi from outside after Jeonghan had called for you both from outside. Your cheeks were a bit flushed from being in the sun and your hair that was once put up in a neat ponytail was now falling out in locks towards the rest of your face. You had grass stains on your knees and you had a bit of dirt on your forehead. You looked like you had gotten into a fight with the ground when in all reality, it was just your first time playing a child’s game.
“So, we’re going somewhere?” Somi ran up and kissed Chan on the cheek before he cuddled her in his arms.
“Yeah. WE are. THEY’RE staying here.” He let a playful grin plaster on his face as he pointed at your and your mate.
You cocked your head to the side in confusion, “We are? Why’s that?”
Chan gulped down his dry throat and shifted his eyes towards Jihoon, who was now staring daggers into him, “Oh… um- well… because…”
“Because we’re gonna be doing coupley shit over at Taeyong’s today and Jihoon said you wouldn’t want to watch us make out.” His sentence was quickly interrupted by the oldest alpha, much to your mate’s relief as his answer seemed to satisfy you.
“Ew yeah no. I’ll stay here that sounds gross,” you shook your head and scrunched up your nose in disgust, “Though I think I’ll take a shower. I feel almost as gross as you all are together.” You chuckled as you mad your way up the stairs and to the bathroom.
A little while later after everyone had got themselves together and understood why they suddenly had to leave, they began to head towards the door to depart. You were now upstairs in your bedroom, a towel tightly wrapped around your body and hair as you read a book to work on your Korean. You were pretty good with the actual speaking portion of the language, minus your accent of course, but you were still having a bit of trouble with the spelling and reading. And since it was the native language of most of the people who lived in the house, you figured it was best you study up on it a bit more to become more fluent.
Before you knew it, the others had left. You began focusing on a page of plural ways of speech and were brought out of your gaze by a soft voice near the doorway of your bedroom, “How’s the studying coming along?”
“It’s going about as well as dealing with humans after centuries of avoiding them.” You figured, putting your book down on the bedside table and looking at your mate who was now moving to sit at the end of your bed.
“That bad huh?” He joked while bringing his hand to touch your naked thigh. It brought a light pink blush to your cheeks, but you did your best to avoid it as much as possible and continued the conversation.
You shrugged the heat one your face away, “It comes and goes in Waves. Besides, It could be worse”
“And how’s that?” Jihoon questioned, giving you a tilted head in response.
“I could have had to go watch all the other suck face all day with another pack.” You laughed in amusement at your own joke.
Jihoon hesitated for a moment before he responded, “Well… yeah… about that…” he trailed in an effort to avoid the situation.
“What about it?”
“Wellllll….” He took a deep breath in so he could finish his sentence, “They decided to leave for me- well for us- so we could… have some time alone together…” he brought his newly hot face down to look at his lap so he didn’t have to look you in the eyes as he spoke.
“Alone time?” You bit your lip to hold back a knowing grin. You knew exactly what he was trying to say. But you really wanted to HEAR him say the words. Half to confirm your suspicions, half so that he would squirm a bit.
“Uh yeah. Alone time…” he started to pick at his nails to distract himself. He had never really been this nervous before. Why was he even nervous? You were his mate. It’s not like you’d have an issue with it all… right?
Your pulse was starting to race. The thought of what could happen was heating your body up to the point of concern. You weren’t sure why you were reacting this way, maybe it was because he was your mate, maybe it was because now you could go into heat, you didn’t know. But you did know that if he was going where you thought he was going with his sentence, you’d definitely not be complaining.
You gave him a wondering look, “What do you mean by alone time?” You faked innocence in your question, playing with the edge of the towel wrapped around your body.
He groaned in frustration and threw himself to the bed, landing on his back with a light thud while his hands found their way to his face, “They all left so I could mark you okay?? I knew you wouldn’t want to do anything like that with them here. But I knew I needed to do it soon so that my jealousy wouldn’t get the best of me. So Cheol agreed to have everyone leave for the day so we could just-get it over with” He sighed out, hands still covering his eyes so he could ignore your no doubt astonished face.
But instead, you found yourself straddling him in your easily droppable attire. His hands automatically sent themselves down to hold your hips once his body realized what was happening.
“You know, you could’ve just said that to begin with you know” you seductively let out. His face was absolutely stunned at your sudden behavior change. What actual fucking alien world had he stepped in when he came into your shared room?
(Updated 9/16)
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lovenhlboys · 3 years
From a Distance (E.Pettersson X Reader)
Chapter 4
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A/N: hello there!!! here is the next chapter, I'm so so sorry it took me so long, I was sick for 5 days and no feeling unmotivated, but I hope the others will not take nearly as long!! I really hope you like it and please LMK what you think!! And as always, thank you to my babe Ash ( @imagines-r-s ) for helping me with literally everything🥰💕💕
change in POV is signalized by:
Y/N= regular ELIAS= italics
(any other info is on the masterlist)
Warnings: lots of cursing, specifically excessive use of the word "ass", mentions of iCarly , I think thats it, if you think I missed a warning please inform me!!!
Summary: Brocks plan continues... more stuff happens
Word Count: 2.82k
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ———————— >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
There was an awkward pause where, to you, it looked like Elias was thinking really hard about something.
“...wait,” he finally spoke.
“Okay, like a few weeks ago, we were in the hotel room and, you were upset with Marky because of the whole Gabe Landeskog thing,” he started.
You thought for a second and- oh, “Oh...shit. No. No, no Elias, I'm not having this conversation right now,” you knew exactly what he was talking about since that exact moment had caused about 3 panic attacks in the past month.
“You don't even know what I’m going to say,” he said with a little laugh at how you were reacting.
“Oh yes, I do.”
“Ok, Y/N wait just sit down.”
“BROCK,” you ignored him and got up, shouting at the door that you entered in about, hmm, yep, 5 years ago.
“Y/N,” he seemed like he wanted to talk when you really, truly did not.
“BROCK BOESER OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT FUCKING NOW,” you continued shouting at that damned door.
“Y/N...please,” he sounded sweet and calm. Which kinda calmed you down slightly, so once you realized Brock wasn't going to open that door any time soon, you sat back down on the couch next to where Petey was sitting. You sat a little too close at first, both of you looking into each other's eyes. Your faces were roughly a foot away from each other, as you looked in his eyes, you thought you saw a glimmer of something, something you knew he was seeing in your eyes. You snapped yourself out of it and pulled away, scooching yourself back about a foot. Right then, Elias reached for you and placed his hand on your arm. “Y/N, just...sorry. I was just going to ask what Quinn meant that day when he said ‘you really have a thing for swedes, huh,’” he tried to mimic your other American friend, his impression made you laugh.
You groaned and put your forehead on his shoulder. You stayed like that for a second, taking in his scent. Then you pulled your head back and started to speak, “Yeah, about that. Um, so, yeah, that-that thing, uh,” you cleared your throat.
“Are you going to say anything or is it just ‘um, yeah, so, um?’”
“Shut up” you giggled “I just never thought I’d have to say this to you,” you covered your heated face with your hands.
“Well, I always thought he was talking about Marky, but apparently thats not true. I just didn’t know you knew many other swedes.”
“...yo-,” you sighed. He didn’t realize what Quinn was saying, “oh my god, my dumbass brother is rubbing off on you. Ok, name the other swedes I know.”
“Well there's Marky, Oscar, Loui, Alex, and uh, Brock said you knew uh, Partick Nemeth and Johnny Oduya when you interned in Dallas during college. Oh, and Brock had mentioned you had a crush on Klingberg at one point, right?”
“Yes, but, uh- oh my lord,” you took a deep breath and tried to make sure you didn’t blurt anything out like an idiot would do, “I think you’re missing one.”
“What? Well, Nilsson before he got traded. And Brock was here when the twins were still playing, right?”
“Ok, Elias, you’re missing one person, one fucking person,” you were starting to get frustrated.
“I dont think I understand…”
“Ok, if you were to make it on team Sweden for the winter Olympics, Marky, and Landeskog too, ok?”
“Ok, who on that team would know me?”
“Well considering I dont know who else would be on that team it’s hard to say, but me, mark and Gabe would.”
“Ok, perfect. So that list of Swedes earlier was missing…” you gestured for him to finish your sentence.
“Oh, I’m stupid, I forgot myself,” you nodded and waited for him to process, it took longer than one would’ve thought but that's beside the point. His eyes got wide and his face turned red. He didn’t speak, you knew he knew now, but he wasn’t saying anything.
Shit, fuck, it’s exactly what you were afraid of.
WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK??? How did this happen, Elias is so completely and utterly stunned. Y/N Y/M/N Boeser had an actual, real-life crush on him? (God he feels like he’s in middle school again, freaking out about a “crush”)Ok, he’s definitely dreaming, that's the only thing he can think right now because he didn’t think this was a possibility. That’s when he realized, he hadn’t said anything yet, he’d just been staring at her with what he could only assume was an idiotic expression. He took in her expression, she was staring at her lap, her eyes wide, she looked tense, like she needed a hug.
Elias grabbed her and pulled her into his body, she tightened her arms around his waist and tucked her head into his neck. He could feel her heart racing, or was that his? He squeezed her tighter, trying to stall the inevitable. What was he supposed to say? “Yeah, Y/N I’ve had a massive crush on you, even before I met you in person. I’m pretty sure I might just be in love with you, sorry I never said anything. Oh, also, I can’t be with you because your brother and all of our friends would murder me.” Elias knew he wasn’t the smartest, but he wasn’t that much of an idiot.
Just then Y/N pulled back from the hug, looking much happier than before, her eyes met him and they both smiled fondly, just then Elias realized just how close their faces were. Shit, he really wanted to, he could feel her breath and his eyes flickered down to her lips. He unknowingly swiped his tongue over his, and she did the same and bit her lip ever so slightly. His heart was racing, she must be able to hear it. He leans in the slightest bit, to test the waters. To his surprise, she leans in the rest of the way and their lips finally connect.
It’s even more amazing than he ever would have imagined. Every nerve in his body is firing. He grabs her neck and they move together, in unison, and it's almost as if they’ve done this a thousand times before. It feels so easy, so natural, so perfect. He is by every definition, elated. He truly can’t believe this is happening. As he comes back to reality, he feels her hands siding up to his chest, she groans slightly as her hands settle on his shoulders. He slides his tongue across her lips and he can feel her shiver in reaction. They break apart for the first time, both panting into each other’s space, Elias is smiling bigger than he ever has. Their dilated eyes meet, he’s sure she’s probably noticed his flushed skin, his more-than-pale complexion doing no favors to hide it. Elias looks down and notices her smiling. Thank God.
She pulls back suddenly and speaks, “uh, sorry I just- um, I know you didn’t want that.” she stands up, “I-um- I’ll just-”
He touches her arm, making sure not to grab it. He doesn’t want to be controlling. “Hey, who said anything about me not wanting that” he was still smiling and looking up at her fondly, “trust me Y/N, I wanted that. I’ve wanted that for a lot longer than what you know.”
“What do you mean?”
“I have supposed that I may also have a “crush” on you too.”
“Fredrik? Are you going soft on me?” she teased.
“Ok, one: what is with you and my middle name, and two: I don't know if ‘soft’ is ever a word I would use to describe how I feel about you” he smirks, trying to mess with her. Which works as her expression clearly shows, her eyes widen and she looks away from him.
“Elias shut up, you’re such a douche,” though she’s grinning a little.
“Um, I don't know if you know what douche is, but if you want help, if you opened a dictionary, I’m pretty sure it would have a picture of Thatcher Demko, and Troy Stecher,” she laughs, there it is: that damn laugh. “You have the best laugh,” he says while giggling himself.
She smiles and looks into his eyes, purely beautiful as always. “Ok, well I will have you know, I like to call this a cackle” She eventually sits down next to him on the couch again, they’re facing each other, fully enthralled in each other’s presence. “Uh, so I’m not one to say these things, I have actually built up a reputation to explicitly avoid these conversations, but” she starts, “but- uh- what does all of this mean exactly? I like you, you like me, we kissed, I mean there’s obviously something here and I just- I guess, I’m not opposed to seeing where this could go, but you know, you could feel differently and that's ok-”
“Woah” he cuts her off as he’s laughing, “You’re rambling nervously, which is making me even more nervous than I already was, ok?” he placed his hand on her shoulder, “but I do have to tell you something,” this is where Elias took a pause and thought about what he should say, which he now realizes is a mistake due to how long it takes him to make decisions. But anyway, he had to decide if to tell you the entirety of the story, or to keep it brief and hope it comes up later at some point.
“Ah, yes.” he emerges from his thoughts, “so first I want to say that I also would love to see where this can go. I likes you-uh- more than a lot. But, I really have to figure something out before I can even think about doing anything with you, I just don't want to screw it up.”
“More than a lot, huh Fredrik?” you think about what he said. The fact that he felt the need to preface what he said with the fact that he also likes you and also wants to see where this can go, truly made you feel better. It felt like he wanted to make sure you didn’t misunderstand him, and that he didn’t want to hurt you. And obviously, you couldn’t let him get away with saying something like “I likes you- uh- more than a lot,” you did grow up hanging out with basically a shit ton of hockey guys, so you couldn't just let that slide. Plus, it was so cute how he said ‘likes’, instead of like, due to his language barrier.
“Yes, Y/N, more than a lot.” he rolled his eyes, “but is that ok with you, that I have to wait?”
“Yeah, that's fine. I mean as long as it’s not like a year, then that's fine,” you say, giggling.
“Oh god no, geez, not that long I promise. Maybe a month at most, I promise,” you both sit and laugh for a minute. You truly didn’t think he liked you, even as a friend, let alone as more than.
“You’re not going to go back to ignoring me, are you?”
“No, we can be friends until I figure that out. And I assume the reason we’re in here is that Brock thought I didn’t likes you. I mean he had mentioned it to me a few times but I obviously didn’t tell him why so,” he looked nervous, but you could see him try thinking of a way to change that. “ but hey, since we’re going to be friends now, your idiot brother will be pleased, and maybe he won’t lock us in a room again,” That makes you chuckle. You noticed that when you laughed, you could see Elias’s face light up, just a little bit, “I mean, not that it went horribly this time” and of course that made you laugh harder, which made him smile bigger. Then his face shifted a little bit, he looked more serious, “But hey, speaking of Brock, could you maybe not tell him, what we talked about in here?”
“Well, no shit. I wouldn’t tell him about this kind of thing on any day of the week anyways. He gets so nosey,” he looked relieved and smiled.
“Ok, so seeing as how we probably have some time to kill…” he grabbed a remote off of the table next to the couch and pressed a button. Then from the seemingly inconspicuous piece of furniture, a tv rose.
Your face was shocked, “I’m sorry, has it always done that??” you say, confused.
“Yeah. Y/N, you work here, how did you not know that?”
“Well I had seen a TV in here before but I thought they like took it away or needed to fix it or something, I didn’t know we had a magic tv in here!!” Elias laughed. “Wait, you waited till now to turn on the TV. we could have been watching TV this whole time!?”
“Yeah but then you wouldn’t have condensed your feelings for me.”
“Um, it was a mutual confession, jackass.”
Elias was smiling at your sass, “so what do you want to watch?”
“I know exactly what to watch,” you grab the remote from his hand and navigate to iCarly on the TV.
“Perfect,'' he says with a fond smile, and you both relax on the couch and watch the old nickelodeon classic. At this point, you both are sitting far enough apart so you look more like friends, just to make sure that if someone comes in, they cant think otherwise.
You watch 2 episodes and you are in the middle of the third when brock comes in. you both are laughing at spencer trying to tell everyone that a 13-year-old boy, Chuck, is torturing him, when you are both startled, “well you two seem to be having fun.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Brock,” Elias mutters, obviously scared from the sudden arrival of the jack-ass that you are forced to love and call your brother.
“Well if it isn't the champion of ass-facery, congratulations on the medal bro.”
“Ok, before you yell at me and hit me and tell on me to mom, it looks like it worked,” he says, gesturing to the two of you on the couch.
“Yes, it worked, he no longer hates me, blah blah blah.”
“Hey, I never hated you.”
“Suuuuuure,” you say, and you give him a wink only he can see, “well, either way-”
“Also,” Brock interrupts, “you technically did it to me first.”
“In fucking high school.”
“Y/N/N, high school was only 5 years ago. And technically should have been like 3 years ago for you but you went and graduated early so checkmate.”
“I think he’s got you there,” Elias spoke up.
“Wow, thanks ‘new friend,’” you said sarcastically, feeling teamed upon.
“You have no idea how happy it makes me that you two are friends now” Brock was smiling like an idiot at this point.
“Ok, well as much as I'd love to stay, I have to go and meet Hog, he doesn’t like to go to the store alone.”
“Aww, poor, sweet baby,” you said with a frown, "Tell him I say hi.”
“Will do!”
“Bye Petey.”
“Bye champion of ass-facery,” Elias shouts back
You laughed at that as Elias exited the room, leaving just you and your brother there.
“So are you really mad at me Y/N/N?”
You sigh “no, I guess not. I’m just glad he doesn’t hate me like I thought. And also he’s absolutely hilarious.”
“Right!! He’s so funny, and I just wanted you guys to get along. You’re basically the two most important people in my life and I didn’t want you two to be like you were forever. And if you didn’t notice, you two are so similar!”
“Aww Mr sensitive, you’re so sweeeeeet.”
“You’re such an ass,” he said chuckling.
You pull out your phone and check the time, “well, it’s time for me to depart. I do have a job and all.”
“Wait, that reminds me, why didn’t either of you use your phones and call someone?” he asked, “that was essentially the only flaw in my plan.”
Thought for a second, “shit. I mean we basically talked the whole time I guess neither of us thought to do that.” Brock smiled at you and giggled a little. “What?”
“Nothing, it’s just a little sweet, I guess.”
“Shut up ass-munch,” you shove him as you walk out of the door with a small smile on your face. These past 2-3 hours went much better than you would have thought, and now you have a new friend. And maybe at some point, a little more than that.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ———————— >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
taglist: @habsfan @suffering-canucks-fan @calgarycanuck @suffering-canucks-fan @2manytabsopen @callllumhood @mellany1997 @all-time-fanatic @Fitnessfreak498 @peachyotps @teamcanadasimp @iwantahockeyhimbo @aeyyy-ohhhh @nhlindblom @teenagekook @hockeymockeryandlove
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fallingappleshurt · 4 years
He won then we lost but it’s okay
( I wrote something for the FD!AU made by @antarctic-bay !! I love your AU so it was really fun to write something for it!! And if the original creator doesn’t like this then I’ll delete it!!
And keep in mind this writing isn’t canon!! It’s just a Drabble I wrote in like 6 non-consecutive hours! And I’m sorry for any funky formatting, I wrote this in a google doc then copied it here lmao)
(TW: Swearing and light ‘angst’)
The world moved in slow motion as the ball hit the rim, Tommy held his breath.
It slipped through the rim, the buzzer sounded.
Tommy let out the breath as a scream. He did it, he made the shot, they won.
They won.
He looked up to his brothers, Techno was screaming like a mad man, cheering loudly, “Oh my God! That’s my- that’s my brother! Holy shit!” Wilbur was just as loud, throwing his arms around Techno as they yelled.
And Phil.
He made it.
He stood there with the biggest grin on his face, eyes shining as he cheered. For him.
It was the best feeling.
Then his team was surrounding him, cheering, clapping him on his shoulders, messing up his hair. He was laughing, it was a happy, half- hyperventilating, shriek as a few of his team mates attempted to pick him up.
Soon the crowd was clearing and his brothers were moving onto the court to congratulate him. Techno slung an arm around his shoulder while Wilbur messed up his hair, laughing.
Phil smiled at him, eyes shining with pride.
“Tommy that was amazing, I’m so proud of you!”
Tommy smiled so hard his face hurt.
Techno and Wilbur were listening as Tommy babbled on about the points he scored when Phil went to talk to Coach Pete.
“Since Tommy joined the team he’s been so great, you can almost forget about him being a delinquent!”
The three youngers froze in place, none of them dared move as Phil scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Ever since Tommy joined the team, he’s been fighting much less than before, it’s wonderful.”
“Yes, I guess it is.” Phil turned slowly to look at his younger brothers, who all smiled nervously back.
“Run,” Techno hissed at them.
“Tech’s right, he can’t catch us all.” Wilbur agreed.
“Well, it’s been a long day, I’m sure you guys are tired,” Phil said, throwing an arm around Wilbur’s shoulders, “And we have a few things to discuss, don’t we boys?”
They walked towards the car awkwardly, Techno and Tommy climbed into the backseat while Wilbur and Phil got upfront. Once they started to pull out of the parking lot Phil started;
“What the fuck did he mean?” He asked, looking back sharply at Tommy.
“Well, um, you see, so-” Tommy stammered before looking at Techno, “Help me out a little here!”
“You’re the delinquent dude,” Was all he got.
“Oh my god, you’re useless- anyways, uh, I learned how to fight at Deo’s Dojo, cause people at our school- people at our school really suck, man, they suck and I wanted to be able to defend myself and others, ya know?”
Phil nodded slowly, with an eyebrow raised, “Okay, that still doesn’t explain the ‘delinquent’ thing.”
“He was essentially being a vigilante, since bullying is a big problem at our school, he stops a lot of it.” Techno added, “If it makes you feel better, I checked him over, he was never hurt too badly.”
“So you knew about it?”
Techno’s face dropped slightly, “Uhhhh, there is a great possibility that I did.”
“Wilbur was in on it too!” Tommy blurted out, trying to take some of the heat off Techno.
“What!” Phil ripped his eyes off the road to gape at Wilbur while Wilbur himself whipped around to glare at Tommy,“Seriously?!”
“All three of you were doing this shit?!” Phil snapped, looking back at the road.
“Not the fighting, I just helped figure out who was an asshole, Tommy beat them up, and Techno made sure Tommy was okay afterwards.” Wilbur crossed his arms, looking out the window.
“How- how did you three even manage to pull this off?”
“Wilbur knows a lot of people and was able to get information from them. Techno did medical research to make sure he knew what to do and I practiced a lot, so it just kind of worked.” Tommy mumbled.
Phil just shook his head slightly, “Well, for starters you guys are grounded.”
“Yeah, I saw that coming.” Wilbur shrugged.
“Thanks a lot Tommy,” Techno grumbled,
“What do you mean ‘Thanks a lot Tommy’? You gladly helped me!”
“Not gladly-”
“Fucking lies dude! Lies!”
They continued down the road in silence, tension filled the air, when Tommy noticed Phil’s shoulders start to shake, it took him a minute to realize that Phil was laughing.
It started out as a quiet chuckle that grew into guffawing.They were at a stoplight when it evolved into loud, infectious,cackling, soon they were laughing along with him, nervousness and tension fading away as Phil shoved his face in his hand.
“It’s just,” He broke off laughing, “It’s so stupid, How- how did you even manage to pull this off?” He cackled again before taking a breath, eyes raking over his younger brothers, “You guys are idiots,” He grinned fondly and Tommy sighed, It was a good night.
They had arrived home and Tommy immediately went to shower, once he got out and changed he stepped into his shared room he was greeted by Techno, who was laying upside down on his bed, rolling a fidget cube between his fingers, and Wilbur, who was on the floor, scribbling in a notebook.
“What are you guys doing?”
“We are still feeling kind of bad about the whole, so we wanted to do something for Phil,” Techno explained.
“We are between making a big feast for dinner tomorrow for both you and Phil or some off brand fourth of July thing with possibly illegal firecrackers,” Wilbur said, biting the end of his pencil.
“Definitely the dinner,” Tommy said flatly, flopping down on his bed, exhausted, “We don’t need him more upset with whatever option two was.”
“Yeah, we were leaning towards that.”
“You should have been falling towards it,” Tommy said, throwing his towel on his desk chair.
“Next part is what should we make? I think a whole chicken would-”
“Wait!” Techno shot up suddenly, “Hang on!” He rushed out of the room, tripping over his own feet.
“Could you have an attention span longer than two minutes?” Wilbur called after him, rolling his eyes. A few minutes later Techno came back into the room and slid towards Wilbur on his knees, shoving a dusty box at him.
“What the hell is that?” Tommy asked, rolling over to look at his brothers.
“Are those mom’s old recipes?” Wilbur asked, sitting up.
“Yes! Phil said one of these was his favorite! I don’t exactly remember which one but it’s one of these!” Techno grinned widely, Wilbur flipped through the worn recipes, gaping, “Tech this is perfect!”
“I think his favorite was the chicken parm or something like that.” Tommy said, leaning over the edge of his bed.
“I think he’s right,” Techno agreed.
After twenty minutes of scheming and sorting they had a plan, it was almost perfect when Tommy asked; “Wait, how are we going to get all of the ingredients? We’re grounded!”
“I got it covered,” Wilbur said, pulling out his phone, texting someone, a few moments later he grinned before slipping it back in his pocket.
“My friend is gonna pick up the ingredients for us in the morning and drop them off, so we technically won’t break any rules.”
“This’ll be great! As long as we can pull it off!” Tommy beamed, Techno and Wilbur nodded in agreement. They’d make it up to their brother.
The next morning after Phil headed off to work, Wilbur’s friend showed up with all of the ingredients, after they unloaded it all and Wilbur paid them back, painfully, they were ready to start. Techno started picking up around the apartment more while Wilbur and Tommy prepped the kitchen.
“Tommy do you know how to dice things?”
“Oh my God, it’s gonna be a long day.”
After a long day of cooking, cleaning, and baking, it was finally done. They had set the table, the food was out, the cake Techno made was chilling in the fridge and most of the dishes were done, all that was left to do was wait.
And that was the worst part.
Ten minutes later and Phil finally walked through the door, shoulders drooping.
“Hey guys,” He greeted weakly, waving at Wilbur in the kitchen. He set down his bag and coat on the couch then looked over at the table to see it fully set, covered in food and his brothers standing next to it with nervous smiles.
“Surprise!” Tommy’s voice was barely stronger than a whisper, he watched as life flooded back into Phil’s eyes.
“What- what is this?” He took a step closer.
“We wanted to celebrate Tommy’s victory and try to make up the whole delinquent, vigilante thing, so we did this,” Tommy explained quietly, “Do you like it?”
“This, guys, this is-” Phil paused, a gentle smile pulled at his lips as he chuckled, “This is amazing.” He wrapped an arm around them, eyes watering;
“I’m so proud of you guys.”
(Why does tumblr not like my italics??)
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danddymaro · 4 years
Nameless Girl | Shizuo Heiwajima x Reader
I remember when I first watched Durarara years ago, I instantly liked Shizou. Such a sweet, misunderstood man.
‘ example’ = Italics in quotations are thoughts
example = Italics W/out are flashbacks
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Nameless Girl
She hadn’t expected to ever find herself filled with such excitement, much less having thought that it would come right to her,
But it did, and it started out like any other day...
“Yes,” she replied dully, “ I’m almost home dummy, stop worrying,” she said with a smile, trying to shake off her good friend’s worry. “I know it’s getting dark, but trust me the streets are packed,” (f/n) argued back, “So, nothing’s gonna happen,” she assured (best friend’s name.)
News of the Slasher set off worry, and her good friend was one of the many people set on protective overdrive,
“ Alright, Alright, I’ll message you when I get home, alright?” (f/n) said with a soft smile, shaking her head as she was still on the phone.
From the other line an exasperated voice continued to jabber, annoyed at the casual manner the young woman dismissed it with,
“-Ok, Ok Bye!” (f/n) laughed, hanging up. “I swear nothing will happen!” She added with assurance trying to play off the seriousness with her chuckle.
Because what were the odds she’d be attacked?
What were the odds something so extraordinary would happen to the ordinary?
She was ready to put her phone back in her jacket’s pocket when she suddenly fell back. Her cell, which had been in her right hand, practically flew from her loose grasp as she came down.
It then slid farther from her and onto the crowded street, making her eyes round widely,
“Oh shit!” she fretted, crawling towards the fallen, little technological piece with haste. Fortunately, she hadn’t taken long to react, scrambling off from her ass and crawling towards the cell before someone carelessly stomped on it.
Once her hand came in contact with the phone the young woman snatched it and clutched it close to her chest, almost afraid to take a moment to look down at it, knowing it could be cracked.
Yet again she cursed, hoping to high heaven that it was just fine, or that at the very least, it had a tiny, itsy bitsy scratch she could just ignore.
Standing up, she gave a quick heave before dashing her (e/c) eyes down to the cell, finding it to be safe from any nasty damage.
Not a single chip or crack was in sight making her cry out of utter joy,
“Yes!” she chirped, her face wiped off of any trace of negative emotion, instead, looking elated.
It had taken her months to pay it off, and she would have been heartbroken to know the small splurge she’d invested in hadn’t lasted even a year.
‘Luck is on my side!’ She cheered.
A low rumble of curses then brought her eyes forward, causing them to land onto a man who seemed to be in a similar position as she was,
‘Hold on,’ She thought to herself, feeling her blood run cold. ‘You've got to be kidding me,’ She inwardly cried.
As she had trailed her eyes up to him, her breath hitched, immediately recognizing him from the descriptions, and biting her tongue, she refrained from saying something stupid that could trigger him.
He was someone an everyday person would gossip of, but never have the nerve to face, not even in a wild dream...
‘Shizuo Heiwajima.’ She confirmed once taking a second look at his outfit.
It was the same Shizuo Heiwajima she’d been warned to stay away from. The same one that couldn’t control his rage, who terrorized the entire city with flying vending machines on a daily occurrence as well.
‘THAT Shizuo Heiwajima...’ She thought to herself visibly shrinking. ‘Lucky me’ She panned, taking back her earlier declaration of good fortune.
“I’m so sorry!” she squeaked, quickly bowing her head in apology, “ I should have watched where I was going!” she blubbered, “ I’m really sorry!” she rambled on before the man, sticking her head down with the utmost respect.
‘Please don’t kill me!’ She translated in her mind, hoping he understood the unspoken cry through her apology.
Watching with widened eyes, he stared down the young woman with a look of surprise worn on his face. His full attention was on her to such a degree that almost everything else became an afterthought. Heck, even the guy he’d been chasing down became irrelevant by then.
He had even forgotten why he had been so angry in the first place…
‘Some dumbass…’ He dumbly thought to himself, ‘It’s always some dumbass,’ He added, knowing it was true.
“That dumbass who’s probably gone by now,” he tisked to himself, slowly coming back to his senses, his shoulders dropping in defeat.
Taking notice of his rather passive, defeated behavior she stood up with returning confidence, her concern growing for him instead,
“Hey...I didn’t hurt you did I?” she asked with worry, taking a small step forward, a notable concern visible on her lovely face. However, it was clearly noted she was still cautious not to come too close, despite the placid kindness being directed at him.
‘I wasn't the one that just flew a couple of feet…’ He thought to himself as he shook his head.
He then stared stunned at her as he saw her hand open before him. Nervously, her hand stretched out to him and with graciousness he took it, soon standing at his full height and towering before her,
‘I guess I should just thank her,’ He thought to himself, intent on doing so, however, he found difficulty in doing so.
He opened his mouth to speak, letting nothing but a small croak escape his dry mouth. With pursed lips he continued to stare down at the female, not knowing how to push out the jumbled words from his mouth.
To his misfortune, his voice caught in his throat, and instead of being a normal human being with actual social skills, he turned, walking away stiffly.
That day, Shizuo Heiwajima cowered, leaving the dumbfounded cutie with confusion in regards to their first encounter.
“Wait...what was really him?” She said softly, murmuring to herself with wonder.
She lightly gnawed at her thumb’s already abused and previously chewed little nail, not sure what to really think of him.
‘ Rather odd, but not at all some monstrous freak, ’ she thought to herself. ‘...Kind of cute actually,’ she mused with a small, girlish giggle. “Kind of cute?” she said out loud to herself as she contemplated over her daring, little thought.
“More like handsome, kind of charming,” she corrected herself thinking back to the man and the little stain of pink that may or may not have been painted over his face.
‘But wasn’t he supposed to bash my face in?’ She wondered. ‘Beat me up?’ She added, confused, though grateful none were part of the aftermath of their collision.
Her thoughts were then halted when she heard a different voice, deep and masculine with a heavy hint of an accent clearly not native to Japan,
“ Come try Russian sushi, yes?” The man said, offering her a gigantic smile of welcome.
“Russian sushi?” she repeated back, confused, “Is there such a thing?” she muttered before she turned to the voice.
And In her vision was a very tall man, with dark skin and grey eyes peering down at her.
She jumped seeing such a gigantic man towering over her, but quickly calmed at seeing he was just offering her a piece of paper.
Gingerly she accepted it, her eyes skimming over it.
“Ah, Russian sushi, so Russian accent,” she confirmed with a nod.
“Yes, yes, come try, you will like!” He said as he began to push her towards his shop. “ It's fresh! it's good!” He insisted, not giving her room for denial.
She sweatdropped as she allowed herself to be pushed inside because she knew that even if she tried to oppose, she doubted he’d let her slip by without her giving his restaurant a try.
Staying was a decision she didn't regret because she did enjoy it there and if she could give it an 8/10, a rating she’d be more than willing to rethink once she came back later in the week.
Her life then went on as usual, with the same ol same ol, except for one, tiny, little detail,
‘Shizuo,’ She mused, wondering just what he’d been up to the last few weeks.
Nothing had changed in her life except for the fact that every now and then, far too often in her opinion, she thought of the blonde man. Sometimes it was unexpected, remembering him throughout the course of the uneventful weeks with fondness.
Other times, like the present time, she willingly thought of him, wanting to know if the rumors about him were true,
‘Does he always wear that suit, and nothing more?’ She pondered, truly curious.
It was a cold winter night and Ikebukuro looked beautiful, a lovely sight to behold. The gentle descension of snowfall was a pretty sight to witness as it covered everything in sight, painting the streets with pure white.
As the snow came dancing down from the sky and peppering the streets with teenie dots of white, she smiled happily, not at all in opposition to the chillier days to come.
It was the first snow day of many to come, and she looked forward to what days lay ahead, fully prepared to enjoy each and every one.
She liked snow, and of course, what was much more, the chilliness of the night.
Momentarily, (f/n) found herself stopping, gazing up at the snowfall with memorization as the rest of the crowd went along their night, almost as though nothing had changed.
Almost like the beautiful sight was something of the everyday,
‘I guess that's what city life is,’ she thought to herself, taking into consideration that in such a buzzing and packed city, people didn’t have time to just stand and stare at the sky as idly as she did.
They had places to go, people to be with...
And those who weren't in a rush to get home had already had enough of the season.
Her tongue peeked from her lips, sticking out straight in wait of a teenie, little dot or two to land on it. And it didn’t take long before she caught some, having them instantly melt onto her warm muscle.
“ ah...I really do love Ikebukuro.” She mumbled, keeping her nose lifted, staring up at the darkened sky with glazed eyes of astonishment. “It’s so lovely here,” she added, digging her gloved hands in her coat pockets as she began to walk forward mindlessly.
She didn’t have a real destination, nowhere she had to really be at the moment, so decided she wanted to see more of the busy city.
Maybe she’d find some new place to eat, a new place to shop...
Heck, even some new friends.
‘I should get to talking to more people,’ She mused, knowing that co-workers didn’t really count. 
She did also have (best friend) But they were out of the city, a long way from each other, studying off elsewhere to work on their dream career.
‘Maybe I should have also gone...’ She thought to herself, ‘Maybe I should have just taken the risk...go off somewhere else.’ She thought dejected.
‘Thinking of taking risks...’ she added while her mind yet again drifted off to the strange man she had met a couple of weeks ago,
‘Shizuo, I wonder if I’ll ever see you again... I also wonder If It'd be such a bad idea to go and look for you...’ she continued while her mind went to the blonde male, well aware that she had gotten an innocent, little infatuation with him.
With a blue sigh, she pouted, ‘Figures I’d set myself on someone so
Her body then clashed with another and she fell back with a small yelp, startled by the collision.
“Ahh man,” she sighed, and she winced as she slowly rose her head up, looking up at the man standing before her. And as luck would have it had been the one person she had found herself thinking of just a little too much lately,
Shizuo Heiwajima...
‘ It’s him, ‘ she thought while her (e/c) colored eyes rounded, a smile rising.
The same blonde-haired, sunglass-wearing guy from before was right there and to her disappointment, he looked not all too different from the first time she'd encountered him.
With the colder weather, everyone had decided to switch out to burlier clothing, something to bring warmth, but Shizuo was the strange man out, wearing the same bartender suit as that previous night, having nothing at all to save him from the cold night.
He looked exactly as he did the last time they met, except now he was adorned with few bruises over his face, red little blotches staining his white button-up shirt as well.
He tisked, a sound of obvious annoyance, preparing himself to give whatever idiot that crashed into him a good scare, when he stopped dead in his tracks, staring at the person with widened eyes.
'No way,’ He thought while marveling at her.
it was the same girl that he ran into before, now sitting right in front of him, the same little, startled expression she had worn the first time being present.
‘Ah, damn…’ He thought to himself as he felt his mouth go dry, the little bit of saliva that he could gather up forcibly traveling down his throat as he tried to prep himself to say something, preferably something nice.
Something that wouldn't make her run off too quickly….
“Maybe this is how we’ll keep meeting, eh?” She said smiling, beating him, seeming to not think twice about starting a little conversation with him.
“You keep running into me,” she added, smiling with amusement, a hint of tease in her playful tone.
‘Does she even know who I am ?’ he wondered with a small huff.
“Yeah…” He responded, holding out his hand to her, one she took without hesitance.
Everything went by swimmingly until she frowned, pursing her lips together and sighing, seeming annoyed with something.
“ Oh... You shouldn't be walking around like that.” She Chided, shaking her head in disapproval and pointing towards him, more specifically his attire.
He looked down at his clothing and wondered just what the heck she was talking about, what bothering his choice of clothing did to her.
“It's so cold outside,” she said shaking her head at him. “....And you're wearing that,” she said in a knowing manner, a hand on her hip, fully judging him.
“ so ?” he responded, a bit roughly, raising his defenses up as she attacked his outfit, the same one his brother had so kindly given him.
“The so is that you’ll get sick,” she said in a ‘matter of fact’ fashion, her face showing worry, melting into sweet concern.
“ you don't know me,” he responded back, stuffing his hands in his pockets, glaring down at her, chewing on his tongue, knowing he was sounding like a complete asshole. He didn’t want to sound so sharp and dismissive, but she was making him nervous, the little woman making his heart grow erratic.
He’d been practicing small talk, little things he could say to her if he ever had the chance of running into her again, but as he found himself at the perfect moment to use his mirror exercises, he blanked.
“So?” She said copying in his earlier response, making his eyebrow twitch. “ I might not know you, but you can still get sick,” She elaborated.
‘Walking out in the cold like this,’ She thought with lightly pressed lips.
Didn’t anyone worry about the man?
Unwrapping the warm scarf around her neck she offered it to him with a gentle smile, “ Here,” she said to him. She held it out practically shoving it in his face, “ just take this,” she added softly. 
To anyone else, the offer may have been easy to understand, but he seemed to not get the gist of what she was doing, staring quizzically at the held out piece of cloth.
Like before he said nothing and only stared down at her, the same face caught in between anger, frustration, and just a whole lot of other mixes of messy emotions he wasn’t well at controlling.
She gave him an exasperated smile and shook her head while seeming entertained by him, and he wondered if she smiled so much around everyone else.
Was she all giggles and smiles?
Was she always so cute?
“I can tell you're not the type of guy for hand me outs, especially from some stranger,” she giggled. “ nonetheless...take it please,” she added.
His eyes were unreadable to her as she couldn't see past the tinted frames, but if she had been able to peek past them she would have easily noticed that they were practically glowing with appreciation.
His hardened hazelnut orbs softened and glimmering with gratefulness he couldn't properly put into words because yet again his voice had died.
He inwardly cursed, belittling his stubborn mouth for not moving all while he berated himself for not being a normal human being.
And perhaps his behavior seemed strange to others, but to her it was endearing.
“Maybe next time we run into each other you can hand it back,” she told him, her heart fluttering at the idea.
She giggled against her will at the noticeable tinge of pink on his pale cheeks, because with such a serious face he looked adorable.
And once again, she wondered if this man, Shizuo Heiwajima was the same one the vicious rumors had made him out to be.
Was he really a violent man? Terrifying?
‘ Not likely...’ she thought.
She’d only met him twice, and each time it was pleasant to encounter.
He had the right to snap at her for bumping into him, but he didn’t. Instead, he stayed quiet, just shy enough to show off the sweet rosy color now present on his cheeks.
If anything, she concluded that he was just a bit more on the less social side, which she understood, being somewhat of an introvert herself.
“So just take it, It's fine !” she chirped with insistence. Giving him no escape by following up with a wave, dashing through the filled streets on her way home, grinning wildly, her heart happy and bouncing with each step.
“- Please take care of yourself! ” she advised him before running off into the crowd and eventually disappearing away through the mass of people.
She just wanted to go home now, push her face against a pillow and squeal, gush like a teen with a massive crush,
‘I can’t believe I ran into him again!
And I can’t believe I gave my scarf to him!’
It was only a matter of seconds before she vanished, not a strand of ( h/c) hair being left behind to trail after.
- Only then could he begin to function properly, finding his voice.
He then stared down at the piece of clothing and sighed, reluctantly wrapping it properly around his neck, his gloved hand momentarily stroking it, not being able to feel the material with his own hands, but from the way it tickled at the back of his neck, he could feel the softness, and even the warmth she left behind on it.
“At Least it's not flashy,” he muttered looking down at it.
It wasn't designed in any particular way that stood out, just a simple black color that seemed to be knitted wool.
if anyone were to see him wearing it they wouldn’t assume it belonged to anyone else but him.
But there was just one thing that was off...
A distinguishable scent invaded his senses, blocking out the rest of the city's mixed uniqueness, becoming the overpowering fragrance.
With his right hand, he pushed the material around his neck up slightly above his pointed nose, smothering it with the sweet smell.
‘ perfume.’ He figured, ‘ Her perfume...’
He stood motionless for a few seconds, lost in his thoughts, many of which were about the (h/c) woman, but he knew they had no true importance.
They were things like :
Did she knit the scarf herself? Or had she bought it?
Had a friend been thoughtful enough to give it to her?
Was it just perfume? Or was it the fabric softener she used?
Was it maybe body wash?
All he knew was that it was a sweet, little smell that surrounded him, making his mind grow jumbled with thoughts of the young woman, most of which included questions he had about her since he first saw her.
It made the already noticeable blush on his cheeks worsen, and he huffed in frustration.
His warm breath collided with the chilly air and made a large puff of white cloud form,
“Damn it …” he muttered, looking back to the direction (f/n) ran off to.
He should've thanked her...
He should have said something other than grunt like some wild boar...
He really should have...
‘I’m such an idiot,’ He thought to himself.
He regretted not doing so for the second time, proving he was nothing more than some unsociable buffoon not capable of even giving her a well deserved and good-natured thank you.
“Damn it !” he said louder, wanting to bash his head into a brick wall, maybe more than once… perhaps a good three or four times just to make sure he did a good job.
If he pushed everyone aside and sent their frail bodies flying as he dashed through... Would he then reach her..?
Would he somehow be able to find that sweet, little lady now that the full streets of Ikebukuro had swallowed her up? Or were their meetings only chance?
Two chances he had already blundered.
“It’d be my luck,” he grumbled, thinking about the possibility that this had been his one shot.
‘ What was her name?’ He wondered, inwardly cursing at the fact that in those two times, he hadn’t even bothered to ask for her name. She knew him very well, his name and his reputation, and yet she was a mystery to him.
A cute face without a name...
“She’s probably gone by now..” He said looking up at the darkened sky.
‘ She was pretty cute... ‘
So cute he thought about her again that night, not knowing he was on her mind with similar regrets.
He took a low drag of his cigarette, the last of the death stick as he thought about her some more. By that point, nothing was able to give him ease as even his favorite brand of smoke was falling short.
He looked down at his watch's face, the hour hand finally changing before his eyes.
In his opposite hand, he held the black scarf, unintentionally squeezing it tight in his nervous hand.
Leaned against an open shop’s wall he waited for her to show up, having realized that it was around the time she usually passed by.
With another hour passing him, and an extra twenty-five minutes to add along to the waiting time, Shizuo sighed largely, his head hanging,
“ I look like an idiot, “ he muttered, his grip on the scarf tightening.
The hand where he wore his watch was also full, holding a small arrangement of flowers he had picked out, now being bent at their stems.
Pushing himself off from the building, he decided to go back home, having spent too much of his time waiting on someone that wouldn't show.
Someone he didn’t even know...
In all his frustrated disappointment he then caught the sight of (h/c) colored hair, the side profile of a familiar beauty walking right past him.
It was a desperate, daring move, but as she took a step forward his arm shot out, pressed against her midsection to hold her back, causing her to suddenly yelp.
“Hey just who-” Stopping midway through her rant she looked up at the blonde, her face instantly brightening, rid of all the trace of annoyance she had begun to show,
“Oh Shizuo!” she chirped, smiling brightly as though she’d just caught sight of an old friend.
“It’s really you!” She said with a small grin, not at all bothered by their proximity, nor his intimate hold on her, seeming somewhat disappointed when he let go, giving her the ability to properly face him,
“Here,” he said stiffly, shoving the crushed blossoms in her hands, and with Wide eyes, she gazed down at them,
‘He got me flowers,’ She mused, not able to hide the instant wash of giddiness that drowned her.
‘He got me flowers...’ She thought again as he walked alongside her, suggesting to walk her home, his justification being that there was a murder on the streets, one he’d protect her from.
‘He’s walking me home...’ She added, her face glowing the entire time.
“Thank you for walking me home,” she said softly, speaking with notable appreciation, “And for the scarf,” she added. “ Oh… and the flowers, “ she continued on, still holding on to the ruined bouquet, holding them with both hands, caring for them as though they hadn’t been completely destroyed by his stupid strength already.
“Yeah…” he muttered, his face drawing away from her, but his eyes peering down to the small flowers, slowly trailing them up to the small, pretty smile she wore.
“Well...this is it,” She informed him, stopping at a small apartment complex, “Luckily for me, it's right at the front,” She told him, gesturing towards the small entranceway facing the street.
“Um...Shizuo?” She said softly, seeming shy at the little utter. She gestured him closer with her index finger, and surely he came down to her, thinking she had something else to say, but to his surprise she came up to him, softly pressing her lips over his cheek, her warm lips spreading heat through his entire face, going against the chilly air’s own caress.
Backing away from him she hid behind her door, peeking out at him, her pretty (e/c) eyes batting, “ Thank you Shizuo… thank you for being gentleman,” she told him, seconds before she closed the door on him, a soft click of the door properly closing up, followed by another as she placed the lock on it sounded.
Dumbly, he stood motionless, staring at the spot before him where she had stood. With his hand slowly raising up, his fingers grazed over the small spot she had kissed him.
He couldn't believe she had actually done it or even considered it.
Putting his hand in his pockets he then hung his head, realizing he hadn't asked her for her name yet again.
They’d actually talked, swapping little mindless stories, and he was even led to her home, yet still had no name.
“Unbelievable,” he muttered while he hung his head, however this time around, he wasn’t defeated.
He wore a small smile, still feeling the ghost of the sweet press to his cheek present over his flesh.
‘Well...there's always tomorrow,’ He thought to himself, chuckling to himself as he thought of all the little excuses he could make to talk to her, knowing that it probably wasn’t necessary for him to wait out her door, because eventually, they’d run into each other again,
‘I’ll get it right,’ He mused, his walk back home pleasant as he thought of all the ways he could try and make her smile.
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Safety First
Title:  Safety First Summary: Reader gets sick while hunting and she can’t stay back on this. Dean is there to make sure she is safe. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Prompts: “Hold my hand, we gotta make this look convincing!” / “Can we fight so we can have angry makeup sex later?” Warnings: Sickness, fever, fever nightmares, flirting, sex (mention) Word Count: 1832 This was written for the SPN Bi-Weekly Challenge of @supernatural-jackles A/N: I’m sorry if there are any mistakes, English isn’t my mother tongue and I’m still learning. Prompts are bolded and in italics. Enjoy your reading!
-”Hold my hand, we gotta make this look convincing” — Dean told you to your ear -Stop it! You are making way too obvious if you keep saying it — you said -I know, but I want to finish this as soon as possible. I want to go back home -Me too De, me too — you said sighing
Truth is, you’ve been on the road for 5 weeks now, hunting non-stop, case after case. You all were really tired. You deserved a break, especially you and Dean. The relationship between you two was pretty intense, one moment you cared for each other and then you wanted to kill each other. Basically, now you were at the point of wanting to kill the other. This seemed to be a simple ghost case; it needed to be done fast because Sam was about to lose his head with your fights, he definitely wanted to kill both of you.
-Come on sweetheart, just a little longer -Did Sammy find something? — You ignored what Dean told you. -No, he hasn’t finished yet, but if you want we can go and help him -Yeah, but first let’s finish our night with a little love dance -you whispered -Let’s dance my love -Dean said loud enough to be heard
He gave you his hand for you to stand up. He took you to the dance floor where a few couples were dancing. 
-You know hun, we should extend our stay for a few more days, this place is beautiful — you said -What? — Dean said perplexed -The receptionist is looking at us -you said to his ear hugging him -Your wishes are my command, my love -he said closing the distance between you
You were about to kiss him when a wave of dizziness hit you and you tighten your grip on Dean’s arm.
-Babe, are you alright? -Yeah, is probably the alcohol -you said smiling -I think it’s time to go to bed. Come on -He grabbed you from the waist and headed to the elevator
Dean’s grip was strong, he was worried about you. Once in the elevator, Dean never stopped looking at you. It was getting uncomfortable.
-Would you stop looking at me? You’re making it uncomfortable -How are you feeling? — He asked you — I know it’s not the alcohol -I’m fine, De — you couldn’t finish your sentence when another wave of dizziness hit you. This was way stronger — Ow -Hey, I’ve got you. We’re almost there — his grip tightened more. Now you were worried too. Your vision got blurry and started to see black dots -Dean, I think I’m about to pass out — you warned him -Hey hey, look at me. I’ve got you, everything is going to be fine — Dean said when the elevator doors opened. Dean instantly hugged you from the waist and directed you towards your room. -We are almost there, love. Hang on — He kept saying
You took a step inside your room, your body gave up and everything went black.
-Y/N! -Dean scream grabbing your limp body -Crap! -Sam rushed towards you -Dean, what the hell -I don’t know man, we were fine pretending and she started to feel dizzy. She said it was alcohol, but we know it’s not true. -Ok, laid her in bed -Sam said -Sam, her body is warm — Dean commented — It might be fever
When Sam brought the medkit, Dean had already laid you in bed and took your shoes off.
-Mhm? — you groaned -Easy, sweetheart — Dean said moving your hair from your face -How are you feeling N/N? — Sam asked you -Thirsty — you said -I’ll bring her some water — Dean said squeezing your shoulder
Sam sat next to you on the bed and handed you the thermometer. You waited a few minutes until it beeped.
-Well, you have a fever of 101.3° F. You should rest, and we will keep an eye on you — Sam said -Thank you, Sammy — You said when Dean entered the room -I brought some cold medicine and ibuprofen from Baby — He mentions — So? — He asked Sam -She definitely has a fever, and for now, she needs to rest while we do some research.
You took the pills and the water and grabbed a book to do some research.
-What do you think you’re doing? — Dean asked you -Let me be, Dean. You know I’m going to fall asleep in less than 5 minutes -If you are still awake in 5 minutes, I’m taking that book with me -Fine by me
Dean left you with your book and within 5 minutes, you were fast asleep. Dean went to grab the book you were reading and he touched your forehead to check your temperature.
-Dude, I’m worried about her — He said to Sam -Me too Dean, but luckily we will finish this sooner -Yeah
Sam and Dean kept researching what was causing the killings in the hotel. A few hours later Dean kept doing research and with Sam asleep next to him. The boys found out it was a vengeful spirit that lost his wife in the hotel with a tragic death. You needed to find what was attaching the spirit to the hotel. You started to toss and turn on the bed, Dean went to check on you. He sat next to you and pressed a hand on your forehead. 
-Oh sweetheart — Dean said — shh don't worry, I've got you — he kept saying while caressing your cheek
He noticed your frown, he knew something was bothering your sleep and broke his heart not being able to help you. He tried to calm you without waking up, you needed all the possible rest. You started to whisper, like if you were fighting. It was time to wake you up.
-Y/N, sweetheart, wake up — he said shaking your shoulder
You sat in bed scared and choking with a sob. Your arms flew to Dean's. He held you without complaining. 
-It's ok hun, everything is going to be ok -Dean said running his fingers through your sweaty hair -De? You called him -what is it N/N? -can we — you hiccupped— "can we fight so we can have angry makeup sex later?" -What? — he hesitated on answering you. He didn't know if you were joking, or sleepy or if it was the fever talking — uh… yeah sure, why not? — he said, feeling the heat radiating from your body -Good, because I wanted to have angry sex with you for a while now — you said
You probably weren't going to remember any of this. Dean thought to better ignore it and held you. Sam woke up and saw you two hugging, it melted his heart, but then he heard you crying.
-Sammy wake up — Dean said holding you -I'm awake -I think her fever spiked up, her body is hot, she is shivering and all sweaty -Check her fever, I'm going to prepare the bath, just in case — Sam said to Dean, and he nodded -Ok sweetheart, we have to check your fever. Open — You started to giggle interrupting him and Dean was confused. -Sweetheart, what's funny? -There is someone behind you with a funny face — you said giggling -What?
Dean couldn't process what you had said when Sam appeared in the room again
-Dean! Look out! — Sam shouted hitting the ghost with iron -Crap! We better hurry — Dean said putting the thermometer in your mouth.A few minutes later it beeped -106° F -We need to break it. The bath is ready — Sam said -Good — Dean said grabbing you bridal style and taking you to the bathroom
He took your clothes off leaving you just in your underwear, doing the same with his.
-Stay with her for a little. I'll do some more research — Sam said from the other room.
Dean was massaging your scalp to help you relax. You had your eyes closed, the warm water relaxing your body, unconsciously you moaned making Dean twitched beneath you
-Sweetheart? — Dean called you -Mhm? -How are you feeling? — he moved you a little to see your face -Tired and cold -We will have to stay for a few more minutes darling, don't worry. I'll keep you safe
After hearing Dean saying those words, you sighed and relaxed. You knew he was going to protect you from everything and anything. It made your heart full. Respecting what he told you, a few minutes later he took you out of the bathtub and dried you off taking you to the bed again.
-Sam can you check her temperature? Her body is not hot anymore -Sure thing — Sam said coming closer to you
You were running out of time, the end of the fourth day was coming which meant that the spirit was going to attack you any minute, and you didn't know how to kill it yet. Sam gave you the thermometer and waited. When it beeped he took it from you
-So? -you asked -102.2°F. You still have a fever, so we have to be careful. -Ok. How are we going to kill this thing? — You asked -Well — Dean said appearing into the room again — We have to go to our anniversary dinner tonight -Ok, I’ll go get ready, you two finish the research — You said -Are you sure you are ready? — Dean said walking to your side -We have to do it, De. There’s no other way, you know it -I hate to say this but she’s right, Dean — Sam agreed with you -Ok -Dean sighed — Let’s get ready then
When you got up from bed your legs gave out crashing onto Dean’s arms
-Are you sure you’ll be fine? — Dean asked you worried -Yes, De. Don’t worry -I do because I need to know that you’ll be safe out there -I promise you, I’ll be safe. Besides I have my dearest husband by my side — you said winking at him -Y/N — Dean called you in a warning tone -Seriously De, do you want to keep fighting over this? Does this mean you want to have sex with me? — you asked him and he looked at you surprised you remembered that -We will see what happens with the sex. I just want you to be safe — Dean said looking to your eyes
Truth is you’ve always felt safe next to Dean. Whatever was going on with you, he made you feel safe, whereas is just a squeeze to the shoulder, an encouraging phrase, or those reserved hugs he has for you. He was the safest place on earth.
-You make me feel safe — You whispered while hugging him.
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auror-lovie · 3 years
Fairytale: Fairytale (Newt Scamander)
━━━•✦.✧. Author’s Note.✧.✦•━
It’s a little sad :(
If you want to be added to my taglist, just send me an ask, PM, or fill out the taglist form.
The playlist should be linked up on "Find Playlists Here" under "Fairytale" in my bio.
━━━━━•✦.✧. About .✧.✦•━
After taking Grindelwald down, (Y/N) was nowhere to be found. Five years later, Newt is on babysitting duty and he tells the kids the story of a lost fairytale.
━━━━━•✦.✧. Notes .✧.✦•━
Word Count: 2.1k
Smol Angst.
Character Death
So… I’m learning Tagalog. If there are any Tagalog speakers out there that read this, tell me if anything is grammatically incorrect. I’m really nervous. Translations will be provided next to the phrase in italics.
References to “I Loved You, Mr. Scamander”
Surprise at the end~
━━━•✦.✧. Disclaimer .✧.✦•━
Let’s pretend that it only takes two years to take down Grindelwald and his organization after the events of Crimes of Grindelwald.
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Fairytale: Fairytale (Newt Scamander x Reader)
It took only a couple years after what happened in Paris to fully take down Grindelwald. Leta was killed in the final battle and that left Theseus in shambles. When he returned to London, he apparated to a lonely flat. The place where the only person who would understand his pain lived- Victoria.
From there, the rest was history.
“Thanks for watching the kids, Newt. Theseus and I needed a day off.” Victoria said as her kids ran in the living room of Newt’s flat.
Theseus sighed. “Mei Anne Mendoza Scamander. Thaddeus Alden Mendoza Scamander, please stop running around. You’re sure to break something.”
Newt glanced at Theseus, his niece and nephew before looking back at Victoria. “It’s no problem. You know I love watching them…” He thought for a moment, “Merlin, those are long names…”
Victoria gave Newt a look, crossing her arms over her chest. “You’re one to talk, Newton Artemis Fido Scama-”
He chuckled, “Okay, okay. Point taken. Now off you go before you end up missing your reservation.”
Theseus walked over to Victoria, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Vi… Do something.”
Victoria smiled. “Watch and learn.” She slowly got out of Theseus’ embrace and walked to where the kitchen met the living room. Her children were still running around, laughing at their game of tag. Victoria giggled softly before clicking her tongue.
In a blink of an eye, Mei Anne and Thaddeus stopped and looked at their mother.
“Halika dito,” ‘Come here’ She said calmly. Mei Anne and Thaddeus slowly made their way to their mother.
“See what you did?” Thaddeus whispered to his sister.
“Me? You started running!” Mei Anne replied.
When the pair stood in front of their mother, they could feel her staring down at them. Victoria squatted, making sure she was at their level.
“Maging mabuti, okay?” ‘Be good?’ Victoria asked.
“Yes, nanay.” ‘Yes, mom.’ They answered.
“Yes.” They nodded.
Victoria smiled and kissed their foreheads. “Okay, your father and I will see you later then. Don’t give Tito Newt a hard time. You can go back to playing, just stay where he can see you.”
Mei Anne and Thaddeus smiled before going back into the living room and looked at Newt’s bookshelf.
Victoria stood and walked over to the brothers who were staring at her in awe. “Close your mouth boys, you’ll catch flies.”
Newt and Theseus shook out of their amazement. “That’s amazing!” Newt said excitedly.
“I know. I find it fascinating whenever she speaks Tagalog. It seems the children like it when she speaks to them in another language.” Theseus praised.
Victoria rolled her eyes playfully. “Just wait until I teach them Japanese.”
“I thought you were Chinese?” Newt asked.
She hummed. “I am, but my mom and I were never exposed to our Chinese culture whilst we were growing up. She learned Japanese from her caretakers, and I learned it from my mom.”
“You can tell me more about it at dinner,” Theseus suggested.
“Right! Dinner!” Victoria exclaimed. “See you around ten?”
Newt nodded, “See you at ten.”
After showing Mei Anne and Thaddeus all his creatures, and feeding them dinner (Yes, because children need to eat real food Newton), it was time for them to get some sleep.
“But Uncle Newt… We’re not tired…” Thaddeus whined.
“Yeah, I wanna play with the Nifflers again…” Mei Anne added.
With both kids in his arms, he carried them over to the living room and set them down on the couch. “If I don’t get you to bed your mum would lecture me.”
Thaddeus shivered, quickly holding a couch pillow to his chest. “I don’t like mummy’s lecture voice. It’s calm, but something about it is scary.”
Newt chuckled, sitting on the floor in front of them. “How about I tell you a bedtime story.”
Mei Anne nodded. “Will you? We love bedtime stories!”
He nodded, “Alright then… Where do I start…”
Thaddeus cuddled close to his sister for warmth. Mei Anne took the couch blanket and set it over their laps. They both were quiet and attentive.
“It all started a long time ago. When a stable boy fell in love with the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. Day after day, he’d go out and pick the best-looking sunflower from the community gardens and gift it to her.”
“These are for you, (Y/N). I hope you like them…” Newt mumbled, holding out a sunflower bouquet.
(Y/N) smiled, playing with the ends of her sleeve. “Newt! How did you know these were my favorite?”
“I remember you saying they were your favorite in Herbology once…”
“But Newt, that was in first year!”
Mei Anne smiled. “I want someone to give me sunflowers!”
Newt chuckled. “Soon they became friends. And even though they couldn’t see it, everyone around them was aware that they were in love.”
Newt turned the corner, looking for the Herbology book he needed for his essay. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but he couldn’t help it. “Last time I checked, you were a Ravenclaw this morning,” Victoria asked.
“What are you talking about?”
A pause before he heard (Y/N) speak again. “O-Oh! I was just cold… That’s all…”
Newt put the pieces together- they were talking about how he gave her his robes.
“I was just cold! That’s all..” Victoria mimicked teasingly. “But seriously… Are you ever going to tell him?”
“No, I don’t think I will…”
And that’s when Newt left to find the book he needed. Of course, they quickly changed the subject. Sure, he was the topic of interest for a second, but he knew how Victoria could easily change the subject without the person knowing.
‘She would never like me in that way anyway.’ He thought.
“Although, things started to get in the way of their friendship. In their younger years, the stable boy started being around another girl. He thought he could manage his time between his first love and the new girl, but in the end, he chose to be around the new girl.” Newt sighed as he reminisced on all the missed moments he had with (Y/N).
Mei Anne grumbled. “Ugh. Boys are stupid. Why couldn’t he just tell her!”
Thaddeus looked up to his sister. “I’m not stupid!”
Mei Anne sighed and ruffled his hair. “Okay… Boys are stupid… Except you, Uncle Newt, dad, and Uncle Jacob.”
“Oh, don’t say that. I was… pretty dumb when it came to certain things.” Newt admitted.
“What happened when they got older?” Thaddeus asked, looking back to Newt.
Newt swallowed. He tried to think of a way to explain the past ten years without going into too much detail. “Well… The stable boy got into some trouble and ran away. He kept in touch with his first love through letters, but he was always on the run- looking for new creatures to study. When he finally returned to the village, he found out that his first love had fallen in love with someone else-”
“WHAT? But… But they were in love! How could she just… love someone else…?” Thaddeus interrupted.
“Because she didn’t know! As mum always said, you miss all the shots you don’t take.” Mei Anne added.
“Can I continue the story?” Newt asked, causing the children to stop rambling.
“Thing is… There was a war going on. So the stable boy’s first love had parted with her lover. Within that time, the stable boy and his first love started getting closer. He was so close to confessing his feelings. Until a monster took her away.
“Oooh, I bet it was a scary dragon!!” Thaddeus exclaimed.
“T, it wasn’t a dragon. It was probably some kidnapper!” Mei Anne
Newt sighed. “Hmm… I guess you could say he was a kidnapper. He used his words to trick people into following him. The stable boy spent day after day trying to find his lost love. He vowed that the moment he found her again… They’d have a brand new start.”
“And did he find her?” Mei Anne asked.
“Legend says that he’s still looking for her,” Newt said, ending his story.
“And that’s your mum and dad!”
“But!! The story!!!” Thaddeus whined.
Newt stood to open the door, letting Victoria and Theseus inside. “I hope they weren’t too much trouble,” said Theseus.
“Uncle Newt was telling us a story about a stable boy and his first love!” Mei Anne cheered, the feeling of sleep disappearing.
Victoria looked at Newt, “Oh really?”
“Uh-huh! And the stable boy went through so much heartbreak and… His love was kidnapped and the stable boy is still trying to find her.” Thaddeus said, waddling over to his mom.
Theseus walked over to the couch to pick Mei Anne and carry her. “Oh… Such a sad tale. Did the stable boy ever find her?”
Mei Anne shook her head. “No… Uncle Newt said that he’s still trying to find her…”
Victoria sighed and picked up Thaddeus, who was tugging at her skirt and making grabby hands at her. “Yeah… Me too…” She muttered.
Another date night and Newt was on babysitting duty. Not like he minded. A popping sound echoed through the basement.
“I’ll see who it is, Uncle Newt!” Mei Anne yelled as she turned the corner. She saw a woman standing at the bottom of the basement stairs.
The woman looked down at Mei Anne in confusion. “W-Who are you? Where are your parents?”
Mei Anne walked closer to the woman, her eyes ever so observant. She tilted her head to the side when she realized who it was. “Aunty (Y/N)?”
“H-How do you know my name? Who are you?” (Y/N) asked, meeting Mei Anne halfway.
Mei Anne held her ground. “I’ve heard mum talk about you a lot.”
She squatted down to Mei Anne’s height. “So he married Tina, hm?”
“What? Are you talking about Aunty Tina? No… She’s mum’s friend.”
(Y/N) looked closer at the girl in front of her. Long black hair, soft blue-green eyes, slightly tan skin, and the cutest freckles on her face. Half of these were definitely Scamander qualities… but who was the other half? “It seems that you know my name, but I don’t know yours.”
“My name is Mei Anne Mendoza Scamander. I’m five years old and I have a little brother named Thaddeus Alden Mendoza Scamander!” She said proudly.
“Mei Mei, what’s taking you so long? Uncle Newt’s gonna show us Kelpie!!” Thaddeus exclaimed, turning the same corner. “Who’s this, Mei Mei?”
(Y/N) looked past Mei Anne to see her brother.
Thaddeus had nicely styled brown hair, dark brown eyes, and slightly tanned skin but a skin tone lighter than his sister’s. She swore that if he came closer, he’d have those Scamander freckles on his cheeks too.
She gasped, her hands covering her mouth. “Oh… How did I not see that? You two are almost sheer copies of your parents…”
Just then the door to the basement opened, “Mei Mei, Thaddeus, Newt! We’re here!” Victoria called out as they descended the stairs.
With every click of Victoria’s heels, (Y/N) had the urge to Disapparate out of there. That was until Mei Anne called out, “Nanay! Look who came to visit?”
Victoria quickly walked down the remaining steps, Theseus following close behind. “Who is it? Aunty Tina? Aunty Queenie and Uncle Jacob? Who could it be-” She stopped at the bottom of the steps and (Y/N) stood from her squatting position. They felt it.
The small bit of warmth from the charm bracelets they got all those years ago… “(Y/N)..?”
(Y/N) turned around slowly. “Hey, Vi… It’s me…”
Theseus smiled and softly pushed Victoria forward. “Don’t just stand here, hug her!”
“I missed you so much…” (Y/N) whispered as they shared a long hug. Soon, Theseus and the kids joined in on the hug.
When they all pulled away, Newt finally joined the rest. “Mei Mei, Thaddeus! Where have you two been? Have you found out who Apparated here? Victoria! Theseus! You weren’t supposed to be here until later- (Y/N)?” Newt rambled.
“Thanks again for watching the kids, Newton!” Victoria smiled. She then whispered something in (Y/N)’s ear before leaving with Theseus and the kids.
“(Y/N)...” Newt trailed off, shoving his hands into his pockets.
She smiled. “Hello, Newt.”
And all was well. It may have taken a while to adjust, but Newt and (Y/N) managed it. After all… it was their fairytale.
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cg29 · 3 years
Because of link issues with this site I’ve decided to paste my WIPS onto here as well as AO3 & FFNet. Starting with the 1st 3 chapters of the fic I’m currently working on, and have also most recently updated.
Set after Virgil's crash during the original series episode of 'Terror in New York City.' (Season 1 episode 4) Short reflections from each of the family on nearly losing a brother and son.
Thank you to @janetm74 for the Beta on C3.
Chapter 1: Scott.
Italic/Bold speech is not mine and comes from the original episode.
“The wheels have gone; I can’t hold her… I’m… I’m going to crash!”
Scott’s heart lurched at the pure panic emanating from Virgil’s voice, but there was nothing he could do as he watched Thunderbird Two squeal across the runway with dark heavy flames springing forth. Finally, and thankfully she came to a stop and the pure white foam rained down on her distinguishing the blaze… But his little Brother was still inside… “What’s going on,” he yelled over his communicator, “why is no one getting him out?”
‘T…They’re on their way Scott,’ Brains replied, ‘I’m h…here to a…assist you with l…landing.’
‘I don’t need any damn assistance, get the med bay prepped for my brother!’
Okay, a bit harsh maybe, but Virg was in there… He’d attended too many fire related incidents, he knew the consequences if someone wasn’t rescued quickly… God damn it, they had to get him out… Finally, bringing Thunderbird One into the hangar, Scott unbuckled and shot out of his chair. The further procedures he was required to run through could wait… Virgil needed him more.
“How is he?” He puffed out, racing over to his father just as his two brothers were bringing Virgil out of his singed bird.
“Unresponsive… Head injury, smoke inhalation, possible broken ribs,” Gordon reeled off.
“Let’s get him to the infirmary,” Jeff said, allowing his two youngest to go ahead with Virgil before looking back to Scott, “are you coming?”
Scott heaved out a breath and nodded. “Yeah, I’m coming!”
A few days later…
He stared down at his sleeping brother, it could have been so much worse, and the words from that moment still danced in his mind…
“Thunderbird Two from Thunderbird One, come in Virgil... Virgil are you okay? Virgil, pull her up… Can you hear me? Come in Thunderbird Two... Virgil, you’re crashing… Pull her up… Virgil, get a grip on yourself, you’ve got to pull out of that dive!”
If his brother hadn’t dragged himself out of that dive at the last second, he wouldn’t be here… And to be honest, he didn’t know if he would be either. He would have dived Thunderbird One in after her sister ship, and tried everything within his power to pull Virgil out, but it wouldn’t have worked, and both of them would have gone down…
“You did good son.”
“Ha?” Scott mumbled, looking to his father who was standing beside him.
“You did a good job. You talked your brother through a very severe situation, and you got him home. You saved his life Scott, and because of that he will be back to himself before we know it. Now, stop thinking about the alternatives.”
“How did you know?”
“I know you,” Jeff nodded towards Virgil who was shifting in his bed, “looks like he’s waking.”
Virgil groggily forced his eyes open.
“How, are you Virgil?” Jeff questioned.
“Welcome back to the land of the living!” Scott added.
Virgil sat himself up. “What happened to Thunderbird Two?”
‘TYPICAL!’ Scott inwardly chuckled while his father went on to answer. If his brother was already worrying about his bird, then his dad was definitely right… Virgil would get better, and soon they would both be out there together again.
Chapters 2 & 3 featuring John & Gordon below the cut.
Chapter 2: John
“Thunderbird 5. My home away from home. I love being here, the solitude suits me and because of that I’m the one who is up here the most. Don’t get me wrong I adore my family and I enjoy spending time with each of them when I’m on leave but being here amongst the stars that I’ve gazed up at in wonder since I was a small boy makes me feel so peaceful. Four days ago, that tranquillity was shattered, and for the first time ever I am finding myself wishing that someone could replace me, someone could come here and take me home.
You see my first younger brother, the one who holds us altogether with his natural calming and added creative abilities was nearly killed while I was sleeping. I know, I know, me sleeping didn’t cause his crash, but if I had been awake then maybe I could have done something to help him, like hacking the Sentinel and stopping them from firing on his bird. Instead, I was on ordered downtime after two back-to-back missions which had kept me awake for over forty-eight hours. The first required Thunderbird fours assistance, the second was in space with Alan. After I called in the third requiring just Scott and Virgil my dad, believing it was a rescue that wouldn’t require my expertise, ordered me to communicate any vital information I had to my brothers, then relay Thunderbird Five’s communications to Tracy Island so I could spend the next ten to twelve hours asleep. I managed the full twelve and after a shower and food I was ready to return to work. Except, the reply I received when contacting base wasn’t the one that I was expecting.
Ten minutes it took for me to make contact, I can’t begin to explain the thoughts that had rampaged through my mind when no one was responding, Alan finally answered looking slightly pale and very tired. Immediately I demanded to know what was going on, the answer drained me completely. The Sentinel had fired missiles at Virgil, thankfully dad had been able to reach Washington and stop the meaningless attack, but the damage that had already been received was great and my little brother was extremely lucky to make it back to the island. Well, I say lucky… Head injury, smoke inhalation, broken ribs, several cuts, and bruises. Yet, it wasn’t until the following day that he regained consciousness… But he was still alive, and that’s what mattered.
After a long chat with the youngest to make sure he was coping I signed off and instantly logged into our islands security feeds so I could see the crash. Yes, I know it sounds a little morbid, but the reality was probably not as dramatic as what was playing through my mind. Thankfully, although extreme, it wasn’t. However, what seeing that crash didn’t do was alleviate the need that I still have now to see and talk to Virgil.  What it did do was produce another need, one that I could do something about, and that was to make sure that the man who recklessly fired at the kindest person you could ever wish to meet receives some sort of justice. Nothing too malicious of course, we are in the business of saving lives and not taking them, but maybe I’ll put my hacking prowess to use and make sure he gets discharged from his position. Whatever I choose though won’t be pretty but will be fully deserved…
…Oh, one moment, I seem to have a call coming through from home - - - - It’s Virgil… Sorry, but I have to go, he still looks really groggy and probably won’t be able to talk for too long, but I’ve desperately been needing this chat… Catch you guys later, Thunderbird Five out.”
Chapter 3: Gordon.
The ocean before him was calm, the turbulent thoughts raging inside his heart were not. All caused by his current location. The Sentinel… Gordon had arrived two hours before and introductions had immediately been made between himself, the crew, and the Captain. The same Captain who had given the damn order to shoot Thunderbird Two down. Yes, they had presumed that an attack was possibly imminent. Nonetheless, they should have done a comprehensive check before going all gung-ho. Then they would have realised that it wasn’t a strike vessel, it was an International Rescue aircraft, and a person was on board. A person who was loved. Loved by a family who had already been torn apart by the loss of a mother and wife. A family that didn’t deserve to lose anyone else.
They had been reckless, and even though most on board had asked after the wellbeing of his teammate, the Captain, the idiot who had ordered them to fire had not made any queries. He had approached him, introduced himself, and then begun immediately filling him in on their trajectory and any further details he might need. After he had contacted Scott, the Captain had ordered one of his officers to assist, then sheepishly made his excuses and left, guilt plastered all over his face. Five minutes later Gordon was being shown to the sleeping quarters where he could get some shut eye in between any updates he needed to make.
He would probably take some downtime soon. For now, he just wanted to gaze at the ocean. The sea made everything better. Here he could switch his attention from the surface to air missile launchers that had taunted him with their sickening capabilities upon arrival, and instead concentrate on his mission. A mission that would normally be routine. Instead, two men who were trapped and injured had to wait just over twenty-four hours. Two lives might be lost because they shot his big brother down. Gordon gripped the rail and slowly breathed out while focussing on the rhythmic pulse from the ocean waves, and the fact that Virgil, although severely injured and definitely needing some time to recuperate, had survived the atrocious crash.
However, it had come so close to being a different outcome and the gut-wrenching, mind-swirling sickness at the thought of ‘what could have been’ had buried itself deeper and deeper into his heart and refused to release its grasp. Needing to go inside to retrieve Virgil had made those feelings more horrific. Sure, he had saved countless lives from fires, but to have to rescue a brother, a member of his own family, ‘that’ he wasn’t used to. His brother had been crumpled over, a deep cut on his head was bleeding, and his eyes were tightly closed. For a horrible moment, both himself and Alan had stood there before moving forwards. He thought he had lost Virgil, that his big brother was already dead. Thankfully, upon reaching him a pulse was discovered. Virgil was alive. Professionalism immediately kicked in, and he and Alan worked together to get him on a stretcher and out of there as quickly as possible.
Since then, Alan had avoided Virgil. Obviously, the kid was still in shock and processing what had happened. Hopefully, by the time he returned his little brother would have gone to see Virgil, otherwise he would need to drag him in there. Of course, he had done the complete opposite and had not wanted to leave his brother’s side. He needed to ease up though. Virgil knew what his game was and had tried to reassure him several times that he wasn’t going to disappear on him. Yes, he would need to step back a little when he returned, after he had once again checked that his kind-hearted, generous brother was still alive and well.
His ever-forgiving brother, who never held a grudge, had even suggested that they use the Sentinel to save lives. Okay, that made sense, the two men were trapped; their lives were what mattered, not how he felt about the Sentinel. Unfortunately, Gordon wasn’t that big of a person, and boy was he stewing over his feelings right now. A yawn emitted from him, and he looked at his watch. There was still just over two hours to go before he needed to check-in with Scott. Plenty of time for a power nap in the quarters. He certainly needed one. During the past week he’d either been helping out with two, doing his usual maintenance checks or sitting by his brothers’ side and he hadn’t managed a lot of downtime.
Tomorrow would bring a tough rescue and he needed his full alertness to save the two men, especially with the lack of time they would have left. There was also Virgil’s ‘big brother’ voice inside his head yelling at him to get some down time. He breathed in the fresh air, allowing the knowledge that he would continue hearing his brother’s nagging to engulf him. A smile formed. That’s what mattered, not his infuriation towards the Captain, or his current location. Virgil was alive. Thunderbird Two would be restored to her former glory. His eyes switched from the azure sea to the vastness overhead. Then, one day soon she would be soaring with her pilot, his best big brother, through those illustrious oceanic blue skies.
chapter 4 Here...
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songtoyou · 4 years
PRomance - Part Two
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Paring: Chris Evans x Famous Reader
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,662
Warnings: None
Description: Chris needs some good press. He convinces one of his closest friends to partake in a PRomance.
A/N: This idea came to me one night. This is pure fiction as I do not know what Chris believes when it comes to politics and policy issues. This is a complete work of fiction. Italic represents flashbacks for this chapter. Bold represents text messages.
I do not permit my work to be to be posted on any other site without my permission.
Tag list:  @ccolz88-blog​ @katiew1973​ @southerngracela​ @inlovewith3​ @thevelvetseries​ 
Note: Updated for grammar and punctuation edits.
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Chris had been so wrapped with interviews while in D.C. for ASP. He was excited about some downtime. However, Chris knew he would not be able to enjoy himself too much. Tonight was the night of the official “outing” he would have with you. The hired paparazzi would be staked out of the selected hotel and restaurant to capture pictures of you and Chris entering and exiting both establishments. You mentioned to Chris and Megan that the first outing needed to be simple and not extreme. The outing should draw attention but not appear out of the ordinary. 
It was not like you and Chris had never been photographed together. The fans were used to seeing you both hangout from time-to-time. As Megan mentioned, the two of you always had a “will they, won’t they” vibe. Neither you nor Chris paid much attention to it as neither wanted to jeopardize the friendship. However, you could not quiet the little voice in your head that told you this whole situation might end up making things worse. 
You had a couple of days off from your talk show, so you planned to travel to D.C. for the weekend. It was not lost on you that the day you traveled was Valentine’s Day, which was such a contrast to how you spent the holiday last year. Your former boyfriend was a chef who preferred the quiet and nomadic life. As you and your friends affectionately nicknamed him, Chef was never keen on participating in the Hollywood/celebrity spectacle with you, which you understood. It was not his scene, not his type of people. 
Your friendship with Chris also did not help matters as your ex could not hide his contempt for the actor. You never could quite understand the resentment. “He is just a little too friendly for my taste. The guy doesn’t understand boundaries. Like, why would he? Chris can do whatever he wants, and no one says anything against him,” Chef ranted one night.
“You don’t know Chris as I know him. Is he perfect? No, of course not. But he isn’t some evil guy you make him out to be. You have never bothered to get to know him…” you tried to counter, but Chef cut you off.
“I don’t need to get to know him. I don’t like him. Plain and simple. Y/N, you are too naïve sometimes.”
“So, basically…what you are telling me is that you don’t trust my friendship with Chris. Is that correct? You don’t trust him around me. But overall, what this tells about you is that you don’t trust?” you replied, angry at him. He was ridiculous. 
“Look, I don’t want to fight about this anymore. Let’s, I’m sorry. I do trust you.”
Unfortunately, it turned out that Chef did not trust you. The constant arguing about Chris began taking a toll on the relationship. It was too much drama that neither wanted to deal with; you both decided to go your separate ways last November. Overall, it was for the best. You did not leave the relationship with any ill contempt for your ex but were disappointed that you could not make it work out with him in the end.
Chris made sure that a car service was scheduled to pick you up from the airport and take you to the hotel. While you took the time to put away your clothes and sort out your toiletries, there was a knock on your door. Peeking through the peephole, you saw Chris and opened the door to let him inside.
“Hi!” you squealed and wrapped your arms around Chris for a hug.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Chris responded and returned the hug. “Thanks for coming out tonight and staying for the rest of the weekend. I appreciate it greatly. I know you are busy with your things, and now I got you entangled in my mess…”
“Chris, will you shut it. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to. I know your intentions with this whole situation are good. I’m not going to deny that I’m happy you decided to come to me with this and not some up-and-coming starlet for this venture,” you admitted candidly.
“Well, you are one of the few people that I can truly trust. So…” Chris began as he sat down on the bed, “Everything is set for eight o’clock tonight. We have reservations at Karma Modern Indian because I know how much you love Indian food. I forgot today was Valentine’s Day, so we were lucky to get a table.”
“You forgot it was Valentine’s Day! What a disappointing fake boyfriend you are,” you teased him.
“Haha… I’ll buy you a cookie later if it makes you feel better.”
You merely rolled your eyes and lay down on the bed. You were tired. It had a long week, and the one thing you wanted to do was take a nap. Thankfully, you had a couple of hours to spare before dinner tonight. Chris could see that you were exhausted and that your eyes were now closed.
“Hey, I’ll come back later, okay. You want me to call you to let you know that you need to wake up and get ready?” Chris asked.
“Yeah,” you mumbled as sleep overtook you, and Chris quietly got up to step out of your hotel room. 
By 6:45 p.m., the sound of your iPhone began ringing, which woke you from your slumber. “I’m up. I’m up,” you said when answering, knowing it was Chris on the other end.
“You sleep well?”
Yeah. It was a much-needed nap. I’m going to start getting ready. I’ll meet you down in the lobby at 7:50, okay?” you told Chris.
“Sounds good. See you in a bit,” Chris replied, and you both ended the call.
Once showered, you applied your makeup and styled your hair. There was the added pressure knowing that you would be photographed, so you went for a more sophisticated look. Your outfit was a white off-shoulder long sleeve sweater dress, which you accompanied with knee-high length gray boots and a burgundy leather jacket.
After giving yourself a final look over in the mirror, you grabbed your clutch and headed out to the lobby. It did not surprise you that you arrived at the lobby first as you knew Chris tended to take longer to get ready than he liked to admit. You also figured that Chris was probably dealing with anxiety, not only about ASP but the outcome of tonight as well. You decided to shoot Chris a quick text message.
You: I’m dressed and waiting in the lobby.
Chris: Okay. I’m coming down.
As you continued to wait for Chris, you looked outside the hotel and could vaguely make out the photographer standing across the street waiting for you and Chris to exit.
“Oh my God. This is going to be such a shit show,” you said quietly to yourself. Now your anxiety about the whole thing was about to resurface. 
“Alright, I’m ready to go,” said Chris as he walked towards you. “Wow! You look nice,” he commented. 
“Just nice?” you teased as you gave him a spin.
“You look gorgeous,” Chris replied.
“That’s better. There’s a photographer outside waiting. Thankfully, our driver is already waiting for us,” you told him and added, “So, remember what we went over? No looking in the direction of the photographer. We walk side-by-side. If we hold each other’s hands, we interlace them waffle style. None of that palms flat pancake style you tend to do. Okay?”
“I got it. This isn’t my first rodeo, Y/N,” Chris pointed out.
“Alright. You ready?”
“No,” he said bluntly with a grin.
“Me either. Deep breaths. We got this,” you replied with a light laugh and interlaced your right hand with Chris’s left hand. 
As you exited the hotel with Chris, you wondered again the ramifications this outing would stir amongst fans and the media. Would this be accepted or challenged? Would reputations be ruined? These are the concerns you shared with both Chris and Megan. Your manager and publicist were not keen on the PRomance situation with Chris. 
“You used to say that you would rather stick a needle in your eye than partake in desperate PR setups,” your publicist reminded you.
“And I still maintain that sentiment, but Chris is my friend, and he needs help. I would rather him come to me than scrounge around for some no-talent starlet to agree to this PR stunt. It would just end up blowing up in his face,” you said.
“Y/N, need I remind you of Hiddleswift and how that was such a disaster. Tom has never fully recovered from that fiasco,” your manager shared. “My worry is that you could end up being Tom Hiddleston in this scenario.”
“What! That is absurd! Why would I be Tom in this situation?” you asked, confused.
“You have more to lose. Listen to me; you are in the first season of your talk show. It is getting great ratings. Great reviews. NBC just signed the show on for a second season. The chances of you and the show getting nominated for the Daytime Emmy Awards are high. This thing with Chris could cause all of that to come crashing down. We don’t want you to be the butt of anyone’s jokes, sweetheart. It would be completely unwarranted,” you publicist explained and asked, “Are you sure that you want to do this?” 
“Yes, I do. Trust me. I know what I’m doing. This is Chris we are talking about; he is a good guy. He’s not going to throw me under the bus if this all turns to shit. The two of us are in this together. I trust him.”
‘God, please don’t let this blow up in our faces,’ you said to yourself once entering into the restaurant with Chris by your side.
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Cycle - Steve Rogers x reader ch.5
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Previously:  ch.1 ch.2 ch.3 ch.4
Summary: The morning after, you quietly left. The days after, you were constantly screwing up. Will you stop thinking about Steve, or maybe you won’t need to?
Word Count: ~2,300
Warnings: explicit language, brief mentions of smut
a/n- hey lovely people! and just like that, another Steve series had come to an end. I had a lot of fun writing this series, and thank you so much to everyone who gave me feedback on it, it’s super appreciated! italics are for thoughts and divider is by @whimsicalrogers​. Enjoy!<3
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The next morning you surprisingly woke up before Steve did, and used this opportunity to sneak out of his apartment, going back to your place to change before you had to be at work again.
On the way home, all kinds of thoughts flooded your mind, starting with should I have left a note? And all the way to this was the biggest fucking mistake ever, why didn't I try to resist it more, now everyone's gonna say I'm a slut, and they'll be right.
But amidst that rose the memories of last night, of the feeling of Steve surrounding you, his hot breath against your skin, falling asleep in his arms. And you knew, if you had a time machine, no matter how much you're overthinking this now – you'd do it again.
The realization caused you to shake out of your reverie, breathing out a shaky breath and looking around the street to ground yourself a little.
Nothing was gonna happen, it's all gonna be okay, and even if Steve will never talk to me again, he'll still respect what we agreed on, you calmed yourself down as you entered your apartment, getting ready for another day.
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Steve entered the training room, his thoughts still wandering to the events of last night. When he woke up this morning, you were already gone, but his amplified senses could still pick up on the scent of your perfume on the sheets next to him. He understood why you did it. He was old, but he still understood the social conventions of hooking up, and he knew what it meant when he agreed. But there was still a part of him that hoped to wake up and see your face. Maybe even get a chance to see you fall apart under him once more.
He shook those thoughts away. This is what you wanted, and he should respect it. this is when your paths part. For some reason, he felt sadder than he probably should've been. And yet, he couldn't help but feel a sense of smugness at the events of last night.
When he put his bag down he was greeted by a friendly slap on his shoulder. Smirking, he immediately turned around, catching onto the arm and tossing the "attacker" onto the floor. Sam sighed and rolled his eyes. "You knew it was me, man," he complained as Steve extended his hand to him and he got up.
"Always be ready," Steve shrugged and moved towards the middle of the mattress-covered floor. Sam narrowed his eyes towards Steve and followed him, standing in front of him and getting into position.
"You seem to be in an awfully good mood," Sam remarked. "Any reason why?"
"You, Sam," Steve said in mock emotion, "You are my sun and stars, and getting to see you this morning is the abso—"
Sam charged at Steve, but the latter quickly dodged his punch and kicked his leg, making Sam lose his balance and fall down for the second time that morning.
Steve chuckled. "Relax, Wilson," he said, "a little sarcasm hasn't killed anyone yet, and I for one don't want that to change."
Sam's face lit up with understanding. "You finally did it you bastard! You got laid! Who was it?"
Steve couldn't keep his face from blushing. Was he really being that obvious?  "None of your business. Besides, it was a one-night thing anyway," he shrugged, trying to regain his composure.
"Hey, if you don't wanna tell me, I'm fine with that. But when Barnes gets his hands on you…" Sam grinned.
Steve groaned. "Fuck," he whispered under his breath, fully knowing if Sam managed to figure it out, Bucky would too. "That's a problem for later," he shook his head. "For now, I think you need a refresher on balance," he raised his brow at Sam.
"Whatever," Sam scoffed, "fucking super soldiers," he grumbled while he got into position once more.
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It's been five days since you last talked to Steve. Not that you were counting or anything. Five days of making a complete fool out of yourself were just kind of a lot.
The first day you thought you had it under control. Even though last night didn't involve as much sleep, you drank some coffee and figured it would be okay. You started daydreaming and nearly fell asleep, leaving your mixture to cool for too long, noticing it only when Kate tapped your shoulder to get your attention and having to start it all over again.
Well, the first day should be the worst and then it'll be fine right?
The second day you were thinking about whether you should text Steve or not while you were diluting a solution you were working on, but got the different concentrations confused and needed to start again, costing you more time and materials.
The third day you thought it would surely stop. After that day you needed to get a new fire extinguisher for the lab.
The fourth was Saturday, so thankfully you didn't have opportunities to embarrass yourself anymore, right?
Except you went out with your friends, got drunk and told them that you slept with this "super" cute guy and how everyone hates you now because you mess everything up. They calmed you down and comforted you at the moment, but they also got that on video and god knows you're never living that one down.
Thankfully, drunk me was still smart enough not to tell them who it was, you mused as you watched the video, your head pounding on Sunday, the fifth day since you had last spoken to Steve Rogers.
Which brings us here, Monday morning, five days after That Night.
You entered the office, setting down your bag and going over some paperwork when Kate knocked on your door.
"Hi! Come in," you greeted her with a smile.
"Good morning," she smiled back. "Listen, I wanted to talk to you. I don't want to overstep, but you've seemed a little… distracted, these last few days, and I was wondering why? I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, obviously, but if it could help you…" she trailed off, a little awkwardly.
You sighed. "No, it's okay, I should probably give at least a little explanation for my actions. But you're gonna think it's stupid," you warned with a smile. She nodded at you to go on anyway.
You wondered how you should phrase it. "Well, I guess I've been trying not to date for a while, to focus on my career here, you know. But a few days ago I went on a date with this guy and it was wonderful, but I haven't talked to him and he didn't talk to me and I'm just… wondering if I should try to change that," you said. That was close enough to the truth.
Kate pondered what you said for a moment and then spoke. "The way I see it," she said, "you need closure. Just try to talk to him. If something comes out of it, great, if he doesn't answer, that's still fine. Either way you're better off knowing, because if the last few days are any indication, I'd say you feel very bad not knowing," she said with a teasing smile.
"Maybe you're right," you smiled. "Anyways, I'm really sorry for the last few days. But it won't happen today. At least I'm pretty sure it won't happen today," you added with a chuckle. "I'll join you in the lab in a few minutes," you smiled at her and she nodded and left.
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Much like you, Steve also wasn't having a great time.
That first day he ended up seeing Bucky, which earned him pestering for the rest of the day, but he adamantly refused to reveal your identity even to Bucky.
"C'mon Buck," Steve rolled his eyes. "I'm not telling you. That's it."
"That means it's someone I know! Oh, is it – "
"Lalalala, I can't hear anything you're saying," Steve reverted to the childish method and put his hands over his ears.
"Fine, sheesh. You gonna see her again at least?" Bucky asked.
"I don't know," Steve said with a sigh.
Steve's smugness only lasted the first day, and the rest of them were filled with increasing disappointment.
The second day Bucky managed to hit him in the face with his metal arm because he wasn't paying enough attention.
The third they had a briefing for a coming up mission, and Steve nearly fell from his chair at the sound of his phone beeping, thinking it could be you.
Saturday and Sunday were spent alone in his apartment, finishing the painting of the skyline and ignoring Sam's and Bucky's texts. When he finished the painting he was so tempted to ask Bucky for your phone number and send you a picture of it, but he figured that would be weird. Instead, he started another painting, and without even noticing he started sketching your face. Way to go Rogers, you managed to be weird anyway, he thought and threw away the sketch.
When he came to work Monday, he thought he got over the whole deal.
Sam greeted him at the training room, ready for another mission. "You alright Rogers?" he asked.
"Oh yeah, my phone was just turned off," Steve shrugged, thinking Sam was wondering why he was… how do they say it? ghosting him?
"I didn't mean this weekend," Sam said, "how did you let Barns get you that good last week?"
"I guess I was just distracted," Steve shrugged, getting in position.
"You never get distracted," Sam stated, "you are literally the most prim and proper person I know. That one time Bucky and I argued for an hour next to you, and you didn't even notice, what's up?"
"That's not true, I did notice, I just ign-"
"See, that's a lie, because if you actually got distracted by what we were doing while you worked you would've asked which time I was talking about," Sam smirked.
"Whatever," Steve rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face.
"So, who's getting you so distracted? Was it mystery girl?"
"Um, yeah," Steve chuckled. "Look, it doesn't really matter right now, we should –"
"I knew it!" Sam laughed, "you just can't do one-night-stands, can you?"
"I-" Steve trailed off.
"Look man, it's just who you are. Go talk to her," Sam said.
"Maybe," Steve said, and then, without warning, made a blow at Sam that he managed to avoid.
"Always be prepared, right?" Sam said, a smug smile on his face.
"Right," Steve answered, smiling.
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You were just packing up in your office, ready to go home. Thankfully, today had been free of awkward mistakes.
There was a knock at your door and you called them to come in, thinking it could be Kate, but in front of you was standing, causing you a serious Deja-vu, Steve. I spoke too soon didn't I?
"Hey," he said, scratching his neck.
"Hi," you whispered unintentionally. You cleared your throat and asked in a stronger voice, "Uh, can I help you?"
"Well, yeah," Steve said. "I wanted to ask… will you listen until the end of what I'm about to say?" he smiled and chuckled awkwardly.
"Sure," you frowned a little and came to stand in front of him.
"I was kind of… making a fool of myself the last few days. Not calling you was the main foolish thing but also, Bucky hit me in the face because I was thinking about calling you," he grimaced. "And… I know we agreed about no strings attached, but I can't stop thinking about you. In a non-creepy way," he quickly added with another awkward chuckle. "So, I wanted to ask if maybe you'd like to attach the strings?" he smiled. "Go on a date sometime? Obviously, I get it if you say no, but I just really wanted to ask. So, yeah," he looked away at the bookshelves surrounding you.
You gladly refrained from telling him about the times you’ve made a fool of yourself those days. "Yes, I'd love to go on a date sometime," you smiled and put your hand on his cheek, drawing his gaze towards yours. His face lit up with a smile, and then he was kissing you. It was the kind of kisses that left you breathless, the kind of kisses you felt like you could live on. Maybe even a true love's kiss.
"It's probably because you had a really good teacher. I mean, with that level of game, how could I say no?" you smiled.
"Probably," Steve agreed with a soft smile.
You couldn't contain yourself and kissed him again, cupping his face in your hands while his large hands were placed on your waist, drawing you close.
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"Pay up, Barnes," Sam said smugly.
"No way! Look, what if the mystery girl is-"
Bucky trails off and smirks once he sees the two people who are walking through the lobby, where he and Sam were standing. Sam turns around and sees what he sees – You and Steve, walking hand in hand, giving each other total heart eyes. Steve raises your connected palms and kisses the back of your hand.
"Shit," Sam said under his breath.
"Pay up, birdman!" Bucky said with a shit-eating grin.
It's funny how life works. Right when you decide to stray clear of men, it brings you the sweetest one you've ever met, and you can't resist his baby blue eyes, looking at you so adoringly. Once you decide to be a little more of a player, change to get what you want, it brings you the most beautiful woman who doesn't need you to change at all.
In this case, opposites definitely attract. Together, they can achieve the most beautiful thing in the world – love.
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and the curtain goes down on another Steve series. Thank you so much for reading, ily<3
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000
Cycle Taglist: @dee-vn @alex747 @itsangelpie-supports
if you wanna join / be removed from these taglists, comment/message me! much love <3
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word-scribbless · 4 years
Family part 1
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This is my first Gibbs fic I’m posting! I intend to do more parts but I’m not there yet!
This is a gibbs x female reader it also includes an OC, Cori
Part 2
(Italics mean the character is signing. In most cases, they are speaking as well, except for Cori.)
Gibbs and y/n had been seeing each other for the past 5 years. She was a linguistic specialist at the FBI who had consulted on several cases with NCIS. Gibbs would never tell Fornell, but he was beyond greatfull everyday that he brought y/N into his life.
Their relationship started off slow. Gibbs was a functional mute as usual, but Y/N had a way of reading him like no one else could. She understood that he would never stop loving Shannon, but helped him see that he didn’t have to stop loving his first wife in order to fall in love with her. Y/N understood all too well what losing someone felt like. Her fiancé had been killed during a deployment as a marine while she was deployed her self as an interpreter in the navy years ago. She had never felt the need to fall in love again until she met Leroy Jethro Gibbs.
After 3 years of dating they decided to officially move in together. Most of Y/N’s belongings had lived there anyway. So for the past 2 years they had been living together and were happier than either had been in a long time. The month before they had ended a long weekend trip together by getting married, just the 2 of them and a witness from the courthouse. They hadn’t told anyone yet, but it really wasn’t anyone’s business but theirs as far as they were concerned.
Y/N was sitting at her desk at the FBI working on finishing some paperwork when her phone rang.
“Y/L/N” she answered out of instinct without looking at the caller id
“Liar” she heard Gibbs say with a laugh, referring to her name being Y/N Y/L/N Gibbs now. She chuckled. “you busy?”
“Hey you! Sorry, instinct” she smiled “No I’m just finishing some paperwork, you need me?” She asked
“Yeah” Gibbs sighed. “I have a girl here, about 10, she won’t talk or let any males near her, but everytime she says no, she signs it.” He explained. “Our victim was her foster mom... so we need to talk to her but I’m the only one here that signs and she won’t let me near her. Ziva is sitting with her now but she’s not talking. I don’t wanna drag Abby out of the lab if I don’t have to.”
“I’ll be right there J. Let me just tell Fornell” Y/N said, already standing in front of her boss’s desk. “I knew I shouldn’t have introduced you to my best agent Gibbs” he yelled with a smile. “Get outta here”.
“Thanks boss, call if you need me.” She said as she left.
When Y/Ngot there she saw ziva sitting on the curb next to a little girl wrapped in a blanket with tears in her eyes. She walked over and approached slowly signing as she talked, even to ziva.
“Hey ziva.” She greeted before turning towards the young girl. “and hey there, I’m Y/N. Can I sit with you both?”
“Yes” the girl signed and mouthed back.
“Can you tell me your name sweetie?” Y/N asked
“Cori” she spelled “this is my name sign” she said making a signal for her name.
“This is ziva” Y/N sighed
“I know” cori responded “I can hear but not talk very loudly or too much. I was in an accident when I was younger. Can you tell her I said thank you for sitting with me?”
“Sure, would you be okay if I talked what you signed so we can all talk?” Y/n asked
Cori nodded. Y/n explained and ziva smiled “you’re welcome.” She said.
“I work for the FBI and ziva and her team work for NCIS, they’re like police but they help people who are in the navy like your foster mom.” Y/n explained.
“Do you guys have to ask me a ton of questions?” Cori asked.
“We’ll have to talk to you, but we want to make sure you feel safe too.” Ziva said.
“Ziva’s boss” y/n said before pointing over her shoulder at Gibbs talking to tony and McGee “Gibbs, the one with the silvery hair, he speaks sign language also. Would it be okay if he came and talked with us too?” She asked
Cori curled up a little bit signed “ he’s a good guy?”
” a very good guy” ziva said with a nod. Y/n added “yes! he used to be a marine and now he helps people as a NCIS agent.”
“You trust him?” Cori signed to Y/N.
“I married him” y/n laughed causing ziva to look at her with a raised eyebrow. “So yes, I trust him very much.”
This made Cori laugh and nod “okay I’ll talk to him.”
“Ziva can you go get Gibbs?” Yn asked
“Oh you mean you husband?” She questioned sassily
Y/n rolled her eyes “yeah him. I’ll tell you more about it later!”
Cori giggled “she didn’t know you were married?”
Y/n shook her head. “No. She knew we were together, but we got married by ourselves about a month ago” she said with a smile. “Gibbs is very nice, but not much of a sharer most of the time.” Cori nodded at this.
“Thank you Y/N” she whispers and signs causing Y/N to nod, happy that she trusts her enough to use her voice.
“Hi there Cori I’m Gibbs” Gibbs signed and said as he walked up to them and sat on the curb.
“Hi, I’m sorry I wouldn’t talk to you before.” Cori signed
“No need to apologize, I can look a little scary” he said, making both Cori and Y/N laugh slightly.
“Your wife says you’re really nice, I just haven’t known many nice men.” Cori admits with a sniffle.
Gibbs raises his eye brow to y/n at the word wife causing y/n to smirk shyly. His face softens at cori saying she didn’t know any nice men. He could only imagine the things this girl as gone through already.
Cori explains her story and what happened to her foster mom. She opens up to Gibbs quickly and is even okay when y/n has to step away to answer a call from Fornell.
“What’s going to happen to me?” Cori asked Gibbs. He is surprised to hear whisper her words as she signs them.
“Well let’s take one step at a time. You’ll come back to NCIS with us for now because we have some more questions and want to make sure your safe.” He explains.
“Okay” Cori nods
“It looks like y/n is probably going to have to go back to her work, would you like to ride back with ziva?” Gibbs asks
“Can you come with us please?” Cori signs, looking worried.
“Of course” he says.
Gibbs gets ziva set up in the car with Cori and goes to check in with Y/N before he drives them back to NCIS.
“Hey, you gotta get back?” Gibbs asks
“Yeah, Fornell has a case he needs an interpreter for and says it’s gotta be me. Will she be okay?”
“Yeah, she trusts me now. I’m gonna get her set up with Abby when we get back hopefully.” Gibbs explains.
“Alright, I’ll try to get back over as soon as I can. This has to be so scary for her.” Y/n said remembering what it felt like to lose her parents at a young age.
“She’ll be okay. She’s strong, I can tell because she reminds me of you.” He says rubbing her arm gently.
They usually didn’t do PDA but he could tell where her mind was.
Y/n smiled. “That explains why she trusts you then.” She says, making him smile.
“Alright I need to get back, but I should warn you that the whole team is gonna know we’re married by the time you get to head quarters. I’m sorry I just was trying to get Cori to trust you.” Y/n explained.
“That’s alright, I’m glad they’ll know. I hate not wearing my ring at work.” He said smirking “see you soon. Be safe.” He leaned in And kissed her cheek.
Y/N had been back at work for a few hours working on Fornell’s case when she stopped to call Gibbs.
“Yeah, Gibbs” he answered
“Hey me too” she joked back
“Hello Mrs. Gibbs” he said with a smile in his voice. “I was just about to call you after I talked to Abby”
“Mmm I love hearing you call me that. Need to call me back?”
“Nah I’m good, I need to talk to you about something important.” He said turning down a hall where he could be alone.
“Okay shoot”
“ Cori needs a place to stay while we work on her case. I talked to the social worker and she said that if we had the right clearances one of us could....”
“Yes. I’ll bring by the paperwork that proves I’m an emergency foster parent. Call the social worker and get yours started, don’t forget to tell her I have mine. It’ll make it easier.” Y/N quickly blurted. She had gotten emergency qualified when one of her nieces friend’s single parent had been admitted to the hospital.
“God, I love you!” He responded right away. In awe of how selfless his wife was.
“Ditto marine” she responded
“You’re positive this is okay?” He checked
“Yes! Ask cori her favorite color. I’ll take her shopping later, but she at least needs fresh sheets that are all her own. I’ll pick them up on the way home, and I’ll get the stuff to make my lasagna while I’m at it.”
“ I’m a lucky man” he answered
“Don’t you forget that” she laughed “I’m lucky too Jethro. I’ll see you at home okay?”
“Yup love you”
“Love you” she said hanging up the phone smiling at how amazing the man she loved was.
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kaiowut99 · 3 years
Phew, finally finished re-finalizing my finalized GX stuff so far!
Over the last few weeks well I guess months--initially while I waited for some potential editing help for 65, then [once I canned the last fix I’d planned; sorry to those I may have slightly annoyed with my casual reblogs about it] just to get it all done while in Rome before double-releasing 65 and 66--I’ve been giving my scripts one final look-through to fix any consistency or formatting issues with my newer stuff (things like my starting to use “Fusion Undone” as De-Fusion’s translated name before accidentally going back to “Fusion Cancel” or turning “Miss Asuka” back to “Asuka-san” since I’d meant to use that whenever “Asuka-sama” was used, or the way I’d italicize contractions or capitalize things), and also to sort of go and do things I should’ve done initially (like translating Daitokuji’s nyas into meows, the logic being that it’s what we’d hear in English anyway; hopefully this is one that goes over well?).  Basically just to cross them off my list so I don’t go back to them at all.  The plan is also to work on new finalized MKV softsubs that I’ll release on NAC for those who’d like ‘em, since Zeratul (who’d provided them before) hasn’t in a long while, and once I do them for 1-66, they’ll be a thing going forward.
While I was at it, I applied some other animation/footage fixes to things I hadn’t picked up on in my initial finalizing run-through as I started doing them, or polished a couple that I did.  Some might wonder “why put in the effort for quick shots or at all no one cares,” but as I’ve mentioned before, as someone who loves GX with some [I think good?] skills using Photoshop/video editing and an eye for detail, I figured if I have time to improve it for people (especially those who might notice the same errors I did) where the staff didn’t take the chance to do so on the DVDs (where they usually would), then why not? (I was actually inspired to do it by KaiserNeko doing the same for DBZ during DBZ Abridged.) The fixes I work on are done for both my hardsubs and the DVDRips I release with the scripts over on NAC, and there’s a thread there with the original DVDRips I work off of as well, in case anyone doesn’t like them (most/all of my finalized Season 1 scripts were re-timed for them by someone there, but I’ll take some time out to do it myself too now that I’ve re-finalized them), along with the CR subs which I’ve said should be shown love too.  I’ll list these new fixes out below by each episode, for anyone super curious about the details; some are kind of interesting, lol. (Did my best to format it so it’s readable, too, lol.)
So, yeah--keep an eye out for the links to actually-final 1-64 on my stream masterpost to be updated along with 65 and 66 once I post them (probably tomorrow), I’ll be updating the links in my NAC thread to the hardsubs and scripts I’ve re-finalized along with any DVDRips updated with the fixes below, and as I get work going on 67+ (which I’ve started a bit of) I’ll work on batches of the softsub MKVs for folks.  For people looking forward to my 65 and 66, really appreciate the patience the past couple of months; hoping to work on some double-releases to make up some time.
Extra-Final Fixes!
Episode 4 (Since I didn’t include a list of the previous fixes I’d worked on in the original release post, I’ll include those here in italics; the new ones here were mainly noticed as I worked on 66 given the flashback to Judai and Manjoume’s duel here--the edits were applied there first, then I went back and applied them here. The fixes I’d already done were applied to the flashback in 66 as needed.)
As Judai takes damage from Clayman’s destruction by VW-Tiger Catapult, Judai’s LP start counting down from 3808 and not 4000; I fixed it in Sony Vegas by masking in a LP counter starting from 4000 for a few frames.
As Judai prods Manjoume into choosing a card from his hand for A Hero Appears’s effect, Manjoume’s part of a split-screen has part of his blazer semi-faded for a frame; I corrected it by just duplicating a later frame.
As Judai’s LP take a hit from V-to-Z destroying Burstlady, there are four frames where the upper part of his Disk is missing the bottom part that extends out--but it shows up in the next frame, which also causes Judai’s Disk wrist grip to vanish for the rest of the shot before Shou’s split-screen comes on, as the parts of his arm for it are colored like his jacket sleeve.  To fix the first issue, I used Photoshop to draw on that bottom part in that first frame, then masked it into the shot in Sony Vegas for the other three frames.  The second issue I fixed by recoloring his sleeve to account for the wrist grip, then masking the edit into the shot while masking the little destroyed Solid Vision bits above the edit.
Had a few things going on here.  First, after Manjoume mocks Judai being wide open just after the above, we have one of many recycled shots through the episode where Judai insists that he’s still got fight in him--the initial frame has Judai in the same position as edit #3 ends with his wrist grip missing, but it reappears as he moves to stand firm while the shading on the lefthand side of his Disk’s Cemetery slot is wonky for a couple of frames.  Second, as Judai moves back into his initial position, that shading is normal but the wrist grip again disappears into his sleeve, and this time that bottom bit of his Disk’s upper part is colored as part of Judai’s sleeve, making his arm shorter.  Third, as Judai moves to draw, the wrist grip reappears and that bottom part is now colored properly, but Judai’s arm isn’t extended like it was at the start of the shot. Finally, as Judai draws, the wrist grip is there but that whole part of his wrist is colored like it (no red noting the end of his jacket sleeve).  I fixed the first issue by copying the wrist grip edit from #3 and copying the moving Cemetery slot shading from the second part here.  The second issue was fixed once I again copied the wrist grip edit from #3, along with using the initial frame to mask in the correct Disk/forearm coloring.  Then, I fixed the third issue by copying the rest of the area below the Disk’s bottom bit from the later shot in edit #7 below where it was colored correctly.  I fixed the last issue by recoloring the first wrist grip curve into red for the end of Judai’s jacket sleeve for five frames.
As Manjoume’s V-to-Z aims directly at Judai, as he discards two to activate Evolutionary/Transcendant Wings, the Winged Kuriboh on his Disk is in Attack Mode when it’s in Defense on the field; I blanked its Monster Zone in Photoshop and then added a Winged Kuriboh proxy in AfterEffects correctly in Defense Mode.
As Judai swings his arm around telling Winged Kuriboh LV10 to “send all that energy right back” at Manjoume, the spot on his Disk where Winged Kuriboh LV10 appears for a few frames is colored like the Monster Zone it’s on; I just applied a Winged Kuriboh LV10 proxy above it for those frames.
Again, a few things here as we recycle the Judai shot in edit #4 (but he’s smiling so it’s different~). First, after Manjoume mocks Judai’s idea of him drawing a 1000-ATK-or-higher Monster to finish him, the initial frame of this shot is pulled from just before Judai moves to draw in edit #4 because the wrist grip is missing along with the bottom bit of his Disk being colored like his jacket.  Then, as Judai moves to draw and grabs a card from his deck, as his Disk arm swings upward for a few frames, the wrist grip area is first 90% colored like his sleeve, with half of the first curve of it on his sleeve colored like the grip, before it’s fully colored like his sleeve for the other frames.  Finally, as Judai fully draws and his Disk swings back to the bottom of the shot (recycling Judai’s position post-draw in edit #4), the wrist grip is gone, but also Judai’s undershirt is miscolored, part of the folds on Judai’s jacket sleeve near his elbow are colored like his Disk, and his Disk is miscolored or missing a few details compared to the earlier shot (like the bottom side of the blue LP orb being colored blue as well and not the Disk’s gray as before).  I fixed the first issue by copying the fixed initial frame from edit #4, masking it in Vegas to just use the Disk/wrist grip area.  The second issue was fixed as I recolored the wrist grip area such that the first curve was fully red and the rest was wrist-grip-colored for the three frames of Judai’s Disk arm going upward.  I fixed the third issue by just masking in Judai’s Disk and arm (up to the edge of his wrist) from the earlier correctly-colored shot, while also masking in his correctly-colored undershirt.
As Judai summons Featherman--to Shou and Chronos’s surprise--and has him lunge at Manjoume for the finisher, the black faraway box that is Featherman on his Disk disappears as Shou and Chronos slide in on a split-screen, and it’s still gone as they slide back out.  I fixed this in Vegas by just masking that black box on to stay longer, masking in Shou’s split-screen over it before and after it slides in.
Episode 8 (Original release post; as with episode 4′s, these new errors were mainly noticed as I worked on 66 given the flashback to Judai and Ryou’s duel here--the edits were applied there first, then I went back and applied them here.  The fixes I made before were applied to the flashback in 66, as well.)
After Judai thinks about how well Ryou played his first move, he draws Fusion for his turn, but as he draws it, it’s a dark-orange rectangle in his hand; I added a Fusion proxy over it in AfterEffects for the quick 2-3 frames it’s in.
After Judai’s first hit on him, Ryou draws and Special-Summons another Cyber Dragon, but visually he’s playing a Monster in face-down Defense Mode on his second Monster Zone--we see this Cyber Dragon in Zone 3 a few shots later as he uses Revival of the Dead to bring back his first Cyber Dragon.  The dub fixed this by making his Disk arm move such that Ryou’s hand lands on Zone 3, with the card in his hand a dubified Cyber Dragon, and I opted to work that into the footage here by masking their moving Disk over the original shot in Vegas, redoing the sky background behind it and masking in parts of Ryou and his hand to make it blend well while also adding some detail to the Disk in Photoshop to compensate for the slightly lower quality.  Then, I replaced the dubified card with a Japanese Cyber Dragon proxy in AE.  I worked on this in 66 first (as highlighted here), but I unfortunately couldn’t just copy that edit completely here, since the footage in 66 has a bit more brightness/contrast to it that I couldn’t dial down accurately to make it blend in to the darker footage here; this is definitely the kind of error that would normally be fixed on the Japanese DVDs, so why it wasn’t is a mystery.
As the screen zooms in on Judai after Ryou declares Cyber Twin’s attack, he’s missing Thunder Giant on his Disk’s third Monster Zone; I added a proxy onto it in AE and masked the red bulb on his Disk over it in Vegas.  It’s tiny and a quick shot, but for consistency’s sake and all. (I’d previously only added that missing Thunder Giant as it zooms out while he activates A Hero Appears).
As Judai thinks about how Evolutionary Wings would evolve his Winged Kuriboh and the screen fades and zooms out to Bubbleman on his field, he’s missing Bubbleman on his Disk in his third Monster Zone.  I added it in AE, then keyframed this zoom-out for it accordingly in Vegas.
Right after #4 above, as Judai notes that he can’t Normal-Summon again this turn, we see Mudballman--which he hasn’t summoned yet--in Defense Mode on his Disk.  When I first fixed this, I put Bubbleman in its place, but accidentally in Defense Mode (given that he’s in Attack Mode right now), so I fixed my own correction by blanking the third Monster Zone Mudballman was on and slapping Bubbleman on in Attack Mode in AE, moving it along with Judai’s Disk. (Still not sure why the dub decided Mudballman = VW Catapult or something apparently lol)
Episode 10 (Original release post listing the original two fixes that were done)
After Mei draws out his Sanga thanks to Kyuu’s Dark Designator card, during the panning shot as Mei adds it to his hand (before they tell Judai and Shou they’ll enlighten them about Tag Dueling), the Defense-Mode Burstlady on Judai’s Disk is shown reversed; I just applied a proxy in AfterEffects on top of it so it was correctly shown with the name box facing left.
After summoning Steam Gyroid, as Shou notes that summoning Hyuga left Kyuu without a defending Monster, the above shot is recycled--this time, reversed so it pans from Shou to Judai, but also has Judai react to what Shou’s saying--and so is the error with Burstlady on his Disk.  Again, just applied a proxy in AE to fix it, moving it as Judai moves his Disk.
As Shou looks down in disappointment after his Steam Gyroid’s attack ran into Hyuga’s effect, Judai turns to give him some words of encouragement, but as his Disk moves with him, we see the Defense-Mode Burstlady on his Disk again facing the wrong way.  Just slapped a proxy on in AE and moved it as Burstlady’s Zone came into view.
After Gate Guardian destroys Shou’s Steam Gyroid, as Chronos watches on and notes Shou’s timidity vs Judai’s stubbornness while the two look on at the Meikyuu Brothers, we see the Defense-Mode Burstlady on Judai’s Disk facing the wrong way again.  Fixed it by placing the proxy again in AE, then zooming it out accordingly as the shot zooms out.
After Mei sets a card and Judai prepares to draw for his turn, there’s a yellow rectangle where his Defense-Mode Burstlady should be.  Applied a proxy in AE over it to fix the issue.
Episode 11  (Original release post listing the original fixes that were done)
As Kyuu draws once Judai sets a card to end his turn using Spark Gun on Gate Guardian, the spot on his Disk where Defense Wall in Defense Mode would be has an Attack-Mode-shaped hole where you can see the blue of the stands behind him! I fixed it by making a Defense Wall proxy that I slapped on in Defense Mode in AfterEffects, moving it with his Disk.  For the tail end of the shot where the Zone is fully visible, I also filled in the hole with the Zone color in Photoshop and then applied the proxy.
As Shou declares Gate Guardian the target of his Shield Crush, the card back for the one card in his hand is miscolored.  I fixed it by redrawing the usual card back in Photoshop for the frames it’s in, Gaussian Blurring it so it blends in, before he turns and they’re out of the shot.
After Mei ends his turn having attacked Drillroid with Dark Guardian amused at Shou’s standing back up thanks to Judai, as Judai draws for his turn, his face-down card is miscolored. I recolored it in Photoshop for the few frames it’s in, working it into the footage in Vegas.
After Judai draws from Pot of Greed after the above, he goes on to activate Fusion Gate, but Sparkman on his Disk is reversed; I applied a proxy in AE facing upright, then keyframed it to the zoom-out here in Vegas.
As Judai realizes he’ll need to give up Skyscraper so Tempester can survive Dark Guardian’s attack, the Tempester card on his Disk is reversed; I applied a proxy in AE facing upright, then keyframed it to the zoom-out here in Vegas.
As Judai and Shou reel from the above attack once Kyuu ends his turn, Shou has a Normal Monster card where Drillroid would be on his Disk.  I fixed it by slapping on a proxy in AE for the couple of frames it’s visible in before Shou moves his Disk so it’s not onscreen.
I polished my edit to Misawa to keep his sideburns still in episode 12 and added it to the equivalent shot in the preview here.
Episode 12 (Original release post listing the original fixes that were done)
As noted in 11′s #7, I polished my original fix to Misawa’s moving sideburns as a buffed-up Hell Soldier took out his Hydroggedon so it blended in more with the smoke and everything going on in the shot; looks better now.
As Manjoume declares Hell Burner’s attack on Misawa, there are two quick frames where it’s a yellow rectangle on his Disk; I applied a Hell Burner proxy in AE accordingly.
Episode 18 (Original release post listing the original fixes that were done)
After Kagurazaka brings back Berfomet to take the hit from Thunder Giant and he starts his turn, as he activates Reincarnation of the Dead, there’s a quick frame where it shrinks in his hand as the shot zooms out--I fixed this by just duplicating the frame just before where it’s normal.
After Kagurazaka summons the Gazelle he added to his hand above, he then activates Swords of Sealing Light, but there’s a quick frame where it’s just a yellow shape in his hand.  Easy fix by slapping a proxy in AE.
Episode 30 (Original release post listing the original fixes that were done)
As Shou and Hayato realize they’re no longer being boiled alive, Hayato audibly asks, “Huh? Where are we?”, but his lips only move for the “Huh?” part of that as he lifts his head.  To fix this, I used the couple of flaps as he lifts his head and tweaked/resized them so they would work after his head’s lifted, adjusted to fit his line.
Episode 31 (Original release post listing the original fixes that were done)
As Chronos sets a card down after Camula brings out another Immortal Werewolf, Antique Gear Soldier on his Disk is shown as a Normal Monster Card; I originally fixed this by slapping on a proxy in AfterEffects while the shot was still, then keyframe-zooming it out in Vegas, but at the time, I didn’t account for Chronos’s swinging arm, so the card was superimposed over his hand for a frame or two as it swung over that Zone.  I’ve masked his hand over my edit now, so that’s fixed.
Episode 38 (Original release post listing the original fixes that were done)
After Judai summons Wildman in Defense Mode to start the duel and the lights suddenly go out (prompting the “duel of darkness/duel in the seas” mixup...), we see Wildman’s in Attack Mode on the field despite its Defense posture.  I fixed it by applying a proxy there, then masking Wildman’s lower body and the shadow coming from his sheathed sword on top of it.
Episode 46 (Original release post listing the original fixes that were done)
As Judai reminisces about the past year, he flashes back to his duel with Ryou in episode 8 and his Featherman being vaporized by Cyber Dragon; I added back the fix I did to Judai’s Disk in removing his destroyed Featherman for the few frames it’s onscreen.  Because the flashback fades to white right then too, I also added a quick mostly-transparent layer of white over the blanked zone to replicate the start of the fade to white so it blended in.
As Judai then looks over at Shou and Hayato and he remembers his first encounters with them (a bit reanimated, too), there’s a quick frame where Hayato’s gritted-teeth mouth disappears before it closes into a line for his mouth.  Fixed by just reusing a frame of his mouth in the same position and moved it into place in the panning shot.
Episode 51 (Original release post listing the original fixes that were done)
As Ryou notes that Judai’s studied up on him by choosing to go second, Judai slides in on a split-screen, but the top of his hair’s miscolored.  Fixed by recoloring it in Photoshop, then working it into the footage in Vegas by moving it into place as he slides in.
As Ryou uses Time Capsule to hide away his Fusion Undone/De-Fusion for later and Judai thinks back to his move in episode 8 leading to his activating Power Bond, I added back my fix to Ryou’s Disk to add on his missing two Cyber Dragons and the one Cyber Dragon in his hand, grayscaling it and adding visual noise to it to blend with the flashback.
Episode 54 (Original release post listing the original fixes that were done)
After Chronos pins his hopes on Manjoume, as Gokaido draws for his turn, we see an error where his Disk apparently partially vanishes for two movement frames--it seems the animation staff forgot to put the background layer behind his Disk there or something, lol.  I fixed this by actually filling in the rest of his Disk in Photoshop for those two frames, first by filling in the Disk itself and then painting on the rest of the Monster Zone at the edge of the frame, and then just added them to the video in Vegas.
Episode 59 (Original release post listing the original fixes that were done)
After Shining Flare Wingman returns while Ed explains Misfortune’s effect, of the D-Heroes on his Duel Disk, we see Diamondguy and Diehardguy reversed.  I originally slapped on proxies for them positioned correctly in AfterEffects on the frame after the slow zoom-out stops, then in Vegas I used that frame to re-do the initial zoom-out, but while I usually add a slight blur to the proxies, I noticed that they were a bit too blurry as the zoom-out started.  So I redid it and lightened the blur, while also touching up the bit as Misfortune’s light envelops Ed and his Disk so the light over them blends in more.
Episode 62 (Original release post, though I didn’t do any fixes before)
As Judai uses Dandylion’s effect to summon his two Fluff Tokens, Cocoon Dolphina--visually in Defense Mode on the field--is in Attack Mode on Judai’s Disk in the panning shot to them.  I fixed it by first blanking the Zone in Photoshop, then placing a proxy in the Zone for one frame in AfterEffects before I re-panned that frame for the shot.
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