#i’ll upload a better version later
andromedaexile · 1 year
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Still trying to figure out how to use Procreate but this guy is pretty cool!
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@paranormaltheatrekid, @kairithemang0, this one’s for you.
Sorry for the bad image quality, I had to export it differently than usual. Maybe I’ll upload a better version later.
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partiallypoison · 2 years
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OH BOY! i have spent the better part of three days working on my love letter to i brought you my bullets, you brought me your love. and finally, here it is: sixteen individual pages (a front cover, two intro pages, eleven pages for eleven tracks, a thank you note, a back cover) available for you to read here.
if you’d like to print a version of this, you can download the pdf for free here. it’s set up for printing already, so just be sure to print on both sides and on the short edge! if you want to send me a tip as thanks, you can here :)
i’ll upload the cover (without the text about it being a zine) and each song to my redbubble later, if you want poster versions!
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astarionposting · 7 months
Dancing in the Moonlight.
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Dancing in the moonlight, It's caught me in the spotlight.
Ok so I did upload my new playlist to SoundCloud, but I realized it’s missing some voice lines that I wanted to add 😭 I was working on it and editing until 3 am!! I also took these as cover photos, but I’m not too too happy with them. I want some angrier and more dark theme for the playlist, since it’s meant to be a pov of a sad breakup w/ ascended Astarion 😞 So, I will take better ones tonight and I can post later! <3
I’ll keep up the current version for now as a preview. It’s only one or two that I’ll be adding so it won’t be much difference. But I might add some more songs because a few got cut off at the end. If you want to listen HERE is the link! Hopefully video can be uploaded to YouTube this time….
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djthed · 2 years
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Hey Tumblr, long time no see! The bird site is kind of on fire at the moment, so I think better now than later to revive this old account.
I’ll periodically be uploading some of my past work as well as current stuff, because my Tumblr account hasn’t been given a lot of attention over the years, and most of my recent stuff just straight up isn’t on this site... yet! I figure this can also help get this account some traction after many years of inactivity, so bare with me as we slowly start getting this account back up and running!
As for this render, this is one of my more recent ones! Originally finished and uploaded on July 18th, 2022. This particular version was a revision of an initial publication of this very image, which applied a good amount of feedback to hone in on the filly facial design that I didn’t quite nail down the first time. And that circles to why this render was put together in the first place, which was to test drive the rigging set up I had that allowed my base pony models to have different proportions based on age, which would then allow me to work on actual characters that are foals!
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ask-cloverfield · 1 year
Ichimonji my fucking GUY Hayato
His stuff is short enough that I was able to finish it quicker than Ruriko’s
Ichimonji Hayato was originally made to replace Takeshi Hongo when his actor, Hiroshi Fujioka was injured during a stunt gone wrong. To contrast the previous protagonist he was more friendly, jokey, a tad competitive and fucking delightfully cocky. He still had that air of sadness about him, however he managed to find solace in his allies and friends.
The manga version of Ichimonji also keeps that, but adds in him initially being a SHOCKER Rider freed by Takeshi before his death.
The movie attempts to combine these two interpretations and it succeeds. The biggest difference is how he acts when brainwashed. In the manga he was the same as every other SHOCKER monster, blindly devoted and arrogant which served to contrast his actual self
In this film Ichiro attempts to modify Ichimonji (Who was one of Hiroshi Midorikawa’s earlier experiments with the Grasshopper augmentation project) to be more independent and able to harness prana more efficiently so he can more effectively track and kill Takeshi Hongo
“I think I was supposed to be a journalist, but I am Grasshopper-Aug 2. It is my task to eliminate you. Now watch this, Henshin!”
However Ichimonji ends up keeping more of his personality, still being a fairly approachable and charming guy even as he attempts to kill Hongo. He chases Hongo until he is charged enough to be able to take Ichimonji at full strength and ensures they are in area with no civilians so Hongo can go all out.
“I don’t dislike kindness, but there is a fine line between kindness and weakness”
Before he begins the fight he reminds Takeshi that if he dies Ruriko loses her protection so he better take him all in with intent to kill
 “This is you at full strength? I like it”
As they fight Ruriko gets to work preparing a program to deprogram Ichimonji as Takeshi and Hongo fight across an industrial plant, in the end Ichimoni is able to throw him into the air and shatter his leg
“How lame”
As he approaches Hongo, Ruriko steps in front of him
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I just need you to know I named this gif “No Pickles” and I am shocked I never noticed his leg is bending the wrong way
“Can you move? Missy?”
She promptly uploads the deprogram program into Ichimonji’s helmet and he collapses, as SHOCKER’s brainwashing forces them in a constant state of euphoria removing it forces them to re-experience all their life’s sorrows leaving Hayato stunned on the ground sobbing as Ruriko gives him a red scarf
As he lays there crying Ruriko is stabbed in the back by K.K. aug, as he speaks to Ruriko and prepares to stab her again Hayato kicks him at a VERY high speed down a pit thing where they have a short little conversation
“Who are you?” “I think now, I am Masked Rider, ally of humanity, enemy to SHOCKER!”
“Now  I think I’m gonna do what I want, like settling the score, starting with paying you back for what you did to the missy”
After the fight is over and Takeshi takes Ruriko’s will, they separate with Ichimonji telling him
“I’m a journalist, I expose evil with my camera. Now, with this power I can fight this evil. I don’t dislike you, Hongo. I think I might like you, But I don’t trust the people following you.”
As he watches Takeshi ride off injured to face Ichiro he appears to have a change of heart joining Takeshi as he is overwhelmed and plopping him on his bike
“Don’t have to apologize! You can just thank me.”
“Okay, thank you Ichimonji-Kun”
“Why so formal? Drop the Kun”
“Okay Ichimonji”
“I don’t like teams. But for you I think I’ll give it a shot”
“Guess I’m Kamen Rider No. 2 now huh?” “That makes us Double Riders!”
He and Takeshi face Ichiro and after Takeshi explains his plan he fucking headbutts Ichiro’s helmet open and watches Takeshi work his plan
Only to realize in horror Takeshi never planned on surviving
The film shows him later at a pier preparing to throw away Ruriko’s scarf as he is approached by Takeshi and Ruriko’s government friends who give him Takeshi’s burnt helmet and tell him Takeshi wished for him to have it
And also that Takeshi and Ruriko’s consciousness lives on in the helmet
Ichimonji agrees to work for them with one condition
“I can’t trust people who don’t share their names.”
“I’m Tachibana”
He paints the helmet a familiar color
“That’s better, didn’t like that threatening gnawing-teeth look, nice and friendly!”
He rides off as he hears Takeshi’s voice
“Through the helmet I can hear what you hear, the smell of the exhaust, the roar of the engine, every thing you feel I feel too, I can feel the force of the wind striking our body
I can feel all of it
Now Ride! Faster Hayato!”
“Here we go Takeshi, from now on. We are not alone”
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Ichimonji is used to represent the evolution of Kamen Rider from these tragic men trying to fight an organization that just destroyed them and took everything from them
To this heroic, playful and charming Hero of Justice: Kamen Rider
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van-yangyin · 2 years
Celestine Hair
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Long time I no connect here but I've been preparing these hairs for my sims and share their hairs for downloading. 💛
Here hair I made for Celestine twins, Alya and Julien, original characters created by @lea-heartscxiv and me. And a mixed variation of the two hairs combined, used for their adopted sister Suki. I have had a lot of fun making this hairs and I hope that anyone who wants to will have a lot of fun using them. 💝 
Download under keep reading ↓ 
Please read my T.O.U (English/Español/日本語) before download and if you’re agree go ahead, thanks
General Info:
24 EA Swatches 
Base game compatible 
Hat compatible 
All genders and agender  
All ages 
Custom Thumbnails
Flipped hair version, split hair color and lock hair color
3 hair versions
Depending on your preferences, you can download all them (MERGED file) together, or just one type for everyone, or just a certain gender or age! Since there are merged files that amount to a little more than 100 MB and it seems that SFS doesn't want to upload them, I've shared them through Google Drive because I don't know where else to share them.
🍀Celestine Loose Hair🍀
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LOD Information: LOD0: 20k | LOD1: 10k | LOD2: 5k | LOD3: 3k
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly) [Right Lock]
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly) [Left Lock]
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly) [Right and Left Lock]
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
To download all merged file, CLICK HERE (Google Drive ~ Free, no adfly)
Preview in CAS:
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🍀Loose Sidetail Celestine Hair🍀
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LOD Information: LOD0: 34k | LOD1: 17k | LOD2: 8k | LOD3: 5k
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly) [Right Sidetail]
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly) [Left Sidetail]
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly) [Right and Left Sidetail]
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly) To download all merged file, CLICK HERE (Google Drive ~ Free, no adfly)
Preview in CAS
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🍀Celestine Sidetail Hair🍀 
(Please go to this LINK, now this hair is avaliable for all)
This is only for Twitter followers as a gift for their support and follow, sorry for the inconvenience! 🙇💦↓
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LOD Information: LOD0: 28k | LOD1: 14k | LOD2: 7k | LOD3: 4k
(Please go to this LINK, now this hair is avaliable for all, tho I leave the only for followers link for those who wish to download it from there)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly for Twitter followers)
Preview in CAS:
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~Split hair color (For all hairs I share from this one onwards, for all ages)~
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✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
~Lock hair color (Especial for Celestine Hair, for all ages)~
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✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Furthermore, it works for all three hairstyles and can be applied at the same time 💕
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Thank you to @/raccoonium for tips on which category to put extra split and lock hair colors.
Extra info: If you want to make look better my hair on your trans or non gender conformer sims on the frame structure of the way it works in The Sims 4 game, make sure check my post (In English and 日本語) so hair doesn’t appear deformed. If you have a better way to make it work, please feel free to let me know, I would love to be able to make hair that can be worn by all types of sims.
If you want to put extra split hair color and lock hair color in another category, go check here to know how you can change it with Sims 4 Studio.
Let me know if you find any problem. 🙏❣️
I'll log in later to catch up, for now I'll just leave this here and quietly disappear. 😆💦
Happy simming! 🍀
🛹 You can find me also on Patreon | Pinterest | Ko-Fi | Blogger (Shared with Lea) | Instagram | X (Twitter) | My F.A.Q. | My T.O.U. | MORE DOWNLOADS 🛹
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Just a quick update
Hey lovelies!
So there've been a few people asking when I’ll be uploading the rest of the script. After some deliberation I’ve decided to wait until after the app update on Wednesday for two reasons. One, I believe the scripts I have from E09 onwards are older versions. And two, I only have up until E13 while vol5 goes up to E14 and I'd prefer to get the volumes up in chunks if I can. 
Seeing as Wednesday is so near, I figured it's better to wait and see whether anything new is included in the update. I doubt much will have changed in terms of the script since it's still so early on within the story, but I think holding off for a couple of days is worth it just in case some minor alterations have been made. If nothing's changed, I'll go ahead and post what I have regardless, and revise it later if needed. I should have vol4 up over the course of Thursday and Friday and vol5 posted on the weekend.
Also, sorry to those who have sent me asks. I've been a little busy the past couple days and haven't had the chance to go through them yet. That doesn't mean they've been forgotten though! Thank so much to all of you who have sent me such wonderful messages of support! I really do appreciate it!
Hope to have more for you soon ❤️
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eBay Rant
Boy, oh, boy do I have a juicy eBay rant coming your way.
 So, I’ve been buying on eBay since 2016 and never run into major issues with sellers.
 The stupidest seller I ever came across was one such person who thought it smart to ship me a *porcelain* doll in a cardboard box with no outer protection, and of course, she broke into a million pieces and I basically got her for free, lol. I never thought anyone could be more stupid than that.
 But this one takes the cake.   🎂
 So, I’m looking at this from two sides—as a buyer and a seller. I’m also a part-time seller myself. I don’t sell very often because I don’t have too much to sell; but if I want to downgrade and need the money, I’ll part with a few items in my own collection. I usually sell occasional doll items and have never had a major issue with buyers (I’ve had more issues with Facebook Marketplace than eBay), but naturally, if a customer had a complaint, I would not have responded in the way this bloke did.
Well, there’s a first for everything, right?
I’ve been buying and collecting high quality photos of old Hollywood stars for some time now and I purchased a Don Knotts photo on Sunday, January 1 (Don Knotts is one of my faves and I have quite a collection on him). The photo finally arrived on Monday, January 9 but unfortunately, it was not the high quality I expected. The seller claimed in the item description that the photo was from an original negative from a film print of a Steve Allen show episode (which are hard to find; only a few episodes exist on DVD). But naturally, the old Steve Allen shows (as most old tv shows back in the 50s) were not on film. They typically ‘’filmed’’ live using a process called kinescope, which is not tape or film, and the quality tends to be very low (you’ll notice any Steve Allen show episodes uploaded to YouTube are very poor quality, because that was the low, cheap quality they processed the show to be shown on the very small tv screens; there is no high definition version that exists, even with restoration. The quality looks worse on our big flat screens, something that was not very noticeable back then on small tube television sets in the 50s). But judging by the seller photo, it looked like it might be a higher quality glossy that I’m used to. I’ve also purchased some photos from the Red Skelton Hour that also used the same process of The Steve Allen Plymouth Show, but they were actual stills used to advertise the show in the newspapers at the time, so the quality was better. So, that’s what I was expecting, more or less.
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 But I get a photo that looks like this:
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And to be fair, that is the quality of the videos you will see, but the seller photo just made me think otherwise.  Normally, I don’t buy items from sellers who are too cheap to afford a basic scanner to scan their items, because it’s hard to rely on crappy cell phone pictures that don’t determine what the photo will look like in person, but I decided to take a chance, because you know… I’m a simple man. If I see Don Knotts, I click, lol. And I’m a big fan of The Steve Allen Show.
 The seller, despite only being on eBay since January 2022, also had good reviews from buyers (I always review their profile and reviews before buying, if I haven’t bought from them before just to make sure they’re okay). He was at 100% when I bought the photo but more on that later.
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So, to make a long story longer, I requested a refund on the day of delivery (January 9). I stated why I was returning the item when I opened the refund request. The seller responded on Tuesday, January 10. First red flag was that he did not use pleasantries. ‘’Hi, how are you? May I ask why you are returning the photo?’’ That’s how I would respond.
 No, here was his abrupt response. And terrible grammar to boot (no punctuation at the end of his sentence, but I’m not here to be a Grammar Nazi).
 ‘’What is wrong with the photo?’’
  (And I’ve blocked my name but really this seller does not deserve to be protected for privacy reasons; he is a cautionary tale for anyone on eBay.)
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But another thing that was strange, too, was that I have returned some photos before in the past or requested refunds for photos that were not to my standards, and the sellers were always polite and very rarely ever asked questions about my returns. They always refunded me promptly. There’s really no reason for a seller to ask, ‘’What’s wrong with the photo?’’ Buyers don’t necessarily need a reason for a refund; sometimes they change their mind. Yes, I’m aware of buyer scams, but I’ve cancelled orders before for buyers who just had their own reasons for no longer wanting the item. It isn’t my business to ask. For instance, someone wanted to buy an American Girl Doll from me and changed their mind at the last minute because they had a surgery coming up. Understandable. I moved on to the next interested buyer. The less you ask of your buyers, the better. They don’t need to explain themselves. If they don’t like it or it doesn’t match the item description, they have a right to return it.
 I wanted a refund for an item I thought was going to be higher quality, but I got a very fuzzy, blurry photo. It wasn’t the seller’s fault; it just wasn’t what I expected.
 Well, this guy has only been on eBay since January 2022 (and he’s not just a seller, but also a buyer; in fact, he has more reviews as a buyer than a seller, five pages worth, and he only had seven reviews as a seller at the time I bought the photo), so I should’ve known right off the bat he’s a newbie who isn’t familiar with the standard eBay procedure in how to deal with customers.
 But in my experience, the sellers NEVER directly message me to ask me questions about why I’m returning the item or requesting a refund. I always state why when I make the request.
 I always maintain cordiality no matter how rude the person I’m dealing with (I’ve worked customer service for years, so I’m used to it), so I just responded with an honest answer. I always try to treat sellers the way I would want my buyers to treat me. Most buyers would just yell at the seller for no apparent reason.
 The seller seemed to soften after I kindly explained the issue and only then, did he start to use pleasantries. Because see? Niceness goes a long way. Usually if you’re nice about it, they’ll be nice right back. Usually.
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 Well, he clearly stated that I did not need to return the photo and that he would give me a full refund on Wednesday evening (January 11). Good. I thought the matter was solved and I wouldn’t have to worry about it. I received a notification via email that the seller accepted my return. eBay did send me a shipping label to return the item, but again, the seller told me to keep it, and I did not want to waste more money sending it back anyway (the item was $10, and shipping was $10. With tax, the total came to be $20.84, for a photo that was not very good to begin with), so I hoped the seller would keep his promise and refund me ASAP.
 Come Wednesday evening, there’s no refund. I waited a few days and heard no response from the seller, so I reached out again on Monday, January 16. Most buyers wouldn’t even wait this long.
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 The seller did not respond so I reached out again the following Wednesday, January 18. I never heard a response. Again, the seller promised he would refund me LAST Wednesday. It had been over a week now. I think I gave him more than enough time to issue me that refund. I also saw him listing new items on his store between the time I messaged him three times, so he was clearly more preoccupied with his own business than actually assisting a customer. He was ignoring all my messages. I was not a priority to him.
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 I wasn’t sure if I should wait for his response, but I was starting to think I was never going to see that $20 again. My first mistake was not asking eBay Customer Support to step in, but they gave me a message on the 9th when I opened the case that they would only be available to help until January 13, so it was already past the window for me to contact them, and I couldn’t figure out how to contact them through the website directly anyway (there was a number to call which I should have tried, and their live chat wasn’t very useful either). In all my years buying on eBay, I never had to escalate a return case to eBay Customer Support because the sellers always resolved the issue in a timely manner and never ignored my inquiries. Frankly, I just wasn’t sure what to do next. This seller was purposely giving me a hard time.
 So, I was admittedly losing patience now and reached out to PayPal directly on Wednesday, January 18 (PayPal always refunds me for merchants who refuse to do so). I gave them all my documentation. I explained the issue and provided them with screenshots of my eBay order, the conversation I had with the seller showing that he clearly promised me a refund, and an Account Statement that detailed my credit (showing date of purchase, the order ID, and the card I used to pay for the item).
 On Thursday, January 19, I left a negative review for the seller because he ignored all my messages and I think I waited long enough for him to respond, and if he just issued me a refund in the first place like he said he would, I wouldn’t have to be going through all this. This is also the first negative review I've ever had to write up simply because I never had to before. I prefer not to write them if I can avoid it, but this experience has been very trying. Most buyers would just go straight to the reviews and start lashing out at the seller before contacting the seller first, but I think I followed all the steps. I contacted the seller first, chatted politely with him in private, and agreed to settle the issue, so there was no reason for me to write a negative review, and that’s usually how I go about it. I’ve only written maybe two neutral reviews (which one seller had eBay remove and another asked me to change to positive after he refunded me the difference for overcharged shipping), but otherwise, I try to avoid it. I’m not out to ruin a seller’s perfect 100% rating on purpose. But this seller did not handle the issue properly and I think I gave him a fair chance. I also worded my review as kindly as possible despite my frustration. His rating is now down to 99.1% (not counting the false positives he’s received as a buyer from other sellers but more on that later).
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 After reviewing the details of my case, on Tuesday, January 24, PayPal denied my case because I accidentally deleted the PayPal receipt, and I wasn’t able to recover the file from my email because it was more than 7 days ago. PayPal did give me from Tuesday, January 24 to Friday, January 27 to provide them the additional documentation of my receipt, but there was no way to recover it. All I had was the Account Statement to show proof of credit. They said ‘’because we never received documentation that proves you are due a credit’’ they unfortunately had to deny me. Because I reached out to PayPal, the Return was automatically closed on eBay on the 18th. Well, I was a little disappointed they didn’t see my side. It was the first time PayPal denied me.
 It’s mostly my fault because it’s the first time I’ve failed to save the PayPal receipt. I usually always archive them in my emails when I place the order and save the receipt until the order arrives in case I need a refund, but I guess I just wasn’t thinking. Oh well. I had 10 days to appeal my case to PayPal, but since I can’t recover the receipt, I decided not to pursue the refund further and let it go. Sure, I’m short $20 now but I know for the future to just save the receipts and ask eBay to step in first. It’s not really a big deal, just a lesson to be learned.
 I thought about disputing the charge directly through my bank or credit card company, but it’s such a hassle to go through all that for $20. If the charge was more, I would consider it, but I also don’t want the bank to think I’m attempting to commit ‘’friendly fraud’’ so again, I just decided to let it go. Life’s too short to worry about stuff like that. It’s not worth the aggravation and I have more important things to worry about.
 On the same day PayPal closed my case, I did manage to reach out to eBay Customer Service via Facebook messenger (which I should have done in the first place) to just to double check if there wasn’t anything more they could do. They were very sympathetic to my case, but they explained because ‘’a dispute was opened with PayPal. Once this happens, it would take precedence over our claims process, and we would no longer have the ability to issue a refund on the order. It definitely isn't that we don't want to help, our hands are just tied. If you haven't already, I would encourage you to reach out to PayPal and see if the case can be appealed, or what other options they may have to help. We hope this is resolved soon.’’
 So, that was that, and I just decided to let it go because there was nothing else to be done, and I didn’t think more of it. That was four days ago.
So, this morning, I see the seller messaged me at 11 AM, practically harassing me over the negative review I left for him. Like I need more stress in my life, lol.
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Sorry, I’m lmfao right now, this is so rich.
  🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
And, oh the awful grammar. Dude, please do yourself a favor and go back to school. I’m losing brain cells trying to make sense of this.
 Something’s wrong with me? Mmkay. No, I think something is wrong with you. I asked you three times for a refund, and you chose to ignore me. You do realize it’s been three weeks, right? Or can’t you tell time?
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  First off, I did not ‘’keep the photo free of charge.’’ lol what? 🤣 I paid appx. $20.84 for the photo that you NEVER REFUNDED, so you basically kept my $20 for yourself. Even if I printed out the return label to ship it back to you, you probably STILL would not have refunded me, and I would have been short even more money than I already am right now. (I’d return it now, but I no longer have the shipping label, and I doubt anyone would want this crummy photo. The 2 bids you see were both placed by the Gixen Mirror service on my behalf. There was no other competition.)
 Also, sorry I wasted YOUR precious time sending you three messages, two of which you ignored, and having to go through PayPal and having them review my case for an additional week. Yes, I clearly wasted YOUR time. 🤣 Dude, really. It’s been 20 days since I opened the return on the 9th, and it’s been 18 days since I last heard from you. I gave you more than enough time to refund me, which you failed to do.
 I’m sorry, I just can’t right now. XD I honestly think this guy is brain damaged. Ngl
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(Also, a funny thing happened when he shipped me the item. He assumed I was married (for some reason???) and addressed me on the envelope as ‘’Mrs. So-and-So.’’ Like… you *never ever* assume a woman’s marital status, or *anyone’s* marital status for that matter, like for real… I didn’t let it bother me, but still, it was hilarious. I don’t think he’s very smart.)
  🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
In all seriousness, I did not think my review was unfair. I only stated I'd been waiting for a refund the seller promised since January 11. I understand, of course, if he was busy filling other orders, but I gave him more than enough time to refund me and sent him two additional follow-up messages, one on January 16 and another on the 18th and he never responded to my inquiries. He's just now responding.
 I just think it’s ridiculous that I’d been waiting for him to refund me since January 11, and, even if he was busy, he could have temporarily set aside his orders for a measly minute. I’m sure it doesn’t take nearly as long to send a refund. It took him six days to ship my order, so he’s clearly in no rush to fill orders. There was no reason for him not to take two minutes out of his day to issue me a refund. Most sellers I’ve dealt with in the past issued me a refund in no more than three days at most. He intended to drag this out longer than necessary. Also, the cordial thing for him to do, if he was so busy, was to reply to my messages explaining he would get back to me as soon as possible, and I would’ve understood. I’m aware sellers have lives outside of eBay, but usually if there’s a delay for whatever reason, a *good* seller will always keep me informed.
 A *good* seller cares about customer satisfaction, as in responding to customer inquiries at your earliest convenience. If it were me filling a refund request, I would not wait weeks and weeks to get them their money. I would do so right away. And if life happens, just reach out. I basically did all the work messaging the seller regarding the issue. He did not have the common courtesy to reach out to me and explain why it was taking him so long.
One time, I messaged a seller to ask when they would ship an item after a week had gone by since placing the order, and they responded by saying their wife had suddenly passed away and there would be a slight delay in shipping, and of course I understood, and wished them sympathy and simply told them to take all the time they needed. Another time, a seller informed me they were out-of-town on vacation and would ship my item as soon as they returned, and I wished them a good trip and there was no rush. I received both items as promised from these sellers who were kind enough to take the time to explain the delay. This seller, however, did not bother telling me he was busy filling other orders, so how was I to know? Also, a few more reviews were left for him from other buyers a few weeks AFTER I opened my return case, so he should have refunded me first before he filled other orders. Why keep me waiting? And he only had until January 31st before eBay closed the Return. Why wait until the last minute? I feel like he was doing so on purpose, lol. There was absolutely no communication with him. Most sellers will ghost you if you agree on a refund. Sometimes, they say they will refund you and never follow through, and just keep your money, so naturally I assumed I’d been ghosted.
 Again, he just didn’t go about this the right way. If you say you will issue me a refund on January 11, but there’s a delay for whatever reason, he should have reached out to me. Again, I waited several days before reaching out to him, trying to give him time to respond. I tried to follow up with two additional messages which went completely ignored, so at that point, there was no more excuse. The fact that he’s just NOW responding to me on Saturday, January 28, 11 days after the Return was closed by eBay and four days after PayPal closed my case, it just says enough about this seller in general. Obviously, a procrastinator. It shouldn’t take you nearly a whole month to give a customer’s money back. JMO
 I always maintained cordiality and never resorted to threats, so I'm not sure why he feels the need to threaten me now. I have since blocked him, but I did reach back out to eBay Customer Support on Messenger and showed them this seller is going out of his way to harass me. I've been buying on eBay since 2016 and never encountered a character quite like this one. No buyer has ever left me a negative review either because I always try to be reasonable and understanding. I don't want to cause any more trouble, I'm just letting them know this eBay seller is prone to harassing his customers and I just hope he doesn't treat other customers in similar fashion in the future.
 So, eBay did respond and said, ‘’Thank you! You're completely entitled to your feedback, and you don't have to delete it. We'll go ahead and report the seller on our end so our Trust team can take appropriate action based on their findings. On your end, I recommend not engaging with this user further. Please keep us in the loop and let us know if you run into any other issues, we're here to help.’’
 So, I hope nothing more comes of this and this guys just quietly goes away.
I did investigate him further and found out, as a buyer, he has several false positives from other sellers. He’s had at least four complaints from four different sellers for failing to pay for items, despite their constant notices and reminders. I wish I looked into him further before buying from him, because obviously, if he has an issue paying sellers, then he surely has an issue refunding his customers. But I probably wouldn’t have taken that into account, since I rarely request refunds and rarely experience issues with my items. I’m not sure if anything was done about it, apart from the orders being cancelled, or if these sellers tried to contact eBay’s Trust team to report him, but I’m just putting it out there. Unfortunately, sellers cannot leave negative feedback for buyers, so if a seller experiences an issue with buyers, and they leave a review, it will just be counted as a false positive. I wish I’d read all the reviews thoroughly. So, despite his generally positive reviews from other buyers, I wouldn’t let this deter you. He clearly has issues when it comes to money, whether it’s paying on time or issuing a refund.
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If you ever deal with him, proceed with caution.
 I will say this whole experience has given me weeks long headaches and an upset stomach, but I also won’t say it wasn’t at least remotely entertaining. Shakespeare would’ve loved this kind of drama.
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I’ve edited my timeline a bit (a lot...) and the old version of this drawing just wasn’t really useful for me anymore because of certain changes etc. so i finally expanded it a LOT so i have a better idea of what flash’s hair should look like.
(while peter stays mostly the same XD he’s just not interested in experimenting with his hair i guess)
putting some individual bits (well, groups of 3-4) below the cut:
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Flash in his late teens; his only form of hairstyling in high school was buzzcuts from his mom so i just wrote “high school” instead of an age lol... once he goes off to college he starts growing his hair out and by the time he loses his legs that’s about what it looks like (18ish), and then the one with the hello kitty shirt is about a year later, how he looks by the time he’s 19 and a half... then a few months later he buzzes it all off after some stuff happens that upsets him, that i won’t go into here but will be uploaded to the AO3 series as a fic later. short version is “he has a revelation about himself and gender that he’s really, really not ready to deal with and locks himself back in the closet” (not that he was really out of the closet but he was rolling around in 2006 wearing a hello kitty shirt and nail polish lol) so yeah he ends up depressed again, and drinking more (still not legally old enough to drink but he has his fake id and other ways of getting it, of course) and trying to be Outwardly Masculine like he was before :(
oh i’ll also note—since it’s not visible in these busts lol—flash has of course been using a wheelchair since he was 18 and a half, which is obviously because of the events in “these are not the clothes [...]” where doc ock crushes his legs... so aside from the teenage stuff, he’s in a rigid wheelchair throughout this entire au—i decided against him ever getting prosthetic legs because initially he is young enough that growth is still a partial factor, on top of prosthetic legs already being even more expensive than wheelchairs and already requiring multiple fittings in the early stages even for adults who are totally done growing, and then later they’re just like... poor... plus not being on his dad’s insurance after a certain age (esp. after being kicked out but i don’t think he was disowned)... even by the time he and peter get married and flash is on peter’s health insurance i doubt they’d be able to afford a pair of otk prosthetic legs on the salary of one full time teacher and one part time assistant gym teacher lol—that shit’s like tens of thousands PER leg... even with insurance i doubt they’d be able to throw together something like 20k-40k (or more) for prosthetic legs on top of being due to replace flash’s wheelchair... granted they do have rich friends (and my headcanon in 616 is that harry and/or liz are probably the ones who helped pay for flash’s mobility aids in the first place) but imo neither are the type to want to go asking for money, regardless of harry or liz’s willingness to give it to them... and being like, “hey can i have $40,000?” is a BIG ask lmao
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ANYWAY Flash is still kind of in a rough place in his early 20s, but starts to get better and feel okay with the things that made him feel happy before, so his hair starts growing out again and he busts out the spidey choker but not the nail polish. am considering having andi be a character around this time (though obvs she’d be like... 10) but not sure about how i want to do that... or if i’ll ever write it XD def still having drinking problems as he gets actually legally old enough to drink but less depression = less drinking for him, to some extent... his beachy curls are just the cutest though
not pictured: flash converts to judaism in 2010 (along w/ his mother and sister)
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(2011 necklace just a regular fine silver chain necklace peter got him for his birthday)
mid 20s flash is a lot happier and starts wearing nail polish again, as well as getting his associate’s degree and also starting the *other* AA (alcoholics anonymous) or a similar program happening kind of concurrently with some other stuff (Harry’s also been going through it which partially leads to flash realizing he wants to change some things in his life) and also just because he’s so busy with school and other stuff that it’s really just become a lot more impractical for him to drink as much, and with the support of aunt may and peter and his friends he’s getting a lot better about his drinking and also a lot more comfortable with himself and his sexuality and gender presentation now that he’s had time to think about it more and not be so afraid. turns out 7 years away from your abusive father helps a lot... also harrison specifically has had kind of poor health and while idk if flash is even in contact with him anymore, if he is then, that might contribute to flash being like, fuck i don’t want to be like that...
anyway he gets job as an assistant gym teacher at midtown around the same time peter gets a job there (though peter’s been teaching already for a few years while getting his masters, but he was teaching at a school near chelsea instead of in queens)... Flash puts his hair up at work but at home it’s like, :> girly time.
and peter proposes when they’re 26, cause he’s been thinking about how that stuff has been legal in nyc for a couple years (since 2011) and just. he’s peter. he wants to get married. he’s a wife guy. i doubt flash says yes IMMEDIATELY because he has some hang-ups related to his home life growing up and peter and him haven’t always had the smoothest relationship, so understandably he isn’t ready to say yes immediately .... but like... they’ve been exclusive for a few years on top of some off-and-on stuff in their early 20s, and peter has seen him in some of his worst, most rock-bottom moments in life as well as helping him realize who he is inside, and still loves him, so he says yes.
also around this time, along with the convo about if marriage is the right fit, they have a convo about flash’s ... “identity issues” and talk about that and make good strides there. peter helps flash embrace that aspect of himself, especially now that peter’s mature enough to be capable of supporting flash without being pushy or aggressive or expecting him to just magically be grateful LOL—my, how they grow up XD so this is when they first start experimenting with feminine terms of endearment (at least on purpose) and stuff like... well, they’re engaged so i guess it’s just fiance LOL so not girlfriend. “wife-to-be.” and other more uh. nsfw things 😂
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(the blue pendant necklace is a wedding gift from felicia)
they get married, still 26 because their wedding is in the spring and flash’s birthday isn’t until june and peter’s is in october, but like, ALMOST 27, the long hair is definitely what flash has at 27 following the wedding, and then the even longer hair is around the time the man-spider fic is taking place and has grown out a lot.
i’m still using he/him pronouns for flash in the man-spider fic as of my most recent edits, but i actually am not 100% sure what the deal is with that. i think there are lot of feminine terms of endearment in the privacy of their home, and i’ve had felicia call flash a pretty girl, and even tossed in a “wife” in a recent edit of ch 1, but flash isn’t really publicly out... “boy mode at work” as the doodle says lol. there’s always a chance i go back and edit pronouns. we’ll see how that shakes out. i think when flash is somewhere around mid-40s that might shift over to like, more feminine everything... a more comprehensive social transition i guess
then the late 40s one is mostly an estimate of like, this might be what flash looks like in 20 years... but idk for sure. wife city. a couple of white hairs but she’s not going gray as much as peter is lol
also—re the wedding stuff: originally there was no yarmulke for flash’s wedding outfit but i recently committed to flash asking his mother about their heritage (in “last week [...]”) with the idea that maybe his mom’s side is jewish or used to be jewish (but that there’s been a lot of intermarriage) and now have decided flash converts in 2010, so not an interfaith ceremony, just a jewish one.
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here are their wedding rings. peter proposed without a ring but after they talked through if marriage was the right step for them and flash agreed to it, flash also eventually asked if he could get an engagement ring... because gender. so they buy a really small, simple one that doesn’t attract too much attention but still has a little tiny diamond... peter offers to wear one too but it’s not very practical for his line of work (spidey lol) so they end up just getting the one for flash. and then their wedding bands match but flash’s is skinnier just cause he doesn’t want to draw too much attention to the set. like it’s a small, happy thing for him, but that doesn’t mean he wants randos staring at his rings (and also they’re not exactly wealthy on a single full time teacher’s salary + a part time assistant gym teacher’s salary to support them and pitch in for aunt may...)
i can see peter getting an anniversary ring for flash eventually too... maybe 10 year...
also as a sidenote, i just wanted to say i def agree that peter doesn’t need to be married to be an adult or be mature, and that it’s weird when people boil it down to “peter has to be married to be an adult.”  the problem with comics right now isn’t that he isn’t married, but rather the circumstances for why it was decided that they had to end that relationship, and the way he is watered down into a nothing character with no personality and no flaws who isn’t allowed to swear or drink in the name of Mascot-ification while his dark hair and features are made lighter and more generic (arguably more aryan) (latter also a problem with flash and why i only draw flash with curly or wavy red or strawberry hair now instead of the straight yellow blonde he’s been given over the past 20 years)
what i’m saying is that while marriage shouldn’t be the only way for a romance to continue, etc. and emulating traditional gender roles and marriage roles is not the only way to be in love etc. i do think peter is a wife guy (and how many times has his first solution to literally any problem with a woman has been “oh no i have to propose”?) so i think in this case it’s warranted, and peter being like, well, gay marriage is legal... and we both have jobs at the same school now... and we’re probably gonna move soon... maybe we should get married.... makes sense to me 😂 especially considering things like healthcare and the fact that flash is no longer young enough to stay on his dad’s insurance... and peter is very much a protective (overprotective) person who wants to take care of the people he cares about... makes sense that he’d be like, i love you, i want to be with you for as long as possible, let me take care of you better
but also: me smushing fictional characters together like barbies: teehee wedding
me giving flash longer and longer hair and more feminine presentation could also be talked about as like, trans people don’t need to emulate traditional gender roles—but i like when flash has long hair and i think it looks pretty and cute. but also frankly part of the reason i gave flash long hair is less to do with gender presentation and more to do with the fact that i grew up in a family where 4/5 of my uncles grew their hair out long as adults specifically because they’d all had buzzcuts their whole childhood and adolescence so growing their hair out was a way for them to assert their personhood lol
and i think that applies to flash here too, in addition to the genders and long hair as a form of feminine androgyny
as for peter:
i drew a lot less for him XD his hair is mostly the same 2-3 styles cause he doesn’t care that much about fashion whereas flash has the whole Queerness and Gender thing going on. (otherwise i wouldn’t have given him like 10 hairstyles LOL)
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late teens and early 20s, peter starts to loosen up a little bit with his hair as he gets older and more adult... he also loosens up his clothing for all of five seconds because with the symbiote when he’s 17-18 (mostly 18) he doesn’t need to hide a suit under his clothes, it just exists, so 18 is his “slutty button-downs” era XD  but then a few months before he turns 19 he loses the symbiote so it’s back to buttoned-up collars and turtlenecks and stuff... but sexy instead of nerdy. also he shaves his awful teenage boy barely-a-mustache.
that era of looser hair and more tightly done casual clothes is also around when flash goes back to trying to be masc and he and peter are separated (both in terms of peter living away from aunt may’s house and also in terms of not dating) for a little while.
but, early 20s is also when peter and flash get back together after a couple years and enter a steady relationship—when they’re around 21, 22 years old? and that happens kind of concurrently with flash figuring himself out with less fear, and peter helps with that a little bit. so as peter starts getting shaggier and less uptight, flash also starts to relax and grow his hair out. so they get shaggy hair together 😌 (though flash’s is def longer, peter just needs to go get his hair cut more often XD)
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mid-20s, you can see Pete has gotten shaggy as he loosens up! but then some shit happens over a span of ~3 months that’s not great that i won’t get into here (see this post ) and he ends up hospitalized etc... after that, he gets his hair cut once he’s doing better, and keeps it pretty short and tidy from here on out as a way to, i guess... have some control over his life. it makes him feel better to be clean-shaven, neatly coiffed, etc. so from his mid-20s onward he’s permanently said goodbye to the baby mullets.
and then like i said he doesn’t go through as many hairstyles so i didn’t bother drawing out 10 different variations of his mid-20s haircuts... cause they’re all roughly the same but with varying levels of bang length depending on when the last time he got a haircut was XD
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so skipping to 26/27 for the wedding stuff, and then 28 for man-spider... he’s matured now.... (damn wish i was that put-together at 28, my life’s a mess😂) so in man-spider they’ve been married for a little over a year (rough strain on the second year of marriage 😅) and then after it, he looks mostly the same but is a little bit fuzzier (even more?!) and has slightly pointier teeth.
and then in his 40s aka DILF with bad facial hair era, his hair will start going PRETTY gray pretty quickly... with that white streak... his hair is gonna be more silvery than flash’s as they age, partly cause of the stress of being spider-man and partly cause silver fox suits him lol
(not that flash hasn’t had stressful stuff happening too but it’s a little different)
and yes i gave him stupid facial hair, as is his right. any middle aged peter needs some kind of dorky goatee or mustache, that’s just the rules okay. i almost gave him a beard but i didn’t like the way it looked XD (also a beard under the mask seems unpleasant)
he dies at 49.
i drew this anyway:
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I mostly just wanted to doodle that cause I thought it was cute but like... Peter gets gunned down before he even hits his 50th birthday. like literally a few weeks before he turns 50. It’s tragic but not surprising in the end and probably something they were a little prepared for considering everything that happens in their life together. at least flash will be a hot milf widow. (except she dies of a broken heart on his birthday instead) (aka a heart attack + a fall in the middle of the night)
i’ve just been thinking about that scene in asm500 where future peter gets taken out by a literal swarm of cops and a sniper... though that universe obviously has its own stuff going on and implies peter kinda goes bad, and i’m not really looking to do that to him or flash (as much as i like a Killer Spidey, i don’t think it’s the right fit here) we’ll see... i just know i want to re-emphasize that peter will treat flash with love, gentleness, and tenderness up until his last breath... wifeguy til the end. i think maybe fisk is involved or something...
anyway misc doodles from the past two years:
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tfw you turn from a circle to a dorky teenager into being chiseled
i’ll also note that peter has a lot of issues ... like a lot... and he was already a temperamental teen but he has some serious anger and other issues as a teenager due to sexual trauma as a 12 year old :( poor kid. you can see mentions of that in the stuff i have posted; peter’s mostly coping as an adult but sometimes it creeps back out... :/ contributed to his antisocial behavior in high school for sure. also he hit puberty so hard XD his voice dropped like three octaves between age 12 and age 18 lmfao
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added flash onto this older drawing so i could have a comparison of the way they grew... they both had major growth spurts but flash’s happened when he was around 13 and peter’s didn’t hit until 16-ish (well no he had a smaller growth spurt around 12-13)... a couple of angry children XD... also edited this to make ben shorter cause i realized i made him like. very tall on accident. but closer to 5′11″ here instead of like 6′2″ XD
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and peter’s spidey suits over the years... first costume is dorkier and also a little more silver age styled, then black suit as an 18 year old and then he makes a new suit since he’s bigger after losing the black suit, and needs something better and more durable... has also filled out a LOT by 19/20 lol now he’s got that booty... and i think his suit probably tends to be some variation on that suit throughout his adulthood...
i’ll note that originally i planned for the black suit to be a little earlier but some stuff changed, so peter probably shouldn’t be QUITE that gangly and thin in the black suit. but otherwise it’s mostly right.
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i also have this variant (with bonus six arms style) which i like a lot too though for all of these i don’t actually love the spider logo’s look ... this was a scrapped idea for a different AU so just ignore the six arms and spider face stuff XD not relevant here, just looking at the suit style
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it’s really just the default spider-suit i draw tbh XD (this pic and the next obvs from that 8 page comic i did, not from this au)
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i like this logo style better.
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also bonus: a general idea of what the rest of the gang looks like..
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gatoplaga · 1 year
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The background is- uh, whatever, my hand was crumbling in pain and I really don’t know what to do with it. Maybe I’ll upload another version of this with a better background later, but for now, it is what it is.
I wanted to draw @gloomyguts oc Jinx, she’s SO CUTE, I love her design. And since I felt in the mood to draw mine too, I thought, why not draw them together, so here it is.
I kinda do like how it turned out (ignoring the bg thing).
Jinx / gloomyguts
Sid / me
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kukuandkookie · 3 months
Might copy and paste the text here later from my Twitter thread where I expressed why I enjoyed it, but I recently read My Little Poplar and ended up liking Bai Xinyu and Yu Fengcheng quite a bit!
Yu Fengcheng’s eventual regret was honestly written really well, and the relationship between the two leads has good chemistry. 👌
Even better is that it features Jian Suiying, who I also have gotten weirdly attached to???
Like objectively the book Jian Suiying comes from, In Love With an Idiot, has its flaws. Or rather, it employs tropes that really aren’t for everyone, which includes the main couple fighting constantly (so it’s basically fighting and then fucking and then fighting and then fucking and you get the idea), and it gets kind of overdramatic at times, as some very angsty-type stories can be—whether they’re from China (known as “dog blood” stories) or not.
I even found it a little silly that so many were so obsessed with Jian Suiying, and yet…
Here I am now, sliiiightly obsessed with him. 🤡😂
It’s just that! As I mentioned on my Twitter, he’s so unique for a shou/bottom/uke character!! Before he met Li Yu, he was always the top, and he’s sexually confident and pretty intelligent and ruthless and…well, temperamental. He does admittedly have a charm to him that works and I find it pretty amazing the author managed to predict that, since so many characters in her novels adore him BDMGIHSKD.
Even his red flags give him charm, because while he is problematic, the red flags make him an intriguing character. The author does a pretty good job at balancing the different aspects of him that make him technically infuriating and yet also compelling.
His charm is further boosted by the fact there’s actually a clip of one of his VAs just trying to cheer you up if you’re sad?? Like hello??? 🥺
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It is no longer a surprise to me that Li Yu ended up so obsessed with Jian Suiying. 😆
Also I’ll note now the last image is actually by the My Little Poplar manhua artist while the others are from the manhua adaptation of Jian Suiying’s own novel! I like how the manhua artist draws him quite a bit since it feels so him. I’ve seen fan art and they sometimes feature him smaller and thus not domineering enough, even though they usually show him with the same hairstyle—which makes for a fun tangent on its own since danmei designs can be a bit “basic,” so when one specific design becomes a recognizable look for a character, I find it pretty cool.
In fact, one of my favourite details in My Little Poplar was watching Yu Fengcheng be very frustrated with how much Bai Xinyu looked up to Jian Suiying. 🤭
Also just seeing him show up always made me go “yay!” because it’s so fun getting to see him again, especially as part of his story aligns with My Little Poplar (as in the plots of both novels happen somewhat concurrently).
Similarly, the manhua adaptation, My Beloved Fool, has a really nice art style and I really like that the artist always lets Jian Suiying shine by really dressing him up. He and Shi Qi from Trap a Vicious Dog (another series I want to ramble about on why I’m enjoying it so far) are two manhua protagonists I know of who are like…confident smart corporate bosses that get stylish fits almost every manhua chapter, which is a nice detail ahaha.
My Beloved Fool has recently hit the heavy angst section of the novel so it’ll be depressing to follow for a while since you’ll just watch Li Yu fall apart as Jian Suiying suffers absolute hell. 😔
Someone even uploaded the first season of the vomic version of the manhua on YouTube. 👀
Similarly, I’m really excited for the My Little Poplar manhua to get to all the good bits of the story there, since Bai Xinyu develops a lot as a character and I find Yu Fengcheng’s regret especially well done. But evidently it’ll take quite some time to get there; first we have to get past the military bullying alfndkfjjss.
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Anyway the actual reason I started typing this out before I spiralled into another huge ramble asjakfl is that I found In Love With an Idiot and My Little Poplar audio dramas on YouTube!!
I’d heard some In Love With an Idiot audio clips from something that some fans had shared to YouTube before, but it sounds like those clips were from a completely different audio drama than the one I landed on. I’m especially excited about the My Little Poplar one. Even if it’s not extremely high quality (I think Bing Xing Xia Deng aka Inferior by Nature aka The Selfish Gene has admittedly spoiled me because it was so high quality 😆), it’s still fun hearing these characters come to life aurally.
Even more so since iirc I saw a Twitter post saying the My Little Poplar and In Love With an Idiot got taken down officially, so they may only be accessible via online reuploads right now. I can’t find the post to confirm, but if true, I’m glad someone preserved them. 🙏
Update: I did find the other version’s VAs of the In Love With an Idiot audio drama! Except it’s maybe a…sequel? Where a Li Yu of the past transmigrates 5 years into the future when Li Yu and Jian Suiying are a couple?? It’s on MaoEr FM…and it’s for free. 👁️
In fact, I could totally ramble about the Bing Xing Xia Deng audio drama—which I already have for a friend, so I can just copy and paste that long-ass (slightly more incoherent because it’s a lot of fangirling) wall of text here haha. I am currently very obsessed with that series too because it really is high quality and I like how it evolved the novel it’s adapting, but my friend is the expert on it so I feel a bit more shy about sharing my thoughts sometimes.
Welp that went on quite a number of tangents but yeah. I’ve enjoyed these novels and I’m very happy they got audio dramas and that they are still out there to be enjoyed after everything. 🥺💕
OH and final note but…the fun fact about the 188男团 aka 188 Group, which is the overall series Jian Suiying and Bai Xinyu belong to (so-called because it’s 10 novels that share a universe and all feature (scum) gongs of 188 cm) got sort of made into an “actual” 男团, aka a boy band/group! I found the couple (?) songs they released and some fan songs and it’s nice seeing them all “singing” together alfjskfjs.
An English translation can be found here!
An English translation can be found here!
Me when I spy Jian Suiying, Li Yu, Yu Fengcheng, and Bai Xinyu especially in the MVs: 🥺
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bibiten · 2 years
[doujinshi] MOONLIT DRIVE
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title: MOONLIT DRIVE circle(s): nizizoku artist(s): michi (pixiv) english release: 11/2022
read at: e-hen / nhen / MRM
the liner notes well... it might be better to read the doujinshi and then come back to these liner notes lol.
this should have been done relatively fast, but October ended up being quite a month for me. i stopped studying (my one solid daily habit for the past 1.5 years), started sleeping at least 12 hours a day and started feeling very... empty. then i sensed the reason: my grandfather, whose health had been steadily declining over the months, was about to leave me... so working on a story involving death was... awkward to say the least, and took much longer than i anticipated. after i posted the teaser on twitter i thought, the next full moon is 11/8, should i just wait until then to upload?
a few hours later, i got news of his passing. so... naturally i wanted time and space, so that became the plan anyway.
i love michi’s style, i love iwashu, if you love this too, i’ll be glad. but i’ll probably have some weird feelings about this particular doujin for the foreseeable future. lol
as for the promo, i knew i wanted a photo of a moonlit road, but once i started working on it i felt somewhat blanked out (can you blame me?) i got the ink ring idea from the book cover, but just as i was about to delete it for looking out-of-place, i decided to tweak the transparency and position so it aligns iwai’s and ren’s pupils.
when i submitted PJ Soushuuhen to MRM, i made an 1100px version since having to resize and compress 160 pages seemed like a pain in the ass. MRM resized it to 1000. this time i sent an 1100px version again and they resized it to 950px. i know MRM is the popular choice for the BL fans, but if you want a better res, go literally anywhere else. is this policy or am i being dunked on? (ー△ー;)
once they’re dead, they’re just gonna rot... only thing left is the feelings of the living... indeed.
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m39 · 1 year
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2005): Konga Songa
You know what? It’s time to appease Slaanesh.
Time to review something seedy.
Kind of...
Sort of...
Not really.
G5: Kama Sutra (Hurr Durr)
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Main author(s): Adolf Vojta (Gusta) and Jakub Razák (Method)
Release date: March 9th, 2005 (database upload)
Version played: ???
Required port compatibility: Vanilla
Levels: 32 (standard 30 + 2)
Okay, let’s get this out of the way first. Kama Sutra is not some Rule 34 WAD that will make twelve-year-olds giggle like Japanese schoolgirls every second map (that honor goes to HDoom). It’s actually a spiritual successor to Hell Revealed... which means you might spend days trying to finish it after taking a couple of breaks if you are not some Doom-speedrunning masochists that the authors of this WAD are.
It is also one of the first WADs that not only earned one of the main awards but also one of the bonus ones. In this WAD’s case, it was Mockaward for the funniest WAD of the year.
Did it deserve the reward, though? Like any of these two? Well, let’s find out.
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For a vanilla-compatible WAD, Karma Suta looks great. While there are some duds that are basically Hell Revealed-like maps but different, there are maps that might make you drop a jaw on the floor. And just like Suspended in Dusk, some of the better-looking maps have amazing details; not as close to the stuff from the previous WAD but having more soul than there due to the bigger variety of biomes.
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The music wasn’t annoying to listen to. In fact, some of the tracks were absolute bangers. This soundtrack includes stuff like a scuffed version of Smooth Criminal, a shit ton of music tracks from Duke Nukem 3D and Rise of the Triad, and even a MIDIfied version of Stairway to Heaven (which is the best track; and it comes from someone who either didn’t listen to the original version or can’t remember when he did that).
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When it comes to understanding how the levels play, Karmic Suit isn’t hard. Sure, some of the levels are kind of mangled, and backtracking in some of these is really obnoxious but I don’t think there was anything particularly awful.
Oh, and also, most of the time, you end up levels by going through the same-looking teleporter.
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Most of the levels tend to have something that makes them stand out from the others. I’ll try to explain some of these:
The Hidden Engine has an interesting mechanic in that you don’t use the keys you got. The passage that leads to the exit opens up just by grabbing the keys themselves (since the name of the map).
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Time Is Tickin' Out makes itself look like time is passing by with each grabbed key; it even gets darker with the last key. It’s like the time was passing differently in the dimension (probably) you grab the keys.
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Execution starts out with you on an electric chair, referencing Death Row from Duke Nukem 3D.
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Miss Sporty is kind of hilarious since you are basically wrecking demons’ arses on a sports stadium. The concept of Doomguy ruining demons’ day when they all want to have fun kind of makes me chuckle.
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Cyber Machine starts out with you trying to run to the nearby teleporter and you have to slowly get there with platforms that slowly go down (you will end up soft-locked if you aren’t fast enough) while defending yourself from Cacos. A funny moment that I wish the middle part of this map was (I’ll get to that later).
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The Train Is Approaching is a homage to Alien Vendetta’s Clandestine Complex, down to the similar style and music track used in both maps. It is also a complete migraine maker since even if you know where to go, you will still end up going through the long, mangled paths, even when the next objective is right next to you.
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Traps, if you didn’t get it from the title already, has shitty traps that are basically a fuck you kind. Sure these traps are just barrels and not some firing squad of Hoovies but it was still filth to experience. Also, there is another fun moment when you lower the blue key from the hanging cage.
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Cow Face, asides from accidentally looking similar to the cow’s head, gives me Plutonia’s Hunted vibes. Not really with Arch-viles in the labyrinth but with the yellow and red keys having their respectful switches on the other side where there are supposed to be.
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Stairway to Heaven is like a min-golf course; with almost each section dedicated to one of the weapons of your arsenal. it is also my favorite map of Konga Silly.
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And speaking of silly, we have reached a moment that gave Kombat Slaughter Mockaward: MAP30 - <|> AKA Pica as I like to call it.
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What’s up with this map, you may ask? Well, you have to choose between kids and adults routes. Choosing adults will send you to the arena... with a naked woman spreading her legs and flashing you with her pussy...
You facepalm. You are filled with cringe.
...that functions as Icon of Sin... and you have to shove rockets up her glory hole... while being bombarded by up to eight siege cows...
You have now officially lost a plot.
You bash your head on your desk.
Okay, look, I get it! Czech people have a different sense of humor, and it was made in 2005, the time that such a thing was much more acceptable and probably hilarious... but seriously?! That’s the reason why this WAD was rewarded as the funniest WAD of the year?! Another shitty Icon of Sin boss with Cyberdemon-made firing squadron that just so happens that looks like Vagineer’s face and has a Cancan dance music... THAT COMES FROM ONE OF THE LEMMINGS GAMES?!?!
You bash your head on your desk several additional times.
You know... I could... I could partially understand Khrono Sumo getting Mockaward due to more levels having funny concepts than just MAP30, like Miss Sporty or Stairway to Heaven to some degree. But the fact that I didn’t see anything funny mentioned asides from Pica in Cacowards 2005, makes me question the Doom community’s sense of humor back in that year, along with how low it was. It’s ridiculous.
And by the way, you wanna know what the kids route is? You simply wait for an exit to lower while dodging up to eight Cyberdemons attacking you. It still reeks of bullshit but I would rather play this than suffer through another Icon of Sin ending.
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And no, I ain’t gonna show you the adult route, because 1. I have no pictures of it, 2. Even if I had pictures of it, Tumblr would probably shadowban me for posting it, and 3. I’m not playing this route because I’m not into completely naked bodies, real-file, or fiction. Look at this map somewhere else.
At this point, you should realize that Kurkuma Salad is really hard. I can’t explain exactly the difficulty of this MegaWAD, so I’d like to kind of repeat myself from the beginning of this review: if you are a masochist that beats WADs like that for breakfast every day (and is probably to speedrunning too) then you will be in a viscera-filled heaven. But if you are closer to someone like me who’s not exactly into a few hundred monsters on the screen/area, you will probably finish this WAD once, and not touch it for a very long time, if at all.
Let’s come back for a moment to Cyber Machine. I briefly mention its middle part not being good, and that’s because you are forced to fight in a tight area with four cows while their alcoves open up and close down one at a time; not to mention pressing switches in these alcoves after dealing with them (in a specific order I might add). Playing this map normally is a chore. Playing it while also Pistol-starting is a nightmare since you have to deal with Cyberdemons with nothing but the Super-Shotgun. You might as well jump on a teleporter in the middle of that area (if your source port allows that).
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At least I can say that the last area is somewhat fun if you don’t play it on UV.
Then there is Hard Target. A shit-ton of enemies for the sake of a map with a shit-ton of enemies, around half of the map having damaging floors, pop-up Cyberdemons. being surrounded by three of these at the starting area where they will keep bombarding you unless you know where the telefragging teleporters are (at least two of these, third Cyberdemon will die in the mosh pit of demons behind him), the flood of tomatoes and meatballs after dealing with one of the switches that lead to the exit or something like that; these are just a few things that I remember about this hellhole. And the fact that this map ends up sandwiched between Stairway to Heaven and I’m just a DOOM Addict (which is a pretty cool map) doesn’t help.
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My advice to you asides from not playing on UV on your first playthrough: Ignore stuff in the center and focus on switch areas.
Asides from a few graphical glitches that I encountered, and some of the music tracks being slowed down (for unknown reasons) and/or not looping properly, there weren’t any bugs around this WAD. There is still stuff written in Doomworld and in the text file though.
Also, even though this WAD is vanilla-compatible, it’s still better to use a limit-removing source port since most of these maps are too big/have too much stuff in them to be saved. Here’s Adolf Vojta’s answer to that problem:
Who use savegames nowadays anyway?
Not you apparently, at least in 2005 when you were a speedrunner, therefore a masochist (probably).
Hindu Book of Monkey Fun is a better Hell Revealed sequel than HRII. At least it looks better than that WAD, and it gave me more fun and had more maps that were more than just shove as many enemies as possible mentality.
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Unfortunately, after playing this MegaWAD twice, I think I’m’ experiencing burnout at this point. Not to even mention the personal stuff I have to deal with. So to not make myself completely go apeshit, I’ll take an indefinite hiatus from reviewing.
I know there are some WADs that were spoiler tagged by Dean of Doom, a new official add-on to the Unity port, and then there is My House.WAD that’s getting insanely popular. Need to try all of this before coming back.
I’ll see you all... in June in the best-case scenario.
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gengarscursedbody · 1 year
this hq!! rewatch has inspired writing, really inspired it, and for the first time in years I’m actively picking up things I started years ago and editing other things that have sat untouched for so long, destroyed from online sight like so much of my work and so many of my socials during the throes of psychosis.
and it’s like. I’m sitting here, reading over my old things and laughing in all the right places or having my heart strings tugged, and I’m editing and re-uploading them all while listening to the same playlist I had seven years ago when I wrote them in the first place. the playlist, like the writing, has improved significantly. but my god does it take me back to those days, the days when these gorgeous boys filled my life; when my days were filled with talking about them, screaming about them, writing about them, sometimes (often) crying about them because goddamnit, I loved them so much then and I still love them so much now. as I said the other day, they mean so much more to me than I can ever put into words.
but going back to those days also reminds me of how far I’ve come. it reminds me of how I was then, how I felt then. I was so unwell, I lacked so much clarity into that, and I had no idea how much worse it was going to get. the last seven years have taught me so much and, thank god, brought me to where I am now. to recovery. healing. accepting and dealing with things I didn’t even know were there. and when I think of how I was seven years ago, it makes me sad but also grateful for the fact I’ve managed to get here considering where I was then, and where I would be later on.
I’m thinking of going back the city I lived in seven years ago. I haven’t been there since I was at my most unwell and the thought’s been in my head for a while that I need to go back. I think I’ll go in August, if I can, and take my boys with me. visit all my old haunts, the places I used to go with atleast one of them in my bag; the best coping mechanism I could find at the time against crippling anxiety and paranoia and mood. I feel like I need the catharsis of going back in this better place, this healed place, and putting it all to bed for good. going back and appreciating it as I am now, rather than the shell of who I was then.
for anyone who didn’t know me then, this might be a slightly bizarre read. but know that I love and appreciate you, as I love and appreciate all the friends who knew me then and are here now. I was not the best version of myself in 2016, I made many mistakes and there are many ways in which I cringe at myself, but I am who I’m meant to be now, the fullest version of myself, and I am always so eternally fucking grateful for the people in my life. maybe life, or more likely mental health, got in the way at some point. but we’re here now, and I still love you and I always have. I am so grateful for everyone whose here with me and has supported me on this long, long road. I love you so much 💜
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
update about MLWTBB
it’s been a while since I’ve posted any of my stories, and there’s multiple reasons for that. the main one so far has been lack of proofreading, which Ham and I already talked about. sadly, I’m probably going to start posting my work without her edits for the foreseeable future (with the potential of me adding her edits later). another one is that I’m not happy with how I’ve been formatting my posts here on Tumblr. I’ve been using the same intro since I started posting the first MLWTBB over a year ago, and it’s become both redundant and unnecessary imo. finally, I’ve been considering this for a while, but I’d like to start making either graphics or artwork for each of my stories. ideally, I’d have a new one for every chapter (and I might do that at some point), but starting off, I would just have one per story.
all of this has me considering not just how I post my stories going forward, but also potentially reposting my older stories with the new format as well. this would only apply to here and not AO3, which is already formatted completely differently. I would update the masterlist to accommodate this as well, of course, favoring the reuploads over the original versions.
I’m still trying to figure things out, so it may still be a while before I post my next story. I know, it’s been over a month since I’ve posted anything, and I feel bad for that. I have three different stories already complete that have been waiting to be uploaded for months now. and I love this series and think about it constantly, and I have no intention of ending it anytime soon. season 2 has been rattling around in my brain and giving me new ideas for future stuff that I cannot WAIT to share with everyone. it’s just going to be a long time before we get there unfortunately 😅
so yeah, tl;dr I’m reworking how I post MLWTBB going forward and may be reuploading the entire series so far in a better format, which means the next story might not release for a while longer. ironically, the next story would be more fitting to release in May considering the subject matter, but that’s all I’ll say about it 😜
I know this series isn’t very popular, but it’s extremely important to me. it’s rekindled my love for writing and telling stories, and that’s the main reason I’m continuing it. to the few people who’ve read and enjoyed the series so far, thank you so much. what started as a self-indulgent way for me to live with my favorite characters has turned into what I consider my magnum opus, and I can’t wait to share the rest of it with all of you in the future 💙💙💙
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