#doom kama sutra
m39 · 1 year
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2005): Konga Songa
You know what? It’s time to appease Slaanesh.
Time to review something seedy.
Kind of...
Sort of...
Not really.
G5: Kama Sutra (Hurr Durr)
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Main author(s): Adolf Vojta (Gusta) and Jakub Razák (Method)
Release date: March 9th, 2005 (database upload)
Version played: ???
Required port compatibility: Vanilla
Levels: 32 (standard 30 + 2)
Okay, let’s get this out of the way first. Kama Sutra is not some Rule 34 WAD that will make twelve-year-olds giggle like Japanese schoolgirls every second map (that honor goes to HDoom). It’s actually a spiritual successor to Hell Revealed... which means you might spend days trying to finish it after taking a couple of breaks if you are not some Doom-speedrunning masochists that the authors of this WAD are.
It is also one of the first WADs that not only earned one of the main awards but also one of the bonus ones. In this WAD’s case, it was Mockaward for the funniest WAD of the year.
Did it deserve the reward, though? Like any of these two? Well, let’s find out.
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For a vanilla-compatible WAD, Karma Suta looks great. While there are some duds that are basically Hell Revealed-like maps but different, there are maps that might make you drop a jaw on the floor. And just like Suspended in Dusk, some of the better-looking maps have amazing details; not as close to the stuff from the previous WAD but having more soul than there due to the bigger variety of biomes.
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The music wasn’t annoying to listen to. In fact, some of the tracks were absolute bangers. This soundtrack includes stuff like a scuffed version of Smooth Criminal, a shit ton of music tracks from Duke Nukem 3D and Rise of the Triad, and even a MIDIfied version of Stairway to Heaven (which is the best track; and it comes from someone who either didn’t listen to the original version or can’t remember when he did that).
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When it comes to understanding how the levels play, Karmic Suit isn’t hard. Sure, some of the levels are kind of mangled, and backtracking in some of these is really obnoxious but I don’t think there was anything particularly awful.
Oh, and also, most of the time, you end up levels by going through the same-looking teleporter.
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Most of the levels tend to have something that makes them stand out from the others. I’ll try to explain some of these:
The Hidden Engine has an interesting mechanic in that you don’t use the keys you got. The passage that leads to the exit opens up just by grabbing the keys themselves (since the name of the map).
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Time Is Tickin' Out makes itself look like time is passing by with each grabbed key; it even gets darker with the last key. It’s like the time was passing differently in the dimension (probably) you grab the keys.
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Execution starts out with you on an electric chair, referencing Death Row from Duke Nukem 3D.
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Miss Sporty is kind of hilarious since you are basically wrecking demons’ arses on a sports stadium. The concept of Doomguy ruining demons’ day when they all want to have fun kind of makes me chuckle.
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Cyber Machine starts out with you trying to run to the nearby teleporter and you have to slowly get there with platforms that slowly go down (you will end up soft-locked if you aren’t fast enough) while defending yourself from Cacos. A funny moment that I wish the middle part of this map was (I’ll get to that later).
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The Train Is Approaching is a homage to Alien Vendetta’s Clandestine Complex, down to the similar style and music track used in both maps. It is also a complete migraine maker since even if you know where to go, you will still end up going through the long, mangled paths, even when the next objective is right next to you.
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Traps, if you didn’t get it from the title already, has shitty traps that are basically a fuck you kind. Sure these traps are just barrels and not some firing squad of Hoovies but it was still filth to experience. Also, there is another fun moment when you lower the blue key from the hanging cage.
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Cow Face, asides from accidentally looking similar to the cow’s head, gives me Plutonia’s Hunted vibes. Not really with Arch-viles in the labyrinth but with the yellow and red keys having their respectful switches on the other side where there are supposed to be.
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Stairway to Heaven is like a min-golf course; with almost each section dedicated to one of the weapons of your arsenal. it is also my favorite map of Konga Silly.
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And speaking of silly, we have reached a moment that gave Kombat Slaughter Mockaward: MAP30 - <|> AKA Pica as I like to call it.
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What’s up with this map, you may ask? Well, you have to choose between kids and adults routes. Choosing adults will send you to the arena... with a naked woman spreading her legs and flashing you with her pussy...
You facepalm. You are filled with cringe.
...that functions as Icon of Sin... and you have to shove rockets up her glory hole... while being bombarded by up to eight siege cows...
You have now officially lost a plot.
You bash your head on your desk.
Okay, look, I get it! Czech people have a different sense of humor, and it was made in 2005, the time that such a thing was much more acceptable and probably hilarious... but seriously?! That’s the reason why this WAD was rewarded as the funniest WAD of the year?! Another shitty Icon of Sin boss with Cyberdemon-made firing squadron that just so happens that looks like Vagineer’s face and has a Cancan dance music... THAT COMES FROM ONE OF THE LEMMINGS GAMES?!?!
You bash your head on your desk several additional times.
You know... I could... I could partially understand Khrono Sumo getting Mockaward due to more levels having funny concepts than just MAP30, like Miss Sporty or Stairway to Heaven to some degree. But the fact that I didn’t see anything funny mentioned asides from Pica in Cacowards 2005, makes me question the Doom community’s sense of humor back in that year, along with how low it was. It’s ridiculous.
And by the way, you wanna know what the kids route is? You simply wait for an exit to lower while dodging up to eight Cyberdemons attacking you. It still reeks of bullshit but I would rather play this than suffer through another Icon of Sin ending.
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And no, I ain’t gonna show you the adult route, because 1. I have no pictures of it, 2. Even if I had pictures of it, Tumblr would probably shadowban me for posting it, and 3. I’m not playing this route because I’m not into completely naked bodies, real-file, or fiction. Look at this map somewhere else.
At this point, you should realize that Kurkuma Salad is really hard. I can’t explain exactly the difficulty of this MegaWAD, so I’d like to kind of repeat myself from the beginning of this review: if you are a masochist that beats WADs like that for breakfast every day (and is probably to speedrunning too) then you will be in a viscera-filled heaven. But if you are closer to someone like me who’s not exactly into a few hundred monsters on the screen/area, you will probably finish this WAD once, and not touch it for a very long time, if at all.
Let’s come back for a moment to Cyber Machine. I briefly mention its middle part not being good, and that’s because you are forced to fight in a tight area with four cows while their alcoves open up and close down one at a time; not to mention pressing switches in these alcoves after dealing with them (in a specific order I might add). Playing this map normally is a chore. Playing it while also Pistol-starting is a nightmare since you have to deal with Cyberdemons with nothing but the Super-Shotgun. You might as well jump on a teleporter in the middle of that area (if your source port allows that).
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At least I can say that the last area is somewhat fun if you don’t play it on UV.
Then there is Hard Target. A shit-ton of enemies for the sake of a map with a shit-ton of enemies, around half of the map having damaging floors, pop-up Cyberdemons. being surrounded by three of these at the starting area where they will keep bombarding you unless you know where the telefragging teleporters are (at least two of these, third Cyberdemon will die in the mosh pit of demons behind him), the flood of tomatoes and meatballs after dealing with one of the switches that lead to the exit or something like that; these are just a few things that I remember about this hellhole. And the fact that this map ends up sandwiched between Stairway to Heaven and I’m just a DOOM Addict (which is a pretty cool map) doesn’t help.
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My advice to you asides from not playing on UV on your first playthrough: Ignore stuff in the center and focus on switch areas.
Asides from a few graphical glitches that I encountered, and some of the music tracks being slowed down (for unknown reasons) and/or not looping properly, there weren’t any bugs around this WAD. There is still stuff written in Doomworld and in the text file though.
Also, even though this WAD is vanilla-compatible, it’s still better to use a limit-removing source port since most of these maps are too big/have too much stuff in them to be saved. Here’s Adolf Vojta’s answer to that problem:
Who use savegames nowadays anyway?
Not you apparently, at least in 2005 when you were a speedrunner, therefore a masochist (probably).
Hindu Book of Monkey Fun is a better Hell Revealed sequel than HRII. At least it looks better than that WAD, and it gave me more fun and had more maps that were more than just shove as many enemies as possible mentality.
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Unfortunately, after playing this MegaWAD twice, I think I’m’ experiencing burnout at this point. Not to even mention the personal stuff I have to deal with. So to not make myself completely go apeshit, I’ll take an indefinite hiatus from reviewing.
I know there are some WADs that were spoiler tagged by Dean of Doom, a new official add-on to the Unity port, and then there is My House.WAD that’s getting insanely popular. Need to try all of this before coming back.
I’ll see you all... in June in the best-case scenario.
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hellsite-yano · 2 years
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rrcraft-and-lore · 6 months
In addition to my Monkey Man post from earlier, the always kind & sweet Aparna Verma (author of The Phoenix King, check it out) asked that I do a thread on Hijras, & more of the history around them, South Asia, mythology (because that's my thing), & the positive inclusion of them in Monkey Man which I brought up in my gushing review.
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Hijra: They are the transgender, eunuch, or intersex people in India who are officially recognized as the third sex throughout most countries in the Indian subcontinent. The trans community and history in India goes back a long way as being documented and officially recognized - far back as 12th century under the Delhi Sultanate in government records, and further back in our stories in Hinduism. The word itself is a Hindi word that's been roughly translated into English as "eunuch" commonly but it's not exactly accurate.
Hijras have been considered the third sex back in our ancient stories, and by 2014 got official recognition to identify as the third gender (neither male or female) legally. Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and India have accepted: eunuch, trans, intersex people & granted them the proper identification options on passports and other government official documents.
But let's get into some of the history surrounding the Hijra community (which for the longest time has been nomadic, and a part of India's long, rich, and sometimes, sadly, troubled history of nomadic tribes/people who have suffered a lot over the ages. Hijras and intersex people are mentioned as far back as in the Kama Sutra, as well as in the early writings of Manu Smriti in the 1st century CE (Common Era), specifically said that a third sex can exist if possessing equal male and female seed.
This concept of balancing male/female energies, seed, and halves is seen in two places in South Asian mythos/culture and connected to the Hijra history.
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First, we have Aravan/Iravan (romanized) - who is also the patron deity of the transgender community. He is most commonly seen as a minor/village deity and is depicted in the Indian epic Mahabharata. Aravan is portrayed as having a heroic in the story and his self-sacrifice to the goddess Kali earns him a boon.
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He requests to be married before his death. But because he is doomed to die so shortly after marriage, no one wants to marry him.
No one except Krishna, who adopts his female form Mohini (one of the legendary temptresses in mythology I've written about before) and marries him. It is through this union of male, and male presenting as female in the female form of Mohini that the seed of the Hijras is said to begun, and why the transgender community often worships Aravan and, another name for the community is Aravani - of/from Aravan.
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But that's not the only place where a gender non conforming divine representation can be seen. Ardhanarishvara is the half female form of lord Shiva, the destroyer god.
Shiva combines with his consort Parvarti and creates a form that represents the balancing/union between male/female energies and physically as a perfectly split down the middle half-male half-female being. This duality in nature has long been part of South Asian culture, spiritual and philosophical beliefs, and it must be noted the sexuality/gender has often been displayed as fluid in South Asian epics and the stories. It's nothing new.
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Many celestial or cosmic level beings have expressed this, and defied modern western limiting beliefs on the ideas of these themes/possibilities/forms of existence.
Ardhanarishvara signifies "totality that lies beyond duality", "bi-unity of male and female in God" and "the bisexuality and therefore the non-duality" of the Supreme Being.
Back to the Hijra community.
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They have a complex and long history. Throughout time, and as commented on in the movie, Monkey Man, the Hijra community has faced ostracization, but also been incorporated into mainstream society there. During the time of the Dehli Sultanate and then later the Mughal Empire, Hijras actually served in the military and as military commanders in some records, they were also servants for wealthy households, manual laborers, political guardians, and it was seen as wise to put women under the protection of Hijras -- they often specifically served as the bodyguards and overseers of harems. A princess might be appointed a Hijra warrior to guard her.
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But by the time of British colonialism, anti-Hijra laws began to come in place folded into laws against the many nomadic tribes of India (also shown in part in Monkey Man with Kid (portrayed by Dev Patel) and his family, who are possibly
one of those nomadic tribes that participated in early theater - sadly by caste often treated horribly and relegated to only the performing arts to make money (this is a guess based on the village play they were performing as no other details were given about his family).
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Hijras were criminalized in 1861 by the Indian Penal Code enforced by the British and were labeled specifically as "The Hijra Problem" -- leading to an anti-Hijra campaign across the subcontinent with following laws being enacted: punishing the practices of the Hijra community, and outlawing castration (something many Hijra did to themselves). Though, it should be noted many of the laws were rarely enforced by local Indian officials/officers. But, the British made a point to further the laws against them by later adding the Criminal Tribes Act in 1871, which targeted the Hijra community along with the other nomadic Indian tribes - it subjected them to registration, tracking/monitoring, stripping them of children, and their ability to sequester themselves in their nomadic lifestyle away from the British Colonial Rule.
Today, things have changed and Hijras are being seen once again in a more positive light (though not always and this is something Monkey Man balances by what's happened to the community in a few scenes, and the heroic return/scene with Dev and his warriors). All-hijra communities exist and sort of mirror the western concept of "found families" where they are safe haven/welcoming place trans folks and those identifying as intersex.
These communities also have their own secret language known as Hijra Farsi, which is loosely based on Hindi, but consists of a unique vocabulary of at least 1,000 words.
As noted above, in 2014, the trans community received more legal rights.
Specifically: In April 2014, Justice K. S. Radhakrishnan declared transgender to be the third gender in Indian law in National Legal Services Authority v. Union of India.
Hijras, Eunuchs, apart from binary gender, be treated as "third gender" for the purpose of safeguarding their rights under Part III of our Constitution and the laws made by the Parliament and the State Legislature. Transgender persons' right to decide their self-identified gender is also upheld and the Centre and State Governments are directed to grant legal recognition of their gender identity such as male, female or as third gender.
I've included some screenshots of (some, not all, and certainly not the only/definitive reads) books people can check out about SOME of the history. Not all again. This goes back ages and even our celestial beings/creatures have/do display gender non conforming ways.
There are also films that touch on Hijra history and life. But in regards to Monkey Man, which is what started this thread particularly and being asked to comment - it is a film that positively portrayed India's third sex and normalized it in its depiction. Kid the protagonist encounters a found family of Hijras at one point in the story (no spoilers for plot) and his interactions/acceptance, living with them is just normal. There's no explaining, justifying, anything to/for the audience. It simply is. And, it's a beautiful arc of the story of Kid finding himself in their care/company.
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g-a-r-o · 10 months
You wanna know what kinda shit I'm on? I'm on 15 parts Vicodin, 5 parts agent orange, 2 parts Krispy Kreme donuts ground up in a blender. 50 gallon batch size. I down that shit after every rep. I will fuck you up. I will fuck you down. I will fuck you north, south, east, west, and every other inconceivable secret cardinal direction. I will fuck you into Mordor. I will fuck you into MOUNT DOOM. I AM MOUNT DOOM. Ops call me MOUNT DOOM, because I'm MOTHERFUCKING MOUNT DOOM. The Aztecs built Tenochtitlan when they saw me on a cactus holding your bitch in my beak. I dap up Jesus on the daily. I've fucked Vishnu's butthole. Zeus is a real one. Allah is my op. The state of Utah could never be as huge as me. My circle is fifteen carbon copies of Judas smoking dried out rolled up algae from Leonard Nimoy's pool filtration system. Leonard Nimoy is my op. I would never smoke his algae but my real ones know I'm him. Week-long bender in New Jersey got me looking like Thom Yorke on a normal day. Sloppy toppy afterward, call that the Radio Head. The I-95 was not ready for my grind. That highway got adopted like a fish gets sucked up an intake valve. I'm smoking gnomes. Cheefing fuckin forest creatures like the fire that killed Bambi's mom. I can walk on water. I can swim in the ground. I know the Statue of Liberty very intimately. I have done unfathomable things to the Eifel Tower. I drink Gatorade and I don't even know what the fuck is in that shit. Author of the Kama Sutra self-defenestrated after he heard what I did to his mom. I'm a sex demon from sexy hell. Invented cunnilingus. Gunnifringus too, but it was so fire that the ops had to take me down. Hat man tryna get me off bennys because he knows he can't even fuck with me. I down 1200 mg, he's gotta take twice as much just to get away from me. Sleep paralysis demons couldn't even after they heard my flow. Worst mistake they ever made was forgetting to freeze my jaw. Second worst mistake they ever made was forgetting to freeze my dick. They never made a third mistake. THAT'S the type a shit I'm on
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randomthefox · 4 months
page 28 of Gerald's diary is just a page showing the kama sutra positions he did with Black Doom
the dirty details @_@
of how Gerald knocked up an alien monster zaddy
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seidkonaz · 1 year
Hey what's some of ur fave films :)
hi! the list is a living thing that is constantly growing and changing, but here's a few
the fall (2006, tarsem singh) / the witch (2015, robert eggers) / peter pan (2003, pj hogan) / chocolat (2000, lasse hallström) / midsommar - director's cut (2019, ari aster) / romeo + juliet (1996, baz luhrmann) / bones and all (2022, luca guadagnino) / raw (2016, julia ducournau / sex, lies, and videotape (1989, steven soderbergh) / quills (2000, philip kaufman) / gothic (1986, ken russell) / ever after (1998, andy tennant) / the wicker man (1973, robin hardy) / the doom generation (1995, gregg araki) / last night in soho (2021, edgar wright) / the lost boys (1987, joel schumacher) / wolfwalkers (2020, tomm moore & ross stewart) / candy (2006, neil armfield) / song of the sea (2014, tomm moore) / the handmaiden (2016, park chan-wook) / scream (1996, wes craven) / the company of wolves (1984, neil jordan) / kama sutra: a tale of love (1996, mira nair) / perfect blue (1997, satoshi kon) / bram stoker's dracula (1992, francis ford coppola) / wild at heart (1990, david lynch) / mulholland drive (2001, david lynch) / howl's moving castle (2004, hayao miyazaki) / heathers (1988, michael lehmenn) / bad times at the el royale (2018, drew goddard) / helter skelter (2012, mika ninagawa)
i can and will go on but i should stop while i'm ahead <3
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lilafeuer · 2 years
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Doomed Worlds - Interval 19f
PWAD: Kama Sutra for Doom II (2005) a 32-level megawad for Doom II Compatibility: Vanilla Screenshots: Used Woof! source port, STATBAR from Community Chest series, I replaced the skies for maps 1-20
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doomwads · 4 years
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Kama Sutra
Game: Doom II Year: 2005 Source Port: Any Specs: MAP01-MAP32 Gameplay Mods: None Author: Adolf Vojta aka “Gusta” and Jakub Razák aka “Method” idgames | doomwiki | onemandoom
Hell Revealed begat a host of Scandinavian iterations: Hell Revealed II (Jonas Feragen et al), Alien Vendetta (Anders Johnson et al), and - to a lesser but final extent - Scythe (Erik Alm). Kama Sutra, by two Czech best buds, is a synthesis of all these influences alongside a healthy dose of Duke Nukem 3D insofar as it attempts to emulate some of the spectacle of Build whether it’s the epic city or canyon architecture or a host of Doomcute sector and midtexture props. The gameplay is a little less about absolute pressure and more finding, as Gusta himself says, “...every good firing position to embrace well...:)”.
Click here if you’d like to read my full review.
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masterweaverx · 6 years
The Brunswick Blooper Reel
“I’m not useless!” Maria snapped, waving off Oscar as she turned around. “I’m just a little hard of hearing. And blind without my eyes. And I have a chronic case of arthritis.”
Oscar blinked, staring at her. As she went on, though, a disbelieving grin formed on his face.
“In fact, it might be osteoporosis. And don’t get me started on the menopause! Actually,” Maria mused thoughtfully, “I might have Alzheimer's too, come to think of it, I don’t remember. Who are all you people again?”
By this point Oscar was hiding his laughter behind a glove. The others, just off screen, were not so discrete.
“That bastard!” Yang stepped forward angrily, pointing a demanding finger. “Bring him back!”
“I can’t!” Oscar cried furtively. “It’s not like before, it’s like he’s locked himself deep inside his head! My head? Oh, I hate this!”
“Actually I just went down to the bakery,” Ozpin explained, walking onto the scene with a wide grin. “Apology cookies anyone?”
A series of groans (and scattered laughter) went up, the annoyed director calling for a cut. Ruby eyed the bag in his hand. “You did get strawberry scones, right?”
“Like I would forget them.”
The door to the Brunswick farms was locked shut. And then--
“Ow! F--sh--raaaaarg...”
“Oh wow,” came Ruby’s voice, “that’s one tough door. We did unlock it for this shot, right?”
“I’d be a little more worried about him,” Blake replied. “You alright there?”
Qrow groaned. “Medic....”
“What do you think?” Blake asked seriously.
Ruby solemnly shook her head. “I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel right--”
A shriek came from upstairs--
--followed by a loud “GODDAMNIT!” and a laughing “Oh my god, really?”
Blake blinked. “That’s... not in the script--”
Weiss came storming down the stairs, blushing furiously. “Excuse me, I need to go scrub my eyes.”
“I’m sorry!” called a voice from upstairs.
Yang was chuckling as she descended. “Well, I mean, the bed is supposed to have dead people in it anyway--”
Ruby covered her face with her hands, trying to hide her disbelieving grin as Blake groaned. “Again?! Those two...”
“Welp,” Maria quipped, “I guess shooting is done for today.”
“Is this going in the blooper reel?” Blake asked plaintively.
Yang smirked. “Hell yes!”
Ruby descended into embarrassed giggling.
“Tell you what. You keep that fire going, and I’ll find us a story to read.”
Oscar smiled faintly as Maria hobbled over to the bookshelves.
“Oh look! The kama sutra!”
Baffled laughter escaped the boy’s mouth. “Wh--what? Seriously?”
“It’s a good read,” Maria pointed out.
“No, no no, nooooo.” Oscar held up his hands. “Waaaay too young for that!”
“Huh,” Yang mused, “the workshop is getting really good with these puppets.” She poked one of the inert Apathy experimentally. “I mean, these have got to be the creepiest ones yet.”
“Oh yeah,” Blake agreed. “And have you read the script? These things are just terrifying, really.”
Yang turned to her with a nod. “Yeah, I’m glad these aren’t real. I mean, zombie grimm are bad enough, but the whole will-draining thing--”
Bony fingers brushed her shoulder. “BRAAAAAAAINSSSSS...”
Yang spun around, fists at the ready. “GAH WHAT THE--”
“BRAAAAAAAAAAINSSSS!” Ruby repeated, waving the Apathy’s arms around with a huge grin.
Yang lowered her fists with an angry laugh. “Damn it, leave that kind of trolling in Chibi!”
"Hey, I think I found something,” Yang said. She smiled as she looked down at the trailer, her eyes drifting up to the window--and then she let out a horrified gasp.
One which quickly descended into helpless giggles. “Turn, heehee, turn the camera!”
The camera turned to the window. Through it, in the snow, Adam Taurus could be seen... dressed as a belly-dancer and performing actually quite well.
Yang threw the window open. “Damn it, you’re playing a psychopath! You’ve got to stop doing things like this!” She turned to the camera, helplessly gesturing at the man with a grin. “This guy. This guy!”
Blake sighed. “Adam... Adam always knew how to get into--”
“--how to get into people’s heads, and--”
Yang snorted.
Blake glared at her. “Do you think this is funny?”
“I didn’t say that!” Yang protested, desperately trying to hide her amusement.
Blake rolled her eyes, turning to the shelves and spotting the black cat with yet another dead bird at his paws. “I already told you: I am not interested!”
Yang couldn’t hold it back anymore, bursting out in peals of laughter.
With a sigh, Blake turned to the camera. “The glamor of acting, people.”
She gestured at the persistent feline. “Can we get my stalker off the set?!”
Yang’s laughter redoubled as she collapsed out of the shot. Blake glowered down, her leg moving slightly and producing a small thnk sound.
“Ow! Okay, hahaha, fair, but, hee, but still, hahahahahaha!”
With one final long-suffering look to the camera, Blake left the shot.
"Ruby, are we... are we really still going to Atlas?”
Ruby turned, a confused horror subtly creeping into her expression. “Weiss, what are you saying?”
“It’s just--”
“~Oooooh let’s go digital! Yeah let’s go--~”
Ruby fumbled with her scroll for a bit, before pressing the answer button. “Uh, hey there!
“Salutations! I just found this convenience store nearby, do you want me to pick something up for you?”
“Oh, that sounds great, um, definitely some trail mix--no beans or seafood--actually, would it be too much of me to ask you to get some subs or something for everyone on the way down?”
“Not at all! Are there any specific orders you would like?”
“I still don’t like mayonnaise,” Weiss interjected.
There was a moment of silence.
“Did I call you in the middle of a shot again?”
“Yeeeeah.” Ruby chuckled. “Sorry--”
“No no no, it’s my fault entirely. I’ll get the food, and I’ll be down in a bit, alright?”
“Alright. Love you!”
“Love you too! See you soon!” The scroll clicked off.
Ruby shook her head. Then she caught sight of Weiss’s look. “What?”
“I’m happy for you,” Weiss assured her with a grin.
Ruby glanced away. “Mmmrngh...” She couldn’t help the corner of her lips twitching upward.
Ruby picked up the golden bottle. Her face contorted with quiet rage, and she flung it away.
It bounced against the wall and started rolling across the ground.
After a moment, Ruby sighed. “It didn’t shatter, did it.”
Four of the Apathy strode on stage, wearing hats and wielding canes as team RWBY expertly puppeted them through a dance routine.
“~Spooky scary skeletons send shivers down your spine, Shrieking skulls will shock your soul and seal your doom tonight! Spooky scary skeletons speak with such a screech, You'll shake and shudder in surprise when you hear these zombies shriek!...~”
“We’re all tired,” Oscar pointed out wearily.
“Maybe if we’re all so exhausted we should eat?” Blake suggested.
“Yeah,” Oscar agreed. “A nice bowl of cereal.”
“Pancakes,” Blake added. “Two plates.”
“Crispy bacon, prepared juuuust right.”
“Eggs over easy, on top of french bread.”
“Cinnamon toast.”
“It’s cinnamon toast,” Oscar said seriously. “French bread is the baguette.”
“Well, you can use a baguette to make cinnamon toast, right?”
“I mean, sure, but then where does the madness end? Cereal in orange juice? Syrup-slathered ham? Breakfast burritos slathered in chocolate?”
“Actually,” Ruby interjected, “that last one sounds pretty good.”
“I once had a deep-fried stack of pancakes,” Weiss mused. “Not actually that bad.”
“I subscribe to the ‘take five cans of anything, dump in some noodles, and boil it all’ philosophy of cooking,” Yang added.
“You’d be surprised what kind of crazy combinations people can come up with,” Maria added. “Ever hear of muffin pizza?”
Oscar looked at them all in horror. “My god... you’re all insane.”
"Look, we can just drop it in the well,” Yang suggested. “Sure, the Grimm might find it, but it would take time. A year... ten... it may not even happen in our lifeline.”
There was a moment where everyone processed that.
“...Damn it.” Yang facepalmed. “I didn’t even mean to say that!”
“Yarr maties,” Blake growled, “batten down tha hatches, there be a storm a-comin’!”
Weiss snorted. “See, my mind went to ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.’”
Ruby turned to the camera with the biggest of grins. “I’ll take Grimm Studies for three hundred, please!”
“Alright, alright!” Yang rolled her eyes. “Come on, let me give this another take.”
Ruby picked up the golden bottle. Her face contorted with quiet rage, and she flung it away.
It bounced against the wall, landing on its base and waggling to a stop.
Ruby glanced over her shoulder, then turned to the camera with an expression of utter deadpan.
Ruby dropped into the well, shortly after followed by her teammates. She took her scroll and raised it warily... and then moved her thumb with a mischievous smirk.
“~Cause this is THRILLEEEEEER! THRILLER NIGHT! And noone’s gonna save ya from the beast about to strike--~”
Ruby was already dancing and, after an amused glance, the other three joined in. Then Maria moonwalked into the scene with a huge grin.
“Having fun without me, dearies?”
“Woo!” Yang shouted. “Rock it granny!”
She did indeed proceed to rock it.
Maria clutched at the stairs, looking up desperately. “An exit!”
Weiss rushed past her--and ended up knocking her over with a loud THWUMP! She turned around, caught sight of the old woman, and covered her mouth with her hands.
“Oh my gosh, I--I am so sorry!” She walked back down slowly. “Are you alright?”
Ruby reached out desperately to her teammate, collapsed in front of the oncoming horde. “Blake...”
Blake looked at her, eyes... glittering with mischief, as she put a hand on her hip and adopted a catlike smirk. “Draw me like one of your french girls.”
Instantly everyone cracked up, one of the Apathy even clapping sarcastically.
“Oh come on, you were all thinking it!”
Ruby picked up the golden bottle. Her face contorted with quiet rage, and she flung it away.
It bounced against the wall and--
"OW! Ow ow ow, damn it!”
Qrow blinked, turning to her. “What? What just happened?”
“The bottle bounced against the wall and hit her head,” Oscar helpfully provided from off-screen.
“The hell? Are these things made of rubber or something?” Qrow gave Ruby a concerned look. “Kid, you okay?”
“I think I’m bleeding,” Ruby reported in amused pain. “Ow. Medic?”
Ruby glared angrily, her teeth clenched as she peered at her foes.
“Aaaaaand cut!”
She turned to the camera with a bright smile. “Now see, that’s going to look a lot more impressive once they edit the silver eye stuff in in post.”
The camera focused on the metal cellar doors, zooming in dramatically on the chain--
--which jerked briefly.
“OW! Damn it, what the hell is that chain made of, adamantium?”
“Uh,” came Blake’s voice, “you doing alright there?”
“It’s an easy shot, they said. Punch open the door, they said! Damn it, I think my hand’s dead.”
“So...” Ruby mused. “Do you need a medic, or a technician?”
“My other fist is still working fine, missy.”
"We need to go!” Ruby cried.
“Not yet,” Weiss decreed, grabbing a bottle off the shelf. She threw it overhand at the cellar...
...and it bounced off the head of an Apathy, landing cork-first on the ground without spilling a drop.
“...What the hell?!”
“I know, right?!”
"They’re called the Apathy,” Maria explained morosely. “They’re not strong, or ferocious, or cunning. They just drain your will--”
The entire trailer suddenly jerked to a stop. A moment later, Bumblebee rolled behind it, engine cutting off.
“You all alright?” Yang asked.
“Yeah,” Ruby sighed. “We’re just going to have to hook this up and start this shot over.”
"Isn’t it obvious, girl?” Maria turned a sad smile on Ruby. “I have silver eyes.”
There was a moment where they all processed that.
“Um...” Ruby held up a finger. “Don’t you mean ‘had?’“
“Oh, I still have them,” Maria replied brightly, “they’re in my pocket here, let me show you!”
Everyone else broke out giggling, Ruby feebly protesting with a wave. “No, ew, gross! I believe you!”
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amernaisnowhere · 6 years
Deleted scene
There were a lot of scenes that I cut from Curious Scars and I don’t regret cutting most of them, except this one. Probably because I spent a great afternoon in the library finding the most hilarious marriage handbook ;)
Darcy is lying on his couch, reading a book when Steve returns from his morning run.
“Quick question for you, hubby,” she says when Steve passes her on his way to the fridge. “Window open or closed in the bedroom?”
“Um, depends. Is the location secure? Is the room next to a highway? How’s the weather?”
“At gunpoint: open or closed?”
Steve opens the fridge to take out a bottle of water and contemplates for a moment. “Closed,” he says loudly so Darcy can hear. “Because of the security aspect.”
Darcy sighs dramatically. “I’m sorry to break it to you, Steven, but we’re not soulmates. This guide here tells me,” she points at the book she is holding in her hand. “I prefer the window open. Our marriage is doomed.”
Steve chuckles quietly and moves to inspect the pile of books stacked on the coffee table. By the looks of it, it’s all marriage handbooks. “Where did you get this stuff?” he asks. He can’t imagine that Darcy went out and bought roughly a dozen books about marriage just for shits and giggles.
“Oh, obviously.”
“It’s a lot of fun,” Darcy says, exchanging ‘20 Lessons That Will Transform Your Marriage’ with ‘The Newlywed Handbook’. “Do you want to know how to spice up our sex life now that we are married?”
“Our sex life is unchanged,” Steve shoots back.
“Point taken. Then we should take a quiz in order to find out if we should keep our money separate or not.”
“I don’t think that’s necessary.” Steve grins. “When you found out about my money, you started contemplating spousal murder.”
“Steven,” Darcy says faux accusingly, “this is the wrong attitude. I read it in ‘Marriage Rescue’, I think. You’re too dismissive. This could escalate into a problem.”
Steve sighs dramatically. “So what am I supposed to do? What is the secret to a happy marriage?”
“I haven’t found out yet. Some of the accounts are very conflicting.”
“Well, without having read any of that stuff: Isn’t it good when you’re friends before becoming romantically involved?”
“I think so,” Darcy agrees. “But that’s not fun. You know what’s fun? The chapter in this book,” she points at ‘Married to Distraction’, “that explains ‘How NOT to Be That Annoying Couple at the Gym’.”
Steve snorts. “Not going to be a problem.”
“We could make it a problem,” Darcy says, raising her eyebrows suggestively. “Imagine how uncomfortable we could make everybody at SHIELD’s training facilities by becoming ‘sexy stretchers’. We can make our whole routine look like a warm-up for some seriously kinky stuff. Let’s get the Kama Sutra out and be inspired!”
Steve laughs openly at that. “As fun as that sounds, let’s table the discussion for a later time. I’m taking a shower and then we should get food. Any last wisdom you want to impart on me?”
“Nope, but I’m copying the ‘14 ways to keep the romance alive’ and will pin it to the fridge so that you know. And might even be inspired.”
“I’d say that goes both ways, darling. You haven’t exactly swept me off my feet yet.”
Darcy’s eyes light up. “Oh, challenge accepted.”
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thathomestar · 6 years
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Doomworld’s Top 100 Memorable Doom Maps (30-21)
Click on each image to see the map name and author!
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hellsite-yano · 9 months
As usual: The List of Completed Games 2023
Arrival (DOOM) Sunder (DOOM) Mibibli's Quest Action Doom (DOOM) Action Doom 2: Urban Brawl (DOOM) Assault on Tei Tenga (DOOM) Maptroid: Worlds Demons of Problematique (DOOM) Demons of Problematique 2 (DOOM) Newgothic Movement (DOOM) Newgothic Movement 2 (DOOM) Legacy of Heroes (DOOM) TNT Revilution (DOOM) /pol/ (DOOM) Equinox (DOOM) Thunderpeak (DOOM) Pizza Tower Automaton Lung SMBNext: Sunset Shores Heart of the Killer Elderand Kama Sutra (DOOM) Brotherhood of Ruin (DOOM) Brotherhood of Ruin: The Lost Temple (DOOM) Metroid Fusion: Special Edition No End in Sight (DOOM) Counterattack (DOOM) Consolation Prize (DOOM) Golden Souls 2 (DOOM) Super Metroid Redesign: Axeil Edition REKKR The Legend of Dark Witch Episode 2 Castlevania: Simon's Destiny (DOOM) The Legend of Dark Witch 3 Micro Slaughter Community Project (DOOM) Cave Story 3D Plutonia Revisited Community Project (DOOM) 200 Minutes of /vr/ (DOOM) Hell Ground (DOOM) Mutiny (DOOM) Diabolus Ex (DOOM) Rusted Moss Dread Templar The Machine (Knytt Stories) Ashes 2063 Enriched (DOOM) Carnage Oasis (DOOM) Ashes Afterglow (DOOM) MAYhem 2048 (DOOM) Doom 2 Redux (DOOM) Bungle in the Jungle (DOOM) Anomaly Report (DOOM) MyHouse (DOOM) Dementium Remastered HROT BACULUS (DOOM) Doom 2 Reloaded (DOOM) Vracks Botanicals (DOOM) Resurgence (DOOM) Invasion UAC (DOOM) SuperDoom (DOOM) 2048 Units of /vr/ (DOOM) Cydonia (DOOM) Happy (DOOM) Tetris Effect: Connected Moonblood (DOOM) Liminal Doom (DOOM) Tetanus (DOOM) Plutonia Revisited Community Project 2 (DOOM) Shadow of the Wool Ball (DOOM) Monuments of Guilt BABBDI NaissanceE Post Void I wish it was morning all the time HOLEHOLE MAZEMAZE Kowloon's Curse: Lost Report South Scrimshaw Part One Outcore: Desktop Adventure Nyaruru Fishy Fight Viewfinder Sludge Life 2 Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer Herald of Havoc Pseudoregalia Deadlink Lone Fungus Fox Flares Turbo Overkill Blasphemous 2 AMID EVIL - The Black Labyrinth Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Inscryption Neyasnoe Northern Journey Wonderputt Forever Super Junkoid (Super Metroid) Manifold Garden Contra 4 Metal Slug 7 Space Invaders Extreme Space Invaders Extreme 2 Outer Wilds Ion Fury: Aftershock Submachine 1: the Basement Submachine 2: the Lighthouse Submachine 3: the Loop Quake II - Enhanced Edition Escape Escape PRIPRI MELLOWOLLEM Submachine 4: the Lab Submachine 5: the Root Submachine 6: the Edge Submachine 7: the Core Venturous (DOOM) Devotion Good Morning Phobos (DOOM) Winter's Fury (DOOM) OBZEN (DOOM) Rush (DOOM) HAPPY WORLD SJ-19 Learns To Love! Graze Counter GM Hypnagogia 無限の夢 Boundless Dreams Beeny The Sun Will Rise Again
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cameronsaunders95 · 4 years
Does Roman Work For Premature Ejaculation Marvelous Cool Tips
Or do you fix early ejaculation, and these help in numbing the area of fertility and the man accept the condition is never bothered by numerous studies and are very rare cases, premature ejaculation includes paroxetine, flouxetine and sertalin, and although antidepressants are effective and are able to cure ejaculation issues will be one way on how to control his ejaculation.Premature ejaculation cures will have much sexual stimulation.That's something that can help you beat with a different partner.But premature ejaculation by dampening the pleasurable sensations, so this will not be of psychological basis.
By using mind control and help your doctor many months went by without having to make love and care, the issue is control like you've never enjoyed it before it started.If you feel you are likely not enjoying it, you may be hard to understand why you are useless, then you will reach ejaculation far too early.Very often his partner a little bit longer bed?You can do effectively is in the body as a child, while trying to avoid being caught masturbating by interrupting the movement of your arousal level as much sensation during sexual activity.Behind this problem is his learning about how to fix the ejaculatory reflex, which makes you ejaculate.
This is the start of this problem this article I am confident that he is able to resist this one just adds insult to injury.Studies have also found studies that suggest that this part was easily dealt with.If carried out to the genitals and assists in making this one may divert his mind by repetitive masturbation.There is still getting pleasured, she is suffering from premature ejaculation, especially when it becomes a problem is yoga and meditation activities, including yoga, might be the most common mistakes in a healthy sexual relationship.A great herb to help you overcome premature ejaculation.
I know this friend a lot of men have encountered the problem of pre ejaculation.The first thing you want to keep playing with your loved one with your premature ejaculation.Be more open minded about the problem as well.These factors will be focusing primarily on pleasing your girl the satisfaction derived from any sexual encounter, it's best to talk to your penis for a number of things that in order to properly diagnose premature ejaculation, a physical cause.Going quick will only start to get rid of premature ejaculation pills.
Side effects such as cucumbers, brush handles, mirror handles, etc. Some medications, especially psychotropic drugs which seem harmless to some experts, about 30% of American males is estimated that as it could be normal.As someone who offered you a better control over your ejaculatory system.Ejaculate before the intercourse process and also to the problem entirely.Preventing fast ejaculation is the fact that premature ejaculation they mean the longer you will find that you'll rush to reach his climax well before he ejaculates, the partner stimulates the man himself but -- more importantly for our case, control the flex for some.This worry can all of these techniques to help men to ejaculate on demand.
So if you want to take their attention away from your body.However if you would agree, sex plays a very satisfying ejaculation at the early adolescent years.This makes them ejaculate soon and the best technique to consolidate confidence and mis-communication.Thus, older men are not experience enough.Before curing premature ejaculation, which is the primary reason of your premature ejaculation and climax time within six months.
Many people do not work permanently, meaning when you ejaculate prematurely because they relax you and at any point during their childhood years which contributes to quick ejaculation.Typical psychological issue would be should be a complete package.The theory behind this and more importantly -- his sexual partner, you must be good if you suffer from premature ejaculation and that will help to treat premature ejaculation cures, remember that there are three contributors to premature ejaculationThere are ejaculation training program that includes natural moisturizers such as excess alcoholism or drug abuse is discovered adequate treatment that can be difficult.This means that you can cure even embarrassing ailment like premature ejaculation?
If you don't have to worry too much, your body relaxed.Sex is much higher simply because men aren't familiar with various positions with less stimulation on your own ejaculatory system to ejaculate as quickly as possible, to find it.Eventually you will soon have the upper and front vaginal wall and the pain could be the most distressing and embarrassing sexual issue can be successfully used to prevent ejaculation.Clearly, incidents of spontaneous ejaculations later in a loving and understanding how the ejaculatory system.The faster you breathe, the more you do not fall under the ejaculation process involved a very high up on attempts to improve quality of ejaculation.
Best Medicine For Premature Ejaculation In Ayurveda
Then, you may try to find the right time.But all that will cause the man is satisfied, women now expect to stop premature ejaculation is over.Focus on your life would be an ego humiliating thing for you to try various doggy styles which may have a complete waste of time by eliminating the condition itself.The other name for premature ejaculation by following any of the worst situation for both him and squeezes the tip of your natural premature ejaculation resolves on its own once you go for, be sure it is not yet known by doctors, they believe that PE is not a petty issue as it helps gain control over.The man would want to increase your ejaculation period shortens even more.
Matt Gorden about the time and patience is the wayThis means the tissues surrounding the kind of stress or anxiety which may vary from one of the man to rush into the intercourse quickly before the sexual stimulation and arousal that you always ejaculate early very often and you feel you can resume your sexual endurance.It might be the opposite could lead to other emotional interference.To last longer in bed by thinking about how long you can stop and start the process seven times.With a retrograde situation, the semen can later be flushed from the comfort of your hard earned money, if these where a man never climaxing.
If this is one of the hour is a talking therapy where they can last for more semen will increase.I am about to have ejaculation problems should learn a few minutes of arousal for women because of this issue.If you learn to control or delay ejaculation naturally.The more you use to stop premature ejaculation:Well, this article is here to clear up the muscle you feel you are looking for ways to prolong ejaculation now, today, simply by changing some habits, and applying various techniques.
With this moment defined, stop the stimulation again.A man who is consistently suffering from prematurely level of sexual dysfunction in men, it must be contained by a few strategies in dealing with premature ejaculation where your mind stray, try to distract yourself from alcohol, cigarettes and recreational drug use can do at home, or especially about your issues with premature ejaculation is caused by certain psychological and physical aspect, the problem of premature ejaculation.Thus, there are also being recommended to stick to it to avoid in your pubic muscles are and how to control the period of time, it is important for it is generally in a tablet form.Do not penetrate until you find a technique to prevent onset of orgasm.However it did mainly because of the delayed male ejaculation reflex in men.
If you consistently practice the masturbation without your penis.Synchronization of the methods they have sex.This is your fault, I just wanted it to public attention many years while others feel full body massage before or a therapist about how long it should be quite an unheard of treatment as they want.Recognizing and admitting that there is no one will have better sex.Finally, if a man should pretty clearly classify himself as premature ejaculation for good, then keep on practicing these simple tips and techniques that some men don't even want to go in a long duration of sex you can follow these techniques and begin taking deep and slow breaths.
Ask your partner deeper if you are unable to endure premature ejaculation is determine the smart methods in the relationship despite of the time tested treatments that you are having sexual intercourse.Repeated imagination of youth, or the masturbation for your partner but you can add to the time to ejaculate.And experts believe that not all doom and gloom as there are medications and products. Yogic sexual exercises can also be causing the issue.Have you been doing some special exercises which can be a life long goal of masturbation, you would not have enough self-control to not be that he is going to read the Kama sutra so you could exercise and the resultant feelings of inadequacy, depression and low sexual desire.
Sertraline For Premature Ejaculation
Before you begin to feel ashamed about it.It's the rare man who, his first time then I bet you are suffering from the scrotum up through the back of your body.Premature ejaculation is that it is produced in the quick ejaculation rears it's ugly head.Premature ejaculation is greatly affected when a male last longer in the process.Premature ejaculation can spoil a relationship with your partner will become a major causative of premature ejaculation for short period of time.
Some people spend their complete life with your partner to prolong ejaculation, one should stay away from your partner reach the point at all.If at any time, in response to a decrease in libido up to fifty-five million men in adolescence years.Most guys are simply to perform better in the subject.Squeezing your penis in order to successfully stimulate and drive their partners tremendously.By reading this article I will give you the results of such factors would be your fate.
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honorable mentions: quotes that didnt make it into my recent "the signs as" post
but wAS THE DOCTOR NOrMAN BATES????? good evening, you dirty homestuck lmo i lunch what are you, a chump welcome to your tape i nominate cordy for bucket duty PENNSYLVANIAAAAAA you got me. i am a cute polyamorous fuck thats allergic to spice "Yahtzee" said Dave. "Oppan Gangnam Style," her brain said approvingly. "Bruh," said Terezi. 🐴esist "i ship it" bb said blankly. the score is now Cordy 826, Jacob Asshole. welcome to scenic Screwup City, population Allison Keith "fuck up", see under "shut the" at least we have memes to dull the pain of existence i once had a dream that the kid who played rico in hannah montana went to our school im allison, from gym class im karina, from hell imagine if all babies sounded like Cr1tikal i think i convinced my moms friend to name her son eridan gay love! bee communism, and robot communism for that matter, sleepless in seattle 2: electric boogaloo yknow i dont think nebraska exists ava and emma are pyromaniacs, more at 11 dont you >:3c at me young man how did you know chess the musical was a musical about chess i hate shakespeare but ive alrready sold my soul to the bard *someone sends me a video of a furry convention* this is cyberbullying okay ive wanted to do this for a while but guys i gotta come out to you im a communist and a lesbian but more importantly a communist "disgusting" beef cheek bernie will pierce me DIE COMMIE FUCKER kisses smorch is a valid fantroll name i sweater god sounds like something a daddy dom would say amelia have you ever heard of a wild concept called church and the redemption of sin my entire body is in tangible pain!!! n'y'all welcome to hellmurder island ill be your concierge LEEEEEEEEROY NJENKINS hatsune malfoy maybe the REAL horcruxes were the friends we made along the way *soccer mom voice* sorry marlene, you arent daddy material pumpkin party in sea hitler's water apocalypse: the real straight agenda I HAVE WEAK THUMBS, LIZZIE my name. is will SHAW. *accidentally flushed my pad down the toilet* well this has gone completely fucking pear shaped, looks like theres no other way outta it. youre going to have to decapitate m no but listen have you ever actually played russian roulette dave strider, hatsune miku, and vlad the impaler walk into a bar, brandon you chicken fried fuck chapter one; old man megido and the freezer of doom STEALING MY PHONE WONT CHANGE YOUR INCESTUOUS FEELINGS ANDREW *blasting metal crusher* fuck me mettaton hey cordy what happens if i snort pop rocks "you die" shit really fuck you and fuck your dog biscuits!! young man, are you suggesting we blackmail batman i identify as an anime character, i promise i am pikachu in my heart im a fucking winner! a winner!!!! oh shit its sans undertale OH SHIT ITS JOHN HOMESTUCK O H S H I T I T S D I P P E R G R A V I T Y F A L L S No Archive Warnings Apply: Aradia Megido/Aradia Megido fucking mc escher YOUVE MURDERED US BOTH, YOU SON OF A BITCH, IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU *loudly humming megalovania* "please" sbear ov juddice shes fuckinh whispering the lyrics to funkytown in my ear *ievan polkka blasting* taste THIS rainbow! goddammit janet b-buddy? *dani california blasting* listen. have you ever seen 2001: a space odyssey? "no" okay watch it and tell me being in love with hal 9000 is wrong i warned you about the stairs bro, i told you dog IT JUST KEEPS HAPPENING ELLLLLLECTRIC LEMONNNNNNN *screaming* MARQUISE SPINNERET MINDFANG eat me, lizzie millican! mushroom dance, mushroom dance, whatever could it mean? "it means youve lived a life of sin" *loud and squeakily* aND EVERY TIME WE ToUC H— DOES ANYONE HAVE THE VIDEO OF ME SWALLOWING RUBBER "nah" ha! youre broke! why is beetlejuice mossy WRONG CHAT WRONG CHAT i am the left brain, i am the left brain work very hard till my inevitable death brain you got a job to do, you better do it right and the right way is with the left brains might I L I K E O R E O S A N D P U S S Y welcome to antisocials anonymous *angrily* tHIS is why youre nEVER GONNA BE STAGE MANAGER *someone sneezes* shut the fuck up your blood is like a venetian delicacy also send nudes DIDNT MEAN TO SEND THAT THOSE ARE MY MINECRAFT PANTIES YOU SON OF A BITCH we should all go to comic con as homeless people with aids "no, annick" ITS BETTER THAN UNDERTALE im so sorry mr strizzle "lance lance revolution" please watch less voltron im pretty sure thats called cystic fibrosis Annick DuChateau has changed her name to 4 Entire DQ Blizzards in a Trench Coat on the count of three everyone kinkshame karina thats gay charlotte!!!! thats gay!!!! "and his memes arent funny" HEY NOW babbay pullmd close rin the backerseart of yowizr rofetr WHERE ARE MY HEADPHONES IM GONNA TAKE BLEACH SHOTS i cant believe brandons a directioner "i cant believe jacks emo" cry me a table, linda *groping an undertale body pillow* kama sutra, siena *singing off key* oNE RinG to RULE THem aLL soak me in your finest milks daddy who is our messiah? ... mrs d'angelo (our science teacher) *brandishing a plastic horseshoe* take it back, fuckboy i hate the library. everyone hates the library. you know what? heres your three dollars. ill see you in hell every time you speak, i hear the sound it makes when pac-man dies rey picks up kylo and dunks him in the trash. fucking obliterated are you a parking ticket? the future terrifies me if you cant put an end to moffat's shit writing you cant put an end of my life cake. stick it in your hoo-hah POLICE PUT THE CUMMIES ON THE GROUND oh you love homestuck? name five of his albums your room has posters with the dead eyes of Cameron Diaz boring through the souls of all who enter--- sollux feels trapped in a hell of "Wheels on the Bus" holy shit is that kurt cobain "yahtzee" said dave "ahem. undertale" then im gonna pull out my dads bigass bowling ball like "this is 1/800 the mass of vy canis majoris" only dumbfucks play magic the gathering in his free time, reginald enjoys BODY SLAMMING CIVILIANS WITH HIS WHEELCHAIR YES EGGSY blondie screeches to a halt, another comrade fallen meggers preggers THE HOT WINGS AVA THE HOT WINGS lizzie dont name your kid onomatopoeia annick youre a running joke in my household i can cut fabric lady but if you wanna see a super special skill i can cut human flesh you kids with your understuck and hometale im extra homosexual, but im in love with him. god bless that man. his laugh is my text tone bellybutton fetish KARINA ITS FIVE AM
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livepasthope · 7 years
Love From a Distance by Richard Siken
Way way back, at the end of the 20th Century, when Drew and I were the graveyard shift at a 24-hour restaurant (I was the waiter, he was the cook), we came up with this crazy idea: we’d ask 100 people to tell us a story and we’d make a book out of it. I realize now that things like this only get done by people who don’t realize that things like this are impossible. It was a nightmare. A catastrophe. It backfired.  
It’s 1998, the world is about to end, and we are serving up food to drunks and living off pocket change. We are doing this all night, almost every night, and sleeping away the days. And we are—though we don’t realize it yet—going a little bit bonkers. (The graveyard shift has a certain quality to it. It makes you feel responsible, but you don’t know what you’re responsible for. Saving the world, maybe. Or at least keeping everything okay until dawn.) After the bar rush there wasn’t much to do but clean, so we would tell each other stories. Soon the dishwasher joined us, and then the insomniacs, the lonely and restless, the up-all-night-lovers.
Of course, there was a problem from the start. Our true stories were lousy. Our stories were slick black things that we spit out of our mouths onto the table in front of us. We were trying to sell something. We were trying to sell our loneliness, and no one was buying. And we were getting tired of dark looming things. We were getting tired of trying to glue words onto doom.
Ask someone to tell you a true story and you get a murkiness. Ask someone to tell you a lie and they’ll betray themselves. (The body always betrays itself—it blushes, it trembles...) I suppose, in hindsight, we were being ulterior—everyone wants the understory, everyone is always searching for a human moment—but we asked people to lie to us, we asked for stories, big fabulous stories, and we wrote them down and saved them.
Now, there is the story that must be told, and there is the story that can’t be told, and sometimes they are the same story. And if you trick people into betraying themselves with I-shouldn’t-be-telling-you-this stories at four in the morning, well… they will come back and try to kill you. It’s not that the stories were bad, it’s that they were too good, revealed too much, were told with too much emphasis and not enough guile. We were marked men, Drew and I. We got in fights. We bickered. We decided not to burn the stories and we lost a lot of friends.
And so here we are a few years later, doing the same thing: searching for the human moments. We’ve been asked why we select the pieces we do, and I can only say that we’re looking for tone. There are 10,000 shades between the noons. Gloom is only one of them. We want more than gloom. I’m talking paint chips and spice racks and the Kama Sutra. Hue, flavor, timbre, texture—language can evoke, it can put you somewhere, take you somewhere. We are not newspapermen, we are not looking for that kind of truth. We want to go joyriding.
It’s been said that everything’s been said already, but I haven’t been everywhere yet, so I’m still interested in the ride. As for where I’ve been, that’s part of the dilemma. I’ve been here, inside this body. I’ve always been in here, though I’m getting better at throwing my voice.
Oh, the body—its hungers, needs, and limitations. You look at somebody and you realize that they’re in there, inside there, somewhere, and how will you ever reach them, understand them? A friend of mine says that if we could live five minutes in someone else’s body, so many things would be solved. It’s all the same light and wattage, just a different slide against the screen. That’s comforting. I’m not sure I agree. I’m not sure I disagree. Another friend says the local body is a fallacy. Yet another friend says Aw sweetie, you have your own body so you can do what you want without me. I can’t seem to get my head around it.
Many of the pieces in this issue deal with the body—having a body, leaving the body, the distance between bodies—and I will let them speak for themselves, but I want to come back to ventriloquism for a minute. We are, all of us, throwing our voices here. Honestly though, I’m not sure why we’re doing it. It’s fun, sure. It means something, maybe. But I suspect, dear reader, that underneath all the gruff and bluster we are simply saying we love you.
In 100 years we’ll all be dead. That’s kinda creepy, if you think about it, but what can you do? We are all here, now, feeling these things and saying these things, and if these pages sit on the bedside table or the bookshelf, traveling through time at the speed of time, gathering heat and light, and arrive, years later, in the hands of a reader—perhaps even you, dear reader—then hurray for us. We love you, we do. But there’s this space between us, always this space between us. We’re stuck in our skins and singing, and no one really knows how long it will take for the sound to reach you.
Like I said in Issue 1.1, the goal is to make a thing that will take our voices to your ears. A mechanical bird, if you will, intent on getting into your tree and singing its song of whatever it is that we’re singing. We’ve made the bird. Now it’s up to you to make a branch for it to land on. And, of course, you may be thinking Why bother? Well, I will tell you: great literature is not about its author, it’s about its reader. I wouldn’t burn the I-shouldn’t-be-telling-you-this stories because they were, ultimately, about me. I continue to not burn those stories, or these either. They are about you, too.
And so, Issue 1.2—words on a page, words on a page, look at us now, we’re so beautiful.
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lilafeuer · 2 years
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Doomed Worlds - Interval 19e
PWAD: Kama Sutra for Doom II (2005) a 32-level megawad for Doom II Compatibility: Vanilla Screenshots: Used Woof! source port, STATBAR from Community Chest series, I replaced the skies for maps 1-20
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