#i’m canceling my gym membership this is enough of a workout
heavensigh · 2 years
I’ve been wanting to journal for some time, but life is kinda fast. It really started out of frustration. I’ve been taking my birth control pills continuously for about 3 months now, thinking that it would make my fitness journey a bit better without having to suffer the awful side effects of my period once a month. Well, jokes on me because not skipping those white pills did absolutely dick. I STILL got cramps, blinding back pain, painful bloating and the gas. AND on top of that, instead of my period being a stream of 5 days, I spotted for 3 weeks straight. The first month it happened I was like, “Alright, bet, I just need to work it into my system and it should be set for the next month.” Nope. This just went on...and on...and on. So here I am, 3rd month and countless ruined panties later. I have decided to completely get off the pill. No more birth control for me. Chu is snipped and due for his sperm count appointment in Dec. We’re just going to have to tough it out til then. I’m going to experiment with my diet and keep working out until I can naturally combat my Moon Blues.
I’ve officially dropped my coach and I feel back at square one. That bastard hasn’t answered any of my text messages for over a month. What a freaking waste. I haven’t been to the gym in about a week in a half. Mainly because of my body being bloddy and feeling gross this whole time. I start again on Monday, this time with Chu in tow. We made up about him being a horrible workout partner and now are decided to change times of our workouts and maybe gyms? I’m not sure on that though. My gym isn’t bad per say but it doesn’t offer a lot. There is a bigger gym just as close but I read that its a bitch to cancel your membership there so I probably won’t bother.
Work has been better. My attorney hasn’t gotten any better, in fact she might have laid it on a bit more. But the firm has hired a new paralegal, one that has been in the game for decades. My attorney came to me, shyly I might add, and informed me that she’ll be taking on the new hire while I get moved to the associate lawyers. I was elated. She is the only reason I hate going to work in the morning. I mean...I still have no clue what I’m doing but at least I won’t be talked down to for making mistakes during my training. As long as my schedule and salary can stay the same I don’t care what I do. I get along so much better with the associates and I feel like i can finally take my time to really learn instead of fighting for my life everyday at work. Thank you Jesus because I was really praying for a solution to my work blues. I was legit about to quit.
November is almost here and I’m looking to shake things up financially. I’m actively saving for retirement now and opened up an investment account. I set some new saving goals and talked to Chu about FIRE. I gave us 5 years for us to move out of the USA. I know that deadline is very extreme but I think I can work under that kind of pressure. I really can’t fail. I have to pay off all my debt (again) and really throw myself into this. I’m looking for a better job, working on my side hustles and trying to eliminate things that no longer serve me. I have a few games coming out next year that I’m looking forward to but thats about it. My niece wants to take a trip to Japan with us and that sounds fun as hell. I wonder how much money I should put toward that?
I’ve decided to stop dyeing my hair and let it grow in naturally. It seems long enough to braid and with the coming winter months I thought it would be a perfect time to let the color go and focus on a more healthy journey. We’ll see how long I can last with this.
I thought I wanted to go back to school to change careers but I’m thinking of just going the cert route and be down with it. Times are changing and I can’t justify spending thousands of dollars on a degree right now. Especially since I’ve been lying about them on my resume up until now and have been doing just fine.
Overall, I feel like I’m in a transitioning period. I have to focus on completely some goals so that future me can live a good life. Current me is living a pretty good one now but it can be better...so much better.
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buzzerbeaterbin · 1 year
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I just initiated the cancellation of my membership today (I’ll still have it til I move out for school) for the gym that taught me how to love and take care of my body for everything that it does. From helping me develop a consistent lifting schedule/positive attitude towards exercise after finally getting vaccinated for COVID in 2021, to leading me to discover my love for workout classes (esp spin and yoga) and having all of the modern equipment and amenities I could ask for (hip thrust machine!!!! Pit shark machine!!! Turf!! Sleds!! Pool!!! Sauna!!! Even lockers that come w locks!!!), all for an insanely fair price given the breadth of services i had access to, it’s so cheesy but it truly became my lil suburban getaway and I will miss it dearly 🥺 I don’t think I’ll be joining again in the near future since my school gym is honestly really nice for something I get for free so long as I live downtown. I am a big girl now and must learn how to get over myself and take up space, even when people I know are looking 😩
One gem I didn’t take advantage of until this summer was a mobility yoga class, which targets connective tissue and improving ROM - something that really appealed to me as I’m working on this chronic back pain. Kraig, the instructor, quickly became my favorite for his pacing and speech, so I prioritized attending every Wednesday evening since learning about the class. Today was my last day with him since he’s out for a month for a surgery, so I decided to go up to him and formally introduce myself after class and tell him how his classes got me through plenty of tough days - waiting for my score to come back, waiting for a decision from my school, bad back pain days, etc. He responded with so much gratitude and told me that if I reach out, he can find a way to let me attend his classes during breaks for free as a guest 🥹 I wasn’t able to connect as intimately with any of my other class instructors but this really just exemplifies my experience with how welcoming the yoga community is - a stark contrast from the plenty of weight lifting people that have treated me like I was little more than gum on their shoe lol. (I was close to making a rant on this very page about all of the egregious characters I crossed paths with last night at the gym, but I let it go…)
Enjoy this utterly irrelevant pic of my go to breakfast bc I am nowhere near the point where I’m comfortable enough to be taking pics in the gym - rolled oats w chia and flax and soy milk with any seasonal fruit of choice. It’s an easy 19ish g of protein and induces my morning shit super quick - a blessing that I have taken for granted for far too long, which I learned the hard way this year 😭
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senorarelojes · 4 years
Fic: If You Want (1/1)
A while back, I put up a post asking for writing prompts, so I'm slowly making my way through them. This is for the very lovely @what-could-have-been!
Summary: This prompt from @what-could-have-been: "Dave and Alan (who don't know each other yet) coincidentally happen to go to the gym at the same time. Throughout their exercise they keep eyeing each other on different machines. Then they end up in the showers also at the same time (surprise!), Dave drops his soap or something else on the floor and Alan comes to "help". Aaaand you can probably guess the rest... I was also thinking they could be in their mid-20's or so?” Rating: Mature Notes: (In my head, this is early Music for the Masses era DM)
Alan liked Ultra Fitness because it was ten minutes away from his workplace, plus it was also along the way home. So it gave him less of an excuse to skip his workouts. Besides, he was already starting to see the results from his frequent visits. His arms were getting nicely sculpted and garnering compliments from the women in his office, and he could see the beginnings of a six pack in the mirror if he held in his stomach enough. So he made it a habit to keep going after work, even though it was more crowded at that timing.
Before he had ever stepped foot in a gym, Alan had been a bit apprehensive about the type of clientele that frequented gyms - for example, those beefy blokes with necks thicker than their heads who looked like they ate guys like Alan for breakfast. But to his surprise, most of the people at Ultra Fitness were nice, friendly and tended to mind their own business, which was a big bonus in Alan’s book. There were also all sorts of regulars, from the afore-mentioned beefy types to those who were just starting out and looked just as nervous as Alan initially had been. But overall, most of them looked like regular people, just like Alan himself.
By now, Alan had definitely become familiar with a few other people at the gym. There was Daryl, the manager at the reception who seemed to know everyone, as well as Martin and Fletch, two friends who mostly came to use the swimming pool or join the Zumba classes. “Great way to meet women,” Fletch had told Alan once with a wink, waggling his eyebrows as Martin had laughed in agreement. Alan had only smiled; he didn’t like flirting with women (or men) at the gym, thinking that people probably didn’t want to be hit on when they were breathless or sweaty. He himself didn’t want to be disturbed: he would just come in, say hello to Daryl as he signed in, grab a locker, pop in his noise-cancelling earbuds and do his workout in peace. That was his routine, and it only ever deviated if he stopped for a chat with Martin and Fletch at the water dispenser.
However, one day he came back from his workout to find a strange tattooed bloke trying to open his locker.
“Er, can I help you?” Alan said, as the man fiddled uselessly with the lock.
He jumped in surprise when Alan spoke to him. “Oh, sorry. I can’t seem to open my locker,” the bloke said, holding up his access card. The lockers at the gym were first come, first serve, and Alan had a special liking for Locker 101, which was located in a far corner, nearer to the shower stalls. Half the time, it wasn’t taken and he was able to grab it for himself. Alan often wondered who was the other person who seemed to like it just as much as he did, and sometimes beat him to it.
Alan flashed the man an apologetic smile. “Sorry mate, think you’re mistaken. It’s mine today,” he explained, holding up his own card to the lock as it whirred for a moment, then clicked open.
“Fuck!” The tattooed bloke was laughing now, face a little red with embarrassment. “Sorry-- it’s just that I usually snag 101, I must have forgotten today.”
“So it’s you,” Alan said with a laugh, before realising the tattooed guy was looking at him with curiosity. “I mean-- never mind.”
The bloke was smiling at him now. He had a really nice smile, which made him look rather boyish even though he seemed to be around Alan’s age. “Well, wish me luck in finding my locker, then,” he said, dropping Alan a wink.
“Good luck, mate.” Alan couldn’t resist watching him walk away in his fitting gym shorts - it was quite a view - as he began taking out his belongings for a shower.
After that, Alan began to notice the tattooed bloke around the gym more often. Like Alan, he did a fair bit of weight-lifting, but he also joined the group classes with Martin and Fletch, the three of them chatting and laughing with many of the female regulars after class. Alan found himself watching them at times, wondering how weird it would be for him to ask Mart and Fletch for Tattooed Bloke’s name. Sometimes he would catch Tattooed Bloke watching him in the mirror too, but Alan never seemed to be able to catch him, Martin and Fletch at the right time.
Thankfully, Alan finally learned his name when he was late to the gym one day, finding Daryl already in conversation with Tattooed Bloke at the reception. “Oh hey Charlie,” Daryl said when he spotted Alan, nodding at him as he handed him a towel. “Got held up at the office?”
“Something like that,” Alan replied, glancing over at Tattooed Bloke who was regarding Alan with great interest.
“Your name is Charlie?” he asked, a grin slowly growing on his face. “Was wondering what your name was, but I didn’t peg you for a ‘Charlie’.”
You were wondering what my name was? Alan wanted to ask, but instead he said, “I’m actually Alan, but Daryl got a kick out of my middle name when he did my membership card.”
“C’mon Dave, don’t you agree with me? Doesn’t ‘Charlie’ suit him a lot better than ‘Alan’?” Daryl asked the tattooed bloke, who was just grinning as his gaze rove up and down Alan’s body.
“Dunno, mate,” Dave said, his eyes lingering on Alan’s arms. “A rose by any other name, y’know?”
Daryl rolled his eyes. “You’re useless,” he complained, throwing a towel in Dave’s face as Alan chuckled.
Taking the towel away, Dave seemed hesitant, like he had something else to say to Alan. Unfortunately, the announcement for the start of the Zumba class blared through the gym’s speakers at that moment, leaving Dave grimacing in frustration.
“I’ll see you around, Charlie,” Dave told him with a wave, before he ran off to the dance studio.
Now that Alan knew Dave’s name and they’d been sort of introduced, he found himself wondering what would be a non-cheesy way to strike up a conversation with Dave on the gym floor. They would run into each other quite often; if Alan was using the squat rack, Dave would appear soon after and wait for his turn, often offering to spot Alan. Alan wanted to do the same when it came to Dave’s turn, but Dave seemed to have no end of friends at the gym who volunteered to spot him as well, so Alan had no reason to hang around unless he wanted to look like a lecher, drooling over Dave lifting weights.
That didn’t stop him from watching, though. Alan was very, very good at being very, very sneaky, and he used his abilities to his advantage, watching Dave doing deadlifts in the ubiquitous mirrors around the gym, Dave’s tattoos darkened by his sweat, his muscles gleaming as he huffed and pulled on the bar, his perfectly coiffed hair tumbling over his forehead as he bent down to re-rack the weights. Men like Dave were the reason Alan decided he might not be entirely straight, and that his experimentation in uni hadn’t been just a phase.
However, he still lacked the ability to tell if other blokes were straight, gay, bi or whatever else. Alan thought Fletch and Daryl were unequivocally straight, while Martin definitely pinged his gaydar - not that Alan was interested. As for Dave, he was still a huge question mark as far as Alan was concerned. Dave seemed to watch him a lot, but Dave also flirted with the ladies in yoga class as easily as breathing. So Alan decided to mind his own business, unless Dave made a move first.
After a particularly gruelling workout one evening - Alan really hated leg days - he pushed himself to the showers, picking his favourite stall at the corner and draping his towel over the door. The warm water felt like a relief on his shoulders, which were still sore from yesterday’s workout, and he groaned a little as he rolled his shoulders under the hot shower, cracking his neck before he went about shampooing his hair.
He was just done rinsing his hair when he heard someone stepping into the cubicle beside his, shutting the door and starting their own shower. Whoever it was had a nice voice, humming something that sounded like Sigur Ros. Alan listened absently as he slicked his hair with conditioner, wondering if he should get a haircut soon. His hair was getting a little too long to style into a quiff, and he wondered if he should ignore Flood’s advice and get an undercut this time.
He was just done rinsing out the conditioner when he heard someone curse, “Fuck!” as something clattered to the floor, sliding under the partition over to Alan’s stall. It was a bottle of Axe body wash, which the bloke beside him must have dropped.
Alan picked it up, holding it under the partition that separated their stalls. “This yours, mate?” he asked, but the bloke had already stepped out of his stall and was knocking on Alan’s door.
“Sorry, could you pass me my soap?” he asked, and Alan sighed before he stood up, opening the door to hand him the bottle.
His eyes widened when he saw it was a very wet and very naked Dave, who seemed just as surprised - and pleased - when he saw it was Alan. “Oh, it’s you, Charlie.”
Alan couldn’t stop his eyes from roaming even if someone had a gun to his head. He took in the clear view of Dave’s few tattoos, his smooth chest, his tight brown nipples, the heavy cock between his legs. “Uh, this is yours,” Alan said dumbly after a billion years had passed, holding out the bottle of body wash to Dave like a moron.
Dave licked his lips, stepping forward and backing Alan right into his shower stall again. “Mmm, thanks for your help, mate.” Dave was staring openly at Alan’s mouth now, his tongue running over his lower lip. “Reckon you could help me with something else?”
Alan was breathing hard, taking in Dave’s nearness and his brazen confidence, his seeming certainty in Alan’s attraction. “Help you with what?”
Dave finally took the body wash from him, tipping some into his hands and lathering them into a foam, smiling wickedly at Alan as he did so. “Help me soap up my back, yeah? It’s so hard to reach.”
Alan was distantly aware that this felt like some kind of porn scenario, but he couldn’t care less as he grabbed the shower gel from Dave, soaping up his own hands before he leaned in and kissed Dave hungrily, his soapy hands roaming all over Dave’s back. Dave moaned softly into his mouth, his hands running all over Alan’s chest before rubbing at his nipples, making Alan gasp into their kiss.
“Fuck, wanted you for ages,” Dave breathed out before nipping at Alan’s lips again, guiding them both under the stream of water. It was all so slick and hot and steamy, frotting against some handsome stranger in the gym shower stalls where anyone could walk past and hear their moans and gasps. As hard as Alan tried to be quiet, it became impossible when Dave wrapped a soap-slick hand around his cock, pumping him in swift efficient strokes that had Alan’s knees weakening in the shower.
“C’mon, Charlie, c’mon,” Dave whispered against the shell of his ear, his own cock pressed against Alan’s hip, hard and hot and insistent. Alan wanted so badly to wrap his hand around it, put it in his mouth, but he lost all train of thought when Dave bit down on his neck, his hand speeding up on Alan’s cock as he came all over Dave’s stomach in a hushed moan.
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” Dave nuzzled against Alan’s cheek with a soft gasp, Alan reaching down for a few clumsy strokes before warm spurts of come landed on his hip, quickly washed away by the stream of water.
They were both panting now, arms loosely wrapped around each other, Dave’s back still covered with soap. Once Alan realised this, he grabbed Dave by the shoulders to angle him towards the water and get it washed off. Dave initially was filled with panic, as though afraid Alan would shove him out of his stall. But once he figured out what Alan was up to, he laughed and pressed a kiss to the side of Alan’s head. His lips felt warm, nice.
“Can I take you out to dinner?” Dave asked quietly, rubbing slow circles over Alan’s shoulder. “I swear I wanted to take you out first before doing this, but-- fuck, you looked so fuckin’ irresistable, mate. All warm and wet, y’know?”
Alan had to chuckle in agreement. “Yeah, I do know.”
Dave pulled away to look at him. His eyes - green? brown? - were serious as they regarded Alan. “So it’s a yes to dinner, then?”
Alan rolled his eyes. “If you haven’t clued in to the fact that I just got you off in the shower, then I don’t know what to say.”
“Idiot.” Dave flashed him a sunny, relieved grin as he ducked out of the shower stall. “I’ll see you outside, then.”
Dave was waiting for Alan at the reception counter, chatting animatedly with Martin, Fletch and Daryl. However, he straightened up immediately when he spotted Alan, ignoring all of his friends at a drop of a hat. “Hey Charlie.”
Fletch was frowning deeply in confusion. “Wait, isn’t his name Alan?”
Alan shrugged at Fletch, smiling when Dave came up to him and took his hand in his, making everyone’s eyebrows shoot up to the ceiling. “A rose by any other name, y’know?” Alan quipped, grinning at a stunned Fletch.
“Hey, that’s my line,” Dave said with a laugh, tugging Alan by the hand and out the door. “Don’t wait up, fellas.”
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kurtsvonneslut · 3 years
if anyone with hypermobility (specifically EDS but any hypermobile variants are close enough) has good ideas/plans for at home bodyweight workouts please hmu
i used to go to the gym as much as i could i literally wanted to be a competitive weightlifter and i’m coming to terms with the fact i’m never going to be able to do that and canceling my membership but i don’t want to give up working out altogether
never really been one for home workouts so i’m kind of lost as to how to design a plan much less which exercises are good and bad for me so any help would be so appreciated
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dah-knee · 3 years
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I’m just gonna do this whole thing. Because I’m bored.
1. I’m 135 lbs. my ugw is 122-127.
2. I’m 5’6. I love my height. Being taller makes burning calories easier. I also like being the average height for a girl
3. Too lazy to put a picture but Kendall J is my thinspiration. I fucking hate her. But she’s so pretty. I hate it
4. I don’t really have any fears abt weight loss. I guess gaining it back LMFAO
5. I honestly do wanna lose weight for me. I just wanna look nice naked LOL and I’m into fashion, so having everything look nice is a plus.
6. I don’t reallyyyyy binge tbh. I don’t restrict heavily AT ALL. I don’t even have an ED, just a bad relationship with food. I actually eat about 2200 calories a day and exercise off 750 of them. I hav an Apple Watch so burning off 750 is just routine. I just eat 2200 to maintain in a calorie deficit without slowing down my metabolism too bad. When I do binge, it’s on sweet stuff. It happens randomly tbh, or when my mom has mad something she really wants me to try.
7. My mom knows I’m constantly trying to lose weight and doesn’t really care. She cares enough to make sure I’ve eaten though. My dad doesn’t know. He knows I don’t like how I look though. He’s always super kind and tells me I’m beautiful though😢
8. My mom and sister made a ton of negative comments on my weight about a year and a half ago. Not anymore though. An old friend also said something. Those things really did stick with me.
9. My workout routine is SUPER simple. Maybe: run in the morning and burn off 100 calories. If I have school/work that’s another 300/400. Run at night and burn about 200. Everyday tasks totals up to about 100 too. On weekends I run a little more to makeup for being at home all day. I have a treadmill. I also have a gym membership but I don’t use it much anymore tbh. Thinking of canceling it.
10. The hardest thing I gave up is 100% chips and Nutella. God do I miss them.
11. I don’t have a favourite thinspo blog because I’m not consistent on here lol.
12. I eat a yogurt parfait/ smoothie and lunch and dinner are totally random.
13. I’m losing weight a healthy way. I’ve done heavy restriction of 1100 and gained ALL my weight back. Eating 1600 keeps the weight off.
14. My UGW is 122-127. Hoping by this Christmas and if anything backfires DEFINITELY before I start University in Sept.
15. I would not consider vegan Or vegetarianism. I love chicken too much and think it’s an amazing source of protein.
16. Decided to lose weight around July 2020.
17. I do jot have an eating disorder because I eat enough.
18. My weakness is chocolate bars. My dad has always bought one a week for me since I was kid. I hold it to close to my heart to not eat it.
19. Last time I ate fast food was… yesterday LOL
20. I don’t believe in diets.
21. LITERALLT everything. But typically I’m a size medium and a size 6/8 in pants.
22. My lowest was 130. I gained due to heavy restrictions.
23. Originally the media did not play a Role, but now it does.
24. Don’t like the pro terms at all.
25. Never purged I don’t wanna ruin my teeth.
26. JAWLINES AND SKINNY LEGS. God those both excite for hitting my ugw
27. I do t really “deal” with being around food. I like good lol
28. Don’t care much for the gap. Just wanna be skinny. Gap would be nice tho
29. Everyone’s beautiful. Confidence yet humbility is especially beautiful
30. Fact about me: I love interior design!
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Reap The Rewards
Pairing: Lee Hoseok x reader
Genre: gym au / fluff
Warnings: talk of Wonho’s muscles lol (aka absolutely none)
A/N: Wrote this out of nowhere whilst on hiatus. Typically cliché and something I’m sure every Wonho fan would wish to happen to them too XD
I’m toying around with the idea of writing Monsta X with professions in the health sector. I already have an idea for Hyunwoo as a physiotherapist, but if you have any suggestions for the other members, feel free to let me know in a message or comment :)
Word count: 3512
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Signing up for the gym hadn’t been all that hard. You knew you needed to get in shape since working from home meant you had too much access to your favourite chair, your other homely comforts and most importantly, your refrigerator and pantry.
Joining a gym, therefore, made a lot of sense. You would have a scheduled event to get out of your home office and move your body every day to prevent those cookies you had somehow misplaced whilst in the deep throes of your creations from becoming a staple visual around your hips. And whilst you didn’t have a huge social prerequisite to get by in life, well, making new friends whilst you were there didn’t seem like a bad idea either.
So the join up was logical. But that didn’t mean everything went according to your plan.
At first, you would turn up every morning, jump on to a cycle machine and start your cardio routine. You were familiar with gym equipment from a past attempt in fitness before your office job had gotten too hectic to continue attending one, and that meant you didn’t need any instruction on how to use the machines. You liked the independent nature of doing your own routine each day in the gym, and whilst you were satisfied with your efforts for turning up and doing a workout, you weren’t getting the results you wanted.
Perhaps you were still eating too much or maybe your body was rebelling against you.
You decided to take up the opportunity to see one of the gym’s trainers. After all, in your membership signup, you had been allocated a free session with one to see what programme would suit you best. It couldn’t hurt to get professional advice on how to exercise the best for your body shape and if you didn’t like their suggestions, you could continue to persevere with your own routine you had used for the past month and hope over subsequent weeks that changes would be more visual.
You knew you had a bit of a sweet tooth, but surely there could be a better balance in life for you.
Turning up for your session, you had been all smiles until you stepped into the trainer’s office. There were six trainers in total at your gym and admittedly when the office clerk had given you the option of who to see, you had just asked for the one who would help you the soonest. You weren’t impatient by nature yet you also didn’t want to change your mind whilst waiting to be slotted into a trainer’s busy schedule either.
Perhaps you should have been more carefree. Or paid attention to the name you had been given on your appointment card so you could have been more prepared. Because out of the six trainers, you had been assigned to the one who intimidated you the most.
“Hey Y/N, it’s nice to meet you!” he greeted with a friendly smile as you froze in the doorway, his smile only causing your heart to race faster than it did when you were on the cross-trainer. He outstretched his hand and by some miracle, you managed to grab onto it, though your palm was already sweaty. He shook it firmly – or perhaps it was a general handshake but your current resolve was too weak to handle it – and continued to smile enthusiastically at you. “My name is Hoseok and I hear you want to improve your lifestyle choices and exercise plan?”
You definitely wanted to improve in your current stupor, so blinking rapidly, you shot into the chair across from the small desk Hoseok had rounded and nodded just as fast. He chuckled and pulled up your file on the computer with a few clicks.
Whilst you sat there cursing yourself for signing up for a personal trainer.
It wasn’t the end of the world, Hoseok was talented at what he did. You had noticed him multiple times across the gym floor, helping sculpt the bodies of his clients with good results. But the only reason you knew this, was the same reason most of the women and even some of the male users of the gym also stopped and stared whenever Hoseok was in their area. The man was gorgeous from head to toe.
You had never been one for muscles, and the idea of you getting any of your own showing out from under the extra layers you carried around would be a bit of a miracle. However, Hoseok was something else. His body was the epitome of someone in good health. He obviously took an avid approach to ensure he exercised regularly, and when he wasn’t training someone else, he was often working on his own regime. Hoseok was the poster boy example of what taking fitness to another level looked like.
And now he was your trainer.
You gulped.
“It seems you’ve been doing really well to turn up regularly without any trainer plan in place so I applaud you for taking your health seriously enough,” he mentioned and you nodded again, trying to find your voice within your throat where it had gone into hiding. Hoseok pulled out a sheet of paper and picked up a pen, his gaze falling back to yours. Why was it suddenly hotter in this room? You had just reminded yourself that you were a capable woman who had quit her office job to become your own boss. You had the ability to work with anyone well under pressure and articulate yourself to ensure your thoughts were openly received.
Right now though? You were like a teenage girl with a crush on the cutest boy in school.
“What are your goals that you want to achieve here at the gym?”
You inwardly encouraged yourself to speak and cleared your throat. “I want to tone up.”
“That’s a good one,” he mentioned as you groaned inwardly at how obvious that had already been. Instead of making you feel ridiculous, Hoseok continued to assist you in coming up with more ideas towards your hopes from a tailored program. Somewhere along the way, you relaxed a little in his company, finally speaking more than four words at a time. However, you still weren’t quite used to the smiles that he kept shooting in your direction.
You were certain you wouldn’t even need to do any cardio today; your heart had been in the fat burning numbers since stepping into this office twenty minutes ago.
Hoseok looked over the notes he had jotted down and then looked back up at you, letting out a little sigh. “Well, I have all I need to know about what we need to work on but unfortunately now comes the part not many people like to do in the beginning. I need to take down your measurements.”
The minor relaxation you had been experiencing evaporated and you darted your focus to the scale over the other side of the wall. Hoseok was still talking to you and his tone was supportive, yet you were frozen to the chair. Of course, your trainer needed to know your starting weight and other measurements. It was how they helped you track your progress and would indicate what was working and what wasn’t.
But did Hoseok really need to know? You looked back at him and he chuckled. “I know, it’s not always a nice thing to know, but up you get. After this, we need to go out into the gym to look at a couple of exercises I’ve already thought of that will assist you.”
With trepidation, you got to your feet, slipped out of your shoes and stepped on the scales. You held your breath until he placed a hand on your shoulders which deflated you entirely. He laughed again but didn’t say anything, and as he took down the various numbers on the screen, you willed yourself to get a grip.
Just because your trainer was handsome, didn’t mean you had to act so apparent about it. You were certain Hoseok was used to being fawned over by a lot of women here at the gym and your response was probably no different. It irked you that you had lost the inability to remain decent around him already and propped yourself up, suddenly uncaring of how close Hoseok got as he wrapped the measuring tape around your waist.
Okay, so that was a lie. You did care. The smell of his aftershave was intoxicating but you wouldn’t allow yourself to fall feeble once again in his company today. You were here to improve yourself – mindset included.
And then Hoseok blushed lightly. “Here, would you be able to get the size of your bust for me? I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable and I ask all my female clients to do this to remain appropriate at all times.”
You nodded and did as requested; even letting a small smile grace your lips at how endearing he appeared over this part in your measurements. He recovered faster than you had and soon he had you out in the gym trying out a couple of the exercises he had thought of.
“Well, you survived your session!” he joked, as he placed the clipboard he held under his arm and grinned at you. “I’ll see you tomorrow at nine, okay?”
“Sure,” you replied, though you were unsure entirely. Today had been a lot to take in. As you waved him off and headed for the cubicles that held your personal belongings, you wondered if you should stop off in the office to cancel the training program that you had just agreed to. You couldn’t just exactly change trainers. Hoseok would take offence to that. But you weren’t confident that you could handle being trained by him either. Sure, you had been able to pull off everything he asked of you, there was something about the tone he used and the endless smiles and chuckles that got you through all of his requests. But you were hyperaware whenever he came too close to show you how to do something more effectively and you hated that you had flinched more than once when he touched you.
Not to mention, every time you looked up into the mirrors, what you saw reflecting back didn’t inspire you at all. It was a shallow conclusion, yes, especially when Hoseok had gone onto his next client before you left and she happened to be toned in every way that complimented the image you saw of them in the mirrors. You couldn’t help but feel disappointed in how you looked next to him.
And you only had two options on how to change that. Either give up working with him or tackle the challenge until you looked good next to him.
Slumping down behind the wheel of your car, you didn’t know what to do.
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You did turn up at the gym the following day, even though you had spent most of the night lying awake trying to think of plausible excuses to get out of going. You had even punched in the gym’s phone number an hour before leaving your house to ring and cancel your entire membership. You could simply find another gym to exercise at. Or rely on your favourite sugary friends to support you in your times of need. Who were you trying to get fit for anyway? Sure, personal health was important. But it was only yourself who would look back at you each day in the mirror.
You stood before that mirror for a good ten minutes before you decided you were worth it. You wanted to see yourself look healthier.
Hoseok greeted you warmly with your brand new exercise plan in hand as soon as you stepped into the gym. And one session with him turned into six. You had gotten used to his helpful guiding touches and expert advice during every session and no longer did you turn up at the gym anxious to be in his company. He made you laugh and you surprised him back with your joking ways. Your relaxed manner around him now four weeks into your program with Hoseok showed when you jumped up on the scales in front of him without a care.
Okay, so again, you did care. Not so much about what the numbers meant to him, but what they meant to you.
You know, the way it should be.
“Way to go, Y/N!” Hoseok applauded as you grinned at being yet another five kilograms lighter. He raised his hand for a high five which you slapped generously. “You’ve done so well!”
“It’s a small step in the right direction,” you agreed and your trainer shook his head.
“No, this is a big step. Don’t think of it as small steps. Each time you get up on here and see your weight has dropped, you need to celebrate it. You worked hard for it!”
You were beaming for the rest of the day after that.
And when your eight week training programme came to an end, you were back in the office you had started out in, going through everything you had achieved over the past two months of active work and good nutrition. Sure, you still had the odd treat, but the cookies had been replaced with fruit and most days you didn’t even miss them.
Hoseok looked up at you and smiled. You frowned, today’s smile wasn’t as jubilant as usual and there was a pink tinge to his cheeks that you had rarely seen when you had surprised him too much or that one time he had asked for you to do your bust measurement. His reactions intrigued you and you leaned forward instinctively in your chair, as if getting a closer look would make you understand why he was turning timid suddenly.
“Well, congratulations on successfully making it to the end of this training programme, Y/N.”
“It’s not the end of my training though,” you assured, wondering if he believed this was the last time you’d work with him and that’s why he was being like he was. You already had plans to continue on with him as your full trainer.
“I’m really glad to hear that,” he agreed and you frowned.
“Why do I feel there is a but ready to come from your mouth?”
Hoseok shot you a wistful smile before slowly saying, “But.”
“But?” you repeated when nothing else followed.
“Can we stop saying but?” he asked with a chuckle and you grinned at him.
“You started it.”
“Technically it was you,” he retorted but sighed instead of continuing with his humour. “This ends our training journey together.”
Wait, what?
Hoseok was your trainer. He was here to train you. Well, you and many others. But he couldn’t just leave you now! You had a lot of goals to achieve and he had done so well at supporting you through them. How were you meant to go on in your fitness journey without him?
Maybe he had a new job. That was the only plausible reason he was saying he couldn’t train you anymore. You nodded firmly. “If you’re moving gyms I’ll just come with you as I like your-”
“I’m not leaving this gym, Y/N,” he interjected, raising his hands up to accompany his statement. He smiled at your now perplexed expression. “Though I’m honoured to hear you would leave this gym to follow me.”
“Saying it like that makes it sound like I idolise you or something,” you muttered with a blush and he shook his head.
“No, it sounded genuine. You want to succeed, I get it. I just… I can’t keep training you.”
“Is there some sort of rule where you have to cycle through all the trainers here so you learn different things from different approaches?” you wondered and Hoseok shook his head sadly. He started to fidget with the pen in his hand and retreated a little, only concerning you further. Had you done something? Maybe your train of thought before was right. You had admired him in the beginning too much for how he looked. But after getting to know the man on the inside as well, you didn’t really focus on his well-defined torso anymore.
Well, not as much anyway.
“Y/N, I don’t think it’s ethically right for me to train you anymore.”
He nodded, now embarrassed.
“I’m not following you, can’t you just tell me why without skirting around the issue? So I can understand why you-”
“I think I like you.”
You didn’t understand that at all. Stunned, you merely stared at the man across from you and Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“I don’t think, I mean, I know. I like you. So I’ve decided it would be in your best interests to work out with someone else.”
“So you can stop liking me?” you asked, though you felt as if you were having an out of body experience and listening to yourself speak from a distance. The idea that Hoseok liked you felt as if you were dreaming. Had you just died on the treadmill and this was your parting fantasy before you moved onto the next realm in your existence? That would make more sense than this actually being a reality.
But when you pinched yourself, it truly hurt. And because you still didn’t believe in this, you pinched yourself again, letting out a small yelp.
Hoseok chuckled. “Did you really have to do that?”
“Can you blame me? Someone like you just said you liked me.”
“Someone like me? Please don’t tell me you’re like every other person in here who thinks of me as some muscle man who can be their trophy they sling over their arm too. I thought we had something more genuine.”
You rapidly shook your head and hands, your cheeks flooding with colour. “No, I didn’t mean it like that. Sure, you’re gorgeous and anyone can see that!”
Hoseok’s small smile only made you babble further to save yourself. “But I meant me. I’m not a match. Look at me, I’m all wobbly and definitely a work in progress and-”
“Beautiful. You’re beautiful,” he admitted and you snapped your mouth shut, swallowing back the rest of your sentence.
“No,” you eventually breathed, shaking your head softly. “I’m not really.”
“If you don’t see how much you’ve transformed over the last eight weeks and how beautiful you are each day in the mirror, then I’m worried about your mindset as a trainer.”
You went to respond and then shut your mouth instead. You didn’t know what to say.
“Not to say you weren’t always beautiful, Y/N. I was kind of nervous the first day you stepped in here.”
Glancing up at Hoseok then, you widened your eyes to see him blushing. “Wait, really?”
“Yes really. I was worried you would ring up the next day and cancel working with me because I giggled too much and acted really odd. Part of me was kind of hoping you would, though I was relieved when you did turn up. It meant you weren’t put off by me.”
If only he knew half of the turmoil you had gone through back then.
You blinked slowly, taking in everything he had said. You then glanced up at him. “So, you don’t want to train me any more because you like me and feel it’s unprofessional?”
He nodded once.
“And if you don’t train me, then you won’t have to like me anymore?”
Hoseok leaned back in his chair and then laughed heartily. “How on earth did you come to that conclusion?”
“Well, I just thought that you wanted to avoid those feelings so that’s why you’re letting me go as a client!”
“I was hoping that removing our client-trainer relationship could lead to something else.”
“Like a date?” you asked and Hoseok nodded, this time less certain.
“Like a date.”
“You want to date me?”
“Are we going to keep going around in circles?” he asked with another chuckle and you shook off your stupor. “I just don’t want others to think I’m giving you special treatment if I train you. And Miriam has a slot free for a client and is very good. Plus, she trains at the same time as I do, so when you’re finished with your session…”
“We could go have smoothies together from the gym cafe?” you concluded and Hoseok laughed. You pouted. “What, I always have wanted to do that after working out with you.”
“Really?” His face lit up and now Hoseok was the one leaning towards you. “You’ve thought of doing things with me too?”
“Don’t let it go to your head; you’re the one who admitted to liking me first.”
“But you like me back, right?”
You smiled, shrugging lightly and he gaped at you. “I’ll guess we’ll have to see how smoothies go before you can get a definite answer out of me.”
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kirstielol · 5 years
FMLS90 catch up post!
18/10 - If you had to offer the group one tip about preparing for success, what would it be?
focus on discipline, not motivation. you’re not going to feel motivated every day. i mean i rarely feel motivated to get to the gym lol, i’m so groggy in the mornings. instead, i focus on how i’ll feel once i get through the workout. i know if i go to the gym, i’ll feel good about it all day. so i get off my lazy butt, and i head to the gym. even if i’m feeling no motivation, and want to just go sit on the couch with a coffee.
19/10 - What is one small step you can take in the next 24 hours to make 2020 better? Some examples - sign up for a race, make an appointment with a mental health professional, forgive someone. Do this and report back.
honestly i have no idea what i can do to make 2020 better. i recently bought myself a proper desk and chair, which was a big deal to me bc now i have somewhere to work! this alone is gonna make 2020 much better than 2019 lol.
ok i have an idea. i’m going to go through the budget today and cancel some non-essential subscriptions (like ipsy). i’ve been thinking of doing this already, so today’s a good day to do it! this would make 2020 better because we’ll be able to save a bit more money each month!
20/10 - That goal you mentioned on 10/15. Have you taken action on it? Tell us about it. If you haven’t - do it. Now :)
well my boyfriend and i were going to sign up for a spinning class at the gym, but we looked more into it and it turns out it would be a bit too expensive for us. right now our gym membership is the lowest tier, and to take classes we’d have to move 1 tier up.. meaning our gym membership would double in price.. for the both of us.. so RIP to that idea.
it’s still nice enough outside to hike, so we’re still doing that regularly at least. we have a hike planned for later today actually!
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ozzygonza · 5 years
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~ Workout Sesh
It elated him to hear his trainer’s voice a few moments ago to distract him from feeling awful about his musings and guilt. He had put on his workout clothes and packed some things he would need such as: basic toiletries, fresh pair socks, underwear and outfit. Time away to focus on his workout regimen seemed to be the best idea.
He checked the backdoor was on locked before he headed down to the gym. Part of him felt bad for having skipped the last couple of days and knew he would suffer for it once he got there. He had signed up with not only a membership but also to have a trainer. Each time he booked a session and cancels, he would get charged seventy bucks.
Serah didn’t forgive too easily and she had promised to keep him in shape and not to be too sedentary, especially when he focused on his writing. Her word would have been lazy. She hadn’t said much during the call other than ask if he was coming today. The sound of her voice had indicated her annoyance.
The very cool AC system welcomed him upon entering the gym. He quickly entered the locker room and put his gym bag in his locker. Once he locked up his things, he returned to the lobby of the gym, catching the eye of Sherry, the front desk, and Kyle, one of the trainers. Kyle pointed to the upstairs portion of the gym.
Orson made his way up the stairs, already hearing Serah’s words of “encouragement.” Once he took his last few steps, he saw her with another client on one of the machines focused on biceps. She seemed to be in a good mood, even giving words of motivation and encouragement. He watched her for a few moments longer until he went to the treadmill to warm up.
On the machine, he set it so that he could do a moderately quick jog. Enough to get the blood flowing but not enough to exhaust him. He started to do it for a straight five minutes until he saw Serah step up to the side of the machine. If he didn’t begin to sweat before, he did now.
“Hey there Orson,” she said with malinent in her eyes, “good to finally see you.”
He didn’t know what she had planned.
Her fingers hovered over the button to increase the speed. “I would like my clients to actually show up to their scheduled sessions,” she stated and increase the speed by five, “and be motivated to improve themselves.”
He caught up with the speed but didn’t want her to change it. “I know but I’ve… been busy with my…book,” he struggled to say, trying to keep up the new incline. “Can we….just not… play games now?”
“Me play games? I wasn’t the one skipping out on our sessions and I had to sit around because someone decided not to show up.”
“Okay okay, I’ll stop and go.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Sorry for ditching you!”
“And I won’t do it again!”
She pressed the STOP button and watching him slow to a halt. “Okay, let’s do some legs and glutes today.”
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herfitnesscart-blog · 5 years
Her Fitness: I have a confession to make that might surprise a few of you: I moved almost a year and a half ago and I still haven’t joined a gym.
Don’t get me wrong — I’ve still been seriously getting my sweat on. Aside from running and biking and all the cool stuff, I do on my own at home, I’ve checked out plenty of boutiques, fitness class-based gyms. I’ve even purchased packages at several of them.
Her Fitness: Even with classes bought in bulk, though, they end up running $10 to $20 per class, and that really adds up. So, I get a little stingy with how often I’ll go. Like, if I hit my strength class at Def Fit this week, I’m probably not also going to hit the mat at Soul Yoga Sanctuary and get down and dirty at Fly Dance Fitness, too.
And that sucks because I hate turning down an invite or missing an opportunity for a fun workout. But I’ve gotta budget for other things, like races and, you know, food.
I’ve spent a little time researching some of the more all-purpose gyms in the area, and I realized that what I’ve learned about what to look for might be really helpful to other people shopping for a new gym to join. Here’s what I looked for along with the questions I asked myself.
Her Fitness: I was really surprised by some of the hours some major gyms offered. If you like to work out either very early or quite late — or you’re a big weekend warrior — make sure the gym you’re looking into is open at those times. I didn’t think 5 a.m. was an unreasonable time to expect a facility to be open. I was mistaken.
Classes (Her Fitness)
Are you interested in taking their classes? If not, you can skip this section (and you can probably save some money by going to a more bare-bones facility that doesn’t offer much for group ex). But, if you’d like to take advantage of any group exercises, here’s what to look for:
Do they offer the kinds of classes you’re interested in? If you’re big on strength-training classes but the class descriptions mostly look like varieties of Zumba, you might want to keep looking.
What’s the schedule for the classes you’d like to take? (I looked at one gym that had some seriously cool classes on the list, but some of those classes were only offered once a week at an inconvenient time, which wouldn’t do me any good at all.)
Are all the classes you’re into included in the standard membership fee? Sometimes, classes that require special equipment (like indoor cycling or Pilates on a reformer) cost extra, or the gym might limit the number of classes you can attend each month.
Think about what’s important to you, then visit the gym to see if they match up. To some, having the newest equipment and an updated, stylish lobby with a juice bar helps motivate them to get to the gym in the first place. Others are happy as long as there are enough treadmills to accommodate the people trying to get on them. If there are specific pieces of equipment you know you want to use, make sure they have them! And, for many of us, proximity and ease of access is a huge factor. Nothing like driving 30 minutes to do a 45-minute workout before driving half an hour home, right?
Her Fitness: And it’s also worth asking about assistance on the floor. Some gyms have employees and trainers out and about at all times, available to answer questions or take you through specific machines — my old gym offered this at no charge. If you’re newer to working out or just know you need a push, that’s a really helpful bonus and worth some extra moolah.
There’s no wrong answer here when it comes to what the facilities need to be like — whatever is going to make you want to go is what the gym you choose should offer!
Extras (Her Fitness)
Are there other things you’d really like access to? A lap pool and group cycling room are worth a lot to me — partly because those are things I love to do, but also because I’m likely to spend money going elsewhere for them if they aren’t at my regular gym. If you love playing team sports, seeking out a gym with open gym times or leagues might be a smart idea. Hot and cold therapy pools, saunas, steam rooms, massage therapists available — you’ll generally pay more for those kinds of extras, but it could be well worthwhile if you’re into it.
Price (Her Fitness)
A monthly fee is not necessarily just a monthly fee, I learned pretty quickly. Here are a few things to look for, as well as questions to ask the gym (and yourself).
What’s the monthly fee? If it’s a base price with other options, which option best fits your needs?
Is there a new member fee?
Or an annual fee?
Is there a family price? If you and your partner or kids are all joining, you can save big.
Are there taxes or any other added fees to be aware of?
Is personal or small group training available? If so, for how much is it?
What happens if you cancel?
Are you able to freeze the account if you’re unable to come in for a month or more?
Does the gym offer any discounts? (There might be discounts associated with the time of year, or, in the case of one here, if you either knew someone who was a member or signed up with a friend, you could get a significant buddy discount. They could also offer discounts if you work at a business they partner with — it’s always worth asking!)
Does the gym offer everything you want? Be honest with yourself here. Even if your new gym has a Spin room, does that mean you’re really not going to go to the super fun new indoor cycling class you’ve been attending with your friends? It’s okay if it doesn’t, but if you’re going to keep attending the one-off classes in addition to paying for your new membership, that might mean it makes sense to join a no-frills gym for your basic equipment needs so you can save some money for classes.
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dawnowar · 5 years
Been on my January Diet for a week
I’m counting calories this time because I got so sick of WW that I just plain wasn’t doing it anymore for long enough i may as well save my $$$$. I’m eating sugar again (in limited quantities) and i couldn’t be happier. It’s not hard sticking to this at all and im just wearing my fitbit and trying to burn more calories than I eat. 
So i got a Planet Fitness membership cause its cheap in addition to my regular Jazzercise classes which i go to almost every day. The days I don’t go are usually Saturday cause theres only morning classes and I go out Friday nights and sleep through them... and Thursdays cause im in a different part of town and if i rush over, i get the worst instructor and if i go home and eat first I don’t get up. 
I’ve had gym memberships before and i mostly dont use them because if theres not a time to show up and instructor instructing me, i dont do any actual exercise, but PF is great especially for the price. You’re sure to get screwed out of a month’s money when you finally decide to cancel because you will inevitably cancel on the wrong day but thats hardly a tragedy and you can still use the memebership up until you’re really canceled.
As far as using it goes, the gym is friendly and clean and cheap and safe which is all my fave things. I signed up for a “class” which turned out to be a small group w a trainer for half an hour, but since i was the only one signed up, he gave me a personal training session for about 45 min. Said its like that at this location and if you sign up at a not-busy time you can basically get free personal training on the regular. 
Sounded good and then i woke up sore the next day! LOL and it was Thursday so instead of rushing across town to the bad Jazzercise instructor, I did an at home yoga class.. I got a groupon for $15 for a year subsciption to Yoga Collective where you can stream yoga classes and do em in your house. 
The price was right even if i only use it once, that’s about the price of a drop-in class in these here parts, but i was bummed to find out there’s no Roku channel for Yoga Collective, so i bought a chromecast for $35 so I can stream these workouts on my TV.
Even still, i have to use the Google Home app to mirror my tablet to stream it but it does it and it’s great and im sure i’m glad i bought it. I love Yoga but its really too damn expensive. The cheap yoga places memberships are $75 a month (the expensive ones are $100) and i’m already paying somewhere around $55/mo for Jazzercise. Used to have both when they were both $50 a month but going over the $100 a month mark for exercise seems like a lot to me. I may change my mind because i miss real Yoga.
But seriously, why does yoga cost that much im not really sure. 
So the Chromecast, for the record, does a great job streaming YouTube where the Roku channel is a nightmare. That alone might be worth the $35 i spent for it. 
Meanwhile I’m feeling thinner. Maybe not stronger just yet but after spending most of this Fall sick in bed with colds and sore throats and sinus infections, I not only gained 10-15 lbs but i got weak and flabby so it feels great to be back in action. I’m not quite at the fitness level i was at before, but I’m way closer to it than I was around Thanksgiving when I got sick for i think the 5th time and relented to just having to not worry about it during the Holidays and just know I’m going on a January diet. 
I really wanted to. The holidays seemed endless and I just felt fatter and flabbier as they went on and on...  so i got back on track pretty easily.
I’m weighing myself once a week on Mondays. Any more than that makes me a little crazy. Spent, i dont know.. decades.. trying to figure out how to not let the number on that scale decide how i felt about myself. 
I’m there which is great. I have a long and terrible relationship with my scale and I’ve found that I basically can’t weigh myself because i get obsessed with what number it gives me. Also i swear that number is +/- 4lbs at any given time..and because I’m talking about having 15 lbs to lose....that can really send me into some bad place quickly if i get a high number when I step on.
anyway its taken me DECADES to ignore the scale. and just do the thing where i watch what i eat and exercise. But ive also found that i have to weigh myself sometimes or I have no real confirmation if what im doing it doing any real good or not. Even weekly weigh ins seem counter-productive sometimes when I know what ive done and the number isnt gonna be good. Sometimes I gain when I do everything right. Which is the madding part. They’re good about not being judgy at WW but I hate that they still make you weigh in and they still put the focus on the scale even though they act like they aren’t doing that.. but you don’t make lifetime for creating healthy habits, you earn it by keeping your weight under a certain number and keeping it there. 
If you fall off, then basically they start charging you again. Which is reasonable. They don’t kick you out or shame you or anything but this program is about numbers, make no mistake. 
Anyway i learned a lot in my on/off WW time about how to just not diet in secret and not be ashamed of it cause literally everybody has struggles with their weight and if they don’t, they’re the weird one, not you. And getting on the scale isn’t terrible at all if you don’t let the number you see rule you. Because whatever it says you’re gonna keep eating right and exercising, and if you don’t you’ll start again tomorrow. and if you keep doing that you’ll get where you want to be eventually. 
I’m loving the exercise. Now that I’m active i want to do even more stuff but my body isn’t cooperating just yet. It wants to rest. I know i need to rest but my brain is so ready to do this. 
My knees also didn’t get the memo but theyre holding up well. Years of exercising w arthritic knees and ive figured out what not to do the hard way mostly already and im so much stronger than i ever was, but i still have problems sometimes and im trying to be careful.
My heel is swollen. It does that sometimes and i have to stay off it, but im not going to. This is an old injury that never healed right from about 5 1/2 yrs ago so it probably will never be any better than it is now. Its Yoga funny enough that messes it up worst for all the weight bearing one-legged moves. But i’ve got Tuli’s heel cups or heel cushions of some variety in all my shoes and yoga jellies and extra padding for my already-thick mat and its getting better while I’m still exercising so i’m not stopping, but i did ride a bike at PF the other day instead of doing weight-bearing cardio. 
I’m just trying to do something every day, and burn a certain amount of calories per day and eat less calories than that. Should work out. 
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theworkoutdiary · 5 years
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here’s another red-faced, post-workout selfie for you all! i’m trying to be less self-conscious about how red (and sweaty) i get when i exercise, even though it feels like everyone else at the gym is barely breaking a sweat 🤷‍♀️
anyway, around mid-august i cancelled my PF membership, anticipating a different, closer gym to open up about a week or two later. well, now it’s mid-september and that gym is still months away from opening, so i bit the bullet and went back to PF again. during those few weeks off, i plateaued pretty bad, hovering around the same 3 pounds and driving myself craaaazy with it. i did some home workouts with my mom (walking with leslie sansone lol) and a couple runs around the block, a couple swims in the pool, but evidently that wasn’t enough to make a difference. this pic was taken after my second workout post-return to PF, and I immediately dropped 2 pounds after going back 😂
so, this is all kind of a long way of saying, i’m back on track and happily working out at the gym!! and yeah, when people say weight loss progress has its ups and downs, they’re not lying. i was basically consumed with anxiety during these last few weeks, thinking i would gain it all back... i think if anything, this shows i really need to give myself a little more credit and trust that if i’m keeping track of what i eat and exercising (even if it’s light), i will not undo my progress.
this is kind of a long post (not that anyone’s reading it lmao) but i’m feeling proud of myself and excited to go back to working out as hard as i want, regularly! (now if only i could get that kind of motivation to study for my CPA exam.... yikes)
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icebirdsmateforlife · 6 years
reach for the sky (part 1)
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Sid works a shitty job and uses his free time to put workout videos on the internet. Geno does the same, from the other side of the world.
A/N: Hello! :) Anybody still here? I promised new fic, and I finally have something for you. This is part 1 of a multichapter story and I’m going to update it as frequently as I can manage. Chapter 1 is just over 3k. Low rating, but it’s most likely going up to Explicit in future parts. This is going to be a SidGeno fic, of course, but there will be mentions and later an appearance of an ex-boyfriend/sometimes-hookup, just in case that’s not your thing. Okay, I think that’s it. Special thanks to @sheepassisted for the encouragement. And thank you also to everyone who’s sent me nice messages while I was gone, that really meant a lot. <3
“So,” Sid says, smiling into the camera. “You guys did a great job, making it through the whole thing. Let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like to work on and I can put something together for you in one of my next videos. Have a great day, and I hope to see you back next week.”
He’s been saying those same sentences so many times by now it comes out on autopilot, and he knows it probably sounds a little rehearsed, but he still gets enough views on his channel. So all things considered, it probably doesn’t matter that much. He gets himself a bottle of water from the kitchen and leans back against the counter — he’s going to have to get in a proper, longer workout for himself later, but doing these little videos is fun. More than he’d expected when he started doing them, honestly. It’s fun to do something that he hopes will inspire at least a few people.
He doesn’t bother showering. He’s headed for the gym anyway once he’s watched through the video to make sure it’s usable. He doesn’t usually do a lot of editing, unless he screwed something up during the routine and has to start over. But today’s video should be fine; just a quick fifteen-minute thigh workout for beginners.
His phone rings, and he goes to pick it up off the coffee table.
“Hey, Flower,” he greets, and takes another long drink of water.
“Dinner tonight,” Flower says without greeting. “7pm, my place. Bring wine.”
Sid laughs. “What if I have plans?”
Flower huffs out a breath. “You will cancel them. It’s rude to turn down a dinner invitation from your best friend.”
Sid doesn’t have plans, and he doesn’t feel like cooking either, so this works out rather well. He also doesn’t feel like being alone. “Don’t you teach yoga until 7?” he asks, and Flower sighs.
“Cancelled. Burst pipe in the wall. Looks like we won’t be able to use the room for at least a week.”
“Oh. Well, that sucks.” Sid puts down his water. “Is it just the yoga studio, or -”
“The rest of the gym is fine,” Flower assures him. “You can go work out right now like I know you want to.”
“Okay,” Sid says, relieved. “I’ll see you at 7, okay?”
“See you then,” Flower says. “Don’t forget the wine,” and hangs up.
Sid smiles, drops his phone onto the couch, and gets his camera. He has a video to check and upload and then he can go and have some fun. He also has to put all the furniture back where it belongs, since the only way to have enough space for all this in his tiny apartment is to shove everything to one side of the room, allowing him to film in front of the empty wall by the window. It’s not the most convenient, but it works.
There are a lot of things that Sid enjoys about doing his videos. Reading through the comments isn’t usually one of them. But it’s a necessary part of this whole thing, since he needs to know if what he’s doing is helpful at all, or if anyone has comments or requests.
It’s not that he gets any hate in those comments. Most of them are very nice, just the usual “great workout!!” or “I’ve been doing this every day for a week and I’m feeling much better already, thanks!” He likes those. It’s why he’s doing this. To help people feel better in their own bodies, especially people who maybe can’t afford a gym membership or anything like that. People should be able to do stuff and learn about ways to exercise without having to pay money they might not have. Exercise is for everyone, after all. So, yeah. Most of the comments are really nice. It’s the few that comment directly on the size of his arms or butt and specific things they’d want to do with them that make him uncomfortable. Luckily, he’s learned to mostly ignore them when they happen.
He’s back home early and has some time before he needs to leave for Flower’s place, which is just down the block anyway. So he settles in with his laptop and finally tackles the comments from last week’s video: a simple 20-minute core strength workout.
It’s all a lot of the same. The nice stuff that makes him smile, and then there’s one request for a cardio routine that makes him wince — he’ll do it but it’s not his favourite thing to do — and one comment in what looks to be Russian, judging by the letters. And because it might be something important, some legitimate criticism or maybe another request, he copy and pastes it into Google translate.
“Nice workout,” it says. “I’ve been looking for something like this and it’s perfect. Thank you and greetings from Russia! Sorry, my English isn’t good. Maybe I’ll study for next time.”
Sid smiles. He’s not one of the popular people on YouTube and having a viewer from all the way across the planet is kind of nice. He types a message into the translator, “Thank you for watching! I appreciate it. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to record next!” and copy and pastes it into a reply. He doesn’t do replies often, but he wants to this time.
“Did your ass get even bigger since I saw you two days ago?” Flower greets him, pulling him into a quick hug and then slapping his butt as Sid walks past him into the house.
“Haha,” Sid says, and hands Flower the wine. “What’s for dinner?”
He likes hanging out here, in Flower’s small house. It’s comfortable and welcoming and he’s been here a lot since he moved into the city and met Flower. Who immediately took him under his wing and befriended him with a determination that Sid truly admires. Sid has other friends, but he sometimes thinks he’d be lost without Flower.
“Hi, Sid,” Vero says, and Sid smiles at her and hugs her, too. She moved in not that long ago, and he’s still getting used to her being here when he comes over to hang out. She’s nice and he likes her and considers her a friend, but it feels like Flower is settling down, maybe starting a family soon. He’s a few years older than Sid, but the thought still makes Sid’s head spin a little bit. He still feels like he barely even has his life together, still struggling to even pay rent some months, and his best friend has a house and a career and is probably going to get married in the not too distant future, to the same girl he’s been dating since he was a teenager. It’s all so stable and safe and grown up. It’s not that Sid is jealous, but...okay, maybe he is a little bit jealous.
“We’re ordering pizza,” Flower says. “I was going to make chicken casserole, but I think the oven’s broken.”
“Oh, that sucks,” Sid says.
Flower waves a hand. “We still got a microwave until we can have it repaired,” he says. Sometimes Sid envies his ability to always stay positive no matter what.
It’s a nice evening — the pizza is good, the wine is good too, and Vero has the best stories about the customer’s at the small boutique she works at.
And yet Sid can’t help feeling a little down all through dinner, and even when they move to the couch to keep talking until a second bottle of wine is gone as well.
It must be nice, he thinks, to have somebody to come home to. Somebody who is happy to see you. He’s never lived with anyone like that and hasn’t even dated in...well over a year now, and he’s lonely.
But at least he has friends who love him, and he knows that’s worth a lot. So he keeps smiling and ignores the worried looks Flower keeps throwing him.
It’s a little after 10 when he gets home that night and finds he accidentally left his laptop open earlier. He just means to close it, but when the screen wakes up as his finger brushes the touchpad, he thinks it can’t hurt to refresh the open page just once to see how many views he got on his new routine so far.
There are a few already, but also a notification. He has a message. He doesn’t get messages often.
When he sits down on the couch and opens it, the profile photo is the same one from the Russian commenter earlier, but this time, the message is in English.
“Hello Sidney,” it says. “Sorry bad English. You are very nice. I like video. Watch more from you, also very nice. I write you to practice English. Sorry if this strange. But I like your video. Have a nice day. Greetings. Evgeni.”
Sid reads it, then reads it again, and then hits reply. He may not reply to comments much, but with messages he always makes a point of writing back to people to say thanks or give advice if they ask for it. Evgeni’s message definitely deserves a thank you.
“Hi Evgeni,” he writes. “I’m glad you like my workouts. And don’t worry, your English is fine. Way better than my French for sure. I hope you have a nice day too and I hope to see you back here in the future.”
He hits send, then puts his laptop down and stretches his arms up over his head, stretching out his back before he gets up and heads towards the bathroom to get ready for bed. He has to be at work early tomorrow to open up the store. He’s not really looking forward to it — hates his job, to be honest — but he does have bills to pay and food to buy so it’s not like he has a choice. So as much as he’d love to stay on the couch for another half hour and listen to this podcast about random funny facts that he’s found a few weeks ago, it’s definitely bedtime for him.
There is a new message when he checks his phone over breakfast the next morning. It’s from Evgeni. Apparently he took Sid’s “I hope to see you back here” as an invitation to keep talking to him, and Sid can’t really say he minds. He likes talking to people. And he admires Evgeni’s dedication to learning English.
“Thank you Sidney,” Evgeni writes. “I’m glad you think my English not so bad. I’m work hard, try be better. But not have people for talk with English, so maybe much is wrong. You say to ask if there’s video we want. I’m think do some warm up maybe. Is very important. People forget sometimes. Greetings from Evgeni. Have a nice day.”
Sid thinks about it. It’s not actually a bad idea. He always focuses on the actual workouts; he’s mentioned the importance of warming up and cooling down a number of times, but he’s never actually made any videos for it.
He hits reply and writes back.
“Hey Evgeni, that’s a great idea, thank you! I’m going to think of something and put together a video. Two videos I guess. One for warming up and one for cooling down? I think there should be both. You’re right, people shouldn’t forget about it. Thanks again, I appreciate your input. Have a great day too!”
He has no idea what time it even is in Russia, but when he thinks about it he realises that Evgeni lives in the future and it must be the middle of the day for him already. Whatever. It’s never too late to wish somebody a good day.
He has to leave for work then, to spend his morning offering advice on running shoes and protein powder while his coworker is working the counter. It’s exhausting, having to smile and answer the same questions over and over all day, re-folding clothes that customers leave in a heap somewhere, and explain patiently that no, he can’t conjure those shoes out of thin air in size 10, but they can be here in two days if he orders them now, okay? It’s the opposite of fun most of the time. But it’s what he gets paid for, so he has no choice. It’s just not exactly what he dreamed of doing with his early 20s.
He doesn’t get a chance to check his phone again before lunch, and he’s not even surprised to find a new message from Evgeni. He’d sort of been expecting it at this point.
“Hello Sidney, I’m glad you like idea. I think is very important. I’m sure you don’t need idea from me, but some yoga is good stretches. Easy. Can be good for start. I’m do some videos also, lot of warm up I get idea from yoga. But is all Russian. Sorry. But I’m sure you will have very good idea without me. I will watch for sure. Greetings from Evgeni.”
Sid bites his lip and puts his sandwich down. He’s never much liked yoga, no matter how much Flower keeps poking him to try it, but now he’s curious. He follows Geno’s username to his channel, and yeah, there’s quite a collection of videos up there. He can’t read any of the titles, so he just clicks on the shortest one, which is just a little over six minutes.
What he sees is...not quite what he expected.
Evgeni is tall. Really tall. With long skinny legs and a quite impressive upper half. And his face is...Sid knows he should probably focus on the video instead of staring at the guy’s face, but Evgeni has gentle, sad eyes and a smile that makes Sid smile too, and there’s just a sparkle of something a little mischievous in his expression. His nose is a little big and his lips are chapped and his hair looks just a bit sweaty and he’s beautiful.
Sid doesn’t think he really has a type. But he does like tall and athletic. And, apparently, also a kind face and bony feet and very large hands. And a really nice butt, honestly.
Evgeni’s voice is soft, and the gentle rhythm of Russian is almost soothing to listen to as he does a lot of the same stretches that Sid likes to do, but worked into a nice, easy flow that looks a lot like Flower’s yoga.
Sid watches the entire video and then locks his phone and goes for a walk around the block before his break is over.
He knows he should reply, but it suddenly feels weird, now that he knows that this guy who’s been sending him messages looks like...like that.
He feels shy, all of a sudden. Which he usually isn’t. Only around very attractive Russians, apparently.
He will write back later, he promises himself. It’s just been a while since he’s really allowed himself to look at people like that and Evgeni really has very impressive shoulders. Sid feels a little ridiculous.
It was just a dumb workout video, for fuck’s sake. So what if the guy has a kind face and really large hands.
Maybe he should call David, see if he’s dating anyone right now. It’s been a while since they last saw each other, and obviously Sid’s loneliness and need for physical contact that’s more than a hug has reached a critical level. David would laugh at him for years if he found out that Sid got turned on by watching a stretching video, even if Flower used to tease him that “Perron is perfect for you, he’s as sexually attracted to gross and sweaty as you are.”
But no, he tells himself. He’s just frustrated in a lot of ways right now, but he’ll get over it. And write back later.
Later turns out to be that evening, once he’s home and has had dinner and nothing more to do for the night.
“I’ve checked out your videos,” he writes to Evgeni. “I don’t understand what you’re saying, but maybe I’ll try to follow along to one anyway. It looks fun! Maybe I will get some new ideas for my own warmups from that. A fresh perspective and everything. Thank you, Sid.”
He doesn’t expect a reply that night because of the time difference, so he leaves his phone in the kitchen, settles in front of the TV, and puts on a hockey game.
Hockey is always a nice distraction from everything. He’s been in love with the sport ever since he was a little kid. Never had the money to actually play it for any long stretch of time, other than with friends on frozen ponds, but it’s still his favourite.
So yeah. Hockey is always a nice distraction. It just can’t distract him tonight from the thought of a beautiful man with a kind face and a soothing voice, doing athletic things in extremely short running shorts that leave nothing at all to the imagination.
There is a message the next morning. Sid reads it sitting up against the headboard, before he has even made it out of bed.
“Hello Sid! So happy you like video! Sad we live far, maybe sometimes we can make video together if closer. But I’m sure yours will be very good. Maybe I’m make video in English one day for you. Need much practice first. If this too much, sorry, but this messages not best way for talking. So I’m give you email. Ignore if you don’t want, I will not be angry. )))) Greetings from Evgeni.”
And then there’s an email address at the bottom of the message and Sid puts his phone down on his pillow and hides his face behind his hands, grinning, takes a breath. Are they becoming friends? Because that’s what it feels like. He’s not sure it’s such a great idea, but...
But it would be rude to turn down an offer of friendship like this, wouldn’t it?
The weird sort of melancholy from yesterday has left him, too, and with it the uncomfortable feeling of embarrassment at noticing the simple fact that a person he’s talking to is quite objectively attractive.
He feels like himself again.
So Sid does the only thing he can do, picks his phone up, copies Evgeni’s email address, and opens his email app.
It’s only polite. That’s the only reason he’s doing this. Anything else would be crazy. They’re pretty much living on opposite sides of the planet. So he’s just being nice to someone who was nice to him first and who is nice to talk to. Making a new friend in the process wouldn’t be the worst thing either.
And learning more about Evgeni’s thoughts on mixing yoga with regular workouts definitely can’t hurt. It’s a sport. All sports are good. He can always get into a new sport. Evgeni knows more about this particular one than he does, obviously, even if he seems to use it sparingly judging from the videos Sid has definitely not marathoned in bed before falling asleep last night.
“Hi Evgeni,” he starts his email. “This is Sid. I agree that emailing is much easier than talking through those messages. I’ve been thinking a lot about learning more about yoga, now that I’ve watched your video. Since you say you’ve based some of your stretches on it. I have a good friend who is a yoga teacher. He’s been trying to get me interested for years. If I tell him that I saw your videos on the internet and now suddenly want to learn, he’s going to be so mad. That’s going to be a lot of fun. Do you do any actual yoga off the internet? Or is that just what inspires you? Thanks again for giving me your email address. Sid.”
He hits send and feels pretty good about everything as he rolls out of bed to start his day.
Part 2
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fulcrum-agent · 6 years
Body By Thor
Some of you may have noticed this tag on some of my food posts. I’m going to explain where the hell it came from, and probably sound like something of a shill for a minute. Cut for length concerns.
Last week, a programme called Centr launched, and I believe it’s the most comprehensive health and wellness programme you can get, short of being able to hire your own trainers and wellness staff.
For years, Chris Hemsworth has been approached about how he is essentially Thor in IRL. Questions about how he got so ripped, how he maintains all that bustling energy, why he’s so damn positive. (Spoilers: half the answers are because of Hemsworth being Australia, as a starter.)
The man has a massive health and wellness team, as well as myriad friends in the industry. So he’s picked 21 of the best experts he knows, and brought them together to create Centr.
Every expert has a series of videos in the programme, as well as some articles for self guided work, instead of the video and audio guidance. I’ve had the programme for a week now, and I haven’t made it through a fraction of the videos and articles.
The thing that caught me at the get go was the fact that there’s a huge article dedicated for how to train as someone whose either been injured, or suffers from chronic medical conditions and/or persistent pain. Literally, no other health or wellness programme I’ve touched in the past decade has had something like that. Further more, each trainer they have for fitness gives alternate movement sets and suggestions for those who are suffering physical ailments, and can’t do the full monty version.
The other thing that drew me to this programme is the fact their app is fairly much fully comprehensive. Previously, I’ve needed an app for a food plan, an app to track calorie intake and/or exercise, an exercise app, and an app for creating shopping lists at the very least. In some manner, all of that shite is built into Centre, which makes it a hell of a lot easier to manage.
Making management further streamlined, the app is heavily invested in the Apple Health system. It utilises nearly every aspect of the Health API, as well as the Apple Watch. I was shocked as hell when I did my first workout, and had my Watch suddenly flip on with all sorts of metrics going. It uses the Workout API of the watch, but has its own custom interface that has a lot more data right there and available.
The core of the programme is a weekly planner. This has your workouts, meditation and/or sleep aids, and your meals for every day of the week. The recipes for the meals can be adjusted by serving, so people who are cooking for just themselves can trim it down to one serving (or two for quick leftovers), while people who are feeding a family can crank up the servings to cover even parties worth of people.
What’s awesom there is that you can tell the app to move your weekly meal plan’s ingredients into a shopping list, which will auto calculate how much you need of what, even if something is used in more than one meal. It sorts it (as best it can) into what section of the grocery store items are located, but your milage on the accuracy of such will vary, based on your local stores. The shopping list does have the ability to add things not on the meal plan list, so that part’s covered as well.
Centr has one of the most diverse workout/fitness selections I’ve seen in a single app. There’s really good foundational movements, yoga and pliates, strength training, endurance training, muscle building, HIIT and HIRT, along with things like boxing and MMA. One of the guys who does a video set is Chris’ stunt man friend, who relates some of the various things he’s teaching to the world of stuntmen, which is pretty fun.
The programme is pretty flexivle in terms of the fitness. You can swap out workouts if you need something a little less strenuous, or want to up your anti on a good day. You don’t need to use equipment, but if you have it or a gym membership, the programme has series that focus on using such.
I think the one thing about the app that throws me off, and will likely throw others off, is that you personally are not tracking your calories. The app does it for you in the meal plans. As long as you stick to the meal plans (which do have snacking factored in), you can just not give any fucks about the calories going in. That’s...like the antithises of every other nutrition app, but I’m digging not having to give extra fucks over it.
And this last piece may sound odd, but unlike a lot of other programmes, Hemsworth has made sure there’s a link right in the iOS app to hit the Apple Store and adjust your subscription, whether it be to change your bililng cycle or cancel completely. Far too many apps now a days are super opague about that, and it’s really annoying.
The programme is literally by Hemsworth himself. He not only turns up in many different parts of the programme, he oversees the entire god damn thing. It’s letimately his work, something he’s doing between being a super hero and having a family.
Your first week ends with him popping up in a video, which was cute as shit. I won’t spoil it for anyone, but I giggled like a school girl at what happened during the vid.
There is one thing that may be a turn off for some people: this is not one of those free-to-use-but-has-in-app-purchase type programmes. It’s a straight up 7 day trial, then full on subscription. The upside is that nothing is gated during the 7 day trial, and then everything is yours to use once you subscribe. One of the most frustrating things is the variance between the amount of accesibility with an app that focuses on in-app purchases, and despite the programme being about the same amount as a gym membership, the lack of not knowing what I do and don’t have access too is pretty nice.
Centr has a pretty huge FAQ for people to look at before starting. I also suggest starting the programme right after you wake up, to maximise your 7 days. The first day is super chill, and all about collecting your week’s worth of stuff, but you really need that full day to get into it. I made the fucking mistake of doing it at like 2 AM and having my first day all messed up cus I didn’t have transportation to the store.
Completely by accident, I ended up being a Founding Member, since I stumbled upon it during the launch ramp up. I spent the night of the 13th into the 14th doing my grocery shopping, and man, that was a workout on its own.
To wrap things up, the reason I decided to write anything about Centre is because I’m seeing immediate results. My pain decreased dramatically, the amount of calories I burn each day has doubled already, I am sleeping more restfully (once I can sleep, insomnia is still being a jerk), and I’m giving less fucks about the things that don’t really matter, and enjoying the things that do.
I do mix Centr with another programme called Fabulous, which focuses on the mental aspects of life. But I literally only need two apps to have a full compliment of health and wellness help, instead of like...six.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. This shill was given freely, cus I’m not lucky enough to be endorsed by Hemsworth himself.
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just-run-it-out · 3 years
Have been feeling so fatigued today and I don’t know why. I’m getting adequate sleep (not enough but at least 6-8 hours a night) and eating correctly. The only thing I can think of is that I don’t drink enough water and I’m potentially low in iron.
I also desperately need to join a gym nearby and cancel my old gym membership. I’ve been doing at home workouts but they’re just not the same. I’m setting next Tuesday as my goal - I’ll tell my co-worker (who also works at the gym) that I’m joining that night and go to her class.
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websitestree383 · 3 years
Dating App For Athletes
The Dating App for Athletes ️ I've been looking for a dating app that is for athletes. So many other apps do not have the people I'm looking for. After easily setting up my profile in a few minutes, I was swiping away. I already have found a date in my first day using the app with a former National Champion! A strict diet usually means no alcohol or high-calorie foods. For all you foodies out there, dating an athlete is a big no-no unfortunately. Athletes are usually extremely dedicated in both the gym and in the kitchen. This means there will be no junk food, very little alcohol. Meet Fit Singles is the official dating app for competitors and athletes looks to be the answer to this dilemma. The app officially launched at the 2020 Arnold’s Sports Festival in Columbus, Ohio. We can’t think of a better way to find real connections with other fit singles, while still following the current physical distancing mandate.
This is NOT a dating app! But, if you do meet your swolemate, we're totally taking credit. This is a lifestyle app. Athletes Mingle has created an ecosystem ...
This is NOT a dating app! But, if you do meet your swolemate, we’re totally taking credit. This is a lifestyleapp. Athletes Mingle has created an ecosystem for all things fitness, health, and wellness allowing users to immerse themselves with like-minded people and find their team. From Olympic athletes to your average Joe who’s choosing to take the stairs over using the elevator, this app has everything you need to optimize your health and build your community.
Build your profile:
Post your best gym selfie, select the sports/activities you enjoy or want to get into, and fill out your bio. Showing off is highly encouraged.
Build your team:
Connect to other users with similar interests through the “follow” and messaging features. Filter by location and age to find your tennis partner or spotter.
You don’t have to be single to mingle on AM. We believe in fostering real connections between our users so we have done away with commenting. If you want to say something to someone…talkto them. (surprised face emoji). I know, such a wild concept, right?! Connect with that girl that rides next to you in spin class or find the perfect hybrid spotter/photographer that will hold you accountable to your lifting schedule. We are social beings y’all- we were not meant to sit online and scroll and like. Connect on AM, make sure they’re not a serial killer, and then connect in real life.
“A lot of you have been asking where I got my...” No one’s asking but go ahead and directly link your favorite products with your promo codes imbedded for foolproof cha-ching. We’ve even created a copy and paste link for your AM profile so you can shamelessly self-promote all over the wonderful world wide web. Classes:
One of the greatest features of Athletes Mingle that sets us apart from the rest. Class instructors, boutique fitness studio owners, and personal trainers, this one’s for you. Post your classes/sessions through AM and allow your clients to book and pay directly using credit card. You and your members are able to see the class list, allowing your clientele to connect and grow outside of the studio. Classes are searchable by location using google maps, and booked classes are added to your calendar. With a polished look and user-friendly functionality, we’ve eliminated the need for a brick and mortar gym without compromising your professionalism. Now you can get creative and take your classes to-go, from in-home training to mountain top goat yoga, you chose your classroom.
Member Safety:
Positive vibes only! We’ve added a “Report” feature to kick trolls to the curb. Let’s lift each other up and respect one another.
Playoff Dating App
Premium membership:
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Get access to the best of the best. Our premium membership allows you to send unlimited messages connecting with as many people as you want and post unlimited promotions. Take your business and your fitness to the next level on AM.
Premium Membership Pricing packages are as follows:
1 month: $9.99/month 3 months: $6.99/month
6 months: $4.99/month
Memberships automatically rollover month to month, with the option to cancel anytime (or don’t)
To live our best quarantine life, we’ve added some additional features to keep you all healthy and happy. First and foremost, we ask that you please respect your state’s specific rules for staying home and social distancing. This has been challenging for fitness industry professionals to say the least, but we’re here to help you bring home the low sodium turkey bacon. Now in our promotions feature, you can link out to your live streaming workout videos so your clients (and your bank account) won’t miss a beat.
As an athlete myself, let’s get the cons out of the way first and then, if you’re not totally put off by the idea of dating someone like me, you’ll get to see all the wonderful pros of dating one.
They have a tight schedule
Dating an athlete is inevitably difficult due to their tight schedules. So, if you’re used to being with them all the time and enjoy spending your days in bed with your partner, a sportsperson probably isn’t a good choice for you. A tight schedule also means that you’re unlikely to see them everyday, but hey, this way it becomes even more special when you do!
They will usually prioritize their sport over you
You may find yourself thinking “my girlfriend / boyfriend prioritizes sports over me”. With sports being the centre of most athletes lives, there’s a constant struggle of becoming the main priority in your boyfriend/girlfriend’s life. Dating an athlete with strong dedication usually means that they have to put their sport and training first, with everything else riding in the back seat. So, I wouldn’t personally recommend this to anyone who cannot deal with not being the #1 most important thing in their partners life. This can be tough when in a relationship with an athlete, as you can almost feel as if you’re not being valued, which sucks.
A strict diet usually means no alcohol or high-calorie foods
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For all you foodies out there, dating an athlete is a big no-no unfortunately. Athletes are usually extremely dedicated in both the gym and in the kitchen. This means there will be no junk food, very little alcohol and more than likely a lot of bland foods and greens. I’d like to say that this is a positive thing about being a person competing in high-leveled sports, but I really can’t. Plainly put, it sucks.
Statistics have shown they are more likely to cheat
This is the biggest con of being in a relationship with a sportsperson. A study by The Independent showed that athletes who played certain sports have a higher chance of cheating, compared to the average joe. There have also been multiple cases where sportspersons have used their tight schedules as a way to hide their affairs/cheating. The sad fact is that sports-people are also more likely to cheat because they are usually relatively good looking and, therefore, just have the option and a bigger incentive to do so.
But keep reading,
we’re so close to the pros
of dating and athlete now!
Well, I will still drop a link here if you are interested in finding personality matching dates:Download CLiKD!
Athletes travel… A lot
Whether its for sporting tournaments, a simple league game or to access some new type of training, sportspersons are always on the move. Again, this links back to the overarching issue of dating an athlete. Time, or the lack of it. Travelling is both exhausting and takes up a lot of time. I’d personally recommend you give it a go, however, as the positives for dating an athlete are tremendous.
Now let’s get onto the pros of dating an athlete!
Again, usually they are in good shape and work hard to maintain their physique. A real blessing and a curse!
Have you always wanted to date the fittest and most attractive person you know? Chances are they’re a sportsperson (or just very lucky). So, there you go. The first positive of dating an athlete is that the physical attraction you feel towards one another is likely to remain.
Traditionally athletes are confident and outgoing
Being an sportsperson often forces a person to become confident, because you’re constantly competing, and competition grows confidence. This is definitely something you will want in your girlfriend/boyfriend. Insecurity is not a good look on anyone; as well as the simple fact that confidence is an attractive personality trait to have. Personally, I have found that dating an athlete results in their confidence and positivity rubbing off on their partner. Sportspersons are often good leaders, because of the responsibility that sports places upon you.
For all the women reading this,
you’ll never have to worry about
whether or not your
boyfriend is manly enough!
Dating App For College Athletes
You will get into shape!
In order to make time for each other when dating an athlete, you can try and go to the gym together. You might have heard the saying, “If you sweat together, you stay together.”
“If you sweat together,
you stay together.”
This way, you can both spend time getting to know each other better. Plus you’re able to get fit while doing so ( you basically get a free personal trainer this way!) This is a major perk of dating an athlete. You will also most likely feel pressured into eating healthier, as to not be embarrassed when they pull out their thorough meal plan. Though now that I’m reading this last point, I’m starting to see it as a negative… Moving quickly on!
Athletes are always competing, and are therefore ambitious and driven
When I used to list the things I was looking for in a potential partner, the most important thing I wanted was for them to be ambitious and to love travelling. When dating an athlete, you get both of these. I’m sure you agree that people who are driven foster good relationships. It isn’t easy to maintain and develop a relationship, but at least you stand a chance if you’re attempting it with someone who is willing to reciprocate the effort you put in.
Free tickets to their sports games
This one seems relatively self-explanatory. Free tickets for you and your friends to go watch them compete! Plus, maybe you can set your friends up with a teammate this way. This is simply one of the many perks of dating an athlete! What more could you want?
Dating App For Athletes
By Lars Engen
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ketokaylas · 6 years
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[20/156] Workout complete! Guys...I renewed my gym membership! First day going back in over a month. I used to be under my dad's credit card and he canceled that....so I debated if I wanted to join under my own credit card. I decided yes...my health is important! So here's to a new routine. I am thinking about how I want to revise my workout goal I set back in January. I'm still able to complete it but I'd have to go every other day for the rest of the year. Going 3x a week was hard enough for me. I'm going to try going every other day and see if I can develop a strong routine and take it from there though. I will not beat myself up if I don't complete my initial goal because I am a person where I don't give up. Sure I have tons of set backs but I always persevere. I stopped going to the gym but now I'm back, and that's a big enough win in my book! #Keto #ketogenic #ketojourney #ketosis #ketodiet #ketogenicdiet #ketofam #lchf #lowcarb #lowcarbhighfat #atkinsdiet #atkins #weightlossjourney #weightlossfooddiary #fattofit #nocarbs #sugarfree #lowcarbdiet #fatadapted ##healthyfood #weightlossfood #ketosuccess #highfatlowcarb #highfatdiet #ketones #workoutcomplete #gymday #progresspic (at Planet Fitness)
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